#and then db fucked us over but we did get home
wenn-ich-tanzen-will · 6 months
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wideouts4life · 2 years
NFL Week 2
Another week of amazing plays by wideouts across the country. Week 2 in the NFL left me hanging on to the edge of my seat because of how crazy the game of sports can be. The comeback by the Jets with under 1:40 seconds left and being down 13, to winning the game by 1 in regulation was nothing short of a miracle. How about the Ravens defense giving up huge plays to one this weeks ‘wideout of the week’ Tyreek Hill (tie with Jaylen Waddle) who used his speed to get behind the defense for touchdowns  of 60 and 48 yards on back to back possessions. The Dolphins entered the 4th quarter down 21 points to Lamar Jackson and the Baltimore Ravens. With plays made by arguable to fastest duo in the NFL right now, you can see why both wideouts took home wow(wideout of the week) awards. Waddle scored the game winning touchdown and finished the afternoon with 11 catches, 171 yards, and 2TD’s. His all pro teammate Hill finished the game with 13 catches, 190 yards, and 2TD’s. Tyreek leads the league in with 284 yard and his counterpart is currently 3rd with 240 yards respectively. Waddle is 1st in YAC (yards after catch) with 116 and Hill is 2nd with 104 YAC. I’m sure they will continue to be headaches for opposing defensive coordinators. They have the ability to break tackles, shake defenders, and run past them. Only Tua can stop them because he’s the one delivering the rock to the outstanding playmakers at his disposal. 
Cooper Kupp continued to add to his legacy by catching 11 passes for 108 yards and scoring on two sweet plays. The first was a tough over the shoulder catch in the left endzone that Kupp made look easy. His second touchdown came via a swing route to the right side where he shook a defender out of his pants to score his 3rd touchdown of the season. I’m loving watching Cooper line up in the backfield and run hitch routes against outside linebackers. Then line up at slot catch a basic and back to the backfield to catch swings for touchdowns. It’s poetry in motion watching him prosper in McVay’s genius.
Stefon the man Diggs!!! Had the Miami boys not did what they did to the Ravens, Diggs would’ve earned back to back WOW awards. The young lad had a hat trick and we not talking hockey. Scoring 3 TD’s in one game is nothing short of extraordinary. Diggs has had back to back 100 yard games ending Monday night with 148 yards on 12 catches. The Bills are looking scary. They were without number two wideout Davis and still scored at will. Tennessee had a disaster of a third quarter when Kyle Philips-rookie from UCLA who I began training as a 9th grader in Southern California muffed a punt. That turnover led to two Ryan Tannehill interceptions with one leading to a touchdown. 
The other top-10 wideouts from last weeks list didn’t have performances worth mentioning. Justin Jefferson got locked the fuck up by Darius Slay of the Philadelphia Eagles. He twice picked off balls intended for Jefferson and had two breakups balls that should’ve been intercepted. Slay owned Jefferson in every aspect of Monday Nights game. To stay on my radar of relevancy Jefferson will have to bounce back over the next two weeks to get mentioned when I compile my 1st quarter top-10 list. Davante Adams was another one who got locked down. Although Adams managed to score he was held to two catches for 12 yards on seven pass attempts. 
Honorable Mention
I like what the rookie 1st round pick out of USC Drake London is doing. There’s something about his game I didn’t like in college but I see why he was a 1st round pick. Standing at 6’4 and weighing in at 215, Drake’s a big boy and poses a huge size advantage over db’s. He attacks the ball at its high point and I saw him hurdle a defender this weekend. I’ll keep my eye on him and who know’s he just might make my list at the end of the season. 
I didn’t think Christian Kirk was worth the money that he was paid which led to a market reset and some wideouts wanting a raise because of his contract (4yr-72million). But he’s currently number 7 in yards with 195 and has done that on 12 catches to go along with two scores. The Jaguars are not known for having an explosive offense. But with Kirk’s ability to stretch the field and rack up YAC, this will help put wins in the boxscore if he’s able to keep it up. 
This next wideout who I could see cracking my top 10 is Amon-Ra St. Brown. Naturally I have a soft spot for him because I coached Amon in high school and began training him as an 8th grader while working with his older brother Equanimeous St. Brown of the Chicago Bears. Together we lost 1 game in the finals against St. John Bosco and won a national championship. I was able to watch the RA work and taught him some things that would make him successful at wideout. The numbers he put up in high school were ridiculous if you consider St. Brown only played past half-time in 6 out of 29 games. During those two seasons  he had 2,529 yards on 132 catches and 44 receiving touchdowns. I believe he had 3 punt returns for touchdowns but I only counted the ones he had at wideout. Against the Washington Commanders he caught 9 balls for 116 yards and had two scores. He became the third wideout in league history to have 8+ catches in 8 straight games joining Antonio Brown and Michael Thomas of the New Orleans Saints. He set a record with 6 consecutive game of 8+ catches and a touchdown. Ra is definitely someone I can see climbing his way into my top-10 by seasons end. 
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hnnyoongs · 3 years
akai shuichi headcanons
shuichi wears a beanie all the time because he's self conscious about hir hairline .... and I mean who can blame him? id be too
shuichi saw gin when he was visiting Japan in the 10 years ago flashback and was like ooh long hair is cool AND it'll piss ka-san off flash forward 5 years later when shuichi infiltrates the BO and is like fUck cool long hair dude is a psycho
shuichi cut his hair off when he heard akemi was killed by gin he kinda went into the whole mental breakdown mode and was like fuck this shit because he started growing his hair out cuz of gin and also akemi really liked his long hair
shuichi used to be a band kid when he lived in England and wanted to pursue a career in music (much to the chagrin of Mary) but after tsutomu disappeared he was like fuck that and stopped playing until he entered the BO
shuichi has a really bad memory about things that dont have to do anything with his job kinda like BBC's Sherlock but not as bad
shuichi used to find dead bodies when he was a kid just like shinichi but it wasn't as often maybe like a dead body once a year or something
shuichi named himself dai because that's what Mary actually wanted to name him when she was giving birth she was screaming die die die and tsutomu wasn't there yet so she was like aight die sounds like the japanese name dai the only reason shuichi wasn't named that was that tsutomu burst in and was like FUCK NO
shuichi was picked on when training for the FBI since compared to 6 foot jock white men shuichi was a 5 foot 7 asian with long hair and dressed like a teenage girl who frequented Starbucks in the toxic environment of the FBI for anyone who doesnt fit the mold shuichi had it cut out for him
shuichi showed signs of multiple mental illnesses but they were all difficult to pin down so he was never diagnosed with anything since he refused to talk at the FBI mandated therapy sessions
shuichi's type is someone who is kind but could wield a gun
he used to dislike kids but being around them as okiya has made SOME kids special in his heart
before tsutomu's disspeareance he taught shuichi how to hunt with a shotgun
shuichi lived off of sports drinks and bars whenever he was single since he couldn't rely on take out due to it being unhealthy which wouldn't help his FBI styled life
shuichi taught akemi simple self defense techniques but refuses to teach her how to shoot a gun saying he didn't want her hands to get dirty
shuichi and shukichi blackmail each other for favors by using the "ill tell ka-san you did that one thing that you blamed dad for when we were kids if u dont help me out"
scotch once told him that bourbon's type was a white milf (in reference to Elena who was white and was a mother) so shuichi was scared as fuck when rei met Mary's adult self for the first time
shuichi hates being compared to his mother but the truth is they're the most similar and they both started mimicking tsutomu after his disappearance
the only thing shuichi knew how to cook before meeting yukiko was plain white rice as that was the only thing tsutomu was able to teach him
shuichi mimics an American accent while talking in America or talking in English unless he's talking to his family or he's mentally shook up and his British accent slips out
he thinks in British accented English as well (idc if the animanga shows him thinking in japanese it makes no sense that western raised people like Jodie and camel think in japanese) but he does use some japanese like ka-san and when he's trying to get deep into his okiya persona
he tries very hard to keep the polite speech patterns of okiya Subaru since as akai shuichi he's very .. rude
shuichi's sniper skills were so good the fbi was willing to overlook his disrespect of authority and his tendency to do everything by himself without consulting everyone
shuichi slips into a British accent around James if he's feeling really comfortable
he felt bad about using shiho since she was only a year older than masumi and she hadn't done anything wrong so he vowed to get her and akemi out of the BO
he had a plan to get akemi and shiho out by convincing the higher ups to grant them immunity if they testified but akemi's death derailed the entire thing
he hates to admit it but his family is the most important thing to him he may not contact them that often but he's going to such lengths to bring his father back because he cares for his family so much
shuichi didnt really know what he wanted to do with his life once he took down his father's pursuers but after akemi and scotch he decided that if he solved his father's disappearance first he'd hunt down the BO next tho once learning that Haneda Koji’s death had something to do with the BO he's back at the thing where he doesn't know what to do with his life without revenge
he promised shukichi that he'd be the one to solve shukichi's death if what happened to Haneda kohji also happens to shukichi
he isn't a fan of dates in amusement parks but if it makes his partner happy and smile he'll have fun
dating Jodie was a quiet thing most likely from an attachment maybe due to a bad case or a loss of a mutual friend depending on the agency they might have been legally allowed to date each other but it is usually looked down upon I dont think they went out together often probably spending time together at home ... doing stuff
he identifies as bisexual it was normal to him in childhood since both Mary and tsutomu talked about their past relationships to their children he never told anyone due to the fact it would affect his FBI status since it was illegal in America shukichi and Mary know he's bi but shuichi has no idea Mary knows
akemi and shuichi would take strolls in parks go shopping and go to cafes
he's very self conscious about his height and whenever he goes to Japan it makes him feel good about himself since he's relatively tall there
Mary was the one who drilled japanese into his head not tsutomu
the last time shuichi talked to Mary was when he called her up to tell her to take masumi and leave Japan for Britain after masumi cornered him and scotch him and Mary had a whole argument and after that they stopped talking to each other, not that they talked to each other much in the first place
shuichi learned jee kun do by watching training videos from vhs tapes/cds/YouTube depending on when you consider detco taking place I personally believe conan shrinks in 2018 meaning that tsutomu disappeared in 2001 and shuichi used a mixture of tapes and cds to learn
shuichi can read people really well but has a hard time manipulating people by being nice he can use people by being a jackass very well but trying to be a normal person is hard for him
Yukiko and yusaku remind shuichi of his parents before tsutomu disappeared but like more upbeat
shuichi dislikes full body hugs
akemi and shiho were both anime and romance drama fans so he knows random things about the shows and uses that info to connect with the DB and especially haibara
he considered himself British first and foremost but when asked about whether he considers himself white or asian he'll always go with asian
he started smoking soon after his father disappeared since his father used to smoke and he needed to cope but didn't wanna fall into drugs like cocaine
smoking is heavily looked down upon in America and is seen as unprofessional which helped shuichi go undercover a bunch due to him being a heavy smoker
akemi would make him stop smoking around her and shiho saying that second hand smoking was dangerous and that shuichi who was smoking constantly was going to get lung cancer but he would tell her that he just couldn't stop smoking he did stop smoking around shiho and akemi tho going outside to do it instead
as okiya it makes him go wild because he desperately needs to smoke to cope but okiya cant smoke it doesnt fit his image so he smokes a shit ton at night during his nightly drives
shuichi forced himself not to smoke during his time visiting Japan when he met masumi because he knew Mary would get even more upset with him
shuichi was terrible driving American styled cars and he got so upset that he perfected his drive-in techiuque over the years just to spite the instructor that said he was barely passing
he likes to go on late night drives and speed on the high way because he's a thrill seeking idiot
he has no social media but he created on as okiya Subaru to keep an eye on haibara's higo stan account
he takes offense to the idea that he's stalking haibara he's just p r o t e c t i n g her
he wants shiho to be happy more than anything so he's an avid coai shipper and is exhausted in Conan's obliviousness
shuichi didnt tell shukichi he wasn't actually dead shukichi just walked up to okiya Subaru one day and was like shuuichi-ni-san right? shuichi has long stopped questioning shukichi's weird ways of knowing shit he shouldn't know
shuichi is a sherlockian but he's not like shinichi or hakuba in that he does not hate BBC's Sherlock and actually enjoys it a bit
one upside to shuichi living in America is that he gets to hoard guns because he's obsessed with them he thinks they're really cool it's like conan with Sherlock he starts yapping his mouth of about them
bourbon once dangled a gun on in front of a sleeping shuichi cuz he didnt believe scotch when he said that rye was obsessed with guns and started saying incorrect shit about the type of gun he was holding and shuichi just shot up and started berating him
shuichi hates that chianti is a killer because she's the only person who's as much as a gun fanatic as he is
he tends to steal Jodie's car a lot
he likes fucking with peoples heads it's very fun to him to watch them get all worked up
shuichi hasn't mourned his father yet because he doesnt believe his father’s dead
deep down he blames his father for his mother going slightly bonkers
he didnt want masumi to be a detective at first but now hes proud of her
he drinks a lot as okiya Subaru since he cant smoke as much
he's willing to go to hell if it means he can rip gin from limp to limp
he really hates gin yall I dont think I can convey how much he hates gin
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chaoticdean · 4 years
SEAL Team, the parallels and Jason Hayes’ journey
[Spoilers for 4x01 and 4x02, read at your own risks!]
I don’t know if my mind keeps going there because I’ve been watching Supernatural and reading between the lines for so long, but the way SEAL Team highlighted Jason’s journey through these last two episodes absolutely blew my fucking mind.
The first and obvious one are the parallels they’ve started to set between Jason and Cerberus, all the way into season 3: Cerberus not being on top anymore, making mistakes that could potentially be dramatic (which he does on that op, effectively taking Brock down at first and then Jason), and Brock having to make the hard decision of taking him off duty; Jason, on the other hand, is left wondering what’s left of his life, if he still has a purpose as Forces leave Afghanistan and J-Bad behind, if Jason Hayes can exist outside of War. 04x01 was set to parallel both stories and it’s been done so very effectively (also side note, gotta thank Director DB for these gorgeous wide plans — boy might have taken a page out of the Lord of the Rings playbook, as per @camille-williams’ comment​). The parallels between Jace and Cerb ends with the scene where Brock brings him back into the cages’ room, and there’s an interesting bit of dialog from Jason here that directly highlights Jace’s path:
“A warrior’s place is on the battlefield. That dog was bred to be in the fight. But I think he’s suffered way too much stress, combat and trauma. I think it’s time for him to just be a dog.”
