#and then when he DOES find out about ryoma
passports-pls · 1 year
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I just finished Ishin and I have like, a million and one thoughts on Hijikata and how dirty they did him
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yawujin · 4 months
Hiiiiii if you don't mind can you pls write v3 boys x reader who can't read social cues for the life of them and need to be told directly to understand a situation.
For example: *one of the boys shows romantic interest*
Reader: "WOW so friendly"
The more I describe it the more it sounds like Marinette from miraculous ladybug
i've never really written something like this so i hope you like how it turned out anon! ദ്ദി( ˶^ᗜ^˶ )
request | how the v3 boys would react to reader that isn't good with social cues
type | react , established relationship , non killing game , gender neutral reader
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shuichi saihara ♡
he's trying his best to make it known that he likes you
kaito and maki have definitely noticed how he's grown so fond of you
although he had to tell kaito straight up that he liked you
well, he finally does it, confessing to you
"to be honest with you, (Y/N), i really like hanging around you..."
can he make it any more obvious?
no, seriously, can he?
you thank him and say you'd love to hang out more!
he instantly realizes he needs to be more clear
"no! i mean, i like you, alot... as in more than a friend..."
you encourage him to be more outspoken in the future
rantaro amami ♡
tries to confess to you in a lowkey way
but once he realizes you don't really get what he's saying
he ups the ante
he starts showing more affection towards you
and then finally he tries again
"you know i really like you, right (Y/N)?"
he explains that he wants to go on a date to show his likeness
ohhh he likes me in that way you think to yourself
K1B0/kiibo ♡
firstly, he does everything you want him to do because he thinks that's how easy it will be to get you to realize he likes you
but it's not
secondly, he tries to just straight up tell you but it's hard to express his emotions
finally, he uses himself to print out a note that has his messy handwriting all over it
who knew he could be so forward when writing?
it read "i love you, (Y/N)! i hope you accept my feelings"
and it definitely got the message across
korekiyo shinguji ♡
he's pretty nonchalant so it's difficult at first for him
he knows that gift giving is a pretty common way for someome to show their likeness towards someone
so he tries that (althought he might not be the best at giving gifts)
but when he does
you just think he's being friendly
kiyo, just like rantaro, will try showing more affection towards you
he touches your arms, plays with your hair etc
"everything about you is so wonderful..."
"i would like for you to share that wonder with me"
and that gets the message across
kaito momota ♡
he would realize that you probably took his outright profession of love to you and chalked it up to him just being a good friend
as per usual
he woke up in a cold sweat about this and decided that starting tomorrow he'll be extra kind towards you
over the course of a few days, he creates a nickname for you
you guys hang out together even more you two are alone more often than not now
he held on to both of your hands and squeezed them
"(Y/N), i'm not sure else how to say this but...will you go out with me sometime?"
gonta gokuhara ♡
gonta accomodates you and invites you everywhere
he just wants to show that he likes you!
he thought it was working for a while until
"you're such a good friend, gonta!"
he shakes his head 'no'
"gonta want him and (Y/N) to be more than friends..."
you understood but was taken aback
he shys away almost instantly
"only if that what (Y/N) want!"
ryoma hoshi ♡
he gets it completely
he isn't a stranger to being outspoken so he's fine with telling you how things are straight up
it just so happens that he likes you a lot
so in this case, he asks:
"would you want to go out with me?" "tell me what you want and you'll get it."
your transition into a platonic relationship to a romantic one was easy
ryoma is easy to get along with <3
kokichi ouma ♡
he has to quickly find solutions on how to tell you his feelings without being too sappy about it
he isn't too good at that
he also wants to do it before he runs out of patience with himself
he does what he does best and pulls a prank on you
when you ask him why he did it he just says:
"isn't it obvious? it's because i like you."
is he being fr? you can never tell
but the confusion you had finally gets cleared up when you get outside confirmation from miu that he is falling hard for you
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A Pile Of Canon Divergent Danganronpa Headcanons:
The students absolutely did not get along when they first enrolled, they were all legit getting on each others' nerves and every other day was a shouting match.
Byakuya doesn't mind Ultimate Impostor's presence most of the time, but there have been times when he was seriously creeped out by Impostor.
After they adopted Kotoko, Hifumi collected all his loli/shotacon and invited Kotoko to help him burn it. Seeing the damage adults did to Kotoko has him rethinking his tastes in manga altogether.
If Kiyotaka catches anyone running in the halls he will drag them to that person's starting point and make them walk back to their destination.
When Gonta inevitably found out that Hiyoko liked squishing ants, he sat her in front of the biggest anthill he could find and unloaded ant facts on her. This bored the habit right out of Hiyoko.
Everyone has accidentally locked themselves out of the school at least once.
Over time, everyone noticed that Mikan was tripping over less and less. Though she attributes it to learning balance from Sakura, she subconsciously knows it's because she doesn't need the attention anymore.
Mikan wants to cure Nagito's terminal illnesses, but fears that Nagito's luck would kill him if she does so.
Mikan cares deeply for the Warriors of Hope, and is a key player in their rehabilitation.
The virtual Jabberwock Island from Danganronpa S is still there...but the students actually built it to get away from their oppressive dickhead superiors that they hate. It has the 50 day summer camp mode for all of them, or a solo mode for anyone to set a specific amount of time within the virtual world to unwind.
[Very slowly lays hand on Masaru's head as to not trigger his trauma of being slapped] This boy can fit so many cuddles and kisses.
Jataro won't just let you hug him, the little mf will let you s q u i s h him into your body with all your love and might. As long as he can still breathe he will be happy and let you hold him.
Kirumi cracks pretty easy under stress. She doesn't lash out at everyone so much as she curls up against the nearest wall and rocks herself.
Don't ask Kirumi to reenact Jackass with you, or she will absolutely overcomplicate the assignment and seriously injure herself. She does not comprehend physical comedy, much less the line where physical comedy becomes everyone around her fearing for her life.
Ryota straight up lives in the walls along with the balding Monokuma from V3. Junko and Ultimate Impostor are the only ones who know, but neither of them have been successful at getting Ryota out of his shell.
Korekiyo has been given an intervention by all the girls at Hope's Peak. It ended with eight hours of group hugging. Korekiyo is feeling better now.
Korekiyo and Kirumi have routinely fought over the air conditioning.
Masaru will bite anyone at least once, but for reasons only known to himself, he likes biting clowns the most. He will hunt down any clown that appears in his field of vision and not stop until he gets a bite.
If Gonta finds any insect traps or insecticides, he throws them down the garbage chute.
Hajime is still Izuru, but it's an open secret. His classmates love him no matter what his identity is. <3
Reserve Course students weren't so chill about Izuru, however-they wanted Jin Kirigiri's BLOOD. And the Ultimates just kinda let them do it for treating their friend as a lab rat.
One winter when the heater broke everyone slept together in the gym until it was fixed. We're talking a pile of blankets that was three feet thick.
They legit would not trade each other for the world except for Kokichi and even then Suichi would still be sad about it
Mahiru doesn't like taking pictures of Ryoma because his weirdly large eyes reflect all the light and the result always looks terrifying.
Someone kept leaving a stuffed toy clown in random places around the school...until they adopted Masaru and he promptly bit the shit out of it.
Ibuki tried playing from the rooftop once. It took 8 hours to find her, 4 hours to coax her down, and 2 hours to soothe her afterwards.
Nanokumas like to move things around when nobody's looking.
All Ultimates are prone to getting the zoomies. It ranges from Leon running around in circles to Sakura almost leveling the school.
Reserve Course students like to observe the Ultimates because Ultimates are all stupid fucking dorks and watching them accidentally stir up chaos is great entertainment.
Hope Fragments appear when a student feels their happiest. It forms within the body and gets hacked up like a hairball.
Gonta routinely has nightmares about being caught in a venus flytrap.
Fuyuhiko has become aware of Yasuhiro's debt to his family, and holds it over his head.
