#and then i just started sobbing and almost had to pull over bc i was hyperventilating
peachydinosaur · 6 months
had an upsetting and disturbing interaction in the Walmart parking lot today that triggered a pretty bad adrenaline surge (i have POTS so they can be very intense and hard to recover from) (long story short someone was driving like an asshole and blocking me/menacing me/yelling at me, i flipped him off, he tried to hit my car with his car) but I'm feeling better and better about it bc... that's an insane reaction to have. 'oh someone flipped me off, a valid reaction to this is to try to hit their car with mine'
also feeling better thinking of the look on his face after he did it. he *had* been laughing, feeling like a big man, but he did that and i just started fucking screaming and pointing and whatever fucking hand gestures, and the pedestriansvwere just looking at him like 'what the actual fuck' and a few of them scurried away, he looked startled and THEN he reversed to give me room to leave. guess he wanted me to start sniveling and apologizing? like 'nooooo I'm sooooo sorry PLEASE don't hit my poor little car with your big manly car 😭' but instead i had the entirely reasonable reaction of anger and screaming at him. i don't think I've yelled that loud in years.
like what in the actual fuck? what kind of reaction is that? 'you're doing what I've indicated that i want you to do and trying to drive away, but you flipped me off. let me just. crank my steering wheel towards you and accelerate towards your vehicle at a speed that's unsafe for parking lots and then slam on the brakes a foot away from hitting you' like his truck moved at least half a car length in no fucking time and if i hadn't ALSO slammed on my brakes he would've hit me. that is NOT in any realm a normal or reasonable thing to choose to do
i was backing out of my fucking parking spot. at the point where you've pulled out of the spot and now you're kind of in the middle of the lane, i had my wheels turned all the way and was going forward to get into my lane. dude zooms up, pulls up on the right so that I can't pull into the lane like normal, and when i give him the 'what are you doing?' hand gesture/look he starts pointing at me to go around him. and that's literally not how parking lots work what the fuck do you mean dude why are you are on the wrong side of the road just let me leave. so, confused, i point and gesture for him to go to the left of me like a normal fucking person. I'm just going 'what the hell am i supposed to do' because i don't WANT to be driving on the wrong side of the road in a busy parking lot, but there's cars behind me too so i can't back up. I'm sitting like that for maybe five seconds. apparently he is very unhappy that i pointed for him to go through the parking lot like a normal person and very unhappy that i didn't immediately and happily drive onto the wrong side of the road in a busy parking lot so he drives closer to me and starts yelling and pointing and getting mad. so i flip him off, i don't know why. i was startled i guess but i have a rule where i don't flip off other drivers if they're gonna see it. just panicked. i don't do that. that's not something i do. so yeah okay, whatever, I'm startled and I'd like to get the fuck out of this situation and the only option at this point is to drive around him. so i start trying to and he pulls that shit. THAT'S FUCKING INSANE!! IN WHAT UNIVERSE IS THAT A THING A PERSON WOULD DO?? WHERE DO YOU LIVE WHERE A NORMAL AND REASONABLE THING TO DO IS MAKE SOMEONE THINK YOU'RE ABOUT TO SLAM YOUR CAR INTO THEIRS???? sir you are unwell
i don't know if anyone's even going to read this but like. have you ever seen someone accelerating towards you and thought you were about to be in a head on collision? that's fucking terrifying. in that moment your brain doesn't go 'there's not enough room for him to accelerate enough to cause me lasting bodily harm' your brain goes 'I'm about to be in a head on collision'
like. should i have flipped him off? no, i don't know why i did, i genuinely do not do that like ever. is there any world where if you sat me down and walked me through the interaction leading up to that where i would guess his next action is to consciously try to cause an accident in the Walmart parking lot? there is no such world, if it hadn't happened to me i don't think i could've ever come up with it
when he backed off and looked a little startled i think it was less that he felt bad for what he did or realized he was in the wrong and more he realized 'there are at least five people standing/walking in this parking lot that just saw me do that. if i do anything else I'm not going to get away with it' and like look at the optics on that. him, 50 year old man in his massive new looking red truck, on the wrong side of the road, to me, young woman in a 25 year old sedan. that's not a good look for him. maybe he was startled that my response was anger and screaming, like, he definitely wasn't expecting that. i don't fucking know. i just know that it's fucking insane to try to cause an accident in the Walmart parking lot
#the adrenaline surge fucking sucked#i have hyperadrenergic POTS so my adrenaline response is. extremely overreactive#like initially i was just angry. that's just what happens when something spooks me and i get an adrenaline surge#just felt so fucking mad that once i was out of the parking lot i just screamed at the top of my lungs#and then i just started sobbing and almost had to pull over bc i was hyperventilating#i managed to calm down enough to finish the drive bc it was only five minutes#but once i got there i had to just sit in the car and sob for a while before i could compose myself enough to walk in#said hi real quick to my boyfriend's roommates and went to his room to lay down and cry#chugged an entire Gatorade and some water and texted him#he was on break at work so he called and i could not stop crying on the phone#and we've been together for a few years so he's familiar with the concept of I'm going to cry for up to an hour after an adrenaline surge#but i just sobbed on the phone#felt better after a little bit#and then realized that i had sweat through all of my clothes to the point where i was at minimum damp all over#absolutely soaked at the pits it was gross#took a shower and changed clothes and felt a bit better but for the rest of the day I've been exhausted and tense#all of my muscles hurt and i have a headache and my tinnitus has been extra loud#brain fog has been especially bad and i almost started crying when my friend killed me in a video game#a video game where it is normal to kill each other#had to take a few minutes to just sit there and calm down#hopefully i don't feel too bad tomorrow but i haven't had an adrenaline surge this bad in a long time and they really can fuck with you#i thought i was going to be in a head on fucking collision in my car!!!! i think that could elicit an adrenaline response in any normal guy#but i am cursed with 'will have an adrenaline response to anything remotely startling' disease#and when it's a big adrenaline surge sometimes I'm just gonna be out of commission the next day#our bodies weren't meant to have big adrenaline often! it's for when the tigers are about to get you! it's for life or death situations!#which is good and fine for when there are tigers and death#but it really does take a fucking toll#anyways in exhausted and can't sleep so good luck everyone!#hope your day was better than mine#i said things
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atlasnessie · 4 months
BABY STROLLERS AND CARRIERS — love you forever & ever or: bsd men as girl dads (bc it’s been rotten in my brain for months !!)
@aureatchi @heartsfourdazai
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“come now, quit tugging my bandages, akane !” dazai sputtered, holding his daughter away from his face as she made grabby hands and giggled at the sight of her father. dazai sighed dramatically, sitting his daughter down back in her baby crib before fixing the bandages on hie neck, the cloth slowly revealing the skin underneath.
“jeez, i don’t get how your mother does it. do you hate me that much ?” dazai sighed, walking towards the window and pulling up the blinds, the fresh sunlight gleaming into the room as akane giggled at the warmth. her father turned around with a spin of his heel and made a small pout.
“this isn’t funny, akane ! what if you really end up hating me.” the baby’s smile faded ever so slightly, tilting her head in confusion of her fathers words before giggling again. osamus fake frown melted into a burst of pure adoration, taking a step over to the crib and picking akane up again, spinning her around the room.
“awh !! i can’t stay mad at you !! cm’ere and give daddy a kiss !! say, how about we practice walking again ?”
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“what’s s’matter, chiyo ? why’re you cryin’, baby ?” chuuya pushed his desk away, the wheels on his chair pushing him slowly to the small, but lavish, baby crib that rested near the window side of his home office. the soft cries of his child made the ginger sigh, picking his daughter up from the crib and into his arms, gently rocking her and cooing.
“‘ya hungry ?” the baby, an almost matching resemblance to you, made hiccups as fat tears ran down her face, chubby hands tugging on her father clothes. as of late, chuuya had decided to work from home for a while, only unless there was a job he had to take. other then that, paperwork and such would be cleared in the comfort of his home. this also gave him more time to spend with you and his newborn daughter, though, balancing work and a child is difficult, the executive has to admit.
chuuya rocked chiyo gently with one arm before getting up and walking towards the kitchen, looking for an already made bottle standing in the counter.
“c’mon, ma made you a bottle— hey !” chiyo threw her hands in the air, knocking the bottle away from chuuyas hands and starting a frenzy again, waving her hands around as she cried. the ginger sighed at the sight of the baby bottle on the ground, leaking slightly on the ground. he can clean it later.
“h- hey … shit. it’s alright, sweetheart. c’mon, quit cryin’.” now holding chiyo with both his arms, chuuya frowned as he gently wiped the tears off of the baby’s cheeks with his hands, placing a gentle kiss on the crown of her forehead. and almost like magic, chiyos sobs slowly became hiccups, her chubby hands tugging on the longer parts of her fathers hair.
“you wanted attention, huh ? you’re just like ‘yer mom.”
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“how the hell do you make saki quiet ..”
akutagawa was in a particular predicament. he wasn’t sure how to calm his crying daughter, let alone, by himself. you were currently out for groceries, one half because you really needed it, the other being for your husbands own benefit, a quick daddy-daughter time.
saki was a baby that proved dna is insane. she was split between the two of you, having your eyes and lips, her hair being raven dark just like akutagawas. though, despite being such a sweet looking baby, throwing a tantrum was something she does frequently, as of late; and akutagawa was not having it.
“c’mon, drink the bottle … you’re giving me a headache.”
saki swatted the bottle away, hiccuping as she saw her fathers brows deepen, sighing. fat tears continued to stream down her face, kicking her feet.
“what is wrong with you …” ryunosuke grabbed for a jingling baby toy with his ability, shaking it in front of his baby’s face with a frown. the black haired baby hiccuped as the last bit of her tears fell, reaching her small chubby hands for not the toy, but rashumon, clapping her hands eagerly towards the sharp fabric.
“a- ah .. so that’s what you wanted.” dropping the toy on the ground, akutagawa sighed and walked over to the couch, using his free hand to wipe the tears off of sakis eyes.
“enough crying now.”
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sim0nril3y · 4 months
Hi bby girl. Love your writing, I told you before as an anon and I came back bc I love how you put into words
(Sorry to use anon, I'm very shy)
I wanted to request you to write about civilian!reader and Simon being emotional in the middle of the act. Reader feels overwhelmed by all the emotions and feelings and it's like she starts sobbing bc of all the pleasure and praising from Simon
Thank you in advance! Keep writing, you make us happy 💗
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Note: eeeeeeee thank you so much for your request, I love, love, loved writing it so much, hope that I did it justice! you are so sweeeeeeet for all your kind words, ily! (no need to be shy, i'm super friendly, i promise!) Pairing: Simon 'Ghost' Riley x Civilian!Reader Warnings: No mask Simon (It's my personal headcanon in his regular life he probably wouldn't wear it), established relationship, p in v, overwhelming sex, multiple orgasms, crying during sex, caring Simon, canon typical swearing.
It was impossible to say how long that Simon had been curled over your frame, fucking into you deep with his perfectly fat and long cock, his lips pressed against every inch of his skin that he could reach, clasping needily at you whilst whispering the most sinful and sweet notions into your ear.
By now you had lost count of how many times you had spasmed and squirmed to completion on Simon’s cock, panting and clawing at his skin whilst your whined and whimpered. It was overwhelming to say the least. A delicious and intoxicating mixture of cumming hard around his cock as it stroked and prodded at the deepest parts that only Simon could reach.
“There you go.” Simon breathed heavily, smiling against your warm skin feeling you coming apart around him again. “Give it me, baby. Give me everything.” He praised, voice a little strained. “Y’such a good girl for me. You perfect little cunt was made for my fat fuckin’ cock.” Simon nipped at your earlobe. “My good girl. My good fuckin’ girl.”
It was overwhelming. That was putting it mildly. There was this build of emotions that was bubbling in your chest, like a big ball caught rising up and up until falling a fraught sob caught in your throat. Wait, were you crying? What did you start crying? Oh, shit.
The sound had caught Simon’s attention, eyes scanning across your face to try and figure out the problem before finally stilling his hips, keeping his cock firmly stuffed inside your sopping walls. “Babe. Baby, what’s wrong? Tell me.” He urged with so much concern and care to his tone, thinking for even a moment that he might have hurt you or pushed you too far was almost too much for him to bear.
“I’m okay. I’m okay.” You whimpered out, nodding frantically. “It’s just so good. It’s so fucking good, Si.” You continued, watching the little smug smile that pulled across his lips. “You’re so good. Your cook is so good.” All the while tears tumbled down your cheeks but an emotional grin on your lips. “Y-you make me feel so good.”
Chuckling lowly, Simon pressed a kiss to your forehead and asked. “So, it’s good?” He teased before listening to your sobs tumble into giggles. “Yeah. It’s good.” You responded. “Alright. Let’s just… take a little break, hmm?” Carefully slipping out Simon rolled you into your side and wrapped his arms around you. “Daft bloody…” He muttered, leaning in to press a couple soothing kisses to your temple. “W-what about you? You didn’t cum…” That much was evident with how his hard cock pressed up against your ass.
