#hijikata is the one who takes the shinsengumi the most seriously out of EVERYONE
passports-pls · 1 year
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I just finished Ishin and I have like, a million and one thoughts on Hijikata and how dirty they did him
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mahiwaga-bghn · 3 years
Do you take art requests? But it's not really a request, more like I wanted to ramble with someone about okikagu again. Seeing your three sadists with Kagura just made me remember that at separate points, both Nobume and Kamui have called Sougo a killer. Nobume tells hims 'You have the same eyes as me - a murderer', while Kamui says to him, 'I'm one of your kind - a killer', and then even Sougo eventually in his depression says, 'There's no police here, just a manslayer'. And I just can't get
over how you have the three of them acting all edgy, but Kagura just sweeps their insecurities and throws it out the window. Kagura tells Nobume it's fine for to be as she is, as long as she no longer cries. She tells Kamui that he should just go back to be a 'baka-aniki'. AND SOUGO. Even before Nobume and Kamui, with Kirie, Kagura had that trust in him. For all that Kagura will insult him as an S or everything under the sun, she never calls or treats him as a bloodthirsty killer. Despite his tendencies, his ruthlessness, his reputation, and everyone around him calling him a killer, Kagura never treats him as anything else but a brat or a chihuahua. And even when Sougo was ready to accept that role as manslayer, it's Kagura who pulls him back from the abyss. Even when he became part of the mafia and Shinpachi was unbalanced, when Kagura arrives, they just go back to playing. I love how good an influence Kagura is to Kamui as a little sister, to Nobume as a precious friend, and to Sougo as what?? That's one of the things I really love about their bond, that Sougo has someone around his age who will fight seriously with him, but also play with him just as much. That despite him being treated as a killer because of his work, there's a person who's seen that side of him, and yet is not intimidated, and more than that goes out of her way to reassure him about his insecurities. She's not afraid to put him in his place, and yet believes in him so much. I just really love them. I'll just answer your question in one go since it looks like there's a word limit for it 😆 But yes- you just spoke my heart out ; - ; Despite Kagura being the youngest out of all of 'em, she's also the most mature out of all of them which is one of the main reasons I adore her so much <3 Kamui, Nobume and Sougo. The three sadists who've been emotionally drained and had to 'mature' faster than anyone else, can finally act like silly teenagers and a brother when they're with Kagura. Especially Sougo! No one would ever think he's a freaking 18 years old especially how he always act like an idiot elementary student always picking a fight with Kagura also exactly why she just calls him a brat 😆 And even when Sougo was ready to accept that role as manslayer, it's Kagura who pulls him back from the abyss. This ; - ; You see, it's really amazing how in BFY, Sougo was now labelled as 'Manslayer Okita' there since Kondo was also captured in that timeline ( except for stupid reasons but my point still stands ) . Meaning, Kagura, who was equally devastated at the missing Gintoki, wasn't there to pull him out. To comfort him, to bring him back to his senses. This is also why I can't bear to know exactly what happened in that 5 years because I know it'll be angsty af and I can't handle that ; - ; Even when he became part of the mafia and Shinpachi was unbalanced, when Kagura arrives, they just go back to playing. That idiot was grinning like a brat the whole fight and we all know he's the happiest when 'the stubborn brat' is back just by his his silly dialogue <3 Like c'mon! If that wasn't a confession idk what is 😆 and to Sougo as what?? That's one of the things I really love about their bond, that Sougo has someone around his age who will fight seriously with him, but also play with him just as much. That despite him being treated as a killer because of his work, there's a person who's seen that side of him, and yet is not intimidated, and more than that goes out of her way to reassure him about his insecurities. She's not afraid to put him in his place, and yet believes in him so much. I just really love them. This is also why I really love their dynamics so much and I can't see them being with other casts of the show ; - ; They just- compliment each other so much and are clearly made for each other ; - ; They can stand on equal, fight each other/ fight for each other, can entrust their backs. But not just on the battlefield. Since Kagura, a Yato, loves to fight. Something Sougo already provides her. And since he's a tax robber, of course
he has a hefty wallet and a bank account ready to fill Kagura's stomach with tamagokake gohan for a lifetime 😆 He also wouldn't have to worry making the same mistake Hijikata made ; - ; and finally can have a family and a home he can go to ( But of course Shinsengumi is also family but that's different 😆 ). Thank for rambling about this to me cause I'm also looking for somewhere to release this big okikagu trash in me somewhere 😆 I'm sorry if this became so long 😅 But I hope I answered alright (?) About the art request, I'm not sure if I can take any this month so please do wait maybe late october ?
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theflowercrowngirl · 3 years
Writers Month 2021 #14 - Resistance
Writers Month (August) 2021 Day #14 Word: Duck / Setting: Utopia/Dystopia Fandom: Hakuouki Characters: Chizuru, Hijikata, Kondou, Okita... Pairings: None Warnings: None?  Rating: T, just to be safe.
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The night was falling, and the atmosphere was gray and heavy, both outside and inside the building.
Chizuru moved away from the window, her hand carefully sliding back the curtains.
It was the moment for them to risk it all.
And, if everything turns out alright... we’ll continue to do so, she thought, everyday.
“Ready, all of you?” Hijikata asked, with a somber, stony expression, his eyes scanning the room. “There’s no going back now. If someone wants to step back, now’s the moment.”
There was a tense pause, before a laugh resounded in the room.
Everyone turned to look at Okita, who seemed very much unfazed at the attention.
“Do you seriously think someone would have the guts to come forward...? Nay, they know it as well as us” His eyes glinted coldly, even though the smile never left his face. “If someone steps forward, we’ll have to kill him… or her.”
Chizuru tried not to shiver.
“Enough, Souji” Kondou’s face was another story entirely, and Souji quieted down. Kondou sent an apologetic glance towards Chizuru, before facing the entire group again, side by side with Hijikata. “We know this is not what many of us would have liked… But it’s what we have come to. All of us need to put our trust in each other, for this to work. I hope you know… That all of the leaders, myself included, will give all of us for this cause. And it is our hope that you will do it too. We are counting on you… all of you.”
Some lowered their gazes, while some lifted their faces, feeling encouraged; but Chizuru could only look again towards the window, wondering how long would it take for the toxic fumes to start polluting the air again. Every night fall, the government turned off the purifying machines, that kept the city alive and busy. People had to remain in their houses at night, while the small, meek pipes system surrounding the house, secretated a repelling airborne substance, that kept the fumes at bay.
Their group was called the Shinsengumi, and once they had been one of the most respected forces of the Military.
Now, they were fighting a losing fight, for the ones that once supported them had deserted them…
And now, the forces of the King, and the King himself, were all hell-bent in destroying them; perhaps to send a message, that the past was long gone; perhaps to make them a symbol that resistance was futile. But they, the Shinsengumi, were used to surviving; and they were willing to defend what they believed in, at the cost of their own life.
They tore off their trackers long ago, the barely visible chips that were implanted beneath their skin; and their Secret Forces kept constant watch against spying devices, or any form of interference; and Chizuru had accidentally become involved with the revolution, after witnessing the effects of a dangerous experiment.
But that dangerous experiment was now their advantage.
Hijikata’s eyes glinted once again, as his dark hair mutated to white in the blink of an eye, like a rush of flowing waters. He closed his eyes briefly, and when he opened them once more, the iris was of a crimson red color, his stare acute and deadly.
"Any man who starts a fight he isn't willing to die for doesn't know what it means to be a warrior. Tonight, death will be waiting And either we will succeed, or we will find it!"
The men cheered, oxygen masks being passed in the back, carefully counting each one, for they had no more to spare.
Chizuru looked at the closed window, with ragged curtains, and no light filtered from the outside anymore.
That was the kind of world they lived in. Of a pitch black darkness, their lives in the hands of the traitorous government that was supposed to protect them.
Chizuru joined her hands in a silent prayer, closing her eyes too, vowing to help the Shinsengumi, until her last breath.
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kumoriyami-xiuzhen · 5 years
Hakuoki Zuisouroku PSP Letters Translation
oh man. i’m sooo tired right now. it’s amazing how exhausted one can feel after speed walking for over an hour trying to catch panels.... unfortunately I missed the Jonathon Frakes Q and A since I couldn’t find the damn schedule.... though the Jim Lee panel was great!
Anyway, I think this was first published to commemorate the release of Zuisouroku on the PSP though I couldn’t find the original source for this unfortunately... and I seriously looked through the otomate website and all its affiliated hakuoki and blog sites for well over an hour trying to find out where this came from before giving up. If anyone happens to find out from whence this came, i’d appreciate getting the link to post here.... though I’m going to assume that the original postings have been taken down now since I have found that a lot of otomate links in the translations I’ve found no longer work. 
These are 10 letters addressed to Yukimura along with larger pics of the letters that were taken from the Chinese translation that I used. 
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Hakuoki Zuisouroku Letters
Translation by KumoriYami
Note: i’ve supplemented the translation of a few of the letter salutations for more sentence cohesion since they didn’t translate well from Chinese and purposely leaving really poorly worded sentences really, really, really bothers me..... [otherwise it’d say dear wife or w/e]
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To my dear wife Back then, there were many things that I needed to protected. Because of this you were always tired. ......But, you have been with me for all this time, witnessing everything. .....Thank you. Hijikata
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To my cute/lovely wife The first time I met you I thought you were a weird/strange kid. Thinking back now, your words always surprised me/went beyond my expectations. Clearly gentle, but stubborn. .....But it's this kind of you that is loved by me/But that's how I like you/what i like about you.  [???] Okita
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To my dearest lady, Thinking about what happened, I finally understand how much i was attracted to you and how I was always supported by you. Whenever I am confused, you were always pointing me to the right direction. ......In any case, I cannot express how grateful I am to you with words. Saito
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To my dear wife That time, I was always struggling.... Although I regret it now.... But, from now on, I will no longer be lost. Because your smile is in my most correct direction! Toudou
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To my wife Although you have been in/with the Shinsengumi for a long time, but looking back now, it feels that what happened only yesterday. ......(A) Dream that was always short-lived/short and ethereal [??] But, I will make this dream that I have together with you continue, this is absolute. Harada
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Dear Yukimura-kun The first time I met you.... I never imagined that a young girl like you, would become an indispensable existence to everyone. ...Yukimura-kun, please continue to take care (of us) in the future. Kondou
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Dear Yukimura-kun To actually stay with the Shinsengumi for such a long time, why is this? Sometimes, (I) inadvertently think of your smile. ....Your existence, to us, is a symbol of the calm memories amidst the cruelty of battle. [???] Sanan
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To my important younger sister! When I think of you, your hard work first comes to mind. You're really great. .......Since my little sister is trying/working so hard, i can't fall behind as the/your (elder) brother! Just watch my active appearance/figure [????] Nagakura
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To Yukimura-kun At the beginning, I thought that you coming to the Shinsengumi would cause trouble for everyone.... But now, everyone has received lots of help from you. .....Really it's incredible. From now on, let's continue to work (hard) for the Shinsengumi. Yamazaki
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My wife Looking at you, I sometimes think of the Shinsengumi. Although I know that you lived together with them for many years, (and) how much you were influenced by them......nevertheless I will however get/be jealous. [?] Although there is no need to forget them, but from now on you only need to look at me. Kazama
this was a serious pain to have translated despite how short (in comparison) this was to some of the other stuff i’ve been working on...since bad grammar really bothers me (Seriously. Terrible English (well, more improper sentence structure since I dislike grammar and get lazy with that and capitalization at times) bothered me to the point where I volunteered to edit every assignment whenever I was working in a group while in post-secondary since I couldn’t stand how badly written some things were. i lost count of how many formal reports were written with pre-grade 8 english from non ESL students). Thankfully i haven’t come across anything else like this aside from those ssl message cards... 
Also, in case it needs to be said: I do not mind people sharing my translations. However, the day I see someone claiming that my work is theirs or copying my stuff without citing where it came from.... that will be the day I stop making my stuff accessible and when I a) finally figure out how to go and use patreon and make it so that people will have to pay for access to my translations... and b) learn more about discord so that I can share my translations to the the people who I know appreciate my stuff (mind I don’t really use discord either as my preferred method of communication is Steam chat lol). 
(by the way, why is this post so popular?)
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soloragoldsun · 5 years
Favorite to Least Favorite Kyoto Winds Routes
Now that I have played through all of the routes, I would like to weigh in on who I liked and why. This will just delve a little into each route, mostly talking about my personal opinion rather than being a true summary. In the future, I may replay them again to give more detailed reviews of each. This game is good enough for me to actually want to do that! In the meantime, here’s my overall opinion of everyone. Remember, this is a Kyoto Winds list. I have not played Edo Blossoms yet, so this is purely based on the first game. Spoilers below.
#1. Favorite Angel of Perfection: Yamazaki Susumu
This gorgeous piece of wonderfulness shot up to the top of my list early on, and has remained there ever since. I love his route because there is a real sense of mutual respect between him and Yukimura. Unlike many of the other Shinsengumi members, who focus on protecting her and who often make her feel like an outsider, Yamazaki recognizes her potential in the medical field and becomes a mentor to her. He shows her that she doesn’t have to be a fighter in order to be useful. By the end of the route, Yukimura’s confidence is so high, she ends up being the one to convince Yamazaki of his worth when he laments his inability to fight in certain scenarios.
Also, I am an utter sucker for the loner type who quietly supports their love interest from a distance before the two even get to know each other. Yamazaki straight-up says that he was watching Yukimura and rooting for her in secret from the beginning! Another plus is how perfect Yamazaki is at showing affection. He’s very gentle, but very straightforward. Once he knows what his feelings are, he’s not shy about making sure Yukimura knows how much he cares. I just about died when he took her hands after being comforted by her and told her how strong she was and how much she meant to him.
In short, respecting your significant other and telling them you care is totes sexy. Yamazaki does that, and then some. He’s also hella pretty, and his blushy face is the cutest shit ever.
#2. Precious Sunshine Boy: Toudou Heisuke
Not to be dramatic, but I would die for Heisuke. His relationship with Yukimura is absolutely adorable from the very beginning! He’s the first of the main cast to be outwardly kind to her, and regularly stands up for her whenever he can. He gets major points for frequently reminding everyone that the Shinsengumi were the ones to originally take Yukimura prisoner, and are the ones at fault for most of the bad situations that require them to protect her.
I love that he treats Yukimura as his friend from the start, even telling her to call him by his first name due to their closeness in age. There are so many scenes when the two are playing around and enjoying each other’s company. However, there are also several deeper scenes that delve into the conflict Heisuke feels concerning the Shinsengumi. His departure with Itou leads to one of the most beautiful scenes in the game, when he and Yukimura meet each other in a teahouse. They can’t acknowledge that they know each other, since communication between the two groups is forbidden, so they spend hours just talking about the weather and other minor things just so they can be together for a little while.
Heisuke is a beautiful boy, and there is so! Much! Hand! Holding!
#3. Adorable Student Bean: Souma Kazue
I was not expecting to like Souma’s route as much as I did, but holy shit! He’s the cutest thing ever! His relationship with Yukimura is completely different than anyone else’s for two reasons: One, he doesn’t know she’s a girl until later. Two, Yukimura is his teacher when he joins the Shinsengumi. He spends most of the route referring to her as Yukimura-sensei, and is shown to respect her a great deal. The mutual respect and building-up in this route reminds me a lot of Yamazaki’s route, so I think it’s a trait of mentor/mentee relationships in this game.
One thing I like is that Souma is respectful and protective of Yukimura both before and after her gender is revealed. He rushes to protect her from Saburo’s harassment while still thinking she’s a man, and continues to call her his sensei after the truth is revealed. Also, there’s more of a sense of the two spending a lot of time together over the course of the route, which makes the romantic buildup seem very real. I especially like that this romance puts Yukimura in the more dominant role. I hope she’s the one to make the first move and kiss him in Edo Blossoms. I will die of happiness if this happens!
He also gets major bonus points for trying to sleep-cuddle Yukimura at the end. I am a sucker for sleep cuddles!
#4. Emotional Support Samurai: Harada Sanosuke
I liked Sano long before playing his route. He is another character who constantly strives to make Yukimura feel better about her situation and comfort her when things go wrong. This is even clearer in his route, which has several scenes of him looking out for her mental health, whether that involves sneaking out to take her for a nighttime walk or arranging a meeting with Sen so that the two can enjoy some wholesome girl-talk (which Yukimura was sorely lacking).
I did feel that Chapter Five was a bit lackluster in this route compared to some of the others, but it did a good job of solidifying the relationship between the two. Sano learns of Yukimura’s healing powers and is stunned, but insists that she isn’t a monster and that he will still protect her, since he sees it as a man’s duty to protect his lady. He called her his lady, and I am dead, okay?
As a romantic route, it had a perfect amount of buildup and sweet moments. I look forward to what comes next.
#5. Puppy Dog Eyes: Iba Hachiro
I’ll be real: This route could have easily secured the second-place spot, and even been a contender for first-place. It had everything I love in a romance. It had childhood friends reuniting. It had sweet, sweet backstory. It had probably the nicest character in the entire fucking game! Seriously, every scene with Iba and Yukimura was just so tender and beautiful! It felt more like a romantic story than pretty much all of the other routes.
So, why is it down here at number five? Well, it’s because YUKIMURA IS A FREAKING DUM-DUM IN THIS ROUTE! This woman was able to see through the feelings of some of the most closed-off characters in other routes, but somehow can’t figure out why Iba keeps putting himself out there for her. He literally takes her on dates, goes on about how wonderful she is, calls her his inspiration, and even calls her his love toward the end! And still, we have moments of her being like “Why is he doing this for me. This can’t just be an obligation to a childhood friend...” No shit, Sherlock! Does the man have to wear a shirt that has “I LOVE YUKIMURA” written on it in big red letters?!
So, yeah. This was a mixed bag. The good outweighs the bad enough for it to be higher on the list, but I really hope Yukimura actually gets a clue in Edo Blossoms.
#6. Sword Nerd: Saito Hajime
Ah, the classic Quiet Loner with a Heart of Gold. It’s an oldie, but a goodie. Saito is a good, solid route with a sprinkling of cute moments that balance with the emotional distance of other moments. Cute moments include Saito geeking out over swords, the snow bunny, and Saito freaking coming back from a freaking spy mission in order to nurse Yukimura back to health!
This route was definitely about building Saito’s respect for Yukimura, who becomes less timid and more determined to prove herself. As a result, she does spend a longer amount of time feeling like and outsider and doubting her worth. I look forward to seeing what happens in Edo Blossoms, now that she’s found her resolve.
Seriously, I am a sucker for sick fics! Why is this game pushing all my buttons?
#7. Epic Dork Bro: Nagakura Shinpachi
And here we are at the last member of the Golden Trio. Nagakura is a precious dork, and I love him to pieces! He spends most of the route acting as a goofy older brother figure to Yukimura, and the two develop a genuinely-adorable relationship. The scene when he falls asleep in her room and gets all embarrassed when he wakes up was particularly cute.
I did feel that the ending of his route was a bit rushed compared to the others. Also, I never felt that shift from him feeling like an older brother to him being a romantic interest. I look forward to seeing that change actually happen in Edo Blossoms.
Overall, this was a route with good moments that tapered off just a bit at the end, but I still loved it.
#8. The True Sexy Demon Man: Hijikata Toshizo
I genuinely enjoyed Hijikata’s route. I just happened to like seven routes better than it. The development between him and Yukimura is very solid, and it’s nice seeing him go from being stern and scary to gruff and caring. This route also made me hate Kazama even more than I already had. Seriously, let’s kill that fucker in the next game!
The appeal as a romance route was a bit lessened by Hijikata’s often-derisive attitude, and the fact that he calls Yukimura a kid from beginning to end. Like, hello? Talking to a grown-ass adult, here. If Yukimura’s old enough to be waifu material for a creepy Demon, she’s old enough to not be called “Kid.”
This had decent buildup, and the beginning of some good payoff. I’ll be waiting, oh second game, for my sweet reward.
#9. Threatening Jerkass: Okita Souji
I actually did warm up to Okita by the end of his route, but holy fuck did I have to slog through a lot of eye rolls to get to that point! He’s supposed to be the asshole who secretly cares, but he makes a little too much of a secret of it throughout most of the route. And, I’m sorry, but you can’t make me believe that him scaring a group of kids is actually an endearing scene. Can’t do it, game.
I did enjoy seeing him soften over time, but I really didn’t like all the moments when Okita makes cruel jabs at Yukimura, acting like he doesn’t care to the point where she actually believes him. I said this back at the number one spot: Telling the person you love that you actually give a damn is totes sexy.
Ah well. People are saying I will adore him in Edo Blossoms, so I’ll hold out for now.
#10. Doctor Evil: Sanan Keisuke
Sanan is a smooth motherfucker, and he’s hot as hell. He even had some really good moments with Yukimura that made me smile. It’s too bad he continues to exude the creepy scientist vibe between those moments. Even when being romanced, he still threatens you several times, including that scene when he almost cuts you for science.
He is definitely a good, complex character. I won’t deny that. It’s just hard to ship him with Yukimura when she spends basically the entire route feeling scared of him.
Please mellow out, you sexy, vampiric son of a bitch.
