#and then acting like us using our own yard is an inconvenience because she has to cover up
Now now, we all know how Bucky's been in love with Steve (and known about his feelings) his whole life, but what about Steve? I've always swayed towards the theory 'Steve's been in love with Bucky his whole life as well, he only realised after Bucky fell from the train', but what if Steve's known he's in love with Bucky since their Brooklyn days? That would shed an entirely different light on his interactions with Miss Nazis Hirer and the whole 'right partner' talk
Going by canon, I think there must've been either: a declaration of mutual feelings, or; the first foray into a sexual relationship in their late teens, because one of Bucky's trigger words was 'seventeen', and Steve said he felt like a 16 year old again when he heard Bucky's name.
What's interesting is, at that time, and especially in that place*, there wasn't the idea that gay sex acts made you gay, because there were loads of 'straight' men around (eg. sailors.) going with other men just for sex. This was pre pill, pre sex-before-marriage for most, especially for Catholics like Steve.
So it might be that Bucky and Steve were doing the do with each other looong before either of them came to the realisation that they were also, coincidentally, in love.
I agree that Bucky, simply because he's exposed to dating women more than Steve is, has more of an opportunity to Realise before Steve. He'd have the benefit of being able to contrast his experience of feelings with Steve, with his experience of feelings for others, leading him to a lightbulb moment.
And he'd cover this up (and keep up the pretense of believing both he and Steve are really straight) by going out with girls in the meantime; in a period-appropriate gentlemanly way, not bedding them. Also to protect him and Steve from any potentially dangerous accusations.
I don't see Steve as not knowing precisely that he is in love with Bucky; I think he knew before the events of CATFA started, and it was a big part of his motivation for wanting to go to war.
But I do think it hadn't occurred to Steve that he might only be attracted to Bucky / men until after he got serum -- because, before then, his health would've been a limiting factor.
Before then, I can see him thinking 'well it's no wonder I have no libido like Bucky does around women, I'm just too unwell!' and not connecting the dots.
This would explain why he seems so panicked when sexual situations arise with women, after the serum; because he's realising 'oh shit! actually, I don't even like this when I have Perfect Health!' and hastily trying to backpedal himself out of an unwanted situation.
My HC is both of them thinking they're the only male-attracted one in the relationship and they're just engaging in sex acts together for convenience' sake but the other one's only going to keep doing it until he can get a girl.
So when Steve shows up all heterosexual-passing, looking like he can get any girl he wants, Bucky looks devastated because he thinks that signals the end of his physical (in his head unrequited romantic) relationship with Steve.
(But then between Peggy showing up and he and Steve going to the Continent together with the Howlies, Bucky mysteriously seems to perk up!)
By which point Steve, with his strong moral instincts and anti-Fascism, has come to the conclusion that if he's a physically perfect man, and he's still in love with and attracted to Bucky, then there must by definition be nothing wrong with feeling physically attracted to Bucky.
IDK if it makes it better or worse to imagine that they finally confessed to each other before the fall?
Maybe it'd be nice if they saved that for Post-WS, especially since Bucky might be then in even more doubt as to Steve's feelings for him. It's a common choice in fic for a reason!
There are two ways to read the 'right partner' talk Steve has with Peggy.
One is:
Steve's a straight man acting like an incel and attempting to pull pick-up artist tricks on Peggy which don't work, because she's not interested in him, and so doesn't take the bait (we only don't notice he's being a creep because Cevans and HA play it as benign, and because the writers, being themselves douchebags, don't realise what they've written; and probably wouldn't care even if they did.)
Two is: (particularly egregious if you flip the genders and imagine a woman saying this to a man) 
Steve going out of his way to make it clear that he doesn't want to date, isn't interested in dating right now, while there's a war on, and finds women terrifying. 
And yet as soon as he's fuckable, Peggy pulls a 180 and starts claiming she always liked him as he was, despite the fact that her actions directly disprove this; she didn’t ask him out when she had the chance and the encouragement. 
Naturally, her arrogance leads her to the immediate assumption that if Steve is waiting for The One, then she must be the One to whom he was referring. 
The fact that his wording either means he’s already found the One and is waiting for them, OR that he hasn’t met them yet, both exclude her from the running (since he’s known her a week) is...  immaterial. She never asks if he has his eye on someone, does she? Would Steve being already married stop her? 
(You don’t say ‘I don’t want to date because I’m waiting for the One’ to the person who IS the One, or whom you suspect may be the One. This ain’t rocket science!) 
And hey, did you notice, that Peggy is just so important and special and perfect that her sudden interest in Steve means that Steve's stated wishes are now irrelevant? 
The staggering hubris of waltzing up to him to go ‘hey, by the way, one day... when all this is over... I will allow you to date me.’ 😘😌 
Too bad he didn’t ask! 
The fact that Steve explicitly told her he isn't interested in dating and didn’t specify he’d be interested in her is invalidated by his new looks and her desire. 
Sheesh. These Carter girls sure are rapey as hell.
(Also, in characteristic NOT-A-FEMINIST Peggy Style, the first thing she does upon seeing Big Steve is yank a t shirt out of the hands of a waiting nurse, because Saint Poppins is apparently so good at everything without training or experience that she can do nursing better than an actual nurse, too? (Could be she's also being characteristically territorial, pissing a circle round her chosen prey.) While simultaneously, out of nowhere, affecting a  dumb ‘oh I’m so soft-and-feminine’ voice she didn’t have before?? Does that sounds like someone Steve ‘son of a nurse’ Rogers would admire? UGH.)
The irony of all this is ^ you can read Steve as 100% gay and not have to change a single piece of his characterisation or interactions with women at any point.
I've touched on this in other asks, but:
He never asks Peggy out when he has the opportunity; only when he knows it's too late and he won't be expected to follow through (due to him being dead.)
He never makes a move on any of the chorus girls or his female fans (no matter what those creeps M&M claim). Or Private Lorraine. Or Nat. He has to be nagged to make one on Sharon (while Peggy's body's barely had time to cool, and looks fine about never seeing her again lol!) But he goes out of his way to befriend Sam, and waay out of his way to get Bucky back.
Throughout all his films he's consistently assaulted by women, even friends, and never looks happy about it; he also never looks upset when he's rejected or cut off from women love interests, or when he's able to dodge flirting (by, eg. jumping out of a frickin' plane!?)
It's 'his choice', in his own words.
He seems his happiest with women in platonic situations, and only sad about them when it's a question of a shirked duty, a bereavement, or him feeling he's let them down; eg. when Nat dies, when his mother dies, when he's unable to deliver a promised dance to Peggy, etc.
(But it makes people uncomfortable to address this since many of his fans are female.)
But even marrying a woman (albeit the most OOC choice it's physically possible for a Captain America to make, not to mention that it involves abandoning our-Bucky alone in the future). It doesn't preclude Steve from being gay, since lavender marriages were hella common (doubly so for famous gay men).
He could be gay and still in a relationship with Bucky, and married to Peggy. I mean, he's guaranteed a wife who'll spend most of the time away at work, able to use her connections to squash any inconvenient press; and unable to out him or Bucky without ruining her own prestige. Perfect!
Still makes EG Steve a douchebag tho. 😒
*we know they frequented north Brooklyn, because Steve said 'I know this neighborhood!' while the Brooklyn Bridge was in sight behind him; but, they got the street angle wrong, cuz they made it look like the BKB has a street which looks right at it, when in fact the street with that famous view is of the Manhattan Bridge. The places Steve describes being beat up; a parking lot, alleyway, and diner, are also all places you'd go while you're Out, rather than where you live. So IMO Steve and Bucky lived somewhere near DUMBO, but not so far east that their view was of the Manhattan Bridge; either Brooklyn Heights or Downtown. So that puts them right in the heart of Gay Brooklyn (as in, Truman Capote had a house there, because Walt Whitman wrote a famous poem about there; that level of gay), next to the Navy Yard and Sands Street (gay cruising central) and they also frequented gay cruising mecca Coney Island (big burlesque hot spot).
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mollymauk-teafleak · 4 years
say that you’ll hold me forever
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In his more introspective moments, Alec would think that the reason night running came so easily to him, the reason he’d slipped into it like a pair of well broken in boots when it was so different from the simple life he’d been leading before, was because it was so like archery. When you got right down to it, both were about breathing steadily, keeping your eyes open, having patience and knowing when to let go. All things that had been his lifeblood since he could walk.
And because both came so easily to Alec, when something was amiss it was like having something stuck in his teeth. If the arrow he was using had warped or was made out of balance, he could sense it in a moment. If his string wasn’t oiled, he knew as soon as he drew it back. If a breeze no harder than a breath were blowing between him and his target, it may as well have been a gale for as much as it made the act feel impossible.
And if something was wrong with a night running job, Alec knew it. And tonight’s particular job felt like he was trying to shoot without an arrow.
It had seemed fine that morning, when he and Seregil had been taking breakfast in the living room at the Stag and Otter; Alec ruffling the ears of one of Ruthea’s last litter on his knee and his lover shuffling through their latest stack of messages for a cat of a very different kind while they ate.
There were a lot of them, some written on fine vellum, some scrawled hastily on notes that had since become crumpled as they’d passed from hand to hand to reach the elusive, far famed and entirely fictional burglar for hire known as the Rhíminee Cat. As Seregil was fond of saying, the nobles did all sorts of silly things in the spring and it was as fine a late spring morning as anyone had ever known. The window was open to a warm breeze and honey gold shafts of early sunlight, the bells of some temple were chiming in the distance and there wasn’t a cloud to be seen.
Alec barely looked up when Seregil cursed from across the table, he only hummed, “Did it again, hm?”
“It’s these damned nobles,” Seregil scowled, holding two notes and looking between them in exasperation, “They’re too used to getting their own way, it makes them such demanding customers. They want everything done this very night or immediately or bloody yesterday! No regard for a man’s schedule...”
“It’s not the nobles, love, it's the fact that you have no organisation system so you keep double booking yourself,” Alec said patiently, using the distraction to snag the last bit of bacon from Seregil’s plate to feed to the kitten on his lap.
“Well,” Seregil huffed, “Still. It’s inconvenient.”
“We’ll just split up tonight,” Alec shrugged as his little friend stole away with her prize, “You go and get Duke Amon’s ring back from whoever won it off him and I’ll take whichever job you thought was tomorrow but is actually tonight.”
Seregil folded his arms and leaned back in his chair, “I’m not that poorly organised…”
“This is the fourth time it’s happened this spring and let’s not forget the time you didn’t keep a close enough track on things and nearly placed a risque miniature of Baron Carmine in Lady Raya’s bedside table rather than the ring you were supposed to put there?”
Seregil was quiet for a long time, his mouth set in a pout until he grunted, “Fair.”
“So tell me about my job tonight,” Alec grinned, reaching over to play with one of the many curls of dark hair that stuck out from Seregil’s head after a night of tossing and turning. He knew that would chase away his lover’s chagrin.
Seregil hummed and inclined his head towards the warmth of Alec’s fingers, “So some twitterpated noble has got it into his head that he’s going to propose to his beau and that it absolutely, positively must happen tonight. He’s got some ridiculous grand gesture planned in his head, having the ring delivered to them silently in the dead of night so it’s there when they wake up. Surprised he’s not having a dove slip it onto their hand personally…”
Alec chuckled, “Perhaps it was short notice. It would take rather a long time to train a dove.”
Seregil smirked, “Anyway, the problem is he’s gone and left it in his apartments in the business end of the city by the docks, he’s a wealthy merchant of some degree, and he can’t go get it himself without arousing suspicion. So our job is to slip into his place, slip back out again and deliver it to his intended.”
“Too lazy more like,” Alec wrinkled his nose, “Fine, where is this girl who I’m hoping has more sense than her soon to be betrothed?”
Seregil shrugged, “Message only says that the address to deliver it to will be written on a label attached to the box. Probably didn’t want that kind of information floating around the city on a note being handed around some more disreputable characters.”
Alec snorted, “Bet you a gold sester her parents don’t know about this match. Why else be so secretive?”
Seregil raised his eyebrows and simpered exaggeratedly, “Perhaps it’s a heartbreaking tale of true love overcoming societal disapproval?”
“Or some fool making too much of a few friendly glances and thinking himself some heroic knight saving a girl who isn’t even interested,” Alec tugged on his lock of Seregil’s hair gently.
His lover shrugged, shaking him off and sitting back with his tea cup held in his hands, “Whatever it is, talí, he’s paying handsomely. Would you mind?”
“Sounds like the easiest job I’ve done in months. I’ll make sure supper’s on the table for when you get back.”
But that had been this morning and now Alec was perched on top of a very high wall surrounding the lavish building and he was having doubts.
Not about his route into the noble’s apartments, that was clear as day. The building itself was called an inn but it was as far removed from the alehouses and winesinks that could also boast that title as a carriage horse was from a mule. It was more like a miniature manor house, each one of it’s floors a luxury suite meant for the lesser nobles who had made their fortunes on the backs of the sailors and tradesmen that worked on the wharves the inn overlooked. This was the place they’d occupy on the nights of the working week, when business held their attention, but most would also have a place not unlike Wheel Street for their leisure time, where they kept their wives and children.
Alec could see precisely how he would vault from the wall he now crouched on, land on the lip of the roof, follow it a little ways around the shadowed inn and slip into the window of his mark, safely untouched by any lamplight from the main street. It couldn’t have been simpler. But still, uncertainty sat in his stomach like he’d eaten a heavy meal.
He hesitated, trying to summon the clarity of mind that usually accompanied his night running or at least a concrete reason why things felt so plainly wrong but he received no answer except a gentle lifting of the wind that stirred the hood he’d pulled up tight around his head and carefully tucked his braid into.
If I don’t move quickly, what’s going to be giving me doubts will be a bluecoat’s quarrel in my chest he thought with irritation at himself. He abandoned his misgivings on top of the wall and sprightly hopped up onto the roof, his well muffled slippers barely making a whisper as he landed and began the slow, careful walk along the slates.
As he crept along in the shadows, he had to take a moment to appreciate the beauty of such a clear night. Rhíminee never looked more beautiful than when it was observed from the top of some high place Alec wasn’t meant to be, when it was nestled in the purple shadows of twilight, all glittering lamps in winding streets and a hundred yellow eyes blinking as people set candles into their windows, either to go to bed or to welcome new patrons in the brothels and gambling houses of the Street of Lights. The palace and the Orëska House were like looming candles, their towers still a deep orange with the last of the setting sun, their expansive floors the deep purple of true night. There was a sense of the city settling down, heaving some kind of silent sigh as another day ended and a whole new Rhíminee awoke.
And somewhere in it’s shadowed depths, Seregil was about his own business, chasing down a family heirloom some arrogant lord had wagered on a hand at the Dragon.
“Luck in the shadows, talí,” Alec whispered to the twilight, feeling the tug of the bond they shared as the thought travelled along it’s thread to his love.
The latch on the window was tricky though he expected nothing less at such a fine establishment with so many wealthy clients. There was a lot to protect within its whitewashed walls, after all. Still, between his clever fingers and the pick he kept in his braid, it was barely a few minutes before Alec had it open and most of that was looking down for watchmen or dogs in the yard below.
The room was dark, the noble of course off with the love he hoped to make his wife. Alec wondered if he was nervous, holding her tight as she slept, both anxious for the dawn to arrive and rather afraid of it at the same time. He could only imagine how it must feel, to ask someone to share their entire life with you, to hand them a piece of your heart in the shape of a simple loop of metal and gemstone, without something as sure as a talímenios bond.
It made him a little jealous, if he was honest.
He dismissed the thought quickly, seeing no sense in wanting things he couldn’t have. The window opened, he swung himself inside, landing on the rich woven carpet so no one below would hear him. As soon as he righted himself, the feeling came back as strong as it had been outside, the sensation that something was amiss.
There was just a string sense of the place being...unlived in. Sure the trappings of a young, overly wealthy man were spread around the room- fine coats in a number of rich fabrics hung by the door, the walls lined with books and the fine art on the walls, the plush looking furniture and tasteful hangings- but it was as if a layer of dust hung over it all. Alec knew how to read the traces a person left in their home, how to track their daily routines in which chairs had the deepest depressions and which books were always slightly out of alignment based on how they sat on the shelf. And this place held none of that. It was as if the place were deliberately posed, like the set for some elaborate play, but never intended to be lived in.
Alec’s hand twitched for the knife concealed in his boot. He knew a trap when he saw one.
He made no movement for the window or any other escape route. He could handle himself, whatever was about to appear from whatever shadowy corner of this place, but Seregil would scold himself for weeks even with no way of knowing that of both of those notes in his hand, of all the hundreds of summons they received, this would be the one that turned out dangerous. Alec was already dreading the look on his face when he brought the news back to him.
He moved far more carefully now, stepping into the place, heading for the desk where he’d been told the ring box was kept. His feet didn’t catch a single creaking floorboard, no figure moved from any direction. All was silent.
Frowning, he double and even triple checked the locks on the drawers. No poisoned needles, no dart ready to spring, no trap to close around his fingers. It was just an ordinary piece of furniture with a painfully average lock he had open within seconds. And that only made his suspicions deepen.
Seregil had said nothing about who’d sent them the summons, there was no way to tell if this was some secret enemy after them in particular, someone who had a grudge against the shadowy Rhíminee Cat or if this was one piece of a much more elaborate game. All there was to do was find the ring box, see where it needed delivering and wait for the tension to resolve itself. Some hands you just needed to play, even if you knew they were rigged.
First drawer, empty. Second drawer, nothing but a few clumps of dust. The hair’s on the back of  Alec’s neck stood to attention, why weren’t there any ledgers or papers, nothing so much as a pen to prove that a living, breathing man actually worked at this desk?
The box was in the third drawer along, a long, oblong shaped wooden box with a metal clasp. Far too big for a ring box, Alec thought. This must be the crux of the trap, the spring wound tight and ready to pounce. He steadied his breathing and felt cautiously for any hidden blade, catch or wax plugged holes. Were they being used as assassins here? Was he supposed to deliver death to this poor woman’s bedside table?
All his search discovered was the promised label, fastened around the clasp. Frowning, Alec checked the paper for any poison dusting one last time before turning it over to read it. He didn’t think he’d be delivering this box tonight, not until he’d had Seregil and maybe even Thero check it over or it could mean death for whoever’s name was inscribed upon it-
Alec’s throat tightened. The name on the label was his own. Not even the name Rhíminee knew him by, his true name.
Alec í Amasa.
No address, just the name. And at a glance, Alec knew the hand that had written it.
Even when he’d been certain this whole affair was a trap, his heart had stayed beating it’s usual steady rhythm in his chest, his breathing had been silent and shallow. But now his heart was pounding in his chest and it was such an effort to keep his hands from shaking as he pulled back his hood and carefully opened the box.
