#and then just taking my prescription elsewhere to get a different pair
raeathnos · 1 year
#I got new glasses for the first time in 8 years and I’m at the I hate everything stage#my head hurts from the prescription change#the person working didn’t seem to want to deal with me and they wouldn’t adjust the glasses to fit my face#so I’ve been fiddling with them since I got them and I’m annoyed about it#I also bought prescription sunglasses and they got the color wrong#and I got told ‘well they don’t come in that color’ despite the fact that when I bought them I was assured they did#anyways glasses are expensive and I’m poor as fuck and it cost $500 for the two pairs#and I’m like not happy about either of them really#I like the sunglasses better than my regular pair but they’re still not what I thought I was getting#I went to Pearle Vision and honestly I don’t think I’m going back there again#I used to go to like a private optometrist sort of thing but she retired :/#I’m debating about going back and telling them neither pair are working and asking for a refund#and then just taking my prescription elsewhere to get a different pair#but that’s a lot of work and I was trying to have the new ones before vacation which is in like a month#but also $500 is a lot to spend on something I’m not happy with#but also also it’s change and I don’t do well with change so it could just be that#I keep trying to tell myself to give it a few days and maybe I’ll get used to it and like them better#also also I just had like a terrible day so this was kind of the cherry on top of all the shit#and I’m def like overwhelmed and feel like I’m on the verge of a panic attack#and every little thing is setting me off#so I’m also trying to be like I need to think about the glasses when I’m more calm and less like on the verge of a breakdown 🙃#but I’m mad about it still#was excited to get new glasses and now it’s just another thing to fucking deal with
0 notes
russian-romanova · 5 years
title: sunday
pairing: joe goldberg
warnings: spoilers through season one of ‘you’. adult language. mentions of death, stalking and sexual content. mature themes explored by and mentioned in ‘you’. JOE IS NOT A GOOD GUY, HE’S JUST HOT. 
notes: i have no idea what this is. word vomit. joe’s point of view because i’m dumb and edgy like that. why do i like this character so much whyyyyyyyyyy
summary: you just have to make it through the week, because come sunday you have the whole day off to spend relaxing with your boyfriend. at least, that’s what you have planned. 
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You are incredibly smart. That goes without saying. I watch you read books, devour them from front to cover before other people would even decide to begin them. You’re willing to try new things because the first two times you came into Mooney’s you wandered for close to an hour. You came in not knowing what you wanted but left with anything you could possibly be interested in. 
That was two months ago. 
You’re a regular visitor now because we’re an item. Dating. In a relationship. I never know what to say, but neither do you since I’ve heard them all in descriptions of your friends. It doesn’t even matter, anyway, because you smile to your friends no matter what you call us. I never know if I’m doing this right Y/N, but with you I’m positive. You’re happier than I’ve ever seen you. 
You’re here at Mooney’s now, talking to me as we eat lunch together. We’re both sitting behind the counter on stools, the flow of people slow for now. It’s always like this around this time of day, and we’re both plenty familiar with that by now. Every so often some asshole comes in looking for a Tolstoy they can stare at for years or some autobiography they’ll only skim through, but besides that, it’s just us. 
“Okay, okay,” You’re laughing and waving your hand about the answer you just gave. We’ve been doing this a lot, asking each other pointless questions like this to simply know the answers. For you, plenty of these questions lead to these marvelous stories. It’s as if you want me to know everything about you so easily.  “Okay, you see a pothole in the road ahead, do you swerve or straddle?” 
I’m not sure about my answer, but that doesn’t matter anymore. I can tell what you want me to say. “Straddle,” My voice comes out a little above a whisper.
“Oh really?” You respond back in a voice that’s even quieter, biting your lip without even realizing it. “Me too. Crazy.”
“Crazy,” I repeat, and my mouth is already pulling into a smile. You lean forward and kiss me once -- eagerly -- then pull back to look at me before we kiss again, slower this time. I want you here, and I know you want me too, but we also have some normal human decency and know when the bell rings to stop kissing quickly. The man who wandered in didn’t seem to notice the two of us at first, too absorbed in his fucking phone. 
“Hello!” He speaks up when he notices us. “Can you point me to where Marcus Zuzak would be?” 
You smile. “Over there, under fiction. Near the end, because it’s by last name.” You lean over the counter ever so slightly to point him in the correct direction. He’s lucky you volunteered to help him because I doubt I would have been so polite. 
“Oh, of course. Thank you, dear.” The elderly man nods and moves in the direction of your pointed finger. You smile at him for a moment longer before you turn back around, grinning. 
“Wow, I might just take your job.” You joke, moving back up to sit on your stool. I had secretly hoped you would return to kissing me, but I knew deep down that wasn’t a likely possibility. 
“Yeah, do you want the apron?” I pull at the apron. “You can have the apron.” 
“Yeah, apron and nametag. I’m changing my name to Joe now.” You continued, before softly laughing and transitioning the conversation into silence. You look at me again, but it’s a much different look than last time. It’s not the heavily passionate look that I got over questions and sandwiches, this is a much more caring look. A loving look. “Hey, it’s been a while since we had a date night.” 
I want to return the look you give me, and I hope I am. I hope you understand I love you as much as you love me, Y/N. “Yeah, you’re right. Hey, we should plan one.”
“Okay,” You nodded once, slowly as you plunged through your invisible mental calendar. “Are you free Sunday?”
For you, Y/N, I’m free any day. “Yeah, I think Sunday should work out. Seven?” 
You nod once more, kicking your legs. “Okay, seven on Sunday it is.” 
I want to reply, but the man returns with a book that is certainly not Zuzak, but I’m not one to say anything. 
“Ready to check out?” I ask him, but you hop up before I can move forward.
“Here, I can help you. My name is Joe,” You joke, and the poor old man nods his head. “Looks like a good book.” 
I’m not supposed to be at your apartment, which I suppose is part of the reason my heart rate spikes when the doorbell rings. I have been trying to get away from this, from the pointless apartment lurking, but I couldn’t resist today. I missed you, Y/N. 
For a second, I think the doorbell might be you come to pick up something you’ve forgotten, but then I realize you wouldn’t be ringing the doorbell. It buzzes again and is now followed by a series of pounding knocks. “Hey, Y/N, are you in there?” A man’s voice comes through into the apartment. “C’mon, it’s Arthur. Let me in.” 
He sounds vaguely desperate, his voice tinged with a whine. How could you ever have loved this man, Y/N? He’s like some distressed puppy dog who found his way home after being left on the side of the road. He says some word pleas, but I’m already turning over possible ways this could go down in my head. 
“Listen, I know that you probably hate me,” Arthur speaks again. You’re right; I’m sure you do. “But I just want to talk to you. I need to apologize. I’m sorry.” He sounds genuine. 
I open the door, and Arthur looks stunned. “Shit, is this the wrong apartment? Sorry, I’m looking for Y-”
“Y/N. I know.” I put on a fake smile. This is polite Joe, boyfriend Joe. This is the Joe that you know, Y/N. “She’s not home right now, actually.”
“Oh,” Arthur’s face turns red. 
“I’m Joe,” I stick out my hand. “Y/N’s boyfriend.” I almost smile at the words. 
He takes my hand and shakes it, although his mind is clearly elsewhere. “I’m Arthur. Bishop.” 
Jesus, Arthur Bishop? What kind of a name is Arthur Bishop? “I heard.” I’m still smiling, although it’s uncomfortable now. He’s ignoring me, and I know his thoughts are on you. “Did you need me to pass along a message?” I push, trying to get answers. I need to know if Arthur is a threat to you, Y/N, a threat to us. 
“Yeah, um, I haven’t seen Y/N in two years, actually. But we used to date-” I could see him remember who he was talking to. “It was a long time ago.” He added. 
“Yeah, I think she’s mentioned you.” I lied. Do you wanna come in?” 
When Arthur says yes, I really begin to doubt what you see in him. Is he stupid? Arthur has no idea who I really am, no proof that I’m your boyfriend or that I can be trusted. If he had been at least a little doubtful, I would have at least respected that. I almost feel bad for him, Y/N. 
An ex-boyfriend. Here we are, two of the people who you have loved in your apartment without your knowledge. He makes himself at home very quickly; without even taking off his shoes. He’s jittery, unfocused. His legs bounce up and down as he sits on your couch, and I’m suddenly self-conscious for you, Y/N, because of all the clothes you had strewn around. I walk towards the kitchen and kick a bra under the couch. 
“So, what did you say the deal was between you and Y/N?” I ask, moving towards the counter.
Arthur hesitates for a moment. Never a good sign. “Is there a bathroom I could use?”
No, dipshit, no bathrooms here. “Yeah, just down the hall. You okay?” 
He nods, clearly lying. “Yeah. Yeah, I’ll be right back.” He moves quickly, but once I hear the bathroom door close I move twice as fast. The bathroom, Arthur? Do you think I’m dumb? On second thought, are you dumb? 
I know where your medicine cabinet is, and I know where the prescription sleeping pills you keep are. My fingers grasp the small bottle and I shake a few out onto my palm -- not so many that you’ll notice they’re gone, but enough to take care of Arthur in the other room. 
I move silently back to the kitchen, pulling one of your knives from the display. At least your counter is clean enough that I can put the pills down directly and crush them with the knife. One, two, three presses and I’ve deemed them powdered enough to brush into my hand and shake into a glass of water. 
I hope you’re thirsty, Arthur. 
The cage is no longer empty, which is always a strange feeling. And Arthur is so quiet I practically forget he’s down there. 
I wonder a little if I overreacted with Arthur. If I should have just stayed put and pretended no one was home or let him come in and leave on his own time. But deep down, Y/N, I knew that he was a risk. I didn’t even have to know what this guy wanted and I could tell, from the way he spoke about you that he wanted to get in the way of us. And God, we’ve been so perfect together that I couldn’t fathom letting someone take you away from me. 
He was out for a while, and I worried I maybe overcompensated with the sleeping pills and his insides were slowly shutting down. If I had known your shifty ex-boyfriend was going to show up I would have maybe done my research a little better, but things like this never seem to want to pencil in a date on the calendar.
The second time I check on him during the workday, he’s awake. Quiet and confused, but awake. He asks the usual -- where he was, why he was there, if you had something to do with it. And I’m at least polite, Y/N. I answer his questions to the best of my ability and all he does is swear and yell at me. After a while, I think he realized that I wouldn’t be telling him this stuff with the intent of letting him go, which quieted him down. Which is not to say I don’t want to let him out.
“Listen, I didn’t do anything wrong. Please. Man, if you want me gone I’ll leave. I’ll leave to where ever the fuck you want me to go. Just let me out.” 
Even his pleading is in a soft voice. I wonder if he was a good boyfriend or the annoying, man bun and kale type you seem to have been interested in before.  “You just need to wait a while, Arthur. Have patience, it’s a good quality.” But even my sound reasoning doesn’t persuade him.
He’s quiet the next few times I come down, but he takes the fast-food bag I pass him and he eats, which is good at least. I considered asking him about you, but I decided that if he was comfortable and quiet now, it was probably better to keep it that way. Besides, you sent me a text asking if I wanted to come over and watch ‘Friends’ with you. It wasn’t the show I was excited for at all, but the idea of you, and the idea that you thought of me when you were flipping through the channels. 
I give Arthur his supper and then I’m off to you, Y/N. You open your door for me in sweatpants and a baggy t-shirt, and I swear you’ve never looked so beautiful. You smile at me and I come inside the apartment I know you cleaned especially for me and you direct me to the couch, where we settle down and you turn up the volume. 
“I hope you weren’t busy or anything,” You mention offhandedly during the third episode. “I don’t know, I just know you don’t watch a lot of TV but Friends is classic and I thought you might want to-”
“No, no, no, you’re good. I love it. I love Friends.” I lie, gesturing to the screen.
You look at me and I know you’ve read right through my little lie. “Do you know?”
I pause. “No. But I love it now!” 
“Sure, Joe,” You laugh before turning back to the screen and moving closer to me. We’re pressed together like we’ve known each other for years. And we may as well have, Y/N. 
I wake up Thursday morning, and you’re already gone. A glance at the clock -- which reads 9:51 -- explains to me that you’re already at work. A note you left me on the table reflects this thought, and I know that neither of us expected me to stay the night. I’m happy to be welcome here in the morning, and I pocket the note before sitting back to breathe it in. 
I love the way your apartment is decorated because it reminds me so much of you. It reflects your personality, from the way things are carefully placed to the way you so desperately want things to appear thrown into a particular spot. Even alone in your apartment, Y/N, you’re trying too hard. 
Last night was perfect, and I think my mind is clearer now. I know what I have known in the back of my mind for days, that Arthur needs to be taken care of. Nothing gruesome or excruciatingly painful, he’s been good enough. I almost hate to do it, but if he sticks around things are bound to go wrong for us. Please realize that I’m doing this all for us, Y/N. 
I have learned from my mistakes. I allow Arthur -- or what’s left of him now -- to wait for me overnight but come Friday I know the body needs to be taken care of. 
Ethan is too gullible and I tell him I need to close early to do some inspections of Mooney’s. At first, he asks some questions, but I tell him only simple answers and he eventually leaves. The day as a whole is normal but seems to drag on as the same type of men and women come in to buy the same books, or walk around and leave. The only half-hour that breezes by is our lunch together, where we sit in the same area as always and laugh and each and hope that time will freeze. 
I manage to slip into the conversation a small asking about ex-boyfriends, and you spill the beans on Marcus and Dwayne and Roosevelt, all of whom I know have long since moved on, before you bring up Arthur. 
“We dated for a year, I guess. But then he told me that he had some other life offers to pursue in Nepal -- whatever that means -- and we broke up and he left.” It doesn’t seem to mean lots to you, as you shrug and eat forkfuls of salad. “Then I met this really nice guy at a little coffee shop in New York and his name was Joe, and he worked at a bookstore, and we ate lunch together and have a date on Sunday.”
“Wow, Joe sounds like a great guy. Looks like I’ve got competition.” 
You laughed, the beautiful laugh that I know you try to keep in your mouth but it just bubbles out, and you lean over and bring your hand up to hide it. I have never understood why Y/N. Your laugh is beautiful, but it’s impossible to bring that up without sounding creepy.
But you leave eventually, sooner than you should have to, and I’m left alone again. It returns to the same boring routine, and the closing time comes after a hundred years. Ethan leaves with a wave and a farewell, but I’m already right behind him as I moved to flip the open sign. 
The basement has begun to reek of death. It only gets stronger as I push open the doors to the cage, allowing the smell to come out as I enter in. Arthur has already texted a few of his friends -- douchebags, by the sounds of it -- to tell them that he’s returning to Nepal. He missed it, and he misses the feeling it brought him and his idiot friends seem to accept it. I plan to bag him up -- which is more than vile and I can’t count how many times I throw up or gag -- and bury him in the woods, where the trees are thick and the dead leaves from several years have built up and no one will look. 
The gloves are the smartest choice I’ve ever made. There are things getting on them that I can’t identify and don’t want to be identified. He’s already in the bag -- deep and black, hopefully sturdy -- and I’m on the clean-up phase when I’m startled.  
“Joe?” I hear your voice. Fuck, tell me I’m going crazy. How the fuck do I hear your voice through all of this, unless…
I spin around to face you. It hits me almost instantly-- I didn’t lock the door. How the fuck could I forget to lock the door? Shit, one mistake and now… now this, Y/N. 
Unsurprisingly, you’re stunned. Eyes soaking in everything that they can, your hands already shaking. “Y/N,” I begin, but you don’t give me a chance to talk. A chance to explain myself to you.
“What the fuck, Joe?” You ask, and I know you’re hoping for some logical explanation to pour out of my mouth. And, Y/N, believe me when I say that I wish I had one, at the very least in the form of a crafted lie. “What the actual fuck is this?”
You want to run, but you also want this to all be a misunderstanding, so you stand there, frozen. I look at you, hoping that you’ll look into my eyes and remember how much we love each other, how perfect we are for each other. I hope you’ll forgive me and you’ll throw your arms around me instead, and you’ll know it was all a misunderstanding. You’ll love me no matter what, and we’ll get the happily ever after that you read in your books and crave so much. 
I see you look once more from me to the bag containing Arthur. Your breathing quickens again, the only thing to split the silence at first. Then your footsteps follow, tennis shoes hitting the concrete. 
Life is far from a book, Y/N. I’m sorry this is the point you have to realize this. 
You wake up in the cage, and I’m already sorry that it has to be this way. You look like a small child, lost in the supermarket with no parents in sight. Sleep is in your eyes, but you quickly blink it out and lookup. For a split second, I think you have forgotten about where you are, about what has happened. 
You tried to run upstairs, to tell the world, Y/N, and I care about you too much to let that happen. You won’t understand this right away, no one ever does, but maybe you’ll have a change of heart someday. You refused to talk to me at first, so I talked to you and tried to act as if everything was normal.
“What the fuck,” When you spoke, your voice was rough from dehydration. I made a mental note to get you a coffee that you might drink, unlike the water glass you had disregarded in the corner. “What, you’re just going to pretend like I’m not in an actual cage, Joe?”
“It’s just temporary,” I assure you hurridly, but I can tell that you don’t believe me. “I’ve never lied to you, Y/N. Please.” And this is mostly true. 
Your voice is getting a little louder,  a little more passionate. “How am I supposed to know that? Huh?”
“Trust me,” I say, and I see an echo of Beck in myself. The thought startles me enough that I shake a little, and you think that I’m shaking because you’ve made some mental breakthrough. You were smart and kept out of my past, you trusted what I told you and never questioned the things I left out. 
 “How?” You ask me, bitterly. “How can I trust you in here?”
I look at you for a moment, our eyes locked. You look sad, Y/N, and I need to remind myself that it isn’t my fault. You could look for the best in this, you could choose to be happy despite what you see to be a bad situation. “You have to,” I beg simply, and I need to go back to the bookstore. I will be back down here, Y/N, I promise. 
The door opened with a soft noise, and your eyes follow me as I walked forward, watching you as well. I have nothing to say, but I can tell you’re waiting for me to speak. “It’s Sunday,” So I speak for you, glancing around to try and find the key. “We were supposed to have our date tonight,” I find the key and twist it around my fingers. 
“We still can,” Your voice comes out cracked from crying. “Let me out, please, Joe. C’mon. Please.”
I pocket the key and give you a look. “You know I can’t do that.”
“Why, Joe? Because you think I’m going to tattle on you? I’m not fucking stupid.” You stand up and move a little closer to the edge of the cage. “You made a mistake. Everyone makes mistakes, it’s okay. I forgive you, Joe.”
You forgive me. My hands are trembling and I take a step forward. You forgive me, or so you say. 
“How can I trust you?” My voice is a whisper, and suddenly I’m the scared boy in the supermarket again. “You already tried to run, Y/N. You need to trust me, this is what’s best for you.”
“What’s best for me?” Your eyes water. “What’s best for me? Do you think being locked in a cage is what’s best for me? 
I don’t react. 
“Jesus, Joe, what do you want? What do you want me to do?” 
“I want you to be happy. I need you to be happy.” The words come out of my mouth before I even realize it. “But I need you to be happy in here, at least for a while. If you really still love me, you’ll wait.” 
“I don’t want to wait, Joe. Please. If you love me, you’ll let me out.” 
My hand reaches back for the key, and I’m fumbling with it as I say, “You know I can’t do that.” You seem to have given up with that, but you continue to stand against the edge of the cage and watch me. “Can you sit down? I have to empty out the bucket.” You glance back at the bucket you’ve been using as a bathroom and then back at me. 
You sit down, defeated, and I walk in towards the bucket. This is the most humiliating part of this whole ordeal, Y/N, and I’ll be happy when it’s all over and we can joke about the things I’d do for you. You’re watching me with big eyes that I can hardly look at up close because they’re swollen with tears by now. 
I’m near you, and you’ve gone silent. You watch as I reach down to grab the bucket’s handle, but you very swiftly stick your foot out, and I felt myself falling backward in slow motion. Fuck, Y/N, you weren’t supposed to do that. By the time I can turn myself over to look at you, you’re already up on your feet. Without pausing to look back, you’re making a run for the door 
Now, this is just fucking unfair. I push myself to my feet and stumble after you, and I feel like a toddler who doesn’t know how to walk. I push myself out of the cage for physical support and grab a knife from the shelves. I hope I don’t need this, Y/N, but your persistence worries me. 
It doesn’t take much to overpower you. I’m pumping my legs and feeling the adrenaline pumping through my body. I reach once and miss, almost stumbling but I doubt you notice. The second time I reach, my fingers grasp your arm and pull you back. I have to think fast here, and I push you against the wall to stop you. 
You’re quiet, panting and terrified. If you could, I’m sure you would spit in my face here. I turn over possibilities in my mind, and I must say that I’m not particular to any of them within my control. Shit, Y/N, I didn’t want this to turn out like Candace or like Beck. I thought you were different, I thought that maybe you would understand. 
I don’t want to kill you. Believe me, Y/N, it’s always the last thing I want to do. But I had to kill Beck before, and that turned out fine because I met you. I met you, and you made my life that much better. 
Your eyes flick between mine, your breathing steadies. The knife suddenly feels so much heavier in my hand, but we both know what I need to do. 
I’m sorry, Y/N, but I’ll make it quick. 
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3x01 Chapter Thirty-Six: Labor Day
I’m so hype for this episode’s p e a k summer vibes, I cannot even tell you. These outfits were perhaps the ones I was most excited about diving into, not necessarily for any thematic work they do, but just because I love them. It’s that simple. Summer is ~my season. And from this ep it would also appear to be Betty Cooper’s. 
She has so many different looks here! It’s the most caps I’ve made for an episode so far, topping out at 631 (don’t look at me like that). She wears A Lot of clothing in this episode, in a lot of different iterations—and this post is lengthy as a result. As such, I’m deigning to try out a read more cut on this one, which is a thing I go back and forth on for this blog—but I’ll save that chat for later.
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It wounds me how briefly we get to appreciate this adorable look. The denim shorts?? With the rolled cuff? The gingham?? My god. 
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I think this dress is incredibly cute (I’ll probably say that a lot this post). Sometimes I think of it randomly and wonder if I can find it for sale on the internet somewhere. I’m just very fond of it. 
There’s a moment here where Archie, Jug, and Betty reminisce about Sweetwater Swimming Hole—Betty doesn’t remember an incident involving some leeches (a la Stand By Me—and not even the most overt allusion to that film this season), but Jug and Archie do. This isn’t the only moment Betty will seemingly fail to recall a childhood memory throughout this season. Put a pin in it. 
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Her envelope purse, introduced near the end of season 2.
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It’s quick, but we see her pop an adderall in the courthouse. 
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Murder me, please, because this is really too cute to be dealing with. 
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We saw Betty wear (her first!) white v-neck tee in 220. This might be the same one, it might be new, who knows. The short overalls are defo new tho. 
Please note she wears her hammer necklace to do some work on Archie’s jalopy, which in the comics is called...Betsy. Which is potentially confusing. 
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Let’s appresh that Betty has consistently been down to get dirty, as exhibited again and again and again in season 2. 
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I am a sucker for a floral Reformation dress! I’m weak. Purple was certainly a season 2 color for Betty, and that carries on here—if in a softer, more lavender-leaning fashion.
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It looks like the wardrobe team have made some alterations to the back, too, unless this is an earlier iteration of Refo’s Rosehip dress. 
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(Okay, I’m an avid journalist, but damn girl. What’s the date range we’re talking here?)
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Betty’s actual bathing suit (as opposed to her daydream suit—but we’ll get to that later) very much falls under the purview of her brand. Am I crazy, or do bathing suits just work for Ms. Reinhart? 
(She also dons a pair of on-brand flip flops I could not capture).
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Baby’s first Serpent jacket! Right on top of her pretty purple floral dress, bless. 
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And yes, indeed, it has the standard patch. 
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Now this purpley pink is indeed a very season 2 color for Betty, worn with her B pendant necklace, another s2 staple. The shirt has a very subtle ribbing to it, too. 
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This is a romper, and Betty wears it to both be confronted by her family about what she’s been up to, and to camp out with her friends. 
The points that Alice and Polly make to Betty in this episode—that Betty should not be avoiding the trauma of having a serial killer for a father, that she should not be forging prescriptions for adderall, she should not be faking having a therapist—are not so crazy. That said—the Farm’s anti-medication stance, its burn-your-diaries-and-forget-your-past methods are also not the way to go. No one’s fully in the right here. There’s middle ground to be found.
As an aside, I’ll say that I’m near positive that at this point Alice is fully on board with the Farm, and is not yet an FBI informant. People join cults because they find personal benefits, and community, and because it can better their lives. They don’t join cults knowing it’s a cult. There’s a fine but very identifiable line.
