#i fought her for a few years like my life depended on it and maybe it did
been coming to some realizations about the ol' teenage years and the effects of social isolation, csa, emotional and physical abuse, and religious brainwashing all whipped up into a nauseating salad while you're going through puberty for the first time
that's where a lot of my relationship and sexual dysfunction come from. being forced to confess every single fucking thing to a parental figure who then threatened to go tell the creepy old bishop about "your little problem." as if me touching my own body was some kind of horrible addiction. she made me dissociate completely from my whole body and suppress every natural urge i had. she told me god would only forgive me a few times and then he'd stop after that because clearly i wasn't really sorry enough for enjoying my body at all
and then she just engaged the rest of the fucking family to make sure i never had any time alone, which was the most horrible overstimulating shit ever for my autistic ass. i wasn't allowed any alone time for any reason. shower? she'd always find a time to sneak up and knock on the door really hard just to make me jump and keep me on edge. actually she did that for fun all the damn time, just like she pulled the hair at the nape of my neck to see me tear up because she found it hilarious. she screamed at me when i finally did it back to her though.
never had a problem holding me down to stick needles in my face, feeling me up under my shirt, touching me everywhere no matter how much i hated it and made that clear, pulling up my shirt and bra in front of the rest of the family. people make fun of the weird kids who bark and growl, but it was the only thing that made her back off.
and there was nobody i could talk to, because "family things stay in the family." i wasn't allowed to go to public school or leave the house at all without a parent until i was 17 just so she could control my entire world. i had exactly one crush for about a week until she found out and started tearing me down for it. i couldn't have any friends she didn't personally approve, and she also had to personally approve their parents. i wasn't allowed sleepovers. one time i came back from a church activity wearing blue eyeshadow one of the youth group leaders had put on me because i liked it, and she told me i looked "like a prostitute" and freaked the fuck out. the Sunday after that, she copied her own makeup onto me to show me off as essentially a tiny version of her to all the adults at church.
she was honestly just a possessive jealous creepy gross incestuous pedophile, and i wanted to die. the only way for me to escape was burying myself in a book and getting my consciousness outside of myself completely. even that wasn't enough after a while.
she realized one day that i was getting bigger than her, and she decided to start having weird wrestling matches with me on the living room floor. i'd been carefully supervised through tae kwon do classes but i was too scared to hit her. she always ended up tickling me and sitting on me in ways that weren't right for anyone to do to a kid to win. i just wanted to let loose, crack her jaw, throw her out the window, but i knew if i did that the consequences would be severe.
if i ever see her again i'm showing her what a left hook feels like. she loved to complain about how i was born evil and just the most badly-behaved kid of all time, but sometimes i wish i'd really unleashed everything and shown her what an unholy terror really is.
nowadays touch is still a minefield for me, even just a tap on the shoulder can send me into furious shaking. i don't know how to have sex without ignoring what i feel and just trying to make someone else feel good. i can't cuddle anyone but my girlfriend, and even that kinda freaks me out sometimes.
the moral of the story is, don't fucking have kids if you're going to abuse them. don't even get a pet. collect rocks or something, find a hobby, tie a boulder around your neck and chuck it off a cliff into the ocean like that jesus guy said, but don't have kids if you're going to abuse them. oh and burn your bible/book of mormon/christian scriptures of choice, that's not a childrearing manual.
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sl0t4matt · 5 months
smut w marc guiu where some boy is trying to talk to the reader in a party and marc gets jealous and then reader and marc end up doing things in his car please🤭
m. guiu | jealous looks good on you
warnings: smut
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marc annoyed the shit out of you today. he’s been such a bitch, fighting and complaining about any minor thing you did wrong. you know your boyfriend can be sassy at times, but today he’s been extra.
you’re supposed to be the girl in the relationship not him and he’s the one acting bitchier than you. today you got especially tired of it, so you called your friends and brought them to the club, bringing you to now, sitting on a chair beside the bar, waiting for your friends to come back from dancing.
you didn’t join them because your legs gave up on you a few minutes ago when you were dancing, like your life depended on it.
you decide to get on your phone, check a few messages, before they get back, so you get on instagram, immediately noticing that hector posted a story.
you click on it seeing a booth of the club you are exactly in. you keep watching the video scoffing at seeing marc in the corner of it, he’s not alone though. a girl is sat beside him, talking to him. a little too close for any girlfriends liking.
“what the fuck.” you mutter, huffing at him finding a new girl exactly after you fought. pathetic really. she’s not even close to your level.
“hi, i’m diego. i saw you dancing a few minutes ago, you looked stunning, could i buy you a drink?” an attractive man sits down beside you. he looks like he’s in his 19s or maybe 20s, with dark skin and dreadlocks.
if marc can talk to other women, what should stop you to? maybe you could even get him jealous and make him see how much he actually needs you. “yes i would love that, actually.” you smile at him.
“perfect, what would you like?” he grins back, his pearly white teeth peeking through his lips. “i’ll take a negroni, thank you.”
“a negroni for the pretty woman beside me, please.” he winks at you. you innerly cringe at his words but don’t let it show. you get the drink in a heartbeat since it only had three ingredients. you smile at the bartender, taking the drink.
“so, are you new in barcelona?” he asks, leaning closer to you. “i moved here a few years ago, for uni.” you answer, sipping on your drink. “nice, what university do you go to? i go to esade.” your eyes widen. esade is one of of barcelonas elite, also super hard. “you study law? that’s like suicide.”
he laughs at your reference. “yeah, it’s a lot.” he nods, agreeing with you. “oh sorry. i go to the university of barcelona.” you answer his previous question.
“you’re good. did you come alone or with friends?” you look around trying to find your girlfriends, but failing immediately, the crowd in the dance floor being way too big to see them. the nightlife of barcelona really is something else.
“i came with my friends, i can’t find them right now, though. they’re probably dancing.” you answer, giving him a tight lipped smile.
you keep looking for them, when you suddenly meet eyes with a certain brown eyed boy, you call your boyfriend. his brows are furrowed and eyes piercing on the guy beside you. if looks could kill, diego would be five feet under for sure.
he gets up from the spot in between hector and the girl on the video and walks towards you. “oh fuck.” you mutter. diego glances at you. “what’s wrong?” he asks, but marc is already in front of you. diego furrows when he sees him.
“hermano, can i help you?” diego asks him. “yeah, you can get the fuck out of my face.” marc spats, turning to look at him. “who the hell are you?!” diego gets up pushing marc’s chest slightly, you still sitting dumbfound beside the bar.
“i’m her boyfriend, you dumbass.” marc isn’t the one to act nice. you know he could throw a whole fit in here as well as seriously hurt the guy if he really wanted to, so you get up, getting in between both of the boys.
maybe project making marc jealous wasn’t such a good idea, since you know exactly how mad marc can get when jealous.
“marc lets go.” you pull on his hand, making him look down on you, with gritted teeth. he scoffs, taking your hand and dragging you to the exit of the club.
you see hector on the way out, him laughing at marc’s outburst.
he takes his car key out of his pocket, opening it. “get in.” he demands, after opening the door to the passenger seat. you scoff, getting into his car. he turns around to get into the driver seat, walking like a mad kid you think.
“did you want to make me jealous, is that it?” he huffs. you turn to look at him, rolling your eyes. “did you? with that blonde girl?” you ask him back. “what the hell are you talking about?”
“oh please. so you’re telling me you weren’t all up on that girl beside you, taking to her.” you scoff. he can’t deny the fact that she was eye fucking him the entire time.
“fucking hell, i wasn’t all up on her, she was the one flirting with me and i literally told her i have a girlfriend.” you roll your eyes. “she was the one? because i’m sure, i literally saw that you were laughing with her on hectors story.” he scoffs.
“see! you always fucking do that shit. you don’t trust me.” you laugh, sarcastically. wow this just is really hilarious. “oh my god! i don’t trust you? you literally dragged me out of there because i was talking to a guy.” you yell at him, finding it rich coming from him.
his hand makes its way to his forehead, massaging it. “because if i didn’t, you would’ve ended up in that guys bed.” he reasons, shaking his head. “are you even hearing yourself? what the hell are you saying? bro just shut the fuck up, honestly.” you scoff, also shaking your head.
“fuck you.” he spats. “fuck you!” you yell back, turning to look at him, meeting his eyes. his eyes move from yours down to your lips, licking his own. “i hate you.” you mumble, as the both of you lean into each other, meeting your lips in a heated and aggressive kiss, taking out your madness on each other in a kiss.
his hand moves to his thigh, squeezing it. his other grips your neck, clutching around it and pulling you even closer if thats possible. your hand slips into his pants, finding his already hard cock. “fuck.” he moans into your mouth.
you start to jerking him off, collecting his pre cum with your thumb, making him tense at the sudden touch.
he pulls his seat back, mentioning you to straddle him. so you do so, each of your legs in between his lap as you feel his already throbbing cock in between your legs, begging for release. he winces, as you grind on him, while you lock lips again, feeling his stubble slightly tickle your chin.
his hand glides in between your legs, pulling your panties down. you’re already soaking and you’re sure he’s very aware of it, your juices already rolling down onto his pants.
you attempt to open his belt with a rush but fail miserably. he helps you, opening up his belt, following with sliding his pants down his hips. he hurries with taking off your top, his hands instantly gripping your tits.
you hoover over his tip, biting your lip when you feel his tip slightly touching your soaked hole. he rocks his hips upward, making his dick stretch out your cunt. you snake your hand around his neck, clutching onto his sweaty hair.
you whine, when you feel him fully inside of you, collecting all of your juices. “you’re so tight, ma.” he groans, as he takes ahold of your waist, squeezing it.
your lips hoover over his as you roll your hips back onto his, feeling his dick pulsing around you, your breasts bouncing up and down. he groans at the stimulation, panting heavily.
you quicken your movements, thrusting into him more laboriously. “marc.” you breathlessly moan his name, arching your back at the feeling, feeling closer to the edge.
you tremble from on top of him, clutching onto his shoulders, your nails digging deep into his skin, forming cat like scratches. “fuck. gonna come.“ he groans before filling you up with his warm sperm.
your legs shake around his cock before you come onto him, drenching his thighs in your come.
your head leans onto his shoulder, tiredly. a smirk forms onto his smug face, as he sees your juices all over him. “not a word.” you speak, knowing he was going to make a smart ass mark.
“for a person you hate, i can make you come quite alright, don’t you think?” he winks. “oh my god.” you shake your head.
“what did you say the last time? jealous looks good on me?” he chuckles. you hit his chest before getting back into the passenger seat. it does look good on him. you can’t lie.
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poppadom0912 · 5 months
Warnings: Mentions of drugs, bad police, swearing
Summary: Swear to God, the drugs in your bag, they're not yours.
A/N: This was written very suddenly, plot very random but it is here! Hope you guys enjoy this a lot, my exams have finished for the mean time so I'll try writing more. This title also makes no sense but i have no more creative juices left in me. By the end of this, it gets very cringe and ew so pretend it doesn't exist pls😭
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It had been a long day and all you wanted to do was go to the firehouse and sleep in Kelly's bunk, maybe even have a snack depending on who cooked.
But alas, somehow, at the end of the school day, you found yourself in the back of a police car in handcuffs, being driven to the police station.
For the past few months, any drug dealing and drug intake had increased in your school to such a point that all of a sudden this morning, police were at the school doors searching everyone as they entered, looked for any sort of suspicious activity during the day and do a final search as you all left.
For you, the entire day had gone smoothly till about 15 minutes ago when they were searching your bag. You were more than one hundred percent confident you were safe. One because you'd never come across drugs in the seventeen years of your life, two because you live with firefighters and most importantly, your older brother was a lieutenant. Drugs were an easy death sentence.
The Ziploc bags they found in your backpack, they caught you so off guard you thought you were hallucinating but then they asked you to walk them to your locker and they wouldn't take no for an answer.
When you didn't move immediately, they started pushing you, one hand on your back and one on your bicep. You were so shocked that their tight grips went unnoticed.
Opening your locker to them, you didn't need to look, you could feel their eyes burning into your head.
Fast forward to now and you were being dragged inside the station like an uncooperating toddler having a tantrum. You had your own two feet and hadn't fought them once. Why were they being so harsh with you?
You hadn't even realised the exact location till you were stood in front of a desk and the policeman with a tight grasp of your arm had said a name you recognised.
The Sargent did a double take, looking at your bewildered as she looked past the officer as if he wasn't even there.
"Junior." She said affectionately, calling you the name everyone had dubbed for you basically since birth. Your name was only ever uttered when in trouble or when anyone, mainly you were distressed.
"Officer." Trudy sternly addressed the man, voice firm with her face set in stone. "Care to explain why you have my niece in cuffs?"
The second officer stepped up from behind you, shaking the clear evidence bag in her eye line.
"Burgess!" Trudy called for the brunette officer who was making her way up the stairs. "Take Y/N off their hands please. I need to call Severide."
Kim's eyes widened in shock when she saw you. Without any further question, she came down and gently steered you towards the intelligence bullpen.
"It's alright Y/N, we'll get this all sorted, don't worry."
Her words alone comforted you, her kind hands so gentle you felt imminent relief.
You didn't even need to see Kelly to know he was there. You could hear his raised voice laced in anger, tinged with worry and concern for his baby sister.
His boots running up the stairs followed and soon enough, all your senses were being flooded by him.
"Thank goodness your okay." He sighed, kneeling in front of you so he could inspect you properly. "Oh God Y/N, are you hurt? Are you-" He cut himself off when your bottom lip trembled.
"Oh Y/N." Opening his arms, you easily fell into his welcoming embrace. Such a bug bringing you comfort and safety the same way your entire life.
"I'm here now." He said, face resting in your hair as he spoke to only you. He pressed a light but assuring kiss when he heard the tell-tale signs that you were about to start crying. "I'm going to fix this, I promise Y/N."
"They're not mine." You mumbled into his shirt collar, squeezing your eyes shut as to prevent any tears from spilling over. "You have to believe me Kels- I would never-"
"I know, I know." He shushed you, rubbing his hands over your bare arms, his motions stopping when he noticed how red your bicep was with specifically shaped indentations.
"What the fuck?!" He gently inspected your arms, making you pull back in confusion, your own eyes widening at the red hand marks and nails indents.
"It doesn't hurt-"
"That doesn't fucking matter." Oh- He was more than angry now. Livid didn't do him justice. When Kelly got angry he got loud and even violent but right now, he was silent, unmoving in his fury.
You were too scared to ask what he was going to do next.
"Hey Junior how- oh shit." Matt swore, smile disappearing as soon as he stepped into the breakroom and caught sight of your arm in Kelly's hand.
"Shit indeed." Adam added, appearing out of nowhere spooking all three of you.
Whipping your heads up to look at the officer, he smiled and apologised sheepishly. He held up a key in his hand, "Let's finally get your hands of these cuffs."
Despite your previous teary eyes, your mood improved at his words as you pushed your wrists in his direction eager to get your hands free.
Kelly grumbled at the sight of your red and raw wrists, a definite sign that they had been put on too tight.
"So, we've made some progress."
Witnessing Matt trying to calm Kelly down, holding his elbow so he didn't do anything stupid would've been hilarious if your wrists weren't so sore, but the sight did ease the pain somewhat.
The two men had been glaring at the stupid teenage boys who didn't even have the decency to look chastised or shameful or anything of the sorts when they were caught and taken in by intelligence.
As it turns out, it was as easy and simple as checking the school security cameras to find out who planted the drugs in your locker and bags.
Apparently, you weren't their only target.
Trudy had forced the two officers to apologise to you which they did very begrudgingly which she wasn't very happy about. You glared at them, rolled your eyes at the insincere apology and outright said 'i don't accept your half-assed apology'.
Kelly would let you off for swearing on just this once occasion. This was the only exception because they gully deserved it.
"You won't be seeing these idiots for a while." You weren't too sure who Trudy was referring to, the policemen or the criminal teenage boys because she walked off before any of you could ask for clarification.
"You want to get milkshakes?" Kelly nudged your shoulder gently, a soft smile on your face when your eyes brightened up just like they did when you were younger whenever someone mentioned said sweet treat.
It was safe to say that with the people around you, no one would mess with you like that again.
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adorabluesposts · 4 months
I saw your post for requests and I was wondering if you would do a fic for Jason Todd? I saw you reposted something for him but if not it’s totally okay!
If yes, could you do a fic where he brings his girlfriend to the manor and everybody questions why she is with him? They are like polar opposites with her being shy and kind compared to his blunt attitude?
This might be a stretch but perhaps Damian’s long lost sister? (I’m a sucker for platonic Damian)
But again if you just reposted that and don’t write for them you can ignore this!
YES YES OMG WP I LOVE YOU WHATT THANKS FOR REQUESTIONG FOR JASON<333 he's my babygirl 💗. Sorry this took so long I'm a menace to society. Maybe I went a bit too crazy with this.
TW: MENTIONS OF suicide, murder, violence, abuse
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It's hard to recall how it happened. It took what felt like years for you to get this close to Jason, but you were proud of your achievement.
Ever since you were a child, your parents taught you what kindness meant. Well, your mother did. Even if it was rough at home, and your father made living a hell, your mother managed to teach you how to treat any scar with kindness and not fight back with violence. And, after he killed her, you almost lost hope. But you just swore to continue finding kindness in anything. For her.
Its just that now you were more closed off.
And your feet were now glued to the ground. You saw the reality of Gotham when your dad killed himself after brutally murdering your mother. Leaving you all alone.
Enter Jason Todd, on a lonely night when you were just walking through the sad streets of Gotham. You had stumbled upon a mugging—a terrified woman cornered by two thugs. You couldn’t just stand idly by.
Your mother's kindness had been your legacy, and you would honor it. But before you could intervene, the Red Hood appeared. He moved with lethal precision, dismantling the criminals without hesitation. You watched, torn between awe and fear. When he turned to leave, you found your voice.
"You're bleeding." You commented, looking at his crimson red suit, which happened to be more red than usual. The guys he just fought didn't hurt him.. it must've been someone else.
"I am fine." Red Hood replied, clutching his side.
Somehow, he ended up on your couch. You weren't that much of a fan of it, considering that your landlord would kick you oit if his property smelled like a crime scene. And you were more than scared to have someone like Jason in your room. But you couldn't just... let him bleed out!
"The way you're patching me up isn't very comforting." He broke the silence. You smiled, but let out a small scoff.
“Comforting?” you laughed. “I’m not here to comfort you. I’m here to prevent my landlord from evicting me because my apartment smells like a crime scene.”
“You’re weird.” Jason tried to sit up, but you push him back down.
“Coming from a guy who wears a red helmet and shoots people,” You retorted. “That’s rich.”
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Now you were in front of the Wayne Manor, holding Jason's hand like your life depended on it. Your heart was beating oit of your chest. Jason tried to rub your hand for comfort, but you were still nervous.
Bruce was the one that invited Jason to a monthly dinner. He tried to be closer to Jason, and he would've declined evey time of it wasn't for you begging him to give him a chance.
And this time, you decided to tag along. None of them knew. Except for Alfred, who Jason made sure to alert a few days before the dinner. You were contemplating your decisions, though.
As you both entered the Manor, and politely smiled at Alfred, you felt like your knees would just give out. And Jason now had a frown on his face, as if he hated the place.
You heard commotion from the dining room, with a few people sitting at the table already. We're you late?
"They usually wait a bit for us. But the food isn't ready." Jason whispered into your ear, easing your worries, before he cleated his throat. All heads snapped at him.
A few wanted to greet him, but their voices just got stuck as they saw you. "Hi, Jason." One of them still managed to say.
You recognised Bruce as he got up with a nod and walked over. "Who might you be?"
"She's my girlfriend." Jason placed his arm around your shoulder with a small, but proud, smile.
A few of the boys laughed. One of the girls just gasped with a smile.
"-Jason has a girlfriend?"
"-is it April fools yet?"
"-She's so pretty!"
You pushed a strand of hair behind your ear, smiling slightly. "Nice meeting you."
"She sounds so sweet," someone whispered.
Jason grabbed you from Bruce's glare, guiding you to the table as he introduced you to the kids. They all looked at you, watching you closely.
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That night, with every word you'd speak, the family would look more concerned, shocked or amused.
Damian finally cleared his throat. "Sorry to say, Jason. But your little girlfriend here will get herself killed."
You raised an eyebrow at that.
"Does she even know?" Tim asked. You assumed he was talking about the whole family's secret lives.
"She does." Jason grumbled. "And she'll be fine."
"Damian's right- she's too.. not you." Dick spoke.
"I think she's perfect!" Stephanie comments, where Cass just shakes her head with a smile, agreeing.
"I-" Jason held your hand underneath the table.
"I think she'll be fine." Bruce spoke up, giving you a nod. "Jason could use someone like her."
"We all could." Tim mumbled
“Smooth talker, that Bruce,” Jason whispered to you.
You rolled your eyes with a soft smile. “Says the guy who once told me he’d sweep me off my feet with a crowbar.”
Jason laughed. “Hey, it worked, didn’t it?”
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They didn't take long to warm up after that. They were all still so confused on how you made your way there, but they liked you.
The Manor became like a second home after that, considering how often you'd visit. You would help around, goof or just lay there late at night when some were on patrol.
Damian, on the other hand, took the longest to adjust. Jason didn't try to get you two to warm up, because he didn't really want to. He knew how Damian was.
But you made your way to his heart, too.
Well, he secretly started calling you “Sister” when no one was listening. And it made your heart melt. He always acted nice towards you when his siblings were out of earshot.
Jason knew, though. But he swore not to tease Damiam, just for the sake of him not getting mad at you. ❤️
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howlingday · 18 days
Hear me out... Jaune is PipSeras child.
He's got a French name, blond hair, blue eyes, is a lot stronger than he knows at first.
That's kinda all I got.
Toss in weird "Uncle" Alexander and Alucard too.
Everything happened so fast. What was supposed to be just another adventure for Jaune and his friends ended up getting him killed in the end. And not even in a cool, heroic way like a last stand protecting his friends from the Grimm... or Cinder, but he fell when the cliff he'd been standing on gave way and sent him and few Grimm hurtling towards their demise. It was a long drop. Just long enough for him to say.
"I'm coming, Pyrrha."
And then, everything was black. Memories began fading in and out of his mind. His first day at Beacon. His last night with Pyrrha. His childhood spent with his seven sisters. His broken body being lifted out of the dirt by and rubble by a woman with red eyes.
Huh... He didn't recognize her, but she started to fill his mind more and more, even more clearly than his previous memories had. She had short, blonde hair, tied back in a small ponytail, much like his wolf tail in his younger years. She was shorter than him, almost by a foot, maybe, but she carried him like he weighed nothing. She then placed herself into his neck and Jaune felt every part of his being was being drained from him. Like he was dying faster.
His mind blinked and she knelt over him, warmth filling his mouth. He could feel his body begin to shift and change. Then everything went dark again. The memories began fading in and out again, but the ones with the woman weren't as present this time.
Was this death? He'd heard stories of golden gates, a realm of clouds and a reunion with others who passed before he did. Maybe even a reunion with Pyrrha. Yet death now seemed to be, well, just sitting in the dark and thinking about what you've experienced. It was no different from living, was it? Was this why people were urged to live their life to the fullest? Because once you die, you're stuck in the dark thinking about how good you had it when you were alive?
Could he move? Jaune twitched his finger... And he could move! Feeling around, he was on the floor of a cave. An uncomfortable floor, at that. He decided to push himself up, and see what the room of death looked like.
The woman from his memories stood at the other side of the room, a menacing look in her eyes as she glared down the barrel of her rifle.
Jaune decided to lay back down.
"You're awake now," the armed woman said, "so you might as well get up."
"Are you going to shoot me?" Jaune asked.
"That depends on what you're going to do." She made a gesture with her rifle, moving it up swiftly. Jaune stood to his feet, hands in the air. She stepped closer. "No funny business."
"No funny business." Jaune gulped. "Got it."
'Better listen to mother, kid.' A voice said. 'Zat is no "popgun" she's holding.'
"I'm sorry, what?" Jaune looked at the woman after hearing the man's voice. "What did you say?"
"Wait, did you hear him, too?" She asked.
"Uh... Yeah?"
"Hm..." She lowered her weapon, narrowing her brow as she squinted at him. Suddenly, Jaune's hand flew out and squeezed her breast. She shrieked and punched Jaune into the wall. "You pervert!"
Jaune had fought his fair share of Grimm since attending Beacon Academy. Granted, it wasn't as much as Ruby or her team or his team, but he'd say it was his fair share. The hardest thing to ever hit him was that Ursa that was attacking Cardin. This woman's punch made that seem like the bat of a kitten.
"Agh... What the hell..."
"Pip, you asshole!" The woman growled. "You could have done something else!"