………… sirs, is that foreshadowing?
(yes, it is)
The way they set the flashbacks between current-Jace and 13-years-ago-Jace was absolutely spot on, basically highlighting Jason’s self-doubts as they’re going into their final mission with Bravo Team ‘as it stands’ (because both Ray and Clay are set to leave at that point). The way Jason’s mind went from “Family first” to “Bravo Team always comes first” takes a wide place, also highlighting all the in-betweens — Jason wanting to be a family man, having more kids/opposed to Jason walking on Ray and Naima being sweet as fck (The Perrys, man, do I love the Perrys ❤️) and looking at that picture of Alana and Mickey with blank eyes. We get a glimpse at what Jason used to be, carefree, always in for a fight and a laugh, which is now being paralleled by the team-leader who gets shit done. I also loved that we got to see what Ray was like before he turned into what he is now, paralleling with his current family situation (again, THE PERRYS ❤️).
The parallels between Jason’s ex team leader Guzo and present team leader Jace was one I didn’t expected but ended up loving. We get to see how Jason evolved and morphed into the warrior and team leader he is today, and truth be told, I don’t think he’d be here without Guzo. We see him knock some sense into young Hayes, and we get to see the exact moment where Jason’s head shifts into the Team mode we’ve been seeing him in ever since the serie started. I also personally loved some of the tidbits we got from the dialog (“You can’t be half a gangster, Hayes”, “All in all the time”), including the “When you’re outside the wire, home is where you hang your helmet” because that’s a direct callback to a line that Jason said to Ray in season 3. There’s a lot of Guzo in Jason, and this episode put a lot of effort into making sure we get to understand Jace’s journey… which I loved, because we didn’t get to see a lot of that in the past.
Then comes the parallels between Clay and Jason, set so carefully since season 1, that turns into a very blatant show of “Clay is Jason from a decade ago minus the goddamn trauma”. There’s a whole different meta post to be made about Clay’s story arc over these last two episode, and I’m not sure I have the strength to dive in just yet, but I’ll say this bit: Clay’s story has been crafted from day 1 to be paralleled with Jason’s, and if that wasn’t clear enough before, I think these two episodes gave us the most solid view of that. If not for the fact that it’s Clay who get’s to take out Al-Hazred Jr. when we know Jason took out Al-Hazred Sr. 13 years before (effectively moving his career forward onto the path he’s now been on for a decade), I think the plan has always been to follow Clay’s journey as he works up the ladder of Bravo Team, and with STA-21 taken off the table and Bravo 1 stepping down, I wouldn’t be surprised to see both Ray staying and Clay effectively starting to train as Bravo 2 (although there are probably going to be disciplinary consequences, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see that pattern unfold later on during the season). 
Which brings me to my best friend’s question from last night: when do you think Jason’s “Oh” moment happened? Was it there all along, or does he work up to it during those two hours and come to realization later on in that bar?
I do think he works up to it. It’s clearly highlighted throughout the entire episode, but the first thing that struck me is the way the flashbacks are carefully crafted to give off a “what’s my place in all of this, and do I still have one” vibe. 
The scene where Ray is Skyping with Naima when Jason arrives was incredibly powerful to me. The dialog itself (“Just come home safe, that’s all that matters to anyone in this house / People in that house is what matters to me the most”) highlights Jason’s family situation, the fact that he’s coming home to an empty apartment, and it’s directly shown by him taking Alana and Mickey’s photo in hand. That’s when we get the “Family always come first” flashback, and it’s maybe the most painful of it all.
We see Jason’s doubts as to where he stands in this, and it might be the first time ever. The parallels (again!) between now-Bravo-1-Jason and then-Bravo-1-Guz is so carefully set that I half-expected him to show up at the end in that bar, knocking some sense into Jason (I guess he kind of did, since Jason is looking at Guzo’s picture on the bar’s wall before he gathers the Team to say his piece). 
Then there’s the conversation between Chaplain Walker and Jace, and boy, oh boy, is it foreshadowing (no pun intended) (okay, maybe a little). 
For the sake of it, let me just pull up dialogs real quick:
J: Whole place will be scrapped in a month. You’ll be out of business.
W: I’ll be reassigned. Address will change, job never does.
J: You ever wish you had a job where at the end of it, there was a sign that, I don’t know, said that you were done, that it was over?
W: What would that look like?
J: My Flyers, when they win the Stanley Cup, they go down Broad St. and they have a parade. It’s a victory… you see it.
W: Unfortunately for us, the war on terror doesn’t have a goal line to cross. But you know, you don’t strike me as the type who need to spike the football. 
J: Just be nice to know that it was worth the cost. 40 fallen brothers, a broken marriage, broken body… broken head.
W: You told me last time we spoke, you know you’ve made an impact that will last forever here.
J: The only thing that’s gonna last forever is this war. I’ll — I’ll see you around.
W: You know, I —  I think you’re wrong about them just scrapping it all. Somebody’s gonna sort through it. You know, ask the questions that we all should ask.
J: I don’t understand. What do you mean?
W: End of the day — what do you take away from here? What can you pull from the rubble, to be cherished? What do you need to leave behind? And what can you pass on to someone else?
SEAL Team 04x02 — Forever War
This is the first time I’ve ever seen Jason voice his doubts, in public, to someone who is NOT Ray, or for that matter, Sonny. This is Jason acknowledging that he doesn’t really know where he stands, or what’s left for him. We’re starting to see the “where does Jason Hayes stands in all of this, and can Jason Hayes exists outside of the battlefield”.
(Also, I love Chaplain Walker, can we keep him pretty please?)
Then they go home, and Mandy drops the hammer on him (“If I don’t walk away now, I’m gonna lose myself forever”). He sees firsthand someone he loves and connects with deciding to walk away. The whole conversation between them is Jason trying so hard to hold onto the threads and Mandy basically saying “this is me walking away because I can, we can, you still can. You’re not just a shell of a man doomed to be sent on the battlefield, Jason, there’s more to it.”
We get the cages’ room scene with Cerberus coming back and Jason voicing the fact that it’s time for Cerberus to “just be a dog” because he’s seen enough war, enough trauma. 
And then comes the bar scene with a steel chair. 
First and foremost, and that is not entirely Jason related, but I’m a big fan of the song choice in the background of the Savis scene (Matt Costa’s Make That Change), if only for the exact part of the lyrics that have been chosen to be played at that exact moment (“Because the start is the finish line, even if you take two steps back / You gotta make that change to see a brighter day”). Now, I don’t really believe in coincidence, and even if it is… It’s a really nice nods to what’s about to unfold.
And boy, does that unfold. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t a sobbing mess all through the entirety of Jason’s speech. 
I think learning that Clay’s taking the fall for Ray is the final straw for Jason. We see the realization on his face right before he turns to Guzo’s portrait on the wall. I’m not going to go much further than that, I’ve giffed the whole dialog of Jason explaining he’s standing down earlier right here. 
All I’ve got to say at this point is that this was supposed to be our season finale last season, and it culminated the whole arc of Jason’s character over season 3. I’m incredibly excited to see what’s in store for the rest of season 4, and how/if Jason adapts. I see growth through a man that spent a lot of time trying to ignore and override the signs of his body and mental health to keep grinding, because he truly believed that’s what he was meant to be. I wonder what his next step is going to be, and where it’s going to take him.
This is incredibly all over the place, but I swear I’ll get better at sorting through my ideas overtime. Until then, enjoy that mess of a meta and feel free to add to it if you’ve got anything else to say.
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butterflyinthewell · 4 years
Dad took some steps today. He needed the therapist right there because he was so off balance that he would’ve fallen without support along with his walker. One of his feet is curling sideways and inward because he hasn’t been putting weight on his feet. That will be a problem and he may need a brace to straighten that out. It’s related to the whole “don’t use it and you lose it” aspect of Parkinson’s disease, and I was afraid of this.
I hope he gets to walk again as much as he could before because he will be stuck in one room for the rest of his life if he doesn’t. I think that’s the one incentive that makes him want to get back on his feet. My fear is he will then proceed to get up at night like he was doing when he got hurt in the first place. He still keeps mom awake till 3 and 4am because she’s a people pleaser who will give until she’s dead. Black hole people like my dad love finding bleeding hearts like my mom.
I’ve told mom to just put her foot down and go to bed, but I stayed up once to see what really happens. Dad whines and complains if mom says she’s going to bed. Suddenly he will want to be put on his bedside commode (which takes forever and then you wait for him to go and heave him back into bed), or he will want a sandwich or just anything that makes mom have to be busy on his behalf until she’s wide awake again when she was sleepy enough for bed before.
Just...AUGH...every good thing always comes with shit right behind it.
I think I’m going to ask my counselor or psychiatrist if there’s a way to screen for ptsd. My mental health is in the toilet and I’m having bizarre dreams and nightmares several times a week. My sleep is disrupted now, and that’s never been a thing for me. I’m constantly hyper vigilant. I’m having anger outbursts and the kinds of thoughts that intrude upon my mind are horrible.
If something happens to mom, I am helpless in all the issues that matter. Food, I can figure out, but I’m worse than useless for everything else. I cannot move dad to his commode or wheelchair, and he needs some support to move onto them. I’m too small, he outweighs me by over 100 pounds.
Most of my bad dreams are things happening to my mom, or there’s word that something happened and I can’t get any info on if she’s okay or not. Another kind I have is I’ve contracted COVID, or someone who comes in to see us has it and spreads it, and I’m the only survivor. Other dreams are the body horror type where I amputate my own body parts with a saw and hand them to people because I feel useless. I had one recently where I literally ran up to Hannibal Lecter with a knife and fork and told him to eat me, but he took the silverware away and wouldn’t do it because “no, you’re not rude.” I said I was, but he wouldn’t do it. I was so angry! I was angry about that dream all day!
I don’t believe I deserve anything good and I don’t see myself as a good person. I don’t deserve help.
I’m scared a lot. Just...I can be sitting here watching a cute kitten video on YouTube or eating dinner and get hit with a wave of fear.
None of this is how my mind usually works. I’ve never been in mortal danger(recently), but I’ve had my routines and life disrupted to such severe degrees that I feel like I’ve lost control of my life, and to me that’s almost the same thing as dying. I’m autistic, and autistic people are more prone to trauma from ‘mundane’ things that a neurotypical person wouldn’t flinch at.
I’m just worried the “not life-threatening” aspect will immediately disqualify a diagnosis.
In June 2019, I went into burnout after home health visits for dad threw all my routines away and they’re still getting destroyed by it because they can’t keep a consistent fucking routine.
July that year was my dad getting his DBS batteries replaced. It was sensory hell because I got my period the day of the surgery and spent the whole time nauseated and cramping, but being silent about it...only to get called selfish and horrible for mentioning how bad I felt after we were all home again. (Outpatient surgery)
September 2019, mom’s gallbladder almost blew up and she was rushed to the hospital. I was alone with dad, without warning, and had to function using emergency reserves that I didn’t have because I was in burnout. I ran around terrified that any mistake I made would get me screamed at by both my dad and sister. Mom was out of the house from Friday to Tuesday. Dad did nothing but demand and demand from me and yelled at me for melting down. I was almost out of meds and for awhile didn’t know if or when I would get them. I had to grocery shop with sister’s help and she kept getting upset at me for arranging the cart like mom did, and I ended up forgetting things I needed even though I had a list right in front of my face the whole time. I was that out of it.
An aid had to come bathe dad because mom couldn’t do it for at least six weeks. That happened whenever someone could come, so dinner, my showers and mom’s ability to do things were disrupted by waiting for the call that the aid was coming. Coverage only lasted six weeks and then the help was yanked the second mom was declared fit to lift more than 5 pounds again.
October 2019, our car died and so routines got thrown further out of whack because mom and I had to depend on friends and family for rides to grocery shop or go to church. Trips stopped being at a set time and turned into “whenever someone can drive you” so I was uprooted from my day with little warning, and we didn’t get a new car until early December.
December 2019: We Christmas shopped late because of the car bullshit, mom barely got the cookies baked in time, and it was just a super stressful Christmas season.
I struggled through the death anniversary of my dog because that year he was gone as many years as he had lived and I spent most of it in a disassociated state.
Then mom had her bowel obstruction the day after Christmas and was in the hospital from Friday to Sunday. Yet again she was gone and the routine was blown apart without warning. My sister gave me shit the first time I wore my new ear defenders to the grocery store. Dad did nothing but demand and demand from me when I had nothing. I ruined a dinner that I didn’t know how to cook and went hungry but made him eat leftover ham from Christmas.
January 2020, the COVID shit started on the news.
March 2020, I went to the grocery store with mom and shelves were empty like a nuclear war was coming. I was terrified that I would catch COVID and kill my parents by passing it to them. Church closed. Stores opened for senior hours at butthole o’clock in the morning. Weekend routines were destroyed. Choir practices stopped. More routine disruptions.
August 2020, I started having anniversary distress related to what happened to mom the year before.
Then dad fell and broke his hip. I still clear as day see him in his blue shirt, sitting on the stair chair, being pulled backwards out the front door by paramedics with the ambulance lights flashing red and blue under the midnight sky and white street light.
Late September, as I’m struggling a bit with the anniversary of what happened to mom, worrying about dad getting COVID and beginning to relax because “dad is going to be away till he can walk again...” there comes that phone call from shithole New Orange Hills saying they’re sending him home and we find out they lied to us about every promise they made.
October 2020, dad was brought home and now he’s laying in an electric bed in the family room where mom can hear him if he needs her.
Writing that down has me realizing I’ve been experiencing almost continuous upheavals to my routines. Routines give me a sense of safety, and every time things settle something else throws it all to shit again.
So either I have ptsd or I’m possibly developing it, and I’m scared because this seems so ridiculous compared to the reasons other people get it.
