#and then get mad when ppl point out that's not what those words mean
sillyyuserr · 4 months
posting again at nearly 1am :P
another small analysis (if you can even call it that)
what im going to be talking about takes place in jshk, chapter 79, a quick recap. This is during the red house arc, and at this point in time kou and nene are in the red house, whilst akane and teru are at the shrine talking to what seems to be either a worker at the shrine or a family member/family friend of teru’s (and aoi’s in the far shore but shes not very relevant in this chapter).
after they fail to get something out of the “family friend”, teru exhaustedly lyes down and starts “ranting” to akane ab how hard his life is
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and whilst doing this they somehow get to the topic of aoi. And akane starts to wonder if teru GENUINELY likes her. And i mean we can kind of tell he doesnt, but its still a little odd to see him act like this
does he like aoi? We never truly will know, but theres alot of things implying he doesnt like her (and vice versa) but im too lazy to go digging those up so just take my word for it 😭
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but akane doesnt even look mad here??? he’d usually either bitchslap someone for talking ab dating her or even hitting ppl with a fucking spiked bat who glance at her
but this? who knows. And not to mention teru looks almost sad when akane mentions him possibly liking her. Almost as if he misunderstood his intenions??
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This is very interesting to me, he looks almost distant, but not in the way of no one understands him or he wants to get away from everyone but in the “im trying to tell you what i mean but you’re not getting it” kind of way.
you see it too right? Pls tell me im not insane 😭
but why is he looking like this at akane? Well lets come up with a few ideas. one reason could be because he’s possibly “hinting” to akane that he likes aoi, although this doesnt make much sense considering he literally asked him that straight up and thats his literal direct response.
another reason could be that he’s sad akane’s brought-ten up her again. Not because he dislikes her, but maybe a little reminder that akane still likes aoi, and that he’s still JUST out of his reach.
After that akane talks about going to save aoi on his own since teru’s being a sad sack and wont do it himself, leading up to these 2 panels.
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Lets look closer here 😭 not only does he have the most love-struck eyes ive ever seen, but also he’s blushing??? ON BOTH SIDES?? Also the way his expression takes up the entirety of the upper half of this panel shows us that this is kind of important and for us to really pay attention to it.
ive seen him make this face TWICE. Both times looking at who you may ask? Take a guess
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I have so many takes on terukane but no one wants to listen to them so i go to tumblr and share with my singular follower💀 im not even exaggerating
One sided terukane makes me SICK 😭
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desire-mona · 2 months
more modern poets hcs for greenie!
charlie -
charlie used to post like "annoying gay ppl vs normal gay ppl" memes, had a huge turnaround and they cringe when they think of that time. mentioning blaire white or kalvin garrah would make him jump
has an "i <3 milfs" design of every article of clothing, could make an entire i <3 milfs outfit. shirt, hat, pants, socks, belt, shoes, hoodie, you name it.
todd -
todd is nonbinary bc he is autistic and autistic ppl generally view gender differently. not debating this. this is a fact and this is canon. they/he/she todd anderson, what of it.
chronic procrastinator when it comes to anything besides school. they will put off doctors appointments, finishing tv shows, even charging their phone.
neil -
doesnt use tiktok but he watches todd scroll thru her fyp sometimes and gets very mad at those "acting pov" videos. hes like "WHAT THE FUCK DO YOU MEAN ACTING POINT OF VIEW" "POINT OF VIEW YOU ONLY HAVE A LIMITED NUMBER OF WORDS???????? WHAT DOES THAT MEEEEEAN"
i see ppl saying that neil would be a swiftie but i would like to suggest that he's a big ethel cain fan, a collection of songs that tell a fictional character's story? tell me thats not right up his alley
meeks -
i dont think this is the type of math meeks bases a career off of but i do think he rly pays attention to architecture and city layouts and stuff. will forever complain abt how inconvenient it is to have a car centered society and how every place should be walkable OR have public transport
collects records despite not having a record player, tapes despite not having a walkman, and cds despite using his cd player maybe 3 times a year. quite honestly its just to have a physical collection of his music taste
pitts -
pitts went thru a "nice guy/ vaguely incel-ular" phase in middle school, but he didnt talk to a singular woman in those years. by the time it went away there was no harm done to anyone but himself and a very annoyed meeks who had to listen to how girls "only go for assholes"
he has a fashion sense so good that ppl online *ask* him to post fit checks, he doesnt do any if theyre not requested of him. pitts is also the one with the biggest online presence, most notably tiktok and twitter
knox -
type of guy to constantly post shit like "like for a tbh" or post anonymous question things on his story. nobody interacts with any of it so he usually just deletes them after half a day
haaaaaaaates texting and will either send very long voice messages or just ask to call whoever he's talking to (me fr i send ppl voice msgs almost exclusively)
cameron -
cam is suuuuuuuper creeped out by ai "art", especially the ai washing feet commercial during the superbowl, which he had nightmares about for a week
his parents are constantly trying weird diets (most notably keto) so he has the weirdest assortment of random ingredients in his pantry. has come up with the strangest "meals" any one of those boys have ever seen
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time-is-restored · 1 year
ted lasso 3x11
got through the latest episode tonight, below are unassorted ramblings abt a kansas ending (which i, despite being almost certain is where the show is heading, am still ardently rooting against):
so i was talking a little with my family abt the extremely likely kansas ending*, and was mentioning how much i really don't vibe with it. i said smth like 'i mean, what's even there for him in kansas?' to which they said (fairly, and rightfully!) 'his son!'. like, that's a pretty bulletproof argument, so i guess im just writing this to figure out why i feel like even that isn't. idk. enough?
[*though if that is the ending, what's the point of the cliffhanger? it's the most obvious + expected outcome, how would it be a 'reveal'? idk, some part of me is still praying for one of those classic Twists™ ig]
like. we've known that ted has a kid since day one. we've known that he loves + misses that kid since day one. according to the text, the number one reason ted left kansas was as a last ditch effort to save his marriage, by giving michelle as much space as humanly possible. they were divorced by the middle of the season, and ted chose to stay at the end.
so like. idk. am i missing something? did he just stay bc he felt an obligation to the team? and now that they're doing well (absurdly, breaking the bounds of belief well), he feels okay moving on? like many ppl have already pointed out, that's a pretty standard plot line in these kind of stories: the mary poppin's style exit stage right. but, say ted goes home (potentially even without beard???? agh??). what's happened to him, these past few seasons? what's different now?
like, it kind of feels like im only gonna be hurt by reading in between the lines here, but kansas doesn't seem to hold a lot of good associations for ted w/o the bedrock of his + michelle's marriage. he's reduced to a morose, spaced out mess within 5 minutes of talking with his mother, he very nearly goes through the Extremely fucked up move of paying someone to spy on michelle after seeing her + jake together for an afternoon, and ofc if anything even remotely reminds him of his dad he gets triggered really badly.
and of course, maybe the idea is 'well, he's started to cope with that all now, and he's starting to talk openly with his mum + grieve his dad, so he has the tools to return' but like. does he???? his support system are EXTREMELY london based. setting aside sharon since he could always telehealth w her, all of the positive progress he's made in his 'home' life seem to exclusively come after he talks w his support group at richmond.