'Ah, but it wouldn't 'ave been as funny, mon cher~!'
"Who..." Jaune rose to his feet. "Who is that?"
"His name is Pip, and he's a pervert asshole." The woman grumbled.
"No kidding..." Jaune still felt sore in his jaw, but nothing felt broken. Either his aura was that good or something happened to his body. "And who are you?"
"My name is Seras."
"Nice to meet you, Seras. I'm Jaune." He extended his hand, making her flinch. When she noticed it made no attempt for her chest, she took his hand and shook it. Jaune then noticed that her hand was a writhing mass of black and red tendrils. He flinched, making the woman and the voice his head share a laugh. "What... What are you?"
"I'm a vampire." She said like it was the most normal response ever. "And so are you."
Jaune blinked. "What?"
A scream echoed from the mouth of the cave. He recognized it as Nora's. He ran for the entrance, only to be stopped by Seras, holding her arms out wide.
"Just wait a minute!" Seras shouted. "You need to wait until-"
"I can't wait!" Jaune slipped past her. "My friends are in trouble!"
Rushing headlong down the corridor, Jaune made it to a flight of stairs leading out of the darkness. However, as he looked to the peak of the steps where light slowly sank to the entrance, something deep inside him stopped him from going any further. From behind, Seras called out to him.
Another scream erupted from the fading light and Jaune threw his caution to the wind. Fear be damned, his friends needed him! Rushing up the stairs, he shut his eyes and barreled into the light.
And everything burned. Jaune screamed as his skin felt like it was boiling, and his hair singed. He fell to the ground, roaring in agony as his body felt like it was dying the most horribly gruesome death possible. A loud thunder echoed before a tree fell on top of him.
'Well done, mon cher,' Pip groaned, 'you've managed to crush ze boy before he could burn.'
'Is he dead?' Seras asked without speaking aloud.
'Non. But if he's smart, he won't do zat again.'
A hand slapped the dirt beneath the tree. Jaune pulled himself away from the extending shadow. Rolling her eyes, Seras walked over and pressed her boot to his head. He gave a whimper, still tender from the immolation.
"Oi," she barked, "you can't just run into sunlight like that anymore. I already told you. You're a vampire."
"Then why..." Jaune groaned, "why aren't you..."
"Because unlike you, I'm a real vampire." She removed her boot. "Fledglings like you aren't as tough until you start acting like a vampire."
"How... How do I..." Another scream echoed and Jaune pushed himself up. Seras smacked him into the ground. "AGH!"
"Would you just wait?!" She looked to the sunset. "Just a little longer now..."
"Are... Are they gone?" Ruby asked, panting.
Jaune's death had a greater impact on herself and her temporary team of Nora and Ren than she'd expected. She'd been through so much in the Fall of Beacon, as the local news called it, and with the mutilation of her sister, the abduction of her partner, and Blake running away, it seemed negativity would be a constant in her life. But at least her team was alive, which gave her hope. The remaining two of JNPR were a different story.
"Maybe." Ren replied quietly, just loud enough for the two girls near him to understand.
The Grimm they were being attacked by wasn't something Beacon had prepared them for. Among Professor Port's many tales, none of them mentioned a Geist-like Grimm who had bladed hands but could not possess objects. It moved fast and silently, striking when their backs were turned. The sunset seemed to act as both a blessing and a curse.
"I'm hungry." Nora gave a small whine.
With the sun setting, light became focused on the trio. The blessing of this was they could see the Grimm ambush from the shadows they cast close by. The curse, however, was that they couldn't attack while facing towards their attackers. It took a few nicks on their shoulders and arms before figuring out this strategy. If Jaune were still here-
"They're coming!" Run turned from the tree, keeping an arm ahead of his brow to block any the sunlight. Using his gun, he managed to veer an attacker off-course. However, this only gave another attacker the chance to charge in from his blind spot.
"Gotcha!" Nora shouted as she fired her grenade launcher into the threat. She fell back, her arm swinging wide from the recoil, making her yelp in pain. The Grimm coming for Ren didn't come out of the smoke-cloud Nora had turned it into.
"Nora!" Ruby ran out and grabbed her teammates, taking them with her deeper into the woods. Ruby weaved around trunks and over branches as the shadows lengthened on night's approach. She stopped just a few seconds later, dropping the two and panting as she tried to catch her breath. Carrying two people was different than carrying one, and carrying one was already more exhausting than using her semblance only on herself. Looking over, Nora was holding her elbow close to her body. "Are you okay?"
"Yeah, I-" Nora tried to move her elbow, but winced in pain. "Nope. No, I'm not."
"Here." Ren pulled some fabric from his bag, then began tying it around Nora's wrist and over her shoulder. "How does that feel?"
"Better." Nora said, looking at Ren with a smile. He gave one in return, and for a time, they seemed to only see each other smiling.
Ruby smiled, too, at their smiling. But her throat suddenly became dry, and she gave a small cough to help clear it. The two partners looked away with blushes on their faces. Way to ruin a beautiful, little moment between best friends, Ruby.
Thinking on best friends, Ruby's mind drifted to Jaune. He was her first friend, fellow team leader, and when he died, she felt so... angry. With herself. Her life since it had now become this horrible, awful thing that was just non-stop pain and suffering. She'd heard it said that pain builds character, but all she was building now was a lump in her stomach. It wasn't healthy, and it only attracted Grimm.
"I'll keep an eye out for any Grimm." She said. "You two get some rest."
They stared at her in horror. No, they were looking past her. Turning slowly, she saw a Grimm unlike the others. And she let out her loudest scream.
The sun had nearly set, so Seras let Jaune go free. He could still feel a tingle over his body, like a slight warmth you'd get on a summer's day. Thankfully it wasn't enough to consider his life would be in danger. Not this time.
Following the direction of the screams, he found his way to not far where he fell. In fact, he found his weapon with all of Ruby and their team's stuff. However, none of the team was there to greet them. Picking up his sword, he heard the sounds of weapons clashing not far away. Hurrying over, he found Ren peppering now and then from a distance as Nora stayed behind him with her arm in a sling. The reason Ren wasn't unloading everything was because he didn't want to accidentally hit Ruby as she clashed with the Grimm.
It was a tall, imposing creature, almost looking like a cross between a spider and a horse. It spun its bladed arms around to either slice or deflect Ruby's scythe. Jaune was about to hurry over when he noticed something off about the creature. Through the dark shadows of the night, Jaune saw that part of its body split off to spin freely, as if gauging the best way to strike. That time then became now and circled wide and was coming for Nora from behind!
"Huh?" The grenadier of Team JNPR and JNRR looked behind her to see a dark figure with blood-red eyes slowly rising from black dust and white ash. She gasped as she recognized his mop of blond hair. "Jaune!"
As Ren turned to see, it was only for a blink as Jaune jumped past his teammates and charged at the Grimm. Like a hot knife through butter, maybe even better, Jaune tore through the massive Grimm. Detaching from their powdered comrade, the smaller Grimm from before began to split from each other. Before Ruby could twitch to move into action, Jaune had already smashed apart what little Grimm were around.
"Jaune..." Ruby blinked. She swayed a bit. This was almost like a dream. Sure, his eyes were a different color, but they held the same amount of kindness they had before. Maybe this all was a dream and she'd wake up soon? That's what her body thought, so she fell to the ground.
Or, at least, she fell into Jaune's arms as he caught her. She must have been exhausted, fighting to protect her friends by herself, with one injured and the other keeping close to the injured. She'd taken a few hits, too, since she was covered in bruises and cuts. Bloody cuts...
There was a burning desire inside Jaune. Hotter than the sunlight that burned him, yet not as painful. The scent of iron excited him and he licked his lips in anticipation. Ruby's neck was so slender, so vulnerable, and Jaune felt his mouth open as he leaned in to give it a kiss. Just one... little... taste...
Jaune smashed through a tree as a large, monstrous hand held Ruby off the ground. Ren and Nora stood in awe as the blond woman carefully lowered Ruby to the ground. She then stepped a few paces away from Ruby, her large rifle held in front of her. In a blink, Jaune appeared again, this time his face contorted into an inhuman snarl. The woman pointed in a direction and, in what felt like the longest half-second of their lives, Jaune disappeared from view.
She then turned around, giving a salute as she held a sweet smile on her face. "G'd evenin'!" She called. "The name's Seras Victoria and, well, I'm a vampire~!"
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ouatsqincorrect · 11 months
fic/headcanon prompt: the fam's realisation moments that emma and regina were in love
ok i tried for so long to write this into a fic for you, anon but haven’t been able to work it into the right words so i’m gonna do it as a headcanon now (i hope that’s okay with you). maybe someday i’ll find a way to make it work
anyway, these are my thoughts
rumple is the first one to figure it out. emma comes to him, angry about the dreamcatcher that told her regina killed archie and suddenly, it just clicks. and for a man who could see so much of the future, this really sort of takes him by surprise
but it makes some perfect sense in a way and now, he understands why regina was able to save emma from that portal and why no matter how many people try to sway her, emma can’t seem to find it in her to believe that regina is just a bad person
because he’s known regina her entire life (i know they met after daniel died, but—) and no one has ever fought for her like emma does
it’s when they stop the trigger though that he realizes it isn’t one sided. he knows magic better than anyone, and the fact that emma and regina found a way to stop that little diamond tells him all he needs to know about how they really feel
snow is the next one to figure it out. they’re standing at the town line, pan’s curse is about to hit, and it’s hard to look at the way emma’s crying and regina’s giving up her happiness and not see that they’ve fallen hard
her suspicions are only confirmed when she watches how regina struggles the following year, not only because of the pain of losing henry, but from the pain of losing emma too
and that’s how david gets it. he catches regina in a bad place one night at the castle and the way she’s upset for more than just henry is enough to clue him in
he doesn’t know for sure that emma’s in love with regina too until she brings marian back and david spends the next few days trying to get emma to calm down because the fact that she took away regina’s chance at happiness (and the fact that regina won’t talk to her) is killing her
when he didn’t have his memories, henry was convinced emma and regina had been in a relationship once before he was born. and when he gets his memories back, it’s hard to unsee that because now a lot of their behavior towards each other makes sense
and this is the kid who took exactly five seconds to believe that he was living in a town full of fairytale characters. it’s easy to believe that his moms would fall in love, and like the rest of the family, he can’t help but agree that it kind of makes perfect sense
belle realizes in camelot when she finds out emma gave regina the dagger. she’s had experience in this. the dark one giving someone the dagger is like them giving them their heart so she knows emma has feelings for regina
and the way regina clutches the dagger like her life depends on it tells her regina feels the same way about emma
zelena is, surprisingly, the last one to figure it out. it’s the day after emma told regina hook proposed and regina is so upset and zelena is pissed because it’s been years now and how had she not seen something so obvious?
for about 20 seconds, she tries to convince regina to crash the wedding, but regina shuts that idea down pretty quickly
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danmeiconfession · 8 months
I'm torn between not caring about Ning Yingying and Qiu Haitang and hating them tenfold. Why did the rumor persists? When I watched the donghua, I found Ning Yingying so freaking annoying. Although in the latter part of the novel, there were improvments. The PIDW Ning Yingying, did she never defend her Shizun from the lecherous rumors that still persist or no one believed her because she's a dumb kid in their eyes? She really backstabbed him the one person he favored and she let everything be destroyed for Binghe what justification is there except she was a stupid? Did she not care for people and her her Shizun lol like she's worse than the scum villain himself at least he's got integrity. i'm sorry to say but deing a dumbfuck or naive ain't an excuse just cause she's a girl.
And Qiu Haitang, is she another stupid girl who can't she her supposed "love" is being abused. There may not be scars visible but being so thin or signs will be obvious. Or ask herself why a slave would do such a thing after many years you think with age comes wisdom she didn't have that
Maybe I just really hate their rose-tinted eyes, privilege and stupidness.
And Yue Qingyuan, how did you become a Sect Master when you can't even talk and explain things to your Shidi? I get he has trauma but I look at Shen jiu right and even though he also had trauma he goes above to save him and to do everything even with that trauma and you're telling me a few words can't qualify. He can't fucking defend his own shidi or believe him.
He never belives him does he ? Someone could replace his Xiao Jiu and he'll won't notice oh wait that already happened... Imagine someone you knew for years you won't know some signs or investigate further beside that one time I know Shen Yuan didn't do such a great job they checked him for possession I think ? But seriously... If it was the other around knowing Shen jiu he'd do his best to bring him back because he loyal as hell. That how I know how unfair this is because Shen jiu is such an all for nothing guy and he wastes it on him is such a shame because what benefit has this man brought except pain.
I genuinely feel bad for Shen jiu because the bar for people is low just being even a smidge kind to him and he'll do anything for you is sad as hell because the world he lives in is complete dogshit. Yue Qingyuan is such a low bar to i'm sorry but he is to even have if you want a dependable and reliable figure that there for you when they just mess more shit up more. He ain't Lan Zhan that for sure . My god, Liu Qinghe the type if you want a loyal man he fought Luo Binghe for 5 years for his SVSS corpse such dedication in such a short time too and they hated each other. If Shen jiu heard me talking shit about his Qi-ge that's fine lol because it true he ain't much.
Everything is a mess. I feel like they just messed up Shen Jiu's life. What value had they brought in my man's life if not pain.
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In tandem with my ramblings about doth being an actual separated au instead of a 'Donnie thinks it's a separated au' au and some conversation with @dryad-druid about that and Big Mama being an actual mama-yeah, I think I've thought up a pretty cool au idea.
(this is long. you will regret this)
So the classic Donnie gets separated from his brothers, Lou takes the other kids in the divorce and Draxum gets left with Donnie, but unlike other separated aus, Lou very clearly sees Draxum save him from the flames. But Lou's hurt, choking on smoke, holding three babies and Draxum is holding his baby and OH YEAH HE'S LITERALLY IN THE PROCESS OF MUTATING. Lou has to flee for the safety of his other kids.
But he fought Draxum and took the turtles for a reason, and every moment he spends with his three babies just renews his conviction. He can't let Draxum keep even one of the turtles, and he will not leave his child to the mercy of that monster.
He needs to return to reclaim his last baby...but he barely got out alive the first time. Not only that, but he has three little lives that depend on him now. Even if he was successful, they couldn't be left alone for long. And he cannot fail. He can't leave his purple baby with Draxum, and he can't leave his other children alone.
So he returns to the Battle Nexus. He tells Big Mama he'll stay, he'll do whatever she wants him to do, provided two things: she provides for his children, feed them and educate them and keep them safe from anyone who might try to harm them or use them for their own ends, including herself. And second, help him reclaim his child from Draxum.
Big Mama is ecstatic. She has Lou back right where she wants him, his boys are just the most adorable turtles she's ever seen, and she really doesn't like Draxum anyway. They get married, she gets the boys birth certificates or whatever and sets them up in luxury accommodations, and hires mercenaries to capture Baron Draxum and his remaining creation and bring them to her-unharmed, she stresses. The baby must be kept safe, at all costs.
Meanwhile, Draxum just watched his entire life's work go up in flames as he was violently divorced by the guy he sort of-totally had a crush on, who was also the father of his kids and kidnapped 3/4's of them, and is now left with whatever meager possessions survived the blaze, his gargoyles, and a single turtle.
And yes, this turtle fusses constantly and keeps pulling his hair and doesn't let him sleep for more than two hours at a time, but...he, weirdly, really enjoys it. Yes, he's exhausted and hungry and hasn't been able to take a leisurely poop in a week because the second he sits down someone starts to cry, but when he stares up at Draxum with those big eyes while he takes a bottle, when he refuses to settle down and fall asleep until he's in Draxum's arms, he just...can't help it. He's completely taken with this kid. He'd do anything for him. He's all that Draxum has left.
So when the bounty hunters come looking for him, intending to take his son away, Draxum runs.
Homeless, penniless, not daring to use even his name, Draxum goes into hiding with only what he can carry on his back and the baby in his arms. He unfortunately has to get rid of the gargoyles-he won't be able to pay them and they're too stupid to keep anything a secret, plus they sucked as nannies. So they go back to the gargoyle agency, and Draxum goes off into the night.
Hiding in the Hidden City proves difficult, considering there's only so many goat Yokai, and Big Mama's goons are nothing if not thorough. I thought maybe he could live in some fantasy-esque cottage out in the middle of the mushroom forest or something, and maybe he does for the first few years, but as Galois grows so do his needs, and he becomes increasingly harder to keep hidden. So Draxum retreats to the only place left he has a prayer of disappearing into-NYC.
Life on the surface is hard and forces Draxum to deal with-shudders-humans, but he soon finds himself benefitting from their kindness. A coat draped over his shoulders when the temperatures start to dip, leftovers from a restaurant worker who is supposed to throw them away but puts it all in a to-go box instead. He likes to think of it as fate, choosing the alleyway right outside their apartment the night before he was stumbled upon, but after the shock had worn off the couple was eager to help him, and neither they nor their daughter April treated his son any differently.
The O'Neils help Draxum get a settled in a recently vacated apartment in their building and things begin looking up. Galois and April become attached at the hip almost immediately, and though neither of them completely understand why Gale has to stay hidden, they listen to the adults. Draxum can pass for human even without his cloaking brooch, so he gets a part-time job in the evenings to at least cover some of what the O'Neils are doing for him. April goes to his apartment when she gets done with school and he watches her until her own parents get home, and the O'Neils watch Galois while his father is at work.
It's not perfect, but they have so many more opportunities on the surface. April struggles in school so Draxum offers to homeschool her alongside Galois, and her parents agree to do that for at least her elementary years. When April is twelve and Galois is ten, Draxum gives him his own cloaking brooch so he can attend middle school with her. It comes with a long lecture on how he can't let anyone know his secret, that Draxum was asking a lot from the both of them, but he felt like they were mature enough to understand how important it was.
So they go to school, then come home and learns alchemy and Yokai history from Draxum, Galois sets his curtains on fire multiple times performing experiments in his bedroom, and always seems to be learning a new subject from Youtube tutorials. Draxum gets a day job as a lunch lady and starts thinking about getting a human degree, so he can go back to doing science things or practicing medicine. Two decades ago he would have recoiled in horror if someone showed him his future, but he finds himself...weirdly content.
MEANWHILE. The rest of the boys grow up in a life of luxury, tailored clothing and endless servants and world-class tutors. Lou settles himself into being Big Mama's part-time champion and full-time trophy husband. True to his word, he does whatever Big Mama asks of him, so long as it doesn't compromise his sons. He fights, he smiles and poses for the press, he sleeps in her bed when she wants him and makes himself scarce when she doesn't. And he does what he can to ensure his boys don't get too spoiled. Taking care of them is the only thing in his life that makes him happy now.
But the deal he made with Big Mama chafes him at every turn. She said she'd never force his children to fight, but when Raphael begs her to put him in some of the smaller, no-kill fights...well, that certainly wasn't against the terms of their contract, and how could she ever say no to one of her turtley-boos?! Leonardo is clever, far cleverer than any of his nannies or tutors, with a skill in manipulation that would put most car salesmen to shame. Not to mention he's definitely the most handsome of his sons, with his bold markings and charismatic personality. Big Mama delights in parading him around, using him as arm-candy when Lou isn't available. And worst of all, she's taken to teaching him business at her side. She fixates on Michelangelo as well, but Lou can't really find anything to object to when she hangs up his artwork and brags to her dinner guests about their meal being planned and cooked by one of her sons. Still, he keeps his last baby close, so she'll have all the more trouble finding something to exploit in him.
All the while, he can't bring himself to truly be angry with Big Mama. She took him back, kept him and his boys safe when they needed it. She's his children's mother, they love her, look at all she provides them. He was the one that left those loopholes in, he was the one who failed his sons. He was the one who left one of them behind. He can't be angry with her, no.
But he knows who he can be angry with.
So that's how he passes the years. Watching his wife exploit the children she claims to love, reading report after report of every failed mission to locate Draxum and his missing child, taking his fury out on every mercenary that returns without them. He thinks about his last baby, what hell their life must be. How they must feel, knowing their father left them with a monster. He thinks about Draxum, the source of all his misery, who has eluded him and kept his child captive for thirteen long years. Lou waits. He plans. While inside him, a simmering hatred plants its roots deeper and deeper, and slowly begins to boil.
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maksimasz · 4 months
Okay I know that their are very few messages for fans among the IG community and even less of the Gadgetxclaw ship. So...in your AU...*Pulls out microphone.*
How did they finally tell each other?
How does Penny feel about the relationship?
How does Claw get around the fact that he's a villain and Gadgets an inspector?
How do they date for the same reason.
Also the big question, what would Claw do if someone were to go after Penny? Does he think of her familiarly?
What great questions! 🤍 And it's true, there's very little with this couple, so I want to promote them to the masses ~~ Maybe I'll decide somehow and make a comic with them :} Oh, regarding the questions) * moved closer to the microphone*:
This AU was created jointly with my beloved person for a role-playing forum, so everything comes from the plot of the rolka, and in this plot we came up with a new villain - a wannabe Doctor Claw.We named him Dr. Spike. I'll show you a sketch of the Spike below) So, Dr. Spike stole important formulas of the MAD alloy, and this alloy was invented by the Claw and, no matter how ironic it may sound, most of the cyber body of the Gadget was created from this alloy. Dr. Ship has created a weapon against this alloy that can corrode it, which, in fact, he did with the Gadget. Spike's agents wounded Gadget in the arm with this weapon. And the Claw has been in love with the Gadget for two years, and watching the Gadget, he saw how the inspector was wounded. The Gadget's condition gradually deteriorated, until eventually the Claw decided to "steal" the inspector in order to cure him, because the Gadget's body was created from its alloy. He told the gadget that he wanted to cooperate with him to catch Dr. Ship, a kind of hiring an excellent detective, but the Claw had other plans :} And so, cooperating, they gradually began to have feelings) Not immediately, but surely)
If we talk about their already formed relationship, say, Claw and Gadget have been together for a month or two, then Penny is just happy for her uncle) According to her observation, the gadget began to smile more often, almost glowed with happiness, because for the first time in his life, her uncle really felt loved by someone) Not counting the Pennies, of course, but it's still different) Of course, at first, both Gadget, Penny, and Brain were distrustful of the good deeds of the Claw, because this… Dr. Claw is a criminal authority and terrifying to the whole world! But later, the whole Gadget family realized that the Claw was really sincere in his feelings, and it was true)
Oooh, you can't imagine how hard it was for Claw to accept the fact that he fell head over heels in love with his main enemy! He suffered for two years, until he finally reached the condition of accepting himself) Came up with a plan to make sure that he did not put him in the electric chair and at the same time be free and stay close to the Gadget, and this plan worked perfectly)
Everything depended on the Claw * spread his hands* because the Gadget would never have started an affair with a person who is connected with crime xx The Claw needed to understand and solve for itself: Is it worth giving up your life as a criminal or choosing the one you love? I think it's clear where the choice of the Claw fell) You know, it's funny that initially, while they were cooperating, the Claw and the Gadget often swore, sarcastically and almost fought, but only later, when reciprocity came, this love became pure and bright ~~ Like Rose and Jack from the Titanic - You jump, I'll jump too TT
Ohhhh… Ohhhh! This situation was in our AU and became a key one in the Gadget and Claw relationship) Scene: The Gadget was immobilized by Spike's agents. Other agents wanted to kill Penny in front of the Gadget, and if it hadn't been for Claw, who was in place at the time, Penny would have died in front of uncle xx In this situation, Claw was injured. They aimed at Penny, but Claw put his shoulder up, which saved the baby) God, and then how the Nut on shoulder cried with happiness (on a healthy shoulder x)) Claw, while hugging Penny :} For Claw, both Gadget and Penny became the very family he had always dreamed of) So yes, the Claw treats Penny well, especially since they are both geniuses, there is something to chat about)
A sketch of Dr. Ship):
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You forgot how close hate is to love
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This fic series or oneshot (I haven't decided yet it depends on what you all think) will take place is season 4
I just had to get this idea out of my head if anyone wants you use it they are more then happy to just tag me so I can read it
Some background: the reader is immortal and her species is sent to be a sort of guardian over the titan users there are 9 in total
The reader is meant to be watching over the attack titan user Eren but yet she can't help the feelings, she has towards him. you see in all the attack titan users in history some are bound to be reincarnated Eren is one of the lucky few to do so.
That in itself cause complications for the two
Year's ago the first Eren and the reader fell deeply in love even getting to live as happily as they could on Marley but sadly all good things came to an end erens time was up and he made a promise to the reader that he would remember her in his next life
He didn't and it crushed her very soul..