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evilkitten3 · 4 years
DBS episode 5 & 6
-watched these with my roommate too
-why did they stop the lightning for ssj2 during the scene where goku brings up the fact that he’s in ssj2 i thought that was constant
-why doesn’t king kai want goku going back to earth is he seriously willing to rely on vegeta NOT vegeta-ing
-side note: vegeta-ing is the second greatet verb of all time
-chiaotzu floating marron around is both the cutest shit ever and confirmation that she would absolutely love flying so there’s no reason she wouldn’t have learned from her parents
-why the fuck wouldn’t king vegeta just give beerus the fucking pillow. he’s willing to give up his son for the safety of his people, but he’s not willing to give up a pillow? inconsistent characterization, thy name is dragon ball super.
-also that was a ptsd flashback. i hope we’re all aware of that.
-seriously is the goal of super just to traumatize the hell out of vegeta? not saying he hasn’t pulled some shit but the guy was an enslaved child soldier for so long he became an enslaved thirty-year-old soldier. i think he’s got enough trauma
-side note: how has king kai not figured out how saiyans operate. if you tell them there’s a super strong guy they want to fight him
-i don’t really like how vegeta’s realization that’s he’s about to lose his home planet again was played for laughs. shit’s fucked
-love how vegeta still insists that goku is his enemy but they’ve made a truce. like dude just call him your boyfriend and go you’re not fooling anyone
-beerus getting that angry about a water gun is also pretty ridiculous. like yeah he’s a cat but we already saw him taking a bath. also, being ready to straight-up murder a nine-year-old over getting wet is evil. end of story. remember when vegeta kneed gohan in the stomach for no damn reason on namek? this is that, but worse.
-why did king kai only warn vegeta, like he’s the only one who causes problems? bulma is on that boat. trunks and goten are on that boat. piccolo and eighteen are on that boat. majin buu is on that boat. son chichi is on that boat and she bitch-slapped super buu.
-how is everyone so bad at reading the room. “oh yeah these are vegeta’s friends sure let’s not take into account that he has maybe three friends and he’s in denial about all of them also he’s visibly terrified clearly this is normal behavior let’s not be even a little suspicious”
-the mood isn’t handled well. i’m not sure what i’m supposed to be feeling and when. there are times when mood whiplash works, but if it’s happening all the time, it loses its effect. whis deciding to get some food before beerus destroys the earth was funny, but the whole thing about vegeta trying to ensure that beerus doesn’t go apeshit doesn’t balance out. you can’t connect a punch of joke scenes and try to make them serious. I DON’T KNOW WHAT YOU WANT ME TO FEEL
-there are a lot of funny moments and a couple good ideas so far, but i’m definitely seeing where the complaints are coming from
-lastly beerus’ comment to vegeta that he should’ve destroyed planet vegeta himself really seems to be hinting at a future confrontation between the two. seriously, if they keep reminding us that beerus is the one who ordered frieza to wipe out the saiyans, we damn well better see a fight between those two at some point.
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shittysbruhsession · 4 years
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"Your name is RENURR LARSUG and you are 8 sweeps old. Your interests include playing your BASS GUITAR but you are NOT VERY GOOD AT IT. You also frequently play SHITTY RPGS and you hoard WEIRD COLLECTIBLES. These have begun to fill up your hive. Your lusus has recently RUN OFF, and you are very worried about them. No one talks to you all that much, but when they do your trolltag is gargageEnterprise and you write in a way that is duLLLL, aNd w!th a $LL!ght LL!$p.” This is how the session started. (note, im so very proud of my player for making the room there^ he even gave the Link on the screen gray and with horns, its fantastic.)  (Also this post may not be the best looking one but bear with me) So the other player characters introduction in orders: "Your name is RUSSUS SUSSUR and you are 8 SOLAR SWEEPS old. You also really fucking hate THE MAN. You are currently FISHING outside of your BEACHED SHIP. You have a passion for SMALL WINGED INSECTS, and STUDYING AQUATIC LIFE. Normally these interests would be deemed unfit for someone like you, but due to UNCOMMON CIRCUMSTANCES you are exempt from a surplus of COMMON TROLL TRADITIONS. You have found a place to live far away from TROLL SOCIETY where you can evade the common laws of said society. You live in a BEACHED SHIP, where you spend a surplus of time caring for your LUSUS, and chatting with people on the internet. You are often on your own, evading TROLL PROSECUTORS, and playing TROLL SONIC ADVENTURE 1 & 2. This is one of many things you do to waste time while your REBELLIOUS ALLIES plan their next move. Your trolltag is cloudywingAncestor(CA) and you write in a way that AccEntUAtEs  \|OwEls And dEstrO\|s thE fAlsE \|OwEl fOr A mUch mOrE mEnAcIng lOOk. TROLLIAN has recently become one of many applications you use to talk with the friends you’ve made online." “ Your name is Talren Kabern and I am 8.2(and a half) solar sweeps old You have made multiple attempts to pursue acting but failed in getting a part(still trying to get your big break in the film industry). You also enjoy playing video games, even if you're not that good at them. You are the Co-Founder and Vice President of the Troll Will Smith Fan club (founded in '89) and the President of a Local Troll Chess Club. You currently live in a snazzy apartment complex on the top floor because it was a double room for only double the price! What a steal! You occasionally take place in Mini Golf tournaments down the street and whenever you can you try out at the local theatre. This week You are trying out for Troll Dear Evan Hansen Your chumhandle/trolltag is effronLookalike and you write in a way that Capitalisez The Firzt Letter In Every Word, Replacez All Z'z With S'z , Replacez All S'z With Z'z, Replacez All X's With CKS, And Replacez All M'z With Two N'z” “ Your name is URREZE RHIANU and you are 8 sweeps old. Your interests include leaving your hive to go find random thigs on the street. You frequently try to get your hands on the newest shit you can find. You neatly organize all the wonderful things you've collected into piles on the floor. You're trolltag is anthracticRomantic and you switch CAPS each TIME you TYPE and A00 numbers FOR double LE77ER words. “ “ Your name is Wyccin Rolmex and you are 9 sweeps old , a fair bit older than some of your peers and fellow trollians. Your interests include WRECKING SHIT FOR FUN, MESSING WITH THE MYSTIC AND CRYPTIC MAGICKS, and STARING INTO REFLECTIVE BALLS FOR HOURS ON END. However, currently, you're not home. You're in a dream, on DERSE ,  a land where you've become slowly accustomed to awaking on. You currently wish you could SMASH SOMETHING because you'd rather be in your hive, awake. “ There, all done. What each of them did upon gaining control: -Renurr “Gamed Epicly,” failed at doing it, got a “Mandatory Status Update” from the Heiress, and was messaged by a person he’s never spoken to before, a gray texted troll with the handle dependentBeetle, who was very nice, even tho they repeatedly called Renurr “garbage man” (which became a joke for everyone to just refer to Renurr upon meeting him as some form of trash). DB, or “Bug” gave him a copy of a game (that Bug got from their master) called SBURB which Renurr immediately renamed SBRUH in an attempt to get under my skin. Bug told Renurr to spread the game to his friends, and that he hopes everyone has fun. -Russus failed to catch a fish, went inside, chatted with Renurr, found “The Unholy Beverage” (its Sprite), hated the flavor, her butterfly lusus immediately ate the bottle, messaged Talren, and thats it. -Talren collected a bunch of food cans from the fridge in his sylladex, got messaged by mandatoryStarlet, the Heiress, being invited into their game of sburb, even though he already agreed to play with Russus and Renurr. The second he came even close to declining the offer, he was put on the Treason list (Its in the Heiress’ Prongle bio, and Russus is already on it). He speaks to goldenTombwalker shortly, then anemicAperture, who complained about breaking up with her kismesis, and then jumped at the offer to join their game of “SBRUH, whatever that is.” -Urreze folded origami, looked over her Chinchilla lusus, chatted with her Kismesis, GT, and another conversation with AA, deciding to join them in the SBRUH game. -Wyccin started in Derse, where she has already been awakened, threatening the Dersites that were visiting her room, then had a conversation with a lowblood she had never seen before, gardenUndertaker, who sent her a copy of SBURB, and told her to introduce herself to garbageEnterprise, which she did. And thats how Wyccin met the group, and more importantly Renurr. Then we loop around, and begin going through the motions of getting into the game.
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shealynn88 · 4 years
Happy Saturday! Here, have a two-parter ~ Your DB Secret Scribe
~Blood Riptide~
(Part 1)
“Sonuvabitch! Benny’s gone way too far this time!”
Dean, his asshole neighbor, and their petty games had escalated into the realm of the extreme.
“What now?” Sam whined, rubbing his face exhaustedly while poring over study guides.
“I’ve got ‘Just Divorced’ along with 'Single and Ready to Mingle’ on Baby’s trunk in fucking house paint!”
Sam stared at him blankly. “And?”
“And he taped rainbow dick shaped balloons by the rear license plate so I wouldn’t notice when getting in.”
While laughing, Sam pointed out, “Well, you buried the wash table in his backyard with four truck beds of smoked hickory chunks last week.”
“Chips. They’re called wood chips. And it was the only way to neutralize that reeking Striped Bog Bass he dragged up from his skiff. Besides..fish go with chips anyways. Did him a favor,” he shrugged, pointedly dismissing his wrong doing.
“You don’t mess with someone’s livelihood Dean!” Sam tried explaining.
“And ya don’t mess with a man’s wheels! I told him that after he clipped your fucking Mopar abomination in the driveway almost a year ago. How many times have I said to pull farther in and not leave your ass end out, huh? Dean scolded.
"My Charger’s not an abomination! He had a legitimate excuse. Besides, he told me right away and paid for the repairs.”
“Excuse my ass. Who blames vehicular carnage on an iron deficiency?! Huh?”
“If anemia gets bad enough…”
“Don’t gimme that crap. Walgreens carries supplements. Planned on football this weekend, but now I gotta work on Baby, Hope I can fix her without removing any original coating!” Dean stomped off to the garage ready to explode.
Sam just shook his head and called Bones for a treat.
The following night Dean made another Home Depot run after spending all day on Baby. She still wasn’t finished, and damn if it didn’t boil his blood. When pulling in the driveway, a distressing scene greeted him. Sam had been on an evening run and was in tears, covered in blood, hunched over bones. Benny too, was on his knees examining the dog.
Dean pushed his infernal ire aside for his brother and Bones. “What happened? Is he okay?”
Benny continued assessing while Sam explained, “We were running in Royer Park when a gator grabbed him. I ran him back here as fast as I could but Dean, he’s not gonna make it.”
“If I could save him, but it’d mean he’d be..different, would you let me?”
“Different, how?” Sam asked in emotional anguish.
Benny appeared to dither over sharing something heavy.
“What do you mean different?”
The guy reluctantly answered. “At night he’ll be with me.”
Sam was still confused, and Dean’s anger was beginning to simmer. “Drop the cryptic bullshit and answer the damn question.”
He watched Benny sigh, but was so done with theatrics. Bones took one deep breath and then a stilted one after.
“Time’s wasting, Sam, yes or no?” Benny quickly offered, as if KNOWING the beloved mastiff was on the brink of death.
“Yes,” came Sam’s confident decision.
Dean next watched something impossible. Fangs protruded from Benny’s mouth, and he sank his teeth into the dog’s carotid artery.
“Dude, what the f-”
Dean’s words fell silent on his lips when realizing Benny’s large hand was holding him back. The guy turned to him with blood dripping from his lips. In his other hand, he held a blade and sliced his palm. Then, working with inhuman speed, he opened Bones’ chest and reached inside. Dean watched in nauseous horror as Benny squeezed his heart, mimicking a dog’s healthy sinus rhythm.
After a few minutes of stunned silence, Bones’ eyes grew wide with shock and Benny immediately pulled his hand from his chest, fisted more blood from his palm, and closed the gaping wound. He massaged the large area, and Dean saw the hole healing. Benny stood, wiping his hand on the pea coat he wore when fishing.
“He’s coming around. Tonight and tomorrow, he’ll stay with you. At sundown, he’ll spend his nights with me,” Benny placed his clean hand on Sam’s shoulder and calmly explained, “You’ll see, surely not much at all will change.”
He folded the knife back into his pocket and without another word, went back inside his house.
Bones perked his head up and stared in the direction of Benny’s house. He stood as if nothing had ever happened, and licked Sam’s hand. Neither found the words to speak on what had occurred, but after both Bones and the driveway were rinsed, they went inside and robotically prepared for bed.
The next morning Bones woke them up for breakfast as usual. Dean and Sam still couldn’t bring themselves to talk about it. They went about their day silently thankful Bones was right as rain. By sunset, Dean had almost convinced himself the whole fucked up incident had been a dream.
When the fireflies emerged for their nightly glowball dance, Bones perked up, raising from his spot on the family room floor. Dean and Sam were shootin’ the shit about the Cowboys dream duo Prescott and Elliott on the patio overlooking the canal behind their property line, when Bones eerily walked past them as if summoned by an unnatural force.
Dean noticed how fast the sun, which normally perched on the horizon like some needy, eye catching supermodel desperate for validation, yeeted outta Dodge. Padding onto the soft grass, Bones shifted in an odd manner for a dog of his breed. His movements were too swift, smooth, and straight. Facing Benny’s house, he let loose a chilling howl that if Dean had to describe, sounded more like a demonic harmonica than a canine growl.
Sam looked at Dean with terror, as if he too had been hoping the previous night’s disaster was a figment of food he’d eaten too close to bedtime. They saw Benny mosey onto his patio, patting his side for Bones to approach. When generously petting him, the moon cast its beams like a strange baptism upon the dog’s coat. Dean then saw the dog change.
His fur coat was no longer black, it wasn’t fur at all, but tendrils of fine burgundy osseous tissue. Bones heard Sam gasp, and turned to peer back at them. In his eyes were burning coals of hell fire, and the lovable head tilt he’d gifted Sam in life, rotated too far. His fangs were too long, and the width of his mandible spread in an impossibly wide grin, demonstrated in the most terrifying way that Bones had truly become a servant of darkness. And yet, he bounded back to Sam in a playfully sinister way, nuzzling against his hand.
