#and then it goes back and forth hahaha
switchytransboy · 9 months
in need of a cute pal to have tickle fights with this rainy & cozy fall weekend 🍂🍁
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“Opening Statements,” Web of Spider-Man (Vol. 1/1985), #126.
Writer: Todd DeZago; Penciler: Roy Burdine; Inker: Randy Emberlin; Colorist: Kevin Tinsley; Letterer: Susan Crespi
#Marvel#Marvel comics#Marvel 616#Web of Spider-Man#Kaine#Kaine Parker#Spider-Man#Peter Parker#pfffft the web right in the face in that last panel#there are a lot moments in this fight that really do give off real chaotic sibling energy hahaha#As for other thoughts#two things I’ve always wondered: 1) if it weren’t for Ben heading back to NYC to check on Aunt May would Kaine have ever revealed himself#to Peter? I personally tend to lean towards no#that Kaine would have been perfectly happy hiding in the shadows for the rest of his rather unhappy existence#and performing the occasional mob hit#2) does Kaine feel superior to Ben? and if so how?#(again) personally I tend to lean towards Kaine feeling superior in ability and objectivity than Ben#that Kaine believes he is stronger both physically and otherwise for “accepting” that as a clone he can never have a “real” “normal” life#but when it comes down to “what” as opposed to “who” they are I don’t think Kaine distinctly feels superior#Kaine just doesn’t have a particularly high opinion of Jackal’s experiments and it goes back and forth on who is the “failed clone”#(what with Kaine physically more imposing but also consistently degenerating while Ben is closer to Peter’s base-line and moral compass)#finally I had to stop and think about Kaine not caring about kids in the studio#but it does fit in with Kaine’s incredibly one-track mind#there’s also the possibility he knew Peter would rise to the occasion and intervene but eeeh that’s extrapolating from incomplete evidence
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astonmartingf · 3 months
max verstappen x streamer!reader
. . . you find yourself in a predicament between max's request and your conscience, so you ask charles for help in your game of chase with max verstappen
amgf mention of dnf and written portion in at the end. i am capitalizing on the ausgp, which is the same for wyh hahaha
previous: what if we met?
next: call me max verstappen
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This was the first race you watched live in a long time. Charles tried to invite you multiple times, the last time you watched was during his debut back in 2018.
You could barely remember the difference then and now, sitting in the Ferrari garage with other members of the team you situate yourself in the corner, not really knowing what to do.
It was more chaotic than you remember, seeing Max especially going to the pit lane, his wheel burning, leaving a trail of smoke for every garage to see. It alarmed you a little bit, but hearing his voice through the radio, calmed you down.
You meet his gaze as he walks by the Ferrari garage, probably on the way back to their motorhome, or the media pen. Charles gave you a tour of the track at the start of the weekend, but you still find yourself getting lost in the middle of Albert Park.
You flash him a small smile, followed by a wave which he returned. He must be not in the mood to talk, knowing the situation that happened, it caused them the gap to tighten between drivers.
As Charles' friend it definitely filled you with hope knowing that he might have a chance to pull some points to get ahead of the championship ranks.
But as someone who recently knew more about Max, it was definitely an unfortunate moment for him. You watch the screen as they interview Max regarding what happened with his car.
You stare at the screen, fully realizing then that this is the first time you two met outside the shared video games you played together.
As much as you tried to keep your cool alongside Charles' insistent teasing, you admit that you're nervous forming a conversation with him.
Just like after the second practice session, they planned to eat dinner together. Obviously you came with Charles, but what you didn't expect was for Max to be there as well. And safe to say it wasn't the same as your conversations online.
You remember Charles recalling your conversation with him word for word the whole night, teasing your awkwardness.
And in his words, he thinks, "it's cute that you're both awkward together, like two little nerds catching feelings for each other"
How appalling. And the day before the race when you bumped into Max, who happily helped you on your way back to the Ferrari motorhome. Which led to even more incessant teasing from Charles, you don't understand how Max keeps his cool whenever Charles keeps making fun not just of you but of him as well.
Maybe he's more used to Charles, they did race each other for a long time. But that's a story for another time, it's the first time you saw both of them and it seems like the fans are right when they say they sense chemistry between those two.
Your phone pings, receiving a message from Max.
Max the Builder: You want to go out on a little walk for a while?
YN: Where are you?
Max the Builder: I'll meet you at the back of the Ferrari garage.
You look around, everyone's eyes are glued to the screen watching Carlos and Charles closely. Glancing back and forth to the screens on the garage and your phone, you make your way behind the exit, where Max stood waiting for you.
"Have you been waiting for a while?" You watch Max jump, catching him off guard as he whips his head in your direction.
"I just got out of interviews, I'm free for the rest of the race. Want to spend it with me?" There he goes again asking you those questions, you know he speaks out of malice, but his genuine expression makes it hard to say no to him.
Before you could reply, you feel that Max has sensed your hesitance, thinking where he got things wrong again, immediately cutting off your reply. "But if you want to watch Charles we can do that as well. Or you just don't want to hang out with me?"
A soft gasp left your lips, quickly shaking your head left and right, "Max, you know that's not true. But I guess you could say I was avoiding you for the last day..."
Max tilts his head before nodding slowly, trying to hide the evident disappointment in his face, "So that wasn't me just overthinking it... You were purposefully avoiding me?"
"Not like that Max, I guess I was just overthinking as well. We've only talked online until now. I guess I got intimidated seeing you in real life, because we're not on Minecraft? Maybe I just got used to that, hence I kept avoiding you."
Max thinks in silence before raising his finger, "If you're uncomfortable talking at the moment we can play Minecraft and talk there?"
His suggestion catches you off guard, "What? No, we don't have to play Minecraft just to talk silly. That is a good idea Max, but I think we just need more conversations outside discord. My name is YN LN, nice to meet you." Extending your hand in front of him, which he happily shook back.
"Hello YN, I am Max Verstappen. I guess now I won't have to chase after you yeah?"
You laugh, shaking your head disagreeing, "You can't just tease me immediately Max, then I'll have to run away again."
Max shrugs putting his hands in his pocket, feeling more comfortable and finding the flow in your conversations, just like you did back on Discord.
"Well, run all you want, I'll have to let you know— I'm known for being fast."
You nod your head playing along, it's seems like the grooves have connected, like gears shifting in connection. "Well, your engine seems to disagree."
You watch Max' face freeze, "Too early?" your thoughts buzz around, thinking how you messed up the conversation in less than a minute.
A record breaking time.
But your worries halt hearing the sound of Max' laughing at your statement. "That's a good one YN, you're catching up quick."
This time it was your turn to shrug your shoulders, "What can I say, I learned from the best." bumping your shoulders into him.
You walk with Max as the race comes to a close, feeling confident and content as your friendship with him grows.
amgf i think there's one final chapter, the twitch stream hahahaha max is getting desperate but i would too
amgf ★ superstars: @namgification @lpab @the-untamed-soul @xjval
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bronx-bomber87 · 4 months
Good evening Fandom :) Gonna try and be more concise and mini this time haha Wasn’t so mini last time. Imma really try LOL Also the gif library just refuses to pull anything that's new and its driving me nuts. Guess all the pretty gifs will have to wait till summer when the library gets it's act together and I can be more in depth. LOL This is supposed to mini anyways. I'll do my best to make this brief but impactful haha This is a new gear for me.
6x02 The Hammer
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Their first interaction is fraught af. Tim is radiating hurt still not that I blame him. He is trying to sweep it under the rug but the man is hurting. I do love Lucy trying to let him know not how healthy communication works. heh She's not wrong. You know I was so Tim in this moment before therapy. Surprise surprise right?
Deeply hurt but when it gets brought up I shirked it off. Try to put it in a box and bury it. Lucy is right it’s not healthy. But he isn’t in the place to receive that right now. I do love her saying they have stuff to talk about if she ever goes under. Yes.... yes you do. Lucy seems to have calmed down at this point and Tim isn’t there yet…
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Credit to This post for this image
Lucy getting roped into the ring thing LOL Their tension is immediate as they sandwich Angela in their fight. Angela is the fandom as she watches them bicker. My goodness not hiding how they feel whatsoever….Tense af while they’re fighting. Could cut it with a knife. Sniping at each other. Tim saying he knew she wasn't really over it.
Which kills my 'calmed down' theory for Lucy haha Even though they're at odds Tim still offers his help because it's his girl. Lucy saying she will accept it even if she doesn’t need it. These two.. Angela's final words had me laughing. Wanting to come and enjoy their fight with popcorn. Tim saying she’s not funny on the way out hahaha Not in the mood for his bestie either.
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Love Lucy reaching out to touch him and make a joke bout Hammer's real name. Tim full of sass asking if he can finish? Well I never Timothy. LOL He has a warrant out and it’s outstanding that'll make this easy.... Even worse he loves to fight cops. Oh boy. Ladies first lmfao oh Tim I love you so. Putting his hand on her back. She’s smiling though.
