#and then giulia as a name felt so
sunnyirry · 3 months
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pride month is over pack it up under the dogs trio or whatever 😡🤬
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wosoluver · 3 months
Part 2 - previous
Lena Oberdorf x reader
Lena Oberdorf Masterlist
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Lena's pov
"Morning" I said coming into the locker room the next day. I look around, but I don't see Y/N. Not seeing Ana either, drives me to conclude they are together and already outside.
"You look a bit shitty, no offense." says Giulia.
"Saying 'no offense' after saying the rudest thing ever does not make it less offensive."
"See you didn't get much sleep last night." Lea says, she knows me too well.
"Yeah, I was doing a lot of thinking... and feeling, I guess."
"Want to talk about it?"
"After training?"
She only nodded, walking next to me towards the field.
We stayed back after training, with the excuse of training penalty shots.
"hm, it's not that simple to get out."
"Is it about Y/N?"
"How'd you know?" I ask, lips parted a bit shocked.
She simply laughs, which feels a bit like a mock. Making me twist my brows questionably.
"You're really are oblivious about it! Klara was right!"
"You guys were talking about us?"
"Yeah, at Syd's the other day! Y/N had just defended you, and you basically shut her down. You do that all the time. Every time she tries to hit on you actually."
"She doesn't hit on me! I'm pretty sure she only sees me as a friend. That's exactly what I wanted to talk about."
"As a friend?" she said in an outrageous tone. "Your joking right? She religiously does your hair every game. You want to drive her everywhere and won't take a no for an answer, which is fine because she never puts up a fight anyway. She literally said she will marry you. She looks at you, like you hung up the moon and the stars?!
You go out everyday after training as 'friends' but have never actually bothered to invite your other friends. I think you really only got bothered once she invited someone else to come a long, because you knew this isn't a 'just friends' things.
You are bothered because she invited Ana to do something you consider to be extra friendly. Wondering 'what if she is doing romantic things with someone else?'.
Am I right or am I right?"
I felt tears come to my eyes. She described what I felt, but couldn't understand what it was. And I was angry in a way, with myself, for taking so long to notice.
"No need to cry babes." she said coming to hug me. "We cry when we have feelings that aren't reciprocated. You're so lucky, that girl is in love with you. And I really think she would like to hear how you feel."
I nodded quietly. After a couple minutes, in silence we go back inside.
Walking in, Y/N was sitting peacefully on her phone.
"Hey, what are you still doing here?" she looked up at me.
"Just waiting for you, so we can go for a snack." with the same kind smile she always had, on.
"I'll be quick in the shower."
Walking into the showers I was met with a grinning Lea.
"I told you."
Sitting in the usual spot we always did, I noticed for the first time the way she look at me. And maybe, just maybe the twinkle in her eyes, that I noticed very so often, was a sign of her adoration, that I've read wrong all along.
"You were crying..." it wasn't even a question, more of an statement.
"Not too much. I realized, I might have nothing to cry about."
"How's Ana settling in?" I cowardly change the subject.
"Good, I think she's really getting along with the new girl that arrived this week. Tainara, I think that's her name. It's nice to see, I know we didn't have much in common either.
Just didn't want her to go through what I did many times. Of arriving somewhere and feeling lonely and having a hard time making friends."
"I think it's lovely that you think so much about others. Wish I was more like that."
"You are one of the most considerate people I know."
"I'm so sorry."
"What? Why are you saying this?"
"Because I haven't been considerate with your feelings. I have made many mistakes, turning you down. I was unfair, but I swear it was never intentional." she reached across the table to place one of her hands on my cheek, holding it affectionately, as I lean on it.
"I know. That's the only reason I'm still here. You may have denied with words but your actions never lied." She caressed me softly.
"Do you really think I will be a cute granny?" she looked at me questionably.
"I will always think you're cute." and like it did many times before, her words made my stomach turn in excitement.
"Good. Because I want to grow old with you. I love you Y/N."
"I love you, Lena."
Like, share and request! 🩷
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meazalykov · 2 months
redirection VII
esmee brugts x reader
last chapter: redirection VI
next chapter: redirection VIII
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being nominated for golden girl was a surprise.
a month after the beach hangout with esmee, its october. i got the news that I've been nominated for the award along with salma, esmee, vicky, and giulia.
I have a feeling that esmee or salma will win it. the both of them are excellent here at barcelona, and they have a world cup campaign to back up their votes.
I didn't.
but little did I know, many people were hoping that I'd win. tons of support has came my way because of my season with the club so far.
each game I've played in, an assist or a goal was attached to my name. my dribbling skills and speed has helped the team with scoring through the toughest defense that another team might bring.
at halftime against atletico madrid, everyone wasn't in the best mood.
the score is 0-0 and nobody has managed to get close to scoring. jona has faith in us, but we were frustrated about scoring a goal. I knew that the atletico players were relieved about not conceding a goal yet.
as I stood by the doors on the dressing room, eager to head out on the pitch to play again, I felt a hand on my right shoulder.
turning my head, esmee gives me a small smile before pulling her hand away. this makes me relax as I follow patri out onto the pitch, with esmee following behind.
esmee was out on the pitch with me since we started together. jona put me on the left-wing and esmee as left-back.
the game starts again and in the 54th minute, patri shoots to score a goal. however, the goalkeeper hits the ball away with her hands instead of catching it.
the ball rolls towards me-- I am standing outside of the box on the left side so I kick the ball towards the goal.
the ball isn't stopped as the ball goes under the goalkeepers legs. the goal is 1-0 as i turned to patri with my hands in the air.
patri runs into my arms and the rest of the team on the pitch come to hug me.
esmee saved herself for last. I hug her tightly as my hand rests on her shoulder.
"that's my golden girl!" esmee mumbles into my ear.
that caused my stomach to melt and my face burned with shyness, however I rolled my eyes playfully-- knowing where she was going with that.
"you're the golden girl-- not me!" I say as I pull out of her embrace and run back into position.
as a smirk is plastered on my face, I look over to see vicky and bruna on the bench giggling. at first, I would've assumed that they're laughing about their own jokes.
that's until vicky started to make kissy faces.
"grow up!" I mouth to the kid on the team as salma prepares to kickoff the game again.
thirty minutes later, the game ends in a 1-0. this wasn't our best, but I know that we will achieve more next game.
"hey capi." I walk over to Alexia, who displays a forced look of content on her face. she was putting the last few toiletries in her gym bag after taking a shower, so she looked at me over her shoulder with a small smile.
"hey nina, great job on today." she turns around and gives me a hug. my face warms at her compliment, alexia tried her best to never let her inner-emotions show around the team.
"thank you. you did great today too." I placed my hand on her right arm as she smiles.
"I know this doesn't have much to do with the game but remember when olga asked about the recipe for the smores dessert I gave you guys a few weeks ago? I have it in my bag if she wants it." I say.
it might've been funny to mention this after a game, but I knew alexia needed the tiny distraction.
"oh yes yes yes! I can have it." she walks behind me as I go over to my bag, pull out a paper with the printed instructions and handed it to her.
"thank you!" Alexia says as she looks over the paper.
"hola! why can't I have one?" patri says from her locker. she stands up and jogs over to look at the paper over ale's shoulder.
"patri you've never tried this dessert." I giggle.
"yes but from the looks of this paper it looks good, I want some." patri says.
"what are we looking at!?" I heard Vicky's voice speak.
a group of salma, vicky, bruna, and esmee walk into the dressing room, seeing patri and alexia reading over the white document.
"oh no." I mumble. this caused a giggle to come out of alexia.
"this is good! who's receta is this?" vicky looks at Alexia, who looks at me with a devilish look.
"maybe I should've gave olga that personally..." I sigh and alexia smiles.
"bruna, esmee, come read this-- doesn't this sound delicious?" salma waves the two girls, who stood by the door, over to read over the small recipe.
my eyebrows knitted together at this, I thought smores were a thing here in europe. well, of course its an ice cream treat that involves it-- but nonetheless.
"is it the sa-mores treat?" esmee smirks at me. my heart warms as I nodded my head with a giggle.
salma, vicky, and patri snap their heads to look over at esmee--who walks over to stand beside me in front of them.
"esmee, you've already tried this?" salma asks.
"why are you surprised? of course esmee tries her girlfriends desserts." vicky casually says.
my jaw drops as patri and salma burst out in laughter. esmee blushes as alexia gives us her signature smile-- amused at the situation.
"okay okay-- you guys can come over to my apartment and I'll make some for the entire team tomorrow night, deal?" I laugh as i take the paper from patri's hands, giving it back to alexia for olga to have.
"deal." salma smirks, not ignoring how you-- or esmee- didn't deny or get defensive over the girlfriend claim by vicky.
next chapter: redirection VIII
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numba1hateer · 3 months
Ranting:UgiGiugi "Fanfic" Moments that truly disgust me. PT 1
⚠️Trigger Warning⚠️
I decided to redo my shitty ranting because the ones I did, if I'm honest, felt very rushed.
Don't mind my shitty ranting.
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Julia, though , is 25-29, and yes, Julia should be 29 and Guilia if I remember correctly. Julia is to be born on June 30 and Giulia on June 30 by the information on her fanfics. Yes, being at this grown age surprisingly, the headmaster allows Julia to get "basic household necessities" excuse, but when does that cheapskate of an ancient crow willing to do that?? And ugigiugi confuses me with her school uniform. She says everyone thinks she's a boy yet wears a skirt in some of her pathetic excuse of tracing since she's so fucking lazy is some of them she wears pants or a cardigan?? Huh? I haven't ever seen her wear that other stuff ever again because that's how lazy she is. And also why is she even wearing a school uniform even though she already went to college?? The headmaster would kick her out like he did to Yuu at first, but since Julia is an old fart I believe he would've never let her near the boys or school or even teach there because based on the information she posted in her fanfics she worked at a nursery which is why she proudly calls herself an educator yet having 0 qualities of one typical egostical maniac.