#11. Bad Touch: Sakamoto Ryouma
I’ve started reading up on the Shinsengumi and other individuals of the time period, and Sakamoto actually seems to be the most interesting and morally-sound. Too bad his route made me want to fall asleep. It had loads of good historical goodies, but this was bogged down by a romance that many YA books would laugh at.
He’s charming and oh-so-charismatic, to the point where Yukimura apparently feels a bond with him despite only spending a little time with him. He regularly gets into her personal space and refuses to back off when asked, but he just feels so warm and comforting and- *gag*
Yeah. The history and the non-romantic moments were interesting, but I’d rather do personal research for that.
#12. Edgelord McFuckboy: Kazama Chikage
I hated Kazama from the beginning. My feelings only deepened as I played route after route and saw the many, many ways this fucker can creep on Yukimura, kill her friends, and call all humans insects. He’s a racist jerk who wants a convenient broodmare for the McFuckboy Clan.
I will admit that the dialogue with him is always interesting. He is a well-spoken character, and an intriguing one. He acts gentler toward Yukimura in this route, but it’s only because she’s in a position where he’s literally her only option for protection.
He thinks humans are insects, tries to kidnap a woman to impregnate her on multiple occasions, and will gladly kill her friends in order to get to her. What a dick.
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blackcatanna · 5 years
Okita's Route Part 2: Still on Kyoto Winds because I didn't realise that I'd ramble so much
Predictably, I'm enjoying Okita's route a lot more than Kazama's. Also, I'm skipping a lot less than when I played Kazama and Iba's routes, which makes a lot of sense because Okita is actually in the Shinsengumi and, therefore, gets a lot of screen time. So far, he acts like an asshole but this isn't backed up by his actions. Apart from the casual child cruelty X_X
Chapter, uh, 3? I think...
I feel like Hijikata sticking up for Sanan is just making things worse X_X . Saying that he's not useless because he's a swordsman is just plain wrong. It makes it seem like he's just saying it out of pity. I'm sure that Sanan has plenty to contribute, besides slicing people up.
"Sanan is quite the beloved member here, isn't he? It's nice to see such a tight-knit group." -_- Itou is such a master of shade. Gently implying that they only keep Sanan around because of their relationship. You evil bitch X_X
"Ugh, who brought those bastards into the Shinsengumi?" RIGHT?! Glad to see that Okita's not blindly following Kondou's lead here.
"He is easily deceived by silver tongues, those who appear virtuous... but are real scumbags." As the great Roisin Conaty once said: "Charming is just lube for evil." However, this is kind of backing up what those asshole kids were saying earlier about Kondou being an idiot X_X
"Trying to run away behind our backs." -_- You know that's not true.
"Heh, I'm just messing with you." No shit. "I mean, unless you were escaping, then I'll slit your throat." -_- You just couldn't resist the opportunity to throw out another casual death threat, could you?
"Good girl." -_-
"It sounded like something out of a fairy tale." Oooooooooh hooooooneeeey... Have you not been paying attention?!
Welp, Okita told me to scream so... AAAIIIIIEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!!!!
Oh, apparently, not that... OKITAAAAA! Bet he loved that.
"Aaaaaaaaaaagh!" Everyone, please stop screaming.
Ngl, Sanan looks good with white hair.
Apparently, Okita likes hearing me screaming his name... Good to know...
"Don't worry your little head. It would be my pleasure to help you die." O_O ... Isn't that a little hasty!?!
"You're not serious, are you?" HONEY X_X
"It's really annoying, you know. You think you're part of the Shinsengumi?" </3 Ouch X_X You're the ones who took me prisoner, y'know? However, Chizuru does often act like she's the only one who cares about the Shinsengumi members, which must be annoying af.
"We only keep you alive because you're useful. You are NOT one of us." Uh... Thanks for calling me useful? But is that seriously your attitude? Anyone who's not useful to you should just die? -_-
"His words shattered my already breaking heart." Aw! </3 Poor Chizuru bae!
"Seriously... You can really be a pain, you know that?" RIGHT. BACK. AT. YOU.
"It'd be easier to just kill you," Broken record much?
"Had their last thoughts as men been hope they might survive the madness? It sounded horrible..." YUUUP.
"Sano! Make something up!" Definite DnD vibes again! When you make the low charisma character roll deception X_X
"You're a miserable actor. Keep your mouth shut." I'm sure that this exchange won't seem suspect at all X_X
"Oh, Sanan... Who cares what you are? You're alive!" Bless Kondou's pure and simple heart :')
"Yukimura, you go back to your room. I know you didn't sleep much." Why am I the only person in this game who requires sleep? -_- Just a trend I've noticed...
"*Cough* *Cough*" O_O OKITA, ARE YOU OKAY!??? O_O
"You owe us a lil' booze! Or maybe even, heh, a little... company?" WHERE'S OKITA'S MURDEROUS INSTINCT WHEN YOU NEED IT!?!?
"Suddenly I felt a hand on my arm." BWOOOOOOAAAARP!!! PHYSICAL CONTACT ALARM!!!
"Calm down, kid." ... NO. I HAVEN'T BEEN TOUCHED IN MONTHS.
"Hey hey hey! Looks like she's got the hots for you, Souji!" Oh Heisuke X_X
"No matter what, I won't buy Ishida Medical Powder." XD Got to admire Okita for staying true to his convictions :')
"I'm using the hell out of you" O_o Calm down, Hijikata X_X
Guess I'm going to have to put stalking Okita on hold for now...
Harada and Shiranui should just kiss already.
""Huh? Chizuru?" Okita looked up from cleaning his sword as I entered the hall." OH, HE WAS POLISHING HIS SWORD, EH? ;P YES, I AM TWELVE. Tbf, his face really does look like he's been caught in the act...
"Oh shut up, will you? It's all your fault. The medicine you gave me totally doesn't w..." >:( I'm hoping that the reason that sentence trails off is because I give him a verbal smack down!!
"It's nothing." ... BOI!!
This game is totally a forcing-stubborn-men-to-rest simulator X_X
"I'd been given instructions to stay away" from the physical examinations but ho's gotta ho', amirite?!
"Oh my... So you WANT to see those savages? What peculiar taste..." Itou, don't call me out like this. Although, I still feel like we should respect their privacy X_X
*Camera zooms in on Nagakura's tiddies* -_-
"Your body's fine, Shin." - Heisuke.
"Don't you wanna order a slice of this beef cake? I got two meaty servings on a plate, right here." Aaaaaagh! X_X My eeeeyyyeees.... Can't... un-read... sentence... please... fetch.... brain... bleach...
"A medical exam is for finding problems, not showing off. Now move." PREACH, SAITO!!!
"I feel like it's rude to intrude..." AND YET HERE WE ARE X_X
"It grants immortality" ??? Except for the part where you turn to ash???
"You're forcing your body in ways the eyes can't see." LISTEN TO THE DOCTOR, GUYS!!!
Everyone's just... RIPPING Takeda to shreds XD
"I'm scared shitless, believe me." :'( Poor Okita
No smart comments here... this is just really sad :'(
He's seen me? It's been nice knowing y'all...
Finally, Chizuru calls out Okita for threatening to kill her so much.
"Desist, you hooligans!" Sen is such a Queen! I want a Sen route!
Chizuru and Sen standing up to these arseholes is giving me LIFE! :') PREACH, GIRLS, PREACH!!!
"What were you going to do if they hurt you gravely?" Regenerate, biatch! >:)
"C'mon, was she that pretty?" UM, YES. But I think that she gives off too much of a domme vibe to be Okita's type :P
Chizuru is getting VERY distracted by Okita's hair. You know those scenes in movies where the woman takes down her hair and it's all slow motion and super sexy? This series has a lot of that. Plus when they get their Western makeovers :')
"That's funny... You don't LOOK like an especially nosy, hand-wringing version of my mother." XD I mean, -_- That totally wasn't hilarious.
"I grabbed his towel and began to scrub his head." ... We totally are his mother X_X
"I feel like I remember a time when you were nice and quiet..." NOT ANYMORE, BITCH! AND NOW, I'M ARMED WITH A TOWEL >:)
"You're really good with your hands." O_o ... What?
"You tied your hair up so quickly..." Why don't you show me what else you can do with them? ;)
Now he wants to know what I think of his hair? :/
Oh, you're surprised that I kept my promise? I'll have you know that I am an honourable woman, good sir! >:/
But Chizuru's claiming to only have done it out of fear of being sliced and diced? :/Uh, sure?
Chapter 4:
"They're small potatoes." This game has some excellent phrases in it X_X
Itou wanting to change the Shinsengumi uniform because it's not "fashionable" enough is the kind of genius that I'd expect from this game's most relatable character :') Although, I personally think that the blue uniforms are pretty <3
Awe, Chizuru thinks that Okita's joking about killing Itou :')
Kaoru just VERY BLATANTLY giving away that he was involved in the notice board incident X_X
:O I'm slightly jealous to discover that Okita's casual death threats aren't just reserved for me!
I get the sense that Okita knows that Kaoru's a boy but I'm sure that it wouldn't stop him if Kaoru was really a girl. Hooray for gender equality!
"I felt embarrassed for even doubting her for a second," O_e SERIOUSLY??!??
We're just going to let him go now!?!
Now Okita's having a coughing fit D: It was so stupid to run off and make him come after us :(
"What if she had accomplices nearby" GOOD. POINT. Chizuru would be so easy to lure into a trap X_X
"Without me around, you're just a useless kid." But I have a great personality! So, together, we almost make one complete, functioning adult :)
"Stop being so timid." I wish that I had that power :'(
"You can rely on us when you need to." Aweee! ^_^
"even compared to the weakest Shinsengumi foot soldier, I was pathetic." HEY. STOP THAT. WHAT DID I SAY? GREAT. PERSONALITY.
"Did you need something?" "Blood." O_O AH. Well, at least he doesn't beat about the bush! O_O
"What the hell? That's a little cold of you, having that pass for a good-bye, isn't it?" YEAH! :'( MIKI IS RIGHT! </3 :(
"Saburo. Watch your mouth." I'm sure that Miki is sad when Itou dies but 90% of their interactions are Itou telling Miki to shut up. X_X
"would that mean I could never see them again?" *sobs*
"We're going to keep relations amicable between our two organisations." AHAHAHAHAHA HA.
"Okita...?" "... Hm? Damn." Uh, nice to see you, too?
"Next time we run into 'em, we'll probably have to kill each other." O_O Don't be so flippant, you ass :'(
"Swords don't think" damn, I didn't realise that you were sword-kin. Everyone thinks and has feelings. I'm sure that no power could convince Okita to kill Kondou.
"Takeda also left" and not one single fuck was given. :')
Just going to ignore Okita making fun of my "bed head" -_-
"I've come to take you" orly? ;)
"Look, lady, you're not part of the Shinsengumi, so I'd appreciate it if you could keep your nose out of our business." So, now that it's convenient for you, I'm part of the Shinsengumi? -_- I still haven't forgotten what you said before, asshole >:( Remember? HEART = BROKEN.
Sen knows that I'm a SLUT ^_^
"I can't tell if you have guts, or if you've got rocks for brains..." It must be the latter if I'm staying because of you XP
*Terrible decision immediately has lethal consequences*
See Kazama post for my COLOURFUL feelings on this cunt >:(
Kondou can be so badass when he wants to be :')
Why... Hello there ;)
"Gotta admit, I didn't figure you for this type of girl." Then you haven't been paying attention ;P
"Didn't think I'd be getting pushed down into bed tonight, least of all by you." Oh yeah? Who else did you have in mind? Kondou? -_-
"Oh no! No no no!" Chizuru, we know you're thirsty and it's okay! Embrace the thot within! :')
"Tell me... How is it? On top of me. Does it feel good?" PLEASE SAY YES, PLEASE SAY YES, PLEASE SAY YES!
"I hadn't realised I was still on top of him." Uh-huh. Sure. And what a terrible shame that was.
"If I go out, Kondou will get mad at me." And then no more bum fun :( (me@me: WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YOU!??! me: XD Sorry)
"Okita's eyes shone with admiration for Kondou." X_X The fanfiction writes itself...
Just to be clear, I think it's pretty gross to ship people with their guardians, even if they're both adults at the time, because that's called GROOMING.
"He isn't going to need the Water of Life. I'll make sure of that." ... How, Hijikata?! He's literally DYING of tuberculosis!
And now he's not eating :'(
"I just don't want to. Is that really a problem?" Yes, because you'll starve to death.
"Hm, you are a doctor's daughter... Maybe you just can't leave a sick guy alone?" Or maybe I just don't want YOU to die, ass >:'(
He doesn't like bitter stuff but wants me to put grated radish in his porridge? O_o Well, I'm glad that he's cooperating :D
"I'm only going to eat it if it's delicious." Well, if you don't like it, I'll try again! :D
"Don't think I've given up or something." Okay D': <3
"It makes me feel good..." Hooray ^_^
"Could you keep me company for a while?" :O Okey! :)
"What would I talk about?" HELLO DARKNESS MY OLD FRIEND...
"He wasn't afraid to die," um, weren't you eavesdropping on his conversation with the doctor? -_-
"I want to help... But I'm getting weaker every day." Of course you do :'( This is more heartbreaking than him saying that you're not part of the Shinsengumi and just annoying DX
Maybe tell him that everybody likes having him around and that the Shinsengumi is where he belongs? Or, we could just leave him to wallow in misery... I guess that works, too X_X
"I couldn't see someone like Okita succumbing to a mere disease." ... Why, exactly? Is he supposed to fight it off with his sword or persuade it to fuck off with the force of his personality?
"He'll be fine. Right...?" NOOOPE.
SAITO 😍 I mean, uh, whatever... Totally not bothered at all...
WAIT, HOLD ON: SPY-TO. Yes, thank you. I am a genius :3
Finally murdering Itou for realskies! :')
I get that Hijikata and everyone are trying to look out for Okita but he's terminally ill. Keeping him out of the action is only going to keep him miserable until his inevitable demise. :'(
"Saito'll be here for a few days, so you'll have someone to play with." -_- Bit patronising, Hijikata X_X
Kazama being his usual, charming self X_X
Let's go find Okita and... Tell him to go back to bed? Okay...
What the fuck!?!! Kaoru!?!!
Do we ever get a decent explanation for why Kaoru was sent to live with some abusive fucks?
Kaoru... Why are you so short? I bet you were malnourished X_X
Okita's just watching this unfold, chomping on imaginary popcorn...
"Do you just plan to use her, like Kazama does?" O_o... I fucking hope not, because that would be INCEST!!!
"... No," OH, THANK GOD.
"What would you have done if I'd said yes?" Ugh, you said no already! Can we please move this conversation in a less incestuous direction X_X
"... No. You're free to take her." OKITA!!! HE'S MY BROTHER X_X Not that I'm expecting you to leap to my defense but this conversation is WEIRD as FUCK.
:O The Ochimizu! Is Kaoru trying to help Okita?! Misguidedly, but still.
"But... if their plan is to simply use my dear sister as some sort of demonic broodmare... I can't allow that to happen." ... Kaoru... :'O That's... Actually really sweet XO This is the first time that someone who claims to be part of my family has actually looked out for me :')
Oh, so Kaoru wants to use Okita to protect me from Kazama! I have a feeling that he's going to be disappointed if he thinks that Okita will do what he tells him to but I appreciate the gesture :')
"Please don't do anything that would hurt Kondou so, Okita." Ugh, even as he lies dying, he's supposed to be worrying about upsetting other people? >:(
"Okita the Fury; Okita the beast." X_X Bit harsh but okay.
"He had traded away his soul." Um, since when? XD
"Happy now, Kaoru Naguno?" "Yes I am." ... Fair.
"... For falling into my trap." Wait, what?!? O_O
"I'm happy I got to make my sister suffer." Kaoru, why? D': WE COULD HAVE HAD IT AAAAAAAAAAAAAA-AAA-AAALLL!!! DX
I'm glad that Kaoru did away with the Nagumo fuckers >:( But still, why take it out on me?!
Even dressed as a boy, Kaoru still looks prettier than Chizuru...
*Sigh* looks like I'm being choked, as usual X_X
I feel like Kaoru could easily have given Okita something much worse than the Ochimizu if he REALLY wanted to make me suffer.
"I'd run out of things to say." X_X Again?!
"This was my decision and I don't regret it." That is good to know :)
"You shouldn't get involved with a guy like me." Oh, here we go X_X
"That came out of nowhere," Too right!
"No" uh, does that mean "no, I won't get involved with you" or "no, I won't do as you say"???
Uh, is he crying?! "Hey! You can't just act like you're sick when you want something!" XD What the actual fuck is happening right now???
"I'm dead" ... Uh... Really? Because... You seem very much alive...
"I don't think Kondou wants you around just because he wants you to do things for him." FINALLY, some sense!
Aaaand, apparently, it's earned me The Unblinking Stare of Doom >:(
"Do you mind not trying to speak for Kondou." Do you mind not assuming that he's so much of an asshole that he'd kick you out just because you're inactive during the day?! >:(
"It's not like you're capable of knowing exactly how Kondou truly feels." YES, YUKIMURA!!! GET HIM!! >:D
"Do you think Kondou would still need me... Even if I can't hold a sword anymore?" YES.
"You're right." I know :3
"I'm just jealous of you, Okita, that you have someone like Kondou by your side." Yeah. >:'( Fuck you, Kaoru, fuck you, Kodo :'(
"Oh yeah, huh... I totally forgot." Ffs, Okita XD
"They just happened to be there when you were born, you know?" Yeah! >:( And they can all go to hell!
"Somehow, my chin had acquired something of an arrogant tilt" yaaaas! You live your best life, girl! Let go of the haters, cut out the negativity! Stick it to 'em!
Chapter 5:
"How dangerous could foreign weapons be?" Oh, my sweet, Summer Sanan X_X
"Why are you going on night rounds with us?" ... Wait, what?! Why am I going on night rounds?
AS IF putting myself in danger is going to help Okita in any way X_X
DAMN, KONDOU... Nice, uh, blood you're accessorising with, there. O_O MEDIC!!!
"Lucky for us, they're idiots." Hooraaaay!
Okita's not going to be happy when he sees this...
Speak of the devil...
"I thought for a moment that Okita was going to grab Hijikata and shake him." :O :D Please yes!
Okita is suuuuuper keen to blame Hijikata for this -_-
"If he dies, it's your ass in the fire, Hijikata." Another excellent image but this pointless conversation has gone on for too long X_X
"I will find you, no matter where you may be, and I will kill you." O_O OKITA!! I THOUGHT THAT YOU SAID YOU WERE CALM!!! Bloody hell X_X
Oh no... What has Okita done now X_X
Killing spree, mad science, aggressive interrogation, Hijikata murder? The possibilities are endless with this stabby boi.
Where exactly am I running to? "I had finally found him." HOW?! With the power of love?! O_o
Looks like "Killing spree" it is X_X
"I'm about to murder you." Ffs Souji X_X
"What's wrong with me doing what I'm doing?" Yeah, what's wrong with sadistically slaughtering a bunch of virtually defenceless men as they attempt to retreat?! -_-
"I just killed people, no matter who it was, as long as it was what Kondou wanted." *Sigh* Kondou's not going to be around for ever, you know? X_X Maybe TRY think about why your doing what you're doing. Maybe learn from Kondou's example?
"Do not ever act out and worry the chief like that again." XD You tell him, Saito!
"Idiots." XD Hijikata
"I didn't wake up until evening had arrived." Oh look, it's me :)
OH, FUCK. That looked like a Kaoru silhouette :O
Why do they keep saying that Kaoru "tricked" Okita into drinking the Water of Life?! Kaoru offered it and Okita drank it. No trickery here!
"They wanted to avenge Itou. You remember him? The man you deceived and murdered?" XD Can't argue with that :')
"shoot the weaker target first." UGH. Why do I always get SHOT!?!
"Call me what you want." Oh, I intend to 3:)
Oh no! O_O Doesn't look like he'll be moving any time soon O_O
"Okita! Okitaaaaa!" O_O
"It kills me to see you hurt, just as much as it kills you to see Kondou hurt!" O: <3 :'(
"What an idiot.. " No, Kaoru! You're the idiot! Because you will never be happy while you continue down this sadistic, evil path, wasting your own life trying to destroy someone else's and refusing to let go of your spiteful jealousy >:( At least Okita's risking his life for something good.
"The more despair and anger you feel, the more you look like me." ... Silver linings! :)
D: Did they use silver bullets?! :O
Wait, when did Yamazaki get wounded?! :O
Bless Hijikata for letting me stay with my crush XD
Final Chapter:
Yamazaki is fine :D Hooray!
"They need men, so we need to go now..." Uh... Then why aren't you dressed? X_X
"... I want you to remain calm as I tell you this." That is... NOT AN ENCOURAGING WAY TO START A CONVERSATION O_O
D': Inoue has fallen. :'( It hurts every time DX
Aw, he looks really sad :'( and no wonder...
"as soon as we arrive, I'm gonna swing my sword at anyone and everyone." Uh... That's the spirit X_X
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alexiethymia · 5 years
Gintama and Family [anime and manga spoilers]
I have already found religion, but then I have also found Gintama
I cannot adequately explain the feelings I have for this show, how it made me cry, and laugh, so much, and fall in love with it so quickly. The combination of heartfelt emotion from impactful lessons interspersed with snorting my drink through my nose due to the crass humor and then followed by gross sobbing. 