OMG I can’t believe Tim tried to get her to fight the Hammer. My love no.... Her argument is solid af that she has to look amazing. That no one cares what he looks like. I mean I care what he looks like but it’s true she needs to look hot at haha Tim caving because well it's Lucy. Like fighting the sun right now. heh Lucy telling him he’s got this. Oh my lord it's so cute.
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Lucy wanting to jump in but Tim stops her. My heart. He’s getting his ass kicked at first oof. Tim launching off the bed to kick Hammer into the closet. Holy shit that was sexy. I hope this fight gets gif'd it was great. He wins though. Well done Tim that was fine as hell. Got my motor revving.
Oh my goodness him bending on one knee and looking at her. The looks are LOADED here. Especially on Lucy's end. Getting me all in my feels goodness. Especially Lucy’s face. Myriad of emotions going on there. Foreshadowing at it's finest Oh my. I have a feeling when do the summer review I'll have a novel on this. Tim passes the hell out shortly after. Getting asthma attack just looking at him.
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Love the set up girls night/boys night and their talk bout their relationship. Celina asking Lucy to have less baking at her party HA! Naww love Celina thinking in those terms. Lucy saying that's way off. Seeming worried it’s not in their future. Heart clutch. Adore this back and forth between Lucy and Tim at the parties LOVING Chastity telling Lucy like it is. Calling her out really. Even she can see it. I mean feel like Lucy is scared and just won't back down from this path.
It's not just Tim. It's her too but she is digging her heels in. I can’t say I don’t agree with Tim on the projection. Lucy using Isabel as an excuse for that. I think she is using it more than he is IMO at this point in time. She usually is right on the money with Tim. This time doesn't feel like it. Almost as if she’s using Isabel as a scape goat for being scared more so than Tim. Lucy saying she’s fine. Lying liar my love lying liar.
Poor Tim wanting to show he’s not the problem my love. That he's not the only one. There is clearly still a lot to sort through for them. This scene is proof of that. Lucy gets a call from Tim to meet at the station. This has to be the lie detector test. Harper telling her to run I was dying.
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How cute is Tim in his black shirt all wired up for her? I'm dying how precious it was. The way she crosses the room sweet lord. Eyeing her prey. She basically is straddling his thigh. Imma pass out. Getting as close as she can to him. Basically hugging his thigh with hers. I’m getting hot under the collar already. She is so ready to ask him anything but UC questions to start this off. Clearly wanting to ask him specific things on her mind since he's hooked up to the machine.
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The bug question LMAO. The most Tim and Lucy thing ever. Of course that man doesn't release the bugs haha. Very her to ask him to do it though. God this was so cute I cannot. Small little insight to their relationship we don't usually get to see.
Then she went right after it with asking if he loves her? A question I think has been weighing on her mind for awhile. Knowing she can immediately see if he's lying. Gah look at him light up. The way he leans into her. Reminding of his posture in 5x09 when he asked her out again. Just as serious now as he was then. Saying he loves her ugh my heart. Our big softie in action in this moment.
Lucy couldn’t be happier with this answer. Same look she got whenever he complimented her in the past. They be beaming everyone. Then he get’s a big fact lie with the UC question crap. Now I feel this isn't fair. Because the man LIVES to support her but he is a struggle bus about this path. To me that 'lie' wasn't because he doesn't support her. To me just those damn demons that won't rest for him.
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Tim looking fine af. Looking for his girl of courses sigh. Cool cool cool fun angsty glances. Damn you gif library was primo angsty looks. Even though they’re sitting next to each other it’s the most physical distance seen between them really in ever. Yeah their arms are touching but not much else. More angsty looks between them at the reception. Gah they’re intense as hell.
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Tim coming to find her my heart. Being the one to break the distance. Asking her to dance and confronting this issue. So proud of him and what he tells her. What a man. He's owning the trauma he still carries. Which is HUGE for him. Lucy thanking him and saying they'll make it through. I love this. Always love us touching back on. 'Unless it is.' moment. Because yeah this is hard but they're worth it and they continually see that and show it.
Now do I love it squarely being just on Tim this UC Fight? No I don't. I do think she is still having doubts but love him laying it out there. I think the issue's Lucy is having just haven't been confronted yet. Their fight from 6x01 was about Tim's issues for most part. Her's were for sure in there just not as prominently. I'm hopeful we touch on her's later this season.
This still feel unresolved to me and imbalanced. Especially now that Tim has admitted some fault to their problems as of late. I feel like I have a really good grasp on these characters. To me my gut is telling me Lucy is scared, having doubts, worried about a long term assignment. What it'll mean for them. Her side of it still needs to be delved into. 5x20-5x21 shook her more than she is letting on. Truly think this just hasn't been explored yet. Because they both have things to resolve with this career choice.
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Also wanna note in this lovely scene. Lucy has her hands all over her him and I’m about it my god. The intimate swaying and leaning into each other. That magnetic force of their's bringing them back together. Their bodies relaxing for the first time in this entire episode. Just happy to be near one another. They're glowing when they come back together in this moment.
Gah their chemistry is out of this world. Her hand on the back his head too phew lord and we get a return ILY. *heart clutch* Lucy's eyes searching his face hoping her saying as such soothes his wounds a little. The cute lie detector line I cannot. It’s was so precious. Their smiles have me on cloud 9. Couldn't be more in love if these two tried. *happy sigh*
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Lucy and Tim leading the charge hot damn they pretty. Tim in formal wear and his badge? Lord help me. Phew this was a HEFTY one. So many things to sort through. Like I said in my OG post these are first thoughts. Should be interesting to see how they change come summer and we're in the hiatus.
Thank you to everyone who liked the premiere post. These are a different gear for me glad they're liked ha Imposter Syndrome is real ya'll lol Feel free to comment your thoughts I love chatting about them and this season best part of going through it together for first time. See you all next week!
Side notes-non Chenford
Lmao the cold open. Daddy cop was always a fav one of mine.
Hey Henry is back sorta. ha
Love Luna checking in on Aaron. Then having a little ptsd poor love.
Oscar is back too LOL
‘Miss Cleo' nickname LMAO
Poor Aaron having a rough time of it. I was worried he was leaning on Celina too much tbh. Also that kiss yikes my man yikes...
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renren-006 · 11 months
hello there! i absolutely adore your writing and saw that requests were open so i decided to send one in :) could you perhaps write a sierra six x reader where six has been acting kind of strange all day and the reader is confused. he’s just been avoiding eye contact and shyer so the reader teases him. from the reader’s teasing one thing leads to another and there’s eventual smut. but while they have sex he’s still acting all shy and stuff. sorry if this is kinda confusing hahaha. thank you!
Shy Boy | Sierra Six x Reader
warning: smut (female dominance) , court gentry being a very shy boy. word count: 653 A/n: hey hey!! i hope you enjoy this!! shy shy court gentry is very sweet to write! lmk if you have any other shy court request!! I also really love that you enjoy my writing! thank you so much for requesting something!
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How were you supposed to know what goes through the Court's mind? He had always been distant about the thoughts that swirled in his head but today, today was different. The man wouldn't look at you and when he did he would just blush and return his focus to the last thing he was doing. It aggravates you, the man you love was ignoring you, or more so was so shy and flustered he couldn't look at you. You didn't know which one was worse; being ignored or your lover being shy towards you. 
This went on for about a few hours. You decided to take things into your own hands and tease him relentlessly. It was easy to tease Court on a normal day but because he had been so shy and distant lately you knew your boldness would catch him more off guard than normal. 
“Hey baby” you said, in a little bit of a huskier tone than normal. Court looked up from the book he was reading on the couch to see you above him. His cheeks reddened and he blushed. 
“Hey…” he said, drawing out his sentence. “What are you um, up to?” 
“Oh me, not much just wondering what you're doing” you said to him, you slowly sat down in his lap letting your hands run over his shirt. His book ended up on the floor and his hands found your waist. 
“Baby?” he asked shyly. You knew your mission like you knew the map of him. You unbuttoned his shirt slowly keeping your eyes on his. He never broke eye contact, even when his shirt found the floor. 
“Still shy?” you asked, and the little nod he gave you helped you know that tonight, you were in control of everything, “Okay baby” 
That night it was you in controle, it was your turn to dictate what happens. Normally you would want him to control it, want him to make you beg, but tonight it was enticing wanting to hear the begging come from him. The bed was warm from the afternoon sun on it and the almost sunset light gave Court a new glow. 
