#and then theres the thing where i imagined a character looking like the grandma from courage the cowardly dog...
you know i've been thinking about the consequences of malleus's actions in book 7 and i realized how much he's fucked everyone over including his grandma. bc like other than the fact that he ob'd (which literally has NEGATIVE connotations one of which being is idk ""UNSTABLE"" which isnt necessarily a good look for a crown prince is all im saying) he's literally causing terrorism (??? can you call it that idk how else to call it) which is going to setback his grandma's efforts (and lilia's and baul's, and every supporter of his and his family) in keeping peace in their kingdom and the favor of the humans towards the fae. Like. i feel so bad for grandmother draconia rn i can only imagine the stress and pressure she's under.
Then theres also aside from PHYSCIALLY compromising everyone's healths in sage island (BECAUSE THE MAJORITY ARE HUMANS OR AT LEAST THEY DONT LIVE AS LONG AS THE FAE). He's also fucked everyone mentally twice over!!!! By booting them straight into a world where none of their problems exist. Now that wouldnt sound bad if it weren't for the fact that dreams have to end, and life isnt kind. It rarely ever is, and i can only imagine how distraught i would be if i were to say, hypothetically lost someone a year before and the wound is so fresh and raw and, in my dreams, they never died and everything is okay, then i wake up and realize that it was just that. A dream, they are still gone and i wish i never woke up which would be a LITERAL DEATH SENTENCE. This isnt just an event that takes place in NRC either BUT THE WHOLE ISLAND and that domain is GROWING, GROWING. I can't imagine just how many would be so emotionally ruined after this. Like.....
If Malleus does not suffer the consequences of his actions istg i will be so pissed, at least REMOVE HIM FROM THE PREMISE OR SOMETHING GODDDDDDD this cannot be remedied with a slap on the hand!!!!!
(Note: Sorry for the long rant. I felt the need to get this out of my chest bc i dont mind malleus's archetype actually nor do i actually hate him, bc i enjoy him interacting w other characters a lot (my fave ever vigenette is him giving deuce the equivalent of minecraft diamon for fixing a retrobit gaming toy) BUT GOD DOES HE MAKE MY BLOOD BOIL)
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Yeah, I do feel like the scale of Malleus's actions cannot be understated. I know it's kind of a fandom joke that the OB boys are left off with a slap on the wrist + maybe some social ramifications at school, but this is the ONE time in the main story where things are getting super big and the effects could be cripplingly long-lasting.
I don't know if TWST will seriously address the consequences after book 7, but I sure hope they do!! There is a lot of interesting ground to cover (many points which this anon has already brought up) in a follow-up main story arc or the next book.
For example:
Malleus obviously has to regain the trust of his peers and staff. He didn’t really have it before but now has to work twice as hard to make connections since he just took a drastic action that confirmed the rumors some were already spreading about how he’s a monster.
He’s the sole heir to the throne and has just betrayed the trust of the people of Briar Valley. How are they feeling about him now? Do they still trust him to lead them?
How does this impact their relations with other countries (since Malleus himself stresses how he represents Briar Valley)? This is a problem visible on a global scale, and surely this would damage their rep with other nations, particularly the predominantly human ones. It’s setting back what is hundreds of years of trying to fix the broken trust between their races.
Malleus’s UM potentially puts his victims in physical harm; in book 7, Ortho suggests that since everyone is sleeping, their bodies are not getting the food or water they need. As a result, they may physically waste away and then perish. (We have seen that there are sleep blessings that keep people sleeping for hundreds of years without detriment to the blessed though, such as the one cast on Silver—so we cannot be entirely sure if Ortho’s theory is correct or not.)
There is the possibility that Malleus’s dreams may traumatize or retraumatize his victims, particularly those with deep rooted troubles. An example of this is Idia, who had suffered the loss of his brother when he was like… 8 years old??? But then in his dream, Idia is living a happy false reality that Ortho never died. When he finally comes to this realization, he has to relive the trauma of the discovery all over again and breaks down sobbing. We also see in the most recent book 7 update that Vil had to face the evilest aspects of himself and a dark reality; Rook became very emotional upon waking himself. Admittedly, Idia and co. coped with it well enough—this is proof of their character development and the strength of the new friendships they’ve formed. However, all the people on Sage’s Island/Twisted Wonderland may not react so positively or be so accepting of their cruel realities.
Again, just the overall moral dilemma of one person robbing all of Sage’s Island (and soon all of Twisted Wonderland) of their autonomy.
Potential extra work for STYX and whichever countries Malleus’s magic manages to spread to (repairing any physical damage caused by the thorns + mental damage done to those that fell asleep). That’s money, time, and resources that aren’t going toward other everyday endeavors.
How will Malleus himself mentally and emotionally cope with what he has done? Is he going to show remorse and shame? How does he plan on rectifying his actions, if at all?
Will this change how his dorm members + family view him? For example, will Sebek become disillusioned with his liege/realize Malleus is not as perfect as he seems? Will Maleficia blame herself for not being there for Malleus? Will Lilia feel guilty for not teaching Malleus right from wrong? Etc, etc, etc.
I’d honestly love to read all of these! 🤔 It would add a lot to the lore and history of Twisted Wonderland, as well as serve as motivators for Malleus to change, “be better”, and actually earn the respect he’s so used to being handed by default. This would be huge for him, especially seeing as he has not really faced significant backlash or consequences for any other missteps he was responsible for or involved in. (I know I bring this one up a lot, but Endless Halloween Night is one such major example.)
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tradedsymmetry · 2 years
Where the Stars Fell is like:
"You WILL work to figure out what's going on sometimes."
"You will NOT be spoonfed details about every character interaction in this show"
"You WILL confront and challenge your own biases about people with disabilities of all kinds and what they're like."
And I love that about them.
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elazrielbook · 2 years
i don't think sjm with follow the myth exactly, she'll switch it up like authors always do with retellings, but i'll explain the similarities first and at the end i'll tell you how i think she'll change the story!
godess of spring and flowers, constantly compared to innocence and light. gets taken from her home to the night court. falls for the god of death.
god of death/the underworld. azriels name literally translate to 'angel of death' and how many times is he compared to death and darkness? falls in love with persephone from afar, but demeter(rhys) tries to keep them apart.
both are a red haired river nymph(naiad). minthe tries to make persephone jealous and ends up getting turned into a mint leaf. (i personally don't think itll go that way but i'll explain at the end) in the myths she dwelled in the river Cocytys, that flows into the river Acheron, the river that the archerons just happen to be named after.
a mortal boy that persephone fell in love with. when he had to split his time between aphrodite and persephone he chose to spent most with aphrodite. (this could represent graysen choosing the humans over elain when she turned fae).
demeter was persephones mother whos main role in the myth was trying to keep hades and persephone apart. like how rhys forbid elriel. demeter also forced persephone to split her time between the mortal world and the underworld (the human realm and nightcourt). and lucien currently lives in the human realm...
everyone and their grandma sees how elriel give the hades and persephone vibes but if you actually look into it, theres so many specific things that allude to it
the only thing im not sure about is where the whole dynaminc of lucien would fit in. but authors add new characters to retellings all the time so i suppose thats fine.
so, rhys has already played demeter and set up the whole forbidden love thing. in the myth its well known that hades kidnaps persephone to marry him, but i don't see azriel abducting elain anytime soon so dont worry about that lmao.
in mythology persephone is forced to spend spend half the year with hades and half with demeter back up in the real world. maybe this represents her being forced to spend time with lucien in the next book? and then going back and forth to the night court? either rhys or lucien could demand this of her since they would be in the role of demeter.
in the end of course hades and persephone get married, and minthe starts boasting about how shes more beautiful and how hades will choose her in the end as they are past lovers. sjm definitely wont make azriel a cheater so i wouldn't worry about the past lovers part, but gwyn seems too nice to boast like that so maybe its a misunderstanding that causes trouble. the biggest candidate for this is the necklace! some jealousy is caused but not a big fight or anything. i really dont think she'll get turned into a plant though💀elains not the type to do things out of spite so i imagine gwyn will be fine.
rhys being demeter is likely. he's kind of her guardian in a way. demeter wanted persephone to stay in the mortal world to provide the harvest for everyone even though persephone wanted to be in the underworld with hades. elain has the burden of political alliances on her shoulder because of her mate bond with lucien. this could again hint to rhys making her spend time with lucien in the human lands (mortal world)when she really wants to go back to azriel in the night court(underworld).
i think that lucien is going to have more of demeters role however. rhys loves azriel and cares for elain so he'll accept their relationship in the end, lucien however may not as hes her mate. i think its more likely to be lucien than rhys that demands that elain spends time with him in the human lands and the rest in the night court. i feel like this would lead to her hating him the way persephone hated demeter. this could end in the blood dual(that's definitely happening btw)
PSA i do not think this will be the plot of the book!! but with all the hades and persephone foreshadowing i feel like these will just be some things that happen in it. but not the actual plot, that will have more to do with elain powers and koschei etc. and even if my theory is correct and its a hades and persephone retelling, it wont follow the myth exactly, some parts will be changed and go differently!
i think the next book will be a mix of the hades and persephone myth and the tale of blodeuwedd, which i will do a post on next!
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maxanite · 4 years
From the way this will sound and for those that know me, this might sound like a bit of a late realization. But they always say that it's never too late to learn something new right? I've been drawing my entire life. Digitally for only about five or six years now. There's a lot of reasons I draw, and more will come and go. I like to think I have a very active imagination, one that's helped me grow ideas and concepts for a lot of projects and people. It's a gift, as well as a burden sometimes. But at the end of the day I never take for granted the skill I've gained over years of practice. Of course I still have a very long way to go, as I am only 17. And at this age I am constantly hearing "what are you gonna do with your life?" and variations of said question. It was only recently I had realized I wanted to keep doing art as a career because...well I cant see myself doing anything else. I love technology and computers, but the profession intimidates me with the kind of people that dominate it. There's other things I could do but...art stands out as something I am known for. I'm the art friend in most of my friend groups. I'm the person that talks more in art channels than in general chats. I flock to other artists and others flock to me. I crave validation for my work, a small side-effect of the internet of course. But it was only today I realized something. When I sat down at my desk, turned on my drawing tablet whose screen had become blurry with pen scratches, whose buttons had a bit of sweat and oil caked into them, I realized I loved doing this. Theres a feeling I get when I draw, even when Im just sketching or even thinking about drawing, that I dont get anywhere else from anything else. There's a sense of joy, of inspiration, of....pride, maybe? That comes from doing what I do best. I'm not sure why and I can't believe it took me this long to acknowledge that I love to draw. I always say this, of course, but I really do mean it. No matter how much I complain or how much I talk about the trials and tribulations of being an artist- it really is such an amazing thing to be. To look down on any peace of work, no matter how much I hate it, and be able to say that i made this. I put in the work, the hours, the sweat and oil just to make this fictional character exist. It's something thousands, even millions of people do. But not a single brushstroke in the universe is the same. And yeah, being an artist DOES suck sometimes. Especially when you put all this work out and are given nothing in return. But I think now I'm realizing I don't need anything in return. It's like a high. When I start to draw with an idea in mind, with anything at all, I just cant put the pen down. There will be days I will have to, of course, but the days where I can draw on end and pump out piece after piece...those are the days I feel the happiest. Those are the days I truly feel satisfied with my craft. I'm an artist whether I like it or not. I like to think I'm living through my Great Grandma's eyes. She was an artist too. Her paintings are hung up around our home. I still have her old tacklebox full of paintbrushes that I'll probably never use. But I still feel like art is my calling and I can't ever stop. Maybe one day when I make something amazing, that it'll be hung up in my grandchildren's home too. Maybe it'll skip a generation again and they'll be artists just like me. And be able to get the same indescribable feeling I get when I make something that is wholly, uniquely, and completely me.
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edge-lorde · 5 years
hp update: 1st leg of quidditch sideplot completed; jocks reviewed. 
also a few other things. last i left you i had decided to take a break from the main plot to focus on sidequests only. howsoever, the game is set up in such a way that every now and then it will have you wait 3-6 hours before you can play the next level. this actually lends itself very well to how i was playing. i would first start out doing a quidditch level, then hit a paywall and so move to another of the sidequests, and should i hit another paywall id move back to the main plot for a level. in this way i actually got caught up on the chapters and the sidequests for a time. now a new chapter has been released a day ago or so, but i wanted to write an update before i started it, so here we are.
