#and theeres nothing you can do about it
Special Order 1
Warnings: non/dubcon, and other dark elements. My username actually says you never asked for any of this.
My warnings are not exhaustive but be aware this is a dark fic and may include potentially triggering topics. Please use your common sense when consuming content. I am not responsible for your decisions.
Characters: Lloyd Hansen, Steve Rogers
Summary: You wake up in the trunk of the car, unaware of how you got theere or where your going.
As usual, I would appreciate any and all feedback. I’m happy to once more go on this adventure with all of you! Thank you in advance for your comments and for reblogging.
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You groan as you rock with the motion of the wheels. A veer has you rolling against the interior, the cloth in your mouth so dry you nearly gag. Your arms hurt, bent and bound behind you, your ankles tied at a cross. You’ve lost circulation in your fingers and toes, your digits throbbing but numb.
You're dizzy and dazed. Your memories are splinters. There were flashing lights and vodka chasers and your friends were all so happy, babbling in bubbling tones as the music pulsed. One minute they were there and the next, you were walking down the hallway, following the beacon of the restroom sign.
Then it all went foggy and you woke up in the dark. The steady whir assures you that you’re in a vehicle, stuffed into the tight trunk. What you don’t know is why. Who would do this? Why you?
You try not to think about it, not beyond how you’re going to get out. You don’t want to think about what your accoster will do to you. Or if you even can get out of this.
You don’t know how long you’ve been in there, how long they’ve been driving. You could be twenty minutes down the road or eight hours; days even. As you try to count, your anxiety mounts. You keep losing track. One minute, five minutes, however many seconds. You’re counting too fast.
You flutter your lashes, fighting another wave of exhaustion. You don’t know if it’s the adrenaline or something else causing these spikes of wakefulness and unconsciousness. You plunge into another void, only to come to with teeth chattering.
You’re still. The engine is quiet and the noise of crickets fills your ears. You try to turn but only jar your shoulder. You lift your feet, trying to kick. You’re too weak for that. The effort has you woozy.
Your eyes round and you gulp as you hear a mulch. Footsteps, steady and certain. You hold your breath as you listen to them get closer. Your eyes tinge and your heart hammers as the stop, just on the other side of the metal. 
Click. The trunk pops and the lid flips up. There’s a shadow over you. You twitch but can’t do much more than that. Even if you weren’t tied up, you wouldn’t have the strength.
The silhouette is broad, shoulders limned in the moonlight, muscles obvious beneath the taut black fabric. A man by your guess. He lifts you, folding you over his shoulder as he slams the trunk shut. You moan around the gag as he pivots sharply.
You can’t see much around him. There’s light coming from somewhere. As you wriggle, a sudden spank on your ass stops you. The impact ripples down your muscles.
“You don’t wanna mess around, toots,” he warns, pinching your thigh. “So be a good girl and settle down.”
You squeak but stop squirming. He’s right. You don’t want to get yourself in worse trouble. You just need to play along until you can get your bearings. He purrs and tickles your leg before dropping his hand.
He climbs a set of steps, the incline making your head spin, and there’s several short beeps. A door opens and he carries you out of the night chill. He puts you down, the sudden change gives you vertigo and you slump sideways on the bench.
“I’m impressed, you shouldn’t be awake yet,” he says as he fumbles around. 
Your eyes flit across the walls, lit by a light overhead. It looks like a typical house. Nothing out of the ordinary. The man before you is vaguely familiar. You squint at him as the edges of your vision cloud.
“It’s alright, I can pop you another dose, it’ll help your head,” he chuckles and pulls you to sit straight, “let me get a good look at you.”
He grabs your chin and bends. His eyes scan across your face and down your body. He tilts his head and clucks.
“Mm, you looked different in those lights,” he remarks as he lets you go. You lean against the wall and whimper. “Not bad though.”
Your blink, eyes stinging. Who is this man? What does he want? You stare him in the face; his eyes are deep blue, almost teal, and a trim of brownish hair bristles across his lip. The sides of his head are shaved close and the longer strands are combed back on top.
“That’s right, get a good look. Just means there’s no going back.”
You blanch and he laughs louder, “relax,” he pats your head, “all you gotta do is listen. That’s all I want from you, baby face.”
You stare at him, terrified. The way he’s talking, fills you with dread. His laughter tapers off and he hauls you up again. You whine around the twisted fabric.
He swings you over his shoulder again and continues down the hallway. He comes to a door on the other side of the staircase and opens it. He descends, a step at the time, following the right angle down to another door. He unlocks it with another series of high-pitch beeps.
This isn’t good. This isn’t spontaneous. This is… planned. This is worse than you could ever expect.
The world whooshes around you as he throws you off his shoulder. You hit a mattress with a squeak. The man stands at the foot of the bed and tuts.
“Well, you can be proud, you made it through day one,” he declares, “but trust me, that’s nothing compared to day two.”
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shunin-gumis · 2 months
As Master Joe Wishes - Track 07
Seasonal Team Event - L4mps
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Thank you Aca for handling this chapter!
Please note, there's a spoiler referencing Ryui and Toi's novels in this chapter.
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Location: Manor
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Toi: Have you passed the glasses around, everyone?
Location: Manor - Large Parlor
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Nagi: Do I get the orange juice, or the apple juice? Or maybe I should try one of those fancy grape juices that rich people tend to have… Wait, does grape juice come in both red or white? 
Ryui: Oi, pick one already. Toi’s speaking. 
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Toi: Uhm, not to be presumptuous, but I would like to take the lead for tonight’s toast.
Toi: Although it was short, these past few days spent with Master were truly special. I would like to wish her a happy life in Germany from now on. 
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Everyone: Cheers!!!!!!
Daniel: Alright, let’s crack open this vintage wine.
Joe: Hold it right there, Daniel!
Joe: I would be glad if you are able to give me some upsies again. 
Daniel: Theere, Theere.
Joe: Bwahaha, I can fully see the top of everyone’s heads~
Toi: I also want some upsies.
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Nagi: I too want some upsies through life.
Daniel: There’s no way I could manage that with either of you… Not to mention my poor back…
Yodaka: Now then, we can have alcohol after the mission starts. For tonight, shall we enjoy ourselves with some simple mocktails?
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Ryui: Mocktails…It’s that non-alcoholic stuff, right? Lemme help.
Yodaka: Thank you. You’re considerate, just like an older brother. 
Ryui: Well…
Daniel: Aight, let’s play somethin’ I can do while laying back: the “airplane.” 
Joe: Bwahaha, this is so fun~!
Toi: That looks fun, it would be nice if both of us could do it as well. 
Netaro: I can shrink down you two into Joe-size, would you like for it to come true?
Toi: Eh, really?
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Nagi: It’s better if you don’t If it’s Toi, I’m sure Ryui would carry you no matter how big or small you are. 
Yodaka: Here, this is for them, and shall we also make some for Samejima-san and the others?
Ryui: Yeah.
Ryui: Geez, it’s like they don’t have any care in the world.
Ryui: (Worst case scenario, I’m the only one who can protect Toi right now…)
Yodaka: I hope she can enjoy herself, at least for tonight….
Ryui: ?
Yodaka: From what I’ve heard, after crossing over to Germany, it seems like Joe will be put under strict management as a national treasure.
Ryui: “Management”....
Ryui: Ain’t that what the old man proposed from the start?
Daniel:  I have a lot I wanna say, but wouldn’t this all be solved if you just shut it in some bank’s safety box until D-day? Then you wouldn’t need us.
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Joe: What on Earth are you saying! Even AI deserves basic rights~! I’ll have you know, our way of life is very similar to that of humans~!
~~~(flashback end)
Location: Manor - Large Parlor
Yodaka: I don’t know the exact details, but considering her net worth, it’s likely that she will be locked away behind a looming door. 
Ryui: Locked away…. Behind a looming door…
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Toi: Ani-sama, help me… pleeeeeeaaase!!!!
~~~(flashback end)
Location: Manor - Large Parlor
Ryui: …..
Ryui: Isn’t there anything we can do about it?
She was all like even AI has rights or whatever. 
Yodaka: I wonder. Now that her owner has passed away and the situation with her ownership is ambiguous… They might not heed her own wishes in this case.
Ryui: ( “Ownership”... Fuck, it’s sickening how they treat things with a soul like they’re nothing.)
Yodaka: That’s why tonight might be her last chance to laugh and play around with us like this.  If we were to think like that, I can’t help but hope that nothing happens.
Ryui: You’ve…got a point.
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Joe: Ryui! Where are you, Ryui~?!
Yodaka: I can handle the rest of the drinks myself, you should make your way to the lady now.
Ryui: Tch.
Joe: My servant, you’re finally here!
Ryui: Geez, no need to make my ears bleed. You wanna give me a hard time again?
Joe: Bring me to the sleeping chamber on the 2nd floor, right this instance!
Ryui: That’s all?
Joe: And don’t forget to bring me one of those candies you gathered. 
Ryui: Ah, that so? Hold on tight. 
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Toi: Wah… A CG of Ani-sama carrying someone has been unlocked!  I need to see it in a first person POV next time!
Ryui: I always have time to do it for you, Toi, so just wait a bit.
Joe: Ufufu
Ryui: (Well… I guess I can let her have her way just for tonight.)
Location: Manor - Bedroom
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Ryui: Here, this should be fine. Where'd you end up putting the candy?
Joe: I wonder where~ Let’s play together and find out!
Ryui: Haah? What’s up with that?
Ryui: I left Toi behind, so tell me where is it. I’ll get it for you.
Joe: …..
Joe: Hmph, fine then! Would you please open the window!
 Ryui: Huh? Geez, can’t be helped I guess. 
Joe: Right now, you must take that star and give it to me as a present!
Ryui: Huh?
Joe: You were able to remove the clouds before~!
Joe: It should be an easy victory for you to be able to grab that star~!
Ryui: Even if you tell me to get it right now, it’s impossible.
Joe: Isn’t your role as a valet to obey my every command!
Ryui: Guh
Ryui: (Just endure it, tonight’s the last day, this’ll be the end of it…)
Joe: Right now rather than the likes of Toi, it is Ryui’s duty to make me your top priority!
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Ryui: “The likes of” Toi you say…?
Ryui: I decide to play-along with you, and this is what I get? 
Ryui: What? You think you own us or something?
Ryui: Just because you were owned and had no choice to do what exactly what you were told doesn’t give you the right to take out all your fucking issues on us.
Joe: …..
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Ryui: …..
Ryui: (Crap, did I say too much?) 
Joe: I…
Joe: I already know that!
Ryui: …..
Joe: It’s not like I enjoyed being—
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Joe: Kya!
Ryui: !?
Location: Manor - Large Parlor
Daniel: …!
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Yodaka: A black-out? No, this is…
Nagi: Hm, I hear the sound of glass breaking…
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Netaro: What’s going on, what’s going on?! Is this perhaps, an ambush?!
Netaro: I heard a sound from over there, onwards♪—
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Toi: Please don’t leave me, Netaro-san….
Netaro: Hey Toi, I can’t move if you bind yourself to me like that.
Toi: *pants* I-I’m scared of *pants* the dark... 
Netaro: Hmm? Is this what they call hyperventilation~?
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Nagi: Toi, calm down and breathe in slowly.
Toi: *panting and gasping*
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Ryui: Toi, you okay?!
Toi: A-Ani-sama…
Ryui: Everything’s gonna be alright, I’m right here.
Ryui: I’ll never leave you alone in a place like that again…!
Toi: *gasping, panting* yeah…
Samejima: Is everyone all right?!
Hiramei: Is everyone here? Dontcha move! Brought in a light so I can check!
Samejima: Where’s Joe…?
Yodaka: Huh?
Samejima: Where’s Joe?!
Toi: Ani-sama…?
Ryui: Fucking hell…
Ryui: (All I could think about at the moment was Toi, I didn’t realize I left Joe behind…!)
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spaceless-vacuum · 2 years
☕ [futuristic and medieval characters meeting]
(love your work btw ^°^)
So for these I don't know what they would say to each other, but I do know what ideas and knowledge the modern chain would share with the mediaeval chain.
Modern!Wild introduces Wild to so many new types of recipes. They sit and chat for hours about everything they've seen, what they've been fighting, how the technology of the sheikah slate has been involved, and everything that has to do with the advancement of machines. Wild spent a lot of time with the divine beasts and nothing came close. Until modern Wild went on an airplane and rollercoasters. He is a huge fan of both and is quite the thrill seeker in that regard. I think he’s got quite the kick from finding out how they work and would like to be a mechanical engineer.
Especially Since tears of a kingdom, not 100% the same Wild but I think he would be so interested in robotics and the like. Both as a way to cope with his new arm and because of the new technology. It would scratch an itch in his brain as to how everything works.
Both version of Wind would love talking about marine biology and sea life. We dont sea (get it?) much ocean life in windwaker but I can imagine Modern!Wind finding out about coral reefs and scuba diving and being so excited. You measn theres veen more fish than he origanlly thought? Theres aquariams!!! That's not even talking about all the different types of boats there are, and now theers engines on them.
He drags Warriors off every weekend to go sailing with him. Sky loves to join so he can feel the wind in his hair but there's a lot of difference between this and flying.
One thing I think Modern!Wind would try to explain is how much faster these boats are, and bigger too! He gets stuck on trying to explain a yacht because it seems useless, until he points out how fun it would be to steal from it. The pirating dies hard in this one and I think he would have a case of sticky fingers for chain stores.
Sky would miss his Loftwing but would enjoy travelling the world. He’s almost always on holiday and misses the days of his adventure when it wasnt so serious and he could do almost everything at his own pace. 
Sorry if this isn't a lot. My brain just shut off after I started to write for Sky’s part and I couldn't turn it back on. I think this idea is neat but mostly I think a lot of it would be the modern side of the chain explaining themselves and trying to pass down wisdom to their alternatives.
Yet the alternatives would absolutely be so confusing. It's like that meme where someone gives a Victorian child a jolly rancher except it’s wind giving himself super sour candy and finding out his other side hates it so much.
