#well with my partner obviously but i always wanted to involve friends and that just never works out
chocochat · 5 months
i don't remember the last time i had a good birthday
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theleotarot · 7 months
What’s Next In Love For You? ♡
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Choose the image you are most drawn to or resonate most with… pile 1, pile 2, pile 3, & pile 4 ✨
My Ko-Fi paid pac readings and tipping ♡
Pile 1
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(Ace of swords, The Sun, Queen of Wands, Death, Seven of Cups, Nine of Swords, Nine of Cups, Fulfillment, Partying, Judgement, & Wedding)
Hi Pile 1, welcome to your reading. ♡
I believe that in the past with love, you have experienced some sort of sadness or disappointment. Whether it be a separation from an ex partner, or you just cannot seem to find the right partner for you, you seem to have been drowning in your own pain in regard to your romantic life. I think some of you may have also thought to yourself “What have I done to deserve this in my life?” Well, I just want to say that you are beginning to find clarity within yourself. I believe that this pain that you’ve been through has pushed you to start doing things for yourself. Whether it be focusing on school, work, hobbies, or friends and family, you are now putting yourself first and not rushing to find love. You may have felt like love or a romantic partner would fulfill you, but I promise that this journey you have started to build yourself back up again will fulfill you much more than anyone or anything else could ever fulfill you.
I think that when love comes next into your life, you will be very happily single and in your own space. I think that it will be at a time in your life when you have accomplished what you wanted, and perhaps even at a time when you are very social. Even if you are more introverted, there will come a time when you begin to socialize with others for your benefit. I think you may even meet your next person in love through any sort of party, maybe a wedding. It does not have to be a big event, but I’m seeing that it is a place where you will socialize a lot with friends and you will be living in the moment at that time. I think when you are with this person, you will do activities that involve a lot of fun too. They will bring extreme joy and laughter in your life. Lots of playful energy here. You may take a lot of photos with this person too. I also think that when this person comes into your life, you will no longer have the mindset of “Nothing good with love ever happens to me” or “I am doomed to be alone.” This person will obviously shift your perspective on love and give you a lot of emotional support I am sensing. I think that your previous wishes and daydreams are coming true with this person. For instance, if you’ve always wanted someone who takes you on beach walks and cruises through the mountains with you while listening to music, you will absolutely get this from them. I’m thinking that you won’t even have to ask this person to do anything, they will do things on their own will and surprise you. I think that as an outcome of what’s happening next in your love life is that you are going to be emotionally fulfilled, but you may still have some anxiety surrounding your situationship or relationship with this person. I believe that this stems from the past though. You may be very breath taken by this person coming into your life, but you are still scared that love will fail you once again. Even though you may have fears about love failing on you still, I certainly believe that the next person in love coming towards you is definitely committed to you, or at least their feelings for you are very genuine. Pile 1, your wishes and dreams are transforming to life now, so keep going, and you will be where you have always wanted to be. ♡
Who is this person coming towards you next in love? – Ko-Fi extended reading
Pile 2
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(The Unknown Card, Five of Cups, Five of Wands, Queen of Wands, King of Cups, Knight of Pentacles, Three of Swords, Truth, Abundance, World, & Engagement)
Hi, Pile 2! Welcome to your reading. ♡
I think that right now, you may feel lost in your love life or unsure of how things ended like in your pervious love experience(s). I am getting a sense of feeling that you may have recently gone through a separation with an ex partner or love interest, or you may have just felt the need to back away from a certain person. I am also getting that some of you may still wonder about the truth of your past situation. Maybe you never got the truth or clarity you needed. For some of you, I’m getting that your ex partner may have been a narcissist or treated you poorly or took you for granted. This feeling of lost or separation has resulted you in feeling worried, I would say about your love life. I am also getting that you may struggle with moving forward in terms of your life as a whole. I’m getting that you do want to proceed with your life, but you just feel so stuck and you may feel uncertain of how you can move on with your life. Pile 2, I think with time though, you will for sure be able to expand your life, including your thoughts and actions with love. I think eventually you’ll be able to walk away from the uncertainty or loss you’ve had and begin to have many love opportunities given to you.
When love comes in for you next, I believe that you will still be in your feelings of sadness and loss of something you once loved or cared for. You will be at a time where you feel very unstable with your life and emotions. I think you’ll also be battling with yourself mentally. I think you really want to get rid of these feelings of emptiness, but your mind is still struggling to have positive thoughts to let you be happy. I do think that when this next person in love comes into your life, they will bring you lots of stability, respect, and admiration that you did not have before. It is amazing here that you once were in a place with the 5 of cups, feelings of sadness and emptiness, but with this next love, it will offer you the King of Cups, which is lots of stability and emotional fulfillment. I think this next love in your life will also teach you to be more confident in yourself and you will gain clarity in terms of your romantic life. I think with this next person, they will offer you a very emotional connection too. A connection, I would say like soulmates. There will be a lot of passion and sparks between the two of you, I’m hearing laughter in your conversations. The type of love where you playfully run in their arms to spin you around, or vice versa. I think that the point of your union with this person is for you to experience a love that you have never received before, while also helping you to love yourself and build you stronger than ever before. Your next love really uplifts you to find yourself I would say. I believe that in the early stages of your connection with this person, your connection will develop very slowly, and because of this, you will feel like they might be playing you, not serious with you, or just don’t feel for you like you do for them. It will make you feel worried or upset, but Pile 2, I just want to say that they certainly do feel for you. They do take you seriously, and after these early stages, you and your next person in love will have a very young, free flowing, and innocent type of love. I think this love will also heal your inner child. Your union together is to make you both stronger as individuals and learn about the opportunities in life. ♡
Who is this person coming towards you next in love? – Ko-Fi extended reading
Pile 3
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(King of Wands, Five of Swords, The Moon, Temperance, The Chariot, The Hermit, Strength, Wisdom, Passion, & It Is Safe For You To Love)
Hi, Pile 3, welcome to your reading! ♡
I think you have recently overcome lots of obstacles or you’ve gone through some sudden unexpected change. Maybe this is a separation from an ex partner or person of interest. You may have had many sleepless nights worried about whatever situation that put you through anxiety or stress, but I believe that right now, you are in your power regarding love, education, career, money, and success. I think that the situations that you have gone through have left you no choice but to change yourself and proceed in your life in order for you to be happy. Perhaps right now you are picking up a new hobby, or trying to advance in a hobby. Maybe you are creating a small business or picking up a new side hustle. Maybe you are excelling in your classes much more than before. Your passion to succeed in life is dramatically increasing right now, and I just want to say Pile 3, although you don’t see it, with the adversity you go through, there are success, love, and wish fulfillment growing to life for you. Keep going my pile 3! You are in your power!
I think when love comes next into your life, I think you’re going to be a bit skeptical and in your head about it. I think when love is offered to you, you’ll think to yourself “Really? Why me?” It’s kind of like, you don’t really expect love to come your way because you’re not used to it, or love hasn’t did you well in the past. With this pile, Pile 3, I am hearing “Trust issues.” You may have this, just take what resonates. I think when love comes into your life, you’ll be afraid to open up to this person due to not wanting to get hurt. Maybe it takes awhile for you to trust someone and get comfortable with them for you to open up. You are most likely guarded. I think when love is offered to you next, you have probably been so much in your independence that you may hesitate to accept love. Eventually, you’ll let this fear subside though and you’ll begin to open up because you’ll feel intense passion with this next person in love. I think in the early stages of your situationship or relationship with them, you’ll realize that there is equal interest between the both of you, and that will help you open up much more. If you ever had to experience unrequited love, this next love coming towards you will be the complete opposite. This next person feels the chemistry and desire with you, and vice versa. They also have extreme loyalty and devotion to you. You’ll have a lot to talk about with this person. There are lots of texting, calling, and communication here in the courting stage. This next love will also offer you lots of traveling and lots of freedom as well. Lots of trips together, definitely. You may open up to this person slowly, but surely, you will feel comfortable with them in the end. Ultimately, this next love offer will help you gain inner strength, and let you know that it is okay to let love in and trust people with your heart. I think you’ll learn to love and enjoy having someone as company more than before, even if you are always used to being in solitude. I think you and this next person will have a lot in common in terms of your hobbies or activities you enjoy doing together. You’ll feel really safe with what’s coming towards you in love, Pile 3. Just remember that you are capable and worthy of a true, loyal, and healthy love. ♡
Who is this person coming towards you next in love? – Ko-Fi extended reading
Pile 4
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(King of Cups, Three of Wands, The Lovers, King of Wands, Death, Six of Pentacles, Four of Swords, Love, Blowing Kiss, Chariot, & Retreat)
Hi, Pile 4, welcome to your reading. ♡
I think right now in your life, you may have a person of interest, or someone in mind that you are attracted to and still debating if they are the one for you. I keep getting this energy in your reading that you definitely have someone, or you have your eyes on someone. If this isn’t the case, then I think there are other people who have their eyes on you and are interested in you, and they’ll be coming in pretty soon. I do think you are generally a more emotional human being though. Perhaps, you are a hopeless romantic. I also think that you do want to take your situation with this person to the next level. I’m thinking maybe you’d like to get to know them more, see them more, or go on more dates with them. For others who don’t have a person, I’m getting the feeling that you are very ready to let love come into your life right now. Maybe you are even seeking for romance right now. Pile 4, but I just want to say that your love life is really transforming right now, even if you don’t see it. I really feel like romance for you is close by.
When love comes next into your life, I think you’ll be super ready for it. Of course, if you already have someone in mind, you’ll be happy that you’re finally taking things to the next level with them. Again, I’m really feeling that what’s coming next in love for you is on the horizon. I think you’ll be planning a lot with this person. Maybe you will plan out the different types of dates you will go on, or maybe you will strategize ways to see them in real life just to talk to them. They will do the same. I’m getting that you’re actually super into them. There’s going to be a lot of talking between the two of you, and I’m getting that your affection for them is returned back to you. If you have already been texting, calling, or communicating with them, just know that your conversations are getting deeper and moving to the next level. It’s such a sweet love to start with. It’s like the beginning or courting stage will be filled with butterflies and nervousness because you both like each other a lot. I think that this next love coming towards you has to offer you a lot of expansion and growth in your love life. I think you’ll both take initiative and up lift each other in your relationship. There is so much giving and receiving here in your relationship with them. Maybe they might pay for a date, and later on, you’ll give them a gift, or maybe they’ll make you a special breakfast in the morning and then in the evening, you’ll surprise them with a homecooked dinner date. It’s things like this that I’m getting for you two. Love is returned here in this relationship. I also think, of course, you’ll no longer feel that intense feeling in your chest of “Oh do they like me like I like them? Will we ever be together?” like you once did before. By then, you would absolutely know that they feel a lot for you. Another thing I am getting with your reading is that this is the type of love where it feels like you are always in the honeymoon stage with them. You both are just so lovey dovey with each other, and the love won’t stop! With what’s coming next in love, there will be lots of giving and receiving as said before. You’ll receive this love that is reciprocated in all ways, and I think your mind and heart will be at ease when you are with this person. You’ll finally be able to get good night rests with what’s coming in for you. I think you’ll definitely think that this person was worth waiting for Pile 4. ♡
Who is this person coming towards you next in love? – Ko-Fi extended reading
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bamfkeeper · 2 months
SFW Alphabet : Sabretooth
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a/n: I wanted to write a few of these, obviously I'm writing a Nightcrawler one, but Sabretooth is one of my top favorites so I wanted to write one for him too. Plus I like seeing different points of views for him. So...yeah :) This is also my first time writing Sabretooth publicly, so I hope you like it. I will be doing a nsfw version too. I also want to note that I write characters with the comics and other media in mind so it's not just based on a single source.