I’ve said it enough times, but previously the only anime that could make me feel those full range of emotions, sometimes all at once were One Piece and Full Metal Alchemist. But where One Piece is about reaching beyond the horizon, following your dreams, and looking toward the future, while FMA is all about finding peace and accepting your past, I think Gintama is simply about the present, living day-by-day the only way you can. It doesn’t have to be grand. You don’t always have to be positive. You can live life feeling as if you have no dignity or goal, but live in the present as best as you can, since as Gintoki said, life will only get worse haha. 
But seriously, I’m a sucker for found family stories. 
You have Gintoki, as a child, who had no hope and no future, surviving among corpses, but not living. He eventually finds a teacher, but really more of a father, or that father finds him. You’re not sure where it starts, with Gintoki or Shoyo-sensei. In Shoyo-sensei’s words, they raised each other. Both solitary creatures who had reason to be scared of humans or hate humans or not just care about humans, but they found each other and they were each saved, and everything begins from there. 
Gintoki finds sibling disciples. Katsura and Takasugi become like brothers to him. They eventually end up burying their fellow students. He finds more brothers-in-arms in the war, Sakamoto and Kurokono. He ends up losing his father. By his own hand at that. And then he even ends up losing the brothers he saved.
Most of everyone at this point would have given up, broken down, cursed the world. Imagine the guilt and the loathing he must have felt at that point in his life. But small acts of unrelated kindness saved him, in a way in response to his own. Saving a little’s girl’s life. A promise made. Being saved by an executioner. An old granny’s kindness. Another promise made. 
He of all people should be one of those to hate the Amanto the most, but he takes one in and treats her like a little sister or a daughter. Family becomes a sukonbu-loving amanto and her monster dog god, a megane and his older gorilla sister, a robot meido, a neko auntie, and a baasan. Speaking of Shinpachi and Tae, I love the sheer number of family relationships/sibling relationships shown in Gintama: Kagura and Kamui and Umibozu and Kouka, Sougo and Mitsuba, Tetsuko and Tetsuya, Shigeshige and Soyo, not even counting the side characters, and how blood-related or found family both are shown to be as equally important. Shinpachi and Kagura, though blood-related they may not be, they look out and protect each other. Shinpachi is a weak feeble human who wouldn’t recover from sword wounds or gunshot wounds as quickly as Kagura but you’d lose count of the number of times he shields Kagura with his own body and protects her the way Kamui once did. 
So many people have lost a family member, but found family again. For Otose, despite not having kids, how must she have felt to have found Gintoki, especially as she would have been reminded of Tatsugorou. The same thing for Gengai who lost his son, and then besides Ginnoji, gains Tama and Kintoki, and the rest of his robots. Even robots and the bonds made with them aren’t treated any less than those with ‘humans’, though even the meaning of that is very subjective in this show. 
Despite losing Takasugi, Katsura is still there. As someone’s who’s been there with Gin since almost near the beginning, it’s so important that he’s there and he understands and supports Gin in his own Katsura way. He has Elizabeth and his Joui faction. He even comes to care for Shinpachi and Kagura, the same way Gin does. Sakamoto is there too with Mutsu and his Kaientai. And even Takasugi has his Kiheitai. No one ends up truly alone. And the four of them, the choices they made and the paths they walked on, no one can truly say which one was ‘correct’. Gin may seem apathetic, not caring about the fate of the nation and all that. But, it’s just that he doesn’t care about the unimportant things, but for things that matter, he care so much, it seems as if he’ll sink from the weight of it. But he still shoulders that burden. 
Don’t get me started on the Shinsengumi, and the bond between the Shinsengumi and the Yoruzuya, how the Shinsengumi are a found family of their own and how perhaps Gintoki gains a bash brother in Hijikata and is reminded of his petty rivalries with Takasugi and how Kondou sometimes reminds him of Shoyo, how home for Gintoki is now where his family is and home wouldn’t be home without them, a certain terrorist, a monster duck, a gorilla officer, a sadist, and a mayonnaise lover, how the Yoruzuya saved and protected the Shinsengumi, and now how the Shinsengumi sacrificed two years each with their own burdens (Hijikata despite his pride being demoted, Kondo despite his love for Otae going through with a political marriage, Sougo doing the dirty jobs he doesn’t want Kondo and Hijikata to do) and their own existence just so they could help rebuild the Yoruzuya
The bond between Hinowa, Seita, Tsukuyo and the rest of the Hyakka, how the story doesn’t shy away from the darkness of Yoshiwara, and amidst that, paints a beautiful story of motherhood
There’s also Sacchan, Zenzo, Kyuubei, Hasegawa and the rest of Kabuki-cho. And speaking of Sacchan and Zenzo, the friendship they’d formed, along with the rest of the Oniwabanshu, with Shigeshige. Soyo’s friendship with Kagura and Nobume. Nobunobu’s with Katsura and Sakamoto. How the barrier between the supposed ‘rulers’ and those to be ‘ruled’ are shattered, and how those who were supposed to be at the top learned the most due to these friendships. 
Nobume and Isaburo’s father and daughter relationship. And despite losing Isaburo, the connections she’d already made are still present, along with other connections through Shoyo. For Gintoki he learns he has a kouhai-deshi, a younger sister fellow student. 
Oboro, despite the tragedy of his life, dies not alone. Takasugi learns they have a senpai-deshi, an older brother apprentice. He honors the last wish of the first student of the Shoka Sonjuku. 
Gintoki shouting that he never lost anything. See he’s far from perfect, lazy, unmotivated, having scrupulous morals, probably a diabetic by now, but he makes a damn good father-figure or older brother or teacher, because he also learned from the best, just as how Shoyo learned from him (and Oboro) and through him, how to be ‘human’. Gintoki doesn’t fight to be the strongest, or for some lofty goal, or for something noble like changing the country. In fact, he’d rather not fight at all and just read Jump. He just fights for what he wants to protect, but see, he kept on making so many bonds that they grew wider and longer intertwining so many people, that it was only a matter of time that he would become the center of a country’s rising and falling. 
The word love doesn’t get thrown around at all, but you feel it deeply the emotions each of these characters feel for the family they may have lost, still have, gained, reclaimed, or found. Kagura reclaiming her blood family with those tiny hands of hers, and it doesn’t matter earth brother or blood brother or earth father or blood father, love isn’t an expendable currency. It only multiplies the more you give of it. Pirako wanting to reclaim her father, making mistakes along the way. Pirako and Jirocho atoning together. Gintoki realizing that perhaps he never lost Takasugi at all. 
How could a corpse-eating demon child ever have foretold that although he may be surrounded by death now and it would continuously haunt his footsteps, he would eventually be surrounded with so much love and bonds and people in the future? 
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razberryyum · 5 years
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Gintama manga chap 704 (spoilers)
Part 2 of 3
Dear Gintama gods and Sorachi-sama,
Continued from part 1...
Which brings me to my third wish, which was just that: that Gintama would be allowed to continue on in one form or another. With the new anime project already announced, in making that wish, I had been hoping for the announcement of a new live action movie in the near future and then perhaps somewhere in the farther future, after you’ve had a long, much needed rest, you would be re-inspired to create more Gintama once again. But in order for that to happen, Gintama would have had to end in a way that would easily allow you to do that. In other words, it couldn’t have a definitive ending leaving no room for any sort of continuation. And boy was that NOT a definitive ending in any way. I am absolutely so thankful that you truly left things wide open. If we want to believe that the Yorozuya and everyone else had perished in the blast, we can; if we want to believe that they survived and carried on for the rest of their natural mortal lifespan, we can; if we want to believe they were somehow immortalized by the Altana blast and survived all the way until the Tokyo era, we can; if we want to believe all of it is just Tama’s digital imagination and she can write or rewrite everyone’s fates in her database, we can. I feel like by the end, Tama ended up being your stand-in, with the ability to rewrite everyone’s fates as you choose since you are the god of the Gintaverse.  
And then there’s always the possibility that none of those are right, that you just didn’t know how to end the series so you decided to avoid commitment and make everything as uncertain as possible so that the responsibility of finding a denouement to the story falls on us. Some folks might consider that a cop-out, I consider it you being true to your nature and Gintama’s as well. I think those of us who appreciated and loved Gintama for its irrelevance should not at all be surprised at this ending. In fact, if I think about it, if you had ended Gintama in any other way, I would probably wonder if you’ve been abducted by screwdriver aliens and replaced with a clone. The hope of a future has always meant more to me than having all the plot elements fully and logically explained because at the end of the day, while you have created an amazing series with enthralling story arcs and exciting adventures which I love, I love the characters you have blessed us with even more. And that is why I am especially grateful that you did well by our characters. You didn’t force them into final fantasy scenarios that made little sense, nor did you betray any of their inherent nature.
Which brings me to your fulfillment of my second wish, the one I was honestly most worried about, because the shonen series I’ve been invested in in the past have had a bad track record of the final fantasy trope. I know I should have been somewhat reassured when you actually made fun of the trope, but I guess I just like to worry all the time. And even though none of my three most beloved pairings ended up being canonized, the fact that really no other pairing was either was frankly good enough for me. That has always been what I’ve hoped for, to leave the door open on the possibility of my OTPs getting together so that I can continue to dream beyond the ending of the series. This was especially my hope when it came to the OTP love of my life, Gintoki and Hijikata, because I know I was facing almost insurmountable odds with them becoming truly canon. In fact, before the release of this chapter, I had been thinking if you would just show them in one frame together before the end and then have both of them remain unattached, that would be enough for me. That’s all I can ever ask for. The same goes for Kondou and Otae, and Okita and Kagura. But then once again you blessed me with so much more. Gintoki and Hijikata not only remained a viable possibility because they stayed unattached at the end, but they also shared close to 10 panels together, half of which consisted of them actually interacting in the most adorable way possible! And then there’s Kondou and Otae…I actually screamed a little in excitement when their hands touched. I know in the end you tried to play it off as a blackmail, but the fact that Tae-chan didn’t grab that hand to slam him onto the nearest hard surface was progress enough for me.  She even smiled at him! That literally brought tears to my eyes. And again, since that entire sequence is open for interpretation as whether or not we should take it seriously, that still provided me with enough hope that I can continue dreaming for their final fantasy to be a reality.  
Now, I can’t say that I didn’t wish that Okita and Kagura actually got to interact as well, but at the same time, since they’re still young, they still have time. Again, you have given us hope in that regard as well since at least they’re still within each others’ orbits. Perhaps Kagura can make some guest appearances in the “Shinsengumi Sword-wind Notebook” series (I WANT THAT SERIES SORACHI-SAMA!) to further the development of their relationship. Yes, I would’ve loved seeing them insult and fight each other at least one more time, but if I am to believe that there is still a future for Gintama, then I should also believe that there is still a future for them as well.
Continued in Part 3 (posted)....
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atopearth · 5 years
Hakuoki: Edo Blossoms Part 13 - Hijikata Toshizo Route
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It’s tough to see Hijikata having the time being so soft towards Chizuru to make her feel less useless when he’s already so stressed from having to be the only one capable of leading the Shinsengumi now… It’s hard to not, especially when Kondou had voiced that if he were the shogun, he would have fought with however men he had to the last one standing and then killed himself in honourable suicide rather than run away. Lmao when Chizuru got excited that she could be useful to Hijikata by being his blood bag, like I understand, but you’ve gotta have more use than that?! Lol. Nice that Kondou is back to bear some burdens with Hijikata now! Every time I see Hijikata in the Western clothes, I lament the loss of his long beautiful black hair, it suited him so well😭😭 He still looks good though so oh well… I was so touched when Hijikata told her to take out her kodachi, and then he took out his own sword and bumped the blades together, he recognises her! She may be weak, but to swear an oath like samurai that she’ll definitely not die and take care of Kondou in his place (since Hijikata’s getting reinforcements for the Kofu Castle fight), it was so nice to see how much he trusts her and believes in her. Seeing the both of them promise each other that they’ll both come out of this alive makes me happy haha.
I think I can understand better through Hijikata’s route why Kondou was so hesitant to retreat at Kofu Castle. He told Hijikata that he would never flee in adversity and would rather die than do that, so I think he didn’t think that he should escape even if they were outnumbered and clearly outclassed by the enemies as well. I think the main thing he didn’t take into consideration was that this isn’t the last battle and, he and no one should be sacrificed when there is still a chance to fight back in the future instead of wasting their lives here in a battle that they’re obviously going to brutally lose. And I think I can see even more why Kondou will choose to sacrifice himself to the army to protect the Shinsengumi. The deaths incurred here and his escape are already weighing so heavily on him to the point that he feels that he should kill himself to make up for all the men that had died senselessly, it’s pretty terrible… I…kind of wish that Kondou never found out that Hijikata turned into a Fury, because it’s just so saddening to see the pain they both have to bear because of that fact. Even if Hijikata doesn’t regret it, it doesn’t change the fact that he’s become the monster that the previous chief was, and Kondou would think that this was because he wasn’t there and was weak. Kondou is so soft hearted that it’s probably too much for him to bear. Everyone wanted to grant him the dream of becoming a true samurai and that’s why they were all here, and yet everyone is dying and suffering so much more than him, it must be hard to bear, especially when he doesn’t think that he is or should be the most crucial person in the Shinsengumi anymore…
I do like how Chizuru is like the one to keep Hijikata in check, so he can kinda have a break from the Shinsengumi stuff. Lmao when Hijikata said he’d cut her himself to get her blood when she was about to slice her finger, and then he goes for her neck! Like, Hijikata, she never gave permission for somewhere that close and personal! Hahahah, it was a good CG though😋🥰 Although I laugh at Chizuru being happy to be Hijikata’s blood bag, at the same time, I think I can understand her feelings. She’s obviously useless in terms of the greater picture, she doesn’t have the physical power, status or anything to really do anything impactful for the war etc, so being able to be the survival tool for a person that can actually change things is probably an honour in a sense. It’s really saddening to see how deflated Kondou had become, I’m sure Harada and Nagakura leaving made him feel like he was even more unworthy as the chief and that Hijikata should just lead everyone. I think I can see why he acted the way he did in Nagakura and Harada’s routes now. When you see how little confidence Kondou has now, how depressed he is, how tired he is and everything, why would he do anything to stop them from leaving? He doesn’t even think of himself as a person worthy of people following him anymore… Despite understanding Kondou’s sentiments before his surrender, I can’t help but feel so sad that everything turned out like this, especially for Hijikata. Having to let Kondou sacrifice himself for them and not being able to do anything because he was set on it, and knowing how much pain Kondou carries with him because of his poor decisions, it kills me. I wanted Kondou to have a chance to rectify his mistakes and lead everyone again, it’s so painful and heartbreaking to see him succumb to his guilt that so many people have died, Hijikata became a Fury and he feels that it’s all his fault. But it must be so difficult for Hijikata. Not only is the Shinsengumi already shattering, but the soul of the Shinsengumi, the reason Hijikata fought all this time, Kondou is giving away his life like this, it’s like, what’s the point of anything now if Kondou, the person they were fighting for is gone?
Sometimes, I feel like such a crybaby playing Hakuoki. But I honestly couldn’t stop crying when Hijikata turned his back to Chizuru and started screaming about…everything really. About how he didn’t do all this to have Kondou be captured like this in the end, he didn’t work so hard just to run away like this, he didn’t fight so hard for himself, he fought for Kondou, for recognition by people… It was honestly so heartbreaking to see Hijikata in so much pain. I feel so terrible that Hijikata always has to be the one to carry everyone’s dreams, all their burdens, all their deaths, all their grief, all their expectations, all their hopes… It’s just so devastatingly hard for one person to carry… It was so difficult to watch Hijikata lie to Okita that Kondou was fine. He knew that if Okita found out, he wouldn’t be able to handle it, he definitely wouldn’t…and that pains me. I’m not the biggest fan of Okita’s obsession with Kondou, but I feel like I can understand to an extent, and I can just feel Okita breaking the moment he hears about it. I honestly don’t know what I would have done if I was Hijikata, but I do recognise that him making this decision means that not only is he carrying the burden of the lie, he is also carrying on Okita’s future hatred towards him for not letting him know about Kondou. But Hijikata is willing to shoulder it as long as Okita lives, and that just makes me so terribly sad…
It must be pretty devastating for Hijikata, not only is Kondou gone, but he found out that the Katsu guy (who gave them weapons etc) sacrificed the Shinsengumi and them at Kofu Castle to cosy up with the Imperial Army. It honestly felt so chilling when Hijikata killed the guy in his group that tried to run because he thought Hijikata wanting to break through Utsunomiya castle when the latter had guns was crazy. Hijikata is so reckless and apathetic to the idea of death right now that I’m scared for him… But I guess it was understandable, since if they all decided to panic like that guy, then they’d definitely all die. At least the rest of the group found their courage and hope again when Hijikata managed to open the castle gate and charge through bullets fearlessly.. I think the worst was that he faced off against Kazama, barely survived, but then the castle ended up being recaptured by the Imperial Army after a few days. Their win was short lived and only temporary, it pretty much reflects their current situation…even if there are small victories for the Shinsengumi, it’s practically impossible for them to really win this war at all. I’m glad Chizuru scolded him for working the moment he could get up and move, seriously, he’s so reckless! Also glad that Otori told him off for his actions, and then Hijikata remembered that Yamazaki said the same things to him before. It’s nice to see Hijikata genuinely apologetic for how reckless and dangerous the actions he took were, with disregard to the consequences if he were to die. Needless to say, I was pretty heartbroken when Saito revealed that he had become a Fury as well. It’s saddening that all this weight and responsibility is pushed on to Hijikata, but it’s true that no one can be the pillar for the Shinsengumi besides him.
It’s sad to see Saito and Hijikata part ways, but it is inevitable. At least, everyone still has the attitude/mentality of being prepared to die for what they believe in, but not yielding and expecting to die. I think I like the Kodo in this route and Kazama’s the most (besides Kazama’s route ofc). He didn’t really hurt Chizuru here, and honestly told her his hopes of creating a kingdom where only the Yukimura clan will rule as he kills everyone else who caused the destruction of their clan alongside the Demons that didn’t help them. He knew it was reckless and that the Furies had no future, but he couldn’t help but do what he felt he needed to do as the only surviving adult of the clan. It was impossible for him to let go of that hatred and live on even if he was unlikely to succeed. He isn’t as crazy as the other ones in the other routes where he tries to force Chizuru to breed etc (or maybe he didn’t get the chance to haha), instead, it was shown that he was clearly conflicted. Conflicted between these emotions that he could never let go of, and wanting the best for Chizuru. I guess it’s one of the more believable ones where you could see how much he loved her, instead of the other routes where he would be going after her like a crazy guy and then suddenly he would save her from a Fury lol. I’m also happy to see the Sanan that just wanted a way to save the Furies from disappearing into dust, but also rational enough to understand that Furies were a mistake, and they shouldn’t let this mistake continue to destroy others. I legit cried when it was apparent that Sanan and Heisuke had reached their limits… It was so heartbreaking to have to see Hijikata face the death of his long time comrades like this, and hold their hands and hopes as they eventually crumbled into dust. It’s like every step Hijikata takes, he further carries the hopes of more and more people. He’s the only one they can rely on and believe in, but what about Hijikata? It’s so devastating that everything that has happened is crushing him on the inside, but it’s also because of everything that has happened that he won’t allow himself to be crushed.
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It broke my heart when Hijikata left Chizuru behind and said he couldn’t make her happy😭😭 It’s true, and it’s also true that she could have a much “better” life by not following the Shinsengumi to Ezo, and I love how considerate Hijikata was towards her when he contemplated where she could go, but it still pains me to see Hijikata leaving her. It basically means this is the end, and that he doesn’t think that there’s a high chance of him coming back. I’m surprised that Otori really summoned her to Ezo, guess he was touched that she’s determined and thinks that Hijikata shouldn’t have pushed her away? I see, he thinks that Chizuru needs to be there to help with Hijikata’s mental health. I agree though, Chizuru has always been the one to give him little breaks and make him think about silly things outside of the worries of the Shinsengumi, I think she really brightened up his world in simple ways, so without her, I can see why he would lock himself in his room most of the time, especially since a lot of the time, Chizuru forced him to eat or have tiny breaks. Just her presence probably saved him. I thought Chizuru was so cool when she ripped up the orders for her to come here in front of Hijikata and told him straight that she shouldn’t have relied on them, she didn’t need that excuse to come here, she wants to be with Hijikata and that’s all, she doesn’t need any other reason to be here. I honestly was touched by her words even though I already knew how she felt. I’m so happy that Chizuru got through to him, and never gave up on him, I’m glad that her perseverance got to him. After all, it’s hard for Hijikata to voice to the ones in the Shinsengumi whether his decisions are correct and question whether he’s really doing the right thing…
With Hijikata having admitted his feelings, he’s really not embarrassed at all to say things to others so straightforwardly huh! I’m so embarrassed but happy for Chizuru that he’s obviously cherishing her so much! It was really touching to see Hijikata pour sake personally for his men, it really must have raised their morale, although it’s saddening to think that many of them won’t be able to keep their promise with Hijikata to come back from battle and get drunk with him instead of just being able to drink one cup. I’m glad Chizuru is there to motivate Hijikata and everyone else to live and come back, rather than to throw their lives away for their cause. They still have many things to do! They can’t die yet! Right after Hijikata nearly died from a fatal wound from a bullet, and Chizuru gave her blood to save him, Kazama appears?! Can you nottttt! But I’m impressed, Kazama followed what Hijikata had done all this time and in a sense had respect for him, he even took back calling him a ‘fake’ and acknowledged him as a true Demon. With how much pride Kazama has, that is definitely a great compliment. I just didn’t expect the title drop to be what Kazama named Hijikata as a Demon; Hakuoki huh? I never really looked properly at the kanji that makes up Hakuoki, but I see why there’s cherry blossoms and everything now, it’s kinda like it means that Hijikata is a Demon of lightly coloured cherry blossoms? I’m kinda sad that Kazama had to die in the duel though.. but it was nice to see everything resolved and them being able to spend the last moments of their life together even if it’s limited.
