#and then theres the kid who told me that i couldnt even clean the boys bathroom or else id go to jail
iamf0rtis · 1 year
i think the funniest thing about working in childcare is watching kids minds explode when they figure out someone is different than them. like not in a mean way but a like. genuinely surprised and curious way like yesterday i was talking to kids and one of them said something that i responded to with “oh gods” and they stopped and was like “...gods???” and i just smiled and said “mhm, that’s what i believe in” and this kid stares at me for a few seconds before just smiling and continuing the conversation its the small things in life (literally) 
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symphonicmetal101 · 3 years
Over-Tired OM Boys HCs
Here's the initial thing that got me started thinkin bout the boys, but here ya go-
- this man, once he hits overtired, is extremely gullible, which is why he locks himself in his office until hes done what needs to be done
- also cannot keep a train of thought for more than 20 seconds and it drives him nuts
- and then he loses his focus even more because he's upset
- you tried knocking on the door once, and told him when you closed your eyes, you couldnt see and needed to go to the doctor
- man went from frustrated to concerned in a heartbeat, only after opening the door realizing how foolish he had just come across
- but now the door was open and you had access to him, and reluctantly he let you drag him to bed
- Will deny it ever happened, and if you bring it up, expect a punishment.
- Though he is grateful you made him rest so he would not become the laughingstock of his brothers
- over tired bby will ramble until he forgot what he was talking about and space out for a solid ten seconds before snapping back
- it doesnt matter if you're listening intently or only half listening, he makes no sense what so ever.
- If you can record him without him noticing you (which is easy to do in this state) and play it back once he's rested he's either facepalming and blushy for the nonsense he spewed or he managed to pick out what he may have been trying to say and gets super excited, going off on another more understandable tangent.
- Gaming is a priority
- Sleeping is not
- Levi usually ends up just tired, not wired but dear lord when he does-
- All that energy and passion he pours into the way he speaks about anime and manga?
- Its physical now...oh and hes slightly more extroverted
- Though its a rare sight, over tired Levi works out and rambles about whatever it was that made him stay up that long, and hes doing it all in your room
- Over tired Satan is a rare sight, though it happens often, as he holes up in his room
- He gets an impulse to clean, and will tidy and clean and organize his books, though it never lasts
- and theres no escape, he will start crying if he feels you arent paying attention or if you're about to leave
- Depending on who you are, he either becomes 10000000% testier, or hes a giggly mess, there is no in between
- Finds everything funny, but will get pouty if it came from someone he doesnt really like
- Over tired Asmo is rare, likely the rarest of all the boys to see, save for Barbatos
- but he is a chaotic little fucker
- dear god
- He will raid the fridge and pantry worse than Beel, specifically when hes on a diet-
- Then MC you're either in for one hell of a story from Asmo, most of them his not-so-proud drunk moments that he never talks about for that reason but he cant stop himself-
-his laugh sounds even more high pitched than normal, and a little maniacal, and he finds everything he says hilarious
- you will go on an adventure probably
- spaces out randomly, and also cries easily, dont point this put to him and say yes to his adventures, he'll change his mind a thousand times on the way- just go with it
- overtired Beel happens quite a bit, usually after the victory of a game and the adrenaline starts to wear off- and then he still has stuff to do
- but instead of "oh" and maybe a small laugh when he realizes what happened its more ".....oh" and then he looks like he's having an existential crisis
- you will have to physically lead him to bed after that, he's too busy thinking and slowly eating whatever is in his hand
- he snacks to keep himself awake, and poor himbo man is even more gullible than usual
- will want to cuddle, but wont ask when hes like this
- out like a bulb immediately
- The Avatar of Sloth? Over tired? yes it happens unfortunately-
- He gets even grumpier than usual because he can’t sleep
- Then at night its just restless tossing and turning
- yes even the seemingly flawless butler gets overtired, but opposite of Asmo, he is far better at concealing it
- Usually happens when he intentionally sleeps through important meetings and days for Lucifer back to back to back
- It’s another excuse to hold you though, so he might make himself over tired more often
- You will see him stifle yawns
- And when given instructions, his eyes widen slightly with concentration as he whispers the instructions over and over under his breath so nobody can hear, but its clear his lips are moving
- he cannot be bribed
- he can be intimidated though, and how you ask?
- “threaten” to go tell Beel or Dia because you know full well if they were asked, they would carry Barb back to his quarters if you can’t do so on your own-
- no he will not sleep
- Usually that’s enough to convince him, but you have to stay near to make sure he doesn’t leave until he’s well-rested, otherwise he’ll leave as soon as possible and try to get back to work
- buuuut if you’re “on guard” or in bed with him- well he might have a few extra minutes or hours to spend with you
- overtired Diavolo is rather rare, as Barbatos is very strict with the prince's schedule
- Still though if Diavolo truly wants to keep going...all Barb can do is prepare for the future
- Which uh...just means being able to drag the prince to his quarters
- If you thought he was lively before, being overtired is kinda like giving caffiene to a squirrel for him
- Until he suddenly crashes....which, depending on how you like his company, can be unfortunate as his kick can last for hours
- Simeon goes into zombie mode when he's overtired
- He hates to admit it, but it tales every oumce of strength to not fall asleep in the middle of classes
- Not that Luke would let him
- He's a little dazy, a little slow, but even just a power nap gets the angel going again
- Babie boy, don't stay up with the big kids-
- an overtired ten year old follows a certain progression
- grumpy, denial in need of sleep, chatterbox, chatterbox, chatterbox, chatt- oh he fell asleep in the middle of his sentence
- will not acknowledge anything in the morning, even as he walks out of his bedroom instead of the random place he slept, instead carrying on the conversation he left half finished the night before
- hah
- he has spells
- who needs sleep?
- bastard also pushes himself too far, but disguises it with more ease than anyone else, at least until its just the two of you
- He tends to run his hand through his hair more often, fidgets more
- hes a little jumpy too, so continue with caution if you dont want to be turned into a frog-
Anyways, I know its been a hot minute since I posted anything really uh...substantial? I guess this will have to do?? I'm going to be travelling for a bit, so I apologize for slow updates, also dont have the patience to make a queue
Thank y'all for supporting me anyways, it means a lot!! Keep an eye out for the next OC Hunger Games~
Love ya!!
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brelione · 4 years
Wish I was Sarah PT 2 (Sarah X Reader X Kiara)
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Part One
Kiara woke up to her phone buzzing,you asleep next to her with your phone still in hand.She groaned,checking her phone and squinting at the bright light.It was one in the morning and her parents were trying to find out where she was. “(Y/N),hey.Wake up,we gotta get home.”She whispered,shaking you slightly.You grumbled,smacking her hand away. “Nooooo.”You protested,trying to curl back into your ball of warmth.
 “Yessss.Come on,your parents are gonna be looking for you.”She pulled you up,shivering slightly at the lack of blankets.You two didnt even bother to bring the plates back,slipping through the cracked rock and onto the soft sand,the cool air hitting you skin. “I’d really prefer not to be awake right now.”You laughed,guiding her back to the large house.People were still in the yard,older folks still talking and cleaning up all of the dishes.You felt heat rush to your face as you noticed Sarah Cameron,head in her hands as she stared down at her phone at the table,half asleep.
You and Kiara went inside,greeted by her mother. “Where’d you run off to?”She asked.Kiara gestured towards you,wanting you to explain. “Sorry,its loud and we wanted to watch a movie so we went down the beach.Sorry.”You answered softly,seeing your aunt on the couch.Mrs.Carrera wasnt mad though,in fact,she was ecstatic.Kiara hadnt made any girl friends since Sarah Cameron or even kook friends for that matter. “Dont worry about it,just tell us next time.”She smiled down at you.You played with your fingers,nodding before going over to speak to your aunt.Sarah turned to watch you,biting her bottom lip as she watched you leave.That was three months ago.
Kiara grinned as you showed her an oddly shaped rock that you found by the beach,asking her what it looked like to her. “It looks kind of like a bat but it could also be a cat if you look at it when its flipped over.”You flipped the rock,running your fingers along the rough bumpy surface.She nodded,looking through the sand for shells. “Hey,Kie?”You asked,putting the rock in your pocket.She hummed,still looking through the sand.
 “What’s going on with Sarah Cameron?”You asked.Her breath hitched,frowning as she looked at you. “You dont want to be involved with her.She’s evil.Shes like a snake that lures you in and then suffocates you!She’s the worst person ive ever met and her brother is a crack head that beats the shit out of people for no reason.Trust me,you dont want anything to do with her.”Kiara huffed,looking you in the eyes.
You pouted slightly,becoming uneasy. “She seems nice.”You mumbled,making her shake her head. “No,shes not.She acts nice and then she’ll betray you like she does to everyone.She betrayed me!”Kiara exclaimed.
You nodded,biting the inside of your cheek. “Okay.”You mumbled.The rest of the day was a bit awkward after that conversation,Kiara concerned that you were falling for Sarah.She was trying to think of something to tell you that would make you hate Sarah,anything to keep you from chasing after her.She couldnt though.There was nothing that could stop you from liking Sarah.She just needed to get you to like her more.She had asked you not to be around Sarah or talk to her.You had told her that you wouldnt and she was stupid enough to believe you.Two weeks after you made that promise the worst thing imaginable happened.
Kiara hadnt hung out with the boys in a while and they were getting sick of her ditching for you.That lead to her agreeing to go to the beach and surf with them early one morning.It was windy and cool but the waves were fantastic.She carried her surfboard under her arm,walking to the water with John.B as Pope and JJ tossed down towels and their cooler of off brand soda and tuna sandwiches.Her head turned when she heard squeals and giggling,two voices shouting to one another.
She squinted,making sure that she was seeing things right.Sarah Cameron was wearing a red sweater,one that had faded from being washed and worn so many times.She held a tennis racket,fighting off birds that were trying to get to the mice that stayed in the tall grass.She wasnt the only one though.You stood with a tennis racket as well,wearing a bikini top and shorts as you shouted at the birds,trying to get them to leave the mice alone.
Kiara felt her heart drop,realising what was happening.You had told her that you wouldnt talk to Sarah at all and here you were giggling with her.She couldnt even blame you.Your oblivious self had no idea just how much Kiara liked you and how desperately she wanted you to like her back.Sarah had to know what she was doing.The blonde glanced her way,a small smirk on her face to let Kiara know that she was defeated,that you liked Sarah and Sarah had won.
The way you looked at Sarah with so much love and longing made Kiara’s heart hurt.It was the same way that she looked at you.Kiara bit her tongue,looking back out at the waves. “What just happened?”John.B asked,looking down the beach to where Kiara had been staring previously.He thought he understood when he saw Sarah,thinking it was her alone that had ruined his friend’s mood.Kiara hadnt told the group about you yet.She knew that they would beg her to meet you.
SHe had convinced herself that she was worried that they’d like you more than her but she knew better.She was worried that you’d like them more than you liked her just like Sarah.She wasnt ready for those words to collide.Kiara couldnt be mad at you which just made everything hurt more.She had liked Sarah a long time ago so she could understand you.She could relate to how you stared at her with such admiration and how you were following Sarah like a lost puppy.Tears began to blur her vision as she realized that Sarah would hurt you and ruin you.
She hated Sarah so much but right here and right now she wanted nothing more than to be Sarah.You liked Sarah better.Everyone had always liked Sarah more.Kiara had cried into her pillow that night,wishing that you were different,wishing that you hated Sarah.She had sat at her window like a little kid,praying to the first star that she saw that she would wake up tomorrow and be Sarah.When she woke up her pillow was damp from tears and her head hurt,skin splotchy and eyes puffy.Her phone was ringing,causing her to groan and answer without checking who it was. 
“Hello?”She asked,tired. “Hey,Kie.Did you just wake up?”You asked.She grumbled something which you took as a yes. “Its like almost noon.Are you feeling okay?”You asked.She blinked a couple of times,sitting up in her bed. “Yeah,I was just tired from surfing yesterday.Whats up?”She asked,rubbing her head. “I was just wondering if you wanted to come to the cave and paint it with me.”You answered,waiting for her to reply. “Yeah,okay.Give me a little bit to get dressed.”She told you before hanging up.
She looked in the mirror,groaning at how sick she looked.She splashed some water on her face,putting on a baggy yellow t shirt and some white jeans.She tied her hair up in a bun,changing her jeans when she remembered she would be painting.
John.B had called her,requesting that she come to his house to watch Spongebob with him,Pope and JJ. “Cant,im busy.”She answered,trying to keep things vague.He huffed. “Busy with what?”He asked.She bit her lip,trying to think of an explanation. “Im hanging out with my friend.”She answered,hearing him let out a dramatic groan.
 “You’re hanging out with that girl again?Cant she just come with you?”He asked.She smiled,sighing. “Nope.”She hung up.She couldnt introduce you tot he boys.When she had walked down the beach,a smile on her face,excited to see you she frowned,seeing you speaking to Sarah Cameron.
Sarah wore just a sports bra and sweatpants,her hair in a ponytail which let Kie know that she was out on a run.She noticed the way you were biting your lip,eyes not meeting Sarah’s.You were nervous,flustered.Sarah gave you a quick hug before jogging away,not seeing Kiara. “Hey,Kie!”You smiled,jogging up to meet her half way,pouting a bit when you saw how mad she looked. “What’s wrong?”You asked,not understanding.
She rolled her eyes,crossing her arms. “What’s going on with you and Sarah Cameron?”She asked,making your heart drop. “What?”You asked,smile gone.She sighed,looking down at the sand. “You like Sarah,I know that you do.But you cant trust her,okay?”She asked,trying not to cry or sniffle.You licked your lips,looking down the beach.
 “I dont think I understand.”You pulled at the sleeves of your shirt,feeling vulnerable. “Sarah is a really bad person.She pretends to be all sweet and defending mice and turtles but she is disgusting and shes like a rock fish.She lures you in and doesnt look scary and seems all innocent and then you get close to her and she poisons you!She ruined my life and hurt me and she hurts everyone!She’ll hurt you too if you stick around,alright?”Kiara asked.
 “You’ve said that before...but I just...I dont know.There’s something about her.”You mumbled.Kiara wanted to cry,to run,to drown herself in the ocean that was so close. “There’s other girls out there,(Y/N).Theres ones that wont betray you and act like you dont exist.I just dont want to see you get hurt in a toxic relationship,alright?”She asked,his heart thumping.You nodded,giving her a small smile. “Lets go paint then.”You smiled,grabbing her hand and running over to the crack in the rock wall,sliding through.
Kie slid through behind you,giggling as she looked for a place on the rocks to paint.You found a flat area,picking up a palette and squirting out little mountains of red,yellow,blue,balck and white along with a few brushes.Kiara went on the more abstract approach,pouring colors onto her hands,rubbing them together and pressing them against the rocks and smearing them,trying to make something like butterfly wings.
She felt your brush glide against her arm,making a wet streak.She looked over at you,a confused smile. “What are you doing?”She asked,looking down at her arm.  “I need it to be the same color as your skin.”you answered simply,making a large circle with the toffee like color.She watched you,not really caring about what she was supposed to be painting,focused on the way your brush was moving as you made a darker little wave in the middle of the circle,watching as it formed into a nose.
Kiara tried not to stare for too long,making a rainbow flower from her handprints.You used a different brush to make dark chocolate waves of hair,trying to fix the hairline of the painting,getting the paint onto the sides of the circle to make it more like Kiara’s face. “You’re painting me?”She asked,knowing the answer was obvious.
You smiled,nodding and making two dark lines closer to the hairline,making them into little curves for eyebrows.It took a good two hours for you to finish the portrait,Kiara had put on her playlist for the two of you to listen to.Once you were satisfied with the portrait you stepped aside,letting the model see it. “Oh wow….that literally looks like a picture.”She smiled,taking a photo of the painting.You simply shrugged,a small grin on your face. “I kind of just memorised your face I guess.”You answered,feeling heat in your face and neck.
She was hesitant to kiss your cheek lightly,smiling as she looked away from you.Her phone dinged,ruining her good mood because she knew exactly what it meant. “Shit,I have to go home but i’ll see you tomorrow?”She asked,turning off the music and slipping her phone into her pocket. “I’ll walk you home.”You said quickly.She didnt argue,glad that you were willing to do that.
You held onto her hand as the two of you walked,getting some rainbow paint on your hand. “You have school tomorrow?”You asked sadly.She nodded,knowing that you didnt know much about that,being homeschooled and all. “You’ll come see me after school though?”You asked. “Of course.”She answered,coming up her driveway. “So...tomorrow?”She asked,your hand still holding hers.She wasnt prepared when you leaned forward quick,kissing her.
Her eyes went wide for a second before calming,her hand lifting to cup your chin,getting purple paint onto your skin.She smiled into the kiss,feeling so many things at once.It ws the feeling you get when you’re at the top of a rollercoaster,excited and nervous to go down,laughing as it all happened.It was the feeling you get when you hear your favorite song that you had listened too when you were young.
The stong that you used to scream the lyrics too on car rids and listen to it on repeat,the one that you could remember even years later and the excitement that would course through you when you heard it.It was the feeling you get when you get a huge thing of cotton candy at the fair,the sweetness of it melting in your mouth as the sun goes down,the heat on your skin.
You pulled away,your forehead still against hers. “Yeah,i’ll see you tomorrow.”You grinned,turning around and walking away,leaving her speechless.She let out a loud sigh,licking her lips and smiling so hard it hurt before she made her way up her driveway.When she walked into her house her mother was making dinner,her dad on the couch.She went right up the stairs and into her room,falling onto her bed with her face in her pillow as she squealed,staring up at her ceiling,blushing.
Her father came upstairs,asking her who she had hung out with that day. “(Y/N).”She answered,sitting up and trying not to smile again. “Is that the girl that we like?”he asked,referring to himself and Kiara’s mother.Kie nodded,sighing softly. “Okay,dinners ready.”He answered,going back downstairs.
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albino-whumpee · 3 years
An old thing 5
Continued from here
I´m quite proud of this part. Do you remember the Walmart man? Yeah. More angst and sick fic than whump, but there.