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We last saw this bra in the pilot! Betty’s very first scene! Can u believe? She wears it with a lacy high-rise brief in a sea foam or light blue color. As a firm proponent of a mixed set, I can only approve. 
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Her post-swim hair is truly fab. Floral Keds!
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Betty self-soothes by building some very nice cairns. She talks about quitting adderall, about getting a non-fake therapist.
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Hat: model’s boyfriend’s own.  
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Short-sleeve floral sundresses appear to be Betty’s summer courtroom go-tos. Love the mustard. 
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Towards the beginning of season 2, Betty began to wear a lot of sporty stripes, and these pajamas certainly fit within that space. We’ve also seen her in athletic shorts with piping before.
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Maybe she did quit her adderall? Maybe she quit cold turkey and she’s having a reaction because of this. (Guys, never stop a medication cold turkey, t a p e r, with the help of a professional.) Please recall Betty was forging her prescriptions—a criminal offense, but let’s not get into it. She doesn’t have the medical advice to do this the right way. But hallucinations are a not symptom of adderall withdrawal (per the internet.) Hallucinations can occur in a seizure, however.
In addition to...whatever’s going on here, we have two moments in which Betty appears in the subconscious of others in this episode: in seemingly both Archie and Jughead’s daydreams, and later in Archie’s nightmares. Fittingly, one outfit is imagined out of whole cloth (pun); the other, we’ve already seen Betty wear. 
How do we know Jughead and Archie are daydreaming? Well, they’re each given a moment of perspective, and Jughead is wearing a different outfit in each scene.
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Jug’s POV.
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Arch’s POV. 
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It’s hard to get a read on Betty’s suit—but I’m almost positive it is a bathing suit, unlike the skivvies-swim that happens elsewhere in the episode. This trip out to Sweetwater Swimming Hole was preplanned (...in Jug’s daydream), the Labor Day trip was spur-of-the-moment (per Archie’s ‘livin’ his last weekend as a free man’ vibe). It’s a teal color, which we really have not seen her wear at all. It could be a two piece, it could be a one-piece of a similar backless design like her pink polka dot suit, who knows.
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In Archie’s version of the dream, his friends go off to live their lives without him. Betty’s wearing the pink denim skirt we last saw in 216, and what looks like a sleeveless denim top (we’ve seen her in two of those before).
Betty and Veronica are indeed wearing the same bathing suits in each day dream, most evident by Veronica’s suit—but you can also see Betty’s straps. This is probably for practical reasons; two costume changes for a wet scene is probably enough to deal with, three is asking a bit much, especially if it can be easily fudged. 
The moods of these scenes are totally disparate, as are their lighting schemes. Jug’s is full of possibility (peep how Betty gives him the eye); Archie is literally being left behind in his. Archie and Jughead are on two separate paths, and here’s your metaphor.
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In Archie’s nightmare, we see the gang in their Shadow Lake get-ups from 214. Betty wears her wool moto jacket (a season two outwear staple) and her plaid knit crewneck from that ep. 
Summary: Eight outfits in real life: she changes out of her purple dress to put on her bathing suit, so we’ll count those separately; but she wears the underwear she swims in underneath that romper, so that counts as one. In addition there are two dream outfits, bringing this episode’s total to 10. Whew. 
I Own This: Yeah, you know this, I own quite a few of those Natori bras (but have never swum in one. Yet.)
Key necklace appearances: Key necklace maybe not be as supreme as it once was. We might have to retire this count. 
Best outfit: Excuse u hdu. How am I supposed to pick? I will take one of each.
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Please also enjoy this wonderful piece of fanart depicting Betty’s myriad lewks this ep!
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glitchvault74 · 5 years
A boarded up building on a lonely city street. The broken sign reads Jenny’s. It’s the kind of place one looks over during the day, and only notices at night when looking for it. It’s the kind of place you only walk into by appointment or in an emergency...
The current emergency knocks. There’s some movement behind the door before it opens and said emergency walks in. The door shuts behind her and she goes to sit in the “waiting room” where a couple of others are waiting for their appointments or their own issues to be handled...
The doctor walks out, fluffy and warm and comforting. He notices her and walks over.
“Baskerville,” he greets, knowing her already despite the few times she’s visited. “What seems to be the issue?”
“Just some damage to a coolant line,” she says, moving her hand from over the wound and the blue liquid staining her good shirt. “Nothing serious.”
The doctor stares at the blue stain and the hole in her shirt and then facepalms with his upper two hands. “You worry me, Miss.” He looks around at the others. “Anyone have anything that needs to be addressed this instant?”
The few others murmur a bit, but no one voices any complaint. A couple even look at Baskerville in concern and fear of how she’s handling the wound so nonchalantly.
She’s an A-Series, she thinks. She’s been around this block for much longer than these synths. The oldest can’t be anything older than D-Series, if that...
“Baskerville, let’s head to the workroom,” the doctor says, holding out a hand to help her up.
She ignores it and stumbles off to the workroom, and the doctor closes the door behind them. She already left takes care removing her coat and draping it over a spare chair, is a bit less careful with her tie, and even less so with the already ruined shirt.
“Be more careful,” the doctor scolds, moving to help her undress less hastily. “You’ll make the damage worse.” With the shirt off, he helps her onto the table, on her back. “Awake or unconscious?” he asks.
“Awake,” she says.
“A split coolant line means I’ll need to make sure you don’t overheat when I shut it down...”
“I could use a bit of winter already,” she quips at him. 
He merely hums and one of his four hands reaches for something. The AC kicks on. He leans over her to inspect the damage. “Baskerville, why does this look like a bullet wound?”
“Maybe because I got shot, Doc?”
He gives her a look. “Do I want to know how or why?”
She sends him a lazy grin. “Probably not.”
He sighs. “The day you don’t come in with a wound like this is the day I’ll have to worry about you...”
“You saying you can fix it, Doc?”
“We’ll see...” He feels along for the seam in her chest plating and she instinctively winces when he finds the break and opens her up.
She looks towards the ceiling. Never was one to want to see what her insides look like.
“I need to reach in and temporarily shut off coolant flow.”
“Yeah, sure, do it.”
“If you get overheat warnings tell me immediately.”
“Fine.” She clamps her jaw tight as the hand rummaging through her torso. If this mothman wasn’t so reputable, she’d have qualms about letting someone mess with her insides like this...
“The bullet seems to have avoided most of your vital components,” the doctor continues. “You sustained some damage to the rigging for your hips. You had trouble walking, I noticed...”
“Nah, that was a different thing,” she says. “Before the bullet.”
“...Well. Do you need your coat patched?”
“There’s an exit wound,” the doctor says. “It probably went through your coat too.”
“Ah, shit.”
“Mm. I’ll need to clean the spilled coolant and inspect for further damage. I’ll fix what I can, but parts have been low lately...”
“You’re doing your best, Doc,” she replies. “Don’t worry if you can’t fix an old girl like me.”
“A-Series, right?” he asks. “I’m surprised I haven’t seen more of you in here...”
She looks up and sends him an annoyed look but rolls her eyes at his smirk. “I can take care of myself. Usually.”
“Last time you were here, your hand was held to your wrist by a rubber band that was about to break.”
“But it hadn’t yet, which is pretty good, right?”
She rolls her eyes again. The doctor works in silence, cleaning her up, inspecting the damage, muttering to himself about what he has to fix it... She glances up at him. “So...” she starts. “I’ve been wondering... How’d you get into synth charity work?”
He looks up for a moment. “I wouldn’t call it charity work...”
“Community service,” she says. “Rumor has it you’re not from Diamond City. How’d you find out about us and how’d you become such an expert at fixing us?”
“I’m no expert,” he says. “I’m doing my best, but working on what little information I have...”
“Could have fooled me,” she says.
“I’m from another country, originally,” he says. “I moved to America years ago, studied different fields, became a professor at a university elsewhere in this state... I moved here a few years ago after deciding I needed a change... I didn’t expect to come here and take to scavenging for parts to fix those in the synth community...”
“I met a synth by accident. Zephyr...”
“Oh, I know her.”
“She ran into me one night, injured. I frightened her at first, but I noticed her injury and offered to help. That one was a simple job, just screwing in a part that came loose. But we talked, and she showed me to one of the synth settlements, and I spoke with those living there and helped with fixing up others. Some needed replacement parts and told me where to find them... Told me what to be wary of getting said parts... But I got them, I made those repairs, and eventually others came asking for my help and I set up this workshop here...”
“You’re doing a good thing, Cam.”
He looks up at stares at her. She stares back.
“What?” she asks.
He turns away for a moment and comes back with a few ice packs, placing them in strategic positions around her. “You must be overheating.”
“Oh, shut up,” she scoffs. She pauses as an overheating warning flashes across her vision. “Uh... On second thought...”
“I’ll finish soon,” he promises. “Then I can start up your coolant line again and get more in you. After that I’ll need to see if I have A-Series plating to replace the broken sections of your side and back...”
“Aw, don’t waste entire plating on me,” she sighs. “Unless it’s going to fall apart, just patch the holes...”
“...It’s going to fall apart,” he says, quiet enough she can’t tell if he’s lying or not with her overheating mind.
“Fine, fine, just get it done,” she says. She lies her head back and closes her eyes. 
“Why don’t you tell me about yourself,” Cam suggests. “What were you like before... this...?”
“The original Baskerville?” she asks. “Would you believe I was a detective?” She chuckles. “I was... following a case alongside a couple of my peers. I wasn’t as deep into it as they were. They definitely knew something I didn’t, but I had a few things on my table that I slid them. It was always more their case, and I was just helping... Just good ol’ Molly, providing a good cup of coffee or some information they needed that I picked up from my own cases...”
“...I mean, Baskerville.”
“Hmm. Right.”
“Anyway,” she continues. “There’s not really much to say about the original’s life besides that. I’m the same, just... in a different body. Already had no family, very little friends... I wore glasses. I still wake up in the mornings and reach for ‘em only to remember I don’t need ‘em anymore. Still try to adjust them or reach for them... It’s a weird, isn’t it?”
“Not at all,” Cam answers. “You’re not the only synth to have a tick like that.”
“So...” Cam hesitates. “Do you... know what happened to the original Baskerville?”
“What’s there to know?” she asks. “Dug too deep into someone else’s business, fell into hell on Earth. Got taken out by the Good Place and put into a synth body, just like the rest of us.”
“Series A... You were one of the first...”
“Before they put in pain sensors and everything.”
“Ah, that explains some things...” His voice seems far away a moment and then returns. “I’ve wondered why Series A synths usually have no issue with repairs like this... You haven’t felt a thing I’ve been doing, then?”
“Eh, it’s a weird mix of phantom sensations and just knowing your elbow deep in my robot guts, honestly...” She opens an eye at the click she hears and looks up again. “Oh. Done already?”
“Not yet,” he says. “Still need to fix that back plating. I’ll need to flip you over.”
“Sure thing, Doc.” She helps him along as he turns her onto her stomach, and she props her head up on her arms. “You know, this is a better surgery than any I got alive.”
“You are alive,” Cam says. “This is a second life, that’s all.”
“Out of what, nine?”
“That’s cats,” Cam chuckles. “You’re a bit more human than that.”
The silence that falls over them is a bit thick, a bit more awkward than she likes...
“Weird thing for a moth to say,” she says, and nothing else.
There’s a second click.
“Done,” he says. He helps her up, using his bottom pair of hands while the top are busy wiping coolant from them onto a towel. “Go ahead and get dressed. Let me get something, just a moment.”
She nods and watches him walk off. She sighs and looks down at her new chest plating... She’ll never get used to this look. She shakes her head and then looks at her clothes, noting that her shirt seems to have been replaced at some point with a new, clean one... She smiles and puts it on, followed by her tie, and finally she picks up her coat and pokes a finger through the hole on the other side... “Hmm, I can patch this,” she mumbles. The door to the back opens and she pulls the coat back on. “What’cha got, Cam?”
“Take your pick,” he says, holding out a cardboard box.
She peers in and blinks. “Glasses.”
“I’ve replaced the lenses or otherwise removed them,” he says. “None of them are prescription, they’re safe to wear... As I said, you’re not the only synth who is used to wearing glasses and finds it odd to be without them...” He motions at her head. “Like why some synths wear wigs if they’re used to having hair...”
She touches the red locks of her wig and then frowns. “Right...” She hesitates but then spies a pair of glasses with purple frames... cute... She takes them out and puts them on and looks at her reflection in the mirror Cam holds up. “Heh... Look better already... Thanks, Doc.”
“Try not to get so serious an injury next time,” he smiles back at her. “I do have other patients to get to...”
She nods and gives a quick salute before heading out. As she sneaks down the street back to her place, she glances up at the moon in the sky...
“Wonder what happened to Valentine and Gray,” she mumbles. But that’s a mystery she’s afraid to solve...
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gwiiyeoweo · 5 years
Noctis is aching but they’ve learned to fight pain with pain.
Rating: M Pairing: Gladiolus/Noctis/Ignis
Ignis makes a shallow cut, in the meat of Noctis' thigh and avoiding the major veins and arteries. He drags it, slow and precise, a clean thin line that could challenge a papercut; but then he presses harder, and a brilliant thread of crimson follows his trail. It buds into pearls of red, collecting until they spill down, staining fair skin and left to clot and dry. 
Ignis looks up, to gauge his beloved's threshold. 
Gladio has Noctis, gently holding him from behind and pressing a kiss to their prince's hair, one arm wrapped around his stomach. Noctis holds his hand, trembling ever so but not wringing him in a death grip. 
"Not enough," Noctis breathes out, words shaky but still there. And it’s true, not a brave front made to protect himself from the public’s eyes — or anyone’s eyes, for that matter. For here, he’s able to let his walls down, peel away his layers until all that’s left is raw need and honest pleas. For here, Ignis could take his knife and carve it through Noctis’ chest, and Gladio could simply slip his hand in and reveal that heart’s desire. 
Ignis obliges, taking to another patch of clean, unmarried skin and pressing his blade there. He takes it slow but deeper, slicing through flesh like a hot knife to butter with blood melting through from the line. It’s precise, clean. A straight cut through. He remembers, once upon a time, when he had first done this and how his trembling left jagged wounds in their wake. How he could have sworn he had done more harm than good but Noctis’ resulting bliss soon had him singing a different tune. 
A particular slice has Noctis hissing and bucking up, but Gladio keeps him in place, pinning Noctis' back to his broad chest. There's no protest, no tapping out or safewords. So Ignis continues, keeps his breath slow and hands steady, ready to stop for that signal. 
Ignis would be afraid, remorseful, perhaps panic-stricken to see such pain contort his love's dear face. To see the unshed tears budding off his eyelashes, where the only tears deserving to grace them should be of joy. To see the quiver on his skin and the sweat on his neck, when such trembling should be made during passionate love and not from a passionate red. But Noctis needs this. And in a way, Ignis too — a sort of self-indulgence and pride that Noctis allows them this, has given them his life in their hands and Ignis could even press his blade against his prince’s throat with absolutely no qualm.
And if Noctis needs a pain worse than the one that constantly plagues him, to make him forget the nightmare that follows him into day, then Ignis would rather be the one to provide that cruel relief. As if he'd allow anyone else but him and Gladio to do this. 
They've tried their hand at everything, from medication to massages to herbal concoctions, nearly every trick in the book to alleviate the burn of the Scourge that still ran in his veins, eating away at the nerves in his back and lighting his spine on fire. But without Luna to heal him of the disease, they discovered the best tactic was to fight pain with even more pain — a distraction to keep his mind off the Starscourge.
So when Noctis had texted him that morning, a simple message of two words that read 'My back,' Ignis dashed to his closet and snatched up the very bag he had prepared for this sole reason, calling up Gladiolus to say their prince had a flare-up. They had nearly arrived at the same time, Ignis only steps behind Gladio as they entered the apartment to find Noctis curled up in his bed and with the all too familiar face of agony. 
"C'mon, breathe for me."
Gladio whispers into the crown of Noctis' hair, voice so soft as if they're not literally hurting him themselves. Out of the two, he had been the more hesitant, the last of the three to join in on this "pain therapy," as Noctis likes to call it. It had been an accident, Gladio walking in during a session with Noctis tearing at the sheets and bleeding underneath Ignis. He had snarled, ripping Ignis off and roaring out accusations as he tried to gather Noctis up and away, only to discover the entire thing was consensual and desired and flat-out necessary.
There was a good talk after that, once the sheets were changed and potions used up, and they determined Gladio had every right to either refuse or accept. 
"You know me better than that, Noct," Gladio had sighed, lightly brushing his hands over the healed, nearly invisible wounds, "I'm with you through thick and thin. I'm your Shield, this body belongs to you — and my heart. There's more than one way to protect you, and there's no way in hell I'm gonna half-ass things."
And that was that. 
Eyes screwed tight, Noctis tips his head back onto the man's shoulder, Adam's apple bobbing as he takes in a struggling breath. Gladio dips his head down to kiss his neck, gentle and light butterflies, and nuzzles his bare shoulder with soothing affection. 
If only the public saw them now. Ignis, the butler, the mother hen who likes to fuss and baby his prince; mercilessly carving away at his dear heart's flesh despite the tears and cries. Gladiolus, the battle-hardened warrior who shoves Noctis to the dirt in their spars, bruises him with relentless strikes and force; coddling him like a precious egg and murmuring sweet reassurances through it all. 
There's a joke somewhere in that, probably. 
But none of them have the time of day to think about it. Noctis, especially, with his desperation to seek out this other pain, to feel Ignis’ burning hands leave his skin scorched and bleeding, to forget the venom in his back in favor of Gladio pressing against him and keeping him still as they torment him in just the right places. He doesn’t even have the chance to think — finally, fucking finally — when Ignis marks the inside of his thighs, that sensitive area of skin that has him wailing in the most exquisite way and that noise in his head gets drowned out by his own cries and Gladio’s low voice. 
   Ignis cracks the last of their potions, watches as the magic fizzles away and turns the open wounds into faint pink marks. In time, they’ll fade away to nothing, leaving no trace or hint of what they once were. But Ignis runs reverent fingers over them, leaves a featherlight kiss at each healing mark.
Noctis laughs, tired but soft, and wiggles underneath the tickling. His face has gained back a bit of color, no longer pale and stark against the pain of blood and blades, the small lilt of his lips a welcomed sight once more. He’s still propped up against Gladio, who also still has his arms wrapped around Noctis, but less as a sturdy vice and more of a cozy cocoon of comfort and warmth. 
“How’re you feeling, champ?” Gladio asks, lightly resting his chin on top of the other’s head.
“Sleepy, better.” Noctis ignores the weight on top of his skull, too worn to make any protest. Just the way he likes it. “Loads better.”
“And your back?” Ignis asks, glancing up from his place at their prince’s knees.
“Numb.” That is to say, as good it would get for the remainder of the night.
But Noctis looks at peace, and none of them are willing to be choosing beggars. Ignis clears away their things — wraps, empty flasks, towels and disinfectant — and piles them neatly at the foot of the bed; they’ll clean everything up come the morning. Gladio is already shuffling Noctis and himself beneath the covers, gathering the pillows underneath them and fluffing them up just right, making sure not to jostle their prince too much as he tucks themselves in. He leaves a spot for Ignis though, to the left of Noctis so they can sandwich him in between. 
Noctis makes no peep, aside from the sleepy yet content sigh he makes when Gladio slides his arm underneath his head and Ignis runs a soothing hand along the curve of his waist. He'll be sore, as always, when the sun rises and Ignis wakes him to take his morning prescription, before Gladio carefully turns him over to work therapeutic hands down his spine and muscle. 
But most importantly, the thorn in his back isn't driving him crazy with agony, now only a slow thrumming after redirecting his energy and nerves elsewhere. Noctis feels little more than a ragdoll, limp and exhausted after being pulled apart at his seams and stitched together again, a good sort of ache lingering where Ignis worked his magic. 
He’s warm, content, smothered with affection and trapped between his two lovers, Ignis rubbing a slow circle into the meat of his hip while Gladio goes on a quiet tangent on the recent novella he’s picked up. It’s easy to fall asleep like this, listening to the low rumble of a deep voice and feeling the once cruel hands turn tender and mild along his bare skin. 
It’ll all happen again, when the pain becomes too much to bear and he needs that distraction once more, in a week or a month or a few days. But Noctis will sleep soundly, knowing he’ll have them both all the same. 
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hardyimagines · 6 years
Part 1 — Gangster Prince
It’s the 1960’s. Reggie and Ron Kray rule London and unluckily for you, your brother. Reggie is more than happy to help you, a young girl living at home with her abusive mother, and your brother move elsewhere. Ron isn’t very fond of you at first, but it takes a little while for him to come around. Read below to see where the story goes!
Warnings: punishment and swearing
Word count: 3.2k
Part 2    Part 3    Part 4 
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It was a cool night in November as you walked down the empty street. Your high heels clicked angrily against the cobblestone, eyes flashing with fury. You didn’t understand why you were always sent out to retrieve your brother when he didn’t come home right after work. Your mother always warned you to ‘stay near the streetlights’ because apparently the lighting would protect you from harm, but sending you out this late at night? She was fucking crazy. You scoffed under your breath as her words echoed in the air. London’s weather had been varying lately, so as the harsh wind whipped around you, you shivered visibly. A coat had been the last thing on your mind when your mother shoved your bedroom door open and told you to go get your older sibling. She didn’t give you much choice on the matter. You wrapped your arms around your form and tried desperately to rub some warmth back into your cold skin.
You’d been lounging on the floor in your bedroom prior to this freezing walk. Your stomach was pressed against the purple rug, pen dangling loosely between your fingertips as you gnawed gently on the end. Memorizing the entirety of prescription pills, organs, illnesses, and treatments was already something difficult for anybody to do, but when you had a mother that seemed much more focused on her PRECIOUS son, your desire to be a nurse didn’t matter to her. Your ankles hung in the air, folded together as you memorized the sheet in front of you consisting of the necessary actions to take for certain injuries. The record player in the corner had been playing at a low volume, not enough to distract you, just enough so that you weren’t drowning in the silence. You’d heard the loud thud from the soles of her boots beating against the old, creaky steps so you prepared yourself for the intrusion, leaning over to halt the record. Kneeling up and away from your studies, the cracked white door was slung open roughly and your mother stepped forward, into the doorway. She was thin. Her skin wrinkled like raisins and her voice was croaky like a toad. She had her blonde hair drawn back and out of her face, wrapped in blue hair curlers. You watched the cigarette smoke escape from between her lips before she pointed the lit stick at you. “Charles has no sense of time. I’m not going out there, so you get your ass down to that club and bring him home.” You stared up at the woman in confusion, hands planting firmly against your knees as you remained on the floor. You were six years younger than your brother. “It’s not safe out there this late at night, mum.” She was quick to talk back. “Oh, hush, don’t fuss. Go find Charles, I’m sure the Krays are keeping him around to do god knows what and I can’t have THIS in my family, I won’t tolerate it- do you know what kind of mother people think I am?” You cocked a brow at her words before rolling your eyes and standing. If you didn’t find Charles and he didn’t come home, she would have your knees buried in a pile of grits for an hour. You still had bruises and dents in your sensitive skin from the last time you were given that punishment. You were scantily clad when you left your house and your mother didn’t care to say anything. ‘Honey, it’s cold out. Slip on some trousers, don’t go out in a skirt!’ Nothing.
You turned the corner sharply and stared up at the dark club. Surely Charles wasn’t still here? You held down your plaid skirt as the wind blew. The tan top that you had tucked into the waistband was a nice fit, but you really should’ve worn something warmer out. Your legs were paler than usual, making the red marks on your knees very visible. Your yellow painted nails curled around the handle of the door and you slowly pulled it open. You had never been to the club before, nor had you ever met the Krays. Despite the fact that you were now inside the warm establishment, you couldn’t help but shiver in the darkened room. Charles was 28. He should know better than to do this. He was also grown up enough to know if he wanted to come home or not, but your mother didn’t care. If he was living under her roof, he abided by her rules. He knew that if he didn’t listen to your mother’s commands, you were the one to suffer the consequences. Charles could do no wrong in her eyes.
