#but also $500 is a lot to spend on something I’m not happy with
raeathnos · 1 year
#I got new glasses for the first time in 8 years and I’m at the I hate everything stage#my head hurts from the prescription change#the person working didn’t seem to want to deal with me and they wouldn’t adjust the glasses to fit my face#so I’ve been fiddling with them since I got them and I’m annoyed about it#I also bought prescription sunglasses and they got the color wrong#and I got told ‘well they don’t come in that color’ despite the fact that when I bought them I was assured they did#anyways glasses are expensive and I’m poor as fuck and it cost $500 for the two pairs#and I’m like not happy about either of them really#I like the sunglasses better than my regular pair but they’re still not what I thought I was getting#I went to Pearle Vision and honestly I don’t think I’m going back there again#I used to go to like a private optometrist sort of thing but she retired :/#I’m debating about going back and telling them neither pair are working and asking for a refund#and then just taking my prescription elsewhere to get a different pair#but that’s a lot of work and I was trying to have the new ones before vacation which is in like a month#but also $500 is a lot to spend on something I’m not happy with#but also also it’s change and I don’t do well with change so it could just be that#I keep trying to tell myself to give it a few days and maybe I’ll get used to it and like them better#also also I just had like a terrible day so this was kind of the cherry on top of all the shit#and I’m def like overwhelmed and feel like I’m on the verge of a panic attack#and every little thing is setting me off#so I’m also trying to be like I need to think about the glasses when I’m more calm and less like on the verge of a breakdown 🙃#but I’m mad about it still#was excited to get new glasses and now it’s just another thing to fucking deal with
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venuscrashed · 3 months
Basically salt against the demon bros
Word count: 500 something
Warnings: Shit fic, Bad like REALLY bad writing, not proof read, just wanted to get something out
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“Do you think it’ll work?” Mammon looked at you as you both stood in the kitchen. Salt in your hand, his hands on his hips.
“It has to,” you both looked down. It was normal, human salt that you stole from Solomon. Recently the brothers were shown a couple of horror movies and they used salt against the demons. It also didn’t help that a lot of ghost hunting games used the same technique. Mammon had the bright idea to try it and it was encouraged by Satan and Belphie for a joke against Lucifer.
Just as you were about to pour some salt lightning cracked and the whole room turned dark for a second. When the lights came on Lucifer stood next to the both of you. Arms crossed and eyes narrowed, sweat drops went down both of your faces before looking at him.
“H-hey Lucifer! How’s my favorite older bro?” Mammon took the salt and hid it behind his back. A bright smile on his face with shaking hands. It was plainly obvious that he was hiding something but he still thought he got away with it.
Lucifer’s menacing aura towered over the both of you. An eerie smile on face with closed eyes. Hand over his chest in his usual stance with a polite but bossy tone. Purple flames behind his back, “what are you hiding?”
“Nothing!” You both said in unison. You internally cringed at yourself for what you said but eventually you become alike after spending so much time together. Which only causing Lucifer to furrow his eyebrows with his finger. He looked at both of you. Eyeing the way Mammon's shoulders were shaking and how you avoided eye contact. With a sigh he placed out his open hand, motioning for the object.
Without a second thought you swiped the salt from Mammon's hands, he let out a gasp. You shoved the salt into Lucifer’s face but took it away before he could grab it. “It’s just salt. We were just going to see if it worked against you.”
“Yeah!” Mammon shouted but turned to look at you. Eyes wide and mouth open from the immediate betrayal. “Huh?”
“It probably won’t even do anything,” you said. Pouring the salt at Mammon's feet, creating a line. He tried to walk over it but found his foot wouldn’t move. Like it was trying to go through a wall. “Oh…Would you look at that!”
“Now wait a min-“ just as Lucifer started walking you poured salt at his feet again. Both brothers being stuck and unable to cross the barrier.
You just started laughing loudly. Looking at the salt with stars in your eyes. “This is the best thing in my life! I’m pouring it in front of my room!!”
From outside the kitchen the rest of the brothers started yelling. Arguing about it with Mammon yelling. Lucifer just stood there with his mouth open as he watched you run back to your room. Salt high above your head like a new god and happiness found.
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deanssluvr · 3 months
thought you were made for me
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part 2 | part 3
pairing: brother’s bsf!Joost Klein x fem!reader
warnings: mentions of drugs and alcohol
word count: 2.4k
a/n: this is my first fic so please be nice. I didn’t really expect to write more than 500 words lmao. Also, this isn’t proofread sorry. I plan on writing a part 2 for this.
It had already been a long and tough week. With just finishing the last of your final exams the week prior. Each exam felt like it took years off of your life. And the week itself felt as though it would never end. Not even mentioning the multiple all-nighters you pulled to study before. But when it was finally over you were beyond ecstatic. And now you got to finally be at home and relax.
It was relatively quiet morning. You had decided to stay in the comfort of your blanket for a while longer before deciding to head down to the kitchen. There you were greeted by your brother Ethan and his best friend Joost. They were making breakfast. Well, it was just your brother cooking and Joost waiting patiently. Ever since Joost finished touring, he’d been spending a lot of time at your house. Spending multiple nights in your guest room. Your parents never really minded because he was nice and respectful. Usually, they’re in your brother’s room playing video games or out doing something. You never really got the chance to see him a lot since you were off to college. But you were hoping that would change now that you were home.
“Good morning.” Joost smiled softly. Ethan turned away from the stove briefly to tell you good morning and offered you breakfast. You nodded and turned back Joost. He was sipping a cup coffee and the steam was slightly fogging up his glasses. He took them off and set them on the counter beside him.
“Good morning Joost.” You returned the smile. He moved next to you from where he was standing. 
“And how are you this morning?” he asked in a low tone. His voice was still laced with sleep.
“I’m good. Just glad to be back home. How are you this morning.” You looked up at him and through tired eyes.
“Better now,” he spoke, his voice barely above a whisper. It caught you off guard. Was he flirting with you? Before you can finish that thought your brother hands you both a plate of food. You thanked him and they walk out of the kitchen to the dining room. Leaving you to your thoughts.
Later on that day, you called your best friends. They discussed with you their plans with their newfound freedom. You were shocked at their ideas. Party here and bar hop there. You thought they were just as exhausted as you. The idea of getting wasted as a celebration wasn’t your favorite idea. You just wanted to catch up on sleep.
“But we’ve been doing nothing but staying in our dorms for finals. We NEED to go out,” she stated.
“I know. I know. But maybe we could do something a bit more laid back. Like the movies or that festival that’s in town.” I practically pleaded with them. But it was no use. They weren’t changing their minds, and I was outvoted two to one. The conversation shifted back to their ideas for celebration for the next few days.
After agreeing to meet up this weekend, you said your goodbyes to your friends and hung up the phone. But quickly after your brother texts you.
hey Joost has a concert tonight. i have an extra ticket. wanna go with me?
You thought about it for a good moment. You just wanted to get some extra sleep tonight, but on the other hand, you haven’t spent much time with your brother since you left for college. And now is a better time than ever to make up for lost time. Also, you just wanted another excuse to see Joost.
ofc sounds like fun
it’s tonight at 8. i’ll pick you up at 7
You texted him “okay” before setting your phone back down, and finished making yourself lunch.
As leaned over the sink, you checked your makeup one last time in the mirror. You used your nail to fix your lipstick. You stepped back to look over your overall outfit and decided you were happy with the outcome. You sprayed a bit of your favorite perfume on yourself. Checking the time you realized you were ready a bit early, so you sat in your living room. You started scrolling through Instagram as you waited. Then a notification popped up in your phone.
hey i’m outside.
You quickly checked your appearance once last time in a nearby mirror and checked your purse to make sure you had everything. When you felt satisfied with everything you grabbed your keys and left the house.
The ride to the venue was relatively smooth. You talked about what you’d miss in each other’s lives. He explained to you how he just found a new job as a bartender at a new bar downtown. He also told you how he was saving up for a new place. You told him that you were really happy for him. When he asked about you, you told him about how you just finished up finals week and now you finally have time off. He gave you a small chuckle and congratulated you.
The outdoor venue was packed that night and people were trying to rush to the front. You’re glad your brother was there as he kept a secure grip on you and was able to push you both to the barricades near the stage. It was extremely humid that night with a faint smell of weed and cigarette smoke clogging the air.
The lights dimmed slightly and you heard a beat starting to play over the speakers. You could feel the anticipation from the crowd and it made you even more excited as you leaned forward on the barricade. Then Joost ran on stage. Blue flashing lights engulfed him as he started performing and the crowd, including yourself, began jumping to the beat.
Once the energy died down slightly, you were able to take him in. His outfit was really simple tonight. He was in a white dress shirt with his sleeves rolled up giving us a glimpse at the tattoos that littered his arms, a pair of baggy jeans, and his black thick-rimmed glasses that were fogging up every so often. Something was enticing about him and you couldn’t keep your eyes off of him.
You had never heard his music before, but that didn’t stop you from letting loose. Everyone around you on the other hand, including your brother, is yelling the lyrics word for word. Joost takes notice of this and walks further downstage towards your brother, acknowledging him and smiling. Now you were able to get a good look at his face. He is even prettier up close you thought to yourself. Then he looks over to you, holding eye contact for just a split second before giving you a wink and continuing his performance. You were in utter disbelief at the encounter. You honestly thought you had imagined it. You were pulled back to reality when the loud beat of the next song started pouring into your ears.
“Did you enjoy the concert?” your brother asked as you both walked to his car. You were still feeling the buzz of the concert. It felt like the night shouldn’t end here. Maybe because you wanted to see Joost again.
