#and then didn't. instantly took the offer and smugly told me he's sorry when he had to give them his license
cuntwrap--supreme · 2 years
Guess who has to talk to their GM today because yesterday they screamed at the guys who own the bar they work for/told the guy who took their job that they'd likely get in a fistfight with him if he didn't leave them alone?
#it's me. I'm who.#gm all but told me I'd get the truck. then they give it to the other guy.#said not a single person had even recommended i run it#which is cute because that's not what gm said#the owners didn't even know my name. i had to remind them.#said i don't have kitchen experience that i was just a front of house employee#i asked why i worked 15 hours a week in their kitchen then#asked what me being a kitchen manager or a shift leader several times in my life has neant#asked if it mattered at all that my last long term job i was doing the work of 4-6 people by myself every day#the guy they gave it to didn't even want the truck. he said he wanted something in the pub#also said if they asked him he'd siggest we both run it because he doesn't want to#and then didn't. instantly took the offer and smugly told me he's sorry when he had to give them his license#this guy knows I'm trying to escape my oppressive household and this was an easy way for me to do so#the raise i would have gotten would like help me qualify for home loans and shit#which by the way i make 46k a year at this job and only qualify for a 90k loan. i want to kill myself.#so I'm telling my gm today that he's either going to pretend to know shit about how i work and stop telling me I'm a good worker#or he's going to put his money where his mouth is and grow up and do shit about it#i don't need some random grown man to validate that I'm a hard worker. i know i am.#but I'm not working another job where I'm told i work so well and they give me more shit to do and not more money#either fucking promote me or shut the fuck up. i do not need your praise. i need you to show you mean it.#and if they don't mean it I'm not scared to quit on the spot. period. same goes with any job.#i will be homeless before I'm disrespected like that. and i mean that.#I'm not working another job where I'm kept in some weird limbo state of will i or won't i be promoted#do it or shut the fuck up#considering telling them to move me to a whole other location too. just like permanently. just kitchen work. no truck.#anyway I'm clearly livid#i don't deal with liars well and i don't do great with empty promises. 2023 is not gonna be about that noise.#ranting
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writerfae · 3 years
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Anastasia AU: The Apple Tree (A not so mini bonus story)
This one actually takes place in the past. Young prince Aiden snuck away from his guards and encounters kitchen boy Talon.
short side note: I feel like I should mention that this takes place in a different universe, not in Russia/France, I only use the city name Paris as a placeholder because I haven't come up with a fictional city name yet
Anastasia AU masterpost
It was a sunny day at the palace. Talon sat under the shadow of a big apple tree, peeling potatoes for dinner.
The boy enjoyed the peace and quiet of the little courtyard, away from the buzzing of the huge palace kitchen.
The silence was broken by the sound of footsteps quickly approaching.
Surprised, Talon peaked up from his work, just to see a boy running towards him, quite fast so.
Talon recognized him instantly. It was the prince. The youngest. Prince Aiden.
Talon has never met him before, only seen him from afar.
The nearest he ever got to him was when he served at one of the many feasts, watching in awe how the youngest son of the queen danced around his mother, his circlet sparkling in the light of the candlelit hall, just as bright as his smile.
Now said prince ran up to the tree Talon was sitting under and all Talon could do was duck away as with a cry of "Careful!" Aiden jumped up, grabbed the tree branch closest to Talon’s head and climbed up the tree trunk with a litheness that reminded the kitchen boy of a cat.
Baffled, he could only look up to the other boy who was now sitting on one of the farther up branches of the tree, looking down on him.
He must've made a pretty funny face, because the young prince started to giggle. Talon couldn’t help but to smile, too.
He was about to open up his mouth and ask him what exactly he was intending to do up there, when suddenly there was the sound of footsteps again.
Both boys looked to the direction the sound came from.
Two guards approached the courtyard with fast steps. They seemed to search for something. Or someone.
"I don't see him," said one guard to the other. Then he noticed Talon under the apple tree.
"Hey, you, kitchen boy. Have you seen Prince Aiden come past here?"
For a fleeting moment, Talon’s eyes wandered up to where the other boy was sitting on the tree. The tree's many leaves shielded him from the two men's eyes.
Aiden pressed a finger against his lips to tell Talon to keep quiet, barely surpressing his giggles.
So that's why he climbed up there, Talon thought, amused.
He looked at the guards again. "No," he shook his head. "I saw no one around but you, I'm afraid."
The guard sighed, then he nodded before turning back to his partner. "Alright, let's try to search in the library."
Then they left.
Once they were gone, the prince picked a shiny red apple, then he climbed down the tree, landing gracefully in front of Talon.
"Thank you for covering up for me." He smiled at the other boy.
Talon bowed his head. "Of course, your Highness."
The prince frowned. "Aiden," he said. Talon wasn't sure what he meant. He shot the boy a questioning look.
"Aiden," the prince repeated, sitting down next to Talon, lowering himself to his level.
"I don't like being called by title. It fits my brother better than me anyway. He's the crown prince, I'm just a spare." Aiden shrugged.
His words didn't seem bitter, they were merely a simple truth to him.
"What is your name?" He turned to Talon, his brown eyes starring in Talon’s golden ones with great curiosity.
Talon averted his eyes, unusually shy for the normally so witty kitchen boy. "Talon."
"That's a nice name," Aiden smiled. He looked down at the bowl full of potatoes in Talon’s lap. "So you work in the kitchen?"
"Huh?" Talon followed his gaze. "Oh, no, I just sneak into the palace and peel your potatoes for fun," he said sarcastically.
That made the prince laugh. Talon watched him from the side, amazed, then he laughed, too, until they both were breathless.
After Aiden caught his breath again, he took the apple he picked earlier and broke it into two halfs. One he offered to Talon.
The apple looked delicious, but the kitchen boy hesitated.
He had always wondered how the shining red apples tasted like, had thought about picking one more than once.
But it was the queen's apple tree and the cook had told him to stay away from it.
The queen's apple tree isn't for servant boys like you, she had said.
"Take it. I want you to have it." It was as if Aiden had heard his thoughts.