CW// Non Con, Dub Con, NS*W at times, dehumanization, slavery, human trafficking, escape attempt, blood, broken noses, implied death, regain of identity, whump of minors, manhandling, prong collar, past torture, creepy and explosive whumpers, physical and emotional abuse.
Everything will be tagged and if there´s tags to be added, tell me please.
Dimitri was speechless.
“Can you repeat that, please?” He said.
“You’re too close with Kit, we’re gonna send you to a vacation house. Dont worry about Roahn, you will see her when it’s the mounting” Layo said across the table. Kit and Danae were playing outside.
“Im…I…when?” He asked visibly stressed.
“Maybe on saturday. The vacation house is on the other side of the country, next to Sunnyhills Beach, I think you know whose property is it”
Dimitri knew.
His last master before them.
The one who had tried to kill him with the prongs collar.
“His son will be taking good care of you, so you better behave and do as he says understood? He wont accept escapes like us. You know his methods already anyways, you will know whats better for you” He said sipping on his coffee. “Ah, but you’re still ours. If he thinks he is entitled to damage you, He wont see the end of it”
“U-Understood…” Dimitri said still cleaning his plates. He had time. If he hurried up, maybe he could escape tomorrow. While they were on their cocktail party.
“I gotta believe I can do it” He told himself
Report came and Dimitri explained how he could the plan for the next day to Kit. How he would take him to that place.
“With Jen and Roahn?”
“Yes with them too” he smiled. “But you gotta tell me if they’re sleeping”
“Master was drinking a lot and Master was already asleep”
“Alright Kit. Ill show you something but you must not say anything ok?”
He took out the improvised key from a vase and tainted the lock until he opened it.
“You could get out all this time?”
He sighed “No. Only on important moments. Now shhh” he put his finger on his mouth. “Come on Ill get you to your room but silence”
Kit put his lips together and followed him to his room. An spacious yet small little place with only the necessary and some toys. He was relieved he didnt live like them.
Dimitri put him to sleep.
“Goodnight Dimitri see you tomorrow?”
“Goodnight Kit. See you tomorrow” he said as he gave him a kiss on his forehead.
He closed the door silently.
Silent as a mouse, he went to his office. In all those years they had never guessed he had a key. So they had never bothered to lock the office. Dimitri knew perfectly where the copies were, but he knew keeping them would be too evident so he took them and made an improvised and quick copy of them with plaster.
He only needed to wait a few hours for it to harden.
He went as fast as he had gotten in but heard steps and hid quickly.
“Fuck…” Layo’s voice. He was going to the bathroom. And he would pass around the office for that.
Dimitri breathed quickly as he noticed. Was it that way he would end up? He took a stone decoration from a table and was ready to smash it on his head when he heard:
“Master? I can’t sleep!” Kit cried.
“What the…go to bed, Kit” the man said walking towards him.
“I can’t! Tell me a story! please, master!”
“Ugh what a pain is one am…Alright, Alright, coming go to your bed, Ill go take a piss before that…”
Dimitri held tight to the artifact.
“No!! Now!!”
“Argh! What a kid! Ok ok” he heard the door shutting.
Dimitri left the stone on its place and ran quietly to the cell. He closed it again and started working.
At 7 am it was ready. Later, Dimitri was preparing their masters for a full day outside when Layo said:
“Dont try anything funny Ok?” As he was locked up again. He had to hold the urge to laugh on his face.
Kit came running down a few minutes later.
“They’re gone!” He had told him.
Dimitri stood up. With backpacks on hand.
“Its time, Kit”
Dimitri got out of the cell and went upstairs. The house was empty. Or so it seemed.
“Kit” Dimitri held the boy’s small shoulders “I need you to go check on the door if there’s somebody. I’ll go get them ok? If theres someone dont scream it” he took the house phone and made it ring pressing a button “you do this and let the phone ring three times. Alright?”
The kid nodded. Dimitri gave him his binoculars back.
“Go see, explorer” he told him before the kid ran off.
He then made a little jump and sprinted towards the stairs. He went to the door where Roahn was and knocked three times. Her voice was husky.
“Dimitri?” She called
“Roahn, it’s me. We’ve gotta go. Now. Can you handle it?” He asked her through the door. A cough.
“Yeah” she said “always”
“We will take you to a doctor. I swear.” He said looking down and putting the keys on.
Roahn had been very sick for weeks. She couldnt give her enough milk and was very weak. Refusing to eat even. Miraculously, Jen was healthier than ever.
Finally the door opened and Roahn had her baby on her skinny arms. Eyebags dark in her face. Yet the light on her eyes were strong. He held her after giving her a hug.
“Lets go” he said as he helped her walk through the house. “Kit is waiting” that line made her sob happily.
“Our baby…” she said looking nowhere
They streamed downstairs, Roahn almost falling at various times due her legs not being able to move correctly. However Dimitri was there to hold her.
When they finally reached the kitchen Kit was waiting for them.
“Nobody on sight!” He said as if he was a sailor.
“Good” Dimitri told him “Kit, help Roahn out a bit would you?” He said putting her down to open the door. Kit sat besides Roahn and asked her if she was Alright to which she responded with a smile. Dimitri held the concrete key on his hand and inhaling deeply he unlocked the door.
The clicking sound of freedom was on his ears as if it was music.
The four of them stepped out of the house to the secondary door. Not before putting coats with hoodies that covered their faces. Then they ran. Quietly, agitatedly, desperately. The four of them reached the door withut problems.
There was no one apparently.
The door was in a vine wall. It was easy to pass through it because the key Dimitri had was a copy of the master key he used to buy groceries.
He held them down for a bit while he opened the door. It was the last thing.
The last.
When he opened the door he saw the street and a fist on his direction. A man in black suit punched him making him fall. Roahn and Kit immediately tried to run away from the man, but Dimitri, even when hazy due the pain, used a close by rock to knock the guy out by hitting his head. The man fell and Dimitri was alert to anybody else coming to try and stop them. But there was no one.
“Roahn!! Kit! Its ok!” He yelled with blood going down his nose. They went out of their hiding spot and went back to Dimitri.
“Are you ok?” Roahn said cleaning the blood off his face and stuffing his nose with tissues.
“Yes, we just need to go now” he told her holding her hand a second.
“Is he dead?” Kit asked without taking his eyes off the fallen man. Blood came out of his ears.
“No” Dimitri answered him taking the kid by his hand and running past the body “he’s just unconscious”
They ran and ran and ran until they were on a plaza with a supermarket and a pharmacy.
They were free.
“Now where?” Roahn asked him visibly tired.
Dimitri took a look at Roahn holding Jen like she was a precious stone. Impressively calm. Kit was amazed by everything he saw.
“Now…we take these off” he told her taking his hands to his neck. Feeling the belt like collar and undoing it. He took it out carefully and slowly. Holding it in his hands, Kit could see clearly the old scars on his neck. It grossed the kid to think about how he got such hideous scars.
Dimitri knelt down to Kit and took his collar off too. Kit felt lighter than usual and couldn’t hold the instinct to touch his now free neck.
Dimitri smiled a bit and ruffled his hair before doing the same to Roahn.
Roahn dropped a tear when she felt that lightness on her neck. They looked at each other’s eyes for a second but Roahn pulled him closer and gave him a kiss on his neck and then on his lips.
“Yikes” said Kit watching them. They looked at the kid and laughed.
“Sorry Kit” Dimitri laughed.
“What about looking around for a place to stay, hun?” Roahn asked sweating cold. “We’re tired and we will need to hide for a bit…” she said.
“You feeling ok, Ro?” He asked him cupping her face with his hands. She nodded slowly “We will take the bus to Keith City, I’ll go buy the tickets and have a doctor check on you there ok?”
“Ok” she said.
Suddenly Jen started revolving and slapping Roahn’s face.
“Hey hey what is it Jen?” She asked her. Kit moving towards her.
“Dont cry Jen! It will be alright!” The kid said.
“Is she hungry?” Dimitri asked. Roahn blushed in embarrassment.
“I cant… feed her. I need some baby milk powder. Do we have some?” She asked Dimitri.
He started to search but it was in vain and he knew it.
“Kit” the kid shoot his head up from trying to comfort the now crying baby “could you tell that man there where could we get an electric chair for Roahn?” He asked signaling a person with a supermarket uniform not that far away.
The kid ran to him and asked him. The man was almost a geezer but his smile was really bright.
“It’s for your mommy there? Is she alright?” He asked Kit.
“Eh…Roahn? I hope so…” the kid said unsettling the man a bit.
“Not your mom? Its your auntie then? You two look alike a lot” he said again pulling the electric chair to the woman.
“We-we do?” Kit said finding himself a question.
“Here it is lady. Everything alright? You look a bit pale ma’am” he said helping her get into the chair.
“Yes, sir” she answered him not conscious of her formality.
The man found the people on his view with a woman with baby on arms crying out loud, the many bags and the very attractive man with tissues on his nose very strange. But it was a walmart. He had seen all kind of people go there. So he just walked away.
They put some of the bags in the electric chair and the others on the package service. Then they entered the market. Dimitri was used to go so he wasn’t as excited as the others. Yet he couldn’t hide his happiness of not feeling that uncomfortable thing on his neck. It was now in the trash. They went through the isles calming the baby with a toy that hypnotized her long enough for them to look at everything. Kit was amazed. Asking questions about this and that. Roahn looked at the pharmacy isle where there should be a doctor with longing. Dimitri didnt notice as he was coming back with baby milk powder on his hands.
In the end they bought a few more things. Like the toy and a magazine for Kit. As well as painkillers. The cashier recognized him and greeted him “Good morning!” Dimitri greeted back. “Is that your family?” The teen asked looking at Kit showing Roahn an article from his magazine.
“Yes” he answered blushing.
“Your kid is very energetic” she remarked.
“He is!” He laughed a bit “excuse me, Lana, where would I get bus tickets? We’re going to Keith City to visit my wife’s sister, but my card doesnt seem to work now…”
“Oh! Here would be fine. Two adults and a kid right?”
Dimitri payed for the bus tickets that would depart in two hours and met Roahn and Kit.
Roahn was a bit uncomfortable to leave the chair, but they got a taxi to the bus station so she didnt have to walk any longer. She was now green.
“Everything alright ma’am?” The taxi driver asked her while Dimitri fed Jen.
“Y-yes, sir. No need to worry. Thank you” she answered.
Kit extended his bag of chips to her.
“Want one Roahn? You dont look good…” He said.
“Im alright Kit. Just tired, that’s all” she ruffled his hair. Kit pulling it down annoyed. “Ill be taking one, though” she said eating a chip slowly.
She rested her head On Dimitri’s shoulder who gave her a kiss on her forehead.
“Im not ok” she mumbled.
“We will get you a doctor there I promise” he whispered to her, giving her a kiss.
The rest of the way Kit talked with the driver asking him questions about his travels.
When they arrived at the bus station, they were good friends.
They got there just in time and went up the bus. It was a four hour ride, but all of them were exhausted and fell asleep as soon as the bus started moving.
Dimitri woke up an hour before getting there.
It was the first time he didn’t have a collar and walked around freely. It had been strange for him to book sits because of his lacking of last name. But he had come up with one last second.
His name was Dimitri Holberg.
Maybe it was made up, but he had an identity now. He wasn’t bee, yellow, dog or dildo.
He was a human being and his name was Dimitri Holberg.
He had a family and a mission to reunite them all.
With determination they arrived at Keith’s city.
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wolferals · 4 years
🌍parallel universes**🌍
arón piper imagine
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„Hey you." you greeted Arón the second you walked in the door and saw the handsome actor sitting on his bed busy with his phone. He looked up for a quick second and nodded at you. Apparently he was VERY busy.
You went straight to his kitchen after putting down your bag in his room to just grab a quick snack after class.
His kitchen was always super messy so you spend some good five minutes cleaning before you actually went on to make yourself a sandwich.
But as you looked into his fridge you figured, simple toast with jam would have to do. How did this guy not starve?
Then you grabbed your sandwich and walked back to his room where you sat yourself down next to him just to see what he had been up to. While eating your sandwich you were watching him scroll through twitter. All the posts were in Spanish so you didn't quite know what was going on but Arón seemed pretty stressed out about something.
„You okay?" you carefully asked and scanned his side profile. He didnt look at you, he just kept scrolling. You noticed his uneasiness. His left hand had grabbed the sheets rather roughly, you could see the veins on his hand popping out.
„Arón?" you asked again but didnt get a response at all.
You kept on watching him internally freak out for a couple of minutes until you were done and grabbed his phone and slammed it next to you on the mattress.
„Whats wrong?" You sounded pissed off but you were actually just concerned.
Arón leaned his head back against the wall before finally looking at you for the first time this afternoon. „I fucked up." he simply said and ran his hand through his curls.
You looked at him in confusion and then responded:"What happened? What did you do?"
He gave you a sad look. After, he took a deep breath and turned around to face you completely.
„When I was dating Juliana (sorry if thats your name), you remember? I sent her this one picture. Only one! And she leaked it and im fucked. Everyone saw it."
You could see the tears forming in his brown eyes.
„Okay." you spoke and grabbed his hand. „Dont worry! Its gonna be fine. Its just a damn picture. What exactly was on it? Your face too?"
He shook his head. „But my tattoos."
You breathed in heavily before continuing:"Its okay, Arón, really. Its just a picture. Doesnt say anything about you. They know you're not sending shit like that to random people."
He laughed a fake laugh and said:"Y/n its a fucking nude. Its my chest and my fucking dick. Do you think they're gonna forget about it? No."
You just looked at him for a while because you werent sure what to say.
„You have to ignore it. They will stop talking about it tomorrow because something else will be more interesting, thats how twitter works. Just calm down please."
He nodded slowly and took another deep breath.
„Just please dont go on Twitter and ignore anything related to that. I dont want you to see that."
You nodded understanding and pressed his hand a little tighter. „Its gonna be alright." you spoke quietly and pulled him in a tight hug. He seemed to appreciate it since he pulled you really close to his chest and placed his flat hand on the back of your head.
„You're a good girl." he whispered and dug his head in the crook of your neck. To be honest, not the smartest choice of words since all you were thinking of now was this picture.
But the way he said it sounded so innocent, he wouldn't have meant it to be dirty.
„You wanna watch a movie?" you suggested as you let go of him. „Hm. Im not really in the mood. Can we listen to some music por favor?" he pouted and looked at you with big eyes.
„Of course." you replied and lied down on your back.
He did the same and put his arm around you so he'd be more comfortable.
„You okay?" you asked once again after he was just staring at the ceiling for a moment.
Arón simply nodded, his eyes not leaving the wooden ceiling. It felt good to be with him. Alone for the first time in a while, it was always someone around, you never got to talk to him, only him.
You then decided to put on some comforting music to maybe calm him down a bit since he was so drained.
Over the course of the first 3 songs you guys were just laying there, no one said a word. Until Arón suddenly spoke up.
„Do you ever think about if theres another world somewhere where all the people we know, and us are different people? Maybe we're friends in this other universe, or we dont know we exist at all."
You turned your head in confusion to his sudden philosophy.
He turned his head as well and you both ended up looking deep into the others eyes.
„Maybe... maybe we're older in the other world. Maybe we're even a couple or married. Maybe we have kids together, got divorced after 10 years and now we only see each other because of the kids. And maybe you've had another guy after the divorce who's treated you better than me. Because I'm sure I'd be the reason for our divorce."
On the one hand you were touched by his cute words but on the other hand it made you laugh how deep he suddenly got, talking about the both of you being an old divorced couple.
„You're crazy." you grinned and looked back at the ceiling.
Slowly you closed your eyes and fully concentrated on the music.
It was silent for a bit until you heard his voice again.
„Maybe i messed up in the other universe, maybe the other Arón ended up alone because he missed his shot, maybe he didnt use the chance to kiss the other y/n when the perfect moment had come. You'd be happy with another man and I would regret not kissing you all my life."
You opened your eyes. Just to see his face inches away from yours.
None of you said a word.
You kept staring into his deep brown eyes while they got closer and closer. He carefully leaned in and you were more than ready to feel his kiss.
„May I?" he whispered against your lips.
With a little nod you accepted and a moment later you felt his plump lips softly pressing against yours.
You expected his kisses to be rougher but you loved the way he kissed you that moment.
The kiss didnt last long, he pulled away and leaned his forehead against yours.
„You're all Ive ever wanted y/n. And im sorry, if you dont feel the same way thats okay. I just didnt want to regret not doing it." he explained in a soft tone before looking at you again.
You didnt know what to think that second but all you knew was that your body craved him. Your soul was screaming for his touch.
So you did what you had to do.
You pulled him down on the back of his neck to kiss him a little harder this time. He seemed surprised but kissed back immediately. He made you feel alive again, after your last sad relationship you didnt want to be in love again. But this boy made you fly.
After making out for a bit, you wanted more. You tugged on his shirt, telling him to take it off. He pulled away quickly and looked at you. „Are you sure you want to do this?"
You just nodded, your body shaking from the inside. You wanted him to love you the way no one ever did before.
Arón skillfully tore off his shirt and threw somewhere in the room. He then carefully took of yours, looking down at you in awe. „Bonita." he whispered and started planting soft tender kisses on your collar bones, neck and your boobs.
„Joder." he cursed as he kept kissing down your exposed stomach.
You started moaning quietly when he reached the hem of your pants. „Can I?" he asked again.
It killed you how sweet he was. You always thought he'd be the kind of guy to rip your clothes off in a second and fuck you rough but he wasnt acting like that at all.
Slowly he slid your jeans down your legs and threw them on the floor. Afterwards he climbed back on top of you to kiss you softly again. You could feel the passion in the kiss.
„Are you ready?“ he whispered while grabbing a condom from his nightstand. Quickly you pulled down your panties and sat up so he could take off your bra for you.
„You‘re so beautiful.“ arón murmured and grabbed your boobs carefully just to place a kiss on your lips again.
„Lie down bebe.“
You did as he said and lied down on your back. You looked up at him with lustfilled eyes. He looked so beautiful kneeling inbetween your legs, in just his boxers. His abs were glistening in the light and his curls were falling perfectly on his forehead.
You just waited for him to start you didnt notice that he took off his underwear meanwhile.
„Ready?“ he asked again and looked down at your exposed body while he was holding his surprisingly big dick in his right hand.