“Mm, it’s a good thing I fuckin’ love you.” Simon teased, honestly not caring about his own needs at this moment, just knowing that he needed to comfort you in this moment. With just as much emotion, you whimpered back. “Love you too, Si. Love you so much.”
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Masterlist | Ask | 28-01-2024
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sicbaby · 1 year
Riding sub!Ethan's face 🤭🤭🤭🤭🤭
a lil bit of mean!reader bc why not 🤭
it had been a long… and hard day. ethan was being nothing but a brat to you, rolling his eyes at whatever you had to say, and genuinely just pissing you off.
so now here you were. ethan was tied to your bed, both of his hands tied to their respective bedposts. he was whining, like usual. you had edged him multiple times by this point, his slick cock appearing red with anger.
“please… mommy… please fuck me… n-need it… need you…” he would mumble out, tears staining his pretty red cheeks.
usually you would give in to his crying, your sweet boy usually being so good for you… so caring, wanting to please you the best he could, he would do absolutely anything for you.
“that’s too fucking bad, baby. you aren’t getting anything tonight.” you respond. to this, he lets out a loud yelp and pulls on his restraints, but to no avail. you were fully clothed as well, which was frustrating him even more.
“please- fuck! need to see you… please mommy? i’m so sorr- i’m so sorry…” he cries out, sobbing at this point. “i’ll make it up to you, i promise!”
“yeah, you are gonna make it up to me, pretty boy.” you say as you slip off your pretty pink underwear, leaving your short skirt on.
he watches you carefully, trying to sit up fully. ethan starts to sweat with how much struggling he’s doing, only to realize the futility of his efforts. he eventually lets out a loud sob as his tears stream down his flushed cheeks and sweat begins to drip down his body. “i’ll do anything, anything at all, just please-“ he says, stopping suddenly as he tries to figure out what to say next. he gulps. “please just untie me, okay? p-please. i’ll never be bad again, i swear. just please!”
you laugh at how pathetic he looks right now. “and how am i to trust you, hmm?”
ethan pauses, his head dropping down as he tries to think of an answer. his voice cracks and trembles as he finds the words to say, his eyes still darting to the side. “what-whatever you need, anything! i’ll do anything!” he cries out desperately, hoping whatever answer he gives will let you finally free him. “i-please, anything..”
“anything, huh?” you ask, smirking mischievously. he doesn’t speak, just nods his head ‘yes’ eagerly. you walk over to where his head lay on the bed, your panties still in hand. you stare at him for a quick second, and then harshly stuff your soaked panties into his mouth. he lets out a load moan and his eyes roll into the back of his head once he gets a taste of your sweet juices.
you laugh at how worked up he is. after a few more seconds, you take your panties out of his mouth, and slowly drag it down his torso, the feeling of the lace making his cock jump. you wrap your panty-covered hand around the base of his cock, and give it a nice squeeze.
“n-nghh- fuck…” he starts breathing heavily, trying to speak but can’t seem to get it out. you start slowing jerking him off, the feeling of your hand and your lace panties almost too much for him.
“n- no, no, no, no!” he screams and pants once you stop. he was so, so close…
“aww, you poor thing… you really thought i was gonna let you cum?”
he pouts, his bottom lip quivering, and tears pool in his eyes. “m-momma… please… you’re being s-so mean..” he cries out.
you slap his cock lightly, making him yelp and jump away from your hand, tugging at the ropes again. “i wouldn’t be so mean if you just learned to behave!” you say through gritted teeth. “now,” you continue. “if you wanna be redeem yourself and be a good little boy, you’re gonna have to do something for me.”
he begins nodding eagerly, his eyes widening and his tears stopping. “yes! yes, yes, yes! anything! anything for you momma..”
you smile, glad that he’s not putting up more of a fight. “i wanna ride your face, baby. think you can handle mommy riding your pretty face?”
his eyes widen, and his cheeks flush red. as he imagines you on top of him, your plush thighs squeezing his head while he tastes you, he forgets to respond.
while the gears are turning in his head, you climb on the bed and straddle his torso, your dripping wet pussy making contact with his hot skin. he finally looks at you, and he feels like he could cum by just this feeling alone.
“what’s going on in that dumb little head of yours, hmm?”
he lets out a small whimper, adjusting his lower half, trying to feel something, anything. he’s losing control. “i want you to ride my face, momma. please- shit… please… let me taste you.” he almost starts crying again, afraid you’re gonna deny him the pleasure of being able to devour your pretty pussy.
“good boy..” you reward, and his eyes flash with excitement. you slowly make your way up his chest, stopping just below his chin for a second. he can’t see your pussy yet, it being shielded by your skirt. god, he wishes that he could be free from the ropes, rip your skirt off, and eat you out until tomorrow. he can smell you, and he lets out an almost animalistic groan.
“you ready, e?”
“please… i’m ready, mommy!” he says, frustration laced within his voice. you let it pass though, wanting to finally give your boy something he desires. you lift your legs up and over his arms, bringing them on either side of his head, and your pussy is now in full view. he groans again, and thrusts his cock into the air, feeling so hot and bothered.
“fuck, momma… your pussy is so… fucking pretty. let me taste you… please..” his voice shakes, and you can barely hear him. you raise your skirt up a little, so that you can see his face. his eyes are locked on his prize. you slowly lower down on him until you make contact with his mouth.
“mmm…” he hums into you, sending vibrations throughout your lower half. your mouth opens as you gasp, and you almost grind down onto his face fully. he starts by licking your clit, long stripes up the sensitive bud. he’s whimpering and moaning like a bitch in heat, making your pussy drip with your slick. you decide to experiment a little and shift forward. your clit makes contact with his nose and his tongue immediately slips into your wet hole.
“fuckk, e!” you yell, breathing heavily. it’s taking everything in you to not start humping his face. “doing so good for me, baby. making mommy feel so good..” you moan out. he starts sucking and licking every section of your cunt, like he can’t get enough. he alternates between fucking you and flicking your clit with his tongue. your stomach tightens and burns and you know you’re almost there. it feels too good, and you start grinding onto his face, not caring at this point and just wanting to reach your high. your thighs squeeze his head and he cries out, absolutely devouring you. you bend over backwards slightly and place your hands on his torso for support, continuing to grind onto his face. ethan starts humping the air, your sounds and your taste beginning to overstimulate him, and he feels so fucking good.
“yeah, yeah, e. right there, right fucking there! ‘m so close baby… momma’s gonna cum on your face, dirty boy…” you cry out, grinding faster. he hears your voice and starts humming while making out with your delicious cunt, and it sends you over the edge.
“fuuuuuuck! im cumming, baby! im cumming! shit!” you yell out as you finally reach your high. you didn’t realize ethan was fucking the air behind you.
once you come down from your high, you quickly get off of ethan, afraid you’ll actually suffocate him. he looks so fucked out. his face is red, his eyes are red and puffy, tear streaks running down his cheeks, and your juices drenching the lower half of his face, dripping down his neck.
“you did so well, baby.. such a good boy.” you let out a satisfied sigh. and get off of him, straddling his torso again. however, you make contact with a warm, wet substance, that definitely isn’t your cum… you look behind you, and see white droplets of ethan’s cum all over his belly.
“ethan? did you just fucking cum without my permission!?”
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angelshadowsinger · 1 year
Prized Possession
𝐏𝐚𝐢𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠: Azriel x f!reader 𝐖𝐨𝐫𝐝 𝐂𝐨𝐮𝐧𝐭: 2.3k 𝐂𝐚𝐭𝐞𝐠𝐨𝐫𝐲: fluff!! littlest hint of spice. like a little angst too bc they have a brief fight??? idk
You lose something and Azriel gets it back for you.
𝐀𝐮𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐫'𝐬 𝐍𝐨𝐭𝐞:
im too soft for this pls its too much. i almost made this a smut but i am wholesome and refuse to listen to the little devil on my shoulder. also this is unedited
・ ゜゜・.。 ・ ゜゜・.。・゚゚・.。 ・ ゜゜・.。・゚゚・
ɴᴏᴛɪᴄᴇ: ʙʏ ʀᴇᴀᴅɪɴɢ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴡᴏʀᴋ ᴘᴀꜱᴛ ᴛʜɪꜱ ᴘᴏɪɴᴛ ʏᴏᴜ ᴄᴇʀᴛɪꜰʏ ʏᴏᴜ ᴀʀᴇ ᴏᴠᴇʀ 18 ᴀɴᴅ ɴᴏᴛ ᴀ ᴍɪɴᴏʀ. ᴄᴏɴᴛᴇɴᴛ ᴍᴀʏ ᴄᴏɴᴛᴀɪɴ ɴꜱꜰᴡ ᴛʜᴇᴍᴇꜱ. ʀᴇᴀᴅ ᴀᴛ ʏᴏᴜʀ ᴏᴡɴ ᴅɪꜱᴄʀᴇᴛɪᴏɴ.
・ ゜゜・.。 ・ ゜゜・.。・゚゚・.。 ・ ゜゜・.。・゚゚・
The ground shook as the air cleaved and two bodies fell to the floor from the mass of shadow above. A wave of cold river water surged out, slickening the marble tile with a slight greenish tinge. 
You were retching up water on your hands and knees, drenched hair plastered to your face and your neck. A large slice of skin was exposed diagonally across your collar from where the siren had scratched you, a red ring around your wrist quickly turning purple from where it had grabbed you and dragged you under. That was all before Azriel had dove in from the sky, as graceful and lethal as a bullet with his wings tucked tight and limbs flush to his sides. In but a flash of blinding, brilliant blue did he slay the faerie, the life just starting to leave its gaze before firm hands had snatched you and you’d slipped away into the shadows. 
Now the shadowsinger was coughing violently, all the while glaring at you as he braced his scarred hands on his knees, heaved over. His large, dark wings were dripping, a mist showering over you as he shook them free of moisture. You could feel his stony stare fixed on you as the puddle on the floor gradually grew, both your bodies dripping. 
The moment you regained some semblance of control you were up on your feet and jabbing a finger into the male’s broad chest, a vicious growl emitting from your mouth and your eyes ablaze. 
“What the hell is your problem?!”
He had the audacity to look shocked by your outrage, a dark brow scrunching and lips pulling back to snarl something back at you but you were quicker than him.
“I had it, Azriel, what the fuck?” 
“The only thing you had was a watery grave,” he instantly barked back, now standing upright so he loomed over you as usual. 
Somehow he looked even more devastating fully drenched, his clothes sticking to his lean frame, revealing his rippling muscles to you with every movement. His dark locks were pitch black and curling at the tips, heavy, shiny droplets collecting at the very ends. Hazel was lit aglow beneath that darkness, his gaze lit with some unknown wrath that you didn’t quite know how to place. 
It was just plain unfair how good he looked after nearly drowning. 
“Fuck you,” you scoffed, even if he was right. The ache in your lungs remained from your lack of breath, the creature having dragged you underwater so deep that your ears nearly popped with the pressure. 
You turned away from him as your fingers ran over your chest, toward the spot that your necklace usually laid upon. But now there was only a shallow slice where the siren had swiped it from you, and the tattered edges of your top. Tears welled in your eyes at the barren expanse of skin you felt, but you refused to let them fall in front of the shadowsinger, refused to let your anger turn to sorrow before you were in the privacy of your own room. 
“I think gratitude would be more appropriate,” Azriel spoke harshly, still glowering from his position behind you. “You know, for saving your life?” 
You whirled around, fists clenched at your hips. “Would you just shut up!” your hiss morphed into a gasp as you trembled with the effort of curbing the sob that tried to escape. 
The haughty look instantly dropped from Azriel’s face, his eyes flicking over every inch of you to assess you for any sign of physical damage. When all he came up with was the cut on your collar and the bruise around your wrist, his brow furrowed. 
You were shaking, frustration peaking as you ran your fingers through your sopping hair, starting to pace before the male. “I had it, it was right there…” you muttered to yourself, quickly swiping away a rogue tear, praying he hadn’t seen it.
The shadowsinger remained rooted where he stood, watching your display of upset with quiet intensity. After you had paced for a minute, he finally asked, “You had… what?” 
His voice was deep as it sliced the silence in the room. The chill of his chambers was now starting to leech into your bones, your arms crossing over your soaked midsection.
You pinched the spot between your brow and nose bridge, willing any nearly-boiling emotions to relax to a simmer, at least while you were still in front of your long-time crush. “Just forget about it…” 
You weren’t looking at him so you didn’t see the way his plush lips pursed. 
“Forget about what?” he pressed. His persistence forced an annoyed sigh from you, and you shot him a quick glare before continuing your pacing. 
