#and the second night my dog starts barking like crazy at the front door
fitveganlifts · 1 year
I always think I've got a handle on my anxiety and then something happens to set it off and I'm just suffering again lol
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remisummerglow · 8 months
A Night on the Train - Prologue
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A beggar asking for change, a thug insulting him for having looked at his girlfriend, a crazy-looking old man shouting at him. “Killer! You killed my wife and son!”
A woman rudely bumping into him and cursing at him, a coffee too bitter, a dog barking at him and startling him.
These were only some of the occurrences he had run into that morning.
Gabriel hated train stations. That’s why he had been skeptical when the fortune teller predicted he would have an exciting encounter that night.
“Push your luck! Dive into the darkness! Don’t be afraid of the unknown!” the middle-aged woman advised in an overdramatic tone as she grabbed his hand. She had taken twenty dollars to give advice on his love life and that’s what he had gotten on the exchange.
“Push your luck, don’t be afraid of the unknown!” Gabriel repeated in his mind as he finally got on the train. “So far, the only thing I’ve been pushing has been my ridiculously heavy luggage.”
The young man walked through the train corridor, looking for the room indicated on his ticket. Looking at the other passengers, he recognized a few faces from his university. That made sense: the previous day had been the last official day of lessons before Christmas break, and plenty of students, Gabriel included, were returning home.
At least, he figured, he would soon get to taste his mother’s cooking again. As much as he tried, his attempts at replicating her recipes were never up to par.
“Maybe that’s the exciting encounter the fortune teller was talking about,” Gabriel chuckled to himself. “I could go for a slice of cherry pie right now.”
Dragging his luggage through a sea of legs, Gabriel finally arrived in front of his room. He opened the door without thinking and was flabbergasted to check the scene inside.
Two pretty girls he knew, two of the prettiest at his university in fact, were sitting inside the room and eyed him with curiosity.
“Sorry!” he immediately said as he turned back and closed the door behind him.
When he regained his straight thinking, he went to check his ticket, then he checked the room number again. That was his room indeed. Was it possible that he was going to share it with those two?
"Damn, what a mess," he thought. "Well, not much else that I can do. I need to sleep in there. I'll go back inside and act like nothing happened."
The girls looked at him again, this time with a rather sarcastic smile. He nodded at them. “Hello,” he said. “Hello,” the one closest to him replied. Gabriel recognized her as they shared a couple of classes, but he only knew her by sight.
He smiled. “You’re in contemporary history, Hendricks’s class, right?”
She nodded. “Yes,” she said. “I thought you looked familiar.”
“Love that guy,” he said, chuckling. “He’s never boring.”
“Yeah, his lessons are pretty wild,” the girl agreed.
“I’m Gabriel,” he said, holding out his hand.
“I’m Maria,” the girl said. “And my friend there is Wendy.”
“Hello Wendy,” Gabriel said as he nodded at the beautiful girl with sun-kissed hair, but she didn’t seem to acknowledge him.
“Sorry about that. She’s a bit shy,” said Maria.
“No problem. Sorry to bother you,” he said to Wendy.
“She’s really sweet once you get to know her,” Maria explained. “She’s spending her semester abroad, and for the holidays, she’ll be my guest.”
Gabriel nodded. “Sounds great,” he said.
Satisfied with how his second interaction with the girls had gone, Gabriel tried to act nonchalantly. He pushed his luggage under the bed and picked out a book to read. Truth be told, he was nervous, his mind screaming at him: "Don't act like a creep, don't act like a creep!"
He hit his head on the bunk bed as he entered his berth. Once he climbed the stairs and got on his bed, he started reading his book and tried to focus on the chapter, but he found that difficult, as his mind kept focusing on the girls on the bed under his own.
They were sitting next to each other, whispering in a low voice. He found that somehow rude, but it couldn’t be helped. He was a stranger, after all. It was understandable that they would want to speak about something without him overhearing.
He started wondering about the blonde girl. He had barely seen her–they probably didn't share any classes, but he had seen her a few times around campus. She had the kind of appearance that wouldn't be forgotten easily, after all, with dark blonde hair, blue eyes, and a slender, elegant figure. Since he had entered the room, she hadn't spoken to him and barely looked at him at all.
He tried to not get distracted by their whispering and focused on his book. As he started being immersed in the story, however, he heard Maria calling to him.
“Um, Gabriel, excuse me? Me and my friend were wondering about something.”
“Yes?” Gabriel said, intrigued and excited that one of the girls was speaking to him.
The brunette leaned closer to him, letting Gabriel catch a glimpse of her ample cleavage. “You know,” she said. “We weren’t really expecting a guy to share our room. We were really hoping for another woman. I guess it’s not a big deal for me, but my friend Wendy is rather shy. She said she could never sleep with a man around.”
Gabriel looked a bit disappointed. “I see, but what can I do?” he said. “This room’s number is printed on my ticket. I can’t just go and occupy another room.”
“No, no, I realize,” Maria said. “But listen, I have this shrink ray here, and we were wondering if we could use it to change your size a little. Just shrink you a little bit, to make my friend more comfortable.”
Gabriel laughed awkwardly. “Change my size? I mean, that sounds a bit wild, doesn’t it?”
“Yeah but it’s getting popular these days, you know?” Maria said. “Lots of couples do it just to have fun.”
“Right,” Gabriel said, wondering if he was going to ‘have fun’ with Maria and Wendy as well. “But I don’t even know you. How can I trust you with this?”
“Come on, I’m Maria Websterr. You can ask anyone at our school. They’ll tell you I would never hurt a fly.”
“I don’t doubt it, but...”
“Wendy?” Maria interjected. “Do you want to say something to our friend?”
“Please,” the girl said to him with a rather sensual foreign accent. “I really need a good night’s sleep.” That was the first time she addressed him that evening so far.
The blonde girl was looking at him with pleading eyes. He sighed. He knew it would have been difficult to refuse a request from that adorable face. Then he remembered the fortuneteller’s words. “Push your luck, dive into the darkness, don’t be afraid of the unknown...”
“Alright, alright,” he sighed. “But how much do you want me to shrink?”
“Wendy?” Maria said, directing the question to her friend.
“The smaller the better,” the girl dryly said.
Gabriel felt startled. Those words did scare him out, but he felt like it was too late to back down at that moment.
“You’ll need to download the shrinker app,” Maria said. “Then you can accept our shrink request.”
“Alright,” he meekly said.
“Just give me your phone and I’ll set everything up for you,” Maria said. Gabriel handed her the phone with regret starting to surface in his mind.
“So how much, Wendy?” asked Maria, fumbling with the boy’s phone. “Four inches?”
“No. Four inches is too big,” the foreign girl said.
“How about two inches then?”
“Two inches is good. For now.”
“For now? What does she mean by that?” Jake thought as he saw the girls fumbling through the app settings.
“Alright. Now we just have to click yes aaand...”
Gabriel began to feel a strange tingling all over his body. He watched the pretty girls in front of him becoming larger than buildings while the cramped train bedroom became more and more spacious.
Maria giggled. “Don’t be scared,” she said, noticing his panicked face.
Wendy was much more fascinated. Unlike Maria, the foreign student didn’t own a shrink ray and hadn’t seen anyone shrinking yet. She got up from the bed to take a good look at Gabriel dwindling down.
One moment later, the young man found himself in the darkness, buried under a pile of his own clothes.
"Oops!" Maria said as she watched the tiny figure struggle under the mass of fabric. "I forgot to check the shrink-with-clothes option."
“Look, he’s naked,” Wendy giggled as she picked him up between her index and thumb. Gabriel immediately noticed that she had seemed to lose her shyness immediately once he shrank.
“Huh,” Maria said, as she eyed the little man’s naked form with a newfound appreciation. “Not too bad, little guy. Maybe I was underestimating you.”
Wendy giggled as she dangled Gabriel in front of Maria’s face. “You want to take him to your berth, then?”
“Who knows?” the brunette smiled. “Maybe later… well, how are you anyway?” Maria asked the little man. “Are you okay?”
Gabriel gave her a thumbs up. In truth, he was still shaken from the shrinking and the carefree handling from the girls, but surprisingly, he had otherwise adapted quite well to the massive body size change.
“I know it’s a bit weird the first time, but you get used to it quickly. And, you know, thanks for doing this for me and my friend.”
“Yeah,” Wendy interjected. “I appreciate it.”
“No problem, girls,” Gabriel said.
“What? You’ll have to speak louder, tiny man,” Wendy said.
“I SAID NO PROBLEM,” he shouted.
“I still can’t understand your squeaks,” Wendy laughed. “I guess it’s a lost cause,” she added as she turned to Maria.
The brunette smirked, looking at the tiny guy with a malicious face. “Generally speaking, when you shrink a guy, it’s not for making conversation...”
full story: https://books2read.com/u/bOjVjA
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floofhips · 2 years
I had a friend whose aunt lived in a house that had so many weird things happening inside it that she actually ended up breaking the lease early because it became too much for her. It was a really nice house too, it had a chandelier in front of this huge staircase and it had been renovated so it was all shiny and new (we actually drove up to look at it one time, and I guess new people are living there now which I am SO curious about. It basically looks like a normal moderately big house.) Her aunt said it was surprisingly cheap for all that it was though (wonder why!) and when she broke the lease, the guy was super grumpy about it and kept asking her why and saying how the house is new and there's no problems blah blah. Kind of like how people who know something is wrong will make a big fuss to pretend like they had no idea. She did end up getting her security deposit back though, and we think its because the guy didn't want her telling everyone about it.
I know I didn't actually say any of the stuff I heard happened in the house, but there was a Lot of stuff ranging from hearing people arguing in the kitchen with plates crashing and cabinets slamming (they even called the cops the second night because they thought maybe the previous tenants forgot they didn't live there anymore or some drunk people broke in and the dispatcher also heard it over the phone!) but when they went to check, it stopped very abruptly and there wasn't anything moved or out of place. This was apparently one of the first incidents, and she thought maybe it had been coming from the neighbors house instead but it happened a couple more times and each time it sounded like it was happening inside the house. Even the neighbors knocked one night to ask if everything was okay. AND she was living with her son, daughter, and her dog and they could ALL hear it, so it wasn't just her. And this was the first thing! Other shit happened too, like her dog wouldn't leave this one spot and would face the wall and tremble and would literally howl if she tried to get her into the kitchen. She'd also have to sort of drag/push her into the house bc she never wanted to go inside. Then the son said he'd rather live with dad because he didn't like it over there, and the daughter started saying she was talking to people in her room and had asked them to go away. Oh! One of the creepiest ones was that one of the last nights the son stayed there, in order to make it more enticing the mom let him have friends sleep over and in the morning one of the friends complained that the younger daughter kept trying to shake him awake and talk to him- but she hadn't even been there bc she had left to spend the night with the dad, so the plan to make the son feel more comfortable ended up backfiring bc he was extra freaked out after that. Then the attic windows blew out- all of them, and they were freshly renovated thick victorian windows and the entire frame had been blown inward. The straw on the camel's back though (and i guess the aunt had trouble actually recounting this part bc her voice got shaky and she still looked so upset about it, which sucks but also I'm glad my friend asked her bc this next one is terrifying and fascinating) was the attic door- which was one of those doors that you had to push open from the bottom and was also made of this thick, heavy wood. She heard her dog growling and barking like crazy on the second floor (which was already weird) and when she went to investigate, the attic door was repeatedly slamming itself open and closed. And like mentioned, the way it was designed meant it would have to be LIFTED and then slammed, and the door was heavy so wind wouldn't cut it and also this hadn't happened before. I guess that was when the aunt refused to live there anymore and didn't even stay the rest of the night, leaving to stay at her sister's (my friend's mom) and then had other people get her stuff because she didn't want to go back. Completely wack! It sounded terrifying. Like, I can sit here and be removed from it and think wow that's so crazy and fascinating, but the aunt said it was one of the worst things she'd felt/seen/heard in her life and that even just thinking about it makes her start to tear up. At this point I 100% believe there's strange stuff in the world, and I'm so glad that I haven't had to experience anything on that level firsthand. It sounds so scary.
oh my gosh this sounds INSANE.. im sorry your fam went through that :(
thank you for sharing!!
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itsthegamemaster · 2 years
Xdinary Heroes Fanfiction
Teardrops On My Guitar – Taylor Swift.
One Shot – Fluff, Best Friends to Lovers.
Word Count: 2096.
Select member: Gunil, Jungsu, Gaon, O.De, Junhan, Jooyeon.
Important Points: gn!Reader. You’re a dog person with a noisy dog, angry when suddenly woken up and wear prescript glasses. You make bad jokes to light up the mood.
Synopsis: Seungmin (O.De) has been your crush since always, but more than that, he was – and still is – your best friend. In order to protect the friendship, you just pretended that there was no romantic feeling at all.
He was your best friend after all, so obviously he would talk about everything with you, unfortunately this included his girlfriend, which was always hurting him somehow. One day O.De came to tell you they had broken up.
Warnings: None.
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It was around midnight on a Saturday when you heard the doorbell going crazy, which made your dog – a five months old Siberian Husky – go feral in the living room, barking and growling like there was no tomorrow or any neighbor at all. You were about to fall asleep when this happened, that made you pretty much angry to be, basically, woken up like that.
You got up in your winter flannel pajamas, rolling yourself up in the blanket since it was one of the coldest nights of the month. You looked crazy with your messy hair and the glasses on your face, you didn’t give a damn about that, especially at that moment; and just like that you made your way to the front door with the most angry face ever.
You were ready to scream with whomever was at your door, not even thinking of asking who it was before unlocking and opening the door, you were about to kick some ass not matter what the consequences would be after that. But you stopped in the moment you saw your best friend, Seungmin, standing there.
Even though being him wasn’t a reason for you to stop your angry acts, you knew right away that something was off with him. The air outside was totally freezing, just like the news stated the whole week; it was said that a cyclone was heading over the bay or something like that, which meant it was almost sure the country would see snow earlier than the expected, probably on Sunday.
And yet, ignoring all these facts, there was Seungmin wearing not as much as a large hoodie. He was, for sure, freezing; and you could see this by the way his body was trembling while fighting to stay still in place.
But that wasn’t the only problem and you could notice in a matter of seconds: Seungmin’s eyes were so red you could think he put pepper on it just to test something or win some bet. You didn’t think twice before putting your blanket around his shoulders and pushing him inside your house. Just a touch and you knew how right you were about him freezing.
As soon as Seungmin was in the living room, Snow (yes, that’s the dog’s name) was super happy to see him, he loved your best friend just as much as you; and even if he wasn’t feeling well at the moment he still sweet and gave a lot of attention to your little puppy.
You let him know you were going to prepare some hot chocolate for you two as he made his way to the couch, nodding he let you know that it was okay. You made sure to turn the heater on, in a higher temperature than it was the whole night. The hot air inside was now comfortable, you could enjoy it for hours.
After a couple of minutes, you finally came back to the living room. Snow was, surprisingly, out of energy as he was deep asleep at the carpet. He looked at you getting closer, but he didn’t mind at all, just barked once, picked his favorite toy and headed to your room. You smiled at him and then at Seungmin.
- Extra marshmallows for you today – you said as you gave him the mug, trying to light up the mood a little, even if it was probably impossible.
Still, Seungmin let a little, yet tired smile at you.
- So… - You started to say, sitting by his side. But you didn’t know exactly what you should say, so you just waited for him to start whenever he was ready to.
The silent between you was always comfortable, but in that moment, it was killing you. Either way you knew you should respect his time, whenever he was ready to talk you would listen.
- We broke up. – He finally said.
- Me and you? – you joked, ignoring unconsciously how serious his words were.
Seungmin looked at you with annoyance.
- Sorry… Not the moment, right?!
- Yeah, not at all. – Still he tried to sound calm and gentle, as always.
- I’m sorry, really. – You looked at your mug with shame – Wanna talk about it? Like, deep talk about it?
He slowly nodded, and now both of you were staring at the floor.
- We broke up. – He repeated, but this time was different, this time was as if he was finally aware of what that meant, as if he finally accepted the fact he was denying the whole way to your house.
He and the girl he was with – that you actually never cared enough to memorize her name, even after them being together for more than two years now – break up at least every two months, that type of relationship you could never see as healthy. And yet, you were always there to listen to every detail about it, even helping sometimes, so dumb Y/N, so dumb! You would think every time you agreed.
- Well, it’s not the first time it happens, so why are you… - but he cut you off.
- She has someone else.
You widened your eyes, that was unexpected.
- Oh… - you couldn’t contain yourself.
- Yeah… - Now he was looking at you – she has someone else for a long time, it’s just I never found out about it… until now.
You notice that he actually didn’t seem sad. Hurt? For sure he was, but not sad at all. He was feeling betrayed – I mean, he literally was betrayed –, trying to understand if the problem was him, and trying even more to understand why he was kind of relieved.
- You are relieved? Why? – You asked, making him notice he actually said that out loud.
Seungmin shook his head, putting the mug away.
- I… I don’t know, is that weird I’m not sad?
- I’m not sure. Maybe you weren’t feeling what you were “supposed to” for a long time now, or maybe you are not being honest with yourself. – You explained in the best way possible as you put your mug on the center table.
- I need to be more honest with my own feelings, that’s what you saying?
You nodded.
- How…? – Your best friend murmured, not sure if you could hear or not. – Being honest… I think I need a hug.
This took you off guard, how could this boy be this cute and have a heart broken just like that?! The world is weird sometimes.
You smiled warmly at him, open up your arms slowly. While you were hugging him, you felt a warm drop on your collarbone; Seungmin was finally crying and putting whatever he had inside himself out.
- I’m sorry Min, I really am. – You assured him as he started to sob in your embrace.
You never thought this would ever happen. Seungmin has been your best friend for years and he was always showing the happy sides of everything. Life has its funny ways to cross paths sometimes, and that was the case for you two. It was an ordinary day at subway when the zip of your purse got stuck in some random dude’s jacket; it took a while to separate the two things, which lead you two to lose the train, having to wait together for the next one.
But thanks to that you started talking. Don’t ask me to detail the whole thing, but in fact you two got along so well to the point of exchanging numbers and started talking right away almost every day. It didn’t take long for you two to start hanging out and being good friends.
You knew you liked him since the beginning of that comedic romance cliché, but you knew even better how that friendship was amazing and one of a kind, so you decided it was better to keep your feelings for yourself and no one else; not even – and especially – him.
You were not sure why staring at that window looked so interesting at that moment, but the wind noisy outside was one of a kind that day; you stayed like that for a couple of minutes, Seungmin still in your arms. That was a moment you could enjoy for hours without any break, but once in a while you remembered why that hug was occurring.
At least the boy wasn’t crying anymore, and this just made you notice how you admired him for being so strong; I mean, crying for things that are frustrating or making you sad is not a weakness at all, it’s actually the opposite. Both of you were just there, not saying anything, just feeling the warmth of each other bodies in a cold winter day.
Just like that you two stayed for a couple more of minutes but, suddenly, you were already getting up, forgetting for a second that Seungmin were too close. He almost fell from the couch and stood there in confusion as you ran to your room, coming back with another blanket. You put this one above your shoulders, pulling Seungmin by the hand and making sure to be quiet as you go outside.
Closing the door slowly behind you, you said:
- It’s snowing. It’s finally snowing! – You said with excitement.
- So…?
- So what?! It’s amazing! I mean, yeah it’s cold, then suddenly everything start to get wet, and sometimes you can’t even leave your house because of some random and dangerous storm; sometimes the internet dies and… - You started to mumble more to yourself than anyone when your best friend cut you off.
- Y/N, I get it, it is amazing. – He smiled warmly at you.
- I don’t think you really get it. Come here. – You sit on the balcony floor and he followed right after you.
- Alright, maybe this won’t make any sense, but you can see the first snow as a restart. – Seungmin frowned at you.
That really doesn’t make any sense, He said after you.
- Okay, okay, maybe not a restart, I just made this up; but it still cool.
He laughed, a genuine laugh this time, something you hadn’t seen in a while.
You felt actually relieved, as if you just saw some weight being taken away from the shoulders of you both. You two laughed for a couple of seconds with no apparent reason, to the point there were tears falling from your eyes in some moments; you were actually not sure if it was tears of joy or just the things you kept inside for so long seeing a way of freeing itself.
When you finally calmed yourself, you noticed Seungmin had been looking at you for, maybe, longer than you would expect him to. You locked eyes with him.
- What? – You asked with a small and nervous laugh.
- Nothing, it’s just… - His stare was intense, but he looked away again, focusing on the falling snow flakes. – It’s nothing.
- C’mon! You can tell me, what are you thinking? – You insisted, keeping a warm smile.
He then looked at you again, even more serious this time.
- It’s just that… The break down I had before hadn’t been from sadness, it was from frustration. I should not have keep pushing something that I felt it was never meant to be; Hailey never liked me, and I never really liked her, we were just comfortable with being together, I guess. – Seungmin was staring at the falling snow as he was saying those things, you could really tell he regretted this – I wish it would’ve been you. It was always you… - He whispered the last part, not sure if you should really hear it.
“I wish it would’ve been you. It was always you…” the words echoed in your head more than once.
You felt a pinch in your heart, not knowing if it was a good or a bad thing. Was he really saying this? Was Seungmin, your best friend, the boy you liked since forever, meaning it?
- I’m sorry – he said – I shouldn’t have said you that. I have no right to confuse you or anything else. It’s just something I’ve been wanting to tell you for years now and… I shouldn’t have taken so long. I’m sorry.
Seungmin motioned to get up but you held his hand.
- Maybe it isn’t too late. – You answered, not wanting to let go. – I told you the first snow was a restart moment – you smiled.
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lokilickedme · 3 years
Somebody help me chill, this is insane.
(under the cut because long and also pretty traumatic, for me at least)
Crazy neighbor, remember her?  Her son destroyed a piece of equipment we had attached to one of our trees at the fenceline last week, she denied it and called us insane liars - that’s the most recent craziness in the ongoing saga of the neighbor from hell.  I was sitting here reading my dash tonight and happened to glance over at the monitor for the surveillance camera husband got me the other day to watch that exact spot (where the equipment was smashed) and guess who I see bent over looking through the fence peering very closely at that exact spot?  Neighbor’s equally insane son, who we know did the actual dirty work.  And I, stupid like I am, took a screenshot of him and then immediately jumped up and ran outside in the dark in my pajamas (nearly 9pm, pitch black, their porch light is off because obviously they’re doing something they don’t want to be seen doing) and I ask “Excuse me, what are you doing?”
This lunatic immediately starts SCREAMING at me - I mean top of his lungs SCREAMING abusive threats, calling me a stupid psycho whore bitch, yelling at me to get my ass back in my house and generally just acting completely off his rocker unhinged nuts - and then his mother comes out and comes over to the fence and gets in my face while I’m just standing there and tells me to mind my own business.  I say I am minding my business, I saw him looking through the fence at my property right where we had vandalism happen last week so I came out to find out why he’s interested in my property.  She laughed in my face and said “No he wasn’t, he was standing right here looking at his phone like this” and she does this little pantomine of someone looking at their phone, which is funny because she wasn’t out there when he was doing it and there are no windows on that side of her house at all.  I ignored her and asked “What are you looking for?”  He kept screaming incoherent animal noises and insults from behind her so I asked again, “What are you looking for?”  And that crazy woman grinned at me and said “We’re just looking to see what kind of new devices you’ve installed!”