You nodded and couldnt stop staring at his cock that was already leaking precum into the condom.
„Alright babe.“
You were so horny by now you couldnt wait to feel him inside of you.
Slowly and very carefully he pushed his length in your pussy. You hadnt had sex in a long time so it did hurt a little bit. But nothing you couldnt handle.
He was staring into your eyes while his dick drove further into you inch by inch.
„estás bien?“ he whispered and held onto your waist.
With a simple nod you agreed.
„Can I move, does it hurt?“
You sat up a little bit. „Yeah you can move. Its okay.“
He lied fully on top of you just to see you closer.
„If it hurts tell me.“
You nodded yet again.
And then he pulled out an inch just to push his dick back inside of your walls. And it felt so damn good.
He continued in a slow pace and you softly moaned out. But eventually you needed more and told him.
He grinned and started fucking you faster. Your eyes rolled back into your skull and you moaned our.
„Yes please.“ Arón grabbed your left hand just to place it next to your hand, intertwining your fingers.
„You‘re perfect.“ he groaned while his thick cock was pistoning in and out of you.
With a moan you replied to his statement.
„Baby you feel so good.“ he moaned out loudly. Very loud to be specific. His deep raspy voice threw you over the edge. Your back arched, your eyes rolled back and a loud high pitched moan left your mouth.
„Cum for me baby.“ he encouraged your orgasm and placed kisses on your neck as it hit you like a wave.
He really did make you feel like you were in heaven.
„Im close too honey. Ride me please.“ he suddenly begged after you had calmed down from your orgasm.
You just nodded and watched him pull out and you both switches positions. Carefully you sat on his dick and leaned forwards to hold onto him.
„Hmm fuck so pretty.“ he moaned and bit his lip when you slowly started bouncing up and down his thick shaft.
This angle made it possible for him to go even deeper.
„Bebesita. Faster por favor.“ he groaned and threw his head back. You tried to fuck his dick as fast as you could, just making yourself moan out loud.
Arón had grabbed onto your waist with one hand, and bit his other hand to stop himself from screaming out loud.
You could hear his muffled moans which only encouraged you to go even faster.
„Baby fuck im gonna...“ he tried to speak but his high was faster and his hips started to twitch and his mouth fell open.
A long deep scream left his mouth the second his orgasm hit him. You could feel his hot cum fill up the condom inside of you and it satisfied you to the max.
His body sank down into the mattress again and all you could hear was his hard breathing and your own heartbeat.
Without saying a word, you got off of him and lied down with your head on his chest and his arm around you.
He breathed out loudly and turned his head to face you.
„Joder.“ he laughed still out of breath. You smiled at him and replied:“I know.“
He pulled your sweating bodies closer together before pressing a soft kiss to your forehead.
„Thank you.“ you smiled at him.
„What for?“ he looked at you in confusion.
„For kissing me.“
He laughed, grabbed your face and kissed your lips once again.
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shit (me again and again and again) i saw somebody else’s request on another fandom and i thought it was really cute so i’m going to copy them, you buy a pregnancy test but chris finds it before you can take it?💕
A/N- This one was super sweet (got me feeling all fluffy) and I hope that you like it Babes. 
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Chris had his head ducked under the bathroom sink, looking for the dog shampoo, Dodger had gotten himself muddy in the fresh spring grass and tracked through the house. Chris’s first goal, get the mud off him before tackling the floors. 
“April showers bring May flowers... and muddy prints all over Y/N rug Bubba.” Chris glared a bit at Dodger who was now sitting in the bathtub, wagging his bushy tail to thump thump thump against the tubs side. Chris sighed with amusement and reached over to give the dog a rub on the ears.
“Just be patient boy, we will get you situated before you know it.”
A bark was given in agreement, and Chris ducked his head back under the sink, and then started looking in some drawers, wondering if it got stuck somewhere else when a box tumbled out at Chris’s feet. He bent down to collect it and put it back when he happened to notice what it was.
A pregnancy test?!
Chris sat on the edge of the tub suddenly, and just stared at his hand a moment. It wouldnt be unusual for you to keep a test right? Just in case. Nothing was ever a hundred percent sure proof as far as birth control, and it was best to be safe then sorry. Dodger rested his head on the edge of the tub and his big eyes looked up at his human, giving a slight whine at the difference in Chris. Absently his hand went to pet Dodger, who nosed him back to the present.
“Hey boy... what do you think I should do?” Chris eased the box up on the bathroom counter and stared at it a moment. “Should I ask Y/N about it? Or just... assume its nothing?” Dodger tilted his head and gave another whine, getting impatient at being stuck in the tub. “Okay, Okay Bubba, hang tight.” Chris grinned and move to his knees on the outside of the tub, turning on the water. “I know, youve been so patient Bubba, lets get you cleaned up and go find Y/N” No he didnt have the dog shampoo, but he could get the mud off and put it on the list of supplies needed.
You were just coming inside from picking up the yard, and listened to hear Chris talking to Dodger upstairs in the bathroom, You had to smile to yourself, brushing your hand across your sweaty dirty forehead to wipe away the stray hairs plastered, and went for a glass of water. Fretting a bit as you glanced at the calendar, you thought back on your purchase yesterday. You had told yourself purchasing it if Aunt Flo hadnt turned up today, well... You were gonna have to tell Chris and take the test. This was honestly a first for you, having had to recently go off your regular birth control and hadnt yet gotten a new one started.
It scared you, rationally you knew better, Chris had always said that kids were something he wanted in the future and he couldnt wait to be a daddy. It was his term In the future. What if he wasnt ready for this? What if you werent? His career was at its peak, daily there was offers for him to sort through, show interest in or pass along, you were busy with your shop, and it needed all your time right now. Your hand grasped the counter, going white knuckled at the idea of it all suddenly overwhelming, the glass you held shook slightly, but you didnt notice. You were lost in a moment, your thoughts taking over, and Chris’s voice broke through. “Baby? Y/N?”
A slight jump sloshed the water. “Oh shit... “ You hurriedly say and set the glass down, grabbing a rag to wipe it up. Chris came up behind you and wrapped his arms around you to calm you down, kissing your shoulder. “Sorry, I didnt mean to startle you Babygirl.”
“Ugh, Im just jumpy” Your still wiping up the counter, when he set the box down in front of you, and you zip right up, staring at it.
“I happened to find this looking for Dodgers soap.” He eased you around to face him, his hands rubbing along your sides gently to ease you. Your eyes lift and his, well his blue ones looked hopeful at you, seeming to want you to confirm what he was suspecting.
“I- I bought it yesterday, it occurred to me that Im late. And well going off birth control, it takes a while to get back into the swing of things, but its been a while since ive stopped and.... You just, never know.”
“you never know... “ Chris’s voice echoed back and you bit your lip, pulling in a bit closer so his arms slid around your hips and you looked up at him.
“I should take it, I have been holding off, wanting to tell you, but now that you know, well theres no more reason to wait.” You reach behind you and take the box, peeling it open and taking out one of the sticks. “Uuuhh, how will you feel if its positive?” You fret with the wrapper, a bit scared of the answer.
Chris’s fingers slip under your chin and tilt your face up to meet his, warm lips press against yours and his tongue slips past the seam of your lips to glide around yours. It was a passionate, loving kiss, your hand dropping the stick to slide your hand around the back of his neck, sighing softly against his lips when you two part.
“If were pregnant Y/N, nothing would make me happier. I love you, and cant wait to see you radiant with that baby bump.”
“You mean you cant wait to see me fat and all bloated?” You teased him, so relieved to hear how absolute he was in his answer.
“Oh babygirl, I will have such a hard time keeping my hands off you, all the back rubs and belly kisses, watching you ride on top of me to get pleasure.” He grinned, at all he was describing and you rolled your eyes playfully, about to reach down for the stick, but he swept down first and handed you the still wrapped test.
“Well dont get to excited Chris, cause it might just be me after all.” You warned him, and took his hand, leading him up the stairs towards the master bath. When you two enter, you look at him nervously. He cupped your face and kissed your forehead. “Are you ready to have a baby?” Chris simply asked, and you nodded. “Lets find out then if thats in the cards for us today then.”
You went inside and looked over your shoulder to see him go to sit on the edge of the bed, his hands folded between his knees, ready to wait as long as you needed. You close the door a bit for a bit of privacy and do your business. Sitting it on the edge, you pace around and walk back out, Chris’s head whips up, a questioning look. “Now we wait.” You say as you go to sit next to him, but he isnt having it and he draws you into his lap, rubbing the small of your back.
“Can you imagine... our lives with a couple kids?” You ask him and he cant help but grin, thinking about it.
“I can and have.” He states, falling into what hes imagined, your head tilted watching as his face lit up, eyes growing wide and gleaming with the idea. “The pitter patter of feet running down the hallway with Dodger right behind to jump in bed with us, cuddling right up to there momma.” He brushed his lips against your neck, breathing your soft scent in. “Getting up middle of the night to check for monsters in the closet, plan out birthday parties, family vacations, getting to cuddle with all of you watching cartoons for the night.” He continued on, and you couldnt help but ache for all that to.
“Family dress up for Halloween. Can you imagine how many times they would want to be avengers? Since there dad is captain america after all.” You giggle a bit, and he embraces you against his chest, chuckling softly.
“I might even still fit into it at that point. Maybe. Okay baby, times up. Want me to come with you?”
You slip up and pause him. “No, be right back Handsome.” Slipping into the bathroom, you pick up the stick, and your heart sinks slightly. It was a negative. You couldnt help but feel overwhelming disappointment at it. Going back out, you shake your head softly.
“Im sorry Chris...” You start but he interrupts you and pulls you closer to him.
“Hey, theres no need to be upset.” He assured you, and when you look him in the eyes, theres a determined glint in those blue orbs, and he wiggled his brows, sweeping you to lay on the bed, and he moved over you, kissing down your neck, growling softly through his kisses and his hands slid under your shirt.  
“Just means we get to work on making a baby more often.”
You had to admit, you rather liked the sounds of that.
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wongiemei · 5 years
a/n: maybe i should just turn this blog into an nct dream one
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first of all,
story time!
your uni is fucking expensive and it’s more expensive if you live in the grounds
so you being the wise human,
you went to get an apartment near the campus
it was great and all since roommate!jaemin was paying for his stuff
you were both living respectively until he had to leave
the dumbass didnt even bother to tell you
one morning you just woke up and found his note
‘hey bitch! figured you were too much of a rock to wake up but i moved out! the family wants me to go back home and tend the restaurant’
the whole day yesterday, you were working
bc,,, yknow
broke college life
and you just walked in half asleep towards your room and fell asleep
so you didnt really see or notice
but were you freaking out bc your roommate suddenly moved out?
ofc you were freaking out
not only was your roommate gone,
how were you going to find a new one?!
jaemin expected your phone call that afternoon and he endured through all your screaming
‘babe, i’m just going to be gone for a year-or two’
‘oR tWO?!’
‘hun, my dad’s injured and his back can only let him do so much. ma’s working too much and i dont have any siblings to help. i figured i could just hold off college until my parents are ready’
ugh, jaemin is such a family boy
‘but jaems! you couldnt have at least told me that yOu wERe mOvING OuT?! and! rent is due soon! i can’t pay for that myself!’
jaemin couldve easily told you to warn yoy
but he didn’t want to tell you bc he couldnt handle you sad and didnt want to upset you
however, now jaemin really understands how shitty that move was
‘tell you what. i’ll pay for this month and make a few phone calls and i’ll get you set up with a new roommate, deal?’
knowing how much of a social butterfly he was, you agreed
ofc you trusted jaemin but part of you feared that he might pair you up with a freak
but he’s not that mean, is he?
you can definitely see renjun doing that but not jaemin
so there you are,,
sitting on your couch alone
without jaemin, your apartment felt really empty
its been a few days since he moved and you were miserable
jaemin hasn’t even texted you about that potential roommate
just as you were about to call him,,
your doorbell rang
you froze and you looked at the time
it was nearing 11 at night and you don’t remember ordering delivery
if jaemin was here,
he would answer it for you since you would be too scared to do it
but you mustered up your courage and peeped through the peep hole
the man was dressed in all black with a black mask and a black cap with his hood over it with a black hoodie and black pants
ngl, you were terrified and trembling
he rang it again and you jumped
typing out a quick text to jaemin saying ‘hey bub, if i don’t text you in an hour, that means ive been kidnapped so call the police’
you grabbed a pan from the cupboard and gulped before you opened the door
thinking he would just walk forward and grab you, you closed your eyes and raised your pan over your head and swung
a shriek from in front of you made your eyes snap open and found the guy on the floor with a fetal position
you both just froze for like a phat minute
snapping back to reality, you held the pan in front of you
‘if youre going to kidnap me, i got a pan and im not afraid to hit you with it!’
you tried to sound intimidating but your voice was shaking so much
the guy stood up and he took off his hat and the mask to reveal a blonde haired kid
okay, so you were sHOokETh
damn! this boy is fine!
he gave you a shaky smile and held out his hand
‘hi! i’m lee jeno! you must be y/n? jaemin told me you had an opening for a roommate?’
now you noticed the two duffle bags at the side
the embaressment and the shame settled in slowly and you found yourself burning up
nodding, you motioned him to come in
jeno awkwardly walked in and was amazed at how big the layout was with the low rent
‘yea, its kinda hard to believe that we only pay that much. at first i thought there was a ghost in here and that’s why its so cheap’
you tried to make small conversation but laughed weirdly at jeno’s slightly terrified face
‘no! there really is not ghost here! ive lived here for a year and there hasnt been anything so please dont understand! please be my roommate!’
you begged and jeno thought you were weird
but jaemin was right, you were weirdly adorable in a way
so that’s how you and jeno became apartment buddies!
now onto the good stuff!
so, jeno is a vv clean guy
like he’s the type to just pick up a wrapper in the street and throw it in the garbage
so naturally, he likes to keep the apartment as tidy and neat as possible
but you being a mess you are,
you usually leave a lot of things everywhere
lets just say you have a short memory
‘oh? how did that get there?’
eventually, jeno gets sick of it and he confronts you with it
ofc you understand and you actually try to be better
since jeno is literally the most perfect roommate
maybe even better than jaemin
(but don’t tell him that)
jeno is the type to re-stock the pantry with snacks and the fridge with ice cream
since youre both college students, ramen is practically always available in the house 24/7
he also makes the coffee every morning since he works early and wakes up first
even though he doesn’t like the drink and prefers milk, he still notices how you survive off of coffee
babie likes to pick you up some iced americano while he gets a frappe
you on the other hand,,
you’re very surprised
when you got to bed after showing jeno around,
you messaged jaemin
ofc he was worried af and was blowing up your phone
‘bitch answer the damn phone!’
‘whatthe fuck is happening?!’
‘i need to know if you’re still alive!’
‘oh fuck i shouldnt have moved out’
smiling softly at how worried he was, you responded to him
‘you hoe, it hasnt been an hour yet so chillax. i’m alive, unfortunately, and i just met my new roommate. again, thanks for the heads-up. youre so bad at those. i literally thought he was a burgular or a kidnapper. but he seems chill and emo. just my type.’
but jeno is F A R from C H I L L
oh my goodness,,
hes a crackhead
theres this sound he makes when he’s confused and you couldnt figure out if its cute or weird or if he’s doing this on purpose or thats just how he is
you and him basically communicate with memes
sometimes, at the weird hours at night, he sends you a dumbass meme
you cant help but snort 
also, you promised to take jaemin out to dinner to repay him for the great roommate
‘hes literally one of the best people youll ever meet. it just so happen he needed a place to sleep. now you owe me’
hes a science major while you were a computer major
he basically brings home weird stuff to analyze and it just hella stinks
but hes considerate enough to actually put it outside
whenever he’s focused, he talks to himself or the thing he’s analyzing
‘okay mr. fishy. your scales are really big and its bigger than average’
its so cute
oof also!
jeno doesnt have a job yet he always makes rent on time with extra money to spare
he even sometimes buys you stuff saying, ‘they reminded me of you’
for your birthday, he bought you a pearl necklace that mustve costed thousands
at first, you thought he was a chaebol or smth
which you wouldve been vv jealous of bc youre a struggling college student who works at the coffee shop
but, you were answered when you caught him walking in half-dazed and half-asleep with cuts all over his face
it was like 2 in the morning and you were pulling an all-nighter for some project and wanted to get a glass of water
but here he is, hood up, lip busted, black eye, cheek cut
you shrieked and ushered him to sit on the dining chair
thinking he got mugged or something, you start drilling him questions
‘hun, if you were beat up, we need to call the police! this is illegal!’
but jeno chuckles and brushes the stray hairs out of your face as you tend to his lip
‘pls dont. if you do, ill be broke and i wont have money to pay rent then i cant be your roommate anymore’
cue confused y/n
‘if i dont make money, youll kick me out and youll have to find another roommate. i dont want you to go through that hassle again’
ofc you were flattered that even during this situation, hes still thinking about you
‘how is this making money?!’
‘i cant believe youre oblivious to so many things. i thought for sure youve caught on.’
more confusion
‘eXCUse mE, lEE JEno? since when have you started coming home with all these things in your face?’
you were worried that this wasnt the first time this happened
but if you think hard about it, thats why he always wears his mouth masks and he always has his blonde fringe down and sometimes wears sunglasses even though its cloudy outside
‘ohmygod lee jeno are you in a gang?!’
jeno was shocked that you came to that conclusion but laughed at how adorable you were rn
with your wide eyes and mouth open
‘nah, bro. i box. its the only way i can make easy money.’
‘but,,, why did you hide this from me? if you needed money i couldve helped you’
he looked at you skeptically
‘sis, you could barely afford that muffin the other day’
lee jeno now looked different from the jeno you met the first day
What you thought to be an innocent little squish was a fighter at night
‘yah, can-um-you need to take this off’
you mumbled while tugging on his sweatshirt
he nodded and slipped it off
he explained why he came late when he first moved
‘i had a late night match and yknow,, school and all, i barely had enough time to come'
as you dab the wound, you try to make small talk to distract yourself
 ‘so,, youve been boxing this whole time?’
you asked, trying not to get distracted to the way his tight shirt clung to him, showing his defined body
there were bruises up and down his arms and his knuckles were busted
‘yea. i have been since senior high. gotta make money, yknow?’
