#and then just walking up to ryuk
dea-thynote · 5 months
Death note au idea where light just keeps time travelling back at random timelines and now he has to figure out how to get out of the loop(?) Before he goes insane.
Like the first time it happens, after he dies at the staircase, he wakes up and its the day he got the death note. At first he was confused and terrified, but still decides to use the death note since he believes that this might be a second chance for him. Now he plans to do it much more carefully. He was able to throw off L so many times by avoiding to make the mistakes, the slip ups, that he did on the previous timeline. The game of out witting each other. But he was caught again because he let raye penber and naomi misora live. He dies and wakes up again but at his classroom.
He wakes up disoriented, after all he got shot again but not by matsuda but by his father. He remembers the death note, looks around and doesn't see it fall. He thinks that maybe it's not the date yet when the death note falls. But when he hears the news about the killings. The heart attacks and thinks that someone else now has the death note and they're not just killing criminals but also innocent people. Eventually he teams up with L, to catch kira. They bond, often throwing theories at each other and fighting. Although, he slips up and mentions something that makes him look suspicious, L starts to get suspicious of him. I'm thinking he either gets executed or he dies because of the other kira.
Then he wakes up, and he's behind the prison bars, looking around he eventually realizes that he's at the time where he asked to be confined. He hears the speaker open, and it's L, asking him if he's alright. He glares at the camera, almost snarling before stopping himself. This isn't the L from the previous timeline. If he is kira in this timeline he doesn't want to dig his grave even further. He hears ryuk complaining and moaning about being bored and also apples. Should he risk it? He doesn't know if when he gives up the death note would he still remember the previous timelines but he doesn't, he might convict himself of being kira.
(Alright, my brain is fried, I have no clue how to continue this. But if u get the idea its probably a slow burn lawlight (or not?) Where after looping from different timelines, he slowly becomes crazy and for some reason L, despite not knowing about the looping, is the one that keeps him sane. The one that somehow changes their actions. Not predictable. That when he goes back from the timeline where he's dead, he couldn't even enjoy it. Even after beating near at his own game, he couldn't enjoy it. That's why when he goes back to the timeline where light stops mid speech of explaining the connection of kira killings to yotsuba, he just stares at L. In disbelief, and without hesitation, hugs him or something. )
That is all, thank you.
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d3stinyist1red · 26 days
ʏᴀɴᴅᴇʀᴇ ʟɪɢʜᴛ ʏᴀɢᴀᴍɪ x ʀᴇᴀᴅᴇʀ
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Yan light who met you in highschool, the last year
Yan light who becomes your study partner, helping u and ur dumb lil brain
Yan light who starts realizing how cute you were, but never had a crush on u (he did he just never wanted to admit it)
Yan light who now has a crush on you after him trying to convince himself that you're not his type,
Yan light who now helps you with more than studying, whenever you don't have a pencil, he'll give it to you eagerly, whenever you want something from Amazon but your too broke, he'll buy it for you, whenever your too lazy to work on assignments, you call him and he'll let you copy
Yan light who is now your friend rather than study buddie
Yan light who sits with you during lunch, not bothering to hang out with his other popular friends, telling you that he prefers you
Yan light who stares at you during class, thinking of all the things you could do to him before shaking his head, and covering his blushing face
Yan light who convinces his sister that you're his gf, and that's why you keep coming over to his house.
Yan light who now is by your side 24/7, walking you to classes, holding your backpack for you as you ramble about the girl u don't fw, walking you home, and more
Yan light whose house you go to for a study session, but you knew it was just gonna turn out to you rambling about drama as he watched you with heart eyes, hand on your thigh
Yan light who convinces you to stay over, saying "N/n, it's too dark out, just stay here yeah?"
Yan light who you ask "Light, where am I gonna sleep?"
Yan light who smiles, and says "In my bed, where else, sweetheart?" As if it was the most obvious thing in the world
Yan light who cuddles you throughout the night, arms around your waist as he whines when you try to pull away from him
Yan light who now tells you to go to the college he's going to, giving you puppy dog eyes as you refuse
"Sweetheart, come into the college I'm going to, you don't wanna be separated do you?"
"Honey, what do you mean your too dumb? Just copy off me, my love."
Yan light who makes you go to his college, smiling at you when you finally tell him "Fine, I'll go to your college."
Yan light who now barely lets you go to your own house, "Am I not good enough for you, love?" He asks with tears in his eyes like bro I just asked u if I could go home
Yan light who cooks and cleans for you, "Honey, do you want me to make you some pasta for tonight?" He saids all giggly, his sister just gags in disgust bc why is her rat brother acting like a middle school girl in love
Yan light who is literally 3 seconds away from smashing the TV in his room because your busy playing GTA rather than him, he's literally half naked, wanting you to touch him and your playing GTA tryna run from the cops?! How dare you, just watch, he'll get rid of that fucking ga-
"hey wife, can ya bring me my water?" You ask, you gave him a glance making him perk up, knowing that if u called him wife, he'll do anything for u
"Okay! ♡" What was he thinking about again?
Yan light who finally got the death note, and told you "If you fucking even look at someone else other than me, I'll kill them."
"wife, you barely even let me see my own family"
Yan light who Misa finally meets up with
"Light! I'm your classmate, and you dropped this book!" Misa said, showing the book as light makes her follow her to his room. You were inside the room, playing rock paper scissors with ryuk the homie
Oh yeah that lil bitch light showed you the death note and practically said he'll rip anyone's skull if they even bother to look in your direction, genuinely u weren't even shocked bc ur wife was just like that fr fr but anyway now ur homies with ryuk
They both walked into the room, and Misa was quick to glare at you. 'Light is my love, and I am his so why is this homewrecker all up in his bed like that!' was her train of thought, ready to launch at you before seeing Lights dark glare on here
"Don't even fucking think about it, now why are you here?"
They talked and Misa told him if he dated anyone but her, she'll kill them.
"thats...too bad, I'm already y/ns wife"
Yan light who is your wife that kills anyone who gets between you both <333
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astersofthesky · 5 months
Is it just me or does "ghost" L looks more soft and serene and pretty in this or it's just Light romanticizing the heck out of L in his imagination.
This scene happened 10 days after L's burial, meaning they stayed there for 10 days straight. What if the reason he asked the task force and Misa to live in an apartment because during those 10 days, he kept seeing L's "ghost" wandering in the headquarters.
Literally like this, he'd see L sitting in on his chair. He'd see L on the bedroom they shared with. He'd see sugar cubes stacked on each other and sees L putting another piece in it's tower.
Probably explains the dead eyes, those soulless, empty eyes. He is being haunted, not because of guilt, but because he actually misses L's presence (but he's too prideful to admit it) so this feeling of missing him reflects on his eyes. Light looked like a walking dead man in here.
What's even crazy is that Light blatantly mourns for L that even Ryuk notices.
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Just look at his face. It was as if he's fed up at Light for just moping for days now. The way he asked, "Is your score finally settled with L?" appears he's hinting that "Are you done being depressed over your dead rival? Cause I'm starting to get bored af."
Which works in Light's favor because he now atleast a more concrete reason to dedicate himself to judging criminals because if he doesn't, Ryuk can just kill him. And he won't have his work thrown out the window just because he keeps on seeing L's ghost and feeling depressed at the sudden emptiness in his life.
Light, you are such a loser / pos
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madarasfloofyhair · 1 year
okay. my favourite details from the death note musical london performance:
the booklet being paged right to left. with a page at the end saying "you're reading in the wrong direction!"
okay but MISA MISA HAVING LIKE 5 BACK-UP DANCERS LITERALLY ALSO DRESSED UP AS MISA MISA (it was so funny to see them dance around her)
light being dragged along by sayu to misa's concerts. like the Older Brother he is.
misa's concert on stage literally had a rap segment it was WILD
sayu later fangirling over misa's 'latest song' in light's bedroom only for him to be having a life crisis right next to her because of the message in the lyrics. he was sat there like...."ill gladly give you half my years"????
L keeping the "yagami-san", "light-kun" when he talked to them!!!!!! (naturally only happened one time each BUT STILL IT WAS COOL)
ryuk taking any and every opportunity to be sassy. the audience laughed tons at his lines in particular.
like light saying "they're calling it divine justice!" and him responding "or oooh, you know, mass murder. that totally has a ring to it too :D"
L's iconic "well, light...you're the first friend I've ever had." and "what? why are you staring at me? is it...because im the only one who has sweets?" (they changed it slightly cause I think he had marshmallows on a stick? and was walking around with it, gesturing)
after the tennis match, light threw down his racket at L's feet and L held both rackets up awkwardly like a peace offering as he walked towards him
but I swear L nearly DROPPED THEM when misa arrived, I just loved watching him slip into the crowd of fans all eagerly and then the phone call scene afterwards. so iconic.
rem's. vocals. were insane. Borrowed Time. was also amazing.
PUNS ??? during misa's interrogation scene, she's naturally defending light, saying he's not kira, but also defending kira all "kira has saved us all! he's taken away the darkness in society!" ONLY TO HAVE L SNAP BACK "so....light?"
then after this one song finishes, L exclaims "Light!" out of like realisation but then the stage lights actually turn on and he's like.... "oh. convenient :)"
the way the music played in between songs during dialogue was SO GOOD it was really satisfying.
AND THEN THEY REALLY HAD LIGHT SAY "well. they do say the pen is mightier than the sword." near the end. that's just CHEESY
light. laughing. as he was winning against L at the end. "I just wanted to see your face as you realised I won :)" unhinged arrogant boy
only to have him panicking and snivelling on the ground all pathetic as he realises what ryuk's about to do.
and so, at the end. ryuk was sat at the big red chair at the centre after killing light. watching over everything. both dead bodies. the last haunting requiem. it was such a menacing and powerful sight.
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dollfacefantasy · 20 days
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pairing: light yagami x fem!reader x naoya zen'in
summary: light yagami is not gay. he has a girlfriend. naoya zen'in is just a special case.
cw: nsfw (18+), smut, p in v, oral sex (m receiving), anal, fingering, threesome, mlm, misogyny, internalized homophobia, infidelity & cheating
a/n: people say bring back crossover fics... bring back silly fics... so i did... my masterpiece... picture of naoya by @ sso_s__ on twitter
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Light felt as though he was looking into a funhouse mirror right now. The man that stood across from him in the alley resembled him in so many ways. The blonde hair swept into pointed bangs, the seemingly permanent scowl curled onto his lips. Even this guy's way of standing matched his own.
But there were also strong differences between them. The other man's hair ended with black tips. Shining silver studs pierced his earlobes, complimenting his pretty face. His golden eyes were even framed with inky liner.
Light could never imagine looking so stylish. He'd always relied on his natural looks to impress those around him. Never had he thought about enhancing his appearance with hair dye or jewelry or makeup. That stuff should be of no concern to a god. Light decides who lives and who dies in this world. Not if he wants his eyes to have winged tips or be double lined. Still, he felt a draw to it for some reason.
He'd been walking back to his apartment when Ryuk warned him something strange was lurking up ahead. Expecting a shinigami or at least another death note owner, he crept forward on guard. But all he found was this guy, who despite his striking appearance, seemed normal. The only thing of any significance was the way he was staring back with confusion.
"Can I help you?" Light asks, the words tasting hesitant on his tongue.
"Where am I?" the other man is quick to respond, clipped and expectant.
Light blinks at the question. "Are you lost?" he responds without answering the question.
"No," he replies so fast it seems automatic, "Well... sort of."
Strange. Light pulls out his phone and flips it open, thumb ready to dial a number. "Is there someone I could call for you?"
The other man's eyes catch on the device, examining it with a combination of curiosity and dismissal.
"What do you have that old thing for?" he scoffs. "Haven't seen one of those in a while."
A frown pulls at Light's lips. Sure, the phone wasn't the most modern model, but it wasn't that old. For someone needing help, this guy had an attitude about him.
"I know it's not like the new touch screen ones they have out now, but it works for me," he says flatly with a shrug, "Now did you have anyone who could pick you up or give you a ride home?"
Despite his attempt to move the conversation forward, the stranger still seems stuck on Light's choice of electronics. His brows have furrowed together, a gleam of bewilderment taking over the golden flecks in his irises.
"You know they have ones that can flip open with a touch screen. Why don't you get one of those? I doubt that thing can even play a video without burning a hole through your hand."
Light's eyes narrow at the other man. 
A flip phone with a touch screen? Why would this guy feel the need to tell such an inconsequential lie? Does he think I'm stupid? Was this a prank or a test of some sort? But for what? He's tested nothing but my patience so far.
He shakes his head after thinking to himself, still undecided on the motives of this pretty boy.
"I don't need it to play videos. I have a computer for that. Do you want me to call someone for you or not?" he huffs.
"It's 2018, phones are computers. Why restrict yourself?"
"Don't tell me you don't know when you are either," Light retorts.
"It's not 2018. It's 2012."
This guy glances across the alley as if he's suspicious. Of what, Light has no clue. He wasn't the one loitering around a dark alleyway as the sun went down, getting into arguments with strangers about the year and flip phones.
He almost rolls his eyes but sighs instead. "Look, I don't have all night. I'd be happy to help you, but if you don't need anything, I really should get going."
In the first bit of uncertainty from this man, he pauses. "Could I go back with you to your apartment?"
Light's brow quirks up. "I don't think that's a good idea. I don't know you, and my girlfriend wouldn't be too happy about me bringing a stranger home."
A sneer even more severe than the one he'd given before takes over the man's features. "Please. Why would I be interested in thieving off someone carrying around a flip phone? My life is much more lavish than your own, I just don't want to wait around in an alley while I decide what to do."
Light feels his own arrogance boiling within, begging to bubble over and show itself. But before he can defend himself, this guy keeps talking.
"But, if you let your girlfriend decide who is and isn't allowed in your apartment, I doubt you'd be much help to me anyways," he says.
"She isn't the one who decides, but I don't want to deal with her getting upset because I brought some random guy home."
"You make it sound like she'd be jealous," the man smirks, a hint of teasing in his voice.
The words knock the wind out of Light. He audibly sputters. 
Why would she be jealous of a man? She knows I'm not gay. It would be pointless. Why would this guy even suggest that? Does he think I'm gay? There's no way. Is he gay? He's playing at something. He wants to rile me up so I'll let him come with me. But why? I'll go along with it just to see what he wants. If anything goes wrong, I have the piece of the death note on me. All I need for that is...
"What's your name?"
"Naoya Zen'in," he answers smoothly, "And yours?"
"Light." No way he was giving away his full name to this guy. He didn't know if he had a death note of his own on him. "I'll let you come with me, Naoya. But as soon as you get yourself together, you're gone."
