#lex luthor is the drama
marinawolf · 11 months
[hi! work has been crazy but I finally found some time to post this. An angsty first kiss fic for all my supercorp girlies- hope you like it!]
A Revelation (Supercorp)
Lena may or may not have killed Lex, but she did it to save Kara. In the days that follow, she grapples with her confusing grief, her feelings for Kara and the knowledge that she would kill Lex over and over again to save Kara. (OR: Several times Lena wants to kiss Kara, and the one time Kara kisses her.)
(Almost 4K words of angst and fluff tbh)
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It was one a.m., and the darkness of the night was only matched by the heavy weight in Lena's heart. She sat on her couch, her eyes fixed on her laptop screen, but her mind lost in the haunting memories of the events that had unfolded just two days ago.
The shadows had crept into her dreams, replaying the chilling scene that had changed everything, making sleep an unwelcome torture, which is why she was trying to distract herself with work.
Lex had made a sinister last move to ensnare her in his web of darkness. With the L Corp building held hostage, he had cruelly used Kara, her closest friend, as a pawn, rendering her powerless with dreaded kryptonite. Yet, even in the face of danger, Kara had displayed unyielding courage and loyalty to Lena, standing firmly between Lena and the loaded gun Lex aimed at her even as her strength drained away.
The situation had been impossible – Lex held a detonator in his other hand, forcing Lena to make an unimaginable choice. Save Kara, the woman who meant everything to her, or save the countless innocent lives in the building.
Every fiber of Lena's being rebelled against causing harm to Kara, but the weight of responsibility for those innocent lives crushed her soul. It was as if Lex had crafted this hellish scenario solely to break her, just as he had been broken by the darkness that consumed him.
In that desperate moment, Lena's mind became a whirlwind of conflicting emotions.
But the woman standing before her, the one she was secretly in love with, was worth fighting for, worth sacrificing everything to keep safe. It was her fear for Kara's life that made Lena reach for the gun she had concealed, clutching onto the last shreds of hope to rescue both Kara and the innocent souls caught in the crossfire.
Time seemed to stand still as she pulled the trigger, the sound echoing through the air like a chilling proclamation of her resolve. The bullet found its mark, and Lex's body crashed through the window, disappearing into the night, but not before Lena saw the shock and betrayal in his eyes.
But no body was found, leaving Lena with the torment of uncertainty – had she truly taken her brother's life?
The days that followed were a blur of guilt and sleepless nights. The image of Lex's haunting face, juxtaposed with the memories of happier times, tormented her relentlessly. Every time she closed her eyes she saw the Lex she once knew – the kind, sweet big brother who had once been her protector, before corruption twisted him beyond recognition. It felt like she was being pulled apart by conflicting loyalties, torn between the darkness of her actions and the knowledge that she had ultimately done the right thing.
And now, as she sat on her couch at one a.m., her emotions reached their breaking point. Tears welled up in her eyes, ready to spill over. She felt adrift in a storm of self-doubt and remorse.
But just as she was about to be swallowed whole by her emotions, to be consumed entirely by the darkness, a familiar thud outside on her balcony drew her attention. Her heart, heavy as it was, skipped a beat as the door creaked open, and Kara stepped into the room.
Her radiant presence illuminated the darkness around Lena, a lighthouse guiding her through the storm. With her blond hair gently tousled by the night breeze and her brilliant blue eyes sparkling in the soft light of Lena's living room, Kara was a vision.
A heart-stopping smile graced Kara's lips, and Lena's brain short circuited for a second. Despite the turmoil inside her, she couldn't help but smile back, a small flicker of light in the shadows. Kara's presence always had a way of making everything else fade into the background.
"Kara, hi," Lena whispered, her voice barely above a murmur.
"Lena. How are you holding up?" Kara's voice was gentle, filled with genuine concern.
Lena's gaze, clouded with unspoken anguish, met Kara's tender eyes. The kindness and care reflected in Kara's gaze threatened to shatter the fragile facade Lena had constructed to hold herself together. She clenched her trembling hands, determined to suppress the overwhelming surge of emotions, and instead fixated on Kara's consuming presence.
"I'm okay, all things considered," Lena managed to respond, her voice laced with a hint of weariness. But she knew that Kara, with her unparalleled understanding, saw through the veil of strength Lena presented to the world. She could sense the tumult raging beneath the surface, the cracks in Lena's composure.
Without a word, Kara sat down beside Lena, her graceful form slipping effortlessly under the blanket Lena had draped over herself before she took the laptop from Lena's hands and gently placed it on the floor. The contours of her Supergirl suit accentuated her physique, offering a fleeting and welcome distraction from the weight of Lena's thoughts.
Kara snuggled up to Lena, a strong arm encircling Lena's shoulders, drawing her into a protective embrace. The proximity, their bodies pressed together, sent Lena's heart into a tumultuous frenzy. But amid the whirlwind of conflicting feelings, Lena found safety in Kara's comforting presence.
"I'm sorry about Lex," Kara whispered, her voice barely audible, "I know you loved him. I'm sorry you had to do what you did," she continued, her words a gentle caress against Lena's fractured soul.
The floodgates within Lena, already straining under the weight of grief and guilt, gave way. Tears streamed down her cheeks, unchecked and raw, as she began to sob uncontrollably into Kara's steady shoulder.
Kara responded with unwavering tenderness, enfolding Lena in her arms, holding her close as if to shield her from the pain that threatened to consume her. In that moment, Lena realized the true depth of Kara's understanding. Throughout the aftermath of the ordeal with Lex, others had commended Lena for her actions, expressing admiration for her courage and bravery. They had offered hollow reassurances, asking if she was okay after being subjected to such a harrowing threat. But none of them truly comprehended the complex tapestry of emotions woven within Lena's heart. No one had truly understood the agony Lena had endured—the impossible choices she had faced and the torment that plagued her every thought. None of them understood the profound grief that gripped her.
But Kara saw her. Kara felt her pain with a depth that no one else could fathom. And Lena loved her all the more for it, for the genuine empathy and compassion she showed without reservation. In that moment, as Kara placed a gentle kiss on her head, Lena realized just how much she depended on this extraordinary woman by her side.
Kara held her tightly and her hand soothingly caressed Lena's hair, offering a tender reassurance that she was not alone in her grief.
Her sobs eventually subsided, but Kara continued to hold her, their hearts beating in unison.
As Lena's tears finally subsided, she felt utterly drained, her body and soul exhausted from the emotional release. She found herself nestled against Kara's chest, their closeness causing her to short circuit again. As she lifted her head slightly, she couldn't help but notice how close their faces were, their lips almost brushing against each other. Lena's heart pounded in her chest, and for a fleeting moment, she entertained the intoxicating idea of closing that distance, of kissing Kara.
The intimate proximity sent a surge of anticipation through Lena's veins, her gaze fixated on Kara's enticing lips. They were so close, just a breath away from tasting the sweetness she had longed for. So close that she could feel Kara's breath on her own lips.
Time seemed to stand still as they sat in that charged moment. Her heart fluttered wildly in her chest, teetering on the edge of an exhilarating precipice, as she summoned the courage to bridge the distance and claim the kiss she desired.
Kara, still and unmoving, met Lena's gaze.
The seconds stretched into eternity as Lena's heart fluttered, desperately seeking the courage to take that daring step. But the weight of their friendship, the fear of crossing a line and losing Kara's precious companionship, held her back. Kara was there to offer comfort as a friend, and Lena wasn't willing to risk their precious bond. With a sudden, almost desperate movement, Lena sat back, wiping away her tears, and offered a shaky laugh.
"Ugh, I think I ruined your suit," she quipped, trying to diffuse the charged atmosphere that enveloped them.
Kara's smile was both tender and reassuring. "It's pretty impervious to most things, don't worry," she joked.
"Feeling better?" Kara asked gently, her concern still evident.
Lena nodded, her voice barely above a whisper, "Thank you."
"You should get some sleep, Lena. You look like you haven't slept in days."
A wry smile tugged at the corners of Lena's lips as she replied, "I know. I'll try and get some sleep tonight."
Kara stood up then, extending her hand to Lena, her intentions unclear to Lena in her emotional haze. "Come on, then," she said softly.
Lena was momentarily confused, her thoughts still tangled in the emotional web that had enveloped her. "Where?" she asked, her confusion evident.
"To sleep. I'm gonna stay with you to make sure you sleep."
Lena's heart skipped a beat, and a rush of emotions flooded her as she took Kara's outstretched hand. She followed Kara into the room, feeling a mixture of vulnerability and gratitude for this gesture of kindness.
Once in the bedroom, Lena handed Kara some sweats and a t-shirt, their fingers grazing ever so slightly in the exchange, igniting a spark of electricity. They settled into bed side by side, and Lena tried to control her somersaulting heart.
The comfort she found in Kara's presence was unlike anything she had ever experienced, a blend of safety and tenderness that wrapped around her like a blanket.
