#and the year before that my best friend flaked on me cause she had to go to the gym 🥲
chocochat · 5 months
i don't remember the last time i had a good birthday
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stubz · 14 days
"I think Glip and Kal don't like me."
"What makes you say that?"
"Well, we just don't talk. Like it's fine when your here or Quip is here but when you guys leave we don't really talk."
"Have you tried? Like making small talk?"
"Yeah but its really awkward and short." Max sighs leaning back in his chair.
"Hmmm...oh my god Piper! Take that off Marl!"
He watches as his friend and co-worker runs off to deal with Piper running off with Marl, treating the youngling as a stuffie to dress. Marl cackled as they were carried off by the human.
"Too bad you don't talk to them like my Mapa, they are a chatter bug."
"Your Mapa is a chatter bug? Really Dali?" he found it hard to believe that Calis would be chatty. The ever so serious and stoic first mate.
"Yeah but only when Pomo gets them talking. Usually about go-sip."
"Gossip huh?"
"He sent the email to everyone. Everyone! He sent all the texts and messages between them to everyone to show them what she said about us."
"Oh my god what a power move...this dude is my hero." Quip nods in agreement.
"Want me to read em?"
"Max I would kill you if you didn't."
"-I feel unsafe in this hostile environment. You told me it was fine, that I could go whenever."
"Go whenever? ...she left like a day before the wedding! A day! She had 3 goddamn months!! And hostile??? Says the woman who tried to call the cops on her own roommate for being 'too loud'!!" shouts Quip crushing the drink in his hand.
"It gets better."
"HOW?!" cries Kim
"Hold up! Pause! I need a new drink!"
"Oh get me one too will you?" the humans call out.
"-I'll be changing the locks and hereby request to you all who I have sent this email to to not contact her or respond to her. Thanks for reading and Tiffany, I'm willing to talk to when you come back from your trip. Bring your keys."
"Oh shit its done! She's dumped. He's dumping her as soon as she comes home!"
"I need a copy of this or just you to read it to me again and again for a month."
"Oh with pleasure, I love reading this. It never gets old."
"Thank you for sharing this. This was the best gossip I've had in years. Come on, desert on me!" she shouts grabbing her friends arms leading them back to the cafeteria.
"Hey Max!" he looks up from his lunch and sees Quip with Kal and Glip.
"Hey guys."
"I was telling these two about the shipwreck you told me and they won't stop hounding me about asking you for a copy of the email or in depth detail so here." he shoves his two embarrassed partners forwards to the human
"I'd love to hear it again but I gotta return something before the place closes. I'll be back in an hour, have fun!" he calls waving to them
"...so how much do you guys know?"
"...a bit but could you start from the beginning?"
"Like when she said she hurt her back a week after flaking on doing her part of the wedding planning."
"Gotcha. So she says that she hurt her back a week after going to the gym, which makes no sense because back injuries hurt right after or hours after the thing you did!"
"Oh she's lying."
"Did they kick her out of the wedding planning?"
"No, because they don't want to cause drama about this. Like its hard to subtlety make a person prove their back is hurt. Also the job they gave her was the smallest thing so."
"What was her job?"
"Making sure there was enough napkins and balloons."
"Get a hint Tiffany!"
"That's so sad."
"So I heard you're gossip buddies with Kal and Glip?"
"Yep. Spent 3 hours sharing gossip."
"You wanna hear it?"
"Thought you would. Wrote down the key notes of each story."
"This is why we're best friends!!"
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h3rmess · 6 months
Written by @h3rmess ✰
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S3 : Chapter 2 - Confrontation ☆☆
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Yuuji's POV
"It's been exactly 23 minutes since they left." I had counted the time that Seiko and Fushiguro had been gone.
"Why are you counting?" Maki questioned as I paced along the coast, biting my nails.
What could they be up to?
Since Kugisaki had told me that Seiko and Fushiguro were apparently dating and I needed to know if it was true.
"Why are you so worried?" Okkotsu asked, causing me to look at him briefly.
"Because how could they not tell me they're dating!" I yelled, clenching my chest as my heart burned. "Me and Seiko have been best friends for 12 years now! Do those 12 years mean nothing?" I held my face in my palms dramatically, shaking my head in disbelief.
"Bonito flakes..." Inumaki spoke, looking unimpressed.
"I know this is silly Inumaki, but I feel so betrayed right now!" I continued with my pacing around, kicking the water as the tide drew near my feet.
"You're being unreasonable. If they didn't tell you, they obviously have a reason as to why." Maki stated, making me even more devastated.
"That's the thing! What was the reason?" I plummeted to the ground, sitting down on the slightly cooler sand.
"Hey, hey! What's up, Yuuji?" Gojo walked over, crouching down next to me as I wallowed in my misery.
"He's upset that Okumoto didn't tell him about whatever she has going on with Fushiguro." Maki answered for me.
Gojo laughed hysterically, almost manically, causing me to scoot away from him cautiously.
"Oh, Yuuji! Don't worry about it! We'll interrogate them when they get back." Gojo patted my back before standing up and going to finish eating his food.
I lifted my head to see Kugisaki sprinting towards us at an unfathomable speed, almost falling in the process as the grains of sand moved beneath her feet.
"THEY WERE ABOUT TO KISS! IT'S CONFIRMED! THEY'RE DEFINITELY DATING!" She yelled out, catching her breath between each sentence.
All of our jaws dropped, apart from Gojo. He laughed, falling to the floor and gasping for air. He rolled around before sitting up again, his eyes teary behind his glasses.
"Your reactions are so funny!" He giggled, clutching his stomach in hopes of relieving the pain.
"Huh...?" I tilted my head slightly, unsure of what he meant.
I heard a beep from beside me, looking up to see Nanami Kento standing next to me with a camera in his hand.
"Here Gojo. God, I can't believe I agreed to do this for you..." Nanami muttered before handing the camera back to Gojo.
"Nanamin? When did you get here?" I asked him as I looked up curiously.
"I told you not to call me that. I got here about thirty minutes ago. Gojo asked me to film your reactions." Nanami scowled. He wore his usual attire, just without the blazer he would normally wear. His eyes glistened in the sunlight before the closed, and a sigh left his mouth. He walked away from us, heading over to a deck chair we had brought along and taking a seat, his head in his hands as he rubbed his temples.
Gojo got up, running over to pester Nanami as per usual. Just then, I noticed two figures walking towards us, soon realising that it was Seiko and Fushiguro. I stood, darting towards them at a pace one could only describe as terrifying.
"YOU HOMEWRECKER! YOU'VE DELUDED HER!" I grabbed Seiko's arm, shouting at Fushiguro furiously.
"What are you on about now, Itadori?" He asked, unbothered.
"Under normal circumstances, if Seiko were dating anyone else, she would tell me. But because of you she didn't!" I told him, shaking my best friend.
"What makes you so sure of that?" Seiko glanced at me, not turning her head to look at me but simply moving her eyes. Shivers rushed down my spine as I lunged away from her in fear.
"Seiko- I- Are you two really dating?" I asked the question that had been at the forefront of my mind. They both reddened, looking away from me awkwardly, which led my to my answer.
"Seiko! How could you not tell me! We've been together since birth! Locked in!" I cried, grabbing hold of her once more. The others came over to join us after hearing that the rumours were indeed true.
"Yuuji, we are not siblings..." She mumbled.
"We might as well be!"
"Yeah, we could. But still, we've only been together for a week and a bit, that's why we didn't tell anyone yet." She confessed, slightly putting me at ease.
I huffed out, crossing my arms as Seiko broke out into a fit of laughter.
"Hey! it's not funny!" I shouted, only making her laugh more.
She positioned her hand into a gun, shooting water at me and laughing even harder.
A bucket of water we had been using earlier for sand castles was beside me. I picked it up, threatening her.
"You better watch out." I told her.
She repeated the action, this time soaking me completely. She began to run away, grabbing Fushiguro's hand in the process.
I ran after them, Kugisaki following me for support.
"Pollack roe." Inumaki said, slowing jogging after us. Okkotsu followed him, laughing as he did.
"These guys are seriously weird..." Maki trailed behind, helping us catch Fushiguro and Seiko.
Gojo's POV
I watched the students chasing each other along the shore. Their laughs and shouts reminded me of my time as a student at Jujutsu High.
"Youth really is precious." I spoke to Nanami as he nodded in agreement.
"As jujustu sorcerers, they're exposed to so many negative situations. It's important for them to have these sorts of moments and let them be kids. After all, it's not a crime to be a child." Nanami spoke, the sunset casting shades of orange onto his face.
I looked into the distance, the blue of the water reminding me of a similar experience I had in my youth. Reminding me of him. My best friend, my one and only.
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-> I shed a tear writing this 🥲
-> Why this took me so long? I don't know. The next chapter should be out faster than this one.
-> I've been drawing so much recently! I'm happy I've got back into this hobby. I have a few more pieces in the works that will be shared in due time xx
-> Literally so excited for the next 2 chapters!!
-> See you guys soon! Love ya ✌️😋
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@nyxlai @inlovewithlondonn @sad-darksoul @eternalalmondd @httpstoyosi @vivi-loves-penguins @samutoru @lysaray @maya-maya-56
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abyssal-ali · 9 months
'tis the damn season
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Pairing: Luka Couffaine x Marinette Dupain-Cheng
Rating: T | Ao3 | Masterlist
WC: 3.8k
A/N: For my wonderful Twinsie @wildbookcat 💜 Beta'd by @sneksnacc
Tiny flakes of powdery snow danced through the air, carried around by the whims of the wind. Luka envied their carelessness. Somehow, he had ended up at the Charles de Gaulle International Airport, waiting for his high school ex-girlfriend, who was also his little sister’s best friend, and thus someone he couldn’t avoid.
It wasn’t even that he was still heartbroken about the end of their ill-fated relationship (lie), or that they had ended on bad terms (was both parties being broken-hearted and depressed for the next several months ‘bad terms’?), the issue was that he didn’t know how Marinette was going to react.
They were now both adults, had a collective handful of ended relationships under their belts, and were mature enough to look past that summer, right?
Another gust of wind blew through the man-made wind tunnel–aka the main doors exiting the airport–and caused a shiver to go down Luka’s back. He was still affected by his reptilian Miraculous, though he’d returned it after Hawkmoth had been defeated seven years ago. He wondered how Marinette would deal with the snow and chill when she arrived, since she was even more attuned to her Miraculous than he had been, and she continued to wield the gems occasionally. Ladybugs didn’t like the cold either.
The doors slid open, another batch of travellers entering the snowy grey afternoon with a shiver.
A pink pom-pom caught his eye, and Luka stepped out of the car to wave at its owner.
Her head turned to him, surprise overtaking her features, before being replaced by a smile. “Luka!”
Her cheeks were already flushing pink, matching her coat and hat, Luka noticed when she stepped back from la bise. He picked up her suitcase, slung her bag over his arm, and motioned towards his blue VW Golf.
“Your parents were busy with the holiday rush, so they asked me to come get you when I was over there saying hi yesterday,” Luka explained, getting into the driver’s seat once he’d stored her things in the hatch.
“Couldn’t stay away from their pain au chocolat, huh?” Marinette teased him easily.
Luka exhaled soundlessly as he pulled away. Maybe this would go okay, after all.
“You know it. So, how long are you here for?”
Marinette settled back in her seat. “I’m not actually sure. I want something new, but old…no, familiar, at the same time.”
Luka hummed. “I hope you find it.”
“Thanks. So, why are you here? It’s been a while since either of us were in Paris,” she commented, blowing hot air on the window and doodling hearts and smiles with her fingertip.
“I thought it was time. Haven’t seen Ma and Juleka in a while, and I have friends here I wanted to catch up with. I’m currently on a break from producing, so I figured now was as good a time as any.”
“Right,” Marinette agreed. “It’s nice to see you again.”
And now the awkwardness was seeping through the car.
“You too; it’s been awhile,” he said softly. “I’m always happy to see you.”
Even if it hurts when I don’t.
Her gaze darted down to her mittenless hands, fidgeting with her short, buffed nails. Luka could see the calluses from being constantly pricked on the pads of her fingers; a thin red scrape on the side of her hand likely came from brushing against a pincushion the wrong way.
The snowflakes had gradually become larger and more frequent, so Luka turned on the wipers.
“So, I saw you snagged the honour of designing Clara’s outfit for the Grammys next year,” he commented to break the silence.
Usually, he was fine with silence, especially around Marinette, who often needed it, but right now he was acting very unlike himself. Coming back to Paris had stirred up all these old feelings and actions, and he cursed it in his mind.
“Yeah. I’m hoping coming back here will provide some inspiration. I want to pay homage to her roots,” Marinette explained. “We could go for a drive around all our old haunts, maybe. Oh, but you’ll probably be busy, sorry. I can drive around.”
“I’m not that busy.” He blurted the words before he thought. “You still don’t have a license, right? I don’t mind being your chauffeur.”
The snowflakes appeared to have come from Marinette’s sparkling eyes. “Thank you, Luka!” She watched him drive in silence for a while. “You haven’t really changed, even though you’re famous.”
He flicked a glance at her, slowing down for a red light. “You think so?”
She nodded. “You look older now, because you are, obviously, and your image-controlling people have changed your appearance somewhat, but at your core you’re still the same Luka I know from seven years ago.”
The light turned green, and Luka wondered if it was a sign for one delusional second before he pressed the gas again.
“Is that a compliment or not, Mari?” he asked, settling for a teasing inquisition instead.
‘It’s a good thing!” she insisted. “Okay, you’ve matured, but your essence is the same. You’re like…like a nice red wine! Aging improves a good thing!”
“Oh, so you’re calling me old now?”
Mari sputtered. “That’s not what I said at all! And men say women take things too seriously! Pfft!”
Luka couldn’t hold back his laugh as Marinette crossed her arms, her puffy jacket turning her into  a cocoon of pink.
“I know what you meant, Mari; thank you for the compliment.”
She sniffed at the traces of humour in his penitent tone, but uncurled her arms.
“There’s the bakery. We should just have missed the closing rush,” Luka glanced at the clock on the dashboard. “Have a good time, Marinette.”
“Thank you, you too! Oh, you can text me when you want to go for a drive. I still use the same number.”
A wave of pink coated her cheeks. “You still remember it?”
I stare at it for a good half hour every week debating calling you or not. Of course I know it; it’s seared into my memory.
“Yep. I kept my old number too.” He popped the trunk and lifted her bags out.
“Yep. Say hi to your parents for me!” 
He placed her bags just inside the door, and then beat a hasty retreat. Why do you still remember my number? 
How could she forget his number, when it spelled out her name?
Marinette sighed, waved goodbye at Luka’s car, then shut the door, ready to greet her parents.
“Maman! Papa! Guess who’s home!”
“Marinette! Sweetie, you made it!” Once the overwhelming hugs and bises had been exchanged, her parents looked curiously at the empty space behind her. “Luka got you here safely?” asked Sabine.
Mari nodded. “He was waiting for me at the airport; he asked me to say hi to you for him. He said you were busy with the holiday rush.”
Tom agreed. “We were sorry to miss picking you up, but our seasonal helper was sick, so we weren’t able to close and get you after all. Luka coming by and being free was fortunate.”
“It was nice to catch up with him,” Mari agreed. “I’ll just bring my bags up to my room and then we can catch up while we make dinner?”
“That sounds good,” agreed Sabine. Tom brought the luggage up, then left Mari to settle in after one more hug.
Looking around her room, Mari smiled at the remembrance of all the memories she had made in the pink space. Pictures clothespinned to her wall of fairy lights danced in the breeze as she twirled, releasing a deep breath and closing her eyes at the peace of being home again.
She could feel the ideas coming for Clara’s outfits.
It was a brilliant idea to come back to Paris.
It was a horrible idea to come back to Paris.
Why had he said yes to picking Marinette up?
Why had he said yes to driving Marinette around?
Why had he answered her text as soon as she sent it, at 2:08 am?
Why had he showed up at her door at 7:30 am, why had he let Tom drag him to the kitchen and feed him pastries (okay, that one was self-explanatory), why had he lingered and chatted, why why why.
The answer to all his questions was sitting in the passenger seat of the car he was borrowing from a friend, looking devastatingly beautiful and chattering away about how things had changed since she had left, a year before he had, and contrasting it to Los Angeles.
If he’d wanted to hear about her failed relationships after she defeated Hawkmoth, broke up with him, and moved away, he would have asked.
Luka was well aware that he was sulking, but he didn’t care at this moment. They were driving by College Francois Dupont, and the memories of that time weren’t the most pleasant.
“Ooh, I have an idea! Can you park here? I want to walk around for a bit.”
Luka dutifully pulled over, parking in an empty space between the school and the Methodist church down the block.
Marinette strolled around the quiet street, the fluffy flakes floating down muffling her footsteps and muttered monologue. 
She returned to him eventually, scribbling away at her sketchbook.
Luka’s hand raised before he realised what he was doing. 
“Luka? What are you doing?”
He blinked down at her, his hand frozen as she glanced up at him from under her bangs.
“You, um, snow-”
Why was he making this awkward? Biting the bullet, he gently brushed the accumulated snow off the top of Marinette’s ponytail.
She flashed him a smile and climbed back into her seat.
“Where to next, Mari?”
“So, any plans for your break?” Mari clutched a mug of cocoa in her hands, careful not to drop it over the edge of her balcony on the head of some unsuspecting passersby out admiring the lights.
Luka leaned his back against the balcony, blowing on his own mug. “I haven’t made anything firm yet, but I expect my schedule will fill up rather quickly.”
Mari hummed. “I guess I should book our hangouts while you’ve still got room for me then, Mr. Hot-Demand.”
“I’ll always have room for you, Mari.”
She smiled at him before turning back to the cityscape. “I’ve missed this view.”
The real view nudged her shoulder. “Old memories coming back, huh? I’m glad you’re able to miss it, Mar.”
“Did you miss it?” She turned on her back to be companionably side-to-side with him.
“The city? Not so much. The people in it? Yeah, I missed them a lot.”
She nodded in understanding. “Did you miss the people who weren’t in it, too?”
He sipped his cocoa. “Everyday.”
Marinette opened her eyes, breathing deeply. There was nothing like a full ten hours of sleep in your childhood room, warm and cozy under blankets as the snow drifted by the window hypnotizingly, your secret love snuggled up beside you-
Oh yeah, she’d made Luka stay the night, saying it was too cold to walk back home as her excuse to have him sleep here. Her fingers brushed a teal lock back from his forehead as she took in his peaceful features. Honestly, they weren’t much different from his usual everyday expressions. She envied his calm, never being able to stay still for long. 
Luka shifted, blinking sleepily at her, a sleepy smile curving his lips. “Morning, Mari.”
His arm raised to trace a feather-light path down her cheek to cup her neck and pull her towards him.
She let him guide her closer, her breath catching in her throat.
“Mari, if you’re up, could you help out at the register for a bit?” called Sabine through the door.
Luka jerked away and Mari rolled out of bed with a thump. “Be there in a minute, Maman!”
“Are you okay?” he peeked over the edge of her mattress.
“Just fine,” she rubbed her behind. Luckily, the duvet had cushioned her fall.
“Er, sorry about that,” Luka ran his fingers through his messy locks.
“It’s fine,” she shrugged off the hurt, grabbing a pair of jeans and a flower-embroidered sweater off the back of her chaise. “Want me to save you anything for breakfast when I go down?”
“A quince pastry would be nice.”
“Got it. See you!” She fled down the stairs to the secondary powder room to change and twist her hair into a braid. Ready to suppress the feelings stoked by Luka’s earlier actions, she washed her hands and prepared to face the public.
Luka wandered downstairs a while later, looking neat and as if he hadn’t slept in her bed and almost greeted her with a kiss before they were interrupted and then ignored it. 
She could feel Sabine and Tom pause in their work as they took in the situation and incorrectly interpreted it.
“Oh, I thought we missed you leaving last night, Luka,” smiled Sabine. “Are you-”
“Here’s your pastry,” interrupted Marinette, thrusting the napkin-wrapped goods into Luka’s hand. “You’re lucky I saved you the last one.”
“Er, lucky, yeah. About that. Can I talk to you? Later, I guess, when you’re not busy,” he cast a glance at the blatantly listening bakers. 
“Sure. We can go for another drive in about an hour? Around one?”
“Sounds good, I’ll see you then. Bye, Tom, Sabine.” With a wave, he ducked out the door, leaving a bill in Marinette’s now-empty hands for the pastry.
She turned to her parents. “It’s not what it looks like. It was late and cold and I didn’t want him walking home in the snow-”
“Mhm,” Sabine raised a knowing brow. “Would you like to talk about it?”
Marinette shook her head. “Not yet.”
Luka shook his head, sending accumulated flurries flying off his hair. He’d had the most lovely dream, waking up to Marinette cosying up to him in his bed, smiling at him lovingly. Except it hadn’t been a dream, and he’d almost kissed her.
He was not going to go down the path they’d travelled in school, with the secrets and barriers between them. She still didn’t know he knew she was Ladybug and the Guardian, and she hadn’t told him. He wasn’t going to lie to himself; it hurt a little.
Realistically, he knew there were several reasons why she wouldn’t bring it up (not the least of which because she didn’t want to dredge up those traumas again) but emotionally, he was simply hurt by her still not trusting him with her identity even though she’d entrusted Sass and literal timelines to him.
Still, his therapist in the States had done him good. 
He was going to tell Marinette he knew on their drive this afternoon, get everything off his chest, and then leave it in her hands while he returned to LA and broke his heart over her for the last time. Yep, sounded like a good plan.
Marinette climbed into the car. Luka closed her door, crossed the front, and slid into the driver’s seat. 
“Where to?”
“I thought maybe we could just drive around this time, unless there’s somewhere you wanted to go?”
“No, that sounds fine.” He took a sip from the mocha she had supplied them with, humming appreciatively. “This is perfect; thanks, Mari.”
“You’re welcome.”
He started the car and pulled away. 
They drove in silence for a while, occasionally pointing out some place they and their friends had adventures at. 
Luka pointed at the tip of the Eiffel Tower. “That thing was destroyed more times than I can count.”
She made an agreeing noise, thinking back to some of the battles the Tower had seen. 
“Marinette, I need to talk about something with you.”
She nodded, looking at the un-Luka-like tension in his body language. “Okay.”
“I was Viperion, on the Miraculous team. I reset so many timelines. It was impossible not to know who my allies were, with all the mishaps occurring. I’ve known you were Ladybug for years.”
She stilled, breathing stuttering as old trauma resurfaced. Someone knew she was Ladybug, something bad happened.
Reminding herself that Hawkmoth was gone, she wasn’t Ladybug anymore, and she was safe, she regulated her breathing and thoughts. 