he ended up admitting he was mad at michelle after speaking with the diamond dogs, he was pulled out of his obsessive spiral by rebecca, and he was able to put words to his feelings abt his mum by talking w jamie. to be clear, those are all massively positive things for ted to have done, and i think they at least make a good case for ted progressive positively w his mental health (even if its all gotten a bit tell don't show in this last season). but like. what happens when all that's on the other side of an ocean?
to be clear, from the perspective of real life, it absolutely makes sense that ted would want to return to his son. but on a narrative level, im just. i feel like im being expected to take certain things about ted + henry's relationship for granted, when the text itself hasn't even tried to make those things apparent.
is henry miserable or even generally upset when he has to leave his dad/go back to his mum? not that we ever see! im pretty sure the only time we've seen henry explicitly upset is when ted was ignoring him while he was like five feet away which, yeah, mood! and last we saw, henry even sees more enthused abt richmond winning the whole thing than ted is, so its not like he thinks his dad is just going away to do absolutely nothing of import.
do ted and henry not spend a lot of time together/talk very often? technically we don't see enough of ted's daily routine to know for sure, but the casual mention of playing roblox seems to imply they spend a lot of time together! and ofc none of their phone calls ever have the vibe of 'i haven't spoken to you in ages, here's ALL THE THINGS you've missed!'. they're almost all abt stuff that happened that day.
is ted struggling with being away from henry? well... yes, duh, but i don't even think this season's done particularly well establishing THAT (incredibly obvious and free) piece of ted characterisation.
is ted capable of feeling anything other than vague nostalgia (ie: all of his annecdotes being set there) or extreme distress wrt kansas? apparently not! like, seriously, what is there for him? does he have any friends? a job? family that isn't his mother? where's he gonna live? does he miss the weather? his neighbours? like i am literally on my hands and knees give me ONE (1) concrete opinion ted has about the fucking place that isn't about its FOOD (<- ESPECIALLY coming off the back of an episode where ted was able to experience texan food So Authentic™ that it inspired a literal career-changing epiphany?? like HOW are we supposed to take that as anything other than 'ted is at his best when he acknowledges BOTH of his lives rather than cutting one out in favour of the other'???).
idk. i guess my real problem this late in the game is i can see so many POTENTIAL versions of this show, but what ive been given doesn't feel like it matches up with any of them.
i can imagine a story in which ted's avoidance + variations upon running-away tactics for dealing w conflict get thoroughly deconstructed and challenged while in london, so at the end of the show he's finally emotionally prepared to return to his life in kansas even though it's never going to be a fairytale picturesque no-problems-ever ending again.
i can imagine a story in which going back to kansas isn't good for ted, and will be a major sacrifice, but it's a sacrifice he will be making with the support of his new friends + family, and something that he is determined to make in order to be there w his son, all meaningfully juxtaposed w how he feels his dad 'quit' on him.
i can imagine a story where ultimately, the life that ted's made alongside richmond is just as important to him as his life in kansas, and so he + michelle work out a more equal and long-term custody arangement* with henry (it definitely seems like the 'you get him for the whole year and i get him on school break' was something haphazardly worked out while they were both still under the assumption he'd be in richmond for less than a year), and they alternate who goes to whose home for holidays and shit.
[*side note, why hasn't that come up at all? i'd personally think somewhere around the six month mark of working overseas i'd want to have a talk w my expartner + kid about a schedule that isn't so much of a 80/20 split? like, it's fine if henry moving isn't on the table at all for one reason or another, but at least take the time to actually SAY that??? like, what does michelle do for a living? why is SHE so happy to stay there? give me Literally Anything here gang!!!]
...but ultimately what ive actually seen on screen feels like it fits into none of those categories. eleven hours (in as many episodes!! HOUR! long! episodes!!!!!!) in and i feel like i know infinitely less about ted + his mental state than i did in s1. like, from episode to episode, the writer's aren't sure if he's stuck, or progressing, or going through that classic recovery 'one step forwards, two steps back' dance, or just completely and utterly depressed. there's no continuity. nothing that happens to him in one episode seems to have literally any bearing at all on the ted in the next episode. if u scrubbed all of the notable Ted Scenes™ of any overarching plot references, and shuffled them all up, i genuinely think you would end up w a plateau of scenes totally indistinguishable from each other!*
[*of course, this is my main critique of s3 for like. literally everyone, but it's paticularly damning when im left feeling this lost about the main fucking guy.]
i don't know. i guess after the past few weeks of being really genuinely hurt + angry + upset abt the choices made this season, the feeling im left with near the end of it all is. underwhelmed. and im really not sure what 3x12 could possibly do to change that feeling... even if i am still regrettably, but sincerely rooting for a last minute switcheroo.
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Why tf is harrymort something you ship? Not only is Voldemort constantly trying to kill Harry, has killed Harry's parents, threatened to kill all of Harry's friends, and actually did sort of kill Harry, but like. He's definitely over fifty in the books. IDK how old he is exactly, but he's old enough that he was a feared political cult leader missing 6 chunks of his soul and a Hogwarts graduate when Harry is a baby. It's creepy, man.
Bruh, all of my ships are incredibly problematic in more than one way. I'm suspicious over that being the only one you seem to take issue with.
1.) You lack imagination. HP is a very fleshed out fictional universe with many options at your fingertips for fanfic. Tom Riddle appears throughout the series, in the ages newborn, 11, 15, 16, 18, 20+, 30+, 50, and 70. Harry has appeared in the ages of 1, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 37/38. Time Turners exist. Alternate Universes exist. You can do literally anything because HP is a massive sandbox. I can have Harry find the Diary in his 6th Year and then he is actually older than Diary-Tom. I can have Adult-Harry Time Travel to any point between 1950 and 1970 and end up in a relationship with Adult-Tom.
2.) What attracts me is the potential. Just because you can't see it doesn't mean there aren't ridiculous connections between Harry and Voldy. People would see Voldy's obsession as some kind of mad crush if Harry was a girl and we all know it. Just because Harry's a boy doesn't mean Voldy getting touchy feely isn't weird, or Tom staring at him 'hungrily' many times isn't suggestive, or Harry remarking 18 times between 2 books that Tom Riddle is 'handsome' while doing nothing to tell people about how attractive the supposed love of his life(Ginny) is.
3.) My weakness is Protag/Antag ships. Ever since I was a child and a romance was happening in something I was watching, my first thought was always preferring the hero with the villain. I didn't understand why until I was about 13. Suddenly it's, how would that work? How can they realistically go from being enemies to being in love? Can any fic writers manage it since it isn't canon?
Bruh, I shipped Sailor Moon with almost every enemy she had(even Diamond tbh). I shipped Kagome Higurashi with Naraku and Sesshomaru from the moment those characters were introduced in the story(Inuyasha). Long before we learned any back story on them. I shipped Naruto with almost every member of the Akatsuki at some point out of curiosity the moment I learned about the organization. I shipped Kaname Kuran and Zero Kiryu(Vampire Knight).
As a result of my Protag/Antag obsession, most of my ships end up being unhealthy by nature. Even in cases where they are undeniably canon, like Luo Binghe/Shen Qingqiu | Shen Yuan, they aren't very safe or sane.
Something you need to remember is that it is fiction about fictional characters. Real people are not being harmed. And the only way someone could realistically be 'triggered' by such content is if they go to specific lengths to see it. You have options to curate your online experience. Don't follow blogs/accounts about topics you don't like, mute words/tags that bother you, block ppl who make you uncomfortable. It takes a few minutes to ensure your future is hassle free.