He was still shy under you, still glowing in that light while you rode him and was still so shy about making a sound while you gave him pleasure. Your hips rocked back and forth on top of him sending waves into you and his soft whimpers from under you made you rock harder on top of him. The slight bounces broke Court from his shy trance and once the moans from both of you filled the room the man that you loved with came back to you all shyness gone. He took over letting you fall on top of him, kissing your neck while he pounded into you, making you feel breathless. His hips satisfied you, and satisfied the shy boy under you. 
He laid next to you. Skin exposed to the now pink and orange sky. You turned towards him, the apartment windows letting all the sunset light, pinks oranges and blues just cascaded over the room and the two of you. “Why all the shyness Court?” you asked, breaking silence.
“I…didn't know how to talk about what I wanted” he said, a little shy but not as shy as before. 
“What did you want?” you asked, concerned letting yourself sit up to face him. 
“You, in control” he told you, your smile broke the awkwardness making Court sigh in relaxation. 
“If you want me in controle, ask, i'll do it again” You told the man you loved and Court took you in his arms, the heat and sweat not bothering you as he hugged you. The two of you fell asleep to the setting sun and the comfort of the two of you.
"I love you y/n" he whispered before you both fell into a comfortable and relaxing sleep.
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amethystina · 2 months
hello dear, hope you're doing well physically & mentally. lots of hugs for you!
i've been wondering about the physical touch in Gahan's dynamic especially. we all know how much physical abuse Yohan has gone through in his childhood, the kidnapping by Sunah, him willingly explode a whole ass room with bombs with him inside it too but pushing away his loved one out.
now compare to Gaon. this Bambi has better experience with physical touch in his life seeing as how he's comfortable leaning to Soohyun seeking comfort while grieving for the loss of his parents. reaching out to Yohan so easily when he sees Yohan woke up from a nightmare. how he reaches for Kkomi and put her on his lap, the lovely and respectful interaction with Elijah.
I always have this thought in my head that it would be tricky for them to have this physical touch without one misunderstood the meaning of one's action. personally i bounced back and forth of the idea Yohan can manipulate and charm ppl with his sex prowess. just because he knows being seduction and sex goes hand in hand with manipulation. It does seem like Yohan can be the type to do especially that the way he gazes at Gaon & Sunah. But we all know he has brother complex lol, while with Sunah he can get the rush of feeling powerful having someone around his level to play with. Either that idea or I think Yohan never has the chance to explore sex bcs it's too much physical touches and too much emotional investment in such a short period of time. Perhaps he can have sex while his sex partner is tied up, not touching Yohan but he's the one who has control to touch them, hence why the kinky dom Yohan exist. So i think domestic touches will be like taming stray or feral creatures. It would take a long time and patience on both sides to be in the safe space and trust.
now.. wdyt Gahan would be in if they were already in a romantic relationship. How would they interact? Who would initiate what? What difference would it be for them in domestic/ innocent interactions and in bed? I would like to know your thoughts on this one. I wish I can pour my detailed thoughts for this but i'm afraid to scare you off with my long-ass paragraphs hahaha it's been a while since I have conversations analyzing character's personality and their depths, just geeking out about them and it can be intense and intimidating for people if I pour all my thoughts out for these shit lol
I wish you well! Take your time on your recovery & in writing, we'll always be here for you!
I'm currently in pain from shoveling too much snow but, other than that, I'm pretty okay. Thank you for asking 💜
Physical touch is a very fascinating subject when it comes to these two, isn't it? Probably because there's so much tension between them.
Anyhow! I actually think that Yo Han has had a lot of sex but, like, only with the right people? He may have been abused as a child (and definitely has trauma and trust issues because of it) but he's also a very clever and intuitive man. And he'd know how to find partners he can have casual, enthusiastic, and fun sex with. Like, some random woman or man he meets at a bar who thinks he's hot? Definitely. Some random woman or man he meets in a professional setting who is clearly trying to gain something from having sex with him? Absolutely not.
Having sex is a very intimate act in some ways, but exactly how intimate depends a lot on the partner, the setting, and the circumstances. Yo Han would only go for people he's not feeling threatened by or knows he can control without exerting too much effort. But I also think he'd enjoy the challenge of wooing people. Like, how fast can he make this woman shed her clothes? What should he say to make this man swoon? Flirting would be a game for him, too, but "winning" just means he and the other person get to have sex so it's actually pretty harmless.
And I think he'd be fine doing it with strangers and letting them touch him. Because he doesn't actually seem averse to touch in the drama? Unused to it, yes — especially the tender kind — but not scared of or uncomfortable with it. He puts himself and his body through a lot, yes, but never in a reckless or self-destructive way. More often than not, he knows exactly what the risks are and deems them worth whatever payoff comes at the end (unlike Ga On who just... throws himself into danger without much thought).
One of the few (if not the only time) Yo Han seems genuinely scared of physical touch is when Ga On tries to comfort him after his nightmare. Which says a lot, I think. He's more scared of a touch meant to soothe than one meant to hurt, since he doesn't want to show weakness. He doesn't know how he will react to a touch like that and would therefore rather push it away.
But he doesn't even flinch when Sun Ah raises a hand to slap him, which is definitely a situation where some (but not all) who have been abused in the past would react. So, clearly, he's not as traumatised as he could have been, or has learned to control it enough for it not to show too much. To me, Yo Han doesn't seem averse to casual touching and does it quite a lot himself, like towing Ga On around at the gala, lightly patting Lawyer Ko's arm, offering his arm to Jin Joo at the other gala etc.
And I personally don't think there will be all that many misunderstandings between him and Ga On as to what a certain touch means? They both seem way too smart for that? There might still be general misunderstandings, of course, but not when it comes to that. If nothing else, the intent behind touches is something Yo Han had to learn long ago because you can't manipulate people only using sexual prowess. He needs more than one method and that means recognising what different touches mean, when to give them etc.
My personal headcanon for Yo Han is that he has no trouble using his sex appeal to manipulate when appropriate, but his strength lies in how he adapts to the situation, sometimes being kind and understanding, sometimes being firm and commanding, and, sometimes, being flirty and sensual.
The way he prefers to have sex is for fun, though, and he enjoys it a lot with the right people. But he'd never do it if he felt uncomfortable or threatened by his partner, and he's good enough at reading people that he'd know the other person's intentions long before the actual sex happens. So, for example, I don't think he'd ever want to have sex with Sun Ah even if he could tie her up. He'd be too suspicious to actually enjoy it xD
To me, Yo Han is the kind of man who has a lot of trauma, but has also worked a lot on overcoming said trauma. If he did so in a healthy way I will leave unsaid, but I don't think he'd allow himself to be wary of other people's touch. I think Yo Han would be frustrated by his own limitations if he could only have sex with people while they're tied up, simply because he's uncomfortable with them touching him. That's too big of a weakness — something someone could exploit. And he'd train that out of himself as soon as possible. His whole thing is that he's unshakeable and impenetrable and that's a choice — something he's putting effort into being. And so I, personally, can't see him allowing himself to have that kind of "flaw."
As a friend of mine said: "He's a man even more in control of himself than he is others."
That said, I think he enjoys tying people up because it gives him added control and makes it more fun to play with his victims partners. So I'm all for Dom!Yo Han — he is one in every fic I've written so far — I just think he does that because he likes it, not because it's the only way he can have sex.
And, to be entirely honest with you? I don't think Yo Han needs to tie people up in order to control them in the bedroom. I'm pretty sure that man can make his partners do pretty much anything he wants them to, without using a single tool or restraint. Because that is the kind of Dom he is.
ANYHOW. To your questions! (boy did I get derailed there for a while)
Ga On is definitely the cuddly one. Like, once he gets comfortable, he's the one who gives and asks for hugs, will walk up behind Yo Han and wrap his arms around him, snuggle up on the couch, put his head in Yo Han's lap etc. Because I definitely agree with you that the casual, domestic touches will be more difficult for Yo Han. He's used to giving some of them, like pats on the shoulder, a supportive hand, fixing Ga On's clothes — practical things. But the ones that are just because? Clearly, that's out of his wheelhouse and he's too prideful to ask for them.
Again, not because he's broken, scared, or doesn't understand them, but simply because he's not used to them. And he doesn't like feeling insecure or appearing weak, so he wouldn't risk asking and making a mistake.
So it'll fall upon Ga On to offer them, which he of course does. He's a pretty physical person with the people he trusts, provided that politeness and such allows it. Like, clearly, one of the reasons why Ga On doesn't touch Yo Han much in the drama is due to the workplace hierarchy, the fact that Yo Han is older (and it's considered rude to touch someone older without their permission), and just Yo Han's overall... Yo Han-ness. But once Ga On gets free rein?
Yo Han won't know what hit him.
But it'll take time for them to get used to it, yes. Like, just teaching Yo Han how to return casual hugs that aren't in a life-or-death situation is going to take a while. But he'll get used to it eventually and while I don't think he'll ever be the one to initiate certain things — like the more cuddly hugs that might make him look clingy — he'd always reciprocate when Ga On does.
