#and then my mind made it supercorp
so I personally needed a compilation of the Kara “I can be subtle” Danvers moments from @supergirlpolls and I made this
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awakefor48hours · 1 year
“And is the gay ship you like that wasn’t canon only because of censorship in the room with us now?”
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fazedlight · 1 year
Scent (fluffy supercorp ficlet, post-6)
She… she had done nothing wrong. Catholic guilt is a bitch.
Those were the thoughts in Lena’s head as she wandered down the hallway to Kara’s apartment - cookies in hand, freshly showered, ready for a movie night that would no doubt result in the two women cuddling in bed together as they fell asleep, Lena agonizing over what could never happen with her straight best friend.
Things felt so settled now, so final. Oddly calm after Lex and Nyxly had been dragged to the phantom zone. Kara and Lena had worked so hard to repair their friendship - and with each step closer they took, the pain in Lena’s chest would flare, the desire to want something more and knowing she could never have it.
Her friendship had rebuilt with Andrea, too. It took practice, learning to forgive, learning to see the fears and circumstances that can drive one to do unforgivable things. But it only felt right, to learn to give others grace, for all the grace her friends had given her.
She didn’t expect to fall into bed with Andrea that morning. It felt like an apology, an absolution. It felt like a way to calm her desperate body down before she went to see Kara. And in the aftermath, it had been clear to both Lena and Andrea that this wasn’t a flame that could be rekindled. But there was kindness and there was friendship, and there was a tranquility as Lena approached Kara’s door.
The knob turned when Lena was three steps away, Kara opening the door with her characteristic smile, clearly having picked up on Lena’s heartbeat or footsteps with her superhearing. It made something warm and fuzzy bubble up in Lena’s chest, how eager Kara was to see her.
“Hey!” Kara said cheerfully, as Lena stepped inside, Kara’s arms going around Lena’s shoulders in a hug, Lena grabbing tightly in return as Kara continued, “So I was thinking we could watch Labyrinth? It’s classic, Davie Bowie and puppets-”
And then Kara froze.
Lena frowned in confusion, stepping back as their hug suddenly finished, Kara’s eyes darting between Lena’s with a shocked expression, a hint of red rising in her cheeks. 
“Darling? Are you okay?”
“Y-yeah,” Kara said, shaking off her sudden nerves like a dog. “Uh. Movie?” Kara said, her demeanor almost back to normal.
Lena smiled - confused, but sufficiently soothed. “Labyrinth sounds fine.”
So they popped some popcorn, unpacked the cookies Lena brought, and took their seats on the couch for the movies to begin. But… something was off, Kara somehow tucked to the opposite side, only their feet lightly touching instead of the usual cuddling up against each other, arms wrapped around or someone’s head on someone’s thigh.
Lena looked up as the movie played, missing the warmth, wondering where the familiarity had suddenly gone. Kara’s eyes were on the screen, but it seemed her mind was wondering, and Lena was itching to know why.
Lena turned back to the TV, letting the movie play, her mind searching. Kara had seemed totally normal in the Tower the previous day, when they had decided on a movie night. And normal when she opened the door, even. Until they hugged…
Lena could feel the tempo of her heart increase, as she mulled the possibilities. Superstrength, yes. But also superhearing. Supervision…
“Lena?” Kara asked, her eyes - now concerned - on the brunette, no doubt due to Lena’s racing heartbeat. “Are you okay?”
Lena leaned forward, grabbing the remote and pausing the movie, before leaning back again. 
“You… you have superscent?” Lena asked, eyes firmly on the coffee table rather than Kara’s face. But she didn’t need to look to know that Kara’s eyes were widening.
“I, um…”
“Even…” Lena swallowed. “Even after I showered…”
“It’s barely there, Lena,” Kara said softly. “And it’s not my business.”
The gentleness in Kara’s voice finally gave Lena the bravery to look up. “I- I don’t have to spend the night, Kara,” Lena whispered.
Kara’s eyes widened. “No! No, Lena, it’s not- it doesn’t bother me-”
“It does,” Lena said simply. “That- that’s okay, I don’t want to make you uncomfortable-”
“I’m not uncomfortable!”
“You’re all the way across the couch,” Lena said dryly.
Kara’s shoulders fell, in seeming realization - that in her pensive state, she hadn’t been as physically affectionate as usual, she had pulled back instead - “Oh Rao, Lena, that’s not what I meant.”
Lena bit at her lip, looking down, swallowing hard in an effort to remain composed. I should go home.
“It’s just, I thought you were straight, and…”
“I get it, Kara.”
“And I’m jealous.”
Lena blinked, looking back up, to a Kara whose face was red with embarrassment but whose eyes were clear with resolve. Kara had long ago promised to stop hiding things, as uncomfortable as it may be, and Lena knew how hard Kara was fighting against her instincts. “There is nothing wrong with you,” Kara said vehemently. “I just need to get my feelings for you under control. That’s all.”
Feelings for me? Lena blinked again. “Don’t.”
“Don’t what?” Kara asked, confused.
“Don’t get your feelings under control.”
Kara’s brow crunched, confusion, before shifting into the slightest tinge of hope. “But you’re with-”
“I’m not. And we were both very clear on that. I’m not with her. It was a goodbye more than anything.”
“Oh,” Kara said, her eyes widening, the hope turning into the barest hint of a smile. “Really?”
“Really,” Lena said firmly.
Kara shifted a bit on the couch. “I-” She looked down on her knees, thoughtful. “I’m going to ask you out tomorrow. Properly. With flowers and everything.” Lena grinned. “I’m going to say yes.”
Kara glanced up, smiling back. “Movie?”
“Of course.”
Lena pressed play again, the two falling into their normal habits - Kara’s head ending up in Lena’s lap, as Lena combed her fingers through her hair, before they eventually ended up in bed, for their very last platonic sleepover.
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marinawolf · 1 year
an angsty but somewhat cute supercorp first kiss 😚 fic to make the rest of the week better ❤️
Finally (Supercorp)
by marinawolf
Three times Kara wants to kiss Lena, and one time she does.
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-the first time she didn't
The elevator doors slid open to Lena's penthouse, and Kara stepped out, holding a bag of take-out pasta in her hands. She had been looking forward to this evening, to spending quality time with Lena, her best friend. With a hopeful smile on her face, she walked deeper into the penthouse, only to freeze in her tracks as she caught sight of Lena in the kitchen.
Lena, still dressed in her work clothes, stood near the counter where two wine glasses had been set out, a bottle of wine in one hand and a corkscrew in the other. Kara's breath hitched in her throat as her eyes traveled up Lena's figure. The black suit hugged Lena's form perfectly, emphasizing her elegant silhouette. The unbuttoned top of her black button-up shirt revealed a tantalizing glimpse of her collarbone.
Lena's hair was pulled back into a sleek ponytail, emphasizing her sharp features and highlighting the graceful curve of her neck. Kara's gaze traced the lines of Lena's face, the subtle edge of her jawline, and the way her lips parted slightly as she focused on opening the wine bottle. She was captivated by the intensity in Lena's blue-green eyes. Those eyes never failed to leave Kara spellbound.
Unbeknownst to Lena, Kara watched silently. As Lena fidgeted with the corkscrew, her fingers moving with innate grace, Kara's heart pounded in her chest. She was helplessly in love with Lena, and the sight of her like this, so effortlessly alluring, intensified her feelings to an unbearable degree. In that moment, Kara's mind wandered into forbidden territory, as she allowed herself to imagine what it would be like to slip her arms around Lena's slender waist, to press her lips against the soft skin of Lena's neck. But it remained nothing more than a fantasy, a yearning she buried deep within herself.
Suddenly, as if sensing Kara's gaze on her, Lena looked up, and a stunning smile spread across her face, causing Kara's heart to flutter. "Kara," she breathed, "hi." Kara snapped out of her reverie of admiration and smiled back at Lena, holding up the food.
"I got your favourite."
Lena's eyes gaze fell on the bag in Kara's hands, and her smile widened, causing the little dimple in her cheek to show up. That smile always made Kara's heart stop. 
"Kara, L'Ultima Cena is in Metropolis! How did you get this?" Her voice carried a hint of awe.
The truth was that Kara had flown to Metropolis to get Lena's favourite pasta just to see that smile on Lena's face. But she didn't dare tell Lena that. With a bashful shrug, she said, "I was visiting Kal-El today, and I happened to pick it up on the way back."
Lena stepped closer, her eyes shimmering with appreciation, and placed a gentle hand on Kara's arm. "Kara, that means the world to me. Thank you." 
For a brief moment, Kara considered baring her soul, revealing the depths of her love for Lena. But the fear of ruining their friendship held her back, and she took a step back, distancing herself both physically and emotionally. "Oh, it's nothing, really."
They settled in for dinner, as Lena poured the wine and Kara unpacked the take-out, carefully transferring the pasta to plates. The atmosphere was warm and cozy, yet Kara couldn't shake the undercurrent of longing that pulsed beneath the surface.
As they began to eat, Lena launched into a discussion about work, her brows furrowed with a mix of determination and frustration. "I've been trying to acquire this company," she explained, her voice tinged with a hint of exasperation. "But the board is giving me a hard time. I have a meeting with them later this week, and I'm concerned it won't go in my favour."
Kara listened attentively, always enraptured by anything Lena had to say. She reached across the table, placing her hand gently on Lena's. "Lena, you're brilliant. You'll be fine. And anyway, who can resist Lena Luthor?"
Kara couldn't help but notice that a faint blush dusted Lena's cheeks, though she quickly dismissed it, not wanting to read too much into the fleeting moment. Lena squeezed Kara's hand, a gesture of appreciation.
Their conversation shifted, and Lena's tone turned lighter as she inquired about Kara's romantic life. "So, Alex mentioned that Mon-El has been around a lot. How's that going?"
Kara's heart sank at the mention of Mon-El, her mind filled with the unspoken truth that she longed to reveal. But she composed herself, a smile masking her inner turmoil. "We've been on a few casual dates," she admitted, her voice lacking the enthusiasm Lena might have hoped for. "But I'm not sure if it's what I want."
Lena leaned back in her chair, her expression intense as she regarded Kara. “And what do you want, Kara?”
You, Kara thought I want you. But she didn’t dare utter those words and instead, she shrugged. “I’m not sure.”
She saw Lena’s intensity falter slightly, but Lena quickly covered it up before Kara could really think about it.
"Kara, you'll only know if you try,” she said, taking a sip of wine, “And besides, Mon-El is cute and sweet. He may just make you happy."
Kara's heart ached at Lena's words, knowing that the very thing that would make her truly happy sat before her, just out of reach. She mustered a smile, her voice filled with a touch of melancholy. "You're right."
Kara's steps were slow and reluctant as she made her way towards the elevator, not wanting the evening to end. Every fiber of her being longed to stay, to linger in Lena's presence for just a little while longer. 
As she reached the elevator, Lena followed closely behind, their footsteps echoing in the quiet entrance hall. A mixture of reluctance and longing washed over Kara, a whirlwind of emotions that threatened to consume her. Before she could step inside, Lena's arms enveloped her in a tight embrace, their usual goodbye, their bodies pressed together in an intimate closeness.
Kara's breath caught in her throat, her heart pounding against her chest. She closed her eyes, allowing herself to savor the moment, to commit it to memory. Lena's embrace felt like home, a place where Kara's heart found solace, if only for a fleeting instant. The soft touch of Lena's face against her neck sent shivers down her spine, and the scent of Lena's perfume filled her senses, intoxicating and enticing.
Reluctantly, they pulled apart, the embrace ending all too soon. Lena's fingers lingered on Kara's arm, and Kara frowned, confused at the lingering touch. She offered a soft smile, her eyes reflecting a longing that she dared not vocalize. As the elevator doors began to close, Kara held Lena's gaze, the ache in her chest intensifying with each passing moment.
The doors sealed their separation, leaving Kara alone in the enclosed space, her thoughts consumed by the desire she dared not act upon. She pressed a hand against her racing heart, her mind flooded with the image of what could have been. She could have closed the gap between them in an instant, but she had stopped herself. 
-the second time she didn't 
The next morning unfolded in the familiar setting of Catco, where Kara could see Lena immersed in the demands of the office, orchestrating the intricacies of her work. Meanwhile, Kara found herself seated at a desk among other reporters, engrossed in the layout for the upcoming issue. Inevitably, her gaze would wander across the bullpen, drawn irresistibly to Lena's presence. And each time their eyes met, Lena would gift her a smile that sent Kara's heart into a frenzy.
Amidst the buzz of the newsroom, Lena gracefully approached Kara, her steps purposeful yet filled with a tenderness that only they shared. As Lena settled on the table in front of Kara, her touch sent a jolt of electricity through Kara's arm. Clad in a mesmerizing white silk shirt, Lena gave off an effortless elegance that rendered Kara breathless.
"Hello, Kara," Lena greeted, her voice carrying a mixture of familiarity and unspoken yearning. The world around them seemed to fade into the background as Lena's presence enveloped Kara's senses. "Have lunch with me?"
Kara mustered a smile in return, her heart pounding against her ribcage as she nodded. She was usually good at keeping up the facade of friendship, hiding her true feelings, but lately, she found it harder and harder to be in Lena's presence. Every time she set eyes on Lena, her feelings threatened to spill out of her.  
They ventured across the street to a quaint café, and Lena surprised Kara by sitting next to her in the booth, instead of opposite her. But Kara knew that it was probably because Lena didn't want to face away from the window. Still, it felt intimate, and did no favours to Kara's heart. 
As they settled in, Lena looked at her.
"So, have you decided about another date with Mon-El?" she asked, her eyes searching Kara's face for answers.
Kara's heart sank again at the mention of Mon-El, realizing the painful truth behind her intentions. She replied, "I might go on another date with him, just to see if there's anything there."
The admission hung in the air, heavy with the weight of Kara's unspoken turmoil. She knew she sought solace in the familiarity of a nice guy like Mon-El, an attempt to bury her longing for Lena beneath the guise of a relationship with someone else. The internal battle raged within her, torn between the fear of unrequited love and the knowledge that she was being extremely unfair to Mon-El.
In that moment, something shifted in Lena's gaze, a flash of intensity that sent a surge of hope coursing through Kara's veins. Lena leaned in slightly, her eyes fixated on Kara's lips, a magnetic pull that threatened to close the gap between them. Kara couldn't resist the urge to close that distance between them. But fate had a cruel sense of timing, as the intrusion of the waiter shattered the fragile bubble they had created. The spell was broken, and Kara instinctively moved away, introducing a physical distance that mirrored the emotional walls she had forced herself to put up. 
They placed their orders, and as the waiter departed, Kara couldn't help but notice his lingering gaze upon Lena's figure, a surge of possessive jealousy coursing through her veins. 
-the third time she didn't 
Kara worked late that night, and was the last of the reporters to leave. Noticing the time, she decided to go upstairs and grab her stuff before retiring for the night. She entered the elevator. The doors opened, and her footsteps faltered as she reached the main floor of the now empty office. Kara's heart sank as she stood frozen. There, in the midst of her own turmoil, she stumbled upon a scene that felt like a dagger piercing her heart. Lena and James stood in Lena's office, their eyes on each other. James held Lena's hand in his own, his eyes soft. Her gaze fixated on their hands, a sight that ignited a surge of jealousy she had long suppressed. The luminous smile adorning Lena's face as she looked up at James was a painful contrast to the ache that consumed Kara's soul. She listened, unable to tear herself away and cursing her super hearing, as their conversation unfolded before her, each word chipping away at her fragile hope.