I'm at that age where I've been in fandom spaces so long I don't care about people's ships or interests. Spending my personal time worrying about some stranger's obsession with Tragic Non-Con Reylo fanfic won't do me any favors when I honestly dgaf. I'm here for the fandom stuff I like and only occasionally participate in discourse, and that is never aimed at ships and is always about characters and the people who wrote them.
So yes, I ship fucked up shit, and I could write the fucked up stuff(maybe, if I ever get emotional strength to) but typically I'm more into nuance and drama and slow burns that take 400K words to work through. I don't do Non-Con Triggering horrible stuff because mentally I can't handle writing or reading it very much. But I'm also not up in arms over the people who do. Let people like what they like. Ship and let ship. Live and let live. They're pixels on a screen or words on a page. They don't exist. They aren't real. They are meant to entertain us, and how people find their enjoyment in fiction isn't for anyone to decide.
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bbygirl-aemond · 1 year
You may already be aware, but I actually found ppl going back and forth on Reddit about a post you'd made on here (re Viserys being a shite parent). It's under r/HouseOfTheDragon in case you ever wanted to check it out. I just recognized your name, as I follow you and it was shared as a screenshot from here.
lmao i will never get over how wild reposting on the internet actually is. that fucker has over a thousand comments and i had no idea until you told me just now! literally made a reddit account to try to add my voice to the din just to encourage people to discuss on the original platform so i can see but tbh people on reddit are a lot meaner than tumblr so i won't be mad if it doesn't get too many upvotes.
reddit's responses to this post is such an interesting case study in the polarization that's happening everywhere online. i get SO MANY accusations of being wildly biased from supporters of both "teams" all the time and it's funny because like am i too team green or too team black bc i can't be both right? mostly i think it's because people get really defensive when you criticize a character and assume it means you hate them. like bruh we are adults with big girl emotions can't it be a little more complex than that?
when i say i think viserys is a bad parent, i'm not saying it as team green propaganda. i've said before that rhaenyra is the rightful ruler and that i absolutely adore her as a character (let's just say aemond isn't my only babygirl). there's a reason i've written 100k+ words of fanfic designing a political scenario where she'll be able to happily rule without any of her children dying. spoiler alert: it's not because i hate her and think she's a bad ruler. and she's far from the only character on team black i love: daemon, jacaerys, lucerys, and baela all come to mind.
it's also really interesting to me that people see my opinion about viserys and, even though i literally did not mention rhaenyra, assume that i'm somehow shitting on her. it just goes to show how much they stand blindly by one team or another. that to criticize one member of their "team" feels to them like you're criticizing every member. like baby, i'm not the one making it about teams: you are! honestly, i understand why the team mentality was a good marketing move, but it really has been the death of critical thinking in this fandom. there are aspects of both that we're meant to root for, just as there are aspects of both we're meant to hate. none of these people are objectively morally good, and that's what makes it interesting, so why are we trying to pretend otherwise?
so while yes, i don't like viserys, why would i extend that dislike to rhaenyra? it's not like she forced him at gunpoint to do the things i'm criticizing him for lol. in fact, i think viserys did her just as dirty most of the time. i have another post in the works about this, but he neglected her for her entire childhood, groomed her best friend and dealt with telling her in the worst possible way, and made her heir in a bid for her affection yet did none of the actual work to honor her as a ruler. he could have made her his hand but instead he made her pour his wine?
now, again, just because we dislike part of something does not mean it's all bad. do i think viserys is generally quite a bad parent and person? absolutely. did i also cry ugly tears in the scene where he forces himself up from his literal deathbed to defend his daughter? yes. these two things can coexist.
also, because reddit is reddit, there are a bunch of comments that just miss my point about alicent and aemma entirely. i've already responded to those in a post here so i won't beat a dead horse too much. but to paraphrase: viserys married alicent because he liked her specifically not for duty or he would've married someone who wouldn't horrify the entire small council; and aemma didn't need to be alive and conscious for the pain she was put through at the end of her life. the things he did to his wives weren't necessary and i don't think we should be pretending they were.
lastly, it's really funny to me how many people incorrectly assumed i was a man in the comments. i'm genuinely the girliest girl to ever girl in real life (makeup jewelry and tits to the gods, sorority girly, the whole nine yards, i love it) and it gave me such whiplash. there's a joke to be made here about trying to weaponize male privilege somewhere.
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ca-suffit · 2 months
You talk about people playing chess when no one is doing anything of the sort. If anything it’s you just trying to start drama and get everyone mad at each other while being a hypocrite in the meantime. You got mad at that one anon calling Anne a pedophile after you reblogged a post pointing out her grossness and say it’s all rumors while also calling Anne abusive when you have no proof of that either. You say people are obsessed with Maven but you’re the one in the tags about her constantly and in the tags about other blogs as well making the entire fandom aware about your drama. You talk about how this space is small because of those gatekeepers as if you aren’t unwelcoming as well. Get some perspective.
all this is trying to do is distract from the fact this fandom is abusive and racist af. it's not "drama" it's "racism." ur talking about me exposing the fandom's racism and making u all uncomfortable. ur blaming me for behavior u all do already and are mad that ur getting in return now. ur also mad that u can't threaten me with anything because there's nothing else on this account but exposing u. ur mad because I make u feel stupid and powerless and have support doing it too. to play along and respond some to ur points tho. here's one v small thing about anne rice and how she treated her own fans. that's only SOME stories, there's a lot more. she famously attacked the 1994 film *of her own story* as it was filming and pissed literally *everyone* off, had to be removed from interacting with them anymore, and her influence on stans made filming a nightmare......just because she didn't like tom cruise (and she blamed her fans for inspiring this in her too, couldn't even own her own shit). she defended paula deen for saying the N word, she defended antisemitism, she beefed with the popeye's guy cuz of her fictional books?? (she wanted to own property he ended up owning and was mad about it, that's rly what it was all about [end of this article]).
let me pull this part out from the movie link so u can rly hear it from the producer of her film: "Geffen echoed the sentiment, accusing Rice of displaying an attitude of "self-importance" and characterizing her attacks as unkind, indiscreet, and unprofessional."
here's ur proof and it's not even all of it :)
and ur trying to put blame on me to make white woman maven a victim, which is an age old racist thing to do that white women luv doing. "how could I ever cause harm lil ol me 🥺" why don't u go read about emmett till and think about ur life choices here. here's an article about how white women weaponize this shit all the time, to give u a quick link and never say I didn't do shit for u.
none of us would even know about shit with maven if she hadn't posted about it herself to brag about it. when has this bitch ever been in the show tags before? and when she shows up what is the topic about? oh look it's all about her. she's the one who brought attention to this in the first place so jot that down btw.
she chooses to post on youtube and open her mouth about these things. she chooses to be stupid about racial topics and claim to be an expert on things. she chooses to speak in a v condescendingly racist, white woman way when she talks to me, as if she's trying to help soooo much and she's soooo nice and I'm just so big and mean :( :( that's overt racism but half of u are still gonna act stupid about it like u rly can't see it. she is not meeting anyone halfway, she is throwing her black friends around and keeping the focus on her. she is not listening. she has no intention to listen. she's trying to save her own image to keep viewers and a paycheck. if she doesn't want to hear real shit then she can get off youtube, she can get out of here, she can stick to her white ass lane. u can't pin this on other ppl reacting to things that are worth criticizing, but that's all anne rice taught u to do so I'm sorry ur so fucking stupid still as adults. get well soon!!!!!