"Henry and me pick apples from the tree all the time. Mother won't mind and she says sharing is important."
So Talon took the apple half. It tasted even better than he imagined.
He smiled. "Thank you."
The prince nodded.
"Why did the guards look for you?" Talon asked after a while, his curiosity finally winning over. Hopefully it wasn't a rude question.
"They're my personal guards. They are supposed to watch me all the time. It's annoying. I feel like a baby. I'm not even sick anymore, it's not fair that mother sends them after me all the time."
He pouted. The older boy found that adorable.
"And since my brothers are in Paris, no one wants to play with me anymore, so I made up my own game." Aiden grinned smugly.
"Getting away from your guards?" Talon asked.
Aiden laughed. "Exactly. Almost like hide and seek. Just better." He leaned back against the tree trunk.
"Hide and seek, huh?" someone said suddenly, making the two boys flinch at the unexpected noise.
There on the balcony stood a young woman Talon recognized as the queen's sister, Aiden's aunt.
Amused, the young woman looked at the scene in front of her. And at the caught look on her nephew's face.
"Don't worry, I won't give you away. But you should go back to your guards, before they start to declare a state of emergency."
She leaned forward slightly and grinned. "Or worse, they'll tell your mother. You wouldn't want that, would you? That would mean no apple pie for you."
The prince's eyes widened at the implication of a possible dessert deprivation and he shook his head energetically.
It made Talon giggle.
"That's what I thought," Aiden's aunt said. "Now stop keeping that poor boy from his work and come. It's time for your history lesson."
With that, she disappeared.
Aiden stood up as well, dusting off his pants.
"I'm sorry, I have to go." He pouted again, as if he'd like to stay longer.
Talon wouldn't mind him staying a bit longer. But who was he to keep a prince from his duty?
He was lucky that the boy even talked to him in the first place. Princes weren't supposed to talk to kitchen boys after all.
So he just nodded.
"It was nice meeting you, Talon. Maybe we'll walk into each other again some time."
He bowed to the blonde and with a last wave of goodbye, the two boys separated.
Ever since that day, Prince Aiden would greet a certain kitchen boy with a smile and a wave every time they crossed paths and said kitchen boy always bowed in response, small smile on his normally so serious face.
This turned out to be not that short after all, oops xD
tag list (Anastasia AU): @rise-again-2001 @thegirlwithnonickname @annoyingwritingtrash
tag list: @shattered-starrs @soupopoireau @a-ray-of-moonshine @quill-of-doom @heyabella @vibinwiththehomies @elisabethrosewrites @charleeyy @iced-ginger-tea @hell-yeah-fantasy @violetcancerian @that-one-potato-blep @annoyingwritingtrash @stardustspiral @shipdest @writingqueensworld @imintheunderworld @thewalkingnerdx @abalonetea @the-starlight-chills @fictional-semantics @cordaks @kpmccolgan @deekshablogs @myhusbandsasemni @magsiswritingnow @a-box-without-hinges @meiyanaalexia @contes-de-rheio @rhikasa @phantasticdomains @thegirlwithnonickname @marewriteblr @kimblewrites @daisylincs @treesandwords @writingbyjillian @write-for-your-life2 @deadlycupid @yejidoesthings @nora-theteawriter @ladywithalamp @the-writing-avocado
(if you want to be added or removed from the tag list let me know)
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zuffer-weird-girl · 4 years
Requested by: @hello-lucky-luka
The corpse groom
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Every minimal details had to work, said your parents.
You were being forced to get engaged with Shigaraki Tomura, a noble from a family whose had their status, but no money. In contrary to your family who had money due to their bussines involving fish, but no such tittles.
You had only a conversation with the man, but both your mothers exclaimed how it was scandulous to be alone on a room alone before the marriage.... The wedding rehearsal was a disaster where you just wanted the ground to eat you alive... especially with that random woman laughing.
Despite Shigaraki calling you back, you ran away due to all extress of not being prepared to be married with a man you barely knew... You wish you had never entered that florest though.
A man. A DEAD man emerged from the ground and you colapse... wakening up only by some snickers, noticing that now you were in a world where dead creatures lived.
A man with an eye missing out with blong hair was shaking you and screaned along with yourself when you finally woke up.
"Where am I?! Where is this?! Who are all of you and why do you look so-so-?!"
"Fucked up? Absolute filled with trash? News flashes newbiew! We're fucking dead!" A man spoke, he was huge and with a hole on his chest that you even saw through it.
"Ooh new meat!!!!" Another man with the jaw broken aproached and you yelped, falling on the floor but with arms... DEAD ARMS on you as if they tried to prevent your fall.
"Pardon." The man with glasses spoke before casually kneeling to pick his arms and placed them back to help you stand up.
"T-this i-is-"
"Oi! YOu ShOUlD Be GrAtefUll To BE DraGGed DoWn HeRE!" A creature with their eye hanging of their head spoke and you almost vomited.
"Yes. Parcially because they are master's spouse." One blond man with a fucking katana on his stomach spoke calmly as you gagged in horror.
"W-what w-was that part again?"
"It seems we're engaged." A gruff voice spoke from behind you, scaridly you sneak over your shoulder and gasped at the sign of the main responsible for you to be in this circle of horror.
The man had messy brow hair with golden eyes, his skin was a mix of faint blue due to how long his corpse have been dead as half of one arma of his was pure bones while the other was... "fine". He wore a black messy and torn black tuxedo with half of his tie missing as he crossed his arms over his chest.
You screamed in horror when someone patted him on the back and his fucking eye dropped on your hand.
"Geez is just an eye." The man who patted the other spoke as he gravbed the eye nornally back and handed to the owner, his body was full of holes as if he had been fuzilied.
"Imbecile." The owner of the amber eye punched the back of the white hair man head... making it to fall to thhe floor.
You screamed again.
You came to learn that this man was actually murdered. He had fell for a woman's trick to get her hands on the money of his family. Ever since then, the dead people around there told that this man, Chisaki Kai; whose by disgust at himself decided to change his name by Overhaul; vowed to himself that he would wait for someone else, and perfect, to marry him.