“It’s nothing,” you said, trying to shut him down again. You didn’t know why enlightening him of the true reason you were so upset seemed somehow embarrassing. Maybe it was because the male had never shown profound emotion to you and therefore cueing him in on your own felt… too intimate. 
But Azriel wasn’t having it. 
“If it’s really nothing—”
“You wouldn’t get it.” 
“Try me.” 
You turned again, facing the male before you and gauging his stance. With one look you knew he was not dropping it. Any excuses you would attempt would be futile. 
“It took… my necklace.” 
You held your breath, waiting for him to explode, for him to belittle you and call you stupid and materialistic and any other insult he could produce. But all he did was stand there, and look at you. 
Eventually, he said, “So you’re telling me that you nearly drowned… for some jewelry?” 
Your eyes fell from his to the floor. You knew he wouldn’t understand. 
“Risking your life for such a thing is extremely reckless and I don’t care to entertain it,” he stated, callous. 
“It’s not just some jewelry!” you quipped, standing your ground. You didn’t care if it made you look weak, stupid. Yes, you thought he was cute and funny and usually kind, but this meant a lot to you and you were going to hold your own. 
Azriel sighed, stepping closer to you. “I don’t think you understand the value of your life, or the importance of your existence in others’.” 
You brushed off whatever that meant.
“It’s the only thing I have left from my mother,” you finally revealed, the words fading softer toward the end. You regretted it immediately, but you knew from the emotion that flashed in his eyes that he had heard it, and there was no taking it back now. 
You had never mentioned her to him before, only the fact that she was dead and had been for a long time. And Azriel hadn’t pushed, so you hadn’t felt the desire to give any further detail. 
But now he was looking at you with some sentiment you couldn’t quite place. It seemed like… maybe it was… empathy. 
“I’m sorry,” he said quietly. “I shouldn’t have yelled.”
You were surprised by his immediate apology, hadn’t expected it. A somber smile graced your lips and you nodded, gaze drifting down to your feet again, turning to head back to your room to wallow in self-pity. “It’s okay, it’s just a necklace.” 
Three steps into your retreat Azriel cleared his throat. 
When you turned to look at him he was still standing there, but he now had a little smirk on his lips as he held out a clenched fist. He released his grip and out dropped a small, silver-laced heart pendant, the chain bouncing from its coil around his fingers. 
“You mean this necklace?” 
Your breath was genuinely sucked out from your lungs, your eyes tearing up as you blinked furiously, unsure if he was really holding your most prized possession. 
“Az,” you blubbered, choked up and your lip quivering. “That’s…” Two slow steps and then you were flying into his arms, your limbs wrapping around his torso as you clung to him and laughed. 
Azriel stumbled back just slightly, unprepared for your abrupt launch into his embrace. But he quickly recovered, his free arm wrapping around you so your bottom was secured by his elbow, his hand at your waist. He chuckled as you squeezed him, fingers reaching out to stroke the pendant that now lay in his open palm, to make sure it was really here and you hadn’t lost it. Your longtime crush had saved you and somehow managed to sneakily grab your necklace at the same time. 
“Thank you,” you sniffed, tears welling up with relief, “thank you, thank you so much, thank you Az.” You whispered it over and over, tucking your face in against his neck, breathing in that soothing cool cedar scent you loved so much. 
The shadowsinger was blushing with your proximity and your praise, near giddy from your outright gratefulness. He allowed himself to nuzzle your ear just once, not wanting to toe the line. “Of course, sweetheart… anything for you.” 
You sat back so you could look at him, your beaming smile reaching your eyes. Azriel couldn’t help but grin back at you. 
“I can’t believe you got it! You’re the best, Az!” you cheered, fingers now resting on his palm, pleased to find the necklace was indeed there and not lost at the bottom of the river. 
The Illyrian was basically looking at you with heart-eyes now, not used to such overt flattery. You wiggled in his grasp, totally overjoyed. The display of your content was making his heart feel funny, his icy exterior completely melting for you. 
“I’m so happy right now, I could just—” 
You planted your mouth on his, hands coming to cup his strong jaw and hold his face flush to yours.
Azriel went stiff, his eyes widening as his grip on you became steel. But you were undeterred, pulling back to plant a few more swift, equally-firm kisses on his lips and then across his hot cheeks and nose. 
When you pulled back, Azriel was gaping at you, lips now parted and his cheeks and the tips of his ears a soft, warm pink. Your smile faded as you took in his expression, settling into the knowledge that you’d just assaulted him with a barrage of kisses. 
“Shit— I— I’m sorry Az,” you laughed, embarrassment creeping up the back of your neck. “I just— got a bit excited, I guess.”
You shifted so he would let you down but he refused to budge, arm taut around you. His wings were held high and tight behind him, still buffering as he tried to process what you had just done. 
Your cheeks were becoming the same shade as his now, and you swallowed, uncomfortable under his intense stare. You weren’t accustomed to being able to look him head-on like this; he usually towered over you. He was so handsome up close, it made your heart drop into your stomach at the thought that you had just kissed him. About ten times, give or take. 
It seemed like an eternity had passed before the shadowsinger finally blinked and closed his mouth, his eyes falling to linger on your lips. You felt aflame as you watched his tongue dart out, tasting the spot your lips had just claimed. “That’s alright,” he murmured, the hand that was holding the necklace coming to tuck your wet hair behind your ear, fingertips gliding down your jaw, leaving you wanting more. “Seems like a worthy reward for returning your most prized possession to you.”
Then he was setting you down, your ankles suddenly weak as your feet touched the ground. 
“Allow me,” he said and gently placed his hand on your hip, turning you away from him. 
You held your breath as the rough pads of his fingers coasted up your shoulder, the familiar weight of your mother’s pendant heavy against your rapidly-beating chest while he secured the clasp. You tried to calm yourself down but it wasn’t happening, your body leaning back against him on its own. 
Azriel hissed lowly, firm hands grasping the back of your forearms and holding you out, far from where your back had grazed him. “Careful— you’re not the only one excited here.”
Your face burned and your core stirred at the same time. 
“Sorry…” you whispered meekly. 
He sighed a soft laugh, one hand rubbing your arm. “It’s alright. You go and run a hot bath, you’re drenched and I can hear your teeth rattling from here.” 
You turned and smiled smally, grateful he was offering you an escape. You took extra care in keeping your eyes locked with his, no matter how bad you wanted to look down and see just how excited he was. “Thank you again, Az. You have no idea how much this means to me.” 
And with that, you slipped from his chambers, the sound of your wet feet pattering down the hallway. 
Azriel watched the spot where you had disappeared around his door, his shadows now surging out and dancing around him with glee, flickering across his mouth to get a taste of you. He didn’t care that he was still dripping wet as he flopped back onto his bed, his fingers coming to trace his lips. He recalled how your mouth felt on him, closing his eyes as he tried to preserve the feeling as best he could. 
“No sweetheart,” he spoke to no one in particular, a confession only the stars in the sky would hear, “you’ve no idea how much you mean to me.”
・ ゜゜・.。 ・ ゜゜・.。・゚゚・.。 ・ ゜゜・.。・゚゚・
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junicult · 1 year
Uh so what would the bachelors react like if you ask them to go in raw for the first time? Sorry I’m curious and you’re an amazing writer :)
!! how the bachelors would react to wearing no protection
contains ; fem!farmer. established relationships. major nsfw. minors dni pleaseee!!! breeding kink. unprotected sex (obvi.) serious talk of children for a few. one mention of the word daddy pls don’t kill me. missionary / cowgirl. kitchen sex. creampie(s). cockwarming. praise!! minor degradation if u squint.
note ; ok freak i like u
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- he’s so addicted to health, and staying safe and whatnot,
- so it’s no surprise he prefers condoms.
- has literally never not worn a condom during sex. i’m being fr.
- and the only time he’d ever feel comfortable without wearing a condom is if you already had a conversation about children, and were both on the same page on wanting them.
- not to ruin your day if you were hoping otherwise 🤷‍♀️🤷‍♀️
- cus if you asked him to without even talking about kids, i’m sorry but he won’t.
- he can’t be quick enough to pull out.
- but i can assure you, once the conversation has been had…ohh myyy godddd.
- first of all, he was baffled u wanted to have kids considering you’re so busy.
- mostly bc u mentioned it so randomly, while you were both lazily recapping your day in bed at night.
- “are you serious? with me?”
- he’s like…so smiley now.
- the next day he’s absolutely cheesin. grin on his cheeks, even while he’s in his office at work.
- helps you figure out ur ovulation schedule 🫡
- he’s a doctor. ofc it goes beyond just fucking u until it works.
- and when you’re finally ovulating…
- haha.
- he makes you a nice, fancy dinner just for the fun of it. also bc he loves pampering you.
- …and if he’s going to put his kids in u then he’s going to do it right!
- “i love you so much, y’mean everything to me.” hands all over your waist, lips hardly pulling away to murmur.
- he’s almost ravenous.
- he’s never been more affectionate. and that’s saying something.
- kissing you so much, mumbling so many words of praise so your ears go numb.
- and he’s not a huge fan of hickeys (probably thinks it’s more childish)
- but i can assure u this man’s lips are hardly leaving your neck.
- he’s prepping you like never before. on his fingers, mouth, ur cumming at least three times before he puts it in.
- it’s like a silent thank you. if ur letting him fuck you raw, the least he can do is make his own lube.
- literally asks, “are you sure you want me to?” after you’ve been begging for what felt like hours.
- kisses you so long, and so hard before he aligns himself.
- holds your hands, and he’s so slow and careful while he pushes in even though you’re used to him already.
- “finally get to do this…” he sighs, like he’s been waiting forever.
- which he literally has. he’s always wanted a family, so this is quite literally his dream lmfao.
- his head thrown forward, eyes pinched closed while you just cockwarm him for a sec because holy fuck this is what your cunt feels like, no obstructions.
- “oh my—nngh, you feel so good,” teeth seething while his breaths are already starting to stutter.
- he whimpers when he pulls his hips back.
- he’s honestly so indecisive. doesn’t know if he wants to kiss you, or watch you so he keeps just doing both.
- can’t help but look down at the sight of him sliding in and out of u.
- …and the creamy ring around the base of his cock🫡🫡
- and how you’re whining, “s’too much, ffuck y’too much,” just bc of rounds of overstimulation.
- but good for him bc there’s no way he can last that much longer.
- he never realized how good sex can feel without a condom.
- or maybe it’s bc u both know what the end goal is.
- u practically sob when he reaches his hand between ur bodies to rub your clit.
- “just let it out baby, i’m so close, fuck.”
- he cums so fucking much.
- he’s literally cumming for like 15 seconds straight.
- and despite that, he knows that won’t be the only time he’ll be cumming inside of you.
- good thing it takes multiple tries to make a baby.
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- probably a spur of the moment decision.
- you’re both just way too horny to care enough.
- this man is clingy. he sometimes forgets that you’re extremely busy, and he likes to spend the majority of his time at least somewhere within the same vicinity as you.
- so if you have spent the last couple days way too busy to go see him, or for him to come see you,
- you better believe the moment you’re in his arms he’s not letting you go.
- “can’t believe you made me wait so long, missed you so much.” he’s pouting lmfao.
- acting like he hasn’t seen you in years.
- i mean, it’s depressing but he’s so used to being without his dad for so long and he hates it, so obviously he doesn’t like not seeing you for some time.
- burying his face in the crook of your neck while you cook at the stove.
- his hands are already feeling your stomach, rubbing your skin and tilting his head to the side to watch you work.
- needy sam needy sam needy saaaammmmm.
- he’s softly kissing your neck, gently wrapping himself tighter around you.
- and his hard-on is pressing into your thigh.
- but fuck it, you’re not even that hungry anyways.
- literally immediately turning around to wrap your arms around his neck, pulling him in to make out with him.
- and he’s almost faster then you, pressing you into the cabinets, his skilled lips moving so quickly against yours. so desperately.
- he’s DEPRIVED.
- “been wanting you so bad. had to get off to just the thought of you last night, y’killin me,” into your ear after his teeth softly nip at your lobe.
- his hands reach down to slide under your thighs, lifting you into the counter.
- yes the stove is still on.
- but who cares about a fire hazard when you’re in love??
- slotting himself between your parted knees, lifting your dress just enough so he can reach his hand underneath your underwear.
- rubs ur clit before dipping his fingers into your cunt.
- “you’re soaked. missed me just as much, did you?”
-…licks his fingers…
- and that’s abt as much prep as ur gonna get for tn LMFAO.
- he’s already tugging down his pants, freeing his painfully hard cock from its restraint and already lining himself up at your entrance.
- he’s leaking with precum, so this step isn’t necessary but he still drags his tip between your folds to gather some more of your slick before he pushes in.
- it takes like five thrusts before he realizes.
- “fuck, i forgot a condom—“
- “i don’t care.” you murmur breathlessly, and in his mouth just before you pull him back in for a messy makeout.
- and that’s enough for him to not give a fuck either.