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I don't understand what's with ugigiugi making Julia 25-29 kiss everyone?? It's gross and SA like she made the leech twin do to her old ass. Or those Diasomia shit she did hugging or making sebek give her a kiss on the cheek or the damn forehead I don't remember but like what's up with her pedo ass being affection with Malleus ,Lilia,Silver,Sebek practically everyone?? Azul, the leech twins? Or when she made Ace and Deuce kiss her. Or also being affection with Idia and Ortho and Leona,Jack or making Rollo "Fall in love with her" bruh Rollo don't deserve none of this he's a traumatized dude actually the majority of the boys are none of them deserve this she ooc the shit out of them to fit her disgusting "world" as ugigiugi calls it. She also kisses them and hugs them respectfully, I can see them dying of cringe and file a restraining order against her.
Now I do believe Sam, Divus,Trein, and Ashton would not want Julia on school grounds at all because of her old ass she older than Sam too.
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If you don't get this bullshit out, my face, Guilia.🤢
Sorry, but back in reality, Julia. Lilia wouldn't want you near Malleus or Silver, even Sebek. Leona is far too young her for you Julia 🤢 and no Malleus wouldn't hurt Leona just for your ass nor would Leona hurt him just for your egostical maniac self. Respectfully, if you lay your hands on Leona, he would laugh and in your face Julia and get ur ass arrested for hella shit.
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This feishizer, I swear. 🤢 this shit is mad disrespectful.
Bro went from that spider dude to Seth, Horus?? to jack to Leona to Malleus and Lilia to the Azul, the leech twins and Idia and Vil and Rook to Kalim, and then Rollo and the others shit I can't at this point bruh.
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If you don't get this bullshit out my face.
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Nepo baby type shit. That's makes me wonder how does Julia feed grim? Does he have canned tuna every day? Does he go to the cafeteria every day? And what's funny, she has kids with Malleus and Leona and Lilia. How tf does she feed them?? Or do the servants and nannies have to do it, or does Lilia do all of it?? Mf what?? But what I can tell is that "Julian and Aurora," especially "Aurora," seem to have inherent her egostical maniac from shitty tracing. And that's mad disrespectful to have a kid with Leona and name him Seth. 🤮 and then Fauna and Flora, bruh, I can't 🤮
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This is funny because the traced art of her Egyptian fanart of the corn stand. And how tf does she survive in the twisted wonderland cafeteria?? How will she survive the food anywhere or from the events or from the cultures of Sunset Savanah or Briar Valley?? Ain't no way she gonna make them cook pizza for her every day because that's her favorite food?? And then saying she got an eating disorder . Why is she glorifying this shit I can't no wonder her traced ass looks sicks asf and her "kids" look sick asf too
Ight that's all for today, folks
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alexbkrieger13 · 2 months
Another article 😅
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Pernille Harder and Magdalena Eriksson are engaged
A team in both sport and private life: Danish attacker Pernille Harder and Swedish defender Magdalena Eriksson joined FC Bayern Munich together last year. Next up: wedding.
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Top footballers Pernille Harder and Magdalena Eriksson have announced their engagement on the Instagram platform. In addition to three photos in which the Swede Eriksson clearly shows the ring on her left hand, an added emoji post of a ring finally announces the happy news.
Numerous German professional footballers also congratulated the team with heart emojis under the post, including DFB captain Alexandra Popp , Giulia Gwinn , Lea Schüller and Klara Bühl . Harder and Eriksson have been a couple for years and moved to FC Bayern Munich together last summer .
The German champions had secured prominent reinforcements: The top players came from Chelsea FC , both signed a contract until 2026. Last season ended in victory for the pair's new club: Bayern secured the championship early .
For 31-year-old Harder, twice named European Footballer of the Year, it was a return to the Bundesliga. The Danish striker played for VfL Wolfsburg from 2017 to 2020 and scored 105 goals in 114 games. In 2020, she was the first non-German to be named Footballer of the Year in Germany. Defender Eriksson, 30, has played for the London club since 2017 and has been captain since 2019.
Both have also spoken publicly about their relationship: At the Women's World Cup in France in 2019, a kiss between the two in the stadium caused a stir. In an interview  with the dpa news agency in winter, Harder said that she was surprised by the response - after all, this was not her first public kiss after a game.
Men’s football must also become more diverse
The photo quickly attracted huge attention on social media, became popular and attracted many positive comments, said Harder. He continued: "It was interesting for me to see how much this image was apparently needed by society."
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Kiss on the sidelines at the 2019 World Cup: Photo: Simon Hastegard/imago images/Bildbyran
The two have always felt comfortable with their sexuality in women's football. For Eriksson, the sport has always been "a safe space" and "a place where I can be myself. I never felt like I had to hide any part of my sexuality or myself," the footballer said in the interview. "I have never been discriminated against by fans because of my sexuality either."
But there is still a lot to be done. "We need to continue to create this safe space so that men's football becomes more diverse, including in terms of sexual orientation," Eriksson continued. Harder also added that she hoped that men's football "can continue to develop as a traditional sport" in view of the next generation growing up in a more open environment. uh
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myfandomprompts · 11 months
𝐆𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐖𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐑𝐞𝐠𝐫𝐞𝐭 | 𝐓𝐨𝐦 𝐁𝐞𝐧𝐧𝐞𝐭𝐭 𝐱 𝐑𝐞𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐫 (𝟗/𝟏𝟎)
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Summary: There is little time left. Very little time. Previous Part - Masterlist
Warnings: angst, anti-Semitism French spoken -> italics
At first, it’s how Albert’s face seems to shut off each time your town’s name is seen on a sign at the side of the road, the mark that you’re getting closer to your destination. Then it’s how Tom looked like he wished for the earth to swallow him whole each time the bus station is mentioned, the place that will take you home.
It just seems so close now.
But there are good moments. At noon, when you find yourselves in the middle of nowhere with only the shade of the trees or a windmill to keep you cool, you all sit joyfully on the grass to eat what Charles and Germaine had generously given you; plenty of bread and ham to be able to walk without to a rumbling belly. It’s during those occasions that Tom never misses an opportunity to be next to you, the fact that you’ve taken to teaching him French seriously giving him a good reason to talk to you at length.
Not that he needed a good reason.
Everyone casually laughs at his attempts at pronunciation, each of them trying to participate and help where they can. But the truth is, he’d rather have you for himself, because he knew he could make you smile like he had never seen anyone else do, like nobody else could.
He wanted to be the only one.
“This isn’t even a word…”
“Yes it is!” you argued as you dropped your hand in defeat. “Poulailler is where the chickens go. Try it.”
He didn’t lose his teasing smile while he tried to pronounce it. “Yeah, still doesn’t sound right.”
“It wasn’t bad. La poule is the chicken, le poulailler is the chicken coop, it’s as simple as that.”
“And how do you say rooster, then?”
You stopped yourself from answering him at the last second, red staining your cheeks slightly. “Mh, that you don’t want to know.”
You contemplated his curious and enticing smile before a voice interrupted you and your thoughts. “Hey, Y/N, can you tell me on the map where the store you slept in was again? Looks like a good hiding place for future travellers, if the owners get on board.”
You nod quietly to Giulia before taking the map from her to examine it while you heard Tom fall back at your side, disappointed. The conversation didn’t stray from the different points Giulia could use for her route, mentioning Raymond, whom Charles had said he would convince, and Albert, who already saw himself as a ‘passeur’ near Poitiers.
Tom was bored again, and you felt guilt at the sight of his glum expression. But it all went away when he suddenly comfortably rested his head on your lap, closing his eyes and proceeded to take a nap there as if it was the most natural thing to do.
There was a brief silence, but the others quickly reconvened around the current subject while indescribable affection and fulfilment flooded through you. You didn’t notice Henriette's discreet smile, Giulia’s indifference or Albert’s flickering eyes as you fell behind the conversation completely, coming to run your fingers through his hair.
He didn’t open his eyes, but his lips stretched into a content smile. The soft satisfying sound he made when you grazed your nails over his scalp cheered you, and only you heard his quiet praises, telling you how nice it felt.
This is what he had been talking about, making every moment count. You would not allow yourself to think of the end.
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You didn’t leave his side once as you hit the road again, walking next to each other, hands itching to reach to the other. It felt liberating, confusing, good. However, the more you advanced, the more your feet started to gradually drag on the pathways, reluctant. You wished you could stretch the journey at will, to go back in time or simply think of this journey as a nice trip in the countryside. Not a way to make it home, to send him home.
To put all of this behind you.
But reality struck you like a slap in the face when you approached the next town, quiet streets with bricked walls plastered with the new government’s posters, and below one of them, an old looking graffiti with a single blood-icing sentence.
“Les Juifs sont la cause de la guerre.”
You all glanced at it before lowering your gazes and hastening the pace, taking the direction of the inn you would spend the night in in tensed silence.
Tom lingered a moment longer, trying to decipher the words without success. He trotted behind you, brows furrowed at your sudden sour faces. “What’s written there?”
You rolled your tongue inside of your mouth, ill at ease. “Jews are the reason for the war.”
He stopped, face decomposing after your whispered translation before glancing around in worry. But he quickly caught up with you as you neared the café terrace where both regulars and travellers were enjoying a drink or a well-deserved meal.
You exhaled in relief as you entered, the coolness of the inside air much more bearable after your journey, and by the time you sat around a table and booked rooms at the counter, Tom had found his usual silent countenance again. You could see the irritation in his eyes and within his gestures as he now could not utter a word out loud without earning a dark glance from Giulia, not until you were in a less crowded place again. It saddened you too.
You had to snap your eyes away from the way his tongue wetted his lips before taking a sip of his drink in frustration when Albert dropped a heavy book in front of you. “Phone book. I need your help finding Aunt Marie. It won’t hurt telling the parents we’re on our way.”
You nod, more like a reflex than anything else before opening the pages filled with countless telephone numbers. Tom eyed each time you turned a page with a dark expression, jaw clenching, but you said nothing as you continued. His glass was emptied by the time Henriette had gone to freshen herself in the commons, your own tired gaze fixed on the digits before you.