OMG.  She didn’t even take a breath in between lying and then contradicting her own lie.  And she’s grinning smugly at me the entire time, gesturing around pointing at our property cams and mosquito light (it flashes and apparently she thinks it’s watching her) and my bedroom window - which means she’s been snooping.  There is a cam sitting in my windowsill, aimed at the spot where the device was smashed.  Every bit of this equipment is on our property, some of it behind a privacy fence.  I tell her it’s none of her business what kind of devices we’ve got on our property, but she just yammers over me, and of course numbskull is still ranting like a psycho behind her, screaming at me to mind my own business and get back in my house and leave them alone.  At this point he’s pulled out his phone and shoved it over her shoulder toward my face and is recording me, which is just...fucking hilarious...because I’m literally doing nothing but standing there in shock and awe at how nuts these people are, and he’s still screaming abusive curses and names at me while he’s recording.
Anyway, for about 4.5 minutes we stood there with them shouting over me (I know the exact time because it was later discovered that our doorbell cam recorded audio of the entire event) and a little ways into it he screams “I WILL TEAR YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF!!”
At this point psycho woman finally turns around and says “Addison Case!” and pushes him back.  He lunges at me and she tells him to go call the police (??what??  I mean...I wish he had...my phone was in my hand frozen solid, locked up because of the glitchy surveillance app I had to install to see the camera, or else I would have called them myself - but my god they really thought I was the one the cops needed to come for??).  Meanwhile I’m just standing there on my own property in the dark in my pajamas, all 5 feet and 120 lbs of me, while this rabid animal - he’s a 21 year old college boy - is lunging at me and screaming nonstop, calling me a fucking whore bitch loud enough for the entire neighborhood to hear it while his phone’s camera light is in my face blinding me.  Crazy lady smiles that smug shit eating grin of hers and tells me to get back in my house, leave her alone, and move the hell away so she can live in peace.
Wow.  Just...holy shit.
This is the person who has allowed her dog to attack my very small 8 year old son on our property and send him to the hospital with injuries last year, then attempt to attack him again 2 weeks ago (he is now 9 at the time of the second attack) - again on our own property (in our back yard this time, in our front yard the first time), has allowed her dogs (multiple) to bark all night long and keep us awake (she leaves them outside and then goes away for the weekend and they bark the entire time she’s gone), then she had her crazy violent son destroy the BarkBox we put in our tree on our side of the fence last week (we put it up as a humane way to get the barking to stop without having to listen to her call us insane liars every time we complain about it).  Yet...she kept repeating over and over and over for us to leave her alone and stop harassing her.
All I could even do was stand there shaking my head.  It was surreal.  And frustrating, because they wouldn’t even let me get a word out without screaming over me, and she was doing that infuriating Karen thing where they shove their hand at your face and grin smugly while they’re telling you what you better do or they’ll call someone to make you.
I actually started laughing, it was so ludicrous.  She’s committed all those vile offenses against us and we’re the ones that need to leave her alone.  We’ve had to file four police reports against her and we’re the ones that are making her life miserable.  I just can’t stop thinking about that Liar Liar movie where the repeat offender keeps calling his lawyer to complain that the cops won’t stop arresting him and the lawyer finally yells THEN STOP BREAKING THE LAW ASSHOLE!!
It’s just like that.  My god.
SO -
She tells him to call the police again, and this limp dick shoves that phone light right up to my face and says “You think she’s worth calling the cops over?  Look at her, she don’t look worth it to me.”  And bitch starts laughing.  My god, these people are subhuman, I swear.  I’ve never seen anyone act like this in my life, over a person doing literally nothing to them.
So she finally orders her rabid son (who is just about foaming at the mouth, I swear he’s making these barking animal noises at me, it’s weird as hell) into the house and they walk away, with him still ranting like a madman until the door closes behind them.  I immediately go inside my own house and call my husband, who was way out at the back of our property in our camper (he self quarantines each day after work out there to protect us because there have been a lot of covid cases at his workplace) and he didn’t know anything was happening.  He immediately runs up to the house and I tell him I caught neighbor’s thug son messing around at our fence and that when I went out he threatened to kill me.
Tom grabs something - I don’t even know what it was, I think it was this piece of board that was sitting by the door, we’ve done a shelving project recently and a couple of leftover pieces have been there for a few days - and he stalks outside toward neighbor’s house.  I hear him yell COME OUT HERE BOY!!! and I stg you guys, if I wasn’t on the phone calling 911 I might have thought about getting naked right there and then because damn.
So anyway, let’s not go there.  This is serious by god lol (look for this to show up in a fic soon though because material like this doesn’t get handed to you for free every day).
I call 911 and say the neighbor’s son just threatened my life and for them to come quick because he’s still over there but I know he’s going to leave any second (this is his mom’s M.O, the two times the police have tried to go talk to her she gets in her car and leaves before they can get from my house to hers, and I know he’ll do the same because COWARDS).  Tom comes back and says the little pussywillow wouldn’t come out of the house.  He’s breathing fire, you guys.  Pure fucking fire.  I tell 911 to get somebody out quick before the kid leaves, and just about 2 minutes after I hang up he does just that - we see him blast past our house in his truck and he’s gone, and then the police arrive about 3 minutes after.  I’m so mad I can’t see straight.  If they’d been able to see him in the state he was in, they’d have arrested him on sight.
Two squad cars (big SUV’s) pull up and block her driveway with full lights flashing, which makes me laugh because suddenly we’ve got neighbors coming outside to see what’s going on.  I meet the officers outside, and the crazy bitch next door does the same, yelling “Hello Officer!” and waving to them as they’re coming up to my porch.
They talk to me and Tom for a long time, I tell them everything that happened, they interview Big (he and Little were inside the open door and heard it all), we fill out our statements and talk with them more until one officer goes next door to talk to neighbor.  We can hear her dripping her fake sugar and spice while they’re talking on her porch and my husband loses his shit - he heads toward her house and yells “We got the entire thing on recording, don’t even try to lie!  Your kid, threatening to kill my wife?!?”  (he’s referring to the camera in my bedroom window, which actually only recorded about 2 minutes because I don’t have it set up correctly yet, but they don’t know that). The officer yells at him to get back, which, yeah - he shouldn’t have done that, but for god’s sake the woman’s peckerhead son just literally threatened murder on a member of his family, this is the final fucking straw and he’s mad.  And as he’s coming back across the yard the officer that stayed with me points at our new doorbell camera, just freshly installed as of about two weeks ago, and asks if it’s on.  We haven’t even really figured out how to use it yet, but yes, as far as we know it’s on.  The incident happened around the side of the house, but the doorbell records audio.
God bless technology.
I invite the officer inside the house and Tom gets his phone, pulls up the app for the doorbell, and starts skipping through the recording looking for the right timestamp.  Up till this point all they have is me saying the guy screamed a lot of abusive profanities at me and threatened to tear my head off, and they’re taking me serious but probably not that serious, you know?  Neighbors fight all the time, wars start over barking dogs, things get exaggerated, we’ve all seen the TV dramas.
Until Tom finds the segment on the footage and starts playing it to them on his phone.  It’s kind of quiet because we were a good distance away, but you can hear the guy screaming just like I said he was.  The officer asks if we have a speaker we can play it through so he can hear the words more clearly, because he needs proof of threat and that’s entirely in the words.
You guys, I’m tellin’ ya, sometimes you get a chance to fucking SHINE.  My husband is a musician and this cop is asking him if he’s got a good speaker.  So within minutes Tom’s got this huge venue-style amplifier designed for broadcasting music to the back wall of a freaking stadium pulled out into the livingroom and he’s hooking his phone up to it, and then he hits play and the other officer comes back from next door to join us and I can tell by the annoyed look on his face that neighbor bitch has likely charmed him and shed a plethora of persecuted tears and spewed her lies about how we’ve been harassing her forEVER and I think for a second that it’s a total loss now, he’s made his mind up in her favor.
And then...away we go.  Tom cranks the volume on the speaker and they both lean in to listen closely.
Just about a minute into the recording they have their proof - thugnuts screaming I WILL TEAR YOUR FUCKING HEAD OFF!!!
Both officers nod, close their notebooks, and the second officer makes a phonecall while the first one turns to me and says “That’s terroristic threatening and it’s a class C felony.  You’re going to need to go to the PA’s office with all the reports you’ve filed against them so far and all your evidence from tonight including that recording and hand it all to them.  They’re likely going to issue a no-contact so that he can’t interact with you ever again.”
This is a victory, but it’s just the first step, and I feel sickeningly disheartened that it’s all in my lap to do everything.  I want them to go demand his whereabouts from his mother and just go get his ass and haul him in.  But no, I have a ton of legwork to do now because these horrible people won’t fucking stop.
After several more minutes of me asking questions about what exactly we need to do and where we need to go, etc etc (I’m competent but I’m also fucking rattled, someone threatened to kill me tonight and I’m blanking hard on the instructions he’s giving me) they finally wrap it up and leave.  They’ve been in my house for a half hour waiting for me to finish filling out the report (I had to ask for more paper because honey I’m getting ALL the details in there) and I can just imagine how freaked out neighbor is when she sees what time they finally move their cars from in front of her driveway.
And now I’m coming down from the weird calm that I had through the entire event, and my heart feels like it’s going to EXPLODE.  I had heart surgery two months ago, do I need this??  The pathetic part is that I know now just how stupid those people are, and I know this won’t be the end from their side by any means.  We’ll start finding more stuff broken, or he’ll start climbing over the fence back at the back of the property to steal stuff from husband’s tool shed, or my tires will get slashed.  These people are that dumb and hateful, they proved it tonight.  He said if we had animals he would kill them, and then he made the same threat against me.  How stupid does a person have to be to stand there with his phone out recording himself ranting and making threats against a woman standing in her own yard in her pajamas?  Big tough man there.  And his mama grinning at me the whole time, telling me I’m crazy and she’s concerned for her own safety because of me, while her son is standing right behind her threatening my life.
I’m just...my god, I don’t even know what to think.  I thought people only acted like this in TV dramas, seriously.  I’ve seen some shit in my life but this particular brand of stupid has up till now evaded me, but now it’s been in my face and I’m sort of in shock.
I don’t like guns.  At ALL.  Tom has always had at least one hidden carefully away, safely locked up away from the house, but now there are two inside my house in immediate grabbing range.  He insisted that I let him show me how to use them.  Rules were laid down for the boys - never touch, never, don’t even get close to them - and now there is a box of shotgun shells on my fireplace mantel and a singleshot rifle by the door.  I hate this so damn much.
Don’t pick it up unless you’re ready to use it, he told me.  Without even thinking, I said back, “If I touch it it’s getting used.”
My god.  I told the cops that the drug lord that lived over there four years ago was a better neighbor than this woman.  They didn’t even laugh.
I guess they’re right, now that I think about it...it isn’t funny.
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bakugotsundere · 4 years
Hating Him - Bakugou Katsuki (1)
bakugo x (black) fem reader
( still can read if you’re not)
sorry if it bothers you, i just felt that my black readers weren’t feeling black as they were reading y/n stories cause i for sure wasn’t.
Warning: none
Summary: Bakugo and you have hated each other ever since you met, being on the same track team and having the same friend group didn’t make things any better. you 2 have to act like you like each other for the benefit of the friend group until one day you and him are forced to have movie night with the others and you both have had enough of each other’s shit.
in this chapter: you get invited to the movie night and bump into bakugo
The morning smell of outside filled your lungs as you stepped out your house. It was exactly 5:30 in the morning. The streets were not busy and there was barely any noise, just faint sounds of dogs barking and truck drivers in a distance. It was the perfect time to go for your daily run. The chilly air made you happy, it gave you more of a challenge. you zipped your nike training jacket up. It fit you tight, tugging at every curve of yours. The sky was a foggy blue, a few clouds started coming in, along with the sum.
You walked down the steps of your house, stretching your legs when you got to the sidewalk. You looked ahead and yawned as you walked onto the street. Your neighborhood was fairly nice to say the least. Everybody minded their business, especially since your house had been secluded. After your grandmother died, she left one of her houses she owned to you, making it easy for you since you dreaded the idea of having to share a dorm with someone, let alone having to get an apartment.
you placed your airpods in your ears and played Apparently by J.Cole. J.Cole had been your favorite rapper since you were 12 years old, you missed the days where your 12 year old self would dance around your room to his music, now you’re grown and responsibilities are becoming more than just making sure your chores were done. You stretched one last time before taking off.
Once you were done, sweat dripped from your face. your breathing was heavy and the cold water bottle in your hand had been long awaited. The sun was now out. The birds chirping got louder and the old lady from across the street was sitting in her chair with her small cat in her lap, you quenched your thirst, swallowing every last drop of water. “Good morning Y/n” She chirped. You wiped your mouth with your wrist smiling, turning towards her, “Goodmorning Ms. Rodriguez.” you reply as you waved.
You finally go back inside your house, feeling at ease. you take off your black vapor max at the door and go to your kitchen, grabbing a nutrigrain bar, you ate it before going upstairs to get ready for your classes. you took your curly hair out of its messy bun. the roots of your hair were finally breathing and it felt good. you scratched your scalp in satisfaction. you looked in the mirror, loving your features and your brown/caramel skin. you never felt the need to put yourself in the 3 categories because to you there was no need to, everybody in the community was black so why separate it into groups.
you placed the shea butter your mother made for you on your face. you took off your semi-sweaty clothes throwing them into your dirty clothes hamper and looked at yourself in the mirror. your body was perfect to most but you didn’t see what everyone saw. your thighs were too thick for your liking, especially since you did track. your breast were too big to you, they sometimes got in the way while working out. you had a 4 pack from the working out, everybody told you that you had an hour glass body but you hated it. if this what a hour glass body was, you hated it.
you took off your panties, replacing your old ones with Tommy Hilfiger ones. You grabbed a pair of black nike sweatpants that fit your thighs perfectly. You took off your bra, letting your breast breath and put on another sports bra, putting on a white t-shirt fresh out the pack. you ran chap stuck along your plump lips, they were more than plump actually if you like them so it didn’t matter. you picked out the roots of your hair leaving it’s on it’s curly state. you had dyed your hair a ginger color, which made you look like sza a little. your fro was like hers too, very big and curly.
You wrapped your apple watch around your wrist and put on some whit nike socks, along with your white air force ones. Your phone started dinging and it was the gc, you had been in with your friend group.
Mina :) > goodmorning whores. Time for class before you become drop outs.
Denki ⚡️> good morning Mina ;)
Midoriya🥬> Goodmorning everybody, i have a big test in Mr. Aizawa’s today so i have to get to studying, talk to you guys later.
Kirishima> Mornin. It’s beautiful out today, isn’t it and i’m not a whore mina.
You> yea, kirishima i’m pretty sure you got caught with cami in the janitors closet.
Iida> Mine was too, you guys need to stop texting and get to class.
You> sure, see you on the track field lida. this gc is getting deader by the day and it’s embarrassing to watch.
(seen by kirishima, Mina, and Bakugou)
lida> typing...
You shut off your phone with a smile, knowing that got him heated. You didn’t even care for his response. you loved messing with lida, it was funny, you sprayed a little vanilla perfume on your body and you were off to a place you dreaded.
You were now in the library studying with Mina. Mina was like your best friend, you told her everything and she told you everything. “Have you seen that picture of trey songz you know what?” she asked and your eyes went wide, in shock that she was talking about this in the library. “yes, but i can’t go crazy over it, he made the shit so corny. the whole post he made afterwards had me cringing at my phone so hard. i was like “boy what the fuck” he too old for that shit.” you told her and she giggled.
“I’m having a movie night with the rest of the group this saturday, you have to come. you never come to things with us anymore. Ever since bakugou started hanging out with us, you’ve been avoiding us. i’ve noticed some type of tension between you 2, i hope it isn’t sexual?” she stated and your stomach churned at the thought of that stuck up dummy.
“No, i just like staying to myself, that’s all. i think i’ll come Saturday as long as it’s not going to be a lot of people you know how busy i am with track and stuff.” you stated in reality you hated being around bakugo. especially since he always felt to make rude remarks towards you when everyone wasn’t around. He was normally mean to everyone, but you got it the worse since you had the shortest running time on the team. When track practice would come around you and him would argue with each other every second. you hated being yelled at or talked to badly and your mother sure didn’t raise a bitch so you talked to him just as reckless as he did to you and he hated every second of it since you were the first to ever test him. your personalities didn’t mix well at all.
“it’s only gonna be, denki, bakugo, kirishima, todoroki, asui, uruaka and deku but that’s if bakugo doesn’t mind.”
“yea, i’ll think about it.” you said softly.
you were now at practice and the death stares you received from bakugo made you just wanna slap the fuck out of him. His eyes followed you as you warmed up. You could see him start to come towards you and you sighed. His tall figure stood in front of you, blocking the sun, his body shaded you. “You draw too much attention.” He stated as the boys that were on the team stared at you. You were the only girl on the track team so you learned to get used to it. “I know, why are you telling me this?” you asked and he gritted his teeth, “All of those boys are practically eye raping you.” he states, taking in your appearance and you sighed, “I don’t know what to fucking say. these are the only sizes in shirts they have and if my curves happen to show then so be it. it’s not like the whole thing is out.”
Sweat dripped from the side of his head, he had on a white tank top and some nike shorts with some white vapor max. a towel hung over his broad shoulders. your eyes scanned his body, you never thought bakugo was ugly, he was perfect when it came to looks. He was very tall with a slim, muscular build, and a fair skin tone. He had short, spiky, ash-blond hair that looked soft. His eyes were a sharp and bright red in color that showed his hostility. his looks fit his personality though, very cocky.
“Why do you care?” You asked and his cheeks turned a bright pink and anger came upon him, this line made him mad, “I don’t.” he replied angrily. “Well then stop telling me things i already know. All you do is bother me.” you told and his lips curved into a smirk, “Your existence bothers me, imagine how I feel.”
You rolled your eyes, pushing past him aggressively. He can be so fucking annoying. Imaging having to be on the same team as someone you hate. It’s really irritating, especially when the person is somebody as arrogant as he is. He needs to be humbled.
You and Bakugou were the only 2 left after practice, your coach was mad at the both of you because of what happened last week with the sub coach. Bakugou had been bothering you that day and you snapped and then you two decided to have a race on your own which didn’t turn out so well since bakugou got mad that you won in the end.
So now you and him were being forced to do “after practice workouts” with each other. You were now lying on the ground of the track floor, exhausted. Bakugou was right next to you, your chest rose up and down, your breathing heavy and your legs worn out. You looked over at him, and he looked over at you. “This wouldn’t have happened if you just wouldn’t hate me so much and accept that i’m faster than you.” you stated and his red eyes stared at your light brown ones. “Can’t blame this all on me. You hate me as well and you don’t know when to shut up. You don’t have to respond to everything i say but you do.” He said and you placed your hands at your stomach, “I’m not about to let you walk all over me like you do everyone else. Your ego is too big and i’m doing nothing but lowering it.”
“Is that what you think?” he asked and you sighed softly looking him in his eyes trying to search for anything but anger but there was no other emotion but that, his pupils did dilate once he noticed how hard you were staring into his eyes though, “It’s not what i think, it’s what i know.” you said. “i don’t understand why you are always so angry all the time. I don’t even know how you have the friends that you have. obviously that means they see past it but i refuse to. i can’t. sorry but that’s just how i am.” you stated sitting up, he sat up with you staring at you, “i don’t understand how you have friends, you are very competitive and just avoid me then. We can always hate each other from a distance.” he stated and you smiled shaking your head as you stood up.
“Can’t do that when we have the same friends and are on the same team and i’m only competitive when it comes to track. So i’ll just hate you regardless and plus you always keep your enemies close. It doesn’t matter though, i’m still faster.” you added on that last part trying to make him mad and you could hear him start to yell as you walked off and a smile came upon your lips.
There’s no way you could ever be friends with him so why even bother trying. Something about him makes your blood boil.
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~ We’re Everything To Each Other That We Ever Needed 2: Back To Black ~
Pairing: Ethan Torchio x Chiara Russo (fictional character)
Word count: 3313
Warnings: Smut, swearing.
Summary: Innocent theme party turns into something unexpected.
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- Guys what’s the theme of the party? - Victoria shouted while standing in front of her wardrobe.
- Back to black - said Chiara, doing her makeup at the couch.
They were all preparing to go out for the party in one of the theme clubs in Rome. The club was unique, every party meant different dress code, different set up and different place. Damiano found it somewhere on Facebook and since Måneskin had a few days break from Europe tour they all decided to go and have some fun.
- Chi, will you do my eyeliner? - Vic asked coming into the living room.
- Of course, I’ll dress up and I’ll take care of you - Chiara winked to Vic and stood up from the couch.
She went upstairs to Ethan’s room. She left all her thing there since they were going out for the whole night. She opened the door and saw Ethan sitting on his bed with Chili - Victoria’s dog - on his lap.
-Chili - Chiara said coming up to them and taking her in her arms. - mi amore - she kissed her head.
Ethan was looking at the two of them lovingly. Since their steamy night in the hotel room, both of them got even closer with each other. They still didn’t know if relationship was exactly what they wanted at the moment but they were all good with the current situation, they were kissing and cuddling on the couch in front of Vic, Thomas and Damiano without any problem and the three of them were really supportive and understanding. Vic was joking around all the time about their friendship and sending them dirty looks but Chiara and Ethan didn’t mind. She was his first real love, his best friend and both of them decided to leave the things they way they are and eventually change something when the time was right.
- Are you gonna dress up now? - he asked pulling her closer to him, closing the gap between them.
She looked at him lovingly and smiled stroking his cheek with her palm, holding Chili with the second arm. He looked really handsome dressed all in black. Chiara leaned in to him.
- Yes, wanna watch? - she said seductively right before she planted a kiss on his warm lips.
Suddenly Chili started licking their faces, jumping in Chiara’s hands and they pulled away laughing.
- You sweet little Chili - Ethan said stroking her head and taking her from Chiara. - We’re gonna sit now and look while Chi is dressing up for the party, okey? - he said looking Chili into her eyes and putting her next to him on the bed. She barked quietly and pulled out her pink little tongue.
Chiara pulled out her black dress out of the bag along with a lace bra, lace thongs and black heels. She stripped down completely in front of Ethan and stood in front of the mirror. In the back she saw him biting his lip and looking at her hungrily. She was stunning and Ethan couldn’t take his eyes off of her beautiful tattooed body. He always wondered how he’s gotten so lucky to have someone so attractive like Chiara. She took the bra and her thongs and put them on. She looked really sexy. She then put on her heels and Ethan smiled at the image of her dressing down and dancing in front of him later when they’re back in the room. She grabbed the dress put it on and turned to Ethan.
- Can u zip it up? - she came up to him, turning around.
He stood up, gently grabbing the zipper and pulling it up. He pressed his chest to her back and planted a wet kiss on her bare neck. She sighed but pulled away, looking at him.
- Let’s go, Mr Needy. I need to do Victoria’s makeup. - Chiara said pulling Ethan towards the door.
- Can’t she do it by herself? - he said frowning - She’s doing her makeup for our every show, what happened that she can’t do it now? - he asked.
- She asked me to do it for her, now let’s go. - she said and they both went out of the room.
They were almost ready to go out. Chiara did Victoria’s makeup and helped Thomas with his tie, while Ethan was putting on his shoes.
