#and then i do actually pick the fruit and i’m like ‘i have a berry!! :D’
purple-babygirl · 5 months
in the far corner of the forest V
Pairing: Orc!Bucky Barnes x human!f!reader
Word Count: 7,790 (you love me)
Summary: For the longest time, the kingdom has used Bucky as their number one fighter, forcing him to win their wars for them. The only thing he asked for in return after he was done was that they give him a wife, and they did. They handed him the orphan he picked on a silver platter; it wasn't like anyone would miss her. It would've been perfect if she actually wanted to be there though.
Warnings: 18+ content, mentions of bruised skin, idiots in love, feels, a little crying, a little angst, smut, oral (f receiving), fingering, unprotected p in v (don't do that), multiple orgasms. I think that's all.
A/N: this is the longest part so far and no condolences to the jealous (iykyk) i love and appreciate you guys with my whole heart. also i suck at smut so please pretend to be aroused as you wait for the next part, thank you. please enjoy xx💜💜
She wiped her tears away, remembering Bucky’s words as she tried to calm down.
She bit her lip as her chest tightened at the pain she had heard in his voice, deeply regretting her part of the fight.
Did he really think she thought he was without feelings?
She might have seen him as a monster before, but that was in the very beginning when she didn’t know him at all, and she soon came to realize that she was wrong. Very wrong.
Her orc wasn’t a monster by any means. Not even close. If anything, it was the complete opposite. She saw him as a resilient soldier and admired the way he never lost the good things about him at war. To her, Bucky was a warrior; a hero.
Human or not, of course she treasured and cared about his feelings!
Bucky took care of her, brought her gifts without her ever asking, made her feel seen and heard and most of all liked. Loved even. He made her feel like she was some awesome friend worth laughing with and talking to.
She wanted to make sure that she made him feel the same way too. She couldn’t let him continue to believe the words he had said to her.
She opened the door of the cottage and looked outside, but Bucky was nowhere to be found. She sighed, shutting the door again and pressing her back to it as she thought about her next steps.
Life with Bucky was what she wanted, and she wasn’t going to let anything get in the way of that truth.
She fetched the cloth she had tossed away before moving back to the kitchen.
She had only known real happiness alongside Bucky and she was going to let him know that. She was going to whip the cream for that cake even if they had to do without berries.
She was almost done smoothing the whipped cream over the cake when she heard the door to the cottage open and close.
She quickly rinsed her hands, ready to go out and make things right.
When she stepped out of the kitchen, however, she was met by the most endearing view she could have ever been met with and it rendered her speechless.
Her large snow orc was standing before her with a blush on his cheeks and a tiny fruit basket between his giant arms.
It was full of mixed berries.
She couldn’t hide her happy surprise as she stared at the sight before her, her mouth opening and closing a few times.
“Bucky?” She finally whispered his name, breaking the silence, her voice soft and laced with love.
Damn, that orc could steal hearts.
“I—  uhh—  borrowed the basket from Sarah,” Bucky muttered, pushing the basket forward for her to take as he avoided eye contact.
He really sucked at this and he knew it, but he was trying. He desperately wanted to make everything better. He knew he couldn’t take the yelling or the bruising back, but he badly needed to fix what he had so stupidly ruined, and the berries were his best bet.
She appreciatively took the basket out of his hand, hugging it to her chest.
“I’m sorry if they’re not as good as the ones you picked. It’s— it’s my first time uhm— picking berries,” Bucky admitted lowly, gesturing with his hands as his eyes wandered anywhere but on her, afraid of meeting her eyes and finding them disappointed or fearful still.
It was true. It was his first time doing any of this. Bucky was a rough orc. He did hunting, not foraging.
“They’re perfect,” she replied without even looking at the fruits, the gesture itself enough for her as she realized that under all this beef, her orc had hid a heart of gold and a softness to die for.
Bucky only nodded awkwardly, still unable to meet her eyes. He didn’t know how to act or what to say.
He was a soldier. He used to give orders and expect results, he didn’t do apologies or pluck raspberries as gently as possible in order not to squish them between his huge fingers.
She silently took the basket to the kitchen, a smile covering her face as her heart jumped.
Bucky walked in after her, leaning on the door frame and watching as she emptied the berries in a bowl and washed them.
For a moment, neither of them spoke, the weight of their earlier argument hanging heavy in the air.
“How’s your arm?” Bucky asked softly, swallowing in the fear of having left some serious damage on her.
Her smile faltered for a second when she remembered the way he had so harshly grabbed and held her, “it’s gonna be okay. Just a tiny bruise.” She reassured still, not wanting him to feel bad anymore.
Bucky’s fingers trembled as he ran a rough hand through his unkempt hair, the weight of his actions weighing heavily on his conscience.
“I hurt you,” he said, his voice thick with remorse. “I shouldn't have grabbed you like that. I really am sorry, little human.” Bucky sincerely apologized again.
Before she could reply, he stepped closer, taking hold of her hand before lowering his lips to her forearm.
The feeling of Bucky’s tusks ever so softly digging into her skin as Bucky left tender kisses all over the abused area made her shiver.
“I’m sorry; I’m a fool,” Bucky said into her skin as he pressed another kiss, “I’m an idiot. I’m so sorry.” He pressed one final kiss before letting her arm go, “I will never doubt you again, sweet thing. Please forgive me.”
He stood there with the bluest puppy eyes, silently begging for her clemency as his hands hugged hers.
“I forgive you, Bucky.” She nodded with a shy smile, her own guilt gnawing at her insides as the fire that had rose on her skin in the wake of Bucky’s lips dissipated.
“It scared me when I came home and didn’t find you. I— I thought you were leaving me again.” He confessed lowly, “I didn’t know what to think.”
“I know. I should’ve at least left a note,” she thought out loud, her head down in regret, “I thought I would be home before you arrived so I didn’t feel the need to write one. I’m sorry, Bucky.” She gave his hand a desperate squeeze, “I really didn’t mean to scare you or make you feel like I was running away.”
“It’s okay.” Bucky smiled softly, regretting how poorly he had reacted as he brought her hand to his lips.
She was amazing. His night’s firefly.
“I don’t think of you as someone who doesn’t have feelings, Bucky,” she blurted out, her voice quivering with sincerity. “The kindness you show me... it's unlike anything I've ever known from humans. It's genuine, and real, and it's the reason I wanna be with you.”
Bucky listened in silence, an appreciative smile breaking on his handsome face.
“I care about you, Bucky, and I respect your feelings more than you know. I’m sorry if I made you feel like I didn’t.”
“I didn’t want to keep you when you didn’t want to stay, but it still hurt every time you left,” Bucky finally voiced his thoughts, sharing a part of his feelings and fears with her.
“Who—” She stopped to clear her throat, “who said I don’t wanna stay?”
“So you wanna be here for good? With me?” Bucky’s eyes lit up with hope as he intently watched her.
“Well, I made a cake, didn’t I?” She wouldn’t let her eyes meet his as she placed the berries on top of the smooth cake, her heart drumming in her chest.
“Let me hear it, sweet thing,” Bucky begged, unable to believe what he was hearing from her despite everything that has happened.
“I thought I’ve said it before,” she tried to tease, “and I’m wearing your ring, Bucky,” she chuckled shyly, her face hot.
Bucky kept waiting, wordlessly pleading her to tell him the words he so badly needed to hear.
She looked at him and saw passion drawn all over his face and she could only imagine she looked the same.
“I… wanna be here… with you, Bucky, for good,” she said before biting her lip, her own admittance sending a shudder down the back of her hot neck.
The simple sentence hit Bucky like a warm cup of cocoa on a stormy evening as he smiled.
He grabbed her hand and gave the palm of it a long kiss, getting berry residue on his cheek.
Thankfully, she didn’t take her hand away, giggling softly as her orc got his skin stained.
She smiled timidly when he pulled away, wiping his cheek clean with her other thumb.
“I know I haven’t made it easy for you, Bucky, but you’ve got to trust me. I don’t wanna leave you, not now, not ever.”
Bucky nodded, his heart soaring at the reassurance, “I trust you, little human.”
“Let’s eat our cake?” She asked, biting her lip.
Our. It was the first time she has ever used that word.
Bucky nodded with a grateful smile of his own, carefully carrying the cake out to the table outside.
She grabbed plates, forks and a knife and followed him.
Her heart was beating like crazy, yet it was the most relieved it had ever been now that they have made up.
She handed Bucky the knife and he cut through the cake.
She took the chance that he was busy and leaned forward to kiss his cheek, her lips lingering against his warm skin for a fleeting moment, “welcome home”.
Bucky could feel his chest burning up with the love it held for her.
For years, he had believed himself unworthy of love, of kindness, of anything resembling happiness. But in that short second with her lips on his cheek, he felt a twinkle of hope ignite within him, dispersing the darkness that had cloaked his heart for years.
The commotion that happened earlier had made him forget all about his kiss, but she didn’t.
She kissed him and with a smile too.
Bucky was love-sick, her gentle features stirring unparalleled emotions inside of him, softening his rough edges without even trying.
With a hesitant hand, he reached out to cup her cheek, his thumb brushing against the smooth skin in a silent promise of devotion. And as she leaned into his touch, cupping his hand with her tiny one, Bucky took an oath to cherish her, to protect her, and to love her with every fiber of his being for as long as he lived.
“Is there anyone around left from your tribe that I can meet?” She asked after Bucky had filled their plates with cake, interested to know more about her husband’s life as she handed him his fork.
She couldn’t help her curiosity anymore. She cared about Bucky and she needed to know why he was out here on his own. Where was his clan? Did he even have one? Do they know about her?
“No, just the two very close human friends,” Bucky sighed his answer before slipping a raspberry in his mouth, his thoughts running to his clan; the clan that had rejected and abandoned him years ago.
Okay, but where were the orcs? Now she was more curious and confused.
“What about your family?”
“You’re my family,” Bucky answered without hesitancy and she felt her heart flood with love as she speechlessly stared at his face.
“Where did you see me?” She wondered aloud, her tone hushed as she ached to know how and when he got to choose her.
“At the orphanage,” he started, a smile already spreading on his face as he recalled the memory, “me and Sam were delivering chairs and a few beds for the new rooms they had built.”
She listened, knowing exactly what he was talking about. She was part of the group that was instructed to clean the new building.
“I had just taken a bed down from the truck when I felt something drop on my head and before I knew it, it was raining. I was wiping the raindrops off my forehead.” Bucky’s fork played around with the berries on his plate before he looked up and into her eyes, “and I let my arm down and there you were, breathtaking as a daydream, laughing with another girl as you both ran inside before the rain could catch you.”
“How did I not see you?” She whispered, eyes welling up at the adoration she could see in his gaze.
“You were too busy being scared of the rain,” Bucky teased, “but I saw you.” Bucky’s thumb stroke drown her cheek, “I saw you and I knew I just had to see you again.”
“So that was when you asked the manager if I could be your wife?” She bit her lip, the thought now flattering to her rather than appalling as it used to be.
“No, that was when I intentionally slammed a chair down on the concrete and broke it to pieces so we could be one chair short and I could come again and hopefully sneak another peek at you.” Bucky laughed, remembering Sam’s reaction as he watched the chair he had so carefully put together get smashed down, “Sam wasn’t so happy about me destroying his work”.
“Oh my gods,” she laughed with him, feeling bad for poor Sam.
“Yeah, he didn’t believe me when I said I dropped it, swore he wasn’t coming with me that next time and everything. It was a whole thing.” Bucky shook his head as his laughter faded into a soft smile.
“Can’t blame him.” She shrugged with a grin.
“He was fine.” Bucky waved his hand in the air, “I honestly only cared that I’d secured myself a chance to come back.” He admitted unapologetically.
“And did you see me when you came back?” She asked, her elbow on the table and her cheek resting on her hand, cake long forgotten.
“Yeah, I had to sneak to the back to see you, but I did. You were even more beautiful that day,” Bucky told her, making her blush under his affectionate gaze, “you had a messy flower crown on top of your head and you were taking laundry down from the clothesline. You were so focused as you tried to pull the clothes down without getting on your tiptoes,” he chuckled, recalling how cute she was as she struggled to reach the peg clips.
“Hey! They hung that clothesline way too high! No one could reach it!” She shook her head.
“Yeah, I’m sure they couldn’t,” Bucky teased, laughing at her defensive reply.
“They couldn’t, I swear! Not just me!”
“I believe you,” Bucky said with a provocative smile.
“You’re annoying.” She pouted, digging her fork in her cake slice.
“Nah, you’re just too little, little human.” Bucky teased again and she couldn’t help her smile.
It was all making sense now as she admired his gorgeous grin: the yearning for Bucky’s touch when he wasn’t there, the longing for his presence that had replaced her previous fear or repulsion, and the way she so desperately looked forward to the weekends so they could hold hands as they walked and talked could only mean one thing.
She was in love. She was in love with Bucky and she didn’t want to run from that feeling.
“I— I think I’m in love with you,” she admitted in a tiny whisper.
A smile lit Bucky’s face up before he gave her forehead a long kiss, trying to convey his adoration for her as he held her close to him, “I know I’m in love with you, little human.” He sighed in her hair.
He couldn’t believe she said it and he couldn’t believe she said it first. He couldn’t believe how far they have come and how beautiful life could be.
But he knew now and he wouldn’t trade it for the world.
Bucky finally had someone who loved him and cared about him; someone he could trust and surrender his heart to.
She stood on her tiptoes, making him chuckle as she wrapped her arms around his neck, holding him so close that he could feel her heartbeat.
“They renounced me a long time ago,” Bucky whispered in her hair, feeling brave enough to open up to her about his past.