“I knew you were Ladybug when we were dating, and that your identity was why you were so hesitant to open up. I thought now would be a good time to tell you that you don’t have to keep that secret alone anymore.”
“Luka, I-”
“It’s okay, Mari. I didn’t hold it against you. After all, we were all kids. Just thought I could even the score before I leave, since we both know each other’s secret,” he muttered. 
“I- you-” she stuttered, falling silent as her thoughts whirled.
“I’m flying out tomorrow afternoon,” he broke the silence after a few minutes. “Don’t worry, I haven’t told another soul and I never will. But, if you ever want to talk about it…you have my number.”
She nodded, still processing. “Thank you, Luka. For- well, everything. I’m sorry for what I put you through.”
He gave her a smile meant to be reassuring and forgiving, but she knew it was fake. “Have a happy new year, Marinette.”
Strangely feeling like she’d been broken up with, she closed the car door and walked into the bakery, where her parents met her.
“Everything okay, sweetie?”
She shook her head. “I think I need to take you up on your offer to talk about it.”
Luka packed his suitcase methodically, thoughts with one person miles away.
He wasn’t quite sure what he’d expected when he’d told her he knew. 
Maybe for her to ask him out again since they had no secrets between them anymore? Okay, that was his wildest dream, but he supposed she hadn’t changed that much, still taking her time to process things. Not that he blamed her–having a magical emotional terrorist attacking your city didn’t exactly inspire impulsive actions regarding your feelings.
His therapist had told him that there were seasons in one’s life, and sometimes people were only meant to be with you for a season, like a flower. Others were like trees, there no matter the weather. He wanted her to be a tree, but maybe she was only a flower. Whatever she was, he’d always remember the beauty of her blooms and the sweetness of her perfume. 
“‘Tis the damn season,” he mumbled, slinging his guitar case over his back and picking up his suitcase.
He’d left her with a reminder of his phone number. Hoping she’d call him one day, he drove to the airport. He only realised he’d chosen the route that took him by the bakery as he passed it, peering in the window to catch a glimpse of Marinette working the register. 
Marinette wasn’t having a good day. She’d taken forever to fall asleep, tossing and turning as she stewed over Luka and her parents’ advice.
They’d understandably been surprised by her explanation of the inner workings of her and Luka’s short-lived relationship, but provided some valuable outside-perspective commentary.
After a fitful sleep, she’d been working the register while her parents worked on a rush-order of pastries, her mind consumed by thoughts of Luka.
“Here’s your change, ma’am. Have a happy new year!” Handing the coins over, she wiped her hands on her apron and tidied up the counter space.
Clean up complete, she ran upstairs to change into jeans, boots with Ladybug pom-poms, a turtleneck, and her favourite Viperion hoodie she’d worn thin.
She tossed a quick goodbye over her shoulder to her parents and ran out the door, waving her hand at an approaching taxi. 
“International airport, please,” she huffed, buckling her belt.
“Hope you’re not late for your flight, mademoiselle. The snow is slowing traffic,” said the driver.
Marinette clasped her hands to stop her nervous fidgeting, calling on all of Tikki’s luck that she’d arrive before Luka’s flight left. 
~~~ Luka wasn’t having a good day. He’d slept off and on, was leaving his first love behind, and now he couldn’t even do that because of the sudden snowstorm. All flights were postponed or cancelled for the time being.
So far his flight was only cancelled, so he found a comfortable piece of carpet to claim and began strumming an imaginary guitar while he waited for updates.
Snippets of lyrics floated through his brain as he composed a piece containing his feelings in the moment. 
“I won’t ask you to wait…if you don’t ask me to stay…” He hummed softly.
The sound of running feet made him look up, curious who thought they were late for a flight that wasn’t taking off.
“Marinette?” “Luka?”
She paused in front of him, catching her breath.
“Why are you here?” he asked cautiously, getting to his feet.
“To see you,” she panted. “Didn’t want you to go.”
His heart picked up pace as if he’d been the one running through the airport. “Really?” “Really. I want you. I have for years. Is there any way you can stay?” she asked softly.
“I’ll stay any way I can if you ask, Ma-ma-marinette,” he grinned. “I love you. I never stopped.”
She tiptoed to be face-to-face with him. “I love you too,” she whispered in his ear before greeting him with a soft kiss. It felt like home and the beginning of everything and the end of everything and the past and future all wrapped up into one amazing kiss in the present.
He cupped her face in his hands, resting his forehead on hers.
Luka drove them back to the bakery, keeping her hand entwined with his. They stepped into the entry, stomping snow off their boots. Sabine and Tom greeted them as if it was an everyday occurrence, though Marinette saw the happy spark in their eyes.
“Just in time for the party!” boomed Tom. “Dinner is ready; let’s sit!”
After a festive new year’s eve dinner and delicious buche, Luka and Marinette carried their flutes of champagne up to Marinette’s balcony to watch the firecrackers and revellers beneath them.
Chanting filled the air, little sparks in the distance showing where firecrackers had been set off.
“10! 9!” The countdown to the new year had begun.
“My new year’s resolution is to have the woman I love become my girlfriend. Will you be my girlfriend?” Luka asked.
Marinette nodded vigorously. “Yes!”
“3! 2! 1!” 
Horns sounded, firecrackers popped, and hollers filled the air, but Marinette and Luka heard none of it, too wrapped up in each other. 
“Joyeuse annee, Luka.”
“Bonne annee, Marinette.”
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overtail · 4 months
Dusk - Zuko x Reader 🔞
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"I didn't understand the beauty of the world until I saw her."
Summary: After years spent restoring the Fire Nation, Zuko discovers an unexpected wellspring of prosperity in a girl who is his mirror opposite.
Warnings: Smut, F!intended reader, aged up Zuko, soft sex, body warship, implied abuse, poverty
Info: Five-six years after the end of avatar, reader wears glasses cause I dk what I want, aged up Zuko, firelord Zuko, Azula is in her redemption arc, reader is kinda an airhead
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yal,need to chill wjth zuko 😮‍💨 give some room for the others man!!
I give what the people need
My requests are always always always open :3
It was getting late. Zuko was aware of that, but he had biggest problems than returning to the palace.
She had run off, again. She was naive, at least in Zuko's eyes. The way her gaze always caught onto surrounding things, entrapped her little mind, always intrigued Zuko. Only a few moments ago, she had seen a man walking with a cart full of random items. He couldn't make it out what exactly was in the cart before she ran off behind the quickly paced man.
An now Zuko stood confused and worried, wondering if she was okay,
The hustle and bustle of the Fire Nation plaza wasn't helping Zuko's worried mind. His eyes latched onto groups of children playing and running around, a small boy tugging on his mothers arm towards a fire flakes stand. The firelord messed with the hem of his clothing, trying to make sure he wasn't recognizable. He loved hanging out with (Y/N), but spirits was it a pain getting recognized by fans and enemies alike.
During their little hang outs, Zuko would let his hair down out of the royal bun that usually accompanied his formal attire. It was reasonably long, so his bangs would cover up most of the scar on his face,
Whenever somebody would question the burn though, he had funny excuses that would make the girl he adored laugh,
"You have the same scar as Firelord Zuko!" A young woman would exclaim, and Zuko would act casual, stating,
-"his scar is on the wrong side."
-"Firelord who-ko?"
-"Mines a birthmark."
or, his personal favorite,
-"No I dont."
His quips always made her let out a little giggle, pulling him along to look at the newly opened shops. He wished that she was dragging him along now instead of running off through the thick and busy streets.
As his gaze scanned through the people around him, his eyes caught into something. He felt the breath he didn't know he was holding release at the sight of the sparkling gem that adorned her bun, glistening from the setting sun. It seemed to be the color of maroom; perhaps a fire gem, a ruby, garnet, or some other red jewel Zuko couldn't name off the top of his head.
"(Y/N)!" He called walking forward and breathing in sharply. He turned to the side, muttering out small, 'excuse me's as he passed by a group of giggling women. Zuko reached out, placing his hand on the shoulder of (Y/N).
She turned around, her lips parted softly in surprise. She looked up through the metal frames of her oval glasses. Her lashes flickered as she rendered in the sight of the man next to her.
"Oh, hello Zu-" She paused, looking around. "I mean Lee." (Y/N) always tried her best to make sure she kept Zuko's identity a secret, so she called him Lee. It was the name that his uncle had called him all those years ago in that in Ba Sing Se, and now he had regifted it to himself. It was simple enough, and there were enough Lee's in the city that he wasn't as memorable.
"Where have you been?" He asked, a worried expression on his pale face. His brows were knitted together, a crease between the hills of his brows. He squeezed her shoulder.
"Oh, I saw an old friend!" She smiled, turning back to the man that was behind her. "Lee, meet Yamitsa. Yamitsa, meet Lee."
Zuko's stare flickered up to the boy behind her. He had dark brown hair that was sighed back in a wolf bun, similar to his friend Sokka's. Though, his was more grown out and messier than the water tribe boy's. He was short and had a round face, carrying a satchel while his palms were on the handles of a cart full of what seemed to be relics.
"His family runs an antique store down the road." (Y/N) explain, her hand limply gesturing to Yamitsa. "I used to go to school with him."
Unknown to Zuko, his grip tightened on the girls shoulder. His hand slid down to her bicep, fingers kneading the soft flesh.
"That sounds.. nice." Zuko said, trying to sound polite. "Let's go, it's getting late." He suggested, pulling (Y/N) slightly.
She glanced back, her eyes flickering from Zuko's squinted eyes and his brkad shoulders. She smiled. (Y/N) waved at Yamitsa.
"I'll see you around!" She said kindly, smiling as Zukomoulled her along.
His grip never left.
Zuko watched the hustle and bustle of the fire nation as the sun set, stores flipping their 'open' signs to closed. Mothers dragged their children home, husband's tired from their long day of work. Some kids still played in the center of the plaza, running around or playing with a ball.
The grasp on her arm slowly turned into the two having their arms interlinked. (Y/N) dragged him along behind her as they weaved through the streets.
Zuko followed her, letting out a content sigh as he took in the bustling plaza. He never thought he would see the day when the Fire Nation was at peace. "It's amazing, isn't it?" He comments, watching a group of children laughing and playing nearby.
(Y/N) nodded, smiling softly. The golden hour showered over her face, her eyes cascading to the side away from Zuko.
Zuko notices her gaze and looks over to see the yellow-orange sun peeking through the alleys between dark oak buildings, delving beneath the horizon. He can't help but feel a sense of warmth in his chest as he takes in the beautiful sight. "It's so beautiful," He murmurs, stepping closer to (Y/N).
You're so beautiful, his mind says. Zuko wished he had the confidence to make his thoughts into meaningful words.
Zuko's gaze flickered down to her, a nervous heat crossing his face. A strand of hair that had fallen from her bun blew serenely, dancing along the wind. It was beautiful, how human she was. He never realized how much euphoria prospered from the mere sight of watching a sun set on a summer evening, but she did. She knew things that he probably never would.
"Yeah.." (Y/N) whispered softly, looking back at him. Her voice caught him off guard. Zuko was so lost in thought, in the sea of her eyes that shone from just the simplest light, "Let's go, before it gets dark. My aunt won't be happy if I'm home late."
Her arm slipped from his as (Y/N) began to skip forward down the pavement.
Zuko nods in agreement and allows you to lead him towards the palace. The soft clicking of their shoes against the stone brick pavement of the city filled both their ears, accompanied by the simple but amazing sound of life.
"Hey, slow down," He calls playfully, a smile spreading across his face. (Y/N) turns back, her eyes closed as she smiled widely, and the world seemed to move in slow motion for just that moment.
Zuko chuckles and rolls his eyes before picking up his pace to catch up with her. As he reaches her side, he grabs her hand in his and gives it a gentle squeeze.
"You're impossible," He teases, his eyes shining with amusement. He feels their hands interlock together, fingers intertwining messily. Zuko felt that familiar flutter fill his stomach, making him smile and turn red.
Then their gaze met in a graceful yet intense stare, wide smiles stretching across their faces.
The shadow of the palace overlooked their stances, almost blending in with the shadows of the night. It was as if there was a magnetic pull between the two, since Zuko felt himself creeping closer to her. He wanted to hold her, take down her hair and run his fingers through it, and wanted to keep her close.
"Zuzu!" A light voice called from above. Zuko turned away from (Y/N), the breaking of eye contact making his heart shatter. He looked around, then up at a high place in the palace. Then he saw her.
"Spirits.." Zuko muttered under his breath, shaking his head and turning to face (Y/N). He opened his eyes, only to be met with (Y/N)'s amused grin.
Azula was leaning out of the window, a cheeky grin on her pale face. Zuko groaned, squeezing his eyes shut in exasperation.
"Oh Zuzu!" She called again, tauntingly waving her fingers. She then leaned her face on her palm, the elbow of that arm leaning on the windowsill.
Azula had been released from the psych ward only a few weeks ago. She had been staying in the palace under the guard of soldiers. She was never left alone, other than in the restroom and in the security of her room. Zuko had many responsibilities as the firelord, and Azula thought it was terribly hilarious to bother him.
"Zuzu, huh?" She laughed,
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usernoneexistent · 1 year
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Juniper spends her summer holiday with friends from Hogwarts as well revisiting an old one that she hasn't seen in a while.
Warnings: mention of substance abuse, mild bad language, emotional neglect.
The summer before Juniper's second year was one that she actually looked forward to. Despite looking through the little archived newspapers of Jacob's expulsion and disappearance, she couldn't progress much further thanks to her mother and herself, who threw away most of the news articles. But she enjoyed her correspondents with Rowan and Ben that they had.
They promised to write regularly to each other and have a sleepover at each other's homes. Rowan was first; the Khannas welcomed Juniper with open arms. Ben arrived a little later. Mr Khanna offered Ben's parents that he could pick up and drop off Ben. Despite having worries about all sorts of issues, they reluctantly agreed. Mr and Mrs Khanna made it very clear since the two girls were alone with a boy that, Ben had to sleep in Rowan's older brother's room and that if the three were alone, they must keep the doors open at all times.
Rowan gave a tour of the tree farm, explaining in excruciating detail from the type of tree down to its grains before her brother jokingly told her off and that she should relax. She bathed in the refreshing smell of sawdust and country air. Juniper chuckled out that this is what Rowan finds relaxing. He mostly kept himself but helped out whenever Rowan needed him. Juniper had to be careful not to watch them closely for too long. She was happy for Rowan that she got along so well with her brother, but the green-eyed monster peaked at his ugly head. Jealous of Rowan's functional family unit while hers was in tatters.
She ignored that feeling as best as she could and focused on the fun. Mrs Khanna made butter chicken for them. It was Juniper's first time trying, but despite the spiciness, it was delectable. She had more laughs than envy moments, causing the little jealous monster to retreat to its slumber.
Juniper had to take the train at Ben's turn to host the sleepover. Due to Ben's parents' house not being connected to the floo network and Juniper living in Scotland, she had to navigate from St Andrews to Edinburgh and then down to Birmingham. Ben's father picked her up and took her into a suburban neighbourhood in his silver muggle transport. Juniper had seen cars before, but it was her first time riding in one, though she felt queasy throughout the journey. Her hair was colovera to black to make the Coppers more comfortable. Rowan was already there as she lived closer. Ben had his father's hair but his mother's brown eyes. His parents seem old, with flakes of white in their hair.
"Um, the door has to be left open. My parents are just excited that I actually have some friends over." Ben mentioned as Juniper looked around the room. It was plain, the walls were pale blue, and the walls looked sparse.
"Your parents are like mines." Rowan chimed in.
"Ma pa is like this too." Juniper added. "Actually no. He would kill you."
"Kill me! I don't want to be killed by your dad!" Ben exclaimed, frightened.
"Oh, don't worry. He'll kill me after you for bringing a boy home." Juniper said in a serious tone. Ben's eyes grew wide like saucers before Juniper laughed. "It's a joke. Don't worry. Ma Pa is far away from England."
Ben awkwardly chuckled, but Rowan distracted them by asking about all the usual muggle games. There was the snake and ladders, the game Ben had introduced when they started regularly hanging out. She browsed through his books, constantly asking one query after another. Ben patiently answered all their questions before informing them of their trip to the cinema. Ben had written to them about the muggle's own moving pictures. They use theirs to tell stories rather than take photographs.
When they finally arrived, Rowan and Juniper were in awe of the place. Ben's father also bought them popcorn which was corn burned with butter. As the muggles called it -the film- was about a girl from Kansas with a small dog. Ben gave a brief synopsis of the prequel story where she ends up in this magical place and an emerald city with small people and magic. There was a scarecrow, a lion and a tinman. In this film, there was also a princess and a pumpkinhead.
When he came to collect them, Rowan and Juniper talked nonstop about the cinema and the moving pictures. It went on and on at dinner too. They had pizza; Rowan and Juniper knew what it was but never had, so the excitement of new and exciting muggle things returned late to the night. However, they had to sleep in the guest bedroom, but Juniper convinced Ben to sneak in the middle of the night so they could chat all night long. They snacked on sweets that Juniper smuggled in and played card games.
Ben seemed relieved that the girls had a fun time before leaving, and his parents looked less anxious, especially his mum chewed on her nails less. They couldn't wait until their third one.
The rest of July came and went as her letter for the second year arrived. During that time, she practised spell casting, looking through Jacob's old school notes to see if she could perform more advanced spells.
July was always the hardest on her mother. The reminder that Jacob had been missing for another year caused her mother to become more irascible and spend more time with her bed. The glass potion bottles would increase in her room. Juniper went shopping again, but when she returned, her mother told her off grumpily for not considering the dangers of being alone before crying about how sorry she was for not being there for Juniper.
One day, an owl brought the Daily Prophet and dropped it on the table, almost landing her cereal. Typically, she would scan through it and tear out any pages she knew would trigger her mum into an episode. However, this particular headline caught her eye.
Curses of the Moss coming back sooner than later?
Written, of course, by Rita Skeeter. That journalist made the most scandalous and shocking headlines throughout Jacob's expulsion and subsequent disappearance. She hid every one of her articles in a box, but none ever had any substance.
Jacob Moss' disappearance felt like it just happened yesterday when he endangered Hogwarts when it was supposed to be a place of sanctuary. Now five years later, his younger sister has seemingly continued on his delusional quest of the fabled cursed vaults-
Juniper stopped reading on at this point. She knew better than to fall for the vindictive lies of Rita Skeeter and start looking at more credible sources. She recalled that her neighbour, Gedeon Doughlas, had collected newspaper clippings about almost everything during the fiasco. Gedeon had always been there for her and her mum. He was Jacob's prefect, so he also watched out for her brother. Well, their families have been friends since the 1800s when his great, great grandfather and her three times great grandfather founded and co-owned their infamous pub, the Naughty Cliffs. Though in hard times, her grandfather had built up a lot of debt, and her mother wasn't fit to work; thus, it ended with Jimmy, Gedeon's father running the place as of late.
She crept quietly past her mother's bedroom down the hall and grabbed her bright red raincoat before heading out into the forest of Tentsmuir. The Doughlas house was a five-minute walk, a stone structure similar to her home.
Her wet knuckles rapped on the dark wooden door. A few minutes passed before Juniper determined it was a stupid idea anyway. Besides, she was also getting soaked in the drizzle.
"Junie?" Behind her, the door was outstretched, and a tall, blonde man leaned against the door frame.
"Ged!" She excitedly ran up to him and almost knocked the wind out of him.
"Well, look at how you've grown, Tern." He hugged her properly and spun her right around before putting her down. A wet stain was marked on his shirt where the raincoat touched. "It's been almost a year right?"
"Aye, we keep missing each other." Juniper remarked. Gedeon invited her in and placed her soaked raincoat by the fire while he made some tea. Uncle Jimmy was away at work, leaving the two alone.
"What brought you over here anyway?" Gedeon leaned against the countertops with his cup of tea in hand.
"I wanted tae look over the old articles when Jacob went missing. You still have all the articles?" Juniper warmed her hands against the puffin-covered mug.
"Aye, I do. I think I have them in my room. Wait one second till I find them." Gedeon left Juniper alone for what felt like a while. She heard his heavy footsteps running around the room.
Before long, her tea was gone, and Gedeon's went cold. He came back and plopped down a massive stack.
"Whoa! I did nae expect you have this much." The girl commented. Her fingers carefully flicked through, scanning each headline to see if it was a grabber or if it contained genuine information.
"Why'd you want tae read this anyway?" Gedeon queried, helping Juniper sort through. "Wait, you're searching for the cursed vaults, aren't ya?"
"Aye..." Juniper felt herself go quiet. She had forgotten that Gedeon was also an adult, yet most always stopped her from finding Jacob, but Gedeon was her side. When her brother disappeared, he looked after her and her mum. Besides, he would know what Jacob was doing for at least three years.
"Are you gonna tell ma?"
She put on her best puppy eyes at Gedeon, and he just laughed at her plea attempt.
"Aye, no worries. I'm no going tae tell your ma, I promise." He winked at Juniper.
"How is it going anyway?" Gedeon inquired, growing more interested in Juniper's adventure. She updated him on everything that had happened for the past school year, including her strange visions.
Gedeon seemed supportive and even offered his help where he could. Well, he first allowed Juniper to take the article clippings that appeared to hold the most information and put it into her evidence notebook. Keeping everything in one place was handy instead of relying on Rowan's incredible memory archive.
He charmed the bits of newspaper articles with a waterproof charm to protect them from the rain before she said her thanks and goodbyes to him, forgetting all about her mother tossing in bed.
Finally, when it was Juniper's turn, it was the complete opposite of her mum. Julia didn't mind that the doors were shut and if the tweens wanted some privacy. She trusted Juniper would be responsible enough, as always. Her mum really went the extra mile for Juniper, helping her set up a tent charmed to be rainproof as the summer rain ceased to end, and with sleeping bags, they found lying about the house.
"What else do we need?" Juniper asked.
"I think I have some games somewhere for you guys," Julia stated. "Wait here, I'll get it."
Over fifteen minutes passed as Juniper grew more concerned. She had finished putting up the fairy lights. The girl rushed inside and up the stairs to the attic; she peaked her head over to find her mother weeping quietly.
"Oh, Junie," Julia quickly wiped her tears. "I was just getting ludo."
Juniper wrapped her arms around her. "You don't have to say anything. Don't we need the sweets too?"
"You're right, Juno. I'll go make up a bowl." Julia thinly smiled, using her daughter's distraction.
Juniper took the magically modified ludo board. Jacob had tinkered about with it after finding the board game in a muggle market.
Mr Khanna brought Rowan and Ben outside their stone cottage. He asked if Rowan had everything she needed, but she knew that Rowan would be over-prepared.
"You're finally both here!" Juniper squished them both in a bear hug. "Come, I have so much to show you. Me and Ma set up the tent for us to sleep."