‘but jen, you can work in coffee shops or at local bookstores. its not worth seeing you busted up like this’
your lips trembled at the thought of him being beaten up too hard to the point he gets into a coma
jenos eyes widened at your wobbling lips and he softly cupped your face
‘hey, im okay and ill be fine. you dont have to worry about me. i usually win, anyways’
his confidence made you chuckle
‘i trust you, lee jeno. just make sure to make it home to me every night.’
‘i know you do and i will. always.”
ever since then,
youve become his little caretaker
youve informed jaemin of what hes been doing and he knew but didnt want you to judge him immediately
smh, jaemin really sucks at informing people
but jeno tries to help you keep up
he even sends you texts that hes fighting that night and your little ‘fighting!’ always makes him smile
his manager and friend, chenle, noticed that hes starting to smile more
chenle likes boxing and wants to be a part of it but doesnt want to be hurt
so,, what better to be the manager of his friend
‘yah, hyung. what’s got you giggly today?’
jeno pointed to the screen and giggled at the little good luck gif you sent
his eyes turned to crescents and chenle smirked
‘wah, you like her, don’t you?’
at the mention of ‘like’, his smile dropped and he shook his head
‘no. of course not. shes just a friend.’
chenle being chenle,,
he continues to prod
‘okay. so every night, you make it your priority to make sure you’re home by 2 in the morning for your friend’
smh, chenle youre so annoying
but hes so right
ever since you caught him,
hes been making sure he gets home at the same time 
he sends you a text that hes on his way and you set your ringtone at a very high volume so you wake up and take care of him
during fights, he makes it his sole mission to make out of this alive and a winner for you
but that never crossed his mind as his feelings for you
he just thought of it as making you not worry for him
but then, he starts to think about your stupid little habits
the way you make this face whenever you dont understand
or when you still leave little post-it notes everywhere with ideas you come up with
he noticed it all and he loves them
‘hOLy ShIT!’
that night was when he realized his feelings for you and he was so dedicated on finishing it that he quickly won and he dashed home with his money
bursting through the door, you looked at him with wide and startled eyes
‘what’s wrong?’
you came running but he scooped you up to a hug
ok you were confused but relieved that he was home and alright
jeno looked at your face and wanted to confess but chickened out at the sight of you
you were so good to him and honestly, he doesnt deserve you
(his thoughts, not mine)
he stuttered and you motioned him to continue
‘i won!’
he shouted and you congratulated him, even though he literally won all the time
guiding him to the chair, you began to dab his cuts
(dab that bitch)
‘im starting to think that your opponents either really suck or youre like the god of boxing’
he didnt know how to take that but blushed red at the mention of him being a ‘god of boxing’
‘nah, im just good’
you eyed him and smiled
he continued to watch you heal him and inspected your face
heavy eyebags and sunken cheeks, it mustve been a long night
he felt a pang in his chest thinking that you push your stuff away just to help him
‘you dont have to keep doing this for me, yknow’
you halt and look at him seriously
‘i know i dont. but i cant sleep at night thinking youre in pain and alone when i can be there for you’
even though he just realized it, jeno was pretty sure he fell in love with you a long time ago
but if it was possible, he fell in love with you even more
‘thank you’
his soft voice filled the silence and you vowed that you will always be there for him whenever he needs help
a few days later, jeno hasnt been to a fight
sure you were worried at what was going on in his head but partly relieved that you dont have to see him so battered anymore
but this was so un-jeno
just as you were about to talk to him about it, he announces he got a job at the bookstore down the street
‘huh? i thought you didnt want to work’
you question while he looked sheepish
‘i realized that i was starting to become a burden since you take care of me every time. so i thought i should quit and get a regular job. besides, it doesnt hurt as much’
he laughed but you didnt react
‘lee jeno, you gave up boxing and the money,,, for me?’
he nervously looked up at you and you noticed the redness of his cheeks
‘i-well-if you put it that way’
‘listen to me, im flattered and i truly love that you dont want to get beaten up anymore. but i dont want you to quit something you like because of me'
‘but you always take care of me and push your priorities away to clean me up. i dont do anything in return and i dont think its fair!’
he argued and a soft smile crept up your face
‘yah, lee jeno'
your voice became a whisper
‘it doesnt matter to me if you dont do anything in return bc i dont see this as a favor. you are mine to take care of and i will do anything for you, you understand that?’
he looked at you in shock after hearing your response
he also turned red at the mention of him being yours
‘so-but-i dont think-'
he stutters but you place your hands on his arms making him stop
‘all i ask is you to come back home, to come back to me'
by now, yall were blushing
even though it might not sound like it,
but yall just indirectly confessed to each other
yall stared at the ground and jeno looks up, biting his lip
‘hey, y/n, can i make it up to you with some coffee?’
your head darted up and looked at him with wide eyes
‘like-like a date?’
it came out suddenly and you stepped back in surprise, cursing yourself
but jeno chuckled, eyes scrunching cutely
‘it'll be one of many'
lmao i didnt really like this but i made it at 2 in the morning and i kinda like boxer!jeno
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talk-geek-to-me · 4 years
All the ones you didn't do in the last ask!
So I’m finally getting around to doing this. and you fUCKING HATE ME. This is gonna be hella long.  (she asked for all of them)
This is for the WaterColor asks that I posted last night
Zinc White: how are you really feeling today? I’m very tired tbh like all i wanna do today is sleep rn. very tired
Cadmium Yellow: When you think of the word “happy” what's the first thing that comes to mind? ummmmm probably my boyfriend and the very funny moments you and i share
Lemon: What’s your comfort food? Ben and Jerry’s Brownie Batter Core Ice cream. that shit makes me feel better immediately
Hansa Yellow: What’s your guilty pleasure song? honestly idk, but i will tell you the song that I cant get enough of and its All Time Low by Jon Bellion. like i honestly cant get enough of it rn
Yellow Ochre: Name an artist/band whom you just discovered and cant get enough of. right now its the song that I just said in the last ask. but the band? shit ummmmmm, idk but i’ve been listening to anything in my liked playlist from spotify. so it varies
Naples Yellow: where do you feel most at home? uh, i dont really know. I moved to Idaho so i haven’t figured that most yet
Raw Sienna: with whom do you feel most at home? my boyfriend. I miss him so much and I honestly cant wait till i see him next
Golden Ochre: describe the relationship with your closest friend. JESS *insert random thing that im currently screaming about*
Golden Deep: what’s your favorite season? fall, i can wear converse and hoodies and be comfortable
Cadmiun orange: What do you like to do on your days off? i love to do things that have to get done. like today, i did more homework than i thought i was gonna do and cleaned my bathroom. it’s been a good day.
Orange lake: do you have anyone you can turn to when you’re sad? I listen to music and not do my homework, just focus on me
Titans: do you prefer slow mornings or relaxing evenings? tbh i think i prefer slow mornings cause im not a morning person so that gives me time to sleep in
Shaknazaryan Red: are you currently binge watching anything? CRIMINAL MINDS
red ochre; are you more right-brained (creative) or left-brained (analytical)? i think i’m a bit of both
burnt sienna; is there a painting that brings you peace when you look at it? not really theres a picture i really like tho. here’s the link! https://www.pinterest.com/pin/46865652355803785/
english red; what animal do you relate to most? honestly, a raven
vermilion; what’s your favorite accent? british, like tom holland and tom hiddleston british
cadmium red; do you have a “type” when it comes to a significant other? ....jess you know. but for those of you who don’t know, its the bad boy type... seriously, bucky barnes, loki, and according to jess its the dark-haired, chiseled features, built af, don’t worry, she made a point, like all the famous people im attracted to... all contain the same things that my boyfriend contains. my boyfriend is dark haired, chiseled features, thicc 
scarlet; describe your current crush/es. DARK HAIR, CHISELED FEATURES, BAD BOY TYPE BOYFRIEND
ruby; what does your ideal first date look like? honestly, i dont have one
carmine; what does your ideal second date look like? dont have one
madder lake red; would you ever kiss someone (or accept a kiss) on a first date? considering i kissed my boyfriend within the first hour of meeting him, sure
rose; what’s something really positive going on in your life right now? im actually keeping up with school rn and im fairly proud of myself
quinacridone rose; what’s something you’re really looking forward to? sleep
violet rose; what does your dream house look like? windows. so many windows big kitchen, comfortable
violet; is there any place in particular you’d like to settle down? not really, i’d settle down anywhere as long as im with the man i love
blue lake; what would you like to do/accomplish before you settle down? traveling
cobalt blue spectral; what is the most beautiful place you have ever been to? honestly, i havent been there yet
ultramarine; when was the last time you were in a good mood? do you know/remember what sparked it? ummmm, im kinda always in a good mood?
blue; what’s the most recent dream you remember? [redacted] [redacted] [redeacted] [redacted] [redacted]
bright blue; what does your dream family look like? any kids or pets? how many of each? 2 or 3 kids, 2 dogs and hopefully a cat. married to my boyfriend
blue cobalt; do you like your name? would you give yourself a different name if you could? NO it’s too common, its why i prefer people call me meg or megs. i hate my name.
prussian azure; what’s your favorite scent? vanilla
azure blue; what’s your favorite type of tea, if any? lipton pure leaf raspberry tea, and it has to be cold
turquoise blue; if you could start a garden, what would you plant? literally anything that i could water every once in a while and it still be alive
cerulean blue; if you were guaranteed to have a viewership, would you start a youtube vlog? no, my life is really boring
glauconite; describe your body without using any negative adjectives. curves, well built, purple red hair. honestly, im super comfortable with my body
yellow green; picture yourself walking in a field. what do you see & hear in this scenario? ya know that scene in vampire dairies when Damon is comforting Rose as she’s dying? yea it looks like that
green light; are you in a comfortable place in life? if not, what do you think might make it better? im pretty comfortable with it, just wish my boyfriend was with me
green; name three countries you want to visit; do you have any actual plans in place to visit any of them? ready? you’re gonna laugh jess, Romania, Ireland, England
emerald green; do you speak any languages besides english? are there any additional languages you want to learn? so my mom is from Chile, and she’s native in spanish, but im native in english and cant speak a lick of spanish, but i have been doing the duolingo spanish lessons and its like my latina side has woken up, but i cant speak spanish, i can read it and hear it and probably translate it for you
oxide of chromium; what’s your favorite book? Stalking Jack The Ripper by Kerri Maniscalco
olive green; are you currently reading anything? how do you like it so far? no, im too busy with school and work that i dont have time to read anything and its making me sad. but i always have a book in my backpack just incase
mars brown; what’s a movie that always puts a smile on your face/makes you laugh? the first Avengers
burnt umber; what’s something you plan to do before the day is over to take care of yourself? clean my fucking greasy ass face
umber; have you drank enough water today? nope, thank you for reminding me tho
voronezhskaya black; what or who is your go-to outlet for when you need to vent? you, cause you always provide the best advice and make me feel like my emotions matter to you too
sepia; name five things that always make you happy. Superheroes, music, my boyfriend, my friends, and books, etc
indigo; what’s the best/sweetest compliment you have ever received? today, i was sitting in my car ordering my drink from dutch bros and someone told me that they liked my hair even tho he couldnt really see the color of it. But i get a lot of compliments from my boyfriend about my eyes
payne’s gray; describe your aesthetic? shit, uhhhh, superhero murderer? 
black; post a selfie because you are so beautiful! I’m gonna share with you the one that has my boyfriend going crazy 
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the-sanders-sides · 5 years
inidan american (desi) logan
a sequel to this post because people asked for more and i decided that they shall receive (and also i love writing these)
fair warning, logans a bitter kid, and this isnt as positive and happy as romans post. ive experienced two different ways of being desi, one where i lived in fully asian and indian community and didnt even think id ever feel alone, and another where i moved to a place where i havent met another desi in like 7 years of living here in a 3 hour driving radius. in romans post i played into my first experience and how at home i felt. in the second experience, the one im in right now, i am much more bitter about who i am and not really knowing anyone who gets it anymore. so i play into that A LOT in this. so keep that in mind. (and he will get happier in a future part. m planning on making this into a series)
ok so first off. his name is logan sanders. people (mostly other indians) dont believe him when he tells them. he tells them they dont know indian history. they say they do. he tells them that the british fucked around (quite literally) in india for four centuries so of course english names would stick with that precise wording
sometimes when he’s annoyed enough and doesnt want to explain this for the millionth he defends himself with this russel peters skit (watch it, it’s hilarious) because it describes his family. to a T. 
he grew up in a community with not very many asians, and knew no indians outside his family so he felt a sort of disconnect to his culture
while his grandparents and parents would teach him about indian culture, he felt so distant from it since he knew no one outside his family who was indian, and since he didnt have any siblings or any nearby cousins to hang around with
he had visited india once but he was too young to remember it properly or too remember his cousins
the closest mandir was an hour away so that also limited the amount of indian kids/people he knew
he barely knew hindi because everyone in his family spoke english, especially in public
he felt guilty over the disconnect he felt and would always try to bridge it but would never accomplish this because it he kept losing passion since he rarely saw other people like him in the real world and in the media and he didnt see the point of trying
this all changed in eight grade when he moved next door to the Kumar family in a north indian street of some south asian blocks in an asian community
when his family first moved, the Kumar family invited the Sanders over to welcome them
it turns out the Kumar’s had a son who was the same age as logan
“hi logan! im rohan kumar! but i like going by roman instead of rohan!” 
this introduction pissed logan off 
he was seething because why would this kid who got to have an indian first AND last name change his name to an english one! why didnt he see the value of his name!
he knew right away that such a difference meant they could never be friends 
“im logan sanders, but thats all youll get to know about me because i see no use associating myself with someone as... well, ignorant, as you”
roman decides to whip out one of the swears his cousins taught him and whisper shouts “who are you calling ignorant, bhenchod?” 
 it became clear to him that this was new turf, and people on this new turf must be speaking hindi. and that he was the ignorant one if he couldnt talk in hindi. he made a vow to learn it as fast as he could to make sure this roman kid wasnt better than him
but, logan grits his teeth and says “you, and i know it must be true because you were too dumb to understand me the first time”
this evidently struck a sore spot in roman because he didnt fight back but just stalked away. logan smiled slightly, happy to have won that argument
logan asks his grandpa to teach him hindi and his grandpa gets super excited
they start lessons immediately and despite barely hearing it growing up, it’s as if his brain was made for this because he picks the language up amazingly fast and in a months time, while not able to speak back yet, he can understand most casual conversation
his first diwali in basically little india is the most magical thing ever
diwali at his old home was very quiet because there wasnt anyone around to celebrate with
everyone is so happy in this new home however. everyone is dressed up and all the houses are lit up and there are diyas everywhere and he doesnt want to admit it but the kumar’s have the best rangoli on the street and it’s because of roman and he knows roman did it because sometimes he’d stare out of his bedroom window while doing homework and have a perfect view of roman delicately working on it for two weeks
(the kumar’s front porch had been covered with tarp waiting for diwali to make sure romans precious rangoli wasnt stepped on or ruined. when it’s finally let up, everywhere where there could be art, there is. it’s insane how good at colors roman is, logan thinks)
diwali morning: 
he fights his parents because he doesnt want to miss school for diwali because americans dont have a day off for it. his parents set the clocks in the house ahead to make him think he overslept so he would skip school. (logan didnt know that his parents had submitted an excused absence form for religious reasons and that the school was very understanding. he thought it would be like his old school where he wouldnteven bother trying since he wasnt christain and the school was lkinda discriminatory)
they spend the morning in mandir and it’s nice. for once he doesnt feel different from his peers because he goes to mandir and not church or synagogue. he feels at home.
diwali afternoon:
the afternoon is spent with frantic cleaning and cooking and digging around for the diya’s that were still in boxes, packed away from when they moved
logan offered to find them all to continue with a diya science experiment he started two years prior. his theory was that the diya’s were multiplying and there were more each year despite no one buying anymore
this held true, because even though he could only find half of their diya collection, it was somehow more than the entire diya collection of two years prior. 
diwali evening:
theres a big potluck and everyone in the neighborhood is out talking to each other, looking at the decorations at everyones houses, eating samosas, and playing with sparklers. 
logan feels content
he makes a new resolve to learn more about hinduism. if this is what ti was supposed to be, then he never wanted to be away from hinduism. 
he looked at the metaphors and symbolism in everything and finally understood what his dad meant he told logan that hinduism is just science written in poetry and that string theory is written in the ancient texts
middle school in this new town is so much better than middle school in his old home. why?
a. doesnt get bullied for being a nerd
b. doesnt get called gay slurs 
c. the classes are harder 
d. much less racism
e. all of the above
soon enough, logans asking his grandpa to teach him how to cook Indian food
Logan spends the day burning dosas and making lopsided rotis
(eventually he gets the hang of it, and a he'll be cooking food for an infuriating Indian boy ;) ;) psst it's roman)
Speaking of boys
Coming out isn't an option for logan
He knows that his parents arent really religious enough to really look into hinduism and see that no, gays are not bad
But they are traditional and conservative enough to be homophobic
not homophobic as in spewing hate with the westboro baptist church at a pride parade
But homophobic as in "the gays are fine as long as they don't do it in front of me" kinda thing
So Logan stays quiet
the closet kinda sucks but i mean what can he do
it’s safer inside, and he as illogical as wishing is, he wishes that people would use their brains and realize there’s nothing wrong with gay
in school logan makes his first desi friend, who was dubbed as anxiety years ago and cant seem to get rid of the nickname and now has a whole complex about his name so logan doesnt know his name
logan and anxiety meet in the school library: logan studying and anxiety hiding
people dont like anxiety
especially non-indian kids
surprise surprise it’s an old buddy called racism, but anxiety’s story is for another time
(but even though no one really likes anxiety, whenever racist shit goes down, it has to go through roman)
so logan and anxiety become fast friends
and they make fun of roman (a+ bonding)
logan claims that roman is a hypocrite for changing his name to an english one while being so immersed in indian culture
anxiety doesnt dispute this, but says he has a past with roman
a past that involved getting stuck with the name anxiety
again, another story for another time
one day, when logan and anxiety are eating lunch they see roman destroy some homophobes who throw around the word f*g and keep calling caitlyn jenner, bruce jenner
logans chest surges
he’s all like “what?? emotions?? pride at roman?? is he better than me for being so open and standing up for what he believes in??”
gay panic basically
but logan masked it well and pushed it away
the next day roman comes to school with a pride patch on his jean jacket
logan feels like he cant breathe
logan is supremely jealous of roman.
he can be gay in peace
he can pretend not to be indian in a way that benefits him
and he’s not affected by stereotypes in the same way?? like what does this kid not have
and by stereotypes i mean
roman is the complete opposite of all indian and desi stereotypes: loud, flamboyant, theatrical
logan’s personality is exactly how the stereotypes are. he’s nerdy and likes science and math and it seems like he cant escape the stereotypes. they follow him. and he feels guilty that he likes science and math and is nerdy. 
as illogical as it is, he wishes he was different from how he is
but logan later learns that there are more than just his perspective on being desi and that every desi kid growing up faces challenges about it that are different than his, causing them to experience being desi differently
and logan will accept that, in another story at another time
for now, he’s just bitter. and as illogical as it is, he wishes the world was better
and now, i shall tag some people who asked to be tagged and some other desi’s who loved this because i feel like you guys might appreciate this too. also i love u. desi famders squad up.