- Where’s Damiano? Wasn’t he all dressed and ready to go? - Chiara asked looking around.
- He got a phone call and went upstairs. - Vic said, putting on her red lipstick.
- I’ll go get him. - Chiara said and went upstairs.
She stepped inside Damiano’s room and saw him sitting at the door to the balcony with a cigarette. His head resting on the wall, he looked upset.
- Heyyy, what’s going on? - Chiara said sitting next to him.
He looked at her with puffy eyes, messed up mascara running down his cheeks along with the tears. She was shocked.
- Dam, what happened? - she asked, putting her hand on his shoulder, encouraging him to speak to her.
- Giorgia called me, she said she’s leaving Italy and breaking up with me. - Damiano said and let out the smoke from the cigarette. - Do you understand? She broke up with me because she said she’s not able to do long distance and that it’s better for us both to go different ways. - he said with a breaking voice.
- Dami, but.. I don’t get it.. You were both so happy with each other. - Chiara said confused, stroking his back to calm him down.
Damiano and Giorgia were in a relationship for almost 3 years. He always talked about her and was all over her every second. Two weeks ago he told Victoria and Chiara that he’s planning to take her to Florence and propose to her on their three years anniversary. Chiara always thought that nothing will be able to break these two apart. They were inseparable.
- I don’t get it either, I was supposed to take her to Florence next week and propose and she just called me out of nowhere and said that it’s not gonna work between us. - he said looking at Chiara.
- When is she leaving? - she asked
- In 5 days. It’s unbelievable, I didn’t even know about her moving to England. - he said, letting down his head.
- Listen, we have 5 days to fix this. I’ll help you, but now let’s go and have fun. You can’t sit here alone, you’ll dance and party and have fun and tomorrow we will figure everything out. - Chiara said sending Damiano reassuring smile.
- Maybe you’re right, it can’t end like this. Maybe I just need some time out.. - he said slightly smiling back to her.
- Let’s go, they’re all waiting for us. - Chiara stood up and they both went out of Damiano’s room.
The music was loud, the lights were going crazy and there were plenty of empty beer bottles and vodka glasses. Chiara ran her hand on Ethan’s back and leaned in to his ear.
- Come dance with me - she said, putting her hand on his thigh.
- Chi, you know I don’t like to dance. - Ethan said politely - Besides, maybe you’ll take a break hm? You look tired. - he said and kissed her cheek.
Chiara was completely stoned. Earlier, she went with Vic and Damiano and they smoked 4 joints together. They went out from the toilet cabin all smiley and laughing and they went to play beer pong. Damiano and Thomas in one team and Vic with Chiara in another. Girls lost and they drank almost all the cups with the bear which made Victoria pass out on the couch next to Ethan.
- Nooo, I don’t want a break, I wanna dance with you. - Chiara said, resting her head on Ethan’s shoulder.
- If you want to dance then go, I’ll gladly watch you move your ass from here - He said laughing.
Ethan wasn’t drunk, but a couple of bears made him more talkative and cheeky.
- Alright, as you wish. - she said standing up, she smiled at him and walked away.
She walked up to dancing people and started moving her body with the rhythm. She was light-headed and she didn’t know what was happening, she wasn’t thinking sober when someone grabbed her hips and started dancing beside her. Chiara turned around to see Damiano completely drunk dancing in the middle of the dance floor.
- Let’s dance together- he shouted into her ear.
Chiara not knowing why started moving her body against his, pulling him closer. He started grinding on her and the desire was clearly seen between them. He touched her thighs and moved his hands up to her hips and her stomach. Chiara didn’t stop him tho. Her body started getting warmer and more tensed. They were both sweaty, enjoying the more and more sexual dance.
- Come with me - he whispered to her ear but loud enough for her to hear him through the music.
- Where? - Chiara asked smiling to him.
- Let’s have some fun - he said winking at her and pulling her after him.
They walked passed all they dancing people and Chiara was excited. Adrenaline rushing in her veins. They reached the toilet. He pulled her inside and closed the door quickly. She didn’t know what was happening. She didn’t protest though, her drunk and stoned mind took the control and a minute later she felt Damiano pushing her on the sink and kissing her. She was overwhelmed and surprised but Ethan was the last person she was thinking about. It sounded bad but at this moment she only focused on Damiano’s hands grabbing her hips and pulling her up so she was sitting on the counter next to the sink. He was kissing her passionately, squeezing her neck firmly and making her moan.
- Dami.. - Chiara sighed and ran her fingers through his hair.
- Do you want to keep going? - he asked kissing her collarbones.
- Ye.. yes.. - she moaned throwing back her head.
He pulled up a bottom of her dress and Chiara found herself unzipping his shorts. He quickly pulled them down and Chiara was surprised when she saw that Damiano wasn’t wearing any boxers. She knew it’s common with him but she was drunk and she completely forgot about everything. A second later she felt his erection inside her, he started off fast and Chiara not expecting such movements grabbed his hair with her one hand and his back with the other. They were making out and Damiano’s pace went faster and faster. She was moaning loud and a warm feeling in her stomach started to build up, letting her now that it won’t take long for her to reach the high.
- Feel good? - Damiano growled with his husky voice and grabbed Chiara’s face to make her look at him.
- Yes.. so good Dami - she moaned, her eyes completely black from desire.
It didn’t take them long until Damiano’s erection started twitching inside her and her walls clenching around him. His moves were sloppy and desperate and they both reached their climax moaning loudly.
Chiara jumped off the counter, breathing heavily. She fixed her dress and brushed her hair with her fingers. Her mascara was a bit messed up but she didn’t care. She turned to Damiano who zipped up his shorts and smirked at her. They both laughed.
- That was good - he said winking at her.
- Yeahhh - she said chuckling.
She opened the door and everything stopped. In front of her she saw Ethan. She turned all read, her mind immediately sobered up and she realized what she’s just done with Damiano. Ethan’s eyes were watery and full of pain. He looked at Damiano with a disgusted face. Chiara turned to him and saw her red lipstick stains on his neck. She didn’t know what to do. She looked at Ethan wanting to say something.
- Save it. You’re both disgusting. - Ethan said and started walking away quickly.
- Ethan, wait! - Chiara chased after him, feeling her cheeks getting wet from the tears.
She just had sex in a club bathroom with his best friend. She felt the guilt taking over her and she felt ashamed of herself. She was chasing after Ethan trying to stop him but he didn’t pay attention to her. And suddenly everything went black. She fell on the floor.
*next morning*
Chiara opened her eyes slightly. Sun was shining through the window and when she pulled herself up on her arms she realized she’s in Ethan’s bed. She grabbed her head trying to remember what happened last night. Suddenly she heard the door opening and second later Ethan entered the room. He looked at her with an emotionless face.
- Ethan - Chiara said and wanted to continue but she was interrupted.
- Don’t fucking talk to me, you’re so pathetic. - Ethan said harshly.
With these words she immediately got a flashback from last night. Dancing, Damiano, bathroom, kissing with Damiano and then having sex with him. She felt so ashamed of herself. Ethan was her everything and she betrayed him just like that with his best friend.
- Ethan.. - she started again.
- I said, don’t say a fucking word - he snapped back to her.
- Please, talk to me .. - she felt tears running down her cheeks.
Ethan was broken. He couldn’t believe that Chiara, his closest person that he opened up to completely, would betray him like that, in a club, in a bathroom, with Damiano. He felt useless at this point, he felt like he wasn’t enough, even for her. He loved her with everything he had and all she did was tear his heart apart.
- Talk about what, Chiara? Huh? You fucked with him! You fucked with Damiano while I was running around the club, worried like an idiot and searching for you! How could you do this to me! How the fuck could you betray me like that! - Ethan shouted to her completely loosing it, tears falling down his face.
- I’m sorry.. I was drunk, and high.. I didn’t know what I was doing.. - she tried to excuse herself. - I really didn’t mean for that to happen.. Please, you have to believe me. I love you and only you.. - she said slowly moving towards the edge of the bed.
- Love me? Don’t be fucking stupid! If you loved me you wouldn’t go with him to this bathroom and let him fuck you, Chiara! If you loved me you would have pushed him away! - he was getting more and more angry.
- Ethan, baby, I was drunk.. I swear I wasn’t thinking straight, I didn’t know what I was doing.. You have to believe me.. - Chiara now stood up and grabbed Ethan’s hand.
- Don’t call me that. - he said harshly throwing back her hand - Tell me, was he better than me? Huh? - he said with venom in his voice.
Chiara stayed silent, she didn’t know, the only thing she remembered was her being pushed on the sink, reaching the orgasm and Ethan’s eyes when he saw her leaving the toilet with Damiano.
- Answer me! - he shouted.
- No.. I don’t know.. I’m sorry.. - she said feeling all the guilt rushing in her veins. She felt disgusting.
Ethan went to the wardrobe, pulled out her dress that she was wearing last night and threw it to her.
- Put this on. - he said without any emotion.
- What? Why? - Chiara was confused, she looked at the dress and then back at Ethan.
- I said put this on. - he said through his teeth.
Chiara stripped down from her oversized T-shirt and put on the dress. Ethan then threw her the heels she was wearing and told her to put them on as well.
- Ethan, what is this all about? - she asked him when he grabbed her arm firmly and pulled her towards the bathroom.
She felt overwhelmed. She didn’t know what he was doing and what was about to happen, she was scared in some way.
Ethan pushed her inside the bathroom and looked at her with his dark, angry eyes.
- You’re gonna tell me every detail, and I will fuck you just the way he did. - Ethan growled and grabbed her face.
- What? But.. - she didn’t know what to say.
- Do as I said.
Chiara was shocked. Ethan never acted like that, she didn’t recognize him at all and she got scared by the way his hands wrapped around her neck.
- You don’t wanna talk now, huh? We’ll se if you’ll moan as loud as you did with him - Ethan pushed her harshly on the counter just the way Damiano did last night and she figured what was happening.
He squeezed her neck, pulled her up on the counter taking off the bottom of her dress and seconds later Chiara felt his tip inside her. She was overwhelmed, scared and ashamed. Ethan was angry, hell.. He was furious, he thrusted inside her harshly making her scream.
- Did he fuck you like this, Chiara? - he said grabbing her face so she was looking at him.
Chiara only moaned and turned all red, embarrassed. Ethan was so much better than Damiano. She knew that from the very first minute she met him. But she was drunk and her stoned mind made her enjoy sex with Damiano which was the worst mistake ever.
- Answer me! - Ethan raised his voice and he started thrusting harder, grabbing Chiara’s hips.
- Yes.. - she moaned loudly.
- Was he better than me? - another question rolled out of Ethan’s mouth.
- No.. no.. he wasn’t - Chiara’s body was sweaty but she felt weird.
Chiara was close to reaching her orgasm and Ethan felt it. He saw guilt and embarrassment on her face and he was proud of himself for making her feel that way. Chiara moaned and her walls started clenching around Ethan’s erection but suddenly he reached his climax thrusting harshly inside her and pulling out before she could reach her high. He did it on purpose.
- What.. what are you doing? - Chiara sighed, her breath heavy.
Ethan looked at her with no emotions. He grabbed her face and right in front of her lips he said:
- I hope you feel as much humiliated as I did when I saw you with him. - he said pushing away her face and looking with her with pure fury and pride in his eyes.
She was sitting at the counter with her dress pulled up, half naked and legs spread apart. She did feel humiliated, she felt betrayed at some point even tho she was the one who cheated and hurt Ethan. Her eyes turned watery and she couldn’t say a word, like a huge stone was stuck in her throat. She was sitting there looking at him shocked, watching his every move. Ethan pulled up his jeans, zipped them up and looked at her one last time.
- Consider us even. - he said.
Chiara could see a rude smirk on his face and tears fell down her cheeks. With that being said, he stepped out of the bathroom, leaving her alone.
Thank you for reading! ❤️
I know It’s long but I hope you got through it.
Do you guys want a 3rd part? Let me know in the comments!
Tag list [ @teenyweenynightghost ]
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Sick - Tanaka x reader
Warnings: none
Words: 2282 
Summary: You and your neighbor walk your dogs at the same everyday, but what happens when he stops showing up 
A/n :! I am so so so so sorry for disappearing off the face of the earth, college is hard man and then it’s partially online and COVID and things and the depression really hit and I have started a new self care book and it is adding one thing back in my life at a time that I am passionate about and last week was French and this week it is writing because I really do miss it! I threw this together last night based off of a request I got forever ago and I hope it is liked <3 
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You’ve lived in the same apartment for years and people always come and go, in and out, it feels like you see a new face everyday. In your three years there, you’ve only had one consistent fact, and that’s your bald neighbor who goes on walks with his dogs at the same time as you twice a day. At first you only saw him occasionally and now the two of you go out at 7:30 am and 6:30 pm on the dot. You have no idea how it started but now you get kinda excited to run into your neighbor on the stairs everyday and hopefully make a comment about how good his two big dogs are looking or even jsut the smallest acknowledgement with him.
   Speaking of your neighbor, he wasn’t out this morning before work, and you didn’t think too much of it because he works kinda funny hours and some random days misses the times. (Though he always tells you about it in the afternoon or the next time you see him) and because you’ve learned he’s a personal trainer he has finicky clients and sometimes is up wayy too early or way too late. It bugged you all day that you hadn’t seen him and no matter how hard you tried to focus at work you couldn’t imagine why he wasn’t out on a Wednesday. All of your explainations could make sense but you really don’t feel right about any of it. And when you got home and took your two babies out and he wasn’t there you were sure something was up. Tanaka loved his dogs more than anything and says that their routine keeps them together and that it keeps them well behaved. Something had to be wrong. Maybe he got a new girlfriend? Or he forgot? But he didn't forget and he hasn’t been with anyone ever, and if he was his dogs would still come first. You had no idea what you were thinking but when you came back up the stairs you kept walking and knocked on the door of the man you knew so completely and not at all. You quickly realized what you’d done and your heart was racing as you silent prayed that no one was home and that you could creep back to your door before anyone heard you.
   This was a great thought, except you forgot what happens when you knock with dogs. They bark. And unfortunately for you Tanaka doesn’t get a lot of guests so his dogs barked a lot. Like they could wake the entire neighborhood a lot. You had to grin and bear it and face the consequences of your irrational actions.
   After thirty or so seconds the door creeps open and there he is, Takana Ryuunosuke, in his pajamas and a beanie opening the door. He looked like a walking corpse and by the way he sniffed out a weak “hello” as he opened the door told you everything you needed to know. He was sick. Very sick, and you had just knocked at the door and now have to figure out what to say to him.
   “Oh, hey,” you stutter, “I was just checking on you to see if everything was alright, you weren’t out with your dogs and I was wondering if anything was up, or if you needed me to take them out for you because of their routine and everything,” you ramble on, hoping that somewhere your logic connected and this made sense.
   Takana stared at you blankly and you couldn’t help but mentally smack yourself because that was exactly what a stalker would say and you now seemed like his stalker.
   After a few more seconds of blank stares his expression caught up to your words and he broke out the goofy smile you love so much.
   “My dogs? Walk them?” He asked. Maybe they hadn’t caught up after all.
   “Well yeah, they weren’t out at their regular time and i wanted to make sure they were still going out and I have my two out and they are so well behaved and you clearly don’t feel well so it would really be no problem,” you rambled on again.
This time he was closely listening and nodded along with you before smiling once again. “No no no,” he chuckled, “ I can take them out” though he was laughing you could hear that he wasn’t feeling well and his energy was lower than you had ever heard.
   “Let me do this one favor for you, I can take them out, no big deal, okay?” You smiled.
   After you smiled it was a done deal for Tanaka, he grabbed the leash and thanked you about a hundred times. His dogs are fantastic and took you less than five minutes to walk before they’d used the restroom and were ready to go back inside. You took them back and he thanked you once again and you headed back to your apartment to make some dinner.
   You settled on a sun dried tomato soup with grilled cheese and happened *wink* accidentally *wink* make more than you could eat on your own and you’d hate for it to go to waste and you do have a neighbor who is sick and could probably use a hot meal right about now. So, you packed up a container for him and wrapped the sandwich in aluminum foil so that it would be hot for him and put some tea in a thermos and headed out your door once more. This time though, you were a little less bold and just rang the doorbell and ran back to your room. You did however, leave a little note saying “hope you feel better soon - room 420” on it and you hoped that it would at least help his night a little bit.
   Little do you know, Tanaka was so shocked to see this from you that he almost dropped the hot soup onto himself in a panic because this not only meant you paid attention to him but you cared for him. This was the best thing to ever happen to him. He finished every last bite and washed the container and thermos and placed them back by your door with a note of his own.
   When you got up the next morning and went to take your dog out you couldn’t help but beam when you saw your tupperware back in front of your door. You picked up the two items before seeing the little note on top of the container.
‘Best Soup Ever! -Room 419’
You beamed and did a little happy dance before deciding to go knock and see if he needed your help with his dogs again today, and boy are you lucky that you went. WHen he opened the door he somehow looked worse than yesterday, you could have swore that he had snot dried to his face and he was a total mouth breather and the bags under his eyes as well as tripled overnight. There were no arguments when you asked if he needed help with his dogs, because truthfully he really did.
   The walk was quick and the morning was over before you knew it. Another distracted day at work, you found yourself wondering how you could help him feel better, especially because he lived all alone and his closest family was something like an hour away last he told you.
You had a brilliant idea and decided to go to the store after work and make him a ‘get well’ basket. You filled the basket with cough drops, tissues, teas, chocolates and other little goodies that help him feel better and put him in a better mood. You got the groceries and were right on your way, practically skipping with excitement.
   Once again, you accidentally made an extra soup after you’d taken care of the dogs and happened to leave it with the basket later that evening.
   In the morning however, none of your dishes were by your door, which was no big deal, especially because he was feeling so under the weather, but what was even more strange is that he didn’t answer the door and the last thing you wanted to do was wake him up. So, you headed to work wondering if he liked what you did for him or if you’d crossed a line or if he was allergic to chicken noodle, or if he was too much of a health nut and you’d offended him, or if he’d… you had no idea, maybe died. This was not good for you and you could feel the stress starting to get to you when you got off work the sprint back home was exhausting and anxious. You rounded the corner of the stairs when you saw
You saw nothing.
That was fine, everything is fine. You are fine. Life is fine. If he doesn’t feel good you can’t expect him to do dishes or even leave his room. That’s best for everyone, no one wants a walking germ contaminating everything around, there were probably old ladies on this floor, you hadn’t seen any, but they were there, probably, so he was just doing the world a favor.
Again, he didnt answer the door for his dogs and you couldn’t force your kindness onto him so you had a night to yourself and went to bed way earlier than usual. You couldn’t help but wake up earlier than usual and instead of looking for things that weren’t there you got out and went to work early and got busy right away. You had a full day and worked until almost 8pm, hurrying back to hopefully get home before your local take away had closed. You made it, but just barely, and got your favorite meal to bring home with you to watch something horrible with.
   You got home and plopped on the couch completely exhausted. Immediatley you started eating and got about halfway through when you heard a knock at the door. Oh shit. You had no one in your life that would ever knock, well almost no one. THere was one person you were really hoping wasn’t on the other side of the door. You were in a t-shirt you got 10 years ago and a pair of crappy shorts from the general store, there was nothing remotely nice, or even tame about your appearance, you looked to be frank, crazy.
You creeped the door open and saw exactly who you were hoping not to see, Tanaka Ryuunosuke standing in front of your door beaming.
   “Hey?” You question nervously.
   “Hey, I noticed that you didn’t take your dogs out earlier and was wondering if you needed me to take them out for you?” He questioned genuinely, smiling from head to toe, clearly feeling better.
   You had no idea what to say or do but he just smiled as your dogs trotted out the door with him, without you saying a word. You awkwardly closed the door and stood there in shock. That was horrible. An embarrassment to you, an embarrassment to your family name and even worse an embarrassment to society. The shock still hadn’t worn off when you heard a second knock at your door, and well that was the man with your dogs and you couldn’t just leave them outside.
   This time when you opened the door you couldn’t help but gasp. Tanaka has a giant bouquet of red roses and a giant blush on his face.
   “Y/n, I know this is going to sound ridiculous, but I have had a crush on you since I first met you, and I never knew how to tell you, every time I got close to you I just freeze and I started taking my dogs out when you do to try and get to know you and I could never make myself do it but you have been unbelievably kind to me and I can’t wait any longer. I want nothing more than to have a chance with someone as stunning as you are. Y/n, will you go on a date with me?”
   This time it was you standing there dumbstruck for longer than you should have. You heard every single one of his words and your heart was fluttering out of your chest. You’d had feelings for him for as long as you can remember and here he was with a bouquet of flowers standing in your doorway asking you to go on a date with him. You couldn’t bring yourself to say anything so you just grinned and nodded at him enthusiastically, hoping he understood just how much this means to you.
   He beamed right back and handed you the bouquet of flowers, “perfect, then I’ll see you Friday at 7, I’ll pick you up.” He winked.
You were still dumbstruck and nodded again, and right as you were about to close the door for the night he stuck his foot in the doorway.
“One more thing y/n,” he pushed the door back open and had a basket of little goodies for you, as well as a homemade meal in the containers you’d given him with a little note that says ‘your soup warmed my soul, and my heart’. You couldn’t help but absolutely beam with happiness. You set the basket down and threw your arms around his shoulders and pulled him into a big hug, repeatedly thanking him for his kindness. You two parted ways happier than you could have imagined and both in great anticipation for Friday.
   The next morning, you were both out at 7:30 on the dot, excited to see one another.
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delaber · 4 years
Rafael Casal x Reader
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Note: this is my first time writing a fluffy fic. Also my first time writing about pregnancy. I usually stay the hell away from both but this request was just too sweet. Thank you @lonelydance. Let me know what you guys think!
Words: 2.2K
Warnings: pregnancy fic obviously.
Tagging: @exrthangel @theatrenerd86​ @lonelydance​ @ohsoverykeri​ @summerofsnowflakes​ @ramp-it-up​ @alexander-hamilhoe​ @honeysucklechocolatedrippin​​ @riiyy​​ @mysearchforgratification​ @janthony-stan @sillyteecup​ @biafbunny​ @einfachniemand​​
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It had started out innocently; you had only taken a small handful of the mozzarella cheese and it was just to get your screaming appetite to calm down, but before you had really had time to stop yourself, you had snacked the entire bag.
"Woops," you mumbled to yourself as you realised that you were standing with an empty bag in hand, still chewing on the last bit of cheese. Frantically, you searched the fridge, but quickly remembered that you had only bought one bag and that there was nothing to put on top of the homemade pizzas you had promised Rafa. You cast a sidelong glance towards the sofa where your boyfriend was breathing heavily in his sleep. He had been stressed from work all week and you hated that you had to wake him up and send him to the store for more cheese for the third night in a row - but he had been the one to insist on only buying one bag at a time after all.
As silently as possible, you tiptoed over to him, careful not to wake up Mía who was snoring beside you on the kitchen floor. She had been following you around all day - for some reason highly alert - without straying further away from you than a couple of feet. Although she was very cute, she had also been very annoying. Luckily, you managed to tiptoe your way out of the kitchen and into the living room without waking her.
You sat down next to Rafa on the sofa and ran a hand through his hair, "Wake up, love," you kissed his forehead.