"That's so cool!"
"It looks small," Ben commented.
"It's bigger on the inside." Rowan and Juniper said simultaneously. Ben didn't look as surprised. A year at Hogwarts would make anyone ready for the unexpected.
Ben was amazed at the change in size perception. There were three camping beds with sleeping bags and a separate bathroom that her father had enchanted. Now that Juniper thinks about it more, her father did most of the transfiguration and put all this effort into it. Yet, they only camped once together, which ended in an absolute disaster from the patchy memories.
"I was thinking we could down tae the beach first, how does that sound?"
"That sounds like a wonderful idea," Rowan said.
"Wait here, I need tae ask Ma tae colovera ma hair since muggles are there," Juniper excused and rushed to the kitchen. The bowl was there, but her mum wasn't. She quickly looked into her mum's bedroom.
That was her mum out cold for a whole day. Juniper went outside, grabbing her tulip hat and a bobble before she squished her hair up inside the stripey hat.
Juniper peaked her hair around in the tent and forced a smile. "Mum is quickly out shopping so I could nae get my hair colovera but we can still go tae the beach."
Rowan raised her eyebrows in suspicion but left it.
"Okay, lets go then."
Juniper guided through the forest and onto the trails where the muggles tend to trek. Down to the sandy beach, many muggles dotted about with their kids. Juniper kicked off her shoes.
"This place is so nice," Rowan remarked, looking comfortable for once. "I wish I could live in a place like this. It must be nice being able to go the beach whenever you want."
"Not to mention the terriying creatures that lurk at night in the forest." Ben added
"I can assure you the most terrifying thing here are the seagulls." Juniper chuckled, pointing up at the seagulls encircling.
To prove her point, one of the seagulls daringly swooped down and snatched a family's chips as they ran shrieking. The man tried to whack the seagull with a rolled-up newspaper, only to trip over the bags.
The seagull laughed in its victory, eating away at the chip. Juniper saw the look of horror on Ben's face. She tried her hardest to stifle her laughter but to no avail. Rowan quickly followed suit.
"It's not funny!" Ben stomped.
"I'm sorry, Ben," Rowan wiped away a tear before clutching her stomach.
"I was nae expecting that," Juniper howled with laughter. "I'm sorry, Ben but I swear I did nae plan this. This is just too perfect."
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Ben moped around briefly, but he started to enjoy the day. The trio at first kept to themselves the rest of the day but somehow managed to play with the muggle kids. Juniper had a few close calls with her hat flying off, but they walked back home soaking, sandy and weary in the best way possible.
Juniper checked on her mum, still out like a light, so she had to get creative. She made grilled cheese sandwiches and brought the sweetie bowl. She claimed that her mum went to bed early. Technically not a lie.
They stayed up all night, maybe getting hyper from the sweets or the excitement from that day, but at some point, they somehow fell asleep. Julia was still so knocked when Juniper checked in again.
Two days and one night were all that Juniper asked for.
The girl calmly assured her friends that her mum was just tired and made them breakfast. They grew concerned, but Juniper plastered a smile, repeating that everything was alright.
Juniper was forced to put on an apologetic smile while asking Mrs Khanna if she could disapparate Ben back to his parents. Mrs Khanna raised concerns over her mother's lack of presence. Still, Juniper immediately shot her down, saying she was fine and could handle it alone.
Once the goodbyes were over and she shut the front door, the floodgates of anger opened. She heard a creak from her mother's bedroom, and her mum's head popped out, blue tuffs sticking out where she had lain.
"Where are Rowan and Ben? Did I miss them?"
"Aye, Ma! They just left right there." She snapped. Her mum physically reacted as her face showed deep hurt. Juniper wanted so badly to run and comfort her mum, but another part felt deeply pained that she couldn't just have woken up. Just the days of sleepovers, that's all she wanted. How hard was it for her mum not to take sleeping draughts and sleep in? Just simply be there and give her the sense that everything was alright.
"Auch, what a shame. I wanted to chat to Mrs Khanna for a wee minute." Her mum grimaced before returning to bed.
Juniper wanted to scream at her mum for being careless but stayed calm. Screaming would just induce a panic attack and make her mum cry that she was a lousy mother, and if things got worse...Juniper didn't want to think about that.
She left the cliff cottage and walked through the wood. Before she knew it, her hand punched a tree, and every pent-up frustration was released on the bark before she screamed that her small frame could muster.
"Poor tree. What did he deserve tae get such treatment?" Juniper turned around and saw a blonde man bearing a crooked grin.
"Oh, hey Gedeon" She covered her bruises, hands behind her back. "Nothing much."
"You sure?" He slowly approached her, getting his wand out. "Let me see, Tern."
Juniper, ashamed, put out her hands as Gedeon healed the bloody and bruised knuckles.
"There, all better now." He said softly. "Do you wanna talk about it?"
Juniper shook her head. She knew she could confide in Gedeon, but she didn't want to say.
"Wanna come bird watching with me?"
"Beats being here."
Juniper took his offer. She needed to escape from here and be secluded in nature's life. She took his arm and disapparated to the Isle of May. It was a small, rocky island off the coast of Fife.
They apparated inside the abandoned light tower. Gedeon quickly checked that no muggles heard or saw anything, but it seemed good of people that day. Maybe the rain driving most tourists off, or they're on the boat.
"Tie your hair up, Junie."
"Why?" Juniper asked as she obediently followed his instructions, twirling it into a messy bun.
"Just in case any muggles pass by. Don't want tae to make them jealous cause of your amazing hair." He joked. Her hair was causing trouble, as per usual.
"Aye, so the usual then," Juniper said. Gedeon placed his fish hat on her head, almost swallowing Juniper whole. "Are we going to see the puffins first?"
"Aye, you always loved the puffins." Gedeon laughed.
"What's so wrong about that?" Juniper huffed and pouted, which seemed to make Gedeon laugh more.
"Aye, nothing." He pulled her out of the lighthouse. "Lets go."
When they got out, the wind wasn't as bad as Juniper had expected though she had to hold on tight to the hat. He took her to the rocky side and crawled down onto their stomachs at a safe distance.
Gedeon pulled out a pair of binoculars and observed the flock of puffins either idling by at the rocks or flying about.
"Look at that one!" Juniper pointed towards the bird, swooping down on its prey. "He's got a big fish!"
"I think that's actually a she." Gedeon corrected.
"How'd you ken?" She asked.
"I ken cause the bill is small and her overall size." Gedeon explained.
"Obviosuly, I can't see very well from here." Juniper commented snarkily. They could get closer, but Gedeon didn't want them to disturb their habitat.
Gedeon sighed and passed his binoculars on to her. "Here, use this and tell me what you see."
The rock was filled with loud squawks and little chirps as Juniper scanned with her binoculars. There were a lot of puffins feeding their chicks.
"Lots of baby puffins," Juniper watched a mother puffin feed her chick a fish. She watched the birds in a fit of strange jealousy, and the mother birds were more of a mother than her own.
"Do you want tae talk about your ma?"
Juniper sighed, "I asked ma if she can no take sleeping draughts when ma friends come over. I don't want them to see her all moody and depressed."
"I get that," Gedeon sympathised. "I was embarrassed to bring my friends over when I was your age."
"Aye, but don't forget that yer Ma is dealing with a lot at this time."
Juniper sighed as Gedeon was right. Her mum was trying hard not to think about Jacob, but a part of her couldn't help but feel overlooked. She looked through the binoculars.
"A whole lotta puffins...Wait." Juniper scrunched her eyes to look closer at the foreign bird. "There's another, white except for the head and the beak is orange."
"Pass that back," Juniper gave back the binoculars, observing Gedeon. His eyebrows knitting as he focused on the other bird. "Look it's an artic tern. Also known as sterna paradisaea in Latin. They're common around here."
"You ken Latin?" Juniper sounded surprised at this new knowledge.
"Only for birds," he quietly laughed. "It helps knowing if they're part of the same family."
"Oh? But why do you keep calling me tern? I don't think I'm anything like them."
"On the contrary, Junie, you are exactly like them."
"How so?"
"They are tenacious and hopeful creatures. They migrate the longest distance and they continue to persist despite the dangerous weather conditions leading to hope."
"That's pretty cool," Juniper said, smiling to herself.
Juniper determined right then that terns were her new favourite birds, and she would be an arctic tern pursuing the cursed vaults.
Previous chapter: chapter 10
Next chapter: chapter 12
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southernxwolf · 10 months
Head tilted towards the sky, tongue out to collect the icy flakes falling from the sky when and where they could as it continued to sprinkle down around them, Auggie exhaled aloud. The fresh cold air felt so nice after being in classrooms, no matter how open and large they were. Being cramped in with a lot of people was never their forte to begin with, even if it was something they had to adhere to. It was just part of living among people. A creature that craved closeness in some capacity, especially in the cold like this. Body heat and all that. Something Auggie wasn't exactly the best at as is, which might've explained their desire to be out of the room, out of the building, and stretching their legs under the table in the Quad they were occupying.
With the holiday's approaching, the hollow darkness that always settled in around this time was creeping in yet again. It was never the same this time of year without having someone he was somehow attached to, to depend on for the sake of the silent mourning process he took to remember his sister. No one to hold his hand, or even hold him while he sat beneath his cloud. Now he was amongst strangers, depending on only himself. Something he had done before, but it had been a while. He had to remember how to do it all by himself again, and that wasn't sitting right with him.
The stark white dove that settles on the table, shaking her feathers and tilting her head up at him read: stop being sad, my child, and go make friends. Although he couldn't hear her voice literally, the tone is familiar enough that his mind supplies it on its own. "I've never made friends before," they argue, brushing the snow off of their notebook where they had been re-writing notes that had been rushed at the end of class, "so forgive me if I don't know how to go about this like a person might." The dove coos, pecking at the back of his hand, causing them to huff but not flinch. "I know, I know. No excuse. Just do it."
Flipping the page in his notebook to a blank page, they tap the end of the pen against it before standing again, and drawing the black jacket collar up around their ears. To protect their ears from being pecked at if anything, as the dove flutters from the table and settles on their shoulder. Moral support, perhaps.
Squaring off, Auggie pushes through and approaches the first person that appears from the falling snow, notebook and pen in an iron grip. "Hi, hello - excuse me." A clearing of their throat, a subconscious nervous habit they were falling back into since they were alive. "I am required to come up with some holiday themed recipes for the culinary class I'm taking. Perhaps I can take a moment of your time to fire off some questions so I know what exactly the pallet is of my fellow Islander's? Nothing off the table." Clicking their pen open once more, ignoring how the dove rustles her feathers as if adding her own intimidation tactic to get the other person to do it or else.
"Don't mind the chicken, she's clearly only using me for my body heat. I was thinking of cooking her personally, but⎯"
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"Alright, alright! I know you're excited but slow the eff down a bit would ya?" Qhuinn giggled, as she struggled to keep up with a very energetic and very excited Samoyed. Honesty she couldn't blame Remus, as she was just as happy to see the snow. It had been years since this had happened on the island and was a welcome sight after all of the storms and destruction. Cheeks rosy and smile bright, she finally got control over her rambunctious and beloved dog as they continued on their way.
When a young man approached her, Qhuinn greeted him with a warm smile. Which only grew as he talked. "Well! You can to the right person, if I may say so myself" She giggled. "I can talk about food and cooking literally all day long. Just ask him" The wolf grinned, reaching a hand down to both affectionately ruffle the thick white fur of Remus..and make sure that he didn't suddenly bolt after the dove that was perched on the man's shoulder.
"And I'll start by saying that he's far too cute to cook" She chuckled. "I'm Qhuinn, and this is Remus! Can I buy you a cup of coffee or something? We can go to my bakery and have a nice chat"
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thegenderfluidace · 5 months
Whoops accidental vent below the line
Why is it now, when I’m about to go to sleep, that I feel the best I’ve probably felt all day
And not, I don’t know, before work where I had a mental breakdown and it was just very lucky that my mum was driving me to work because I had a migraine so she went in and told whoever was closing that I could not in fact work tonight because I was crying in the car
Like I’m pretty sure today, this week, was doomed to failure.
Like today we took my cat to the vet for her first ever check up(where she was in fact(surprisingly) a very good girl, no hissing, scratching, growling, biting, she was a very good kitty for them and we got new cat treats that hopefully she does actually really like and have her one as a good job you were good kitty) but I ended up having more anxiety there then her, she’s healthy and perfectly fine, got some shots, vaccines and stuff, and she didn’t even flinch when getting em and I physically could not look at the needles
And then after that had to go to my (ex) best friend’s farewell thingy(thing Mormons have before they go on there mission) she used to be my best friend for years and then she just kept not wanting to plan things and when we did she’d always flake and she’d never respond when I’d message her anymore and she just became a really sucky friend
We couldn’t even stay there long(not that I really wanted to) cause I had work, but cause neither me nor my mum are Mormon and my dad doesn’t even really remember much of what he did when he was, apparently we went there underdressed because everyone else was wearing like suits and dresses and there were so many people, it was stupid and stressful and I hated it. I didn’t want to be there, only fun part was when her friend was talking about 3d printing and showing us pics of his cats(they are so freaking cute, and he was genuinely an actually really nice person) but everything else? Awful, hated it. Didn’t even wanna go.
Day was just way too much for me, woke up with a migraine(which has been continuous for about a week+ish, and surprise gets worse with stress), and then it was cat vet appointment, and then friend thing, which made me stressed and it was making me nauseous so I couldn’t even really take anything for it, and since it was bad enough wasn’t really a great idea for me to drive so asked my mum to take me to work which on the way I did my not really effective coping skill of distract and it’ll maybe go away(which is where I realized the trees looked like they had a bunch of tiny cauliflowers and looked at the baby sheep/sheep that we drive by on my way there(which while saying that if you haven’t seen a baby sheep irl that is so very sad and I feel that needs to be fixed so go find a baby sheep and look at it, I promise it(momentarily) makes everything better) and then when we pulled into the work parking lot we saw that it was the manager that could throw me all off on a good day which it was so not smoking outside and that was when it alllll went downhill. Cause I was not feeling at all better and I knew if she said the wrong thing today I would have a mental breakdown at work and I was so not for that. So instead I had a mental breakdown and panic attack inside the car while my mum went inside to go tell her that I would not be able to work tonight but that I very much tried to actually work tonight(which I did, I genuinely tried so hard to be able to get through today and I just couldn’t) so yep crying in the car in my works parking lot, and proceed to apologize for literally everything and continue to cry and breakdown and then get home cuddle with cats for a bit and then went downstairs to my room to cry and breakdown some more and then take a nap
But now after literally everything I’m feeling okayish now? When I really don’t need to cause imma sleep???
Maybe it’s cause I actually ate and drank some water and took migraine meds which should hopefully help soonish but it’s still annoying
And the reason this week is fated for failure?
I still have so much to do this week and I feel so sucky
And as if life just wanted to laugh in my face I don’t have therapy this week because she’s currently out of state
We knew she was gonna be when we were scheduling therapy but then everything started coming up and it all just so happened to be the week she isn’t here
Lovely. Fantastic. Amazing.
Life was for real like ‘yknow that one week where the person in charge of helping to make sure they don’t absolutely lose it is out of state? Yeah let’s go put all the stressful bad stuff that week. Even better if most of it is literally right before the day they would have therapy just to help point out that they currently do not have it for this one week’
Absolutely great day(not)
Gonna sleep now and hope this week doesn’t suck too much but probably still will!
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dark-sirenparis · 9 months
Head tilted towards the sky, tongue out to collect the icy flakes falling from the sky when and where they could as it continued to sprinkle down around them, Auggie exhaled aloud. The fresh cold air felt so nice after being in classrooms, no matter how open and large they were. Being cramped in with a lot of people was never their forte to begin with, even if it was something they had to adhere to. It was just part of living among people. A creature that craved closeness in some capacity, especially in the cold like this. Body heat and all that. Something Auggie wasn't exactly the best at as is, which might've explained their desire to be out of the room, out of the building, and stretching their legs under the table in the Quad they were occupying.
With the holiday's approaching, the hollow darkness that always settled in around this time was creeping in yet again. It was never the same this time of year without having someone he was somehow attached to, to depend on for the sake of the silent mourning process he took to remember his sister. No one to hold his hand, or even hold him while he sat beneath his cloud. Now he was amongst strangers, depending on only himself. Something he had done before, but it had been a while. He had to remember how to do it all by himself again, and that wasn't sitting right with him.
The stark white dove that settles on the table, shaking her feathers and tilting her head up at him read: stop being sad, my child, and go make friends. Although he couldn't hear her voice literally, the tone is familiar enough that his mind supplies it on its own. "I've never made friends before," they argue, brushing the snow off of their notebook where they had been re-writing notes that had been rushed at the end of class, "so forgive me if I don't know how to go about this like a person might." The dove coos, pecking at the back of his hand, causing them to huff but not flinch. "I know, I know. No excuse. Just do it."
Flipping the page in his notebook to a blank page, they tap the end of the pen against it before standing again, and drawing the black jacket collar up around their ears. To protect their ears from being pecked at if anything, as the dove flutters from the table and settles on their shoulder. Moral support, perhaps.
Squaring off, Auggie pushes through and approaches the first person that appears from the falling snow, notebook and pen in an iron grip. "Hi, hello - excuse me." A clearing of their throat, a subconscious nervous habit they were falling back into since they were alive. "I am required to come up with some holiday themed recipes for the culinary class I'm taking. Perhaps I can take a moment of your time to fire off some questions so I know what exactly the pallet is of my fellow Islander's? Nothing off the table." Clicking their pen open once more, ignoring how the dove rustles her feathers as if adding her own intimidation tactic to get the other person to do it or else.
"Don't mind the chicken, she's clearly only using me for my body heat. I was thinking of cooking her personally, but⎯"
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Paris, by nature, was not a fan of the cold. Thank the gods his home had an array of pools to swim in - heated, for obvious reasons - to keep himself right. He never really ventured anywhere cold, so a brief but rewarding shopping spree had the finest coats and winter apparel shipped to his house. There were some last minute assignments to be graded before the end of the semester, and as he trudged through the snow he was surprised by a very eager face rushing up to him, a bird on his shoulder. Paris, always bad at hiding his facial expressions (not that he cared), had an obvious grimace as the other spoke. "I suppose," he said, slowly. His head cocked to the side as he listened, his face offering no indication on whether he was paying attention or not. Paris's face pinched into confusion and mild suspicion. "Son, that's not a chicken-- that's a dove - are you aware that is a dove, do you know the difference?"
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vewores · 2 years
Christmas crack recipes
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#Christmas crack recipes cracker
#Christmas crack recipes crack
Spray your parchment paper with a light coating of cooking oil spray, then start laying out your pretzels. This is a crucial step that will make it a LOT easier to remove the pretzel toffee bark from the pan when it is finished. Line your cookie sheet with a layer of parchment paper. You’ll want to preheat your oven to 375 degrees, so it’s ready a little later. The first step in making this recipe is to prepare your pretzels on your cookie sheet.
#Christmas crack recipes crack
Prepping Your Pretzels to Make Christmas Crack There are a couple of tools that I’ve found useful in making this recipe that you might want to have on hand: Half a bag of mini pretzels (shapes, not the sticks).I was able to order everything I needed to make this recipe through Instacart from my local Aldi store.įor one batch of Christmas Crack you’ll need: They’re super easy to find and also pretty inexpensive. The ingredients for this recipe are deceptively simple. You’ll want to read the whole post first to get all the tips and tricks to get this recipe right the first time! I’m including a printable recipe at the bottom of this post, but it’s just the basics. Now, I’ve decided to share it with all of you, so you can experience the yummy goodness that is Beth’s Christmas Crack. He stopped me the next day to tell me he broke his own rules about eating on the bus to try it and that very little had made it home to his family that evening. Every year I make this and hand it out to friends and family, and it’s always wildly popular.Ī few years back I gave some to my daughter’s school bus driver. It’s become one of our Christmas Traditions. When I needed a quick and easy treat to make last minute, she passed along this recipe of holiday perfection. This recipe came to me a few years ago when I was looking for something to make for friends and neighbors at Christmastime.Īs I do just about anytime I need advice, I messaged my best friend Beth.Įvery year, Beth makes a HUGE assortment of incredibly beautiful and delicious candies and cookies for her husband to take to his office to share. It’s really hard to eat just a tiny piece. The pretzel toffee bark the perfect combination of sweet and salty, buttery and chocolatey. Y’all! This stuff is SOOOO good! Like seriously delicious.
#Christmas crack recipes cracker
Get more ideas in this post: 5 Ways to Top Your Christmas Cracker Candy.Today I get to share with you one of my all time favorite recipes: Christmas Crack (also known as Pretzel Toffee Bark)!! While the chocolate is still melty, sprinkle on a half cup of chopped nuts, coconut flakes, crushed pretzels, dried fruit, or anything else that strikes your fancy!.Or add a drizzle of white chocolate over top! Swap the dark chocolate for any other favorite chocolate.Swap the saltines for Ritz crackers, graham crackers, or any other cracker.Next time, try a different brand of chocolate. Sometimes despite all your best efforts, the chocolate melts at a temperature that makes it shrink when it hardens, pulling it away from the toffee layer. If you need to freeze, let the crackers warm up for about 10 minutes before cracking. Freezing means the layers cool rapidly, which can sometimes cause them to separate. Cool overnight in the fridge (not the freezer).Or pop the pan in a 300☏ oven for a minute or so. If your chocolate isn’t melting or spreading easily on the hot toffee (or caramel and crackers) in the sheet pan, use a hair dryer to re-melt the chocolate until it’s workable.(If you forget and the caramel cools, just pop it back in the oven for a few minutes. Let the toffee layer cool for 1 minute and no longer! The toffee needs to still be quite warm for the chocolate to stick.Make sure your chocolate is fully melted so it's ready to go when the saltine toffee layer is ready.These chocolates have more of a tendency to become brittle and separate from the cracker layer. Avoid chocolates with a really high percentage of cacao.But when they melt, the coating can prevent the chocolate from sticking to the toffee. Chocolate chips have a non-melting coating to help them keep their shape. Use chopped chocolate instead of chips, and the chocolate layer will be more likely to stick.Here are a few tips to help prevent that from happening: The chocolate layer separating from the caramel layer is a common problem with Christmas cracker candy. We agree, hence this recipe's new name "Christmas Cracker Candy." But several readers wrote asking us to change the name because it makes light of something that is a very real addiction for many people. We used to call this delicious treat "Christmas Crack," which is its most common name.
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sparkle9510 · 2 years
Baby Robins and Tiny Ladybugs Ch. 4
I live! It's been over 2 years since I last updated, and I am so sorry for that! It's been a rollercoaster ^^; Writers block, college, internships, graduation, you name it. I hope you guys enjoy this! -------------------------------------- First Prev Next “If she causes you problems, let me know,” Marinette warned him. “She doesn’t hurt my friends and gets away with it.” 
