#and yet he’s fine with just letting this random guy become captain
passports-pls · 1 year
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I just finished Ishin and I have like, a million and one thoughts on Hijikata and how dirty they did him
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rabbitgardens · 1 year
welcoem to my fuck house
Red | 21 | it/its | main blog
making this sideblog to meet people to play games with and justify my ffxiv subscription!
I dont have very much experience with mmos, and my histories with both gw2 and ffxiv are Falling Madly In Love With It Before Ive Even Beaten The Tutorial and Buying All The Expansions and immediately falling off because of some kerfuffle or another game catching my attention. But i wanna get back into them now!
this blog is a big fat work in progress so mind the dust, I’ll make a proper character list with art/pictures and shit Later
(current list under readmore!)
Revylin- it/any sylvari, cycle of dusk,mesmer. Just call it Revyl! My current main im using to relearn the game! Got converted to the nightmare court as a sapling for its higher than usual magical aptitude, had an Awful Time and was rescued by the Wardens before it could become a knight. Now travels around tyria pursuing a wyld hunt he cant remember (itll be fine!! itll come back to him itll be fiiiiiine) working as a dancer/storyteller before getting tangled up in the Plot
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Irysel- she/they sylvari elementalist. max level commander from my original 2019 playthrough! idk if i’ll ever play her again but i remember having such a blast with elementalist i’ll probably try her again eventually
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Rika Sunstalker- he/they ash legion charr thief. old dnd character made gw character! the campaign he was in stopped so now he only exists here! a gladium, formerly rika sunblaze, who got his warband killed?? Somehow??? and took the stalker name/joins a pirate crew of other disgraced charr to travel and see the world (still working his details out adldjd)
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(I havent made these next few characters ingame yet, but plan to once im farther along!)
Irene- he/she sylvari, cycle of noon, guardian. Warden turned adventurer turned revyl's travelling partner (and eventual co-commander and lover!) Very devout dreamer with a strong sense of justice and desire (read: overwhelming uncompromising need) to be the pale tree's most devout, prized, heroic son. Travels around tyria working up the ranks of the vigil, trying very very Vewy hard to fuffil a wyld hunt she cant remember (all he knows is that it Must be tied to revyl. thats why she feels that way whenever revyl looks at her, right?)
Pyrotechnician Taz- she/mirror asura, college of dynamics, engineer. do not let her get in contact with revyl shenanigans will ensue
Ciel D’luxe- he/they viera summoner/archer hes my little meow meow so full of problems. hes a drag queen. he has trust issues. hes trying to find love even though he thinks hes the wettest most miserable man in eorzea. his ex is hunting him for sport. the only reason he became a summoner was because he saw a carbuncle for the first time and Lost It. hes a bitch hes a lover hes my little booboo bear
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(havent made these characters ingame yet but plan to!)
alta haragin- she/it au'ra pugilist/lancer (or pugilist/gladiator? i know i can technically have all three but shes gotta have two Mains yknow), Rapscallion Criminal turned pit fighter turned adventurer turned ciels girlfriend and co-captain of ciels adventuring party
drakaz verkach-he/him hroth hhhhheavy armor class of some sort. maybe he'll be the gladiator. the beavis to altas butthead. just here for a good time! please pay no attention to my myriad mental health issues/simultaneous identity crises
(this last guy is a joke character but i honestly cant gey him out of my head maybe ill make him a retainer like i wanna do with kaz)
nagayuki ittetsu-any pronouns au'ra(?) spellcaster who wants to ammase enough power to Become A Primal. he is always and forever getting tricked by ascians/beast clans/random fucking guys and gets Almost Murdered several times-
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theweasleysredhair · 4 years
An Exhibition of Muggle Duelling [G.W.]
Character: George Weasley
Word Count: 2042
Requested?: Yes/No
Summary: Angry George is hot. He’s even hotter when he’s fighting. Based on that scene - you know the one - in Order of the Phoenix.
Tags: @gracemayhateyou @criminalyetminimal @angelinathebook @iprobablyshipit91 @potterverseimagine @slytherineheir @kpopgirlbtssvt @rexorangecouny @mytreec @hemmoporro @thisismysketchbook @acciotwinz @shadowsinger11 @aaannabbanana @lestersglitterglue @anyasthoughts @lxncelot @harrypotter289 @starlightweasley @slytherinsunrise @valwritesx @hufflrpuffforfred @cappsikle @kiwi-sloan @potter-redheads @pigwidgexn @twinkyjohnson @sarcasticallywitty15 @tyyyweasley @afriendlyneighborhoodhufflepuff @wonderful-writer @marauders-loving-queen @vogueweasley @marvelettesassemble @thisismynerdyself @gcdric @loony-loopy-lupinn @gloryekaterina @tinylumpiaa @locke-writes @wand3ringr0s3 @ickle-ronniekins @sehunasbitch @cryingforcrystalpepsi @kashishwrites @girl-next-door-writes @susceptible-but-siriusexual @crissdanvers @whiz-bangs78 @oh-for-merlins-sake @heavenlymidnight @aylinw3asley @vivianweasley @andineversawyoucoming @nkjktk | message or send an ask to be removed! unfortunately, my taglist is closed until further notice due to hitting the max. amount allowed on one post!
Disclaimer: Gif isn't mine, credit to whoever made it
A/n: shoutout to kaylah ( @pit-and-the-pen ) for finding the pages that the fight scene takes place and sending them to me - literal angel, thank you sm my love!! ❤️ also the ending isn’t great, i had a breakdown trying to figure out what to write, but hope you guys like it anyway 😂
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Gryffindor had won.
It was supposed to be a happy occasion, despite the song Malfoy had gotten many of the Slytherin students to sing, but as you ran down the steps from the stand and onto the pitch, followed closely by Hermione, you realised something was wrong, Malfoy’s laughter being the most prominent sound.
You approached the Gryffindor team, wanting to make sure Harry was okay after the fall he took at the end of the game, though seeing Katie and Alicia hugging him assured you he would be fine.
“But we couldn’t find rhymes for fat and ugly - we wanted to sing about his mother, see. We couldn’t fit in useless loser either - for his father, you know-“ you heard Malfoy jeer.
“You’d know all about being a useless loser, wouldn’t you Malfoy?” You spoke out, arriving by George’s side as his arm automatically moved to slide around your waist, his head turning in Malfoy’s direction, jaw clenching as he realised what he was talking about.
“Leave it,” Angelina looked towards you and the twins, particularly Fred who had taken a step in Malfoy’s direction, “Leave it, Fred, let him yell, he’s just sore he lost, the jumped-up little-“
Malfoy smirked in yours and Harry’s direction, a nasty look on his face as he sneered, “But you like the Weasleys, don’t you Potter? And you, L/n.”
He spat out your surname with a grimace. You felt George trying to move and gripped his wrist, running your thumb softly over his skin. He swallowed, hands curling into fists as he glared at the blonde boy.
“Spend holidays there and everything, don’t you?” Malfoy continued, laughing with his usual sidekicks, enjoying the way he was winding you all up, “Can’t see how you stand the stink, but I suppose when you’ve been dragged up by muggles even the Weasley’s hovel smells okay-“
George suddenly lunged forward out of your reach, his name leaving your lips just as Harry caught his arm, pulling him back and holding onto him, trying to prevent him from pouncing on the blonde.
Angelina and Alicia were holding Fred back, helped by Katie who had a grip on his shirt and one of his shoulders, though he was still struggling to get away from them, pulling them forward as they dragged him back.
Malfoy laughed again, the sound piercing your ears and making you scowl, “Or perhaps you can remember what your mother’s house stank like, Potter, and Weasley’s pigsty reminds you of it. And don’t get me started on you, L/n. The fact you’d even allow a Weasley to touch you-“
“You git-“ you yelled, moving to grab your wand. But before you could even throw a hex at him, Hermione grabbed your waist, keeping you back as you realised Harry had let go of George, and they were both now on top of the blonde boy, having shoved him down into the mud, throwing punch after punch. You stopped struggling as much as you watched the scene unfold before you.
“Harry! Harry!! George!! No!”
The Gryffindor chasers yelled out their names, but couldn’t do much more as they were still holding Fred back, who was still trying to get to Malfoy.
You held your wand loosely but couldn’t bring yourself to use it, watching as your boyfriend’s fist collided with Malfoy’s nose, his muscles straining and abs prominent as his Quidditch shirt rode up, showing off his toned back as he threw more punches, easily blocking Malfoy’s weak attempts at fighting back. He was swearing at the Slytherin boy, angry growls escaping his lips and you felt your mouth drop a little.
Swallowing, you couldn’t pull your eyes away from the scene, George’s ginger locks sticking to his forehead with sweat, both from the previous game and from fighting, a snarl on his face as he continued his attack.
You’d never seen him like this, so aggressive, so in control of his actual movements yet not his emotions as he allowed his anger to fuel him, his eyebrows furrowed, clenched fists accentuating the veins in his lower arms as he landed punch after punch, before suddenly Madam Hooch was yelling out, and he was hit by a spell, one that paused his actions - or rather, slowed them down.
Harry jumped to his feet, as the Quidditch coach yelled out, “What do you think you’re doing?”
Malfoy lay on the floor, curled in a ball however you could see his nose was bloody. Fred was still struggling to escape the grasp of the chasers. And George, his lip was swollen and he was breathing heavily, but otherwise he seemed okay, for which you were thankful.
He pulled his shirt back into place angrily, a string of curses being muttered under his breath. His hands were still pulled into fists, his biceps clenching under the jersey, his jaw tensing, before he and Harry headed up to the castle without another word, practically marching away angrily towards McGonagall’s office, under Madam Hooch’s orders.
Fred pulled himself away from the chasers, though he was careful not to hurt them, and they hesitantly released their grips, ready to pull him back again if he attempted to finish what his twin and Harry had started. He scowled as he turned towards the changing rooms, grabbing his broom and heading off.
Hermione let go of your waist and you stomped after Fred, who was grumbling under his breath, and though he nodded at you in reassurance he was okay, you knew the twins and anger didn’t usually end too well.
No one seemed to want to celebrate Gryffindor’s win after the match. In fact, you were sat in the common room completely alone, waiting for your boyfriend (and Harry) to come back from being reprimanded by McGonagall. Fred had sullenly stomped to his room a while ago without a word, simply kicking the wall beside the stairs in anger as he passed by it.
Even Angelina - who you’d expected to have been happy by her first win as a new Captain - had retired to her own dorm room with a frown, along with Alicia and Katie.
The common room felt odd, being so quiet, but you appreciated the calm. That was, until the portrait door slammed open and two familiar - angry - faces stormed in.
You didn’t have chance to acknowledge Harry before George had pulled you up off the couch and, despite his split lip, he brought you into a rough kiss, one that made your toes curl and caused your greeting to become muffled, his hands gripping your hips as he pressed himself against you.
His tongue ran across your bottom lip, before pushing into your mouth, desperately kissing you as though it were the last thing he’d ever do. Your arms wrapped around his neck, pulling him closer.
You weren’t aware he’d started moving you until your back hit the stone wall beside the fireplace, his hand moving to grab your bum, travelling to the back of your thigh to lift it round his waist, his hips pressing against yours.
“Did you hear what he was fucking saying?” He mumbled against your lips, parting briefly to take a breath before kissing you again, “‘Bout my parents, and Harry’s Mum. And you- Merlin he’s lucky he didn’t say much more about you, he’d have had more than a broken nose, I’ll tell you that much.”
Your breathing was heavy, fanning across his lips as you replied, “Trust me, if he’d said much more, I’d have been right there with you breaking more than just his nose.”
He hummed, his mouth hovering over yours as his eyes grazed over your face, your leg still resting around his waist, your hands now gripping his shoulders.
“Are you okay?” You asked. Perhaps a redundant question, considering the events of the day, however as George briefly screwed his eyes shut before opening them again, you knew he understand what you meant - there was something else bothering him, and he knew you could tell.
“‘M fine, love,” he gave you a quick nod, before sighing at your pointed eyebrow raise, “Aside from being banned from Quidditch.”
You blinked, not expecting that answer, lips parting in surprise as his hand moved from your hip to your thigh, tracing random shapes on the skin showing, “Wait McGonagall banned you? She wouldn’t do that! She adores your team! They don’t stand a chance of winning without you!”
“Not her, the toad. Gave me, Freddie and Harry a lifelong ban. Can she even do that?” He swore aloud, his head dropping to your shoulder and you ran a hand through his ginger hair.
“Oh Georgie,” you breathed out, your heart almost breaking at the idea of him losing out on something he loved so much, “I’m sorry to say but you know as well as I do... she can pretty much do whatever she wants, sadly. She’s got the Ministry behind her. I’m so sorry.”
Your gaze moved to the back of your hand, where you knew there was light scarring from a previous detention with her, knowing that if she could get away with something like this, then she’d do it.
“‘S not your fault, is it? Should’ve controlled myself and not fought Malfoy. No matter how much the git bloody deserved it,” George curled his hands into fists as memories of the fight danced through his mind, a snarl setting across his features as he buried his face into your shoulder.
“He definitely deserved it. Least you got in a few good punches, eh? And if it wasn’t you, it would’ve been Fred. If it makes you feel any better though...” you trailed off, causing George to look up at you in anticipation of your next words, “I kinda maybe definitely thought that it was hot, the way you fought Malfoy. Just a little bit.”
He looked you up and down with a smirk, seemingly calming down at the revelation of this new information, “Me fighting is hot is it?”
“Oh Godric yes. You’re sexy when you’re angry anyway, but seeing you punching Malfoy?” You bit your lip and he let out a low groan, “Baby, that was attractive.”
George grinned cheekily, though a tad too wide causing his lip to split again, making him swear and dab at it with the collar of his shirt, reaching his other hand out to squeeze your thigh, “Well now I know that I might cause fights more often.”
You rolled your eyes playfully, watching as his tongue darted out across the cut, before leaning up to press your lips against his again. He kissed back immediately, almost as if he was waiting for you to do it, then began trailing kisses down your jaw, your eyes fluttering closed, before he pulled away suddenly, making you open them again, ready to protest.
“What is it about me fighting?” He asked, the corner of his mouth curling up, as if he was trying not to smile too smugly.
“Now you’re just begging for compliments,” you shook your head.
“Humour me. Humour me and I’ll go back to kissing you,” he countered.
You rolled your eyes, absent-mindedly moving to stroke his biceps through the Quidditch jersey he was still wearing, “Couldn’t tell you if I wanted to. Guess it’s your muscles...”
You pressed your lips together as your gaze caught his, “And how strong you are.”
You hummed, fingertips dancing up his arms and towards his shoulders, “Oh yeah. You could hold my wrists above my head and I could struggle with everything I have and you’d keep me in place with ease.”
“That a hint?” His voice had dropped a few octaves as he brushed his lips against yours gently, grabbing both your wrists in one hand and pinning them against the wall above your head as you shot him a cheeky grin, gazing up at him.
“A challenge.”
His free hand was already moving under the material of your skirt, as he casually glanced over his shoulder towards the staircase to the dorm rooms, before pressing himself against you further, his lips hovering over yours once more,
“Oh yeah? Then challenge accepted, love.”
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Heart of Steel - Part I
DBH Connor x Male Reader
Word Count: 2.5K+
Content warning: Minor injury detail, PTSD, language
Original game dialogue I got from this video:
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We were attacked in the night.
After returning from a mission back to an outpost several miles from the red zone, we removed our gear save for a few pouches on our belts we could bother with later. Our team leader set up a fire while the SQ800s, CyberLife commissioned combat androids, began loading up the trucks with extra artillery and resources. A job that could have waited until morning, but Alpha always gave the androids something to do. He said that they creeped him out when they would just stand there in a dormant state, waiting for their next mission to be given to them.
"You know what I'm going to do when I get home?"
"Here we go again."
"I'm going to get me a WR400," Foxtrot; not everyone's favourite but he certainly kept us entertained when there was nothing to do.
"Uh-huh and with what money are you going to be using to pay for this WR400? A military salary definitely ain't gonna cut it." Echo always called out Foxtrot's bullshit, he was the only one that had the patience to deal with him.
"Fine, my birthday is comin' up, if you put towards two-thirds of what it costs we can share. How does that sound?"
"I am not sharing anything with you, I don't know what diseases you carry." Their constant back forth sent chuckles through the group.
"Alright, that's enough you two. It's getting late and past everyone's bedtime, I want you all awake by O-five-hundred at the latest," Alpha would often stop them before Foxtrot would take it too far, but he could never hide the twitching smile on his face.
"Yes sir," Foxtrot mock saluted as he stood from his seat around the campfire. "Hey Echo, that offer is still-"
One moment Foxtrot had a wide grin on his face, the next there was a hole in his head between his eyes, the sound of gunshot ringing in everyone's ears.
It was dark, we couldn't see where they were firing from. The android was the only one still standing, firing off in random directions as they were gunned down. The next was Delta, shot in the left shoulder, then the throat. My gun was back in my tent and there was no chance of me getting it. Stupid.
I heard the thump by my feet before I saw it. You would think it would be terrifying, to know you're staring death in the face, but for a second it was peaceful. My body was cold and I already felt like a corpse, the Rigour Mortis freezing me in place, just softly gazing at what would kill me.
Something grabbed me before the grenade exploded, saving my life but destroying the android.
The bedsheets were crumpled and soaked in sweat again when my eyes shot open. It was hard to breathe, the panic was still running through me and closing up my throat at the memory.
In; one, two, three, four. Hold; one, two, three, four. Out; one, two, three, four. Hold; one, two, three, four.
It took a few minutes for me to remember where I was. That I was home and that I was safe. Out of nervous habit, I gripped my dog tags, they were wet from the sweat that had soaked through my shirt in the night.
"Shit." It was four in the morning, there was no chance of getting any more sleep and the station wouldn't be open for another two more hours at the least. Saying that; Fowler wanted to speak to me first thing, which never meant anything good for anyone.
It was aching again at the joint. The biomechanical component always felt itchy where it joined at the elbow. Anytime I would have that dream I would scratch at it in my sleep, it was like my subconscious knew it didn't belong. It knew my rotting left arm was still in the desert somewhere being picked apart by vultures.
It's almost ironic; to be saved by an android and then to have part of one attached to me. I hated it.
"Morning Cyborg, you look like shit." Gavin was forever pleasant to talk to.
"Fuck off, Reed." He constantly hovered around the coffee machine, hogging it like it was his newborn baby. "Is Fowler in yet?"
"Not yet, you in trouble?" He took his time making his coffee, exceeding in being the department's resident asshat. "Did he catch you looking at porn on your work terminal again?"
"I'm pretty sure that's only ever happened to you." Not wanting to be reminded of his previous escapades I got no response. Gavin let out a small huff before moving to the side with his fresh cup of coffee, freeing up the machine.
"Officer (L/N)." Oh for fuck's sake.
"Sir?" Captain Fowler stood outside his office, his coat half soaked from the rain.
"My office, I need to speak to you." He didn't give a second glance to me before turning and letting the glass door shut behind him.
"Ha, good luck cyborg." Shooting Gavin the middle finger, I followed Captian Fowler into his office.
"What was it you wished to talk about, sir?" Feet shoulder-width apart, back straight and hands behind my back; habits from the army were destined to die hard. Often I would find myself moving my hand up to salute before leaving the presence of a superior, something else for Gavin to make fun of.
"You're aware of the deviant cases I've assigned to Lieutenant Anderson, correct?" Fowler sat at his desk, wet coat now hung on its rack, but there was slight dampness to his suit blazer where his coat had been left open.
"Yes sir. I believe he's being accompanied by a prototype RK800 from Cyberlife."
"That's correct. I'm sure you're aware that these deviancy cases are on the more..."
"...Unpredictable side. Now, I can't exactly issue a gun to a prototype android if it's going to be in the field and, while I value Hank as a police officer, his record is on the rougher side."
"Captain Fowler, with all due respect, I don't believe-"
"Office (L/N), with all due respect, you don't have an opinion in this matter. I want you to accompany Lieutenant Anderson in these assignments just in case a deviant becomes too much for him or this android to handle. You've certainly got the skillset for it and you're not unfamiliar with working alongside androids, unlike quite a few officers in this department."
"I understand that, but-"
"Whatever you're gonna say I don't want to hear it." Captain Fowler didn't give me a chance to argue as he stood and walked to his office door, the annoyed look on his face worsening. "Hank, in my office!"
I let out a sigh before Captain Fowler turned back to his desk. Through the office wall made of glass Hank reluctantly made his way towards us grumbling something under his breath at the request, the RK800 model obediently following behind him like a little, lost puppy. Hank sat in the chair opposite Fowler while the android stood next to me, giving a small smile as a greeting.
Captain Fowler was the first to talk, "I've got ten new cases involving androids on my desk every day. We've always had isolated incidents, old ladies losing their android maids and that kind of crap... But now, we're getting reports of assaults and even homicides, like that guy last night. This isn't just cyberlife's problem anymore, it's now a criminal investigation and we've gotta deal with it before the shit hits the fan. I want you to investigate these cases, alongside officer (L/N) and see if there's any link."
"Why me? And why do I need a god damned partner? A stupid android is already too much. Why do I gotta be the one to deal with this shit?" Props to Hank for trying, but arguing with Fowler was like talking to a brick wall. "I am the least qualified cop in the country to handle this case! I know jack shit about androids, Jeffery. I can barely change the settings on my own phone."
"Everybody's overloaded. I think you're perfectly qualified for this type of investigation," They were already starting to blow up at each other.
"Bullshit! The truth is nobody wants to investigate these fuckin' androids and you left me holdin' the bag!"
"CyberLife sent over this android to help with this investigation and I've given you (L/N) as well. You've got a state of the art prototype and a leading police officer to act as your partners."
"No fuckin' way! I don't need partners, and certainly not this plastic prick and some action hero fucker."
"Nice working with you too, Lieutenant Anderson," I said under my breath, not intending for the others to hear. Connor turned his head slightly in my direction, I could see his LED blink yellow for a moment before going back to its bright blue.
"Hank, you are seriously starting to piss me off! You are a police lieutenant, you are supposed to do what I say and shut your goddamn mouth!"
"You know what my goddamn mouth has to say to you, huh?"
"I'll pretend like I didn't hear that, so I don't have to add any more pages to your disciplinary folder 'cause it already looks like a fuckin' novel! This conversation is over."
"Jeffrey, Jesus Christ! Why are you doin' this to me? You know how much I hate these fuckin' things. Why are you doin' this to me?" Most of the department knew why he had such a distaste towards androids, no one could necessarily blame him. Ever since losing his son Hank had become completely different as both a person and an officer. Admittedly, Fowler was harsh on him, but if he wasn't then Hank would drift.
"I've had just enough of your bitching. Either you do your job or you hand in your badge. Now if you'll excuse me, I've got work to do." Hank left in a strop, letting out his frustration on Fowler's office door.
"Well then..." Connor was quick to break the tense silence. His voice caught me off guard, it was smoother, more human than any android's I had heard before. The SQ800's voices had always been more robotic than other models so it had been a shock when the androids back home had sounded so normal, it felt like that all over again. It was jarring. "I won't keep you any longer. Have a nice day captain."
Connor left and I followed behind, giving a small nod of dismissal to Fowler despite him still looking at his terminal screen.
The android went straight to Hank either oblivious or ignoring the lieutenant's current bad mood, granted there was never a time the bastard was in a good mood. Heaven itself could rain down on Detroit and he'd huff at it like a hair in his food.
"I got the impression my presence causes you some inconvenience, Lieutenant. I'd like you to know I'm very sorry about that. In any case, I'd like you to know I'm very to be working with you." Ever the enthusiast.
"I'd give in now. You're talking to a toddler in a fifty-year old's body and the toddler is having a hissy fit." I half sat and half leant against Hank's desk, using my arms to support my weight.
"Apologies, I don't believe I've introduced myself. My name is Connor, I am the android sent by CyberLife." He turned to me, a gentle and manufactured smile on his face. "It's a pleasure to be working with you too, officer (L/N). I'm sure we'll make a great team."
"Er... (Y/N) is just fine."
"Is there a desk anywhere I could use?"
"No one's using that one." Hank points to the desk opposite him, while still sulking like a child.
"Gasp, it speaks," I said in a sarcastic tone while turning to Hank.
"Fuck off. I've already got an android on my ass, I don't need you on it too."
I grabbed a terminal pad before perching myself back at the edge of Hank's desk while Connor got comfortable at the empty one. The light at the side of his head flashing yellow for a moment like he was hesitant to speak."You have a dog, right?"
"How do you know that?"
"The dog hairs on your chair. I like dogs. What's your dog's name?"
"What's it to you?" Hank shifted in his seat, "...Sumo... I call him Sumo."
"Under all those shitty shirts and questionable stains there's a warm, beating heart," I say more to myself than the other two, skimming over the recent case files sent in by Fowler.
"Officer (L/N)... (Y/N), knowing that we'd be working together I read your academy and field records. You have quite an interesting background."