Overall, I enjoyed the first half, but I think the latter bits were rather rushed or anticlimactic in a sense with how the ending was handled. I feel like Kazama’s and Hijikata’s relationship was dealt with rather haphazardly and so quickly that I didn’t have much time to really digest how everything ended up. It was also rather anticlimactic that after following Hijikata on his journey all this time, we never really got to see the “end” of the Shinsengumi aside from a few lines, and we never really got to see his reaction to everything since he seemed so satisfied (after the dream etc) to leave everything to the others, it doesn’t really feel like Hijikata to not want to know more, I guess? Bad endings etc were pretty boring and basic usual stuff haha.
Otherwise, I enjoyed Hijikata’s route, it was nice, it was sweet, I liked how supportive Chizuru was the whole way and how she kept him sane by being there for him and trying her best for him. As someone who devoted everything to the Shinsengumi, I think Hijikata needed someone who would devote their all to him, since he never really had the time to really care for himself. I also really liked Hijikata himself and how he reacted and dealt with all the emotionally tolling events, I think the route really expressed how tiring and how mentally drained he was, yet how he continued to persevere regardless. It’s not one of my top favourites but I enjoyed it haha. I’m gonna miss Hakuoki though😭 I can’t believe I’m done with it…
Mini review Honestly, Hakuoki was better than I thought imo. I expected lots of Japanese history and lack of romance, and I did get that haha, but I think I underestimated how heart breaking the Japanese history was on me, because I legit cried in most of the routes and I felt like I could really feel the emotions of the characters and what they had to go through. Chizuru is a heroine with many flaws but I did enjoy how she connected and supported the guys in most of the routes despite it. I think she matched well with quite a few of them, and really, with all the responsibilities and everything the guys were shouldering, romance was definitely not a priority haha. However, when they properly incorporated the romance (unlike the Nagakura route lol), I think it worked very nicely and was sweet.
Here are my favourites to least favourites: Heisuke and Kazama tied, Souma, Yamazaki, Iba, Hijikata, Okita, Saito, Nagakura, Sakamoto, Sanan and Harada.
Best on romance: Heisuke, Okita, Yamazaki Best on plot: Souma, maybe Iba? Best balance between the two: Kazama
So honestly, I’d say Kazama is my favourite route, but dang did Heisuke tug on my heartstrings so much with his pain and his chemistry with Chizuru, so I can’t say I liked Kazama more hahaha. Souma showed the best perspective of watching over all that happened with the Shinsengumi in a personal yet outsider perspective as he’s not a captain, and I think I felt that I understood the flow and weight of everything in history best with his route, but it really lacked in the romance department haha. Okita and Chizuru were so cute and I loved them when he wasn’t being annoying about Kondou and Hijikata, and Iba was a bit obsessed with the protection part but he was still cute. I was so happy that Yamazaki could finally survive in his own route and how Chizuru and he worked together behind the scenes to care for the Shinsengumi and their goals, that was nice. So yeah, I’d totally play Hakuoki again in the future or if they do another port, I’d definitely buy it hahaha. 10/10 worth it, worth my tears, worth my love hahaha, the 120 hours I spent on this were well spent for sure. I hope they do an Amagiri route in the futuree😆
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chibivesicle · 5 years
Is Asirpa’s character trying to be too many things for GK readers?
As I have been reading GK and having a great dialogue with many other people about the series, I have had a few ideas stewing in the back of my mind.  When I first started watching the anime, Asirpa was really my fav character b/c she was interesting and seemed to go against a lot of bad tropes that could be applied to her.  I like strong and independent female characters, so I was glad to read about her.  I started reading the manga and I really liked her character and began to have mixed feelings about how the anime had decided to depict her.  I have already written about how I was disappointed in the second season of the anime here:   https://chibivesicle.tumblr.com/post/181363749182/do-you-like-golden-kamuy-anime
I’ve been putting a lot of thought into how I’ve wanted to construct this argument.  I’ve decided to tackle this by examining different aspects of Asirpa. 
1.) Asirpa as a representative of the Hokkaido Ainu
When Asirpa is first introduced as a character in the manga, we have Sugimoto looking up at her as he thinks “An Ainu!” when they fight the bear that had not gone into hibernation and was a fallen kaumy.
She then takes him to her kotan and introduces him to her Huci, uncle Makanakkuru and her cousin Osoma.  At the beginning of the manga, Asirpa is the readers guide to all things Ainu.  She explains things like how her father made her menomakkiri for her.  The concept of these personalized knives will come back in regards to Kironranke’s makkiri as “evidence”.
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I obviously can’t speak for all other readers of the series but I perceive Asirpa’s character to be the guide to all things Ainu at the beginning of the manga.  This likely was due to the fact that her character is Ainu and before the series was stable enough to not worry about being cut.  Keep in mind that reader reviews and polls do make or break a manga series.  I don’t think Noda was going for tons of other characters (Japanese or Ainu) at beginning to not overwhelm people.
She explains natural and weather events as well as hunting skills to Sugimoto (who really would have died many times over).  For example the sudden temperature change with a drop of 30 degrees C here:
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Explaining tureunpe for Sugimoto here with her Huci.
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I really don’t want to dwell on this first point a whole lot.  I think it is pretty clear that Asirpa is the reader’s introduction to the Hokkaido Ainu and she explains things to Sugimoto (and in turn to the reader). 
What Asirpa’s character does not do, is explain racism or forced cultural assimilation.  The random man from the whore house tries to threaten her by selling her into prostitution here, pointing out that she doesn’t have a tattoo yet (which were already banned by the Meiji government).  Thankfully, since she is a strong female character she is able to defend herself and even gets extra comments from the girls stating that she showed the man who is the boss at that moment.
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When Sugimoto and Asirpa catch Shiraishi with their modified squirrel traps, Shiraishi refuses to talk as Sugimoto questions him.  This then leads Shiraishi to make the common racist remark that Asripa is a “pet” of Sugimoto’s likely in reference to the comment by Japanese that the Ainu were dogs (Ainu sounding similar to Inu (dog)).
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Sugimoto is quick to attack Shiraishi’s racist remark as he physically threatens to break Shiraishi’s jaw but Asirpa simply states the following:
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But other than these two early instances in the manga - most of the depictions of the Ainu are in the context that they are just doing Ainu things in the background.  They live in their kotans and they are still hunting and fishing as they always have.  This is clearly misleading since many of their practices were already being attacked by the government including the arrow traps but likely depending on locations this was difficult to enforce.  Various info boxes in the manga report historical records of certain cultural practices still happening much past the time period when the government had already banned them. 
To make a manga that would appeal to a wide audience one would have to walk a fine line of being historically accurate in regards to the terrible suffering faced by Asirpa and her community at that time and not making that the major aspect of the manga.  The story is supposed to be about their quest for the gold not generations of cultural genocide.  I don’t want to just ignore the historical injustices but at the same time the author is writing a story for a major reader base who likely don’t their own history in this area so . . . . yeah.  I can’t tell how much of this is a result of the cultural context that the manga exists in where Japanese would not be a blunt about this topic even if many of us readers would want it to be much more upfront about these issues. 
2.) Asirpa as a Leader
Throughout the manga, there are characters who have different skills and roles as leaders.  In previous posts, I have used the terms large L, Leader vs small l leader.  This has been my person way to distinguish between characters who have the ability to lead small groups of people vs those who have grand ideas or the gift to really inspire and lead many people for a cause that is far greater than they are.
The big L leaders that are adults in the series to date are:
Wilk/Noppera-bo/Asirpa’s father - he was a Russian Partisan, the child of a Polish political prisoner and a Sakhalin/Karafuto Ainu.  His goal was to create a confederation of the different cultural groups in the Northern Far East to fight colonialism and imperialism.
Tsurumi/Hasegawa - former Japanese spy operating in Russia, turned military commander.  de facto commander of the 27th.   He wants to make Hokkaido an independent military state, that he is the dictator of as well as to manufacturer arms and medical supplies for WWI.  He is a very charismatic leader and acts as a second father to many of the “lost” members of the 27th.
Hijikata - the not actually dead, former Vice commander of the Shinsengumi.   Looking for a battle to truly fight and die in?  Does he also want to establish another longer lasting Republic of Ezo?  Will he take the concerns of all of the people on the island into consideration or was his relationship a marriage of convenience between him and Wilk in prison.  Yet he can inspire men to follow him to death with little effort and is clearly charismatic as a leader.
Sofia - Wilk and Kiroranke’s partisan leader.  Mastermind of the the assassination of the Tsar in 1881.  Respected leader of Russian revolutionaries.  Likely still looking to overturn the Tsarist government.  Perhaps, she will shift her focus to Hokkaido now . . . .
The small l leaders that are adults in the series to date are:
Ogata - tactically astute and observant sniper formerly of the 27th and traitor to Tsurumi.  Works well in tricky combat situations; e.g. Nikaido as his spotter, sniping and directing yakuza in Barato, defending against the 27th in Yubari, aiding Sugimoto against Koito, saving everyone on the mountain pass, rescuing Tanigaki in the swamp, shot out at the onsen etc.  Sadly, no one takes him seriously even though he as been a good team member.
Tsukishima - the “mom” of the 27th.  Tsurumi’s right hand man from Niigata, does some of his dirtiest deeds, and current leader of the small expedition team to Sakhalin/Karafuto.  Tsukishima is intelligent and hardworking and knows some of his men well, for example Koito, so he was able to find underhanded ways to motivate him (those bromides of Tsurumi) but at times really struggled how to command and as a result control both Sugimoto and Tanigaki on Sakhalin. 
Yulbars/Kiroranke - the only Ainu male character who was referred to as Kiroranke Nispa by Asirpa.  He planned the stealing away of Asirpa at Abashiri with his cat partner in crime, Ogata.  He leads the journey to Karafuto/Sakhalin with Asirpa, Shiraishi and Ogata so that Asirpa can remember the key to the gold as he educates her about her father’s past and also introduces her to Sofia.  His background and skill in explosives as well as having the goal to free Sofia shows some leadership skills but made both Shiraishi and Ogata uncomfortable and ultimately neither of them trusted him but Shiraishi still cared about him as a friend.
Between these two groups of leaders, Asirpa clearly falls into the first, the big L Leader group.  She throughout the story thus far has mediated and shaped the various teams and groups that she has been a part of.  She respects most of the characters (she does care about Shiraishi but I worry about her copying Sugimoto’s bullying of him).  With all of the Japanese male characters, she does not refer to them as Sugimoto-san or Shiraishi-san etc, she just calls them by their last names which says a lot about her personality.  Only Kiroranke was spoken to with respect keeping the Nispa title, which is in part likely to the fact that Kiro was Wilk’s best friend and almost an uncle to her. 
Asirpa was able to get anti-social characters like Ogata to participate in her “team building” activities and she always praised him when he assisted in hunting related things.  Even if most of the other characters either stayed away from Ogata or fought with him (Sugimoto) she always treated him fairly. 
I think her best example of persuasive leadership to date was with her ordering Ogata to protect Tanigaki in the swamp.  Now other people will argue that Ogata didn’t do this b/c Asirpa told him to and instead will read it as an Ogata-Sugimoto conversation.  But I will always see this as an order coming from Asirpa.  Why?  Asirpa is the one who orders Ogata to protect Tanigaki.
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Ogata is in a very powerful position, he’s atop the grain silo, he’s in a very relaxed position with his body language, and he’s got his rifle at ready.  Everything about this shows that Ogata is the one in the safe position.  Yet, Asirpa is the one who says this.  Sugimoto wouldn’t think to ask Ogata to protect Tanigaki, later even when they are looking for Anehata in the swamp, Sugimoto tells Asirpa never to order someone like Ogata to save him in a similar situation since he doesn’t trust he would nor does he think he would do it.  Ogata retorts back that he needs a reason to protect him and he correctly states that Tanigaki is following them on Tsurumi’s orders.
Sugimoto fills in part of the background that Tanigaki did not kill Tamai and co as Ogata has concluded and that they were killed by a bear (set into motion by Sugimoto’s actions).  I find Sugimoto’s lines to Ogata to be self-projection.  At this point, Ogata has not willingly ate brains so Sugimoto thinking of an Asirpa punishment that he would not want to have but Ogata is likely not swayed by this.  He later does eat reindeer brains and nods that they indeed taste like Yuk with Asirpa on Karafuto/Sakhalin.
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Instead, there is a panel of a very firm looking Asirpa, she’s got a sweat drop but the entire time you can see that she’s kept eye contact with him.  She also explained that Tanigaki just wanted to go back to the Matagi and was healed by his time with her Huci.  Ogata does a major cat stare down at Asirpa, but he does state that his options are limited.  Asirpa only breaks eye contact with Ogata after she follows his gaze to the group of Ainu men who are certain Tanigaki is the culprit, and she realizes that they need to hurry to save them.
Yet, despite his stand off with her, he ultimately saves Tanigaki just as she had requested and did not harm anyone in the process and even sacrificed his cloak and his rifle case with his decoy.  That is saying a lot for a man who hides himself in the cloak and was likely already thinking about where he will get another case to cover the rifle. . . 
The key point is that Asirpa was able to convince Ogata to do something and she didn’t need to manipulate him or bait him with something.  He followed her orders.   Flashbacks seem to indicate that Tsurumi was in part likely ordering Ogata to perform certain actions but with a reward attached, Asirpa’s lack of manipulation was likely a factor that convinced him to follow her request.
3.) Asirpa as an innocent
The cast of GK is full of grown men who are broken to varying degrees and dealing with the impact of PTSD in the first major event of what we would now call modern warfare.  Sugimoto survived by fighting with a level of brutality that made him seem like a demon.  Tanigaki ran away from home in a quest for revenge and as a tondouhei in the 7th fought in the war.  Ogata is a man who was damaged from his very birth and somehow ended up in the 7th (we still need to know his reason for enlisting or if he was drafted).  Kiroranke passed himself off as an Ainu volunteer but once his Partisan past is revealed, it shows he’s been though countless traumatic events.  Tsukishima had a similar background to Ogata with a broken home and was on death row after the Sino-Japanese war.  Hijikata is a ghost of the former shougante and missed his chance to die at Hakodate.  All of these men have killed others and none are dealing with ways to heal, instead they’ve all thrown themselves in the hunt for the gold since many of them are good at killing.  Recent events revealed that Kiro truly was attempting to acquire the gold for the future of the native peoples. However, Sugimoto is doing this for the money (and the woman he loves), Tanigaki is doing it to run away from facing his problems and revenge, Tsukishima is doing this b/c he feels likely trapped by Tsurumi, and Ogata, well, his still unclear motives changed on the the ice but a part of him likely figured he’d be good at this b/c he thinks he’d be good at it since Ogata thinks he is broken.
The entire time, Asirpa has been traveling around Hokkaido with these men who have killed and will kill again while she has kept her vow to not kill anyone in the process.  Again, I’ve already pointed out that Asirpa has occasionally drawn her bow at other humans in the story making her walk a fine line.  This finally comes to ahead when she accidentally shoots Ogata in the right eye.  She is “saved” by Sugimoto’s quick thinking even though his scream is the event that startles her and causes her to shoot him in the first place. . . .
Sugimoto wants to keep Asirpa’s innocence in the whole situation but the longer this quest goes, the more and more chances she will have to either violate her “no kill” policy.  The entire concept is hypocritical and likely we as readers are supposed to wonder how she maintains her own personal values in such a dangerous game.
There are other innocent characters in the series; Shiraishi, Inkarmat, Cikapasi, Enonoka and Ryu I guess.  I mean Ryu is a dog so it is hard for him to do evil human deeds.  Shiraishi, while not a morally upstanding member of society, is one of more innocent adults, he has not harmed another person and he has become loyal and dependable.  Inkarmat also has not killed anyone (as far as we know) and instead thought she was acting with the best intentions for Asirpa and Wilk; but she is a trickster so her methods are similar to Shiraishi.  Cikapasi is younger than Asirpa and is being forced to take care of himself and others.  His encounter with Enonoka has been positive for him, he’s seen a more mature peer and she’s gently getting him to become more responsible for his own fate.  I think the character growth for all of the above is that they have much easier tasks to achieve; learn to help and care for others, let go of the past and how to become more responsible.
What is different between these innocent characters and Asirpa is that no one is as driven to uphold their moral code as she is.  Asirpa wants to understand who her father was, why he entrusted the gold to her, and what she will do with the “power” derived from it.  Asirpa doesn’t just have to uphold her personal values, she has to do it in the context of a quest where her father designed it so that you would have to murder and skin a man to get the answer you are looking for.
Asirpa’s innocence also puts her relationships with other characters in an unequal balance.  Ogata wanted to release her from the stress of being the key to the gold, Sugimoto is lying to her to protect her from the very same thing.  These characters are seeing the need to protect her innocence as a reason to not be honest and straightforward with her. 
4.) Asirpa as mixed race
So Asirpa is first introduced as a Hokkaido Ainu character. But very quickly it is revealed that her parents are both dead and that she has a unique appearance, where she has blue eyes - like her father.  When Sugimoto first meets Hijikata, he makes a comment about how she must have some Russian blood in her background.  Slowly it unfolds that Hijakata knew that Noppera-bou was not a Hokkaido Ainu, revealing to Nagakura, Ushiyama, Ienaga and Ogata that he is a Partisan fighting against the Russian government and that he likely has other comrades that are hiding among the Hokkaido Ainu [Kiroranke].
Her eye color is frequently referred to - when she first meets Inkarmat, she mentions that her eyes are just like her father’s. 
All of this is linking Asirpa to her father and how her eyes are a direct physical trait to him and how she is to inherit his legacy.  In chapter 73, Asirpa has her dream about her time with her father and he speaks of how she is mixed race and that this is beautiful and important.  Interestingly, he refers to his blood as being different (as a Polish-Karafuto Ainu) with that of her mother a Hokkaido Ainu.  The mixing of these different people resulted in her and that she will be a new woman for the future and she will lead the Ainu b/c of the strength that she has from this combination.
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This is the first half of the flashback that she will finally remember as they are attempting to reach Russia with Kiroranke, Sofia, Shiraishi and Ogata.  What is most important though is that Wilk is a person who saw strength through diversity and that this would be the best way to save their people from the imperial and colonial powers and the death of their cultures and absorption into these empires as minorities lacking the rights of the ruling majority. 
Wilk’s link to Russia is very subtly mentioned here as Sugimoto, Shiraishi and Ogata are crossing over the Daisetsuzan mountain range.  Asirpa sets up a small rodent trap and explains that it is used by a small indigenous group in Russia uses to catch squirrels.
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Asirpa is a Hokkaido Ainu, there is no way she would have learned about a trapping method used by a native group in Russia from her community.  Only one person would have taught her that and from the very beginning of the manga we’ve known that she was taught by her father.  I wonder if this is a reference to Kiro being a Tatar who grew up on the Amur river or another group as well. . . .
All of these events are subtle clues to Wilk’s backstory and what he was hoping to achieve for the native peoples of the region.
Besides Wilk being a mixed race character, Kiroranke is another main character who is mixed race as well.  When he is trying to convince Inkarmat that they are on the same “side” he states that his son are Hokkaido Ainu and therefore their causes are the same.  Only much later does he explain his background as a Tatar on the Amur River with Karafuto Ainu heritage as well.
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As Kiro reveals more about Wilk’s past for Asirpa, the revolutionary trio of Wilk, Kiro and Sofia emerges, a team that drew from the strength of each of their commitment to the cause as well as making a very effective team.  Their team shows that women can be excellent leaders, that the unique background of each one of their lives brings out the best possible result and that they are a prime of example of diversity = strength.
Therefore, it couldn’t be any more obvious that Asirpa falls into this group where she will be a successful person and leader b/c she has the background to do so.  If she just lived a simple life in her kotan, never learned to hunt, was not educated by her father she would not be a character with the ability to change things far beyond herself.
5.) Asirpa as an “idol”
As the story unfolds, the two main male characters, Sugimoto and Ogata independently figure out what her father’s plan for her future is; that she was being trained to be a populist revolutionary with a skill set to fight imperial powers through guerrilla warfare in the “frontier”.
This first comes out in chapters 136 & 137 when Sugimoto finds Wilk at Abarashi and confirms his identity by showing him her menomakkiri.  Sugimoto then asks him why he set her up to be a major player for the gold.