“Thanks Marinette! From now on, we’ll have each other’s backs,” Adrien smiled. “I guess that makes us partners huh?” 
“I guess that does,” she agreed, smirking and holding her fist up. “Partners?” 
“Pound it!”
A pause settled into the air for a minute or two as both of their brains short circuited. It had made the connection of the all too familiar gesture.
“...Mon chaton?” Marinette hesitantly asked. 
She studied Adrien’s face, which had an unreadable gaze. Was this a mistake? Was she going to out herself to a civilian, one she has a crush on? How was this going to affect their relationship? She’s going to have to go on the run. Make herself a new identity. That wasn’t going to be hard right? Maybe-
“...Our everyday Ladybug inside and out of the mask,” Adrien finally settled on, “and I would not have it any other way. My lady, I am glad we got to reunite outside the mask. Like in Cinderella, I’ve found my purrincess.”
Marinette felt heat flow up to her cheeks. Imagine that. Her prince in shining leather, next to her, all this time. Then the last thing he said registered.
“... Chaton, out of all the times to pun, it had to be now?” 
“My lady, if not now then when ever? Get used to it cause this cat is armed and loaded. If you don’t like it, I guess you’d better put me under Agreste.”
*groan* “Adrien, that was the lamest thing I’ve heard yet.”
“Hey Mari!” Alya called out to her once Marinette stepped into the classroom. “Where were you Sunday? We were waiting for you girl!” 
“Sunday?” Marinette tilted her head to the side slightly. “Was there a hangout or something?” 
“We had a class picnic, remember?,” Mylene informed her, “you promised to bring some pastries from the bakery, but you never showed.” 
“Wait, what?” Marinette was stunned, “what-”
“Marinette,” Lila cooed, “if you weren’t going to be able to make it, you should’ve at least given us a head’s up. We would’ve been able to find an alternative. In fact, I know a patissiere that would’ve been able to help if we gave them an early notice.”
Marinette was stunned and a bit hurt. What ploy was this? Looks like everyone knew about it but her. Well, almost everyone. Adrien would’ve told her. 
After the reveal, she felt that their bond was closer than ever. Now, she had someone to talk to, to relate to, about having two lives. He wasn’t just her best friend in the mask, but outside too. They chatted a lot more, especially through text and video calls. She no longer stuttered around him, and he opened himself more to her as she did to him. So, it goes without saying that whatever happens, they would let each other know.
“Marinette,” Lila pouted, “I know we haven’t gotten along well, but I didn’t think you would flake out on us. I- I’m sorry if I caused you some ill will…” 
Tears began pooling under her eye and she started to sniffle. Marinette’s anger began to grow. It was the same thing over and over again. When will she quit?
“Lila-” Marinette began before stopping herself.”Funny, I wouldn't do that. I didn’t even know about it in the first place. So, how was I supposed to make baked goods if I wasn’t even aware?”
“But Lila said she texted you,” Nino chirped in. 
“Yeah, Lila volunteered to let you know and was the one who told us you agreed,” Kim continued, both him and Nino looked at Marinette with a skeptical look on their faces. 
Marinette bit her lips. The room felt big yet suffocating at the same time. How could she prove herself to people that didn’t give her the light of day?
“Where was my invitation?” 
Everyone turned over to look at Adrien who stood at the doorway. He walked over to Marinette, wrapping his arm around her shoulder. Unlike his usual smile, he was giving the class a stern look. 
“Why wasn’t I told of the picnic too?” Adrien pressed on.
“Adrien,” Lila plastered on a sympathetic smile, “you were busy with a photoshoot yesterday, so we didn’t want to bother you. Your dad told me how important it was. That’s why I didn’t message you, but I did message Marinette about it. I don’t know why she’s lying and trying to make me look like the bad guy.”
Tears began welling up again.  
“And I’m telling you,” Marinette butted in, “I never received any text.” “But you did,” Lila insisted, “see?” 
Lila pulls out her phone and unlocked it, sharing her screen with the class. There, shown, are the messages “Marinette” had sent, agreeing to it.
“Girl,” Alya peered onto it, “the pics don’t lie. If you were too busy or got held up, you should’ve said something, not pretend not to receive anything. We would’ve totally understood.”
“I-” Marinette began once again, trying to defend herself, but the bell rang, signaling the start of class. 
Sighing, she walked to her seat and got her tablet out, ready for class. Alya gave her a pat on the shoulders, but Marinette didn’t feel any better. Looking around, she saw a few disappointed looks pointed her way along with Lila’s smug one. She couldn’t help but bite her bottom lip as she forced herself to focus in class, forgetting everything else around her. 
Unfortunately it got worse from there. More forgotten invites, some accusations which included her allegedly saying things here and there whether it be insults or creating rumors, and even “evidence” of her bullying Lila. Between those lies, Lila made sure to point out the moments where Marinette really did have to flake out or was being impulsive. Her little comments festered until those around her began to harbor resenting feelings. 
It frustrated Marinette that Lila’s promise seemed to be working and her friends were distancing themselves more by the day. While they were still friends, she noticed them having less patience with her, making more snide remarks, and gave her less invites to hangouts. Though that wasn’t the only thing that was happening…
Bringing her hands up, Marinette wiped away the paint that dropped on her. Her classmates began to prank her with the encouragement of Lila. She spewed how it would help them all bond closer, especially mend their friendship (as if there was one in the first place). It started small that she paid no mind, but it became more daring recently. 
Marinette grimaces as she surveyed the damages. Luckily the paint wasn’t going to permanently stain her outfit, but it was definitely going to be a pain in the ass to get rid of. 
“Oh dear,” Lila cooed apologetically, “it seems there was a mishap. I thought I was carrying a bucket of water I got from the art room, but it was paint by mistake. My bad.” 
“Mari!” Adrien quickly walked up to help Marinette, frowning at Lila. “Lila, this is going too far. This ends now.” 
He placed the bucket upright before surveying the extent of the mess. Marinette watched a few emotions go through his face before he looked resigned but resolute. He placed an arm around her and turned her towards the door, gently pushing her towards it.
“Now Adrien, don’t be silly,” Lila chuckled. “We meant no harm! It was just a joke! We didn’t do anything wrong.” 
“Yeah, take it easy sunshine,” Alya went up to pat Adrien’s shoulder. “You know tensions have been rising between the two. Maybe a good laugh will help the two get along.”
But I’m not laughing…
Marinette sighed, giving up. It’s been months at this point of her trying to clear things up with Alya, but she’s stubborn. In other cases, Marinette could give her some respect for it cause she’s not as easily swayed. However, it was also a con cause once her mind’s made up, it’s hard to deter her from her conclusions. 
“Babe, my bro’s right. Even with the water, it would’ve been harsh.”
Everyone turned towards Nino who had voiced this. Kim stood next to him nodding as well. They moved through the crowd until they stood besides Adrien and Marinette. 
“Nino?” Alya called, confused. 
“Alya,” Nino looked disappointed. “This is getting closer to bullying. I’m not gonna stand there and watch my friend get hurt.”
“Come on guys,” Kim continued. “Think about this. Whether paint or water, it’ll ruin Mari’s clothes. We all know she makes her own outfits and it can get ruined with this. Think of all the effort she puts into making them.”
“Nino, Kim,” Lila feigned hurt. “Do you guys really think I’m a bully? When it was Marinette that was mean to me from the very start?” 
She started sniffling, placing one hand over her nose and mouth. 
Here comes the waterworks. Marinette gave Adrien her biggest done face. He seemed to share it too, albeit more subtle.
“Maybe I do,” Nino stated. 
“Nino!” Alya was growing more visibly upset.
“I’ve known Mari since école,” Nino argued. “No matter how she felt, she has always helped others. She would never do the things Lila claims. Lila, on the other hand, only got to know and from the actions I’ve seen? Hasn’t earned my complete trust. So, yeah I’ll believe Marinette and side with her over Lila any time.”
“What Nino said,” Kim smiled, turning towards Marinette. “Let’s go get you cleaned up.” 
Ignoring the class who began comforting Lila once she began full on “crying”, the quartet left. They came across Mrs. Bustier, informing her that they were going to Marinette’s to get a change of clothes before coming back.  However, there were no guarantees as to when. 
“Thanks guys,” Marinette smiled, “I appreciate the support.”
“Of course!” Nino replied, rubbing his neck sheepishly. “We’ve been through thick and thin. We know you’re not what Lila paints you to be. Which is why…uh… Sorry for not believing you before, when you tried warning me and Alya.”
“Yeah,” Kim laughed nervously, “we started noticing some of the things she said were too good to be true. Not only that, but her trying to expel you and framing you for thief wasn’t cool. We should’ve noticed it way earlier though, sorry Mari.”
“It did hurt at first that my friends believed that I was such a bad person,” Marinette admitted, earning a wince from the two, “but I accept your apologies. Thanks for realizing the truth and standing up for me.”
“I’m glad Princess,” Adrien chimed in from the side. “Now you have more people in your corner. I guess this kitty will have to learn how to share.”
“Yeah, but don’t worry, you’ll always be my favorite.” She quipped.
“Of course, this stray cat isn't going anywhere. Now let’s go, you’ve been drenched in paint long enough!”
“You just want to take some of the pastries.”
Adrien and Marinette teased each other relentlessly much to the bewildered Nino and Kim. This was the first time seeing Marinette interacting with Adrien without stuttering or being more clumsy than usual. 
“How long has this been going on??” Kim exclaimed, much to their amusement. ------------------------------- Anddddd I'll end it here! Trying to get my mindset back into what I have planned for this as well as trying not to rush the plot xd. Sorry no batfam appearances. I made a general plot to help guide me but it ended up having it so that they may show up next chapter >.< Wanted to highlight more of what Lila's been doing and show that she's been cultivating the class and molding them to what she wants. If you're still here from when I first started, thank you guys for the support! I really appreciate it! Let me know what you guys enjoyed, what you miss, things to improve, anything! If you just want to rant about Season 5, lmk and I'll send message! I'm cool with talking about it anywhere ^-^. Taglist (I know it’s been a while, so if you want to be taken off, lmk please!): @mooshoon @bluerosette23 @zestyzealot @luciferge @gingerdaile @crazylittlemunchkin @queenmj10 @hypnosharkrebeldreamer @razzledazzle247 @dorkus-minimus @this-is-vander @abrx2002 @maribat-is-lifeblood @sturchling @witchsblackfox @noirdots @zalladane @jessigurl-design @myazael @velvetterabby @dawnwave16 @novicevoice @weird-pale-blonde-person @theyellowfeverexperience @lla-en-rouge @silverwhiteraven @corabeth11 @chocolatecatstheron @tired-butterfly @sassakitty @mon-berry @echpr @loysydark @miraculous-simmer7 @jardimazul @risingmoonyue @theatreandcomicfreak @dast218  @gracerosana @redscarlet95 @fusser90 @sam-spectra @elmokingkong @pirats-pizzacanninibles @shamefullove @xahriia @buticaaba @erick-rose99-stuff  @emjrabbitwolf
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the-iceni-bitch · 4 years
A Birthday Gift
Pairing: Nomad!Steve x fem-Reader
Word Count: 5665 (I know, I know)
Summary:  The nomad crew have been holed up with you for months and tensions are high. Nat, being an unrepentant pot stirrer, decides to arrange a pleasant birthday surprise for you.
Warnings: Explicit language, explicit sexual content, explicit descriptions of consensual violence, SMUT! PORN! 18+!
A/N: Hello my fellow hoes and sluts! My birthday is today and it has me in some kind of mood, so I hunkered down and blasted out this fic. @stargazingfangirl18​‘s lovely Tree Trimming fic has my holes quivering for some hot Nomad sex, so please sit back and enjoy my birthday present to all of you!
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You had always hated your birthday.
Fortunately, Nat was completely willing to take your mind off it with a good sparring match. The snow was falling heavy outside of the large windows on the side of the gym, but the minor exertion was keeping you pleasantly warm. You’d been on the mat for almost an hour, but you still couldn’t seem to get your mind to focus.
Of course, it didn’t help when Rogers came in, glowering, to work the bags, giving you a wary look before he settled into his routine.
Nat and the rest of the team had been with you for almost 3 months now. When she had called you after the events in Berlin, to arrange a potential safehouse for her and her compatriots, you of course offered to have them join you at your isolated lodge on the Snæfellsnes peninsula. You were as off the grid as they come, and with the help of your Wakandan friends, still able to provide the modern creature comforts you were sure they had become accustomed to at the Avengers compound.
You had missed Nat, after all. It had been almost 7 years since you last saw her, but the grin she gave you when they landed in the early Autumn made it seem like she’d never left. You got to know everyone else over the months as well. Sam and you bonded quickly after you introduced him to Aquavit and spent the next 2 days helping him slowly move back to solid foods. Vision of course took everything that happened in stride, and while you couldn’t say you were friends, you had developed a mutual respect for each other. Wanda took longer to warm up (understandable after everything she had been through) but when you told her about the time you had spent in Sokovia, she quickly came out of her shell, and the two of you would often stay up through the night reminiscing about your homes. Even Barnes had softened once he got a look at your weapons room and you took it out to the Fjord to test out some next gen tech Shuri had sent you.
The only problem was Rogers.
No matter what you tried, it seemed that every time you got near him his hackles went up. You could feel him watching you constantly, and whenever you met his gaze, he would simply clench his jaw and stalk off like a cat.
“He’s just overprotective.” Nat always said. “He’s a big papa bear protecting his cubs. He’ll warm up.”
You snapped back to the present as Vis and Wanda wandered into the gym chatting idly. She had convinced him to join her out in the snow for a brisk hike, and was now laughing lightly as she brushed a dusting of soft flakes off his shoulders. Bucky was working his way down from the weights level, patting his neck dry with a towel. You heard the pounding on the bags stop, and glanced over to see Rogers unwrapping his hands as he stared at you, but this time he didn’t break eye contact when you met his gaze.
Those deep blue eyes disarmed you, and you lost your concentration for a split second. Nat seized her opportunity and crawled up your back, wrapping he legs around your neck and shoulders to try to get you into a submissive position. You tried to regain your composure, but your instincts kicked in for just a moment, and when you drove yourself back into the mat to break her hold, you landed quite a bit harder than you intended and thought you heard a snap as she gasped out in pain.
“Shit, Nat you good?” You scrambled onto your knees and looked at your friend with concern. Out of the corner of your eye, you saw Rogers striding over, jaw clenched and brow furrowed. Vis and Wanda stopped their conversation to glance over and Bucky moved quickly to intercept his best friend with a hand on his chest.
Nat broke the tension with a laugh, and everyone in the room relaxed. “God, Y/N, guess you’re still an aggro bitch. I though I might’ve had you for once.”
“Jesus, Nat. I’m sorry, lemme grab you some ice. Anything broken?”
“Don’t think so, just a bruised ego. Look at you, you haven’t even broken a sweat.”
You tossed a pack to her from the freezer, along with her typical post spar electrolyte drink. She gave you a wink as she pressed the pack to her ribs, and you could only shake your head at her.
“Steve, you wanna take over for me?” She said to the large man who was now leaning against one of the windows, only half listening as Barnes tried to distract him, while glaring at you.
You both snapped your heads around to stare at her and started protesting over each other while she grinned back and forth between you.
“That’s probably not a great idea…”
“Don’t want to hurt her…”
“Oh my god, you two are ridiculous. Y/N, you obviously still have to work out your birthday issues, and Steve, you’ve been complaining for the past 3 weeks that me and Buck are getting too predictable.”
“Y/N, it’s your birthday? We should bake you a cake!” Wanda exclaimed, always the little ray of sunshine.
“That’s ok Wand, please don’t.”
“Should we perhaps sing?” Vision was now adding his two cents to the discussion.
“No singing. Thank you, so much, for that, Nat.”
“She’s right Rogers, you’ve been looking pretty bored during our sessions, change of pace might be good for you.”
While you were eternally grateful to Bucky for getting the topic off of your birthday, you really didn’t think Rogers was going to go for this.
“Fine, we’ll give it a shot.”
You looked at him with surprise, but gave a shrug and nodded. You definitely still needed something to take your mind off the day. You loved Nat, but always felt the need to hold back during your sessions, and it might be nice to take the safety off.
Nat looked like the cat that ate the canary for some unknown reason, as she giggled and clapped her hands before setting down onto one of the stools to observe. Bucky looked relieved as he leaned back against the wall, chugging the contents of his water bottle. Wanda and Vis went back to their flirty conversation, content to let you two do your own thing.
You unzipped your hoody and threw it to the side, stretching your neck and bouncing on the balls of your feet to loosen up. Rogers looked you over, eyes lingering over your tattoos that you realized he’d never seen since most of them were easily covered by a long sleeve shirt. He pulled his own sweatshirt over his head, and you had a hard time not taking a second to appreciate just how good his torso looked in a simple grey tee.
“Jesus, you two, just get to it.”
The look you shot Nat was pure poison. You weren’t sure what her game was, but you’d be sure to break out the vodka later tonight and get it out of her.
You squared up with the captain, keeping a loose stance on the balls of your feet while he brought up his fists and shrugged his shoulders.
His first strike seemed sluggish, and you slapped it aside easily, frowning at him. He shuffled forward, throwing a few more jabs that you also dodged. Was he holding back on you?
The next few shots he tried to take all but confirmed it; he was pulling his punches. You ducked around them easily, starting to get frustrated. You stepped inside his reach and delivered three quick strikes to his abdomen, followed by an open-handed push to the center of his chest, causing him to take two steps backwards.
His eyes narrowed at you. He was just hoping to get Nat and Buck off his back. Nat had been trying to get him to interact with you for months, but there was something about you that set off warning bells in his head. He trusted Nat and Nat trusted you, which should have been good enough, but he couldn’t get over the thought that there was something dangerous about you that he couldn’t figure out. He’d hoped that a quick spar would appease Nat and get whatever was bugging him about you out of his system, but he had expected you to be on Nat’s level of physicality. The contemptuous way you slapped his blows aside, and the way you got under his guard fast, only made him more wary.
You saw him adjust his stance and tucked in his arms, and gave him a small smirk as you stepped back and raised your fists again.
He moved forward quickly this time, throwing a quick combo of punches aimed at your head and torso and trying to get his arms around you for a hold. You still dodged his strikes easily and when he tried to put you in a hold, you delivered a swift knee to the juncture of his waist on his left side, dancing back again.
His long hair had fallen into is eyes at this point, and when he straightened back up, the look of appraisal he gave was laced with frustration.
Your breathing was still even and relaxed, and Nat had been right, you hadn’t broken a sweat at all in the past 45 minutes. You loosely rolled one tattooed shoulder and gave him a grin, practically begging him to try again.
He clenched his jaw and rushed you. You kept dodging his blows or batting them aside but when he brought his foot around suddenly you moved a little too slow and felt it glance off your cheekbone. He took advantage of your brief surprise and moved behind you whip fast, wrapping one arm around your neck as he braced the other around your right shoulder and he tried to force you to the ground. You sprung your legs off the mat, raising them above your waist before swinging them back down as you got your left hand behind his head and grabbed the back of his tee, then used your momentum to fling him over your shoulders and toss him 15 feet across the room.
He shot up fast and turned back to with a look of complete shock on his face as he crouched into a protective stance. He stared at you like that for a beat before clenching his jaw and straightening up, rolling his head to right.
You followed his line of sight, perplexed. Bucky had jolted off of the wall and looked ready for a fight, flicking his gaze between you and Rogers. Wanda was staring at you with surprise, but was still relaxed. Vis looked at everyone around the room in confusion, trying to understand where the sudden tension had come from. The only person who seemed unfazed by what happened was Nat, all doe eyed innocence as she sipped her drink, not making eye contact with you or Rogers.
Poor Sam chose this moment to wander in. “Hey, Y/N, I heard it’s your b-day. You ready for me to drink you under… What happened?”
“Fuck’s sake Nat, you didn’t tell them.” You hissed at her.
“It didn’t really seem important, Y/N. Besides, it’s your secret.”
“Not a secret Nat. Jesus.”
“Someone want to tell me what the fuck I missed?” Sam was still flicking his gaze around the room, trying to figure out what was happening.
“Y/N just threw Steve across the room like a ragdoll.” Bucky said.
“Oh, word? Interesting.” Sam said.
“Someone want to explain this situation to me, slowly?” Rogers was looking murderously between you and Nat, and you honestly could have killed her yourself.
“Oh, did everyone not know about Y/N’s brain implants?”
All of you looked at Vision when he piped up, and he got a grin on his face like he had just solved an especially difficult puzzle.
“Baby, I think it’s safe to say only you and Nat knew.” Wanda whispered to him.
“But wasn’t that why we came here? Y/N has been hiding from multiple governments for years and her expertise has been very helpful in shielding us from both the United Nations and Stark industries.”
“Yeah, honey, just assume that you’re the only one who knows what you’re talking about.” Wanda said exasperatedly.
“Oh, well then, Y/N was part of an experimental program run by HYDRA under the guise of SHIELD during the 1990s where adolescents received brain implants designed by Dr. Emil Zola to increase sensory perception, decrease pain receptors, and specifically, maximize the efficiency of fast twitch muscle fibers via the phosphagen system, allowing use of these muscles for longer periods of time without negative effects. This was of course after multiple failed trials with a new super soldier serum.
“The program’s graduates were deployed at the beginning of the second Gulf War, purportedly to hunt terrorists, but were also used as HYDRA’s own assassination squad in the eastern hemisphere. The program was discontinued at the end of 2007 and it was thought that all the graduates were culled, but Y/N simply disappeared on mission at the Wakandan border. I admit, I was a bit surprised when she greeted us as she’s presumed dead by most intelligence agencies, but I thought her history was the reason we chose this location. Did I miss anything?” Vis looked at you with genuine interest.
“No that’s pretty much it, thanks.” You said flatly, running a hand over your face.
“See, not that big of a deal.” Nat shrugged.
“Well, Vis and I are going to head to bed.” Wanda chirped up, looking nervously between you, Nat, and the two super soldiers who were now staring at you again. She ushered Vision out of the room quickly and shushed him as he tried to ask if he had done something wrong.
“You really didn’t think this is something I might have wanted to know Nat?” Steve had now turned his attention back to your friend, murder written all over his face.
“No, Steve. Like I said, this is Y/N’s business and it changes literally nothing about how much I trust her. I can’t help it that you got your panties in a bunch over some perceived threat when I told you over and over again that I would willingly put my life in her hands in any situation.”
“You should have told them Nat.” You shook your head at her. She was still playing some sort of game, you could tell, but you didn’t know what.