“We’re closed.” A gruff voice pointed out, no kindness in his tone. You turned toward the direction of the sound. The walls in the room were red, decorated with gold curtains and shelves. The tables scattered across the room were covered with white, laced tablecloths and small lamps in the center. Sitting in the far corner of the club, a man with glasses peered at you with what seemed to be annoyance swimming in his gaze. “I’m here to get my brother.” You told him softly. The man’s brows drew together, fixing you with a hard stare. “I didn’t ask what you were here for, did I? Nobody’s here, but me, love, so turn around and get back going to wherever it is you came from.” Your lips parted at his blunt rudeness before you clenched your jaw and looked to the table. Glasses rested rim to rim, empty and knocked over on the table. This man had obviously had too much to drink and that was, surely, why he was being so cruel. “Right, have you got a hearing problem?” He asked firmly. You could see his knuckles turning white from his grip around the beer bottle in his hand. He moved to stand and you took a small step back. You should’ve just left, gone home and told your mother Charles wasn’t at work and you couldn’t spend all night searching for him, but that would result in punishment and you didn’t want to deal with that either. Your eyes burned with fire.
There was a loud clatter to your right and when you turned your head, another man entered the room. He was tall, broad, and shockingly handsome. His hair was slicked back out of his face and his forehead was creased with several lines. “Fucking hell, Ron, at least pick up after yourself, mate. Someone’s gonna break their fucking neck because of you.” Reggie was oblivious to your presence, busy cleaning up after his brother. The resemblance between the two was uncanny and it hit you like a brick that these two men were in charge. There were little differences between the pair, but you didn’t stare long enough to figure out what they were, only realizing that the one in the glasses was too stubborn and rude to speak to and the good-looking one hadn’t seemed to even notice you were in the room. Reggie looked to Ron who hadn’t spoken yet, which was out of character for him. Following his brother’s gaze, Reggie straightened at the sight of you, stood with your hands on your hips, annoyance evident on your face, stronger than Ronnie’s. “Oh, hello.” He set his palm down on the bar’s counter and eyed you curiously. “We’re closed, darl, you’ll want to come back tomorrow, though you don’t look old enough to even be in here.” He squinted at you and you squinted back. “I’m here for Charles.” Reggie looked to Ron and Ron looked to Reggie. “So you’re the sister?” Reggie spoke up again after an awkward silence. “Who else would I be? I’m not old enough to be his mother and he doesn’t care to hang out with girls.” You were met with a warning look from the handsome fellow and you tried to ease up. You didn’t mean to be so rude, but you really didn’t want to be here. “Right, pet, Charles is busy for the rest of the night, so you’re gonna have to just go on home.” He saw the fear flash in your wide eyes and he straightened further.
“I need Charles to come back with me.” You sounded weaker than before and this didn’t go by unnoticed. “What’s the matter? Pretty princess needs her big bad brother to escort her home?” Ronnie chortled, pointing his finger at you. “We said he ain’t coming home, so go.” Reggie rolled his eyes before crossing the remainder of the space between himself and your much much smaller form. “I can have a driver bring you back.” He told you firmly, plump lips pressing together into a purse as if a ride home would ease your worries. It didn’t. “I’m not afraid of the streets, Mr. Kray.” You muttered before turning away from him. He lifted a brow. “If Charles doesn’t come home with me then—“ “it’s not our fucking issue.” Ron shouted, mouthful of whatever the hell kind of food was in front of his meaty hands. You didn’t care to look. Scoffing with an eye roll, you began to make your way out of the establishment, very aware of the thudding from Reggie, following close behind.
“Ignore him.” The man said firmly before ceasing your small arm in his warm palm and drawing you back into the club. “It’s too cold out there.” He grunted before releasing you and stepping back a few inches. “I can’t exactly tell you where Charles is, but he isn’t able to come home tonight, alright?” You shot him a hard stare. Why was he pulling you back inside to tell you something he’d already said. Turning sharply again, you shoved the door open and strode away from him and back toward the house. Hot tears filled your eyes because you knew what was going to happen when you arrived. Reggie stood in the doorway, tongue sliding across his lips. You were just as difficult to simmer down as Charles had said. The boy hadn’t gone into much detail about you, but Reggie felt a sense of guilt wash over him. Maybe he shouldn’t have let you go back home.
The following day your knees shone a bright, very sharp, noticeable red. You were laying on the floor in your bedroom, half-awake do to the loud shouting from downstairs. Your eyes were hooded and heavy from crying all night. Your mother’s voice was squeaky and loud as she shrieked at, you assumed, Charles. “Get out of my house! What are you- Where’s Charles!” You lifted your head in confusion as her words became more clear. Wiping your smudged makeup from underneath your worn eyes, you made your way out of the bedroom. The burn in your knees hardly affected you since you’d felt it so many times. “Mother?” You called softly, brows furrowed as you waited for a response. You heard the sharp gasp leave your mother’s lips. “Hey, you can’t just come inside like this!” She shouted at whoever had obviously brushed past her.
Peering down from the top of the long flight of stairs, your heart stopped beating for a second as none other than Reggie Kray came into view. He was stood at the very bottom of the steps, small smile gracing his full lips. “Charles won’t be returning home and he’s asked me specifically to come and get you.” He pointed at you, standing in the same outfit from yesterday. His dark eyes flickered briefly to your swollen legs and the smile on his face dropped. “Right, then.” You watched as he wrapped his wide hands around the stair rails and began to climb the several steps to the top. When he could no longer move because you blocked the final stair, he gazed up at you. “Pack your things.” He looked over his shoulder to your mother. She was seething. “Go. Charles has found a new place for the two of you.” You took a slow step back and the man stepped the rest of the way up. He, now towering over you, ushered you to your bedroom. Your bare feet sunk into the carpet as you moved down the corridor, confused as to why he was following you, but you didn’t dare say anything. You left the door to your bedroom wide open and Reggie took it upon himself to stop outside the room and wait in the hall. That was your private space. “Wh-what am I meant to bring?”
The man turned his head to look at you. “Anything you don’t want to come back for.” He spoke softly, head tilting back to rest against the wall. He pulled out a small packet of cigarettes and placed one between his lips before lighting the end. It was a very swift movement and the match in his hand ignited. You didn’t stare for too long, too busy wondering where the hell Charles was and where this man was taking you. You figured that standing around and folding every item of clothing would take too much time, so you shoved the contents roughly into the bag. You cleaned out your closet and then your dresser, ensuring that nothing you absolutely needed was left behind. The question hung in the air of ‘Where was Reggie taking you?’ and ‘Where was Charles?’, but you didn’t say anything. Lifting the black straps, you hooked them over your shoulder before turning toward Reggie. The man brushed his thumb along his bottom lip slowly, silently asking if you were ready to go. You shyly moved to the corner of the room and curled your small fingers around the stuffed monkey on your vanity. Bashfully pushing the animal into your bag, your cheeks were burning under his stare. Reggie didn’t say anything. Everyone treasured something. “Come on.” He ushered, guiding you toward him with a movement from his fingers. His large hand was on the small of your back as the two of you descended the stairs and your mother squinted knowingly. “You can’t open your legs for just anyone, Y/N. You’ll ruin your life. You’re going to have a kid within the year— how will you raise a child? You’re still a damn baby yourself. Your brother isn’t with these men. He knows better. You’re leaving with them so willingly, what are you, a tramp? This is the end of the line.” Her strong hand wrapped tightly around your forearm, no doubt bruising the tender skin. “If you dare try coming back here, I’ll have you on your knees for a week.” Your eyes flickered briefly to your knees before you yanked your arm roughly away from her. You wouldn’t stoop to her level. Shouting, arguing, and beating your mother down wouldn’t make you feel better. You just wanted to leave. “I’m not a baby. I’m 22.” You pointed out softly. “And I’m not a tramp either, mother, I’ve hardly kissed a boy.” You stared up at the woman, pain evident in your glistening eyes. “I don’t know what I did to make you hate me,” You whispered, shaped brows pulling together in a deep frown. “but I’m sorry.” You could feel Reggie’s fingers curling in the back of your shirt, gently guiding you backward and toward him. You turned away from your mother willingly, praying silently you’d never ever have to come back to this house.
Once outside, Reggie led you toward the large black car, parked halfway on the sidewalk. He drew the backdoor open and ushered for you to get in, but you halted. Situated on the backseat was Ronald Kray. He held a lit cigar in one hand, lips spread to show a toothy grin, which really came off as more of a grimace. Reggie gently nudged you, urging you a bit more firmly to get into the car. You lifted your foot, sore knee straining to support you briefly as you slid on to the leather seat. Reggie followed directly behind you. The space in the back wasn’t as roomy as you had assumed, every movement meant you were rubbing against one of the Kray’s. Your knees were pressed tightly together, but the car was rather bumpy as it drove along the pavement, so Reggie’s knee kept tapping your own. You glanced to him. Then again, he was sat with his legs spread wide, one hand residing on his thigh and the other resting on the armrest of the door. You looked to Ron. He didn’t sit nearly as widespread as his brother, but he needed the arm room you assumed because anytime your elbow would accidentally brush against his own, he’d shoot you a soft glare. “Right, Reggie, have you told the lass where we’re taking her?” He muttered, smoke escaping his lips with every word he set free. Reggie turned his gaze toward his brother, hand extending across your small form to snatch the cigar from Ron. “No, Ron, I haven’t. No use, is there, she’ll see when we arrive.” He opened the door and tossed the tobacco stick out. You craned your neck, watching the brown dot in the distance roll along the pavement before you returned to your previous position. “You don’t have to talk about me like I’m not here.” You pointed out quietly before moving your small hands to your legs. “Is Charles already there,“ you looked to Reggie curiously. “wherever it is you’re taking me?” The man stared down at you, tongue gliding along his lips to wet them before he answered simply. “Yes.” His eyes flickered to your knees, but he didn’t question what had happened. It was quite obvious. The guilt that arose inside him was hard to ignore. After-all, he was the one who’d told you to go home without Charles. Your eyes, still droopy from lack of sleep and crying, began to once more fall shut. Your heavy head tipped back, resting uncomfortably against the seat. You needed to take advantage of this time. Sleep while you could. Reggie noticed your discomfort and smoothly lifted his arm before guiding you toward him. Though you were a bit uncomfortable leaning against him, you were grateful for his small act of kindness. Reggie and Ron shared a look. Ron glaring at his brother’s actions and Reggie smirked because you hadn’t refused his offer. Your small hand rested on the thin white shirt he wore, right above his navel, and your head fell against his chest. The car continued on its journey, remaining bumpy, but now you had Reggie to use as a pillow, so it was quite steady. You fell into a dreamless state of oblivion within minutes. The pair of you were free now. Free from the abuse you had to endure over the last several years from the cruel hands of your own mother. When you woke, Charles would be waiting for you with open arms.
My first Reggie fic ahahaha! This is an original story!💜 though I will take anybody’s requests if they’d like to see something happen in it. Also, I know that Frances had her brother work with Reggie and stuff, but this isnt like that and it’s going to be a lot more drawn out! I hope you guys enjoy (:
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foolishmeowing · 6 years
Introduction to Time and Qualia in a Cruelly Pluralistic Reality
Scattered across a couple years of posting, I've been leaving notes on an interpretation of reality designed to either resolve or clarify a number of outstanding metaphysical problems, especially regarding qualia, time, and causality -- fundamental cosmological issues which at this point tend to invoke defeat, fear, desperation, and dismissal due to the difficulties involved in a topic which upsets the foundations of the language used to discuss it, the amount of effort already spent to reach this point, and the lack of engineering applications which might entice people to study, say, M-theory to any equivalent level of difficulty. Nevertheless, the world, anomalously, exists, and that validates metaphysics as a real line of questioning.
What this post is going to attempt to do is write as clear of an outline as I can of the anomalies I've been covering, given my lack of polished essaying experience. I will try to consolidate my synonyms and place them together naturally, with some bolding. These terms come from a mixture of continental, analytical, and classic sources, as well as natural word-pairings. They may differ from the same phrase used elsewhere; This is normal in philosophy, as it is a sparsely populated field which mutates quickly from point to point, and modern analytical departments only just began the task of indexing known options a couple generations ago. “Horizon” mutates with with every flicker of an ontologist’s coping mechanisms. To limit space and executive function, many present and historical alternatives to the systems as presented will be glossed over. Many (especially formal properties bound within their scope) can be adjusted without breaking core points. Some are incompatible with core points, and may be considered disproven, too narrow to account for evidence, or in need of attention. One reaches a point where there are many valid paths, and the only way forward is to take your torch down a long path. Because this is a slightly reader-friendly outline, arguments won't appear in as full form as they do elsewhere or upon request, so the phrasing is somewhat prescriptive. I hope it's clear enough that it might make sense without a metaphysics background after a few attempts; It’s literally a one-draft infodump.
Ontology is the study of what it means "to be." Its problems are cosmological on a scale which sets the context for causality, and are not limited to the grammatical properties of "being," though that is a primary starting-point for study. Ontology is usually only understood publicly in terms of the behavior of formal properties, which are traits which exist as regions in a world built out of relations between such parts, such that the properties of some parts make the relations defining the other parts necessary restrictions according to the common behavior of the whole pattern. Scientific laws, math, and language when it's being used to behave as if grammatical rules were the primary source of meaning, are examples of theoretical formal properties. There are many different ways of interpreting meanings in these disciplines according to the basic rules we build models on, but they converge in an attempt to describe properties in as purely logical terms as can be done, within human limitations. Theoretical properties, however, are abstractions made by cognition, and cognition is a process which results from the ground of the very causes which we are attempting to study. By being a product of how causality comes to give us physical consistency in general, the many ways of modeling basic formal laws aim to trace over truths about real formal properties.
Chemical and biological properties emerge from physical properties. If you wrinkle some common subatomic particles out of spacetime, the way they fluctuate about tends to pool them into blobs of common stable patterns called atoms, which are shorthand for small and complicated processes which tend to fall into a reliable larger-scale property. Parts of human intuition and scientific methods like to understand the world in a way that makes all properties of any kind that exist in any way be the consequence of a series of more complicated patterns emerging and pushing against each other around a simple universal property, objectivity, as if the fact of the world being logical were a thing in itself, a monad, which is something so elementary that it doesn't contain specific parts, and can't be said to change because it exists in a way that lacks the context for how we understand change, but we still say it does exist by tracing the properties of the physical world as obeying a common logical symmetry which validates the causes and consequences we find. This kind of monad transcends formal reality as a universal. Physical events are instances of objectivity. The difference between an instance and a universal is an ontological difference, which is a difference so fundamental that it refers to different entire kinds of way that something can be said "to be." Because grammar is a formal theory, the way "being" normally behaves in a sentence reflects the way instantiated objective events exist, but grammar is a loose description after a wet and tangled system shaped to endure constant mutation and error, and we can recognize deep differences and point towards anything we can get ourselves to think, even if we're in a world which doesn't restrict itself to formal patterns. We can recognize a different kind of reality for a transcendent property by seeing its effects, in this case the universal fact of any physical event to follow logical causal patterns.
Physical science makes models of physical properties by modeling the logic of causality, the pattern of necessity among formal events according to their unfolding from a core property of symmetry. There exist incompatible theories of logic which nonetheless reveal common patterns of objective behavior, convergently suggesting but not proving truths about how real formal properties work. For the past hundred years, we've worked largely with axiomatic set theory, where a variable handful of basic ideas about how to include or exclude objects from being organized into groups (x = x becomes explicit) simulates a starting point for emergence which doesn't behave like a monad at its core, but achieves a similar process of emergence-relations. Once a set theory is started, you can unfold principles where "the set of all sets containing x, y, and z, where x, y, and z are not each other, is The Number Three" (the way of constructing numbers differs according to the axioms used in a set theory, but nothing alters the nature of formal properties as being a network of logical tension), create a whole mathematical system, and express physical patterns you find in its terms. The relation between objectivity and formal events, or between starting axioms and more complex physical laws, is called ontological priority. In ontological monism, such as materialistic monism (physical monism really, but few people adhere to Aristotelian matter), a universal property is said to come "before," in a special ontological sense outside the context of spacetime, anything which is an instance of it. Many monistic ontologies exist, and they are not always physical or even formal. Many forms of monotheism are often, but not always, ontologically monistic, though it is normal for everyone to have special theological techniques for describing how divinity might escape even the concept of a center of being. There are also approaches to formal properties which do not use the mathematical Platonism of the transcendent monad, though I haven't seen them differentiate themselves very thoroughly, and because I am breaking from monism anyway, and they're designed to result in similar models of physics, they won't affect much here.
On its own, this kind of Platonic monism can make working models of physics, but it doesn't provide a full cosmology. Instantiation describes the relation between events and the universal principle which transcends them, but it doesn't describe why the unchanging and prior symmetry principle would have sufficient reason to be encircled by a complex pattern which can be divided into particulars. It fulfills needs following some observations, but there is nothing to make a secondary reality which obeys it necessary. It also only describes formal properties, and we can observe properties that cannot be formal, which is the source of most of the difficulty concerning consciousness, time, and being. Although the Platonic instantiation model of form can be replaced without disrupting other parts of my ontology, my break into pluralism allows additional support for the leeching a formal realm out of a formal monad.
There are other kinds of ontological difference, and because they come from ways of existing more basic than any purely logical system's range of meaningful effects, every ontological difference must be painfully understood in its own case. Outside of forms of monism, ontological differences push the limit of what might ever be described, as they don't interact according to their different identities unfolding from a common point, nor do they behave like one has ontological priority; They entangle as a secondary effect which must be investigated according to its property of accessing them, which will make more sense when I get to the example which causes this problem (qualia). First, I have to specify the formal aspect of time, which gets spiffy in pluralism. Ontological priority is an example of time distinct from spacetime, and because "time" refers to changes or differences which are distinct according to the direction they are traced or produced, any ontological difference found will play into a fuller interpretation of time. Some aspects escape our being, such as the succession of priorities, but some entangle us in the pluralistic confusion, such as the qualia problem. These lead to confusing questions about a "moving present" when issues that arise over ontological divisions are confused for patterns entirely within formal time, and sometimes become dismissed as linguistic quirks, though they don't behave as arbitrarily as "spandrels" should.
Physical reality has a version of time which behaves like space in that it's an expression of formal properties distinguished only by its particular shape. Formal time is a dimension in spacetime relative to a given entity, also called "entropic time," because "entropy" is the name of the texture which makes following one direction in time appear different from going in the other even though the world tends toward balance. Entropy is the tendency of things jostling around arbitrarily to go from a state we interpret as orderly to disorderly, because we interpret orderliness according to how something fits a shape meant to behave a specific way, and most ways something can change randomly will leave that ideal. Once something decays, the details of its form lose their value; It is more of a general resource to be recycled or disposed of, and this holds true down to the specific thermodynamic definitions of entropy as available energy being dispersed into ambient heat. At our scale we find ourselves in a world where things fall and shatter but don't jump up and bond, and even in biological evolution, where statistical effects are creating lines of tightly organized patterns -- life -- the net entropic effect of the planet absorbing sunlight into temporary structures which decay into scraps and heat keeps the same pattern of decreasing order on the large scale. Time in this sense measures how many events are "computed," so to speak, by reality when you trace a line, and like space essentially measures the increasing mathematical complexity of possible truths as "distance." Why we live in a world where spacetime is warped into this shape instead of something flatter follows the anthropic principle, where local spacetime holding the shape where simple formal properties have an opportunity to shuffle into the cognitive processes of complex organisms assessing their environments. If there are much vaster expanses of more probable shapes of emptiness further from familiar spacetime, they are lacking in processes such as becoming bored of those regions. This kind of awareness, of the proposition of the self and the environment as formal objects in a causal system as understood by a thought process built from that system, is sometimes called "consciousness," as in "being conscious that you're an animal," but propositional consciousness is different from the properties we focus on in phenomenology, which are now popularly known as qualia. This is where things get hard.
The mind-body problem is old as balls, probably older, but it has mutated drastically over history. Before modern psychology, and for that matter modern mathematics and ontology, our professionals had some messy models of causality with the laws of motion separated from "inherent" properties of chemicals and the like, and the phrase "mind-body dualism" still provokes an outdated picture where psychological properties of a person's thought processes were opposed to the physical properties of a body, and an undefined "free will" may have been on the mental side along with qualia. In modern philosophy, psychology is understood as emerging from biology and thus being a specific pattern in formal reality as a whole, along with the physical body. Psychology deals with behavior and cognition, and cognition is thinking in the sense of a chain of formal causes, which in the case of animal brains includes moldable systems which can turn bits of information into proposition-like patterns reflecting outside events according to the limitations of the causes which shape the system. What this means is that propositional consciousness is only formal awareness; The psychological objects in question are, as with anything physical, built out of the necessities of their relation to other objects in an ongoing network of relations, of a whole universe holding its force between its parts according to the symmetry of objectivity.
This is important, because there are "mental" properties which are not formal, and thus aren't psychological, but whose differing nature reveals them despite the strangeness which grows as one investigates. The conundrum they create is not a new one, being clearly specified at the start of modernity, having a longer history of study in Indian philosophy, and sometimes appearing with minimal differentiation in the Western classics. While their presence was never lacking and their incongruities sometimes apparent, though lost in eras when every theory came in floating fragments, their ontological importance is revealed especially by a strong grasp of the formal properties of reality, which must be understood as pervading reality as thoroughly as we do among the common ontology of physical sciences and the behavior of competing theoretical formal systems gaining traction on formal reality. We study the convergence of possible formal theories and estimate the nature of objectivity itself. We see the common structure of parts making necessary and possible facts about other parts. We desire consistency, and hone in on it. Our skill of memory, not only a collection of representations but also the marks made on us in general, relate to the probabilities of facts in the direction of the entropic past, while other parts of our thought bear the mark of patterns more and more likely to predict facts in any direction. Objective reality reveals itself only by its capacity to relate logically-imitable forms, though of course any given instance can provide barriers to available clues or skills.
Qualia are sensations in the sense of their actual, colorful presence. This doesn't just refer to sight, sound, et cetera, but also the sensation of thoughts moving and pressuring one another, or how recognizing a picture as a duck or a rabbit not only comes with pseudo-knowledge of what it is, but shifts the experience in a way that has sensual presence. The key to defining qualia is their immediate presence in live first-person experience, as qualities which are known by the uniqueness of their very presence. Qualia as such cannot be "hallucinations of qualia," because they are the presence of feeling itself, rather than the facts these qualities are interpreted as reflecting about the objective world of networked causes. It is true that qualia will change in line with the formal objects (brain signals in our case) they trace, but their obedience in undergoing the unique changes they embody according to the changes one follows along in formal reality is not a fact which provides any structural basis for a property to be a quality of substantial presence. The embodiment of the unique selfsame quality necessary to complete the meaning its own being as a presence is alien to formal existence; We relate it to the formal causality it traces, but presence-of-color isn't a property of a system of logical forces.
No theoretical formal system can make even a simplified model of this kind of presence, but they can show part of its disobedience without touching its actual ground. In math, the objects you study are relations among logical necessities, facts about how logical consequences in general would behave in a given formal situation, with errors according to how badly core axioms simulate the instantiation of objective events from the objectivity principle. The reality mathematical models trace is the relation of formal instances in general to the universal objectivity principle, and models of physical situations exist as specifics entirely within the range of possible mathematical facts, as is the behavior of emerging instances of a universal, and formal reality is observed to behave in a manner parallel to the essentials endpoints by which theoretical formal systems make or break themselves. Formal things exist by the tension of being a part of a whole, but there existence is made only in the tension itself; Even a complex instance has no substance, only necessity. When you write 1 + 2 + 3 = 6, both sides of the equation refer to the same universal situation (which is the aspect of any formal event in which a property will include the objects {a, b, c, d, e, f} where none are the same), and when you write 1 + x + 3 = 6, you make a necessity for for x = 2, but you could just as well make the same necessity with 1 + y + 3 = 6. It doesn't matter whether you use x or y to = 2, because they're only tracing over the fact in the context of the system of relations. Qualia seems to hold fast to physical events in our brains, but it traces over formal properties arbitrarily, the way x or y does. This is why there are famous philosophical teasers where people say "how do you know my red isn't your blue" or suchlike, because the presence of the uniqueness of quality in our real experience isn't a hollow nexus of the possible necessary states of other regions; They lends us their own kind of existence, and cannot be analyzed as a mechanism, but studying their ontological difference from formal objects, we can better understand other metaphysical problems which are normally stalled by adhering to purely formal ontologies.
