#and then she falls for lily and she supresses the shit out of that
sylviaplathenthusiast · 7 months
listen, i LOVE marylily
the idea of mary being a single hookup queen bad bitch tho? does shit to me
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ellieslittleburrow · 5 months
Requested by : @mymelodymia 🪷🪷
Summary : Reader has POTS, she faints and Ellie and Joel are there to help(after almost shooting her)
Pairings : Joel x adoptive daughter!reader/ Ellie w adoptive sister!reader
Warnings : Pots, fainting, Joel's rifle and fluff...boo
A/N : I had to read the request like, 5 times everytime i wrote something and everytime i read this i just burst into laughter because "tess expired" i'm sorry i can't it's so funny to say it like that 😂
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It's been a few hours since the....incident with Tess. Your feet are sore and you feel like a cloud of fog is starting to envelop your brain. You...you're not feeling very good.
"Can we stop?"
"No." The words come out of Joel's lips bitter. Too bitter for you to argue with.
But you...you're not feeling so well..Your heart...You can't breathe and....You feel like you've lost control of your body and it's too heavy for you to l...l...
Figures turn into silhouettes...and your body follows as your backpack hits the ground, and just like that, the world fades into darkness...
"Oh shit-"
Joel and Ellie both spin around at the loud thump behind them, Joel's rifle being lifted to rest against his cheek.
"Wh...Lily!" Ellie's initial reaction is to make her way over to her friend, but Joel pulls her back, the force of the pull sending her staggering back.
"Hey-Sh'es unconsciou-"
"She might be infected." Joel argues, stepping forward, slow as he prepares himself to shoot.
Ellie being Ellie doesn't listen. She sprints towards your unconscious body, "she's still breathing." She remarks, noticing the very subtle heaving of your chest. "It's not the first time she acts this way. She's not infected." Your friend speaks, kneeling before you as she pulls up your shirt, sleeves, pants...checking for any injuries.
"And you couldn't have said that earlier, Ellie?" The old man grunts and the girl sighs, considering. "I didn't-i didn't-"
"Whatever, just loosen her boots and her belt." He instructs and Ellie complies, but stops when he taps her shoulder.
She twists her head, looking back to meet the butt of Joel's rifle. "Hold this and prepare yourself." He nudges her, motioning for her to step back. And as she does...She realizes the advantage she's just gained...she giggles.
"You know that i could shoot you right now?"
Joel slowly looks back, annoyance apparent in the pursed corners of his lips. "Good luck finding yourself back to the fireflies, then."
Ellie chuckles, readying herself as she watches Joel check your pulse, tapping your cheeks gently but firmly in the process and just then....
Your eyes fall open and....the trees are passing by in a neverending cycle....you...you feel awful...
"You look awful."
Your eyes follow the voice, only to meet a pair of worried eyes. "Joel..?" You manage to whimper...and he nods.
"What happened? How often does this happen?"
Huh...You try to sit up but your body is unresponsive...Maybe just...lay there for a while.
"I...i'm not s-s-sure i just..." You go quiet when Joel stars pulling up your clothes. "What are you doing?" You'd move but you can't-
"I have to check for wounds-stop squirming."
"Joel-i'm not infected. This happens to me from time to time i just faint-stop-" You groan when the realisation hit you that he will simply not listen to you. You just sit back and wait, supressing the grin you're fighting off as Joel unconsciously rubs your leg, his face turned away as he plans for the next move.
But you've already caused enough trouble, so you just abruptly sit up, readying yourself to talk when Joel gently pushes you back.
"No, you have to lay down for a little while longer, your head must be banging right now."
You groan at Joel's remark, rubbing your forehead in response.
"She could take a nap!" Ellie suggests, ignoring your eyes as she recognizes your head shakes, meaning absolute refusal. Which is exactly what happens next, as you groan and wave your hands no. "No no no i-i don't need that, i don't-really." You argue back, causing Ellie to roll her eyes before she makes her way over, dropping to her knees as she takes ahold of your hand.
"It's okay...it's no bother." Her tone melts into a sweet one, one that is soft enough to put you to sleep. "You need to rest, just a little nap and then we'll get going." She twists her head back, looking for Joel's approval.