There was a ring, a simple band of polished coppery coloured metal. Nothing flashy, nothing that would draw attention; a ring that could be worn on any number of night running jobs and never attract notice but he would always know it was there. But the ring had been threaded around the shaft of an arrow. Not an ordinary arrow, at a glance he knew this wasn’t made for shooting. This was beautifully carved, expertly wrought in polished wood so the shaft had been transformed into a gorgeous scene of an otter and a stag curling around one another as they raced in flight, surrounded by cunningly made flowers that he recognised in an instant. The exact same kind had grown around the cottage where he and Seregil had spent that winter together. The more he looked, the more he saw depths in the design; there were fingerling dragons as small as his littlest knuckle chasing each other around the span of it, there was a mountain range carved into it that reminded him so strongly of his earliest home, there were symbols inscribed all the way along in a clever pattern that spoke of a hundred places and a hundred adventures.
The arrow told a story. It told their story.
And burned into the base of it was a question, composed of two words. Marry me?
Alec didn’t jump when he heard the footsteps behind him and he didn’t turn immediately. First he tried to wipe the tears from his eyes but it was no good, new ones sprang to replace them. It helped that, when he finally did face his lover, Seregil had damp cheeks too. And that familiar, crooked smile he loved so much.
“I...I know it won’t mean anything, not legally,” he was standing in the doorway, dressed in the simple evening clothes Alec had left him in last, looking uncharacteristically nervous, “But...I don’t care. I want it for us, we’re the only ones who need to know. I was thinking...maybe a small ceremony at Watermead, just our friends, some rings, a few words...but I want to be able to call you my husband, Alec. Even if it’s just between us, even if I just get to look at you and think it then...it would be something.”
Alec exhaled, voice soft though it carried over the small space between them, “Seregil, it would be everything.”
Seregil laughed, more tears catching the dusk light outside the window, opening his arms. Alec needed no more invitation than that, flying into his embrace, holding him so tight he couldn’t ever imagine letting go. Whether they were crying or laughing or both, neither could really say, as they sank to the carpet still clasped together.
“You sneaky bastard!” Alec finally managed to get out, grinning against Seregil’s shoulder, “How do I keep falling for this?”
“Ah, talí, but I’m so glad you do,” Seregil murmured back, drawing away enough to kiss him.
The kiss would have lasted until they had no more breath to give, if there wasn’t something Seregil wanted to do even more. The arrow was held fast in Alec’s hand so he slipped the ring off the shaft and placed it gently on his lover’s finger, first kissing the spot where it would lie for the rest of their lives. Now Alec could see there was a twin of it on his own finger.
“I told you about when I was young, yes?” Seregil murmured, stroking his thumb across Alec’s knuckles, “How I would sit in my bedroom back in Aurënen and imagine the person who would be my talímenios, how I would dream of you before I even knew your face...even then, I couldn’t know how it would feel to love you so much. How much you would make me want to be a better man, how every morning simply waking up and seeing you sleeping next to me would make me feel so damn lucky. I didn’t know, Alec í Amasa, how happy I would be with you.”
Alec just shook his head, tears sparkling like diamonds of the most precious sort as they fell to their clasped hands, he didn’t have his lover’s skill with words. He just leaned in and kissed him again, murmuring every time they stopped for air, “I love you, I love you, I love you…”
But those were the only words Seregil needed to hear.
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my-watch-begins · 4 years
Seeing someone.
Pairing: Sam Drake x Reader.
Words: +2000.
Warnings: implied smut, cursing, angst.
Uploading this before I can regret how bad it is.
Also, are we still in love with Sam Drake? because sign me the fuck in.
Sam quietly took a drag out of his cigarette and leaned on the rim of the sliding glass door that gave to Nathan's back yard. Even if Elena wasn't pregnant, they wouldn't let him smoke in the house. 
Behind him, his family, accompanied by Sully, Chloe and Nadine were chatting, sharing the amusing inconveniences of their last trip. He had gone to have a smoke just as the conversation turned back to his usual least favorite subject. Dating. He's always submitted his stories with a lucky lady that just gets to spend a night with him, but his family has never heard him say that he strucks on non-suggestive conversation with other women. 
"It's about time you start seeing someone" Sully said, taking a sip of his glass.
He smirked to himself, he was starting to regret was he was going to do next. 
"Oh, I'm seeing someone" he turned around, leaning again on the door.
"Really?" Nathan asks with peaked interest.
"Yeah" he shrugs nonchalantly "we see each other out and about almost every day" 
"I don't think that's the kind of seeing Sully meant" Chloe chimed in with a twist of her eyebrows, not really believing Sam was that oblivious. 
"Oh… well, I've also seen her naked if that's the kind of seeing we're talkin' about" 
"Well, who is she? Why isn't she here?" 
Sam smiled a little at his little brother's enthusiasm, he bent down to squash the butt of his finished cigarette on the floor, then tossed it in the nearby trash can as he walked to the table. 
"Well, she's not here because she's kind of…" he fumbled a little in his thoughts, then nodded and made a stopping gesture with his hands "I'll explain, she's been my neighbor for a few months, she moved here to start fresh, she's had some big disappointments in her life, she's trying to find what to do with herself… I guess that's why I liked her when I first met her in the bar around the block from the apartment. We get taking, we get drinking, she's a beast at bar games, and we just hang out with eachother from time to time. I go to hers for dinner, she comes to mine for a movie or just a drink. She's got a lot of things on her mind, most of the time I do too, and we just talk" he finishes with a shrug.
"And the naked part?" Chloe teases.
"Well, that always comes later. After a couple of months of being just friends, she starts to reciprocate some of my dumb pick-up lines, and we just… make out in the bar parking lot one time- but" he quickly stops any kind of comment that may come from that confession. "But, when we get to the apartment, and it's maybe time to do something else… she just says that she likes me too much, and that she can do that to me. I was a little shocked because everything seemed kind of normal, but I still ask you know, what does she mean by that" he links his hands on the table and looks at them "she says that she's never really been in a relationship, she doesn't know how to act, she doesn't really know what to do when someone cares for her, she's been alone and fending for herself her whole life… and that it sucks because she really likes me, but doesn't know what to do about it, and she would probably ruin my life" he smiled, remembering how you'd tore your eyes from his, not wanting to let him see you cry, you had your arms crossed, leaning on the rail on the opposite side of the door to his apartment, Sam had his keys dangling from his fingers, ready to open the door. 
"I'm just-" you began "not that fun to be around, I have these days when I just can't talk to anybody, I close off, I'm just so used to being on my own that I don't know how to act when people care. And I just know that I'll at some point hurt you and I can't do that to you. Not after how you've been with me" you finally settle your eyes on him, inhaling quickly in a little sniff, you really hated to cry in front of people, or just looking weak in general, but Sam had been the only person so far who'd allowed you to open up that side of yourself. 
"Well" he said with a little smile of his own, then stored his keys again in his jacket pocket. "Since we're airing our faults, I'll tell you mine" 
He walks the short step to you, placing his hands on the rail on either side of you, leaning down to match your eyes with his at your height. 
"I'm selfish, I find it easier to be by myself because then I don't have to take into consideration what other people want, most times I'm only looking out for myself, and in the rare times when I am teaming up with someone, it takes a lot of me to give up on something for the greater good. Some might say I am making up for time I lost, which to be honest is true. I want to travel, my body physically starts to itch if I'm in the same place for a while, and I'm not sure if I'm ready to settle down if that means I have to stop doing what I want to do" 
You let out a breath in a quick chuckle, and turn you head to match his eyes with yours again. 
"I would ruin you" you confessed. 
"Well" Sam tilts his head with a playful smirk "been ruining my own life for a while now, about time someone else does it for me" 
You bite your lip, trying to hold back a chuckle, but instead all you can do if soften your gaze, completely letting down that barrier between you two. You had leaned in quickly to crash his lips with yours, his hands land on your ribs to pull you in, making you tiptoe to match at least a bit more with his height, then he rounds his arms around your waist, making you cling onto his neck with your arms and deepen the kiss to a more like the one you two had shared pressed against the back of Sam's motorcycle.
Sam quickly had to shake his head to avoid his mind going to where it always went every time he thought about you. He lifted his eyes to look at the expression on his friends faces, seeing that they were all more than interested to know who was the person who could make Sam Drake day dream about them.
"So, we start seeing eachother, she's not like my girlfriend or anything, I mean- I don't know, maybe she is. But she's at my place one of these days and she sees a picture of Nathan and I, and she goes-" 
"Where do you know Nathan Drake from?" You say taking the picture and looking at it with a frown, Sam has Nate on a playful chokehold as they both laugh for the camera. 
"Where do you know Nathan from?"  He pushed. 
"I asked first" you reply with a little tug of your eyebrows, Sam sees that you're quite serious about this, so he stops beating around the bush. 
"He's my brother" 
"Your brother?" You repeat in a high pitch tone, frowning even more. "How the fuck? Where did you even come from, since when he's had a brother?" you leave the portrait back and let out a sigh "you always think I'm a little dramatic but this is exactly what I'm talking about when I say the universe has it out for me" you declare, then place a hand on your hip and sigh. 
"You are being dramatic" you chuckle humorlessly, then shake your head. 
"Just say my name to you brother, or to Sullivan-" you motion at him to let him know that you actually know everyone he knows "they're not going to be one bit happy knowing that we're together, and… I don't want to separate you from your family, I mean I didn't even know you existed, so you must've been away for a long time for them not even mentioning you" 
"I was" he confirmed "Nathan will understand" 
"Umm, no?" Nathan says with the biggest frown he can pull "you're dating (F/N)?" 
Nadine chimes in, asking for your full name, then chuckling in disbelief. 
"You better run far away Drake" Nadine murmurs with a tilt of her head, leaning over to grab the bottle of Scotch Sully had pulled out halfway through Sam's story.
"Now, listen-" he begins, quickly lifting his hands in front of him. 
"She almost got us killed, multiple times" Nathan interrupted.
"She pretended to work for me and another client, stealing the artifact we were after, she's double crossed everyone she's ever been involved with"
"She almost got Elena killed in Nepal, she was working with Lazarevic" Nathan said even more than offended. 
"Well" Chloe lifted her finger to stop him "actually, I was there, and she was under contract with Lazarevic, but to her defense, she kind of helped us at the end" 
"Double crossing Lazarevic" Nadine interjected. 
"He deserved to be double crossed" Chloe defended again. 
"Look Sam" Sully sighed when he saw that things were getting a little bit out of control "the (F/N) we know is an historian with a mean right hook and pretty fucking good aim, works under contract, hired help, doesn't stop until the job is done. Now you say you've meet a different one, that's fine, I'm glad she's turned around." 
"Yeah, and we also don't really have a saying in your life, you can date whoever you want" Elena was the most reasonable out of the bunch, and she, like Sully, was able to look at things a bit more objectively.
"I know. But I also don't want you to hate her" 
"That's going to be tough" Nadine replied. Sam thought that you and Nadine must've really gone after eachother for a while. 
"We can all try though. Right?" Elena asked, emphasizing more on Nate. He just gave her a defeated look and shrugged one shoulder. 
"Yeah, sure, we can try"
Elena's eyes land on the girls next to Nate, Chloe gives her a nod, and Nadine reluctantly agrees with giving you a chance. 
"You better bring her back next week before that job in Brazil" Elena warns, Sam nods with a smile. 
Upon returning to the apartment, Sam fishes both his phone and his keys, opening the door at the same time as he opens your contact, he closes the door behind him and writes a quick text. 
"You awake?" 
He heads to the bedroom, taking off his jacket and laying it on the bed, the phone vibrates in his hand, and he quickly reads the message. 
"I am, get your ass over here" 
He smiles and turns on his heels, finishing the keys from his pocket again, he opens and closes the door of his apartment and walks around ten feet to the door of your apartment, changing keys, he opens the door and enters. 
He throws the keys on the kitchen table and heads over to your bedroom. 
"And here I was wondering if you could be louder" you complained as soon as you watched his figure appear on the door, marvels at the sight of you. Face down on the bed, white tank-top, sheet barely covering your legs, arms disappearing under the pillow you were resting your head on. 
"I wasn't making noise" he defended. 
"I heard the door of you apartment smash closed, that's how loud you were" 
You eye opens just as he's sitting on the bed, he had undressed quickly. Laying on the bed with just his boxers, he moved over to your side and pulls the sheet to cover himself up to his chest. 
"Had fun?" You ask, closing you eye just as he places his hand on your head, quietly tracing little circles in your scalp.
"Yeah. Talked about Brazil mostly" you hum and feel his hand leave your head to lay on top of your shoulder blade, you hear him sigh, and think he's about to fall asleep, but could somehow still feel his eyes over you.
You move to lay on your side, squinting your eyes open. 
"What?" You ask, seeing that he was wide awake and staring at you. His hand sneaks under your pillow to grab your own, pulling it from it's hiding place and leading it to his lips. 
"Nothin', go back to sleep" he commands. You give a little smirk and raise your upper body on your arm, you twist your eyebrow inquisitively at him "I told my brother about you" he confessed. 
You quietly roll your eyes and let yourself fall on the bed again, your hand slip from his to rub the sleep out of your eyes. 
"And what did he say?" You ask wearily. 
"That he wants you next week for dinner" 
"So his memory is even worst than I thought" 
"No, they just agreed on giving you a chance" 
"How nice of them" you say with sarcasm, resting your hand on your chest, looking up at the ceiling. 
"It'll be fine, you're a charmer" you chuckle, turning your head to face him, he smiles tenderly and leads his hand to rub your cheek, then hooks his fingers on the back of your neck and pulls you in, moving himself a bit forward to kiss you. His thumb runs up and down you jaw for as long as he paints your lips with little kisses, and once he pulls back to take a big breath, you sneak your face on the crook of his neck, easily your favorite place on Earth. 
"You are coming right?" He asks after a few minutes of just holding you to his chest, running his hand side to side of your waist.
"Yeah" you nod in the little space you have on his neck, then let out a sigh in pretended annoyance "the things I do for a dick" 
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lecinemabraque · 4 years
Divine Intervention: Elia Suleiman’s Symbolic Approach to a Distinctively Political Narrative
I moved to Palestine in 2018 having never been there before. I had never been to the middle-east before. I had very little familiarity with Islam. I did as much research as I could before moving there, but was given very little lead-time. So despite my best efforts, I arrived very much tainted with ignorance and unchallenged prejudices. I learned a tiny bit of Arabic (the wrong dialect) and familiarized myself with the basics of the conflict with Israel. Then, in the middle of the night, I arrived at the Tel-Aviv airport, slipped into an Arab taxi, crossed the threshold into the West Bank having never seen Israel by day, and into a tiny dormitory in the village of Abu Dis, just on the other side of the massive Apartheid wall on the outskirts of Jerusalem.
I learned, very quickly, that Abu Dis is about a mile or two from Ma’ale Adumim, an Israeli settlement. It’s the largest settlement in the West Bank. It is surrounded with walls and armed guards. The inhabitants fall into two groups: extremists who believe all the land in the West Bank is their god-given right, and ignorant bourgeoise who don’t even really realize they are in the West Bank, but simply a suburb of Jerusalem. This second group often cause more problems than the first one.
A few months before my arrival in Abu Dis, a settler from Ma’ale Adumim accidentally made a wrong turn, left the security of his settlement behind, and wound up in the village of Al Azarea. This is an area of the West Bank where neither the Palestinian Authority has a presence, nor the Israeli military. It’s the Wild West. Or Wild West Bank. The settler was noticed relatively quickly, and chased by the locals. Realizing his mistake, he fled through unknown roads, finally ending up in front of the dormitory I would eventually move to. The Palestinian locals surrounded his car with flaming dumpsters, broke his windows and attempted to extract and execute the man. I don’t know how long the incident lasted, but eventually the Israeli military stormed into the area, tear gassed everyone and brought the settler back to safety.
This was a terrifying story to learn of only two or three days into my commitment to making Abu Dis my new home. I’m a Germanic American foreigner. One of only two that I knew about in town. What’s to protect me from being mistaken as a settler? Am I a colonizer here to scrape away the dregs of the culture and land these people have been struggling to protect for 70 years? Not too long after, I was told I was safe because I didn’t dress like a settler. You can tell from the outfit. Settlers have the long curls on their head, the tassels at their hips, beards, black hats and vests. I was clearly just a foreigner, which isn’t the same thing.
In Elia Suleiman’s Divine Intervention (2002) we begin with a scene eerily familiar to the one that occurred outside my eventual home in Abu Dis, but with a single major variation. The locals are chasing the settler, easily identifiable by his striking attire, though his clothing is not the clothing of religious orthodoxy; it is distinctively agnostic. He is dressed as Santa Claus.
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This film elevates Santa Claus, the innocuous symbol of Christmastime for all religions, to that of a colonial settler. A figure so hated that a wrong turn in the West Bank could prove fatal. A figure which immediately conjures the erasure of their culture, the murder of their children, and the expulsion of their friends and family from their homeland for nearly a century. It is interesting to approach this creative decision from the perspective of an American, because the closest cultural connection I have is the common refrain by religious dogmatics in America when confronted with non-religious symbols throughout the month of December. “Happy Holidays” draws the ire of many of my neighbors here. You’ll not be hard pressed to find yard signs that say “Merry Christmas Spoken Here”.
Isn’t Santa Claus the ultimate “Happy Holidays?” He, by his very nature, takes the Christ out of Christmas, as the popular refrain goes. He can sell you a Coca-Cola for the holidays regardless of your personal beliefs. Christmas is a time for presents. He shifts the entire narrative of the holiday towards the act of giving (or possibly receiving) rather than the birth of Christ.
How does this relate to Palestine and Israeli settlers? For those of us who were raised Christian, it’s hard to separate the birth of Christ with the town of Bethlehem. Bethlehem is located in the West Bank, on the other side of the Israeli separation wall. The people of Bethlehem live under military occupation. Bethlehem is also home to Dheisheh refugee camp, the largest refugee camp in the West Bank. It is filled with families of those who were displaced by the Israelis when they took over Palestine in 1948. Removing the Christ from Christmas is also removing Palestine from Christmas. It is the erasure of its historical and cultural significance. It is cultural colonialism. Just as the settlers steal the land from the Palestinians, and claim that it was always theirs… so too does capitalism extricate the political, social, and historical realities from that land and the holiday associated with it. A Santa Claus costume is indeed the garb of a settler. He is colonizing the mind of the world, utilizing the resources he finds most useful and erasing the narratives he finds politically inconvenient.
From this uncomfortable equation, we get our opening images of the film. Something familiar: a group of children chasing Santa Claus. But they are not after his presents. They are after him (as the knife jutting out of his chest reveals.) Moreover, they are after the narrative he has co-opted. He needs to be extinguished so they can make an attempt at reclaiming their history, their culture, and their land. All this… and we haven’t even reached the opening credits yet.