Despite the whirlwind of emotions that engulfed her, Lena finally found herself relaxing, her thoughts consumed by Kara. Kara's steady presence offered her a sense of peace and security that had eluded her in the restless nights prior. Listening to the sound of Kara's steady breathing, Lena finally drifted off to sleep.
Lena woke up to a soft light bathing the room, immediately noting the warmth enveloping her. As consciousness swept over her, she realized that Kara had cuddled up to her in their sleep, closing the physical gap between them. Now, Kara's body pressed intimately against Lena's back, her arm encircling Lena's waist. Lena felt the gentle rhythm of Kara's breath cascading over the nape of her neck, sending a surge of electricity through her veins.
In an instant, her heart pounded in her chest, the presence of Kara so near amplifying the intensity of her emotions.
The soft sounds of Kara stirring reached Lena's ears as Kara slowly woke from her slumber.
"Hey," Kara whispered in a sleepy voice, her words laced with concern. "You okay?"
"Yes," Lena managed to choke out, her voice catching in her throat. "Did I wake you?"
Kara untangled herself from Lena's embrace, allowing her to turn and face her. The sight of Kara, her eyes drowsy but still sparkling with affection, made Lena's heart skip a beat.
"Your heartbeat woke me," Kara explained with a soft laugh, her superhearing attuned to every nuance of Lena's being. "Were you scared or something?"
Lena's cheeks flushed, and she could only imagine how obvious her racing heart had been to Kara. Of course, Kara would hear her racing heartbeat every time. Before she could find a suitable reply, Kara stood up, and stretched. The hem of Kara's t-shirt lifted slightly, revealing a glimpse of her well-defined abs, and Lena's heart rate skyrocketed once again. She cursed her body's inability to calm down in Kara's presence. Lena could have sworn she detected a mischievous smirk on Kara's lips, but the moment passed without further remark.
"Coffee?" Kara offered, and Lena nodded, grateful for the distraction. She followed Kara to the kitchen, where she busied herself with the coffee machine. Lena watched her, captivated by the grace in Kara's movements and the effortless way she made a mundane morning ritual look like an art. She loved that Kara had made herself at home so easily, as if she had always belonged in Lena's apartment. The domestic familiarity made Lena smile.
With the coffee ready, Kara handed Lena a cup. As she took a sip, Lena couldn't help but marvel at how Kara's coffee always tasted perfect. She made it perfectly to Lena's taste, something that even Lena's trained assistants failed to do.
Placing her empty cup in the sink, Lena pivoted to find Kara standing closely behind her. Kara reached around Lena, placing her own cup in the sink. Their bodies pressed together, the charged atmosphere crackling with anticipation. Lena looked up, her gaze landing on Kara's tousled hair and sleepy eyes and she longed to lean in and capture Kara's lips in a searing kiss, to express the intensity of her emotions . The desire to taste Kara's lips, to bridge the gap between them, surged within Lena, a hunger she struggled to contain. And in Kara's intense gaze, Lena could have sworn that for a second she glimpsed a mirrored yearning.
Their moment was shattered by the shrill ring of Kara's phone, piercing through the charged atmosphere. Kara moved away, swiftly grabbing her phone with a groan of frustration. "Duty calls," she lamented before dashing into Lena's room and emerging once again in her Supergirl suit.
Before she could leave, Kara turned to Lena, the concern evident in her eyes.
"Will you be okay?" she asked, softly.
Lena nodded, her heart aching, "I'll be fine. Just be safe."
"I'll be back later," she promised, and Lena knew she would anxiously await Kara's return.
As Kara disappeared into the sky, Lena found herself wishing she had seized the moment, wishing she had kissed Kara before the day took them in different directions, but she was too afraid. Time and circumstance, and her own fears, always conspired against her.
As soon as Kara's presence dissipated, Lena's sanctuary crumbled, leaving her adrift in a sea of restlessness and longing. The haunting image of Lex's face returned to torment her once again. Lena sat down on her living room floor and closed her eyes, seeking solace within the darkness, grappling with the demons that relentlessly haunted her soul.
Lena's world felt shattered as she remained huddled on the living room floor, her thoughts consumed by the overwhelming weight of guilt and uncertainty. Her mind was a whirlwind of torment, constantly questioning whether she had truly killed her brother, or if he was still out there, a looming threat, plotting his next move. Each possibility carried its own brand of torment, but she didn't know which outcome would be worse.
Lena could sense Kara's presence behind her before she even heard her voice, and she realised then that she had spent hours sitting there, on the floor. Kara's arms encircled Lena, almost immediately calming the storm raging within her.
"Lena?" Kara's voice was soft, cutting through the haze of Lena's torment.
Summoning every ounce of strength, Lena managed to lift her gaze and meet Kara's eyes. "Hey," she whispered, her voice laden with weariness and vulnerability, "You're back." Kara's mere presence offered a glimmer of comfort amidst the chaos.
With gentle care, Kara lifted Lena from the floor and settled her onto the couch. Kneeling before her, Kara's eyes bore into Lena's, their intensity captivating her. Lena yearned to lose herself in the depths of Kara's gaze.
"Lena, I know you're hurting. What you had to do—I can't even imagine having to do something like that. But I need you to know that it's not your fault, okay? Lex made his choices, and he chose darkness every time. And he tried to force you to choose darkness too, but you resisted. You chose to save lives, to save me." Kara's words penetrated Lena's shattered spirit, cutting through the darkness, offering some absolution.
Tears streamed down Lena's cheeks as she finally spoke.
"I killed my brother, Kara. My own brother. I should have tried harder to save him, to bring him back."
Kara sat down next to Lena and pulled her closer.
"You loved him, but he wasn't the Lex you knew anymore, okay? He lost himself a long time ago and he didn't want to be saved. Believe me, my cousin tried. And you saved so many people, Lena. I wish I could take this all away, all this pain, but all I can do is tell you that you didn't do anything wrong. And we don't know that he's dead. If he's still alive, I'll find him and bring him back to you, okay?"
Lena nodded, acknowledging Kara's words, and they sat in shared silence. Amidst the weight of her grief, Lena's mind wandered, considering the alternate path that could have unfolded. What if Lex had succeeded in killing Kara? The thought alone devastated Lena. She realized then, with unwavering conviction, that she would willingly traverse the same harrowing path if it meant protecting Kara. For her, Kara's safety was worth any sacrifice, even if it meant sacrificing her own life.
Finally, Lena mustered the courage to look into Kara's eyes, her heart laid bare.
"You know, if it meant saving you, I would do it all over again."
The words hung in the air. Kara's breath hitched.
Lena reached out, her fingertips gently caressing Kara's cheek. The moment crackled with an electric energy. However, the abrupt interruption of the elevator's ding shattered the intimacy of the moment. They instinctively pulled apart, Lena's desires restrained by the intrusion of their friends from the DEO, who entered Lena's apartment, their voices jarring against the backdrop of the emotional maelstrom that had enveloped Lena and Kara.
Lena couldn't look at Kara, afraid of what she would see in those eyes. So she stood up, plastered a fake smile on her face and turned to face their friends.
Hours had passed since her friends departed, leaving Lena alone in her apartment. She stood on the balcony, a solitary figure against the backdrop of the illuminated National City skyline. A mixture of emotions swirled within her, longing for Kara's comforting presence, even though she understood the demands on her friend's time. Lost in her thoughts, the sudden thud behind her drew Lena's attention, and she was shocked to see an exhilarated Kara standing behind her.
"He's alive," Kara's words tumbled out, rushed and filled with urgency, causing Lena's heart to seize in her chest. "He's alive. I found a camera pointing at where he fell, and the footage shows him getting up. He's hurt, but he's alive, Lena and I'm going to find him for you. He couldn't have gotten far. I'll bring him to the DEO, and we can figure out what to do from there. I just wanted to make sure you knew that you didn't kill him."
Lena's breath caught in her throat as relief mingled with disbelief. Lex was alive. Despite the pain he had caused her, a part of her couldn't fathom being responsible for his demise. But she didn't care about saving his soul any longer- She understood now that he had willingly given himself over to the darkness. She didn't kill him and that's all that mattered. And she couldn't bear the thought of Kara placing herself in danger for her sake. All she could think about now was Kara- how much she loved her. Kara was willing to face her own enemy, to save him, just for Lena's sake, to place herself in danger at Lex's hands just to offer Lena some relief. What had Lena done to deserve such unwavering devotion?
"Kara, I--" Lena's voice faltered, her words lost in the torrent of emotions coursing through her. Before she could find the right words, Kara cut her off, her voice laced with determination.
"And also, there's something I've wanted to do."
In an instant, Kara closed the distance between them, placing her hands on Lena's waist and capturing Lena's lips in a searing kiss. Shock and surprise coursed through Lena's veins. Kara's lips were soft yet demanding, a revelation- a thrilling revelation that Kara reciprocated her feelings, that their connection ran deeper than mere friendship.