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katzenklavierr · 2 years
The thing about tone indicators is that there’s a few of them (/j and /s, for example), that have been around a long time, are well established, and can generally be easily sussed out from frequency and repeated context. Most others are new inventions created in an attempt to overcome some of the limitations of text communication, specifically to clear up speaker intent and usually framed as helping autistic people in particular.
There’s a couple of problems with this. This is a relatively new concept to be used with such frequency, and while new doesn’t mean bad, do you really think people in decades prior have done absolutely nothing to “indicate tone” before the introduction of these little acronyms? Casual text-based communication is littered with subtle tone indication the same way that spoken speech is, and if tone is unclear from context or has been misunderstood, people tend to just, well, clarify what they mean.
Expecting autistic people (or anyone) to memorize a list of acronyms that is inconsistent in both number and meaning doesn’t really help us. You’re just creating a new form of inaccessibility and social codes we have to memorize when you could, instead, just explain what you mean clearly. E.g. saying “I’m not mad” instead of using “/nm”, which I just learned what ppl meant by today, as I’ve been reading it as “nevermind”.
You can’t say “just google it” when different sources say different things, and some of these are obscure enough that you might not be able to find it. You could save us both the trouble by speaking clearly to begin with.
Additionally, the nature of human communication means that people, yes even autistic people, will use these new lexical items in creative and unintended ways. For example, using the /srs (serious) tag to emphasize that they are joking, therefore negating any clarity that tag was intended to serve. You can’t really stop people from doing this and it’s foolish to try; most people are never going to stick to straightforward language usage even when it excludes people who “don’t get the joke.” Any term coined to circumvent sarcasm will ironically lend itself perfectly to sarcasm.
Point being, you can’t expect that everyone using a tone indicator is using it sincerely. If someone sends me an invasive or seemingly bad-faith question and tacks /gen (general genuine *) to the end of it, it doesn’t change the fact that the question itself is the problem regardless of declared intent (keyword: declared). In other words: people can still lie or be misleading, and intent isn’t everything when it comes to communicating. Therefore, this addendum to communication seems to cause more problems than it supposedly solves.
* another example of lack of clarity; I was corrected on what this tag stood for
Lastly, assuming that every autistic person you meet needs to have things spelled out for them comes across as condescending and infantilizing. The way some of you talk about us like we’re stupid toddlers who are completely helpless in any social situation is, honestly, pretty insulting, even to those of us who do struggle with communication. Each of us is different, so meet our needs as we request them of you rather than assuming.
If tone indicators help you, that’s great, but in my opinion (and that of many other autistics), it’s a much better strategy to explain yourself clearly with words and to ask for direct clarification when necessary if you’re worried about miscommunication.
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shytastemakerthing · 7 months
heyyy can i get a romantic matchup? ID REALLY LIKE AN ENSTARS ONE but if u dont do those, a twst one is good :3
im kitten, i dont use pronouns (so just use my name). i dont use labels either, but im feminine. im 17 (so nobody younger than me pls!!), currently in IT classes, 162cm, virgo and entp/intp. also 8w9
umm Im a vampirekin and have a strong affiliation w rabbits and cats. i can be really blunt (sometimes i dont mean it sometimes i do) and am pretty aggressive. i love play-fighting w friends and getting into joke arguments nd stuff.
i hate hatee having 2 give advice like I cant deal w ppl venting 2 me. I can b rude Mostly jut since if i dont like you 4 whatever reason Im not going to hide it Im just not going 2 Be nice. Cuz of this I dont get approached a lot bc ppl say i look mad/intimidating a lot!!!
VERY umm bimbo oriented. very clumsy, Very bad memory and attention span, But who cares I love acting cute and acting pretty and stuff. I love cute things tbhgd sm and I just want 2 squeeze. Cute ppl. As a bimbo i still Have my days 💔where im just Depressed man and Thats most days. but i am good at Just Living and Not acting like that..! Tho when im Very bad w mental health I tend 2 just get sick and not leave my bed and just cut everyone off LOLL
Any ways I love fashion and dressing cute and DESIGNING CLOTHES!!!! I love designing plushies and characters and stuff I need like a creative output and I have 34983 ways of that (designing plushies, characters, outfits ect. sewing, vtuber rigging, sculpting, painting, ect). i usually dress in v-kei, gyaru (kogal), ouji and lolita.
i love any love languages recieving tbh Maybe like words of affirmation I need lots of reminding that they R a willing participant of this Relationship. PERSONALLY i lvoe spending time and doing acts of service, im rlly Not an affectionate person so im probably not going to initiate physical contact and Im RLLY bad with words so im not probably going to do words of affirmation either .......
Hmmmm what else I love music. so much different types. breakcore, classical, eurobeat, game osts, pop rock, industrial metal, esp anything super weird and experimental.
jut stuff i likee would be active cities, being clean, good food, nighttime, CATS AND BUNNIES, pigeons<3, (i want to own a pet cat, bunnies and a pigeon lol), collecting things and baking
i DISLIKE dogs (despite being pretty dog-aligned by personality), my room having any sun in it, dirty/messy/gross ppl. i hatee violence sm I get uncomfortable hearing or seeing ppl/animals get hurt Its just gross and scary.
abt relationships ... I will die for my Partner i will straight up Fight someone for them. idc if they r bad person or if They did a crime rlly Thats so girlboss of them . I want to go out a lot on dates and stuff I dont wanna just go to the same places I want 2 explore and go to new places nd stuff. also Ermmm i dont rlly wanna Date someone shorter thn me Like. They just look like a child at that point..
thx :3 sawrry i wrote a lot lolz. lolll tyy So muh
A/N: Hello and thank you for your request! Don't worry about it being so long, the more information that I have to work with then the better! It only lets me get even more ideas for a match-up! Speaking of, I do hope that you like yours and enjoy!
Tw: None
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I match you with.........
Ritsu Sakuma
From one vampire to another, you both are quite literally made for each other in that regard. He sees you and he can feel warmth flooding through his ice cold veins, how the moonlight illuminates your figure makes you look just ethereal. He is stunned into silence but soon regains himself and Ritsu can't help but to approach you.
Now given his sleeping patterns, it is a little hard for the both of you to meet up for any kind of outings, these would mostly be happening later in the evening and into the night given his aversion to sunlight, but he manages to work his schedule just right between his unit work and when he sleeps. He will always make time for you.
Another cat lover! Perhaps the both of you would like to go to a cat cafe for one of your dates? It would be something that he would find both enjoyable and relaxing, especially if you get to be there with him.
His schedule is quite busy sometimes given the work he has with his unit, Knights, but if you would like, you could always join him when they have practices and lives. Honestly, the thought of you being in the crowd and cheering him on makes this young vampire smile.
Speaking of his unit, the others absolutely adore you and they protect their own, and given that they now see you as one of their own, they will protect you just as you protect Ritsu. It is what a Knight does, after all.