You didn’t notice the three policemen enter at first, the usualness of their visit blending perfectly with the rest of the customers, until they approached a table that had been awfully quiet since you’d arrived. 
It was the entire room’s turn to fall in a tense silence. “Gutten Haben, Henrren.”
You lifted your head upon hearing the German words, not understanding why two French Policemen had suddenly switched languages. The one that had spoken was giving a sad look at the men seated for dinner, the two other policemen gauging the room warily.
“Uh… Gutten Haben, what can I… do for you?” one of the men asked in awful French, his thick German accent making the policemen smile briefly. Meanwhile, sweat was starting to form over the man’s forehead.
“Unfortunately, you’ll have to come with us. We’ve been told that you’re immigrants, German immigrants.”
The two Germanics exchanged frightened glances before gazing back at the rough-looking policeman. “But… We have papers, we obtained it from your government, months ago!”
The latter clicked his tongue, an uneasy scowl appearing on his features, as if he was trying to convince himself rather than them. “I’m afraid it won’t suffice. Our government has implemented new laws. You’re going home, I’m sorry.”
You heard murmurs around you, catching words like “ran away”, “Jewish” or “persecuted”. The next moment, Giulia was whispering in your ears. “Y/N, take Tom and go through the back entrance. If they are taking refugees, there is no say what they’ll do to a British soldier, and we can’t risk it. I’ll find Henriette.”
There was a strange state of purpose surpassing the brief panic that filled you before you took Tom’s hand softly under the table. He barely resisted when you led him away, heading to the back stairwell as the two Germans were taken out quietly out of the room and the two other policemen lingered around.
Tom didn’t say anything until you had reached a back alley with a slim stream coursing next to it. “What is it, what are we doing?”
You checked that the coast was clear before pulling him to a corner where no one would hear you. “I don’t… I don’t think this town is safe.”
“What are you talking about? I thought we’ve reached a ‘free’ place where they couldn’t chase us. Were they German folks?”
“I think they… I think they were Jewish refugees from Germany, yes,” you thought out loud, digging your teeth in your lower lip in anguish. “The Reich wants them back, for…”
“And what the hell has it gotta do with those French coppers?”
You knew how helpless you looked at that moment, how lost. “Because this is the new regime! Pétain will do anything Hitler asks of him, and there is no say where it’ll stop… You would be taken as a prisoner of war, you have no papers, you have nothing…” You bit your tongue darkly. “Somebody ratted out those Germans, that's how they knew.”
Tom parted his lips in exasperation before clenching his jaw hard. “Oh, that’s bloody brilliant.”
He leaned his head against the darkened wall, right next to a propaganda poster, Pétain looking down at you with high colours as if he could see you, hear you. 
You bit your nails, stressed. “But it won’t happen to you! You’ve got Giulia, you’ve got a safe route to Spain, and there are no Nazis on this side, it’ll be alright.”
“Once again, Y/N, you don’t know that. I’m the first wanker who is making sure that crossing will not get me killed. Not that I’ll care about making it now, anyway…”
Shock at his words made your breath momentarily get stuck in your throat. You lowered your eyes, crossing your arms over your chest in an attempt to keep a straight face.
But you tensed and didn’t even know where to look. 
He immediately realised what he had said, pushing himself off of the wall to make you look at him. “Shit, I’m sorry… I didn’t mean that.”
He wrapped his arms around you, resting his chin on the top of your head as he held you close, making you go soft against him. “Why would you say that…”
“I didn’t mean it, I’m sorry,” he repeated against your hair. “I’m just bloody tired, and it’s like I can’t see past the moment when… when we…” A bitter laugh escaped his lips. “Well, at least you won’t have to worry about me then.”
You detached your face from his chest, looking up at him with fierce damped eyes. “I’ll never stop worrying about you, Tom.”
You saw the lump in his throat disappear as he swallowed hard, glistening eyes fixed on you. You cupped his face with your hand, bringing him into a kiss that would make him understand, feel your need for him.
“You don’t get to give up, you hear me, Tom Bennett?”
He all but smiled, a ray of light in the dark. “You should know me by now, nothing can take me down, not even a bullet.”
You smiled in turn, trying not to leave his warmth as you kept your body close. “You know, I can’t help but think that… if you haven’t been shot, we might have never met again.”
You stared at each other while his thumb stroked your shoulders, lowering to your ribs, to your waist.
He took a deep breath. “Some might say it’s God’s plan and all. Either way, considering where I am now… I’d say it was worth it, this damn hell I've been through.”
He was drawing small circles against the curve of your waist, tickling your skin and you chuckled through the bitterness. “Always the charmer, are you?” 
“Well, yeah, that’s what I was known for back at home, wasn’t I? Gotta live up to the name.”
You hummed, coming to wrap your hands around his neck to stroke the soft hair there playfully. “That’s not exactly what I remember your reputation to be.” 
“Hm? Care to tell me, then?” he teased.
You faked hesitation, pressing your forehead against his to whisper. “Trouble maker… Loud-mouthed… Hot blooded?”
He pouted. “That… does not sound like me at all.”
His hidden laughter made you tilt your head to the side in refound glee. “Doesn’t it? I could have sworn it was you. Maybe I should look for another Tom?”
He instantly pressed his body harder against yours, familiar heat meeting your flesh. “Why would you do that when you have what’s best right there? Helpful, good-looking, amazing kisser…”
“Oh, really? I don’t remember hearing anything about that last part.”
“Odd, since you’re the one who told me, love,” he said with a grin as you arched an eyebrow over your forehead. "Through the pretty sounds you make, that look in your eyes when I touch you… I just can tell.”
You shook your head with a sigh to try to hide the blush that adorned your cheeks as he joined his lips with yours again. The touch sent chills down your spine and it suddenly made you feel far away from the inn, from any risks that could come your way.
“Are you Jewish?”
The small tone made you stop and snap your eyes open. A small child stood behind Tom, no more than eight, looking at the two of you with a paper plane in his hands, his expression flat.
You froze in Tom’s arms as you blinked, his head falling backwards in annoyance as you pulled away from him. “I, uhm… No? Why would you ask that, sweetheart?”
The child frowned at your confused tone. “Then, why are you hiding?”
You remained speechless at his question as Tom’s warning tone fanned in your left ear. “Y/N, if I turn around that lad is going to be traumatised. You should really make him go.”
You scowled at his complicit eyes as you tried not to feel his point. You detached yourself from him, making him sigh in frustration as you approached the boy gently. “We’re hiding because… we’re playing a game. Tom here was meant to find me, and he did. We were just discussing… game strategy. Where are your parents?”
The boy sniffed, an untrustworthy look fixed on you. “My father says that Jews are bad, that they’re everywhere and steal everything from us. That’s why the Germans want them.”
You tried not to appear too gobsmacked as you lowered yourself to him, a sour taste in your mouth. “You know… Maybe you shouldn’t listen to everything your father says, I can assure you they-”
Tom’s impatience was palpable behind you and when he called your name, the boy’s frown deepened, clutching his paper plane harder as he glanced between the two of you. “Maybe I should go and ask my father directly, he’ll know.”
“No, wait!” you tried, but he had already scattered toward the house right at the opposite side of the road, disappearing behind a fence.
Tom came to your level, seeing you heave with distress. “What was that?” 
“Not reassuring.”
You took his hand swiftly and dragged him along the stream in haste, wishing to put as much distance between you and the concerning neighbourhood before the boy could find you. Despite Tom’s hissed arguments as you kept walking, you only stopped when you reached the underside of a bridge, considering it far enough and feeling your slightly panicked heart settle.
“Are you giving me a tour?” he chuckled as he took in his surroundings. “It’s very pretty, I’ll give you that.”
It was. The bridge you had stopped under was small but big enough to hide you from anyone above. The evening light shone right on the stream below your feet and cast beams of light on the white stones. On the other side, a lone fisherman was laying his line in the calm waters, a bored eye lifted toward you as you turned to face Tom with a frustrated sigh.
“Darn this country. I’m sorry I dragged you here again, I just didn’t want to face people with problematic ideas. I didn’t want to get angry.”
He cocked his head to the side. “Does my girl get angry, really?”
“When people are stupid, yes!”
He chuckled as he pulled you away from under the bridge in order to walk along the stream, hand in hand. The grin he wore upon his lips was so endearing, as if he had no care in the world. "I’m afraid you’ll have to do an awful lot of fightin’, then.”
You exhaled as you pressed your thumb against the back of his hand, making him grin further. The night was setting quickly and already humidity was falling over your skin, eliciting goosebumps there.
“Do you even know how to get back?” he asked, looking around as you passed a small pier.
“Yeah, it’s somewhere… around there,” you gestured vaguely over your left to the path that led back on the road, hesitant. If truth was to be told, you were not in a hurry to get back, those moments with him seemed so precious to you.
Tom hummed, unconvinced but did not add anything else. As you went up the pathway, smells of dinners being cooked and playful screams of children reached you, and when you neared a small square further down the road, you heard the soft sound of a gramophone starting to play. Tom’s lips slowly curved upwards as he glanced over the high window where the music was coming from.
“What are you doing?” you asked when he turned around to face you, a playful glint in his eyes.
He didn’t answer, only brought you to a stop before taking one of your hands in his and putting the other on your waist. When the voice of Lys Gauty resounded, slow and beautiful along the violins, you felt yourself move in his embrace. 
You laugh softly, feeling silly at each of your steps. “I didn’t know you could dance.”
“I went to a few of Lois’ gigs,” he said with a snidely. “I observed.”
“I’ve never seen you attend one…”
You saw his expression drop as you kept moved in rhythm. “Yeah, well, once I went there, knowing you would be there but when I arrived, you were dancing with some bloke and… I didn’t feel like staying.”
You watched his long eyelashes flutter, the skin under his eyes turning reddish as he fled your gaze. He was beautiful.
But you couldn’t help but tease him. “I remember. He was quite nice, offered me a drink afterwards…”
“Yeah, I don’t want to hear about it, really.”
You smiled tenderly, bringing a hand you wanted apologetic closer to his face. “He was not you, though. You wouldn’t have tried to get me drunk, right?”