I BOUGHT THE DANG HORSE. the abraxan. i managed to scrape up enough red notebooks to buy it but now i have to gain max animal friendship with it so that quest is at a stand still again. i named it horse town.
andres sidequest ended up extremely bitter sweet... he tells me all about his sports bully and i advise him to confront the unsavory individual, since he obviously didnt want to get the school staff involved. 
the intervention backfired however, and the two ended up dueling. the bully is kicked off the sports team, but andre is also banned from playing the next game. this is rather heartbreaking because he tells you that his grandmother is extremely ill, not likely to live much longer, and she had made special plans to travel to hogwarts to see his next game. she was the person who got him into quidditch and gave him his first real broom, which i now see is the very same one i borrowed from him in year 4 to sneak out of the castle on. snape snapped it in two.
while i am reeling from the realization that no one ever managed to fix that and give it back to him, he says “its ok.... well, no actually, its not.” but hes not mad anymore. he gives me a special quidditch necklace his grandmother also gave him and theres no option to refuse to take it. 
i get the feeling that there was a route i could have taken to get the good andre ending, where the bully is punished but he is not and his grandma gets to see him play. story-wise, its a good tone shift. actions have consequences and the mc has responsibilities. i still want to find a way to make it up to andre somehow....
but back to the main order of quidditch business. 1st off, we have 3 new children.
1: skye parkins. this girl is the heir to the parkins quidditch throne. a big deal, apparently. probably has adhd. penny is a huge fan of hers. i think she and the other 2 new kids change house based on whichever house the mc is in. skye in particular has some great new animations that i am a huge fan of, like tearing pages out of a book ad infinitum, and swinging a broom like a baseball bat in order to knock gnomes out of a stadium and back into hagrids garden. im pretty sure her voice lines are shared with merula. played one mini game with her and it blasted me up from friendship level 1 to level 4. 
2: murphy mcnully. not actually on the team, but an “unbiased” announcer. loves talking quidditch strats and just talking in general. gets his own special talking animations, used both when announcing and talking one on one-- this boy just cant turn it off! possibly autistic, definitely a wheelchair user. gets his own special wheeling animations and when you eat lunch with him his chair never disappears, it can be scene off to the side, empty, not clipping through the table. this is the kind of attention to detail i like to see. did one minigame level with him and was also blasted to level 4. however-- YOU CANNOT PLAY GOBSTONES WITH THIS BOY!!! i imagine that this is because this is a game played sitting on the ground..... i guess it would be too awkward to try to model a scenario in which gobstones is played on a table.... it makes me so sad... his voice lines are also shared with charlie. 
3: orion amari: this boy is the shaggy of the troupe. captain of the team and really into forcing his players to balance on one leg on their brooms for hours on end, he is all about going with the flow, which infuriates the uber-active skye. also has his own special talking animations and body language, just imagine the hippie character archetype and you got it. hes got some pretty sick broom surfing moves and we also get some great trying to balance one-legged on a broom while being attacked by pixies animations from levels with him. i dont think ive gained his friendship rights yet. his facial hair does a good job of making him look more like a teen when hes the same height as all the other kids. i dont think he has any voice lines assigned to him at all. i guess none of the existing kids have voices that would suit him as well. 
the actual gameplay itself is fun too. its like the “focus” minigame in class where instead of clicking the circle, you drag a ball to bonk into the circle and there are 4 of them. sometimes you have to hit them in a certain order, sometimes its timed, and sometimes its both. pretty easy to win. costs a lot of coins that pile on quick. 
ive caught up with the quidditch plot but it was left on a cliffhanger so we shall see.....
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ellerevelle · 5 years
okay so im feeling crazy and detached again (as usual lately)
but instead of spiraling into absolute fucking panic, I’m deciding to take today to just ... not wholly subscribe to this manner of thinking BUT. JUST FOR NOW. I feel like taking some of the craziness flack off myself and blaming it on some shit outside of myself. Because feeling this weird and detached cant all just be me. So here’s a brainstorming of whats got me fucked up, in no particular order: 
Trump is our stupid President
That guy who told me he loved me daily and asked me to be his girlfriend after basically living with me immediately after meeting me and I fell for hard despite a ton of red flags CHEATED on me while I was away visiting home. 
And then blamed it on MY bad communication? fuck that guy. 
But now I see one of the girls he slept with (multiple times, three days in a row) I see her everywhere all the time in everyones instagrams, at everyones parties... ugh. 
Um. People are dying. Close to me. More importantly and spefcifically women I love are dead. 
I didnt get to see Inga before she died. I was too busy forging a relationship with CHEATER GUY. Didnt get home in time to see her. Talk to her. 
Grandma. This has been the whole first year without her, come November. Its subtle, but terrible and I hate it. She was my last matriarch. The last woman who’s blood is in me. 
because Mom’s dead too. And has been since August of 2015. 2015, right? God it feels like forever ago now, probably because I’ve pushed it away. She died unexpectedly and NO ONE IN MY FAMILY HAS SAID THE WORD SUICIDE OUT LOUD even though thats what happened. She OD’d on prescribed opiate painkillers to escape her depression. And we NEVER talk about it. 
So I kindof feel insane. Not talking about things that are clearly there. Like, are they not clearly there for anybody else? Now all my women are gone. My brother literally avoids talking about feelings. My dad is a little more receptive but is more the comforting type than the forthcoming, express onesself type. Getting sentimentality out of my brother is like pulling teeth sometimes. But yet if his son does something cute, its God’s Work and he cant help but cry and get that beautiful lovie squishy look on his face. 
I’m jealous of my own nephew. I see the way my Mom loved me, in the way my Brother loves his son. And I miss being that perfect to somebody. My Dad loves me forever and always and there isnt a word for how grateful I feel for our relationship. I dont take that for granted at all. It actually kindof scares me because... hah, well what if Dad dies? Like, before I’m ready? I’ll be even MORE fucked! 
Anyways. Austins been pissing me off. I’m sorry but although Polyamory is possible and cool and im sure quite beautiful for many, 
The Austin poly scene is fucked and tainted and a bunch of slutty people having orgies and not TALKING about anything and its ruining the healthy vibe poly is incumbent upon. 
So, whatever I’m angry. So fuck that noise. 
I feel like because of cheater guy and my anger at the psuedo poly orgy sexy bullshit scene in Austin, I feel like I’ve broken up with a whole group of friends. Like, I dont want to be around any of it. I dont want to see you eat mushrooms and twerk. I dont want to see your stupid, super naked outfit. I dont think its hot you carry a flogger or can pole dance or slink around like a tarantino character. It used to be hot and thrilling and fun, when I felt like it was connected and for love and sharing and caring. But now it all just is slutty and vapid and useless and cold. Like a sad clown. And thats not sexy, its dark and desperate. *this is about both VERY particular people and broad general strokes. There are several extremely amazing friends in the scene and outskirts thereof that truly inspire me and dont fall into this catagory in my mind, although they’d probably still be angry with me for dissing things ^^ the way I just did but. fuck it, this is MY journal entry and I can be irrational if I want to. 
You cant be open fucking minded ALL the time. Sometimes people really arent acting with anyones best intentions but their own. I’ve used up SO MUCH FUCKING ENERGY making myself soften and open and “woke” and trying to go with everybodys flow. And I’m exhausted and over it. I have my own principles and theres nothing wrong with having differing opinions than someone else. 
All summer I’ve been feeling like I’m a bad person for not liking or not understanding this hyper sexual scene in Austin. I thought, “why am I shaming a scene thats giving me opportunity to really shine and be free?” when, in an IDEAL world, yes thats what the scene could be. But in what actually fucking unfolds -- humans SUCK and dudes SUCK and girls SUCK and everybody (especially when horny) are fucking STUUUUPIIIIIDDDD and ideals get thrown out the window! people arent nearly as “woke” as I gave them the actual credit for. Seriously. So! I’m fuckin OUTTIE! 
I’ve felt broken up with a whole scene. FUck cheater guy, fuck poly, fuck orgies, fuck people who are reckless with my love. 
Back to the list:
I’ve been eating too much out of boredom. Which I’ll blame on lack of quality social interaction in this town. Where are the scholars? Where are the sexy edgy BRAINY people? I’m tired of hot people in little clothing in the summer. 
Ah! Another thing for the list. its been TOO FUCKING HOT OUT. FOR MONTHS. 100 DEGREES FOR MONTHS. thats enough to make anyone insane. 
So i’m sick of teenie boppers in their nothing outfits in the heat. 
I want old smart people in peacoats. I miss books and weather and frowns. Irritable debates about literature or physics or religious theories. 
I only like my own brand of cigarettes. 
My roommates are annoying me. I dont really like my house anymore. Theres too many humans and not enough square footage. Four people to one kitchen is TOO MUCH SHIT. EVERYONE BUYS THEIR OWN BANANAS AND THEY ALLLLLL GO BROWN ON THE TABLE. thats four peoples worth of bad bananas. FUcking stupid. 
I dont have a hairdresser here. Sometimes when I feel shitty I like to throw money at the problem. Buy something. Get a haircut. See a show. Etc. 
And my hairdresser love is in Philadelphia and getting a flight to get a haircut is slightly insane (without a longer visit)
I miss Adam. 
What else can I blame my upset on. Shitty politics, shitty weather, shitty social sexual scene in my town, I dont like my house, I dont like my hair. Its too expensive to live here. No one in my immediate acquaintance or friend circle seems interested in the sort of romantic relationship I’m seeking, nor if they did does anyone have the “it” factor I look for which I’ll *try* to describe maybe in another post. 
So. I sit inside my room and try to fix stupid remedial things as if itd make a big impact. I tidy and put away clothes in attempt to feel less cluttered but am too scared to make BIG cuts and BIG changes. So instead I light insence and watch netflix and eat too much. I have started going to Barre3 again more and have been semi regular with therapy so thats something. 
I really ought to start doing “morning pages” like the book Fiona loaned me suggests in its FIRST GODDAMN CHAPTER. But, alas, I am lazy. 
No, I have become recently lazy. 
I’m spoiled. I dont do things I dont want to do. Its a major character flaw. I only push and struggle if I see worthyness in it, and lately theres been serious lack of evidence of that in, well, anything.
so, I guess in summation- because nothing has been a WORTHWHILE struggle, EVERYTHING feels like a struggle. Humph. thats... thats not good. But it does, because i dont see the worth in a lot of goals or tasks or even relationships, (and i dont mean the greedy “what can I GET for ME out of this!” sort of b.s.) (I mean the... conserve precious energy, is this going to teach me something or help me grow as a person or bring love into my life sort of vibe) ...
when I dont think the energy expenditure is going to pay off, I dont do it. Or I do it half way or lazily or with tentative fear. I guess I could do an experiment and just do everything with HOPE and see if my energy put in will get a different result... but. like. I feel like I did that all summer and he cheated on me. And my “friends” said “dont be angry, be poly” and I couldnt call on my Mom or Grandma and so I call on eating and isolation and running away to visit home where no one cares I dont have a job. where the house is big and the air is cold and my friends are smart. 
I really miss Kristian. That was one of the greatest feelings of self love in my entire life. I felt like, if someone that special noticed ME. Saw ME. Little old, semi chubby, not famous ME, and wanted me around for a couple tour dates. Then I ought to believe in myself TOO. I wanted to dance, I wanted to make art, I wanted to take photos, I wanted to be bold, I wanted to be humble, I felt so open and content with myself. I was motivated to work out, I was motivated to eat healthy and clean and small portions. It was easy. It felt so fun. I loved him. I dreamt big. My imagination was so warm and excited. My inner critic was GONE. 
But he faded away. He got back with his ex. The shooting star left the sky. I’m still grateful for the experience at all, but. 
I feel a little stupid for thinking anything could’ve happened. 
And I truly miss feeling so special and excited about life. 
I dont want to run away from Austin out of fear. But I cant tell if I’m unhappy and want to leave genuinely, or if this is the spoiled part of me thats like, “this sucks, lets leave.” instead of pushing though, curating something better with some struggle, and sticking it out. 
How do people make big life decisions like this? I feel like thats what marriages do. People stay together and fight. But sometimes they get divorced anyways, its just been longer. More years wasted. When maybe it wouldve been healthier to leave sooner and cut the cord and be free to live without, sooner. 
I really like a lot of things about this city. But I really dislike a lot too. And I cant tell where I want my life to go, in a grand sense, so its hard to pick which attributes will matter in the long run. 
I dont think I should leave yet. Maybe a new house. Or like, serious efforts to declutter this one. Is this just excuses? Ugh. 
Declutter this house. If that doesnt feel better, leave the house and move to a new part of austin. If that doesnt feel better, leave austin. 
I need a job. 
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tumblunni · 6 years
Like man it always makes me so confused cos i mean im a soft AF person and i always end up having sympathetic redemption headcanons for them so its not like i like VILLAINY ITSELF but what else do all these characters have in common?
Thats it. Thats it, ursula helped me crack it.