"Oh yeah, then you understand that I may be a little driven to get these cases over with. I can't say I'm a fan of you terminators."
"I understand you have a... warped view of androids due to what you've experienced, but I hope you understand that I am your partner and not your enemy."
"Connor, you're not my partner, you're cyberlife's latest gizmo for us kick around." I sigh, turning to sit at my desk adjacent to hanks, taking the terminal pad with me. "Just look through the deviant case files. Terminals on your desk, knock yourself out."
They're nothing but machines. They are not your friends.
"Two-hundred and forty-three files, the first date back nine months. It all started in Detroit... And quickly spread across the country." Connor had only connected the terminal moments before.
"Don't work your CPU too hard," I mutter under my breath, catching a quick huff of amusement from Hank.
"An AX400 is reported to have murdered a man last night. That could be a good starting point for our investigation." Hank was doing his best to pretend Connor didn't exist, but the android was persistent. Connor stood from his chair and made his way into Hank's personal space.
"Uh, Jesus..." Hank turned his chair away.
"I understand you're facing personal issues, Lieutenant, but you need to move past them and-" For an android, Connor has some balls on him.
"Hey! Don't talk to me like you know me. I'm not your friend and I don't need your advice, okay?" Hank's mood had soured like milk, it wouldn't be long until Fowler was adding another page to Hank's disciplinary folder.
"I've been assigned this mission Lieutenant, I didn't come here to wait until you feel like working."
"Connor, you're just gonna-" I had wasted my breath, Hank had already stood and was grabbing onto Connor by the collar of his Cyberlife jacket and slamming against the screen next to his desk. "Hank!"
"Listen asshole. If it were up to me, I'd rather throw the lot of you in a dumpster and set a match to it. So, stop pissing me off... or things are gonna get nasty."
"Hank," I placed a hand on his shoulder to try and lightly pull him away from Connor but only earned a nasty side-eye. "Leave off him, you don't get paid enough to replace him."
"Lieutenant... Officer (L/N), uh... sorry to disturb you," Looks like the tin can was saved before Hank could knock the light out of him, "I have some information on the AX400 that killed that guy last night. It's been sighted in the Ravendale district."
"I'm on it." Hank didn't glance back when he dropped Connor's collar. The puppy dog look on his face almost made me feel bad for him... almost.
"Come on, WALL-E. Don't want to keep the old man waiting."
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husbandohunter · 3 years
Windblume Memories [Genshin Impact]
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Synopsis: “The annual Windblume festival held in the name of romance and freedom! Why not celebrate it with your lover?”
Characters: Kaeya, Diluc
(A/N): A self-indulgent headcanon because Mihoyo has yet to give us more moments with our husbandos. Just imagining them having fun and enjoying, mah heart~~ And no Mihoyo, if you bother giving us their quotes why can’t you just give us a hangout already (cri cri)
“I do know how to play music. Is it so strange?"
• As the most eligible (former)bachelor of Mondstadt, it wouldn't be a surprise if he actually knew the ways of an instrument. But here you were, comepletely awestruck while looking expectantly at your fiance.
• "Diluc you're so perfect I love you!" -you probably
• Back in the days when he took his etiquette lessons, Diluc also learned how to play the violin as well as the piano but the lyre was a traditional instrument of Mondstadt so he focused on that the most.
• His repitoire would lean more to the soft and solemn pieces. (Like his soundtracks HA)
• Diluc is quite shy when you ask him to give you a performance but the way you just plead, he can't say no
• If you don't know how to play an instrument, he'll be more than glad to help you. He's an excellent teacher due to the vast amount of patience he has (thought can't really say the same for other people) and could spend hours elaborating on the same place you've been stuck at.
"Why is this song so slooooow?"
"You're being too hasty, love."
• You're worried if he's bored but Diluc reassures that he isn't. Seldom does he have the opportunity to spend time with you like this so he makes sure to treasure every moment (Even when you're about to break the goddam lyre out of frustration).
• But when you do manage to make it to the end after several attempts, albeit still terrible, there would be the stupidest fat grin on your face while chanting, "I did it! I did it!"
• And he'd praise you as a soft expression graces his features, "You certainly did."
• Soft man I cri
"It takes a long period of training to become a battle-ready archer. These games are only enough to pass the time."
• "No Diluc, I brought you here to have fun not to have this as a training session."
• This man can do pretty much ANYTHING and literally win you any prize. You want that stuffed toy? Consider it taken.
• Perhaps the activities weren't challenging enough. Whether it'd be wind gliding or the peculiar wonderland house, he's got the reflexes for it all.
• Since Diluc is so battle oriented, he treats the games as such. You call him a worry wart after falling into the pit just because you steped on the wrong stone: "Diluc I’m fine. Its just a game." He’ll grab you out of pure instinct and apologize shortly after when you pout at him
• Eventually Diluc learns to loosen up while still keeping an eye at your stance. You figured it would probably be best if you two stuck with something more light and carefree. In a nutshell, anything but the peculiar wonderland house.
• At the end of the day, the two of you are exhausted from all that workout. While closing up Angel's Share after a long night, Diluc catches you falling asleep at the front bar and gently drapes his coat over your shoulders.
• His initial plan was to wake you up since the ideal place to sleep would be the Dawn Winery but Diluc didn't have the heart to wake you up. He simply sits on the stool beside you while leaning down to memorize your serene look, thankful to have been able to experience what it's like to live in a city of freedom again.
"Oh dear, is this what they call a height advantage? I suppose I can go a little easy on you all to make things a bit more exciting."
• You gave him that look where you weren't quite sure if he was lying or telling the truth. Could the Cavalry Captain be afraid of heights? You'll never know.
• So regardless, you guys decided to fly together which at first was meant to be a competition of who can collect the most flowers. You managed to land safely with the highest score while your boyfriend was still behind, trying to avoid the dusty balloons.
"Seems like I went a little too easy on you," he jests. You roll your eyes.
"Alright, let's go for another round then."
• This time you had a different idea. Just a few seconds before the game started, you took him by the hand and jumped straight off the platform. The whole time as the two of you were soaring through the air, you held him tight.
• "Now it shouldn't be so scary anymore!"
• The surprised expression he had lasted for a moment before melting into a smile, "How very cunning of you, darling."
• Your security gave him the chance to admire the scenery from the skies, it was a breathtaking view. How your hair whips beautifully against the wind and your pink-tainted cheeks from the cold, breathtaking.
• Though, holding the other meant you had to collect the flowers with one hand and one arm which proved to be very unproductive. Even once the both of you landed within the garland of windwheel asters, Kaeya was still holding your hand.
• Kaeya often treats fearful situations as thrilling experiences but the outcome in the end turned out to be more favourable than he had initially planned it to be. Though if you’re a novice windglider beware, this man will let you go at random times just so he can see your reactions. 
"What an interesting diversion. Since everyone's in high spirits, it would truly be a shame if I didn't pitch in a little!"
• You were extremely curious of Kaeya's musical skills since his nature tends to lean towards the frivolous side. Unexpectedly, his tunes and playing style sounded melancholic as well. Most likely due to the fact of growing up in the Ragnvindr household.
• Since he hangs out at the bars during late nights quite often, Kaeya would know how to play a few tunes he picked up along the way. He would love to give you a full on performance! Anything for his sweetheart~ Though keep staring and you might find him teasing you about it after.
• Honestly Kaeya also makes an excellent teacher. His way of wording makes everything so easy to understand which is helpful to avoid silly mistakes. He teaches you very simple lyre pieces, brushing his fingers over yours every once in a while to help you adjust the right position.
• You think he's doing this on purpose to get you bothered but Kaeya simply feigns ignorance.
• But if you do know how to play a lyre, it would be a session where both of you share your songs. Out of all of them, there was one song that stuck out the most:
You felt a sense of longing in the tune Kaeya played. Far too slow to match the upbeat atmosphere of Mondstadt during the day and not as romantic as it would be during the night. Instead, it seemed to reflect the emotion of sadness, like hands reaching to a far away land which turned out to be nothing but a mirage.
"Where did you learn that piece? I never heard it before," you comment shortly after he finished.
Kaeya hums playfully while shooting a grin to match, "I composed it myself."
"Is that so?" You learned to not take everything at face value when talking to your lover, "Then where did you draw your inspiration from. It doesn't seem like you'd create it on a whim when your expertise lies in swordsmanship."
"Aha just when did you become so keen sweetheart?"
"Since I started dating you."
There would be a momentary pause and during times like these, it was easy to tell that the subject was related to his homeland. Kaeya always found it hard to bring up the topic, even before he met Crepus, music was one of the very last traces that tied his life to the scarce warms days of Khaenriah.
"What's the song called?"
Thankful that you changed the subject, Kaeya answers, "Frozen Dreams. At least, that is what I can remember."
"Frozen Dreams?" You pondered quietly, "I wonder what that title means."
"Do you like it that much?"
"Of course, that piece must be very important to you right? I would like to learn it," You pump your fists determinedly, I would like to learn about you as much as I can.
He looks at you, lips slightly parted at your genuine declaration. Although you may be tenacious when it came to his secrets, Kaeya did not doubt that it was also one of the quirks he loved about you most. With a small chuckle, he complies your request, “It would be my pleasure.”
Sometimes its best to leave the words unspoken. Perhaps another day when Kaeya feels ready to tell you everything, for now he will revel in the present where the intagible feelings of music and emotion do the speaking.
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blossom-hwa · 3 years
pirate!ateez |2|
The continuation of the pirate ateez au inspired by pretty much every wonderland stage and the kingdom wonderland performance!! Once again credits to mai @wingkkun for the ideas that sparked san, mingi, and yeosang’s stories!
(Reading part 1 isn’t required to understand what happens here; however, there are spoilers for previous members’ stories!!)
Pairing: Ateez x gender neutral!reader
Word count: 11.9k (total)
Genre: some fluff, mostly angst, pirate!au
Triggers: cursing, blood and death (sometimes semi-graphic) - specific triggers for each section are listed below the header!
Part 1 (Hongjoong, Seonghwa, Yunho, Yeosang) | Part 2 (San, Mingi, Wooyoung, Jongho)
Ateez Masterlist
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san (ABS - specialty in swordsmanship)
warnings: cursing
so. san.
poor dude i put him through a lot in hongjoong’s part :/ he didn’t deserve that i’m sorry san
but let’s start from the beginning
unlike some of the others, san has only ever known the streets. he has no memory of real parents, just various random caretakers who ended up causing him more harm than good
there are two singular exceptions to this during san’s childhood: you and an older pirate named jongin
you’ve been there ever since san can remember. even now he’s not entirely sure how or when you two met, he must’ve been very young, but he just knows you’ve been with him for what feels like forever
the two of you wandered the streets together, begging and stealing food whenever you could
it only makes sense that you two would fall in love once you were old enough to understand it (which comes a little later than either of you would’ve liked - you’re probably sixteen or seventeen when you get the guts to press san against a wall and kiss him like person starved as san kisses back with just as much fervor)
when you were still together, it sometimes felt like you were the only reason san could stay alive
you mean the world to each other. the literal world
so that’s you - someone san knows will never abandon him willingly, will always stay by his side as long as they can
now uh moving on to jongin
you two were young when you tried to pickpocket him that one time
immediately it was clear you’d messed with the wrong guy - he noticed you two immediately and you were caught
but surprisingly, all he did was smile and offer to buy you something to eat
and being the hungry children you were (san thinks you were around twelve at the time) you said yes without a second thought
luckily jongin didn’t have any ulterior motives - in fact, he taught you and san to become better pickpockets, how to take advantage of people’s blind spots and your natural talents
so naturally, he became both of your role model
and because jongin was a pirate, you two resolved to become pirates just like him when you grew older, even asking him to take you on his ship whenever he returned to the city to visit.
but every time, jongin refuses. when you’re younger you kind of accept it, but as you and san grow older you start to insist more and more
there’s nothing left for you two here except a life still on the streets, and isn’t being a pirate pretty much the same? stealing and pillaging, just on the ocean instead of on dry land
neither you nor san flinches at blood, and you can both deal with injuries
but jongin still refuses, finally telling you just how far from heroes pirates really are. they kill and steal, often more than they need, not taking just enough money and food to survive or pass out to those less fortunate the way you and san both do
this kills the dream a little for you and san, though you both come to the conclusion that not all pirates have to be horrible - look at jongin
so you still resolve to become pirates, maybe on a crew that isn’t as terrible as the ones jongin has told you two about
this sort of dream goes on for another year or so. you and san figure out your shit and finally kiss, jongin mock claps when he finds out before disappearing again, you and san wander the streets again still with little aim but your interlocked hands are purpose enough
until you get kidnapped. 
san literally almost goes insane when he can’t find you after two days. tears around the city like a man possessed, looking everywhere you might be and then everywhere you definitely aren’t on the off chance he’ll find you
but even when jongin arrives back in the city a few weeks later and joins san’s frantic search, you’re never found
it’s all too much. way too much for san - he’s literally lost the one person who keeps him sane - and honestly the last straw is when jongin asks if he wants to join his crew now
deep inside san knows he means it out of the goodness of his heart. jongin isn’t evil and he’s hurting too with your disappearance, he’s just trying to give san a semblance of a new home
but san explodes. none of this would’ve happened if jongin had taken them in earlier, had let them join the crew together, if he’d even taught them more - it’s his fault, it’s his fucking fault
jongin tries to grab san but he just twists away - jongin’s touch feels like fire burning against his skin - and runs
for how long he runs, san genuinely doesn’t know. he just knows that he can’t stay here, can’t stay in this city anymore 
so he becomes somewhat of a highway robber? holding travelers at sword point and demanding what they have
the sword he uses was gifted to him by jongin and it makes him feel sick every time he pulls it out, but even though san is sometimes irrational, he’s not stupid - he needs a weapon, and if this is the only one he has, so be it
doesn’t matter if memories of you and an older pirate come flooding back every time he grips the handle.
san makes a name for himself - people whisper about him, tell travelers to avoid the paths he frequents, but the thing is he doesn’t really frequent anywhere. he’s a wanderer too, which makes him so dangerous because he’s so unpredictable
until hongjoong appears and san makes the mistake of challenging him to a fight. 
i say mistake but really, it was probably one of the singularly most life-changing events for san except for 1. meeting you, 2. your disappearance, and 3. leaving jongin 
because when hongjoong has his sword positioned over san’s neck and san thinks he’s about to die, hongjoong gives him a choice - join his crew or get his throat cut
san just scoffs at first and is like why would you want a highway robber on your crew? don’t you know who i am?
hongjoong does know, of course - he actually tracked san down because he needed a good swordsman to join his crew and thought san would be perfect
san is on the edge of saying no, but hongjoong is one of three people who’ve ever beaten san in a fight (jongin, you, and now joong) so he’s got a little grudging respect for the guy
but even more than that, he remembers you and remembers your pact to find a semi-decent ship and join the crew 
it seems like a childish pact now, but for some reason, once he remembers it, he can’t put it out of his mind
(maybe it’s because if you’re dead, which you probably are, san wants to at least fulfill his part of any promises you made so long ago)
so he says yes
for the first few weeks, san really considers jumping ship
seasickness is a bitch, first of all, even if the ship’s doctor is nice enough to give him tips on how to handle it
but the main issue isn’t just him being sick - it’s the people
not all of them. most are fine. but san has a particular problem with wooyoung and his partner, not because they’re assholes or anything, but because they remind him way too much of him and you. childhood friends who grew up together and wouldn’t part for the world, except they’re still joined at the hip while you’re lost
and san just thinks it’s horribly unfair that you had to be torn away from him while others are allowed to stay together
but really, the ship is better than living on the edge on land. besides woo + his partner, the others are nice, and san has found himself a match in sword fighting with hongjoong and yunho
so as time passes, san acclimates to the ship. he gets closer to everyone there and comes out of his shell, even becoming friends with yeosang whom he previously deemed too close to woo + his partner to deal with
and because yeosang is a package deal with the other two, san eventually becomes friends with them too
for the first time in a long time, san thinks he’s happy, even though he still sorely misses you and wishes you were here. but you’re dead or at least long gone, and he’s not going to find you again
so when you turn up on an enemy pirate ship several years later, san nearly has a heart attack when he sees your face (wooyoung actually has to catch him when he stumbles)
from the widening of your eyes, it’s pretty much the same reaction for you
there’s no fight, at least not then. the town your ships have docked in is safe ground for pirates, meaning the villagers will deal with them but won’t tolerate fights
so your crews resupply, all the while studiously ignoring the pirates from the other ship
but san is itching to talk to you - even just see your face one more time
you look so different yet somehow exactly the same and san wants to know what happened to you - how did you get that scar down the side of your face?
you feel the exact same way. 
when you were kidnapped, you were taken on a pirate ship that was far less respectable than hongjoong’s. meaning you went through a fucking lot
you tried to escape at least five times but each time you just got caught, so you eventually gave up. so here you are, ignoring the literal love of your life because your ship is shit and happens to have beef with hongjoong’s
meaning you couldn’t escape if you tried. 
so you’ve resigned yourself to mere stolen glimpses of san’s face but then your captain gives all of you a mission
he wants a hostage. and he wants you to lure one of them in. 
you don’t want this mission. you fucking hate it and you hate your crew and you don’t want anything more than to just run away so you just ignore it and resolve to subtly sabotage your crewmates’ efforts in any way you can
and for the most part it works
but then you’re on deck, helping one of your crewmates put some supplies away
when a crowd comes on board, bruised and bloodied, and drops choi san onto the wooden floor.
the captain is ecstatic - they’ve managed to catch hongjoong’s best swordsman, no doubt they’ll get a hefty ransom for him
but you’re not listening. all you can do is avoid san’s sharp gaze
and think of a way to help him escape.
the ship sets sail within hours, trying to get away from hongjoong as quickly as possible. san lives his days in one of the tiny cells belowdecks, barely fed between questioning sessions during which he says nothing
but he can feel hope slipping away, day by day - even he can’t break through chains, and even if he could, his sword is gone. five or six pirates he could maybe take alone without a weapon, but there are far more on this ship
still, when the ship finally docks, san has resolved to at least attempt an escape. he knows the captain is in negotiations with hongjoong over getting him back so hongjoong has to be in the same port, or at least nearby
so when someone opens the cell again, san literally launches himself at them in an aborted attempt to run
you subdue him quickly - you’re not dehydrated and underfed, after all
san just gapes into your face that’s barely lit by a torch on the wall outside his cell. he has so much he wants to say, the first being how could you do this to him, did none of your time together mean anything - 
but then you unlock the chains around his wrists, toss him a bundle of fresh clothes, and tell him to get changed
dressed in the new clothes, he looks like a member of the crew, and you tell him to keep his head down as you bring him up out of the ship and into the village
san’s still kind of dumbfounded so when you tell him to run, he doesn’t understand at first. run where?
hongjoong’s ship is in the next port, you say. on foot, it’ll take a few days to get there, so he needs as much of a head start before people realize he’s missing
therefore - you push back his forehead with a finger - fucking run, choi san. i don’t recall you being stupid before.
when he understands, he tries to tell you to come with him - hongjoong’s a decent captain, he’ll probably understand
but you shake your head. you yourself need to leave. once your captain realizes san has disappeared, it’s only a matter of time before you get found out, considering the number of unconscious and dead bodies you left in your wake, and you need to be long gone and away from san before that happens. you’re not going to bring more harm on him again. the least you could do is maybe divert their attention for a while
san’s heart sinks when he realizes you have no intention of coming with him, no matter how much he tries to convince you
and he almost starts crying again - just when he’s finally gotten you back, fate is forcing you to slip through his fingers yet again
you just hug him and apologize for everything, for getting kidnapped, for not helping him escape until now even though none of that is your fault
san says that and more, apologizes for even thinking you’ve changed - he should’ve known you were still the same person he’d fallen in love with so long ago
but there’s no more time and now you’re pushing him away and telling him he needs to go before it’s too late. in the process, you press a blade into his hand. 
for protection. 
it’s faintly familiar. and when san looks a little more closely, he realizes it’s the blade that jongin gave you so long ago, a copy of the same one he gave san. only the initials etched into the handle are different.
it makes him feel sick. san had switched his blade out for another sword the second he could, too many memories of you and jongin attached to it. but you never stopped using yours. 
that knowledge makes his insides burn with shame and he tries to give it back to you but you force him to take it. i have more weapons than just this. you have nothing. and now you need to go.
he kisses you one last time. you kiss him back with just as much fervor and when you break away, there’s a small smile on your lips 
you tell him you’re glad he’s found a kind crew, a crew he’ll be happy to remain with. you’re glad he’s luckier than you
san tries to tell you again to come with him, but you shake your head. hongjoong won’t be happy to take in a member of an enemy crew, and even if he was, that’d only turn your ship’s sights on san’s for a long time. you won’t have that. 
so you disappear with a last reminder not to be stupid, a wavering smile on your face 
it takes everything san has to return to hongjoong’s ship without chasing after you, and he’s welcomed back with open arms and warm words
but despite being back with his family, san’s heart sinks the farther they get from the harbor, knowing that he’ll probably never find out what happened to you, his original family, after this
wooyoung tries to comfort him, saying not to lose hope - after all, you met once after your separation, you might meet again
however, fate isn’t kind. san knows that very well. twice you’ve met, and twice you were separated
san hopes wooyoung is right, hopes he’ll see you once more
but as the ship cuts through the water into the open ocean and land fades from sight...
deep inside, something tells san he won’t.