Peko wonders if her parents know about her becoming an Ultimate.
Junko is trying really, really hard to feign apathy towards her classmates in the name of Despair, but no one buys it.
Mukuro and Peko like to spar together, and they're pretty evenly matched.
Miu is soft (by Miu standards) towards Chihiro.
Miu becomes very anxious and needy at the mere thought of graduating from Hope's Peak and moving away from her friends.
More to come when my brain cells wake up and remind me who these people are
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jacksmusesdrv3 · 26 days
Since this is nagging at me, and the point of contention in Shuichi's background and 'style of detective' is being... kind of a pain in the arse, to put it lightly, let me try to lay out the odd situation with his detective background as plainly - and, as fairly - as I can. Here goes:
He did detective stuff as a favour to his uncle, that is, was not a formal detective but an apprentice to one. It's likely he wasn't constrained to roles, in this respect.
His tasks involved catching out cheating partners, finding lost pets and eventually, finding runaways. The latter of which - according to his uncle - was a 'preventative measure', to stop them before crime occurs. Shuichi's job was, explicitly, to stop them before it got to that.
He picked up a motto from his uncle, the 'coffee stains on someone's shirt' metaphor. Extraordinarily vague, and one he used in the context of a 'heavy burden' when talking with Ryoma, but the phrasing can imply 'stains' of a person's (perceived) guilt. You could infer that this is a matter of catching out people who are cheating, but you can also generalise it to crime. What's more, the mixed ideas with this motto - that Ryoma was faintly amused by, thinking it strange - makes it feel like something is not communicated adequately.
He read a psychology study, whether purely of interest, what his uncle taught him etc. is unknown, but the key component of said study was how it tricked people- that is, into believing cold water was hot (this is especially interesting to me given that this kind of extreme trick was a theme for DR2's shtick likened to a 'fictional world', and he brought it up in the Virtual World, which DR2 was based in, and Shuichi declares the game 'fiction' by the end, so it really does feel significant, even if not directly related to detective work). So, we're talking some applied psychology, here. Hold that thought...
Shuichi is a good liar- at least, one of his skills is to sway a group into believing him, sometimes with emotion as well. In that sense you could say he's a good actor, which seems unusual for someone who's mainly a sheltered character. That said...
His uncle's policy on runaways was that it was 'necessary to follow up with runaway and client both', and Shuichi explains the policy as 'making sure both parties are happy'. If Shuichi is involved in this process, he is - to some degree - trained to work with people. Is de-escalation part of this? You would expect so, at least. What's more is Shuichi could not confirm if this was a typical detective's policy, just that it was his uncle's.
Shuichi solved a murder case. We don't know how he happened on it, only that it was 'by chance'. We know that lost-pet grade detectives don't solve murders, although the runaways part of the tasks was, at least partially, linked to crimes. What kind of crimes? We just don't know. You might assume however, that one such case could lead to a murder, particularly if a de-escalation attempt were to... fail (this is speculation as an example).
In summary: the extent of Shuichi's uncle's 'education' of him, is vague enough you can infer (as I did) uh... a mixture of things, with no clear idea of where the boundaries in those things are. You also don't know if this is 'above board' training that is typical of a detective, especially with the presentation of a murder case - something exceptionally out of whack for an apprentice to handle, although not an unthinkable consequence - and possible mixed communication going on between him and his uncle.
Also? You don't know how truthful Shuichi himself is being - to himself especially - since he's a known liar. While that's not proof he's lying about anything, it is at least a concern since at the least, he may have cause to lie to defend others based on feeling (and this is something he does in trial 2 for Maki regardless that she wasn't guilty of Ryoma's murder, she still had involvement in the situation, but the nuances of that aren't the point here).
Anyways, how this pans out in the game is up to you, but I felt compelled to clarify my own logic from the start re. this, since it does get kinda-
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-from here in terms of my theory, so the 'making sense' can be hard to do. I hope this much is clear, though.
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nerd-cat-rambles · 3 months
Danganronpa V3 Chapter 3 Notes: (Daily/Deadly Life)
I've decided to put all my chp.3 notes on one document to keep them together for you guys to easily find! Here it is!
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OMGGG THE STUDENT COUNCIL IS SO CUTE! (DRV3) Tsumugi, Tenko, Himiko, Angie, KEEBO!!! My respect for keebo has gone up, he's such a cutie!!!
It's so sweet that Himiko is actually getting up and helping out! And it's cool Angie is teaching everybody about Atua... even though it's kinda creepy and fishy, it's nice that they're willing to learn.
Uh... Kaito? What's wrong bb, why are you so oddly quiet.... why do you have your hand up to your mouth like that?!
Bro I spent my first FTE with angie and gave her the red beret which she said she loved, but no further interactions were unlocked, and I didn't gain any friendship fragments? Anyway I did a couple more and...
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Rare-Pair unlocked ahh moment
Bro are you kidding me I just spent time with Tenko and gave her something she liked and didn't get a fragment :( it's okay, I have another chapter with Angie, Tenko, Tsumugi, Himiko and all the people I want to spend free time with! (I hope...)
Training Trio... duo? Kaito flaked out? Erm what.
"Overthinking things and worrying about what I "need" to do... when I'm with Kaito, I feel like... all of that stuff just fades away." <- Oh, Shuichi I know what you are...
Wait... Kiyotaka Ishimaru is a god???
Tsumugi: "I've been wondering... does Atua have red eyes and hair as black as night?" <- KIYOTAKA??? HUH? HUH?
Angie: "Atua has whatever features you desire." <- Tsumugi and Taka good friends, canon event??? Pre-despair canon no clickbait?!
Tsumugi: "A red-eyed, black haired god.. Ah, what a cool God I have watching me!" <- heh fruity god "When can I meet him!? I want to meet him as soon as possible!" <- Oh... Uh about that...
(After Angie breaks the flashback light):
Angie you're acting too much like a protagonist here... the last person who tried to maintain peace in a Killing Game was Byakuya in SDR2...
Okay but Angies plan for a sacrifice is actually good, if you get somebody like Ryoma who didn't want to live, killing them in the time limit would be easy. She should've kept her plan among the Student Council, though. Because, now everybody knows her plan.
NVM She's reviving Rat-Ho Amami
Rate-Ho getting development caught in 4K? Will he come back and now what his talent is? EXCITING OMGGG!
Wait if Tenko's Atua is handsome like she says, does that make Atua a guy? <- Who Tenko likes?! Augh Tenko pls don't die, it's double murder time I reckon'-
Worrying about the next Victim with Nerd-Cat!:
Fte with Kaito and Tsumugi:
smoogie >:3
Plan B: (FTEs)
@sleepy-pile-of-ashe told me to hang out with Kokichi this one time, so I'll do that for them :3
(*pulls a hammock out of my ass*) Here Kokichi!
And then I spent time with Maki, because I don't love her, but I want to love her, yk?
She's pretty chill, I feel bad for her. It must be a hard upbringing, but she's alr. :) I like her now after her first FTE.
Afterwards: "O-oh... hey bro perfect timing." Oh. Oh no. MFs who say "bro" don't come back from the KG the same. Oh no Kaito.
Training with Maki:
Angie is such a cutie though omg <3
I don't like Himiko x Tenko tho, because Himiko doesn't CARE about Tenko?? Tenko x Angie solos.
"Get mad! Get upset! Yell at me! Just fight back already! Do something!" Oh Tenko... (ishimondo flashbacks* "You are wrong! You have to be wrong! Mondo would never hurt a fly, he'd never murder anyone!" "Bro... bro what's wrong...?")
After trying to get Angie to stop the Seance with Tenko and Maki:
Oh! Kaito's just scared! Okay we good. (There's an underlying problem here guys, this isn't good but I'll take his fear of ghost stories into accountability.)
"Fear... why am I nervous...?" <- Every danganronpa protagonist before finding a body.