Tom’s smile grew sardonic, satisfied. “The git.”
“Yeah,” you whispered as you pressed your lips against his smug ones, grinning through the kiss.
You lost yourselves in the melody, bodies moving languidly along the female soothing voice as he held you close, faces resting against each other.
“It’s nice… What does it say?” he asked after a while, hot breath fanning over your cheek.
You closed your eyes, focusing on the lyrics. The word slowly sank in and unexpectedly made your heart ache, their meaning passing over you like a cold wind. “It’s from a movie, I think. It’s… kind of sad.”
“Tell me.”
You felt some of his hair graze the side of your face as your voice turned a bit broken. “It’s about two young lovers of twenty. They lived very close, but although they loved each other they never had the courage to confess, until they kissed and all became brighter.”
He readjusted his position against you. “That doesn’t sound so bad.”
The music turned sombre, trumpets playing in as you continued. “But then hope disappeared, and all took the shade of the night. They grew apart, and their story became part of the past, their shared dreams left behind as if nothing happened between them.”
Tom fell silent, his fingers pressing deeper into your palm and waist as you opened your eyes.
If the words resonated strongly within the two of you, their weight crushing like a hammer, you did your best to not let the other feel it. You couldn't let yourself be controlled by these emotions, not so close to the end.
The song ended on a distorted note and a click as your light steps slowed on the paved stone. When the melody started again, the same melancholic words repeating, you decided that you had enough.
You couldn't bear it. “We should go back.”
You slowly pulled away from him, shivering from the cold air around you from the loss of his embrace but felt his grip over your hand harden, securing you into place. He hadn’t moved, a determined expression displayed over his features, the one he took when he was battling against his emotions.
You looked at him expectantly. “You haven’t changed your mind, have ya? I really can’t convince you to come with me anymore.”
You tried to focus on his touch in order to shut out the now irritable music coming from the window above, to shut out the emotions that threatened to make tears appear at the rim of your eyes. Nothing was as bitter than your heart at that particular moment. 
“I’m sorry.”
He nodded slowly after a long while, his lips curling in bitterness, resignation. When you met his eyes, you could have sworn that the light inside of them had gone, the lively glint inhabiting it. But his hand remained locked with yours, warm and tight.
When you got back to the inn the night had fallen completely.
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You often wondered what would have happened if you had listened to your father, if you hadn’t come home from England, stayed away from the war.
Would you still be in your tiny flat, not far from the centre? Would you be worried sick about Tom, as staring at the door he had slammed behind him like he had just left? Would he have even slammed it in anger if he had been the first to leave, and not you? 
By now, the news of his disappearance or potential death must have reached Manchester, and you wondered how you would have felt if you had been on the other side of the mirror. You pictured a devastated Douglas, a lost and helpless Lois listening to the wireless. You couldn't even fathom the state you would have been in, if you weren't here, knowing he was perfectly out of danger, close to being reunited with your parents and having found your brother safe against all odds.
The greatest difference from where you stood was that here, you would have to see him leave, never to come back.
You're taken out of your reveries as you reached a crossroad, one moment Henriette asking you if you were alright, the other the boisterous voice of your brother making your head lift up in a quick motion.
"This is it,"  he announced, examining the sign in front of you. "This way is Châteauroux… where you'd be able to take the train,” he said toward Giulia as he waved somewhere over his right. “And this way is Poitiers. Our path.”
Your feet planted on the ground like they had suddenly grown roots and you felt the oxygen lack in your lungs as you forgot to breathe. You stared at the sign helplessly, trying to comprehend the words written on it, unwilling to.
You barely heard the conversation going vividly around you as the others said goodbye with warm embraces. Your eyes were turned toward Tom, finding him already looking at you and you felt your heart drop in your chest. His blue eyes bright, piercing, his mouth drawn in a tight line. 
Only when the small form of Giulia came to block your vision were you forced to tear your gaze away from him. "Y/N, it was a pleasure meeting you. You really helped."
Your voice seemed to sound far away when you answered clumsily, barely present in the moment with her. 
You felt so empty. "Oh, I, uhm… really?"
"Yes, more than you know."
Her smile managed to snatch one from you, but it didn’t linger as she hugged you kindly. Over her shoulder, you saw your brother shake Tom’s hand and Henriette bid him good luck with a smile, but he barely managed to return it. Instead, silence settled in the air as Giulia let go of you, your gaze fixed on Tom, speechless.
Henriette was the first to speak after a while, clearing her throat awkwardly. "We should give them a minute."
The crunching noise of pebbles on the ground as they stepped away resonated too loudly in your ears. Tom approached you carefully, his fair skin paler than usual against the warm summer air.
You fumbled with your hands, eyes barely able to meet his penetrative ones.
"I guess this is goodbye then," you said, throat achingly dry.
He didn't answer, staring at you relentlessly, making you hyper aware of the scorching heat gradually forming beneath your eyes. "You'll say hi to your father and sister for me, yeah? And to the baby…"
His mouth remained closed as you shifted uncomfortably into place, crushed under his gaze. 
Not having enough of it. 
"Stop looking at me like that…"
His eyes flickered, the softness of his tone surprising you as he parted his lips. "Looking at you like what?"
"Like you're… like you're mad at me."
'I'm not-" he began, shaking his head. "I'm not mad at you, I just… It's just fucking unfair."
You swallowed the sour taste in your mouth. “We’ll see each other again. It doesn’t have to be the end.”
“Then why does it bloody feel like it?”
You couldn't answer, the uncertainty of your lives too much to even think about, rendering promises achingly pointless. You bit the inside of your cheek in a failed attempt to stay composed, but when he lowered his gaze and took your hands in his, you froze.
They were so warm, perfect for you.
"Listen, Y/N, about these three words, these three damn very known words... I really need to say th-"
"No, please Tom, don't," you pleaded, feeling the dampness of your eyes barely holding in. "I can't… I couldn't cope. Please."
His face decomposed, eyes strained sadly upon you, lost. The words burned his tongue, melted his heart. Still, he didn’t say them.
You couldn't bear it, the expression he wore, your own doing. You felt a tear form at the rim of your right eye and you leaned into him, pressing your forehead against his to hide it from him. He sighed against you immediately, eyes closed and hands trailing up your arms.
He felt so good. 
“Don't you dare forget about me, Y/N."
He sought out your lips, his nose digging into your cheek and you caved, melting into his needy kiss. It was slow and painfully sweet, realising that it could be your last. As his hands cupped your face more strongly, calloused fingers burning your numb flesh, you allowed yourself to make it last.
You pulled apart, panting for air as you remained in each other's embrace, your hands pressed against his chest. You found his heart to be beating as fast as yours, as shattered as yours.
After a sharp inhale, you felt it settle gradually as you tried to memorise the feel of him in your mind, to imprint it into your skin. 
"Goodbye, Tom."
You kept your eyes shut as a single tear finally rolled down your cheek, your body aching as you battled against his softening grip. When you pulled away from him sharply, you could only repress a shuddering breath.
You didn't allow yourself to look back until you had reached the others, and when you finally turned, he hadn't moved a muscle, weary eyes strained in you, powerless as he stood in the middle of the path.
It took everything you had not to let more of your tears fall.
Giulia gave you a quick movement of the head before joining him. She had to call his name before he finally followed her. Henriette stroked your back as you watch him reluctantly walk backwards, his eyes not leaving your face.
Maybe it would be easier to just close yours, embrace the darkness, to not witnesses that wretched moment.
But you couldn't, and by the time he had disappeared around a corner, your cheeks had dried and the pain in your stomach had turned dull.
There were still a few more miles until you would reach the bus station, and you couldn't utter a word, barely acknowledging your surroundings as you kept walking.
Only when you were safely seated in the bus did you feel all of the emotion crashing down, true tears being finally released. There was no dull pain anymore, but aching regret clutching at your heart, and you had to press against your chest in an attempt to soothe the pain. 
"Y/N, what's happening?"
You tried to breathe, to remain quiet, but it was too painful. "I should have let him say it… I should have said it back, I should-" you panted in muffled cries as Henriette watched you with worry. "I should have said that I loved him."
You didn't calm down until you arrived at your destination.
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Part 10 (and last one.)
Thank you @babyblue711 for you support and amazing beta reading, as always.
Music Tom and reader dance to:
A/N: The installation of antisemitism within the Vichy government occurred much later, the first step with a new Jewish status on October 1940. I fast fowarded it so it can be applied on the story, in July-August 1940. The persecution in Non-Occupied Zone came much later as well, but it didn’t prevent the hate toward the Jews in France. Jew immigrates were, however, arrested during that time, because they weren’t French (who still had some semblance of rights early in the war.) Same goes for the prisoners of war.
@chainsawsangel@mischiefmanaged71@depressedperson88 @enchantingcupcakecollectionfan@yentroucnagol@tssf-imagines@nightdiamond8663 @lauraneedstochill @unleashthelion @helaenaluvr @omgkatherine01 @launotfound @r0segard3n @queenofshinigamis @helaelaemond
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hellcatinnc · 8 months
Fluffruary Day - 7 - Blissful Masquerade
Warning This includes: SFW (Read Tags Before Continuing)
Tags: sfw, fluff, dancing, valentine's day, romance, romantic, romantic fluff, breakfast in bed, cinderella, fairy tale, masquerade, cliche, cinderella cliche, proposal
Word Count: 2,548
Feature: Nicola Francesco x Fem! Reader
Theme: Vulnerability
Cuore mio - My Sweetheart
Amore Mio - My Love
Mio Caro - My Darling
Da Ora Fino A Sempre - from now until forever
Amore Della Mia Vita - love of my life
Its been a year since you been with your boyfriend Nicola, so much has changed even with him. He went from a man who suffered in the mafia and how he never felt he was good enough to becoming the man he is now. It wasn't always easy for him the vulnerability he had to go through to let you in was a big step. Here you are with him though living in the Falzone manor with him and his family. Its Valentine's day and they have decided to throw a event at the manor. Most days you spend waking up in the room you two share together. How he smiles at you shows that all that hurt and pain is in the past and you make him happy like he does you.