Also picked a gif where you can imagine any variant of Sabretooth you want <3
A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?):
Sabretooth isn't affectionate per say, but he is territorial. Being a primal mutant, he is driven more by his natural instincts than everyone else. Think of him like a lion, he doesn't exactly give out affection like others, but he would accept it silently. Brush up against him, sit or lay close to him, things like that. He will accept it.
Sometimes, I can see him taking initiative and brushing against you, or moving to be closer to you without saying anything. He isn't obvious about affection like hugs or kisses, but he would rub into you as he walks by. Simply letting you be as close as you are to him is his own way of showing his affection.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?):
I don't really see Sabretooth being a 'friend' but more like a wild animal who tolerates your presence. He is still unpredictable, but he tolerates you more than most. I can also see him being like a big cat around you, he would feel comfortable enough to nap around you.
A friendship starting maybe by helping him out if he was somehow wounded (let's ignore his healing factor), or maybe you allow him to stay in your home when he is trying to find someplace to stay. A small show of kindness might catch him off guard, especially if you know who he is and you still offer to help. He might remember you in the back of his mind and it builds from there.
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?):
Big cat vibes. Like I mentioned, he isn't super affectionate by typical standards, but he would lay by you like a lion. He is huge, so his body would lay against your back, and he'd practically curl around you. Or he'd let you lay on top of him if he's on his stomach.
I wouldn't say he seeks out cuddling, but he wouldn't mind doing it. You'd never hear him saying his likes it though lol.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?):
WELL. Honestly, I don't think so. He wouldn't want to be tied down and have a family. He's had children in the comics, but he isn't the typical 'dad' you'd imagine. If you somehow managed to get him to 'settle down' he'd still be wild and free to an extent. He might make a deal where he is still able to run about how he likes, but he would always return to you in the end.
Cooking and cleaning...absolutely not. I do like to think he'd be good grilling meat...but his diet is almost exclusively meat and he just eats it fresh from a carcass so...
He'd probably laugh at you for eating a salad. I personally don't think he'd get involved with someone who doesn't eat meat. If he does he'd probably try to force you to change your diet.
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?):
He's just straight up leave without a word. He wouldn't say anything to you, he'd just disappear and you wouldn't see him again. It's a habit of his. If you managed to see him again after that, he would tease you about being heartbroken and scold you about who he is and how you should've known better.
F = Fiancé(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?):
I don't see him being into marriage. I do think that if he is sorta sleeping with someone, he might remain with them but in a silent, non-official way. Don't bring it up or he will retract a lot from you.
He wouldn't want his partner to be with anyone else if he is with them though, like I said, he's a pretty territorial dude.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?):
Sabretooth is extremely rough by nature, so gentle is...not exactly something he is familiar with. Physically he's just so large, so even touches he might not mean to hurt will hurt. He might try to grab you without meaning to be rough and it just is due to his size and strength.
Emotionally he is just as rough. He never speaks about feelings in a mushy way. He always blames habits on his instincts or primal nature.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?):
Hugs are hit or miss. He doesn't care about receiving them, he will accept a hug and reciprocate with touching your back or head, but fully hugging back I don't see him doing as often.
Hugging him is like hugging a massive teddy bear, he's so big, and he's naturally warmer than most people. When he does wrap his arms around you, it feels very secure without the hard pressure of squeezing.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?):
You'll never catch him saying it. Sabretooth isn't one to express his lovey dovey feelings with words, but he rather does so with his actions.
Letting you be close to him should say enough. Sleeping together, letting you call him by his name, etc.
He will bring you dead things sometimes, as a way to keep you healthy. Things like deer or rabbits so you can cook them and keep yourself fed. If you don't eat meat, he'd still do it anyway.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?):
Sabretooth doesn't get jealous, but as I mentioned, he is extremely territorial. He doesn't like when other men are around you. It triggers him to become more possessive of you.
If he catches the scent of another man on you, he will move close and seem like he's snuggling you, but in reality he is rubbing his own scent over you to get rid of the one from the stranger. He gets really possessive of you when this happens too, and he wants you to be with him at all times.
If the scent is too strong, he will mark you, and he isn't subtle about it. He will ensure you can't cover it up.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?):
Sabretooth isn't a kissy guy, but when he does, I feel like they'd be rough and they'd leave you breathless. He takes and takes, kissing and biting, plus those fangs of his would leave you with a bloody lip, (he licks it after).
He might rather lick, he likes licking the nape of your neck or the side of your neck. He also nips which are his way of kissing. I can also see him biting onto your hand or arm when you touch him, like sitting close on the couch. He doesn't bite hard to bleed or hurt, but firm enough to hold you in place.
L = Little ones (How are they around children?):
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?):
He is very cat-like so he is naturally more active at night. Mornings can either be spend with him sleeping, or he's still energized.
If you make him food, he will gladly eat it.
Sometimes he is out hunting in the mornings and he comes back with a kill, holding an animal in his jaws or wiping his mouth with the back of his arm from freshly eating a meal.
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?):
Like I said above, he is more active at night. So he likes to be out and about. He likes walking around his 'territory' (where his cabin is), and hunting. On nights in, he will sit or lay with you to do whatever. He's pretty open to doing anything, he likes being scratched since he's a pretty hairy guy. Definitely a quality time person.
If you are sleeping, he will sleep curled around you. When he breaths, he makes deep rumbling sounds, almost like purring but deeper. He sleeps closest to the door incase something happens, which is another subtle way of showing he cares.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?):
I don't think he's going to be a very open guy about everything, but he certainly will be upfront with you if you show interest in him. He'd be open about who he is, what he is, and how he is. He wouldn't beat around the bush about his nature, and if you are willing to accept that, then you can't be shocked if he does something in the future that is 'bad' because he warned you about it prior.
I feel like he might make up some lies about his past or childhood if you asked, he might not want to reveal it all to you. It would take a loooong time before he was actually honest about it.
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?):
Sabretooth has a bad temper, naturally, he is more primal so he is in tune with his aggression. It's shown in almost every iteration of him that he is prone to aggression and violence very easily.
While I don't think he would harm someone he is 'partnered' with, he might accidentally or in an aggression fit where he doesn't actually realize he does it. He might say things he doesn't mean, or purposefully say something to hurt you. Once his temper calms, he might apologize indirectly by doing something nice or being unnaturally more gentle that day.
He will learn to be more patient with you as your relationship develops, so he tolerates you much more than anyone else.
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?):
I don't think he would make it his mission to remember a lot of little things, but it would also depend on what you tell him. If you get triggers from things like trauma or anything relating to it, he'd probably remember those. Or if you told him about a bad relationship, he'd keep that in the back of his mind in case you cross paths with that ex.
He might remember things like your favorite foods or animals to eat (if you eat meat ofc), and bring you those when he goes hunting.
He will selectively remember things, it all just depends on what it is.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?):
I think he might remember back to when you first met, I can see him teasing you about how naïve you were to let him in, and how sweet and innocent you seemed to be for being kind to him. But secretly I think he likes to think about that a lot.
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?):
He is the epitome of protective. No one is gonna mess with you if they know you're with Sabretooth. Just his presence before a lot of mutants and humans freaks them out. Sabretooth will not hesitate to kill in order to protect you.
If you ever ask him about being protective, he will tell you it's a 'territory thing' but he doesn't want to admit anything else to you. Imagine a male lion and he sees his lioness around other males, he reacts about the same which his immediate reaction is to attack.
A subtle way he protects you is sleeping closest to the door, he patrols around his cabin before bed, and he gets his scent all over you if you leave to go anywhere.
Sabretooth himself doesn't need to be protected, but he'd find it cute if you tried to protect him since he's so massive compared to you.
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?):
Sabretooth isn't super sentimental. He's more of a subtle quality time type of guy rather than giving you gifts or saying something meaningful. His idea of a good gift is a dead deer on your porch.
I think if the day means a lot to you, he'd at least try to make an effort to spend it with you. He'd probably just go along with whatever you wanted to do.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?):
Aggression. Sabretooth is insanely temperamental. If Logan shows up anywhere near his cabin it's like all logic and critical thinking goes out the window and it's a near death match.
He lives like an animal, while he has a cabin and all that, he isn't super concerned about technology or anything of the sorts. If you want a tv or anything modern, you have to get it yourself. Some people might not find that to be bad, but when his cabin doesn't have an oven or a stove, or running water....it gets a little concerning. (He eventually gets that for you).
He tends to lack empathy, so if you ever get emotional or try to explain something to him that he might've done to upset you, he might not react or take it in the way you expect. He isn't super open to being tender.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?):
Dude licks himself clean so I don't think he is super concerned about his looks.
He will shower at your request lmao.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?):
I mean...maybe? It's hard to say. Sabretooth can be with or without a partner, I don't think he would feel incomplete, but since he can become so attached to you via territorial instincts, he might feel more angry without you. Like he doesn't have something to calm him down, so if you had a fight and you needed space, he would probably become more aggressive in general.
I think overall he would enjoy having a partner. He'd NEVER say that though. Without you around he would be more sulky and tend to me easier to rile up. He'd want space from everyone and he'd be more solitary than normal.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.):
Sabretooth smells like a mixture of fur pelts, pine trees, wet moss, cut wood, and musk.
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?)
If you don't eat meat, he probably won't fwy. He also wouldn't want anyone who would try to change him or tell him what to do.
He'd get annoyed if you got mad at him for doing something that he warned you about at the beginning, whether it be killing or aligning with the 'bad guys' because he warned you, so you should've known better.
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?):
Sabretooth sleeps more during the day than at night. He catnaps a lot too, he likes to find secluded places to sleep.
He might find a spot high in a tree to sleep too, like a leopard would do.
He absolutely purrs but will deny it until the day he dies.
Thanks for reading <3
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a-rat-who-writes · 2 months
Kirishima's Alphabet SFW (MHA)
Pls enjoy my lovelies
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A = Affection (How affectionate are they? How do they show affection?): Kirishima is such a sweetheart when it comes to showing his affection towards you. He obviously enjoys the simple hand holding in public or between classes, but he also strikes me as being a sweet talker as well. He LOVESS complimenting you on your quirk and hyping you up every time before you go into training or a battle. On top of that, he also seems like the type to want to spend as much time as he can with you (of course), so he doesn't mind just laying about beside you while you do your homework because of course he neglects his own until the last minute.
B = Best friend (What would they be like as a best friend? How would the friendship start?): I feel like it would really depend on your OC's upbringing, meaning whether or not you met in high school. For simplicity, let's say you did in UA. In the first stages of showing off everyone's powers, you caught his eye. Since getting in high school, he was pretty sociable, so he went up to you pretty early on and showered you with compliments about your quirk, saying things like how you used it was so unique and he wished he had a quirk like yours. After becoming friends and talking back and forth, he ALWAYYSS wants you to be involved in group activities with Kaminari, Mina, and Sero, the usual group. Like Bakugo, if he needs to DRAG you out of your room to get you to hang out, he isn't afraid to
C = Cuddles (Do they like to cuddle? How would they cuddle?): Kiri LOVES a good cuddle sesh. It warms your heart every time you see his hair lying down, and when you guys usually do cuddle you see it like this. There aren't a whole lot of times where you two get to hunker down with each other considering the "rules" in the dorms that people allegedly follow, but on the off chance he can sneak into your room or you sneak into his, it's always a nice time. I feel like he would love resting his head against your chest, nuzzling his nose against it like he's a cat rubbing his scent on you. Kiri I'm afraid is also a bit of a snorer especially when he has had a long day, and although it annoys you sometimes, when it's soft it makes you melt and want to squeeze him to death. He obviously likes to be seen as manly, but he enjoys the occasional moment where you baby him a bit when he doesn't want you to get up or change positions.