As they kissed, tears welled up in Lena's eyes, spilling down her cheeks and onto their lips. The tears were not of sadness, but of unadulterated happiness, a release of the pent-up longing, years of yearning and the countless nights she had spent grappling with her feelings. She had longed for this moment, and now it was here, making everything else fade away. Time seemed to bend to their will, allowing this moment to stretch into eternity.
In that kiss, Lena poured all her hidden feelings, her love that she had guarded so fiercely, into a single moment of pure vulnerability. She felt her doubts and fears dissipate as Kara kissed her back with the same intensity, affirming that this was real, that her love was reciprocated.
Lena's hands desperately tangled in Kara's hair, pulling her closer. As the kiss deepened, the world around them faded into insignificance. There was only Kara and only Lena, and every hidden feeling now laid bare.
As they reluctantly broke apart for air, breathing heavily, Lena's voice trembled as she finally confessed,
"I love you."
And in response, Kara kissed her once again, with an intensity that spoke volumes.
And as they finally pulled apart, their foreheads resting against each other, Kara whispered,
"I love you, too."
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luthwhore · 9 months
elliot s maggin (one of the main pre-crisis superman writers, and if you’re not familiar with him i beg you to track down some of his work) has a quora account where he answers questions about his opinions on comics and superheroes and god, i love hearing him talk about lex luthor.
a few highlights:
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the idea that “no one is truly irredeemable, even the worst of villains” is frankly incredibly radical even by current day standards — grown adults couldn’t handle that shit in steven universe, a literal show for children — but it should be a core tenet of the superman mythos and that is a hill i will die on.
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kara-zor-els · 8 days
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cyanide-sippy-cup · 2 days
Okay I'm just saying I haven't seen the new ep yet (I will like tomorrow) but like yknow, a Kryptonian attacks and Lex realizes none of his tech and weapons can do anything against this species so he decides to fight fire with fire aka Kryptonian with Kryptonian and ends up cloning Superman and we get Conner. Eh? Eh??
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fantastic-nonsense · 4 months
Lois & Clark was such a deeply chaotic show because what do you mean they did a Clois fake married episode in Season 1 and then turned around 8 episodes later and had Lois get engaged to Lex for the season finale plot
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qcomicsy · 2 years
One of my favorite things about Dick Grayson is the fact that villains ACTUALLY have a beef with him.
Like most of the time villains are just doing their usual path of destruction until they bump into a hero and then eventually end up beefing/being obsessed with them.
But Dick? The almost entirety of the Batman rogue has been hating on him since he was twelve.
And somehow so has Luthor?? Like wtf how did he managed that.
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Fanfiction commentary and recommendations: Lex Luthor´s ascend from supervillainy to fatherhood Part VII (chapters 31 to 35)
The Original story by @halfagone can be found here.
The previous parts of the commentaries can be found here:
Part I
Part II
Part III
Part IV
Part V
Part VI
I´m very sorry that this part is so late - this is what happens when you´re on vacation and decide to do two long-term projects at once. At least they´re going well?
Anyways. What awaits us in these five chapters is a sneak peek into the minds of some Amity Park residents, a foray into social media´s stance on our favourite ghost as well as said ghost´s birth- and death days. Quite the packed program if you ask me! Without further ado - here we go :)
We begin, as is quite unusual in this fic, with Sam. And the first thing we see is her frustration about her parents, combined with all the pent-up worry and rage about Danny´s disappearance as well as all her arguments with Tucker and wow - Danny sure seems to have been the glue keeping the both of them together.
I think what fuels all that rage annoyance is the guilt she feels at 'not having been there' for Danny before he fled into the realms and the portal got him. And it´s unreasonable for sure, but in the end I´d do the same. Regardless of how senseless it seems.
And Sam can´t even absolve herself of her guilt because life had gone on. The school year has gone on and people had started asking questions, with Dash and Valerie being the most persistent. And wow, Dash must really have been having a kiddie crush on Danny for him to worry so much. If only he´d shown that sooner and to Danny though… but we always only get such apologies too late in the end. And they also don´t make any inflicted pain easier …
Sam also finds this weird, especially since Dash, after years of not even being friends anymore, can still remember what Danny had wanted to become when he was older and that Danny could do the same.
How weird it was to know that Danny and Tucker and a bunch of the A-listers had gone to the same schools since elementary and some of them had even been friends? It certainly rubs Sam the wrong way.
What doesn´t is Valerie´s behaviour. Because, yes, Val and Danny had broken up long ago but neither had seemed all too ready to let it all go. There had always been LOOKS if you know what I mean.
And yeah, Sam had been jealous at the whole affair, she´d also never really thought about getting together with him instead. Despite all the comments from the people around them. And I think that´s good. God only knows how annoying it can get when people try to set you up with your friends. It can get really awkward really fast.
But … the whole difference is that Sam at some point has begun to wonder 'what if'. And if that question comes up? Buddy, you know how it goes. There´s never any good when it comes to 'what if'. Because it is an inherently human quality to prevent those 'what if’s. Because they can hurt. Regardless of if these what if´s can really come to fruition or not.
In this case it would have probably been worse because she still feels such crushing guilt about the portal incident … it wouldn´t have been healthy. Couldn´t have been, but … yeah. Sam basically:
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But she´d seen him at his worst. She´s seen how he works alone and with others, how he fights and protects and was to the town like Atlas was to the sky: always the one to take the burden. Without anyone knowing. And to know that such a devoted person? Such an ardent protector? Can love oneself? It sure is a beautiful thought.
While, yes, those are by naught the most important reasons she seems to like him, but …. They seem important, don´t they? Because if one can´t even understand that Danny, at his core, needs to protect those he loves? That he´ll even endanger himself if it means that those he loves can be save and that he´s also still just plain old Danny? The pun-loving weirdo he is? Those do seem like rather nice qualities to have, don´t they?
He´s just so kind. When Sam is … not. Sure, she´d help, but she doubts that she´d have been able to come out of the whole ordeal as strong as Danny. As free of resentment. But that´s not true, is it? He´s not free of resentment or hatred. He just chose to bury it all so deep, that you´ll need a submarine to find it. Doesn´t make it any less destructive though. And just how destructive it had gotten … we´ll see that in the latter chapters. Let´s just say: there are regrets from all the people around.
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And with those thoughts we´re onto Dash. Who watches Sam and Tucker dance around each other without Danny able to defuse their arguments. And apparently the last big one was such a shitshow, that the majority of the class watched the whole thing like onlookers like to watch trainwrecks.
But as surprised as everyone was about these fights, he knows it´s because Danny´s gone. But. Why. What had happened? Danny was suddenly just not there anymore. And no, Dash´s definitely not simping for Danny. Naaaah, just imagination I guess ~
But. The trio always had attention. They each had their role and so everyone knew who Danny Fenton was, which makes it even stranger that no one seemed to know anything.
And after hearing the teachers talking about CPS because the Fenton parents’ had seemed to know something? Well … I think Dash has serious regrets. He never thought they could be abusive. Whack jobs, sure. But abusive? Hindsight is always 20/20 in the end. Regardless of how much regret we have.
It all just makes so much sense to Dash. All the bruises and injuries even long after he´d stopped getting physical. Now, we all know that his parents weren´t (the sole) reason. Sure, their chases may have contributed a bit, but in the end the ghost fights were the reason. Dash does not know that though. And he probably never will.
Apparently, Dash once thought that Danny was out there fighting ghosts after the whole debacle with Ember and Youngblood, but had stopped after not seeing him do so for years. His next thought that he was ferrying weapons to Phantom. And. That´s certainly not WRONG per se. But also, that he got roughed up trying to prevent his parents from chasing Phantom. Which is also true in a certain sense, but not really the truth.
That whole train of thought leads to him a whole thing about the Fenton parents and their bigotry and how the city had changed their thoughts on ghosts, but those two had just gotten worse. That they just continually choose to think the worst of ghosts when there had been enough evidence that pointed towards that not being the case.
Dash also thinks about Danny´s perceived fear of ghosts and how that, in the end can´t really be all that true in the end. Because Ember and Youngblood? His fights with the Box ghost? The one time he fist-fought skulker? Were all counter arguments. And very good ones at that. Also, ones that Dash kind of admired, but that´s beside the point for now.
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And all of that leads to Dash noticing how the city looked at the moment. Decrepit. Because the ghosts had been more violent after Phantom disappeared, even though he´d seen him once in between (we all know that was Dani anyways). And the major had stopped caring about the town as much. And doesn´t that say many things about Vlad? That he basically abandoned the town as soon as Danny vanished?
So. Dash is wondering about Phantom and Danny and all of the change that has been happening. Understandable. Change … happens. Most of the time it´s nothing bad or nefarious, but sometimes … sometimes change is scary.
The only thing Dash was even sure of was that je missed Danny Fenton - not that he´d ever tell anyone. But it says many things about him, doesn´t it?