- because you’re so warm, and tight, and you feel so fucking good that he’s already forgetting all about it.
- literally each time he pushes back in he’s letting out a moan into your ear,
- a whiny little mess just because he hasn’t felt your pussy in two fucking days.
- he’s so pretty when he cums, and ik he’s cumming fast this time around.
- probably takes like two minutes.
- has to hold onto the cupboard, especially when your legs tie around the back of his waist and he’s immediately throwing his forehead onto your shoulder, panting while he cums inside of u.
- oh but he’s a gentleman.
- so give him a sec, and then he’s lowering himself to his knees to thank you for his impatience.
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- AHHHH!!!!!
- he’s no stranger to going in raw, i’m gonna be fr.
- back in his glory days i’d say he’d wear condoms almost every time.
- there was the occasional, “both way too drunk to remember” situation, but that was only sometimes. and thankfully no mistakes 🫡
- but when it came to you, he always wore a condom.
- bc u guys definitely fucked before you were ever in a relationship, you had to have the STD and safe sex talk.
- and as your “situationship” grew, the more you realized you both were strictly just having sex with each other.
- you went from fucking, to catching feelings, to dating.
- so romantic.
- anyways, ur a busy woman, and he’s in zero position to be a father. he needs to work on himself before he can raise a whole living being.
- as he’s gotten older, he’s settled down tremendously. he’s learned to stop letting insecurities get in the way, and he recognizes the fact that you do genuinely love him as much as he loves you.
- so what i’m saying is, condoms were always in the picture.
- aside from the couple times you both accidentally forgot.
- which happens, y’know. but thankfully nothing came out of it when you weren’t ready, so you both went on with your lives.
- once again, i wanna say it was probably a spur of the moment decision.
- although, it was definitely on your mind for a while. you just didn’t mean to let it slip so easily like this.
- you’re already panting against his cheeks, shaking your head to stop him from reaching over into your nightstand to grab the rubber.
- “just forget it, don’t wear one. please, i need you so bad. need you right now.” you whine, already naked aside from your dress you only cared enough to ride up your chest.
- “what?” he’s breathless, and confused.
- “please, i’ve been waiting all day, just fuck me already.”
- that’s enough to fucking kill him.
- he’s already latching his lips onto yours, pulling his boxers down his legs and squeezing your hips in his palms.
- you’re already prepped, from his fingers, and the fact that you’ve been literally dripping all day.
- so he doesn’t waste any more time. he needs you just as much as you need him.
- lifting your legs to rest on his shoulders.
- “y’know just what to say to drive me crazy, don’t you?”
- he’s sighing when he finally bottoms out, just feeling you tighten around him for a sec before he even thinks to move.
- it’s not like he’s never felt this before, it’s just much different when it’s intentional and he’s actually in love with the person.
- hands squeezing your hips, thighs, chest, literally anything while he starts to pump in and out of you.
- lifts up the rest of your dress to watch the harsh bounce of your tits every time you meet his thrusts.
- he’s nearly moaning at this point, his breaths syncing with each move of his hips.
- “does it feel good? huh? c’mon, you can speak to me.” “am i fucking you stupid? needed me so badly you just couldn’t wait another second, hah.”
- fucking laughs when you hide your face behind your hands, because he knows he’s right.
- he loves biting.
- not enough to hurt you, or anything. just enough to make you whine.
- like biting your neck, ears, cheeks. don’t even get me started on ur chest or thighs.
- his pace is so quick and rough it has you digging your fingernails into his arms.
- he fucking loves when you get like this. almost makes him wanna deprive you for a few days, and see what’ll happen.
- “you gonna let me cum inside too, right? if you want me this fucking bad…”
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- pullout method fs.
- mostly cus he’s definitely wasn’t ready to be a father, but also because he lovesss the sight of his cum on your stomach.
- …but he doesn’t usually wear a condom.
- i think this time it’s cus you’re already on some form of birth control, so you’ve never been adamant on telling him to wear them.
- if you did, however, he would of course. but it’s just never been like that.
- so i wanna say ur situation is a little different then just telling him he can fuck you raw.
- let’s say, realistically after you’ve been dating for years, and you’re probably newly married is when you start to think further into your relationship.
- when you first started dating, in zero way did he want kids. he wasn’t ready, had no idea what he was doing with his life, and he still lived in his parents basement.
- but now, since he’s a bit older, things have changed a little.
- “what if i stopped taking my birth control?” you ask, once again dropping the bomb during a moment of comfortable silence after already laying in bed together.
- he’s all ears, although he stays silent so you can further explain, “just because i’m tired of taking it, and we’re always safe anyways.”
- “yeah, if that’s what you want. sure.” he sounds nonchalant, but something changed in his mind.
- instead of fear, he was excited.
- it’s not like you got married without even a discussion of children in the future. when you talked about it a while ago, it was a mutual agreement that, “yeah, maybe one day, if it happens.”
- it was never a set in stone plan.
- so he has no idea why he got so excited, and why he couldn’t stop thinking about it for weeks.
- it wasn’t until one night, already lovedrunk just from teasing all day, when he properly brings it up.
- “you stopped taking your birth control, right?”
- his lips dragging across your jaw, hips slowly moving in and out of you while you whine into his ear.
- “yeah,” you nod, hardly registering the conversation in your mind.
- “just cus’ you were getting tired? no other reason?” his warm breath fanning your ear, eyes lidded, hands pressing against the mattress beside your head.
- you’re so cockdrunk that you don’t even think about teasing, just immediately letting your thoughts spill from your mind.
- “nno, want you…wanna feel you cum inside me,”
- u abt made him bust right then and there tbh.
- u guys know i love inexperienced sebastian, and trust me, he’s still the same man but after he gets older, and he’s fucked you more times then he can possibly remember, he’s gonna get more confident.
- so he chuckles, pressing one kiss to your cheek before he moves to meet your eyes.
- “you wanna baby? is that it?”
- you nod weakly, already stupid from the slow drag of his cock that’s making your body simultaneously twitch each time he presses against that spot inside of you.
- “pleassee, sebby. don’t you think it’d be nice, having a family of our own?”
- your sweet, wide eyes and even sweeter voice makes him pick up his pace a bit.
- “it could be fun. you’d be a great mamma,”
- “and you’d be a great daddy.”
- “you think so?” his pace is quicker now, panting into your mouth just like you do to his. your arms wrapped around his neck, running your fingers through his soft hair.
- “there’s only one way to find out.”
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- as an athlete, i feel like he’s another guy who likes to keep his health in balance.
- mental, physical, even sexual.
- so expect him to also be one to insist on wearing a condom. for a while, at least.
- especially when you’re in a particularly new relationship.
- but just because he thinks it’s best to wear a condom, doesn’t mean he doesn’t dream about not wearing one.
- cus every time he fingers you, his mind will never fail to think about how you’ll feel around his cock.
- the way you clench every time you gasp, and the way you’re just so wet and warm.
- but he also just kinda thought you preferred a condom too.
- so when you proposed the idea…
- your thighs positioned on either side of his hips, hands rubbing up and down his chest while he ran his hands up your waist.
- “you know i’m on birth control…right?” you randomly mumble, pulling away to blink your pretty little eyelashes down at him.
- he’s confused, cus where tf did that come from.
- y’all were just making out??
- “yeah…?” LMFAO.
- your eyes follow your fingers that circle his skin lazily, a subtle attempt at avoiding eye contact.
- “…you don’t have to wear a condom, then, if you don’t want to.”
- it’s the way you’re speaking that just confirms the thought has been on your mind for so long.
- he kinda just stares at u for a sec, before chuckling and sliding his hands down your thighs to rub them.
- “where’s this coming from, baby?”
- “i dunno…i was just thinking. doesn’t it kinda desensitize you, a little…?”
- sounds to him like it desensitizes you.
- “hm, not really. i think you feel amazing. i always cum, don’t i?”
- he almost grins at the slow, defeated nod you give like he isn’t just teasing you.
- he may be a himbo, but he’s not THAT stupid. he knows exactly what you’re hinting at.
- “just tell me if you want me to take it off, baby. you know i’d do whatever you want.”
- and i’d like to say next time u have sex he doesn’t wear a condom…but ur already abt to have sex so it doesn’t take long.
- in this exact position.
- lazy, slow sex where ur both too horny to even bother taking off all ur clothes😇
- you’re still wearing your shirt, and underwear he pushes aside. he hardly takes off his boxers, only enough to spring his half-hardened cock free.
- despite this not being his favorite position, nothing beats the way your face clenches when you try to lower yourself on his length.
- especially when ur kinda unprepared, but you’re still too eager to even give him the time of day to prep u.
- “just take it slow, baby. i’m right here,” sliding his hands up your waist and watches you.
- brings his thumb down to slowly rub ur clit <3
- it’s like ur trying to kill him by going so slow, especially since this is a new sensation.
- …when ur more warmed up he’s gonna take the lead.
- i’m sorry, he’s impatient.
- “sorry, sweetheart. y’just feel too good…” while he’s holding your hips still and thrusting into you.
- snakes his hand underneath ur shirt to squeeze ur boobs lol
- he’s groaning, throwing his head back against the pillows because fuck, you were onto something.
- this feels so fucking good.
- he has too much stamina to stay in this position for long.
- even though it’s extremely attractive, watching you take him like that, he still flips you over and is propping you on ur hands and knees before u have time to even register what happened.
- he’ll fuck you like that until ur face is buried in the pillows, back arched as far as he forces it to and you’re panting like a bitch in heat.
- unfortunately he pulls out just in time to cum on your back.
- “haah, i can see why you’ve been wanting to do that for a while. why don’t we go again, sweetheart?”
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- he’s so sickeningly sweet.
- he genuinely wants whatever you want.
- if you’re on any form of birth control, and you feel pretty impartial about children at this point in your life, but you still want him to wear a condom,
- then of course he is. no complaints.
if you come to him, whining about the feeling of condoms and that you want him to get rid of them,
- then he’s getting rid of them. no complaints.
- he genuinely has no issue with either. whatever makes you happy and comfortable makes him happy and comfortable.
- that being said….
- i feel like elliot prefers no condoms. lol.
- will he vocalize that to you if you prefer them? absolutely not. he doesn’t want you feeling pressured to do anything you don’t want to.
- it’s the closeness that makes him so much more excited. the feeling of being that connected to you.
- and the fact that ur cunt is just so warm and perfect.
- he’s sitting at his desk, tired, lost with inspiration while his forehead rests in his hand.
- his eyelids are lowered and lazy due to the hours he’s spent in his painful, rickety chair.
- he’s got his hair tied in a messy, loose bun, dark rimmed glasses low on his nose before he takes one deep breath and leans back in annoyance.
- “sweetheart, you’re torturing yourself. come to bed. please.”
- it’s your sweet, honied voice that lures him back into his fantasy land, causing him to turn his head and see your pretty frame right next to him.
- in one of those gorgeous nightgowns you don’t wear often, silk to the touch and smooth against your body.
- “i know, i’m sorry, my love. i’ll be there soon, i promise.”
- it’s a broken promise, because he said it earlier and the tone never changed.
- which is probably why you sigh, taking steps closer to him until you can wrap your arms around his neck and get so close to rest your chin on his shoulder.
- “need me to get you anything?”
- “oh, no honey. get some rest, i won’t be long at all.”
- but he knows you won’t listen, especially when you move around him and carefully slot one of your legs over his, positioning yourself on his lap.
- you’re pressing light kisses against his jaw, sprinkling them down to his neck like you know he loves.
- his hands are already around your waist, tilting his head to the side to give you more room on his skin.
- he wishes he had self control when it comes it you, but unfortunately, here his is.
- it doesn’t take long before your slowly grinding against his already hard cock underneath his pants.
- you’re pushing ur panties aside, and he’s stuffing his pants down just enough to free his erection.
- “look what you do to me, baby.”
- it could go both ways, honestly.
- you know he’s addicted to prepping you. will take hours just fingering you through orgasm after orgasm, but now you’re both just too horny to care.
- cockwarming 🙏
- it’s his favorite whenever you’re just so horny, and he’s busy.
- “just give me a minute, princess. you can be patient, right?” while he’s fully inside of you and you’re already whimpering.
- he loves the slow nod you give him, and his hands wrap around your waist to keep you still.
- may pretend like he’s suddenly cured of his writers block, but really he’s just as distracted as you are.
- can’t stop thinking about how you keep clenching down on him, and how you think you’re being discreet but you’re so obviously lifting your hips to move.
- eventually he’ll give up though, much quicker then he anticipated.
- “my pretty girl, so deprived? always needs me so badly, don’t you?”
- non-stop kissing u.
- cupping your cheek, allowing you to bounce on him freely until you become too tired.
- he’ll gladly take it away for you.
- and when he finally cums, he doesn’t even bother pulling out.
- why don’t you just sit there for a minute too, letting him finish his work while he grows soft inside of u.