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Sugimoto wanted to avoid having the two meet since he doesn’t want Asirpa to come to terms with the fact that Wilk tattooed all of those prisoners and hid the gold and he killed his fellow Ainu comrades.
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Wilk trained Asirpa from the start to become a partisan, or a Hokkaido version of a partisan at least based on the info that is revealed at this point.  Wilk working with HIjikata, leads Sugimoto conclude that Wilk wants to use Asirpa the face and the leader of an Ainu independence movement and aid in the creation of an independent Hokkaido.  He accuses him of setting her up to be an Ainu Joan of Arc.
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Sugimoto is clearly upset with this as he sees Asirpa as a little sister and he has made it clear through his actions that at times, he feels that as an adult he gets to make decisions that are good for her even if it means withholding information or protecting her.
After Ogata shot and killed Wilk and injured Sugimoto as well, he continues to journey north under Kiro’s leadership for Asirpa to remember the key to the gold based on Wilk’s past and also the goal to break Sofia out of prison.  Ogata has been observing Asirpa for a long time by this point, he immediately figured out who Asirpa was in Yubari, one of the few times he’s hand an internal dialogue.
As they travel north, Ogata has his fever dream flashback involving Yuusaku and the hypocrisy at the heart of Yuusaku’s philosophy instilled in him from their father.  Asirpa and Ogata are both linked to their father’s visually by inheriting their eyes and the fact that both of their fathers had high expectations for their children.  The irony is that Asirpa is supposed to become a leader like her father and up until this point she has been successful in being a leader and having the skills to lead in the future.  In contrast, Ogata is the abandoned son, who likely has the skill set to be a military leader that his father so desperately wanted which was clearly lacking in Yuusaku.  This leads to the awkward conversation in chapter 187 that he has with her as he loses it after she rejects him. . . What is most important about this is that unlike Sugimoto, Ogata bluntly calls out Asirpa.  She has sworn that she will not kill anyone in the fight for the gold.  But as their group learns more and more about Wilk’s unwavering dedication to the creation of a confederation of indigenous peoples of the far North East, it becomes clear even to Asirpa that she was trained in more than just hunting animals as any Ainu would.
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Where Ogata likely gets his mental wires crossed is when he thinks that Wilk told Asirpa that she should not kill other humans.  Thus, he sees Asirpa as just like Yuusaku, keeping his hands clean b/c Hanazawa told him that he alone must remain pure and not kill. 
To date in the story there has been no scene or flashback where Wilk has told Asirpa that she must not kill others.  As far as we know, Asirpa’s no killing policy is both an Ainu policy but also her own personal moral code.  Until other evidence is revealed in the manga, I’m going with that.  When she and Sugimoto first met, she made it very clear that she won’t kill in the quest for the gold and that she saved Ogata from Sugimoto b/c he promised her that he wouldn’t kill him in that instance.
Both Sugimoto and Ogata think that her father was setting her up to be an idol/martyr for the Ainu cause, but both are projecting their own problems onto her in this idol position.  It is true that Wilk raised Asirpa to be a leader with an obvious partisan/revolutionary slant but he also instilled in her sense of the importance of her cultural identity and heritage and how they should preserve it against greater powers.
6.) Asirpa as a female character with agency
The cast of gk is dominated by male characters and definitely fails the Bechdel test, as Asirpa’s motivations are about her father (a man) and she is working with a man who she has a kid crush on, Sugimoto, and is interacting with very few women such as her Huci, her cousin Osoma and Inkarmat.   Inkarmat only becomes involved with her b/c of a man, Wilk, so until the moment on the roof of the prison that Inkarmat realizes it is about Asirpa and not about Wilk. 
The good thing is that Asirpa is a female character with agency and there are other female characters also with agency in the cast.  She sees herself as a partner with Sugimoto and they have been reunited and have re-established their partnership.  When Sugimoto abandoned her in Otaru, she rescued him and then punished him with the sutu.
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I’ve stated in other meta that their partnership is still unequal and Sugimoto is “protecting” her by not telling her the full details but he at least isn’t treating her like a complete inferior in the partnership.  But Asirpa entered this partnership viewing it as an equal so we know that her own approach to it has to do with her own involvement. 
Asirpa has been able to order various adult men to do as she has asked, she gets them to pitch in to the cooking duties, saying citatap, and contributing to the team which is another remarkable skill.
This overlaps with another concept where Asirpa acts as a mother to all of these lost boys.  She is always looking out for everyone and she has all of them obeying her like little chicks lined up for citatap feeding time here in chapter 119.
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She has lost her family, so it is clear that one of her roles is to try to reform a family, just her family consists of a bunch of emotionally damaged Japanese war vets, a petty criminal and Inkarmat and Cikapasi to an extent.  This is not exactly the best family to have but is what is happening with the people she encounters.  One could write a lot more about Asirpa as a mothering character but I don’t want to dwell on that concept here.
Asirpa is not a character with agency in a vacuum, instead her decisions are being influenced by the adults around her.  She was whisked away to Karafuto/Sakhalin by Kiro and Ogata to contribute to the Partisan cause but this really gave her distance from Sugimoto to realize that he was also influencing her decisions more than she was aware of which is good.  The sad part is that Kiro died and she almost killed Ogata to get this perspective.  In some ways this is very realistic, everyone influences each other through relationships and encounters.  A good way to approach her agency is that she is almost like a child ruler.  She inherited the secret to the gold and now adults are trying their best to use her for their own self interest.  This in part has forced her to face issues the average kid wouldn’t have encountered at her age but this is part of the role her character is playing in the manga.  I also try to remind myself that the concept of kids being immature and not little adults is a very new concept for most socieities so even though we as readers know that she is being asked to make decisions on things she shouldn’t, at the time it is less unusual.  Yes, research has shown that kids and teens are different physiologically compared to adults with a lot of that in their brain development.  But that was not known at the turn of the century so treating her more closely to an adult isn’t unusual or odd.  Keep in mind Kiro became involved with the Partisans only a few years older than she is. . . .
Thankfully she isn’t the only female character with agency.  Inkarmat wields a high amount of agency in the series, she is a drifter and uses that to her advantage.  Unfortunately, she is motivated by her memories of her time with Wilk as a child and has spent too much of her adult life chasing after him or perhaps the memory of him  . . . she wears his mother’s clothing and keeps using her divination to try to give her an answer about Wilk’s fate than what the facts have told her.  But she does her best as a woman in a society where she lacks a lot of power to try to influence the hunt for the gold.  It really is a shame that she and Kiro were unable to find something to unite them, but Tsurumi worked hard to make sure she would doubt him as much as possible.
Enonoka is another female character with agency.  She is a business savy Karafuto Ainu girl who is also very good at ordering others to do things for her.  She uses her knowledge of Japanese to help with this and I like that she is a strong character as well.  I love the scene where she makes the deal with Koito for the use of the dogsleds and shakes his hand.
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Sofia is another female character who is the leader of the Russian Partisans.  I was hoping for more from her character with her introduction and brief time with Kiro, Ogata, Shiraishi and Asirpa.  But she will be back, Asirpa said she would fine her when she needs to and I think that will be the case.
Last but not least, Umeko, Sugimoto’s love also is a character with agency.  She chose Toraji and when Sugimoto returned, she supported Toraji and pretty much showed that she would support him not matter what happened even if Sugimoto beat his ass.
Out of all of these women, Asirpa is the woman with the most possible power and agency.  This leads into my last point.
7.) Asirpa as the future.
Asirpa is supposed to represent the future of the Ainu.  This is embodied in the name that Wilk gave her.  She would be a new and innovative leader for her people.  She was trained in the ways of hunting like a boy would have been but is a girl.  Based on the previous 6 points, they all combine to make Asirpa a character who is set to inherit the “future” and the power that comes with it.  She hasn’t been as damaged as the adult characters but she will be altered due to this entire experience.  She is the one who ultimately is the key to finding the gold and the decision to find it will likely come down to her.
Will she fulfill her father’s goals for her?  Likely not, as she learned from the journey but will continue to question if the gold is something that should be found.
So I just described many of the roles that Asirpa is playing in the manga.  What does this all mean and how do I as a reader feel about this?
I think that Asirpa’s character is doing too much in the manga in the context of the story. 
I don’t think it was done intentionally, but as the story developed she got more roles and events tied to her.  I personally think this is a disservice to readers b/c she’s too multifaceted and I fear many readers will simplify her role as to not find all of these angles to be too confusing. 
The anime took this approach - Asirpa became an Ainu girl who is super cute and is tied to a man who is a former Russian revolutionary who wanted her to have the secret to the gold to lead the Ainu. 
This is something that I really have been thinking about seriously since it is hard to get a grasp of how her character is being understood in the context of this being a Japanese manga.  Do Japanese readers look at Asirpa the same way that I’ve listed above?  Do they see beyond the fact that she is cute?  I was talking with a friend of a friend in Japan who is Japanese and he simply saw Asirpa as a cute spunky female character.  Did he see her as a girl torn between her culture and the forced assimilation of her people and lost of her culture and racial discrimination?  Likely not.
In dialogue with American Ainu, I have also learned that Asirpa is being used as a cute mascot for cultural tourism where her family is from in Hokkaido.  It seems like a misuse of a character who is playing all of these complex roles in the manga to be reduced to a friendly cute native welcoming you to be a cultural voyeur as you eat Ainu cuisine and say “Hinna hinna.”  You can visit her culture but she can’t actually practice her culture.  This seems to be a quite the difference from what her character is doing within the manga.
I wonder if she makes a good icon b/c she is a cute, nonthreatening native welcoming you to enjoy her culture but not fighting back for her rights?  I keep dwelling on the idea that a lot of readers in the English language fandom did not like Kiroranke’s character.  Is this b/c he is a threatening man who was fighting back against the government and imperialism?  What if Asirpa were actually a male character?  Would a male Asirpa being fulfilling all of these roles in the manga that she is?  Likely not.  One part of me likes the fact that Asirpa is mixed race, this is a good thing to bring up to Japanese readers who still struggle with their own approach to mixed race people and still stick to the idea that they are a homogeneous people and nation forgetting that they have a poor history with native peoples that have been oppressively ruled by them for centuries.  The other part of me would have preferred she be a normal Hokkaido Ainu and instead be linked to Wilk being a Partisan Ainu native who worked with Sofia and Kiro as a non-mixed race Karafuto Ainu.  By having Asirpa, Wilk and Kiro as mixed race it still leaves non-mixed race Ainu out of the story as having less power and agency.
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impracticaldemon · 6 years
Dangerous Connections [late submission for Saichifest 2019]
by impracticaldemon a modern, non-canonesque, 4200-word vignette
Rating:  M / Lemon   Read also on FFN | AO3
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Author's Note: I have no idea where this story came from. Unfortunately, it nagged at me until I wrote it, which delayed other writing. Part of the inspiration came from @nospringonions fanfic for Saichifest 2019 (although that fanfic feels brighter, and has a beginning, middle, and end).  This is one of my very few non-Shinsengumi-era stories. The setting is a modern Japan AU that has a slightly? darker feel to it than Hakuouki SSL. Partial inspiration for the feel—and Saito's motorbike—go to @kurokiorya
As a final note, the entire second half of the story is more or less about sex.
Dangerous Connections
"I found you a tutor, Hajime-kun!"
Saitō eyed his friend warily. That particular grin always made him nervous.
"Tanaka-sensei said that she would find somebody appropriate, Sōji. There's no need—"
"Tanaka-sensei has already approved my suggestion." Okita's smirk became even more pronounced. "She agreed that it made sense to get somebody who knew the club, and wouldn't mind working around your weird schedule. Besides, it turns out that Chizuru-chan was already on her list of candidates."
Saitō felt himself tense. "Yukimura? Sōji—that's—I don't think that's a good idea at all."
Okita laughed. "Worried you won't be able to concentrate? On the bright side, you won't want to embarrass yourself, right? I figure you'll be speaking and writing English like a pro in no time!" He punched Saitō lightly on the arm—lightly for Sōji, at least.
"There must be other—"
"Get a grip, Saitō! Your family said you had to pass your English competency exam, or quit the team." Okita's expression darkened. "And this year we're going to win the championship, so don't you dare let them force you to quit!"
"I don't intend to!" replied Saitō with rare heat. "You shouldn't have gotten involved in this."
"Oi, what's with you? I thought you'd be pleased. I'm pretty sure you've had a thing for Chizuru-chan for ages—and didn't you mention that your dad wanted you to find a suitable girlfriend? I mean, you're twenty now, and graduating uni in a couple of years, and—"
"Stay. Out. Of. This." Saitō turned on his heel and stalked off, shoulders rigid.
Okita was so surprised that he watched him go.
"Well that was weird—what the hell did you say to him?"
"Nothing he wanted to hear, apparently." It wasn't Heisuke's fault that Saitō was behaving like he had a poker up his butt, but Okita had to suppress an instinctive desire to lash out at the younger man. He didn't handle rejection well—he knew it, but that didn't make him any happier right now.
"Anything I can do to help?" Fortunately, Heisuke was reading the room for once, and didn't demand an immediate explanation. Okita grimaced inwardly. Heisuke was a good guy, and he'd matured a lot in the last couple of years—they all had, supposedly.
"Doubt it. Not unless you're in the mood to torture Hajime-kun for personal information?"
Heisuke stared at him, then waved his hands in an emphatic denial. "First of all, torture really isn't my thing. Second, I wasn't planning to die today."
"You saying I can't take Saitō?"
"MMMMFFFF." Heisuke pantomimed locking up his lips and throwing away the key. Then he ruined it by adding, "Who knows? Not me." He grinned at Okita. "I knows nuffin' guv'nah!"
"What the hell was that? As if your English isn't bad enough to begin with."
"Better'n yours and Saitō's, I hear."
Okita grimaced, then shrugged. "Doesn't matter to me, but Saitō's dad says he either passes the next time, or he's out of the kendo club—national championship or not. The guy's a hardass, too—if he says it, he means it. But we need that championship if we're going to get funding to go international." He scowled.
"Makes me glad I'm not the heir—or even runner-up heir—to some fancy corporation, for once. My dad just wants me to take his guilt money and lead my own life."
"Yeah, yeah. There are worse things, you know?"
"So I'm told." Heisuke bit back a snide rejoinder—Souji was always grouchy when it came to families. Besides, it reminded him what he'd come to say in the first place.
"I don't know if it's related, but I have some news for you. Bad news, and I wish Shinpat had found you first, to be honest. Assuming he didn't avoid you on purpose."
Okita gestured for him to continue, though he was still staring in the direction that Saitō had… gone.
"You know that pharmaceutical company that's been in the news so much recently?"
"No." Then Okita reconsidered. "Wait—yes. Hijikata was ranting about it yesterday, I think. Kondō-san kept having to calm him down—not that there's anything new in that."
"Well, turns out they were into some seriously illegal shit, and even had some kind of stolen army biotech they were working on."
"It was owned by Chizuru-chan's dad. In fact, her brother was the manager, at least on paper."
That got Okita's full attention.
"Well, shit."
"Anyway, nobody knows if they were set up, or who leaked the info to the cops—or the press—and so far it's hard to say who in the family knew all the details."
"There is no way Chizuru-chan knew about it, or was involved," Okita snapped.
"Yeah, we know that. But for now, the family, and everyone close to the family, is a suspect. And it gets worse."
"How?" Okita was already trying to sort out the kind of impact this could have on the club. Chizuru was close friends with all of them, and she acted as a kind of book-keeper and general secretary.
"Chizuru's dad made a substantial donation to the club, back when Chizuru started university. That's kind of why we got stuck with her in the first place, remember—not that I minded."
Okita remembered. "Fuck. FUCK!"
"Right? A club like ours—any sports club that wants to compete at the national level and beyond—can't be associated with illegal drugs. And these ones involve army tech, so..."
"Why the hell didn't Hijikata explain this to me yesterday?!" demanded Okita.
Wisely, Heisuke didn't point out that Sōji probably hadn't been listening. Sometimes things were okay between those two, other times they weren't—as in, really weren't. At times like this, he envied Hajime-kun for not living with the rest of them.
Okita glared at Heisuke for not answering his question. "Fine. Where's Chizuru-chan?"
"We don't know."
"What?! How is that even possible? She lives with us, for crying out loud!"
Heisuke took a half-step back, mentally cursing Shinpachi for setting him up to be the bearer of ill tidings. Sōji tended to hit first, ask questions later—well, not so much now, but still. Normally, they sent Sano-san to do stuff like this, but Sano was out of town for the week.
"We think she's either been taken away by her dad, or kidnapped by those Kazama thugs." Heisuke had to lean in to whisper the words, and Okita took the opportunity to grab him by the shoulders and shake him.
"Then what the hell are we doing just talking about it?! Why are we here at school instead of out looking for her?"
"I'm not gonna talk if you keep doing that!"
"Fine. Screw English class, I'm out of here. And I'm really pissed at Hajime-kun for not telling me all this earlier—he must have known."
"Our job is to go to school. Keep up appearances."
"Thank you for that, Hijikata-mommy-san. Sure, I'll do that." Without another word, Okita spun away from Heisuke, and ran for the main entrance.
Heisuke hesitated, then flung up his hands with a groan and sprinted off after him. Nobody was going to be happy when Sōji encountered the ladies and gentlemen of the press. And it wasn't Heisuke's fault that they'd trailed him here after Hijikata-san had slammed the house door in their faces.
Saitō's bike was expensive, but not showy, and it was a lot less noisy than most. That being said, he hadn't taken quite as much care as usual when he'd taken off from school after running into Sōji. Fortunately, he couldn't sense anyone watching as he methodically stowed the bike, and hurried through the parking lot door of his non-descript apartment building. On the face of it, he was just another young guy who'd probably forgotten something he needed for work or school. He'd done a good job of being anonymous here for two years; there was no reason to mess that up now.
He'd originally hoped to throw people off the scent by showing up for class as usual, but he just wasn't calm enough to pull it off. No matter how hard he tried, he still lacked the detachment and control of his father and grandfather—as they often pointed out. And ugh. Sōji had meant it for the best, but Saitō had hoped to avoid anything that might link him to Chizuru except as a member of the club's championship kendo team. The Kazama had top notch intelligence gatherers.
He made himself take the elevator up to his floor—which wasn't the penthouse, since that was just too obvious for the scion of a wealthy corporate empire. At least he wasn't the heir, thank all the gods. He unlocked the door to his apartment, and then carefully locked and bolted it behind him once inside.
And there she was, waiting for him. His heart-beat picked up at the thought.
"Chizuru…" It was still a delight to use her unadorned first name, and to hear his own name on her lips. He knew he was blushing, but he couldn't seem to help it, or to suppress the inappropriate—very warm—images that caused at least part of the blush.
Without warning—except that he was trained to read an opponent's slightest movement—Chizuru threw her arms around him, and buried her head against his shoulder. He tried not to react to her sudden proximity, but his hormones had other ideas. She was obviously frightened, and it seemed like the most natural thing in the world to gently lift her face to his, and kiss her. Not that they hadn't kissed before, but it was still so new to him—to them both—that he was immediately swept up in it, and didn't notice the passage of time until he realized that he had her pressed tightly against the hallway wall, one hand in her hair, and the other stroking the soft skin of her back under her blouse.
When he tried to draw away, Chizuru clung to him, her lips nuzzling his neck. He could tell that she was embarrassed, but also determined to keep him close. If only he were better at rational thought when they were together like this! Then he could comfort her properly, while still being aware of his surroundings, and considering what to do next.
"Chizuru, we need to plan." She couldn't stay hidden with him indefinitely—though part of him wished she would—but the alternatives weren't clear. "I think it's going to get more difficult after today…" Not so much because of Sōji blatantly throwing them together, but because the press was out there now, and hungry for details. The Kazama family wouldn't miss the opportunity to seize Chizuru if they could find her, and he suspected that Kōdō was finally scared enough to accept the Yukimura-Kazama merger, and hand her over to them to seal the bargain.
Saito made another effort to put some distance between them, but thinking about Chizuru engaged to Kazama Chikage made him want to do anything other than let go. In fact, he wanted very much to forget about everything other than finding out how best to please his beloved—if still secret—girlfriend. His mouth dipped down to the tip of her closest ear, and he began to trace the outer edge with his tongue, which elicited an intoxicating, shivery kind of gasp from Chizuru. He felt his pelvic muscles contract in response, and blood rush down to harden him into full arousal. Without another thought, he pressed a hard kiss—almost a bite—into the side of Chizuru's neck, making sure that his teeth would leave marks.
"Hajime…" Chizuru's voice was a little rougher than usual, and her breathing had quickened. He tightened his hand in her hair, and forced her head up to look at him, so that he could admire the scarlet that now bloomed high on her cheeks, and the way her eyes seemed to glow as she warmed into passion. When he brought his mouth to hers, abandoning her ear and neck, and biting gently on her lower lip, she made another half-muffled sound of pleasure, but louder and more distinct this time. He found himself trapping her even more tightly between his body and the wall, and grinding himself against her, while his tongue parted her willing lips and began to explore her mouth, eventually so deeply that it felt like a flagrant expression of what he wanted to do with the rest of her body.