And as her back is faces you, you turn to Joel for comfort, watching as his eyes converse with hers. "Not a bad idea, a little nap and then we're back on our feet." His eyes seem empathetic enough for you to believe. And relief slowly travels all the way around your body, loosening the tightness around your muscles.
And so for the next few hours, you find yourself forcefully and gently pushed to the ground as Ellie convinces you it's time for you to rest again. It's...stressful, feeling like a burden but the constant comfort and reassurance sure are making up for it!!!
I hated writing that middle part omg!!!! Like, you're unconscious, how can you know wtf is happening in the meantime?????? Anyway, I hope this was a bit comfortiiing 🥀🥀🥀❤️❤️❤️
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keijislove · 3 years
Pureblood Mania: Sirius Black X Reader
A/N: Warning: toxic mother-daughter relationship. Mentions of drinking.
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Sirius Black was one of the most arrogant, thick and inconsiderate prats anyone would have the misfortune to meet. He found his pleasure in staying with random girls who truly fell for his charm all while he didn’t even look back once he got what he needed. Which is why to say that he was furious at the moment was a complete understatement.
His ‘beloved’ mother had decided to pounce upon him this very morning and Walburga Black was not one to beat around the bush. Authoritatively, she stormed into his room and snapped her fingers in front of her face, saying, “We’ve got to talk.”
Sirius supressed a massive groan – this couldn’t be good.
“I can see your future is going nowhere, boy!” she snarled, “You shall, under no circumstances, besmirch the ground that my forefathers have bestowed upon me by ending up to be a – a street dweller!”
Sirius rolled his eyes. Trust her to say something dramatic like this.
“Therefore, to improve our situation and get rid of you,” she added nastily, “You will be getting married at the end of this month.”
If there was anything Sirius was expecting, it definitely wasn’t this. He got up so fast that his chair crashed to the ground. He did not care.
“Wha- married?!” he sputtered, “To whom?!”
“You shall see this evening,” his smother snapped, “She’s a lovely girl. They will arrive at around five. Wear something respectable. And fix your hair!”
She stormed out of the room, leaving Sirius mouth agape.
She would probably be some swotty pureblood. The very thought disgusted him. Though, deep down, Sirius always knew he would be married this way, he wasn’t ready for that level of commitment. He was used to variety. Now he’d be stuck with some dull girl for the rest of his life. This day could not get worse.
“I’m ready, mum,” you spoke in a monotonous voice.
This morning, your darling mother had announced that you’d be getting married at the end of this month to a ‘charming’ young man. You knew she didn’t care who you married. Pureblood was the word.
You were wearing a F/C dress and your hair was styled neatly – very unlike you.
Your mother came bustling into the room saying, “Good. We should leave now, they’re expecting us. And don’t embarrass me.”
She glared threateningly at you.
You rolled your eyes.
As you stepped into the car, very much aware of what you were signing up for, it drove ahead through the beautiful town you’d once called home. Your car stopped in front of a handsome manor – one you’d never seen before.
As the front gates opened to reveal a scrawny house elf, you followed your mother inside. The moment you reached the living room, something felt off.
“Ah, Y/M/N!” a richly dressed woman greeted, “And dear Y/N! How lovely to see you!”
It was at that moment that you spotted one of your oldest friends, Regulus Black. Your eyebrows rose. This was better than any random pureblood, however, you were quite incapable of thinking of Regulus that way and you were sure he was too.
You looked at him and he looked back. You pointed to yourself and then him and mouthed, “Seriously?”
Regulus looked sickened and shook his head in disgust, mouthing, “Not me.”
You frowned slightly. Regulus didn’t have a cousin, did he? After all, the only other person in the house was –
Oh. Oh, OH.
Your face morphed into an expression of absolute horror as you registered the other person who had just entered the room, mirroring your expression.
Realising you were gaping, you cleared your throat and spoke, “Sirius.”
Your voice was three octaves higher than usual and you hated it.
“Y/N.” Sirius breathed, still in shock.
“Oh, you two know each other?” Mrs Black clapped happily, “How lovely.”
“Yes,” you muttered, “How lovely.”
You glared his way as a pang of immense guilt welled in Sirius’ stomach, eating at him like termites as he relived his only memories of you at Hogwarts.