Modern!Time: “Remember guys we cant give them guns, it’s not fair and it's just not right.”
Modern!Legend: *casually shoves the entirety of a walmart back into his inventory* “That’s right guys, we shouldnt do anything of the sort.”
Modern!Hyrule: “-and there's different blood types so you have to be careful who you give a transfusion to but we know that Twilights blood type is O-negative so that should be good to give to everyone-”
Hyrule: “you lost me when you said germs can mutate.”
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goddesstrolls · 9 months
You're welcome to lie down in this proverbial grave if you want, but... Just remember how things used to be, you used to be happy, and if you just lie down and take this, that's a death all its own. Even if, no, especially if it's difficult, you need to keep moving, if not for the man you see in the mirror, then for the one you used to be, the one you can be again.
I suppose to put it another way... It's like if you lost a leg. It's hard at first, and it feels like there's nothing you can do. But if you keep pushing forward, keep getting back up after you fall down, eventually you can walk again, and it'll all have been worth it.
And... You won't be alone, no matter what you choose. Even when it feels like you're all alone, just know there are so many people who care about you, more than you know.
Sorry, I got kinda carried away there.
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"...what is liife if not dyying oveer and oover...and goiing throuugh the grieef of buryying yourself eaach time..."
"i useed to be anxioous. scaared of eveerything. thaat boy is deaad."
"i used too drink myseelf stupiid eevery weeekend and speend the rest of my freee tiime taking pictuures insteaad of focuusing on what i wouuld do aafter i got my deegree. i was only haappy becaause i was ignoriing my responsibiilities."
"thaat man is deead too, and theere is no diigging him up."
"joclyyn has been there throough it all. from the tiime i was a child, she took my hand aand wipeed away my teaars and guided me throough."
"eeven now when she knoows the man i useed to be- she remeembers when i couuld breathee aand eat. when i waasn't fuckiing exhausted all the time..."
"...when i didn't look liike a walkiing corpse..."
"eeven aafter what i did to myyself, she loves me."
"hoow can i cut that awaay? what kind of man wouuld i be if ii puushed away thee only persoon who reaally knew me?"
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"i'm tired of tryiing to explaiin myself. leaave me aloone."
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Loona x reader Frozen yogurt
"Y/n! yyyyyyyyyyyy/nnnnnnnnnn!!!!" BlitzØ Screamed running into the building.
"What do you want now?" Y/n grumbled leaning back in their chair.
" Don't sass me! " BlitzØ put his hand on his hips. ''Anyway , I had an amazing idea!"
"Oh? What is it this time?" Y/n rolled their eyes thinking back to the last "amazing idea".
The last one had them all screaming in anger as they watched their office burn.
" No more fire please!" Moxxie screamed from the couch.
" Relax dear im sure boss isnt that stupid." Mille patted his shoulder reassuringly.
"Hey!" BlitzØ said, offended.
" What's your idea? I'm a busy demon here you know." Y/n crossed their arms.
" That is not true at all, you just kill and track the people we kill. Right now you're just sitting on your lazy ass not doing anything. " Moxxie observed.
" Shut the hell up you annoying prick." Y/n glared at them.
Millie glared back.
"Will all of you please shut the fuck up!" Loona yelled from her desk.
" now if your done being annoying little fuckers time for my idea. Loona listen because this also involves you. Now I just got two coupons for the frozen yogurt place down the street. Now y/n loona you are both sad individuals with no life so i'm giving you the coupons. " BlitzØ said, sounding triumphant.
"What?!" Loona almost dropped her phone.
" 1st off how dare you and 2nd what?!" Y/n's chair fell forward.
"You heard me. No if ands or butts you're both going. "
" We don't associate! We know nothing about each other." Y/n said.
"Liar! I've seen you two scaring and stealing from the kids at the park.''Millie chimed in.
" Shut up old lady." Loona growled.
" Scaring kids is one thing. Being friends are entirely different. " Y/n said to blitzØ ignoring the fight Loona and Millie were having.
" My point is neither of you have friends! Loona is my baby and she's lonely. And you're okayish." BlitzØ said, straightening his suit.
" wow i'm flattered you think of me so highly." Y/n put a hand to their chest and batted their eyes.
"Ugh. Now both of you take the coupons and go." BlitzØ shoved the coupons in your hand.
Y/n sighed and got out of the chair they were sitting in. When blitzØ had an idea in his head you couldn't get it out.
"Loona! Get up and get some frozen yogurt. And don't bite the waitress." BlitzØ said, pulling Loona to her feet.
" Let go of me bitch." Loona snatched her arm away and followed y/n out the building.
" Let's get this straight, I'm only going because I want to get away from blitzØ and I'm hungry. Not that I want to spend time with you." Loona said, scrolling through her phone.
As y/n and loona walked y/n kept one eye on loona to make sure she didn't run into anything. She surprisingly didn't though she did trip a couple of demons.
" I think this is the place. " y/n muttered as they stopped in front of a shop. " Do you want to order or do you want me to?"
Loona shrugged, not looking up from her phone. Y/n sighed and ordered. The dude at the cash register was a dick which didn't surprise y/n. Hell was full of assholes.
"So what are you doing here gorgeous?" He asked Loona.
" Fuck off you prick." Loona grabbed her yogurt and went to a table.
Y/n grabbed theer yogurt and followed her. The table she chose was in the back. She sat on one side propped her feet on the table, scrolled through her phone and ate her yogurt. Y/n sat on the other side and ate their yogurt.
" What if we tricked him?" they said suddenly.
" Who blitzØ?" Loona asked.
"No, the king of hell. Duh blitzØ!" Y/n shook their head.
" Don't be smart with me bitch." Loona said, narrowing her eyes.
" Okay but listen. He wants us to be friends. Why don't we pretend so he'll leave us alone. " Y/n sat back with their treat and ate it while waiting for Loona's answer.
" So we just pretend? We don't have to get..close?" Loona checked.
" Nope. Just in front of him but the moment he turns his back we can ignore each other." Y/n said.
Loona looked at y/n. " You're smart, I'll give you that. Eh it could work."
" So you're willing to try?" Y/n asked, leaning forward.
" mhm." Loona stared at the cups of almost empty frozen yogurt. " hey do you want to ditch this and go wreak havoc?"
" fuck yeah!" Y/n grinned.
They got up leaving their trash at the table and left without paying.
Hiyo!!! I'm so sorry this is short. i just wanted to post something. I'll also make a part two. From now on i'm going to try to make them better and longer.
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himejoshikomaeda · 2 years
If the characters of W4D could say house of the dead 2 lines, what would they say?
Soleil: We're meeting G over there...
Vanderman: Heehlp!
Nuru: Dont kill me! No, NOOO!! Aaaaauugh.. i dont wanna die...
Rossa Jove: James, go and prevent the confusion in the city.
Kelly Sinclair: G's...bloodstains (also: thank YOU! I'll open the water gate for YOU!)
Lilith: thank god youre alright!
Camilla: thank you for saving my life!
Pandora: to protect the LOIFE CYCLE!
Jitters!: Thank you for rescuwim me
Millie: James, i tried. Dont underestimate the enemy.
Cocoa: Help! Help! Heelp!! Aaah!!!
Galatea: Heheheh. Seems like my advice had no effect! Suffer like G did?
Pyre Lily: Well, he says that he'll be waiting at the Colliseum, on the north side of the city!
Artemis: Either i get you, or the emporer will! Either way, theres nothing you people can do!
Calliope: Dont know, but its very similar to the 1998 curien case.
Terpsichore: lets meet at Sunset Bridge.
Hex: Dont worry, well get him oht.
Patchwork: What are they? Heehlp
Clio: its been a while hasnt it, my friends from the AMS?
Svetlana: Hmmhmmhmmhmmm, people of the ams, i am goldman. I dont care if you people try to get in my way or not, in time youll find out whos right. Hmmhmmhmmhmhm.
Tomy: my friends went inside, but theyre not back yet. I told them not to go!
Deadlift: Gary, cmon, lets go and get him.
Galatea: what happened to amy and harry?
Erato: This is a present from me to you.
Ellis: James, come quick! Something terrible is happening! Aaaah!
Crystal Clear, fun waters: Look at your left!
Thalia: Sir Goldman has given me a second chance. Dont even think you can get past me.
Euterpe: Go, Kuarl!
Urania: Sir..Gooollddd-...........
Polyhimnia: our emporer shall awaken soon, hurry, friends!
Prissy: we have no time, lets hurry, Gary!
Melissa: Jaames, *tossers key* the car is parked at the ciry square...the top floor...building at point A0063...he's theere.. Goo, James.
Eos: I am.. I am... I am. The one, who rules over nature. I shall destroy..and hate mankind. i am, the emperrr.
Cyrus: Farewell friends.
Bwamche: G and Harry are alright, lets leave the rest to them! On we go, to our next battol!
Beanche: hehehee..hi BWAANCHE
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this is a triumph of an ask. there's nothing else to say about it, this is a post on its own.
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annikuh · 9 months
OK here's some thoughts about Jax, based on a lore dump that my partner, george--the GM of the game i play(ed) Jax in--gave me last night. Jax fans, get hype.
new nepherit, Necromancer, Jax, and Syvis discussions, and a more in depth convo about Panathir, who i haven't really talked about yet enclosed :3
1. The nepherits are, on all levels except physical, clones of The Necromancer. Each one has a piece of his soul in them.
You KNOW this tickled me. The implications are bananas. The nepherits hate The Nec enough to kill him, yet they still are inherently him, whether they want to be or not. Jax does NOT like being a nepherit (neither does most other ones probably), so they already have so much disdain for The Nec for creating them, but knowing that they are The Nec? Horrifying.
2. Jax is a v2 of Panathir.
Idk if I've actually really talked about Panathir (PAN-uh-theer), but he's another nepherit that is a big antagonist in the game canon. He's angry and violent and self-loathing, and aspires to get revenge on everyone who has discriminated against him for being a nepherit--pretty much everyone. He's stupidly powerful.
So, according to George, Panathir and Jax are two halves of the same nepherit. Panathir came first and Jax was a 2.0 version of him, which is why they are such good character foils of each other. The two were made early on, and I think that The Nec didn't think that Panathir was good enough to stand alone, but was good enough to keep around, so he made Jax to compensate. They are the only two nepherits that are like this.
Panathir's big thing with Jax, in their first battle in the game canon, was emphasizing that Jax is just like him, with the same rage within them, so it's stupid for Jax to condemn him and pretend like they aren't terrible too. This is something that Jax kind of knows. They know that they have the same desire to kill and get revenge and rage and hatred and everything like that that Panathir does, but they still want to be better than that. They don't want to exist like he does, but he's a terrible reminder of who they know they are. They were stern in their belief that he sucks, and they absolutely kicked his ass in that battle (though he escaped before they could off him, which they really wanted to do, since he was literally torturing people by pulling their souls in and out of their bodies while they were still alive, then just ripping them out and letting the bodies fall without taking the bodies; evil and not great rep lol). However, having to look him in the eye and see the worst of themself reflected back at them really fucked them up.
I think that, despite being created to be better than him, they definitely feel weaker than him. Their relationship is very psychologically and emotionally abusive and toxic, with Jax being told that they're evil and vile and just pretending that they aren't ("it's pathetic that you're trying to pretend not to be a monster just to appease people who will always hate you"), but they're so inherently enmeshed that they can't really escape him.
George did say that he planned for Panathir to eventually become an ally, which I really wanted to happen. Jax thinks that they can help Panathir move on and become a better person. They want this, not only because they are so self-conscious about how nepherits are viewed and how Panathir is giving them all a bad name, but because--for some reason that they aren't consciously aware of--they really care about helping him.
However, even when he becomes an ally, he's still a constant reminder that Jax is inherently bad. They know they are, but they hate to be reminded of it, and it really takes a toll on them constantly.
3. I don't know how to summarize this, but Panathir basically made up nearly every religion and god on the planet and forgot about it.
So, in the game, there's this thing called Nothing, and all of the legends about it make it seem very similar to the apocalypse. One of the major gods, Fa'ru, apparently fought against Nothing, and there is a prophesized warrior that will defeat Nothing (which is one of Jax's party members). However, Nothing is not real. Panathir entirely made it up, along with Fa'ru and all of the other major gods, but people believed so deeply that the gods and Nothing are real that they eventually became mainstream beliefs. But, because nepherits have a normal memory capability, Panathir totally forgot that he made this up.
George said that he planned for the party to eventually find an actual god in the core of the planet while the planet was actually going thru an apocalypse, who would reveal to Panathir that he did make this up and restore his memory about this and provide him with all of the power that people have given these myths over the eons they've existed. This would prompt Panathir to go on a complete power trip and revert back to all his evil shit, reveal all of this to Jax, and try to convince them to give into their true nature and join him in destroying everyone.
This shit is fucking wild and really destroyed me. Jax has so much religious trauma and has consistently begged the gods to help them and care about them like they care about everyone else. They feel like the gods look at them with disgust because they have no souls and were created by pure evil--they weren't made in their image, so they aren't worth the gods' time. They have spent so many nights screaming into the sky for the gods to care for them and love them and ripping gashes into their skin from the pain that they feel.
It must be fucking bizarre to learn that this person who is already such an intimidating and abusive presence in their life created these gods that they've spent so much time praying to and begging for love. These gods aren't real. They've been crying to fictional characters that Panathir--this intimidating, abusive presence in their existence--created, once more putting him on a pedestal above them and making them feel less than.
I don't know if I'm explaining this well at all, but this kind of trauma is so present in their history that it is insane that they've been wasting hundreds and thousands of years looking for acceptance from gods Panathir made up. Such a waste of time, such a waste of energy. It must be fucking crushing. It certainly crushed me!
It must suck too for Jax to put so much effort into rehabilitating Panathir, just to watch him drop all of it so easily and revert back to his old habits and feelings. Not just because it feels like a failure, but because it reminds them that all of the work they had done on themself could be erased at the drop of the hat because of their nature. Horrific. So scary.