Body discovery #1:
I kinda forgot to document the investigation, but the seance is happening.
"Keep your chin up and live life facing forward! Survive with me and everyone else" ... Oh dear. Tenko. Please don't.
"Alright, Himiko! I'll see you later!
Kokichi: "I-I know... it wouldn't be funny if a body discovery announement happened during this."
Tenko: "Please don't jinx us!"
Tenko: "Understood. I will not say a word until the seance is over!"
Tenko: "Okay, everyone! I'll see you guys after the seance!"
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Tenko rn: :,)
(BTW I turned off the bgm for the caged child seance stuff because it'd be a better atmosphere overall.)
Kiyo: "Is the caged child... Angie Yonaga?"
What's...going on...?
Himiko: "What's wrong, why won't Angie answer?"
There's blood under the cage... there's blood.... oh no... oh no. OH NO. TENKO?
Okay this is getting long, I'll reblog with the trial notes while I'm doing it. It's gonna be quiet without Angie and tenko but we will live. I'll avenge them :3
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vrisrezis · 2 years
Could you maybe do a v3 characters finding out their s/o is s--cidal (non killing game please)
Thank you!!
Rantaro feels terrible, but does everything in his power to help you out when you feel like this. He has good ways of dealing with anxiety and depression since it’s something he is experienced with.
Kaede she just feels so bad for you :( she’s just like what noo wtf!!! She hates that you feel this way and she kinda treats it as something that can be fixed with positivity and optimism and working out and hanging out with friends more often but even she knows deep down this won’t magically fix itself.
Ryoma gets it, he’s not suicidal per say but he stopped caring if he lives or dies. He has good ways of helping you through some rough days and is there for you through it all.
Kirumi hates knowing that she may not be able to help you much. She does as much as she can, but she mainly tries to be a caretaker to you when the going gets rough and helps make sure you have proper hygiene and get food in your system.
Tenko is the kinda person who wants you to put all that negative energy into something like working out with her, it will hopefully get all the sadness and anger out of your system or at least make you feel a bit better and not about suicide.
Angie tells you she’s praying to atua for you. It’s not one of those “Atua will heal you don’t worry” it’s more like “I’m praying to atua that you’ll be okay in the end.” which is a very … sweet thing for her to do in her own way :)
Miu may not know how to respond, she’s actually speechless. Hates knowing you’re in that much pain you’d want to end it all. She tries to come up with some inventions related to emotions for you to wear but unless you want to wear a helmet for the rest of your life, she has to come up with something else for you.
Gonta is confused, why would you want to end your own life? He may not understand where you’re coming from, like at all, but he’s here for you. Such a comforting soul, he can make you feel a little better with just a glance. He’s not aware of his power and wishes he could do more for you.
Kokichi used to be suicidal too. He still deals with depression just not to the point of suicidal thoughts anymore. He knows how to help you through them without harming yourself and he’s absolutely broken by the fact you’re in a spot he used to be in.
Kaito is kinda like kaede in the sense that positivity and working hard and optimism will make it better, even if that’s obviously not always the case especially for something so serious. He means well but he won’t be very helpful. He will back off if you tell him to though?
Kiibo knows how to help, by google standards anyway. He’s terrified at the thought of you doing anything so he becomes overprotective and tries to give you general advice.
Himiko tries to make your life easier, she does the chores and other small things she knows may be hard for you on rough days. She checks up on you and will make sure you’re taking care of yourself and she will try to make you smile.
Maki may not understand what it is you’re going through but she tries her best. She checks up on you a lot and demands you take care of yourself if you aren’t. She’s so scary, so you probably do it not to get her death glare.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Can I request general hcs for Ryoma Hoshi? If not, then Shuichi Saiahra?
(Feel free to ignore this)
I can do Shuichi, yeah! I tried to keep this as spoiler free as I could, but just in case, I suggest before you read this you've atleast seen Chapter 1 until the end.
I hope I got his character right!
Yandere! Shuichi Saihara Concept
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Clingy behavior, Manipulation, Implied intimacy, Dubious relationship, Touch starved Shuichi, Isolation mention, Implied stalking, Confidence issues, Trust issues, Delusional behavior.
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Shuichi shows at least two, maybe three different personalities throughout the game.
The one before Kaede's death, the one after, and pregame if you want to count that one.
However, this concept will focus on Pre/Post Kaede death.
You most likely met Shuichi before the first class trial.
At this point Shuichi is shy, easily nervous, and doesn't have a lot of confidence in his situation.
Kaede is most likely the bridge between you until he has some confidence of his own.
The bubbly girl makes you three a trio throughout your first few days in this isolated hell of yours.
Shuichi trusts you and sees you as an ally and friend.
You'll find he flusters quickly and blushes whenever he talks with you.
He doesn't necessarily have feelings yet but it does happen a lot around you.
Kaede probably makes small jabs at him about his staring and blushing around you.
This does not help him compose himself in the slightest.
Shuichi's attraction is subtle until after the first class trial.
Many are a mess after Kaede's death, including you and Shuichi.
Although, her death brings you two closer.
No longer a trio, instead a duo, you two help console each other.
This helps solidify Shuichi's festering feelings about you.
Even when you two hang around with Kaito or Kokichi, Shuichi still finds himself the closest with you.
Shuichi is Clingy, Manipulative, Loyal, Delusional and very dependent when it comes to his darling for the most part.
It's said Shuichi is shy about romance, but he takes it very seriously.
He trusts his darling with his life.
He also trusts you to be loyal like him, yet his lack of confidence makes him scared you'll like someone else.
Shuichi is also a bit submissive towards his darling.
He likes your touch and feels safe around you....
Shuichi gets incredibly defensive when people bring up his obsession.
He isn't a creep, he swears!
Shuichi tries to convince himself his obsession over you is normal considering the situation.
He just... wants to fulfill Kaede's promise with you.
That's why he follows you everywhere-
Plus he just seems like himself when around you.
He visits your room often, walks with you everywhere, he's just happy to be with you.
He'd be so flustered at physical contact at first.
So if you like to hug, he'll freeze before giving into it.
He gets better the more it happens.
He loves your hugs, your warmth is the most comforting thing in this place.
There's times you'll barely get alone time as Shuichi acts like he's scared to leave you alone.
He would be lying if he said he trusted everyone around you-
Shuichi himself is a liar at times, which makes him manipulative.
V3 brings in the mechanic of lies into Danganronpa.
A lot of the V3 cast would lie to encourage you to do something.
Shuichi does it just to keep you beside him.
He hates being so cautious about everyone...
Although one slip up and he may lose you forever.
Better safe than sorry.
Shuichi promises to you, truthful as always, that he'll never let anyone harm you.
Kaede would want him to look after you while she's gone... he knows it.
Shuichi would probably stutter and lose a lot of his confidence if you ever asked him to go to the love hotel.
He wants to... he really does...
He just needs time to prepare-
Shuichi seems like the type of yandere to do whatever he can to show he loves you.
He's dedicated, but not deranged enough to kill someone out of jealousy or kidnap fully.
He may try to convince you to stay in his room for long periods of time, however.
Isolation would probably be up his alley if he was able to.
Shuichi would be so sloppy when it comes to affection.
He's so nervous when it comes to hugs and kisses.
Your touch just feels so good, though...
Touch starved. Shuichi definitely feels like the touch starved type.
While Shuichi gains confidence, he'd still probably want his darling to say he's theirs.
Shuichi wants nothing more than to have his darling be his, and him be yours.
You could use him however you wish, he doesn't care, he loves and trusts you almost blindly with his obsession.