A girl was laughing and chatting animatedly to an otherwise quiet boy, who reciprocated her actions. Y/N L/N and Regulus Black were almost inseparable.
“Oi, Y/N!” a dark-haired boy with a handsome face called, “Is it because you pity my idiotic brother that you hang out with him? Or is it just that you’re so pathetic that no one else wants to hang out with you?”
His mates howled with laughter as you blushed furiously. Regulus threw a disgusted look their way and tugged at your sleeve, muttering, “Let’s leave.”
The same girl was now attempting to carry a large pile of books to the library to help Madame Pince with her work, when they tumbled out of her hands and she fell to the floor with a thud.
“What’s that, L/N?!” Sirius Black yelled from nearby, “Bite off more than you can chew?”
James and Peter positively roared with laughter as Remus suddenly became interested on one spot in his book, his brows furrowing into a frown slightly.
You gathered your books in embarrassment before practically running to the library with them.
As he relived these moments, he realised how much you’d actually grown. You weren’t the same old dorky girl from Hogwarts. You were now a quiet, reserved and admittedly extremely attractive young woman who looked ready to burst into tears.
“Sirius dear, take Y//N up to your room, will you?” Mrs Black gave a nasty fake smile.
“Yes, uh, okay, come on,” Sirius stammered.
You walked up the stairs in silence, not daring to look at each other. The house was indeed, very beautiful. As you reached Sirius’ room, you clambered inside before he finally spoke.
“So,” Sirius awkwardly began, “H-how are you, where’ve you been?”
“Do you really care or are you just being polite?” you muttered, upholding a deadpan stare out the window and on the handsome garden.
“Listen, Y/N, I know we got off on the wrong foot-”
“Yeah, we damn right did!” you snapped, pouring out seven years’ worth of feelings at once, “You never had the right foot when it came to me, Sirius, and I doubt that you have it now.”
“Look, I know you don’t want to do this,” Sirius desperately said, “I don’t want to force you into anything but-”
“Oh yes, there’s always a but when it comes to you, isn’t it?” you spat, “I can’t call off this marriage because my mum will kill me, you understand? Kill me. And I’m not like on of the many girls you screw every night-”
“I never said you were,” Sirius angrily spoke.
“Thank Merlin, you’ve finally done something wise, Black,” you snarled in his face, “We’ve got to grit our teeth and do it. Will you please try not to be a complete and utter arse and make it harder for me than it already is?”
At that moment, your mother burst into the room, “Y/N darling, we’ve got to leave now, and get your dress picked.”
Trying not to gag at the fake ‘darling’, you threw one last nasty glare in Sirius’ direction before following your mother out of the room.
DAY OF WEDDING (A/N: sorry 😉)
“Bleurgh,” you blankly stated to your friend Lily Evans, who was getting you ready for the wedding alongside another girl called Marlene McKinnon, to whom you’d never really talked but she seemed nice anyway.
“What’s wrong, you look gorgeous!!” Lily gasped.
“Spiffing, Y/N,” Marlene grinned at you, “Let’s get your hair done, Sirius is a lucky man!”
She hastily added, “Joking!” as you glared murderously at her.
Soon your hair was styled and your veil perched on top of your head along with a bouquet of roses in your arms.
As you walked alongside your father down the aisle, you fought the urge to turn and run on the spot. Sirius was gaping at you from the front. He looked quite nice, you had to admit.
His face formed a cocky smirk as you fought another urge to throw the bouquet at his face.
You didn’t register any vows the priest made, your mind wandering over to glimpses of the future you were signing up for.
The word that caught you by surprise was, “You may kiss the bride.”
“Oh shit,” you thought, trying not to panic.
Sirius threw an anxious glance at your face, as if asking for your permission and you closed your eyes and nodded slightly. You could feel his minty breath on your face as his lips captured your own. They were gone the moment they appeared.
You flushed. How foolish of you to think Sirius Black would ever like you. You were looking anywhere but his face, refusing to fall for his charm. As the guests congratulated you and the food was eaten, the speeches delivered, it was finally time to go home. You were to go to a honeymoon destination your mothers had chosen and Merlin you were going to regret this.