I have so much more that I want to explore with the two of them, it's insane.
4. Syvis is resurrected.
George said that one of the other party members really wanted to eventually resurrect all of the elves. When she did, it would end up killing an equal amount of living people. He assumed she would ditch this idea and let the elves lay dead once she saw so many people dying around her, but Syvis would be able to stay out of the power of love or sumn. (lots of these ideas were planned to come to fruition years from now so its a little loose LOL).
Iiiiiiiii hate this I think. Would it be fuckin incredible to have Syvis back? Yes of COURSE, but what kind of life would she be living? She'd be the only elf in the world, all of her friends and family would still be dead. All she would have is Jax, who would absolutely feel super insecure and indebted to her to make sure that they're everything she needs, even though obviously they can't be. I feel like eventually she'd be miserable and lonely and Jax wouldn't be able to do anything about it. It would be adorable to have them stay together, but it's just not fair to either of them for that to happen. So I"m deffo not keeping this in my personal canon LMAO
I do regret that this whole thing didn't happen in game because there is so much possibility for Jax and this party member to have conflict bc yknow, who tf is she to do this? She doesn't know the elves like Jax does. She has no right to do this. She has no forethought about the consequences of doing this. I think it would be very interesting to explore but oh well.
Final thoughts ig LMAO
Ok overall I'm a big fan of a lot of this stuff. I love that I get so much personal freedom with all of this now, even though I would've loved to do it in-game. But now I can futz around with it as much as I want and nobody can tell me that "pajama" isn't an elven word LMAOOO
I'll probbo update my character lore post at some point once i smooth more of this out, so i'll let everyone know when i do. & i'll probably add a section about Panathir, since he's become so important.
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the-firebird69 · 2 years
There's more happening and it is pretty huge those numbers are gigantic it's a poor out of the Midwest and extreme down and other men hilarious and they get hit and they come out of bunkers but it's really only half clone but still it's far too many that's too many people it's going to keep going and going and going with that many. We need to stop the clothes from going up there and they're really just marauding that they're not fighting other clones. And the orders are going out I'm going to destroy the cloning, of Tommy f and topside, as you can see they are at each other already have been for years, now huge numbers fight over cloning facilities. Huge. In order to dominate with.
Will probably orchestrate this now.
other things happening the warlock I put a huge fleet into the ocean and yes the 16 candles series is underway. It's a huge deal and she notices that people are not interested in her and for real since he's trying to figure out why she sees with her husband's doing bothering people pestering them saying stupid things incense you certainly are A gifted person are you, leaves him theere thinking about it. And in moments the idiot is back saying stupid idiot stuff to us so we're going to start hitting that idiot. So basically she goes around to the whole movie trying to get someone interested in her, in the series she's doing the same thing and fails. And supposed to be anagous but really they're saying other people are our son and parts are in the future and I son does not want to have anything to do with her. And calls him a rat on and off stage when they're talking about him. And this is not really us it's not really appropriate you can call him that and she would say so what that's what he said cuz you're a huge rat and matter of fast we don't like you. And she does not represent Hera but she represents is a woman who has been terrorizing people with their man and for some reason can't have a good time so you know she's doing it and they can't stop her and they end up ignoring her and expressing that they don't like her. And her son says it's like right in the crease for having her do it more and so he understands the analogy now so they're pushing her to push him to be a nut case because he's Percy.
So she goes oh no that's what it is and that's why the series is important. It was funny because she was thinking it was her and for another reason. And it's like no we need your ass to continue being an ass to take your ass off and that on a date and it was horrible and she's feeling it again and she feels nothing but contempt and hatred. But there's like this Trump was doing it on purpose and then he got bamboozled and admitted it was him and raise your life miserable meaning that you're all fools by Tommy f again and she's sort of figured it out I mean it's being encouraged for her to do it by you guys my behavior because it's just a natural reaction you guys have but it's done because he wants to continue to squeeze your stuff out of this idiot and or as a scapegoat more likely cuz he takes his people and put some of the matrix or whatever and those areas and then he goes and takes it from those areas. So he thinks a lot about himself for messing around with Sarah. And I don't cuz I can see the whole thing and when it gets down to it there's two huge grooves and one of them is a lot smaller and it's his group the smaller so they almost started crying and they said we know what to do and it started doing it. But it hasn't happened yet so she feels a little better because it's a woman sensibility thing and he's a huge homo and he just showed it on this very website and is following our son and we don't want him near him and we're shooting him by the way and his people to keep them away people start doing things which you might not it was gigantic and you don't see what tommy you f says and you don't say what Trump does, Tommy f is shooting Trump and in particular injury causes his behavior.
Thor Freya
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halinski · 2 years
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oh-so-scenarios · 4 years
ᴛʜᴇ sᴇʀᴇɴᴅiᴘiᴛʏ ᴏғ ᴛʜiɴɢs...♠| 14
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⤖ ᴡʜᴏ ʜᴀs ᴛɪᴍᴇ ғᴏʀ sᴏᴜʟᴍᴀᴛᴇs? Jᴜɴɢ Hᴏsᴇᴏᴋ ɪs ᴛᴏᴏ ʙᴜsʏ ʙᴇɪɴɢ ᴛʜᴇ ʜᴇᴀᴅ ᴏғ ʜɪs ᴍᴀғɪᴀ ɴᴇᴛᴡᴏʀᴋ. Hᴇ ᴡᴏɴ'ᴛ ʟᴇᴛ ᴛʜᴇ sᴇʀᴇɴᴅɪᴘɪᴛʏ ᴏғ ʜɪs sᴏᴜʟᴍᴀᴛᴇ ᴍᴏᴠᴇ ʜɪᴍ…ʀɪɢʜᴛ?
⤖ Mᴀғɪᴀ Lᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ Hᴏsᴇᴏᴋ x ᴅᴏᴄᴛᴏʀ Fᴇᴍᴀʟᴇ Rᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ, sᴏᴜʟᴍᴀᴛᴇ!ᴀᴜ
Warnings: mentions of sexual acts, vulgar language
****Theere are some errors. Please ignore! (Word Count: 8.6K)
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The warmth I’m feeling isn’t coming from the hot shower I just stepped out of. It was a warm feeling in my chest, along with the nervous patter of my heart. So I’m spending the night here? The rain doesn’t show any signs of stopping, and the cracking of thunder is enough to keep anyone inside.
Hoseok gave me a long sweatshirt of his along with some basketball shorts. I used the towel he provided to dry myself off and slip on the clothes he gave me. As I’m staring at myself in the partially fogged up mirror, I get a flashback to what happened in the car. 
My skin still tickled with his soft but wanting touches. I’m also shocked at my actions. I really dug my hand into his pants with no shame. I stroked his dick, and begged for him to fuck me in the back of his car. 
I shook my head, as if to shake off the embarrassment of the past events. As I removed myself from my thoughts, I recognized the sound of another running shower. Hoseok must be using his other bathroom to take a shower. I hung up the towel and grabbed my rain soaked clothes.
I stepped out of the bathroom, my hot skin being met by the cold air that circulated the hallway was refreshing, and caused me to sigh in bliss. 
I shyly looked side to side, staring at the hallway that led to more rooms, and the way that led to the living room. I took small and hesitant steps towards the other doors down the hallway, not sure what I was looking for. 
I came to a door that I thought was a closet and opened it, surprised to see a washer and dryer stacked on top of each other in the cramped space. They were clearly the newest model, and still had that new appliance gloss. The dryer already had something in it, making my stand on my tiptoes to glance in through the clear circular door. I recognized the shirt, and came to the conclusion that it was the clothes Hoseok wore on the date. 
He must have thrown them in here while I was in the shower. I opened the dryer and tossed my clothes in, my eyes reading all the dials before setting them and pressing start. 
The dryer hummed quietly while the clothes tumbled and turned inside. It was only a light vibration as well. Very different from my dryer, which was loud and echoed throughout my place. 
Hoseok is clearly a man of luxury, even with the most simple things. I closed the door and walked down the hallway to the balcony-like area. I slowly made my way down the stairs and to the living room, finding time to gawk around at the decor. It’s simple like Hoseok, yet luxurious. It’s nothing overbearing either. 
Hoseok doesn’t seem like the type to flaunt his wealth in excess. No big mansion with a bunch of unused rooms, but rather a comfortable and roomy condo. I stared into the darkness that was outside, and the other buildings in the distance. 
Seeing as the whole left wall was glass, it made the room feel a bit larger. Small threads of light from other buildings giving me a sliver of the raindrops floating down towards the ground. I watched lightning whip through the sky, the thunder that followed being a loud rumble. 
Speaking of rumble, my stomach makes a grunt sound, reminding me that we weren’t able to get dinner. With my hand pressed to my stomach, I shyly turned towards the dark walk way, strolling up the two small steps and cautiously venturing into the space.
My hands move along the wall hoping to find a light switch. My feet shuffled carefully, and I inched around, trying to keep from crashing into something.
My fingers run across something circular and hit it. Lights come shining on and I wince at the brightness, turning the circular dial to dim it. I look around to see a medium sized rectangular table with a few chairs. It seems to be a dining table, but with different sheets of paper scattered all about. There were opened binders and files carelessly thrown down. 
You’d think Hoseok would have left them in a hurry, so he didn’t have time to clean it up. 
I looked to my left to see some of the kitchen. It was barely visible, but the dining room lights gave me enough to see the switch for the kitchen. I switched the lights on and strolled in, my feet making a slapping noise on the cool tile floor. 
The kitchen matched the penthouse perfectly. All the appliances were a shining silver while the medium sized island, cabinets and all the countertops were a smooth black wood. The tile floor was an imitation of white oak wood that kept the place from seeming too dark. It was spacious and unlike the dining room, very clean. 
Everything has its place and would make anyone uncomfortable to move it. The coffee machine next to the mug rack that was next to the blender, before the gas stove interrupted the smooth countertop. 
On the other side of the stove was a rice cooker and a toaster. All the appliances showed signs of being used, but were cleaned wonderfully. 
I turned my eyes to the large two wide door fridge that had a drawer at the bottom as the freezer. I approach the fridge, staring at it. I glanced around me, as if I was doing something bad. 
Is it okay for me to open his fridge? Should I wait for him to come back before I ask if I can cook something? I reached a hand out to rest on the handle before opening one of the doors.
Hoseok’s fridge was stocked beautifully. All the water bottles lined up like the aesthetic posts I would see on Tumblr. The condiments were organized and all the foods were set in certain places. Now I really feel bad to go in there and mess it up. 
I open the other door and scan all the foods and items, deciding on some beef japchae. I started to take out the ingredients, taking the cuts of beef that were wrapped in one of the fridge compartments. I moved to the cabinets, getting more comfortable as I pulled out the needed items. 
I found all the seasonings and bowls I would need while I hummed a song I heard on the radio. 
I jump slightly when I heard a door closing, followed by footsteps coming down the stairs in a bit of a rush. I keep my eyes on the entrance way that connected the dining room with the living room. It wasn’t long before Hoseok’s figure rushes through, his cell phone pressed to his ear. 
“No, no! Move it to next week! I will not let them threaten me in such a way.” He hissed into the phone, striding to the papers spread out on the dining table. He throws a glance my way, and I notice his eyes move about the kitchen. He saw all the things I took out and looked back at me in question. 
I couldn’t answer, as the person on the phone had grabbed his attention once again. He wore a simple Tee with a colorful graphic on it, along with some black basketball shorts. I giggled at the butterflies building in my stomach. I’ve never seen Hoseok in comfortable clothes like he is now. 
I took a deep breath as my eyes stayed on him. He was looking through the different sheets of paper on the table. He was muttering something, whether to himself or the person on the phone; I can’t be sure. 
His brows furrowed as he stared down, listening to whatever was being said to him. I leaned against the counter, my arm pushing some of the items I laid out. His hair was still damp, and disheveled. Probably the results of a towel being roughly rubbed over it. 
“They aren’t going to get a better offer. I am not going to use my time off to try to prove myself for some petty investment. I won’t call them, I won’t even send out an email.” He barked, rolling his eyes. 
Whoever he was speaking to, was slowly pulling him into a bad mood. My mouth scrunched up bitterly, hoping that work wouldn’t take up all his time tonight. I turned my focus back to the food, taking out the meat preparing it. 
I was zipping around the kitchen, Hoseok’s business banter fading into the background. I put the pot on the stove and got it nice and hot for the beef. Hoseok still stood at the table, making me wonder why he didn’t take a seat. 
He probably was hoping to not waste this night with work as well. His reluctance to sit down showed his effort of finishing the call quickly. 
I glanced towards the rice cooker, now that I wanted to pair sides of rice with the glass noodle dish. I looked in his, his eyes trained down on the table while he focused intently. I took small steps in his direction, my movement catching his attention right away. 
As I got closer, he put a hand on my lower back, turning his phone away from his mouth to look at me. I leaned in a bit, the fresh smell of his soap tingling my senses.
“Can I use the rice cooker?” I whispered, trying to keep my voice down so as to not let my presence be known to those on the phone. 
He smiled and rubbed my lower back in a very loving manner, “Yeah go ahead princess.” Unlike me, he didn’t whisper but spoke loudly, the tiny chatter I could barely hear from his phone had gone quiet. I went back to the kitchen and began with the rice and rice cooker.
“I was talking to my girlfriend.” Hoseok said as a matter of fact. He pauses and scoffs, turning his back to me while his tone grew sharp. 
“Mr. Robins, I told you it was my time off. Don’t act surprised now! You’ve already cut into an important night so might as well finish this.”
When Hoseok speaks again it’s been a few minutes. I’m cooking the beef in the pan, the cackling and sizzling of it in the pan drowning out his words.
“Tell them I said that such petty threats do nothing for me. Let them know that my offer has an expiration date.” He pauses, glancing at me.
“Also Mr. Robins, don’t call outside of work hours anymore. I allowed it in the past, but let’s not make it a habit anymore. So tonight is the last time. But yes, talk to you soon.” 