Dean sat in silent horror as Benny went down to his boat, then headed for his garage to retrieve something of import. In a lightning fast decision, he tore down the modest hill to the twenty eight foot Lafitte skiff, with Sam whisper-shouting to get the hell back on the patio. No dice, Sammy. He simply HAD to find out what this guy was up to, but realized he had no weapon aside from a fileting knife he’d swiped from a shelf on the skiff.
Concealing himself under a tarp, he heard Benny boarding along with Bones and kept as quiet as he could, even maintaining impossible control of his respirations. Ten minutes south of Benny’s house, common sense kicked in that his rash decision was taking him out into some desolate backwoods bayou territory and if Benny or Bones felt like a human snack, they could easily feast and foist his drained carcass over the edge, never to be found.
When the skiff finally slowed, he heard the high pitched squeak of the captain’s chair rotating.
“Speak your mind, Dean.”
Throwing off the useless tarp, Dean wobbled as he stood beside the stern’s edge, then fell back on his ass in embarrassment and stayed put.
“Fine,” he sniffed. Benny wanted a piece? He was gonna get it. But when it came to forming coherent word strings all that tumbled out was, “What the ever lovin’ fuck?”
“Are you referring to last night’s..enlightening fuck? Or all the ones going back to when I stopped talkin’ to ya?”
Dean shrugged. “Sure. Yeah…But first, I wanna know why.”
A look of surprise galloped across Benny’s face, now a more deathly pale in moonlight. “Vampire, appreciate you askin’. It’s also the reason why.”
“So this happened after you moved in next door?”
Benny looked down, with a curious look loaded with shame. “Before. You didn’t do anything wrong, Dean. Surely you wonder, but..it’s on me.”
Despite his genuinely gracious decline,
Benny seemed to have greatly appreciated Dean and Sam’s welcoming hospitality when they’d showed up on his doorstep, offering burgers and brew. He’d claimed a wide range of severe food allergies, but still broke the proverbial bread with them, sipping on some medicinal protein shake. It made perfect sense to Dean now, when looking back.
“Seemed to have a lot in common with me and Sam. The couple of times you took me fishing..I kinda thought…” he let his thoughts trail off.
“You weren’t wrong. It wasn’t y-”
“Oh here we go..wasn’t you, it was me, right?”
“Because I’m the one who messed up!”
“How? We never argued, you never said or did anything! One day, you just stopped talking to us!” Me, Benny. It hurt that you stopped talking to me. “That was an asshole move and you know it!”
The seconds ticked by. Benny’s fists were tightly balled, indicating his struggle with something. His eyes were ablaze in turmoil.
“Go fuck yourself.”
The guy had no idea how difficult it was for Dean to open up, to ask why he’d been rejected. And it made Dean So. Damn. Angry. Monster, demon, vampire, friggin’ vampirate, he no longer cared which monster he pissed off. He shoved Benny into the portside wall of his skiff.
“Fuck me yourself, you coward,” Dean growled in his face..and then kissed him, like a challenge.
He didn’t know why he did it. Well, lack of impulse control. Obviously. But when Benny, who could rip him in half faster than the Juggernaut tearing Deadpool’s upper body from his lower, kissed him back, it caught him off guard. Benny’s strong hands gripped his ass, pulling Dean flush with his solid form.
This vampire was the riptide in Dean’s otherwise normal, predictable life. The hurricane that’d taken his feelings by storm. His power was raw and all encompassing, Dean could no more tear himself from it than the moon could break the eternal gravitation towards its orbit around Earth.
Benny’s lips left bruises on his skin, trailing down his neck accompanied by his hot, heaving breath. Suddenly he tensed, let go of Dean, and stood frozen against the wall. When Dean saw the excruciating pain on his face he braced for an incoming predator from any direction, because what could possibly set a vampire back on their heels so badly?
Then it clicked. Benny. Vampire. Struggling over a mess up. The threat was a nearby predator. The threat was Benny himself.
To be continued….
OOOHHHH, this is so fantastic and INTRIGUING!  I love Bones becoming a Hellhound, that is AWESOME.  I love me some hellish pups!  I can’t wait to see where it goes!!!!  Thank you so much, what a gift you’ve been this week.  :D  There’s so much here I love - Sam and Dean living together in their loving, grumpy way, Sam being the voice of reason, the prank war (!!!), and Bones.  Bones is absolutely my favorite.  And Dean.  What a lovable dumbass.  lol.  I look so forward to part II!
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prorevenge · 5 years
Don't shit on your own doorstep
So this one's been happening over the past few months, and it's hilarious. It's a loooong one, TL;DR at the end.
So I live on a little street with about 7 houses. We're the only student house in the area, and so we're often a target for people looking to make quick money by blaming us because they think it's easy to get us into trouble.
This lady thought WRONG.
Cast: DB - our neighbour, AKA Dumb Bitch TB - My housemate, a genuine teddybear CW - Council Worker Me - Many Earthworms
So I'm walking back from university when I'm accosted by a middle aged woman in her dressing gown and slippers.
I stop, because I'm trying to be polite to the neighbours (the locals have a *location* Hates Students group who vandalise student property to try and make us leave so I tend to overcompensate to make our household look good)
'Hi! How are you?'
(are you seeing the irony here?) I cross the road to where DB is stood - and where her car is parked - and ask 'pardon?'
'You dumb bitch, did you not hear me? I said you vandalised my car'
She was really trying to sell that I vandalised her car when I was on the other side of the road and she KNEW that.
'I'm... Sorry? I think you've got the wrong person.'
DB points at a HUGE scrape down the side of her car and I wince, that poor thing must have been beaten up pretty badly, but I had nothing on me that could have inflicted that much damage. I explain that the binmen destroyed my moped (still in for repairs) so they might have caught her car too and her eyes light up.
Our house has a driveway big enough for 4 cars and is, obviously, right outside my house. So I tell her no, that I haven't been parking on her drive, especially because my bike was destroyed and has been gone for over 2 weeks.
'You're a liar,' she's like, spitting in my face at this point. 'I have photos of your bike blocking my drive from 3 days ago. That's why I was parked on the road and that's why my car got totalled.'
'Okay,' I nod. 'May I see the photos?'
DB is all too happy to whip out her phone and show me the photos of what she proudly believes to be my moped (A fire engine red piece of scrap that, to be honest, was well beyond saving even before the bin men mangled her).
Except... It isn't my bike.
'Ma'am, I hate to be rude but... That's a mobility scooter.'
Cue the screaming and shouting about how rude teenagers are (I'm 21) and how we university students always disrepect the locals. She tells me that I must think she's an idiot (I do) for thinking that she's wrong about my bike (she was). So I take a deep breath and say:
'Ma'am I'm in a rush, but you really are wrong about the bike... Maybe ask [her next door neighbour, a kind old lady who owns that mobility scooter but is a little forgetful] about why she parks her scooter on your drive.'
I walk away and think nothing of it. Except now she's left her totalled car on our private property instead of her own drive, after running our fence that blocks the drive down and complaining to our landlady about anti-social behaviour - there isn't any, btw, we're 4 reclusive students who stay in all night watching netflix with our headphones in, and she's also like 5 houses down from us so she definitely wouldn't be able to hear the noise she was describing.
Pretty much the whole neighbourhood is shunning us at this point, as DB had been spreading lies about our behaviour - telling everyone that we vandalised her property so it's only fair that she uses our driveway as compensation. I feel responsible for her behaviour, as I should have shut her down immediately rather than letting this drag out. So I sit in my room (nothing new there) and hatch a plan.
The next morning, I walk past her house and watch as DB lets her dog out, watches it take a crap on public pavement, and then shrug and walk away. BINGO. According to our local council, this is an offence she can get fined for, as it's vandalism and obstruction of council property. So every morning as I walk to get my train, I take a photo of the turds - some fresh, some crusty, and some smeared across the pavement by some poor sod who's stood in it. Then I email EVERYTHING to my local councillor who is FUMING that someone fully able bodied is allowing their dog to do this without cleaning it up. She gets fined £1000 with a threat of MORE if she continues to do so (I heard this from my neighbour as he was friends with CW, who handled the case). And guess what? She did. And the more that dog pooped, the more I reported it. She racked up £4000 of fines just for dog shit alone, and I didn't even report her trespassing on private property.
But apparently she'd spoken to CW, who was a newbie, and pressured him until he let slip that 'a neighbour' had reported it and of course she happened to 1) realise it was me and 2) know where I fucking live.
She hammered on my door, screaming about how she was going to drown my cat (I don't have one, my neighbour's cat just loves me), smash my window, and then catch me when I was walking home. Now TB is also a recluse, I've said in previous posts that he basically stays in his room and only leaves to go to uni or grab a beer and some food. But he is PISSED at the way this lady is screaming at me. He stomps downstairs, yanks the door open while she's midscream and glares down at her. He's 6'7" tall and a rugby player, so he's basically a walking muscle. If I didn't know that he liked to cry at anime while hugging us on the sofa, I'd think that he was terrifying. But this lady wasn't privy to this information. So she looks up at this angry, MASSIVE Northerner and just trembles as he says in a very low, threatening voice:
'You need to get off our property, and take your car. If you so much as blink at writerlysnitch and I hear about it, I'll not only call the council for the dog shit you flung on our driveway, but I'll call the police for damage to property and harassment. Now FUCK. OFF. LADY.'
Safe to say she ran faster than I've ever seen her run.
Last week I heard from the neighbour that CW had sold her car for scraps (she never got the thing fixed) just to pay off the eventual £4200 of fines she'd racked up, and every time I walk to the train station and see the mobility scooter parked on her drive it feels like another little win!
TL;DR - Nasty neighbour loses her shit, so I report her dog's shit.
(source) story by (/u/WriterlySnitch)
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alexr-fightgames · 4 years
getting into Leroy: beginner-to-intermediate guide
This is for @californiawells and anybody else who wants to pick up Leroy and start bodying people. It assumes he hasn’t been nerfed (yet ?), and that you know Tekken notation and a little bit about frame data.
I realize, having written it, that it’s kind of long. Don’t be intimidated! Leroy is really easy to pick up, as Tekken characters go.
Why is Leroy good?
He’s got nearly every tool that you could hope for in a Tekken character, and then a few things that nobody else has!
Good df+1 ? It’s great! Low pokes! Absolutely. A hellsweep? You betcha. An orbital heel. Great approach tools. Great punishment. Super absurd combo damage for easy combos. Super good safety. And he’s got one of the best parries in the game. And the unique cane mechanic. And a theme song. And a dog.
The only Tekken things I can think of that he doesn’t have are: a complete throw mixup (his grapple game is not great), a snake edge-type low launcher, a generic d+4, and a hopkick. But lots of good characters don’t have those things.
He’s super good.
What moves to use?
As with most Tekken characters, df+1 is your go-to poke. His is 13f (fast) and only -1 on block, which is *great*. AND IT HAS EXTENSIONS. You can do df+1,1 which is also only -1 on block, but second hit is high. Or df+1,4, which is mid,mid and leaves you in stance. Both are safe on block and guaranteed on hit.
b+4 is a safe, homing mid kick with good range. Kinda like Heihachi’s, but faster and more damage??
d+1+2 -- neutral on block (but forces crouch), long range fast mid. CH launcher. Amazing. d+1+2 into d+1+2 is a good pressure sequence.
Throw out your orbital heel (u+4 or u/f+4) randomly, to catch low moves, or if you think they’re going to duck, or to evade counter-attacks, or if you feel like it. Worst case, you get whiff-punished, but it recovers pretty quickly.
He’s got great approach tools. ff+3 is a long-range tracking kick that will get you in with +1 on block! That’s disgusting! (it is high, so if you’re too predictable you could get ducked and launched). You get a mini-combo on hit. On block, try a b+1 to fish for a counter-hit? They’ll probably swing, not knowing that it’s your turn.
b+3 is similar, though shorter range and merely safe on block, not plus. You can get a bigger combo on hit.
u/f+2 is another good approach tool. A quick jumping mid punch that is + on block and wall-bounces. What the fuck is this. Why does he have so many great moves.
1,2,4 into stance for your 10f punish. Or just 1,2 if you don’t want to go into stance.
If you block something that’s -14 or worse from standing, you can easy-mode punish with 1+2,1+2,1.   PRACTICE HIT-CONFIRMING THIS. The last hit is very punishable, but you should almost never do it unless the first few hits are hitting. You can just throw the 1+2 or 1+2,1+2 out in neutral, in hopes that it will hit and you can hit-confirm into the last hit -- it’s really good.
As something between a whiff punisher and an approach tool, you can use ff+2,2. It launches on normal hit, into your default combo. Only -13 on block. If they don’t know they can punish this, party with it.
u/f+3+4,1+2  is something like Law’s 3+4,4 , but doesn’t give a full combo. 14f big long-range whiff punish. Also useful in combos.
At 15 frames from crouching and standing, you get a launch. df+2,1+2 for the standing launcher, while-standing 2 if you block a big low.
For lows...
d+3,2 is in your default combo, but you can (and should) also use it as a low poke. If it hits, you’ll be at +8, right in their face, in stance. Party time. This move is like Hwoarang’s d+3,4 but better.
d+2 is a really good low-poke too. High-crush, something like Feng’s d+2. Consider following it up with the extension, d+2,4. Both are quite safe -- nobody can launch you for doing them. And you can delay the second hit.
d/b+4 is also quite good. It high crushes. Kinda like Kazuya’s d/b+3, but better because on CH you get a small combo.
HELLSWEEP BECAUSE WE BELIEVE IN OUR READS. If they look complacent and you’re feeling gutsy and want a knockdown, just run up and db+3,1+2. It’s launch punishable on block, so be careful.
What combos to do?
The basic combo that you can do off basically every launcher is:
(launch) db+1,3 d+3,2 (hermit stance) 2,1 S!  dash uf+3+4,1+2
Drill this into your fingers. You’re going to get like over 70 damage for any launcher here. It’s super consistent and not hard.
This works for (at least) these launchers:  orbital (u+4 or u/f+4),  f,f+2,2 , while-standing 2, df+2,1+2.