Her heart sank at the gut-wrenching piece of information.
“What?” She pulled away in shock, “why?”
Her mind couldn’t wrap itself around the idea of a clan having Bucky and willingly letting him go.
“My mother was a human; wanted to name me James, but she died during my birth, heart condition,” he started, closing his eyes to stop his tears from forming, “they eventually did name me James, but I think I never liked it. My grandma gave me the name Bucky, from my middle name ‘Buchanan’. She was the one who raised me because me and my father weren’t close. He could never forgive me for taking my mother away from him, I guess.” Bucky shrugged, swallowing his emotions.
She listened silently, her own tears brimming. What kind of father does that? Bucky had already lost his mother and instead of being there for him, his father made him lose him too?!
“Before I knew it, I’m a teenager and my father had passed away and my grandma before him… I had no one left and my cousins weren’t about to let the half-orc with the human mother become chief.” Bucky sighed as he recalled the events of his youth.
She stayed in his arms, hands on his chest as she listened closely, her heart breaking at the expression on her orc’s face.
“And when I started ‘working with the humans’, they found the perfect reason to kick me out of the clan for good.” He finished with a sad smile, shaking his head as if to shake the memories away.
“That was when you started fighting for the kingdom?” She asked, softly running the back of her fingers down Bucky’s cheek as a tear rolled down her own.
“Had nowhere else to go.” Bucky shrugged with a teary smile, trying to pull himself together.
“But that was where you met Sam, right?” She reminded with a tender smile, her thumb tracing his stubbly chin.
Bucky nodded with a chuckle, “yeah, used to drive me crazy at first, but he was a good soldier; an even better friend.”
“And then you opened your shop.” She tilted her head, her fingers catching the tips of Bucky’s soft hair by his shoulder.
“Yeah.” He closed his eyes, reminiscing at how things have turned out.
“And you started making beautiful furniture that you needed to deliver to the orphanage, where you saw me.” She grinned fondly, a fingertip tracing the orc’s nose.
“Yes.” Bucky sighed, his love pouring out of his dewy eyes as he enjoyed the light touches.
“And now I’m here with you, in our home,” she brought both palms to Bucky’s cheeks, “and I will never leave you, Bucky,” she told him seriously before getting on her tiptoes to hug him again, “I’m your family and you’re mine.” She whispered into his neck.
“I love you,” Bucky whispered into her shoulder, his arm squeezing her to him as if he wanted to meld himself to her.
“Copycat,” she joked, instantly feeling her orcs chest vibrate with a chuckle, “I love you too, Bucky.”
With her in his arms, hers wrapped around him as tight as she could, Bucky could then understand the meaning of safety, of love and family.
And she finally came to realize that she and Bucky weren’t all that different after all. They had both been abandoned by the ones who were supposed to have their backs before and more than anyone. But they have got each other now. She wasn’t going to let Bucky go and she trusted him not to let her go either.
As she leaned in to give Bucky his goodnight kiss that night, a different thought occupied her mind.
Sitting up against the pillows, she crossed her legs, her heart pounding with anticipation as Bucky looked at her with a quizzical tilt of his head.
She slowly got closer to his face, locking eyes with him to gain more courage, but it only made her more nervous.
She took a deep breath and when she pressed her lips, she pressed them to her orc’s mouth instead of his cheek, ever so tentatively getting a much needed taste of his full lips. They were so soft, so perfect.
She had no idea if she was doing this right, but she didn’t care.
Bucky's eyes widened in disbelief, wondering if he was dreaming.
She pulled away after a short second, scared that she might have crossed a line, “I’m sorry. Do orcs not do that—”
Before she could apologize or question her actions further, Bucky silenced her with a kiss of his own, swiftly bringing her down to lay on her back as he hovered over her, his kisses eager and desperate as he tried his best to watch his tusks.
“I don’t care what orcs do. We’re doing it,” he mumbled against her sweet lips.
Bucky allowed her one loud laugh before devouring her lips again, stealing her heart and breath with another tender, yet deep kiss.
In that very moment, time seemed to stand still for Bucky. All he could feel was the warmth of her cheek against his palm, all he could taste was the sweetness of her lips mingled with the faint flavor of berries, and he never wanted it to end.
As she allowed his tongue to gently explore her mouth, a promise of eternity passed between them in a moan, sealing their bond with a promise of a lifetime of love and devotion.
She has never had a real friendship. Rarely had anything to say. She would rather stay silent if she thought she didn’t have anything to contribute to the conversation. She was always afraid that others might find her boring, and was even more afraid that that may be her truth. So she always hid. She hid from others, from herself and her feelings. She hid from problems and fights. She hid from anything that could get her hurt.
But with Bucky it was different.
She didn’t have to hide anymore, didn’t have to be scared because in Bucky she had everything. She had a true friend, a loyal lover and a great husband.
And as she let herself drown in the feeling of his lips, she couldn’t be more grateful for the gods above for drawing her fate exactly how it was.
It felt so good to belong to Bucky and she could all but want more.
She let her instincts run wild, her body hot with need as she hesitantly slipped her hands under Bucky’s sweater, eager to feel his scarred skin under her fingers.
Bucky pulled away from her lips to look her in the eyes, his breath stuttering at her tender touch, “what are you doing, sweet thing?”
“I’m sorry. Was that too far?” She hurriedly tried to pull her hands out of his clothes, but Bucky was faster as he sat back and held his hands on top of hers, keeping them inside his sweater, right on his ribs.
“I’m your husband,” Bucky reminded with a sweet smile.
“I know— I just— I’ve never—” She struggled with her words as heat rose to her face, “I don’t wanna make you uncomfortable… but I think I wanna do this.” She confessed shyly, her indexes caressing up and down his abdomen.
“This this?” Bucky tilted his head suggestively, already feeling his cock jump at the thought alone.
“This this.” She smiled, biting her lip shyly as she gave a nod.
“Little human, you better not be playing right now.” Bucky warned, his eyes growing the slightest bit darker.
“I’m not—”
“Because if I start, I won’t be able to stop myself, sweet thing.”
“Then don’t.”
Her newfound courage took over as she brought Bucky back to her with her hands tangled in his pullover.
Bucky kissed her with fervor, savoring the angelic sounds she was making as his tongue tasted hers.
He carefully ran a large hand up her hip, exploring as his lips trailed down her cheek and to her neck.
He could feel her pulse again and was about to stop, déjà vu from their wedding night attacking him, but then she said his name in the softest, sexiest and neediest tone as she squirmed underneath him, his covered cock fitting just right between her legs.
Bucky could all but put his lips back on her, his tusks grazing the sensitive skin as he nibbled on it.
“Can I see you?” He breathed, his eyes on hers as his fingers found way under the skirt of her dress.
She nodded, her face and neck flushed as she sat up and gave the orc her back.
Bucky wasted no time working the zipper down, revealing the back of her bralette to his hungry eyes.
She twisted herself back, seeking Bucky’s blue orbs for reassurance as she pushed her dress down her shoulders. Her heart pounded in her chest when she saw Bucky literally lick his lips at the sight of her.
It felt like it was the first time Bucky was seeing her naked to both of them.
He saw her hesitate with pushing the dress down further and so with a smile, Bucky pulled his own pullover up and off his head, “I got you.” He promised.
She bit her lower lip, pushing the dress down her thighs.
Bucky pulled the piece of clothing all the way down, throwing it behind his back with his discarded sweater. He kept his calloused palms on her shins, caressing the smooth skin while he watched her hands go behind her back to unhook her bralette.
She let it fall from her body, her chest rising and falling with her heavy breaths as she watched Bucky’s gaze switch from admiration to sheer desire.
“You’re so beautiful,” he whispered, gently bringing her on her back, taking the bralette all the way down her arms as he pressed his mouth to hers again.
Bucky’s lips traced down the hot skin of her throat in open-mouthed kisses, moving to her collarbones, “can I touch you, sweet thing?”
“Yes.” She nodded and goosebumps instantly rose on her skin as Bucky’s palms cupped her breasts, his thumbs brushing her hardening nipples.
“Bucky,” she moaned, her back involuntarily curving as she pushed herself further into her orc’s touch.
“Oh, you sensitive on here, little human?” Bucky asked, biting back his smirk as his calloused flesh thumb rubbed over her nipple again, “’s my touch making your little nipples hard?”
“Bucky,” she whined at the dirty talk, her hands coming up to cover her hot face in embarrassment.
“Hey.” Bucky gently took her hands away from her face, “don’t hide from me, sweet thing. I love that your body is reacting to me.”
Before she could whine again, her husband was bringing her right hand down and between his legs, pressing her open palm to his hard cock, “this is my body reacting to you, my love.”
She gasped, the feeling foreign to her as she felt how big and hard Bucky was.
“This is what you do to me, little human.” Bucky wrapped her smaller hand around his clothed cock, giving himself a squeeze, making wetness pool in her panties at the sound that left him afterwards.
Knowing that she wasn’t the only one whose body was on fire, made her the tiniest bit more confident and she found herself giving Bucky’s cock another squeeze, making his head drop to her shoulder.
“Oh, fuck, you tryna kill me, sweet thing?” Bucky breathed a chuckle on her neck.
“Did— did I hurt you?” She asked insecurely, wanting to remove her hand and bury herself under the bed.
“Gods, you’re an angel.” Bucky shook his head and she didn’t understand until he said, “you have no idea how much your touch drives me mad, do you?”
She shook her head innocently and Bucky only smiled, moving his mouth to her chest, his tusks softly grazing everywhere his lips went.
“It’s something like this.”
“Ohhhh, Bucky!” She arched her back again as her orc wrapped one of her nipples in his lips, softly suckling at the tender nub, making her hand give a tighter pump to his cock.
She really was sensitive there.
Bucky groaned, moving to her other nipple, the vibration driving her crazy, making her squirm harder as her hand massaged around his cock, sliding up his back to unconsciously wrap in his long hair as she pushed her breast into his mouth.
She could feel herself clenching like crazy down there, her whole body aflame with lust from all the new sensations Bucky was introducing her to.
The way the tip of his tongue flicked against her nipples made her crave more.
Bucky’s kisses trailed down her ribs to her abdomen, worshipping every inch until they settled on top of her pubic bone, dark blue eyes looking up at her for permission to go further.
She nodded, aching for her orc’s touch to provide any kind of relief.
A little nervous about not finding her wet once again, Bucky moved closer to her center.
Bucky let his lips kiss her on top of her underwear first, inhaling the saturated fabric as he pressed a long kiss to her clothed core. He swallowed hard, her scent filling his nostrils and making him dizzy with desire.
She smelled so good.
“Bucky, please,” she pleaded before she could stop herself, desperate for him to do anything to help the throbbing between her legs.
“I got you, sweet thing,” Bucky told her again, quickly pushing the tiny underwear down her legs and getting himself comfortable between her legs.
He took a second to look at her, all naked and all his, writhing from and for his touch and his touch alone.
“Wh— what are you gonna do?” She asked uncertainly, not really getting why Bucky was bringing himself lower between her open thighs, eye to eye with her pussy, the position making her cheeks burn up.
“I’m gonna get a taste, little human. Would you let me? Can I get a taste of you, sweet thing?” Bucky asked as he pressed loving kisses to the delicate flesh of her inner thigh.
“You’re… gonna put your mouth there?” She whispered her question shyly, the thought making her want to close her legs and hide.
Bucky just smiled lovingly at her innocence; his untouched, pure little human, “if you let me.”
“Is it gonna feel good?” She asked curiously.
Bucky nodded, relieved she wasn’t scared of his tusks coming close to where she was the most sensitive, “I’ll make sure of it.”
“Y—yes. Okay.” She nodded, swallowing her nervousness as she laid her head back.
Bucky knew what he was doing and she trusted him to take care of her.
Her permission was all Bucky needed to put his mouth on her, pressing a longing kiss to her lower lips, glad to find her soaking wet, making her gasp above him. The feeling of his blunt tusks framing her pussy set her heart racing.
He then locked eyes with her as he let his tongue out, licking a slow, deliberate stripe up from her dripping hole to her pulsing clit before wrapping his full lips around it and she couldn’t help the tiny squeal that escaped her as her head fell back on the pillow, her hips pushing down against him
Bucky smirked on her heat before moaning himself. She tasted so good, better than anything he has ever put his mouth on.
He had fucked humans before and he knew exactly what to do, but she was different. Every breath she released, every moan, was making Bucky wild with desire. He has never cared about making someone feel good as he did in that moment with her thighs around his head.
Her delicate hands flew to her orc’s hair and she tugged hard, losing herself in the feeling of Bucky’s mouth on her pussy as she arched her back and pushed herself closer to his lips. Her orc’s touch was reducing her to a moaning, babbling mess in mere seconds.
Bucky decided to test the waters a little, slipping his tongue inside her hole a few times, tasting her sweetness from the source before bringing his flesh finger between her legs. He gently prodded the tip of his thick finger at her entrance, feeling her tense above him with a gasp.
“It’s okay, sweet thing, I got you. Just relax for me.” He reassured and she tried her best to relax her muscles, allowing Bucky to ease the tip of his finger insider of her.
Fuck, she was so tight; the tightest he has ever felt and it made him rut into the mattress when he thought about how tight she was going to feel around his cock.
Her mouth hung open as Bucky worked the thick digit into her pussy knuckle by knuckle, his lips sucking on her clit.
“I gotta open you up for my cock, little human.” Bucky couldn’t help but tease her, smirking when she whined, getting wetter on his finger.
Bucky started moving his finger in and out of her, his movements slow and deep as he tried to explore as much of her as his finger would go.