D = Domestic (Do they want to settle down? How are they at cooking and cleaning?): I feel like it is important to Kirishima that you two do at some point settle down and move in with each other or perhaps even get married some time after he goes Pro. It is a big thing for him to spend as much time as he can with you, and having those special moments devoted to the two of you would make him feel like he’d led a happy life with no regrets if he were to lose in battle. I think that he’s a bit of an amatuer at cooking, only knowing how to do simple dishes, but if cooking is something you’re also bad at, he would definitely make that into a little date idea (seeing who can make the best… or rather least burnt dish). Depending on your quirk and role in UA and the Pro world, he would make sure your space is clean, prioritizing it over his (which is usually a bit of a wreck.) 
E = Ending (If they had to break up with their partner, how would they do it?): It would heavily depend on why you two would need to break up, but I feel like how I’ve written Alphabets for other chars like him, he would try and prolong the relationship for as long as possible to try and make things work, but if they really can’t, then he would let you down slowly. Doing the necessities, making sure you two are alone and are sat down. The manly thing to do would be to tell you his feelings about everything and that he thinks you two aren’t a good fit for each other anymore. Rather than think negative things about you, he would still treasure the time you two spent together and wouldn’t think the time you two spent in a relationship was a waste of time at all, rather an experience that he was able to learn about and hopefully improve himself as a person for his next.
F = Fiance(e) (How do they feel about commitment? How quick would they want to get married?): After his whole mentality change from middle to high school, I think he has gotten over being so hesitant about things, and as mentioned before, he would want to make sure he can have the special moments with you so you two don’t wish you did more with each other if things came to an end. I do think that it would take some time after he became a Pro just to settle into the new life, but he would definitely be the one to propose, crying the entire time he gives his stupid little speech about how he knew you were the one when he first met you and had the conversation about telling each other your names. Honestly I think it would mean a lot more to him if you let him propose to you so he could also show to himself that he is 100% in and devoted to you for the rest of his life.
G = Gentle (How gentle are they, both physically and emotionally?): Gentle monster. He is such a big teddy bear. Though he does like picking you up and running around with you, he is literally one of the most caring and self aware people that you know. I feel like no matter the situation there’s always this little inkling in the back of his mind of “Am I doing this right?” “Am I being gentle enough?” “Are they uncomfortable?” But of course, you always assure him that he’s being the perfect boyfriend. Emotionally, I would say he can come off a bit forward sometimes, especially if you are feeling down on yourself, but he once more is always big on complimenting you and telling you that you’re enough and what you did today helped everyone smile a little brighter.
H = Hugs (Do they like hugs? How often do they do it? What are their hugs like?): HUGGER ALERT. He loves a good hug. He always likes a good hug or kiss before you depart for nighttime if you two see each other before you do. He always goes under and hugs around your waist (totally not because he likes pressing his face against your neck and feeling your flustered reaction). His hugs are usually pretty gentle, but if it’s after a long battle, this man hugs you like his life depends on it, borderline crushing your damn ribs. If he’s proud of you, (which he always is) he also loves to give you a good, tight hug, or pick you up and praise you.
I = I love you (How fast do they say the L-word?): He thinks inside his head saying this to you A LOT before he actually does say it, admiring how you observe things or the way you act when you’re excited, “God I love them”. I think it’s a bit of a toss up depending on your forwardness, but I think you’d probably say it first, which TOTALLY catches him off guard when you do. “NO WAY, I LOVE YOU MORE!” He would literally SHOUT back at you, startling you a bit. “I’ve been wanting to say that for so long, I just– I didn’t want to mess it up.” He would follow up. You’d shake your head and tell him that there isn’t a wrong time to tell the people you love that, which made him clutch his shirt in how strong of a statement that was. Safe to say that afternoon was a lovey-dovey one.
J = Jealousy (How jealous do they get? What do they do when they’re jealous?): I think Kirishima, under all of his newfound confidence and strength, still has that small insecure side to him that we all have, so he would get jealous if you continually hung out with someone he wasn’t well acquainted with yet. On the other hand, if it’s anyone in 1-A like Midoriya or Yaoyorozu, he wouldn’t have any issues with you spending time with them, instead encouraging you to be sociable. I think it’s pretty circumstantial the times he gets jealous, but he knows he can trust you. When he does get jealous he definitely makes sure to show you that he loves you with kisses and touches (like on your waist or holding your hand). On top of this though, he’s always been proud to be your boyfriend, so there isn’t really anyone who wouldn’t know the two of you are together. I think you two are both pretty in love with each other regardless of anyone who tried to come in between the two of you, so it wouldn’t matter much if anyone tried to get in the way because he is definitely sure about his feelings for you.
K = Kisses (What are their kisses like? Where do they like to kiss you? Where do they like to be kissed?): Kiri’s kisses have a wide range of places and pressure. When things are normal and the two of you are hanging out, he loves to kiss you on the cheek or shoulder randomly to remind you that he’s there with you (but of course, you already know that). I think that one off kisses on the lips would leave him a bit flustered unless he initiated them. Despite how I explained before, this man’s hand placement is immaculate, either pulling you close and holding your lower waist, holding your jaw, or stuffing his hand in the back of your hair, he always makes you melt whether or not that was his intention. I think Kiri loves a good forehead kiss or just a kiss on his head, but anything around his neck would make his ears just about the color of his hair, sucking in breath so as to not accidentally make a fool of himself. I feel like in private he definitely finds kisses on his torso sexy (Bonus points if he’s in his hero costume).
L = Little ones (How are they around children?): I think he actually would enjoy babysitting some young grade school kids, putting them on his shoulders, or holding them upside down. In return, I also think kids really like him too! Especially the girls, I think they would fawn over him a little bit which would make him bashful, an expression you don’t see on him too often. He is also very careful with the kids, making sure that they aren’t hurting themselves or each other, instead encouraging them to use their quirks or anger against him because of his quirk. 
M = Morning (How are mornings spent with them?): I feel that if there was a late night in one of your dorms, then he would definitely not want to get up, keeping you close to him until he was either forced to leave or people got suspicious. I think in the morning times he is definitely the cutest because of how askew his hair is and the tired look in his eyes. I think he is also a very warm person, so he would cling to you for a lot of the morning if there wasn’t anything to do, wanting to also feel your warmth outside of the covers. 
N = Night (How are nights spent with them?): He’s always a bit of a social butterfly, hanging out in the commons with his friends just chatting about the next test or the latest hero gossip. If and when you two are alone in each other's dorm rooms he definitely enjoys staying up with you, coincidentally enjoying the look of how tired you are, letting your guard down around him. Trust is a BIIIG thing for Kiri, so it makes him all warm and fuzzy knowing that he makes you feel safe and that you trust him to protect you if anything happened while you were asleep. I feel he would also enjoy watching movies during these late nights with you, chugging drinks and sharing some food before passing out on top of each other.
O = Open (When would they start revealing things about themselves? Do they say everything all at once or wait a while to reveal things slowly?): He’s a relatively open book, wearing his feelings and his ideals on his sleeve. Anyone who knows Kiri knows he is a person who admires people who are strong, trustworthy, honest, “manly”, and admirable in general. I think that if you were to ask him anything about himself, he would be pretty open about it all, giving reasonable explanations for why he feels the way he does instead of brushing the question off and ignoring it. 
P = Patience (How easily angered are they?): Hence the whole children topic, I’d think he’s very patient with other people, and less so with himself. He always likes to improve himself so he feels like he’s on the same level as his classmates which makes you a little sad to see how hard he can be on himself sometimes, but he wouldn’t ever say what he says to himself to you or any of his friends. 
Q = Quizzes (How much would they remember about you? Do they remember every little detail you mention in passing, or do they kind of forget everything?): I think Kiri’s a little bit of a scatterbrain if he is needing to remember something, but if there is something he knows is important to you, he is set in stone on remembering whatever it is even if he has to constantly put up sticky notes on his walls to remind him. I think there are a lot of random things he remembers about you, for example, some support item you have on your hero costume.
R = Remember (What is their favorite moment in your relationship?): Headcanon time! So I feel that one night Kiri would mention something about there being a meteor shower and he insisted on sneaking out of the dorms since it would happen late at night and watch it together. You were intrigued by the idea and agreed, the idea of once more spending some late night time together was something you wouldn’t pass up, and now it had a direct purpose, of course, you wouldn’t pass it up. You make sure to stay up until about 1AM, to which you and Kiri quietly meet in the commons and snuck out of the dorms and around the side to lie down in the grassy field behind the school. You both cuddled up next to each other on top of a blanket and as if on cue, the shower began when you both were settled. The sight was actually quite beautiful when you saw how the subtle lights shot across the sky, your eyes widening as each one passed. You raised up your arm at the initial meteor pointing out that it started before laying back down beside Kirishima. You were almost at a loss for words, having not seen something like that before– the night being filled with more stars than usual too. This entire time, there was absolutely no way Kiri could stop looking at you. He watched the way the lights in the sky reflected over your eyes and the expression you had on your face. His throat went a little dry, to be honest at seeing the way you were just.. enthralled with the sight. He definitely was glad he asked you to spend the night with him.. He just couldn’t look away similar to how you were looking at the sky. When you finally noticed him looking at you, he blushed, looking the other way but you pulled him in for a brief kiss as another meteor shot across the sky. 
S = Security (How protective are they? How would they protect you? How would they like to be protected?): I think this question is already answered if you watched MHA at all. Of COURSE he is protective of you in every scenario! He would always put you before himself, selflessly protecting you from any villain that posed a threat or squashing any insect you were too afraid to kill. Kiri isn’t really one to ask for help, but he would always ask right after the threat is gone if you’re okay and that he’s sorry he didn’t do enough if you did end up protecting him. 
T = Try (How much effort would they put into dates, anniversaries, gifts, everyday tasks?): I think instead of coming up with date ideas on his own or.. Surprising you, he would sit down with you or ask in your free time what you would like to do so he makes sure you’re having a good time. You do a little reverse psychology on him by being unsure and suggesting ideas to see what he seems most enthusiastic about, whichever that is you also decide you enjoy the most. I think for anniversaries, he would always take you out somewhere, whether that’s a fancy dinner or taking you back to a memorable place you two spent some time at (ie where your first kiss was, first date, first interaction, where he first knew he fell in love with you, etc). He isn’t anything exceptional when giving gifts, but he does make sure to get things that you enjoy, like tickets to a singer you enjoy, or a pair of shoes/jewelry you have mentioned wanting before.
U = Ugly (What would be some bad habits of theirs?): For those who follow my OLBA Alphabet, I feel like Kiri is also someone who wipes his hands on his shorts which leave occasional stains on them so he has to keep buying more. In addition, I think he also tends to overwork himself a lot, which makes you worry a little and have to ask where he is if he isn’t in his dorm in his free time. He also, which is a bit of a given, is a procrastinator, leaving his homework or studying to the last minute even if he does haphazardly look over his notes every once and a while.
V = Vanity (How concerned are they with their looks?): Since his little high school glow up, I think his hair is something he usually takes into account most days, making sure to redye it (hc of mine b/c it technically is permanently dyed red) every so often when he sees his roots coming out. A fun hangout between you two is you redying his hair for him while sitting on his lap. He enjoys the physical touch while you also care for him.