“Yes, I did! His music is so good. I had an amazing time.” You left out the part about him winking at you, but you felt that you should keep that bit of information to yourself.
“Well, I’m glad that you had a good time.” His phone chimed with a notification. As he checked it you decided to check your phone. Your friends were blowing up your phone about the concert. They loved Joost so they wanted to know how it went. As you texted them back, your brother spoke.
“Hey, Joost is having a little after-party at a club nearby. He’s asking if the both of us wanted to go.“ You considered it for a moment. You did want to see him again. But when you did what would you say? Maybe he does this to all of his fans. Your brother senses your indecisiveness and tries to help.
“You don’t have to go. I would understand. I mean you’re not close to him. I just asked because he said he wanted to see you.” You were surprised at his request.
“No. I want to. I would love to go.” You stated as you gave him a reassuring smile. He nodded as he started the car towards the new destination.
Your eyes scan over the scene. A DJ was blasting music over the speakers, but it was more near the dance floor. The place was dim with small, warm lights keeping tables and the lit. You follow your brother as he leads you to a table that seats a few guys. When you got close enough you realized it was Joost and who you assumed were a few of his friends. He loudly acknowledged your brother as they shared an embrace. They share a few words before he sees you.
“Hey. I’m glad you came.” he hugged you and you embraced him back. He smelled faintly of cigarette smoke, but it didn’t bother you. You liked it. You both lingered for what was probably a moment too long before he let go. You looked over to your brother and saw that he went to talk to the other guys at the table. Leaving you with Joost. 
His eyes slowly scanned over you as he took in your appearance. Once his eyes reached yours, you noticed a different look in his eyes. Almost like hunger. Being under his gaze almost made you feel nervous.
“Come sit with me and let me pour you a drink.” He didn’t give you much of a choice as he grabbed your wrist lightly, his fingers brushing against your palm. He guided you to sit with him in the booth. He pulled you close enough to the point that your thighs were touching. You liked around and realized it was just the two. You scan the place and see your brother and his other friends have run off to the bar. Probably to do shots you thought to yourself. 
You focused your attention back to Joost who was carefully pouring you both a drink. Though it was hard to see, a small dim light slightly lit up his face allowing you to still see his face. His hair was even messier than it was at the concert but he still looked amazing. You notice his strikingly delicate features and his captivating eyes that seem to sparkle under the light. Your eyes then trace down his arms and you take note of the tattoos that are there.
“Here.” He pulls you out of your trance by handing you a glass with brown liquor in it. You take the glass from him, your finger faintly brushing his. You didn’t drink much and when you did it was mainly vodka. Nonetheless, you drank it anyway. He watched as you took a sip and smiled when you seemed to enjoy it. He drank some of his own before turning to you.
“Did you enjoy tonight’s show?” He leaned in closer making sure you heard his question. 
“Yes, I did. Your music is really good. I wish I had discovered your music sooner.” Even with how dark it is you notice the smile he gave you.
“I'm happy you had a good time. You know I know we don’t know each other that well, but I would love for us to get closer.” Once again he leaned in, but this time it was in your ear. His warm breath against your ear sent goosebumps across your skin. As he leaned back to look at you, he stopped just inches away from your face. You can faintly feel his breath against your lips. You swear can see his eyes glance at your lips for a second before looking back into your eyes. His expression changed again into what you saw when he first greeted you. Hunger. His eyes were focused on yours and it made you nervous. The air suddenly changed. It felt more thicker and warmer.
“Let’s go dance.” He offered his hand as he slid out of the booth. You smiled and took his hand. He guided you to the crowd on the dance floor and pushed you both near the center. There was a dark blue light that engulfed everyone. The beat took over you as you started dancing. You let your hips away to the rhythm. You felt Joost’s hands find their way to your waist, and he pulled you closer to him. 
You continue to dance against him, grinding on him. His hands started to explore your body as they found themselves on your hips, and then slowly went down to the hem of your short skirt. His fingers found their way under and he started to rub the soft skin. His head found its way closer to the crook of your neck. You feel his warm breath on your collarbone as he speaks.
“Ik heb je nodig (I need you)” He breathes into your neck and it sends shivers down your spine. With the light grip he has on you, he turns around so now you’re facing him. You wrap your arms around his neck pulling him closer to you. Your faces are inches away from each other. The air around you is hot and thick. You look into his eyes and see the same familiar look as before. Even under the lights, you can see his pupils blown with lust. 
You don’t know if it was the alcohol but you felt bold. So you pulled him into a kiss which he happily accepted. His hands moved from the hem of your skirt up to the curve of your ass where he squeezed lightly. The kiss became more intense as you both realized how hungry you were. Your hands found their way to his hair and you pulled gently at the white locks. He pulled away only to say something.
“We should take this somewhere else.” He suggested between pants. You nod quickly. He takes your hand and guides you off the dance floor. Your head was buzzing and you felt as though you were caught in a haze. He leads you back to the table and you see your brother and some of his friends there with a few girls. Joost let go of your hand only for a moment when telling your brother that you were both leaving early. He told him you weren’t feeling good. Surprisingly he wasn’t suspicious of anything and only told you both to drive safe. With that, you and Joost make your way to his car. You both get settled in before he looks over at you.
“My place or yours liefje (sweetheart)”
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Hi Fen! Hope you're doing well <3
I've been having such a hard time going to sleep lately and I was wondering if the moon boys ever have that problem - when they're not trying to stay up that is. So what do you think? Do any of them have trouble falling asleep? What do they do when that happens? And how do you think they'd help a Reader who couldn't fall asleep?
I’m so sorry you’re having trouble sleeping! (And that it’s taken me so long to reply) I hope you're doing better now <3
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Rating: PG  Masterlist | ao3 | want to be tagged?
Warnings: brief mention to sex
Doesn’t have trouble sleeping, and can go to sleep quite easily when he’s not fighting it AND when Marc isn’t co-fronting (Marc’s sleeping issues bleed over into Steven).
When you can’t sleep though Steven is more than happy to stay up with you.
“Spend most of my adult life on 2 hours of sleep a day, didn't I? Yes. So this isn’t even water off a duck’s back, this is air off a duck’s back, this is not even noticeable love.” 
Will suggest lots of different things to do: reading (he will read to you if you want to try to sleep), watch something, listen to music, go on a weird London at 3:30am walk, “the night tube is running and we could go to 24 hour karaoke in Soho?”, “did you know these libraries are open at 4am?”, “I know a 24 gym that has a pool, we could go swimming!”, “Beckenham Place Park actually has open water swimming, I bet we’d be the only ones there! But I’m gonna wear a nose clip because I don’t want possible brain-eating amoeba up my nose, do I? No.” Proceeds to tell you a documentary's worth of information about Naegleria fowleri and how it was found in 1978 in Bath, so “yes it is in the UK Marc.”
Basically he’s full of ideas about where to go in the middle of the night that’s open because that’s what he used to do when he was trying not to sleep. (Also it’s nice to do things when there’s not so many people about.) 
Will suggest driving to a spot he knows outside of London where there’s less light pollution to look at the stars. Will wake up Jake to do the driving. Will bully the hell out of Khonshu if the sky isn’t clear. (And will make him get rid of the cloud.) 
100% would ask if you would like him to fuck you to sleep.
He’s not asleep either. 
Usually gets Steven or Jake to fall asleep for him.
However, if they’re already asleep, or not available, he goes with the ‘I am laying down with my eyes closed, because it’s still resting’ philosophy. 
He tries not to toss and turn a lot, but he does bless him. 
Has tried to drink himself to sleep on several occasions. 
Doesn’t like to see you having trouble sleeping at all and spends ages fussing over you. 
Fluffs the pillows, gets extra blankets, gets less blankets, turns the heating on, gets the fan out, will run you a bath and put all the lavender stuff in and make you 500 herbal teas, then change the bed covers. 
Will offer to sleep on the sofa or the floor so he doesn’t disturb you while you’re trying to sleep. (Then apologies when you obviously hate the idea of him being away from you.)
Is giving ALL the cuddles, however you want them. Will lay in the most uncomfortable position for himself for you to be comfy (will not tell you the position is uncomfortable for him.)
Tells you the most outrageously made up stories in quiet hushed tones to help lull you to sleep and then acts mock offended if you doubt that anything he says didn’t really happen.
Makes you cum on his mouth repeatedly until you’re so exhausted you have no choice but to fall asleep.
Can actually fall asleep anywhere at any time. 
I still firmly believe that before Steven and Marc know about him he would front just to go to sleep because they are so bad at getting some shut eye and constantly run the body into the ground.
Has melatonin tablets and a whole pharmacy's worth of sleeping aids to share. 
Will 100% take you for a drive to try to get you to fall asleep (or just to take you somewhere if you want, or if Steven has woken him up to drive.)
“Jake, I need you to drive to-”
“Steven… It's bedtime, time for sleep. No driving.”
“Oh, but S/O is having trouble sleeping and-”
Jake is already out of bed with his car keys in hand.
Will offer to be your weighted blanket and lay all over you. 
Says he will threaten Khonshu to keep the sun down so you can rest if it takes you a while to get to sleep. 
Tries to (lovingly) bore you to sleep by counting sheep out loud and in detail. “This one is a Merino sheep, the ones that are very fluffy. Her name is Harold. She likes grass, but not clover. Which is unusual for a sheep. So that’s one so far, one sheep. Now this next one is…”
Doesn’t offer sexy times because he doesn’t want to be pushy, however if you suggest it he’s happily all over you.
Thank you for reading!