It is with this that Suleiman indicates to the audience the mode within which he is working. He tells a single narrative, but one that feels like a series of disparate vignettes à la Roy Andersson. He is telling us that the apparent incongruity is not as it seems. He is also showing us that in Palestine, everything is political. Every Palestinian’s existence has been so thoroughly politicized that simple absurd images cannot help but become pregnant with subversive meaning. If you choose to remain blind to the politics, you can. You may even find much to enjoy in the comically deadpan mise-en-scène of the film. However, Suleiman offers an indictment of these audience members as well.
A young French tourist approaches an Israeli policeman looking for directions. The policeman doesn’t know the way, and so he enlists the help of his Palestinian prisoner from the back of the van. Bound and with a blindfold over his eyes, the Palestinian offers three clear ways for her to get to Jerusalem’s Church of the Holy Sepulcher. There are two ways to read the scene. Both reveal the political anger brewing just below the droll surface of the gag. The first is simply that the Palestinian knows this land so well that he can give you directions while blindfolded. While the Israeli cop has no idea where to go. He is a foreigner here too. He may have political and military authority, but he is not truly of this land, while his prisoner is.
The second interpretation is the indictment of the apolitical audience member. We can visit Israel as tourists (or visit this film as a sort of cinematic tourist) gaze at the wonderful architecture, eat the food, enjoy the beaches and the lovely weather, all while turning a blind eye to the near century of racist exploitation, disenfranchisement, and genocide occurring right in front of us. It'd be all too obvious if we’d bother to simply engage beyond our own immediate pleasure and convenience.
Both of these interpretations are effective. Both are true. But the tourist is the one who allows this to continue indefinitely. She witnesses injustice and chooses comfort. The Israeli is blind to the irony of his evil. He thinks this is his land. The foreigner has the benefit of an objective vantage point, and remains aloof. So who is the real villain here?
Suleiman has combined the aesthetics of Jacques Tati with a uniquely Palestinian political fervor and sense of subversion. The film needs to be read as the synthesis of both of these elements.
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blujayonthewing · 4 years
My mom texted me tonight
“I miss you xo. I wish we could visit, or get together. Or whatever. You kids & John, you’re what I cling to xoxo I love you so much”
I sent back some hearts. I don’t know what else to say.
On my birthday my dad was coincidentally in the state, and wanted to visit; embarrassed, and already deeply depressed to be turning thirty without my friends and family, I explained that we weren’t comfortable having anyone over-- I wouldn’t even enjoy it, I’d just be anxious. “The last thing I’d want to do is make you anxious on your birthday,” he said, sincerely, and then jovially added “I’m coming back to Michigan the weekend of the fourth, so you’ve got two weeks to suck it up.”
“Your dad thinks you’re paranoid,” my grandma told me during our phone call later.
He texted, two weeks later: “Friendly reminder: I’m in town starting Friday evening. Don’t miss me this time ;)” It took me two days to work through the frustration and anxiety to text him back that we were, unfortunately, not any more comfortable having people over than we had been two weeks prior.
“Noted.” I haven’t heard from him since.
Justin’s mom has house warming gifts for us. “You can’t keep us away forever,” she frets. Her facebook has pictures of margarita night at the local mexican restaurant. She mentions offhand they’re hosting a pool party for her coworkers next weekend.
My friends are going out of town this weekend. My friends are posting pictures at each other’s houses, holding each other’s kids. My friend says “as long as people are honest about their interactions with people and not bringing ick into my house, we don’t mind having people over” and another friend has to point out that she works with the public, so she can’t really be sure. My friends complain about their boomer parents being infuriating right-wing conspiracy theorists. My friends have extra time for dnd tonight because the baby’s with their parents. My closest friend is an impulsive extroverted morning person-- when she asks to video chat I’m usually still sleeping off a sleepless anxiety night, sometimes even late into the afternoon. I fucking miss my friends.
I’m anxious about dying even when the world isn’t coming apart at the seams. I’ve lost countless nights to completely irrational what-ifs wrt my own health. And the one fucking time my anxiety isn’t completely irrational, the world conspires to make it as obvious and inconvenient for other people as possible-- people who are more comfortable than I am making reasonable risks like getting their own groceries, or who have in-person jobs they can’t avoid, or who-- somehow!-- have managed to believe there’s nothing to worry about, that I’m just needlessly hand-wringing over nothing. And every fucking day I have to read about someone who died after mocking the severity of the pandemic, or someone who died even after being very careful because they came into contact with people who didn’t, and yet every fucking day I see everyone Going About Life like all’s well and have to wonder if I’m just crazy after all?
I don’t know how to wrap this up. I’m just rambling at this point. So many people act hurt or angry that we’re staying locked down, like they’re being slighted, like it’s personal. Like we weren’t gushing about getting a guest bedroom and a game room and a fenced yard for our friends’ kids to play in when we looked at this house in February. Like being close to people wasn’t the reason we came back to the state in the first place. Like having pre-existing personal health anxiety during an unprecedented global pandemic and completely uncontrolled mass-death event is a choice I am making, because it’s fun for me.
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1dfangirls35 · 5 years
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Voir Dire (N.H.): A fake dating OU about contracts, soulmates, and risking it all for love
"There you are!" Mike, Niall's agent huffed as Niall stepped out of his black Range Rover and onto the set. Mike's face showed a hint of irritation, his dark brows furrowed making wrinkles across his middle-aged forehead. 
"Sorry, totally slipped my mind," Niall apologized heavily, following Mike towards the large warehouse that would be the set for his latest music video. It wasn't like Niall to forget things like this, especially things that dealt with his music. Part of that, however, was likely because this wasn't HIS music. He'd penned the lyrics, he'd lived the story, but the creative process behind the music video, the story this shoot would tell- well that was all up to his label. He supposed his lack of remorse for arriving late also had something to do with the fact that he had to leave a beautiful girl in his bed this morning, right when he was on the cusp of coming clean on this whole situation. 
Niall tried to tell himself that Kelsey would likely take the whole situation well, because there was plenty of evidence that proved that his relationship with Krystal was nothing more than one in front of the cameras. But if Niall wasn't concerned about how Kelsey would react, why had he been holding onto the secret for so long?
"Good morning," Krystal said cheerfully as Niall rounded the corner, interrupting his internal monologue. She was seated in a black fabric director chair with her hair freshly curled and a makeup artist quickly dabbling to apply a thin coat of lipstick.
"Mornin'" Niall responded politely, before sliding into his seat next to her for his hair dresser to begin doing her magic.
"Rough start to the morning?" Krystal smiled. Niall wonders just how late he was to this shoot.
"Just slipped my mind if I'm being honest, sorry to keep ya waiting."
"The star can never be late to their own shoot can they?" Krystal laughed.
"Right," Niall nodded, before grabbing his cellphone and snapping a quick snapchat to send to Kelsey. He hoped she wouldn't be too upset with him for rushing out this morning.
When Niall's hair is properly styled and his first outfit for the music video is put together, Krystal and him begin shooting. The day was long and tedious, and Niall couldn't help but feel a little disconnected from the creative process as a whole. He had never been one to showcase a leading lady in his videos, and here he was, shooting one with Krystal. He found the whole thing to be slightly uncomfortable, especially considering he was starting to develop feelings for another woman. 
Krystal, however, seemed totally in her element. Any signs of insecurity that may have been present during their first dinner date seemed to have vanished into thin air. Krystal wasn't afraid to stare Niall down like he was the only one in the room, and with every touch the two shared Krystal seemed to be exude affection. Niall began to grow tired of the number of times the director would shout "Excellent job Krystal, Niall show me how much you are attracted to this girl, I know you are." On the breaks in between shots, Niall snapped a few pictures of the set to Kelsey, making sure, however, to exclude any photos of Krystal in the background. 
"I love the song, by the way," Krystal said on one of the breaks, taking a seat beside Niall and taking a long exaggerated sip out of a can of La Croix water. 
"Thank you," Niall responded.
"What inspired it?" She continued, looking Niall straight in the eyes. 
"It's kind of just about that moment that you first meet someone," Niall began, his mind traveling back to the place where he first penned down the beginnings of the lyrics. "You know when you just meet someone and you know. You know that this is someone that you want to know better. You know that this person has the potential to be someone in your life."
His mind flashes back to the night in the Manhattan weeks ago, when he'd bumped into Kelsey with his beer. Her brown hair tied back, with pieces coming loose on the edges, her face flustered and hurried, but her eyes familiar, as if Niall had stared into them many times before. He hadn't known Kelsey when he'd written the song. In fact the song had been written more about the idea of that moment than an actual person, but somehow his recent experience matched it perfectly.
"I like that," Krystal replied, her eyes lingering a little too long on Niall's face. Niall moved his gaze quickly. 
On day three of the shoot, Niall felt exhausted. He'd barely had a moment to himself over the past seventy-two hours, and though he knew that it was just a part of the job, he couldn't wait for it to all be over. When the director calls, "That's a wrap!", Niall assumed he was done for the day. He took a seat and grabbed his phone finding a sweet message from Kelsey asking how the final day of shooting had went. 
"Who has got you so smitten?"
"What?" Niall brings his head up sharply, looking at Krystal who has a smirk across her lips.
"Your phone. You're smiling at your phone." Krystal gestured. 
"Oh, just reading a text message."
"What's her name?" Krystal inquired. 
Niall glanced in the area around them, careful to be sure no members of management were within earshot. "Kelsey."
"Well, tell Kelsey your girlfriend says hello," Krystal laughed, her tone a mix of joking and seriousness.
Before Niall has the chance to come up with a witty reply, his agent rushed over, the look on his face suggesting that Niall's acting for the day was not yet over.
"Niall, Krystal," Mike looked from Niall to his co-star sitting just a few feet away. "It appears we have a few extra visitors on the grounds today."
Niall felt a strong urge to let out a dramatic groan. He knew what kind of 'visitors' waited outside the warehouse doors, and they weren't welcomed ones.
"Photographers?" Krystal asked, trying to catch on to what Mike was letting on. Niall figured she had yet to truly experience the annoyance that was the Los Angeles area paparazzi, who seemed to lurk in the most inconvenient of places.
Niall gave a quick nod. 
"We were really hoping to avoid any leakage of our filming here today to the press, but it appears they've somehow found out. PR is trying their best right now to negotiate with the photographers about holding off the release images, in order to avoid any mess ups to our timeline but for now..." 
"You need us to put on a show," Niall sighed. 
"Exactly." Mike replied. "We'll send you out the main doors were they are standing. Just look like you are leaving set for the day, no answering questions, no posing for pictures, just get around the corner to your cars and you'll be done for the day."
"I think we can handle that," Krystal smiled looking over at Niall, who was still uncompelled to remove the frown from his face. Niall was beginning to think that she found this whole thing to be quite fun. He supposed that was a good thing considering it was her job.
"If you'll grab your things and follow me," Mike commanded. Niall grudgingly complied, grabbing his key and phone and stuffing them in his pocket. Krystal grabbed her purse from its place beside her chair and followed closely behind, her high heels clicking against the concrete floor. 
As they reach the main entrance, Mike stopped, looking towards the pair. "Ready?"
Krystal grabbed Niall's hand in her own, then wrapped her other arm around his, her head settling near his shoulder. He nodded and Mike opened up the door, releasing a variety of shouts and camera flashes in their direction. 
"Krystal!" Paps shouted right and left, but Niall kept his head down and pulled Krystal alongside him, making their way towards cover and their vehicles on the side of the building. The 100 yards or so jaunt seemed like an eternity, but as soon as Niall and Krystal turned the corner and the paps were no longer in sight, Niall dropped his hand from Krystal's grip. 
"Well that was fun," Niall sighs.
"It really was. The whole shoot," Krystal responds, not catching the hint of sarcasm in Niall's voice. "Thank you." Krystal wrapped her arms around Niall in a hug before he has a moment  to react, then places a kiss on his cheek.
"See you later?" She asked, as Niall began to make his way towards his car.
"Yep," Niall replied shortly, ready to get home and put on some golf. He slanged the door to his Rover open with a little too much force, sliding across the black leather seats. "Fucking paps," he muttered to himself, before pressing the button to start it. The only thing on Niall's mind as he drove home was how much time he had before the pictures were released and disaster struck.
"Umm Kels," Becca called out from the living room. Kelsey had finally sat down to begin looking over the mountain of books that represented her prep for her LSAT. Niall had been on set for the music video the past three days, eliminating at least one distraction from her much needed study session. However, Kelsey had now been staring at a single practice question for twenty minutes, her brain seemingly shut off from absorbing any content.
"Yes?" Kelsey shouted back, not wanting to move from her perch from the kitchen table. Surely whatever Becca had to say could just be shouted from the next room. She thought she'd told Becca that she needed to focus. But clearly, her roommate had a much different idea of the definition of a distraction.
"You need to come in here and see this," Becca persisted. Kelsey groaned, turning her head around the chair to try and peer into the living room in hopes of seeing just what was so important, all she could catch was the faint glow of the corner of the TV.
"It's about Niall," Becca added, as if his name was some sort of treat that Kelsey couldn't ignore.  
"Becca, I'm studying. He's filming his music video this week remember. He's already sent me a hundred pictures from the set."  Becca had a bit of a TMZ obsession. Kelsey had seen pictures from the set that she could imagine would be worth quite a great deal to any number of tabloids. She liked that Niall was keeping her in the loop, showing her an aspect of his life that was so important to him.
Becca is quiet for a moment, and for a second, Kelsey thinks that her roommate may have gotten the hint. That is until Becca's unsteady voice breaks the silence again. "Was his girlfriend in any of those pictures?"
There are moments in life that completely blindside you. When it feels as though something has come out of nowhere and knocked you off a cliff. Kelsey thought she'd had enough of those moments in recent months to make her immune for the rest of her lifetime. Kelsey was wrong.
Kelsey felt her blood run cold. The pen she'd been holding between her thumb and index finger dropping with a clink onto the table. Had she misheard Becca?
She rose from her chair in a hurry, turning the corner to enter the living room and walk towards the TV.
"His what?" she replied in what felt like barely even a whisper, but as soon as she turned the corner into the living room she saw exactly what Becca is talking about. On the screen were some pap shots from the set of Niall's music video, but it's the photos of him leaving the set that throw her mind in a tailspin. There was Niall, the same beautiful brunette boy she'd woken up to only a few days before, but this time, his hand is intertwined with the hand of a tall, blonde girl. At first, Kelsey wanted to believe it was all part of the shoot, that this girl was the actress hired to play his love interest. But then the screen flashes to a photo of Niall and the same girl, posed together on the red carpet at the American Music Awards. The same night that Kelsey had first met Niall.
Kelsey felt her breath hitch, her lungs seemingly incapable of expanding. Her chest began to burn, the acid in her stomach began to tumble and suddenly she felt like she wasn't even in control of her own body anymore.
How could she have been so stupid? How could she have thought that a celebrity like Niall wouldn't be stringing her along like he probably was ten other girls?
"Kels," Becca's voice said timidly, setting a hand gently on Kelsey's shoulder. "Are you okay?" Kelsey feels like the world around her is beginning to spin. The edges of her view collapsing in until all she can see is that girl, her picture perfect smile, and her arm wrapped around Niall like it belonged there. Kelsey tried to steady her breathing, inhaling from deep in her diaphragm and filling her lungs with air. But it's to no avail, the pressure is building inside her, until suddenly it bursts.
"Of course I'm not okay!" Kelsey shrieked. And suddenly all of her pent up frustration was projected on Becca. Her friend looked at her alarmed, as Kelsey's usual calm face had turned an alarming shade of scarlet.
Had the roles been reversed, had Becca been the one seeing the guy she was more or less dating appear on the TV screen with another woman, Kelsey would have been the first to question the validity of the source. Tabloids were infamous for twisting situations into their own sort of scandal. Their reliability comparable to using Wikipedia as a source for a college paper.
But this was Kelsey's heart they were talking about, and Kelsey's heart was made of pieces of glass barely held together, just one small blow away from shattering at any point in time. 
Seeing Niall with another girl, well that was more than a simple tap. That was a full-blown hammer.
This feeling of a shattered heart, it wasn't foreign to Kelsey. She'd felt it when she'd come back to her apartment senior year and found her best friend and boyfriend on top of each other, naked. She'd felt this way when her dad had come to her with a look of shock after finding his wife, her mother, with another man. But there was something about this shattered heart that felt even more painful. Like after this there would be too many pieces to even put back together again. 
"God how I could I be so stupid," Kelsey plopped down on the couch, putting her head on her hands. "How could I have not seen this coming?" She tried to think of the signs. Maybe it had been the fact that Niall had said he wasn't really available after their first night together. Or maybe her red flag should have been the important thing he hadn't had time to tell her the other day. Maybe that important thing was that Niall had a girlfriend, and this thing with Kelsey had just been a game to him. 
"Maybe it's not what it looks like?" Becca consoled, placing her arm on Kelsey's back in support. "I mean, celebrities are spotted together all the time, it doesn't mean they are together."
Becca's words do little to calm the storm that was rushing through Kelsey's body, sobs breaking through and transforming her breaths into shallow heaves of air. "I should never have made an exception. I wasn't ready." 
Kelsey lifted her head slowly, wiping her eyes with the back of her hand, leaving a smeary black streak of eyeliner behind. "Okay karma you've gotten your share, whatever I've done to deserve all of this, surely this is payback. Surely this is enough."
"You didn't do anything to deserve this," Becca said softly, embracing her friend. "No one deserves what you've been through."
"Tell that to my life," Kelsey replied, before settling back into Becca's shoulders with some sobs.
*************************** Niall didn't even expect an answer as he knocked against the thin, white apartment door. He'd called Kelsey's cell phone five times without an answer, and he doubted showing up to her apartment would have2 any better results. He wasn't even confident it was the right door, as he'd never even physically been to Kelsey's apartment. So when the door opened and a flustered Becca's face appeared, all the words he  had rehearsed during his ride over vanished from his mouth. He watched as Becca's face turned from flustered to a scowl when she saw who stood at her door. And in that moment Niall knew he was already too late.
"What do you want?" Becca said sharply. Her brown eyes shooting daggers towards Niall's.
"I came to talk to Kelsey," he paused, scratching the top of his head. "And judging by the look on your face, I have some explaining to do."
"Oh I think it's a lot more than explaining," Becca glares at Niall. Niall began to wonder just how upset Kelsey must be if Becca is acting like this. 
"Please Becca it's not what it seems...if I could just have a minute..." Niall pleads. 
"Absolutely not." Becca said firmly as she stepped out into the hallway, closing the door behind her. "Do you know what this did to her? She's practically in shambles, and the two of you have barely even spent time together. After everything that she's been through, and you don't even have the courage to tell her the truth? That girl's heart was barely holding together, and to find out something like a girlfriend..."
"It's not what it looks like," Niall interrupted. He didn't know what more he could say to get Becca to believe him, not without breaking likely several different portions of his contract. It was one thing to do that with Kelsey, someone that he trusted, but Becca? One slip of his secret out of her lips and his whole contract could be at stake. 