W = Whole (Would they feel incomplete without you?): I think if you two hadn’t ever met (if the show was what it was) he would become a fine hero the way he would if he had met you, but if you two met and then you left his life after dating or becoming a close friend, he would often think about you and dwell on the things you two didn’t do together. I think if he ever got free time in this scenario, he would spend it searching online where you are nowadays and what you’re doing, at least hoping you’re doing well and are healthy.
X = Xtra (A random headcanon for them.): During the middle phase of when you two were talking but not dating yet, Sero and Kaminari would be an absolute PAIN IN THE ASS to Kiri every time you both hung out in the commons or whenever their whole group was out. They would say things like how Kiri seemed so much more “red” than usual, or “What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue?” After you laugh at something he would almost gaze at you as you did. Even after the two of you began going out openly, they would tease you guys at how you two were lovebirds and “...should get a room if you act like that.” 
Y = Yuck (What are some things they wouldn’t like, either in general or in a partner?): Dishonesty, not being true to yourself, not taking care of yourself, or being beyond too immature. He is a playful guy himself, but if you can’t take moments that are serious, seriously, then it would turn him off quite a bit. He is pretty open to learning about why people are the way they are, so he tries his best not to judge anyone for things so physical. As long as you were good at heart and were someone he could understand, at the end of the day he would give it a chance. (This is heavily because of Bakugo and Kirishima understanding that despite the way people present themselves, there is more than what people show.)
Z = Zzz (What is a sleep habits of theirs?): As I mentioned before, SNORRERRRRR he SNORES. I feel like he also tosses and turns a bit when he’s on his own, somehow ending up at the opposite end of the bed, his feet where his pillow is sometimes. If the two of you are sleeping next to each other, I also think he would cuddle you to the point of you overheating. You’d stick it out for as long as you could until wriggling out of his arms to give yourself a small break before returning back to him.
JEEESSSUUSSSS do making these take it out of me. As soon as I saw my second most recent poll flip and go from Heros to 1-A student fluff I got my ass on here and worked. Kiri is one of my favorite chars if you couldn't tell. T^T
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BABES THIS ISN'T A REQUEST BECAUSE I SAW THEY'RE CLOSED BUT BUT BUT i'm still thinking of your friends with benefits Tan post from a little bit back and ahhhhhhhh i need more! anything you have 😫😫
(obviously no pressure my love)
like why does it work SO well with him? like he's you friend/coworker and you get along sooo well but then on the side you're fucking like rabbits?! yum!!
he'd 100% be the first to catch feelings and then be in complete denial and probably mess things up in the process until he finally gains some brain cells and fesses up 😌
the experimenting you could do with the sex bc you aren't "technically" dating so it isn't really as weird to bring up any kinks. Dbsjbffnnd
my brain is mush rn fr.
that is all, ily 💕 xoxo
YOU AND YOUR WONDERFUL BRAIN OMG! ily and hope you’re well💓 no idea if any of this makes sense
so here for it. friends in public and bumping butts in private. you know that sound “everyone knows that he fucks you” that’s just ringing in my ears rn. you think no one knows, but those looks and glances aren’t fooling ANYONE! and bc you’re friends and you understand each other the sex is so good and there’s no other feelings and complications involved… WRONG. it’s bound to happen
I do also think he’s first to catch feelings. I do believe that all relationships in the past were strictly physical and there were no other feelings involved (tho i do hc him to have one very serious relationship in his twenties and that wrecked him when that ended. she was his first proper love but we’re not talking about her) so like his feelings for you kinda blur and merge bc they’re so different to just lust and sex. so he has the foundations of friendship and common ground with you already, and then add something physical and then boom. he’s confused and he’s in love bc he can’t separate those feelings (me too man, me too)
sounds so mean, but he’s a screw up??? like he runs away when things are complicated or hard and it always makes things worse. like he pushes people away, lies, AND in major MAJOR denial!! and then bc it’s so good in fiction, the fwb stops bc it’s created a clusterfuck of a situation and you both like each other but don’t do anything about it
OMG THE EXPERIMENTING BIT!!!?!?!!?!!?!? YES!! and you’re trying new things and seeing what you do and don’t like. and then bc you’re really good friends you mention a jokey kink you want to try (its a lie but you’re being serious when you say it) and he immediately knows you’re bluffing bc you’d never do that. I imagine a “fuck off, you’d hate that” and a laugh bc you’re so full of shit. and you’re like “no? ive always wanted to try it” and mention how never felt comfortable with partners in past to do it. but he still doesn’t buy it. BUT bc he’s a shit, he lets it go and says “okay” and that he’s ready to try it out rn
he’s waiting for you to surrender and you’re like “shit” bc he seems ready to try it. but all just some fun harmless mind games. ALSO would be a huge non-judgement zone and i love it
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sokkigarden · 1 year
If you’re willing to humbly accept my Jamie tartt request where the team has a board game/charades night and they set up the reader and Jamie to be partners cause they’re all sick of their flirting/pining and they obviously crush everyone cause they’re the perfect team?
this is a little bullet-point drabble bc that’s how these things usually start for me and i’d rather give y’all smth small instead of nothing! that being said this got out of hand. lmfao i hope you like this !!
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it all started when phoebe came around after training one day and was so obsessed with a new game that she made the richmond boys play with her
and this quickly escalated into game nights for the whole football club
everyone brought board games, card games and booze
family members came along, the whole facility got involved
it got really competitive naturally
you usually paired off with keeley while playing bc you both worked on social media and were becoming good friends outside of work too
but this meant you often ended up playing against roy and jamie
because there was some weird dynamic between the three of them
and somehow you got looped into it too
and eventually every time you played, you would start arguing with jamie
it was never anything serious, but it did get out of hand sometimes
it wasn’t your fault! you were super competitive, and he wanted to be the best at everything 
it didn’t matter if you played monopoly or scrabble, you always ended up nearly yelling at each other
it was all in good fun, but truth be told, you really didn’t know jamie that well outside of these game nights
you crossed paths with him just about as much as the other players, getting some content for socials and discussing PR promo with them
you wouldn’t deny that you found him attractive, but you wouldn’t openly admit it either
so it was fun to mess around and mildly flirt with him with the pretense of getting competitive over board games
finally one week, you noticed keeley and roy showed up together
they were clearly interested in staying close to each other all night, which left you and jamie the odd ducks out
at first you felt betrayed. what happened to you and keeley being the dream team?
but you’d seen how they had been glancing at each other these past few weeks
you should’ve known this was inevitable
but everyone saw the way you and jamie interacted as well
so when roy and keeley showed up together, they suggested you and jamie pair up to play poker
you’d been wanting to learn how to play for weeks and colin brought fancy new poker chips
jamie was pretty okay at poker, so roy and keeley subtly suggested you two pair up to learn and play
“maybe you’ll work better together rather than against each other” they said
they were definitely conspiring to see if something would happen between you two
you both reluctantly agree
but you can’t tell if jamie is grumbling more about being your partner or because roy and keeley are back together
you ended up playing poker against bumbercatch, colin, and isaac, with jamie helping you learn the ins and outs before heading off to find drinks
he definitely got distracted on the way, chatting to others throughout the room 
once he returned with drinks for you all, he saw how badly you were losing
so he pulled up a chair next to you, and started helping you
nudging you when he noticed what the others were doing
whispering in your ear what card to play
at one point, jamie places his hand on your thigh under the table to get your attention
suggesting how to play your cards right to beat the other boys
but you can hardly focus bc his hand is big and it’s warm and still resting on your leg
and even when you end up winning the round, he leaves his hand there, squeezing your thigh for encouragement 
its not long before the boys are groaning over losing their money to you
while jamie is still helping out a lil bit, you’ve definitely improved on your own
by the end of the night you’re feeling triumphant when keeley and roy make their way over to you
and jamie’s got a proud look on his face
jamie’s a pretty touchy person, so he slings an arm around your shoulder as you all walk to a bar together
roy and keeley share a look as you guys chatter together instead of arguing over silly games
clearly they were right
as you and jamie flirt and get to know each other for the rest of the night
the arguing was definitely a pretense to something more
and you have a feeling it will be fun to find what comes next
it all started when phoebe came around after training one day and was so obsessed with a new game that she made the richmond boys play with her
and this quickly escalated into game nights for the whole football club
everyone brought board games, card games and booze
family members came along, the whole facility got involved
it got really competitive naturally
you usually paired off with keeley while playing bc you both worked on social media and were becoming good friends outside of work too
but this meant you often ended up playing against roy and jamie
because there was some weird dynamic between the three of them
and somehow you got looped into it too
and eventually every time you played, you would start arguing with jamie
it was never anything serious, but it did get out of hand sometimes
it wasn’t your fault! you were super competitive, and he wanted to be the best at everything 
it didn’t matter if you played monopoly or scrabble, you always ended up nearly yelling at each other
it was all in good fun, but truth be told, you really didn’t know jamie that well outside of these game nights
you crossed paths with him just about as much as the other players, getting some content for socials and discussing PR promo with them
you wouldn’t deny that you found him attractive, but you wouldn’t openly admit it either
so it was fun to mess around and mildly flirt with him with the pretense of getting competitive over board games
finally one week, you noticed keeley and roy showed up together
they were clearly interested in staying close to each other all night, which left you and jamie the odd ducks out
at first you felt betrayed. what happened to you and keeley being the dream team?
but you’d seen how they had been glancing at each other these past few weeks
you should’ve known this was inevitable
but everyone saw the way you and jamie interacted as well
so when roy and keeley showed up together, they suggested you and jamie pair up to play poker
you’d been wanting to learn how to play for weeks and colin brought fancy new poker chips
jamie was pretty okay at poker, so roy and keeley subtly suggested you two pair up to learn and play
“maybe you’ll work better together rather than against each other” they said
they were definitely conspiring to see if something would happen between you two
you both reluctantly agree
but you can’t tell if jamie is grumbling more about being your partner or because roy and keeley are back together
you ended up playing poker against bumbercatch, colin, and isaac, with jamie helping you learn the ins and outs before heading off to find drinks
he definitely got distracted on the way, chatting to others throughout the room 
once he returned with drinks for you all, he saw how badly you were losing
so he pulled up a chair next to you, and started helping you
nudging you when he noticed what the others were doing
whispering in your ear what card to play
at one point, jamie places his hand on your thigh under the table to get your attention
suggesting how to play your cards right to beat the other boys
but you can hardly focus bc his hand is big and it’s warm and still resting on your leg
and even when you end up winning the round, he leaves his hand there, squeezing your thigh for encouragement 
its not long before the boys are groaning over losing their money to you
while jamie is still helping out a lil bit, you’ve definitely improved on your own
by the end of the night you’re feeling triumphant when keeley and roy make their way over to you
and jamie’s got a proud look on his face
jamie’s a pretty touchy person, so he slings an arm around your shoulder as you all walk to a bar together
roy and keeley share a look as you guys chatter together instead of arguing over silly games
clearly they were right
as you and jamie flirt and get to know each other for the rest of the night
the arguing was definitely a pretense to something more
if you didn't had a crush at the beginning of the night, you definitely do now
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naavispider · 6 months
I love Spider in modern AU as Street Kid, it fits his character so well. Do you have any more headcanons about what his life would be like in this AU type? <3
For this specific cop au I have rattling around my brain right now, here are the headcanons:
Spider is fifteen or sixteen when he’s first apprehended by law enforcement. He’s been hanging around with a few of the other guys from the kids home and drinking on street corners when someone calls the cops on them for underage drinking.
He wouldn’t normally drink but it’s the people he hangs out with that sway him. He’s good friends with some of the guys because they’ve all gone through the same shit together.