As if in response to that thought, he felt Chizuru's hands tug the tail of his shirt free of his jeans, so that she could caress his bare skin in the same way that he was touching hers. His father wouldn't be very impressed at how easily distracted he was, he knew, but something rebelled in him at the thought. His friends and colleagues pushed him to be more open; his father and grandfather demanded perfect stoicism. Only Chizuru let him be entirely himself—she didn't mind his silences, she trusted him to listen when she wanted to talk, and she never seemed troubled by his awkwardness. He was utterly in love with her.
Still kissing, they undressed each other, fumbling at buttons, and even occasionally snarling at layers that wouldn't cooperate with their need to be skin-to-skin. Saitō retained enough sanity to lift Chizuru into his arms and carry her to his small bedroom, which was surely a more private and appropriate place to communicate such desires. Not until he laid her down on his bed—hair loose, clothing wildly askew, love-bite darkening on her neck—did he fully process what they were doing, and freeze, appalled by how far he'd let things go. He immediately sat back, still straddling her hips, and forced his greedy hands away from her skin.
To his surprise, Chizuru smiled up at him, and reached out to run her own hand down across the muscles of his stomach to rest lightly on the tight bulge still constrained by his lower fly and boxer-briefs. The button to his jeans was already undone, although it had taken her some minutes to achieve this, earlier. He still wasn't sure whether the button had actually been difficult, or if she'd just been distracted by his lips on her skin, and on the thin material of her lacy bra. Her nipples had hardened intriguingly under the ministrations of his stroking, pinching fingers, and then tongue and teeth.
He stared down at her now, breathless and dry-mouthed with desire, blood pounding in his ears, but desperate not to injure her in any way. Her thumb rubbed gently, but attentively, at the head of his erection, and he flinched inwardly at the combination of the exciting, pleasurable sensation, and the vulnerable, loving, determined expression on her lovely face. It might feel wonderful, but it wasn't right—not when there was fear and sadness lurking behind her passion.
"Chizuru," he whispered, barely able to resist leaning forward into her touch, while forcing himself to keep his hands curled on his thighs, rather than caressing her breasts, or busy with the pale blue panties that lay visible below her loose, rumpled skirt.
"I want this, Hajime. You love me, you believe in me, and I want you to be the first, since I don't know what the future has in store for either of us."
"We'll stay together no matter what, I promise, if that's what you want. But don't—Chizuru, those are the wrong reasons—you must know that!" He hoped that his voice betrayed neither the effort it cost to be rational, nor his hurt at her lack of confidence. In him, in them, he wasn't sure which.
He read stubbornness—and true longing—in her eyes, and the set of her lips. She wasn't going to back down, not when she believed in what she was saying.
"Your father won't want an alliance with a disgraced family, we both know that. And the Kazama want me so that I can produce an heir to both families, Kazama and Yukimura, now that their victory is certain. A marriage, an heir—that will bring everyone into line, and keep our noble blood pure." The last word was low and bitter. "Are you going to subject your family, and your friends, and all their dreams, to the inevitable retaliation? They—the Kazama—can be brutal, you know."
"My family can look after itself," he told her forcefully, trying and failing to ignore her insistent caresses. He shifted a little, then caught her wrists, pushing her down into the bed. "Don't offer yourself to me on such terms. I'll refuse." He wasn't sure he could, but he'd do his best.
Chizuru stared at him, clearly frustrated in every way, but also, maybe, a little hopeful. Or was he imagining it, because he wanted her so much, and needed her to want him back out of love and passion, not despair—or as part of some ridiculous, fatalistic goodbye.
"Hajime? I don't want you to get hurt. I love you. That's the only reason I would ever go to them—"
"I know, but this—" He swallowed, unable to do what he should, and just get up, and get his mind back on prioritizing her safety, and—and so on. Why couldn't things be simple? Why did he always think too much?! He could practically feel Sōji's eyes mocking him for his indecision.
"I'm sorry," Chizuru whispered into the silence. "I was being selfish—to want this time with you. This is my fault—"
"Dammit—no!" He let go of her wrists and curved his hands around her cheeks to cradle her head. "Just… just don't go there." He bent down to kiss her fiercely on the lips, and was surprised to discover that his control was still pitifully weak. Desire reignited as he registered the heat of her skin against his bare chest, and felt her lips part beneath his. He heard her breath hitch—just as it had earlier—and then her arms tightened around him, pulling him fully against her, so that he barely had time to brace one forearm to avoid falling.
"I won't give up—"
"I won't let you go."
With little grace, but also no pointless self-consciousness, he freed them both from their remaining clothes, and gave himself over to kissing and teasing and caressing his beloved's body into heated, extravagant arousal. Inexperience didn't mean lack of imagination, and he'd imagined making love to her so many times before, often to his own chagrin. He kissed and tasted and left marks on her skin, and suckled her breasts, and ran strong, demanding hands along her sides and over her hips and belly and around her smooth backside. And he thanked her, in fervent, heartfelt whispers, for letting him hear her cries of passion, and for sharing her wonderful, sweet body with him.
Her scent was intoxicating—he hadn't realized how much it would affect him. When his explorations finally reached the damp, sensitive folds of skin at her centre, and his fingers started to learn the contours of her most private places, her soft cries became whimpers, and he saw her biting her lower lip so hard that he thought it might bleed.
"Chizuru…" He almost stilled his hand, worried for the first time that he'd somehow hurt her, in his ignorance, but when his fingers slowed, and he lifted his lips from the hard nub of one breast, her expression plainly begged him not to stop, and he felt her hips jerk so as to press her mound more firmly against his hand. Only a little while later, he found himself sliding his fingers within her, both elated and a little shocked by how much he wanted to do such things. His body was beginning to quiver with need and anticipation of release, and he knew that she could feel his hard length pressed tightly against her thigh, and perhaps even the slightly sticky fluid that had started to pool on her skin. Without conscious thought, he pressed his fingers deeper within her, and felt inner muscles tremble and contract against them. Abruptly, he wasn't sure how he was going to manage to hold back any longer. He pulled away from her uncertainly, aware that he'd become completely focussed on sensation.
"Hajime…" She said his name like a plea, and lust jolted through him.
"Chizuru, I… I…" He swallowed, so deep in desire that he couldn't form a proper question. When she reached out and pulled his mouth down to hers, kissing him passionately, his whole body twitched involuntarily, and he clung to her, feeling his climax starting to build out of control. He could only hope—though he was moderately optimistic—that he'd made his lover feel the same way.
He was incredibly grateful when Chizuru shifted her hips, and awkwardly, but without hesitation, helped guide him to her entrance. He took that as permission to finally surrender his thread-bare self-command and join with her, and a soft groan escaped his lips as he thrust into her, his hands moving to grip her hips as he rocked hard against her once, and then withdrew a short space before burying himself deep into her once more, savouring the way her tight, slick walls clenched and pulsed around his shaft. She was very wet, and she smelled of arousal and sex, and a strong wave of possessiveness swept over him along with the desperate yearning of near-orgasm. Unable to stop, he thrust into her again and again, listening to her moan, and feeling her writhe beneath him. Somewhere in the haze of adrenaline and pleasure, he promised himself to do more for her next time, since this time he seemed to lack the ability to do much more than ride a dizzying wave of physical sensation until he was coming hard and fast inside her, his seed spilling hot within her welcoming body.
They lay together for some time afterwards, without speaking, their bodies still joined, their skin sticky with sweat and still sensitive to the other's touch. Saitō was conscious that he had left numerous bruises and marks on Chizuru—some light, some deep—and he was embarrassed that he didn't fully recollect being so rough. It had also occurred to him, too late, that he probably hadn't been careful enough or gentle enough, given that it was her first time. Unfortunately, he didn't seem to be able to think clearly enough to express his concern just yet. He suspected he was smiling, and was a little worried that he looked smug.
Chizuru, on the other hand, looked… happy. More than happy. For some reason that Saitō couldn't fathom, she was gazing lovingly up at him through dreamy, half-closed eyes, and showed no inclination to have him move from where he lay. The only problem was that he felt a distinct inclination to make love to her again, but wasn't sure whether that would be either appropriate, or welcome. He'd never been entirely sure what women really thought about sex, having never had the opportunity—or courage—to ask. But… she really did look happy. And beautiful. Gorgeous, even. Although that didn't necessarily reflect how she felt.
"Thank you," he said, at last. It didn't begin to convey how he felt, but it was a start.
"Oh…" Chizuru looked startled, but then relaxed again and grinned at him. "You're welcome—I mean, thank you, too."
There was a lot going on, back in the real world. And somebody was going to track them down, probably either Sōji, or Hijikata-san, and probably sooner rather than later. Saitō tightened his arms around Chizuru.
"Remember, you promised."
"I know. No giving myself up just to protect everyone I care about—and especially you—from the anger of the most powerful family in the country."
He blinked. "Somehow you make it sound like I'm being selfish." Then, before it could even begin to turn into another disagreement, he added. "But even if I am—yes, that is correct. Also, to quote something either Sano-san, or Shinpachi, said one time: have a little faith, okay?"
Chizuru looked up at him with an unusually roguish smile.
"I have faith in your endurance…"
Saitō felt his eyes widen in surprise, and then Chizuru suddenly looked away, red suffusing her cheeks. Gently, he turned her face back toward his, and kissed her forehead.
"I'm sorry if I was too rough—I really am. I don't know what was wrong with me. But I'd be very happy to let you test my endurance, if you want to."
And if Sōji, Hijikata-san, or anyone else needed him in the next hour or two, then that was just too bad. Chizuru's well-being, and her good opinion of him, were far more important than a national championship, a potential rift with his father, or the threats of a family with distinctly dangerous business practices.
A/Note:  I realized part-way through editing that the background for this Saito is influenced by that of the Saito from an entirely different otome game (DTL)
Tags: @shell-senji @hidetheremote @eliz1369 @nalufever @annedey @nospringonions @soujthings @do-it-for-keef @sabinasanfanfic @fury-ous @canadiangaap @aetherium-weaver @hakuyamazakisensei @petri808
To those who read Teachings of Demons:  the new chapter is underway and should be finished this weekend.  Still dealing with a number of distractions, but hoping for solid writing time in March.
~ Imp
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rike-with-love · 6 years
A reckless idiot
Summary: Takes place after the final battle (hopefully the real final battle). Kagura has something to say to Sougo, and that is to tell him how stupid he truly is. Take in consideration that I haven't read the latest manga chapters, I prefer anime. So if something written here has already happened (I don't think so) or etc. My apologies. This is my take on the canon(ishishish) road (obviously smushy as fuck, I can't help it and I tend to amp up the drama) before Sorachi himself shows us the real deal. So, mild spoilers for the anime watchers as I've seen couple pictures from the un-animated content.
Pairings: Okikagu
Rating: T for violence, angst(ish), fluff, bad language
Disclaimer: I don't own Gintama or its characters. Sorachi Hideaki does. I only own this story.
Author’s notes: I have a link to my fanfiction masterlist on my profile. Please check it out for more chapters and fics!
A reckless idiot
Gintoki, Shinpachi and Kagura were standing at the all too familiar gates. Once those wooden doors protected the great police force of Edo, the Shinsengumi. After Shinsengumi's departure, the abandoned building was left untouched. Heavy wooden bars held the gate tightly shut and none dared to trespass.
Kagura remembered the seal on the door. She hadn't told a soul, but there were times she visited those gates. She wasn't sure why. Maybe she was looking for something. Someone. Maybe Kagura just accidentally walked past it during her walks. Who the hell knew.
After the first big battle, many of Edo's buildings took a lot of damage and the old Shinsengumi compound was one of them. Shinpachi promised to Kondo that the he would do everything he possibly could to fix the building as fast as possible. The earth's great police-force had made their glorious return after all.
To Shinapchi's and many others surprise, the Shinsengumi disbanded and vanished right after the war. Sure Shinpachi didn't know the true nature of their actions, but it seemed like a strange decision at the time. Kondo was the only one staying behind, managing his own new course of life.
Despite everything the Shinsengumi compound was restored and left untouched, ready for the brave samurais if they would return home. Two years after the war...well, let's just say a shit ton of things happened at the same time. Familiar faces came back, old friends and foes alike.
*insert Sorachi's vision of the final fight (I can't even imagine it, so I'm going to leave it like this)
The fight took a toll on people involving it, but luckily most of our beloved friends made it through. And now, back to the Yorozuya trio standing on the gates of the Shinsengumi compound. Gintoki hissed suddenly, breaking the momentary silence between them. He was bandaged pretty much from head to toe, walking with crutches, limping his right foot and sporting pair fo dead-fish eyes.
”Be careful with your foot Gin-san,” Shinpachi said.
”Yare, yare Shinpachi-kun, it's not that bad. I barely even feel any painnNGAAAH!” Gintoki grunted after Kagura stopped his nonsense with softly kicking his injured leg.
”Kagura-chan! What are you doing?” Shinpachi cried in his straight man habit.
”Oi brat! What was that for? Do you want Gin-chan to drop dead?”
Kagura glanced at the two men glaring at her and sighed a little. ”I just wanted to remind you to be more careful Gin-chan,” she said, surprisingly seriously.
”And how is kicking my leg proving your point?” Gintoki asked and Shinpachi was nodding strongly next to him.
”He's right Kagura-chan, you don't-”
Kagura turned on her feet to face the two samurais fully and her expression was enough to make Shinpachi choke on his words. ”I just HATE when people do something stupid and reckless, yes...just like that stupid...” Kagura paused as her voice lowered into a whisper and she looked down to her feet.
Shinpachi wasn't quite sure what to say to Kagura, but luckily Gintoki seemed to read her like a book. ”Just like that stupid...who?” Gintoki asked with a softer voice.
Kagura looked at her foster-father straight into his maroon orbs. His eyes seemed to ask a different question and she felt her cheeks getting a little warmer. ”W-what do you mean by who? I meant you, yes,” she said and frowned.
”Ah, of course you did,” Gintoki said and blinked his eyes slowly to Kagura as he was trying to communicate by morse-code.
Kagura huffed and tightened her grip on her umbrella.
”Alright then you two, are we ready to pay them a visit?” Gintoki asked and glanced at both of his 'underlings'.
”Let's do it,” Shinpachi cheered.
A smiled sneaked up on Kagura's lips. ”Yeah,” she said equally exited as Shinpachi. Then the three members of Yorozuya stepped closer to the gates. Kagura and Shinpachi each placed a hand against the no-longer bared gate and gave it a firm push.
As the gates opened up a view of men in dark blue uniforms filled the front yard. There was so much happening in the compound as the Edo's police force had settled back home. Among them was none-other than the commander Gorilla. ”This feels a little nostalgic,” Shinpachi said with a smile.
”Yeah, in all honesty it's good to have them back,” Gintoki said quietly and took a step in.
”How about you Kagura-chan? Do you feel nostalgic?” Shinpachi asked.
”I don't know,” she answered. ”Maybe a little-aru.”
”OI! IT'S THE YOROZUYA!” Kondo shouted from a short distance. Every officer on the yard turned to look at the gates. To the yorozuya's slight embarrassment they were welcomed in with loud cheers and applauses. They were considered as great heroes of the final battle after all, loved and admired by everyone.
Kondo strode towards the trio with open arms and without a warning the jolly gorilla hugged the bandaged trio. ”Kondo-san!” Hijikata called from somewhere. A moment later the vice-commander yanked the emotional commander away from the hug. ”Let them breath would you.”
”Get back to work guys!” Hijikata ordered. He didn't want any unnecessary slacking off as there was a lot things to be taken care of. One of them being settling back to the compound and the other being taking care of the injured officers.
”It's okay Hijikata-san,” Shinpachi said to cool of the vice-commander.
”I'm just so happy to see you all and I'm glad that you're back on your feet,” Kondo said, the latter directed at Gintoki.
”I could say the same thing, you weren't exactly in best shape a couple of days ago,” Gintoki said. ”So, what's your next move tax-robbers?”
”Gin-san!” Shinpachi hissed.
”Oh come, I'm just joking.”
In the middle of all the chit-chat, Kagura remained awfully quiet. Usually she was right after Gintoki throwing some sort of insults on someone's way. But not today, she wasn't feeling like her bubbly self.
Hijikata noticed Kagura's strange behaviour. She had her umbrella dipped back, face slowly turning from side to side. Eyes wandering among the Shinsengumi officers. Was she looking for something? That was certainly the case in Hijikata's eyes.
Kagura didn't first notice the vice-commander stepping next to her. She snapped out of her thoughts with a flick of a lighter. Hijikata lighted up a cigarette and waited for Kagura to react. She said nothing, it felt like she was afraid to ask what was on her mind.
Hijikata blew out the fumes of his cigarette and cleared out his throat. ”Oi, follow me.”
”Why would I do that-aru?” she asked.
”Oh please, I can see what you're doing.”
Kagura stared at him with lips pressed tightly together, eyes telling of her suspicion. ”What are you saying?” she asked.
”Just follow me,” Hijikata said and turned his back on her. He made his way towards the main building and checked if Kagura was following. Just like he had expected she was right behind him. They entered the building as discreetly as possible.
Kagura closed her umbrella, but her grip on it was still tight, palms feeling strangely sweaty. She hadn't even done anything that difficult earlier, so why was she feeling like this, so anxious. Then again, of course she knew exactly why she felt like that. Hijikata stopped by the end of a hallway and turned to Kagura.
”He's there.”
”Stop it.”
”Fine...” Kagura agreed. She swallowed and looked down. ”How is he?”
”He's recovering. He might be resting right now, but you can go and see for yourself.”
”O-okay,” Kagura mumbled.
”I'll give you some privacy,” Hijikata said and passed by Kagura, with the intention of returning outside.
”Oi! I don't need any privacy with him!” Kagura shouted after Hijikata who ignored her completely.
With Hijikata out of sight, Kagura turned to the door. She touched it hesitantly, considering on should she enter or not. Then she relaxed her shoulders and slid the door open a bit. She had to see him, she wanted to see his chest rising peacefully, that was all she needed.
Inside the room she saw him, her rival, laying on his bed. Kagura opened the door a little more to see him better. He had his eyes closed, apparently Hijikata had guessed it right, he was sleeping.
Kagura entered the room, closing the door right after her. Softly and quietly, she kneeled down next to his futon. It felt strange to see him like this, peaceful and silent. Last time Kagura saw him laying like this was on the battlefield, but he wasn't exactly peaceful.
The memory of that day made her eyes feel watery. She remembered him couching blood, talking nonsense, breathing roughly, seemingly in pain. Kagura frowned her brows and felt a tear trailing down her cheek. ”Idiot,” she muttered, still conflicted on should she be more angry at him or more worried about him.
Then again, above all else, she felt great relief. He was alive, breathing.
”China...is it you?” Sougo asked quietly eyes narrowly open.
Kagura landed softly on her feet as another enemy went down in front of her. She heard that ominous chinkling sound coming from both of her sides. Two spears were coming on her way, but as expected from Kagura, she effortlessly dodged both. With one high jump she kicked both of her enemies simultaneously.
Her blood was rushing, adrenaline was pumping through her veins, she felt the heat of the battle in her soul. Kagura wasn't a yato who took pleasure in killing, but she loved the feeling of intense fighting.
After shooting a round of bullets on the incoming enemies, she saw Gintoki, Takasugi and Katsura advancing further. Kagura ran towards them through the rubble and fallen enemies. As agile as she was, there was a crack in the ground right on her way. Her eyes were so focused on Gintoki's back that one of her legs slid into the crack.
”Shit,” she muttered and tried to yank her leg free. But it didn't budge and the rough edges injured her ankle. The more she wiggled, the more it hurt. ”Dammit.”
For Kagura's dismay she heard a pack of enemies closing in. She popped her head up and saw at least ten of those bastards coming her way. Before Kagura could react she saw two men cut down each and every one of those who threatened her.
”Huh?” She recognized them both. ”Kamui! Sadist!”
Kamui turned to look at his little sister with a wide smile. ”Why are you sitting there? This isn't a playground.”
”I'm not sitting idiot! My leg got stuck.”
”Who gets their leg stuck in middle of the battlefield?” Kamui snorted.
”Give her a rest,” Sougo said calmly.
Kagura felt a little warmness on her cheeks. Was the sadistic prince defending her, she though.
”Maybe she just got tired and shoved her leg there on purpose,” Sougo added with an even calmer voice.
Kagura's nostrils were fuming. She gritted her teeth and was about to give Sougo a piece of her mind. Then another wave of enemies snapped her out her anger. ”Oi you two bastards! Eyes on the battlefield, yes.”
Both Sougo and Kamui smirked a little and with weapons ready they charged at the incoming enemies. Kagura huffed to herself and turned her attention on her foot. After a while of suffering, she was still stuck. She wasn't afraid of the pain, but she knew too much strain on her ankle could put her to the sidelines of the very important battle they were having.
Kagura glanced at the pair of sadists cutting down enemies and she could swear that they were fighting each other from time to time. After her sight was clear from enemies, she saw Sougo approaching her. He kneeled down to her level and looked at her leg.
”Let me help you there China,” he said and was about to touch her ankle.
”Hell no! You'll just break it again-aru.”
Sougo chuckled and shook his head. He lifted his eyes to look straight in to hers. Kagura felt something strange inside her as he looked at her. He wasn't as deadpan as he usually was, he was almost concerned or at least she thought he was.
”I won't, I promise,” he said. ”We need you out there China.”