@raven-rk @campingwiththecharmings @alexxavicry @mystinky-butt @cocodiem @oscarisaacsspit @whatthefishh @mbakubabe @romanarose @pimosworld @jake-g-lockley @saturn-rings-writes @boredzillenial @lonelyisamyw-0love @melodygatesauthor @steven-grants-world  @eyelessfaces @angel-of-the-moons @minigirl87 @queerponcho
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xinfinityl0ve17 · 25 days
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Twelve hours during a part-time job feels so long, especially at night; it’s almost terrifyingly long.
Mana chan kept shouting, “This theme is difficult!” and Kami kun kept asking, “Mana chan, don’t you have anything?” (laughs). It seems these two aren’t very bound by numbers...
Anyway, Mana chan’s part time job era... It’s full of valuable stories!! Hehe ♥
--So, the theme is "The Fear of Numbers."
Mana: Hmm... That's difficult.
Kami: Haven't you ever noticed when the numbers on a clock are all the same? Like when you look at the time and it's 11:11?
--Does that give you an eerie feeling?
Kami: No, I'm actually happy (laughs). Also, when I'm talking on the phone at night and I look at the clock, it's always 2:14 AM (laughs). It's the witching hour (laughs). And it happens almost every day.
--Do you have any thoughts, Mana?
Mana: Hmm... (laughs) This theme is tough... Hmm...
Kami: Also, I have an obsession with lining up the number 7. I used to go to pachinko parlors a lot, so getting 7s was a thrill (laughs). Ah, that's not scary at all (laughs).
Mana, do you have anything?
Mana: Hmm... When I was a boy, I was a bicycle enthusiast. I even had a speedometer, and it only went up to about 60 kilometers, I think. I was obsessed with maxing it out.
Kami: That's the fear of speed.
Mana: Yeah, I was pushing the limits of speed. The bike I had wasn't a Roadman, but it was a sports-type with gears and semi-drop handlebars... You don't see them much nowadays.
Kami: They were popular back then. The ones with the light on the side.
Mana: The more gear shifts, the better. Five-speed was common, but with six-speed, it was like, "One more gear!" (laughs).
Kami: Speaking of numbers, I save 500 yen coins (laughs). Last year, a friend gave me a piggy bank that can hold up to 300,000 yen, and I'm close to reaching the goal. How long did it take you to save?
Kami: One year! When I talked about it, a fan once sent me a 500 yen coin in a letter (laughs).
Mana: Really? Well, I’m saving 10,000 yen bills (laughs).
Kami: So I make sure not to spend any 500 yen coins. Even when I shop, I make sure to get change in 500 yen coins, or I exchange five 100 yen coins for a 500 yen coin at the convenience store (laughs). Mana, do you have anything else?
Mana: Hmm...
--Like the fear of having to wake up in the morning?
Mana: Oh, even if I have work early the next morning, I stay up until around 5 AM, so I do get that "Oh no, it's already this late" feeling, but that’s why I always sleep in the car during travel.
Kami: Because we’re so busy, sleeping in the car becomes something to look forward to.
Mana: Yeah, it's really enjoyable (laughs).
Kami: It's almost like that's what keeps me going (laughs).
Mana: Yeah, but during our indie days, I was the one who drove.
Mana: I was the designated driver (laughs). Back then, mornings were terrifying. I had to wake everyone up by phone.
--Did you wake up all the members?
Mana: Yes, I’d call them to wake them up and then go around picking them up in the car. That was really something. It was like hell; I did it while crying (laughs). There were members who wouldn’t wake up no matter how many times I called (I wonder who?). And there were people whose phones wouldn’t even connect (laughs).
Kami: By the way, I’m never late. Unless I’m stuck in traffic or something, I always arrive on time when we have a meeting. Mana, do you have anything else? (laughs)
Mana: Ah! The fear of numbers! I used to work part-time at a rental video store, but when the sales weren’t great, I’d rent out videos myself.
-- Really? Were you in a position of responsibility?
Mana: There were morning and night shifts, and I was the manager for the morning shift, so if the morning sales were bad, it was my responsibility. When no customers came, I would wander around the front of the store, getting anxious (laughs).
-- Well, you can’t exactly solicit customers at a rental video store (laughs).
Mana: Exactly. You can’t just say, "We’ve got good videos here!" So all I could do was wander around (laughs).
Kami: I just thought of something! The fear of numbers! In the band I was in before Malice Mizer, the current drummer and I were born in the same year and on the same day. It was terrifying (laughs).
Mana: I just thought of something else too (laughs). I used to work a part-time job inspecting cups at a factory. That factory had cups endlessly going around 24/7 (laughs). I worked 12-hour shifts there, but since the cups were constantly moving on the conveyor belt, there was no end to it. It was terrifying. Plus, it had a roof but no doors, so in the winter, the cold north wind would blow in while I just watched the cups… (laughs).
--That sounds like a tough job.
Mana: It was tough. It was torture (laughs). Nowadays, even if your hair is dyed, it’s socially accepted, but back then, if you had a part-time job, it was limited to handing out tissues or working in a factory (laughs).
Kami: Yeah, or working for a delivery service.
Mana: "Yeah, like at those places where the packages come down on conveyor belts (laughs). I was once in charge of handling packages going to Tokyo, and while other people only had a few packages coming their way and were taking it easy, I was getting a constant stream of packages (laughs)."
Kami: "Even now, when I see the baggage counter at the airport, it reminds me of those days (laughs). Those 12-hour shifts felt so long, especially the night shifts—they were terrifyingly long."
Mana: "Yeah, yeah, and for 12 hours, the cups kept coming endlessly. By the end, I was even seeing hallucinations (laughs)."
The end // From Vicious Magazine
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filmofhybe · 11 months
Hi, requests are open right? Can I request what type of fanboys enha would be for idol!reader?
type of fanboys enhypen would be for idol reader
pairing : ot7! x reader genre : fan x Idol , fluff 400-500 words per member warning : none
a/n: first request in ages!! Keep them coming in would mean a lot! Icl this kinda turned into a send off / fansign typa thing so I hope you don’t mind and enjoy!!
> masterlist of my other works
© filmofhybe on tumblr — do not copy , translate or share.
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정원 jungwon
this guy is your biggest fan he just doesn’t show it
unlike your other fans, he’s really respectful which makes you remember him
and he’s cute and somehow always wins a video call or fansign with you
folds everytime you call his nickname that you gave him
“y/nnie can I give you something?”
“of course wonnie!”
hands you the cutest beaded jewelry and plushie ever
“oh my gosh thank you so much wonnie!!”
Would let you win in a hand wrestling contest
he would freak out when he sees you wearing the jewelry he gave you
He would also freak out when he sees you posting the plushies he gave you
Will post about it on weverse and you would thank him in the comments.
Goes even crazier after that
You both are like best friends 😭
He’s fr famous among your fandom
yk how some ppl in some fandom are so well known they get verified on twitter
Yea that’s him 🤭
희 승 heeseung
That fan that would cover all your songs (and the successful ones)
Gets shit tons of views on your covers
which you would notice his videos and talk about how talented he is on weverse
Bro freaked out
Probably be posting about it on all his social media for the rest of his life (even facebook)
“Watch me brag about this for the rest of my life”
Would thank you so much for the compliments when he goes to ur fansigns
“Aww no worries heeseung! Your covers are always my favorite! I listen to them everyday! I even subscribed to your channel as well!”
Are you meeting heeseung or is heeseung meeting you rn?
“What’s your dream y/nnie?”
“My dream is to collab with you!”
Luckiest fan on earth honestly cuz you both did a collab a year later
박종성 Park Jeongseong
buy like 40 albums at once just to win a fansign with you😭
AND he would buy like 5 of your concert tickets
Doesn’t matter if your going aboard for your concert
Watch him be there and in the VIP sections as well
Man he really doesn’t care if he spend all his health insurance on you
All he cares is that he sees you and your happy
Always catch him during send offs
You both have the chaotic yet causal talks ever
“Omg jay your here again?”
“Yup! Got another ticket to see you!”
“Your crazy for spending so much!”
“Is worth it when it comes to you.”
would buy you the craziest gifts ever
Branded bags, games , jewelry , plushies etc
Would 100% send you a food truck for good luck during your MV filming or comebacks
You would thank him on weverse cuz you knew is him who would do these type of crazy things
What he’s doing is all of your fanboys biggest dream
심재윤 Sim Jaeyun
You can’t tell me he ain’t those funny ass twitter stans
#y/nselfieday 😝
Would fight those antis on twitter
“You can’t even talk cuz your face be lopsided and elongated lmao.” - jake
“And what about you? Stop using Google translate for your Korean captions🙄” - anti.
“sis I’m Korean?!”
He will make edits of you and I don’t make the rules on that
“my fav stage of y/n but make it my edit for her xoxo!!”
Would go Borderline excited when he got tickets to your concert
“guys y/n mf knows my twitter. Imma die.”
gets embarrassed when you tell him you know him through his funny tweets and you secretly reads it for positivity
Man could die peacefully after that
성훈 Sunghoon
Another really respectful fan but he’s so shy when it comes to fanboying
More the quiet ones but he would be spotted so easy because of how beautiful he is
Please he stood out the most during your send off
Icl when you saw him you thought you were dreaming a cute fan boy?!?
When you walked over do him his heart stopped. Like omg YOUR MORE GORGEOUS IRL?!
“hi y/n~ can you sign my album please?”
“Of course what’s your name?”
“Such a cute name for a cute boy!”
Bro your such a flirt💀
He couldn’t handle it and all he did with mumble thank you
“You want a picture as well?”