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beearcheops · 1 day
Drv3 family trees (or my best attempt)(minus the Monokubs because I’m not doing that to myself)
Yeahhhh, guess who got bored
I mainly just used find on page to find out so this may be not 100% accurate (but if you think I’m gonna read all ftes,date tickets,utdp and drs events, you’re wrong)
anyways, here’s the key
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Circle means Female, Square means Male and a question mark means idk if they are related or not (or something idk I just explain when it comes up)
all family trees are under cut cuz it’s long
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First things first, Shuichi’s tree was probably the easiest to make for me since all the info was in his ftes. The only thing that I struggled with was shuichi saying “my uncle and his wife” which is a very weird way to say it (like bud, you could’ve said aunt in law and at least have some people understand it. Maybe idk family trees make my head hurt) but oh well
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Then there’s Kaede! Her family tree is relatively simple but I also need to mention that if the character in question never mentions their family, I’m just going to assume that they have just 2 parents (in which I’m coining as the “normalcy law of assuming” I guess, I couldn’t think of a better name)
speaking of which…
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Tsumugi (I’m pretty sure) never mention any family members, no matter how much I search (and before you mention her love hotel event, I didn’t read any of the cast’s love hotel events for both my sanity and happiness) so I just assuming that she has 2 parents
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Remember when I said that I would explain the question mark?
well, here, it means that the mom may be not the same for all of children (at least in this scenario) (I mean rantaro did said most of his sisters are stepsisters, also yeah, the circle with 12 on represent his 12 sisters because I’m not putting all 12 of them in the image)
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Next one up,Tenko! Surprisingly, the normalcy law of assuming doesn’t apply to tenko, why?, because she mentions her parents in one of her ftes! (I don’t remember which one but I do know that she mentioned them) so yeah, just a small simple family tree
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Now for Himiko, unlike Tenko, Himiko never mentions her family (unless her master is her dad in which I- what.) while the Danganronpa wiki states that she has a mom, I (personally) couldn’t find any evidence of that at all so I’m not sure where in the world they found that information (I’m serious, where in the fuck she says this?!?!?!!?! Because its certainly not in her ftes,date tickets,utdp events or drs events, so where is it?!?!??!) (I’m going insane) so yeah
UPDATE: thanks to @reblogablename, I now know where Himiko mentions her mom, it’s in the first mass panic debate
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Uhh so according to my notes, Miu has parents but I don’t know where I found that information (like did I find it in her wiki page or ftes, or somewhere else completely? I’m not completely sure where but I’m gonna trust my notes here)
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To call Keebo’s family tree interesting could be a understatement, this is a line. Other than that, there’s not much to say about it, it’s just keeb and his professor/dad (also I want to mention that I’m pretty sure that Professor Idabashi is the only named family member in v3 which is odd but oh well ¯\_(ツ)_/¯)
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Due to Kokichi being Kokichi, I don’t know if he has parents or not so I’m pulling the normalcy law of assuming card here
meanwhile the little question mark represents his older brother mentioned in his ftes, and since Kokichi lies, he might have a brother or not
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While Maki has not met her parents (if I remember correctly in the ftes), she must come from somewhere (also please ignore the weird writing in this section/ryoma’s section, I dead ass forgot about the both of them sorry)
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Ryoma does have parents, well dead parents but still parents
(I’m going insane)
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Korekiyo’s family tree, like Shuichi’s, was relatively easy to make, not much to mention here I think (other than the whole incest thing but I don’t want to think about it)
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Kaito,Kaito, Kaito, why were you the hardest person to write about (no seriously, why was it so hard?!??!) anyways, not much to say than kaito never talks about his parents so idk what happened to them
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We’re in the final stretch! Kirumi never mentions her family sooo to the normalcy law of assuming corner for you!
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Now for Gonta, while he does mention his family, he doesn’t specific any family members so another one in the normalcy law of assuming list
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And FINALLY, angie has the same thing as gonta where she mention her family, she doesn’t specified what family members she has so yet again, the normalcy law of assuming shows up
aaaaand thats everyone in drv3 (minus the Monokubs because of no) family trees, but feel free to correct me if anything is wrong cuz I know for a fact that I missed at least one thing (*cough**cough* Himiko *cough**cough* ) anyways enjoy :3
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okthatsgreat · 9 months
If the character asks are still going- Ryoma please? :3
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@jolliestlolli DOUBLE THE RYOMA HEADCANONS !!!!!!
headcanon a (realistic):
hands are literally always in his pockets. he is constantly wearing leather jackets or hoodies, lots of long sleeves and LOTS of pockets. genuinely kind of unsure what to do with his hands if he's wearing something without them. i like to imagine ryoma hardly ever uses his hands to talk, and he's a very stoic storyteller. maybe the occasional "drag" of his "cigarette" but never many gestures!
such a dry texter. it is soooo hard to keep up a phone conversation with him and he's honestly not even trying to get you to stop talking to him he just texts how he speaks and uses zero punctuation LMAO
headcanon b (may not be realistic but it is hilarious):
you cant jumpscare this guy LMFAO. his classmates try to prank him by scaring him once he turns the corner but he just continues to walk past them like nothing happened. genuinely awful sense of urgency because he just doesn't scare that easily. like he's able to look up at something obviously dangerous and go "oh i should probably start running now" but he doesnt have that same adrenaline that the others have yknow??
postgame is most certainly a huge uphill battle for him in terms of finding hobbies, but i like to think he is definitely still active! he tries getting into some kind of routine which means a lot of morning jogs in areas that aren't super populated lol. when he musters up the energy i reckon he goes marathon running! i also don't think he listens to music lol. i think he just straight up runs
headcanon c (heart-crushing and awful, but fun to inflict on friends):
i think deep down ryoma is a very scared kid and he definitely knows that about himself. even if he wanted to start having hope again, he is too terrified of having that hope crushed all over again. this is a kid that literally CAN NOT withstand another heartbreak of that magnitude again, and the only way to preserve that is to avoid being happy. i also just think he was an extremely paranoid person during his time running from the mafia, meaning a lot of his old habits have seriously stuck with him. he sleeps with a knife under his pillow, makes sure there's something next to his door and window that will make noise in case somebody enters during the night, etc.
postgame ryoma is extremely dehydrated like that guy does not drink water. can not get over the feeling of water in his lungs and always looks like he's taking a shot of the worlds hardest liquor whenever he does take a drink of something. he has GOD awful headaches because of this
headcanon d (unrealistic, but i will disregard canon about it):
not a technology guy but extremely good at candy crush for some reason. the only time anybody ever sees him on his phone is when he is playing that game it's kind of ridiculous
his resume is INSANE he's pulled SO many odd jobs out of his ass while he was on the run trying to make money. one of his classmates is like "hey does anybody know if i should get this tooth checked out" and ryomas like "let me check i was a dentals assistant for two weeks" and the classmates like "?????HUH??????". he isn't one to share about his past in great detail AT ALL but sometimes he just randomly drops a piece of lore about him out of the blue that makes you rethink everything
headcanon ask game!!!
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theamityelf · 10 months
What two Danganronpa characters would make the best Doctor Who companions?
Like most of my DR posts, this just popped into my head at random at 1 am, but just off the dome, some possible answers might be:
Kaede and Ryoma. They have a pretty good rapport, Kaede is enough of a loose canon that she can get into situations and generate plot for episodes, Ryoma can have a series-long arc about seeing the value of his own life through experiencing the wonders of the universe and having to fight to survive them. Kaede rallies people who are in rough situations, Ryoma befriends small animals. (Series-long story arc of them falling in love? I'm ambivalent and prefer them as friends, but it's an option.)
Makoto and Byakuya. Makoto provides the necessary "everyman excited and confused by things" energy and his luck gets him into situations, Byakuya creates problems by trying to assert independence/control and casually bickers with the Doctor. Makoto befriends people everywhere he goes and embodies something the Doctor really loves about humanity, Byakuya occasionally manages to perform hostile takeovers in space. Sometimes the classic damsel scenario plays out where one of them gets kidnapped; when Byakuya and the Doctor find Makoto, he's friends with all his captors; when Makoto and the Doctor find Byakuya, he's...king? Of something? Now? (I kid. But also, series-long story arc of them falling in love, or they're just already dating at the start.)