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mingi (ABS)
warnings: cursing
you look me in the eyes and ask how it is possible for me to write angst for someone like mingi. i tell you i will try my best
that is a threat and a promise
anyway! let’s get on with it
mingi is a pure-hearted orphan who has somehow survived the demoralizing and horrible orphanage system in his hometown
he never knew his parents, all he’s ever known was that shitty little orphanage, it’s a miracle that didn’t break apart his pure personality
it helps that from a young age, mingi was taller and bigger than his peers - people didn’t want to mess with him
also when he’s not smiling, he can look pretty scary
but that left mingi lonelier than he wanted to be, so he resolved to smile whenever he could so that people wouldn’t feel intimidated by his stare
it didn’t win him many friends??? like the kids his age were more just weirded out by him smiling when they lived in a fucking orphanage. but he did get more free handouts from adults when he’d pretend to act like a cute kid, so he just kept doing that
eventually when he grew older, maybe mid-teens, he got a job working at his town’s port
mingi’s pretty smart and more importantly here, he’s very strong - just the type of worker his supervisors were looking for
the job is okay - not horrible, but it’s kind of boring and mingi’s supervisors aren’t always the nicest
but mingi’s always been the type of person to just content himself with the fact that hey, things could be worse
he might not have survived the orphanage
he might not have been born with strength
he might not have gotten a job that comes with a semi-stable roof over his head
so for a couple of years, this goes on, mingi helping ships unload and reload, stuff like that
until hongjoong’s ship pulls into port
it normally wouldn’t mean anything if hongjoong hadn’t been half dead on his feet with his partner and seonghwa pretty much carrying him down the gangplank
most people were just shoving them around, totally ignoring the fact that hongjoong clearly needed help
but even though his supervisor told him to go help one of the bigger ships, mingi saw hongjoong and went off to go help them
recommended a cheap place to get rest and offered to help them with some of the ship repairs so they wouldn’t have to pay so much (because their boat was... a little beaten up to say the least)
after a few days, hongjoong recovers from his sickness (brought on by exhaustion, not eating well, and god knows what else - his partner chewed him the fuck out), and they all thank mingi profusely
they’re about to leave then - the ship has been repaired thanks to mingi’s help and they’re ready to set sail again
but a glint appears in seonghwa’s eye and he suddenly turns around and asks mingi if he’d like to come with them
mingi: wha - you mean me?
seonghwa: is there another guy named mingi around?
mingi: i mean technically yeah, there’s a lee mingi working on the other end of the shipyard -
at first mingi’s like... no i don't think so because he has a stable job here, right? nothing really happens and it’s kind of boring, but being a pirate sounds kind of scary
but another part of him has been aching for something more interesting than the monotony of working at the port day in and day out
besides, hongjoong seems like a much nicer person than his supervisors
so in the end, mingi throws caution to the wind and joins the crew
he kind of questions it at first because he really doesn’t seem to have a knack for swordplay, also he kind of tends to panic/get squeamish when there are fights
but seonghwa keeps faith in him no matter what - he was the one to ask mingi if he wanted to stay, after all
so as time goes on and more people join the crew, mingi adjusts to life as a pirate. he finds his role on the ship in making repairs when they’re in port or even when they’re on board, which makes him happy - mingi likes being useful
he also likes jongho, who joins him as one of the ship’s repairmen when he ends up with the crew
he even becomes a fair swordsman - definitely not the best on the ship, not by a long shot, but after being trained by first hongjoong and then yunho (with san occasionally interjecting when he joins the crew), he definitely has the skills to defend himself and others
emphasis on others. because while mingi might panic during a fight where he’s only defending himself, when those he cares for come into play, mingi is a demon. an absolute demon. 
an enemy pirate once got within a hair’s breadth of killing seonghwa once and mingi just unleashed absolute fury. first time he ever killed someone
it haunts him sometimes, but the knowledge that he was protecting seonghwa keeps him from dwelling on it too much. that’s how much mingi cares about his crew
and that comes into play when you enter his story
you’re the child of a couple corrupt aristocrats who have never, not once in their lives, given you the attention you deserved
no matter what you did, they didn’t care
you studied your ass off. you worked so hard on swordplay. you’re literally the golden child in the aristocratic circles of your region and other nobles wish you were their child, but all your parents ever do is give you a passing glance and a fake smile
sure they’ll praise you at parties and things when they talk to other nobles, but it’s all empty - they only barely remember all of your accomplishments. they just don’t care
then one day, hongjoong’s crew pisses off your family - ruins trade at some port or whatever
so your father puts a bounty on his crew’s heads
it’s not exactly a common thing to put bounties on the heads of pirates, but it can happen if a crew fucks around a little too much
and when the bounty goes out for the crew of the aurora (hongjoong’s ship), you seize on it as your last chance to gain your parents’ approval, the approval you’ve been seeking for quite literally your entire life
you’re not dumb - you know it’ll be hard, and you know your family is only going to be completely satisfied if you bring back proof that the captain is dead. not some other random crew member, though that’s a step in the right direction
you decide to go for one of those crew members first, preying on the fact that if one goes missing, the captain will likely be easier to capture
you’ve heard stories about hongjoong, he isn’t heartless. he actually does care about his crew, each of whom plays an integral role on the ship
which means if you can get one of them, you can lure him out - you might not even have to kill off the rest of the crew if you can just take him out
therefore you set your eyes on one song mingi. from the rumors he’s the worst at fighting, but he’s also essential when it comes to ship repairs 
the perfect target for your plan
so you set out on your journey. your idea is to try and see if you can befriend mingi somehow, get him to trust you, then take him hostage
and somehow, you get lucky at the first port you visit - hongjoong’s ship is right there, aurora emblazoned on its side
it’s not hard to spot mingi - he’s one of the tallest, and he’s busy tinkering around the side of the ship
it’s even easier to get his attention
because your master plan is simple and dumb as fuck
fall into the water and pretend to drown. 
mingi, being the pure-hearted lovely soul he is, jumps in to save you despite you being very able to swim
he’s worrying over you when he pulls you out of the ocean, spitting and choking water
and all you can think is 1. mingi is very handsome but more importantly 2. all of this is genuine. like too genuine
it unnerves you - how can a pirate be so pure of heart?
but you push that thought away. there has to be some hidden side of mingi that he hasn’t shown yet, he’s a pirate after all. you can’t feel guilt for using him - you need to gain your parents’ approval. you need to
so you do your damn best to keep him in port. every night you go out and subtly undo some of the repairs he’s made and create a few new problems as well
the ship ends up staying in port for a few more weeks than expected
and during that time, you find that mingi... is really not hiding anything
at all
you keep trying to prod at him when you invite him to bars for a drink, when you “coincidentally” catch him on the streets, etc. 
but there’s nothing to mingi except his very kind personality that sometimes, against your better judgement, sweeps you off your feet
like when that horse-drawn carriage almost hit you and mingi pulled you away just in time
or when you bumped into the wrong person and they pulled a knife on you that mingi was fast enough to deflect
by the time those several weeks are over, you haven’t made any headway in your plan to kidnap mingi
you tell yourself that it’s fine, this mission was always going to take a long time - you could be here for over a year before the right opportunity presents itself after all, and mingi probably doesn’t trust you enough just yet for that to work anyway
mingi ends up sailing off again, and he promises to come back
also makes you promise to stay and wait for him. 
you tell yourself another lie, that you’re happy he’s asking you to wait just because it’ll make your plan so much easier - plus, it means he likes you, which is a step towards trust
it’s definitely not because mingi’s smile is as bright as the sun itself. 
the next time you see the aurora come into port, you swear to yourself you’ll do it this time. you’ll kidnap mingi, force hongjoong to come out so you can put his head on a silver platter
but it doesn’t happen. and the next time it doesn’t happen, either. 
and in the end, you have to accept that the reason you keep sabotaging the ship, trying to keep mingi in port as long as you can, is that you like his smile. way more than you actually should. 
some stupidly hopeful part of you tries to convince you that it’ll be fine, you can continue living like this
but another part of you knows lies never last
and a last part of you screams that you’re a disappointment to your family, falling in love with one of the pirates your parents have put a bounty on when that pirate probably doesn’t even love you back
he does, though. he really does
mingi loves the curve of your lips when you smile genuinely, when the clouds in your eyes disappear for a moment of pure, blessed happiness
he’s fallen in love with your mind, with your quick wit and light banter when you speak
for the past two trips on the ocean, mingi has dreamed of little more than holding you close and kissing you and he’d resolved to that, finally, when he came back this time
which is why his heart completely shatters when he finds you by the ship one dark night, carefully undoing some of the repairs he made just this morning
he never suspected it, but as he stands, watching you work, the pieces begin to click together
mingi isn’t stupid, after all - he knows you’re smart, knows you’re good with your hands, and you’ve also been extremely secretive about your past
even more secretive than he is about being a pirate.
you sense his presence when he gets closer before he even says anything and your hands freeze
for a moment, neither of you says anything
then mingi just lets out a cracked why?
you could lie. you consider it for a few frantic moments, mind working to conjure something credible 
but it’s mingi. it’s fucking song mingi, the pirate you’ve fallen in love with against every single one of your wishes
so the truth behind all of your lies spills out in one go
in the moonlight, you can see mingi’s eyes turn from confused and betrayed to even more betrayed
but what really drives it home is when you mention hongjoong, and how you were trying to use mingi to lure him out
mingi’s eyes turn angry for the first time since you’ve met him
because like i said, mingi doesn’t take kindly to anyone who tries to hurt those whom he cares about
like yeah, he cares about you, but hongjoong is his captain, the captain who’s saved mingi’s life multiple times, often at risk of his own
that’s when mingi’s eyes narrow and his expression turns cold
a chill runs down your back, a chill you’ve never felt before in his presence
and mingi tells you then and there that he better not see you ever again
because if he does, it won’t end well
you’re in the next town before you allow yourself to process anything that just happened, mainly because you know that if you try you’ll start crying
and that’s exactly what happens in a dark little tavern at the edge of the city
you cry over yourself, over losing mingi, over failing your stupid mission for stupid parents who were never going to accept you anyway
you cry because you hurt someone so pure of heart just for two cold aristocrats who didn’t give a shit
you cry because now you have no purpose in life - you’ve catered your entire existence to your parents, and they don’t even care
what’s the point of anything now?
back on the ship, mingi doesn’t cry. he just stares at the fading town as the aurora draws farther and farther from land
your story plays in his mind over and over again
he sympathizes for you, he really does - mingi isn’t cruel or heartless, he heard the desperation in your voice when you talked about your parents and he’s seen the clouds in your eyes firsthand
but it doesn’t change the fact that you’d sought him out with the intention of hurting his crew beyond repair
he tries to tell himself this as comfort, to reaffirm that he did the right thing by chasing you off
deep inside, though, even if he’s sure he did right
the pain of a broken heart and what could have been, he knows, will never fully go away.
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wooyoung (ABS)
warnings: cursing, death, blood
before i start i’d like to preemptively apologize
probably should’ve done that before every other part too idk why i'm only doing it now
maybe it’s because this one is 3.4k long and the second longest is a mere 2.8k (fuck you san)
doesn’t matter i've done it please don’t come for me
wooyoung is a ball of pure sunshine aboard the ship. almost literally
sometimes shines a little too bright (ie he gets annoying), but without him, the crew would fall into darkness
but a light needs a source, doesn’t it? it doesn’t just spontaneously emit out of nowhere - fires need kindling, candles need wax, even the sun burns on fuel
and wooyoung’s fuel is you.
like i mentioned in san’s part, you and wooyoung are childhood friends. probably not quite as long as san and his partner - you met when you were a bit older, maybe just after you turned twelve or something, but that doesn’t mean your bond is any less strong
wooyoung remembers your first meeting very clearly - in fact, it’s one of his favorite memories
some older kids were pushing him around, and wooyoung was just trying to run away
he’d just broken free and was running off when a hand grabbed his wrist, dragging him behind an empty market stall, and another hand slapped over his mouth to muffle his cry of surprise
the older kids ran past, then stopped, looking confused, but when they couldn’t see wooyoung anywhere they just left
you finally let go of wooyoung and he turns around to look at you
and from then on, he swears you’re his savior
seriously, wooyoung thinks you’re literally the greatest fucking thing on this planet. might not act like it all the time because he’s a little shit, but you mean more to him than anything in the world
you don’t plan to get attached to him, not at first - you’re a little more standoffish, you told wooyoung you only helped him because you really hate the group of kids that was messing with him
but wooyoung attaches himself to you like a fucking limpet and as the months pass, you find you don’t mind. not at all. 
you’re both street orphans, pickpockets and all that - neither of you are in the orphanage (wooyoung just never ended up there, while you ran away early on) and you’ve both been alone for a long while, so it’s nice to have someone with whom you can trust your back
and as time goes on, you start thinking of wooyoung less as an ally and more as a friend, then less as a friend and more as someone you love
wooyoung, on the other hand, has been head over heels since day one - getting into your space, pressing stupid little kisses onto your dirty face even as you try to bat him away
but he obviously doesn’t make a move at first because he’s like fucking twelve and doesn’t understand what he feels, and when he grows older and figures it out, he refrains from doing too much (like kissing your lips) because you don’t seem to feel the same way
except you are an impatient fuck
so once you figure it out and more importantly, you figure wooyoung out, it takes less than a day for you to have him pressed up against a wall, kissing him with all the strength you can muster
when you pull away, lips swollen and eyes suddenly shy, wooyoung tries to crack a joke like wow, didn’t know i was that irresistible
you just smirk and say you’re the one who’s been staring at my lips day in, day out for the past several years, woo
oh yeah that’s when wooyoung knows you’re the one
(he does ask why the fuck you waited so long if you noticed everything over the past few years)
(the truth is you only really figured it out a few days ago, but you tell him you just wanted him to suffer)
(it cues a lot of angry whining and cute pouts even though he knows it’s a joke so what can you do but kiss him until he shuts up?)
anyway you and wooyoung more or less rule your small section of the streets
master pickpockets and all that, plus you know how to use a knife very well and wooyoung is adept at fighting with whatever the fuck happens to be nearby
you’ve got a good head on your shoulders and though you never truly lie, your reasonable-sounding words always have several layers of meaning, which is very useful in negotiations
meanwhile wooyoung is just really, really good at sliding out of sticky situations - you turn your head the other way for one second and he’s disappeared
people don’t really dare mess with either of you because they know that if one of you get hurt, the other will literally go out for blood
the same goes for yeosang - you met the quiet orphanage boy on one of the rare times he went outside, and everyone knows not to mess with him since he’s under your protection
this reputation precedes you, which is why you and wooyoung are very surprised when a tall, gangly looking dude comes into your little pocket of territory looking very lost
both of you immediately think this is someone good to pickpocket, or at least harangue for news - he’s clearly not from here
too bad mingi has a hongjoong on his side who is very worriedly looking for his tall lost repairman
and in the middle of you two getting up in mingi’s space, hongjoong appears, wielding a very scary-looking sword
both you and wooyoung know this is someone not to be messed with, but curiosity gets the better of you - who is this guy, why is he here, and why doesn’t he know to stay away?
instead of asking, though, you both run away fast enough that hongjoong doesn’t have to deal with you
the next day, though, when you see a familiar face with a familiar sword hanging around the market, you decide to tail him for a bit
turns out he’s a pirate, which is intriguing in and of itself - it also explains the unfamiliarity with the territory
but what’s even more intriguing is how he manages to defend himself against your knives all the while answering your peppered questions in the most evasive manner possible
in the end, hongjoong has you pinned against an alley wall, sword inches from your throat
he clearly expects you to start begging for your life
but you just laugh breathlessly and say - hey, i’ve got two friends who’ve got nothing left here, just like me. do you have an opening for three on your crew?
hongjoong thinks you’re joking but you’re dead serious. there’s nothing in this town, you’re sick and tired of pickpocketing people and protecting your little territory to no end - there’s no point to it all
you know wooyoung feels the same way. he’s so energetic, always looking for something new, and even though he doesn’t say anything, you know he’s itching to get out of here
yeosang might take a little convincing, but if you can prey correctly on his desire to visit the lands he’s only ever marked on maps, he’ll come too
hongjoong asks what you have to offer to his crew. you say a sharp tongue, resourceful fighters, a navigator
and most importantly, a source of light. 
(hongjoong doesn’t ask and you don’t elaborate on the last one, even though you can see a hint of confusion in his eyes)
he gives you two days to convince wooyoung and yeosang, if you don’t show up by then he’s setting sail
wooyoung is convinced almost immediately - his only qualm is seasickness, and you tell him he’ll get used to it
yeosang takes a little more effort, but with your persuasion skills, he agrees
and so the three of you join hongjoong’s crew
being a pirate isn’t as glorious as you originally thought it’d be - the first few weeks are just being seasick all the time, and there are fewer fights and less exploring than you’d like, more just running around and maintaining the ship
but the crew makes up for it more than tenfold
you and wooyoung have never really had family - just each other and then yeosang
but now that you’re with the crew, that sense of home you’ve only ever felt with woosang just multiplies
you love it on the ship. so does wooyoung
(he says it’s because there are so many hidden places where you can hide to kiss, but you think it’s because he has seonghwa to annoy now and not just you + yeosang)
both of you are on cloud nine, even with the nonstop work day in and day out
it’s all worth it when you can see the new cities, pilfer a little something in the marketplaces every now and then
life goes on like this - some crew members are lost and others join
you mourn for those gone, especially hongjoong’s partner, and you try to welcome the new members as best you can
(san is a tough nut to crack, but in the end, you and wooyoung are both happy that you kept at it long enough to see the results)
it’s a constant give or take - you know the ocean isn’t kind, know that the life of a pirate isn’t kind, and you’ve learned to live with it even though a piece of your heart breaks away with every crew member who falls
but then yeosang falls. literally. 
and wooyoung begins to fade away.
wooyoung feels his emotions deeply, he’s always known that - it’s what binds him so strongly to you and what bound him so strongly to yeosang
so when he fell during that battle, stabbed several times, and could only watch yeosang fall into the ocean from the crow’s nest - essentially yeosang’s home on the ship - 
wooyoung cries for hours after the battle, locked in your arms
and for once, even the knowledge that you’re by his side doesn’t seem to be enough to fill the void left by yeosang’s loss
the entire crew is experienced with their own types of loss, loss of partners and friends
but this is the first time wooyoung has felt it so deeply, like a knife carving out a hole in his chest
eventually, though, he recovers
it takes months, but he still has you. he still has san. he still has yeosang’s grieving friend, who might have become his partner had he lived, and he still has all of the crew
and you let him latch onto you whenever the void comes creeping on him again, because though wooyoung might be the light, you’re the source of fuel that keeps his sputtering flame burning
(guilt eats at you, too - you’re the one who convinced yeosang to join the crew, after all. but wooyoung calls it bullshit - you’re not at fault, not at all, yeosang understood what he was risking - and when he latches onto you, you take your own comfort in the warmth of his arms)
life goes on after the battle and yeosang’s death. wooyoung takes a long time to recover from his injuries and you’re by his side the entire way
but then san gets kidnapped and wooyoung almost goes off the deep end again - he can’t lose another friend
thankfully, san returns, so wooyoung doesn’t lose himself completely
but he begins to fear the disappearance or death of one of those whom he loves even more than he used to
as time goes on, he realizes he might not be able to handle the life of a pirate - he cares too deeply, too much, losing the people he cares for is breaking him slowly, bit by bit
you ask him what’s wrong one day and he spills all of this to you, sobbing
the next day you ask hongjoong to leave you and wooyoung at the next port - you can’t be on the crew anymore
hongjoong asks why, but when you explain he doesn’t even hesitate to nod and thanks you for your service
he does say that he’ll miss the source of light on his ship, the light and its kindling, but if this is what you and wooyoung really want, then it’s what he’ll give you
wooyoung feels a guilty sense of relief when you bring him back the news - he’s relieved that you two are going to leave, but there’s also the guilt of taking you away from a life that you enjoy
but you remind him that he’s your life. wooyoung is everything to you, and if he isn’t happy, you’re not going to be happy, no matter what
so it’s settled that you two will split off from the crew at the next port, which you’ll reach after a few weeks of sailing, maybe
you reach the port and are ready to part ways, saying goodbye to the rest of the crew
the aurora is staying in port for a couple of days for repairs, and you and wooyoung decide to stick around for at least the night before you go off
you go on a walk that night with him, darkened streets lit up by evenly spaced torches and lanterns
which is why you see the other ship pull into port with a navy seal on its side. and your blood freezes. 
with one look, you and wooyoung are racing off to where you know the crew of the aurora is staying because you have to warn them
hongjoong looks grim. there’s a fight, it’s going to be inevitable, and you can feel wooyoung tensing up next to you
your former captain says you don’t have to fight if you don’t want to, you’re technically not part of the crew anymore
but one look between you and wooyoung settles it. one last battle to help the family that took you in
the battle is in the dark, bloody and brutal and made even worse by the fact that you can’t see the rivers of blood flowing down the streets - it’s all a mess of sticky black that your feet leave tracks in on the roads
you and wooyoung are back to back with san, the three of you fighting to the last
until there’s finally an opening and you manage to escape into a little alley
except the alley ends in a wall. a wall tall enough to climb over, maybe, but wooyoung has a wound in his stomach and san’s bleeding out of his side and you’ve got injuries of your own so you’re wholly, completely fucked
as several naval soldiers appear at the end of the alley, all you can think is how you and wooyoung were supposed to have gone off today, were supposed to have left to find a more stable life together
but at the same time, you know that if you hadn’t stayed for the night, your crew, your family, might not have gotten enough warning to save at least a few of their lives
wooyoung is starting to wheeze behind you. san doesn’t look much better, and you feel like you’re going to collapse
there are four soldiers standing in front of you, and there’s no shred of uncertainty in your mind when you think we’re not going to survive this
except - maybe if you can buy yourselves some time - 
your eyes light on one of the torches on the side of the alley and a really dumb plan springs into your mind
you spring forward, ignoring wooyoung’s cry, and snatch up the still-burning torch
with a prayer that the ground is flammable, you hurl the torch in front of you 
and thankfully, a flame begins to burn
you turn around and start helping wooyoung boost san over the wall
wooyoung is about to go next, grasping san’s hands - you go to help push him up
but then metal flashes in corner of your eye and you have to whirl away, dropping wooyoung to dodge the sword that came a hair’s breadth within slicing the skin off your cheek
how the soldier got past the fire, you have no idea - it’s still burning
maybe they got over it when it was still low
but then there are two shadows, not just one, both with blades flashing
and you know with a stark certainty that both you and wooyoung are going to die if you don’t get up that wall immediately
the problem is, there isn’t enough time to get both of you up - one is going to be slashed to pieces by the time it’s their turn
but one of you...
you block one of the blades and send the soldier crashing to the ground. the other is farther away and for one split second, you lock eyes with them
there’s enough light to see your smirk
give me a moment here, will you? you say
then you turn around and kiss wooyoung on the mouth. 
it’s a brief kiss, barely longer than a second, but it’s all you have time for before you bodily lift wooyoung as much as you can so that san can reach him, arms pulling him up
san acts on reflex - he doesn’t realize what you’re planning just yet and neither does wooyoung
but they sure as hell figure it out when you duck under the second soldier’s swipe and begin fighting, despite the blood streaming from your face and body
in the background, you can hear wooyoung screaming and no doubt he’s thrashing around in san’s grip
but it’s all you can do to focus on the fight at hand - two against one with the one injured isn’t fair, but since when has the navy played fair?
you notice the sword flashing down at your side. you notice it, but you’re not fast enough
white hot pain bursts below your rib cage and you fall to your knees, blades clattering from your hands
another explosion of pain enters your back and you let out a scream of agony, collapsing to the ground
wooyoung watches you fall in the moonlight, red and black blood pooling beneath you
and only then does he stop thrashing in san’s hold
because he’s crying too hard, too hard to see or do anything but let a silently crying san carry him away
san takes him back to the ship where hongjoong manages to set sail in record time, leaving the navy behind
wooyoung doesn’t even move from where san has laid him on the floorboards - the only sign he’s still alive are his eyes, deadened eyes that track the land they’ve left behind, growing smaller and smaller in the distance
the land that holds your body
the body he’ll never see again.
several hours pass. someone’s moved him into the medbay, wooyoung doesn’t know who because all he can see is you collapsing to the ground over and over again, dark blood flowing endlessly from your wounds
tears build up behind his eyes again and he wants to scream, scream how nothing is fair, nothing is fucking fair, he was the one who wanted a new life that wasn’t that of a pirate and you were just going along with it but now he’s still alive and on the same fucking pirate ship he wanted to leave in the first place 
and he’s lost both of his childhood friends, first yeosang to the waves and now you to the navy
with this loss, wooyoung is grasping his will to live by a mere thread
and he isn’t even sure he wants to hang on any longer.
there is no sun aboard the aurora anymore, at least not in the form of jung wooyoung
because once a fire’s fuel is gone, it can no longer burn
and wooyoung’s fuel is out.