All he could do was nod and you took a picture of you both tgt
Posted on his social about it and everyone was saying how pretty you both looked
Which made him less shy the next time he saw you
“Omg sunghoon! Hi how are you?”
“I’m good how bout you y/n?”
“I’m good! Glad your less shy now! I was so excited to meet you!!l
He’s the pretty, handsome shy fanboys and will always be😝
선우 Sunoo
And those fans who has a shop dedicated to their idols
I mean your kinda hyper so like I get why he would love you
Another chaotic twitter stan but make it weverse
Would pay for your me membership everytime
You would never see him without those little membership tags next to his name on weverse
He would be those fans to say “I love you” mid way while your speaking on stage
You would always react to them with a laugh cuz you find it really funny and cute
His cuteness really captures your attention and he would go insane after you mention about him on your weverse live
“I saw this fanboy during send off, he had pink hair and cute cheeks. Really high pitched voice and he gave me this cute plushie keyring that looks like me. So thank you whoever you are!!”
Knew it was him cuz he was the only fanboy in the crowd with pink hair and was the one who got you that keyring
Would 100% start gifting you clothes for the keyring and you would post about it from time to time
You secretly supports sunoo’s little keyring business after he started selling the one and only y/n keyring
にしむら りき Nishimura Riki
Trend setter fan and secretly hyper fan
We all know how good niki is at dancing so when you drop a new song he danced to it with his own choreography that has gone viral.
and every fam girl of yours was like “omg y/n has a cute fanboy!!” “y/n needs to see this.”
And you did see it and posted about it on weverse as well as Instagram
“Look at him!! He’s so talented!! Time to recreate!!”
kicking his feet under the blankets cuz he just got noticed by his idol
Would go insane when you did his dance
Man got to see his dance live as well cuz you performed it during your concert
During send off you can easily tell it was niki in the crowd
“Your the creator of my dance niki right? Your so talented!!”
Are you meeting niki or Is niki meeting you? 2.0
“Haha thank you so much! You did so well as well!!”
You continue to do covers of his dance which makes him go feral everytime
Post about it on insta but behind the screen he’s like :
“She’s about to hire me to be her Choreographer” -niki
“Stop the delusion.” - heeseung
“Watch me.” - niki
Bro predicted his future cuz now half of the your dance is created by him
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taglist : @surefornext @spilled-coffee-cup @skepvids @amymyli @in-somnias-world @okjaeminn @nonotwice1 @thinkmyg @blubbfsh
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bokettochild · 1 month
Hello Apple! I’m working on a puzzle, how would the LU boys do w a puzzle? Would they actually do it or would they set it on fire (I’m looking at u Wild!😑😂)
Ooh! Puzzles!
I think at the very least, Legend is the sort of person who you hand a puzzle and he will be diligently working on it still six hours later (I'm thinking this is probably a 1,000+ piece one, my fav!). He's very happy, although his spine is decidedly not (lol). Puzzles are the most familiar thing this guy can be working on other than fighting, and are much more relaxing. Happy space for him, bunny enrichment. He starts puzzles by trying to work on the edges, but usually ends up getting sidetracked with recognizable items or pieces that clearly go together. Takes great delight in piecing together small chunks he's already completed into a bigger chunk, but he refuses to look at the box in order to do so (he likes the challenge of figuring it out himself). I think he's very careful when moving portions so they won't break too. Tends to hum or sing as he works, although it's sort of distorted by curling up like he does over the puzzle.
I feel like Warriors enjoys them too. Less so all by himself, but give him a puzzle buddy and he's happy to put together all the little pieces into something bigger. It's mentally stimulating while also not too strenuous. He's either humming or chatting the whole while, and he probably would love a long conversation with his puzzle partner while they're working. He's also the sort to start with the border, but he'd actually finish before going elsewhere. He sorts the pieces by similar color/texture as he goes, which definitely makes things easier for whomever he's working with, which is his intent. there's nothing more satisfying for him than being able to help his partner find the exact piece they need and than watching their face light up.
Four is the sort of person you would expect to enjoy puzzles, but in reality, it's a nightmare trying to work with four different voices wanting to do different things. Vio gets irritated sometimes with how long it takes and how many times he has to look for certain pieces. He'd rather be doing other stuff. Red doesn't particularly enjoy big puzzles, but he's also the sort to sort pieces for his brothers. He likes making piles of the pieces for Green and Blue and then just going off elsewhere. Blue actually really enjoys puzzles, because they small details and the satisfaction of seeing them come together make his perfectionist brain happy (he will lose his mind if there is a single piece missing at the end though). Green just likes them, more casually than anything. He'll do them with Blue, but not on his own.
Hyrule finds them sort of boring. He, like Green, will help for a short while, but he doesn't get the appeal of putting together small pieces of cardboard into a big picture. He's not even likely to do it as a bonding thing, and gets bored sort of quickly.
Wind enjoys puzzles in the short term. He'll work on smaller ones (500-) in spurts or pop in and out to help, but the bigger ones just make him want to give up after a while. it's not because he doesn't want to help, it's just he has too much energy and not enough of an attention span to sit still putting a puzzle together. He's happy to help on and off though if anyone else doing the puzzle will let him. Puts together the recognizable or large portions first, but spends a lot of time looking at the box to see where everything goes.
For Time, count him out. His patience cannot with these things. There's too many fiddly pieces and he's only got one eye to look at them all with. Like heck he's going to stare at them for hours on end just to make a picture!
Sky will help if he likes what the puzzle depicts, but he's more there for the company, and gets easily distracted. He's the one who ends up holding a puzzle piece for forever, just chatting with someone else until Legend realizes that he's got the very piece the vet has been searching for, and thus gets smacked for it. He does best with borders, since it's easier (sort of) to find the pieces and there's only so many ways that they can fit together. If he starts the puzzle with you though, he'll try and stick with you till the end, just because he hates leaving things unfinished, even if he really didn't help a lot.
Twilight has to be in the mood. He's not keen on them most of the time, but animal puzzles are a good distraction sometimes, and if he's doing it with kids then he is all over it. He likes helping others do it more than actually doing it himself, and he's definitely one of the ones who prefers smaller puzzles with only a few hundred pieces.
I think Wild is the sort that says he likes puzzles, but most of his puzzle doing time is spent staring at the pieces and trying not to pull his hair out while trying to find the right ones. He tries so hard to get the pieces to fit together, but his brain isn't wired for this sort of puzzle-solving. He likes the time spent with others, or says he does, but he really just drives the people around him crazy when he tries to help. Flora and Legend both have banned him from helping them with puzzles (Flora also greatly enjoys puzzles, her feet dance under the table when she works on them and she smiles a lot more while working on them).
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munsonsreputation · 1 year
CONGRATS ON 500 FOLLOWERS!!! I’d love to request a Taylor-inspired Steve fic for the song “Labyrinth.” I feel like it’s so Steve-post-Nancy-breakup coded it’s unreal 🧣
hi libby!!!!
i'm so sorry this request took so long, but i hope you're still able to enjoy this short little piece i wrote up!!! i personally love "labyrinth" and i think it's one of the most underrated tracks on "midnights." and you're so right! this song is totally steve coded and he would have this song on repeat while he laid on his bed and though about life!
i hope you like my spin on your request and thank you so much for your sweet comments and support 💘💘💘
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Lost is how Steve Harrington felt most of the time when it came to his love life. Not that he needed a partner to feel validated or loved, but it just felt nice to have someone to be there for and to stick with him.
For a long time, he thought that person would be Nancy—and if anything it was the only person he ever thought about spending the rest of forever with, but plans seemed to change in her mind and he knew then that her heart was set on Jonathan’s but he could never be angry at her for choosing someone else.
He knew that he was lacking in a lot of areas, the ones that Nancy valued, and the ones that he himself tried to improve upon, but it was just too late. And he accepted the fact that he messed up, but it hurt like hell to see her be happy with someone who wasn’t him.
But he also knew that it only hurt that much because of how raw everything was. That with time, that hurt wouldn’t be there anymore because he would be happy that she was getting the love she deserved and he would be moved on.
Robin, being the sweet soul that she was, attempted to help him “move on” which consisted of a bunch of random double dates with Vicky’s friends whom she thought he would like and other times just random strangers she met at the mall. But despite her efforts, Steve couldn’t help but compare them to Nancy and even see her within those other girls.
Part of him despised the fact that everyone just expected him to bounce back from the breakup because he was Steve Harrington. It was never going to be easy trying to get over someone he loved, but them not loving him back.
But he was willing to try.
At this point, everything felt futile. Like he’d be spending the rest of his life trying to move on from Nancy Wheeler. So he stopped going on those stupid double dates with random girls, and instead put his time into trying to focus on himself. Picking up a new hobby to take up his time, which was reading. Visiting the local library and strolling through the endless shelves of books until he found one that interested him enough for him to check out and borrow.
“I’ve read this one before! Lots of plot twists, but you’ll love it!” You bubbled enthusiastically, scanning the book that the handsome stranger had slid towards you.
His eyes caught yours for the first time. And like a slow motion love potion, there was something igniting between the two of you and, in a snap, everything just floated away from Steve’s consciousness. For the first time in the last three months, he didn’t dare see an ounce of Nancy nor think of her when he was looking at you.
His mind echoing the thoughts, “uh oh, I’m falling in love again.”
Steve wasn’t one for believing in love at first sight, but with you something just happened. So flabbergasted, he stared at you with his mouth wide open and his eyes sparkling. It made you laugh, waving your hands in front of him to snap him out of that gaze.
The same gaze you caught him in three months later as you sat across from him in his friend’s living room playing uno.
