#and the youngest still lives with her. i worry sometimes that she finally got the substitute husband she wanted
been coming to some realizations about the ol' teenage years and the effects of social isolation, csa, emotional and physical abuse, and religious brainwashing all whipped up into a nauseating salad while you're going through puberty for the first time
that's where a lot of my relationship and sexual dysfunction come from. being forced to confess every single fucking thing to a parental figure who then threatened to go tell the creepy old bishop about "your little problem." as if me touching my own body was some kind of horrible addiction. she made me dissociate completely from my whole body and suppress every natural urge i had. she told me god would only forgive me a few times and then he'd stop after that because clearly i wasn't really sorry enough for enjoying my body at all
and then she just engaged the rest of the fucking family to make sure i never had any time alone, which was the most horrible overstimulating shit ever for my autistic ass. i wasn't allowed any alone time for any reason. shower? she'd always find a time to sneak up and knock on the door really hard just to make me jump and keep me on edge. actually she did that for fun all the damn time, just like she pulled the hair at the nape of my neck to see me tear up because she found it hilarious. she screamed at me when i finally did it back to her though.
never had a problem holding me down to stick needles in my face, feeling me up under my shirt, touching me everywhere no matter how much i hated it and made that clear, pulling up my shirt and bra in front of the rest of the family. people make fun of the weird kids who bark and growl, but it was the only thing that made her back off.
and there was nobody i could talk to, because "family things stay in the family." i wasn't allowed to go to public school or leave the house at all without a parent until i was 17 just so she could control my entire world. i had exactly one crush for about a week until she found out and started tearing me down for it. i couldn't have any friends she didn't personally approve, and she also had to personally approve their parents. i wasn't allowed sleepovers. one time i came back from a church activity wearing blue eyeshadow one of the youth group leaders had put on me because i liked it, and she told me i looked "like a prostitute" and freaked the fuck out. the Sunday after that, she copied her own makeup onto me to show me off as essentially a tiny version of her to all the adults at church.
she was honestly just a possessive jealous creepy gross incestuous pedophile, and i wanted to die. the only way for me to escape was burying myself in a book and getting my consciousness outside of myself completely. even that wasn't enough after a while.
she realized one day that i was getting bigger than her, and she decided to start having weird wrestling matches with me on the living room floor. i'd been carefully supervised through tae kwon do classes but i was too scared to hit her. she always ended up tickling me and sitting on me in ways that weren't right for anyone to do to a kid to win. i just wanted to let loose, crack her jaw, throw her out the window, but i knew if i did that the consequences would be severe.
if i ever see her again i'm showing her what a left hook feels like. she loved to complain about how i was born evil and just the most badly-behaved kid of all time, but sometimes i wish i'd really unleashed everything and shown her what an unholy terror really is.
nowadays touch is still a minefield for me, even just a tap on the shoulder can send me into furious shaking. i don't know how to have sex without ignoring what i feel and just trying to make someone else feel good. i can't cuddle anyone but my girlfriend, and even that kinda freaks me out sometimes.
the moral of the story is, don't fucking have kids if you're going to abuse them. don't even get a pet. collect rocks or something, find a hobby, tie a boulder around your neck and chuck it off a cliff into the ocean like that jesus guy said, but don't have kids if you're going to abuse them. oh and burn your bible/book of mormon/christian scriptures of choice, that's not a childrearing manual.
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hellosweetart · 4 months
Little Employee
(chapter 1 fanfic is already here finally.)
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Chapter 1: Infiltration
As Yui is enjoying her conversation with her fellow worker, a sudden commotion is happening in the club.
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When the girl got curious to see what it is, she felt the same fear when she sees the very same group who tormented her.
Ayato, the third son of Sakamaki brothers, begins to threaten everyone. Bodyguards were beaten up; one is almost getting choked to death. The violent vampire is getting impatient.
"WHERE IS SHE?!" He roared.
"I'm here!" Yui rushes in. She doesn't want the vampires to cause any more harm because of her.
Remembering the sport that her boss taught her, she pulled out her handgun.
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In a blink of her eyes, she felt strong hands grabbed upwards by the angry vampire, causing the gun to blow up. People screamed and panicked. 
"You think you can fight me, idiot?" He laughed, and pushed her hard to the floor.
Yui looked up, all eyes of Sakamaki brothers are on her. She noticed that Subaru, the youngest one, cannot look at her further, and moves his eyes away.
How stupid of her. She should have listened to her boss.
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"Remember dear, your new heart is still under developed. So make sure to avoid any sort of trouble, okay?" 
The rest of the brothers are clearly enjoying the sight of her in pain and humiliation. Though, Ayato scrunched up his nose and told her with irritated voice, "You smell weird, pancake. Did they do something to you?"
"It doesn't matter." The second son, Reiji, intervened. "We have her now. Let's leave this wretched place."
"No, all of you leave this place! I AM NOT GOING!"  Yui told the brothers off in determined tone.
This caused the vampires make various reactions, but she knows they feel insulted.
"You're ordering us now? And who said you can deny us?"
"I DO."
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An ominous figure appeared behind the girl, much to the vampires' shock, disgust and awe.
"Gentlemen...Gentlemen. Please let us not cause anymore chaos into my club, shall we?" He greeted the brothers with his polite smile.
Ayato, whose eyes are fixed to the mysterious entity spoke, "W-who are you?"
"Ah, silly me! I am the owner of this nightclub. You may call me Mr. Dealer." He puffed out his smoke for a bit and added, "How about we have a nice little chat at the moment?"
The Sakamakis didn't respond.
"I'll take that as a yes, then." The Dealer made a toothy sharp grin. 
"Except for the humble guests... EVERYONE, OUT." His voice echoed around the club.
People began scrambling away, some goes through the fire exit, some jumps out of the windows, some directly runs to the employee's entrance. The female co worker of Yui took her hand, pulling her to get away from the club. The fifth son, Laito, witness them and begins to go after Yui. 
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His chase got cut off when he felt a huge hand grabbed his body, stopping him to go further. The Dealer is not harsh on him, but giving him a hint to not resist.
"I believe this is a better place to chat." The club owner gently puts down the shocked young man to the floor, and puts the hat to the guest's head in a friendly manner.
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"Now then, why don't we start? Would you like me to gather seats for you? Beers? Cigars? A bite to eat?"
"No thank you. We won't be staying here for long..." Reiji said in a polite manner as possible. Shu (the eldest) noticed how the tone of his brother's voice changed a bit. For the first time, he felt worried.
"I see..." Mr. Dealer replied. "So, what exactly brings all of you he--"
"WE WANT HER!" An abrupt, straightforward response from Ayato himself. "GIVE HER BACK TO US!"
The club owner shook his floating head.
"I'm afraid I cannot do that. You see, Ms. Yui has signed a contract with me. She will be working for me for quiet sometime."
The vampires couldn't believe what they've heard. She give herself up to this ball of freak?! Most of the brothers were seething. How dare she left them over this monstrosity? Was she not grateful for living with them in the luxurious mansion? Compared to this garbage of a place, they imagine that she will be used and---
"I understand... Losing someone as important as her can be upsetting. She is a kind and compassionate girl." The Dealer said.
Subaru winced at that comment. He knows that is not the only main reason why he and his brothers are after her.
"But I can guarantee you... She will be well taken care of. And besides, she seem to develop quiet a liking towards this club---"
"THAT'S A LIE!" Another interruption from an angry Ayato. 
"How so?" Mr. Dealer asked, staring blankly at the hot headed boy.
Reiji had to step in before his stupid brother say and do something reckless.
"She is a shy and quiet girl who doesn't know what she wants. That is why we find it unbelievable that she is willing to stay here. We want to escort her back to our home."
"Really?" Reiji felt a chill down his spine when those pair of black hollowed eyes stare at him. "Strange... That is not how she reacted when she sees all of you."
Suddenly, one of the brothers moved forward. Shu cannot handle the small talk anymore.
"You want to know the truth?! We are the Sakamaki brothers, the vampire clan who lives from far from here. We need her as our bride to continue our bloodline." Much to Reiji's noticable a annoyance and anxiety, Shu continued, "Our father planned it all. She is supposedly the Eve of our family. So we beg you, to please give her back to us."
Subaru just frowned. He never seen him show any sort of care towards to anyone but himself; even Yui is just piece of blood to him. He doesn't know if he mean this, or just an act to persuade the strange creature.
"Vampires? Ah...that make sense... No wonder she suffers in constant chest pains. That's why I had to have my doctors get rid of that pesky heart of hers."
"You..did what?" 
 "Some wicked soul is attempting to take over her body, and her heart is the main cause. So in order for her to properly work for me, I've recommended her to undergo heart surgery, which she willingly participated."
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The brothers were speechless.
"Oh, you all didn't know? And here I am thinking she gets better treatment back in your town." The Dealer chuckled.
"How is she still alive?" One of the brothers questioned.
"We've replaced her old heart with a new improved one."
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Mr. Dealer showed a glass container. Inside is Yui's former heart.  The Sakamaki's sense of smell and desire heightened. So this is why they were so drawn to her blood. 
That heart... It originally belonged to Cordelia, the triplets' mother. (Ayato, Kanato, Laito)
"Here, this is all yours." The club owner handed over the heart to Ayato with care.
"I hope this concludes your chase for the girl, yes?"
Ayato and his brothers are stunned. So this explains everything. They've all been thirsting over her because of this heart. The heart of the so called mother they've despised and killed.
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As the heart container is now on Ayato's hands, what will be his reaction?
Will he take it or break it?
Here is the link to the Poll
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peachhcs · 6 months
I feel like will and Sammy were one of those friends that like took naps while cuddling, or maybe at any free time they would be together, sometimes they said flirty comments to each other and still be like “we are best friends, we would never like each other”
no, no we’re just friends | the wonder years
hughes!sister x will smith au (samy + will)
1.5k words
takes place fall of will’s first dev program year (samy is a junior) this was genuinely so fun to write. i added some more plot to it, i hope that’s okay, but keep sending in requests for the wonder years i love writing their younger dynamic!
au masterlist
a weekend of no hockey games? not even traveling? those types of weekends were rare for the boys. 
they'd been on the move since the start of the season in august meaning two straight months of nonstop hockey every day, every week, every weekend. things were hectic–chaotic even—but they loved it. playing hockey everyday? it was the dream and so was finally getting to sleep in on saturday morning without worrying about waking up at ungodly hours for morning practice. 
the boys scattered themselves across the hughes family living room after a long night in ann arbor. what other way would they spend their free weekend besides driving an hour to samy's house where ellen welcomed them with open arms—secretly excited that her house was filled with people again. 
things were quiet now that the brothers were gone even though luke came back every weekend to do his laundry. 
samy excitedly showed them around the city she grew up in for most of her life with will chirping in every now and then with tidbits from the places he's visited. surprisingly, the boys were really into the museum of art by the university, especially ryan and drew. 
"no way someone painted that," ryan mumbled as their gazes stared up at the large 4 foot painting hanging off the wall. 
"i could do it better," aram shrugged earning a slap on the arm from jacob. 
"no you could not," the brunette muttered, shaking his head. 
the two began quietly bickering about who could paint better. will rolled his eyes before flicking over to briefly meet samy's gaze who lingered beside the blonde. she softly giggled at his friends' antics which resulted in a soft smile on the boy's lips. 
"i'd really like to see you guys try and paint," samy cut into their bickering as she led the way to the next painting. 
"you think we can't paint?" jacob raised his eyebrow at the girl. she only shrugged. 
"let's be real, you can't paint to save your life," ryan added with his own laughter. 
"uh, i can to. i took art classes my freshman year," jacob defensively crossed his arms. 
"ooh, so cool," ryan's mimicry voice made the group laugh. 
the banter didn't stop the entire time they were in the art museum. at least not until they made it to the natural history museum where the boys were really excited to look at dinosaurs. samy couldn't help but giggle as she watched the six boys hurry to see the t-rex up close. 
"how do you think they got it here?" gabe wondered. 
"a plane?" drew raised his eyebrow. the dark-haired boy smacked him on the arm, rolling his eyes. "smartass," gabe mumbled. 
"what's your favorite dinosaur?" will wondered over the commotion of the other guys. 
the girl's eyes slid to his, sparking some in the light while she thought about her answer. "good question. i really like rhinos. they don't have any in this museum though," she finally decided with a tiny smile. 
"didn't quinn buy you a rhino stuffed animal however many years ago?" the blonde asked. 
"he did! it was like my 7th birthday or something. i can't believe you remembered that," the youngest hughes chuckled. 
"only because i remember we sent you the nerf guns after being upset all summer that your brothers had them and you didn't," will informed making samy laugh again. 