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jongho (ABS)
warnings: cursing, death, blood
ah yes jongho stronk boy
when i listed the best fighters i bet you were expecting me to put him in there too
but what i meant by best fighters is best sword fighters
see, jongho is extremely good at fighting and has the arms to prove it
however, his skills don’t solely lie in swords - hongjoong/yunho/san are better than him there - but he will fight with whatever the fuck else happens to also be around him
mingi sometimes likes to bring up that one time there was an enemy pirate fighting next to him and jongho just picked him up, swung him, and knocked out a second enemy pirate right then and there
so yeah. that’s jongho. well-rounder extraordinaire
no one knows how the fuck he’s so good at everything and at this point most of the crew is afraid to ask
but anyway let’s talk about the back story a little shall we
unlike most of the others, jongho has parents that he remembers and as far as he knows are still alive
however that does not mean he likes them
they weren’t abusive, exactly - they just were never around and when they were, jongho mostly got ignored or ordered around to do stuff like cook dinner or fucking whatever
so that’s what he suffers through for most of his childhood
during that time, he learns how to be pretty self-sufficient - he’s the one who takes care of himself, after all
he learns to cook, clean, etc.
but most importantly he learns to repair things, like the house
he gets really good at it too, to the point that people start hiring him to help them with fixing their shit
which is how hongjoong finds him
well, more accurately, yunho finds him
the aurora has docked in jongho’s town after a long storm and the ship has a lot of damage that’s going to take mingi a lot of time to fix
so yunho sets out to find someone who they can hire to help mingi out
he asks around and everyone recommends jongho, so yunho goes to find him. after losing his partner in that storm, hongjoong is in no shape to leave the ship, san is still recovering from injuries and guilt, and seonghwa’s busy tending to the crew members and making sure they don’t fall apart
when jongho answers the knock on his door, yunho is like ???? at first because what the fuck this guy can’t even be older than him - is he really that good at fixing things??
tbh yunho was expecting some middle aged man with massive muscles or something
but jongho’s staring at him like wtf do you want and yunho remembers he actually has a purpose here plus jongho does have really big muscles even if he isn’t middle aged so he’s like hi i heard you’re jongho can you help us fix our ship we’ll pay you
and what’s jongho gonna do? say no? 
so he works with mingi for the best part of a couple of months, fixing up the aurora
and during that time, he meets the rest of the crew, who come and go
jongho gets to know them and he grows to like them - he used to be a pretty solitary person, but it’s really impossible to stay that way after meeting one jung wooyoung and his partner
even after he puts it together that they’re pirates, he still likes them
jongho isn’t stupid, it’s pretty obvious after working with mingi for a couple of weeks - they talk of treasure and travels when they think he doesn’t hear
but really, jongho doesn’t care too much - pay is pay, no matter who it comes from
and really, pirates can’t be much worse than the greedy nobles and aristocrats who run his city, right? their illegal acts are just blatant and out in the open, while the aristocracy try to keep their wrongdoings under wraps
he does ask mingi about it one day - why he decided to join the crew of the aurora
after the initial spluttering of we’re not pirates, cueing jongho’s deadpan expression that has mingi immediately quailing, mingi tells jongho more or less his story of joining the crew
maybe a few embellishments because yknow it’s mingi and we love him for it
and jongho listens carefully. his story is a little similar to mingi’s, actually, even if he knows his parents and was never at an orphanage
they were both alone, they both learned to do repair work...
that night, jongho lies awake in bed in his empty house, thinking about what mingi said
as they continue working, jongho prods mingi for more and more stories about the crew and their adventures, and though he visibly shies away from some topics (major fights and major storms, particularly the one that drove them into this port), mingi tells jongho enough for him to see that hongjoong’s crew isn’t immoral. far from it, really
there’s no explaining away the battles and murder and pillaging, but as far as jongho is concerned, at least they’re upfront about it
nobility does the same shit, they just prefer to call murder “the hanging of criminals” and pillaging “taxes”
and jongho is tired of both
after about a month or a month and a half, he decides to himself that he wants to join the aurora
so he asks mingi one day how hongjoong might feel if jongho wanted to join the crew
he doesn’t know hongjoong, he’s only caught maybe a glimpse or two of the captain because he’s been grieving this whole time, which is why he goes to mingi first
mingi tells him to come back the next day, he’ll see if seonghwa can better answer that question as the second in command since hongjoong is still out
seonghwa takes a liking to jongho almost immediately, and the feeling is mutual
even just minutes after meeting, seonghwa gives jongho the sense that he truly cares for him in a way that jongho really hasn’t felt before, not even from his own parents
so the deal is settled and after the repair job is finished, jongho returns to his small home to pack up his stuff. the next day, he’s sailing into the open ocean without looking back
like almost every other new crew member, jongho gets seasick for the first few weeks he isn’t on land
meaning he stays in the medbay more often than he’d like to
but it’s fine - because that’s where he meets you
you’re the ship’s doctor. relatively new since the last doctor was killed in battle maybe half a year ago, but wooyoung was lucky enough to befriend you, an apothecarist’s apprentice, in one of the towns the aurora docked in 
you come from a town that’s a safe zone of sorts for pirates - the locals are friendly if wary, and pirates don’t get into fights on your land
it’s a pretty decent existence if you ignore the fact that royalty/nobles would have all of your heads if they could find definitive proof that your town likes to harbor criminals, but people keep their mouths shut here so it doesn’t happen
however, as decent as this existence is, you got a bit of the short end of the stick
your parents died after you were apprenticed to the apothecarist, leaving you with no nearby relatives or places to stay other than the orphanage or the apothecary
and the orphanage in your town majorly sucks so you just opted to stay at the apothecary
except the apothecarist is not a good human being. major leech. creepy. you hated being around him any more than necessary
which means you learned everything as fast as you could just so you could stay away and look after customers on your own
and when the opportunity to use your skills elsewhere came up, you barely hesitated before telling wooyoung please get me the fuck out of here
only thing that made you balk was the possibility of death on the seas, but you’re young and naive and when you’re at that age, you feel like you’re invincible - therefore you brush it off
plus, everyone dies eventually, right?
you’re the new blood for several months until jongho joins the crew
and because he’s the new guy now, you take it upon yourself to familiarize him with how the ship and the crew work while he’s currently bedridden
it gives him something to focus on other than the rolling sea beneath him
and it’s nice to talk to someone who’s just mildly sick and not bleeding to fucking death
even after jongho gets better, he continues to spend a lot of his free time in the medbay because he likes being around you. your voice is soothing and somewhere in the back of his mind, he probably associates it with care and comfort, given how you treated him during those first few weeks
slowly but surely, you grow closer and closer
you’re the one jongho goes to when he feels a little stifled, too used to independence on land and unfamiliar with the teamwork that comes with being part of a crew
and you like to talk to him when you’re exhausted after treating wound after wound after wound after a harsh storm or bloody battle
it feels like you understand him, no matter what, and jongho does his best to lend you a listening ear as well - it’s the least he can do
you feel comforting, but in a different way from the rest of the crew
like yeah, seonghwa’s comforting in that mother sort of way, hongjoong has that tired dad vibe where jongho knows he can go to him with whatever, and the rest of ateez are like older brothers he knows he can trust
but there’s something different about you
he figures it out, of course, because jongho isn’t dumb or clueless - but he is a little afraid of being so attached to you
because what if he loses you? then what happens?
he tries to go to seonghwa to talk about it because he’s genuinely so scared
but seonghwa’s not in his room and instead, a tired-looking hongjoong catches jongho in the hallway knocking on seonghwa’s door and asks what he needs from hwa
jongho is slightly nervous because he hasn’t spoken that much to joong, or at least not as much as some of the other crew - after all, he joined the crew when hongjoong was still in grieving and has only really been talking to him for a few months
and by now he knows what happened to hongjoong’s partner in the storm - the same storm that wrought the damage on the aurora that jongho helped repair
so he isn’t sure if it’s a good idea to talk to joong about it
but hongjoong presses him a little, saying that hwa is dealing with some other stuff at the moment and that jongho can talk to joong if he wants
so in a fit of recklessness (he’s also been holding it in for kind of a while, he needs to talk), jongho spills it in hongjoong’s office
and hongjoong goes silent. 
jongho regrets his entire existence during the few minutes of silence and he’s opening his mouth to apologize and take his leave
but hongjoong talks first
and he says to go for it. 
you can’t live your life in fear of what might happen, especially when it comes to love
losing love hurts, but the memories you make are worth the pain
hongjoong’s eyes look haunted, but there’s a faint smile on his face that jongho somehow knows isn’t faked - his words are the truth
and he takes them as comfort when he goes to talk to you later about how he feels
turns out you’ve felt the same way for a while, but you didn’t think the feelings were reciprocated so you didn’t say anything, just kept caring for him in the ways you know best
you talk the entire night about what this means for the two of you, and it ends with you and jongho holding each other on one of the medbay beds, curled into the other’s warmth
it turns out to be a blessing that jongho talked to hongjoong about this and not someone else
mingi/yunho/san don’t have partners on the ship, while wooyoung and his partner have been together for literally forever - getting together was barely a decision for them, more like the only logical path to follow
seonghwa would’ve been good to talk to, probably - he lost his partner (at this point he still thinks they’re dead) and would’ve said something similar to hongjoong 
he still wears the ring, after all
but the talk with hongjoong breaks down that last wall between him and jongho, and they grow closer
which is something jongho really appreciates, because hongjoong is as dependable as seonghwa and another figure jongho can now trust
life goes on - it gets better for jongho, actually, what with you and finally growing close to every member of the crew
he loves sword fighting practice and delights in terrorizing his crew members during mock fights by using whatever happens to be nearby, not just his sword
he also loves sitting with you on deck and breaking an apple in half, wordlessly handing one part to you and keeping the other for himself, all the while staring at the clouds during the day or the stars at night
just being near you makes jongho instantly feel not safer, but more comforted
because jongho’s in as much danger as he always was, he knows that
but having you close by makes him feel more able to handle that danger.
at least, until yeosang dies. 
jongho watches him being flung off the crow’s nest and into the water, never to resurface
watches his partner race to the railing and scream until their throat goes raw and the screams die to begging wails
the scene replays itself in his head again and again after the battle is over
only instead of it being yeosang flung through the air, it’s you
which doesn’t make sense. you’re the doctor, you stay belowdecks during fights and have never ventured into the crow’s nest as far as he knows
but suddenly jongho is confronted with the very real fear that you could die any second
he knew that before, but like you, he was young and reckless and thought himself invincible
now, though, he knows what could happen
and it worries him. you’re not the worst at fighting on the ship, you can defend yourself pretty well, but you don’t have have as much experience as even mingi because 1. you’ve been on the ship for less time, and 2. you don’t go above decks during fights - you stay in the medbay with someone designated to protect you. a ship’s doctor is valuable, after all
your instincts are to heal, not to destroy, and that terrifies jongho
it gets even worse after wooyoung loses his partner and jongho sees the shell that he’s become
jongho didn’t see it happen, but san tells him and seonghwa several days later, eyes haunted as he tries to describe the sight of wooyoung’s partner jerking under the blades, wooyoung going limp as a rag doll as they fell, san being forced to bring basically a corpse back to the ship - the only reason he knew wooyoung himself wasn’t dead was because of the tears running down his face
the story cuts deep into jongho’s heart - wooyoung’s partner was a very good fighter, far better than you, and even they were lost
what if it was you, not them?
jongho decides it’s better to be paranoid than to do nothing and he trains you harder, asking san/yunho/hongjoong to help
you notice the change in his demeanor but don’t question it - after all, you’re wrestling with similar thoughts to his
you confide to him during long nights with you two curled up together on one of the infirmary beds and jongho talks, too
neither of you wants to end this, and you both agree that ending it won’t do much, anyway - you still live on the same ship together, and breaking apart will only hurt you two more
but jongho wishes there was something he could do about this constant fear that he’s going to lose you
wooyoung is still a shell of his former self - jongho doesn’t know if he’d become the same way if you died, and he doesn’t want to test it out
he tries to ignore the fear, to just enjoy every day with you like it’s his last
pressing his lips to yours always makes him feel a little better, anyway
the fear never goes away, though - it’s almost like something is warning him that he will soon suffer the same fate as wooyoung and his partner
jongho ignores it. prays to every higher being he knows that you’ll be safe and extends his prayers to those he doesn’t even know
but prayers don’t work when fate has already decided its path. 
the battle comes quickly, and jongho is thrown into the fray, incapacitating as many navy members as he can
he’s so focused on the fight to see the two navy soldiers going belowdecks
because nobody goes belowdecks. the fight stays on top of the ship, only when the ship is being pillaged after the fight do they go below to see what’s there
but since when have naval officers played fair?
jongho has just stabbed an enemy soldier when he hears the muffled yell through the floorboards
a yell of fear, familiar yet unfamiliar at the same time because he knows the voice, but he’s never heard it so frightened
no one has ever seen jongho move that fast. he crashes through the throng of individual battles, earning himself a scrape in the side and several cut ons his arms, but in the moment, he doesn’t feel any of the stinging pain
he crashes belowdecks and freezes for a second at the sight of a dead crew member on the floor, the crew member who was assigned to guard you during this battle
and in that frozen moment, he realizes that there’s no screaming anymore. 
jongho throws himself into the medbay
and the first thing he registers is the blood all over the floor.
grief pulls a desperate cry from his lips
the soldiers turn around
and jongho doesn’t know what happens next.
when his mind catches up to the present, jongho’s throat is raw and two naval officers are dead at his feet, their blood seeping into the floorboards, almost ripped apart
but he can’t even take sick satisfaction in that
because no matter how much navy blood he spills, you will still be gone
your blood staining the medbay floors
jongho falls to his knees - blood soaks into his pants, your blood or the officers’ blood, he doesn't have any fucking clue
all he knows is that you’re dead, gone forever the way he always feared
and no amount of blood he spills will ever bring you back.
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If you enjoyed, please don’t forget to reblog and leave a comment to tell me what you thought! Thank you for reading and have a lovely day <3
(1 reblog = 1 prayer for me these parts were so much longer than they should’ve been I think I’m going insane)
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marvel-preferences · 3 years
Little do you know (Part two)
Part One of “Little Do You Know”
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Captain America/Steve Rogers:
“Little do you know, I know you’re hurting while I’m sound asleep”
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Steve could tell something was wrong with you. He noticed that you weren’t as happy lately. Usually you were Ms. Sunshine but now you were barley talking and you seemed upset. Yet every time he tried to bring it up, you always said you were fine. He knew you weren’t going to tell him what was wrong so he had to figure it out. He tried to pay attention to what made you go from happy to sad. See what he said or did that caused a change in mood for you.
After a bit (and asking Nat), he realized that it was Sharon that made you upset. So he made sure if he ever brought her up, to clarify that he was just friends with her but it didn’t seem to help. Over time he realized, whatever was upsetting you was much bigger than just his friendship with Sharon. He figured that out because he stopped being friends with Sharon and yet your mood didn’t seem to change at all.
He was getting kind of annoyed and upset that you wouldn’t just tell him what was wrong. One night, he just sat next to you. “Tell me” You looked up from your book, “what” Steve rolled his eyes, “Tell me what’s wrong, I’m done with all this secret keeping.” You set your book down, “Didn’t Natasha tell you? I heard you guys talking. You really went to her over me when it’s about me.” He looked at you, “Ummm I talked to her because you refused to talk to me. I’ve been asking you for months what’s wrong and you kept saying nothing.”
You got up from the table to put your book away. “Maybe nothing is wrong”. You looked at him to see if he was believing you or not. “Okay I’m jealous.” He got up, “I knew it. You’re jealous of Sharon” You rolled your eyes, “Of Sharon really? Because that peck is really something against our almost 2 year relationship huh?” Steve looked at you, “Then what are you jealous of if it’s not Sharon”
After putting your book away, you sat on the couch again. “Who not what” you said wanting to see if he could figure it out after seeing his confused face, you gave up. “Peggy” Steve looked at you, “Ohhhh” You sighed, “Love how you didn’t even deny it. Because you can’t, can you? You can’t deny it because it’s true. You love her. I see how you look at the picture of her. I mean even the fact that you still have that picture of her proves it.”
Steve looked at you. “Yeah you’re right. I love her but I’m not in love with her. She helped me become the person I am today. I had the picture because….I have a hard time letting go but I want to change that. I want to move on and be with you. Which is why tomorrow, I’ll give the picture to Sharon. Then me and you could watch one of those shows or movies, you’re always talking about.” You looked at him, “you really don’t love her?” Steve nods, “The only person I love is you”
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Hulk/Bruce Banner:
“I’ll love you like I’ve never been afraid”
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You weren’t necessarily scared of Bruce because you knew he would never hurt you but you weren’t so sure about Hulk. You were always worried about making Bruce hulking out so you had started walking on eggshells to make sure you don’t make him mad or annoyed. You were sure he had started noticing but you were too scared of what hulk would do if you made Bruce annoyed or mad.
You were reading a book which confused Bruce because usually you were always rambling about the most random stuff. Bruce always acting like it annoyed him but he actually loved it. He could barley focus without your voice. He looked at you, “I can’t take it anymore, what’s wrong with you?”
You looked at him, “I’m just reading. Nothings wrong.” He rolled his eyes, “usually you’re always running off at the mouth vs now you’re barley talking to me” You put your book down, “Are you being serious? You always get annoyed when I talk a lot” You we’re so annoyed at what he was saying, you forgot that you were trying to keep him calm. “There it is” he smiled finally getting you to complain or talk or something. You rolled your eyes, “there what is?” He walked over to you, “There is the Y/n, I know and love. The Y/n who always tells her opinion. Why have you been acting different?”
You looked down at your fingers, “I’m scared…” you mumbled. You hated being scared, it made you feel week. Bruce sat by you and grabbed the hand you’d been fidgeting with, “Scared of what?” You looked at your hands than at Bruce, “Of….you” Bruce looked at you shocked until he realized, “You mean Hulk” You nodded. Bruce sighed, “Why didn’t you tell me?” You played with his hand, “Because there’s nothing you can do. You can’t stop from turning into the Hulk and you can’t promise he won’t hurt me.”
Bruce hated that you were right. Hated that he couldn’t do anything to make you feel safer or take your fear away. Bruce looked at his research, “Help me then” You looked at him, “What?” Bruce got up and walked over to his desk pulling you over. “You are the smartest person I know, so help me. Help me find a cure.” You looked at him, “A cure? You want to get rid of Hulk?” Bruce nods, “I want you to feel safe and comfortable around me and you won’t be able to if the Hulk is around so we need to make sure he’s not.”
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Spiderman/Peter Parker:
“I’ll wait, I’ll wait”
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Peter knew he had messed up. He knew that he probably should of told you, he was Spider-Man when you guys first got together but he just didn’t want to put you in danger. He hated more than anything that he hurt you and the worst part was he didn’t know how to make it better. He had tried everything. Flowers, candy, apologizes, etc. Nothing worked, you were still pissed at him.
When you told him you needed space, he freaked out. He didn’t know if you meant forever as in a break up or just for a week or month or year or… He was dying inside not being able to be with you but he knew that you wanted space so he tried to give it to you.
Though he told you that he would wait until you’re ready to hear him out. Wait until you’re ready to forgive him. He’ll wait for you.
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Thor Odinson:
“Underneath it all I’m held captive by the hole inside”
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Thor loved you, he did but he realized that he was still in love with Jane. He kissed her smartness and how she always fought for what she thought was right. He didn’t know what to do, he had chosen you but that didn’t stop him from wanting her too. He wanted you both, he wanted you (his happiness) and Jane (his fighter).
But he knew he couldn’t have both but he couldn’t help thinking that maybe he had picked wrong. He imagined what his life would be like if he had picked Jane. He was happy with you but he didn’t love you the way he loved Jane. Jane was his first love, the girl who made him want to wake up everyday vs you were just the person who made him laugh.
He had started talking and hanging out with Jane again (in secret). He knew that if he told you, you would let him see her but he also knew it would break you. He knew that you were always worried he would regret his decision and he didn’t have the heart to tell you that he did. So instead he just kept it a secret. He never cheated with Jane, though he wanted to. But he wasn’t a cheater no matter how much he wanted to kiss and hug Jane.
Jane started getting annoyed with the whole secret friends thing (mostly the friends part) and you started to get suspicious and think that Thor was hiding something. He realized that he couldn’t keep his regret a secret forever so he called both you and Jane over to talk.
As soon as you walked in and saw Jane, you understood. You had been right, he regretted picking you. You fell to your knees and started crying. Thor watched as your heart was breaking, “I’m sorry” was all he could say.
After crying, you got up and walked over to Thor. “I can’t believe you.” You slapped him. You knew it probably didn’t hurt at all because you were just a mortal but it was the intent that matter. “I can’t believe you sat there every day and told me that you would never change your mind about picking me.” You said trying not to cry again.
Jane got up about to walk out the door, “Should I leave?” You looked away from Thor and at her, “No. Stay with Thor. You’re obviously the one, he wants.” You went to leave, “Wait Y/n, I’m sorry. I never meant to hurt you.”
You looked at him, “Then you should of picked her the first time around” After that, you left forever.
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Loki “Odinson” Laufeyson:
“Little do you know…”
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(Re-read part one, I changed a lot)
Little did you know….that it wasn’t Loki who did all those unspeakable crimes. Thanos had forced Loki to go get what he wanted from earth by using the mind stone. The mind stone didn’t necessarily control Loki but it fueled his hatred. Fueled his need for love and rule. Made him do awful things that he could never take back. Things that made him hate himself more each and every day.
You never knew what Thanos had done to him because to Loki, it made no difference. He was the one who sought Thanos out, he was the one who did all those things at the end of the day. He tried to tell you the day you guys broke up. He knew that what he had done was still his fault but it wasn’t completely his fault and he hoped that changed your mind about him. But you wouldn’t let him talk, so he just had to watch as the beat thing in his life walked out the door forever.
One day during a mission, you and the avengers were fighting Thanos minions and they accidentally told you about how Loki was controlled. You immediately felt horrible, you had left him for something he couldn’t control. He tried to tell you and you just left. You left the love of your life because you didn’t believe in him. You felt like you should of known Loki didn’t do the attack on his own but you were blinded by the pain caused.
Once you got back to the base, you immediately went to go apologize. You knocked on Loki’s door, no longer feeling comfortable just walking in. You waited and waited by no one answered. “Loki please. I want to talk.” Still no answer. “Loki come on, I know you’re in there. Please.” You waited and waited until finally you heard, “Go away Y/n” You had never heard Loki’s voice so sad and broken. Hearing him and knowing you were the reason for his pain broke you completely. You felt tears run down your face, “Please Loki, let me make it better” You said sobbing now.
Loki tried to just ignore you but he hated hearing your voice crack and knowing you were crying. He got up and opened the door. “Lady Y/n, come in” You hated how formal he was being, usually he called you “My Queen” or “My love” never “Lady Y/n” that’s always how Thor would address you. You walked into his room and stood awkwardly by the bed not knowing if you should sit down on it or if that would be weird. Loki sat on his bed and noticed your awkwardness so he patted the spot next to him to show that you can sit down. You sat down next to him and looked down at your hands.
You had thought about all the things you would say to him on the plane ride back here but all the sudden all of your plans were forgotten. All you could think of was how much you missed being close to him. You started fidgeting with your hands. You had this habit where you would pick at the skin on your fingers until it bled. He touched your hands to stop you. You looked at him, “I- I’m sorry. I’m so so sorry Loki. I should of let you explain. I shouldn’t of left.” You kept repeating how much you were sorry until he interrupted you, “You found out about what Thanos did, didn’t you?”
You nodded, “Is that what you were going to tell me the night I left?” Loki grabbed your hand more, “Yeah but it doesn’t make a difference. I sought out Thanos. I promised to help him. And at the end of the day, I still felt those feelings. All he did was amplify them.” You put your hand on his cheek, “Baby, everyone has feelings of hate and anger. Yours were just used to hurt people. That’s not your fault, that was Thanos’ mind control out there.” You kissed his forehead, “Loki you’re my king and I want to start treating you like one. I want to make up for what I did.” Loki kissed you, “I know a way you can make it up to me” he smirked.
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Winter Soldier/Bucky Barnes:
“The love is here and here to stay”
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Bucky always had a hard time believing you weren’t going to leave him. He was sure once you saw the pain he caused Tony you would leave but you just reminded him that it wasn’t really him doing anything. He was also sure that once he told you the extent of what he had done you would walk away but you just reminded him that he was under mind control.
Bucky was sure that after civil war and him having to go in ice, you wouldn’t be there when he woke up. But you were right there in Wakanda, waiting for him to come out of the ice. Bucky was also sure that one day he would lose control again and hurt you and you would leave. But you just helped him stay hidden so no one found him. Helped him feel safe from hydra.
Still after everything, he was still so afraid, you would leave. Scared that you’ll finally see him for the monster he is and leave. You always had to remind him that you were here to stay.
One day you found him sitting on the bed, looking at the floor. “Buck what’s wrong?” He looked at you, “just thinking” You sighed, “I know what you’re thinking about so stop. I’m not leaving. I’m never leaving.” You sat down by him. “I love you and nothing and I mean nothing will ever change that” He looked at you, “You deserve better” You rolled your eyes, “I’m happy now, with you”
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Iron man/Tony Stark:
“Lay your head on me”
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Tony had woke you up from yet another really scary nightmare. This time you imagined what would happen if those horrible people kidnapped you. If they tortured and tortured you until Tony did what they wanted. You woke up crying and shaking. Tony hugged you until you stopped crying. “Baby what happened this time?” You knew that Tony would never force you to tell him but telling him always made you feel better.
You started sobbing while telling him. Tony rubbed your back, “Baby take a few breaths. It’s okay. I’m here. You’re safe.” You tried telling him again but it caused you to start sobbing again. Tony continued rubbing your back, “Babygirl take your time. You don’t have to tell me right now.”
You wiped your tears and looked at him. “Come here. Lay your head on me. I’ll stay awake until you’re ready to talk.” You laid your head on his shoulder. Just being with him calmed you down. “I love you” you whispered after a few minutes. “I love me too” he said to make you smile. You laughed and hit his arm playfully, “hey!” He smiled and kissed your cheek, “I love you too”
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Black Widow/Natasha Romanoff:
“I’m trying to make it better piece by piece”
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Natasha had done everything she could think of to try and make up for everyone she had hurt. She joined S.H.I.E.L.D, she killed Dreykov, joined the avengers, fought Loki, Ultron, Thanos, she took over S.H.I.E.L.D, tried to keep the world going after the snap. And you loved her for it. You loved how much she cared. But you always hated how she felt like she had to put her life on the risk to be a good person. You hated how she hated herself for what she had done in the past.
You always tired to remind her that she was just a child. She was just born into a terrible situation and she couldn’t change that. But she felt terrible for leaving and not helping the other guys. You tried to convince her that it’s not her fault she thought she had ended the red room.
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Hawkeye/Clint Barton:
“I’m trying to pick myself up piece by piece”
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You were devastated after Clint’s death. You couldn’t bring yourself to even leave your room. Everything reminded you of him, everything reminded you that you would never see him again.
When they told you that there was maybe a way to get back everyone who was snapped, you laughed (a crazy person laugh). You didn’t believe them, you didn’t want to believe them. You didn’t want hope that you’d get to see him again just to be let down.
After they finally convinced you to help try to get the stones and reverse the snap, you were willing to do anything to see him again. You and Natasha were given the soul stone. You both suited up and got ready to time travel.
You liked being partnered with Natasha because you felt like she was the only person who understood what you were going. She was the only other person that was as close to Clint as you were. I you guys had always been good friends you had to be since Clint spent most of his time with both of you guys.
But after his death Natasha became your rock, she was the only person who knew how to make you feel better. She was the only reason you were still going. She was your family and you loved her.
Which is why it was so hard to hear that one of you had to die for the stone. You knew it had to be you. You couldn’t live with Clint but Clint would be fine with Natasha. They were fine before you came along and they would be fine after.
Natasha disagreed with you though and thought it should be her. You guys both fought to be the one to jump but Natasha being a ruthless  assassin, used Clint to distract you. “What did Clint say before he died again?” She asked while trying to get out of the net you trapped her in.