“Harrington, snap out of it!” You scolded jokingly, snapping your fingers in front of his face where he finally closed his mouthing and blinked.
Everyone giggled, nudging each other as you stared at him amused with your brows raised.
“W-what? I’m fine…I’m good…is it my turn yet?” He stammered as you broke and joined in on the laughter, watching him awkwardly shuffled the cards in his hands to avoid the embarrassment.
The hand of cards you held in your palms flattened out against the wood grain of the coffee table as you cleared your throat and stood up. Steve eyed your stance, following you look around the room smiling at his friends that were now yours.
“No, you’re fine! It’s getting late. Do you think we should head home?”
You turned to him, asking if that was ok, solely with your eyes, and he nodded, a small smile on his face, “Steve and I are gonna head to the farmer's market in the morning so we need to rest up.”
Steve’s adorning eyes never strayed away, your body shifting around the room with comfort and ease while you embraced every single one of them with your famous warm and tight hugs. Smiles exchanged with people whom you never thought you’d gotten the opportunity to be friends with.
Such funny and amazing people.
He never thought in a million years that he’d find someone who’d get along with quite literally anyone, especially his ex-girlfriend, Nancy. If anything, you showed just as much compassion and love as you did the rest of his friends, not caring that she had history with your boyfriend. But you more so knowing and accepting that the past was past, and you weren’t going to allow yourself to become hurt over something that was over.
Instead, you enjoyed spending time with Nancy and the rest of his friends. Appreciating their company and acceptance of you now that you were in Steve’s life. A part of you constantly feeling a sense of belonging knowing that they never treated you differently and Steve could feel that.
He could feel the love, just in the way that the kids would light up when you walked into the room with an arm full of snacks for movie night, or bug him about the next time they would be able to see you.
He knew you were loved by Nancy and Robin when they would tug you up from the sofa and dance around the living room until your feet hurt and the three of you ladies ended up in a giggling mess on the carpet.
He knew you were loved by Eddie and Jonathan when they would jokingly hide your car keys so that you and Steve could stick around for a few more rounds of Uno because they loved both of your presence.
His friends loved you so much so that it terrified him because the thoughts of something bad happening between the two of you would mean that one of you would no longer be able to share these friends anymore.
Now the thoughts echoing as he knew something always was too good to be true. Like a plane dropping down just when he thought the flight was smooth, “Oh no, I’m falling in love again.”
He swallowed thickly, running his palms up and down his denim covered legs before he stood up and found his way next to you, giving a final hug to Robin as she walked you both to the front door.
She smiled at Steve, sending her own hug towards her best friend, making you smile at the scene of Steve letting out a fake exasperated sigh, like he could ever get tired of her, and eventually wrapping his arms around her back.
“You guys get home safe and let me know how the farmer’s market is. Maybe we can all go next weekend!” She bubbled happily, pulling off of Steve and turning to send you a grin.
You nodded assuringly, molding yourself to Steve’s side as he came up beside you, “I’ll call you when we get home from it and let you know then.”
“Night, guys.” Steve shouted, wrapping his other arm across your shoulders, guiding you two out door, hearing the goodbyes shouted before Robin locked up for the night.
The crickets filled the night with their chirps, a slight breeze waving across your skins as you made the short distance to his maroon car that still shone in the dark of the night, thanks to the stars and the single street light.
“Did’ya have fun tonight?” Steve asked, twisting the key into the slot of the passenger door, unlocking it for you.
You tilted your chin up at him, a doey look you gave him every single time he asked that question because the answer was always the same, “I always have fun when you and your friends are around.”
But tonight your response was different, “I had fun! Were you ok? You were staring off a lot.”
You waited for a response as you got into the car, a slight hum leaving his lips before he shut the door and jogged over to the driver’s side where he settled in.
“I just was thinking about some things.” He told you, buckling his seatbelt and starting the car.
You leaned your elbow on the center console, getting closer to him. “About what?”
“It’s nothing important.” He told you, fingertips skimming your arm as he reached for the gear stick.
But if there was one thing you learned after all this time dating Steve, it was that sometimes he liked to keep things to himself before they unfortunately boiled over. He had this way of just not wanting to say how he was feeling because he was terrified of what you would think or say, but you were doing your best to try to break down those walls because you wanted him to be as open and honest, and comfortable with you.
“Steve,” you said delicately, placing a hand on top of his to stop the action of driving off, and he looked at you with confusion on his face, as if you were just going to accept his response.
“You can tell me anything, you know…you don’t have to be scared of letting me inside your thoughts.”
He felt your thumb smoothing over his knuckles and saw the way your eyes softened just like your voice. The words slipping from you with ease because you were dead serious about wanting Steve to trust you with every ounce of his being.
It was only a second after that where you smiled, tilting your head closer to his to press your lips against his. The kind of kiss where there was no movement, just skin touching to let him know that you were right here with him. And so he couldn’t help but smile against you despite his thoughts echoing the scariest words he longed to say out loud.
But before he could even stop himself or pull away from your skin, the words came flowing out like a breeze of fresh air.
“I’m in love with you.”
His voice was soft, yet you didn’t miss the shakiness in his tone, and the way his lips seemed to quiver after he had admitted his feelings.
You were the one who pulled away first, and to Steve that almost felt like a twinge of rejection, like a plane that was free falling and he could do nothing but brace for impact.
But your smile and thumbs brushing over his cheek turned that plane right around.
“I’m in love with you, too.”
And that’s when Steve Harrington knew that he was no longer lost. That even though it took so many wrong turns to get here, he was here with you and that’s all that matter. That if there was one person who wouldn’t mind getting lost in, it would be you and your mind.
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taglist: @translatemunson @kennedy-brooke @manda-panda-monium @tvserie-s-world @givemeth @steveharringtonswife @fckthtgetmoney @loving-and-dreaming @awkotaco24
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shineemoon · 1 year
[TEEN VOGUE] Taemin’s First Post-Military Service Interview: “I’ve Learned How to Live Life”
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Teen Vogue: I still remember how busy you were prior to enlistment. What was going through your mind as that date came right around the corner? Taemin: I was running at full speed with everything I had. I couldn’t really see what was around me, as I was so focused on the road ahead. Memories from times past would flash before me, a kaleidoscope of memories. I felt like I was saying goodbye to all those times. There were also feelings of emptiness. Even though it was such a difficult reality for me at that time, it also became an opportunity for me to become stronger, to steady myself and be able to rise again. My hiatus was difficult and painful and I felt such longing. But then that time away, which felt like forever, ended. Though some people may view it as a short period of time… Teen Vogue: It didn’t feel short. It felt like 500 years. Taemin: (Laughs) When I returned, I feel like I was able to come back as a stronger person. Someone who doesn’t fall apart easily and is more mature. I feel like the inner foundation of the human being Lee Taemin has become stronger.
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Teen Vogue: Can you tell me more about the human being Lee Taemin? Taemin: I was able to take the time to objectively reflect on myself. The way I’ve lived up until now was highly subjective. I believed that what I thought was correct without exception. But I’ve found out what kind of person I am. I’ve discovered what is difficult for me, what causes me stress, what drives me, what makes me really happy, and what brings me a sense of fulfillment. Looking back… these are such easy questions. If someone were to ask, “What do you like?” then the answer should be “Oh, I like x, y, z.” If someone were to ask, “What is the most important [thing] in life?” I wouldn’t know what to say, as I don’t think it crossed my mind living my life up to that point. I was always busy and lived such a hectic life, the most basic things, like what I like, what my hobbies are, [I didn’t know]. If you asked how I spend the remainder of my day, I don’t think I was a person that spent that time in a meaningful way. I would just think, “Oh, what should I do?” and then it would stop there. But during my hiatus, I was able to learn these things little by little. Now I think my personality/character is closer to that of someone my age.
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Teen Vogue: You said you were able to explore what you like, what your hobbies are. What do you like? Taemin: I think this is really important. Prior, when living my day-to-day life, I would have that kind of vague thought, “I’m going to live and die on the stage.” But to be honest, we are not on stage all 24 hours of the day. If someone asks, “So what are you going to do for the rest of that time?” now I have that answer. I think I’ve learned how to live life. Whether it be developing a hobby, doing an activity, learning something new, meeting a friend, or eating delicious food. I spent time doing all these things. I would meet friends in the evening. I watched a movie by myself once in the theater. I would cover my face and go to places with a lot of people and be like, “Wow! I’m among so many people here at the mall!” Teen Vogue: Did anyone recognize you? Taemin: No, no one recognized me! Teen Vogue: Really? Taemin: Yes! Oh, I also rode bikes a lot. It was enjoyable, learning how to live each day meaningfully. Of course, everyone needs those days to just be at home and unwind, but I feel like I spent my days too inconsequentially before. Read the FULL interview → HERE
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pomefioredove · 4 months
Hi hi ~☆!^^ Could you perhaps give me a matchup?
For personality although im not really honest at times and I tend to have dark thoughts, I’m described as a fun, bright, childish, and colorful person with a playful and energetic vibe! I also like admiring others for their actions and abilities!
I tend to be really polite when it comes to meeting new people, but once I get to know them more I can start to let out my childish and fun personality!
I don’t really have many hobbies but I also have an interest for cosplaying during my free time and drawing/making crafts! I also really enjoy putting on little shows for younger kids just seeing their smiles really makes me happy! (I love kids!)
I’m about 4’11 - 5’0? I’m really short soo😞 I’m pansexual and I tend to develop a small crush really easily but get over them really quickly, I’m a ENFP! I really enjoy shows and films my friends recommend me! (Especially anime shows or cartoon shows!)