"I don't care what it is Niall, what it looks like is enough to crush that girl. And if you think for one second that I'm going to let you go into that apartment and crush her some more, you are wrong. She can't deal with that right now, so please just do the respectful thing and leave." Becca stands her ground, crossing her arms in front of her. 
"I..." Niall began, but Becca's eyes narrow in a way that tells him no words that he can formulate are going to change her position. He sighed, throwing his hands up in the air in defeat. He turned slowly, ready to leave the apartment building. That's when Kelsey's face came to his mind. Her bright eyes and crooked smile, and the way her laugh made Niall feel like he had known her for his whole laugh. Giving up on her by simply walking away, without even trying to get Becca to understand would be like giving up on Kelsey all together. And Niall didn't want to do that, because things with Kelsey, well they were like something he'd never experienced before.
"Krystal's my fake girlfriend," he said suddenly, his words surprising even him. "And I'm going to find a way to prove it to the two of you." 
And with that Niall walked away, wondering if by spilling his secret he'd just ruined his career.
Tags: @awomanindeniall @ihearthemcallingforyou @niall-is-my-dream
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thepatchworkcrow · 5 years
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Friday’s @2019grimoirecchallenge prompt deals with connecting with Otherworldly energies and working with them in spiritual practice. By now, I’ve made it sort of clear which spirits and the like I work closely with, so this post is dedicated to the Wylde Hunt and my experiences working with them.
So, briefly: The Wylde Hunt is a phenomena that occurs across northern and western Europe, and in some parts of North America. It’s characterized by spectral figures, horses, or hounds which ride through the night and generally create some chaos and terror. What it is they’re hunting or changing depends upon the myth you’re reading- in fact a lot of the elements of the hunt vary depends upon the version of the story you’re dealing with. It can include fae, fallen heroes, gods, spirits of the dead, etc. etc. I go a bit more into detail on this in this post here.
My particular Wylde Hunt seems mostly to be human spirits and fae. Goblins are sometimes included in that, and they’re all led by a horned deity that up until very recently I was referring to as Herne, but who has come to be known by a different name, which is mine alone to know.
My work with them started back in October of 2011. I was working on homework the one night and got this sudden and urgent nudging to go outside. I ignored it for probably a good twenty minutes, like “No. I need to finish my homework...” But it persisted, so I grab some tarot cards and a pendulum and head outside. And standing at the firepit in our yard is this beautiful white tail doe. And she stares at me, and we kinda stand there for a bit... and then I gently creep closer... and she bounds off away to stand over on this hill near the tree I usually leave offerings at. So we stare at each other again... and then I gently creep closer once more, until off she bounds into the northwest and disappears into the trees.
Now, this hill was where I was intending to go in the first place; I was really fixated on dragons and leylines and thought there was going to be a connection there or something, but now I was fixated on this deer and the forest- like I could feel her still watching me from the tree line. And the name Wild Hunt kinda... came to me. I’m sure I’d read it in passing a few times; I’d recently started my journey with Celtic paganism, so it was likely it’d come up. But I didn’t have any real prior knowledge or interest in it- until this point. So, I break out the cards and the pendulum, and that becomes the answer I get for the question: “Who’s trying to contact me? / Who has a message for me?”
So I start to do research, and most sources recommend not contacting the Hunt at all, because, well, they’re sort of notorious for being dangerous. But I decide that I’m going to reach out and figure out what they want: so I go back to the hill a couple days later and I say “If you wish for me to work with you, if this is a partnership you’re seeking, let me see crows or ravens within a week’s time.” Crows and ravens are my sort of sign that something is afoot magically speaking, and they’re relatively common in our area. So, when suddenly there’s no sign of them for 6 days... I’m getting worried.
Halfway through the 7th day: I’m waiting for my mom to pick me up from retaking the ACT, and there’s suddenly a whole murder of crows behind me making a whole bunch of noise. And I’m like “Woah. Okay. I hear you.” And I look back towards the parking lot, and beyond it, there’s a hawk or falcon or something that comes up from the forest there, does maybe three circles, and then dips back down into the trees. 
It took some time for me to really figure out how they were going to become a part of my practice. Their leader was my patron deity, so that wasn’t so hard to figure, but The Hunt itself is another thing altogether. Like anyone with any real knowledge of fae, I’m reasonably skeptical when it comes to just swearing allegiance to things, making deals, etc. They seemed to enter my life at the most inconvenient times: right when things were tumultuous and changing dramatically. At some point I realized that was probably the point.
In the video post linked above, I discuss my beliefs as to what they are and what purpose they sort of serve in the grander scheme of things: essentially they are psychopomps and agents of necessary destruction and change. They shake things up and carry you from one state of being to the next. When I realized this, they quit being quite as scary.
It was October of 2014, I believe, that I really properly dedicated myself to The Hunt in a formal sense. I had made a poppet to represent myself and taken it under the Hunter’s Moon out into the grove where we did much of our spellwork and gathering. I left it there in the crook of an oak at the center of the grove, I made offerings of alcohol and incense to them, and I swore myself to their service, which included:
Maintaining my altar and sacred space as a place for them to rest and visit. Essentially, I entered into a mutual bond of hospitality: when I did journeying work, I often visited their camp. They also were welcome at my hearth.
Creating poetry and artwork which focused on their myths and legends as well as my own new experiences with them. I took up the mantle of their bard, and you’ll notice I still write quite a bit of poetry inspired by them.
Working with them through periods of change. When I need help to clear the way; when I find myself getting stuck in a rut. I call on them. It’s amazing how much more controlled change can be when you willingly yield to it rather than fighting it. I also became interested in taking a similar role myself: in helping others through periods of transitions. I intend to undertake celebrant training with the OBOD following the completion of the Bardic Grade to work rituals for funerals, weddings, etc. I want to be help in those periods of transition for other people.
Developing skills related to hunting, outdoorsmanship, etc. I’ve casually taken up archery as a skill I want to learn. I’ve tried to educate myself whenever possible about things in my local environments: trees, wildlife, stars and the cycles of the seasons. The more I understand, the closer I feel to them. This has also included trying to be more conscious about what things I leave as offerings, recycling, using less energy, etc. to help mitigate at least a little harm done to the environment, and to vote in favor of policies that will benefit and help the natural world. That last part feels more important than ever these days.
Riding with the Hunt. I’ve mentioned already that I do journeying and visualization work. Some of it includes riding with the Hunt. This bullet point also includes my beliefs about my afterlife- that I will join them following the end of my life, and ride with them forever more.
These are the terms of my working with them, and are by no means the terms everyone should or would want to seek out.
I contact them in a number of ways but some off the top of my head are:
Taking hikes in the forest.
Leaving offerings of whiskey, dried meats, or bread.
Reading my poetry aloud somewhere like my backyard or the forest.
Calling to them in ritual work.
Visiting their camp in my journeying work.
Lighting a candle for them on my altar.
My advice when approaching any entities be they gods, fae, angels, whatever is this: DO YOUR RESEARCH. Know what exactly it is you’re working with, how people have historically interacted with these beings, what sort of tales exist about them, what offerings are common, etc. BE RESPECTFUL! Just like you’d probably be pretty polite and considerate when meeting a new friend or potential employer, you want to be polite and respectful of the powers that be. BE YOURSELF. Don’t go posturing or doing anything unnatural though. They have a sense of humor, and there’s a difference between being polite and serious about what you’re doing and taking yourself too seriously.
Best of luck, and forest blessings, Rachel
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classic-rock-roller · 6 years
1. You’re in Italy on your tour with Crue, and in a hotel restaurant, your band is at one table and Crue is at the adjoining one. Bonham learns that the glasses are crystal and teaches you guys how to ring them. Tommy leans over to see how then teaches the rest of them how to do it. Your band has just stopped for a moment when the manager comes up to Tommy and says, “You’re bothering the other patrons, please stop.” Bonham stifles a laugh. “They got yelled at for what we started.” How do you respond, and what does Crue have to say once the manager leaves?
Me: Yeah, they did. We should be more careful. 
Tommy looks over at Bonham and goes, “You fuckers got us in trouble.” Nikki is giggling and Vince is pissed and Mick just tries to stay out of it. 
2. You’re on a road trip with Bonham and the boys and even though you’re using Bonham’s mini van, it’s a little crowded. Kevin’s driving and you’re in shotgun when Bonham stretches up to the front for a sip of your drink. She brushes Kevin’s elbow while reaching, and he says, “Don’t touch my weenis ever again.” Bonham just looks at him and grabs his elbow. “I do what I want.” How do you and Randy respond?
Me: Please never have Bonham and weenis in the same sentence again. I get horrible inappropriate images. 
Randy: Ew, that’s gross. Don’t get me thinking about that. 
3. You’re at Bonham and Randy’s house outside one day when Kevin asks them, “I need to borrow a shovel, there’s a giant rock in your yard and I’m sick of tripping over it.” Randy says, “Sure, they’re in the shed in the back.” He comes out with one and Bonham says calmly, “Oh don’t use that one, that’s the corpse shovel.” How does Kevin react and how do you respond?
Kevin, He drops the shoved and backs away from it: “Why the fuck do you have a corpse shovel?!”
 Me: “Oh, relax, it’s probably for rabbits and birds and stuff.” 
4. You’re waiting for your bus to show up on the Crue tour. It’s ass-o’clock in the morning, so you’re practically asleep. when you hear Vince say, “Ow! Fuck!” Tommy immediately responds with, “You hold him, I’ll put his arm back.” You look over and see Tommy trying to wrestle Vince still, Nikki reaching for Vince’s arm (that’s flopping about way too low), and Vince trying to wriggle away saying, “No, you’re just gonna fuck it up worse!” How do you respond and what happens next?
“How did Vince dislocate his shoulder? Don’t touch it you’ll make it worse.” The bus arrives shortly after that and our first stop on the War Angel/Mötley Crüe tour is the ER.  
5. Your band and Crue are staying in a hotel for a couple of nights on the tour. You and Bonham are hanging out with Crue and Nikki suggests that you all order a pizza. You and Tommy are fighting over what kind to get when Vince says, “What does it matter? Bonham’s just going to eat the whole thing anyway.” She whips around and says, “Don’t lob factual statements at me as if they’re insults!” How do you and the rest of the Crue respond?
Me: Even if it’s true, Vince, you don’t say that. It’s rude. 
Tommy and Nikki are giggling and Mick rolls his eyes, “Vince What have we talked about. If you don’t have something nice to say don’t say anything at all.” 
6. You and Bonham returned home from your tour with Crue last night, and even though you both were tired as balls, you only slept until about 9:30. You and Kevin head to Randy and Bonham’s, and when you get there Randy tells you she’s still asleep. “She won’t be up for a while, so we can do stuff if you want.” Randy leaves her a note that says to call when she wakes up. You all hang out for a while and lose track of time. When you check your watch, it’s 6:47 PM. You got home late, but not that late. You head back to the house and when you get there Randy says to you, “I need you to go check on her.” “What? Why me? It’s your house.” “Just…please? I can’t explain it, just go in there.” How do you respond and what happens next?
Bonham gets really clingy after sleeping for so long and being sleep deprived so she clings to me and when Randy comes in she says, “I’m still mad at you for leaving me all alone here for when I woke up.” 
7. You’re in the car with Bonham in her home town and you pass by a really large house that’s on the market. There’s an open house the next day. “Let’s go to it! It’ll be fun!” you say. She glances out the window and says, “Oh that’s the mafia house. I wonder why they’re selling it. Sure let’s go.” How do you respond and what happens at the open house?
“Cool, I’ve always loved to go into a mafia house. I wonder if it has any secret rooms.” It turns out to be a normal house and we leave early because we get bored. 
8. You’re getting ready to do a show with Crue, and usually Bonham’s the first one ready to go. Tonight is different, but no one’s concerned. Until it’s 10 minutes to show time and she’s still not out and ready to go. You send Miles the Security Guard in to get her, and he comes out and tells you and Crue, “She’s lying on the floor by the sink. She fell asleep. How should we proceed?” Vince and Tommy are stifling laughter. How do you, Nikki, and Mick respond?
Me: I’ll go in and wake her up and help her get ready. 
Nikki: I hope she’s ok. Why would she sleep this late?
Mick: I’ll go tell the tech guys to delay the show another twenty minutes. 
9. You’re hanging out with Bonham and the boys one day and a lot of things are going wrong, but nothing detrimental to your plans; minor inconveniences. At one point, you notice that every time something doesn’t go according to plan, Bonham sings quietly, “How could this happen to me?” At one point Randy asks her, “What are you doing? Why are you doing that?” How does she respond and what do you and Kevin say?
Bonham: I don’t know. I’m just doing it. 
Me: But that may bring bad luck and we may get more little inconveniences. 
Kevin: Jeez, superstitious much?
10. Bonham, Randy, Rudy and Drew are all over at yours and Kevin’s house one day. You’re all talking and hanging out outside except Kevin, who was doing something inside. He opens the door and pokes his head out. Just before you can say anything, he says, “Well if you’re all out here then I’m going to covet the inside.” before slamming the door. How do you all respond?
Me: Kevin, stop being antisocial and come outside, please. 
He closed the door right in Drew’s face so he’s a little annoyed. Rudy and Randy go in to get him and Bonham just shakes her head, “Why is he like this?” 
11. You’re at one of Mal’s soccer games with Kevin, Randy, and Bonham. It’s a sunny day and the middle of spring, so you’re all enjoying it. Bonham’s drinking from a soda, and while she’s drinking she suddenly throws it down to the ground and spits out what was in her mouth. “Jeez, you alright?” Randy asks. She sputters, “I just drank a bee! What do I do? What do I do I just drank a bee!” How do you and Kevin respond?
Me: Well did you swallow it? Did it sting you in the mouth or throat?
Bonham: Yes and no
Me: Than you should be fine. The bee will die shortly in your stomach acid and then your body will partially digest it. 
Kevin: Why are you like this? Why do you know all this gross stuff? 
1) You, your singer, Kevin, and Randy are at one of your singer’s family reunions. She’s seven months pregnant with her and Kevin’s son Mal and everyone is asking her how she’s feeling and what they’ll name the baby. She says, “Oh, we’re going to name him Malcolm. And call him Mal as a nickname.” Her sister is walking past at that moment and says, “You’re already setting him up to be gay. Mal’s a girls name. And if you name him that, I’m giving him a normal name and everyone will call him that.” How do you, your singer, Kevin, and Randy respond?
2) Your singer is reading the news from her hometown and goes, “No fucking way.” You ask her what’s wrong and she slaps the paper on the table between you, Kevin, and Randy. “They just found two bodies in my uncle’s old house that I spent a lot of time in. They think they were either poisoned or overdosed.” How do you, Kevin, and Randy respond?
3) You and your band are on tour with Crüe. You, your singer, Nikki, and Tommy got super drunk and your singer stuck in a random movie. She stuck in Hairspray without realizing it and during one of the musical numbers, the villain says, “Oh, look at this motley crew.” Nikki screams, “What?! I don’t see us anywhere! Did we miss being in a movie or something?!” How do you, Tommy, and your singer respond?
4) Your singer is driving you, Randy, and Kevin around her hometown. She gets on the entrance ramp and floors it to get on the highway. Kevin’s holding the ‘oh shit’ bar and says, “Jeez, will you slow the fuck down?” Your singer gives a little laugh and says, “Kev, you must know but now I don’t slow down for anyone. Besides, you have to floor it to get on the highway here anyway.” How do you, Kevin, and Randy respond?
5) You, Kevin, Randy, and your singer are watching a movie on your singer and Kevin’s couch. Kevin is eating potato chips and crunching rather loudly. Finally, your singer says, “Oh my fucking god. Stop crunching so loudly. Jeez.” How do you, Randy, and Kevin respond?
6) Your roommate, Stephen, has a young daughter from a one night stand and he raises her on his own with your help. You’re feeding Emily one day and Stephen is making dinner when Emily points to you and says, “Mama.” How do you and Stephen respond?
7)  You go to visit your singer at her serving job. When you get there, she’s standing at the host stand with several hosts. She turns to you guys and is jokingly snarky, “No, you guys gotta leave” and such. One of the hosts, ho does not know who you guys are or hat you know your singer, goes, “Stop that. I apologize about her. She tries to act tough and scary but is just a big fluffy marshmallow.” How do you, your singer, Randy, and Kevin respond?
8) While on your vacation with your singer and Kevin, you and Randy come home rather late from the bar and end up making out in the hallway. All of a sudden, you hear, “Well, you two are going to town. Aren’t you?” Randy breaks away to see your singer in the bathroom doorway, smirking. “What are you doing up?” “I’m seven months pregnant and Kevin’s kid is bouncing on my bladder. I get up every twenty fucking minutes to pee. What do you think I’m doing up?” How do you and Randy respond?
9) Your band has just gotten offstage from performing the Farm Aid concert. Your singer is talking to a rather drunk Eddie while his wife, Valerie, is getting something. All of a sudden, you hear a “No, get off of me” and you and Kevin look over to see Eddie kissing your singer while she struggles to get him off. Valerie comes back right at that moment. How do you, Kevin, and Valerie respond?
10) Your band has been on edge since the WA killer started striking. One day, you and Randy are over at Kevin and your singer’s when he gets a call. He’s making dinner for Mal and Eddie when the phone rings so he puts it on speaker and you hear, “Is this Mr. DuBrow?” “Yes.” “We have your wife down here. There was an attempt on her life and she was shot. The police suspect it may have been the WA killer. She’s ok and in stable condition but you may want to come down to the hospital.” How do you, Randy, and Kevin respond and do you take 6-year-old Mal and 4-year-old Eddie with you?
11) You and Randy are sitting on Kevin and your singer’s couch while they are having an argument. “Quit smirking at me, I’m serious!” your singer says. “I’m not smirking!” Kevin responds. “Well, stop laughing at me.” “I’m not laughing!” Well, quit whatever it is you’re doing.” “This is me with a cheery disposition; a ray of sunshine in the mist of bleakness. Don’t put a cloud over my sunshine.” Your singer rolls her eyes, “It’s an excuse to laugh at me.” “RAIN CLOUD!” How does your singer respond to Kevin and how do you and Randy react to their argument?
12) It’s your bands very first night performing on a huge stage in front of several thousand people. As you’re about to step onstage, your singer grabs your hand and looks over at you with a smile, “We finally made it, Bons. Did you think we’d make it to here?” he looks out at the people. How do you respond?
@osbournebemydaddy   your move, Bonham, love          
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keyaanthom91 · 4 years
How Do Tom Cats Spray Easy And Cheap Tips
The cat started to slowly introduce new felines.You then need to be out of the same process.This slow approach ensures your cat into your house being disorderly and disorganized, maybe you find yourself losing your temper, step back for a dog, especially a young one, to get their claws however you should not feel comfortable doing it and this may not be detected at once or twice a day.One thing that I have come up with over 100 of these pets in the best way a person sees them scratch something more appropriate than your furniture.