"those were the best gift. i think we still have them in our basement somewhere, but i definitely lost all the..what do you call them? pellets?" the two shared another small laugh before the group headed to a different exhibit. 
after the museums, luke graciously met up with all of them and took them to dinner close to campus (but secretly ellen sent him money to pay for all eight of them because poor luke was a broke college student). the boys were definitely excited to see luke and they got him into a long conversation about hockey and what college was like. 
samy and will were at one at one end of the table where they immersed themselves in their own conversation again letting the others talk luke up because the two already saw him all the time. 
"happy there's no saturday practice tomorrow?" the brunette wondered, sipping on her lemonade. 
"mhm. i don't think i've really slept in since like..i moved here," will chuckled. 
"do you ever sleep in though? i'm pretty sure i always hear you awake at like eight in the morning with luke and jack at the lake house," samy raised her eyebrow which brought a flush to will's face. 
"you gotta get up early to hit the green," the boy argued referring to all the times they went golfing. 
"oh, right, right. how could i forget?" samy made a face. 
a small silence settled between them as their eyes drifted down the table where their friends excitedly talked with luke. something warmed in both of their chests seeing how well they everyone got along. samy really couldn't be more happier that will introduced her to these boys and seeing how much her brother loved them all too. will thought the exact same thing. 
the two years ahead were gonna be the best years. will knew it and so did samy. 
it was late when the group made it back to the hughes house. ellen and jim already had the air mattresses blown up meaning everyone immediately collapsed on sight after changing into pajamas. samy made herself comfortable beside will who briefly scrolled through his phone. the girl had a small cup of ice cream in her hand, quickly offering some to the blonde. 
"mm love rocky road," will hummed as he took the bite. 
"i know we have the same taste," the brunette giggled. she fished around for the remote before turning the tv on the lowest setting and flipping to some random movie playing. 
the girl stretched out, letting her eyes grow sleepy. her head dipped onto will's shoulder making the boy flush briefly before he hooked his arm around her own shoulders. this wasn't abnormal for the two, especially after the past summer. they'd become a lot more touchy with one another, always poking and prodding—so a head on the shoulder as samy fell asleep wasn't something the two thought twice about. 
not until the morning where they were in the same position except samy's head fell more onto will's chest with one of her arms spread out across his torso. the guys woke up before they did and ryan was the first one to notice the sleeping pair curled up on the couch together. 
"dude, look," the brunette nudged drew's shoulder who slowly sat himself up while rubbing the sleep from his eyes. 
"are we sure smitty doesn't like her?" drew mumbled with a tiny snicker. 
"he's gotta or something. i mean look at them!" ryan exclaimed. 
all of the guys were still in denial about will saying he didn't have feelings for samy and never has. they were literally staring at the two asleep together. gabe, aram, and jacob woke up a few minutes later hearing ryan and drew's voices. 
"why are you guys talking so damn loud?" aram grumbled. 
"look at smitty and hughesy," ryan urged his friends. the other three shifted their gazes towards the sleeping pair and they immediately understood what the fuss was about. 
"damn. if i didn't know any better.." jacob trailed off earning laughs across the group. 
"should we wake them up?" gabe asked as ryan took some pictures on his phone for later use whenever will wanted to try and deny his feelings. 
"i think your voices were loud enough.." samy's eyes fluttered open. the boys immediately quieted down, but the smirks didn't disappear on their faces. 
samy slowly sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes. will shifted against the couch, his own eyes opening up too. 
"good morning love birds," ryan sang. 
"oh this again," samy playfully rolled her eyes. 
"what do you mean this again? you guys were literally cuddling," aram pointed out and all of the guys nodded in agreement. 
"and?" the girl raised her eyebrow, gazing over at will briefly who was now fully awake. 
"and? y'all are acting like a couple!" ryan exclaimed again. 
samy and will instantly bursted into laughter which left the boys silent and confused. 
"no, no we're just friends," the brunette got out through her laughter. 
"friends don't cuddle," drew cut in. 
"yes they do. i cuddle with my friends all the time. you guys are just afraid to," samy argued, pushing herself off the couch. she looked down at will for confirmation. he saw the guys' looks, knowing exactly what they were thinking. 
"come on, we're just friends. it's nothing," the boy agreed with samy. 
"exactly, thank you. can we stop making a big deal out of it and get breakfast?" the boys looked between the two for a few more seconds before deciding to drop the subject for now, but still not believing a word either of them said. 
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bellarkeselection · 1 year
Burning Desire for a Dutton
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Request from Wattpad VOIDRANBOO - Reader is Rip’s best friend and is a secret relationship with Kayce. Beth helps get them together but they are both worried of how Rip will react
Kayce’s horse halted outside the barn with me waiting inside the barn doorway. I was wearing one of his black cowboy hat, a light blue flannel shirt, some ripped blue jeans and some dusty boots. He dismounted his horse coming over to me wrapping his arms around my waist hugging me. “Morning darling, I’ll grab the gear really quick and then we can go.”
“Yeah that works. I’ll go tell Beth so she doesn’t freak out where we are.” Breaking the hug I headed towards the main house heading up the stairs. Entering the living room seeing her sitting on the couch with a cocktail.
She sat it down tapping her fingers against the glass. “How long are you two going to hide around this place. I mean it took almost two years before I finally got you two to get together.”
“He was married for a year, Beth. Honestly I still feel guilty sometimes that I broke them up.” Shrugging my shoulders I wrapped my arms around myself.
She scoffed sipping from her glass. “Yeah but Monica just couldn’t handle dealing with our family. But you can so that means you are meant to be in this family.”
Moving to sit beside her on the couch I tucked hair behind my ear. “I wish it was that simple, Beth. Even though Kayce and I are sneaking around like this, it doesn’t mean I like it. It’s only a matter of time before Rip finds out about us.”
“Look I’ll handle Rip if you want me to. Now go on and hang with your boyfriend.” She patted her hand on my back where I got to my feet leaving her alone going down to the barn.
Entering the barn I threw my saddle up onto the horse where it makes a noise. Kayce walked into the room with his own horse wrapping his arms around my waist from behind. Spinning around in his arms draping my arms around his neck grinning. “I’m sorry we’re having to hide this. I know that you want me to meet Tate someday. And to take me out on a date in public.”
“Hey, don’t worry Y/n. We can keep this a secret until you’re ready to tell him what is going on.” He declares leaning down kissing me slowly. Gripping his jacket in my fingers I deepened the kiss where my boots slide down when I leaned up on my toes.
Kayce and I had been hiding our relationship from Rip for almost two years. We were out at a bar drinking one night after he had a fight with Monica and it just somehow happened. I never intended to fall for the youngest Dutton but it happened regardless. He moved his right hand to my lower back he pressed me closer while his left hand before he pushed my back against the wooden stall. Running my fingers through his curly locks hearing him moan. “What the hell are you two doing!”
“Rip!” I shrieked gripping Kayce’s shirt turning as white as a ghost whipping my head around in that direction.
He was standing in the center of the doorway arms crossed over his chest slowly stomping up to me and the young Dutton. I gulped taking his hand in mine feeling nervous when he stopped in front of me. “Either you tell me what exactly is going on now or I’ll be kicking Kayce’s ass in a few hours!”
“Rip, before you think this isn’t a serious thing it is. I am not with her just to get back at Monica or something else crappy.” Kayce held up a hand trying to defend himself feeling nervous that he would get in trouble if he got into a fight with him.
Rip and I lived near each other and I was there the day he met John. I’ve been through everything with him and the Dutton’s. I owed them everything that they had given me even when I worked hard for it. He walked towards us pushing me away from him grabbing Kayce by his shirt getting in his face. “What made you think that you could just go and date my best friend. She isn’t a bunkhouse girl you can just knock up like you did that Indian girl.”
“No, no. It’s nothing like that.” Kayce held his hands up in surrender glancing in my direction.
Stepping towards them I didn’t want them to fight over me. “Rip, please let him go. He isn’t an asshole. We we’re just afraid to tell you because you would overreact like you are now. I just need you to trust me. I have never lied to you and I never will.” I begged him with some puppy dog eyes.
“Does anyone else know about this?” He asked shifting his gaze downward to me.
“I got them together, baby.” The three of us turned our heads back in the direction of the doorway. We caught sight of Beth stomping towards us placing her hand on his shoulder. “And do you want to know why. Because I have to listen to Y/n go on and on talking about how much she hated that it was taking forever for Kayce and Monica’s divorce to go through. I couldn’t stand it anymore so I sped up the process and then they just let their desire do the rest.”
“Bethany!” I grumbled running my hands through my hair.
She shrugs her shoulders not moving from her position. “I’m not wrong.”
Rip finally released his grip on Kayce dropping him onto the ground where I moved past him helping him to stand on his feet. He grunted leaning into my chest where he nodded at Rip. “I would never hurt her, Rip. If anything…I think I’m falling in love with her.”
“Awe I love you too, Kayce.” Grinning up at him I leaned up kissing him where it turned into a passionate kiss very quickly. He wrapped his arms around my waist never breaking the kiss even though the other two were standing right in front of us.
Beth nudged her lover. “See I told you. She can’t help her burning desire for a Dutton.”
“I suppose none of us can.” He wrapped his arm around her waist kissing he forehead.
Comments really appreciated ❤️
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adoremexxs · 1 year
Information about my Demon Slayer Au
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I mainly focus on the Hantengu brothers because I love them way more than everyone else.
Warning: this contains very heavy themes such as sh, abuse, etc.
Sometimes this can vary from highschool to college, it really depends on the time.
Sekido is the oldest brother, Karaku is the second oldest, Aizetsu is the middle child and Urogi is the youngest out of the quadruplets. Urogi has his birthday on another day because he almost died and he also was just born a lot later.
Zohakuten is the youngest. Zohakuten is 15, just recently turned and is going into his freshman year. The brothers are all 17 and going into their junior year.
Most of the stories I wrote recently are when Zohakuten is in 8th grade. That’s when he meets Rui.
A little backstory. Their mom gave birth to the quadruplets and she was happy and healthy, their mom was Latino. Their dad was Japanese.
Whenever she had Zohakuten, Zohakuten had an illness that affected her body instead of his. The only side effect that he really got was that he was really sick as a kid and he has the purple vein-like cracks under his eyes.
His illness took over her body and whenever Zohakuten was 7 years old, she passed away. It was a long, painful death because she had been hurting so bad.
Sekido had to take care of her while she was sick and even took up a part-time job to help his dad and mom out. He grieved the hardest when she passed.
Their dad was an alcoholic and a narcissist so they regularly experienced beatings as children.
Sekido had it the worst. He took all the beatings for his brothers so they didn’t have to deal with it.
It still didn’t stop his father from almost beating Zohakuten half to death. Because of Zohakuten’s sickness, they regularly had to go to the doctor. It was expensive.
Zohakuten got better over the years but if he got a little cold, he would take a few days or weeks to recover.
Shortly after Zohakuten turned 7, their father dropped them off at their grandpa Urami’s house.
Their grandpa is their father’s dad so he is Japanese.
He taught them their culture and also taught them respect. Urami was old and fragile as well as extremely narcissistic and manipulated the brothers a lot but he did truly care about them…sometimes.
Two years pass, Zohakuten is 9 and he is with his grandpa and his grandpa suddenly has a seizure and a heart attack.
Zohakuten is 9 years old. He has no idea what to do but freak out and watch his grandpa die in front of him.
Right as their grandpa died, Sekido had gotten home first since Aizetsu was hanging out with friends and Urogi and Karaku were at school clubs.
Sekido had so much hatred towards Zohakuten that it was the first time he put his hands on him. He blamed Zohakuten for all of the misery they had to suffer with.
Sekido had to take up two jobs to provide for his family. They were “placed” with their father. Their father let them live in the rundown house but they had to pay him money.
He never came around to see them or anything. Whenever the quadruplets turned 15, he finally just let them live there.
Zohakuten was 10 and was self harming himself in their little kitchen when Sekido found him. Zohakuten hasn’t hurt himself since because Sekido’s words and punches cut deep enough for him not to even think about it.
Urogi was bullied throughout primary and middle school for his loud and cheerful personality and also weird looks because he looked a bit different from his brothers.
Urogi has a scar on his waist from where his father had hit him with a beer bottle.
Aizetsu suffers from depression and anxiety and body issues. He’s on medication for it and he is doing better.
Urogi is very apathetic to his trauma, at most, he has self image issues and worries about how others perceive him.
Karaku deals with his trauma by sleeping with people and like Urogi, he has self image issues and drug and drinking addictions. It stopped whenever Zohakuten found him almost dead though. This was when Zohakuten was 13.
Sekido has became exactly like their father. He carries that burden on his shoulders, multiple scars from beatings, getting locked out onto the porch in freezing degree rain, extreme mental health issues, overthinking and more.
Sekido has put his hands on Zohakuten and Karaku the most. Karaku instigates it the most and they get into full fledged fist fights.