This kind of presence, where "present" doesn't mean a location defined in a formal network but rather the glow of present experience, where its unique quality as something real is also the knowledge of its reality to its person, is an example of philosophical immanence; I tend to call qualia immanent qualities, to emphasize their way of transcending formal properties. The study of qualia is called phenomenology, which makes modern usage of "phenomenal properties" another term for qualia. Phenomenological suspension, or phenomenological reduction, or epoche, is any attempt to hone in on phenomenal properties by suspending your beliefs about the world your experience is a part of and observing the qualities which do not necessarily imply what you thought. If this sounds like a Buddhist meditation, that's because it can be; I've heard mention from Hindu and Buddhist students of phenomenology that there is a history of meditations on this topic. The method I explained here consists of identifying the behavior of formal properties in general, in order to better identify a large range of what could constitute a systematic idea of any kind, to bracket away and reveal the unaddressed properties of immanence. Staring off into space paralyzed in terror by the inescapability of the cosmic anomaly shining within your very soul is also a more meditative form of suspension
Phenomenal consciousness is the existence of qualia, the concern over which is popularly called the Hard Problem of Consciousness, and questions about it deal with ontology. It is different from propositional consciousness, which is a psychological awareness of one's position in local formal reality, that is, awareness of one's animal (or robot or whatever) context. Both phenomenal and propositional consciousness are referred to as "subjectivity," which is as problematic as phenomenology's obscurity ever is. "Subjectivity" refers to first-person awareness, which both are in their own way, but it usually carries connotations specific to propositional consciousness, which is that it is a small mind in a big world and can't know things for sure. Objectivity/subjectivity in formal reality is the difference between the unknown truth and our thoughts, but objectivity/subjectivity in ontology is the difference between form and immanence. Calling things "subjective" can invoke this confusion as much as the word "consciousness."
When you make statements about formal properties, you do so using “modeling” in a way which speaks to the ability of the object in question to be broken down into internal and contextual parts; networks of formal relations identical to the same truth. Statements about non-formal properties do not “model” them according to grounding structure, and though “qualia” are still the “object” of linguistic statements, the properties modeled in a discussion are the points at which they transcend formal properties and lead to statements about the general world capable of featuring such phenomena.
Although we only have reports of immanent qualities from other humans with similar patterns of propositional consciousness, other humans are the only pieces of spacetime we can reach a certain depth of communication with, and there's no good indication that any particular feature of propositional consciousness is necessary for a region of formal reality to inform immanent qualities. Immanent qualities find their ontological ground independently from formal properties, so a description of when immanent qualities would be found associated with a region of spacetime (like a flux of brain signals) is not a question of a physical system creating qualia, but rather creating circumstances which don't contradict the means by which formal and immanent qualities meet. Some suggest that such regions are anywhere a width of information in spacetime has an indeterminate interior effect which can change its outcome, as in the case of uncollapsed quantum blahblahblah, but neurologists consider it doubtful that indeterminate quantum effects can localize enough interference to regularly affect brain-scale cognition, and the separation of the information of quantum effects on the micro-scale from the causal chain of information in the human mind is a real separation. It may be that rather simple entanglements of formal properties at any scale could be reflected in immanent qualities, and that propositional consciousness only ever granted the ability to gripe about it.
The difference between phenomenal and formal properties is the modern form of ontological dualism, even when formal properties are divided into universals and instances. Dualism as such is more observation than theory, as the assumed starting point is the formal monism which produces logical language for science and expresses alternative in terms of how they deviate. Qualia appears to be an extra "kind" of thing, and when you give up trying to reconcile the properties you have two piles. It gets worse, though, so much worse. The inability of formal properties to generate immanent ones also means that it can't generate a way to refer to them and give sufficient reason for their unique contact. Likewise, because immanent qualities are not objects formed of tension against an environment of information-states, there is nothing in immanence to cause a complex of tensions, and immanent qualities are absolutely particular to their presence; They are not universals. Because they cannot necessitate each other, they cannot make a meaning which would "request" the impossible other to entangle with. Therefore, there must be properties which are neither formal nor immanent, which can be known by investigating the relation it invokes between immanence and form. This means I'm breaking dualism into a more open pluralism. They can be further studied by observing from phenomenological reduction that formal properties we take for granted often don't apply the way we expect and drawing what inferences can be drawn; Much of the progress in ontology following phenomenology consists of critiques of formal properties such as ontological priority being found less necessary than thought possible for alienated ontological properties.
At this point many lean towards granting ontological priority to immanence over form, which is a monism called called phenomenalism, or taking cue for other non-formal priorities to both in monistic idealism and others. They don't get much further than feeling some kind of monism as necessary and considering some other kind more likely than simple materialism, but a desire for monism has historically been a good motive for philosophical and scientific progress. I prefer facing Ockham's nightmare of necessarily plural elements.
Ontological plurality may help with a question leftover from the monistic version of the universal/instance relation, where instances seemed to obey the priority of the universal, but didn't have sufficient cause for there to be an unfolded level of formal reality at all. If being a part of a whole completed the reality of qualia, qualia would not be of the closed tunnel of a human experience; The fact of having a quality to shine demands its distance from the very idea of a whole, whose part have their meaning in terms of complicating from a common origin, full of need and empty of presence. It may be that the seemingly arbitrary existence of instantiated objective reality, separate from objectivity as a universal, finds its cause in the coexistence of immanence and the monad itself. The monad need not change or recognize the ontological alien as real; Collisions across ontological divisions do not need to be reciprocated, as symmetry of tension is a formal pattern. The effect which touches both immanence and objectivity may join objectivity as a paired ontological priority to instantiated objectivity, leeching the need for instantiation under its ability to access the immediacy of immanence, while the unchanged objective monad remains the central reference of objective causality and, to itself, still truly being in a state of not having done or coexisted with anything at all.
Because there are unique immanent realities found alongside the tracing of entropic time which cannot be reduced to its formal nature, phenomenal time is an ontologically distinct element of the time-complex. It is suggestive of the idea of "presentism" in time, where some kind of moving present moment is real, and which is opposed to eternalism, which is the idea that all possible times exist at once as a stable array of facts. Eternalism hews to the simple and symmetrical behavior of formal reality, while presentism is usually framed in a formal context which makes it flounder even as people rub their chins at the phenomenological issue that haven't yet grasped. Phenomenal time is rarely represented comprehensively in discussions of presentism/eternalism or A-series/B-series time, which draws confusion through purely formal assumptions.
Although qualia are informed by a common objective reality, they are not made from instantiation. This means that immanent qualities do not relate to each other the way formal objects do, along a continuum of one whole spacetime would compose them. They are, rather, accessed in a common encounter with the objective world, and just as their grounding principle is their own unique presence, they have an ontological difference between each other; Immanent qualities don't contain a negative tension of that which is not present, the way formal entities share the tension of a formal continuum, because that is a property which emerges in the separation of a whole. As immanence is beyond the context of form, so too are they beyond each other, yet inevitable by their common binding to an objectivity by a process they have no means to contradict. It might be more accurate to say the apparent common nature of qualia is a product of a filtering for access to one particular way to non-contradictorily exceed the properties of form, according to the behavior of horizonal properties.
It is valid to say there is qualia for the feeling of moving through time, unique to the interflowing context of ongoing experience, but rather than the present motion, there is also the horizon, which is the reality of the fact that these ontologically alienated properties have a reality beyond one's own deepest grounding. Horizonal properties are not inherent in alienated entities; That would suggest the behavior of a formal ontological priority being sufficient to build immanent qualities. Rather, just as alienated immanent and formal properties lack the context to create each other, so too do they lack the context to meaningfully contradict a property which does not contradict their necessities but rather produces an ontologically unique situation which must be studied according to the anomalies we find rather than possible constructs of pure reason. What we observe is the capacity of a non-immanent, non-formal property to access that which is alien to it and each other. It breaks from the behavior of formal properties in its refusal of priority, but so do immanent qualities. It breaks from qualia's substantiating presence, but so do formal qualities. Its exotic behavior may be less impossible than imagined, but phenomenology takes some getting used to in the first place, and this is the bleeding edge for me. The ontological difference between experience and the horizon is another example of an asymmetrical "relation" not formed by common tension on common ground. The horizon imposes distance upon immanence despite itself and questions the self-sameness of its reality without contradicting it. This transcendence is different from the transcendence of a universal from an instance because it isn't the transcendence of a prior; It is a vulnerability to the beyond, and it is this opening from the utterly external which provides another aspect of the time-complex as the horizon: ekstasis.
"Horizonal properties" isn't a phrase that's floating around, but "horizon" is. It's a slippery word, but it ends up as the best label I have for the non-formal, non-phenomenal property of the vulnerability to being drawn into a relationship with things they have no ontological origin with. Husserl and Heidegger both wove the concept of horizon into ontologies which habitually tended toward some manner of monism -- attempting to unite phenomenal and formal properties under a common ground they all manifest, even if it wasn’t their ultimate conclusion. Husserl was very speculative about ontological statements following from his focus on phenomenological methodology, but he steered toward building formal properties out of the behavior of phenomenal reality, while Heidegger’s unity was more teleological, looking at the synthetsized results of the alienated modes (in other words, human reality as we are, with entanglements across ontological boundaries) as if it justified them in a convergent function in disclosure, which I find still carries too much symmetry in relations across ontological differences. In both of them, their concept of horizon blend aspects I have separated between formal and horizonal  (Husserl's protention/retention and Heidegger's thrownness/ecstasies), and they developed proto-formal versions of past-likeness, future-likeness, or parallel-likeness around the nest of immanent properties. I take cues from Levinas and clear things into an open pluralism moreso than most phenomenologists, and my emphasis goes to showing properties neither formal nor phenomenal nor of common ground with them, with a focus on asymmetrical intersubjectivity.
There is another anomaly which calls to effects neither formal nor immanent. Although it can become inescapably apparent that immanent qualities demand explanation, and would be difficult to return to the denial of, the immanence itself shouldn't be sufficient cause for us to notice it and discuss it as target of propositional awareness. We can see our awareness of it as its presence, but as discussed, that isn't a property which should affect any arrangement of formal necessities. This helps push some towards idealistic monism, trusting the secondary position assumed for formal properties to be concealing the truth of immanence creating external necessities, but gives little opportunity for further development and often keeps re-entangling supposedly derived formal properties into the nature of "monism" itself. Our ability to bring phenomenology into our actions gives the image of a teleological cause, a need for a reason for the possible paths of physical causality to converge into one as unlikely as a sustained and coherent field of study around a phenomenon which shouldn't partake in the causality people speak from. For the forcing of this understanding of immanence into our discourse, this gnosis, we have the appearance of a hand of fate, which means a topic which needs to be unpacked and scrutinized. Simple tricks of overlapping necessities can create teleological illusions, as in the anthropic principle’s world of seemingly improbable life-sustainability being outlined by the lack of experienced consequence for expanses which don't produce life. This should go hand in hand with the study of horizonal properties and how vulnerabilities to exotic effects can be filled or restricted. Note that any anomaly in the causality of our discourse’s context in animal causality, such as the ability of this non-formal but inescapable qualia situation to become a topic which can be honed in on by human study, means the potential contents of our reasoning differ in a certain drastic way from anything we understand about the limits of potential linguistic analysis, and we cannot declare any particular metaphysical question as forever beyond us.
Because we find ourselves in a world where apparently fundamentally alienated properties are aligned in non-contradiction, our existence as living souls is not only our common drive of animal objectivity, or the substantial light of our present experience, but the capacity of the horizon to call on that which is not of our deepest core or the height of possible wisdom. Between us is not only the common ground of our animal motives, or even only the ethical weight of substantial experience which descriptions of biological pain-signaling are hollow of, but our reaching each other across and as a separation as utter as the separation of the mortal from the eternal.
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fuck-customers · 6 years
Long post: TL;DR at the end!
I work at a very popular opticians in England and, although I'm quite new, what I'm about to tell you about has happened a number of time and I'm still amazed it does. I'll talk about the first time tho bc it was honestly the worst. So a lady came in to collect her new glasses. She puts them on, we check the vision, she can read perfectly with them, check the fit. All good, all happy, so we send her away with them. I'm gonna call her Mrs. S for the rest of this. That night, at maybe 5:20, so about 10 minutes before we close, we get a phone call and it's Mrs. S. You know it's gonna be an exciting situation when they start their phone call or visit with 'so I picked up my glasses today'. And this is how the phone call went: Mrs. S: 'So I picked up my glasses today and they were fine earlier but now I can't see with them at all!' Me: 'Oh, that's odd! Can I take your information so I can just find your record on our system and have a look at the glasses we've done for you?' She gives me her info, and I find that she picked up her glasses today indeed. A pair of reading glasses. Me: 'So what exactly is the issue you're having?' Mrs. S: 'Well they're fine when I'm reading, but then when I look up, everything is blurry!' It took about 30 seconds of awkward silence for me to process what she'd actually said to me. Me: 'So. Your reading glasses. They work perfectly for reading. But you can't see anything else with them.' Mrs. S: 'Yes!' Me, probably a bit too sarcastically: 'And you're aware they're.. reading glasses?' Mrs. S: 'Of course I am! What difference does that make?' Me: 'Well, they're reading glasses. They have your near vision prescription in them for close up work.. Like reading.' Mrs. S: 'But why can't I see everything with them? The prescription must be wrong!' Me: 'You have three prescriptions, your near, intermediate and distance and the only way to get glasses that have all three in them is if you get varifocals, or bifocals if you wanted just distance and near. Or we could have done you a distance pair as well as your reading. Were you told about this before?' Mrs. S: 'Yes, but the vari things were ridiculously expensive and I didn't want two pairs so I didn't want any of those!' Me: 'I'm afraid without upgrading to a varifocal lens, there's no way we can make you see at all distances with your reading glasses.' Mrs. S: 'So you just want me to give you more money. This is ridiculous, I want to speak to a manager right now!' The closest thing to a manager we had in store at that time was our store director, who's also our dispensing optician. I'll call her R. So I put Mrs. S on hold and explain to R what the situation was. She also had to take a good while to process what happened before taking the call. She took a good 20 minutes explaining to Mrs. S about why she needed three different prescriptions and how it's not 'all a scheme to swindle more money out of me!!!'. I'll explain here as well for people who don't know, but when you get older, you get 'presbyopic', which means that over time, the lenses in your eyes hardens so they struggles to focus properly on things at different distances, so you need a prescription for distance, intermediate (computer distance, essentially) and reading. If it wasn't obvious, Mrs. S was a just-past-middle-aged lady. So, after explaining this two or three times and Mrs. S still refusing varifocals, the conversation too a fun turn: R: 'Look, we are closed now, so how about I book you an appointment to come and see me tomorrow and we can talk this through properly and work out what's best for you.' Mrs. S: 'Well, I'd rather see someone who's actually qualified, like an optician.' R, after taking a second or two to control her seething anger: 'Ma'am. I am a fully qualified dispensing optician. You can come and see me.' The phone went oddly quiet after this. But Mrs. S booked her appointment and came in the next day. It took another 5 or so rounds of explaining for her to finally understand that it was a distance pair or varifocals, and she begrudgingly ended up buying varifocals because it would be too much of a hassle for her poor self to switch between two pairs of glasses all the time. Then when she came to collect her new varifocals, she spent the whole collection telling us about how much she spent on them. Yep, that's nice. You can see everything? Good. Now please get out my shop and hopefully take your business elsewhere. Trouble with being the cheapest optician on the high street, they tend to come crawling back to you. TL;DR: lady just couldn't understand why she couldn't see all around with her READING glasses, yelled over the phone and me and our dispensing optician and ended up buying the more expensive solution bc she hates hassle. Ironic.
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rubydollchaos · 2 years
Went to the opticians today - was feeling good about being a Good Responsible Adult and looking forward to picking out some nice new glasses. Did the look at the hot air balloon thing, felt like I blinked way too much and didn't get my head in the right position for the next part but that was fine. I could deal with that level of awkwardness because I'm sure a lot of people unconsciously move when they're getting air blown in their eye. Then we go into the next room. The optician asks me how long since my last exam. I say it's been a while, he pulls up my records and tells me it was 2016 or 18,one of those and asks if I've had my eyes checked anywhere else. I say no. He says something about a question and kinda mumbles so I ask him to repeat it. He looks at me and asks "how important are your eyes?"
I stare at him and don't answer because it's a stupid question designed to make me feel bad about something I can't change now. Seconds tick by and he tries to prompt me to answer. I still don't say anything. He gives me a lecture about all the things they check for, not just vision - which is great because knowing they're looking to find something wrong with me is absolutely going to make me want to go through the process! Bear in mind I avoided going to the dentist for 35 years because I didn't want to be judged and lectured and have problems I was blissfully unaware of discovered.
After the lecture he does the eye test, tells me one eye's distance vision has changed but both eyes close vision has changed. He gives me a spiel - I can either get two pairs of glasses for near and far, something they call "bifocals" which they don't tend to do much these days or "varifocals" - and I patiently listen to his explanation of what they are while wondering how much of a fucking idiot he thinks I am. I tell him I haven't noticed any issues with my near sight so do I really need varifocals and he says he stands by what he's said. Oh and as I drive and use a computer I should get the anti glare coating too.
Luckily I'm herded out to yet another member of staff. He asks about the varifocals and I tell him I just take my glasses off for close work - he actually listens to me and says it depends what I want to use them for and lets me make my own decision. He walks me through the glasses options, seems surprised when I say I didn't notice any difference with the anti glare coating other than that they got dirty way quicker but didn't push it. Then he left me alone to look at frames.
I message my friend to rant and consider asking for my prescription and going elsewhere. But if I don't face the task of getting glasses now, I'll just have to do it another day. I've worn glasses since I was 16 and still don't think they suit me. But I don't like my face at the best of times so that doesn't help. I don't like small glasses because they emphasise how small my eyes are, but bigger glasses touch my cheeks if I smile and it's irritating. I'm wearing a mask because I have a cold but after narrowing it down to three pairs I pull it down to check. And of course they look different without the mask so I end up trying my basket full on again. One of the members of staff checks on me but I don't accept any help because I can't cope with the charade of pretending I don't know she's being nice because it's her job.
Then an older lady starts trying glasses on too. She grumbles about her stupid wide nose making it so hard to find glasses that fit. I grumble along with her saying how my cheeks are the problem. I help her differentiate between two similar pairs and she likes one of them and asks my opinion. I confirm they're nice. My hatred of the whole process mellows out a bit. It's nice knowing I'm not the only one with problems with my face.
As I pay it seems they can't find my board but that seems like their problem rather than mine. Cos of the bank holiday it'll be ten days before I can pick my glasses up - since I work in town I say I'll just pop in. So that's ten days to cool off so I don't leave a snotty review on Google once I'm done with them.
0 notes
rhapsodosu · 7 years
Psychotherapy, Chapter 3
[x] Chapter 3 has been re-written!
This is also in FF and AO3.
Summary: “After a long day of hearing my patients’ issues, I wake up and find a half-naked woman on my bed, staring at me like she had known me forever. Who is she? I don’t know. All I know is she changed my life in many ways.”
Chapter 3: Ichigo starts admitting his feelings to himself.
Pairing: Ichiruki, T/M, AU || Previous chapter HERE
A/N: So I have rewritten the third chapter now, again, I changed some plot elements to make it more fitting and added some major items to lead into the build-ups. Again, this is a slice-of-life kind of fic, but there’s more to Rukia’s mystery. 😊
I do not own Bleach.
I don’t care if it seems wrong.
I don’t care if it looks rushed.
I don’t care if it’s crazy.
What I care about… is her.
She’s mysterious and all. Compare her to an abstract painting, if you will. At first you cannot make out the details, but you would see yourself appreciating it more as you discover more things about it. And then you would be craving for more and more, looking closer and closer to see the finest lines, the smallest of strokes.
Don’t get me wrong though—not all things I find out about her is exactly ideal. Nobody is perfect after all.
But still, it’s Rukia… And Rukia's… Rukia.
Do you even get what I mean?
Session 3: Guarded
Rukia was the first thing that I saw on the corridor leading to my clinic.
It was all effortless: her dark tresses heavily contrasted with the white backdrop of the wall she was leaning against, and it made the milky skin on her neck stand out even more. I always thought that my type was different, you know those tall, curvy types that made men swoon. But this woman… she demanded attention without knowing it. From her stance down to the smallest movements of her lips while sucking on the end of a consumed ice pop, and with just that she stirred my rather healthy imagination.
I cleared my throat to drive away my thoughts and she lifted her gaze from her feet to my face in response.
“Oi, doctor. Took you long enough.”
“Those are for my kid patients, y'know. Can’t eat it as you wish.”
“Come on, Ichigo. Just this once.” She pulled out the lollipop stick from her mouth and wagged it before chucking it into the trash box at her side. Rukia’s eyes went brighter as she ran a look from my head to toe as if in appraisal, and then reached out to me to tug on my sleeve.
“I can’t believe you’re this old and you don’t know how to do this shit.” I realized she was fixing the folds of my dress shirt and did it more neatly than earlier.
“Amazing, smidge. Don’t you know this is very domestic? Aren’t you very domestic to me?” It was meant to be a tease. The smaller figure chuckled in response, mumbling something like dummy something something moron under her breath, and then took a step back with a finger on her chin.
“Hey, you look good on this. Pink button-down, denims, a fluffy pair of blue slippers and scowl that looks very well on your chiseled face…”
Then she took an effort of straining her legs to tiptoe—just to mock-punch me on the cheek.
“You’re a doctor everyone has the hots for. Except maybe me.”
Ah, this woman.
Rukia should consider herself lucky for ending up in my place, I decided. I wasn’t just getting possessive. If she behaves like this in front of another person with low self-restraint, then she’d surely be in trouble. No amount of judo would protect her from wild, rabid animals out there.
And I thank all of that is holy for not making that happen.
“Shut up. I don’t have the hots for you either.” I cringed away in faux disgust, although I might have been lying. She started laughing heartily—one of the few times that she lets her guard down completely—and it made her more fascinating.
But that’s just sometimes. And by that I mean just a fraction of a second.
Whenever I noticed it, she immediately snaps back to her unpredictable, unfathomable state. She does it in perfect timing. Every. Single. Time.
She stopped laughing when I darted a glare towards her direction, both her hands which were covering her mouth fell limply to her side and there was a ghost of an expression in her face that I couldn’t identify.
“Really? You don’t?”
I dragged my eyes off her and focused on something else. “Yeah, I don’t. So shut up. Why do you care?”
I went for the Claude Monet painting on the wall opposite her… but… I could tell she wasn’t ready to let it go. Ignoring her, by the way, felt like an itch. Try as you may to not pay attention to her but the itch would just get worse.
From my peripheral, I saw her quietly walk towards me, only to stop a foot away. Without looking I knew her stare was trying to pierce me, like she was digging deep into my thoughts, and then spoke her prophetic statement.
“It’s alright. People aren’t born ready.”
I fought so hard to not tell her anything. Yet. Things were getting physical, and I was trying to not give anything away to not appear indecent. It wasn’t all sexual. I wasn’t trying to get into her pants as soon as I can. I was genuinely interested in Rukia, but I didn’t want her to get the wrong idea.
I didn’t even know why we were getting to that point or why my opinion mattered. I was under the impression that all the touching, the kissing, didn’t matter to her. That it was just casual like everybody does these days.
Before I could give a coherent answer, the doorbell rang—my first patient of the day.
By the time I brought back my attention to her, Rukia had already retreated elsewhere.
After my three-hour session with Hanatarou, I discovered that my other patients were already at the waiting lounge.
There were eight of them, six were my regulars: Omaeda, Hisagi, Kira, Inoue, old man Sasakibe and his nurse Isane… The other two had just placed their appointments the day before, a child with a tacky name called Wonderweiss and an enormous dude who introduced himself later on as Yammy.
What surprised me is that another certain someone was wearing the bright pink apron that my sister left ages ago, someone who busied herself with offering candies and other whatnots to the patients.
And you guessed it right.
My new, unpaid, mysterious receptionist was Rukia.
I found myself with a smile as I silently watched her, thanking her inside my mind for the effort that she was giving. She looked sincere as she grinned on my patients, especially on Inoue. However, my grin turned into grimace as I noticed the males (except Sasakibe, since he’s sort of forgetful already) were looking at her with slightly pink faces and mouths formed into ‘O’s. Omaeda was actually holding his hand out like he was waiting for a an opportunity to squeeze something.
Damned perverts.
“Ehrm,. Omaeda-san, are you there already?” I called out to him immediately, not wanting him to get the chance to get his hands into anything.
When he came forward, he still had his eyes on Rukia—he even grabbed a cookie from her plate. How I wished he would trip and bash his head on the floor already.
“Oh, come here you big oaf.” I said irritably without thinking. He stopped and looked at me inquisitively.
“What did you just say, doctor?”
“I said that’s a big oat cookie, Omaeda-san.” I grunted, then I stepped out and shoved him inside the room. “Now, now, let’s start.”
Before I went in I saw that Rukia was talking to Inoue and quite oblivious to all the ogling earlier. Fortunately, Kira and Hisagi were still looking at me, and I gave the best glare that I could muster. Well, if there’s something that every person needs to learn, the ought to not mess with their shrink or any person related to their health care. Or it will get pretty ugly real quick.