I really want a nice confident sassy funny chubby trans auntie who promotes body positivity to our young hero and always gets to say the coolest lines and get the best moments and BE LOVED FOR WHO SHE IS
And like usually whenever you get anywhere close to seeing those "villain traits" on a hero they like.. Remove all the good parts. If you have a supportive hero aunt she's always boring and generically supportive instead, and has to look like the most stereotypical boring mess ans have a super small plot role and uuuugh thats IF SHES EVEN THERE i mean seriously aunties and grandmas are weirdly less represented as mentors than grandpas who are already REALLY HARD TO FIND and again OFTEN GENERIC AND UNFUN WHENEVER THEY GET TO APPEAR
And how damn often are we allowed to have a chubby gay aunt!! WHERE IS MY CHUBBY GAY AUNT!! ive met SO MANY chubby gay aunts in real life like 90% of all my psychologists have been either that or like.. The exact same but a straight lgbt ally instead. Sassy plus size aunties are THE BACKBONE OF OUR SOCIETY DAMMIT! I've had so much help thanks to sassy gay aunts!! And like even just looking at any damn crowd scene in a normal city centre youre gonna see so many chubby aunts and long nosed uncles and all those sorts of bullshit "ugly people" that mass media pretends are ugly and relegates to One Minor Role In The Entire Cast despite them being infinately more common than supermodels and NOT UGLY AT ALL GEEZ IT PISSES ME OFF SO MUCH
I cant believe im a fuckin disney villain fan cos of body positivity
Tfw u suck so bad at making hateable people that the fandom universally hugs all your villains and ignores your boring protagonists like fuckin TAKE THAT DIDNEY
God i wanna hug hades sooo bad he just needs a friend aaaaaa
And i mean its not just disney, every damn time ive obsessed over a villain its been because they have some trait thats supposed to be "bad" but its actually good and we dont get to see it on the heroes
Like my thing with science villains in particular is that when i first played ff7 i really liked the idea of an evil minion who's a bad sidekick not just because he's "dumb" or "bumbling" but because he's actually not interested in any of the evil stuff and he works against his own boss and is like.. Friendly to the heroes, i have no particular grudge against you and i wont stop you if im off duty and all. I liked the Turks for the same reason but in the origibal ff7 translation they were kind of stoic and serious and i didnt really become as much of a fan of them til i saw them being more goofy and comic relief in some optional sidequests and then their movie adaptation. But hojo was always being all "lol my boss's plan is so stupid amirite" and had that very memorable scene where he's just sunbathing and tells you everything you need to know to get to the next thing to ruin his boss's plan cos i mean fuck it who even cares im just here to soak up some sun while fully dressed in a turtleneck and labcoat. It sucked so much that he was such a reprehensible bastard with creepy sexual assault vibes and murder and child abuse and experimenting on people and basically just NOT A LOVEABLE VILLAIN but his CONCEPT held so much potential to be filled by a sympathetic character instead...
So yeah then cos of him i kept being obsessed with finding SOME CHARACTER SOMEWHERE that actually lived up tp that potential, and thats why i was instantly interested in charon from pokemon and totally on edge waiting for the slightest chance for him to become That Perfect Sass Gramps Of Legend. And then he was indeed sassy!! And had so little screenyime that there was potential for interpretation of him as potentially redeemable cos i mean the game never said he wasnt, the game barely said anything about him at all, lol. And he was so old and small and frail looking and i just wanted to protect him!! And then that one wifi event that actually hinted at synpatheticness!! Aaaa its a recipe for a Forever Fave~
And i guess maybe it all started with my grandma being awesome and me really missing her? Cos i had shitty abusive parents and she was my ONLY good family member who showed me what love was like. And she was also basically a supervillain. Like every damn supervillain trait except being evil! She was bombastic and confident and sassy and mischievious and loud and passionate about stuff and always had something funny to say and never gave up no matter how many times she failed. And she also used all that great power for the forces of good!
So yeh thats why i love sassy good guys and i hate that often even when a sassy villain gets redeemed they seem to lose all their edge and become more generic now theyre a good guy. Or they get totally sidelined with no screentime anymore, or they ONLY get to be comic relief and dont get the full and complex redemption they deserve. Or just a lot of bads!! Its never the simplest answer of just fuckin.. Keep the character the character. Thats kinda why i didnt feel too much for the maleficent movie even though the concept itself sounded like everything i ever wanted. The character in that movie is a very different person to origibal maleficent, she's more just a stoic tsundere mumsy figure than a hammy badass iconicness. Still a nice villain redemption but it felt like it would have been better as an original story instead of an attempted maleficent. Also i wish they handled it better with the whole "true love's kiss could be from your mum instead" thing cos i get sooooo grossed out whenever i see people shipping movie maleficent and aurora! Like yes sleeping beauty with lesbians would be great but not when one of them is old enough to be her mum and raised her like a mum and changed her goddamn diapers! Also why did they have to ruin the three good fairies just to make maleficent have the mum opportunity? Like just remove them from the story if you wanted maleficent to raise the kid instead. No need to rewrite them into incompetant assholes when they were everyone's fave part of the original! Dont sacrifice the rare and elusive Good Sassy Gay Aunts!! THEYRE LIKE THE ONLY ONES IN DIDNEY!!! (Incodentally merlin is the equivelant of this to hades as the fairies are to ursula)
Also also villains tend to have ACTUAL FLAWS in stories that have a more boring bland protagonist. I wanna see the story behind charon's neuroses and how he struggles with overcoming his temptation to be bad because of greed but ultimately manages to conquer his own negative side because power of friendship and such. Thats a great character arc that provides so much more than he does as a villain where they just wasted him entirely :(
* villains are often more complex and well developed characters with flaws while the same wroter might make shitty heroes due to the illogical fear that nobody would root for them if they werent 100% perfect and successful at everything ever
* villains are also often made as negative stereotypes of minorities and other rarely seen traits, which means its easy to reach out to them and reclaim them as a more positive version when theres literally no other options for you to cling to
* the quite common accidental sympathy factor where a villain will seem to be hated more than they deserve for their actions, ir unjustly punished so much that they feel like an underdog, since the writer assumes you'll think theyre "more evil" for being a stereotype and if you dont agree that this thing is bad then it seems like they have way less sins than the story claims they do
* also sass. Sass is good.
But basically the whole root of it is that its stupid and cruel and doesnt goddamn work when you make villains bigoted stereotypes. It just makes me love them! The only person i hate when i see a stereotypical villain is the writer who thought that was a good idea, lol. Just imagine that meme of the samurai holding the cat but its me holding all disney villains!
Also even if a villain isnt outright intentionally meant to be "this minority is bad", it can still make me symoathetic to them if theyre still something thats rare amoung the hero side in the same series. Like charon being the "most unredeemable" villain despite being the most harmless and funny and his plan being so much less world destroying than cyrus, and also he's the only grandpa villain in like.. The whole of all. And he's drawn very much in that way thays supposed to be "ugly" i.e normal grandpa, vs that weird sort of younger than he looks grandpa that hero ones tend to be because blablabla beauty ewuals goodness anti body positivity whatever. Tho actually sinnoh was good with that, they had the best grandpa professor in my opinion cos he got to be sassy too! Rowan always reminds me of auron from ff10. Sinnoh was a good game where i liked a lot of both the heroes and villains even if i still had more villain faves cos i mean pokemon is always biased towards that for me since every game has a voiceless perosnalityless main character and often theyre the one doing most of the heroing with the supporting hero characters having surprisingly little proper screen time. Thats a big part of why i loved hau gladion and lillie in sun and moon! They felt more like a real friend group than any other ones before.
ANYWAY now im just going offtopic into more "i love lots of stuff about every pokemon game" so ill stop typing now
But just basically VILLAINS ARE GOOD COS THEYRE GOOD CHARACTERS and if those stories gavethe same character a good guy role then id still love them just as much, if not more. I dont specifically like villainy, its just that my definition of a good character is often considered a bad character by lazy writers, apparantly?
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missfinefeather · 6 years
Tumblr media
UU: im sUre for all ive done so far yoUve had a jolly good workoUt already :u UU: bUt yoU will be ready to deliver the package today, yes? 
Okay, she’s behind Jake’s business, too! She must have told him Jade was his grandmother...
Okay, this character baffles me. She has grey text like Karkat, she knows all this stuff, and she’s playing the game too... It can’t be Karkat’s ancestor pre-scratch... what the hell is going on?
UU: i relayed the information enabling yoU to create the powerfUl weaponry yoUrself. UU: and yoU did! UU: yoU then sent them back in time. yoU may recover them in the rUins, which conveniently is where yoU mUst go to ship the package once and for all.
Ah! That explains how he got all that crap! xD
Time travel is so normal in this comic xDDDDD
GT: That is what im doing right? Giving it to my grandma when she was a kid growing up on the same island i did? UU: that is somewhat close to the trUth, and i can see how yoU woUld draw that conclUsion. UU: bUt theres more to it yoU dont Understand yet! yoU will sort it all oUt in time. 
Okay, she’s not outright lying to him, just trying to avoid spoilers that might change the future.
UU: now imagine there are two instances of each Universe, A1 and A2 and B1 and B2. UU: the first instance of each is like a test rUn, that does not qUite sUcceed. UU: the second instance thoUgh will meet all of its pUrposes! UU: now consider that A1 begets A2. UU: A2 begets B1. UU: and B1 begets B2. 
...so is she from A1 or... how does she know all this?
And it’s interesting they outright say the trolls universe feeds into the process, but also makes me wonder why the trolls haven’t been mentioned yet.
Is she a troll? We saw a grey hand, but that could be a red herring...
UU: bUt i will say that yoUre probably prey to a basic misapprehension aboUt the natUre of this rendezvoUs. UU: it will not take place on earth. UU: it will happen inside the game yoUre aboUt to play! GT: Oh. GT: Well shit! 
Well, he knows he’s supposed to play the game! How is he going to get a copy of the game? Is Lalonde going to send him the file?
GT: I never got to know my grandma very well and it always seemed like she led an amazing and adventurous life. GT: Then this seemed to be proven true in my correspondence with her. So im really looking forward to it. 
I can’t wait for them to meet, too! ^^
Sadly, it might be a while... I mean, I’m barely through two of these kids! It’s going to be a long time before we get back to the betas and trolls D:
GT: When do i get to learn your name by the way? UU: hm trUthfUlly? UU: it may be for the best that yoU never know it. UU: it coUld stir Up some things best left in their present eqUilibriUm. 
Uhhh.... what? Why? Huh?
Maybe this is why she types in grey, she’s trying not to give any hints...
But... wait, what? She’s playing the game too, but... if she’s a troll... MY BRAIN!
GT: What are we even trying to accomplish here? What is even the rootin tootin POINT of this game? UU: i think yoU will have more fUn than yoU can imagine finding oUt. UU: bUt stated concisely, and short of spoilerly as yoU so charmingly pUt it, UU: yoUr objective today is to pave the way for the arrival of gods. UU: <kisses!> 
Man, she’s smooching on everybody! 0.0
I mean... to be honest, I’d probably be doing that too if it wasn’t super weird. ^^;;;;;
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sorrelstream · 6 years
Ivypool, Hollyleaf, Thitleclaw and Bluestar?? I really want to know your opinion!
((Lets hope my html works on mobile UUUUHHH))
((Also putting in a read more bc i Ramble a Lot so its kinda long!!))
Do I like them?: yes!!!!! I rlly love her a lot shes a good character!!! I only read up to The Last Hope so idk how she is in AVOS and its been Years since i read any wc book (like,,7th or 8th grade SJSKKSKS) but i remember liking her a lot and she was cool in my onion
How I picture them: i imagine she looks a lot like her grandmas, Brightheart and Ferncloud! She has Ferncloud's soft/round features and ivys color palette closely resembles fern+birchs, while she also has the curled ears and short but soft fur brightheart passed on (whitewing actually had cloudtails long fur but dovewing got that skdksks) . Her gray patches also resemble brighthearts !! Her fur was smoother/softer as a kitten but during her training her fur got messier/more ruffled up 
How I would write them: uhhhh make her the lesbian we deserved....or at least if she Had To Be Het i wouldve paired her w bumblestripe (hes her age and not related 2 her) or smthn,,, anyways i heard in AVoS she and her sister are on the rocks or smthn???? Id have them repair their relationship and if dovewing wants to leave thunderclan id have ivy have a convo w her where its like. Ivy tells her she loves her and will miss her bc shes her sister but if leaving thunderclan will make dovewing happy than she supports her! Ivy and Dove have been through a lot i wish they like actually talked through their problems :"( 
Unpopular Opinion: i wouldve rather seen ivy stay single and happy on her own like mousefur than see her get paired w her cousin whos half her age . 