"Works for me. I doubt it will take long, Light," Naoya agrees and crosses the alleyway to approach him, "Let's get going."
The two of them walk side by side in silence down the narrow pathway between buildings. Silence fills the space between them. Light continues to ruminate on the previous conversation while Naoya trots with an air of smug satisfaction about him.
"So why were you even in that alley in the first place? And why don't you know what you're going to do?" the younger man asks.
"I'm not from here. Well the city, I mean. My family lives outside it. I just have to figure out what to do about getting there," Naoya says, answering the second question first, "Last night, they had a party, and those things can get kind of wild. I don't really remember how I got out here."
A simplified explanation, Light can tell. "A party? So were you drinking or something?" he inquires further.
"Something like that... my family is different than most. You can't really understand if you're not one of us. This is probably like a test or something."
"Testing your ability to call a cab or get someone to give you a lift? Sounds pretty pointless," Light says. This guy was so casually arrogant. It rubbed some part of Light in a way he couldn't explain.
"My trip home will be farther than you might think," is all the older man says back.
Another pause comes over them. The sound of their shoes on the pavement takes the place of voices. Looking down, Light notices their paces are in sync. He lags for a moment to disrupt that.
"So you were coming home from work?" Naoya asks, picking up the slack in the conversation. From the way he speaks, it seems as if asking others about themselves is foreign to him.
"Something like that," he shrugs. A sigh leaves him. 
I should try to be social. To appear normal. If this is a test of some sort, I can't let him know he got in my head.
"I work on the Kira case. The investigation team aimed at discovering his identity," he tries again.
"Kira?" the other man asks. When Light turns and looks at him, it seems as though he had no clue what any of that meant.
"Yeah, Kira," he says. There was no way there were people who still didn't know about Kira. Not believing or agreeing was one thing. But not knowing was impossible. Not after the domination he'd achieved over the world since L's death.
"Am I supposed to know what that is?"
Light scowls and grumbles in irritation. It chips at both sides of his pride, even if he doesn't want to admit it. "Very funny."
"I told you my family lives far out of the city," Naoya defends.
"You'd have to be from another world to not know who Kira is," Light shakes his head, "Just follow along. We're almost there."
Naoya shrugs and continues on behind Light as they reach the final bit of the journey to his apartment. Thunder cracks in the cloudy sky above, indicating some rain would pour down in the coming hours. The wind was picking up too. Light pulls his jacket tighter around his frame and bounces up the stairs to his floor.
He pulls the key out of his pocket when he gets there and jams it in the lock. The door creaks open, and the both of them head inside. All the lights in the apartment are still off, meaning no one else has come home yet. Before doing anything else, Light slips his coat off and hangs it up along with his bag on the sleek rack fastened to the wall. He then drops his keys and wallet on the nearby wooden side table.
Walking further into the apartment, he clicks a light on. Once Naoya can see, he scans the place. It's much neater than he would've expected from a young couple. No belongings strewn over couches or chairs, no mail piling on the counter, or furniture that's damaged but yet to be replaced.
Light heads into the living room, so Naoya trails a few paces behind. It's modest but comfortable in here. A basic sofa and a plush set of chairs. A tv on the wall that was nice for the time. The kitchen in an alcove off to the side, and then a hallway towards the back which he assumed led to the bedroom and bathroom. The two of you even had a sliding door to a balcony on the wall opposite him. He could see the angry storm clouds brewing in the distance.
The first piece of evidence that this place is lived-in sits on the bookshelf next to the tv. Naoya's eyes linger on the object the moment he notices it. A framed photograph. Bordered by silver, Light and you. Your hand cupped beneath his jaw, fingers squishing his cheeks as you plant a kiss to his face.
"Is that your girlfriend?" he asks. He tries to sound neutral, but his natural disdain seeps through.
As if snapped out of his thoughts, Light's head whips in his direction. His eyes search for what Naoya's referring to, but once he sees, he nods. A simple gesture, no real pride in it.
"Yeah, that's her."
"She's pretty, I guess."
"Have you been with her long?" Naoya asks and turns to face Light completely.
The other man sits down in one of the chairs, silently beckoning Naoya to do the same.
"Yeah, about... four years now."
"Is she the only one you've ever been with?" he asks as he sits down on the couch instead.
"Yeah. The only lasting one, anyways."
"The only one you've ever fucked?"
Light's cheeks fill with color at the question. First implying he was gay, and now this? What was this guy's problem? He sits up straighter in his chair, clearing his throat and smoothing out some wrinkles in his pants.
"That's really none of your business. You shouldn't be so blunt as a guest in someone else's home. Maybe your family never taught you that."
A grin breaks out across the other man's pretty face. "It's a reasonable assumption. You two live together. You're adults."
"Then why do you even have to ask?" Light mutters. 
He's far too good at bothering me. Maybe I should try playing by his rules. Be blunt. Take the offensive. Find out if he's up to something.
"I'm just trying to figure you out," Naoya interrupts his inner monologue, "You don't have to get all defensive about it. Even if you're a virgin, I won't judge."
"I'm not a virgin," Light says quickly, putting that to rest before it can even become a debate.
In truth, his sex life with you was a sore spot. He wasn't a virgin - that was true - but that's not to say you two have sex often. A month had passed since the last time he'd been inside you. It was never bad... he just had more important things to do. He still cared about you, in a way. He always made sure to keep you safe. But he didn't have time for romance. Not while crafting a new world.
That had been a point of contention in your relationship for years, something you were constantly getting upset about. There was no way Naoya could know that from the thirty or so minutes they'd known each other though. So why was he asking?
"What are you even trying to figure out? Shouldn't you be more worried about getting home than what me and my girlfriend do in our alone time?" Light says, a bit snappier than before.
Naoya's grin becomes more fox-like. "I'm still thinking about that. Can I not wonder about you too?" he asks. When he receives no response from Light, he continues speaking. "I just thought it would make sense if you were a virgin. But it still adds up that you've never been with anyone else. That's why you let her have such a handle on you."
The words inflame Light, but he tries to suppress any reaction. "She doesn't have a handle on me. I handle her."
"Didn't seem like it when I asked if I could come over here."
Damn it. He got me there. What am I doing? I don't have to put up with this. I don't even know this guy. Who the hell does he think he is? I could have him dead in minutes if I wanted to. He should be on his knees- I mean bowing at my feet, thanking me for sparing his life.
Light's expression grows more agitated. "Well I do. I'm sure you think you're some kind of expert on this, but I doubt you've ever even had a girlfriend before," he fires back.
And Naoya laughs. He fucking laughs at him! Unbelievable.
"You're right, I've never had a girlfriend before, but I've been with tons of girls," he says.
Light rolls his eyes so hard, they're in danger of falling out of his skull. "I can't say I don't see why they didn't stick around."
"It's not them who make the decision to not go forward. I have no interest in having a girlfriend," he says simply, "Women are only kept around because God knew that men couldn't be burdened with the curse of bearing children. So he saddled women with that duty. That's their purpose. I don't understand why we have to pretend their existence should amount to anything more."
Silence fills the room after that mini-speech. Light had never heard anyone say anything so... like that. This guy's family really must have been out there.
"That's not-"
"It's the truth. Any man who says otherwise is lying or has been tricked into believing that he should love something so wholly beneath him," he continues.
Light doesn't even know how to argue with him when he seems so confident that he's correct. How did the conversation even get to this point?
"I can see it in your eyes, you know she's not your equal," he says and gestures to the picture with you on the shelf, "You don't have the connection with her that you have with even me, and I've known you less than an hour. She can't understand you."
The words are uncomfortable in Light's ears. They wriggle their way inside his head and wrap around his brain, squeezing and trying to push their sentiment onto him. Part of him felt it was true. Oftentimes, he didn't think you could understand him. Not from lack of effort, just as if it was something you're incapable of.
You'd whine at him for attention, pressing against his side on the couch in an attempt to get him to cuddle you. And he would sometimes, but not as much as you wanted. So your rants about his lack of affection never seemed to end. You never thought to look at it from his perspective. Always jumping to the conclusion that he didn't love you, never once considering that he just wasn't a physically affectionate person.
He still felt some guilt clawing at his stomach though, like he shouldn't be thinking of you like this.
As if Naoya can read his mind, he softens his words a bit for his next point. "I'm not saying you can't care about them - though, to be clear, I don't. But maybe you do care for your girlfriend. You just don't love her. She's a companion for you. Like a pet. Something that makes you feel needed."
"It's not that," Light says, "I know I'm needed. And I'm needed for much greater things than taking care of her. We've been together for a long time. And... we just... go together. I can't just get rid of her. Plus she can be useful sometimes."
Naoya nods, his brows rising into a patronizing look. Light hates it. Despises the assumption that he's weak for not hating you. It's just the truth, even when you drive him crazy and annoy him to levels he didn't think possible, he didn't hate you. He didn't feel passionate enough about you to hate.
He wants to talk about something else though; to leave this subject behind in favor of something that would put Naoya in the hot seat and make him insecure too. It's not his proudest moment, but he swings at the lowest hanging fruit he can think of.
"So... what's with the makeup and the hair? Did your dad not give you enough attention or something?"
Naoya laughs again, the winged tips of his eyeliner crinkling in amusement. "No. I'm daddy's favorite," he says, unaffected.
It stirs envy within Light, the way he could be so casual about being prodded at. He didn't get defensive at the implication or start stuttering and tripping over words. His jaw clenches as he tries to think of something else that could get to Naoya, but the older man beats him to it.
"You don't like it? Or are you jealous?"
He got him yet a-fucking-gain because Light freezes. He stares at Naoya, unsure of what to say.
"I'm not jealous. I was just curious. Most guys don't wear that stuff."
"I'm better than most guys," he says as if it's fact, "I could show you how to do it if you want."
"W-what? I can't- There's- I don't have any of that stuff."
"Your girlfriend doesn't have any makeup?" he asks, unconvinced, "It looks like she's wearing a lot in that picture."
"She does, but-"
"Then go get it, and I'll show you how. I can tell you want to. You may not like it, but you want to know."
And that was true. He was curious if anything else. That's what he tells himself as he rises to his feet and goes into your shared room. He sees you'd made the bed this morning before you left for work.
Your bedroom was visibly divided into two sectors. Light's was pristine. Clean without clutter, well-kept and functional. The made-up bed was the only part of yours that appeared that way. Pieces of your personality littered your nightstand. A pile of clothes he'd asked you to put away sat in the corner on the chair. And then in the farthest corner stood the vanity where you did your makeup.
He creeps over there as if you'd suddenly jump out from under the bed and scold him for even thinking about it. Looking down at the dark wood of the table, he finds that you're not very organized. A few different containers sit atop the surface, holding brushes and tubes of cream. You have a holder for your hair ties and combs. A rack for your perfume. Nowhere among these things though, does he find a black eye pencil.
Opening the drawers, he scans their contents. One is dedicated to eye shadow palettes, the next is filled with lipsticks and glosses. Finally the third has a thin, black stick tucked towards the back. He grabs it and returns to the living room where Naoya is still sitting on the couch.
Light makes his way over and sits on the adjacent cushion. He shoves the product into Naoya's palm, briefly getting a feel of how smooth the other man's hand is.
"Alright, sit back," Naoya says.
"What-" Light starts before his eyes widen. 
Naoya climbs on top of him. He's straddling him. Everything in Light screams at him to push him off, shove him to the floor and rocket to his feet to kick him out of the apartment. His heart thunders in his chest, his breaths shaking before they can even leave his lungs.
He can feel the heat of the other man's body above his. This close, he can see his golden eyes in detail. They look like that of a fox's, cunning and sly.
His slender fingers curl over Light's shoulders as he adjusts. He huffs out a laugh, and Light can feel the heat of his breath fan over his face.
"Calm down. I just have to get close enough or else it'll come out crooked. This is the easiest position."
Light nods and clears his throat. He exhales slowly, allowing his awkwardness about the situation to leave him. It's fine. He's just messing with him. He'll probably leave right after this. It's just fun.
But if it's just fun, why do his eyes keep darting towards the door to see if the knob rattles with your arrival?
Naoya scoots a little closer, his pelvis pressing against Light's belly. The cap of the makeup tool pops off, and he tucks it into his pocket.
"You have nice eyes, Light. Deep brown. Pretty," Naoya mutters as his fingers come up to tilt his head back against the couch.
A loud pop of thunder echoes through the sky outside. Following it is the soft pittering of rain against the balcony. Light swallows hard. He feels an involuntary rush of heat creeping up his neck. He hopes it's not visible, but he knows his wishes haven't been granted when Naoya chuckles.
"Blushing from just that? Does she give you any attention?"
And that's the bad part. You do give him attention. Tons of it. So much he feels like he's drowning most days. You adore calling him pretty boy, to which he scowls every time and tells you to quit it. You love running your fingers through his hair and complimenting the smooth texture before he swats your limb away and rolls the eyes Naoya just praised. He wasn't pushing him away though.
The pad of his thumb sweeps over Light's cheek, assessing the space it'd be working with.
"Close your eyes," he directs, his voice the softest it's been since they met in the alley.
So he does. The rich chocolate brown becomes obscured by his delicate lids. He shudders suddenly, realizing he was in an extremely vulnerable position. He'd let this man lure him straight into a trap. If Naoya did have any ill intent, he could certainly act on it now.
But he doesn't. All that happens is the tender stroke of the pen along the edge of his eye. Naoya doesn't say anything while he works. Repeated brushes of the tip ghost along his lashes. He feels the wetness dragging up into a point in the outer corner. The other eye gets the same treatment, the process done for the second time on that lid.
"Open," the man above him purrs.
His lashes flutter up as his eyes come back into view. He's met with a wild grin across Naoya's face. His heart feels like it's stalling in his chest, like it's losing its rhythm, unable to beat right under the pressure of his gaze.
"Wow," he croons, dragging the back of his finger over Light's cheek, "You look good. Almost as good as me."
This time, the heat stirs in a different part of Light's body. He tries to shut it down immediately. Think of something else.
"Let me see how I look," he says. If he saw how goofy he looked, surely any feelings of desire would dissolve.
"You should've brought a mirror," Naoya taunts as he gets up. He grabs a decorative one off the shelf and brings it back to the sofa. Instead of taking the opportunity to return to his previous spot next to Light, he returns to his lap. He holds the mirror up in front of his own face, letting Light look at his own face staring back.
He blinks a few times, watching as his lashes flutter and accentuate the deep lines Naoya had drawn. They stretch down to his inner corners up in the direction of his temples. The urge to reject what he's seeing gnaws at him, but he knows he likes it. He can't deny it.