“Ok, fine, I’m sorry. I just didn’t think you wanted the drama, or to have Barnes look at you like some little lost lamb.”
“Aw geez, Buck, stop looking at me like that or I’m going to punch you. I’m fine.”
“Ahm, sorry.” Bucky’s look of overwhelming sympathy would have been heartbreaking if it had been directed at anybody but you, and you really couldn’t handle that right now. “I’m here to talk if you ever need it.”
“Thanks, Barnes.”
“Besides, you and Steve are both in desperate need of a good fuck, and I thought an impromptu discovery like this would give you the push you need.”
And there it was.
“Well, I’m going to have to make it a rain check on those birthday drinks Y/N, look at the time, it’s… 6 PM. Let’s go Barnes.” Sam was now looking everywhere except at you and Rogers as he did his best to drag Bucky, who was doubled over crying with laughter, out of the gym.
You and Steve glared at Nat as she just sat there grinning, looking overly pleased with herself. A flush was creeping up Rogers neck as his fists tightened and loosened. You could see his jaw clenching under his beard and the tendons on his neck stand out in a look of absolute fury.
“You are such a meddling bitch, Romanoff.” You growled at her. Sure, it had been a while, but you were plenty capable of taking care of yourself, which you had told her after she plied you with three bottles of good Russian vodka.
“Yep.” She hopped off her stool and tossed her ice pack into the freezer. “I’m gonna leave you two to it. Talk, fight, fuck, do something. Your sexual tension is bringing down the vibe.”
She easily dodged the kettle bell you lobbed at her head with a laugh as she scurried out of the gym, closing the door behind her.
After about a minute of uncomfortable silence, you and Rogers turned back to each other. His face was no longer bright red as he looked at you, but you noticed something new in his gaze. His pupils were dilated as he peered at you through the hair that had fallen into his eyes. His breathing was deeper as he stepped closer and looked down at you. You were quite a bit taller than Nat, but still only came up to his eyes. He had moved his gaze to your chest, which was rising and falling in a slightly faster rhythm as he took you in, before moving it to your lips, then back up to your eyes.
“Wanna talk?” he asked.
You both took several steps back, retreating to your corners. Some unspoken agreement passed between you and Steve ripped off his t-shirt and sweatpants, until he was down to only his boxer briefs. You removed your sweats as well until you stood there in your sports bra and boy shorts. Neither of you examined whether you were doing this to increase your range of motion or for some other, hungrier reason.
You gazed at each other for a beat, drinking each other in. Steve rolled his broad shoulders and neck, bending from side to side briefly as you watched the muscles in his abdomen tighten and relax as he stretched. You reached your arms over your head before folding yourself over to wrap your arms around the backs of your thighs, twisting yourself to loosen your back muscles and feeling his eyes on you the whole time.
After straightening back up, you each gave each other a swift nod then rushed forward wordlessly.
You managed to gain the upper hand first when you vaulted over him as he dove at you, wrapping one arm around his throat as you carried your momentum and brought him to the ground, coiling your legs around his torso like a snake and stretching his right arm out with yours, pinning it in place.
He reached his left arm over his shoulder and punched you in the face.
You let go of him with a grunt and rolled up quickly, but he was able to get behind you and grabbed your left wrist with his right hand, hauling you over his shoulder while his left arm wrapped around your thigh and he drove you backwards into the mat, knocking the air out of your lungs before rolling over to try to pin you.
You got one leg between the two of you and drove your foot into the center of his chest, sending him flying across the room to crash into the free weights. You didn’t give him a chance to recover before charging back into him driving a fist into first his ribs, then his hip and causing him to buckle over before you wrapped one knee around his chest and rolled forward, slamming him into the ground so hard the floor cracked as you went to straddle him.
He caught your knee and carried you into a kneeling position before throwing you into the sandbags with enough force to knock one loose. You landed heavily and grabbed a kettle bell, whipping at him. He barely dodged it as he covered his head and it glanced off his forearm, giving you enough time to rush forward.
He caught you in the center of the mat and twisted you over him until you were pinned; one of your wrists in each of his hands above your head, legs wrapped around your thighs forcing them apart as he pressed his whole body weight into you.
You stopped struggling finally and stared up at him. You both were breathing heavily and covered in sweat. Steve’s hair was falling into his eyes, which were now lust blown as he stared at your lips. You could feel the muscles in his torso twitching against you as he held you in place.
He suddenly released your wrists without a word, and brought one hand behind your head to pull your mouth to his hungrily. His tongue ran along your lower lip and you opened yourself up to him, sighing into his mouth.
His other hand worked its way down your back as his legs loosened their hold on yours and he pressed your hips into his. You felt him start to grind his hardened cock into your mound and let out a low moan. He growled into your lips before releasing your head and started to kiss and bite his way down your neck, drawing soft whimpers from you as he did.
When he reached the tops of your breasts he pulled away from you suddenly to skim one hand up your abdomen before hooking three fingers under the edge of your sports bra and slowly drawing it over your head, eyes boring into yours as he did so. Once his obstacle had been removed, he nuzzled his face into the valley between your tits before gently sucking a bruise there as his beard scratched against your skin. He then moved his mouth to first your right nipple, then your left; rolling them between his teeth and tongue as you pressed your chest further into his face with a gasp.
He continued his downward journey, dipping his tongue into your navel before he reached the top of your shorts. He slowly drew them down your thighs and off until you were laying underneath him, fully bare and wanton, your cunt clenching around nothing as he stared up at you, resting his chin on your lower abdomen as his eyes asked you a silent question and you nodded, almost imperceptibly.
He drew your knees over his shoulders and pulled you down until his beard was flush against your mound. He nuzzled into the soft hair there before kissing the inside of your thighs slowly, his beard scratching the soft skin there as he gently ran the edge of his teeth up to your juncture then back down at an agonizingly slow pace. When you felt him breathe against your entrance, you wrapped one hand in his hair and moaned, and when his tongue found your clit you screamed and arched your back into him.
His tongue slowly circled your clit as he brought up his right hand and brushed his pointer and middle fingers through your arousal slowly, before inserting one finger into your pussy at a deliciously slow pace. You felt him smile against you as you moaned, wrapping your thighs around his neck as he moved in and out, curling his finger against that soft, spongy spot over and over again before adding another finger.
His tongue had stopped drawing it’s slow circles and was now pressing and releasing against you at faster intervals, causing your breath to hitch in your chest as you writhed against his face. He held a third finger at the edge of your entrance and when you pressed yourself into it, he inserted it into your canal, stretching you so good you let out a thin whine. He shook his head back and forth quickly but gently, adding a brand new sensation before he began to suck on your clit.
All the breath rushed out of you at once as you brought your second hand to press his head further into you. His fingers were fucking into you fast now and you felt the tension in your abdomen building as he alternated between sucking and licking at the small bundle of nerves. When he finally latched on, at the same time he curled all three fingers against your g-spot, you came apart around him, screaming his name as your thighs wrapped around his head like a vise as every muscle in your back tightened, thrusting your torso off the mat violently before you sank back down, relaxing as Steve helped you ride it out.
His name was the first thing either of you had said in almost 15 minutes, and he didn’t want to break the silence now. He was afraid if either of you spoke, you’d break the spell that seemed to have settled over you. Instead of saying anything, he gently pulled you down until you were straddling his waist, then nuzzled his face into the juncture between your neck and shoulder before resting his forehead on yours and staring into your eyes.
You looked back at him, blinking slowly as you moved your hands down to his hips and slipping your fingers under the edge of his boxer briefs. You slipped them over his hips slowly, and you felt his legs shifting in between yours as he moved himself to help you remove them, never breaking eye contact with you. You matched each other’s breathing as he shifted his hips and lined himself up at your entrance, his eyes giving you a pleading look. You shifted your hips closer to him, and he slowly breached you with his tip, closing his eyes as he did so and letting out a low moan from the back of his throat. He started thrusting into you slowly, trying not to collapse on top of you as he held himself back.
You brought your face up to his and slowly kissed him, gently drawing your tongue along the outside of his lips. The hand you didn’t have buried in his hair moved to his lower back and pressed him into you further, and you softly whispered against his mouth “Please…”
He let out a feral growl and settled his full weight on top of you as his hands moved from their supportive positions. One moved underneath you to hold you against him as he fucked into you fast, the other buried itself in your hair as he wrenched your head back and ran his teeth over your throat, nipping at the small hollow at its base. His hand on your back tilted your hips so each drive of his brought him flush against your clit, and you started breathlessly whimpering as he drove into you at a punishing speed.
Your second orgasm came almost without warning. You felt yourself flutter around him one moment when he suddenly tilted your hips just right and you were seeing stars, your body spasming as an uncontrollable wave of pleasure crashed over you repeatedly.
Steve still wasn’t finished though. He gave you a kiss like a starving man before pulling out of you suddenly. You groaned at the loss before he flipped you over fast and slammed back into you, causing you to let out a cry as his tip kissed your cervix.
He maneuvered you into the position he wanted quickly; one knee hooked over his leg and brought up close to your side with your other leg stretched behind you. He brought one arm underneath you to wrap a massive hand around your throat while the other tangled itself in your hair and drew your head back enough for him to kiss you hard, shoving his tongue down your throat as he continued to drive into you.
You had another orgasm almost immediately. Your pussy was fluttering and clenching like crazy as your body almost vibrated with pleasure. Steve still wasn’t slowing down and you were having so much trouble catching your breath you were worried you were going to pass out. You couldn’t stop driving your hips back into him though, matching his pace and feeling the tension in your core begin to gather again. You rolled your eyes back in your head and let out a thin whimper as you moved a hand between your thighs, trying to gain some sort of control over your own pleasure before your brain short-circuited.
Steve ripped your fingers from your throbbing clit with a growl and replaced them with his own, drawing harsh circles around the overstimulated bundle as you gasped and whimpered. He moved the hand he had at your throat to cup your chin, and tugged at your bottom lip with his thumb. You opened your mouth to gently nip at the rough pad as you felt his hips start to stutter, and he when he bit into your shoulder harshly you let out a scream and came apart violently, shaking underneath him uncontrollably.
His own release was right behind yours, and you felt his hot spend coating your insides as you fluttered around him and he wordlessly roared into your ear. He collapsed on top of you, burying his face in your neck and breathing deeply as he moved his hand from your face to softly cup your breast, lazily rolling one nipple in between his fingers and you came down from your respective highs.
You felt him softening inside you as you started to untangle yourselves. He slowly pulled out and you let out a small sigh at the loss of him. You heard him groan as he caught the sight of his cum slowly leaking out of your swollen cunt, and he left a slow trail of kisses down your spine before gently turning you over.
You wrapped one hand around the back of his neck and pulled your face up to his, kissing him deeply as your other hand trailed through the hair on his chest before coming to rest on his abdomen. He rested his forehead against yours again as you both got your breathing under control, before he broke out in an absolutely sinful grin.
You both started laughing then, the previous tension completely broken as you buried your face in his neck and he held you close to him, shaking with laughter.
“Oh my god, I really did need a good fuck.” You said breathlessly, tears leaking down your cheeks.
“Yeah, well I’d say we shouldn’t give Nat the satisfaction of knowing she’s right but I doubt she wasn’t listening in this whole time.”
“Jesus, of course she was. She’ll never stop meddling now.”
He grunted in agreement before giving you a brief kiss to the top of your head, then you separated yourselves to stumble around and locate your clothes.
The gym was an absolute wreck. Aside from the crack in the floor, the weight racks had fallen over in a domino effect after you had kicked Steve into one and two of the sandbags were leaking everywhere.
You were both covered in bruises from the sparring session and the stiffness you always felt after overexertion seemed to have multiplied tenfold as you struggled to pull your sweats back on, groaning at how tight your muscles were. Steve seemed to be feeling it as well as he let out a hiss through his teeth when he pulled his sweatshirt back over his head.
Once you were both dressed, he stalked over to you like a cat and wrapped his arms around your waist and pulling you in for one more kiss.
“Guess we should go face the rest of them.” He said, resigned.
You groaned as he dragged you out of the gym, hand in hand, to endure what you were sure was going to be a chorus of cat calls and innuendos, but when the two of you arrived in the living area, it was just Nat curled up on the sofa, giving the two of you a satisfied smirk.
“Where is everyone?” You asked her, looking around to see if maybe they had moved into the kitchen.
Nat threw back her head and laughed. “Oh they all ran out into the snow once you two really got started. I don’t think I’ve ever seen anyone look as embarrassed as Bucky did in my entire life. He forgot his shoes.” She was crying with laughter.
“Outside, Nat, it’s freezing out there!” The sun had already gone down with how late in the year it was and once that happened, the temperature would drop severely.
“I told them but they couldn’t handle it. Bunch of prudes.”
“Yeah, while you sat here and listened, you pervert.” You and Steve started pulling on boots and coats to head out after them.
“I’m the pervert! While you two had the world’s loudest fuckfest less than 20 feet away from the rest of your housemates, hey!” You had thrown her coat at her face and she caught it to shrug around her shoulders. “They probably had to go out five miles before they weren’t able to hear you.”
Steve growled at her as he ripped the front door open and headed out with you on his heels.
“Oh, you’re welcome by the way! It sure would be nice to get some appreciation for your birthday gift, Y/N… shit.”
Steve had lobbed a snowball the size of a golden retriever at her that she barely dodged at the last minute, cursing under her breath.
Steve wrapped an arm around you as you headed out into the fields to find your poor housemates and apologize, nuzzling himself into your hair with a grin. “Happy birthday.” He murmured to you, giving you a quick kiss before ruining the moment by bellowing “Barnes, get your dumbass back here, you forgot your boots!”
You grinned at him, looking up at the sky where the borealis had started and thinking that maybe birthdays weren’t so bad after all.
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five more minutes | n.r.
summary: Soulmates cursed to never be together, each life always longing for a love that they've never met..or so they think.
warnings: temporary character deaths, reincarnation?, violence, self-sacrifice, angst with a happy ending, implied sexual content, language
based off of Billie Eilish's cover of "the end of the fucking world" originally produced by Rob Dickinson
one life is based on the film “underwater” by William Eubank
word count: 8,344
---- = separate life
/ = a skip in time, same life
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Your chest is heaving as you pry open the door to the last safe house in the city, everything turning to hell ever since the “End of the World” started happening. Smoldering flakes of ash were falling from the sky and the bombs were getting set off every few minutes, absolute mayhem engulfing the world around you. This safe house was located on the city's outskirts, technically not disaster-proof but far away enough to be human-proof from the rest of the world.
You belong to one of the major power families that run your district, your father and mother getting killed earlier this morning because of it. The y/l/n's have always been feuding with the other families in control, everyone always hungry for power and willing to do anything to let their family have it.
Stepping inside the house, your boots creak on the wood, the door slowly closing behind you. Your gun feels heavy on your waist as you cautiously take a few steps forward, listening for any signs that someone else might be in the safe house with you.
You hear another creek of the floorboards and in one swift motion, you pull out your gun, keeping your finger resting on the trigger. You move quietly to the kitchen where the noise came from, arm raised and aimed forward. Almost simultaneously, both of you sidestep and see each other, the corners of your lips twitching up as you see Natalia in all her glory. "Y/n." Natasha greets curtly and you nod your head, both of you aiming guns at one another. "Natalia." You say in the same tone before the ground shakes, rattling the house. "Running away like always?" Nat taunts and your eyes quickly scan over her features, taking in the disheveled and tired look on her face.
"You were here first." You comment and she rolls her eyes, adjusting the grip on her gun. "I'm gonna have to kill you now, huh?" She says and you quirk an eyebrow, still on edge as you watch her body language. "Do you really want to kill me? Or does your family just want to?" You ask and her eyebrows furrow, you not wanting to deal with this stupid family feud while the world is ending around you. When the redhead doesn't answer, you shake your head, a breathy laugh escaping your lips as you look at Natalia. "What happened to us, Nat? We used to be so close." You say and Nat sighs, glancing down at her gun before making eye contact with you. "Family happened Y/n. Families got greedy for power and we got dragged into it. A Romanova couldn't be associated with a y/l/n, could it?" She says and you purse your lips together, eyebrows furrowing slightly as you make a decision.
"I don't want to spend my last few moments on earth fighting you, Talia." You say as you slowly lower your gun, Natasha's shoulders relaxing slightly at the action. "What are you saying, Y/n?" Nat asks and you look at your childhood best friend with a certain desperation in your eyes. "I'm asking you to put our family feuds aside, just this once." You pause briefly before speaking. "I don't want to be alone when the world ends." You say softly and Nat contemplates your offer, only taking a few moments to make up her mind. Natalia nods her head and slowly puts the gun down, giving you a soft "okay" as she looks at you. You nod your head and echo her statement, whispering a soft "okay." before holstering your gun.
You’re sitting on the front porch as you watch the world around you fall apart, sipping on some old beer you found in the fridge. The soft opening of the front door causes your head to turn, seeing Natalia step onto the porch with a cigarette in hand.
You’ve been listening to the radio for the past hour, hearing the news cover the chaos as you sit there with the wind blowing in your face.
Natalia doesn't say anything as slowly moves to sit down beside you, wordlessly offering you a hit of her cigarette. You shake your head and hold up your beer in a similar fashion, Nat shaking her head as well. The rustling of the grass and the crackling radio are the only things heard as you both look forward, Nat placing the cigarette between her lips and you taking a swig of your beer.
Tentatively, you place your head on Natalia's shoulder, trying to see how the other woman would react. You feel Nat tense up at your action and you internally panic, thinking that you stepped over a line. Sure, you could've done that when you both were little..but now you're all grown up, times have changed. You're about to pull away when Nat wraps an arm around your waist, pulling you closer to her as she relaxes. There are no words exchanged as you lean into her side, Nat taking one last drag of her cigarette before tossing it on the ground. Crushing the nub with her boot, she makes sure it's exterminated, not wanting to start a fire (not like it matters though). You both sit there in a comfortable silence afterward, the radio droning on and on about how horrible the world is.
After a while, you decide to break the silence, still keeping your head on Nat's shoulder. "I love you, Talia." You say softly, feeling the warmth radiating off of the other woman. "What did you say?" She asks and your head turns slightly to look at her, trying to read her expression. "I love you, Talia." You repeat, lowering your head back down to her shoulder once you've made eye contact. "Always have, always will." You finish and wait for Natalia's response, wanting to see if she pulls away or not. Nat is quiet for a second before you feel her arm tightening around your waist, her head turning to kiss your temple softly. "I love you too, Y/n." She whispers, closing her eyes as she leaves her lips there. "I'm sorry that we drifted apart." Nat mumbles against your skin and you place your hand on her knee, rubbing your thumb in a small circle. "I'm sorry too." You say, planes flying overhead. "I've never hated you, you know. I just didn't want to disappoint my parents." Nat says and you nod your head, looking up at her and smiling softly. "I know Nat. I know." You say, bringing your hand up and gently brushing your fingertips along her jawline. Natalia leans into the touch and looks down at you, watching the way you look at her with such care that she hasn't seen in a while.
Your fingertips move down and you run your thumb over Nat's bottom lip, glancing into her eyes one more time before leaning up. You kiss Natalia delicately as she kisses back, eyes fluttering closed as her free hand cups your jaw.
Are you kissing her because it's the end of the world, or are you kissing her because you've been in love with your best friend ever since you were five? Either way, you're kissing her and my god her lips are soft.
You both pull away gently as you look at each other, sadness and regret in both of your eyes. Besides you, the radio continues to. crackle out the news.
...nuclear warhead..five minutes..seek shelter immediately..
Your breath catches in your throat and your heart rate speeds up, panic filling your chest as Natalia simply reaches over and shuts the radio off. “Shh hey, it’s gonna be okay.” Nat whispers as she pulls you closer to her chest. “I don’t want to die Talia.” You whisper as you cling onto the redhead, head burying into her neck and arms wrapping around her torso. “Five more minutes.” Nat repeats the phrase on the radio and you nod your head, taking in her scent. “Five more minutes.” You echo her as she hugs you tighter, both of you knowing that there isn’t enough time to escape. You’ve spent your whole lives avoiding and hating each other, so why continue doing it now.
“I wish we had more time.” You whisper and she nods her head, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear. “Maybe in another life.” She whispers and you can only nod, sighing softly before leaning in to kiss her again.
And for those five minutes, Natalia just holds you, placing gentle kisses on your crown and repeating how much she loves you over and over again. “I’ll find you in the next life, and if not in that then in the next one after.” Nat promises and you nod your head, knowing your five minutes are about to be up. “I love you Talia.” You whisper as you close your eyes, holding onto her as tight as you possibly can. “I love you too, Y/n.” Nat whispers before resting her head on top of yours, closing her eyes as the warhead hits and a bright light surrounds the two of you.