Her body was feverish with arousal and her mind was drunk on the feeling of being filled for the first time in her life as sighs and whimpers slipped from her lips without her permission.
It was just one finger pushing in and out of her cunt and she was feeling full already, clenching hard with her juices drenching her thighs and the sheets. She clenched harder around Bucky’s thick finger at the thought of how big his cock would feel and how full it would make her feel, the way he was suckling on her clit making a knot tighten in her lower stomach.
She has never felt anything like this before and was starting to panic at the sensation spreading from her pussy to the rest of her.
“Bucky, I— I feel weird,” she whined, yet ground harder on her orc’s thick finger.
“Are you in pain, little human?” Bucky asked worriedly, taking his touch and mouth away from her at once.
“No, no, no, why would you stop?” She whined louder, her glossy eyes opening and pleading him to give her her pleasure back.
“Oh.” Bucky smirked when he looked from her eyes to her pussy and saw her clamp around nothing, “oh, sweet thing, you were gonna cum?” He asked lowly, his index rubbing up and down her sopping hole without going in.
“I— I don’t know.” She writhed, her hips pushing down as she tried to take Bucky’s finger back inside her, “Bucky, please.” She begged despite not really knowing what she was begging for.
But Bucky knew. He knew and he was going to give it to her.
“I got you,” Bucky said as he pushed his finger back into her pussy with ease, “you think you can take another one, little human?”
“Yes.” She nodded, her answer breathy and desperate as she automatically opened her thighs wider.
“Gods, you’re perfect. So good for me, sweet thing.” Bucky took his index out before coupling it with his middle and pushing both fingers into her, stretching her once more.
She whimpered at the careful intrusion, her hand bringing Bucky’s face to her pulsing clit, making him smirk proudly at how needy she was being for him.
If she thought she felt full before, this made her realize she was wrong.
Bucky’s fingers were so thick, so skilled as they massaged and curled against her upper walls, making her squeal when they nudged a specific spot deep inside her.
“Oh, there you go,” Bucky groaned into her clit, knowing exactly what he was doing to her as he kept curling his fingers inside of her, harshly stimulating the spot that was making her thrash.
He could feel her walls contracting harder around his fingers and he wanted to watch as he brought her to her first orgasm ever.
Keeping his eyes on her blissed out face, Bucky replaced his mouth with the heel of his left hand, circling her clit tightly with his cooler palm.
She wailed at the new stimulation, the pressure from Bucky’s hand strong enough to rub both her clit and her lower abdomen.
Her loud whimpers were making Bucky’s cock leak in his pants as her fingers dug into his shoulders.
“I got you, sweet thing. Give it to me, my love. Shake on your orc’s fingers.”
Bucky’s words did it for her.
She felt the knot in her tummy tighten once more and before she could tell him about it this time, her toes were curling and her body was trembling as her pussy clenched and pulsated around the orc’s beefy digits.
Bucky watched with an open mouth, his lips shimmering with the remnants of her arousal as he almost finished in his pants like a teenager at the mere sight of her losing it on his fingers, “there you go, my love. Good job, sweet thing.”
He slowed down the curling of his fingers but kept his palm circling her clit, wanting to keep her convulsing for as long as he could before she gently tried pushing his touch off.
“Sensitive,” she panted and Bucky decided to have mercy on her.
She laid down on the bed, her tired body limp despite the ongoing throbbing of her pussy, trying to catch her breath.
A smile automatically formed on her lips as she felt Bucky climb up the bed again, mapping his way up her body in wet kisses.
“Hi,” she whispered, opening her eyes when she felt him kissing the corner of her lips.
“Hi.” Bucky smiled, more than satisfied with himself at the state he had managed to bring her to as he kissed her lips, making her taste herself on his tongue, “did you like that, sweet thing?”
She nodded coyly, “can I… make you feel like that too? With my mouth?” Her face was flushed, heat spreading on her skin as if she hadn’t just come on Bucky’s fingers.
The orc could barely hold his orgasm back at the innocence in her voice as she asked if she could suck his cock in the purest way possible. He wasn’t about to cum untouched during his first time with his human. Get it together dammit.
“Later, sweet thing. Right now, I need to be inside your pussy or I think I might die.”
“Bucky,” she whined shyly, covering her face with her hands.
He laughed at her bashfulness before removing the rest of his clothes, “look at me, little human.” Bucky urged gently, his touch soft as his thumb stroked her lower belly.
She removed her hands, eyes instantly landing on his huge cock as it stood proudly, leaking pearls of pre-cum down his length.
“Are you ready, little human?” Bucky asked, wanting to make sure she wanted this.
She remained wordless for a second, taking in Bucky’s cock with an open mouth, wondering if it was going to fit.
“You can say no, sweet thing. We don’t have to do it tonigh—”
“Yes,” she interrupted with a nod, “make me yours, Bucky.”
Bucky bit his lip, stifling a groan, trying to stop himself from sliding home and pounding her into the mattress.
“I thought you were already mine, little human.” He growled lowly, rubbing the tip of his cock up and down her soaking cunt, tapping her clit teasingly just to see her shiver.
“I am. But I wanna be yours like this too.” She mumbled, her eyes mesmerized as she watched Bucky lube his cock up in her wetness, “wanna be yours in every way possible.”
“Can’t say no to that,” Bucky growled before carefully popping the tip of his fat cock inside her aching pussy.
Her breaths were coming out in short pants, cunt already clenching around him and he almost doubled over, his knees weak as pleasure engulfed his senses, “fuck, sweet thing, you’re so tight. Pussy’s tryna kill me.” He moaned, unintentionally making her clench down harder.
She looked like she had already been fucked stupid when Bucky proceeded to push half of his fat cock inside her, letting out tiny mewls and whines as she felt every ridge and vein on her orc’s cock, holding onto his arms for dear life.
“Oh, you feel so good, my love. So wet for me,” Bucky sighed as he kept fucking her with half of his cock, wanting her to get used to the stretch before he could give her all of him, “so tight”.
“Please, Bucky,” she moaned, her heart and pussy simultaneously fluttering at Bucky calling her his love yet again, “I can take it.” She promised, opening her thighs as far as they would go for him.
Bucky could all but snarl hungrily as he leaned forward, burying his face in her soft neck before gradually pushing the rest of his cock inside her tight throbbing cunt inch by inch until he had bottomed out.
He took a second to calm himself down, not wanting to burst so fast. Then he was pulling out just enough for his bulbous tip alone to remain inside of her before sliding back into her cunt, gasping into her neck at the sensation of being totally wrapped up in her snug warmth.
She couldn’t help but cry out at the pleasure as he orc fucked her deeply, reaching places inside of her she never knew existed.
She thought it would take longer for her body to get used to Bucky’s girth, but it was like she was made for him, her pussy effortlessly accepting him every time he pressed back home.
The tip of Bucky’s cock easily found her special spot, ramming into it over and over every time he drove himself back into her heat.
“Oh, Bucky!” She squealed, her back already bowing once more as her vision got blurrier and Bucky knew he wasn’t going to last much longer when her nails dug into his skin again.
His breath was labored when he raised his head, wanting a taste of her lips as his thrusts became faster, more desperate. He swallowed her loud moans, leaving the only sound in the empty cottage to be the sound of skin slapping against skin as he fucked her faster.
“Bucky, it’s gonna happen again,” she whined and Bucky brought his hand down to her clit at once, wanting to see and feel her crumble on his cock.
“Yeah? You gonna cum on my fat cock, little human?”
She nodded frantically, her legs wrapping around Bucky’s waist.
“Cum for me, sweet thing. Let me feel your tight little pussy cum on my cock.”
Bucky’s dirty whispers in her ear, his deep thrusts and his frantic rubbing on her sensitive clit were making her lose control; making her lightheaded with desire as she let herself go again, full body tensing before shaking in her orc’s arms.
Bucky could no longer hold back, his guttural growl making her clench hard. He gave a few more thrusts before pushing his cock as deep as it would go inside her quivering pussy, keeping his assault on her clit going to keep her clenching around him. He felt his cock twitch as he emptied his balls inside her. His cock wouldn’t stop throbbing as he filled his little human up with his hot cum.
Before any of them could comprehend it, she was cumming again just at the feeling of Bucky cumming inside of her, making him groan as her walls squeezed his cock, milking him for all that he was worth.
He let himself collapse on top of her for just a minute before feeling the need to pull out because she wouldn’t stop pulsating and shuddering around his sensitive cock.
Bucky didn’t think he had ever cum so hard in his entire life.
A smile spread on his lips as he flipped on his side, watching her chest rise and fall with her slowing breaths.
He trailed a finger up her still slightly trembling thigh, making her open her tired eyes to look at him.
She gave him a sweet smile, biting her lip as she squirmed, timidly closing her thighs and Bucky could see the exact moment she realized that his cum was leaking out of her abused hole, smirking at how bashful she got straightaway.
“Are you okay, little human?” Bucky asked, his finger tracing up her abdomen, around the curve of her breast and up under her chin, keeping her gaze on his.
She nodded, her expression cock-drunk despite the shyness, “when— when can we do that again?”
Her question pulled an astonished laugh out of Bucky as he wrapped a hair strand around his finger, “any time you want, my love.” He brought her forehead to his lips, kissing her adoringly.
Gods, he was so in love that his heart felt like it would burst.
She smiled bigger, satisfied with the answer as she moved closer, settling on her orc’s broad chest and snuggling close to his warmth, “I love you, Bucky.”
“I love you, sweet thing.” Bucky gave her lips a deep kiss.
“So orcs do do that.” She mumbled with a sleepy smile against his lips, making him laugh into her mouth.
She giggled a little before pushing her nose further into Bucky’s neck, gracefully falling asleep to his scent.
As she laid in his arms, vulnerable and exposed, Bucky felt a surge of protectiveness wash over him as he pulled the heavy blanket up her naked form, holding her closer to him.
He pressed a gentle kiss to her hairline, vowing to always be there for her. She was his, and he was hers, destined together through a love that defied all odds.
And as they drifted off to sleep in each other's arms, Bucky knew that he had found his home, his safe haven, in the embrace of this one girl who had so easily stolen his heart.
Part VI
Tag list: @harrysthiccthighss @tinystudentfirepurse @lavendercitizen @tumblin-theworldaway @pretty-pop-princess-hs @lilymurphy03 @idontwannagomrstarkk @glxwingrxse @littlelioncub43 @mathletemadison @canned-rootbear @pandaxnienke @loveisallyouneed1125 @floral-recs @littlemoonkiller @hallecarey1 @vespasianphantom @vicmc624 @winters1917 @ionlyeverwantedtobeyourequal @blkmystery @millercontracting @trappedwriter @am-3-thyst @obsessedwithquinn @sydnielauryn @alittlerayof-pitchblack @olipiaa @peterparkersgirl-blog @buckybarnessweetheart @thealyrs @colorfulbluebirdpainter @stuckysgirl27 @ihavetwoholesforareason @princess-bee0 @pastel-noah168 @steeph-aniie @buckitostan @onthr-dream @sapphirebarnes @123iloveyou456 @ciaqui @lindasweetie @justherefortheficandsmut @xxdiaqiaoxx @morgthemagpie @wintrsoldrluvr @goldylions @serendipitouslife90 @sebastians-love @leelee1234love @tiedyedghoulette @saint-marvel @helenaellie @onceithough @raynelbabe
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the-monkeies-girl · 4 months
How would Noa react to human reader on her period? I’m currently on mine and got this thought!
It's like you and i are the same person bc im on mine too ( The first time in like three years, im SUFFERING, ) Let's get self-indulgent. YOLO.
Due to the environment and stress of living in the society you were placed in, your period was admittedly not regular though you tried your best to keep track of it. It got lost from time to time and you were left unsure when it would rear its ugly head back in. Sometimes, it was remarkably early by a few weeks, sometimes, it was at least a month late.
Your first period while with the Clan? You had nothing prepared. Nothing to ease your bleeding, nothing to ease yourself into some semblance of comfort. You quite frankly go into a small panic. You don’t know who to talk to - there’s no humans here, and Apes don’t bleed and have symptoms like Humans do. 
Oh my god avoiding Noa for the few days out of embarrassment - How do you even begin to explain to him?
Don’t think for a moment that Noa doesn’t know something is going on. The boy has an acute sense of smell. The roll of your pheromones, how they hit him and stuck around like a fog around his head,  how they adjusted ever so slightly a few days before you began ignoring him? Noted. You’re more hungry than usual - going for seconds at the evening meal. Nothing savory though - you stocked up on fruits and berries and just explained to him that the sweetness was more up your alley. He’d mention that maybe you should have some meat to balance but the absolute daggers you gave him caused him to never bring it up again. Noted. The pull to your emotions, like you were swinging from a branch, back and forth not able to teether yourself to one? You began crying one day with him next to you while watching the Baby Apes play with each other. The next moment, you were snapping at him for even looking at you. Noted. The subtle shift in your body? Becoming a bit more reserved , you often kept your hands in front of your chest, blocking him from looking at you fully? Maybe, he even notices when your arms grazed your chest that you flinched - Tender breasts. Noted. Heightened mating the last few days? Oh, absolutely noted. Not as tired as you though - Noa noticed you getting more tired during the middle of the day, asking him a few days before your period actually hit if you could go take a nap while he went with Soona and Anaya to fish. Noted.