Yo Han is a little too prideful to ask for cuddles, but he'll graciously agree to them when Ga On asks him to give them.
(He and Komi have that in common, I guess)
As for sex, that depends? I think they can both initiate it, but Yo Han enjoys it more when Ga On does so, just because he likes seeing Ga On horny and desperate xD Yo Han is definitely the one in charge, though. That's not to say that Ga On can't snatch control from him or throw him off-balance from time to time, but probably only during brief moments when he's being particularly cheeky and bratty. I think they both enjoy the push-and-pull — the fact that Ga On challenges Yo Han is a part of the thrill — but are more comfortable when Yo Han is in control.
Especially since Yo Han is very good at it.
All that said, I do think — and this might be an unpopular and scandalous opinion — that Yo Han could, eventually, let Ga On top him. But we're talking years down the line, when they're so comfortable with each other that there are no secrets or doubts. Because, yes, Yo Han is a man who prides himself on having control but, eventually, he's also going to realise that having control and having power isn't necessarily the same thing. And being in charge and having control isn't necessarily the same thing, either. Ga On has a tremendous amount of power over Yo Han despite not being in charge or in control the majority of the time.
I mean, there's a reason why they say that the sub is the one with the real power since they're the ones willingly handing it over to someone else. And if they can give it, they can also revoke that privilege — and there is absolutely nothing the Dom can do about that. In that situation, the Dom is, quite literally, powerless.
And I think, especially as he gets older and softer, Yo Han would realize that trusting Ga On to top him is, in fact, a sign of his own strength. And I don't mean that in a "real men know how to bottom" kind of way. But in a "I love this man and I trust him and myself enough to let him have this power over me because that, in itself, means I have power."
But, again, that's several years into their relationship and 99,9% of the time, Yo Han is the one topping. But, every once in a while, Ga On can be the one in charge. As a treat.
... I may have gotten off track again.
But I'd say that's about the gist of it? There are, of course, more specific examples and details, too.
Yo Han is definitely the one doing most of the dirty talk, but Ga On will not hesitate to use his doe-eyes to his advantage and say the most kinky, outrageous things sometimes, just for the pleasure of watching Yo Han bluescreen. I also think that Yo Han will develop a habit of burrowing his nose in Ga On's hair when they're hugging/cuddling. And, as I've mentioned in a previous post, Yo Han is the little spoon 90% of the time. I also think that Ga On is going to be pretty shy and prudish when it comes to talking about sex and anything relating to it (at least at the beginning), but kinky as fuck when it comes to the actual acts. Like, he can't say "cock" without wincing, but he'll gladly let Yo Han tie him up and fuck him so roughly and thoroughly he's covered in bruises afterwards.
I really could go on but then we'd be here forever and I have work tomorrow x'D
So I'm hoping you got something out of this long rant! Thank you so much for the ask! I admit that I don't often spend time thinking about fictional characters' sex lives, but I apparently have a lot of opinions regardless. Though, to be honest, I think Yo Han and Ga On is the couple where I've had to think about it the most, since physical closeness (of both the sexual and more innocent kind) is extremely important for their dynamic. So yeah.
Take care, darling! 💜
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suzukiblu · 5 months
Okay, but I was glad to see your response to this^^^ because I've actually been going back and forth for Days about whether to send you an ask about how much I surprisingly ADORE your writing, so it's nice to know you get it a lot. (I didn't want to risk coming across as condescending because like. You obviously very much like the tropes you tend to write for, that's why you write them, and I didn't want you to think I was essentially going "you're not like Other authors who write this thing you like")
Like. I generally Very Much dislike kid!fic and I don't usually care about omegaverse. And then you're over here like "I have a dozen different flavors of Omegaverse, Accidental Baby Acquisition, and Is Anyone Gonna Parent That Child?" and I'll read a snippet of Kon Isn't the Father or Wet Nurse Omegaverse and start foaming at the mouth and trying to pretend I care about them a Normal Human Amount.
Hahaha, yeah, no, I'm VERY used to hearing that at this point. I am of the mind that people like what they like, and if they don't like what I like, it's fine, it's just how they roll! And like, even the tropes I tend to like, I tend to like in pretty specific ways? So I don't even always like what I like, and I don't expect other authors to be perfectly up my alley, you know?
Also like . . . I regularly subvert a fair amount of the tropes I'm into, or at least I regularly TRY to, and when I don't, I still examine them pretty closely and like . . . idk, I feel like I explain them pretty thoroughly in my writing, most of the time? So I think that's why a lot of people who don't really like said tropes can get into my stuff more easily than other writers', because it's like, an entry-level approach in that way, but also not necessarily the most fandom-common approach, beause I decided to examine a different part of the trope than the genre I'm working in usually goes for.
Example: when I write DC omegaverse, I generally make Kon an omega, buuuuut the Omega Kon tag on AO3 has, like . . . less than thirty fics in it, while the ALPHA Kon tag has over a hundred--
( GOD I wish people wrote more of Kon, but that is not the point of this reply, haha )
--so like, generally speaking, I'm usually drawn to more gender-fucky and less fandom-typical interpretations when I'm doing omegaverse, which means my concepts are usually a little different from the default assumptions and therefore, like, people are a little likelier to find my stuff, I feel like? Because the tag is less flooded, if nothing else, and also because if you want Omega Kon you probably REALLY WANT IT, given the overall drought of it, hahaha.
( For the record? I didn't even like omegaverse the first time I wrote omegaverse. It was literally just supposed to be a one-off, haha. I didn't like a LOT of things it turned out I really like, the first time I wrote them! )
And also in my experience a lot of people who dislike omegaverse dislike it because they don't like how it approaches sex or gender or feel like it erases the existences and experiences of trans and queer people or just think it's super rape-y, but I get REALLY into the gender stuff and consent and DON'T, you know, forget about the existences of trans and queer people. So like . . . I'm regularly doing an entry-level approach, but also regularly doing a nontraditional approach, so I think I just tend to attract people who don't really "get" the AU/kink/genre/etc that I'm writing and also people who don't like the traditional approach to the AU/kink/genre/etc that I'm writing.
Another example: like, I love kidfic, but when I write kidfic I am writing the kids as characters in their own right, which is admittedly not always a thing that I see people want to do, or comfortable with doing? But I grew up the oldest of four kids, have worked as a nanny, am DEEPLY fascinated by child psychology, and have like . . . four niblings between the ages of three and twenty with a fifth one on the way, hah. So I have at least SOME feel for what kids are like at specific ages, developmentally-speaking, which is an issue I see pop up in a lot of kidfic too. Just like, people describing a seven year-old as being closer to toddler-sized, or having an eight year-old that talks like a high-schooler or just things like that--stuff that can inadvertantly throw somebody who Knows Kids out of a story, basically. Also I have a lot of feelings about Being A Parent as a concept, so like . . . pretty sure that gets in there too, hah.
Basically if I'm writing more than a couple thousand words about a thing, I have a lot of feelings about it?? Like a LOT of feelings.
. . . okay this reply got involved, lol. Whooooops.
Anyway! tl;dr: idk, those are just the feelings I get for why I get that comment from people pretty often?
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buckets-and-trees · 11 months
For your sleepover...
Stucky have you whisked away for a long retreat to a cabin in the mountains, wood burning fireplace, hot tub for pre play and aftercare, and on the second day there you wake up tied to the bed and blindfolded, hearing them going at it next to you, feeling the bed shake, and hearing plans for you for the next few days between declarations of love, as they finish, they realize you're awake and start in on pleasuring/ edging you.
My Jonas brother in Christ! What a lethal treat you left in my box, Libby!
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I mean...
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First, not surprising that they got me tied up while I was asleep, because once I'm asleep, I'm a 90% zombie sleeper hahaha (with a somnophilia kink, but that's not really relevant to this situation)
HONESTLY we better put the rest of this answer under a cut for probably sexually explicit content, or speculating about it in great detail
(unless/of course they know that and teased my sleeping form into a bit of a low thrumming for them already so I wake up in an even more ....delicate? heightened? horny state mwahaha)
This has got to be a "realize you're awake" thing, right? They know everything about me. They know I'm awake. But if I'm a good girl and don't make a sound, I'll get to watch. They know there's a part of me that also goes fi;aoffj;oaa'ioaraf when they talk about me like I'm not there. They know I hate to be tied up. (hate - I'm willing to endure the torture because they make it good and will reward me even further once they let me loose.) Last night when we got to the cabin was about relaxing, having fun, it was a long drive, so we ate dinner, chatted, had some wine, kissed and enjoyed each other a bit, but nothing crazy before we went to bed. But to wake up like this? Turned on and desperate, desire dialed up to eleven watching them, while I'm tied up they're going to make me an absolute whimpering mess, edging me continually, but then finally drawing two or three orgasms out of me before they untie me because now I'm just a pliable fucked out mess that they get to just pass back and forth all morning.