The moment you stepped inside your bedroom; something was off. The whole room smelt like flowers and there was this tiny ass bed in which the two of you would have to squeeze.
“Ugh,” you moaned into your palms, grabbing your clothes and heading off to the bathroom to change out of this awful wedding dress and into your nightclothes.
By the time you washed off your makeup and brushed your teeth, your new ‘husband’ was already sitting on the bed, changed into his own nightclothes.
You sat warily on the bed, as far away from him as possible. Sirius threw a questioning glance your way before speaking, “Don’t flatter yourself.”
Ignoring this mildly hurtful jibe, you spoke, “You don’t care how attractive the girl is, as long as she’s ready to shag you.”
“Nice,” Sirius sarcastically muttered, “I can see why Regulus liked you. You’re a bloody psychopath.”
“He’s a damn sight better than you are,” you retorted.
“I’m the handsome one,” Sirius cockily stated.
“I’d rather marry Severus,” you coldly spoke, “At least he knows his manners.”
“You really know how to wound a man.”
“It’s midnight, go to sleep. And no funny business, Black,” you warned.
“Can’t make no promises,” Sirius chanted as you threw a pillow at his face before turning the other way and falling asleep.
Married life didn’t suit you at all, especially when your husband was such an arse. He would leave early morning and go out with his stupid friends and sometimes even bring them over. Let’s just say you didn’t fancy quietly sitting in the corner, watching James Potter and Sirius Black taking turns shoving pencils up their noses while Peter cheered them on and Remus sat with his head in his hands, continually apologising to you.
You drew the line when Sirius returned one day, apparently been out with his friends.
He silently hung up his coat before turning to walk to the bathroom when you shut your book and spoke, “Enjoyed ourselves, did we?”
Sirius turned around to face you, confused, “Huh?”
“We need to talk,” you spoke, struggling to keep your voice even.
“’Kay, but first I’m going to-”
“NOW.” you spoke with such a ringing force in your voice, Sirius was surprised at himself for not recoiling several steps.
He cleared his throat, “Yeah, OK. What’s up?”
“I’ll tell you what’s up,” you fumed, “Where do you get to these days? I go to bed and you’re not there; I wake up and you’re still not there and you turn up for lunch then disappear again to wherever you go!”
“So?” Sirius shrugged, “’Smatter with you?”
“For Merlin’s sake, Sirius, I’m your wife,” you spoke, “I have a right to know where you go-”
“You’re not my wife,” Sirius frowned slightly.
“I – what, sorry?!” you sputtered.
“I thought we just married for namesake,” Sirius’ frown grew deeper.
“Yeah, but that still makes me your wife, git!” you yelled angrily.
“Why do you care where I go?” Sirius furiously asked you, “It’s not like you like me any better when I’m around-”
“If you’re married, I hope you realise that you can’t sleep around anymore, namesake or not,” you coolly stated.
Sirius looked taken aback, “I don’t sleep around.”
“A likely story,” you snarled.
“You know what, you’re being ridiculous right now,” Sirius huffed in annoyance, “I’ll see you later.”
“Wait, no,” you hurried forward and made to seize his forearm but he roughly shook you off before slamming the door in your face.
“I’d make fun of you right now,” Regulus was trying to control his laughter, “But you seem pretty miserable already. Care telling me what’s wrong, brother?”
Sirius scowled at his younger brother. Trust the little shit to try and get back at him for possible blackmail material.
“I need something to drink first,” Sirius stated.
Regulus snorted before summoning a bottle of firewhiskey and two glasses with a wave of his wand. He poured some out for himself and gave the other glass to his brother.
Sirius took a swig before speaking, “It’s Y/N. She’s acting weird.”
“You always found her weird,” Regulus coldly stated.
“Nah, now she’s weirder than usual,” Sirius shuddered, and with a deep breath, began to explain.
By the time he finished, Regulus was staring at him with incredulity and exasperation.
“Are you really such an idiot?” he asked disbelievingly, “You’re supposed to be smarter than this, Sirius, dogs are smart!”
“What’s intelligence got to do with this?” Sirius asked, confused.