Woo! I had fun writing this down, Also congrats for 500+ ! You definitely deserve it! Everytime I read your posts it makes me so happy!^^ ah and this is my first time joining a match up event hah! Take your time, I can’t wait to see who you match me up with! Bye bye ~☆!
I match you with 𝐍𝐞𝐢𝐠𝐞 𝐋𝐞𝐁𝐥𝐚𝐧𝐜𝐡𝐞
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The First Impression:
It's love at first sight, to put it plainly! Falling in love comes easily to the both of you, and so it's no wonder that you're both hooked after just one meeting.
Why He Fell:
As easy as it is to experience, love is hard to describe, especially for feeling types such as yourselves. After getting to know each other a little better, Neige would simply say you truly bring out the best in him (is there a worst in him, though? Well... you'd be surprised).
There's just something about your childish, energetic personality that brings those traits out in him, too! Growing up in the acting industry with little privacy, Neige didn't have much time to have a childhood, and there's simply something about your good nature and affinity for fun that heals that.
The Relationship:
The romance itself is sweet and gentle beyond words, but not without its moments of chaos. As you become more comfortable with one another, you both exchange the darker parts of yourselves that you seldom share with others. You spend a lot of time crafting together, and your shared love of children and helping others definitely shines through! You have each other's backs through anything, it's the kind of relationship that would stand the test of time no matter what- in a sentence, it's true love.
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aibidil · 1 year
Lots of talk about boundaries lately, and how boundaries can only be about your own behavior/responses, not someone else's. I first learned about this when parenting littles, where it's often referred to as "limits." I think the reason the concept of boundaries is so hard for people to grasp is that, pretty quickly, you realize this means you have to let go of a LOT of control that society has taught you to expect will flow to you through power hierarchies.
So often, people judged my parenting, and I had to explain that I wouldn't set a rule, or even a boundary, that I couldn't follow through on. Which meant that I had to let go of a lot, because I happened to have kids who have never in their lives followed a rule because it exists or to make their parents happy.
With kids, this means letting go of unreasonable (age-inappropriate) expectations for their behavior and telling them "no" 500 times a day, instead child-proofing your home to protect your own shit. It means saying "I won't let you hurt me" (and then not letting them, either by holding them away from you or removing yourself from the room) instead of "no hitting/no biting." It means focusing on problem-solving where every person's needs/wants are taken into account, it means creating a home environment where everyone knows you're a team and on each other's sides. It means a deep acknowledgement of how little control you have over another person's actions, even when that person is your child.
This is hard with parenting, especially early on, but I've found that it's way harder with an adult partner. We have such high expectations of our partners. We believe they're capable of change and being better. We want to be in a relationship with shared values and priorities and we hate seeing evidence that isn't true. But at the end of the day, it really is the same. I fundamentally cannot make you do something you don't want to do, so I should never expect I can. I can decide what kind of behavior I want in my life and leave (temporarily or permanently—that's an option you don't have in parenting) if you clash with that. I can say with words and actions "I won't let you hurt me," but I can't stop another's tendency to violence. I can make sure that my needs are taken into account with the same weight as yours, I can help create a home where chores are problem-solved in an equitable way, taking everyone's situation fully into account. I can model what I believe is good behavior, but I can't force those around me to reciprocate it.
Sometimes we fall into a trap of thinking about what we "deserve" in our relationships of all kinds, but I find that any time the notion of desert comes up, I've already lost. Because I do deserve to be treated with respect and support and acceptance. But that desert doesn't magically change the people around me. All it can do is act as a mental example for me, a reminder not to accept a shitty life for myself out of default behavior.
(For an extreme example, hink also about the incel/mgtow/mra types who talk incessantly about what they “deserve” in a relationship.)
This is why so much of leftist politics quickly requires a radical letting go of all power structures. Because once you decide that punishing/hurting people into behavior isn't acceptable, you have to confront what it means to allow others—everyone—to do things you'd rather they didn't. And at the end of the day, no matter if you believe in the power structures or not, you can't force another person to eat. I couldn't force my son at 2yo into the carseat. I can't force my mom to really learn about ADHD. I can't force my partner not to spend $ on shit I don't care about. But I can make choices about my own behavior, which includes who I surround myself with and how. I can insist that I won’t let you bite me. (Assuming I’m paying attention in time. I should’ve tattooed the bite marks onto my arm as a reminder of this.) I can help create an environment where people care about each other and want to what they can for each other.
(Fwiw, i don’t think this means libertarianism is the way. Because notice that even though my only control is over my own actions, it’s still tied up with others. I can problem-solve solutions that work for everyone, which is more likely to work if everyone in my family knows we’re on the same side. I can figure out better ways of organizing shit with my partner. We can develop systems that fit the problems we have. All of that works better than a “go it alone” hyper-independence. Funny enough, acknowledging that every human is their own person doesn’t necessarily make me raise myself up to a position of importance over everyone else. When you dismantle the power structures, when you see that each person is fundamentally autonomous, you can hope that what it triggers a feeling of smallness in the face of all, rather than a feeling of unhinged importance. Because in the world, like in families, it’s not about getting what you want at the expense of others, it’s about problem-solving in a way that takes everyone’s needs seriously.)
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alyjojo · 6 months
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Current Karmic Connection ❤️‍🩹 March 2024 - Libra
Character Card: The Warrior
Who are they: Judgement
Your relationship with them: The Fool rev
What you’re learning from them: Temperance
What they’re learning from you: Page of Wands
Future potential: 4 Pentacles
Overall Energy: 9 Cups
First thing I heard was “do dat do dat” and I was like wtf? And died a little 😆 Someone likes Iggy Azalea - I had to look that up. Or they’re fancy - 9 Cups comes out to describe this connection, and fancy would make sense. 9 Cups is fulfilling your whims, whatever makes you happy, making your dreams come true. You could see them as your dream come true, for someone this is your spouse, lover, someone you want to marry if you haven’t. Negatively, these desires may be seen as selfish, with 9 Cups being an individual “self” energy. There may also be some level of overindulgence, whatever it is can be excessive, like makeup is a whole personality trait rather than a hobby, we be spending $500 a month at Sephora kind of energy. Definitely spending a lot. This is clarified by The Star and King of Cups rev, you could feel manipulated by someone’s hopes and wishes, they may give you puppy dog eyes and sweeten you up to get their way. Are they manipulative, probably, is that a negative thing…probably. Do *you* see it that way? Ahhhh dunno. Maybe. I heard “finally”. I don’t get this person is a bad person, I’m getting more of a cutesy UwU 🥹 sort of “baby” behavior. I’m cute, look at me, buy me stuff. And you probably want to! Or do. If you’re married, more power to you. If they’re not manipulative (most are) then they’re extremely emotional…maybe from some indulgent thing you’ve done. Either side. Scamming you for money because they’re cute or healing from something stupid and impulsive, those are the stories I’m getting. 6 Wands at the bottom show victory is the goal, I was getting a lot of ego before I laid the cards out too, one of you is extremely proud. They feed your ego, or switch it. Or…if it’s not you, then it’s their friends 💯 Pluto is controlling, 11th House is social groups, this person picks “yes men” or women as friends, people that do not criticize or disagree, so they ultimately always get their way. *That’s* the manipulative part for many of them. This could also be someone that has an issue with your friends for the same reason. If not friends, maybe an online presence, whatever you do.
Who they are - Judgement and The Warrior is being highlighted with that, clarified by money. This person spends money like it grows on trees. Whatever their whims, whatever the day, Knight of Wands shows impulsive decision making and The Fool rev shows reckless actions. This may be lustful as well. Flirting, posting pictures online, I’m seeing makeup tutorials in some not much clothing, that kind of thing. Sexual indulgence, this person could really like attention, or just get a lot of it, they’re good looking. But should you not like it, they turn into The Warrior. How dare you tell them anything except what they want to hear! I mean. Hmm. Within reason. They don’t seem to be very earthy or practical at all.
This is also someone that strives to have *everything right* before they do anything. Purchases, I heard lighting - someone definitely TikToks or something, looks, clothes, particular foods, workouts, whatever. All of it. They’re very nitpicky and controlling, which isn’t always a bad thing but can be kinda stressful and annoying, they’re not a go with the flow type - that’s what *you’re* learning how to be for them. The relationship between you shows either fear surrounding work/effort, or reckless decisions/actions regarding this. This person defends their truth, it’s what they want, they may have made a massive purchase of some kind or did something at work that really pissed you off. Flirting? Could be. I see friends and flirty energy so…I mean Libra is kind of known for that, this could be switched. Or it’s that this person doesn’t take anything seriously, and you do. They’re spoiled, but they have the argument it’s THEIR money right? Can’t tell them what to do. We’re a union but me me me me me and me, don’t you dare tell me otherwise.
What you’re learning…that it doesn’t matter, you’re in love with this person. 2 Cups clarifies, victory again at the bottom. You’re fine being the more chill person, you’re fine with their standards and nitpicky ways, you don’t really care one way or another if you have beige curtains or eggshell and if they’re stressed about it then by all means. Pick a curtain 😆 You would rather go with the flow and *enable* this person’s whims & desires, than sit around arguing with them. Which is wonderful, but future potential shows holding grudges and keeping things in, creating issues between you. You are valid, and in some cases you’re right too, something this person has done or is doing is reckless and too much, probably spending.