Sonia and Akane. Two sides of the fish-out-of-water coin. In episodes where the setting is of the "trapped on a space ship with a crew running out of rations as they careen toward a dying star" variety, Sonia plays the role of "out-of-her-depth companion who mostly reacts to stuff" while Akane thrives in keeping everyone from starving too quickly, identifying when someone's temper is about to flare up and redirecting the energy to something productive or playfully competitive, and any running or climbing or physical exertion the situation deems necessary. In episodes where the setting is of the "alien royalty throwing a gala" variety, Akane plays the role of "out-of-her-depth companion who mostly reacts to stuff" while Sonia picks up on the cultural norms of this unfamiliar society, does her best to learn the language and courtesies, etc. And of course, each gets opportunities to shine in environments that aren't their usual fare, until both are really good at both, but that's the barebones model. (Also, series-long romance arc.)
Honestly, too many possibilities for one post; I might need to just make a tag for this.
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yawujin · 4 months
Hallo would you be alright with writing (you don't have to) v3 boys x blunt reader (male)
Example: *someone walks into the room wearing baggy pants and a long coat* reader:"you look like you have stubby legs"
Also side note I think it would be funny if tenko has beef with him due to him sometimes calling her out on her shit (I don't like tenko that much)
request | v3 boys x a very blunt reader
type | react , non killing game, male reader
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shuichi saihara ♡
shuichi definitely appreciates you being able to be unapologetically blunt and honest
sure he can be too but
sometimes it's hard for him to be completely honest with some people
he goes to you the most for constructive criticism
rantaro amami ♡
he likes that you keep people in check
when tenko tries to call rantaro a 'disgusting' male, you step in and tell her rantaro is fine just the way he is
rantaro is a pretty nice guy after all
and you just have no problem telling him that
K1B0/kiibo ♡
you can bet this man was DEVASTATED when you told him his singing is really not good, like, at all
he's really happy when you do give him praise for things he's especially skilled at though
is appreciative towards you when you step into an argument he's having with someone
you're always reminding him that not everyone is 'robophobic' and they're just joking with him
korekiyo shinguji ♡
he finds your ability to be so blunt very admirable
if someone tries to give you shit about you having no filter
korekiyo will remind you that being honest is a sign of good communication
he's happiest when engaging in conversation with you about his anthropology work because of your opinions on various topics
kaito momota ♡
"he's obviously not an idiot if he was able to pass the exams to become an astronaut" is what you said when everyone called him an idiot
"FINALLY, THANK YOU (Y/N)!!!" he exclaimed happily
"he's smart in his own way" you smiled
"hey! that's very backhanded!!" he cried
eventually kaito, got used to your comments and it made him toughen up
it was so refreshing that he found someone that talks so freely
gonta gokuhara ♡
you ward off the people that like to make jokes at gonta's expense
at times, gonta asks you not to be so harsh
sometimes you let people off easy, other times not so much
"thanks (Y/N) for protecting gonta" he gave you a tender hug
gonta often goes to you for advice on how to be more gentlemanly
ryoma hoshi ♡
likes that you can be brutally honest
doesn't mind that you don't sugarcoat your opinions on his plays during tennis, especially if he didn't give it his all at practice that day
when that happens, you joke with him by using his own catchphrase back at him "you've still got a ways to go"
he always looks forward to your compliments when he does do well though
kokichi ouma ♡
a very interesting dynamic to say the least
your truth and his lies clash most of the time
for example:
someone will walk into a room with you two inside, and ask your guys' opinion on their outfit
"it's shit" you say
"it's perfect!" kokichi remarks
you two get in a mini argument, and the poor person walks out of the room confused on how they really look
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death-door · 5 months
Dangonronpa V3: Pregame Headcannons:
My Headcannons, so please enjoy
🔎Shuichi Kirigiri (Saihara)(FTM - He/Him)🕵️‍♂️
Parents: Kyoko Kirigiri + Celestia Ludenberg
Siblings: Kokichi, Mikan and Kotoko
Best Friends: Kokichi, Rantaro, Kaito, Maki
A very shy individual, and would rather read detective books in the library
An inspiring detective because of Kyoko, and would follow her advice, viewing her as a role model
A very observation boy, he pays attention to every detail in a location or a person
Got into Dangonronpa due to the mystery aspect but wasn't aware of Kyoko and Celeste's involvement
Would get bullied often, which resulted in low self esteem
Dangonronpa made him go down an unfortunate spiral, which made him obsessed with it to escape his own reality
🗡️Maki Kuzuruyu(Harukawa)(FTM)(He/Him)❣️
Parents: Fuyuhiko Kuzuruyu + Peko Pekoyama
Sibling: Ryoma
Best Friends: Shuichi, Katio
Works part time as a caregiver, despite his appearance
Blunt but caring
Was often stayed away from due to his mob background, which can make him very lonely
Has a affection for stuff animals and toys, it gives him comfort
Not an assassin level fighter but is a martial artist, normally does self defense
Owns a cat he named Snowball
Surprisingly, Maki has a fear of blood, which makes him incredibly dizzy and sick
Was never a fan of Dangonronpa, but watches it with Shuichi.
Entered Dangonronpa accidentally after trying to get Shuichi out
🔮Himiko Nevermind (Yumeno)(She/Her)(Fae/Faer)🪄
Parents: Sonia Nevermind + Gundham Tanaka
Siblings: Korekiyo and Gonta
Best Friends: Tenko, Angie and Ryota
An inspiring magician, often doing it in talent shows
Has a wand collection, starting with a small stick she found in the backyard
As a young fae, she started to speak like Gundham, which in turn worried Sonia
Fae has many of spellbooks
Would spend her time reading fairytales rather than studying
She wasn't into Dangonronpa, it made her sick for her stomach when she watched one episode
But it got popular and thought it could help with her magician talent
🧭 Rantaro Hinata(Amami)(He/him)🥾
Parents: Hajime Hinata + Nagito Komeada
Sibling: Monaca
Best Friends: Shuichi, Korekiyo(Boyfriend/lover), Miu, and Ryoma
Often be dismissive to other people other than family and friends
Major PTSD from the 52nd killing game that he has nightmares and would rather stay up at night
Despite that, he does keep in touch with old friends from 52nd
Knows Nagito favors him(it wasn't much of a secret)
Knows how to handle Monaca at her worse
Gets carsick and seasick easily
Has major survivors guilt from his killing games, especially finding out who some of the participants are
🎹 Kaede Naegi(Akamatsu)(MTF)(She/her)🎹
Parents: Makoto Naegi + Byakuya Togami
Siblings: Kiibo(Twin Brother), Kirumi, and Nagisa
Best Friends: Kokichi,Tenko, Miu
Only learned piano because of Byakuya
Diagnosed depression but keeps it a secret from friends
Is a major Makoto but has her Byakuya moments (as Makoto calls them)
Often protective of her younger brother
Often watched Dangonronpa, but not obsessed
Became obsessed when her depression hit
Joined for personal reasons which she never admitted
🎾Ryoma Kuzuruyu (Hoshi)(He/him) 🎾
Parents: Peko Pekoyama + Fuyuhiko Kuzuruyu
Sibling: Maki
Best Friends: Gonta, Rantaro, Shuichi, Korekiyo
Next in line for the Kuzuruyu Clan
Doesn't care much about his height, even though his younger brother outgrew him
Favorite food is candy, so it's not often that he has candy sticks
Is actually a major flirt and every girl would swoon for him