@sssixeyedrunt @ultimate-queen-of-fandoms2 @caterpiller-tea @xxxbladeangelxxx @snufflesthegrim227 @cloudchaser7 @thelowlysatsuma 
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iamsonyeondone · 5 years
roommate // lee seokmin
☆+。・2.5k words
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everyone knew who seokmin was
and when i meant everyone, i literally meant anyone who's seen him at least once
because he just has that really contagious smile and aura that's refreshing in this day and age
the ladies who run the stalls near the restaurant he works at always makes sure to drop by and give him a large tip
or the little kids who pass by whenever their done with school would always greet him
he exudes such a positive and calming aura that attracts people
and his boss is so glad he hired him because business has been booming ever since
seokmin was only looking for a part time job to help him pay his student loans and general living expenses
but even when he's nearly done with paying it off, he wouldnt mind working there for another extra few years
because maybe theres a certain someone who frequents the restaurant alot
who am i kidding?? of course its you
the person who always drops by and orders a fixed menu
sometimes you would try something different when there was occasion you wanted to celebrate
like that one time when seokmin took your order and it was unexpectedly different and asked you about it
"i just got a promotion for my job so i figured it would be nice to treat myself a little,"
and your smile sends him blushing because its full of genuine happiness
so seokmin sneaked in a dessert on the house because its not treating yourself if theres no dessert
(although the boss would have happily complied if seokmin just told him about it since you're a regular)
but one thing seokmin realizes is that you never really go there on a date, or at least thats what he knows
whenever he has a shift and you come by, youre either alone, with a bunch of friends or with family
he's never really seen you be intimate with someone at one of their tables
and maybe he's relieved to know that
that you're possibly single and that he isnt discreetly flirting with a taken person
and his way of discreetly flirting is doing little thank you doodles on your receipt or complimenting on your look that day
other than that he's never had the guts to do anything else
because you're a regular and he's only seen you at his workplace
but all of that changes when you settle for an order thats a little too much for a table of one
and that forced smile tells everything
"you sure you can finish it up? its more than i can even finish myself" seokmin attempted at a little joke while you chuckle softly
"im not sure, but i guess I'll try,"
and seokmin's heartbroken just by looking at your furrowed brows and your lips curling into a frown
and something just clicks within him to do something, anything
"maybe you would want to order takeout instead? and maybe let me take you out too?"
it was the cringiest line he had ever spoken, and his best friend jeonghan would probably agree
but you turn to him and giggle, a little surprised at his forwardness
"that sounds nice, but dont you have work?"
"im clocking out in about ten minutes, and thats when your food should be ready so is it uhhh,, a-"
"its a date then,"
when he sees your smile tugging more at each side, a small weight lifts off of his shoulders
and he's more than relieved to know that his attempt at taking you out on a date wasnt rejected
you told him you would wait for him at one of the nearby cafes
and when he walks in with your take out in hand, seeing you with a deeper frown while you stared into your glass of water
seokmin made it his mission to cheer you up by the end of the night, or at least as long as the date goes
"r-ready?" seokmin stuttered, wiggling the plastic bag in his other hand
you gave him a smile and a nod, walking side by side as the both of you walked out of the cafe
"sorry if this is a little intruding but is anything wrong? you dont have to answer if you dont want to," seokmin asked you, worry coating his every word
"maybe being kicked out of my apartment was the thing that happened," you chuckled sarcastically, taking another deep breath
his eyes grew wide, apologising profusely if he had gone a little too far
"you dont have to apologize all the time seokmin, it wasnt your fault," you reassured him, giving him a small smile
"but im sure youre upset, and making you upset on... on our date wasnt something i had in mind," he mumbled, scratching the nape of his neck
this time, your giggles were lighter and less forced
"then what exactly did you have in mind?" you raised a brow
without another word, seokmin glimmers with his wide contagious grin, asking for your hand before jogging to the park nearby
the both of you were panting by the time you guys reached the peaceful park, laughter filling the calm space
"did you plan on giving me exercise or?" you laughed, your hands resting on your knees while seokmin placed a small mat onto the grass
"not really. i wanted to hear you laugh and somehow succeeded," and maybe your heart skips a little from the way he smiles at you
and you blush lightly at his words, taking a seat next to him while he laid out the food
"i made sure to order your regular order in case you had a change in mind. because you never really order this- not that i stalk you or anything, you just come by the restaurant alot,”
“thank you seokmin,” 
for the rest of the day, you dont even realize the plastered smile on your face, or the worries you had been panicking over a moment ago
all you could think about was seokmin’s antics and his contagious smile
the sun eventually sets, leaving the both of you to head home
and then it clicked
“wait, do you have anywhere else to sleep for the night?” seokmin asked while the both of you walked through the park, towards the exit
“my family lives in another state and my friends already has a full house of roommates. i guess i can sleep in a motel for the time being,” you shrugged, as if it was an obvious answer
“why dont you... why dont you sleep over at my place. I live 10 minutes away from the restaurant and i have a guest room so you dont have to worry about it,” he suggested out of complete sincerity, only worry for what lurks along the motel allies
“that sounds nice but i cant let you help me more than i deserve-”
“but you do deserve more than this, so why dont you just stay at my place for one night? its only me anyways so you dont have to worry about any roommates, " he smiled
and that twinkling in his eyes, nearly pushes you to agree with him without hesitating
"I'll think about it. in the mean time, i should probably pack up my stuff,"
"i can-"
"thank you seokmin, and give me your number just in case,"
you took out a ballpoint pen from your pocket, handing it to him to write down his digits on your palm
and after a minute of stifling your giggles from the tickling sensation on your hand, you thank him once more before jogging off towards your apartment
although you didnt think you'll see each other so soon
as you stood at the end of a stairway that led to his apartment, you fiddled with your duffle bag on your shoulder, wondering if sleeping over his place was a good idea
its not like the both of you talked on a regular basis, and you only see him every week or so
so what made you feel like sleeping over at this cute waiter's house was any different than a stranger's?
at the sound of the swinging glass door from behind you, you turned your heel to face seokmin
but he was now dressed in his pajamas - an oversized graphic tshirt hanging from his shoulders and a pair of the fluffiest pants you've ever seen
"sorry it took so long, i didnt think you would call so soon so i needed to clean up a few things," he nervously chuckled
yet he was quick to offer his help with your things, mainly to avoid the awkward atmosphere that seemed to follow
after the small talk in the lift and eventually entering his home, you actually expected the decent cleanliness of his home
the decor was kept minimal yet sentimental but you did see some clothes trying to spill from beneath the couch
it didnt feel good to make him feel embarrassed after his rushed attempt so you swallowed your giggles
"the guest room is on the left and,, just make yourself feel at home. there's some drinks in the fridge and the toilet is across so if there's anything else you need, just knock my door," he reassured you before taking your duffle bag and placing it in your temporary room
although you had no idea how long you would stay over
a week at most?
oh boy were you wrong
the beginning of living with seokmin was filled with so much awkwardness
from seokmin catching a glimpse of you and your dripping hair while you came out of the toilet, to finding your undergarments in the washing machine
seokmin was nearly flustered 24/7 after finding your underwear and couldnt face you for 3 days straight
but things still progressed and the both of you began to be more comfortable among each other
seokmin cooking for you in the mornings before he started his shift while you repayed his kindness by cooking him dinner
soon the both of you could lay back on the couch together without having to nervously glance at the other or find a way to avoid the awkward silence
and by the time the both of you could be in a room without the tension, a whole week passed
and somehow finding a new apartment hadn't filled your mind during then
or maybe you were avoiding it because 1) you didnt have enough to pay for the deposit fee AND pay for rent after that and 2) with every day that passed, you felt more at home being seokmin's temporary roommate
And also because seokmin is getting so much cuter by the day
But when he asked you about your current search
And your left with having to stare at him with a blank face, your mouth gaping from the sudden unwanted question
Before you could come up with a lame excuse, seokmin reassured you that it was fine not to rush things 
“i like your company anyway, its better than coming home to an empty house and no food,” he chuckled
“but you can cook by yourself just fine, if not, even better than i could do,” you pointed out 
seokmin thinks for a moment but chooses to just shrug it off as he began cleaning up the dirty dishes in the sink
your chest doesnt feel as heavy with guilt, knowing that he didnt mind having you in his home
but how long will this last?
after an especially tiring day of work, back aching and eyes sore, you flop down onto the couch with a loud sigh
but you didnt expect seokmin to pop out from the hallway, thinking that he was still at the restaurant to clean up after his shift
“you sighed really loud i could hear you from my room,” he chuckled, attempting to lighten the tension as he entered the kitchen “something bothering you?”
you stared at the white ceiling as if it held some kind of magical power to relieve you from your exhaustion
“its just that i had to do a heck ton of work today plus that colleague i told you about was being a total asshat too,” you groan, thinking about the extra work you had to finish up which was in fact not yours
“want some instant noodles to cheer you up?” he spoke louder from the kitchen as you shouted back with a relieved ‘yes’
the two of you end up at the dining table, slurping on the noodles seokmin called the Power Up Set
“slow down yn! you’re gonna choke if you keep inhaling it like that,” he chuckled, with a wide grin on his face
“but its super good! and i might have skipped out on lunch,” you sheepishly confessed, knowing the worry-filled questions that were to come your way
“you’re gonna fall sick if you dont take care of yourself. i told you i could send you takeaway if you were too busy,” he nagged, forgetting his own ball of noodles
while you on the other hand gave all your attention to your now soup bowl
“dont make me remind you about the gastric pains you got from not eating breakfast with me,” he glared
“but seokmin,,,,” you groaned 
“what’s your mother going to say when i dont keep up to my promise of taking care of you?????”
and youre not sure why but a sudden choice of words even take yourself aback
“then i can just move out and find an apartment asap,” 
maybe it had always been lingering at the back of your mind, that your presence in his life was becoming a burden for him
but when you look back at him and its not his usual teasing smile
it felt like maybe he did really want you to move out
“im done with dinner, im going to sle-”
“you’re going to move already?”
sounded like he looked forward to it, you thought to yourself
“but then who’s going to watch the final season with me?”
wait what
“who’s going to help me cook dinner and give me the best hugs when the day is too tiring? who’s going to help me laze around when its cleaning day? i never thought i would ever have the time to admit this but i really like you, yn. and your presence here amplified it so much i have no idea what to do with mys-”
you cut him off by squishing his cheeks, for him to look right back at you so that you could check if seokmin was just trying to cheer you up
but roommates dont say that they like you to cheer you up, do they?
“are you going to slap me or kiss me i-”
“just hush already,” 
your lips collided with his, making your knees weak from the contact while he wrapped his arms around your waist
once the both of you pulled away, seokmin began laughing so loud out of happiness, nuzzling his head into the crook of your neck
“so does that mean i can still laze around during cleaning day?”
“of course not, i was just trying to tempt you, you adorable dork,”
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mosquitotoes · 5 years
What Makes a Family
Chapter 4: Introductions- Part 2 Three hours later they were headed to Bobby’s. “Hey, Dad, can I give Brooke a french fry?” Sam asked, munching on his chicken nuggets. John looked at him in the rearview mirror as he turned down a street “Put a little bit on her lip. Make sure it’s cooled off before you do it.” He instructed. Sam nodded and grabbed a fry from the bag, breaking it in half. “Here you go, sissy” He smiled, putting a tiny piece on her bottom lip. As soon as Brooke got it in her mouth she cooed happily, giving Sam a toothless grin. “I think she likes it, Dad.” Dean chuckled, looking down at her. John smiled slightly, glad that his boys took so well to their little sister. Another three hours later they were pulling into Bobby’s driveway “Alright, boys, get your stuff out along with the formula and the diapers.” John instructed. The boys nodded “Yes, sir” they said in unison, grabbing the bags and getting out of the Impala once he parked behind Bobby’s truck. There was a two-year-old Rottweiler puppy chained up in the yard “Hiya, Rumsfeld!” Sam exclaimed, kneeling down to the yipping puppy while Dean made his way to the porch. The eight-year-old desperately wanted a dog but John always told him no because of his line of work; which Sam didn’t get. What was so dangerous about being a traveling salesman? Bobby opened the door with a four-year-old girl on his hip “Finally, you’we hewe!” She exclaimed, throwing her hands up in celebration. Bobby chuckled as John made his way up the stairs “Shouldn’t you be in bed, Vanessa?” He asked, ruffling her hair as he walked into the house with Dean. “She heard about y’all coming so I let her stay up,” Bobby explained, setting Vanessa down. “Who that?” The three-year-old asked, pointing to the bassinet in John’s hand. “This would be Sam and Dean’s little sister, Brooke,” He said, setting down on the coffee table. “I hold Wooke?” She asked, toddling over to the couch. John nodded “Yeah. Dean, show Vanessa how while I talk to Bobby.” He instructed, turning to look out the front door “Samuel, leave the dog alone and get inside” He said sternly. “Yes, sir” Sam said, putting Rumsfeld down and walking inside with the diaper bag. John headed into the kitchen with Bobby, shutting the big double doors “Alright, so what are we looking at?” He asked After going over the witness reports and the evidence they concluded it was one or two vampires. Nothing they couldn’t handle by themselves. “Alright let’s go.” Bobby said, putting the last stake into his duffle. “Hey, before we go I need to show you something.” John said, pulling the letter from his jacket pocket and handing it to Bobby. His friend took it from him and started reading it’s contents. “John, you have got to tell the boys” Bobby said, looking at him. “Why?” He asked, taking the letter back and putting in his pocket. “Because they deserve to know. This isn’t something you need to keep from ‘em.” Bobby reasoned. “Sam doesn’t even know about what we do, Bobby. This is a secret that stays between us.” John said, grabbing the bag off of the table. “And what if they find out?” Bobby asked, crossing his arms. “They won’t. The only way they’d find out is if we went to Hawaii, which will never happen. Now let’s get going.” John said, opening the double doors and walking out. Bobby shook his head and sighed before walking out behind him. “Alright, Nessa, I gotta go with Uncle John so come give your pops a hug.” He said, kneeling down to her height. Dean gently took Brooke from her so she could get off the couch. Once she got down she ran straight into Bobby’s arms, putting her little arms around his neck. “Love you, Daddy” She grinned, kissing his cheek. Bobby smiled, rubbing her back gently “Love you, too, kiddo.” He said, kissing her head. Vanessa looked so much like her mom, Karen, except her hair was a little bit of a darker blonde. The girl’s mother had died when she was one so she didn’t remember her very well aside from the pictures Bobby had shown her. Bobby stood back up as Vanessa toddled her way to the couch “Dean, do you mind putting her to bed?” He asked, nodding to Vanessa. “Course he doesn’t, Bobby. Behave you two” John butted in, pointing to the boys before walking out the front door. Bobby shook his head at John and turned back to Dean “Thanks in advance, kiddo. If you kids get hungry there’s some leftovers in the in the fridge. I’ll see y’all later.” He said, walking out the door and to the Impala. Once he was in the car John backed out of the driveway and drove off. Dean picked Vanessa up off the couch “C’mon, squirt, let’s get you to bed.” He said, heading to the stairs. “Wookie come too?” Vanessa asked as they headed up to her room. “I gotta feed her first but when she’s done I’ll bring her up” He promised, opening her bedroom door. “Otay.” She grinned as Dean laid her on her blue race car bed “Can I have a stowy?” Dean smiled, tucking her in “Sure. What do you wanna hear?” He asked, sitting on the side of the bed. John parked behind some trees that were in the back of a run-down cabin where they tracked down the two vampires. “You know the plan, right?” He asked, cutting off the engine and looking at Bobby. His friend nodded “Yup I make a distraction and you go in from the back door.” He said, getting out and shutting the door quietly. John got out and went to the trunk, grabbing two machetes once he opened it. Bobby took one from him and put it to the back of his belt. “Ready to roll?” He asked as John shut the trunk quietly. The latter nodded “Yeah, let’s go.” Bobby headed toward the front of the cabin and knocked on the door while John made his way toward the back door noiselessly. After Bobby knocked the door opened to reveal a young woman around her early twenties with medium blonde hair and brown eyes “Can I help you?” She asked. Bobby smiled politely at her “Sorry to bother you, ma’am, but my car ran outta gas and I was wondering if you could give me a ride to the nearest gas station.” Before John could get close enough to put his hand on the doorknob the door flung open and a man charged him, shoving him into the tree. The impact caused the tree to shake and prompted him to drop his machete. “Thought you could get the drop on us, did ya, John?” He grinned as his fangs dropped from his gums. John couldn’t help but wonder how they knew they were coming since it couldn’t have been the men’s scent. They had dusted themselves with a scent-blocking mixture before they left. The vampire started leaning over toward the side of John’s neck, not budging no matter how much John fought him. All of the sudden the vampire’s head was chopped off and his body fell. The man leaned down to catch his breath, putting his hands on his knees. “Are you alright?” A woman’s voice with a slight Spanish accent asked, putting her hand on John’s shoulder. He nodded, looking up to see a middle aged woman of Spanish descent. “Yeah. Yeah, I think so. Thanks.” The woman smiled “No problem. Let’s go see if they need any back up” She said, nodding to the cabin. They both headed to the front after John grabbed his weapon. Once they got there they saw Bobby and Martin Creaser, another one of John’s friends, talking. Martin turned to look at them “I see you’ve met Estella” He smiled. “Yup. She killed the one that had me pinned to the tree. I think he was the leader” John nodded. “He is by the looks of it. Seems like it was the beginning of a nest.” Bobby said, moving away from the door to reveal four decapitated including the blonde woman. “How in the hell did they know we were coming?” John asked, looking inside. “Well, that fella over there is the store owner I spoke with yesterday” Bobby said, pointing to a dead vamp in the corner. “My guess is that this was supposed to be a trap.” John shook his head “It’s a good thing we had surprise backup. Alright, let’s light this thing up. Estella, do you mind taking care of the one by the tree?” He asked, looking at her. Estella nodded “On it.” She said, grabbing a can of gas and heading off to the back of the while the others salted the bodies and put gas on the house. Once she was by the body she looked to see if any of the men could see her. Thankful she wasn’t being watched the woman poured some salt and gasoline on her hands, rubbing them together. Estella then put her hands out to the body, watching the flame flow from them as the body burned along with the cabin. Happy with her work the woman pulled her hands away and put them together, cleaning them of the mixture she made. Estella grabbed the can and headed back to where the men stood “All done.” She said, setting the can down with the others. “Great. Hey how about we all go back to my house and I’ll fix up somethin’ for us?” Bobby asked. They all agreed and headed back to their own cars, following John’s Impala as they drove. Soon they were pulling up in Bobby’s driveway. Bobby unlocked and opened the door “We’re home, kiddos!” He called out, shutting the door after everyone walked in. “We’ll be right down!” Came Dean’s voice upstairs. “Alright we’re making burgers and fries” Bobby replied, putting his keys on the rack “Do y’all mind making them while John and I grill?” He asked. Martin and Estella nodded “Of course not. You’re feeding us the least we could do is help.” The woman smiled. Bobby smiled back “C’mon, I’ll show y’all where the potatoes are.” He said, walking off with them to the kitchen. John waited for the kids to come down. Sam came down first, holding Vanessa’s free hand since they both held bowls of macaroni, then came Dean holding Brooke while Rumsfeld happily followed behind them. “Sam take your sister and Vanessa to the kitchen to see if Uncle Bobby needs any help.” John said. The boy nodded, letting go of Vanessa’s hand and taking Brooke gently “Yes sir” He said, heading to the kitchen with Vanessa in tow. John looked at Dean “I want to speak with you outside.” He said, opening the door. Dean walked out with John behind, feeling a little nervous. The man shut the door and turned to his son “Why weren’t you keeping watch?” He asked, crossing his arms. Dean looked up at him “I wanted to keep Sam and Vanessa entertained, da-sir.” John shook his head “You know the rules, son. It doesn’t matter if you saw us from the window. I’ve told you about shifters, haven’t I? Do you want to get your siblings and Vanessa killed? Do you want that on your head?” He was in his face much like a drill sergeant would be. Tears threatened to fall from the twelve year olds candy apple green eyes but he didn’t let them fall “No, sir. I’m sorry” He said, his lip quivering. That killed John. He hated being tough with them like this but they had to learn. “Do ten laps around the perimeter then come inside. You can have your burger when you’re done since you already ate with Sam and Vanessa.” John said, turning him around pushing him lightly to get him going. Dean started running as fast as he could. Truth was he didn’t eat with Sam and Vanessa. There was only enough for two bowls so he gave it to them. Dean pushed himself, ignoring the hunger pangs and hoping John would be proud. About a twenty minutes later Dean was sitting on the porch taking a quick break. He jumped up when he heard the door open. “It’s alright it’s just me” a woman’s voice said. Turning around Dean saw Estella holding his plate of food and a root beer. “Sit back down and I’ll hand you your burger and soda.” She said, handing them to him once he did. “Thank you, ma’am” Dean smiled, taking a big bite out of his burger. “No problem and don’t call me ma’am, call me Estella” The woman said, smiling back at him. Dean nodded, munching happily on his burger “Okay Miss Estella.” She chuckled “Mind if I sit with you?” Dean shook his head “Of course not” He said, sitting down on the porch steps with her and looked at her “Miss Estella did you grow up in Hunting, too?” He asked, opening his can of soda. Estella looked at him and nodded “Yup. I grew up in a family of Hunters in Spain.” Dean took a swig “Was it hard?” The woman nodded “For awhile until we immigrated to Seligman, Arizona when I was your age but I think it’s different for everyone.” “How was it different for you?” The boy asked, munching on some fries. “My father had a cabin built.” She explained and told him about how her father had more cabins built for other Hunters to rent and now she runs the whole thing. “Really? That’s cool” He said, finishing his food and drink. “Hand me your stuff and wait a few minutes to come in” She advised, standing up. Dean stood up and handed his stuff over “But I didn’t finish my punishment” He pointed out. 