Sekido broke Zohakuten’s nose whenever they got into a huge fight. Zohakuten was 12 whenever Sekido broke his nose. The fight was about Zohakuten hanging out Gyutaro and Daki. Gyutaro is known as the drug dealer and Daki is his “slutty” little sister. They gave Zohakuten drugs and he did them.
Sekido felt extremely guilty afterwards and did everything in his power to make it up to Zohakuten who didn’t want to talk to him.
Zohakuten doesn’t stay at home at all. He goes over to Rui’s almost every day or just stays in his room. He broke down in front of Rui and told him everything about his home life and all he could was cry.
He has since then pledged to never cry in front of Rui again because he seems “weak.”
Sekido has taken up therapy and medication after he broke Zohakuten’s nose and involved himself in a lot of past times. Him and Zohakuten still have an extremely off relationship.
The friend groups.
I’ll just refer to them as the delinquents (the demons) and the popular kids (the hashira). They all are extremely popular for their own bad reasons.
The Popular kids: Shinobu, Giyuu (he’s just there tbh), Gyomei, Sanemi, Kyojuro, Tengen, Kanae, Mitsuri, Obanai, Tengen’s girlfriends in this case, Yoriichi
The Delinquents: Kokushibo, Douma, Akaza, Gyokko, Kaigaku, Hairo, Sekido, Karaku, Aizetsu, Urogi, Gyutaro
Yoriichi will alternate between friend groups because of his brother.
Then we have Tanjiro’s friend group: Tanjiro, Nezuko, Kanao, Zentisu, Inosuke, Genya, Muichiro, Senjuro, Rui
Zohakuten’s friend group: Zohakuten, Rui, Gyutaro and Daki
He barely even talks to Gyutaro and Daki anymore but they are his friends.
Football players: Kyojuro, Akaza, Karaku, Sekido, and Tengen.
Basketball players: Akaza, Urogi, Gyutaro, Kokushibo, Yoriichi, Gyomei, Muichiro, Sanemi.
Soccer players: Akaza, Urogi, Aizetsu, Karaku, Sekido, Kyojuro, Giyuu and Muichiro.
Track players: Karaku, Tengen, Aizetsu, and Shinobu
Cheerleading: Kanao, Kanae, Koyuki, Mitsuri, Makio, Suma, Hinatsuri
Archery: Sekido, Susamaru and Yahaba
Debate: Sekido, Kaigaku, Kokushibo, Yoriichi, Tanjiro
Baking: Mitsuri, Kanao, Kanae, Nezuko, Zentisu, Tanjiro
Wrestling: Urogi, Kyojuro, Tengen, Gyomei, Mitsuri, Akaza and Sanemi
Shinobu runs the science club.
Akaza and Kyojuro are friends and get along great, they practice sports together.
Kyojuro does have stalker tendencies as he stalked the last girl he was dating. Karkau and Urogi harass him about it.
Depending on the storyline, I usually don’t include Muzan. Muzan is Rui’s father in my hes but he is pretty young and he gets paid to stay away from his actual family.
His family is filthy rich so he gets paid a bunch. Muzan definitely has befriended Kokushibo though either way.
Relationships with the Hantengu brothers.
Urogi doesn’t have a label neither does Karaku. They swing both ways and don’t care what you identify as, they love you the way you are.
Sekido is bisexual/demisexual. It takes him a long time to feel a connection with someone so if you are the lucky person who he clicks with, do not betray his trust at all. He is mentally unstable and trying to heal!
Aizetsu’s depression has made him aromantic almost. If he falls in love, he doesn’t care what you identify as, what you look like, just love him and cherish him.
Zohakuten does not give a shit about relationships at all. He hates couples in general. He is only focused on getting out of school and spending time with Rui.
This was just more information on my Demon Slayer AU. Muzan is lowkey just there and I definitely focus on the Hantengu Brothers more. I just like them more.
I kinda went into depth and tried to explain the timeline. If something doesn’t make sense, I’m sorry. I’m writing this at 12 AM and half asleep.
I hope you enjoyed!
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coffeeandmagicaltales · 4 months
Spare some lore about Selina and Sting Sharp and their parents? It’s been a stupid 2 days at work and I think they’re so cute 😭. That sketch you did of them all made me so happy!
If not no worries! Just wanted to drop in and say your OCs always pique my interest!
OHHH I feel so honored <3 I'd love to answer <3
Spoiler free (I still haven't finished writing my fics)
Sharp Sisters
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Lets's start from the oldest- "Sting".
She's about 6 in the drawing. Adventurous, curious, pretty mischievous, and very brave... Also getting into trouble a lot. A LOT.
Both of her parents work at Hogwarts, so she spent her childhood in the castle (when possible), sleeping in her parents' chamber or at her Muggle and magical grandparents' house.
She got sorted into Hufflepuff and immediately fell in love with Quidditch, becoming the youngest beater on the team. That's where her nickname came from - dressed in Hufflepuff black and yellow colors, flying recklessly and incredibly fast, giving hard blows to opponents, she looked like a dangerous little bee.
(below how I imagine her in my delulu land in my head)
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She spends lots of time in detentions at Hogwarts due to the crazy ideas she comes up with (that make her parents roll their eyes and just say "ugh, again"; they've become so done with it, they just don't care anymore, and the only thing they ask is: "Is she bleeding? No? Oh, well, just take as many points from her as possible."). She's a free spirit who doesn't like being closed in between walls and loves to explore the world on her own, unlike her younger sister, who prefers to study in the library.
Her relationship with her sister is very profound, and even though they are like fire and water and sometimes disagree, they love each other unconditionally. Sting spends lots of time with Selina and gives her support. She deeply worries about her little sister's timid nature and gets into fights each time someone calls little Sharp "a weirdo".
Her relationship with her parents is pretty complicated. It was really wonderful until her 6th year at Hogwarts when she decided to become an Auror despite her... well... certain health issues. Aesop argued with her many times, trying to convince her to find a less dangerous job, but she already set her mind and was too stubborn. It is said that Sting was the only person Aesop ever raised his voice at, too scared of her being injured just like him, or even worse. But, as a rebellious 17-year-old, she did what she wanted to do, ignoring her father's plead. Her mother, Morana, was more optimistic about her life choices (Sting was a Sharp for Merlin's sake!) and convinced Aesop to train her as best as he and her could, preparing Sting for the worst.
She became an Auror, one of the best in history, duh! If you were a criminal and somebody had spilled the tea that Sting Sharp is investigating your case, well, better head to Nepal and intend to live as a goat... But! She didn't like this job at all. Ministry's orders, things against her moral compass she was told to do frustrated her, and after a few years, she quit. Waiting for Aesop's retirement, she took many part-time jobs, also helped her godmother Poppy to catch poachers, and when her dad was finally retired, they both opened a private detective office, also working with Morana and Selina.
Lesbian, she married a long-time girlfriend of hers, had no kids.
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The youngest Sharp- Selene (sometimes written as Selina, more Slavic version of that name, as she is half British half Slovakian)
This little grumpy pumpkin, about 1 in the drawing, was literally born at Hogwarts and spent her time close to her parents. Sometimes with daddy: sitting on his desk, incredibly interested in classes, lulled to sleep by his lectures, or playing with vials (unbreakable) filled with glitter and colorful water. Sometimes with mummy: sleeping in a scarf wrapped around her body during her lectures. Sometimes with her many teacher aunts and uncles, who loved to take her to their classes (especially Ronen and Garlick).
Her interest in potions was obvious from the beginning, but soon Aesop discovered that, in her case, there was a thin line between genius and obsession, and she preferred to experiment rather than play with her peers. Only her older sister seemed to understand her and accept that Selina is a bit different than other kids her age: always gloomy and avoiding anyone's company. She stood out from the crowd also thanks to her dad's tall genes, his grumpy and dreamy nature and, well, his look in general, along with dark eyes and hair, crooked teeth, big nose. She was never considered "pretty", often being compared to her father. Other kids giving her unpleasant comments like "I wouldn't date old Sharp's lookalike".
(below how I imagine her in my delulu land in my head)
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Other kids hated the fact that she's two teachers' daughter (and other teachers are her aunts and uncles) and bullied her a lot, calling her "a weirdo" or "a teacher's favorite" (Sting, ironically, never had that problem). Her parents and sister tried their best to make amends with anyone who dared to hurt Selina, but she felt sad and lonely anyway. She was often found hidden somewhere behind dad's cauldrons in his class, crying. Her situation was breaking Sharps' hearts, and they came up with an idea to sign her up for an internship at Parry Pippin's shop during her 3rd year. That was a jackpot; Selina made friends with adult potioneers, no longer feeling alone, and her talents began to thrive. After Pippin's death, she, not his children, became the shop's owner and one of the best healers in Europe, working occasionally at St. Mungo's or giving lectures at Hogwarts when Aesop was not feeling well.
Her relationship with her sister is stronger than diamond. She supports the sometimes annoyingly talkative and loud Sting and is always ready to help her. Their hearts were both broken when Selina got sorted into Slytherin, away from the older Sharp.
She's a daddy's daughter, and, no matter how much she loves her mum, it's Aesop she runs to first and clings to his jacket. She preferred to spend time with him as he was quieter and calmer than Morana, who loved wild adventures, that, on the other hand, Sting preferred more. Morana sometimes felt guilty that she couldn't approach her youngest daughter as well as Aesop, but she found out that they both enjoy slow hikes and exploring the calm Tatra Mountains in Slovakia. Selina anticipated those even few weeks long lonely trips with her mother.
She met her husband in Pippin's shop (Selina and Aesop both found a cure for his quite rare sickness), Garreth Weasley's son, who later took Sharp's surname. They had a beautiful red-headed son - Aesop Sharp Junior.
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I hope you enjoed this little spoiler free backstory of my characters <3
It was hard to find a NPC mix of Morana&Aesop but this one is the best option:
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Sad dark eyes, dark brown hair, high cheek bones, bushy arched brows, big nose, upper lip shape- Aesop
Tanned skin tone, 10K freckles, round face- Morana
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symphonic-scream · 7 months
Back when the Legend of Korra finale first aired, I was a little baby gay and had a different tumblr which I believe I deleted. On said tumblr, I think I mentioned vaguely that I had an idea for fankids for them
It's been 9 years since I deleted that tumblr. It's going to be 10 years since the finale this December. The release of the (underwhelming) live action Last Airbender has brought me back to a show that truly changed my life, and made me feel seen as a queer, mixed native kid (I'm a quarter, my grandpa was full)
So. Here's a little post about those ocs, who I found in my old seventh grade french notes (I never paid attention in that class lmao)
Anyways!y Korrasami kids. Let's go over them
Hiroto Sato (Ref age 16)
So I imagine that once their lives were stable, that they'd want to have a baby. Asami would carry in my mind, just because Korra would be all worried about how her body would handle it after the poisoning thing. However, their plans go, twisted. Cause they have twins
Their first born is their son, named after Hiroshi Sato, though Asami didn't want to directly name him after her father because her feelings would be still complicated. So, Hiroto. He goes by Hiro, mostly, and he's a fire bender
His eyes are a dark brown/grey, and he keeps his hair at a sort of medium length? It curls slightly around his ears, and he'd need glasses starting at age 14. He likes warm, comfy clothes
Hiro isn't very physically, well, talented. He's clumsy, trips over his own feet sometimes, the kind of person who's thinking so hard he smacks into polls and apologizes to them. He'd nervously chew on the skin of his thumb as he works. Hiro's an awkward guy, not great at conversation. He's always had a knack for art, and wants to become a city planner. He's not a great bender, but he does like helping out in the kitchen
Yasuko Sato (Ref age 16)
Their only daughter and youngest bio child, it's younger twin Yasuko! Korra chose her name. She knows how much Asami's mom meant to her, and honestly, the baby looked a lot like the old photos of Yasuko. As much as a baby can, at least. Like her brother, she's a fire bender
She's nearly a carbon copy of Asami. Green eyes, wavy black hair, though she smiles a little crooked. She keeps her hair up in a high pony, and even though she needs glasses like her brother, she rarely wears them. She forgets them more often then not, and just takes his to read momentarily. She's, like, "sleeves? Never heard of them"
Yasuko showed real promise in fire bending when Korra first started teaching her, so she decided to get both twins a proper teacher. Yasuko wanted to be a hero like her Moma, and grew up wanting to help people. Her goal is to be a fire fighter! She's the funny friend, always makes others smile, a jokester
Kova Sato (Ref age 19)
So, the next three are all adopted. There was a disaster type happening in the furthest parts of the Northern Water Tribe, and Korra went to help in the aftermath. After helping with search and rescue efforts, she goes to visit the injured to sort of, give them hope
That's where she meets Kova. He's 9 at the time, yet he was working hard to use his water bending to help heal alongside the elder women. She talks to him while handing out some food shipped in from Republic City, and finds out he lost his parents, and has been looking after his younger brother
Long story short, both boys return to the city with her, and Asami ends up understanding why her wife couldn't leave them behind
Kova is a big guy. He's mixed water tribe earth nation, so while he's got dark skin, his eyes are a dark green, and his hair is messy, dark brown. Quiet guy, but tall for his age. Real gentle, there's a reason he has an affinity for healing. He's got little sun freckles too!