”Hell yes you need me out there,” she huffed at Sougo. He didn't say a word to her and flashed a small smile. Kagura looked away from him and puffed her cheeks. Why was the sadist being so nice all of a sudden, she thought to herself.
Sougo shifted his attention to her stuck ankle. He moved her leg carefully to see better and then he saw her injury. ”You're bleeding China.”
Kagura turned to look at him. ”It's nothing, just a little scratch, yes.”
”Right,” he said like he knew what she was going to say.
”What?” Kagura huffed.
Sougo looked up and their eyes locked. For a short moment Kagura thought that sadistic bastard that always annoyed her to the max, made something flutter inside her. His crimson eyes were so focused on her and he almost looked a little...handsome?
Kagura tried to shake off the weird feeling and she looked away again. ”Stop staring at me weirdo and help me out here, yes,” she mumbled.
Sougo remained wordless and smiled a little. He took off his white cravat and gave it to Kagura. She snatched the piece of clothing from his hands and stared at it. ”Is this for sneezing?”
He sighed like he was amused by her. ”No idiot.”
”Who are you calling an idiot?”
”You, idiot.”
”Want me to kick your ass, yes.”
Then he sighed out of frustration. ”No!” Sougo said firmly, his voice even stun Kagura. She could tell from his voice if he was just engaging with their casual banter or was he serious. This time, he was dead serious. They shared a look again. ”It's for your ankle genius.”
Kagura blinked her eyes a couple of times. ”Oh...” she said quietly. ”Thanks.”
”Still so stubborn...” he said and focused back at her leg.
Kagura didn't really have a counter for his words. She had always been stubborn and even after two years she was on the quest to awaken Sadaharu, she remained stubborn.
”Don't move,” Sougo said and positioned both of his hands on her leg. Kagura gasped a little at the contact. Sougo's eyes darted at her and he lifted his fingers off her. ”Did I hurt you?”
”No, no you didn't,” Kagura said and dodged his gaze. She was so confused of her own behaviour. Why is my heart beating faster, Kagura thought and took in a deep calming breath. Sougo continued to free her from the damned crack. Kagura couldn't help herself, she wanted to look at him. She observed him from the corner of her eye. He was so focused and definitely looked like he was concerned.
”Okay China, I think I can get your leg free,” Sougo said without looking at her. ”It's gonna hurt a little so bear with it.”
Sougo had both of his hand on her leg again, focus completely on her. Usually Sougo and Kagura were both famous for having their senses on high alert at a battlefield. This time unfortunately, they only focused on each other. Apparently one of the ”fallen” enemies nearby wasn't exactly dead.
Without neither Sougo or Kagura noticing, a man had picked themselves up from the ground and slowly started to approach the duo. Kagura's trail of thought was cut off by that blood-thirsty chinkling of a javelin. She shifted her sight from Sougo towards the infamous sound.
Kagura inhaled loudly as she saw a blood covered man closing in on them, javelin aimed at Sougo. The young captain noticed Kagura's strong reaction and looked at her face. Before he could ask her anything, his ears registered the chinkling.
”Sadist! Behind you!” Kagura shouted.
Sougo's fingers were on his katana in a second. He yielded his blade and turned around just as fast. Unfortunately the enemy was closer than Sougo expected. Kagura shrieked as Sougo's katana flew out of his hand with a powerful swing of the spear landing on his wrist.
Sougo hissed and the attacker didn't waste his element of surprise advantage. He kicked Sougo to his side. He landed against a rock next to Kagura. She saw him grunting, he had hit the rock head first. ”Sadist!” she called, but got no immediate answer.
Kagura turned to look at the man with the spear. He had a dead eyes, it was clear that no-matter who he faced, he would try to kill them. Kagura huffed and hastily tried to yank her leg out. Her efforts were futile.
The spear rose right in front of her eyes, ready to strike at her. Kagura gave up on her leg and prepared to stop the javelin with her hands. She wasn't sure was it possible but she didn't see any other option. Sougo's blurred vision started to clear out and all he saw was Kagura on the ground and the man about to launch his attack.
”No,” Sougo gritted between his teeth and pushed himself up. Kagura focused fiercely on the spear, but suddenly her whole line of sight was blocked by something or rather someone. A pair of hands slammed on Kagura's shoulders and she saw a flash of crimson orbs.
”Wha-” was all that Kagura got out of her mouth before blood spattered across her shirt. Her eyes stood wide and in utter disbelief. She saw Sougo right in front of her on his knees with a spear sticking out of his abdomen. He couched blood on the ground. ”W-what...?”
Just as fast as the man has struck with his spear he pulled it out of Sougo. He grunted from pain and Kagura felt him squeezing her shoulders tighter. ”C-china...”
Kagura was still too stunned to speak properly. She just watched the blood gushing out of his wound. His grip on her shoulders began to loosen and he slumped a little lower. Kagura listened to his raspy breathing and she could hear the blood gargling in his mouth. She tried to understand what had just happened. The sadist had jumped in front of the spear meant for her. She wanted to tell him how stupid he was for doing so, but this wasn't the time or place for that.
Their enemy was still there, apparently ready to strike again. Kagura felt her yato blood boiling, she wasn't going to let that happen. Sougo's hands slipped completely off her and he fell down on his side. Kagura clenched her fist and punched the ground under her, successfully breaking the crack where her leg was.
She knew it wasn't the smartest move, but it was the only way to protect both of them. As the ground cracked around her ankle, her wound deepened, but she didn't care. Kagura didn't waste a second and punched the man with all her yato might, sending him through three buildings in a distance. It was a punch like no-other, powered up by the anger she felt towards the man.
Kagura turned quickly to check on Sougo who had turned on his back. Blood was pooling under him, but he was still conscious. She rushed down to his level and checked his pulse. ”Oi! Sadist!” she called.
Sougo's breaths were short and wheezy, he was clearly in pain. ”Oi! Stay with me, yes.”
Kagura heard running steps coming closer to them. It was Kamui coming to check up on what took so long for Sougo to free her leg. ”Hey! What are you two chilling here when-”
”Shut up!”
Kamui's words were abruptly cut short by a distressed Kagura. ”Go and get help, now!” she ordered. Kamui stood few meters away from Kagura and Sougo, he couldn't quite see how dire the situation really was.
”Help? Did something hap-”
”HURRY UP BAKA-ANIKI!” Kagura roared. Kamui understood his sister wasn't playing around this time and he left to get help.
Kagura noticed that Sougo's skin was getting alarmingly pale, the warm colour of his skin was just the hollow shade of its normal state. She pressed his wound with her hand, trying her best to staunch the flow of blood. Sougo hissed at the pressure and opened his eyes.
Their eyes locked again, but Kagura wasn't sure what to say to him. Luckily he had something to say.
”Are you okay China?”
”Huh? Kagura voiced loudly. ”Me?”
”I...I just...” he said quietly as he struggled to breath.
”Stop talking, you're bleeding too much.”
”It's just...a little...scratch,” Sougo struggled to say with a smile on his face.
Kagura recalled herself using similar words earlier. He was truly an idiot, a reckless idiot, Kagura thought to herself with a heavy heart. She felt her eyes watering up, but she forbid herself from crying. There was no reason to cry, he was going to be fine...or that's what Kagura told herself to keep her mind calm.
”Stop talking nonsense, yes.”
Kagura kept her hand on his wound, but with her other hand she touched his cheek. It felt cold. Too cold. Despite the blood trails coming from his mouth, he had a peaceful look on his face. Then Sougo placed his hand over Kagura's hand on his cheek. He pressed his cheek against her hand and allowed his eyes to slid shut.
”Don't lose...don't...die...” Sougo breathed. ”...Chi-na...”
After calling her pet name rather sweetly, he fell unconscious. Kagura could only stare at him, helpless feeling taking over her brain. ”Sadist, oi! Now it's not the time to take a nap, yes.” She knew he didn't hear her anymore, but she didn't know what else to do.
Of course she blamed herself first, if her leg hadn't got stuck, none of this would have happened. But then again, she didn't ask for him to throw himself in front of the spear.
This wasn't the first time Sougo had done something drastic to save her, but this...this was on a whole other level. But why, that was the main question on Kagura's mind.
Kamui and the field medics arrived soon after Sougo fell unconscious. She watched as he was carried away and that was the moment she finally allowed herself to react. Kamui saw how shaken Kagura was about the whole situation and he knew exactly what he had to do.
”Hey sis, you have to forget about the earth police for now and get over it.”
Kagura turned to look at Kamui with a baffled look on her face. ”Forget? How can I forget him after he just-”
”Kagura!” Kamui called to stop her rambling. She waited in silence, tears burning in her eyes, ready to wet her cheeks.
Kamui sighed softly and place his hand on Kagura's shoulder. ”I mean, you can't undo what just happened, there's only one thing you can do right now.”
Kagura swallowed her tears. ”And what's that?”
”Fight. You can fight.”
Kagura pondered his words for a moment and she knew he was right. ”Fight?”
”You have a point there Kamui,” she admitted.
”Let's go then,” Kamui said with his standard smile. Kagura hummed as her answer. She realized that fighting was her speciality. She was most useful fighting in the frontlines, not somewhere crying her eyes out.
”Ah, wait a second Kamui,” Kagura said and reached for something in her pocket. She pulled out a white piece of clothing.
”What's that?”
Kagura glanced at the fabric. She tried to ignore the fact that she accidentally smudged Sougo's blood all over the cravat. ”It's for my ankle,” she said and tied the piece of clothing around her wounded ankle, just like she was instructed by a brave idiot.
Kagura's ankle was still bleeding a little bit. As she ran with Kamui towards their enemy her own blood mixed with the stains of Sougo's blood on the cravat. It made it easier to pretend that it was her blood all along.
Kagura didn't answer his question, she was caught off guard by him waking up.
”China, is it really you?” Sougo asked and tried to open his eyes wider.
”Yeah, it's me,” she said quietly without looking at him.
”I see.”
The room felt sort of awkward. There were things Kagura wanted to get off her chest, but she wasn't sure was he in right shape to listen to her.
”How are you feeling?” Kagura asked quite formally.
Sougo got his eyes finally fully open. He looked at her straight into her eyes, but she didn't answer the glance. ”I'm okay.”
This must have been the only time Sougo saw Kagura so wordless and stoic, it wasn't like her at all.
”Hijikata told me you got your dog back.”
”I did.”
Sougo sighed, he didn't like that she was dodging his eyes. ”China?” he called with his usual tone, but Kagura picked up a hint of annoyance from him.
”Why don't you just tell me what's on your mind, mmh?”
”I don't know what you're talking about sadist.”
Sougo closed his eyes and inhaled deeply. She was seriously the embodiment of stubbornness. ”I can see you have something to say China,” he said and opened his eyes. ”So get on with it.”
”You're wrong, yes.”
”Stop behaving like an idiot and talk to me,” Sougo said, voice on the edge of demanding.
”Idiot...me?” Kagura asked and looked at him. Idiot. That was the only word running through Kagura's mind. Him calling her an idiot finally triggered her vocal cords. Here we go, Sougo thought to himself and braced himself for what ever she had to say.
Kagura exhaled deeply and threw everything she was feeling at Sougo. ”I am not the idiot here. You are the idiot! A reckless idiot!”
”Me?” Sougo managed to say in between Kagura's words.
”Yes you! Who is stupid enough to jump into a spear? Huh? Who told you to jump there?”
”Why the hell would you do something to careless? Risking your life for no-reason. Why? WHY?”
”BECAUSE!” Sougo raised his voice over Kagura's, successfully shutting her right up. He sure liked to run his mouth, but he didn't yell. Ever. Kagura's eyes were wide as she stared at him. He exhaled to calm down a bit.
”What was I supposed to do, huh? Let him run the spear through you?”
”Yes, it was meant for me,” Kagura said like it was the most obvious answer there could be.
”Oh please.”
”Like I would never let that happen.”
”B-but...” Kagura said with voice cracking up. ”You could have died...I don't want you to die!” she said with tears in her eye.
Sougo huffed roughly and pushed himself to sit up, cautiously careful of his injury. She placed her hands on his shoulders. ”No, no! You need to rest, yes,” Kagura said and tried to push him back on the bed.
”I'm fine, now listen to me.”
Their faces were inches apart. His deep crimson eyes were staring right into her soul or that's what it felt like for Kagura.
”On the day I lost the most important person in my life I couldn't do anything to prevent it from happening, so I made a promise to myself.” Kagura listened carefully and focused on every word coming out of his lips.
”No matter the situation, I swore never to let that happen again. Even if it would cost me my own life, I would gladly die protecting that person.”
Kagura's heart skipped a beat. She sobbed a little, slowly understanding what he was saying.
”Am I..the most..?” Kagura asked quietly, half of the words drowning with her tears. She slowly dropped her hands from his shoulders to his chest.
”Yes,” Sougo simply said with gentle eyes. She felt overwhelmed, was this really the same Okita Sougo she had known all these years. Apparently he was. Kagura grasped his yukata with both hands and leaned closer to him with a hitched breath.
Gintoki entered a hallway in the Shinsengumi quarters. Hijikata was right behind him, guiding him towards Sougo's room. ”So, is Sofa-kun going to be alright?” Gintoki inquired, genuinely worried.
”Thankfully yes. He was really lucky the spear didn't hit any vital organs,” Hijikata explained.
Before they reached Sougo's room, his door was slammed wide open. Kagura rushed out of the room as fast as she could. ”Kagura? Are you okay?” Gintoki asked, but he didn't get any answers from her. Kagura dashed past the two men while covering her face with her arm.
Gintoki looked dumbfounded, he was like John Travolta looking confused as fuck, waving the air with an imaginary coat. Hijikata got instantly worried about Sougo, had something happened to him to make the young yato woman act so strangely.
”China?!” Sougo's voice called from the room. Gintoki and Hijikata enter Sougo's room like two worried dads.
”What the hell happened here?” Gintoki asked.
Sougo was still sitting on his bed, with an amused look on his face.
”Are you hurt?” Hijikata asked.
”Kagura just ran past us and she was really shaken,” Gintoki said and immediately suspected that the sadistic captain had something to do with it. ”Did you say something bad to her?”
”Well, did you do something to her?” Gintoki asked, slightly afraid of the answer.
”Why the hesitation?” Gintoki asked eyes squinted.
”Sougo is still recovering, stop harassing him perm-head,” Hijikata hissed.
”It's okay Hijibaka-san,” Sougo said to his superior. ”I didn't do anything...it was all her.”
”What?” Gintoki asked, he didn't like puzzles or cryptic answers.
”Ah, nothing danna. Maybe I should get some rest,” Sougo said and carefully laid back to his bed.
Hijikata had to drag out the suspicious Gintoki out of the room as he was throwing more and more questions at Sougo, who only gave annoyingly vague answers.
Meanwhile Kagura reached the Shinsengumi's gates. She exited the compound and leaned against the outer walls near the gate. Her back against the wall, she slowly let her whole body slide down all the way to the ground.
Kagura's breathing was fast but not as rapid as her heartbeat. She touched her lips with her fingers like there was something new and exciting to feel. As a cute smile curled on her lips the heavy blush on her cheeks spread even wider.
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sparda3g · 6 years
Gintama Chapter 700 Review
It’s not certain that the series will officially end in the next chapter, but the end is certainly near. It has been a wild ride, but all good things must come to an end. Switching to a monthly basis has been favoring Sorachi a lot more with its polished art, choreograph, and sincerity. This chapter is no exception.  With the series close to the end, you can expect intense action, plenty of heartfelt moments, and a sublime reunion that made the journey worth exploring.
It’s an interesting start with the focus on Sadaharu and it’s one of the core of the chapter. This would mean Sadaharu is bound to return anytime now. Granted, the series is closing, so that should be expected, right? In the flashback, some wise man confirms that Sadaharu’s current state isn’t dead nor alive. He’s in between and won’t come out for reason unknown. It all relies on Earth’s life since that’s technically the energy source, let alone the planet he lives in. His word of advice to Kagura is to protect his home until he returns.
This appears to be the motivation for her to return home after searching through many planets to find a solution to his awakening. God knows how many planets there are out there. It’s reasonable for her to go back and do what’s best for Sadaharu. It’s quite emotional when the scene returns to the present time as Kagura keeps her hope for him. At the very least, she must protect his home and maybe one day, life will go back to the way things were. When he does wake up, I can expect one hell of an emotional moment; then again, it is Yorozuya, so you can see why it will be.
There’s a pretty nice moment with Nobume and Shinsengumi. With crapload of enemies keep on piling, Nobume insists Shinsengumi to tag along with Yorozuya and let her take care of the enemy. It gives them a bad feeling of déjà vu, but it’s an order. Best men don’t listen to order. Yamazaki and others stand by her for support while the main group goes forward. “This time, the Chief and the Director are going to stay alive.” That’s really well said. Similar scenario, different outcome. I love these guys to no end. With their scene done, it shifts back to the moment where fans were shook from the last chapter’s cliffhanger.
The conflict with Utsuro is intense as hell. It ignites a chilling sequence with Gintoki trying to stop him from killing Takasugi. I love the stare down from each other; no matter what, the image of Utsuro is what drives Gintoki mad. It’s a heart-pounding moment until the most brutal display happens. Utsuro cuts Takasugi’s neck. The panel itself got me cringed hard. I read Seinen series with far more graphic scenes, but this, for some reason, had me gasping. Arguably, it’s the most brutal scene in the series.
After Gintoki fails to save him, Utsuro does what he does best: taunt with a smile. Gintoki wasn’t having any of it. It engage a quick tensed action between the two. He pierces his sword right through Utsuro’s eye. Damn, this was also brutal. He’s going all in for the kill, no mercy at all. The image of Utsuro vanishes and it’s one of the Tendoshu that emerges. Because of his immortality, he can go on forever; essentially, it’s a battle of sub-Utsuro. Gintoki gets overwhelmed and push back near the edge where Takasugi’s body still lies. How dark.
Tendoshu treats Utsuro as his God; clearly, the manipulation runs deep after consuming his blood. He’s grateful to be blessed with immortality; something that fits perfectly well to their despicable nature. From the elevator lobby, someone was closing in to assassinate Gintoki. It’s another Tendoshu. Just before he was about to cut him down, Takasugi rises from the grave and stops him in the nick of time. Wow, that was tensed. That was a very close call and yet, I feel more hyped than ever.
Takasugi is still alive, but barely; really seriously barely. His regeneration is barely working as his neck has yet to be healed, so if it stops working, he will die from the neck slice. He’s favoring that over the stab. This still haunts me to believe his death can happen here. Unless there’s a miracle before the end, his time is very near. Instead of remaining negative, the positive is his great response to Tendoshu’s words.
They don’t need immortality. They don’t need Utsuro’s blood. They don’t need to follow his prophecy. Takasugi, Gintoki, and Katsura came here on their own free will. They decide what needs to be done. They decide what life they want to part of. They decide what their master Shouyo has taught them. It’s his teachings that encouraged them up to this point. It’s why they are together, ups and downs. Shouyo’s disciples and his teachings live on. Even if Takasugi does kick the bucket, at least he will accomplish on eliminating the enemy. That will be good enough for him to die in peace.
There’s a solid action sequence with Katsura, who is still falling in the elevator hall. The enemy outnumbers him significantly, but that doesn’t stop him from being crafty. He lays out multiple bombs and all of them explode to not only kill them, but distract them. That’s a clever move; as expected from the one and only Katsura. He bounces on the enemy to reach after Hitsugi and thrusts his sword at him before the canon sets off. I’m going to miss this type of action. The explosion erupts and Yorozuya and Shinsengumi witness it. They are so close for a big reunion.
Right before Katsura is about to go against tons of enemies, Shinsengumi, out of all people, protects him and now, fighting alongside with him. This is all kinds of marvelous. Because they want to help him out, this leaves Yorozuya on their own to meet up with Gintoki. Another great friendship display with Hijikata, Kondo, and Sougo share their best of luck to them. In a rare moment, despite the two groups always have conflicting issues, even it is played more for laughs, Yorozuya gives their thanks to them. Yeah, the end is really near.
The chapter shifts to an exhilarating action. Takasugi can fight, but he’s badly injured, so he’s not at his best. Not to mention, he’s practically staring at his death bed by this point. It doesn’t harm the battle sequence, because it does have slick choreograph; it’s intense as hell. At one point, Gintoki slam his sword hard on one of Tendoshu’s head, only to get slammed on the wall hard. His face is about get pierced, only for Takasugi arrives to save him; another close call. It’s hard to do it justice here, but when you see it, you’ll be absorbed.
A small intermission ensue as Takasugi comes up with a plan to defeat the two immortals. They are near the core of Altana. Since it is going berserk due to the absorption, if they cut it open, it will cause a blast radius. Despite them being immortal, the effect can deplete their blood and body; it’s the only way to defeat them. There’s just one problem: Takasugi is part of it as well. In other words, everyone with Utsuro’s blood will die. He is ready to pay his life. For fans, this is unnerving. Once they move, it enters the best action scene of the chapter.
Once more, we are presented with great choreograph, breathtaking sequence, especially at the end, and pretty suspenseful. Gintoki and Takasugi pretended to jump off to their demise, only to fool the two Tendoshu and use them for landing. Great stuff. Because of a crash, Yorozuya notice it, which means they are not far. That panel alone, realizing they are very close to Gintoki got me excited.