They wanted to take me on a retreat, right? I'd probably been working too hard, so their goal was to get me to a place where I couldn't think anymore.
Once they're done with this phase/the first morning, Bucky draws me a bath and gets me settled in the tub of the opulent bathroom (it's one of those 'rich people cabins' they've rented) while Steve gets a big charcuterie tray ready for all of us, and they hand-feed me morsels. Then they wash my hair and my body, towel me dry, take me to the bed and rub lotion over every inch of me (with plenty of soft kisses) (but this isn't about sensual heat right now). Bucky braids my hair. They dress me in cute panties, a pair of soft sleep shorts, one of Steve's old crewneck sweatshirts, then crawl onto the bed with me and pull me up to the pillows, tucking in on either side of me for a cuddled-up afternoon nap. It's the most glorious first half of the first day of our cabin vacation.
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lutawolf · 2 years
Love In the Air Ep 8 Review & Running Commentary
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We are now entering into the territory of Sky and Prapai. Be prepared people because there is going to be Sexual Assaults triggers. MAME does not do this for fun, it's actually a way of her dealing with her own demons. I think that's one reason why I'm less triggers, I'm used to listening to survivors. That and this should be less of a surprise which is what typically triggers me.
Sky hasn't had a particularly easy life. Which has created walls a mile high. His best friend Rain has made it past those walls. So when he asks for a favor, Sky reaches out to his abusive ex to achieve said favor. Which leads to a tailspin of him meeting Prapai who jokingly suggests that Sky return his protection for sex. Only for Sky to take him seriously and be down for it. Immediately Prapai is drawn to the sad and passionate boy, and he'll do whatever it takes to break the walls Sky has down. But can he handle the story that created the walls to begin with?
Let's start.. Ahhh, I'm not gonna lie, I'm a litter nervous to see how they handle this. So we are starting at the street race where they will eventually meet. I truly love Sky, he is sassy but will do anything for his friend. Even talk to his jack ass ex. Blah, blah, let us skip to Sky's intro. There we go. Ohh, I like how we have Prapai immediately noticing Sky. It's a cute back and forth, with Sky nervous and unsure and Prapai intrigued. Oh shit! the two coconuts noticed him. I'm gonna go ahead and forgive them since they help Rain later on but coconuts. Damn that music is making it intense right, I know what's going to happen cause of previous but still.
And there we go, "He's my boy." Then he takes him away and attempts to get some answers from him. While Sky looks scared, he isn't talking. "intruders like you can't leave" "What do you want?" "It depends on what you can offer me but if I can choose." To which he goes to touch Sky's face. At that point Sky knows what is up and rolls his eyes. "So you know what you need to give to get out of here?" "You better hurry up, the next race is about to start. Tik Tok." "Just take what you want" I got to be honest here, I really wish that had just stopped at the but if I can choose. Even in the book it was handled better because it's made to be a joke that Sky just happens to be good with. So yeah, I'm not thrilled.
Not Just Wind but a Typhoon.
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Okay so we can at least say that Sky is very involved in the kissing. He is not holding back in any way. He giving as good as he is getting. Ohhh, he even pulls him closer. Alright, not a great start but homeboy for sure wants this. OH hell to the yeah, I was concerned that wouldn't show him going down but they are not being shy. Give it to me baby, uh huh. Oh yeah, I don't think there is any doubt any anyone's mind that Sky wants this. DAAAAAAMN. And Sky rides and rides well. I love that they don't shy away from letting us hear them! So hot.
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Sky leaving Prapai's place, looking all kinds of sad. Damn, this pulling on my heart strings. Then doing a flash back to them in the bedroom and Prapai is not going to let go of this boy any time soon. Damn, Sky even tells him to bring it on. "They're all assholes." poor baby boy, are you trying to convince yourself. Though I got to admit he did act like an asshole baby boy but you seemed to enjoy the sex at least. Okay, I'm gonna say the book did this better because in the book when he leaves we know he enjoys the sex but he's like, walls are up and no emotions. Peace out dudes. Really wish they had kept that. This just makes it feel not good. Just my opinion don't come at me.
Oh wait, did I speak to soon. Are we gonna get that part? Much better. We know he enjoyed the sex but those walls are a mile high. He wants human contact but he doesn't trust it. Can't. Meanwhile Prapai is hooked, he can't forget him. That's a first for him. Awww, here is the cute little brother. Who flies a rainbow flag. Hahaha, mamma knows, she got slut babies. You about to lose your freedom buddy boy, I would say enjoy it while you can but you already caught.
"Shitty things always happen to me." You killing me baby boy. Now I'm back to not knowing how to feel about this. Yeah you guys, the book did it better. The inner monologue in the book really helped you to understand Sky. This just leaves me feeling like I got whip lash. Today's topic is "How to forget the one you want to forget" I guess this is supposed to be like his inner monologue? Ahh okay, that's exactly what it's supposed to be. They could have done this better but at least we are getting it, right.
Three Months Latter
Prapai really thought he could forget him and since he can't. Didn't he. Sig and Som really just need to fuck it out. Oh and back to Prapai, sorry buddy, there will be no next time. And back to Sky. Don't be stepping between these two, they really just need to fuck it out. And let us watch... Yeah we all know why Som is moody, he lost any chance with Payu. Som not the only one upset with Rain. Ple be riding the jelly train too. Try riding something else, it helps. Sig, you stupid buffalo, are you really making the rock and roll sign.
Look at the rider who would rather be ridden. That's all he can think about. His attention was on or. It means your obsessed. If you can't get something off your mind then you are obsessed. This isn't rocket science. "You either love it very much or hate it very much." Accurate. "Beautiful sky and perfect weather are perfect for making a decision." You guys should know that his name means wind. "I've made up my mind, if he won't get out of my head then I won't let him go." About damn time, now go get ya boy. I mean me too, I feel a little sorry for him but it will work out in the end.
This is totally me when I'm reading. I giggle and clap my hands. I'm redunk. Ohhh, this nerd understands! I feel that pain to my soul. Thinking you have all the series only to find out you missed one so you have to get dressed and reschedule everything to get it. Staying up all night to read is not relatable at all. Sky thinking it's Rain calling to complain about Payu. Instead it's Prapai beeeeeing creepy as fuck. What the hell. You might as well heavy breath too. Just stop the fuck boy flirting. I love Sky so much, he's like, this bitch. Prapai stop flirting like a fuck boy, that is not how you are going to win Sky. NO Prapai, you don't sound creepy and ominous at all. 🤦🏽‍♀️
Ahh there we go though, a reference to his name. "A hot wind god." "Brace yourself because I'm serious." Well at least there is that. Homeboy knows what he wants now. Ahh see Sky knew his name, he is like, no way. Impossible. "Someone like him won't be attracted to someone like me." That's where you are wrong baby boy. That's where you are wrong. Oh, did you block his number?? HA!
Look at you smiling like an idiot. Cause you an idiot. Okay but that's cute, you like your angry Sky. Did he really kiss his phone. He got it bad. Are the exercise machine advertisement? Opps, must not have blocked him. Oh their ceremony is cute! OH I'm Dying. Go Som Go!
And hello Prapai. Yes, Sky, that's brilliant. I now see why you and Rain are close friends. You both have white crayon moments. You cute and you smart but sometimes the common sense is lacking. He is literally standing right there looking at your dumbass behind a box. Oh, you fuck head Rain. You sold your bestie out did ya. Look at that look, that Sky is giving Rain. HA!
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So fucking lame Prapai. Sky is like wtf dude and I am dying. His facial expressions are the best. Fucking white crayon Rain. OMG, I love Sky's facial expressions so much. Look at Rain trying to make amends. You gonna have to do better than that buddy. I literally just laid my head down on the desk. He is whispering to Sky that Rain doesn't know about them and Rain is leaning in to listen. From even that range I would hear him. Dead. Rain is like, say bye to me damnit.
Oh, hands off buddy. Look at Sky still being polite and saying thank you for being dropped off. "You should find someone else to play with." "I wouldn't have been here if I wanted someone else." "Look, I don't want to play with you." "If you never try you never know." "It's because I already tried it that I don't want it." Ouch! Buuuuurn! Okay but Prapai is hilarious. Like are you serious that I didn't get you hooked just a little. "This is so unfair. Am I the only one that can't get enough of you." Homebody is hooked and wanting but Sky has been played. He has walls a mile high. You gonna have to prove it dude.