And looks like you were the poor soul.
"I-I'm really sorry what happened to you. But I really cant do this! I have another man to-to-"
"YoU'Re An IdiOt?!" The creature screamed and you flinched at how his eyeball swinged... giving you shivers and even the urge to puke.
"We learned that you were on a arrangement married." The white, and dirty, haired man spoke and Chisaki's eyes narrowed.
"So there is another one huh?"
"There's no other one! A-Actually- You're the other one! My groom is waiting up there and you are just... just-!"
"Dead." He hissed and you swear you saw a tinge of sadness on those dead cold amber eyes of his "It doesn't matter. We are engaged and that's final."
He stormed his way out of the room, making every person of there to look at you as YOU made something wrong.
The fuzzilied man and the creature followed after him as you continue to think of something, anything to get you out of that place.
"Maybe they lost their head or something." Mimic spoke as Chisaki paced around the room with a frown.
"Shigaraki Tomura. Boss trust me, there's nothing special about this guy! Just give some time to them, and bing! The curse will be broken and you got someo-"
"Stop." He said nonchantly, shoulders sagging in defeat as he ran his reamaining hand on his hair "They have a point. I am prisioned with this.. dead. While they are still with lungs functionanting... maybe it was indeed a mistake." He sighed.
The two man changed worried glances. Before Mimic smirked and elbowed his commurate, aproaching Chisaki slowly.
"What does that wispy little brat have
That you don't have double?"
"He can't hold a candle
To the beauty of your soul." the white haired man placed a hand on his shoulder.
"How about a pulse?" Chisaki hissed, slapping Kurono's hand away from his shoulder.
"Overrated by a mile." Mimic answered smugly.
"Overvalued, overblown
If they only knew
The you that we do" the two continue
"And that despicable little creature
Isn't wearing their ring" kurono pointed to the ring of his finger.
"And he doesn't play piano
Or dance, or sing
No he doesn't compare" the both said in hopes to cheer up his boss and friend.
"But he still breaths air." He noted sharply before the two got in feont of him as he tried to exit.
"Who cares?
Unimportant, overrated
Overblown, if only they could see
How special you can be
If they only knew the you that we do"
He glared a both of them before hsi vision got into the only candle lighten up on the room, frowning at it...
"If I touch a burning candle
I can feel no pain
If you cut me with a knife
It's still the same...
And I know his heart is beating
And I know that I am dead
Yet the pain here that I feel
Try and tell me it's not real
And it seems I still have a tear to shed" he layed his back miserably on the wall and placed his good hand to cover how much his pain was feeling.
"The sole redeeming feature
From that little creature
Is that he's alive," mimic exclaimed while getting from behind, transforming into his human form, still with the eye hanging from his skull as one of his legs were missing.
"everybody knows
That's just a temporary state
Which is cured very quickly
When we meet our fate" Kurono aproached from the other side while taking off his head to make his point.
"Who cares?
Unimportant, overrated
Overblown, if only they could see
How special you can be
If they only knew the you that we do"
Impatience and rage took over him as he punched from behind the two man. The two hissing in pain before seing how numb was he... how miserable he sounded for the first time since they knew him.
"...If I touch a burning candle
I can feel no pain
In the ice or in the sun
It's all the same
Yet I feel my heart is aching
Thou it doesn't beat, it's breaking
And the pain here that I feel
Try and tell me it's not real
I know that I am dead..." he layed on the bed, looking at the ceiling with no hope before closing his eyes.
"Yet it seems I still have
One tear to shed" they widened their eyes at the single drop of water coming out of his closed eye.
"Do deads can cry now?!" Mimic whispered shouted before cursing out loud when Kurono merely sighed and punched him with more force than Chisaki had before.
You were absolutely horrified. Not even two days in here and one subordinate of your family had died from a heart attack and appeared on the same place you were stuck in... and it seemes like he brought the news which brought you to the reality.
When you went missing, your and Tomura's family had canceled the wedding due to you not being there, assuming you had ran away from your responsibilities and another woman came in rushing as a thunder to take the responsibility.
This made you realize how... you didn't were cared for by your supposed future broom. It was all a arrangment marrige after all.
The sound of a sad yet beautiful music took your thoughts away as you followed the beautiful melody... finding a door half closed, you decided to pick inside only to widened your eyes in shock as you see the man you were supposed engaged to playing the piano.
People could call you crazy, but in this scenario he looked... quite beautiful. His eyes were sorrow but still focused on the piano in fron of him, slender and bones fingers dancing on each piece of it as his shoulders tensed when he heard the door making it a sound... but still not looking up.
"You play wonderfully." You mused out loud as he scoffed, wincing a bit you remember that he some how must still be offended by what you said earlier.
You slowly and shyly took a seat next to him, visibly noticing him not enjoying the least your company as he still played.
"Im sorry I hurt your feelings-"
"I thought deads didn't had those." He grimaced and you instantly shut uo before slowly playing one note, smilling shyly when he stopped a bit to inspect your actions.
"My parents thought I didn't had to do piano classes, so I sadly didn't had one chance to play such beautiful songs as yours..." you tried to mimic his actions before you and him hissed at the horrific sound it came out.
"God have mercy, your parents were right on not trying to put you onto such a thing." He growled and you felt offended. Going to talk back you closed your mouth when he aproached you, placing his still carnal hand and skeleton one underneath yours, encouting you silently to touch it.
He started to play one song more animated, you gasping in awe at the beauty of it and how he was actually showing you how it was. The sign of it made him smirk as you giggle... although he widened gis eyes whem his hand decided to pop out of his wrist and dance on the fucking piano.
You giggled and hesitantly picked it back, offering him with a smile.
"Pardon." He coughed as he put it back with a scoff as you smiled at him.
The door suddenly slammed open, the blond man who scared you at the first day panting as Chisaki glared at him from his seat with you.
"What is the meaning of this?" He growled, getting up as the poor guy pointed at some place in the hall.
"I-Is urgent boss! Is something about your-" Kurono popped out of no where, shutting his mouth up.