Do I like them?: YES !!!! ABSOLUTELY!!!! I LOVE HER!! shes one of my long time faves and i love her a lot 
How I picture them: Shes the tallest of three and shes actually the tallest cat in thunderclan (she gets her Height from grandma ashfoot whos got legs for days). Shes solid black and blends into shadows pretty well, as well as very thick heavy fur and oriental cat features (Big Ears and Long Nose nya) 
How I would write them: i would Not kill her off thats for sure !!! I also wouldve made her part of the three (maybe even replacing lionblaze bc honestly his power and arc were. Super boring) . I would have kept her alive and have lionblaze or someone die in her place too; shed be happy w her gf hazeltail
Unpopular Opinion: ppl keep forgetting that hollyleaf didnt know crow and leaf were her parents when she killed ashfur?? She killed him when she thought she was like a rogues kids so i rlly hate the "she killed him to protect a secret she revealed anyways!!!!" Bc theres a Very Severe difference between those two events! Holly was freaked tf out bc she was the result of a romantic affair that literally went against everything she believed in 
Do I like them?: not at all. I didnt like him in Bluestars Prophecy and i certainly dont like him now that spottedleafs heart dropped
How I picture them: large, muscular, with ragged and bristling fur; hes a gray classic tabby with a fair amount of white spotting and tufted ears
How I would write them: eh. This is more of a writing issue w spottedleafs heart but i rlly dont like how the erins portrayed him as a villain bc he chose the dark forest over spottedpaw and not bc of how he Literally Preyed on a child. A while ago (before SH happened) i had an au where thistle was blues brother instead of snow being her sister and like he believed the other clans were evil bc they killed moonflower and he swore vengeance on the clans and anyone who was intimate w other clan cats for betraying thunder or smthn i dont rlly like it that much anymore tho) 
Unpopular Opinion: just bc he was nice to his wife doesnt mean he was a good character. In bp he actively sought the harm of kittens and apprentices and i dont. Trust like that. Anyways jskfkek 
Do I like them?: oooohh shes a complicated character!!! I like her but i want 2 acknowledge that she did some. Really fucked up things??? That arent excusable djskf 
How I picture them: oriental shorthair! Shes a blue ticked tabby and i imagine her eyes closer to green than blue sjxjd
How I would write them: ohuhsjdhsj theres a lot. I rlly dont like the lostface situation eh. Also i rlly dont think she had 2 give up her kits to riverclan? She couldve said she was a surrogate for thrushpelt who wanted to raise kits (even if he had no mate) and gave her kits to thrushpelt to adopt+raise while she returned to her duties. I think she was young+didnt feel ready when she had kids and i dont rlly take her as someone who even wanted to be a mother that young
(Also if she rlly had 2 give up her kits i wouldve written it so she gave birth like near sunning rocks or smthn so that oak could just take em right away and she could return 2 thunder camp and say there was only 1 kit and they were stillborn or smthn. Mosskit rlly didnt need 2 die but whatever ksjdksjdks) 
Unpopular Opinion: uUUUHHHH i understand why ppl wouldnt like her but ppl who say shes worse than thistleclaw make me a Bit newvous.... 
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ketchupversachee · 7 years
i was tagged by the amazing @rileywrites-93 
spotify, soundcloud or pandora?? i use spotify a lot so spotify 
is your room messy or clean?? VERY VERY MESSY LIKE WOW
what color are your eyes?? like a paleish green with lil bit of blue
do you like your name?? why?? well i got it or my birthday and my parents like it and i like so yeah i do 
what is your relationship status?? forever alone mentally dating fictional characters 
describe your personality in three words or less: SARCASTIC, quiet, nerd 
what color hair do you have?? dark brown 
what kind of car do you drive?? color?? um it’s a black car
where do you shop?? walmart, hot topic, amazon, ebay target 
how would you describe your style?? VERY FANDOM band tees LOTS OF BLACK BLACK BLACK 
favorite social media account: does tumblr count?? oh and youtube
what size bed do you have?? it’s a full i think
any siblings?? i have a little sister and she’s my only friend that’s not on tumblr
if you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?? why?? ohhhh that’s a hard question, well i kinda wanna live in LA, but theres no snow in LA, but i don’t know
favorite snapchat filter?? i don’t have snapchat 
favorite makeup brand(s) uhhhhhhh i don’t wear much makeup, the stuff i use is the “get the London look” stuff i don’t remember what it’s called at te moment
how many times a week do you shower?? 2-3
favorite tv show?? star trek, parks and recreation, the office, designated survivor, doctor who, sherlock
shoe size?? VERY SMALL
how tall are you?? 5′0
sandals or sneakers?? sneakers
do you go to the gym?? hhhaaaaaaaa funny. no but i know a guy named jim
describe your dream date?? stargazing by a fire and listening to music 
how much money do you currently have in your wallet?? i don’t know, not much though
what color socks are you wearing?? well on the left foot it’s all yellow and the right foot is captain america 
how many pillows do you sleep with?? 2
do you have a job?? what do you do?? i don’t have a job right at the moment, but i will probably have to get one soon
how many friends do you have?? i have a couple friend
whats the worst thing you’ve ever done?? ummm, i broke something once and didn’t tell my mom 
what’s your favorite candle scent?? umm i think it’s called summer night??? or theres this one called illusion thats a good one
3 favorite boy  names?? peter, steve, benjamin
3 favorite girl names?? parker, rey, florence
favorite actress?? scarlet johansion (is that how you spell her name??)
who is your celebrity crush?? THAT’S A LONG LIST WE DON’T WANNA GO THERE
do you read a lot?? what’s your favorite book?? ummm i do read, i just have troubles reading BUT I LOVE READING and i like the heros o olympus 
money or brains?? BRAINS
do you have a nickname?? what is it?? umm it’s tena, it’s something only my family calls me
how many times have you been to the hospital?? like 2 times
top 10 favorite songs??
1: 5 seconds of summer wraps around your finger
2: all time low good times
3: my chemical romance sing
4: twenty one pilots truce
5: imagine dragons walking the wire
6: john meyer you’re gonna live forever in me
7:pink floyd time
8:dodie clark intertwined 
9: captain america civil war soundtrack celestial bodies
10: alt-j let hand free
do you take medications everyday?? not at the moment no
what is your skin type?? (oily, dry, etc) oily af i hate it
what’s your biggest fear?? THE OCEAN, failure, moths, the dark
how many kids do you want?? maybe 4, i see myself with 2 boys and 2 girls
what’s your go to hair style?? a bun cause i don’t know how to hair
what type of house do you live?? (big, small etc) one i’m very  lucky to have
what was the last compliment you received?? ummmm, somebody told me they liked my converse
what was the last text you sent?? how’s school going??
how old were you when you found/figured santa wasn’t real?? WAIT WHAT SANTA ISN’T REAL, HOW DARE YOU RUIN THE MAGIC (i think i was 11 or 12)
what is your dream car?? camero
do you go to college?? nope, i’m trying to survive high school
what is your dream job?? I REALLY WANNA BE AN AVENGER OR A YOUTUBER (and yes i know, the avengers are fictional bUT I DON’T CARE)
would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?? RURAL
do you take shampoo and conditioner from hotels?? sometimes
do you have freckles?? YEP
do you smile for pictures?? usually 
how many pictures do you have in your phone?? i don’t have a phone
have you ever peed in the woods?? yep, got it on my pants fun fun
do you still watch cartoons?? H TO THE E TO THE L L YEAH
do you prefer chicken nuggets rom mcdonalds or wendy’s?? mcdonalds
favorite dipping sauce?? KETCHUP 
what do you wear to bed?? depends on the weather if it’s hot tank top and shorts it’s cold hoodie and shorts
have you ever won a spelling bee?? bees can spell?? and you can win them what THIS IS NEW INFORMATION (no)
what are your hobbies?? does getting on tumblr and youtube count?? piano, drawing, editing vids
can you draw?? kinda, it depends what i’m drawing
can you play an instrument?? i can play ze piano
what’s the last concert you saw?? i’ve never been to one
tea or coffee?? i’ve never had coffee before so tea
starbucks or dunkin donuts?? i’ve never been to starbucks so dunkin donuts
do you want to get married?? yeah, sure one day
what is your crush first and last initial?? p p
are you going to change your last name when you get married?? maybe??
what color looks best on you?? either black or blue
do you miss anyone right now?? yeah
do you sleep with the door open of closed?? open cause i like to live life on the edge
do you believe in ghost?? yup
last person you called?? i think it was my grandma
favorite ice cream flavor?? vanilla 
regular oreos of golden oreos?? i don’t like oreos 
chocolate or rainbow sprinkles?? rainbow
what shirt are you wearing?? a marvel shirt
what is your phone background?? i don’t have a phone
are you outgoing or shy?? VERY SHY
do you like it when people play with your hair?? depends, sometimes
do you like your neighbors?? only one, everyone else no
do you wash your face?? not usually
have you ever been high?? NO
have you ever been drunk?? NO
last thing you ate?? red doritos
favorite lyric right now?? 
“who cares if one more light goes out in the sky of a million lights, it flickers, flickers. who cares when someones time runs out if a moment is all we are, or quicker, quicker who cares if one more light goes out well i do”
linkin park one more light
summer or winter?? WINTER IS THE BEST
day or night?? NIGHT CAUSE STARS 
dark, milk or white chocolate?? milk
favorite month?? either october or december cause i love me some halloween but also some christmas
what is your zodiac sign?? libra
who’s the last person you cried in front of?? my sister cause i brook down
tag dah peps yo @hesitant-poison @killjoywithapen13 @thnksfrbuckybarnes @barnes-and-noble-girl @smol-lil-kitten-loves-mikey @princessebitchface98
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imaginesofeverykind · 7 years
Family Portrait ||Teen Sam Drake x Reader ||
Characters: Teen!Sam Drake x Fem!Reader
Fandom: Uncharted 
Request: Nope (But please request! <3)
Prompt: You live in the high-end district of Boston and have been dating Sam for quite some time. He’s never met your family and is nervous that you asked him to join you for dinner at home. He’s scared your family won’t approve of the two of you, but things pan out a little different than expected.
Tags: @rafeadderall @missdictatorme @dragonjedihobbit (message me if you want to be tagged to get notifications of updates!)
Word Count: 1,538
A/N: Hello lovelies back at it again with more Sam Drake! hahah This idea popped into my head today, super cute I love it. Requests are open and always are so send through some guys! Also Teen Sam makes me feel things i love him bless. ALSO sorry if it bugs anyone that I write in third person, It’s just easier on me to write like that but yeah ENJOY <3
“-So let me get this straight, your family wants to meet me?” Sam repeated, he was in immense shock after Y/N, his girlfriend of four months asked him to join her and her family for dinner. His immediate reaction was to say ‘no, definitely not’ as he knew given that she lived in such a wealthy part of town he would be scorned. But he knew that she wanted him to come, and far be it for him to piss her off. 
They sat perched on a tree branch over looking one of the parks, the nerves started to make his hands feel clammy with sweat. “You don’t have too, I just thought i’d ask-.” Sam cut Y/N off, shaking his head vigorously, “no, no I want to come, it’s all right.” She scoffed and eyed him, “No you don’t want to come, your only doing it for me.”
That part was true, he’d only do it for her and that was fact. “How do you do that?” He stared adoringly in her eyes, she had an incredible talent for reading people, most particularly Sam of all people. She giggled and tucked some stray hairs behind her ear, “do what?” 
“Read me, so well for that fact.” His eyes flicked down to her lips and back up at her eyes, even though it had been four months he still took it easy with her, being polite and gentlemanly which Y/N knew was incredibly hard for him to do. “You quite literally are the most visually emotional person on the planet.” She poked fun at him, he was, he wasn’t shy when it came to emoting his feelings with body language or facial expressions. 
He sat back, feigning offense, “ouch. That hurt Y/N.” She laughed and shrugged unbothered, “Oh sorry darling did I hurt your feelings?” she jabbed at his sides making him laugh and wrestle with her arms. The two started to wobble on the tree branch, if they didn’t stop soon they were going to fall off.
“Okay, okay, can we move closer to the ground where it won’t hurt as less if we fall over.” Y/N laughed before dropping down, swinging on the branch and landing on her two feet. Sam dropped down beside her, his hands immediately gripped her waist and he dipped his head down, pressing his lips onto hers softly. 
Even after months of affection there was always that spark between them every time they touched and kissed. Y/N wrapped her arms around his neck, her hands stroking the back of his head as they both melted into the kiss. Pulling away, Sam rested his forehead on hers and smiled. She grinned up at him and brought her hands to his cheeks, her thumbs lightly grazing over cheeks. 
“You can go home tonight, I don’t mind if you don’t want to have dinner.” She whispered lightly, she knew all to well how Sam felt about wealthy people, he found them particularly snobby. One night some months ago he voiced his disdain for the wealthy to Y/N, at that time he didn’t actually know she was a part of that ‘wealthy’ category. 
He rolled his eyes and shook his head, “I’m coming. Aren’t you the least bit worried that your parents aren’t going to like me?” She shook her head confidently, “I know for a fact they’re going to love you... c’mon.” Stepping away she gripped his hand and started to pull him away from the park and in the direction of her house. 