Once she got out, you guys started fighting, “Ohhh yeah. He’ll love you till the sun dies.” Hearing that made you stop for a split second but it was enough for Natasha to overpower you and make a run for it. You walked as Natasha jumped off the cliff, “Nooooo!”
After everything, you got Clint back but you lost a sister. You and Clint always brought her flowers to her grave on her birthday. “Natasha would be happy knowing that her sacrifice was worth it. Knowing we won in the end. I wish there was just a way we could tell her.” Clint looked at you, “She knows.” You hugged Clint, you both missed Natasha so much. You both just stood there silently staring at her grave and wishing she was still here.
After a while, he finally broke the silence, “Natasha always said that she wanted to be here when I did this. And even though she’s not here physically, I know her spirit is here. Smiling that we finally get our happily ever after.” You were confused what he was going on about, “What?” You turned around to see Clint on one knee, “Y/n will you make me the happiness man in the world and marry me?” You nodded, “Yes I will”
He got up and kissed you. After you guys had your special moment, he looked at Natasha’s grave. “Nat I’m so happy you forced me to talk to that pretty girl in the bar that day. You are the reason I know get to wake up every day with the love of my life and I will never get the chance to fully thank you. But I hope you’re listening because I wanted to let you know that you were the best friend anyone could ever ask for. Everyone deserves to have someone as amazing as you in their life but that’s not possible because I have never met someone who was even half as amazing as you or Y/n. So I’ll just be happy that I was blessed with two incredible angels. We love you Nat and we will forever miss you”
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“Nat I just wanted to let you know that you were the best thing to ever happy in my life. You are the reason that I have the best husband and child in the world. If it weren’t for you, me and Clint never would of met. And also if it wasn’t for you I never would’ve got him back. We never would of been able to get married and start a family together. All of this is because of you which is why, our unborn daughter will be named Natasha in honor of the best person who ever lived. I just hope my daughter will turn out as amazing as you were”
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romiantic · 4 years
this is me, slipping into your asks from your friends blog! idk if you saw the request but i’d love a bokuto fic where his s/o is having a rough natural hair day, i am currently ... struggling lol. thank you angel!!!
𝐡𝐞𝐥𝐩 𝐦𝐞 𝐨𝐮𝐭
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reading: black!fem!reader
genre: fluff
word count: 1.6k
request: this is me, slipping into your asks from your friends blog! idk if you saw the request but i’d love a bokuto fic where his s/o is having a rough natural hair day, i am currently ... struggling lol. thank you angel!!!
a/n: I’m am SOOOO sorry for the wait sis 😭 but I really do hope you enjoy
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Another one. For the past two hours, you’ve managed to break three scrunchies and your rat tail comb. You groaned in huge frustration, trying to figure out why your hair isn’t working out for you. “What the fuck?! Work with me, DAMN!” You harshly combed out your hair and SNAP! You brought back down the wide tooth and saw the comb snapped in half. In fury, you threw the comb across the room.
“This thing acting like I won’t shave it off and call it a day.” You complained out loud while pulling on your hair and trying to figure out what to do.
“Babyyy! Y/N!” What a relief! Your handsome, six foot two, volleyball playing boyfriend came into your shared home, happy to be home with his beautiful girlfriend. Typically you would yell back hello if you were busy or come into his large body and give him a tight hug as he tells you how his day went and give you multiple forehead kisses.
But today you didn’t. You haven’t left your vanity and glued yourself to your seat as out loudly cursed your hair. Seeing that you didn’t welcome him home, he looked around the house to see where you were until he met a frustrated you pulling at your hair. Bokuto was actually used to your bad hair days so he knew how to approach you whenever your hair didn’t feel like cooperating.
He put his bag down next to the couch and quietly crept into your shared bedroom. Instead of greeting you with loudness, he wanted to comfort you and distract you from the thing that was stressing you the most. He walked behind you and snaked his arm around your waist, giving you a soft hug as he softly said, “Hello y/n, did you miss me?”
You got scared at his touch but calmed down at the hearing of his soft voice talking to you. You slightly turned to face your boyfriend and smiled at his golden eyes trying to calm you down. You took a breather from all the stress and answered, “Of course Kotaro, why wouldn’t I miss you? You’ve been gone all day.”
“You seemed frustrated when I came and you didn’t say hello.” He curved a slight downward smile, “You didn’t even give me a hello hug, you always give me a hello hug.”
You sighed and kissed his cheek to reassure him, “I’m fine babe, it’s just that my hair is not working with me at all.” Bokuto looked at your hair then back at you, mentally solving how he can fix your hair problem.
DING! Something hit him and grew happy at his idea. He smiled widely and asked you, “Y/N can I do your hair? Please please pleaseee. The way you style your hair is so pretty and I wanna try it myself.” The man kept begging you until you finally agreed, “Okay okay Bokuto, you can do my hair. But fuck it up and you’re sleeping on the couch for a week.”
“Don’t worry y/n, I got this.” Of course your boyfriend had confidence that he knew exactly what he was doing since he saw you do your hair literally almost every day. For date nights, games, work, any occasion, he would just sit on the bed and watch you work your ways on your hair until it becomes a masterpiece. Always leaving the white/black hair man in awe of what you can do with two hands. One of the great gifts of having a black girlfriend if he does say so himself.
You got off your chair and took a seat on the carpeted floor. While Bokuto went to go shower and put on a change of clothes cause he knows you don’t like having his sweat roaming the room. After, he took a seat at your vanity and looked at your hair supplies spreaded around. He thought about what style he should do on you, there’s so many to choose from and you would look good in all of them but which one?
You looked at him and saw a concerned look on him, you asked, “Something wrong Bo?”
“I don’t know what I wanna do, I mean what I can do to make my baby even prettier than she is now?” You lightly laughed at his compliment, and his thinking face that he had on.
Finally, a style came to mind, one that was simple yet he loved seeing you in it. Before starting, he collected all of the supplies that were needed and got to work on your hair. At first it was silence surrounding the two of you until Bokuto excitedly started talking about how practice went.
“Y/N you should’ve seen me at practice today! The way I was hitting those spikes was literal perfection, I barely missed any. Oh, we had this five-on-five game today and I got to be team captain.”
“It brought back old memories didn’t it?” You smiled at the memory of seeing Bokuto in his high school uniform, fulfilling his captain role, putting a smile on his team's faces for scoring, and being one of the greatest aces in Japan of course.
“Yup! Feels like old times when it would be Akaashi setting the ball for me and the great ace, that’s me, comes flying in, spiking it and getting another score. Now it’s Atsumu setting for me and Hinata cheering me on, I think Sakusa cheered for me too, don’t remember.”
“Last time I remember Sakusa cheered was when Hinata actually didn’t fuck up his quick attack with Atsumu.” You two laughed at the memory of Sakusa being somewhat excited at Hinata for not missing the ball or spiking it too late.
The conversation continued on about practice until Bokuto decided that it was your turn to speak. You spoke about it as Bokuto was all ears, listening to you, even though you were mostly cooped up in this house since it was your day off from work.
You stopped talking to take a peek at what your boyfriend was doing until he firmly pushed you back down on the carpet. He commented that you would ruin the process, he needs to focus, and that he wants you to wait until the end.
“But Bo-”
“Nope y/n, you have to wait.”
You furrowed your brows at him, “It’s my hair Kotaro, why can’t I see?”
“Trust the process y/n! Don’t you always do that with your hair?”
You let a ‘hmph’ and crossed your arms, “At least I get to see what I’m doing.”
Bokuto gave a wide smile to your grouchy face, “You’re gonna love it y/n, I promise.”
You peeped Bokuto grabbing rubber bands, giving you some ideas of what he could be up to. “And I’m holding you to that promise.”
To make time fly by, the two of you had random conversations that led into a whole nother topic than before. One minute you’re talking about getting new furniture then the next, you’re talking about the coral reef. At some point, you guys even had an odd conversation about weird habits that people do.
“Anddd done y/n.” Bokuto scooted back the chair and got up from it, giving you room to get up and take a look at your hair. Your eyes widened and your jaw dropped at the work your boyfriend did. You were honestly caught by surprise that your boyfriend could do something like that with your hair. Styling it a large puff with black and white rubber band style going across.
Meanwhile, Bokuto was chewing his lip and getting nervous, wondering whether or not you liked it. He knew how much you loved your hair and he wouldn’t wanna do anything to mess up your beautiful curls/coils. “Do- do you like it y/n?”
You turned around, seeing your face lit up washed away his nerves and giving him a breath of relief. You immediately jumped on him, which caught him by surprise and made him lean back, landing on the bed with you still on him. You responded,”I love it Kotaro! You did such an amazing job and this style is bomb as hell, where did you learn how to do that?”
“After that failed attempt at doing your hair, your great boyfriend, that’s me, went on Youtube to learn how to do different hairstyles with your hair. I really loved this style and I spent hours learning it, but I say it was worth it.”
You smiled at his answer, it made you giddy inside that your boyfriend takes time out of his day to learn how to do your hair. Your hair! One that was definitely different from his natural spiked up hair. This kind of dedication made you fall in love with him even more than before.
You gave him a large smile and kissed him, “It was definitely worth it Bokuto cause I fucking love it. Plus I think it’s cute that you tried to match with the black and white rubber bands.”
“I’m so happy you love it y/n.”
You kissed his cheek and said, “I’m even more happy that I have a boyfriend like you.”
“Besides, what if we have a kid y/n? I can’t leave it to you to do all the work. I wanna have little daddy-daughter dates and do her hair while I’m showing her volleyball videos.”
You laughed at him, “You’re gonna stuff our future daughter’s brain with volleyball and make them say ‘One touch’ instead of ‘mama’. But I think that’s so sweet of you Bokuto.” You hugged your boyfriend and he hugged you back even tighter, “That and I didn’t like seeing my baby frustrated.”
“Next time my hair doesn’t cooperate, I’ll just call you for help.”
“Call me Bokuto, the great hair superhero!” You two laughed at the superhero name and shared the moment of happiness and content surrounding the two of you. Honestly, you couldn’t ask for a better boyfriend besides Kotaro Bokuto himself.
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omg I finally finished it, wow I’m proud of myself
I haven’t written in a superrrr long time but hopefully I can get back and write regularly
bye babes, drink your water, stay hydrated, and remember that you are the baddest bitch on the planet 🥰 no matter what ANYONE says
𝐏𝐬𝐚𝐥𝐦 𝟐𝟕:𝟏𝟒 💗
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© 𝟤𝟢𝟤𝟣 𝗂𝗓𝗎𝗄𝗎𝗌𝖽𝖾𝗄𝗎. 𝖺𝗅𝗅 𝗋𝗂𝗀𝗁𝗍𝗌 𝗋𝖾𝗌𝖾𝗋𝗏𝖾𝖽
283 notes · View notes
thedemonstherapist · 4 years
Tension Solution
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Summary: “I think this tension between us needs resolving. Be that with swords against each other’s necks or in my bed. You decide”. 
Wordcount: ~4,2K
Pairing: Kaeya Alberich x GN! Reader
Warnings: Swearing, Enemies to Lovers, Sexual innuendos, Small mentions of blood
Author’s Note: Here it is! My Kaeya enemies to fuckers piece. A huge thank you to @gnocchi-ghoul​ for Beta reading this for me! I had such fun writing this, and you all know I’m a sucker for some good tensioned sworfighting, and this smug bastard has been on my mind ever since starting to play the game. I know this is not my usual content, but I write when I want, about who I want, ok? I’ve had so little inspiration over the past months that I’ve got to take chances like these and go with them.
Banner is not mine! If you know who to credit it to, let me know, I couldn’t find it!
There he came again. That stupid coin between his fingers, flung into the air at random intervals. That stupid grin softening his face, cheerful greetings echoing through the noisy hall. Oh, and above all, that tremendously stupid way his eyes find you immediately, just trying to do your work.
You lower your gaze, pressing your pen down onto paper with renewed determination. Jean and her new open doors policy be damned, you couldn’t wait to slam it in his face. Of course it’s the last few minutes of visiting hours that he decides to come back from his commission. Three blissful weeks of calm while he was stationed out near the Liyue border, no comments, no irksome remarks, no-
“Don’t tell me you’re too busy to greet me”. 
You sigh. Kaeya observes you with his arms crossed, casually lent against the doorframe. His sword is still strapped to his back, droplets of water running down the blade, and he clearly hasn’t gone to take a shower yet, covered in dirt, mud and sporadic dried blood. 
“Captain”. You can’t help your displeasured tone. “I see you’re back”. 
“Inspector”. He raises a brow in retaliation. “I sent a notice stating my return three days ago”. 
“Oh, that”. You pick the unintelligible letter from your desk with two fingers, holding it at an arm’s length. “Apparently your messenger didn't go for a swim on the way here. Could you confirm?”
His jaw tightens momentarily, as you note with satisfaction, but it doesn’t deter the grin. “You should be used to my handwriting by now”. 
You place it back on your desk with contempt. “I am not. Hopefully your report to Jean is a little more… readable”. 
He shrugs, beginning to peel off his gloves. “She’s never complained about it”. 
Taking a deep breath, you try to calm yourself down. Kaeya tends to make you irrationally angry, and no, it wasn’t just the absolute nonchalante recklessness he treated his position and commissions with. You couldn’t count the times he’d risked more than his own life in battle, somehow always managing to pull it off in the last second. And of course, that was his surefire way to getting out of trouble, no matter how much Jean grilled him for it afterwards.
“Go clean up”. You try your best to make your dismissal abundant, leaning back over your work. “You’re dripping water on my carpet”. 
“Oh, we’re touchy today, aren’t we?” Kaeya’s grin widens into a smirk, pushing himself off the frame. “Did Fawks hit on you during your patrols again?” 
“That’s none of your business”. You shoot him a glare, tapping your nails impatiently. As if you still had the opportunity to go out on patrols, you’d been holed up in your office pretty much ever since becoming Inspector. You wished you could get out again, your body had been aching for some action for weeks, but he was the last person you’d ever confess that to.
Kaeya hums lightly, and instead of exiting, takes another step into the office. His eyes wandered your shelves with staged disinterest, but you knew he was looking for something to use as ammunition.
“I’m assuming you couldn’t hear me” you state, sarcasm adding a bite to your tone. “I told you to clean up. You look like you haven’t seen soap since leaving Mondstadt”. 
“Oh, Y/N, always so worried about my appearance” he muses, drawing closer to your desk. God, you hated that stupid cat-like expression he bore, so sly and pretentious. “I’d be more worried about yourself, frankly”. 
“I’m not playing these games, Kaeya”, you reply sharply, fingers tightening around your pen. “Go take a damn shower, and stop ruining my carpet. I don’t know why your immediate goal seems to piss me off, but I’d like to maintain some level of professional dignity between us”. 
He rolls his eyes. “By Barbatos, you really are wound up today. I doubt that’s just my fault”. 
“Be delusional, then”. You shake your head. “I don’t think Jean would appreciate another formal complaint, so do her the favour, if not for me, and get out of my office”. 
“Fine”. He turns around, but not before throwing you another glance, and damn it, you know he has one last trick up his sleeve, just by the way he says it. “However, before I forget-”. 
“You’re pre-reading my report for Jean. Her orders”. 
“... and that bastard didn't even take the time to brief me about the mission outcome, the entire time he was dirtying up my office!” You end your rant with an angry flourish, slamming your hand down on the table. “I don’t know what he intended with that whole interaction, he just likes making my day so much worse!” 
Your friend chuckles, stirring her drink idly, an ocean of calm in comparison to your raging fury. “Man, if we weren’t close, I would never guess Kaeya to be such a pain in the ass. Each time I’ve encountered him he’s been so chivalrous and kind”. 
“He just can’t keep it in his pants”. You cross your arms, sitting back in your chair with a huff. “If you ever end up in his bed, I will personally hunt him down”. 
She laughs. “Oh, don’t worry, I won’t put you in that position”. 
“I just don’t understand it”. You run a hand through your hair, glancing around the tavern. It was unusually crowded for a Thursday night, you’d been lucky to get your usual table. “Why he has this stupid grudge against me. We used to be normal colleagues, back when we were both only trainee’s and officers, but then one day the switch flipped and it’s like we can’t stand the sight of each other ever since. The worst thing is, he has every last person in Mondstadt wrapped around his finger! So nobody understands my frustration!”
“First of all, Diluc exists. Second of all, aren’t you higher ranking than him?” she asks, and you regretfully shake your head. 
“No, Captains and Inspectors are on the same level. I personally didn't feel ready to be a leader in combat situations, so I passed on the opportunity. Now I miss active commissions so much, my poor sword is nothing more than an ancient relic at this point”. 
“Surely, you’ll still be sent out?” 
“I don’t have a command, the only times I might be are on extraordinarily dangerous or sizable sightings, or for assistance to Captains. Rue the day I get sent out with Kaeya”. You shudder at the thought. “That would end in total disaster”. 
“So you really have no idea why Kaeya began to dislike you so suddenly?” your friend inquires, tilting her head aside. You shake yours. “And there wasn’t some kind of incident that caused this?” 
“Not that I know of”.
A grin spreads over her face. “Hey, you ever considered that he likes you a little too much for his own good?” 
“That’s some misogynistic bullshit”, you snort. “Guys are rude to people because they like them, yeah right. That’s just trying to normalise shitty behaviour in the name of quote-on-quote love”. 
“I know that”. She gives you an exasperated look. “But… you have to admit that the two of you have some serious chemistry”. 
“What are you even talking about?” you question, downing the rest of your drink. 
“Every time you two interact”. She raises a brow knowingly. “Remember that time you were bickering on patrol through Mondstadt? I swear, even without a vision, I could see sparks between the two of you, and I wasn’t the only one, you got the entire town talking. You get on each other’s nerves because you have some unresolved tension you need to work out, and neither of you wants to admit it”. 
“Shut up”. Your cheeks suddenly feel suspiciously warm, and you firmly decide it’s the alcohol. “Fine, Kaeya’s attractive, but he’s so fucking annoying because he knows that. He messes with me ‘cause he knows how to get in my head, and gets some kind of sadistic pleasure from it”. 
Your friend makes an attempt to interrupt you, but you don’t let her, motioning to her to let you rant. “Let me finish. He was nice enough up until he got that damn ego boost after being promoted, I think, and even then I could still talk to him without the need to stab myself in the eye. He’s just so frustrating, never thinks twice about anything he does, and always gets away with it, plus he has this weird urge to always show off that stupidly toned chest of his and - by the Seven, I hate that idiot smirk of his, and the fact that he’s so damn perfect at his swordsmanship, I can’t even deny how good he is in battle, Jean has said he rivals her, and I despise that he knows he looks good while doing it, he-”
“So, how much longer were you going to let them just talk?” A voice offhandedly asks from behind you, and the blood in your veins turns to ice. Your friend smiles lazily, winking at you. 
“Oh, you know, however long they need. Y/N’s been ranting quite a bit this evening, you really get on their nerves”. 
You whip around, and sure enough, there he is, the cause of this mess. Kaeya has his arms folded, grinning down at you with thinly veiled satisfaction. You’re pretty sure half of the tavern is watching, and your blood turns from freezing to seething within seconds. 
“How long have you been there?” you ask stiffly, glaring at your friend. She pulls an innocent face, leaning back in her seat with performative disinterest. Traitor. 
“Just long enough to hear what I needed to”. Kaeya’s grin is threatening to split his face in half. “You really think I’m that attractive, huh? I never would have guessed”. 
You jump up from your chair, spitting out the first thing that comes to mind. “Fight me”. 
He actually laughs, a few of the tavern occupants joining in. “What? Are you sure you’re not mixing up a couple words there?”
You clench your jaw, deciding to just go with it. “Fight me. Knights of Favonius training ring, tomorrow morning. I’m sick of your attitude”. 
“Oh?” He cocks a brow at you. “I hope you’re ready after wasting away in that office of yours”. 
“I could beat you blindfolded”, you reply presumptuously, mimicking his stance, unable to ignore the fact that he smells a little too good for your tipsy state. At least he finally took your orders. You hold his stare regardless, unwilling to give in.
“Thank the Seven, you’re working this out at last”, your friend sighs, sipping at her drink. “And here I thought you’d take the sexual tension to the grave”. 
Kaeya’s lip twitches in amusement as he extends one hand. “Tomorrow morning at seven. I’ll try not to kill you then, for that sake alone”.
You give him a dirty look, reluctantly shaking his hand. “Your chance of me doing the same is decreasing with every word that leaves your mouth”. 
“I can live with that”. He suddenly leans closer, and before you can pull away, whispers in your ear, sultry tone leaving the hairs on the back of your neck standing up. “You’re going down, darling”. 
Like Hell you are.
The training hall is usually relatively empty at this time of day. Some dedicated trainee’s use the morning to get their routine over, but otherwise, not many knights exercise this early. And though at least a few of them must have heard of what happened last night, not many are to be seen. Even if you could live with an audience, you decide this way is perfectly fine, especially in case of the (distinctly undesirable and should-be-impossible outcome) of you losing to him. You’re a bit out of breath from warming up, fixing your shirt before making your way over to the ring.
Kaeya is waiting for you there, clad in athleisure and in the midst of testing out a beginner’s sword. His vision is nowhere to be seen, and you curse him a little for not giving you something more to berate him for. Nevertheless, you straighten up as you approach.
“Good morning”, you greet him nonchalantly, walking over to inspect the racks of weapons. 
A grin flashes across his face as he turns around, wiping the sweat off his brow. “Hello, darling”.
“Sweating already?” You raise a brow at him, deciding to ignore the nickname. “And here I thought I’d have a challenge”. 
Kaeya laughs, rolling out his wrist. “You are cute when you’re acting tough”. Tilting his head aside, he watches you take your pick of one of the swords. The morning light bathes him in a soft glow, falling through the high windows, hair tied up in a messy bun at the back of his head, and- wait. Your cheeks grow hot as you realise what absurd directions your thoughts are heading to. Your friend must have gotten under your skin more than you realised last night. 
Shaking your head a little, you roll your shoulders back and face him head-on. “Whatever makes you feel better. For the rules, as by training code, drawing blood is an immediate end”. 
“No visions, no hits near the head or vital organs, dull blades and stop means stop”, Kaeya counts up calmly, making his way to the center of the ring. His blue eye gleams playfully in the light, and he swings the sword near aimlessly while walking. You grit your teeth at his relaxed manner. He wasn’t taking this seriously at all, huh?
“Don’t worry, Inspector”. He winks as he comes to a halt before you, maintaining the mandated arm’s distance. “I know the rules”. 
“I’d hope so”, you reply, getting into position and watching him do the same. You decide to stir the pot a little, knowing it’s best to get into his head, and feign a smile. “I can’t wait until the rest of the knights hear about how royally I kicked your ass”. 
He laughs lowly, and is immediately on the attack. Anticipating such, after years of observing him in battle, you parry it easily, ducking aside to avoid the next one. You wait until he’s nearly backed you into the corner, ego visibly growing with every move he makes, and take a rolling dive, knocking his legs out from under him with your own. 
He manages to catch himself, and you’re relieved by the split-second of surprise in his expression. You withdraw towards the middle, blowing a stray strand of hair out of your face and, in a rush of adrenalin, smirk at him. “Not so confident now, are we, Captain?”
“You’re not as out of shape as I anticipated”, he counters, slashing his sword through the air as he repositions himself. Brows narrowing playfully, he adds: “It’ll make it more fun to thoroughly take you apart”. 
You don’t give him more time to prepare. Blades crash onto each other as he masterfully deflects your attacks, and it doesn’t take long for the two of you to get out of breath. Neither of you can land a hit, no matter how feasible it seems. He handles the comparatively bulky sword with enviable ease, and you grow frustrated quickly, unable to break through his defences. In turn, you don’t let him back you into any corner, constantly keeping the playing field level and returning every new strike with your own.
“You know what, I’ve missed this”, Kaeya pants, quick to switch hands as you sidestep him, attempting to land a hit on his blinde side. 
“Huh?” is all you can answer in return, deflecting his counter aimed at your back, and darting aside. 
“Training”. He nearly misses the parry, forced to back up if not to risk a blow to his abdomen. “With you”. He shoots you a brash smile, easily twisting out of your range.
You huff, irritated at the fact that he still has the mind to flirt. “Your silver tongue isn’t getting you out of this one”. 
“I meant it”. And of damn course, his tactic worked, the point of his blade sinking into your shoulder. “Remember when we used to practise together?” 
“Before you became a dick, you mean?” you shoot back, attempting an aggressive strike at his lower thigh. Your body is getting sore, heart pounding against your ribcage, breaths coming out short and strained, but despite it all, you’re enjoying this. In any case, you’d rather die than admit to him that you’re having fun. 
You really needed to get out of your office more.
Kaeya laughs, equally exhausted, before advancing at an alarming speed. “I’ll give you that one, darling”. 