Estella waved her hand “What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him” She smiled, winking at him and walking inside. Dean concluded that Estella was just about the coolest person he had ever met besides Bobby. But what he didn’t was that John sent her out there when he found out he hadn’t eaten anything. When he walked into the house he was greeted by Bobby “Thank you for watching Vanessa for me, Dean. I appreciate it.” The man smiled, holding out his hand for the boy to shake. Dean smiled, taking his hand and shaking it “No problem, Uncle Bobby.”
The boy looked down at his hand when they pulled away and saw a crisp twenty dollar bill. “Thanks, Uncle Bobby” Dean said, grinning up at him and putting it in his jeans pocket. The former smiled, nodding “Don’t mention it, kiddo.” He said, patting him on the shoulder. The man always did this kinda thing whenever they were over. But a lot of the time the money ended up going to food and other essentials so the boys didn’t get a chance to spend it on what they wanted.
Sam ran into the room “De, Dad said get packed so we can get going.” He informed his older brother. Bobby turned to look at the middle Winchester “Before y’all do that I wanna get some pictures of y’all.” He said, grabbing a camera off his desk and heading to the living room. Both boys followed the older hunter. “Why aren’t you boys getting packed?” John asked as he held Brooke. “Because I want some pictures” Bobby replied “Sam, you take Brooke and sit next to your Dad. Dean, put Vanessa in your lap and sit on the other side” He instructed. “Make sure I get copies” John requested as the boys sat on either side of him. Bobby nodded, taking a picture once John out his arms around his boys.
After he got the pictures he wanted the boys went to get their stuff. Estella walked over to John as he put Brooke in her bassinet “Stop by if you’re ever in Arizona and need a place to stay.” She smiled, handing him a business card. John took it from her and looked it over. 
On it was the name of Abaroa Cabins, est. 1960, 916 Clarksburg Park Road. Abaroa is Spanish for ‘refuge’ and is also Estella’s last name. The man looked at her and smiled, putting the card in his jacket pocket “Thank you, Estella” He said as the boys came back from packing up. Estella smiled back “No problem.” She said, looking over at Sam and Dean “You boys need any help?” Sam nodded “Yes ma’am, do you mind carrying the formula out?”
Once they got everything in the Impala the boys told Bobby, Estella and Vanessa bye. “I come with?” Vanessa asked, toddling up to the car. John looked down at her “Fraid not, kiddo.” He said, ruffling her hair “We’ll come back though, okay?” Vanessa nodded, smiling “Otay, Unca John” She said, toddling back to Bobby. John chuckled, getting into the Impala and starting the engine. The boys waved at them as John back out of the driveway. By the time they reached a motel it was dark and the boys were exhausted. John looked at them “You two stay here while I go get a room.” He said, opening the door. The boys nodded “Yes, sir” they said in unison.
John shut the door and headed to the lobby “Sammy, will you feed Brooke?” Dean asked. Sam nodded “Sure, but I’m not burping her” He replied, opening the cooler and grabbing a full bottle. Dean chuckled “Deal” He said, picking his little sister up from the bassinet. Their dad came back just as Brooke was handed to Sam “I’ll feed her just grab your stuff and follow me.” He said, taking the bottle and Brooke from him gently. Grabbing their stuff the boys followed John up to the second floor. He opened the door “Go ahead and get ready for bed, you two.” He said, shutting and locking the door. “Need help with Brooke, Dad?” Dean asked as he headed into the kitchenette. John shook his head, putting the bottle on the stove top “No I got this. Get to bed. Night, kiddo” He said, heating the bottle up.
Dean nodded “Night, Dad” He replied, heading over to one of the beds. Both boys dropped off to sleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow. “Out like a light” John chuckled quietly, setting Brooke in the bassinet and getting the bottle with some tongs. Once it was cool enough to handle he tested it on his skin “Perfect. Ready to eat, babygirl?” He whispered, picking his daughter back up gently and heading over to the little loveseat. John chuckled as Brooke suckled on the bottle happily, guzzling it down “Was that good, sweetheart?” He asked, putting the bottle on the table once she was done. He put her to his chest and patted her back gently “Good job, angel. That was a big burp.” He praised, putting her back in the crook of his arm. Brooke cooed, squirming around a little. “Not tired yet? Even with your full belly?” He smiled, poking her tummy gently and making her giggle.
“How about if I sing to ya? Would that help?” He asked, booping her nose gently. “Alright here goes nothin’, darlin’.” He said, clearing his throat a little and starting to sing Songbird by Fleetwood Mac. In all honestly he was pretty good. His bass baritone voice was soothing to the ear.
“For you, there'll be no more crying. For you, the sun will be shining. And I feel that when I'm with you, It's alright, I know it's right. To you, I'll give the world. To you, I'll never be cold. 'Cause I feel that when I'm with you, It's alright, I know it's right. And the songbirds are singing, like they know the score. And I love you, I love you, I love you, like never before. And I wish you all the love in the world. But most of all, I wish it from myself. And the songbirds keep singing, like they know the score And I love you, I love you, I love you Like never before, like never before, like never before.”
Brooke was fast asleep by the time he finished singing. John smiled, kissing her little forehead “Night, darlin’.” He whispered, going to get so he could put her in the bassinet. Brooke stirred, opening her eyes slightly. “Looks like I’m sleeping here.” John said quietly, leaning back “But you’re definitely worth it” He smiled, shutting his eyes and holding Brooke close to his chest.
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where it all began
*part four*
you just lay in tommys arms for while.
“shit tommy im sorry i shouldnt have said anything” you jumped up awkwardly, “lets just forget about it ok its stupid” you began to walk away , tommy grabbed your arm, he just looked you in the eyes a nodded. 
Curly approached and tommy let go, “curly we will be back to check on the black mare and get that stable ready for that new one” tommy ordered. “new one, theres a new horse coming” you smiled, “if all goes well with this meeting today then yes there will be”, “tommy can i come and check the horse out sorry i shouldnt have asked” you hummed worried you had over stepped your mark, “its a business dealing ye so do as your told and only that right”. “yes sure as you wish” you smiled.
Few hours later you were sitting in tommys car waiting for tommy to round the boys up.
“ali what are you doing in tommys car” micheal looking confused, “dont look so confused my dear michael im coming with” you smiled, “with the boys to the meeting but why these meetings can be dangerous ali”, “oh relax ill be fine it will give us time to catch up” you smiled, “ali im serious” clenching his jaw , “ive no doubt you that you are” we smiled “come on” ....
.before you could finish you saw the boys heading towards the car.
“tommy why is ali coming” michael spat. “for the horse michael thats all” “for the horse sure” arthur said amused with himself, “i heard he is arranging a marriage to one of the lee boys for you” john laughed. “the big bald fella with the four kids arthur joined he as four kids so least you know he can perform” arthur spat. michael looked more worried then you did “tommy there joking right” michael laughed. no not atal its the only way i could get the horse she be well looked after michael dont be worried, tommy said serious. 
michael looking at you. “i always wanted kids you joined do love a bald man”you laughed. “its a joke michael before you have a heart attack” you laughed, “it is a joke tommy”you looked at him , “of course what kind of a man do you think i am” he hummed “you had no problem marrying me off” john smiled was only trying to get rid of you arthur laughed. 
we pulled up to a huge camp site horses and caravans were everywhere , the smell of the countryside sparked something inside you.
“theres your husband ali” john laughed pointing to a bald fat man.
oh yum you laughed.
“enough boys time for business” tommys face changed. 
“ali you stay in the car till your told otherwise ok”? you just nodded.
A small man came towards the car “ah boys” he began you couldnt hear alot you just watched there moves and made up your own story.
they spoke for what felt like forever until tommy turned towards the car a used his finger to signal you to come over.
you didnt know why but you felt nervous but you would be damned if you showed it to anyone.
you stopped beside michael and smiled at tommy.
“whats a women know about horses” the man spat at tommy, “alot more than you would think now lets get on with it” tommy spat back, a beautiful grey horse came around from behind the van, shes a beauty tommy” the man smiled. “ill decide that myself” tommy smiled, ali your up tommy hummed.
“hey girl easy” you hummed, you started at the hoofs and checked every inch of that horse from tail to mane leaving notting unseen, “she is in good condition , teeth look good” , “hoofs need some oil and new shoes there fairly old other than that notting some attention wont fix” you smiled, “michael give me a leg up you ordered “you jumped on the horse ,”easy girl “ you did what you needed, your legs hit the ground.. “nice strong horse” you hummed,”up to you” tommy you smiled , you shook the lee mans hand “its ailson robertson by the way ill be in the car boys”you winked walking away. you heard the boys smirk as you left.
you could still see the boys discussion with the lee family , you could see tommy getting angry and the boys all started to step towards the other boys right in front of you a fight broke out blood and screams came from everywhere,  shit you hid down on the back sit the boys stopped, the main lee brother and tommy came close to each other something was said and the boys came towards the car.
“what the hell was that about jesus” you spat, no one spoke at all.
after a long quiet drive home the boys walked into the shelby home.
“what the fuck happened tommy”?polly looking cross, “just a disagreement is all” “are you trying to start a fucking war tommy eh cause thats whats gonna happen if you keep doing this you know that”polly spat sit down all of you, “GIRLS”polly shouted lets get this idiots cleaned up, you ok michael you smiled , “lovely thanks” he giggled, “its gonna hurt”you said wiping his face, “ugh” he tensed, 
after everyone looked good again, 
“i have to go back to the office”, “ill come too michael ive things to finsh” you sang.
the walk to the office was just like the old days you and michael linked laughing about something that wasnt funny but to you both it was and thats what mattered.
“who knew this is where we would end up” you laughed pushing the door into the office, “hey michael did you know my best friend is a gangster now” you mocked , “the biggest and baddest “he spat back you grabbed his cheeks “ oh darling with this face it wont work your too cute “you laughed walking to your desk, “im hurt” he laughed. 
“im bored michael lets doing something tonight” you smiled sitting on his desk, “what do you have in mind ali?” “anything even just the garrson” you laughed, Just the garrsion im offended thats home he smiled, “well can we” you poked him playfully  “of course anything you want my love” he laughed he began tickling you like the too big kids you are “stop” you sang laughing so hard “stop”.. 
“do you too want piracy” tommy spat his eyes were dark walking into his office, once he closed his door you both started laughing like to bold children.
alison tommy sang out, “here we go” you smiled at michael, “yes sir “you closed the door sitting down, “this is a place of work so no more of that” he spat , “tommy we were only having a laugh ok no one was here”, “not the point” he looked angry clenching his jaw, “ok sorry ill be on my best behavior sir you spat is that all” you looked at him with attitude , “your not kids anymore alison”, “id rather be like a kid instead of a boring old man who doesnt know how to have fun now that will be all im off home ive to get ready for tonight” you spat , “tonight?” “michael and i are going out to have fun i would invite you but i guess fun not your thing” you smiled and walked away.
“hey poll” you smiled, “ill make you tea”she smiled.
“how are you finding life here ali?”, “its different from the country thats for sure but i like the feeling of family here ive never been apart of such a big home before” you smiled, “what was your family like “poll asked smiling , you hesitated “eh we had a small house with alot of stables my father trained racehorses before he found love for the drink and my mother wasnt much better” you smiled “michaels family was more my family”you said.
what was michaels family like his childhood she looked upset,
“his mother was called angie she was such a lovely person always happy , thought him everything and made him the gentleman he is and his father wasnt around much he worked but he was a quiet man when he was around”,you smiled. 
“you know he always talked about you poll we used to guess who you were you”said smiling, “for awhile there we thought you were a superhero” then there was a maid and then we guessed the teacher miss emma but your much better than we could have guessed “you smiled , a tear fell from her eye “god i missed him so much” , “your making up for it now he loves you and all the shelbys” you hugged her. “im so glad he had you ali to look after him you know that” poll said, “im the lucky one poll i wouldnt have made it here if it wasnt for him” you smiled
*the kitchen door opened*
jesus speak of the devil and he shall appear you laughed. lord what have i done michael laughed,” i was just telling storys on you that all” you giggled ,” dont believe her mother shes a liar” he hummed shut up you punching him in the arm, “where did you disappear to” michael asked, “had a agrument with tommy needed time to cool down also i need to get ready for tonight” you smiled.
“that man will never learn” poll laughed “he needs a good women like you to keep him on your feet “she said, oh lord id kill him you spat , “poll what was tommy like before the war ? “you hummed , “he was peaceful , always smilling and softer” , “he is still there just takes time to find him she smiled a good few wiskeys “she laughed” that will do the trick “she smiled. “enough taking you get ready “michael pushed you out the door “you know how long it takes you “he laughed.
*after a while you were ready* 
“ali will you come on the boys are waiting “michael shouted “im coming will yeah calm down “you spat walking down the stairs.
.you wore the most beautiful red dress which looked perfect on your pale skin and hugged you body like a glove and you blonde hair hung in long curls , the red made your bright green eyes shine. 
none of the boys spoke , you could feel tommys eyes watching your every move.