“So you haven’t even considered the possibility that it could be likely that they hate-.” Y/N cut Sam’s rambling off and laughed, reassuring him, “I’m positive, a hundred percent that they’ll love you alright. They aren’t the rich assholes you think they are all right.” Boy was she right, Sam didn’t know what was going to hit him. 
In fact nothing could prepare him for the absolute mad house, Y/N’s house was. He knew very little about her family life and that was because she never really felt the need to tell him about it, she mentioned the odd brother or sister occasionally but never bothered to tell him in detail the happenings in her household. 
A large mansion loomed over them, solid iron gates separated them from the monstrous house. “Woah..” Sam breathed out, he had never actually seen her house, not during the day at least. The sun setting behind it, casted a shadow that made the house appear bigger than it was. Y/N strode over to the speaker box, punching the buzzer button several more times than necessary for the sake of being a pain. 
The gates opened and they walked in, passing the well kept garden with copious amounts of flowers, exotic foliage and buzzing bees. “You don’t need to be nervous, it’s fine.” Y/N assured, squeezing his incredibly clammy hand, he stammered and decided to shut his mouth to prevent him from making a fool of himself. 
She opened the front door and everything Sam had imagine about Y/N’s life instantly shattered by the deafening screams of children running wild, teenagers yelling at one another only for young adults to start yelling at them to be quiet. It was like their own little orphanage with the amount of children running amuck. He wasn’t sure what to think, he simply just looked at Y/N with his eyebrow raised. 
“Come on..” She pulled him through the house, dodging toddlers, dogs and children toys. In the large study sat both her parents, reading over each others written work, editing it as they read. “Hey mom, hey dad.” She waved from the doorway with her free hand, the other one was still connected to Sam’s, she knew he had questions and all would be answered. 
Her mother stood up with a gleeful grin and walked over to her, hugging her, “Hello sweetheart - this must be Sam?” She pulled away from the hug and admired Sam, taking in his appearance before pulling him into a hug. He was stunned at first, he didn’t even have to utter a word to Y/N’s mother before she hugged him. Her father too stood up and walked over to the three of them at the door way, once Y/N’s mother stepped away he outstretched his hand for Sam to shake. 
“Pleasure to meet you, son.” Whilst his voice was gruff, his words were kind and sincere. “Uh, you too sir..” He shook his hand nervously. “Finally we get to meet the boy Y/N talks so fondly about. You’re staying for dinner I assume?” Y/N’s mother cheerfully grinned, it growing wider once he nodded in response. “Perfect, I’ll have Diana set a place at the table for you, - if you’ll excuse me.” She darted past the teenage couple and off to the kitchen she went. 
Pulling him away from the study Y/N waved to her father and shut the door behind her, now in the hallway. “What is this place?” Sam finally asked, the question burning in the back of his mind. She laughed, “home. It’s home.” He raised an eyebrow opening his mouth to press the question further when she cut him off by gesturing to a photograph hung proudly on the wall behind him. 
It was a large group of people all assorted ages from just infants to elderly. “This is my family, Mom and Dad, who you just met, had five children another they adopted, i’m the youngest. The oldest, my older sister, has four children with her husband who lives here with us. My oldest brother and his boyfriend adopted two kids and they also live here with us. My second oldest sister had twins a year ago with her boyfriend and they live here too, and of course theres my third oldest sister who lives here with her boyfriend too and my twin brother. Oh! And Grandad and Grandma.” It was a mouthful to say, let alone to process. 
Sam stood with his mouth agape, he had no clue Y/N’s family was so big, comedically big. “Jesus christ.” He breathed out, looking at the family portrait and then down at Y/N. “You see, I told you they’d love you.. and you wanna know something?” she wrapped her arms around his neck, grinning up at him. He started to calm down, his nerve slowly dying down but he still had to get approval from the siblings so he wasn’t quite safe just yet. 
“What?” he carefully placed his hands on her waist and smiled at her. “We’re due for another family portrait soon, don’t suppose you’d like to be apart of that?” He looked at her, stunned at the question, my how the evening was turning out not at all like he expected it to. He was flattered to say the least and eyed her with a slight smirk on his lips, “what kind of question is that, I think you know the answer to that.” he leant down and pressed his lips onto hers thinking about how in just a short few weeks he’d be up on that family portrait. 
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rockformed · 7 years
CruiseAnon: YES AGH Thank you! I really love knowing what I'm getting myself into and you're making a compelling case to save up for one! (well at this point im gonna do it AAA) Does it ever get boring tho? Is there seriously alot to do, and is wifi existential on board? Sorry for all the questions!!
under the cut again!! its no problem!!
the wifi is throughout the ship, and there are charging ports in every stateroom! however i would advise against using it very often because you’re charged depending on how much time you’re on, and you can imagine that keeping up wifi on a ship that will sail over huge vast oceans would be expensive to have, so they charge accordingly. (you probably wont even need to use it with all the stuff they have to do)
honestly, theres stuff to do every hour of every day, and im not exaggerating. every night while you’re eating, room servicers come into your room and tidy things up, and when they do they leave you a Personal Navigator sheet. you get a new one every day, and it plots out events that are happening all over the ship, for all ages. heres a pic of one from a different cruise
(that’s just what they’ll look like, all the activities wont be the same as on that one)
they have movies play on the top deck on a huge screen ALL DAY, plus they have movies (and sometimes premiers!! my grandma and i saw Melificent the day it came out on the boat!!) in the Buena Vista theater all day, with 30 minutes in between each one. plus, if you feel like staying in your room, theres on demand movies, shows, shorts, etcs on the stateroom tv. theres also regular channels like music channels, ABC, Freeform, etc (those dont work as often but when you’re in a port on on castaway cay they usually work)
often times, theres a 30 min art class everyday, each day a staff member teaches you how to draw a disney character. theres trivia sessions (disney trivia, music trivia, movie trivia [those last two are mostly for adults tho]) and the team with the most answers correct at the end get a prize (usually a keychain or a magnet, nothing huge)
theres origami classes, towel folding classes (everynight when the servicers come into ur stateroom they leave a folded towel animal with chocolates!!!) theres golfing on the top deck + a basketball area. if you or someone with u are under 17, theres clubs for each agegroup (oceaneers for 3-10, edge for 10-13, vibe for 14-17) if you’re an adult, theres a private pool area, a gym and a spa (i think you have to pay extra for treatments there tho)
of course theres the aquadunk, that awesome water slide on the top deck (really fun to ride at night, the tube lights up!!) theres gift shops, theres live shows EVERY DAY!!!!!!!!!! there are lounges where they host parties for adults late at night, and serve alcohol. theres characters around the whole ship at most times during the day.
AND OF COURSE theres pirate night!! its on every single cruise no matter how short. you get a bandana and a special dinner menu, plus there are characters from the pirates of the carabian movies walking around the lobby decks. then at around 9-10 pm theres a show on the top deck, with some really really awesome fireworks. its the best
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keuncats · 5 years
Rare by Selena Gomez os (mostly) Our Characters, Ships & More.
Hello, here i am again. still very weird. but also i said our characters in the title but as those songs is about empowering women and you have a lot of more than i am, which i love all of them and that’s just me praising them, so i will try my best to speak from my heart and as you advise me too: you just gonna have to take it. and even a spoiler: theres a lot of gays couples in here too.  but here we go.
Okay, first, i’m gonna be honest with you that i already listen to this song like last week because someone leaked but was with that alvin and the squirrels voice?you know those from youtube right?so when i was listening anyways cause it was a good song and i put in repeat and i was thinking who was this song. first i was like this could be nayoung or jihu or even danbi because she had a lot of fucked up relationships. but then my mind light up and i was like: oH MY GOD THIS IS MILK!!
Baby You've been so distant from me lately And lately Don’t even wanna call you "baby"
okay because i’m talking about your character and i’m not tried to godmodding in anyways, however, as my mind imagine those scenes as a telenovela of six pm from globo tv,  and as i watch a video one time about arranged marriage i think that at least in the beginning, as a young girl minkyung must at least had this figure in her head that in the end she would fall for this great guy who would treat like a princess or something, but it was not it and turn out really awful and triggered to see as she was cheating on and other more awful things she had going through
Saw us gettin' older (Older) Burnin' toast in the toaster My ambitions were too high Waiting up for you upstairs (Upstairs) Why you act like I’m not there? Baby, right now it feels like
you probably didn’t expect for the first track going in this direction, but this song is totally about minkyung in her marriage with the lee guy i always forget the name. and the way she literally left everything to go live and marry this man and she tried her best to make that marriage and family work, which as you said once it was at the begging when their son born, but still that man after all treat her like garbage.
It feels like you don't care Why don't you recognize I'm so rare? Always there You don't do the same for me, that's not fair
even if she didn’t care to go through hell with all those spank and betrays because it was better when it was suffering than her own son, she must feel awful or even worst she felt like this was okay to happen because this was, as you said once, the only world she knew was that one where she sort of locked in a house just to take care of her son and house and plants or even as she had to get permission for him to do stuff like her degree in biology. is even sadder to think as a jeju people, minkyung was the only person in that island even if a fucked situation she was not kissed by the sun and ended being great as she got older.
I'm not gonna beg for you I'm not gonna let you make me cry (Ah, nah nah, make me cry) Not getting enough from you (No-oh) Didn't you know I'm hard to find? (Find, hard to find)
well this part is when sanchan is already a grown-up living in another place and she finally decided to divorce that motherfuck pf her husband.
I don't have it all (I don't have it all) I'm not claiming to (I'm not claiming to) But I know that I'm special (So special), yeah And I'll bet there's somebody else out there To tell me I'm rare To make me feel rare (Ooh yeah)
in the end of the day, she is and has every aspect of a jeju person: she is strong, kind-hearted in every ways possible and well still smile that can save people. her ex-husband didn’t appreciate her but as myself there other people like her son and her grandson who both made her their safe place, theres also seulgi who well try to avoid her but thats just because of the trauma she loves her grandma, who couldn’t? even bonghu considered minkyung her mother because she acted like one more than her mother itself. and well, even getting into 60 she found lian, who became her good friend who was someone who understood her, however, he is lian even old he flirt with her just as a joke but also not because she is great and beautiful in every aspect.
Dance Again
As you can see by the title of the song is gonna be about a dancer and we have a lot of that, huh? At first when i didn’t read the lyrics just the song i was thinking this was linlin theme song, but actually turns out as julie. like this is literally julie. genius still doesn’t have a lot of description of the song but i search for what selena said about all of the tracks of the song and she said that:  “The purpose and the meaning of this song is that you can be vulnerable, you can have all these feelings, … but now I’m ready to let loose and it’s so cheesy, but I’ve gone my step back … and it feels good.”, and this reminded me of what you said in julie’s set for perfect. and this is a song that describes her even more.
Happiness Ain't something you sit back and you wait for Mmm, ah Confidence Is throwing your heart through every brick wall Mmm, ah
this is just lyric speaking of that chandler’s quote: if i’m going down i’m gonna bring everyone with me! because well, she didn’t regret getting that dick as we saw her when dispatch exposed them and when she was going against her father and saying she got married to him. she found a guy who was more crazy and wilder than her, c’mon.
Vulnerable Ain't easy, believe me, but I go there Mmm, ah It's like I'm ten feet tall I'm high off the weight off of my shoulders Mmm, ah
and this is about after 7sins disband and her fans like: fuck she is jobless, will she ever return again? and then she made a contract with keun and became a solo artist and believer was a huge success because everyone was wondering what the fuck she is doing and she turn out the tables even if there still people who hate her and others who workship her (myself included) she still the hot topic everyone likes to talk.
I kickstart the rhythm All the trauma's in remission No, I don't need permission
and this right here i could see julie since living in the states and had to got to korea with her father, and when she enter ong how her father made her get out of there to put in another agency and she uses valak to break up with kaili,  as  in general, she was getting older, and got that attitude of her that she don’t need permission to do anything from anyone even if she was kinda of scared if her father would kill her boyfriend.
Feels so, feels so, feels so good to dance again With my emotions undressed, I'm going in (Go in) With everything (Everything) To dance again Feels so, feels so, feels so good
and with that, i rest my case.
Look At Her Now
Well, as a said before that personally this could be Kuen song but being truthful this could every woman who was betrayed and how she stronger after all just as Nayoung, Kim Yura and i’m realizing now how this also totally about Soonyi and Jihu. I take responsibility for all of those.