When ff+3 hits, you get a guaranteed u/f+3+4, 1+2.
When b+3 hits, you get a guaranteed (dash) b+3 df+1 df+1 u/f+3+4,1+2.
At the wall, I like to end with df+1, u/f+3+4,1+2. There are better wall enders, but this is really consistent.
Just Leroy Things: stance, parry, cane, dog
His parry is b+2. It’s more like Jin’s parry than a reversal. Too much to talk about here.
His stance, Hermit Stance (HMT) automatically parries lows.
When you’re in stance, there are a bunch of good options. The most basic ones are:
mid poke: HMT 4 , leaves you in stance. 11f mid poke.
mid with commitment: HMT 4,1+2  mid-mid knockdown string. Punishable.
orbital heel: HMT f+4
low: HMT 3,4  or HMT b+4  (second option is homing and high crushes)
Also you can parry with the b+2 parry from stance.
CANE: you can only do this once per game. But d/f+2+3 is like an extra rage drive. Launch on normal hit, big frame advantage on block.
DOG: Call Sugar to do an assist with 2+3! This is a terrible idea. Sugar is a good doggo, but she’s not a very reliable combatant. And she takes forever to come out. And she might not actually do the attack; there’s RNG here.
Super good. Plays when you’re on the Dragon’s Nest stage, during potential final round. Try to be on Dragon’s Nest stage, for an extra power-up.
What did I not cover?
More options out of stance. Advanced combos. Okizeme, ground game, how and when to use parry...
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icyhotheartwritings · 5 years
Long and rambly post about the Camp Fire ahead. Skip to the bottom to avoid my rambling and just see the pictures.
One year ago today, I woke up and started getting ready for school. At 7:47, the girl I carpool with asked if I was still going to come get her because there was a fire near me. I step outside and everything seems fine. I can’t see anything, I can’t smell smoke, and my lips don’t burn like they always do when there’s smoke. So I keep getting ready.
A little while later, my mom tood me the fire has spread and I’m not going to school. All of Pentz road was being evacuated. That’s where my grandma lived. So we started packing.
We pack edeverything that’s important. My DBZ figures, my whole electronics collection, my Pikachu plushie, my concert t shirts, the souvenirs my mom’s best friend brought me from Sweden, the hand crocheted horse and cat my aunt made me, my mom’s signed hockey sweater, the ashes of our recently lost dog and the mane of the horse we lost a week before the dog. Everything. We packed it in our RAV4, Torey, and sent my mom down the hill to get the horses out while my dad and I packed our indoor animals. We couldn’t attach the trailer to the RAV, but the live in caretakers had a truck they could hook up.
My mom never made it to the barn. A half hour after she left, we got a text from my grandma.
“Don’t go down the hill. It’s on fire.”
By that time, my mom was trapped in the fire. They kept making her turn around, back and forth, as flames surrounded the road. A drive that normally took 15 minutes took 3 hours. Eventually, they made her get out of the car and walk. She walked for three miles until she reached running traffic and found someone to give her a ride to Chico.
Meanwhile, my grandparents had packed up their cat and dog and some of their possessions, taking separate cars just in case. They figured they’d come home in a few days, just like every other time. We were later told by a neighbor their house was in flames at 9:30 am. My grandma was the first to reach the roadblock on Pentz. They told her to turn around. She looked in her rear view mirror and saw my grandpa and the cat behind her, and fire coming up behind them and all the cars past them. So she drove through the roadblock. I’m certain she saved lives.
My then boyfriend was in a jam. He was home alone with his 4 year old cousin while his mom went to get his sister and her boyfriend and get gas. He was in charge of packing for the entire family and getting their kittens. His mom was gone for a long time, and by the time she got back the house two doors down was in flames. At the time they left their place was going up.
The friend who texted me that morning thankfully went home before the fire got to the church where we were going to meet up. Her family and animals all got out. She had to see a friend’s blind horse run into flames and die in front of her.
My aunt and uncle were heroes that day. Down the road from them lived a family. Three kids, their dad, and their grandma. My aunt drove the kids out. Their dad and grandma died that day, they were the first casualties discovered. I’m going to say this right now: Don’t you dare look for pictures of deceased people after a tragedy. I saw people begging all over looking for the video of them in their car. That’s someone’s family they lost. The internet knew they were dead before the kids did.
The power went out shortly after our last phone call with my mom, where she told us she had to leave the car sans one mirror that a cop took out. We were about to use my dad’s circular saw to overkill-cut a hose to siphon the gas out of my undriveable truck when it went out. I got my multitool and cut the hose, and used it for a number of other things that were frankly so mundane I can’t remember. I will never be without a multitool again.
The power being out meant we didn’t have any communications. The cell towers were down too. The very last communication we got was word that the stables were on fire. We ended up having a gathering of neighbors in front of our driveway, chatting about nothing and everything to distract ourselves.
Now, I’d never been a religious person before. But that day I prayed. I prayed to every god I could think of. It may seem weird, but most of all, I prayed to Hephaestus and Poseidon. I prayed for them to keep the fire away from my horses, to let them live.
My 3 horses were part of the 5 that got out of the stables on trailers. A family friend made it before they closed the roads. She packed up her horses in her trailer and got the caretaker’s son to hook up his truck to our trailer and get our two young horses out. But that left our old man horse. Our friend waved down trailers coming from further down the road. Soon she found one that had a space open. She actually knew our old man already, and she got him in the trailer and down to the fairgrounds. Before she left, my friend let out the other 15 horses. Four of them made it on the news, running side by side down the road with flames on both sides. A few days later firefighters found 20 horses at the stables, all of ours and some of the surrounding stable’s horses, rounded them up in the arena, and fed and watered them with my family’s stuff that somehow made it.
My dad and I didn’t leave the house for a long time. We left at 3:14 pm. Our car didn’t have a lot of gas, so we waited for Skyway to clear up. We had the cats packed up real quick after mom left, so we took them to our chicken coop for food water and a litter box and still be in quick grab range. It was strangely peaceful in a way. It was completely quiet. My dad and I decided to have breakfast, he had a peanut butter and jelly sandwich and I had a strawberry pop tart. I almost left my retainer on the TV tray when we left.
Somewhere in the 6 hours my dad and I were without communication, I decided to pack up some more stuff in my backpack. I grabbed our old laptop and its cord, all my handwritten writing, and my textbooks. Then, I decided to sort through my old movie case. There, I found my old box set of Dragon Ball GT and a few DB movies. I decided to take it with me. Before we left, I grabbed my favorite blanket too.
We left the house at 3:14 pm. My old man dog rode in the floorboard. I had to sit cross legged on the seat. Me and my dad, 3 dogs, and 9 cats went up and around. At 4:30 pm, I got service back. At around 5:30, we were safe at the family friend who saved my horse’s house in Oroville. I got to go to Walmart and get new clothes and a toothbursh, take a shower, and then we were evacuated again. This time, we went to my friend’s husband’s family’s house in Bangor. We stayed there for the night and returned to Oroville the next day. We were evacuated from there again on November 10 and returned the next day.
On November 15, I got to see my old man horse again. That was also the day we found we were one of the lucky few who secured a rental house until we were able to return to our house, which was just outside the fire line. We cleaned it ourselves and moved in on the 17th. On November 18, we got to return to the stables and retrieve our stuff. On November 25, we got photographic confirmation that Torey the car and our stuff was burned to a crisp. The VIN and all but 4 characters of the plate were gone, which is why it took so long. Another family friend had to call in a favor from an old high school friend who became a cop to find it.
On December 8, at 3:17 pm, we were able to return home. We were fucking lucky.
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View from down my road that morning
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Old man cat out for a potty break
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View of Paradise from Highway 32
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RIP Torey
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Found my 2DS. Lightly crisped.
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Here’s my grandma’s house. Can you find my bed? Hint: it’s under the AC unit
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It’s messy and old, but it’s home.
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milkte-aa · 5 years
" deal breaker! " (myg x y/n x jjk) 001
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📍tags/genre ;; angst, satire, demon!au, prince!au.
📍summary ;; many many years ago, an ancestor of yours made a deal with two demon princes and never paid his debt. the demons, who lay dormant, have awoken and want their prize. and as a blessing and a curse, the prize is you.
📍author's note ;; the story is a bit mature, so chapters that don't have gore, violence, or smut, are still best for 16+ readers. but, of course, read at your own expense.
📍to find other chapters search #db-jjkmyg
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"Come on, Jungkook! We don't have all year!!"
That loud voice resonated throughout the large, victorian styled manor. The dark hardwood floors were just a clean and shiny as they had been left, back when the victorian era was on the rise. It was a tragic day, when the manor was left behind, and that day would always be remembered as the day when the demons lost the great war. The two demon princes, who resided within this manor had fought and the front lines, and were forced into dormancy when they lost.
The heavy sound of footsteps could be heard at the home's entrance from deep within the many halls. Approaching every so calmly, Yoongi knew his call had been heard.
He gazed into the round mirror next to the coat rack that lay in the manor's entrance hall, fingertips brushing lightly over his cheek and jaw. The last time he'd seen his own face, was over 130 years ago, and there had been a long and deep cut that split his face in half diagonally. It was strange that they woke up, let alone come back completely unharmed or scarred. It left Yoongi to wonder why he was returned to his original state? Why wasn't his black hair matted with blood? Why was his skin left smooth and clean and not cracked, cut, and burned? Why was Jungkook so unhurt as he? He was greatful that his lover was back in the correct mental state, but why was it so?
"Weird isn't it? That we look brand new?" A chuckled rumbled across the entryway, taking Yoongi's attention away from his silvery reflection. He looked to Jungkook, the tall and handsome boy he'd had as a companion for centuries.
Yoongi nodded, looking back towards the mirror for a moment. He watched himself, quietly staring into his dark eyes. Jungkook cleared his throat in an attempt to get the other's attention, "So, hyung, why did you call my name?"
Jungkook had shoved his hands into the pockets of his blazer, with a coy smile on his face. Depsite them having come back so 'new', they were still wearing the same clothes. Black blazer's and slacks, dress shoes, and decorative silk shirts with matching chokers. Silver and gold adorned their fingers and ears, matching the outfit and the era they had left behind.
"Ah yes, we have some unfinished business to conclude." Yoongi turned again to the younger male, "Sadly, that war interrupted us."
Jungkook tilted his head. He was tired and confused, and quite frankly it took a second for him to even recall the very war that took place. But he caught on, remembering the crippled old man that had begged them to cure his only child of an incurable disease. They had done so, with promise that they would be able to collect whatever prize they wished from him when they returned—whether it be riches, land, or a soul. He nodded.
"Is there any prize to collect?"
Yoongi licked his lips. "I believe so. I looked into while you took a nap. The current family isn't rich, so I think we'll be collecting a soul. Unless something else takes our interest."
Jungkook liked the idea of a prize, even though the last thing he could remember was losing a great battle. Souls meant servants. Servants meant things getting back to normal.
Yoongi approached his companion, placing a palm on the younger's cheek. He still saw the condition Jungkook used to be in. The beaten and swollen image lingered in his memories. "I'm so happy you're okay..."
Jungkook smiled, setting his own hand over Yoongi's. "Mhmm, me too. Now, let's go get our well earned prize before it runs away."
"Yes, let's."
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Your ancestory had always been a mystery to you. It felt like living in fog, and only ever seeing what was closest to you. You never met your grandparents, as they were all dead before you were born, and so you could never ask silly questions about what wars they lived through or where they grew up. Your parents wouldn't talk about it much, especially after their divorce when you were thirteen.
Though, despite all that you didn't know, there was always one thing that remained clear—your family was cursed.
The story was simple; over 100 years ago, a man in your family made a choice. Would he save his daughter from death or would he let her go and end her suffering? Despite what his little girl had wanted, he chose to save her from the clutches of death, and looked everywhere for the cure. But no books held the answer and no doctor had the time. He had lost hope. That was, until the man was approached by a mysterious creature and offered a deal. He took it without much thought, not caring to ask what the creature was or where it came from. Because of that, his ancestors believed him to have cursed the bloodline— due to making a deal with something that has yet to collect its end of the bargain.
If the family really was cursed, then maybe that would explain why you felt like nothing ever went right. All through highschool, you made mediocre grades and never seemed to impress your parents while simultaneously managing to never make any long lasting friendships. During the year between highschool and college, you had gotten fired at almost every job you took for extremely stupid things. And now, in university, depsite having finally made some good grades you're knee deep in student loan debt. You could hardly pay bills as it was, and soon enough the bank would show up a take you shitty car and even shittier apartment.
But what could you do about that? Nothing, really. Life is just a series of miserable mistakes and regrets, with the only promising goal being growing old and retiring right at the age when freetime is uncomfortable and impossible. Yeah, life is shitty. Life was so shitty sometimes, that it made you wish that the deal your idiot ancestor made would come back and haunt you because then maybe life wouldn't be so painfully drab.
Though, your catch yourself in that thought because demons, or monsters, or fairy tales weren't real.
Ring ring ring!
The distint chime of your cellphone rang at you from your bedroom, gently calling you to answer an important phone call.
"Who is it at this hour? Its almost 10 o'clock..." You pulled yourself up from the old cushions of your hand-me-down couch, eyes briefly passing over the screen of your tv, which flashed with commercials at the moment. With quick steps, you reached your bedroom, which wasn't really that far away at all, and managed to reach your phone before it quit ringing.
Nothing could be heard from the other end, thought you were certain someone was listening to you.
"Who is this? If you're trying to sell me something just do it already and don't waste my time."
Nothing again, and with that you hung up— people these days were rude over the phone too. You huffed, turning your phone off and chucking it on the bed with a soft thud. Through your annoyed attitude, though, a strange feeling of coldness swept up your spine. It swarmed your brain, filling your mind with a ice so black and dark that it stopped you from thinking for a moment. But it faded, as it some sort of fire or heat had burned it away. Strange, you thought, and then you snapped back into reality.
The tv show you were watching echoed in the distance.