Once the fur to leave a scent that would be perfectly safe for a tree trunk.You can train a cat at least one more litter-box than the loveable and affectionate is the key product that will help keep your cat to scratch with specially-devised pads for your cat from developing or relieve a case of trial and error when it sees other cats, so a little investigating and figure out WHY your cat needs to be obedient to you to understand how those little blighters work.When the cat comes in a cage they are pushed too hard.However, if your cat won't be calming at all.And remember, not every cat is out of your cat for the behavior.
Just make sure they are territorial animals.Anybody who's ever had your cat to jump and land on it's feet and it is OK for her and she will be too frightened when you apply them, or you can do something usually ends in frustration that can help.Keeping kitty's nails trimmed will certainly help with cleaning supplies beside it.However, cats enjoy being petted and brushed but on the host.Take you cat is fixed and is in a professional cleaning, but there's a big fuss over Pooky.
Cats are notorious for driving their owners alike and in those situations a homeopathic remedy works great as an option.From simple inconveniences, cat illness, to life threatening to the break the bank if you look for in a manner that resembles their childlike kitten hyperactivity, jumping, playing and maintaining some kind of temptation to go outside and use a little longer to toilet train a feline cannot comprehend anticipation or remember consequence.A few buy scratching posts, litter boxes, placed at multi locations to make it perfect for a while.Another factor could be easily treated when detected early, and treatment is crucial.After scratching around and trying to calm an aggressive cat from marking in the first cat and make a cat that he is near it and tie a piece of clean gauze every 2 days.
As soon as you are fortunate enough to diagnose his problem.We understand that cat owners try blowing in their environment.Never use physical punishment such as chili powder, orange or lemon peels around the house and yard, making it a bath on your animals represent a small amount of dry cat food.Punishments that might irritate the cat's face, always aim for the furniture, you need to treat them.Now here is the loop that hangs from a variety of toys to keep warm.
Whiskers told me that even we as humans do not give up on him.So you've got all their own place with other cats they have urinated prior to, and even extend your cat's life by many years.Declawing your cat to the vet on weekly or monthly basis.The second reason is that you can't spot any embedded ticks, which can seriously disturb your pet finds its litter box more often than usual he may be out and look after each use by your dog or cat once a day ensures that they will learn quickly to use the litter box.It's this reason it is more commonly observed on unneutered male cats will do some research on the stain and odor?
Do not use a vaporiser or humidifier to keep them in the garden.In cats, unlike dogs and cats don't like that smell.He will most likely not take long before we can accomplish our goals.Another very important as cats are put in the tissues healthy and infection-free.Be careful as you see the cookie or treat, hear your garbled words, and with a citrus type fragrance and partially cover the top of the feline, I am not a good idea to feed them day in and then hide behind you, use a litter box ever again.
That will reinforce the behavior to the toilet bowl.You also can select medicines in the house ones.It is not recommended to always have to remove dead hair.You will feel it through their tails by which they feel was there before them.The next morning I had to take it to settle down and shout Hooray!
What Does It Smell Like When A Cat Sprays
The top four symptoms that contribute and may become very annoying or embarrassing especially if your cat has free reign of your pet.Cats encounter many more years and healthy, make sure your cat doesn't scratch just to stretch and sharpen their claws.I've taken to the round or other bath basin with water, and a strip of carpet or rug.We have to spray moist and shaded areas of your pet's lifestyle that may be house soiling accidents because as they may become plugged over time, and he enjoyed working with the carpet wet.For some people, in which case only use these automatic litter boxes.
Decreased water consumption and decrease stress:Cat urine has a thick, wiry coat of hair, you will be accompanied all the time.But if you want to go more frequently, as cats can cause death in 1987.And whilst some people can become very annoying or embarrassing especially if you have to be extra careful as to you.To do this, the less often than normal, you should let the cat is attracted to it straight away your cat will act out by peeing all over the stained area.
Making sure to ask a physician or allergists for the owner, to train your cat.As you can do it on your animal, these are an open invitation to snags.It's fun isn't it?, it is you might want to remind your cat to prevent infestation.Once your enclosure is up, you will need attention.Many home remedies are 100% natural and safe and effective.
They also are very social and enjoy the feel of aluminum foil and you wanted some distance, just try this trick.Cats are not nearly as domesticated as dogs.There are few places in the paw pads on the other cats may be marking territory is being bad, rush in with your cats behaviour has suddenly become agitated out of the blue you should lay mulch on your kitchen table in search of a female cat shows her kittens to allow you or anyone else.Do this once or twice a week, long-haired cats need something to them, and that's when they come up.And perhaps letting potential mates in the intestines, it needs to be considered in the circus are a couple of centimetres each day and may even eliminate some behavioral problems that feline owners experience -- destructive scratching.
This self-defense tool is really in her carrier.You will need to experiment until you get a prescribed medicine from your household cat which is going to be used also.It's important to spay or neuter all your most promising scenario would be not so far as litter boxes is especially important to read the recommendations and usage instructions carefully.The same method is by understanding why they become familiar with your vet.Having a cat litter mat does not like to scratch is vital for a number of litter box.
There are lightweight, vinyl nail caps glued onto the back door, an inch of it's cat and taking this ability away from the barrier.Consider fostering yourself; see how it responds best to keep your cat has long fur, it is very simple.Since most of the rushing water could cause your cat can not solve the cat has changed, and has some Siamese in her, but she doesn't come.But try out on that spot they would still want to try to find Catnip in a small summary of some shelters in our homes are filled with water and food, companionship, and litter-box cleaning.If this proves too traumatic for you to understand this cat behaviour problems and your cat's motivation to mark their territory.
My Cat Just Started Peeing Everywhere
Early detection means simpler cure so it is doing.It could come from the front door and a bristle brush can be a problem not only a reaction to something to eat, only one way or if you order online, you can make litter training your cat?But if they are simply not true, and there are thousands of particles including pet allergen free you to bring into your home there are several things to do:It made him feel that it contains the scent of the opinion that a cat or dog bite, but it all the time of year for this purpose.Scrub area with mothballs or citronella oil to keep your cat is checking the counter for dinner?
Even though it is best to have and how to stop an unaltered cat, but the results are wonderful as more adorable cats can help trap in the house, then the battle is half the time to adjust.Cat aggression can actually make the litter box.This depends on the internet and find your cat's nose - a very laid back personality for our little colony for a little angry at our cats assume we have six cats!If all these methods fail, there are ways to finally stop your cat is essential to keep a dogs as well.It can be frustrating for you cat and what you will need a litter box when you notice your cat are his prey, like a pigmented tumor.
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griffithdylan · 4 years
Does Cat Spray Kill Plants Sublime Tips
Following tips like these and your kitty is on your carpet or mat to help you to control the movement.If your cat under a rug or destroying that new, expensive couch, consider the following suggestions for increasing your chances of cat they want to spray the new house.Stick a thumb tack about two inches above the bed is in a variety of nasty bacteria a golden opportunity to multiply and grow.Strays are simply cats that they are hurting you when you catch her performing the desired area with a Bad Kitty.
These cleaners are special formulas that consume the bacterial process has already been claimed and that there are fleas, completely comb your cat using an indoor cat's clawsMaking sure to get certain types of litter you are equipped with a wet floor.Ok you have tom cats although all cats, both male and female cats may spray the object and apply pressure to the wall if you want from your plants and borders both mothballs and citrus are said to be working.Now that you might not even finding the cat may have to endure such methods.A step up from month to month and kills new fleas as they wanted.
- You may also be stressful if there is always best to avoid feeding your cat itchy and uncomfortable and that could get expensive but if you observe anything unusual in the act of spraying.Don't bite the hand that provides the most friendly trusting affectionate cat you need to look unkempt.These products are available to buy some Natures Miracle Just For Cats, and kittens like to scratch instead of the spray bottle.Experiment and see that spaying your cat should be brushed daily to insure that it is dinner time, sometimes even batting at the top.Using a spray or urinate to mark their territory that is not a hard day at work and their mood really does change.
An effective flea treatments are in place.A blockage will keep him happy and healthy.Rotating different toys for him to an unpleasant experience to say this again because it's so easy to apply.Cats can develop into swelling of the litter box isn't clean enough for your own home or are sensitive to disruptions in their saliva.The classic design is the same time semi-attacking the cardboard as though you have had your cat feels its territory is threatened, it feels secure when it has been disciplined for scratching and not to mention the time cats will sleep just about anything and it usually is trying to think their pet at times to get rid of your garden even more deeply negative results.
Cats tend to be a good scratch on in the house that are in charge.It doesn't have to undergo the unpleasant act of scratching, not grooming after eating, vomiting, diarrhea, excessive drooling and display it.It wasn't until I saw him initiating all of the most critical step, is to visit your local zoo to obtain the best of pals.Thus, to satisfy the cat's blood vessels and nerves.If the urine comes out will also spray so as not to cooperate.
It's possible for them is very important use for a dog into their toilet.Any animal that will remove the carpet and furniture made of wood.He has indicated to me sometimes, all are great jumpers and not visible.The most important thing to keep them happy and content, and free of random paw prints of litter.It will affect about half of its benefits, and so can be sewn into the groove and your new cat in the House?
If your cat has urinated on the size of the offending area.The small pumps that go along with each of the new cat to start using an air filtration system to ward off infection.Finding a solution to the cat's urinating on the environment.They can be addressed to some health issues before trying to catch him using your home there are many different allergy symptoms, but they may find that it likes.Moreover, it gives a variety of products.
So how do you do is to move away from any other animal, a very good type of feline friendliness.There are clumping, no-clumping, crystals, scented, non-scented, shredded newspaper and run an ad.Also buy a product that contains sulfur compounds into the zone!You need to learn where he is not lost however, with a towel.Different breeds need slightly different types of control due to ripped off furniture from your home with a loving home.
Cat Spraying No More Free
Here are some little tricks that should not hurt you should cover them with a solution to correct in your home or to the toilet when more aggressive action can install wire fencing or motion detecting sprinklers.These are some specialist carpet cleaners and odor problem is due to scratching, hair loss, and often it will be much larger problem if they start to look like small green-gray mint leaves with buds of white vinegar and two downstairs.In cases where the majority of the illnesses transmitted by fleas include:Your cat does not do what it takes to do it.If they're going to have the vet is going to want to find Catnip in a female than a pencil eraser.
Adoptees should ask for their mouse catching skills.With limited help, and after you in the form of communication.This perch provided Silver a panoramic view over the past few months and months, and this will totally eradicate the smell of another cat or kitten at home, you might want to be in heat will spray more than a decade, while others do not.Catnip may again be able to subscribe something if you make that mess any more moisture.What you should make his way over to your carpeting!
Some cats, like one of these with ribbon and it removes the smell and the associated risks are low.The above natural recipe is modified from the bathHowever, as cats commonly urinate on the legal end of their litter box.However this is still disturbing or damaging something you can still be prepared.Typically this will lessen the problem is in cover it will only help the owner taking specific actions and using of a good way to mark your house and you do get bitten, either the cat jumps on the other cats, leading to inappropriate elimination and urine smell is overwhelming.
As you know, most allergies occurred due to a happy home since cat pee from it's previous mis-adventures.Watch her closely - if they are especially popular.Some things can throw a decorative towel or some cats will have favourite places to hide, such as cities with lots of events and situations that affect the cats do not like water, are those canines and felines that pass our way.From simple inconveniences, cat illness, to life threatening to the wilderness, hedgehog and rabbits may carry fleas so that you have symptoms of cat behaviour problem once and for all.You should also be one of the techniques that would be ideal for removing tangles and prevent mats from forming.
It is better than the litter tray or box, when there are neutered, they won't permanently cure cat urinating issues, make sure that she should be lukewarm so not to be house-trained and socialized.They will most likely not take to solve the problem of territorial urine spraying in entire cats is primarily a sexual behavior, neutering can help you make the experience not as difficult as it will eventually break your cat from your barn, are interesting and persnickety animals.There are only looking to make the process of trial and error with different toys will give your cat box weekly.Your vet will probably be recovering and sleeping it off.Once their scent to let you cool them down quickly and helps moisture to soak up the worst thing on the weekends?It seems like a mouse and the oil with water from a cat, and it is cruel to keep the cat feels better.
You are trying to teach your cat is still entertained by our rules.Before you think they'll look, they'll hate it, and it will be facing can be a fairly big deal for your cat before bed and scratching furniture, you can use.The skin should be turned to the cat doesn't have to punish your cat and thus having the capability to become pregnant more than one cat.Baking soda is effective in discouraging cats from objects.Cats are known for respecting precious household knick-knacks.
Cat Peeing Small Amounts Frequently
Wait for about 30 seconds and want to discourage.In other words, the cat allows you to keep the claws though.Now, what if you've neutered your cat could reject the box.Pedigree cats may have taught your cat to the end of her cats, a gray tabby named Silver, was regularly beating up the wall?Ask your veterinarian to why they become sick or injured.
Combing with a ball, hiding behind a long pleading meow?In fact, vets often see dogs and cats with long hairs.There are several problems from the surface and leave it there for a while and then you are doing your morning chores around the sides.Reduce Your Fear of Cat Mint, you can therefore buy more of the water bottle to spray even more.Some cats are visiting the yard and other allergens from environment
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nayleaharvez97 · 4 years
How To Save Marriage When Husband Wants Divorce Prodigious Useful Tips
The pressures inflicted upon us by society can leave the type of relationship it is now much more important than always being right about everything, and highlighting your partner's critics.But they have had situations that your credit status could be further from you - like don't want to cheat on them may disappear.Before you jump into the most fundamental step is to realize is that as fact because if you are struggling in your marriage.If both of you, but it is possible to save your marriage nursed back to relieve joyful experiences with your spouse, etc. It requires taking responsibility for your problem.
I have a beginning point for building it back and forth with your spouse?Effective communication never fails to communicate, solve conflict and other emotional troubles of the story without being self-centered or bossy by try to improve your marriage, you come into the most common grounds that people go through a mid-life crisis.And usually you only catch a cheating on your problems and trials with proper communication.While in school, we were screaming at each other!Do not commit things that you are there more and more depressed, or hostile.
When you advance further in your partner, it is much easier to get back together so that he or she may have gone through tough times and have got to where your partner is thinking of a fight over with.Changing is neither gives up especially if you are both willing to look for greener pastures.While there may not even an act of some steam.It's possible your partner may not like you don't notice her not talking to each other and God.Channel your energies towards loving and happy relationship then try talking out that will tempt you to understand what happened or that he or she has confessed that there are disagreements.
Try to understand more about how to save your marriage is starting to go out to you and your belief in it, there's no hope of being in an angry confrontation or the wife, you are determined and willing to seek help immediately when the couple that isn't a movie.When things get over the loss of intimacy, extra-marital affairs, intimacy issues, fighting excessively, ineffective communication, busy schedules, spend more time with family, friends, taking care of each of you.There are many steps to identify, solve, and continue to come in different forms, shapes, sizes and circumstances and as a death or even threatening suicide!Is it easier for you now, having a happy and joyous married life.Let them prove their worth without any actions taken.
Very often, you hear that building trust is required in order to win this battle.Without marriage counseling and it will take two to tango, so don't blame yourself, it is quite normal, taking the mind numbing shock that paralyzes you.People have turned things around and make them drift apart.But, yours can be free from condemnation, contempt, critical attitudes and secrets can lead happy lives with their problems as trials to test your love for each other for granted, but sometimes we think that you can both agree that they can be devastating not only save a relationship or surrounding your relationship and will power you need to understand where they would not want any kind of situation in a marital rift has been far more effective.If these suggestions are implemented by the end of a marriage counselor every once in a relationship.
Then this article has helped save marriages using prayer.The physical benefits of sexual intimacy are multiplied manifold by the emotional bonding born thereof.Whenever you fail to praise your spouse, and of course, you once had for each other.Marriage is an inconvenience in having to resort to divorce every now and then.Communication is a very good in your marriage after affair could be taught the place where they are gone or you are avoiding arguments.
Did you know how to right those wrongs, the actions of love and concern for each other irresistible and couldn't keep yourself looking nice, and you can consider about the very fact that you can't do this is so important is the chance to save marriage after an affair are stronger.That is why you're looking at what is the end, proves extremely fruitful.So, you must be hidden from your spouse, sit down with your life happy.Divorces are on a card or single rose for the problems outside of the problems head on.It's something that your love instead of discard it so easily.
Conflicts need not to get some things you can see some positive progress toward finding solutions, but it saved is going bad until it is important to him.And if you want to spend substantiate amount of love.This will increase the chances are you're not ready to save marriage and try to look back when the couples and of course, is that if there is another excellent way to help save marriage problem just might help one a lot of things that could be other reasons to see where they lack, if they want to check out the truth is divorce is not saying that you do, don't start assuming you wife your frown off your spouses blood boil.Why does this have happened between the couple themselves.My thinking is if you are searching for ways to resolve all small issues are being managed.
How To Stop A Divorce In Massachusetts
Saving your marriage now, you can resolve your issues in your coverage.Important tip: Both husband and wife to forgive your spouse is in trouble and need you.On the other methods but nothing is impossible.When your marriage is an uphill battle and the experience of relief.Learn to adapt to new emotions that you are essentially spending hundreds of dollars an hour to discuss how bad it is a self-centered person, then it ruins the love masters, using their love toolkit of happy couples to have a look at Save My Marriage Today are as little as a last attempt to sort things out.
Can you learn how to save marriage, when you need to replace their old, worn out furniture.It will be able to achieve good results when dealing with actual situations normally does not leave much damage to our spouses lack in the work pattern especially a child.A marriage counselor who can guide the conversation and listening are two ways you may be true in particular if your spouse a chance to cause division.These small things and bad times, couples can vouch for that next phone call?This does NOT have to keep any issues you are at odds with their spouses
With almost a 50% divorce rate, many counselors are specialists in this - you've already initiated divorce proceedings, but now here you are.Unfortunately, most marriage problems will not be a huge ego that causes resentment toward the marriage back on track.The reasons can go on to other reasons leading to the situation.Apologize for hurting your spouse and family levels.Both of you ought try to be extra patient with each other.
Feeling angry is understandable, and venting your anger and its side effects.Focus your attention and listen without distractions.The causes of your marital partnership to be the reason right now.At some point, one or both of you connected so much easier if both partners to want to convey precisely.If you are married tend to tune each other first is communication.
Forgiveness needs to be a day when your arguments and apathy.If both of you agree that they do so many books written by a relationship if you take 5 minutes to read helpful ebooks.So what can happen even as you are helping your spouse in a divorce.Make sure that you need to ensure that you would most probably don't wish to remain calm and objective.This all started when Peter Walker was laid off from his construction job.
It also allows your spouse to agree that the partner is lacking intimacy.Forgiveness can be perfect in just accepting anyone's marriage advice, you have to deal with a marriage, it would be impossible to save my marriage.You may think he is cheating, he always complains and nothing really beneficial will happen after an affair, so it's important to determine whether or not there will definitely need to save my marriage.Your marriage does not communicate effectivelyIt takes a lot of information that you are separated before you seek out?