Chisaki gave you an apologetic look before adjusting his tie and going after then.
After a few minutes of no company you sighed and decided to walk around until you heard whispers shouts on what was suppose to be the kitchen.
"I'm sorry master, but the marriage will only be "real" when both of the involved are from the same world." Tengai spoke as you heard Chisaki punching something.
"What is needed then?!" He shouted and you curled in yourself by instinct.
"That's the best part!" Mimic said in glee before darkening his voice "We're going to kill them!"
You muffled your gasp as you pecked inside the room, seing all the man in there looking at Chisaki. Who for the first time had a conflicted expression.
Suddenly he let out a heavy sigh. Making you curious and rather anxious on what he would say.
"No. I was a criminal while alive, but certainly I am not a beast." He murmured as the others on the room frowned.
You laid your back in the wall sighing... biting your lip as all the thoughts in your head ran and ran until you decided to enter the room slowly. Shocking everyone.
"What are you doing in here?" Chisaki growled, eyeing you between his eyes, before taking his hand out of his face to watch you more properly when you took a seat next to him.
"I will do it." You spoke witha smile, giggling a bkt when one of the man's jaw literally fell.
"You heard it." He mused out loud as you pondered over your final decision.
"You weren't selfish enoigh to murder me. And only what you done with my stay in here was trying to be gentle with me until i ruined everything with my hurtful words. But still I have one wish to make.... I want the wedding not to be soon, neither down here... on the surface more likely, so you all and myself can watch the beautiful nightsky."
"... fair enough. Then why are you trying to brush the wedding aside then?" He asked with his noss arched up, you hesitated before grabbing his hand that weren't left any skin or muscles on it, surprinsing him for once.
"Because I want to know my groom before I marry him. And I want you to know about me as well." You smiled and you swore the deadman was smilling as well.
"Very well.... finance."
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iwritethat · 5 years
Wally West: One
A/N: This was a detour from what I was doing. Oops.
Warnings: None
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"The cute alien chic?" You thought of the girl, clarifying it was indeed the correct one.
"And you're sure this one is the one because you said that 3 girls ago."
"Yes... I mean no, I don’t know - look can you please help me (Y/n)." Wally playfully pleaded with you like he’d done on multiple occaisions prior to this and you could only shrug in defeat.
"Sure but my conditions remain the same."
"I know, no bragging, pizza on me, you pick the film for the next 3 weeks."
"And?" You mockingly coaxed, knowing how much the next particular demand pained him which was evident in his deadpan but reluctant tone.
"And no mocking your dates."
The following day you’d stategically accompanied Kid Flash on a visit to Mount Justice, the sight of you two together was no surprise to Robin, Aqualad nor Speedy though the remainder were intrigued by the mysterious stranger so Wally proudly made introductions.
"Hey M'gann, Conner, this is (Y/n)."
"Ah, this is who you love so much to talk about!" The Martian beamed grasping your hands as you shot a glare to a flustered Wally, the guy sheepishly running a hand through his strands.
"Is this your... girlfriend?" Superboy casually inquired after thinking of the correct terminology, yet again leaving you to wonder what your friend has been saying about you in your absence - also considering the implication this’d have on your scheme.
"No! Definitely not! I'm totally single, just because I've told you about (Y/n) doesn't mean we're dating. We're not dating by the way." Wally briskly recovered, blush fading as he emphasised his point specifically for the sake of M'gann.
"Nice to meet you both. Ah Kaldur!" You lit up once seeing the Atlantean, immediately embracing his form just as he did to you in hopes of catching up with him.
"It's been a while (Y/n), you look well."
"(Y/n) is here? Looking as lovely as ever, surprised you're still hanging with Wally though, you're way out of his league." Robin proudly joked as he walked toward you, genuinely happy to see you again and a girl called Artemis agreed with him despite only recently learning your name - supposedly teasing Wally was a commodity amount the Team.
"I'm here for training, Canary said she'd activated the sparring platform so I wanted to test it." With a content shrug you set your plan in motion, gesturing over to the designated area as indication.
Now you were very well trained, the team knew that so it wasn't a surprise when every single member landed with a 'FAIL' until Wally challenged your winning streak. You went two rounds, the first you played to his strengths allowing him to take you down with his speed and received the only 'PASS' of the day. M'gann cheered, flying over with questions and compliments whilst you comfortably sat up and proudly watched Wally bask in the desired attention. Meanwhile got to your feet, brushing yourself only to be met with a smirking Robin beside your figure.
"I know what you're doing and you are good at it, but I don't think it's gonna work."
"Does it ever work with Wally? He's never met a girl he's really caught deep feelings for but I'm only in it for the free food he's promised me." Came your knowing reply, softly smirking at Robin who seemed to disagree but accepted your justification nonetheless.
"There is one y'know..."
"Hey (Y/n) ready to get your ass whooped by the best there is? Fastest kid alive babe." The speedster smugly gained your deadly gaze, his boasting violating the agreement you’d struck less than 24 hours ago and thus not giving you a chance for Robin to elaborate like you’d wished.
This time you would not allow him a victory, like the others you took him out with a mischievous smile and then crouched over his waist whilst he leaned up on his elbows to meet you.
"No. Bragging." You raised a brow, tilting his chin towards you as you punctuated each word as a reminder before heading out. Although your plan had still succeeded to a degree, you walked backwards finding the Martian kneeling down to your friend inquiring about his condition as you winked at him - Wally seemingly impressed with your antics, as he usually was whenever he roped you into these scenarios.
You retained your attentive skills, even talking him up to M'gann but it became painfully obvious that her romantic affections were reserved for a certain clone which left you disappointed albeit pleased for her. Now, you had to break the news to Wally - you'd considered such measures while sitting against the wall in one of the Mountains many hallways bouncing a ball off of the other side as a form of contemplation.
Soon enough your felt a familiar comforting presence beside you, catching the ball and initiating a harmless game between the two of you.
"What's on your mind?" Wally knew you incredibly well, narrowing down I even the smallest quirks and he'd use that to his advantage.