You walked quietly back to the living room, gazing down at your index finger and grumbling at the chipped blue nail polish as you did. You hardly paid attention to your surroundings in this moment, and ran into the couch, slamming your toe against its hard bottom.
"F-fucking hell! Bitchass couch, always in my fucking way!" You yelled out, squeezing your eyes in pain as you reached down to hold your throbbing toe.
A soft sound eerily similar to the clicking of tongue of teeth could be heard, and then...
"Well that wasn't a very ladylike set of words." The low grumble of words jerked you out of your pain, your eyes wide as the shot up to see a man sitting on your kitchen counter, his legs crossed calmly over one another. He was cold. That very coldness you'd felt just before you left you bedroom.
"W-who'er you?!" You scrambled backwards, nearly falling your ass in the process. "How'd you get in my house?!!"
The man chuckled, cleary amused with your prey-like display. His dark gaze raked over you slowly, and his tongue peeked out of his lips for a brief moment. He had black hair, brushed out of his face to show a subtle bit of the pale skin on his forehead. The rest of him was pale, all except his eyes and hair... and the oddly Victorian outfit he wore. "Who am I? How'd I get in? Those are your questions?" He scoffed, "Mortals... You never cease to amuse...."
He trailed off just as you looked to your left, spotting a large black dog towaring over your couch and gazing at you. It looked like a hellhound, but there was something oddly human about it. At closer look, the dog had black horns atop its head and rows of razor sharp teeth and a two-pronged tongue. Its tail swung around carfully, like a snake.
The man on your counter spoke again, "I am a demon, little girl, older than your bloodline and nearly as old as religion itself. This here is my friend, who decided to appear in this form rather than a human one...."
You scoffed, definitely by accident. The reflex in you to pass off stupid claims as symptoms of a low IQ. You regretted this immediately.
The man showed you his teeth, a flashy way to tell you to know your place. "I'm serious, girl. You can stand there all wobbly kneed a pretend that you don't know, deep down inside what we are, but I see right through you." He looked to the dog, that looked back at him and let out an impatient whine. "But... I will be kind and tell you the story, so that maybe then you'll show us some more respect."
You blinked several times, a feeble attempt as waking up from this nightmare. Demons? Imposible! Such a stupid idea. These are just figmants of your imagination. Maybe your family was cursed; but it would be cursed sooner with insanity that it would with demons.
"Once upon a time, during the Victorian Era, a young girl suffered from a bad case of of some very mysterious disease. Her father wanted her to live so very badly, and sold everything he had to find her a cure. But no doctor could care to help, and no witch had a practical solution. He poor, little girl was dying and each day the pale horse grew closer. But, one day, he found himself in the presence of two strange creatures that he passed off as extremely smart hellhounds. Whatever they were, he made a deal with them, selling his soul for his daughter's life. The 'creatures' were nice, and decided to wait until the man got to live a happy life with his daughter before they came to collect his soul and his life. But, those 'creatures' got caught up in a war and were left dormant for over 100 years. And now, they need to get paid for their kindness..."
You could out two and two together, you were mental, the 'deal' your ancestor made was real and it was with this man here and his... dog?
"So that's not really a dog?" You pointed to large mass of dark fur that starred at your with red eyes.
The man shook his head, "No, that's my partner-in-crime Jungkook. And I'm Yoongi. Glad to see you've found your common sense, little girl."
"So, um, Yoongi, what do I have to do with this deal? You can't possibly be here for my soul, I didn't make that stupid deal..." You tried to calm down, but it was difficult to say the least. You were starring death and its dog, er, friend in the face. Who could stay calm during that?
Yoongi looked to his friend, nodding subtlety before he adjusted his hair with a heavily jeweled hand. "I hate to tell you this, but a soul is hard to get once its dead, not unless we were there to grab it. But as I said, its been 100 years, and your great great great grandaddy is probably deep within the inferno. Jungkook and I hardly have the time to find him."
"So, you're going to kill me?" The wind outside your apartment's front door howled, a sign of an on coming storm before it happened. You could almost taste the rain in the air.
The room was silent for a moment, giving your thoughts time to catch up to the situation. You've been acting like this were a real situation. As if! Demons aren't real. Neither was magic or curses ir any of that other mumbo-jumbo. To even believe it for a second would make your insane. Maybe you were. Maybe you were in some sort of looney-bin hospital strapped to a white table and screaming like all hell was loose.
Then, the more fake than real, Yoongi spoke up. He cleared his throat, hopping gracefully off of the marble countertop. The slender man approached you, peering into your fearful and confused face before looking to his hound-shaped companion. The hound thing nodded.
"Hate to break it to you sweetheart, but we can't kill you just yet." Yoongi seemed pleased, a hidden emotion swimming in the dark pools of his eyes. "Remember that war I mentioned? Yeah, well it drained us of our power, and now we can't do something as simple as collect a soul."
Crazy, stupid, gullible girl! This isn't real! Stop responding to your hallucinations!!
You shook your thoughts away, saying nothing to Yoongi at all. He was definitely talkitive and would more than likey continue speaking on his own.
".... So, girl, that means that you're coming with us and will stay under our watch until we're strong enough to do such."
And so he proved you right.
"You don't believe me do you? You think your just a normal, everyday psycho broad who dropped her marbles somewhere and can't find them." Yoongi chuckled. "Do you want to know something? If you were dreaming or imagining this, then you wouldn't be able to feel pain or taste things. And I do recall you jamming your toe not too long ago."
Defiantly, you looked up at him, meeting him eye-to-eye in a show of boldness. "That doesn't prove anything. I could've started hallucinating between then and now. God, look at me, I'm giving into this whole brain fiasco and talking to you! And you're not even real!" You laughed, making this possibility of madness grow.
"Oh how amusing! I, the wonderfully boring and dull, Y/n, have finally gone absolutely insane. I see demons and hellhounds! What's next, fairies and unicorns? Will I begin to preach that I have seen God's true fac-" Your babblings were halted by the most violently pleasant burning sensation, accompanied by the feeling of lips against yours. The mouth against your's was soft, gentle even, with not a hint of malicious intent. You gave in, melt into the touch the snaked around your body— your demon has kissed you.
The moment didn't last long, though you wished it had, because suddenly your bottom lip seared with pain and the taste of blood filled your mouth. Those soft lips tugged themselves away, leaving you with a bloody lip.
"You bit me!" You accused, touching your fingertips to your lip. Yoongi licked his lips, an remnants of your blood disappearing. He grinned.
"Better yet, you would've liked that pain if I kept on with that kiss."
"Why would you do that?" Your ears and cheeks burned with embarrassment. He had done that on purpose, to prove some point more than likey. But the fact that you felt it—his lips, the pain—it meant that-
"This is real. I am real. So is, my very annoyed friend over there." He gestured calmly to the hound who was scrunching its face up, a low rumble emitting from its throat. Your eyes darted back to Yoongi, who was still smiling. "So, sweetheart, are you going to give in and come with us willingly or is he going to drag you?"
You added it all up in your head. Demons, hellhounds, broken deals, war, soul stealing, and ownership. This was crazy... but real. Maybe. The mind is tricky. You contemplated locking yourself in the bathroom and waiting for them to leave, but Jungkook would definitely tear the door down and rip you into ribbons. You could go with them too. Its not like you would be leaving much behind. Your poor parents would be so torn up about it if you just went missing out of nowhere.
Yoongi still stood relatively close to you, so you backed up a bit before you spoke. "I'll go with you, but... let me pack a bag and write a note in case anyone comes looking. Alright?"
You were insane, this was insane, but you had no real choices.
Yoongi nodded, satisfied with your response. "Alright, but hurry. We don't have all year."
And with that, you scurried to your bedroom with two pairs of knowing eyes burying themselves into your back. What had you gotten yourself into, Y/n?
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butterflyinthewell · 5 years
I feel like a hypocrite and an ableist piece of shit.
I talk all the time about how caregivers need to be more compassionate to the people they take care of when I can’t muster much compassion for my dad.
He emotionally abused me a lot as a kid and still does.
He also has very advanced Parkinson’s disease, so he is totally dependent on me and mom just to survive the day.
Now, most of his loss of mobility is his own fault because he never does the exercises shown to him by therapists on the occasions we can get one to see him, and with Parkinson’s you lose it if you don’t move it. He will refuse to do any exercises unless the therapist is pushing him to move and then he complains that therapy doesn’t help. 🙄
If he has a bad fall, he gets even more sedentary and loses even more mobility. This puts more strain on mom and me. We try encouraging him to move the parts that don’t hurt from the fall to maintain mobility, but he won’t!! Like he will refuse to our faces.
My dad is a very “I will quit and give up if it is slightly hard” person, but gets mad at me if I show a hint of similar behavior.
Everything I do for my dad are things he would never do for me or wouldn’t do when I was a kid.
He takes out his frustrations at what he can’t do on me.
He gets mad at me if I get grossed out or gag and run to get mom to help if something gross happens(very few things affect her), yet he is so squeamish he gags over more things than I do. My mom understands this and she says to get her if something gross happens, but dad treats it as if I’m tattling on him.
He expects me to put up with his gross and unsanitary habits. (I would be more understanding if he couldn’t help it, but these are things he can fully avoid doing and does anyway!) These are all things he would not tolerate from me if I did them.
Most of the gross shit that happens is him being careless and not watching what he’s doing. All I will say is he has spilled containers of his bodily fluids because he didn’t make sure he had set it firmly on a table before lettting go when he is fully able to turn his head and LOOK. Certain bodily fluids have smells that trigger my gag reflex. I have told him this. He still gets mad at me if I gag visibly or audibly as if I have control over it. I don’t.
My mom and I are basically trapped as his caregivers because we can’t afford help. America doesn’t give a fuck about lower middle class disabled people and our insurance is a joke. I mean, I’m grateful it covers things like surgeries to replace his DBS batteries, but it also won’t give us in home help. My mom has to do the hard physical stuff like bathing him and helping him sometimes in the bathroom.
My mom is so stressed out dealing with bureaucratic red tape and juggling doctors and appointments and all the ways this shit gets screwed up that I’m afraid she’s going to have a stroke and die any minute.
I resent that I have to take care of my dad. I resent it so much.
I wouldn’t resent it if he had dementia and didn’t know what he was doing anymore, but he is fully lucid and chooses to act the ways he does. He chooses to make things more difficult for me and mom. I get that he is trying to feel in control of something in his life, but that is a pretty bullshit excuse to willfully exhaust one’s caregivers with ridiculous arguments or causing problems just to make us scramble for him. (And yes, I know intentional messes from accidental ones. I have seen him reach over and smack a full Gatorade container off a table. It’s not the same as him bumping it with his elbow while repositioning in a recliner.)
What makes me even angrier is everybody runs to kiss my dad’s ass if he has a physical struggle of some sort, but if I have a meltdown, get stuck mentally or just am not able to tolerate something because of sensory issues due to being autistic, I get told to shut up, suck it up and stop being dramatic. My mom doesn’t do this, but everybody else does and I fucking hate it.
So I am an ableist hypocrite piece of shit and a shitty advocate. I’m sorry for my utter failure at everything. I’m a mistake and I’m sorry.
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sunflwrvolume6 · 4 years
someone lost, something gained [36]
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This is a huge step, a leap forward that she won’t ever be able to take back. And if this all ends disastrously, she will not only lose the only man who’s held her interest in three years but the man who has made her happy through such a horrible time. She meant what she told Antonio. She didn’t think she would ever smile again after Granddad passed, and that thought alone terrifies her.
[ao3 ☆ wattpad part one | part two]
[previous ☆ masterlist]
[get tagged here]
note: not going to lie, this is 4k of pure tooth-rotting fluff. i almost split it into 2 chapters/posts, but here it is in all its glory.
Veda frowns at her reflection, smoothing down the front of her dress. It’s too much, she knows it is, but Hattie had been adamant about this particular outfit. She’d said that if Niall didn’t want to take Veda to bed immediately after seeing her in this dress, then he’s either stupid or just not that into her. Veda crosses her fingers and hopes her cousin is right.
But she still walks out of the bathroom and into Hattie’s room with doubts swirling in her mind. “Are you sure I’m not, like, showing too much?”
“Veeeeee,” groans Hattie as she tosses her book aside. “Look. Yes, your back is exposed, and yes, maybe it’s a deeper neckline than you’re used to. But you don’t look like a two-dollar prostitute, so it’s a win.”
“Well, thank god for small mercies.” Sighing, Veda makes her way back to the mirror, calling over her shoulder, “What should I-?”
“Oh, step aside. Your favourite cousin is here to save the day. Sit,” Hattie orders with a vague gesture toward the tub.
Veda rolls her eyes but obeys while Hattie rummages through the bag Veda brought downstairs with her. Hattie comes up with an eyeliner pencil and bottle of foundation. She warns Veda to stay completely still -”Or I will stab you in the eye and not feel bad at all” - then gets to work. Veda follows every command, tilts her head up and down and side to side. She even manages to somehow control the twitching of her eyelids as her cousin applies mascara.
Finally, Hattie steps away and beams. “Hey, you actually look somewhat presentable.”
“Hey, you’re actually kinda being an ass.”
Hattie yelps when Veda goes to stand. “What do you think we’re doing? We aren’t done!”
“I’m supposed to be meeting him soon,” Veda protests, and Hattie shoves at her shoulders until Veda sits again. “If I’m late, I’m blaming you.”
“Worth it.”
Forty minutes later, Veda is slipping her feet into a pair of nude peep-toe heels, courtesy of her cousin who heard about the date finally happening and went shopping. She sighs and checks her reflection again. Dark red lips, perfect winged liner, curled lashes, and a touch of peach on her cheeks make her look entirely different than her every-day face. The mass of curls pinned on top of her head is definitely a change from her usual bun, and Veda will never waste the time again.
But even she has to admit Hattie’s magic has made her look incredible.
“Be home by Cinderella, or the carriage turns back into a pumpkin.” Hattie drops to sit on the couch and cocks her head. “Better yet, don’t come home at all.”
“Wow, you really think I’d put out on the first date?”
“For Niall? Yes.”
Veda pauses before collapsing into giggles. “Okay, yeah. You’re right. Don’t burn down the house.”