He’s been in a few foster homes but they’re always short term/emergency placements so for all the good they do they’re pretty much pointless
Paz was a single mum after spider was born because Quaritch was afraid of commitment. He offered to pay child support but Paz would rather be independent and kind of releases W of his responsibilities. She died when spider was maybe six or seven, and spider never had contact with his dad. When she died, Q was serving in the marines abroad, and Paz didn’t put him on the birth certificate anyway so he was never contacted.
Spider has always wondered about his dad but he doesn’t know the first thing about him.
It’s tough growing up without parents, but it’s even tougher when you had a secure, loving relationship that was wrenched away from you, so Spider has had to find his own ways of coping.
When he was younger, that meant shutting himself in his room and drawing his feelings away. As he grew older, that meant hanging out with like minded people and repressing his hurt and anger into more concerning outlets. (Drinking, vaping, weed and then more hardcore drugs).
He has several run ins with the cops, not all of them Quaritch. Some are worse than others and after a couple of bad experiences he’s obviously pretty distrustful of the police and sassy when he should really be respectful. This has on occasion led him to harsher punishments than his crime warranted.
He still has his mum’s necklace that he wears 24/7. It’s his most prized possession.
At the time of meeting Q, he’s on the run from the kids home. I think this is because he’s sick of having his things stolen and just wants a bit more freedom. He’s not a bad kid and is perfectly respectful to the staff and other kids but there’s a couple of older teenagers that live there who make threats and generally make his life hell.
His walls are up and he doesn’t trust anyone. Partly because of knowing his father couldn’t care less about him
Was a marine in his younger years, working his way up the ranks and serving many tours abroad
Met Paz in his early twenties, then spider was conceived and Q was simply not ready for the responsibilities of settling down and being a father - his life was only just beginning and his career was calling.
He parted from Paz in a bittersweet way - there wasn’t any animosity and the two still harboured affection for each other, but it was clear they needed to go their separate ways and Paz was fine with that
In his thirties he sustained an injury on tour that prevented him from serving again, so he changed to the police force and managed to become a lieutenant colonel
He’s been recognised on a state level and rewarded for his service to the city, receiving several awards and earning a high level of respect from colleagues both above and below him. He has hopes to become chief of police when the time is right
He enjoys the work but when he’s out on patrol he often hopes for the more high stakes cases that involve danger instead of just picking up petty crime or responding to domestics.
That’s not to say he doesn’t have a caring side - it just rarely comes out.
He’s a workaholic and hasn’t found a life partner yet, despite enjoying himself when he was younger. Now, he just likes to take on as many shifts as possible and focus on keeping the streets safe. As a result he earns a lot and lives comfortably
He doesn’t know that Paz is dead, and sometimes he will remember and think about how Paz and his son are doing, but he doesn’t feel the need to disrupt that or try to contact his son.
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labrxnth · 1 year
Prison Break- Part 2 (Leon Kennedy x Reader series)
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Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4
CW: Death Island spoilers (obviously), suicidal thoughts/tendencies
WC: 1858
Summary: You and your field partner Leon continue your search for Doctor Antonio Taylor on Alcatraz
A/N: Sorry This was late, I had a busy schedule and major writer’s block
The first thing you noticed about the harbor is that it smelled like salt. Saltiness and almost a tackiness filled the air as you looked out of the rolled down window. Your hand traced circles on the car seat absentmindedly as you watched the boats and people the car was speeding past.
“What’re you thinking?” Leon asked, his hand drifting dangerously close to yours. When he got to an inch away, he stopped, his hand giving a deadly space between the two. If you were paying full attention, it would’ve made you upset, but for some reason this mission really wasn’t sitting right with you.
Call it survivor’s gut or intuition, but this mission was sitting funky in your stomach.
You took a deep breath and turned your head to face your partner. “I don’t like this… Maria being involved with Taylor means that someone like Arias wants a robotics engineer,” You answered and shifted a bit in your seat.
“I don’t like it either,” Leon replied. The two of you were always good at having each other’s back and making the other one feel validated. That was your whole friendship, being the person that each other needed.
You were the person Leon needed after, well, everything he had gone through. Raccoon City, Project Javier, Los Illuminados and Simmons were hard for him to shoulder alone. His life felt like a dark and foggy hallway, a trail of blood and cynicism following him. But in the midst of everything, you were a light. You were with him through everything for the past few years, carrying a candle filled with your aura that scared off the darkness and the fog in his hallway.
You were the one person who hadn’t run away or died, and he’d like to keep it that way.
He was the one person he hadn’t run away or died, and you would like to keep it that way.
Leon S. Kennedy was an enigma to you when you first started working for the D.S.O. under recommendation from Hunnigan. Through the past few years of working together, the two of you started out as drinking buddies then quickly became actual friends. It was over for you when you looked into his eyes and saw who he truly was for the first time. The mission in New York, the summit, the look on Leon’s face were all seared into your mind. His blue eyes tossing your heart just like a human thrown overboard into a vast ocean.
But you were convinced the look he gave you that night was just for your façade; the role the two of you played. If you never spoke life into your feelings, he never had to reject you.
“You’re doing it again,” Leon’s voice cut through your memories; bringing you back to the streets of San Francisco and dragging you away from the dinner party in New York.
“Huh?” You asked, blinking a few times, trying to adjust to the setting Sun in your eyes.
“Getting lost in that big head of yours,” He replied and chuckled lightly. “You do that more lately…. Ever since that mission in NYC.” His eyes looked at you, almost as if searching for an answer for an unasked question.
“I’ve just been thinking about things,” You said, trying to pass it off as nothing.
“Thinking about…..?” Leon asked, his eyebrows raised.
“Life stuff… like if fighting half dead people and gross science experiments is gonna be the rest of my life,” you said, making an excuse. You didn’t like to lie to Leon, but this one thing you made an exception for. And it was true, sometimes you did think about how your life has taken a turn after college.
Leon hummed in response, looking out his own window. The autumnal setting sun reflected in his eyes and hair, making his irises shine like diamonds and his hair shining a dirty blonde in the rays. When the sun hit him, it was a reminder of who he was, the dirty blonde hair and full blue eyes that he had that night in Raccoon City. He thought that Rookie Cop died that day, but maybe all he needed was a constant sun in his life; someone who brought his hope back.
“Don’t start thinking about that stuff, it’ll drag you down,” he warned. “Trust me.” His voice had an edge to it that you had only heard a few times before. The edge that reflected a tinge of sadness, but resilience.
The car stopped at the dock, you and Leon getting out of the Uber and taking in your surroundings. To the public, the only way to get to Alcatraz was a ferry tour, but luckily the two of you could call in a few favors and pull a few strings.
“Follow me, the boat should be at the Marina.” Leon said. He walked in front of you, making his way towards the docks. With no other option, you walked with him, trying not to look at how his blue shirt hugged his biceps a little too well.
The two of you quickly made your way towards a boat with a big branded D.S.O. logo on it.
“Couldn’t have been more covert?” You asked flatly.
“Gotta warn them before we blow their shit up,” Leon said, half joking. He got in the boat, slinging his duffle bag off his shoulder and putting it on a seat. You climbed on after him and looked around the small speed boat.
“You sure this thing has ballistics?” You asked, raising an eyebrow.
“It’s American, it can blow something up as long as you try hard enough,” He replied with his shit-eating grin. You chuckled in reply and got into the seat next to him, giving him the chance to drive for once. Leon noticed you not fighting for the wheel and he took the opportunity to start the boat and pull out of the Marina.
“So, (Y/n),” He said, putting the boat in drive and starting to steer to Alcatraz. “I’ve been thinking…” He added.
“That’s never a good thing,” You said snarkily and chuckled a bit.
“Very funny,” Leon said and rolled his eyes.
“But for real, what’s up?” You asked and looked at him. He was really focusing on what to say with how much his eyebrows were knitted and the lines next to his eyes were visible.
“It’s bad timing… we can talk about it later,” he said and looked at you, smiling.
You shrugged, thinking nothing of it. The sun setting over the bay was beautiful, it being the only thing that could peel your attention away from Leon. Your eyes tracked the sun, squinting slightly at how bright it was, but smiling at how the waves reflected the red and orange haze it was.
You went to say something to Leon and saw the same look in his face that you’d only seen once before. Amidst fancy clothes, cocktails, and fake friendships, was Leon’s face having the same look as he did now.
It was gone when he realized your eyes had met his. In a blink of an eye, he was back to his normal, scanning the area with a neutral facial expression.
Leon parked the boat at the back of the island and the two of you put on your combat gear: vests, harnesses, etc. once you two were ready to go, you were getting out of the boat and heading towards a tunnel opening.
“Munitions tunnel, should get us in,” You said and nodded towards it. Leon nodded in response and followed you into the tunnel. Eventually, the tunnel opened up to sewers, you two finally being able to fully stand up.
You turned to Leon to say something when you heard a loud BANG! The two of you locked eyes and your handguns were both drawn, aimed towards the other end of the sewers where the explosion came from.
After walking forwards a bit, the sewer split two ways, one to your left and one ahead. The sewers were set up on a block system, like a city.
“I’ll go forward, you go left,” Leon said and turned his ear com on. You nodded, copying his movements and doing the same.
The two of you gave each other a nod and separated hesitantly. Whenever the two of you separated, things never went well. Understandably, it was a necessity, but it still never went well.
You turned your flashlight on and walked to the left, then down the hallway. The light illuminated the tunnel and the sinking feeling you had gotten earlier hadn’t gone away. With Leon gone, it got more prominent.
Your boots hit the cobblestone, echoing with each footstep. Looking around, you were finding absolutely nothing. Out of the corner of your eye, the flash light reflected off of something metallic. You turned towards where the shimmer had come from and found an indented doorknob.
Silently, your hand opened the door and you slipped through it, closing it just as quietly as you opened it. Overhead lights turned on and revealed you to be in a hallway. Holding your gun up, supported by your flash light, you kept on forward.
The door at the other end of the hallway was open, revealing a more open hallway. As you walked, a small electronic buzz hit your ears as you saw one of the security cameras move.
“(Y/n), (L/n) how interesting,” A voice over the PA system said. You swiveled around, your gun up, staying silent.
A sharp pain hit the back of your neck and your hand shot to where the pain was coming from, feeling nothing unusual. Your eyelids fluttered shut as the world went dark and your knees buckled, sending your body falling towards the floor.
“At least you’ll bring me Leon Kennedy.” The voice added.
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* : 。゚☆. ───
Leon marched on forward, trying to keep his head in the mission. Usually, he was good at compartmentalizing and having a one track mind for the mission. That was, until you became his partner; even now, he was worried about how you were faring.
He knew you could handle yourself, but still he worried about you. He didn’t want you getting hurt, or worse, like everyone else in his life.
Leon heard the sound of boots hitting the cobblestone path in front of him and held his gun up, ready to shoot. He rounded the corner and the barrel of his gun got grabbed, sending him into a sprawl. Him and the other person he was fighting with were both trying not to wind up in the sewer water, dangerously close to their feet.
After a few seconds of exchanges, Leon recognized the familiar brown color of hair he was fighting. His eyes finally adjusted to the darkness and he took in the bigger picture, seeing an all too familiar face. The two of them backed off of each other and took the other in.
“Well, if it isn’t Jill Valentine.”
─── ・ 。゚☆: *.☽ .* : 。゚☆. ───
Catch it early on my A03!
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lostiolite · 2 months
Hiya!! How about general relationship headcanons with Geten? Love him sm🙏
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Hes kind of like a an overprotective dog, you and redestros personalised gaurd dog 😊
He gives tsundere vibes, but mainly because he obviously has never been in a relationship before, and isn't really the best at understanding his feelings, so he tends to be sort of Standoffish.