Their side isn’t so much learning - as a perception. You’re over here chill and in love with them. But not overly expressive. They see that as - they get excited about something, chat away all day about it, feel this passion and fire to do anything, and you don’t care. You don’t want them to succeed, you don’t like what they like and don’t support them. Because you don’t match their enthusiasm. Or you don’t want what extravagant thing they want today, so you must be against them. Again, not the most practical, money conscious sort of person here. Future potential is a stubborn stand off, you both think you’re right, you’re both not budging an inch, and you stop speaking to each other for some amount of time. The Devil at the bottom, I was waiting for that to make an appearance. Materialism, greed, selfishness, 5 Pentacles underneath that. Someone is putting you into debt and defending themselves like that’s fine, that’s what they want, they get what they want and fk anyone that says otherwise. And then what, stonewalling as punishment? Whew 😅 You’re gonna have to do something, I’m not even going to suggest what, that’s on you. You two could separate bank accounts if your spending habits are this different from each other. If you act like you don’t care, nothing will change. If you act like you care and this needs to stop…good luck.
Zodiac Messages:
Pluto - Cancer - 11th House
- The need for control of intuition to protect freedom.
- An obsession with attitudes from the past about associations.
- A power struggle resulting from the history of your circle of friends.
Apology 😔
Guilt - Confession - Forgiveness
Marriage 💍
Sweet Love - Couple - Dependency
Gemini ♊️ on 11th House could be a Gemini close to them that influences their personality or decisions, they could have a placement in that sign, or with Pluto & Cancer, you could feel like this person is manipulated by those around them and seek to control that. Or switch it. Or that’s what their friends are telling them and they just repeat it back to you, they say it’s fine so it’s fine, they do this, this person could be a big gossip and/or their friends are.
Signs you may be dealing with:
Sagittarius, Scorpio, Aquarius, Virgo, Leo & Cancer
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queen-scribbles · 1 year
(kicks door down) commentary meme for the opening of ch5 of TLBT? I’m not not sure how long 500 words is at a glance but at least through the scrying part? -emeraldgreaves
If you mean the whole beginning of ch 5 up through the scry, it's actually 877 words, but who cares, we'll do it anyway, bc you're one of my foremost enablers(especially for tLBT) and I can't really find a good place to cut part of it so it's 500 or fewer. xD Also, excellent choice. :3
After spending a few more minutes annoyed at her inability to talk to Red about the gala, Xaeryn managed to wrench her thoughts back to the case. There was still daylight, she had time to investigate the alleyway following up on what Ferrin had said. Just in case she wound up pushing toward evening, however, she opted to drive rather than walk. There’d been a few news articles recently about an uptick in pickpockets, and it wouldn’t do to make anyone worry.
There was, as luck would have it, a spot not far from the mouth of the alley, and she deftly maneuvered her car into the space between two much newer-model automobiles. Their gleaming black finish made hers look positively dingy by comparison but also brought to mind her tail from the last visit to the museum. Neither, however, had accents of any color, and she was equal parts disappointed and reassured as she headed for the alley.
Xaeryn's been a fun challenge to write as the main/only POV bc she's more closed off, formal, and straightforward, less the charming, friendly, lightly sarcastic banter type of character I usually gravitate towards. She eases up a bit around Red bc he rubs off on her whenever they're together(also bc she's stuck on him). She's normally not shy about making her wants/needs/requirements etc known--see her convo with Riel in ch 1, or any of the times she talks to Aerin--and is usually very good at separating the personal and professional, so for her to get tongue-tied and chicken out of asking for something absolutely vital to her investigation for personal reasons has her v irritated at herself. She's also v good at focusing on the task at hand, or at least pushing on through potential distractions. Hence the being annoyed at herself only lasting a few minutes before plowing on with the case. And I'm p sure we all know she really means when she thinks she doesn't want anyone Red to worry. :3 I had to put that in there, the lil exaggerated snipe-y mental eyeroll that's also 100% for real. She doesn't want him to worry. Mostly bc then he'll fuss, which is almost as annoying as it is endearing.
She started at the entrance and worked in toward the gates, figuring she could continue down the other side if she came up empty. Part of her was cynical about finding anything so long after the fact, but the stubborn part--frustrated by her slow progress on this case--refused to give up without confirming. It didn’t look like this alley was cleaned all that often, maybe there was something useful. 
It's very fun having a character who's equal parts stubborn and cynical. A lot of "this has a 99% chance of being useless, but my other option is giving up SO I'm doing it anyway."
Besides, it was a distraction from the other thing she needed to find--the nerve to ask Red about the gala. It was much more elusive quarry than anything case related.
Ngl, I'm very proud of this pair of sentences.
What was so hard about asking him?
I don’t want to inconvenience him when he’s already doing so much for me.
You know he’d be happy to help, floated through her mind and only made matters worse.
The fun part about this is she genuinely doesn't want to inconvenience him. He's done a lot for her already and she doesn't want to take him from his "real job" to help her. And is also using it as an excuse. Both things are true!
She also knows he'd drop literally everything in a heartbeat to help her just for the asking(and she would for him).
Disrupting his schedule to travel all the way to Haven is a little different than turning him loose on a research project, she countered, nudging aside a tattered tarp with her shoe. Nothing.
He just told you he doesn’t have as much going in right now. And both of you would drop everything to help the other and you know it.  
Alright, fine, I don’t trust myself. The fact sat solid in her chest as soon as she admitted it, brusquely poking around a stack of discarded pallets. I’m afraid if I ask him to do this, even if it is genuinely as a friend, I won’t be able to hide the way I feel under those circumstances.
Her mask is only so good, after all. And she's been hiding this a long, long time. It's had plenty of opportunity to grow.
It was a tricky thing, carrying a torch for your best friend. And delicacy had never been a strength of hers. She was all honesty and no varnish, too blunt-
Forthright, Red’s voice corrected gently in her head.
--too forthright to be good at playing games and she dreaded what might happen if Red picked up on something bothering her.
I love "all honesty, no varnish" as a description for Ryn, another thing I'm v proud of. I love her hearing Red's voice in her head, correcting her to be kinder about herself while also being honest about what she sees as a shortcoming.
Well, your options are ask him or not go, so if you want to make progress on this case you better get ahold of yourself. You can do this. You are a professional, aren’t you? 
Her foot hit something that skittered away with a clattery rasp, breaking through her internal debate. A keen glance after the object revealed only a rusting crowbar, and Xaeryn gave a soft growl of disappointment. Not far from the crowbar, however, something silver and promising glinted from a jumble of discarded paint cans and crate frames half-stacked into a shelter. She shifted the debris enough to reach and found herself holding a fine black leather sheath, dagger-sized, silver tipped and accented. A silver insignia at the top, opposite the beltloop, bore an unfamiliar crest--what looked like crossed lightning bolts or vines surmounted with a sword, or maybe a lance. It was difficult to tell at that scale.
I can't make it too easy on her, or the payoff's no fun :D (Also, I wanted her to go to the library for the Ysa cameo)
She balanced the sheath on a nearby broken crate, pulled out her notebook and a pencil and took a rubbing of the crest. A quick shorthand annotation where she’d found it, and then she started to stash it all in her handbag. It would be a bit of a tight fit, but better than carrying her find where it would raise eyebrows.
Very professional, this gal. Immediately makes a copy of potential evidence, and a note where she found it, takes steps to not draw attention.
Xaeryn paused just before slipping the sheath in her bag. She studied it again, catching her lower lip between her teeth. What if... A quick glance at the wall behind her to ensure it was relatively clean and she leaned against the stone while focusing hard on the small sheath. There might, if this belonged to the green-haired man, be enough trace of the owner left to Scry a clue.
The world fell away in a watery grey roil, clarifying into a scene almost as disorienting as the shift itself. The viewing angle was odd, a blur of motion off-center drawing her attention. It shifted into focus, resolving into a pair of figures mid-scuffle. One was a green-haired man, clothes decent but nondescript aside from currently being mussed by the fight, the other she couldn’t make out beyond a wild beard and the impression of ragged clothes. A street bum maybe? They tussled, each getting in a few good licks, there was a gleam of metal in their grappled hands, then one’s foot caught the sheath, sending it spinning toward its resting place and jolting Xaeryn out of the vision.
By this point in the planning/outlining process, I had solidified Darius and Briony's actual role in the plot(Ryn was actually supposed to talk to them in the museum, when she follows Briony during the gala, but then ch 6 ran away from me BIG TIME and I had to bump it lol), but this being a detective story, I had to keep the suspense up a little longer and be a little vague about whether Mr. Green Hair is one of the bad guys or just Sus™. Scries are fun to write, bc it's a way to give her a little bit of bonus information, especially when it's bonus info with no witnesses she could've talked to. When they work. And I have a reason for the ones that don't. :3
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fadeouttowhispers · 2 years
hearts will be glowing when loved ones are near
A/N: see the ‘disclaimers’ in the first one. Same thing applies: unbetaed, imperfect, probably not their final-final form. Rewatching the show has meant getting lots of ideas, and I was able to write this one rather quickly. Let's chalk it up to being sick when I wrote it. It's a bit different from the others (and not just because it's over 500), but not less ridiculous. I think it's obvious but this is set between Arctic Radar and Holy Night, in S4. Enjoy ♥️
Christmastime was probably the best time of the year to be at the White House – it was joyful, with its colorful lights and lovely live music, and this year, after an overwhelming victory at the polls, the jubilation in every staffer’s face was palpable. Unfortunately, Katie knew this feeling wouldn’t last for very long... Which is why the words in the email sent by her former mentor sitting in her inbox didn’t really surprise her. In fact, the kept promise made her smile.
“Hey, Mark,” she called for the colleague sitting behind her, poking him on the shoulder playfully. When the redhead turned around, he followed her finger to the screen. Katie’s eyes begged him to keep it quiet as she whispered, “Danny’s coming back soon.”