I turn my focus back to the meat, cooking it evenly before moving it to a plate. I start to put the noodles in the pot with boiling water and move to cut the vegetables I set out.
“Let me help.” Hoseok says from beside me. I jump, surprised to see him so close. His phone was no longer with him and set on the dining table. He looked down at me with a kind smile, his dimples on display as he did so.
“Okay,” I giggle, “Can you cut the vegetables for me?” He nods, and moves to the sink to watch his hands. 
“You made yourself comfortable,” He chuckles, looking over his shoulder at me. 
My cheeks warm up, “See, I knew you were going to say that. I was going to wait to ask if I could use your kitchen but I got hungry.”
We work in a comfortable silence, the sound of water boiling and the clunk of the knife hitting the cutting board. I drained the noodles and checked on the rice in the rice cooker. 
We work efficiently and Hoseok turns to randomly smile at me every few minutes. I giggled each time, asking him if something was wrong. He’d only smile and shake his head no. The noodles were just about done, and I was lightly stir-frying them with the beef and the vegetables. Hoseok was washing the dishes. 
This moment felt very domestic and I loved it. It wasn’t long before I was plating both meals and bringing them to the dining table. I gently moved some of the papers to the side, shuffling others together into stacks. Hoseok swiftly washed the rest of the dishes while I set the table. 
His quick movements revealed just how hungry he was. I can’t be surprised. I’m sure his lunch was earlier in the day, and the rain killed our plans. He saw me shivering and thought it’d be better to cancel the dinner reservation he had for after the movie.
We eat in silence for a bit, our stomachs were crying out for some food. The pleased exhale as he eats has me thanking my mom in my heart. 
The times she’d make me stay with her in the kitchen has come in handy. That’s how she’d try to bond with me, since work kept her away a lot. I naturally picked up on her recipes and at the young age of 12, I could cook dinner for the whole family. 
That’s how the dream of becoming a chef manifested itself. My parents supported it, believing that’s what I was really going to pursue. But it was a phase I held onto for a year. 
“It’s good?” I asked, taking my chopsticks and grabbing my side of rice. I put some rice in my mouth, watching Hoseok for an answer. He chewed and swallowed the noodles before grinning at me.
“You know it’s good.” He answered in a teasing manner, “I might have you over here every night.” He looks down at his food, missing the way my eyes widen at his words.
Have me over here every night? He was too focused on his food to notice my still figure. By the time I snapped out of it, a pregnant quiet fell over us. 
Once again it was a comfortable quiet. We were simply enjoying each other’s company. We’d talk every once in a while, Hoseok finding something to say that would cause me to laugh. Was he always this funny? 
I narrowed my eyes at him, realizing that he was speaking his thoughts more. I enjoyed it, gladly listening to whatever he’d have to say. 
“What time do you need to wake up tomorrow?” His question was coming out of left field, seeing as he was previously talking about how much he enjoyed the seasoning on the beef. 
“I’ll need to get home then get ready, so probably 8 am. They have me coming in later, since I’m only doing paperwork.” A slight pout on my lips as I spoke. Ugh, paperwork. It’s what I dislike the most about my job but I’ll be confined in my office doing just that. 
“Okay, I’ll drive you home, then to work.” He informs me, taking some more noodles in his mouth. 
I could only nod in response, and we returned to silence. We never really said that I’d be staying the night, but a wordless understanding was met. As I finished my food, I noticed Hoseok glancing at his phone, checking the time. I drummed my fingers lightly on the table, curious if he had something he had to attend to. 
I waited till he was done with his food, looking up to meet my blank expression. 
“What’s up?” He says simply, putting his chopsticks into the bigger glass bowl. 
I lean forward, setting an elbow on the table, “Do you have something to do? You keep looking at your phone.”
He blinks at me, trying to figure out how to respond. The guilty look on his face told me everything I needed to know. 
“I just have some contracts I need to write up. I didn’t want to ignore you while yo--”
I cut him off, vigorously shaking my head. 
“It’s fine,” I reassure him, “I know you’re a busy man, and you weren’t expecting me to be staying here so you don’t have to entertain me. I’ll watch TV or something.” 
He raises an eyebrow at me, his hair now dry and ruffled out like it was just brushed. 
“Are you sure?” 
“I’m sure.” I confirm, reaching my hand out to smooth out his hair. 
I only watched TV for an hour before I was growing bored. I grabbed the remote, flipping through the channels. I passed various shows, seeing the scenes flash on the large flat screen for no more than a second. I groaned into defeat, deciding that I’d just review some medical notes from my email. 
I noticed my purse carelessly thrown on the loveseat adjacent to me. I stood up, grabbing the pursue and situating myself in that same loveseat. 
I figured that since Hoseok was somewhere in the condo working, I couldn’t disturb him much from the living room. I glanced around me, looking at the spiral stairs that led to the second level. 
Using bluetooth, I connected my phone to the Bose soundbar that the TV was using as an output. Music always helps me study and review. Whether it was patient files or some techniques that I had to brush up on. 
My phone showed that it was 11:47pm. After a long day of work, I would have been knocked out on my bed, knowing that another tiring day was waiting for me in the morning. I took note that my phone was at 56%. I’d had to go bother Hoseok for a charger soon.
I hit shuffle on my studying playlist, and opened up my emails to review patient notes. I won’t be working those cases till next week but it was good to show up prepared. I keep the volume low, leaving it just loud enough to fill the living room. If it’s too loud, Hoseok will let me know. 
I’m looking over files and notes on a burn victim, along with the progress on Mrs. Choi. Her physical therapy is going well. It’s moving slowly but they believe she will walk again, however it seems her motivation is dwindling. 
Her husband shows no signs of progress. He is still in a coma that leaves doctors to truly unable understand the length of the damage he has from the car accident. 
The notes were a lot. Long detailed files and charts for patients. I’ll be the one typing all these up when I head back to work. As the song changes to something with a faster tempo, I start bobbing my head to the beat. Soon my shoulders join in, having my body do a stiff and closed off jig in my seat. 
My attention was on the notes, so I wasn’t putting much effort into my rhythmic movements. I’m sitting there reading for some time, and when I check the time again it’s 12:54am. 
I take a break, locking my phone and dropping it in the loveseat as I stand up. My playlist is still on, a funky R&B song coming on just as I’m walking towards the dining room. I was going to head into the kitchen to get a glass of water. 
I stop my steps, letting my hips sway to the beat in the middle of the living room. I close my eyes, mouthing the words and slowing my movements to the breakdown of the song. I let the song get to the chorus before I stroll to the dining room.
I walk to the beat, switching on the dining room lights. I could faintly hear the song, singing the song under my breath now. I don’t bother turning on the kitchen lights. I grab a water bottle like this as if my own home and dash back to the living room.
I barely turn off the dining room lights as my feet shuffle along the floor. I’m back in the center of the living room, opening the bottle to take a sip of water before setting it on the center table. The space between the center table and the couches was enough for me to dance. 
I just felt like dancing, forgetting that I wasn’t in my own apartment. However, Hoseok’s presence somewhere else in this place brought a sense of safety and comfort. The notes were all forgotten about as another song came on,having me rock to the beat. 
I’m circling my hips in a provocative manner, bending my knees and holding one arm up as I do so. I stick my tongue out a bit, feeling myself. My confidence is growing since I’m by myself. Or so I thought. 
I keep dancing, closing my eyes as if it could help me hit the high notes the singer was reaching. The slow winding of my hips momentarily stutter to a stop when two hands enclose either side of them. 
I jump, the touch startling me. I felt Hoseok’s chest against my back and his breath on the back of my neck. I let out a shaky breath as his crotch lightly brushed my butt. I hear his shallow breaths close to my ear. His hands are big, his hands are hot and grip me just right. 
Trying to shake off the hot and heavy atmosphere falling over us, I kept dancing as I was, humming the song as if nothing had changed. My butt brushing his crotch every movement. 
“Are you done with your contracts? That didn’t take too long.” I said over my shoulder. 
“I worked quickly cause I could hear you having your own little party out here.” His voice was playful. He placed a kiss on the back of my neck, causing goosebumps to rise all over my body. 
We establish a steady rhythm, his hips moving with mine. It wasn’t crazy sexual, but I was impressed by how fluidly his hips moved, along with the bit of distance he kept between my rear end and his crotch, like he was worried I wouldn’t like him pressed on me.
“I was reading some notes, but the music distracted me.” I answered, as a slower track came on. Our bodies swayed in a sluggish fashion. I lean my body back into him, my whole body pressed into him. I leaned my head back, and closed my eyes.
“I can relate.” He says softly.
“Oh yeah,” I mention, “You said you wanted to be a dancer?” His hands on my hips are replaced by his arms enclosing my waist. He rested his chin on my shoulder, his cheek against my cheek.
He giggles at the uncertainty in my voice, “Is it still hard to believe?” 
“A little bit.” I reply, “What type of dancing did you do?” 
Hoseok inhales and exhales slowly, looking forward like he could see the memorie playing before him.
“I’d dance whatever I could learn,” He says vaguely, “I was just happy to be dancing.” 
“You can still dance...with me. I’ll always be your dancing partner.” 
“Thank you for the offer Y/n...I’ll gladly think about it.”
“I mean I’m no professional, but I can stay on beat, and I like to have fun so you’ll never be bored.” 
He opens his mouth and closes it again, deciding not to speak. 
“But before you can even ponder on my offer, you have to show me your dancing skills! I need to see what you got!” I challenge, and his arms pull me in tighter to him. I could feel the steady hits of his heartbeat against my back.
The song faded to quiet, before another track began. It picked up a bit more than the last track, fun and quick tango beat to it.
Hoseok let me out of his arms, spinning me around to face him. I was astounded by the speed in which he spun me around. He clasped one hand of mine in his. He moved my other hand to rest on the bicep of his arm that had it’s hand placed on my waist. 
He straightened his posture, tilting his chin up a bit while he gazed down at me. 
“Just follow after me okay?” He said quietly, as if we were dancing in secret. 
I tried. I tried to keep up. The first few steps were rough. He was clearly moving a bit slower for me, waiting as I caught onto the basic steps, before he picked up the pace. It was easy to dance with Hoseok after that. 
He was truly leading me, surprising me with some quick spins and other flares of flavor. 
I giggled as he spun me, bringing me close to his body. My chest was falling and rising as I tried to catch my breath, staring back into Hoseok’s eyes. 
It was only a second as he began to move his feet again, having me follow along with the rhythmic steps. 
Now my arm was wrapped around his shoulder and neck, while my other hand was clasped in his. I yelped in surprise as he dipped me. So low I was worried he’d drop me. As he brings me back up, I let go of his hand and wrap my other arm around his neck.
He brings his face close to mine as we stand there, catching our breath. I, breathing a lot more heavy than him.
Hoseok shows a soft smile, wrapping both his arms around my waist. 
“Wow,” I say in-between small gasps for air, “You really can dance.” 
Hoseok chuckles at my dazed expression, leaning forward to kiss my lips. A peck so quick, by the time my eyes are fluttering closed, he is pulling away. 
“Do you want to get back to your patient notes?” He licks his lips, his eyes flickering down to my lips.
I shake my head, “I want you to kiss me again.” 
He hums in response, leaning in close to kiss me again. A short peck, followed by a lingering kiss. His arms around me tightened and melted into him. Our heads tilted as we deepened the kiss. My heart hammering in my ears, and my stomach twisting into nervous knots. 
His lips are soft, warm and welcoming. Everytime we kiss, it feels like I’m trying to get a message of my feelings to him. Hoseok, however, kisses me slowly and in a cherishing manner. Like it’ll be the last time he kisses me, like he needs me to breathe. 
Each and every time, I’m left weak in the knees. My heart is squeezing with delight. He doesn’t always say how he feels. A lot of time he’ll say it randomly or in passing, as if he didn’t want a whole moment around it. 
But the execution of his actions make me feel warm inside. 
The small touches, his hand on my back, the way he’ll pause a work call to listen to whatever I have to say. Picturing him as the same cold gentlemen I met nearly 4 months ago, makes my heart grow in size.
But that also makes me wonder, should I be the first to tell him I love him? Hoseok is so casual about things, whether it’s due to his discomfort or he doesn’t see the significance, that he might not say such words right out. 
The way he calls me his girlfriend now, although he didn’t ask me to be his girlfriend, shows he doesn’t see a need for all the formalities.
He sighs as he draws his lips away from mine, kissing my cheek, my jaw and then a small kiss on my neck. He hides his face in my neck, my arms tighten around him so we were hugging.
I bring a hand up to rest on his hair, “Thank you for such a fun date.” 
“You don’t have to lie Y/n, I know it was sucky.” He says, his lips brushing against my skin.
“It wasn’t at all. I had fun, I always have fun with you.”
“I’m not exactly the life of the party Y/n.” 
“You’re a lot more fun than you think. You’re also a lot kinder than you realise. I know you were probably exhausted, but you still went to the movies with me.”
“And you cooked for me,” He smiles. I know cause I can feel it against my neck and collar bone. I thought he was going to say something else, his statement felt incomplete so we stood in silence as I waited for him to speak again.
When he didn’t I listened to his soft breathing. 
“You’re clearly tired, so let’s get you to bed okay?” I said. He drew back from me, staring at me with jaded eyes, and I could only giggle at the tired pout on his lips. He was totally starting to fall asleep in my arms.
I pinched his cheek and pecked him on the lips before stepping out of his arms and walking over to my phone left forgotten in the love seat. I disconnected it from the soundbar from my phone, and switched it off. 
Hoseok goes to turn off most of the lights, leaving the small doorway light on. I followed him up the stairs, my strides slowing down as we got to the hallway. 
He stopped walking, leaving me just a view of his back. He looked to the door on his left, before turning to me. 
“So here’s the guest room.” He said gesturing to the room. 
I awkwardly nodded, rubbing my hands together and walking closer to him, opening the door to see a plain but nice bedroom.
A larger twin size bed with a desk closet and a TV. 
I stare at the room, knowing that Hoseok was also watching my reaction.