Ritsu is big on giving you those words of affirmation. He may not be too much of a talker, and he really isn't that down on himself, but he would never want you to be down on yourself. He wants you to know that he is committed to this relationship no matter what it takes.
Overall, two vampires are able to join each other under the light of the moon. It is something that he will always love. With your similar interests and hobbies, it just makes the time that you spend with one another so much better and so much sweeter.
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dojae-huh · 7 months
aaah.....look who is here....huh nim ....I bet u missed a lot of ask of curious fans...haha...but seriously I was really waiting for u to ask about 2 things when they happened....but that's all resolved somehow...one was when dy proposed the no solo show on this concert....but it's ok..there is no point in asking y ppl got mad in that..coz everyone get either mad or happy for what he says...secondly it was about the ty nd some other idols controversy abt some anime or manga I guess...still I am not chilled after what happnd..
Firstly I am not ty biased...still I pitied him for having some foolish fans who hated him for nothing....I mean there are lot of dark anime nd mangas out there..nd ppl reading it..some ppl like the story nd others dont..in some story there is brutal murders, rapes nd lot worse things that happening to innocent ppl including womens nd childrens...but reading it nd recommending it doesnt mean that they enjoyed all the brutality nd like child abuse?? Does that make any sense. .....for eg..take AOT...there titan kills lot of ppl very brutally, including childrens...if recommend it does that mean I enjoyed all the killings?? My god...come on...r we living in 60s???
Fortunately Ty had the censord versions of manga so he got out of that shitty claim of enjoying child abuse...otherwise his career qould have ended before his enlistment..but he got lot of backlashes nd death threats. ..that's so unfair...
Isn't the time the best issue solver? Heh.
I'm actually thinking of reading the uncensored version of that manga even if the art style is not my cup of tea. The plot says it is about an orphaned girl who went to look for her mother and travels with a robot in a scary dangerous world called Abyss. I'd like to find out why it won awards, got animated movies and was translated into other langauges (censoring is a lot of work, the plot should be interesting and sellable for Korean editors to go through the trouble).
The antis who created the controversy in the first place and those who run with it are hypocrites. They try to destroy a person's life over a photograph and fictional story. Whatever is in the manga is fake, not real, printed in ink on paper, it is sold with a warning label. The antis act in real world, try to harm real people, bring distress to real fans of idols, they are the ones who do evil, not the readers of the manga.
Taeyong will go into the military soon. He will be taught how to fire guns and throw grenades. He will be trained for a potentional job of killing other people (in case North Korea attacks). And "fans" pretend that an adult reading gore manga in his leasure time is something to get nauseous about. No, it's just bullies bullying or narcissists thriving on making other people suffer emotionally.
Forget Japanese manga. Let's start with video games like shooters and super hero series, were the "good guys" kill left and right. Last time I checked, League of Legends had some child-looking champions that were to be maimed as everyone else. And wasn't Harry Potter a minor when he was tortured with Dark spells? This "Made in Abyss" thing is yet another case of antis and click-bait sites making a fuss over cooked up "problematic behavour" to gain some profit. Just stick some trigger words, point fingers, and the job is done. The fans will do the rest trying to "fix things", actually being the vectors of spreading the lies.
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florenceisfalling · 1 year
ur making sense but can u still elaborate
hi sorry i went to get food
but Basically if you go into the comment section of any post where there's discourse about polarizing topics, a display of something "weird" or "cringe" but ultimately harmless (or even something that is NOT that weird!!!!!), or even just a joke that is going over peoples' heads, you tend to see comments where people will act confused, shocked, or suspicious in a way that is just. playing stupid.
it's comments that are just "bro..." or "huh" or "🤨" or "😨" for no fucking reason. you see "umm..." commented under tiktoks of fat or disabled people showing off their outfits. you see "huh" commented under things where someone's talking about politics in more complicated terms. you see a bunch of "😨😨" commented under tumblr posts where someone makes a joke and then even EXPLAINS the joke in the notes or tags, but people dont look at it bc they just wanna act scandalized instead.
those are the ones that piss me off the most because they're so stupid!!! so useless!!! they're so vague because the person either doesnt know enough with substance to actually argue about anything, or is too much of a coward to make a direct insult, but they still gotta take up space Somehow. the most infuriating shit is when people comment that stuff on a video of an autistic person being ~weird~ and, when asked what they mean by it, just respond with more "😶" or whatever. its such a weird form of cyberbullying! how did the internet find a way to emulate getting stared at in the middle school hallway via comment sections!!
the judgment also comes in the form of suspicion made from Nothing. like back when i used tiktok (why did i do that to myself) i had people who were mad about me calling myself a lesbian go back to year-old posts where i made shipping jokes to comment "🤨" and shit like that. not even abt "problematic" ships or anything, just whatever they could possibly imply a problem into.
its like!! what do you want??? every time i see ppl say that shit i wanna just go "use your words :)" and often "use your Eyes :)))))" because they will freak out over stuff that they literally did not bother to look into for an explanation. they just wanna be spoonfed! its so stupid! instead of just scrolling or at least Arguing a Point they just decide "yknow how should i approach this thing i dont like or dont understand? imply like the subject is deranged/suspicious/creepy/weird in the most childish way possible!" and i cannot stress how banal some of the stuff is that gets FLOODED with comments like that. fat person in a swimsuit! adult woman in pastels! drawing with blood in it! art sculpture that doesn't look cutesy or minimalist! people dating with a 4 year age gap! politics that use big words!
and when they are using a comment that (miraculously) goes over 8 characters, its the kind of thing like "the way i almost had a heart attack 😰😰" like what do they want me to say!! ohhh are you a baby? are you a little baby?? did it scare you that bad??? do you need me to call an ambulance because you had to see a cringe person???? god forbid a cringe and maybe kinda horny or gay person???? maybe even one with unpopular opinions?????
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chiroptaro · 2 years
ok so. the cult explanation. actually wait. it would be funnier to tell you in the order ppl found out.
So basically in ! era (there are several eras, ! era was the first phase of the game, !! is the current phase, which takes place a year later, war era takes place before ! era, and pre-war era is anything before that) Kanata was a 3rd year and part of a unit called Ryuseitai. (One of my two faves) Ryuseitai's theme is heroes, specifically the power ranger type, because the leader Chiaki is obsessed with being a hero and Ryst had a history of being a unit of heroes. Anyways Kanata and Chiaki are 3rd years and Kanata has this. weird way of speaking? Where certain words are in parentheses and he pronounces some words wrong or doesnt seem to know what they mean. Anyways Ryst has no 2nd years, but they manage to get 3 1st years in the beginning of the ! era, and absolutely none of them wanted to be there, so basically they got the leftovers, but they were really desperate because they were gonna graduate. Anyways. Kanata is a weird guy who likes to swim in the school fountain, calls Chiaki his hero, speaks weirdly, doesnt refer to himself as a human, but like. maybe hes just kinda like that.
And then Meteor Impact comes out.
Some perspective. Enstars came out in 2015. Meteor Impact, aka the Kanata backstory story, came out in. 2019.