James, his voice tinged with anticipation, uttered the words that sliced through Kara's heart. "Okay, so I'll pick you up at eight tomorrow?" he said, his tone carrying an undeniable sense of excitement. Lena's response, a soft affirmation, reverberated in Kara's ears, each syllable like a dagger twisting deeper into her wounded heart. "Yes, perfect."
As James exited Lena's office, he greeted Kara and entered the elevator, a foolish smile etched upon his face. Kara forced herself to meet his gaze. She mustered a strained smile in return, masking the turmoil raging within her. Her mind raced with questions and doubts.
Unable to stop herself, Kara barged into Lena's office, her emotions overriding any sense of reason. Lena looked up in surprise at Kara's sudden intrusion and greeted her with a questioning tone, "Kara, hey. What are you still doing here?"
Ignoring Lena's inquiry, Kara forged ahead, attempting to conceal her swirling jealousy beneath a facade of composure. "You're going on a date with James?" she blurted out.
Lena's smile remained unyielding as she took a step closer to Kara, their proximity sending a surge of conflicting emotions through Kara's veins. "Of course, you heard," Lena replied, and Kara could swear that her words were laced with a hint of challenge. "He asked, and I said yes. Who knows? Maybe it'll be great. He's a nice guy."
Kara's heart quickened, her senses hyperaware of the charged atmosphere enveloping them. Lena's gaze dipped momentarily to Kara's lips. The allure of that moment, the temptation to lean in and close the distance between them, tested Kara's resolve.
But fear, like an unwelcome intruder, seized control, urging her to step away and regain her composure. With a measured effort, Kara composed herself and forced a steady tone. "Yeah, he's a great guy. I'm happy for you, Lena."
Her voice masked the heartbreak that threatened to engulf her, concealing the longing and unspoken desires that lay beneath the surface. Kara bid a hasty retreat from Lena's office, leaving behind pieces of her shattered heart in her wake.
-the first time she did 
Kara spent the entire day in a state of despair, dreading the evening when James and Lena would go on their date. She deliberately avoided Lena, unable to bear the ache in her heart. As the night approached, Kara found herself seeking solace in a bottle of alien alcohol, its captivating blue hue calling to her. She drank alone, feeling a slight buzz as the alcohol coursed through her veins. Thoughts of Lena and James consumed her mind—their hands entwined, the possibility of a kiss at the end of the night, Lena's radiant smile directed at him. Jealousy surged within Kara, the mere thought of James touching Lena becoming unbearable.
In her intoxicated state, Kara couldn't bear the thought of not trying at all. With a mix of determination and impulsiveness, she leaped off her balcony and flew to Lena's penthouse, her heart pounding. Kara landed on Lena's balcony and immediately banged on the door, her emotions raw and unfiltered. Lena, in the midst of putting on an earring, opened the door with a look of confusion etched on her face.
"What are you doing here, Kara?" Lena asked, her voice laced with bewilderment. "Is everything okay?"
Breathless and desperate, Kara looked into Lena's eyes, captivated by the stunning black dress she wore. Her words spilled forth in a rush, "Don't go tonight. Please, Lena, don't go on a date with James."
Lena's eyebrows raised in surprise. "Why not?" she inquired, her tone tinged with curiosity and a hint of challenge. She took a step closer to Kara, their proximity electrifying the air between them, "Why shouldn't I go on a date with James, Kara?"
Struggling to find the words, Kara felt her heart pounding in her chest. Without overthinking, she did what she should have done long ago. In an impulsive move, Kara crashed her lips against Lena's, pouring every ounce of her longing, affection, and desire into that single kiss. It was a passionate, breathtaking moment—an outpouring of emotions that had been suppressed for far too long.
Lena responded immediately, her hands finding their place on Kara's waist, as if they had always belonged there, pulling her closer. Time seemed to stand still. Kara couldn't believe that she was kissing Lena and that Lena was kissing her back, their lips moving in a synchrony.
Lena's lips were a revelation to Kara. The taste of her, a perfect blend of whiskey and sweetness, consumed Kara's thoughts, erasing any doubts or fears that had plagued her. She was lost in the sensation, unable to believe that this long-awaited moment was finally happening.
Every tender brush and urgent press of their lips was an act of longing and release, a culmination of unspoken desires that had silently pulsed between them. 
In that intoxicating kiss, Kara found solace and fulfillment. It was as if a weight had been lifted from her heart, replaced by a sense of completeness she had yearned for but never thought possible. The touch of Lena's lips against hers unleashed a flood of emotions she could no longer contain.
Time seemed to stand still as their kiss deepened, fueled by longing and unspoken declarations of love. Kara's hands instinctively sought the contours of Lena's body, pulling her closer. Kara reveled in the moment, her mind buzzing with euphoria, unable to comprehend the sheer intensity of the emotions rising within her. This was real, tangible, and more beautiful than any dream she had ever dared to imagine.
Reluctantly, they eventually pulled away, their breaths mingling in the space between them. Lena's voice, barely above a whisper, broke the silence.
"Took you long enough," she uttered against Kara's lips, a trace of playfulness in her tone.
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inkedroplets · 3 months
#i will take the bait
i love this for me :D can i start with the 🖤supercorp that i’ve been sending everyone :DDD
I don't really like how this one turned out but I've made my peace with it. Hope you like angst. I know you do.
This is everything I’ve ever wanted…
The kiss that they share on the couch in Lena’s office is sweet and clumsy in the best kind of way. The kind of first kiss that until now Kara has only thought to exist in movies. Real life is never quite that romantic. Never that perfect. Only, this is perfect.
The kiss is brief and all the sweeter for its brevity but so is the rush of excitement, of joy bordering on rapturous that is there and gone in an instant. It should have flourished in her chest bursting into something so much larger than itself like a firework exploding across the dark canvas of the night sky. But the guilt makes it impossible. She can feel it seeping in through invisible cracks and with it that familiar feeling of shame from having kept something so important from Lena as it eats away at her. 
She tries to shove it aside to no avail, to cajole it into slipping back into that all-too happily forgotten corner of her mind. I’ll deal with you later, she pleads. Later, later, later. But the answer she gets back is one she doesn’t want to hear. There is no more later. Not anymore. Not after this. It’s already too late.
“Kara?” She smiles reflexively when she hears Lena call her name and brightens a little despite the storm raging inside her. It’s even easy to do so. It’s Lena, after all. 
“Are you… Is this okay?” Lena asks. She smiles just as sweetly, just as softly as the kiss they’ve just shared. “Nothing needs to change,” she says in a low whisper. “We can pretend it—” “Of course it’s okay,” Kara whispers. She touches her lips with the tips of her fingers, hoping that doing so will help her quantify what the kiss means to her. She thinks she knows what it means, or at least what she hopes it could mean for the both of them. But it feels far too soon to say aloud. Instead she leans forward shyly, tentatively and kisses Lena again. Their second kiss is as brief as their first and there’s that same rush of excitement, that same joy and Kara realizes what it reminds her of. It feels like flying… She almost tells Lena this, wondering, maybe a part of her hoping that Lena might feel the same but stops herself. She can see Lena smiling at that. The lips of her mouth curving up into an amused grin and then sees her asking: How do you know what it feels like to fly?  Playful teasing. A question to which Lena would expect no answer but one that Kara would feel obligated to provide. Because you feel guilty…
Would she launch into an awkward retelling of the last time she was on a plane, and rob her words of their sweetness? Or would she simply stumble over her words until Lena tactfully guided their conversation elsewhere like she had done so many other times in the past whenever Kara had been forced to clumsily explain away either her appearance or disappearance whenever some crisis occurred. Trying desperately not to draw attention to the fact that whenever Supergirl was around, Kara Danvers wasn’t. 
“Is this okay?” Kara asks shyly, trying to ignore the guilt that is now so much like a specter looming over her that she feels that if she turns around she might actually see it there. That if it had a shape she would see it as a faceless entity wreathed in a cape. 
“One way to put it…” Lena smiles again and glances away for a moment. She’s still looking out the window when she speaks again, maybe too afraid to see Kara’s reaction to what she has to say. “I’ve wanted to do that for a while now.” 
 Her statement seems to shock Lena just as much as it does Kara and she understands why almost immediately. After all, is there anyone we can lie better to than ourselves?
“I think,” Kara says carefully and now it's her turn to look away, “I have too.” She nods, a little, more sure now. “Yes… I know I have.” 
It's her own little epiphany although one without any fanfare. Because it's not a truth that she's buried away in some deep, secret part of her heart. It's a truth she's run from more times than she cares to count. That she would have kept running if the circumstances were a bit different, if she had been more mindful of what it would mean, because now…
It's too late.
She knows what Lena wants to ask her. She smiles. It's harder this time and she reaches up to brush away the tears that have begun to fall like the first drops of a summer storm. 
“Happy tears,” she lies and knows that they could be. They should be, she thinks because this is everything she's ever wanted. 
Lena brushes one of them away gently before Kara can get to it. Instead of pulling her hand away it lingers and after Kara is finally able to meet her gaze, Lena leans closer and kisses her again.
It's not too late, she insists. The lie is just as sweet as it was the first time but she finds that it’s become cloying. Not that it stops her from trying to swallow it. To hope that it’s not too late. Another tear slides down her face and another. It’s only when she feels that she can no longer hold back the sob building up in her chest any longer that she reluctantly pulls away. 
“I need to tell you something,” Kara says. It spills out of her all at once like a jar of water being upended. She watches as Lena’s expression turns stony and her eyes fill with tears that shimmer but do not fall as she stands to leave.  She understands that she’s lost everything she’s ever wanted. 
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owl127 · 4 months
Supercorp idea - Let Us Have This
(abo, alpha!kara, omega!lena- Rated M)
I have 3ish chapter for this idea, and I wanted to see if there is any hope for it. Posting chapter one here (unbeta´d):
Kara bit her lip, puffing her cheeks in a long exhale. “Kara Danvers didn’t sleep with Lena.” She met Alex’s confused expression. “Supergirl did.” (...) Feeling her ears burn, Kara nodded. “It has a zipper.” “Oh my God, why did I ask,” Alex groaned and threw her half-eaten pizza slice back into the box. 
For a moment, Lena was sure she was going to die. 
Part of her knew the attack was coming. She knew something big and nefarious was sent her way the moment she ignored her mother’s single message requesting L-Corp’s archives on synthetic kryptonite. 
So for that brief, frightening moment when the warmth of the explosion kissed the back of her dress and the pressure sent her forward, Lena was absolutely sure that was her end. Eyes closed, she leaned forward and surrendered with surprising peace while wishing for it to be quick. 
And then she was up, up and away, cold wind biting her face as dizziness took over her mind at the sudden acceleration. She could smell the telltale of scorched fabric and a touch of musk. Weightless, her arms crushing a strong neck she knew so well, Lena winced as the white noise from the explosion below flooded her hearing. 
When her heart caught up with her mind to understand what had happened, Lena shuddered and autumn's chilly air filled her lungs with a tinge of strength and alpha that sent her mind reeling again. 
“Supergirl,” she breathed, tightening her grip around her superhero. She couldn’t see well with the deafening wind speed, but she could swear the Girl of Steel smirked. 
“You seem very intent on getting yourself killed, Miss Luthor,” Supergirl said as they stopped many feet above the city.
“I don’t know. Seemed like a typical Wednesday for me.”
Supergirl laughed, clear and low, adjusting her grasp on Lena’s body. 
“Let’s try and tone it down to once a month, shall we?” 
Lena smiled, her body pumping adrenaline and her lungs fighting for air, because with the same conviction she had known it to be her end, she also knew to trust the Super. She opened her mouth to reply, but the hero frowned suddenly, looking behind Lena. Iron-grip fingers dug firmly into her back and legs, and Supergirl’s voice was calm but stern as she spoke, “Miss Luthor, try to get yourself very small and hold tight.”
But Lena’s answer came in the form of an armored suit busting into their solitary air space, and she was off in mind-blowing speed, head cradled against Supergirl’s collarbone. Her scent was stronger there, and Lena was getting lost in it until her entire cocoon of protection shook with an impact, and Supergirl groaned.
As another shot flew past them, Lena realized that Supergirl would be fighting off whatever was targeting them if it wasn’t for Lena’s human, frail body that needed protection. However, as the city’s skyscrapers flashed below them, letting go did not seem like an option. So she did what she could: she held tight as Supergirl shielded her from blast after blast. The alpha swallowed groans that Lena could imagine were of pain, her own body shaking violently at each impact. But Supergirl held tight, hands firm and steady as she guided them away from the city.
“Take a deep breath.” 
Lena heard it almost too late, inhaling Supergirl’s essence from her neck and hiding against the fluttering cape as they surged upwards. When Lena realized clouds were getting closer, she closed her eyes and wished to not open them again.
But they turned, completing a loop, and a sudden increase in heat made Lena open her eyes in shock to see the powerful beams leave the hero’s eyes. An explosion ahead of them, and the fingers that surely bruised Lena’s hips relaxed, if only a bit.
She could hear Supergirl’s heartbeat, fast but steady, and the radiator that was the woman’s body was the only reason Lena wasn’t a shivering mess.
Or maybe she was.
She couldn’t speak as they flew back to the city grounds, and she didn’t question why Supergirl knew which building and balcony to land outside her apartment. When her legs hit the polished balcony floor, her knees gave away instantly and Supergirl, also in shaking hands, swooped her back up in bridal carry. 
Lena didn’t protest and let herself be carried into her dark living room. Supergirl guided them to the couch, sitting down slowly but not letting go of Lena. A brief thought that Supergirl was hyperventilating crossed her mind, but then she noticed she was the one having a hard time breathing. 
“You’re safe,” Supergirl said, not complaining about the fact she had been holding Lena for what must have been a good part of an hour. “You’re safe,” she repeated, one large, warm palm resting over Lena’s on the superhero’s chest.
Lena’s fingers grip the crest over the suit. She tried to and matched Supergirl’s breathing, slowing down until her desperate pants didn’t fill the room, only the sirens far down echoing in the background. She breathed more of the alpha’s scent, earthly and fresh, and it was all new and at the same time familiar.
The moment shifted, fast like a winter sunset. Lena’s hand continued to rest under Supergirl’s, hot and clammy, and Lena took a deep, deep breath in the soft spot where the suit revealed skin. Supergirl’s breath caught at the back of her throat, and Lena was suddenly aware of how they were pressed together on her couch. 
Lena almost died today.
But as she rested her lips on Supergirl’s neck, the remnant adrenaline in her body made her feel most alive. She felt the pulse against her lips quicken. She was not sure what she was looking for, but as the grip on her body became a shy touch away from hurting and Supergirl moaned low at a second kiss on available skin, Lena knew she had found it.
“Miss Luthor,” Supergirl asked—or pleaded—and when Lena gathered the courage to look up under the low light, she saw bright blue eyes shut close. 