"So what do you think?" Naoya asks and puts the mirror behind him on the table.
"It's not bad. Better than I thought it'd look." He figures it's better to give a half-truth rather than a complete lie. Less ammunition for Naoya to tease him with.
"You shouldn't have doubted my talents," he teases, "Let me do the bottoms now."
Without leaving room for argument, he guides Light's head back to where it had been before.
"Keep your eyes open this time."
Just as before, he obeys Naoya's command. He looks at the ceiling. He didn't think he'd be able to quell the feeling between his legs if he looked into those gilded eyes. The way his pupils dart away, as if running from Naoya's own, makes his thought process obvious.
"You have such good features," he praises in a murmur, "Cute nose, defined cheeks, pouty lips. Pretty."
And with those soft words he feels himself start to fill out his pants again. He squirms, trying to adjust in preparation for the worst case scenario. Fuck, this was humiliating. The only bright spot was that Ryuk had made himself scarce as soon as Naoya climbed on top of Light, so he wasn't here to mock from the sidelines. That would be the only thing that could make this worse.
Or so Light thought.
Because then the hand of Naoya's that isn't applying eyeliner comes up to cup his jaw. His thumb rubs across Light's plush bottom lip. Back and forth, tantalizingly slow.
He chokes back a whimper, but there's no way to hide the dilation of his pupils. Naoya catches it, of course. It's obvious by the way he leans in closer.
"Your lips feel just as soft as they look," he breathes before lowering his head further and replacing his digit with his lips.
Light moans into the kiss. His eyes shut again, and he melts beneath the gentle touch. Naoya takes the invitation to move in further, scooting even closer on Light's lap. His ass lands on the other man's thighs, the heat of their bodies' melding into one.
Flicking his tongue over the seam of Light's mouth, Naoya deepens the exchange. He tastes the sweetness of his saliva, and feels the smoothness of their tongues brushing against each other. Their lips move slowly, exploring each other more than anything else.
Naoya pulls back for a second to glance down at his face. "Your girlfriend... she can't understand. None of them can. They don't know what it's like to be one of us."
Light hangs on every word, and then leans up to go in for more. Naoya reciprocates, dropping the eyeliner onto the couch to leave streaks Light would have to deal with later. Kisses turn into full blown making out. Naoya still manages to get a few words out against his mouth.
"They don't understand how to please. What feels good," he mutters as a palm slides down to palm at Light's solid bulge, "I do though."
His hips buck into the touch on instinct, a gasp leaving his throat in tandem. Fuck, that felt so good. What was happening? He wasn't gay. Light was sure of that. He liked girls. Well maybe not liked, but he was attracted to them. He had you. He didn't think about guys like this.
Even with Naoya mentioning you, the thought of you doesn't cross Light's mind until he hears the sound of your voice. The feeling of Naoya's lips on his own had him too distracted to notice the cue he'd been previously waiting for.
"What the fuck?" you cut through the fog of lust with your sharp tone.
It almost doesn't feel real, like the nonsensical part of a dream that lets you know it's just that. He turns his head to look at you, to try and explain what you walked into. His lips leave Naoya's, but that doesn't deter him from planting a few kisses on Light's throat before looking over at you too.
What to say, what to say, what to say? Fuck. He couldn't use the cliche 'it's not what it looks like.' But what even was the truth? He was cheating on you, but... it didn't feel like it? He gawks at you for a moment before making the first attempt at justification.
"I- um... I swear, just let me explain to you-" he starts, but it's like you don't even hear him.
You stomp over to the couch, rage blazing in your eyes. "Is that MY fucking eyeliner?" you ask, absolutely incensed.
It was one thing to cheat on you, but to use YOUR makeup for the foreplay?? A whole other matter entirely.
"Yes," he says and moves Naoya back onto his part of the couch.
He quickly realizes that decision was a mistake though when the outline of his stiff cock against his pants becomes visible for everyone in the room. The evidence of his arousal just seems to upset you more. Tears start welling in your eyes, and Light's mind scrambles to defuse this situation before it gets out of hand.
It wasn't so much you being hurt that bothered him; rather he worried you might do something irrational to get back at him. This was the part of your relationship he didn't want to admit to Naoya. You knew most of his secrets. Being together since the two of you were eighteen, you saw so much of him. Not only could you expose what you saw right now, you had the potential to ruin his life.
He considers writing your name down on the piece of paper he keeps in his pocket, but it was far too risky. You'd know what he was doing in a second, and you had a piece on you too. You could scribble out Light Yagami just as quickly. His only hope would be that you'd be so tempted to write him out a long, horrible death, that it'd give him the advantage of time over you.
But instead of testing fate, he decides to deal with the problem head on.
"Baby," he starts, forcing out one of the pet names you always begged him to call you, "Just listen to me, ok? You have every right to be upset, but just don't do anything irrational. I can explain what happened."
You stay where you are, body visibly rigid with anger. But you don't lunge at him or storm off, so that's a good sign.
Before he can continue, Naoya scoffs from behind him, sounding more annoyed by the interruption than anything else. "Women. Creatures of pure emotion."
That does set you off. "Who the fuck even are you?"
Light reaches out for your hand and guides you to sit on the couch next to him before this can get any worse.
"That's Naoya," he begins. He then gives you a summary of the last hour and a half, leaving out a few choice parts.
Your face slowly loses emotion and retreats into a neutral expression. It both worries him and settles his nerves.
"So are you gay?" you ask at the end of his story, "Is that what you're trying to tell me? Is that why you won't touch me?"
"What?" he says defensively, "No! I'm not gay. I'm just... is that really all you took away from that?"
You shrug. 
Naoya chimes in from behind again. "You can't blame him not wanting to touch you on being gay. That just seems like the reaction any sensible person would have."
"Why the fuck are you still here?" you snap at him, "Claire's is probably missing their best customer, so feel free to leave."
"Light told you why I'm here," he smirks. He leans forward and rests his chin on your boyfriend's shoulder, looking at his face. "I think I was right before. She is jealous of me."
Light's pretty sure you're about to lunge over him and tackle Naoya through the sliding glass door, out into the rain.
"Stop," he says, shooting the other man a look.
He then grabs your hand and squeezes it, a gesture that's supposed to be reassuring.
"I'm sorry for putting you in this situation. You didn't deserve it," he says, speaking in his usual calm tone of voice, "You aren't the problem. I'm the one who felt the need to do this. I just have so much going on, and I feel trapped. I don't know where to go, so I went for the first sign of escape I could find. And that was wrong, I know. I should've just talked to you about it."
It was all what you wanted to hear, and you wanted to believe it so badly. He knew just how to play you.
"You don't have to leave though. You're important to me. You can be a part of this too."
"This isn't a porno, Light. I'm not just gonna drop my panties because you said sorry."
Your external rejection was a display meant to hide your feelings within. You hated that he wanted to continue whatever this was with this guy, but you were at least happy you had the option to be included. You wanted to believe that this was simply him getting swept up in the thrill of something new, but that he'd always return to the comfort of familiarity with you.
He reaches out and cups your cheek, pulling a little to scoot you closer. You follow along and inch over to the middle cushion.
"See? Obedient like a pet," Naoya whispers, nipping at Light's earlobe and pecking the skin beneath.
You shoot him a glare, but it does no good.  He doesn't even look your way.
Light doesn't respond to the animosity. He focuses on walking the thin line between you and Naoya, keeping this situation balanced and you from exploding and reigning hellfire upon his life.
"Good girl," he mumbles. Another name you'd asked for before. He'd have to dial it back a little in a moment, or it'd be obvious how thick he's laying it on. "Just try it for me. You'll feel much better with us then you would be sulking alone in the bedroom."
You pause, taking one last moment of hesitation. Your eyes rotate between them as you consider getting up and keeping your dignity. Lightning flashes outside and thunder follows. You know you shouldn't do this, but you can't rid the part of you that wants to please Light. That wants him to care for you like you care for him. It's so deeply rooted, that it's easier to just give in than try and weed it out.
You nod your head.
His hand pulls you all the way in, connecting your lips. He's not as passionate as he was before, but you didn't get a close enough look to know that. In a way, he feels like he's mimicking Naoya's techniques on you. You sigh softly and shut your eyes, returning the affection in full.
On Light's throat, Naoya attaches his mouth. That strikes a spark within the younger man again. His lips float up and down the column, gliding over the tender skin with precision. It works a whimper out of Light, and that's when Naoya's hand creeps around his body and slides up his thigh. His palm finds his erection, which hadn't fully dwindled yet.
"Still hard, Light? You must want me bad," he taunts before using his teeth to pull at the flesh on his neck.
He moans, and your eyes flash with jealousy. You stare into the golden spheres, hating this man you barely even knew.
Bringing your lips down, you begin to work on the other side of Light's throat. You lap at his pulse point before attaching your lips and sucking a little mark onto the pale expanse. In tandem, your hand slides down his chest to rest on his thigh teasingly.
As if switching positions with you, Naoya rises to Light's lips. He resumes the kiss that you had interrupted. And even with your hand getting closer down below, he keeps his own cupped over Light's cock, like he's his instead of yours.
Light whimpers from all the attention on him. He sinks back into the plush cushions, and both you and Naoya follow along. His eyes droop closed, allowing him to just feel. 
Without the visuals, he can still tell the touches of Naoya and you apart. Your lips are smaller, your touches more delicate. Your fingers linger and tease, coaxing a reaction. Naoya goes for what he wants, and what he wants is Light to squirm and whine. He paws and grabs, rough squeezes and harsh bites between kisses. He makes his heart pound and his head spin, struggling to keep up.
Before he knows it, a familiar hand is creeping up his shirt while one he doesn't recognize so well slides into his pants. He gasps as Naoya's fingertips make direct contact with his dick. They swipe at the sensitive tip, rubbing the ridge and drifting across the slit. His hips writhe, pushing him further back into the couch.
You huff. It wasn't fair. Of course you wouldn't be able to make Light feel as good when you only had access to his upper body. It was an unfair disadvantage, but you decide to try your hardest anyway. Your nails lightly scrape circles around his nipples, teasing the buds but not touching them just yet
His eyes snap open and dart to you. You'd never tried that before. "Wh-what are you doing?" he asks.
"Nothing, baby. Just trying to make you feel good," you whisper. 
You didn't understand how you touching his nipples earned him questioning you, but this guy he'd known for two hours could hold his balls in the palm of his hand without a shred of hesitation. You just decide to silence your annoyance by leaning in to kiss him again.
Naoya had left Light's lips in favor of pushing down the man's pants and watching his cock leak and drool. Shimmery beads of precum oozed out of him with each firm tug to his cock.
"So much coming out of you already... we should get to the good stuff so you don't cum too early," he mocks with one last squeeze to Light's shaft.
He then stands up and removes his own clothing. You follow suit and do the same for yourself, not wanting to be unmatched.
At first, Light lazily watches the both of you, taking in the sight of your breasts and Naoya's toned stomach. But once Naoya's removed his shirt and discarded it to the floor, Light's eyes lock on the other man.
Silver piercings shine through Naoya's nipples, and it's obvious Light's never seen anything like it before. He studies them as though he's discovering something for the first time. His jaw doesn't drop, but it might as well have from how wide his eyes are.
You drop the rest of your clothes without much effort, annoyed by the lack of attention from your boyfriend. Meanwhile, Naoya takes his time. He peels off his pants, building the seductive tension with a measured pace.
Crawling back onto the couch, you nuzzle Light's neck like a kitten, cooing in his ear. "Need you inside me, baby. Want you so bad."
He nods vaguely, your words clearly going in one ear and shooting right back out at you. His eyes are still on Naoya, who's now standing there stroking his own cock to full attention.
You scowl. Of course, Naoya's length is as pretty as the rest of him. It's a good size with a proud head that makes even you crave a taste. He's well-groomed, everything about him, enticing.
He smiles at your boyfriend, arrogance written all over his face. "You can fuck your little girlfriend, Light. And she can get me ready for you."
Without a second thought, Light nods, and suddenly, he's much more invested in you. He guides you to lay back on the couch and gets to his knees at the end of you. Naoya takes up the spot next to your head, leaning against the cushions for stability.
Disrobing the rest of the way, Light lines up his dick to your entrance, faster than he'd ever done when it was just the two of you. He slides the tip in, grunting at how tight you are. Your slick coats him inch by inch until he's bottomed out.
Up top, Naoya strokes your hair and looks down at you with sinister intent. His cock awaits your mouth inches away from your lips.
"Use any teeth, and I'll make sure you have none left before I'm done with you," he says lowly.
Your eyes harden into a glare, but when the reddened head bumps your lips, you accept it. The shaft slides over your tongue to the back. The man above you lets out a groan and tilts his head back.
"Mmmm... she's got a good mouth," Naoya hums, "You teach her that, or is she just naturally such a slut?"
Light had been focused on rabbiting his hips against your center, finding some relief from how worked up he'd gotten. The words bring him back to reality. He looks up at the other man, taking a second to process the question.
"Oh... she's always been good at that," he says.
And it was the truth. You gave good blowjobs, and Light's favorite part about them was that they made you feel connected to him or something. All he had to do was sit back, close his eyes, and let you make him cum, and you wouldn't bitch about the lack of intimacy between you two.
He curls his fingers into your thighs harder, lifting them a bit so he has leverage to fuck into you harder. Sounds of your elicit activities fill the room. Skin claps against skin while you gag on Naoya's cock. Hips pump against your face, a hand cupped on the back of your head to make sure you take it all. You can barely breathe. Your nails dig into the cushions, and your body squirms more in an attempt to find some reprieve.
All Naoya does is laugh. He grins wider as he watches you struggle beneath him. His hand extends to paw at your breast and casually tweak a nipple, bringing broken whimpers from you in between the garbled groans.
"Look at you," Naoya coos. He doesn't even know you, but it seems he can't help mocking. "This is what you're good for, huh? Light's been too soft on you. Hasn't shown you your place."
The lack of oxygen makes the words roll over you like water. You keep sucking the best you can as Naoya fucks your face and Light pounds into your cunt. They both thrust with one thing in mind: their own pleasure. You're nothing more than a conduit between them.
Soon, that changes. Naoya pulls his dick from your mouth. It drips and gleams with your saliva. You inhale deeply, enjoying the fresh sensation of air hitting your lungs. He steps back and goes down to stand behind Light. His hands land on your boyfriend's sides, rubbing up and down the lean expanse of his torso.
"Feeling good? Is she tight?" he whispers as he kisses up the other man's neck, nosing at his undyed hair.
"Y-yeah," Light stammers. He feels like he's gonna malfunction.