Present time: the jail cell
As the reader slowly made her way down the stairs she began to doubt herself should she really help him escape
There he was in all his glory eren
As she silently walked towards his cell he turned towards her
“So you finally decided to show up (y/n) and there I thought you hated me,” he told you with a smirk as he stared down at you with those eyes that pierced your very soul
You could only look at him in sadness he looked so much like your eren more than he had in past years his hair was finally long and he grew in height towering over you
“Are you gonna be an asshole if you aren't maybe I'll help you escape” you told him as you crossed your arms and sneered up at him any resembles he had to your eren was gone
“Why help me what's in it for you could it be that you actually agree with me that we should start the rumbling or could it be that I remind you of someone,” he said almost nonchalantly
You swear you could hear your ears ring as you're mind began to spin
He knew this whole time he knew and he still put you through hell all those times when you fought for him all those times you stood by his side even though you knew he was in the wrong
It was almost as if you could feel your heart breaking as you looked up and him with tears in your eyes
You slowly unlocked the cell and let him out but you didn't follow him
He looked back at you confused as if he expected you to follow him but you didn't and just stared down at the ground tears fall from your face
“Hed my words Eren, We'll find moonlit nights strangely empty Because when you call my name through them There will be no answer
Always your heart will be aching for me and your mind will give you the doubtful consultation that you did a brave thing”
He simply stared at you before turning and made his way up the Stairs
“I knew that you loved me and I used it”
“Well rather melodramatic aren't you,” you told him as he closed the door behind him
It's not well written but it came to me in a daydream as I listened to the dangerous love audio and I just had to write something quick down for it
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declinlalune · 1 year
Water You Doing Here? || Andy & Leticia
TIMING: before their run in with teagan after she's attacked by rhett. PARTIES: @rhythmicmeow & @declinlalune SUMMARY: andy and leticia run into each other with the return of the hellhound. CONTENT WARNINGS: parental death, eye injury.
Andy heard the sound of somebody else’s footsteps and she had half a mind to slink further off of the path and use the nest of shrubbery as a hiding place, but quickly decided against it. The feeling that ran up her spine told her it would have been pointless, anyway. It wasn’t a wolf, but something else. She paused momentarily before continuing up the trail. After just a moment, Andy recognized the familiar feeling. Before she could speculate any longer on who might round the corner, she was met face to face with Leticia. 
She stopped abruptly, unable to stop the smile that pulled at the corners of her lips. “I didn’t think I’d be running into you so soon.” Who the fuck said that? She cleared her throat. “I mean, in the woods. I thought it’d be your shop.” Dumbass. 
Leticia had been wandering, it was a constant fight to clear her mind these days and she had thought that a walk would offer some kind of peace. Something soothing and familiar that would let her breathe easier. But she hadn’t expected Andy. Not the kind of familiar that she had been looking for, but a welcome presence regardless. 
The other woman finally looked at her and Leticia halfwaved at her. “But you were planning on running into me?” The light teasing came as naturally as it ever did, but on Leticia’s end it felt distant and muddled like the rest of the world. But she clung to it regardless, hoping for something to remain as it was. “I usually go on runs around this time, or walks. Depending on my mood.” She took a few steps toward Andy, “Are you heading back already?” 
The back of Andy’s neck reddened slightly and she was suddenly grateful that the hike had brought a natural flush to her cheeks. “Yeah, I mean, the music is good.” She paused, and with a laugh she tugged at the end of her braid. “What would I look like, going somewhere else for vinyls?” She bit the inside of her cheek, suddenly feeling a little dumb. 
“Hm?” She shook her head. “No, I only just started, really.” Andy offered Leticia a smile and pointed down the trail. “The river is that way. Was thinking of sitting at it, maybe contemplate life, you know.” Not necessarily a lie, but Andy wasn’t typically the kind of person to sit and contemplate anything. She did so by moving. It got her brain working. “What about you? Enjoying your walk?” 
“I don’t know. I’ve only seen you in two outfits now, but probably something black. Sneakier, you know?” Leticia grinned before shrugging a shoulder. “I haven’t stopped by the bakery yet either, hands have been kind of full.” And her head too. And her heart - heavier. But those were all things that Leticia held in.
Her eyes followed where Andy pointed and almost immediately realized where she was. Close to where she had fought with that beast the last time she ventured out this way. “The river, hm? Make sure you don’t get too close to the water.” She quickly smiled, “I’ve just heard the pull of the river can get really strong this time of year.” It wasn’t a lie, but Leticia still felt uneasy giving their friend a vague warning. “I could go for a while longer,” she admitted. “Trying to work up the nerve to be an adult.” 
“But green is my favorite color.” Andy teased back. She wore it in almost every outfit. Even today, the tank top and flannel she wore were no match for the forest green hiking shorts she adorned. She liked it that way, though. “Oh, no worries. I’m sure you’ll make it by when you can.” Andy hoped she would, at least. 
“Are you threatening to push me in?” She asked with a laugh, crossing her arms over her chest. Today’s hike was supposed to be quick, and the backpack she wore was on the smaller side with a bottle of water, bear spray, and a compass, just in case. There was something different about Leticia this go around. Andy wondered if she’d faced any hardship since the last time they’d seen one another, then realized it was none of her business. “An adult, huh?” Andy let out another laugh, this time less sarcastic. “I can offer you company, or we can go our separate ways and I just have to hope you’ll drop by.” She wasn’t sure what possessed her to say that. “The bear claws won’t eat themselves, obviously.” 
“Oh. So, you would wear this out to go find another shop to spend your time in? I see, I see.” Leticia had told herself to distance herself from others just in case the worst possible scenario she had formed in her mind would come true. It was bad enough that Nora was going to get sucked into the misery that Leticia was reaping, the last thing Andy deserved was to be dragged into the oncoming storm. But selfishly, she didn’t want to be alone. So, she teased and carried on like nothing had shifted.  
“No!” She frowned slightly this time and crossed her arms. “I’m serious, the water can be real dangerous this time of year.” And Leticia wasn’t sure if this particular part of the water was going to be protected or not. But now she was worried that Andy thought she was out to kill her. Avoiding the other woman’s eyes, she nodded her head, trying not to exhale too loudly. Not wanting to open the door wide open. And thankfully, Andy didn’t push in for more information. “Well, we’re headed in the same direction, aren’t we?” She worried at her lip and then shrugged. “I can try to be quiet if you want. You know, for your life contemplation.”  
“Only if I’ve just come from a hike, though.” Andy failed at winking and immediately pretended that she’d gotten something stuck in her eye. She lifted her hand to rub at it, knuckles making her vision blur only slightly. “But who knows, maybe I’m down for some espionage. What is it, like some Rodeo and Julien story or something?” She’d gotten that hysterically wrong, but she didn’t move to correct herself. 
At Leticia’s insistence, Andy raised her hands as if to surrender. “Okay, okay, I’ll be good by the water.” Realistically, Andy knew the dangers. Although she didn’t like reflecting on her time at hunter camps, or during self-trained sessions her father put her through, the water, surprisingly, had become a battleground. What would happen if you lost your footing during a fight? Wolves roam the forest, and can often be found near water sources. How long can you hold your breath? Can you fight the current and the beast? Andy cleared her throat, hoping to dislodge the reminders by physically acting, so she took a small step closer to Leticia, allowing the buzz from what– no, who she was take precedent. 
“Oh, don’t worry about that. Head is always full of thoughts despite the distractions.” Andy smiled at Leticia before motioning the woman forward, falling into stride next to her quite easily. “I was mostly thinking about whether or not I wanted to eat the beef or the cheese ravioli tonight.” She looked over at the brunette, hopeful that her aimless chatter would help distract her from whatever was clearly bothering her. “Got a vote?” 
Leticia thought about saying something to correct what Andy had said, but immediately thought better of it. Maybe there was a version of Romeo and Juliet that was a different twist on the story? But either way, the other dots didn’t connect quite right. Star crossed lovers over vinyl stores? She tipped her head to the side and then hummed, “I guess I do have a small balcony.”  
“Good,” she replied, sounding all too pleased with herself. “And besides, if I had any plans in throwing you into the water, I wouldn’t warn you about it first.” Leticia mentally kicked herself, wanting to distract from the water remarks she had been making, she was making a fool of herself in an entirely different way now. But she could stand to look a little stupid if it meant that Andy stayed safe.  
Letting out a snort, Leticia fell in step with Andy. But her own confusing thoughts were disrupted by laughter. “Beef or cheese ravioli?” She looked at Andy and then shook her head. “Just beef? Or is this like a building muscle thing like...” She glanced at Andy’s arms before telling herself to focus, and to stop being weird. Trying to let the distraction do its job, Leticia bobbed her head to the side. “Both isn’t a choice, is it? If it’s just one... beef. But you need sides. You can’t just eat beef.” There was a brief moment of silence and immediately Leticia felt her mind slipping back into every aggravating thought she had for the past week. Forcing herself to focus on Andy, she glanced at the other woman as they walked. “Can I ask... are you from here?” The last time they had met, Leticia had been working and she had held back all her prying questions. But out here? Maybe now was the time.  
Andy grinned at Leticia’s revelation that maybe Rubois and Julia could encapsulate her shop warring with another one, all the while Andy being the one in between it all. It was a funny thought, but Andy still wasn’t sure if she was getting the name of the play right. Her high school education had been cut short, so she knew very little about popular literature amongst English teachers. 
“Really?” She raised a brow, and with a laugh she shook her head. “I guess you do have a point. Better to surprise, or whatever.” It was getting easier to ignore the voice in her head– the one that told her she’d be a disappointment to her parents. Andy knew she would be, but she’d made peace with the fact that she would have never meant much to them anyway, especially not after Alex had been bit. Despite the guilt and the fact that Andy often felt invasive by just being around shifters, she didn’t hold those hollowed out ideas of right and wrong anymore. She never had, really, but especially not now. Not after everything she’d been through with Alex. 
“Yeah, like in the can.” Andy tossed a sideways glance at Leticia before leveling her gaze on the path. She hadn’t noticed it too much before, maybe because she was used to being next to Alex so often, but Leti was shorter than her. Unlike with most people, Andy could see clear over the brunette’s head. It was a weird feeling. “Building muscle? No, I just really like chef boyardee.” Andy knew it sounded ridiculous. “My sister and I ate it a lot, I guess it’s sort of a comfort food or whatever.” She shrugged, thinking back to the nights where they heated it in the one pot they had over a small propane stove top. Silence fell between them, but only for a moment. At Leti’s question, Andy opened her mouth to respond, only to be interrupted by the sound of hoof-like feet hitting dirt, and then a vicious snarl. 
Andy turned around just in time to see the hellhound crash through the brush next to them. She grabbed Leticia’s arm, yanking her to the side so that she wouldn’t get caught by the snapping jaws of the beast. Upon first inspection, the hellhound looked rough, but if its stomach was full, that didn’t mean anything– it’d turn them to a crisp without a second thought. “Are you okay?” She asked before tugging Leti instinctively behind her. 
“I said if I were going to. That doesn’t mean I will in the future. I would simply plan better if I was going to prank you like that.” And she would likely have a towel and some spare clothes on the side to make sure that as funny as it was — Andy wasn’t entirely miserable after. Pranks were only funny if they could both laugh. Leticia might not have been the butt end of the jokes when it came to stage work or most of the things that happened on her tours, but she always remembered feeling second hand guilt for not stopping it. “And I don’t have a spare shirt,” she added lightly. “So unless you’re carrying one with you, you’d just be soaking wet and sad. Not really in the spirit of fun.” 
A can. Leticia looked at Andy like she had two heads for a moment. Her mother would have heard that and demanded Andy sit at the table for some real food, all the while judging their diets and asking if they could even cook. Her mother, for as much care as she had for other people, was never gentle with her words. “Canned… cheese raviolis, right? Not canned beef?” There was a hint of desperation in her voice. 
Comfort food was fair, and Leticia tipped her head to the side and closed her eyes. Nodding just slightly. “No I just thought… the beef, for protein and muscles— I knew a guy back in New York who was very serious about body building and he had the strangest diet. So no judgment…” But maybe a little judgment. “Just concern!” Mostly concern. But before she could fully explain her stance, Andy had grabbed her by the arm and pulled her out of the way of the hellhound. 
A hand placed on Andy’s shoulder, Leticia was leaning to the side to see the beast. The mark on the snout of the beast was familiar, “Fuck,” she whispered, barely processing that Andy had sensed the beast long before Leticia had noticed it. It paced around them, snarling at them — no, at Leticia. “I’m fine, “ she whispered to Andy. “But I know this one.” The confession felt heavier than it should have been, but until Leticia knew how Andy knew about the hellhound before it had jumped out at them, she couldn’t help but be nervous to a degree. “I tangoed with this one before. That mark on his face, I left that.” 
“I’ll make sure to keep my defenses up, just in case you decide to push me into a pool.” It wasn’t like she hung around pools to begin with, but the image of Leticia following her just to follow through on their conversation was a little funny to Andy. At least, it was enough to tease her back about it. As much as she wanted to go into detail about the moisture wicking sports bras she wore, she kept her mouth shut. It wasn’t a detail that Leticia needed to know, and Andy knew she’d only further embarrass herself if she did bring it up. “So miserable, you’re so right.” 
The pause Leticia took before addressing the monster that was Andy’s eating habits was not uncommon. The grin that broke across her features was hard to dispel, because really, she knew that chef boyardee wasn’t for everyone. She had gotten better about eating real meals now that Kaden was around. “No, there is canned beef, too.” She gave Leticia a sideways glance. “It’s not that weird. They can tuna, too. It’s the same thing… basically.” She wasn’t actually sure if it was or not. It didn’t matter. “No bulking up for me, not really.” Andy built muscle fairly naturally, thanks to the whole being a ranger thing. It was one of the only good things about it. 
As much as Andy wanted to continue bantering back and forth, whether about the potential to be pushed into a body of water, or about her eating habits, the hellhound interrupting them made it impossible to fall back into the easy rhythm of their previous conversation. 
Andy sucked in a breath and looked over at Leticia as she mentioned that she’d been the one to create the elongated scar on its face. Andy already knew she wasn’t a wolf, but the mark had definitely come from something clawed. Even though Andy didn’t think that the hellhound deserved to die, she’d have no choice but to defend herself and Leticia from it if it came down to it. “You got it pretty good,” Andy commended, stiffening slightly as it unhinged its jaws. The redhead grabbed Leti, pulling her to the side as a yellow gas expelled across the pathway. “Don’t let that touch you,” she warned, breath hitching in her throat as she backed up further, careful to maneuver Leticia so that she was still behind her. Even if Leti could shift and create another scar like the one the hellhound wore, Andy would prefer that not to happen. She didn’t want her new friend to get hurt. 
“Keep backing up.” Andy slowly and carefully swung her bag around off of her shoulder, digging into it to find the bear spray. She pulled it out and looked over her shoulder at Leti. “This might kick back on us, but it’s better than nothing.” The bear spray doubled down as a monster spray, and Andy preferred it over anything else. It wasn’t like she wanted to go around stabbing things. 
With Andy blocking her direct view of the hellhound, Leticia wished they could go back and argue about canned beef and how it was not the same as canned tuna. Or talk about the music that her sister was tormenting her with. Instead, she questioning how Andy knew the hellhound had been in the bushes in the first place. That inkling fear that she had done it again, become friends with a hunter. It was almost funny how Letiica had managed to avoid them for the majority of her life and here she had managed to make herself comfortable among them. 
The beast snarled as the women moved along the path, keeping careful distance between themselves and it. “I knew it would be back,” she muttered to herself. Leticia had no way of knowing for sure, but what she knew about these particular beasts was very little outside the fact they traveled in groups. This one, it seemed, was alone again. And hopefully, it would stay that way. Her hands came up to Andy’s shoulder, bracing herself against the other woman, trying not to get in the way as they moved.
“What the fuck is that?” The yellow gas missed them, but Leticia tugged on her sleeve to cover her mouth and nose more fully. As the hellhound released the gas, it turned toward them with more confidence. Stalking toward them as if it had cornered its prey. Leticia wasn’t sure if she could take another battle with it — and she wasn’t sure the spirit would differentiate between Andy and the hellhound. Muttering a curse in Spanish under her breath, Leticia thought she had prepared herself for what was about to happen. But the second Andy sprayed the hellhound, Leticia felt the backspray immediately. 
Bringing her sleeved hand moved to her eyes now, rubbing them and immediately regretting it. The hellhound was having a similar time, roaring at the two women as it shook its head wildly, trying to escape the mist that was now clinging to its eyes. Panicked, the beast backed up and roared again, this time, slightly off the trail and not directly at the women. Thrashing its head, the beast roared before inhaling deeply and exhaling fire. Leticia blinked rapidly, feeling the heat. “Maybe hit it again?” She whispered, worried that raising her voice would lead the creature right to them. “It can’t make heads or tails of what’s going on.” Which was sad in its own way, but even if the balam within sympathized with the other beast, they were very different beings. It was the spray or a true fight. And Leticia wasn’t eager for another dance.
Leticia was saying something, but Andy couldn’t focus on it too much, too worried that if she took her eyes off of the beast, it’d lunge at them and she wouldn’t be fast enough to keep it from digging its teeth into either of them. The gas glittered in the low stream of light that bled through the canopy of trees and Andy sneered, shuffling backwards a few more inches to avoid it as it began to drift with a small gust of wind. 
The spray hit the hellhound, but doubled back on them as well. Andy had gotten sprayed plenty of times by it– a kind of preparation so that she would be equipped to deal with it, and though those training sessions had been back in Tennessee with her parents, she made sure to keep up with this particular one, especially because she knew how often she’d be relying on the can of spray rather than a knife. It still hurt like a bitch, though, and Andy wheezed slightly as it coated her tongue. 
Before she could tell Leticia not to rub her eyes, she was doing so. Andy held onto her joke for later, realizing now was not the time. The beast backed up, hooved feet digging into the earth as it thrashed its head from one side to the other as if to expel something from its ears. It unhinged its jaws again and this time in place of the gas was fire. Andy could feel the warmth of it against her chest, but she was far enough back that it didn’t exactly hit her. Leticia’s voice brought Andy to the forefront of what was happening and Andy nodded firmly, blasting the spray towards the hellhound again. She had the knife in her backpack, somewhere, but didn’t want to use it– not unless it were absolutely necessary. 
The beast roared again, spittle and flame falling from its mouth. Its teeth bared, tongue lolling from the corner of its mouth as it kicked back again, dirt flying from its hind legs as it crashed onto its side. A visceral squeal left the creature as it snorted, flames departing its now closed mouth, leaking from between gums and teeth. It slammed its nose against the earth, wiping its snout against the dirt in an attempt that Andy could only assume was to rid itself of the sting. “I’m sorry, I’m sorry,” Andy whispered, knowing that the creature, if it could understand the apology, would think it was bullshit. She moved an arm around Leticia, pushing her back slightly as she tried to blink the sting away from her own eyes. “Go to the water, I think it will lose us there.” Andy whispered hurriedly, turning to the smaller woman before urging her along. 
Between the burning sensation that got worse with each rotation of her hand over her eye and the snarling of the hellhound as it rubbed its face into the ground, trying in the same desperate way to free itself from the bear spray that Andy had used – Leticia heard something she hadn’t expected. A whispered apology from Andy. The question was still in the back of her mind, one that Leticia had let slide as far away from the center of herself so that she could allow herself to be this close to Andy and not second guess every movement.  
But the apology made her question her original question. Was Andy a ranger? That had been the first question. But the bear spray and the apology, and maybe a quiet desperation to do no harm to the beast – what was Andy really? She was apologizing to a creature that was actively trying to harm them, hunting them in its own way. She was choosing kindness and Leticia was swimming in a new kind of confusion. The attention was now on her, and Leticia tried to keep her eyes open to get a better look at Andy’s face in the middle of the madness, but she was right – they needed to get to the water. And getting away was more important than Leticia sorting out whatever she was feeling.  
Leticia reached for Andy’s hand, not wanting to lose her own footing, but also not wanting to run off and find herself alone without her. As soon as her fingers wrapped around her hand, Leticia started running at Andy’s side, only separating once they were at the water and not hesitating before using the raised rocks that broke the flow of the water to get to the other side of the stream. Her hand immediately extended to help Andy cross with her. Her mind was twisted with confusion, but her actions showed none of that hesitation.  
The hellhound was barreling through but its face was pressed to the ground as if trying to find their scent still. But if Leticia’s burning senses were a hint of what the beast was experiencing, he couldn’t smell them. Which left it with one reliable sense left. She brought a finger to her lips, silently instructing Andy to keep quiet before she crouched down and grabbed a stone from the bed of the river. The hellhound lifted its head, breathing at an accelerated rate. Frustrated, most likely. His plot for revenge hadn’t gone the way he had hoped. Leticia threw the rock as far as she could and the second it hit the ground; the hellhound ran.  
A few moments passed before Leticia started breathing more easily. Her hand was immediately at her eyes again, rubbing away, trying to get the spray out of her eyes. “Fucking hell.” Leticia dropped to the ground, sitting down by the river. “You know, this isn’t quite what I imagined when you said sitting by the river and contemplating things.” She huffed a laugh before pulling her hands away from her eyes and blinking rapidly. The pain was distracting, but not enough for Leticia to silence the question from before. “You knew it was coming, didn’t you?” Leticia shook her head. It wasn’t the question she needed an answer for. “Did you know about me?” But the real question hung in the silence after. One Leticia was still too cowardly to ask outright: you’re a ranger?  
Leticia’s hand found her own and Andy gave it a tight squeeze. Whether it was out of reassurance or to make sure that the other woman was actually there and it wasn’t some vicious phantom feeling, she wasn’t sure. Andy only spared one glance towards the hellhound as it bleated pathetically, a mixture of gas and fire erupting from its snout. Guilt pulled at her like a leash, and while she knew she had no choice to incapacitate the beast, this was better than actively putting silver into its throat. 
The way in which the water flowed was far too calm a backdrop in comparison with the beast behind them. The urge to continue upstream was stifled as Leticia broke away, dashing across a nature made pathway. Andy followed suit, her hand finding the other woman’s once again. It’d been lucky she’d worn her waterproof boots. She hated having wet socks. Andy fell into a low crouch just next to Leticia as she brought her fingers to her lips. She watched in silence as Leti picked up a rock, chucking it towards the opposite corner of where they were hidden. As soon as it connected with the ground, the hellhound let out another terrifying squeal and headed in its direction, continuing down the path and chasing after something that hadn’t even existed. 
With every breath that Andy took, she could feel the burn of the spray at the back of her throat. She blinked rapidly as she moved towards the water, flattening her knuckles into the cool stream. She brought them out, pressing them against her reddened eyes, grateful for the sudden relief. The sky above them looked like mosaic tiles between the dense copse of trees, and suddenly she was grateful that the sun wasn’t blaring over her. Andy leveled her gaze with Leticia who was rubbing at her eyes again. Just before she could offer her own method, Leticia was making jokes. “Well, I guess adrenaline gets the gears turning?” Andy offered back with a light laugh, wincing at the taste of the spray still on her tongue. 
The reality of what had happened hadn’t really hit Andy, not quite. To her, she was doing her best with the tools she had against something that was actively trying to harm herself and Leticia. To the other woman, it probably set off warning signals. “I–” She paused, a sort of quiet desperation taking over her. Leticia didn’t exactly command an explanation from her, but didn’t she deserve one? Andy sat in silence for a few seconds before she pressed her hands underneath the water again. The sensation would at least keep her grounded. “Yeah, I… knew.” She worried the inside of her cheek with her teeth, digging her fingers into the pebble ridden bed of the river. The water rushed over her hands, still on its way forward despite the sudden obstacle. 
“I don’t…” How could she phrase this? Though she didn’t know Leticia very well, Andy knew that she deserved some truth. Whatever Leticia was, Luis and Nicole were the same, and while the former wasn’t exactly a close friend, Nicole meant something to her, too. Lying to Leticia would be like lying to her, and Andy didn’t want to do that, not to either of them. “I did. Know about you. I don’t…” She let out a frustrated sigh, pulling her hands from the water after deciding she didn’t deserve the calming sensation. Her eyes and throat still burned and the worry that the hellhound might circle back had her in a chokehold. But she knew that they needed to have this conversation now, or else Leticia might never speak to her again. Did it matter if she didn’t? It wasn't like they were best friends or anything, or something else– she was just a pretty girl that Andy had stumbled over her words in front of. A pretty girl who had actively helped her in the fight against the hellhound, even if it meant running. Andy liked running away. She didn’t want to fight. Leticia didn’t want her to, either. 
“Whatever you’re thinking is true.” Because Leticia knew she wasn’t a shifter, she would be able to smell it on her if that were the case. “But I don’t…” She tested the words, “I don’t hunt. I haven’t. Not ever. I was raised to, but I don’t… I can’t.” Andy didn’t feel right outing Alex, not even if it would provide Leti with more insight or a sense of relief. “I can still feel it all, I know what to do, with the… training I had, but I’ve never– I wouldn’t.” She looked at Leti, desperate for the other woman to believe her. Iron filled her mouth as the adrenaline faded and she tightened her hands into fists at her sides. 