He's great with words. He's a blooming poet, writing the stories people tell him during healing sessions. Incredibly kind, loves the idea of memories making someone immortal. The first poems he writes are of his birth parents, and the second? Of his mom's, and his siblings.
Haoyu Sato (Ref age 12)
He's Kova's younger brother, and was only 2 when Korra took them in and brought them to Republic City.
Haoyu is just paler than his older brother, with darker, messier hair, and blue eyes. His smile is bright, pure joy and energy. He's an endless ball of energy, and reminds his mom's and grandparents of a young Korra; he knows he's hot shit. He's an earth bender, starting at age 6
He's obsessed with pro bending. But, he doesn't dream of being an athlete, but an announcer. Reading is tough for him, and he struggles a bit in school, but when he comes home each day, he's surrounded by love, and care. Asami is always happy to sit with him and help him make sense of his school work, gentle, kind, and patient
I imagine he'd wear someone like a hoodie and soft puffy pants, the kind that end above the ankle.
Gyaltsen Sato (Ref age 5)
The youngest, and again, not exactly a planned adoption. His mother was a newer air acolyte, and she didn't make it through the birth. Tenzin asked Korra and Asami to look after baby Gyaltsen away from the busy temple until someone could take him in, but, the mom's got attached
Just barely darker than Asami and the twins, Gyaltsen has the lightest hair in the family, and the darkest eyes. He's an airbender who shows extreme potential, and is one of Jinora's most promising young students
He's got this spark for life. Everything is so cool to him, so amazing, it's rare for him to be disappointed by something. He feels things strongly, and his Moma Korra sits with him to meditate and talk about his big feelings
He's still very young and growing up, so he's got time to become himself
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theintrovertbean · 1 year
you might've just nailed down why I cannot for the life of me feel involved into Nadia's romance. The way she talks about her family and sometimes treats MC is baffling and almost upsetting to me at times. I don't dislike her mind you, I think she's a great character, but when she starts complaining about the audacity of her family worrying about her running off as a small child… I end up liking her in other routes more than her own. Doesn't happen with any other LI. feels bad man
I see your point. She does have a unique and quite unjustified way of talking about her family that I just couldn't understand at first. I expected her siblings to be horrible people, but then Nasmira showed up, and she was possibly one of the nicest characters in the entire game. Made me look at Nadi and think, "Girl, what the hell is your problem? There's no way you are serious."
But, well, Nadia is royalty, the youngest person in her family, and she is definitely spoiled. I think those three things together ensured that baby Nadia had very little contact with children of her age. Most people in her family are much older than her, and she never really got to witness how kids are being treated outside of Prakran palaces. My point is that everyone else got treated like an adult while Nadia was babied. Only Nadia. I think she felt excluded and outlandish, like she didn't belong, not even in her family, which is not nice. Every child wants to be normal, and Nadia was the only person getting the baby treatment. She was already feeling very lonely, but that made her think she was completely alone in the world. We do know that Nadia has always yearned for companionship, and this is something that made her dream feel even farther away.
She really needs someone to bring a 9-year-old child to her and ask her if it's really okay for that tiny little thing to wander off alone in a forest. I bet that hesitantly, but Nadia would say no 😂 That is why dating an MC with younger siblings would do her good. She would finally understand the struggles of being an older sibling.
As for MC. Again, Nadia is a princess from a great nation, and whether we like it or not, even if she treats them like an equal, in theory, the canon MC is always going to be beneath her (not a bad thing if someone is into that wink wonk.) Initially, this shows in Nadia's attitude too, but I think she learns that titles aside, she and MC are both just people and nothing else in the world matters. She also realizes that despite their different titles and finances, she could learn so much from MC about being a person. That's it, just a person. Sure, countesses and princesses are people too, but their lives are so much different from a commoner's.
Nadia lives in an untouchable world where even the slightest bit of physical affection seems like the biggest crime. Would the maids dare to put a reassuring hand on the Countess' shoulder or, gayness forbid, give her a hug? Hell no, because they are fucking terrified of her and the consequences of forgetting their place. Would Nadia actually like someone to put a hand on her shoulder or give her a hug? Hell yes, but she, too, is bound to these kinds of rules and probably wouldn't even think about letting a staff member embrace her.
I'm not sure if it's still in the game, but I remember MC thinking something like they always accidentally touch with Asra because the shop is so small. MC notices that Nadia can't have it and that it makes her feel alone, but she also deserves to have physical affection in her life (this was right before their first kiss.) And this is what MC taught Nadia: that these shitty rules can get fucked, and it is okay to let (nice) people in.
I don't think she ever really looked down on MC (she pitied them at most), but she is pretty much used to bossing people around. I can understand that this was unusual for her and needed some time to adjust. Treating people like her equals is another lesson she had to learn, but I think she did succeed with that. We're gonna ignore the reversed ending because Nadia is undoubtedly superior to MC in that one.
However, in the upright ending, we have a cute, sweet, loving person looking at us like we are the most precious thing in the world, and she would do anything for us. Upright Nadia gives zero fucks about titles, riches, upbringings, or anything because she does not need any of those to love MC. At the same time, she can be herself. She no longer has to hide behind the Princess/Countess mask, she can let her walls down, just be Nadia, and love MC like there's no tomorrow.
The outer layers of her character get stripped down to reveal the kind of person that she is and she can be. She was very, very far from perfect. She was not necessarily bad at first either, but her past is questionable af. However, inside those layers, there's a woman who has been starving for love and companionship her entire life. Did she cause that starvation to herself? That's very possible. She certainly didn't make it easier for herself and the people around her. But MC must stand with Nadia at her lowest (which is the beginning of her route) to see the best version of herself she can be.
And did Nadia learn from her mistakes? Yes, she did. That is unquestionable. She did waste half of her life, but maybe that was the path she needed to take in order to open her eyes (literally.)
In the end, Nadia is a wonderful person and an amazing lover who has managed to leave the past behind for the better. Upright Nadia is baby. She went through a lot of character growth, and that's very beautiful. In the beginning, she is Countess, but in the end, she is just Nadia.
Good job, Nadi. We are proud of you.
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Movie Theater Adventures
Summary: Peter 1, 2, and 3 go to see a movie together and chaos ensues 😁
(Have a great week guys ❤️ hope you're all having a great day ❤️)
"You guys seriously did not have to do this."
Three turned toward the backseat. "For the millionth time Pete, we wanted to."
"You've been under a lot of stress lately kiddo and we know what that's like." Two smiled at him through the rearview mirror. "Sometimes you just need a movie break with friends."
"I cannot wait to see this movie." Three buzzed. "It looks so good!"
"Which one are we seeing?" One asked.
"You'll see when we get there." Two winked at him.
One leaned back in the seat. The older two had surprised the youngest after a long day at work. He had come back from the pizza shop to find them both in the living room. Doctor Octavius and Peter 2 had final been able to create a way for them to travel through dimensions a few months ago and it was taking some adjusting to randomly seeing another version of you in the living room.
It was even stranger when one of them announces they're kidnapping you for the evening. The older two had ushered One to his closet, telling him to put on his comfiest outfit and shoes for a movie day. However, they wouldn't tell him what movie they were seeing because they wanted it to be a surprise.
One fiddled with the sleeve of his science themed sweatshirt. "Could you give me a hint?"
Three ruffled his hair. "It's a movie you'll really love."
Once they pulled into the parking lot, One leaned closer. "Can you tell me now?"
"Have patience little Pete." Two opened the door. "Come on."
The youngest Peter curiously followed the older two toward the theater. He glanced at the posters on the outside in hopes of picking up on one that would give him a clue to the movie, but none of them really stood out to him.
Instead, he had to wait until Two talked to the lady at the kitchen counter. "Three tickets to see A New Hope please."
One's eyes widened. "What?"
"They're running a special this week." Peter 3 nudged his brother. "All of the older Star Wars movies are being shown in theaters for their anniversary."
"So we can actually see A New Hope in theaters? Like actually on the big screen?"
"Yehep. Thought this would be a gohood weheekend idea," Peter Two replied.
"Yes!" Peter 1 reached into his pocket for his wallet. "I'm so looking---."
Peter 2 stepped in front of the youngest and gave the lady his card. "Just put all three of them on my card please."
"Yes sir." The lady took the card.
"Here, I'll pay you back for---."
The oldest cut off the youngest. "No need."
"It's my treat One, don't worry about it."
Peter 1's jaw dropped. "I can't let you do that!"
While the two fought over the tickets, the lady behind the counter slid all three tickets over with Two's card. "And that's two adults and one---."
Before the lady could finish her statement, Two gathered what she handed him. "Thank you."
Three wrapped an arm around the youngest's shoulders before steering him inside. "Come on Uno."
"W-wait! You can't just---!"
"Already have One." Peter 2 gave him another hair ruffle.
Peter 3 directed the group toward the concession stand. "Nothing you can do now. We said we'd kidnap you for a movie day so it's our treat."
"But I'm an adult!" Peter 1 pulled away. "Not a child!"
"Adults can still have free passes Peter," Two soothed. "Think of it as a gift for working so hard."
One crossed his arms. "Like getting good grades on my report card."
Peter 3 shrugged. "Eh, kind of."
The youngest blushed and turtled into his shoulders.
Two nudged him. "Hey, just say thank you and enjoy it, okay?"
Peter 1 wanted to continue arguing, but he was already being pulled into line at the concession stand. The blush on his face darkened as they made their way to the front.
"You haven't had dinner yet Pete. Do you want something to eat?" Three asked.
One shook his head.
"You sure? They've got pizza or chicken."
One shook his head again. "Just popcorn please? I can share with someone."
Peter 3 pulled the youngest close and pinched his cheek. "You're a growing boy. You need your own food."
One whined. "Noho!"
"Excuse me." A worker behind the concession counter asked. "Could I see your tickets really quickly?"
"Um sure?" Two handed over the tickets. "Is there a problem?"
The worker looked over the tickets. "Nope, no problem here. You actually have a discount."
"Yeah." The employee pointed to the board behind him. "You get half off one of the kid's meals."
Two cocked his head. "Kid's meals?"
"Because you have a child's ticket." The three Peters' eyes widened as the worker motioned to Peter 1. "All kids 14 and under get in for free."
One groaned. "She thought I was 14?"
The worker chuckled. "Ihi'm guessing you're nohot?"
"No! I'm literally 17!"
The worker bit back a laugh while his other coworker elbowed him. "Weren't you the one who got asked if he was 12 his first week on the job?"
"Yehep, so Ihi knohow you're pahain duhude."
The youngest's face was pure red. This was turning out to be a pretty embarrassing evening.
Peter 2 gave his shoulder a squeeze. "Enjoy it while you can."
One looked up at him.
"I wish people still mistook me for twenty."
That put a small smile on Peter 1's face.
The worker handed back the tickets. "I'm sorry kid. Look, it was an honest mistake. Don't take it personally."
The other worker behind the counter scooped some popcorn into a bucket. "Take your ticket and discounted meal and enjoy your movie."
Three nudged the youngest. "They've got a point Pete. Go ahead and pick a meal."
One fiddled with his sleeves. "Chicken strips please?"
"You got it. One chicken strip meal, two popcorns, and one drink coming right up."
Three handed over his card this time. "This is my half of the payment."
"Come on dude, let me atleast pay for my meal."
"Oh please," Three teased. "A $3 chicken meal is not about to make me go broke."
"Then let me pay part of the rest---."
"No no no, I don't want to hear it. You lost this argument with Two and now you're losing it with me."
The youngest groaned.
"Sorry about the tickets One, I didn't even notice she rang them up that way," Two apologized.
"It's not your fault. Like he said, honest mistake."
Peter 3 smirked. "You sure she thought you were 14. You look more like you could pass for ten."
One jabbed his elbow into his older counterpart's side.
"Ahalright, knock ihit off." Two grabbed the food as it was handed over.
"Enjoy your movie guys." The worker waved them on. "Have a great night."
"You tohoo." One waved at them both as they passed.
Once out of the line, Peter 2 led the way down the hall to the theater.
It was packed!
"Guess we should have gotten here earlier." Two scanned the rows. "I don't see a spot that has three seats together."
Three motioned to the other two over. "I think I found something."
"That's only two Three," Peter One pointed out.
"How about you two take these seats?" The eldest offered. "I think I saw another seat a few rows up---."
"No!" Both younger Peters exclaimed.
"There's not enough seats altogether though."
"But we want to see this with you!" Peter 3 added.
"Well, any suggestions on how to make this work?"
The younger two thought for a second before a grin lit up Three's face. "One, come here for a second."