His hips rock without error, seemingly unable to stop ricocheting into the warm, wet embrace of your pussy. Naoya scrapes his nails down Light's stomach and scratches at his v-line. His back arches and a series of whimpers pours from his lips.
"I bet you're even tighter."
Light's previously drooping eyes widen, and before he knows it, Naoya's hand has slid to his ass, fingers already prodding at his entrance. He whimpers again, trying to think of a question or a protest. This couldn't be happening.
But then it does. Two digits slip inside. And fuck, it feels so right.
Back and forth, back and forth. He maintains the steady rhythm while fucking you. From your angle, you're not totally sure what he's doing, so you let your head fall back and bliss out.
"That's right," Naoya breathes, "Fuck yourself back on my fingers. Stretch yourself out for the real thing."
And Light continues to do just that. Naoya keeps it at two fingers, never trying out a third. After he believes the other man's had enough practice, he pulls his fingers out, relishing the needy mewls Light makes.
He slots his wet dick between his cheeks before slowly pushing it in. Light has to stop for a moment. Give himself some time to adjust to the feeling of being full. A shiver sweeps up his body, and he clutches the dough of your thighs harder.
Naoya soothes the sensation by rubbing a hand up and down his spine rhythmically. Once he's calmed down, the same hand slides into his soft locks and grips hard. He yanks him, forcing his back to arch, and fucks into him harder.
You can clearly see what's happening now, but even if you couldn't, the loud moan Light lets out would have clued you in. He whimpers, still moving inside you a bit, but the movement of his body is more controlled by the force Naoya's using to pummel into him.
His eyes roll back and his jaw goes slack. He'd never felt anything like this.
"What'd I tell you? I understand," Naoya grunts, "You're never gonna be able to go back when you've had a taste of this."
Light shakes his head, though he feels so hazy, he's not sure if the motion is clear. As he becomes more used to the feeling, he starts to be able to move against you a little more. You reach a hand down and rub at your clit. Light didn't seem to be too concerned with getting you there, so you would ensure you made it yourself.
The extra stimulation on your clit makes you tighten up on Light's cock. He whines and bites his lip as Naoya continues fucking him mercilessly.
"You gonna cum? Fill her up while I fill you," he grunts behind him.
Light nods, body growing shakier as his orgasm comes closer.
Only a few more desperate swirls on your bundle of nerves, and you reach your peak. You spasm around Light, writhing on the couch beneath him. He can't take it, the feeling of Naoya battering a sweet spot inside he didn't even know he had combined with your walls trying to milk him dry.
With a whimper, his cock starts to spurt inside you. It kicks with each rope of cum, his hips twitching in between the two bodies on either side of him. His head falls back to rest against Naoya's sweaty shoulder. The other man's breaths feel cool on his own slick skin.
Naoya can tell he's cumming from how his body moves and takes it as an invitation to pump his own load deep inside of Light. He thrusts all the way in and lets loose, moaning as his release floods the other man. He fucks it in a few times, noting every little twitch or sound Light makes.
When all is said and done, the room is quiet. The only sounds are the harsh breaths leaving each of your lungs, and the tail end of the storm raging outside.
Naoya's the first to pull out, easing his cock from Light's hole. He watches a bit of cum leak out afterward and grins at the sight.
Light goes next, slipping out of you and crumpling down onto the sofa.
You stay where you are for the moment, just taking in what happened.
The silence feels awkward for you and tense for Light but satisfying for Naoya.
You need some time. You can't think while they're both sitting right there. Standing up, you stretch your limbs a little. You intend to just leave, but then your eyes catch on the black eye pencil from earlier.
Your eyes narrow at Light when you snatch it from the couch.
"You and your boyfriend better buy me new eye liner," you pout before turning on your heel and making your way to the bedroom.
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yuheartss · 10 months
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IN WHICH — light finally makes a move on the girl he’s been stalking since high school
ʚɞ WC? 949 wordss
ʚɞ warnings! - stalking, hint of kidnapping, fem!reader, fluff-ish, unedited, lowercase intended!
ʚɞ a/n: I feel like I made him a little ooc but I hope not.. if I did please tell me! constructive criticism is welcome js don't b mean ⟢
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In collage you were a bubbly person you had all the best fashions, best friends everything you could’ve ever wanted except one thing, a boyfriend, you told yourself that you didn’t need one you had to work on your fashion design major
You went to a small cafe to work on a dress sketch with your earbuds on you don’t notice a man coming up to you, he taps your shoulder and you look up at him “yes?” You ask “um can I sit here? All of the other tables are full” you look around and he was right it was full
“Yea sure” you said welcomingly the man smiles and sits with a cup of tea in hand “so what’s your name?” He says, hoping to start a conversation you look up from your sketchbook you give him another smile “y/n what about you?”
“Light” he says leaning back against his chair he looks at your sketch “are you in a fashion major or something? I can tell because of your unique style and your sketches” light finished, like he didn’t already know, you stare at him for a minute and laugh softly “your very observant Light,yea I’m in that major what about you?”
“I’m in criminal justice my father was a cop so I’m just following his footsteps” he said casually, looking into your eyes for any suspicions you might have “interesting…you don’t look like you’d be a cop more like a…scientist or something” you tilt you head as he chuckles
Your phone buzzed causing the both of you to look at the phone “hello?” You answered the keychain on your flip phone dangled as you leaned over to talk to your friend as you were doing this light took notice of your slicked back bun your curls covered in glitter hairspray, charms and hair clips near your ears
He knows you’ve been like this since high school you’ve Always been friendly you were popular and all but you never had any classes with light so of course you weren’t gonna remember him
Ryuk hoveres over Light his smile never falters what are you gonna do Light? Your not gonna stalk her are you? Ryuk teases looking over to you, still on call with who ever
“Very funny” Light says softly “i already know where she lives” Ryuk laughs as you turn back to Light “sorry about that something came up I gotta go it was nice meeting you Light” you say as you start to pack your things up
“Wait! Can- can I see you again?” He asks a little too desperately but that’s what girls like right? You blush a little and flip a page of your sketchbook and write your number down you rip the paper out and give it to him before speed walking out
He watches you go and looks at the note :
xxx-xxx-xxxx call me! ♡
He smiled at this and left the cafe as light walked out the street he couldn’t help but start thinking about if you r always like that or do you fake a face or the public he just couldn’t help but think about you about what makes you tic your fears everything
So two months later you guys have been hanging out and then light calls you, he asks if you want to take a walk in a park and of course you agree, you put on your best outfit ever cheetah print leg warmers here bows with similar patters over there
And of course you being the only person of color with bright colors on, it made you stand out quite a lot you got stares from girls and boys, men and women, dogs even! it made you slightly uncomfortable as you noticed this one man who kept following you ever since you got off the bus
You brushed that aside once you saw Light in the distance you called his name and he looked over to you with a smile you caught up to him and held his arm “sorry about this” you muttered as you leaned you head on his arm
Thinking that this’ll throw the man off and he’ll leave to which he did leave after a while of walking and that’s when you let go of Light “sorry some guy was following me and I wanted to shake him off” you explained as he nodded “yea I kinda figured that’s what you were doing it’s no problem” he replied deciding to be bold and take your hand
You bit your lip softly to stop the expression that your blushing to appear “soo where are we going?” You ask as you both go deeper into the park “you’ll see..” was all he said when you both got onto the center of the park he had shown you a lit up little area fairy lights, the water fountain reflecting those light’s making the water light up, flower bushes all around
“Oh wow..” you said softly placing your well-manicured hand over you mouth “like it?” He asked with a smirk watching your every move “yeah.. are you finna propose or something?” You questioned him eyeing him suspiciously
He chuckles “no no nothing like that, I was gonna ask if you wanted to be my girlfriend” you pause for a moment he was so casual about it you almost missed the question, you practically jumped on him screaming a yes he returned your hug smiling but what you couldn’t see was the dark look in his eyes
Next thing you know, your on tv you watch as the reporter says that you’ve been missing for three months she finally asks? who’s that girl?
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animeyanderelover · 8 months
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Tw: Yandere themes, toxic relationship, possessive behavior, obsession, delusional mindset, stalking, clinginess, jealousy, touchiness, manipulation, gaslighting, blackmail, threats, intimidation, sadism, violence, abduction, death
Tags: @shumidehiro @leveyani @izanami78
Soulmate AU
Light Yagami
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✍️Honestly, soulmates are so unlikely to meet anyways that you have stopped caring about finding your own. You have never experienced anything that would have hinted for you to have one anyways so you just brush it off as nothing and go on with your life. When you start to attend university, you meet Light Yagami. And as shameful as it is for you to admit this, you have a crush on him. Just like everybody else on this campus. It is embarrassing and to not mutate into a stereotypical simp, you decide to avoid him as good as you can. Although you just can't help your pounding heart whenever he is in your vision nor can you stop your eyes from slowly moving over to him and silently admire him. You don't expect him to return your feelings though as you know that he has asked a couple of other girls already out without deepening the relationship. It's such a shame that someone as handsome and intelligent as him has to be such a shallow playboy. But one can't have everything in life.
✍️​What you don't seem to know is that Light has noticed you already but hasn't let you realize yet. His eyes were drawn to you from the very first moment he saw you and his attraction just bloomed out of nowhere. Light is perhaps slightly frustrated with this development but he can't help the way his heart reacts whenever he looks at you. He thinks that his feelings are a waste of time since he has to work towards his goal to become the God of this world and rid it of all evil. Then there are also the additional troubles of Misa clinging to him and L being hot on his trails which would make it unnecessarily difficult to fit you within his life so he attempts to forget about you and focus on his goal. The thoughts about you linger though and as soon as he has a quiet moment, his mind always drifts to you. It is maddening as you trouble him without even knowing about it and sometimes he got so incredibly angry that the thought to write you down in his Death Note popped up in his mind only for panic and fear to settle in instantly after, a sudden ache in his heart that always catches him off-guard.
✍️​Light finds himself infiltrating your group here and there, always steering the conversation subtly into talking about you without being too obvious and without ever approaching you directly. His eyes drift carefully towards you and quickly dart somewhere else when he realizes that your eyes do the same as he doesn't want to get caught. He occasionally follows you around inside the campus without making it look like he is actually following you and he even asks Ryuk if the shinigami could keep his eyes on you from time to time. Ryuk mostly does so when he gets his reward of apples but can't help but laugh whenever Light asks him to do so as he teases the boy for his sudden obsessive interest in you. Light is no idiot though, he is very receptive. He also knows that you glance at him quite often in class only to look quickly away in embarrassment when you realize that he is looking at you too. He notices that you try to avoid him or pretend to be busy with something else whenever he walks into your direction. He carefully asks your friends about it and ultimately arrives at the delightful conclusion that you have an interest in him too but are too embarrassed to admit it.
✍️​You nearly get a heart attack when he approaches you one day and offers you to help you as he has seen you struggling in this specific subject. Honestly, you would rather not but you can't bring yourself to reject him whilst he looks at you with such a charming smile so both of you compromise to meet at his house later that night. You're so nervoud and also embarrassed when you walk into his house as you notice the glances his parents give Light and you as you would love nothing more than to explain to them that it is not what it might look like. You have some drinks and chat with his parents before Light leads you to his room. You are flattered when you realize that he has already made notes and prepared some exercises as well as explanations he has written down for you to take home with you and use as preparations for your next exam. There is definitely some tension which causes you to sweat slightly whilst Light either doesn't notice it or hides it better. You definitely feel his eyes scrutinizing you intently though the entire time.
✍️​At one point you abruptly stand up, excusing yourself as you stutter that you have to use the toilet. Light's eyes narrow as a displeased look crosses his face. His arm stretches out as his fingers grasp your wrist to stop you from fleeing from him and to chide you for lying to him trying to avoid him only for a sudden sharp heat to be felt for the both of you. He pulls his arm back in surprise as you press your hand against your chest and let out a gasp as you feel the hot and throbbing pain in your wrist. You quickly pull your sleeve up only to stare with bewildered eyes at the sudden tattoo that has suddenly appeared on your wrist. It looks like two wings of an angel. Your mind is racing as you try to comprehend what has just happened only for Light to abruptly stand up too. You look at him dazed only for your eyes to land on his wrist where you can see the same tattoo. Your jaw nearly drops as you realize what this means. When you force your eyes to look into his own, you feel a cold shudder going down your spine as you see the possessive look in his eyes. Quickly he smoothes his expression into a flawless smile again as he looks at you. Why don't the both of you get to know the other one better?
L Lawliet
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🍰​You have been born with a soulmate mark on your body, a name that has been written on your body ever since you came out of your mother's womb. It is placed on your stomach, reading the name L Lawliet. You have been told from a very young age that this means that your soulmate has already been born and that they have received their soulmate mark and your name engraved somewhere on their body the moment you were born. As a small kid you kind of fantasize over all of this but as you grow older you start changing your thoughts. How much older than you is your soulmate? What if they are over 10 years older than you? You even start to grow unconscious of the name written on your stomach and luckily the spot is easy to hide so you make it a point to never wear revealing clothes or go anywhere that would require you to wear less clothes. Finding your soulmate is such a rarity anyways so it is probably useless to hope for you to meet them.
🍰​L has even as a small child always been very perceptive so he noticed at the young age of 3 years that something had suddenly appeared on his calf that couldn't be washed away no matter what. Confusion eventually grows into acceptance and even some fondness as it brings him weird comfort just looking at the name written on his skin and uttering the name it spells out. When Wammy aka Watari finds him eventually and notices the name written on his calf, he takes his time explaining to L what this means. L is weirdly fascinated when he finally gets an explanation for this tattoo on his calf, the thought of it having appeared because his destined other finally came into the world is such an intriguing idea and concept for him. He is very discreet about having a soulmate though so he never tells the other children in the Wammy's House about this and always wears long trousers to hide your name from all eyes. The older he grows and the more he is mentored by Watari to be a great detective, the more he realizes the risks though.
🍰​His identity has to remain an absolute secret after all so the fact that somewhere on this planet is someone who walks around with his name on your skin is a huge risk for his career and safety. So as soon as he starts taking on cases and Watari starts travelling around with him, both of them also start looking for you. Amongst billions of people they have to find you and normally that would be a jarring task. Yet L already has your name engraved on his body which makes the process much more easier. Data about all people sharing the same name as you is collected yet it is when L gets to your file and sees the picture of you that he feels a sudden warm tingling in his chest as he gazes at your face. When Watari notices how he looks at your photos with an almost dazed look in his eyes and asks L if you are the right one, the young man quickly looks up at him and tells him that he would like to travel to your country as quickly as possible. He spends hours just staring at all the photos he can find and reading countless files about you, demolishing your privacy whilst satisfying his need to know more.