“Supergirl.” Lena’s voice was unsteady, breathy, rough. If anyone was pleading that night, it would be her. She watched as Supergirl blinked her eyes open, a whimper escaping her mouth under Lena’s touch on her neck. Blue eyes seemed dark in her living room, consumed by what Lena hoped was arousal but also a tinge of doubt. She had never seen the hero so close.
Trembling legs straddled the superhero’s waist, trapping the most powerful alpha on the planet under the weight of an omega. 
Supergirl gulped. 
Not thinking twice, or not thinking at all, Lena reached down for a proper kiss. Her chapped lips touched soft ones, once, twice. Supergirl didn’t respond but for the hands on Lena’s back warming up. Now that she could feel it, Lena wondered, perplexed, how something so powerful could be that soft.
When she pulled away to apologize, to take a breath, or anything else, Supergirl met her halfway and finally responded to the kiss. Slow, moderate—until it wasn’t, and Lena opened her mouth to deepen the kiss and her need. 
“Miss Luthor—”
“Don’t,” Lena found her voice, hands diving into messy blonde curls. “Let us have this.”
“We don’t—”
“We can have this,” she insisted, and the storm of emotions shining in blue eyes was too much. Not letting her hero rethink anything, Lena leaned for another kiss. 
Arms maintaining their death grip on Supergirl’s neck, Lena grinded herself down on the suit, smiling at the resulting bulge.
They established a rhythm in their kissing and grinding. Lena attacked every available skin on Supergirl’s neck, face, and strong hands fumbled with Lena’s dress zipper just for them to hear the fabric tearing. 
Wide blue eyes met Lena as they stopped at the sound. “I’m sorry!”
Smiling, Lena shrugged off the scorched, destroyed garment with minimal effort. She was left in her underwear; she wondered if she should have picked something else than a comfortable bra and panties, but as wide blue eyes zeroed on her chest, she thought that it might be okay.
She met Supergirl’s lips again, hard, and moaned into the responding thrust between her legs. Lena looked between them, and then back at the gaping hero. 
“Oh, Rao,” Supergirl said, her cheeks darkening in the dim room.
A pale hand rested between Supergirl’s legs, and she hissed on Lena’s neck, tongue licking her way back to the omega’s mouth. 
They were impossibly close, moving together, finding secret spots and whimpers to pull out of each other. Noses bumping, they shared the same air, a sudden need for touch consuming Lena and prickling at her skin. 
As much as Lena enjoyed the suit, she wanted it gone. But she had no idea how to get the alpha out of it. Was there a secret zipper somewhere? 
Her frantic search around Supergirl’s crotch went to a sudden stop as the same warm hand that was on her hip rested on top of Lena’s. She thought Supergirl was going to put a stop to it, stand up and leave her wet and bothered on her couch. A protest formed in her throat, but the strong hand simply reached between them, and a satisfying zipper sound echoed in the living room filled with labored breaths. 
“Yes,” Lena whispered and captured the softest lips she had ever kissed once more, swatting Supergirl’s hand away so she would have the satisfaction of freeing the hero from her confines.
Suit on, then.
It was dark, messy, and Lena was partially in shock. But none of that broke through the calming certainty that took over Lena, and she pushed her own panties aside, dripping, and watched the Girl of Steel zero her attention between their bodies as she sank down in one swift motion.
God, she should have taken her time.
Hissing, she swallowed Supergirl’s moan when their lips reunited as they began to move, the discomfort ebbing away at each new thrust.
One hand on her hip and the other pushing her down by her shoulders, Lena let herself be guided by the hero, accepting the rhythm she imposed with strong pushes of her thighs. 
Lena did not expect it to be sweet or kind. She did not expect this at all, only following what her body and the moment guided her to do. But there she was, with Supergirl under her, inside her, soiling her couch in the best possible way. And still, not expecting anything, Supergirl found home in the warm spot on her neck, leaving a new collection of marks that Lena was sure to cherish. She spoke something in a foreign tongue, clipped and slow, words that broke every time their bodies met. 
Lena gasped and pulled her closer, nails digging into a covered shoulder, knees spreading wide over her white leather couch. 
A hand traveled to between their bodies, clumsily slipping between them to find Lena’s point of pleasure. She spread her legs wider, trembling knees digging into the couch, muscles flexing, and she moaned out loud when the soft pad of a thumb found her.
Was that talent or superspeed? 
Whatever it was, when coupled with the deep thrusting reaching the right places inside, it led Lena to a shuddering, breathtaking orgasm. Her mind went blank for a sweet second, and she sucked firmly on Supergirl’s neck. 
“Lena,” the hero breathed wetly on her cheek, hands finally undoing the mess that was once her bun, and hips picked up speed as Lena bounced freely. 
Supergirl was going to come inside her, and Lena never felt so complete. 
It was quiet; the long moan that left the alpha’s mouth was close to a whimper, stretched thin and fading to a gasp as she lost her imposing rhythm and shuddered. She trembled and grunted, pushing one, two, three final times before allowing their heated bodies to cool down with elaborated breaths.
Lena did not know Supergirl could pant like that.
The weight of the day hit her hard, and she slumped over the alpha’s chest, spent, tired, ultimately satisfied. 
“I’ve got you.”
It was the last thing she heard before closing her eyes to the sight of cornflower blue.
Lena woke up in her bed, blinking against the early morning light. Her body felt tired, bruised, aching in all the right places. 
Was it a dream?
She touched between her legs, finding dampness and a delicious soreness. She touched her neck, the skin prickling under her fingers, sensitive. She bit her lips at the memory of warm skin and soft, soft lips. There was a single flower on her nightstand, fresh and red.
Not a dream.
Kara would not know what they were watching for the life of her. Throughout the evening of the typical sisters’ night, she tried to find a way to talk to Alex as they lounged on her couch. More like to confess to Alex.
“I can hear you thinking,” Alex probed, reaching for another slice of pizza. 
“I need to tell you something.” 
Kara took a deep breath and faced her sister. Unimpressed, Alex took another bite from the meat lovers pizza. “Kara, whatever it is, I am sure we can—”
“I slept with Lena.” 
Alex stopped mid-bite, swallowing dryly. “When you say sleep, do you mean sleep or sleep sleep?”
Kara fidgeted with her glasses, blue eyes scanning her loft before tentatively finding Alex’s again. “Sleep sleep.” Her hands moved in front of her under the blanket, but the movement was not lost on Alex.
“Oh, Kara.” The older alpha perked up. “I’m happy for you?” It sounded like a question since whatever was warming up Kara’s face was not joy. She took her glasses off, put them on again. “I thought you liked her?” Alex tried.
“No, that’s not—I mean, I do, I do like her but…” Kara bit her lip, puffing her cheeks in a long exhale. “Kara Danvers didn’t sleep with Lena.” She met Alex’s confused expression. “Supergirl did.”
It took a second or two, but Alex widened her eyes. Her pizza slice sat between them, forgotten in her hand. Alex frowned after the initial surprise. “What do you mean, Supergirl did? How would she not notice—oh God, Kara… with the suit on?” Alex’s mouth contorted into disgust at Kara’s burning face. “How do you even?” It was Alex’s turn with the vague hand gestures between her free hand and the pizza. 
Feeling her ears burn, Kara nodded. “It has a zipper.”
“Oh my God, why did I ask,” Alex groaned and threw her half-eaten slice back into the box. 
They remained in painful silence. “Kara,” Agent Danvers asked, since at that moment she was not asking as an older sister. “Do you think she can ID you?”
“I don’t know! It was kinda dark and—”
“Please no details,” Alex begged, hands in a protective stance between them. 
“I honestly don’t know. She’s been on leave since the attack last week—”
“During an attack, Kara?” Alex’s lips pulled down again, and Kara rolled her eyes.
“Not during, more like, after!”
“Ugh.” Alex ran a hand through her short hair. “You cannot expose your identity to Lena Luthor.”
“I guess I’ve exposed enough.”
“Kara! This is serious.” Alex stood up, pacing in front of the couch as Kara observed. “We need to find out what she knows.”
“As I was saying”—Kara reached for a slice herself—“she is coming back to work tomorrow. I will try and figure that out.”
“Good, good. Sounds like a plan.” Alex nodded at each affirmation. She closed her eyes, one hand massaging her temple. “I don’t think I can look at you the same in that suit anymore.”
“I thought you would be happy for me for… you know, living my life and everything,” she said with her mouthful of pizza. 
“But the suit, Kara?” Alex whined.
“It’s machine washable!”
“Don’t ever let Winn know. He will sew up your zipper.”
Kara made a face, and Alex flopped down on the couch. 
“But how was it?” Alex was trying hard to balance her roles as DEO agent and sister there, Kara had to give her that. 
The little gasps that puffed into Kara’s neck each time she drove into Lena. The combined heat of their bodies and how Lena opened up for her, breath caught in her throat. 
“Really good,” she confessed, ears burning all over again. 
“This is messy.” Alex reached for her abandoned pizza slice. “You need to promise me you won’t tell Lena your secret identity, no matter how good sex was with her.”
“For now, Lena Luthor thinking she had a thirsty night with Supergirl is safer for everyone.” 
Kara played with the threadbare end of the blanket covering her legs. “I understand.”
They ate in silence until Alex couldn’t hold it anymore. 
“With the suit on, Kara. I can’t believe you.”
“It has a zipper!”
Monday rolled around, and Kara found herself double-checking her email every other minute. Lena had yet to show up at CatCo, and the waiting was gnawing at Kara’s patience. Not that she was an example of patience, but still. 
She cleared her spam box and went as far as checking the promotions tab.
The elevator dinged to put her out of her misery as she excluded an expired Calvin Klein’s coupon. 
Lena emerged from the elevator in her usual grace—pressed, knee-length black skirt and a soft-looking turtleneck the color of the rose Kara left next to her bed a couple mornings ago.
Kara knew exactly what the burgundy solid-knit hid. Marks, an entire constellation of them, left by her mouth on alabaster skin.
“Hi, Kara.”
Lena was in front of her.
“Lena! Hi!” She went for a hug that Lena responded in kind. “You didn’t answer my messages, are you okay? You never take sick days.”
Lena took a deep breath, and a shy smile graced her lips. “I needed some time to center myself after the last… event.” Her lips pulled down, and Kara wondered if there was a better word for “when my mother tried to kill me… again”. 
“Yes, of course. But are you okay?”
Lena stared so deeply into Kara’s eyes that Kara thought that was it; Lena knew, she saw the truth, the suit and zipper were not enough to keep her secret. 
But the intensity in light green eyes faded, and Lena eased back to her smile. “Yes, I’m feeling much better.”
Eve showed up with coffee for Lena, and Kara followed her into James’ office. James wasn’t there yet, and Lena dropped her bag on the empty couch. “Kara, do you want to have lunch today? I wanted to talk to you.”
She didn’t meet Kara’s eyes as she asked, but the phrase sent a shock down Kara’s spine nonetheless. 
Yep, that was it. Lena clearly knew. 
“Yes, of course.” Kara was a little breathless. Lena took a sip of her coffee and looked up at Kara again, eyes glinting. 
“I need to tell you something,” she said, eyes looking around them discreetly, as if she had a secret. 
“Yeah, sure,” Kara replied and thanked Rao she didn’t break the pencil she was holding. 
“I need some friendly advice on something,” Lena continued, her back to Kara as she left her coffee on the corner of James’ table and fished a tablet from her purse. “So don’t bail on lunch.”
Kara nodded and walked back to her desk. She had half a mind to call Alex and request the pile of NDA documents Lena would undoubtedly have to sign after this but decided to wait for lunch.
As she sat back down on her chair, the pencil finally broke in two between her fingers.
Lunch came too fast and horribly too slow. A few hours later, Kara found herself at the outside area of their floor with two boxes of Chinese food while Lena had enough greens to feed an entire rabbit family.
“So… what do you want to talk about?” Kara fought to keep her eyes on her food but lost the battle quite quickly as she watched Lena playing with a cherry tomato. 
Green eyes as sharp as a knife fixed on her, and Kara swallowed a dumpling without chewing. 
“Have you seen Supergirl lately?” Lena measured her focus back to the cherry tomato as Kara blushed as red as the fruit. 
So much for being subtle. 
“No, not really, no,” she answered and went straight for her water to wash down her nerves.
It did not work. 
Lena hummed, catching the stray tomato and chewing it slowly behind lips just as red. 
“Do you know if she has any… companions?”
Kara had the decency to chew her dumpling this time. “What do you mean?” 
“As in a lover.”
Nope, more like half chewing it as it bothered her throat going down. 
“Not that I know of, no.” 
Lena’s tongue poked out to lick at the side of her lips, capturing a stray drop of olive oil. Kara’s eyes followed the motion, hypnotized. When Lena caught her staring with a slight frown, she focused back on her fried rice. 
They ate in silence for a moment, and Kara wondered if Lena was getting ready to drop the truth bomb. She had an excuse ready and cleared her afternoon so they could both head down to the DEO, and J’onn would scold her so badly, and—
“I had sex with Supergirl,” Lena said in a natural tone, gaze on her salad, and Kara widened her eyes. It worked well, since Lena probably thought it was a simple surprise and not Kara’s honest reaction to Lena not connecting the dots.
The glasses did work! 
“Kara?” Lena raised one sculpted eyebrow, and Kara nodded, blinking raptly. 
“Oh, wow, I mean, oh.” She didn't know what would be the appropriate response, lips opening and closing, face flushed. Should she say congratulations? 
Thinking about it, she was in a unique situation to get interesting… feedback. 
“But like, how was it?” Kara pretended to go back to her potstickers, but when Lena smiled broadly, she gave it up to drink in Lena’s reaction. Lena bit her lip, cheeks coloring a beautiful shade of crimson that harmonized with her turtleneck and lipstick. 
“Really good,” Lena laughed, and Kara preened a little under the indirect praise. “I mean,” Lena continued, pushing her salad aside to lean over the table. Kara did her best not to lean and meet her halfway. “It was kinda fast.”
Kara sat back against her chair, stuttering. “Well, I suppose it was what, at the end of the day? Supergirl probably works a lot, like a lot, and—”
“Kara.” Lena laughed freely at that. “I didn’t mean fast like that! You alphas.” Lena’s face flushed further, and Kara felt her own ears tingle with heat. 
“It was fast in a way that it was not planned,” Lena corrected, drinking a sip of water to wash down the last bit of her amusement. “It kinda just happened.”
“Okay, I may have pushed it a little bit,” the omega admitted from behind the rim of her water glass. 
Kara busied herself with another dumpling. “So it was good?” she asked with a mouthful.
Lena looked to the side while biting her lips. She drummed her fingers on the table and played with her fork. Kara held her breath. 
“You’re my best friend, and I need to gush about it with someone,” she said in a rushed breath, and Kara reminded herself to breathe like a proper human.
“Yes?” There was soy sauce on Kara’s lips, but she couldn’t care less as Lena knocked on the table excitedly with both hands, light touches to expose part of what seemed to be barely contained giggles. 
“Okay.” Lena folded her hands in front of her. “It was a bit dark, and it was fast and all, but, Kara.” She looked up, and Kara felt a responding tug in her pants. “Supergirl has some talents.” 
Talents, talents? Kara needed specifics! 