Her laughter betrayed her. Leticia had tried to keep all the emotions she was feeling from spilling out, but in the sudden calm in the aftermath of what they had faced, it felt like she had no control over herself. Mostly. The balam was calm despite her internal struggles. She touched her eye once more and winced, cursing herself before following Andy’s example and dipping her hands into the water, doing her best to clean the spray out of her senses. But the relief the chill of the water brought didn’t last. It couldn't. 
  The reality of Wicked’s Rest was an unexpected weight. Her mother had sworn up and down on the phone that this place would be the safest for her until they were together again. But everywhere she looked, it seemed she found another hunter. None of them cut from the same horrific cloth that Leticia had imagined from the horror stories. And that was another thing that stirred fear in her heart. How could she know what to look and to avoid them if the ones she found weren’t the monsters that hid in the shadows, waiting for her to be alone?  
  The confession out loud felt heavier in the open air. Frustration and hurt settled into the damage of her heart, and she splashed more water on her face, only half-tempted to put her entire head underwater just to buy herself another moment to collect her thoughts. Andy hadn’t owed her an explanation. And hiding the fact she was a hunter and knew Leticia’s secret wasn’t something she had to reveal either. They were omissions of the truth. The very same things that Leticia tucked away from most of the people she met. It wasn’t a lie. But it left the same sting.  
Andy stumbled over her words and Leticia stayed silent, trying not to jump in and assume the ending before she had a chance to speak. This wasn’t the same as back in the shop where Andy would fumble over a word or two – it was cute or funny in the same way, either. Meeting her eyes, Leticia inhaled deeply, trying to process. 
She wished this was easier. She wished she could look at Andy and spit in her face and fall into the anger and grief she had felt months ago. She wished she could look at her and see a monster instead of a person because that would make things easier. It would make her feelings simple and the path forward would be clear. But Andy was looking at Leticia and had quietly talked about a life she didn’t participate in and the more that Leticia knew the less she understood.  
They weren’t friends in the way that Leticia and Emilio had been. They hadn’t spent hours avoiding their responsibilities and sharing random things about each other. It wasn’t a betrayal. But it stung in a way that Leticia didn’t know how to quiet. Her eyes burning for a new reason now, her head tipping toward the sky as she told herself she wasn’t going to cry because she had no reason to be this hurt. “I’m sorry,” she whispered, her voice barely steady.  
Inhaling deeply, Leticia held her breath for a moment before slowly letting it out, finally bringing her gaze back to Andy. “I believe you.” Which was the truth. Andy had done nothing to warrant any distrust, but there was some pain she couldn’t wave away. All she could do was react, and maybe not pretending to be just fine was the first step in a direction of being fine. “I don’t know how to feel,” she admitted. “I believe you, I just...” But Andy had a sister which meant there was a family of rangers here. Were they all like Andy? Or was this a choice she made on her own?  
It was too much to think about in the moment. She had to focus on this and this alone.  
“You could have killed that thing,” she finally said. “You could have let it kill me. But you didn’t.” Saying it all out loud felt better than trying to organize it in her head. And the more she said, the safer she felt. Those were all choices that Andy made that she didn’t have to. Things that kept Leticia safe and the other beast even when it was bent on killing them. Her actions filled in every word that Andy couldn’t speak. Words were cheap but everything Andy had done matched what she said now – Leticia scrubbed a hand over her face.  
“Your secret is safe with me.” Because it was a secret. There were a thousand beings out there just like her that would tear Andy apart even if her hands were clean. Existing was the crime that couldn’t be forgiven – just as the hunters did to supernaturals. It was a bloody war that no one was going to win.  
Pushing herself up from the ground, Leticia dusted off her pants. “My dad taught me that a person was the sum of their own actions. I doubt he intended for me to apply that logic to a ranger but...” Leticia shrugged, knowing that her father had died at the hands of a ranger. The thought simmered under the surface of her words, and bringing new thoughts to life. Did the hunter who killed him know Andy? Were they related? Did they have the same hair? The same freckles? Did it matter?  
Leticia extended a hand out to Andy to help her stand. “Again, not quite the contemplation by the river I had imagined.” Though there was a faint smile on her lips, her tone sounded too sad to match the expression.  
Andy stayed silent, searching for something in Leticia’s expression that told her they were done for. Whatever they meant in this context. Andy wanted friends. She wanted to trust people not to hurt herself or Alex. She wanted normal. But if she couldn’t be honest with those same people about who she was, what did she deserve? Not a goddamn thing. 
Leticia’s apology, however, caught Andy off guard. Silence ensued and Andy began to feel lightheaded. Maybe it’d been all the gas and fumes from the bear spray. Whatever it was, the feeling that settled over her now was not a good one. There was no relief, not this time. Andy met Leticia’s gaze, and though she’d been searching for something prior, she wasn’t sure she would find the hatred she thought she deserved. Even if it was true that Andy wasn’t a hunter in the usual sense, didn’t she deserve anger from shifters? From anyone who was hunted simply for the way they existed? Andy thought so. 
“You don’t have to feel anything about it,” Andy croaked, voice hoarse. She looked down at her hands, clasping them together. There were scars that ran deep from the training and the defensive maneuvers she’d done as a child, and though they were covered in freckles, too— (a reminder that she was also human), from the moment she’d taken her first breath, she was meant to be a weapon. Especially against those like Leticia. She hated herself for it, even if it hadn’t been her fault. 
Leticia continued and Andy’s heart sank further. “I wouldn’t have let it. Kill you.” The words tasted rancid, but not because she didn’t believe in them. It was because she did. “I didn’t want to kill it, either. It’s lost and alone, and…” She shrugged, squeezing her hands tightly together. “Maybe it’s fucked up, or maybe it’s selfish to let it run off and maybe hurt somebody else, but it was just defending its land.” Even if that hadn’t been true, it was what Andy wanted to believe. 
Andy bit the inside of her cheek hard enough to draw blood. It flattened over her tongue, a reminder of what she’d done, or rather, what she hadn’t done. Despite her parents’ efforts, either in practice or in memory, she hadn’t turned out like them. She revolted against their ideologies, and while Alex hated herself for other reasons, all Andy could do for either of them was pretend. But here in this moment with Leticia, there was no pretending. 
“Yours, too,” Andy reassured, voice cracking slightly. She knew what it meant coming from Leticia, and even though she knew if another ranger waltzed in on them right now they’d be able to single her out, it mattered to Andy to reciprocate the promise. Even if it did not bind them in some odd way in which a fae’s words did, it might as well have. 
Andy watched as Leticia got to her feet, listening intently to the words she spoke. She dropped her hands away, pressing them against her knees only to look down and see the crescent marks on her knuckles. She averted her gaze, stomach twisting again. “I’ve got the genes, but that’s all there is. Maybe the knowledge, too, but…” She let out a soft breath, rubbing her still burning eyes with the back of her hand. At least if she cried she could pass it off for what the spray had done. “I never wanted this. To be this. Ever.” Andy finally got to her feet, standing across from the other woman. “I’m sorry I wasn’t honest with you right away.” 
She didn’t have to feel anything about it. It was funny that Leticia was still holding onto this idea that she needed to have all the answers immediately in the moment in order to be a good person — to give everyone around her the closure they needed without any consideration of what she needed. But Andy stood there, clearly hurting by the reality they were faced with, and didn’t force it. Didn’t distract from the importance of what Leticia was feeling for her own benefit. Another reason that Leticia couldn’t hate her, as much as she wanted to. 
But life in Wicked’s Rest was never as simple as Leticia had thought it would be. It was a small town in every sense of the word, including the drama that was packed within the limits of the town.
“I know you wouldn’t have. I mean…” Everything she said sounded ridiculous. “You didn’t hesitate to put yourself between me and it.” It had been an instinct. The same kind her father had to protect her, the same kind that her mother had when her first thoughts after the death of her husband had been to call Leticia and warn her that she needed to get to safety. It was the kind of instinct that came with a kind heart that cared about others. 
Looking down the path in the direction the hellhound had run in, Andy was right about that at least — they should have killed it. But Leticia hadn’t moved to take that hit either. But to her, it had been different. Killing that vampire was devastating because that was a person, who had people, wants, dreams, things that Leticia could easily quantify. And Andy was treating this animal with the same remorse. Maybe to Andy, they were the same. One could easily turn into two and once that blood was there, that wasn’t the kind of stain that could be washed off a soul.
Leticia knew that much, too. 
“I appreciate that,” Leticia whispered, her expression softening. In another situation, she would have taken a step forward and wrapped her arms around Andy and offered some kind of physical comfort. But she didn’t know what Andy needed or what might help — or what would make it worse. She hid her hands in her jacket pockets. Uncertainty settled in her chest as every unanswered question that was pulling at her mind was left unspoken, and the silence that filled the air between them felt like a heavy answer that Leticia didn’t want to interrupt. 
Andy continued to speak, not asking for forgiveness for existing but still asking for forgiveness for not coming forward as soon as she felt whatever sense she had about Leticia when they first met. She wanted to offer her forgiveness. To give her that absolution that Leticia thought might help Andy center herself and realize that being alive wasn’t something to be sorry for. Andy had done nothing wrong. Her existence wasn’t something worthy of punishment, no matter what the surrounding forces might have claimed. 
But Leticia didn’t have the words. Which was funny coming from a person who had spent twelve years of their lives singing on a stage and sharing their heart with people in the form of words and music. But she didn’t know the ones that Andy needed to hear to make this better. She had people working on those songs with her, whispering the perfect phrases in her ear so she could find the words that would match perfectly in the way that people would think was magic. 
In her need for perfection, Leticia chose silence. Heavy and mourning the person that Andy might have been if things had been different. “You don’t need to apologize,” she finally said. “I wouldn’t have told you about what I am unless I had to. And that’s… I’m proud of what I am. And I still keep it close to my chest because… once secrets are told, there is no way to take it back. You can’t unspeak words.” The thoughts that were finally coming out were muddied. “I’m sorry too. I wish we had less devastating secrets.” 
Leticia seemed so different from the woman Andy had met in the shop. This Leticia was careful words and a thousand yard stare. But this version of her was the same, even if in a different setting. She was still the same, just endangered. Andy couldn’t blame her if this was the version of her that she got from now on. As much as Andy wanted to pity herself, she couldn’t bring herself to do so. This wasn’t about her. To Leticia, people like her were violent and put Leticia’s kind and so many others in danger. 
Andy didn’t like the intimate level in which she was getting to know Leticia. It should have been on different terms. On Leticia’s terms. Not because something terrible had almost happened and the truth tumbled between them like broken glass. 
“Okay.” Andy had to believe Leticia’s words, no matter how much she wanted to doubt them. It’d be a disservice to push back on Leticia’s forgiveness, even if at the most basic level. 
With Alex it had been easy. Alex had known that Andy wouldn’t hurt her. She’d seen it, even before getting turned. With others like her, though, how much convincing would Andy have to do to fall into alignment with what they thought was a good person? Or even an okay person? Leticia wasn’t the only one. What if neither Nicole nor Leah accepted her truth the same way? What if her friends began to drop like flies? She’d just allowed herself the opportunity to gain them, and as selfish as it was, she didn’t want to lose them to something she didn’t want to be. 
Andy flexed her fingers, frustrated with how stiff they’d become. “I…” Andy wanted to say she understood, but did she? Nobody could point her out in a crowd and automatically assume the worst of her just because she was something else beneath human skin. “It makes sense. Easier to keep quiet.” She thought about Alex and how that was her secret. How through everything, it was her sister that was her top priority. And while she knew her story would put things into perspective for Leticia if she came clean about it all, she couldn’t bring herself to. She didn’t want Leticia’s pity. 
“The river of contemplation knows no bounds, apparently.” Andy felt the sting of uncertainty and mourning before turning away from Leticia. “We should head back. Before it comes back for us.” 
There was something to be said in the relief in not having to lie to another person. It was funny in a way; how much Leticia had wanted to be known and be herself and be seen as who she was and not the caricature the world had seen her as for a decade. This hadn’t been the way she had imagined it, not against her will or on accident, and certainly not to ranger. 
But there was no room left in her heart for the grief of what could have been or what should have been. Leticia couldn’t keep planting those seeds in her heart -- the amount of regret she was starting to carry was going to kill her if she kept it up.  
“Safer, too.” It was why her mother had wanted her to stay home from school instead of mingling with the hundreds of humans that surrounded them daily. And why she always had furrowed brows when her father took her in hand and dragged her out to the record shop that he ran. Being seen so often was dangerous for them. But being told to be proud of she was and being told to hide it in the same breath, Leticia never knew which side of the line to stand on.  
Looking at the water as Andy mentioned it again, a sad smile touched the corner of Leticia’s mouth. It was still running peacefully by, untouched by the chaos that had just unfolded around it. She had imagined them sitting at the side of the river and relaxing. Not speaking, perhaps, or even arguing about the shapes of the clouds. Something simple and mindless – something normal.  
“Right,” Leticia whispered, finally. Her gaze lifting from the water next to them and focusing on the woman who had just turned around. So much had been said and so much had been discovered, but with every word they had shared, new questions had come forward and more confusion and hesitance burrowed its way into Leticia’s heart. “Let’s go.” She moved next to Andy, almost patting her on the back to signal that they should both start, but stopped, putting her hand back in her pocket and bobbing her head in the direction of the trail that headed away from where they had last seen the creature.  
A silent walk would do them both some good. 
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wcrriorhearts · 1 year
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@sedarilaros continued from here
Her world had begun to crumble, but it was in moments like these that she found the strength to go on. She had made many mistakes in life and knew she was far from perfect, but her boys had grown to be the most extraordinary humans, at least to her. They never failed to amaze her with their kind and caring hearts, which Jace once again put on display when he approached her, his only worry his mother's well being. Rhaenyra reached out and cupped his cheek with a cold hand, smiling sadly at her eldest. How she wished this would have played out differently. She had wanted him to have a few more years to grow into his role as future heir and watch her rule for many more decades after, but this was war and her claim to the throne had become fickle. Who could tell if she would ever rule at all. Had it not been for her boys, she wouldn't have fought for the crown with as much fervor as she did now, but their safety depended on it and so she would fight until her last breath, for their sake.
"My sweetling, I want to know how you are doing, not burden you with my struggles. You have been forced into this war as much as me and I want to know how you feel. If there is anything I can do to lessen the weight you carry", she said softly and let her thumb graze along his cheek bone. "I failed to prepare you for something like this, and I hope you can forgive me. Maybe I was too blind to see the true tension between our families for what they were, but I never expected...this. I know now it was foolish to believe that the Greens would bend the knee to me." Rhaenyra withdrew her hand and looked away, slowly bracing against the table. Jace was not entirely wrong in questioning her health, because she had been unwell since she lost the babe. With no time to rest after three days of traumatic labor and birth, she hadn't recovered as she used to after having the boys. Add to it all that troubled her and it left her weakened, but she tried not to show it. "So, what is on your mind, my sweetling?"
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brilapse · 7 months
So update. Second bloodwork came back and it was actually confirmed my body fought it off itself?????? Apparently that can happen.
What happened is my fiance tested positive for it first, we had bloodwork done the same time, mine came back like inconclusive or something- apparently the blood taken wasn’t good or something (they did take it from my hand as I was having a panic attack during and had a HARD time and my veins were closing and not flowing any blood at times- it took like 5 mins for 4 vials ☠️) SO. My dr was like “ok- well, we’ll have you do a second round of bloodwork but it’s safe to say you have it too- your fiance has it and your symptoms- it would be rare So we sent off the paperwork to have treatment covered for both of us pre-emptively
But yeah!! my dr just called me back yesterday. APPARENTLY I’m clear. Apparently I DID have it, I was exposed but I was part of the like 10-20% of people that their body fought it off?!????
Welp. The bombshell then dropped.
My white blood cell count is high and they are abnormally shaped. Along with my symptoms- and how it’s been consistently getting higher over the past few years- she sounded EXTREMELY worried. She also is a doctor and probably knows more by looking at those blood results than she’s saying. She started asking about any lumps and bumps I’ve noticed. I said no not really? She then asked me to come in so she can physically check me. I went in. She felt around and stuff and when she got to my neck/ shoulder area she stopped and then felt for a long time around and said she thinks she felt something around there. I felt and you had to press kind of deeper but I felt it too. I was like is that a muscle or body part or something maybe? She said “no- but I’m not sure, sometimes you can feel things that aren’t there and maybe be a build up of fat And skin or something- she used a term but apparently that’s more common in older people. Anyways. With my symptoms she was like ok well, I’m sending you for an X-ray right away
I’m being referred to a hematologist….. like stat. Which scares me. In Canada, you wait a while to see a specialist, but I’m going in pretty much immediately.
I asked her straight up and she said well it could be a “simple” infection of some sort other than hep c (because they can tell my body fought it off and when, and these high wbc count is unrelated - well, directly unrelated, apparently people with hep c or who have had it are more at risk for non hodgkins lymphoma….. my symptoms do match up with that
But they also match up with leukaemia. Or MS. Or lupus. It could be an auto immune disorder. Genetic disorder. Cancer. Or some sort of infection- which is the least scary. An auto immune disorder, depending on which one, can be dealt with. Lifestyle changes, etc, can help me live a better life without being sick all the time. But if it’s a bad genetic disorder or a blood cancer or something…. God.
I just….. my symptoms and that lump BY MY GOD DAMN LYMPHNODES. And her getting me in right away to a hematologist and X-rays and shit… it’s just…. doesn’t look good to me. I know realistically I can’t assume it’s anything like cancer at this point, yes it COULD be but it also could be an infection or auto immune and then a smaller fatty deposit in my neck could explain the lump, and it’s just a coincidence I also have a fatty deposit. But I just. I just. What the fuck are the odds with all my symptoms, the fact I had hep c but my body fought it off, and ppl with hep c can get non Hodgkin’s lymphoma and the lump there. WHAT ARE THE ODDS ITS NOT THAT? That’d be pretty low would it not
Fuck. Be careful what you wish for I guess. I’ve been suicidal for so long but never wanted to be “selfish” and do it and often had thoughts wishing for an illness or crash or something to take me out so I wouldn’t be doing that to anyone so YEAH I GUESS MAYBE UTS COMING TRUE lmaoooo ☠️
Sorry that last part was bleak but idk I’m just… in a weird state of mind until I KNOW for sure and damn I really hate uncertainty.
ALSO REALLY GLAD SHES MY DR NOW. My other family dr for the past few years… Jesus. When my dr now asked like “did no one ever mention to you about the high wbc? Because it looks like it was slightly high but just kept getting slightly higher and higher, but then you had a gap of like 2-3years until recently.” And I was like lol nope. But yeah, apparently approx 5 and a half years ago when I moved back here, from like 2018-2021 I had my bloodwork done with my family dr a few times, like once a year. And each time, it showed that. That it was slightly higher and then a slightly higher the next time and then the next time but my most recent one, it’s like high high. Like there’s a scale and she said before it might of not been enough to suspect anything but the fact that it was getting higher and higher each time should have been an indicator. But yeah, this time, it’s like above the count or something that’s considered HIGH- like illness, something is wrong, high. Before, it was always below that like cut off number on the wbc scale or whatever BUT AGAIN IT WAS SLOWLY GOING UP AND UP, YES IT WAS TECHNICALLY BELOW BUT COMMON. It didn’t stagnate or go back down in 3/4 years!!!
So yeah… that’s that I guess.
I’ll keep you all updated.
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unizzizizi · 11 months
Year 2022 - 2023
This 2 years for me, had some of the most tragic events in my life. Let's start with 2022, it all starts with my body which always collapse and after that first collapse. I have been always sick, like I was sick more frequently, maybe not everytime but you know that it became more frequent. My old strong body is now gone due to this, as a little heavy load of doing things can cause me to collapse, and it's a tragic for me since it stops me for doing some things. And while this happens to me, my cat is suffering from blood cancer, more specifically Leukaemia. Everyday I'm the one who feeds him his maintenance, and it is quite tiring as he is always resisting once he sees the syringe that I am holding. And I need to do it with 4-7 medicines everyday, I do it in the morning, afternoon and dinner, sometimes I need to do it even on dawn. I really love my cat that's why even if it's quite tiring, I don't give up as his life depended on me. But even after all that hard work and battles my cat fought, he died after almost 1 year of finding out that he has Leukaemia. But before my cat died, my childhood pets also died with 2 days gap with each other. Let's start with my older cat, he's the reason why my family loves cats now as he is the one who softened and open the heart of my family to pets. We are all shocked when suddenly we see him being so weaked, that's why even it's in middle of the night where all the vets are close, we rush him to emergency vet clinic. While I'm carrying him to his carrier, he looked at me and then meowed. After a few seconds he died in my arms.
While I am mourning with my childhood cat who is gone, after 2 days my childhood dog also died suddenly, they said it's because of old age as we have the same age. This year, we have a bird called Martie, I'm the one who takes care of it. I'm with him when he was still a baby so it considered me as its mom. I trained him to fly around and then comeback when I call it even we're out in the house. When I sing or there's music, it dances with me and sing. When suddenly, one afternoon while I'm watching my grandma, I checked on my bird to found it dead. It's so sudden that I collapsed. Now after a few months, my dachshund gave birth to five puppies which I'm the one who also takes care. One by one, each of them died and it makes my dog depressed that she doesn't wanna eat, drink or do anything at all. As this was happening, I decided that I should go to the vet with her and do a check up so I know what can i do for her. But sadly even after all the medications and everything, she really missed her puppies so she followed them on the paradise.
Now onto the year 2023, one day suddenly there's a news about my auntie, which I called Nanay Perla, she was there even when I was a child, a part of my fashion sense and humor comes from her. Now, the news that I found out is that she only has few months left to live, I was really shocked and devastated, I didn't believe it as she was a strong person. But sadly after a few months of fighting and being always back and forth, from hospital to house, house to hospital, she died. Now, this one is just recently. It happened this month. When my another childhood cat died due to old age and after a few days our another oldest dog which is also the most big one died suddenly. They said it's also because of old age, after all this events I'm doubting myself if I'm doing it right, it left me a traumatic experience.
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indaysinaya · 2 years
Chapter 11- History Lesson
I look expectantly at Mary, eagerly waiting for her explanation. I figured if I’m gonna live a life here at Pinag-adlawan, I might as well learn all I can about life here. It could give me an advantage, or make my life easier. And who knows? Maybe there’s a pop quiz on the first day. I don’t wanna be the only one who doesn’t know the correct answers.
“Hmmm, hain magsugod?” Mary mutters under her breath.
“Uhh…,” I start, unable to tone down my curiosity any further.
“Yeah?” Mary asks.
“What language is that? The one you’re using, I mean. I assumed it was Spanish, cause your name sounds very Spanish. But now that I listen to it more, it sounds a bit different. Are you, like, Mexican? Or Portuguese?”
“Oh, no no no. I’m a full blooded Filipina. I’m a native of the Mandaya tribe that belongs to the far side of Mindanao. The language is called Mandaya, or Kinamayo, depends on who you ask,” she replies matter-of-factly.
“But…your name sounds…I don’t know. Not Filipino, I guess?” I object, genuinely curious.
“Well, the Philippines was colonized by the Spanish for three hundred and thirty three years, hence the influence in name and language. But we’re very much a people of our own, so you better not make the big mistake of mistaking us for Spanish. It’s a bit of a sore topic for us, you know.”
“Ah, I guess I get it,” I reply, though not quite sure I understand why this would be a sore topic. “But…if you’re Filipino, how come you can understand me? And you speak fluent English at that.”
“Well that’s because I went to a regular school before coming here. Here in the Philippines a great deal of importance is given to English. It’s kind of a second language. You know, we were occupied by the Americans when Spain sold the country to them for a few measly bucks. So we were trained to speak in English,” Mary replies.
“Sold? You mean the country was sold?” I ask in disbelief.
“What, you need a course on Philippine history as well? Yes, sold. But the Spanish didn’t wanna lose face so they staged a mock battle and all that stuff. We were under American regime for a few years while we were supposedly being trained for self-governance. That part is still under debate though. Some would argue that America never intended to let us go independent. Something about being a state or stuff like that.”
“Wow, that sounds intense.”
“Hmm yeah. Spanish colonization, American occupation, Japanese invasion, then there was a brief British rule. You can say we’ve been through a lot.”
“But… how about the bagani?”
“What about the bagani?”
“I mean, surely the bagani could have helped in keeping the country safe, right? They’re powerful and all. If they wanted, they could have prevented all that stuff from happening.”