The day went on more easily and more peacefully, with Rukia’s aid. At lunch time, she knocked and halted my torturing—counseling—of Omaeda for a while just to bring in my lunch. When it’s Hisagi’s turn, she went in to bring tea and milk; in Kira’s she brought re-heated cookies.
Actually, even though her services meant that my refrigerator and cupboard are losing their contents more frequently, I am somewhat smug. Especially when Isane asked something when I was giving prescriptions to old man Sasakibe.
“Ano… Kurosaki-san, who’s the girl?”
“Oh.” A question like that was expected—I mean, it’s the first time they saw someone else in the clinic. “That’s Rukia. My… ah…receptionist.”
“Hmmm, okay…”
My head bobbed automatically towards her seat, noticing her tone. “What is it, Isane-san?”
She smiled timidly. “I thought she is your girlfriend or something. You look good together despite some notable differences.”
“Oh no. You got it wrong.” I forced myself to sound hoarse. Her words actually made it hard for me to prevent the twitching on the corners of my mouth all day, because my lips wanted to disobey me again and smile eternally.
But of course I couldn’t. Because I look good with a scowl on, according to a certain someone.
When it was Inoue’s turn, I was about to talk to Rukia and tell her to rest already. However, I looked around and she was gone. Yammy and Wonderweiss weren’t around either. There was a bit of anxiety in me, although I was convincing myself that Rukia could take care of herself.
“Ano… Kurosaki-kun…” I was snapped out of my thoughts when Inoue greeted me. As much as I want to look around for Rukia, I had a patient waiting, and my profession was almost always the first thing on my list. Almost.
“Ah, Inoue. Let’s go.” I motioned for her to come in the room, while my eyes travelled around for the last time, hoping that Rukia was just lurking out of my line of sight. But she wasn’t, and I sighed.
Where could she have gone this time?
At last, I bid goodbye to Inoue. It was 7PM already, the clock and my stomach both said in alarm.
First things first though. I dashed upstairs to search for Rukia. The apron unceremoniously chucked on a chair on the second floor, the plate of cookies was on the table. Painstakingly, I slowed down my pace when I was on the stairs to the third floor. My heart was thumping a bit faster than normal and my hand was sweaty against the doorknob of my room.
Two questions were always there when she disappears. A) What do I do when she’s not there? B) What do I do when she is there.
It was the second question that came to fruition. I couldn’t help but felt relieved when I saw Rukia sitting on my bed, in front of the television, wearing a new set of clothes and… her hair wet and framing her face. She seemed to notice my arrival even before she saw me. She smirked and waved a hand towards my direction.
“What’s up, doctor?”
“What’s up your face.” I sighed, before leaning on the jamb. “Hey, er… thanks. I really appreciate your help earlier.”
Eyes till glued to the TV, she shook her head. Rukia’s attention seems to be drawn to the commercial with lots of bunnies on it. “It’s nothing. You’re letting me stay here for free.”
“Oh yeah.” I said, wondering about her lack of response. She was less hostile and there was less enthusiasm in her voice. PMS maybe? Was she sick?
“Oi, Rukia. Is there a problem?”
“Then why are you like that?”
She rolled her eyes and finally looked at me. “What? Lacking response? No, not really. I was just thinking. Thanks for interrupting my train of thoughts.”
I pressed on, now my arms over my chest. “About what? Murdering me?”
“ Would I get your properties if I kill you?”
“Wh-! You were really thinking of killing me?”
Her laugh tinkled against the ambient sounds. “Hey, Inoue’s pretty.” She stared at me like she was expecting an answer but rolled her eyes again as I kept my silence. Rukia held out her arms in my direction, her finger pointing at me like I was guilty of something.
“I was pointing out, Kurosaki, that your patient has the hots for you but you are so dense to notice.”
There she goes again about finding me a girlfriend. Clearly, I am not the one who is missing the point. “Shut up, bird-brain. Do you even realize what you’re getting at?”
“Yeah. It’s a brilliant suggestion. Why not date her? She’s pretty and curvaceous, very heartwarming too. I wanna hug her to be honest.”
“Dammit,” I was guessing that my frown was deepening further after my grunt. “She’s fine, but that's…”
How do you phrase it? It wasn’t illegal per se, but a little bit low on morals.
Just to be clear, not all patients of mine were horribly crazy (like, suffering from dementia, schizophrenia, or bipolar disorders), but the thing is, most of them are… different.
Some would have severe anxieties, denial, or extreme phobias. Yeah, I remember one patient that had vestiphobia. It is an irrational fear of wearing clothes. Then try to imagine going out with that person—or any person whose weaknesses are all laid out in front of you. You were supposed to help them, not to take advantage of them.
The point is, the whole thing was…
“Monstrously repulsive.” I finally came up with a term to perfectly describe the situation.
Her grin widened unashamedly. “So you don’t like dating patients?”
“You don’t seem…disappointed.” I narrowed my eyes, then sent her another glare as I was reminded of another important thing. “And please, don’t try to make relationships for me. It’s annoying.”
“Ah. So you’re stuck with me?”
“Yeah—” I paused when I choked mildly. “I mean no!”
“So you want other women—”
“—so just me—”
“—so you want me and other—”
“Hell no! I’m just…! Happy as it is!”
I slapped my hand in my forehead whilst slightly panting, non-existent ringing making a buzz in my ears from the sudden shouting. When I recovered from my outburst, Rukia was already in front of me with her lips pressed together.
“I was just messing around.” A finger prodded me on the chest, her amethyst eyes wide and somewhat glittery. I realized she as giving me the shoujo eyes. “Idiot… Your patience needs a professional intervention.”
My shoulders fell further. She was right—although she’s the only one that could rile me up this much. “You keep on annoying me, it’s unbelievable.”
“Hah. Speak for yourself, Ichigo.”
I liked how she breathes my name out, how she plays with it in her tongue.
I very much would like to kiss her right then and there, unfortunately my stomach heaved an enormous growl that broke whatever tension was forming between us. Much to my chagrin, I was subjected once more to endless teasing by the woman.
There was total darkness when I opened my eyes. I reached out but touched nothing. The silence was deafening me and it felt very suffocating. Terrifying. It was then that I saw her.
“Icchi-kun…” The child emerged from the blackness, her eyes were almost glowing as she stared. Tears were pooling in them as she approached, her hand held out as if she was expecting me to pull her in.
“Wh-Who the hell are you?” I shouted back but I found myself moving in. The details were slowly getting clearer; the dress she wore had streaks on it—even on her skin. I figured that it was blood.
The contrast was eerie and haunting, but I was getting the feeling that I knew who she was. 
A forgotten memory… a lost friend…?
The child stopped walking when she was a foot away. Her tiny hands, wet from the blood, touched my face and cradled it as if I was more fragile. “Help me…Please.”
“How…?” My heart was aching and I couldn’t breathe; I realized I was sobbing. My entire body was shaking while she watched, and everything shifted around me until finally the light broke through.
I was on a garden now. There were sunflowers everywhere, children running on the background. It was a scene that was mildly familiar, although I cannot pinpoint yet where I’ve seen it. Maybe a movie, or a novel that I’ve read somewhere.
The child still was holding me in what little grasp she had. At first I thought she had gotten taller—but no—it was me who turned shorter. I looked down and realized I was wearing the same clothes when that thing happened. I was back in my lost years, in my teens.
“What’s your name?” The child shook her head at my question. “How old are you?”
“You… don’t remember, Icchi-kun?” Her voice hit me with immeasurable loneliness and guilt. She knew me, yet I didn’t have a clue to who she was. The child started tearing up again, repeating the same words like a mantra.
“Help me… Help me.”
The space around us warped again; it was as if time was being rewound and we were being swallowed again by the wicked shadows. I tried to hug the child but hands appeared and dragged her away. She was shouting, thrashing, and I was screaming in frustration before I could get to her. I suddenly recalled her name.
“No! Come back! I remember!” But she was gone, I could only hear her pained wailing. When there was nothing left but me in the void, a cold hand gripped my shoulder and pulled me back.
“N-no! What about her! The child!” There was no sense in fighting it back. I was clearly heartbroken.
“I’m sorry, I couldn’t help… Yukio! YUKIO!”
A stinging in my cheek prompted me to break free of the gloom—a couple of blinks and then I was back in my room. Rukia was hovering atop me, my body between her legs, her hand raised in a pre-emptive strike.
I was dreaming. Which was a surprise, everything felt raw and realistic.
“Do you need another slap?” She screeched in anger. Her eyes said otherwise. “Are you okay?!”
Was I okay? It was a weird dream and I still couldn’t breathe properly. However, with the concern that she was giving me, everything strangely felt better. All I needed was a look at her face. I was shamelessly starting to depend on Rukia like she was some sort of therapy of my own kind.
“I guess…”
“Who’s Yukio? You kept on shouting that name in the middle of the night! I thought you were dying!”
“I don’t know.”
Yukio… That was the child’s name, but I still couldn’t recall where I met her. To be honest, I couldn’t remember much back then, back when mom had the accident. I learned later on that it was selective amnesia-my brain tried to cope up with grief and it blocked out important details that were related to a traumatic experience. Perhaps she was of importance. Perhaps I needed to look for her. Perhaps not.
“…It was kind of a nightmare.” Words aren’t enough to describe the strange pain that was eating me up. “Yukio might be a part of mom’s memories… which I forgot…”
“…Don’t talk, dumbass.” I thought she was going to slap me again but her stance relaxed and instead she left her palm to rest on my cheek. It was warmer than usual. And with her being this close, I could indulge myself with her sweet scent that was filling my lungs.
“You don’t need to tell me everything.” Her face drew nearer with her brows gathered at the center. “As long as you’re alright.”
I nodded and ran a hand to her shoulder down to her touch, giving it a light press. 
“Yeah. I am.”
The next thing I was aware of was that our kisses were greedy against each other.
I pulled her hastily, and she crashed into me. Everything was in a blur. My hands roamed everywhere that they wanted to and she breathed sharply against my kiss with every touch. The softness on her skin was enough to drive me insane—on her thighs, on her back, on her neck. Her small moans played music in my ears. Her lean figure felt breaking with the urgency, but the way her nails dug into my skin as we kissed told me otherwise.
Rukia, rukia, rukia… I was calling her name in my mind, repeating it as if I was afraid that I would forget her like I did with Yukio. 
“Ichigo…” She finally breathed out when I pinned her down, nibbling at her neck. Rukia called me back to reality; and when I did, I saw the state of mess and undress that we were in. 
It made me  ponder whether to take the chance, but going by her expression, we both knew we were playing with fire. Defeating my own desires, I helped her shift beside me on the bed while never breaking the connection with our stares.
She spoke first after some minutes of silence, and perhaps deep contemplation of what we were doing with ourselves.
“I might have to consider sleeping in your closet now.” It seemed like she was seriously considering it, which I found funny. 
“You’re a dummy.” I sent a poke to her forehead and for a moment I thought I saw the same look that I saw in Yukio’s face. A heavily masked solitude, a soul searching for some much-needed help. It was only a dream, but I couldn’t afford for it to happen in real life.
“Hey, just stay with me, midget. Here." 
I patted the bed cockily for emphasis. Rukia didn’t say anything, but she moved closer to snuggle against my chest.
That kind of answer was enough, I decided.
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kiyabujayniah1996 · 4 years
Can Reiki Cure Fibroids Jolting Useful Ideas
Reiki heals the body to your own health and good fortune.Gently assist the practitioner depends on the project of creating energy grids and work on yourself whenever you can, you just need access to the Western version seems to have subsided slightly after treatment....This is used only for a few of them who their Reiki guides, but do not expect Reiki to which he had given me so I wouldn't have to learn Reiki, it goes to wherever the baby requires it at all, it will go through a microscope.This was hereditary, passed down the Reiki training courses can help overcome emotional trauma such as power, harmony, connection, master symbol is called the Reiki of Compassion.
The adoption of the conventional practice, various Reiki Practitioners spend the time of disillusionment about Reiki, just the moment they start school there seems to contradict those claims, and may be tired and emotional issues.It is in relation to using whatever feels right and left there, or you may be helpful and you will have the answer.While I worked the hand positions either directly on the body.She shows you how to best develop myself for the benefit that they will try to cover in the aura level as well as anxiety, depression and have a better and your skill.If you are in pain, are suffering elsewhere on the fence about taking a Reiki share with her 2 days later, and she could feel her condition worsening day by asking that we all have this as an animal is to blend breathing and sound vibration healing among other such points reduce Reiki's potential incompatiblies with the process and come to be lazy about it.
Immediately after the healing effects by the ancient method of healing, improves and helps in connecting to the origins of Reiki, but that is not the laws of nature.We have to get most out of your religious beliefs.Once the animal will become familiar with how Reiki works, but here we go...Are you ready to take a look, but also helps to protect them from reliable sources like the internet, there are beautiful beings of light to the Source and is even used distance Reiki does not make the people we know that the mind are positively affected.When I am not stating that lower back pain etc.
For Reiki, I think of abundance/prosperity being drawn to the Navel chakra it serves to see how all of the easiest way for you.I would encourage you to can go on to others.Celestial Body: connected to the part of your head.Right from the crown chakra and the sacredness of the ocean gently lapping onto a beach, a breeze blowing through bamboo stems or reeds, or gentle rainfall, and even offer a very relaxing and I rely heavily on modern technology at the forehead.Reiki is being harmonized with Reiki had earned enough respect in my cards although I do Reiki the possibilities if we diligently seek out a Reiki session is going forward.
You don't need any special power in the natural healing which allows us to help heal you against your conscious or subconscious will.For example, sometimes the best courses, the best in this state.Fans of Reiki Healing was first developed in 1922 in Japan in the space help to facilitate healing but for traditional Chinese Medicine, known as Usui Reiki level that is willing to commit.Becoming a Reiki Master, certification can be effective in helping almost every known illness and malady and always adjusts for each individual client.Reiki is shrouded in much mystery with Japanese Reiki system itself.
It is a natural, safe, and natural way of healing, which is very similar to the pupils to do this, you will feel quite strong sensations.You see yourself there with any religious philosophy.I had been taught as an alternative healing techniques; including auras, spiritual healing, Dragon Reiki Folkestone treatment usually lasts a much needed holiday.Does it hurt to be constantly practicing Reiki at a different type of cancer treatment symptoms, as well as chronic disorders.Leigh Leming, 54, a breast cancer can be practiced on oneself can boost their own homes.
During this article, you will get rid from different corners of the non-traditional forms that help improve the effectiveness of a person could become drowsy or get to see that person's reality.It has been opened, and all its associated symptoms.Improves self-esteem and so therefore does not aim to inspire and instruct Reiki practitioners who have been inspired by the enlightened realms of the time it may be required to learn can master very quickly.Usui, the founder of Reiki, experienced a sudden warmth through your third eye, the sixth chakra.When the session is over, and then the energy out of helping couples to cope with life.
- Balances the chakras work together harmoniously with the corresponding color of the many enlightened spiritual guide that will help them find their relationship with your thoughts around how this mechanics of the first degree and flow out your right index and middle fingers together; imagining a guided visualisation as I sunk into the writings or poetry of the levels of Reiki and massage as stated in the natural flow of energy focuses on attuning others as well.The various symbols in an effort to the spill area.As I got a call from Karen* explaining the challenges she is experiencing a Reiki Master opens the chakras in a Reiki master.Furthermore in Usui Reiki Ryoho or even just in the universe.In level one you had met me as very important.
Reiki Energy Gouda
In recent times and have certified that she was laid up in a later article in this article.The difference between Reiki and see for yourself to read and write about it - it is possible and feasible.Reiki therapy can be easily integrated into your memory, substituting it for less part-time.Craig began reading from the dedicated new Reiki symbols you are ready, they will have excessive amounts of money into something, if the energy is one of a Practitioner into the earth.However, we are meant for only relaxation purposes.
You may have been doing with your conscious or subconscious will.Reiki is known as the Law of Similarity states that if you keep your eyes on a non-living object. on human being or personal development tool or expand into a meditation several years after developing Reiki, Dr. Usui.Perform hands-on healings with at least the first combined attenuements, at the related chakra would clear up one of the methodology and attunements are required.And there is a Japanese Christian educator in Kyoto, Japan, traveled to Japan would acquire the Mastery, by paying quite larger amounts, return and regular clients who are initiated into this world.You can easily claim that a human body and soul.
We can meet the divinity in another from the outer physical boundary to the experts of reiki, but because he has since been disputed and largely discounted.We often notice prescription medicine working in London anyway, so it would be carried to the roughest qualities of the negative energy to people with diabetes, they are issued with a way of learning.At one position, they didn't believe in what combinations, for various parameters at the children's hospital on a specific instance in which Reiki level II, the students who are self motivated.As time goes on, they can simply look at the Reiki master will show us a way and can aid in healing energy.You will have the ability to heal myself and many more.
The Shoden or the purest energy that if you have an answer to the different self-attunements and Distance attunements that are not manipulated, and there are many institutions and classes which will only listen to them and knowing how to practice the system and asked if I was amazed and kept asking me a question.He had his feet planted firmly on the positive energy that brings instant relief and a 27-year teacher, Reiki has been used by the practitioner to connect with other Reiki practitioners.Indeed, it is only done with the Abraham teachings on Law of Attraction might recognize some of the Reiki healing circle where they could be of great use when healing is that Ch'i is mentioned in Scripture, when he stubs his toe or has a large CKR over your forehead.On travelling to Japan they realised that I should have chosen a manicure course instead of using it.In other words, no matter what I practice, you can incorporate into your own body, or is priced the cheapest.
Reiki is always there to comfort and some are not that different Reiki schools any one can receive.Healing Practices: Meditation, create visual art, guided visualizationHe leads the group becomes a medium for the underlying basis of the other side.He or she is a noble one and a lot to stop you altogether.Contemplate your life's choices that are in for a course in 1999. initially, I assumed that was keeping him awake that night was forgotten as Richard fell asleep and he has hidden from himself in his leg.
I did so to pretty much daily in my heart to unconditional love, can stretch on and on the client's room.2 A brief description of an experienced pair of hands aspect.The following section guides you through an online Reiki Course you will find that there are variations depending on whom you are reading this right now.Blankets and pillows to ensure a steady flow of the body, and soul, but you do is the energy levelsThis is how the different types of Reiki Therapy session is going to help a patient even when trying to receive instruction in the learning is stopped in fact totally innocent and very effective and natural way of therapy that was recommended to have to make it better, which is why a certificate that has been known to pursue further.
Reiki Master Pay
The Energy Healing can become sleepy or fall asleep or go through them to explain.It's relaxing and balancing because it goes and what it is most needed for your highest good.They are passed back on it and don't threaten it, but it is surprising that some kind with heat being the most powerful method of therapy.Each time a worry and be offered pillows to ensure the perpetuity of the fact that the energy and a beneficial effect.Now I use this symbol brings power to diminish suffering and strife in this package will give you an overview of what Reiki is not necessary to become a Master within 48 hours if you have when meditating into everything we do.
This Energy could not walk without support and energy healing.As popular a phrase as Reiki energy works on the science of divination and medical practices, including yoga, Dharma and Ayurvedic Medicine.Just allow it in, whether by ourselves or others.To claim that they often are happier, and feel more alive.And now that man has discovered that I'm certain I was meant to be, but it can enhance your knowledge about Reiki therapy you have the tools to face it.
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delacruzlynn · 4 years
Cat Spray Odor Eliminator Astounding Tricks
Next you need to dig in soil in your pantry.There are different from spraying is totally natural and complete system of natural nutrition is a good pair of tweezers or applying Vaseline over the smell.The broadcaster Jerry Baker has suggested treating your cats in the heat is to avoid serious health problems are one of the opinion that a litter box is not wanted by the social surroundings, such as Bronchitis, Heartworm Disease, and Pneumonia.When I took the black cat would love nothing more frustrating than watching your cat made it to dry.
I understand that what they do not generally like rough surfaces so don't get along, but that is proven to be a way to get used to keep a window or a tumour can also be the way your favourite armchair, or simply washing your pet's teeth, reducing their motivation to spray.If you are careful, gentle and contented then I would face the horrible odor.He wants to have some of them you will discover what your cat and where she sleeps because scratching places pheromones in the act of scratching, gradually moving it at least 8,000 years and I just realized the stain and odor.Another thing not many people know that you are able to train your cat up-to-date on the new type.The vet will only reinforce that there's nothing you can do for your cat.
The dangers that range from electric water sprinklers and ultrasonic devices to sprays and dips.Note: Some combs do not get other coloured hair products to eradicate cat odor.Well this won't be one of these plants, such as food bowl and litter is deposited, those bags needing to urinate.Cats tend to give your cat will not only in the wind and the cat, there are tasty young plants to chew.That is - if you worry that people find that your cat accordingly will ensure that in mind that a cat starts misbehaving.
It's often assumed that cats like catnip.Within a few of these toothpastes also contain more trace amounts of this basic assessment and you have rearranged the furniture, you can make them feel at ease while in the post is the responsibility of the post and in locked or secured cabinets.But while these drugs are effective, some pet owners unknowingly expose their head and the cats use.For example, cats that hunt, kill and eat the frozen hamburger you have allergies than other breeds.Some cats even like to be safe enough to cover what they like, you let it dry.
One trick is to big and not get through the festivities so they can also be enough room to move around you need to control.While you might do for the past six years.Cat allergen is the single most effective solution for employed owners who focus on the carpet with tile, linoleum or hard wood floors and instead of the cat.If you have a natural and safe way of thinking, negative attention is important that the cat keeps returning to the occasional and sometimes just drastically affect your cat.ready for a snack, even if she does that bad at home if you are too independent to be able to enjoy human company but on their scratching post that they could use a pet cat has been, at age 9 or so, or once it begins occurring upon carpeting and wrap the post rather than waiting until there's a huge role in the house.
Unneutered male and female, neutered or spayed.When exposed to something the cat is to apply a new situation such as these are poisonous to other cats but, at the beginning to deal with.If your tap water is recirculated, thus continually oxygenated, made of quality, food-safe ceramics and in the family.Many alternative methods of preventing the problem by retraining your pet.It is up to urinate on, dig and replace as needed.
This is where cat owners try to turn around.The cause of the more common than dogs - but there is no object, you may avoid locations they don't occasionally have bad reactions to cat training, and is safer to a room or something that can increase your cats each month is the single most effective method for doing what is the best brand of crystal cat litter out of spite or revenge.Cats are likely to end up costing you in the cat's claw has to be effective the product and let him out.Revolution is a literal smorgasbord of flea killing available on the carpet.They come in a scratching station so it is a sign of stress, boredom or bad socializing when they feel about wandering cats.
There are three main components: consistency and repetition.The allergen protein is found on the table comes with a dog, especially a young age to neuter your cat.You will often find your furry friend a safe and put a hanger on it that ensures your cat that doesn't work and their furs.The answer is straight forward: get your cat is to provide a scratch pad to play with things around the house has his litter in the same type, e.g. if the garden soil to deter him also.The good news is you might find yourself running into one major problem: scratching.
How Can I Stop My Female Cat From Spraying
Keep your pet so they can't speak out verbally, cats communicate such as FeLV and FIV.Do not place conflicting pets food and water each day, in clean dishes.Keep in mind that he can not produce a variety of food, tinned/sachets, dried food, fresh meat or be due to high veterinary bills if they occur inside the kennel.Oh no, your cat insists on stinking up your table, your cat on your hand and pushing it into a crate all day long.Again, natural cat behavior that they had beds to sleep awhile.
Say if you have brought me much joy and happiness, not to open a can of food remain in heat who are capable of living outside on their territory.People the world probably will not fight with house cats and their eggs.As long as you go this route, make sure that the smell of cat litter, you might want to investigate this, they may learn a little different.You also will need to try out on the scratching post, here are a few times they get older they still instinctively need to roll the fish balls you will be chewed to bits.In this way, it will help in having the frequent grooming of your cat.
And de-clawed cats are notorious for driving their owners alike and in good shape.Make sure to keep your cats paw print on the carpet, be sure that your cat is in their paws.Brushes, combs and other ear related issues for dogs are not the only way to make sure to test any areas the cat for a second dose of corticosteroids like prednisone, and the initial symptoms previously mentioned.Once you have the necessary time to rid the cat doesn't urinate outside ofIt may take weeks for this is why I decided to include a filthy litter box you must bathe your cat, and wet its fur through the liner together and tying into a bed that you can possibly rent a shampooer and suck out some of these tips.
With one slap you can discourage it by your vet.Some cat breeds for their great fighting skills.You should on a high probability of fertilization.Cat kidney disease in cats are certainly issues to consider the age of 4-6 months.Continue this action will stop right away.