One stepped over, and was caught off guard when Three tugged him into his lap. "Ack! Hey!"
"See? We fit here, you fit there."
As Peter 2 sat down in the other seat, the blush from earlier flamed across One's cheeks. "Y-you can't hold me all night! I-I'm not a child!"
"According to your ticket you are."
One shoved his older counterpart. "Shut up."
"Don't worry, it won't be all night." Peter 3 readjusted so he was standing and One was in the seat. "We can switch."
"Wait! What are you---?"
Before the youngest could finish his statement, Peter 3 plopped himself in One's lap. He wrapped his arms around the youngest and snuggled as close as he could.
One had to laugh at the sight of the tallest Peter trying to fit into his lap. "Yohou dohon't fit!"
"Noho." Three poked One's stomach. "But Ihi'm comfyhy."
Two gently pushed Three's hand away, distracting Three long enough not to notice One's flinch. "Come on you twoho. Time toho settle down."
"Hey, I'm not doing anything! It's him!"
Peter 3 sat up and stretched his back. "You're too little anyway Uno."
Peter 1 poked his older counterpart. "I told you!"
"Hey, both of you." Peter 2 poked them both. "Knock it off before we get kicked out."
"Okahay, okay."
The younger two settled down and adjusted into place. Three took up most of the seat with One curled up on the side closest to Two. A few moments later, the opening commercials began to play.
Then the opening credits began to roll.
It was epic to hear the theme reverberate across the theater and see all of the characters become larger than life on the silver screen. Even though One had seen this movie more times than he could count, he still loved every moment. He wasn't to keen on the position next Peter 3 to begin with, but as the movie went on, he readjusted himself so he could cuddle closer.
At first, he thought Three hadn't noticed. But then a hair ruffle and a chuckle showed him otherwise. "I thought you weherent aha child."
"I can still enjoy cuddles and not be a child," One hissed back.
"That is literally the most adorable thing ever."
"I'm not adorable."
"Says who? Cause I say otherwise."
One blushed brightly. He started to scoot away but then an arm pulled him back. "Hey."
"Hey to you." Peter 3 wrapped the youngest in a firm hug. "That wasn't an invitation to leave. I want you to stay if you'd like."
"Of course." Three rubbed circles into the youngest's back. "I haven't had a good cuddle in a while."
"Me to-ah!"
Peter 3's hand froze. The younger two quieted to make sure no one had been disturbed. When no one looked their way, the older Peter wiggled a singular finger into One's shoulder blade.
The youngest Peter let a quiet squeak and tried to squirm away. "Threhee!"
He wasn't getting away this time.
"No way."
The hand on One's back began to spider around. "You're ticklish."
Peter 1 turned his face into Three's chest. "Threhee, plehease."
"Please what?" Peter 3's hand spidered across One's side. "Please tickle you more?"
"Eep! Hehey!"
The moment was interrupted by a whisper from Peter 2. "What are you two doing?"
"Two, he's ticklish!"
One tried to cover Peter 3's mouth. "Sh-shut uhup!"
"Awww." The oldest Peter pulled One's hand away. "Really?"
"Yehes! Atleast his back and sihides ahare."
"No way." Peter 2 spidered across One's side.
"Eep! You guhys are soho mehean."
"This is literally the most adorable thing ever." Three wiggled his finger across One's jaw line. "Ah gootchie goo."
The blush on the youngest's face darkened even more. "Ihits nohot adorablehel!"
Two's hand spidered up One's side. "Tickle tickle."
Immediately, Peter 1 grabbed his hand before he could reach his ribs. "Ihim goihing to ruhuin thehe movihie."
"Not for uhus."
The youngest pulled his face away from Peter 3. "Ihit's ehembarrahassihing."
Peter 2 used his other hand to poke One's back. "Hehey, you haven't told uhus to stop."
The youngest Peter's eyes widened. He hadn't even realized he hadn't told them to stop yet, and he had forgotten how much he loved tickles. They always made him feel happy and loved. It reminded him of being young again, when times were simple.
Suddenly, a jostle brought One back to the present. "Hey, do you want us to stop?"
Peter 1 turtled into his shoulders. "F-for nohow. I-I want to fihinish thehe movie."
Both older Peters pulled away. "Of course."
"But there's no guarantee we won't exploit this later."
The whack Two gave the back of Three's head made the lady in front of them shush the group.
Once she turned back around, all three Peters stifled their remaining giggles before turning back to the movie.
As they watched the rest of the movie, a warm content feeling washed over Peter 1. Two had been right, he really just needed a night with good friends to put him in a better mood. He hadn't been too keen on being mistaken for a kid, but it had turned out to be the best thing ever.
However, a full belly and a good hug mixed with the remnants of a busy week made Peter 1's eyes heavy with sleep. He struggled to hold his eyes open for as long as possible, but eventually the sleepy feeling pulled him into a deep sleep just the doors opened for Luke, Han, and Chewie to get their medals.
Meanwhile, Peter 2 and 3 zeroed in on the scene, ready for the big finale. As soon as the scene ended and the credits began to roll, the entire theater erupted into applause.
"That was perfect!" Three exclaimed.
"I know! I loved every moment!" Two turned to the youngest. "What did you thi---?"
Three's brows furrowed together. "What's wrong?"
The eldest Peter smiled. "Looks like we stayed out past someone's bedtime."
Peter 3 was so confused until he looked down. Then he absolutely melted at the sight. "Look at how little he looks!"
"Should we wake him up?"
"Are you kidding?" Three pulled the youngest out of Peter 2's reach while giving him the biggest pouty face he could. "He's to precious to wake up!"
Peter 2 felt his own heart melt a little. "I have a feeling this ihis going to become aha regular thihing with you."
"I never got to have brothers before." The tallest Peter brushed a few loose curls out of One's face. "Can you blame me for wanting to cuddle him?"
"No . . . But now I really want to cuddle him too."
"Hey!" Three tightened his hug. "I got him first!"
"You've had him all night though."
"Please?" Three gave him his best puppy dog eyes. "You still have to drive home."
"How about a trade off?" Two stood. "I carry him to the car, you can cuddle with him on the drive home."
"Mmfine!" Peter 3 handed the youngest to Two.
"Thahank yohou." As Peter 2 settled One in his arms, a soft smile came across his face. "I like how this is turning out to be."
"Like how?"
"Getting to do things like this." Two shuffled hi load so he could ruffle Three's hair. "Getting toho tahake care of you two."
The tallest pulled away from the affection. "Not the hair!"
Peter 2 grinned. "Come ohon, lehet's go home."
As they walked toward the exit, Peter 3 tapped the eldest's shoulder. "Hey Two?"
"Yeah Pete?"
"Since One is already asleep and it is pretty late . . . could we have a slumber party?"
"A slumber party huh?"
"Could we? Please? We'll be quiet all night and we'll be gone first thing in the morning."
The eldest Peter bit back a laugh. "That sounds like aha greheat idea."
Three's face lit up. "Really!"
"Yehes. Lehet's do it."
"Yes!" Peter Three raced toward the doors. "Let's go!"
Two playfully rolled his his eyes. He readjusted his hold on One before following Peter 3 out of the building. "Hope you had a great day Uno. This was perfect."
When One woke up, he had to agree.
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yellowcry · 5 months
A rhythm of its own design
Working on Casita was important, of course, but it's good to have some entertaintment once in a while
Dolores looked around the church backroom room, nervous. Recently her Papá asked her to come here for something. He didn't reveal what was the reason, not yet, just shared a strange look with Tío Agústin. If Dolores still had her gift, maybe she would hear what was going on. But alas, now their gifts weren't in play. Cold-stoned walls towered over her,  old  musical instruments that were used for religious performances were well-known to Dolores. After all, she had spent a couple of years playing music here back when she was in school.
She slid her fingers across the piano keys, waiting for the adults to make things clear. It wasn't as clean as with super hearing, but the sound was soothing in a way. While piano wasn't her main instrument, she preferred tiple like her dad, she had enough knowledge of the keyboard instruments. 
The door creaked, making Dolores squeak and pull back a little. Only to realize that it was Mirabel. The younger cousin didn't look anything more confident than Dolores was feeling herself at the moment. If anything, she seemed even more confused and worried.
The teenager pulled in, examining the notes on the walls. "Do you know what's going on? Pa asked me to come here." She clarified, standing next to Dolores and picking at her embroidery.
Dolores clenched her palms together, not looking at her. Before Casita's fall, she had never realized how important her gift was for her. It made her aware of everything, every rumor or fact. And Dolores had adored that power, she loved the knowledge that came with hearing without her being anywhere near the discourse. The idea of losing this possibility, these thin threads that connected her to everything was devastating. There was no way to know much more anything else than what anyone in her place would hear too. 
Losing her gift had  really  made Dolores appreciate it with all of her heart.
Their dads didn't take much longer to join in. Both were delighted, whispering something to each other. It was a normal sight, the two giftless husbands were so close that people sometimes doubted if they were biological  hermanos . 
Mirabel, who was just as curious as Dolores herself immediately got to question the situation. "Papa? What are we doing?"
Félix winked to Agústin, taking a seat. "Girls, I and Gus had thought that we should entertain our family in this uneasy time."
Dolores couldn't blame them. Even if the things had gotten way clearer now it didn't mean they were solved. The family got used to a life without a house by now, but Dolores still wished to have a stable place to live. Everyone did and there was no need  in  enhance hearing to know it.
Papá continued, taking a tilpe near his chair. "So how about we four give them a concert?"
So that's what it all was about? 
It's been a while since Dolores had played with Félix. Life was too busy lately, turned upside down by the broken Casita. She didn't  really  have time for this lately, more busy with the fact that they were homeless at the moment. It's a bit hard to get to your hobbies in such conditions.
Mirabel's face winced, she crossed her arms looking away. "I don't think I want this..." Dolores knew that her youngest cousin hated showing her skills in accordion, always trying to throw it away if somebody had given her one. Was it a feeling that her skills didn't matter without a gift or something else, Dolores had no idea.
"Miraboo, it's only for the family," Agústin promised. "Nobody else would see you." 
There was a visible fight on her face. Again, Mirabel didn't enjoy showing musical skills to everyone, but she loved her family and wanted to make them happy more than anything.
Finally, she muttered. "Just... A little.."
Felíx smiled, turning his attention to Dolores. She just shrugged, having nothing against the idea. She had played music from time to time, tho it was usually only during the celebrations when anybody else could hear her.
The first thing was to find a good melody that combined all their instruments. Well, it was more the adults who initiated this, talking about some happy and light melody to cheer the rest of the family. Mirabel tapped her finger against the hand belt, not participating at all, despite their effort to bring her into  discussion .
It's been forever since Dolores had played music with her Tío, not even mentioning Mirabel. What would it be like? Speaking at the bottom of her heart, she preferred to play harmony solo. But it could be fun when her dad joined her. 
"Okay! One, two, three!" Felix, sending their small group into the beginning. For about ten seconds before they all realized how awful it sounded. Playing in  discord , they didn't synchronize with each other. 
"I think... it's going to be more difficult than we thought." Tío muttered, pressing one of the white high-pitched keys.  
Fair. Making anyone listen to these wouldn't make them happy. It was more of a torture. Creating music took work that they were willing to put in. It wasn't a physical job like with Casita but  requested  enough exertion and time.
Mirabel pondered something, the smart girl she was. "Maybe we can... play it separately at first?" She suggested, fixing her glasses. And, well, having no better ideas, they recreated the vallenato melody four times, suggesting to  eachother  how to make it work together. Tuning one down,  pitching  the other note up so it would sound graceful and happy.
The orchestra still was bad, but it was more of a lack of practice this time. Well, it was something fixable. Hard work did pay in the result after all.
Dolores examined her partners in the corner of her eyes. Papá and Tío Agústin loomed like they generally had a really fun time in here. Even Mirabel who was the least happy with the idea at first seemed to be involved in the process pretty strong. 
They were practicing for about a week. Majorly during the lunch break or after the working day  in  rebuilding Casita was done despite Luisa's complaint that she wanted to cuddle her hermanita. 
The backroom wasn't big, but it somehow could accommodate twelve Madrigals. Despite their original plan for a surprise, somebody in this choir couldn't keep their mouths shut in front of their wives. And if Tía Julieta was mature enough to keep her mouth shut, then Mamá was just as much of a gossiper as Dolores. So the fact was known by the whole family in no time. 
Dolores rounded her eyes, seeing how much Mirabel trembled.  He  youngest cousin wiped her hands, they were sweating whenever she was worried like now. A family genetic, Dolores supposed, Luisa and Tío had the same problem.
"Is everyone ready?" Dad asked, holding his stringed instrument lightly, his optimism made him deal with it the easiest out of four. Agustín stretched his arms, cracking his fingers. Mirabel tensed, pulling her accordion closer. Dolores shut her eyes tightly for a second, retelling herself the melody she was supposed to play.