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seveett · 9 months
“ BE STILL . ”
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DISCLAIMER; im not dead (surprisingly) just been making hella drafts and never finishing any of them so i present to you a rudy drabble bc hes been taking over my mind all week. (and im extremely lazy atm; not a shocker) Pairings; Rodolfo ‘Rudy’ Parra x Top Amab reader ★ cws; cock warming, fucking on a desk, whiny rudy (giggles), submissive rudy
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He grew more desperate by the second, his face buried into your neck as he tried moving his hips just to be stopped by you.
He whined when you stopped him, listening as you went back to filling out paperwork.
“Please..” He said into your neck as he attempted to rock his hips again only to be stopped.
“Be still.” You ordered him only causing him to whine again.
“I’ve been waiting for so long, please..?” He begged, pressing a soft kiss against your neck.
“‘M almost finished, Be patient.” You told him focusing back on the paperwork infront of you.
“You said that 30 minutes ago, i’ve been so good..” He said desperately, huffing against your skin in frustration.
It had been another 15 minutes or so, and he got more and more desperate by the second.
Pre-cum leaked out of his cock, staining onto his shirt. He moved his hips again, But this time you didn’t stop him.
He rocked his hips again, the only thing you did was gently place your hand on his hip still not stopping him.
He kept rocking his hips at a slow pace, to lost in pleasure to wonder why you weren't stopping him.
He snapped out of it as you picked him up and sat him on the desk, sliding all of your stuff out of the way.
His legs instantly hooked to your lower back, arms wrapped around you neck tightly. “You’ve waited long enough, Yeah?” You asked, a smirk plastered across your face.
“Yes— Fuck, i’ve waited so long please just move.” He said, eager to have you cock deep inside of him.
you draw all the way out, tip getting caught on his rim before you slam forward, the sound of skin meeting skin as you continued the action at a fast pace.
Rudy’s muffled moans weren’t muffled for long at your harsh pace, his cock slapping against his stomach as his body with with each thrust.
His nails dug into your back, the pain not even noticeable as the pleasure washed over it.
You leaned down a bit to nibble at his neck, searching for his most sensitive spot finding it instantly.
His back arched as your cock jabbed at his prostate repeatedly, the moans that escaped his mouth were so loud anyone at least three rooms down could here them.
One of your hands gripped his cock, stroking it in sync with your thrust, a choked sob escaped his mouth as you did so.
He started to move his hips back into yours, the knot in his stomach tightening with the extra stimulation of your hand stroking him.
“Fuck— im so close.” He moaned out, his eyes screwing shut. “You gonna cum for me?” You questioned, smirking against his neck as he quickly nodded.
“Come on, cum for me.” You ordered him watching as he wasted no time to do as you said, cum shooting out of his cock and spilling onto your hand and his shirt.
You continued your thrust, chasing after your own climax. your nails digging into his hips and he fully laid back on the desk, gripping your shoulders for support.
He chanted your name over and over again, starting to push him well into overstimulation his back arched again, his mouth falling agape.
“(Name)..” he whimpered out, the overstimulation becoming to much for him. “I know. I’m close baby, ‘m close..” You told him and it was true.
all it took was a few more sloppy thrust until your hips stuttered and you emptied your seed inside him.
You fell on top of him, making sure not to put to much weight on him. You felt you cum start to leak out of his hole, dripping down your balls.
You slowly pulled out of him, walking away quickly to retrieve a towel to clean him off.
Who would’ve thought fucking on your desk would have been that amazing?
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᪤; works belong to seveett, do not translate, copy or repost anywhere.
dt; @fizzyyelf
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pupyuj · 9 months
g!p ive (ot5 ofc) with a spoiled brat girlfriend 🫣🫣 how'd you think they'd deal with that?
g!p ive + brat taming?? THANK YOU FOR PUTTING THIS IN MY HEAD ANON 🤤‼️‼️
[cw: impact play (+ the usual g!p stuff but this is the one i wanted to warn you guys on)]
gaeul is a professional atp. between you and her more childish members, she gets a lot of practice!! so she doesn't really get bothered a lot when you start acting up bcs she knows the night will end with you going from an annoying brat to her obedient little girl 😊 BUT! there are times when gaeul just can't seem to get a hold of you no matter how many times she scolds you and threatens you,, like that one time you just became the bane of her existence for no reason at all?? disobeying her, ignoring her, and when you did talk to her, you put up such an attitude that gaeul just snapped and grabbed you by your hair??? "you'll know not to talk to me like that, slut." n then she's throwing you on the bed, spanking your ass and your cunt with floggers n riding crops until your skin is red and you're crying :(( and it doesn't even end there!! you're sobbing and begging for her to stop hitting you while she's got her cock splitting you open :(( you're apologizing over and over, only letting out pained cries when gaeul only forces more of her length deeper inside you 😔 you were never too much of a bad girl after that!!
yujin can tame you surprisingly well 🤭🤭 when you start acting up, she can bribe you with promises of fucking you the way you want her to 😤 but only as long as you're a good girl!! you don't keep your end of the deal most of the time of course bcs you want to get under yujin's skin. why? well! after spending a whole night of being touchy with other people and almost kissing someone, yujin likes to push you down on your knees and use your mouth as she pleases 😊 holding onto your hair with a tight grip, moving your head back and forth on her thick cock,, sometimes pulling you off to ask you if it was all worth making her angry and getting annoyed when you say yes,, slapping you across the cheek with her other hand before forcing her cock in your mouth again :((( coming all over your face and your tits several times but it's not enough of a punishment, so she uses your mouth for what seems like hours,, laughing down at you when you started riding her shoe, desperate for your own release but she would never give it to you until she's satisfied :(( she would willingly exhaust herself using your mouth before she would try to give a damn about what you needed 😣 you were pretty sure that you got fucked out so good and rough that night that you became her good girl for days 😳
rei is actually very tolerant and lenient when it comes to you 😭😭 like whenever you're teasing her and make jokes about sleeping with or kissing other people, rei just giggles and is like "oh really~?" 😭 she finally takes you seriously when she sees you dancing with someone at a party and letting them touch you,, but like you're so mean bcs rei was already having a bad day and there your annoying ass go making it worse 🤨 rei dragging you towards her car and practically shoving you in the passenger seat.. she doesn't touch you while she's driving,, but as soon as she parked the car in the garage, she was all over you,,, but not in a way you expected... she grabbed your jaw, her sharp nails hurting your cheek,, and she was berating you about how much of a slut you were to be letting people other than your girlfriend touch you inappropriately :((( and ofc you're talking back 😭 blaming rei bcs of her "stupid mood swings" and then getting bold and telling her that "you don't care anymore" because "her cock isn't evem that big" and OH YEAH.. SHE HAS HAD IT WITH YOU 😭😭😭😭
surprisingly strong rei forcing you to sit on her lap despite your resistance,, "my cock isn't that big? mine?? the one you're always drooling over in the mornings?? the one you're always fucking begging me to ruin you with???" she ripped your panties right off of you,, and she lifts you up before pulling out her dick and crashing you back down on top of her 🫣 screaming and sobbing as rei completely controlled your body,, forcing you to ride her in full speed and balls deep inside your tight cunt :((( your ass so red bcs she was spanking you, calling you all the mean names,,,, you're saying sorry over and over again, saying that you didn't mean it but rei doesn't care! the only way you could make it up to her is by letting her use your cunt all night, and that's exactly what she forces you to do :(((( but like.. super soft aftercare the morning after where rei is applying ointment on the places where she hit you, bathing with you bcs you can't walk, feeding you, and making you lay on her chest all day 💔
wonyoung is what happens when you pair up a bratty dom with a bratty sub 😭😭 you're both constantly trying to out-brat each other in your own ways :((( you're grinding up against other people on the dance floor while wony is basically feeling up a girl while looking at you, knowing it pisses you off </3 BUT NOBODY CHEATS!!! you're just playing with each other's heads!! even when the two of you do seemingly 'severe' things to rile each other up, neither of you would like, kiss someone else or literally fuck someone else!! bcs no matter what, you and wony are faithful to each other, and you love one another like no other!!! but sometimes you really do take it too far :((( one day you let someone pull you away from wonyoung's sights, and she immediately assumed the worst bcs the two of you argued before attending this stupid party ☹️☹️ you were doing your usual thing, just trying to poke fun at wony, but you disappeared for a long time and wony just got really angry when you returned to her :(( as soon as you got back to your shared apartment, wony was pulling you by your hair to the bedroom :((( "you wanna get fucked that bad, huh? going as far as to cheat on me in front of my face??? fine then, (y/n). i'll give you what you want. i'll fuck you until you're sick of it." omg her slapping you when you try to explain that you didn't cheat on her bcs you loved wony so much, you would never do that!!! but she's so angry that she doesn't believe you :(( she's making you scream while pounding your asshole but she's the one that's crying,,, "i can't b-believe you, (y/n)," and "i never thought you would do that to me..." she fucks you until your hole was gaping, waves of her cum leaking out of it... still sobbing but she keeps on fucking you :((
flipping you over and attacking your cunt next,,, "y-y-you think she's better than me?? did you like her cock more?? am i not the one that fucks you the best, (y/n)??" she's asking all these questions and you're answering her honestly but she's so mad that she doesn't care if you're telling the truth :((( she just calls you a liar and fucks you full of her cum :(((( "i'm making sure that it's my baby that's inside you... not hers..." wony definitely breeds you all night!!! believing that if she gets you pregnant, then you'll never want to leave her for another girl 😣
liz never fucking knows what to do with you tbfh 😭😭😭 she's timid, soft-spoken... what is she supposed to do with a brat like you???? so most of the times she just mopes when you're acting out that you feel bad🧍‍♀️🧍‍♀️but if she's heated enough, she can get a little scary! she's holding your wrist super tightly, telling you to behave through gritted teeth, and berates you in your ear if you decide to be annoying in public skdjfhdif completely different from the shy lizzy that you knew 🥺 but you start seeing her in a completely different light when you caught her in a bad day 🫢 you wore a skimpy outfit without her permission, and she got sooo mad bcs a lot of perverts were staring at your ass the whole night :(( meanie lizzy punishing you by deciding that you don't get to come at all while she's fucking you :((( she's fingering you so good, hitting all the right spots with her skilled fingers but she pulls out every time you clench around her 😵‍💫 n it's worse when she uses her cock 😩 liz is so thick, she fits in your tight hole just right and it feels soooo fucking good when she's pounding into you,, but she does the same thing—she denies you of your orgasm and laughs at your tears :((
"you want me to make you come?? me? i thought you wanted those other people's cocks inside you... letting them see you like that in such an outfit.. i thought you wouldn't need me..." she was saying :(( but you keep shaking your head, telling her that you only want her cock and no one else's but liz can be soooo mean 🥲🥲 she edges you all night, not caring about how loud and desperate you were begging her to just let you come once, just once!! but you should have known bad girls don't get forgiven so easily...
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ilovehugslikealotalot · 3 months
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req: basically r pulled an Emily and died on everyone, just to add to the trauma she died in Emily’s arms because that’s a great start to a Emily Prentiss x fem!r fic right?? So, she not dead really but people don’t know that. Basically Emily’s just missing her more than usual until the Attorney General reveals that y/n had been on a mission and stayed low. Nobody in the team knew about it, in order to make sure there were no distractions at all. Emily basically just doesn’t know how to feel.
WARNING: angst, sad!emily, r is gone for 8 months, reunion, betrayl?, trauma bc it’s Criminal minds, cursing, implied smut, wife!emily
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Today marked the anniversary of y/n’s death. In truth, all of the team died a little that day, it was just a matter of how much. For most it took over a month, at least. For Emily..no, she couldn’t get over it.
She found herself at the Shooting range for hours at a time just trying to get her mind off of the hell she was living.
No matter how hard she tried, she experienced the love of her life die in her arms. It haunted her more than anything in her life had. She once told some, “After being assaulted, drugged, and killed in the line of duty, I figured what’s the worst that could happen.”
This. This is the worst.
She could still vividly remember the smell of blood that overloaded her senses, she could hear her own screaming, she tried so hard to stop the bleed but it just kept coming. ———
“no, no, no, no. Baby, stay with me, please!” Emily sobbed, she tried putting as much pressure as she could as she screamed for a medic, someone, anyone to help her.
“Em, hey, look at me..” she said weakly, holding her wife’s face, “Calm down, it’ll be alright” she whispered, brushing her hair out of her face. Blood covered her vest, sirens glared outside, “Help is here, you’re going to be okay! I love you so much, please don’t die on me, I can’t lose you too” Emily held her close and sobbed, she could feel your breathing become shallow. The paramedic swiftly but quickly took y/n away. Leaving Emily soaked in a pool of her own wife’s blood.
“Emily? You get that?” JJ asked, holding her arm, the section chief nodded and skimmed through the file. “Okay so, the Attorney General asked us to take a rest from cases and finish up some reports and paper work. We all have a meeting with her back here at 7:00” Emily announced, Shooting up from her chair and walking to her office locking it behind her. Her blind were already shut so she just plopped down on her chair.