He’s being considerate. He doesn’t want to make me uncomfortable by assuming I’d want to share a room with him, but damn I’d like if he’d at least ask me. I don’t want to deal with the horrifying embarrassment of telling him I want to sleep in the same bed. 
The rain was still falling, the occasional thunder sounding, but this time further away.
“Alright,” I say, turning to face him. I muster up a smile, and open my mouth to speak. 
Hoseok is looking at me with a rigged smile. 
“Good n-”
“Y/n?” Hoseok cut me off, rubbing the back of his neck nervously. He looks off to the side as he thinks.
I blink up at him, knowing what he wants to say. This shouldn’t be a big deal! Why are we both feeling so nervous? I’ve already had my hand around his dick for goodness sake! 
“I want you to come sleep in my room...with me.” He finally looks at me, staring at me with a cute uncertainty. 
I laugh, “Good! My goodness! I thought you weren’t going to say anything!” I chime, stepping out the guest bedroom. I closed the door behind me and saw Hoseok’s scoff of disbelief.
“What?” I ask.
“You were just going to watch me stress like that? Why didn't you say you wanted to sleep in my room?” He complained.
“Oh please! I don’t need to be the one making all the first steps!” I hissed, poked his chest.
“Plus, you’re the one that led me to a guest bedroom! I’ve already had my hand around your dick for fuck’s sake!” I add, giggling and the wink he gives me.
“Do you want it in your hands again?” He whispers, stepping closer to me. I back up, pressed against the guest bedroom door. He smirks at me, placing a bashful kiss on my cheek.
“Stop messing around!” I say, slipping past him while he snickers at my shyness. 
“Or, would you rather have it in your mouth this time?” He jeers. My eyes widen and I start screaming as if to run from the embarrassment that was manifesting it’s in my warm face.
He laughs at my cringing squeals, taking my hand in his and leading me towards the door at the end of the hallway. 
His room is dimly lit, but I could make out the beautiful ivory colored walls. The bed was a large king size bed that sat low. The black bed frame was low, only lifting the mattress off the floor a foot or two. The bedsheets were a rich and dark green, tying together the whole aura of the room. There was a tall lamp that stood on the left side of the bed, and it was the only light on. 
Though it was nothing compared to the lights fixtures in the ceiling, it didn’t leave me completely blind and in the dark. 
I wasn’t aware of how weird i must have looked, standing there, staring at his room like I’d never seen a bedroom in my whole life. 
 He squeezed my hand, pulling me out of my daze.
“I’m sorry what did you say?” I asked, blinking at him. 
“I was saying that the bathroom is that way.” He pointed to a door on the further right side of the room, “It’s the door on the right. There is an unopened toothbrush if you want to brush your teeth.” 
He released my hand and scratched the back of his head. He looked down at the floors as he spoke, making me want to giggle at the embarrassment that was showing itself in his red ears. 
It made me feel better to remember that it isn’t just me that has never had such intimate and close moments with people. Something like having my own toothbrush at Hoseok’s place is a big deal. It’s an unspoken step into new territory. 
“Thanks.” I said softly, walking around him and further into the room. The room was spacious but also cozy. It was pretty simple and showed that Hoseok doesn’t spend much time here. He works all the time so I’m sure he just plops down and sleeps. 
He doesn’t sit in here to relax or anything like that. I heard the door close as I walked towards the bathroom, followed by the sound on Hoseok sitting on the bed.
I brushed my teeth swiftly, admiring the bathroom as I did so. One of those big showers with the tile walls, and glass doors. There was also a big white bathtub on the other side of the room. The sink was large and in the middle of a long rectangular marble counter. I stare at myself in the crystal clear mirror, feeling a bit out of place as I stare at my extravagant surroundings.
I continued to brush my teeth, and rinsed my mouth thoroughly, I set the purple tooth brush in the cup that held another orange brush. I used one of the towels to wipe off any water from around my mouth and walked out the bathroom, shutting off the lights. 
When I step out I’m met by Hoseok laying on the bed, his back to me. I couldn’t be sure if he’d fallen asleep, but I didn’t want to wake him. He was under the blankets, and looked like he’d settled in for the night.
The lamp on his side of the room was off, leaving the room in almost complete darkness. The moonlight shining through the window provided enough light to let me see the outside of his body. I tiptoed  over to the bed, lifting up the blankets and sliding in. The bed and everything around me smelled like Hoseok.
I smiled to myself, and looked up at the ceiling before closing my eyes and turning onto my side. My back was facing Hoseok, and I tried to keep some space between us. I wasn’t sure how much space he wanted. 
I slowly started to fall asleep, the comfort of the heavy blankets and the scent of Hoseok around me lulling me. 
I was barely awake when I felt Hoseok shift beside me, muttering something in a hoarse voice. 
“So far away.” He grumbles, before I felt some more shuffling. He slid his arm under my body, causing me to hum in response, since I was barely awake. 
My eyes stayed closed and I turned my body so I was facing him. That’s clearly what he wanted, as he wordlessly curled his arm up, pushing my body till my head was on his chest. I was too sleepy to say anything. All I could do was cuddle closer and rest my hand on his chest. 
“Are you awake?” He asks softly. When I don’t reply, he shifts slightly so his face is buried in my hair.
I fell asleep peacefully as his hand found my back and rubbed soothing circles.
“Why did you choose today of all days to follow the speed limit?” I mutter at Hoseok. He chuckles but keeps his eyes on the road. He wasn’t going his usual speed today, and though I find his speeding distasteful, today it would have come in handy. 
We woke up late, which is no surprise. I don’t think I’ve ever slept so well in my whole life. Being in Hoseok’s warm embrace soothed me all the way down to my soul. Although we were running late, he was still in a good mood.
He drove me back to my apartment, waited for me to get dressed for work, and is now driving me to the hospital. I won’t see him most of today, but we agreed to see each other tonight.
As we pulled into the Seoul Sky hospital, I had my passenger door opened before the car came to a full stop. I grabbed my purse, making sure it had everything I needed. 
I leaned towards Hoseok, kissing him on the cheek before kissing him on the lips shortly. Two pecks on the lips before I pulled away beaming at him. 
“I’ll see you later.” I said. 
He showed me a small smile and nodded, “See you later.”
“Don’t work yourself too hard!” I exclaim as I step out of the car, “And remember to eat!”
I close the car door and Hoseok rolls down the window, “Even when you’re in a rush you still manage to nag me!” 
“I nag you because I l-” My words stop short and I clasp my hand over my mouth. Hoseok, oblivious to what I was about to confess, raises his eyebrows at me in question.
“Because you..?” He trails off, but all I can do is smile awkwardly. 
“See you later!” I shout and bolt away from the car. I don’t look back as I jog through the automatic sliding doors. 
“Good morning Dr. L/N!” A nurse calls out to me. I stop in my tracks, recognizing the nurses at the front desk. I smiled, waving at them energetically.
“Good morning!” I chimed. 
“You’re running a little late aren’t you?” The older nurse stated. 
I nodded my head but before I could open my mouth, the rest of the nurses giggled. 
“You don’t have to explain, we could see it through the glass doors. Time moves quickly when you’re in love.” The older nurse said.
I stood there a bit confused before looking behind me at the sliding doors. It really was a perfect view of where Hoseok had stopped the car. I turned back to the nurses who were cheesing at me. 
  “It’s wonderful to have you back Dr. L/n, let us know if you need help with anything.”
I thanked them, heading to my office quickly. I was in a rush so I settled on some black dress pants and a blue dress shirt. My hair was styled in a rush so it looks decent. I made it to my office, happy to see it again. It wasn’t locked, which is strange but I didn’t think much of it. I set my bag down and grabbed my white coat. I pulled it on quickly and went to my desk. 
All I’ll be doing today is paperwork so I might as well get comfortable. I took my seat and turned on my computer, knowing that it wouldn’t be long before Jennie waltzed in here with all the work I’d have to do.
The computer switched on quickly, but something else took my attention. On my desk was a red envelope. I waste no time opening it, thinking it was a welcome back card. Oh how I was wrong. 
Dear, Y/n. I am so glad to have you back. The whole department has felt incomplete since you left. I was very hurt when Jennie informed me that you weren’t allowing anyone to visit you as you recovered. You did not answer my phone calls either. I was sad to hear you got hurt and fell down the stairs. It seems your boyfriend isn’t taking good care of you. But I am glad you have recovered fully. Please come see me when you have the chance. This may be inappropriate but the absence of your presence has helped me realize something. 
Sincerely Taemin. 
I stared at the letter in confusion. Now what the hell is Dr. Lee doing? What is this? My face scrunches up in annoyance as I read over the letter again. This is completely inappropriate and leaves me feeling uncomfortable. 
I’ve turned down Dr. Lee’s advances before, taking them as jokes but by the sound of this letter, he wanted me to take his advances seriously. I ignored the login screen of my computer and stood up from my chair with the letter in my hand. 
I stepped out my office and headed down the hallway, knowing that Dr. Lee would be making his rounds instead of being in his office. I’d have to go around a bit before finding him. But sitting on such an issue would leave me unable to work all day. 
I rounded the corner, greeting regular patients with a small smile. Some of them told me they missed me and others smiled at me with shining eyes. For a second I forgot about the awful letter Dr. Lee left for me. I am back at work and even though I’m stuck with paperwork, the atmosphere was enough for me. 
I turned around a corner and crashed into a familiar person.
“Hey, there you are!” Jennie chimed. She smiled at me, wearing her usual red lipstick and that iconic slicked ponytail was just as sharp as ever. Her eyelashes look really long and she looked happier than usual.
“Yup, I’m back to work. It feels great.” I answer. 
“I’m sure your date yesterday went well? You’re radiating happiness.” She mentions.
I raise an eyebrow at her, “Am I? Cause I'm pissed off.”
Her brows furrowed and she looked concerned. The question she was about to ask was clear.
“No, it has nothing to do with Hoseok. The date was...amazing.” My tone softens at the mention of Hoseok.
“So what’s got you so angry, so early in the morning?”
I handed her the letter, watching her face expression change as she opened it and read it. 
The humorless laugh that struggles it’s way past her lips makes me wanna scoff all over again.
“This is weird.” She groans. 
“It’s very weird.” I double down, “This is totally inappropriate. You know I am chill about many things, but I don’t like stuff like this at work from co-workers! How many times have I rejected him? This isn’t harmless banter anymore.” 
I speak in a low voice, watching as different nurses and doctors pass us. 
“Are you going to bring this up to Hose-”
I cut her off, “Of course not! I haven’t seen a jealous Hoseok and I don’t think I want to. He’ll come in here and scare Dr. Lee. Working here will be even more uncomfortable.”
“I know he’s on the second floor.” She says, and points towards the elevator not too far from us. 
“I can’t be sure how he’ll react so could you come with me?”
“Of course! Did you think I was going to let you do that alone? Let’s go!” She takes hold of my arm and pulls me along. 
While in the elevator she tells me about all the awful comments he’d make while I was gone. Jennie brushed most of them off but a few were too much.
He’d say, “Where is that boyfriend of hers?”
“That guy looks controlling. She doesn’t want me to visit her or he doesn’t?”
And a few more that were totally unfitting for a work environment. She wasn’t even going to bring it up to me, but she didn’t expect ‘love letters’ to start becoming a thing.
The elevator doors opened and before we stepped off we could hear chaos. Jennie and I looked at each other in disarray. We stepped off the elevator to hear loud yelling and shouting from different people. Other patients were running away from the noise, telling us that it was coming from our right.
Our stroll turned into a speed walk, and I hid the letter in my lab coat pocket. We turn the corner and the yelling is louder. 
We see Dr. Lee and Dr. Shin, a newer doctor standing outside a familiar hospital room.
“Mrs. Choi?” I mutter to myself. Jennie and I approach the situation, Dr. Lee being the first one to see us. I don’t miss the way he smiles when he spots me. I had to fight a grimace off my face.
“What is going on?” Jennie askes, catching Dr. Shin’s attention this time. She moves her focus from Jennie and right to me. 
“Oh thank you goodness you’re back Dr. L/n! Please calm these ladies down!” She cries, running her fingers through her auburn hair. 
I take a look into the room, the door being wide open. There was Mrs. Choi screaming at the top of her lungs at another woman. This woman was a lot younger than her, looking to be in her late 20’s. Her hair was long and brown with soft waves. She wore stylish jeans with boots and a lovely top and a lovely trench coat. 
From the wonderful jewelry on her neck and the rings on her fingers, she’s clearly someone who is well off. Both women were red in the face while they screamed at each other.
“Who is the younger lady? Why haven’t you called security?” I looked at both Dr. Lee and Dr. Shin. 
“Well…” Dr. Shin hesitated to speak, looking down at her feet in guilt. 
“So I was wonder why Mrs. Choi didn’t have any family? She was feeling so down lately and her husband wasn’t getting any better. The psychical therapists said she was losing motivation in their sessions so I tried to help.” Dr. Shin looked up to find my dubious face expression.
I crossed my arms over my chest, “What did you do?” I hate how accusing my tone was, but the hospital Dr. Shin transferred from told us she would cause trouble. A lot of nurses have been avoiding her. Some say she’s too spunky, and focuses too much on making her personality shine through.
“I did some digging and it turns out she has kids! There was no information on the son, but I was able to find her daughter! So I invited her daughter here as a surprise.”
Both Jennie and I groaned. 
“You can't do things like that!” Jennie scolded.
“I know, I know! But I didn’t think things would turn out like this!” She whined.
I couldn’t say anything to Dr. Shin as the argument between the two women was escalating.
“What is the daughter’s name?” Jennie whispers. 
“Her english name in Helena. We don’t know her Korean name.” Dr. Lee answers. 
“You don’t get my pity mom!” Helena shouts. She’s standing at the end of her mother’s bed tears running down her cheeks. 
“You set me away! You pushed everyone away! You tricked yourself into believing dad was a bad person because you wanted an excuse for falling out of love with him! You could have just divorced him!”
“You don’t know what I was going through!” Ms. Choi shouts back.