“I’ve been cooking since I was six. I think the house will be standing when you come home in the morning.”
Veda slides her phone into her purse and steps out onto the stoop, pulling the door shut behind her. Someone whistles sharply across the street, and she checks that Nonna isn’t watching before she raises her middle finger at Antonio. He laughs, shaking his head, and tells her to have fun. He really doesn’t need to add the lascivious wink - she hears the innuendo in his voice - but he does anyway.
“I’ll tell Nonna you’re pestering me, Ant.”
“She gets one look at’chu, she’s gonna wonder where you’re goin’ all dolled up. You really want questions right now?”
“I’ll tell her tomorrow,” she giggles as she makes her way down the block to the subway.
The sun edges closer to the horizon, but the heat of the day is nowhere near dissipating. Veda’s heels click against the pavement, joining the cacophony of fellow pedestrians moving to and fro. The restaurant is just ahead.
Her heart beats faster in her chest the closer she gets.
Hattie made sure Veda was out of the house in time, but Veda didn’t make sure she was actually ready for this.
This is a huge step, a leap forward that she won’t ever be able to take back. And if this all ends disastrously, she will not only lose the only man who’s held her interest in three years but the man who has made her happy through such a horrible time. She meant what she told Antonio. She didn’t think she would ever smile again after Granddad passed, and that thought alone terrifies her.
Niall is quite possibly the most wonderful she could ever love like this, and losing him would be just as devastating as losing Granddad.
Love. Far too early for that, Mitchell.
Light streams through the enormous windows, catches on Niall’s dark hair like a halo around his head. He’s staring down at the phone in his hand; his thumb taps at the screen, he pauses, then his thumb taps again. The process repeats five times before Veda’s phone vibrates against her side. She steps out of the foot-traffic, digging through her purse until she comes up with the device.
From: Niall > I’m excited to see you
It is such a simple message, but it brings a smile to Veda’s face until her cheeks hurt. She locks her phone and looks at him. He’s gorgeous. His face falls when he sees she’s read the message but isn’t responding. She swallows down the sudden surge of nerves and eases her way through the evening crowd.
“How many times did you write that message only to delete it again?”
His head snaps up, and his smile falters as his gaze skims over her body. “Fuck, Veda, you look - wow. You’re gorgeous.”
“Oh. Um, thank you. Hattie did all the work. I just played the role of live-action Barbie.” Her face heats up at the way his eyes are still on her. She steps forward to kiss his cheek. “You look amazing, too.”
And he really, really does. The gunmetal grey of his V-neck brings out the blue in his eyes, and his dark jeans only accentuate the muscles they hide. Veda’s mouth grows dry as she stares, fragments of a dream worming its way to the forefront of her mind. She wants to feel beneath her fingertips the stubble along his jaw, the soft strands of his hair between her fingers.
She wants to make him look as turned inside-out as he makes her feel.
Ever a gentleman, he holds the door open and waves her through. She laughs softly.
“This is just so you can stare at my ass, isn’t it?”
“I’m only a man, Ve-Veda,” he chuckles as his hand settles on her lower back, a steady point of warmth that rapidly overtakes her entire body.
Veda will remember nothing of the decor, none of the faces they pass as they follow the host to their table, or the aromas of meals that mingle in the air. All she can focus on is how his hand hasn’t moved. The way his fingers brush against the hem of her dress above the curve of her ass. The rush of her heart as it desperately tries to push oxygen through her veins instead of the desire to lead him to the bathroom.
As much as she loathes the loss of contact, Veda is thankful when they sit. His touch was far too distracting, and it is nearly impossible to be on your best behaviour when all you want to do is feel more of that touch in places unsuitable for public audience. He grins at her from across the table; his eyes hold a knowing gleam, and she wonders if he’s thinking the same thing.
She barely spares a second to check the menu, ultimately deciding on a salad. He frowns slightly, opens his mouth, but she shakes her head. The confusion on his face disappears when she explains she only eats like a pig at home. Being out in the real world means she has to use the manners Granddad worked so hard to teach her. Niall laughs and tells her she’s doing a great job.
“So, I have to admit something. I’ve been wanting to ask you out for, well, too long.”
Veda cocks her head. “Why didn’t you?”
“I didn’t want to make you feel like I was pushing myself onto you.”
She can’t help it - she starts giggling. “Sorry, sorry. It’s not funny. I mean, it kinda is? It’s why I don’t text you every day asking you to come over.”
“You should have. DB and I would’ve loved to spend more time with you.”
Ellie’s words echo in her mind, and Veda drops her gaze to stare at the glass of water. She doesn’t want to voice the doubts, but she knows she needs to. She has to know.
“Can I ask why? You wanted to ask me out, I mean. Aren’t you worried that this is just me, like, latching onto the first person who shows me a teeny tiny iota of stability during a life-altering event?”
“Well, I wasn’t before!” He taps his finger against his glass and laughs quietly. When he looks at her again, there’s an earnestness on his face that astounds her. “No, I’m not. Veda, I figured out a long time ago that sometimes, you make a choice and it turns out to be the worst fucking decision of your life. But it’s a lesson learnt, and you move on and try to remember that lesson.”
“But what if it turns out this is just my brain craving affection and comfort after I lost my best friend?”
He smiles softly, reaches for her hand, and she lets him link their fingers together. “Then I can’t be too upset, can I, that I’m the one who got to offer it to you.”
“Nope, nope, nope,” Veda mutters as she blinks rapidly, but the burning remains in her eyes. “I can’t do this. You are too damn perfect. What the Hell.”
The stricken expression on his face is replaced with amused exasperation, and he lifts her hand to press a kiss to the back of it. She bites her lower lip to stop her giggles, even as the server arrives with their meals, and Niall sticks his tongue out at Veda.
The date seems almost…effortless. As if it’s merely one of their hang-outs in a restaurant instead of her house. Even the knowledge that this is changing their relationship isn’t enough to make Veda panic for long. He keeps her laughing with stories of his childhood, and she tells him more about her life with Granddad, even the tale of her throwing a temper tantrum in the middle of the street while he taught Hattie how to ride a bike.
She never wants it to end.
“Where to next?” she asks as he leads her toward the door.
“Well, I figured you weren’t the type of girl who would be content with sitting in the dark for two hours while watching a film that may or may not be awful.”
“You guessed right.” Veda frowns when he hails a taxi, his hand tight around hers. “You’re not gonna tell me, are you?”
“Absolutely not.”
“You’re lucky I trust you.”
“I’ll do my best not to fuck that up then.”
Veda stares at him for a moment then shakes away the feeling that he is far better than she deserves. Everything he’s told her has been pleasant, wonderful. Even the strained relationship with his brother pales in comparison to her own familial ties. She doesn’t tell him that, though. It isn’t a competition, and she would hate to ruin the atmosphere of the evening. She would take the win in a landslide, anyway.
Niall helps her from the backseat, his hand solid and strong and not releasing her even after she’s on her feet. His lips brush against her cheek, and Veda ducks her head to hide her smile as they step away from the cab so it can drive off. She squeezes his hand then turns toward their destination. She pauses, blinks at the dark blue building and bright yellow letters.
Niall shrugs and shifts his weight. The lot lights wash his eyes an icy blue, but there’s so much warmth there. “Has a date ever done this with you?”
“No, I can say with absolute certainty that this is incredibly unique.” She bites her bottom lip at how uncomfortable he looks, as if he’s afraid he has messed this up. She sighs, touching his cheek with her free hand. “You were right. A movie would have been cliche, and I am so not dressed for anything requiring more than walking. Niall, this is perfect.”
His gaze drops to her lips, but he doesn’t kiss her like she desperately hopes he will. Wants him to. Instead, he smiles and loops his arm with hers. She waits to pout until he’s not looking at her. Why won’t he just kiss her already? He has had ample opportunity, and she’s practically begging for it by this point. After all, it was only a month ago that she kissed him. It’s his turn now.
He suggests a game as they walk through the aisles, pointedly following the arrows on the floor unlike the other people. The rules are simple, he says: Find the most ridiculous items on the shelves to decorate a home with, and whoever has the weirdest collection wins.
“What’s the prize?” she asks even as she adds a tray printed with ugly Santas to her list.
“If I win, I… hm. I get another date with you.”
“And if I win?”
“Another date with me.”
Veda giggles, presses her face into the side of his arm. “So either way, we both win?”
She tugs on his arm after a moment, and he follows obediently to the mini-home setup. His face scrunches up once inside, his eyes darting around the small space. Veda understands his distaste for the tiny home - the idea of leaving less of an imprint on the environment is nice, but she needs more room to move.
This, though, seems more like -
“Are you claustrophobic?”
“I am,” he admits with a self-deprecating chuckle. Nervous. Anxious.
“Shit. I’m sorry.”
He shakes his head. “Don’t be. How could you have known?”
She immediately steps out of the display, pulling him with her, and Niall draws in a deep breath once they’re back in the aisle. He squeezes her hand gently. Forgiveness. With an apologetic smile, she gestures for him to lead the way.
The kids’ section instantly catches her attention. Not the bedding or furniture, but the toys. She never really had playthings as a child, since Olivia wasn’t much of a mother, so Veda, without shame, checks out the stock of every store she steps foot into. Granddad started her plush animal collection, and Veda adds to it every chance she gets.
Niall doesn’t judge her for her excitement over the stuffed dogs and teddy bears and penguins. In fact, he even moves away to look in other bins, holding up various creatures for her scrutiny. She falls a little more for him because of it. For once, she feels like she doesn’t have to hide a part of her.
That she can show everything she is, and he won’t think less of her.
“Veda! Oh, my god, come here.”
Veda turns away from the pandas and makes her way through the cramped aisle to his side. Her eyes widen, and she gasps at what he’s found. “Holy hell, they’re amazing! They’re bigger than DB!”
“It’s ridiculous.” He pauses, resting his hand on her back, and she meets his eye. “Want one?”
“No, it’s okay. I don’t need it.”
He frowns as his fingers catch her chin, hold her head still so she can’t look away. “Ve-Veda, I didn’t ask if you needed it. I asked if you wanted it. Yes or no, no thinking allowed.”
And what else can she say except “Yes”?
His smile lights up his entire face, and he lets her go to dig through the bin. She raises a brow when he comes back victorious with a plushie in his hands. He lifts a shoulder jerkily, explains that the ones on the bottom haven’t been touched by gross hands nearly as often as the ones on top.
Veda accepts the reasoning - it’s logical, after all - and reaches for the shark. He takes her purse so she can clutch the stuffed animal to her chest. She knows her grin is too wide, too childlike, but the heat beneath her ribs overwhelms any potential embarrassment.
No guy has ever offered to buy her a stuffed animal, let alone a three-foot shark.
Once he’s paid for the blåhaj, as the tag proclaims, and a new leash for David Barkie, Veda follows Niall back out to the car park. He wraps his arm around her shoulder, kissing her temple, and they walk in silence toward the nearest subway stop. A heady thrumming kicks up in her veins, singing praises of how wonderful the night has been.
How amazing Niall is, even before he’s given her one of the best dates she’ll ever remember.
Her mind suddenly stutters to a halt as they stand together on the subway, scarcely an inch between them though there’s no need. They’re the only ones on within a two-seat radius. She groans as her head drops back. He stares at her with a question in his eyes. Veda sighs and wonders how to explain what she’s thinking. What comes out is:
“This date wasn’t terrible.”
“Isn’t that a good thing?” he asks, the words slow and purposeful. Like he doesn’t want to offend her or be offended himself.
“Yes and no.” She exhales sharply and decides to go all-in. “Okay, so you remember how we met because of my friend Ellie’s wedding? Well, I was the maid of honour, and I gave a speech about Chris and Ellie’s first date.”
“I’m guessing it was terrible?”
“The worst. She called me after, and I swear, I almost fell asleep as she told me because it was just… so boring. There was no chemistry! But she went out with him again, and now they’re all gross and in love and married. So I said I wanted a date like that. Something terrible that lead to an amazing love like that.”
Niall nods slowly, and Veda leans into him when the car sways, coming to a stop. “Well, I suppose this could be our second date, because me coming over after your granddad passed was a terrible time for you.”
“Nah, it’s okay,” Veda laughs, the sound watery but bright. “I think I’ll take the perfect first date considering how long it took to finally get to it.”
Niall steps out onto the platform first, reaching back for her hand. His brows are drawn together, a slight downturn to his lips, and Veda wonders what he could be thinking about. What could have made him so serious so quickly? When he strokes his chin, she realises he’s putting her on.
“The perfect first date?”
She rolls her eyes but plays along. “Yep. Almost guaranteed you’ll get a kiss at the end of the night.”
“Anything I can do to make it happen?” he asks, pulling her closer when a group of men walk past. Not even nine-thirty and they’re already drunk. One of them whistles under his breath, his gaze heavy on Veda’s exposed skin, and Niall hurries her along.
“Keep being you, I suppose.”
Nonna stands in her doorway, watches as Niall and Veda approach, but she doesn’t say anything. She doesn’t even wave. Veda appreciates that, though she would like a bit more privacy as she comes to a stop at the top of her stoop.
Setting the shark down at her feet, Veda stares up at Niall through the glow of the porch light, at the soft curve to his lips and the way his eyes shine. She steps further into his space and thanks the inventor of heels as she kisses Niall’s smile away. His hands settle gently on her hips, warm even through the fabric of her dress, and she wraps her arms around his neck to bring him closer. His heartbeat is rapid against her, or maybe it’s hers that is fluttering so quickly beneath her ribs.
Nearly every single neighbour is peering through their windows when Veda finally pulls back, and she huffs out a quiet laugh. “And here I thought living in a small town would be the only way to get this kinda nosiness.”
“They worry about you,” he whispers, shrugging, and Veda kisses him again. God, she is falling too hard for him, and she doesn’t want to stop.
“Thank you for tonight. I really enjoyed it.”
Niall is the one who kisses her this time. One hand cups her cheek, and she chases the taste of wine and chocolate on his tongue. Heat flares up in her belly as his fingers press firmly into her skin. She wants more than this slice of perfection.
She wants him, any way she can have him.