"Car crash, 24 year old female, 35 year old male, falling in and out of consciousness." The radio dispatch lists off the information as the ambulance arrives at the scene, Natasha immediately jumping out of the back along with Steve. "I've got the girl, get the other car." Natasha orders and Steve nods his head, both paramedics heading separate ways. Natasha's eyes scan the scene as she sees a red car completely flipped upside down, running her way over there as she sees a bloody hand reaching out. "Please..help.." Nat hears a soft whimper as she drops down onto her knees, looking inside the car to try and assess the damage. Nat barely reacts as she sees you trapped by your seatbelt, trying to calm your breathing as blood pools on the roof of the car. "Hi my name is Natasha, I'm a paramedic and I'm here to help you." Nat introduces herself and you try and look at her, hands shaking as you grip at your cut. "Can you tell me what your name is darling?" She continues as she immediately gets to work, the car door already being ripped off in the crash. "I-I'm Y/n. Y/l/n..Y/f/n (your full name)." You say shakily, Natasha looking at your injuries. "Okay, Y/n. I'm gonna get you out of here, I just need you to keep on talking. Can you do that for me?" She asks and you nod your head, starting to talk about whatever comes to mind. "I- uhm I was born in (your home state or country), moved away from my mom and dad as soon as I could." You laugh softly at the statement before you wince, feeling Natasha put pressure on your wound. "Fuck." You hiss out and Nat whispers a soft "Sorry" before continuing. She shouldn't need to apologize, she was doing her job after all, but she had an odd desire to comfort you even when you were kinda bleeding out"It's okay.." You say before continuing, your vision focusing and unfocusing. "Uhm..I have a dog and my brother is gonna graduate in a few weeks. And I'm so fucking proud of him, I never told him how proud of him I was but I'm so fucking proud of him." You ramble and you don't notice Nat's eyes widen, seeing that if she moves you you'll bleed out within a minute. "An-And I've never found love, just fucking douchebags that I wasted my life on and now I'm gonna die without finding my person and I don't wanna die Nat..I don't wanna die." You choke out as you close your eyes, wanting this nightmare to be over already as a wave of deja vu washes over Natasha. "Hey okay look at me, look at me Y/n." Nat says as she gently cups your cheek, watching as your eyes slowly open. "Keep your eyes on me, okay? You've gotta stay conscious. You think you can do that for me?" She asks and you lean into her touch, mumbling something incomprehensible. "Can you repeat that for me, baby?" Nat asks and your head lolls down a bit, feeling lightheaded as Natasha tries to keep you awake. "Mmhm..should be easy..you're very pretty." You mumble out and Nat smiles softly, ready to get you out of the car. "Okay, my partner and I are going to move you but I want you to keep your eyes on me, don't look anywhere else." She says as Steve comes over to the two of you, already taking care of the male in the other car. "Severe lacerations to her torso and blunt force trauma to her temple. Seatbelt's keeping her in place." Nat gives Steve a brief rundown and he nods his head, lowering the stretcher onto the ground as Nat secures your neck in place. "Just to be safe." She says and you hum softly, their words muffled as they move in slow motion. "Okay we're going to move you on one..two..three.." Almost as if they were in synch, Steve and Nat get you out of the vehicle, Steve getting you secured onto the stretcher while Nat tries to keep you from bleeding out. "Start talking Y/n, I need to hear you talking." Natasha says as your blood soaks through the gauze, pooling under her gloved hands. Incomprehensible mumbles fall past your lips as you try and stay conscious, your entire body feeling numb to the pain. A soft whimper of discomfort is the last thing that you say before you fall quiet, Nat looking at you concerned. "Come on baby you
need to keep on talking." Natasha encourages you gently before nodding at Steve, both of them working quickly to get you into the ambulance. "Tell my parents that I love them..and tell my shithead of a boyfriend to go to hell." You manage to get out and Nat laughs softly, helping Steve lift the stretcher into the ambulance. "Who else do you want me to tell?" She asks once she hops into the back of the ambulance with you, Steve shutting the doors and telling the driver to step on it. "Tell my brother that I'm proud of him..and tell the other driver that I don't blame him.." You start to list as the lights start to get too bright, causing you to squint to try and look at Natasha. You swallow dryly as you can feel the life draining out of you, causing you to hold your hand up to the redheaded paramedic. "Nat, can you do something for me?" You ask weakly and she nods her head, Steve taking over putting pressure on your wound. "Yeah, what is it darling?" Nat asks softly as she changes out her gloves, swapping them for a new pair before leaning down to look at you. "Can you- Can you take my ring?" You ask and confusion floods her face, Nat looking down at the simple band on your pointer finger. "I dont-" She starts but you shake your head, wincing at the pain that it caused you. "Please..I- It might just be the blood loss talking but I feel like I've met you..probably in another life or something like that." You say and wait for her reaction, seeing her stare at you for a few beats. "I know, it's crazy but-" You start but she shakes her head, grabbing onto your hand and squeezing it lightly. "No I get it. You aren't crazy." She says softly and you smile meekly at that, slowly taking off your ring and putting it in her hand. "Then keep it." You whisper and she nods her head, looking at the ring in her gloved hand. "Okay." She says and you smile, finally feeling whole for once in your life despite all the blood you've lost. The fight finally leaves your body as your eyes close, your hand falling limp against the stretcher.
"Shit she's coding." Steve hisses out and Nat's head snaps upwards, shoving the ring into her pocket as she jumps into action. Steve immediately starts compressions as Nat works on your breathing, securing the mask on your face as she pumps the bag. Steve barks out orders over the radio as Nat stands by your head, eyebrows furrowed as she watches you.
"Come on Y/n stay with me, just five more minutes to the hospital." Nat says under her breath as the ambulance races through traffic.
"Hold on for five more minutes." She continues as Steve does his compressions, trying to manually restart your heart.
"Please..just five more minutes." Nat whispers under her breath as another PMD puts a defibrillator on your chest, trying to check for a shockable pulse.
After a trail of CPR, advanced airway, and cardiotonic drugs, Steve finally makes the call.
"Call it." He says to Natasha and she shakes her head, not giving up that hope that you could still be resuscitated. "She's gone." Steve states and Nat shakes her head once again, looking at your still form. "No Steve we can't-" "Tasha she's gone. You have to call it." He says sternly and it shuts Nat up, sighing as she looks at her watch. "Time of death, 9:52 pm." She says as the other PMD covers up your body with a sheet, only a few minutes later the ambulance pulling up into the hospital.
Nat sits in the back of the open ambulance as she watches the hospital staff go by, Steve coming to sit by her. "You alright?" He asks and Nat nods her head, blinking back tears as she looks at your ring. "Yeah..Yeah I'm fine." She says before closing her hand, turning her head to look at Steve. "But she was right, I really feel like I've met her before." Nat says and Steve nods his head, putting a reassuring hand on her back. "Maybe in another life."
"The drill is working smoothly sir." You report to the Capitan over the intercoms, the screens showing an all-clear in front of you. "Thank you, sailor." His voice crackles over the coms and you nod your head, pressing back the button to send a reply. "Of course, sir." You say before standing up straight, checking the pressure regulation and structural integrity one last time.
It's a must to make sure everything is working smoothly down here, after all, one mistake and the entire drill could be crushed seven miles below the surface of the ocean. "Hey, sailor." Natasha's arms wrap around your waist as she hugs you from behind, moving your ponytail aside to kiss the back of your neck. "Hi baby." You say as you lean back into her touch, eyes closing as you feel Nat's lips on your neck. "Capitan gave you the all-clear?" She asks and you nod your heads, humming at the warmth of your girlfriend's embrace.
It's lonely working on a research/drilling facility seven miles down and being isolated for months at a time, but with Natasha here, it makes things a tad bit easier.
You turn in her arms before cupping the sides of her neck, kissing the redhead softly. "Free for the rest of the day." You say and Nat smiles into the kiss, pulling you closer to her by your hips. When you both pull away, she brushes her lips over yours gently. "You wanna.?" Natasha's sentence trails off with a grin and you smile at her, your fingers hooking onto her dog tags and pulling her closer. "Mm..dirty Tasha." You laugh as you tease the kiss, kissing her softly only a few times. "I don't hear you complaining." Nat grins and you only roll your eyes, glancing at the clock before looking back at your girlfriend. "Then what are you waiting for?" You ask and Nat squeezes your waist, pulling back to grab your hand and lead you to the sleeping quarters.
You pull on your Navy-issued shirt as Nat laces up her boots, both of your faces flush from fucking for the past hour. "You messed up my hair." You say to Nat as you try and fix it in the mirror, seeing your slightly swollen lips and hickeys on your neck. "You wanted me to pull it." Nat shrugs and you purse your lips together, tugging your hair back into a semi-neat ponytail. "Yeah but not that hard." You mumble and Nat comes up behind you, both of you locking eyes in the mirror. "What did you say again? Oh Nat fuck me harder..mm tug my hair, oh!" Nat mimics your moans and you shove her lightly, trying to hide the smile on your face as you act mock offended. "I do not sound like that." You say and Natasha only smiles, fixing her belt and tucking her shirt into her pants. "Whatever you say, darling." She hums before kissing your cheek, pulling out your dog tags from under your shirt. You're about to pull her in for a proper kiss when the alarms suddenly go off in the base, a loud AI announcing the warning.
Warning sructural integrity compromised, immediate evacuation advised.
"Fuck." "Shit." Both of you curse under your breath as you swing the door to the barracks open, seeing the rest of the crew rush past you. "Come on we've got to get to the escape pods." Natasha says as she grabs onto your hand, running through the crowd as loud crunches and bangs echo throughout the drill.
"They're closing off this part of the drill!" Someone yells and it makes your heart race even faster in your chest, knowing as soon as someone closes that safety hatch you're all dead.
Nat and you push through people in the crowd, water starting to pool at your feet. It's only a matter of time before this section of the drill immediately collapses, making people literally trample over one another to try and get to safety.
"Come on, come on!" Clint calls as he stands by the safety hatch, watching the people behind you get sucked up in the pressure vacuum. "Close the door! Close it!" Steve yells at Clint as he watches the base collapse, you and Nat jumping over fallen debris and dodging electrical wires. "Go, just go!" Nat pushes you in front of her as you both sprint towards the hatch, Clint pressing the button to slowly close it. Your heart is racing a million miles per minute as you see the exit in sight, Natasha pushing you forward to get through first. There's barely enough space for you to fit through, grabbing Natasha's arm and pulling her in just in the nick of time.
The heavy metal door closes just in time, the rest of the drill getting torn out into the marina trench. Your chest is heaving as you hold on to Natasha, immediately scrambling up to check on your girlfriend. You cup her face as you watch her laugh up at you, hair soaked and face a bit cut but still alive. Your worry quickly changes into anger as you shove Nat in the arm, eyebrows furrowing. "Don't you ever do that again you fucking bastard!" You seethe, taking a few deep breathes before engulfing Natasha in a hug. "Fuck..I thought I'd lost you." You mumble as you feel Nat's arms wrap around you, not caring about Steve or Clint standing to the side. "What? I'm always going to put you first Y/n." Nat says softly before you pull back, now straddling Nat's lap. "Just don't do that self-sacrificing shit on me, okay? That was terrifying." You say and she nods her head, wiping away some of the wet hair that stuck to your face.
Clint clears his throat and you both look at him, you slowly getting up and helping Natasha up as well. "So, what do we do next?" He asks and everyone looks at each other, Steve speaking up first. "Let's find a way out of this death trap."
Clint paces as you all sit in the escape pod bay, you trying to get the only remaining one working.
"Are you done yet?" He asks for the third time in five minutes and you sigh, looking at him from over your shoulder with an annoyed glare.
"I'm a Navy engineer, not a wizard, stop rushing me." You say before turning back to the pod, trying to salvage what is left of the broken device.
When the four of you arrived at the escape pods, all of them have been deployed except one, you immediately jumping in and trying to fix it. It's been about ten minutes and your hope is dwindling by the second, finally dropping your makeshift tools and running a hand over your face. "Hey it's okay, we'll find another way out." Nat says softly as she crouches down next to you, rubbing your back in a small circles as she sees how distraught you are.
"Let's make our way over to the control base, see if we can make contact with the surface." Steve breaks the silence and you all turn to face him, everyone nodding their head as you and Tasha stand up.
You all meet up with Wanda, Tony, and Vison in the control base, all three of them having unsuccessful attempts to contact the surface. While the rest of the team is discussing the next plan of action, you're by the computer reviewing the readings on the ocean floor, finding the exact time when the drill collapsed. You know it wasn't your fault, you checked all the stats earlier and the base was perfectly fine, so what set it off? Eyes bouncing along the screen, you see that the ocean censors picked up a quake exactly fifteen seconds before the base started collapsing, an odd sensation filling your chest as you realize that no one could have prevented it.
"Y/n, did you hear us?" Steve asks and your head snaps towards the group, Nat looking over at you with a concerned look in her eyes. "Pardon?" You ask and Steve explains Tony's plan, saying that they could use the pressurized suits to try and walk to the next drilling facility to use the escape pods there. "But the nearest facility is more than few a miles from here, and besides, we have no clue what we'll find on the ocean's floor." You say and Tony nods his head, sighing as he sees the map.
These suits haven't gone more than a few yards from the base, specifically being made for drill repairs and short expeditions to fix the service towers.
"Well it's the only option that we have, other than that we can just stay here and wait for the drill to collapse ontop of us." Tony says and you contemplate it for a moment, glancing over at Nat before nodding. "Okay, what other choice do we have?'
You’re all suiting up when you see that Natasha’s helmet is sitting on one of the benches, the redhead herself slipping on her suit not too far away. Walking over to the helmet, you decide that there’s no harm in checking it out, reasoning that you should be more safe than sorry in a situation like this. Your heart almost stops when you see a small crack in the glass, knowing that once she goes underwater she’s as good as dead when the pressure hits. Taking a quick glance around you, you slowly exchange Nat’s helmet for yours, taking the damaged one in your hand and heading back to where you were suiting up. It’s better me than anyone else, especially Nat. You think to yourself as you move to put the rest of your suit on, Tony calling you for help before you could do so.
Once you arrive back at the bench, you’re relieved that the helmet is still there, knowing that yours is the damaged one. “Hey baby, you ready?” Tasha asks as she walks over to you, suit still bunched up around her waist. “Mm.” You hum as you step towards her, hugging her tightly and putting your face into her shoulder. Nat is a bit taken aback but she melts into your grasp anyways, wrapping her arms around your midsection and pulling you close.
“I love you Tasha.” You whisper softly as you close your eyes, knowing that you’ll be dead as soon as you hit the water. “I love you too Y/n.” Nat says before pulling back, looking into your eyes with a bit of concern. “Why are you acting this way darling? We’re gonna make it out of this together, I promise.” Natasha says and you only nod your head, giving her a bittersweet smile as you lean up and kiss her.
“I know...I just love you a lot Nat. Wanted to let you know that before we set off.” You hum and she nods her head, kissing your lips briefly before pulling you in for another hug. Her head is tucked into your shoulder and she rocks the two of you gently, kissing your temple once you both pull away. “Let’s get out of here.” She smiles and you nod your head, pulling the helmet on and securing it tightly.
Your breaths are shaky as Tony lowers all of you down into the water, preparing yourself for the pain you’re about to experience. Nat sees how tense you are and mistakes it for just plain old nerves, not knowing that you just gave yourself a death wish by swapping helmets with her. “It’s gonna be okay malysh.” Nat reassures you as she grabs your hand, you shooting her a smile as you make eye contact. “I know..I know..” You whisper under your breath, the water now over your heads as Tony lowers you deeper. “Get ready everyone, the pressure is going to hit hard.” Clint says and to the left of you, you see Steve’s helmet crack, your eyes widening as you spot it.
“Steve, what did you do?” You ask and he only looks at you, a gentle smile on his face as he sees you and Natasha. “Couldn’t let you leave her alone.” He smiles and you shake your head, frantically ordering Tony to not open the door. “Take care of her for me, okay kid?” Steve says and it’s too late, the door already opening and the pressure flooding in. “Steve no!” You yell as you see his helmet crack inwards, barley a second to register what happened before his suit implodes from the inside out.
“No Steve! No! Fuck!” You’re sobbing as everyone else processes what just happened, Tony frantically asking what just happened. “He switched our helmets! That idiot!” You say as Natasha just stands there in pure shock, Clint being the next one to speak up. “You knew your helmet was defective and you didn’t tell anyone?!” He questions and you shake your head. “I switched my helmet for Natasha’s! It was supposed to be me! Not Steve! He must’ve grabbed it when I got distracted, god damn it!” You’re angry, angry at Steve, angry at the helmet, angry at the earthquake, and most of all you’re angry at yourself. You should’ve noticed it. You should have made sure it was still the damaged one. “You should have just let me had it Y/n.” Nat says and you shake your head, glaring at your girlfriend.
“It’s better me than you Nat. You’re not dying, not if I can help it.” You say before everyone falls silent, everyone stunned at your outburst and Steve’s death. After a while Tony clears his throat and steps around you, looking into the depths of the mariana trench. “We’ll have time to mourn later, right now we need to make sure that we’ll live enough to.”
"Tony's dead..Wanda's dead, Vision..Steve..fuck they're all dead." Clint gasps out as he holds onto Natasha, the remaining three of you getting separated when a monster ambushed you. "Clint calm down, I need you to calm down." Nat says as she holds onto her best friend, darkness swirling around them. She forces herself to stay calm as she guides Clint through some deep breathes, refraining from asking about you until his pulse rate goes back down to normal.
You all saw their helmets crack and their blood muddle up the water, these monsters picking everyone off one by one. “Where’s Y/n?” Natasha asks once Clint can finally regulate his breathing, his grip loosening on her suit. “I..I don’t know. We got separated after that thing attacked us." He says and Nat is about to ask another question when she hears your static-y scream ring over the coms, her blood running cold as she sees your suit's lights frantically moving in the distance. "Haul ass Clint, come on." Nat doesn't waste any time as she tries to run through the water, dragging Clint along as she hears your screams through the coms. "Y/n! Y/n where are you?" Natasha calls out as your lights flicker off, head immediately turning 90 degrees when she sees your helmet lights come back on.
You're stabbing this merman-shark-eel hybrid in the face when Nat and Clint finally reach you, it's blood making the water murky as you kick it off. "Oh thank god you're alright." Nat breathes out once she sees you standing there, that relief only lasting for a moment as another thing latches onto both Clint and your legs. Its momentum is quick enough to knock both of you off your feet, unfortunately causing you to drop your knife in the process. Both you and Clint grit out curse words under your breath as you fight with the mysterious monster, Natasha loading up a flare gun to try and help. When she shoots the gun, it temporarily lights up the atmosphere around you, blood running cold as you see the monster that grabbed you.
Its teeth are sharp and dripping with blood, its slimy black claws slowly pulling you and Clint closer to its mouth. As it drags you along the ocean floor, you grab onto a jagged rock, quickly trying to swing at the arm. "Mother fucker." You curse as you hit the arm, it's sharp nails digging even more into your leg as a reflex. With all your might, you continue to swing at the hand, desperately wanting this to be over already. “Let. go. of. me.” You grunt out, watching the skin and muscle get hacked away. The monster screeches and pulls its arm back, now trying to drag in Clint double time since one of its meal got away. “Clint! Hold on!” You yell as you grab onto the man’s hand, trying to find any traction as you look at Clint. Nat is immediately behind you in an instant, grabbing onto your waist to hold the both of you back. Clint is screaming at this point, his leg getting torn by the nails clawing at his skin.
“Don’t let me go, please!” Clint says as you three get pulled closer to the monsters mouth, you desperately trying to tug him away. “I’ve got you, I’ve got you.” Your teeth are clenched as you feel yourself starting to loose your grip, Nat’s boots slipping on the ocean floor. “Don’t let go.” Clint begs and you nod your head, leaning forward even more to try and keep hold. “We’re gonna get out of this, I promise..” You say but there’s no time for him to respond, the monster roughly pulling him out of your grip and dragging him into the depths of the deep blue sea.
The last thing you hear is Clint’s painful screams that come through the coms, Nat grabbing onto you to keep you from falling over the edge. The both of you are quiet as you stare into the unknown, heart pounding as you realize that you’re the only ones left. “Clint.” Natasha whispers softly and you hold onto her, both of you trying to process how quick that was. “I’m sorry Tasha. I’m so sorry.” You whisper and she swallows thickly, taking one last look into the darkness before making eye contact with you. “It’s okay. It wasn’t your fault.” She says before composing herself, straightening her posture and checking her compass. “Come on, we got set off course.” Nat grabs your hand before she turns, keeping her gaze straight ahead as she pulls you both away from the ledge.
“They didn’t train us for this in the Navy.” Nat mumbles as you both trudge along the ocean floor, about half of the way towards the other drill facility. “Yeah, sea monsters and flesh eating eels weren’t exactly on the handbook.” You say before checking your compass, making sure you’re still on course. “Nope.” Nat sighs and shakes her head, glancing over at you with a soft smile.
“Hey..I love you.” She blurts out and your chest floods with warmth, a smile tugging at your lips as you look at her. “I love you, Tasha.” You say and she smiles back, both of you stepping a bit closer to one another. “When we get to the surface, would you..hypothetically..marry me?” Natasha asks and you raise an eyebrow, finding it amusing how Nat trying to play it cool.
“You know..because I can’t imagine my life without you, and I don’t want to live in a world without you in it. No scratch that, I couldn’t live in a world without you in it. You’re my soulmate..my person y/n, and I want to spend the rest of my life with you..hypothetically of course.” Nat finishes with an awkward laugh and you can only grin, reaching out to hold her hand gently. “Hypothetically..” You start and she laughs breathily. “If you asked me to marry you, I would say yes.” You say and she nods her head, a smile present in your words.
“Do you wanna ask?” You question and she shakes her head, making a little pff sound. “No I don’t want to ask.” She says and you nod your head, looking down at the map. “We’re almost there, just a few more miles-” “Will you marry me?” Nat breathes out in a rush and you laugh, looking back at the redhead who has a nervous smile on her face. “Mm yes.” You grin and Nat’s face lights up. “Yes?” She repeats, voice a bit high as she stares at you. “Yes you idiot.” You giggle as you tug her closer, squeezing her hand gently. “You better hug me when we get out of these suits.” You tease and she nods her head, looking at you with love in her eyes. “I’m gonna do you one better, I’m gonna marry you.”
Your breathing is shaky as you slightly lag behind Natasha, the air in your suit getting harder to breathe for the last few yards. “Are you okay darling?” Nat asks as she turns to look at you, you nodding your head as you wave a hand infront of your face. “I’m okay, just tired.” You say with a tired smile, Natasha nodding her head as she grabs your arm. “Come on you turtle, we’re almost there.” She teases and you can only laugh softly, continuing onward.
You’re struggling to take in breaths when a robotic voice rings through your ears, a small warning flashing in the corner of your helmet.
Caution, five minutes of air remaining. Oxygen pod damaged.
Fuck. You knew your luck would run out eventually, especially when you’re this close to escaping. “We’re only a few hundred yards from the facility, shouldn’t be too long before you get that hug.” Natasha smiles and you don’t respond, instead letting go of her arm and letting yourself fall behind a bit. “Y/n?” Nat asks as she faces you, seeing you stand there with a small smile on your face.
“Keep on going Nat, I’m right behind you.” You say softly, not wanting to worry your girlfriend as she’s so close to escaping. “No come on you dummy, let’s go.” She says but you shake your head, seeing the clock count down on the corner of the helmet. “I’m right behind you love.” You whisper, willing your voice not to break as Nat’s brows furrow. “Y/n what’s wrong?” She asks and her eyes widen once she sees it, the little screen on your arm flashing an oxygen warning. “You’ve gotta go Tasha.” You say and she shakes her head, gently holding your shoulders as her mind starts to race.
“What happened?” She asks and you point to the pack on your back. “The oxygen pod got damaged back when the monster dragged Clint and I across the floor, guess I didn’t notice it until now.” You say and Nat swallows thickly, checking her map before looking back at you. “If we’re quick enough we can make it, we just need to move-” She starts to say but you stop her gently, holding onto her biceps. “I’m not gonna make it, you know that Nat.” You whisper but she shakes her head holding onto you tighter. “No. No, you have to make it Y/n. Please.” She shakily says and you put your hands on the side of her helmet, holding the glass gently.
“We don’t have enough time Tasha.” You whisper and tears are forming in her eyes, the redhead trying to blink them away as she looks at you. “Please..you have to make it..” She begs, voice small as she sees the timer count down. “I need you to make it, I can’t do this without you..” Nat whispers and you only wish you could hug her one last time. “You don’t need me Tasha. But you’ve got to get going, you need to get to the survive for both of us.” You say and Natasha shakes her head, tears now fully falling. “I’m not just going to leave you here.” She says as her hands shake, trying to think of a way to get you to survive. “You have to.” You whisper before Nat pulls you in for a hug, the suits not stopping her from showing how much she loves you. “I love you Y/n.” She whispers and you hold her closer, closing your eyes as you hear the timer count down.