They fell in love one summer A little too wild for each other Shiny 'til it wasn't Feels good 'til it doesn't It was her first real lover His too 'til he had another Oh, God, when she found out Trust levels went way down
I mean you can totally see that guy is nameless and how he abused of nayoung who was still young and didn’t realize this was abuse itself because she found him a good friend as she was working in dramas and made her feel good so she fell for him more than anything and would do anything for him to like her no matter what always until she discovers he was hooking up with Kim Yura too which i don’t know but as a male predator that he is he made her feel the same way even she was a lesbian and i don’t know about her other relationships but i know she fell for a lot of wrong people so that part of first real lover could be her crush on nayoung. And well, Kuen also had a nameless not exactly as nayoung, he was just a singer from a band that she mad in love with she even stop talking with her family and friends because she wanted to be with this dude and him well cheated on her but she did too but it was a back and forth toxic relationship. As Soonyi and Jihu both being about Sanghee but in different aspects, because Sanghee in the begging was like her best friend who would have sex with and with another person until a baby came and even she wanted to get an abortion, Sanghee assure her to not to that because he would take care of the baby with her so she did it and accepted to marry him because since college she had sort of feeling for him, she truly loved him and there a lot of good times in their marriage thats why she was not just sad but very much angry at him for had another one because he could at least talk to her about that as when they were going and she would be cool with that but no she went against her back and was with Soonyi, and this other is not a saint she knew exactly what she was doing but she got pregnant and well trust levels went down with Sanghee too she didn’t obligate him doing nothing that was main part of him.
Fast nights that got him That new life was his problem Not saying she was perfect Still regrets that moment Like that night Wasn't wrong, wasn't right, yeah What a thing to be human (What a thing to be human) Made her more of a woman (Made her more of a woman)
This give me flashbacks of that thread of Keun and Nayoung in the club when it was born the: Kim Yura i thought you moved to Japan. Also flashbacks of Kim Yura having sex with nameless. But i think this verse speak more for Soonyi than anyone, those nights she would have sex with Sanghee in the hospital and everything
She knows she'll find love (She knows) Only if she wants it She knows she'll find love (She knows) She knows she'll find love (She knows) Only if she wants it She knows she'll find love (She knows) On the up from the way down Look at her now, watch her go
And to finish this up. As i am the partner of those women, i’m happy of them being extremely strong and being a better a person and deserved to in the end deserve true love. yes, i was speaking this mostly to Nayoung and Kim Yura but also for Kuen. Soonyi, well, you made him sortar of a good man.
Lose You To Love Me
This is again a song about Nayoung. I don’t know if you want me to explain this, we know her history, you more than me since you wait to show me Dear John to speak more about her relationship with nameless. UPDATE: Hansol and Nayoung about her dear mother too.
You promised the world and I fell for it I put you first and you adored it Set fires to my forest And you let it burn Sang off-key in my chorus 'Cause it wasn't yours I saw the signs and I ignored it Rose-colored glasses all distorted Set fire to my purpose And I let it burn You got off on the hurtin' When it wasn't yours, yeah
Again this is about her and nameless and how she was so over hills to him to the point to make diets just because he told her she was fat. she did everything for him because it was the first person who showed affection to her (or it was what she was thinking it was)
We'd always go into it blindly I needed to lose you to find me This dancing was killing me softly I needed to hate you to love me, yeah
And this is more about Keun than Nameless. Well, maybe the part of hate you more of being from Nameless but also how she used that to have the strength to broke up with Keun in that day.
To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah I needed to lose you to love me, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah I needed to lose you to love me
Again more about Keun and well how she went to therapy after they broke up and she discovers her more about herself in there to become the person better much version of her we know.
I gave my all and they all know it Then you tore me down and now it's showing In two months, you replaced us Like it was easy Made me think I deserved it In the thick of healing, yeah
There’s no men who are worth it. I said this because both Nameless and Keun went out there giving their dicks out. Of course Nameless did it worst, but Keun attitude of making a whole album made her that bitch was maybe at the same level of make her think she deserve everything bad when she was just trying to healing.
And now the chapter is closed and done To love, love, yeah To love, love, yeah To love, yeah And now it's goodbye, it's goodbye for us
Oh FINALLY not a heartbreak song. so anyways, this song i will not talk to much (i believe) but when i listen to the song this could be any bad bitch but because this song remembers me of Kyungri solo when WNDR debut i’m gonna be selfish and say this is her song. She is your ultimate bias, so take it.
You all in your feelings, baby, all into me I'm one in a billion, baby, don't you agree?
Obviously, you know, I'm aware of that I'm breakin' hearts like a heart attack Got him right where the carats at
As Selena Gomez said:   “Ring is sassy. I don’t know if I can say the real meaning behind it [on here]. … The point of it is it’s a confidence. … It’s all about feeling good about myself and being able to kind of be intimidating to guys”, which is speak to me of Kyungri. It just made me remember how every male trainee was afraid of going into her even if all agreed she was hot.
Wrapped 'round my finger like a ring, ring, ring They just like puppets on a string, string, string I put it down, they call me up They doin' way too much So I'll just let it ring, ring, ring (Oh-oh)
THIS APPLIED ALSO FOR SULJI WOw that whore. Wait My miND REMINDE me of jinhyung going to ask her out and he was like: “i’m korean”. but this is about every guy ever kyungri messed with just because she was thinking how men are stupid and it was so funny. thats why not just jinhyung, but every guy who her mom made going to a date with or a random guy she met and she had fun with them, not names mention cause they really are that random of the universe even linlin and wndr didnt knew much about them imagine us. but we know even dating she made a pact with her boyfriend to flirt with other just for fun and not getting anything because it was fun to mess around with people. 
Yeah, I received your message, all twenty-three (Twenty-three)
You know I'm Jordan with it, G-O-A-T (G-O-A-T)
and this is about her birthday when jinhyung send those messages. it was funny. and sulji with dino probably.
Circlin' me, they just like satellites (Ooh) Circlin' me all day and every night (Ooh, yeah) Circlin' me, I'm sure you sympathize (Ooh) A-la-la-la-la-la-la-la (Ooh) Oh, na-na
i believe this is also the song you thought sulji would listen to it, imma right? i just imagine she is the shit. which she is because well even stupid she made seth, dino, nurse guy and as you once said she made out with jack.
This song was the hardest to think of someone else. First, because i’m trying to find one for Linlin. Second, i was like: no, okay, this song is about Danbi. But in the very end i realized this about Minhye.
If I give you every piece of me, I know that you could drop it Give you the chance, I know that you could take advantage once you got it If I open up my heart to you, I know that you could lock it Throw away the key, and keep it there forever in your pocket If I give the opportunity to you, then would you blow it? If I was the greatest thing to happen to you, would you know it? If my love was like a flower, would you plant it? Would you grow it? I'ma give you all my body, are you strong enough to hold it?
As far from Danbi, i tought of her because, again, she had a lot of relationships and not very good one, especially that one who took her money, so it understandable of how she was one step back of being with Daehyun at the beginning because she had been through a lot since her family problems and her taking care of her dad and her sisters and already getting another guy who wouldn’t help her out with converted or at least easying her mind, it was worth? she needed it, maybe it was daehyun but she needs to take care of herself first.
If I show you all my demons, and we dive into the deep end Would we crash and burn like every time before? I would tell you all my secrets, wrap your arms around my weakness If the only other option's letting go
and about minhye, this is more her to jukan after college or any guy ever, as she could look bad at his point of view for just had sex with for two times and move on but still because she is got through a lot with her mom suicide and her whole life is a mystery but it is a fucked life she went so sharing those stuff is a hard and well jukan don’t look like the exact caring type of guy because he was an idiot back then but somehow him just love her helped and also how she overcome being this successful influencer with her business.
If I hand you my emotions, would you even wanna take it? (Would you even wanna take it? Yeah) If I give you all my trust, then would you fumble it and break it? (Mm, mm, mm, mm) If I let you cross my finish line, then would you wanna make it? (What you wanna make it, what you wanna make it?) I think I'm ready, won't you come and flip the switch and activate it? (Ooh)
Now this also could be Jinah because she is also someone who went trough some shit and we didn’t see her crying about even once. she is also someone who was very much strong and how she was a prostitute as object for a lot of men to find love even that person was bokyum was beautiful and also she gave up this life to go to college and became a psychology.
If the only other option's letting go I'll stay vulnerable
People You Know.
This song can have a lot of meanings, not just as lovers but as friends or even family too. Thats one of the reasons even if the song looks to me about Hansol and Chan-u, Anna and Kuen, this is mostly about Chihye and Inna and could be even also about Eleanor and her sister. Let me show you.
You were runnin' through me like water Now the feeling's leavin' me dry These days, we couldn't be farther So how’s it feel to be on the other side?
This is where i thought of the couples because well one of them got to move or travel to other places and the other just was there moving with life also but coming back and seeing how things changed.
So many wasted (Wasted) Nights with (Nights with) you (You) I still can taste it (Taste it) I hate it, wish I could take it back 'cause
This couls be Chihye over Inna seeing that she stop being friends with her when she got poor. This is also gonna become more Eleanor centered. Because those lyrics i believe was when she was fighting a lot with her sister or sort of when their dad died but also i think more when her sister decided to take those pictures of her and zeev making sex in the bathtub and show to the internet to make money from it.
We used to be close, but people can go From people you know to people you don't And what hurts the most is people can go From people you know to people you don't We used to be close, but people can go From people you know to people you don't And what hurts the most is people can go From people you know to people you don't
this is inna point of view i believe, when she discovers chihye ended up marrying the guy she liked and that person who runs away with her daughter and also the one who she loved was too and even put a detective to find her, isn't? woW
When it was good, we were on fire Now I'm breathin' ashes and dust I always wanna get higher I never know when enough is enough
This look to me Hansol and Chanu so, let me just add here.
We used to be close, but people can go From people you know to people you don't And what hurts the most is people can go From people you know to people you don't We used to be close, but people can go From people you know to people you don't And what hurts the most is people can go From people you know to people you don't
Personally, as i have an older sister myself i can assure that idolizing them and want to become like them is very real thats why i feel for eleanor when she asked keun to not made her sister going to jail. because even she tried to screw up her relationship, she was her family, she was one of the first people she interacts in the world with, she was her first best friend and how they went crazy drunk parties it happened with them. i actually don’t know much, because my vision is the same as zeev’s of it, i can just feel empathy from it and just think how much it felt for eleanor to have this big figure she loved to do something very mean. Thats it.
Let Me Get Me.
Okay, so as this song selena sings about overcoming her mental illness and feeling a sense of freedom of the thoughts of her heard. this could be also about Linlin? yes, but because the rhythm of the song i believe this song speaks more about Seulgi.
Like a prayer surroundin' us, movin' effortlessly Every word is relief I'm in dance floor therapy, all my babies and me But tonight, it's for free No self-sabotage, no letting my thoughts run Me and this spiral are done Burn this camouflage I've been wearing for months Tryna let a little happy in for once
This is much more about last year, which theoretically speaking in our minds was the year that her brother basically tried to killed himself, also days after she kissed her best friend out nowhere and even she ignored it looked like it was gonna be a horrible year for this girl especially with her depression but it was also the year of a lot of comebacks, and tour, and syrch. so it ended up being an amazing time for seulgi because not only she got the money, she got new friends, she got even the girl, she got to go to new places who wouldn’t made think of the tragedy part of her life, which made her try to be her she thought it went away.
Diving in ferociously, dancing intimately I'm so connected to me In the dark, I'm letting go, so anonymously I guess this is what it feels like to be free
this is you making badgalseulgi ans saying you were the most close to the real seulgi then ever before. but also i belive those lyrics hits harder if you think this is about moving on aside from wndr and her relationship with hailey and her archive what she wants more for her.
Don't get me down, I won't let me get me (Ooh) Don't get me down, I won't let me get me (Ooh) I'm good right now, I won't let me get me Take that tired heart and go and turn it inside-out
this is literally her fighting her depression and grow of it each day because she knows theres much more that the world can afford her and this is what her parents would be happy she would do. which they are but not just them or me but also every person she is close it cheers for her and is proud of her. even herself because of how depression sometimes can appear even in your best days but seulgi was strong and turn it inside-out.
Crowded Room
Is gonna start being a lot more romantic as now. At first, i try not to think of men but this song sounds to me like Clay and Allen, but this is also about Yura and Chiyo and oh my GOD now after i was saying about seulgi this is also the girlfriends. Before i think of other people let me explain those three gays couples.
Baby, it's just me and you Baby, it's just me and you Just us two Even in a crowded room Baby, it's just me and you, yeah
This makes me remember of that party of when clay and allen met, actually the whole song remembers me of the day. plus, also them living together and being goofy idk. and how this song is repetitive this will gonna explain the others couples later.
It started polite, out on thin ice 'Til you came over to break it I threw you a line and you were mine
for me this is literally them texting each other and allen like: wanna sext xD. but this is also yura in japan and having this instant connection with chiyo and she just trying play cool but also flirting and chiyo doing the same. as from the girlfriends, this could be about when they were just friends and then the kiss happened and you know what went next.