"Lets start over. My name is Prapai. See? I told you I am the hot wind God." "A wind God, I thought you were a Cyclops." Actually this should be “Prapai, right? I thought your name was Wirun Chambang.” Wirun Chambang is a giant that appears in Ramayana Buddhism stories. The joke still fits though, 🤣. We back to fuck boy flirting. Really. Aww Sky, can't you tell that Prapai only gets more enthralled the more annoyed you get. That boy thinks you cute. Danger! Danger! Will Robinson! He is in hot pursuit. "I can't believe how shameless that guys is." Umm, really? Cause I gotta say, I saw the clues a mile away. You don't stand a chance but make it hard at least. People don't appreciate what they don't have to work for.
"Rain will be dead meat tomorrow." Yeah, that's fair. Then he goes to look out the window. How freaking cute. See jitter bug got some feelings. "A guy like him only wants sex. Get it together Sky." Oh baby boy, you been hurt pretty bad. Prapai needs to get on that fix it train. Jitter bug got feelings but he is scared to have them. Yup, Prapai thinks Sky is adorable, he doesn't mind the grump at all. A fucking coffee receipt. At least he met his boy though. Let the wall destruction commence!
Haha Rain, take your punishment. Sky might thank you later but today is not the day. Damn, no wonder Rain is good at taking punishment. Boy been a sub to his bestie, 🤣🤣🤣.
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Sunflowers! So pretty! Really that's your note, meanie why can't I get you out of my head. Smh. Better than fuck boy flirting. He named him Psycho in his phone! Love it! Oh, we got a story too. "Cause the sunflower face the sky. I can't be the sun for you. But whenever you see sunflowers, remember that this wind is watching over the sky." Okay, yeah, you are upping your game. You are for sure moving away from the fuck boy moves into adult moves. Sky is like, that shits cheesy... Shit, I like it. Noooooo they are too pretty for the trash!
Choosing the flowers. "Sometimes sexy. Occasionally sad. Mysterious at times. But I want flowers that give off lovely vibes. So he'll give me a bright smile." First step to stepping of the fuck boy bus. Picking out the flowers yourself and delivering them yourself.
We are at the end! Okay I've got mixed feelings but I'm still liking it. I also think it will get better. I'm here for it. Hope you guys enjoyed. 💜💜💜 As always this is dedicated to the coconuts mafia. 💜💜💜
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thelunarfairy · 8 months
Tsukasa's relationship with the red house
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The house that talks haha sometimes I wonder how Tsukasa managed to make the creature like him to the point of wanting to stay by his side.
So I've been thinking about this. How did Tsukasa manage to talk to this creature in the first place? We must remember that only people who have a sixth sense or who are close to the far shore can see and come into contact with the supernatural.
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What does that mean? Was Tsukasa also close to dying? Would it make sense since he is Amane's identical twin, which guarantees he wouldn't get sick in the future?
Or, the second hypothesis, what if in the family, like Minamoto's, he had a great sixth sense? We know almost nothing about the twins' family but their mother realized that there was something wrong with Tsukasa even when the temple exorcists hadn't been able to find anything.
Curious, isn't it? Based on this principle, what it suggests is that Tsukasa should have died some time after Amane (apparently Amane wasn't born sick, he got sick later) so it would be possible for Tsukasa to suffer equally in the future. But then the future changes, Tsukasa “dies” before Amane, he sacrifices himself.
Amane should grow up and become a teacher, but then we have another counterargument, why did Tsuchigomori never mention Tsukasa? If Amane was going to become a teacher, then Tsukasa must have been dead by the time Tsuchigomori read Amane's book, meaning Tsukasa wasn't there.
And besides, if Tsukasa wasn't there then that confirms that he wasn't the one hurting Amane. But then we have another turning point, we saw that Tsukasa was going to school.
Either Tsukasa wasn't responsible for changing Amane's future, or he was and Tsuchigomori withheld the information. Did the teacher read Tsukasa's book? If Tsukasa died at age 4, he wasn't in school yet, but if he came back, his book would appear.
Shouldn't Tsukasa's future have changed too? Tsuchigomori said that Amane was the only one who changed the future, but what about Tsukasa? What should Tsukasa's future be?
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Should he stay alive in Amane's place? Should he have died after his brother? Or did he actually have a sixth sense? This last hypothesis is difficult to discuss because there is little information about it. Tsukasa was the only one the God chose to stay by his side, is there a motivation for that? Why did Tsukasa stay by his side? Why did he fulfill his wishes? Because he saved his brother's life?
The sealed Tsukasa still roams the house, still goes to his own room to do his things, even takes Mitsuba with him. He also often talks to the mirror, what's in it? Does it reflect the creature that lives within himself?
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Lots of questions, right? What we know is that Tsukasa and the creature seem to be good friends, they help each other (like when little Tsukasa was encouraging Kou to make requests inside the house). Tsukasa comes and goes as he pleases from the red house, as well as going back and forth through time.
So if Tsukasa can traverse the time stream, why would he want to mess with the school's time stream? Is it blocked because of the seals? The clock keepers do not allow anyone to interfere. So school would be the only place he couldn't go back in time or go to the future.
Hahaha, the school was built on top of that old village where this God always received living offerings, so the God wants Tsukasa to return to school time, why is that??
I dare say that you may already have an answer about this.
There are many possibilities, but for now this is all we have. Yeah, we're talking about the temporal paradox and the butterfly effect, I wonder how this all actually started.
But, was Tsukasa's destiny to stay alive and Amane to die? or the opposite? If Tsukasa hadn't intervened, Amane would have died and perhaps Tsukasa would have stayed alive, or, in the worst case scenario, their fate from the beginning was death.
In the end, they are both actually dead, right?
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Is this the consequence of changing your destiny?
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capturecharlesau · 8 months
Have there ever been any wholesome/adorable head canons or ideas you and some besties came up with? Like platonic/found family interactions or something?
OHOHOHO IM GLAD YOU ASKED! I HAVE TONS!! (And some potential ones! 👀)
Relations with @jaytoons7 🦊
🌟 Danny/Crusher 🌟
AH! I LOVE LOVE LOOOOOOVE this goddamn SHIP!! ♥️ 💕 IT GIVES ME FUCKING LIFE!! It HELPS ME BREATHE!! Crusher helps Danny’s poor mental health and intrusive thoughts! The way Crusher treats Danny with so much love makes me feel so normal with my mental health! Like I said before Crusher is such a HANDSOME good looking sweetheart! And Danny YEARNS for a lot of affection and Crusher goes out of his way to always protect and give it to him!! He considers it and NEVER wants to hurt his precious Danny! Awwww it makes me SO HAPPY!! Crusher is so accepting in whatever Danny believes in!! I WANT AN ACTUAL HUSBAND LIKE CRUSHY ONE DAY!! AAAAAAHH!! Someone who can sooth my Danny heart! :)
2. Charles/Scottie
OH DAMN! I LOVE THE DRAMA IN THIS! Since Scottie is a Toppat and Charles is head of the government the tension is UNREAL!! Scottie appreciates Charles SO much for helping his mental health as well and giving him so much love and friendship! They are friends to the end!! They both appreciate each other’s company so much! Scottie would literally go behind the Toppat Clan to protect his friendship with Charles and help him just like he helped Scot! Charles will forever be loyal to Scottie and Scottie alone with his friends! Charles also uses his healing abilities to help Scottie and the two of them have their flaws but in the end they both need each other for BOTH of their mental health!
3. Benz/Scottie
AAAAH! THE TWO OF THEM ALSO HAVE MUCH ANGST!! Benzy is so fucking TORN by what happened to Scot that he literally wants to harm himself just so Scottie will maybe accept him as a family member! But we all know that’s a load of nonsense! But the two of them need to overcome their emotions as well as move on! Benz feels left out sometimes but in the darkest of times Scot and Benz need each other to support each other as brothers! They also help each other with the whole… “not wanting to be a girl thing” WHICH IS SO WHOLESOME!
4. Reginald/RHM/Jay/Sven
AAH! THIS FAMILY! THIS FAMILY MAKES ME CRY!! REGINALD NEEDS TO TAKE CARE OF HIS SWEET BABY JAY!! Reginald LOVES Jay so much and wants to protect him forever! Jay reminds Reg so much of him when he was younger and Reginald always cares and thinks about Jay even in moments when Reginald is being a hypocrite at times! RHM with Jay is a TAD bit complicated with the emotions but deep down RHM LOVES Jay so much and will forever love and care for his precious boy! Sven as well! Svenie will emotionally help Jay back and forth in hard times!
5. RHM/Crusher/Danny/Reginald
WOW! IF YA’LL THOUGHT DANNY WAS A GAY SLUTTY BITCH (affectionate hehe) DAMN THESE FOUR!! WHEN THESE FOUR GET TOGETHER THEY ARE ALL SO GAY WITH THEY COUPLES!! HAHA!! Realistically these four are the BEST OF FRIENDS…. (With benefits 👀) Reginald and RHM will do anything to help Danny and Crusher with their couple problems since the four of them are so CLOSE since the Terrence’s reign! RHM is best friends with Crusher and Reginald is best friends with Danny and the FOUR OF THEM WILL FOREVER SUPPORT EACH OTHER DEARLY!!