“I love you, Tasha.” You say softly, Nat holding you there for a few more moments before pulling away. “Keep my dog tags love, so I’ll always be with you.” She says as she pulls back from you, your eyebrows furrowing in confusion as you look up at the redhead. “What?” You question right before the ai voice rings out once again, the warning light suddenly clicking off.
Oxygen pod fixed, air supply replenished.
“Natasha.” You whisper out her name as you see your old oxygen pod drop to the sea floor, realizing that Nat just switched out the rest of her oxygen into your suit. With no pod in her suit, Natasha’s oxygen levels immediately drop, warning signs flashing bright red in her helmet. “I’m sorry darling.” Nat says as she looks at you, starting to feel lightheaded from the lack of air. “No..no no no no no.” You breathe out as Nat collapses into your arms, quickly moving her so she’s leaning onto your body. “Okay..okay come on. We can do this.” You mumble to yourself as you start to trudge your way towards the drilling facility. If there's one thing that they taught you in the Navy, that's to never give up, even when you're within an inch of your life you never stop fighting.
Once the murky lights of the drilling facility finally come into view, you almost jump for joy, Nat's head hung low as you drag her along. Your body aches and you think your leg might be broken, but that doesn't stop the relief coursing through your veins, opening the door and stumbling into the pressurized walkway. The entrance closes behind you before the water gets drained from the room, your legs collapsing from the lack of support the ocean gave you.
You gently place Nat on the ground before collapsing onto your knees, taking off your helmet and gasping down the fresh air. You cough a bit as you try and regain your breath, unzipping your suit so it bunches at your waist. Your coughs soon turn into laughs as you realize you've made it, quickly turning to Natasha to celebrate. "Nat, we did it. Holy shit..we fucking did it." You smile as you gently shake her shoulder, expecting her to take off her helmet by now.
"Nat..? Nat darling..we did it." You say softly, your smile fading as you take Nat's helmet off. "Oh my god, no." Your heart stops as you see Nat's pale cheeks and blue-tinted lips, shaky hands cupping her face as you ask the AI for her vitals.
No vitals found.
"Tasha..No please." You say before quickly moving to unzip her suit, fingertips touching her ice-cold skin. You start chest compressions as you desperately try to revive your love, the tears building up more and more with each round. "You made a promise, Nat." Your teeth are clenched as you finish another set of 30 compressions, bending down to give your fiancee two rescue breaths. "You said we're going to get out of this together. You promised me." You're barely keeping it together as you start another round, hot tears threatening to spill.
"You said you wanted to spend the rest of your life with me, well you can't do that if you leave me." Your chest is heaving as your compressions get sloppy. "So god damn it please Nat. Please. Please don't leave me." A sob rips from your throat as your movements finally falter, your arms collapsing from underneath you. Your entire body is wracked with sobs as you cling onto Natasha's shirt, crying into her chest as you hold her lifeless body.
You beg for Nat to come back like a broken record, chest heaving as you finally let all of your emotions breakthrough. You scream and you cry until your throat is raw, guilt gripping at your chest as you think all of your fallen crew members.
Your head rests on Natasha's stomach until your heart-wrenching sobs mellow down into silent cries, this small emotional break letting you spot something sticking out from your fiancee's helmet.
Sniffling a bit as you sit up, you take Nat's helmets into your hands, gingerly pulling out a piece of paper wedged into one of the corners. With shaky fingers, you hold it up into the light, breath catching in your throat when you see it. It's a picture of you and Nat after running one of the Navy obstacle courses, a wide smile on both of your faces as your working uniforms are caked in mud. A quivering smile tugs on your lips before you sob again, placing your head in your hands as your shoulders shake.
You’re still a mess as you fully get out of your suit, hands shaking with exhaustion as you put a makeshift splint on your leg. You easily find the escape pods and sigh in relief when you see that they’re all working, entering the commands to get to the surface.
As you stand in front of the pod, you decide to bring Natasha with you, refusing to leave the love of your life at the bottom of the ocean. The tears come rushing again as you pull Nat into the escape pod with you, pressing the button to close the hatch and to finally get the two of you out of here. “I’ve got you baby, I’ve got you.” You whisper as your arms tighten around Nat’s torso, slipping her dog tags over your head before you kiss her temple. Your eyes are screwed shut the entire time you travel to the surface, sniffling softly as hot tears silently run down your cheeks.
When you break the surface, you aren’t excited or relieved, you just feel numb, the cold air hitting your face once you open the pod. It’s like everything around you is shaded grey, your eyes dull and dead as the paramedics reach you. The entire time you’re looking at Natasha, seeing the first responders check for her pulse. As they pull your stretchers away from each other, there’s only one question on your mind: what’s the point of living in this world if Natasha isn’t in it?
The sunlight softly illuminates the Avengers compound in the early hours of the morning, two bodies warmly pressed up against each other under the protection of a fluffy duvet.
A phone alarm goes off but it doesn’t break the peaceful atmosphere in the bedroom, one of the bed’s occupants slowly turning over to shut off the device.
“Y/n, baby, wake up my love.” Natasha hums as she kisses you, her soft pink lips planting a few gentle kisses on your neck and cheek. Your only response is a hum as you turn in Natasha’s arms and bury your face into her neck, wrapping your arms around her torso and pulling yourself closer. “Come on darling.” Nat laughs as she runs her hand through your hair, voice a bit rough from just waking up. “Too early.” You mumble and Nat sighs, a sleepy smile still on her face as she holds you. “Steve will kill us if we’re late to training.” She says but you shake your head, gently kissing the warm skin of her neck.
“You’re the Black Widow, you could kick his ass ten times over if you wanted to.” You reason and Nat nods her head. “You do have a point malysh.” She says and you hum. “Five more minutes.” You mumble and Nat nods her head, wrapping her arms around you before pulling you closer. “Okay, five more minutes.” She whispers before kissing your cheek, her fingers running up and down your spine.
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roscgcld · 4 years
INUMAKI TOGE || scary man
request: The little sister ask is so cute is it okay to ask something like it I don't want to bother you, but if it okay then inumaki toge x little sister reader (5 or6), where she is scared of them because he doesn't visit a lot and is quite so whenever he visit she hides under the bed , poor baby would be so sad,also imagine the other 2d years trying to help him,  
I forgot to add this sorry when the other second year try to help him it backfire because she gets attached to maki instead ( string beautiful woman a big sister!) Sorry again for forgetting your writing is so good
note: hello love! no this was not a bother to me at all! I enjoyed writing that imagine! i wouldn’t mind writing a short imagine for this! also, thank you for thinking my writing is good c: it is average at best, but i feel your love~ i hope you enjoy this though!
pronouns: she/her
scene: before yuji’s appearance in the story; since it will be weird to only have maki ><
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"This is going to be your future school, by the way!” A tall white man with a blindfold said to the young girl, who was holding onto his hand tightly as she stared at the school in awe. Today was a special day, the Inumaki clan had revealed to the world another Inumaki heir; one with strong cursed energy that is quite the force to be reckoned with. Even though she doesn’t have the Cursed Speech Ability like her older brother does, she still has all the qualms to be a powerful sorcerer in the future. So, with that, Gojo somehow convinces the Inumaki elders to let the young girl to visit the college.
The main reason? For his own student, of course!
Everyone knows how much Toge misses his family, more specifically, his baby sister. He hasn’t seen her since she was born, besides the odd visit here and there that never seems to end well for the two of them. When she was first born, she loved her older brother to pieces, not minding his tattoos and how quiet the man was. But the older she got, and the more she spends time around others who look relatively normal, it become a shock to her system when she realised that her “onii-chan” has scary tattoos on the side of his face.
And only speaks in onigiri ingredients too! What kind of person talks like that?
Gojo had heard this little ‘issue’ form Yuta one day, after noticing that Toge looking more glum then usual after the school gave students permission to return home over the weekend. So, as the loving sensei he is, why wouldn’t he pull some strings to let the youngest Inumaki heir to come and visit the college? She is going to enroll here in the future anyway; and since her brother was going to be there to keep an eye on her as well, his parents had agreed to let her go with the white haired shaman.
Which was how we found the little girl, wide eyed and dressed in a adorable purple and white kimono, walking beside her guardian for the day. Gojo found the young girl quite adorable, having to hold her tiny hand firmly so she was not running about the school to explore. He didn’t want her to fall and hurt herself, since she was technically under his case; but he also wants to see her reaction to seeing her older brother. “Y/N-chan, shall we go and see the onee-chan and onii-chan I told you about?”
Immediately the girl’s eyes widen as she nodded her head in excitement, soft pigtails bouncing along with her movements. Gojo had to slap a hand over his face to stop his laughter from leaving. He may not want kids, but he does find kids absolutely adorable; and wouldn’t mind taking care of them from time to time. “Let’s go then, cutie!” He said after he took a moment to calm down, laughing when the little girl just tugged on his arm excitedly as she tried to lead the way.
Only to pause when they reached a courtyard and turned to look at the older man with a soft pout; as if silently telling him that she’s lost now. 
Gojo grins and reaches over to pat the top of her head before he led her towards the courtyard, where he was sure the second year students were resting at. The second years were all on break right now, having had 3 hours of lessons earlier in the day. So the man was able to locate them at their usual resting spot - the cherry blossom gardens, resting on the soft grass under the shade of the still budding cherry blossom trees.
“Yo, second years! I have a guest I want you to meet!” Gojo called out as he led the little girl towards them, who now switch to grabbing onto the fabric of his pants as they made their way towards the small group. Maki and Yuta shared a confused look, wondering if Gojo had fathered a child along the way. Panda had opened one lazy eye, his nose twitching a little at the sight of the young girl. Only Inumaki looked like he had an idea on who she is, perking up a little as he got up hastily. “Bonito flakes!”
“That’s right!” Gojo said with a grin as he clapped, gesturing to the girl that was hiding behind the tall man’s legs; peeking over at the group shyly. “Let me introduce you to the youngest Inumaki heir, and younger sister to our dear Toge-kun, Inumaki Y/N!” He introduced before he carefully coax the girl from behind his legs, squatting down before her as he gave the unsure girl a smile. “Now, Y/N-chan - how do we greet people?”
Immediately the young girl pauses before she faces the group once more, folding her hands before her before she gave them a soft bow. “It’s nice to meet you all.” She said in a soft and shy voice, causing both Maki and Yuta to coo at how cute she was. Neither of them have met Toge’s little sister before, besides seeing the odd video and picture from their friend; so seeing the young girl that’s no more than six shyly greeting them definitely causes them to find her adorable.
Toge, on the other hand, was ecstatic. Even though he does not see her as often, due to college and all, he still loves his baby sister to death. Without a fail he will send birthday and christmas presents to the young girl, receiving videos of his baby sister unwrapping them on camera and thanking him with the cutest smile on her face. However, he knows that she still does fear him - so he wasn’t too shocked when she just shyly clutched onto the front of Gojo’s uniform; shaking her head repeated whilst the older man tried to coax her to go and greet the others.
Yuta, as if feeling her distress, decided to get up and gestures for his friend to follow, both boys quietly making their way towards her whilst Maki stayed back to watch with a smile. “Hello there.” Yuta greeted quietly as he bent down to her height, giving the young girl a welcoming smile whilst Toge stood over the two of them. “My name is Yuta, you must be Toge’s younger sister?” He asks in a kind tone as he gestures to the other boy, who just waves at his sister warmly.
At the sight of the two males, the younger girl freezes up before burying herself deeper into Gojo’s jacket, causing the older man to chuckle as he rests his palm on her back soothingly. “Don’t be scared. Like I said, they are nice people.”  He tried to coax the little girl, who refused to pull her face out of his uniform jacket. Her action caused Toge’s shoulders to sag a little, feeling bad that his own baby sister was scared of him. 
It wasn’t his fault that his ability causes him to have tattoos on the side of his mouth and tongue. He remembers crying about it when he was younger too, but had gotten used to it ever since. Plus, a few of his uncles and aunts carry the same markings too, so he didn’t feel too alone.
But when your own baby sister is clearly scared of you, anyone would be sad.
Maki, as if sensing the tension, got up before she made her way towards the two, gently smacking the back of Yuta’s head as she squatted down beside the male; who glared at her in response as he rubbed the back of his head lightly. “You’re hopeless.” She grumbled before she turned to face the little girl with a smile, who had shyly glanced over the new addition to the group. “Y/N-chan, my name is Maki.” The woman greeted in a surprisingly soft tone, causing the little girl to loosen her hold a little on Gojo’s jacket. “Your onii-chan has told us a lot about you, and Yuta and I are quite excited that you came to visit us all the way in Tokyo.”
The three males shared a shocked look, having never expected Maki to be able to converse in such a soft tone with anyone before. But somehow she is doing it - quietly talking and coaxing the girl out of Gojo’s jacket; and soon the two girls joined hands to go to the vending machine to grab a drink. Yuta and Toge both blinked, sharing a look between each other whilst the two girls slowly faded off into the distance. Even Gojo was quite shocked by the outcome, grinning over at the two as he rest his face in his hand, his elbow resting on his bent knee with a grin. “Oya? Seems like you’ve got some competition for attention, Toge-kun.”
“...Tuna.” Toge huffed, and if his zipper was down, there was definitely a pout set on his lips as he looked away from the grinning older man. “Gojo-sensei.” Yuta said with a soft frown as he glances over at his teacher disapprovingly, who only gave a cheeky smile in response. Yuta ignored the older male as he got up, gently patting Toge on the shoulder with a smile as his friend glances over at the slightly taller male. “Don’t mind, Toge - I am sure all we need to do is help her warm up to you a little more. I mean, it’s been awhile since you’ve last saw her. Maybe she just needs more time.”
Toge gave his friend an uncertain look, but it wasn’t like there was any other choice. So he just sighs softly before he nods in defeat, to which Yuta just smiles and squeezes his shoulder reassuringly. “Don’t worry - I am sure she’ll talk to you eventually.
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As the day continue to go by, Toge was pretty sure that there was no way the two of you are going to be bonding anytime soon.
Throughout the entire day, you have been clearly shadowing Maki around; asking her if she can teach you things, following her about as she went to class; clinging onto her every word as she entertained your curious questions. Yuta wasn’t any better then Toge, but she still managed to talk to him without flinching or running away from him; but she’d have to be clutching onto Maki or be close to the older girl whenever she’s conversing with Yuta. Even Panda had some interactions with you - well, it was more so you jumping and climbing all over the panda with the bright smile and loudly giggles whilst Panda laid there, letting you climb about his fluffy body.
However Maki did actually try to get the younger girl to talk to him - asking the young girl to go and ask if her older brother wanted a drink after class, quietly coaxing her to go and ask him for things like snacks or change for snacks. The younger girl though, was not having it - shaking her head with tearful eyes, silently begging the older girl without using her words. This caused Toge to deflate and his mood to drop significantly. It wasn’t like he can control his appearance to begin with.
To be honest, he had never thought much about his appearance. Because of this, he was used to getting comments and hiding his tattoos so he didn’t really stand out - but when it’s his baby sister, who he loves with his entire heart, is the one scared of him? 
Now that was just another low.
Toge whines as he leans back into his seat, watching his baby sister going about following Maki as she went about her day. Yuta, who was seated next to the sulking teen, glances over at him in amusement as he finishes his mouthful of water. “Maybe she just needs some time to warm up to you.” He tried to offer, feeling bad that he was feeling this way. He was sure having your baby sister fear you was probably not the best feeling. Must have been another slap to the face when she ended up falling about your best friend. “I mean, she’s still young. She’ll grow out of this.”
The same boy just whines and tilts his head back with his eyes closed, trying not to think about the entire thing. It was because of this that he didn’t hear soft whispers and footsteps, only looking over curiously when he felt someone gently tapping on his knee. Opening his eyes quietly, he looks pulls his head up just in time to see his baby sister, cheeks rosy and eyes downcast as she held out a crudely picked bunch of flowers. Maki stood beside the young girl with an amused look on her face, looking over at Toge with a raised eyebrow when he looks up as well. “Salmon?”
 “Y/N here said she wanted to make you feel better.” Maki said with a grin as he reaches down to pet the soft girl on the hair whilst the young girl just shyly nods her head. “She felt bad, since I told her that you’re sad that she’s scared of you.” Maki continues whilst Toge blinks before he carefully takes the flowers from the girl’s young hand. Quietly she wrapped her arms around his legs, since he was seated on a few seats higher from the ground. 
Her reaction caused Toge to freeze, watching as she nuzzles closer and tighter her grip even more. “...D-Don’t be sad, Nee-chan.” She mumbles out in a soft voice, one so pure and innocent that it had all the seniors coo at the little girl quietly. “I-I promise to be a g-good girl..”
Toge felt his heart melt, the sadness he felt from the day melting along with him as he reaches over to pat the top of her head gently. He had hoped that his actions spoke louder then words for him, offering the girl a soft chuckle when she just looks up at him with a bright smile. Wordlessly she held her tiny hand out for him, causing Toge to tilt his head as he grabbed it; letting the little girl start to drag him about somewhere.
Maki and Yuta decided to sit back as they watch the two siblings go off to somewhere on campus, probably to the pond located on the temple grounds to feed the fish together. “How did you convince her to approach Toge?” Yuta asks with a raised eyebrow as Maki took Toge’s place on the stone steps, her long sword resting by her side. “Oh, I just explained that her older brother loves her a lot, and ask her who do you think gets you all of those gifts on her birthday.”
“Ah, guilt tripping.” Yuta teases with a grin whilst Maki just rolls her eyes with a chuckle, nudging him softly. “I would say it’s teasing her how to count her blessing.” Was Maki’s reply as they watch the two walk deeper into the campus, Toge nodding his head with an excited look whilst the young girl was talking non-stop about something. 
“But hey, at least both of them look happy.”
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© roscgcld — all rights reserved to me, rose, the author and creator of these works. do not repost/translate/claim my work as yours on any platform
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dontbipanicjonsa · 3 years
A confusing clusterfuck of thoughts re: Jonsa
Or: why the fuck are Jon and Sansa so compatible if they're not canon, huh?
He saw the Wall shining like blue crystal, and his bastard brother Jon sleeping alone in a cold bed, his skin growing pale and hard as the memory of all warmth fled from him. - Bran III AGOT
So....Jon is going to lose memory of all warmth? I'm going to separate the changes brought about in post-resurrection!Jon here as changes caused by death and changes caused by Ghost. This post is only speculating about the changes caused by death i.e. loss of memory of all warmth.
More foreshadowing for that-
Chunks of coal burned in iron braziers at either end of the long room, but Jon found himself shivering. The chill was always with him here. In a few years he would forget what it felt like to be warm. - Jon III AGOT
"It was. The fort is in a sorry state, admittedly. You will restore it as best you can..." ... You'll sleep on stone, too exhausted to complain or plot, and soon you'll forget what it was like to be warm, but you might remember what it was to be a man. - Jon II ADWD
So, I did a word search for warm and memory and I found some interesting stuff. Read under the cut.
1. Home
Jon- warmth and memory of home
The memory of her laughter warmed him on the long ride north. - Jon II AGOT (thinking about Arya)
The weariness came on him suddenly... So cold, he thought, remembering the warm halls of Winterfell, where the hot waters ran through the walls like blood through a man's body. There was scant warmth to be found in Castle Black... - Jon III AGOT
...Iron Emmett was still urging on his charges in the yard. The song of steel on steel woke a hunger in Jon. It reminded him of warmer, simpler days, when he had been a boy at Winterfell matching blades with Robb under the watchful eye of Ser Rodrik Cassel. Ser Rodrik too had fallen, slain by Theon Turncloak... All my memories are poisoned. - Jon VI ADWD
The warmth took some of the ache from his muscles and made him think of Winterfell's muddy pools, steaming and bubbling in the godswood. Winterfell, he thought. Theon left it burned and broken, but I could restore it.-Jon XII ASOS
So, these are the memories of warmth he'll lose? This warmth, that he associates with Winterfell (and the Starks), is the first memory of warmth Jon has.
Dany- memory of home
The door loomed before her, the red door, so close, so close, the hall was a blur around her, the cold receding behind... and all that lived and breathed fled in terror from the shadow of her wings. She could smell home, she could see it, there, just beyond that door, green fields and great stone houses and arms to keep her warm, there. She threw open the door.
"… the dragon …" - Daenerys IX AGOT
Home? The word made her feel sad. Ser Jorah had his Bear Island, but what was home to her? A few tales, names recited as solemnly as the words of a prayer, the fading memory of a red door … was Vaes Dothrak to be her home forever? - Daenerys VI AGOT
..."What shall we talk of?"
"Home," said Dany. "Naath. Butterflies and brothers. Tell me of the things that make you happy, the things that make you giggle, all your sweetest memories. Remind me that there is still good in the world."
Missandei did her best. She was still talking when Dany finally fell to sleep, to dream queer, half-formed dreams of smoke and fire. - Daenerys VIII ADWD
Dany's idea of 'home' changes over the course of the books. In the beginning she uses home for Illyrio's house, or the house with the red door. She very clearly doesn't think of Westeros as her home. After Viserys's death however, there's a sudden shift. Now, Westeros is her long lost home that she must return to someday. It's jarring. Interestingly enough, she pretty clearly rejects the idea of Dothraki khalasars as home, and the only time she calls Meereen home is in her last chapter of ADWD where she's trying to convince herself to return there. But we know that she ultimately rejects that too, in the same chapter.
Sansa- memory of home
Snow was falling on the Eyrie.
Outside the flakes drifted down as soft and silent as memory. Was this what woke me? Already the snowfall lay thick... The sight took Sansa back to cold nights long ago, in the long summer of her childhood. - Sansa VII ASOS
Last of all came the Royces, Lord Nestor and Bronze Yohn... Though his hair was grey and his face lined, Lord Yohn still looked as though he could break most younger men like twigs in those huge gnarled hands. His seamed and solemn face brought back all of Sansa's memories of his time at Winterfell. - Alayne I AFFC
She missed Septa Mordane, and even more Jeyne Poole, her truest friend... She tried not to think of them too often, yet sometimes the memories came unbidden, and then it was hard to hold back the tears. Once in a while, Sansa even missed her sister. By now Arya was safe back in Winterfell... - Sansa II ACOK
Arya coz why not
"Let me tell you something about wolves, child. When the snows fall and the white winds blow, the lone wolf dies, but the pack survives. Summer is the time for squabbles. In winter, we must protect one another, keep each other warm, share our strengths.… Sansa is your sister. You may be as different as the sun and the moon, but the same blood flows through both your hearts. You need her, as she needs you …" - Arya II AGOT
Needle was Robb and Bran and Rickon, her mother and her father, even Sansa. Needle was Winterfell's grey walls, and the laughter of its people. Needle was the summer snows, Old Nan's stories, the heart tree with its red leaves and scary face, the warm earthy smell of the glass gardens, the sound of the north wind rattling the shutters of her room. Needle was Jon Snow's smile. He used to mess my hair and call me "little sister," she remembered, and suddenly there were tears in her eyes. - Arya II AFFC
Again, all this (and much more) is stuff that reminds Sansa (and Arya) of home. This is, presumably, shit that Jon is gonna forget. Or maybe he'll retain the memories and only lose the emotions (warmth) associated with it?