This morning was different you looked over and his side of the bed was empty, you reach for the sheets and notice they are slightly warm so you know he hasn't been away too long. You pull the covers around you as your thoughts flashback to last night and your cheeks burn hot you know those thoughts will surely make you blush again and again. No sooner than you snapped out of this he walks in the door carrying a tray with a lovely breakfast on it as he places it in front of you. Its all your favorite breakfast foods including heart shaped pancakes. The tray is accented with your favorite flower too with a cute folded up card at the edge of the tray that says on it read after. You smiled at him not expecting this and with a soft spoken words he announces "Happy Valentine's Day! Amore mio, good morning." He leans in kissing your lips without even giving you a chance to respond. He always knows how to take you from a moment and smother you in his love, but you love when he does this. Taking your thoughts away all you could do is softly coo to his kisses.
"How di...." he put his fingers to your lips, when he removed them you continued "How did y-you..." He smiled as he took a piece of sausage from your plate and put in your mouth so you couldn't ask silly questions. He just wanted you to enjoy first, talk later. He flopped down on the bed beside you and starts cutting the pancakes up for you. This was way more than you thought he would do he really wanted to show you that you mean the world to him and today was about spoiling you. You let him hand feed you the pancakes without saying another word, but softly moaning as the flavor melts on your tongue. You close your eyes getting lost in being pampered like this. When you got together last year it was after Valentine's Day so this is your first time celebrating it with him and you have to admit he is going all out. After he feeds you the wonderful tasting pancakes then he leans in kissing your lips tasting the sweetness left on them. He licks them taking it all in as you open your eyes and smile at him.
He caresses your face then softly kisses your bare shoulders leaving the tingles that his lips bring across your naked skin. Then he wraps his arms around you holding you into him kissing your forehead "I love you, Cuore mio." The way he uses these sweet pet names on you in such a romantic way, you love when he does this. You pick up the little note he left on the tray while he holds you close. Its a sweet little note that says "Before you ask, no I did not cook this Giulia helped alot, but I told her what I wanted fixed for you. I do love you mio caro, da ora fino a sempre." You had tears that started to trickle down your face and you feel his fingers wiping them then kissing his fingers that had your tears on them. He then kisses your cheeks and then as you closed your eyes he kissed them as well softly. He was so tender but all these baby butterfly kisses made you comforted in a way you could never even dream of. He has you in his arms as these kisses send such a sensation through your whole body. It was so intimate and raw. The closest you have ever been to him, both of you fully vulnerable and letting down the last of the walls to each other.
He moved the tray for you then pulled you down into his arms. He chuckles as you haven't realized you are more revealing than you had planned, you feel him pull the covers up around you as you smile even though your cheeks flush. He doesn't make it about anything more than to be romantically intimate with you. He wants you to feel safe and loved with him in every way. You lay there in his warm arms for a bit just listening to his heartbeat, eyes closed, and just breathing him in. It is such a sensual bliss to feel so happy in this moment. Both of you dozed off in sleep keeping each other warm, but wasn't long before there was a knock on the door. He told the person to come in but only after he made sure you were fully covered. It was Leo, letting him know some things are going down in Burlone and Dante needed him as backup. He nodded, Leo ran out flushed in his face when realized he was walking on some private time. He kisses you on the lips softly then smiles at you. You hate every time he had to go out like this you are so worried he will never come home to you. You pull him in wrapping your arms around his neck as you whisper into his ear. "Please come home safe, bring Dante and Leo home, my love, I love you." He could see the worry in your eyes and he knows you are just looking out for them but he really was good at what he did and he always would stay safe so he could come home to you.
While they were away you got up and got dressed then took the tray down to the kitchen and helped Giulia out and did the dishes from it. You helped her out with things she was doing to prepare for the masquerade tonight. After a few hours go by your hear the front door open, your heart sinks as people flooding into the house yet still no Nicola. He is usually always first however this time he wasn't and you were frantically darting your eyes around the people coming into the house. About that time Nicola swung his arms from behind you wrapping you up in his soft arms. You gasp and jump until you turn around and look up into his beautifully glowing eyes of his. "Y-You're H-Home!?!" Tears formed in your eyes as they rapidly started drenching your shirt. You couldn't help it this was the first time for a moment you felt like you could have lost him and your heart was beating so fast, you were lightly dizzy, as a spell of nausea comes on you. He caught you as you went to sway and almost fall. He lifts you up in his arms and walks you over to the couch laying you down on it. Giulia came in the room with water chilled as she hands it to Nicola.
He tries to slowly give you a sip at a time as he held you up in his arms so that you wouldn't choke. When you finally come to you looked up at him, everyone was standing around to make sure you were ok. Everyone felt awkward when you crashed your lips into his and pulling him down on you. In that moment the world seems to melt away and you don't even know when people left, nor did you two care. After a long make-out session he breaks away because you have been kissing him so much that he could barely catch his breath. "I'm glad to see you too, Amore Mio! Be careful you're safe now." You shake your head like you need to tell him why this happened. You can't get the words out but tears start to trickle down your face. He lifts your chin with his dominant hand. He moves closer into you as you feel your lips collide with his, and you melt into him. When you pull back you blurt it out without trying to hold back and think about it too long now. "I-I thought I was.....g-going to l..o..s..eee you!" Your the only thing, I can't, I just can't live in a world without you...!" He finally understood and he pulled you into him and hugged you tightly not planning to let you go, he still needed you like you needed him. Even though you both have come a long way, the best part of both of you is in the other.
He lifts you up carries you out into the garden entrance then sets you down on the ground. He gets down on one knee and looks up at you as he holds your hand. He pulls out a box and clears his throat so he can properly ask you. "Amore Mio, Y/N, You came into my life when I never thought I deserved anything good. Even when I met you I wasn't sure how I could be good enough for you. But I have fell in love with every smile, in love with every pout, with every single wink, even the tears you have cried. I wiped away whether good or bad tears but I hope all I give you from here fourth is just good tears. I love you, my love, my darling, my sweetheart. Will you marry me, amore della mia vita?" You get on your knees with him, your tears line your eyes ready to pour down your face but he catches them before they do. He pulls you into his lips kissing you like he has never kissed you before. Your whisper was soft at first "y-yes..." He looked directly at you with so much love in his eyes. You said it a bit louder now "Y-Yes!" You saw his cheeks flush rosy red, you said it louder "YES!!...YES!!...YES!!" He slid the ring with a beautiful antique setting in it on your finger, you could tell it was past down from his own mother.
He lifted you up swinging you around before he loops your legs over his arms and takes you back to the bedroom. There is a lovely dark purple dress laid out across the bed edged in small crystals to give it such a lovely dress. Lovely silver heels with the same small crystals lining the shoes. He helped you get changed out of what you were wearing. Then he grabs the dress sliding it down on your curves, he smiles at you as he leans kissing the back of your neck. Those sweet soft butterfly kisses. The top of the dress leaves it easy for him to steal kisses on the back of your neck and shoulders. A soft moan comes through your lips as you feel his lips near your ear whispering "You are so stunning!" This made you smile when he said that as he spun you around engulfing your lips loving and kissing you deeper. The kiss got heavier and a little more passionate, you stop him for now. "Lets save that for tonight when we can become one again." You sat down on the bed, he got down on one knee as he slid on the shoe in a cinderella style cliche.
He stood up holding his hand out to you. As you took his hand he led you towards the mirror and Giulia stepped in to help you with your hair done and makeup as Nicola tells you he will meet you at the top of the stairs. After a bit your hair and makeup was done so well you felt like the most beautiful woman in this moment. You couldn't wait to see what he thought, the dress fit you perfectly and you looked amazing in it. You then put a masquerade mask on over your eyes that matches your dress with crystals lining it. You walked down the hallway towards him. As you see him he has his back turned around until he notices you walk up behind him. When he turned around and saw you, he caught himself his jaw was slightly open as if in awe of your beauty. He looked so handsome in his suit and hat with a leather black mask over his face making his beautiful eyes shine a bit brighter.
He took you by your hand kissing the top of your gloves you were wearing. He walked you down the stairs to the bottom, both of you were such a lovely couple that everyone gasped as they watched you two walk into the room. He walks you to the back patio to the middle of a open space he pulls you close as he spins you in to his arms with your back to his chest. He leans forward kissing the side of your mouth. He trails those kisses up to your ear where he gives it a nibble, his hands caressing your neck. You feel your heart beat so fast it feels like its going to explode. He twirled you around and pulled you into his arms your gaze meets each others. He leads you across the floor as the rest of the party dissolves behind you two its only this moment with you and him no one else around. He glides with you across the floor lost in each others eyes falling in love all over again. You lean your head on his chest as the songs change to a slower sound.
This was the best Valentine's Day, you two are happy together and you are the fiancé of the sweetest loving man you have ever known. The rest of the night was such a wonderful time, you did alot of dancing, sitting, some eating, and falling in love with Nicola Francesca again and again. The night was long but you took everything in soaking in all these little moments because you will cherish them the most. After a few drinks Nicola caries you back to the bed that night and helped you change out of your gown. Things got a bit hotter once both of you were in bed but you had drank a little too much but he whispered in your ear softly "Lets make up tomorrow to share in bliss we both remember and enjoy. I love you, mio caro." You kissed him once again "I love you too" the last words you spoke before falling asleep in his soft gentle arms as he laid there holding you all night, he did eventually fall asleep too, he could do so because he knows he will keep you safe....forever.
Wanted to tag you girls since you all love Nicola.
@mcwentfandomtraveling @cocotome @misschimotosuwa-blog
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ellaxmcretti · 2 months
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(DANIELLE CAMPBELL, CISFEMALE, SHE/HER) Oh, is that FIORELLA ‘ELLA’ MORETTI? I heard the TWENTY-EIGHT year old is AFFECTIONATE. But don’t let that pretty face fool you, they are also IMPETUOUS. Makes sense seeing how they are a LAWYER in the THE SERPENTS gang. penned by m.
𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋 𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄:  Fiorella Moretti (Fiorella is a floral-inspired girl's name with Italian roots, meaning "little flower.")
𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄(𝐒):  Ella, Fiore, little flower (used mostly by her mother)
𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇 𝐃𝐀𝐓𝐄:  April, 19, 1996
𝐀𝐆𝐄:  twenty-eight
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑:  cisfemale
𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒:  she/her
𝐇𝐀𝐈𝐑 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑: dark brown
𝐄𝐘𝐄 𝐂𝐎𝐋𝐎𝐑: ocean blue
𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐎𝐒: wolf on her left hip, small flower on her right wrist
𝐏𝐈𝐄𝐑𝐂𝐈𝐍𝐆𝐒: her ears (has a second hole on both)
𝐒𝐂𝐀𝐑𝐒: tbd.
𝐅𝐀𝐌𝐈𝐋𝐘: Giovanni & Valentina Moretti (parents), Dante Moretti (older brother), Lorenzo Moretti (younger brother)
𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐋𝐃𝐑𝐄𝐍:  Raelynn Giulia & Torin Geovanni Moretti Gallo
𝐑𝐄𝐋��𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒𝐇𝐈𝐏 𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐔𝐒: single (it's complicated)
𝐒𝐎𝐍𝐆 𝐓𝐇𝐀𝐓 𝐑𝐄𝐏𝐑𝐄𝐒𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐒 𝐓𝐇𝐄𝐌:  bitter sweet symphony ( x )
𝐈𝐍𝐒𝐏𝐈𝐑𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐒: dolores abernathy (westworld), alison dilaurentis (pretty little liars), alaska young (looking for alaska)
triggers: pediatric cancer tw
'My little flower', that's what her mother used to call her and Ella was just that — a soft and delicate girl, but a resilient one nonetheless. Since childhood Ella was a dreamer; someone who saw the beauty in the world and remained oblivious to its ugly side.
Her childhood years were filled with violin lessons, ballet classes and riding lessons. All three she adored, however, only two remained a constant in her life throughout her teenage years. It was her way of escaping the reality that her family weren't the best people.
Ella had always been the type that just went with the flow in life. Growing up, her dreams for the future constantly changed, believing she could actually achieve all the things that crossed her mind on a daily basis. She simply lacked purpose. Lacked that ambitious drive, which has made her father one of the most influential and fearsome people in the city. The same drive has made her brother follow thoroughly into their father's footsteps. Coming from such background, she could have achieved so much, maybe even surpassed, if only she'd wanted to.
Ella graduated from the School of American Ballet at the top of her class, which ensured her a promising future whether she chose to further her passion for ballet or choose a different route in life. A more practical one. The problem was, losing that sort of routine that came with attending classes for the past eighteen years of her life, left her feeling at a loss. Having too much aspirations but little desire to work any of them hard enough left her drifting through life, which only strained her relationship with her father, who had always deemed her weak for her low tolerance of violence.
Throughout most of her teenage years and later as a young adult, Ella had a relationship with one of the Gallo boys, Griffin, which they both kept a secret and which became somewhat of her main focus in life after graduating. Though complete opposites at a first sight, these two shared a special bond. As strange as it may sound, Ella always felt the safest in Griffin's arms no matter the rumors that surrounded his true nature. At times their love could turn a little rough and toxic but there was never a moment in her life when she had doubts about him, except probably after finding out she was expecting. Call it a motherly instinct but she simply didn't want her children sucked into a vicious life from an young age, so she did the only thing she deemed right — she ran.
Having the twins gave her life purpose. Especially when realizing she couldn't rely on her family's dirty money. It was hard but she slowly got her life together, enrolled in university and slowly started building her future away from New York until Raelynn was diagnosed with cancer shortly after being born. The treatment soon became unbearable for Ella to do all on her own and she was left with two options — let her daughter slowly fade away or seek help. She obviously chose the latter, showing up at her ex's doorstep with little to no explanation other than that this was his daughter and she needed help before vanishing from both their lives shortly after.
Ella feels guilt-driven after not being able to provide for her daughter to get a proper treatment since she didn't know how to break the news to her family in order to ask for help, which led her to turn to the only person she could trust with that secret - Raelynn's father, Griffin. Even if it meant succumbing her to being raised in the Gallo's values. Which in return has only made her twice more protective of Raelynn's twin brother, Torin.
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sweet-vanilla-sims · 4 months
Year 1684
TW/CW: Infant Death, Child Death
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January brought with it Marina's paternal aunt, Alba, celebrating her thirteenth birthday as the two girls did their best to adjust to being on their own, Giulia couldn't understand leaving the two young girls and decided at least until her granddaughter was wed she'd move in to help them out as a responsible adult.
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Giovanni Cesare did his best to look on the bright side of things which was difficult when his niece Livia passed away suddenly in her sleep on February 8th just shy of his sister's thirty-sixth birthday and news that the young Rossi boy, Iseppo, passed on May 19th reached his ears only to reignite worry he held for his own daughters.
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As much as he knew he probably shouldn't, Giovanni Cesare found himself drawn to Nesta and the feeling was mutual. The more they spoke the clearer it became that her marriage was also due to their first surprise pregnancy and that the Carlisle couple barely got along. It felt inevitable that the two began to share a bed when the rest of the household was asleep or otherwise occupied. At least since she was carrying her husband's child there would be no surprise children between the two.
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Time simply brought Kathy and Elisabetta closer together though once Elisabetta got comfortable with the girl it was very clear that she was not as reserved as her friend.
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On June 18th, Nesta delivered a second daughter named Susana who was thankfully quite healthy though Nesta couldn't help but have a difficult time bonding with her which made her feel horrible.
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To combat her feelings towards motherhood, Nesta would leave the children in the care of a nanny at times to slip away to spend time for herself so as to not be caught in the water. Though she wondered if it helped as she often felt guilty for taking the time for herself.
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Paola made lovely strides with the help of her father and aunt as she reached her milestones with plenty of support.
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Little Susana grew into herself and like her sister, she seemed to favor her father in looks though her parents were fine with that as long as she grew up healthy.
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The joy for the family grew as Leandra grew into a lovely girl who seemed to favor her mother though Giuliano's features did seem to blend in well.
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Not far behind her cousin overseas, Paola grew into a lovely girl ready to chase down her sister and her sister's playmate as she outgrew her cautious nature into one eager for independence.
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Though sometimes that independence left her exhausted and napping in places that were not her bed.
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kiara-36 · 2 years
child Au, chapter 1
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Ethan Ramsey x f!MC (Chiara Bianchi)
Words: 1000 (more or less)
Summary:  In this Au, Chiara had a child during her last year of med school so after that she took a year gap and then did her intern year in New York. The plot of this AU will more or less follow the normal Open Heart plot but Chiara (and her friends) will be residents instead of being intern (so there will some minor changes to the plot).
My masterlist
Chapter 1
Ethan Ramsey was walking down a hallway, looking at a case, when he felt something pulling his coat. Slightly annoyed that his coat got stuck into something, Ethan looked behind himself and noticed that the thing which was tugging him was actually a little girl, around 4 or 5 years old, tears running down her cheeks.
As he saw how distressed the girl looked, he turned around to see if there were other adults in the hallway and, seeing there were none, he crouched down and asked her: “Are you lost?”. She nodded, being too shy to say anything. “I’ll help you find your mum or dad, come with me” Ethan said giving his hand to the girl. The doctor, being used to kids getting lost in the hospital, knew that the first thing he should do was to go to the hospital’s reception. During the short walk Ethan tried to put the kid at ease by doing small talk but the girl only responded with monosyllabic answer so Ethan stopped trying, even though he didn’t even manage to discover her name. At one point they passed in front a vending machine and the girl suddenly stopped, she was looking and pointing at a chocolate bar. Ethan didn’t want to lose time but, when he saw how joyfully the girl looked at the candy, decided to stop. “Do you want the chocolate bar?” Ethan asked “Yes!” answered the girl. The doctor put a dollar into the machine and the bar fell, making a dull sound, Ethan took it and gave it to her; the girl was now smiling and Ethan, seeing her like this, started smiling too. After that they had almost reached the reception, Ethan then asked: “Now that you have cheered up, could you tell me your name?” but before the girl could answer a woman screamed “Giulia, here you are!”. “Mamma!” the girl run towards her mum and gave her a big hug. The woman had golden brown hair, tied up in a pony tail, she was dressed with a pair of jeans and a white shirt, she still looked tense but now that she had her kid in her arms she was smiling; Ethan was watching her and he couldn’t shake of the feeling that he had already seen her somewhere. “Mamma, the doctor bought me chocolate” Giulia said and at that point the woman locked eyes with Ethan and started walking towards him. “Thank you for taking care of my kid, and thank you for the chocolate” the woman said, with a slight accent in her voice that Ethan couldn’t exactly recognise “You should be more careful; the hospital can be dangerous for a kid” “Yes I know, I was here to get my doctor’s badge and while I was filling out a form she run away without saying anything and when I noticed she was already gone. I wanted to look for her but the nurses told me it was better for me to wait here” “Well yes, it’s protocol to bring lost children here. Wait did you say doctor’s badge?” Ethan asked, raising an eyebrow. “Yes” Ines, who was sitting at the desk, answered, suddenly joying the conversation, “she is the new resident, Chiara Bianchi” Chiara Bianchi, that’s why Ethan felt like he had already met her, he had personally selected her application, now, after meeting Giulia, he understood why there was a year-long gap in her resume. “Well, I should get going, after all I’ve already lost enough time” Ethan said ,then he looked at the girl and smiled “Goodbye Giulia, don’t run away from your mum next time” and, looking at Chiara, he added: “ I’ll see you for your first shift Rookie” , he turned around but before he went too far Chiara said “Wait I didn’t catch your name Doctor …” “Ramsey. Dr. Ramsey” “as in Ethan Ramsey?” Chiara asked, her eyes wide open “Yes” he said and walked away. When Ethan was at a safe distance Chiara turned to Ines and said “I can’t believe that just happened, it was terrible” “It’s ok Ethan is always hard on new doctors, at least he was nice to your daughter” Ines answered “But I lost Giulia at work, on my first day! And if that wasn’t enough she was found by no other than my medical inspiration: Dr. Ramsey” “Well if it’s of any consolation: there are so many new doctors every year that he might not even remember you next time you meet” “Let’s hope so” Chiara said.