“For good?” Mark sounded as surprised as she has been, but the email answered it all. “Oh, okay, just for a couple of days. So… For now.”
As the email read, the erstwhile senior correspondent was coming back for the holidays, making a brief pit stop in DC to say hello to his friends, and to make sure his apartment was still standing, before flying out to his family’s home in Michigan for the remainder of the holidays. But first, he was heading to Bermuda for a short vacation. “No doubt to drink some rum,” Katie quipped. “He could’ve left that part out, so we didn’t have to feel jealous.”
“Maybe he wants to get lost there, after spending so much time traveling around the other side of the Atlantic,” Mark joked back. “Maybe this is the proof of life we need in case he’s not back here on December twenty… something.”
“There’s also this…”
Katie realized she needed a bit more cloak and dagger, as C.J. had entered the room to get Steve about a quote from earlier, and they were now standing by the doorway. Her mouse highlighted a passage – the one with the special request.
I’m pretty sure my press credentials are still valid, but I’ll ask around to make sure. I say this because I’d love to drop by as a surprise just before everyone leaves for the break. Is there any way you could keep my return quiet? I don’t want to make a big deal out of it, but I’d love to see everyone again.
“Can we do this?”
Mark considered for a second, pondering the possibilities. Keeping it quiet should be relatively easy, especially if only the two of them knew about it. “You know what? He would make a pretty fun Press Santa.”
“You just want to get out of it,” Katie pointed out, biting back a smile. “You know C.J. will make a crack about Canada not having the same simple traditions as the US. Again.”
"Or how redheads are interchangeable," Mark smiled affably. “Think about it. Unless somebody else finds out and tattles, C.J. would have no idea who’s under the costume. He’s already cleared, so there shouldn’t be a problem there. And… You know she’s the person he wants to see the most.”
“She would be thrilled, too. So excited, actually. They’ve always had this…”
“Indescribable thing?” he completed.
“Yeah. She was happy to see Sawyer on his pit stop after Myanmar, but this…” Katie just raised her eyebrows, wordlessly conveying what she couldn’t say out loud. “It’ll be better.”
Mark nodded in agreement, looking discreetly at the Press Secretary. “I heard the other day that she brought our wayward friend up to Mitch… So I think his return would be a good present on its own.”
“You’re not wrong,” Katie said diplomatically, as she watched C.J. leave the Press Room. She had a front-row seat to their dynamic for months and knew better than to bet against Danny. “Let me find out about his travel plans, make sure he’ll be here that day. I’m sure he’ll be game with whatever we throw at him. We can discuss specifics as we get closer, but I think the Santa idea might do. We’ll get some laughs out of this Christmas miracle.”
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angst-in-space · 2 years
october ‘22 writing progress
words written: 19.9k
most words written in a day: 1806
least words written in a day: 126
current yearly total: 203.2k
projects worked on:
- ya sci-fi book revisions - sylvix pacrim au - edited/posted ch 8 of sylvix dreamscape fic - twiyor fic - matchablossom fic - outlined piece for 7yg zine
works published in october:
“throw away the key” (ace attorney/klapollo) “you’re a dream, i’m never waking up” chapter 8 (fe3h/sylvix)
october goals:
- revise roughly the first 15 chapters of my book - start editing the renga fic - maybeee start editing ch 9 of dreamscape fic if i have time - work on matchablossom fic - work on twiyor fic - work on sylvix pacrim au - perhaps work on altea rising a little - start fic for [redacted]
november goals:
- reach 50k for nanowrimo! - write at least first couple chapters of arctic monster wip - continue ya sci-fi book revisions - finish editing first 2 chapters of renga fic and hand off to betas - maybe start editing ch 9 of dreamscape fic - work on twiyor fic - work on matchablossom fic - work on sylvix pacrim au - start writing 7yg zine fic - ...maybe work a tiny bit on altea rising and/or red skies if i feel particularly ambitious?? lol
haha so...yeah.... october was kinda all over the place for me. i was feeling uh very overly optimistic about book revisions at the beginning of the month, with the goal to try and edit the first 15 chapters (the goal being to get through this round of revisions by the end of the year). but well. let’s just say i’m on chapter 4 right now soooo that did not really work out!! however it’s probably best that i take my time, as tedious as it can be.
which brings me to... it’s nanowrimo, yaaaaay!! planning to split my 50k words among several different projects:
1) continuing my current book edits! roughly 500 “words” of editing per day (i say “words” cuz i’m going to count deleted words as well as added words so yeah lol). 2) write ~500 words of my new book (arctic monster wip) every day. this is a book i outlined back in like july, and it had been Haunting me for a really long time before that. so i’m excited to finally begin writing it!! hoping to get to around 15k by the end of the month. 3) write ~500 words of fic a day. i have many wips i’d like to work on as you can see from my monthly goals haha. 4) and thennn the extra 166 words per day i will spend on...whatever is inspiring me most, or maybe will just count towards taking notes or something. YEAH!
i also still am working my way through my backlog of fics i need to edit/post... i at least finally posted ch 8 of sylvix dreamscape fic so i am happy about that (and have gotten so many lovely comments on it so far, thanks friends!!) but yeah i still gotta edit chs 9 and 10 AND i know i keep saying i will edit/post my renga fic from last year but...i mean it this time. i am almost done editing the first couple chapters of that, so hoping i can show it to betas soon and uhh maybe start posting by the end of the year??
oh yeah alsoooo i got into an ace attorney 7 year gap zine YAAAY so i will be starting to work on my fic for that as well. i am really excited for my piece (and might have teared up a bit while outlining it). 
so YEAH lots and lots of stuff to work on this month, hopefully i can get at least some of it done!! 
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K-pop Fan Perception of BTS's Ticket Pricing (Repost)
Anonymous: Hi BPP! Are you going to Vegas? I got tickets just now and I'm so excited I could almost pee on myself!! Sorry haha. It's only been a few months since the LA concerts and I already miss BTS. The energy and quality of their performances always moves something deep inside me. The happiness it brings is so tangible for me. I will gladly spend more and more money on them. Which brings me to my question, kpoppies were upset at floor/barricade tickets going for ~$500. Firstly, why do they care?
Hi Anon,
I’m happy you got tickets! Honestly, myself and a few friends breathed a sigh of relief that all tickets went on sale for ARMYs first, rather than that SOFI disaster that had randoms and scalpers bleeding people dry. Things have become incredibly busy for me irl recently so it’s possible on that date I might not have the time to go, but yes, I got tickets for the Vegas concerts!
I. Am. Excited.
But I’ll admit I laughed reading your ask. "Why do they care" indeed.
Because they’re k-pop stans.
Serious question: is it possible to be a k-pop stan in 2022 and not be outraged at BTS / ARMY / HYBE on a bi-weekly basis?
That’s a really flippant thing to say, isn’t it? I’m not sure I can write the rest of this post in a way that won’t have a multi coming for my neck lool. But I’m asking a serious question and it’s one I’ve been asking since like 2017. I’m sure these people have what they think are genuine gripes with BTS or whatever. Perhaps there is really some hyper-capitalist theory that damns HYBE’s business practices as ‘immoral’.  What I’ve observed however is these bursts of outrage seem to be more from shock than anything else. Pure incredulity. There’s the outrage born of boredom that you’ll frequently see in k-pop spaces, usually in the discourse-for-discourse’ sake -type environs, but genuine surprise also plays a factor sometimes.
Shock that BTS can charge what they do, when no one else in k-pop charges those prices. Awards, streams, album sales numbers - all of those things can be ignored and dismissed after you’ve heard about them often enough. What’s harder to look away from is demand shown in real time and expressed in cold hard fiat currency.
I keep saying k-pop is so inherently competitive and it’s because I’ve seen even those decrying how competitive it is, falling into that same mindset nearly every single time. It’s a really hard mindset to shake off and it’s why these people see BTS’ numbers and instinctively compare to the groups they know. It’s one reason I was laughing non-stop when prices for BTS merch were released. I saw people comparing Jin’s PJs to PJ merch of other k-pop idols (of course priced significantly lower) and then being outraged. BTS merch prices were on par with many Western (and a couple Asian) artists’ merch. At least the pajamas, accessories, hoodies and sweatpants were (Hobi is so unique with the potted plants idea). But k-pop stans expected BTS to be priced similarly to other k-pop groups… when that’s been kind of silly to do for about 3 years now.
There are a lot of questions k-pop stans ask that can be easily answered just by reminding them BTS is the biggest group in the world.
BTS is the biggest group in the world and has been selling out multiples dates of ~100,000 capacity stadiums since 2019, in seconds. Considering this, $500 for barricade/floor seats is a steal. If you’ve ever felt the heart palpitations when buying floor tickets at Coldplay, Adele, Beyonce, or Drake concerts, then I wouldn’t fault you if you weep for joy at the generosity that is BTS’s ticket pricing. Scalpers sold multiple tickets for the LA concert for as high as $22,000/ticket. For the BTS Vegas concerts, HYBE of course offers very affordable options with several tickets going for $50 - $65.
But these fans think either that BTS is not good enough to charge those prices or feel anger that their own favored groups are ‘better’ but not valued as highly… Again, competition. They can’t help it. Price is typically determined by demand and supply, and rather than condescend more than I’ve already done in this post so far, I’ll just leave it at that.
Let’s just let people enjoy things. :)
One really shouldn’t be getting triggered by how fans choose to spend their own money and resources on musicians and artists they love. 
Originally posted: March 3rd, 2022 12:54am
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