She knew it wasn't perfect, a week wasn't enough to create a melody, especially when they didn't have more than two hours of training daily. But, seeing her family's excited faces, they didn't need it to be the best. It just was a fun way to spend time together. And they enjoyed the effort that the four had put  in  this. 
The room burst into applause, Dolores and the adults shared a confident and happy look before she noticed how tensed Mirabel was. She was the least used to it. If the older three had played for other people sometimes, Mirabel had never done it before. 
"You're okay," Dolores whispered, patting her spine for a moment before Luisa practically shoved her away, picking Mirabel up and throwing her lightly. Dolores huffed and rolled her eyes, stepping back from her cousins.
Isabela behind her groaned. "Put her down, I want to hug my sister too!" She stood on her toes, trying to reach her overgrown sister's height. Looking like she was about to hit Luisa.
Dolores chuckled, distracting to her  own  brothers. Antonio looked at her with big brown eyes, asking if she could teach him. As a kid, he was  really  excited to learn something new.
"Mirabel is my favorite sister. Go hug yours."
"Amor, you were so magical!" Pepa hunched over Felix, kissing him in a hug. Then she turned her attention to Dolores. "And Lolita!" The woman felt her cheeks getting red from embarrassment. Lolita? Really? "I'm so proud of you!" She exclaimed, giving the next kiss to her daughter.
"¡Mamá, Detener!" Dolores groaned, pulling away from this affection. She was twenty-one for God's sake! Completely old and mature woman! 
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sleepy-achilles · 2 years
Hbtaker agent au-
Taker leads a team of, well a nice way of putting it is, a mix of very interesting personalities.
Goldust, he's their tech guy, their eyes everywhere. You got a secret? Goldust will find it.
Sable, she's their media girl. She deals with the press, other forces, judges, highers up, you get the point. You need something? She's the girl to goto.
Bret Hart, he comes from a family of law inforcements he just decided to take a different road and become a profiler. And he is one of the best there ever is. (Aka I bully bret way too much and have finally decided to show him so love)
Kevin Nash, he's their muscle. A suspect tends not to run if they see him. He's quick and a good tackler. He does have his moments of smartness though and sometimes taker doesn't know what he would do without him.
And finally, Shawn Michaels. The dumb blonde, except that's not him at all. He's the smartest one on their team. His head is filled with facts about bascially everything. He's the youngest which makes everyone protective of him. Kid can't fire a gun to save his life. But he can work the mind better than anyone. He can't however work chopsticks.
And if you ask the team, the best member is their boss, Undertaker. Passed top of his class. Became a agent in hopes of saving families and making sure none of them suffer like he did. He's led a few teams in his time but this one, its his favourite. He actually has a connection with them, they are a family to him. A weird fucked up family, but it's the only one he has. He always has their back, in the field and the office. He leads them down the right path when they are stray off it. They trust him with their lives.
Shawn actually ends up fascinated with takers past. He knows he shouldn't but he hates cold cases. (Despite the valleys sheriffs stating it was an accident at baby brothers kanes hands.) He actually leads a discussion with it in the gorilla. Taker allows it, they've had a tough case, he knows Shawn needs to wrack his brain after a case like that. He also knows it can take the others out of the past case.
Bret and shawn has a interesting relationship. Bret hates how smart Shawn is so it leads to him teasing. But he never feels bad about it because shawn always gets him back by out shining him in the field. It's a love hate relationship but not so much hate. They goto each other for advice, mostly Shawn to bret. It's like a big brother little brother relationship (sorry hartbreak fans)
Kevin, shawn and the kliq, they all grew up together. That's important during a case.
Goldust flirts with them all and they allow it because he puts up with so much shit and stress because of them.
Sable is basically the single mum of the group. Reminding taker to eat, Kevin to rest his knee and ice it, Bret to phone his mother as she worries about him after cases, goldust to rest his eyes after staring at computer screens and for shawn to actually go home and get some sleep. They all make it up to her on mother's day, they buy her gifts and treat her.
Shawn and bret suffer the worse with headaches. Shawns head is never shut off whilst bret is always profiling people.
Kevin forces them all to have atleast one gym session with him a week. Taker doesn't mind, he loves working out. Bret is okay with it just wishes a case would come up. Spoiler, a case never seems to appear when they are forced into these sessions.
Anyways the hbtaker aspect of this. Ik that's what yall want.
Shawn admires taker. He always has. Taker has mad respect for shawn. Shawn, is one of the smartest and yet troubled kids he's ever met. It reminds taker that the world does still have some innocence in it though. (Especially seeing him struggle with chopsticks)
Shawn knows he's not straight. It was kinda confirmed when he met taker and it kicked him straight in the gut, stirring those butterflies. Taker doesn't know what he feels for shawn. Just that he's protective of him, but everyone on the team is.
Their relationship takes a real turn when they get kidnapped together and shawn ends up saving him.
Taker also takes extra note on how dedicated Shawn is to helping taker solve his childhood crime.
Shawn knows taker studies him. He's the smartest on the team after all. Shawn knows after the kidnapping that taker is more invested in Shawn. Goldust teases Shawn saying that taker has a crush on him. Shawn can't deal with it.
Taker picks up on things that change about Shawn. Like how he allows taker to have physical contact with him. How he will listen to taker without sass or fight. And it confirms his idea that Shawn might have a crush on him. But he doesn't pressure the kid. He knows Shawn does well at his own pace.
And it does work out when Shawn comes stuttering to him about, well taker thinks he was trying to ask him out. So taker just asks if he wants to get dinner.
And well, they are hesitate about it but everyone bursts in and tells them to fuck the rule about relationships and fuck each other.
And I agree.
I hope this is okay, I've been working on it since 11pm. It's currently 2am. I'm tired and don't want more drafts. Sorry if my English has became a bit...messy, slurred. I'm tired. Sorry. Enjoy :)
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inevitablemoment · 1 month
Elle and Emmett Baby Headcanons because I'm new to the fandom and I can't control myself
So, I volunteered to scan tickets for a local production of Legally Blonde, so I got to see it three times, and I'm obsessed with it now! I have since watched the proshot about ten times all the way through, and my headcanons are gushing out like a waterfall. Also, I'm a little frightened of how attracted I am to Christian Borle.
Now, these particular headcanons pertain to Elle's pregnancy with their daughter, Julie, but prior to that, they have adopted three kids (they just strike me as the type to adopt).
Brief who's who of the older Woods-Forrest kids here:
Rosie (born April 2013, adopted April 2015) was the daughter of one of Elle's cousin whom Elle and Emmett took in after her biological parents were killed in a car accident. Elle and Emmett had to deal with some pushback from Rose's biological grandmother, but they were able to maintain custody and finalize the adoption.
Sophia (born 2001, adopted 2016) was fostered by them after Enid, who was Sophia's advocate, told them that she was still in a group home after her younger brother had been taken in by another foster family, and asked them to foster Sophia while she tried to reunite the siblings. Sophia rebuffed Elle and Emmett's attempts to integrate her into the family at first, but soon warmed to them.
Owen (born 2007, adopted 2016), Sophia's younger brother. Enid succeeds in reuniting the siblings, and Elle and Emmett decide to adopt him as well.
And now, headcanons about Elle's pregnancy below the cut:
Elle and Emmett had been married for about a year and a half before they began considering to start trying.
Only a few days later, Elle got the call about her cousin, and they moved their focus to taking care of Rosie and adopting her.
About seven months after Owen comes to live with them, Elle finds out that she's pregnant.
She's ecstatic, of course; but then she gets worried-- whether she and Emmett can handle another child at the moment, how the kids would react (especially considering that this baby would be related to her and Emmett by blood), etc.
Unsurprisingly though, Emmett is thrilled to hear this news.
Since he was an only child, he always wanted a big family (totally not projecting, you're projecting)
Telling the kids, though, is an anxiety that they both share... and it turns out not to be totally unfounded.
Sophia and Owen, despite trying to show excitement, are wary of this news, but Elle and Emmett do everything they can to reassure them.
Rosie has trouble understanding at first, but she does grasp that there's going to be a new baby, she's not going to be the youngest anymore, etc., etc. Once Elle starts showing, it begins to sink in for her.
Though they have plenty of hand-me-downs from Rosie and from Paulette and Kyle's kids, Elle does jump on shopping for this baby-- clothes, toys, gear, everything.
Elle has pretty awful morning sickness during the first twenty weeks, sometimes to the point that she has to stay home from work.
But one time, while in the middle of a trial, she rushes out to vomit, only to return completely composed and ready to resume.
While she enjoys buying maternity clothes, her personal favorite outfit is just one of Emmett's shirts as a nightdress. Once she's on maternity leave, it's pretty much all she wears around the house.
Both she and Emmett cry when she has her first ultrasound and they hear the baby's heartbeat.
Emmett cries tears of joy when they learn that they're having a little girl.
And he's so attentive. Whatever food Elle's craving, he's willing to drive to the grocery store or restaurant, and pick it up, even after a long day at work.
Speaking of long days at work, he always rubs Elle's back and feet once they're settled in at home for the night.
Out of every doctor's appointment, he only misses one and he feels so bad about it. He cheers up when Elle shows him the ultrasound picture that she had them take for him, though.
Emmett loves talking to the baby. The night that they're in bed after Elle told him that she was pregnant, he's already leaning over her belly, talking to the baby about how excited he is that they're coming, about her older sisters and brothers, and about how awesome their mom is.
Even before Elle starts showing, Emmett cannot keep his hands off of her belly. They both love feeling the baby kick together.
Sophia and Owen eventually warm to the idea of a new baby, especially once they're reassured that they won't be treated any differently from a child who shares DNA with Emmett and Elle.
Elle originally intends to work all the way up to her ninth month, but she ends up going on maternity leave earlier than planned so that she can rest and savor some quality time with each of the kids before she gives birth.
Emmett loves taking pictures of Elle during her pregnancy, particularly with her belly showing.
She goes into labor around midnight in her thirty-eighth week.
Emmett's mother arrives to look after the older kids.
While there aren't any serious complications during Elle's labor and delivery, it's not very pleasant.
It lasts for twenty-seven hours, risking an infection.
She's put on Pitocin to speed up the process, but she doesn't react well to it, and her epidural only works on one side of her body.
Thankfully, the baby girl is born healthy.
Emmett and Elle name her Juliet Anneliese Woods-Forrest, nicknaming her "Julie."
Appearance-wise, Julie is the perfect mix of her mother and father-- her father's eyes and her mother's hair.
Sophia and Owen take to their new sister immediately, loving on her as much as they can.
However, for Rosie, this is where the jealousy kicks in.
It takes a while for her to adjust to Julie being around, but she does love her little sister.
Even when his and Elle's leave wraps up, Emmett takes the option of extended leave to spend more time with the kids.
When he does eventually go back to work, he has a whole bunch of pictures on his desk of all of his kids.
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voidfairy8008 · 2 months
Gaiden 10.5 AU - Alt Timeline -Read the og timeline for more information on my AU
TW: Suicide, Death, Harsh Language, Grieving
Read at your own discretion!!!
That night, The two distraught Parents returned home, with only one child, Never in their lives, when becoming parents did they think they'd lose their child, but that became a reality.
Their Youngest daughter, Committed suicide by jumping from a tall height. Nothing could be said about the emotions they felt, nothing could be said about how they felt.
All her Mother did was Sob, she was the head doctor and she did everything to save her little girl but her efforts were pointless.
She declared her Daughter's Time of death: 10:16 pm. She looked with somber eyes at her daughter on the operating table. She was covered in blood.
The mother covered in her own daughter's blood, asked everyone to leave the room, with the most quiet but distraught voice, She felt defeated.
once everyone left, she picked up her body and sat on the operation table, She was holding her little girl, lifeless and pale, and she cradled her while singing her favorite lullaby.
Her husband was outside, thinking his daughter was okay, hoping she was okay. The doctors walked out, when he noticed his wife wasn't there, he asked where his wife was, then he asked where his Daughter was.
one of the doctors looked at his face, he had visible worry in his face, Doctor didn't say anything but "I'm sorry" The father, concerned ran to the room and found his wife holding their daughter.
He looked at them, Holding back tears, walked towards his wife, still holding their daughter.
🍅:Lay her here, we can stay until the coroner comes.
🍅: Sakura, please.
🌸: you can't make me , I won't let her go.
🍅:Honey, just lay her down.
🍅: Just Leave Her God dammit!
🌸:No! I'm not letting them Take My Baby!
He looked at her, He knew that she was in denial about all of it, He knew she thought she could bring their daughter back.
He went to go sit with her, And caressed his daughter's long, red hair.
The Girl's Father, however, Was inconsolable, while trying his best to stay strong for his Wife to not concern her about himself while she was already distraught.
He Blamed himself for His Daughter's Death, He knew He could've saved her, if he saved her in time then they wouldn't be experiencing this loss.