“Her hand, her finger.” Lena looked down at her own hands, eyes a little fogged, eyebrow knit in concentration. “It vibrated, like a legit vibrator. Maybe it’s a superpower thing?” Lena faced Kara once more, and Kara shrugged in response. 
But yeah, it was a superpower thing. Kara tried to control her smirk, but it showed some of it by the way Lena blushed and rolled her eyes. 
“And she’s… okay, don’t go all alpha dog on me,” Lena excused herself before any further admission, and by then, Kara was sure of two things.
One: Lena did not recognize her that night.
Two: Kara had freaking good game. 
She stared at Lena, holding herself together not to smile. She could feel her lips fighting it, twisting up, but she nodded at Lena to continue. 
Lena rolled her eyes. “She is well endorsed,” she admitted with a bright new flush. “Not like, too much, but God, perfect. It was almost too much at first but then...” She got lost in memory, and Kara bit the inside of her cheek. “It was good.”
Kara’s smile was out of control now, but Lena avoided her eyes. “Yeah, so, that happened,” Lena added, one hand pulling her salad back in front of her. 
Kara sucked on her lips, smiling and probably looking like a total fool. She ignored the alpha pride bubbling in her chest and her instinct making its own party down her pants to look back at Lena.
Then she asked what she should not, probably. 
“Do you want to do it again?”
Lena's eyes squinted in what appeared to be concentration. She took her time to think, eating a mouthful of greens. When she finally swallowed, she fixed Kara with eyes that could only be described as predatory.
Kara knew that stare; she had seen it in the dim living room before Lena kissed her senseless. 
Rao, why did she ask that.
“I do.”
Thank Rao she asked that.
“Do you want me to tell her that?” Aiming for nonchalance, Kara played with the peanut in her fried rice. She was out of dumplings and potstickers already. 
“What if she wants to keep it a secret? Oh God.” Lena’s hand landed on her own heart, and Kara heard how it accelerated. “Should I have not said anything?”
“Lena, calm down.” Kara had a small smile. “She won’t mind that you told me. I’m pretty sure she’ll tell me when we meet again.”
Lena’s eyes darkened in that predatory way that Kara thanked Rao she chose dark chinos today. 
“If she does, you better let me know what she says about me.”
“Will do,” Kara laughed quietly. “But for the record, I’m sure any alpha would be amazed to be with you.” 
Lena blushed at that, light and pink, different from the previous blushes of their lunch.
“Thank you, Kara.” 
“Anytime.” Kara’s entire face worked on her smile. “Now, do you have plans for that milkshake of yours?”
“I got it for you.”
Lena woke up feeling good, ready to face the day. In yoga pants and a black tank top, she made herself buttered toast with a touch of cinnamon and opened a new bottle of orange juice. 
Her treadmill faced the full wall window with National City waking up forty floors below. The sun had just started to rise when Lena began her run. Classic music played from the speakers on the treadmill, the watch marking the first ten minutes of her run.
At first, she didn’t think it would be something major. The rising sun seemed too bright and the music too loud, so she shut part of the blinds and lowered the volume. The stopwatch marked fifteen, and Lena had a sudden change in her mood, feeling exhausted, almost dizzy. At twenty, the dizziness intensified, her legs threatened to give away, and she had half a second to press on the emergency red button before she stumbled off the moving lane. 
Lena breathed hard, controlling her intake of air not to hyperventilate. She sat on the floor and crawled to the living room couch, resting her back against it. As the room spun around her, Lena tried to keep her breakfast down. Her stopwatch marked thirty-five by the time she could stand up on wobbly legs. 
She took a long time in her morning shower, washing her hair and staying under the lukewarm spray until she could feel like herself again.
By the time she made it to CatCo, dressed in a navy pantsuit and white satin shirt, her day did not look any better. She felt tired, exhausted even, and the smell of coffee turned her stomach. She sent Eve away with a promise to bring peppermint tea instead.
Lena turned at the call of her name, finding worried blue eyes. Mint scent filled the air, and she gratefully took the tea Kara offered. 
“How are you? You don’t look so good.” Kara helped Lena into the chair at her desk outside James' office. 
Leave it to Kara to be delicate about the fact that Lena looked like shit. 
“I’m not feeling well today,” Lena mumbled before taking a scalding sip from the offered tea. It burned her lips but distracted her from the lingering dizziness. 
Kara pushed another chair next to her, one warm hand finding Lena’s forehead. “Do you have a fever?”
“No, I don’t think so.” Lena looked up to find Kara’s eyes crinkled in worry.
The bluest eyes Lena had ever seen fixed on her face as Supergirl rocked her entire body at each deep thrust. 
“Lena? You okay? Maybe you should go home.”
Lena shook her head, pulling away from Kara’s touch. 
“No, I’m okay, just… déjà vu.” 
Kara’s hand hovered between them for a bit, unsure. She nodded, clearing her throat. 
“I still think you might want to take the morning off.”
“I’m fine, Kara.” 
Throughout the day, Lena had a hard time shaking Supergirl off her mind. 
The fight had been all over the news. From the multiple screens at CatCo, Lena watched Supergirl fight, and get really close to losing, with an alien three times her size. The Girl of Steel had heroically taken the fight away from the city and the people, and helicopters and drones struggled to keep up with the superhuman duel. 
Whatever happened that cameras did not catch, Lena was sure it had taken a heavy toll on the superhero.
Still feeling a little off like she had been in the last week, Lena left James responsible for the coverage of the fight and headed home. Her phone screen flashed with updates all afternoon: it had been messy, and hard, but Supergirl had prevailed and captured the rogue alien. 
Lena saw the pictures of Supergirl—lips bleeding and a trickle of red lining her forehead—and grimaced. She had never seen her bleed before.
She made herself tea at home, trading her skirt for sweatpants and fluffy socks. Lena had a book under her arm and steaming tea in her hands, ready to retreat to her bedroom, when she heard her balcony door open.
A shiver went down her spine, pure and raw fear at another possible attempt on her life. She turned suddenly, some of the tea sloshing down her hardwood flooring. 
Fear left her at once when she saw the figure hovering at her window, not quite entering, hair moving with the night breeze. She left the tea and book on her coffee table and walked to the window in time to let the tired body lean over her smaller frame.
“Supergirl?” she asked breathlessly, hands going to the back of the hero. She was warm, maybe too warm. Her suit was torn in places, and her cape was missing. 
Supergirl’s nose found the side of her neck, and Lena smelled blood and soot. She hugged Supergirl closer.
“Can I—”
“C’mon.” Lena stepped back, one hand guiding the hero that looked smaller under her living room light. They walked past the couch, Lena pulling the suddenly shy hero until they made it to her bedroom.
Supergirl blinked, looking around and taking a step back. “I shouldn't,” she said mostly to herself, but one knee buckled when she turned around, hitting the floor with a crack. 
“Nonsense.” Lena helped her up, or more likely, stood next to her as she balanced once more. Without another word, Lena helped the hero to her bed. 
Supergirl complied like a trained puppy, head hitting the pillow in a long exhale. Lena helped her out of the suit—there were many hidden zippers everywhere—and watched as the pile of muscles that was Supergirl lay on her bed with nothing but boxer shorts and a tank top. The blood on her face had dried, but there were different cuts all over her golden body. Under the light of her bedside table, Lena pushed Supergirl’s hair behind an ear, inhaling the alpha scent under the remnants of her battle.
It felt strangely familiar. 
Blue eyes blinked open, and Supergirl turned off the light next to them. 
“You’re safe,” Lena said to the dark room, finding her place as the small spoon. 
She felt the alpha’s responding smile against the back of her neck.
Lena awoke to the sensation of heat. Her bedroom was warm, and she moved to kick the covers, but she was not under the blankets. As sunrise made itself known against the blinders in her bedroom, Lena took a deep breath of alpha.
Last night came back to her, and she turned between the arms of her personal space heater to face the most relaxed, peaceful Supergirl she had ever seen. She couldn’t make out the details of her sharp jawline, the sun barely hinting at east, but she could feel her chest expanding and hear the little snores. 
Lena smiled.
She reclaimed her space under the Girl of Steel’s neck, not shaking the feeling of odd familiarity. Lena’s hand rested on Supergirl’s exposed waist and ran it over her arms to check for the bruises and cuts from last night. They were there, but less pronounced. 
“Hmm,” Supergirl mumbled in her sleep under Lena’s touch, pulling the omega closer, Lena’s cheek resting on a strong collarbone.  
Lena would have been content with that, the comfort of a night together. 
“Do you want to do it again?”
Kara’s question came to her, uninvited, sudden, and Lena shivered.
Supergirl had slept in her bed, and yes, she would like to sleep with her again, whatever that meant. 
If only Kara could see her now.
A small kiss on her temple got her out of thoughts, and Lena melted against the strong chest warming up her bed. 
“Hi,” Supergirl said huskily against messy dark hair, arms wrapping Lena and turning so Lena could rest her chin over a dark tank top. She felt nipples hardening against her own cotton shirt. 
“Hello,” Lena replied, taking in the scent and warmth around her. “I’m glad you stopped by last night.” She looked up to meet sleepy eyes.
Supergirl blinked, slowly, and stretched in the languid way cats do after a nap—neck turning to the side and legs spreading so Lena could fit snugly between them. 
“I should go,” Supergirl said as the sun kissed Lena’s curtains, never stopping its west crawl.
“Can you stay a bit longer?” Lena herself stretched, her hips grinding in front of Supergirl’s boxer briefs and eliciting a moan from the superhero. 
“I could stay a bit longer,” Supergirl confessed, dipping to catch Lena’s lips in a kiss that woke them both up.
So Lena started her morning on her hands and knees, head buried in her pillow as Supergirl made her day so much better.
Kara chewed on buttered popcorn as cars exploded on her TV from one of the Bourne movies. She wasn’t sure which one, but it happened in Europe. Maybe.
Alex had picked the movie.
Alex watched the car chase and shootings fascinatingly, murmuring some of the lines along with all kinds of spies. Kara waited for the final car chase scene to end until she had Alex’s attention. 
Mouth full of popcorn, Kara stared at the TV, not brave enough to meet her sister’s eyes.
“I did it again.”
“What?” Alex got the popcorn bowl from Kara’s lap.
Alex promptly choked on popcorn. 
“I know!” Kara covered her warming face with a pink cushion. 
“You need to stop before that woman develops a kink for suits,” Alex said after downing half of her beer and clearing her airways. 
“There was no suit this time.”
“Kara, did you tell her?” Alex stared at Kara with stern dark eyes that made the superhero shrink to her side of the couch. 
“No. But it was different. I slept there.”
“Oh, Kara,” Alex’s eyes had something that might have been close to pity, and Kara couldn’t take that. “Does she know?”
“I don’t think so.” Kara looked down at her hands, wiping the popcorn grease on her sweater pants. “It was kinda…” Her ears burned, and she avoided Alex’s questioning eyes. “Like, from behind.”
Alex made a face at her and fake-gagged. “Please, no details.”
“It was dark, so I think I’m good.”
“Just stop.”
“I might have forgotten my cape there.”
“Sometimes I wish you were an omega.”
“I’d still do it.”
“Of course you would.”
The email did not call for her immediate attention. Lena had received it at 9:37 am and only looked at it by the end of her day, the clock nearing 8 pm as she made her last checkup on Sam at L-Corp.
She had done the diagnostic tests in her own lab, of course. Being the CEO of one of the most powerful pharmaceutical companies had its perks. But even Lena knew that, sometimes, a specialist should take a look at the results. After an entire week of feeling constantly exhausted and surprisingly hungry, Lena had performed her usual, annual checkup a few months earlier. Most results seemed normal, but a few hormonal levels caught her attention, and she ran them with her head researcher of their omega-focused department. 
Seemed fitting. 
The doctor had sent her an email, at 9:37 am, with the simple title of “Lab test 127 results”. Very innocuous and unassuming. Easy to ignore, considering Lena’s busy life.
She said good-bye to Sam at the elevator, and she had to reassure her CFO that, yes, she was fine. Sam had looked at her with a somewhat puzzled expression, but she didn’t press it. When Lena checked her reflection on her phone inside her car, she realized that she might have been looking like… total shit, yeah, exhausted and wishing she was home with warm tea, pizza and fluffy pajamas, and maybe her strong alpha to cuddle her to sleep.
The last thought hit her so hard that she wondered if she should add scotch to her tea. Was she going into heat early? It would explain her wandering thoughts.
As she finally opened the email when she padded into her kitchen, make-up-free and wearing warm winter socks even though it was still autumn, she realized the scotch would have to wait.
It would have to wait quite some time.
The following morning, Lena did not expect the buzz next to her front door, her intercom startling her out of her email inbox. 
“Miss Luthor, there is a Miss Danvers in the lobby for you. Should I let her in?” Came the gruff voice of the doorman, and Lena looked puzzled from her forgotten phone to her closed door.
Did she sound desperate in her text earlier?
“You can let her up, Charles, thank you.” She was still a little breathless from hurrying to her door to respond. She checked the messages to see what could have caused Kara to drop by unannounced after her texts an hour ago.
Yeah, considering the protective-labrador personality Kara had, she could have framed that better.
Which was why she found herself opening her front door, in pajamas and bed hair, to a whirlwind of pastel and chinos at 9:47 am. 
“Lena, are you all right?” Kara had coffee and donuts in her hands, but she balanced everything on one side to place a warm palm over Lena’s forehead before stepping in. “Do you have a fever? What happened? Is it bad? Oh no, Lena, are you dying?” 
Lena took it all like the champion she was, getting one donut from the bag and ignoring the coffee, opening the door wide and thanking God for her lack of neighbors. 
“I’m not dying,” she mumbled after her first bite—glazed, simple, just what she needed—and herded Kara and her endless questions to her couch.
She wondered if Kara would be mad if she knew what else had happened on that couch, but the alpha was already blushing and adjusting her button-up after dropping the rest of the baked goodies on the coffee table. 
“You kinda look like you’re dying,” Kara said mostly to herself, one hand pushing her frames up her nose. 
Lena fixed her with her most convincing glare, which, admittedly, could be lacking strength without any make-up and hairdo, just a sloppy ponytail she barely bothered to do this morning.
But she had reasons!
“Thanks for stopping by, even though it’s unnecessary,” she said. “But I do need to talk to you.”
“What happened?�� 
Kara had one of the bluest eyes Lena had ever seen—warm and familiar and insightful. She closed her own eyes at a warm wave of other blue-eyed memories. Images of another pair, so shockingly similar, shining with tiredness in her darkened bedroom.
If only Kara knew what a stare like that could do to an omega.
Lena used her thumb to clear nonexistent sugar from her lips, watching as Kara took an entire mouthful of a powdered donut. The alpha had white powdered sugar all over her mouth, but she didn’t move to clean it up. Lena smiled, and at that moment she knew she could count on Kara for anything.
“Remember when I told you that I had sex with Supergirl?”
Kara nodded and emitted a confirmation sound from her donut-filled mouth. The white of the sugar became more prominent as she blushed.
“I did it again.”
“Oh.” Kara had completely stopped chewing, just hanging in there with chipmunk cheeks.
Lena reached for her donut but didn’t bite it. She played with the glaze between her thumb and forefinger, pursing her lips.
Would Kara be disappointed?
Only one way to know.