Helena snaps back just as quickly, “You sent me away! You sent me away from you, dad...Hobi.”
Hobi? Who is that?
“I sent you away because I wanted you to be safe! I love you Helena!” Mrs. Choi’s voice was growing hoarse from the screaming and  I was getting ready to jump in.
“Bullshit!” Helena spits, “Bullshit! You sent me away and never called. I never even got a fucking letter. I grew up without you. I graduated college without you. I moved on with my life without you. You never cared for me. You were so fucking focused on Hobi! You just wanted me out the way. No one would tell me where the fuck Hobi was so I couldn’t find him to even attend dad’s funeral.”
Dad’s funeral? So Mrs. Choi’s husband who is in the coma, is not the father of her daughter?
She vigorously wipes her tears off her face, “You keep telling yourself you did what you had to when in reality, you’re just a shitty person.”
“Am I?” Ms. Choi croaks, “Am I really that awful because I thought I deserved to be happy?” 
“Your journey to happiness left a path of destruction for everyone else. You’ve lost you fucking mind if you believe anything you did was okay.” Helena’s voice toned down. The both of the basked in the heavy silence. 
Helena let out a solemn chuckle, almost like her mother was the joke.
“Well, mom,” she emphasized the word ‘mom’, “Did you find the happiness you wanted?” I couldn’t see her face fully, just her profile...but she reminded me of someone.
She shows her mom a sarcastic smile, “I mean look at you. Look at where you are. Your new precious husband is stuck in a long sleep and they don’t know when he’ll wake up. Your legs aren’t working and you’re all alone. I only showed up so I could get the years of hurt off my chest. So since you can’t run away…” She gestures to her mom in the bed. 
“I’m gonna finally say, fuck you mom. Dad was never the bad guy. Hobi might have been gullible enough to believe your foolishness but I always saw right through it. It was you...it was always you. You don’t deserve any happiness.” She finishes, glaring at the old woman staring back at her with sad eyes. 
“I’ll be back tomorrow and the day after that. I will waltz in here every day and remind you that this is a product of your own choices. When you’re ready to apologize I’ll listen.” She grabs her purse from the guest chair and turns to face all of us at the door. 
Her eyes flicker across  each of our faces and I feel a prick in my chest. I feel weird. Should I know this lady? Something tells me I should know Helena but I’m drawing a blank. 
She pushes past us and down the hallway.
No one speaks to Mrs. Choi and she doesn’t speak to us. We all can only shift in discomfort. No words could bring comfort after such harsh lashings were thrown. We can only look on in distraught cause for some reason...the pity we’ve felt for poor old Ms. Choi was no more. 
Alrightty, what did you guys think?! Things are progressing right! We’re moving into the next phase of the story! Yay! 
Tell me what you think? What do you think will happen next? How do you feel about Mrs. Choi? Was she right in what she did?
Inbox me too! I love hearing y’alls thoughts!
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twilightmalachite · 3 years
Nazuna Nito - Idol Story 3
Author: Akira
Characters: Nazuna, Kuro
Translator: Nev
Proofers: Mika Enstars
"Long~ time~ no~ see~, Ku~ro~chi~n…… ♪"
Season: Summer
Location: Hanging Garden
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Mid-September, right after "Poppin' Party"
Nazuna: ♪~ ♪~ ♪
Kuro: ..... Oh, ‘scuse me.
Hey, I thought I could hear a kinda nostalgic voice from over here. So it was you, Nito?
That's right, you've made an official comeback, huh? Akatsuki was also one of Poppin’ Party's[1] sponsors, so I’d heard about it, but—
We've been so busy all over the place, even though we got complimentary tickets, I wasn't able to see your live in person.
Seems neither of us can spend our days lazing around just yet — still got a ways to go before we can take it easy.
Nazuna: ~..... ♪
Long~ time~ no~ see~, Ku~ro~chi~n...... ♪
Kuro: Haha, you switched up the "I will love you forever" at the hook of the practice song into "Long time no see, Kuro-chin."
Compared to when we first met, you've gotten a lot more versatile, haven't you?
The old you would've just clammed up and gotten all panicked, startled and yelling and biting your tongue.
Nazuna: Kuro-chi~n ♪
Kuro: Whoa, don't suddenly jump on me like that. Were you always such a spoiled-baby type character?
Nazuna: Sorry, sorry, I was kiiinda deeply moved ♪ Kuro-chin’s amazing~ Whenever I'm thinking "I'm a little lonely," you'll show up right away!
Kuro: Is that so. It's just a coincidence though; do I really seem like such a thoughtful type?
Nazuna: Yup! You're always thoughtful and kind!
Ever since that time you told me about when you were acting like a delinquent and whatnot at Yumenosaki, you've always been that way ~ ♪
Kuro: You think? Well, aside from that, you suuure are light as ever, huh? Have you been eating properly?
You've been slacking while taking a break from the idol world and started eating nothing but junk food with no nutritional value, haven't you?
Nazuna: What are you, my mom!? Ahaha, that really does feel nostalgic! That's right, that's right, Kuro-chin was always like that!
Kuro: Well, I'm just me. I'm not skilled enough to put on airs. Especially with you, I've always been just the honest Kiryuu Kuro that you see in front of you.
Nazuna: Yeah. That's good, I feel relieved somehow....
Ever since I’ve been back, everyone and everything has been all different from how it was at Yumenosaki, like I got trapped and lost in some weird isekai[2] known as ES.
Kuro: Hahaa. So you're still not used to the structure of ES, Nito.
So that's why you're practicing singing in a place like the hanging garden instead of paying L$ to rent a practice room?
Nazuna: Don't make fun of me~. I'm just being economical and saving money since our finances are a bit tight after spending pretty extravagantly for Poppin' Party, that's all.
Both the L$ system and "Holdhands"[3] basically had their trial runs at Yumenosaki, anyway.
They've become intuitive enough for an idiot to figure it out, even I can use make use of them well enough~
And back at Yumenosaki's broadcasting club, my underclassmen like Makoto-chin loved new technology and stuff like that.
Even if I wouldn't ask, he would explain them in a way even the thickheaded me could comprehend.
This time too, I thought "he probably wants to explain it," and went to see him — and he gave me a really easy-to-understand rundown.
Kuro: Is that so. Haha, you've become a bit better at relying on those around you, too.
Even though it might look cooler to go through life without depending on anybody, if you aren’t at least as prepared as Itsuki to deal with it, that’ll only take you down a painful path.
Nazuna: Ahaha. I'm sure that guy’s being healed by Mika-chin and Mademoiselle too, though.
But I really am happier with flesh-and-blood than a doll. Human body warmth is great, *squeeeze*.... ♪
Kuro: Theere, theeere. Cute little baby, Kuro-mama will completely spoil you....... ♪
Nazuna: Ahaha. What the heck is that, your impression of Madara-chin?
Kuro: Hah? Well, that guy has randomly been extremely involved with me lately for some reason. He might have rubbed off on me a bit—
Akatsuki hasn't had too much work until recently either, so we've both had a bit of free time and been hanging out pretty often.
Nazuna: Hmm. So even the Akatsuki that was basically invincible at Yumenosaki has had trouble getting work?
Everyone's having a hard time, huh? We can't go relaxing now, either~
Kuro: Yeah. I'm sure you got an idea from the chaotic struggles you guys went through while organizing Poppin' Party, but over here, the uproar of the summer restoration—
At our long-standing office RhyLink, the veterans have gotten back a sense of urgency and started their counterattack.
Stuff like, "We reached the peak of Yumenosaki Academy," isn't really grounds for feeling safe and secure or anything. The world of showbiz stretches far and wide, and in the end it's eat-or-be-eaten.
Nazuna: Uu~. Even though we're rabbits~ Even though we're herbivores~
Kuro: That's right. “Even so, we'll bite when we're cornered, if you mess with us you're in for pain~” — you guys have to make that clear, that you're not just helpless little creatures that can only get gobbled up.
But if you feel like you can't take such a bloody warlike atmosphere anymore, you can take refuge where it's safe. Because we'll do the dirty work.
You have a place like that where you can live on as something other than an idol—at college, right?
You set a precedent, Nito. ES seems to be full of guys that can't think of anything except the idol world.
But you're the example that taught us something that should have been so obvious—that there are ways to live outside of that.
There are guys who can give hope to people like that. Quitting idol work might look ugly or uncool or feel like running away, but what’s most important is that you're still alive.
Nazuna: Hmm~. I don't really have any intentions of quitting being an idol, though—
Ahaha ♪
Kuro: What are you laughing at, huh? Nito?
Nazuna: No, it's just that a friend I made at college said something similar to me.
There’s a circle at my college too that does stuff like make announcements and such, and when I met one of my senpais there for the first time, they gave me a really impassioned speech.
They said they had always struggled with social anxiety, and felt scared to talk to people.
But the way I had gone from being similar, and totally silent during my time in Valkyrie, to becoming really talkative and having so much fun with Ra*bits—
They said seeing someone like that gave them courage. They thought about how they wanted to be able to talk to others too, and they knew I was part of my school's broadcasting club, so that's how they got interested in it.
They figured, you won't know until you try, and they started one of those livestreams that’ve been so popular lately.
Little by little they gained more fans and confidence, and now they've decided to pursue becoming a professional announcer or something in that field.
They said, "It's all thanks to you," and showered me with words of gratitude.
Even though I didn't have any sort of intentions like that.
Back during my time in Valkyrie, I just decided to stay quiet because of how my changing voice made me think I couldn’t be a display of the perfect artistry Itsuki was seeking — I was just overthinking, and felt like I had to.[4]
Even when I joined Ra*bits, I was just frantically trying to deal with the problems in front of me.....
The way I was back then, constantly biting my tongue and messing up every time I opened my mouth to speak, I didn't think I could have done something like give courage to somebody.
That’s why it made me really happy. Like, "So it wasn't all for nothing".....
Even though I couldn’t live properly and was getting hurt, and being overlooked because I couldn’t raise my voice, someone told me I helped them feel a bit more at ease when they were struggling.
In that case - the idol Nito Nazuna, and the three years I spent running around all over the place — it feels like they had value...
I got happy thinking about that, and started wanting more and more.
Kuro: Haha. So that's why you came back, Nito?
Nazuna: Yup. There were a lot of reasons, but that's one of them.
You know, when I saw that senpai giving that passionate speech, mistaking me for some sort of big deal, it was the first time I thought this.
That I'm glad I was an idol, I like being an idol, I want to be an idol.
Kuro: You only thought that just now? So late—but then, the reasoning behind it is different for everyone.
There's nothing wrong with taking a path other than the one society has deemed most proper, and it doesn't make you any kind of fraud.
I'm still figuring it all out too, so I won't go and say anything overly self-important.
But if some idiot tries to start with you, I'll send ‘em flying.
If you fall down, I’ll reach out and pull you back up.
Let’s keep walking forward together from now on.
Nazuna: Yeah. Let's become idols together, Kuro-chin.
...I’m back.
Kuro: Welcome back, Nito. At the old rotten Yumenosaki of the past, you were the first "true idol" I became a fan of.
Poppin' Party is Nazuna's comeback live from High-Touch/High-Five event story, for those unaware.
Yeah he just says "isekai." I thought it was too funny to localize. I assume people know this, but Wikipedia defines it as such: Isekai (Japanese: 異世界, transl. "different world") is an "accidental travel" genre of light novels, manga, anime and video games that revolve around a normal person from Earth being transported to, reborn or otherwise trapped in a parallel universe or fantasy world.
Yes, it's the app used to communicate between idols and such at ES.
I wanted to add a note about this because my proofer and I went back and forth about how to phrase it for a long time. To be clear, he does specify that his selective mutism in his second year at Yumenosaki was mostly a self-imposed restriction based on this thought process.
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laurazepamwrites · 4 years
Meihem prompt
Overwatch has a secret Santa and Junkrat's person just so happens to be Mei
Jamison held the semi transluscent stone up to the light, the iridescent rainbow colours shimmering and changing like a kaleidascope as they caught reflections of sunrays, he was so mesmerized he hadnt paid attention to why Lena was visiting him and Roadhog in their quarters.
“Jaaamie? Are you in theere?”
A nudge from Roadhog knocked the Opal out of his hand, sending it skittering lightly across the floor. “The fuck was that for?” Jamison grumbled, reaching down and picking up the precious gemstone. Roadhog gave no reply spare the finger he pointed in Lena’s direction.
“Oh hey Zippy when d’you get ere?” Jamison asked cheerfully.
“Fucks sake..” Muttered Roadhog.
“Welcome back.” She joked. “I was asking if you guys are doing secret santa? We did it before Overwatch disbanded and i thought it would be nice to start the tradition again.”
“Whats er..what do ya do?” Jamison asked, looking mildly perplexed.
“Secret Santa? Everyone puts their name in a hat and pull out a random name for their own. Then you get the person you pulled out a present but you keep it secret. No one knows who got who what.”
“Huh..ok. Why?”
“Why what?”
“Why keep it secret?”
“Its secret santa.”
“Why wouldnt you wanna know who got you what?”
“Its in the name Jamie, its secret santa.”
“Yeah but why wouldnt you-”
“I feel like im explaining this as simply as I can.” Lena said with a hint of frustration to her voice. “Are you doing it or not?”
“Yeah fuck it I’ll do it. Hog?”
Roadhog grunted something indecipherable to Lena’s earsbut Jamie seemed to understand perfectly. “Hogs out, guess that means i’m out too..”
“Really? Why?”
“Well I want Hog so if he’s not playing then-”
“You dont pick who you get!” Lena snapped. “Look..” She ripped a piece of paper from her pocket notebook, scribbled Jamies name on it and shoved it in one of Hanas fluffy hats with a large pom pom on with the other names. She shoved toward Jamie. “Please just pick a name..”
Jamie shoved his hand in, rumbling it around till he grabbed one of the pieces and pulled his hand out, he unfolded the small piece of paper, written in neat cursive handwriting was the name ‘Mei.’
“Oh fuck off I got fucking-!”