And oh boy!!! It sure is a story!!! one of the only es stories ive read and. jesus. head in hands. its something <will never be over meteor impact
Youve known for a while at this point of the existence in the war era of a group called "The Five Eccentrics", which were a group of five students who were interesting characters who were really good. Eichi used them to wage his war and get Wataru to fall in love with him but thats beside the point. What is the point is that Kanata was one of them (So were Rei and Wataru, vampire guy and the clown in the images i sent you)
Anyways Kanata is part of the five eccentrics. i realized this might not be that important to the cult backstory stuff im trying to tell. whatever
Chiaki and Kanata are 2nd years during this time. Chiaki is part of Ryuseitai, and Kanata is unaffiliated. Chiaki does a lot of volunteer work bc ryst are heroes, and one of those jobs is to clean the old school pool, which is completely dilapidated. There he meets Kanata, and Kanata asks if he wished the pool would be clean, and he says yes. Next day he returns to clean it and the pool is spotless. He and Kanata start becoming friends even though Chiaki's kinda put off by Kanata's behavior. Kanata keeps saying he'll grant any wish Chiaki wants, Chiaki keeps saying he doesnt have anythimg to wish for. anyways stuff happens. Chiaki keeps hearing rumors about shady peoplearound the school. At some point his friend who is an ex thug gets beat up by his old friends and Chiaki tells Kanata about it. The friend gets mad because his old friends got super scared bc the police came and threatened them. Chiaki wishes for ryst, which has become lazy and lost reputation, to be more motivated, and they do.
He finds out that theres actually a cult doing everything Kanata "wishes", but Kanata believes hes a god who grants wishes for people. he doesnt see himself as human, and only thinks hes worth soemthign when hes serving others by granting their wishes. Also the cult was formed because a meteor fell like a bajillion years ago and it had some sickness on it so people started sacrificing ppl to try to get rid of the sickness and that didnt work so then they ate a guy and that worked and that was Kanata's ancestor so basically theyve kept his lineage alive incase another meteor comes so then they could eat him. He is aware of this. Anyways Chiaki's trying to save him from the cult, at one point Kanata wants to return "home" (the ocean) so he just.walks into it and Chiaki dives in to save him because hes literally about to drown himself and Kanata gets upset because he cant breathe under water because he thought he could but everyone was jsut gaslighting him around him and then Chiaki;s like "ill save you, i want to be your friend" and Kanata's like "well if thats what you wish" and Chiaki's like "no, its my dream" and then he goes with Kanata to his public execution
Oh yeah uh. so like Eichi is going around "defeating" all the five eccentrics in idol battles to motivate the rest of the school but Chiaki is there with Kanata which automatically disqualifies them but then kanata joins ryst and everyone else leaves because theyre freaked out by him and then they adopt three lovely children the end <3
okay wow okay okay oka
ok so the order is pre-war, war, !, !!
wait okay so the cult is only keeping his lineage alive so they can eat him just in case. but then why are they granting wishes for him? is it bc he's seen as like, sacred? or is it just himself who sees himself as a god?
^ and how do they grant them in the first place??
why is kanata's home the ocean??? why does he think he can breathe underwater?? wjat??
wdym by they were gaslighting him when he was retunring to the ocean were they like "no ya u def can breathe in water i saw u do it like a few months ago" or what
also can't believe gay people are real?? "no, it's my dream." hot diggity dog
[unrelated to the cult q's]
how do the units work? it sounds. kinda like themed clubs is that what they are?
you said there's the vampire guy right. so is there just magic people? what's the dealio in the case of fantasy races in enstars
i want 2 know more about the 5 eccentrics they sound like a delight
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paperstorm · 11 months
I think most people think all gaslighting is malicious but it doesn't need to be. Gaslighting (especially when it's cultural) can be done unconsciously or unintentionally, or perhaps even intentionally with an awareness of impacting the other person but not realising that the impact is harmful.
For example - when you try to express an unpopular opinion but it's just dismissed or people behave like they can't understand how or why you could possibly think that, even when you try to explain. Imo ppl often react like that because they don't WANT to put in the effort to understand or deal with the discomfort of a new/unusual idea. They probably don't mean to criticise your intellectual capabilities but if it happens for long enough or often enough, it's easy to begin thinking "I must be dumb/stupid, I must have bad taste, etc."
Another example is when you're trying to get your point across but the other person disagrees with you by addressing everything else except the key point you're making. For example, with the Carlos situation, if someone says "I dislike his s4 plotline cz it doesn't fit properly with the earlier seasons", the general response (not including you in this) is "oh but it's totally possible for someone of his background to do what he did". Um yeah, but that wasn't the point? The point was that the show messed up the execution of a perfectly plausible storyline. But the execution is never addressed generally, instead the discussion is repeatedly directed to the motivations of the character. Which leads to the feeling of "am I shouting into the void? can ppl not hear me? am I stupid for thinking this when most others don't even think the problem exists? etc etc"
Sorry to go off on a rant about this in your inbox. But if always drives me up the wall when people get offended about words like "consent" and "gaslighting" being used, just because they don't realise that there's levels to those concepts.
I think that you're right, there certainly are levels. And some of the things you described could fall under the larger umbrella of the term depending on the specific circumstances. I think people get their hackles up pretty quick tho because gaslighting is a very specific term. It describes a method of emotional abuse where someone's sense of reality is repeatedly called into question in order to gain psychological power over them. It is manipulation with the intent of making them completely vulnerable to their abuser because they can't trust their own mind anymore. And The Internet™ (sweeping generalization, I know) seems to have somewhat decided it is actually a catch-all term that applies to things like any time someone said something that doesn't reflect your perspective or whenever someone disagreed with you and didn't immediately acquiesce when you demanded they change their mind. So people are, understandably, going to be pretty instantly offended if you accuse them of intentional emotional abuse when what you really mean is "you're kind of being a dick."
There is all kinds of dickish behaviour that doesn't qualify as gaslighting, like being dismissive or being unnecessarily rude or arguing with a point someone wasn't making (people do this to me all the time on here so I feel you on that one. The whole "I like mozzarella cheese" "oh so you HATE CHEDDAR???" phenomenon. It is endlessly frustrating when someone is putting words into your mouth and getting mad at you for something you didn't say. It is an unkind and lazy and bad faith way to interact with someone. But that doesn't necessarily make it gaslighting.) Things go both ways, too. People are allowed to just straight up disagree with you and not be interested in taking the time to understand your position. Like it would be nice if they were willing to hear you out and be open to a different perspective, but you aren't entitled to demand that they do so and they aren't being abusive if they don't want to, especially over something as ultimately inconsequential as a difference in fictional character interpretation. People can just say 'I don't agree' or 'I don't see it that way' and move on. Idk. I see what you're saying, I honestly do. And I can see how that would be super frustrating and lead to not a very nice fandom experience. But it's just really complicated.