The invitation is on the tip of her tongue, the plea for him to stay the night, for the night to never end. But then he’s pulling away, putting a sliver of distance between them, and her body goes cold without him. He whispers a goodnight, his lips brushing hers once more, then makes his way down the stairs.
Veda watches him walk away and wishes she’d asked him to stay. Her mind catalogues all the things she’s going to tell Granddad about tonight, about how amazing and unique and unexpected it was, before -
She can’t tell him anything. Tears burn in her eyes at the reminder. Granddad would have loved Niall, and Niall would have loved Granddad. Granddad will never meet Niall. So Veda does the next best thing: She grabs the stuffed shark off the stoop, carries it inside, and sets off to find Hattie.
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seancamerons · 5 years
Degrassi (all seasons) for the ask list!
What OTPs in your fandom(s) do you just not get? Mostly my notps, but matlingsworth was a huge waste of my time with them interacting and breaking up every five minutes in seasons 13 and 14 and camaya because like they want her to wind up never dating again after him and he died and their relationship was pretty brief but it did have a huge effect on maya’s psyche when he committed suicide. but that wasn’t enough for some camstans. they wanted maya to basicially grieve forever. alot of jiberty stans have that ideology too (and i did enjoy them but i never felt that way) but not to make excuses but liberty and jt had a rich history before his untimely death where as camaya was like a brief blip in time. i know it doesn’t matter how long you knew someone but their relationship wasn’t as deep as people make it out to be. cam was clearly leaning on maya who was blissfully unaware of the depths of his depression. she projects those feelings onto miles her next boyfriend until she was forced to snap out of it.  i see it as wildly unhealthy. 
I placed the rest under a cut for the sake of my dash. 
also the ideologies of some sellie shippers who happen to abhor emma and lastly PARCY. i can multiship like the next guy but parcy just plain sucks and people are wild about it. i never understood the appeal you had to change peter’s entire character to even make it remotely work and even then it’s still fucked. he called her hopeless at her worst. he couldn’t handle her at her worst. he didn’t deserve to have her at her best. And of course eclare was toxic as all get out but people view them as this uber romantic thing when it’s wildly not that way and then even their biggest stans turned their back on the ship when they kept seeing eli despite the fact he had already graduated forcing eclare down our goddamn throats. 
Are there any popular fandom OTPs you only BroTP? seig even though it was shortlived and yes i only and always thought gracevas work to me as just friends. romantically it’s one sided according to canon. in the beginning it was a big almost but throwing in that crush on zig as confusing and infuriating it was, grace and zoe were built on a good foundation of friendship and even though romance wasn’t in the cards for them canonically their friendship did prevail. i think that says a lot to me. 
 Have you ever unfollowed someone over a fandom opinion? already answered this. 
Do you have a NoTP in your fandom? Are they a popular OTP? already answered that one. 
Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you? absolutely camaya and eclare and hmm
Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated? a loooong time ago (i’m a fandom oldhead) i used to hang out at a little board called db and another called tod and we used to have debate threads where we’d debate ships. it was an odd time. however i never chose sides in the huge craig/manny/ashley triangle + ellie. so like most of the fandom, manny and craig were universally hated and ashley and craig was cherished but i didn’t like either of them. one user my dear friend kelsea was so adamant about cranny and made such compelling arguments for them that i ended up falling in love with cranny. however, during my latest rewatch i’m kinda back to disliking cranny. my indifference would’ve paid off had i not read into those threads haha. however i still hate crellie it’s like a straight darco craig is like waiting for rain in the drought useless and disappointing and also determental to ellie’s development but if there was any ship that fandom made me enjoy it would also have to be janny. janny is so universally loved and i FINALLY see the light in them and the appeal. 
Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now? hmm lets see alot of things about emma i guess which is kind of shocking i know. 
Have you received anon hate? yes a few times What about? my unpopular opinions and once i wrote this thing that was like personal experience and yeah maybe i had no business saying something hit close to home and someone was like you deserved to get r*ped. that was back in the day. thankfully it hasn’t happened a whole lot but anon hate does suck. 
Most disliked character(s)? peter, ellie and then the ones that everyone hates for obvious reasons like Dean the rapist, Albert the absuive father of Craig and derek (need I say more?) Why? how much time do you have?
Most disliked arc? Why? Already answered this one. 
Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? I’m old enough to start liking some of the parents, Mama Guthrie comes to mind. 
Is there an unpopular arc that you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why? already answered this
Unpopular opinion about XXX character? I’m not a super hater I swear but my opinions on Ellie post graduation are pretty awful. She turns into the girl she would’ve hated in high school. Let’s be real. Ellie’s pathetic pining for Craig was nauseating when he didn’t recipocate or has a serious relationship. 
Unpopular opinion about your fandom? Idk I guess the culture of pin pointing who is without shame and who should be shamed. that’s argraviting, like the treatment of maya and zig as both a ship and seperate characters pre-season 3 of next class was embarrassing. 
Unpopular opinion about the manga/show? Oh my god I have so many unpop opinions. I prefer dtng era degrassi they’re my bread and butter. 
If you could change anything in the show, what would you change? I wish Semma was endgame. There I said it. 
Instead of Spemma happening I would’ve made Sean come back. 
Does not shipping something ‘popular’ mean you’re in denial and/or biased? Not at all. I hate this ideology. 
What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom? Complaint culture and the ideology that everything and everyone must be perfect to enjoy. When the social justice end infiltrated fandom it became the police of fandom saying this person is problematic or this ship is bad because xyz. Characters are flawed to better relate to their audience, it doesn’t matter because some characters are inherently good even though they made mistakes just like you. Just because their fictional doesn’t mean they all have to be perfect. It’s a shame when people pedestal their faves and make them above critiquing and analyzing their actions. 
What is the purest ship in the fandom? Hmm no ship is super pure but early sanya with their goddamn stickerbooks was super pure. A lot ships start off super pure, Sean and Emma early on were super pure too. Also I always thought Shiny is super pure from the next class years.
What are your thoughts on crack ships? I don’t know people can ship what they want, there’s always fanfiction however I don’t really see a point to it because you’ll never see them in action. However I did crackship Emma and Jay and they had their moments even if it was never a canon thing. I can’t crackship to save my life. 
Popular character you hate? Ellie Nash
Unpopular character you love? Alex Nunez!
Would you recommend Degrassi to a friend? Why or why not? All in all I would recommend and have recommended watching degrassi to anyone and everyone at least once. There’s something for everyone because there’s such diversity and awesome and relatable moments that someone could pick from the show and go, “i’ve been there but look at me now.” or “i struggle with this, i’m not alone”. sometimes it could make you laugh, and sometimes it’s super melodramatic but it’s at times really good. I mean it was around for nearly 30 years in some capacity they must’ve done something right. i knew people who used to watch it in school as an educational program.
 How would you end Degrassi/Would you change the ending of Degrassi? I think they should have a reunion film or a mini/limited series where everyone comes back kind of like Backtrack (a fanfiction I wrote) which is basically adult character Degrassi centered around their life after high school and university and and end Emma walking/driving Jack on Jack’s first day going to school to make it go full circle kinda. Corny huh?
Most shippable character?  spinner mason! 
  Least shippable character? sean cameron because i only ship him with emma hardy har har.
omg omg i did it! thank you so much for the questions. :)
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entamewitchlulu · 5 years
Homura’s Flash Reviews [February 2019]
This will be my first review post for 2019!!  I’m watching winter anime currently which I won’t be reviewing til the season is over, but for those who are interested, here’s what I’m watching for winter!
The Price of Smiles
Ace Attorney
Magical Girl Spec-Ops Asuka
The Promised Neverland
Mysteria Friends
I’m also gonna be adding a few other things to these Flash Reviews and also review the movies I’ve seen during the month, just cause I rly like having opinions lol.  So without further ado, here are the anime, shows, and movies that I saw this February and January!
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Not technically an anime in anything other than style, Castlevania is the animated adaptation of the third Castlevania game, following the adventures of Trevor Belmont, the last of his vampire hunting legacy, Sypha, a nomadic magician, and Alucard Tepes, the son of Dracula and his human wife who was killed by the church, and their struggles to take down Dracula before he wipes out all of humanity.
I don’t know much about Castlevania the games, as they really aren’t my genre, but this adaptation was incredible!!  Proof that video game adaptations can and should strive for greater heights!  The dialogue was funny and witty, the characters were interesting and even the villains were endearing, and there was this incredibly crafted atmosphere of both sadness and hope.  Not to mention, the animation was top notch.  Plus, I have to give it credit for finally letting characters say “fuck” realistically.
overall: 9/10
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Futari wa Pretty Cure
The very first, original start of the popular magical girl franchise, Pretty Cure chronicles the tale of Nagisa and Honoka, two very different girls who are brought together when they are chosen to become Pretty Cure, the legendary warriors who will defend light from the darkness!  Together with their mascot friends Mepple and Mipple, and juggling their real lives along with their supernatural battles, Cure Black and Cure White will do whatever it takes to protect the world from evil!
I’ve intended to watch Pretty Cure for literally years now, and no one could agree with where I should start, so I decided to just do what I usually do and watch from the beginning.  I’ve only seen the first season of Pretty Cure and not the Max Heart sequel yet.  Overall, it was about what I expected!  I’m a bit of a sucker for the traditional 2000s magical girl genre, with its repetitive formulas, catchphrases, poses, and the usual five episode plots that every single one of them has.  The designs were super cute and I love how Black and White look so distinct and yet are still clearly a team.  Pollun especially is super adorable!!
Definitely I can see why Pretty Cure became such of a behemoth in the magical girl genre today; it has staying power.  This season was definitely full of a lot of generic magical girl filler, and I will be honest that I started to lose steam for it towards the end, plus the villains were not at all endearing or interesting (like, Poisonny and Regine are both very pretty, and Kiriya was okay, but other than that, no one stands out), but it was still a great and adorable experience that I’m glad I experienced.  I’m not sure when I’ll get to the next series, but I’m sure it won’t be long!
overall: 7/10
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Incredibles 2
I took my sweet time going to see this sequel, but here we are.  In the anticipated sequel to the original Incredibles, the family faces new challenges as Elastigirl is scouted by a CEO to help make superheroes legal again, while Mr. Incredible has to learn the challenges of taking care of the family by himself.
 I guess overall it was a good movie and well made for its intended audience.  The animation was pretty good and I usually like their cartoony anatomy designs which are more concerned with a comic-book-esque aesthetic rather than proper anatomy and perfect realism.  Definitely the quality has soared since the first Incredibles.  For me personally though...as much as it was entertaining, in hindsight I don’t think it was really made for me.  There were a lot of plot threads that didn’t seem to get resolved or even addressed.  Bob never fully confronts his jealousy for Helen’s new job, and is never quite confronted about the fact that he hid Jack Jack’s powers from Helen either.  The new superheroes were...honestly not my favorite designs in the world outside of Void, and I felt like their only purpose was to become fight fodder for the final battle, which could have been done with almost any other means.  For as long as the movie was, it felt like a lot of the threads were simply not deeply solved, and only shallowly addressed.  As this is a movie for kids, though, I can look past that; this wasn’t the story for a hugely deep look at things.  It did affect my personal enjoyment, though, but it was still a greatly fun movie to watch.
overall: 7/10
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Dragon Ball Super: Broly
Finally coming for the canon after a couple of decades, DBS Broly brings the legendary super Saiyan Broly into the main cast.  When the young Broly is sent away from Planet Vegeta for being too overwhelmingly powerful, he and his father are stranded on a barren planet for forty years, until they are found by some of Frieza’s soldiers and brought into the Frieza Force.  Frieza immediately pits the super powerful Broly up against our heroes Goku and Vegeta, who must pull out every trick in the book in order to stop him from destroying the planet in his growing rage.
I never ever thought I would say this about anything relating to Broly, but GODDAMN that might have been the best Dragon Ball media in years.  Let’s get this part straight: I’ve disliked Broly since he first appeared in the DB movies.  He was boring, had a ridiculous backstory, and was just there to be a Gary Stu to really push Goku and Vegeta to their limits.  But this movie??? This movie singlehandedly shot Broly to my top ten characters in Dragon Ball.  He is endearing, gentle, a recovering abuse victim with a rage he cannot control, and his strength is more dangerous to himself than to those around him.  In TFS’ review of the movie, they made a great point: the real stakes of his movie aren’t whether Broly is going to destroy the planet; they’re whether Broly himself is going to be okay.  I’m focusing a lot on Broly, but Goku and Vegeta are in top form in his movie as well.  It’s great getting to see Vegeta have a massive fight where he isn’t immediately jobbed for Goku’s sake, and Goku himself is at the top of his game as the fun-loving, battle-crazed but still sympathetic hero that he should always be written as.  Not to mention our new additions to the main cast in Cheelai and Lemo, two of Frieza’s soldiers who found and ended up befriending Broly, who are equally endearing and fun especially in their dynamics with Broly himself.  
All in all, this was a fucking excellent movie, and the first DB media that I can imagine wanting to rewatch!
overall: 10/10
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When Nazuna is about to move away, she asks Norimichi to come with her to the fireworks, though she plans instead to run away.  When this doesn’t work according to plan, Norimichi finds that a strangle marble belonging to Nazuna has the power to turn back the clock, giving them a second chance to be together.  However, with each reset, they move further and further away from reality -- can they return to a world where they’re able to spend at least one day with each other?
This is pretty much, in a nutshell, everything I love about anime movies.  It’s beautiful, fluid, full of amazing music, and the emotions hit so close to home.  While the story itself doesn’t explain much, it really doesn’t have to -- the surrealism of the surrounding world sells it more than any exposition would, proving you don’t need to slow down your story to explain something as long as you can make people feel something for it.  Despite having so little to know about both Norimichi and Nazuna, I was still more than sold by their romance. And once again, the surrealism of the animation and the story are something that only anime can pull off.  You just can’t do stories like this live action.
The only thing that really dragged this story down were some of the CGI bits, which I found unnecessary and weird against the otherwise gorgeous backgrounds, but I guess this is where animation is going lately so I might have to get used to it.
overall: 8/10
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