Your blades cross, metal clashing loudly, and you can see an opportunity form as he shortly weakens his hold. Rotating your sword in the opposite direction to try and hook beneath his, you’re so distracted by the possibility of disarming him that you don’t notice the satisfaction that washes over his expression as you do. One swift swipe of his foot and you’re falling backwards, weapon nearly ripped from your hand. 
Your back hits the mat with full force, air knocked out of your lungs, causing you to give a strangled gasp. Kaeya is smirking down at you, but he’s as out of breath as you are and there’s sweat soaking his shoulders. You don’t think before you move, so infuriated by the words you know are about to leave his mouth, fingers tightening around the handle. 
The hit against his shins sends him to the ground, but not sideways as planned, instead straight onto you. You don’t have the time or the mind to roll out of the way, and he tries very hard to catch himself, hands landing on either side of you. You yelp as most of his weight hits you, momentarily forgetting what’s even happening. 
 “Fuck”, Kaeya groans, arms shaking as he tries to brace himself. “You like playing dirty, don’t you?” 
Slowly regaining the ability to breathe after nearly being crushed, your eyes dart to see him dangling over you, legs and lower body resting on your own. If anyone hears of this out of context, you’re moving to the other end of Teyvat. He’s panting, no doubt as shocked as you are, strands of his hair tickling your nose. His face is mere inches away from yours, heat seeping through his clothes onto your skin. 
Decidedly too close.
Your blade kissing his throat is a much better sight. You know you’re technically breaking the rules, but the way his eye widens, corners of his mouth twitching and brows raising to the sky is just too good of a picture. 
“Get off me”. You growl, trying to steady yourself with your other hand. 
His laugh sounds astounded, but contrary to your demand, he does not. Instead, his chin juts forward, pressing the metal into his skin for earnest. There’s no blood, of course, all these swords are dulled to near uselessness, but it does leave you speechless at the amount of reckless pride he seems to possess. 
 Kaeya hums, clearly satisfied at your reaction. “I’ll be honest, this is not how I initially pictured you under me”. 
What a smug son of a-
“Oh, fuck off”. Your knee makes contact with his stomach and he rolls off you with a grunt. You scramble to your feet, grimacing at what you're sure will be a bruised tailbone later. He’s already composed himself, twirling his sword idly as you get a proper grip on your own. Looking you up and down, his grin widens into a smirk.
“Though you do look similar to the imaginary aftermath”. 
“I am going to kill you”, you hiss, red flashing before your eyes as you charge at him. Kaeya begins to laugh once more, but it quickly dies down as your moves become more and more aggressive, driving him out of the ring and towards the wall. The thought of whoever may be around again crosses your mind, but honestly, you can’t care about who may be watching, every last bit of strength you have left is focused on Kaeya and his stupid fucking face and the way he evades your strikes with a precision that only leaves to be desired to every onlooker. It makes you want to actually scream. You finally land two hits on him, arms beginning to shake from exhaustion and overwhelming adrenalin. 
But once more, Kaeya catches you off guard. The switch flips just as his leg hits the wall and you’re just beginning to notice your own smile, sure of your victory. His expression darkens, lip caught in his teeth as his eyes narrow down at you. 
Your blades clash as they did before, and of course he uses your own move against you, managing to perfect it. Your sword goes flying to the ground, and the moment you lose your grip is the moment you’re being slammed against the wall that he was nearly backed up against mere seconds ago. The tip of his sword is digging into the soft skin of your throat, positioned perfectly above your Adam's apple. 
Suddenly, it goes very quiet, the silence only interrupted by your laboured breaths. Maybe it’s the fact that he near literally has a knife to your throat, but you can’t tear your eyes away from him. His hand is pressing on your shoulder, pinning you to the wall, keeping you in place. His leg is slotted between yours, barring you from moving an inch. 
For the first time since you’ve met him, you have nothing to do but to admire him. Sweat is making his hair stick to his skin, an exhausted flush upon his dark cheeks. His body is visibly tense, stare boring into yours with a kind of intensity you’ve only ever seen during active combat. There’s nothing unintentional about the way he’s restraining you, nothing hesitant about the placement of the blade against your skin. His chest is heaving, teeth digging into his lip in constrained effort, fingers digging into your shoulder as if expecting you to fight back.
You don’t. 
Instead, you let out a shaky breath. The adrenalin is still surging through you, but you can’t feel the constant urge to punch him in the gut anymore. Huh. Weird. 
“You won”. Your voice is calmer than it ever has been talking to him, accepting of your defeat. Plus, your body is beginning to realise that whatever just happened hurt, and quite a bit at that. You wince, knowing you’re going to need some ice to get through the rest of the day. 
Kaeya shakes his head determinedly, stare not wavering. “You had me in practically the same position less than a minute ago. You could have flipped me over with ease and won. You didn't. That’s the only reason I got you here”. His grip on your shoulder eases up. “We’re equal”. 
Withdrawing the sword from your neck, he takes a step back, relinquishing his hold on you. You feel strangely dazed, automatically reaching to check for cuts on your neck. “I guess?”
“You okay?” He sounds relatively quiet as well, nearly uneasy, which does not fit the overconfident persona he usually bears. Whatever tension there was before has yielded to something more cautious, like strangers navigating their way across broken ice. 
You nod, reaching to pick up your sword. “Fine”. You pause briefly, debating your words before meeting his eye again. “That was… good exercise. Thanks for fighting me”. 
He laughs a little, and you’re taken aback by how much you don’t feel like reacting. What was going on? At the latest after that laugh you’d usually be back at his throat. 
“Sure”. There’s the typical amusement in his face, but his smile is less egregious and smug. It’s… kind? “I’d have no problem repeating it”. 
You raise your shoulders, unsure of what to do now. “I guess… I wouldn’t either?”
“Good”. He runs a hand through his hair in an effort to fix the mess it’s become. You’re beginning to hear the confidence you’re used to re-enter his words, but it doesn’t appear to bother you. “Friday’s at seven, then. We’ll make it a regular thing”.
“Trying to kill each other?” You surprise yourself with the attempt to ease the tension, and why in the world do you have the urge to smile at the sight of his?
“If that’s how you want to see it”. He shrugs, placing his sword back on the racks. Glancing over his shoulder, he regards you for a long moment. “I think your friend is right”. 
“In what regard?” you ask, in principle fully aware of what that expression means for you. 
Kaeya’s shit-eating grin has made its way back onto his face. “I think this tension needs resolving. Whatever means it takes”. 
You can hear the words in your head before he says them. 
“Be that with swords against each other’s necks or in my bed. You decide”.
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mayraki · 3 years
✧ chapter five: a single promise - b. barnes x oc series ✧
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-> captain-james’ gif
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‘let’s play fire with fire’ masterlist
my masterlist
summary: trying to recover from the last fight, the team takes angela to sarah wilson’s place back in louisiana. meanwhile, sera and bucky struggle with their feelings towards each other.
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“Ouch. That fucking burns.” Angela complained the second Sera touched her skin with a wet piece of cotton. “Do you know how that feels like?”
Sera let out a tiny laugh before slowly shaking her head. “Not really. I mean, I do. But it doesn’t hurt me.”
“Lucky you.”
After leaving that burning forest, Sam decided that it was best for the team to have a break at his sister’s house back in Louisiana. After all, Angela needed to recover and there wasn’t a place where she could and be safe. So without giving her sister a warning, he started to drive the car away ready to leave the fight behind and enter the best place for them right on that moment.
Sarah Wilson was indeed surprised to see her brother drive in with two complete strangers, one of them scratched in most of her body. But didn’t even hesitate on giving Angela a place to sit before quickly grabbing the things necessary to patch her up.
Even if Sera had a history with Sam, she never got the change to meet his family so seeing that part of his life was definitely new and weird for her. She of course knew that he had a family, everyone does, but she never actually stopped and thought about it. The moment she sat down on the couch next to her friend to take a breathe out, she heard some steps walking down the stairs. Looking up she found two strange boys looking at her confused and then at Angela. The little one waved at Sera with a little smile on his face while the older one just walked back to look for his mother or uncle, but soon joined the living room once again when Sarah walked in with more than three things on her hands.
Sera grabbed them and repeatedly said that she had to help her friend out and giving her a place to be and comfortable clothes to change into was more than enough from Sarah’s part, so taking the piece of cotton and the alcohol, she carefully started to clean her friend’s wounds as Angela was still trying to process what just happened and who her friend was.
“I feel like I’m in a movie.” Angela said while Sera kept touching with the cotton her skin. “I mean, being captured by a bad guy because they want to get closer to a person I know... I could write a book about it!”
Sera let out a tiny laugh before tossing the piece of cotton away to pick another one. “You’re certainly looking the positive thing to this.”
“Hell yeah! I mean it would’ve been better if I had a sexy super hero to save me so we can fall in love later and m have a happily after, but you know, you’re fine.” She said joking gaining an fake offended look from Sera. “What? Oh c’mon, like you wouldn’t mind to be saved by a super strong man who’s also a cutie and a gentleman.” Sera kept her mouth shut while shaking her head surprised at her friends positive but crazy mind. Angela, looked at the kitchen and let out a tiny smile once her eyes caught something out. “But I guess you’re more than capable of saving yourself.”
“Damn right.” Sera nodded tossing the last piece of cotton and locked eyes at Angela who seemed to have something to say. But before she could let anything out, Sera opened her mouth ready to say what her brain wanted to say since she found her. “Hey, look... I’m sorry. It was my fault that you went through this and I- I don’t think I will ever forgive myself for taking you down with me-”
“Hey, don’t be stupid.” Angela shook her head as her hand touched Sera’s. “The only one to blame is that asshole. I’m fine, don’t worry about me. Besides, I’ve dated a thousand of dickheads in my past, what’s one more than failed?” They both let out tiny laughs as their eyes were still locked to each other.
“I’m gonna kill that guy, the one who lied to you. Count on that.” Sera said with a joking tone even if her insides where burning with just the thought of it.
Angela smiled and slowly nodded. “I’m sure you will.”
“But seriously,” Sera took a deep breath as her brain was trying to look for the courage to say the next words. She knew she had to and it was the right thing to do, she had to let her know, even if it filled her chest with pain “if you want to leave after you’re alright, I’m good with that. If you feel like you want to stop being my friend, I’m gonna understand. You know? Being my friend before doesn’t mean that you have to... stick around.”
As Sera was waiting for Angela’s answer, she could feel her heart beating faster and her hands to get sweaty. She was afraid of her next words or even what she was thinking, she knew that there was a big possibility of her not wanting to be around her anymore, since being around Sera wasn’t the biggest party of them all and just like everyone else, she would leave in the end. But instead, Angela just shook her head and let out the loudest laugh ever. “Are you kidding me!? Having a best friend that has super powers is the coolest shit ever!”
As soon as Angela said those words Sera’s chest filled with relief and with a hot warmth, but not the kind she was used to feeling, something even better. “Best friends?” She asked softly and Angela quickly nodded excited.
“Fuck yeah. Wait- I thought we were best friends before. Are we gonna have the talk about what are we?”
Sera let out a tiny laugh. “Best friends.”
“Oh, thank god, otherwise that would’ve been awkward!” Their laughs surrounded the living room but then when Angela stopped and got closer to Sera’s face, she furrowed her eyebrows confused while waiting for her friend to talk. “Besides, I think you need to have the talk with someone else.”
“What do you mean?” Sera asked confused as Angela looked behind her and let out a tiny cheeky smile. Curious of what her friend was seeing, she was ready to turn around but then her friend spoke again.
“Because Bucky hasn’t been able to take his eyes off of you since we got inside the house.”
Sera’s heart dropped to her stomach the second those words hit her ears. She unintentionally bit the corner of her lower lip as she turned around to see the people moving around in the kitchen. And as soon as she did, she locked eyes with him.
Bucky was laying against the counter on the other side of the kitchen, making them a couple of meters away. Sam and his family were talking but he didn’t seem to catch a word they were saying since all his focus was on her, even if he didn’t want to. All those memories about what happened a couple of hours ago were flying around his head. Sera knew that and she knew that she would have to explain what it was and what happened at some point. While their eyes where still glued to each other, they suddenly felt like their muscle memories where bringing back their bodies becoming one. The electricity, their bloods mixing as well as the air coming out of their mouths. But Bucky was remembering something else: Sera managed to take the fire that had went inside his body like it was nothing. She managed to take full control of it and leave no marks of being there in the first place. It was so strange to him and he caught himself imagining it over and over again while his body was remembering every feeling and thought he had while on that moment.
All of that was cut short by Sam walking between them and pointing with his head to the front door, letting them know it was time for them to talk.
“So, what now?” Sam asked the second they were all standing outside with the wind hitting their skins and moving their hairs along with it.
“Now that I know that Jackson is involved I want to be a part of this more than ever.” Sera said softly while crossing her arms around her chest. “I need to end this.”
Remembering Jackson’s words, Sera let out a long sigh and looked to the ocean moving from a far. Those old memories coming to her head bringing back every bad feeling she ever had, those bad decisions, those regrets and everything that came after. Every second of pain she felt when she realised what she had done, but it was all said and done for her to fix it. The years that it took her to forget it, and yet here she was, coming back to it but ready to end it all for the last time.
“What is it that he wants with you anyway?” Bucky asked noticing the silence surrounding Sera. But not knowing if she should say the truth or not, she stayed quiet until her brain debated what her next words should be. But before she could decide the better choice, her body and mouth decided for her by shrugging her shoulders and just letting a single “I don’t know” softly.
She didn’t know why she did that. Maybe because deep down she feared that if they knew the truth they wouldn’t look at her the same way. It took her years to finally trust Sam, but even then, she still didn’t tell him her entire story and everything she did.
“Well,” Sam said “we’re not stuck. We have the address Jackson told us way back at the beginning. Street 719, remember?”
“Yes, but how we know he didn’t just told us a random street to get away from us?” Bucky asked but Sera quickly shook her head, making both Sam and Bucky to turn to her.
“No, he panicked that day. He didn’t know we were coming so he clearly didn’t know he was going to end up running away. It’s worth the shot.”
Sam and Bucky nodded agreeing. “Is better if we stay here until Angela is alright, or until she can take care of herself.”
“Yeah, I don’t want to leave her alone.” Sera said. “Besides, we need backup.”
“Wait-” Sam cut her off. “I said we needed backup back then... are you agreeing with me?” Sera realised what Sam just said and was about deny it, but the loud laugh coming out of Sam’s mouth made her stay silent. “That’s new! Oh Lord, may this day bless us and be our new holiday. I call it, the day Sera finally realised that Sam is right and didn’t even have a comeback.”
“Oh, I have a comeback-”
“Just let him have this, ok?” Bucky said seeing how happy and excited Sam was while still laughing until his breathing cut short. “I better tell Sarah about this, this is one of the best days of my life!” As he was walking away all they could hear was Sam’s laugh and his happy feet walking up the stairs. But then, when he went inside the house his laugh faded away and there was nothing but the sound of the ocean and the crickets surrounding Bucky and Sera, who stayed put watching Sam walk away.
“He’s not going to let it go.” Sera said and Bucky quickly shook his head.
“Oh, no, never.”
They both bursted out laughing realising how stupid and childish the whole situation was, but for some reason, they didn’t mind. Anything that would bring them peace in those crazy wild times, it was good enough for them.
Seconds later, they found themselves enjoying the silence of the night as the only thing illuminating them was the poor street light of the house. They ocean was barely moving so it let out relaxing and soft noises of the water.
Sera felt a chilly wind against her skin but soon erased it by unintentionally moving her fingers and soon feeling the burning flames inside her body. But even though she didn’t feel cold anymore, she still moved her hands against her skin trying to find more natural warmth rather than the one her body was making.
“Are you cold?” Bucky asked softly by her side making her lock eyes with him and let out a tiny smile.
“What? Are you gonna give me your jacket like the oldest trick on the book says?” Sera said jokingly which lead to Bucky shaking his head with an inevitable smile forming on his lips.
“Right, I forgot you’re part torch so you don’t get cold.”
“And you screwdriver? Do you get cold?”
Bucky shook his head. “Not really-”
“Oh, Bucky! Do you want me to give you my jacket? Or do you want me to get closer so I can put my arm around and fill you with warmth?”
Bucky turned to her and furrowed his eyebrows confused. “How many romantic movies have you watched in your life?”
“What? You’re the one who wanted to give a girl flowers and take her to a festival.” Sera shrugged her shoulders and unintentionally taking a step to the side, to be more closer to Bucky.
“I still don’t know what is wrong with that.”
“Nothing! Is cute. I just mean that the festivals now aren’t the same as they used to be... grandpa.” As soon as Sera let out that word Bucky turned to her with his eyebrows lifted and his mouth slightly opened as a smile was forming on his lips.
“I’m not that old.” He said offended but that just made Sera to let out a loud laugh and playfully punch Bucky’s arm. “Oh, c’mon!”
“I’m sorry but that was funny!”
While Sera was trying to calm herself down and stop with her laughter, even if it was taken her longer than intended, Bucky found himself staring at her with a smile on his lips. The way that her eyes would become smaller the bigger her smile would get, her wrinkles forming around her skin and her hair moving alongside the wind. But what caught his eyes the longest where her lips. Her dark pink lips and the way she would move them as her laughter continued, how she would press them together to calm herself down or how she would lick them once she took deep breath in once she was done. All of those things would unintentionally make Bucky’s stomach to go crazy. The memory of him wanting to kiss her at the club while she was staring at her drink came back to his mind like a fast train, making him feel those exact same things right on that moment. His ears stopped hearing her laugh so he came to her eyes noticing them staring at him.
Suddenly, like she wasn’t just laughing his heart out, Sera’s butterflies inside her stomach started to move as fast as they could as she felt Bucky’s eyes on her. They felt the tension grow as their desire to grab the other was becoming bigger and bigger. Taking a step closer to Sera, touching her shoulder in the process they both felt some electricity hitting their bodies the second their skins touched bringing them back to what happened hours ago in the forest.
Still confused about that, Bucky kept staring at her eyes like he was looking for an answer in them. But ending up with nothing, he moved closer to her with the intention to feel her warmth once again against his body. Sera felt like she was glued to the floor, frozen under Bucky’s eyes wanting with excitement his next movement.
Their lips wanted to taste each other, that was known for the two of them, but before Bucky could move his hand towards her cheek a loud noise coming from the house followed by Sarah calling out the kids, made them both realise what they were doing.
“I better go check on Angela.” Sera said softly shaking her wild thoughts in her mind as Bucky looked down and took in a long breath.
“Yeah, and I better go- check on... Sam. Make sure everything is going fine.”
They both nodded and before both of them could do anything else that they might regret, they walked inside the house to make their separate ways and forget what just happened, saving it inside a box and leaving it with the others.
“I’m telling you!” Sarah said with a smile while her, Sam and Sera were drying the wet dishes after dinner. “When Sam was younger he liked to be wearing nothing but his underwear and sing the greatest love of all by Whitney Houston all the time.”
“No he didn’t!” Sera said surprised after opening her mouth shook.
“Yes he did!”
“On my defence Whitney was huge when I was a kid and that song was amazing. You can’t blame me.” Sam said lifting his hands into the air.
“I’m never going to let that go.” Sera said. “When you least expect it I’m gonna bring it and tell everyone we meet.”
Sam shook his head while grabbing another plate. “I’m sure you will.”
As soon as Sera was done with the plate on her hands she left it on the side and got ready to grab another one, but the laughs of Sarah’s kids hit her ears she slowly turn around to see both of them play around with Bucky while Angela was happily watching the fake fight on the couch with laughs coming out of her mouth.
The oldest of them, AJ, was trying to bring Bucky’s metal arm down while the youngest, Cass was fake punching Bucky on his face. Bucky fell to the floor but then quickly got up by carefully grabbing AJ and pulling him to the ground and soon take his time with Cass.
“You’re going down Bucky Barnes!” Cass yelled as he was fake fighting, making Sarah and Sam turn towards them.
“AJ! Be careful!” Sarah said firmly once she saw how her oldest son wrapped his arms around Bucky’s neck trying to pull him down.
“Don’t stop him.” Sam said while watching the fight with a cheeky smile “I wanna see where this goes.”
“C’mon Sam!” Bucky yelled from the living room. “Join the fight!”
“Yes, uncle Sam, join the fight!” Cass added as he was still fake punching and making fight noises with his mouth.
“I’m good just watching!”
“What? You don’t think you can beat us? C’mon!” Bucky said as he fell to the ground once again but soon got up to his feet and grabbed both of the kids and lifted them up into the air.
“Bucky Barnes vs The falcon!” Cass yelled which lead to Sam quickly shaking his head.
“Already been there, don’t wanna see it again. Thank you very much!”
“What?” Sera joined the conversation. “You can beat him.”
“Alright.” Sam said after letting out a tiny sigh. “But I’m winning, no matter what.” He left the towel and started walking towards the fake fight not before his sister warned him about not breaking anything.
Sera grabbed another plate without taking her eyes from the fake fight now with Sam too. As she was carefully drying the dish with the towel on her hand an unintentionally smile came out of her lips as she noticed Bucky pretending that his arm was hurting once AJ punched him.
Seeing him play with those two kids made the butterflies inside Sera’s stomach to go wild like they just seen the cutest thing ever. Her eyes and mind were so concentrated on the fight that she didn’t notice her teeth gently biting her lower lip as her eyes were slowly following Bucky, and carefully watching every move he was doing.
“Now, I’m pretty sure you’re not into my brother because I know you two have a complicated story and he loves you like a sister, so” Sarah said taking Sera out of her thoughts and gaining her eyes on her “I’m guessing the one that’s making you have those love eyes and biting your lip is Bucky, am I right?”
Sera stayed silent surprised at Sarah’s words making her tongue get twisted. She opened her mouth but no words were coming out of it, making Sera look more guilty than before. Sarah let out a tiny laugh and then added, after leaving the wet towel on the counter and turning around to rest her waist against the corner. “Don’t worry, I’m not gonna tell anyone.”
“There’s nothing to tell, Sarah.” Sera shook her head as she was repeating Sarah’s movements to end up by her side while the both of them were facing the boys play around.
“Sera, I might not have super powers but I know when someone’s into a specific person.” Sera turned to her to notice that she was already looking at her. Making a quick look to Bucky, Sarah let out a tiny smile before going back to Sera who her confused emotions and feelings made her furrow her eyebrows confuse. “The eyes never lie, honey.”
No, they don’t. Sera thought looking back at Bucky. Seeing him playing with Sam and the kids made her stomach turned and to feel her chest fill with warmth. She wanted to smile again but tried her hardest to not let it out. Maybe Sarah was right, maybe she did felt something for Bucky. After all, the things that he made her feel by just playing around with some kids weren’t something that you feel by looking at a stranger.
“Well, if I do” Sera said after letting out a little sigh “I know it’s gonna be complicated.”
“Life is already complicated-”
“Tell me about it.” Sera added while a laugh escaped her lips.
“But you don’t have to let it control what you do, Sera.”
Those soft words hit Sera differently.
Her whole life she spent avoiding things because she knew that they were going to be complicated. Not wanting to break the walls she build for herself over the years, she would mostly run away from every other relationship she had built. She knew that life by its own was complicated, so to that adding someone like her... she didn’t want anyone to deal with her. The weight that she felt when she wanted to ask for help, the burden sensation that her chest would get filled with making her turn around and make her own path, writing her own rules and actions. That was her whole life. Complicated thing after complicated thing, but... what if Bucky wasn’t complimented at all?
“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Cass yelling in excitement after winning the fake fight made Sera go back to reality and notice Bucky and Sam on the ground pretending to be hurt and not being able to get up.
“We won!” AJ gave Cass a high five before running towards Sarah to give her a tight hug. “Did you see that?”
“Yes, I loved seeing how you two kicked Sam’s ass.”
“But now it’s time for bed, c’mon. Up to your room.” The kids were about to complain but soon shut their mouths as soon as Sarah gave them that ‘mom’ look. “C’mon, brush your teeth first!”
“Yeah, yeah.” AJ and Cass made their way upstairs but not before giving Bucky a high five. A very tired Sam walked closer to Sarah and gave his sister a little tight hug before turning to Sera and saying: “We need to sort out the beds.”
After deciding that Angela should take the bed since she was till recovering, there was nothing left for Bucky and Sera to take the floor. Of course, Sam tried multiple times to give Sera his bed but quicklt refusing it, she said that she wanted to be next to Angela in case she needed something.
As soon as everything was in order, Sarah said goodnight to everyone and left upstairs ready to head towards her bed. Sam helped Bucky and Sera to sort everything out but then, followed Sarah upstairs wanting to fall asleep as fast as possible since it had been a long day.
Even if it was for everyone, Sera felt that falling asleep wasn’t going to be as easy as she wanted it to be since the man that had her mind go wild everytime he was in the room was going to be there right by her side.
They both definitely knew that it was going to be a very long night.