“Nope! Nope! Dont say who you got its secret..you gotta keep its secret..Mr Rutledge pleeease get him to keep his mouth shut.”
Roadhog wheezed at her..maybe he was laughing. “Just make sure you have something ready for Friday ok? Its the last day we’re all here before some people head off base for the holidays ok? Thanks boys, Bye!” In a blink she was gone only for her to zip right back into the vacant air she just left. “And nothing that explodes!” And once again she was gone.
“Who’d you get?” Roadhog asked. Jamison slumped back on the couch and sighed in annoyance. “Mei..I got fucking Frosty the cold, snippy, big boobed, grumpy, irritating snowman!”
“Hmph..” Roadhog grunted. “What you getting her then?”
“A big box of fuck all?”
“Nah..try harder.”
“I could smash her bot up and she can put it back together like a jigsaw?”
“Too much.”
“Fucking christ i dont know! I dont know what she even likes, shes just cold. She likes ice and smart stuff and acting all prissy and goody goody and shooting me death glares with those big bambi eyes and pouting with those lips covered in gloss that smells like watermelon but trust me, it dont taste like it!”
“I am! I have to think about her and what she likes..”
Roadhog snorted with amusement. “Sounds like you’re starting to think about what you like.”
The blush was near spontaneous. “F-Fuck off Hog you fucking cunt.” He shuffled himself further into the couch and began fiddling with the Opal again, he had stared at it a million times before since coming by it on a scavenger run back home. Opals where one of the outbacks most valued natural resources and the land once rich with mines were now heavily depleted, making them that much more valuable. The Junkers traded the precious stones for food, water, parts and weapons so it was curious even to himself that Jamison kept this small jagged shard of soft rainbow coloured stone. What was another night of going malnourished or dehydtrated when he could take this small stupid rock out of his pocket and losing himself for a few minutes in the quietness it provided. As he turned it back and forth his thoughts drifted back to Mei..how their strained relationship was certainly rocky and uneven but also how she..she made things feel quiet In his head and around him yet at the same time the air was charged and heated. She was like this dumb rock..so many facets that made him feel different things and he just wanted to keep it with him and keep looking. He heard Roadhog mutter something but he was too much in his own head and that woman who irritated him to no end was in his head, he turned the stone this way and that and a thought suddenly came into his mind, an impulse. Jamison tossed the stone in the air and caught it as he sprung up from the couch. “Gotta go!”
“Workshop. see ya later!”
As the evening of Friday approached the occupants of the Gibralter base  where gathered in the large recreation room. Most of the presents had been opened already, (Ifs its got a rabbit on its obviously from you Hana! Its not a secret! You’re wearing a jumper with the same fucking rabbit on!) and only a few of the team remained. “Go on Mei lets see what you got.” Angela prompted her, Jamison was thankful no one noticed him cough on his drink slightly.
“Ok its...Oh! This one!” Mei picked out a small parcel from the pile. “Not a natural gift wrapper.” She joked at the rough wrapping which was mostly tape than paper. After some struggle a small object slipped out, falling into her lap. “Oh!”
“What is it?” Asked Brigitte, trying to shove a hand knitted jumper on one of the stray cats she invited to live with them.
Mei didnt answer for a moment, gazing at the object in her lap, delicatly she picked it up, a thin silver chain with a pendant attached. A pendant made of a beautiful opal, wrapped neatly in wire, smoothed down and shining as it caught the light. “Its...wow.” She breathed. “Its so pretty..Look snowball..it looks like morning light on fresh snow!”
Once again impulse betrayed him. “Youre’ welcome! Cost me a fortune ya know.” Jamison blurted.
“Are you SERIOUS, JAMIE?!” Lena shrieked.
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zerm1v0hg · 3 years
My reaction to ‘Godzilla vs. Kong’
So, what did I like and what didn’t I like in the new Monsterverse film?
What did I like:
The way they created Godzilla and Kong’s feud and made the battle sequences epic, but made sure there was a whole synopsis that theere feud was only one tiny piece of.
Kong - when he smiles...
Jia and Kong’s whole Iron Giant-esque interspecies friendship :) :)
I can’t be the only one whose jaw dropped when they saw the giant temple and realised what that means about Kong’s ancestors...
Loved both Josh and Hayes, especially Hayes. :D They were so funny yet smart and brave and memorable :)
Ghidorah remaining the overarching villain.
I wasn’t sure about Mechagodzilla’s design on the first viewing, but he really grew on me after that.
That soundtrack of Mechagodzilla’s. [french kiss] Second-best to BearMcCreary.
That dark, dramatic call-back to ‘Godzilla’ 2014. You know the one. ;)
Exploring the Hollow Earth and its creatures was just beautiful. :)
The scene with the skull’s dramatic reveal was just excellent - from the utter dread in Maddie’s face and countenance and the way Millie Bobby Brown pulled it off, to the big dramatic camera shot revealing what they’ve found beyond the door. Ooh, just delightful. :)
Thank Godzilla that Mark was demoted-to-extra.
The battle sequences were great and intense, especially the last one.
SPOILERS: ---- The title-fight’s conclusion. It completely makes sense that Godzilla would way outmatch Kong, so it’s a nice twist that Godzilla was holding back for most of the film but when Kong seriously started winning then Godzilla took off the gloves. :) After all, Godzilla is both way older and has way more experience against more challenging opponents than Kong has had so far.
Things I didn’t like:
The Titans just returning to hibernation like that after KOTM (that part really disappointed me and pisses me off since I found out about it), after all that dawn-of-an-era build-up and drama in KOTM. <sigh>
* Tying into the above, the film didn’t have nearly as much exploration of what the world and human life is like with active Titans living among the world as I was hoping for. Just one refugee camp that had nothing to do with Ghidorah’s rampage, and nothing about the destroyed cities or displaced survivors.
Mark still being as much of a biased, wangsty idiot as he was in KOTM, who clearly isn’t fit for the responsibility of directing Monarch. Seriously, he not only refuses to give Madison the intellectual credit she’s due, he straight-up refuses to even TRY working out why Godzilla’s rampaging. Why the hell is this guy Serizawa’s successor instead of someone like Ilene Chen or even Sam Coleman? (Which leads into my positive point about Mark listed above.)
I’m in full agreement with pretty much everyone that Ren’s character was way wasted in this film, with how he was entirely just an elite-mook and his identity had zero relevance. They really should’ve brought in some of the novelisation’s expansion on Ren.
Folks who were familiar with the old Showa films before the Monsterverse took off will probably hate me for this but: I honestly don’t like how this film had a lighter-and-softer feel than KOTM and ‘Godzilla’ 2014, and I hope that doesn’t continue in later films.
I think it’s fair to say that the human villains in this film who did you-know-what when making Mechagodzilla were in this case just a little bit too stupid - there should’ve been some explanation like saying Ghidorah’s severed head was messing with their brains.
Again, old-school ‘Godzilla’ fans can hate me for this, but for me Godzilla blasting into the Hollow Earth was way too narm. I’d expect some Ghidorah’s-rampage-level temporary natural disasters to ensue from blasting through the crust and mantle like that.
The film really should’ve given some mention and reference to Jonah instead of leaving what’s happened to him to the novelisation, after the events of KOTM.
@hrodvitnon - NGL, ‘Godzilla vs. Kong’ was a good film and I really did enjoy it, but Abraxas-verse in my opinion is Better Than Canon.
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popculturebuffet · 4 years
Amphiba Reviewcaps Catchup Special: Lost In Newtopia/Sprig Gets Schooled/Little Frogtown/Hopping Mall
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In a 4 episode marathon to make up for lost time: Hop Pop handcuffs Sprig to him because that’s not troubling and Polly And Anne head off on their own mostly uninteresting adventure. Sprig gets into college and regrets it  much like most college students. Hop Pop goes on a noir adventure while Anne harasses children and it all ends with a wacky mall adventure that ends in an utter tearjerker. Pitter Patter, let’s get at er after the cut. 
Whelp i’m behind. Over the last two weeks i’ve been busy moving into a new room in the house, and moving my stuff into said room and making it feel like home, and when i’ve had time I either had new coverage to start, or a series passing to honor, or in the case of yesterday had to have my wisdom tooth removed because it got so bad I couldn’t think out of nowhere. SO yeah been a pretty exausting few weeks... but with only one episode left before Amphibia likely goes on hiatus for the rest of the year, Halloween special excepted, I don’t really have the time to dawdle on this. So not much of an introduction let’s hop to it. 
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Lost in Newtopia
This will be a quick one, but this one was.. eh. Not BAD, as the first, last and middle scenes are all really good. it’s just between theere it’s not much intresting.  The opening on the bus was pure gold as Hop Pop as usual gets fired up about something boring, then casually handcuffs his grandson because that’s normal. Then again this is the same man who also thought brainwashing his grandchildren was a minor slight so this is a step up somehow. Also he does have some logic for it after Sprig blew up a robot factory and , unbenowst to him, stole a powerful credit card for funsies. But .. get a dog leash or something.  The scene was also great as we got to see Anne’s mom for the first time! And the scene with her wanting to get out and try exotic food her tummy’s not ready for was really adorable and relatable as having a young nice, I understand them asking for things they really shoudln’t have and then holding a grudge over it.  But then the episode just sorta.. sputters for most of it’s run time. The bit with the tail shop is rfairly enjoyable, but the mishap with the vendor and the parade just aren’t all that funny and the basic conciet of tryign to do it up like locals hasn’t been done AS often as I’d think but frankly How I Met Your MOther, Back before it didn’t so much shoot itself in the foot as shoot both it’s legs off, did this slightly better with first time in new york, where the inverse happened, i.e. the locals pretending to be tourists.  The ending scene was great, from Hop Pop going from terror at “street weridos” to casual happiness at seeing his grandaughter and adopted grandaughter (And my heart flew to hear him call anne that. I mean it was obvious but i’ts still nice to hear. Like when Scrooge told webby to Call him uncle scrooge but without the horribly scarring assholery the next episode he still hasn’t properly apologized for to her. ) and Polly and Anne’s terrible names for each other.> It was good stuff it’s just overal an okay episode. Good enough to entertain but just ntohing really out of the ordinary for this show, but with funny enough bits to keep invested. Next. 
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Sprig Gets Schooled Ehhhhh... this one HAD potetial, an intresting setting, Sprig getting in on his talent, plenty of fun college tropes, Hop Pop struggling with his grandson leaving the nest.. there was good stuff here, but like too many episodes this season it wasn’t used as well as it couldv’e been. 
The episode has the family come upon Newtopia University, where Sprig’s talent with stopping mantises and with a fiddle gets him a scholarship, which is one of Hop Pop’s dreams, but both quickly regret it: Sprig dosen’t fit in while Hop Pop misses his baby boy. It comes to a head with Sprig tryign to sneak in and Anne and Polly trying to sneak in for hyjinks. 
But overall it’s just.. eh. it has a few good gags, but the anne and polly plot has been done so many times by now, and while that alone isn’t enough to make it not all that fun the fact it isn’t funny or unique is when The Simpsons, Undergrads, Futrama , Solar Opposites and Bobs Burgers just off the top of my head have done fratboy hyjinks episodes way better.
 But what dosen’t help is while Hop Pop’s emotional part of the episode, missing his boy and wanting him to come bome, works, Sprig just.. get sbored. There’s nothing about how hard school is or him missing the others it’s just.. he dosen’t like it so he tries to leave. Instead of having an emotinal episode about him possibly fitting in there, or struggling to fit in there or some third thing it’s just.. an average 10 year old not liking college becuase of course he dosen’t. He’s too young to keger or really ond with his clasemates. It’s just an eh watch. Not as unpleasant as quarallers pass but without that episodes good parts to really help it be entertaining. Ugh.  And you might say “well every episode dosen’t have to have an emotinal core jackass” which.. yeah your right. But it has to be funny. Or entertaining or have something and not just be .. eh. You CAN be just a funny episode if you do that right. And amphibia USUALLY does that and has an emotional hook to make it even better. And the proof is in the next two episodes. 
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Little Frogtown Now this.. this is more like it. After two less than memorable episodes, we get two classics in a row. Granted since I grew up on calvin and hobbes and thus grew up with the two tracer bullet arcs...
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Well three techncially with the haircut thing but yeah, given one of them was in my first comic strip collection ever, the indespensible calvin and hobbes if your curious, I’ve always had a soft spot for noir episodes and to animations credit there have been some classics; The recurirng Numbah 2 detective stories in Kids Next Door, Venture Bros classic “everybody comes to hanks” and of all things, Garfield Babes and Bullets. Yes that happened and yes it IS actually good. 
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Oh and if your wondering if Garfield solved something family friendly like a Lasanga Robbery, or his teddy bear going missing or odie being kidnapped for a dog fight nope! He’s hired by a college professors wife to find out who killed her husband since it looked like a simple accident, but unsuprisingly it wasn’t. Oh and did I mention that not only is this based on a story from the book garfield’s 9 lives, which got it’s own special for the rest of the stories it chose to adapt and a few new ones to replace those it didn’t, but in that story it’s about a chuch deacon. That’s right Garfield tackled corruption in the church. Your welcome. But i’ve talked about Garfield Babes and Bullets enough.. I mean for today. I clearly need to cover this and 9 lives as a whole at some point. Let’s get back to this episode. Point is noir parodies are great and gafield has done some weird and wonderful shit.  But my like of it aside this is a genuinely clever episode that has it’s own neat takes on the genre. The basic setup is simple: Hop Pop takes the kids to Sal’s, a restraunt owned by an old friend of his who got so sucessful with his delcious sandwitches and secret sauce he moved up to Newtopia.. but when Hop Pop finds the place he finds it in shambles, with no one there and Sal entirely missing. So while the kids head off for the arcade next door, Hop Pop goes into full noir mode to find his missing friend.  It’s that core that works. Sure lots of shows use the “friend we only just heard of” plot device but here it works because it’s so simply used here: They were friends years and years ago, sal moved away probably decades ago, and he simply hasn’t kept in touch. Both are busy: Sal with his restraunt and what we find out here, and Hop Pop with his family and later having to swoop in when his daughter or son and their spouse died. It’s perfectly acceptable. To me while i’ve bitched plenty about cliches it’s mostly been about HOW you use them. About using them right instead of just coasting on an old plot to fill out your episodes for the season. If you don’t have an intresting story to tell, then use the 11 minutes for something ELSE. And here.. they do and have a fun spin on noir by having hop pop’s narration talk to him. While that’s happened before with narration gags I haven’t seen it in a noir parody before and it’s just pure comedy gold, and Bill Farmer’s acting makes you genuinely invested in finding out what happened to this character you never met. Bill really sells how worried hop pop is without over doing it and how important this guy and his sammiches are to him. 