Love language
Giving: acts of service and gift-giving i think are his instinctual way of showing love, hes strong and has alot of power within mla. Will buy you something or have some underlings assist you. Despite his twinkish build, hes strong. He'll take heavy groceries on one arm like its nothing, he enjoys helping you out on a personal level like this.
He isnt good with words because he has a tendency of being blunt. He wont hesitate to tell you how much he adores you, or how much he hates that friend of yours. Hes affectionately insulting, "you look... so stupid, anyways i bought you that thing you were looking at earlier". Its clear your different, because the way he insults you is different than how he insults other. He dislikes it when others are being silly or stupid but when its you, it makes him happy. He wants you to have an easy life, to be treated like royalty, thats how high he holds you.
He likes touching you, playing with your hair or laying on you, it makes him feel warm and fuzzy inside. When your in his arms he enjoys the feeling of protecting you.
His attention is always on you / or redestro, hes really perceptive so even if it seems like hes in his own world, he's taking note of everything.
I feel like hes very literal and sort of extreme, this also ties hand in hand with his bluntness. You could make a small comment of somthing being cute and he will shower you with presents of said thing. this will lead to miss understandings, the two of you could have a disagreement and you could somthing about him being an asshole or somthing and he assumes you hate him and youre gonna leave him.
Definitely yaps to redestro about you, maybe curious/trumpet as well when he wants to be more "romantic"
Speaking of romance i dont think its really his thing, he doesn't see the need to go on fancy dates. Spending time with you is more than enough for him.
Receiving: please praise him. Let him know how highly you think of him, not in a self absorbed way, but also in a self absorbed way. It makes him feel usefull. I feel like once he starts getting involved with you romantically hes gonna start doing some inner reflection and realize he isnt used to love and probably isnt the best partner. Feeling usefull to you helps leviate his insecurities, even if not for the right reason. It takes him a while to comprehend that you like geten himura not iceman the mla comander.
Touch him, hug him, kiss him, cuddle him please. (Maybe im just self projecting cus i love physical touch) likes laying down on your lap/chest/you in general. Scratch his head please. Makes him feel warm fuzzy and embrassed but a good embrassed. He'll think about it while working and start smiling like an idiot.
Gushes to redestro about you, like a middle school girl talking about her crush.
Tbh if it wasn't for him, he wouldn't have confessed to you, or realized his feeling for you in the first place.
Redestro is fond of you, making geten even more content with being in a relationship. Hes kind of dedicated his whole life to work, redestro was his only personal relationship, and he wasn't sure if he would be allowed to pursue one with you or how it would work. Thankfully the old man gave him the ok to confess and even pushed him to do so.
Oh. my. god. Imagine him making ice sculptures for you. It could range from little hearts to miniature versions of you, him and redestro like a little family.
Listens to your music cus he hasn’t really had a chance to find his own taste. Plays the romantic songs over and over again thinking of you.
If you like baking or making food he will cherish it and brag how his s/o made him food. Probably shares it with the rest of the commanders, I feel like some part of him has an attachment to them.
I don’t think he can cook, maybe the most would be a sandwich made with cheese and ham.
Buys you your favorite foods to eat together sort of like a picnic, but not a romantic picnic, just a nice picnic.
I feel like he would enjoy feeding you and being fed by you, something about you holding the fork/chopsticks/spoon for him to eat and vice versa makes him feel warm and fuzzy inside. Let’s you have the second bite of his food, requests to have a bite of yours, again something about it feels warm and fuzzy to him.
Quirks and children
If you've got a strong quirk he would be really proud. He'd be intrested if you wanted kids, afterall two people with strong quirks are bound to have a strong child. If you didn't want kids i dont think he'd really care, he could always like give him sperm (without Intercourse) to a surrogate for somone else to train if the mla wanted him to continue his bloodline.
If you've got a weak / no quirk he'd be apprehensive first meeting, you not seeing your worth. Hes mad that he fell in love with someone weak, feeling that he shouldn't be with you. Though its redestro who again convinces him to go for it, that if he loves you he should try. Im not sure he'd be a good father, especially if you wanted a child being quirkless/weak. But it lets him realize his whole "only the strong should have power" ideals are kind of fucked up. He still wants his children to have somthing good about them, so unlike him they would probably go to school, not just school but like top teir ones.
Give him a few years before having kids, hes not ready, let him mature. He isnt used to being empathetic or social cause he was robbed from it at an early age to train.
I think redestro kind of understands that he and geten were kind of shoved into power without any choice in the matter, and would encourage geten to let his children have more freedoms and a normal childhood.
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weaselbeaselpants · 2 months
Want to say this outloud so that the rest of the tag+comunity knows it and knows it well: not all the Lily Orchard-critical blogs and people HAVE to be buddy-buds with each other. It's always nice to have unity and no-infighting but you need to understand we are all adults talking about how we and other people have been hurt/set-upon by her base, or even preyed on by Lily herself.
Barring shitty transphobes and KiwiFarms (I 100% get why someone would go there, espec when receipt trails are getting harder and harder to keep up and are reported as harassment in sites like this one; I personally wouldn't trust the farms and the bozos there to handle my info well or with good faith. Other people who are using farms for receipt-tracking? Sure. The Farms themself? Fuck no and fuck Null) and obviously predatory people in their own right like Zena and Poppy, we're here to tell our stories and make sure other people's stories get told. Beef, even particuarly ugly beef like accusing each other of dismissing ab*se, zionism, or being angry that we're on servers w people we don't like - it's valid to not be chummy and mad at each other. Still, none of that will ever make us what Lily (or Zena and Poppy) is.
Lily Orchard-
wrote CP (her 'Stockholm' series). It may not have involved real children so it's not punishable by law in many states/prefectures, but y'know writing graphic cp is not a good thing. Most annoying proshippers defend the semantics of 'drawn material' out of fear that those rules will be abused and used to silence non-vile art: BUT, they don't support it and they don't want it around;
also, Lily up and lied to her audience, first that she ever wrote Stockholm then that the videos were she admitted to writing it were deepfakes and that the fanfiction's graphic bits were edited in by bronies who were mad at her.
stole (ie. copy-pasted other people's writing) other people's words and passed them off as her own
CONSTANTLY talks over people of color and other queer people. I'm too damn white and not native to dictate if Lily is truly 'native' or not. What she does/say though in the name of fighting for other lgbtq and bipoc folk is really scummy.
and that's JUST the tip of the iceberg!! Lily-
had PatchworkHearts make graphic p0rn of her behind her[Lily's] partner's back, most of which Patchwork was not comfortable with making but did so out of desperation that Lily took advantage of, including drawing r@pe-bestiality of on of Lily's x's ocs.
is quite possibly is a serial sock-puppeteer; creating accounts to live out her darker fantasies. On the offchance that Tara Callie is somehow a real person, than that real person is vile as hell and was just as much (longer so) a friend of Lily's than she was Britt's, so it's cruel of Lily to act like Britt was complacent in Tara's crimes and not her.
has been accused of lying about medical ailments to get money from her audience.
immediately dumped ILoveKimPossiblealot for having the gall to talk to LIly's accusers and get their stories, rather than just take Lily's word.
keeps instinctively misgenders people and only stops when she gets any heat for it like she did to EssenceofThought. By contrast every one of her main critical blogs has not misgendered or deadnamed her, and the one who initially did has actively avoided deadnaming and misgendering her since.
in now deleted videos and older tumblr posts, told friends of abuse victims not to care about their abused friends and parents of incestuous siblings to accept their children's incest.
is being accused by her sibling of CSEM. Lily has said it's the other way around but then also draws her sibling as the darvo'd sister from an incest game, dismisses said siblings abuse at the hands of their half sibling because Lily 'loves' him, and also proudly has mentioned beating up said sibling and slying saying she 'ran off with a pedophile' at 17 as though being taken advantage of (I know, Courtney does not view said relationship like this) is the sibling's fault.
And that's all I could remember for a single post. Im going to go back and post links once this headache I'm suffering from is sated.
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sp1cy-t0ss · 1 year
Antares is officially a series! This one is pure fluff.
Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/49804744
‘Cuddling,’ Damian muses, is a more nuanced activity than he had thought as a child. There are a staggering variety of ways to do it, but he has found his favorite. 
People are often clingy when they hug, squeezing even if they try to rein in the impulse. It could be tolerated, even enjoyed, from anyone allowed to survive the attempt, but sudden restriction of his movements and tight pressure could still bring a vague sense of unease if he wasn’t prepared.
Danny, as in most things, is different. He is more than content to nestle into Damian’s arms like he has always belonged there, simply soaking in the affection as though there’s no safer place in the world.
At the moment Danny is curled up against him, head on his shoulder as they lay on the ground somewhere in Midwestern America to stargaze. It’s not something Damian ever thought of doing in the past, but his companion makes all the difference.
Danny speaks of space with wide-eyed passion, rambling excitedly about the properties of each planet, achievements in exploration, and how this sky’s constellations vary from those in his own dimension. It’s hard to keep up at times, but his enthusiasm is infectious and endearing. It’s impossible to watch Danny’s eyes light up and not share in his wonder.
Damian’s favorite part of stargazing, however, is the stories. The night sky is a tapestry of myths and legends, and Danny seems to know them all by heart. He weaves their tales with a softer, almost reverent tone, eyes on the sky throughout. On those nights, he can hypnotize for hours.
“Antares, can I ask you something?” Danny’s gaze is fixed on the sky, as it has been for two hours now, but a subtle tension in his face betrays his nerves.
“Of course.”
Danny steels himself with a deep breath. “Iwantyoutobiteme.” 
The words come out more like a bullet than a sentence, and are just as unexpected. Surely Damian heard wrong. Surely. 
Danny looks away, clearly mortified. “That’s my question. If you would...bite me.  I swear I can explain.” 
The mental image is admittedly captivating. Very captivating. He would make the most beautiful sounds...damn it, focus! Careful to let none of these idiotic thoughts show, Damian allows himself a raised eyebrow. “I did hear you correctly then. Why?”
Danny rolls over on his side to look at him.
“You know how I spent a few months in the Realms before I came here?” At Damian’s nod, he continues. “Well, um. I learned ghosts have a thing about scars. They’re memories, you know? We only get scars when there’s a lot of emotion involved.” He drags a hand down his face and groans. “You already know that, why am I telling you?” 
He did. It was why his Beloved still bore faint burns from his so-called parents’ weapons.
“You may tell me again, if it will help,” Damian says patiently as he places a careful hand on Danny’s cheek. Danny does much of his on-the-fly thinking out loud, and this is clearly important to him.
Danny gives him a grateful look and relaxes into the touch. He takes a fortifying breath. “Right, right. Memories. And, well, most of those suck. Obviously. So ghosts will mark their best friends, their families, and…partners. Like tattoos, I guess. And...I want one from you. A memory that doesn’t hurt.”
Damian’s eyes widen in shock. They both enjoy the occasional teasing nip, but deliberate scarification is miles beyond that. The idea of irreversibly marking his Beloved, of injuring him to do so, is antithetical. He can’t.
And yet…an indisputable claim. A symbol of their bond that nothing could take away. His more possessive instincts virtually sing at the idea.
He needs more information. “...And a human can do this?”
Danny nods. “You’re liminal enough that it should work. But you wouldn’t be able to channel ectoplasm through a weapon like most ghosts do. You’d have to…bite. Maybe scratch, that might work.”
“I didn’t get to do it with my fraid before I left,” he admits. “We didn’t know about the…ritual, Dad calls it. Even if we had, everything happened so suddenly and...” Danny wilts at the unspoken memories.