She felt a burning in her eyes as she flipped through files. Her breath seemed to get caught in her throat while her vision blurred. Emily gripped her pen, angrily snapping it and throwing it down on te ground the ink splattering on the ground next to her, it was red, reminding her of the blood…so much blood. Affer y/n’s death, she wasn’t really the same, she was the shell of the person she once was. Her temper was shorter and her work hours seemed to add up.
She was almost never home the smell reminding her of y/n and the love she could never have again. But, she came home most weekends wanting to just sleep in her clothes all day. The house wasn’t a mess because she hadnt touched anything since she died that day. But she did get the strength to clean dishes once in a while. But there was never much considering she lived on coffee and granola bars.
Emily stared at the framed photo of her and y/n reminding herself that they never got the chance to start a family. They were thinking about adoption and hopefully raise the kid as their own.
She let out a sob, her head in her hands as she wailed, her throat closing up as she struggled to compose herself.
She couldn’t do this.
No, not without her
The night that y/n passed on was the hardest, she refused to believe she was gone, telling herself that it was just some sick joke. She cursed everything and cried for months blaming herself for not acting quicker. Some people told her to just move on, Emily had lived without her once, she could do it again.
No. She couldn’t just move on. That was before she knew that y/n was the one person that she needed, the one person that she truly wanted. Her heart ached if she was gone from her for even a moment, she couldn’t last a day without giving her a call. At this point she must’ve called her so many times, each time she held onto the hope she would answer. That her sweet voice would be at the other side.
It wasn’t possible to forget her wife, not when she gave her so much to remember. It pained her that she waited for a love that would never comeback, she was pissed at the world and herself.
It should’ve been her instead of y/n that night, she could vividly remember the sound of y/n’s laughter which quickly melted into horrified and pained screams. She could hear the killer’s voice in her ear, he taunted Emily and blindfolded her, letting her only hear the screams of terror as he stabbed her wife. Her y/n.
She could’ve untied the ropes faster, gotten her to sit up off of the floor faster, she could’ve killed him sooner.
Emily clearly recalled y/n telling her to move on and be happy, it was the only thing she asked of her before her passing. How could she ask such a thing?
Emily practically fell in love the moment she saw her, how could she ever feeling the same way about someone else. No one could replace her. Ever.
Thinking back to the memories, she sniffled but smiled a little knowing not all of her was gone.
“Oh, Emily this is our new Agent, Y/n Y/l/n” Hotch introduced, letting y/n shake the other woman’s hand, “Hello, it’s so nice to finally meet you, I’ve heard of your case, you’re brilliant” she complimented, drawing a deep blush from the older woman. She stuttered for a second trying to register the words. “Hi, it’s nice to meet you too, I’m Emily Prentiss”
It wasn’t long before the team began to meddle with their blossoming love, JJ, Garcia, and Rossi being the most active with their witty remarks about the two. It wasn’t long before Hotch left and Emily stepped up that they got together.
It was supposed to be a secret, that was until Emily forgot to lock the door mid make out session and Tara happened to walk in.
She wiped at her eyes, trying to stop the tears from falling like rain. It was close to the meeting and she couldn’t let anyone see her like this. So, she cleaned herself up and stepped out of her office for the first time that day. Tara was the only one in the bullpen, the others, she assumed were out somewhere getting coffee.
“Hey, you been crying again?” The doctor asked, opening her arms up for the other woman. Emily nodded, fighting back the resurfacing tears. “I know it’s the anniversary of her death, Em. If it helps, I’ll come with you to her grave after the meeting” Tara smiled sadly, the team all came in, JJ handing Emily a warm cup. Deep down, they all felt sorry for Emily. They knew how much they loved each other and how much they’ve sacrificed. As 7:00 approached they all filed into the debriefing room, an extra chair was out for the Attorney General, Deborah, and there was an empty chair next to Emily. Y/n’s old chair..
As much as they hate to admit it, they pretend she’s still sitting their with her giddy smile and optimistic nature. “Hello, Agents, I thank you for coming in,” Deborah said with confidence and authority radiating off of her, “As you know, Agent Y/l/n had sadly passed on the field approximately 8 months ago, it has also come to my attention that you are all aware of Project Morning Glory, correct?” They nodded their heads some flinching at the mention of y/n, who they all had tried to not think about all day.
“The Project has been fulfilled and the target has been neutralized. We needed absolutely no distraction for her whatsoever, so I ordered for her to fake her death” Luke was the first to speak out, “what?” He let out a sigh of relief and astonishment, “she’s alive?”
”Yes, Agent Alvez, y/n is very much alive” Everyone was completely and utterly flabbergasted, Emily blocked everyone out the thoughts in her brain being incoherent as she played it all back to the moment she held her wife close, screaming at the Lord above for any kind of help. “I saw her bleeding out, I smelled the blood, I felt her go limp, she’s dead” Emily had refused to believe it, the tears pooling in her eyes for what seemed like the billionth time that day. She had been close to accepting that that she was gone, now this?
“If you have concerns, please, direct them toward me-“ Deborah began but was sharply cut off by a hurting Emily Prentiss. “Concerns? I have concerns, alright! For 8 months my team has been struggling, I’m struggling!” Emily stood up from her seat, her hands gripping the round table. Everyone lowered their heads a bit, even though her wrath hadn’t reached it’s peak yet. “Case after case, do you know what we’ve gone through? The sacrifices? Yes, I have concerns!”
JJ felt tensions rise, as she picked her head up to see Emily spilling tears, “I begged for her to come back. As a shadow, even in a dream. You took my wife from me, you are sick” Emily said through gritted teeth, the Attorney General looked guilty for a moment before smiling at the door.
“Agent Y/l/n, it’s nice to see your face”
Emily frozed, she wasn’t ready, when everyone turned around and cried during the reunion, Emily didn’t turn, the 8 months she had replaying in her head in a constant loop. Her lack of motivation and depressive episodes got worse, she needed y/n and now it seemed like she was just stabbed the in the back.
Nothing could stop this Internal war she was having with herself, she couldn’t believe her ears, it was like she wanted to move but her body refused to. “Emily? Honey?” Y/n called out, her sweet voice a little more tired sounding. Her hair was still the same, assuming she had to maintain an image while being undercover as a secretary to a high-stakes business man. A small cut was above her forehead, her lips were swollen light she had just taken a beating. She had hoped for a more sweet reunion but deep down she knew Emily needed time.
Emily was angered, she couldn’t take the sight of anyone, so instead of getting a sweet kiss and a long hug she stormed out her head full of thoughts she could hardly process, while people tried calling out or going after her, Y/n stopped thme knowing her wife would need time. ——
In her office, Emily knocked her files off the desk with a loud grunt, she slammed her fist down on the desk and yelled cursed as she tore books from the sheleves, and even threw the framed photograph of her and y/n across the room. She rested her herself on the table behind her desk. She sighed, as she felt a cut on her knuckle she brushed it off and sniffled, straightening her blazer when the door opened.
“Emily? I know you might not be ready to talk, I just wanted to let you know I was sorry, I was going to reject the offer but he was gonna go after you, I just…I couldn’t risk that.” Y/n admitted closing the door softly, noticing the room looking like a tornado had hit it, she smiled softly seeing the framed picture and picked it up.
“I mourned you, I lost the one person I loved most in this world, I finally got what I wanted, what I needed. Then, you just got ripped away from me, I couldn’t handle it” Emily sobbed, hurriedly walking over to her wife and sobbed between words, “I couldn’t move on, just thinking about it made me sick, I blamed myself for it everyday, and every night the same nightmare.” The emotional state the Unit Chief was in was overwhleming to say the least, the woman was shaking as she buckled at the knees. “I’m here to stay, for as long as you’ll have me”
“Stay forever then?” She sniffled, kissing her lips softly, the world disappearing around them, right now, it was just Emily and Y/n, no cases, no missions, no death. Just love.
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kentopedia · 7 months
RYLIE OMG you’re nanamis classmate and you guys are just like friends or whatever and then he leaves right??? but you stay because jujutsu is all you have. but you guys stay “friends” but hardly ever see each other. then he becomes a sorcerer again yippee!! and you guys are seeing each other a lot more.
he has feelings for you but things you have a thing for gojo so he doesn’t go for it. tension ensues.
anyways!!! i hope your thursday was great rylie!! xxxx
.𖥔 ݁ ˖ AND I AM DONE, DEAR — nanami kento
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contents. angst (we’re going back to my roots!), maybe unrequited love, fem!reader, 800ish words
notes. this is so painful bc he wouldn't go for it either :( and then satoru pursues you because you've gotten close over the past couple of years, and kento's been gone </3 there are years worth of memories and jokes between the two of you, and kento spent those years miserable & alone. sometimes, he wonders what would've happened if he'd just had the strength to remain a sorcerer, instead of running from everything he hated
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"kento," you snap him out of his stream of endless memories, the ones that always seem to gnaw at him when he was around you.
he glances up, and a culmination of flashbacks spin before his eyes.
he sees you at fourteen, a first year student who was still so scared of her technique.
he sees you at sixteen, smiling from ear to ear at another one of gojo and geto's ridiculous antics.
he sees you at seventeen, sobbing over the corpse that had once belonged to the kindest student in your year.
he sees you at eighteen, your empty, hollow expression when he told you he was leaving, and he wasn't coming back.
"yes?" kento asks, forcing the memories away, because you're there in front of him, more beautiful than he remembers... and though you aren't a stranger in his life anymore, his mind still doesn't do justice to the depth of your angelic features.
"is everything okay?" you ask, blinking up at him with concern. your voice turns into something gentle when you're around him, almost like he's something fragile. the kindness in your heart is endless, extending, even, to the man that once broke it.
kento clears his throat, wondering how much emotion he'd let filter onto his expression. he'd gotten worse at hiding it ever since you'd stumbled back into his life, the woman he hadn't realized he'd loved until it was too late.
"yes," he repeats, flat, calm. though he can't muster a smile, he raises an eyebrow, crossing his arms. "why do you ask?"
for a moment, you chew your lip, thoughtful. kento wants to kiss you. he wonders what you'd say if you knew.
"you've just been..." you shake your head, rubbing your arm awkwardly. "ever since..." the sentences are broken, uncomfortable, and though you'd once been best friends, there is a sense of professionalism between you now. a wall that he doesn't think he can break down anymore.
kento parts his lips, considers interrupting, but someone beats him to it. gojo satoru, the constant pain in kento's ass, saunters into the room with a sparkly white grin, gleefulness bounding off of him in a way that's obnoxious.
"there you are! megumi told me i might find you here," satoru says, and he's to you in just three long strides, attaching to you like a magnet. "ready, baby?"
gojo kisses the top of your head, throws an arm over your shoulder and smiles at kento, like he knows what's running through his mind.
you're still studying kento, and he pretends not to notice you scrutinizing him, the way your lips are flushed from chewing on them. "yeah," you say to satoru, squeezing his hand, the sparkly bracelet with gojo's initials dangling from two charms shimmering.
a subtle reminder that kento may have loved you longer, but you'll never really be his.
you start to walk out the door, and kento watches with what he hopes appears as impassivity, his lips drawn into a thin line. though, just as satoru is beginning to pull you across the threshold, you meet kento's dark brown eyes, the ones that turn so tender the moment they land on you.
"kento?" you ask once more
his name sounds so sweet on your lips, but he wishes he didn't want to know what it sounded like on the edge of a moan.
"ijichi is waiting." kento doesn't let you ask whatever you were thinking of asking, because being pinned by your beautiful, caring eyes is almost too much for him to bear.
you blink, surprised by his harshness as you curl into satoru, almost imperceptibly. "right. have a good evening, then. see you tomorrow."
kento nods, pushing his glasses back onto his face. his heart cracks a bit at the emotion tinged in your words, and though his severity has never hurt you before, he's beginning to wonder if it's hurting you now.
"bye, nanamin!" satoru waves cheerfully, and the two of you are gone, leaving nanami in the room alone, the silence almost deafeaning.
he's used to it by now: the solitude of his life. he's used to being strong when he's needed, and even when he's not. everyone sees him that way: the man who's steadfast, unwavering, a little too serious for his own good.
if only they knew he was a weak man when it came to you.
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alovesongtheywrote · 7 months
can we pleaseeee have a pt.2 to nightmare academia bc THOSE TWO HAVE SO MUCH TENSION???!!!!!
♥ Summary:  abso-fucking-lutely you can. here's reid's proper response to the typewriter incident(s) [Prof!Spencer Reid x GN-Prof!Reader]
♥ Warnings: discussions of sex, but no actual smut. arguing. spencer's a little mean, but shit, so's the reader. crim and psych facts. this is another 1000 words of the reader being a brat and reid losing his cool over it
♥ A/N: i still don't know when this is. if you have ideas, lmk, but again, im thinking it's right after s9.