“well are we going “ you smiled, “you now were only going to the garrison right” michael mocked “shut up you never know my future man could be there tonight” you laughed” lets go”. 
you and michael walked ahead of the boys linked and laughing as always, you didnt realise that when you walked into the garrsion the whole pub went quiet,“whats everyone starring at “ you asked michael, “you” he smiled.
*after a few hours*
you, ada and polly where dancing on a table laughing about everything , more drink arthur shouted ,”thank you arthur your a dear” you kissed his cheek, you had felt tommy’s eyes following you all night , you sat down beside tommy crossing your legs so your legs would be on show, you not dance tommy you laughed not drunk enough he hummed, “you look beautiful tonight ali” he whispered in your ear the feeling off tommys breath againt your ear made you jump.
“your not bad yourself mr shelby” you giggled, “can i have this dance” a strange man asked from behind “of course mr shelby if thats ok” he smiled , tommy clenched his jaw and nodded “its up to the lady” , “well no other man will dance so why not “ you smiled,
 as the night went on the room started to spin, “i need to sit down “you moved away from the man he grabbed you arm “cant dance with me all teasing me all night and just leave it” pulled you close , “no thank you i was dancing thats all now get off me” you shoved him back and he came towards you and without thinking you punched him” i said no now fuck off “you spat , you felt arms grab your waist it was tommy “everything ok” you said looking at the man “now get out “he spat 
“you can keep the whore” the man spat back tommys jaw clenched together and you stood infront of him “tommy please just leave it dance with me” you said smiling puttng your head on his chest , 
“your not a whore ali your much more than that “he smiled “your my assistant” he laughed amused with himself did i just see Mr thomas shelby laugh its a miracle you smiled. 
the walk home was werid you linked tommy laughing with him and michael was attached to some other girl.
“goodnight michael enjoy you laughed to yourself wear protection” you shouted, “night beautiful“ he sang back, “you and michael have always been this close” tommy asked pourin himself another drink, “always and i hope we always will be i wouldnt be here without him” you smiled.
im glad you found him tommy., maybe a bit selfish because im glad i got away with him you smiled, it makes poll happy thats all ive ever wanted he smiled, i better go to bed my boss wont like me late tomorrow you laughed , me too he followed you up goodnight tommy you smiled kissing his cheek.
Took you awhile to get into your night clothes the room was spinning to much you fell over laughing and there was a knock on your door.
“come in” you said not able to get off the bed, “you ok i heard a bang” tommy smiled , “im fine just feel over room moving to fast” you laughed , here let me help you into bed he pulled you up the bed, “thank you tommy” you smiled” i dont drink often” you giggled “i see that” he smiled, 
you could see him staring at your scars just under your hips, “stop dont look at them” you covered them feeling embrassed , “how did you get them ali” he looked angry , “there from my childhood” you sang “my wonderful father and his riding whip” you looked away “anytime i would say no” you said. “fuck ali your save now noone will ever touch you again you hear now go to sleep” , he stood up placing a kiss on your forehead “goodnight beautiful” , your snores filled the room.
i love this part so much im not an actual writer but i do my best i would love feedback so please do give me some i hope you all enjoy my storys half as much as i do xx 
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evswiftie · 7 years
Full breakdown on how I relate look what you made me do to all the past times I've been sexually assaulted
" I don't like your little games" -When I was 11 and swimming in the public pool at the YMCA and this 30 year old man asked if he could play with me in the pool and pick me up and throw me in the water but he "had to touch me here first (he digitally raped me) ( I didnt even know what a Vagina is or does as that age) -When I was 12 and my dads best friend who lived in my house would tell my parents he would watch after me when they went out but instead forcibly touched me and made me touch him. And he would bang on my bedroom door when I was pressing up against it shut because it didn't have a lock, he would offer me to play outside with him on my trampoline just so he could be on top of me and suck in my nipples again but I screamed to leave me alone. When the guy in sophomore year of high school who I had my first real big crush on told me I could trust him so I told him all about my life and he was my first kiss but then right after, he threw me on the ground grabbed my hand and made me give him a hand job and then went around school taunting me by mocking me with my secrets I told him and told people I was a slut. And he call me during the middle of the night threatening that if I didn't send him nudes he would make worse rumors and spread them around. When the 20 year old guy who took my virginity from me raped me when I was 16 tried to email me, text me and follow me on Instagram as if time passing had changed everything. BITCH DONT TALK TO ME. When the guy who molested me outside of a bar gave me the excuse the next day that he was to drunk to know what he was doing even though I saw him get in his car and drive away and text me that night he made it home safe. IF YOURE SOBER ENOUGH TO DRIVE YOURE SOBER ENOUGH TO NOT SEXUALLY MOLEST SOMEONE WHO IS TO INTOXICATED TO STAND STRAIGHT. " I don't like your tilted stage " AKA an uneven playing field. When the guy who "had to" digitally rape me in the YMCA swimming pool knew i was to young to know what was happening to me and I was easy to listen to adults so he told me not tell anyone so I stayed quiet about it until I was 17. -When the guy who was my dads best friend knew I was a caring kid and wouldnt tell anyone so my dad wouldn't loose a friend so he took advantage of me. And when I finally told my dad and he made his friend come to the house to confront him DUDE WAS SPEAKING 100% Spanish so I couldnt know what he was saying against me. -When the guy I trusted in high school majorly taunted me outside school and was so sneaky about how he did on school grounds so he wouldnt get in trouble -When the guy who raped me at age 16 asked me if i was ready and I said "I dont know, I think I am" but he was controlling and forceful and went on top of me and I hated it and was to scared to run away or tell him to get off me. -When the guy who molested me outside the bar did it where no one could see and theres not cameras so there was no proof and he apologized the next day. "The role you made me play, of the fool, no I dont like you" All of these people made me play the delusional crazy girl whose making shit up for attention " i don't like your perfect crime, How you laugh when you lie -When I was tired of staying silent for ten years so I finally decided to report something horrible happening to me , at the age of 22 sobbing in the car feeling worthless and like nothing but a sex toy, like my feelings dont matter because all Ill ever be is my body and nothing more, I picked up the phone and called the police, they told me that because I was talking to the guy in the bar before him molesting me he probably thought I wanted it so they told me I should accept his apology. They told me that because I cant remember because I was to intoxicated to remember clearly if he forcibly grabbed my hand and put it down his pants or if I put my hands down there it doesn't even count as sexual assault. Even tho I KNO I was screaming to get out. "You said the gun was mine, isn't cool, no, I don't like you"(oh!) They always tell you to report things but then when you do they dont do anything to help "But I got smarter, I got harder in the nick of time, Honey, I rose up from the dead, I do it all the time" -After being denied of reporting my most recent sexual assault I was in hysterics sobbing in my car realizing that anyone can do anything they want to me and feel like such a low life and absolutely nothing and get away with it. Snot and tears were everywhere and I was messaging my friends saying I cant live like this anymore, whats the point? When Im just going to be tossed from guy to guy simply for their pleasure while they take my dignity from me, when all I get is cat called and harassed and pressured to give myself to them I lifted my head up and realize that if 22 year old erica can't get justice then 11year -16 year old Erica can, NO MATTER what those abusers say to deny it or beat around the bush they WILL go fucking down because I was a MINOR. And theyre not getting out of it with that crime "I've got a list of names and yours is in red, underlined" -after realizing im gonna come for blood I picked up the phone and called up the police dept and said I'm reporting a sexual assault from 10 years ago and this was at midnight when the police showed up at my house to get a written statement and proceeded to list off every other time I was sexually assaulted . To which the officer accused me of "cop shopping" BITCH YEA. Because I didn't get what I wanted from the first one. BITCH YOU RIGHT IM GONNA KEEP REPORTING IT UNTIL SOMEONE LISTENS. "I check it once, then I check it twice, oh" -Did they really sexually assault me if I didnt scream "no" and "rape" and push and shove my way out ? Yes okay ! Just gotta double check I know what happened to me before others tell me over exaggerating! "Ooh, look what you made me Look what you made me do Look what you just made me Look what you just made me Ooh, look what you made me Look what you made me do Look what you just made me Look what you just made me do" -the next morning after listing off these names to the rude police officer I slept until noon, got up in my grown up boss ass outfit, got in my red buggy and zoomed to the YMCA with my sunglasses feeling like a bad ass scene from a movie, I catwalked into the YMCA to the chorus of LOOK WHAT YOU MADE ME DO and I said I need to see a manager and report an incident then that manager came over and I told her everything that happened in that public pool to me and she was dumb founded because they have a "no tolerance policy" "I don't like your kingdom keys, they once belonged to me, you asked me for a place, locked me out then threw a feast (WHAT?!)" -Every single one of these manipulating sexual abusers have affected me in so many ways for the rest of my life. I went to couseling in high school and my recent new Doctor , those two told me that a lot of how I act, talk and think has to do with the after affects and symptoms of being sexually abused and that a portion in my FUCKING BRAIN paused on developing and has a fog over it and cant pay attention to things and I am easily forgetful and space out way more often than the normal person. I DONT LIKE HOW THESE SICK FUCKS HAVE THE KEYS TO THE PERSON I AM TODAY. I don't like that the like psychos who molested me when I was a pre teen took something from me I never had,finding myself at such a crucial age and my confidence I had as a kid. "The world moves on, another day, another drama, drama." While I've been in the deep state of depression and feeling empty I stand there and notice how everyone else lives goes on and theyre happy mean while Im dead on the inside "But not for me, not for me, all I think about is karma" -But while Im standing there feeling like everyone can just pretend like it never happened to me even when I told them , I cant help but think of the the sexual abusers getting put in jail or getting their lives taken away from them because they deserve that. "And then the world moves on, but one things for sure Maybe I got mine, but you all get yours" -Maybe for now my karma for trying to go out for fun was to be molested by a boy ll be punished for what you did. " I don't trust nobody and nobody trusts me be the actress starring in your bad dreams I dont trust nobody and nobody trusts me" -when the boy in high school spread all these awful rumors about me and showed the nudes I sent him (because he threatened me) to his classes, I lost friends at school , no one wanted to talk to me and in return I was left being fearful for the rest of my life that anyone could leave me at any moment. .. " I don't trust nobody" -I turned to all the people whose ever told me " I'll be there for you if you ever need anything "but when that something i need is to tell someone about how I was sexually assaulted they tell everything except things that will actually lift my soul up and make me feel better but no one cares enough to actually check up on me after hearing a horrible traumatic thing happening to me because I don't have the energy to come to people myself every day and come forward on how low I feel. I had people tell me to "just go home" when I'd call them up sobbing in my car and ask them if I could come over for them to comfort me. I've had people literally leave me because I confronted them about only sending me a sad face or "I'm sorry" and nothing more. LIKE. MAYBE SEND ME THE CLEAN SOEECH IDK. I'm desperate to hear some words of encouragement but no people HATE confrontation So much they'll just leave me instead of owning up and offering me anything more then a sad face through a text and their sympathy. "I'll be the actress starring in your bad dreams" -Im coming for revenge , I'm gonna make you pay for what you did to me so I'll be in your nightmares "I'm sorry the old Erica can't come to the phone right now, why? OH , cuz she's dead" It's been months since I was sexually assaulted last and the scared old fragile me is dead and I'm becoming this new fierce woman who protects myself. I have two open sexual assault cases open right now and I'm looking for mental health help and okay, I'm overly distracted , it's like there's this fog over my mind and I can't see or think clearly and it's affecting my every day life, I can't do well at work and when I'm in a normal conversation , and cry myself to sleep when I feel worthless. But I've found time can heal most anything. P.s Taylor I admire you so much for defending yourself during your sexual assault trial, I heard you got sassy.. I would have to... it's pretty annoying when you have to relive the incident numerous amount of times and people don't believe you so you have to say it over and over again until you just start to cry because you just want justice. My parents didn't report to the police about the guy who was my dads best friend touching me when I was 12 because they knew all the interviews and questions I would be asked and they didn't want me to relive it m, I was 12 and scared..... 10 years later I got the guts to do but only because i can't live like his anymore unneeded something to matter so i went for justice, I had a interview for a detective and police man in an office in the police station, it was video recorded and everything, they asked me about every little detail of all the 4 times he molested me, it was awful and I cried so much during the whole thing I told them how he took something away from me I never really had as a 12 year old.. my confidence and finding who I am. And saying that out loud made me cry even more but I felt like it was necessary to say so they could believe me and see how much he hurt me. They said it's going to take a long to time to be able to find the him and when they do I need to be prepared for him to deny it and if so we might go to court. I Do NOT have the money for that at all but taylor, I heard you are donating to foundations that help girls defend themselves and I might have to use that and in SO BEYOND THANKFUL. For those foundations and for you helping out. They thanked me for my time and as the detective walked me out to the the main door she said " maybe you'll be able to inspire other girls and let them know it's never to late to report it" and in that moment I felt so inspired... now I feel SO passionate about being a mental health advocate, I have my AA degree so I'll be going back to college and get my psychology degree. I'm gonna kick ass. P.s.s I'm sorry if this post triggered anyone with anything I talked about but I really wanted to let taylor know how I relate to her music P.s.s Taylor i am SO sorry for what you had to go through being sexually assaulted, it really does turn a light off on your personality and I wish I could just take all your pain away, you have been there for me through EVERYTHING and I just want to be there for you and hold your hands through every step . @taylorswift
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curlyshepards · 7 years
LITERALLY i want all of them for curly shepard
What does their bedroom look like?
idk why i’m such a firm believer of this BUT: tim and curly share a room, so typically half of it is clean and the other half (curly’s half) is a fucking mess all the time
Do they have any daily rituals?
every day for lunch at school him & his friends just go under the bleachers and drink. unfortunately curly has no limits so when lunch is over he usually just ends up ditching the rest of the day to go continue drinking somewhere else
Do they exercise, and if so, what do they do? How often?
he doesn’t make a conscience effort to exercise, but he walks basically everywhere when tim has the car. so he’s in pretty good shape bc of that & bc of fighting
What would they do if they needed to make dinner but the kitchen was busy?
curly has never made dinner a day in his life and will never make an attempt to nor does anyone want him to. if theres nothing already made at the house he’ll either just go without or go to the diner
Cleanliness habits (personal, workspace, etc.)
he’s a generally messy person, but he takes pride in his looks so he takes care of himself. he’s always clean shaven and smells really good. his room, however, is a disaster scene
Eating habits and sample daily menu
usually not awake for breakfast, and for lunch he’ll scrap up whatever he can find in his house (probably ends up being a sandwich or cereal) and for dinner he’ll follow tim somewhere and make him buy him dinner. he loves eating at the diner and never underestimate his ability to eat breakfast meals at 11 o clock at night
Favorite way to waste time and feelings surrounding wasting time
his sole reason for going to school is to waste time (thats what he tells everyone at least but its rlly because tim will not let him drop out) but if hes not in school then he’s probably just walking around his neighborhood w/ his friends or hanging out at the strip trynna start fights
Favorite indulgence and feelings surrounding indulging
dont.....really know what this means. all im thinkin about is that chocolate stuff. but he likes chocolate so lets go with that. he could eat 50 kit kats in a row, probably
makeup sex? absolutely. he’ll start a fight with his boo just for the sex
Neuroses? Do they recognize them as such?
i honestly dont see him having a mental illness
Intellectual pursuits?
intellectual isn’t really his thing. BUT  i can see him really liking labs and stuff
Favorite book genre?
he hATES reading, but mostly because he’‘s dyslexic and he was brought up thinking that he was dumb bc he had trouble reading. ponyboy is the one that ends up helping him, though, and sometimes he’ll read to curly (action books bc they’re the only ones that’ll keep curly’s attention. there are numerous times he regrets the decision bc curly cant keep quiet for more than a few minutes.)
Sexual Orientation? And, regardless of own orientation, thoughts on sexual orientation in general?
(i can already see the purly supporters @’ing me yikes) but PERSONALLY i think he’s straight. idk what this means by thoughts on s.o. in general but im bisexual ??? idc about sexual orientation ??
Physical abnormalities? (Both visible and not, including injuries/disabilities, long-term illnesses, food-intolerances, etc.)
he’s got a lot of scars, mostly on his knuckles but a few up and down his arms. he’s deathly allergic to seafood but doesn’t care bc it looks gross to him anyway.
Biggest and smallest short term goal?
biggest: honestly just making it through another day is an achievement to him
smallest: he swears that one day he will beat sodapop curtis in a drag race
Biggest and smallest long term goal?
biggest: being as respected as tim is when he’s older
smallest: he will own a puppy at some point
Preferred mode of dress and rituals surrounding dress
white t-shirt, jeans, tennis shoes, and if its not too hot then a leather jacket. he hates jean jackets tho and WILL make fun of anyone who wears them
Favorite beverage?
beer. but also pepsi. hes weird.
What do they think about before falling asleep at night?
we’re about to get deep. on good nights he just thinks about his day. there’s never a boring time with him, so he’s always got a lot to think about. he could be thinking about a girl he’s met or just hooked up with, or about what his friends got into. on bad nights though, he thinks about his dad and how he never got to know him. he thinks about how maybe he’ll never be like tim, and he’ll never be the brother that angie falls back on (that doesn’t bother him as much as it should, but it still pops into his mind) the number one thing that keeps him awake is never amounting to the shepard name
Childhood illnesses? Any interesting stories behind them?
just stupidity. he broke a lot of bones, needed a lot of stitches, and was bed bound too many times to count. there was one incident that tim loves to tell: the first time curly got into a fight. the guy was two times bigger than curly, but he didn’t care. the fight was done in 5 minutes, and curly had his first broken nose
Turn-ons? Turn-offs?
turn ons: i can see him really liking outgoing girls/ girls that are upfront. also neck kisses, collarbone kisses, hair pulling, back scratching
turn offs: daddy kink (seriously, its gross, stop forcing this on my son. he already has enough daddy issues) but nothing else really he will do basically anything
Given a blank piece of paper, a pencil, and nothing to do, what would happen?
either a very crude & poorly done drawing or a sign that says “curly is the hottest shepard”
How organized are they? How does this organization/disorganization manifest in their everyday life?
he is NOT. it doesnt really bother him that hes disorganized, but it drives tim up the wall. he’s always getting onto curly for being a slob
Is there one subject of study that they excel at? Or do they even care about intellectual pursuits at all?
he doesn’t really care, but since he’s forced to go to school he might as well enjoy something, which ends up being the labs in science. he likes the dissections, mostly, but he thinks looking into the microscopes are cool too (mostly bc him and his friends make shapes out of the slides)
How do they see themselves 5 years from today?
alive, hopefully
Do they have any plans for the future? Any contingency plans if things don’t workout?
he kinda just takes it day by day and doesnt care about the future. hes a strong believer that things will fall into place if theyre supposed to happen
What is their biggest regret?
probably being too emotional and not toughening up enough when he was younger
Who do they see as their best friend? Their worst enemy?