He shuffled a little, his eyes fluttering briefly before his eyelids fell back down, "five more minutes," he mumbled sleepily, "I just need to wake up. I'm so tired..."
"I know love," you ran your fingers through his hair one more time.
"Come here," he said and pulled you down to him, nuzzling against your neck, "mmmmh you smell so nice..."
You kissed his knuckles and pushed your backside up against his chest as you enjoyed the heat radiating off him. His lips quickly found your shoulder and he kissed you softly before he slipped a hand under your shirt and gently cupped your breast.
You yelped loudly at his touch and pulled away from him, apparently waking up Mía in the process. She came running into the living room, immediately by your side with a small growl.
"Am I not allowed to touch you anymore?" Rafa mumbled and kissed your neck, while Mía was snarling slightly on the floor in front of you.
"Of course you are. I'm just really sore today," you whispered and let Mía lick your arm to try and calm her down, "I don't know if I bruised a nipple or something."
"Oh, I'd love to give you an examination," Rafa smirked against your neck, "but in the meantime I'll just enjoy my other friend," his fingers pinched your other nipple.
"Aw fuck, Rafa! That's really sore too!" You said loudly, making Mía bark.
Rafa sat up straight and looked down at you, "babe, are you okay?" he asked, concern flooding his voice.
"Yeah, I'm fine. I'm just really sore," you said, carefully examining your breast with one hand while using the other to nuzzle Mía behind her ear to get her to stop barking.
"Do you need me to get you something?" Rafa asked, ignoring Mía completely.
"No I'm fine -" you hesitated but was reminded of your snacking problem, "actually... We kinda might've run out of cheese for the pizzas."
"I bought an entire bag yesterday," he arched an eyebrow at you.
"I - uhm - I accidentally ate it all."
"You ate it all?" He chuckled, "babe, I don't mind your snacking but you're eating all of our groceries these days. What's going on with you?"
"I guess I'm just really snack-ish," you laughed and got up from the sofa, determined to finish prepping for the pizzas. Mía was silently following close by.
"Alright, I'll run to the store," Rafa said as he walked over to the closet in the hallway and pulled on a pair of sneakers and his jacket. He took a look at Mía and decided to pull out her leash too.
"Mía," he whistled and waited patiently.
Mía was sitting on the floor beside you, and when she heard Rafa call her name, she turned her head slightly, shot him a lazy look but otherwise didn't move a muscle.
"Mía!" Rafa tried one more time, and even pulled out a small treat for her, but she didn't budge.
"What's the matter with you, girl," Rafa walked to her and put her on the leash, slightly tugging her towards the front door. Mía started barking like crazy and didn't move her legs at all, causing Rafa to accidentally pull her across the floor as she slid on her paws, "what the hell is the matter with you?!" He exclaimed, "you love going outside!"
He let go of the leash, and watched Mía take a few fast-paced strides back towards the kitchen, wagging her tail vigorously when she resumed her position next to you.
"Aw, boo," you said and petted her, "you don't want to leave me, do you?"
"She's been acting crazy all week," Rafa ran a hand through his beard, "did you notice? She stays close to you and she'll barely let me touch you."
"No," you laughed, "are you sure you're not just making this up because you're jealous that your two girls are getting along so well?"
"No, I'm serious," he said and took a step closer to you, "come here, I'll show you," he said and put his hands on your ass, giving it a light squeeze.
At the touch, Mía started barking once more but stopped as soon as Rafa stepped away from you.
"Look," he said and repeated his movements while Mía resumed her barking whenever he put his hands on you.
"What's up with you, girl?" Rafa said and petted Mía behind her ear, "you're being crazy. I can touch you but I can't touch my girlfriend? Are you jealous or something?" He mumbled.
He picked up the leash, stood up straight and started tugging on Mía once more. Still, her legs didn't budge.
"Here, let me try," you said and took the leash from Rafa's hands. "Come Mía," you said softly, and started walking towards the front door with Mía trodding loyally along beside you.
"Crazy dog," Rafa mumbled behind you.
"Aw boo," you laughed when you turned around and saw Rafa's crestfallen face, "are you sad you're not the alpha anymore?"
"No, I'm wondering if I should take her to the vet. Could you keep an eye on her while I run to the store? I'm not going to force her to come along, but if she's still weird when I come home later, I'm acting on it," he said and walked over to you with intentions of giving you a goodbye kiss.
Mía started snarling the minute he was within a two-foot radius from you.
"Okay Mía, you ass," he mumbled in defeat as he stepped away from you and out the door.
"You're being silly," you petted Mía when you were finally alone and went back into the kitchen to make your famous pizza sauce.
You were opening a can of tomatoes when a horrible stench hit you like a truck. Something in the kitchen was smelling all sweet and warm and for some reason, it made you nauseous. Had the can of tomatoes gone bad? Anxiously, you inched your face closer to the open can and gave it a small sniff. Without warning you felt the heartburn, the taste of sour stomach acid thick in your mouth. It was disgusting and you had to leave the kitchen to get away from the stench of the tomatoes. Mía followed you to the bathroom were you retched and emptied the contents of your stomach. You coughed a few times and noticed Mía whimpering beside you. You petted her while whispering, "I'm okay, love. I'm good."
Desperate to get the taste of vomit out of your mouth, you opened the cabinet to fetch the toothpaste that was located next to the tampons ...speaking of tampons - weren't you supposed to be using one right now? You looked at your watch to check the date; it was the 20th.
You were four days late.
And you were never late. Fuck!
You were staring at yourself in the mirror when it all fell into place; the excessive snacking, your sore nipples, Mia being overprotective, the nausea...
...It couldn't be because...
...Could it?
You were staring at yourself in the mirror. Were you imagining a slight bump? No, you couldn't be...
Slightly panicked, you knew you wouldn't be able to think of anything else before you'd made sure, so you pulled out your phone from your back pocket, and dialled up Rafa while your pulse was quickening with each passing second.
When he finally answered his phone he sounded cheerful, "don't worry! I bought two bags," he chuckled, "snack away, my love."
"No, Rafa, I need you to get me something else," you said nervously.
"Yeah? What's up?" he asked quietly, "is everything okay?"
"Could you grab me a - uh - a pregnancy test...?" you mumbled and buried your face in your hands without really knowing why.
Rafa went completely silent on the other end, "...what do you need a pregnancy test for?" He said slowly.
"Are you serious?"
"No - uhm - just a little surprised," it sounded as if he was giving himself a mental shake, "are you sure you're...?" His voice trailed off.
"That's what the test is for, love," you said quietly.
"Of course. Of course. I'll - uhm - I'll grab you one. ...Are you sure you're okay?"
"Yes. Just hurry back here..." you whispered.
"I'll be as fast as I can," he mumbled before he hung up.
You were looking at yourself in the mirror, trying to imagine yourself pregnant. Carrying Rafa's child. Your future together. You hadn't been together that long. What if he didn't want this? What if you didn't want this?
How long you stood there, looking at yourself in the mirror while stroking your belly you had no idea but suddenly, you heard Rafa call for you from the hallway.
"Babe?" He sounded concerned, "where are you?"
"Bathroom," you called out to him and immediately, he came running.
"Are you - are you okay?" He panted.
You nodded, "yes. Are you?"
"A little surprised. We were so careful," he mumbled, "well apart from..."
"My birthday. I know," you sent him a look.
"Shit," he ran a hand through his hair, looking positively panicked.
"Rafa, are you okay?" You asked him carefully.
"Yes. I just don't know if I'm supposed to laugh or cry."
"Me neither," you said quietly, "I have no idea what I'm hoping for."
"We - we can talk about that later. Just... take the test," he handed you a small box.
"Yes," he nodded, "we have to know, right?"
"Okay," you said nervously. Of course you knew you needed to take it asap. You were just nervous about the result, "do you think you could give me some privacy?"
"I'm not leaving you," Rafa shook his head, "no chance."
"Well, if you want to strip away the very last piece of privacy between us," you said as you pulled down your shorts and sat down on the toilet.
"If you're pregnant, there are not going to be any secrets between your body and me anyway," he said slowly.
You pulled off the cap on the test and pulled it between your legs so you could pee on it.
"What do we do if it's positive?" You looked up at him as you flushed the toilet after you.
"We take it one step at a time," he nodded slowly.
"Okay," you whispered, still in a state of shock. Your heart was beating fast in your chest as you glanced at your watch, watching the seconds slowly tick by. "It's been a minute. We should check it," you picked up the test without looking at the result, "here, you do it..."
"Me? Are you sure?" He stammered.
"Yes, please Rafa. I can't do it," you whispered.
Rafa took the pregnancy test from you with a gulp and shot you a doe-eyed look before he turned his attention to the stick in his hand. Slowly, he turned it over so he could read the test result. At first, he was staring at the result with huge eyes, but slowly, his hand went to his lips and his eyes started watering.
"What does it say?" You said in a raspy voice even though you already knew.
Rafa looked up a you with a tender expression on his face, his eyes all soft and wetted with tears, "baby, you're pregnant..." he said quietly with the biggest smile on his face.
"We're having a baby?" You blinked a few times, your hands flying to your stomach. A weird bubbly feeling creeping up through your body.
"We're having a baby," he laughed and pulled you in for a bear hug, "oh my god, we're having a baby!"
And you immediately knew; this was happiness in its purest form.
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ktheist · 4 years
coworker!taehyung + question ideas #11 + “why are you following me?” :)
“why are you following me?”
pairings. coworker! next door neighbor!taehyung x reader ft. yeontan
words. 1.6k
genre. slice of life
kim taehyung and you didn’t start off on the right foot.
for one, his dog pooped on your left foot just as you were standing in front of your door. the urgent call from your company and intern you’re supervising being the cause of you not being able to step into your apartment. somewhere in the middle, you heard a bark and a ‘tannie, no!’ before something mushy touched your foot and stayed there even after you lifted it up and away from the ball of black and streaks of golden.
“i’m so sorry- he’s still under potty training,” taehyung’s adamant nature in apologizing eased the red that spread across your vision.
he offered to wash it off your 400$ heels but you’d refused, “it’s fine, these are old pairs, i was about to throw them away anyway.”
at the time, the relief that overlapped the guilt in his eyes was a kind of beauty that made your heart leap, “did you just move in?”
the apartment next to yours had been empty for a good few months now.
“yeah, last week,” he’d quickly tore one hand away from his dog and patted his palm down his jeans before offering it to you, “i’m taehyung.”
“____,” you’d shook his hand just before he was about to retract it upon further pondering, “and who’s this cutie?” you’d bent over slightly, offering your hand for a shake.
the pupper placed a paw on the tip of your fingers and barked, as though trying to answer you.
“oh, this is yeontan - tannie for short,” a small smile finally appeared on his lips though the lines in his forehead was still there.
shaking the pupper’s paw once, you smile, “tannie-yah, can i call you that?” 
yeontan barked once, you’d like to think it was a delightful mark of a new formed friendship.
that was friday.
on saturday, you met him in the morning with the same pupper barking at you in greeting.
“you boys going on a morning walk?” you’d smiled.
“yeah,” taehyung nodded before his eyes went to the ground and up again, “how are your heels?”
“oh, those old things? they’re in the trash now,” you’d bent over to the pupper in taehyung’s hands, “tannie-yah, thanks for helping me get rid of them.”
the dog-poop heel sat next to your bathtub after you’d wiped it clean with a wet tissue before slaving over the work that needed your attention the most. your bathroom reeked of dog feces still.
yeeun called you crazy for not demanding a single cent out of taehyung, “handsomeness can only go so far!”
well, taehyung’s definitely went further than having to get you a pair of new christian louboutin’s.
on sunday, you’d left in the early morning to your company. you weren’t sure if the cute dog owner next door went for a walk that day.
but you knew he wasn’t on monday.
clad in a suit and tie, he’d appeared more mature than the oversized t shirt and wide pants. the time between waiting for the elevator and chatting as it went down was fleeting. you were glad you’d had the extra time to talk while waiting for the bus.
when it came, you’d hurriedly waved him goodbye and stepped in, not knowing that he would enter and waited a few feet away from you because it was packed and he couldn’t come any closer to continue your conversation. you were left with exchanging smiles with each other.
by the time the bus stopped at the juncture a few blocks away from your company, you’d narrowed your eyes at the man who got off with you. he was fixing his tie when your question made him look up with rounded eyes.
“why are you following me?”
perhaps it was the tugged in the corners of your lips that eased his shock - granted, no one would want to be misunderstood as a stalker.
“i’m going to work,” he announced.
you remembered yeeun mentioning something about a newbie - at that time, you were too preoccupied to inquire more about when this newbie was starting.
“don’t tell me it’s at luxean,” you quizzed.
“no way,” he’d looked at you like he was seeing a ghost.
and that was how you’d went from next door neighbors to coworkers hiding the fact that they were next door neighbors.
“they’ll make us work overtime together!” you’d sighed, “since it’s more ‘convenient’ for us to meet up and finish up work.”
taehyung only chuckled but agreed anyway.
and so it went, you’d become bus buddies and coworkers with secrets. then you’d become meal buddies, knocking on your door at 8 in the pm and offering spicy rice cakes because, “hey, i ordered an extra, did you have dinner yet?”
it was obvious that you didn’t. and it was obvious that he knew, “do you wanna come over and have dinner together? it’s been awhile since me and tan have visitors over.”
then one dinner became two and two became three, until it was almost as natural as breathing to ask the other what they want for dinner.
“ugh, i’ve been craving chicken lately,” you’d thrown your head back, vapor wafting on top of your coffee.
it was break time and taehyung found you munching on snacks at the resting area before he decided to join you.
“me too, i think the last time i had it was three weeks ago,” he sighed, patting his tummy.
“should we go get swicy chicken tonight?” you grinned.
taehyung looked at you with a tilt in his head and a playful smile.
then came a time when you couldn’t afford take-outs anymore, “if i opened my purse, i’m afraid a butterfly will fly out.”
“should we cook?” he suggested.
“oh hell no,” you’d shaken your head rapidly, as though trying to shake off the horrendous recollections of the last time you tried cooking, “unless you want me to burn the whole building down!”
“with your brain and my skills, what could go wrong?” was what he said.
the answer was a lot of things. from the pollocks catching on fire to the apartment smelling like a cremation place to the both of you giving up and settling with ramen.
“we tried,” you announced.
“we did,” taehyung echoed your sentiments, if not a tad bit dejected because he was the one that got you in on the idea when you’d initially proposed for having ramen every night until payday.
then it was back to slaving in front of your laptop for hours on end and taehyung knocking on your apartment door at 3 in the am because he texted you prior to that, asking if you had some coffee.
“how close are you to being done?” you’d asked, handing him three tins of mocha.
“not even half,” he huffed.
but then came an idea and your half-working brain blurted it out carelessly, “wanna come over and do it together? at least we can motivate each other out.”
there was no reason why you couldn’t do it separately in your own apartments and checked up on the other through text. but taehyung didn’t seem to think of that option, “sure.”
he’d found your dog-pooped heel when he went for the bathroom and you’d remembered only after he’d went in. neither of you said anything after he came back but when your workload got lighter and you’d got your paycheck, taehyung knocked on your door on a weekend while you were in your pj’s and bedhair pointing in every direction.
he was donned in his usual over sized shirt and wide pants with a beanie as an addition. you almost slammed the door in his face but he was smiling like he’d always smiled at you.
“happy paycheck day,” a bark echoed a second later from somewhere behind him.
“taehyung - you didn’t-” your jaw was on the floor and you’d looked at the paper bag with the initials of YSL overlapping each other like it was fire.
“i did, and i want to,” he looked over at the ball of jet black that was looking up at grinning up at you, “right, tannie?”
“tannie, you should’ve been the voice of reason!” you’d playfully chided but hugged the paper bag to your chest anyway, “thank you, taehyung.”
it was somewhere down the line that kim taehyung asked if you’d wanted to go for coffee - and you’d dumbly offered the ones stocked up in your fridge before he’d looked away hesitantly, hand scratching the back of his head.
by then, you’d recovered from your idiocy, “oh- you- mean, coffee, like that kind of coffee.”
“it’s okay if you-” he quickly says but you’re quicker, index finger on his lips, a smile tucked in the corners of your lips - till this very day, you wonder where you got that confidence.
“i would be delighted to grab some coffee with you.”
taehyung looked at you then like he looks at you now, like he can’t believe that you said yes to a coffee date with him. like he can’t believe you said yes to moving in with him to save up for your dream house. like he can’t believe you’re standing there, in a white dress, yeontan sitting as still as he can next to you after escorting you down the aisle.
you mouth ‘i love you’ to him before the pastor finishes off his question for you. and you turn to the aging man, grin turning into a schooled smile like you do when he sees you dealing with your clients.
but then you steal a glance at him and the smile falters into a grin for the briefest moment before you say, sincerely, madly, deeply.
“i do.”
note. hope yall enjoyed!
see drabble game! for how to request!
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hufflepuffhollander · 4 years
apocalypse: tom holland imagine
a/n | this is my second submission for @hollandsrecs​ 1k bingo event! truth be told i hardcore fell in love with this as i wrote it and lowkey want to dedicate more parts/lil featurettes to it... 👀
summary: a toxic storm that has wiped out most of the world’s population has you taking shelter and fighting for survival with an unexpected ally.
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tom x fem reader | contains alluded family/pet death, mentions of depression, angst, language, and generally morbid themes, but also fluff, love and hope so there’s that | word count: 2.7k | enjoy!
Ever since the rain, you’d lost everything.
That dammed day the skies turned black, your family had been one of the Burned. But you’d been stuck inside with a cold instead of going out with them that morning, and you didn’t know then that you’d never see them again. You’d woken up to earth-shaking thunders and faint shrieks, opening the windows to find torrential rain that resembled pure tar pouring from the sky. The power had gone out, and without any streetlights, you couldn’t see anything in front of you past your windowpanes, even though it was only noon. Without a clock, anyone would’ve looked outside and thought it was midnight. The only thing you had was a crank-powered radio your family kept for hurricanes, and you listened and learned through static and horror that the rain falling wasn’t rain at all — it was acid. And nobody caught in the first storm had survived.  
It rained black for a week straight, and you had to ration what food and water you had as you glued yourself to the radio, hoping to hear that maybe, just maybe, somebody had turned up saying they’d survived the rain, and that there were other survivors taking shelter elsewhere until they could safely come home. But the whole of England had been swallowed by the storm, and there was no hope for clear skies ahead. Yes, you were safe, but you couldn’t go outside. You couldn’t see outside. And you were completely, entirely, and wholly alone.
With each passing day you spiraled down further, darkness of the earth encroaching deeper within you, realizing that your family wasn’t coming back. Nobody was. You fell asleep in the dark listening to the thrashing of the rain that you had gotten used to, tears streaming down your face, and cursed your unsteady heartbeat for mimicking the rhythm of the weighted raindrops hitting your roof.
On what would’ve been day eight of the rain, you awoke to a dull orange light bathing your bedroom walls. You shivered under the pile of quilts you’d amassed as it was autumn in London and electricity was a luxury of the past. Confused at the image of your own hands in light, you bolted upright at the complete silence and stillness in the air. You moved your curtains aside to see the world painted in a bleak tangerine mist—and there was no black rain falling from the sky.
Your breath hitched in your throat and you clambered over your bed to reach your radio, tuning station to station, disbelief ringing in your ears.
“...it appears that the rain has ceased...”
“...the storm has lifted over London-”
“Officials have yet to deem it safe to go outside as we continue to track where the rain could have possibly gone, and if it is coming back...”
You felt unable to take your stare off the outside as your mind raced. Could you finally open your door, try to find other survivors? Was it safe? Did you even care? The stiff air in your house had you going stir crazy, depressed, out of your mind with delirium. Your heart was racing with no hope of slowing down; you had to try to go outside.
Without thinking you opened the front door, holding your breath. Your eyes still hadn’t adjusted to the light and you felt blinded, falling against the doorframe. Taking uneasy, slow steps onto the street, you shivered into your sweatshirt and peered through blinds of unmarked houses to see if anyone else had made it through, knocking on doors and waiting on silence. Cars were left with doors open, remnants of daily activities frozen in time in front of you, and just the sight sent another wave of chills through you. Was there anyone left?
Only a few houses away did you hear faint footsteps, getting louder and louder, were they...running? You whipped around in all directions but couldn’t see past a few feet in front of you due to the lingering mist in the air. The footsteps became increasingly menacing, and within half a minute you heard a voice.
“Hey, are you fucking crazy?”
Who was that?
You felt a strong pair of hands take hold of your shoulders and pull you into an empty garage, closing it behind them, shining a single beam of light in your eyes so you so all you could see of them was their orange-inspired silhouette.
“Gotta take cover...” he muttered in the chaos.
“Hey, you can’t just grab-”
“What do you think you’re doing wandering around outside?”
“You almost gave me a heart attack!”
“...I’m sorry.” his voice became a thousand times softer. “I...I haven’t seen anybody else in a week.”
Your own heart sank further in your chest than it already was.
“Neither have I.”
“You don’t have any family?”
“They were burned.”
“Sorry, who even are you?” you asked, shaking, the reality of the situation hitting you with a bolt of fear.
“Right, I’m Tom, Tom Holland. Sorry. I live a few streets down.” Strangely, you didn’t feel at all threatened by him.
“Why are you outside?”
“I’ve...I’ve been by myself, my dog was in the yard when the storm came. When it was quiet this morning, I thought I heard him bark...I couldn’t forgive myself if I didn’t go looking. It’s stupid, I know. He’s gone.”
“Where’s your family?” you mirrored his weary interrogation.
Tom looked down, stifling back a soft whimper. He crossed his arms tightly over his chest and quickly changed the subject, trying to regain his composure. 
“Look, I don’t know who else has made it through the week, but from what I’ve gathered, there aren’t many survivors, at least not around here. And since we’re both alone and the rain is coming again, I think we should stick together-”
A pang of fear. “Wait, how do you know it’s coming again?” A pulse of trepidation. “I don’t know you and I don’t trust you.” Tom grimaced at the inevitable struggle this was going to be—he didn’t care about who you were, he just wanted to survive—and flashed the light up onto the ceiling so you could see each other better. 
Synchronously you both let out a breath of relief that you were likely the same age, neither of you looking too much like a serial killer, both of you...well, beautiful, actually. But he’d never tell you that. 
“Does it matter? Half the world is dead. And you found someone else who survived, accidentally, and you’re about to turn around and flee back to face whatever comes next alone?”
You pondered what he said and reluctantly realized he was right. You would be absolutely crazy to willingly go back to where you were before and keep on going alone. How long could you survive like that?
“Okay, fine. But there will need to be boundaries.” You felt a sense of relief thinking about having another body nearby if another wave of darkness ever came, but you tried to push that thought out of your head before it could manifest.
“Whatever. Can you grab some of those batteries over there? The roof of my house is starting to give, so we’ll have to go to yours after I pick up some things.”
You nodded and found a box to fill up with anything you could find that looked useful. Tom opened the garage door again, eyebrows scrunched together in worry, and looked back at you. 
“Stay on my left so I know where you are if the mist gets in the way. Try not to get any water droplets on your skin. If you hear or see anything, tell me.” And with that, he was off. He seemed much more suited to the survivor lifestyle than you did.
You started walking with a huff. “And my name is y/n. Thanks for asking.”