Has a fear of bugs, but keeps it in for Gonta
Has a great singing voice
Likes Dangonronpa for it's story and characters mostly
Joined as a contest winner
🕸�� Kirumi Naegi (Togo)(She/her)🕸️
Parents: Makoto Naegi + Byakuya Togami
Siblings: Kaede, Kiibo, and Nagisa
Friends: Angie, Tenko, Kaede
Has a major fear of heights, and refused rope climbing because of it
She also hates spider, they just freak her out
Gets very emotional when it comes to sad movies
Is so indecisive, can't make decision to save her life
Babysits with Maki
Is not a great lair
One of her habits is stress cleaning
Never understood Dangonronpa but watched it with Kaede if asked
Followed Kaede to Dangonronpa auditions and found herself kidnapped and stuck
🎨Angie Ogami (Yonaga)(They/them)🎨
Parents: Aoi Asahina + Sakura Ogani
Sibling: Akane
Best Friends: Kirumi, Tenko, Himiko, Korekiyo, Ryota, Tsumugi
President of the Art club
Gives their art as presents in every occasion
Also part of the Drama club and is the art director
Their bed is full of big animal plushies
Is into mystery and finds them very interesting
Got into Dangonronpa for mystery and would often guess who kills or who dies, which is why they won a lot of bets
Entered the audition to be in the mystery
💪 Tenko Ishimaru (Chabashira)(She/they)💪
Family: Mondo Owada + Kiyotaka Ishimaru + Chihiro Fujisaki
Siblings: Kaito, Chiaki and Ryota
Best Friends: Angie, Himiko, Ryota, Chiaki
President of her Akiido Club
Stammers when incredibly nervous, mainly around crushes
One of the smartest of her classes, mainly due to Taka's teachings
Has to keep Kaito out of trouble
Would enjoy a nap under the sun
Never got into Dangonronpa and actively refused to
Unfortunately, Kaito was into it and she had to drive him to the auditions and was kidnapped for her bad words of the company
🎭 Korekiyo Nevermind (Shinguji)(He/She/They)🎭
Parents: Sonia Nevermind + Gundam Tanaka
Siblings: Gonta and Himiko
Best Friends: Rantaro(Boyfriend),Miu, Angie, Shuichi, Ryoma
Hates speaking, would prefer sign language than actual words, with Rantaro and Miu translating
Is a A+ student
Has diagnosed anxiety and has pills for it
Has a great relationship with their family members
Can be often seen in the library, alone and studying
Her introduction to Dangonronpa was mediocre, just another television show in a mess of television shows
Joined for the second time but barely remembers why. He gains headache if he tried
Was he a part of the 52nd killing game? Maybe so
🔧Miu Soda (Iruma)(MTF She/her)🧫
Parents: Kazuichi Soda + Ibuki Mioda
Sibling: Jataro Kemuri
Best Friends: Kiibo, Rantaro, Korekiyo, Kaede
Was inspired by Kazuichi
Learned Sign Language for her mom, who is hard of hearing and her best friend who refuses to speak
Still can be dirtied minded but is not on a uncomfortable level
Overprotective of her younger brother, Jataro
Lets Jataro paint her new inventions at times
Has her own lab(her treehouse) to make new inventions every day
Somehow not tired all the time
Is the President of the Robotics Club
Never got into Dangonronpa
Found out about the Dangonronpa Contest from Rantaro and promised to go with it
🐞Gonta Nevermind (Gokuhara)(They/Them)🐝
Parents: Sonia Nevermind + Gundham Tanaka
Siblings: Korekiyo and Himiko
Best Friends: Ryoma, Kokichi, Miu, Rantaro
Is closest to Gundham with their love for animals and by extension, insects
Can be mistaken for a innocent person, but that's not the case
Always have a notebook of each insect they discovered
Doesn't remember names so they does come up with names based on insects
Always wears sandals, something that fits them
Dangonronpa is not something they do not watch and never will
Had no choice but join Korekiyo and Himiko to the Dangonronpa Contest, mainly as a guide or protector
🎲 Kokichi Kirigiri (Ouma)(He/Him)🍇
Parents: Kyoko Kirigiri + Celestia Ludenberg
Siblings: Shuichi, Mikan, and Kotoko
Best Friends: Rantaro, Kiibo, Miu, Gonta
Only does white lies, mainly for to protect people's feelings
Part of the Student Council (His D.I.C.E)
Would fight bullies as some sort of justice for victims
Good at playing cards games
Besties with Gonta and would call them Big Butterfly
Is incredibly intelligent, but plays dumb often
Has complete disdain for Kaito and makes it clear
Found out about Dangonronpa from Shuichi and has no opinion until he found out about Shuichi's..... idea
Tried to stop him
☄️Kaito Ishimaru(Momata)(He/him)🚀
Parents: Kiyotaka Ishimaru + Chihiro Fujisaki + Mondo Owada
Siblings: Tenko, Chiaki and Ryota
Is a major dick, there's no wrap around it
Everyone knows to stay away from him and he's somehow proud of it
Boasted about being incredibly popular, without much of a consequence
Some of his reputation was ruined by Kokichi
Does have a good side to him but it's rare to find
Is still massively into space and astrology
Gets lectured by Tenko often
Got into Dangonronpa when it first aired their new season and got into it ever since
Went into the Dangonronpa Contest for massive popularity points
🙄Kiibo Naegi(K1B0)(They/them)🤖
Parents: Makoto Naegi + Byakuya Togami
Siblings: Kaede (Twin Sister), Kirumi, Nagisa
Best Friends: Miu, Rantaro, Kokichi
Has major body dysphoria due to be born without legs
Got back into walking around 5, after finally getting more confidence
Wears prosthetic legs now
Incredibly sarcastic, without a fault
Has a odd rivalry with Nagisa
Best Hope Child
Never got into Dangonronpa
Went after Kaede along with Kirumi but got kidnapped
🪡 Tsumugi Kuwata (Shirogane)(She/her)🧵
Parents: Sayaka Maizono + Leon Kuwata + Mukuro Ikusaba
Sibling: Masuru
Best Friends: Rantaro, Korekiyo
Has a lung disease that made her frail, which leads to coughing fits
Part of Drama Club as a designer
Got into fashion because of Junko Enoshima
Adores her younger brother and refused to let her see her sick. Always tried to give him a great childhood
Dabbled in dancing for a bit
Knows self defense
Mukuro made sure that Tsumugi never saw Dangonronpa and actively banned it, which Tsumugi never minded but it did get worse when she met Junko during a mall trip
Was forced to two killing games, especially when Junko threatened her family. The Mastermind role tested her integrity and love for story
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dragondemoness · 2 years
Hi it's 🌼 Anon! I was wondering if I could have Akane, Ryoma, Mondo, Chihiro, ultimate imposter, and Nekomaru with a S/O thats like Komi from Komi can't Communicate? I've started watching it and I'm on the third episode 😊. I really like it so far! I was spoiled by my friend but I don't mind spoilers tbh
Komi is super popular for someone with severe socal anxiety. Both girls and boys are in love with her to the point that one of her classmates kidnaps her first friend and they find him in a closet. The girl has photos of her everywhere 💀 super creepy as hell tbh. She even eats a peice of her hair- 😭.
But in the first episode or the second, the main character says he'll help Komi complete her dream of having 100 friends despite her socal anxiety. And the main character realizes that Komi may come off as intimidating but she just has a very hard time communicating with people. She has these super cute hiccups 🥺 and she has almond shape eyes that are purple 😍 (she's hella pretty) in one of the episodes I watched, Najime (everyone in the animes childhood friend) sends her to get a drink from a cafe and she makes it there but because she's too nervous to talk, the barista(?) Gives her the wrong drink and she just takes it because she can't say it's the wrong order 😭. Then she starts tearing up when they take it out of the bag and it's the wrong one 💀 (the main character uses they/them pronouns for Najime so I'm doing the same lol)
Sorry if that's super long I really like it 😭 I wanna cosplay her so bad but I need money 😡
Hope your day is going good!
Hello 🌼 anon! I am so sorry this took forever, but I do hope you enjoy this!