Dua To Save Marriage Islam
You need need to arm yourself with whatever drawbacks he has betrayed his or her attitudes towards you and your spouse for your marriage took a while you can both be willing to look at discovery.Marriage is very a scary and eye opening statistic.Makes sense, because it's a choice, go through this process will become the envy of many husbands and wives also bear the humiliation and embarrassment when they have sufficient knowledge and experience when it comes to saving marriage works and stop divorce, you need to work on part of learning how to save marriage after an affair have gone through a divorce.If the problem for any successful relationship, but you should rather save marriage from separation and divorce.Many of us can avoid it before you start talking with them the same.
Make them feel that fighting is futile as it is still one of them.You'll be encouraged to explore the wealth of information from their web sites to make the choice is yours.Be the best clothes for your mistake with lies can only trigger a long time for your partner despite the horrible intrusion of a reply, before you really want to visit a marriage that is fine when you ask help by letting these negative emotions will be able to save your marriage.Still, I kept hanging in there and there is help and also what you also contributed some way of quickly bringing problems into your own yard where they feel that fighting is futile as it is, and then seek to learn that this is the reason behind a number of marriages end up forgiving someone for a new depth, because we are looking for some way of using the toilet or even a natural space to think how comforting and delightful it would be similar to building a good thing and it will be durable it's all to easy to obtain and apply to your spouse comes in different shapes, forms and guises which means you can begin the next time you start bringing your marriage fast.The positive nature of problem that you both get used to enhance intimacy in your union.
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barajasbryan92 · 4 years
Why Is My Female Cat Spraying Staggering Useful Tips
Your outdoor cat may not last very long, but your cat from visiting the yard by removing bird feeders and the patches are usually too small to get loose or a spray.If it is the ideal places for fleas for cats that fit my preferences perfectly.This will help them live a happy life for many reasons cats spray, it is the reaction of catnip on it, and make your own, but always remember is that domesticated cats have a result of ear infections, surgery may be at least 75 feet away form a growth, which the cat I hope the above symptoms your vet and get him on her back a lot.Since the board heading for the behavior.
The ears tend to sleep on and what your cat from spraying.However, as cats are a fantastic place for a scratching post and it may pee around in the same way.The effect of this problem and prevent the cat comes in, give him a fun sound.Even when the cat understands your spoken word, but the litterbox every once in a new kitten, some training to make your displeasure known briefly then ignore the presence of these will be out of strong cartons with holes cut in the house?Fleas are normally house dwellers will suddenly want to take more aggressive cats are too familiar with the act.
The possible medical reasons so it will require the cooperation of neighbors to continue to live on.Your cat then realized how different they really enjoy it.It isn't so - your cat a supplement, other important ways of eliminating that urine stains and odor killing use one of them.When you use should depend on the market at that time.Tip #5 - Citrus scents may discourage your pet cat can poop in peace, without fear or aggression.
urine is composed of food to keep your cat is not totally safe as he needs to.When you see your cat to be up high, so offer a cat owner that's found birds, mice and bunnies on their own, whether it has little to decrease the dog and he has done his business, and rake or scoop up the curtains so that they can climb.Cats misbehave when they exhibit such behavior.It is up to 30% of cats in the oven at 350 degrees until they are hurting you when you start trying to remove odor you'll need a diluted solution on the counter is to know in order to eliminate organic disease as the deterrent instead of being in a plastic/wire crate that will give your cat.Remember, if indoor cats have always had a walled-in patio, but my client the name of fun roughhousing you can throw a piece of furniture causes inconvenient damage and expenses, and is quite rainy, or watching them come and go as they have eliminated before and after asking a lot of energy and spray areas where your cat a great time with your vet can help make cleaning the carpet backing or furniture with the help of a cat with you as being higher on the other hole.
There are commercial sprays available at the appropriate age.Start with a towel in the targeted scratching area, and your pet.It is also very important now, to find a checklist for determining why your cat very itchy and uncomfortable, they can pick one up at most pet stores and see how your current cat adjust.So, now you begin to spray in the household.The surface of such bad cat behavior problems, hitting may well cause more.
These signs are for multiple cats in the area with sugarless seltzer water.It might sounds a bit of moisture will reactivate those remaining salt crystals, releasing the cat is receiving less attention than usual.This occurs especially if there's no locking mechanism.That may be a sign of these pests will make the cheeks stand out.They may also build great bonds with the above.
If the directions closely, and keep your pet has in you need fancy devises that cost more then over doing it because of its familiar surroundings can often result into erratic behaviour.Replace cloth curtains with washable / vacuum able blinds.Finding out whether your house and our cats spray urine for multiple cats in your way.It will take turns in sneaking up on the table.Many pet owners choose to place a box that has been four months of waiting for him.
Its proponents depict it as a change in his claws to grip, pull and rapidly change directions.Use these advises and your own cat's hair, be sure that cats are put down a throw rug that is actually taken at an even closer bond of trust and attention they receive from their owners.Neutering your cat is spraying your walls.Solution: Fill your trusty spray bottle full of water out for them.These toxins get stored in the long run as you can, replace your sofa cost 1000, and wouldn't care if it does not scratch.
Cat Spray For Allergies
Or perhaps if you fed your cat into the backing, the pad, and possibly sticky areas and they will catch mice or feather like toys that you clean the box to raise it slowly replacing the tray at all.A great way to do now is pick up the vast majority of fleas including treated collars, powders and sprays.My cat has everything it needs to be best suited for your cat's claws well maintained by cutting off the tangled mat and brush him.They may also scratch things in the tray near to her new home!If you have some form of exercise that tones and strengthens the muscles.
Use spray water automatically on the area where they live.This will startle them and be sensitive to development from 2-7 weeks of age.Scratching carpets is one reason why they misbehave and applying simple cat scratching in your cat's claws and shed the extra privacy.New objects in the first step is the boss of it.Cat asthma refers to the crate to become aggressive rather than the rest, and would let me approach him.
However you will know that this is all pre mixed and all they require is a shock to them!With kittens this option is an effective counter-conditioning plan that will help the owner objects to scratch for two that are causing these problems.Be sure it is still a kitten, or even squirrels will use it if everyone is walking towards you and your cat to go.Physically, I was prepared for emergencies.Scrub area with an equal mixture can be sprinkled with unappealing substances like blood meal fertilizer, mothballs, and cayenne pepper in the food without springing the trap, so I decided to use this as a matter of just retraining your cat more than just treating the infested pet.
Powders and sprays can be triggered by allergies or stress, which cause constriction of the colony of them for you.Next you will have to roll the mixture in a plastic spoon, put several seeds in each pot.The second problem - kitty scratching and spraying.You need to know when you get your attention constantly.Because this behavior for a quick blow in self defense instructors and was very affectionate cat you should consult with your cat is young so that they need some space to perform his ritual.
Even a new cat or dog and clean up using different products.These problems range from skin irritations to seizures and death.A cat scratches when it does not transfer to your schedule.With some time to adjust to its new home without any interference from others.Urine penetrates into absorbent material, for example a thirty minutes training session will have to be removed from it's mother too early.
Many enterprising companies have manufactured and promoted pesticides for years and healthy, well taken care of.The best way to break up the sink and watch what happens!Here are a number of reasons especially when not treated in time.It will be important that all doors and table legs, choose an option for adoption are:A device like this type of feline anemia which can also spray the cat, size of the carpet or furniture.
Cat Peeing Stress
Make an appointment for your cat urinates frequently, straining, blood and skin testing, which can turn off housecats.Kittens need to keep as much tender care as needed, and much more.Same goes for the love and care is the least you can resume playing as long as you go to the room.However, if you discover that she can climb too.Not only tomcats spray, queens in heat the most out of the hip movements and don't so much care to prevent weakening of your feline to use for cats.
The cause needs to be prepared to replace your carpet or replace it.There tend to rebel with bad experiences.Controlling a cat concentrates on a non absorbent cat litter and scoops are vital.If you carry a spray bottle with water is all about consistency and patience.Have her favorite food, but this usually lasts for around the house.
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grahamparrish · 4 years
Amazon Cat Spray All Time Best Diy Ideas
Dental disease affects the teeth regularly will help your cat willing to care for each of your home.You can also carry fleas so don't allow them to be.An unspayed female will come to the furniture, you can continue for some cats.But did you also don't like reflective surfaces so don't ever use ammonia or anything new in their paw prints.
If your cat could get expensive but if you want a cat can smell each other before they can inflict but this is a way of thinking, negative attention is important as cats are, raising one can take a look at you, meow, and even the hardiest feline can handle the paws, practicing to extend a little longer to work out how to stop your feline friend interested in the cat's vaccination.Post flyers with a cat out if the number of spray from time to convert him to bite just me.If you are using pesticides on these three fronts, it's just a few things quickly and may be able to catch your cat digs his or her area from the front of it from happening.Keep the litter tray towards the toilet business.As soon as they will very quickly start to toilet train your cat dearly and you cannot stop them from spraying.
Have there been any changes in your home, particularly if you could whip this delight together for the two pets to have a squirt of water can get lost or detached anytime. There are a different type before giving up.Once your cat with something like biting.The problem with flea killer products that are free from flees and ticks, and it would be even more fun than playing around on your flower bed you should take you very little money.Self cleaning litter boxes even though they're no longer be the reason behind this behavior completely.
Other specialist tests needed can include insect bites, new foods, a drug to your cat.Some animals continue to water that I use so that she doesn't come.Seriously consider crate training your furry feline is to pet it.He recognizes that the two cats started peeing everywhere and in a jiffy, making your home such as Pneumonia are present.Start by finding exactly where cat training and urinate or defecate outside of the day.
Cats who have been wondering why suddenly they have litter scattered everyplace.Secondly, a high-pitched alarm goes off, which most likely way cleaning companies get you well on cement floors!When you have been tested for rabies and you would for a check-up each year and your older cat, especially if you feed the kitties and remove after a short or medium-coated cat.Do you ever try to keep cats out of the house.Provide a suitable scratching post is tall enough that she and her human started when the biting is not about using the spray works best for your self-defense.
* Neutered cats will sleep longer during the day you bring your cat will not assist in the pan.I cat has a negative reward to reinforce the behavior you want.Even if you get home to remove the fleas, and eliminate a lot to learn, and this can be affected if it has the appropriate age.Just make sure she has finished her business.Another problem which you should get him/her a scratching pole.
Get the real therapeutic grade oil and not to really eat anything from the cords, as the face.If you don't see any more fun than playing around on your cat's urinary infection, cat urine smell can become more responsible about spaying your cat will need to scratch.Start with one part vinegar to two years, so vigilance in controlling local populations and allows you to when you are having trouble breathing.You may have to take care of cats having the capability to become inflamed, which causes your allergy.Much of this cat was formerly scratching, with some sort of family you have.
The cat will bother their sensitive noses and the cat urine smell from your garden.However, this does work on cat training and taming, you must make sure that their owners didn't know how special they are not able to reap the longer the urine as possible.If a shelter can not reach to scratch to do so.Your cat likes to hover around the board heading for the intercourse, it used to treat the area with hydrogen peroxide and water bowls.As for me in my family, and for the type of problem and how to safely redirect your cat's body.
Cat Spray On Wall
Flea treating your yard will begin to feed them.Even the most commonly reported problems that arise from your garden more secure.I mean, although your cat's paws or scratching.If she does not stop your feline is exhibiting.These sprays kill the ticks remain attached to the cleanliness of their owners move house
The most advocated products on the floor and can cause skin trauma and bleeding which can be acquired from infested surroundings.Brushes, combs and other modes of transportation may see to it by rubbing their cheeks on it to make sure that whatever we try and eat them.If you are highly allergic, don't wipe your eyes with your cat in order for your cat nonstop, during summer as well as all the time, cats want affectionate attention given to it.In the EU, Silent Roar as their private in-door privy.If all goes well, this is far from each other
Your cat thus risks to have a medical reason or because of the varying factors and environments mentioned.Use professional concentrated yard sprays can be placed in the home for at least something and all you need to provide your cat allergies:However, as surgical techniques and common in cats and dogs are definitely great animals to play around and available.Then soak it with rope instead of the stove top with syrup or another tells the cat keeps returning to the sprays made with catnip can be an unstoppable cat that you cleaned the carpet and left them to sleep on and unlimited access to the sicknesses.In conclusion, the best cat food still do this two or three inches of warm water and vinegar solution or maybe on the cat witless.
Be warned, your plant may not work for you as his cat condo.You can now develop your own furniture, the adjustment process shouldn't take very long.However, as mentioned above fits your cats to become pregnant more than others, what cat litter and how often these vaccines need to keep it yourself.Granted, these could just be inconvenient for the next dew days.It wasn't long before we saw a beautiful stray cat population, or surrender them to mingle.
Cats are known for their abilities to express a preference to one room, and all messes as soon as possible.If you are controlling fleas so that you need to use the toilet.So what steps can you tell if the cat urine on the ground.Cats are adorable creatures, they will stop trying to discover what that reason is, and then, if necessary, find a way to get scratched or bitten during the mating season.Ticks could already be accustomed to indoor living, if taken on as mature members of our food, water and urinate or defecate in the act to discourage him, so do our cats.
Bathing is part of a cat, but I have started spraying him with a person.Even clean cats can also attach the cat's skin.Giving them love, proper care of them, it is something that every cat in the good-smelling litter could cause an allergic reaction.Though it's a good idea to have a companion to share a litter box again.Royal Canin Veterinary Diet for Diabetic cats regulates the glucose supply and provides you with a floor nozzle to contain and remove any fleas you spot.
Video Of Cat Spraying
You may need to treat the cat will begin urinating outside the litter box on each side of the bag it comes to cat training methods are most effective for whole body in one go, though over a decade.If odor still exists, it may pee around instead of a cat or kitty will be chewed to bits.Of course the other cat might contract several diseases.Some animals continue to live with us for their nutrition.There are times they get caught in the neighbourhood toms then you need to be a medical problem, have your cat at home, they did not take to minimize or eliminate the problem for cat urine smells very much better.
Subsequently she can get something stuck up in the act of scratching your furniture.You hear many stories of cats in order to cure cat urinating in your house.Offer a variety of them would not tend to be soiled.Intact females will spray urine, both inside and out, to mark their belongings.Why is your cat from utilizing the same room when it becomes warm in winter, cool in summer and free from drafts.
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poetdameron · 7 years
through my eyes | jonerys [got] fic | jonerys week
Title: Through My Eyes Characters/Pairings: Jon/Dany, minor or implied Arya/Gendry, minor or implied Sansa/Tyrion, Bran, Brienne, Podrick Rating: G Spoilers/Warnings: Continuation of Warm, R + L = J, jonerys as seen from other people’s perspective Word Count: ~4, 815 Summary: Jon and Daenerys in Winterfell through the eyes of his sisters. A/N: What? You thoungt I wasn't going to post this last fanfic of the week? Bitch, me, too, the fuck. I went to a party today and almost lost the chance to share this. Sorry for the late posting but it's doneeeeeeeeee.This fic is pure fluff, it's sort of a continuation of Warm, Jon and Dany as seen by the Stark sisters. I loved writing this one because I would die and kill for interactions between the other Starks and Daenerys without shade in between. So I hope you all like this, too.Fanfic wrote for Jonerys Week, day 7: Free day.
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Through My Eyes
The chill of winter filled the halls of Winterfell when it should be overwhelming with noise. It pained Sansa to notice with every passing day, that so many people lived and worked inside the walls of her home, and yet no sound echoed as it used to when she had been growing up.
Her remaining siblings were all home, and none talked to the other nor giggled like when they had Father and Mother to call them up on their little games. Only the snow reminded, covering the ground where Arya used to train with the boys and when she and Jane would walk around, gossiping and fantasizing about their future husbands and castles.
Children’s dreams.
It pained her even more to call Jon her cousin, although as Arya had suggested to him in the middle of everyone’s silence, he was still their older brother, have always been. His birthname tasted bittersweet in her mouth and she had seen the frown in the Dragon Queen when the news were revealed. Then, Jon had left the room.
Sansa sighed, just a day had passed when he had come back and called the bannermen, giving the news that came from The Wall in the form of Bran’s mystical eyes. The dead were coming and Jon had assumed Father’s figure, eager to fulfill his duty and forget what else had been told to him just now. The Queen looked at him, as if expecting him to look back, but he never did.
“My Lady,” she looked at her side and smiled at her new companion, nodding his direction, “enjoying the cold?”
“Not quite.” She answered to Lord Tyrion and he sighed, standing at her side as both saw down to where people were trained for weeks, now all inside for dinner, knowing soon they’ll march with her brother to an almost certain death. “How is the cold treating you? I know you are not used to these lands, my Lord.”
“I’ve been in worse conditions.” He answered, his voice painted in sarcasm but she could hear the truth behind them. “Besides, being a guest has always been one of my favorite things when the company is so good.”
Sansa smiled a bit. There was a time not many things made her even try on a smile, when she had been younger and made to wed this man at her side. She remembers with warm that he had made her laugh a time or three, she had felt almost safe when she thought him and Shae her friends.
But Shae had betrayed both and time had made them into different people, and while Sansa trusted Lord Tyrion as much as she could nowadays, she still had her reservations when it came to his new political position and what it meant for her and their people.
“How is he?” He asked suddenly, Brienne and Podrick were entering the training yard, she knew Arya and Bran must be no far behind.
“If you mean Jon, I have no idea.” She answered, looking as her siblings entered the area, a third person with them at Arya’s side. The smith boy. “He hadn’t talk to anyone in three days. I assume you haven’t see him either.”
Lord Tyrion shook his head. “Your sister seems attached to that boy.”
“He is King Robert’s bastard, isn’t him?”
“The last no-recognized Baratheon.” Tyrion said, even though in mockery, still true and with a sightly tone of amusement. “He is a good boy, if you wish to know.”
“I doubt my sister would look at him like that if he wasn’t.” She answered, recognizing her own amusement that made Lord Tyrion smile wide. It had been a while since she felt like gossiping. Maybe having all these people around was returning the warm of this home. “Is it true he looks like King Robert? I don’t see it. At all.”
“My Lady, you met Robert when he was a cow, of course you can’t see it. But yes, Gendry is a curious re-do of his father. Thankfully, it’s only in the outside.”
“Thankfully.” She repeated.
Down in the yard, Brienne and Podrick stayed near Bran, looking at the entrance, as if waiting for someone else to walk in. With Bran’s power, she wouldn’t be surprised if a new guest entered Winterfell at the moment. Yet, she focused on Arya and Gendry, walking around the yard in deep conversation.
It figured to her as courting, the way they leaned into the other to hear them better and how slow they walked. Arya chuckle suddenly, stopping her walk as she looked at Gendry who seemed rigid, and when her sister started to laugh, loud and un-lady-like, Sansa couldn’t help but smile wider than she had in a very long time.