🍰​He takes on a fake name and fake identity just to be sure if the small possibility that you aren't his soulmate should be true. He has no doubts that it's you though as he is weirdly nervous when he goes out to meet you and the moment his dark eyes land on you, he feels his heart starting to race against his chest. He's able to quickly get close to you as you are weirdly drawn to him. L knows that this is most likely because of the soumate bond both of you share even if you don't know about it yet. His eyes are often roaming across your body as yhe wonders where his name is inked upon your body. He would just love to see it as he is sure that it would look absolutely beautiful. He can't help his slices of impatience though as he sometimes can't hold back and ask you if you have a soulmate, dark eyes gauging your every twitch and breath as your body language and facial expressions always give your lies away to him. You cold try as hard as you can but nothing is missed by his observing gaze.
🍰​Watari has to surprisingly hold him back because otherwise he would rush everything too fast. L already wants to speed up the process to take you as quickly as possible but he understands Watari's arguments that the both of you should establish a better bond before the detective takes you for himself. The entire plan as well as the execution goes smoothly as L has already come up with an explanation for your disappearance without anything leading to him. He waits anxiously until you wake up and remains calm as he explains everything to you. You don't want to belive him when he tells you that he is your soulmate but when he reveals the tattoo on his calf to you, your eyes widen and your heart skips a beat when he tells you his real name. Your eyes glance down at your stomach and in the next moment you feel L's cold finger eagerly gripping the hem of your sweater, lifting the material slowly up as you can hear his breath hitching as he finally sees his own name on your skin. Dark eyes seem to burn this image into his mind before he finally meets your anxious and jittery gaze. You're staying with him from now on.
Fyodor Dostoevsky
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​🍎​Soulmates have always been a concept that you have grown up with since your childhood. Oftentimes it was romanticised since a lot of people just adored the idea of finding your significant other who was destined for you. It wasn't uncommon for people to not like the idea that much though since it felt like they had no choice to choose their partner. No matter which opinion one person had, finding their soulmate in such a huge world was often very difficult to achieve. Some of the symptoms people had because of their soulmate or because they were born with their significant other were also quite scary in your mind. You remember reading stories about people who couldn't taste or were only able to see the world in black and white and still remember clearly how one of your classmates often got mysterious injuries because they and their soulmate shared every wound. So your lack of any tattoos, names or lack of taste was honestly a relief for you.
🍎​Fyodor's thoughts on soulmates have always been very interesting. To imagine that there is a force beyond human understanding which determines who is your destined other and might occasionally even ruin the life of people as they wailed in misery because they couldn't find their love was intriguing. Love truly can be a curse at times, especially with the way some people become aware that they have a soulmate. Reading reports of how some people died because of the injuries their soulmate suffered or how some just experienced the pain without receiving the actual injuries has been a small hobby of his when he had the time. Fyodor has some mild fascination with the concept of soulmates as he sometimes wonder where his one is as he has nothing that could help him to find you as he has no marks nor any obvious symptoms. Soulmate bonds can be very different from case to case, although some are more common than others so he occasionally wonders what symptoms he will develop if he should ever find his soulmate.
🍎​Both of you meet in the town you are living in as he has currently settled there because he is looking for a specific someone who he needs for one of his schemes. You're currently working in a small dining place as it is the best job you were able to find at the time. It isn't much but you are thankful enough as your co-workers are mostly nice and the money you earn is enough to get you around. You can't deny that you feel almost instantly attracted to Fyodor when he first enters this place but you don't expect it to be more than a slight crush. After all a lot of your co-workers end up gushing silently about him when he walks in since he is a handsome young man. Still, you end up being the one who takes his order and you try your best to not act stupid as you walk over to him, although you feel the heat settling into the skin of your face when purple eyes meet your own and just seem to observe you before he gives you a small smile and orders a hot beverage.
🍎​He can't quite put his fingers around it but there just seems to be something about you that fascinates Fyodor. A fatal attraction for you that leads him to visiting your diner more often than he would normally. Sure, he enjoys the tranquility in the place as well as the tea and the coffee that he is being served there but the main attraction about this place really is you. He can't help the small feeling of disappointment whenever you aren't the one taking his orders as his eyes always seem to search for you. What is it about you that has him feeling so obsessed? He can never seem to find an answer for this question as he watches all surveillance cameras to see what you are up to when he has the time. Slowly he starts messing your life up and takes your hidden misery in when he visits the diner yet something hampers him from feeling the sadistic satisfaction as he watches your tired face and the exhaustion written all over you. Why is he feeling pity for you?
🍎​Fyodor finally realises what you are to him when he witnesses you one day at your lowest point as everything just seems to crumble apart around you. Tears fall down your face as you sob and he hates how he feels this painful twinge in his heart whilst watching you. He feels something akin to bitterness poisoning his mind as he looks at you. You deserve this pain and despair for tainting him with the sin of loving someone like you yet you elicit guilt out of him even if he is in the right. Your face is buried in your face as you cry so you don't notice the pale hand stretching out for you with the intent of hurting you. Yet he never reaches you. His hand is left trembling in the air as it feels like some sort of invisible force is repelling him from you. His eyes rest at his hand before they dart over to you and suddenly he has an idea. The moment he drops his intent to hurt you, his hand moves forward and caresses your hair, whispering soothing words to you whilst his eyes start gleaming with an unsettling look. How interesting.
Jouno Saigiku
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♦️​It started when you were about 13 years old. Those dreams. Initially it was all blurry and appeared only in fragments. You always thought that you saw a figure there though, although you could never really tell who it was and what they looked like. After a few months you started hearing a voice calling out for you. It was a boy and soon you could see that he was walking towards you. Yet both of you were unable to reach the other as neither of you had mastered the world of those shared dreams just yet. You tried your best to control your dreams as you knew that this boy was your soulmate yet you still struggled as the colors around you melted as the world around you always crumbled. He on the other hand had soon learned how to shape the dreams around him and always came to rescue you and give you stability within those dreams. You found out that his name was Saigiku and happily told him your own name.
♦️​He could see. Whenever he slept, he was able to see. A world coated in darkness became a vibrant world of colors whenever you joined him in your dreams and slowly learnt how to shape the world around yourself. He could see your face always smiling happily whenever he joined you in your dreams. Honestly, the delight he felt whenever he could see you was almost amusing as he knew that he partially felt like this because of the fact that you were his soulmate. Yet whilst he was able to see, he was slightly annoyed about the fact that his exceptional hearing was gone. He couldn't read you properly like he could have done if he would have just heard your heartbeat properly. Whilst Jouno was still much more deceptive and focused on your body language and facial expressions, he probably was still missing things.
♦️​You noticed that Jouno didn't reveal much about himself besides his name and that saddened you a bit since the two of you were soulmates. At the same time you also started telling him less crucial information about yourself as he didn't tell you either. It was only fair after all. You always imagined that he squeezed his eyes shortly as if displeased about your lack of information before it disappeared so quickly behind his composed and small grin that you often wondered if you were just seeing stuff. You couldn't deny though that something just felt a little bit off about Saigiku. Sometimes it just felt like something sinister was lurking beneath his surface. You didn't want to tell him that though since a part of you didn't want to believe that your soulmate could possibly be someone bad. Often you just blamed yourself for being paranoid. Perhaps you should have gone with your gut feeling though.
♦️​It was years later that both of you eventually agreed to meet finally after having only ever interacted in your shared dreams. Jouno instantly seized control of the situation as he convinced you to meet somewhere he suggested, seemingly uncaring about how long you would have to travel then. You were slightly mad but you eventually caved in and fell for his sweet words. So you took the journey all the way to the destination he had suggested. It was in a park where very few people were strolling around. You could feel your heartbeat pounding against your chest in anticipation as you looked around until you spotted a man sitting on a bench, waving at you. You quickly recognized Saigiku and ran towards him, really happy as this was the first time you had seen him in real life. You couldn't help yourself but give him a hug as soon as you stood before him and he, even if he seemed caught off guard at first, returned your embrace eventually.
♦️​You quickly find out something about him that he had never told you before. He was blind. He couldn't see anything and could only see when he was sharing dreams with you. It instantly triggered guilt and sadness inside of you. Jouno was glad that this was the bond you two shared though as one of his hands went up to caress your facial features, imagining very vividly the flustered look on your face as he could hear your heartbeat speeding up. Both of you spent a few hours just sitting there as you were talking mostly whilst he was just listening to your voice and your heartbeat before he decides that it's time for both of you to go. You quickly offer him your help when he stands up but are dumbfounded when he walks just fine, his steps confident as he leads you somehwere. He grabs your arm, his grip a bit too tight for your taste, as he leads you outside the car to a balck car and gestures you to get inside. You start to get a bad feeling as you try to tell him that you can get to your hotel by yourself only for his grip to tighten painfully as he gently forces you into the car. Poor thing, he really hid a lot from you. Don't worry though, he'll tell you everything now that you'll stay with him.
Suehiro Tetchou
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🌸​You have lived a pretty normal life so far. Obviously you are aware of soulmates but they are such a rarity that you decide to not waste your time on dreaming about something that is unlikely to happen anyways. Instead you focus on studying hard to live a good life and be able to look after yourself. You graduate with excellent grades and decide to travel to Japan before you apply to a university and get a job. You have been saving for this trip since years and make thorough plans to get the most out of the few weeks that you will travel through Japan. So you land in the airport of Tokyo and slowly make your way through the land then. Until eventually you land in Yokohama, the port town. So far you have been pretty satisfied with everything you have seen. Until an accident happens in the town. You aren't involved, you just happen to walk past it as citizens are rescued and a gang who has been running around for some time now is currently being arrested. That's when you see Tetchou for the first time...surrounded by a colorful aura.
🌸​As the Hunting Dog walks outside, he catches something very colorful as he walks outside the half-destroyed building as some of the bombs planted inside there have gone off but luckily it is still standing. He turns his head around, confused and curious about what is shimmering with so much colors before his eyes land on yours and he feels his breath hitching. A sudden burst of emotions floods through him and he doesn't even know why. He can see the colors surrounding you changing color as well as shape as well when he meets your eyes. Your mind is racing just as much as your heart is as you stare at him in bewilderment and shock and see his aura twisting and turning in shape and color as he also just stares at you. You turn your head around confused as you wonder if others can see what you can as well but none of them seems to notice what you do. When you turn around again, your heart drops as you see him marching to you. He stops right in front of you, his eyes unwavering as he looks at you and asks you who you are.
🌸​He tells you that he can see a colorful aura surrounding you and seems to try to crook his head when you tell him that you can do the same. He can't see what you can see though nor can you see what he sees. You two seem to be the only ones in general who can see the colors shaping and changing around the other. Both of you seem to get lost in thought. You try to wrap your head around what this weird phenomenon is whilst he just stares straight at you as you only look at the colors around him. You notice pretty soon how soon he emits pink mist from around him that almost appears to be the shape of hearts and that is when it clicks in your mind. You feel yourself getting quickly embarrassed and slightly hostile as you realise that those colors symbolize his feelings and that he can by extension also see how you are feeling. He notices the change in colors and asks you worried what is wrong. You purse your lips as you give him a conflicted look before you decide to tell him the truth.
🌸​You two have to be soulmates. There is no other explanation you can come up with. Normally your heart doesn't race as much when you are around other guys and normally you don't feel so stupidly attractive to someone you just met. Tetchou takes the news much better than you do though. Of course he is a tad bit surprised when you initially tell him but he accepts it pretty quickly and instantly asks you if you plan to stay in Yokohama. That is where things start to get pretty complicated since you never planned to meet your soulmate on your vacation. You didn't even expect to have a soulmate at all! Truth be told, a part of you doesn't want to stay in Japan for the rest of your life. Tetchou on the other hand thinks very differently than you do. He has obviously heard of soulmates but has never paid it too much mind up until now. It feeds his growing delusions pretty well as he can't understand your hesitation. Soulmates are so rare after all. Why would you even consider leaving your other half?
🌸​He is an immovable object as you soon find out. Because you can't convince him to give you time to consider this at all. You remind him that you have to travel back to your own country and that you have to consider this and also inform your parents. He insists that you can just work for the government and that he could get you work with ease. You carefully observe his aura that starts moving faster around him and that changes to only a few dark colors as he grows more frustrated and impatient whilst you do your best to keep your composure. Both of you just can't seem to come to an agreement as Tetchou is unable to understand why you wouldn't want to give up your current life in favor of staying with him and even getting a job in the government. Soon paranoia poisons his mind and you can see that as he asks you if you don't want him and the spike of fear shown in your aura to him only fuels this. He truly doesn't want to force you into staying but if he must, he will. You just need a bit more time to accept the fact that both of you are soulmates and have to stay together. He's sure that you'll thank him soon enough for making the right decision for the both of you.
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☁️​Years have passed by without any weird incidents. Years were you thought that you were just a normal person without anything special about you. Honestly, initially you were a tad bit disappointed that you apparently weren't born as the soulmate of someone else as you never felt any weird symptoms that would have indicated that you had one. As you grew older though, you started accepting this. This just meant that you had the freedom to choose someone if you would ever desire a partner. But then something changed. You were already a young adult when it one day just started. Initially it was so silent and delicate that you sometimes just mistook it as your mind hallucinating. But then it became louder. The voice became louder inside your head. It was oftentimes nothing more than a wavering whisper that you could hear within your own mind. You wondered if you had gone crazy as you dared to call out to the voice.
☁️​Sigma on the other hand completely froze within his tracks when he heard your voice suddenly within him as well, carefully calling out to him. What was that? He had never heard this before in his life and it made his heart pound against his chest. It wasn't only out of fear though. It was also out of excitement and he didn't understand why he felt such a sudden rush of dopamine when he heard your voice calling out to him inside his mind. This was a bad thing after all, right? He was hearing voices right now after all. He contemplated if he should reply to this voice or not before he carefully hushed a few words back at you and then just waited if you'd actually reply. You did reply and asked him intrigued as well as a bit scared who he was and it was at that moment that Sigma realised that you weren't just a mere voice his head had created as a result of him potentially losing his mind. No, this voice he was currently hearing actually belonged to a real person.
☁️​He talks with you quite often from that day on as both of you discover the limits of this weird ability you both share. You can only hear the voice of the other and can't see any images that the othet thinks about. It isn't like both of you can hear the other ones thoughts too, at least not unless the other one is really stressed and loses control of his own thoughts. This seems to happen to Sigma more often than to you as you often hear him starting to ramble within your mind and so you have to spend a lot of time soothing him and helping him to calm down. Your voice always calms his racing heart and mind, Sigma quickly latches onto the comfort you can give him to the point where he gets anxious when you aren't available to him and sometimes you wake up in the middle of the night because he is chanting your name panicked within your mind. He is quick to apologize and shame himself for ruining your sleep like this and so he tries to hold back as he can feel his stress increasing.