“And I found out last night, you see…” Lena took a deep breath, meeting blue eyes as she exhaled. “That I’m pregnant.”
Kara had the courtesy to look away from Lena as she spat a half-eaten donut all over her coffee table and coughed for a good ten seconds. Lena grimaced at the scene but padded her friend in the back, waiting patiently as she gathered her breath.
Kara held a finger up, clearing her throat and using an offered napkin to wipe her lips. She almost succeeded.
Eyes glossy from almost choking, Kara finally looked at her. “You sure?”
“Precisely.” The word tugged Lena’s lips to the side, and she glanced at her laptop where she had double-checked the results. She had also called her doctor, had bought a collection of pregnancy tests from the downtown pharmacy, and all in all, had looked for any direction that could let her out of this situation. 
Kara stood up, pacing relentlessly in her living room. “Okay, okay. I see. I see. You’re pregnant.” She looked at Lena, who remained on the couch watching Kara freak out. Kara pointed at her, not accusingly, just fitting together the pieces of her speech. “You’re pregnant. With Supergirl’s pup.” She glanced behind Lena, fingers now pointed to the window. “Supergirl’s alien pup,” she completed. 
“Yes,” Lena confirmed, eyes studying as Kara kept pacing back and forth behind her coffee table. 
“Okay. Okay, that is…” Kara stopped, both hands on her hips, her head down, and when she looked up, Lena was not expecting the brightness of tears. “That is kind of amazing,” she said in a shaky voice, biting her lip, and Lena could not take a second look at a crying Kara and not feel her own eyes fighting the flood. 
“Is it?” Lena heard her own voice—small, unsure. 
Kara nodded, sinking back on the couch and reaching for Lena’s hands. “Yeah, yeah it is.”
They sat like that, hands together, and Lena wondered if every friendship was like that.
“Oh, Rao,” Kara breathed out, releasing Lena’s hand to massage her temples. “I need to take you to the DEO.”
When Kara looked up, she had a panicked expression that did not help Lena’s turning stomach. 
“Alex’s gonna flip,” Kara whispered, and Lena felt utterly confused. “Oh, Lena.” She stared at Lena, then at Lena’s window, and back at Lena, and Lena felt like crying again.
Kara took another deep breath and a veil of determination covered her face. “I need to take you to a facility that will be able to help you. Supergirl works there. They need to know this. Supergirl has so many enemies, and if anyone finds out about a pup they could…” Kara’s scent grew, a metallic tinge of fear, and Lena recoiled unconsciously. 
“It’s ok, you’re okay,” Kara reassured her, closing her eyes for a moment as the scent dissipated. “We will help you.”
Lena had many questions. There was a strange feeling growing in her stomach, and she had the suspicion it was not morning sickness. 
“Kara, I have enough equipment at L-Corp to go through with this.”
“Lena please…”
“I don’t want to expose myself to the government or… anyone else.” Lena stood from the couch, ready to turn her back to Kara, but the alpha held her hand, gently pulling so she could face her again. Kara didn’t stand up, instead looking at Lena from her place on the couch. 
“I’m sure Supergirl would want to know. She would want to protect you,” Kara pleaded, lips in a thin line that ghosted a smile. 
The feeling in Lena’s tummy grew. 
“Just for today,” Kara insisted. “Do you trust me?”
The memory came back. Blue, blue eyes with specks of gray and amber. She shivered. 
“Yes.” Lena tightened her grasp around Kara’s hand.
 Oh, Rao; oh, Rao; oh, Rao; oh, Rao.
Kara messed up. 
She knew that. She was aware of that. She was painfully aware she had messed up beautifully this time.
It was not that she had anything intrinsically against what had happened. It just didn’t go the way she had hoped. After months of having feelings for Lena and preparing herself to ask the omega out, all it took was one night of weakness, and Kara messed up everything.
Okay, one night and a morning.
The order of events was supposed to be something like: declare feelings, date, mate, pups. 
They jumped a lot of steps.
Now she got a visitor’s badge for Lena while they went through security at the DEO, and even though she never felt sick, she wondered if the feeling was anything close to the turmoil in her stomach. 
Oh, Rao.
She ignored the questioning glances from the other agents as she strode in all her pastel glory into the DEO with a very confused, very curious Lena Luthor following behind.
Winn almost had a heart attack. 
“Kara! Lena!” He stood up from his rolling chair, hand holding one of his toy guns. “Kara? Lena?” He looked between the two women, their linked hands, Lena’s questioning gaze, Kara’s silent plea. His eyebrows hit his hairline. 
“I need to see Alex in the med bay,” Kara said and hopefully her tone would not require further explanation. Lena’s hand was stiff and clammy in hers, and she guided them to the stairs and into the med bay. Thankfully, it was empty. 
Kara helped Lena to a seat, and before she could roll a chair for herself, she heard Alex making her way upstairs. 
“Just a sec.” She squeezed Lena’s hand and left the room to meet Alex outside. She watched Lena from the inside with a frown, lips pushed together as if she had swallowed a protest.
“Alex,” Kara whispered, closing the door behind her. She could still see Lena watching them from the glass, green bouncing between the sisters. “I need to tell Lena.”
Alex was unimpressed.
“Why is Lena Luthor in my facility?” she asked with a stern tone reserved for Kara’s mishaps, arms crossed over her black polo. 
“Alex, this is important.” Kara reached with both hands to hold Alex’s forearm, and maybe with a little extra strength because Alex frowned and hissed, but Kara didn’t let her go.
“What’s going on, Kara?”
Kara took a deep breath and met Alex’s eyes with unshed tears. 
“Lena is here to tell Supergirl she’s pregnant.” Kara’s voice was hardly above a whisper but clear enough for Alex to hear every word.
“Ouch!” Alex tried to slap the back of Kara’s head, but since it was equivalent to slapping solid rock, her own hand hurt in the process. She shook the pain off, but her stare was still murderous.
“Why did you do that?” Kara said, concerned, reaching for Alex’s hand.
“Because I don’t know if I should hug you or slap you!”
“I could really use a hug right now!”
They angry-hugged which turned into a long hug while Lena, puzzled, watched the exchange from the other side of the glass. 
“Jesus fuck, Kara,” Alex whispered. “You okay?”
“I really need to tell her.” They separated from the embrace, and Kara wiped a stray tear. Alex schooled her shocked expression to something neutral as she opened the door. 
“Don’t make us all regret it,” Alex said and walked inside, finding Lena, still completely confused, staring at them. Kara closed the door behind her, leaving the three of them alone inside. Lena stood up to greet Alex.
“Luthor,” Alex acknowledged Lena with a nod.
“Agent Danvers.” Lena arched one sculpted eyebrow. 
“Your discretion about this facility will be expected.”
“Alex,” Kara warned, eyes widening and her hand finding Lena’s. Alex looked down at their hands for a total of a single second before focusing on Lena again.
“And your discretion about this conversation will also be expected,” Lena replied in a similar tone. 
“You do not give orders here.”
“Alex!” Kara’s free hand rested on her sister’s thigh, bringing her attention back to herself. “Lena won’t say anything. We’re not here to expose the DEO.”
“I need to see Supergirl,” Lena intervened. 
“I see,” Alex said, sparing a look at Kara. “Kara might help you with that.”
“Could you…” Kara gave a pointed look at Alex, who busied herself at the other side of the lab, gathering supplies. Kara pulled a rolling chair next to Lena so they could both sit down, bringing Lena’s hand up for a quick kiss.
Lena couldn’t look more confused, and Kara laughed to herself, a puff of air that almost ended in a sob.
“What was that all about?” Lena’s voice was small, tense. Her shoulders were pulled high and tight. 
“I told Alex so she would know what kind of equipment to bring.”
As if on cue, Alex gathered a tablet from one of the metallic desks and walked to the door. “I will get the ultrasound and will be back in a few.”
Kara waited until the door closed behind Alex.
“Kara?” Kara hated the way Lena looked at her—vulnerable, small. Afraid. Lena was too smart not to notice something was up. “Where’s Supergirl?”
“Yeah. About that.” Kara sucked in a breath through gritted teeth, gently laying Lena’s hand down. She turned around in her chair, her back to Lena. She took off two simple hair clips that held a lock of hair around her high ponytail. It fell to the side of her face. Both her hands reached behind to unlace her thin hair tie, golden waves finally free to spill over her shoulder. There were no hair tie marks on her hair, as it never had, no matter how tight the braid was. She took off her glasses, setting them on the table next to Lena, though her back was still to the omega. Finally, she turned around.
Lena stared, confused, but she blinked twice, her lips pressed together. The green of her eyes reminded Kara of the sea after a storm, with marks of repressed anger and uncontrolled waves. 
With a deep breath, Kara started to undo her shirt buttons. One, two, three.
When the House of El crest became visible, Kara heard the tiny gasp coming out of Lena’s mouth, and she lifted her head.
“No.” Lena shook her head, a humorless laugh escaping her lips. “No,” she repeated, eyes glossy, shaking her head still.
Kara gulped. “Lena…”
“You don’t get to do this,” Lena hissed, any softness gone, voice dripping with an anger Kara had never seen addressed to her before. “You don’t get to lie to me like this.”
“I never meant to—”
“To what?” Lena stood up, and Kara followed. “Never meant to lie to me for years?” 
“I couldn’t tell you,” Kara defended, but it sounded weak.
Alex chose that moment to open the door and wheel her equipment into the room.
“Oh, you couldn’t tell me, but you had no qualms about fucking me on my own fucking couch!” Lena’s voice raised, one manicured finger pointing at Kara’s chest, still blatantly exposing her identity. Kara took a step back if only to give Lena more room.
Kara heard Alex saying nope and wheeling her equipment back the three steps she had managed inside the room, and they were once again alone. 
“Lena, please, listen to me.”
“Oh, now I should listen to you,” Lena laughed sarcastically, and the movement sprung a tear out. “Let me guess, now that I’m pregnant, you felt some kind of obligation to tell me the truth since, you know, I’m carrying an heir to some dead species or whatever.” 
“It’s not like that.” Kara closed her hands in fists, turning her head to the side. She couldn’t meet the coldness in Lena’s eyes. 
“Humor me, Supergirl, how is it then?”
Kara bit her lower lip, one hand threading through her hair. She could feel the heat radiating from Lena’s body, could see her ab muscles flexing, could smell the swell of her scent, her omega presence, and if she focused, Oh, Rao, if she focused she could hear—
Kara snapped her head up from the intense stare directed at Lena’s midriff. The omega had taken a step back, a protective hand over her abdomen, and Kara gaped. 
“Don’t use any of your powers to get out of this conversation,” Lena warned, eyes bright. She had graced herself with light makeup and a high ponytail, but she wore jeans and a long-sleeved, gray shirt, a simple attire from her usual choices. 
“I like you,” Kara confessed, out of practice and out of timing. Lena took another step back, hitting the table with her hips. “I’ve liked you for a long time, and I couldn’t fathom destroying our friendship over my feelings. You were always part of Kara Danvers’ life and not Supergirl’s, and I just…” Kara Danvers, you are my hero. “I was afraid to lose you.” She found Lena’s eyes, and the intensity there softened for a moment. 
“I need some time.” Lena said and turned her back.
“I understand.” Kara took a deep breath; Lena’s scent, even when they were fighting, still soothed her nerves. Kara’s alpha had chosen Lena a long time ago.
Kara walked to the door and gave one last glance at Lena, who hadn’t moved. Alex was outside, but Kara wasn’t able to face her sister without the urge to cry, so she headed towards the stairs. 
Alex took it as her queue to enter the room. 
“So…” Alex started, wheeling her equipment close to the bed. 
Lena wiped at her face with her sleeve, feeling her cheeks warm. 
“There are two bathrooms at the back of the room, and there are gowns in there for you to change into.” Alex seemed surprisingly neutral with everything. Lena hardened her own expression and nodded. 
Her anger was not aimed at the older Danvers, since she could see the logic of keeping Kara's Identity a secret. But Lena hated being the only one in the room not knowing something so important. 
“What kind of exams do you intend to perform? I’ve done multiple tests at L-Corp and didn’t find anything out of the ordinary.” Her voice sounded steady, and for that, Lena was grateful.
“How familiar are you with Kryptonian anatomy? My initial concern is how your body will react to a Kryptonian fetus.”
"Half-Kryptonian," Lena corrected.
Lena had many secret files on Kryptonian anatomy, but Alex did not need to know that. Also, Alex’s data were probably from Kara herself, which was something Lena lacked. As much as she wanted to leave that place as soon as possible, an unfamiliar instinct told her that the best for her pup was to at least listen to what Alex had to say. 
“What concerns would that be?”
“Superman didn’t present his powers until his teen years, but he always had a different metabolic rate, caloric ingestion, and disease resistance.” Alex was all business, and Lena breathed a relieved sigh. “But Kara did not grow up here and manifested her abilities from day one.”
“Are you suggesting this pup could have super strength in the womb?” The idea sent a cold shiver down her spine, and one hand rested on her belly. They both knew what that would mean for Lena. 
“You’re still here, so not for now. But it’s not unlikely.” Alex donned black gloves over her hands and started the process of sanitizing the probe.
Beyond the glass, Lena found Kara’s eyes on the other side of the DEO floor. She found blue laced with worry and frowned.
“Can she hear us?”
Alex turned her attention from her preparation to find Kara leaning over the railings on the opposite side of the hall. 
“Yes,” Alex answered without a beat. “But she won’t if you ask her not to.”
Lena locked eyes with Kara. “Stop.”
Kara nodded and paced away. She had closed her yellow button-up to cover her suit, but her hair was down and her face free of the usual frames. 
“Have you felt any tiredness? Nausea? Increased appetite?”
Lena’s attention went back to Alex, who was now closing the curtains around the bed to shield Lena from curious eyes. She nodded at each question. 
Alex noted something down on her tablet. As Lena turned to change, Alex called her back.
“I know this can be a lot,” she started, not meeting Lena’s eyes. “But please know you’re in good hands. This pup is family.” She looked up at Lena. Her alpha scent spiked for a moment, and Lena felt a soft wave of safety. 
“Thank you.”
She tried her best not to cry inside the bathroom as she changed. The water was cold against her face, and she could feel her emotions fighting to break free from the endless little boxes she had pushed them into. But she was Lena Luthor, and she was not going to freak out. 
The exam was simple, effective. Alex didn’t ask much, taking measures from the grainy image and typing away on her tablet. When she asked if Lena wanted to hear the heartbeat, the omega hesitated. 
After the whirlwind of emotions that had been the last twenty-four hours, that would be the moment to make it real. She wasn’t sure what to say, but she must have nodded because the next thing she could focus on was the rapid beating coming from the monitor.
“Would you look at that,” Alex said affectionately, and it was the first time in that morning Lena saw her smile. 
“Yeah,” Lena breathed deeply. She cleared her throat when Alex turned the machine off. 
“I’d suggest we keep the checkups here, but I understand if you want to do similar procedures at L-Corp. I’m not an OBGYN, but we have doctors who specialize in alien pregnancy.”
Lena had to admit she did not have that. There could be someone in the market for hire, but if anyone got a whisper of who sired this child… another unfamiliar wave of protectiveness filled her lungs, and she shook her head.
“I agree that we need to keep this in a low profile.” She stood from the table.