And then we get to Vlad, obsessive Vampire wannabe that he is, his first thought is 'where is Danny'. Quite on point, really. And to know that he´d spied on the Fentons with multiple cameras and bugs? Well. It´s Vlad.
Vlad, being who he is, had to gaslight himself into thinking that 'no, the Fenton parents would never do something to their child'. Vlad, if you know that you´re basically gaslighting yourself that´s not going to WORK.
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What he also noticed was the damaged and shut down portal in the Fenton lab. And of course, he tried to redirect that to his own feelings about the proto-portal that blew up in his face. Just when is he ever gonna let go of his weird obsession of 'he´s for SURE like ME. ONLY I can understand him'? Someday, I hope. I want to say never, but the things happening in the later chapters gave me some hope in that regard.
And of course, Vlad just continues his search. Not that it´s ever fruitful, because no one will tell him anything. Deserved tbh. Especially since he apparently let the ghosts out himself to lure out Danny. And in doing so basically destroyed the town… Wow, disregarding human life like that? Really? Again? I’m not even disappointed. Just resigned. VLAD BE NORMAL FOR ONCE IN YOUR LIFE.
And of course, the only reason he cares about Danny is, that he´s losing his chance to steal him from under Jack´s nose. Because he´ll be an adult soon …. Whyyyy is he like this … and even if he says that he feels fear for him deep down. HOW deep down are we talking? Deeper than your moral compass, that´s for sure.
He apparently needs to find Danny before Vlad basically kills himself via haywire powers. That sounds incredibly fucked up if you ask me … and unhealthy. GO SEE A THERAPIST YOU LOON.
And then we have a little cameo of Clockwork who´s just like 'Be well my child. Just wait a little longer, your old home world is not yet ready for you to come back'. Which. Okay. Weird and slightly ominous, but okay.
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Now, one of my favourite parts: social media.
Social media welcomes Danny back into metropolis (after a somewhat ominous sentence that 'If you´d like to leave anonymous tip, you can go to our website at ….' - not ominous at all, nope). Good news: PR is working hard and has announced that Danny´s in good health AND the Joker’s death was rules as self-defence! Whoop!
But even though so many people are celebrating and Gotham City is planning a party for the occasion and Bruce has done some PR resulting in a memorial for Joker´s victims, People on Twitter are split into two camps. The camp that is just happy that Danny´s save and sound and the camp that hates Danny even more now, that he inadvertently killed the Joker.
And that gets even worse when the audio recording of the questioning gets leaked, because of course it does. Danny can never catch a break, can he?
I do feel vindicated that so many people love Danny for chewing out batman though. Because that, indeed, was an awesome moment :3
But now the discussions have started up again. People are calling him a killer, suddenly he´s not a 'hero' anymore? And the recording was very obviously cut, making it seem as if Danny had wanted to kill the Joker from the beginning. And people …. Don´t like that. The two camps are basically going at each other´s throats and it´s not pretty.
One of the users has a very good response to that:
There are literally places where Danny starts talking mid-sentence after a cut. They weren’t trying very hard to hide their edits #I pity whoever fell for this shit #actually wait #no I don’t
Of course, the papers are already going at it. Typical. I swear they´re like sharks. Or piranhas. Or wasps when you´re having a barbeque. Or ants when you´re having a picnic.
Danny´s also on the Later night how! His first interview there, I´m so proud of him. He handled it so well!
And the two are interacting so sweetly? Like, they´re laughing and talking about silly things even though a big topic is how Danny´s still healing. I get the impression that he, too, would like to wrap Danny into bubble wrap so that he´d be save.
He´s also impressed that Danny´s able to take his injuries so well and is … quite alarmed at the answer being his family. And his godfather and his FREAKING BEARTRAP. Fuck Vlad. Have I said this already? Anyways. Fuck him. And not in a sexy way.
We get early birthday wishes and a discussion on the logistics of being a newly adopted billionaire son. How some things are not as different as they seem at first glance.
Danny talks about how actually living with Lex has been the biggest adjustment since Lex is now a new single parent. But also, a single parent to a fucking teenager of all things. But Lex is also trying to be there and to do things better - all things that Danny´s parents never did and honestly? The more I read about how they treated Danny and how they caused him so many issues via neglect the more homicidal I get.
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And that´s just cute:
Luthor: He treats me very well for a man that has no experience with children or teenagers. I can’t speak for everyone my age, but one of the hardest parts about this age period is that most people still treat you like a child but expect you to act like an adult. [Nuñez nods] But Lex- I definitely think he has expectations, or at least standards, but I’ve never felt worried about what he would do if I didn’t meet those standards. He’s surprisingly good at… just- balancing my need for independence with his own concerns- especially with more recent events- while also trying to let me… be a kid, really.
Lex just genuinely being a good parent has my heart melting as if it´s ice cream and this story is a hot summer day.
And at the question on how it´s going with so much money to spend he just goes 'well, not that different. Kinda a billionaire magnet, but still a bit different living that lifestyle' Which, yeah. Both Sam and Vlad are filthy rich after all.
And then Danny complains about Vlad on live television and makes fun of is obsession with the Green Bay Packers and his awful taste in interior design and yes, he´s a gremlin and I love him xD
The internet adores the interview. As they should. Danny showed off his adorableness (is that even a word?) and many hearts were melted. Also: he´s just a funny little dude xD
Ah yes, we also have another anecdote about Kool-Aid man jack Fenton. And how much Danny had loved it that his father did that because Danny’s been sick and he´d called for them and it´s just AWWWWWWWWWW
Of course, the interviewer is a bit confused about the parents because he´d mainly heard bad things about them. And Danny, sweetheart that he is, tells him he certainly has good ones and gives examples but also kind of realizes that:
it’s been a long time since they were parents to me. And… maybe once upon a time they had been good parents, but I don’t think they were ever good people
And OOOOOF. My baby boi :')
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 Then we get to the birthday! Whoop! And Lex would really, really like to know who dared to upload the questioning to twitter please.
And because he´s not even sure why good old Jim is keeping all of those corrupt officers he´s just going to sew the GCPD and throw them all out. As a treat.
We also get more introspection on Lex´ thoughts on Harley and how he´s been preparing for Danny´s first therapy session with the woman. He also says that he can´t deal with her constantly running her mouth, but that Danny likes it and it´s Ivy who has to live with her (which is lowkey a burn)
Lex also knows that Danny´s hiding something from him, but that he´s been keeping under wraps.
When Lex gets a surprise call from his PA, he did not expect that it was because people just fricking love Danny and decided he needed birthday presents. It´s a whole room full of presents and oh boy. If we take the Mac´n´cheese aside, his favourite present is this HUGE Teddy bear as well as a galaxy night light and yeah. I understand xD
Danny´s delighted so suffice to say Lex isn´t all too mad about the whole affair. Of course, the PA films Lex´ and Danny´s reaction at the whole thing. Lex gets a copy and twitter does as well.
At Danny´s question how these people even know of his birthday the dry answer to that is 'It´s in your Twitter bio'. Ah yes, we love the dry humor in this house.
Twitter also adores the part of the interview on the Late-Night show where Danny´s asked about his favourite hero and his honest to God answer is Jazz. I cried - he´s so adorable.
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Also: Spiderman is his favourite comic book hero. And with how similar these two are I´m not surprised xD
Everyone dies a little inside when Danny just casually says that he and his sister had to do all the chores, because their parents just WOULDN´T. And how his sister always took care of him. But also, how she always needed to be right, even if she wasn´t and for however adult she behaved, she´d still been a kid taking care of another kid. And how he´d kept forgetting that.
After that Lex is thinking about Danny and how his powers can both be a boon and a curse. He can do SO MUCH with them. Do so much good for himself or others, but he also can´t achieve his biggest dream because of them. And that´s just heartbreaking ...
But right now. They´re in the animal shelter to choose a cat. To say that Danny´s delighted would be an understatement if I ever heard one. And of course, Danny chooses the one cat that just hates the attention and the shelter. An after learning of her story? And how she´s slow to warm up and quick to nip? Well Reminds me and probably also Danny of a certain someone and so here we go. Cat acquired! A new achievement has been unlocked!
When Lex asks Danny why he´s even wanted to go to a shelter instead of a breeder the answer is so cute. 'I wanted to give one of them a second chance for a better life. Kind of like you did to me'  Gosh my HEART. I´ll die of sugar overdose. Mercy also sends a video of the tail end of the conversation on her twitter account. Which beautifully shows how amazed and soft that makes Lex.
Of course Mercy and Lex annoy each other under that video and when Lena jumps into the conversation all hope is lost lmao. Danny learns of his aunt and well. Can´t hold the boy from family if you tried - Lex has regrets.
Next Kon brings Danny´s presents like a punk Santa Claus and is surprised that Lex left a window open for him. Well, joke´s on him because Lex sees him as a son now. He has no say in it. Not that he knows that as of yet. Or that Lex knows as of yet. But they´ll get there.