You go to Soona and Dar in hopes that maybe you can talk to them about it and actually have them understand. You’re too embarrassed to bring this up to Noa and you doubted that he’d understand at all. Noa does show up mid-conversation though- You had been talking to Soona and Dar about something from his perspective. He doesn’t take much time to notice that, letting his green eyes rest on you for a moment longer but the tone of the voice you’re using with his Mother and Soona? Quite, hushed, like you had a secret. Noa has to admit that he’s a tiny bit intrigued and he lingers, trying to pick apart the conversation despite his brain telling him not to, that it was obviously a private matter. But… The other side of him bargained and he wondered what secret you could have that you wouldn’t want him to know about. After all, you had been avoiding him for a few days and he needed to know why if that’s what you were talking to Dar and Soona about. Admittedly, as you explained to them what was happening  ( Soona and Dar ) they were more confused than you initially wanted them to be with your vague words, having to go into more detail and explain - Which was not on your bingo-card at all. You were unsure of what words/phrases they were going to understand so you had to transverse carefully around the subject. You felt like you were going to cry from embarrassment before a look of understanding flashed from Dar.  ~*So, from listening to the conversation he was not supposed to be a part of, Noa gathered only a few things: you were going through something that affected females? Hence, why you went to Soona and Dar. You were embarrassed to talk to Noa about it, it must have been pretty contentious. And went through this consistently, albeit not regularly? It was a sign of Echo maturity, your body coming into its own. On a consistent basis? Noa was confused. How does your body do that?
Oh my god Noa asking you about it. The blood rushing to your face as he mentions that he had heard you talking to his Mother and Soona. Your first instinct is to get defensive. You cross your arms in front of your chest, pretty adamant in telling him that there was nothing going on. Noa retaliates in defense of himself and says, “I… just want to know why… you… Are ignoring me.” The spacing of his words gives away that he was being careful to choose what he told you. Irrational anger bubbled to surface and you just snapped, “I’m on my period! Okay? I already talked to Dar and Soona about it and now you’re at my throat? Period! Is that a good enough answer for you!? It’s not always about you Noa!” You storm off, leaving the Ape bewildered. You eventually do return an hour or so later, this time, incredibly apologetic with tears in your eyes as you’re muttering to him through a flood of tears, telling him all about what was happening and how you were feeling. Your cramps, the headache that wouldn’t go away, your insatiable need to eat everything insight, the pure driven desire you had to be both angry and sad at the same time. You even went as far as to tell him that you were indeed bleeding -Something Noa didn't have the heart to tell you that he was aware of. Remember that acute sense of smell? He noticed it. He noticed it the last few days, figuring you would bring it up when you were ready. Noa pulls you into him, lightly pressing his forehead against yours. He’s still not 100% on the details but… He hated to see you cry. Hated to see you angry as well. He tells you that it’s okay, to calm down and that it’ll all be okay.  Those swinging emotions he recalled from a few days before your period? Yeah, they happen during as well and you flew off the handle. “I am calm! What makes you think I’m not?” You groaned, pulling away from him, “I’m going to lay down.” He just watches wordlessly as you walk away; wondering what he said that was so offensive.
He definitely begins to track it with fever though; just another thing for him to notice about you,  and he really did his best to be accommodating despite not fully understanding the reason why you went through it. He would tell you when he knew it was coming, something that you actually came to gratefully accept because the mutiny that was your body made it hard to track yourself.
Uhm hello? Noa bringing you an herbal drink that the Elders swore by to help with mild pain in the body. Usually, it was Apes that had joint problems from age, or some from injury, but the drink did help ease your headache and cramps to a semi-bearable state.
He scours the dinner for the most sweet berries and fruits. Noa is able to tell from look and feel which ones would be more welcomed by you and he’s always so diligent to bring you two bowls. One for now, one for later.
OHHhhh my god Noa resting his hands on your stomach when you’re tangled in the nest together. He can sense the discomfort you’re in. You had tossed and turned almost the entire night, keeping the two of you awake. Now that it was dusk, you felt more at ease as he placed a hand on the lower part of your abdomen and groaned at the pleasure of feeling his heated skin.  ~*Definitely becomes more of a coping action that Noa works around. If Noa senses you’re feeling either nauseated or in pain, he’s rather quick to pull you into him and ease it the best he can. Favorite position? You’re laying on your side and he is spooning you from behind. Hands on your lower stomach, lightly at first but more intense if you’re craving more pressure and heat from him. He’s noticed you like to fall asleep like that. And he’s more than willing to oblige. 
Ah god the forehead touches when you have a headache? Someone sedate me. ~* He really gets into it and will wrap his hands around your head, his fingers almost meeting at the back of your neck. The heat from his hands feels absolutely euphoric against your temples as he pulls you towards him. You fall lax against him and ultimately let Noa pull you into his lap. Hands run from the back of your neck down to your lower back. He’ll place tender touches there too, knowing that lower back pain was also common.
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l0ve-dov3 · 7 months
where the sun shines.
percy jackson x demeter! reader
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summary: in which you take percy strawberry picking for the first time!
warnings: none!
word count: 606
authors note: hey hey hey! this is really short (the following parts should be longer) but i felt like i wasn’t seeing much of percy, so i wanted to fix that and write a little something for my percy girls out there. this series is betrayal free, so no need to worry about castellan. anyways, that’s all, enjoy the fic!!!!
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“Why do we even have a strawberry field?”
“Because…Demeter, I guess?”
It was mid summer, and you’d forced Percy to join you in picking strawberries. It was his first summer staying at camp, and since you were his closest friend, you showed him all the things you loved about this time of year. Today, that thing was strawberry picking.
“I mean, camp has some of the best strawberries I’ve ever tasted.” You started calmly, imagining the flavor of your favorite fruit, “You’re gonna love ‘em, I promise.”
Percy nodded, half believing you as he reached down for another strawberry. He didn’t care so much about picking berries, finding it a rather simple activity at a camp for demigods, but he listened to each word you spoke as if it would be your last. “I’m trusting you on this one, pollen-head.”
In the time Percy had been at camp, you had become one of his closer friends, outside of Annabeth and Grover. You’d met in his first few days when he wandered off during the bonfire, which you often did to get some alone time, leading him to find you just by the edge of the forest.
“Hello?” Percy called, clutching Riptide as he approached a moving figure. He had thought that, in his wandering, he wouldn’t find anyone by the forest; but apparently he was wrong. When you turned to him, his fist unclenched, releasing Riptide back into his pocket when he met your tearful gaze.
“Sorry for scaring you.” You chuckled, wiping your tears as you returned your eyes to the dark, unmoving forest. “I’m not really used to people finding me here.”
“Well, there’s a first time for everything, I guess.” The boy returned awkwardly, sitting next to you in an uncertain manner.
Usually, if Percy ran into someone crying, he would have pretended not to notice and walked away. But for whatever reason, and he couldn’t tell you why, he sat next to you that night; thus beginning a year-long friendship.
“What’cha thinkin’ about, fish face?” Your voice resonated in his head, pulling him away from the wistful memory.
“The day we met, when I should’ve been at my first bonfire.” He chuckled, looking at you with that cheeky grin, “I actually think about it a lot.”
“Woah there partner, you may start thinking we’re really friends.” You teased, giving him a light push as you gathered your last berries. The boy chuckled half-heartedly, not knowing why the words made him feel so off. Somewhat confused, he followed behind you with his own basket, coming to a stop as you sat under a great oak tree. “But…I guess I think about it too.”
He journeyed toward you, carefully putting his basket next to yours before settling at your side. “Oh? And here I thought we were pretending to be friends.” Percy tried to joke, nudging you gently.
“Yeah,” You sighed, “But you know, you really are a good friend Percy. I’m glad you found me in the forest that day.”
Percy’s heart pounded harder in his chest, stunning him with a sense of alarm. You looked at him with that gentle smile, and he felt light as air, staring back at you like the world was anew. A new feeling, unfamiliar and odd, wracked his body like a thousand waves. “Yeah…Yeah, I’m glad too.” He breathed, just above a whisper.
You raised a brow at his change in nature, shaking your head with a light chuckle.
Percy Jackson, you thought.
What a weird kid.
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crtter · 4 months
(hey, what fruit post?)
OK so. Important information in order to provide context: I’m Brazilian, born, raised and currently living in Brazil. With that in mind…
In 2019, I saw a post where OP was talking about picking berries as a kid and it got me thinking about the fruit *I* picked as a kid myself. So I made a random post about them that originally looked like this:
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Now, both this fruit and this tree have their own names in Portuguese: pitanga and jabuticabeira. But I thought that, since English is the lingua franca of this website and all, maybe it would be easier for people to know what I was talking about if I used the English names for these plants. So I looked it up and got the names Brazilian (or Surinam) cherries and Brazilian grapetree. And I used them.
Turns out, these fruit aren’t, indeed, that well-known outside of Brazil and the post breached containment, so to speak. And it reached people that didn’t know that was how they were called in English and didn’t care to look it up. To them, I was someone spouting fake information online, and you know how people react to THAT. So people started calling me:
 • Stupid for thinking those fruits are actual cherries and grapes (not what I said)
 • Stupid for not knowing grapes don’t grow on trees (not what I said)
 • A stupid gringo for making up names for things that already had names in Portuguese (not what I am and not what I did)
 • A few other assorted insults such as an “European colonizer” (not what I am) and having my country called a “banana republic” (not what it is but even if it was, WHOSE fault would that be, huh?)
And this has been going on for FIVE YEARS. I’ve changed the original text to disclaimers that I DO know that’s not what they’re called in Portuguese and I DO know they’re not actual cherries and grapes to try and keep people from calling me stupid over this fucking post several times but they just don’t ever check if someone has already “corrected” me. Lately, I thought people had finally gotten over it but it picked up pace AGAIN today and people are already going “Uhhh but these aren’t grapes???” and I know it’s just a matter of time until the insults start again and I’m sick of it so now that Tumblr allows us to make posts unrebloggable I’m taking the fruit out back and shooting them all like Old Yeller.
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0asisbliss · 4 months
The garden
Parings: Buddha x Fem!Reader
A/N: He’s been on my mind recently anddd..
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Even Gods need time to rest Buddha knows that surely. He takes time for himself, and he knows when he needs to relax and unwind. When he’s not feeling going under his tree to relax, he knows this other spot. Somewhere only few people know of. It was a little garden. Fresh fruits and vegetables. Buddha enjoyed sitting there, and picking out random strawberries to snack on. So when he finds you in his usual spot the he rests in he gets a little bit territorial.
You were lying down on a blanket on the ground looking at the sky. You wondered what it would be like if you had godly power, or the power to do what you want whenever you wanted. And to have whatever you wanted. It left you in a dream state imagining all the things you would do with such power. While daydreaming you get rudely interrupted by a shadow blocking your sunlight.
“Uhm- excuse me?” You sit up to find a new face look down at you. You’ve seen him before you just can’t put your foot on it. You stared up at him eyeing him down, but not in a disrespectful way kind of in an admirable way. He was gorgeous he had the most beautiful eyes you’ve ever seen, and he had quite a nice body.
“Uh. You’re in my spot woman.” He voiced as his eyes still glared down at you.
“Oh! Uh I’m sorry I just come here to pick my berries, and I just laid down for a moment.”
He had to be a God his presence was strong, and not to mention his alluring physical features.
“Oh, you have berries in this garden?” His expression change suddenly.
You looked down before answering his question not wanting to look him in the eyes due to your overwhelming nervousness. 
“Yes I do sir- uhm would you like some?”
Buddha looked you up and down before laughing loudly. You kept looking away due to you thinking you said something awfully stupid.
“Sir? You don’t have to be so formal woman. What’s your name again?” He said still glaring down at you, but it was softening little by little. Something about you made Buddha feel warm. Your aura was welcoming, and almost sweet.
“(F/n) uh, (L/n)”
Buddha shifted you to sit down right beside you. Now you were confused he interrogated you then he proceeded to sit beside like two are now the best of friends?
“Hey, so do you do anything with the berries?”
Okay? Another question? You thought.
“I actually bake with them. I make strawberry cupcakes, jam, and I do a couple of other things.”
“Hm. Okay why are you here?”
You looked at him dumbfounded at his question you swore up and down that you just answered it, but regardless of how stupid you thought it was you open your mouth to answer.
“I told I make berries and I’m here to pick them.” There was a slight hint annoyance in your tone when you answered him.
“Woah. No need to get all upset y/n just curious is all.”
You looked away to roll your eyes, and sat back down. Now you were sitting beside some annoying God you came across. You looked at him and sighed. Wanting to break the awkward silence you spoke up.
“Want some berries though I can clearly see that you ate some of them out of my bush already, but you can have some more.” You smiled when you said this trying to get him to open up more about himself.
“Sure thanks lady.”
That’s all? There isn’t any “well my name is-” You knew be had to fight in Ragnarok. That’s only where you could know him from.
“Your name?” After you gave him this question it hit you who he was.
“Buddha right?”
“Oh well okay.”
He was getting up to leave, but something about him made you want to talk to him more.
“H-Hey uh I liked talking to you Buddha.”
“Sure, lady I’ll be back here tomorrow.”
“Okay.” You turned around and sat back down beside the tree. You watched him walk away. You kind of enjoyed his presence. Even wanting to know more about him, but maybe that was just curiosity? Either way you had your mind set on seeing him more.
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stellamancer · 2 years
notes: uh. well. i considered writing this with todoroki and deku but. uh. i wrote bakugou instead. ahaha.... anyway, i’m not gonna say i endorse eating ice cream for breakfast but.... well no one stopped me today. :D  i’m sorry i’m always writing about food. but.... i can’t help it. i love food. also not proofread. oops
word count: 786
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When you turn around and find Katsuki standing behind you in the kitchen, you nearly drop your breakfast— three healthy scoops of vanilla ice cream sitting in a small ceramic bowl decorated with bunnies. 