You made it back to your house a long time later, and you were exhausted, feeling as though your lungs had been filled with toxic fumes from being in the mist.
Tom set his things down and walked around your house, weaving in and out of rooms like he was on a mission.
“What are you doing?” You stared at him puzzled as he stood on the couch and moved his hands in weird patterns along the ceiling.
“Trying to see if there are any cracks that water could get through,” he said, deep in concentration.
“Can you get off the couch?”
“Sorry.” he coughed.
You spent the next two days mending any loose boards or fixtures in your house, running into a lot of awkward conversation and sleeping at opposite ends of the house at night. The headspace you were both in was a hard one to shake, but you couldn’t deny that having someone else to navigate this new meager existence with helped tremendously. And you could tell Tom had a soft side that would show itself the more that you both sat on the couch together, wrapped in your own blankets, listening to the radio static for the hourly news updates on the storm tracking. In those moments, you would look at each other when you heard the voices come on, a glint of hope passing between your eyes, growing closer in the cold, pale air of your living room.
One night, the broadcaster put on a song in between updates, letting Nocturne No. 2 by Chopin flow through the speakers, and you and Tom danced to the simple melody together, just content to feel that warm feeling of a smile again. The change of pace was more than welcome, and you held each other close and spun around the living room as if it were a regular evening in a regular life; as if you hadn’t collided running from the apocalypse.
“You never told me you could dance,” you smiled at Tom.
“You never asked.”
On the fifth morning that Tom woke up in the guest room across your house, you were the first thing he thought of as his eyes fluttered open. Being in your presence had been his only refuge since the rain had come, and he had been on the brink of mental collapse before he ran into you wandering the streets that day. In a way, you had saved him from himself, and he still barely knew you outside of a few soft moments you’d shared. 
He noticed you were still in your room with the door shut instead of out on the couch, listening for news and reading like you usually were, and went to knock on your door when he heard muffled cries from behind it.
“y/n, are you okay?”
You sniffled and hurriedly wiped away the streamlines of tears that had streaked down your cheeks.
“Yeah, fine. Sorry.”
“Can I come in?” He opened the door without waiting for a reply. You were sitting against your bed on the floor, with a photo album spread open on your lap, looking at pictures of your family. You looked up at Tom through blurry eyes. “I miss them.”
His whole expression softened and he came to sit on the floor next to you, moving closer than he’d ever been to you. You took a leap and leaned into his chest, and he put an arm around you, pulling you in closer. You let out another silent cry, and he lightly rubbed your arm up and down with his hand.
“I know.” 
You reveled in his embrace and warmth, and tried to close the album, but he held it open.
“Tell me about them.”
“You don’t want to hear about that,” you sniffled.
“Yes, I do.”
He took a blanket off of your bed and wrapped you both up in it, sheltering you from the cold in the air, and you pointed at each picture and gave him an anecdote about every one that was taken, already feeling like they were stories of a past life. You smiled and laughed and even cried together, sitting for hours exchanging stories about your childhoods that weren’t really all that different. Before you knew it, it grew dark.
The house felt more sultry then, with the lantern you used at night burning its oil and the connection between you growing more palpable with every passing second. But you were both shortly jolted out of your trance by a loud alarm screeching out from the radio. It was choppy and hard to decipher.
“...there appears to be activity-”
“Reports are flooding in-”
“Red alert; we repeat, red ale-”
You and Tom stared at each other shell shocked for a moment before he hurried over to the windows.
“It’s dark, y/n.”
“It’s nighttime,” you tried to reason.
“Look at the clock for me,” his voice was shaky.
You felt your blood run cold as you did.
“It’s...3:30 in the afternoon.”
You both thought it was nighttime, but it’s only because the sky had turned black.
The radio tuned on again.
“If anyone is out there listening...it appears....that the rain has returned. We do not know how long this second wave will last, or when we will be able to broadcast again. We urge you all to stay sheltered and not to go outside. May god be wi-”
Another loud beep, and the signal had disappeared.
You let out a panicked whimper and Tom ran to and hugged you like he would lose you if you didn’t.
You heard a clash of thunder, and your windows shook. Then, the unmistakeable, dreadful sound of a torrential, violent rain. A tornado siren tolled in the distance, filling the watery noise with an abysmal blare. You could see nothing but the lantern in front of you; your body going into shock as your outside was warmed by Tom’s embrace but chilled to the core with fear.
"We need to go take cover,” Tom said quietly, lacing his fingers with yours. The storage room attached to the garage was the only one without windows, and you had set it up days ago with blankets, pillows, candles and food just in case you needed it, all while praying you wouldn’t.
Your legs barely carried you to the small room and Tom helped you to settle down on the mattress inside. He went to sit on the floor next to you, but you refused to let go of his hand.
“Tom...stay with me. Please.”
He silently obliged and laid down next to you, covering himself with the same blankets, pulling you close into him and wrapping his arms around your body, and he smelled like home. You closed your eyes and tried to take in every molecule of him, felt your whole chest sink down, the pressure that filled your head dissipating. Wrapped here in his arms, you could’ve almost forgotten that, on the other side of this wall, the world was ending all over again.
He breathed you in all the same, thanking anything that was left that he had you to cling to.
"We’ll be safe here,” he almost whispered.
“I’m scared, Tom.”
“I know.”
You took a breath to speak, and he pulled his head back just enough so that he could look into your eyes. They searched yours frantically, like he was just seeing you for the first time, only by the light of the lantern.
“But I’m a little less scared with you.”
He let out a slow sigh, attempting to steady his pulse, and rested his forehead against yours, bringing a hand up to idle in the crook of your neck. You didn’t know it, but he needed you as much as you did him in that moment.
“We’re in this together, y/n. You and me.”
A window shattered somewhere outside, followed by what sounded like a loud, shrill scream. You looked away in horror.
“Hey, hey. Look at me. Focus on me.” he spoke softly and turned your chin back with his thumb, rubbing your cheek in slow, calming circles. “We’re gonna survive this.”
“H-how do you know?”
“Because I’ll be damned if I was only given a week to know you.”
There was another vicious rumble of thunder, and your body shook involuntarily. It sounded like the heavens themselves were opening up onto your ceiling. Tom squeezed you tighter and pressed a soft kiss to your forehead.
“Talk to me, love.”
“About what?”
You stayed that way for countless hours, until the lantern ran out of oil, until you both were lost in dreams of days where the sun shone again. Maybe, one day you would be able to see it together.
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tagging some mutual pals :)
@peterspideysstuff​ @living-life-underoos​ @chloecreatesfictions​ @londonspidey​ @parkersroses​ @marvelhoesworld​ @tomhollandsmut​ @sad-thinker-over​ @marvelousnat​ @bunbun9396​ @thegreatestlovesofalltime​ @spideysquackson13​ @photoshopart15​ @sailingintothenight​
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sinner-as-saint · 5 years
All My Love.
Chubby! Bucky Barnes AU (One shot)
Run-through: As cliché as it sounds, you found love where it wasn’t supposed to be; in the middle of nowhere.
Themes: FLUFF, smut, Chubby! Bucky.
A/N: This is my first time writing Chubby! Bucky, and I’m nervous as fuck. I hope you like it, horny ballsacks, I love you!
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You sighed in frustration as you helplessly plopped down on the front stairs of the cabin you were staying at.
It was a cozy, decently spacious cabin in the woods, owned by your parents. And they happily gave you the keys after you said you needed to get away for a few days. You needed alone time because you had just gotten out of a 2-year relationship.
Long story short; you and your boyfriend could no longer do the long distance thing anymore. So you decided to go your separate ways. And you needed to heal, and rejuvenate – so you got away from the busy city and your job in the family business. And now you were here, in the middle of nowhere.
 You were frustrated because you couldn’t find your puppy. On your way here, you stopped at a gas station to get food and fill your tank, and right next to the gas station was a shabby pet store. You got curious and visited it.
Long story short again; you stepped out of the pet store with a puppy. It was a mutt, and it was alone – quite like you so you decided it was time to be a dog mom.
 And now, before you could even properly settle into your new, temporary home, your pup – Kenny ran away. The woods were safe, there were no wild animals or anything. And there were quite a lot of cabins not far from where you were but you were still a little worried.
The sun was setting, and the air just got colder and colder.
 “Kenny!” you shouted, obviously it was useless. You just got him, he wasn’t trained or anything and he obviously wouldn’t know that that’s his name.
 Your worry got the best of you, and your dog mom instincts took over; you refused to get back into the cabin without finding your precious fur baby.
You walked around and explored as you went. The area was beautiful, and serene. It was slightly cold, given the season was just beginning to shift from autumn to winter. The whole scene had a golden glow due to the sun which was getting lower and lower.
While admiring the wild flowers and weeds, and simultaneously looking for a little, black and white ball of fur; you heard a voice. One which sounded like it was not so close, but not too far either.
You followed it. It could just be someone who doesn’t live far from your cabin. That, or it could be a serial killer. Either way, you risked it to see if any of that would lead you to your dog. It was getting dark, and cold and you just needed to be inside.
 You walked further; following the voice. At first, you couldn’t make any sense of what the person was saying, but as you approached it you figured it was a male.
 You kept walking and soon found yourself approaching another cabin, a few yards away from your own. The lights were on and by now you were confident that the voice came from here. And you silently prayed that Kenny ran and hid under their porch or something. Else it would just be weird that you were this close to this person’s place with no reason.
Then you saw him.
The mischievous, little black and white brat.
He was running around and seemed like it was having a good time playing with a man. Your dog barked playfully and jumped around this man who had an axe in his hand.
You initial reaction was fear, then you saw the pile of logs around and you calmed yourself down. Poor guy wasn’t a serial killer, turns out he was just chopping wood.
 “Are you hungry, little buddy? You want some food, yeah? Such a good boy!” you watched how the man bent down and scratched your dog behind its ear, and talked to the latter with an adorable voice.
You cleared your throat and managed to get both their attention.
The man stood up straight and turned around to face you. And good God was he cute! Dark, long-ish hair tied up in a low man bun, a perfect amount of facial hair, blue eyes which glowed due to dusk, and the most sinfully pink lips you had ever seen. He wore a grey sweater and tight jeans which accentuated just how thick his thighs were. And he was quite tall too. 
You found yourself thinking about how adorable his chubby cheeks were. And he looked like he was soft around the middle. Just overall cute.
You had to peel your eyes off him before it seemed like you were being a creep.
 “Oh, hello. This dog yours?” the man asked, with a voice so smooth and velvety that it sounded like angels were singing each time a syllable rolled off his tongue.
Breathe Y/N, breathe.
 “Yeah, sorry to bother you. I- he just ran as soon as I put him down and I wasn’t fast enough to chase him. I’m sorry for the inconvenience,” you apologized and watched how Kenny sheepishly made his way over to where you stood. You bent down and picked him up.
 “I’m Y/N, by the way. I just got here and I guess I’ll be your neighbor for a week or two,” you spoke as you cuddled your dog and got lost in the stranger’s eyes.
He smiled and you immediately noticed the crinkles by his eyes. Damn, he was beautiful.
 “Oh no worries, I quite like dogs actually. And this one just ran up and started playing under the logs. I was worried he might hurt himself. He’s very cute, by the way. And I’m very pleased to be your neighbor, I’m Bucky,” he spoke in that spell bounding voice of his.
And sent another breathtaking smile your way.
 “Nice to meet you, Bucky. And thank you for saving this little brat. I should get going, it’s getting cold. See you around,” you started to leave, but he stopped you.
 “Y/N, would you like some wood? It looks like it’s gonna be a cold night. You might wanna keep you and that little cutie warm and cozy. Should I chop you some?” he offered.
Just the fact that he even bothered to care made your heart burst and made a million butterflies go crazy in your stomach.
 “Yeah, yes please,” you held on to your puppy and walked back to your house as Bucky followed you with his axe in his hand.
 At some point he was walking beside you and you were shamelessly checking him out. There was something about his gait, and how with each step his thick thighs flexed against the material of his pant, which made you wanna ride his thigh all night until t-
 “Wow, the view of the lake from up there must be amazing,” he pointed to the balcony on the side of the house. The one which was right outside one if the rooms upstairs.
You smiled.
 “Sure is, only this little rascal didn’t even let me enjoy it. Oh and, the wood is right under the porch. Let me help you with-,”
 He stopped you.
“Oh no that’s alright, doll. Those are heavy. I’ll manage just fine, in fact, you should get this little guy inside. He looks like he’s cold,” Bucky spoke as he set his axe down and took a few steps towards you to pet Kenny’s head.
He was so close to you. And he tilted his head in adoration as your dog leaned into his touch.
 His eyes flicked to yours and you made solid eye contact for a few seconds. After which he smiled and walked over to the porch, and started pulling out the large pieces of wood.
You caught one last glimpse of him in action, then you walked the few steps and finally entered through your front door. Your luggage, Kenny’s bed, his cage, his bowls and food were all still to be unpacked, and they were all piled on in the middle of the living room.
 You took the bowls out, filled them each with dog food and water and set them by the stairs. While Kenny happily munched on his dinner, you peaked through the window of the living room.
Bucky was out there, chopping wood like it was nothing. With each sound of the dull thump of the axe against the sturdy wood, you were afraid he might catch you looking at him; yet you audaciously kept watching him.
You noticed the softness of his tummy each time he bent down. You noticed how his sweater would ride up each time he would strike the wood with the axe – causing his soft love handles to show. You saw the look of concentration on his pretty face as he put aside the small pieces of wood.
You smiled like an idiot as you let go of the curtain and stepped back.
 On your way out to the porch again, you made sure to close the dark, heavy wooden door behind you.
“Think that’ll be enough to keep you warm for a few days,” Bucky spoke, looking up at you with a thin layer of sweat on his forehead.
You noticed the dimples in his cheeks as he smiled up at you, knocking the air out of your lungs yet again.
 “Thank you, Bucky, thanks a lot. I’ll make dinner in a while, would you like to stay?” you asked, hoping he’d say yes.
Being alone wasn’t an issue, but having company would definitely be great.
 It seemed like he thought over it for a moment.
“I’m good doll, thanks. I feel I should let you get accustomed and get used to the area. Some other day, maybe, for sure,” his tone was soft and he placed the axe on his shoulder as he bade you good night and walked away.
You watched him walk away for a few seconds, then you walked back inside with some logs of wood and a pout on your lips.
Was it too much too soon? Did you sound desperate? Were you desperate?
No, you just wanted to invite your neighbor over for dinner since he saved your dog and chopped wood for your fire tonight.
 “God I should stop over thinking. Right, Kenny? Oh but he is so cute, isn’t he?” your dog just looked up at you with its tongue hanging out.
 You sighed walking towards the fireplace. Within the next few minutes, you had a nice fire going, and you placed your puppy’s bed at a safe distance from the fireplace and he immediately curled up in it. You smiled like a complete idiot as you watched him.
He reminded you of your adorable neighbor – so cute you just wanted to squish his cheeks and give him all the love and kissed in the world.
 After unpacking, you called it a night. You slept in the room with the balcony, and dreamt of deep blue eyes all night.
 The next day, you woke up late. The mornings here in the middle of the forest were cold, and despite waking up at around 8: 30, you stayed in bed for another two hours.
When the sun started warming the place, you got out of bed finally. You walked down the stairs and immediately fed your dog who inhaled his food in less than a minute.
You opened a few windows and walked up the stairs again, and got into the shower. A long, warm shower later, you stepped out in a light grey bathrobe and a towel wrapped around your head.
You walked down the stairs again, made yourself a cup of tea and walked back upstairs. This time, with Kenny in your arms. And you finally stepped onto the balcony to admire the view Bucky talked about.
 And he was damn right. The view of the somewhat still foggy lake was breathtaking. You drank in the view, along with your tea; calmly. But then, your puppy started barking at no one in particular.
It had been years since you had owned a dog, and you could really figure out what kind of a bark it was.
 “Kenny, you are not a guard dog. You’re just a small, little p- oh my God!” you exclaimed under your breath once you caught what your dog was barking at.
 It was him! It was Bucky, and he was walking towards your house. Making his way down the slightly twisted alley which connected your house to his. So, Kenny’s bark was a happy one. He was excited to see Bucky.
Oh shit!
You rushed back into your room and immediately paced around for a bit. Oh why couldn’t he be here like an hour later? That would give you time to at least look better than you did now and–
 Your racing thoughts were interrupted by the sound of someone knocking on your front door. Without even bothering to look at your appearance in the mirror, you rushed down the stairs with Kenny in your arms and immediately opened the wooden door.
On the other side stood a very happy Bucky, whose cheeks suddenly got pinkish. You didn’t understand why at first, then you followed his line of sight and it led straight to your semi exposed breasts. Turns out, in the process of picking Kenny up and running down the stairs, your robe loosened around your body and the swells of your breasts could partially be seen.
Not too much, just enough to keep him guessing.
 “Hey, Bucky! Good morning,” you spoke as you tried to subtly adjust your robe back again, and mentally smirked.
It took his a second to focus back on your face.
“Morning Y/N, I- uh I’m sorry I turned down your dinner offer last night. I just, I had a lot of stuff to do and I didn’t want to impose. So, I came to make amends. And I brought you apple pies, I hope you like it. I made them myself this morning,” he spoke, his cheeks still a little pink from earlier, as he handed you a warm container.
And his smile was to die for.
You had to fight back the urge to break into a smirk each time you found him struggling not to look down at your chest again.
Also, how thoughtful and kind of him!
 “Thank you so much, Bucky! I love apple pies. Oh and about dinner, it’s fine really. And thank you again for the wood, it really helped in keeping the house warm all night,” you smiled at him as you accepted the container.
 “And how’s this cutie?” he scratched Kenny’s head again, and the latter who was still in your arms was just as lovesick as you were.
Good Lord, you did not just say that!
 “He’s fine, he slept well. And something tells me he likes you better than he likes me,” you chuckled as your puppy leaned into Bucky’s touch again, with its tongue hanging out and its big black eyes staring loving at the man in front of you.
 Bucky laughed. And it was the most charming sound you had ever heard.
 “Nah I’m sure he loves you, you’re so cute and-,” he stopped himself abruptly and his entire face turned into this shade of pink you might never forget. Ever.
You smiled up at him, not even bothering to hide the fact that you were flattered. That’s one of the many things which amazed you; everything seemed to be so easy with him. You didn’t have to hide.
 “Well thank you Bucky, you are too,” you spoke and mindlessly bit your lip. It was a habit honestly, you did it whenever you were embarrassed or nervous or put in the spotlight. And here you were all of the above.
 Bucky’s eyes flicked to your lips for just a moment, then he looked into your eyes as he pulled back his hand from your puppy.
 “I, uh, I should head back. I’ve to, um, work on stuff. See you, Y/N.”
With that said, he turned his back on you and walked away again. A few steps further, and he turned back around and gave you a cheesy smile.
You felt a warmth wash over your face when he did. And he caught it.
 A couple of days passed and you enjoyed the bliss of being away from the busy city life. You made an effort to wake up every morning and enjoy the view of the lake. And somehow, it always reminded you of your neighbor.
He was infiltrating your thoughts more and more each day and you weren’t even complaining.
You knew you were the type who liked older guys, and he seemed slightly older than you. And you liked that.
 This was new to you, you had never been one to catch feelings so quickly. Yet, here you were – shamelessly falling for the cute neighbor before even knowing anything about him.
 Thanks to Kenny, you- wait. Where is Kenny?
You panicked. You were busy dreaming about the blue-eyed man that you forget to check up on your puppy.
 You hadn’t heard him bark or anything for a while. You rushed downstairs and called out for him, which he didn’t respond to, again.
Just then, you saw the little crack at the front door.
 Oh fuck, your dog had escaped again!
 You ran outside in fear, yet the sight in front of you calmed you down instantly.
Bucky was walking over to you, with your dog in his hands. And the latter was shivering.
 “Oh my God! What happened to him?” you rushed over to the two of them.
Your poor little fur baby was still shivering as you took him from Bucky’s arms and cradled him. You noticed the mud all over him.
 “Seems like he needed saving again. He was trapped among thorny bushes, and got all muddy. Found him while I was walking and checking the place out. You should really lock your front door, doll,” Bucky gave you a concerned look.
And you looked up at him sheepishly.
 “I’m so sorry, I just- I guess I forgot. Thank you Bucky, really,” you spoke and he mindlessly took a step closer.
 “Anytime, doll,” he whispered and looked down at your dog, and smiled.
You couldn’t get enough of the nickname, nor the smile. This man was doing things to you, not that you were complaining.
 “You’re gonna accept the dinner invite now? Come on, it’s the least I can do. You’re always saving my dog, plus I could use some company,” you gave him your best smile.
  And he finally gave in.
Of course he couldn’t resist anymore. In fact, he was smitten the moment he laid eyes on you. Totally whipped, and he first politely declined your offer because he was being a little, just a little insecure.
Then he saw you that day in your bathrobe, and the flirty smile you sent his way; and he was done for. He knew he couldn’t stay away for long.
But the thought that you might not see him in the same light bothered him. But that was until now.
He happily accepted. And you asked him to come over later that evening.
 As he turned his back and walked away, you had the goofiest smile on your face. You rushed inside and tended to Kenny. Luckily, he wasn’t hurt or bleeding. He was just scared. You cleaned him using a cloth and warm water, fed him, and put him in his cage – where he slept soundly while you got busy in the kitchen.
It was around 4:30 p.m. so you had plenty of time. You thanked God you had stopped at a grocery store and bought enough things to fill your fridge and pantry.
You decided on an easy dinner; stuffed chicken breasts, tomato soup and grilled cheese. Simple, but hopefully you manage to impress the cute guy.
 After cooking, you cleaned up everything and made sure the kitchen looked spotless; even though you hated cleaning after you cooked.
Then you rushed upstairs and hopped into the shower. Kenny had recently learnt how to go up and down the stairs so he followed up, after you let him out of the cage.
 After a long shower, you got dressed in something simple and got downstairs to double check everything.
You were nervous, of course. Who wouldn’t be?
 Right as you were setting the cozy dining area, the doorbell rang. And Kenny immediately got excited.
 “Okay, okay I know he’s here, calm down,” you picked him up as you opened the door.
 And there he was, just a handsome as ever. Bucky.
Black shirt and a cute sweater on, he looked great. And as you smiled and let him in, you couldn’t help but get a sneaky look at his thighs. Good God…
 Within the next minute, your dog jumped out of your arms and ran to him. He laughed and picked him up as you watched the two in awe.
“You know, I think you were right. He does love me a lot,” Bucky spoke, giving you a teasing smile and raising his eyebrows at you.  
You couldn’t help but smile so hard that your cheeks hurt. He was so wholesome, and adorable and cute and hot at the same time.
You noticed he tied his hair in a low bun today. Which also allowed you to make a very odd observation; of how perfect his nose was.
Jesus… I might be going crazy over this man.
Dinner went by just fine that night. Bucky wouldn’t stop complimenting you on how much of a good cook you were. And you wouldn’t stop blushing each time he did.
He spent some time with you and Kenny curled up in his lap by the fireplace. Over glasses of wine, you and Bucky shared reasons why you needed this getaway to the cabins.
You told him your story, and he told you his.
Turns out, you both had one thing in common – you had both just gotten out of quite long relationships. Bucky’s girlfriend of 5 years, Natasha, broke up with him over the phone after a trivial argument, and days later she dropped by his apartment to collect her things and gave him back the engagement ring.