The final twist while not entirely suprising is intresting: Turns out , after Hop Pop finds people seemingly having stolen the recipie, Sal’s restraunt.. simply went belly up. Which sadly, makes sense: he had good ingredients but he’s in the world’s capital, where ther’es probably tons of mom and pop restraunts and giants of cuisine. It’s hard to start a buisness anywhere let alone the biggest city int he world. So Sal simply pivoted, sold his recipie and became a billionare. It’s a good solution that teaches hop pop a lessson: Change happens, things you really love like comfort food restraunts won’t last forever. I myself miss when this area I live in had a tgi fridays and it’s probably never coming back> Things change.. what matters more is people and moving on. Though he does send hop pop on with a bottle of sauce. It’s a good lesson for kids and a fine ribbon tied on one of the season, and hte series, best.  And of course before we move on we have the b plot which is funny as it is relatable as some little shit steps in line in front of anne and being anne she overreacts.. and gets tazed and gets everyone banned. Not a huge subplot but it’s funny as it is relatable as someone whose both stood in massive lines and had people cut in and felt it was massively unfair. Never got into a fistfight over it but tha’t sbecasuse arcades are rare and cornona probably wiped out the rest. Ha ha.. I hate this year. One more!
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Hopping Mall
Last one. Another simple plot: Hop Pop forces the kids to use 2 coppers a piece to buy souviners instead of letting them use the card because it means more.. which is bullcrap. While using your own money for a present DOES mean a lot, my mom gave me money plenty of times to buy gifts and covered me plenty. The real meaning behind a gift for someone is that you picked it out yourself, that whatver thing you picked made you think of them and that you meant it for them. Weather it be a mug, a billy bass, or the great mighty poo on a t shirt, what matters is it comes from the heart. Though Hop Pop also buys himself an easy chair and sends it home and admits h’es a hypocrite so maybe we’re not supposed to take him seriously.  While this is there to make drama mostly for Anne it’s a plot device I like as it’s both the kind of nonsense an adult would make and then not follow, and it leads to a really good plot as our kids find their things; Hop Pop introduces the kids to haggling, which Polly mistakes for using tried and true mafia approved methods of intpmidation, leg breaking, arson and threats of all of the above andc omes back with her own snail and tiny cart. Sprig being sprig finds a gift for Ivy in seconds that’s a nice stick.. that also shooots lasers because I dunno. Also nice of the show to actually MENTION his girlfriend.... several episodes in.. with again NO goodbye to her or anyone else. And yes that’s still a sticking point this far in it wouldn’t of killed them to include that in one of the premire episodes.  Anyways that leaves Anne who finds a nice teapot for her mom, but soon has to do what all people who can’t afford a tea pot too: enter a demolition derby against a mother daughter team using shopping carts. It’s a neat set piece, as is Anne apparently knowing carts because her and her friends hung around the mall a lot, which given we saw her and sasha out and out steal one for hyjinks, it’s a nice continuity nod. Anyways our heroes win the race, but Sprig looses his stick saving polly and their rival has to ravage her tail to save polly again. I also love the return of the “not the baby!” cry from “Marcy at the Gates” which I also swear has been used before on this show but can’t remember specifically where.  It’s revealed their rival, and her daughter both of which are entertaining especially the daughter, wants the pot because it was one of her mom’s designs and it means a lot and that touches a nerve with Anne, so she lets her have it, but does get a lovely butterfly clip from the daughter. After the hop pop gag we get the most infamous, and best scene of the episode that ties the above together.
 Sprig wakes up to find Anne ruminating on the balcony.. and for the first time since she got here really, she breaks down a bit about how much she misses her. And my honest interpretation is she’s been holding how bad she feels for her mom, who she admits to not having the best relationship with but both loving each other dearly: That she likely blames herself for the theft, for listenting to sasha, for getting them all stranded, for destroying her friendship with Sasha and possibly not being able to bring her home with her. But mostly for causing her parents undo pain, having no idea how hurt they are or what they’ll feeel when she comes back, no idea if she’ll even be able to make it home and see them again.. it’s a lot to hold in and with all she’s had to deal with I feel she’s been holding it inside just so she dosen’t snap. She already has enought o deal with especially after “reunited. Thinking for amoment about how her parents are likely in utter misery desperatley looking for her when she’s not even on earth... it’d break her.. and it does. She admits missing her, regretting they fought all the time and sobbing a bit... and the scene only gets sadder when Sprig interjects.  He asks a simple question; What was she like. While we STILL don’t know the specifics we finally find out that his mom died when he and polly were really little, polly was probably a newborn... he never really knew her and wonders.. can you miss someone you never really knew? It’s a sad, sobering moment. We assumed sprig was fine with his parents being gone because like Anne and her parents he just never brought it up. But sometimes a person just burys something or is sad or upset in private, speaking from personal experince here. Sometimes you don’t talk about something beacuse you don’t know HOW and Sprig likely just dosen’t want to make hop pop more upset at reminding him his daughter and or son and daughter in law and or son in law are dead, something he likely deals with every day. It’s a powerfully acted scene and ends as the two cry softly together while the credits play over the newtopia night sky. Just a beautiful powerful scene that ties a mostly comedy episode together into something fantastic and like it’s partner episode, one of the series best. 
And with that catchup is done. Join me saturday for more of this, more loud house, and moe moe moe, how do you like me how do you like me, moe moe moe, why do you like me nobody likes me... if you want more subsuricbe, check the backlogs ont hea ssioated pages, and shoot me an ask for a suggestion or a dm to comission a full review. While Amphibia weekly coverage is wrapping up for a while after saturday i’ll be back for the halloween special and then whenever the show returns in full, Ducktales coverage restarts monday and Loud House Coverage that began with Schooled continues sometime this weekend along with a possible foruth thing. Until then, stay safe and GO TEAM VENTURE! 
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certified-asshole · 4 years
hehe, how magnetic i must be, but i am somewhat of a wanderer myself with an interest in abandoned house, i wish i could just walk into one if they were near me. i hope i can be that gift to cure you from such loneliness. thanks for your kind words an humble validity. the only kind of flirting im capable of is sending constant love letters. im just relieved that nothing too bad happened, you know? ok then, same here, im pretty comfortable with anything... i understand boundaries, ok? i know when to stop though inside i may not want to but i do, you're my future lover, of course i want you to be comfortable. witches in general are so interesting to me in how they are portrayed like in the media they're either so old or so sexy, but in real life they're just like us but h e I g h t e n e d, if that makes sense 👀. oh, well, my favorite class subject out of the main four (reading, science, math, history) then i would choose history because it's fascinating how the past is so much like the present, but also reading because of the essays i can write, what about you? - blue (sorry i didn't state that the last ask but you knew if was me so i guess it's ok, yea?)
You’re literally the only ask i’ve gotten in days so yeah im waiting for your next ask like an idiot. Theere’s a lot of abandoned houses near where I am (gotta love the country lmao) so I get to vibe in them a lot.  I’m honestly very bad at any form of compliments, especially flirting.  Also, yeah I kinda don’t like  how they’re portrayed in modern media. I honestly really like art or writing (im a creation nerd), but I like history in theory, but i’m bad at names and dates-- which is all history has been for me so far so yeah.  (also, what are your pronouns? Like, I don’t wanna misgender you in the tags)
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aprilalejandro · 4 years
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BE HUMBLE : Nothing in life is permanent. Kaya dapat maging mapagkumbaba tayo, minsan meron, minsan wala. As an OFW for more than 5 year, I've been through a lot, and yung mga pinagdaanan ko from year 1 upto now ay talagang hindi biro. I've learned to be humble enough, because at some situation I have nothing but myself. Maging Mapagkumbaba at all times.
LOWER YOUR PRIDE : Wag mapagmalaki lalo kung alam mo sa sarili na wala talaga, at wala kang maipagmamalaki, pero kung pinagpapaguran mo at pinagsisikapan mo ang lahat, why not? diba. I was in a very very odd situation, and the story goes like this.. I was in a relationship for about 3 years and 8 months with this guy (other nationality), My family don't like him kase nga iba, at di yung klase ng nagseseryoso. But instead of listening to them, I did what I did, inilaban ko talaga not knowing na third party pala ako, ginawa akong side chick in that 3 years. That time hindi na kami okay ng mga kapatid ko and nagusap kami sa park, public spaces at nagkaron ng sagutan they want me to apologize, nagsorry ako sa nanay ko, kung bakit ko ipinipilit ang mga bagay na hndi para sakin, and shempre umiiyak lang siya, kase nagaaway kaming mga anak niya. Akala ko makakababa ng pagkatao ko ang pag sorry ko, lalo alam ko sa sarili ko na wla akong ginagawang mali. Say Sorry when you're wrong.
YOU ONLY HAVE YOURSELF: I started working when I was 19, and by that time, I started living alone for 3 months by myself along Commonwealth. And upto now, narealize ko na pag nasa reality ka na, ang dami daming tao nagsasabi sayo na pag kailangan mo ng tulong, nandyan lang sila, pero hindi pala totoo yon. At the end of the day, Ikaw lang, wala kang kaibigan na maaasahan, matatakbuhan kapag gipit ka na. For sure I know, galing ako diyan, noong nawalan ako ng work, ayaw ako patuluyin ng isa kong kapatid sa kanila, wala akong mauuwian, wala akong pera, wala akong pagkain, wala akong matutulugan, nagpunta ako sa supermarket at umupo sa isang tabi habang dala ang mga gamit ko, nagiisip umiiyak, dahil sadyang mabuti si Lord, may mga taong tumulong sakin para makabangon ulit.
BE STRONG : DAHIL SA MUNDONG ITO, MARAMING TAO ANG MAPAGSAMANTALA, Sasamantalahin ang kahinaan mo, ang pagkatao mo. Strong enough na malabanan mo ang stress, depression, and unwanted mixed feelings. I wanted to tell some story but I'd rather to keep it to myself. Kase kahit ipaliwanag ko wala naman makakaintindi ng ganong feeling.
CHOOSE YOUR COMPANY WISELY : Surround yourself with people who share your values and continually challenge you to be a better version of yourself. It is easy to fall into a fun but incredibly wrong crowd (or relationship) ----- I KNOW BETTER, I WAS IN THEERE TOO! BELIEVE ME. and ang masasabi ko lang 9MAS OK MAG-ISA KESA KASAMA NG MGA MALING TAO) BE aware from toxic and negative people.
MIND YOUR OWN BUSINESS : Do your things, make your own money, at wag nang makisali, makisawsaw sa mga chismis sa paligid.
BE BOLD, HAVE YOUR FREEDOM: But with the Limits! I used to go places, foodparks and all from time to time alone. I usedmeet people and go on a dates, like movie and coffee time. I have been Invited by a friend of mine to go for clubbing, because I'm a GO-GO person and enjoy Life I'd thought it would be fun! But I wasn't a FAN of the CROWD and noise, I Got wine drunk which means I cannot walk straight! :) Good thing the friend who invited me splashes some lemon on my face, and gave me some coffee to wake my drunk soul.
NEVER STOP : Don't stop learning, growing and so on. Learning things from time to time from work, people and environment will help you a lot through life. If you want to do something, dont get stuck in one place, situation. Get out of the BOX! Incredible things will happen.
EMBRACE CHANGE: Kahit naman saan may pagbabago, be like a chameleon nakikisabay. I mean, pwede mo i adopt ung mga bagay na di ka sanay, like food, kung di ka kumakain ng ganito ganyan, baka dapat simulan mo na, kung di mo kaya yung ganito, ganyan, di mo pa na try ito, iyon, baka dapat subukan mo. DIba?
LOVE YOUR TIME BEING SINGLE : Huwag magmadali, i enjoy lang yung time mag isa, ako kase lagi ako nagmamadali kaya madalas ako magkamali. Lesson learned! .
KNow your Value : PINAGMUKHA KA NG TANGA, HAHABULIN MO PA? Never chase anyone, and remember that healthy relationships come both rarely and easily. If the person you choose to chase even gives into you for the time being, your heart will eventually be broken when they find what (or who) they have been looking for. Just skip all of that and move on while it only hurts a little to let them go.
ASK FOR ADVICE: Pero kung di mo susundin, wag ka ng humingi hingi ng advice, sayang lang laway ng kausap mo.
STAY IN THE PRESENT: yung nakalipas di mo na maibabalik, wag mo ng balikan ung mga sitwasyon na alam mong hindi na talaga pwede, Wag magsisi, alam mo kung nasan ka ngayon, DIyan ka talaga nilagayn ni LORD, sabi nga nila it's either Blessing or a Lesson. Wag mag sisi, charge to experience yan!
Do not dwell in the past and do not worry about the future. Work toward attainable goals and do not hold expectations for situations beyond your control.
DO NOT TRUST EASILY: Specially nowadays! One of my mentor from lebanon told me, to not trust, never, Do not trust anybody, any friend, even your sister, brother, you only have yourself to trust! Thank you Mr. Chadi for that advice. It really helps me a lot. People can be really deceptive.
FORGIVE YOURSELF: Hindi dapat sinasaktan ang sarili, wag mo isipin na lahat ng nangyayaring hindi maganda ay kasalanan mo.
All experiences, good and bad, have something to teach us. Be thankful for the good and learn from the bad. Use them as motivation and stepping stones to move onward and upward.
You will make mistakes. You’re human. They happen.
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