SO this is an OC but his best friend is a guy in the gang named brian. his worst enemy is also in the gang and his name is jimmy and he fucking hates that kid.
Reaction to sudden extrapersonal disaster (eg The house is on fire! What do they do?)
he’s probably the one that caused the disaster, so he immediately tries to fix it on his own. which usually works, but it leaves a mess behind that he’ll attempt (and fail) to cover up. a few hours later he’ll get chewed out by tim.
Reaction to sudden intrapersonal disaster (eg close family member suddenly dies)
so lets say tim dies. tim is the only person that curly is really close to, because if there’s one thing that he learned from his brother it’s to never let anyone too close. but he always thought that tim would be there for him so he worshipped him. but ANYWAY tim dies and curly shuts down. i can honestly see him losing it bc tim was all curly ever knew, he was always there to fix the mess curly got himself in and now he’s just kinda alone in the world. he’d still have the gang, but they’d remind him too much of his brother, so he’d eventually cut ties with them. it’d take a major, new person to bring him out of his stump, and thats if he ever really brings himself back to normal
Most prized possession?
the hand-me-down leather jacket tim gave him
Thoughts on material possessions in general?
doesnt really care about them bc he doesnt have a lot. he likes the things with meaning, but couldnt care less about expensive & nice things
Concept of home and family?
hes VERY family oriented and a huge mama’s boy, but he hates his step dad. he’d do anything to protect angela and anything that tim asked him. family always comes first with him
Thoughts on privacy? (Are they a private person, or are they prone to ‘TMI’?)
it kinda depends. on his sexual life hes really TMI, but about emotions and family and secrets he’s really private. you could count on one hand the amount of people that he’s told private stuff to, and even then they don’t know the full story. i think the only people who would ever truly know him are tim and his significant other
What activities do they enjoy, but consider to be a waste of time?
football!! and hes actually good at it. tim never plays tho so the only time he gets to is with the curtis gang
What makes them feel guilty?
fucking up on a gang job and letting tim down
Are they more analytical or more emotional in their decision-making?
more emotional!! that’s the biggest difference between curly and tim. tim will think of the long-term effects before making a decision, where curly is more of an “act now, think later” type person. his decisions are usually the wrong ones, but they make for a better story
Would they consider themselves a Type A or Type B personality?
i’d wanna say type B, because he is super laid back and easy going and isn’t really competitive (unless its for a joke)
What recharges them when they’re feeling drained?
getting away for a while. he loves driving and ive always seen him as having a little secluded spot that he goes to by himself during his teenage years. eventually though he finds the right person that he can take, and just being with them makes him feel better
Would you say that they have a superiority-complex? Inferiority-complex? Neither?
neither tbh. he may think that he’s better than some greasers (because honestly he is) but he doesnt think of himself as above other classes. he finds it unfair that socs and middle class people have a superiority complex, so it’d be dumb for him to have one. he just thinks everyone should be equal (but he knows theyre not, and for that reason he’ll fight any soc he can get his hands on)
How misanthropic are they?
hes very easy to get along with if you come from the same type of neighborhood. he’s open to everyone that’s cool with his gang, but he’ll be the worst kind of person to rival gangs and rich people. so he doesnt dislike people, because he can be a really cool guy, you just have to come from his streets
football, fighting, drinking, poker. y’know, d00d stuff
How far did they get in formal education? What are their views on formal education vs self-education?
he graduates high school and thats it. and he definitely values self education more, the stuff he’s learned by himself ahve been more useful to him than the Pythagorean theorem ever will be  
he believes in a god but never really thinks about it. hes not religious by any means but i think it kinda comforts him knowing something comes after life
Superstitions or views on the occult?
he doesnt believe in superstitions imo!!
Do they express their thoughts through words or deeds?
both. he’ll talk a big game and then follow through with his promises
If they were to fall in love, who (or what) is their ideal?
THE QUESTION IVE BEEN WAITING FOR OK if curly ever fell in love, it’d be with someone making him feel okay with being him. they’d make him want to be a better man & not just a mini tim. they’d have to accept that curly would always idolize his brother, but they’d also help him detach a little. they’d love him for him and accept the fact that they can’t change him. they’d probably be just as wild as he is, bc they’d have to keep up with his lifestyle. they couldn’t take life too seriously and would never know what the future had in store for them. i can see curly eventually being able to be romantic, but it’d never be in public
How do they express love?
kisses, holding hands, little acts of kindness (giving them something that reminded him of them, asking how their day was, remembering little things)
If this person were to get into a fist fight, what is their fighting style like?
daddy came to win
Is this person afraid of dying? Why or why not?
nah i dont think he is. i think he’s kinda accepted that there is a very real possibility that he won’t make it past 30 w the way he’s living, so that’s why he takes it day by day
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strawberryspeachy · 4 years
3 years ago my cat had kittens... i could still talk to my mom kind of.... and... things were ok aside from me being upset over some dumb boy
And i was thinking how i wanna go back. I miss my mom so much i want to go back. And was like. Well that wasnt a good time, a year before was better right?
Leading me to the reason why I was so miserable as a kid.
Look. Im a miserable person - i dont want to blame it all on one person but fuck man...
Everytime i think about times where i was happy, i realize SHE was the reason I WASNT.
Middle school - i had friends. I was smart. I liked school. I had hobbies and dreams. But i never wanted to leave school because i didnt want to come home. I didnt want to come home becauae of HER
I keep saying her like im talkig about my mom. Im not. Im talking about my great grandmother
I just sat here for 10 minites telling myself im stupid and making things up and making things out to be worse than they are.... i bet that thinking comes from her in all honesty
Thinking, “did she love me?” Now. I dont care. I dont miss her. Everytime i think about her its upsetting that i had her in my life... the only good thing i can ever say about her is “i know what its like to have a strict parent” THATS NOT GOOD. like fucking thanks for screaming at me every holiday to eat correctly. Now i know table manners. Thats all you did for me - while making me dread every fucking family dinner which aside from you was wonderful because my family used to be cool.
She ruined every holiday. She didnt want decorations. Were were gonna burn down the house. We were making a mess. We were being loud. She doesnt want this or that in HER HOUSE. She constantly chased everyone out the door because she NEVER had anything nice to say. The second she entered the room everyone made excuses to leave. When shed open her fucking creaking door the laughter would stop, smiles turn to cringes and wed all look at each other with the “welp the funs over” face
She was just so mean. You cant be happy because you’re not doing something she wanted you to do. Or you fucked something up. Theres some reason that youre supposed to be upset or concerned. BUT YOU CANT WIN THAT WAY EITHER - if youre upset - how dare you. You have so many good things you entitled undeserving brat. Fucking appriciate everything. The best way was some mixture where you smile but are ready to be pissed the fuck off in a moments notice. Cause if you wete more pissed off than she was the yelling was cut in half and mostly just her telling you not to give her that attitude - instead of a whole lecture on why you’re a fucking failure.
Everytime i think of a better time in my life. Its not even that much better because of that demon in my life. Constantly teling me shes gonna kick me out of the house. Constantly telling me im a burden to my mom. Constantly telling me im the reason for all her problems and saying that my animals were going to banrupt her.
The only thing i did well in her eyes was that i got good grades in school. She beleived my report card. Thats all. Pretty amazing that she could beleive that but thought i was too damn stupid to graduate college because there was a physical paper in front of her that she recognized
If i cooked or cleaned i did it wrong - if i didnt i should have
Why am i always at my best friends house?! “Her family doesnt want you there!!”
Why dont you play with your animals?!? Stop making noise playing with your animals!!
There was no escaping her. I broke my nose in a car accident and my friends mom took me for surgery. She came running out of the house to complain to my friends mom about how she could have taken me but i didnt ask her and im so awful - right after my surgery. Cause like why dont you want someone whose constantly bitching at you and telling you how shit you are to take you to a stressful surgery?
Conditional love... i already knew that... but its like the first time ive used it myself and havent just attributed the description.
She was my step - great grandmother. Shes all i ever knew but we werent blood related.
She loved my grandfather and my aunt and even my aunts two kids - the way family loves. She was still a bitch but she didnt disown them when they bugged her
The rest of us. Including my mom. Conditional love. Its not like she never did nice things. But she did expecting something in return.
Maybe shes why i dont like dealing with people im not allowed to say no to. Like i have such a deep seeded hatred for that relationship that the second i sense it i just refuse to deal with it again. You couldnt say no to her. You couldnt. If you said no to her about ANYTHING pack your fucking bags and get the hell out of HER HOUSE. that was her favorite two words. She needed my moms and grandfathers help and asked them to move in. But. We were guests in HER HOUSE.
I had some trauma as a kid that I probably would have gotten over if the happy family i knew before we moved to my great grandmothers stayed that way. But my aunt was always miserable. My uncle ran away as fast as possible. And my mom. A people pleaser. You know those old traditions where a man marrys and then he fucks off and does whatever he wants leaving his wife to serve his parents hand and foot. That was my moms life. He cheated on her and the demon made fun of her for everything, apparently constantly telling “dumb poloc” jokes. My mom cleaned everyday and cooked and took care of everyone and took care of our farm basically alone. I tried to help... i was a kid... and she was depressed. You wouldn’t know if you didnt really listen - which no one else in my family did.
And i looked at my mom everyday. I didnt really get it. All i knew was she was a wonderful kind generous happy - all around best human. And yet. Her life sucked. And she was sad. And i wonder if my mom would have been so sad if not for the demon...
My grandfather loved his mom.... but he used to never come in the house. My whole life. He was always out. The moment she died, he was always in the house. Maybe because he missed her and was sad.... but... i dont think so.... he stopped drinking a case of beer every night too
This whole post just to say... im mad that if goven the chance... im not sure if id go back to any of those times where i had to live with the demon... even though everything else at those times were good... the amount of stress and misery she gave me... almost outweigh the good... and. There was alot of good. I miss so many things.
I wanna be with my mom again. Without the dementia. I wanna be with my animals. I wanna be with my friends. I want second chances. I wanna make changes.
I loved her dude...i used to wish good things on her... i beleived she truely cared about me...
When she was dying. She couldn’t talk. Her friend called. I offered to put the phone to her ear. The friend was dismayed when i aswered. The tone of her voice changed. And she went “oh. The granddaughter.” She asked to talk to the demon as though i was holding the phone away from her and like i just wanted to hear whatever secrets she may have and wouldnt actually put it to her ear. She hung up angerly... as though... i wasnt an upset family member... i got preoccupied by the pleading look in my greatgrandmothers eyes. She wanted me to put the phone to her ear... but the woman had already hung up. I told her she had to go but said shes thinking of her. She looked so disappointed that she couldn’t hear it herself. And i felt... still feel bad... for the dying woman in her last days...
But maybe if she hadnt constantly talked about me as though i was the worst person because i dared to live my life the same as my aunt with animals and friends. But then go off to college but take a server job when o couldnt find a better one. Talked about me like i tried to kill her myself and that i was so lazy and rude and terrible. Maybe. Her bitchy friend. Wouldnt have hung up upon even having to interact with me
And then. Even in death. She made sure that i knew my place. she wrote her obituary herself. She put my aunts kids who are 13+ years younger than me, ahead of me, when listing her great grandchildren.
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hachi-ko86 · 6 years
i want you to remember this one...
okay, if theres anyhthing ive learned in the past two days of being at home alone... its that this isn’t home. this is a house with people i love. it’s scary. i’ve always known it and ive told you about it a couple times... hell i even wrote a story about it last year... its that feeling i get with my family. that horrible fucking feeling of not being in on an inside joke, or being late to a party only to see everyones already started having fun without you... i can tell you the first day this shitshow started and when i finally realized i could never have anything to myself...
okay, the first time it happened was when i was little, this isnt so much a long story as it is shitty. i was little and my uncle joey always hung around. he was my dads best friend, my moms brother... but he never really came around to me. daisha was his little princess and he was uncle joe, jeremy loved cars too and he was like jeremys personal father he never had to share... but me. i was always just tagging alone. jeremy wanted to sleepover uncle joes house? jayden had to come with. jeremy wants to go look at cars? jaydens gotta go too... but the one moment i vividly remember is when one day uncle joey brought his new racecar out, we were sitting outside his house, and there was only one passenger seat. he told jeremy to get in and buckle up and i remember so vividly standing outside that car door and asking where do i sit? and him smiling that fucking stupid crooked smile and saying well be right back buddy theres only one seat and i dont want you getting hurt... maybe he did really care. all i know was that i could see his bullshit. he left with jeremy and didnt come back until the sunset. his girlfriend came out and asked why i was sitting outside... i said waiting for uncle joe to get back for my turn in the car... that was the first time it hit me he wasnt coming back and it truly made it worse when he did and said sorry jay ill take you out some other time... that other time never fucking happened and that dick hole moved to california.
the next time is a doozy. youll love this one. okay theres been a few of these so dont worry theyll all pop out eventually. but my tenth birthday. you wanna know what started the shitshow? it was my tenth birthday. my mom agreed to babysit some of my dads coworkers kids... little did i know it was on my fucking birthday. the day consisted of me waking up, putting on my favorite shirt and getting ready to go to the aquarium like my mom had promised... turns out she was waiting for the kids to come... so i said okk ill wait patiently and well go later. we have to go its my birthday... so then they came and my mom thought lets go to the park. but the little boy that came was a dick. my mom loved him she watched him play and run around telling him to go down the slide while her own son sat around doing jack shit because there was no one to play with... then as if i didnt feel shitty enough for that birthday my parents got me an ipad... it was the first thing i had that daisha and jeremy didnt... i was stoked. but then as soon as we got home i sat down and pulled it out... that little fucker came from behind and took it... as i tried to take it back he cried and my mom told me to stop being selfish and share... so i thought fuck it. i can play the drums for a bit. she wants to watch these kids fuck her im gonna go hit something... funny thing is she walked in with the kids a few minutes later after i started.. the little shit from before kept breathing on my back so my mom said jayden let him try... so i did. i sat on the ground next to him as he played for 30 minutes straight. i cried. my mom yelled at me to stop being a little baby and stop being so selfish... she clapped for him every five minutes when he played... she didnt even come to watch me play at my tutor or when i practiced... she doesnt know this but shes the reason i quit drumming... i loved it i really did but she put so much pressure on a ten year old who had anxiety... she really was a dick about it.
and now the big finale.
if ive learned anything in the past two days. its that i dont get shit when it comes to life. its fucked up but true. daisha? clear skin, moms project daddys princess, perfect gymnast with insane talent, four point o student, my parents proudest fuck up. and then jeremy my moms little sunshine, my dads little apprentice, my grandpas project, who was never smart but was always happy and made friends... it sucks. it sucks seeing how my dad had to care for jeremy to calm down or my mom to always give everything for a daughter who couldnt give a fuck or a dad who always shits on me for not being good enough but praises the fuckers who dont do shit. i was never the smartest, or the most talented, hell i fucking sucked at gymnastics honestly i still do and ive pretty much given up... ive never been strong enough or smart enough or had clear skin or the right personality to be friends... but there was one thing i had that jeremy and daisha didnt and that was you... my parents always get on me for how my rooms a mess, or how jeremy does so much, or daisha works so hard... but its funny... for the past two days guess who the only one whos cleaned up around the house, washed the dishes, took out the trash, played with the dogs, cleaned and cooked for everyone let them use my car.... it was me. you think im being crazy when i say i clean the table after dinner? no. i stand up after i finish eating, i take everyones plates, i put all the food and shit away. i wash the dishes and take the trash and recyclables out. i make sure the tables clean... all while daisha sits playing with ness jeremy makes fun of megan and my parents smile at their children. it sucks because i feel it a lot... like im looking at my family through a fishbowl... theyre so happy and put together and im just that kid that always follows behind. daisha always gets what benefits her and what she wants. jeremy can do whatever he wants and gets anything by being a little angel... but hell i cant get anything... honestly most of the clothes i have jeremys taken, my car everyone takes when they want, jeremy uses my couch more than i do... i do all the chores and no one realizes it... its funny when school started and i couldnt do the chores for 2 days my dad sent jeremy and i a long ass text saying how we dont help around the house... for two months straight he and my mom didnt fold clothes or put dishes away or even think to say thank you... 
so heres the part where you come in. 
youre mine. im not home. im in a house with my family and thats it. i was never home with them. i was always just a ghost who didnt really have a place. kind of like a puzzle with a random piece from some other puzzle... i didnt really belong... (sidenote theres a tear coming down my face right now but you wont see it) i guess the reason i hate the distance is the fact that its not fair. how jeremy still gets the girl he wants, daisha moves out and mom and dad dont give two shits... but i still cant be near the woman i love... i cant be there without driving an hour, or making things hard... i cant fucking see you...
when i say youre my home... sydney youre the first home ive ever known. no ones loved me enough to ask if ive eaten, or if im taking care of myself, hell if i told any one of my family members im sad theyll make it a lecture or make it about them... youre more of a family than ive ever had in my whole life. thats why i wanted to post this here. instead of texting you and it being lost in our messages i want you to see this whenever you forget or i forget... i want you to remember these next two sentences.. that when i say youre my home, im not being some cheesy dumb romantic with a thirst for love. im saying youre the first person ive met whos made me feel safe and secure and warm and loved... youre more of a family than ive ever known... and i know this is fucked up to say but i know i love them all like family members do... but thats not what i feel with you... with you its this whole other feeling of love... the kind you only find in a  soulmate... youre asking if im alive so i guess thats where this ends... im gonna go eat some cake cause everyone else is off living their lives... i love you to the moon and back and forever and always... 
<3 jayden
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