After which, he couldn’t stay there. He needed to get away so now, here he was.
 “I’m sorry you had to go through that, 5 years… that’s- that’s a long time,” you didn’t know what else to say.
Bucky scoffed quietly.
“Yet, it seems like it went by in a blur. I don’t know, maybe I’m too old fashioned for this fast moving world but, I think when someone meets the one they’re meant to be with, things change. For the better.” His words intrigued you.
You looked at him and watched how the glow from the fireplace made him look even more handsome.
“What do you mean?” you urged him talk. Just hearing his voice was soothing.
 “I mean, if someone is meant for you then they should complete you. They’re that one missing piece you’ve always needed, right? I don’t know, I think I always thought that when I’ll meet the one it’ll feel like… I don’t know, like… I mean-,”
 “Like something fits,” you completed his sentence and he looked at you like you had all the answers he’s been searching for.
Seeing he was rambling, you cut him off and completed his sentence because you knew exactly what he meant. You felt the same way.
 “Yeah, like something fits. Like they belong there in your life. I sure loved her, but it never felt that way with her,” Bucky spoke as he took another sip of wine and lazily stroked Kenny’s soft fur.
 “It never felt that way with Steve either.” You stared into the fire burning in the fireplace as you realized finally what went wrong with you and Steve.
 After that night, meals at your place became a daily thing. And soon, a whole week had passed and Bucky could’ve sworn that he spent much more time in your house rather than his.
Each morning when he went for his walk/exploration, he’d stop by and take Kenny for a walk. And by the time they both returned, you had breakfast ready. Bucky would leave then, and Kenny would sulk even though you’d give him all the toys in the world.
You couldn’t help but notice how your dog would immediately light up each time Bucky walked into your living room, just in time for dinner.
Each night, for a few moments, you wondered what it would be like if this was your everyday life. Away from the rest of the world, just you and Bucky… and Kenny as well.
You were falling for him, undoubtedly, and you only hoped that he felt the same.
 Another week went on and unknown to Bucky, you asked your parents if you could stay for a while longer. Perks of being an only child; they agreed immediately.
Unknown to you, Bucky took some more time off work and decided that he wanted to spend some more time here, in the forest in the middle of nowhere.
 Almost each night was the same, Bucky would come by for dinner. Sometimes he even brought dessert and wine. You’d spent amazing moments together just talking and telling each other stories of your life. And yet each time he’d leave, you wished he’d stay for much longer.
Until one night, he did.
 The two of you were by the fireplace as usual, with glasses of wine in hand and talking about life in general.
 Somehow, the mood shifted. It was a pleasant shift.
“… and then my friend asked, ‘Why do you want to spend more time in that forest?’ and I said that I had found something worth staying back for a few more days for,” the tone he used made you blush and chuckle.
 “It’s my dog, isn’t it? You stayed back for Kenny, say it!” you spoke dramatically, and it sent him into a fit of laughter.
His laugh was something you’d remember for a long, long time.
 “I did. I stayed for him and, his beautiful mom,” he spoke, looking right at you with radiance in his eyes. The reflection of the fire made his eyes look even more enchanting than they already were.
 You blushed even more as his eyes wouldn’t leave yours.
A few seconds of looking into your eyes, and Bucky thought he was being foolish. He thought you didn’t like him like that, because you didn’t react or say anything immediately
But truth was, you were scared that you might stutter. Bucky’s words caught you off guard and you couldn’t talk because they left you breathless.
He thinks I’m beautiful… oh dear…
 “I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. I just- I thought- never mind, I’ll go. I’ll just-,”
You leaned in abruptly and cut his rambling off with a kiss on the lips. It took him a few seconds to kiss you back, you believed he was just as shocked as you were.
Slowly, you placed the glass aside and climbed onto his lap. You smirked through the kiss as you finally sat on his thighs, the same ones you had been often dreaming about.
 Your mouth moved against his wonderfully as you straddled him and settled right over his crotch. You felt his smile through the kiss as he pulled you closer.
His hands slipped under your sweater and his fingers were slightly cold.
You shivered and giggled as he gently tickled your sides.
The two of you giggled and laughed so much while lazily making out that it woke Kenny up. And he barked, gaining both your attention.
 “Maybe we shouldn’t do this in front of him,” Bucky whispered in your ear and tugged on your ear lobe with his teeth.
You felt a tingle go down your spine as he did so. And you agreed.
  After putting Kenny back into his cage, and covering it up with his blanket, the two of you made your way upstairs like teenagers sneaking upstairs at a party. Giggling, and falling over on the stairs and holding on to each other for dear life.
 At some point, before even making it into your bedroom, Bucky pushed you against a wall and kissed you fervently.
You sensed the wine in his breath but that was fine. Everything was fine when you were with Bucky. Everything made sense.
 His hands on either side of you and his soft torso pressing against you, you smiled through the kiss again. Your hands found their way into his long hair and you messily undid his man bun.
“I’ve been wanting to kiss you since the day I first saw you, you know that?” he whispered softly along your skin as he kissed, and bit your neck and the side of your throat.
His beard scratched your skin and his hands found their way to your waist and he drew imaginary shapes on your skin. Just the way he held you made it hard for you to think straight.
 “Then why didn’t you?” you managed to whisper when he pulled away for a few seconds to look at the love bite he had just given you.
You were panting just at the sight of his lower lip in between his teeth.
He smirked, knowing the effect he had on you.
 “I don’t know. Maybe I thought that you were just out of my league,” he teased with a raised eyebrow and waited for your reaction.
 You grabbed him by the collar and pulled him forwards, lips just centimeters away from his soft ones.
“Oh shut up, and take me to bed Barnes. I want you, now,” and nothing more had to be said. He smirked and pulled you along as he rushed to the bedroom.
It was the only master bedroom so it was easy to find.
 Once past the doors, you giggled as your tugged on his sweater, urging him to take it off. And once he did, you went and took yours off too – leaving you in a nude bra. You noticed how his eyes lingered on you for a while; with his lower lip caught in between his teeth.
Somehow, you found the bed and pushed Bucky onto it and straddled him again once he laid flat on the bed; unbuttoning his shirt as fast as you could. All while kissing him senselessly.
He moaned quietly into your mouth while his hands rubbed your sides slowly.
Once all the buttons of his shirt were undone, he flipped the two of you around and hovered above you with a smirk on his face. You giggled as you wrapped your legs around his waist pulling him closer, and slid his unbuttoned shirt off his shoulders.
Bucky went on to take the shirt off completely and then bent down once again to reach around your torso to remove your bra.
You arched your back off the bed to ease the process, and you could tell even through the wine buzz that he was taking his time on you. He shamelessly allowed his eyes to roam all over you as he threw the bra somewhere around.
Once it was off, Bucky bent down to take one of your breasts into his mouth; licking and teasing the skin as he playfully bit your nipple.
Your hands gripped his hair as he sucked on your skin, while his hands worked rapidly in trying to get your skirt off. He pulled away for a second, and finally dragged your skirt down your legs before getting back to kissing his way up your body till he found your lips again.
You laid there under him in just your nude thong, and having his body press against yours was pure bliss. He made you giggled even more as he peppered your skin with kisses.
Meanwhile you desperately tried to unbuckle his pants.
 “You sure you want this, doll?” he asked in a whisper right in your ear.
You grabbed his neck and gently guided his face above yours so you looked into his eyes.
 “I do. I want this, and I want you,” you spoke, looking into his eyes and he cracked a little smile. You leaned in and kissed him again, pushing him onto his back as you straddled one of his thighs.
You had fantasized about riding his thigh way too many times now, and you weren’t gonna pass this opportunity.
Bucky leaned on his elbows as he watched you get comfortable on his thigh; placing your dripping, hot clothed core right onto his skin.
The moment your thong’s flimsy fabric touched his skin, you let out a moan and it caught Bucky’s undivided attention. He felt your wet warmth against his skin, and he loved it.
 “You wanna ride my thigh, huh? I can feel you’re wet already. Go on, doll,” one of his hand reached out to cup your cheek as he spoke.
His thumb gently tugged on your lower lip as he felt a certain wetness creating a damp patch on his thigh. And he loved every second of it.
 Shy at first, you moaned quietly as you slowly moved your heat against his skin and immediately felt a sweet pressure forming in between your hips. Your throbbing clit rubbed against his skin through the thin fabric and it drove you insane.
As you kept moving against him, you unbuckled his belt, unbuttoned his pants and lowered the waistband of his underwear just enough to let his erected cock out.
Thick and smooth, your mouth watered just at the sight of it. You gently wrapped your hand around his cock while your other hand laid flat on his soft belly to steady yourself.
You started out by gently pumping his cock each time you rubbed your sensitive clit against his skin. Then you got more and more aroused at the feel of his smooth skin against your core as well as the palm of your hand.
Bucky moaned as you slowly rubbed the slit on the tip of his cock with your thumb, gathering the pre cum which leaked from his tip. You smeared it around his length and pumped him slightly harder as you quickened the motion of your hips as well.
Bucky watched you in awe. He watched how a spot on your underwear got more and more damp each time you rubbed against him. He watched how you threw your head back and moaned as your hands gently moved up and down his cock, and he had trouble keeping his voice down.
He watched you in pure adoration how you quickened your pace and moved against him more rapidly, chasing your orgasm as you humped his thigh. You pumped him quicker as well.
Yet, right as he started gently thrusting his hips into your hand, you let go of his cock with a smirk on your face. You bit your lip and waited for his reaction as you kept rubbing yourself against his thick thigh.
 “Such a tease,” he commented and proceeded to trace your lips with his thumb, until he finally pushed it past your lips. You let him.
Slowly, you twirled your tongue around his thumb as you quickened your pace at rubbing against him; your arousal smearing all over his bare thigh. And the look on his face told you that he loved every second of it.
The pressure at your base grew even more as you rocked against his skin. You felt a tingle go down your spine the moment he lifted his leg just the slightest bit and bumped his thigh gently against your wet heat. You let out an involuntary moan.
“You’re such a beautiful mess, doll,” he spoke in a haze, removing his finger from your mouth, smearing your drool over your lips; all while loving how feral you could get.
He kept lifting his thigh gently to meet your movements and soon, you came undone against him; rubbing yourself rapidly on his thigh while moaning his name.
When you stopped to catch your breath, he grabbed you by the waist and pinned you down on the bed. He looked into your eyes as he lowered your underwear down your legs. You let him do whatever he wanted.
He got rid of his pants and underwear and climbed into bed again; hovering above you with a sly smile on.
 Your hand reached out to tuck his long hair behind his ear as you looked into his dreamy blue eyes. He stared back into your eyes and simply leaned down to kiss you on the nose.
You giggled as he was probably a little tipsy too from all that wine earlier.
 Bucky kissed your skin; from your mouth to your neck as he carefully slid into you. Your walls welcomed him perfectly and he moaned under his breath as he filled you up entirely, inch by inch.
Your legs wrapped around him immediately, pushing him more into you as your back arched off the bed once he was fully buried in you.
And he wasted no time and started rocking into you. His hunger could be seen in his rapid movements, his messy kisses and the occasional moans which would escape his lips.
He laced your fingers together and pinned both your hands above your head as he pounded into you. Your eyes rolled to the back of your head once he started rocking in and out of you.
You felt his chubby cheeks, which you loved so much, press against your own as he muttered your name under his breath while he fucked you relentlessly.
His hips rolled against your body perfectly, and his body weight pressing down on you was comforting. His grip around your hand tightened each time you’d moan his name out loud; something told you he liked it.
 He rammed into you incessantly, and the moment you felt the pressure becoming too much to handle; he pulled out and watched you squirm and whine under him.
“Bucky!” you dragged his name out sinfully, and opened your eyes to see him smirking.
 He sat up and pulled you along with him. You knelt in front of him on the bed and watched him with puppy dog eyes; desperate to have him back in you.
His wild blue eyes bore into your eyes and you caught the hint of mischief in them. His hand reached out and he gripped your jaw in his palm, inching your face closer to his.
Your lips parted as you were almost breathless; panting and trying your hardest to catch your breath. He leaned in and kissed your open mouth, his tongue stroked the top of your mouth slowly and you found yourself on the verge of going absolutely crazy.
When his tongue was done roaming your mouth, he pulled away; biting and tugging on your lower lip. You moaned in a haze as he did.
 “Such a pretty baby, want you to ride me. Think you can do that, doll?” he asked, making himself comfortable against the headboard and pulling you onto his lap.
You nodded frantically. You would’ve said yes to anything in that moment. You didn’t care, you just wanted him. You wanted him bad.
 You lifted your hips above him, and gently slid down on his erected, throbbing cock. The two of you moaned out loud as your walls slowly invited him in.
Bucky hands held you lazily, his hands around your hips as his cock buried deep within you. You lowered your eyes to look at where your body connected with his, and the mere sight of his cock being buried deep within you was enough to make your arousal flow out of you even more.
 Bucky cupped your face again, his thumb tugging on your lower lip.
“Go on, baby.” He urged you to move.
 His cock made you feel so full that you wished you could stay in that moment forever. Yet the moment you rocked your body against his, you could no longer form a proper thought.
You felt all of him; each inch of his skin, each vein on his cock against your walls as you lifted your hips and sunk down on him repeatedly.
He lifted his hips to meet you halfway each time, and the sounds which escaped your lips only fueled the lust and the passion he felt in the moment.
And he went wild.
His hand found your jaw again, and he forced you to look into his eyes as you rode his cock like your life depended on it; your walls stretching each time he filled you up entirely.
You moaned as you looked into his eyes; his stare was intense. His lips were parted as he looked at you like you were a goddess.
Messy hair, a thin layer of sweat covering both your bodies, swollen lips and marks of his adoration all over your neck and chest; you were indeed the most beautiful thing he had ever seen.
You felt his cock hit all the right spots each time you bounced on his length, and his own lips parted and he groaned the moment your walls started clenching around him.
Bucky knew he wouldn’t last very long the moment his name left your lips; sinful and hot.
As you felt the pressure building again, you leaned in and kissed him. A drunk, messy kiss of passion was all it took for the two of you to get completely wild.
He grabbed your hips harshly and kept you in place as he pounded into you from beneath you, his cock slipping in and out of you with ease. Your body moved against his like a rag doll, as he sped up into you with each thrust.
Soon, the sounds of your skin slapping against one another furiously was all you could hear, along with your moans.
 Bucky watched in awe how you slowly reached your orgasm, and he believed it was the hottest thing he had ever seen.
With a few more rapid strokes of his cock, you came undone; gushing out all over him. You came around his cock with a loud moan as you could no longer control the movement of your hips; grinding against him hungrily while he growled against your lips.
 “Oh… fuck!” he grunted as he came right after you. You felt his thick, warm load shoot inside you and against your walls and you smiled in delight while riding the waves of euphoria.
Bucky watched what a beautiful mess you were, whimpering and moaning as he gently lifted you up to remove himself from you.
You collapsed onto his chest right after; face into the crook of his neck, hands on his soft chest, body pressed against him while he wrapped his arms around you.
You felt his beard tickle your skin as he kissed your forehead and covered your tangled bodies with the soft blanket.
You sighed in his arms.
 “You’re so warm,” you whispered, against his damp neck and he chuckled. You could feel his cum trickling out of your folds and smearing all over his thigh, but neither of you cared in that moment.
“It’s late baby, go to sleep,” he mumbled under his breath and that was the last thing you heard before drifting off to sleep.
You woke up to cold air hitting your skin, making you shiver slightly. 
Weird, usually you close all the windows before going to bed.
 And the moment you opened your eyes, memories of the previous night washed over you. And you found yourself smiling before you had even properly woken up yet.
Speaking of waking up, you rubbed your eyes open and saw that it was still very dark in the room. You looked over at the clock on the bedside and it read 4:03 a.m.
You looked around, disoriented and saw that the balcony door was open. Which would explain the cold air. And in the dark, you could make out a figure leaning over the rails.
 You sat up quietly, wrapped the blanket around you and walked over to him; on your quest to find out why he was out of bed so early in the morning.
As you approached him, he wasn’t aware of your presence as he was looking over at the lake which was glimmering in the dark hour. He wore just his pants. And you wondered why he wasn’t cold.
 You smiled and walked closer to him very carefully and wrapped your arms and along with the blanket around him from behind.
He sighed the moment your arms wrapped around his torso. His hands found yours and you placed a soft kiss on the back of his neck.
 “Hi,” you spoke quietly, not wanting to break the soothing silence of the early morning.
 “Hi,” he replied, lowering his head to kiss your interlaced hands on his chest.
 “It’s cold out here, Buck. Come back to bed,” you murmured against his skin and pretended as though you did not feel the goose bumps which erupted on his skin the moment your hot breath hit his skin.
“Yeah, sorry I woke you up. I needed to step out for a little bit,” he sounded apologetic as he spoke, gripping your hand tighter in his.
You placed soft kisses all over his skin, from his shoulder to his soft cheek as he spoke.
 “What’s there to think about at 4 a.m.? Care to share?” you asked, tightening your arms around him and gently swaying the two of you.
 Bucky sighed again.
“Just… I don’t know. You don’t regret last night, right? I mean, you deserve someone who’s so much better than me and-,”
 You cut him off with a sharp tone.
“You better be very careful about what you say next, mister. I like you, okay? I like you a lot. I’ve liked you since day one, when I saw you chopping wood for me. I thought you were the cutest, most adorable lumberjack I have ever seen.”
You finished and Bucky grabbed your arm and pulled you in front of him, placing you between his shirtless body and the wooden rail of the balcony.
He placed his forehead to yours and you placed your arms around his shoulders; still wrapping the blanket around him as well.
He pressed your naked body to his soft torso and you let him. Somehow, his body heat made you feel warmer than any blanket ever could. 9
“We don’t have to rush into things. But I want you to know that I have a lot of love to give you. Buck, everything feels like it’s where it should be when I’m with you. Everything fits, and you make me happy. And I want you here, with me, for as long as possible.” You finished and removed your forehead from his to look up at him.
He smiled down at you, softly. Even in the dark, his eyes twinkled.
 “Where have you been all my life?” he asked and pressed his lips to your forehead, kissing you gently.
You giggled.
 “I’ve been looking for you too, you know? Didn’t know you’d be out here, hiding in a damn forest in the middle of nowhere,” he chuckled at your response and wrapped his arms around your bare body.
His lips found yours in no time, and he gave you the gentlest kiss ever. You kissed him back immediately, trying you convey all your love for him through that one kiss.
You pulled away giggling as his fingers tickled your sides gently.
“Can we go back to bed now? It’s cold out here,” you asked and he pecked your lips again.
 “Sure, and could you give me some of that love you mentioned?” he teased as he walked the two of you back inside, closing the door behind him.
 You chuckled and pulled in into bed and under the covers as quickly as possible, attaching your lips to his again as you straddled his thighs. He smiled through the kiss as he wrapped his arms around you.
Bucky made love to you until the sun came up. He had you moaning and screaming his name until the sky turned blue. And as you laid in bed after, gazing into each other’s eyes; neither of you knew.
Neither of you knew that it wasn’t simply a coincidence that you met that first day. It wasn’t a coincidence that he saved Kenny multiple times, or that he happened to be at the right place at the right time.
Bucky and you were meant to be; you were meant to find each other in this lifetime. You were connected through the red thread of fate; your story was written in the stars.
@christinafaucher​ @zeilenkrieg​ @iluvsumbucky​
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meetmymouth · 4 years
when sunny met harry (2) : harry styles imagine
read part one here summary: harry and y/n break up but they’re not the only ones suffering. their -now her- golden retriever sunny thinks harry’s coming back.
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Just like everyday, as soon as she turns the lock, Sunny comes running to the front door, nails ‘clicking’ on the wooden floor as he jumps up and down on the other side of the door. As soon as the door’s unlocked and opened fully, Sunny leaves no time for hellos or any other form of greeting before he’s on her. It’s Friday night which is why there’s a bag for life full to the brim with groceries next to her backpack and Sunny takes it upon himself to sniff around the packaged food as if he’s looking for food.
It’s also the night Harry’s finally coming to see Sunny.
A month has passed since the phone call and it was last week when Harry’s name appeared on her phone, messaging to see if he could visit Sunny soon. Truth be told, she wasn’t ready to see him just yet. She knew she could’ve said no, or told him she would let him know when it would be a good time to visit but one look at Sunny’s way, she had caved in. Or was the look for reassurance only? She had accepted it in a heartbeat because deep down, she knew Sunny wasn’t the only one missing him.
And now there she was, trying to ignore Sunny as he barked relentlessly at the hoover.
When she reaches the corner of the sofa, Sunny comes closer to her and barks directly at Hetty the Hoover as if he’s trying to set some ground rules.
“Sunny, no!” The hoover is now turned off and she tries moving Sunny away from poor Hetty.
“Leave her alone! Sunny, down. Come ‘ere!”
Sunny does come, and she sits his bum down at her feet and stares at Y/N as if she’s going to reward him for being a menace.
“Why are you such a dickhead, huh,” she gives a pat to his fluffy head. “Do you know who’s coming to see you? Wanna wear your nice collar?”
As the pets continue, she feels a sudden pang of sadness at the memory of seeing Harry for the last time in this flat.
She thought about the look on his face; his beautiful eyes all glassy and lips pouty. Dark circles under his eyes and a large box full of his own share of vinyls to accompany his reluctant posture. How alien and hesitant he had looked in the middle of their, now her, living room.
She tries remembering the last conversation they had, last proper conversation before everything happened but Sunny’s heavy panting interrupts her thoughts and she heaves a sigh.
“Do you...” she extends the word deliberately knowing it will hype him up. “...know who’s comin’ to see your squishy mug today?”
This does nothing to hype him up though. Sunny remains seated at her feet, tongue slightly out as he stares at Y/N’s face as if she’s talking nonsense. “Harry’s coming, Sunny.”
At the mention of Harry’s name, Sunny’s goes crazy. He starts jumping up and down -as much as he can with the limited space between him and the sofa- and his tail keeps wagging in sync with his hoarse barking.
Although she too feels giddy about having Harry in the flat again -though she has to repeat the reason why he’s visiting in the first place every five minutes-, she’s also worried that her next door neighbour Mr. Yoni will knock on her door with puckered lips and slit eyes. As soon as she opens the door, Mr. Yoni will sigh and Y/N will start apologising, trying to bribe him with a cuppa and Tesco’s bourbon biscuits she knows he likes.
As she writes and plays the scenario in her head, she also keeps tidying up the living room, fixing up the pillows, collecting empty mugs and some pens scattered around. When she starts doing the washing up, she hears Sunny chewing the bone Harry’s gotten him and can’t help but roll her eyes at how sentimental she’s being. Exes and a dog.
So what, she thinks, are we going to co parent a bloody dog now? Saying yes to him visiting was a weakness on her part. She knew it was. She’s also not expecting them to get back together just because Harry’s coming to see Sunny. No. She has to get her shit together.
Harry’s charming. Interesting. Lovable and endearing. From the first night she’s laid her eyes on him; in his stupid corduroy trousers and a fuzzy striped cardigan, she knew she couldn’t forget him after that night. She was totally mesmerised by him. By his face. Yes, he was handsome- he is handsome. But he was also beautiful. Pretty. He had soft features, delicate... but there was also a sharpness to him, could cut you with his affection as soon as your eyes met across the room. His love could kill you. He could’ve told you the earth was flat and you would think ‘well, this kid is onto something’. It was his charm and the general aura to him that held you back from questioning him and his actions.