“Are you certain you want my mark? It would be permanent,” Damian cautions. His Beloved can be so impulsive, after all.
“I know. I’ve thought about it for months, ever since our anniversary, and…even if Clockwork is wrong about us, even if we break up tomorrow…” Danny briefly looks pained, but he shakes it off with burning eyes. “I want to remember this.”
Damian suppresses a shiver at his conviction. The question is, does he want this? It seems a drastic act less than two years into a relationship. His rational mind wants to hesitate. 
A vigilante’s life is one of constant danger. Any ordinary day might tear him away from his family, his friends, this ridiculous boy who has stolen his heart. Even if he never falls in battle, Damian is only human, only mortal. His love, with any luck, will live for centuries or more. 
The odds of becoming a ghost upon death are high in his circumstances, but there is no guarantee.
The pure hope shining in Danny’s eyes makes the decision for him. He cannot leave him behind. “So do I,” he finally says. “How will we do this?” 
Damian is rewarded with a smile that could end wars. He can’t help but return it.
Danny sits up on his knees and braces himself with his arms, practically vibrating with anticipation. “It’s pretty simple. Dad says you just make the mark, and I…concentrate on you. How I feel.” He mumbles the last bit, embarrassed. “It’ll take a bit for the mark to settle though, so I’ll be out of it for a few minutes. Just let me come back on my own.”
Damian nods his understanding. “And where do you want it?” 
“My wrist,” Danny says with no hesitation. “I want to see it all the time. ” Oh, it isn’t fair what those words do to him. Danny knows it too, if the glint in his eyes means anything. He transforms with a grin, but it fades in favor of a blush as he presents his upturned wrist.
Struck by inspiration, Damian drops to one knee as if proposing and lifts the offered wrist to his lips. Danny lets out an embarrassed meep at the gesture, as planned, but Damian isn’t done. A moment like this requires an appropriate vow.
“My eternity is yours, my love.” With that, he presses a gentle kiss against Danny’s pulse point, and bites down.
Cool flesh easily parts under his teeth, and he drags thick lines lengthwise another inch or so up Danny’s arm. The electric, almost citric flavor of ectoplasm fills his mouth. It tastes…good, contrary to his expectations, and he swallows the liquid on impulse before withdrawing.
For the finishing touch, Damian uses a fingernail to carve a thinner line back across the same skin in a simple, elegant flourish. It won’t do to have an identifiably human bite mark carry over to Danny’s human form, so an obscuring element will help disguise its origin. Perhaps more importantly, he has a point to make. After all, his Dove deserves only the best.
When the mark is complete, Danny gasps. He stares forward with eyes wholly consumed by green light, unresponsive. as though in a trance. A rumble of love-mine-excited-happy-LOVE radiates from him with startling strength, far beyond the rare faint impressions Damian is accustomed to from his Beloved. The ritual itself is all but forgotten as he basks in the emotions.
A ghost’s ability to project and sense emotions seemed like a glaring weakness at first. An aura cannot lie, and thus is a double-edged sword. Damian held that opinion, at least until an otherwise typical date nearly brought him to his knees when he sensed Danny’s emotions. 
Feeling his new partner’s contentment, security, and honest affection toward him was… humbling. Addictive. 
(He’s certain it always will be.)
After nearly ten minutes, Danny’s eyes dim and he blinks dazedly at his bleeding wrist. Tears prick at the corners of his eyes, expression euphoric as he admires the wound. Though the scene is odd, knowing that he brought his partner this happiness brings Damian a rush of pride and warmth.
“Did it work?” he asks.
Danny faces him, his smile definitely beyond human limits now. “Yeah! See?” He shoves his wrist into Damian’s face once more.
Indeed, the wound looks as though it’s been healed for weeks. Raised lines stand out proudly from Danny’s skin with a faint silvery sheen. The only oddity is how wide the scar still is, as if something prevented normal human flesh from properly knitting together. 
“Beautiful,” Damian hears himself whisper as he trails a finger down the marks. And they really are; his signature, right there for all to see on this most precious of things. The knowledge sits like embers in his chest, crackling with satisfaction.
Danny preens at the comment, and Damian realizes he can still feel the echoes of love-proud-mine from his Beloved. Perhaps it’s an effect of the scarification process.
Eventually Danny clears his throat. “Normally we’d both get one. But I know you can’t have identifying things like big scars, so I got you something instead.” 
He reaches into his chest cavity and pulls out a black ribbon, carefully placing it in Damian’s hand. Closer inspection reveals the ribbon to be a silk choker, deep black and inlaid with gems that sparkle like nothing Damian has ever seen, in the exact green of Danny’s eyes. Deeper green thread connects the gems in a familiar shape: the Scorpius constellation.
“Crystallized ectoplasm,” Danny explains. “I made them from my own ‘plasm, so they have my ectosignature. Humans won’t know what it means, but ghosts and liminals will.” He gives a proud grin.
While Damian processes that, however, nerves rapidly encroach on Danny’s enthusiasm. His smile falls. “You don’t have to! I brought normal emeralds if that’s creepy! Unless–”
Damian hooks the choker into place, cutting off Danny’s fretting. The ribbon is exquisitely soft, flush against his neck without pressing into it. No one would be able to grab it in a fight, and the silk glides comfortingly across his skin as he turns his head. With a little focus, he can feel a faint chill from the gems.
It feels like home.
Damian finds himself fighting back watery eyes before speaking. A roughness in his voice still betrays him. 
“I will treasure it. Thank you, Dove.”
Danny still makes no attempt to hide his own tears, pressing his forehead to Damian’s and wrapping him in a hug. It’s tight this time, but eagerly reciprocated. 
“Thanks, Daylight. I love you so much.” The words are mumbled into his neck, and he meets them with a silent kiss to the half-ghost’s forehead. As their embrace loosens, Damian feels his Beloved slump against him. It seems the ritual is taxing on ghosts, and he feels himself flagging slightly as well. Carefully, he sets Danny on the ground and settles into a spooning position. It’s a warm spring night and there’s not a soul around for miles; they can rest here for a while.
It’s not surprising when Danny starts purring. He tends to lose control of the function while dozing – one of his many endearing quirks. 
What startles them both into waking is the other purr that sounds out to answer it. 
The boys bolt upright, cutting off the quiet rumble in Damian’s throat. Neither says anything for a long moment. Then Damian sighs. “We have to tell your father, don’t we.” It’s not a question. Gods only know what this means in terms of his growing liminality, no matter the cause.
Danny falls backward again with a groan. At the same time, his aura flares with abject mortification. “Oh Ancients, we have to tell him you bit me.”
“How dreadful,” Damian snarks. “I’m the one with five siblings that already call me a vampire.”
Danny laughs. “Good point– You’re totally screwed. Remind me to stock up on garlic, bee-tee-dubs.”
Damian glares without heat. “You’re the worst, Winters.”
“Oh yeah? Do you vant to suck my bluud about it?” Danny taunts, wiggling his fingers and hissing for effect.
A deep, theatrical sigh. “Pennyworth must cease feeding you after midnight.”
From there they settle into familiar bickering, but most of Damian’s mind is on other things. Tonight was a milestone, marking a stronger bond between them, yet it also feels like nothing has changed. He can’t bring himself to fear the future like Danny does, fully convinced they will be together forever. One day Danny will truly believe their happiness will last. Perhaps not someday soon, but Damian can wait.
He touches the ribbon around his neck, feeling pure devotion radiate from the glittering gems, and smiles.
After all, we have eternity.
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not-goldy · 10 months
The utter relief and appreciation on jimin’s face when hobi/yoongi showed up while he was doing those shows will always get to me🥲 poor baby was literally shaking. I’m so glad hobi was around during face era. Jimin needs a friend like him who would show up to these important moments in his life. Yes the members show their love and support differently but being physically present for a member is how jimin shows his support so obviously when someone does the same for him you could see how appreciative he is. Idk why I’m sending this lol. Anyways I’m sure he would’ve attended if he was free!
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Points have been made.
This conversation is much nuanced and complex than we are treating it. But let's just keep it simple for now:
We love the way we want to be loved. True- but wouldn't that suppose Jungkook is loving these people the way he wants to be loved too?💀
He is giving less and involving himself less perhaps because he wants less involvement in his life as well????
Recently my gf and I came to the realization that we both have different needs and different understanding of what it means to love and be be loved.
We've been trying to work things out but one thing I uncovered is, a person who's experienced so much control, overprotectiveness and emotional manipulation growing up tends to shy away and view love expressions as smothering attempts to manipulate and control them.
As such, they value independence in relationship, less emotional involvement and freedom to do as they please and to them that would be fulfilling.
While, persons like me who experienced parental neglect and abandonment growing up crave nothing but closeness and perhaps excessive emotional intimacy.
Thus I value communication more than anything, I value emotional closeness, consistency, transparency stability and assurance I won't be abandoned.
We are all aying out our traumas and trying to heal them in ways we've come to understand as love requirements.
To the person who's controlled and overproted all his life love feels like setting them free, allowing them to be their own persons, not telling them what to do with their lives, respecting their space and privacy. They understand this as love because it's all they craved and told themselves one who loves them would do for them.
Others think the opposite- if you love me you won't want to stay so far away, you will be close, you won't neglect me.
We all have different emotional needs. Each of which is valid.
Jimin and Jungkook have unique emotional needs. It doesn't make one an asshole and the other a victim.
Jimin may be construing his acts of showing up for people, being loyal, and expressive as love because sure that's what he might want or need too.
And I know Jungkook loooooves this about him- but I also think it gets too much for him. You can't keep pouring into a cup that's full.
Love is understanding what your partner needs and fulfilling that for them. You don't charge into their lives like a wrecking ball.
And we want good men- Hobi and Jimin do posture as good men.... ideal even.
It would be so easy to ship them if they had the hots for eachother no?
I think Hobi is equally hot 🥵
We sleep on him in this Fandom
Physical support breeds a sense of security and safety .
Unfortunately if that is not your love language it might mean absolutely nothing to you.
Perhaps let's pay more attention to the way Jimin feels loved by Jungkook rather than the ways we think he ought to be loved.
Cos Jimin must be a real masochist to keep Jungkook on a pedestal if that man is nothing but shitty towards him. I mean how damaged is that!
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isagrimorie · 9 months
Hizzie: 9, 11 and 16.
from this fandom ask game:
9. ...what my ideal endgame for them is.
After a reasonably slow burn, they become a couple at the end of season 5 and officially at the beginning of season 6.
It starts with Hope realizing she's fallen for Lizzie, but she's not pushing it because she feels guilty for what she did to Lizzie when Lizzie confessed to her -- and because her family finally told her what 'siring' meant among vampires.
Hope would think she blew it.
Especially now that MG and Lizzie are dating. And y'know it's nice -- to the outsider it is nice. They don't fight and it's all anyone can reasonably ask for, a nice relationship with hardly any drama.
And Lizzie is trying to make it work. She thinks she owes it to herself and MG to make it work and she and Hope are friends. What more can a girl ask right?
After quite a comedy of errors and pining, all from Hope's point of view, with a few puzzled pensive looks from Lizzie. MG and Lizzie break up. It has nothing to do with Lizzie knowing about Hope's feelings but she suspects, hopes maybe.
But no, Lizzie and MG break up amicably because they both realize -- they're just not working as a couple. They are much better friends.
Meanwhile, as friends and as partners, Lizzie and Hope have been doing really, really well. And in true Mikaelson fashion -- and maybe to Hope's annoyance she's more like her Uncle Elijah than she thought-- because she does random things to make Lizzie happy without even telling her.