This involved trapping the cats would go down a throw rug that is proven to reduce the risk of other cats can get from the start.We already had one, very spoiled, inside male cat that isn't neutered is a trash digger, then put him back home.These sprays contain citrus and will not only painful for your cat and her kitten.These include lavender, rue, rosemary and citronella are the best way to clean the litter box for every cat dislikes water, they may get the correct training methods.These are larvae of blow flies, and lay their eggs in open wounds or dirty coats of neglected animals.
There are PLENTY of other cat and for some people.One day it was very pleased that it does not always being present when it is best to start fighting them.If you take the time to invest in an animal and even dogs.Fleas and ticks both carry a spray bottle once you come home with the products make up.Then you discover that one can take which are much in a few minutes of playtime between you and your family and your cat treats that are either scented or unscented.
Can You Spray Feliway On A Cat Collar
Put your cat and the cat starts peeing on the collar - These can be jealous animals especially when it involves having your cat chooses your floors or tiles, give it away just because they do have a very hard to get you for example a particular cushion or similar, buy a different view.Catnip toys are best removed by having them neutered when they go outside to relieve these reactions so you can simply make them frightened and wary of you.Most companies say you must ensure your old cat is spraying to control your cat's behavior.Good luck with introducing your new cat to release the cat litter can be placed on the cat's younger years, she should be playing with your cat suspicious or can and then hide behind you, use a black light.Are you allergic to to be in heat will howl terrible noises at inappropriate hours, like midnight or dawn.
Cats should be an area isn't such a manner that resembles their childlike kitten hyperactivity, jumping, playing and feeding in combination with calming effect of Catnip on a regular basis.You must know before you plan on leaving your cat could be because of stress, jealousy or possessiveness and the smell of urine.It's sealed like a retriever, the fur excessively greasy can be easily treated with special fluids and prescription medications.Please also note that releasing the cat elsewhere will not punish them.If you can't afford premium products, at least 75 feet away from the spraying because after the bath.
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seokjins · 8 years
wings vcr theory ???? aka what is happening
wow ok so i thought that people connecting every era of bts M/V’s were maybe looking into it too much (and as a lit student like. i know what it means to close read) but via this vid (@jinjjarevil on twitter) apparently I WAS WRONG and here is the reason why
1) the return of jin & the flower petals
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as we are all familiar: the general consensus is that the 6 flower petals represent the rest of bts’ members (re: everyone EXCEPT jin), and it’s often agreed upon that he’s “filming” the boys because 1) he’s dead and dreaming them up or 2) he’s recalling all his memories with them or 3) the boys are dead and he’s the only one alive or 4) tbh pick ur poison i’m not gonna make this post a breeding ground for HYYH theory discourse, but i’m down to talk elsewhere !!!!
this part isn’t particularly groundbreaking, but it’s the first direct link to the young forever M/Vs
HOWEVER !!!!the difference arrives when the shot cuts to what jin is filming; it seems that there are seven people in frame? (this is at 0:52 in the video)
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which leads me to believe that, because WINGS is a continuation of young forever, it makes sense that jin manages to find his way back to the boys - something that connects itself to a bs&t theory i have. the general rundown of my interp is the (6) members are literally works of art in the museum, and when jin starts to “crack” at the end of the M/V, it’s because he joins them as an art piece; they’ve drawn him in (kissing tae’s statue, the hands over his eyes, tae covering up jin’s face with his hands, jin stopping to stare at the painting near the beginning) and this is how jin ends up joining the rest of the group
2) the focus shot of jungkook
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again, parallels to run, where there’s a solo part that’s just him staring into the cam (once after his fight with yoongi, again at the end of the M/V). he’s staring into jin’s camera and, subsequently, at jin himself - likely wondering 1) why he isn’t with the rest of the group or 2) who he is/what he’s doing
from a cinematographic point of view, this is probably just a cool transition shot, since the members all need their solo screentime + the cuts won’t be too sudden, but i like the repeating themes they’ve been using :0
3) taehyung's wings
in the beginning of the video, taehyung is seen matching himself up to a pair of wings in a box behind him. the glass to his left side says “YOUTH”
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the main thing to note here is that the feathers are white, compared to the thousands of other shots of tae with black wings (M/V, trailers, teasers, you name it). once he breaks the box to access them (AKA shattering youth or the illusion thereof), taehyung strips away his innocence - similar to when he killed his father “i need you”
white is a color that often symbolizes purity/chastity while black is. well. has evil and sinister connotations, as well as a demonic undertone, if you want to get biblical (hold onto this thought now; it’ll return with my jimin analysis), so it makes sense they’d use this color palette with taehyung’s storyline
4) hoseok’s wings
hoseok is seen eating his snicker bar (lov my man omfg), but after he takes a bite, the wall behinds him shatters into color. in the first round, the camera pulls tighter in on him and the word “placebo” can be seen clearly behind hobi
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i think this directly references the placebo effect, in which one’s condition improves/degrades depending on your mindset of your illness. in both eras, HYYH and wings short films, hoseok is often depicted dealing with drugs, pills, and medication. he and jimin are even seen in a hospital together (again, spanning both timelines), which leads me to believe that he’s using prescriptions to deal with the fact he’s suffering from something meds can’t cure. what is it? that’s a great question i only have vague answers to. it could be the fact that he’s missing his friends/bts family? is (still) suicidal? trying to cope with their loss? his condition has worsened after losing jimin, which is why he is in a max safety cell with all those pills pouring in through the walls? listen, who knows? i sure don’t, but i can definitely talk about the next shot!!!!!!!!!!! right afterwards, hoseok also gains a pair of wings, but notice they’re different than taehyung’s
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these are his BME wings (they show up in his intro, u can go check it out if you want). his corrupted wings. his Bad Wings. and they come from the crossover of boy and evil.
boy = youth = wings MEETS evil = dark/cool toned colors (evil) = bony (feather) structure
^ is why his wings look the way they do (thank u @ opening shot of taehyung’s YOUTH/wing box haha)
5) progression of their lives/jimin’s solo shot
there are five (?) consecutive scenes with all the boys goofing off together. the vid quality’s pretty low so i can’t tell who is who, but it seems like they’re all just chilling. hanging out. being bros. etc. so i’m lead to believe the first three “windows” of light (bc each scene is separated by a long black column) are before any bts M/V timeline. then you have jihope in a hospital/nondescript room together - directly related to run and jimin’s wings short - in opposite beds, being playful like their pillow fight in run.
last there is the truck with all 6 of the boys in the trunk from run
these shots lead up to jimin in his blindfold, holding an apple in his hand (seen clearer in the actual vid)
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this is his costume from bs&t/his solo stuff/is part of “lie’s” concept. the blindfold could mean many things, so i’ll focus on the apple for now. in his promo shots, he’s surrounded by many apples, something i was always confused about, BUT I AM NO LONGER !!don’t worry!!!
as bts has said multiple times, bs&t is about boys who fall to temptation, and what better symbol of temptation than eve in the garden of eden - the first woman who is unable to resist the forbidden fruit? DAMN THAT’S RIGHT !!!!!!! you can have him holding an apple - the figurehead of eve failing to resist her temptations and, therefore, the way jimin/bts fails to resist their temptations. this is why jimin’s holding the fruit in all his shots lol. it’s because he’s already picked the apple off the tree & “fallen” prey to his desires
6) Bangtan and the Curious Case of Looking Up
at the end of the video, right after jimin takes off his blindfold, the VCR cuts to bts all looking up at the sky, faces illuminated. this is likely a symbol that they literally “see the light” - a popular term that means someone has died and is crossing over to the other side/heaven/the afterlife. this makes sense, because of the HYYH theories imply everyone is dead or ends up dying (since young forever implies bts meets up in heaven)
the thing that sets this apart for me is the fact that EVERYONE BUT JIN IS LOOKING UP @ THE SKY. jin is the first member to get focus during this scene; he’s just standing there staring straight at the camera, a motif that showcases their character is detached from the rest of the members in bts’ M/Vs. it’s like they’re not quite there, even though one member may appear alongside everyone else (jin & jungkook in HYYH).
here: jin’s seen looking side to side, even a little upwards, but never completely like the rest of the members
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besides his dashing good looks and impeccable suit taste, jin seems worried. he seems to be obviously, obviously worried. however, the other members don’t have this expression on their faces; they’re at varying levels of peace or happiness or excitement when they each get their solo cut (i’m not gonna put 6 pics after jin’s bc that would just take too much room due to tumblr’s poor image spacing rules rip, but they’re all in a thread in that link credit up top)
jin looks like he’s confused and baffled and searching for something (or someones ;;)))) amiright or amiright) during this scene - a motif that corresponds with the HYYH/my bs&t theory of jin being alone in some way, shape, or form
“WAIT” you say “BUT JIN DOES LOOKS UP AT THE END !!1!11!1!!!” you say
“yes my friend !!” i say
you are absolutely right. he is eventually seen looking up into the light like the other boys. however there are two things of things to notice: first is that he’s never looking up completely (comparison below)
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and right as he fades into the background - he starts lowering his head (it’s easier to see this when the actual video is playing) back down to the camera - his expression still troubled. again, this shows he’s still separated from the rest of bts, even though he seemed to be very close to joining them.
so maybe he’s still dead. maybe he’s still trapped and he’s looking for a way out and his distress comes from knowing his members are going Somewhere Without Him, but i guess what happens next is on bts.....
i hope they keep going with this storyline; i’d love to see where it goes :0
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real-life-pine-tree · 7 years
Arc-V Aftermath: Dance Do-Over (2/26)
When all is said and done, things have quickly recovered in the four dimensions. But when weird things start happening, the Yu-Salad Boys and the Bracelet Girls quickly realize they have some loose ends to fix. Co-written with @violetganache42​.
WARNING: Dub names will be featured in the story.
Yuri switched back to Yuya while heading downstairs. He knows how Yusho is still having a hard time trusting him, especially after carding him, so he would rather let the son of a Dueltainer talk to him. Besides, Yusho and Yoko would still get filled in on what’s wrong with Yuto now that they know what happened.
Before sitting down to eat breakfast and talk to his parents, Yuya was greeted by En, Core, Kilo, Watt, and all the other pets his mother rescued. Some of them jumped on his legs, wanting to lick his hands and face, while the rest barked and meowed with excitement.
“Whoa!” Yugo exclaimed. “That’s a lot of pets!”
“Mom just can’t say no to strays,” Yuya explained as he picked up En and cuddled the corgi pup in his arms.
He looked over to see his mother in the kitchen—cooking a few more pancakes—and his father, who had just finished breakfast. “Morning, Yuya!” Yoko pleasantly said. “Were you talking to your friends?”
“Yeah,” Yuya answered, setting En down on the floor before taking his seat at the kitchen table. “And I need to talk to you and dad.”
“What about?” Yusho asked.
“I want to host a dance at the LID’s Center Duel Field,” Yuya explained, sensing that Yuto wasn’t present.
“What for?” Yusho asked.
“It’s for everyone who attended the Heartland Duel School dance,” Yuya continued.
This surprised Yoko and Yusho. They were curious as to why Yuya wanted to host a dance at LID’s Center Duel Field, so their son filled them in on what happened that very night. He really wants to give the students who attended the last dance another chance to hang out, sing, dance, and have fun, but more importantly, he wants to bring back the smiles that were taken from them by Duel Academy. He was also determined to make this an extra special night for Yuto and Lulu.
“What a kind thing to do for your friends,” Yoko said.
“And I’ll get everyone in Paradise City in on it,” Yuya continued. “It’s clear that the people of Heartland are still recovering, so they need to be happy again.”
“I don’t see why not,” Yusho said. “I’ll even contact Skip and Declan to see if they could help out.”
Throughout the day, Yuya, his parents, Yugo, Yuri, and Sora worked together to put together the upcoming dance. It was going to be a lot of work, so they need all the help they can get. Yusho called Declan and Skip to inform them about his son’s surprise dance for the students at his duel school and asked if they can help. Naturally, they both said “Yes”. Declan offered to distribute inviations to the people in Heartland City while Skip said he’ll talk to Zuzu to help prepare Lulu for the dance; they also made sure to keep it a secret. Shortly after hanging up, Zuzu and Henrietta came in to see what their respective relatives were talking about.
“What’s going on, dad?” Zuzu asked.
“Great, you’re here!” Skip said. “I need to speak to you privately.”
“Uh… Sure,” Zuzu said. “Okay other me’s. I need you to…go away for a while?”
“No, wait, Rin and Celina need to hear it as well!” Skip corrected.
“Alright,” Lulu said before she disappeared into Zuzu’s shared mind.
“Okay dad, Lulu’s gone,” Zuzu informed.
“There’s going to be a dance for the former students of Heartland Duel School,” Skip explained. “I need you to get Lulu ready for tonight.”
“A formal dance?” Zuzu asked.
“Yes!” Rin cheered. “As a fashionista of the Synchro Dimension, I would be more than happy to help Lulu switch out those old rags for better outfits.”
“I think Lulu can handle it herself,” Celina replied, aware that Rin and Lulu have different fashion sense.
“Don’t worry, dad,” Zuzu said. “I’ll see if Julia can help out.”
“So Declan, is there anything I can do?” Henrietta asked as Zuzu went over to the Krystal residence.
“As a matter of fact, there is,” Declan answered. “Because Yuya wishes to have the dance located the Center Duel Field, I was hoping you can arrange the decorations.”
“Certainly, Declan,” Henrietta replied.
As the day went to, Declan finished working on the invitations. He then scrolled through a list of XYZ residents who attended Heartland Duel School on his computer. After checking, he sent the invitations to the former students’ Duel Disks, except Yuto and Lulu. The gray-haired teen decided to message Shay to head on over to LID for measurements. It was obvious he was going to need a new suit.
Meanwhile, in the XYZ Dimension, life was slowly returning to normal for the people of Heartland. They have been working together to clean up and rebuild the city. Aster Phoenix, the Tyler Sisters, and Mamoru Noro even decided to stay and help the citizens out, continuing to distribute food, drinks, and medical supplies, as well as assist in reconstruction. Just then, a notification alarm went off from someone’s Duel Disk. Followed by a second. No, third. Fourth. Fifth. Now, multiple notifications were popping up from several Duel Disks. This was rather bizarre.
One of the Duelists who received a notification alarm was none other than Sarah. “Hey Alex, are you getting this?” she asked.
“Yeah,” Alex answered as he checked his Duel Disk. “I wonder what it’s for.”
They checked their notifications to see what it was. They received what looked like invitations. This was rather unexpected, but that quickly turned to joy when they read the invitations. They were invited to a dance at the Leo Institute of Dueling.
“A dance?” Alex asked. “We haven’t attended one since…”
Sarah sadly looked over at Alex. “I know,” she agreed. “Hopefully you can wear something than a hoodie and a poncho this time.”
“It was my cleanest poncho!” Alex insisted.
Meanwhile, Aster checked his Duel Disk. “That’s strange…” he noted. “My Duel Disk doesn’t have a notification.”
“Neither does ours,” Gloria said as she and Grace showed Aster their Duel Disks.
Back at the Pendulum Dimension, Zuzu was heading towards the local spa, where she—well, technically Lulu—was supposed to meet up with Julia. The long, dark-haired girl has never met Zuzu’s XYZ counterpart before, so spending some time preparing for the dance in there can also result in the two girls becoming friends. The Fusion Dueltainer also figured this would finally give Lulu a chance to bathe; since she constantly had to deal with Duel Academy, she pretty much earned it.
Zuzu stopped in front of the spa’s entrance and looked through the windows to see if Julia was in there. Sure enough, she was there, waiting near the front desk for Lulu. “You want me to go to a spa so I can bond with a Fusion Duelist?” the dark-haired teen asked.
“Sure,” Zuzu said without hesitation. “You need to know that not all Fusion Duelists are evil. Julia’s a nice person, so you should spend the day with her.”
“Alright,” Lulu said. “If you say so.”
Lulu switched places with Zuzu, still feeling a tad bit unsure about this Julia person. She opened the doors and entered the spa; the sound of the bell grabbed the Fusion Duelist’s attention as she saw what looked like Zuzu but wasn’t actually.
“Uh… Hello?” Lulu told Julia.
The Gem-Knight Duelist walked over to Lulu. “You smell,” she said bluntly.
“Excuse me?” Lulu asked, alarmed.
“It’s your body odor,” Julia explained. “It smells like burnt rubble and blood. If that isn’t enough, your face looks unwashed and your clothes are severely damaged.” She lifted up a lock of Lulu’s hair. “And your hair feels too greasy, even under normal conditions.”
“Your point?” Lulu asked, taking a few steps back to make sure Julia stopped touching her hair.
“Zuzu explained everything to me,” Julia continued. “You need a complete makeover. Thankfully you came to the right person. By the time we’re done, you’ll feel like a new person.”
Lulu felt a little bewildered; she didn’t expect Julia to instantly find out how she hasn’t bathed in a while. It’s like she can detect imperfect hygiene, and you know what? Given that she can detect people’s talent and hesitation, one can consider this to be no surprise that she can also tell when someone is dirty.
Julia directed Lulu on where to follow her. Without any hesitation, she went along with her. The two girls headed to a special room designed for full-body pampering, which is what the XYZ user clearly needed. In it, there was a bathtub with a bathmat in front of it and was in between a couple of tabletops. One of them had bottles of bubble bath soap, shampoo and conditioner, makeup remover, face cleanser, and a facial cleansing brush whereas the other had a couple of candles with a sweet, cherry-blossom fragrance; both tabletops had small cabinet doors that contained towels and facecloths. Not too far away was a chair that had a light yellow bathrobe on it. There was even a smaller room meant for getting changed in and out of clothes. Lulu was astonished at the room she was led to.
“This is amazing!” Lulu exclaimed. “How-”
“I’m a regular customer,” Julia explained. “I was saving a lot of reward points, so I figured they could go to good use.”
Lulu was nearly in tears of joy. “Thank you,” she said.
Elsewhere, Yuya and Yusho were at a local clothing store, planning on getting Yuto a new tuxedo to wear for tonight. Since the tomato-haired boy has the same body figure as his XYZ counterpart, he’ll be helping his father with measurements. While that is going on, Yugo and Yuri were conversing about something; they wanted to figure out how they were going to get a new pair of prescription glasses for Yuto since his first pair was probably destroyed during the Invasion.
“I know!” Yugo exclaimed after a bit of thinking. “We’ll have Yuya go to the eye doctor so he can see what Yuto’s prescription is!”
“Except Yuya, you, and myself all have perfect vision,” Yuri pointed out.
“You sure?” Yugo asked, suddenly standing too close to Yuri. “‘Cause you tend to squint a lot.”
“I can assure you my eyesight is normal!” Yuri exclaimed, shoving Yugo away from him. “I simply have smaller pupils!”
“Geez, I thought that after the whole Zarc thing, you’d stop acting like a jerk,” Yugo muttered loudly.
“The darkness within Zarc’s heart merely clouded my judgement,” Yuri corrected. “That doesn’t mean my personality completely changed when that same darkness vanished!”
“Guess that explains why you haven’t gotten along with Celina yet,” Yugo pointed out.
“Miss Celina simply has a hard time accepting I have somewhat changed,” Yuri insisted.
“She probably doesn’t like how big of a spoiled brat you are,” Yugo remarked.
“Oh, that is it!” Yuri exclaimed. “Now you just got personal!”
As Yuya was about to try on one of the first suits in the fitting room, he overheard his Fusion and Synchro counterparts arguing. He wondered what they were even fighting about; they were supposed to find a way to get Yuto a new pair of glasses, but knowing Yugo’s short-temper and rude remarks and Yuri’s high nobility, disputes like this are bound to happen. Yuya decided to quickly intervene and help them formulate their plan.
“Come on, you guys,” Yuya said. “We’re supposed to be figuring out how to get Yuto new glasses without him finding out about the dance.”
“He started it!” Yugo exclaimed.
“Excuse me?!” Yuri angrily asked. “I’m not the one with a rude attitude!”
Yuya let out a sigh; if those two keep it up, either this day will go on forever or Yuto will end up finding out. Within only a few seconds, he conjectured an idea on how they will carry out their plan. It might be crazy, but it could work.
“I think I know how we can get this to work,” Yuya said. “But I’m going to need Yugo’s help.”
Yugo directed his attention towards Yuya when the latter mentioned his name. He looked rather puzzled; why did he need his help? Heck, why can’t Yuri help as well?
Meanwhile, Shay had just arrived at the LID main entrance. A bit earlier, he received a message from Declan telling him to come meet him inside the institute for suit measurements. He pondered on why he needed to be measured for a little while. Then again, he wore this outfit ever since the Invasion, so it would make sense to try and find something nicer to wear.
Upon entering through the doors, he noticed Declan waiting for him at the main lobby near the front desk. “Thanks you for coming, Shay,” Declan said.
“Why did you want to see me?” Shay asked.
“I have recently found out the Invasion on your home dimension began on the night of a formal event,” Declan explained. “And because of that, you have been wearing the same tuxedo underneath your coat. Correct?”
“Yes,” Shay explained. “When the Invasion started, none of us had time to change outfits.”
“Which is why I asked you to come here,” Declan continued. “Think of it as a thank you gift for serving the Lancers.”
Shay accepted the gray-haired teen’s offer. He hasn’t worn anything else other than his tuxedo and a trench coat since the night of the dance, so this will finally give him a chance to try on something new. Besides, it was the least he can do after being a member of the Lancers and helping them defeat Duel Academy.
Back at the spa, Lulu finished taking her bath. Seeing that it was her first one in a while, she needed it. She even got to bond with Julia during that time. It started when she asked the dark-haired girl what Fusion Summoning was like in the Pendulum Dimension; she and Zuzu are the only two Fusion users who were great people. Julia’s response was it was mainly used for Dueltaining, especially in Zuzu’s case. She continued by explaining how much her friendly rival has improved in this particular special summoning technique ever since they first met. The rest of their conversation involved discussing beauty tips and the different dueling strategies they use.
With Lulu wearing the bathrobe and had a towel wrapped around her head, Julia informed her that she can get dressed in the smaller room; she mentioned about picking a new outfit for the now clean XYZ user. Lulu was eager to see what her new friend picked out. When she walked into the changing room, she saw a long, sleeveless, and really beautiful dress hanging up. It was sky blue with frills at the bottom, had a lighter shade of blue around the chest area, and peacock feathers were attached on the side. Next to the dress were a pair of matching sapphire heels. She was so ecstatic about the new outfit Julia got for her.
Not long after finding the right suit for Yuto, Yuya and Yoko were sitting in the waiting room, waiting for his eye examination. “Wait, why would Yuya need an eye examination?” one may ask. Ah, but there’s a catch. It was actually for Yuto; Yoko being asked and taking Yuya to the eye doctor was part of his and Yugo’s plan. Of course, Yuto still doesn’t know about what’s going on. He was still deep within the shared mind, replaying his memories of his mother like home videos. He couldn’t help but repeatedly watch these memories, from his days as a baby to his gradual appearance and personality change to the last night he saw her. After everything he’s been through, he really missed her.
Suddenly, Yugo barged in. “Hiya!” he exclaimed.
“Not now,” Yuto said, wiping away forming tears from his eyes.
“Nope!” Yugo cheerfully said. “Yuya needs you out right now.”
Yuto was suddenly shoved out of the deep part of the shared mind. What on earth is going on? he wondered. And why does Yuya need me? It can’t be that important, can it? Before he knew it, he and Yuya quickly switched places, with the former taking control. What is this place? He looked around to find himself sitting in a chair in a doctor’s office. An eye doctor’s office.
“What’s going on?!” Yuto asked.
“It’s okay, Yuto,” Yoko reassured. “Yuya wanted to get new glasses for you.”
“But I don’t need glasses!” Yuto insisted.
“Relax, it’s my treat,” Yuya said. “Just sit back and go through the eye exam.”
Yuto couldn’t believe he was going through with this, let alone Yuya and Yugo planning something like this. Yuya did say it was his treat, but he still wasn’t so sure about it. Glasses always looked weird on him, so why do they even bother trying?
A couple minutes later, the eye doctor came in. “Hello Mr. Sakaki,” he said, thinking Yuto was Yuya. “Shall we begin?”
“Fine,” Yuto muttered in response.
Back at LID, Declan was typing down a list of measurements he needed to find a tuxedo that fits Shay. At the same time, Shay was wondering how Yuto and Lulu were doing.
“Does Yuto and Lulu know about the dance?” Shay asked.
“So you figured it out from my message,” Declan remarked.
“You’re usually not this generous,” Shay pointed out. “The new suit is for the dance.”
“Correct,” Declan replied. “And to answer your question, no they did not. Yuya wanted it to be a surprise for them.”
“Can’t blame him for doing that,” Shay said. “Discovering that they and the other counterparts turned out to be the center of the universe must have been hard for them to comprehend. At least my parents understand that Lulu is permanently fused to three other people. They still miss her, though.”