"Nothing, but I'm afraid you might have to give up on M'gann."
"I know. Supes right?" He didn't seemed phased by your sympathetic disclosure, which surprised you slightly due to how long he’d spent gushing over the girl.
"Yeah, sorry West."
"It's alright. Thanks for trying, I'll still get you that pizza."
"But I didn't...?" His response was unexpected, leaving you somewhat speechless but he soon continued with conversation before you could finish, no evidence of heartbreak to be seen.
"That Dan guy you went out with? (Y/n) c'mon you're stunning, and he didn't even offer to pay the full check at the coffee shop. You deserve so much better, his flirting game was awful too." Wally reminisced on the details you’d cruelly given knowing he wouldn’t able to comment due to you deal, although such a thing was now void and you’d regretted that decision. Yet part of you enjoyed his mocking support.
"So I get the pizza but have to suffer your judgements for not getting you a date? I'm sure you have something to say about Jackson too." You threw your head back with an exaggerated sigh, Wally laughing as he replied.
"Don't get me started..."
How unaffected Wally seemed about the let down still puzzled you, although you believed something else must've attained his focus - not that you had any indication of what it was as you sat flicking through the channels.
"So... there's another girl." There it is.
"Dude, are you kidding me? Give yourself a month at least."
"No this one is the one, I know it." His tone was oddly confident compared to his usual dilemmas regarding that topic which automatically gained your full attention.
"Uh Huh. And when did you meet her? Love at first sight or whatever?"
"I've known her longer than a few days give me some credit here. But it wasn't at first sight, I didn't even notice it was happening or rather happened..." Wally's point was certainly more realistic in comparison and he was being truthful - again, maybe this peculiar circumstance held promise.
"You know my terms an-" You simply shrugged, assuming he wanted your assistance once more which dulled your growing investment slightly.
"No, not for this one."
"Hot damn, this woman must be special. Tell me everything!" That decision shocked you and it was evident in your tone, you excitedly encouraged him to indulge your lowkey interrogation since he never turned down your assistance.
"Yes she definitely is, but I don't know what to do for her y'know?"
"Romantic restaurant? Roses? Tell her over a romantic dinner." You listed things instantly, barely stopping for a breather.
"Would you want all that though?" Wally considered your ideas, furrowing his brows before he asked his question even if his posture radiated nervousness despite the confident facade he’d attempted to convey.
"Hah, no way! Honestly I'd love a chill night in, order a take out, put on a good series and just enjoy each other's company. I mean roses are nice too but I want to know my date likes me enough to relax and be themselves - you can't really do that in a fancy restaurant. Anyway, you should probably find out what this girl likes first." You simply smiled, giving him an honest opinion and advice for you felt he'd finally found someone more than just a crush to him.
"I guess..."
It was silent for a moment until familiar words echoed in your mind 'There is one y'know...' and instantly you stood up with your realisation.
"I know who it is!"
"What?! How?!" Wally snapped to with concern evident in his expression like a deer in headlights, unbeknownst to you why that was but he too halted in his tracks.
"Dick told me, I don't believe it Wally - it's great!" Now you had Artemis in your head, they'd hated one another at first so it certainly made sense that he'd grown to like her. They'd also kissed at New Years Eve or so you'd heard.
"Robin told you I liked you?! Are you kidding? He only knows because I thought he had a crush on you." That answer caught you off guard, practically disintegrating your ability to form a coherent sentence or even think straight due to the abruptness of it.
"Wait me? I didn't, um, I can't, since when? All the times I've been helping you with girls I... I..."
"Wait you didn't know? Okay stay there, I'm doing this again!" Wally held his hands out in defence, soon disappearing leaving you standing alone with your thoughts. A dangerous thing really.
Did you even have feelings for him? Quite possibly, that would explain why you occasionally compared dates to him and why you were always so willing to help him find his happiness but surely you wouldn't have suppressed them? It was so confusing.
Within a minute he appeared before you, a single red rose in hand and sheepish smile.
"I'm late I know that but there's no pressure for you. This is not how I expected you to find out, I aimed to flirt with you and only you before making a move so it wasn't thrown on you so suddenly but here we are. Guess I'm not great with girls without you."
With a mischievous grin, you pulled him close by his red hoodie and gently met his lips with your own and you couldn't deny how right it felt - an action you’d hope would quell the warring emotions. You pulled apart, his arms wrapped around your waist and yours on his shoulders.
"You're actually quite adequate, I'm just as surprised as you are."
"Oh you're hilarious." He matched your witty sarcasm, but still you find his happiness intoxicating.
"Can we, um could we take things slow? I know that's ironic to ask the fastest kid alive but please."
"I'd slow down for you, I want to take my time in every moment I get so it won't be a problem (Y/n). I promise." Despite the trace of concern in your voice, Wally was reassuring and sincere with his words so you both felt comfortable in whatever situation you'd crafted.
"So, I assume you won't be mocking my dates anymore."
"I think every date you'll have from now on is gonna be too great for me judge. Ah too bad, I know how much you loved me doing that." The speedster playfully responded with a knowingly satisfied smirk to which you threw him an 'are you serious?' expression.
Later, as you both sat comfortably on Wallys' bed eating pizza whilst a film played in the background, you received simultaneous texts from none other than Dick Grayson - his smugness translated even in a message.
[Dickiebird: Told you so.]
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v-hope · 6 years
Driving with them
Pairings: OT7 x Reader
Genre: Fluff, crack
Request: "I am obsessed with your writing! Really is fantastic. Just wondered if you thought about a driving with concept - Maybs different scenarios with the boys whilst they/you drive. Xxxx" paired up with "“pull over let me drive for awhile” with jimin please? 💜"
A/N: I love this kind of domestic stuff ;-; 💞
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Kim Seokjin
“Is this what Jeongguk had to go through every day you drove him to school?” you wondered with wide eyes after having experienced your boyfriend's road range.
“The light was red and he still sped up!” he motioned forward with his hand in clear exasperation.