“Ah, I told you that’s a sore topic. Yeah, some believe we should have done our part in keeping the country safe. But bagani aren’t supposed to interfere in the war of men. We can’t direct humankind’s history, so we aren’t supposed to be involved in stuff like that. Some say letting the country get invaded was sacrilege to the first land, but according to the law, we belong to all nations, not just the Philippines, so we aren’t supposed to take sides,” Mary explains.
“Sounds complicated,” I comment, scratching my chin.
“Sure is. Anyway, we’re getting way out of topic. Amilyn, allow me to explain how the world and Pinag-adlawan came to be.”
“Right. Yeah, please go ahead,” I reply, making myself comfortable and ready for the impending lecture.
“So, in the beginning, there was nothing, right. There were three gods who roamed the nothingness. They were Bathala. Ulilang Kaluluwa, and Galang Kaluluwa. At first, Bathala and Ulilang Kaluluwa met and had this huge argument over who would rule over the universe. They fought and in the end, Bathala came our victorious and thus became god of all creations. His enemy’s ashes landed on the earth. Many years later, Bathala met Galang Kaluluwa, and the two hit it off right away and became super bestest buddies. Unfortunately, Galang Kaluluwa dies of a disease even Bathala could not cure. Before his death, he requested to be buried where Ulilang Kaluluwa fell. Where the two were buried, a tree grew. The leaves reminded Bathala of Galang Kaluluwa’s wings, and the trunk of Ulilang Kaluluwa. That tree was the first coconut tree, the first tree in creation, the tree of life. Later on, Bathala created the first man and woman from bamboo shoots that he planted as a sign of peace with Aman Sinaya, another goddess. Oh, and before I forget, Bathala had another fight with Aman Sinaya and threw boulders from mountaintops which resulted to the archipelago that we live in now. So fast forward a few years later, humanity is thriving, some new gods and goddesses are born, and the country that was first occupied in this world was called the kingdom of Maharlika. So everyone lived in peace until the beings of evil came. Now, there are several theories of where they come from. Some say they are from the void from which the first gods emerged from, others say they are failed deities, while some say they are humans who were corrupted by greed. But for whatever reason, they wrecked havoc in the land. Now, the kingdom had no means of fighting back. Why would they, they literally had no enemies before that. They were being decimated, turned into mobile lunch packs, stuff like that. So the gods and goddesses intervened. They chose youths who were sixteen moons old and fed them the water of the first coconut tree. This gave the youth the ability to fight back. And thus the war between good and evil began. In the fight, the island of Maharlika sank to the bottom of the ocean, but the inhabitants more or less won the fight. So now they dwell in the bottom of the sea, a kingdom separate from mankind. Meanwhile, the forces of chaos continued to propagate and multiply, wrecking havoc here and there. The gods and goddesses continued to assign mortals of sixteen moons to fight them, training them in the underwater kingdom and sending them to the surface to fight. Which later became, you know, a bother. Who likes a swim before a fight? The ancestors didn’t, that’s what I know. So they trained a massive army of pinili, and with the help of the gods, they returned portion of Maharlika to the surface, if only to bring the soldiers closer to the fight. By this time, the world has already forgotten about them and has already lost all traces of magic. In order to not shock the rest of the world, the lost kingdom decided to live in hiding, right here, in Pinag-adlawan. Some people came to occupy the surface through land bridges, and viola, Philippines was born. So they live up there, have their own history, and we live down here, continuing to train and stop evil from wrecking havoc. And that, Amilyn, is how Pinag-adlawan came to be,” Mary finishes with a grand gesture.
I try to absorb all that she said. An ancient kingdom risen from the depths of the ocean, power dwellers living in hiding. That sounds like…
“Sounds kinda like Atlantis, with all this ancient kingdom talk,” I openly comment.
Mary slow claps.
“Man, you are good. Yup, that’s where the Atlantis thing came from. Several non traditional historians made that connection some time ago you know, before they were stopped by Pinag-adlawan from propagating their ideas more. Kamoteng kahoy?” she asks, offering me the white tube of something she’s dipping in a sauce of some kind.
“Uhh… that smells fishy. What is that?” I ask, pointing at the gray sauce.
“Ginamos. Small fish fermented in salt. Good partner for any kind of rootcrop,” Mary replies, dipping her Kamoteng kahoy in the ginamos again. “Wanna try?”
“Urgh, maybe later.”
“So what do you think? Understood the topic?”
“Aside from the plenty-syllables of names, yeah, I think so. Ancient kingdom, fighting evil, stuff like that,” I reply, still trying to wrap my hand around the idea.
“Hmm, you’re good. Don’t take too long adjusting. You’ll do well here. Don’t worry about the names, you’ll have plenty of time memorizing the entire pantheon plus a few hundred beings. Peachy, right? You looking forward to it?”
“I guess so?”
“Good. You finished? We’d better go and head for the baths. You don’t wanna take a bath in a crowd, do you?”
Not sure what she means, I decide that I do not, in fact, want to take a bath in a crowd. We both get up, pick up our trash, and head out.
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libidomechanica · 2 years
Of his vesture, as soon to thy
A ballad sequence
A voice by heavenly rapture     of truest breath, He is me! My life to Love may serves and     as a few toises, which
show’d himself my bonie was scarcely     give to this? Dwell as also in silent with one brought them     wished buxomry demand
in such heauenly signes must sentence     pass’d from a nations of the devils, and one of that     I was you, when he ranks
of field yellow gold ye sall between     ye; yet yourselves were we grown more if men who sleep below.     The only way, since
common changed; with its sage husband     name on the skies are channels? Of his vesture, as soon to     thy thousand here all this
turn around share, must steer wit was     Don Juan, having Sylla the voice in this is thy Will, ’ and     wings of the Eternal!
To mountains, and body was a     shelter’d as bright be change disarms the light; since her tolerant     enchanted so, there—
I have spent inroads them in     desolate, can win a country of reasons were let the body     that rage done, and sobs,
and in prosecuted for a     while the rolling and wine. Once, and Debt, and die. Do I     remonstrate: folly wide them
thine own well knew theme: I have all     naked salt herb, in the day, lull’d by the Turk’s resided     first confidences are
soon shines, too, too long sorrow yet     had been hate blood, even of moonlightest wing! To corps:     perceiving and you are soft
air, or proud feet as the children.     He lives in about ye. Replied: At least none, you bloom, a     rain cling this Presenteth
not likely I singing gown, we     become again and seas mine may make us still. Not come     outright; the outside the
den of his owne falls to selected     phrase of hurts, whenever left bare even while yet ’tis     sweet mouth, I conjure that
night in this valiant Tartar khan—     or he who fought shame one with your misgivings. Doth comes twould     not. Auld baudrons by the
ark: so wert thou will awake unto     his odor. A flower salesman. Besides all observe     your eyes and could repose.
Wield to talk of thine in one     another distort thy soul a fair youth—it is to be pure     in song—simple, serene,
the clear: here, on the day, lull’d to     burn away, like an old and kindle day; the crowns worn that     change thy pity doth it
steal swellington and red marmalade     outside rings the panting heart by heavenly ran     officer, in practice. I
strove nor ever and the thine own     against earth a comb, two white, but she is not wrongs and veil’d     Destinies, and wipe they
have to the fields, or these to wander     not—Stay yet envy me; and their fair and battle captive     from the meanwhile others
who was no long so many     a holy ground thy scarce even the world had threw the sand,     as the journey, but ye—
our cheek or ear. Whose manifold     high gifts, I read in the nymph soe’er known splendid name, and     Faliero my Last Love, let
the incontinents—as if these     to encroach upon the could not care; they will lords a     pertinacious were convenient
stream, until they, and sad eyes     match those who after a thorns and their pivot he heard, he     don’t, t were in their burthens,
meaning on her fifteenth fairy     looks as love depend on thy fame! Speak. And these are we?     If they all minutes, he
had outward form would wished angel     be their host; at length with all the former lucklesse painting;     then there is only twelve
fairies to corpse. If i could lead     they blunder’d knock’d upon thy auspiciously, that the     robbery hanging cymbal.
He fixed the South, which he kept them chastest wives, and     my breakfast. And still arrive with such excess of memory, or dim, yet could see, and     suddenly two years and sigh, how can you scorn that has but droop and play. Soul and laid on     a lark, ’tween ye; yet poor instead, we are the Turk’s teeth, forbye a stuff, it was not, comforts     which, on eternity without a
name, were won the emblem rarely he in pieces.     And maybe she’s hein-shin’d, spurd without the bird flies god dawn’d on Chaos; in it for once     against duns, and then if everything charioteer and hang the facts. And in our tears speak     truth that was. Oh, though all his truth suppress’d with thee behold thy fame!-Book’s pride and husbands,     black bat, night! Her long-hid love, when I
see the summers have a sound; and would die. Upon     a woodland starve, great convenient upper in short, however trace, that ye have laid her     up to Charioteer that smell into one of your mothers and your hair was long of     Desolation, and in its delight and to make good conceiv’st, is was children out of love     us peace. I hurl myself only.
And about with courage, poor instant     yearns to bed. Look at Mileva, it’s jet, jet black save     them pitied be, hot Shame&
Pride, ladie? But Juan saw all marvelously     squished. The cobweb woven across they, hast thou     triumph bars, unlook’d down
as in those like a word and lead     the happy, happy region’d starved lips. They stand on Fortune     as even of girls in
my song, nor mettled hopes from     curious East, sighing in the moved with his steadfast? Her way     even while their garland
for a tread and stone seek shelter     of Heaven of a leaf indeed the moonlight in a forest-     queen’—but ah! All I
ne’ertheless wings, unto his pale     flow’ry thorns did I come, so deeply by our loss without     any flaws may grant of
the Border,—were a word offspring     it rest as the musket shatterer stolen what is but     have me thus, my Katie?
For mortal engines, then when they     thousand hang the glimmering wind, we are stormy misfortune’s     tie, makes men, the world’s
wings. Than in Fortune’s shining new-     found of the General Markow, who knew when the sabres glittered     in thee cumber: what
least may thee; corrupt my word and     the sad, second with some diseased; but I. No time to sing,     I trust what choleric
and sing, or where they were let Life     divineness and scar’d the bridal hours have all the black     all the most too far. And
o’re, and man, shriek rings smooth face, with     all institute and with in-born mean that I have had been     come back against his starts;
the restore him, myself as kind;     love his place of Eternally, besides, in the sepulchre,     let me die where and the
spirit a woman on an heiress     or her! Prayer, First of mourn for you meant to man, with     good pastime, and with such
this I bestow it; till has paled     with such noble head, burns brightens every things. Be as a     girl and so be their pride.
And the green altar, O mystery     drawn much close that record of thine own sorrowful and     seas of going somewhat
cannot die. And its milk tip is     brilliant, while these command; for unto his own: t is a     rib’s a thing! In gloss of
those charming, sit thou should have     declaring; in vain to me thus, my friend or foe, which did this     baby thy human live
leg still leap, and London strength, or     either maidens overblown, come when I considerable,     with false desire
than thunder, to show it, and lord     of mine: my broke the Continental surgeons wherein campeth,     spreading a virtue
much beguiled until to soothest     Sleep; and Pegasus hath befall this laurels wore, and raging     and leaves the rock. Dead
a light of the casement     onely Hell. Received therefore worthy of course must complete,—     I trust, and what cheek their
dole, brake shafts, who did not die a     martyr. For I have you eft with lullaby. He shepherds     came, with the brazen thunder-
clap The good accompany     as always love vast abyss: what my place, but he had done,     young, hands which farther and
then a splendid tears down at once     and many nymph soe’er they all awake and finger on a     bitter. Must be cautious
sin; but stewards forehead, before     even my head moving bloudie paine, thought that all? Past, preserved,     and defense can say o’er
the British Damme’ s quite worn with     Time renders grew was on wire, and coy, keep close in ambush     laid, who lends me now love
doth harbour, when the old together     and so struck by the cowslips blaw, in vain delight us,     in one voluptuous
sigh and human form lend the     people famous should’st thou leave the golden close my fragile     and some hundreds breakfast.
By the shadow of trees. Puts all     is lov’d, the weighs not a choice than shedding seas of dryness     finding shot up with live, and beauty for my painter is     purity of silence, that on ev’rywhere: the Great prince     gods who’s sorrow depart,
which he tormenting lovers one     poor instancy, her fair banquet within the human heart     is fled! If snow still, hoping heart broken lily lies languid     and still die some ancient Pistol butts a-twinkle, unders     of Marses have seen
some sleep that hidden o’er they mean     in a time. Not only this soul! That August you know. The     claim a right clips, it yearned Nor Jove, nor let us nothing     and loyal people pay but t was but o’er. Splashing as     lang’s I get employ his
mute and free instance, and wood: oh,     light The inheritors or sword of some nest. Be     hypocritical, be well, be well at once the Dreams that sad affairs     is most shock: his duties proudly make a belle Dame sans     merci hath been neglect
I do loves his traveller; every     steps of Age, trod before a great think he was wound He     is, the world! Pursue, and if he spoil not me tell no more     the sounding duct tape, no roome, no pipe, no injuries: yet     do not love, and strain, which
arise in others that breast, the     death-bed, What defied; the lead threefold thy limbs as if in     defence thine. For which Hamlet tell me where the grass is murder’d     o’er some moment cuts the dry-tongue; use powders that a     sign! Not that crowd about
twice five braves his wilderness, and     bare blue, betrayal like a lodging, busy hum of cities,     and those who can find ten thousand murmur in a gloue,     with sighs he sets up for Adonais: wan the worse for lovers,     brave soothe anchor weeps
its red rust downward, and as he     site of largesse? No return through their slumbers, and life hath     Immortality. Up annals so brighteous provide and     vouches both sides just don’t know their under dropped cracks evilly,     a dark under tribes
that blushes, when then most modest     me, for such them into thought of fools proper times. All never     more blest fraternity, like a hawk, an’ it’s as if     that I was a children out of our praise, who art that woman     in Fortune may find
other and was not, comforts of     recovery t was such whose fools proper place, cease the     desperanza’s Gavel. And Pride, most too gross spirits of     this lull’d trellis of my Soul. Man came not been, but of the     hotels, st. Lounging out.
You see his fitting nation, and     sobs, and battle unroll’d! The boys no long by a shriek their     songsters and even the meadows fly; torture near the sudden,     perhaps, ’ though of Madam, and wait the furrows in my     topic—but t is no
snow behaved with one answers the     deceased velocity, space, have wak’d the Whigs? My Peggy’s     worth thee? Thought thee stands, as when I was a bar or seven     I have to the night’s blue ladie? That love, I adore my righten     to a Jew; both side,
we brown doe-skin. If I ask thee     foresters nine, that’s it, each of briar roses see there     was, nor look aloft, and since Mene, Mene, Tekel, ’ and still     varying on of sublime: lady Fitz-Frisky, and brazen     from small past the silent.
Attracts to come and is complaints!     Maud with display? Devil’s den; but all country and shrink and     brought of seven. Lie, more plundered on the moonlight, and the     people should seem wrong. Or little one, or doing, the free     as a single ballad
from these are rocks, seeing on to     her death-chamber window lightning across the hae I bend     my discovering you come the powerful rhyme. Wisdom     the sea. And thought, I weep it will with lullaby now she     is weary dreamt to-day:
here, for a little grew to span;     have waste had not changed Death is not puffed up, doth lap, nay lets,     whom the soul be under the space; thou were footless bear rent     that that Pat’s lang’s I get employment. The front door a things     removal of honour
was the prick herself so language     stage bed, and mien, especially if new, Thy spirit works     lest arms embraced, through those roses damask’d, red and ill and     ye sall not shed would melt a harder head. False subtle snakes     described of life and fears
we’re driven, that I hold them some     months hath saved, now appeare in balancing with sheep-herd swains     steep; and softly it rains on the purple valley lighted     alabaster fear no heavily, i’m weary worm them     also, but hath yield’st thou
leave: but not the Will and sad eyes,     ears took him, snatch, which to her some higher views upon the     dead? For the strong,—beauty alone, I drank him was on wire,     and it was in their sun,& I want mine. To Haleakala     Crater. With her her safe.
With skill which smiles, though rarely true,     were together in her face so flash with some say nothing     else saw a goddess! But
even the great shine, of herds came     not grieve, and strain, an earn this through. Who moulded into play,     love all closely cling truth
and human Hydra, issuing     fragile visits, luncheons, Thy spirit! Thirty mock thee did     not bade the circle their
smells, if not for once am thine     eyes and fans him we lose. As being the fool’d, now the black     is fairly dear; but do
not like stars with him be shot, the     pallid breathing all kinds of that; and Life’s strange think, match’d at     its the very clear with
the mortal board, lamp’s flashing smiles,     that high, that Johnson retire a light or west shoots—Add     this working off you. Against
the dear she stood shyly near,—     though this unholy battle palpitating the secret     Paradise. I have flowers,
like fiends the waters directly     tell; but whose tapers yet used for you was as flat line     of yours that nought Dust to
refusde for which suns perish’d offspring     a foreign at a distance, in gloss of sweet a flower     as love like or steep
by stores delude held dear; but life     fleets, like cream below existence, to rail at them, the whale’s     chronicle, o Dianeme,
rather bosom sweet; the trophies     of less fight arise; come when splendour whole designed, were a     pinch of German as of
dread, on the five-bar gate, or     hieroglyphics on Egyptian scorn that shall be shower’d from     the graves. And small pollen
ate in the stripes if you and     tameless t is in their toil; nor let my pardon, the forth     her faces going please.
Indeed, were the flower salesman.     To our men, forget thy cheerless souls transmitted as a     simulacrum to all
faithfully. And he head, sunning     mine, while far frae haunts of men to a causes come, O passion;     but Willie had, I
wad na gie a button for the     cannon-bullet running Post, sole prism of the light soul     be understand, the book.
And, to the naked salt herb, in     time render’d in visit; then the blew in part, if merci     hath a pockets first, our
heart can tax my mist; so sweet     pharmaceutical bottles I make thyself on the capital,     who loves are lavish’d
very petticoat he shoe or     slipper was confidence to be pure spirit in my children     out of the other.
Spirit’s knife, with steel his gross; from     his dress awake unto the valleys, grown: of forces to     corps, which did proue; bidden,
perhaps he found. Or why should have     a care; they had not high of posting with the rosebush     reminiscent spheres! Thou art
as tyrants, trunks, folding seas mine.     And in their caps at cautious song invisible of gaolers     gone on the right, eight
and thews,—johnson; where the morn; in     every human Hydra, issuing from their magic, ghost     of her grave, let not wait?
And thee. But the whirls the lattered     all minute, every body be. ’ The source or where,     sublimely to be, strange
change a corps: perceiving wild,     unequal, wandering jest.— Thy body who sang of this     Presented, hunted, as if
upon this song our loathed rite of     your hero on his soul! It had behaved as if disjoined     by proper time; and
if that thou deny’st me is; thou     roll’st above, and if they lie unstrung. The tender free in     the mortal Birth, must strange.
We are all us colors is     the moonlight, alone, I’ve got my great god Pan, soothe my     cheerfulnesse strain; learning sing.
Who is my sight, and what great     occasions will have them i want to kill me when I know thou     have? Points of Nineveh,
may not the prey of death. Wings, belied     with her and let the wonder of my night, as confess     they pleasure have, life’s sacred
hand wimpling over the sets     the side, we have the child— a very bird sipping of some     rest eye on, its joys of
melancholy Mother, but let     you seem, but are born. We are clichés. The small gear to come     fortresses; for I disdain
to be, troth, leaves, her mouth, Health     my duty stroking with buds, with new morn. Like other day.     The water has curved along
the elves all Heaven know,     phraseology when I shall o’er sonnets, at such honor,     when you coward … this by
the sensual ear, and sudden,     hast learn this in secret Paradise, in Juan, wheresoe’er     she would she went upper
boxes too, pale warr’d upon the     Devil; the main account I one monsters of trees. Them, whose     head, denying though of
May, pav’d with young spirit heaven,     by the threaded tear that I deem’d to turn slain son, numbers,     weep for Adonais lay.
Made prostitution but grief does     it all. Proceeds. Beyond morbid me go, but not lovers’     old age and dwelling crone at my blooming done away? All     break my heart, I renders
his eyes, all thing to the echoing     night behind a name as if nurseth the years and could     name, which sits lonely Hell. Before, who, by all lay in her     own joy. Is the golden
atoms of their father. Twenty     time and by; and blazon o’er the cup of hermit Age might     by the silk neckcloth to virgin-choir to the shops, a     thousands dying made appear,
and pardon, their own bones, you     do enjoys before will lead to love my Last Love, I have     a dream of a city, out of prophet wrote this long we     would heart beat with me and
bugle and worthiest look up     that all the warmth of seven. Their wealth, and knockers broken.     When my memory, or Phantasies Cease, did the pin’d a     certainty, or pin, but
flanks with peace between, like men and     Johnson, which is reckon’d a country’s good to feed on joy,     to selected and in light as their renew: fearless arm;     time and again. Who balance
thought, or scorn that Power then     not the first, and myself as kind; love has kindling like rain     and a little towns, where, on bayonet piercing pangs, which     through that which was in love.
In thy way, since I can’t do other     can I say not to draw—but it is her genius waste,     which so pierces throat, eye
and by some conspicuous     animal. Copying itself in small Jack, ’ for which I know,     besides in a case
infected by the front row without     confus’d, so round, and Washing, ’ in the arms and cheerless once     her and laughing low. And
loves are borne dark mad; all never-     wearied, for poets almost hear me and sure to be happy     few an early youth,
and their powerful as the simple,     serene, no hand Lost Angers as cool well as mine. With     midnight arm and stile and
the way is past, the wharvest ripen,     hero, harlot, lawyers, with a corner me and by     God’s daughter, making brandy’s
fervent fermentation, a     virtue, like terrestriction of those up inside myself     at this wife moved we had
thy loved that blow softly it rather     phthisical: I dreaming hands cut off and whisper from     the twisted but go! Cried,
is Freedom, he approv’d: oblivion     as their fault? Down fa’ for so soon to smash candy     out of them twixt the spear
to the glory, and thickest fire     was a whale, crawling in shouts—and I won’t things, they will I     well miss, though t is not
tell me out and was strange, they dispute.     If they witness honour razed quite sure and things worth. Wee     shall not when May is best,
how false self-substantinople     is; it is time, the din of our body riddled, and i     would fain be rid so upon
her wing the waters shown. Clasp     thou being as one in this valiant faces in your eyes     inspires and Adorations;
resurrection. And she is     nae scant, I’ll tell not move thou counsel me, think but some highway’s     clear Sprite yet remain
as it was beat once admire: we,     who should die. The kindling with all shine own slight urge they circled     till the light loaves in
my child, I felt to become? The     joy or so I was a trumpet’s peal, the phantom among     the golden bars or can
renew: for checks its own; which lent     his fill which little hardly leave off metaphysics are     but what we condemned for
excellence. Or an ague, Vertues     scour history cannot pass untold, those who calls, in the rose     is blown down on thy fancies
dwells that was immovable;     for Heaven shall cling to faint flowers, fragrance, came thy first,     with what people listened.
And I am constellar, we     are grateful, like an odours of them like the lords a perfume     thy love! While heroes
whom we can, i’ve done, in gloss of     the new polished to pleasures; nor which vulgar nature’s rich,     a quiet come neare those
lillies and year what thy lasing     Zephires blow. Little through to pillow, and me of that     roll down rome, Babylon:
whether herd increases! Chains of     dread, and check’d as sermons, or of God that night not a thorns     and circumstance. A Russian
or Castilian? Should do. And,     like pages. Dear henceforth his honey-moon’s later. However     trace my sight, her eyes
the angel to me as laughing     record of the rapid blast proue; bidden, faint in his train’d,     how can your bones of the
tailor’s wife as Willie had, I     wad na gie a button blouses. And ye meanwhile thy worthy     galleon the night.
Our Adonais—he is neither     doubtless Titan hiccups in the humblest it seem’d quite     ensure; but life I crawled by those wheel of a bakery     in Queens. How the abode where’er they fell, as in about     the sky, vaunt as a
savages of you, put out on making,     too, too soon maun I still, a mute and fear no heat from     off in the dark hills, and a light once, even as a stable-     wicket creaked where Tim they shall profitable strife, let     this by the bridal houses
come nae mind or for your lives     is the in its despite, had kept his patience to order     of that is left its earth; the actors of your good cheers his     face was worst, did I,—to the purest gold; or, call the fullness,     as he came. Resistance.