Cleo's noticed, of course, and has encouraged Hope to speak up. Hope doesn't want to and she seems to be on a mission to improve herself. Of course, Lizzie finds out about Hope's self-improvement mission, and as a self-proclaimed queen of self-improvement, Lizzie sets out to help her.
TLDR culminates in a major moment-- a battle, or after a battle, or even an afterparty of a battle, Hope and Lizzie end up alone and Hope finally confesses to Lizzie, and Lizzie just smiles at Hope, "Took you long enough, Mikaelson."
And kisses Hope.
11. ...how quickly I started shipping them when I got into the fandom.
Pretty fast tbh-- I'm a sucker for rivals-to-lovers tropes, but also I felt a spark from them on the 4th episode? For someone who hated Hope so much, Lizzie listened really intently and very compassionately when Hope gave her advice about grief.
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The scene in season 1 is the first time I low-key shipped Lizzie with Hope.
And to have it called back in season 4????? That Lizzie remembered and internalized what Hope said? How can I not ship them?
Of course, the roadtrip episode leading to Hope and Lizzie finding out that their whole rift was not real after all. And then cascading to the beautiful moment in the dance with Lizzie helping Hope with her anxiety and panic and later Hope doing the same for her.
But the nail in the coffin to my shipping them?
Lizzie remembers Hope in season 2 and waking up, saying: Hope Andrea Mikaelson!
From then on it is a straight shot to Shipsville.
16. ...three of my fic recs for this ship. And (in the event that I've written something for them) one of my fics involving them that I'm most proud of.
Oh boy this is actually hard since I haven't been reading a lot of Hizzie fic.
So, possibly recents first:
Catch Her a Catch by Tamoline
“Oh!” She rolls her eyes at herself. “Of course.” She doesn’t say that it was obviously lingering sorrow over a mention of something Hope no longer has. Lizzie’s always been more solution oriented anyway. “We need to find Hope a boyfriend.” Honestly, the idea’s so simple, Lizzie’s astounded she hasn’t thought of it before. Lizzie gets an idea in her head. Chaos ensues.
Lizzie tries to set-up Hope. It goes as well as you'd think.
Deep End series by cheektocheekinhell
It starts with a road trip with no Humanity Hope and Lizzie and it ends with a road trip to New Orleans.
The Charleston by Terapsina
Lizzie's panicking about having forgotten about the latest Mystic Falls dance, when Hope knocks on the door of her room and Lizzie gets an idea.
Because I really adored this. It was light and sweet and I can just see this happening.
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Dating Bokuto...
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So like...i was halfway done when i accidently did something and it all just got erased. best believe my heart dropped all the way to my stomach. Que rico
Hopefully my memories good enough to recall all of my points
I did say that I never got to finish Haikyuu!! so I don't know the ending. I also don't remember many of the characters well so I'll have to re-visit the show again if people start requesting
Dating Bokuto is very much like eating flan--- it's so soft, almost silky. A sweetness overload that doesn't quite overfill the stomach but neither does it leave you empty. Although it does, on numerous occasions, leave you craving for more. maybe seconds... maybe thirds... maybe even fourths! you get the idea
He's quite literally the definition of a sweet himbo (unless it involves volleyball, that and being with you is when his two brain cells finally start to work. But even the latter has it's own special circumstances)
Surprisingly, he's somehow managed to figure out the perfect between volleyball and you. Afterall, he would never want to neglect you. (But he will always neglect his school work)
He'll invite you to his practices so you can watch, he'll invite to his practice so that you can play together, or he'll happily go with you to do whatever you want. As long as he gets to spend time with you, he could care less. However, the second option he views as the ultimate option. He gets to do his favorite thing with his favorite person, how could he not love that option?
That is not to say he doesn't like going on dates with you --- he practically beams at the idea of going out with you. It's like he gets to show you off.
His favorite type of date is the sort that involves any kind of festival. He gets to eat to his hearts content all while constantly holding your hand, giving you random nuzzles and kisses in front of all to see. He most especially likes winning you a variety of plushies and items. And I'm not talking about the small ones (unless those are the ones you wnat), I'm talking big business plushies. the sort that when you hold them, you can't see shit neither to the sides or over the head.
That's why he bought you a wagon that he drags around for you. Carrying so many things can easily tire out the arms, so with this you can happily continue the date without tiring so quickly.
He also really likes eating those pretentious desserts that you see on TikTok or Instagram, the ones with a thousands cute decorations on them that make them look even more edible (Ugh, i want to try those so bad)
When I think of someone dating Bokuto, I imagine that them having a tremendous amount of patience to deal with his various mood swings. Someone studious, so that he can pass his classes,. Yet, sociable enough to make friends with all the other teams, including his own. I imagine someone who doesn't really do sports on the regular but can prove active when the situation requires it. It's either that or he'll just force you to be more active.
Ah, he's the sort to love couple-matching outfits so be prepared for that. He's constantly raiding your closet to see what kind of outfits you have so that he can match with you (especially, sweaters)
He obviously invites you to his tournaments and games, so everyone already knows who you are. Whenever he makes a score, he instantly looks to where you are to see if you saw him do that --- he'll jump around and beam when you I've him a thumbs up with a smile.
When the owl is down, the team now depends on you to get his head back in the game --- Akaashi can get him out of depresses mode but just a single praise from you gets him out instantly
Speaking about Akaashi, you're very good friends with him. So great that the two of you often times texts memes about the various member of the team. You're also study-buddies.
Bokuto's not at all jealous because he's happy that his best friend is close to his partner, although if you do start paying more attention to the phone (not akaashi related) or to anything else, he will whine like a baby. Throwing himself into your arms and putting all of his weight on you so that you can't get him off
I have a scene where the Coach lets you come with on the team's bus whenever there's an away game, and that Bokuto takes a small nap on your shoulder while you quietly listen to some chill music or talk to Akaashi in whispers as to not wake up the sleeping owl boy.
Oh! Have you guys ever seen that trend on Tiktok of the girls that like get these pool-toys to entertain their boyfriends? Like the girl throw the toy into the water and the boyfriends jump into the pool in order to retrieve them? Yeah, you do that too with him. He'll spend literal hours entertained like that until he's out of energy. By then, he'll once again throw himself onto you and just sleep away. (hopefully, you'll have thunder-thighs or you'll be numbed rather quickly)
Ah, he likes for you to be the one to style his hair. Not to say he wont do it, it's just he likes you doing it for him while he watches through the mirror. I think he likes to receive acts of service while he provides words of affirmation and a shit ton of physical affection.
You like to give him a mohawk to tease him and he'll just cutey pout before breaking out into giggles.
Very fluffy he's kind of love. You just wished he did his actual work for once.
(A/N): That's all I got for now.
Hope you enjoyed!
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hyliedavenport · 9 months
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It’s crazy to think, but Matt and I are actually going on 10 years of being together (and have known each other wayyy longer). We were literally babies when we first started dating, and I can’t believe it’s been a decade! Between all the personal changes that come with your 20s and 30s, to buying homes, traveling the world, having Brie, and Ailee, I’m really proud of us. A decade later, and we still truly enjoy each other’s company (most of the time, lol). He’s still who I want to hang out with more than anyone, and that cheesy *spark* is still there. Here are my tips on keeping things spicy, even 10 years in. ✿ Communicate It might not sound cute, but there’s a really easy way to build a wall between two people, and it’s a lack of communication. Whether it’s being open about your feelings, your woohoo life, your goals, whatever, talk it out. ✿ Get ready I do believe in the power of looking good, though, not only for yourself but for your partner as well. When you both start letting yourselves go, the spark can slip as well sometimes. And that’s not to say you can’t have days when you look like a sloth, because I DO, especially on days the kids are just everywhere, but for the most part, I at least pull myself together in some capacity. ✿ Have secrets Not the kind that ruins a relationship – the kind that enhances it. There are some beauty tasks that I don’t do in front of Matt because it takes a sense of mystery out of things. Same with some of his random guy things, too. I also think we still feel spicy because we keep each other guessing. Matt doesn’t know every single story about my life and vice versa. The element of surprise is important. ✿ Make time Whether that’s a day date (Matt and I love a midday coffee or lunch + rosé date), going to see a concert, or cooking dinner together at night, you need time for each other each week. Time when the kids or friends aren’t involved, and neither are your cell phones. It might look like Matt and I are both on our phones 24/7, but we actually get a lot of 1:1 time without them. ✿ Dress each other I heard this tip years ago, and it’s always stuck with me. Once in a while, let your partner pick your date-night outfit and you pick his. Obviously, you’re going to pick what you like the person in, which instantly spices things up. Matt ALWAYS chooses some mini dress, which isn’t the biggest SHOCKER in the world, lol. I actually wasn’t mad at all because it actually looked pretty cute, if you guys are interested in the dress you can get it here!
How do you keep your simlife spicy? &lt;3
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✿ YouTube Channel
✿ Personal Simstagram
✿ Business Simstagram
✿ Pinterest
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feyhunter78 · 1 year
Hiii would you be able to do hcs for Elrond on his wedding day? I just went to a wedding tonight and I’m feeling very 💓 at the thought of him just being so happy and in love while preparing to spend the rest of his life with his s/o skdjsksk thanks so much!!
I'm so glad you had a good time at that wedding anon, I loveee weddings!!!! Here's my take on your request!
Elrond Wedding HCs
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A wedding is a big deal for Elrond. To have found someone he wishes to spend his life with, who accepts and cares for him to such depth that they are willing to bind their soul to his, is something he’s longed for since he was a child.
He loves love and loves the idea of having someone by his side forever. He’s been left so many times and the fact that you’ve stayed, despite all the obstacles, no matter what happened, he’s just so grateful.
Of course, you’re grateful, too. Elrond is a wonderful partner who cares so deeply for you, and when he asked you to marry him, it was such an easy choice. You loved him with your whole being, and knew he felt the same.
You honestly don’t do much of the planning, Elrond is so on top of it. Of course, he’s always asking for your opinion, but he gets so “in the zone” that you really only have to focus on what you want to wear. This at first was a little odd to you, but you were so busy with your own work that you didn’t mind. If Elrond wanted to do it, then you were going to let him.
He just wants everything to be perfect for you, and honestly wears himself a bit thin. So, you end up having to pull him aside and remind him that you are more than capable of helping—that you would love to help, and that you want him to be able to enjoy the wedding as well.
He finally relents and you both spend time together planning, looking at flowers, tasting cakes, and just generally enjoying each other’s company. It’s these little things that made him fall in love with you, and it’s his dedication to your happiness that made it so easy for you to say yes to him.
Celebrimbor definitely made y’all’s rings, and he helped Elrond figure out what he’s going to wear. It’s an adorable sight to see your future husband so dazzled over (one of) his hero(es) so invested in your wedding. Elrond is taken so aback by how much the other people in his life want to be involved.
Speaking of outfits, dress, pantsuit, robe, whatever you wear, Elrond is going to cry. He already thinks you look absolutely beautiful even when you’re a complete mess, so seeing you all dressed up, walking towards him with such a radiant smile on your face? He can’t wipe the tears away fast enough. You end up having to do it for him, which makes him fall even deeper in love with you.
He's just so happy to have you, he could get married in the ruins of Mordor and still be the most joyful being in Middle Earth. And obviously that didn’t happen, you got married in Lindon in a beautiful ceremony that Gil-galad officiated, surrounded by your friends and family. It was a whirlwind and of course some drama occurred, but as long as you’re there holding his hand, Elrond is content.
Tag list: @nyctophilic0vitnir, @elronds-pointy-ears, @elrondscalaquendi, @dilf-superiority, @jesticace
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