After getting her badge Chiara and Giulia went back to their apartment. The woman started cooking and, while waiting for the water to boil, she was filling out Giulia’s application to Kindergarten. “What are you doing mamma?” “Just doing a couple of things for your new school, sweetie, are you excited for it?” “Yes” Giulia said but she didn’t seem too convinced “do you think I’ll make many friends?” “Oh honey, of course you’ll make many friends, you’re the sweetest kids there is” Chiara said and gave her a hug, “we will also have to find a new baby-sitter…” “But I liked the last one” Giulia pouted. “Yes, I know Giulia but it’s the price of moving to a new city, look on the bright side tough: now that we live in Boston you’ll spend more time with your grandparents” “Yay!” Giulia made a big smile. An hour after Giulia was in her bed and Chiara was reading her a story. When she noticed that her daughter was already asleep she gave her a kiss on her forehead and then whispered “I really hope it will be easier for us in Boston”.
Author’s note: I hope you have enjoyed this fanfic. I will certainly made more chapters but I don’t know when I’ll publish them since I’m super busy this year (preparing for uni admissions tests is tough😅)
Taglist: @nikki-2406 @queencarb @sophxwithers @aleynareads @actuallybored @choicesreal @potionsprefect @thisghosts-obsessions-again​ @jerzwriter​ @choicesficwriterscreations (if you would like to be added or removed just tell me so)
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wosoluver · 6 months
To undo a mistake
Part 6/17 - previous - next
Lena x Bayern Player!reader
Lena Oberdorf Masterlist
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Around three weeks later.
You had been the last one to arrive at camp. Along with Klara, Syd, Giulia and Lea.
You were greeted by every one with hugs. You were there for the first game of Euro's 2025 qualifying.
Everyone was so excited. Including you. So when Lena came up to greet you with a hug, you barely paid any mind to the action. Until she said something.
"Hey. How are you?"
"Good, really." - And you weren't lying. The last couple of weeks had been good. You were keeping yourself busy with the team, training, therapy twice a week and spending time with friends. And by friends you meant Ana.
Before you could say anything else, the started dividing you guys into two to share the rooms. You tried sticking to Syd, she had already grabbed Lea by the arm.
And the only ones left without a partner was you, and Lena.
Once noticing that Lea offered to switch places with you.
"It's fine. Thanks."
Everyone tried to pretend the weren't paying attention. And that they weren't surprised by how you were acting.
Lena included. She was glad though. That you no longer felt so repulsed by her presence.
You both follow up to the room to settle in and leave your bags before heading to training.
"I thought you hated me. I was scared I wouldn't have the chance of talking to you again."
"I don't hate you. I hate the situation we were in. And the way you handled things.
But I think I deserved to move on." - you said. And the first thing you did before anything else once you went in, was texting Ana you had arrived safely.
Next you changed and made your way down. Without waiting on Lena.
Not that she was expecting you to. But still, it hurt a little.
By the end of the day you could only think of dinner and bed. And you did both on that exact same order.
You were laying in bed, when you picked up Guzmán's call.
"Hey! How was the day?"
"Good, so busy. And unfortunately I ended up having to share the room with Lena."
"Don't drive yourself crazy about that. Am sure you'll be fine."
"She hugged me when I got here! She had the audacity to! Thank god I think I escaped from. She must be in Lea and Syd's room."
"Congratulations on making through the first day!" She said joking around.
"Only so many more to go. I'll let you know if I leave in the middle of the night to go home." - You said it, only half joking.
-"You have to rest for tomorrow. Goodnight. I'll talk to you later."
"Goodnight." - You said hanging up, and not long after you fell asleep.
When Lena was back, she noticed you asleep, trying her best not to wake you. You had always been the lightest sleeper.
She laid in bed thinking back on how the day was, and what was to come. Glad you were at least on speaking terms. Even if it was just the bare minimum.
Friday arrived and you were having breakfast. You were an absolute nerve wreck. You were seating next to Klara. You were all having light conversations.
You received a notification on your phone, that was casually on the table.
"Let me guess. Ana?" - She asked you.
"Yeah, just wishing us good luck."
Little did you know, Lena was watching this very closely. She immediately turned to Lea.
"Who's Ana?"
"What?" - Lea was confused by the sudden question.
"Is Y/N friends with anyone named Ana?"
"Ah yes, Guzmán. She's recently signed with the team."
"And they're friends?"
"Yeah. Ana didn't really connect much with the rest of the team. So they're always together." - Lea said the last part absentmindedly.
Lena was burning inside. She knew she had no right to. And even though her friend had told her they were just friends, she couldn't be sure of that.
Looking over to you once again, you had a big smile on your face.
As you guys made your way to the stadium, Lena had a lot in her mind. Trying to keep calm.
Unfortunately you were starting on the bench today. But you were okay with it. You knew if they needed you, they would put you on.
Getting ready for the match and making your way to the pitch, as they played the national anthems, you and Lena shared one last look, before they had to make it to their spots.
The referee blew the whistle and the game started.
You were worried watching how the first minutes had gone, and when the clock hit the 8:15 mark, Doorsoun made a bad attempt at passing the ball, and lost it to Campbell, Hendrich tried, but the two defenders couldn't stop her, neither could Frohms. And Austria scored the first goal of the match.
In the 15th minute they scored another one. Another from Campbell. This time a header. And you saw Obi blame herself for this one. She was so close.
Nüsken had a good shot at the goal but it was stopped by the Austrian goalkeeper. She had a few more opportunities after that but no scoring.
Bühl finally got a goal, from outside the penalty area. Thankfully putting you guys back in the game, almost 5 minutes to the whistle blow.
And finally you reached the end of the first half.
I like the way this story is going finally!
Guys I might merge some chapters together so they can be longer, so if you're in doubt if you've read it or not, use the images to help guide you!
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babygorewhore · 1 year
Hellou-hellou, gorg!
Hope not to bother you!
I kinda need this thing to be extra delulu. Life Is to short, so...
My name is Giulia (90's girl) and I'm an italian actress who struggle a lot with her job. I'm also a very prolific "writer", it's like a therapy for me. Anxious, melancholic with a weird sense of humor. I just adore make people laugh! Unfortunately depressed but always ready to fight for my loved ones.
Pixie cut, ash blonde. Pale skin, hazel/greenish eyes. 5'7''. I have a sort of "gamine style", androgynous but also graceful(?) and feminine. Here for witchy vibes and cottage core!
Often I feel like I don't fit in this era. I'm a dreamer and I'll always be.
Okay, I don't want to exaggerate so I hope this is enough.
Thank you, lady!
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Listen!!!! JIMMY JIMMY!!!
I always felt like he would have a lot respect for someone who writes, like he wishes he could do that but he would love to read your work and he would have a huge attraction to you!!!
He would love your sense of humor, because he can be very depressed too, he would love how you make him laugh 100%
And he would love your hair! He would think it’s so cool that it’s different than other people. He would love to have you rest on his shoulder as you tell him about your work.
He’s a BIG dreamer too. So you both would inspire each other all the time. He would share your thought that he doesn’t fit in either, so you would bond over that!
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bobtheacorn · 1 year
6 and 17 for the ask game!
for this! (soooo delayed! lmao)
6. Have you written any fanfictions featuring OCs? If so, elaborate!
I've written a few! Mostly whenever I needed background characters to full up a space there wasn't a canon character readily available for! There are several in ANAFW, but my most recent (and fav tbh) was Colette from a depth of pure blue! When I included her in the deepest hues, it was for a one-off scene that I just wanted to use to show Alberto interacting more with Portorosso's inhabitants! I never planned on bringing her up again, but as I was working through CWL, I felt like I needed some gender diversity and someone to go along conspiring with Giulia, so I wedged her in!
I was actually very silly and named her after me! Colette is a diminutive of Nicole! Which is my middle name lmao (I like to name background OCs after voice actors or something that will make ppl go *dicaprio pointing meme*)
17. Are there any writers and/or stories that you consider an influence?
This is actually such a difficult one to answer bc I genuinely find most media/stories that i consume to be influential to some degree? Like I can't pinpoint one specific author or one specific book or even fanfic (at least not atm) that I've heavily drawn from, it's absolutely a mish-mash of Loving the way certain authors or artists have done certain things! There are so many elements to story-telling!! It's so interesting to see what other ppl's strengths and weaknesses are and it's so fun to be like "wow I love the way [x] did this, I'm gonna try that". Maybe this is a boring answer! lol
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azure-wolf-227 · 2 years
Hamefura x Pokémon AU: Other Teams
Since I already explained the Teams for the main characters, I’ll be sharing what Pokémon other characters have. 
I’m open to suggestions of what other Pokémon fit these characters as well as Pokémon suggestions for characters not mentioned here.
Note: Only canon characters will be mentioned here. My OCs will get their own post.
Luigi Claes
Mudsdale - First Pokémon/Partner; reference to @dulcito-on-ao3, @cyclaes and my headcanon that Luigi like horses.
Flygon - a gift from Millidiana
Several other Ground and Rock-Types
Millidiana Claes
Garchomp - First Pokémon/Partner - Scary mother, scary land shark.
Lunatone - a gift from Luigi; references how the second part of her name is associated with the moon.
Several other Dragon-Types: Salamence, Haxorus, and Kommo-o
King Owen Stuart
Shiny Arcanine - Partner - I just feel that this sounds like a majestic Pokémon fit for a king.
Volcarona - another Pokémon that seems fit for a king.
Charizard that can Mega-Evolve into Charizard X - just felt right to give him this Pokémon; I chose X because blue fts silver hair and dragons are associated with royalty
Ceruledge - a knight Pokémon to protect the king; I chose this one because blue fits silver hair and as a reference to one of @dulcito-on-ao3 stories where the silver-haired royals can see ghosts.