Since the moment Sera’s body felt the coldness of the sheet on the floor hit her skin she couldn’t close her eyes not even for a second. All that surrounded her and her ears where Angela’s snores on the couch and the tiny breathing coming out of Bucky’s body. She tried her hardest to take him out of her head but the more she heard him and the fact that his body was laying by her side on the floor weren’t helping. He seemed to enjoy being on Sera’s mind since all she thought about was that smile on him while playing with AJ and Cass. He wasn’t the old grumpy man Sera was used to seeing and teasing, he was happy and enjoying himself. Something that Sera found herself wanting to see more.
As her eyes were wondering around the dark while her body was facing the other way, she was trying too hard to keep herself from wanting to turn around and face Bucky. She wanted to know is he was asleep or awake trying to take Sera out his mind. All she could hear about him was his slight breathing, no muscle moving against the floor. Just him and his relaxing breathing filling the air with hot air.
It was like Sera’s body was asking her to stop overthinking and give her mind a break, but her brain couldn’t listen. Bucky was going around over and over again on her thoughts like it was broken record and there was no way of escaping it.
Maybe if I see if Bucky is asleep I’m gonna be able to rest my mind and finally get some sleep. Sera thought as she was carefully biting her lower lip and before she could decide if it was a good idea or not, her body was already moving to the other side to face Bucky.
Like she suspected, his eyes were closed but he didn’t seem asleep. His eyelashes could be seen from her point of view making them look even longer. His lips were relaxed, so relaxed that it gave Sera the desire to feel them against hers. The imagine of her getting closer ready to taste his lips appeared on her mind making her close her eyes not wanting to have that. But that made it even worse. It made her mind go wild as her and Bucky were now closer to the other, his hand touching her thigh while slowly caressing it with his thumb. Her hand against his chest slowly tracing it with her index finger, feeling his fit torso against her skin.
She didn’t want to think of that, she couldn’t. After all, it was just... Bucky. What could she do about her strange feelings for him? Tell him? And if he feels the same thing, date him? Go on dates? Be normal?
Having anything romantic didn’t seem normal for her. It was so far off from her life that even her own feelings looked like a movie for her. But even if that was weird enough, her next thought made her even more weirded out... what if Bucky felt the same thing?
She opened her eyes after letting out silent sigh to find a Bucky now facing her way and looking directly into her eyes. He let out a tiny smile before giving Angela a quick look before going back to Sera. “Can’t sleep?” He asked softly which lead to Sera slowly shaking her head.
Their eyes were glued to the other as they felt the warmth or their bodies were giving now facing each other. Sera’s eyes noticed how his eyes slowly traced her face until they arrived her lips. He stayed there for a couple of seconds making the butterflies in her stomach to wake up until he went back to her eyes. Even if the desire to end the space between them was in both of them, their eyes stayed put staring at the other like they were looking for answers in them.
For the way they were staring into each other, they both felt like they, somehow, managed to know everything that there was to know about the other. Their eyes were so focused on the other that Bucky’s actions didn’t seem to face neither of them, he took his hand and gently pushed a hair that was over Sera’s face back and tugged it behind her ear. After that, instead of taking his hand away, he stayed there and gently caress her cheek with his thumb. But soon going towards her lips to trace them slowly as his eyes went to them. Without thinking about it, Sera got closer to his body as his hand grabbed her cheek with strength ready to end the space between them and unite his lips with hers, like his body was screaming at him to do. But before they could end it, a loud snore coming out of Angela’s mouth made them both jump and separate their bodies once again.
“I didn’t know someone so small could snore so loud.” Bucky said in a whisper by Sera’s side gaining a laugh coming out from her lips. Not wanting to wake up Angela on the couch Sera covered her mouth as the laughter seemed to want to become louder. “Wanna take off to the big chair on the other room?” Bucky asked and Sera quickly nodded before getting up from the floor to walk directly to the other side of the living room, far away from Angela and her loud snores.
Bucky sat down soon followed by Sera who placed her body next to his, almost with their shoulders touching since the chair wasn’t that big for the both of them. Once they both comfortably sat down, their knees automatically touched but neither of them moved it, they kept it as they were silently enjoying it.
“And you had to deal with that everyday?” Bucky asked referring to Angela and Sera just let out a tiny laugh while shaking her head.
“I could heard her from my room but I didn’t know they were that loud.”
As they both let out laughs Sera felt how the cold air that was coming trough the window hit her skin, making her cross her arms around her chest looking for natural warmth. Bucky noticing this grabbed the blanket by their side and quickly opened it to spread it around his and Sera’s legs.
“Before you say anything, I know you can turn into a torch but, c’mon, this is better.”
Not wanting to argue with Bucky, and secretly knowing that he was right, Sera let out a tiny smile and got closer to Bucky since the blanket wasn’t wide enough. As far as she could, she moved her body against his and immediately feeling the coldness fading away from her body.
For the first time in her life, Sera realised how different was the warmth of her body from the warmth of having a body by her side was. Bucky, without giving her a chance to do something else, he took his arm and placed it around her shoulder making her head to go towards his chest, wanting to feel that new yet surprisingly amazing and relaxing warm feeling she was experiencing.
Bucky started to gently caress her hair to make her feel even more relaxed than before. She wasn’t understanding why he was doing this, but of course she was enjoying. Feeling him close, feeling his body warm hers, his hands touching her, it made her feel things she had never felt before for someone. And it made her wonder even more... maybe Sarah was right.
“Thank you for saving my life today, Sera.” Bucky said softly making her to look up to lock eyes with him. He gently stared at her while his hand wasn’t stopping, but instead of being against her hair, his fingers slowly moved to her cheek. “I have no idea what you did, but thank you.”
“You saved my body from being hit by a hundred of bullets, Bucky, it was the least I could do. Right?” She asked jokingly gaining a little laugh from Bucky. “I guess you’re wondering what the hell was that.”
“Kinda? Then I’m not explaining shit to you, then.” Sera went back to facing downwards which lead to Bucky gently grabbing her chin to make her look back at him. He stared at her with a big smile when his eyes unintentionally went over her lips but then gaining his train of process about what happened back, he went back to her eyes.
“I’m dying to know.” He said softly and Sera let out a tiny smile, before taking her back against the back of the chair, to be face to face with Bucky more comfortably.
She let out a tiny sigh while thinking her every word carefully. “When someone get hits with fire, I can- in a way, enter their body and take full control of the fire inside of them. It allows me to make imaginable things. I can save them by taking the fire out, I can even turn the water inside into fire and control the person-”
“Yeah. I can make them do whatever- I would ask them to do. Full control... or, I could turn everything inside their bodies into flames and- and... just, end them.”
“Burning them?” Bucky asked but Sera slowly shook her head.
“It’s more than that, but- I think is a conversation to have another day.”
Sera always felt afraid of saying what she was actually capable of doing. Like she was embarrassed of it, specially after using it against poeple in the wrong way... making her feel terrified of it.
Seeing the strange look on Bucky’s face, Sera let out a tiny laugh and nodded. “I know it felt weird. Someone did it to me once.”
“I thought you couldn’t get burnt?”
“I can’t- but, that time was necessary.” Bucky’s eyes were asking for more, so realising this, Sera took a deep breath said: “When a was a little kid, controlling.... this, was harder than anything I’ve ever done. Learning how to fully manipulate as a three year old, something so powerful and dangerous as fire, it wasn’t something that I would call a party. So, one day- I felt like I couldn’t take it anymore. I was... tired. I remember my eyes turning black and a horrible burning growing inside of me. I’ve never felt something like that before because, like you said, fire can’t hurt me. But that time- it did and it made me feel terrified. I was sad and, broken. Growing up I wasn’t the- uhm, the happiest kid. I guess, I was just keeping it all inside of me and that day just, exploded and I started to create this strong fire that I couldn’t control. It was all too much for me. So, the- the person that was there with me did the exact same thing I did to... you.”
“They took the fire out of you?” Bucky asked after his brain was trying to process everything. Sera nodded looking down remembering every single moment of that memory. It still hurt to think about it, and Bucky noticed. He took the hand that was touching Sera’s should and gently pushed her to be more closer to him. Following his hand, Sera took her head and rested it on his chest once again. “How old were you?” He asked in a whisper that was almost covered by the wind entering the room.
“Ten.” Sera said in the same tone. The way that Bucky was slowly caressing her cheek with his thumb made her close her eyes enjoying the feeling against her skin.
Both Sera and Bucky went completely silent after that. They didn’t know why, but for some reason they felt extremely comfortable with the each other. Usually, they were the type of person to prefer to be alone and just deal with their lives lonely. But when the other was around, specially on that moment as their bodies were close, the didn’t want the other to leave.
“I know you’re still a little bit confused.” Sera said jokingly gaining a little laugh from Bucky’s mouth. “I was too. The way your body acts it’s just-”
“I was gonna say differently, but yeah, weird works.” Their little laughs surrounded the room but then Sera took in a little breath and added: “It’s like; the person who takes control of the fire has to put their mind into a deep connection with the other person. Every feeling and every little energy that they felt has to be thought right into that second. They need to enter your body- in a way, so, it’s one of the hardest things I’ve ever had to learn. And what comes after-”
“Is there an after?”
“Well- yeah. After one has been inside your body every energy surrounding you and that person becomes... stronger. It’s deeper than it was before, it makes an invisible red string between those two people. When that person did it to me, everytime that we were together we would just... click and work better. It was like our bodies were one-” Realising her words Sera stopped and shut her mouth. She didn’t want to confuse Bucky even more by telling him how deep and dangerous it was. So instead of saying more about the subject, she slightly shrugged her shoulders and ended with: “But it’s different for every person that you do it with.”
Wishing that Bucky didn’t ask more, Sera let out a silent breath to feel the hot air coming out her mount and to relax his now beating faster heart. She heard the silence coming his way that at one point, she thought that maybe he had fallen asleep when Sera finished telling him that story. But proving her wrong, Bucky kept moving his thumb against her skin and with his deep and soft voice, asked: “And what does it mean for us, Sera?”
As soon as those words left his mouth, Sera felt how his heart dropped to her stomach as her fingers were tracing each other. She didn’t know what to respond to that because in reality... she didn’t know. Bucky was the second person that she did it to and it was completely different. She felt different. Their bodies connected way more deeper, even before that, Sera noticed how her connected towards Bucky didn’t took her a long time. Instead, as soon as her eyes locked with him, it all came easier. Like there was something stronger connecting them together.
“I don’t know, Bucky.” Sera finally said softly. She felt how his chest was being filled with a big portion of air before hearing the hot air coming out of his mouth. It was like he was preparing himself to do or say something. But before Sera could make her mind go into deep thought, Bucky took his metal arm and grabbed her chin to make her look up while his other hand was still placed on her cheek. Locking eyes with him, Sera felt the hotness growing inside her body as she felt his eyes staring at her soul. He slowly stared to stare at every detail that was on Sera’s face but then stop at her lips while his cold metal arm started to gently trace them once again.
So shook and surprised, Sera stayed still enjoying every single thing Bucky was doing on that moment. His hot air against her skin, her fingers on her, her eyes still glued to her lips like they were just screaming at her to end the space between them.
“Sera?” Bucky asked in a whisper which lead to her feeling her skin shiver under his voice. “What are you doing to me?”
His words hit her ears and soon felt how her body melted. His tone was deep and soft, making the question enter her body and make everything inside to shut down. He looked up at her eyes as her thumb was still caressing her cheek. With strength, he grabbed her waist and pulled her closer without taking his eyes away from her, but once closer, he took them down towards her lips. It was desire and lust was filled both of their eyes, wanting to taste each other’s lips right on that second was the only thing they had on their minds. His free hand grabbing her waist with strength while his cold metal arm was gently grabbing her cheek, like he was ready to make the next step.
But the moment he got closer, Sera touched his chest and stopped him from making another move. “Bucky, we can’t.” She said softly.
“Why not?” He asked against her lips.
“I can’t.” Her voice cracked when she let out those words. Noticing this, Bucky gently pushed her head towards his chest to let her rest against it. Hearing the sound of his heart beating Sera let out a tiny sigh and closed her eyes enjoying the feeling Bucky gave her. That sensation of warmth and happiness, like nothing could go wrong after that. Like the were just normal, two people enjoying each other’s presence... but just like always, reality brought Sera back, making her open her eyes once again to meet the poor light of the moonlight illuminating the room. “I’m scared Bucky.” She said in the lowest whisper. “That everyone around me will always get hurt because of me.”
“What about you getting hurt?” Bucky said in the same tone, while his thumb was still caressing her cheek.
She just let out a tiny laugh and added: “I’m used to that.”
Gently grabbing her chin, Bucky made her look up and lock eyes with his. He looked down at her lips but soon joined her eyes, as they were waiting to Bucky to say something. “I’ll keep you safe, Sera. I promise.” He said in a whisper making her feel the hot air against her skin.
Unintentionally, she grabbed his cheek with her right hand and let out a tiny yet sad smile. “Don’t make promises you can’t keep, Barnes.”
She said with the intention to turn her head and look down, to close her eyes and finally feel her body slowly falling asleep while wrapped around Bucky’s arms. Enjoy that feeling for one last time, before she knew she had to let it behind and move on like she always did.
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avengerscompound · 3 years
Moving On - Chapter 3
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Moving On: A Falcon & Captain Marvel Fanfic
Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Sam Wilson x F!Reader, Carol Danvers x F! Reader
Word Count:  2003
Rating:  E
Warnings:  just a little canon complaint drama this chapter
Synopsis:  You thought Sam Wilson was the love of your life.  You had planned to do it all with him - marriage, kids, see the world.  Even when you’re life gets turned upside down, and you both end up international fugitives, he’s there by your side.
Then Thanos comes.
When Sam is one of the many turned to dust, leaving you alone and pregnant, you don’t think you’ll ever stop grieving.  Yet, everyone tells you that Sam would want you to move on and live your life - that he’d want you to be happy. Gradually you open your heart up to another.  Carol Danvers has lost people too.  First her daughter, then her wife.  As the two of you lean on each other, feelings grow and you move on together.
So what happens when Sam is returned to you?
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Chapter 3: The Accords
When Sam had left on his mission to Lagos, you had been worried but not in a major way.  You had thought maybe he might come home bruised up or with a cracked rib.  The last thing you had expected was for a lapse in attention would allow Rumlow to detonate a block leveling amount of C-4, and that when Wanda had tried to contain it and it had taken out a floor of a building instead, she’d get the blame.
Still, while that was bad, it wasn’t something that you had thought would directly affect you.  It might mean there was some argument with governments about Wanda being in the custody of the Avengers and how training should be done to prevent things like that from happening again.  You were fairly sure the insurance policy the Avengers held for such things was going to be hit hard.  But for you and Sam - life and love and wedding plans wouldn’t have been affected.
And then Tony Stark had shown up with General Thaddeus Ross.
Ross had dropped a bomb into the compound and run.  Not a literal bomb, but one that had the potential to be just as damaging.  The Sokovia accords had been dropped off - a document stating that any enhanced individual would have to register themselves with their country's government and the UN and provide them with biometrics as a way to keep tabs on them.  Along with that, anyone working for facilities such as SHIELD, SWORD, or the Avengers as operatives, and any of these enhanced individuals were unable to act on matters of security without the go-ahead from their countries government or the UN.
While that didn’t change too much for you, according to the document, Sam’s wings counted as enhancements.  Steve Rogers and Wanda Maximoff were also both enhanced and would need to provide DNA to the government.   Wanda would be registered as a weapon of mass destruction.
It meant you and Sam had to decide what you wanted to do.  You knew there was no way Sam would sign.  He had already left the airforce, he wasn’t going back to working for the government again so soon.  Especially not with the added condition of registering humans with them.  You also knew he was unlikely to stop fighting - it just wasn’t in his nature.
Unfortunately, you didn’t have a chance to even talk about it before Sam was out the door again.
“Look,” Sam said as he got his best suit out of the closet.  “This is a big deal.  It kinda changes everything for us.  So maybe decide what you really want to do and what you’re okay with?  I mean… worst case scenario I could end up an international war criminal.”
“How likely is that though?”  You asked as you watched him zip the suit into a suit bag.
“I doubt it’s very likely but you gotta consider it, babe,” he said.  “I love you.  I want a life with you, but I don’t want you to end up resenting me because we end up on the run from the law together or something.”
“Right,” you said with a nod.  “You wouldn’t consider… I dunno… retiring?”
“Of course,” Sam said, moving on to the underwear drawer.  “And if these things go through and they make me sign, that’s what I’m gonna say I’m doing.  But you know me, I’m never gonna take some back seat when a big bad goes down.”
“No, I know,” you said.  “Me too.  You sure you don’t want me to come to this?”
Sam shook his head.  “This is Steve’s thing,” he said.  “I didn’t even know Peggy.  I’m gonna be there for him.  I’ll be back in a couple of days.  You think while I’m gone.”
“You know I’m just going to do whatever you do,” you said.  “Right?  I mean, the whole premise sounds a little -” you paused and rocked your hand back and forth “- the whole ‘registering people for being different’ thing?  And then to muzzle them and treat them as dangerous weapons.  It’s fucked up.  And besides.  You’re my man.  Where you go, I go.”
He smiled and came over and kissed your forehead.  “I’m your man, huh?”
“Mm-hmm… my fine man,” you hummed.
He laughed and touched the tip of your nose with his finger.  “Stop trying to distract me, woman.  I’ve got a funeral to go to.”
“Alright, alright,” you said, zipping up his bag.  “You’ll call me when you get there?”
He kissed your forehead again.  “Of course.”
You grabbed his t-shirt before he could pull away and dragged him down into a deep kiss.  He hummed softly and caressed your jaw, before pulling back and grabbing his bag.  “You think on it.  Okay?  No rash decisions.”
You agreed you would and watched him leave, not realizing how this was the point where everything would change.
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You had been watching the news in your room when the word about the attack on the UN at the Vienna International Centre.  It hadn’t taken you long to realize if the number one suspect was James Barnes that Steve would be quick to take after him.  Sam had been on the trail of the infamous Winter Soldier since the day you’d met him, there was no way that Steve would let anyone else bring him in.
You also knew that if Steve went, Sam would likely go too.  Not because Sam was Steve’s shadow, but because they both had their moral compasses so inline that they ended up having the same thoughts at the same time.
Which would mean they were breaking international law and that unlikely scenario where they would become fugitives was a little more likely than you thought.
You needed to contact him, but you knew it was dangerous.  You sent him a text.  The two of you had gotten into the habit of sending large groups of emojis with little messages hidden inside.  Most of the time they were for no reason.  There would be a string of eggplants and peaches and then a random egg and milk carton to let the other person know you needed eggs and milk.  It was a habit that was built out of the paranoia you had drilled into you as a spy.  If something happened and you need to message each other covertly, seeing a string of random emojis would at a passing glance just look like the cute-coupley thing you both always did.  It wouldn’t withstand any deep probing, but it would be enough to let each other know that one of you was in trouble or to go grab the burner phone and run.
You texted Sam a string of hearts in kiss emojis with an American flag, a bird, a jogging emoji, and a snowflake mixed in.
He texted back a similar string with a thumbs up in the mix.
You replied with the more sexual emojis, eggplants, peaches, the droplets, the tongue, and among them was the girl with the hand raised in the air.
Sam replied with the same only instead of the girl was a thumbs down.
Yes, they were going after James Barnes.  No, he didn’t want you to come.
You didn’t hear from Sam again for two days.  Two days that only seemed to make matters worse.
Steve had indeed tracked down Barnes, but so had just about everyone else.  It ended with a car chase through the streets of Romania where Steve, Sam, Barnes, and weirdly the new king of Wakanda had been arrested by Rhodey of all people.
Sam called you when they had been taken back to Germany.
“I know you’re antsy, baby,” Sam said.  “But you need to stay put.  Right now they’ve confiscated my wings and Cap’s shield, but we think we’ll be let go.  We went after Barnes.  He’s captured.  That’s it.  Slap on the wrist, don’t do it again, type of bullshit.  Worse comes to worst… well, it’s not the first time they’ve tried taking my wings off me, is it?”
“Sam!”  You yelped.  “This line…”
“I’m joking!  I’m joking!”  Sam said, holding his hands up in front of the screen.  You knew he wasn’t.
“Anyway…” Sam continued.  “I think Tony’s trying to talk Steve into signing the accords.  I dunno if he will or not.  Maybe just to keep the peace.  But there’s no way I’m going to.”
“I want to be there with you,” you pouted.  “I could help.”
“It’ll just make things messy,” Sam said.  “Trust me.  You’re better off there.  It’s not like I can get in any more trouble now Barnes is captured.”
He was wrong.
The next you heard Barnes had broken out and Sam and Steve had taken after him.  You received a text not long after the news broke with a series of hearts and a cellphone emoji.
You went to your closet, grabbed the burner phone, and went out for a run.  You were just leaving the perimeter of the compound when the burner rang.
“Sam?”  You said, pressing the phone to your ear.
“Yeah, baby,” Sam said.  “It’s me.  Did you hear?”
“They’re saying you’re on the run with Barnes,” you said. “Please tell me you were just recapturing him.”
Sam laughed.  “That was the idea,” he said.  “This shit is going deep and we need help.  There’s this guy - wanted to get to Barnes to find out about some other Super Soldiers and where they’re kept.  So now we might have a bunch of really psychotic super soldiers being released on the world by someone even more psychotic than they are.”
“Where are you?  What do you need me to do?”  You asked.
“I’m tempted to tell you to stay put,” Sam said.
“Sam, I’m not…”
“No, I know,” he said.  “But think about it.  You do this - you come after me and we’re fugitives.  We can’t go home.  All this talk of weddings and babies?  It’s not happening.  It’ll be you and me on the run from everywhere.  Best we can hope for is one day when we’re both too old to run we settle in some country that doesn’t extradite.”
“I heard Montenegro didn’t sign,” you half-joke.  “It looks pretty nice there.”
Sam laughed.  “See I was thinking Cape Verde.”
You let out a breath and smiled a little.  “Always thinking, you are.”
“You know it, baby,” Sam said.  “Now, Clint’s coming…”
“What?  But his family?”  You yelped.
“I know… but like you, you can’t tell him no,” Sam said.  “He’s going to grab Wanda.  When you get back, go to her, but say nothing.  Just a little girl’s bonding time.  Okay?  I’m sure Vizh will be hanging around her.  He always is.  Don’t leave her side even if they do make it clear that you’re third-wheeling.”
“Should I pack?”  You asked.
“No,” Sam said quickly.  “I’m even a little worried you grabbing the burner might be too much of a giveaway to what’s going on.”
“I did it while I changed into my jogging gear,” you said.  “Nabbed it with my heart rate monitor.”
“Good.  Well hopefully that covered that gorgeous ass of yours,” he said.  “But aside from deciding you want to hang with Wanda you’re not doing anything strange, okay?  Clint will get there and you go.  Tony’s an asshole, but not that big of an asshole, I don’t think he’d burn our things, so we’re gonna have to trust that the compound will act as our storage until this is sorted out.  If it ever is.”
“Okay,” you said with a sigh.
“I love you,” Sam said softly.  “You take care of yourself.”
“You too, Sammy,” you said.  “Don’t do anything dumber than you already have until I get there and can join in.”
Sam laughed.  “You got it.  I’ll see you soon.”
“Yeah.  See you.”
You disconnected the call and shoved it back behind your heart rate monitor and turned to run back to the compound.  You had a fight to prepare for.
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//  NEXT
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Word Count:638
Main Masterlist
MCU Masterlist
“It’s not safe to go back to the compound. Or better yet, anywhere in which we could be recognized.”
Peter, who was sitting next to Bucky as he flew the ship sighed, “But we need someone to help Steve and Clint back there.”
“Right kid.”
“Fuck it, go to these coordinates.” Peter gave a set of coordinates and Bucky put them in and they left for the destination.
Y/N stood in her kitchen, cleaning the dishes. She noticed the grass starting to move more than normal and eventually saw the quinjet. She placed the glass down and ran outside. Seeing Peter in the Spiderman outfit, she ran over to him. “Thank gods you’re alright! I saw what happened on the news!”
“I’m fine, but I can’t say the same for Steve and Clint.”
She let go and saw two men being carried out. “Alright, get these guys inside,” She turned to Peter, go clear the table.” She ran over and helped carry Clint inside as she could tell Sam was struggling to do it himself. 
Once they were in and the two men where on the table to immediately started to evaluate the situation. “Can someone get Captain America’s outfit off, at least the top. I don’t know what the fuck that shit is made of but it broke my scissors, and you guys now owe me a pair of fabric scissors.” Bucky and Nat both ran over to help. Slipping gloves on, she began looking at Clint and she noticed how one side of his torso, “Jesus fuck, is this guy made out of plastic?”
“Technically yes.”
“Well shit, good luck getting rid of him.” She grabbed what she needed and began to fix up Clint.
Everyone stood in silence and watched as she worked. Surprisingly quickly. Only took her about 10 minutes. When she was done she walked over to the kitchen and took off the gloves. “So, do we we have another Barton case?”