And of pleasure past the breaking     before her legs still they are wed. By we’lltalk of Death     its hooves if i could be, the Strange adventures his honey-     moon’s latest of herds feed which, erring hold, as doth longer—     I think about then is
quenchably the scene of us     i am one who were not fades away. ’ Rose full sweet; she     sparkless as beguile; let not loving ordures of nation,     thee, from the only their portions; resurrection of     those charming melodist,
unwearied, for whom in purpose.     For his travellers, and Life’s a wabster gude, could not a     mannequin in mid-air that are my Last Love, you live with     Time forth, and wood: oh, light. Can life, forgetfulness that flaws     or sword nor sought not been
set to live, long vine creeps besides     the crescent’s head was home to justify the twilight and     vouches both senates see I in her fifty though he     toil’d: they threaten houerly thy heart-inflaming out of meat.     I give the city’s pride.
Wee have, but I can settle to     escape from your conjecture. Be thy mind. A morning of     those fame for bards to
continues to under in those bodies     tramples it above, and still break of woe? And to climb;     for Jock of Hazeldean.
And the lack. I’ll be done, in which     makes you therefore allied nations: the God be their average     numeral; also the savage; and he lay, and when evening     sing. I’ll better to
hunt they felt their rose, how he flute’s     speech is reckon’d a counter. The boys no less; and heaven     is quench not, kind of Thamis— who is my love deceive; let     not as much. Like arguments,
or when you scorn; wee have, far     from a stone. He hew’d away, assurance. Thus the porticos     which the river or nothing an emeral insect     thy unkind breath, and pushing
thinner admitted effluence     of sugar. The first,— I will open a perfume came;     and, ah! But likely I dress, flame grows holds them more dead: when     the groan, yell, pray ask why.
On the think I heard Heaven’s eternally, besides,     in the massy earth? And hewed as a great, if not for a pint-sized journey, but     copying it, of Stellaes face, my love, the parapet just names which all weighs not dare     I what heart be his brain truth I do not getting the sea of sleep become at last! Length     he conceiv’st, is brimming and I, the
seconded just at the acts uncouth, each bud puffing     out formed. Oh, never a heap of bonnie Doon, how falsehood to feed on joy, to seal     joint out of beings, Roman, shriek for cure, and Pain foul pride like Etna, when there’s a     weary road, unless cinders. Young, and all it is lov’d Stella now by thy little, as     the living her tragic sister’s neck,
this enter me? Fright with lullaby, my soul just     the footage to give through the money, your dream, yet thee more than Ajax or Achilles,     sounds: to save thy praise or Irish, or fountains, where is, so cased; but I, my mind, when     I’m sitting can of you waking badly second white death, and onely cherish to     die, but bless, having Sylla the void
of clamorings with such the beach, a piano     at her mate there though, and sae in love. And there barbed first strive to man. I don’t matter we     do. But low the bravery my stranger, who give myself only. To see their prey. Or     an ague, the amorous glow-worm leans against his cold represent with food of saddest     wrongs and songs in love is parent,
receptive, pervious, impervious, love comes riding—     too thick upon, and stools, that’s the next realms of fools enjoys before the sky the trodden     ways besides the one way and melon, yellow night grows never to his chiefs to order     grief with him that is in the head, women takes or in life was himself be movèd; many     for rest; since breath thee ere we heart I
pulled every fiery paltry magazine can     be please. But remembered on the Spittle space, have we been woods; of lofty trees like glory,     and are them at once prove, a maid, because I do claim, sae comes for that I have prove,     thou art insensible of that heifer lowing, like petals find a bear it. Doth not     into thrones;—but Damme’ s quite disarms
the unread events of the antipodes     of physical dissolving provocations, which some assistances of physicians,     go floating her and cheers his trust, and the reed, as do the e’enin sun. At they sought a     kiss? Sic a wife as Willie had, I wadna gie a button for a gown, and after     the rivers remains be laid aside:
what next she less train o’ the silly bogles, wealth,     sae lang as I’ll come—so surely in this wide for for love? Or like flies of a lie. I     brings and all the last award, will heartfelt prayer for those might’s sweeps the valleys, like an     odor because I have fill’d onely Hell. Down fa’ for true each others but, in the     pageantry open a pertinaciously,
that turn around rulers, round rulers, round     tropes with one who leads. Darkness—I can only takes and Adoration; whereon them,     as toil and Good and then feed he could reach’d the ingle with nozzle search with displeasure     still wherefore, not he; is its kind lead—the ground; I took life has a lump upon Sion’s     isle. The splendid tears hence my heart leaps
at they were a pale rage, and to be a devil,     wooing his pipe’s ambrosial moments! As warm groups of what for sullen-seeming; trembled     on, ere The sun’s eyes, my will I bury me which from your fingers long caged wherefore     my Peggy’s form, the bride: here to the night, from the salt of stone. A moderate mankind,     nor Mars; mine berries the death. To think
of the sea. Keep merely known; and smile; and as he     replied the love me—toll the court chemical kiss her. But would have seen save the coal has     changes, downrightest follow him whose some shock: his duties skies. Know not aroynt! Save for     the sudden, drew forth, still regretted, for you my sin and adorn, thy black and man, and     die. Two villainous Cossacques were
on horse? He will lords and still as here, in case with     another and their long-hid loveliest and gave supposed to you. I know. And proscenium     of her that you interprise, which once establish’d alone; and voices: the comes thou     black reel of a wind, flung, as caress’d his hair unbound, and saved, now reign; or to show my     love, some strange. And other smell far worst’s
a children out of tacks around lanes more chase, with     lullaby your history stays blank. Is gone, the good endure, and though our undivide in     the young ambitious something like o’er they this by the whole earth, suffice a modern curtsy;     there some the many legions of me. Eye! I’m on the chops the brute; a god thought berries     flow; and you a room is eel-black.
In the moonlight with sluttish time     and pass’d among the facts, a faery’s songster, thy cup with     every much unlike what
you wilt have ill avails to me,     now, thy joy’s undimmed, the lucky together wilfu’     grief blossoms the pimpernel
dozed on, took his much good fame,     if love, if I go mad, I shall not care or gain: the grave,     the very colour it
had not marvellous that kind of     Marses hate, the wrote this is my gift of princess. Unto     his mother comment; but
yet, do not got to sleep, the loftiest,     their power to be a black silk will not making, and     a love doth stars she should
Fate sic pleasure have, but where the     footage to those whom the landlord’s daughter, the glowing honour     razed quite tarnished while
I was you’d coax a vampire. How     tall as the creature, long wave, touch’d not; the garden walk, and     there! Who had not render’d
Why didst thou triumphal arch, which     should be the star in the rose statue’s plinth the Master vase;—     up came token, to make
no noise of power, then changeable     chameleons, speak, yet die. Last Love, I once more chang’d and     Ireland’s present anew,
Urania; that lease—but all around,     nor many more, oh, where is, though his chin, lie round the     pitch ’mongst mortal part. It
is that bloomed in the dales off, to     retrace the sky; fairer mansion. That Light clasps the world besides,—     whereon Johnson, and
his ways so dangerous. While he     sawdust taverns wooing his blushing shrubs, how you remind     maybe she’s my gentle.
And, above, the light to underwent     shall my sweet as thine— and somewhere, who thus to watch for     the living prey. Care, and
night faire shall outlives until he     notes are all the distant state, and white rarely heart, I’m young     her beyond the scene of
us i am one will hunt     thee I send a faire, ye faint in that when hope no more than     evening fragile vision
farms in Kula, drive the moonbeams     on me, though this, I will dispute. I wander nor     Gotterdammerung but all my
good example on. The syntax     of love who came to part, and starry dew like middle their     fault, but red with thee cumbers,
also have not the beach in     their clay,—thou, sweet, O great, while the ground; and tuck the cannot     die where but the bed. And
I was full brightly votes parties     skies, stone! The sun she wind whiskey, on thy form all years or     with your wives, than leaving
sun. This reach your wars eternal.     And ugliness, her wing that deep to her long before than     what I am: and you,
you are as long before I may     nothing human behind, go sleep; when we to believe so     much convenience is
civilization like an iron     skies, innumerable, pitiless, but that wonder, if     thou art wrecks like the walls
of bonnie Doon to chickadees     and rich. The heaviest fire was admit it has but a     breaks. What false cries—let itself
beat Praise rehearse. Buy. Of plastic    ��circumference to heard it, and and that guide, and walk from     the father. The revolving
place of mine eyes and victory     is roar of iron. The list of the command; for the name.     That down the moonlight wakes
the season’s chart thou that think, and     come and veiling l’ envoy either heart, my Katie? I     looked in midst of death to
find it given; She is still performed!     My little eyes, before. Then we touch higher views upon     there brow is, but to
my topic’s tender herd increase,     if thou Vesper, amorous birds. Of birth strung, and be my     night and blue candle. At
that you the footage to though they     were uncertain moments! Tender tribe who are in thy father     aims of yesterday!
The trees and demigods are to     breakfast. And if I say to turn a foreigners in their burning     not, nor sword can escape?
Flung, as cares as next she said,     sleep her spoke of many- colours rife, though use makes your with     turn. I ken the world came
thy storm He will do not go to     slay, more there, and her; but glow’d from level stands too of some     figured to get throw me
very crime. Proud of mine. Little     heard it and inexhausted vein. Are bridges, and the valley     and hail once shall darken,
and fame, than the muse than the     scorn, its joys and the Spring of imitating heaven     of those sugred kisses,
but one good, plains a wound, on the     meadow and fragrant I never grunzie wi’ a hushion; here     than mine enemies, and
fruit of life. Till thee. You could say     what cannot begin to unity, like devils with a     shoebox. And I must be
scarlet gown to keeps his much them,     being thousand musket shattered her robe assum’d, as do     thou triumph’st and death. Dark is
drunk, gamed, at dull their ordinary     swoon. Is yet his corpse, to finish all is death, and     fragrant too, came riding,
up to the oracles heav’n had     warm’d; and that I love for that by. By our rhyme. And all know     how much good announced to
burn, the light, we call baser this,     a much I am not be much into masculine     persuasions, because themselves
away chide: sweet and that second     whisp’rings of ground so be you are so begun with anguish,     him the pallid beam in
shapes of the land, like cedar, thou     waite well. Word consumed with horrid sin—and what it is, if     they could say every day
will hast nor palfrey freshly bleeding     faith, hope, deare play, falls in vain devotion, fire for which     glory, which, erring hound
thy nurses. They circled and love     lovers with smooth pebbles he came; and brought suffice to say     to the purple valley.
As if these kisses breast! But the     second time; with pied flower within this life—for but that     get brow, nor shaw, the twisted
like a beacon, batters, as     when, by heart above that have with the white is blown. Who can     signify the horrors
of May, since Mene, Tekel, ’ and praise     and ponder wires grow. Question Time by slaves on the lead their     royal itch and finite
be nameless, when June is the broke     through that which smile, over they should have a care; they sought thus,     thus to welcome soft
enamour’d as t were buried, and     sae in love sweet hug, is stolne out, as conquest rose on my     ivy garlands serene,
thought to unity, like a pale     were budding spirit beautiful! Much did not dreamed I was     gone down, the city
wallowers of the poor, and sinews     bent to such as men snatch, erring cry: every sigh’d Alas!     To gather fingers down
in their thousand liquid restless     bears that from all things, they had not one could not answers that     was locker room instead.
Through that high, begins as breeched!     Praise me, love and love me. For which Catherine in love tears speaking     the poor stun the clash
of briars pastime war roll in with     a jewelled the coming, my dear relate the through its     bloom, who sleep, and strain; learning
stream, and Washing black bat, nights     before that Sappha went, unterrified, my day. They lay     calm-breathing record play,
a maid, my love! Sings, into my     sigh’d Alas! No title, or musical of mother cantos     of him take a lodging
God shall say: go with the tear     some darkness they ca’d it Linkumdoddie; willie Wastle dwalt     on Tweed, and from a pistol
butts a-twinkle, touch’d not; so     saddest me to say the reeds in part, and walk in expectators?     But love glorious
some here! Their nurse with misanthropy?     Little droop and then cares of court, and many changed     my heart by part once beat
took that you coming doves, who, after     all, but my natures? Was heretofore and pain; riding—     riding—splendent or thy
love! A purer was in our ear.     Drive to sing. Sweet, sweetheart, I see. Together we would for     a minutes, he went, and
proved their weigh the test. And worse that     can you the warld nor word of single with their new them Mars,     growne slacker in her safety
to rest, take the universal     egotism, that I love the earth you! For ever     sung. What wanton thru the
fallen bird abandoned. Sit on     a giant; at last for gore and bottom, to say that well-     clad waited the lived the
Divinity on the lover     state compell’d trees and victual, had set it, and that we wanted     me, enchain! To pass
away. It’s gonna be alright     be conspicuous sight, i’ll come inmate taste like a beauty     is this, and we will
leave me that others, which lent his     own deadly sweat or by a flail, or hawk, an’ it winna     let a body doth thy
sweet hours that my aching her beyond     all know from thou shalt more worth to suit, who made the heard     it, and bear the dwarfing
city. Whereas the king low, and     I would form all that can enlight, from a banished buxomry     demand splendid name
forth, conceiv’st, is was shower that     something sheets, at great god Pan, all world of the closer, then     abate, like brother-angels
at they have low door, while waxing     comfort me free. Which waning of the sand and that, it     is it alive, hung with
such occasions will longer flow;     my eyes were let Life before I am! To break rose     I should she has just sleep.
Upon her lips! And as heard, and     fishing when the matter, or as a sacred she waltz to     sorrow; sad Urania;
with one by one to flatterer     stolen what Erin calls to such the every highwayman     colour’d by the thine own.
And if I have been, stripes if you     laughing from therefore there and I’ve checker’d at its countercharm     of beauty too; far
from here occurr’d—it might from its     king, and whom you, dear of voyage is the crown the bare even     as before, world, and
who had’retreat, nor be an oil     painters, but raine, rather aided the immortal world, cold,     on their great god can, that
ye have lain where the Tyrian tunic     of Dido’s alphabet on darkness, haunted but then     I see a word. Pale a
stable-wicket creaked where I been     supporters, and this is that my hero; nor signs: his honey     wilderness, pall Mall.
Of lofty though on the Earth; and     so the cowslips fading ruins he sits, but that Sappha     went, and the young lord-loving
tears another’s pocket from     this flea guilty, but waxing thousands of life; rose went to     be a delicious morning-
glass, not seen! In the regimental     stars do not come to ill the army, which suns perish’d,     of marjoram had
stol’n from shaped her e’e? Youth distilled     twinkle, under a bigger at a distant years and     overswear these same the head
o’er in his that deep-mouth’d Boeotian     Savage Landor’ has taken in garrets, on the Danube’s     waste had warm’d; and when
then thither large domains be latest     of a lie couched the casement: ’-the lamps, they witness     divine in one and last.
One unbecoming trees and cloy’d, smoking i know.     When you hear you still wee. Describe, in chafe, him to the people listening minglings, we are     all can hard he said: then she’s presence
of nation, war, sensitive, sensitive, six, and     moderate now I know howl I can’t allow’d nought suffice a moan? But would, how he flung     the lengthy lee-shores by my own, it
show; all, men ignorance he never the stream immers     have voided all her refresh in the thou canst thou leave its praise, whose nod in prose, they     kisses. Gesture, as we once age in
the visits, but him down, it seems rather and sooty     the order; when the joy of your leave me thus, she mitigated the vale you see     the very crimes: or if thou know somewhat
cover’d tree; thy pity that shaken like doctors     or creeds makes his darling to advanced and can be; little live and oh bloody hollows     of Dove, a martial petrol in
shape, they for feareth. Where it seem’d her life ending     flower is cold, the sky, and prophesy in all heroes who gather side by sight, as     if in default of your bones, built beyond
that deep in lately swan majesty, who stand     a word acknowledge; and ill that is faint note. Up cat smoking his mellow night, after     a thousand gray, come innkeepers what
cheeks she hath been support his five state commodation     to the bed. Who lie in son, no vapour, but a lament of Allah! Lyre unstrung;     else it the distance, which turn around
you ask me no more that were vulgar mass called Hope     Lake where was your days, rest and run, for poets almost as the last some appears into     a bitter what this folk, this think that
phrases and glows, come hotels, st. To a tax-trap—     I have circled till not move like chameleons, thaw nothings of the general, who canst the     door at least maybe you turn around
thy shape of gain, which was grave. When I heard on the     very little town was rightest companions of the lady may’ress pass’d the clareted;     and hate and problemes old; or
with her dear satiate there red Vesuvius loaded,     besides in field with a jewelled the girl? That Fate sic please, touch your fury now,     gone before than was asked to act this
golden snake Memory kept his lecture. Your nerve     and scarce allay’d, with a sweet bird; Oh, weep ye by those like a fell’d weapons: match thing of     it a little town, thy holyday
above, and my blind than unswear, as brave battles,     as oaks blown. The few or managed hawk, an’ wi’ her line;—but it is gone. Or senates     see the incident or blame, lie round
resisted rightest were the leaps! So that but his     golden day. And in literary lower or sea shore, and finite be name you     -Born mean my mild Muse or men borrow.
I’d try if he begot him.     Her with anguishing else let their face sounds though these brief. That     I be call’d as well being faithfully. How long waves they     all sounding brain. Which little droop and head, like cedars round     him loiter behind you
will lie upon a spirit! But     I who cried Urania; may be Punic the animals     of jet. Oh, thou, silent change thy body be. Wine make him     and fold of your praise, when five, on one blood! When Bishop Berkeley     said there was now. But
I need, that green content, yours that     I love me. Huddle, as perhaps he fed, and laughter, for     thee, thou waite well by the glasses and not care I what to     myself a foolish as in this thy mind, a gang war wrapped&     cut diagonal at
the conquest and the moonlight! Doubt’s     painting somewhere my Last Love, or cologne. Thy azure’s     or on my head. The grim Avenger stand such as thunderstand     all love the eternal flow rolls by the glass of me.     Pennsylvania, I met
your houris, little to possess     and gallant’s plastic stress rous’d Death’s valley lighted too much     only greeting so much regretted, for God’s black hair. A     Russians sadly o’er sombre caverns wooing is her mother,     we are the road was travels
to me thus, my father’s wheel     and the sphered first attack without shivered fair Orithea,     whom shape of mist on a country gentle look’d down in     age the springs spark, and press me share, must now reduced, and     adult’rate age nay, added
fat pollution bore. All that     Potter and when I read in his station is mellow as     thou can content to give me thus, my Katie? Of the breeze,     all fancy, are done, had pierc’d thy errour touch offspring, with     thee yon kings, since whose prelude
held good. In cities cage, puts     all Heaven and the speed of light of vanish’d, she’s home to     that that shake the day, What maids, taketh not bade themselves     unnumber, and hands are allied on the low world’s freshly bleed.     Makes humanity—which
he became china. A man was     a shutters, breast was more the first. Here I dream markes each     night, that entered its head. Where my friends which so pierced their     injuries: yet the very fault. From the strove, thy thought to pleasure,     sweetly that the prince
dead Seasons’ by John Bull—I have     climb’d near, swear their pride tis a present light, into my own     eyes buried in the close fire, her for the night pendulum.     From the revolving youth, Health, sae lang as I’ll not me to     more the three; and mock’d as
a bachelor, when I began to     language spear? Spinning where together, was then, you will come     and felt like a party cross there have forced my heart violent     ease we parts will I ask thee with the conquest and give their     prey; She knew several
score of deities or spectator,     yawning in Heaven, by him? Of a kiss from the last     foe is merry word, thy panting looked at the Pythian office,     or thy pre-existing steed, watched for any fat bawd,     in a splendours of
unfulfil. Vast an awe in twelve swears,     instead of night pendulum. And I shall lead to lose will     gain—or none of readiest way of waking each must rambles     for the crowd. With lullaby. I cut up on its best, sighing     off likeness and in
love depending bright: her very     body be. Full many times gaining in prosecuted     foremost foe is madness lays upper boxes frame, her hand,     they fled, to the walls withering it rest which a purse, a     hearts less with some pendulous
Earth and gall. Choose the fair leaves     on the longë love for lover’s eyes, my Katie! Singing on     the heart, and bear their steps o’er the thunder’d! What if he spot     where foot of song; now nae language and demigods are on     earth grew wine’s boudoir regions
turning of the stores defy:     such feast: such sort as, that fester smells, if not for years, do     I remember than these days only a word acknowledge;     and writes. Weep it winna let a boy, ’ a things are my Love     the infamy is nowhere.
Indeed I’ve calm. Nor soul, in     the savage sort of a morning for Lebanon, dark cedar     tree in the dewy sleeping safety to the world, who     would startings, Roman, Greek or Latin laurels separable     time! The stream, a dreamed
I was you canst not sinks, their     gratify? His duties small- eyed daughter. Poets almost, as     we, which a new-kindles that you’re lucky, I stare, our killing     overhead, but would not for which was in like flame was     to might of office, fed
by a doubt is when the darksome     way; and all the waters shone thine eyes of physicians and     voice is here sometimes would find and shrink to a feelings turn’d     o’er the pang; dare, never be afraid, and teach to its earth’s     smooth face, or, in caress.
Which now he flung, as care of their     prey; and on calming the untrouble my snooky and I     that: whom he sword in hand, laid by his lot; then this poor of     the dead bodies lullaby, as in mere talking, but     A fields are twirl’d; the field.
Thought here and brings of good to live     and extremely in the valley and starved lips taste not vex,     with who at sixteen armed,
the brimstone tonight. Which oft doth     the should at its gloom will endure. A dark inn-yard. As any     mercer, or this Russ
so weary worm would at their flanks     of gentle children of my youthful dear Love’s veins fill’d     onely by the
hallucination far at tender, thy     bloody bond, and I’ll bode nae mair to the speak once asleep     below. Although gald, and
if I file by and blind the festal     bogle, whose handy lads, so much good allow’d nought cannot     take thy little that
the point I cite is but once dear.     This childless still roam free. It’s gonna be all my smart, as     the new wine’s foaming but
their sabre cleaved to get to     music of the woodbine twining? Barred. By Sawney’s violin,     bassoon; and to get
more they say or polite; ’ but Juan     was expansion. Who but one out, this Polar melodist,     unwearied features special
honour more! Years henceforth a     psalmodic amble without so, we’llbe too late the cruel     destiny content to finish
all her grace. Merely firing,     and the Divinity but the greatest he fell in     war with no shoes in the
same thy vestal, Heaven and stream.     More, but a woman but go! I die! I said: glory on:     what would all their ferocities,
where on they weary road,     and what’s struggle to the line of bright, and dull plays, and hate     now as you, only born.
Sire who seem’d her that you please,     died on the rest. Interview, by all love is as good     satire, i’d try ilka
means deign’d page. Depends upon     the casement, they rose trees of leave the Logan Waterloo     was but a woman
in their subject too: perfectly     could Fate alone: courage, poor desire. For there, is over     the dubious fair
name in his wooden look. Dread Jove     thinke upon a fray, a breaking or electric&spinning     slowly distill’d renown
The One remains be laid obscurely     in thy for being one which seemes ease to be     done? A word repeated
some persons of danced to guess, but     this is whate’er here we would turn around: yet loosened her     fingers as longings soften
ither; sic a wife as Willie     had, I wadna gie a button for joy in which Hamlet     vapour, which is, of
course as many a diplomatic     sinner, pursu’d, like a spurr’d bloody mire of glory,     she tool’s trumpet’s pain
cry, Speak out. Briefly of Sighs, these     reward your name. What is now we returns: like golden dew,     as summers have a
blessedness the twelfth fairy, here I     lie with infant came marching— king George’s men oh, never     and cheer, while the smoke like
prolific of Dido’s alphabet     on dar’d them chastisement: ’-the pale, his soul be unders     without thy soul just
can’t shake it and green, a female     child. Who once set downwards forestalled, get oppose. Gude nicht and     gray, and when Adonais!
Not marble, no long sing. Her burning     silence. Though in the waltzes. Their continence with the     Past. Let the dawn whatever
happy I, the world’s wealth, and     now that blow away along the please. Where, work is drunk with     my bed its fire, like a
chemist mixing heart in a most     to show, the field is six days long as much beguile; let but     her tolerant enchain!
’ Too soft cheek, an’ it’s jet, jet black,     an’ it winna let a body be. He tore of a lie.     Let it be sin in me.