Baxcalibur - a gift from his wife; the reference to Excalibur gives it royal association.
Queen Giulia Stuart
Alolan Ninetales - Partner - rare and beautiful Pokémon fir for a queen.
Empoleon - the “emperor” reference fits with Royalty
Armarouge - gift from her husband; a knight to protect the queen; red goes with blonde hair
Dan Ascart
Unfezant ♂ - Partner - no specific reason besides giving him a Flying-Type
Corviknight - like father, like son. Reference to @cyclaes‘s headcanon that the Ascarts have a crow of their coat of arms.
Beautifly - he is a handsome man so he gets a beautiful Pokémon
Gallade - a gift from his wife
Radea Ascart
Ribombee - Partner - no specific reason besides giving her a pretty Pokémon as a partner. Since her father is the Bug-Type specialist of the Elite Four, it also fits.
Milotic - a beautiful Pokémon for a beautiful woman; yellow skin with reddish eyes fit Radea’s blonde hair and reddish eyes.
Gardevoir - like mother, like daughter
Unfezant ♀ - a gift from her husband
Siblings, their fiancées, and others close friends
Geoffrey Stuart
Vaporeon ♀ - First Pokémon - bigger than average; a reference to @dulcito-on-ao3 story ‘Cute and Fluffy!’
Girafarig - it has two-faces and Geoffrey is two-faced
Mime Jr - just imagine how cute and funny it would be if this guy copies Geoffrey's bombastic gestures
Ian Stuart
Espeon ♂ - First Pokémon - a reference to @dulcito-on-ao3​ story ‘Cute and Fluffy!’
Froslass - because he is stoic and seemingly cold to his fiancé
Suzanna Randall/Larna Smith
Alakazam - Partner as Suzanna - has an IQ of 5,000 and Suzanna is considered the smartest woman in the kingdom
Zorua - Partner as Larna - its ability to change it’s form fits with Larna’s talent for disguises
Ditto - another reference to Larna’s talent for disguises
Sigilyph - it's the best I found to reference Larna’s interest in ancient magic tools Gengar - it's a mischievous Pokémon and Suzanna/Larna has a mischievous side
Pidgeot - a Flying-Type to match her wind magic
Several other psychic-Types most often used when she is in her Suzanna persona as the Randall family are supposed to be Psychic-Types specialists.
Selena Burke
Eevee/Leafeon♀ - Partner - initially held an Everstone since it was nervous about evolving - reflecting Selena's lack of confidence. Once they both gained confidence during battle, Eevee signaled to Selena to throw at Leaf Stone, letting her evolve into Leafeon. As Leafeon, she gains resistance to Electric-Types, making it a contrast to Selena’s family of Electric-Types specialists. (It used the be Sylveon because it is a cute Pokémon and Selena is very cute (according to Ian)).
Dedenne - a cute Electric-Type cause her father is the Electric-Type Arena Champion
Several cute but surprisingly skilled Pokémon.
Anne Shelly
Indeedee ♀ - Partner - a maid Pokémon, and a good babysitter because Anne was pretty much the kids’ babysitter Blissey - a caring Pokémon
Antagonists (Reformed and Current)
Sora Smith (Reformed)
Alolan Raticate - a reference to his past as a street-rat
Thievul - another reference to his past as he had to steal to survive; I imagine that this guy and Raticate have been with him since he was a kid.
Umbreon ♀ - he meets this one as an Eevee after he joins the MInistry and it soon evolves; Katarian is thrilled that they both have the same Eeveelution, much to her friends’ jealousy.
Hydreigon -  a reference to the Dark Dragon Familiar from LN6.
Noelia Flores
Flareon♂ - I imagine her using the fact that they both have Flareons to get close to Prince Geordo, with little success; this Flareon is just as arrogant and spoiled as his Trainer; it’s also one of the few Pokémon Noelia evolves
Fennekin - another cute Fire-Type; it holds an Everstone because Noelia wants to keep it small and cute
Glameow - another fancy Pokémon that is just as spoiled as its Trainer; it holds an Everstone because Noelia doesn’t want it to evolve since its evolution is “ugly.”
I also imagine that Noelia doesn’t bother training her Pokémon
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healingmoonlight · 2 years
Calling all Cat Ladies! 🐈‍⬛
“The Woman’s Familiar: Felines”
My name is Giulia, I’m from New York, and I’m in my final semester of school to receive my Bachelor’s degree in Journalism.
My final story is an exploration into the sociocultural interconnectedness between women and felines; a connection rooted in antiquity and still felt in today’s culture. My story is a historical deep-dive into this ancient and instinctual association, and it seeks to reveal just why it exists, and therefore, why it persists.
That being said, I want real-life narratives to include in my piece of women today who LOVE cats.
Below I’m listing some criteria I would need if you choose to submit, as well as a list of questions I would appreciate immensely for you to answer (as many as you can or would be willing to!). Pictures and videos are very much encouraged.
I do need submissions by December 15th, as my due-date is close to Christmas.
You can send me a message in my inbox or private message me directly here on Tumblr @healingmoonlight with your submissions or any questions you may have, OR you can email me your submissions to my email - [email protected].
Thank you so much for taking the time to read this, and I am sincerely grateful for anyone who will participate.
1. Please write out your full name (first & last) as you would like it to appear, where you are from, where you currently live, and a sentence or two about yourself.
2. Please indicate your current and/or past cats and their names if given any.
3. Please include as many good quality photos and/or videos of your cats alone, and if possible, of you with your cat(s).
4. How long have you had your cat? How did you meet each other?
5. How long did you have your previous cat(s)? How did you meet them?
6. Tell me about your relationship with your cat.
7. What is your cat’s personality like?
8. What is a day in the life of your cat like (typically)?
9. Tell me any anecdote(s) about your cats, interactions with your own cat, or another cat.
10. Why do you have a special bond with felines?
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catedwrites · 1 year
First Chapter Friday
Title: Untitled
Genre: Fantasy fiction, historical fiction
Words: 831
Synopsis: Guilia Tofana's book of spells contains a curse, but is locked away for centuries after her death. In the late 1800s, while attempting to summit mountains in the Dolomites, intrepit lady mountaineer Gemma Messina unwittingly unearths the tome. In doing so, she unleashes the curse and must save people from the dead witch's wrath.
She struggled up the mountain. The heavy snow fell, dampening Giulia’s skirts, and she stumbled, knees falling into a large drift as she strained upward. She heaved herself to her feet, bracing herself against the frozen rock wall of the mountain. 
She had covered her hands with thin mittens; she had never needed anything heavier in Rome, and her fingers were frigid inside them. She clutched her fists close to her chest and felt the heavy tome she had secreted between her stays and her dress. 
Giulia muttered a curse, the heavy wind snatching the words and freezing them against her lips. She pulled her cloak closer and leaned into the wind, running her hand against the mountain as she stumbled onward, feeling for the crack in the mountain that would mean she was done and could return home. 
Later--how much later, Giulia couldn't say. She thought it had been hours, but without the sun, she couldn’t be sure--her arm fell into a deep crag running vertically through the mountain face. She pushed her body through, scraping ice from the entrance with her body. 
The inside was cold, but it was dry and windless. Giulia fell to her knees. 
“Grazie, Dio.” she muttered as she spied the lantern in the dim light that filtered through the entrance. Flint near it allowed her to light the small candle inside and look around. 
The rock floor of the cave was swept mostly clean aside from a few withered autumn leaves, and shapes in white had been painted onto the floor. 
She shivered, for this was all too familiar to the cellar of her own home, though she had scrubbed hers clean with lye and her own hands, stinging and bleeding at midnight. She knew she was a dead woman walking, but she would clean up enough of her crimes to spare her daughter, she had thought fiercely.
Giulia Tofana was a poisoner and a witch. She didn’t know how many deaths she had caused in Rome, but she had mixed the poison herself, and the recipes would not fall into the Church’s hands. She shuddered, thinking of the Pope’s white hands leafing through her book. What the powerful Church could do with swift, effective death in their hands was not a possibility she would want to consider. 
She turned slowly, taking in the small cavern. A stack of blankets on a natural shelf and the store of roots and herbs hanging from the roof spoke of a familiarity here, and she was jealous of those who would be back here in the spring to celebrate Beltane as the earth awoke from its winter slumber. She spied the small bookshelf in the back of the room, and stepping over the neat white lines, she slipped her book, crudely made of vellum, bound with sinew, out from under her bodice. 
“Loqui de Morte,” she sighed, running her fingers over the cover, She had proudly--but unwisely, she knew now--embossed the palimpsest with the title and her own name. Damning, yes, but now hidden. 
A gust of wind howled outside of the cave mouth, sounding for the all the world like a death moan. 
She scowled. She had dedicated her life to helping low women out of the circumstances which trapped them. Abusive husbands, cheating scoundrels, rapists, sons frittering away savings. Perhaps some might call death an extreme, but what other choice was offered? The Church did not grant divorces, and the court of law would side with the man in nearly every case. 
A woman’s body was was not her own, and so, Giulia helped them take their destinies into their own hands. 
And she would take another’s with this book. She tightened her fingers around the ends, feeling the stiff pages jab into her hands. She had never practiced magic with the intent of hurting anyone. That was left to her day job, but she would curse this book. Damn anyone who tried to open this book who wasn’t of her own blood. Or, she reflected solemnly before she had begun to cast the spell, damn anyone who meant to use the information contained within for anything other than to help women as she had helped them. 
For the first time in many days, since she had learned she had been informed on, Giulia smiled and wove her curse over the book of poison. She felt the Earth beneath her, and drew strength from the cold she felt through her damp shoes and the dry wind against her lips, whispering the words that would lock her book against time and weather, against thieves and zealots. 
The book waited in the Earth, waiting to be found. Giulia left, and she would never return, to be executed in a few short months in front of squalling crowds. Her daughter that she had tried to so hard to save would be killed beside her, forced to watch her mother die. 
Still the book waited, sealed and waiting.
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