Yeah, I was afraid, but you made it safe I guess that is our combination Said you feel lost, well, so do I
this right here i think its very much seulgi and hailey, its like their march band, you know? but this is also allen and clay’s march band and how they went dating and how clay was so in love with him even if has his first experience with a boy and felt so good with him that made thinking about himself and how he wanted to do with his future and with allen on it. and yura and chiyo because of how much homophobia they had to go through for those other gays can be free to love.
So won't you call me in the morning? I think that you should call me in the morning If you feel the same 'cause
exactly, in wich couple in there theres at least one foreign that live away or had to go to another place. so,,, this is mostly allen and chiyo after met and talking with their lovers and just wanted more because they like them. seulgi and hailey well because they miss each other even just as friends, isn't?
Baby, it's just me and you Baby, it's just me and you Just us two Even in a crowded room Baby, it's just me and you, yeah Baby, it's just me and you Baby, it's just me and you Just us two Even in a crowded room Baby, it's just me and you, yeah
so now i  will explain more because for me this is also Yura and Chiyo, well they had to face a lot together because its a  new decade now but people are not open-minded as we thought they would, but it was worth getting to it and fighting for their rights because they were together in this, the two of them and didn't matter of anything. i'm not just talking about marriage or adoption but everything
Engulfed in the flames Engulfed in the shame Betrayed by your imagination In over my head, but that's alright
oh, this is hailey getting through stuff after the kiss but also seulgi when she figured out she was gay, same as kim yura, and this is clay in the dorm thinking about the harvad boy.
Baby, it's just me and you Baby, it's just me and you Just us two Even in a crowded room Baby, it's just me and you, yeah Baby, it's just me and you Baby, it's just me and you Just us two Even in a crowded room (Oh) Baby, it's just me and you
and now as for the girlfriends. i can totally imagine sonders making those videos with this song on twitter with all their moments together in the tour, in wndr tv, fansign or even just walking in the airport.  even if they were the couple that had more people surround them, they also were the last couple to have like the opportunity to be  open to the media, but they didn't care or even wanted that because the thing that matters was just that they would stick together.
The world keeps on spinning, but I ain't dizzy yet, yeah The more that you give, give, give, give, the more that you get
you know, all those three couples made each other feel like what they have couldn't be real because it felt so good and this could really happen to people like them (your muses mostly)? all of them feel free but also both of those three couples facing up stuff together in the relationship and thats beautiful.
You make the whole room feel slow-motion You make me feel like I'm drowning in a potion Closed off, tryna get a little open The more that I give, the more that I get So baby, I'ma call you in the AM You're down for my love, honey, say when I be waitin' on my time 'cause I'm patient
again, you can see how easy-going they made feel to each other, but this rap i believe is more my characters to you?? chiyo was there even facing nameless, she was with yura for everything and yura deserved somebody who would stick with her and love her, thats why theres the part of i'm patient. and this is hailey didn't care if they were together as friends or girlfriends but in the end she knew they would be together again because its their connection. and this is allen moving to south korea just to be more close to lay and date him for real.
Kinda Crazy
Another who was hard to think about but them it come to mind: This is Anna and Kuen, yes i warn you theres just gays in here. But also Linlin and Mingyu
Hey, you started out sweeter than hard candy Words were like licorice to the taste But slowly, all the sugar, it went to waste Went to waste Oh, you started getting funny with no jokes I started seein' through you like a ghost And now I'm pretty sure I can't take no more I can't take no more-ore
This is literally Kuen in the other side of the world had to be point out to be the person Anna was talking in her songs, such as Bbibbi, which was not very much lovable ones. Which i said that she could had feel sorry for messing with her but also she was very much angry with her because she didn't exactly talk to her she just decided her songs as she sings about her experiences. And this is clearly Mingyu and Linlin because of all the fights they had and Mingyu couldn't a lot with Linlin ways sometimes
I think you're kind of crazy And not the good kind, baby 'Cause you're actin' super shady You know it, you know it Been dodgin' phone calls lately But still textin' me, "Baby" Yeah, I think you're kind of crazy You know it, you know it You've been lyin' just for fun Luckily, no damage done But now I see you're kind of crazy You know it, you know it
This is about every chat of mingyu and linlin we had but also kuen still angry but both of those would still text each other like nothing happen ,,,, until,,,
Hey, you're the one who started talkin' to me Made the move, asked me to be your babe And now you're treatin' me like I'm insane You're insane
THIS IS ANNA PAYBACK IN THis song and how she had to take kuen changing her to those white dudes but still would play with her heart and going but you are my oldest friend :-(( and she had enough as she should #goanna. AnD ALSO LINLIN'S BECAUSE mingyu acting like mister right but always would come to her place still or even going to another country, yes men sucks my men are the same as the real ones.
I think you're kind of crazy And not the good kind, baby 'Cause you're actin' super shady You know it, you know it Been dodgin' phone calls lately But still textin' me, "Baby" Yeah, I think you're kind of crazy You know it, you know it You've been lyin' just for fun Luckily, no damage done But now I see you're kind of crazy You know it, you know it
they ended up marrying each other.
This is totally Chan-u and Hansol but i'm gonna be bold here and put one of the newest ships since i talk a lot about lesbians in here so this is also Gigi and Park.
This is just what the doctor ordered (Yeah) Put a gold star on my disorder Yeah, we've talked around every corner If I'm lookin' at you and me, we're on some kind of symmetry
Because you said Gigi took some medicine because she had some kinda of problem but she took and have cool parents i thought this is hit more than the bipolar of Chan-u.
I'm a sensitive situation (Mmm) You're a hot and cold combination Oh, we both know we got complications (Mmm)
No need to explain about chanu and hansol in here. and i know we have seven more new ships ver much new and stuff to think about it. i don't know if park has complications, she just a crazy chick who likes to do stuff and doesn't care about much, she is very much like chihye when she was young and rich, you know? she just reckless.
I try not to bother, not to bother you (Ah) But my kind of trouble likes your trouble too (Ah)
and this is just Gigi, because  Chanu is a brat he doesn't care if would bother or not, same as Hansol. Oh my god i realized now he is chihye's son too.
Can we keep it on a first name basis? (Ah) We could overcrowd each other's spaces You get me higher than my medication Take me to different places, let's face it, I'm gettin' impatient (Ah)
again, as you said about gigi having problems with her mental health it made me think, park wouldn't be like: stop doing, party, fuck, blabla, you know? i don't know even if she even knew but if she knows she would respect her as the same, she is very much feeling and just wanted to have a good time. ANd YOU KNOW ABOUT THE GAYS.
Cut You Off
Now, finally, as the album is ending, this is about Haneul and her breakup with Hyuntae but more specific when she decided to stop shadying him
Pull up to the mirror, staring at my face Gotta chop-chop all the extra weight I've been carrying for fourteen-hundred-sixty days Gotta, gotta, gotta clean my slate
Is a song about moving on and feeling better by yourself, which haneul did eventually after stage of crying, denying, songwriting, hate, all of that after one sex with john. i think thats is incredible. just kidding eventually she would do that.
And I might as well just tell you while I'm drunk, yeah The truth is that I think I've had enough Professionally messin' with my trust How could I confuse that shit for love?
and this is about that day hyuntae tried to talk to her and said he loved her and she throw champgne in his face, as she had a lot of reasons to react like that because she was heartbroken over a text message, his long-time friend who became her first real love doing this way? she deserves more respect for that. this also is about the date she got drunk in chinese with seth.
So I gotta get You out my head now I just cut you off You out my head now I just cut you off When I'm without you I don't overthink it, I just carry on, get You out my head now I just cut you off
this was written by haneul. haneul worked with selena.
Sweeter Place
OH MY FUCKIN GOD I WAS WATING FOR A SONG ABOUT THIS WOMAN AND IT WAS THE LAST TRACK? CRIST SAKEs. If you don't know i'm talking about Linlin and this song talks about Selena's struggle with anxiety, so yeah.
Is there a place where I can hide away? Red lips, french kiss my worries all away There must be a sweeter place We can sugarcoat the taste Sweeter place There must be a sweeter—
this is very much about i believe when she is alone in her own thoughts after a fight with mingyu maybe or someone else but anyways how her life is a lot of times upside down.
So lemme tell ya Ooh, got two feet on the ground and felt what real is like What it was like Livin' out of the scene, out in the wild Learnin' to breathe Up in the clouds, far from the crowds I can't believe I can be loud Holdin' hands with the darkness and knowin' my heart is allowed Allowed
This is again her and her discovering her anxiety in the medical field of her agency. i can't talk much about that because you know. but this is selena accepting it and being unapologetic about it and thats much very linlin.
As I fantasize So much to see, I'm in paradise, oh, I Always seems I'm new inside Deep, deep down in me, I go now, baby, born to fly, oh, I Now see, how could it be? We will find our way, we'll find the things we seek, ooh-ee You see, I'm mesmerized This is just for me and I am cuttin' ties, goodbye Ooh, no, no, no, no
oh this also could be feat chanu, cause this is the rapper part and the rapper also had struggles with even got into rehab for it? anyways, chanu and linlin are very much a like thats why they are friends and sometimes they could even talk about those stuff idk what i'm saying now. love those motherfuckers
0 notes
demitgibbs · 6 years
Eleven Items in Your Attic That Might be Worth Big Bucks
Attic treasures are slowly becoming a thing of the past. Many of us are living more efficiently with less clutter lying around the house and barely any room for additional storage anyway. I’ve never even opened the hatch to the attic in my house – mostly because that horror-movie-waiting-to-happen can stay locked away for eternity for all I care.
Yet while younger generations don’t have a need or desire to take advantage of attic space – if they even have it – our parents and grandparents were basically functioning hoarders who stuffed the rafters to the gills will potential treasures. What sort of bounty is tucked away up there? Take a look at these 11 items in your attic that might be worth big bucks.
Sterling Silver and Enameled Metal Pieces
While silver and gold fluctuate in price on the markets, they’ll never not be valuable. And since sterling was relatively cheap back in the day, it’s feasible that your family could have a few pieces that demand a pretty penny. “For pieces that retain their value over time, look to precious metal antiques including sterling silver flatware, tea sets, and also enameled metal pieces like Cloisonné and Champleve,” advises Michael de Bondt, an antique buyer and estate sales dealer in Sarasota, Florida. “Because of the workmanship and level of quality in these items, they can be worth money for decades or longer and remain more stable than trending antiques and collectibles.”
Far East Antiques
De Bondt adds that Far East antiques also hold their value for a long time.
“The hottest items now that people might have lurking in attics from grandma’s parlor are Asian pieces,” he says. “We especially like Chinese snuff bottles, antique urns and bronze pieces.”
Musical Instruments
“Any musical instrument can have huge value, but especially guitars,” explains David Kalt, founder and CEO of Reverb.com, an online marketplace for guitars and gear.He says, for instance, that popular guitars from the 1960s could be attic treasures, including vintage Fender, Gibson and acoustic guitars.
Obsolete Electronics
As reported by Mashable, even the most outdated electronic devices are sought after, like the Imagination Machine that pulled in $900 on eBay.
But even if you don’t have little-known vintage electronics, you can still cop a decent amount of green with your old Nintendo items, like a 20-year-old Super Nintendo game that sold for $81; dusty and totally defunct Betamaxes; and Apple products, like the Apple II+, which commanded $102 at eBay auction.
Childhood Toys and Games
Kevin Bernhard, owner of Rust-and-Shine vintage and handmade market in Baltimore, reveals that sales for vintage toys and game boxes are especially healthy.
“Most people think they are trash, but people buy them to reunite a toy with its original packaging, or just use it as art,” he says.
Another decent moneymaker is the fast food and cartoon character collector glassware from the 1980s.
“With ’80s kids now having disposable income, they are being bought up like crazy. There’s just something fun about drinking an adult beverage out of a glass that you used to sip apple juice out of,” says Bernhard. “Another favorite are stuffed animals from the ’80s and early ’90s. Alf, Teddy Ruxpin and My Buddy dolls fly off the shelves.”
Most coins will always be worth their face value – even if that has diminished over the years thanks to inflation. But some coins, especially rare ones in excellent condition, far exceed their original value. The same goes for paper money, too, which isn’t uncommon to find in attics previously owned by war-era families and veterans.
There are several options on where to sell your coins and cash – like to a coin shop, physical auction, and an online auction or marketplace – but first you should have the value appraised by a reputable source.
Vintage Magazines and Newspapers
On eBay, a lot of 11 vintage Seventeen magazines from 1961 and ’62 sold for nearly $50, while a single issue of Vogue magazine from April 15, 1968, was up to $36.99 from nine bids on eBay four days before its auction expiration.
Costume & Designer Jewelry
“Signed pieces of designer jewelry are often a great place to find value: Cartier, Van Cleef & Arpels, Raymond Yard, David Webb – all these brands have been around for decades, and in some cases over a century,” says Anup Jogani, founder and CEO of Jogani Beverly Hills, a dealer in antique and vintage gems and jewelry. “Finding a piece with one of these iconic signatures means a good payday coming your way.”