Maybe he won't notice, you think— you hope. You scurry past him, doing your best to seem nonchalant, like having ice cream at eight o'clock in the morning is the most natural thing in the world. 
"Oi!" he half-yells and you jump, knowing from the tone of his voice that you've been caught. "What the fuck is that?"
You whirl around and find him glaring at your bowl like it’s done something to offend. Actually, knowing Katsuki, it probably has. You smile sheepishly, "Breakfast?"
Katsuki's eyes flicker up to yours, then back down to your bowl. His mouth twists into a scowl as he says, "That's fucking ice cream."
"...and?" you ask, tempting fate itself with your question. 
"That's not fucking breakfast," he grounds out as if it should be obvious. 
At this moment, there are two choices left open to you: concede and probably put your ice cream back in the freezer to be enjoyed at a more Katsuki approved time or to defend your choice.
You choose the latter.
"Sure it is," you argue, your tone light in an attempt to make it seem like you're not picking a fight with Katsuki who is most definitely a fan of the traditional Japanese breakfast. "Whatever you eat first thing in the morning counts as breakfast, right?"
He growls and you really should have known that he wouldn't let you off the hook with that kind of explanation. "You know what I mean, brat!"
You frown and shoot back. "I wanted something sweet!"
"Then fuckin' make pancakes or something!"
"No! That's too much effort!" you argue. While you can agree that some American breakfast offerings would definitely satisfy your sweet tooth, all of them require way more effort than you're willing to put in on a weekday morning when you have work. 
Katsuki scowls and you wonder if maybe, just maybe he'll make you pancakes. If he makes you pancakes, that would be the best thing ever, actually. You wouldn't mind giving up your ice cream for a taste of Katsuki's amazingly fluffy and soft pancakes. You know he knows this too, with the way he grins menacingly at you. Were you in the right mind, and not thinking of Katsuki's delicious homemade pancakes, you would have realized the truth of what's about to happen, but you're not and Katsuki lifts the bowl from your hands and deposits it in the freezer. 
In your foolishness, you make your way to the table and wait, your mind filled with images of pancakes— stacks of warm pancakes slathered in slabs of melty butter and drenched in luscious rivers of maple syrup. You’re practically salivating at the thought.  A few moments later Katsuki deposits another bowl before you and…
It’s yogurt. 
A modest amount of creamy white yogurt in a bowl, topped with an arrangement of fresh berries topped with a glimmering drizzle of honey with a sprinkle of granola. Katsuki’s not the type to go all out on plating, so you know that he tried here, but…
“These aren’t pancakes,” you say flatly, betrayed. 
"Y'really think I've got time to make fucking pancakes?" Katsuki retorts, ready to dig into his own bowl of fruit and yogurt.
You glance at the clock and he's got to leave in the next hour and you know that Katsuki's homemade pancakes are at least a two hour affair. 
"...guess not," you grumble, pouting. You lift the spoon and thank him for the breakfast but before you take a bite, you decide to ask. "...what's the difference between this and ice cream anyway? Other than the toppings."
" 's healthier, you idiot!" he hisses. "Now shut up and eat or you'll be late!"
"...but Katsuki," you whimper pathetically. "I want pancakes now. Take responsibility for deceiving me with the promise of pancakes."
He shoots you a glare but you ignore it and give him your best puppy dog eyes. The two of you have a staring contest that lasts a couple minutes and finally, finally, he rips his gaze from yours with the annoyed click of his tongue and you know that that means he's lost.
"Fucking fine! I'll make you pancakes on our next day off!" he relents and you cheer. "But I better not fucking catch you trying to have ice cream for breakfast again!"
"Okay!" you agree cheerfully, finally digging into the yogurt bowl Katsuki’s made for you, pleased that there will be pancakes.
Even though it’s going to be a whole week until you get them.
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uniltsatirey · 2 years
In the Canopy
Pairing: Lo’ak x reader || Lo’ak x Na’vi Reader
Warnings: unedited, a bit rushed, probably ooc, Jake being weird 🫠
Summary: The day Jake thinks he’s finally caught Lo’ak in the middle of doing something stupid
Notes: this was much longer but bc tumblr deleted it, I cut down a lot of details I remember putting in so it can actually be a drabble and not a 2k+ fic… I’m sorry! 💗💫
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To say that his son was a troublemaker was beyond accurate in his opinion, it was like constantly having to have eyes on the back of his head. He swore he could catch a pebble being thrown his way at this point with how much he’s had to pay attention since Lo’ak was able to run around. He loved his son all the same, but everyone knew Jake needed a rest before he aged another ten years in one.
So being told to see what Lo’ak was going out to do everyday before last meal wasn’t his idea of fun at the end of his day, leaving him annoyed as he silently follows behind his son. He was intent to just follow him and watch what he does, unwilling to put in more effort than he may actually need to use.
The canopy was thriving was syaksyuk, chirps and trills to every side both quiet and loud. Jake could hear yerik beneath him on the jungle floor, but he was eyes on Lo’ak— climbing to the upper reaches of the canopy. Jake had no idea why he was going to far up, until he began picking utumauti.
“Are you really out here to pick fruit..?” Jake mouths under his breath, relaxing back as he inhaled— the smell of a now busted fruit filling his nose, Lo’ak tossing the fruit down to the jungle floor for an animal to eat on.
It felt like a large waste of Jake’s time to sit and watch Lo’ak pick a small basket of utumauti and berries, even some mushrooms as he walked back. However when Lo’ak suddenly turned right, Jake caught back up.
Where was he going now? The tree was the other direction,
“I knew I seen something…”
Jake couldn’t see at all, not enough to see what his son was digging out of the river’s edge. He watched silently as Lo’ak eventually pulled up a washed off stone, purple and green fading together softly in almost muted tones.
Jake almost didn’t believe his own eyes.
Was Lo’ak really just out here gathering stuff?? For no reason? At least, no reason he could think of.
“This is perfect…”
He hum was quiet and excited, making jake bite his tongue. He was excited so maybe he’s just not gotten up to the trouble part yet. Jake swore Lo’ak was up to no good, he just hadn’t done it yet. Jake’s muscles were stiff by the time Lo’ak wandered off from the river, now with five stones in hand in varying color shades. He also held a black and blue flower in his hand, twirling it as he walked.
His brows could raise no higher as his son spoke, the endearment leaving Jake to eye to young Na’vi girl his son was now sitting beside in a tree, facing the hometree but out of sight.
“Lo’ak? You said you were busy,” the girl smiles, hugging Lo’ak from the side.
“Mm, I made time for you… eat.”
Lo’ak was smiling, staring down as she began to eat the fruit. Jake didn’t believe it. He really felt like this wasn’t all of it. Like it was a pit stop on the way to cause trouble.
There was no way Lo’ak did all that just for her?
Except as Jake continued to bide his time, hidden in foliage and complaining in his head about stiff muscles and wasted time, he began to realize the longer the two teens talked that maybe… just maybe,
This time, it’s just Lo’ak.
“Thank you, Lo’ak…”
“For what, paskalin?”
“Going into the canopy for me, for fruit. I was telling you the other day I love utumauti.”
“Oh, yeah, it’s no big deal… I don’t mind getting you fruit, have to keep you as sweet as berries.”
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angryschnauzer · 2 years
As Sweet As Honey - Chapter 1
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Summary: Finding a new life in a new town, you stumble upon a Honey farmer at the town market. You both have pasts that have shaped the way you now live your lives, but can you find a way of putting them behind you to find happiness?
Pairing: ‘Lucas’ Syverson x Female Reader
Fandom: Henry Cavill, Sandcastle (Movie).
Ongoing Genre: Fluff, Angst, and Smut
Warnings: None for this chapter
Here is my masterlist and AO3
Wordcount: 3073
I do not run a tag list, instead please follow @angryschnauzerwrites​ and put that blog onto notifications, you’ll then get an alert each time i post something new. My AO3 also has my entire back catalogue of stories (going back to 2013).
A Sweet As Honey
Walking slowly through the farmers market you inhaled deeply, the crisp morning air filled with heady scents. From the stall selling baked goods to the one from the fruit farm piled high with berries, you were tempted to buy one of everything. Crafters showed off their wares, hand knitted scarves and carefully crafted leather purses, the array of skills on offer was mind blowing. 
Strolling along you turned the corner and saw the bright sign for a honey stand, the retro font proudly proclaiming its name as ‘Akia Honey Farm’. Before you could go any further a familiar face popped into view;
“Hi there Sweetie!”
“Oh hi Mrs Roberts”
The friendly old woman volunteered at the local library, guiding people to the sections they needed, helped at the front desk and was pretty much known as the person that could point you in the right direction of whatever you wanted;
“I had someone asking if i knew of anyone that sold lavender, i didn’t give them your details but took theirs, i know you mentioned that the bushes in your yard are in full bloom”
Taking the piece of paper from her you glanced at it, a single name and number;
“Thanks, i’ll give this Lucas guy a call… the bushes are covered in bees at the moment so they’ll have to wait until they’ve finished feeding”
“I’m sure it’ll be ok, you take care now sweetie!”
Watching the older woman as she walked away she started to chat to other people, you got distracted by a flower stall, being drawn to the bright blooms tied into bunches.
Having made your purchase after much deliberation you recalled your initial intention and approached the honey stand, your attention focused on the produce, so when a soft deep voice greeted you, it made you jump a little;
“Good Morning! Looking for something sweet?”
“OH! Hi!”
The face behind the voice had you mesmerised, the man was tall - at least 6ft - and dressed in soft flannel, blue eyes that sparkled with a hint of mischief and a strong jawline covered in a soft beard. A warm smile spread across his face;
“How are you doing today?”
“Good, great! It's a beautiful morning”
He looked around and smiled again;
“It is indeed, this weather will bring the blossoms out, the bees will love that…”
You were so entranced by the handsome man in front of you, that you’d practically forgotten what you were there for, your brain finally catching up with your heart as you looked down at the produce;
“What would you recommend?”
“Depends what you’re using it for… are you adding it to cereal, or baking?”
“I like to add it to herbal tea, i have herbs in my garden and make my own blends”
He smiled at this and reached over the produce to lift a jar of clear yellow honey;
“You’ll find this the best option then, it’s got a subtle taste and aroma that isn’t overpowering, would you like to try a sample?”
Nodding you watched as he pulled a honey stirrer from an open jar, before nodding to a basket of freshly cut bread to which you picked a piece, holding it out as he drizzled the liquid gold over the soft dough, a small drip landing on your finger. Swapping hands you licked it off your skin before trying it on the bread, the soft flavours hitting your taste buds and making you let out a quiet moan;
“Oh this is so good! I could just lick it off skin , it's so good!…”
The man actually blushed a little at your words and you didn’t know what to say, instead just stuffing the rest of the bread into your mouth and you nodded, muttering like a hamster with its cheeks stuffed that you’d take a jar of it. Noticing that he had other products you moved your attention to those, taking in the beeswax candles before you spotted some waxy fabric squares;
“What are these if you don’t mind me asking?”
“Beeswax Wraps, they’re reusable food wraps, rather than using single use plastic”
“How do they work? They seem really stiff” you frowned at the one in your hand
“Let me show you” he lifted the wrap from your grasp and set an empty bowl on the table in front of you, holding the wrap over it he slowly smoothed it down until it wrapped around the bowl.
“Oh i see! Can i try?”
He passed you another wrap and you tried to mimic his actions, but the fabric wouldn’t behave;
“Why won’t it work?” you muttered to yourself, however you were surprised when he laid his hands over the top of yours;
“You just need to hold it a little longer, let the heat from your palms soften the wax”
You were transfixed by the sheer size of his hands as they covered your own, warm and a little rough from working manual labour, you could have stayed like that all day. When he finally pulled away you had to stop yourself whining at the loss of his touch, but when you looked down your wrap was securely holding around the bowl;
“Oh, it worked!” you picked two fabrics you liked the designs of and handed them over; “Can i take these two as well?”
“Of course, that's great, thank you”
He packed your purchases into a small paper bag with bees printed on it, handing it over as you paid him and he handed you the change;
“Thank you, and if you get a chance please leave a review online or tag us on social media, that’d be great”
You glanced into the bag and saw he’d put a business card in, nodding you smiled at him;
“Absolutely! One last thing, where did you get that bread? Was it at this market?It's amazing!”
The man smiled, the blush returning to his cheeks;
“Actually i baked it myself”
“Oh… Ok, thanks anyway”
As other customers appeared you took your leave, wishing you hadn’t felt quite as awkward around such a handsome guy.
Your walk home was a pleasant one after spending another couple of hours at the market, you lived on the outskirts of town but as the area was known for its hiking trails there was sidewalk well past the town line meaning you didn’t have to walk on the verge of the road. As you strolled along you absentmindedly scrolled through your phone, remembering to pull up the instagram page for the honey seller, and what you saw stopped you in your tracks;
“Good god…” you muttered as you scrolled through his feed. You weren’t sure if it was deliberate, but almost every other post could be considered a thirst trap; from the reel of him using the hand cranked honey spinning centrifuge and the tight white tank top he wore showing off his impressive arms and torso that seemed to be patterned with the occasional scar, to the close up shots of his hands, whether he was gently letting the bees climb over his palms, to the one where he dipped his finger in a jar of honey and sucked it off, his plump lips wrapping around the digit as he held eye contact with the camera.
When you finally looked up from your phone you realised you’d walked past your house, letting out a small laugh you turned and backtracked the hundred feet or so before you finally stepped into your yard, letting the small white gate shut behind you. For a moment you took in the beautiful flowers and herbs you’d so carefully tended, until your attention moved to the long line of Lavender bushes that ran along the back perimeter of your property. They were teaming with bees feasting on the rich nectar, the hum from the insects, a low background noise that added to the calls of the wild birds and the occasional cry of a deer as it strayed from the woodland.