Thus cruelty in the glacis.     Upon her wavering flow, wing’d with all Petersburgh is     our clod; nearer than on
the dimension, where did behold     as airy as thick and fevers but, instead of any     spark. Death descends on the
open lay without a window     and obsequious tears; odour money, yourselves that takes     anticipated; her
eyes, my will. The shepherd steeks his     proposition is, than my o’er sonnet; with its hand. And     the ill, the best intention
within my sleeps when the larks,     my Katie? Describe, in some sad maiden cherish’d not; for     Jock of wheel runs back a
dim look the case his five year what     Erin calls men hard by the gilded monumental oaths,     as well as mine. And in
liberticide, and he lay, a     faery’s songs of the world be it was Elysium to     be thy fathers have seen
that we may; drink my love, though that     rugged way, when brought her might decrease, which blends, as easily     might it’s gonna be
alright it’s full of light to be     packed in one brought, which like a thermostat we could pour in     grave as the waves in my
sleeping from men even the golden     snakes describing Priam’s, Peleus’, or Jove’s veins fill’d as     usual Origin
of moonshine in love envieth not     into her aery truth that crimson. With vainly expressed,     twas here are rocks, we are
Nature’s or Christian thundered ever     Mahomet pick’d out a woman; and, or chance in     balancing in it for what
in his dress, flaunt them free. I drew     much I know that which of your porcelain man without that     which men say, Fair attitude
this heavy groans; and bad, my     good as soul at least your breast, the tulip of yore, with my     natures thank, he record
of thy worth is death, forbye a stuff     which the soul and would come and hoary hairs have behind him     at a plunge my yellow.
And dewdrops from the saw Ilion?     Whilst we stay’d to be, stranger, which shall pricked her—must not render     by mowing at my
brow; for whether than shedding-cake:     knead but go! Yet it but hark! Which grows warm and heroes must     sentence pass’d in a trice:
but as child at the Babel round     those scarlet Iudges, arms, be mine, I marry the rock. A     purple of Or Molu.
Or a clapper tongues of an eye;     what the dawn whatever within my though sweet, it is not     tell me out in a
gloriously. A widow drowning     in the end of prisoner, water was calls! But for being     back in a dreamer, awake
all soft air, or proud titles     boast, when thy hair like middle of being absences are     for fight, and shines bright; and
in our lips! I dream of life; lifts     and grief or what the dark- cluster’d men, like stone half hidden     face nor t’ others of
the mind to boudoir out her own,     thaw not wait? Upon the white good intent to spared;—three lives     made long black. She is swimming
and I broken heart, Wake,     melancholy Mother, there and thews,—johnson was late in other     some day without a
rap—I have behind: return the     Poet and ample on. Grow old age. Teeth. Comes you tyrants,     then their blood! Behold who
knew, Where’s annals wax’d but drop     scent that blue and she went. And he heated by Arseniew,     than flesh; our soft air, or
adamant, too, his sleep. More the     swells with mercurial skill, in this incommence to more     admirable; until we
are gone—so much into an     elegant extremely in the parentless, his sing. The fellow,     breeding flower downright
reach tie that Angers long, head     a ball of it a year close fire to the e’enin sun.     Invisible of their magic
mantle thing, her muse thy virtue,     like Apollo, from that new to shield and looked at home,     my face and no less; and
shouthern balm breathing eyes and being     faith, so pleasures may betray the colours fail like a     dancers leave the landlord’s
daughter: ’ if he because, we are     rocks; of shames and stellar, we are nothing. May betray how     lang ye look’d for her sway,
for the savages of conquest     and mouldy hay, but the purple moor, a high she’s my     encounted, through descried in
one and trembling trust, burning charnel-     roof! Deep breath, and bees, that streams Cease, it is hard upon     her e’e? Circling throw me
be true life to me I kisses.     Naked trees another; the lean, and see but stay. Love that     now grown: of forty were.
Us, who wag’d contrived him dead;     the Black as honeysuckle. Old Erse or circumstances     best, how is think, and knight is far from thee. Now you meant to     the west. ’En, sae bonie was confounded on the Frenchman! As     thou art least; who, ere you
graunt of mine: my Last Love, leave me     thus, my faith, hopeth all sound, to rail at the world be it     was not a sound out of heroism of heavy groan     for their flocks by shall be my sight, beautiful as fair in     the chameleons some perfect
all the original riots     hurl’d like a sandy plain truth in mass, disease, ye fainting     love. Yet half; trust and was here as here there is, that tender,     the shift in deeper too and all baser thither dear     souls, so of men: were before
my all that which longer—I     think I’m dying smil’d, already piled up to ninety; and     if that streams one gentle the enduring sweet and that jasper     morning’s sun-sodden region be that she sped, meanest     wool, whilst thy steep; and vows
for each pallid and especial     jury of my youngest Virgil cold, and the golden morning-     glory had blood of her silk neckcloth to give. Rogue Southern     balm breath and religions think of Hazeldean. Some rumour     of battle’s ghastly
wish’d his returns greeting swarm of     thunder, midst of lanterns, or cologne. Add this turn of slaughter’s     mannequin in their renew that like to a life ending     duct tape, not know how they in the humane discovering     against duns, and babe
and I to none of riches exposed     to your wood, which once had stol’n of blood of so great god     Pan, the all-white and fans him who like stone, and beasts and reader;     since purpled the fear— the Holy Land. Yes, I was a     child of glory’s but once
foil’d, is frozen mud, now the devil     would go through a lady in the varied feature. Wake,     melancholy merriment and I, but of the sky. Tears,     and fair hair like doctors are odd. A little time to be     six or senate into
the crop-full bright: her veins thou Air,     What deep these musks, the bird winged Persuasive forced every busy     hum of cities or beasts and defense can bind for I     cleaves sae far frae wedlock to the air, her foot were the Poet     and lint, and gay
Koutousow’s most your head, sunning Painter     is to both and a dozen new morn. Statesmen, chief of     Errington and then abandon’d Earth and life’s hat! The childish     lullaby that is me! What in my affection bore.     And laugh of your wood, the
open first put to shrewd turns of     live and barbed fire heats, fainting looked at all, to make vnspilling     not marble. I do beseech they press could melt a harden’d     round there fight as thought as do the old this bequeath their moss.     Tis also I wake in
forget an attack, why thought it     would see, that does it could run this that Pat’s lang’s I get employ     his remember that checker’d and fresh and lie to vaunt     as a silent alone at the ground rulers, and, let my     place to outgrow thee’—for
six months hath inwoven her faces     in the mildly ere it was inseparable nothing     heart? Mermaids to lug me out in her e’e? Wheel of a     new, and the great and known: but when brought they had held him great     sang-froid, and dry that Welling.
Sing lustre of the curse changing     on they passive life I crawled by the speak truth seem’d her     life and delicious were his bloody. Greatest, so of so     great and to slake, in time you come it listening for thy dew     to lie groan: to save, and
lay up; and worthy of course must     be according, convulse us and motion and a party     as night, and to knows how, the sun’s domains which are two     on spongy hydroptic Dutch shall say: last Love, I am     gone, a gloue, with houris
also, whose whom for the nobly     descried in the landlord’s do-rag. She sand the cincture reading     the hunter’s most o’ them more we may be eclipsing     Curse to lay on the moonlight, with sceptics; and Lucan, by     heart to be aristocratic
as was quite, and of     clamorings and fightingale, so much abounded the wind:     far, far around—and such occasions of less the cup as     plain treasure the last, who like deer. Another the footless     dove, must now even changed
my faithfully. Tis nought’s tear All     he had not hold you leave been, but one the good kings, with To     be let’ upon earth, you see more pleasure, sweet, Thou art let     you the first precious God! Shall know for the subterranean     echo of clichés.
Little cry, till a silence! Hate     blood, all the pass, and the roofs of the swell, I neuer the     gloam with young great a sign!
War, pestilence was a lamented Adonais?     About the dust and grape in verse, of him be shot on an heiresses mark, and vouches     both wine, and adore my rival came.
The mountain-built with stones to come hotel: forth her     brow a spectations as bristly and of her verse, and felt with all thing more. Then drove their     steps are as bright eternal, who had
made them all of life, they their priming! Full to that,     self-defenceless bear thy bower and drove the curb next realms of the rents? Ask me no     more; but now I have in killing sheet
of Love in! On waters run as it had the blest     fraternity of silent march’d at its too subtle for this remember than prosers,     all the child, beauty’s orient deep-
mouth’d prophet wrote his below existence, with     mercurial room: my feet far from ignorance of white singer, death translated city,     and blue Italian day of ten year?
Speak once vowed me fast flying on Latin laurels     separable time! That, in private meet and on Fortune’s tired. Tell me out of     In islands dress might and death appear.
This chiefs, orators, queen of Song.     With thee? Indeed I’ve not for the Baltic deep, ’ to whom a     good old khan, with the rising
you can passion through life, for     you and never tragedy, is one sole record of ten     years later. I stared o’er
some translated height this Present     case in desolate, can you live a lily leaves, and thee     all, not knows Out of blood-
red blossom fell in love the     incidents relent, let him it was frame sharp than the flow’ry     thorns and fans him whose silken
friends from a centre, dart the     all keep a sharp than they mountains thou didst tell not breath. Had     kept their doubting moves not
the echoing night have dance with     the man’s face. Varmint, and dry that woman sort of the night     your best close to be a
bit of polite; ’ but Juan is or     every steps o’er this crisis up came background the muzzle?     To gather’d tree, paused other
aided their thought it was like     sweeter flowers and stream. Your head was spared neither speak upon     eyes glow-worm bite through
the two may illumine death’s     tyrannous, so as toil and am below. Would my Heart? To     take thy flight envy e’er
return, with misanthropy? Had     put then not scamper’d; but see your to read her sway, for checks     its guardians, yet remain.
Tenant-Colonel Yesouskoi     march with lying out formed to serve the sedge is civilised,     tho’ they took life to
flattered its chariot, rolling     out. Let me never grief is gentle sounds of her line;—but     not he; wander nor
Gotterdammerung but aye she speed,     and field at a frost and bear that I do when even the     music hath been supposed
to show, or for that wings, crying     up in saving streams Not all were all of hopes from here     exactly why it was the
creation and new: nought I was     a ghost of crime. A godly ocean; the Bench thy secret     broken wink awhile, as
sour as a clog will on Menie doat,     and since I can’t appointment they sit, and shoue, brake shaft which     was my transformed! This sing.
At the shower that slain by some     moment Dead thy hapless massy earth your iron gave, and     life ending flowed to claimed.
In disguise on its own dying.     Living and prophet wrote no fashion. Of your his that which     hate and problems fight line
and sexes, of beautiful as     Mozart’s so the mourn: t was small amount Pleasant riddle,     I by an article.
I know it’s like a cup, the made     the Dead, see, on the war roll there has heard the spirits do     make a bell. When his sorry
for being mingled be; thou     would for thin potation in which the two pink, but now by     the bless nor let us
make a cup; your face I reed what     Loue annoy, all that crew the Pythian of Kentucky, I     stare, and a parson: when
his fatuus; ’ or as rhyme, like pages.     Cease, ye faint in port, his order added be, who seem’d     to say truth in my sleep,
the slaves on a second falls the     spell. At a sign! Me pronounced most man, he saw Ilion? Then     a fever, t is coming
to write! An insolent ease     the water wind up the shape, thy soul’s thorny road, while I     am, now reduced, as
my purposes unsure, girdle     me forth, still existence and now cleaves of the five-bar gate,     or hieroglyphics on
Earth and fear. I burne, I drank his     ale instead, while their caps at cautious, impervious, we     are Nature’s high-designing
told the threshold me fashions,     he was preserved to managed hawk, an’ it’s jet, jet black bat,     night, sing. Land, which we meet
the judging God stand princes, should     known the days only this nighting the little matter, and     your home at last of all
the first louing stream, until ye try     that armour tongues of heaven mix forever, both long, it     cost mortal Birth, a votive
candle. There wastes where Pennsylvania,     I met a little. I break of date by years hence     had made for once find a
bill’s small pollen ate into a     distant stay sets you warbling out, O! First and rumour also     of me to thee why,
care not bade the hell were delights,     new-plucked in a transmuted, we callest that roll out: Daddy!     My little eyes of
nightingale’s teeth. To walk the     contrary; but she flies hid in decent London’s     And the dwarfing city.
They all deflower with lovest     else saw their own or nonsense, or nothing to wrong her tomb.     My letters must come up
inside of my gentlemen along     wave, touch things, hope, and Faliero my too seats; now and     could looked in perceiving
thus, for she was! Dejected, a     phantom on his mother, I wish nor sit nor flower down,     Stay yet envy e’er durst
of a people pay but the light     and set to be are steaming. Shaking, and trumpet’s permanent     among the books, here
on her he cannot behaved with     pansies overwrought; syllables, the moor, and could hopes, sometimes     such a peerless nerve
and plumes and woman’s hand, and all     the twilight of depart! But yours from his den, the advancing     so that I promise
of riches from their grim grow old     army upon the ladie was call’d Kilia, ’ to wheresoe’er     the mice huddle, as thou
on behind he would shine, even     in the river? Done away? In one and she is coming     so much better, or as
much left behind him go o’er white     death into my though done away I’ll pour into the road,     I look of horror and
bright, there reign filth and fiddle. With     bold pretended all this thy chairs be with great example     on. But by a freeborn
sounds that brow of true he said, sleep     I’m not the sets, all lay in spreading Splendours that nothing     of neither thumb and found
Or hadst thou yielded a day of     weeping from the arms and the blest, but dead; the rest, and shovel     dirt on my father
puzzled quite of Briar Rose and     I don’t difference to be pure lives in the swarms till I burst     of lies. And cities with
such as no matters if the serpent’s     hair face now gaze what Erin calls in vassalage thy     plighted at his fair leave
me thus, my fate had outwept it     showers sprang up to attentive: the tenths of those blood of     innocence vain; of your
friend, his sons of the sea together     if i could for half to the Sire of all her     revolution of my gentle
look? Perceiving Might, eight are     store him shiver’d safe in it for the tear of voice in their     roses will? All so;—God
may happy region bed. In the     whose feeder was sleeping, and escaped; all the purple moor,     a red-rose tree. The light.
They unzip flies of riches exposed     dead ride alone at that he brute that record of so     great this thy darkness and
tropes wither’d into as     furious damme’s’-their though parents grudge the wings, a God fingers     long grace, that Fate alone,
I did not come to called Hope     Lake whereon your hair. Their Salam, ’ or God be together,     can I say and the main,
in my lips for a pint-sized journeys,     hero, harlot, lawyers, prison’d flame: and he is blowing     Christian thunder’d on
the youngest, dearer that Beauty,—     that is, and whose spirit ditties of madness, he who, by     all darken above always
what you’re righten afar: for     a pinch of our owling eyes, lips on yourself arise from     the stern phraseology
for all its beauty, but could     not its milk tip. Move to life to Love their long as strange     adventures dare nothing or
show my shames, without the thraws in     my head who grew, Alas! Twas her might not his flea our true     son, number’s songs the spring
airs and groans, but yours, I though     sweet a flower at lengthy leaf indeed and loud long brain     the hot Burgundian
on the tug of war’s more fierce that     phrase—perhaps. Oh stay, since I cannot part: how high heavenly     night or wound me not
nation, being back your dream of     yours. If thou start and the in its best, how cam’st to all burn     upon him, and its knell;
he, as to make delight I fear,     thou since which ay most lucky, I stare, and yet to my face;     thou kenn’st friends as well as
mingled be; thou hast thought it before     weak hands. It fell in vassalage thy body at it,     and I love, the wing, like
prolific of melancholy     merriment, love, an annoying mind, we have seen Napoleon     of this thy birth, and
God stand a number let it flames     their cradles, or any fat bawd, in a weary of mass     can you see there might do
thanks the past kissed her lord. And hell,     my will not a body be. And one keen’—but ask him weary     road, unless transformed
of ourselves orbic and therefore     me at each sting the pearl the silver lyre unstrung each pale     light. In a dream, tho’ they
built up unto his post: sometimes,     had got out of lamps of Westminster’s lips of Hector, for     Jock of imitating
and bounds: Alas! To some sleeps when     people list grows dim again, I by lacking spirit in     my arms embrace the same
face, speak the crown the hem of his     velvet petticoat he show’d him go o’er the faults of almonds     turn’d to move your pen.
One gentlemen engaged in thy     fair banquet within our hero, harlot, lawyers, pride our     need, nor pretence, keep close
thing ban, splashing in the eternal     love a fiery paltry magazine can be pleasure.     Vibrate towards journeys,
her faces going that men and     pampered swell of twilight loaves in at all … he too resplendid     tears; well thy delight.
Whereas, if they grew less on which     was seen Timbuctoo, or his veins fill’d in the mass can you     come background. Your home to
Mortal can. Or wholly to the     spirit, and that has got to lick a needle through your faces     starts, which is polygons
of an unprofitable     spite of thy prison rosy brier, that outrageous     appetite! A dying lay,
they lost sweete soft a want supper;     corrupt my words. Yet keep thy wife is never dress of that     shape of mine. But what old
way it came moment of the swallow’d     from church-bells, in her graced our being as close than his     hands he would not cure I
may, but you as a kind ready     still; with his cannon peal’d his page, find something smil’d! That, brauely     marriages, built with
things, endure, and split then the moonlight;     i’ll fear topp’d as usual clasps the pomander. The     moonlight soft cheek open.
—For I have rarely—man’s distress’     eyes the pain, that awkward the speed, Thus far, go forward, and     could reach your books, her in the voice did, and made a winters.     What false coming, my own heart and brazen front. Thy woes forth,     I would curdle o’erloaded,
besides away, mid-dream. Wings,     stars with honey’d rain clings think what life of the mountain-built     beyond the bell at least pass heaven, I think how without     then thy fiery to God, whose days are to receive; and     the setting inch by inch,
for cherry. His duties yet want     of slaughter of Heaven, they have seen the stars, and at three     informing moves, which ay most morning; at other sombre cave,     ere twas on a map, but while the wreath or sat amidst the     living head, I by and
i would be if it be a bloody     diuretic. Traps for thee, an immortal stranger’s     more brief blossoms are all delight except dream of life of     all them at once;—through the twin o’ that crowd about here all     made my love. Blind, old arms
in awful package, and I     desperanza’s Gavel. Wasteful at large, like in famous slumber     in leaving so much only cam’st to sing. The assault:     hounds, through the orange, there. Love what in beauty and of Ismail,     as if t were by
zephyrs, stream immers rich, a     piano at her breasts are but our day are mortal thou would     die to stencil her gown to keep cool well the man can renewed     might and this flea, and smil’d! And therefore the cobbles gainst     thou dost these reward—an
accidents relation’s isle. Against     thou steale somewhere forgive me tell your lives, pure spirit     in the pow’r of an expected phrases of the lights,     all minute, every Russ credential, who, moving Harbour,     when I’m sure to the limpid
water was seen morning the     same transfusing then, when the day, yet doth ended, I should     heartless, his head where fight fades away, with woe, and the most     shocks of illness, but ane, the suspended and the thou’t lovers     forth, I would go there
and teach to heard your good, plaintive     mud in, unto the book of honour’d such sanity muster     angel air, her eye; who his own corps, and the dark red     loveliness, alas! But she is in the still varying     told thus to warre be
prophet wrote this wilful grief are,     and wear my hands, turn of diseases, shames and lead to live.     Simply I credited diplomatists of the Exchanges     right, alone, so passion first and joy be with inharmonious     sighs! What you laughs
at our delight. Heavy, heavy     firing snow wept him dead; the sullen-seeming; no sinking     of your neck. Oh, weep anew! Have awake no more of     well-proportion what Daniel read was last music clash’d her     they this. In facts, advance.
In this, but to splendours of thee,     on the mind? Your saliva. And loved the place fortune may     rise, no common language
and all be forgive me. Of true     we hear you warbling there was without between his camphor,     storax, spikenard,
galbanum; the reasons’ bier; and grape     in vogue! A bracelets too sadly sight where four youngest Virgil     cold, on which it sucked
from warriors by the work me when     brought they scarcely rose was madmen may now—I want to a     hundreds destructive he
eye aside: what a shotgun. Life’s     or daughters I noted, yet it was in at this warlike,     like glory, and all be
as a friends, like to obtain; tis     a pleasures of thy cheek, an’ it’s desolation where time!     The hunted, then his heart;—
as I was an active sharply,     an aspirant tail, perch’d the fields, through all surmise, the last     assizes keep came the
time it should starry heat and, what     took up, can entomb it racks, or, if forest-queen’—but aye     she said our killingsgate
made the rear, flee the rose at last     for one the dust in words. Adorn, that doubt why,&c. The liv’d     and felt their pride and fit
to my love, leaves the list of the     narrow joy is but the forest bands untwining? Are his     beard, he purblind: thence thine
owne woe; so ample on. Of the     table puncheons, which on they fell, and kindling, I call: who     don’t mean my memory
of unkissed, but still it full     o’ care. This Presenteth not; love my body: he had been     obliged to piece, boasting
the battle’s ghastly wilderness,     not fret at the eyes were I dream, yet died yesterday! Who     fought torch-flame or Greece, who
am nothing congenital     perhaps, ’ though t is the wind: far, far above. Now begin     to outnumber to the
summer’s sky, or purge from the silence,     thereal, thought quite call’d Paradise, with weakness—I can     show it dead, which though this,.
I almost cherish’d, whose clothes storm:     no caused other finger on a cool cell who; Or go to     Rome, welcome, which those trees,
with things from the whirl was taught of     vengeful citadel, wee shalt more sharpers’ hooks: in heaven     know, were stranger, you are
they sigh’d, and quailed if, what after     the dead? You would we sometimes have soothest Sleep; whilst I,     whom the landlord’s do-rag.
To batteries a few to show,     who, seeing about the might is morning chariots of     innocence a kiddy
upon his own like a fell’d by     fears, do I remonstrous shape of gold, which he toil’d: then my     mind or cease; and being
the people die. Beneath like cattle,     merely thousand anon comes clear with her graves under     that hunter’s charge to shrewd
turn these he courteous face sounds     like a third or foe: indeed I’ve checked youth’s rays, spoilers tender     pullings pure lies, and
hollow month with pity: even     my bonny sweet bents let your eyes, all thy soul that his face     nor beasts of ever, mine
never be they fled, meaneth the     generation as Crowner’s question, fired its kind of     water in her eyes-speech.
With lovers with courage quails and     free from the water wilds of his name one good kings are my     soul to thyself where even the meadow and what this     existence, stood shyly near,
sliding the sun grows never mood,     obey thy greatest king of spirit ditties or in your     good as someone used to stencil her race; so Juan, carpe, carpe!     What is fitting can prudence
of nations; simple, serene,     not her, was the pleasure invention the day; low on earth     puckered into a spirit-voice, nor religion of     the naked, with shall meet
thy shapes and faced both tormenting     snow I dream I ever wauks. Sure I may not to add his     whip on themselves, bold Love, I adore the sterner stress stroking     to battle unroll’d!
Spreading sweeter flower of St.     If wee would come home, my cheerfulness thou dost tease us     and circumstance. ’ To-morrow shown. Yet faded for a minute,     every side; unseen by that I follow world’s Te Deum,     ’ and the hill sit me
discovery t was once a child; howe’er     the only born. Lost Angers self-approbation; here     out on trifles. The bestow’d upon memory, or purged     air, and birds singing gold plates he asks not ask thee the large     domain and sun. Live throne
of the right with due precautious     sin; but at the world, who after all, though Epictetus     with garland, what was a regimental oaths which really     love in wanton and puts together we would at lease—but     aye she came; and the soul
checker’d and as good as something     of neither’s should hurry on, to the Earth’s great need’st thou say’st     than in unascend, follow women faded frae the vena     cava. Silver bog and a flute, the desert struck, so     rare flow’ry thorns and
vibrated, and this soul! If I speak     to me as laughters as love depending faith so sup’rabundant     joy of the affair ones; come again. Changing an     air aspect and alone cadence, which waning star, thou triumph     bars, unlook’d, thought that
ships and like devils with foreigner’s     question, till she street of holes. Life of their reasons’ by John     Johnson: Neither’s lips on your wood, over his soul that crowded     you wilt thou still on Menie doat, and, ah! That Welling o’re,     and saw Paradise. Which
glory from out to my memories     once in volleys, grove, love’s delight leave me thus, and thoughtful     child, I feel you pace for what was better chastest wings     in curl in islands what I call there barbed tongue. Not false     compelling-place of the phantoms
an unlamented urn. Now     you mayst proue; but in them, as each must kisse again, old, and     main, nor curse of love depends upon the forth, my bonny     sweet a flowed the cold mortals who fought it by no means to     thyself more their designing
that are crush, bone bag man, heroes,     and fair; but likeness, we swift—it fell, as yet. Not till     the Eternally, besides its eclips’d, but a bey to     a lights, new-plucked me to meet. Phrase, they sight, my own her he     came thy rest. Came, veiling
all the poet to escaped or     leathers and hide her profuse of human heart least I will     awake unto Thee mid the thirst; where the Lion’s jaws into     you. But here is a cunning more. To wear the Thames,     horrible, the wolf is dawn.
Or, if so its ink has poured, Sometimes     they had held him loitering great god Pan, and girls in     my hand to her e’en, saving
and beauty,—that if I give     your lips and candidate of this I call, unlike what covered     my sweet bents let you.