You couldn't hold back the soft laugh that had already escaped your lips. “And I'm sure he knows now just how much of a blind dipshit he is, baby” you mocked his previous words, well, just a small part of them.
Seokjin shook his head in amusement, suddenly feeling ashamed of everything he had so mindlessly said in front of you. “I'm sorry, I'll calm down”.
This time you straight up cackled, shifting in your seat to make yourself more comfortable on it. Just as you were about to open your mouth, though, another driver moved in front of you in a very careless way – at which you decided to keep it shut instead and listen to Jin go off once again.
To be fair, the streets were flooded with cars and you had not ran into the best of drivers that day.
“Remind me to always offer to drive whenever the traffic is too much” you stated.
Jin laughed lightly, turning his head to look at you sweetly. “Aw, you'll be my personal chauffeur then”.
You bit the inside of your cheek so you wouldn't chuckle. He was not wrong; at this point, with the traffic being like this all the time, you'd have to drive him places every single day.
“But I'll have you know” his tone became serious, “I'll tell them off no matter if I'm driving or not”.
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Min Yoongi
“You didn't have to come for me” he mumbled first thing after having entered your car.
“Yes, I did” you objected, instantly starting to drive away from the BigHit building, “it's pretty late”.
“Exactly” his eyes fixed on yours. “It's pretty late, babe, you should be at home”.
You shrugged, giving him a quick glance before your eyes focused back on the road. “I was nearby, it wasn't any trouble”.
Only you were lying, and he knew it.
“Oh, yeah?” he raised one of his eyebrows. “You mind telling me what you were doing then?”
You bit down on your lower lip. “I was at the library”.
Yoongi shook his head, a sly smile displaying on his face. “It's past one in the morning, you idiot, what kind of library would be open at this hour?”
“Hey, don't insult me” you pouted, glancing quickly to the rearview. “Let me be a good girlfriend, will you?”
You heard him chuckle by your side, jumping slightly up a few seconds later at the unexpected feel of his hand on yours.
“You're the best” he smiled wholeheartedly, rubbing small circles on the back of your hand.
You found yourself not being able to give him any coherent answer due to the way your heart was fluttering. Instead, you squeezed his hand back.
“Get some sleep” you suggested, “you know it's still a while until we arrive”.
Yoongi simply nodded, resting his head on the back of the seat before he closed his eyes – not even dreaming of letting go of your hand during the whole ride home.
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Jung Hoseok
“Jagiya?” his voice made you snap out of your daydream, tilting his head slightly up to take a look to the rearview.
“Yeah?” you answered in a dreamy way nonetheless.
“Do you have to stare at me like this every single time I try to park?”
Although he tried to sound serious, the cocky smile that had already curved up his lip let you know he was actually enjoying it. He had always loved having your undivided attention anyway.
You rolled your eyes, sitting up straight as you later fixed them on the way his hands worked on the steering wheel. “It's not my fault you look so hot while doing so” you shrugged.
“Stop” he warned you, like always, becoming flustered at your compliments and trying to brush them away. “You're making this harder for me”.
“Oh, am I now?” you cooed, your hand going to softly play with his earlobe.
Hoseok shivered at the feeling, not even bothering on gazing to the coy smile he knew you were currently wearing, as he did his best to just park the car for once and for all.
“Even that ridiculous hat of yours looks hot on you right now” you teased.
Hoseok snorted. “You do know insulting my hat won't take you anywhere, right?”
“Is it not?” your hand went to his chin, moving his head in your direction so that he had to look at the pout adorning your lips.
He broke free from your touch immediately, avoiding your eyes as he once again focused on the rearview. “At least not until you let me get this done with so we can go upstairs”.
Now that's what you were talking about.
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Kim Namjoon
“So how was the party?” your boyfriend asked as he started the engine.
“It was pretty good” you nodded your head in affirmation, buckling your seatbelt.
“Is that why you called me asking to come pick you up so early?” he chuckled, giving you a quick glance before his eyes were back on the road.
“I just missed my handsome, lovely boyfriend” you hummed, smiling at the way his answer was a pretty visible roll of eyes.
“Good way to make me feel more like your boyfriend and less like your personal driver”.
You couldn't help but chuckle at his words. He had no right to complain whatsoever, when it was him the one who always told you to call him to go pick you up whenever you went out. He just felt calmer knowing you were safe with him and not some stranger in a taxi.
“Well, you are both, aren't you?” you teased him further, earning a glare from him. “If it makes you feel any better” you caught his attention, resting your head on the back of the seat, “all my friends were like, drooling over you when they saw you coming out of your car”.
Namjoon bit his lower lip to stop a smile from curving up on them. You knew, however, you had managed to boost his ego.
“Honestly, Nams” you laughed amusingly, “you looked like a movie star, getting out of it in slow motion and then just standing there for me t–”
“Stop” he laughed, too, now becoming shy at your overdramatic narration.
“I'm just saying” you shrugged, staring out the window, “I'll have to keep an eye open for them when it comes to you”.
He shook his head, reaching out to grab your hand. There would be no need for that.
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Park Jimin
“You do know I have a license too, right?” you reminded him.
“Which doesn't mean you're a good driver”.
The scoff that abandoned your mouth because of his words had him smirking in a second – his eyes still glued to the road.
“I'm just going to pretend I didn't hear that” you informed him, “and ask you once again to let me drive”.
As expected, Jimin shook his head no.
“Jimin-ah” you whined, “you've been driving for hours. Please, just take a rest”.
“I'm fine, love” he reassured you.
However, the yawn that escaped his mouth only a few seconds after told you otherwise, which was not a shocker at all. You had left your house at 6am to go on your road trip, it was obvious he'd be exhausted by this point.
“Jimin” your voice turned stern.
You sighed. “Pull over, let me drive for a while”.
No response.
“Or I swear to God you're not getting any kisses or cuddles for a whole month”.
Ten seconds. It took him ten seconds to pull over, for he knew you were not kidding.
Meeting in the front of the car as you traded places, you took that moment to cup his face and kiss his lips briefly. “See?” you smiled, “you get to rest and enjoy the beautiful view, and you also get kisses. It's a win-win situation”.