☁️​Soon he invites you to his Sky Casino as he begs you to come because he wants to see you in real life. He tells you all of the information you need to know and eventually manages to tire you with his constant questions and pleas out enough that you give him your address. You receive a letter he was written himself where he details once again all necessary information. He sends some of the people who work for him to pick you up and guard you on the entire way. You are amazed when you are flown to the Sky Casino and as soon as you step inside, you can already see a man quickly rushing towards you. So this is Sigma, huh? The poor man needs to take a few deep breaths as soon as he is in front of you, his hands slightly trembling because he is incredibly nervous before he gives you a soft smile and invites you to a tour of the casino he would like to give you himself. He gauges all of your reactions intently and anxiously out of fear that something won't be to your satisfaction.
☁️​You are too caught up in admiring everything though as he leads you down a floor guests aren't allowed to walk through. He walks you into a huge room with an installed bathroom and even a small kitchen space that looks better than all of the expensive hotel rooms you've seen on the internet. You're looking around amazed before his rambling suddenly catches your attention. He still hasn't fully perfected this room so if you want everything else to be delivered inside your room, feel free to tell him. Money is of no issues here, he just desires to make you feel as comfortable as he can... What does he mean by that? When you ask him this question, his voice suddenly dies down as he turns around to look at you. The previous excitement due to all of your previously positive reactions dies down as fear and panic takes over him. He...he thought that you'd stay with him here since the both of you are soulmates. When he sees the confusion crossing your face, his heart drops to his stomach. You plan to leave again, don't you? ...Well, that's a shame. He can't let you leave his side anymore. He's your soulmate. He was made for you. So he can't let you go. Being with you is his purpose.
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naturesapphic · 6 months
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Mommy!Rhea ripley x little!fem!reader
Warnings: hurt/comfort, soft!Mommy Rhea, reader being obsessed with rheas muscles and boobs, age regression
Closing the front door with a slight slam, you immediately threw off your shoes and bag and landed face first into the couch. Rhea heard some commotion down stairs and made sure that it was you who came inside. She slowly made her way downstairs and found you laying face down into the couch with Barry whining at you for your attention and with luna and ryuk at your feet chilling.
She frowned and walked over to you and crouched down. “Hey possum. You alright?” Rhea said softly, her accent showing more than ever in this moment. You lifted your head and saw your big, buff, scary girlfriend giving you a worried and soft look which making you feel bad for worrying her. You knew you couldn’t lie to her so you just slowly shook your head no and Rhea gave you a sympathetic sigh. “What happened babygirl?. Come on…you can tell mommy.” She said, gently coaxing you into your headspace.
You looked up at her with big vulnerable eyes that quickly got filled with tears. “Bad day…a-at work..” you managed to get out as Rhea slowly picks you up off the floor and into her strong arms. When you were in her strong embrace that’s when you started sobbing into her arms. “Shhh shhh…it’s okay my little possum…mommy’s here…shhh…she’s got you…” she softly whispered as she holds you close to her and gently rocks you.
“Let’s go get you changed into your pajamas okay princess?” Rhea spoke softly as she carried you up the stairs into y’all’s shared bedroom and picked out a mike wazowski onesie and helped you put it on. Then Rhea got out her matching onesie and put it on, it was a sully one which you love when your mommy matches with you. “Now since we have our pjs on, let’s go down into the kitchen and make us something to eat while we watch something. Does that sound okay little one?” Your mommy said as she kneels down to your eye level and smiles at you.
You looked up at her with a small smile and nodded your head. “Good girl.” She said as she knew sometimes you went quiet but you still tried to communicate with her back and she appreciates that. She picks you up again and places you on her hip as she carried you down the stairs and into the kitchen and she places you down on top of the counter. “What does my little possum want today?” She said with a high pitched voice, well tried to, her voice is naturally very calm or unless she’s at work it has to be very serious and scary and she never lets you see that side of her when you are in your headspace.
You did a cute thinking face that always made rheas heart melt and you decided on what you wanted. “Maccheese!” You sputtered out happily and Rhea knew exactly what you wanted since you said so fast. “Mac n cheese it is babygirl. Why don’t I put my little pony on in the living room and you sit with Barry, Luna, and Ryuk while I make your Mac n cheese. Can you do that for mommy?” She said as she started to get two boxes of mac n cheese out for you. You nodded your head and jumped off the counter and waddled over to the living room where the animals where laying on the couch.
You giggled excitedly seeing them and gently got up on the couch to sit between them. Barry woke up and immediately got into your lap licking your face as you started squealing happily. Rhea heard you from in the kitchen and a big smile erupted on her face as she knows that you are feeling better. A few moments later and your food was done, she made herself a bowl and you one with your favorite juice in your favorite cup. She walks into the living room to see ryuk near your head on top of the couch, Luna at your side and Barry on your lap as you watch my little pony.
Rhea gently moves Barry so he’s beside you and moves Luna over there with him so your mommy can sit beside you which makes you smile up at her. She gives you a smile back and leans down softly to give you a gentle peck on your lips that makes you blush. “So cute.” She whispers against your lips which makes you go shy and hide in her muscular arm. She chuckles and removes you gently from her arm and gives you another peck on your lips. “Eat babygirl.” She told demanded gently to you and you nodded as you obeyed her and started to eat.
Throughout eating, Barry and Luna was trying to sneakily grab a treat from y’all’s bowls and it was funny seeing your mommy shoo them away. After y’all ate, you started yawning and rubbing your eyes, signaling your mommy that it was time for bed. Another thing you do when you get sleepy is to nibble on her muscles, which is what you are doing right now. She gently picks you up in her strong arms and sets you on her hip to where you can still nibble on her muscles. She doesn’t mind when you do it, she takes pride knowing that you love her muscles and if you want to bite and nibble on them, so be it. Plus she likes having your teeth marks on them as well.
She heads up the stairs with the animals trailing behind her, and goes into the bedroom and turns on all of the fans, knowing that you love when y’all’s room gets cold as it helps you sleep. She gently tucks you in the bed and she slips into her side of the bed and you automatically get on top of her and wrap your body around hers. Your hands go to the front of her onesie and you gently pull down the zipper so you can sneak your hands onto her breast. Another thing she finds cute is how you love her breast and always wants to be touching, suckling or just laying on them. She reached over to the nightstand and gently put your paci onto your lips and you started suckling on it softly. You fell asleep on top of your mommy as she holds you tight into her safe embrace. No matter what kind of day you have, your mommy will always be here to make it better.
A/n: I’ve done age regression on almost all of my other characters and I saw that there was very little of Rhea being a caregiver so i thought would start writing for that. Let me know if y’all like it and want more :) Requests are still open for all of my characters including of course Rhea ripley/Demi Bennett. I have my own buy me a coffee page! You can give me a dollar and it will help. I also have some different commission types I will do so here's my page to look into it :) https://www.buymeacoffee.com/naturesapphic Requests are open for yeehaw!wanda, country!wanda, and any other southern variants of Wanda or Natasha! Remember to stay hydrated and to rest! I love y'all!
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tiredsugarcube · 2 months
Death Note ft. Saiki!Reader
Chapter 1: 2 Gods, 1 murderer
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˚₊‧꒰ა ☆ ໒꒱ ‧₊˚
The bustling streets of the city of Kanto region is crowded on a busy day when everyone is going to their day jobs and students going to school, though it seems like a typical day in everyday life, a person walking to school seems to stand out among the rest, much to their dismay.-
‘My name is (Y/N) Saiki and I have psychic superpowers, though i generally don't seem like it. I have every power imaginable from telepathy, psychokinesis, apport, shrinking, hydrokenises, hypnosis, etc, but the situation that's happening before me is one that hassles me big time.’
‘My father recently had a new job offer which isn’t uncommon because with even I can’t keep up with the different jobs he has every month. My old school had many weird people that always seemed to annoy me, I can’t even comprehend how loud they were when our homeroom teacher announced my indefinite transfer, but before we left, they insisted we kept contact, well as long as I don’t have to see them every day I don’t mind at all.’
‘Here I am walking to school in a new city, But I already know the location like the back of my hand, If I could I would have just teleported to one of the school’s bathrooms but I still have to change my shoes in the lockers by the entrance and wanted to get a little walk to get my mind out of things so I decided on walking to school.’
 A typical high school, a large building with friendly faces and people last minute cramming for potential exams, the sound of steps in hard concrete on the way to the main facility is louder the more closer the psychic was to  the school. No one knows who they were and that was an advantage in itself, no one that sees them as unconventional, no one to bother them, and a chance to finally reach the dream of living a normal life, even though the psychic’s powers are very far from normal, they try hard to make their lifestyle opposite to it.
It was calming, mundane to panicked thoughts everywhere around him yet moments like this, moments where all is well, the weather is moderate and no one was to bother the new student. Normal, that’s what it felt, and it was the best feeling ever!-
 Contradictions are inevitable but this is too far, right when the psychic was about to enter the school, they lock eyes with a certain Shinigami which seemed to be tailing behind a brown-haired student.
"Oh! You can see me kid..?"
'Good Grief, this is even worse than last time..' The psychic glared and looked away in annoyance, continuing to walk in the entrance, not letting any other animal, human or not, ruin their day.
However the question from the loud Shinigami did not go unnoticed by his student companion. Looking confused and frightened at the same time with the possibility that someone else other than him  could see Ryuk. Yet, he was too clouded in his own thoughts too see who the Shinigami was talking about.
“I thought we already established that I could see you, was another student able to see you? Who?” The student whispered sharply, yet the Death God laughed loudly and replied.
“It seems you haven’t seen them at school recently, but I do know that they can do unpredictable things, This might be even better than I thought..” The Shinigami laughed excitedly.
“Unpredictable things? What do you mean? You better tell me later..” The student replied
“Depends on how many apples your willing to offer.”
Settled into my new class easily, got through the usual introductions and was able to catch up to their current lessons. It would be way easier though if it weren’t for the floating creature by me constantly striking a conversation, the creature should be glad I was bored.
“What do you want."
“Ah! So you can see me, I think you already know who I am! I think its cool how you can hold a conversation without opening your mouth, you really are interesting!”
“The Gods don’t favor me, you a Shinigami are living or dying proof of that. You haven’t answered my initial question yet.”
“(Y/N) Saiki Huh?, The name’s Ryuk. I’m a companion to one of the students here. I’m sure you already know who” The psychic nods and replied, reading Ryuk’s mind who was already saying the student’s name in his mind.
“Light Yagami..? His popularity meter is close to 100 and his thoughts are loud and fast that it outweighs every other student I’ve heard in the school, does having a high popularity number attract death Gods too.?”
“Don’t make it seem like I’m a fan! It’s that he has something that requires me to tail him around, and that something also makes normal humans able to see me, yet you are able to do it with no effort whatsoever and even talk with your mind, interesting! Do you have any other abilities?”
“Aren’t you supposed to know already?”
“I wanna see for myself, and as for that ‘something’ I’m referring to, I think it won’t be long until you find out” Ryuk laughs
“I’m not some form of performer that presents my unfortunate traits for attention. And whatever vague term you’re talking about; I don’t want to know unfortunately. Are you saying I have more relations to Light Yagami?”
“I think it’s bound to happen, your abilities can really bring out the unimaginable events!”
The psychic sighs once more and stops entertaining Ryuk and focusing more on the classes at hand, the said Shinigami has irritated the poor student to no end, even Light Yagami is wondering where he could be, getting used to the silence in the classroom without the Death God hovering over him during class hours.
'The bell has rung and the sun has started to set, I have to go home and do this school work. Good Grief, I thought being new would give me some upperhand in assignments since I'm a newcomer, but oh well , I'll just use cartography to get it done in a few seconds. But before I go home, I'll stop by a cafe first to get some desserts.'
The deserts displayed in the glass panel was to die for, from the soft 2 layered mini cakes topped with fresh looking strawberries and light powdered sugar on top to shiny chocolate glazed donuts, each confection was delectable to look let alone taste, but there was one dessert that shined among the rest, coffee jelly, the bitter yet bouncy mass with some soft whipped cream on top makes the dessert a top favorite for the certain psychic.
As the line to the cafe gets shorter and the psychic gets closer to the desserts, they can feel eyes boring to the back of their head, the soft and light atmosphere had dampened a bit, not to mention the certain person's thoughts are just as loud as the guy with a Death God pet.
Psychic turns around lightly and sees a man slightly taller than her, hair in disarray but who were they to judge? If eyes were the window to the heart, then this guy would have the key to everyone's with the intensity of eye contact. The psychic looks away immediately as its their turn in their line to buy desserts.
Not noticing the person behind them smiled lightly, a creeping feeling getting to them, even in just one glance there was something different about them, a normal student, too normal to the point they aren’t.
“Hmm.. I might keep them in mind in case..”
‘Please don’t.’
The psychic sighs and walk to their new home with their desserts on hand. ‘The people I meet weirder than I thought, but no matter, It's the end of the day. I won't be associated with them anymore..’.The psychic about to open the gate to their new household only to be cut off with another voice.
"Hello! Good evening, you're the new student announced today right? It seems we're neighbors now!" the brown-haired boy says kindly, using his charms but the psychic can tell he has other intentions, both ignoring the Ryuk flying in between them.
'You've got to be kidding me..'
⋆౨ৎ˚⟡˖ ࣪
𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓲𝓽𝓾𝓻𝓲 𝓷𝓸𝓵𝓾𝓶𝓾𝓼 𝓶𝓸𝓻𝓲
"we who are about to die don't want to."
ᵂᵒʳᵈ ᶜᵒᵘⁿᵗ: ¹⁴¹⁸ ʷᵒʳᵈˢ
³ ᶜʰᵃʳᵃᶜᵗᵉʳˢ ᶠᵉᵃᵗᵘʳᵉᵈ 
ᴹᶜ ʸᵃᵖˢ ᵗᵒᵒ ᵐᵘᶜʰ ᵇᵘᵗ ᴵ ˡᵒᵛᵉ ⁱᵗ
ᵃˡˢᵒ ᵖᵒˢᵗᵉᵈ ᵗʰⁱˢ ᵒⁿ ᵂᵃᵗᵗᵖᵃᵈ ʷⁱᵗʰ ᵗʰᵉ ᵇᵒᵒᵏ ⁿᵃᵐᵉ ᵇᵉⁱⁿᵍ ᵗⁱᵗˡᵉᵈ "ᴳᵒᵃˡ ᵗᵒ ᴺᵒʳᵐᵃˡᶜʸ", ⁱᵗ ᵐⁱᵍʰᵗ ʰᵃᵛᵉ ᵃ ᵈⁱᶠᶠᵉʳᵉⁿᵗ ᵉⁿᵈⁱⁿᵍ ᵗʰᵒᵘᵍʰ.