Danny lets Kon meet Pepper and even though it´s a bit awkward: it´s family.
Cass also gives him her wishes and Tucker, on a tear-stained pillow, does as well. God this boy needs something happy happening to him...
Sadly that´s when Death Day happens. It happens during a press conference where Lex gives a speech and Danny´s on the podium with him, even though he hadn´t really needed to be there.
Danny’s been rubbing his chest as if in pain and his expression has slowly gotten more and more pained and paniced. Lex has gotten worried.
And then Danny collapsed, started convulsing and … while the press loved getting that footage with camera shutters going off non-stop, Lex did certainly not. Sharks.
And that´s when Danny realized what day it is and oh boy. It´s not pretty. Danny´s just miserable when Lex tells him that it´s September 30th. Lex may not understand why, but still urges Mercy to remove everyone from the facility. Just. It´s too late for that already.
Danny screamed. He screamed as if dying. Loud and drawn out, with terror and agony on his face. And everyone´s just … frozen. Because that ... That was a death scream.
Mercy recovers first, telling Lex that they´d have to move him and Lex just … numbly nods.
The scene changes. We´re now with Clark and Lois and suffice to say that Clark is not well. He says that he will be fine, but … well. He still has the scream ringing in his ears. And Lois is also still processing the whole thing. Even when Clark was the only who´d heard Danny´s heart flatlining.
When Danny wakes up Lex is immediately in caretaker mode. Instantly asking Danny how he was feeling, giving him water, the works.
Danny´s just feeling awful and Lex wants to know why things happened as they did. When Danny just raises his shirt up to show Lex his scars, Lex is quietly but quite evidently horrified. The scars are glowing an angry green. Poor boy. The scars are showing up quite horridly to be honest.
While Lex is trying not to fall into alcoholism to deal with the situation and the revelations connecting to it, he gets a visitor. Let´s just say he´s not stoked about superman visiting him.
He´s flat out glaring at the man. And everything superman maybe wants to say comes out wrong. Not surprising with all the antagonism, even while superman wants to lend help.
Lex just flat out screams at him to get out and chucks the empty glass at him. Not that him being alone again makes Lex feel any better. But why did superman think this was a good idea? They´d never had a good talk. So why? He´d had to have known that this would´ve ended badly to begin with.
And now onto the last chapter for today. And when the notes say 'Hm, how can I make this hurt more?' then you know it will rip your heart out and trample on them.
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So, the press has been having a blast with Danny´s collapse. They even out the scream into the media they published. Which is more than just bad taste if you ask me.
Clark is uneasy with the whole situation being as it is. The culprit mainly being the scream. It must have sounded horrid to have such an impact. I mean. It WAS a death scream, so of course he´d be worried, but … well. Danny´s heart had stopped.
And Clark also … doesn´t really know how to break the news to Kon or Jon. And when he wants to its already too late since the news have been talking about it on and off since the day had started.
Kon seems to feel guilty because he hadn´t heard anything, especially since he´d been on babysitting duty that day. But before he falls into a hole of self-deprecation, he asks Clark just what happened. Clark is entirely unhelpful at first. 'Just what the press has released'. As if that was all that he´d heard. But after a bit of wheedling, he elaborates: The heart rate speeding up as soon as Danny had shown discomfort, how quickly it happened. How he screamed immediately after he flatlined. How the heart had restarted without assistance but had been … slower after that. How Clark visited the penthouse the previous night and heard Danny´s heartbeat being the same as usual. He doesn´t mention Lex and his reaction though.
He also doesn’t share more about his thoughts on the relationship between Danny and his parents and how they were nearly criminally neglectful. How Danny had been afraid to live under the same roof as them and all of that in addition to Danny´s health problems? Well. He´s just happy that Lex had been able to give him a better home.
Of course, Kon immediately wants to go visit his brother, as is his right. Clark just doesn´t think it´s a good idea. You know what though? Fuck Clark. Let the boys spend time together. If something like this happened to me I´d also like some visits from my family.
Of course, Clark and Kon have a quarrel about it shortly before Kon storms off. And when Jon asks 'Did you two have a fight again?' Clark realizes that maybe he should consider this problem. Another time though. For now, though he´d have to talk about Danny with his son. What I really dislike is how he uses 'Kon´s friend Danny' instead of 'Kon´s brother' because honestly? The man should have realized their relationship by now.
Kon gets to the penthouse and deliberates how he should get in when Lex just straight up opens a window for him. Kon is prepared for a fight and Lex is just too tired to care.
I mean how done must the man be if he showed himself in SHORTS? And a polo shirt? For Lex that´s downright blasphemous to be honest. Doesn´t help that he looks exhausted.
Kon takes all of this in and realizes that for the longest time he hadn´t thought of the man as human. Or at least not as the sort of person to need rest and/or food.
While he still ruminates about all of that, Lex tells him that Danny would be waking up in a few minutes since he´d been sleeping in strange 57-minute increments. Always waking up screaming. God that must hit Lex hard.
But in the meantime, instead of just standing around they talk. About the noise isolation of the penthouse, Lex´ willingness to let Kon see his other son, Lex even offers Kon self-made food and that´s the point that surprises Kon the most. That Lex can cook. Lex being the way he is I’m not surprised about that though.
I mean, should he really be surprised? It´s Lex. The man doesn´t want to depend on someone for his livelihood so of course he can cook.
And in the deceptive calm that follows Kon asks if Danny´s going to be okay. Lex … doesn´t answer for some time, but when he does it´s for the bad news that this wasn´t the first and won´t be the last time. Of course, Kon wants to know how to make it stop … and Lex seems forlorn at the question. At the implication that Lex would be capable of doing it.
While Lex desperately wants to do that, to heal his son of something that causes him such a pain, it´s impossible. And that´s just another punch to the gut.
Lex, again, asks if Kon would like food. Upon the question of cereal being available Lex just tells Kon to 'pick his poison'. Kon sees the fruit loops and is even more confused at the titbit that Danny likes to crush them before he eats them (and isn´t that just a fun thought? I imagine it being quite therapeutic). Kon takes the lucky charms instead. To which I have to say no clue if it´s a good choice or not, I don´t know all of your fancy American cereals.
When Danny wakes with a scream Kon straight up zips upstairs to his bedroom, while Lex takes a bit more time, cleaning the dining area and being despondent because no medication will make the pain go away. Therefore, cursing his own uselessness. And Amity Park´s ignoring of Danny and his problems.
As Kon and Danny talk Lex lets us see deeper into his feelings by mentioning, that he´d not wanted anyone to talk to Danny, but that the emotions would help Danny heal. They´d amass and bring ectoplasm with them, which is what Danny needed to heal.
Therefore, in theory, Danny can sense any and all emotions. He´d have to focus on them though, to know what they actually mean.
So Kon and Danny talk and banter and pet Pepper and Lex is just there, basically thinking about a great many things, including both of his sons and how he may have fucked up his relationship with one of them. He´s also surprised about Kon going to school. Which. Lex. LEX. Why did you think otherwise??
When Kon is gone, they talk about therapy again and how much Danny probably needs it. How Lex would probably need it as well, but can´t considering that his board of directors as well as the public would see it as a sign of instability and therefore boot him out of the company. Yeah, he really did not make many friends, did he?
And on the question why Danny doesn´t want it despite Jazz wanting to become a therapist? Danny tells Lex about Spectra. I hate that woman, so, so much tbh. She deserves the WORST.
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When Danny calls himself a freak of nature, Lex calmly explains to him that no, he´s not. He overcame nature, he lived despite the odds. He may be rare, whichever species he identifies as, but is still a person like any other. Perhaps even stronger, since Danny just keeps on fighting against the odds.
And Danny admits that he´s just afraid of being right. Lex admits that he´s afraid of many things - losing everything he built for example. But also, that we can´t be afraid forever and can I just say? Preach.
Fear is a very, very powerful thing. It can consume us until we are but a husk of ourselves in our daily lives. It can take our light and our joy and our love and leave us with nothing but itself for company. And fighting against it is hard. So, so very hard. Maybe one of the hardest things to do even. But that does not mean we should stop fighting, does it? Regardless of how hard it gets; life can still be worth living for.
And Danny does promise to at least try. I´m incredibly proud of him for that. Because it´s a hard step to take and one that takes courage. Courage that a great many people do not have.
Then we come to Lena and Lex who have a sibling talk to last the ages. That Fatherhood suits Lex, even though he has the feeling it makes him age twice as fast. But that he also looks so much happier nowadays.
And then Lena destroys the good mood by asking Lex if he´d talked to their father recently. That he´s been asking about Lex. Who would rather jump into a vat of acid than talk to the man. And in the light of what will happen later? Yeah, that´s a good choice. That man is just pure malice incarnated, but we´re not there yet. This is just the foreshadowing.