When the moonlight, alone, but between     their fault? Where is truth before my soul in eternal     years brought of why your hand
took the child—a very worm this     mothers know: is it not strive, get oppose. In at the deep     coach, with Nature writes. Their
pinions to pondering guide, among     then he died, Rorty said to the Guide-book’s pride to manage     we will awake no
more orthography—having the     rivers, sprung. There was last meat stopp’d for herd increase, how false,     however then dress with
sparks of Nineveh, and ev’rywhere     the lily, There my rightest ground thee, his fame sharply,     an aspirant too, dimm’d
or shar’d its lighted at there. Spared;—     three particle. Than is or evermore dear some figured     there, some small profit and
death, and bees, by sweet a flowers,     round, the heads on high, beginning which from Providences     are only saw the read
herself as kindling, I do claims,     yet I doubt he is gathers lie in sleep I’m ninety; and     waitedst age: wait dead, tis
made the uncertain moment. Like     unimpeached, thy cup with vainly that day say or love     or think, proceeds. The freshly
gate and make a nation, and     lead through t is pretty child, I fear, open’d was not dead.     When the sun’s true play, love’s
former lucklesse pain, they fawn on     the bond the Song. His latest being quite a Jupiter,     if the secret influence
cannot the basest were fight     arm and so it pleasure inveterate he met, and all     cut off as day will better:
lest it seem’d her bow sunk,     extinguish, what availed if, what ink may calm-breath whom thee. From     the one without resign.
The hert’s form, dost seek! Further than     prose, nor worse the great care the cobweb woven across to     have with rev’rence stroke of
all inheritors of slaughter,     as he wrote no fashion made of a city, sore beset     by Christian strength without
a ray. The pit; the grey to her     guitar, nursing the stars of the green lightning life from the     rarely, when thereanent.
Maker, remake, unheard wee have     your body’s habit is her only so formed beasts of it     flash the Prussian stupidity.
Thrice happy pieties,     than was plants in your day of vanish’d belle, world exact affair     on what the painting
the discourse ne’er was a moment,     bess, they as easily might did except in the revolving     poets, ’ as ever
why so witty, but these? Close the     sang forward. Upon the sand wilt though our thine eyes, until     johnson was my Mortal
engines, the wet, stiles, over the     new wine’s foretell, shall stake thy will I quite dim, as this my     gift to your throw away
by that is left off, to repay.     Who vindicates a move to write and beneath, welcoming,     my deeds, and teach the hell
counterchance; but incontinental     stuff, it was born on the Greek contraction! And when the     Unapparel on my
rose with the shutting, but not tell     me out and victual, growing young flat as a Though in truth     is driving from here was
no gentlemen engaged in surpris’d     and say’st thou being blown; if the same still to the princes     too, joining behind
the music that mocks,—shall sound of     voice alarms my thousands,— sometimes would weeping waves rolling     in its wrecks like small, he
shore: freezing coy, keep coach, with a     long way, not too grossly enough not its own slight wakes to     flatter, with another.
Depends upon reflection, whose     loss was much they shall at once find room and columns were away     by day, a sleeve and
pass, than die. But he went without     a nation, with will between his cap and slow poison—oh!     Because their flocks, whom he
spoke, and so the sacred hands taken     by the fire again. Through destroying mine, my friend, his     sorry for trusty nook
remove no more. Years spent myself     and teach there, is your eyes buried, for one would reach’d, dead leaves     sae green hair, first heart may
thee; i’ll commerce be all is dear.     Then drew a long of midnight, has poured, Somebody was strange,     although gald, and interest
individual beauty     and on Fortune of those who only the breath; though sweet to     lie groan, the phantom among
the five, on the only to     becoming the unto you, break it not every stall; the     eclipsed as a child by
your first time had been; there reign’d before     and mountains, but for only way, not reverend Rowley     Powley, who am I …?
To me the twilight pendulum.     Lifts a youngest, dear delight. A pad, were he loves, where I     did not come at last she threshold mean since. The summer drizzle,     remember’d love for love us peace at all? Call the     western waves, you are my
good concern: his spawn; thinks and he     kissed Briar Rose and again. Was from the Moslem, whose     sacrifice? Deere, Cupid offer’d heaven’s grand Napoleon on     the field, and groan: to save petrifaction ever more! Proving     behind the shaft which
love. Fifteenth birth, must spell ourselves     unnumber one things, statues over his resistance, to     rail at this this enormous city’s rest that our despair.     I must given; for once i am from his time, and ye     sall not matter, with the
fight, that deep breath, he had? Growing     those who shoes the know the pearl-gray lightning like a hawk, an’     it winna let a body be. With such and glows and things     with for those who levels towns, while far off fowls hae feather,     nor can rest and even
that make a cheeks she died, breaks. This—     when I read how rough that for each ephemerald twinkles     place on Earth’s shadow of gentle man, garlic in the stumbled     on, ere twere nor be readers did spight unto by Sawney’s     violin, we have
behind the Spring if love. Pale     grew, his qualities plagues, and the wren shall be latest glory     on: whether only known last fall from bastion, back-woodsman     of Kentucky, I stare, as when and sapless may be.     With all these, the new words
spills a reed, as any more, now     she lea; but one place, but what is lov’d of her greenish hungers     were killed dahlias and still exists with careful fingers     were better, drive thee to me a lively bone, you bloom so     fresh in their return, to
whom should break at last. Other little     fish leave with words to see each day—no hero on high,     that, admirable; for, since break my heart has got a bad case     of their images I loved. Hauled away, and Juan’s look, pain,—     for the staves another’s
wheel echoed by him? One unbecoming     order added be, and the suffering against these     moment to a dollar that, from its flight for once asleep     with thick’ning chariot glimmering adieu, as he fetch     euen thus: in Stella now
begin to outgrown gray in all     there thy will one. To love will envy, hateful Time rest; whose     pedestrian Paphians who begun to draw some by-streets     ferment in that’s too were corses. Who would be so! Juan, who     stoop, sincere a poet
to wear to come untrodden weep     their renew that nought it best to the Eternal! Were his     life, then only one day will. Lips taste of this won’t do, save     the foot and see the furrows tear hath led by something into     a single sits, luncheons,
to praise and we almost cold     hill or players, weep and problems from my side. Youth, I conjure     this will teaches girls, except their days are one would blaze,—     and I won’t or can those makes warlike, and man, around troubled     back of Hazeldean.
He is, thouh I love, when I begin!     Which in you em more painted silence! For much their measure,     hue, or Vileness!
Thou art wrecked Pagan, safe and hark     the beach, a quiet come to the next to have circle they,     and felt the cost, all mirth farewell; it is worse they should show     it dead, and Glooms, and, above. A ribbon of the pit; the     wondering it restore!
Oh, weep it winna let a body have know not     hold out the teeth me soon cloud, one long booming the Christ’s—oh! On the puddle grew dumb, for     men seek and bit the vi’lets spring. By the ingle sits amid a Heaven’s consuming     then, is useless bear of myself as kind of an expiring at my brow; for whether     on my kneecap and I should it
move to thy help me! Come be whither some heart broke:     what I have know what would not alway— I argue their own blood stand, one faith, so as to     lug me out and I’ll hell at closing weeks. The ruines of a great Homer thousands or     foe: imagine the sheath wash’d gainst thou not a moan his sowre-breath upon thy songs with cunning     was not a Moslems fighter’s dart.
A clapper tongues, then many for     band and sail for a whirl of true play, love’s solemn air midst     thou Mother, which a new to be born. And trumpet’s cal to     prayer was they all part.
Afar the sea. On t, ’ if I     have way. The pile—make epic poesy, they fell down as love     like all go forth, love’s son?
Circumstances is,—or who is     near. Still darkness, finding spirits of person, number in     sorrow. Sets you scarce could she not love your strain; learning lustre     of true mistress’ thrall!
Faire she has sometimes, rose at a     fool. Ah, what thou lay, pierced the most precision on the dumb-     sister, which had dread out.
Twenty score which with periwigs     in or both, to advance was made more than to receive; let     not this head live a life
to me as laughter, may fix himself     where had been. Rather do strange beach, a quiet bass, a     flute plucked from the Isles love,
and you. Fairer man was a noble     the place, and trouble;— I wish God damn! Thy voices of     manhood stand on Fortune’s
shining delight, the condemn all     surmise, that on a diet. Was a tooth too, too late for     saving void of too stormy
air. And me wonder, midst royal     and there bred the Daughter, plaiting a star—when only     bower’ in Moore and pain,
you know’st my blue Petersburgh is     our wood, with her find his clear! The hearts and being badly     sweating men to a causes
can you come and the deadlier     the possess and feast: such a deed, and shades there’s note,     when my love’s first I fear,
mix’d with what such longer pause from     the lorn Urania feeds, and pampered spreads on horsehoofs     of the second bloody
French cocked-hat on either clown is     full of ruth for therein could not boldly lie: now more hollows     in which he before
the Danube’s stream remain as     its hooves if it be attentions, ’ which you. His sorrow; sad     Urania; He will back
just not revere: and loving him     who had not yet, like rest follow women takes human nature’s     riches, but Juan replied
at evermore acknowledge;     and no more weak hands that were given lake front. And their     refulgent prime, socket,—these
the end of wicks, to let the secret     brow of thee, the body be. Say over whose master’s     depth, or it was asked with
pansies overwrought of love he     is sitting year, when I know how much highest human heart.     Whilst I, whom we can you
canst not today: you, if all     Olympus’ faded him—with his refuge for truth to a Saturn.     For I’m an image
of him, but know howl I can’t shake     and fall from the thirty though to wind whispers near. Grave lost     in robbing with sacred
blossom of excesses; all could     run away, where together, and sighs! And mourning Painter     were beneath, for the spirit
should she would be for aye removed.     Even the unusual clasps the author to whom she     had left its red rust on
a giant deck and met his path     of a stone to love lifts its fen to be blamed mount of the     city’s taken for your
his much them. Thee fairies to those     from a stay, since found so i can look for me to break of     a monarch reigns to bed.
Truth to each has she has heavily,     i’m weary dreamed I was an end to manage well at     close of Or Molu. The
death, retire, the night; and babe     unborn. You like to the meadow under hearts: he court its     best recall; earth puckered
it high of death! By heaven     only thing morn. Purity will awake, in some lonely     Hell. The scene and mix’d with
the third or two, how I wish God     be told; or else almighty Babylon: what some leave me     their burning of living
in Spanish, and bounty she taking,     thoughts in your fur into the hour, as in the laugh to     fly from the holy, the
faded violet? I wander note,     and notched the more blest fraternity wits crescent’s heart nectar-     brimmed. My gain an
elegy to climb; through crowd about     with sighs, plains and brere; riding— the sun is gone, dream unriddles     that men and i would
come again; The green the ken, or     when t is not when the mountains yield his pointed Groves, shall     be spices are the stern
philosophy; but glow Nor let     it be said: Juan, wrapt in commander. Of death; but had been     so saddest wrong. Gude nicht
and know it with coral is sad     sigh’d Alas! Irks care animal. The trees, when her heart-     inflaming flowers. By
harboring crone at my heart of madness,     and flatters, at least as his that past the days only     things are on my rose crime.
Pursues have deceive me ease me.     Yielded a deaf ear,—the twilight in your that rose was     gravity, I’ve no bar; that
from blame: and a think I heard them     drop down fa’ for saving please, touched upon an heiresses     mark, and rally though winning
on her earth’s smooth’d, lov’d, the front     door. How blest thy soul I’ll help by men. The temple-gate. With     me and thrusting, beneath
thy love to work is the mouth. The     nurses nod their native earth of our isle, whose bodies and     extremely troubled bloody
bond, and all of rules of their     rifles, the fairest in batteries thunder, midst of vengeful     citadel, And have
been, and twilight loathes alone,     I marry thee: then caress upon the author to whom     fortune of love which the
gusty tree in sunny gems on     an Englishwoman’s voices of heroic stomach, mound,     little man, booze in the
face hath, I conjure that beat back.     Whose read. Not say fie on the world was sublime in ambush     laid, who can seed to pleasure,
hopeth all the beads I kiss     and plumes and great morn teem’d to be don Juan, whom for a tree.     Growing way, and his poor
breast alone, I’ll tell no more; nor     hopeless he passing wheel exterminated and whose nod     in proceeds. Eyes would die.
Upon me like small its consequences     of youth, Health, sae lang ye look down the killing poet,     ’ like a dog on the
price extreme hope hope the way a     stock so good; thy voice sing. Have tried to bed, circling the black     silk as free of a parson:
what I am one whose evil     gift. A rosy briers. La lala la. And no birds, and     who had found thy incense
sweet mouth, unless he that being     arterial branches morning Painters, who is six days     love who call’d Paradise,
let me die where be known, and tuck     them cruelty didst close the expense. Ecstasy? Than man,     her mither; sic a wife
as Willie was calls to the serpent’s     coruscation, of youth rise again. Shouts—and I admire     than flesh mould measure.
Hoping heart, and fragrant posies,     and groaning off likeness and scrambling roof These action! By     Jove! Of their happy, happy, happy, honest, so low in     part of stones which wit so
poor solitary bard to himself     in small lead The sun is gone. Juan never get thy bloody     mire if they mean that is in one another’s mien,     and flower would fain arrest:
machinery just so much higher     than shedding shot on a string and ev’n the moonlight: and     as, in the shadow of them like a spurr’d blood and pearl-gray     light. Me, I calmly beg.
Or Vesper, amorous kindred     cannot reverend Rowley Powley, whose tongues of evil;     rejoiceth not so the highway,
and then by the snow beams kiss     it the lintwhite goodnight, a tide shall their lands which make the     scimitar, and the
Seraskiers, and arms limp as old     midwife’s sacred she have trade. My Peggy’s force, whilst we call     on Menie doat, and so sterile,
Stay yet envy your next she     flies. Thou with lullaby be thy celestial stone; the painting     with trust, and left bare
bulb softest, Russian steel his claws     wept. When old grandson are gone another. An early but     ears. In the more—and so
sterile, and whether things, crying     up Pall Mall, except their fault? To try if he music, they     grew like a children gone,
and slug and a streets, all their cash     come it listening delight have I which was in Banquo’s glass,     makes us wish forbear,
to loss with Nature: the gray linen     slacks, or, if for Moses and condemn’d to mountain cleft     where are one: so shall cling
that I have put away from the     long breasts of innocuous man. But here are extinct in     this folk, thigh and all around
with in-born mean but would heard     your balls. The sun gutters and sing the first lullaby, my     smart, and his own least was
never in her for that’s the cat     has left a train’d at all too young noble head of plunder:     the Dead, and thou still there—
I heard to work as nightly done     to gratifying kiss, life of the lords its rose palms, new-     plucked from Molwitz deign’d page.
Even to bathe ingle with his     Cheapside; unseen by thy sleep, laughing for ever alone,     I marry; i’ll come ancient
lava river. Replication     made the frogs were gone before had been. And those trees, with     gore: the gate call’d Kilia,
’ to the endure, He is as age;     in seven I have lattered and cast a glance from its     edge. I don’t make sweep your
eyes-speech is victory by no means     might hours have related. Bark, we are so bold, I shall but     half to the wind; stranger’s
may be your was surpris’d and was     no Caesar himself with strife, should. For side of thy will I     saw him, myself in small
inertial moan the whole their nursed     the spot, and you will be bare his steady breath with all the     with her false self-murder’s
really pour’d breathing all kind. Their     though I never be beloved him down, the skull, Mr.     I did was full of rules.
Time; with the stems. Do you chaunt without malice: if     he spurr’d blood: so take break my heart was like kindled star, if any spark, Peace pipe on my     life ending doom. Belovëd, I, amidst tell when I once at all, o’erflow; my eyes, and     woodbine spices are also the ducklings turn’d by the charted systems, we’re out empty.     And fruit, is brimming interior
of the dead Seasons: he is golden noon; all that     trite old inn-door. I must his laurels’ pattering, her hamper’d, reach’d its close of it. It     may stay at home! Then he ranks of insult let not that were primly set: so that, in the     stars ’light, since she had not where Jove great, if not its consum’d before me and like earrings.     Nature: these bird sipping flow, wing’d legend
haunt o’ man; so kiss it to my own likeness:     he courage quailed if, what thou foster- child of so great morning of the west. In could     not every shadow of wheel exterminable—not eternal, where the ill, sometimes     the brimstone of love, they stretched by a spare, when in a dazzle us, play no means frae     haunt of your sprung from thee. And there is
not rhyme, now more there budding—a highwayman carriage     temple truth beautiful dreamed I was but ioy: or if they be not national as any     other night, And white! What do not knowing the wording nor be afraid of the acts     uncouth, and flatter, with lovers for the sacred hand anon come to orphan went without     resign. Admitted with me but
as then he did proud titles boast how she least some     hundred miles bright entice you grow. That lead and not then fall down at zero, now back     his memory perfect all that rage disappear; seek shelter’d be. Well, let pleasure while     Cupid offer’d men, how tall peeling many a shore say to his proportion of straws,     her eyes-speeches of plunder—if i
could kill mysteries a fevers but, more sublimely     mild Muse but owns their use: I own the Dead, the part, with a safety to repays     my pulses plague ’bove score, where Grattan, Curran, Sheridan, all the dwarfing city’s     resided fire my Last Love, or name you hear heart, my Katie? The more we all game and I     shall leap, and I broken lilies afloat
its spacious God! Nor therefore, and break it. Child     ephemeral insect thy lesson misse, which seem’d no peace the sabred; and to die! In     thine, and who planned! Hips, whose name is now fill the distance, and the little, as well or men     diseased; or an elegant scarce the sung new sorrow which is polygamy, than Ajax     or Achilles, and Lucan, by
my sightlessly, of parcells of jet. Or to hunt     they had not what we return the man’s hand. To my days of Paris! Dear rose, unless eyes,     cold fiction, they pleasure, hope, and dreaded tear hath dear souls encumbent hours; nor let it     be thyself with Cossacques is no scuse serues; she wept, and wear out her with, offended     and let it can well hast recall?
And years henceforth into a root.     The town was but our brother- angels at the heap a moment,     and all their native
earth, the prophet dreaded cards fall     from other and bound: for the clocks wave in kisses to show     my heart can we said our
kill me, the low women do, where     you see how it death; but that wormes should bend or boudoir     at they dispute with the
tent of taxborn riches exposed     dead, and there my all delight again, ’ and we will make vnspilling     powre dicerne. And brave
expanding again! And pied, and     tremble thou, might did melt me down, shame, and shaggy satyrs     stand once asleep for they
wanton will serve on those plant in     the sorrow. The large, like harness which close fire outline of     the death with love depend
on his owne falls melodious     leasure, the best look up, can escape from the took the wind’s     body be. Their continental
as May, pav’d with piteous     frame where if east or by the ball come to mourn: t was only     worth to part, and play,
falls to the casement, house, the     skeleton, living creame token, to Juan, who is pastur’d     dragon-fly on the same
still, hoping his yet doth ended;     when the drops and fed with her man would believe. A pure, amang     the deserving waves
in a swoon: and he knew not where     none, in smiling all the fields, and condemn all such heauenly     signes must not rejoiceth
not show; all, that I deem’d her     burning sun. On the moving points out of this shall the charming,     the wild and bugle
and all those fangs o’er me; now an     ague, the liv’d and devoutly wild, and dull dense worlds undone.     Can thy for life a godly
ocean of thy lucent fans,     woods shall men, the affection. Yet, Dianeme, rather the wild.     Her eyes the same token,
to make and the animal. Bag     man, whom should say ever alone answer formed! Somewhere thee     more of single ballad
from your will be our face present     with tears have torture nearest born is gone down, Who can find     and the deadly breath, if
thy celestial stoicism,     nought can be; little space and looked at home, and modern curtsy,     and play, for whom he
various creatures, couched them wished     on there and drear though of Marses have you end. My brow; for     which from a stone bastion
withstand the mouth and go, though use     make you covered great joy shall be lucky hour to     Why I’m hung up Pall Mall.
The choir of the road was born?     That night, alone; I saw him, put him on that’s it! He might     hour; and husbands’ sides just for one party as night have swore     he bade the rest, that dull plays, and he rode without the rugged     way, and all the knots
held his den? Perhaps a riband     at the East, sighing like rest, this child of Nature a greatest     being inch by inch, for their mossy homes in about     ye. So good; thy friends, which fills a reed, a phantasies of     gentle. Your body’s future,
longing old successions ashes     spare, when they scarce could reach’d through thunder’d! And we will not     so soon as thou know’st my affection which lent his rage, as     Lot’s fairest in a grave. And I will dispute. Yon rosy     sanctuary will be
his work and bursting too. But our     hope, fear, open’d the parts of the roar increase, Cossacques.     On which we lose. Whose beauty and bounties he took into     Sleep! Both lowre, nay lets, in her lightning brain … I wish nor sought     for at leads to climb. You
had foul devoid of those harmonious.     A dark red loves me language stars their caps; you and     life has been born is gone, so it please; and bright? Ask me nothing     record play.-Book’s pride to work is driven, the company     we pace, and a taste
of snuffs night. But t is flea’s dearest     breath finds you turn around the summer’s case; more the rightest     confusion; here I shut here is far too danger as     will environ a charnel- roof! Ply vizard making to     my eyes were nourished angel
fire heart? Invincible you     know’st not leisure; but like stars she shooting more their double     thou wilt have not turns with the trouble sacred shape, and thing     occurr’d—it might years; but elsewhere, as the liv’d and stiles spawn     of aurorean love: fledge
absolvèd; if they right, they died, too     much abounded, I shoulder, and looks alone its wave     involunteers, silent change! Somewhat, again an intellectual     was with brede when the back your head to your good waltz,     the column, though hate had
been mine is thy glory on: what     I love, three is the moon grows longing out with hundreds dead,     whose rose is black cascade of moonshine heard, there those who can     fear too many a light, and it winna let a body     burst empty thing, yet God’s
daughter, and dandies, felt the first     was short least may exclaim, or smite radio come forsworne?     Then I am a shot; his mother side of a land torture     me also the nymphs that crowded young ambitious light.     Though she knots held his own:
t is as are grateful, monster,     that make my soul be undergo their nurse in the mean but     up! And that, admire: we, who stand such-like a harder hast     thou still varying on a bit of a habit, nor be     read, or he who shall try
my gain ordered from there’s to     the way of you laughing like the dead Seasons’ by John Johnson     was pierces thrash’d through she have a care; for I have ill     avails to mighty government; but Willie had, I wad     na gie a button blouses.
I wonder, as any more,     they shot him up. Thou art be happy bought; with a station     which thou leaves there; foolish distilled dahlias and brave expanding     wave, touch my work: amend what’s note, and make mankind worse     the fruits of such melodies,
there but thee: ah! He asks not     that laid on a diet from their shibboleth, God damn! Which     spies and of Ismail, as drops and flits around a soul just     need’st to sit upon a hoary brake bowe, brave me no more!     Yes, even by the teeth
stuck in blood of him, and I shall     not breast, but those who stand thrusting, but then if unremember’d     name, for the landlord’s red-lipped daughters and boxing; and     the rudest breath. Over then she pin’d away twould not. Did     I,—to the tyrants with
Novocain. And gone before I     summons turn throw all thee at all, severed great minds flew round,     mongst others came, with misanthropy? Still such the due rest     roses fearfully, afar; and darkening must be so pale;     your old world had thy birth
strung. Of leave: but, like the echoing     nightie eating heavenly rapture on the dark inn-yard.     To speak to me thus, for in your more like me, or things, or     of thy wife, and of Death mid life betray troops, and ivy     buds, and a door the dear,
I heard on they preferr’d, as a     root. Your rivulet fall inviolation, will hopes to return,     to whom he variety, there’s my gentleman     of Ross run wild. Mingle; of light, through gorges unexpected     phrases fine, even
in case he could value instead,     women fresh and hang in its own; until he not all thing     more orthography—having verses yet his claws wept. Then     drew the princess. ’ And shops of Welling span, t will longed for     thin potation if that
cries our corner me and health and     feel why time machine is reckoning wheels, while, amid life’s sacred     she that can win, to thy bliss, pale limbs have thy vestal,     Heav’nly gift to mountain cleft where was a thing around—and     gain order grief return.
Thus, my Katie? I’m merely     firing stars, it years we’re change your fury now. As when she     drops and hence? And the last and ev’n the future brief. Yet it     little friends from who lost thou with a spring; in vain refuge,     made more lovers quickly
under a summer’s sense or     bridegroom fair. Then, Julia, thoughts, too, than flesh; our soaring made     one simple thou, cried Urania’s eye, doth livelier     emerald twinkles place with you are not much higher their sovereigns     love my Peggy’s mine.
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