Alex discarded her gloves and pulled part of the curtains away to let Lena walk back to the bathroom to change.
Lena caught another glance of Kara at the same place against the railings. She was on her side, one hand fidgeting on her temple, and frowning so deep Lena thought she had never seen Kara Danvers like that.
Blue eyes found her again, and she looked away.
“Did you record it?” Lena asked, one hand on the bathroom doorknob. 
Alex threw her gloves in the trash and was working on pulling the rest of the privacy curtains away. “Yes. But you don’t have to worry, no one will—”
“You can give it to her.” The bathroom door closed softly behind Lena.
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obliviouskara · 4 months
top 5 supergirl episodes?
full disclosure i haven't seen the entirety of supergirl (ive literally only seen like 7 eps & its all season 1) so this list will probably change over time (bc im starting to painstakingly watch the show - imagine slowburn but watching a series) however ive watched like a ridiculous amount of supercorp edits so im going to base my choices on the parts where supercorp exist ha!
5. Season 1 - Red Faced
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this would probably be the only none supercorp related yet still somehow my personal fave for a few reasons. i love this scene in particular bc it shows that cat grant cares for kara and what cat says here is very relatable. no matter how harsh cat can be at times, cat was a girl's girl here. she gave an advice which was helpful to both supergirl and kara. she had every right to rip kara viciously apart but instead she took a completely different route. i like the line she says here.
"You really need to figure out what's really bothering you." "You really need to find that anger behind the anger. And you really need to figure out what's really making you mad."
i think this was also the ep where kara acknowledged where some of the anger was coming from. even with zero dialogue and with mel's incredible acting skills she was able to convey so much emotions during that scene where she releases all her anger towards the red tornato. From losing her parents, losing her planet —her home, for losing everything and maybe even angry with her parents for the choices they made for her. it was such an incredible and very emotional scene.
im putting the rest in read more bc of how unnecessarily long this post has become
4. Season 2 - "The Adventures of Supergirl"
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this should be easy. this was the first time kara met lena and changed the trajectory of every queer person watching this show and lena first delivered the first of many many questionably fruity (gay) lines fjlkajdla
"You couldn't have fooled me."
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also bc of this scene thank you very much
3. Season 2 - "Luthors"
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if there is one particular scene that convinced me to even give supergirl the time of day its obvs this one and lena "suspiciously straight" luthor delivered one of the most iconic lines on television in my opinion and now forever engraved in my mind. let's not forget lcorp CEO lena luthor took the time of day to fill catco employee kara danver's office with flowers like it's a regular tuesday but oh well
"now you'll have someone to stand up for you. always" "supergirl might have saved me but kara danvers, you are my hero."
screaming, crying, throwing up
2. Season 2 - "Exodus"
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tada! i mean, look at it! how heroic! i also find it funny how grateful and confused lena was that kara danvers was having coffee with supergirl late at night but still
Season 2 - Ace Reporter
so this isnt at all groundbreaking bc honestly, 5 isn't enough and anything that has supercorp will be my favorite even though again i havent seen the rest of supergirl yet but we're ignoring canon so we're ignoring that fact too. i think this was the ep where kara was comforting lean about jack's death. i personally have a love and hate relationship towards this scene for many reasons but im a sucker for supercorp and there was a clip where kara hesitated and looked like she was about to plant a kiss on lena's head but then hugged her instead and i think its beautiful and im a sucker for kara leaning in towards lena
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im too lazy to figure out where these clips are from which episode but this. i love every scene and its more like these below are my reasons for watching supergirl and has nothing to do with being my top 5 bwahaha
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oh did i mention i also happen to have a weird obsession with superrojas i will not rest until i reach the ep where andrea rojas exist
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toxinoire · 10 months
Because of boredom, here's some Superfriends(+Supercorp, Brainia and Dansen if you squint) headcannons (Miraculous season 6 please just release I'm begging, Heathers The Musical please come back)
• Kara is actually scared shitless of the dark, but due to xray vision she doesn't mind it. So when she solar flares she tries to sleep with the lights on. Lena found out about it and made her a nightlight.
• Brainy, Nia and Esme definitely watch Miraculous.
• Lena refers to them all as greatest friends, however she refers to Nia as her favorite nuisance and Alex as her least favorite nuisance (she loves them tho)
• Nia and Esme made Kara and Lena binge watch Miraculous all the from season 1 with them once and now they're attached to the plot. (Kara and Lena had to pause and breathe soooo many times during that night they watched it for the first time because holy shit why is everything similar to them)
• Kara actually really loves listening to cover artists like Annapantsu, Lydia The Bard, Chloe Breez, Reinaeiry, Caleb Hayles, Will Stetson, etc. (Yes, Will Stetson mostly does English covers but have you heard that man's voice?)
• Kelly made Lena listen to the singer Malinda Kathleen Reese's songs because of the fact that she uses Irish style music and oh no, Lena's playlist is overflowing now.
• Lena's bi, but she's into women more (specifically Kara)
• Kelly is the mom friend
• Brainy and Nia went on a date to the cinema to watch the Miraculous awakening movie and they have been annoying ever since they watched it. "Guys, stop singing those damn songs (Stronger Together and Now I See specifically) you're making Kara and Lena cry" -Alex and Kelly
• Someone Kara accidentally introduced Esme to Heathers The Musical. And while Alex and Kelly love the musical Esme is too yOUNG FOR THAT-
• J'onn: These are my dysfunctionial Earth- Brainy: Some of aren't from Earth- J'onn: Earth children.
• Lena never wanted to admit that she's in love with Kara out loud in fear that the universe might take it all away from her.
• Kara's always been in love with Lena, she just never realized until Alex and Kelly's wedding.
• Esme: Auntie Kara and Auntie Lena are just like Marinette and Adrien! :) Kelly: Aaaaand there's the cry of outrage. Alex: The question is, who's it from? Kara or Lena?
• Once a Valentine's Day, Brainy made Nia a little funko pop of herself as Nia, not Dreamer. And whenever she taps on it's head it makes a "boop" noise. Nia loves it so much.
• Kelly once baked Alex a blueberry cheesecake because she remembered that Alex said she loved those once during a game night long ago. Esme has never seen her mom cry so hard.
• Nia found the book "Vertigo Peaks" in Lena's stuff once and decided to read it. Lena was horrified, and Nia teased her endlessly about it.
• Kelly and Lena once got into a debate of whether or not escapism is a good coping mechanism, and both of them had valid arguments PLUS cited their sources of information. Color Alex and Kara scared, but they're also attracted to this.
• Esme's favorite aunt is Lena and aspires to be like her. When they found out, everyone was like "awwww" but Lena was like "...Bad idea. Esme, honey, bad idea-" then everyone else was like "Don't listen to her."
• Alex, Kelly, Nia and Brainy once tried to convince Lena to be in the battlefield with them but Lena was like "Yeah no, someone needs to stay and be the brains of the operation." Kara then said "YEAH" because she doesn't want to see Lena get hurt and she knows she's abandoning the villain the second she sees Lena get hurt so no distractions allowed. Then Esme delivered the final blow by saying "Someone needs to stay and make whatchamacallits so you all don't die :)"
• Kara is extremely self sacrificial, but Esme unintentionally gave her a reality check by saying "But Auntie Kara, everyone won't sleep if you're in danger! Health is important!" and it sounds so innocent but deep down Kara is like "Oh right they will actually bend over backwards to save me and neglect themselves ah I need to stop"
• Lena releases all her pent up rage by walking onto the roof or balcony, taking a deep breath and scream.
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midnightechoes · 3 months
I'm not caught up on My Adventures With Superman, but I've seen enough promos posts on social media to know that they seem to be doing something with Kara and Jimmie, which, sigh. I'm sure it's done well, this show is great and it's probably handled fantastically. I can't lie though, a part of me was desperately hoping that this would be the mainstream thing that they let Kara be queer in.
A part of me knew that there wasn't any chance in hell of that happening. At this point, I don't expect anything popular and mainstream to have any queer content beyond minor stuff in the margins. (Like how MAWS let a he/him gorilla and a he/him brain in a jar be a couple in one episode)
I wanted so badly to be proven wrong. Partially because it's Kara and I've been longing so badly for the day they let her actually be queer in one of the mainstream canons and not just in AU stuff like Dark Knights of Steel and Bombshells. As a Kara and Barb shipper in my youth and a supercorp shipper now, I've always read Kara as a queer character, and I've always hoped that would be confirmed someday.
And partially because I fear we are starting to slide backwards.
(Please keep in mind that this is entirely about western animation. I'm not talking about anime or live-action stuff here)
For a moment, it felt like we were building a space for major mainstream LGBTQ+ rep, specifically sapphic rep. You know, not just some minor characters here and there, but main characters, protagonists even.
Steven Universe, Legend of Korra, and Adventure Time led into She-Ra and the Princesses of Power, which immediately led into the Owl House, Harley Quinn, and Dead End: Paranormal Park.
There is Arcane, but with the way Netflix has been recently, I wouldn't be shocked if s2 completely shied away from caitvi being a thing and just never addressed it. Again, I hope I'm wrong. And there's a pretty good chance we still have RWBY's Bumbleby for a little longer. Arcane is ending this fall, and RWBY has maybe 1 - 3 volumes left at most and is having to fight for every one.
Honestly the best thing we have going right now that seems to have a future is Hazbin Hotel, and I understand that's not for everyone.
But on the whole, it feels like the momentum we've been building over the last decade has completely stalled and crashed. Yes, this is very much a byproduct of the entire United States backsliding on the progress its made, but I'm not equipped to have that conversation.
And this has been mostly focused on sapphic representation. Even when the momentum was building, we never even got far enough with having queer men characters and trans characters.
Hopefully someday Kara Zor-El can be a main character in a mainstream thing and actually get to kiss a girl. Hopefully Lena Luthor.
I hope I'm wrong and by this time next year there's a new animated series that's the hottest thing on Max or Netflix and the protagonist is a cocky lesbian that makes out with women everywhere she goes.
I'm hoping.
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superxkorra · 5 months
Supercorp Snippet Prompt #1
@pocket-sand-fic said on my pinned post: "Ooh! Love this series! Maybe something where Eliza and/or Alex and Maggie have the first real meeting with Lena as Kara’s gf. I’d love to see them being protective and question if Lena is really ready/prepared first the “bad days” Kara can have.”
Thank you for the kind words! Here is the little snippet I wrote at 1k words exactly (the first draft was nearly 2k, the second was 1.5k, and I brought the third down to 1k). Hope you enjoy!
"Kara entered the hospital, a contrasting wave of discomfort and ease rolling through her. It was bittersweet.
She looked around briefly before approaching the front desk with a smile, “Hi Jolene, how are you?”
“Kara, always a treat to see you here, hun. How’s your day been?”
“Good. I’m here to see Dr. Luthor and Dr. Danvers, would you mind paging them if they’re not busy?” Kara asked. 
Jolene was a lovely woman who had worked at the hospital longer than Kara remembered. She was always there with a smile on her face and a personality that could make even Mr. Scrooge merry. 
“Of course, hun. They’d love to see you. Go on over there,” She gestured to a waiting area, “They’ll be here shortly.”
“Thank you,” Kara patted the reception desk as she walked away. 
The waiting area was pleasantly spacious. With a five-hundred-gallon saltwater aquarium, well-organized children’s space, comfortable chairs, reading material, and water bottles, Kara was satisfied.
She sat in a toddler sized chair by the tank, picking up a toy car as she watched the fish. The stock was akin to Finding Nemo. It was vibrant, interactive, and captivating. Not dissimilar to a child, Kara could watch it all day.
Midvale General was nearly complete with its renovations since Lena purchased the hospital nearly two years ago and began the project. It was incredible to see how far it had come, from poorly built and outdated to modeling the latest technology and exceptional infrastructure. 
With an expansive courtyard lined with gardens, vast windows, and vibrant halls, the psychological healing Lena has incorporated into the medical center has been astronomical. 
Lena has revolutionized the small town’s understanding of healing and health.
Kara was proud of her and the impact she’d made on Midvale. On her life. 
Kara was pulled out of her thoughts as a little boy walked up to her, “Hi kid. Wha—”
He snatched the Hotwheels car out of her hands and ran off. She called out, baffled, “Hey!”
Unbeknownst to her, Lena stood watching from the reception desk, a grin on her face and a soft laugh escaping her throat.
Jolene shook her head, “Go get her before she starts a fight with a five-year-old.”
Lena barked out a laugh and made her way over to the blonde with a smile, fitting her hands in her coat pockets,  “What a surprise, Kara” 
The blonde’s head whipped around to face her. She stood from the children’s chair, only to have it lodge itself around her hips. The firefighter fumbled for a moment, but miraculously got it unstuck before setting it down on the floor. 
She inhaled deeply and offered Lena a dopey smile, longing to reach out and peck her girlfriend on the lips or wrap her in a brief hug. But, they were in the workplace, and their relationship was just theirs, as of now. 
Lena clasped her hands, “What are you doing here?”
Kara smiled brightly, holding up a brown bag, “I’m on my lunch break and I thought I’d bring you and Eliza sandwiches.”
She wanted to add that it'd been a slow day, but she knew what would happen if she said that aloud.
The brunette inched forward, but before words came out, her attention was drawn away by another presence.
“Hi, sweetie,” Eliza walked up to Kara and placed a kiss on her cheek, “What are you doing here?”
Kara repeated with a smile, “Brought you and Lena lunch.”
Eliza grinned gratefully, “That’s so thoughtful, sweetie. Should we eat together in the courtyard?”
Kara checked her watch, “I have some time,” She looked at her mother and Lena, smiling as they started walking, “How’s your day been?”
Eliza was the first to bring up something unrelated to surgery while they were operating, “Dr. Luthor.” 
Her words were soft and nearly quiet, but Lena noted they were laced with something.
The Chief of Surgery hummed without losing concentration, “Dr. Danvers.”
“How long have you and my daughter been together?” Eliza asked without missing a beat. 
The nurses, though forced to listen to their conversation, kept quiet.
Lena’s hands never lost their momentum. The surgery was muscle memory at this point, and she was expertly going through the motions. She inhaled through her mask, “A little over a month.”
Eliza nodded, watching Lena’s movements. 
She stayed silent until fifteen minutes later and the two surgeons were scrubbing out, “I can tell you two care a lot about each other.”
“We do,” Lena nodded as she dried her hands.
“Are you happy?” Eliza asked caringly. 
Lena hummed, her tone and words left no room for question, “I’ve never been happier than I am when I’m with Kara and I’ve never loved anyone as much as I do her.”
Eliza smiled, “That’s all a mother can hope for,” Shectossed her towels in the trash, “It’s not my business and I’m sure you’re already aware,” 
Lena nodded.
“My daughter,” Eliza cleared her throat, “Kara suffers from serious PTSD. I’ve seen days where she doesn’t know where she is, or who I am. She’s changed since her time overseas.”
Lena swallowed, “I don’t mean to sound rude, Dr. Danvers, but where are you going with this?”
“I want to make sure that you’re safe with her and that you’re strong enough for those days because,” Eliza inhaled shakily, “Each one will destroy a part of you.” She wiped her wet eyes, “I want nothing but the best for you both, sweetheart. But I need to know that when the going gets tough, she can rely on you and you can come out the other end alright too.”