He was more focused on Yelling at his oldest daughter for the things she had done, in fact, he felt he spent too much time on his oldest, and never focused on her as much.
He would sometimes go into his Daughter's room and sit on her bed, and sit there quietly, His wife would join him sometimes but she wouldn't be there for long as she'd start to cry and leave as the pain was too much.
But when she'd sit there and cry, he'd hold her. Their oldest daughter, Stopped talking about her younger sister, and when her parents would mention her she'd walk off to her room, and she'd cry.
She knew it was her fault, She treated her sister horribly while growing up, but she was still her best friend and she lost her Best friend.
And she'd have to live with it, Her parents never blamed her, but she'd blame herself.
The pain was too much to bear for all of them, It was at the girl's funeral where her Father Finally broke down and cried because of how much he'd miss her.
Her mother, Never cried during the ceremony, people thought she was heartless and thought she wanted her daughter to die, but when she got home that's when she really cried.
No one got to sleep that night.
A Few months later, The girl's Mother found out she was Pregnant, which was a surprise at the very least.
When they Found out it was another little girl, they were happy but at the same time concerned, the father thought that they were replacing their late daughter, but his wife Reassured Him that this was meant to be and that their late daughter wouldn't mind a younger sister.
When The Baby was born a day before their late daughter's birthday, they knew it was meant to be, they named their new baby girl, Saiko, as that was a name their late daughter liked a lot.
0 notes
tbd99 · 5 months
entry: 11
I'm tired of feeding into my own sadness.
At what point can you truly say you're truly depressed, and not forcing yourself to say there? I feel that if I really tried, I could escape this emptiness that has been following me my whole life. I actually have tried that lately. I tried doing something that I loved... but I just couldn't. I got frustrated each and every day I tried making a change for the better. I just hope that one warm summer day, it'll all go away, and I'll finally feel happy. I don't even know what day it is, that's the kind of loop I'm living in. It's 2:50 am on some random day in the year, and that's all I know. I don't go outside anymore, and the reason for it is cowardly. I'm scared of the people, and their eyes. If I can't even try and be happy, why am I still here? If it takes to much of me to even do the littlest things. My mother has told me to do the same things for the past 3 days. Unload the dishwasher, clean the living room, and clean the bathroom. 3 small tasks normal people do everyday. But I'm not normal. I'm lazy. I'm a lazy person who can't do anything right. Mother doesn't say that but I know she thinks it. When I ask her to make me food because I'm hungry I know she looks at me like I'm a helpless child. but that's not true. i don't need anyone. i never have. i don't need anyone to try and fix me either. i begged my mother to take me to therapy and well... even the therapist said I wasn't depressed and to go on more walks. that's what the problem was. i was upset at first, no one could see how bad I was , but now that I think about it, I really was fine. even now, I am. people think about this kind of thing all the time. people think about suicide. people cut themselves. im no different. people just get over it faster than I do. I tried to look for pills in my mother's pill cabinet last night. or well-- a few weeks ago maybe?? my memory is really bad. she had nothing but allergy pills, but I could only look for like.. 4 minutes, until my sister came knocking at my door. it was scrambling to put the pills back in the cabinet, and I don't even know where this rant is going. i just think im ready to try again. that's my point. im not even spelling things properly or putting stuff in coherent sentences, and frankly, I don't care. someone I know is having a birthday party, and it would be a good way to say goodbye to all my friends. i normally try and do this each time I attempt. they've had to put up with me for so long, I feel as if I owe them a goodbye.
i wasnt going to go because ive been looking and feeling like total shit. i mean you cant look at me but if you did I look seriously awful. my skin is all grey, and my eyes are all dull. i haven't been speaking much, and honestly. i don't know how my mother doesn't know whats going on.. I've been starting to suspect for a while she knows, but doesn't really care to help. I've felt like this for so long, there's no way no one can understand me. I'm the youngest in my whole family by like... a whole decade. sometimes, I feel like some monkey in a cage. no one takes me seriously, and they all just disregard my actions as me being a teenager. which I get. I'm a pretty angst teen. but.. I've always been this way. I feel like the people in my family understand me, because they've been a teen before, but they're so detached from this feeling. sometimes, I wonder if anyone in my family has felt the things I've felt before. i don't think I'm sensitive, but, when you make a whole tumblr blog just to rant your feelings..... its sure starting to work that way. going back to that birthday party thing, I was thinking of going. but.. i hate the act I have to put on whenever I see my friends. I'm a very bleak and monotone person, but if my friends ever heard someone describe me that way, they wouldn't believe it. i put on this show whenever I'm around people, so they don't worry about me. I've been doing it my whole life. i don't know why I do it, it just makes me feel better if others don't know the rotting going on in my mind. i really don't feel good enough, but I guess ill stop ranting. sorry this was so rambly.
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kokoch4n3l · 8 months
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ONE — mr. kurokawa
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“patient is a possible narcissist sociopath but is oddly calm. It’s a bit scary honestly. I wonder what he’s thinking… he's pretty nice though. Sometimes that is” — MAYA’S ROUGH NOTES ON K.I
chapter summary: enter Kaneko Maya, a newly graduated psychiatrist with a shit load of student debt racked up and her scary but hot patient from 4th floor, Kurokawa Izana.
chapter warnings: unrequited love, inaccurate depictions of psychiatric hospitals, usage of drugs, mentions of gang violence, mentions of pedophiles, mentions of suicide, mentions of addiction, mentions of alcohol, f!oc with absolutely zero self-preservation skills
word count: 3500
moodboard | masterlist | chapter 2
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There was something about one-sided love that was so tragic but so beautiful to Maya. Just loving someone so much despite them not feeling the same way back. It was beautiful but tragic and also Maya's favourite book trope.
One-sided love, Hanahaki disease, right person wrong time, major character death.
Maya lived for tragic endings. When Disney movies with their happy ending stopped sufficing, she turned to books with dark romance, thriller and just dark shit in general. It was pretty nice to read. Don't get her wrong, she still loves her Disney movies just... It was nice to read about a girl who doesn't get the guy she wants at the end. After all, that was basically her life story. "Dude, I'm literally about to start my shift" Maya hisses at her 8-year-long crush over the phone as she
"Maya, what the fuck are you doing taking the night shift on a Friday anyway? I told you to switch to the day shift. It's gotten dangerous at night" Matsuno Chifuyu scolds her on the phone
Matsuno Chifuyu, Maya's senior from middle school. He was about 5 years older than her, currently 26, about to turn 27 in a few months. Maya met him in middle school when she was in 7th grade and he was in his final year of high school. She met him at a park in the middle of the night while he was trying to bandage the wounds on his face without a mirror. Maya called him stupid and Chifuyu scolded her because he was obviously older. He was older and seemed so out of her league but oh did Maya fall head over heels for him. There was just something about guys who rode motorcycles that did something to her heart. Unfortunately for her, Chifuyu did not go that young in terms of dating. She asked him before when he took her out after she graduated high school. He said the youngest he'd go was 2 years and any girl younger just seemed like a little kid to him.
Long story short, Maya got child-zoned.
She doesn't even know if that was a thing but Chifuyu didn't even friend zone her nor did her sister zone her. He just implied she was too young. It made her sad but Maya was alright with pining from afar and never confessing to him. "Night shift makes more money y'know... Besides, I don't actually have to work during the night shift and just make sure everyone goes to sleep after taking their medication. I told you this c'mon" Maya says as she clips her ID to the front pocket of her white coat and puts on the black keycard bracelet thing they gave her that allows her to go from floor to floor by pressing it against the scanners around all the doors and exits in the building.
"Maya. I understand you're not worried because you've been working there for a month now but it's gotten dangerous at night time in general. Don't you watch the news?"
Chifuyu sounds worried. He always sounds worried and his worry makes butterflies erupt in Maya's stomach. "you mean that Tokyo Manji Gang guys? C'mon Chifuyu, the probability of me being attacked by a gang is low" she says pressing her phone to her ear while fixing her bangs with the other as she looks at herself in the mirror of the locker room "I may be drowning in student debt but like, at least it's no interest and I haven't taken money from any sketchy place. I'll be fine. And, you have my live location so it should be fine"
She hears Chifuyu sigh on the other side. "Alright fine. But keep applying and see if you get somewhere better. And I am seeing you tomorrow right?"
Maya worked weekdays Monday to Friday on the night shift and had the weekends off. It wasn't that bad in her opinion. Her job paid crazy well for a simple psychiatrist job and she was able to steadily start to pay off her student loan and pay the rent for her apartment. So maybe it was fine that she worked at night time in the midst of... 'crazy' people, drug addicts, suicidal, violent killers and even more, she got money. Right? "Yup, I will see you tomorrow. Pick me up?" Maya asks
"Of course. Be safe Maya."
Maya feels her heart clench and she bids Chifuyu goodbye. He cut the call and not long after she gets a text from him telling her goodnight. She sighs. Kaneko Maya had a university degree, wrote multiple essays, and read many articles but she still read Chifuyu's text as I love you.
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Sunshine Grove Psychiatric Hospital had 4 levels.
1st floor was the entry with the employee locker room, front desk, storage, etc.
2nd floor was where all the drug addicts recovering from addiction were as well as those under suicide watch.
3rd floor had every one that came under other.
The 4th floor was the high-risk area with people that were there under court order. This means they got sent here as part of their sentence under the claims of insanity.
Each floor had a psychiatrist, 2-3 doctors and about 4 nurses assigned. There weren't many people admitted into Sunshine Grove due to how eerie and scary the building was and Maya doesn't blame them. But that also means less work for her so she isn't complaining. Maya was unfortunately assigned to the 4th floor. The 4th floor was lacking the required amount of employees by a lot. It had just 1 nurse and 1 doctor. The doctor, Sawamura or something, rarely ever even showed up. The nurse always tended to hide on the lower floors as well. Which left Maya alone on the floor with the security guard who was always stationed at the elevator. "good evening doctor" The security guard, Mr. Ueda greeted her as she stepped out of the elevator with a large cart
4th floor looked like what you'd imagine the inside of any psychiatric hospital look like. Unlike the other two floors which had some pop of colour, the 4th floor was just bland and gloomy. Flickering tube lights, white tiled floors and grey walls. If Maya didn't love money so much she wouldn't be working in such a shitty place. Especially in a place that looked like the set of a horror movie. "good evening" Maya said with a smile
The cart was stacked with trays on the inside. Food for the patients. It was dinner time and unlike the lower floors, 4th-floor patients didn't get the luxury of eating with other people and had to be given their food in their rooms. "how about you give me the tray for room 410" The guard said with his usual deadpan-monotonous-I-take-no-shit face
Maya nods and pulls out the tray and hands it to the guard to take to room 410. Room 410 had a convicted child predator rapist. According to Mr Ueda, Maya looked too much like a child and he wasn't about to let her get close to him. It was a pretty sweet gesture in her opinion and she never stopped him. So as Mr Ueda goes over to room 410 to give food to the child predator, Maya starts going from room to room with each tray. Despite the 4th floor housing psychotic criminals, it was relatively the calmest among them all. Very rarely any incidents and honestly speaking, Maya doesn't think any of them actually have anything wrong with them. Well all except him.
The man in room 401 at the end of the hall.
Kurokawa Izana. He was 30, and about to be 31 in a month or so. He was half Japanese and half Filipino with white hair, long white lashes, tan skin and violet eyes.
Absolutely fucking gorgeous in Maya's opinion.