♥ Word Count: 1646
Series Masterlist
Yeah, so, about three weeks later, your students started breaking down again. You had to wonder if Dr. Reid was actually some sort of closet sadist who enjoyed watching his students break down. You tried to shake that thought from your head. He had been an FBI agent, after all!
If he was a sadist, he wouldn’t have left the FBI.  
You reached your sobbing student quota of seven faster this time- though in at least one instance, the student apologized for Reid.
“He’s a good professor,” they said, curling up in a hard plastic chair that was not meant to be curled up in, “He’s just really bad at technology.”
You couldn’t help but agree. The students you had in common with Reid were incredibly insightful when they spoke in class- specifically on topics that the doctor would have touched on. Despite that, you could only have so many students come to you on the brink of collapse without doing something about it.
So. You brought the typewriter out again.
Spencer had tried to do the whole laptop thing. He really had. However, when the time came for one of his classes to submit an assignment, half of that class presented him with links to Google Documents that he couldn’t access. And this was after he requested PDFs!
After a weekend of writing emails, making repeated calls to Penelope Garcia, and lying facedown on the couch trying to fight off a migraine, Reid gave up on the technology thing. He banished laptops from his classroom once more. He told himself he just wouldn’t let the typewriter bother him. He wouldn’t let you bother him. At least, you wouldn’t bother him as much as emails did.
Then he got to class.
“So, when we look at externalizing disorders-”
Click, click, click, click, click.
“As the name would suggest-” 
Click, click, click, click, click.
“These are the issues that manifest externally-”
Click, click, click, click, click.
“Maladaptive behaviours caused by externalizing disorders impact the environment-”
Click, click, click, click, click.
“While internalizing disorders do not, generally, cause crime-”
Click, click, click, click, click.
“Externalizing disorders-”
Click, click, click, ding!
“Son of a bitch-!”
Reid’s students watched as their usually composed professor began to fray at the edges. His long fingers ran through his hair, messing up his already messy curls. He ignored the way some strands landed in front of his eyes- how could he pay attention to that? He was too focused on not screaming in frustration. Reid pulled off his cardigan almost forcefully and threw it on his chair. His body felt too warm, his skin a prison and his ribs a furnace. He crossed his arms, bringing one hand up to press his fingers against his brow.  
He stood like that for a few moments, catching his breath, reminding himself that he wasn’t supposed to let you get to him.  
When Spencer tried to profile you, he saw a respected professional who genuinely cared about their students- so much so that you went out of your way to interfere with his classroom policies. He didn’t know why you cared so much. Most professors wanted to see their students succeed to a degree, but you seemed to have it out for him, specifically.  
Maybe it was his anti-tech policies. Maybe it was just something about him.  Spencer knew he was a difficult person to be around. You wouldn’t be the first person who couldn’t stand him because of things that were just intrinsic parts of his being. You definitely wouldn’t be the first person to be annoyed by him. Whatever it was, he was going to figure it out- even if he had to return to your office to do it.
“I’m so sorry, I don’t know what came over me. Returning to externalizing disorders-”
Click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click, click. DING.
You were going to be the death of Spencer Reid.
That evening, you caught Reid just outside your office, typewriter held aloft in his arms. You didn’t try to get the door for him.
“Well, hello Doctor Reid! Is there anything I can help you with?”
Reid didn’t bother with pleasantries. He got right to the point, “Why are you doing this?”
You played dumb- it was one of your favourite things to play, “Whatever do you mean, Doctor? I’m just supplying my students with the tools they need to learn. Do you have a problem with that?”
Reid pulled his lips together and frowned. He looked a little bit like a frog- or perhaps a sad chipmunk. You refused to admit that the exasperated expression on his face was kind of cute.
“Don’t play dumb with me, I know you’re smarter than this. What could you possibly stand to gain from irritating me incessantly?”
“Why don’t you profile me about it, FBI guy?” you raised your eyebrows, very clearly mocking his previous line of work as you relaxed against the door.
“Okay,” Reid grit his teeth, re-adjusting his grip on the typewriter. If you wanted to play this game, he would play, “You’re irritating me out of a strange mix of genuine concern for your students, and what appears to be a desperate need for attention. Maybe your parents didn’t focus on you enough during your childhood. Maybe you feel inferior in your work, so you’re taking it out on me. Either way, it’s kind of sad.”
Your eyes narrowed. A vein in your jaw twitched. Your mouth turned downward into a scowl as you tried very hard to pretend that you didn’t feel just a little inferior in your work. And hey, even if you did, that had nothing to do with this. He was wrong- not entirely- but enough to keep you steady.  
You knew you were playing a dangerous game.
“For a profiler, that was a pretty shit assessment. What I stand to gain isn’t attention. If I wanted your attention, I would have it. What I gain is a student body that’s further than two inches from collapse,” you leaned back against the door again, keeping him out and forcing him to keep the typewriter in his arms.
“What about you, Doctor?” you hissed, “What could you possibly stand to gain from murdering your students by way of lead poisoning?”
“Lead hasn’t been used in the creation of pencils since 1978, and the amount of lead paint a person could ingest by chewing the paint off a pencil wouldn’t be lethal. Try harder.”
“‘Try harder,’ he tells me. Fine. You aren’t a sadist and you aren’t going for mass murder by way of pencil.  Maybe you’re just a huge asshole, but if you were, that reputation would precede you. I’m out of ideas, so just tell me.  Why stop with the tech? It looked like it was working.”
“It wasn’t, not that that’s your business,” Reid adjusted his stance, trying to take a defensive stance without dropping the typewriter, “And how do you know I’m not a sadist? That’s a pretty big inference considering we’ve only worked together for a few months.”
“If you were a sadist, you would’ve stayed in the position that gave you the most power over other people. University professor is not that position.”
Reid went silent for a second. Then, to your surprise, he gave you a straight answer, “The laptops worked until I assigned a paper. I received broken links, inaccessible files, and a migraine.”
You paused, squinting at him slightly, “It was Google Docs, wasn’t it? They all sent in links to Google Docs?”
Reid paused, tilting his head like a confused puppy. What a fucking asshole, looking so fucking adorable while being a huge dick. Maybe that was on you. You had to stop comparing him to cute things.
“How did you know?”
“Because college kids have the capacity for massive stupidity. Did you specify what format you wanted?”
“Of course I did, I’m a professional.”
“Uh-huh,” you didn’t seem to believe him, “Well, even if you did, some of your students are gonna fuck it up.”
“How?! I stated it multiple times-!”
“Well, forgive the rest of the world for not having IQs in the thousands and eidetic memories. Some of us forget things, Professor.”
“It’s 187.”
“Excuse me?”
“My IQ, it’s 18-”
“Anyone who actually tries to measure intelligence with IQ is fucking unintelligent, and not worth my time. Give me my typewriter and get out of my office.”
“We aren’t in your office.”
“Give me! My typewriter! And get out! Of my office!!”
When he still didn’t move, you seized the typewriter from him and hissed, “Out!! Away with you now!! Don’t make me bite you, because I swear to god-”
Reid put his hands up in surrender, stepping back and heading down the hallway. The second you were out of sight, he pulled out his phone. Emails were a no-go, but a call? That he could manage.
“Hey, Garcia? I need you to do a background check on someone for me… what? No, this isn’t about the PDFs! I need everything you have on Professor (Y/N) (L/N).”
Meanwhile, across town in a bar that just so happened to be very popular with college kids, a certain group of students sat.  This group had one major thing in common- they shared two specific professors.
“So, profs (L/N) and Reid are fucking, right?”
“If they aren’t already, they will be soon enough.  Did you see him lose it over the typewriter in class today?  He said an actual swear.  Fucking nuts.”
“That was kind of hot, I’ll be honest.”
“It was- but I’ll bet you anything that (L/N) tops.”
“You’re a degenerate.  I’ll bet ten on those odds.”
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stay-tiny-ville · 5 months
Lee Felix
Summary ~ just me in my feels and imagining love by Lee Felix (or just some relationship headcannons I had in mind for Lee Felix)
A.N. - these just pop in my head and I write them down so they may not all be coherent but they make me feel so <3
A.N 2 - I plan on writing more for each Stray Kid member but also Ateez bc I love them with my soul but let me know who you want to see first :)
Angel, sunshine, love, sweetheart, bun are some names I’d personally see him calling you
My baby :((
The softest love and the most beautiful form of it too
It started with nerves, young love and shaky breaths, sweaty palms and avoiding eye contact
One of the first things he build up the courage to do was physical contact and once he got a taste the addiction became too great
Hand holding, arms around the shoulder or waist, anything to feel your skin
You visit the dorms to hang a lot and the first time you cuddled he could have cried
He love, loves physical contact and everyone knows how he is with the members but he was just so scared to touch you
Either it took him a while to build up the courage or you did it first but either way when you relaxed into his arms he felt his heart palpitate
He will never let go
He holds your head to his chest and sways a bit :((
Back to cuddling I just know he would hum his beautiful low notes and the base would carry you into dreams of him
I personally love to bake a lot but what I would love more than anything is him giving you the mixing job and saying you’re doing the most important part while he does the rest
Playing music and during the upbeat songs he would fight you with flour
And once a slow song plays he pulls you into a slow dance :(((((
Dreads going on tour once he found you
Pre-you he would love getting to see stay and would be so excited once he heard the dates
But while he hugs you at the airport he can’t keep the sobs in
He holds you so fragile yet so firm and wants to mold you into his soul so he’s never apart from you
He babbles out rejection after rejection to the members who try to talk him away from you and it hurts your heart
Bin and Chan have to come physically pry him from you and you almost start crying from how he reaches for you
It was a long year away (I’m kind of thinking of maniac tour bc that was a full year) but not without Chan and Hyunjin begging you to call off work/skip school to come to the continent they were in
He sees you sitting in the hotel room/ at the door/ on his bed/ just casually calling to him and his whole body jerks towards yours like magnets
He runs to you and as soon as you stand 2 feet away he yanks you to him, bending over so his forehead presses against the span of your neck and your head looks over his shoulder at everyone who watches with both soft smiles and watery eyes
You learn he had been having bad heartache for a while, it had been a few months and they were the roughest
He had stared at the polaroid of you in his phone case a lot, the same one that collected some tears over the time
The twin to the one in your own case that holds the same salty wetness
His whole day he carries you wherever he needs to go like a koala attached to him
You’re his heart walking outside his body and he just wants his heart back in his body :((
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justpuppylove · 1 year
thinking about Ghostbur being a little painslut & he’s just begging his partner to hurt him, squirming on the bed and he’s begging them to bite him, scratch him, fuck him harder, and he’s so sweet and innocent normally that even like this, his partner’s reluctant to hurt him, bc they’d be hurting Ghostbur.
but fuck bc the way he’s begging for it is addictive, and the way he gasps and whimpers and begs for more after they slap him— fuck. & he’s such a little fucking painslut too, they almost wonder how much pain he can take and enjoy.
bc every time they bite him, he begs them to bite harder, and he looks so fucking blissed out like this right now, teeth sinking into his skin, neck straining with how hard his hair is getting pulled, and nipples getting pinched.
tears are rolling down his face even as he begs for more, his voice high pitched and shaky between his sobs, and fuck the way he begs “please, more” is just so fucking pretty they can’t resist
Ghostbur smut
Sub!Ghostbur with g/n Dom!reader
Kinks: pain kink, spit, slight degrading/praising
Ghostbur is such a sweet boy, the complete opposite of Alivebur. Ghostbur is so gentle with you and he loves bottoming for you, he’s just such a wholesome soul that it’s hard to see yourself being too rough with him.
You’re sat reading a book as ghostbur approaches you, looking down at you and your book. He sits down beside you and you move over onto his lap and continue reading. He places his chin onto your neck and you can feel his heavy breath on your skin, he kisses your neck which sends shivers up your body. “What do you think you’re doing?” You say turning around to face the taller boy. “Nothing..” the curly haired boy responds avoiding eye contact. “If you needed me you just had to say so pretty boy” you say as you guide your hand up his thigh and unbutton his pants, making him whine. You take his pants off but keep his underwear on as you grind on his lap fully clothed. You could feel his length through your clothes as you leave hickeys on his neck. Although the boy was much taller than you, you could feel him shrink under you as he whined your name. “What’s wrong baby?” You say in a teasing tone while continuing to grind on him, “please be rough with me” he said whimpering. You’d be lying if you said that didn’t shock you, Ghostbur wanted you to be rough with him? Your ghostbur? “I don’t want to hurt you darling” you said genuinely concerned, until he started begging. “Please~ I need it so bad, please make me feel good” he whined, looking in your eyes. Of course you’d make your boy feel good.