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The man apparently also wants to meet Danny and Lex would rather that not happen. When Lena just looks puzzled about that, he elaborates that none of them had a good relationship with their father. So why would she even ask? For hope of a happy family? She´s known them her whole life, shouldn´t she know better? But I guess that´s the hopeful optimist that´s speaking out of her.
And in the end, Lex does admit that fatherhood, that the content feeling he has by taking care of Danny, that that is happiness. And that´s just cute. He´s a father peeps. He´s a happy father :3
The end comes upon us with Harley hugging the living daylights out of Danny and talking with him. Danny goes right for the heavy stuff with the sentence "
“When I was fourteen, I died,” Danny told her suddenly, giving her reason to pause. “I don’t think I ever really came back.”
And just ouch. True, but ouch.
And with that this part comes to its end.
A great many things happened in just five chapter. So many words, so much and yet so little time going by. Things are starting to fall into place, don´t they?
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misterbaritone · 6 months
Aquaman 2 is like… Thor Ragnarok crossed with a Step Brothers/Rush Hour fusion spliced with the first Aquaman movie. Could’ve been worse but it could’ve been a lot better too. Solid 7/10. 6/10 on its worst day.
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rustingcat · 2 years
I had a thought about the Luther family.
I jokingly thought how they basically say hello with an assassination attempt and Lena was the rudest because her only attempt was successful.
But then I realised (correct me if I'm wrong) that no, almost all of the attempts we see in the show are orchestrated by Lillian.
Right after we meet Lena she has at least 3 attempts on her life and they are all Lillian realising Lena might be uncooperative with her plans. After that doesn't work she starts with the emotional manipulation and when she realises that doesn't work, she just frame her and sends her to prison just to break her out and to make sure no one will believe her ever again and she can still use her for her fucking blood! (If it wasn't for Kara that would've actually work)
And even her golden boy wasn't safe, because when she thought he went too far without being caught she tried to poison him and when it didn't work she went with the emotional manipulation  again.
(I see a pattern here...)
She was only cooperative with one of her kids when her life was threatened. Even with Lex, when he attempted to kill anyone against him.
What I'm trying to say is, I don't think I've realised how truly horrible that woman was. Not just for Lena but for Lex as well, who in some cases got the short end of the stick. Yes Lena was considered never good enough for Lillian no matter what she did and ended up with a supermarket lists worth of trauma, but Lex got all of this horrible woman's attention, all of her expectations and I believe also in a way all of her anger she had ( especially for Lionel after his death).
Even Lex's crimes are mostly about everyone seeing how he is superior to everyone and how everyone should adore him, all the stuff Lillian nurtured in him.
And this is not to say that Lex wasn't at fault, he most definitely is responsible for all of his heinous acts. 
But considering what we know of him as a kid I think it's fair to say that if it wasn't for Lillian, Lex could've been if not decent at least a normal human being that could potentially use his intellect to actually help people (or at the very least not destroy them)
And the saddest thing is, she truly believed she loved her kids. That was considered love for her. And maybe at some level it was, if so it's even sadder.
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marinawolf · 1 year
You're My Hero, Lena Luthor (Supercorp)
(in which Lena saves Kara)
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Lena busied herself with preparations for a movie night with her best friend, Kara Danvers. She unlatched the balcony door before setting out food and drinks, knowing that it was Kara's preferred entrance to her apartment after a long night of being Supergirl. Lena busied herself with grabbing blankets and pillows, but deep within her, a torrent of emotions raged, bound by the heavy chains of secrecy. She had a secret- she was desperately in love with Kara. But it was a secret she could never dare to reveal, because the fear of losing Kara and their precious friendship consumed her every thought.
A year had passed since that lightning bolt of realization had struck Lena's heart. It had happened so unexpectedly, as she watched Kara devour potstickers and vent about work, which had been an ordinary occurrence, but that day, something shifted. In that instant, she realized the truth she had been denying: she was in love with Kara. The realization had shattered the walls she had built around her own sexuality, leaving her feeling vulnerable and exposed.
Lena knew she had to keep her feelings hidden. She couldn't risk losing Kara, the person who meant the world to her. If friendship was all she could have, she would embrace it with all her heart, sacrificing her own desires. She would do whatever it took to keep Kara in her life, even if it meant enduring the ache in her heart. If being a friend was all she could have, then that's what she would be. She would stand by Kara's side, offering unwavering loyalty and support, a comforting presence whenever Kara needed it. Lena's own happiness became secondary; as long as Kara was happy and remained a part of her life, Lena would find solace in that alone.
Besides, Lena doubted that Kara could ever feel the same way. Kara was straight, or at least that was what Lena believed. She had only seen Kara date guys, although none of them seemed to capture her attention for too long, and Kara never mentioned a different attraction. Still, Lena couldn't help but question if Kara could ever reciprocate her feelings. It was a painful uncertainty that tormented her, threatening to consume her every waking moment.
Kara's beauty captivated Lena's senses, each facet of her being enchanting and magnetic. Her bashful grace, unwavering strength, and tireless commitment to righteousness entranced Lena, casting an unbreakable spell upon her heart. Kara was the light that guided Lena's path, the singular source of goodness in a world shrouded in darkness. And those sapphire blue eyes, they were both Lena's sanctuary and her downfall, haunting her dreams and offering glimpses of an elusive future, and Lena could see her life unfolding in those shades of blue.
But Lena knew she had to keep her walls up, fearing that revealing her feelings would only cause Kara to pull away, ruining their friendship. Fleeting moments between them teased her hopes—the two of them cuddled together on the couch, or sharing lingering glances and exchanging soft, secret smiles, it felt as though there might be something more. But Lena dared not place her trust in these ephemeral signs. Self-doubt gnawed at her, a constant companion in the labyrinth of her anguished heart.
If Kara only wanted her as a friend, then Lena would accept it, even if it tore her apart inside. She would bury her longing deep within, pretending that her heart wasn't breaking with every smile, every touch, every stolen moment they shared. Lena would be the steadfast companion, the one who would never abandon Kara, regardless of her own desires.
And so, Lena continued to set up for their movie night with her friend.
Lena carefully placed Kara's favourite blanket on the couch, still lost in the whirlwind of her thoughts, waiting for Kara to arrive. The intrusive sound of her phone ringing shattered the silence in her apartment. Startled, she reached for it, expecting to hear Kara's voice on the other end, assuring her that she was on her way. However, her heart sank as she glanced at the caller ID, revealing Alex's name. Concern immediately gripped her, as they rarely called each other, especially at this late hour. With a mix of worry and anticipation, Lena answered the call.
Alex? What's wrong?" Lena's voice trembled with a hint of fear, her mind racing through the countless possibilities of what could have happened.
"Lena," the urgency in Alex's voice was palpable. "I... I don't know how to say this, but Kara has been taken by Lex. He sent us a video. He's hurting her, Lena. With Kryptonite."
Lena's world shattered in an instant. The weight of those words crashed down upon her, threatening to drown her in a sea of anguish. She clutched the phone tightly, struggling to find her voice, her mind reeling with disbelief. Kara, her sweet, pure Kara, in the clutches of her own evil brother, enduring unimaginable pain. It was a betrayal that tore at Lena's very core, a stark reminder of the darkness that always lingered within her family.
She had believed she could rise above the darkness that plagued her family, that she had escaped their grasp. But now, that darkness was reaching for the woman she loved, threatening to taint and consume her light. A surge of fierce protectiveness surged through Lena's veins, overriding her own fear and pain.
"I'll be there soon, Alex. We'll find her. We have to."
Without wasting another moment, Lena hastily gathered her belongings, her mind a whirlwind of anguish, rage, and fear. The drive to the DEO was a blur, her grip on the steering wheel tightening with every passing second. She arrived at the facility, her steps quick and purposeful, leading her to Alex, who stood there with a haunted expression, holding the damning evidence of Kara's torment.
Lena's heart hammered in her chest as she watched the video, her vision blurred by tears that threatened to spill. Lex's maniacal laughter echoed through the room, each instance of Kryptonite-inflicted pain etching itself into Lena's soul. The sound of Kara's screams reverberated through Lena's very being, igniting a firestorm of anguish and rage within her.
But amidst the despair that threatened to consume her, Lena's gaze caught a fleeting glimpse of the background in the video. Her breath hitched as recognition dawned upon her—it was the cave they had played in as children, a place where innocence once thrived. And in that moment of clarity, Lena knew. She knew where Lex had taken Kara.
With a resolute determination, Lena made a silent vow to protect the woman she loved. She slipped away from the DEO, leaving no trace of her intentions, knowing the risks involved. Lex would kill anyone else who entered that cave, and Lena couldn't put their lives at stake. She knew that Alex would be mad, but she had to protect her too.
Lena returned to her apartment, her movements fueled by a potent mix of anger, desperation, and love. She retrieved her gun from the safe, her fingers trembling as she clasped it tightly, a tangible symbol of her readiness to face her own brother, to confront the darkness that threatened to consume them all.