6. Allwork/Ulle
Hehehe no spoilers for the sequel yet…. But let’s just say YOUR NOT READY HAHAHA—
7. Galeforce/Scottie
8. Danny/Scottie
HOOOOO THIS IS SUPER ANGSTY!! DANNY IS TERRIFIED OF SCOTTIE!!! This is like an enemies to friends type of trope! Scottie did treat Danny VERY poorly during the Terrence days and they both DESPISE each other!! But…. Within time they both learn to understand each other and learn to move on and their mistakes! They soon become friends in the epilogue but SHHH spoooiiileeerrrssss 👀
9. Allwork/Martin
Relations with @bluetorchsky 🔦 ✨
1. Burt/Calypso
AAAAAAAHHHH!! JUST AAAAAA!! ! AGAIN NO SPOILERS YET…… 👀 BUT DAMN YOU GUYS ARE NOT READY!!! OH MY GOD!! More information once we get to the epilogue 👀
2. Annesa/ Violin
Aaaaaaaaahh!!! I LOVE the connection Violin has with Annesa treating her like His own child!! It makes my heart go GAAAH!! 💕 I feel more connected with the boys!! GAAAH! The way Violin takes care of the extremely smart and creative autistic Annesa! Eee!
3. Benz/ Accordion and Violin
WOOOAH!! THE FACT THAT BOTH VIOLIN AND BENZ ARE TRANSGENDER AND VIOLIN GOES OUT OF HIS WAY TO PROTECT AND ASK HOW BENZ IS THO!!?? IM CRYING!! Violin helped Benz to stop binding with BANDAGES!! Like aaaah!! It warms my heart! I can’t say anymore cause spoilers for the sequel! Hehehe!
4. Allwork/ Frankie and Gherry
5. Danny/ Accordion and Violin
WOW! THIS IS A HEAVY ANGSTY ONE!! The boys were a TAD bit cold with Danny at first cause they thought Dan was a JERK! They didn’t realize he had a curse! But as soon as they realize they apologize and they become closer! The boys even give Danny something in the epilogue but AGAIN SPOILERS! SHHHH 🤫
Relations with @smoresthehalloweenqueen
1. Brutus/Danny
2. Morgana/Terrence/Tobias
3. Morgana/ Rupert/ Jaques
4. Burt/ Tobias
POTENTIAL relationships? 👀
1. Cameron/Danny/Charles
@rarestdoge I won’t say much YET…..for the epilogue BUT…uncle Danny is gonna be a tad bit jealous ✋ 👀 🤚 No spoilers but it will be wholesome trust me!
2. Nicole/Amelia/Burt
@lovelygirlnicole15 and @androidcharles Again no spoilers for the epilogue! BUT… as for you @androidcharles …. You may have noticed Amelia is being bitter with Burt specifically in my comics….. I wonder why?…. 👀 Have you noticed?
These are all the relationships I OBSESS OVER WITH MY BESTIES in my AU :D
No spoilersssss! Hehehe
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ferrocyan · 2 months
For the relationship ask game: Tart & Lyna!
NOTHING BUT RESPECT FOR MY CAPTAIN!!! tart recognizes lyna as a kindred spirit, a fellow soldier of the vigil, and feels really connected to her from that. though they're not especially close in their personal lives, i think they're close professionally, if that makes sense. tart calls lyna by "captain" and lyna calls tart "soldier" in return, and to them these are terms of endearment, but they also serve to show off that the warrior of darkness defers to the captain of the crystarium guards to everyone else. since tart goes back and forth between the source and the first way more than in canon, she nudges lyna and g'raha to exchange letters and talk more. if lyna needs it tart would immediately travel across the rift, no questions asked. if it's lyna asking her to stay alive tart would seriously try. and if it's tart asking her out for a drink lyna would skip out of work hahaha
though i say all that the truth is if they hung out more than like, grabbing lunch together, they will run out of things to say after 20 minutes and the rest of the time it's just sooo awkward
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alienturnipp · 3 months
For the Creating your OCs ask meme: 1, 11 and 16 👀
From this ask
Thank you so much, and sorry that it took so long! Focusing on my DA babies because I think about them constantly
What was the first element of your OC that you remember considering (name, appearance, backstory, etc.)?
For Cirilla Hawke, his left earring ✨ The design & backstory of that change back-and-forth from time to time, but its existence is kinda a staple by now :") Some pics from old to new below!
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11. Did you know what the OC’s sexuality would be at the time of their creation? 
For all my OCs: usually bi/pansexual until proven otherwise hahaha, they tend to become more aro/ace as time goes. From the top of my head... Edra & Ellana were bi first and aroace now, Vy becomes lesbian ace.
16. What is something about your OC can make you cry?
I actually cried while exploring Kal'Hirol in Awakening with my Naril Brosca, and finding out about the casteless dwarves' memories there. It feels like... an unexpected homecoming that hit me like a truck? Naril as a Grey Warden now, witnessing people who were just like her, fighting against the same foes she does now, to defend a home who did not love them... It brought all her love and resentment toward Orzammar to the forefront and, yeah, I was absorbing all of that as well. It was so fucked up that they had to make that choice, but she understands them, she really does! She would do the exact same thing!
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Insomnia and Twisttube
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Character: Cater Diamond Description: Cater discovers a youtuber, the boy looked familiar and cater goes through a thought spiral before possibly discovering a new hobby. Word Count: 1424
Cater Diamond X Youtuber! Reader
First Fanfic for this blog, wanted to leave it vague so that you guys are able to run with it after wards and decide your own endings!  Feedback is welcomed!
Cater snickers to himself as he watches the video off his phone, insomnia kicked in once again, fortunately for him, it was Saturday, but still, it was quite the misfortune when you had to wrangle first-years and help your dorm head early tomorrow. He tries not to think about it too much as he continues to watch the young teen scream and run away from the digital ghost that was chasing him in the game. Goofy cat theme headphones stuck on top of the H/C haired boy, as he chuckled as he watch the digital ghost run into the invisible run.
“GET WRECKED, SON! Hahaha! Okay- we have dots and low temps, we just need to get one more and we can identify this lil fucker” the boy said quietly, whispering as if he was in the game. Cater chuckled quietly, watching intently as the person on his phone ran to get more items from the fake van. Cater hums softly, before focusing more on the twist-tuber on his phone. They looked familiar, but Cater couldn’t put their finger on it. The boy's hair was H/L, but unruly, showing that the video was recorded late at night, a soft blue glow showed behind him, as he bobbed back and forth, accessories bobbing with his rapid movements.
Sudden ghostly hands showed up behind the boy, touching his shoulders, resulting in the poor teen jumping 3 feet in the air, the game is quickly paused and the boy disappears, cussing out the entity, who was currently giggling. Cater laughs as well, imagining beginning there before getting embarrassed and turning off his phone. He plugs the device in on its charger, before staring at his dark ceiling, face bright red as he mentally scolds himself for imagining being in the house with the strange teen. 
Sure, Cater was positive he knew who the boy was, but that didn't mean he should make fantasies about being in the same location as the little nerd he watches the video of basically nightly when his insomnia was hellbent on not letting him sleep. That unfortunately didn’t stop his brain, as it scattered from all the faces and names he knew for a fact. He knew the boy wasn't from one of the main dorms. That was a fact since he knew everyone in this school. He almost settled for an Ignihyde student, since he heard the boy complain about computer specs and wanting to upgrade, but the student's personality fits that of the other dorms, being bubbly, and energetic, but still timid some moments, like when he would play dating sims and would get flustered by a strong compliment from the fake characters on screen. 
Then it clicked… He knew this student's face, he knew why this student was so familiar but so distant. Cater remembered during the assignment on the dorms, there was one boy that stood out. He was Cater’s age, slightly taller/smaller than Cater, wearing strange clothes with a weird bag strapped to his back. The mirror stated that the boy present didn’t have magic and that was what he thought would be the last of the boy since the Headmage escorted the boy out and Cater never bumped into him since then. 
Well- except for when his house warden overblotted, that, he remembers clearly, the strange, magicless boy was able to calm Riddle down relatively quickly, and provided some sort of therapy work, granted a quote he remembered vividly was that of “Riddle, it's like the blind leading the blind here, I am mentally ill, but- Hey! I am here to be your vent buddy!” 
Since then Riddle has been much calmer, going to the abandoned dorm that was affectionately referred to as ramshackle, his mind ran as he opened up his phone again, clicking on another video showing him in brighter light. Proving Cater right, this was the ramshackle boy! He jumped from his bed and went out of his room, just to run straight into Riddle.