ᵀᵃᵍ: fallenangel989899, yune1337
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whois-jess · 10 months
Sugar mami
Rhea Ripley x Fem!Reader
•Mafia AU with Rhea as your sugar mami•
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I was sat at home watching some show i found waiting around for Rhea. Since i don't work because Rhea said i am too pretty to work for some other man or woman, i get bored quickly and i have watched so many movies already plus i try to clean but the cleaner Rhea hired does it mostly.
I had Rheas dogs cuddling me as i watch Hangover 1,2 and 3, i pet Barrys head as his eyes shut Luna already asleep and Ryuk asleep on a bed somewhere when the door swings open i knew it was Rhea.
"Hey baby!" I smile getting up to hug her but i stop when i see blood "oh" was all i said and she smiled "bad man didn't pay Mami in time" she smirked taking her shirt off then i hug her "i do hate you killing babe" i frown looking up at her "i know baby its nasty business but its what Mami has to do to stay on top and as you know" she smile waiting for me to finish "Mamis always on top" i smile as she kissed my forehead "i got you something" she says waking to her blazer grabbing a small box handing it to me.
I open the box to a beautiful pair of earrings "oh my babe its beautiful" i smile at her as she smirks at me "had to get my princess something" she says tucking hair behind my ear "i wamt you to wear them tonight" she smiles at me "tonight?" I say confused "yes princess we have dinner with Damian, Dom, Finn and JD" she says and i remember her saying about it last week "oh my god i should get ready!" I says going to leave before turning back kissing Rheas cheek "thank you" i smile running to our room.
I run in our room which was bigger than most dashing to my walk in wardrobe Rhea got some people to install for me to put all my clothes in she made them build me my own room for jewelry and bags as well. I rush to fine something nice as this was a big dinner and Rhea liked when i dressed up, i found a black short dress and a necklace Rhea got me which was gold with our initials on it with diamonds i also put my rings on and bracelets.
"Ready!" I smile walking over in my black heels that match my dress "you look beautiful like normal, now car is ready" she smiles taking my hand kissing it while looking into my eyes "so do you" i smile looking at her sliver jewelry and suite, we walk to the car which had bodyguard car to drive beside us as Rhea was wanted and killing he for even me will put a man status even higher and people were power hungry.
We step into the car Rheas hand on my thigh as we drive through the night, i look at the pretty light and stars as we drive by streets almost empty. The car stop outside a fancy restaurant very busy looking "looks nice" i smile at Rhea as she helps me out "only for you princess" she smiles as we link our walking in her bodyguards following us in, we see a table with four men at "guys this is Y/n, Y/n this is Damian, Dom, Finn and JD" i smile at them "hi" i say and they l say hi back as Rhea helps me sit down and sits by me her hand once again on my thigh "get whatever you like princess" she whisper to me before talking to the guys about business and some threatening gangs when a man probably in his 30s walks over and Rhea attention is immediately on him "Mark" Rhea smiles at him and the man looks kind of scared "now Mark lets cut to the chase wheres my money huh Mark where is it my babys ring don't buy themselves" she says pulling me closer as i still look at this man who glaces at me "i don't have it.." Mark mumbles "Speak up i dont like mumbling" Rhea snaps "i don't have the money!" He says louder and Rhea chuckles and looks at Damian and Dom who get up and hold Mark "now now Mark this is the 4th week you know what i said" venom was dripping of every word "you can't say you have a family but i have my baby okay Mark. And your very late on payment" her glare never leaves this poor man "i just need one more week Miss Ripley i am close to enough" Rhea lets a breathy chuckle out "your lucky my princess is here or i would shoot you dead Mark but my baby doesn't like that stuff so thank her for you living another week." Mark lets out a breath he must of been holding in as she shows the gun she had on her "one more week Mark i can't being doing this forever" and with that Dom and Damian let Mark go and he rushes out the restaurant "baby he said he had a family" i say sad that kids could lose their dad "he has multiple baby, its his excuse he doesn't love them" She says her arms still around me and i feel less bad for him.
"So Y/n" Dom says "you want kids" he smiles at me and i see Rhea glaring at him "i do actually" i smile back "baby Rheas" he smirks and she kicks him under the table "i will still kill you Dom" she says and i look at her "a family would be nice" i smile and she smiles back "okay baby one day i will give you a family you want" she kisses my forehead before glaring at Dom who just smiles innocently "what drink babe" i look over the menu "blue lagoon" i smile and she takes my hand of course she says sending someone to get my drink "want your naiks done again baby" she says looking at them "yeah these are getting old" i admit "lets get them done together" she says as my drink come back and she gets a bodyguard to test it to make sure no poison was in it and was it got the clear i started to drink it "lets get some food" JD says and the rest agree "princess order first" Rhea says kissing my lips as i kiss back "we are here" Damian says and Rhea flips him off making me giggle.
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shini--chan · 5 months
Hello there! Can I request a yandere light yagami blackmailing a smart classmate into working as assistance in his ministration and falling for her or a yandere karasuma falling for a normal female teacher of class E? Thank you and have a good day regardless!
Of course you may, and both ideas will be addressed. 
Yandere Light Yagami - The Tree of Insight
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What a wondrous day it had been, thinking that you had gone mad. The worst part of it was that that monster had taken the greatest pleasure in taunting, floating above you and quipping and giggling the longer the hours drew by. Not even covering your ears had blocked out the rasping voice, as it had mused that you were awfully particular for a mortal. 
When you got back home, you would go through your family's medical records to see if schizophrenia infected one of the branches - that might explain the hallucinations then.
Ryuk, or that was at least what he called himself, bobbed up and down as he floated to your side. The other students that were walking up and down the road didn't bother him, as he simply fazed right through them. Suddenly, the apparition flew sideways, and out of reflex, you imitated the apparition out of reflex. 
"Keep going that way, kid. You have somebody waitin' for ya", the raspy voice of that… thing, said loud and clear. As fried as your nerves were, you were tempted to lash out, to disobey out of petulance. Today had been a rough day, and it had been reflected in your demeanour.
Your peers had constantly been casting worried glances your way, and even a teacher had pulled you aside to inquire if everything was alright. As touching as you would have normally found it, it had just been annoying and had exacerbated your mounting irritation. By the end of the school day, you had just wanted to be left alone. Maybe that's why you solemnly followed the floating clown’s instructions - yelling out loud would just make you appear mad, and you were also curious to where heeding the directions would lead to. 
There really was somebody waiting for you - a little to the side of the road, at the  edge of the park that was directly next to the school, was Light Yagami. Now that was strange - he normally went home with his friends. Then again, he had been acting weird for the past few weeks, his slightly standoffish nature being amped up to 11. 
As you approached him, he lowered the book that he had been reading, and raised a questioning eyebrow. All of this seemed like a bad idea. Then, the monster ripped the book out of the boy’s hands and added: “Not act so oblivious. You’re gonna get nowhere by playing coy now, kid”. 
Light shot it a baleful look. “Getting bored already, Ryuk?”, he asked slightly. Brown eyes focused on you the entire time, gouging your reactions. Before this conversation could continue without you, you butted in:
“You can see him too, Light? What is your connection to this … thing?”
It was comforting that you weren’t seeing things that weren’t really there, but on the flip side it meant that more sinister things were afoot. Judging from the plotting expression on your classmates face, he surely wouldn’t disappoint when it came to the latter. 
“Ryuk here is a shinigami, and before you ask, he’ll be in your life a while longer. How, that is up to you to decide.”
Why was he being so unusual to the point? Though, his statement did imply that he had a measure of control over this shinigami. An interesting tidbit that you would dwell and muse over in the future. 
“And why that? What do you want from me?”, you asked.
At your sides, your hands balled into fists, with your nails digging into the tender skin of your palms. With each passing second, this situation was becoming worse. While you were quick on your feet, both mentally and physically, the matter at hand was devolving too fast for you to keep up well. There was no chance of you darting a few steps ahead and taking control, and that was probably intended by Light.
“You truly are a delight. It is wonderful to converse with somebody that can keep up so well. In other circumstances, I would have to spoon feed the whole matter bit by bit”, Light mused, his eyes crinkling in a strangely genuine smile. “What I mean, is you either work for me, or I’ll have Ryuk haunt you until your sanity slips.”
Your heart pounded in your ears upon his words. Turning your head slightly, you stared at the shinigami, at those wide bulging eyes, at that too slim face and the staples at the collar. Today has been hell in its own way, with that spirit dogging your every step, holding its one-sided conversation and making life just difficult in general. Since it could interact with the physical world, as it had just demonstrated a few moments ago, which meant it could even drive you to madness. Today just had been a foretaste, and the demon had been holding back. 
This was too much, too fast. As it was, you were tired, and frustrated and disappearing to go live in the middle of nowhere sounded very attractive right now. What other choice did you have but to give in? 
As indicated above, Light would put you in a position where you wouldn’t be operating at full mental capacity and offer you a deal that you can’t refuse. Since there would be many roads to Rome, in this case, he wouldn’t resort to threatening you with the Death Note. If anything, with L tailing him, having you suddenly die or report him as Kira and then die would be very suspicious and make things more complicated than needed. So he would blackmail you the old fashion way, or use Ryuk to some capacity. 
Next to his feelings for you, having you at his side would serve another purpose - you would act in his stead should he be incapacitated. With two people on the job, the whole thing would go even faster, and give the appearance of an organisation to L. Asides, while Light is arrogant and under a lot of scrutiny and thus makes mistakes, you wouldn’t be, or at least not to the extent that Light is. 
Perhaps he’ll even draw you to his side, and make you see things his way. In that case, it would eradicate some of the fears that he would have about you acting against him. Also, with you looking at the other woman in Light’s life, like Misa, you would come to the conclusion that being the goddess of the new world wouldn’t be a really good position to be in. Best stay the secretary. 
Yandere Tadaomi Karasuma - Normie 
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Karasuma would be drawn to you exactly because you are normal. You are no government agent or super spy or assassin-in-training. You are just a normal person, caught up in something far too big for you to handle; way out of your depth in many ways. To him, you would represent an opportunity to just switch off from all the official business for a few hours, touch grass and all that jazz. But because you are worlds apart in many a sense, he would start to dig his claws in you. 
Through the whole experience with Koro-sensei, you would be forced into a world where you would have to hit the ground running, and learn fast. Though you’d probably never be on the level where you would be able to go toe-to-toe with any of the special staff, or even the students for that matter, you would still have to be aware of the basics. With that, two things would become a reality - you would gain an understanding of all the spy and agent shenanigans, and therefore would understand Karasuma when he would complain about his day to you. Secondly, it would probably be him that reached out to you to help you with the situation, and thus a bond would form. 
At first, he would tell himself that he would have to be more privy to your daily going-ons for security reasons. If anything, you would be the weak link in the chain, and he would have to make sure that you don’t spill the tea or become a chess piece of third parties. Then, he would convince himself that he would have to spend so much time for you to ensure that you don’t have a mental breakdown. The whole situation would be never stressful in any case, and the last thing that would be needed would be for a normal staff member to become out of commision. 
These would all be excuses and justifications that he would formulate to distract himself from his own feelings for you, and why he is spending so much time with you. This problem would just be exacerbated by the fact that the octopus would ship the two of you - hard. It might even be that, that would force him to acknowledge his own feelings to you. 
With the pressure of the world ending, the secrecy and his own disposition, the agent would find himself spending an unnatural amount of time with you. Since he’d be one of the very few that would be in the know about the whole situation, you would find yourself embracing it - to a certain extent. Beyond a certain point, he would start spending too much time with you, maybe even going so far as to make you move in with him. All your concerns and protests would be waved away due to “security concerns” and the like. 
Due to that exact reasoning, he would do background checks on your family and friends, and start dictating who you can see and not. When the attacks on the school would start, this point would become all the more relevant. All that would make his protectiveness over you increase. The worst part of it would be that you wouldn’t be able to do a lot against him, since he would have the power and the skills to control your life and make all his arguments seem plausible to third parties.
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xvalstarinex · 5 months
When Light initially sent the Death Note down on the grass and walked away, what if he just kept walking?
What if someone else picked up the Death Note because Ryuk was always going to drop it?
What if that person didn't become Kira because Kira is and can only be Light Yagami?
What if this change in events did nothing because Light was always going to become Kira?
What if this change in events fixed everything because Light met L before he snapped?
What is L recognized the evil in Light and loved him anyways?
What if Light loving and being loved by the only person in existence prevented Kira from making himself known?
It's a beautiful "what if" and I'm sure it's been written before. But it hasn't been written by me.
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How would Death Note go if, everything was the same, except the way that Misa and Light got their notebooks was reversed? So Misa just found hers randomly and Ryuk is her Shinigami. But Light was saved by a Shinigami who was in love with him and gained both their book and their lifespan. And Rem. (Don't ask me why the Shinigami was in love with Light lol)
For the sake of this ask, maybe pretend that Misa doesn't get killed in an alley.
I mean, in Light's Kira glory days, the Shinigami in general are all interested in what's happening with him and I can easily imagine one or two becoming enamored with this insane human who's giving them the entertainment of their lives.
Before then, well, Gelus clearly romanticized Misa as he watched her and saw her as a tragic figure in need of saving. She was young, beautiful, had a tragic past with the death of her parents, and he couldn't stand the thought of watching her die at such a young age because of this stalker.
The point being that he only knew of Misa from a distance and liked what he could see looking through a window. Now, Light doesn't have the tragic backstory to attract Gelus's interest, he had a great life before canon started with a family that loved him and a bright future ahead of him, but in theory Gelus could have become fascinated with this seemingly perfect young man who's dying of boredom on the inside and want to save him from his untimely death at the hands of a mugger.
So, sure, why not.
Misa Meets a Death God
Misa picks up the notebook and thinks it has a nice asthetic, Misa being very into gothic lolita, and that while morbid humor is the sort of thing she could have as a prop in her bedroom. Fits right in.
I imagine she doesn't think much about it, doesn't believe it, and that's when Ryuk gets bored actually. The thing with Light was that he waited a bit to see what the person who picked up the notebook would do and that he'd planned to keep dropping it around until someone interesting picked it up.