Entering the cave, Lena's heart raced in sync with the rapid beat of her footsteps, her mind focused on the mission ahead. She encountered Lex's cunning booby traps along the way, disabling them with deftness. Finally, she arrived at the back of the cave, where her eyes fell upon the unconscious form of Kara—weak, battered, and bloodied.
Time seemed to stand still as Lena rushed to Kara's side, tears streaming down her face. With trembling hands, she gently cradled Kara's face, her touch a delicate caress against the bruises that marred her skin. The sight of Kara's vulnerability, the evidence of her suffering, tore at Lena's very soul.
Lena's trembling fingertips brushed against Kara's blood-stained face, a mixture of concern and tenderness etched upon her own. Kara's beautiful blue eyes fluttered open, but there was a hint of confusion, as if she couldn't quite believe what she was seeing. Lena's heart skipped a beat at the sight of Kara's fragile smile, as if Lena's presence defied all logic and belonged to a realm beyond reality.
"You're back," Kara whispered, her voice barely audible. Lena's breath caught in her throat, feeling the weight of those words. The intensity of Kara's gaze bore into her, yet there was an ethereal quality to it, as if Kara believed Lena to be a mirage in her blood-streaked world. Lena fought to steady her voice, to reassure Kara that she was indeed real.
"I'm here," Lena replied, her voice trembling with a mix of relief and longing. She reached out to untie the straps that held Kara down, her heart sinking as she noticed the residue of kryptonite coating them. The realization of the cruelty Kara had endured at Lex's hands tightened the grip of anger within Lena.
With gentle care, Lena helped Kara sit up, supporting her weakened form. Their eyes locked. And in that hushed moment, as if whispered by the faintest of breaths, Kara murmured, "You're so beautiful."
Lena's heartbeat quickened, her mind and emotions colliding. Before she could respond, Kara's lips pressed against hers in a soft, fleeting kiss. Lena's mind whirled with the intensity of the moment, but before she could respond, Kara's strength faltered, and she slumped against Lena, falling unconscious once more.
As Lena held Kara close, the silence was shattered by the mocking laughter that echoed through the cave. Lex's chilling presence filled the air as he stepped into view, his eyes gleaming with sadistic pleasure. "Wow, that was touching," he scoffed, his laughter laced with disdain. "I'm actually in tears, look." He pointed to his feigned display of emotion, the insincerity clear in his voice. "You came alone, sister? Brave of you," Lex taunted, his words dripping with malicious intent.
Lena's eyes blazed with anger as she locked her gaze on her brother, a simmering hatred burning within her. Lex, fueled by his own malice, didn't like Lena's silence. He spoke, his voice laced with anger. "All this is touching, really," he sneered, "but you know they'll never truly trust you. We're Luthors, Lena. Stop denying your legacy and join me."
Gently placing Kara on the bed, Lena's resolve hardened, her voice firm and resolute. "I will never join you, Lex," she declared, her words echoing with unwavering determination. The weight of her family name no longer held power over her. She had forged her own path, separate from the darkness that consumed her brother.
Lex's face twisted with both frustration and disbelief, unable to comprehend Lena's defiance. The bond they once shared seemed irreparably broken. In his delusion, he failed to understand that Lena's allegiance had shifted the moment she met Kara, guided by love and a desire to protect what truly mattered to her.
A surge of rage distorted Lex's features, his voice laced with frustration. "They really got to you, huh? How pathetic," he spat. "A Luthor reduced to being Supergirl's little whore. But mark my words, Lena, they'll turn on you the second they have a reason to doubt you. And they'll always doubt you."
Determination hardened Lena's gaze as she stared back at her brother, the remnants of hope for his redemption fading away. She had clung to the memories of the Lex she once knew, the Lex she hoped he could become again. But now, confronted with his unyielding darkness, she recognized the futility of that hope. Her hatred for him surged, fueled by his twisted actions.
Before Lena could respond, a searing pain tore through her leg, causing her to cry out in agony.
Her breath caught in her throat as her gaze dropped to her thigh, where blood spilled out, staining her jeans in a vivid crimson. Shock and disbelief flooded her senses, rendering her momentarily speechless. How had she not seen the gun? Yet there it was, smoke curling from Lex's gloved hands, the weapon of betrayal and destruction.
The pain from the gunshot wound intensified, shooting through her nerves like an electric current. Lena's mind reeled, struggling to process the gravity of the situation. Each passing second only intensified her anguish, and her vision blurred as tears welled in her eyes. She clutched her wounded leg, trying in vain to halt the crimson flow, feeling helpless against the relentless onslaught.
With a trembling gaze, Lena shifted her focus from her own injury to the figure of Kara lying motionless on the nearby bed. Her heart constricted with a mix of fear and dread. In Lex's other hand, a kryptonite gun hung casually from his fingers, serving as a chilling reminder of the threat to Kara's life. Lena knew that in Kara's weakened state, a bullet from that gun would be fatal.
A wave of sheer terror coursed through Lena's veins, overpowering the pain that radiated from her leg. She fought to steady her trembling limbs, knowing that time was slipping away, and Kara's life hung in the balance. Sweat mingled with the tears streaming down her face, a testament to the fear that gripped her so tightly.
Defiance blazed within her as she took a staggering step forward, her focus unwavering. She was resolved to protect Kara, no matter the cost. The pain in her leg surged with every movement, threatening to consume her, but Lena pressed on. Her eyes bore into Lex's, catching a glimpse of the sadistic satisfaction that danced in his gaze.
"Lex, no matter what you do to me, I will never allow you to harm her," Lena managed to utter, her voice strained yet resolute. The pain in her leg continued to scream through her body.
"Wait," he taunted, a sinister smirk playing on his lips, "let me rephrase my earlier statement. The only way to save her is to kill me, and I know you won't do that. So it's best that you join me, sister. We can be a family again."
With a cruel flicker of his hand, Lex activated the kryptonite gun, pointing it directly at Kara, poised to end her life. Lena's heart raced, her protective instincts kicking into overdrive. Lena's body throbbed with searing pain, her wounded leg screaming with each step she took. But as her gaze fell upon Kara, lying unconscious and vulnerable on the bed, a surge of determination overcame her. With sheer force of will, Lena pushed through the agony, her mind focused solely on Kara's well-being. Ignoring the shooting pain in her leg, she mustered every ounce of strength she had left. Gritting her teeth against the torment, she moved toward Kara, determination etched across her face. She positioned herself between Lex and Kara. Her hand instinctively reached for her own gun, gripping it tightly.
In a voice filled with determination, Lena declared her unwavering stance. "She is my family," she affirmed. With resolve burning in her eyes, Lena squeezed the trigger, the gunshot piercing the air as the bullet found its mark, striking Lex in the stomach.
Lex's face twisted in shock, his hand instinctively pressing against the wound, blood seeping through his fingers. He staggered backward, the pain searing through him, before collapsing to the floor with a guttural groan.
With fiery determination still coursing through her veins, Lena took a calculated step toward the fallen Lex. She stood over him, her body trembling with rage and an overwhelming desire to exact revenge, fueled by years of resentment and the raw desire to protect Kara. Her fingers tightened around the gun as a dark impulse urged her to end him. The seething darkness clawed at the edges of her mind, hungry for release. It whispered twisted promises, urging her to give in to the primal urge that surged through her veins. The thought of ending Lex's wretched existence enticed her like a forbidden fruit, its taste bitter yet enticing. 
In that moment, Lena yearned to surrender to the darkest corners of her soul, to revel in the primal pleasure of watching Lex suffer and die for what he did to Kara. Her life would become simpler, unburdened by the constant threat he posed. Luthors were masters of manipulation, architects of destruction, and she was no stranger to their legacy. The thought of embracing her dark lineage and casting judgment upon him seemed all too tempting. 
But then, as if through a fog, she heard a faint moan—a sound that pierced through the darkness clouding her mind. Kara's voice, weakened and vulnerable, cut through the haze of anger and vengeance. In an instant, Lena's focus shifted entirely, her concern for Kara overpowering her thirst for retribution. Once again, Kara was her light, her reason to fight against the darkness. The grip on the gun loosened, and it slipped from her trembling hand, clattering to the cold cave floor.
Without a second thought, Lena dashed toward Kara, her injured leg screaming in protest with every step. Pain became secondary to the urgency of reaching her love, of ensuring Kara's safety above all else.
She found Kara lying unconscious, the sight tugging at Lena's heartstrings. The anger that consumed her moments ago dissipated, replaced by a surge of protectiveness . Tenderly, Lena cradled Kara in her arms, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. "You're safe now, darling. I've got you," she whispered.
Time was slipping away, and Lena knew she had to act swiftly. Ignoring the searing pain in her leg, she drew on every ounce of strength. She carried Kara out of the cave, leaving Lex bleeding on the cold, unforgiving floor, a testament to the shattered ties of a broken family.
She would do anything to protect Kara.