Lena inhaled deeply, “Of course. I love Kara so, so much. At the end of the day, I want her to know that I will always be there for her. I can handle the hard days, without a doubt Dr. Danvers.”
Eliza stepped forward and wrapped Lena in a hug, “Call me Eliza, dear.” 
Welcome to the family."
Well, what did you think? This will be part of my 8th installment to Your Love Was Home Supercorp series on AO3. I'm working on the 7th right now. It was a big challenge to limit myself to 1k words. I had to take so much out, which I will put right back into the 10-15k one shot, including Alex and Maggie's "reaction".
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evewasheretoday · 7 months
i want more about ur thoughts on heathers ships, do u like a specific ship more than the other or not..? - same anon who asked u abt ur thoughts on em
I've already answered this so I'll just answer something else instead: what do I think about Dukesaw, Mcnamawyer and Chansaw?
Chansaw is a living embodiment of (not exactly since they're conditional friends) enemies to lovers. Their relationship with each other especially in the movie is compelling for me. I didn't ship it initially at first before watching the movie and feeling like there's some sort of tension hidden between them. This ship doesn't just have a classic dynamic but it leads to a lot of possibilities. By that, I mean a lot of Chansaw fics love exploring the possibility of Veronica and Chandler being queer for each other while also exploring the possibility that Chandler might not be as a bitch she is in both the movie and the musical. Chansaw is literally made just right for fans to make fanfics of like other ships such as Korrasami and Supercorp.
Dukesaw had me on board with it the moment I saw how Veronica was with her compared to the other Heathers. The things she was doing for the girl dressed in green. I got thrown off halfway through the end of the movie because of Duke's character and that bathroom scene Veronica has with Mac but I went back straight to it at the end where Veronica took the red scrunchie from Duke, wore it before kissing her on the cheek (leaving a mark, mind you!) and telling her “Heather, my love. There's a new sheriff in town.” - if that doesn't speak anything in volume about them then I don't know what I'm doing with my life.
Mcnamawyer had me with it through the way Mac clung to Veronica at certain times in the movie. No, I'm not just talking about the way she was locking arms with Veronica but the way she was with Veronica. To me, she was like glued (I'm probably delusional about this) to the brunnette in the movie. Like a puppy being afraid to be left alone by their owner. That bathroom scene they had rocked and it crushed me a bit at the same time because Mac was being really vulnerable with Veronica at that moment.
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fazedlight · 1 year
Do-Over (supercorp ficlet, 100th episode angst, no plot impact after)
Rao, I can’t believe we did it.
She had nearly given up, after the last timeline - she could still feel the sting of kryptonite in her veins, the harrowing image in her mind of the green stone in Lena’s chest, as she refused to fight her. “Then you will die screaming.”
But the odds of another world like that - where Lena used 5th dimensional magic, blocking Mxy out - was low. So after Kara caught her breath and shook off her nerves, they decided to give it another few goes.
They hit it in the very next shot. Kara had decided to jump forward again, meeting Lena just after an uncomfortable incident in the elevator to Sam’s apartment - “I can never trust her again” - and giving her the truth. And Lena had been pissed, at first. But over the course of the timeline, she thawed. Kara and Mxy found themselves watching a movie night, Kara’s head in Lena’s lap as Lena gently scritched the blonde’s hair, Kara dozing off in the middle of the second Pirates of the Caribbean. 
“This is it,” Kara said, delighted as she turned back to Mxy. “She doesn’t hate me! No one died! This is it-”
But Kara cut off suddenly, watching the screen with widening eyes, as a sheepish and fond confession fell from Lena’s lips. And she found herself a voyeur to her own dreams, watching herself as this other Kara sat up, cheeks turning a bright pink with her own confession, before the two women’s lips gently met.
“Turn it off,” Kara said, jumping off the couch and turning away from the television. “Turn it off, Mxy.” “But this-” Mxy stuttered, confused. “This is what you wanted, isn’t it?”
Yes, Kara thought to herself, overwhelming anguish ripping through her body. Because it was everything. Everything that could’ve and should’ve happened.
Had she not been such a fool.
It was a misguided endeavor, she realized now. She could’ve ignored her misgivings, for a time anyway. Embrace a reality where she and Lena were friends again, where she had never hurt her, or at least not driven her so far.
But the pit of nausea in Kara’s stomach grew. Because the idea of being in Lena’s arms, being in her bed, feeling her wanting body, without Lena ever knowing what Kara had done, suddenly felt anathema. It wouldn’t be real. It would simply be Kara taking advantage of her again, far worse than before.
“I’m keeping the real timeline,” Kara said brokenly. “I can’t… I can’t run from this. I- I don’t know how I’m going to fix this. But I can’t undo my mistakes like this.”
Mxy’s eyes gentled at the turned-away kryptonian, holding back a sigh of relief as he snapped his fingers, the projector and reels of film and popcorn dissipating back to his dimension. It was ironic, really, that all of his fake timelines had only made the kryptonian dig in her heels, eager to find something that actually worked. But the one real timeline he had them glimpse - back on Earth-413, before the Crisis - was the one that led to her finally accepting that she couldn’t change time.
Which was great, because neither could he.
Kara took a deep, steadying breath, turning back to Mxy. “I know it didn’t turn out the way we expected,” Kara said, handing back Mxy’s recorder with his backwards-recorded name. “But you still helped me, Mxy. Now I know the only way out is through.”
The kryptonian stood - sad, but hopeful again - and Mxy gave a small smile. As with so much of the mystery of the universe, he couldn’t say how or when Kara and Lena would find their way. He only knew that they would.
“It’s true what you said, Kara,” Mxy said, thinking of the words the woman in front of him had said, not all that long ago. That’s all this endeavor was, really, returning that favor. “Magic can’t be forced. It has to be found.” And it will.
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marinawolf · 1 year
[hi! work has been crazy but I finally found some time to post this. An angsty first kiss fic for all my supercorp girlies- hope you like it!]
A Revelation (Supercorp)
Lena may or may not have killed Lex, but she did it to save Kara. In the days that follow, she grapples with her confusing grief, her feelings for Kara and the knowledge that she would kill Lex over and over again to save Kara. (OR: Several times Lena wants to kiss Kara, and the one time Kara kisses her.)
(Almost 4K words of angst and fluff tbh)
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It was one a.m., and the darkness of the night was only matched by the heavy weight in Lena's heart. She sat on her couch, her eyes fixed on her laptop screen, but her mind lost in the haunting memories of the events that had unfolded just two days ago.
The shadows had crept into her dreams, replaying the chilling scene that had changed everything, making sleep an unwelcome torture, which is why she was trying to distract herself with work.
Lex had made a sinister last move to ensnare her in his web of darkness. With the L Corp building held hostage, he had cruelly used Kara, her closest friend, as a pawn, rendering her powerless with dreaded kryptonite. Yet, even in the face of danger, Kara had displayed unyielding courage and loyalty to Lena, standing firmly between Lena and the loaded gun Lex aimed at her even as her strength drained away.
The situation had been impossible – Lex held a detonator in his other hand, forcing Lena to make an unimaginable choice. Save Kara, the woman who meant everything to her, or save the countless innocent lives in the building.
Every fiber of Lena's being rebelled against causing harm to Kara, but the weight of responsibility for those innocent lives crushed her soul. It was as if Lex had crafted this hellish scenario solely to break her, just as he had been broken by the darkness that consumed him.
In that desperate moment, Lena's mind became a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.
But the woman standing before her, the one she was secretly in love with, was worth fighting for, worth sacrificing everything to keep safe. It was her fear for Kara's life that made Lena reach for the gun she had concealed, clutching onto the last shreds of hope to rescue both Kara and the innocent souls caught in the crossfire.
Time seemed to stand still as she pulled the trigger, the sound echoing through the air like a chilling proclamation of her resolve. The bullet found its mark, and Lex's body crashed through the window, disappearing into the night, but not before Lena saw the shock and betrayal in his eyes.
But no body was found, leaving Lena with the torment of uncertainty – had she truly taken her brother's life?
The days that followed were a blur of guilt and sleepless nights. The image of Lex's haunting face, juxtaposed with the memories of happier times, tormented her relentlessly. Every time she closed her eyes she saw the Lex she once knew – the kind, sweet big brother who had once been her protector, before corruption twisted him beyond recognition. It felt like she was being pulled apart by conflicting loyalties, torn between the darkness of her actions and the knowledge that she had ultimately done the right thing.
And now, as she sat on her couch at one a.m., her emotions reached their breaking point. Tears welled up in her eyes, ready to spill over. She felt adrift in a storm of self-doubt and remorse.
But just as she was about to be swallowed whole by her emotions, to be consumed entirely by the darkness, a familiar thud outside on her balcony drew her attention. Her heart, heavy as it was, skipped a beat as the door creaked open, and Kara stepped into the room.
Her radiant presence illuminated the darkness around Lena, a lighthouse guiding her through the storm. With her blond hair gently tousled by the night breeze and her brilliant blue eyes sparkling in the soft light of Lena's living room, Kara was a vision.
A heart-stopping smile graced Kara's lips, and Lena's brain short circuited for a second. Despite the turmoil inside her, she couldn't help but smile back, a small flicker of light in the shadows. Kara's presence always had a way of making everything else fade into the background.
"Kara, hi," Lena whispered, her voice barely above a murmur.
"Lena. How are you holding up?" Kara's voice was gentle, filled with genuine concern.
Lena's gaze, clouded with unspoken anguish, met Kara's tender eyes. The kindness and care reflected in Kara's gaze threatened to shatter the fragile facade Lena had constructed to hold herself together. She clenched her trembling hands, determined to suppress the overwhelming surge of emotions, and instead fixated on Kara's consuming presence.
"I'm okay, all things considered," Lena managed to respond, her voice laced with a hint of weariness. But she knew that Kara, with her unparalleled understanding, saw through the veil of strength Lena presented to the world. She could sense the tumult raging beneath the surface, the cracks in Lena's composure.
Without a word, Kara sat down beside Lena, her graceful form slipping effortlessly under the blanket Lena had draped over herself before she took the laptop from Lena's hands and gently placed it on the floor. The contours of her Supergirl suit accentuated her physique, offering a fleeting and welcome distraction from the weight of Lena's thoughts.
Kara snuggled up to Lena, a strong arm encircling Lena's shoulders, drawing her into a protective embrace. The proximity, their bodies pressed together, sent Lena's heart into a tumultuous frenzy. But amid the whirlwind of conflicting feelings, Lena found safety in Kara's comforting presence.
"I'm sorry about Lex," Kara whispered, her voice barely audible, "I know you loved him. I'm sorry you had to do what you did," she continued, her words a gentle caress against Lena's fractured soul.
The floodgates within Lena, already straining under the weight of grief and guilt, gave way. Tears streamed down her cheeks, unchecked and raw, as she began to sob uncontrollably into Kara's steady shoulder.
Kara responded with unwavering tenderness, enfolding Lena in her arms, holding her close as if to shield her from the pain that threatened to consume her. In that moment, Lena realized the true depth of Kara's understanding. Throughout the aftermath of the ordeal with Lex, others had commended Lena for her actions, expressing admiration for her courage and bravery. They had offered hollow reassurances, asking if she was okay after being subjected to such a harrowing threat. But none of them truly comprehended the complex tapestry of emotions woven within Lena's heart. No one had truly understood the agony Lena had endured—the impossible choices she had faced and the torment that plagued her every thought. None of them understood the profound grief that gripped her.
But Kara saw her. Kara felt her pain with a depth that no one else could fathom. And Lena loved her all the more for it, for the genuine empathy and compassion she showed without reservation. In that moment, as Kara placed a gentle kiss on her head, Lena realized just how much she depended on this extraordinary woman by her side.
Kara held her tightly and her hand soothingly caressed Lena's hair, offering a tender reassurance that she was not alone in her grief.
Her sobs eventually subsided, but Kara continued to hold her, their hearts beating in unison.
As Lena's tears finally subsided, she felt utterly drained, her body and soul exhausted from the emotional release. She found herself nestled against Kara's chest, their closeness causing her to short circuit again. As she lifted her head slightly, she couldn't help but notice how close their faces were, their lips almost brushing against each other. Lena's heart pounded in her chest, and for a fleeting moment, she entertained the intoxicating idea of closing that distance, of kissing Kara.
The intimate proximity sent a surge of anticipation through Lena's veins, her gaze fixated on Kara's enticing lips. They were so close, just a breath away from tasting the sweetness she had longed for. So close that she could feel Kara's breath on her own lips.
Time seemed to stand still as they sat in that charged moment. Her heart fluttered wildly in her chest, teetering on the edge of an exhilarating precipice, as she summoned the courage to bridge the distance and claim the kiss she desired.
Kara, still and unmoving, met Lena's gaze.
The seconds stretched into eternity as Lena's heart fluttered, desperately seeking the courage to take that daring step. But the weight of their friendship, the fear of crossing a line and losing Kara's precious companionship, held her back. Kara was there to offer comfort as a friend, and Lena wasn't willing to risk their precious bond. With a sudden, almost desperate movement, Lena sat back, wiping away her tears, and offered a shaky laugh.
"Ugh, I think I ruined your suit," she quipped, trying to diffuse the charged atmosphere that enveloped them.
Kara's smile was both tender and reassuring. "It's pretty impervious to most things, don't worry," she joked.
"Feeling better?" Kara asked gently, her concern still evident.
Lena nodded, her voice barely above a whisper, "Thank you."
"You should get some sleep, Lena. You look like you haven't slept in days."
A wry smile tugged at the corners of Lena's lips as she replied, "I know. I'll try and get some sleep tonight."
Kara stood up then, extending her hand to Lena, her intentions unclear to Lena in her emotional haze. "Come on, then," she said softly.
Lena was momentarily confused, her thoughts still tangled in the emotional web that had enveloped her. "Where?" she asked, her confusion evident.
"To sleep. I'm gonna stay with you to make sure you sleep."
Lena's heart skipped a beat, and a rush of emotions flooded her as she took Kara's outstretched hand. She followed Kara into the room, feeling a mixture of vulnerability and gratitude for this gesture of kindness.
Once in the bedroom, Lena handed Kara some sweats and a t-shirt, their fingers grazing ever so slightly in the exchange, igniting a spark of electricity. They settled into bed side by side, and Lena tried to control her somersaulting heart.
The comfort she found in Kara's presence was unlike anything she had ever experienced, a blend of safety and tenderness that wrapped around her like a blanket.
Despite the whirlwind of emotions that engulfed her, Lena finally found herself relaxing, her thoughts consumed by Kara. Kara's steady presence offered her a sense of peace and security that had eluded her in the restless nights prior. Listening to the sound of Kara's steady breathing, Lena finally drifted off to sleep.
Lena woke up to a soft light bathing the room, immediately noting the warmth enveloping her. As consciousness swept over her, she realized that Kara had cuddled up to her in their sleep, closing the physical gap between them. Now, Kara's body pressed intimately against Lena's back, her arm encircling Lena's waist. Lena felt the gentle rhythm of Kara's breath cascading over the nape of her neck, sending a surge of electricity through her veins.
In an instant, her heart pounded in her chest, the presence of Kara so near amplifying the intensity of her emotions.