Once you were settled and had packed away your purchases, your flowers happily in water in an old mason jar in the kitchen window you found the slip of paper Mrs Roberts had given you. Glancing at the purple haze the Lavender gave off you dialled the number and listened to it ring, hearing the automated voicemail before you left a message;
“Hi this is a message for Lucas, Mrs Roberts at the library passed me your number that you were looking for Lavender blooms. I have quite a lot in my yard but they are covered in bees at the moment…” you continued the message, leaving your address and suggesting that he come look to see if it's what he was needing before you committed to anything. Hanging up you set your phone aside before making yourself a tea and grabbing the novel you were halfway through, heading out to the wicker chair you had on your little porch at the side of the house, ready to settle in for a while in the sunshine.
Sy finished packing the last of the equipment away, smiling to himself as he saw the number of boxes of product he was loading into the back of his truck were considerably lighter than they had been that morning. With the takings safely locked away in the glove compartment of his truck he sought out the market organiser and paid for the pitch, before calling out for his German Shepherd that had spent most of the day happily snoozing under the table unbeknown to his customers;
“Akia, c’mon Girl!”
As the dog made the rounds of the last few traders that were still packing away in the late afternoon sunshine, Sy checked his phone. Dismissing the social media notifications he saw that he had a voicemail, listening to it as he opened the passenger side door and Akia jumped into the cab;
“Okay, we’ve got a stop to make on the way home, just round the corner from the hives though”
As he pulled up at the small wooden cottage, Sy spotted how it was nicely painted and the gardens tended to perfectly, but if you looked a little closer there were things that needed to be done; shingles loose on the roof, the driveway needed to be re-gravelled, the gutter pipe was loose from the down spout, meaning the rainwater would run down the end of the porch.
“Wait here girl”
The dog didn’t respond, she was back to snoozing again on the wide seats of the truck, Sy gently shut the door so as not to wake his furry best friend. Opening the small wooden gate he noticed that the hinges were worn and that the latch could do with being oiled, but let it quietly close behind him. As he turned the corner of the house two things immediately came into view; the masses of Lavender bushes that filled the senses, and the owner of the cottage quietly sleeping in a chair on the porch, her book hanging from her hand where she’d nodded off mid chapter. 
It took him a moment to recognise you, but as the realisation set in he felt a warmth through his body. Curled in your chair with your feet tucked under your legs, your dress had ridden up and he could see the soft curve of your thighs. Without your jacket he could see how your dress clung to your body, accentuating your breasts. Your mouth sat slightly open, your lips plump, and he could imagine himself running his thumb over your bottom lip as he uttered soft praises. 
Realising he was now not only staring, but also standing in a strangers garden as she slept, he shook himself;
“C’mon Sy, you’ve seen the Lavender, time to get going”
Quietly leaving the garden he made a mental note to message you back, before driving the short distance home, as it turned out he lived in the plot next door… it just happened that his fields backed onto your property.
Sunday morning rolled around and you were woken by your phone chiming with a text message, reading it through bleary eyes and you saw that it was the guy that wanted some Lavender, suggesting he come over late morning. Typing out a short reply that you were fine with that, you switched to Instagram and sleepily watched the stories, before one came up for Akia Honey;
“Oh what’s he been up to now?”
Tapping through the tags and shares from the previous day's market, you came to a reel he’d posted just a couple of hours earlier, captions showing he was going to be making honey bread. With clips of him mixing the ingredients by hand, before it cut to him kneading the dough wearing what looked like just an apron and jeans. Well, that and a light dusting of flour your fingers just wanted to dust off and feel the heat of his skin beneath. Shaping a loaf it was then captioned ‘time to shape the buns’ and your eyebrows shot up they almost hit your hairline;
“He can shape my buns any time he likes…” you muttered, your vision transfixed as his massive hands shaped the globes of dough, before he placed them onto the baking tray. The reel ended with a shot of the finished loaves, a steaming mug of coffee sat next to them as the morning sunlight streamed in through the window; “Well, I don't know if I now need sex, carbs, or coffee… thank you very much!” you muttered sarcastically, before you finally threw the covers off and headed for the shower.
You were mid way through your 2nd cup of coffee when you heard footsteps on your porch, and a quiet voice saying ‘no, sit, stay’. Peering out of the window you saw Mr Akia Honey outside, to which he saw you and waved.
Stepping out of the side door you smiled;
“Um, Hi…”
“Morning, you called me about the lavender yesterday? Sorry it took so long to come back to you, the market was really busy”
“You’re Lucas?!”
“Lucas Syverson, but just Sy is fine” the man smiled at you and held his hand out to shake, which you cautiously took, hoping as you shook hands you weren’t shaking too much from nerves. At that moment you heard a quiet woof from behind him, and much to your disappointment he withdrew his hand as he stepped aside; “And this is Akia, my trusty bee-hound”
“Bee-hound? That’s a breed? She looks a lot like a German Shepherd to me”
Laughing Sy shook his head;
“No, she’s actually a rescue that I brought back from overseas but i’ve trained her to scent out wild honey, plus her colouring means that ‘Bee-hound’ fits well”
The dog came up to you slowly and sniffed your hand, before she sat in front of you expectantly;
“If you’re comfortable with dogs, she’s waiting for a head pat…”
“Oh! Of course!” stroking the top of Akia’s head she started to wag her tail, before sneezing once and getting up again; “I guess that’s her way of saying that’s enough?”
Laughing, Sy smiled at you;
“That’s about right. So, the Lavender? I swung by yesterday after i’d finished at the market but you were…”
Your heart dropped into your stomach at what he was about to say;
“Oh god, was that when I was asleep on the chair? I’m so sorry about that”
Again with his soft laugh breaking the tension; “It’s fine, it’s your home, it was a long day, it's the weekend. You can do whatever you want, its me that should be apologising for just turning up without calling first”
You both paused for a moment before you nodded to the purple pushes that ran alongside your property boundary line;
“Anyway, how much Lavender did you need? You can take as much as you like”
The pair of you stepped off the porch and onto the soft grass, Akia taking the chance to explore your yard as she sniffed out behind trees and shrubs. Standing a few feet from the purple haze you watched as Sy slowly extended his hand to the sea of blooms.
“Watch out for… bees…”
Smiling at you he turned back to the insect covered flowers;
“Its fine, they’re my bees anyway” you watched as he let the little striped creatures crawl across his hand before buzzing off elsewhere; “I hadn’t realised that your property backs onto mine”
“It does?”
“This is my field” he nodded to the meadow that surrounded your property; “My cabin is just behind those pines” he nodded into the meadow to which you looked into the distance, just able to see the red tin roof of his home; “You see those little blue spots in the distance? They’re the hives”
He turned back to the Lavender and let out a small sigh;
“I’ve never seen blooms quite this vivid. Would you be offended if I made you an offer?”
You couldn’t help it but an eyebrow shot up your forehead, to which Sy turned almost beet red;
“No, no… not that kind of offer… i mean, i’d like to take all of it, the Lavender that is… oh god…” he laughed and raked his hand down his face before taking a deep breath and putting his hands on his hips; 
“This crop of Lavender is amazing. I've been looking to add Lavender to a number of products, but it’s so expensive. I was wondering if we could work out a bartering exchange or something? I noticed you have a few shingles loose on the front of your property that I could fix for you, and I can supply you with as much honey as you could ever wish for…”
Standing there you pretended to mull over his offer, knowing full well you would happily accept whatever terms he wanted;
“Throw in a loaf of that amazing bread and you have yourself a deal”
Grinning, he took your hand and shook it;
Ten minutes later you were watching Sy and Akia walk back to their cabin through the meadow, he’d promised to swing by later that afternoon to harvest some of the lavender and bring his tools to fix the shingles on the front of the house. Now you just need to keep yourself busy until then.
Chapter 2 >>>
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zuppizup · 2 years
Little Moments 1.0
She thinks he’s talking to himself at first, which isn’t unusual for him.
Or rather it wasn’t.
He used to mutter to himself while drawing or reading his big dusty books and she’d find herself sitting and watching him, laughing quietly if he got particularly animated.
And so she thinks it’s sweet he’s kept this endearing trait after two years, but then it turns out he’s actually talking to Bait and Stella.
Which is somehow sweeter and more endearing.
She hangs back in the hallway, peering around the corner as he chats to the two creatures. They are both perched on the camp kitchen table and it looks like he’s cutting up fruit for them. Janai has found a little pavilion for them to congregate in for the few days they will be staying at the Sunfire camp.
“Bait!” He whines when the glow toad slurps a piece of some bright pink fruit. “Seriously! Let me finish. I’m hungry too, you know?”
Bait croaks grumpily, pouting in an exaggerated fashion.
Stella takes advantage of Callum’s distraction, darting forward and snagging half a of large berry. She gives herself up with her happy chittering though and Callum turns to find her nibbling happily.
“Oi!” He puts his hands on his hips and looks at her pointedly. “You’re new, you know? I haven’t made up my mind about you yet and this thievery isn’t doing you any favours.”
Stella looks up at him with her big, sad eyes pondering for a moment and then offers him the remains of the half eaten berry.
“I don’t want that!” Callum turns up his lip, snorting. “I want you both to wait two minutes while I finish cutting this up. Can you do that? Can you do that for me please?!”
Stella looks at Bait and they seem to have a silent conversation before Bait huffs and groans and Stella plops onto her little bum. Simultaneously, they sigh, seeming to signal they will give him a moment to finish preparing the assorted fruits.
“Thank you.” Callum sighs, shaking his head as he goes back to cutting up fruit. “Now, I don’t really know what most of this is, but we’re just going to have to be adventurous, okay?” He looks between his companions. “Give everything a try and not just wolf down the sun melons… I’m looking at you, Bait.”
Bait grumbles, covering his eyes with his scaly front legs.
Callum snorts, and continues cutting. He plops the last of the fruit into a bowl and looks back at the animals. “Done!” He smiles brightly. “You guys are going to help me clean up, right?”
Stella twitters, jumping up and leaping onto his shoulder. Callum picks up the bowl and she grabs him around the neck with her tail, leaning forward to swipe at the pile of fruit.
“No! Stop!” Callum tries to shrug her off. “I’m not done done. Let me at least sit down!”
Stella ignores him, her little hands grabbing fruit and stuffing it into her face.
Seeing her lose her resolve spurs Bait into slow action. Grumbling a battle charge, he leaps from the table and begins pawing at Callum’s leg as Callum tries to fend Stella off and make his way to the chairs.
“Oi!” He hops around Bait, clutching the bowl. “Stop ganging up on me! Traitors! I didn’t even want to share this with you!”
Stella drops a large berry and before she can react, Bait catches it with his long tongue. She screeches loudly, dropping from Callum’s shoulder and landing on Bait’s head. Using all four of her arms, she attempts to pry his mouth open and retrieve her berry.
“Stella, no!” Callum drops to his knees, gently holding her back. “Here.” He holds out a large berry for her and she pouts for a moment before taking it. Seeing her appeased, Callum looks at Bait. “And you!” He narrows his eyes dramatically at Bait who looks away. “Don’t you tease her. She’s only a baby.”
Bait grumbles, eyes moving between Callum and Stella before he rolls his eyes and shrugs.
“Thanks Bait.” Callum grabs a large piece of sun melon and presents it to the little glow toad.
Bait’s eyes sparkle for a moment before he grabs the melon with his long tongue.
“Ew, gross.”
Callum sighs and it’s all too much. Rayla can no longer contain her giggles.
Jumping a little, Callum looks over his shoulder, blushing brightly to find her watching him. “Eh, hi.” He gets to his feet, still clutching the bowl. “You, em, been there long?”
“Long enough.” She hangs back in the pavilion entrance, waiting to gauge his reaction to her. “You doing okay there?”
“Well, I’m managing.” He smiles a little, looking between Stella and Bait. “It used to be hard enough stopping Bait stealing my lunch.”
She laughs softly. “Yeah, I know what you mean.”
They wait in an awkward silence for a moment and she wonders if she should leave him to it.
“Em, you hungry?” He awkwardly holds the bowl out to her. “I’m not sure how much there will be but…” He nods at the fruit. “If you’re hungry…?”
They eat a pleasant lunch together, still that distance between them but less than yesterday and that less than the day before.
And he smiles at Stella as she begins to fall asleep, tummy full and looking content. Bait is napping in her lap and perhaps they don’t have to sit in silence to let the animals sleep but they do and for once it’s not awkward. It’s pleasant.
And when she looks at him and hazards a small smile… well, he smiles back.
Continued: Little Moments 2.0
Also on AO3: Little Moments
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kny-agere · 10 months
Could you do something like Caregiver Mitsuri and Little Obanai? no pressure btw!
I hope you like this!! Iguro isn’t my fav character so I’m not very good at writing him but I tried my best (´;ω;`)
TW for mention of poor eating habits/feeding
“C’mon baby boy, please take a bite for me.” Mitsuri had already taken so long coaxing him to unwind the bandages and now Obani wouldn’t even open his mouth. She supposed that him agreeing to let her try this in the first place was an important step, but her failure to feed him successfully was weighing on her shoulders.
Iguro just sat in her arms and continued to whine. He felt uncomfortable with his mouth exposed and kept hiding it within her arms.
“See it’s yummy!” She pops a strawberry in her mouth, chewing it slowly.
He just sends another gentle glare her way. “Not hungry.”