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menalez · 9 months
heterophobicdyke/727058214627213312/ heterophobic did very much go on a weird rant about how she thinks the majority of the population is bi in response to "why bis are the biggest homophobes". You also even reacted to her saying that bisexuals don't face "core" homophobia yourself so idk why you say that's a lie. Maybe she didn't say all the things that anon said directly but where the hell are the implications of both those statements supposed to go then. If bisexuals categorically dont experience core homophobia of course you're saying all their abuse is non-core homophobia. if you're saying bisexuals are the majority in response to that question how are you not blaming homophobia on bisexuals.
piqued definitely reblogged a post that called bi women dick worshipers, that they were identical to TIMs, and that their "abuse" was a pretext to weaponize against lesbians. Then she threw a tantrum saying bis weren't allowed to get mad at her for endorsing and praising that post because she already said she didn't "fully agree with all of it", that it was "frustrating" for bisexuals to "zero in" on those things, and that the lesbophobia she was addressing was the only thing that mattered because death of the author or some shit. It all boils down to she thinks she's within her rights to throw the abuse of bi women in their faces if SHE decides its worth it, and us #triggered victims need to stfu. I can't even link all this shit because it was like a dozen posts but what is the point of calling this a lie when she admits it she just doesn't thinks what she did is at all bad or insensitive. some of the other things about her, like her reaction the blackpills and saying they need compassion, are also true, but she did apologize and clarify more.
the kronkk one is the only one that I think is kind of twisted. Someone else posted that radfem tumblr biphobia was bad, and kronkk said it wasn't prominent. so they showed her various posts from blackpills, and she said they were not radfems so it doesn't count even if they're in "radblr" and that radfem/radblr are different things. then she got some annoying anons and made that "anyway I love mean lesbians" post as a frustrated response and deleted it within the hour or less. I don't think kronkk meant it as direct support for the blackpills, but considering it was directly responding to that topic I think its very understandable lots of people understood it that way and took that badly, lesbians too, and she herself must have known otherwise she would not have deleted it. I mean take it all with a grain of salt since im on anon but idk how you can definitively say kronkk never did this either.
first of all i think i remember what ur referencing with piqued and i’m pretty sure that’s not what happened lol. she got an anon venting about homophobia that had a line somewhere that expressed prejudice against bisexuals. she didn’t remark on that line and empathised with the anon on her vent about experiencing homophobia. the biphobia truthers collectively called her out for not acknowledging that sentence and she literally ended up apologising within like. one reblog. so again, it was not the way you presented it in ur ask.
second of all ur admitting to intentionally misconstruing and twisting kronkk’s words. so now we have established you have lied about two lesbians, how biphobic of me to say so tho, i guess. instead i should clap and agree that lesbians r awful bc u twisted their words or sth, my bad.
then third, let us compare heterophobicdyke’s words to what u claimed she said:
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not once did she call heterosexuals “a sexual minority” here. she believes that most ppl are bisexual, which frankly isn’t somehow out there as a belief.. many ppl believe this and a lot of bisexuals will argue that everyone is “a little bi”. she didn’t even argue “homophobia is the fault of bisexuals” but is clearly exclusively talking about ppl viewing homosexuality as a preference/choice and theorises that this viewpoint that it is probably comes from THEM personally choosing heterosexuality & assuming others must also be choosing to act exclusively towards one sex or both sexes. and i’ve also experienced many “heterosexuals” confiding in me and expressing some level of attraction, albeit often quite minor, to the same sex too.
you claim she said that bisexuals do not “experience core homophobia”, whatever that means, when in reality she said (at least this is what i recall reblogging & agreeing with) bisexuals do not experience the homophobia gay ppl do. meaning, u do not experience persecution for being exclusively same sex attracted, or for not being attracted to the opposite sex. i don’t think it’s somehow evil to point out we face homophobia differently. nowhere did she argue that bisexuals being raped and abused is “some het bullshit that doesn’t have to do with real homophobia”
it’s one thing to criticise the people actually saying what you claim but you specifically misconstrued several lesbians (& 1 bi woman) and demonised them and twisted their words, put words in their mouths, & then on top of it when i said to u that u are misconstruing them u went and sent my post to other bloggers, i guess to incite harassment against me? it’s disturbing bc u don’t even NEED to be inventing shit. there’s plenty of people actually saying awful things about bisexuals. but u made sure to name and misconstrue some of the most prominent lesbians on here bc they ?? said blackpillers aren’t radfems??? and that they think most ppl are bi (a belief most bis i’ve met will actually reiterate and use to argue homosexuality isn’t real ??) ??
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leonkennedyaoi · 11 months
ok copying this from my twitter. i got really mad at saw 3 last night and rewrote it to fix amanda's arc
sorry if the character stuff is way off base or if it's worded weirdly i just needed to fix (gestures vaguely in the direction of saw 3) all of that
ok for things I actually did like. i actually liked the dynamic between amanda and john for the most part bc it has the potential for some really powerful character moments for amanda. not that they did anything with that but there was potential!
and amanda being the one responsible for the saw 1 trap & making sure adam was actually dead was also good imo
now what fucking gets me about this godforsaken mistake of a movie is that amanda never really. grows or develops? even if she's arguably one of the main characters of a movie. her arc never gets completed
now there is a time and a place for tragic characters who have incomplete arcs but it really felt like the writer's either wanted everyone to die for shock value or couldn't figure out a way to justify her staying alive
the big thing I'd fix here is the bathroom trap flashbacks -- im assuming u guys haven't watched saw 3 so ill give a quick tldw [note most of the ppl who follow the account i posted this on aren't that big into horror so they haven't watched any of the saw movies]
tldw: in the first movie adam is left locked in the bathroom, still alive but with no way to escape. in the third theres a flashback scene where amanda comes in, checks to see if he's alive, and upon seeing he is she asphyxiates him with a plastic bag
my big issue here is that. there was a chance to have a really good, concise breaking point for amanda's character. she (at least imo) was remourseful while she was killing him and they just did nothing with that
quick sidenote tangent about amandas character; she's very much traumabonded to john/jigsaw. upon getting out she made the connection in her head that jigsaw helped her, because the trap made her go sober.
when she became an apprentice, she was likely manipulated by john into thinking she was important to him on a personal level -- some of this can even be seen in the third movie itself (john giving amanda approval by affirming that she's important to him, but almost immidiately after rescinding it when she doesn't do what he wants)
but it's clear that amanda is like. fully invested in john and sees him as a father to her, or something akin
so back on track. for the bathroom flashbacks, I really really think it would be a really good scene for her arc if she let adam live
it could give her a moment to realize that she doesn't need to do what john says and that she can fight back
not necessarily escaping entirely, but having that power dynamic in her head shift a little by her realizing her autonomy
after adam is out, she lets those feelings sit for a while. doesn't really do anything with them until the end of the movie
on the standoff between lynn and amanda i would have loved it if she just shot john and not just because i hate him
it would be a last ditch act to have her own power and to not be controlled by him anymore. she shoots him, and he dies
of course this means that lynn would die too, and jeff would probably still kill amanda but at least it would be a satisfying death, knowing that even though she's dead she didn't die wholly helpless. if that makes sense
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aroaessidhe · 1 year
I mean, I do see where you’re coming from with the blurb thing, especially with how that poll was worded, but the majority of people I see actually complaining about the phenomenon are talking specifically about the ways books are recommended. Again I agree with you that I prefer it’s mentioned somewhere because I like to know (though sometimes being surprised by it in a book where I didn’t expect it is a delight), but if someone lists a bunch of books only by what kind of rep it has I won’t go personally googling every single book on the list simply because it’s gay, because my time is limited and there are some genres I won’t be interested in no matter what, so I prefer rec lists that as a minimum includes the genre, preferably also tone and basic plot (is it a mystery? a romance?). Not sending this to try and argue with you, just hoping to clarify where a lot of people are coming from!