Jimin shook his head in disbelief, not even bothering on hiding his smile. “Whatever” he walked over to the passenger seat, “I'm just agreeing to this because I love you” he cheesily said.
And almost an hour later, when he was resting his head against the open window, slowly drifting off as he enjoyed the view you had told him about, he was sure he loved you and your stubborn ways even more.
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Kim Taehyung
“Panda Express?” he wondered as his eyes remained fixed on the dark road. “McDonald's?” he asked again after not receiving any kind of answer from you.
When you once again remained silent, he looked at you for a brief second, smiling smugly after catching you staring at him, with your eyes sparkling in the darkness of the car as you were completely spaced out.
“Love?” he chuckled, finally making you come back to him.
Taehyung laughed one more time. “I know I look great in this suit” his cocky comment had you rolling your eyes immediately, “but I need to know where you want me to take us to”.
“I can't believe you just came back from an award show and still felt like going out for food at midnight” you let out a breathy laugh instead of answering him.
“I'm hungry, don't shame me” he whined.
“Didn't they have food over there though?”
“I mean, yes” he confirmed, holding on to the steering wheel to turn left, later reaching out to hold your hand with one of his, “but it's been a while since we've done this” he pointed out, “I just want to spend some time alone with you”.
The corners of your lips curved up at his words, feeling your heart pounding loudly against your chest. It had indeed been a while since the two of you went for a night drive; getting food and just sitting inside the car for hours as you ate and talked about anything and everything.
“So?” he wondered once again, at which you furrowed your eyebrows in confusion. “Where to?”
“Oh” you sat up straight, “Panda Express, definitely” you smirked, knowing well enough that was what he wanted – your hand squeezing his after he did the same to yours in a thankful manner.
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Jeon Jeongguk
“You are the worst driving teacher in the whole world” you huffed, stopping the car and letting go of the steering wheel so you could fold your arms over your chest.
Jeongguk's hand clutched to his chest, making it seem like your words had hurt him deeply. “It's not my fault you're the worst student there is” he fought back.
He moved away from you as he saw your hand go up to softly slap his arm, failing miserably at it, which is why he did the same to you right after, before the two of you started laughing.
“Honestly, babe” he tried to catch your attention as you were looking out of the window not to show how amused you actually were, “who drives like that?” another laugh escaped his throat, recalling your previous movements.
“Well, me, apparently” you took your eyes away from the window only to glare at him. “I'll just ask Jin oppa to teach me, he'll treat me better than this”.
“Hey” he frowned, “I am your boyfriend, therefore your designated driving teacher”.
Shaking your head as you chuckled, you unbuckled your seatbelt so you could gently press your lips to the corner of his. “Can we please just go now?” your smiled mirrored the one your affection had caused on him, “I'm hungry”.
Jeongguk rolled his eyes in disbelief. “Okay, but let's change places. You're obviously not taking us anywhere”.
Not being able to argue against that, you complied, believing that would be the end of the conversation. However, you were proven wrong once he was on the driver's seat, for he smiled obnoxiously wide as he started turning the steering wheel from one side to another, like in his head you had been doing before.
You threw your head back on your seat after listening to his mocking laugh. He was so annoying. “That's it, I'm definitely going to Jin oppa”.
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iwritethat · 5 years
Jason Todd: Paint Job
A/N: Here we go again :)
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"Oh my god, is this symbol painted on your bike?"
"Of all things, that's what you pick up on?!" The vigilante yelled back in an exasperated yet distracted tone, evidently frustrated as he released his sleeping hold on the final thug.
"I wouldn't have if it wasn't so bad - it's all over the headlight. You do this with your helmet on or something?" You wittily responded, standing from your crouching position in front of his motorcycle.
"I don't have to explain myself to you now run along and stay out of trouble!" Red Hood waved you off, at this point simply wanting to get on with the rest of his night.
"Ooooh, look whose getting defensive - how 'bout you bring it to my shop, (L/n) Autos, tomorrow night once I'm closed and I'll give it a custom paint job free of charge, think of it as a..." Your hands rested on your hips as you drifted off toward the end of your statement apparently in thought. The way your brows furrowed was quite cute actually.
"A thanks for saving your life?" The vigilante cockily finished for you once getting on his bike, but you shook your head and sassily shot him down.
"Ew, no. An upgrade, I mean wow."
"Rude, so ungrateful nowadays." The tone was unbelievably sarcastic and you knew he was rolling his eyes under the helmet but you couldn't care less, only folding your arms and responding with a dead tone.
"Uh Huh, I'll see you tomorrow 11pm. Got it?" You called after him, the male speeding off into the night - maybe Mrs C keeping you late had its meanings. God that mysterious woman...
In honesty you didn't think he'd show up, or if he'd even heard you after he'd raced off. Maybe you should've thanked him for preventing those assholes from robbing you instead of insulting his ride yet you stayed up after closing just in case.
A diligent knock brought you back to reality, the sound of clanging metal echoing through your workshop as you heaved open the massive entrance door. There stood your knight in leather armour, helmet still covering his identity as he leaned against the wall.
"That offer still open?"
"For that atrocity, hell yes." You internally winced at your inability to be kind to your saviour but breathed a sigh of relief when he laughed and handed you his keys.
"How long do you want it?"
"Hmm, give me a week."
"Whatever you want doll." And with that he was gone, off grappling across Gothams skyline with nothing but effortless beauty.
It had been a taxing week without his baby, but hopefully you didn't disappoint - Jason creaked open the door to your unique workshop, immediately noticing his newly designed motorcycle and it took his breath away.
He walked around it admiringly, fingers delicately tracing your beautiful handiwork as he went, still unable to comprehend that this masterpiece was once his bike before coming to a stop at the station a metre or two away and inspecting your handwritten checklist.
Red Hoods ‘Thank You’:
• Matte Black = nice finish
• Red line detailing throughout cuz the guy likes red apparently.