Ryuk felt thrilled when Light picked it up on the first try and went fucking insane with the death count. Ryuk settled happily in for the ride of his life, watching as Light murdered people in interesting ways and tried to murder that detective.
If Misa's not doing anything, and she's likely not, then Ryuk will take it back from her and try again until he gets someone who is interesting. Even if Misa accidentally killed a person, I don't think she'd have the will or interest to be Kira without Light's prior example. What Light did requires... well... being Light. Misa could become the second Kira because she already idolized Light and he'd made it, in a weird way, culturally acceptable. I imagine Misa might kill the man who'd killed her parents but that would be the end of it.
I imagine Ryuk would end up with a mobster eventually and be very entertained as it's used for inter-gang assassinations. But hold that thought.
Light Meets a Death God
Light, I imagine very shaken from nearly dying, walks away from the incident not sure how to feel then holy shit a god of death has come for him. He panics even harder than he did in canon with Ryuk until Rem explains that Light was saved by a Shinigami that was in love with him and here is his new murder notebook.
Now, the thing about canon, is that Light started in as Kira because a) he at first didn't believe it then killed a man and went "my god" b) he thought he was going to be taken to the underworld so started in killing as many people as he could before Ryuk met up with him. Light had about a day to talk himself into this where he goes from "oh my god I just killed someone" to "only I can kill fucking everyone!". Here, the circumstances are different, he hasn't killed anyone and he doesn't have the motivation to make the most of the notebook before a Shinigami comes for him as Rem is pointedly giving it to him.
I imagine Light mulls over it for a bit, a god literally died for him and gave him this as a gift, how should he use it if at all. I imagine his first instinct, as in canon initially, is not to use it/not to want to be a murderer. Then, however, I imagine he thinks of all the people he believes the world would be better without, a world in which he can get rid of violent crime entirely as an unseen god, and thinks about what the Shinigami saved him from.
Had it not been for Gelus, Light would have died, because a human wanted to stab him.
Then Light's back on the "only I can do this!" murder bus and Rem is... not entirely thrilled with any of this (while Rem pointedly never liked Light I do think it was more than just how dismissive he was of Misa but also that Light was casually making use of the notebook for such extremes).
I imagine Rem sticks around, as Gelus died for this motherfucker, but she doesn't like it.
Canon then proceeds pretty much the same except that L and Light end up in this stalemate in college as Misa doesn't have a Death Note to rock the boat. L can't get any real evidence on Light at all, his attempts to rattle him reveal nothing, and Light in turn can't get L's name and Rem refuses to tell it to him out of principle.
Except, at some point, I imagine Ryuk gets jealous. Why does Rem get this batshit insane human and he keeps having to drop the notebook all over the place? I imagine Ryuk asks Rem to trade, he'll give the kid his notebook, Rem can take Gelus's, and they'll switch so Rem can be with the kind of boring humans she likes and Ryuk can stick with this kid.
Rem of course refuses, as does Light who suspects Ryuk and knows how to bully Rem into doing mostly what he wants, and so I imagine a miffed Ryuk makes things hard for Light/more interesting. I imagine he starts killing people in a way so as to provide L 'evidence' so as to be able to get firmer suspicions of Kira.
A man dies shouting at Light that he's the devil then douses himself in gasoline then lights himself on fire. Another person dies doing the same thing but they throw themselves into a woodchipper.
(L hates that he can't use any of this as evidence not just simply because the entire world's gone mad about Kira anyway but also because these fuckers keep killing themselves before L can ask questions.)
I imagine Light, at his wit's end, agrees to trade with Ryuk but only if Ryuk tells Light L's name. "That's cheating" - Ryuk says as he did in canon (also, Ryuk is having a great time inconveniencing Light).
Death Note becomes a weird thriller comedy in which L is hunting Kira, but The Happening is going on, and Light is trying to find a way to manage Ryuk, Rem, and L all at the same time while also planning L's murder in a way that it makes it look like L just caught The Happening.
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valfeathers · 2 years
YOUR JDRAMA L POST !!!!! jumps up and down i love love love the jdrama it speaks to me so good and your art style for him was so perfect…. do you have a post about your thoughts on the jdrama as a whole or !.!.!.!! also . i was not really a lawlight shipper for the animanga …. but oh man the drama lawlight…… it got me so good
JDRAMA TIME!! (tysm btw !!!!)
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ramblings below the cut as usual (also spoilers? go watch the jdrama i double dog dare you)
ok so i watched the jdrama with my sibling after seeing a shitpost about the casting and i lost my MIND. i hadn't really seen any major spoilers beforehand so i basically experienced it all in real time and boy i loved it.
i know it def took some liberties with its story but that's part of why i liked it so much, i eat up aus and different interpretations or whatever so i really didn't mind the minor changes. my only qualm is that watari's bitchass outlives L smh who decided that /lh
above all i love the way they characterized light so much. they let him be stupid!! thank god!! he yelled at ryuk in a lecture hall full of students!! he finger-gunned!! he walked into a door!! he felt much more flawed and even i found myself relating to him at times! they really added to his relationship with soichiro which i loved. their arc had me gripping my heart in agony but that's normal for me when i think of soichiro for too long so like,,
jdrama light quickly became my favourite light because of this. i could think about him forever and i just might!
the only word i can use to describe jdrama L is 'babygirl'. the way they characterised him was so fun and different,, and lord if episode 8 didn't break me. suddenly i'm 12 years old again and grieving this man. and the way light reacted to his death?? the way the scene played out?? it was absolutely gut wrenching. i had to take a walk.
and while we're talking about gut wrenching, can i just say that L & soichiro are such an underrated duo?? i didn't expect to lose my mind over L saying that he thought of soichiro like a father but here i am, still not recovered completely,
and i'll just cut this off by saying that making mello a fucking PUPPET was certainly a choice.
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dea-thynote · 4 months
Death note au (dimension travel) where ryuk never got interested in the human world therefore there is no kira. And lawlight had this coworkers to frenemies (and possibly lovers) tension that their coworkers just loaths. After they worked on a case (that seemed to work on the supernatural and drove both of them insane trying to get evidence on) and finally caught the criminal which light apprehended. The criminal curses light to become the worst criminal there is and of course, Light ignores it and goes home to sleep. Only, maybe he shouldn't have because now he keeps waking up in various places (or universe?) Where he has to keep saving L from dying because of him. But in doing so, he also dies either from a heart attack or gets executed to death by L. His only way out would be to either find the criminal from the universe that cursed him, or become 'kira' a mass murderer that is apparently him.
They finally caught him. A criminal that has been going around for months that either commits the most complicated murder or petty crimes, without leaving a trace! Which shouldn't be possible, for months both L and light tried to catch that guy but he somehow gets away! That at one point, while L and light were arguing how, L just throws the theory of supernatural and denies it by saying 'we can figure it out once we catch him'. And they do catch him. Light apprehended the guy before he does what ever he was going to do. The guys glare was venomous. And while being dragged to the police car with his hands behind him, he glares at light and curses him to become the worst criminal the world has ever seen.
Light ignores this and just sighs tiredly. He comes back to the head quarters and makes his way to L, who has been waiting for him with a blank face. 'He's mad' light thought and slows his steps. L congratulates him for catching the guy but also mentions how reckless it was for light-kun to work alone and go against the plan. Light immediately defends himself saying he was getting away and he had to do it. L stares at him and says that he doesn't need to put himself in danger like that, especially when the criminal is unpredictable. Light scoffs.
"Careful L, you sound like you care about me."
"I do."
That made light speechless.
"Afterall, Light-kun is my first friend."
"... oh"
Light excuses himself, mentions how he was tired and rushes out. L stares back to his monitor and plays back recordings of the criminal.
Light makes it to his home and settles down. He forgot about the mentioned curse and just thinks about his conversation with L. To him, L was both admirable and an asshole. Light finds himself fascinated whenever L speaks about his theories and findings, only for the moment to shatter everytime L tries to single him out.
'Afterall, Light-kun is my first friend."
Light shakes his head and dismisses thought. 'Yeah right'. He lays down and closes his eyes. Yeah, he just needs to rest, no need to think about L, considering that man is a manipulative liar.
But then he wakes up. Disoriented and catches himself before he falls down (falls down? Why is he standing?) He hears the sound of rushing rain and immediately becomes confused. 'Where is he?' He looks around, it seems to be a rooftop and in front of him was, L. Huh? What was he doing there? L is looking up. There's a sense of melancholy around the place that causes lights heart to stutter. And looking at L's expression his heart might've as well paused. The benefit of working with L for years had been that light was confident that he could easily read L's expression and posture and know what he's thinking. He's never seen L like this. Like he has already lost. Like he had given up, and waiting to his death. Light feels a sinking worry grow to his heart and calls out to him, asking him what he was doing there? When it became evident that L couldn't hear him, he walks to him, using his hand as a cover though it doesn't seem to stop the rain from going to his face.
Light asks him again and L mentions hearing a bell. The bell has been ringing non stop lately, can he hear it? Light shakes his head, and says he doesn't. Really? He wonders whether it was a church, maybe a wedding or perhaps... L pauses. Light is getting frustrated (he ignores the feeling of anxiousness or worry) and asks L what he's getting at, he should cut it out and they should go inside (because this isn't- this isn't a look that should be on L. This is not like him). L looks down and apologizes, and light's anxiousness grows even more evident in his face. "Nothing I say makes any sense anyway"
Light doesn't like it. He doesn't like the downcast expression plastered on L's face. His heart is slowly sinking down, and he fixes his expression into an amused one. If there's one thing light yagami knows, it's to frustrate L just as much as he frustrates him. So he agrees, and remarks how if he takes anything L says seriously there would not end his trouble. The words that would've been genuine at any other time feels like Ash to his tongue. He silently pleads, any expression on L's face would've been better than the one he is wearing right now. L stares at him,
"Tell me light, from the moment you were born. Has there ever been a point where you've actually told the truth?"
Light's heart skips a beat. L's face looks determined and accusing that it frustrates and confuses light even more. He couldn't take this anymore and is just confused why L is acting like this (like he's a criminal that should be arrested). And he couldn't take it anymore. He sighs angrily, and ruffles his head. A frustrated expression morphs to his face and he glares at L.
"What are you talking about L? Are you still mad about the case? I did what I had to do! I just-" light looks down, not catching the confused stare L gives him and stubbornly mutters
"I'm... sorry okay? I'll listen to you this time alright? Just-" don't make that face. Don't make that expression.
He doesnt continue and let's the silence fill the conversation. Before he hears a sneeze, which he drags L back to the building.
They both dry themselves off with a towel. Now that light is sitting down on the stairs, he thinks more about his situation right now. And realizes some things. He doesn't recognize this place and that what he's wearing right now is different from when he slept at his place. Those thoughts were interrupted by L apologising again, and crouching to his feet, towel in hand. L offers to dry his feet off, which light begrudgingly agrees to. Again, L looks like he's showing weakness which light resents.
"It'll be lonely, wouldn't it?"
Light resents him even more. And before L could say anything else, Light grips on his collar, until they are close to each other and seethes. He yells at L, what's wrong with him. Why is he acting like this? He couldn't control his expression before it morphs into worry and anxiousness. "You know you can talk to me about it right?" L stares at him. His face hardens, and light could see that he doesn't believe him even for a second.
'Just... why? What happened?'
His expression pleads for L to answer. To say anything. But L just stares at him, before his expression goes back to it again.
Light silently follows him. He would never admit it, but he's worried okay? This guy literally just told him he was his 'first' friend yesterday, and now he's acting weird. (And also it becomes apparent to him that this might not be a dream, to his frustration, and since he doesn't know where to go he mostly follows to not get lost).
They're at the monitor room and the task force greets them, some looking at a space warily. Light couldn't help but feel at awe with how different this place was and although he recognizes some people in there He's confused why there's only a few officers here. And soon, L announces his plan on testing the death note (death note?). The officers and his father were protesting which L dismisses. And then an alarm rings, L looks up at one of the monitors worryingly, as the data deletion happens. The officers panics and looks for the 'shinigami' which confuses light to also look around and looks back at L.
His eyes widen as L froze in shock, dropping the spoon from his hand before swaying and collapses. Light, catching his frozen expression, rushes and jumps to catch him before his body hit the floor. Light felt his heart stop as he looks at L, He's not dying-- is he? Light's face finally cracks as his face morphs to what he's feeling. From anxious, to horror, to worry. He tries to shake L, to stay with them, and shuffles for his phone. He can't find it, where is it!? He looks to the task force and shouts for them to call for help- an ambulance- fucking ANYTHING!
He doesnt get to see L's expression, his confusion and his sorrow. Even at the very end he didn't get the confirmation that light is kira. How cruel.
Light decided that he wants to get revenge. When they ask him to become the next L, he says yes. After all, he can't let who killed L know he's dead and also to proceed testing the death note. Light shut down every or any protest against the idea. This might not be his universe, but he would make sure that this criminal faces his deserved justice. After countless of sleepless nights (with all the data deleted he has to start from scratch. But it doesn't matter, he's confident in his skills) he gathers any and every information about kira from news articles, to his methods, to the theories. (He ignores the sinking feeling that the ideals of kira seems to align with his morals). And before he knows it, 13 days had passed after the prisoners used the death note.
They did not die.
And after the rule were discovered to be fake. Light and misa were arrested and before he knows it, he's already about to be executed. With his and misa's name and face plastered on every news media, even if they escaped or proven to be innocent. They would be damned by the public. He thinks about L in his last moments, and tries to process what is happening.
'It'll be lonely, wouldn't it?'
He sees a familiar figure at his execution. That man is--
He wakes up again. A phantom feeling of the pain he felt from the execution. And face to face with L pointing a gun to his direction.
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tobiasdrake · 6 months
Haruhi Suzumiya vs. Death Note crossover movie.
Mysterious serial murders that can only be carried out by some kind of magic? Right up Haruhi's alley.
Theoretically Light could kill Haruhi easily. Her name and face are public. But some random high school girl and her club room conspiracy wall is a thing he wouldn't even know is happening.
Conversely, Haruhi has no reasonable way to put the kind of investigation into Kira that would be necessary to bring him down. But if she sets her mind to catching him than random fortuitous happenstance will guide her way.
At no point in the film does Haruhi ever get to see a Shinigami. At the end of the film, Haruhi gets within a hair's breadth of catching Kira but doesn't realize she's right there. She gets bored and goes off to do something else.
Light, however, does realize that she's a millimeter away and is preparing to write her name in the Death Note. But Ryuk sees her true name and... whatever is printed as her "natural lifespan expiration date". And is just like, "No, bad idea. Let her walk. Even we don't fuck with that." Light will never know why this one random high school girl is on the Absolutely Do Not list.
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