I get that, but it's still a big ol overexaggeration imo! Most of the time when people are doing brief bullet point rec lists it is in the context of an age range/genre, or some other more specific element anyway? and if it includes the cover (which most do) you also will have a genre/age/tone indication (aside from the occasional book with a cover that badly communicates content).
like every time I see anything remotely like this it is always either a) "lesbian mystery books:" [showing just the cover of 10+ books] intending a broad selection to just pique someone's interest, and communicate the fact that these books have lesbian MCs to people who may not have been aware of that (and btw adding a sentence or two on every single one is a LOT of effort, especially in video format - and the op probably ALSO does longform reviews of individual books) or b) "check out this aroace YA fantasy!" <- minimial wordcount which includes genre/tone as briefly as it does any 'rep'
and then you have c) which is like a teenager who discovered a book that reflects their experience for the first time and they're excitedly talking about it just in the context of that element, which if you're mad about.......okay. (or sometimes you'll see a list of 'queer books' and it is the most random broad combination of genres, tones, age ranges - which is very clearly just someone new to reading queer books the only things they've read and enjoyed so far. those make me giggle a little.)
I often see books like 10 times on social media of just the cover and basic info that's used in all promo & am vaguely interested but don't see anything about it that might stand out. And then will see ONE post of '"books with the 'older grumpy person accidentally adopting an orphan' trope" and am like OKAY i'm intrigued - that is the purpose of these sorts of posts! telling you MORE than what the basic age/genre/plot/tone is! (and yes in the context of identity too, I can know about a book for months before finding out it has aspec characters and I run a database dedicated to that)
There are people that talk about books badly and clumsily everywhere, in every form of communication (tweets, GR reviews, tiktoks, whatever). I absolutely see reviews and stuff ppl say about books all the time where I am like OOF why are you only mentioning x without the context that it's only a tiny part of the book, or without mentioning some other significant thing.
But the idea that people are only ever saying 'heres x book, it's gay!' and never talking about anything else or doing any reviews is just not as common as people claim and shows no understanding of the wider context of the book community or the function of different ways of discussing or promoting books!!
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salted-caramel-tea · 1 year
alright my long awaited (nobody asked) thoughts on the new maneskin album as a bitch that had way too much maneskin on her Spotify wrapped.
OWN MY MIND - 7/10
I rlly fuckin vibe w this song . the instrumentals in my opinion are some of the best in the album . ive been walking about going do u wanna do u wanna own my mind to the point where its annoying ppl.
GOSSIP- 9/10
don't ask me why this song just has a little bit of girlypop to it. anyway I dance in my bedroom to this this is what this song was made for. drunk women to dance around in their bedrooms in a tshirt and underwear. do your sexy little drunk jumping dance throwing ur hair around u will have such a good time. tom morello FUCKS btw.
made my cry what the fck . my u key is sticky btw I might jst be missing the u from words sometimes . anyway im a sucker for a rock ballad . the Spotify notes saying it was the least thought out song by dam as an anxious love letter,,,, my heart. the raw emotion in his voice. its gonna send me over the edge
`BLA BLA BLA - 6/10
this was probably my lest favourite from the album it just didn't make me feel any kind of way. is it a bad song by any means ? no I think its fun and the storyline of the song is rlly interesting in the whole depicting the perspective of the most toxic boyfriend and playing it in a way that ridicules him but musically it just wasn't my style as much as the other tracks were
BABY SAID - 8/10
BASS LINE !!!!!!!!!!!! SLAY !!!!!! its got a good build to it and i rlly like the overall song it reminds me of something but I cant place what . this is gonna be another one I end up dancing to . it feels like an updated version of a song that would be on il ballo della vita . u know . it has il bella della vita vibes. I fuck w it
GASOLINE- 8.5/10
IVE BEEN WAITIN FOR THIS ONE !!!!!! genuinely I wanted it on the album since we got the teaser last year its such a good song with a powerful message the only thing is I wish it had a bit More going on like the heaviness of the song builds with every 'were gonna dance on gasoline' (and it did a little) so its just musical rock madness by the end if u catch my drift. its still a fucking banger tho and im so happy its on the album
FEEL - 7/10
this song reminds me of something and I DONT KNOW WHAT IT ISSSSSSSS. maybe its something 90s early 2000s but I cant figure it out. parts of the album have very britpop or like 90s rock vibes anyway the lil 'im about to make u feel' then straight into the guitars gets me pumped and I love it
big fan of the instrmentals and when dam shouts when he sings bt its just nit my fave from the album. I do love the dichotomy of the music and the lyrics and Thomas played w that guitar solo
KOOL KIDS- 100000/10
obsessed. very 90s britpop. the rawness the emotion behind it the fact that he was drnk when they recorded it the frustration with the sneering and snobbery of people post Eurovision the references to everything that happened over those weeks the 'eat my shit' at the end. its powerful what does it mean to be cool why is there so much pressure on people to look and act a certain way why do we have all these preconceived notions on people based on everything down to the music they listen to . I love it .
IF NOT FOR YOU - 10/10
im a scier for a rock ballad. the fact this was done in a one-take. the vocals the strings the instrumentals in general its just so gorgeous . im sobbing listening to it rn . I want this as my first dance as my wedding I really do I need to get my boyfriends approval tho. and he actually needs to propose first which won't be soon. I have time to convince him
I know that this is kinda a dark song about obsession but,, what is that melody . the chorus just goes so hard . its so good. AGAIN THOMAS BRINGING IT ALL TOGETHER WITTH THE GUITAR SOLO !!!!!!!!!
Im still learning Italian. but this song fucks so hard. genuinely all of their Italian songs are amazing I don't thinks there's one bad one. but the pace the guitars the bass the drums (all of them basically) I love some fast paced rock I love his voice I love this fucking song . Thomas u fucking genius the guitar solo SLAYED !!!!!!!!!!1
LA FINE - 10/10
im quitte literally obsessed w this song. ive made my mm listen to it. I power walk to class listening to it. it has that Teatro d'ira vibes to it very much zitti e buoni in nome del padre moments kind of lividi Sui gomiti vibes as well and girl. thats my fave album. it fucks. this song . and I love how they use their music to discuss important issues and serious topics
the storyline of this song is so interesting in its awareness of appreciating the things you have and what's around you and appreciating the little things and I can see this being phenomenal on stage and being recognised worldwide . I like faster paced songs but I love this song and I think the way it all builds and comes to a climax at the end is gorgeous before it slows down again for damiano and vic to all it all together. brilliant
girl it was number 2 in my wrapped second to zitti e buoni. makes me feel like a whore makes me want kill someone in a sexy way its fantastic. sexy ass bass line too. bass player is ALSO sexy.
I was torn on this song when it first released bt the more one been listening to it the more I like it . love the nirvana reference. low waisted pants on onlyfans I pay for that <- best part of the song .
this is my mums favourites of the ones ive made her listen to . she likes the music video as well. again I cannot stress enough that domino is such a talented writer his lyrics are genuinely so poetic so beautiful and the band are so talented at building around the lyrics to portray the same form of real emotion with their instruments as domino does his voice everything just fits together and it creates masterpieces. I love this fucking song
the fact that a 6 was the lowest rating here today. I love maneskin fr I believe what theyre doing is reigniting the poplar interest in rock music and they are going to go so so so far . theyre genuinely some of the most talented people of our generation theyre insane. I really hope they expand their tor dates for future tours bc one uk show in england during my uni exam season is killing my Scottish ass . im obsessed w their music fr.
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