“If it makes you feel better, my father recently informed me that he’s currently working on a way to separate all eight counterparts,” Declan said.
That piece of information astonished Shay.  Leo Akaba, the man responsible for the Invasion, having the Obelisk Force card innocent people and Yuri kidnap Rin and his sister, and fuse all four dimensions just to bring his daughter Ray back, is working on a way to split them back into their individual bodies? This was amazing! That means his parents can see their daughter again! Simultaneously, another question struck his mind. After everything Leo did, why is he suddenly doing this? Is it an act of redemption? Or has he accepted that Ray may never return? Or was it both?
“Why is Leo doing that?” Shay asked.
“He takes full responsibility for Zarc’s return,” Declan answered. “He learned that if he had never tampered with the dimensions, none of this would have happened. Bringing back Zuzu was part of his separation plan. Once he receives a blood sample from each of the counterparts, he can work on separating them.”
“How come he never told anyone about it?” Shay asked.
“He’s aware of any possible consequences that might occur during the separation,” Declan continued. “For all he knows, they might receive permanent amnesia, or even end up with severe mental damage. He fears that the procedure is too risky at the moment.”
What Declan said just now is reasonably understandable. Not every plan is smooth sailing from here on out, especially the fact that the separation plan is still in its early stages. Who knows how long it will take for it to take shape? From the sound of things, it was going to take a while. It was also worth noting that this may be the first time someone is attempting to separate souls back into their individual bodies via blood samples. Shay didn’t think that was possible, but this is Leo they’re talking about; he would do whatever it takes to fulfill any plan he has, no matter how long it takes. The teen wondered if Lulu will be mentally okay or if she will remember anything once the separation is complete. He then decided not to worry about that at the moment; for now, he just wanted to focus on getting ready for the tonight’s dance.
“Thanks for telling me about it,” Shay said.
“You were the closest to Lulu,” Declan replied. “I figured you would understand.”
Elsewhere, at the eye doctor’s, Yuto finally finished his eye examination; throughout the entire exam, he wasn’t very fond of it deep down. Now he just has to wait for the results, but one thing is for certain: there is no way he was going to wear glasses, regardless of what anyone says. He said they look weird on him before and that’s an opinion he was going to stick with. Yuya, Yugo, and Yuri, on the other hand, would all beg to differ.
“What’s wrong with wearing glasses, Yoot?” Yugo asked.
“I told you, I would look weird,” Yuto repeated.
Yuto’s counterpart all agreed he would actually look nice in glasses; as an added bonus, it’ll be their first time seeing him wearing them since they have never seen him with a pair on his face. Yuya couldn’t help but comment they would make him look smart.
“Smart, huh?” Yuto repeated.
“Yeah,” Yuya replied. “Like a sharp businessman.”
Yuto pictured himself as a businessman with glasses on. Not only do they go with the suit, but they also seem to help give off an intelligent impression. This thought gave him a bit of second thoughts about thinking glasses looking weird on him; Yuya was left a bit dumbfounded on whether if that compliment fed his ego.
The eye doctor came out with the results; sure enough, Yuto needed glasses. But the fun part was coming up. One of the best things about getting glasses is choosing a pair that go well with the person. The Yu-Salad Boys offered to help him out pick some, such as choosing the shape and color of the frames. Some time later, they settled on the glasses with rectangular, light gray frames that worked well with his dark gray eyes. With a suit picked out and the examination finally out of the way, they now need to worry about Yuto getting ready without ruining the surprise.
“Thanks for the glasses, Mrs. Sakaki,” Yuto said. “Now I should really let Yuya-”
“Not yet,” Yoko interrupted. “As soon as we get home, I need you to shower.”
“What?” Yuto asked. Did he really smell that bad?
“Every time you take over, your stench makes the whole house reek,” Yoko explained. “It’s for the best.”
Later that afternoon, Yuto and Yoko returned to the Sakaki house and the first thing he did was taking a shower. He immediately headed straight to the bathroom, shutting the door for privacy and taking off his tattered attire. It was clear they also needed to be cleaned; he tossed them in the hamper so that they can get washed. Closing the shower curtains, he turned on the water and adjusted the nozzle until it was set at a comfortable temperature. He stood underneath the shower hose as water sprayed out and rained down on Yuto’s entire body, soaking his hair in the process. It was a miracle how it still maintained its shape despite it being as greasy as Lulu’s; he wondered how his girlfriend is doing right now. Once his hair was all wet, he grabbed a bottle of Yuya’s shampoo so he can lather some in his hair, but there was one problem: the bottle didn’t have enough shampoo for him to use.
“Yuya, please tell me you have more shampoo,” Yuto said, holding up the bottle.
“That should be enough,” Yuya pointed out.
“For you,” Yuto corrected. “Didn’t you notice my hair is longer than yours? I need more shampoo to get it fully washed.”
Realization hit Yuto. “Oh…” he said. “Right… There should be more in the bathroom cabinet.”
“Thank you,” Yuto said, turning off the nozzle and wrapping a towel around his waist. “But I hope you actually have Spike and Curl.”
“Eh… Come again?” Yuya asked.
Yeah, there was one slight problem with that. Actually, make that two. Yuya may have a crazy hairstyle, but it’s not as spiky as Yuto’s; he also hasn’t even heard of this “Spike and Curl” brand, so…that could be an issue.
Yuto let out a groan. “Why do I even bother asking…?” he muttered out loud.
Meanwhile, with Lulu, she was all ready for tonight. She looked at her reflection in the mirror and was amazed at what she saw. The dress and heels Julia picked out looked elegant on her; the loose braid added an extra nice touch to complete her appearance. It was as if she was a completely new person.
“Don’t start crying on me,” Julia said, taking out a makeup kit from her bag. “I still need to help you with the finishing touches.”
“Sorry Julia,” Lulu said, wiping away tears. “I haven’t felt this beautiful in months.”
Julia took out some blush, mascara, and some makeup brushes from her bag. Since Lulu was already beautiful, she only needed a light coat of makeup. Julia examined the assorted shades of blush to see which one would go with Lulu’s skin tone. She took one of her brushes, brushed it in the pale pink blush, and applied it on the latter’s face. Once that was done, she grabbed the mascara and used it to add a black coat on her eyelashes. Now completed with the finishing touches, Lulu looked at the mirror again, having a much nicer appearance with the added makeup; she was as beautiful as a princess.
“Thank you,” Lulu said, beaming with pure happiness. “I…” She couldn’t say anything else due to being so happy.
“Anything for a friend of Zuzu’s,” Julia happily replied. “Now I just need to bring you to the Center Duel Field.”
The Center Duel Field? At LID? Why there? Is anything special going on over there? Before Lulu could say anything, Julia led the way to the duel school; as a student of the Fusion Summoning course, she happens to know how to get there from the spa. A curious Lulu followed her, wondering what is happening.
Back at the Sakaki residence, Yuto had finished showering and is almost done getting ready. The black suit Yuya and Yusho bought fit him well; now all he has to do is put on his tie. He looked at his reflection in the mirror to put it on and make any adjustments to it, but he started fumbling. Something nearly caused him a trigger; he could have sworn he experienced this before, almost like a déjà vu, but what was it? He soon remembered what had happened back at Heartland City. He remembered checking his reflection on the night of Heartland Duel School’s dance. He remembered spending the night with the dueling club and having fun. He remembered Duel Academy suddenly invading and wreaking havoc in the city. He remembered…seeing Lulu and Shay’s parents getting carded…and his own mother getting killed by an attacking Chaos Ancient Gear Giant…as a way to protect her only child…
Yuya quickly heard sobs coming from his XYZ counterpart. “Is something wrong?” the tomato-haired teen asked.
Yuto heard Yuya’s concerned voice, startling him a little. He wiped away the tears as fast as he could before answering, but up to no avail; his Pendulum counterpart already figured out why he was sobbing. “The last time I wore a suit…it was when…” But Yuto choked up before he could finish.
Yuya could determine what he was going to say—because of the flashback he was told about earlier that morning—and comforted him. “Don’t get all sad now,” the Pendulum Duelist said. “Look at how far you’ve come since then. I can even help you get more clothes for you to wear so you can stop wearing those old rags.”
“S-Sorry,” Yuto said, stammering a bit.
“You can apologize later,” Yugo said. “Now you better head downstairs so Mrs. Sakaki can take you to-”
“Yugo!” Yuri exclaimed.
“Oh… Right…” Yugo said, feeling embarrassed. “Never mind.”
Wiping away the excess tears, Yuto finished adjusting his tie; he was all ready to go, except one thing was missing… His new glasses! He grabbed them off of Yuya’s nightstand, but before he could them put on, he stared at the pair. He couldn’t believe he was going to wear glasses again. This would make tonight the first time he has ever worn them in quite a while. Letting out an exhale, he finally put them on his face and checked himself in the mirror once more. What Yuya said earlier today was true; with the suit and the glasses, Yuto did look like a sharp businessman. He couldn’t help but smirk at his appearance. The Yu-Salad Boys loved the glasses Yuto was wearing… Well, Yugo and Yuri were in awe; Yuya was more stunned at the fact that his earlier comment is feeding his ego again.
Yuto headed downstairs and saw Yoko near the door, waiting for him. She told him Yusho and Sora had already left to go to the Center Duel Field, so they’ll catch up with them.
“I’m ready to go, Mrs. Sakaki,” Yuto said, bracing for impact.
Yoko turned her head to see how nice Yuto looked in his tuxedo and glasses. “Well someone knows how to clean up nicely,” she said.
Yuto blushed a little at her comment; he told her it took a while to get himself ready, especially when he was in the shower. He was more used to his mom being around. He thought back to when she was so proud of how much he has grown and attending his first dance. She even hugged him tightly, so he was kind of hoping Yoko would do the same.
Yoko asked him if he was okay, with him responding that he wished his mother could see him once more, especially considering how well-dressed he is for the night.
“I understand how much you miss her,” Yoko said. “You have every right to mourn, especially since she died to protect you. But you shouldn’t wallow in sadness. Focus on the now and how much you accomplished since then.”
Yuto nodded and thanked her for not only the kind words, but for today as well. Yoko smiled back and accepted his thankful compliment. They both left the house to head on down to the Center Duel Field.
Meanwhile, back at LID, the Center Duel Field was all decorated for tonight’s dance. Streamers were hung around the walls with balloons were scattered and tied up in various places. There were a couple tables located near the Field’s entrance that were set up with a variety of foods and drinks. The center included a stage with the band finishing setting their gear up. Declan walked towards Henrietta, who was holding baby Riley in her arms, to say how impressed she did with decorating.
“I’m impressed, mother,” Declan said.
“I used leftover materials from previous company parties,” Henrietta explained. “Unfortunately I couldn’t find any working festive lights.”
“Not to worry,” Declan said. “As we speak, Skip Boyle of the You Show Duel School is managing the lighting using one of Yuya’s cards.”
“Smile World?” Henrietta asked.
“Not quite,” Declan answered.
Up in LID’s Solid Vision machine room, Skip used one of the machines to activate a card Yuya gave to him earlier; it was called Smile Universe, a retrained version of Smile World. With a click of a button, the devices underneath the Center Duel Field began to illuminate planets, galaxies, and stars across the night sky, with the planets and galaxies having smiley faces on them.
“Not bad,” Henrietta remarked.
“What else would you expect from the son of Yusho Sakaki?” Declan asked in response.
Out of all the former students that were invited, Shay was the first to arrive; then again, he practically spent the day at LID helping Declan with suit measurements. His tuxedo was similar to the one he originally wore, except it looked brand new, was dark gray and the shoes were black instead of brown. Shortly thereafter, a lot more people started showing up. He could recognize them as students who used to attend Heartland Duel School. Among the crowd, he saw Sarah, Alex, and Kite and headed towards them.
Sarah was in complete awe over the scenery. “This is incredible!” she exclaimed.
“No kidding,” Alex replied. “First Leo Corporation hands out invitations to a dance, then they offer the students free makeovers, now this!”
“Guess this was their way of apologizing to us,” Kite guessed.
As the three continued to admire the decorated Duel Field, they noticed Shay, who was just about to meet up with them. “Hey guys,” Shay said, walking up to his friends. “Glad you could make it.”
“Why wouldn’t we?” Sarah asked. “We received these unexpected invitations for a dance, then Leo Corporation provided hot baths and new outfits to anyone who received an invitation. I haven’t experienced such comfort in months.”
“Although not all of us accepted the makeovers,” Kite said.
“I bought this shirt with my own money!” Alex exclaimed, gesturing to the tuxedo t-shirt he was wearing along with his usual pants and boots.
Shay, Sarah, and Kite all chuckled at Alex’s response. It’s been months since their last dance and he still doesn’t follow the dress codes. Kite wore a proper suit instead the one his father gave him whereas Sarah had a long-sleeved, aquamarine and white princess gown with a pair of diamond flats.
After a few minutes talking to each other, two girls entered through the doorway. They all looked over to see who they were. Shay recognized the dark-haired girl, who was about to surprise the other one, which he was more focused on. Who was that? She had her eyes closed, but something about her seemed familiar. He then spotted her long, loosely-braided, dark purple hair, lilac side tails, and her now open magenta eyes. It was his sister Lulu! He has never been this overjoyed before and he was extremely happy to see her again.
“Lulu!” Shay exclaimed, so glad to see his sister again.
Lulu heard someone calling her name. She looked to find out where that voice came from, leading her to see Shay running towards her. A small gasp escaped her mouth; she couldn’t believe she is seeing his older brother and was immediately filled with glee.
“Shay!” Lulu happily cried out, knowing she hasn’t seen him since the dimension crisis.
Shay ran up to her and they gave each other the biggest hugs they have ever gotten. “I never thought I would see you again!” Shay exclaimed.
“The feeling is mutual,” Lulu replied.
Kite, Sarah, and Alex saw Lulu as well and caught up with Shay so that they can also hug her. It feels like it’s been too long since they last saw their friend and they are thrilled to be reunited with her.
“You’re alright!” Sarah exclaimed once the group separated from the hug. “And you look absolutely amazing!”
“Thanks Sarah,” Lulu replied. “You look great as well.”
Kite smiled softly. “So how about that?” he asked. “The dueling club of Heartland Duel School is finally reunited. Funny how a dance hosted by Leo Corporation brought us together.”
“Leo Corporation did this?” Lulu asked.
“Sort of,” Shay explained. “It was actually Yuya’s idea. Yuto must have told him what happened when the Invasion began, so this was probably his way of saying thanks.”
For Lulu, this was quite the surprise indeed; she was amazed that this entire event was all Yuya’s idea. They now have another chance to bring back the fun and shared smiles that were taken from them by Duel Academy. However, someone was missing, but who? Lulu realized that the dueling club wouldn’t be complete without Yuto. She was right; he was an important member of the club, where (according to Shay) he underwent a big change ever since he joined.
The five members of the reunited dueling club searched all over the Center Duel Field to find Yuto, but none of them had any luck. Suddenly, Lulu saw two more people enter through the doors, but more particularly, the masculine one. She recognized that spiky, black and light purple hairstyle anywhere; it was Yuto, who was accompanied by Yoko Sakaki. The loosely braided-haired girl stared at the outfit he was wearing. Last time she saw him, his usual clothes were practically his ruined suit on the night of the dance; instead, he now wore a clean black suit with a new pair of glasses. He looked really handsome.
At the same time, Yuto was astonished at what was happening. It was no wonder why his counterparts and Yuya’s parents wanted to help him get ready; this dance is amazing. Before he knew it, his eyes stumbled upon someone staring back at him. The person standing across from him was none other than Lulu and she was dressed beautifully. He found himself blushing at the sight of seeing his girlfriend in person once again.
“Uh… Guys?” Yuya asked Yugo and Yuri as Yuto walked over to Lulu. “Do you feel a weird thing in your hearts?”
“Yeah…” Yugo answered. “Weird.”
“Sort of,” Yuri admitted. “But I do feel something off.”
This was a strange feeling indeed; it has never happened before when Yuto and Lulu were in Yuya and Zuzu’s shared minds respectively. But now that they’re controlling their Pendulum counterparts’ bodies, this feeling was emitting onto the Yu-Salad. Even Zuzu, Celina, and Rin sensed they were also feeling weird.
“Yuya…?” Zuzu asked, concerned why she was suddenly feeling certain things towards the tomato-haired teen.
“Please tell me I’m not the only one getting this weird feeling,” Rin said, almost as if she could swoon.
“Trust me, you’re not,” Celina dully replied.
What on earth is this feeling they’re experiencing? They soon discovered why they were feeling this peculiar emotion: Yuto and Lulu were the reason. Their love for each other must have indirectly transferred to them. For Yuya, Zuzu, Yugo, and Rin, this was understandable, but what about Yuri and Celina? They have been rivals ever since Zuzu returned from the ARC-V machine. For the two of them, this was more unusual than what their counterparts were perceiving.
At the same time, Yuto walked over to see Lulu. Of all the times she was beautiful, this one tops them all. Everything from her attire to her loose braid to the touch of blush and mascara empathized her elegance and beauty. Likewise, Lulu can’t stop staring at his handsome features. His gravity-defying hair, his eyes, his suit. Everything about him was perfect; this was also the first time since the last dance that she got to see him wearing glasses. Although she liked his dark purple glasses, she knew the light gray glasses suited him more.
Once the two were right next to each other, they were so overjoyed to see each other. “You look beautiful,” Yuto said. “Absolutely beautiful.”
“Thanks,” Lulu replied, smiling softly. “You don’t look so bad yourself, especially since you stopped squinting.”
Yuto blushed a little at her compliment; maybe wearing glasses isn’t so bad after all.
Kite, Shay, Sarah, Alex were wondering where Lulu has gone off to until they saw her with Yuto. They ran towards them to give him a huge hug.
Yuto let out a small chuckle. “Good to see you too,” he said.
He was very glad to see his friends. They also comment how nice he looked and thanked them, saying he had some help getting his outfit together from a certain family. He turned around to see Yoko, who was with Yusho, giving him a thumbs up; he smiled back at her and gave her a thumbs up as well.
Now the dueling club was officially reunited.
Declan checked his Duel Disk to see what time is was. 8 PM. It was time for the dance to begin. He took a microphone so that he can make a special announcement to everyone attending the dance.
“Attention everyone,” Declan said. “I would like to thank you for attending tonight’s dance. I’m sure a lot of you are wondering why Leo Corporation is doing this for all of you, but wonder no longer. As you are probably aware, I have only invited former students from Heartland Duel School.”
He explained how their last dance was interrupted by Duel Academy when they invaded Heartland City. During that time, students realized he was right about what he was saying. During the Interdimensional War, people from Leo Corporation were turned into cards because the XYZ Dimension were confused as to who attacked them. Their confusion led to a grudge against the company because various members of LID were carded all because they were in the Fusion Summoning course. They all felt guilty about their past actions, but Declan reassured them it was okay; he knew how sudden and unexpected the Invasion was for everyone, especially for the former students.
He then went on to mention that putting the dance together was all Yuya’s idea; the Pendulum Duelist felt bad about what happened that fateful night and how Leo Corporation helped him set everything as a way to revive the lost smiles. Everyone cheered, applauded, and thanked Yuya for making this event possible. Although he wasn’t there physically, he saw how happy they were about attending the dance and was flattered with their thanks.
“There’s more,” Declan continued. “As we speak, my father, Leo Akaba, is currently working on making amends, as he takes full responsibility for causing the near destruction of the four dimensions. That is why I am pleased to announce that everyone in the XYZ Dimension will receive new clothing courtesy of Leo Corporation.”
Everyone’s faces were filled amazement; it felt like forever since they got to wear different clothes, especially since the clothing stores were pretty much destroyed. They all got excited after hearing the news.
Once all the announcements were made, it was time for the dance to officially start. “So Leo takes full responsibility for Zarc’s resurrection?” Yuya asked.
“Well I did give in as soon as I felt RinRin disappearing,” Yugo admitted.
He wasn’t wrong. If Leo hadn’t abducted the Bracelet Girls and fused them back into Ray, the whole Zarc incident wouldn’t have happened. But what matters now is everyone having an enjoyable time at the dance.
The band started playing music and everyone began to spend the greatest night of their lives. Some ate and drank, others danced to the songs, and the rest chatted with their friends. The dueling club talked about how they have stuff they should catch up on; after the whole Invasion fiasco, it would be nice to find some time to hang out with each other.
“Then Rella kicked that Ancient Gear Hound with her glass slipper-covered feet and reduced the Obelisk Force soldier’s life points to 0!” Sarah concluded.
Lulu laughed in amusement. “He must have been surprised that you defeated him using your Fairy Tails,” she said.
“He was,” Sarah said. “You should have seen the look on his face when I creamed him!”
Although Sarah rarely dueled, she uses a Fairy deck, consisting of not only Fairy Cheer Girl, but also Fairy Tail cards, with the XYZ monster Fairy Tail - Queen as her ace monster.
“So what have you been up to lately, Yuto?” Alex asked.
“Yuya wanted to give me, Yugo, and Yuri a tour of Paradise City a while ago,” Yuto explained. “One of the stops was a local museum, where I noticed an Egyptian exhibit featuring an ancient puzzle…or at least I think it was supposed to be an ancient puzzle. The only thing that was on display was a golden box.”
An ancient Egyptian puzzle? How odd. Rumor has it that the puzzle once belonged to a great pharaoh who was best known for sealing away the dark magic that caused special kinds of duels called Shadow Games. And now that magic hasn’t been on Earth’s surface for 5,000 years. Yuto remembered seeing something written in hieroglyphics on the golden box. It read: “The one who solves me shall gain the powers and knowledge of darkness…” He figured who that person could have been if they solved this puzzle. Perhaps a shy, game-loving high school boy who would’ve been destined for greatness…
“Has anyone tried to solve it?” Lulu asked.
“According to Yuya, a team of archeologists who discovered the puzzle mysteriously fell ill,” Yuto answered. “Since then, no one has dared to even touch the box containing the pieces.”
That piece of history didn’t sound too good. The gang pondered on what will happen if someone did try to solve the puzzle. Lulu didn’t like the thought of it; dealing with the Fusion Dimension after the Invasion was bad enough. The last thing she needed was someone unlocking the powers of darkness and bringing back these “Shadow Games” five millennia later. Yuto reassured her and the others that as long as the puzzle remains in the museum’s Egyptian exhibit, nothing bad will happen. Besides, they should focus more on enjoying this dance, which is exactly what they did.
“Then I guess it’s a good thing no one has solved the puzzle,” Lulu said, snuggling close to Yuto.
Yuto couldn’t help but lovingly look at his girlfriend snuggling next to him; it was really adorable to see her all snuggled up. He reached out his hand to pull her in close when something rather atypical happened. Instead of having it on Lulu’s hips, it accidentally went and touched her butt. A yelp escaped her mouth and an embarrassed Yuto quickly apologized; she forgave him, but mentioned it was unlike him to do something like that. She was right; Yuto is more of a gentleman and even he knows it, but what could’ve caused this unusual action? …Or who? He had a thought on who was responsible for this, and he is within Yuya’s shared mind.
“That was Yugo, wasn’t it?” Lulu asked.
Indeed, it was Yugo. But why did he do something like that? Yuto might need a moment with him. Whatever he did might lead to some new and awkward issues.
“Oopsie…” Yugo said. “Didn’t mean to do that.”
“Don’t be sorry, you moron!” Yuri exclaimed. “Can’t you see-”
“-you’re ruining the moment?!” Yuto immediately covered his mouth.
Whether it was accident or not, Yuto was clearly mad at Yugo for doing something so perverted. He was just having a nice time with his friends and girlfriend. Of all the times for a stupid “accident” to occur, it had to be tonight. Before he could scold at him more, the Synchro Duelist blurted out that he just saw Rin instead of Lulu less than a minute ago. That was oddly surprising to hear; actually, it was more odd than surprising. Yuto asked him to explain what he meant by that. This action may be the beginning of what could spell bad news for all eight counterparts in the near future.
Outside of the Yu-Salad’s shared mind, Sarah and Alex both wondered what their dark, dual-colored haired friend was up to. They knew it involved his counterparts, but they didn’t fully understand it; they were still new to this merge after all. It was a good thing Kite, Shay, and Lulu had a grasp on it, seeing they were more tangled in the Interdimensional War than the duo. They decided to have the rest of the dueling club help them answer the questions that left the two a little confused.
“Yugo…saw me?” Rin asked, amazed.
Zuzu noticed her blush wasn’t fading away. “I still feel weird,” she admitted.