The soft sounds of Kara stirring reached Lena's ears as Kara slowly woke from her slumber.
"Hey," Kara whispered in a sleepy voice, her words laced with concern. "You okay?"
"Yes," Lena managed to choke out, her voice catching in her throat. "Did I wake you?"
Kara untangled herself from Lena's embrace, allowing her to turn and face her. The sight of Kara, her eyes drowsy but still sparkling with affection, made Lena's heart skip a beat.
"Your heartbeat woke me," Kara explained with a soft laugh, her superhearing attuned to every nuance of Lena's being. "Were you scared or something?"
Lena's cheeks flushed, and she could only imagine how obvious her racing heart had been to Kara. Of course, Kara would hear her racing heartbeat every time. Before she could find a suitable reply, Kara stood up, and stretched. The hem of Kara's t-shirt lifted slightly, revealing a glimpse of her well-defined abs, and Lena's heart rate skyrocketed once again. She cursed her body's inability to calm down in Kara's presence. Lena could have sworn she detected a mischievous smirk on Kara's lips, but the moment passed without further remark.
"Coffee?" Kara offered, and Lena nodded, grateful for the distraction. She followed Kara to the kitchen, where she busied herself with the coffee machine. Lena watched her, captivated by the grace in Kara's movements and the effortless way she made a mundane morning ritual look like an art. She loved that Kara had made herself at home so easily, as if she had always belonged in Lena's apartment. The domestic familiarity made Lena smile.
With the coffee ready, Kara handed Lena a cup. As she took a sip, Lena couldn't help but marvel at how Kara's coffee always tasted perfect. She made it perfectly to Lena's taste, something that even Lena's trained assistants failed to do.
Placing her empty cup in the sink, Lena pivoted to find Kara standing closely behind her. Kara reached around Lena, placing her own cup in the sink. Their bodies pressed together, the charged atmosphere crackling with anticipation. Lena looked up, her gaze landing on Kara's tousled hair and sleepy eyes and she longed to lean in and capture Kara's lips in a searing kiss, to express the intensity of her emotions . The desire to taste Kara's lips, to bridge the gap between them, surged within Lena, a hunger she struggled to contain. And in Kara's intense gaze, Lena could have sworn that for a second she glimpsed a mirrored yearning.
Their moment was shattered by the shrill ring of Kara's phone, piercing through the charged atmosphere. Kara moved away, swiftly grabbing her phone with a groan of frustration. "Duty calls," she lamented before dashing into Lena's room and emerging once again in her Supergirl suit.
Before she could leave, Kara turned to Lena, the concern evident in her eyes.
"Will you be okay?" she asked, softly.
Lena nodded, her heart aching, "I'll be fine. Just be safe."
"I'll be back later," she promised, and Lena knew she would anxiously await Kara's return.
As Kara disappeared into the sky, Lena found herself wishing she had seized the moment, wishing she had kissed Kara before the day took them in different directions, but she was too afraid. Time and circumstance, and her own fears, always conspired against her.
As soon as Kara's presence dissipated, Lena's sanctuary crumbled, leaving her adrift in a sea of restlessness and longing. The haunting image of Lex's face returned to torment her once again. Lena sat down on her living room floor and closed her eyes, seeking solace within the darkness, grappling with the demons that relentlessly haunted her soul.
Lena's world felt shattered as she remained huddled on the living room floor, her thoughts consumed by the overwhelming weight of guilt and uncertainty. Her mind was a whirlwind of torment, constantly questioning whether she had truly killed her brother, or if he was still out there, a looming threat, plotting his next move. Each possibility carried its own brand of torment, but she didn't know which outcome would be worse.
Lena could sense Kara's presence behind her before she even heard her voice, and she realised then that she had spent hours sitting there, on the floor. Kara's arms encircled Lena, almost immediately calming the storm raging within her.
"Lena?" Kara's voice was soft, cutting through the haze of Lena's torment.
Summoning every ounce of strength, Lena managed to lift her gaze and meet Kara's eyes. "Hey," she whispered, her voice laden with weariness and vulnerability, "You're back." Kara's mere presence offered a glimmer of comfort amidst the chaos.
With gentle care, Kara lifted Lena from the floor and settled her onto the couch. Kneeling before her, Kara's eyes bore into Lena's, their intensity captivating her. Lena yearned to lose herself in the depths of Kara's gaze.
"Lena, I know you're hurting. What you had to do—I can't even imagine having to do something like that. But I need you to know that it's not your fault, okay? Lex made his choices, and he chose darkness every time. And he tried to force you to choose darkness too, but you resisted. You chose to save lives, to save me." Kara's words penetrated Lena's shattered spirit, cutting through the darkness, offering some absolution.
Tears streamed down Lena's cheeks as she finally spoke.
"I killed my brother, Kara. My own brother. I should have tried harder to save him, to bring him back."
Kara sat down next to Lena and pulled her closer.
"You loved him, but he wasn't the Lex you knew anymore, okay? He lost himself a long time ago and he didn't want to be saved. Believe me, my cousin tried. And you saved so many people, Lena. I wish I could take this all away, all this pain, but all I can do is tell you that you didn't do anything wrong. And we don't know that he's dead. If he's still alive, I'll find him and bring him back to you, okay?"
Lena nodded, acknowledging Kara's words, and they sat in shared silence. Amidst the weight of her grief, Lena's mind wandered, considering the alternate path that could have unfolded. What if Lex had succeeded in killing Kara? The thought alone devastated Lena. She realized then, with unwavering conviction, that she would willingly traverse the same harrowing path if it meant protecting Kara. For her, Kara's safety was worth any sacrifice, even if it meant sacrificing her own life.
Finally, Lena mustered the courage to look into Kara's eyes, her heart laid bare.
"You know, if it meant saving you, I would do it all over again."
The words hung in the air. Kara's breath hitched.
Lena reached out, her fingertips gently caressing Kara's cheek. The moment crackled with an electric energy. However, the abrupt interruption of the elevator's ding shattered the intimacy of the moment. They instinctively pulled apart, Lena's desires restrained by the intrusion of their friends from the DEO, who entered Lena's apartment, their voices jarring against the backdrop of the emotional maelstrom that had enveloped Lena and Kara.
Lena couldn't look at Kara, afraid of what she would see in those eyes. So she stood up, plastered a fake smile on her face and turned to face their friends.
Hours had passed since her friends departed, leaving Lena alone in her apartment. She stood on the balcony, a solitary figure against the backdrop of the illuminated National City skyline. A mixture of emotions swirled within her, longing for Kara's comforting presence, even though she understood the demands on her friend's time. Lost in her thoughts, the sudden thud behind her drew Lena's attention, and she was shocked to see an exhilarated Kara standing behind her.
"He's alive," Kara's words tumbled out, rushed and filled with urgency, causing Lena's heart to seize in her chest. "He's alive. I found a camera pointing at where he fell, and the footage shows him getting up. He's hurt, but he's alive, Lena and I'm going to find him for you. He couldn't have gotten far. I'll bring him to the DEO, and we can figure out what to do from there. I just wanted to make sure you knew that you didn't kill him."
Lena's breath caught in her throat as relief mingled with disbelief. Lex was alive. Despite the pain he had caused her, a part of her couldn't fathom being responsible for his demise. But she didn't care about saving his soul any longer- She understood now that he had willingly given himself over to the darkness. She didn't kill him and that's all that mattered. And she couldn't bear the thought of Kara placing herself in danger for her sake. All she could think about now was Kara- how much she loved her. Kara was willing to face her own enemy, to save him, just for Lena's sake, to place herself in danger at Lex's hands just to offer Lena some relief. What had Lena done to deserve such unwavering devotion?
"Kara, I--" Lena's voice faltered, her words lost in the torrent of emotions coursing through her. Before she could find the right words, Kara cut her off, her voice laced with determination.
"And also, there's something I've wanted to do."
In an instant, Kara closed the distance between them, placing her hands on Lena's waist and capturing Lena's lips in a searing kiss. Shock and surprise coursed through Lena's veins. Kara's lips were soft yet demanding, a revelation- a thrilling revelation that Kara reciprocated her feelings, that their connection ran deeper than mere friendship.
As they kissed, tears welled up in Lena's eyes, spilling down her cheeks and onto their lips. The tears were not of sadness, but of unadulterated happiness, a release of the pent-up longing, years of yearning and the countless nights she had spent grappling with her feelings. She had longed for this moment, and now it was here, making everything else fade away. Time seemed to bend to their will, allowing this moment to stretch into eternity.
In that kiss, Lena poured all her hidden feelings, her love that she had guarded so fiercely, into a single moment of pure vulnerability. She felt her doubts and fears dissipate as Kara kissed her back with the same intensity, affirming that this was real, that her love was reciprocated.
Lena's hands desperately tangled in Kara's hair, pulling her closer. As the kiss deepened, the world around them faded into insignificance. There was only Kara and only Lena, and every hidden feeling now laid bare.
As they reluctantly broke apart for air, breathing heavily, Lena's voice trembled as she finally confessed,
"I love you."
And in response, Kara kissed her once again, with an intensity that spoke volumes.
And as they finally pulled apart, their foreheads resting against each other, Kara whispered,
"I love you, too."
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waytooinvested · 7 months
Vengeance, Victory, and Undying Love - pt 4
Chapter 4 of my Supercorp fic in which Lena still creates something called Non Nocere to deal with her broken heart after finding out Supergirl's identity, but this time she gives the name to a different project. A more personal one. And now she’s coming for Supergirl.
This and previous chapters also available to read on Ao3
The sun was just beginning to peek over the horizon when Lena finally left the DEO building, her head held high. The long sleeves of her jacket hid the spots on her wrists that had been rubbed raw by the slightly too tight cuffs, and she was almost certain that there was no discernible wobble in her stride, despite the weak feeling in her knees after her confrontation with Alex.
True, she had anticipated something of the sort when she had decided to keep them in the dark about what she had injected Kara with, but somehow knowing it might happen and being confronted with the reality of her former friend’s wrath felt entirely different, and Lena hated to admit how shaken she was by it, even to herself.
Still, it didn’t matter in the end. It was just another small feeling to stuff down into another small box at the back of her mind. The main thing was that she had made it through the second part of her plan, she was confident the DEO wouldn’t undo her work in time, and Non Nocere was still on track. It was time to pull herself together and refocus her mind on her goal.
Back at her desk a few hours later, having snatched a little sleep and a vile smoothie that nevertheless contained enough nutrients to ensure she wouldn’t have to think about meals for a while, Lena fell once again into the activity that was beginning to consume every waking hour that wasn’t already spent on running L Corp or working directly on Non Nocere.
‘Run the simulation’.
Kara stands in front of her, smiling that particular smile she seems to save for Lena alone. For a moment Lena allows herself to pause, taking in the soft waves of blonde that caress Kara’s toned shoulders, the way her eyes crinkle a little as her smile widens, the tilt of her head and set of her jaw. Every tiny detail that makes up the physicality of Kara Danvers.
Then she winds up, kryptonite ring flashing in the sunlight before she punches the smile off her stupid adorable face. Kara crumples at her feet and does not get back up.
Kara flies out to face an alien a hundred times her size armoured with kryptonite. At first she is winning, beating her opponent down with a flurry of attacks, but even as she fights, sickly green begins painting jagged lightning bolts across her face and hands as the kryptonite takes effect. Kara struggles to stay airborne, her heat vision sputtering and then failing altogether as she begins to lose altitude. The alien sees its chance and attacks, snapping her spine in a single blow and discarding her as casually as a broken doll.
Kara gets hit by a truck.
Kara gets shot. Stabbed. Caught in a land slide. Blown apart by a bomb.
Kara lying bloody and broken at the bottom of a crater. Kara looking up at her in despair as the life drains from her eyes. Kara still and cold, never to rise again.
It’s sharp and stinging, and it keeps Lena focused on what she needs to do.
‘Again Ms Luthor?’
Lena sighed and waved away the latest image.
‘No thank you Hope, that’s enough for now. We have work to do’.
‘Alright Ms Luthor. What would you like to do next?’
‘We’re going end this for good, Hope. We’re going to make some kryptonite’.
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sssammich · 1 year
not for nothing; rated T; kara danvers/lena luthor
“Kara,” Lena’s voice called for her again, softer this time. Finally, her eyelids fluttered open, blue eyes staring directly into green. “Why didn’t you tell me?” She could cry (and she was not very confident she hadn’t already), but she stopped herself as the words I can't look at you anymore without my heart breaking rang in her mind. Instead, she simply shrugged, even as her heart broke at seeing the warmth in Lena’s eyes directed at her again for the first time. “What was there to tell?” “You told the DEO not to ask for my help. Why not?” She sighed, not wanting to have this conversation at the sink. But Kara thought it made sense, for her to continue not getting what she wanted. “Why did you come?” OR Lena finds out Kara is Supergirl, they have a fall out, and then Kara loses her powers indefinitely.
this is my entry for the supercorp big bang 2023 which is incidentally my first supercorp fic ever, so.
worked on this with art done by @midnightechoes whose work yall should definitely check out!
ao3 link also has a spotify mixtape if yall are interested.
anyway thanks and please enjoy!
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ekingston · 1 year
Other than supercorp, would there have been any other kara romantic pairing you wouldn't have minded
lol anon that’s tricky again, because i honestly don’t trust the show would have handled any of them well! for a production that went to such lengths to pair off their characters, they really didn’t do so good with romantic arcs (it’s why i’m actually glad supercorp didn’t become canon don’t tell anyone)
i liked James, during season one (though i’m not a fan of love triangles unless they’re a leadup to a triad situation), but clearly the new showrunners did not. 
i could have liked Mon-El, if they had stuck with him being the comedic relief foundling from a conflicting culture rather than the immoral prince who needed to tear Kara down in order to feel better about himself. i remember rambling to a friend about how much more interesting it could have been if Daxam had turned out not to be the hellscape Kara’s parents had led her to believe it was—if it had been just another lie Kara took for objective truth, Kryptonian propaganda regarding a planet they were at odds with. it would have been another chance for the show to portray Kara coming to terms with the fact that her parents weren't perfect, paving the way for her to acknowledge that she doesn't need to be, either; but even better, it could have showed her dealing with cultural differences in a way that wouldn’t have been too heavy handed or on the nose for american audiences. it also would likely have made Mon-El come off as much less of an asshole, which, you know. bonus, if they wanted us to buy them as a romantic match, and to mourn along with Kara when she had to send him away.
(William was a mistake from the start. he literally feels like a guy shoved on stage during the final scene of the play with no instruction given beyond ‘you’re the romantic interest now, stand there and look pretty!’)
and, you know. this could easily be misconstrued as a vindictive sort of ‘if i can’t have supercorp i don’t want Kara dating anyone at all’, but honestly, i’m genuinely attached to the idea of possibly alloromantic, definitely asexual Kara Zor-El. 
i know it’s even less likely that the cw would have gone with an ace main character than it would have been for them to make supercorp canon, but yeah, in my mind—and this is absolutely shaped by what they actually showed in canon—both of those scenarios would have made the most sense. and—again, completely out of the scope of any cw show—how interesting would it have been to at least explore Kara’s attitudes toward the emphasis most human cultures place on sexuality vs her Kryptonian upbringing (not to mention her alien DNA)?
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