At the DEO, Lena watched intently as Kara's chest rose and fell with deep breaths under the gentle glow of the sun lamps.In the starkness of the hospital room, Kara lay there, small and fragile, swallowed by the hospital gown that seemed several sizes too big. Her body bore the marks of her ordeal, cuts and bruises marring her skin like painful reminders of the battle she had fought.
But amidst the fragility that engulfed her, Lena saw beyond the surface. She recognized that Kara's true strength resided not just in her physical abilities as Supergirl but also in the unwavering spirit that burned within her. It was a strength that emanated from her core, an indomitable force that had carried her through countless challenges.
Lena's gaze traced the lines of Kara's face, where determination and resilience were etched into her features. Despite the vulnerability of her appearance, she knew that Kara was strong and brave. Kara had faced adversity time and again, and each time she emerged stronger, refusing to let the weight of the world crush her.
After hours of anxious waiting, and despite the irritating bandage on her leg, Lena's eyes remained fixed on Kara. Her silent vigil was finally rewarded as Kara's beautiful blue eyes fluttered open, locking onto Lena's presence.
"You're here. You're real," Kara whispered, her voice weak yet filled with relief, her trembling hand reaching out for Lena.
A surge of emotions welled up within Lena as she gently grasped Kara's outstretched hand. Kara laced their fingers together.
"I'm here. I'll always be here," Lena breathed out, her voice catching in her throat. She understood the fear that Kara had experienced, the haunting uncertainty of dreams that blurred the lines between reality and imagination.
"I thought you were a dream again," Kara said her voice barely above a whisper. "I don't know how you found me but thank you. You're my hero, Lena Luthor." A genuine smile adorned her face, radiating warmth even in her weakened state. Lena laughed softly. Tears welled in Lena's eyes, as the depth of her emotions threatened to spill.
In that moment, Lena yearned to hold Kara's hand tightly, to pull her close, to confess her fears and feelings. The intensity of what they had gone through, the prospect of losing Kara, heightened her desire to protect her from the world. Yet, Lena knew she couldn't act on those impulses, not without risking their friendship or misinterpreting the circumstances of their ordeal. The weight of Kara's words tugged at her heart, urging her to lean in, to express the depth of her own feelings. But she hesitated, resisting the urge to gather Kara in her arms as uncertainty lingered in the air, casting a shadow of doubt upon what had transpired in the cave. Lena's mind wrestled with the possibility that Kara's actions in the cave were born of delirium, that they held no deeper meaning. It was a fragile hope that whispered in Lena's heart, the hope that what they shared could be more. Lena held onto Kara's hand and let her thoughts spiral.
"I love you," Kara whispered, her voice so soft that it broke through Lena's thoughts, instantly capturing her attention.
Lena's head snapped up, her eyes meeting Kara's, her mind racing to comprehend the weight of those words.
"I love you," Kara repeated, her voice filled with vulnerability and sincerity, "and I almost died without telling you. You don't have to say anything. I just needed you to know, okay?"
Lena's breath hitched. It was as if the world around them faded into the background, leaving only Kara and Lena in that moment. Tears welled up in Lena's eyes, and she couldn't help but let them fall, each drop carrying the weight of her love and longing.
Without hesitation, Lena leaned forward, her lips softly meeting Kara's. It was a tender kiss, a culmination of unspoken feelings. Lena poured her love into the kiss, her gratitude, and her promise.
Whispering against Kara's lips, Lena confessed, "I love you too. I have loved you for so long,"
Their lips parted, and Lena looked into Kara's eyes. In that shared moment, the world seemed to fall away, leaving them suspended. Their hands remained entwined, their fingers lacing together.
Lena's mind raced with thoughts of the past, of the countless months spent yearning for Kara, of the internal battles she fought while suppressing her feelings. She couldn't help but reproach herself for the missed opportunities, for the moments they could have shared if fear hadn't held them captive.
But now, as Kara's heartfelt confession echoed in her ears, Lena's entire being surged with a newfound determination. She wouldn't allow another precious moment to slip through her fingers. She wasn't going to waste another moment. Kara Danvers loved her, and Lena felt like a superhero for the first time in her life.
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luthwhore · 11 months
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Superman: Birthright By Mark Waid & Leinil Francis Yu
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hug-them-trees · 1 year
Clark loses his sight in Smallville and gains super hearing like hmmmmmmmm where have I seen this before
Y’all I ranted so much in the tags I ran out of tags this has never happened to me before
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Tw: murder, drowning
I dreamt that i was on a freeway but i had no car but instead i was jogging and perfectly keeping up with the other cars and switching lanes and everything. There was also a tiger statue and a bike that were keeping up with the cars. I made friends with one of the drivers who was a small child, probably elementary schooler with most of his baby teeth missing, who had rolled down the windows so we could talk. The freeway let us out of the woods to a bridge that we couldn’t see past the horizon but as we were getting out of the woods i watched Red Robin get kissed by a floating woman in a white dress and drop dead. I quickly turned from a vehicle into a pedestrian and me and the bats ran ahead on the bridge but were stopped by another woman in a white dress who shackled us to the bridge to be picked off by more of the spirits. I was chained up next to spoiler with signal on the other side of her so i was only paying attention to them when the lady came. I watched her kill duke and then i decided to grab Steph and drown her, forcing the spirit to come into the water so i could also drown her. The rest of the team had died except for dick and damian so we ran away into the sewers where red hood was hiding out with his goons, who looked like the npcs from the hotel from wreck-it-Ralph’s game but life sized so they went up to about hood’s waist and their faces were probably wider or as wide as his torso. Anyways, jason did some posturing about always being prepared and knowing better than the bats and then he went to show us his plan to deal with the spirits. He had a whole area dedicated to where he had something presentation set up for us but he couldn’t get the lights over the cubby to work so he just went around banging on the walls and ceiling and cussing at both the wiring and his goons and himself for like a minute straight - enough time for kori and Roy to fly in and also get huffed at but roy just laughed. Just as the tension from waiting for both his plan and the punchline got to be too much i was RUDELY awaken by my father and i will now spend the rest of the day moping over how i killed Stephanie and didn’t even get to hear how we were gonna kill the angel/harpy/sirens.
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bookhouseboy1980-blog · 6 months
Smallville Discussion
Sub to my channel for more: https://www.youtube.com/@borednow5838/videos
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tims-missing-spleen · 3 months
(I like to think that) Lex Luthor gets clowned on by literally everyone, and Bruce is the absolute worst.
Like he'll attend an event and a literal millisecond later, Bruce will roll up and steal all the attention. And when they're inside, him or one of his crazy "children" will "accidentally" spill very red wine all over his expensive ass suit.
And what can Lex even do?
Last time he retaliated and mildly shoved Bruce, the man very dramatically flung himself across the room and fell straight into a table. He hadn't even gotten hurt- not a single bruise or cut- but that drama queen didn't appear in public for an entire month after the incident. The backlash Lex had gotten was so not worth it.
And it doesn't stop there. His kids join in on the "fun" and bully him too.
Tim permanently bans him from all the platforms owned by Wayne enterprisese, which is like borderline illegal, so Lex sues and somehow always loses.
Jason Duke and Steph team up and make it a game to throw things on his head without him realising. And when Luthor catches one of them, he can't even shout at them or whatnot cause hes actually scared shitless. Jason, the absolute tank of a man, just grins at him while placing his hands on the very noticeable gun at his hip. Duke and Steph stand on either side of him, gripping literal knives in their hands.
Damian just outright walks up to him and begins insulting him in a couple of different languages. He always gives Lex a final disgusted look before turning and walking off.
Dick might seem the sweetest, approaching him while smiling in that nice way of his. He's the worst, though, cause he always makes sure to bring a few reporters with him before he innocently starts outing Lex's latest evil scheme in front of the audience. He makes sure to bring solid evidence of the nefarious plans, but right at the end, he goes, "idk I could be wrong," before shrugging and walling off.
Cassandra doesn't do much, but she's definitely the scariest. Whenever Lex has had enough and is about to call a hit on Bruce, she appears out of nowhere, stares straight at him, and just shakes her head while saying, "No. Regret"
Basically, Lex Luthor, public enemy #1, gets (justifiably) bullied by the entirety of the human population (honestly, only the Waynes).
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Okay, so I´ve been finishing 'Lex Luthor´s ascend from supervillainy to fatherhood' the past week. And even though work threw a wrench into my reading plans nearly every day of the week I am finally at the last chapter. And I really gotta say: There is SO MUCH foreshadowing and good literary devices and some things or sentences make sense only 20+ chapters later? While writing the commentary parts it´s just so much to compare what was known at that specific chapter and what is known in the meantime. It´s a very good story to reread!
The only question is what I´ll read after this story is over, but at least I have quite a few I wanna write commentary for. Which will be fun, because I think I´ve forgotten how a few of them went in the meantime ... welp. Just means a better commentary base :D
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