Regulus rolled his eyes, “You’ve no idea, have you? Imagine, brother, my situation at Hogwarts when she used to burst into tears in front of me after you’d teased her, telling me that she was no good and how Sirius Black would never like someone like her back!”
Sirius’ look of confusion morphed into one of comprehension, followed by horror.
“She-?” he asked.
“Yes,” Regulus nodded, staring at him in disgust, “Now go apologise to her, or I’ll hex you so bad you’ll shoot flames out of your-”
“No, okay, no,” Sirius made a disgusted face before proceeding to down the entire bottle of Firewhiskey.
A knock on your door around midnight told you that your delightful ‘husband’ had come home. Scowling, you got out of bed to open the door to reveal and extremely drunk Sirius standing there.
“What the-”
“I’m sorryyyyy Y/N ieeeee,” Sirius sobbed, flinging himself onto you.
“Uhm,” you awkwardly patted his head, “What’s going on-?”
“All the time I thought you – hic – fancied my – hic – brother, when you were really – hic – oh, I’ve been a complete – hic – arse to you and – hic – now I’ve – hic – ruined everything,” he rambled.
“Sirius, what-” you got cut off as his lips sloppily grazed over your own. You closed your eyes for a brief moment before realising he was drunk. He probably didn’t know what he was doing. This was wrong.
“Sirius,” you muttered, pushing him off slightly, “You don’t mean this, trust me, you don’t.”
“I do, I do,” he howled, still sobbing, “I wanna be your husband – make lots of little kids with you!”
“OK,” you spoke, this was where to draw the line, “Tell me this when you’re sober, with a straight face, and I’ll believe you.”
His face morphed into a dorky grin and his head lolled over to your shoulder as you practically carried him inside before the both of you fell asleep.
When you woke up, you were surprised to see him leaning impatiently over you, showing no sign of a hangover whatsoever.
“Ready to make those little kids?” he asked cheekily as you gasped, a realisation hitting you.
“I’m going to kill Regulus.”
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zmayadw · 4 years
Hello, hello :)
Oh my, the crowd is gathering! Again, thanks to all who read it.
Right, it’s time to spice things up a bit! Hope you like it :) 
Have a nice evening!
I got woken up by the sound of something falling somewhere in the hallway near my room, making me almost jump from the bed. I was still a bit jittery from all that happened. It was dark outside already, and the only light in my room was coming from the tv that was still on. My heart banged franaticly from the noise that woke me, I didnt realize someone was standing not far from the base of the bed. That made me jump again, and I let out a littl squeek of fright. Seeing me flinch, he moved closer to the bed. My eyes became opend wide. „Jake...“ I wispered so softly. I couldnt belive it, He was here! I stared, shocked by his presence. His dark eyes wer scaning me, as if checking the extent of my injuris. He looked so tired and the circles under his eyes wer even more darkened, wich made me feel awful , since I was sure I contribute to that. His hair was so ruffled and sticking in all direstions, it itched me to just grab him and ruffle it even more. He was tall and slender, but not skinny. You could see the form of muscles on his upper body , even tho he was wearing a dark hooded shirt. The look on his face was a mixture or worry, releif, and ,the thing I was afraid the most, anger. „Jake?“ I said, a bit louder, with a hoars voice, swallowing a knot forming in my throath. He looked me straight in the eyes, and I felt my cheeks getting warmer. He just stod there, gazing at me. After a moment, he finaly started, making my stomach tight again. „You promised me...“ he said, with a voice that was a mixture of sorrow and anger. „Well, hello to you, too.“ I said, tilting my head on the side, trying to get this intens athmosphere that was forming loosen up a bit. „Hello, Maya, nice to see you, im glad your feeling better“ I continued, making my voice a bit deeper, pretending it was him talking. „Thank you, Jake, I real...“ I started, but all of a sudden, he grabbed the railings at the end of the bed, and shouted „Stop it!“ I fel silent in a hearth beat. I was shocked by it, flinching a bit towards the head of the bed. I felt tears satrtig to swell behind my eyes. 'Shit' I tought, I knew this wouldnt be pleasnt, but didnt really expect him to be this mad at me. „Jake, please..“ I started softly, but he interupted me. „What wer you thinking? I told you not to come to Duskwood, but you just didnt listen. Did you even think about what could all go worng? Did you even think of anything before jumping to your car and driving here?