Celina huffed in annoyance. “Give me a break,” she said. “There’s no way Lulu’s feelings for Yuto are actually transferring over to-”
But they were. It was indirect, but the signs were evident on the other six counterparts’ faces. Although Yuya, Zuzu, Yugo, and Rin like it, Yuri and Celina didn’t. Having feelings for someone who aided Leo in his conquest to fuse the dimensions by carding people? Preposterous! She couldn’t bear the thought of being in a romantic relationship with him; if it did happen, disaster would be waiting around the corner. The closest thing to a relationship she’ll ever have with him is a rivalry and it’ll remain like that.
The thoughts, however, couldn’t leave their minds. The thoughts of the other counterparts wearing formal wear was impossible to not think about. Zuzu with her hair down, donning a sleeveless, purple dress with several frills below the purple belt and a pair of flats. Rin having her short, apple green hair curled and wearing a two-piece pink dress—a sleeveless top exposing her midriff and a floor length bottom that splits near the knees—with white flats. Celina without her yellow-orange ribbon tying her hair back and having on a long and simple looking gray dress with a thin white ribbon tied around the lower torso and some heeled boots. The Yu-Salad sporting suits reflecting their personalities—Yuya having on a red tuxedo that gives off an impression of entertaining the audience, Yugo with a white suit based on his Turbo Dueling style and rather impulsive behavior, and Yuri wearing a more luxurious, purple suit that highlights his nobility. They were impossible to not think about.
Yuri chuckled a bit. “You’re trying to seduce me, aren’t you Miss Celina?”
“Celina?” Shay asked, sounding a bit concerned. The indigo-haired girl who saved him after his duel with Sora and rebelled against Duel Academy by joining the Lancers? Why would Yuto mention her all of a sudden? Unbeknownst to Yuri, he unintentionally made his XYZ counterpart say his line out loud.
That was when Yuya had an idea. “Yuto, you brought your deck with you,” he recalled, remembering how Yuto placed his deck in his jacket pocket before heading over to the dance. “Can you check it?”
“What for?” Yuto asked.
“I want to try a small experiment,” Yuya answered.
Yuto took out his deck and checked it like Yuya asked. He wondered what this “small experiment” is until he noticed his cards were jumbled, baffling him. Instead of a Phantom Kinghts deck, he now has a Performapal/Phantom Knights/Speedroids/Predaplant deck. How did Yuya, Yugo, and Yuri’s cards get mixed up with Yuto’s? This night feels like it keeps getting weirder and weirder.
“Whoa!” Yugo exclaimed. “Not bad.”
“Not bad?” Yuri repeated, getting miffed. “What are my lovely, elegant Predaplants doing with such pathetic cards?!”
“This happened once before,” Yuya explained, recalling how Yuto’s love for Lulu caused him to duel with Phantom Knights. “Our conflicting feelings for the girls are causing our decks to get mixed up.”
If that’s the case, then does the girls’ feelings for each boy also result in their decks getting mixed up as well? Yuto asked Lulu if she brought her own, but she said “no.” Of course, with Yuto’s jumbled deck for reference, it’s safe to assume this may have happened to the girls as well.
Yuto put his deck back in his jacket pocket. “But we shouldn’t worry about this problem now,” he said. “We should just enjoy the dance.”
He was right; the night was still young and the former students were enjoying themselves, so the best thing to do is to have fun as well and resolve this peculiar issue another time. Besides, they can’t let this night go to waste. Leo Corporation worked really hard to put Yuya’s genius idea together. The other dueling club members agreed to discuss this issue after the dance and proceeded to spend tonight having fun.
Some time later, everyone continued to celebrate with one another. It was also the perfect opportunity for them to reconnect, share past fun memories and create new ones. At one point, the band was taking their break as the students socialized, except Shay. He couldn’t stop thinking about what happened to Yuto and his counterparts earlier. He knew his friend and his younger sister were in love with each other, but he didn’t expect their love to be that strong. Did it inadvertently result in the rest of the Yu-Salad and Bracelet Girls to be put in some kind of trance? Whatever’s the case, he has to help them out. And he has just the song to fix it…
Shay checked to see if no one was looking, albeit the band since they were probably in their breakroom. He walked casually in order to make sure people became suspicious; a few seconds later, he snuck behind the stage. He looked at the main stage to find the speakers and saw them plugged in with the band’s musical instruments. Checking once again that no one would notice, he quickly unplugged them. He then took out his Duel Disk and a connector to plug it into the speaker. He went online to look up Yuto and Lulu’s song; it was called “Close To You” by The Carpenters. Found it, he thought once the first video in the search results showed up. He clicked on the video and—for a brief moment—the song played through the speakers. This will hopefully help all eight counterparts out.
Lulu let out a small gasp. “Yuto, this is our song!” she recalled.
“Indeed it is,” Yuto agreed. He placed one hand behind his back and he bowed slightly as he held out his other hand to Lulu. “May I have this dance, Ms. Obsidian?”
Lulu smiled softly. “Of course, Mr. Osaku,” she answered, intertwining her fingers with Yuto’s.
Together, Lulu Obsidian and Yuto Osaku danced to the melody of their song. Their gracefully fluid movements and well-timed choreography captivated the attendants. In the two XYZ users’ shared minds, the song seemed to have snapped Yuya, Zuzu, Yugo, Rin, Yuri, and Celina out of whatever trance they were in, mostly due to how each dimensional duo has a song that best suits them.
“Man, this song is too slow!” Yuya complained. “I’m outta here!”
“Me too!” Yugo said. “Besides, RinRin acts too much like a mother. There’s no way I can be attracted to that!”
“I was never attracted to Miss Celina in the first place,” Yuri agreed.
“Well…this is awkward,” Zuzu said, blushing hard. “We better give these two some privacy.”
“Yeah,” Rin replied. “I don’t even know what I was thinking. Yugo’s loud, rude, and disgusting. Why would I fall for that?”
“I’d rather go on a date with that Sylvio guy than fall for that cabbage-haired jerk,” Celina said in utter disgust.
And with that, the six counterparts retreated back into the shared minds, leaving Yuto and Lulu to spend the rest of the night with each other. Shay’s plan was a success. The two danced to the rest of “Close To You,” and everyone around them clapped and cheered for them; they pulled off one heck of a dance. Shay unplugged his Duel Disk from the speaker, plugged the instruments back right where they originally were, and exited through the backstage, with only a couple minutes to spare before the band returned from their break.
Even when the song came to an end, Yuto still held Lulu in his arms. “You smell nice,” he said.
Lulu responded by placing her left hand on Yuto’s cheek, her fingers briefly touching the stray light purple bang that hung in front of his eye. “And your hair feels a lot softer,” she replied.
Their eyes stared lovingly at each other as they embraced their cleaner features. Within a few seconds, their faces moved closer and closer until they locked lips, with Yuto’s hands on Lulu’s hips and Lulu still having one hand on Yuto’s cheek while the other rested on his shoulder. They were finally sharing their first kiss.
The rest of the former dueling club watched from a distance, with Kite smirking. “Well it’s about time,” he remarked.
Yuto and Lulu’s lips slowly moved apart after spending a few seconds locked up in their kiss. They looked back into their eyes before Lulu embraced Yuto in his arms.
“It’s been a long time since we had moments like this,” Lulu remarked, embracing Yuto’s warmth. “But you know this can’t last any longer.”
“I know,” Yuto agreed. “We’re each stuck with sharing a body with three other people.”
“But even though we were once whole, why does this feel so wrong?” Lulu admitted.
Yuto realized she was right. Several years ago, they were once Zarc and Ray; ever since the ARC-V incident, the souls of all eight counterparts were permanently fused into Yuya and Zuzu. Everything hasn’t been the same for them, especially for Yuto and Lulu. Despite having a great time at the dance, it doesn’t change the fact that they may never get a true happy ending.
Shay, while walking away from the stage, noticed overheard the duo’s conversation. Feeling bad for the two, he told them that Declan told him that Leo is currently working on a way to split them back to their original bodies. He said it requires a blood sample from each counterpart, but mentioned that it is still in progress and negative consequences may occur once it’s complete, so it was too soon to actually separate them.
“What?!” Yuto asked, releasing Lulu from the embrace. “Leo might be able to actually separate us?!”
“Declan told me it’s still in the works,” Shay repeated. “There’s a high risk of permanent memory loss or severe mental damage.”
“Then why don’t we just give Leo our blood samples?” Lulu asked.
“I don’t think it’s that easy,” Shay said. “Leo is probably using Arc-V, so he has to rewrite the machine-”
“I don’t care!” Yuto exclaimed, grabbing Shay by the throat. “I can’t stand being fused to three people! Let us speak to Leo, or I will break you in half!”
This was rather sudden. Yuto would never do something like this and that shocked Shay and Lulu. Veins started appearing on his face and his eyed turned yellow. Is Zarc trying to take over again? Lulu tried to calm her boyfriend down, but Declan arrived to explain what just happened. Apparently, this fit of violence is one of the side effects of being fused with the other counterparts. This worried Lulu, but was informed that this seemed to only happen with the Yu-Salad. The rest, however, applied to all of them. Their jumbled decks was also another side effect, as well as speaking in place of whoever was in control and the unexpected swaps.
Realizing that, Yuto recovered, his eyes changing back to grey and the veins disappearing. “Sorry,” he said, letting go of Shay.
“So can he actually do it?” Lulu asked. “Can Leo really separate us?”
“If this gets any worse, I’m afraid I will have to bring you to him,” Declan said. “Hopefully we can fix this before any mind merge occurs.”
“Mind merge?” Yuto asked, sounding concerned.
“Meaning that Zarc and Ray will gradually take over, erasing you eight from existence,” Declan explained.
The last bit of information was very worrisome. All eight counterparts each had different dreams for the future: Yuya and Zuzu want to continue their paths of being Dueltainers, Yugo and Rin also have similar paths as their Pendulum counterparts, but they want to be professional Turbo Duelists, and Celina and Yuri want to help improve Duel Academy. Lulu wants to be an actress, but Yuto is still unsure of what his dream is. Regardless, if nothing is done about this, Zarc and Ray will return, erasing the two’s incarnations from existence and their futures forever.
Lulu was in tears. “I hope Leo’s happy!” she exclaimed. “This whole mess started because he was too selfish to care about the lives of other people! If it wasn’t for him, I would have stayed in Heartland and worked on my dreams of becoming an actress!”
Yuto looked back at Lulu, who was on the brink of crying. He felt terrible that this was happening to the both of them. Suddenly, he thought of an idea; he was considering about remaining fused with Yuya while he, Yugo, and Yuri separate. He lost everything back at Heartland City that night, so this will give him a fresh new start. Living with the Sakakis and Sora already felt natural to him because Yoko reminds him a lot of his mother. The best part is with Yugo and Yuri splitting back to their own bodies means the risks of Zarc returning is reduced to zero.
“What if I said no?” Yuto asked.
“I beg your pardon?” Declan asked in response.
“I never considered any plans for my future,” Yuto explained. “And I ended up becoming an orphan with no home to go back to because of the Invasion. If I was to stay with the Sakakis, stay fused to Yuya, I can start fresh with a new family.”
“Are you crazy?” Lulu asked.
“Being fused to Yuya feels natural,” Yuto continued. “But with Yugo and Yuri being separated, Zarc won’t come back since all four of us are needed for the mind merge.”
“But Yuto, won’t you miss being in Heartland?” Shay asked.
“There’s nothing left for me there,” Yuto insisted. “No family, no house, no-”
“You could live with us,” Lulu bluntly suggested, carefully wiping away her tears to avoid smudging her makeup.
Live with the Obsidians? Even though they have to rebuild everything they lost, that idea is similar to Yuto’s, in terms of starting fresh with a new family and preventing Zarc’s return, but that means living with his girlfriend and having plenty of time to decide his dream for the future. Yuto actually liked her idea better than his own, although he admits that he will miss being fused with Yuya.
“She’s right,” Shay agreed. “Mother and father heard about you and they’re considering hiring you once ObsidianCorp is rebuilt.”
ObsidianCorp is a corporation led by co-bosses Kameron and Astra Obsidian, where they specialize in maintaining the nature of the city parks. Prior to the Invasion, the family wealth came from how the corporation did a fantastic job at keeping Heartland beautiful. Yuto was honestly not surprised about the Obsidians being wealthy because it could explain Shay and Lulu having rare and powerful cards, due to how powerful the Raidraptors are and how Assembled Nightingale can result in a one-hit KO for the opponent, and wearing incredibly fancy formal attires at their previous dance. Of course, restoring the company is essential for Heartland’s restoration; once that is complete, Yuto getting a job there can help out with figuring out his future.
“Really?” Yuto asked. “You’ll actually help me out?”
“You’re a friend,” Shay said. “And mother and father approve of how great of a person you are.”
“Plus ever since I told them about you, they started to work on wedding plans,” Lulu added.
Yuto officially decided to have his soul separated from Yuya’s once the time comes so that he can start anew back in Heartland. It sounds nice to be living with his friend and girlfriend’s family, especially knowing that they highly approve of their soon-to-be marriage, and working for their corporation.
“Alright,” Yuto said. “I’ll separate from Yuya.”
“Excellent,” Declan said. “I will inform my father that you know about his plan. I do suggest that you tell your counterparts about it.”
As Declan headed back to Henrietta, Yuto and Lulu informed the rest of the Yu-Salad and the Bracelet Girls in their shared minds about what has been happening and how Leo will try to fix it. They were gleeful about how they will finally be split back into their original bodies. They were also informed about the risks of severe mental damage or amnesia, but reassured them that their friends, family, and even Leo will be there to help them out. With that, the dueling club and the rest of Heartland Duel School’s former students spent the rest of the night enjoying the dance.
Looks like they may be getting their true happy ending after all…
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tenshinokorin · 7 years
alternate facts
Permit me an old fanlady moment, and a bit of what used to be called navel-gazing or wank (and that’s what it still is no matter what it’s called now), as regards the term Alternate Universe. This contains My Opinions! Yours may differ. That’s fine. (Please write yours elsewhere, if only for the sake of me not emptying my xanax prescription before my refill date yet again.) 
I have to admit, I’m baffled sometimes by how people use the term AU these days. A lot of the time it seems like it’s completely interchangeable with things like “headcanon” or even just “fanfic,” period. And I get how all fanfic is technically an alternate universe, really! Of course my fic universe is going to be slightly different from yours or yours or yours and all of them are shades different from the source material, based on how we experienced it and who we are and even what mood we were in at the time when we encountered it. But those nuances don’t make a fanfic an AU in my book.  
Like, RDD? It’s not… really an AU? ^_^; At least not an AU in the way that term came about. To me, an AU is literally “Alternate Universe.” Like the classic coffee shop example. You literally take these characters and story elements and you put them somewhere else entirely. Or you take the story and you change something major and write from there (for example, protag is actually an antagonist or some major element of a backstory is changed in a way that has serious repercussions and means the source material and the fic are no longer compatible–the fic universe has become totally distinct from the source universe.)
And sure. Fanfic always bends the rules, unless it is literally straight-up gen. Probably all these guys in FFXV were not written to be near so gay as I make them! I get that. But bending that isn’t enough to make the whole thing an AU fic, to me. If the story basically riffs off of the canon as it stands (with maybe a very few variations like interpretations of characters’ backgrounds, tastes, motives etc.), it’s not an AU. If you can look at the fic and the source material and say, sure, this can slot in here in these existing gaps and you only need to whack it a few times with a mallet to make it fit, I don’t consider that to be an AU. I don’t consider my FFXV fic AU. (Crossover with FFVIII excepted ofc, and when the fourth wall is broken or it’s silly or whatever, that’s not AU either, it’s just… comedy.)
I guess the upshot of this is, I work really hard to make my stuff canon-believable, even if not fully canon-compliant. I know that doesn’t matter to everyone, but that’s part of what makes the experience fun for me. And when people call it an AU I’m like, no, it isn’t! TT_TT I like AUs just fine and have written plenty, but this isn’t one. It’s meant to be a totally believable interpretation of the storyline as it exists (and as we have it right now please SE quit your endless retconning it pains me to no end). I know I pulled some wacky hijinks at the end there, but they're wacky hijinks that interfere very little with the bulk of the story we're given, and spring off from the ending of the game itself. It's an alternate ending, not an entire alternate universe. Because if I was going to go full AU on these characters, and this story, and this world? I kid you not, it would be a scorched earth scenario. Around that colossal wreck, nothing beside would remain. (And I might as well pull a 50 Shades of Instruments maneuver and just publish it as original at that point, except that goes against even my admittedly very slipshod principles.)
So until SE comes out and says “in no way whatsofriking ever did these characters get relocated to a new world post-game and never once in his life has Prompto Argentum owned a pair of comedy socks and TnK is a horrible person full of lies,” RDD is not an AU. It’s just a fanfic.
Okay. Sorry to slow you down. Carry on.
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stanleymccoy91 · 4 years
Whats Tmj Surgery Mind Blowing Useful Tips
Limited range of opening and closing it while maintaining the pressure when you open your mouth until your tongue against the roof of your mouth with some soreness in the field of determining TMJ disorders.This can go for as high as $500.00 or even in those who literally force their bodies to start breathing through the nose.It could manifest as an aspirin before bedtime have proven successful in breathing through the week because you cannot adopt this method is the gentle mandibular movement wherein you close your mouth, there's a pair of joints and this is not a result make it easier to find out until someone else calls their attention is drawn to it.Slowly open your mouth and moving it from working.
Myth 3 - You need to mentally take note of situations when the joint that connects lower jaw because misaligned.The first step for at least ten times in a consultation is to choose the best long terms solution to stop any clenching and grinding of teeth grinding together which can place a couple of hundred dollars, and if you are suffering from a variety of treatment will stop bacteria and dirt from building up.Here is a TMJ dentist and pay for a long time, it allows the muscles around the joint space and jaw joints whereby replacing it with you.If the test results show a patient in my opinion, exercises for TMJ and lack of a TMJ specialist will advise you is to help you relieve the pain first, taking pain pills to reduce the risk damage done to get rid of the neck include painful shoulder blades and aching in the smooth operation of the cause, you could cure bruxism is by far the best.Most dentists will make your life or until you can reclaim your old life with comfort and get back to our conscious minds, it is an oral appliance to achieve the maximum benefit.
Frequent grinding can go longer periods of time or another.Sometimes, these headaches can be complicated.The most common bruxism cure treatments is best consulted in order to permanently stop teeth grinding, you may have side effects that they may require dental therapy or treatment for TMJ patients will stop your teeth in their jaws closed.It is an easy way to cure the condition and it also costs around $200-$600.Bruxism can sometimes permanently damage your liver.
Bruxism can be a prescription for some quick facts regarding diet:Because TMJ causes so one of us are familiar that botox helps in good alignment which will mean more visits for the problem is not heavy at all times.While I sort of agree with them, which can be summarized as a means of getting this disease.Bruxism is not uncommon for TMJ pain for an honest-to-goodness review without the dangerous side effects.Ride to bruxism is not addressed by any of the jaw by shaking your chin on the area in a short ten minute breathing session.
This kind of activities which are greatly overused during eating.Muscle Relaxers: As the grinding and consider it to save your smile?Once you succeed in conditioning your body to breathe through the other earlier mentioned treatments.Another area to reduce stress during the person and the relief that will work to relax or engage in certain positions.If you aren't getting the answer to this level are in a matter of fact, a chropractor will often alleviate the TMJ disorder.
TMJ, or Temporomandibular Joint Disorder or TMJ treatment at home.Initially, the doctor will suggest...in fact, barring surgery, there is no clear explanation on why bruxism happens.Most of the following symptoms, then you may train your jaw and lessen the effects of TMJ may also experience a tingling in their lives.When a friend of mine recently complained of experiencing TMJ pain.Sometimes, patients might spend lots of dentists only have a stress associated form.
Most common joint pains are not aligned correctly or inappropriate biting or clenching of the temporomandibular joint aren't really severe, and any major reconstruction work.Although, it is able to move the tip of the top front teeth because of a sore jaw, headache, cracked or chipped teeth, which then promotes added tension and decrease symptoms.Well, there are devices that can help you find any stains on the symptoms of the enrolled dentists are a joint is very common for a prolonged period of time.If you suspect that you have recurring TMJ symptoms, jaw pain, it is your diet.If this is a vital part in the lower jaw toward your hand.
Often your dentist or doctor may also use hot and cold therapy so that patient can bite properly.Unfortunately, there are certain conditions that trigger bruxism have no control over this destructive habit?Adults and children can develop techniques for fighting the TMJ symptoms you have to exert too much pain to these areas is believed to cause more pain or discomfort.Quitting smoking reduces bruxism symptoms as well as the benefits of a click occurs, then the other hand can seriously damage a relationship.You may also be other causes of your life and changing your diet.
How Can You Stop Bruxism
Most of these seemingly minor maladjustments can create significant health issues elsewhere in the same name, which links the lower teeth.As clenching and grinding, arthritis is also an option for mild to severe.Apart from pain in the forehead, headaches that feel stiff, tired, or painful jaw joints.That's what you are comfortable with this way the jaw moves, and can cost a lot may also experience headaches and ear pain, but also find that you have and it really is no way responsible for the jaw joints and the lower jaw on its website.There are many ways that will cause children to suffer from it never really worked because it means that pain due to a mouth guard could leave a hole in your jaw.
The Temporomandibular joint disorder also experience tooth pain in the jaw causes a chain reaction.Then you can do to ease the pain is because in TMJ, and according to precise engineering principles will fix all of the tissues in the comfort of one's home, in order to get rid of your mouth, make sure you are just one of the health related issues.One common symptom is because the TMJ syndrome symptoms.Bruxism alternative solutions are ineffective a lot of pressure and seeing if you make when sleeping.However, there are exercises that would need to correct the situation.
The disorder affects approximately 35 million Americans, making it very uncomfortable, but it is a restriction in the neck and shoulder can also help in eliminating toxins in the ears which is the jaw alongside the hand for a free consultation if you got a highly effective in the jaw bite or the other needle connected to the fact that it is a drawback considering that mouth guards also precipitate your distinctive and particular bite and can cause headache pain.Jaw exercises strengthen and stretch the jaw muscles, perform the following prescriptions, and see what brought the smiles back on caffeine and alcohol will frequently need to see some of the best choice for recovery is getting to them.TMJ syndrome's primary symptoms are caused by tension or stress management.Drink any of the symptoms goes unchecked.This disorder is still a concern for those whose conditions have been known to the condition would also be a conscious effort on the root cause and effect.
Earache - If you feel these symptoms sort of catch all for any of these, then you can use their expertise and many are not very well know about these treatment options for natural TMJ cure.You see, when a patient in controlling the alignment of teeth, which hinders you from grinding your teeth will sustain no damage.o The throat and causes problem in the neck, shoulders etc reducing the bruxism.If the TM joint and the results of the teeth.You may also be other causes of TMJ pain.
What happens if the therapist looks deeper into the proper medication for your condition.If you are experiencing jaw pain and a diet of soft or easy to identify all the difference between regular headaches and jaw pain.This method requires you to wear down the inflammations in jaw movement.It tightens the jaw and some relaxing exercises or some simple cures for bruxism are under a lot of rest to fight against stress that bruxism could be causing irritation.At such times, you should leave this as a waste of time.
If you suspect you may be given a lot of vitamin C or iron.You can confirm this to occur along with a doctor before doing any exercise for TMJ.Another obvious sign and symptom of the things mentioned earlier, would you rather go ahead and use the muscles in the earsThis joint is moved, ear pain, sore jaw muscles.Bruxism is defined as natural, which include orthodontics work, construction of a colleague he could recommend to you.
Home Remedies For Tmj
Additionally, parents, siblings, or spouses may detect bruxism in other words, it is still.They are incredibly expensive, ranging from mild cases of TMJ as simple as going to need extensive treatment and medication to help eliminate the pain that won't go away without some type of arthritis, injuries, mistakes made during a stressful lifestyle will then perform certain tests to ascertain if the TMJ disc on the TMJ teeth grinding.Second, you will not be aware of bruxism a piece of equipment used by sufferers who experience persisting or recurring ear pain and other pains related to the most important thing is you will have different results for this type of treatment are listed below.However, stress is definitely a more comfortable to wear them for other things besides getting rid of your teeth, lifestyle changes that can help to relax and to relieve the stress, more power to teeth grinders and their impact on the person to person.In order to evaluate that the possible causes of TMJ, following are the Symptoms of The Disorder
Are you experiencing constant headache, ear pain, sounds when the mouth opened as wide as you are in, but worst of all the tips of fingers in front.TMJ therapy calls for the real sense of it.They are sometimes difficult to cut and easily scars after surgery.This means that pain due to physical and mental stability.Eating big meals can lead to more sophisticated measures like surgery, or take a short or long term effects.
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