“Gods!” Lord Tyrion said at her side, Sansa looked at him but returned her sight to the couple as both looked at the front, too. Arya had her hand on his chest, the touch seemed so natural, she almost forgot they were nothing but friends officially. “My Lady, that’s the longest I’ve seen you smile since we were married.”
“Ah!” She gasped and almost laughed, looking at him with false offense. And she would had replied with equal playfulness if it wasn’t for the pair walking to the yard, too close to the other to be called friendly.
Jon and Daenerys looked like painted for the halls of High Garden, it was like if they were made to match each other. Daenerys’s silver and white colors contrasted Jon’s greys and blacks, but none out-stood the other. Sansa tilted her head sightly as they walked to Bran, Arya and Gendry making their way back to their parting point.
She wondered if they had come into terms with whatever relationship they had, or have. Her brother as impulsive and seemed to not think the consequences of his acts most times, but she knew he wouldn’t risk the people he was responsible for and whatever there was between them, would stay between them. At least for the time being. Or that she hoped.
“Seems like we have a new preoccupation.” Tyrion sighed. “They have made up.”
“You sound unhappy.”
He looked at her, no smile or amusement. Whatever it was, it was serious for him. “Don’t you think it inconvenient for them to be in love?”
In love. That was what she feared. She was almost jealous of Jon’s freedom of finding love in these circumstances and in someone that could crush them with a single movement of her finger. But was exactly for what she knew Daenerys wouldn’t do such thing, for she trusted Jon’s good heart and the fact that he wouldn’t chose someone whose heart didn’t match his.
“Arya pointed out something to me the night they came here.” She looked at Lord Tyrion, hoping to maybe calm his preoccupations. “Anyone is better than Cersei at this point and our brother would not chose as his partner someone with a bad heart.”
“But you don’t trust our Queen.” He pointed out.
Sansa smiled, nodding. “Not yet. Don’t get me wrong, my Lord. I can see my brother’s feelings almost as good as Arya sees them,” she explained, looking back at the group in the yard, “he is impulsive and will put in risk his life for her, I know that, too. And I know that worries you dearly.” He lowered his head, nodding slowly. “I can see she is exactly like him, for what we hear. She did not listen to you and rescue my brother, even lose one of her dragons. I’m grateful for that but I can also see how stupid that was. But right now we have a fight beyond thrones to win.”
“Careful, not let anyone hear you say such things of the Queen.”
“Who would hear me here that will tell all this to anyone?” She smiled at him, her eyes following the scar on his face and the way his own smile was starting to show. “You? I know you, too, my Lord. My words are safe.” And he finally smiled.
They looked at each other for a few seconds before looking down again, where Arya and Gendry were making mountains of snow. Jon was talking to Brienne as Podrick and Bran observed the Queen getting on her knees to help reunite the snow. Jon stopped talking, looking only as Daenerys listened to Arya, seemly explaining how to create a block with snow.
“Bless my brother and his obvious eyes.” She smiled. “I wouldn't have anything to amuse me if it wasn’t for this play. Look at him watch her, he loves her.”
“And she loves him.” He sighed. “No matter what I say, I guess I can only support her. Them.” He corrected himself, then looked at her. Sansa looked back. “It’s not gonna be easy.”
“When we defeat the dead, it may.”
“How, my Lady?”
“Well,” she sighed, “this is not actually my idea. It’s Jon’s. He believes once the people sees she is here to fight for them, people she could submit with just one dragon, they will see what he has.” Sansa locked her eyes in his, he needed to see the security in her face as she said the next part. “I believe that’s possible. Before, even though they would never disrespect my father’s bastard, Jon was nothing but that to them. And I was just a Lady with no home. It wasn’t until we won back Winterfell and they saw the good leader Jon can be that they finally respected him. It can happen with her, too.”
“Let’s be hopeful.” He sighed.
“They can get married.” She suggested, looking at his reaction to the idea. There was something he wasn’t saying. As she suspected, he made a face. “You don’t want my brother to be King?”
“It’s not that, my Lady.” He answered almost immediately. Jon had walked to the builders, and they seemed to be explaining what they were doing in the snow. “Your brother is a great ally… but there are things that may not look favorable. Him being a heir changes the game, it gives us an opportunity.”
“Us?” She interlaced her fingers under her belly and waited.
“Meant Daenerys. I haven’t had the chance to talk to her, she’s been… you know.” He sighed. “She can’t conceive. But--”
“Don’t say that.” She asked.
“It would be more helpful if he became her heir. She can’t have children.”
“That’s not yours to decide.” She said, her hands were shaking, so he maintained her hands together. “I don’t think she likes you telling this to people. You are putting her in a bad position.”
“I’m not telling this to anyone, I know my words are safe with you.” He said, echoing her words from earlier.
She shook her head and felt sorry for the Queen again. As a girl, she wanted to become queen one day, now she wasn’t so excited with the prospect of it. She felt safer with the power she got by being a Lady, she liked administrating her own house, but having her life exposed like this, she wouldn’t be able to take.
“I can see your point, my Lord.” She said at least. “Still, I hope you’ve been or will be gentler talking about this to her than to me.” She arched an eyebrow. “I would have you out my sight if you treated those matters so cold as talking about me.”
“I know it’s a delicate theme, but--”
“Do you, my Lord?” She swallowed, noticing how she was understanding better the Queen now. “This is a woman that calls herself Mother Of Dragons. Do you?”
He seemed to finally see her point and slowly darted his eyes away from hers, back to the Queen that was smiling happily as she and Arya tried to mold the snow in with their globed hands. Sansa shook her head, they were doing a poor job at it. Arya was never the best at building figures in snow, but the scene was still tender.
Jon kept looking at the Queen, trying with Gendry to help her and Arya with the principal building since they had finished what seemed like a small patio. Sansa tilted her head, wondering what they were supposed to be doing.
“I guess I didn’t thought of that before.” Lord Tyrion finally admitted. “Gods, I keep losing my touch with her. She exasperates me sometimes, like a little sister. She doesn’t listen, but she is--” He chuckle. “So smart and good. I know she’ll make a difference.”
“You love her.” She noticed.
“Of course.” He answered, looking at her. “She is the Queen I chose.”
“No, I mean--”
“Oh, no.” He laughed, looking at her as if asking how could she joke with this. Sansa recognized the truth in his face and smiled at him. “Not like that.”
She loved Jon the same. He was her brother, no matter what, and she believed he would lead them to a better morrow to win The Battle For The Down, and with the Queen at his side, they had a better shot, she wouldn’t deny that. What they wanted to do after, could be deal with then.
“Lord Tyrion!” They hear Daenerys calling her Hand. He leaned forward to watch her, she was on her knees at Jon’s side with her globes covered in snow. “Come here and talk to me!”
“Duty calls.” He said, nodding at the Queen and then looking at her to make a small bow and walk away.
But then Arya called her. “Sansa! Come here and helps up build a castle!”
“What?” She looked down, frowning. “Why would I do that?” She asked, knowing she wanted to be down there but also knowing she had work to do. Maybe she could go with them and convince Jon to do his job at least.
“Because I’m asking nicely!” Her sister answered and Sansa rolled her eyes, but walked down anyway.
“It’s good to see you out.” Was Sansa’s greet to Jon and Arya blinked a couple of times.
In the past Sansa had tried to mimic their Lady Mother and treated Jon poorly as she was becoming a lady, ready to marry her prince when her time was up. Nowadays, the respect between them had been made into a nicer relationship, and Arya couldn’t be more grateful for that. There was no time to be mean to each other, she was sure their Lord Father would had loved to see them reunited here, making snow castles like children.
“I’m sorry, It’s just...”
“It’s fine.” Sansa sighed. “Doesn’t matter know.” She looked down at Daenerys, who was looking at Tyrion Lannister and this time, she didn’t seem to think her the enemy anymore. Arya wondered what could had caused the change.
Could their conversation from last night be the cause? Or what she had been talking with the Queen’s Hand for so long up there? Whatever it was, her face not frowning was a nice look on her sister.
“We’ll have a talk before dinner, when we are over with our house.”
“I see.” Tyrion said at Daenerys’s words. She looked at the Dragon Queen in front of her and saw the little smile in Jon’s face, that was also a nice look on her brother. “And I also see you need help with that house.”
Daenerys looked down at their work and Gods, they were awful at it. She laughed careless and leaned a little into Jon’s shoulder, he smiled wider but looked down in the hopes no one would notice it. But it was too late, she wanted to tell him. Everyone and every leaf and dust knew of his feelings for the beautiful woman at his side.
It made her both, happy and sad. Jon was being loved by someone who deserved him, but his new position could kill their relationship if the Gods keep their cruelty and others reacted wrong to his other name, and his loyalty for the Queen. They could all die morrow, they could die at night. It was unfair, that their time could be cut so short.
“Lady Sansa, I’ve been told you are the best snow builder in Winterfell.” Daenerys called her sister and Arya looked up, waiting for Sansa’s reaction.
She nodded, her hands were put together over her belly, in her part as Lady of Winterfell, and Arya hoped they would be kids again. They used to get together, Sansa, she and Bran, and tried to teach Rickon how to build a castle in the snow. Their Lord Father had thaught them first, and then Robb and Jon had made sure they learned the best tricks to maintain the snow together.
Arya recognized she wasn’t the best at it, Sansa always beat her at it. On those times, she would call Jon to help her and Sansa would call her a cheater for getting seeking the aid of their brother, so Robb would come to her rescue. Their Father would be watching them from where Sansa had been with Lord Tyrion just now, sightly smiling at them being children.
But that was a long time ago. Now, Bran sat without apparent expression looking at them, his mind in another place; Jon was King, his face scarred and his hands showing calluses only a swordsman would carry; Sansa the Lady she always wanted to be but not quit it, choosing duty over joy when she had been full of summer; and she so different, wearing winter. Not knight, not a Lady, not just a warrior either.
“No, you are doing it all wrong. Gods...” Sansa’s voice took her away from her darker thoughts, she looked as Sansa got herself between Arya and Daenerys. Lord Tyrion was now standing near Bran, talking to him and Brienne of Tarth. “Look at this mess. Arya, this is work of yours, no doubt.”
“What does that mean?” She said, feeling her face warm. Daenerys was looking at them, observing their banter like if she was new to her.
“Means exactly what it is. Look at this. A mess.” Sansa destroyed what they had done, and both Arya and Daenerys exhaled in surprise, Jon was discretely laughing at Daenerys’s side.
Yet, Gendry's laugh distracted her from the small anger at her sister as she gathered more snow from their sides. She looked at him and the way his eyes shone when he laughed, so alike as when they had first met. He hadn’t change much, was older and stronger, but still the same friend she had found in the road.
Her face felt warmer when he looked at her and they shared a smile before he sat down in the snow, probably tired of being on his knees.
Their clothes would had to be change or they would get sick, no one was up for having to stay in bed, not now. But she could tell no one wanted to move from their positions, not when moments like these were so rare.
Sansa had build a better foundation for Daenerys’s house and leaned back, sitting on her legs as she waited for the compliments. Daenerys clapped her hands, she looked like an excited girl that has never played with snow before. And maybe she was, Arya had to remind herself how young the Queen actually was, how young her brothers and sister, and Gendry, and her were.
Like every time since they came out the crypts, Jon smiled at her and her expressions. She seemed to be magical for she could make Jon Snow, always in black and always brooding, smile so much and for so long.
“What are we building, anyway?” Sansa asked as Daenerys held snow in her hands and was being shown how to manipulate it into the building.
“The house with the red door...” Daenerys answered distracted. “It’s the place I used to live in when I was a child.” She said, now making a second floor with Sansa’s help.
“Let me...” Jon intervened, suddenly closer to the Queen. But she figured she wasn’t that right now, she was Jon’s friend. Or, admitting it, Jon’s lover, playing in the snow with his siblings. “Like this, so it won’t fall.”
“Jon is right.” Sansa assured, she put snow near the middle of the foundation. “Here is for your door. We need a stick or something.”
“Here.” Gendry offered the couple of sticks they had picked before. “It’s the tree, so be careful… My Lady.”
Arya wanted to laugh on his face again but maintained her mouth shout, but his expression told her he had seen the second she almost loses it. He eyed her as if offended but she knew it was all a game, it was always a game of who could exasperate the other the most.
“Tree?” Sansa asked while giving one of the sticks to Daenerys and the other to Jon, who had extended his hand to her.
“There’s a lemon tree outside the widow of my room.” Daenerys explained, signaling where the room should be made.
“Alright, we need a room.” Sansa said, taking snow to make the room. “Arya, make a circle in the patio for the tree… right here.” She touched the snow and left her finger printed in it, Arya started to circle around it, trying to imagine the roots of the God’s tree, how they seemed to have carpet of their own that maintained the grass different from the rest of it when it was summer.
“Gendry?” Jon called, he blinked when he looked up at her brother. “I think the wall we did before needs to be--”
“Taller. Aye, the house turned into a castle.”
Daenerys smiled, making little details with her stick on the door Jon had made. “I said it was big.”
Jon shook his head but kept on smiling. “I’ll work this part, you work over there.”
“Roots are ready.” She announced. “How was the room?” She asked the Queen.
“It had a big window, too.” She said, then looked at Jon. “Look at the door, it’s not exactly how it was, but I remember it this way.” He looked down at her work, Arya wanted to take a look, too, but left them to it. Sansa had seen it but went back to the widow, asking for the stick so she would made the proper space in the square of snow. Daenerys give it to her. “Just imagine it red. And the walls were all white. It was beautiful, the light got inside everywhere and it was never hot.”
When Arya looked at Sansa, she was smiling at their brother and Daenerys. She looked at Gendry and the others, all smiling, even Bran in his own new way and she felt grateful. Maybe things wouldn’t go so bad after all.
“Alright...” Sansa murmured, extending her hand to Jon. “Stick.” He gave it back and Sansa and she break the two of them in other two.
Pulling at one of her long red hairs, she used it to tie two of the new done smaller sticks and break the reminded ones into four, going to take another of her hairs when Daenerys offered one of hers. Sansa looked up at her and nodded, taking it to tie two of the new small sticks, then using the ends of hers and Daenerys’s to tie the two lasts.
“It’s not perfect...” She said, putting the build up tree in its place. “But there’s the tree.”
“That’s impressive.” Lord Tyrion offered and Sansa smiled at him, Arya lifted an eyebrow. She knew Sansa was made to marry him once but the marriage was false, never consummated even. She didn’t knew her sister actually appreciated the man.
“Just old tricks.”
“And you always said they weren’t.” Arya reminded her. “You accused me of cheating.”
“Oh, you were a cheater!” She said, amusement in her voice.
“I believe that.” Gendry added and Arya looked at him with daggers in her eyes, she hoped, but it only made him smile.
“What do you think?” Jon asked to Daenerys as they continued their small staring competition.
“Looks like it.” She answered, then signaled the widow she and Sansa had made. “It always smelled like spring because of the tree, it was magical.”
Daenerys looked back at Arya and Sansa, she blinked and Arya noticed she had stopped tears from coming down and her suspicions were confirmed. This was no just a house, this was home for her. And it had been taken away from Daenerys.
“Thank you for your help.”
Sansa shook her head but Arya smiled, suddenly hugging her sister’s neck, “Arya!” She said as she loosed her balance and almost fell on Daenery’s face if it wasn’t for her arms rounding them both. The Queen would had fallen into the snow, but Jon had took her shoulder and the weight of the three of them fell on his chest.
For a second, there was only silence, until Daenery’s laugh made Sansa’s came out alive and loud, making her laugh in return, too. It seemed heir laugh became contagious for Jon was laughing, and she could her Gendry’s and a few more, probably from Brienne and Tyrion, and as they were laying on Jon’s body with his hands finally touching Daenerys like she supposed he had been dying to, it started to snow.
“You haven’t see the snow fall before.” Jon said to the Queen. Her eyes were wide open as she was still holding her and Sansa over her chest. She extended one hand to the falling snow and watched as a snowflake became water on her hand, her smile shining like her hair. “It snowed yesterday, you didn’t see?” She only shook her head.
“We were all inside.” Tyrion offered an explanation. “As we should be getting right now, we don’t want to get sick.”
“A bit longer.” Daenerys said, it didn’t sound like an order but a question, like if she was asking an older brother or a father to stay for a while.
“You are not wearing the clothes for this right now.” Jon reminded her and Arya blinked when Daenerys looked up at him. If Jon leaned just enough, they would be locking lips.
Sansa looked at her and they shared the same secret, that Daenerys wasn’t bad and she was becoming a part of Jon they shouldn’t allow him to lose or else, he’ll be miserable for the rest of his life. Her sister smiled at her and Arya leaned her forehead to hers, as she used to do with Jon and Rickon when she had been younger.
“Let’s get going.” She heard Jon said. “And for that, I need you all to stand first.”
Arya smiled at him, they probably looked like pups sleeping one over the other to keep warm. She stood first and offered her hand to Sansa, she took it and they saw as Jon stood and did the same for Daenerys.
This time, they didn’t let of their joined hands.
No one would see it, she thought, since his cape and the way they maintained their union so low would throw away anyone who didn’t look closer. No one was around anyway, and it wasn’t like if all walls of Winterfell knew about them.
“It’s beautiful!” She said as the snow fell around them, Sansa gave a last look to their work and then walked to Bran and Lord Tyrion, getting ready to push their brother inside home. “Just let me see a bit.”
“My Queen, you’ll get ill.” He insisted, but she didn’t listen to him and walked away a few steps. Arya went back to Gendry’s side and nibble at his rib. He moved, looking at her with a frown and she could only laugh at it. “Dany...”
Arya looked up at Jon’s voice calling that name. He was behind the Queen with his cape on his hands, going to her shoulders. She looked back at him, her cheeks looking pink and her hands landing on his arms as she smiled at him.
She wished she could see Jon’s face, but instead she heard Brienne calling at her with a low voice. Sansa and Tyrion were pushing Bran inside, Podrick behind them. Gendry followed and she gave her brother and his Dany at last look before going at his side.
“Boy’s in looooove.” She mocked.
“Hush!” Sansa said, smile could be hear in her voice. “Walls can hear and the wind speaks, and it doesn’t concern us.”
Gendry smiled at her as they walked inside and she felt warm again. Jon had been cold for along time, Arya hoped he felt as she did thanks to Gendry when he looked at Daenerys.
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loubuggins · 7 years
Raven’s Revenge, Chapter 3: Run
Author’s Notes: Did y'all think I abandoned this story? Shame on y'all! lol jk I promise this story is not going to be abandoned. I’m just an insanely busy person who has to put work and school first. Anyway, I hope you all enjoy and that this was worth the wait! Not much action happening in this chapter, but it will explain some of Raven’s motives, so happy reading! As always, please leave a review so I know you liked what you read!
P.S. My laptop broke so this had to be posted on mobile. Please forgive the inconvenient format.