Let’s not forget about costume jewelry, either. I’ve seen costume jewelry sell rapidly and for a decent fee – $100 per small box – at a yard sale that I co-hosted with a neighbor. It was part of his mother’s collection, which wasn’t particularly worth much in terms of quality or craftsmanship, but the pieces were nice enough to catch one buyer’s attention, and that’s really all you need.
Comic Books
A quick look on eBay revealed a few heavy hitters, like a lot of 1,712 Gold, Silver and Bronze Age Avengers #1 comic books approaching $7,200 with one day left on bidding; The Amazing Spider-Man #6 from November 1963 bid at $163.50; and a The Brave and the Bold title from 1955 at $128.50 with five days to go.
Reader’s Digest suggests consulting Kovels’ Antiques & Collectibles Price Guide to establish your bearings in the vintage and antique furniture world, while paying particular attention to Stickley Mission Oak, Arts and Crafts, and Heywood-Wakefield brands. Items that might seem like a boon but are really a bust include 1920s and ’30s dining sets that are reproductions of 16th- and 17th-century pieces.
“They look like they came out of a castle,” dealer J. Michael Flanigan told Reader’s Digest, “but they were produced by the tens of thousands out of places like Grand Rapids.”
Sports Trading Cards
Considering the amount of time that’s passed and the number of sports trading cards that may be hidden away in the attic, you could have a nice chunk of change coming your way. Upper Deck has a beginners’ guide on how to start sorting through your cards before you approach a shop on the actual retail value.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2019/01/02/eleven-items-in-your-attic-that-might-be-worth-big-bucks/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.tumblr.com/post/181645847890
0 notes
cynthiajayusa · 6 years
Eleven Items in Your Attic That Might be Worth Big Bucks
Attic treasures are slowly becoming a thing of the past. Many of us are living more efficiently with less clutter lying around the house and barely any room for additional storage anyway. I’ve never even opened the hatch to the attic in my house – mostly because that horror-movie-waiting-to-happen can stay locked away for eternity for all I care.
Yet while younger generations don’t have a need or desire to take advantage of attic space – if they even have it – our parents and grandparents were basically functioning hoarders who stuffed the rafters to the gills will potential treasures. What sort of bounty is tucked away up there? Take a look at these 11 items in your attic that might be worth big bucks.
Sterling Silver and Enameled Metal Pieces
While silver and gold fluctuate in price on the markets, they’ll never not be valuable. And since sterling was relatively cheap back in the day, it’s feasible that your family could have a few pieces that demand a pretty penny. “For pieces that retain their value over time, look to precious metal antiques including sterling silver flatware, tea sets, and also enameled metal pieces like Cloisonné and Champleve,” advises Michael de Bondt, an antique buyer and estate sales dealer in Sarasota, Florida. “Because of the workmanship and level of quality in these items, they can be worth money for decades or longer and remain more stable than trending antiques and collectibles.”
Far East Antiques
De Bondt adds that Far East antiques also hold their value for a long time.
“The hottest items now that people might have lurking in attics from grandma’s parlor are Asian pieces,” he says. “We especially like Chinese snuff bottles, antique urns and bronze pieces.”
Musical Instruments
“Any musical instrument can have huge value, but especially guitars,” explains David Kalt, founder and CEO of Reverb.com, an online marketplace for guitars and gear.He says, for instance, that popular guitars from the 1960s could be attic treasures, including vintage Fender, Gibson and acoustic guitars.
Obsolete Electronics
As reported by Mashable, even the most outdated electronic devices are sought after, like the Imagination Machine that pulled in $900 on eBay.
But even if you don’t have little-known vintage electronics, you can still cop a decent amount of green with your old Nintendo items, like a 20-year-old Super Nintendo game that sold for $81; dusty and totally defunct Betamaxes; and Apple products, like the Apple II+, which commanded $102 at eBay auction.
Childhood Toys and Games
Kevin Bernhard, owner of Rust-and-Shine vintage and handmade market in Baltimore, reveals that sales for vintage toys and game boxes are especially healthy.
“Most people think they are trash, but people buy them to reunite a toy with its original packaging, or just use it as art,” he says.
Another decent moneymaker is the fast food and cartoon character collector glassware from the 1980s.
“With ’80s kids now having disposable income, they are being bought up like crazy. There’s just something fun about drinking an adult beverage out of a glass that you used to sip apple juice out of,” says Bernhard. “Another favorite are stuffed animals from the ’80s and early ’90s. Alf, Teddy Ruxpin and My Buddy dolls fly off the shelves.”
Most coins will always be worth their face value – even if that has diminished over the years thanks to inflation. But some coins, especially rare ones in excellent condition, far exceed their original value. The same goes for paper money, too, which isn’t uncommon to find in attics previously owned by war-era families and veterans.
There are several options on where to sell your coins and cash – like to a coin shop, physical auction, and an online auction or marketplace – but first you should have the value appraised by a reputable source.
Vintage Magazines and Newspapers
On eBay, a lot of 11 vintage Seventeen magazines from 1961 and ’62 sold for nearly $50, while a single issue of Vogue magazine from April 15, 1968, was up to $36.99 from nine bids on eBay four days before its auction expiration.
Costume & Designer Jewelry
“Signed pieces of designer jewelry are often a great place to find value: Cartier, Van Cleef & Arpels, Raymond Yard, David Webb – all these brands have been around for decades, and in some cases over a century,” says Anup Jogani, founder and CEO of Jogani Beverly Hills, a dealer in antique and vintage gems and jewelry. “Finding a piece with one of these iconic signatures means a good payday coming your way.”
Let’s not forget about costume jewelry, either. I’ve seen costume jewelry sell rapidly and for a decent fee – $100 per small box – at a yard sale that I co-hosted with a neighbor. It was part of his mother’s collection, which wasn’t particularly worth much in terms of quality or craftsmanship, but the pieces were nice enough to catch one buyer’s attention, and that’s really all you need.
Comic Books
A quick look on eBay revealed a few heavy hitters, like a lot of 1,712 Gold, Silver and Bronze Age Avengers #1 comic books approaching $7,200 with one day left on bidding; The Amazing Spider-Man #6 from November 1963 bid at $163.50; and a The Brave and the Bold title from 1955 at $128.50 with five days to go.
Reader’s Digest suggests consulting Kovels’ Antiques & Collectibles Price Guide to establish your bearings in the vintage and antique furniture world, while paying particular attention to Stickley Mission Oak, Arts and Crafts, and Heywood-Wakefield brands. Items that might seem like a boon but are really a bust include 1920s and ’30s dining sets that are reproductions of 16th- and 17th-century pieces.
“They look like they came out of a castle,” dealer J. Michael Flanigan told Reader’s Digest, “but they were produced by the tens of thousands out of places like Grand Rapids.”
Sports Trading Cards
Considering the amount of time that’s passed and the number of sports trading cards that may be hidden away in the attic, you could have a nice chunk of change coming your way. Upper Deck has a beginners’ guide on how to start sorting through your cards before you approach a shop on the actual retail value.
source https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2019/01/02/eleven-items-in-your-attic-that-might-be-worth-big-bucks/ from Hot Spots Magazine https://hotspotsmagazin.blogspot.com/2019/01/eleven-items-in-your-attic-that-might.html
0 notes
hotspotsmagazine · 6 years
Eleven Items in Your Attic That Might be Worth Big Bucks
Attic treasures are slowly becoming a thing of the past. Many of us are living more efficiently with less clutter lying around the house and barely any room for additional storage anyway. I’ve never even opened the hatch to the attic in my house – mostly because that horror-movie-waiting-to-happen can stay locked away for eternity for all I care.
Yet while younger generations don’t have a need or desire to take advantage of attic space – if they even have it – our parents and grandparents were basically functioning hoarders who stuffed the rafters to the gills will potential treasures. What sort of bounty is tucked away up there? Take a look at these 11 items in your attic that might be worth big bucks.
Sterling Silver and Enameled Metal Pieces
While silver and gold fluctuate in price on the markets, they’ll never not be valuable. And since sterling was relatively cheap back in the day, it’s feasible that your family could have a few pieces that demand a pretty penny. “For pieces that retain their value over time, look to precious metal antiques including sterling silver flatware, tea sets, and also enameled metal pieces like Cloisonné and Champleve,” advises Michael de Bondt, an antique buyer and estate sales dealer in Sarasota, Florida. “Because of the workmanship and level of quality in these items, they can be worth money for decades or longer and remain more stable than trending antiques and collectibles.”
Far East Antiques
De Bondt adds that Far East antiques also hold their value for a long time.
“The hottest items now that people might have lurking in attics from grandma’s parlor are Asian pieces,” he says. “We especially like Chinese snuff bottles, antique urns and bronze pieces.”
Musical Instruments
“Any musical instrument can have huge value, but especially guitars,” explains David Kalt, founder and CEO of Reverb.com, an online marketplace for guitars and gear.He says, for instance, that popular guitars from the 1960s could be attic treasures, including vintage Fender, Gibson and acoustic guitars.
Obsolete Electronics
As reported by Mashable, even the most outdated electronic devices are sought after, like the Imagination Machine that pulled in $900 on eBay.
But even if you don’t have little-known vintage electronics, you can still cop a decent amount of green with your old Nintendo items, like a 20-year-old Super Nintendo game that sold for $81; dusty and totally defunct Betamaxes; and Apple products, like the Apple II+, which commanded $102 at eBay auction.
Childhood Toys and Games
Kevin Bernhard, owner of Rust-and-Shine vintage and handmade market in Baltimore, reveals that sales for vintage toys and game boxes are especially healthy.
“Most people think they are trash, but people buy them to reunite a toy with its original packaging, or just use it as art,” he says.
Another decent moneymaker is the fast food and cartoon character collector glassware from the 1980s.
“With ’80s kids now having disposable income, they are being bought up like crazy. There’s just something fun about drinking an adult beverage out of a glass that you used to sip apple juice out of,” says Bernhard. “Another favorite are stuffed animals from the ’80s and early ’90s. Alf, Teddy Ruxpin and My Buddy dolls fly off the shelves.”
Most coins will always be worth their face value – even if that has diminished over the years thanks to inflation. But some coins, especially rare ones in excellent condition, far exceed their original value. The same goes for paper money, too, which isn’t uncommon to find in attics previously owned by war-era families and veterans.
There are several options on where to sell your coins and cash – like to a coin shop, physical auction, and an online auction or marketplace – but first you should have the value appraised by a reputable source.
Vintage Magazines and Newspapers
On eBay, a lot of 11 vintage Seventeen magazines from 1961 and ’62 sold for nearly $50, while a single issue of Vogue magazine from April 15, 1968, was up to $36.99 from nine bids on eBay four days before its auction expiration.
Costume & Designer Jewelry
“Signed pieces of designer jewelry are often a great place to find value: Cartier, Van Cleef & Arpels, Raymond Yard, David Webb – all these brands have been around for decades, and in some cases over a century,” says Anup Jogani, founder and CEO of Jogani Beverly Hills, a dealer in antique and vintage gems and jewelry. “Finding a piece with one of these iconic signatures means a good payday coming your way.”
Let’s not forget about costume jewelry, either. I’ve seen costume jewelry sell rapidly and for a decent fee – $100 per small box – at a yard sale that I co-hosted with a neighbor. It was part of his mother’s collection, which wasn’t particularly worth much in terms of quality or craftsmanship, but the pieces were nice enough to catch one buyer’s attention, and that’s really all you need.
Comic Books
A quick look on eBay revealed a few heavy hitters, like a lot of 1,712 Gold, Silver and Bronze Age Avengers #1 comic books approaching $7,200 with one day left on bidding; The Amazing Spider-Man #6 from November 1963 bid at $163.50; and a The Brave and the Bold title from 1955 at $128.50 with five days to go.
Reader’s Digest suggests consulting Kovels’ Antiques & Collectibles Price Guide to establish your bearings in the vintage and antique furniture world, while paying particular attention to Stickley Mission Oak, Arts and Crafts, and Heywood-Wakefield brands. Items that might seem like a boon but are really a bust include 1920s and ’30s dining sets that are reproductions of 16th- and 17th-century pieces.
“They look like they came out of a castle,” dealer J. Michael Flanigan told Reader’s Digest, “but they were produced by the tens of thousands out of places like Grand Rapids.”
Sports Trading Cards
Considering the amount of time that’s passed and the number of sports trading cards that may be hidden away in the attic, you could have a nice chunk of change coming your way. Upper Deck has a beginners’ guide on how to start sorting through your cards before you approach a shop on the actual retail value.
from Hotspots! Magazine https://hotspotsmagazine.com/2019/01/02/eleven-items-in-your-attic-that-might-be-worth-big-bucks/
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