Akane, Ryoma, Mondo, Chihiro, Ultimate Impostor and Nekomaru with an S/O Who’s Like Komi Shouko (Komi Can’t Communicate)
Akane Owari
She finds it cool how you’re so popular, despite your social anxiety
She is a little concerned about how everyone is in love with you, but as long as they don’t do anything weird, she isn’t too bothered about it
News flash: Someone did something weird!
She found you terrified because your friend was locked in a closet, and someone eats a piece of your damn hair-?
Yeah no, Akane is done
She knocks the mothereffers out and sends ‘em straight to jail
Damn Komi’s a player
Now she keeps a close eye on anyone who gets too close to you
She finds your 100 friends goal to be a little weird, but she’ll help you achieve it if you want
When it comes to your social anxiety, she doesn’t mind helping you, but she does want to help you step out of your comfort zone
She’ll push you a little on some occasion, but not too much
It’s only because she loves you, after all
When you came back from the coffee shop, teary-eyed because the barista gave you the wrong order and you couldn’t say it was wrong
She did comfort you, but she really wants you to work on it
But she still loves you all the same, don’t worry
Ryoma Hoshi
So you’re popular, cool
He’s honestly impressed you’re so popular despite your social anxiety
He also wants you to step out of your comfort zone, but he’s alright with helping you
He doesn’t always have a lot of patience though
It’s a little uncomfortable that so many girls and boys are in love with you, but he can tolerate it as long as they’re not creepy about it
Well, until they are
Then he’s sending them straight to jail
It pissed him off, honestly 
He also finds your goal to be weird, and he’ll try to help you, but he can’t promise to do a good job
Like I said before, he really wants you to step out of your comfort zone
Sometimes, he’ll straight up not help you to encourage you to talk to people
My dad’s done that to me before
Sometimes it does more harm than good
But he’s doing it out of love
The day of the “coffee shop incident,” he was a little irritated that you couldn’t tell the barista your order was wrong
But he understands it’s not easy for everyone
He still loves you all the same
Mondo Owada
You’re popular, which is cool I guess
He feels like being popular would get exhausting and annoying, but you do you
About your social anxiety, he doesn’t have any issues with it, but he also wants to push you out of your comfort zone a little bit
I feel like almost everyone would, honestly
Like Ryoma, he also doesn’t have the most patience
But anyway
He’s not a fan of so many people being in love with you, but he can tolerate it as long as they’re not weird
But then they are
He won’t hurt them if it’s a girl, but he’s still gonna get their ass arrested
He’s never gonna let that happen again
When they coffee shop incident happened, he found it a little silly, but understands it takes time
And he’ll help you however he can
Chihiro Fujisaki
He thinks you’re really cool and pretty
He wouldn’t want to be popular himself, but he loves that you are
If you enjoy it, of course
He gets a little insecure sometimes, what with having boys and girls in love with you
Makes him wonder if he’s enough for you
But you assure him that he is, and it makes him smile and hug you
But the day you had that incident with your friend and an obsessed weirdo, he was horrified
Was literally tearing up and clinging onto you
Now he has Mondo keep the creepos away from you
But anyway
He’s pretty shy himself, so he understands your struggles with talking to people
He doesn’t have social anxiety per se, but it can be difficult sometimes
He will help you the best he can though
On the day of the coffee shop incident, he just felt so bad for you
He’s had wrong orders before, but was often too shy to ask for a change
So he just held you and comforted you
He really does want to help you, because he understands how hard it can be
He just loves you so much~
Ultimate Impostor
He’s a little jealous of your popularity honestly
Due to his talent, he’s not the most popular person out there
But he’s not too bothered by it
Your social anxiety is a little frustrating though
He’ll do his best to help, but he wants to push you sometimes
For the most part, he doesn’t mind that so many people are in love with you
He does get a little self-conscious, but as long as you still love him, he can tolerate it
Except for the “friend-in-closet” incident, which pissed him the eff off
He had them arrested, and vowed to never let that happen again
Now like we said, he can get a little frustrated with your social anxiety sometimes
Like the coffee shop incident, but he didn’t get too angry about it
It can be hard, but he does want to help you
Even if he pushes you, it’s only because he loves you
Nekomaru Nidai
He thinks it’s cool that you’re popular
It did surprise him that you had social anxiety, but it doesn’t bother him
He doesn’t mind helping you, and he has much more patience than Mondo or the Impostor
He does push you sometimes, but he is gentler about it
He doesn’t mind that people are in love with you, as long as they don’t try anything
When they do, he is not happy
He’s not throwing hands, but he is throwing them in jail
Never gonna let that happen again
After the coffee shop incident, he couldn’t even be upset with you
It just made him want to help you even more
Because he loves you
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yakuzacanons · 1 year
I gotta be honest, I haven't played Ishin yet but I've seen some things about it and I'm absolutely in LOVE with the whole concept.
So! Since most of the asks are about the modern day characters, would you be willing to make some general dating headcanons for the Ishin babes? <3
OMG HI yes sorry this took so long, I am finally back in town so posting is resuming as normal. If you get a chance to play Ishin, I would recommend it! I had a lot of fun. I'll be covering my typical boys for this one but if there are other Ishin characters you'd like to see, just shoot me another ask. Anyways, thanks again for your patience and headcanons are below da cut!
MINOR SPOILERS, mostly for alternate names used in Ishin. I'll note which character is which so those who haven't played Ishin can still read this.
Sakamoto Ryoma (Kazuma Kiryu)
Ryoma grew up extremely poor so don't expect particularly lavish dates. It's also very typical of him to value quality time with you over anything else. His dating go-to is getting something to eat with you. He relishes enjoying a good meal with someone he cares about.
The most protective boy. Would shield you from any and everything and is extremely stoic. Not much of a conversationalist but a great listener. Wants nothing more than to be able to provide for a spouse and have his own family someday.
If the relationship is particularly serious, he would eventually ask you to move into his house with Haruka. Should you accept, you'd end up living a very comfortable life. Ryoma would have you taste test everything he makes.
Okada Izo (Nishikiyama Akira)
His menacing demeanor means he doesn't have a lot of close friends, let alone lovers, so it actually softens him a lot to have a romantic partner. He's much more chivalrous in your presence and tries to avoid engaging in any type of business-related if he knows he's going to spend time with you. Very much a home-life and work-life are separated type of man.
Surprisingly fashion conscious despite the era. Would love to pick out some matching yukatas for the two of you or gift you a luxurious kimono.
Okada can be a little clingy, almost obsessive. He doesn't have a whole lot and lives pretty plainly, with the exception of his clothes, so he places a lot of value on your relationship. Tries to hide his clinginess but is very bad at masking it.
Niibori Matsusuke (Akiyama Shun)
It takes a while to get to know him but he's actually a warm and generous person. He tends to be extremely secretive so if you're in a romantic relationship with him, he must trust you a LOT.
Spends most of his time at work or at home, so he doesn't go out for dates much. Most likely to take you out for drinks than anything. It's not that he's lazy necessarily, he's just usually too exhausted to do much else. Would rather you just come over and hang out, although many others consider that a little taboo for the time period.
Expect some pushback from Ikumatsu, as she's known Niibori for a long time and has her own personal feelings and attachments to the man. You may find it difficult to actively pursue a relationship with Niibori because of how busy he is and because of Ikumatsu. However, if you're as go-with-the-flow as Niibori is, things will work out just fine.
Saigo Kichinosuke (Ryuji Goda)
As a military commander, he holds a lot of power and is not afraid to show it. He's the most likely to lavish you with gifts or expensive meals. Loves dogs, so hopefully you do too as he does own one.
One of the most appealing things to him when looking for a romantic partner is someone who is not intimidated by his appearance or interested solely in his power or wealth. He's actually very down to earth on the inside and quite smart, so don't try to fool him.
Would take care of your every need and whim. He tries to keep you isolated from all his work as he doesn't want the bustle of it to put any strain on you. However, he's pretty liberal for his time and wouldn't tell you no if you expressed interest in helping or participating in his business.