When they first met, he had just gotten out of a relationship. She knew because they ran in the same circles. She knew of him. They’ve been to the same birthday parties and even one or two weddings. Despite that, they had never spoken to each other before that night. So when they shook hands at a close friend’s birthday party that night, his hand still damp from the beer bottle he was holding, she knew she had to get closer to him, she wanted to be the reason behind that dimple appearing and the crinkle by his eyes when he smiled, his two larger front teeth peeking between his parted lips.
Though, much to her dismay, they didn’t hit it off like it happened in the movies. Theirs was a civil introduction. Nice… friendly. She couldn’t say much and the conversation died quickly as he was swept away from her by his friends. She had later learned that he found her annoying at first. In his words, she looked like she was better than anyone in that room. In her defence, it was because she was mesmerised by him and well, she wasn’t exactly the social butterfly Harry seemed to be. They always laughed it off though, with drunken smiles and chuckles between wet, sloppy kisses. It took them six months of friendship until she had enough and asked him out. One day while sipping margaritas in her garden, she had had enough and called him out. ‘Bloody hell you’re stubborn as fuck’ she said, ‘you’ve been looking at my arse all day and I’m pretty sure you’ve been eyeing my lips since like last month. So either come kiss me or just… keep it in your pants’. And then there he was, making a move.
Seven months into their relationship, Sunny became a member of their- well mostly Y/N’s family. They were happy. Sometimes too happy that it kept her up at night, wondering if the universe was plotting something against them soon. Turns out it wasn’t. They were just Harry and Y/N. Too comfortable with each other. Too in love. Too happy. Until the bickering had begun. At first it was mostly because Y/N kept putting his clothes in the wash before they got ‘really dirty’. Or how Harry kept making a mess in the shower, never cleaning up after himself, leaving his hairy razor on the counter. And it didn’t help when he started spending most of his free time in Los Angeles while she worked in London. It wasn’t only his fault. She had also stopped making time for regular phone calls as he kept them no longer than ten minutes and it went from long, meaningful chats to Harry talking more about his friends and their adventures than himself. In return, Y/N more or less, and perhaps without realising, started cutting their conversations short and vague because ‘I think the chicken’s ready, I’ll ring later’ or ‘Sunny’s chewing my shoes again, gotta go’.
When he came back from LA, everything started going downhill as if they weren’t bad enough before. Y/N started feeling uneasy in his presence; feeling self-conscious, mostly when they ate, when he came to have a wee while she showered or when they had sex. It also didn’t help how they always had people around. They didn’t get much free time to themselves. It was always Harry and Y/N… and the others. So it was a gradual thing, the fall of their relationship. And when they officially ended things, he not only left her heart in pieces but also another, much tinier heart was more or less broken. Sunny’s.
She puts those thoughts away and focuses on the washing up in front of her, snorting at how she’s been rinsing the same mug since God knows when despite it looking squeaky clean. Taking off one of the gloves, she touches the screen of his phone and her eyes widen at the time. Harry would be here any minute and she didn’t even have the heart to change into something more comfortable.
She decides on a cup of tea and spots the opened package of cheese twists and perches on the sofa. TV’s on, filling the flat with Alan Carr’s distinct voice as Sunny comes up and places his head on Y/N’s leg, looking as precious as ever.
“God forbid I eat anything by myself. You silly boy,” She breaks one of the cheese sticks in half and throws it next to his paws. “There you go.” As soon as the stick hits the floor, it’s gone in seconds as Sunny tries to lick the remnants of the cheese stick off of his face and the wooden floor.
Two more cheese sticks later, she gets a text from Harry letting her know that he’s here, at the door.
As she makes her way towards the front door, Sunny follows behind. Her heart starts beating faster and she feels her cheeks heat up, having an epiphany that Harry’s here, on the other side of the door. Sunny barks once as her hand reaches the door handle as if he knows who’s here. As soon as the door opens, their eyes meet and it’s like someone’s pouring hot water down her head. Harry opens his mouth but he gets interrupted when Sunny spots him.
Y/N watches as the two go crazy for each other, Sunny jumping up and down, trying to get his paws on every part of Harry’s body as Harry tries crouching down to pet him.
“Dear God you’ve gotten huge! Sunny! Bloody hell- ouch- stop biting m’ankles!”
“Come inside, he’s inviting you in,” she mutters and immediately regrets that stupid remark. As if it’s Harry’s first time meeting Sunny.
He looks up again and gives her a smile. “Are you inviting me in?” He says, tone as playful as ever. He glances down at Sunny again before she catches his eyes.
“Come in before he has a heart attack trying to get all your attention.”
“Always been an attention seeker, am I right Sunny boy?”
After he takes his shoes off, they make their way inside, careful not to trip and fall since Sunny’s still trying to catch Harry by his ankles. She sits on the far end of the sofa as Harry crouches down to give Sunny a proper cuddle.
The dog looks like he’s having the time of his life as Harry scratches his head, massages behind his ears and gives him gentle pats on his furry bum and Y/N tries hard not to cringe at the dog hair swirling in the air. He looks mesmerised by Harry and Y/N can’t blame him. When Sunny sneaks in a couple of licks, they both laugh as Harry wipes the sticky saliva with the arm of his thick jumper.
“Alright, alright, chill.” He gets up despite Sunny’s whines and his attention is now on Y/N.
“Hi,” she can’t help but give him a little wave from the sofa.
“Mhm. Want a cuppa?”
“Would kill for one actually,” he grins impishly and Y/N’s already on her feet, walking towards the kitchen.
When she glances back, Harry’s following and just like before, Sunny’s following close behind as if he’s being pulled by an invisible string. Clingy dog. She wonders if he’s feeling the things she’s too afraid to feel ever since Harry’s stepped into her flat.
They wait for the kettle in a slightly awkward silence as she takes the time to get used to his presence in her home again. It’s bittersweet, having him in the kitchen. Like when he used to wake up in the mornings and make a mess which he referrer as making breakfast. If it weren’t for the sound the kettle was making, she swears she could still hear the clatter of cutlery and Harry swearing loudly whenever he dropped something on the floor.
“Thanks for, you know, thanks for this.”
“Don’t worry about it, Harry. He’ll probably go ballistic as soon as you leave but I know you were missing him so… yeah.”
He gives her a sad smile and looks down at the dog who’s laying at his feet.
“Does he bark... always? Like, how bad does it get?”
“Well,” she puts the teabags in the mugs. “He sits in front of the door and barks non-stop as soon as I’m home. He usually tires himself out by the time I’m out of the shower but it’s been worse lately.”
As she pours the water, Harry glances at the fridge and a snort leaves her mouth at how reluctant he looks.
“I know you wanted to get the milk out. Just- don’t make this awkward. You can open the fridge without my permission.”
He gives her a pout and she has to turn her back to him and fiddle with the spoons for an unnecessary amount of time so that she doesn’t reach out and pinch his lips.
“I didn’t want to act like I own the place,” he mutters, milk in hand and Sunny all perked up at the sound of the fridge.
“Don’t worry about it. Honestly.”
The milk is back in the fridge, teabags stored back in the cupboard, kitchen light is turned off and they find themselves on the opposite sides of the sofa. Y/N sits cross legged on the spacious sofa while Harry’s looking oh so formal, one hand holding his tea and the other scratching Sunny’s fluffy neck who’s still not letting him out of his sight.
“You comfy there?”
Harry looks up, startled, and chuckles. “Erm, yeah. Why?”
“Dunno, you just look like you’re ready to run as soon as your tea’s finished.”
She knows she’s not subtle, judging his every move ever since he laid foot in the house. It’s not like she wants him to feel uncomfortable or guilty. It’s the opposite really; she doesn’t want to see him look so uncomfortable and on edge. It’s selfish really because it’s only been months after their breakup. Of course they both felt uncomfortable and awkward. And when he looks like his one foot is out of the door, Y/N feels horrible. She feels like it’s her own fault that he’s not feeling welcome.
“I just- I don’t know the limits? Like…” he places his tea on a coaster and clears his throat. “Like how comfortable should I get? Or- should we get? Am I allowed to sit all relaxed on the sofa…”
“Look, I get it. I’m sorry. I’m acting like a kid,” she takes a sip from her tea.
“Maybe- maybe I shouldn’t have suggested it this soon?” Harry more or less whispers, as if he’s walking on thin ice and he is. They both know it.
And well. Is he wrong? Were they stupid? Was she stupid, having his ex over for the sake of a bloody dog? Who was she kidding? She selfishly wanted to be in his presence again and she used both Harry and Sunny.
The awkward silence now increases as she tries to find something to say.
She wishes she was Sunny. Not because he’s still at Harry’s feet, head laid upon his socked feet but because he’s probably clueless to what’s been going on.
When she looks up, Harry’s still looking at her. His eyes are full of concern and she hates how familiar it looks.
“I’m really sorry. I don’t feel unwelcome at all. I know that’s what you’re thinking,” he gives her a tiny smile and her eyes fall to his dimple.
“You’re right though. I think we both acted without thinking. I mean, it’s kind of my fault anyway. Calling you like that-”
She shakes her head feverishly. “Yes. Ringing my ex as if Sunny’s a baby and he won’t fall asleep until his daddy wishes him good night.”
It’s dead silent until a snort comes out of Harry’s mouth and Y/N raises her eyebrows.
“Well he kinda is a baby, in’ he?” He reaches and pats Sunny in the head, making him perk up at the attention being given to him again. “And I am the daddy so…”
When he looks up though, Y/N’s watching him with an unimpressed look on her face.
“Too soon?”
“Not surprised at your inability to read the mood. Always cheeky. You done seducing that tea?”
When she stands up, Sunny does too. He knows she’s making her way to the kitchen with her tea in hand so he would normally follow close behind, thinking she’s going to fetch him more snacks.
He laughs at that though. He does because they get each other’s weird sense of humour.
“Nah I’m trying to see if I can finish it.”
“I won’t even take offence at that. I know I make a mean cuppa so, suit yourself.”
She tries passing him but he stops her.
“Come on, please sit down. I won’t get mad if you do the washing up after I leave,” he gives her a smile and surprisingly, it’s enough to make her sit down.
He waits for her to speak but it never comes. They sit in silence while Harry pets Sunny aimlessly.
“Can we- can I continue what I was saying before?”
“What? About you being a daddy?”
He snorts at that, the same hand that was petting Sunny now coming up to his head, fingers running through his hair so effortlessly. She watches as the hairs glide smoothly between his long, ring cladded fingers.
“No,” he rolls his eyes but a there’s a hint of smile there somewhere.
When their eyes meet, she smiles at him, properly smiles at him for the first time that night. When he returns it with his own dimpled smile, she almost forgets. She forgets why he came and for a second, it feels like they’re back in time. Back to when they spent most of their nights in front of the TV. Sunny curled up and snoring by the sofa while Y/N played with Harry’s hair, their legs tangled and his back against her chest. It takes her a minute to understand why Harry looks so confused.
“Sorry, I’m just really tired,” she murmurs.
“’s okay. I’m kinda glad you didn’t hear what I so bravely confessed there,” he chuckles at the ground and the sound makes Sunny lay his head against his legs, asking for more pets.
Despite his vagueness, she smiles at his boyish charm. “What was it?”
“Nah, not tellin’ you now,” he smirks, never once looking up from his petting session with Sunny.
A sigh leaves her mouth and that’s when he looks her way.
Were they flirting? Could exes flirt? Should they flirt?
And wait, did he get a new ring?
“Was it about my poor taste in cushions again?” She smirks, trying to sound as nonchalant as she can.
He tries getting comfortable on the sofa, leaning back and crossing his legs but Sunny starts barking as if to complain about Harry’s divided attention. He reaches down and gives him a pet but never once takes his eyes off of her.
It’s quiet after that. None of them speak. They lose the eye contact as soon as Sunny abruptly gets up from his laying position and walks to his water bowl, both of them watching him leave.
“He’ll bite my ear off as soon as you leave tonight,” Y/N mumbles, trying to pass it off as a joke but Harry doesn’t smile.
Instead, he sighs and scratches his knee. “I actually saw Sunny the week you called me… your brother was walking him near Gemma’s house and- well, yeah.”
At the news, she feels an anger bubble up inside her. Not towards Harry -maybe a little- but towards her brother. Since her brother’s not here, she’s going to take it out on Harry.
“Why didn’t you tell me when I rang? You- I, oh God. I’m such a fucking idiot. You came here out of pity and not because you missed Sunny, right?” She keeps going as if someone’s been timing her. “You probably laughed after right? At how pathetic I was? You should’ve told me!”
“Well, I didn’t! It’s not a big deal-” he tries again but she cuts him off and he’s slightly taken back by her widened eyes.
“Not a big deal? You came here because you pitied me! Well fuck, I know it’s pitiful but you shouldn’t-”
“I wasn’t missing the bloody dog, I only saw him that week! I used him to see you!”
She freezes, trying to process his words but as always, Sunny steals the show.
This time, he’s choking on his water.
⋆                           ⋆                                 ⋆
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lamesiscanon · 4 years
Remus meets Padfoot
(Read on AO3)
The first time Remus saw the dog in the shrieking shack, he was high.
Not high in the way he and James would spend Sunday afternoons under the quidditch stands, nor in the way the four marauders would occasionally get something from Gid Prewett and spend hours in their dorm room talking about nothing that mattered and laughing until their stomachs hurt.
No, Remus was high in the sense that he tore his body nearly in half once a month and this potion that Pomfrey gave him was the only way to minimalize the pain before he ripped himself apart in just under an hour. Side effects may include: tripping balls and space travel to other planets.
And apparently hallucinating giant, black dogs. This one was new. But hey, at least the full moon didn’t have shit on him now. 
Had Remus been in a state of mind that would have allowed his brain to produce just one sober thought, he might have been scared. Hallucination or not, seeing a dog that was almost the same size as your werewolf alter ego standing at an arm’s length away from your face was enough to scare any regular person shitless.
The thought was enough to make Remus laugh to himself. Any normal person would be scared shitless, but fortunately for Remus he was a teenage werewolf with a fucking magic wand. Seeing some stray in the shack was the least of his problems. 
The stray in question cocked it’s head to the side, still staring at Remus, and the action was so familiar that Remus felt something shift in his mind that didn’t quite sit right. Remus only laughed harder. 
“I don’t know what you want from me.” And oh Merlin, now he was talking to a dog and quite obviously getting no response. Maybe he should try again in an hour, when he was no longer Remus Lupin. The dog stared, making no effort to reply if it could. It was actually kind of adorable, and Remus would love to indulge in the company if he weren’t about to turn into a fucking monster. 
“You should leave. You’re not safe here.” 
The dog didn’t move, and Remus’ control quickly started to deplete. 
“Get the fuck out of here. I could hurt you, you know.”
Again, the dog tilted its head and Remus hated how odd it made him feel. Everything about the damn thing, the fur, the eyes, the movements. It all almost reminded him of - 
“Seriously, are you even fucking real?” Remus got frustrated, frantic with the sudden paranoia that maybe he wasn’t even here right now, and maybe the transformation already happened and maybe the wolf had finally just finished it and maybe this was some kind of sick afterlife dream -
The dog had moved to sit its head directly on Remus’ lap, where his hand involuntarily came to rest on the back of its neck, snapping him back to reality. Soft, silky black fur. His movements through the dog’s hair were gentle despite Remus’ rising agitation. He should get up, shove the dog’s head off of him and throw him out the tunnel, since there really was no other way of exiting the shack. 
“How did you get in here, girl?” Remus asked, to which the only reply was a short, deep growl. “Shit, sorry. How’d you get in here, buddy?” 
Remus felt ridiculous. High off his mind, talking to a stray dog that had somehow wandered past the tree and ended up laying it’s head in Remus’ lap after one minute of meeting him, and Remus was now talking to the damn thing, like it could answer him and take away all of the worries that lived on Remus’ imaginary list of “How fucked up can my life really get?”
“You’re not safe, I’m about to tear this room apart and I could hurt you.” 
Still, the dog didn’t answer, (No fucking surprise there) and Remus really didn’t make any effort in kicking it out. Even if he wanted to, he wasn’t sure his body would allow him to do that at the moment. Already, he could feel the moon pulling his mind away, and his blood becoming hotter while his skin started crawling a mile a minute. 
“I hope you’re safe.” Was the last thing Remus managed to remember saying before the potion really took over, and then half an hour later, Remus Lupin was no longer a teenage boy, but a monster under the full moon. 
The dog wasn’t in the shack after Remus woke up the next morning. 
The second time Remus saw the dog, he didn’t take the potion. Madam Pomfrey was so surprised to see the lack of injuries Remus woke up with last month, that she had insisted she’d save it for when Remus would really need it, and worried that taking it every month would just allow his body to build up a tolerance anyways. 
The dog came in quietly, something Remus wouldn’t have noticed if it weren’t for his super human hearing and the smell of sweaty fur that surrounded the room the second it walked through the door. Remus was sitting on the bed, hands clasped tight like he was trying to break his own fingers, and head hung low to stop his head from spinning. 
“Hello again.” Remus grit out, always polite no matter the circumstances. “I hope I didn’t scare you away last time. I’m glad you weren’t hurt.”
The dog came over to sit in front of Remus, head tilted curiously again which made Remus scoff. 
“I know, I know. I’m fucking crazy, you can’t understand me, and you watched me turn into a beast last month. Anything else you’d like to cover?” Remus asked, watching as the dog moved towards him and nudged at his clasped hands. 
Stop it he seemed to be saying. Remus regretfully let his fingers slide out from each other, one by one, until the dog was able to move between them and set its head on Remus’ upper thigh. 
“You smell like my boyfriend.” Remus said. The dog yelped, excitedly, before resting his head back where it was. “No, don’t take that as a compliment. He’s always sweaty after quidditch and insists on victory hugs. It’s disgusting.”
If any of this wasn’t weird before, it certainly was then, now that Remus could swear he watched the dog roll his eyes.
“Your fur is softer than his hair though, I’ll give you that.” Remus said through a yawn, noticing from his watch that he was only half an hour from transformation. “Now, if you’ll excuse me, I have to take off my clothes before I rip them to shreds.” 
The dog moved away slowly, moving to stand contentedly by the foot of the bed, watching Remus as he took off his sweater, then the t-shirt, and finally his jeans and pants. He shoved them far under the bed, hoping they’d be safe and easy to access before Madam Pomfrey got there in the morning. 
The dog stayed with Remus, through the transformation, and was there this time when Remus woke up, curled up under the werewolf’s head and snoring soundly. 
His injuries from the night before were minimal, and the dog looked perfectly safe. 
Things started clicking in Remus’ mind when James and Peter were all of sudden calling Sirius “Padfoot” around the common room and in the dorm. How James made too many jokes about Sirius’ “dog-like” behavior to the point where it was no longer funny, though at first, Remus didn’t understand why they were so funny to Peter. Then Remus started noticing how tired Sirius was the days after full moons, like he’d stayed up all night. 
Remus Lupin was no idiot, and the rest of the Marauders should have remembered that if they wanted to keep it a secret. 
Before Remus was to head out to the shack for the third time that year, Sirius grabbed his wrist and kissed him, a deep loving kiss and whispered a “see you soon” though Sirius didn’t know that Remus knew how “soon” he actually meant. 
Padfoot showed up fifteen minutes after Remus arrived at the shack, clothes already off and huddled under the threadbare blanket on the armchair in the corner. It was missing a lot of stuffing, thanks to the several scratch marks, but it was comfy thanks to his well placed charms.
Remus smiled when he saw the big, black dog nose the door open and then shut.
“I’m glad to see you.” He told it, and the dog stopped, like it were surprised, before bouncing towards Remus on the chair and licking his face. Knowing Sirius, he was just as excited to see Remus. 
“Ugh, stop. If I wanted terrible, sloppy kisses then I’d just go ask my boyfriend.” 
The dog barked in protest, and Remus managed to keep from laughing, watching Padfoot plop his head on the armrest of the chair in protest.
“Aw, sorry boy.” Remus pulled his arm from under the blanket to move his fingers through the familiar, dark fur, and watched the dog relax. “I didn’t mean to offend you. If it makes you feel better, you’re not nearly as bad as he is.” 
Padfoot pulled away quickly, giving out another sharp bark in indignation before going to sit on the bed, like he were protesting Remus’ words. As fun as this was, Remus had had enough. 
He pulled himself away from the chair with the blanket wrapped around him and went to sit next to Padfoot on the bed. 
“Sirius.” Remus whispered, and the dog raised it’s head in response, though it didn’t seem like he had registered what Remus just called him. “Change back, please. I want you right now.” 
Realization flooded Padfoot’s eyes, and Remus stared until they became Sirius’ perfect gray ones. 
“Who the fuck told you! Was it Peter? I swear to Merlin, that rat is going to fucking-” 
Sirius stopped, looking back at Remus with apology and a lot of questions on his face. 
“No one told me, I figured it out.” 
“You- you figured it out.” It wasn’t a question but Remus nodded anyway. “How? I mean, I know you’re not stupid, Moony, but I thought I was subtle.” 
“Moony? Is that a nickname similar to Padfoot?” Remus asked. Sirius gaped at him, before flopping himself down on the bed. 
“Fucking James and his dog jokes, that’s how you knew, isn’t it?” 
“Yes. But since the first time you came here I thought ‘Padfoot’ reminded me of someone. Some ridiculous, charming boy who insists on sweaty hugs after quidditch games and is terrible at kissing.” Remus laughed when Sirius sat up and shoved at Remus’ shoulder. 
“You were having me on!” Sirius realized. “You were trying to get me to admit it to you.”
Remus reached over and grabbed Sirius’ hand, still laughing but looking at Sirius like he was something precious. It made Sirius’ heart beat fast and want to hold Moony until he was safe. 
I love you. Fuck, Moony, I just realized I love you.
“I wasn’t trying to get you to admit it to me. But it was fun to watch you try and prove your kissing skills.”
Sirius rolled his eyes, but he looked back to Remus with a soft gaze and what he hoped was absolute love in his eyes.
“So you technically knew it was me the whole time.” Sirius reached his hand up to cup Remus’ jaw, thumb stroking the smallest scar on his cheek.
“I guess so. The way you tilt your head when you’re curious or confused, and how you like to lay your head in my lap. I remember thinking that this new strange dog acted exactly like the boy I’m in love with.” Remus eyes stared right into Sirius’ during the confession, like he was challenging Sirius, or more like trying to prove how honest he was being. 
Sirius realized his mouth had dropped open, and he quickly shut it before crawling closer to Remus until he was in the other boy’s lap. 
“You... you love me?” 
Sirius’ tone made Remus’ heart ache. The fact that he had to question it at all made Remus angry at Sirius’ family, at anyone who ever made this boy doubt the love he had in his life. 
Remus moved his hands from Sirius’ arms to his face, so they were both cupping each other’s chins and stroking their thumbs. Sirius’ face was wet.
“Of course I love you. You’re such a fucking brave, reckless Gryffindor I think they should name the house after you.” Sirius giggled wetly, pulling at Remus’ heart. “And the way you care for James, Peter, Regulus, Lily. And me. Fuck, pads, you became and animagus for me. There’s no way I couldn’t love you. You’re just you and I was doomed from the start.”