Takasugi takes brutal stabs from both ends, but he’s fine with it. It made it much easier to grab them and hold them until the explosion of Altana arrives. The battle of who will die first begins. He is prepared for his final sendoff, dragging the two to hell with him. The silent panel of Gintoki aim to cut the core is the defining moment to put an end for all of them. By this point, fans slowly begin to cry.
He slice the core and the blast begins the countdown to Takasugi’s end. Honestly, Takasugi’s final moment is very convincing and gut-wrenching. One Tendoshu vanishes from the blast, but so does Takasugi’s right arm. I was stunned and afraid to read further. I really didn’t want to believe he will die, but here he goes. The second Tendoshu tries to kill him, but he’s already prepared for death; badass to the very end. His monologue is even more convincing that his time is here. He doesn’t regret dying this way; honoring Shouyo to the end. One page convinced me; closing his eyes to accept his fate. I expected his spirit to remember everyone and then vanish. Man tears are shed…
It’s only now Gintoki doesn’t want another Infinity War ending, so he denies accepted fate and springboard to save him. This is God send. If this was animated in a movie theater, audience will cheer loudly. Gintoki saves him at the cost of him falling down, staring at Takasugi that reads, “Live on, you fool.” Man tears once again are shed, and it’s not the last. Why? Because what follows up is beautiful.
Gintoki pushes Takasugi away from the blast, which means the other Tendoshu lives on as well. Another problem is Gintoki is falling without a weapon to fight back, so he’s clearly done for. Tendoshu becomes incredibly cocky that he has this won. Then, the best miracle that even Christmas miracle can’t match happens. Right before he swings for the kill, he’s suddenly stopped by two weapons out of nowhere. The two are Shinpachi’s sword and Kagura’s umbrella. That’s right; they are there at last to save their beloved Gin. The reunion is finally here and it’s remarkable. Yes, they are not physically close, but their presence has reconnected at last. “No need to yell. I can hear ya. I always could.” Man tears overflow!
Gintoki smacks the hell out of Tendoshu with the sword. He proceed to use the umbrella, something I would never thought of seeing but welcoming, and blast him to the core to his death. What a lovely end to that bastard. That was just glorious. It’s an amazing way to end the chapter. It’s not lovely however when a guy shoots a rocket launcher at Kagura’s position and the explosion push her away, which proceed Sadaharu’s shell to pop out, falling down to the pit. We just can’t catch a break. Will Sadaharu finally wakes up or will he fall and nothing will change?
This was an outstanding chapter with sheer intensity from start to finish. There are plenty of great moments for many characters. The tension was mind-numbing. The overall action was incredible. Takasugi’s near death scene was very convincing and powerful. The visual is pretty solid throughout with its great choreograph. To top it all, the reunion was well worth the wait. It’s only the beginning, so expect more heartfelt moments. Will the series end in the next chapter? It’s possible, but with Sorachi, you never know. It’s only matter of time. The end is near. It’s been a blast.
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akelyokikagu · 6 years
Shower Realisation
Sometimes, what makes you realise love is not your heart nor your brain. Okita realised it now, after seeing Kagura, after two long years of longing and waiting. However, this girl was clueless as always, perhaps this small accident under the shower would help?
Okita was slightly disappointed when he had to go and ask Mutsu for this favour; because apparently, the Chinese female wouldn't deign to come back properly. Even though it had been well past two years since he last saw her, he still remembered their promise very well. She couldn't lose to anyone but him, and he would protect Edo when the Shinsengumi are away.
Which is why, after their fight with Utsuro, that girl decided to run off to space for her stupid mutt and left him without words. Even back then, had he not gone to find her at the bridge they would be without farewell and while they weren't really known as friends he thought she'd be smarter than that. Their rivalry mattered, perhaps even more than he wanted to admit and it was too late to regret the fact he cared for this idiot. He was without her for two years and his body was dull, life was so damn boring when she wasn't there to prank on. He realised that China had become part of his life, without her it wouldn't be the same. And after two years he was even sure that he couldn't bear that.
He sounded like a hopeless romantic. He seriously wanted to puke, and he was going to— maybe on her when she decides to return home.
Because Edo was her home. Not any other planet, nor space and the universe. She had a whole lot of family, friends and idiots to welcome her and she was late. So, as a good friend he brought her back.
Even something this simple, the redhead couldn't do. When he saw the child-figure instead of his favourite rival he bit back his anger, that girl had always been so shameless and confident— why would she change that while growing up? She certainly had become shy with time, refusing to come back as 'Kagura' but instead lying to everyone's faces that she was her daughter.
Ha, as if that gorilla could get knocked up. As if she could, Okita was irritated. He never liked complicated stuff. This was partly why he got along with China: she was simple and frank, she didn't beat around the bush.
So he wasn't going to, either.
Shinpachi looked at him like he was a madman but Okita didn't care, he lunged at this brat who was being even more idiotic than usual today. He gave her plenty of chances to admit her wrongdoings; asked her who was the dad and if it were the boss (blegh). He even went as far as leaving his pride and talked honestly to her; he missed her. He cared for her. Their relationship mattered.
Was this gorilla of a female still as clueless as back then? She acted like he didn't say anything important and still refused to show herself, so he went to the next step and injured a little bit Shinpachi. It was then that she appeared, finally.
He would be lying if he didn't say he wasn't expecting something. That girl had become sixteen, a fully fledged woman for them and he was twenty, a fully fledged man. The hormones may be striking, but for the first time he found a female striking besides his sister. Mitsuba was a loving woman, elegant, poised and soft-spoken and being his sister automatically made her someone he'd respect.
China, on the other hand, was different.
"That girl is finally back," he mumbled to himself with a grin he couldn't stop from stretching all over his face. Her face had become a lot sharper than back then, losing all its baby fat, and so were her eyes. Blue as ever. He was almost sad upon noticing how tall she was now, reaching beyond his shoulders. Here he thought he grew tall enough so she wouldn't call him a chihuahua anymore.
Then her kick came, right into his stomach. Her strength had grown as well, but he didn't it coming.
Why the hell did she wear such… skin-showing clothes? He got it. She was a fighter and needed comfortable clothes to kick asses but why was her short so short?
"Bugh!" He was sent into a wall. His back was hurting. No, his whole body was aching but his brain was certainly melting.
Upon kicking him, Kagura had revealed milky white legs, toned and deliciously smooth to him and he couldn't help but stare a bit. He was a healthy young man of twenty years, after all.
That girl— or rather, woman, had grown some assets after all. She properly looked like a female, not that he didn't acknowledge it before but her younger-self wasn't exactly raised by women and had very wrong ideas as to how to show her femininity.
He glanced back at Shinpachi, almost relieved that the forever-virgin boy had not stared indecently at her like he did. Then, almost with a laugh, he said that their 'beloved brat' had come back, not before he personally welcomed her before of course.
Though, she was anything but a brat now.
Because both of them were in the search of the boss, Okita decided to not say anything unrelated. His purpose was not only to get China but also bring the Yorozuya together so they, the Shinsengumi, would be able to fight by their side again. Him, by her side.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡° )
It was late at night, they were staying at the Yorozuya as China had nowhere to stay at, and him too. At least, that was what he told her and she didn't think more of his words. For a young woman she wasn't exactly careful, he frowned, didn't he realise that she was spending the whole night with a man? Or did she not see him as a man? The latter was very likely; even though he had known since the start that China was a girl and considered her as such, she never acted like he was a proper male. Perhaps it was the time for her to learn.
Suddenly, mental images invaded his brain. Some quite indecent, at that, and Okita groaned as he never had to fight those urges before. There were a lot of time where the Shinsengumi members would venture to Yoshiwara, as they couldn't bring females to compounds the crew would have some fun with courtesans. He sometimes followed, curious or bored, but never found the need to do it in the end. He'd stop at making them bark like dogs.
Kagura, who was sitting not far from him on the couch closed in the distance and hit his head. Hard.
"What?" He angrily asked, part of him wondering if her womanly sensors finally caught on the train of dirty thought he was having about her.
"You looked like you wanted to die, I thought I'd help you out. Returning the favour," she said with a blank face, before returning her attention to the TV. Kagura had already taken a shower and he could smell the sweet scent drifting from her, what did she use? This was why he sat further from her, it was so damn tempting. Everything was so damn tempting, the way her wet hair stuck at her, her flushed skin or how the top was slightly transparent because of the water.
"Yeah, I kind of want to die right now," he whispered. "I'll go take a shower."
"Uh-uh," she nodded. "You can use my shampoo if you want. You stink of blood, Sadist."
"Geez, thank you China. I feel really loved by you."
He left the room, definitely believing that a cold shower was to be. Besides, she wasn't entirely wrong and their fight made him smell like a mix of sweat, dust and blood.
The cold drops on his body felt good and cooled him in more than one way. He wondered whether all his feelings came from pure lust or something else and if that something else hadn't rooted itself in his heart three years ago. When he was eighteen he didn't care about such things, did not think about the future. Meeting China was a life-changer because for once there was someone of his age able to keep up with him and make the child in him come out. She did not treat him like a captain or a killer but just like any boy she met.
Okita realised that his feelings toward his rival may go far beyond those of a friend or an ally, but something much deeper. He felt it when she was away, and he was feeling it now she came back.
"Shit," he didn't know if he should cry or laugh or both at the same time. He was sure to fund a family a day or another in his life, but not with that woman. Then again everything seemed to make sense, ever since she appeared in his life she had supported him when nobody else could. She was the only person who would read him so easily. The fact that he was getting aware of her presence made it more obvious to him; he had it for her.
He was in love with China girl.
"I thought Kondo-san and Hijikata-san would be the only fools," he laughed softly.
"Sadist?" The voice that made his heart jump echoed through the door, "Are you okay? You've been there for a long time."
Okita was too startled to answer and then hear one knock. Then a loud noise, as Kagura had apparently broken something to enter the room. The steam was vanishing and his skin was tingling with the sudden breeze, but most of all, he was stark naked as Kagura entered the room.
"Did you faint or somethi—"
Her eyes fell on him. Then, lowered progressively as he was very much frozen.
What did that mean?
Kagura's face went from pale to red as she looked away, mumbling something like apologies and closed (what remained of) the door. If her steps were any indication, she was dashing to her closet.
"What the hell just happened?" Okita felt at loss and went out of the shower. He quickly dried himself and put on a tank top and a short, but then hesitated to go and sleep in the bathroom. How should he face her? She had seen him under all angles… And more, it was embarrassing. He felt self-conscious and squirmed in horror that the girl he realised he loved, just saw all of him. At least, he wasn't too shabby.
With a heavy sigh, Okita walked out of the room and messed his hair. After reaching the bedroom, he knocked at the closet's door.
"Oi China, come out."
"Just so you know, this is your fault."
She didn't look like she wanted to speak to him, and this was exactly the best timing for him to confess the feeling he had discovered for her. So, Okita wished her good night and prepared his own futon before sliding into it. It was so awkward he wanted to die.
"Are you sleeping?" A small voice came from the closet.
"...I just wanted to say goodnight too, Do-S. Tomorrow, let's act as if nothing happened."
Okita was tempted to accept her proposition, but in the end, he smirked and laughed "Oh no you don't. I hope you enjoyed what you saw."
"What?! You damn pervert!"
"You were the one to open the door and peek China," he teased her until she went silent again.
As much as he was embarrassed by the whole thing, it certainly brought a positive change. There was no contest now that China was aware of him being a male.
And he had a lot more in his pocket to show her.
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nanashi1869 · 6 years
🌼Flowers for my wounds🌸
(@kondo-hijikata @liuet in case you feel like reading it? ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )
~Yes, woo what a surprise, a long rant about the Shinsengumi again, how original Nashi. ~
Why thank you, dear reader ;) In all seriousness though, all the previous rants I made were spoiler free and it made me ridiculously furious that I held back all the salt and awe I have in me just for the sake of not spoiling any potential newcomers. I’ve covered some of this in vague posts hundreds of times, but today I will break that habit, I will spoil this to hell and back and enjoy it just as much.  
You've been warned.
PS: I’m doing this entirely based on my memory and some snippets I’ve seen one time too many for my own good. Inaccuracies are bound to happen. 
As always, what better way to begin than with the infamous episode 33...
I'm kidding, today I'm starting by digging into the post office. As with the usual routine the theme to talk about with this wreck is - guilt. Guilt over losing money in a gamble like a complete fool, guilt over buying a book and being too big of a shit (with rather solid arguments) to admit it, guilt over making rules you can't break even though going through the consequences once was enough to make you regret it for the next few miserable years... (Yes I lied, inadvertently everything comes back to the foolish daffodils). But let's talk about our pure accountant who is one 'i' short of being nothing but cute. Let's talk about the edge they put us on a bit before the main event took place, when the (drama version) of the idiot trio tore that scroll. Never forget that could have been the reason for all our tears, yet in the end it still had to be some more complex scheme. An act with the convict being an innocent man and the true criminal roaming free, while Toshi had all the time in the world to steep in deep, raging self-denial over the legitimacy of his past actions and life choices, all the while ending up the scapegoat to whom all the anger can be directed towards. The subtlety with which we were deceived to think the "actual events" of episode 38 were to play out earlier is truly commendable. But with this drama nothing is ever easy. You get to know a new character, someone moves a chess piece and then instead of moving forward everything takes a step back and lets you seethe with nervousness because, without realizing, you've been tricked and have to wait for all the heartbreak a while longer. Takeda's resolve to keep to his decision, regardless of consequences, was in his eyes, completely justified. It did make sense to try and prevent Kano from buying the book for Ito in order to protect the group from his growing power, the action simply failed due to Toshi's own greed after it. Kawai innocently, perhaps naively, thought lending money more than once would not be punished in hopes his friends would be saved from harm. It is his kindnesses that is ultimately his doom and it is the unexpected, usually harmless twists in life that turn it into a spiral with no point of return. Takeda's following quest for redemption ends up being just as pointless as Kawai’s death - he is killed in an instant of hate directed at him, where the assailants are unaware of his reasoning for the justification of his friend's demise. The book too, loses value as Ito gets his own copy later on.
Most, if not all, tragedies in this drama happen because someone is trying to protect or shield - and idea, a person. Toshi's friends die because he must protect the order of the group for Kat-chan, Yamanami and Akesato have a rift in their final moments because they cannot be honest (likewise Souji and Hide), Kat-chan's relationship with Tsune suffers because he lies about Miyuki, Nagakura and the others write the petition to shield the group from Toshi and Kat-chan's (propensity) ego. The pattern is pretty clear.
I'm going to loop back to the script for just a second - watching this drama knowing what will happens adds a thrill, it makes you question when an event will take place even though you know the chronological sequence, because the “mini-arc” leading up to it has to be completed first and the tension must be just right. How long that is depends on the episode and event of course. But each arc is a stepping stone to a new point of no return.
I think, since I've mentioned him, I'll take a bit to talk about Ito as well. I love, love, love the confrontation Kondo and Ito have right before his death. It's absolutely stunning despite being simplistic in nature, because what Kondo states is in fact the very obvious truth and in no way some overly wise notion of the situation. However, it's that simplicity (to me) that adds to the charm of the scene. If you expected some courageous battle of wits, you might have been sourly disappointment, but otherwise - see the pattern? - what brings people to their knees is once again the basic things in life. Kondo’s sincerity, the fact that life is and always will be (mostly) separated into black and white for them. Farmers and samurai, poor and rich - they fit in a narrow grey zone, yet even there they are bullied, pushed away to leave. It's everything complex they're trying to achieve being haunted by little things. It's the desire and determination to be something big and more buried into the ground by the small things they were raised with, holding them back.
Ah, it’s about time this goo got to the good part.
No, it’s still not episode 33. Firstly because I’m sure everyone is tired of my whining about it and secondly because I like to leave best (in my opinion) for last.
This is for our Gargoyle and Tofu. Just imagine, for a second imagine that final hug again and bathe in it, then come back to me, okay? The wedding rings champagne caps and Toshi’s little grimace when he tries to convince himself ‘it’s not over yet’. (At this point I would just like to praise Mitani again for giving us closure with that hug, unlike some other shows I watch *side eyes knife pile*). I’m really glad the two of them got to hug it out before the whole deal blew up. Everytime a ‘Kat-channn’ or ‘Tossshii’ came around my heart melted a bit. THE DYNAMIC IS SO GOOD. (I get so, so jealous each time I see well written relationships between two guys. Doesn’t matter if it’s boyfriends/best friends/would-die-for-you combined or only one of these included. (*cough* NIF & Bleach for one *cough*) I don’t even know what to say! We all know Toshi would sacrifice the world for Kat-chan. We all know Kat-chan trusts him above all else. The guilt one feels and the content of the other having come so far together and being such a power combo…*noises*
I don’t even know how to put this.... (@kondo-hijikata help this is your expertise)
I’m going to move on to some more feathery stuff because I’m really at a loss about these two (analysing NIF’s LC/MCS has engraved so deep into me it’s ruined my perception for everyone else, I apologize).
Right, feathers…
I wrote about Serizawa and his issue of not being able to get over his “I’m a bad guy, therefore I must act like it” complex...somewhere before. I can’t find it, but I’m very sure that was once a thing. I know most people hate the man with a burning passion and part of me probably does too, yet the way he is presented also makes him fascinating, like he is very self-aware but cannot change anything about that (this is similar to Toshi’s “indifference” (we all know he actually cares) of his path to become the villain - he knows that what he is doing is morally wrong and has no intention of stopping). I feel like in the end both of them continued with “bad guy” roles simply because they were too far down that road to stop.
I would analyse Serizawa’s character more, but I honestly don’t remember much anymore. I did want to mention this though.  Toshi on the other hand…feels like someone who desperately wishes to rage quit everything, but keeps on going out of pure spite.
And since I’m speaking of our beloved vice-commander - one thing that opisses me off is that Kotetsu got mentioned, but the whole wow deal with Kanesada got dropped out, even in the movie. *cue bawling over that Katsugeki finale* I was hoping for that when Tetsu showed up dammit!
Am I tiring you yet? Come, sit down, have some tea Gen-san made because he is totally ok and alive an happy and you cannot convince me otherwise because the hugging thing did not happen. Period.
Lastly, because my mind is going blank this is quite long - the bane of my existence and the one thing (to me) more cursed than Ryoma himself. (I’m lying PMK upped this x100000 and I am not over that either. I’ll confess immediately I did not read the whole thing yet but this, this haunts me).
This stupid episode with it’s stupid ending and it’s stupid decisions. *insert me yelling about rice balls on the Mibugishiden review post* I mean what is it with this drama and ending brutally sad episodes with (unintentionally?) funny moments? *cue Toshi’s squeaky crying* I have covered my thoughts about Akesato here and here though and since that essentially recaps everything I want to say, I won’t repeat myself. (Thought you’d have to read through 5 more pages of me screaming? I did too before I forgot what I wanted to say.)
I might make a part 2 someday, if I think of more to say, but for now, I’m done, leaving you with this stressful mess. Feel free to add your own opinions, I’m really curious about what the rest of you think.
~Nashi out~
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thebluestmage · 7 years
ive seen way too many ppl say theyre not gonna play sanans route because hes awful and im just 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
i know that Villain Sanan is the most memorable but hes seriously been trying his best to remain himself while getting almost no support from people around him (because all the captains are bricks when it comes to emotional support; seriously, without chizuru, nobody would have their problems fixed because they dont know how to either share their problems or openly show support to other guys)
and when ochimizu drives him mad its long months after he took it (at least a year without any crazy moments, at least openly) which is REALLY admirable; even heisuke slips after a couple weeks and is suffering A Lot. but heisuke has nagakur anad harada and chizuru to support him when he needs it, while with sanan its more like "so... how are ya" "bad" "oh sorry to hear that! hang in there sanan san cya bye". of course other captains care about him and try but like... its sanan, everyone is a little bit intimidated by him, and then he - by his own choice - becomes "a monster"... i am sure they werent very keen to keep him company and make sure hes feeling alright.
AND YET hes still struggling!! for so long!! he cant leave the house and his only company most of time are other furies who, i dare say, arent the kind of crowd that helps one feel better
and hes still trying to help shinsengumi he loves so much!! because yes, almost everything sanan does is for shinsengumi, even when hes slowly losing his sanity.
he tries to improve and organize fury corps; and he actually manages to make a small army out of them.  and then - like in hijikatas route - again he takes one for the team, fooling both his allies and enemies to help shinsengumi (and the whole country, probably, since furies WOULD be a bigger issue had they spread).
instead of hating him its better to pity him for what disability (his injury, his inability to fight, and the following mental issues: self hate, feeling replaced, and mocked; all while having to swallow itous remarks and whispers behind his back) and then ochimizu (physical suffering, taking control over him, bloodlust, change of his day-night cycle and other things) did to this admirable, skilled, intelligent man who cared for shinsengumi so much. in way too many routes he tried to fight and lost, and its simply tragic. and im so glad kyoto winds&edo blossoms allow chizuru to finally stand next to him and lend him the strength he desperately needs to move forward and have faith in future. 
and of course youre free to dislike and hate him, because hes just a fictional character and there definitely are reasons for that, but lets not forget he originally was a kind, intelligent man, who always wanted best for shinsengumi.
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