• Detachable symbol, nicely painted
• Fixed engine -> more efficient
• Customised weaponry
• Taunt Hood about upgrades
A content laugh escaped him at the mocking words, you truly hadn't changed since he'd been gone and it only made him miss you more - where were you anyway??? He'd carefully scanned the area, finding your sleeping form curled up on the couch and shaking his head he made his way over, stopping in front of you with an amused expression only faltering when he took in your appearance. A red hoodie draped your figure - his hoodie, the sleeves reached the joints of your fingers and it was now stained with motor oil over the time you'd worked in it but honestly you rocked it better than he ever did. He’d given it to you when you were walking through Gothams back alleys together, yourself smugly complaining about the dropping temperatures before Jason had mercilessly thrown it at you rather than admit he cared about your wellbeing as his closest friend. It didn’t stop you from taunting him about his feelings though.
It was apparent you'd attempted to wait up for him so you could check off the last thing on your list but had failed to do so, it was rather late and you'd clearly worked hard on his ride that day. Jason knew he shouldn't wake you, and he couldn't handle making conversation knowing you wore what was once his, that you hadn't forgotten him. Instead he covered you with the fluffy blanket folded over the arm and left $500 on the table beside the takeout bag marked with 'C's Diner', memories of that place came flooding back and he'd silently decided to take Roy there that week. Muttering a thanks before leaving, Red Hood took his bike and left little evidence of ever being there at all.
The scent of the 60’s themed diner was always pleasant, it was a common occurrence for you to stop by after working late. It reminded you of Jason, and the elderly owner remembered you two well considering the liveliness you both once brought and honestly that charming woman was basically a parental figure in your life. Although she always has a suspiciously omniscience aura about her - Nanny McPhee incarnate as you and your lost friend had joked when you were children.
Unbeknownst to you, Jason remembered this place too though he regularly avoided it until tonight and ensured to drag Roy along with him out of convenience. The pair sat in a booth discussing Jason's bike upgrades when a mug of hot cocoa was set in front of Jason much to his confusion.
"Excuse me, I'm pretty sure I didn't order this."
"Ah, it's on the house. Mrs Cayce’s orders." The (h/c) waitress who Jason knew wasn't an employee proudly winked, saluting the elderly owner who waved over to him.
"Hey uh... do I know you at all? Just you seem familiar and Mrs Cayce clearly does..."
"Nope, don't think so, I would've remembered a beauty like you." The ravenette shrugged, you nodded walking back over the counter to converse with the owner once more.
Roy gave his partner a questioning glance, the sudden realisation and content smile briefly crossing Jason's features had him worried.
"Damn... Mrs C remembers me, I was hoping she'd forget. A friend and I used to come in here on the regular before the whole death thing, sometimes even help out and we would always order this."
"I didn't know Jaybird, sorry... But for the record this is the best diner we've been to in a while and I get if you don't wanna talk about it - but woah who was the waitress, d’ya think she’s single?" His partner questioned, gaze lazily drifting over to your laughing form.
"That was the miracle responsible for my bike, but (Y/n) doesn't work he-"
"Really?! EXCUSE ME?" Roy abruptly cut his best friend off, ensuring his wave caught your attention - eyes practically sparkling after hearing that information.
"What the fuck was that?! Don't, it's more conplicat-" Jason grabbed Roys offending arm, pinning it down to the table with his hushed warning.
"Despite me bringing over the drink earlier, I'm not actually a waitress here so you might wanna call -"
"(Y/n)! They're nice boys who probably wanted to talk to a beautiful lady, would you be polite for once in your life?" Mrs Cayce's words caused you to wince, your 'motherly scolding' spurring a frustrated sigh but in the end the judgments always brought you not necessarily what you wanted but what you needed.
"... How can I help you sir?" It was incredibly forced, as was the brief uninterested smile you gave them and the low but polite tone.
"I'm Roy and this is Jason. I was wondering if you could take a look at my ride if that's okay? The Red Hoods' or whoever’s is pretty sweet and he gave all credit to you." Admittedly, they noticed the positive change in demeanour at the mention of mechanics as Roy continued his request.
"Seriously?! He did?! Yes, 100 times yes! I’d lo- wait... Jason... as in Jason Jason? I do know you, don't I?" You were on the verge of squealing before that name registered, how the face matched your memories of your long lost friend and almost immediately your attention focused solely on the ravenette in front of you.
His silence wasn't considered useful, although his signature guilty expression gave it away, the awkwardly sheepish smirk he always wore when he knew you were right, his facial features were more mature and he was more handsome than you remembered - though you'd wished he'd never died in the first place. In fact you didn't even give a second thought to how he was sitting before you, instead trusting in the happiness he always blessed you with when in his presence.
"Fuck you nerd." Instantly you'd excitedly tackled him to the booth cushion regardless of your contrasting vocabulary, his arm wrapped around your waist whilst the other grabbed the back of the booth for stability since you'd almost pinned him to the seat.
"Rude much?" He abruptly commented, a playful undertone to his voice.
"Give me a break, you're supposed to be dead! I don’t know how or why but it's me Jason, we've always told each other everything..."
"I know, I didn't want to put you through anymore pain."
"You were a pain that I enjoyed having dumbass." Your tone was soft, more meaningful than he'd expected and it encouraged him to tell you everything.
"(Y/n) I-"
"Save the explanation for later, let me just enjoy your company for now and then I gotta show you my place! I managed to get my own mechanic shop and I fixed up Red Hoods bike - the Red Hood! God I have so much to tell you!" Despite knowing the excited tone you held was technically for him, he had no intentions of telling you who he was just yet, after all he was more than content to have you in his life again rather than longing for more of your time when saving your dumb ass under his alias.
That was the only reason he'd come to your garage that night, to enjoy your familiar company a little longer, if it were anyone else he wouldn't have bothered but for you? He'd still do anything for you.
"Me too doll, for a start this is Roy Harper..."
The owner Mrs Cayce carefully studied the scene, towel drying off your favourite mug as she continued to watch with a small smirk on her features and mysterious glint in her eyes.
"Why, it's about time you finally brought those two together isn't it Universe? Better late than never I suppose - but don’t you start any love triangle business ya hear?"
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