Hijikata Toshizo (Mine Yoshitaka)
As the second highest ranking member of the Shinsengumi, he is a VERY busy man. He is calculating and objective, rarely showing emotion, so most people won't believe he is even capable of romance. However, in total privacy with you, he's actually extremely caring and doting.
Type of guy to give you a kiss and leave out some tea for you before he goes out to take care of business. Comes home very late at night and just wants to rest his head in your lap while listening to you talk about your day as he falls asleep.
Shockingly domestic and likes to keep a clean household. Good at decorating and will ask for your opinions on things, like what wood looks best for a new desk or what color fabric looks best for a new pillow, things like that.
Nagakura Shinpachi (Saejima Taiga)
Easily the most approachable of all the boys. He's always virtuous, kind, and fair and that carries over into his relationships. Will always look out for you, make sure you're doing well, and the like. Despite being quite busy working with the Shinsengumi, he will go out of his way to try to see you once a day, even if only briefly.
Loves things like festivals and holidays and will always ask you rather shyly if you'd like to go to a festival with him. Even if you have been in a long term relationship with him, he likes the formality of asking you on a date.
Gets super excited to go on walks with you, as he finds it relaxing and he loves the way the town looks at sunset, with the lanterns slowly coming to light. The type of guy to walk around with his arm gently around your shoulder or to carry and umbrella over you when it rains.
Okita Soji (Majima Goro)
As the wild card of the Shinsengumi, he's really not predictable when it comes to love. He can be very closed off at first, although really he craves affection more than anyone. He's very nontraditional in general, which can actually be of great benefit if you're a spontaneous person. Loves to surprise you with dates and gifts and is known to pop by your place just to say hi briefly while he's out on his patrols.
Would totally sneak you into the barracks on nights when he's busy so he can cuddle with or get frisky with you. He doesn't care if people find out or start rumors, as he would always value his romantic life over his work life.
Likes to go singing or dancing on his days off and will totally invite you. If that's not your thing though, he'd like to just sit on one of the docks or bridges and share some food with you, all while swinging his legs back in forth over the water.
Tokugawa Yoshinobu (Daigo Dojima)
As the last shogun, he's very stressed and preoccupied with work. His family has likely tried at some point to arrange romantic relationships with him so choosing a romantic partner is actually very important to him as it's one of the few choices he's made in his life solely for himself and not for the country. If he's picked you as a romantic partner, you are very special to him indeed.
Very courageous and would defend you with his life. Whether it's an actual physical threat or just some gossip from politicians about him choosing you, he will always put you on a pedestal. The only thing he values more than his country is you.
What he needs most is a person to support him. You don't have to politically skilled, he just needs someone in his corner. He's good at standing strong on his own but behind closed doors he's quite drained from his job so be sure to give him a good hug or wash his back for him every now and then.
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doctorcanon · 1 year
I cant sleep so here's a headcanon for you:
Kaoru's CARLA was just supposed to measure heart rate and board rotation at first. It required a 2 small dongles (a rotation meter on the bottom of the board and a heart rate monitor slipped into an ipod mini armband) that synced to his phone. He originally named it KARLA, which was an acronym made up of the names of the people in their crew who were allowed to use it:
Kojiro being the first name and Ainosuke being that last. Ainosuke never used it, chiding Kaoru for not wanting to "feel it" instead. The armband didn't fit around Kojiro's biceps so Kaoru ended up being the only one who used it, leaving him to tinker with it to his liking. He never got the chance to tell anyone how he got the name and straight up refused to when Ainosuke abandoned them.
When Kojiro and Kaoru fell out after high school, the latter changed the K to a C out of spite
Only after they reconnected did Kaoru finally tell him about Carla's name. Kojiro wasn't surprised that Kaoru changed the first letter to get back at him because of course he would find some way to get "revenge" regardless if Kojiro knew or cared. But he's confused about something else:
"Okay, so K was me, the first A is Asahi, R is Ryoma, L is Leo...and then...Ainosuke?"
"What? Oh god no, its for Akihiko."
Kojiro knows he's lying, of course, because he and Akihiko never got along. But Kaoru clearly isn't ready to talk about Ainosuke and neither is he.
Only years later when Kaoru is doped up on painkillers after his stay in the hospital does he admit it, saying "Everything I was began and ended with you and Adam."
To avoid getting too mushy he eventually adds "and besides I can't very well buy KARL's patent from microsoft, now can I?"
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andro-dino · 2 months
More Takanosuke and Sakyo parent Headcanons for my aching soUl???
oh this gives me an opportunity to talk about canela too woohoo
Overall I get very emotional abt them as parents but Sakyo especially bc the kurayami family (in my lore) is one long plagued by generational trauma instilled by the dragon clan and Ryoma was able to recognize that and get away from the clan, but he wasn’t able to break the cycle despite the fact that he was trying to, accidentally perpetuating it instead. Sakyo, however, despite feeling the impact of it, was also able to recognize that what he was doing wasn’t great and instead WAS able to work to actively improve himself to the point that by the time canela came around, he HAD broken the cycle and canela was the first kurayami in a while to really be free of that generational loop and that is so important to me.
With all that, Sakyo as a parent is very open and communicative (another big contrast to Ryoma) and he does everything in his power to make sure canela knows they are always loved and supported. This communication also extends to his relationship with Takanosuke and how their marriage is. Drawing back to Sakyo’s parents again, takanosuke and Sakyo’s relationship is extremely similar to how Victoria and Ryoma’s was, but Ryoma despite everything had notably been rather closed off about a lot of the more serious things he had been dealing with, leading to a sort of barrier between that was never fully broken, which kinda also worsened Victoria’s grief when he passed. Sakyo by contrast vowed to be a lot more open with Takanosuke and he’s stuck true to that. In all fairness, by their adulthood, Takanosuke can also read him like an open book, but the two of them communicate very openly and directly with each other and it makes for a very good relationship. I like to think also bc I headcanon both of them as autistic that both of them just prefer to communicate very directly without beating around the bush, which helps avoid a lot of conflict in their relationship.
A big thing with Canela is how much they enjoy researching beyblade history n stuff, especially when it comes to the dragon clan, and it’s a very good bonding thing for her and Sakyo because Sakyo is very open about the fact that he himself doesn’t know much about the clan, so it’s a chance for both of them to learn more about their culture and grow closer with each other as well as a result. Takanosuke’s not left out of this either as he also enjoys helping them out with their research and the two of them like sharing their findings with him afterwards (though Sakyo lets canela take the lead a lot of the time because of how passionate she is about it). Something that I actually have thought a little bit about is at some point, probably when they’re in their early teens, Canela gets little insecure about both not being an active blader and with that, not having a dragon bey (her bey is Bandit Icarus (solely bc I thought it was cool and I wanted to give someone an Icarus bey lmao)), and at some point, opens up about that to Sakyo, thinking that she’s a disappointment in some way. In response, Sakyo reassures her that he is always proud of them and that he could never be disappointed in her no matter what, and it’s an important moment for Canela and their relationship.
In general I think both Takanosuke and Sakyo are just pretty cool dads. Their relationship with canela is very open and she feels very comfortable telling them anything and they get along exceptionally well. I like to think that a lot of their friends actually didn’t expect them to be such good parents but like yeah they’re kinda awesome at it. Canela is also definitely their little princess always and they would do anything for them.
Another thought that I think would be fun, I’ve seen with like a lot of parents who raise their kids to be bilingual, one parent will speak primarily in one language and the other parent will speak mainly the other language, and I like to think that’s how they did it for Canela and teaching her Spanish. Sakyo was the one to speak mostly in Spanish bc while I think Takanosuke’s probably better at it by the time he’s an adult, Sakyo is definitely still the more fluent of the two. There’s this one couple I’ve seen online who are raising their daughter that way and her dad is the one speaking English and she will get very upset with him if he tries to speak Spanish to her and I think that is very funny and it would be very silly if canela did the same with takanosuke for a while.
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