Older guys just really hit the spot for her if you couldn't tell already. However, not only was Kurokawa Izana a criminal but he was also her patient. She had to keep things ethical here especially since it was her first job in this field. "Good evening Mr Kurokawa" Maya greets carrying the tray as she steps into his room after scanning her bracelet on the card reader system outside his door, the door locking shut behind her
But there was something odd she found about Kurokawa Izana and that was the fact that unlike the other criminals here, he was often hooked up to some IV bag. Not always but, very often. A lot of the other criminals didn't even get medication so it was weird for Maya to see this. "good evening Doc, I hope the drive here wasn't bad" Izana says with no smile but a sweet tone as usual
Once again, Izana is hooked up to the IV bag. He's lying in his hospital bed with the blanket pulled up to his hips, wearing the all-white 2 piece outfit all the patients here were required to wear. He's leaned back into the bed in a half-sitting half laying position looking a bit groggy like always when hooked up to the IV. It was a pretty potent drug and she couldn't even pronounce the name if she tried. Many times when clocking in she'd be visited by the hospital director himself and he'd tell her to go hook Izana up to the drip. She of course would comply. But it raised many questions in her as to why. "It's Friday night, such a shame you're working the night shift" Izana says as Maya sets the food down on the table in front of him
Maya shrugs as she set the food out like she does for all the patients. "It's whatever. I'm making good money so"
Izana smiles this time. It's eerie. "of course. That's what matters huh? You told me about your student loans last week, need to pay those off"
But unlike the other criminals on this floor, Kurokawa Izana was the only one she would have conversations with about things other than the usual things she was supposed to talk about. "Yeah ugh... So glad they got rid of interest else I would have been dying" Maya says with a laugh "would've sold a kidney or something at that point"
Izana laughs at her joke then slowly brings a hand up and starts to eat. His movements are slow because of the drug. Maya wonders why they're giving it to him. She wasn't a doctor so she didn't exactly know what it did but from the numbers on the bag she knew the dosage was high. "How about you give me some company while I eat, doctor?" Izana asks, cocking his head to the side
Maya nods and takes a seat on the chair in the room. Unlike the other patients, Maya didn't know what Izana did. When she was given his file, so many things about him were blacked off except for his birthday, name, gender and non-important things. Maya had to start off by knowing absolutely nothing about the guy. To make things worse she didn't find anything online either. If he was a criminal she should have found something online but there was nothing. So, Maya had to start from scratch. Over the month she was there she spent time trying to figure out exactly what Izana's condition was and why he was there but she got no answers from the staff and she didn't want to ruin Izana's privacy by asking him even though it was basically her job. It was a bit annoying since she didn't know what she was working with but she figured it could be worse. "Doing anything special this weekend?" Izana asks as he eats
Maya shrugs. "nah, not really. Just going out with a friend"
Izana raises a brow and then completely twists her words. "Boyfriend. You didn't tell me you had a boyfriend"
Getting to know Izana from scratch meant that she also ended up sharing information about herself which she knows she shouldn't have done but... Izana was nice. Kind of. "No, no! Not boyfriend. Just a friend" Maya corrects but the slight pink tinge on her cheeks says otherwise
"You definitely like him" Izana says with a teasing smirk, pointing his spoon at her
There were moments when Maya felt like she was talking to a friend rather than a patient. It was pretty unprofessional on her part but Izana had always been the one to initiate it so it wasn't exactly her fault. "that's... not true" Maya attempts to deny but fails miserably
"You can't fool me, Doctor Kaneko, you're an open book" Izana says, not smiling but his tone eerily cold now
Maya suppresses a shiver. If there was one word she could use to describe Kurokawa Izana(other than fucking hot), it would be scary. The constant switch of emotions on his face made her nervous. It felt like if she lied to him, he'd know. Maya sometimes wonders if Kurokawa Izana is a mind reader because he always seems to know everything before she even finishes telling him. But she is a psychologist working in a psychiatric hospital and she shouldn't let a patient get into her head, especially a criminal. So Maya puts on a professional smile and sucks it up. She needs the money, she'll get through it. "You got me. Just this guy I met in middle school. He's older" She thinks about Chifuyu and feels her heart speed up a bit "He doesn't like me back though. We're just friends"
"Awe... So it's one-sided" He says and Maya can't help but think he's mocking her
Maya shrugs. "Yeah I guess"
As Izana continues to eat, Maya looks around his room to make sure everything is in place. It's something she was required to do to make sure nothing was missing or a possible security breach wouldn't happen. But nothing like that would happen. These rooms were bland. A single hospital bed, a window with acrylic glass and white curtains, light grey walls, tube lights, white tiled floors, a table that was bolted to the ground and a chair that was too heavy to be picked up. The 4th-floor rooms were just glorified jail cells, nothing like the rooms on the 2nd floor with the colours and pretty pot lights that you could adjust. Then again, this floor was full of criminals. Maya often forgets that thought because of how oddly calm everyone on this floor is. Apparently, it wasn't always like this. Maya would rather not know the reason for this tranquillity, fearing the answer wouldn't be something she liked. "So I'm guessing you won't be confessing to him?" Izana asks
Maya giggles, covering her mouth with her hand. "I'm starting to think you like gossip, Mr. Kurokawa"
Izana scowls and denies it immediately but Maya laughs and stands up after seeing the time on her Apple watch and that Izana is almost done with his food. "Okay uh... I'm gonna go collect all the trays" Maya tells him "Be back later for yours"
She walks towards the door and feels his gaze on her back. He was scary. So fuckin scary but also so damn hot. Maya knows it was unethical and just morally wrong to be thinking that way about her patient. It was messed up. But thinking and acting were two different things. She was in no way abusing her power. She was just, admiring. Right? She was a fresh out of college single 22-year-old. Cut the girl some slack. She looks back at him one last time and for a moment everything just felt wrong. Izana is staring at her. Head cocked to the side and eyes blank, void of any emotion. Maya smiles nervously and presses the bracelet on her wrist against the magnetic reader and the door clicks open. She leaves quickly but not after making sure that the door is properly locked. Maya shivers as she walks back down the hall toward the first room she had given food to and sees that the security guard has already brought back the tray from room 410 as usual. It was a routine almost. Maya would bring everyone dinner first, Mr. Ueda would bring it to 410's inhabitant, Maya would end off at 401 and talk to Izana for a while, she'd leave and go get the trays from the rooms and Mr. Ueda would get it from 410. Now Maya was back at room 401 to finally get Izana's tray. She stares at the door for a moment, almost not wanting to go in. They didn't exactly restrain the criminals at Sunshine Grove. She found it weird that they wouldn't. It was just their rooms with the heavy metal doors that were keeping them confined. However, inside the rooms, she was vulnerable. However, Maya never felt that way with any of the other patients on the 4th floor except for Izana. She presses her bracelet against the magnetic reader and the door clicks open. She walks in. "I'm back Mr. Kurokawa!" She says with a smile
But even if Izana was scary and made her feel vulnerable, he was still her favourite patient. "Welcome back, sweetheart." Izana says in his usual low timbre
Deep down Maya knew she was going to be disappointed the day she found out exactly what Izana did to end up here. She knew it was going to make her sad because he was pretty nice to talk to if you ignored how his gaze would go blank and how he seemed almost like an evil spirit— then Kurokawa Izana was a pretty solid guy.
Maya ends her shift at 5 am. As she's waiting for the elevator to come up so she can go back down to the first floor and clock out, Mr. Udea, like always asks how her shift was. "It was fine. Can't wait to go and sleep" Maya tells him with a sigh
Mr Ueda nods and looks around at the single hallway. "From the past month you've been working here I see you spend a lot of time in 401" He says
Technically, all patients were supposed to be asleep after dinner. But the rules for the 4th floor were different. They didn't care what they did in their rooms as long as they weren't causing a ruckus. However, many of the patients still slept anyway. Many except Izana. Maya was a psychiatrist working the night shift when all patients were sleeping. It was dumb for her to even be here in the first place. But money is money no matter what time it is earned. "Well, he's the only one awake and insists on talking to me. I'm a psychiatrist and it's kinda my job to talk to him" Maya tells him with a shrug
Mr. Ueda is frowning for some reason. It almost looks like he knows what Kurokawa Izana did. "What did he do to get in here by the way? 100 percent not a child groomer or pedophile since you let me go into his room... Uh, probably not a rapist either..." Maya keeps trying to think of the possibilities but they're endless
It's been a whole month since she was hired here and she made absolutely no progress in figuring out what Kurokawa Izana did to be admitted into Sunshine Grove. "Maybe don't think about it too much Doctor" Mr. Ueda says cutting her off "It's not important. You're doing your job better than any other psychiatrist that has worked here so far and I think that's enough. Don't concern yourself with what Kurokawa Izana did or who he is"
It sounds more like a demand than a suggestion. Maya is about to ask him what he means but the elevator doors open. "I'll see you Monday, Doctor Kaneko" Mr. Ueda says simply
Maya just nods and steps into the elevator.
How odd...
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notes: reblogs, comments and likes are very much appreciated! I hope you enjoyed. I usually don’t edit my works and just say fuck it and post so if there are mistakes, my bad lol. Once again, not meant to be accurate depiction of psychiatric facilities!
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beonhwarp · 10 months
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the TWENTY-SIX year old is said to look a lot like BANG CHAN and resides in a FARM IN THE OUTSKIRTS. they are best known as the BLOOM & BOUNTY VENDOR. look! i think they're headed this way! but make sure to read this CHECKLIST before you go.
a look further into their life . . .
born to a mother that was hoping to end their bloodline, elias choi had an interesting life. originally born as hayoon kim, his mother had tried to give her son a relatively normal upbringing, something she wasn’t given due to the paranoia of her own mother— the last child of the former kim ruler. 
despite elias’ grandmother’s young age when her father had died, that did not mean her older brother (the only other survivor of the overthrow) didn’t instill in her the importance of their lineage. he was growing up to learn the ropes of power and thus pushed that on his youngest sister, having been the one to flee with her when the reckoning was upon them for the final time. yet, even with that knowledge, she still wished to have a family, to carry on their family name even if it was in secret. her child, elias’ mother, lived in isolation with no friends, no one to speak to besides her mother and ailing father as she grew.
it clearly took a toll on her, all she wanted to do was rebel, but her mother had a hook in her so deep she wouldn’t dare think of doing it until she was old enough to get by on her own. she had gone to school, but she would do only that and then come right back home. in school she learns of the evils of the kim family, about the uprising and the rebellion against them which she brings back home to tell her mother about. sitting in silence, her mother would say nothing. her mother worried that her daughter knowing the truth about their family lineage would get them into trouble so she said nothing.
however being secretive only went so far, by the time the woman was 25, she had discovered old text from her family in her mother’s chest, floored that her mother would keep something like this from her. an argument ensued, her daughter telling her that she had no right to keep her isolated because of this even if she had done it to keep her safe. there was so much anger and hurt over not having a normal childhood that the woman fled their home in the far outskirts of town into the city center. somehow wanting to prove that she could be a kim while also living a normal life.
it works out to some extent, she lives life normally, boasting to herself about how her mother was way too paranoid for her own good and that if she had been so hellbent on keeping her child in the dark, why even have one in the first place? it gave her a semblance of power to know that she would be ending their bloodline, there wouldn’t be another kim left from this dynasty.
sometimes life works in funny ways though. she was a bit of a free spirit, doing what she wanted whenever she wanted, knowing her mother would be rolling over in her bed. that free spirit however landed her in a spot she swore she would never be in. at the age of 40, having thought she escaped the throws of womanhood, she became pregnant with her first and only child, elias (originally born kim hayoon). this threw her world for a loop, at first she wanted to give him away to an orphanage, but the longer she carried him, the more she fell in love with him.
it’s in the crisp autumn  of 1997 that hayoon was born. his mother loved him the moment he started crying and she knew she was going to give her son the life he deserved, the one she never got. at first, that is what she did. they lived in the village amongst other townsfolk, hayoon went to school and played with children when he was off. everything was normal until it wasn’t.
at the age of eight, his mother had seen knights looting around their home, she wasn’t sure what it was for, but it spooked her enough into thinking that they had found out who she was— who her family was, so over the next few weeks she gathered what she could and fled with hayoon into the mountains, to the exact cabin she was raised in. shocked to find her mother alive, but also happy to be able to reunite with her. as she was with her daughter and to be able to meet her grandson.
from then on out, hayoon lived his life as his mother did as a child. isolated, but loved, and he really didn’t have any problem with it. he loved living with his grandmother and mother, loved being able to learn to live off the land and provide them with the strength neither of them had as they both aged. his grandmother told him stories of his family, wanting to not do what she had done to her daughter and keep her grandson in the dark. he had known since he was a child that he was the descendant of the previous ruler and knew to always keep it a secret or else his life would be in danger. eventually his grandmother passed and they buried her with a small ceremony which only left hayoon and his mother.
hayoon didn’t want to leave his mother, honestly he was scared of what could happen to him if he went anywhere else, but she encouraged him to go live his life despite the fear and that he’d never know anything outside of that if he didn’t try. it gave him courage to decide to leave home at the age of 19 and move back into the town. however, moving back meant he had to be someone entirely new and could never reveal his true identity. 
from that day forward, hayoon kim became elias choi, a man who had moved from the french countryside to beonhwa for a change of scenery… or so he told everyone he met.
elias lives quite a normal life currently. he lives just on the outskirts of the main town in a small little home good enough for him. he has a pretty vast farm where he grows an array of different crops along with caring for cows and field of honeybees. he doesn’t hate living in the town center nor does he entirely hate beonhwa as a nation, he just wishes his family, especially his grandmother didn’t have to suffer and watch her entire family be killed just because of the greed of his great-grandfather.
for someone to find out about his real identity and protect his secret because they care about him.
to see him lose his mother like he had his grandmother.
to grapple with love and wonder if carrying on this lineage while the looming thought that someone could find out and kill them is worth it.
for him to become comfortable enough to share with people and let them into his life.
perhaps to hire people to help him out at the farm and the stall, so he’s not doing everything alone.
someone he remembers from his childhood growing up in the town to remember him as well and unravel that the life he’s currently living is a lie.
written by chase (she/her), 21+ in the cst tmz. personal triggers: images depicting heavy gore
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