“Oh but you have to eat! I bet even Kaburamaru-san wants a bite.” She waves another slice of fruit in the air. The snake takes it in a gentle hold and angles it towards the boys cheek. “Does it smell good?”
A smudge of red covers the boy’s face as he turns his nose at it. After a brief pause he nods hesitantly.
“Why don’t we give it a little lick? You can pretend it’s ice cream!” Kanroji is sure Iguro will hide his face again but he after a few long minutes his tongue pokes out to barely connect with the strawberry. He jerks back after as if he’s been shocked, but seems fine in actuality.
With a wide smile she cups his face. “How did it taste?” Her fingers wipe up the smudges on his cheeks.
Iguro looks away. His face morphs into something serious as he considers the question. “Um, tastes like candy.”
“In a good way or bad one?” She’s seen the way the man grimaces at the exaggerated smell of fried dough or pure glazed sugar.
“…good, tastes fresh.” And without being prompted he takes the slice from Kaburamaru’s mouth and holds it between his own lips. Kanroji tries not to frown at the perceived unsanitariness of the action. The snake is well cared for and his mouth is probably just as clean as her own. What’s more important is the fact that he eats it. She’d be grateful even if he had picked it up from a filthy floor to consume after.
Iguro eats it slowly. At first he just holds it in his mouth. When he begins to chew the boy had to hide his face again. There’s a small tremble to his hands tucked between their bodies.
Mitsuri tries not to make her excitement too obvious. She’s worried that if she gets loud he’ll be embarrassed and change his mind.
So while he eats (very very slowly) Kanroji rocks him and hums gently under her breath. Even once he swallows the girl doesn’t cheer quite yet. “Do you think you can do another?”
This time he takes the strawberry straight from her hands. Although it’s a tedious process she coaxes him to eat nearly half the bowl. It’s only after Iguro starts to refuse to eat again that she praises his earlier actions.
“Such a good boy! Did you wats lots of yummy strawberries?” She grabs a cloth to wipe the corners of his lips with. The sticky juice of the fruit sinks into the tight corners of his scars. In proper motherly fashion she licks her thumb and rubs more aggressively. Obanai lets out a disgruntled whine but doesn’t pull away.
“It was… good. Thank’ou,” He admits hesitantly. The boy is constantly nervous even under her warm gaze. He plucks one more berry from the remainders in the bowl. “You eat some too.” Iguro waves the food in front of her face.
She takes a bite happily. Though Iguro himself is done eating he enjoys feeding her. And Mitsuri just enjoys being with her baby.
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stuiie · 26 days
Hi Stuie!! This is for the ask game. 💕
Hi Sweetie!!
Oh my gosh, you picked such a fun variety of questions—I love it! 😍 Okay, let’s dive right in.
5. Tell us some funny drunk story. Oh, I wish I could say I had none because I’m such a sophisticated lady, but alas, no... I have more drunk stories than I care to admit 🥲. Now comes the hard part—choosing just one!
I’ll go with a pretty tame one, but it’s from my university days. We were at this beautiful ski resort, out at the club, dancing and having an amazing time. The thing is, I was in a serious relationship back then, and it annoyed me to no end that everyone was taking someone home with them while my girlfriend wasn’t there with me. So, in my slightly intoxicated state, I decided to "solve" this problem. I snatched a small Christmas tree on our way home and, in my drunken logic, thought it would be a good surrogate for not having my girlfriend around. Unfortunately for my friend, I ended up tucking the tree into her bed. When she brought her guy back later that night, they both got a nasty surprise—the screams woke up the entire cabin!
27. What was the last book/movie that really impressed you? The last book that really impressed me was A Dowry of Blood by S.T. Gibson. It’s such a hauntingly beautiful read—dark, sad, yet incredibly moving all at once. The writing is stunning, and the way the story weaves together these emotions left a lasting impression on me.
34. Do you like small kids? I do like small kids, but I wouldn’t say I’m the first one to jump at the chance to hold my friends’ babies. Honestly, I’m absolutely terrified of dropping them or tripping over them or something! They’re adorable, but I tend to admire from a safe distance until I feel more confident 😅.
57. What kind of people are you attracted to? This is actually a really tricky question because, for me, it’s so much about personality. Attraction can happen instantly, but I don’t think I have a specific "type." I find all kinds of body shapes, eye-colors, hair-colors, skin types, and styles beautiful in their own way. That being said, I do tend to be drawn to more feminine girls and women. But personality is absolutely crucial—someone with a warm, kind, and genuine personality is what truly attracts me.
59. Is there something you don’t eat? Some food that truly disgusts you? Yes! Warm berries and fruits absolutely disgust me—just the thought of them makes me gag 😅.
91. Perfect date idea? Ah, this is such a sweet question! For a first date, I really like to get to know a bit about the person beforehand. I love planning something that truly speaks to who they are, because the whole point of a date is for them to have a great time, right? So, I like to gather little pieces of information subtly—things they might mention offhand—and then use that to plan a date that’s meaningful and fun for them. It could be anything, really, as long as it makes them smile and laugh. That’s what makes a date perfect in my book!
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secret-third-thing · 11 months
For a writing prompt: Emorie, murder wives & poison 🧪🖤👄
FINALLY. I am here with your drabble. It's a little longer than 500 words oops. Also I have NEVER written this ship before, so this was good practice!
If you know what I'm referencing in this, hehehe. If not, let me share my poison origin story with you.
(Read on a03 if you prefer)
“A picnic was a great idea, Em,” Morrigan said, stretching out on the vivid green grass surrounding them. She reached over and grabbed a handful of raspberries from the basket Emerie had brought with them. “I’m glad you talked me into it.” She tossed one into her mouth and groaned at the flavor.
“We’ve both been working too hard,” Emerie replied. She ran her hand through her wife’s golden hair. “We don’t get enough time for ourselves.”
Morrigan nodded and offered the fruit to Emerie. She smiled when the Valkyrie took a single berry from her hand and popped it into her mouth.
Their marriage had been a quiet affair, an intimate celebration with friends and family, and yet the two of them always felt so crowded - either at the camps or in Velaris. Out here, near one of the many hidden lakes in the Night Court, the two could just be.
Emerie brushed a stray strand from Mor’s face and sighed. “Do you want to wait or…” she trailed off. While they were here to relax, they had one more task to accomplish before digging into the sandwiches that the House (at Nesta’s behest) had prepared for them.
“Oh, I’m sure Keir won’t mind.” Morrigan said with a smirk. She gestured to the bundle of blue tarp next to them. 
Emerie rolled her eyes, but couldn’t hide the smile tugging at the corner of her lips. “Mor-” 
“Oh, no, In fact. I think he’d actually like to go for a swim right now, don’t you?” Morrigan pushed herself up from the ground and turned to face Emerie. She leaned forward and kissed the Valkyrie on the nose.
Emerie let out a hearty laugh, the kind that made Morrigan’s heart swell. “Fine, fine. Let’s give him a hand,” she said. 
The two picked up the body, lugging it to the edge of the lake, where a boat waited for them. Emerie knew better than to ask how it had gotten there, likely a gift from Mor’s cousin. The two females waded into the water, carefully maneuvering the body into the boat, and climbed in after Morrigan pushed the boat from the shore. 
“You think it’ll hold the three of us?” Emerie asked as she grabbed the oars and handed one to her wife.
“It’ll have to,” was Mor’s response. They paddled in silence until they reached the center of the lake. If Emerie was being honest, the whole thing was just a bit romantic. She was certain that one of the smutty books she had read had a story similar to this.
When they finally reached the center of the lake, the world around them seemed to still. Morrigan gazed upon the tarp, a look a sadness passing over her face before it gave way to a grin that spoke of pain and rage. “On my count, let’s lift.” 
Emerie nodded and followed the Mor’s lead, slowly lifting the body as not to upset the boat. 
“You ready?” she asked. Morrigan hummed and the two of them dropped the body into the water, the rocks tucked into the tarp dragging Keir to the depths below. 
They two sat there for a moment. Emerie watched a wave of relief pass over Morrigan, as though a centuries-old shadow had finally vanished. Then the female jolted to attention.
“I almost forgot!” she said. The blonde pulled out a tin of something, which Emerie quickly realized was the remnants of Keir’s last meal. Morrigan dropped the container of oleander seasoned food into the lake as well. 
“In case you get hungry again,” Morrigan yelled at the water.
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good-beanswrites · 1 year
Thank you @igotbones for requesting Yuno + Bath!! :D I doubt they have full tubs in Milgram, so I actually went for a fun little normal au drabble!
Yuno exhaled slowly, willing all the tension to leave her shoulders. Her bare feet were crossed at the ankle, propped up on the edge of the tub. She pressed play on the calm music loaded up on her phone. Candles illuminated the room with a gentle light. She sank into the fragrant bubbles. Now this was --
The song came to an abrupt halt as her ringtone sounded. 
Rapidly shaking the water from her hand, she accepted the call.
“Mahiru? Is everything okay?” She was only supposed to get calls in the case of an emergency. She forgot that she and Mahiru’s definition of one differed greatly.
“Hiii! I’m at the bakery now, and they don’t seem to have anything strawberry flavored. There are some other fruits, though. How does lemon sound? Ooh, or they have a nice berry one. What about carrot cake?”
“Those all sound fine, I’m not picky. I’m gonna go now, I’m taking a pre-birthday bath, remember?”
“Right, right! You enjoy!”
She hung up, and Yuno placed the phone carefully beside her. Her eyes fell closed. Soft music and the gentle popping of foam filled her ears. She was excited for her party (especially since it’d be the first time in a while she wasn’t doing all the work to throw it herself) but the past few weeks had been a whirlwind of school and meetups and clients. She had been looking forward to a moment completely to herself, where she could breath easy and just --
Her phone rang. 
Mahiru started speaking as soon as she picked up. “Okay, so I know you’re relaxing, but did you want the cake to be pink? They have a wonderful lemon cake but it only comes in yellow. I think the others only got pink decorations. I could always re-ice it myself, but I don’t know how quickly I can make it look as nice…”
“Yellow is fine. Just make sure everyone likes it.” She shook more water off her hand, accidentally sweeping some bubbles into the air. They settled on some of the candles, extinguishing them. 
“I want to make sure you’ll like it, it’s your birthday, silly.”
“Well, it sounds perfect. Alright… bye Mappi…”
Yuno put the phone down. She took a long breath. The floral scented soap filled her nose. The room was a bit darker without the extra candles, but she could manage. She’d been dedicating so much energy to everyone around her, it was high time she gave herself a bit of the same warmth. And what better way than with a steaming bath, and brand new scrub that reminded her of --
She nearly drowned the phone in her hurry to pick up. The splash took out a few more candles.
“Listen --”
“Yuno!” Fuuta’s voice called from the other end. “Did you say you liked those big metal balloons or just the regular ones?”
“Uh,” she pinched the bridge of her nose. “I thought Mahiru was in charge of all this?”
“Yeah, but she’s not getting back to me. Shut up, I’m on the phone! We have all the other things she asked for, I just thought Kazui said something about bringing metal balloons. Is he getting those or are we? Mikoto, shut the fuck up, I’m asking her right now!” 
“I thought Kazui was just picking up the food. I’m fine with the regular ones, unless something really sticks out to you, I guess.”
“I fucking told you so. Okay. And Muu has the address, right? I don’t know where the hell we’re going.”
“Yes, she should.”
“Great, thanks.” He hung up before she could beg him not to call back.
Yuno muted all sound on her phone. She could do without the music. She forced her eyes closed. She dunked her head under the water for good measure. When she came back up for air, her frustration had already begun simmering down. She breathed in more of the soap. She was usually the one asking others’ for their preferences, she couldn’t deny how nice it felt that the others wanted to get things just right for her. 
Against her better judgment, she peered over the side of the tub. 
4 Missed calls. 18 Text messages.
Yuno could only laugh. She pulled the drain on the bath, already reaching for her towel.
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riptide-kid · 9 months
Domestic December 2023 - Day 23 I got you flowers
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Pairing: Mountain x Phantom
Summary: Phantom visits Mountain's greenhouse for the first time.
Warnings: -
Words: ~700
Notes: this ended up being a little bit trippy, consider it an experiment. It was fun to write tho!
You can also read this on Ao3!
“Mounty?” Phantom called as he pushed open the door to the greenhouse.
The ghouls were about to have dinner together and noticed that they were one ghoul short. Phantom had lost a quick game of rock paper scissors, so he was the one to go check on their friend. Not that it was a particularly hard task or anything, but nobody really felt up to leaving the warmth of the den on a frosty winter evening.
But the cold chill that had first greeted Phantom when he had excited the abbey was soon forgotten, as the warmth of the greenhouse enveloped him. It suddenly occurred to him that he had never really been in there. Not because he didn’t care or didn’t want to, between touring and band practice and adjusting to the life topside there had just never really been a chance.
He closed the door behind him and curiously sniffed the air. It smelled of warm earth and dried herbs, and underlying sweetness of fresh fruit, however that was possible. The lighting was soft and natural, and despite it being dark outside Phantom felt like he was taking a walk on a new spring day. Every side of him, various plants grew, their leaves in various shades of green and flowers in soft colours. This felt like its own little world. Phantom took a few steps into the greenhouse. From the outside, it had just looked like a little hut made of glass, but now that he was inside, he was sure he would get lost if he wasn’t careful.
“...Mount?” he called again, his gaze peaking around as he got a little deeper into the space. The air got warmer; the plants changed from spring to summer. Phantom had to open his coat. What was this place? He walked on. The flowers and plants to the said of the path turned into bushes and hedges, berries growing on them, fresh and ripe. When he had passed them, there were trees lining the pathway. He couldn’t tell what kind of trees they were, as they were still in bloom, but as he walked on some of the trees were bearing apples, and finally, further down the way he spotted Mountain, picking apples and having no problem reaching them due to his height.