2. Suitors or romantic/sexual partners (+Ben Plumm)
Many a night he lay with Ygritte warm beside him,... - Jon V ASOS
So, Ygritte becomes his second memory of warmth.
When he turned he saw Ygritte.
...cloaked in darkness and in memory. The light of the moon was in her hair, her red hair kissed by fire. When he saw that, Jon's heart leapt into his mouth. "Ygritte," he said.
"Lord Snow." The voice was Melisandre's.
Surprise made him recoil from her. "Lady Melisandre." He took a step backwards. "I mistook you for someone else." At night all robes are grey. - Jon VI ADWD
AT NIGHT ALL ROBES ARE GREY...yea I know, this is a well established connection between the Girl in Grey and Ygritte. Since Jon associates Ygritte with warmth so strongly, I think it's safe to assume that the Girl in Grey might play a role in warming him too (hehe).
… one hears queer talk of dragons."
"Would that we had one here. A dragon might warm things up a bit."
"My lord jests. You will forgive me if I do not laugh. We Braavosi are descended from those who fled Valyria and the wroth of its dragonlords. We do not jape of dragons." - Jon IX ADWD
"If my queen commands," he (Jorah) said, curt and cold.
Dany was warm enough for both of them. "She does," she said. "She commands...
When he was gone, Dany threw herself down on her pillows beside her dragons. She had not meant to be so sharp with Ser Jorah, but his endless suspicion had finally woken her dragon. - Daenerys IV ASOS
So, here the warmth is because of anger (woken the dragon).
Dany could feel the warmth of his fingers. He was warm in Qarth as well, she recalled, until the day he had no more use for me. She rose to her feet. "Come," she said, and Xaro followed her through the pillars... - Daenerys III ADWD
She remembered Ben's face the last time she had seen it. It was a warm face, a face I trusted... Even the dragons had been fond of old Brown Ben, who liked to boast that he had a drop of dragon blood himself. Three treasons will you know. Once for gold and once for blood and once for love. Was Plumm the third treason, or the second? And what did that make Ser Jorah, her gruff old bear? Would she never have a friend that she could trust?- Daenerys VI ADWD
This is twice that Dany associates warmth with people who use/betray her.
"You're hurt," she gasped.
"This?" Daario touched his temple. "A crossbowman tried to put a quarrel through my eye, but I outrode it. I was hurrying home to my queen, to bask in the warmth of her smile." He shook his sleeve, spattering red droplets. - Daenerys VI ADWD
Dawn always came too soon.
...If only she had the power, she would have made their nights go on forever, but the best that she could do was stay awake to try and savor every last sweet moment before daybreak turned them into no more than fading memories....
Dany wrapped her arms around her captain and pressed herself against his back. She drank in the scent of him, savoring the warmth of his flesh, the feel of his skin against her own. Remember, she told herself. Remember how he felt. - Daenerys VII ADWD
Ok, I forgot how smitten Dany was with Daario. It would be cute if Daario wasn't so horrifying. Girl has some seriously questionable taste.
Interestingly, the phrase 'fading memory' is used four times in the text (as far as I can find) and three of those times are in Daenerys's POV. One is in the above quote, where she's commanding herself to remember her time with Daario before her marriage to Hizdahr, and the other time is while thinking about the red door. Both these are memories that are important to her, that connect her to the hopeful/little/not-dark girl she once was.
Gently, he spoke of Braavos, and met a wall of sullen courtesy as icy and unyielding as the Wall he had walked once in the north. - Tyrion VIII ASOS
"I am composing a new song, you should know. A song so sweet and sad it will melt even your frozen heart. 'The Roadside Rose,' I mean to call it. About a baseborn girl so beautiful she bewitched every man who laid eyes upon her." - Sansa VII ASOS
"Alayne." Her aunt's singer stood over her. "Sweet Alayne. I am Marillion. I saw you come in from the rain. The night is chill and wet. Let me warm you." - Sansa VI ASOS
You must be very cold. Let me warm you, Sansa. Take off those gloves, give me your hands." - Sansa VII ASOS
Yea no. Sansa has not had a good experience with people offering to warm her (unfreeze her? melt her?)
Looks like in TWOW there's going to be two people in desperate need of some warming.
It's pretty neat actually. Jon associates memories of warmth with two things primarily: Winterfell/the Starks, and Ygritte. Sansa is both a Stark, and a much (much) improved Ygritte.
Sansa's iciness-wall-armour is a form of protection that she employs against predatory men. The only person who can melt her frozen heart...is someone who is not predatory. Someone who cares for her. Jon.
It fits perfectly. They fit perfectly.
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(skate rat) kawanishi taichi x fem!reader | w.c 3.5k
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a/n: SURPRISE it’s a sequel to mouth <3 my original skate rat sin i suppose, and also like my first real fic/drab for the fandom. god bless. as always thank u to @bakatenshii​ + @sugardaddykenma​ for putting up with me ranting about this fic (and also putting up with me since mouth)
big big thanku to #1 wife @pomsuki​ for reading this for me and yelling at me to finish this damn thing <3
18+ university age | pls read ALL warnings
warnings: drugs, public sex, dub/noncon exhibitionism, degredation, humiliation, dubcon, blood, slight injury (it’s a bloody nose), toxic behavior, misogynistic energy? vibes? you’ll know when u see it honestly
reading mouth isn’t necessary but it is appreciated! and pls check out melt + nightingale syndrome for they exist in the same skate rat universe (+ they’re delicious fics) also the people who wrote em r BIG SEXY
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There were more than enough reasons to quit Kunimi Akira. He never texts back, he doesn’t go to class, he’s fucked a few of your friends and he couldn’t commit if you paid him. He was simply a waste of time, it was like every second spent with him was another mark ticked off a test, a percentile lowering on your next paper.
But chucking Kunimi would be like trying to sort grains of rice, difficult and damn near impossible. He always knew how to draw you back in and he enjoyed the mind games a lot more than his bored expression would let on. 
Despite the impossibility of quitting him you had to at least try, so you swore up and down that hooking up with him at Oikawa’s party some odd months ago was truly the last of it, that you were done with him and all of his irritating skate rat friends.
Which begs the question of how you ended up at the little concrete amphitheater on campus, sandwiched between Hanamaki and Matsukawa on one of the steps, a blunt being passed between the two of them without so much as a second glance towards you.
“Say, when’s the last time you and Kunimi had fun?” Makki’s grin is nothing short of lascivious, a slimy feeling weighs on your tongue as you shrug off a shudder.
“Say, was that ever any of your business?” You retort, snatching the blunt from his lips bringing it to your own and inhaling deeply, revelling at the warmth creeping down your throat and filling your chest. 
“Quit it Makki, she’s not gonna fuck you. Kunimi got her ‘round his little finger,” Mattsun coos, taking back the blunt, “besides, heard she’s a fuckin ice queen in the sack. Boooring.”
A sharp inhale keeps you grounded, the sound of Iwaizumi’s board slamming back down onto the pavement reminding you where you are, who you’re with. You’re not going to fall for Mattsun’s little games too.
“Tch.” Daggers prick at your lips, but you bite your tongue knowing that fueling the fire will earn you nothing but a headache. It’s not like you’re waiting for anything, or anyone, stealing a few more hits and leaving would be the best option.
“Oh? Nothing to say? But I heard your mouth was your only redeeming quality.” You focus your gaze on Iwaizumi telling Oikawa to stay out of his way, trying not to let your growing discomfort scare you away. The stubborn refusal of letting Mattsun’s words win only letting a dull ache grow at the base of your skull, prickling further when he and Makki let out low mocking laughs.
“Hey fucknuts!” Your head whips over to see a blur of crimson race by, followed gradually by a few other familiar faces you’ve seen around at parties and on campus.
“God, not these assholes.” Makki laughs as Oikawa makes faces at one of the newcomers. Your eyes drag across the unfolding scene as the number of rowdy idiots grows. You swallow hard, knowing that staying any longer would only cause your headache to further bloom.
“That’s my cue to leave.” You sigh, it’s not like you were waiting for Kunimi in the first place. You weren’t. You were just...killing time.
“Leaving?” Your head tips back to look up at the source of the question, Kawanishi Taichi, of course. 
“Yeah, dunno why I’m here in the first place.” You brush off his quirked brow and shove Mattsun hard with your shoulder as you stand up. With a curt nod, you smooth a hand over your jeans, turning on your heel to brush past Kawanishi, ignoring the low whistle that falls from his lips. You make it a good distance down the walkway before the sound of crunching footsteps behind you prickles at your ears as you ready yourself to tell whoever it is to get lost. 
“Want a ride?” You let out a huff as you look over your shoulder to see Kawanishi standing so nonchalantly, hands tucked into his pockets as he chews on a toothpick.
“Shouldn’t you be skating around with your little boyfriends?” The comment slips out, followed by your tongue sliding over your bottom lip as if it’ll soften the sharpness of your tone. 
“Nah, just droppin 'em off,” his eyes rake up and down your figure as you turn to face him, “where’s yours?”
“My what?”
“Your little boyfriend. You were waiting there like a lost puppy for him.” A protest rises in your chest, curbing it when you see a flash of something akin to flirtatious teasing in his normally passive eyes. 
“I... I don’t have one.” The words are slathered in honey, punctuated with a flutter of your lashes as Kawanishi takes another step forward. 
If Kunimi likes playing all those stupid games, why not play a few of your own?
“Is that so?” His head tilts slightly, you feign shyness, fiddling with the hem of your shirt as you smile sweetly at him, confirming your statement with a nod of your head. “My car’s just over in the parking lot.” He tips his head in the direction of the closest lot, before turning to start walking. Without hesitation you easily fall into step beside him, trying to dampen your rising nerves.
Despite the dumb little hookups peppering your dating history, you had only gone so far with most of them, Kunimi being one of the few —and the only one you crawled back to— that you had made the unfortunate pleasure of going all the way with. You keep pushing away at the thoughts of inexperience as Kawanishi approaches an old, beat up, black Corolla, the paint flaking off with dings and dents littering across the body, the impeccably shiny rims on the wheels making you snort. 
It was a rather famous car across campus, seeing it around with stupid skate rats crammed in there with the windows fogged with smoke was an almost daily occurrence, especially highlighted by how it’s tied to one too many stories of girls having varying encounters with Kawanishi –and sometimes one of his friends– in said car.
“Wanna smoke or skip to the real fun?” He never minced any words, always up front or just completely skipping out on the conversation. It always made him the best project partner in the odd classes you’ve shared over your uni years.
“I don’t like waiting.” The fuzziness nipping at your spine from the few hits you took earlier were just enough, not wanting to dull your senses completely during this encounter. The bluntness of your answer causes a smirk to play at Kawanishi’s lips as he opens the door to the back.
“Well then, ladies first.” He gestures to the gray cloth seats, you make a point to ignore the questionable stains littered across it as you slide in, trying to focus instead on figuring out the heady scent permeating through the car. Cheap cologne, cigarettes, weed and maybe stale beer, and something that was distinctly him. 
Your eyes are drawn to a stain on the roof that looks oddly similar to an eagle, the thought unfinished as Kawanishi practically dives in after you. The sound of the door slamming preempting hands roaming over your body and lips moving against your neck. 
“Just Taichi.” He clips as he works the buttons of your jeans, a coarse hand working against your spine as he unhooks your bra.
“Eager much?” You laugh as he pushes at your shirt and bra exposing pert nipples to cool air, simultaneously managing to work your jeans past your hips and down your thighs.
“You said no waiting.” With a chaste kiss to your lips he’s maneuvering you onto your stomach, raising your hips in the air, face shoved halfway between the seat and door.  You let out a huff as your hand braces itself against the door, while the other on the seat below you, trying to find some semblance of comfort in the cramped setting.
“Mhm.” It’s the best reply you can manage as he grinds his clothed cock against the cleft of your ass, already hard. You can only imagine how many women he’s had in this situation to award all six feet and three inches of himself the ability to move so successfully around in the cramped backseat. 
Nimble and worn fingers circle around your hip, dipping down to tease at dampening lace, eliciting a soft moan from you. You push back against him, delighting in the soft grunt he lets out as he curls himself over you to scrape his teeth over your nape. His fingers continue to run up and down against your clothed cunt, pressing at the growing slick spot marking your wanting hole.
“Excited huh?” He mumbles as he skims his tongue against the shell of your ear, you manage a low hum in reply as he slides his hands back up, tugging down the flimsy piece of clothing, exposing your needy cunt to hungry eyes. He wastes no time pressing his fingers against your twitching hole, causing you to wiggle your hips just enough to earn a low chuckle and send the message of just how much you want him, need him. 
Without any further hesitation he slips in a finger, your back arching with the realization his fingers are longer than Kunimi’s, chest burning at the fact you could even think of another man in this situation. As if he can sense your wandering thoughts Taichi works in another finger, another following quickly after. There’s no urgency in his movements, each twist and thrust of his fingers methodical, curling in just the right way, making sure to brush his thumb over your throbbing clit to send a stinging pleasure up your spine. 
You can’t deny the way he’s taking you apart so sweetly, the tightening deep in your belly achingly sweet, as he starts to thrust his fingers even deeper, tiny gasps and whines starting to grow louder and louder as you careen towards bliss. With a particularly rough curl of his fingers you feel yourself come undone completely, punctuated by a shameless moan.
The sound of knuckles tapping against the fogged glass pulls you out of your blissful haze, still acutely aware of the way Taichi has his fingers lazily twisting inside of you. 
“It’s open.” He tugs you back by the hips slightly as he retracts his fingers painfully slow, listening as he unzips his jeans. Your heart races as the passenger door opens, shifting uncomfortably to try to catch a glimpse of who’s slid into the car.
“Oh, so that’s where you went, Mattsun said you were hanging around.” Your blood runs cold, your state of undress tightening your chest as you become painfully aware of the situation you’re in. The passive tone of Kunimi’s voice nips at your skin, tears away at the search of mindless fun that you had tried to pursue with Taichi, filling your chest with raw embarrassment.
“What do you want?” The tear of a wrapper following the question, whatever protest you had silenced by a hand coming down to grip harshly at your ass.
“You have my grinder.” Kunimi slips into the passenger seat, the sound of the glove box popping open making your eyes squeeze shut. 
“Yeah well close the door at least.” Your eyes widen at Taichi’s statement, you didn’t want Kunimi to just close the door, you wanted him to leave.
“Whatever. Can I smoke in here?” It doesn’t sound like much of a question, more of a declaration with the ‘can’ and the question mark tacked on for decoration.
“I don’t care, do you?” You crane your head just enough to catch the blasé expression on Taichi’s face, a quirked brow directed more at your ass than you.
“Yeah sweetheart, care if I’m in here while you’re whoring yourself out?” Kunimi scoffs, the irritated tinge to his bored tone making you furrow your brows.
“Oh fuck you.” You start to rise on your elbows, only for Taichi’s hand to land between your shoulder blades, keeping you from moving any further. You let out a huff as Kunimi clicks his tongue in feigned disappointment.
“Sorry babe, it’s me who’s fucking you this time around, maybe Kunimi can get the next round.” Before you can even bother with a retort, Taichi drags the head of his cock against slick folds, teasing at your entrance. You let your head hang down, the click of a lighter grating on your nerves more than you would like to admit. 
“Please, fuck me, I want it so bad.” The whininess of your voice annoys even you, but if Kunimi wants to stick around and get on your nerves, then two could play that game. 
“Since you asked so nicely.” Just like before he slides in slowly, carefully, as if to make you memorize what each inch of him feels like splitting you apart so sweetly.
“Shit.” You exhale shakily as you try to adjust to him, it had been months since you last fucked anyone, since you last fucked the asshole sitting passenger.
He sets a leisurely pace, steady and infuriating. There’s a hand clamped down on your hip, fingers digging in painfully to keep you in place, to establish that he’s the one calling all the shots. You huff, still trying to buck your hips to meet his thrusts. There’s something in his actions that makes you feel greedy, desperate for so much more than he’s offering.
There’s no way around it, you’re completely at his mercy, left taking the shallow, slow thrusts that only makes the desperate ache deep in your cunt grow.
“Hook a finger or two in her mouth.” There’s a pause in Taichi’s motions, letting you finally take a deep breath of the thick weed laced air. “Don’t look at me funny, do it and see what happens.”
You hear a non-committal hum as those devilishly nimble fingers skim past your jaw, a whimper preceding his index pushing past your lips with a harsh tug at the corner of your mouth, the painful stretch of your cheek causing you to clench down on his length.
“Oh? You were right.”
“She’s already broken in,” Kunimi takes a long drag of the joint hanging in his fingers, “no point in holding back.” 
It’s as if a flip is switched in Taichi, the statement becoming an immediate challenge as he hooks in another finger beside the other, yanking harshly as the snap of his hips becomes almost painful. The sound of skin slapping against skin fills the car, swirling with the heady smoke defiling the air. 
“W-Wait Taichi.” The words are garbled around his fingers, and you’re quickly dismissed as he snakes around his other hand to hook his middle and index on the other corner of your mouth, the stretch in your lips burning as he shifts from the quick paced thrusts to deep, hard strokes.
His only reply is to tug harshly on your mouth as pathetic whines and distored words spill from you. 
You can feel yourself start to shake almost violently, still reeling from your earlier orgasm and suffering at the hands of Taichi’s now vicious pace. Each thrust pushing you into madness, each tug of his fingers bringing you back. 
“Fuck, fuck.” He curls over you again, sloppily running his tongue up your nape. “You wanna cum?” 
“Mhmm,” you yelp at a particularly rough slam of his hips, “please.”
He grunts, moving a hand to grip at the back of your head while keeping his other hand planted on your hip, fingers biting into your hip. There’s no warning as he grinds into you, the hold on your hip finally relenting as he slides his digits back down to pinch at your throbbing clit, the bit of pressure sending you careening over the edge.
“T-Taichi.” Pleasure wracks through your body, your legs tremble violently as you try to move your hand on the door, shoulder aching from holding yourself in place. The second your hand moves, you give into the force of Taichi’s hand on the back of your head, forcing you to slam face first into the door, the impact making your nose sting, blood immediately starting to gush, running down your face and chin. 
You’re not sure if he doesn’t notice or doesn’t care as he continues his assault, the once careful, methodical thrusts turning desperate and depraved as he moves with reckless abandon. His teeth drag across your shoulder, before pulling out completely.
“Don’t need this.” You grip at your nose, trying to ignore the disgusting feeling of blood seeping onto your fingers, looking over your shoulder again to see Taichi pull off the condom. You can’t even protest with the way you’re bleeding profusely, pinching at your bridge at a poor attempt of stopping the bleeding.
“Stay still.” In one swift movement he’s plunging back into you, bottoming out immediately, a muffled yell falls from your lips, arching your back as he drives into you with just a few more hard thrusts you feel his seed spill inside you. 
For a moment you two stay suspended, the head of his cock nudging against your cervix, making you groan in a twisted sense of pleasure of pain. He pulls out painfully slow, delivering another harsh slap your ass as he sits back.
“Oh, sorry ‘bout your nose.” He helps you flip onto your back, swiping his thumb over the blood trickling onto your lip before shucking off his t-shirt and handing it to you. “Don’t have any tissues.” 
“So who’d you like playing fuck toy for better?” For a split second, somewhere between the back breaking orgasm and your nose being slammed into the door, you had blissfully forgotten that Kunimi was still in the car, but now that perfect illusion just had to be shattered.
“Must you be such a dick all the time?” You manage to pull your jeans back up, hissing at the stinging pain in your hips and lower back, ignoring the lewd feeling of Taichi’s cum starting to leak from your abused cunt. 
Beside you Taichi manages to tuck himself back into his pants, reaching under the driver's seat to yank out a hoodie reeking of weed and cigarettes.
“Maybe you two should just get together already.” Taichi lets out a low chuckle as he pulls on the hoodie, getting out of the backseat, slamming the door hard before throwing the driver’s door open. You don’t even bother trying to hook your bra back on as you pull your shirt down, letting yourself slump back down and lay across the backseat as you reach up to check if your nose is still bleeding.
“Like hell.” Kunimi twists around in the passenger seat, looking down at you with an amused smirk, offering the freshly rolled joint to you. “You look like shit. I said she was broken in, not to break her more.” He only gets a wry laugh from Taichi as he starts the car.
“Thanks, right back at you.” You sit up just enough, looking at Kunimi expectantly. He shakes his head before twisting the joint in his fingers and placing it between your lips, producing the lighter. Just as he’s about to hand it to you he brings his hand back a bit, grabbing your jaw with his other as he lights the joint. He picks up Taichi’s bloodied shirt, pouring water from a twisted plastic bottle onto it before passing it back to you.
“Cute, blew her back out and you’re doting on her.” You watch as Kunimi moves to sit back in his seat, not even bothering to spare you a second glance as he shrugs. You dab away at the drying blood on your face, ignoring a few of the splotches that landed on the joint.
“Guess I play favorites, drop us off at my place.” 
“Us?” You exhale after a long drag, narrowing your eyes at the back of Kunimi’s head as Taichi pulls out of the parking spot.
“What do I even get out of doing that?” You can’t help but nod in agreement of Taichi’s statement, feeling yourself growing annoyed at the way they seem to ignore your entire presence.
“You can fuck her again.” Kunimi offers and you almost drop the joint as your jaw falls open at the absolute nerve of the man. 
“Excuse me? I’m right here?” The way that neither of them even flinch at your statement, let alone acknowledge it makes you slump back into the seat, begrudgingly accepting the fact whatever you say isn’t worth shit to either of them.
“Hm.” It doesn’t sound like he’s actually considering the offer, but the quick look over his shoulder as he turns out of the parking lot sends a chill down your spine and your stomach to twist.
“Believe it or not, her mouth’s her one redeeming quality.” The two of them snicker, like two old pals sharing an inside joke.
“Shut the fuck up.” You’re brushed off once again as they toss back a few more comments before Taichi stops at a red light, looking over at Kunimi, then back at you and finally back towards the road.
“Yeah alright.”
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