Sirius finally, finally leaned in and kissed Remus. It started as a soft kiss, light and full of sweetness before Sirius angled his head and deepened it.
“It’s not just me.” Sirius gasped a couple of minutes later when he regretfully had to pull away. “It wasn’t just- James and Peter are animagi to. Or, trying to be. I mastered it before them.” Sirius smirked at Remus, resting their foreheads together. 
“Of course you did, you egotistical genius.” Remus leaned in and kissed Sirius again. “I love you.” 
“I love you too. Fuck, how have I not said it back already? I fucking love you, Moony.”
The moment wasn’t forever, despite how sweet it was. Remus had less than thirty minutes before the full moon, he could feel it pulling on his skin, his heart, his head. The pain that showed up before every transformation was numbed though, by the boy in his arms who was playing with Remus’ hair and leaving kisses on his nose, eyebrow, cheeks and eyelids. Anywhere he could reach, really. 
And when the morning came, Sirius was able to transform back into himself this time and heal some of Remus’ minor injuries. After every one, he’d leave a soft kiss over each new scar and whispers of “I love you.” 
Remus didn’t need a potion that numbed his pain and made him high, he needed Sirius, and their friends who were going to join them in the shack soon to help Remus’ life become a little easier. With them, the full moon really didn’t have shit on him now.
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onlyhenrys · 4 years
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The Choice - Chapter 2
Catch up with the story: | 1 |
Summary: Grey Syverson and Winter Derby set off into an interesting journey of life as neighbors. Grey Syverson is a cheeky veteran always falling in love with the wrong women. Winter Derby, a veterinary student ready to graduate and settle down with her long time boyfriend. Sy thinks his life is already full of joy and happiness - then Winter moves in the house next door.
It’s a story about overcoming barriers to be with your loved ones. It is about pure and intense romantic love, trust, strength and the reality that all choice is a cheap illusion
Thank you @iloveyouyen for supporting me no matter what and for beta’ ing this story for me. I love you ♥️
Chapter 2
“Hailey,” he groaned, “what have you done?!”
The brunette raised her eyebrow at him, a spoon with ice cream on its way to her mouth. “What’s your problem?”
The Captain clenched his fists and pressed his lips together in a thin line. “My problem is,” he spat, “that the new neighbor thinks I’m a fucking player.”
Hailey lowered the spoon. “And you care about that, because? It’s not like people haven’t thought that about you before,” she pointed out, “since when do you care what people think?”
Sy stumbled a step back, not knowing how to answer. She was right, of course. He usually didn’t care about what people thought about him, but it felt different with Winter. He wanted to make a good first impression on her because for the first time in years it actually felt like he had a chance of happiness.
Hailey’s eyes started to twinkle as she tilted her head to the side, her gaze never wavering from his face. “Uh-oh.”
Sy sighed. “What?”
A full smile broke out on her face and she leaned forward, pressing the box of ice cream in his hands before standing on her tiptoes to whisper in his ear. “I will tell you later.”
She patted his shoulders and walked away, her hips swaying playfully, leaving him alone with Aika and his ice cream. He mumbled to himself as he sat down, the box of ice cream still in his hands. He wondered if he should go back to Winter, to apologize, to explain. He didn’t want their ‘relationship’ to start off with her thinking that he had a girlfriend, while in reality, it was just his sister.
He pushed himself off the chair and moved towards the veranda, taking a deep breath before walking to the single chair that was waiting for him. He leaned down to turn on the small radio on the ground next to him, filling the air with his rock music. He sat down in the chair and leaned his head back, enjoying the peace and quiet that his music brought him.
It was tough, being a veteran living alone. Often he found himself trapped, stuck in his own head, especially at night. Aika was there when he woke up in terror, his body shaking with fear, she was always there for him, but the comfort of his dog was not all that Sy was looking for. He was searching for someone to share that burden with. Someone that would comfort him, wrap her arms around him and make him feel safe.
His train of thoughts was broken off by a hand of his shoulder, startling him. He opened his eyes and let them travel over the woman’s curves, ending with her face that was knitted together with annoyance, a look that he was too familiar with.
“What do you think you’re doing?” She demanded, her arms crossed in front of her chest. “It’s almost midnight, some people are actually trying to get some rest.” She pointed towards her clothes, clear evidence that she was one of those people.
He gestured to the radio. “I was just listening to some music.”
A faint blush rose on her cheeks as she locked her arms across her chest. “Now? You really couldn’t wait until tomorrow?”
“Ehm, no?”
Winter stomped her foot in anger and took a step back, her hands balled into fists. “You’re a fucking asshole, you know that? I thought I was able to get some rest because I have an important exam tomorrow, but no, mister Syverson decided that he needs to listen to some shitty rock music.”
He raised his hands in surrender, his cerulean eyes searching her face. “Calm down, woman. You have a terrible taste if you think that this music is shitty.”
Winter dragged a hand through her white strands and shook her head. “I don’t know why I expected you to be nice,” she turned on her heels and stalked back towards her house, “I’m dealing with a child here. No wonder you only own one chair, no one is able to bear your presence long enough for you to buy a second one.”
A loud banging on her door woke her up from her slumber and she moaned as she shifted to look at the time, grimacing as it was 2 AM. She debated on letting the stranger knock on the door, ignoring the sound, but Bear became restless and released a bark as he pushed the door of her bedroom open, rushing to the front door. Sleep hazed her mind as she found her way downstairs, supporting herself against the railing of the stairs.
A large, slender hand was slamming on her door and her eyes widened as she recognized the man. It’s been months since their first encounter and Winter had tried to avoid Grey Syverson like the plague, focusing on her exams and her graduation.
‘’What the hell?’’ she mumbled before turning the doorknob, raising her eyebrow to the veteran.
He was supporting himself against her threshold, catching his breath. ‘’The puppy’s,’’ he managed to get out, ‘’they’re coming.’’
Her eyes widened and she shrugged on a jacket, hurrying after him. Sy kept quiet as he rushed back to the house, his face taut with worry. She fought back a smile at his worry. He may be one of the most annoying people she’s ever met but at least he cared dearly about his dog.
‘’I woke up to her whimpering and when I examined her she started shaking and some kind of fluid covered the ground,’’ he turned his head to look at her, ‘’there’s isn’t something wrong, is there?’’
Winter reached out and placed a hand on his upper arm, squeezing slightly. ‘’It sounds like the first puppy should arrive within 20 to 30 minutes, depending on when you found the fluid. But I can’t tell you if she’s okay, not without examining her myself.’’
He bit his lip and nodded, showing her the way upstairs, into his bedroom, where the German Shepherd was panting, her tongue almost on the ground. Winter crouched next to her and the tired dog lifted her head, staring straight at the white-haired woman.
‘’It’s okay, darling,’’ Winter whispered, ‘’I know it’s hurting, but you can do this.’’
As on cue, another contraction ran through the poor dog’s body and Sy crept closer, watching in amazement as a small face became visible. The first puppy plopped on the ground and Aika immediately turned, cleaning the little one with her long tongue.
A gasp tore Winter’s attention from the small family and she started to chuckle as she noticed the expression on Sy’s face. ‘’Are you crying, Captain?’’
He wiped at his face, removing every evidence of his emotional episode. ‘’Shut up,’’ he snapped, but there was no heat behind his words as he stared down at the little squirming puppy.
It took almost 2 hours for Aika to get three puppies out. Sy became more and more worried as time passed and the last one wouldn’t show. The large man drove her crazy as he paced behind her, nowhere near as patient as she was. Winter knew she couldn’t blame him for it. Watching your dog give birth was a scary thing, especially with all the risks, but she knew what she was doing, so he had no reason to pace like this
‘’Quit that, will ya?’’
He stopped his pacing and turned to face her, his head tilted. ‘’What was that?’’
She sighed as she wrapped her arms around her knees, leaning against the back of the bed. ‘’Stop pacing, this is totally normal for dogs,’’ she patted the space next to her, ‘’sit down.’’
He dropped his hands, and lowered himself next to her, his shoulder brushing against hers. ‘’You really think she’s gonna be alright?’’
Her gaze trailed to the dog, who was sleeping, her head resting on her large paws. ‘’Yeah, dogs are different from humans. They have the privilege to rest inbetween giving birth,’’ she chuckled, ‘’it won’t take long now.’’
The Captain nodded and leaned his head back against the bed, his eyes fluttering close, shadows dark under his eyes. Winter watched in silence as his breathing evened out and his head started to fall to the side, hitting her shoulder with a quiet thud. She winced at the contact and was sure that he would wake up, but he surprised her as he snuggled closer to her, burying his head in the crook of her neck.
A shiver ran over her spine at the feeling of his hot breath against her neck and she released a shuddering breath before gazing at Aika, who was staring right back at her. ‘’You’re dad is crazy, you know that?’’ A lopsided smile made its way on her lips. ‘’But I kinda grew to like him.’’
‘’I knew you secretly liked me,’’ Sy mumbled against her shoulder, slowly coming back to his senses, startling Winter.
She pushed him off and scrambled away from him, a faint blush already creeping up her cheeks. ‘’You asshole, I can’t believe you’ve been up this whole time.’’
His cerulean eyes sparkled as he looked up to her, a shit eating grin already on his face. ‘’I wasn’t awake the whole time, woman. Just from the moment I hit your shoulder and - ‘’
His voice trailed off as his attention got dragged to Aika, who was shaking as she got hit with a contraction. Winter sat herself down on the bed, carefully monitoring the contraction. ‘’About time,’’ she mumbled, before rushing forward, catching the little puppy before lowering it to the ground, giving the new mom time to adjust.
Sy leaned over her shoulder to peek at the small family, a soft smile on his face. “Congratulations, we just became grandparents.”
“Are you sure you shouldn’t take them to the clinic? Just to be certain that they’re healthy?”
Winter dropped her head on the table, ready to slap the guy. “Yes, for the hundredths time, I know what I’m doing and they’re all healthy.”
“But - “
“Stop it, will you?” She interrupted him. “If you want to take her to the clinic, go ahead, I won’t stop you. But it’s not fucking necessary. It’s better to keep an eye on them here and not drag them around in a car.”
Sy dragged a hand over his face, debating her words before falling down in the chair across from her. “Fine, I’m sorry for doubting you. I just…. I want the best for her and not screw this up.”
She looked up and their eyes met, sending a strange spark through her body. “You’re doing fine, Grey. And you’re not alone, I will help. They’re my grandchildren too after all.”
A chuckle escaped as he shook his head. “I honestly don’t know what I would’ve done without you, Winter,” his gaze held hers, “thank you.”
She leaned back in her chair, a blush on her cheeks before taking a sip from her water. “Well, you definitely would’ve cried more without me here.”
He groaned and hid his face in his hands. “Will ya stop that? It was a long day, alright?”
She leaned forward and patted his shoulder. “Of course, Captain. I’m sure that’s it. But don’t worry, I won’t tell anyone that ‘the mighty Captain Syverson’ cried while watching his dog give birth.”
He pressed his lips together, knowing fully well that she was just teasing him and decided to change the subject. “Do you think we should check up on them?”
“Yeah, that’s probably a good idea.” Winter finished her drink and pushed herself away from the chair, leaving the glass in the sink before following him upstairs, her footsteps light compared to his heavy ones.
Sy stopped in the doorway and leaned against the threshold, his arms folded across his chest as he stared down at the little family of five.
“They’re beautiful, aren’t they?”
Winter raised an eyebrow, shooting daggers through his back. “I don’t know, you’re blocking the doorway with that large body of yours.”
He snickered and stepped aside, giving her space to enter the room and watch the puppies herself.
“Yeah, they’re adorable.”
He turned around to look at the clock before facing her again, a frown between his eyebrows. “Do you want to stay here?” He raised his hands to stop her from interrupting. “I mean to keep an eye on the pups, nothing more. You can sleep on the bed, I will just take the floor. I don’t feel comfortable letting you go back home at this time.”
Winter bit her lip to fight a smile that threatened to take over. “Grey, you know my house is like a 2 minute walk away from here, right?”
“I don’t care,” he snatched one of the blankets from the bed and plopped himself down on the ground, “you’re staying here.”
“Stupid, dominant, man,” she mumbled to herself before wrapping herself in the warm blankets, relaxing almost immediately, “your mattress is really soft, I like it.”
It was quiet for a few seconds.
“I hurt my back when I was still in the army,” he softly rumbled, “without that mattress I’m not able to sleep.”
Winter shot up and peeked over the edge of the bed. “What are you doing down there, you moron? Get up here.” She shifted to the other side and watched in silence as he settled on the bed, his features smoothing in just a few seconds. “Why didn’t you tell me before? I feel horrible for even considering letting you sleep on the floor.”
His eyes were already drooping and he fought to open them enough to gaze at her. “I want you to feel comfortable, and I know you hate me, so I didn’t want to bother you.”
She took a deep, pained breath and closed her eyes, her chin quivering. “I don’t hate you, Grey,” she whispered, afraid to open her eyes. When she finally found the courage to face him, she found him already deeply asleep.
She carefully brushed one of his curls away from his face before laying down on her side, facing him. A soft smile pulled on her mouth as a snore escaped from his parted lips before she was dragged into the sweet darkness herself.
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jawabear · 4 years
He’ll be back at Christmas time (Maxwell Lord X Reader)
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Not My GIF
A/N: this was kind of inspired by another great Christmas song called 2000 miles. I just like the one line that I used for the title. I hope you enjoy this happier Christmas fic, and thank you @ahopelessromanticwritersworld for the name of Max’s dog, I think it’s perfect. Also the other dog I used is actually entirely based on my doggy whom I love more than anything so...yeah. I hope you enjoy. Sorry for any mistakes. Stay safe.
Genre: fluff
Warnings: fem!reader, dogs (I don’t think that counts but oh well), Max doesn’t come into it till nearer the end, dogs being dogs, a hint of angst, suggestiveness as the end but nothing explicit, Max playing with dogs, Pedro Pascal comes with his own warning
Summary: ‘Twas the night before Christmas, and she sits alone, all she can wonder, is when will he be home..
The fire place crackled gently and the snow fell outside as she sat on the plush sofa reading her book. It was one she had read a thousand times but she never got bored of it. She was dressed in her warmed pyjamas, fluffy socks on her feet, a mug of hot chocolate (fixed with cream and mini marshmallows of course) was set on the coffee table in front of her, and the large Christmas tree shimmer and sparkles in the corner of the room. And beside that, two dog beds. One for her dog, a black Labrador called Rosie and Max’s dog, a small Pomeranian called Marlene.
The cozy scene she had made her self however was not enough to warm her completely. Part of her would be cold until Max returned home. But she didn’t know when he would. He said he’d be gone for two weeks on an “important business trip”. That was three weeks ago.
She became sad at the thought of him. He had been away so many times, she of course had always missed him but not as much as she was this time. Perhaps it was mainly down to the fact she adored the Christmas season and she wanted to spend the whole this with her lovely Max. It wasn’t their first Christmas together but still, she wanted him there. She is the dogs there with her too, but they were fast asleep in their comfy beds. A fat lot of good that did her the help. But it was very cute to see. Especially as Marlene had decided to curl up with Rosie and sleep.
The book suddenly became uninteresting the more she thought about Max. She bookmarked her page and placed it on the coffee table and swapped it for her hot chocolate hoping that her favourite drink would cheer her up. She took a sip of it and tried to focus on just that but a memory from a few years ago popped into her head.
They sat opposite the fire place, it was Christmas Eve and she could barely contain her excitement for the big day. She had convinced him to swap his usual coffee for a mug of hot chocolate instead. He was reluctant to agree because he couldn’t say no to her. She had made one with the works. Cream and marshmallows and flakes of chocolate to top it off. She sat on the floor in front of him eagerly watching him lift the mug to his lips to take a sip. He seemed impressed by the face and the noise he made.
“It’s good” he nodded “it I do prefer my coffee”
She laughed softly as she got of the floor and straddled his legs, his hands immediately resting on her hips “your nose says otherwise” she giggled.
“What do you mean?” He asked with the tilt of his head. She ran her finger over the tip of his nose collecting the cream that was there and show it to him before she slipped the finger into mouth to clean it.
“You’re cute Max” she smiled and she leaned down to press a kiss to his lips.
She smiled at the memory but it didn’t make her feel any better. If anything it made her feel worse. The fact that it was Christmas Eve now and he wasn’t there to recreate that memory really hurt her. She felt so lonely.
She stood from the sofa and made her way over to the phone in the corner of the living room. The dogs shot up when she moved, making her question if they were asleep at all, and followed her to the phone. She knew the number to Max’s office off by heart. She dialled it quickly and stood patiently waiting for an answer. She didn’t expect Max to answer but she hoped that the one who did answer would have an answer as to where he was.
The phone rang with the full tone until it stopped “Maxwell Lord’s office, how can I help?” She knew that voice. It was the voice of his personal assistant Ella. She had worked there when (Y/N) was Max’s personal assistant. She was a very sweet but timid girl, not quite what Max liked but now he had (Y/N), he didn’t care about any one else.
“It’s (Y/N)” (Y/N) said trying to hide her sadness.
“Miss (L/N), Hello. What can I help you with?” Ella said politely, knowing that if she didn’t speak politely, Maxwell would know and she would loose her job in seconds.
“Do you know where Max is?” (Y/N) asked “he was meant to be gone for two weeks but he’s still not home”
“As far as I’m aware he is still on his trip. He hasn’t been in the office since he left and there hasn’t been any news of him coming back home”
“I see...” (Y/N) looked to the two dogs who sat at her feet. She reached out and began stroking Rosie, Marlene was too far down for her to reach.
“I can tell that’s not the news you wanted to hear” Ella said with a sympathetic laugh.
“No, not really” (Y/N) sighed “but thank you anyway. It’s getting late, you should be heading home. Why are you still working anyway?”
“I just got a few more papers to do and then I’ll leave”
“Good. Make sure you let me know if Max is making you work to hard. I know how difficult he can be”
“Oh no! It’s fine! I really don’t mind the work”
“That doesn’t matter. Don’t forget that I was in your position once”
“Really it’s fine. I enjoy it” (Y/N) could hear the smile in her voice.
“Yes, well, you let me know if he does get too much for you”
“I will” Ella said. “And don’t worry, I’m sure Mr Lord will be home for tomorrow”
“I hope so...” (Y/N) said sadly “you have a good Christmas Ella”
“You too”
(Y/N) put the phone down feeling more disheartened then she did before. She really hoped Max would be home for Christmas Day. She looked sadly at Rosie who seemed to notice the sadness so she rested her head on (Y/N)’s lap. “He’ll be back soon...” she whispered, more to her self than the dog, but she needed the reassurance that he would be back home.
Marlene started to bark and jump about, clearly either being jealous of lack of attention or she was hungry. Now she thought about it, (Y/N) was pretty hungry too. (Y/N) chuckled and lifted the tiny dog into her arms and carried her out to the kitchen, Rosie following close behind.
After the dogs, and herself, had been fed, she made her way back into the living room, back to the sofa where she was joined by both dogs. Marlene on her lap and Rosie at her feet. Max didn’t really like having Rosie on the sofa, only because she was a larger dog, where as Marlene was much small and could fit on your lap, Rosie couldn’t but she certainly tried too. At first, (Y/N) just thought Max hated her dog because he was slightly scared of it when they first met, but recently he had been the one calling her up to sit with him. But even before that, if he wasn’t there, she would call Rosie up to sit with her.
She sat and watched the hours go by, that hands on the clock getting closer and closer to midnight. And with each tick she became more and more anxious and sad. With each tick she believed more and more that he wouldn’t be home for Christmas.
She could’ve cried. She didn’t really know why she was getting so upset. She knew that this was bound to happen at some point in their relationship, especially since his company was getting bigger and bigger, but it just didn’t feel right to celebrate such a holiday without him.
11:32pm and he still wasn’t home. The fire had died our and her hot chocolate had been forgotten and was now stone cold, that made things worse. She let out a sigh as she lifted Marlene of her lap and set her on the sofa beside Rosie and took her cold hot chocolate out to the kitchen to throw it away. She rinsed out the cup and put it in the dishwasher.
Barking was heard from both dogs as well as the pattering of feet as they both ran to the front door. (Y/N) was confused as to what got them barking, she was also a little hesitant that it was someone bad, they didn’t usually bark if it was someone they knew. She took cautious steps out of the kitchen heading into the foyer to see what was going on.
Her heart leapt out of her chest at the sight.
It was Max.
He laughed and shook the snow out of his hair, talking to the dogs as they leapt up at him, their tails going crazy and they desperately tried to her his attention in their excitement to see him again.
“Yes yes, I’m happy to see you too” he chuckled as he bent down to pick up Marlene who began licking his face whilst he pet Rosie on the head. Max loved his dog, (Y/N) often wondered whether he loved Marlene more than he did her, his face was always brightest when he was with the dog. But he always assured (Y/N) that he loved her the most. “Silly girl” he said softly as he kissed the dog on the head. He put Marlene down and turned his attention to Rosie he began sniffing his face.
Max hadn’t noticed (Y/N) yet but she didn’t want him to stop with the dogs just yet, it made her happy to see him with them, being his true self. “And you,” he said as he began stroking both sides of her face down to the neck repeatedly “pretty girl” Marlene was still jumping at him. “Yes you are. You are such a beautiful girl, just like your mother” he smiled letting Rosie lick his cheek. He stood back up and then his eyes landed on (Y/N) who was smiling fondly at him.
He walked quickly over to her and took her face between his hands “hello, my love” he said quietly.
“I thought you weren’t coming home” she whispered, trying not to sound sad, but it was hard not to when she was on the verge of tears.
Seeing they were going to get no further attention, the two dogs wandered off back into the living room. Neither (Y/N) nor Max cared if they ended up on the sofa or in their beds.
“I’m so sorry (Y/N)” he brushed a piece of hair behind her ear before caressing her cheek with the back of his hand “some idiot,” he hissed “got the schedule wrong. We would’ve been back the 29th. And it being Christmas, it was nearly impossible to get back. I’m so sorry”
“It’s okay” she said “your here now. That’s all that matters” he didn’t hesitate a moment more before smashing his lips to hers “I’m so glad your back” she hummed wrapping her arms around his neck, her fingers coming to entangle in his soft blonde hair.
“I’m so glad to be back” he mumbled, his hands dropping from her cheeks to her hips where he gently pushed her back onto the doorframe which she was stood in. “I love you” he said between kisses as he tilted his head to get a better angle, his tongue making an appearance.
“Love you too” she managed to get out before his tongue slipped into her mouth. She moaned and tugged at his hair. He groaned at this and pulled his mouth off hers and moved it to her neck when he began to make love to the skin there. “Oh Max” she sighed happily.
“I missed you” He muttered “missed you so fucking much. Every day was torture with out you”
“Never leave me for that long again” she told him.
“I won’t” He told her back as she pulled away from her next to look into her eyes “and if I have to be gone for that long again, you’re coming with me” She smiled and pecked his lips softly. “Now, let’s go upstairs so I can give you an early Christmas present”
She smirked and held a finger up to him to stop him from doing anything. She slowly unbuttoned her pyjama shirt revealing a red lacy number that she had bought especially for him, especially for Christmas.
He practically drooled at the sight, his knees becoming weak as he let out a strangled moan before lifting her into his arms, making her squeak excitedly, and carried her upstairs.
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