“...Dinner is ready,” Phantom said timidly. He felt like he was in some strange dream.
Mountain turned to look at him and his eyebrows shot up in surprise.
“Is it that late already?” he put the apple he had just plucked from the tree into a basket next to him. “Sorry, I sometimes lose track of time when I’m in here.”
“How do you do that?” Phantom asked.
“What? Losing track of time?” Mountain looked at him, a little confused.
“No,” Phantom pointed around him, “all of this! What is this place?!”
Mountain grinned, flashing his crooked teeth, “I guess I just have a green thumb.”
Phantom narrowed his eyes at him. “Yeah. Sure! Definitely has nothing to do with you being an earth ghoul or magic or anything.”
“No, definitely not,” Mountain grinned even wider as he picked up the basket. “Now that you mention dinner, I’m really hungry, actually.” He looked at Phantom who was still standing in the middle of the pathway, looking nervous and almost a little afraid. “Are you okay?” he asked.
Phantom nodded hesitantly. “I just... It doesn’t look that spacious from the outside.”
“Neat trick, huh?” Mountain commented, as he walked towards one of the blossoming trees, breaking off a little branch with blossoms on it and passing it to Phantom.
Phantom took the branch, admiring the little white flowers. He remembered seeing them on the trees outside, back when he was first summoned, his first time going outside. They had been the first flowers he had ever seen, after escaping the fiery pits down below.
He looked up at Mountain as he spoke “I know this place is kind of confusing, but you’re safe here, don’t worry.” He smiled. “Come on, let’s go. I’m starving.”
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What is your fave smut scene in Control?
Excuse me???
You come into MY INBOX and ask me, of all the disgusting, depraved, obscene parts of Control, to somehow pick a FAVORITE?
Do we ask parents which child is their favorite??
Do we ask multiple pet owners which animal is their favorite???
Oh wait no, sorry--I do have a favorite, I always have, and that favorite is, if you long-time readers remember the original chapter titles, the scene from "Tied."
For those who've forgotten or are new to the story, here's a little snippet of said chapter under the cut!
“Don’t give me that look, my love. You’re in this position because of you,” he says with a smirk.
“I’m sorry,” I say petulantly. To be fair, my tone isn’t exactly as apologetic as it had been last night, but I’ve also been tied to a bed for a few hours now, and I’m irritable. “How long are you going to keep me like this?”
“You don’t need to worry about that,” Noah tells me lightly. “I’m in control here, not you.”
It’s always a battle of wills, at first—I have to push, it’s in my nature. We both know that eventually, he’ll break me. He always does. But it makes it more satisfying, more of a release, when I fight him first. It’s a little game—Noah tries to see how quickly he can get me to surrender, while I fight tooth and nail for every last second until I eventually give in.
“You must be hungry,” Noah coos, holding out a little bowl of fruit. “Would you like some?”
I glare at him. Case in point: I refuse to give up this last little bit of autonomy just to be difficult, and Noah will push and push until the thin layer of control I’m trying to exert collapses like a house of cards.
“I’m not,” I say flatly, although the assortment of plump berries is making my mouth water.
“You’re trying awfully hard to convince me that you don’t like this, but I can see the truth from here, sweetheart.”
I flush. I’m also not wearing any clothes, since Noah prefers me to sleep naked. He’s right—I can feel the wetness on my thighs that betrays my bratty attitude.
“If you’re not hungry, I can come back later. See how ready you are to behave for me then.”
“Whatever,” I mumble as Noah heads back out of the room.
“Color?” he asks when he gets to the doorway, breaking the façade for a moment.
I drop my gaze in humiliation. “Green,” I whisper. I don’t want to admit how wet this gets me, how much it turns me on.
Noah smiles. “That’s what I thought.” He winks at me, and I bite back a frustrated growl, slumping back down on the bed.
It must be closer to mid-morning, by the way the sun hits the windows, when my dozing is interrupted again by a soft sentence spoken from our bedroom doorway. I have no idea what time it actually is—there’s no clock in this room, and my phone is out of reach.
“Hello, my love.”
Noah’s lilt is gentle, teasing. I know this game: he’s wearing me down slowly, getting me to that space where I’m pliant and submissive and desperate for him. I smile, in spite of myself. He’s very good at it. “We’re looking a little less defiant, now, aren’t we?” he teases.
“Maybe, Sir,” I reply. Truthfully, I’m not really sure how I feel, right now. "I am a little hungry," I admit quietly.
Noah smiles triumphantly.
“See? So much easier if you give in,” he teases. “On your knees.”
I begrudgingly obey, moving from being slumped awkwardly against the headboard with my hands bound behind me to sitting on my knees as Noah had asked.
I justify my obedience to myself by saying it’s only to get the food. After that, I’ll go back to being defiant.
It doesn’t even sound convincing in my head.
Noah joins me on the bed and pops a blueberry into my mouth, letting his finger pull my lower lip down as he feeds it to me. He continues feeding me the berries until the bowl is empty.
“Isn’t that better?” Noah teases, condescendingly patting my cheek. When I don’t respond, he gently takes hold of my chin. “Isn’t it?” he repeats, more firmly.
“Yes, Sir.”
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fluxrspar · 1 year
Selena in Fódlan
source: shadoll
GENDER. Transgender Female (she/her)
AGE. 23
HEIGHT. 5’11” (179 cm)
BIRTHDATE. 13th of the Ethereal Moon (December 13th)
CLASS. Magic Instructor
AFFILIATION. None. (She’s very unsure of herself at the moment.)
BIOGRAPHY. A mage knight who once served in the Imperial Army of Grado. She’s disciplined and believes in doing what is right, both for her own allies and for innocents on both sides. After falling in the War of the Stones, she miraculously awoke in Fódlan and chose to become a magic instructor as an inspiration to others. Worries that she is actually still dead.
779 - Born to a couple of common blood in the Empire of Grado.
798 - Joined the Imperial Army, later becoming the Fluorspar of the Imperial Three.
803 - The War of the Stones begins, and she falls in battle to Ephraim’s army.
804 - Awakens in Fódlan and, after some wandering, eventually arrives in the town of Garreg Mach and becomes a magic instructor at the Officers Academy.
INTERESTS. Protecting the innocent, helping others, having purpose in her life LIKES. Emperor Vigarde (before the war), teaching, magic, devoting herself to her work, being thought of, spicy foods DISLIKES. Unnecessary violence, having nothing to do, feelings of helplessness, talking about her past, sour flavors STATUS. Magic Instructor CLOSE ALLIES: N/A
LIKES. Saghert and Cream, Vegetable Pasta Salad, Spicy Fish and Pasta Stew, Sweet and Salty Whitefish Sauté, Sweet Bun Trio, Super Spicy Fish Dango, Peach Sorbet, Sautéed Pheasant and Eggs DISLIKES. Cheesy Verona Stew, Fish Sandwich, Pickled Rabbit Skewers, Country-Style Red Turnip Plate, Pickled Seafood and Vegetables, Gautier Cheese Gratin, Cabbage and Herring Stew, Fried Crayfish
“I’m always glad to be able to spend time with others. Let’s enjoy this meal, Professor.”
“This actually happens to be one of my favorites. Thank you.”
“Well, I suppose if you like it, I don’t really mind too much.”
“Funny, how we began as enemies on the battlefield, and now we are sharing a meal as allies.”
“Are you enjoying your food, Prince Lyon? I am not the one who prepared the dish, however…”
“Let us put the past behind us.”
FAVORITE TEA. Sweet-Apple Blend, Albinean Berry Blend, Honeyed-Fruit Blend CONVERSATION TOPICS. A place you’d like to visit. A word of advice. Children at the market. Equipment upkeep. Exploring the Monastery. Fódlan’s future. I’m counting on you. Monastery security. Overcoming weaknesses. Someone you look up to. Thanks for everything. The view from the bridge. You’re doing great work. Favorite sweets. Books you’ve read recently. The library’s collection.
(1) “You called for me, Professor?” (2) “I can’t say I’ve been to too many tea parties, but I’ll try my best to be a good guest.” (3) “A little break now and again would do me well.”
“Did you pick this for me?”
“Oh, you really shouldn’t have.”
(1) “Oh– I…”  (2) “I am used to such staring, but so shamelessly…” (3) “I am not a vain person, but appearances can inspire confidence.”
“Yes?” “I see.”  “I hadn’t expected that.” “You mean it?” “Indeed!” “(Soft laughter)”
“Thank you, Professor. It seems I really needed that. Shall we do this again sometime?”
(1) Life is full of hard choices, don’t you think? It isn’t always easy to find the best path forward. ANSWER: Nod, Chat (2) While I am used to being a leader from my time in the army, teaching is… new to me. ANSWER: Laugh, Agree (3) I swore to serve my emperor the same day he saved my life. Well, I formally swore years later, but my heart was moved on that day. ANSWER: Smile, Chat (4) The gazes of some men… disturb me. I refuse to approach them about it as they don’t deserve my attention like that, but I do wish it would stop. ANSWER: Nod, Agree (5) I’ve caught glimpses of a former coworker on Academy Grounds here and there. Although he wasn’t the greatest, the fact that he’s still here attests to something. Perhaps he’s changed… ANSWER: Agree, Sip Tea
FAVORITE GIFTS. Tasty Baked Treat, Riding Boots, Monarch Studies Book, The History of Fódlan, Legends of Chivalry DISLIKED GIFTS. Hunting Dagger, Training Weights
“I’ll see if I can find a use for this.”
“Thank you. This is nice.”
“I am astonished you would go out of your way for me like this.”
MISCELLANEOUS TOMES. A collection of magic tomes of varying types and power. Likely belongs to someone who is skilled with magic. Location found: Blue Lions Classroom. FLUORSPAR AMULET. A cut of the gemstone small enough to fit in the palm of one’s hand, it is encased in silver with a loop to attach it to a belt or make it into a necklace. Likely belongs to someone with a meaningful connection to fluorspars. Location found: Library. OLD LETTER. An old letter discussing the sender and recipient’s shared home. Some of the letters have been traced to keep the ink fresh. Likely belongs to someone born in a frontier town. Location found: Faculty Dorms
“Oh, that happens to be mine if you don’t mind returning it.”
“I’m afraid this doesn’t belong to me. Would like some help finding the owner?”
“Seems my battle ends here…”
“It had to be done.”
(1) “You don’t really expect me to sing, do you?” (2) “I can try my best, but I will warn you. I’m not very skilled.”
(1) “Let’s do our best, Professor. Together.” (2) “I believe the next step is…” (3) “Just like that.”
BAD.  ✧
“Really? I can’t believe I messed that up.” Critique: I see. That does make sense. Console: Thank you, but I don’t need your consolation. I’d rather know what I did wrong.
“Thank you, Professor.” “That was nothing, really.”
“They called me the Fluorspar for a reason.” PRAISE. “Oh, there’s no need for the flattery, Professor.”
“I’m quite used to working with horses. If you need help, I’m more than happy to assist you.”
“If we work together, we should be done pretty soon.”
“This height… is quite foreign to me.”
“Let’s get this over with.”
“Seems I wasn’t as prepared as I thought…”
“Always striving to be better.”
“I’ve always enjoyed magic as method of asserting myself on the battlefield, no matter how far away I am from a foe. …I also value it as something you can be good at, even if you lack in physical strength. All of that to say I would like to learn reason again, and know the magic of Fódlan better.”
“I must admit I have a fondness for horses. They’re loyal, dependable steeds, great for both utility and companionship. I’d like to reacquaint myself with them. For this purpose, I’ll also be studying the lance.”
“There is much that goes into be a good leader. …I feel lacking in that regard, like I still have much to learn. I want to study authority, that I can better guide those under my protection.”
0 TO 1 STATS UP .  ✧
“This is what the Fluorspar has amounted to?”
2 TO 3 STATS UP .  ✧
“I aspire to do better.”
4-5 STATS UP .  ✧
“Steady progress, I suppose.”
6+ STATS UP .  ✧
“I have to keep going.”
“Am I truly incapable of growing any further?”
“I suppose there truly is so much I don’t know yet.”
“This is more than I deserve…”
“I hope to learn something new from this.”
“I am at your command.”
“A minor setback, really.”
LOW HP .  ✧
“Don’t worry about me.”
“Settle this with steel!” “I will not fail again.” “Be gone with you!” “I am Selena Fluorspar!”
“Follow my lead!”
“My strength is yours!”
“Let this be a lesson for the dead watching.” “I will not let harm befall the innocent.” “Madness though it may be.”
“Good work.” “Excellent. Like that.” “I’m glad I can depend on you.”
“Thank you.” “You shouldn’t have.” “I will repay this deed.”
“I must retreat. I can’t… go on like this.”
“So very tired…”
“Back home, I had a liege who I could never dream to disobey, but one day, he suddenly changed. Still, I showed loyalty, even until I was told it wasn’t truly him. I had to fight some of my former allies, for whom I still had respect, as a result. Looking back, I’m uncertain if that was the right choice.” > You should’ve defected considering your lord didn’t trust you enough to be honest around you. Integrity is important, even for lords. (Correct Answer) > Your allies should’ve understood. A knight’s oath is not something to be taken lightly. If they were knights also, they should’ve sided with you. > You should’ve tried to get to bottom of things. Perhaps you didn’t know your liege as well as you thought? Or maybe what you heard was a lie, and whoever told you that was trying to undermine you and your lord.
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