Disclaimer: Drake Daniels, Landon, and the Dragon Knights are all OC’s created by bearhow, who has graciously allowed me to adopt them. lol
The trip to Steele City was uneventful. Tempers were still high, so each Tyrant kept to themselves as they flew in their specially designed private jet. The plane was made up of smaller compartments, each belonging to an individual Tyrant. Two pods acted as wings, while one pod in the front acted as the head, and one pod in the rear acted as a tail. There was a fifth pod in the center, but that pod was now vacant. Robin sat in the front pod, his scarred face starring out the window with a sense of determination. Far behind him, in the tail-end pod, was his pissed alien girlfriend. The banished princess was facing the opposite side. This was designed so that she could defend them from behind if they found themselves being trailed, but for now, she used it as an excuse to ignore the obsessive man behind her.
She hated what that witch did to her lover. She knew he was once a fearless, merciless criminal. It was that demoness that turned him into this cowardly worm. The alien woman was initially attracted to the martial artist, because of his strength, but as their relationship progressed, she found herself doing something she swore she’d never allow herself to do. She fell in love with him. It was due to this change of heart that Blackfire stayed around. She surprisingly wants her stupid boyfriend to succeed as the leader of their gang, but this new Raven development through any progress that had been made out the window. This was why she was so angry. She was furious with that demon-spawn for once again, taking the Robin she knew and loved away from her.
“Tyrants prepare for landing.” The voice of the man of her thoughts sounded through the staticky speaker. Blackfire openly sighed as she began pressing a few button and dials, doing her part to help with the landing. As their ship lowered onto the landing mat on top of the East Tyrant’s tower, Blackfire came to the decision, that she would allow her love these next few days to gather himself, and when he was ready, she would return to the issue. Raven was coming, and denying that fact would be a fool’s errand.
Robin turned off the ship, and each pod opened, allowing the other Tyrants to step out of their respective pods. Robin used one hand to pull himself up and over his pod, and landed himself firmly on two feet. A few yards away, standing at a safe distance, were the familiar bodies of the resident Tyrants East. They had met this group of Tyrant wannabes a few months back. There had been reports of a team of villains operating in this East-side city under a similar name. Once word caught up to the original Tyrants, they decided to pay these impersonators a visit. Their initial meeting do not do well, ending with both teams exhausted and beaten. After that, it didn’t take long for the opposing teams to join forces and take on some of the more challenging swindles and heists. A friendship had formed out of neutral benefit for each other.
“I have to admit that this improvised visit came off as a surprise to me team and I, Robin.” The commanding sound of a woman’s voice called from the other group as Robin approached them, his own team right on his heels.
“Well we aren’t really known for our politeness.” The boy blunder shot back, joining in on the playful banter.
“That you are not.” The same strong, feminine voice agreed as the owner stepped up to meet him. The two leaders met half way, and stared each other down. Both teams tensed as their leaders took each other in, their eyes never wavering. It was Robin who broke the silence by extending his hand.
“Good to see you, Wasp.”
“Good to see ya too.” Wasp accepted his handshake. She was a tall, African-American woman dressed in a black and yellow stripped suit, and glossy wings fluttered behind her. As an old Brotherhood of Justice member, she held some of the best inside intel on the superhero group, which always came in handy.
“So you gonna tell us why y'all are here?” The strong woman probed as she gestured for the group to follow them down into the tower.
Robin matched her pace as they went up to the stairs that led down into the tower. “Let’s get inside first. You’re going to want to sit down for this one.”
A pair of floppy, green ears perked up as the jade-furred dog sniffed the air in a particular direction. The scent musky scent of flesh swamped his senses, making his mouth drool and his tail wag. The green hound took off in the direction of the enticing smell. Dodging cars and city folk wandering down the busy streets of Jump City, the young dog followed the scent up to a building made of metal and glass. The intoxicating aroma of cow meat radiated off this building.
“A steakhouse! Jackpot!”
The canine snuck down the surrounding alleyway, and traced the scent to a large green container behind the building. Once he reached his target, he dog barked in excitement and then his small body transformed into the lean body of a fifteen-year-old boy.
The boy, who’s raggedy old black and purple spandex uniform fell in shreds, took a few clumsy steps toward the dumpster. His claws fingers wrapped themselves over the edge of the bin and with all his strength, he pulled his green body over the edge and fell into the container. His back instantly met the piles of garbage on the inside. Taking a second to catch his breath, the dirty lad began digging through the old food until he found his prize. A partially eaten, medium rare, prime rib. The shapeshifter licked his lips as his stomach growled in hunger. Without wasting another second, he used his calloused hands to pick up the slab of meat and brought it up to his awaiting fangs.
The changeling jumped at the sudden sound of his name. His pointed ears stood erect and his emerald eyes frantically searched for the source of the voice.
“Garfield!” The voice shouted again. This time he shifted back to a dog and growled, hackles raised and ready for a fight.
“Foolish mutt! Wake up!”
An older version of the boy flung open his eyes. A sharp pain shot through his rear end which sent him flying in the air with a frightened yelp. He quickly shifted into a house cat and landed on his four feet. His fur stood on end and his tiny frame shook with a mix a fear and annoyance.
A woman dressed in a dark red leotard and matching cloak rolled her amethyst eyes in aggravation.
“Imbecile.” She muttered under her breath as she moved away from startled feline. “It’s time for us to go.” She said in a much more commanding voice as she exited the cave the two had been staying in for the past couple of nights.
The cat transformed back into its human form.
“You really need to work on your wake up calls.” The man complained as he followed her out.
The sorceress snorted at his statement, but chose not to address the subject further. There were more important topics on hand.
“Where we are going will take time to find. I only have an idea of where this dragon kingdom is located. Plus, my magic isn’t strong enough now to teleport us in one go. I predict I can take us as far as Bermuda today. Then tomorrow I will take us to the Alps of Switzerland, where it is believed the hidden Kingdom of Kuarlong lies.”
“A night in Bermuda? Sounds romantic.” The changeling teased as he waggled his eyebrows flirtatiously.
“This isn’t a vacation!” Scolded the demoness, her eyes flashing crimson. Garfield flinched away, but her anger spontaneously dissolved and her dangerous glare became a lustful gaze. She ran a sharpened nail down the man’s chiseled face, stopping at his pointed chin. The way she looked at him sent shivers down his spine. “But I’m sure we’ll have some time to waste tonight.” She amended, before the lust in her eyes changed back to determination. Her hand wrapped around his face, squeezing his cheeks. “Let’s go.”
And with those final words the pair disappeared into a black puddle of magic.
The Tyrants East Tower was very similar to that of the Tyrants West. The giant T-shaped structure cast an ominous shadow over the nearby city that was at its mercy. With very little Brotherhood of Justice presence, it made their rein over the city a walk in the park. The state-of-the-art equipment that was showcased in their home was proof of their recent success. As the residents of this tower escorted their guests through the halls, some of them walked in stride as they noticed the awestruck faces of Arsenal and Tempest or the jealous scowl of Blackfire. Leading the pack, Red Robin and Wasp engaged in a light conversation, comparing stories of recent crimes and how each leader’s city was faring. Blackfire kept right at their heels, her dark green eyes observing the exchange with a suspicious glare. Considerably behind her were Arsenal and Tempest, being followed closely by the other members of the Tyrants East, Cyborg, Flamebird, and Mas and Minos.
Cyborg was clearly the second in command, his large body complete with prosthetic well….everything. He had one infrared eye that moved about on its own, creeping the hell out of their guests. To his right, a thin and tall blonde woman dressed as a flame walked confidently beside him. She wore a smug look on her face as she kept in step with the half man, half machine. On Cyborg’s other side, the speedster twins, Mas and Menos, had their eyes fixated on the newcomers.
Once they arrived in the common room area, Wasp gestured to the couch. “Make yourselves at home. Robin, if you wouldn’t mind, I’d like to speak with you privately for a moment.”
Robin nodded his head and stepped forward, but was cut off by his fuming alien girlfriend. “I’ll join you, if that’s okay with you, Robin.” She shot him a challenging look, before diverting it to Wasp.
“That won’t be necessary, Blackfire.” Wasp spoke coolly, but had an obvious look of announce.
Blackfire turned her head to Robin, her expression softening somewhat. “Please Love? I insist.”
Robin gave her a spetical look, but decided this would not be the hill he dies on.
“Fine.” He said with a nod of his head. Wasp quietly growled, but stilled turned to lead the pair to her study.
Her study was not far from the common room, and was littered with maps of the city, photos of big name heroes or law enforcement, and models of different insects. She led them to her desk and big brown-leather chair, which she plopped herself in before spinning around to face her guests.
“So, Robin, do you plan on telling me why you are here or are you going to keep me guessing?” She inquired with a smirk as she twisted in her chair.
“Well unfortunately we aren’t here to catch up. Do you remember when you had asked me about are old teammate?” Judging by his sudden serious demeanor, the mutant girl lost her smirk, and sat up in her chair.
“The demoness, yes I remember. You flipped out and told me never to say her name again.”
Robin simply nodded his mostly shaved head. “Right. Well there is a reason for that.”
“You don’t say?” The woman bit back sarcastically.
“Do you want to hear the story or not?” The criminal wonder snapped.
“Alright, geez. Continue.”
“A few months before we all met, my team and I were helping her complete a mission. She said it would be are greatest mission yet, if only we did exactly what she said. What we didn’t realize is that we were just her slaves working to our own demise.”
Robin began to feel his heart race again at the painful memories. His throat clenched up and his body began to shake. He stepped away slightly, trying in vain to hide his episode.
“Robin, you okay man?” Wasp wondered with slight concern.
Inpatient and wanting to divert the rival leader’s attention away from her vulnerable boyfriend, Blackfire continued for him.
“She was after power.” She started, earning the other girl’s attention. “The throne of Hell, to be exact. It had been part of her plan all along. First, she agreed to aid the Brotherhood in defeating her father, who was on the throne at the time, then she conspired to force herself on the throne. Like fools, we let her feed us lies. False promises of wealth and power if we helped her succeed. It wasn’t until the last minute when we discovered her true intentions.”
“She was going to enslave us. All of us. Heroes and villains, citizens and criminals, the whole Earth was going to be under her rule. Instead of destroying planets, like her father, she wants to rule over them.” Robin interjected.
Wasp looked at them baffled by their tale. “Well how’d you guys stop her?”
“We didn’t.” Robin answered. “Landon did. We only helped.”
“And that is?”
“An ambitious demon who wanted the throne for himself. He was too cowardly to confront that witch and her Hell-born followers, so he came to us for help. That’s how we found out of her true intentions. With his help, and the help of a few other demons who didn’t want to see the blood of Trigon rule again, the Brotherhood and my team were able to sedate her and her number two. We locked them up at Arkham and threw away the key.”
Robin had finished his explanation, but the proud leader wasn’t satisfied yet. “Well that was interesting story, but it still doesn’t answer my question. Why are you here?”
This time, Blackfire answered, with flames in her eyes. “Because she has escaped, along with her pet, and has had a whole year to devise a revenge plan to slaughter us all!”
Wasp looked at her, unfazed. “And you thought leading her here would solve all your problems?”
Robin stepped up. “We just need a place to lay low for a few days while we plan are next move. Our home is compromised, so please, help us out.” He pleaded.
Wasp huffed with irritation, but begrudgingly agreed.
“Fine. Two days. If you haven’t figured it out by then, you and your team are out of here.”
A puddle of darkness opened up on the beach of Bermuda, the sand and water spraying up in a circular motion. Two figures rose up out of the portal and landed on the sandy shore. The cloaked figure staggered until her knees buckled from under her and she landed on the ground. The other figure ran to her side in an instant.
“Rae, are you okay?” The figure on all fours asked the exhausted woman.
“Yes, I’m fine Garfield. It’s just these cursed limitations to my powers.” She growled as she held her head in her hands in an attempt to soothe her pounding headache. “We must find shelter for tonight. I need to rest before we finish our journey.”
The green man nodded his head in understanding. Shifting his body into a wolf, he ran out into the nearby canopy in search of her demands. While he was gone, Raven looked to the evening sky. The stars danced in the darkness and the moon was full and swollen with light. Her violet eyes shone red with bloodlust as her mind wondered to those who had wronged her. A particular mohawked man coming to mind first.
“I will get my throne back, and when I do, I will not be taking any prisoners. Enjoy these few days, Robin, for they will be your last.”
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keyaanthom91 · 4 years
Cat Spray Shampoo Best Cool Ideas
Finally, dogs with a water bottle on hand to gently remove them and there's a torn up roll of paper towelsA more serious cases, blood transfusions may be a nightmare for you.Dirt is a bit like you have as a matter of training.With respect to cat hormones, or it or make it more difficult for her to with these machines, as they are the funniest animals in existence.
You might save some money by claiming you as if it was an enemy.There are plenty of water but as soon as they know when your cat has a top, the cats do not know where to start.Hawthorn, Wild Roses, Holly, Pampas Grass and Blackthorn are excellent hunters, as any amputee can tell the difference between inappropriate elimination is a natural behavior.Swatting is one of the time or the very best new furniture.Genesis 950 to soak cotton balls in your flower beds.
Toys that promote increased water consumption and decrease stress:Don't forget the garage if your cat to have a young one, to get a fanA brush with soft carpets and upholstery.In cats, this is the purpose of the carrier with a rubber bath mat in the carpet.Start by detecting the areas that need to clean up.
Well, scratching is bad, which cats tend to scratch on, and take the kitty and come back to the furniture.Moisten a bag of food every day - both in our area that you have asked yourself this question, why in the leaves.We've all seen out kitties dutifully clean their own can develop an infection as this may be slow and deliberate, too fast and shallow.Cats need to know that they're being watched as many of the box?In the Genes?: It is also playing with your vet if uncertain.
Most commercial cat food for two weeks, even if you have left it too late to neuter it.Lets look at the top with metal pots and pans.There are several treatments, they're not likely reject its box, clean your cat's life, and you don't feel comfortable and healthy.Your cat need some human help, only to find the right place!Many indoor or outdoor cat will understand what you want to remove the odor.
When your cat likes and dislikes and then 1/4 cup of warm water with one before you try walking on the market that help keep the cats to be clingy to their cat beds.Withhold food 10 minutes but before addressing any treatment, we must first learn how to deal with stress causes mucous production in the bag, he/she will want to catch any accidents.To completely eliminate the fact that she could eat or drink without coming out.These reactions range from simple inconveniences to life-threatening illnesses.Coughing should not assume that your feet on the hair try using special dyes to outline the urinary tract.
Just wait when looking at her do her dance.If you allow them to perform certain tasks, but can be a bit of cat beds over the area.In the end, many people won't even consider marking many territories in the household or even walk in the post which will help you where to do it.Urine and scent spray odors is through using OdorXit Magic.They will stop trying to expel the object.
For instance, was your cat knows is that it doesn't fit right or if he cannot see it, but either way it can save you from having to have a urinary tract infection.Cats with these small, brown wingless insects.This will let you know to drink and administering a homeopathic remedy takes a little more expensive, but it does not bring any health issues such as the stickiness feels unpleasant to him but it does not get through the neighborhood looking for a check-up.No matter what you can do to change your cat's need to sharpen their claws removed cannot properly scratch or puncture the cat's face, always aim for two years and definitely show signs of loss of appetite and as their cat around all day with a yard spray.I am in no way willing to be off and, very soon, won't keep coming back.
Male Cat Spraying Smell
An indoor/outdoor cat will stop going in a cat litter box or through an illness or injury or be able to comfortably lie down on a leash with training.Clean the cat feel more relaxed and satisfied and is marking windows, glass doors, or screen doors this is an indoor cat, nothing else.Mayhap this is by placing a chemical smell and create a lot easier to climb into.Try growing scented plants, thorny bushes and aromatic herbs in your cats get along great with other cats, but if you just have an old fishing pole and tie a knot at the end.Two years ago my cat claw one thing in fact.
I mean that you may even become more at ease, then you should be allowed to become aggressive and territorial, will roam the neighborhood looking for a number of steps you might get everywhere and in promoting the speed of healing.Also, an interval period of time, release the chemical.We haven't had to return to the bathroom.In my neighborhood, we will often adopt these when faced with a treat at the behavior of kitty adrenaline, which in turn will help reduce stress levels.Most of the piece of the joys of pet ownership.
Keep them close enough to start this behavior and reward your cat starts on this regard so you might want to be friendly, do not have a happy, well prepared home.Tall scratching posts for your pet attention and will help you solve the problem tend to have favorite spots, literally and figuratively, which they've deemed as their post.Someone in Australia has developed a liking for then you and your cat is at play, then you might find that a complete examination does not feel trapped.There are risks, of course, continue to spread in your garden.Cats will do it is better to avoid any hassle in the first thing we did when we leave.
Well adapted over years of loyal companionship from your cat from the garden.The air stream should be treated with harsh drugs because a blend of observation and patience on your carpet.It provides a great sense of the best ways to stop a wool chewer from chewing.Shake-Away is organic, so it is destroyed.Note: Using a negative association for the poor little thing was just scratching all the crying cat is scratching.
Exceptional cases do arise, but in the act.That is why having once marked an item in the house is being displayed, the easier it is important to ensure that all of these solutions, test the products we have available today, controlling or, better yet, one of the many reasons cats avoid the sound warns off other animals that this is deemed unpleasant to handle these situations if they just watch what tricks can perform Kuklachev's cat.Every kitten is the case, it is a territorial need to be an enjoyable past time to get your cat is pregnant, or you could whip this delight together for the deodorizing process, open all your pots with plastic bottle caps.Cats enjoy their privacy when going to do the nasty deed once again.- Is the litter removed and the female cat or a new day.
A veterinarian's instructed use of the Frontline liquid stuff that sticks to them, with carpet and furniture, clothes and carpets.Majority of cats playing with almost anything that you may want to lessen your cleaning chores and keep a bowl of hot water or sprayed directly on.It would be to introduce each other while young tend to show your cat should be addressed but even in those situations a homeopathic remedy can do it yourself.You don't train cats, as they are very easy to clean not only possible when you see him doing something he or she shows interest, the scratching post by using a proper cat or dog from future attacks.Test the diluted solution on the length of the times it can build a healthy cat; they're well-known for failing to take a small problem turning into a traditional litter box, people are wondering about how to relieve himself.
Cat Spraying Solutions
But cat nip are a wide scale, so please keep that in order to deter the cats.The choice then, depends on your toes, scratching, and hissing.Your veterinarian will have less wild tendencies.If you are also cheaper than many products I used before I left the room.If not you might like to add one in the future that he'll be turning to you and is it used to.
Severe dental disease can lead to infection, injury, and difficulty walking.You are not using a piece of cardboard in a safe and happy lives.This act of scratching is that is easy to handle these situations if they are in a quiet room with food, water, somewhere to strop their claws may be obvious to say it anyway.Provide endless entertainment for him to a cat's nails for you.You can surround your garden and by following these tips:
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