“ He still sounded pretty angry, and by now I could barely supress tears from falling. I took a deep breath, calming myself „I did think about it. I tought it was the right thing to do at the time.“ I said. He snorted „Well, you tought wrong.“ „Hmm, well as I see it, I wasnt. Hannah is safe again, the kidnaper is dead, everyone's happy.“ I said a bit sarcasticly. „Happy?“ He asked, rising his eyebrow, leaning a bit towards the bed. „Are you fucking kidding me, Maya? Happy? „ he hissed at me, and his eyes became more darker. „Do you hear yourself? Sure, all ended well, lets have a frickin' party!“ „Jake, please, stop it.“ I said, squirming a bit on my bed, feeling my head starting to pulse. „What do you want me to say? I'm sorry for what I did, i'm sorry I didnt tell you anything, but seing your reaction right now, good thing I didnt. „ He wanted to say something, but I cut him reall quick. „No,no, let me continue!“ I gestured with my hand. „As I said, at the time, I  tought I was doing the right thing. The moment I recieved that message I knew I had to come. I tought about nothing else but that, and I didnt care if it was a trap or real thing, I had to act on it. I didnt tell anyone but Lily, because she owed me.“ The words just poured out of me. „I couldnt stand aside anymore, and let my friends be scared and terorized by 'him'.“ I still couldnt force myself to say our once deer friends name, it was still painfull to me. „ So I did what I did. Hannah is back, my friends are safe again, all ended well. I dont regret anything, and I would gladly do it again, without hesitation!“ I was talking so fast now,  i got short breathed, so I leaned back against my pillow. Jake noticed it too,flinching forward, but he didnt move from where he was standing. Anger was still much present on his face. „All ended well..“ He said calmly after a moment. „You almost died, Maya, how would that be 'well'?“ He said it lowering his head, grabbing so tightly at the beds railings, his knuckles turning white, as if just the tought of it made him feel defeated. Those words got me breathless for a moment, and my head started to pulse even more. Tears started to form im my eyes again, and I knew I wouldnt be able to keep them from falling much longer. „I cant do this right now.“ He continued, moving his head back up slowely,and I could see his eyes again. They wer full of care and so sad at the same time. Tears rolled down my face. „Please, Jake..“  „I just cant.. its too much for me.“ he said, almost whispering , voice shaky, before he turned arround heading slowely towards the door. „Jake!“ I yelled after him, and he paused at the door, not turning arround. „Dont leave, please...I need you.“ I sobbed, more tears runing down my face, dripping all over my hands. He just stood there for a while. „Im sorry, Maya.“ He said with cracking voice, lifting his hood on and leaving the room.. My head exploded at that moment, and I screamed so hard, that poor Doris came rushing in, looking at me in shock. I was shaking and crying like crazy, wich got her frighten. She somehow managed to make me lay down, quickly grabbing some medication to calm me. She inserted them to my IV, sat next to me, stroking my head „There, there, hun, it'll be all right.“ Thankfully, the meds she gave me worked quickly, and I fell a sleep.
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futurewriter2000 · 4 years
Farewell Revenge - pt.14
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A/N: Dude, why do I have so many Sirius series opened. I swear I’m not doing them anymore. I’m getting so bored, lmao. Had to read like 13 parts to know where I am and how much I complicated this.
Sirius was leading you back to your tower. He had his hand on your back and kept it there just for support. He knew you didn’t need it as you walked all well by yourself. 
He already let you go when you suddenly stopped.
You see, the Ravenclaw tower was the same direction as the Gryffindor tower, it was only one intersection that seperated the two. 
And how fortunate for you that right in the middle of that intersection a red-head was flirting with your ex boyfriend. 
Sirius followed your gaze and there was something in your eyes that scared him
But you were already sprinting to the red-head, leaving him behind.
“Oh shit- fuck no!” he ran after you but was too late as your hand found itself slamming into Lily’s cheek. 
She started screaming, trying to pull out her wand but when she did, you grabbed it from her and threw it far away from her reach.
“You fucking slut!” you punched her again, feeling arms tight around your stomach and pull you away. “HOW COULD YOU?!!” 