“Ah, Cater! Good morning, it is quite odd to see you awake this early?” Riddle asked, currently brewing tea for the dorm to drink in the morning since most of the students in Hearslabyul were not coffee drinkers.  Cater’s face turned bright red before he coughed awkwardly.
“Yeah! I am fine, just uh... Going to see someone, b-because it's the weekend and we have free time!” Cater exclaimed, putting up his best smile.
Riddle looked at him for a second before smiling smugly. “Well if you are going to see someone, may I suggest changing out of your pajamas? I don't think you would want to provide a good impression.” 
Cater looks down before his face turns brighter, running back into his room. “Hey no running! We don’t need any injuries!”
Cater was quick to redress. He fixed his hair, put on his regular school uniform, styled his hair quickly, and painted the diamond on his cheek, with the help of one of his signature spell’s clones-
Once he did a once over, he smiled happily before walking back out. He is met by Trey, Adeuce, and Riddle, the group chatting about school activities and the day's activities altogether, granted the freshmen were sluggish and were leaning on each other, slowly dozing off in the presence of the still relatively strick house warden. 
He waves as he walked out, grabbing one of the breakfast sandwiches Trey made for breakfast before making a beeline for the door, nomming his food quietly as he walked at a slow pace to the destination. “GRIM YOU LITTLE GOBLIN, GIVE ME BACK MY PEN” “YOU DON'T NEED IT! YOU DON'T HAVE MAGIC! THE GREAT MAGE GRIM DOES!” “YEAH BUT YOU HAVE LIL GRUBBY HANDS AND EASILY FORGET WHERE YOU WOULD PLACE THEM! GET YOUR LITTLE KITTY BUTT BACK HER-”
Cater did not have enough time to react as he was ran into by a boy followed by a fuzzy companion. Both boys fell to the floor, luckily Cater ate the sandwich before this, but didn't make the impact pleasant. The boy on top of him pushes himself up with his hands and looks down at Cater before his face turns bright red, and scrambles off of him.
Cater, however, had yet to recollect what happened still. “Oh gosh- I am so sorry- uh Cater was it? OH GOSH, I AM SO SORRY!” The teen bowed aggressively, apologizing frantically. 
“Hey! It's fine! No need to apologize! I can understand getting distracted by things and running into something or someone!” Cater was quick to get up and show the boy that he did no harm. 
“Hey, your Y/N, right?” Cater asked, praying he was right. The teen in question perked up, before smiling happily, “Yeah! I didn’t know people knew my name to be honest…” Y/N turned his head, looking away from cater for a moment, before clearing his throat, Cater doing the same.
There was a long pause before they both looked at each other, their cheeks rosy. “Hey I'm a fan of your work” “Hey I'm a fan of your work”
There was a short pause before followed by a bunch of giggles and chuckles. 
“Wait you are a fan of mine?” “Wait you are a fan of mine?”
“O-Okay okay! LET'S TRY THIS AGAIN!” Y/N laughed again, whipping a stray tear from his face before covering his mouth slightly with his knuckle. “I go first because I think I would die if I heard you first-” He said, face turning redder by the second. “I like how you post pictures, how you can make the filters make the photo look better but not fake- I wish I was able to post like you” Cater’s face turned pink again, before chuckling and putting his hand in his pocket, fiddling with the seam gently, before taking a deep breath. “Yeah- I feel the same way, just instead of pictures is video editing” He looks away, shying away, “Video editing always kills me-” Cater admitted before slightly awkward silence hits both of them.
“If you want…” Y/n began “I can…um…teach you! If you teach me how to take pictures!” he joked, before picking up the grey cat, which was struggling and refusing to hold still.
“Gladly! I will gladly teach you my ways of the” Cater did jazz handles before picking up his phone from his pocket. “Magicam!~” 
Both boys laughed and walked toward ramshackle, the reason the ramshackle student left was because of his chaotic, furry teammate.
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cmbdragon98 · 3 months
Please tell us more about how your wife tricked you into dating her
So, setup, details all under cut, cuz it's a bit lengthy. Fun story though!
Tumblr circa 2015. Junior year of high school. I've convinced myself that dating is NOT for me, and that I should just wait until college to fuck around and find out. Just gone through a nasty little emotional breakup where in the near future, I'll wish that thar 2nd ever relationship was simply, entirely expunged from my life.
Paige, known as benedict-cutiebatch here, makes a post about being bored and wanting asks sent her way. Send your best pickup line. This was back when people sent eachother asks willy-nilly. I think, "Oh, sure, I've seen this person around, she seems alright. I'll send something funny and stupid, maybe make her laugh."
Send the "hot leg, hot hot leg" poem thing. She is so amused by it, she asks for my hand in marriage. Yaddayaddayadda, back and forth of just playing around pretend times. I have a lot of lighthearted fun. Cue the interaction ending, and us doing our separate things again. A week or so passes, and I've been specifically checking her blog. I don't do that with anybody else. This is a new habit I've picked up, because I loved the silly fake marriage tee hee haha joke.
Send an ask saying as such. She expresses similar sorta thing on her end. And we start talking again. Talking waaaayyy mooorree.
We talk fully through the night. No sleep. We talk fully through that next day. Eventually we exchange Skypes, because that's what everyone did in 2015. Flirting through the roof. Terribly blatant. Oml. But we're not dating, we're just. Completely all up in eachother. And I'm perfectly convinced that this girl probably just wants to enjoy the fun of somebody being bluntly into her, but not actually follow through further then that, and we'd just remain terribly forward friends with eachother, and that's how life goes sometimes.
Until I recieve an anon ask, that basically asks if me and her are dating and how c u t e we both seem to be, and I Assume that this is an unrelated third party, because, again. It was just waaay more common to recieve asks like that, back when I was a teenager. I respond to it all...
"L o l, naaahh.... b u t... It's not a Bad Idea.... 👀"
Anon sends another ask all... You should! You should try asking!
I think nothing of it, I take it as quite genuine advice that I do frankly agree with. And so. That's what my ass did. Asked Paige out in the most goofy, awkward way, after sending her screenshots of the anons, all "Haha, omgg, isn't this just sOoOoOo CrazyYyYy?? How Silly, hahaha.......... Unless.....?"
Fast forward like 2 years later into us being together, she's visiting me while I'm at college, we've Been seeing eachother, we've been having fun! So much fun!
She's sat on my lap while we're waiting on a ride back to my home, outside at a table and chairs; my ass fucking commuted. It's winter, and terribly cold in NY. I'm holding her close, and she starts saying something like... "Hey, you wanna hear something kinda fucked up...?"
I'm intrigued, of course, I'm like. Shoot, okay! I'm all ears.
Tells me that She was the one who sent those anons, and that she had a feeling I wouldn't Just Ask without being prompted. She, as she put it herself, lied to and tricked me. And she's clearly all broken up over it a bit, because she's sounding so hesitant as she tells me it.
I just sigh, hug her tighter, and I'm honest. Recalling best I can, I think it was something along the lines of...
"Thank goodness you did that, because you were totally right. I was too nervous otherwise, to just do that myself. And I would've kept on thinking you only wanted somebody to flirt with. I liked you too much. I didn't want to accidentally ruin anything between us."
Poor thing starts crying. So I just keep holding her, and telling her I love her, and that I'm r e a l l y not upset, after she says she was so worried that I would be, that I'd hate her, or think our relationship was built on a lie. I just see it as a perfectly reasonable thing to do, when someone too stuck in not doing the wrong thing, is too afraid to just ask for what she wants.
So yeah, basically, I got led into a relationship with a carrot and then a box slammed down around me, and I was completely chill with it the entire time. I truly was just having a blast.
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dworgynisbabe · 6 months
i have a storytime to tell ooooo i’m pissed tf off
ok so i just did a run of mount olympus with a full team (a lvl 162 storm, myself an ice, and then a lvl 30 something death and myth) anyways when you do that dungeon w a full team and a high level one person will usually stay back with athena to do all the dialogue so everyone doesn’t have to keep running back and forth and it makes the run go faster, which i did, no problem right? people do this all the time its a thing, right?
WELL NOPE NOT TO THIS GUY I GUESS… when we get to the ares (aries?) fight the death guy goes, “nice of you to show up” which i took as a joke hahaha funny whatever but then we get to the zeus fight and me and the myth go in first and we’re feinting and trapping so the storm can just go off yk as you do but the death and storm DONT JOIN. they just run around the battle circle the whole time and me and the myth guy are getting our asses kicked cause we’re level 30s and shit anyways the myth dies and i have to hit w a non bladed blizzard cause there’s a bunch of shields on the mobs and the death guy comments “interesting” like wtaf?????
you’re acting all petty and childish cause what i did all the dialogue??? i didn’t join till the end??? i’m assuming the death and storm are the same person
anyways i’m sorry if this made zero sense i needed to vent about it or i would’ve gone crazy 😭 i wish i would’ve recorded the whole thing cause WOW
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