You bit into his neck while bouncing up and down on his length. You barely bit down, “harder please~” he moaned out. “Is this really what you want?” You asked to make sure, he violently nods his head yes. You bite into his neck just enough to draw blood and you feel him buck his hips into you while letting out a load moan. “Fuck darling” he says as he fucks into you. You pull on his hair, “open your mouth slut”. He immediately does as he’s told and opens his mouth for you. You spit into his mouth and watch as he swallows, you could feel him speed up his pace and this was your signal he was going to cum soon. You slap his face before continuing to bite and suck at his neck. “Such a good boy for me” you whisper into his ear before pulling roughly at his hair, that was the last thing he needed “Can I please cum for you baby” he begs while holding onto your waist. “Mmm~~” you say teasingly like your thinking about his question, this was clearly not the reaction he wanted because he immediately started begging for you to let him cum. “Please, please, please, I’ve been so good” he says with tears swelling up in his eyes. “Okay love, cum with me.” You say finally giving in, he did not waste any time to do as he was told. He slammed into you a few more times before he came inside of you. You pulled his hair roughly as you reached your climax as well.
You both were panting for a while, trying to catch your breath while coming down from your highs. Afterwards, you cleaned each other up and you littered soft kisses over all of the marks you made. You both whispered ‘I love you’s into each other’s ears as you both continued reading your book together.
[may be a bit different than the request but I hope it’s still good :D ]
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jxsterr · 10 months
one main thing i was thinking about was what if zelda still had some of her dragon instincts
- it’s ironic bc of their joint fear of falling but i could 100% imagine zelda getting REALLY into launching herself out of skyview towers just to glide through the air and freefall
- dragon to adrenaline junkie arc
- zelda’s the type to learn how to do tricks mid-air
- watch her do a spin n shit
- link catches wind (haha) of her new fascination with freefalling and takes her back to courage island
- glider set on. her first few attempts have awful times bc she’s too busy having the time of her life spinning around in the air
- she tries again and beats link’s time now that she’s actually trying. he’s stuck between offended and impressed
- link tries to beat her time and fails. she goes up and beats her record Again to rub it in his face
- the steward construct attempts to pat his back
- zelda loses her absolute MIND when link conjures up a stonewing and starts attaching fans and a steering stick to it
- ignoring game’s mechanics that it disappears after a while bc again LAZY idea
- zelda clinging to him from behind when they first take off (she waves the construct goodbye tho)
- once she’s gained confidence she dangles her legs over the ledge and takes in the views
- “these places feel familiar for some reason..” “really?”
- he’s flying her along her old path as a dragon
- zelda takes a thousand more photos of the views ofc. she had recently begged robbie to upgrade her storage for this exact reason
- she’s closing her eyes to focus on the feeling of the wind whipping past her and she feels nothing but Alive
- link definitely takes her flying whenever she’s burnt out from the school and in a bit of a funk to cheer her up. she always comes back with a grin on her face
- her path literally intermingles with all of the other dragons u can’t tell me they don’t all have some cool dragon connection to each other or something
- link flying alongside naydra but far enough that they don’t get frozen so zelda can be close
- naydra feels like an old friend.. why does she feel like an old friend??
- link shows her photos her took with her when she was a dragon and she almost cries again
- he was with her even when she couldn’t talk or even acknowledge he was there?? she’s a blubbering mess
- link’s panicking oh my god why is she crying no wait don’t cry oh god
- “how often did you visit me??” “daily.”
- she’s sobbing
- link decides to hold back on telling her about how he weaved silent princesses into her mane for the sake of both of them
- she finds the photo anyway and silently hugs him for like 10 minutes bc she can’t find it in her to pull away
- link takes her to north lomei labyrinth and they fall all the way from the sky to the depths
- zelda’s laughing wildly and yelling about how fun this is the whole time and link’s just happy to see her smiling
- you can’t tell me that these two wouldn’t become just a Little impulsive in their off time and do shit like this constantly
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strawberryys-stuff · 3 months
FOOLED || Ao'nung x Sully!reader
part 2 | part 1
change of plans; i'll have to write yet another part for this request bcs i realized i can't write lmao 🥲 i forgot how to do it, so i apologize for this never-ending wait i'm putting u through
enjoy my poor try to write!
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Ao'nung could tell the image of the breathtakingly stunning healer was clouding your mind and found your abrupt bursts of frustration whenever she waved at him with a toothy grin decorating her sparkling turquoise skin quite humorous, attractive even.
Mireya was certainly a beauty among the Metkayina tribe but she was fragile. Your sharp glares and silent growls damaged the unguarded shield around her gracious heart, which forced her feet to carry her sobbing frame inside Ao'nung's marui pod every evening. Despite his warnings and frequent eye rolls, Mireya continued to visit the boy who was clearly becoming irritated by her unannounced appearances outside his home.
He was desperately trying to peel her hands off his muscular arms everytime you were passing by with your sisters, allowing his thick tail to show his annoyance. He would gift you precisely wrapped presents almost every week to reveal his tiny attempts to court you - it started with shimmering seashells that eventually turned into luminescent bouquets - but it was never enough for Mireya as she continued to follow him around like a lost puppy.
Ao'nung wanted your undying love, not hers. He even mentioned it to you during your nightly strolls along the shore, stating that he would rather suffer in solitude than experience mating with Mireya, who basically owned his mother's blessing.
Ronal wished only the best for her firstborn and saw rich, successful future in the Metkayina girl. And the fact that you managed to build an unbreakable bond with Ao'nung in such a short period of time was something she just refused to accept. The idea of seeing Ao'nung with a hybrid, someone who had pure demon blood flowing through their veins, disgusted her.
She observed the way her son seemed to be left breathless everytime you walked away from his tall figure after a polite farewell, which often ended up with Ao'nung chuckling and firing some teasing words after your swiftly moving body. She even caught the way her son spoke highly of you during every dinner, lunch, breakfast - you name it.
She noticed how affectionate her eldest child was whenever he had you by his side, how protective he was over you - she noticed how you were able to handle his childish behavior with ease, no evident struggle present, and yet, she still refused to accept your relationship.
"I am not having this type of conversation, mother." Ao'nung pinched the bridge of his scrunched nose, silencing his growl in deepest part of his throat before it managed to roll off his obnoxiously bold tongue.
He was standing in front of you, shielding your defeated spirit from his stern mother with his lean body. His other hand was keeping you close alongside his tail that robbed you of any escape. Ronal was holding her chin high to display her disapproval once more, but all she received from her firstborn was a disappointed sigh.
Ao'nung brought your intertwined fingers up and proudly pulled you out from his cold shadow. Your drastically different form entered the afternoon sunbeams and blinded Ronal for a split second. Your thin tail was flickering nervously behind you as she inspected the position you were in.
It was awfully obvious what happened during the unusually uneventful eclipse last night, she could sense the abrupt change in the middle of her ribcage - you were officially sharing a neural connection with her son.
The woman began to circle the two of you with a creased forehead and allowed her fingers to wrap around the base of your tail. You hissed through clenched teeth when she left a painful tug behind before her hand moved to your tense shoulders. She spotted a bite mark in the crook of your neck, stifling a snarl.
"Not fully mated." She slapped your precisely knitted braid aside and received a warning growl from your lover. "Just marked," Ronal taunted with a huff, quickly placing one of her hands over her growing belly when your tail twitched her way. "Disappointing."
"That is enough." Ao'nung bared his fangs at the pregnant woman as his hand pushed you forward to create some space between you and his mother. You licked your chapped lips and let your ears fall, trying to ignore her harsh words about your mixed blood and the title people had been using to address you and your younger brother for several years. "She is not an outcast, mom! Quit listing her differences, for Eywa's sake! She is a fucking Metkayina now, accept it!"
"Her rites of passage are unfinished," Ronal reminded her son with a click of her tongue, ignoring his usage of the inappropriate language. "She is not one of us-"
"-yet." Ao'nung interrupted her upcoming remark with a growl and temporarily released your hand to point to his mother's rapidly beating heart. "As for now, I need you to respect my partner - whether you like it or not."
Before the spiritual leader could interject, your furious mate captured your hand once again and dragged you away from the cold-hearted woman, muttering an apology to his younger sister who had to witness the conflict. You bowed to Tsireya quickly and followed Ao'nung out of center of the lively village with flattened ears.
part 3 coming soon! i'm so sorry 😭
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overtaken-stream · 10 months
Begging for more king the wildfire smut like groveling and sobbing
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I'm tearing my hair out bc I have no motivation to do anything besides play genshin and lvl up Wanderer (I am still in Inazuma and had only one interaction with the said man). Also don't think too much about what readers going to wear after this bath, I have no idea. AND THANKS FOR 50 FOLLOWERS GUYS!🥹🥹🥹
Yandere!King The Wildfire x Reader Pt3
! !NSFW! !
Warnings: female reader, invasion of privacy, non-con, bathroom, grief(???).
EVERYTHING IS FICTIONAL! I don't support these actions IRL!
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The water felt suffocating against your skin, it felt heavy with the remnants of your old isle, the home you'd grown up in nothing but ash at this point, stuck onto your garb long forgotten on the stainless vanity.
The claustrophobic feeling continued to claw up on your sides as you scrubbed your skin under the watchful eye of your captor, the sponge dug into you, leaving scratch marks in its wake, and the rough exterior failed to bring you the feeling of cleansing you desperately needed, the raw burn marks on the skin made you even more anxious in the face of a monster, who used the same instruments to ruthlessly mutilate the innocent lives, whether or not you knew them didn't matter, their soulless eyes that begged for help still followed you, who saw them every time you close your eyes.
He was the same, whether or not he was under the same roof, the walls had his eyes, his ears, and the haunting aura, even as he sat just a couple of feet away from you, outside the bathtub, his eyes pierced your defenseless self until you could feel every shift they'd make, over your hips, hair and back they'd travel, sizing you up while your hands shook under the warm and dirty water, how could he... How could he humiliate you to such an extent?
(you wish you had a power of some kind, to deny him and get out of his iron grip, let alone the entire ship. His eyes looked down on you as he pulled your stubborn body into the bathroom, with one command.
``Wash up.``
What words could get through a man, a creature that merciless?)
You flinched at every move from him, your every scrub and burn did not relieve the shame and guilt that came from your spare time thoughts, even as you bled from the scrubbing, your people had it worse, so why, why did he drag you into it? what did he drag you into. What could you have possibly done to get the attention of this beast? You already have an answer, Nothing.
The dense atmosphere clogged your thought processes as you sat in the water that lost its heat. Looking down at your reflection, he continued to monitor you. You hated him, you hated how he started at you like a creature whose existence he couldn't comprehend, eyeing you like an animal with an unknown glint swimming in his blood-colored eyes, almost like he was trying to dissect a metaphor set in stone.
You could only bite your moist lips and leave a crescent-shaped mark on your thighs while hearing his footsteps close the distance between your frames. The bubble of simple emotions sways beneath your skin, shaking your resolve under his shadow.
Fright, alarm, loathing, it all made you quiver.
His hand, free of his leather glove, bothers with slow and sensual touches across the canvas that you are, his silhouette is visible in the discolored water, despite not coming into it himself, and that's the last sight you see before shutting your eyes.
You can't stop his arm, long and muscular from years of experience trailing over your ribs and down your belly, into the water, Despite your knees and hands trying to push against it in vain, the limb proceeds to slither without any obstacles until it meets its destination.
Your grip loses its strength, clinging onto his muscle as you drop your head, letting your hair hide you from his unwavering gaze, Your blood boils, yet you take your anger out on your bottom lip.
His thumb hovers over your nether region, pregnant pause from him falls upon you. Has he finally decided to stop his intolerable actions against you?
The thought gets relinquished as soon as he eagerly entangles his fingers with your sex, an unexpected action leaving you breathless as he digs and digs and digs.
Your back arches off of him, trembling knees trying to find leverage as your hands once again tighten around him, though you don't open your eyes, you can almost feel the glare, an unknown emotion rolling off of him in thick waves. Your teeth aren't enough to muffle the groans and panting that escape your bloodied lips.
He rubs and rubs, fast and slow in no particular rhythm, thumb pressing against your clit, he places a pressure you were never able to on that bundle of nerves, before kneading, hard. Whimpers bounce off of the walls as your body shakes. It hates.
His fingers spread your rose apart and you've never felt more caged. More helpless and disgusted with yourself.
The tears slide down your cheeks, combining with the blood gushing out of the bitten lip and it trickles down towards the reflection of the water.
Your body contracts with the pleasure, closed eyes rolling back into your skull as your mouth hangs open, a wave of pleasure leaves you helpless, taking away the shame before it dwindles and handles the pain like a weapon, slamming into you full force as soon as his heat leaves your back, hand now out of water.
You close your knees, the tears flow like a waterfall across your face, wails that don't leave you shake your body in quiet prayer. You're scared to open your eyes. Scared to see the revolted faces of the deceased staring back at you, spewing words of shame you surely deserve.
His footsteps fade, yet his absence goes unnoticed.
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