“OI!” you heard someone behind you shouting, holding you back from the red-head.
Sirius was in front of you though. So who the hell was holding you behind? 
You wriggled out of his grip and faced his lovely hazel eyes. He wanted to shout but recognised you from before... yet the recognition wasn’t only ‘the girl he bumped into’ but something far more deeper. So as he wanted to curse and shout at you... he stayed quiet. 
“Yes. I cheated on you, James. I cheated on your with Sirius but that doesn’t give her the right to take away all the memories we had because not all memories were so terrible. I wanted to feel guilty about you. I wanted you to be there to remind me I still have a consciess. I wanted you to make me feel horrible so I can know I still feel regret in my bones and you-” you shoved Sirius arms away as he tried to take you away from his best friend. “-you cut me out... you cut me out of your head because you couldn’t bare. I couldn’t bare either. You’re a coward!” you shoved Sirius’ hand away again as he continued to take a hold of you and you didn’t let him. “You got rid of me. So why don’t I get rid of you?” you let out a scoff, tears falling down your cheeks as James continued to look at you with a confused look in his eyes. 
Sirius tried to take a hold of you, running after, grabbing your hand and pulling you back.
When you had enough of his touch, you stopped and pushed him back. “STOP!”
“You’re not obliviating him!”
“I DON’T!”
“NO!” you roared. “All of this happened because I gave up on Regulus. All of this happened because I was so pissed at you. If I wouldn’t grab your fucking throat in the middle of the hallway, this wouldn’t be happening. I wouldn’t have ever been with James, nor with you, nor I would feel like my whole world is collapsing into pieces because of two boys! I want Regulus!” you started to cry. “I want my best friend back!” 
Sirius wanted to approach you but you already ran away from him. You ran fast and you ran all the way to the dungeons where you knew you could find him. You didn’t even bother with the password. You threatened the bloody portrait and got in, searching for Regulus dorm and as if you remembered correctly it was just after the next corner. 
You stormed in and pointed your wand at him. 
He didn’t budge yet his eyes told you he was surprised by your sudden appearance. 
“I changed!” you cried, tears streaming down your cheeks. “I changed because you changed! I changed from that peacful Ravenclaw into a dramatic, pathethic whore!”  
Regulus didn’t say a word, only sat up more up straight and continued to listen. 
“You left me!” you continued to cry, your wand lowering with your strenght. “You just left me like I didn’t mean anything to you. Like our friendship didn’t mean anything to you... you just left and you said those God awful things to me that I kept repeating every night.” you paused, wiping away all the wetness from your hair. “I started dating James. I slept with Sirius so I can break James like Sirius broke you and I did but in the process I broke myself!”
Nothing. He listened.
“I’m not like you Regulus! I’m not patient and calm! I’m not someone who can hide emotions well. You know where I come from, you know I have supressed anger issues, you know that when I’m filled with rage I can’t think! You know all of that and you still let me be alone! Every day I cried for you! Every bloody day it was you in my head!”
His eyes haven’t shown you one emotion to read and it drove you insane. You felt hopeless. 
You ran to his side, sitting next to him and giving him your wand. “Take it.” you forced it between his fingers. “Obliviate me. Do it.”
He continued to watch you, nothing to read on him. 
“Just do it! I’ll be out of your way, you’ll be out of my way, everything will be fixed. DO IT!” you shouted at him but when you did, he dropped the wand and pulled you into a tight-gripping hug. 
He pulled you in as if you weighted like a feather. You were suddenly in his embrace, which after a long time felt so warm and welcoming. You wailed in his arms, holding onto him as all the pain and all the regret filled your body. Your organs were aching, your heart stabbed multiple times.
Shame, embarrasment... everything was just there... inside of you. 
And he was there, to hold you. “I’m sorry, baby.” he kissed your head softly, rocking you in his arms. “I’m so sorry but forgetting about it won’t make it go away.” he held you so close to his chest because just like you, he missed you. He missed you with his dear life and he held as if holding you depended on it. 
“I’m just so lost.” you cried, letting out all sorts of sobs and wails. “I hate myself.”
“Calm down.” he let his lips rest on your head. “We’ll fix this.”
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