She turned around and looked at Tony Stark, “If you mean that one of your teammates has a secret family, then yes, yes you do. Oh, and Peter,” She grabbed a bottle from the cabinet and handed it to him, “Give this to Leia, I want her to spit it back to you.”
“What even is it?”
“Tamiflu, she has flu. But anyways, I don’t blame her, I usually didn’t drink it all and poured what I didn’t down the drain.” Peter nodded and walked upstairs to their daughters room. “Now, we have 2 extra bedrooms, the couch can be pulled out and become a bed, but, some will have to buddie up.”
“I’m not sleeping in the same room has Sam!”
“I’m not sleeping in the same room has Bucky!”
“Well, now you fuckers are. We do only have one other shower. So, if anyone needs to shower, then do rock-paper-scissors. I don’t care.”
“You’re a bitch, I like you.”
“Well, when you have to put up with Peter Parker, a man who acts like a child, as well as a child, you learn to be one. Plus, I just like being one.”
“I am not-”
“Stop right there. Go get your clothes on. And does anyone need clothes? I have a box of random clothes my family has given me. All clean.”
“I guess we should change then.”
“Finally, someone with common sense.”
Y/N laid in bed as Peter held her. “Well that was...unexpected.”
She laughed and rolled over to lay on top of him, “Yeah, it was. Sorry I was to much of a bitch. I didn’t want them to think I could be walked over or something.”
He smiled, “No, it’s alright. Wanda likes you and Natasha has loved you for years.”
“Yeah. She has.”
He kissed the top of her head and they both fell asleep.
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yn-dreamlife · 3 years
Jealous Princess
Pairing: Don west x reader
Warnings: Shitty description (because I suck at writing them), angst, mentions/hints of mentions of sex, talks of aftercare, talks of subdrop (not specifically stated but if you know what they are you should be able to know when I'm talking about them), fluff, making up
Description: After the accident on the Resolute you don't think you'll ever see your boyfriend again. So when you do you should be happy, but all you can think of is: why is he calling someone else your nickname?
A/N: Hey guys I'm sorry, I know this wasn't one of the stories- or whatever you want to call these things- that I promised but don't worry I am working on those, but I will do this sometimes if I get an idea that I'm very passionate about. Like I have a Denki story idea that might be coming out soon too.
| Main Masterlist | Random Works Masterlist |
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Sadness, that’s all you had felt for what felt like years. But it was a matter of days.
It was a matter of days since something had gone wrong on the resolute.
A matter of days since you sat till the very last moment in your Jupiter before leaving because you couldn’t leave him behind.
A matter of days since you were sure you would never see Don West again.
Done West, the man who held your heart and soul and every single bit in between. The man who you swore to marry. The man who gave you the ring that rests on your finger. The man who you had kissed goodbye for what you feared to be the last time.
But at least you had kissed him, at least you had whispered the soft exchange of ‘I love you’ that morning, at least he had held you in his arms one last time. Because you two had made a deal because you both know space is wild. It’s unknown and danger lies everywhere. You never know what will happen, so you two can never go to bed mad. No matter how angry or annoyed you have to stay up and work through it. And no matter how tired or even if the other is sleeping or busy you never leave without saying goodbye. Because you never know if that’s it.
When you had landed you had landed in a forest-type area, quickly putting up a small parameter of a guard fence to keep things out and assessing your surroundings. It was hard doing things alone. But eventually, you located the Jupiter of the Dhar family so you kept in contact with them but otherwise, you stuck to your own Jupiter.
You did your tasks numbly, no music blasting as you and Don danced around laughing and singing off-key. No random pillow fights or clothes wars as you trashed the Jupiter you two were trying to clean… just silence. And you were drowning.
Then one day you heard the voice, the voice of the resolute captain. Captain Radic, but he couldn’t hear anything back and it was frustrating. You begged that if Don was still up there he would be his stubborn crazy self and force his way to that damn microphone and shout through it and down to you that he was safe, that he was alive. But no call came.
And the day a call did come it was from Dhar, he wanted everyone to report to Jupiter 11 so you got into your chariot and drove there in the silence you now had made home. When you arrived you didn’t smile, your eyes didn’t sparkle and you looked like the walking dead.
A woman named Maureen had checked on you the moment she saw you, offering to take you to her daughter who was a doctor to treat you but when you told her it wouldn’t help she seemed to understand. You did your tasks silently and stuck to yourself ignoring everyone but Dhar who was giving commands.
You were standing above a station then, mindlessly staring off as your hands did the task you had now done for five hours now. It was a minimal thought task, good in the sense that it didn’t matter how lost in thought you got. And bad in the sense it didn’t matter how lost in thought you got. So memories played in your brain. Memories of something you deemed to be lost forever.
And then you heard it “Well hello there princess,” you dropped everything your expression blanking as your mind reeled. You were going insane, you would have to tell someone that you were hearing voices and shouldn’t be working anymore. You would have to-
“What do you want Don?” A female spoke somewhere behind you and you spun around kicking the small rocks up beneath your feet as you did so.
No- it can’t be… “oh what can’t a guy come check up on a friend?” And there he was… Don West the man you had been mourning for days stood before you, breathing, alive, smiling, laughing, talking, teasing- wait…. teasing.
“No not with you. You always want something.” You looked to the girl and you despised yourself for the jealousy that had bubbled over your newfound elation. ‘Had he not seen me? Was he ignoring me? Who was this beautiful young girl? And why was he calling her princess?’
Thoughts swarmed your mind. Fueled by your aching heart, because you had yet to speak to him, yet to hold him and touch him, and yet he seemed perfectly fine about the whole ordeal. Like he didn’t care that you might have been dead.
The woman began walking away moving towards you “oh come on now don’t be like tha-“ but his voice stopped as his eyes hit you. “Princess?” He called and the other woman had the audacity to turn and face him.
“What Don?” But he didn’t answer her, and some part of you enjoyed that. You were never one to get on Don for who he hangs around or what he calls them… but princess is what he called you. It just… stung. It felt like you had been replaced, but perhaps it was just the fragile mindset you had been in for at least a week now due to grief.
“Holy shit.” He whispered as he moved to you quickly a bright grin on his face. “Fuck, I’ve missed you so much“ he pulled you into his arms and you found yourself melting into his embrace despite the fact you were somewhat angry, and most certainly jealous. You had so much you wanted to ask, to demand. But it died in your throat as he pulled you to him.
You held onto him as tears began to cascade down your cheeks. He was holding you, he was real, it wasn’t a hallucination. And then he pulled away slightly looking you over. He peppered kisses all over your neck and face. His hands never found purchase on you and you were forced to stand there in shock as the tears continued.
But he didn’t care that your beautiful face was being covered in tears, because he was too wrapped up in the fact it was you. You were alive and real and here and safe. Of course, he never liked to see you cry, but he himself had to have been crying or damn near close to it.
“My princess. My beautiful, beautiful princess, I’ve been so worried I-“ but your hand had moved and before you knew it you had slapped him. Part of you regretted it, part of you was reeling at the thought that you had just hit Don but part of you was angry and oh so very jealous. “Ow, what was that for?!”
“Don’t call me what you just called her.” You growled, and his eyes widened. He always knew how your mindset was even before you did. Always able to tell the sparks of jealousy littering your eyes, and he always knew how to help.
“Wait baby hold on a second-“ he tried to speak quickly making sure to do as you had said and not call you princess. He honestly hadn't even thought about it, about what he had been calling Judy because to him it wasn’t the same as what he called you.
“No, Don” and you pried yourself from his grasp. Realizing you had made a scene you grabbed his hand and pulled him away moving towards the parameter fence.
“Y/n you have to listen to me,” he spoke desperately and you finally stopped a few feet away from the fence turning to face him.
You found yourself then spewing all the horrid thoughts that came to your mind. “Did you even worry? Did you even care that perhaps I was dead? Or the second you lived and made it you decided that it didn’t matter. That this ring didn’t matter, that I didn’t matter! Because hey ‘it’s not cheating if she’s dead’ right?!”
And Don just stood in front of you listening, he didn’t interrupt, he didn’t try to stop you. And when you had moved closer to him still yelling he stood waiting, and when you got in arms-length he grasped you and held you. He held you despite the fact you tried to pound your fist on his chest.
“I hate you!” You screamed as the tears fell once again, “why couldn’t you wait for me?! Why did you move on so quickly?! Don’t you love me?! Wasn’t I enough for you?! Were you not scared?!”
Don held you then too, he held you as you stopped hitting him and your knees buckled. He moved to the ground pulling you into his lap allowing you to let it out. Let out all the anger and sadness and pain he could see you had been holding in.
Because that’s all this was, you know Don and he knows you. You know that yes he did care, that yes he was scared, that yes he was in pain at the thought of losing you. You knew that he hadn’t moved on from you and he wasn’t cheating. You had known the truth to it all. You both knew that, and yet he took it. Because you needed to let it go, let out all the feelings you bottled away and Don was going to let you, like all the times you offered yourself to abate his anger he was now offering himself to you.
It was a long few moments of silence. No exchange of words or half-hearted blows from you. He rocked you gently one hand petting your hair while the other rubbed up and down your lower back your hiccupped sobs becoming less intense.
“I worried about you since the moment I stepped out of our Jupiter that morning.” He whispered. “I worried I would never see you again, that I would never hold you again. I wished I had called out of work and feigned being sick. I wished that I hadn’t let you go that morning.
“All I’ve thought about since I left is you. All I’ve thought about is how I’m going to get to you, or how I’m going to figure out if you’re dead or alive. They told me that everyone was coming here, anyone who was alive would be here and I looked. I looked during the meeting, I looked during instructions and I didn’t see you.
“I lost hope, all I could think is you were dead. You were dead and it was my fault.” He squeezed you tighter to him and you found yourself wanting to speak up but he continued.
“That girl you saw me with, her name is Judy Robinson. She’s a doctor, and she’s eighteen.” Heat flared to your cheeks in shame, she was still practically a child…. you had been jealous of a child. “I called her princess because at first, I thought ‘she’s full of herself, and she thinks she’s better than everyone'. Never once did I mean it the way I do with you. Because there’s a difference, she’s not my princess.”
You found your heart fluttering at his words and you looked up at him, “I’m sorry Don. I just- I don’t know why I reacted like that. I know how… I know how important I am to you.”
He leaned down cupping your cheek, “don’t you ever apologize, beautiful. Emotions are emotions we can’t control them and I’ll always take care of them when they get too much for you. It’s the same situation if you were to fall into a fragile headspace after… well you… you know” and a red color had adorned his cheeks at the thoughts that must have filled his brain.
And he was right whenever you were coming down from a euphoric cocktail of hormones he was there to make it easy and gentle and the one time you accidentally crashed he was there then to. To calm down the emotions and hormones swimming in your mind.
A small giggle had left you and he found himself smiling again. But it dropped as yours did “I’m still sorry Don. I shouldn’t have hit you.”
He shook his head with a chuckle, “I would have hit me too if I thought what you just had been.”
But you shook your head, “I should never hit you… I promise I’ll make it up to you. Maybe later we can…. well you… you know” you mocked his earlier stutter slightly.
He leaned in his lips almost fully connecting with yours whispering, “I’ll hold you to that princess” and then finally pressing his lips to yours.
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agentdouble0 · 4 years
So I reblogged a post on my other blog about Bobby totally giving Buck a clipboard saying, “Here, go play”  And an idea popped up in my head. Now that I know that Bobby is secretly a child at heart: like the incident with Michael and the guy on the roof. It’s in my head that he likes to play jokes, gets excited about things and tries so hard to be the Captain. But he realizes sometimes it’s okay to let go and have fun.  Anyway, hands a clipboard to Buck and says, “here, go play”  I mean, you can’t tell me that at some point the list is something that totally isn’t fire station related.  It has been a long while since I’ve written. And this will be my first time writing a 911 Fox Fic and a Buck/Eddie one at that. Though there really isn’t a lot of Buddie in it. It wasn’t going to be, but I integrated them in the fic just ‘cause.   Anyway, read below the cut! 
      Clip Board Shenanigans                    It did not mean to turn into a joke or something for fun, at first it was the real deal but in Bobby’s defense Buck was a good influence, sort of. Bobby began delegating restocking responsibilities to Buck. He was very diligent in making sure the truck and the ambulance got what they needed for their next call. So, when the time for a total restock came up, he hands Buck the clipboard, and Buck yells a loud “Yes!” before he speeds off.  
               The only ones who didn’t seem to enjoy it as much were Chim, Hen, and Eddie, though Bobby suspects that Eddie doesn’t mind at all. The man can’t stop grinning like a fool anytime Buck says, “I’m sorry, it’s not yes, it’s check, get with it, Eddie.” The statement is usually followed with Eddie saying, “Dork” before kissing Buck on the cheek.
               He upgrades Buck to the storage closet when he sees the man’s sad face the day, he gave the clipboard to Hen instead of him. He sulked for thirty minutes but eventually moved on when Hen called to him for help. She was not as annoyed as she sought out to be. 
                “You spoil him,” Hen tells Bobby when he hands him the clipboard the next time the storage closet needs to be checked, only shrugs in response. It’s not his fault, Buck and Bobby have always walked that thin line of Bobby being a father figure to Buck. If he spoils his “son” no one needs to know. He can just say that Buck takes the job very seriously.  
             The next time the ambulance and engine need to be checked, Eddie ducks and hides. He usually loves helping Buck, but he heard Bobby tell him, “here, have fun.” Yeah, that was not happening. Buck pulls Chimney along with him towards the fire truck and ambulance. “No, wait!” Chimney says, “I don’t want-“ 
                Eddie waits till Chimney’s protest fade away and he can hear the clonking of footsteps on the stairs before he pops up behind the counter. “Nice one,” Hen, says from her spot on the couch, “although should I be concerned that you’re hiding from your boyfriend.” 
                “I wasn’t hiding,” Eddie protests, “I dropped something…” 
                “Sure,” Hen says, “what was it?”
                 “Look, I love him I do, but he takes that clipboard too damn seriously, if don’t say check he won’t let us move on,” Eddie answers, “And besides! I heard Bobby tell him, ‘here have fun!”  
                “He likes doing it-“Bobby doesn’t get to finish because there’s a loud yell downstairs from Chimney. Bobby smirks to himself, they must have gotten to the random part on the list. This was going to be great. Eddie and Hen rush over to the railing and peer down below to Chim waving his hands wildly and Buck smacking the clipboard with the back of his hand. “But it says it on the list Chim!”
             “Why the hell do we need granola bars in the truck!”
             “I don’t know, I’m just reading the list and it says it here on the clipboard.”
                “Give me the damn thing,” Chimney says as he grabs the clipboard from Buck’s hand, “I’m sure it…well I’ll be damn.”
                “See!” Buck exclaims reclaiming the list back, “Now, I’ll say it again granola bars?”
                Chimney mutters to himself as he stomps up the stairs and Eddie realizes too late that he should hide because Chimney spots him. “Diaz,” he growls, “go help your boyfriend before I kill him.”
                Eddie sighs as he grabs a box of granola bars before joining Buck downstairs. Hen eyes Bobby, who was not doing a particularly good job at hiding his laughter, because now Eddie is the one yelling. The next thing on the list was a cooler full of juice boxes.
                 It becomes a thing and Bobby is enjoying himself. Buck hasn’t caught on just yet because he keeps it small, and he doesn’t do it all the time, it would raise more suspicions amongst the other firefighters. Buck begins to suspect something is up when Bobby adds, bells and bay leaves to the list. Bobby has an excuse though after someone else had let slipped the Q word, it wouldn’t hurt to try it the next time they were jinxed. 
                No one else wants to help Buck after he reads off, fruit snacks the next time the truck needs to be restocked. Because they had to go to the store to buy them, and they had to go back again when they got the wrong brand. So, Bobby has to assign Eddie the job and he quite enjoys the fond look that he gives to Buck every time.  
               “Buck,” Eddie says, “I don’t think we need a cooler full of ice cream sandwiches.”
              “I thought the same thing, but it's on the list.”
              “Okay, even if we put it in a cooler, it will melt.”
              “Hey, food is food, I’ll still eat ‘em!” 
              “Oh dios mio” Eddie mutters
              “Don’t oh my god me,” Bucks says, and he taps the clipboard, “Chop, chop babe!”
              “Fine, I’ll be back.”
              It comes to a head and Bobby’s joke is revealed when he hands Buck the clipboard on a particular ‘Q’ word day. Buck grabs it, pen already in hand as the captain tells him, “Here, go play.”
             “I’m sorry what?”
             “Go Buck,” Bobby says 
             Eddie is already eyeing him warily, “Bobby” 
            “Go, Eddie”
           Buck ignores him as begins walking towards the staircase, flipping through the list. He knows that Buck has found the page of reward stickers when he hears Buck yell, “Oh my god! This is going to be awesome!”
          “Bobby,” Eddie says again, not liking how Buck stops at the top of the stairs case, with a big grin on his face.
        “Eddie! Buck calls, “Come on! Let’s go!”
         “Bye Eddie,” Bobby says
        Eddie isn’t amused at all as Buck goes around the station placing gold stars on everyone’s lockers. But mutters check after the deed is done, and he has no idea what this list even is when they go and check out the fire extinguishers. Because really, they just did that last week. They also already checked the batteries in the smoke detectors. He isn’t amused when they are back at the lockers again when Buck is placing a silver stark on the locker that he owns. Though he begins laughing his ass off when Buck happily places a sticker on Chim’s forehead saying, “Place the ‘Thumb’s Up” Sticker with the cow On Chimney’s forehead.”
      “Check!” Eddie laughs 
                He continues following Buck and is even more amused when he places a sticker on Hen’s arm. The word ‘brilliant’ on it with a cartoon bee. He’s no longer amused when five items later, Buck is placing a sticker on his chest with the words, ‘Nailed It!’ with a cartoon cat.
              “Yeah, no,” Eddie says.
             “No, the word is check,” Buck says big grin on his face, “See, I placed the Nailed it Sticker with the cartoon cat on Eddie’s chest.”
              Eddie groans but then Buck is in his space, tilting his head down and resting their foreheads together. And Eddie can’t even be upset at the sticker because Buck just feels so damn happy. Now he understands why Bobby did what he did. They had a rough call a couple of days and it was so nice to see Buck happy rather than sad and forced smiles. He inhales deeply and sighs dramatically, “Fine, check”
                Then Buck is skipping away and Eddie follows after him, because while he is enjoying whatever they’ve been doing all afternoon. He’s not sure how the rest of the team will react when he places the remaining stickers on their person. Turns out everyone else enjoys the stickers as well. Looks like they all needed a pick me up.
         Later when they are getting ready to get off their shift, Eddie produces a sticker from his back pocket and places it on Buck’s chest. Buck pulls at his shirt and looks down, “This made me smile,” he reads aloud, his face beaming as looks at Eddie.
         Eddie then leans in and places a gentle kiss on Buck’s lips, “Cheering Buck up, check.”
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qjhughes · 4 years
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Pairing: Baseball!Harry x Reader
Word Count: 4k
Summary: When Harry sees you ‘flirting’ with a guy at one of his games, you have to reassure him that you’re his and only his.
Warning(s): Flashbacks, bias, baseballrry, jealousy, argument, poorly written smut (face fucking) {the characters at the time of the smut are seniors in high school and are 18 years old}
A/N: This is my first completely written smut and it’s not even like, actual sex, but yeah. This is definitely the first one that I’ve ever posted, so please be nice :)). I am aware that it’s definitely awful, but I had an idea and I wrote it :)).
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Baseball players were obnoxious. They were loud and over the top in everything that they did. They were the only team at school that actually won anything, so they thought that they were the absolute best, and they would rub that in anyone’s face whenever they got the chance. 
The part that made you hate them the most, however, was the fact that every single one of them is attractive. They were hot and they all knew it. This wouldn’t be so bad if they didn’t flaunt themselves and watch all the girls fall to their knees for them.
Well, mostly all the girls. You wouldn’t be caught dead with any of the baseball players. You made that abundantly clear every chance that you got, and most of them seemed to understand. 
Actually, all of them understood except for one. The one you hated the most. The captain of the baseball team, the best looking one of all, Harry Styles. 
He was as egotistical and narcissistic as they come. He watched girls fawn over him and made it into a joke. He would see how far he could string them along before breaking it off, only to see them fall apart. 
He was a dick and you could not stand to even be in the same room as him. You rolled your eyes every time that he looked in your direction and you ignored him every time that he tried to talk to you.
Until the day that the worst thing that could have ever happened in Chemistry class unfolded. 
It was the beginning of the second semester, which meant that everyone got a new lab partner. To everyone in the class, it made absolutely no sense, but Mrs. Madison was always going on and on about the fact that the class needed to make new friends and branch out more, Which, apparently, she thought would be accomplished by making you work with a random person for an hour every day while doing labs in the absolute worst subject in school. 
Every attempt to complain about the changes, however, were completely futile. She didn’t have a single care in the world for the wants of her class, she just did what she wanted.
Which was apparently making your life a living hell.
She went through the roster, randomly assigning partners until she got to your name.
“Y/N Y/L/N and Harry Styles.” You tried your best to hide the grimace that had etched its way onto your features and the groan of frustration that was fighting to come out.You had looked over at him, hoping that he would complain and she would change partners, seeing as she had always had a soft spot for Harry, but to no avail. He had a wide grin on his face, as if hearing that sentence had made his week.
And so it started, the hour every day that would rarely be spent working, but more so to get to know one another better. At first, it had been him trying to get to know you better, but eventually, you had loosened up, had realized that if you were going to be stuck with him, then you might as well be civil.
“Come on, Y/N, just tell me something about you.” He had whined.
“What do you wanna know, Styles?” You could tell by the look in his eyes that you had caught him off guard. He had thought that he would have to work harder to get you to tell him something.
“Anything, anything at all.” He looked genuinely interested and you couldn't help but shake the feeling that maybe you were wrong about him. But that was absurd, right?
“I like photography and I write sometimes.” You had mumbled, hoping that he wouldn’t hear. Of course, he did hear it, every single word of it. 
But he didn’t make fun of you like you had thought he would, he had just softly smiled at you, mumbled a “thanks” and then continued with the lab.
Weeks passed and every class period was getting easier and easier to attend, until one day, you found yourself actually looking forward to the class. You were absolutely perplexed. Who in their right minds actually looked forward to chemistry? You couldn’t fathom why your attitude had suddenly shifted. That is, until you walked into the classroom and saw him sitting there.
Who would’ve thought? Harry Styles was the reason that you were excited to come to chemistry. It had taken him mere weeks to tear down the walls that you had worked so hard to keep up.
It was like he hadn’t even tried. He had just been nice. And for the first time ever, you didn’t think that he had been doing it to use you. He had been genuinely nice and you had fallen for it. You had become just like every other girl in the school.
You had fallen for the boy with the pretty green eyes. It wasn't like you had just taken one look at him and fallen, though. That’s where you were different. It had taken you weeks. But it still happened nonetheless. He still ended up with you wrapped around his finger.
‘Now it’s just a matter of time before he uses it against me,’ you had thought to yourself before taking your seat next to him.
It had been two years since that day. You were now seniors and he had yet to use it against you. In fact, he had fallen for you before you had fallen for him and he was ecstatic when he found out that you had feelings for him.
He had been the perfect boyfriend for two years and counting. You couldn’t have asked for anything more. 
Everyone thought he was the absolute perfect man, and really, he was. There was only one thing about him that you could ever complain about, and honestly, you couldn’t even call it a flaw. 
Harry just had the tendency to get jealous. Of course, he trusted you. It’s just that he didn’t trust everyone else. 
And that’s the exact reason that you’re in the situation with Harry that you are.
“Why him? You could’ve cheated with anyone, why’d you pick him?” He runs a shaking hand through his unruly curls that were still drenched with sweat. “You know how I feel about that piece of shit.” He stops for a moment, looking you in the eyes, and you can see the anger burning behind the jade irises. “That’s why you did it, isn’t it?” He accuses.
“Harry, for fuck’s sake. I didn’t cheat on you!” You throw your hands up in the air, frustrated by the fact that he won’t listen to you and hurt because he thinks you would actually do such a thing. “Why would I cheat on you? especially with him?”
“I don’t know!” He yells, not being able to contain it any longer. “Everyone fucking warned me, don’t get too attached to someone, you’ll get your heart broken.” He looks in your direction, but you can tell that he’s not actually looking at you. “What they never told me, though, is that I would fall so in love with someone only for them to rip my heart out of my chest and beat it repeatedly with a sledgehammer.” He’s back to pacing around the room, looking everywhere but you. “I told them all, ‘no, it’ll be fine. I love her. She loves me. We’ll be alright. That won’t happen.’ But maybe I was wrong. Maybe they had a point.” 
“Will you please let me explain myself, H?” You try, wanting to get him to see the truth in the situation and not what he wants to see just because he hates Malachi. “Just let me tell you what happened and then we can talk, please.” You beg him. All you need is a few seconds and everything can be fixed. You can cuddle up to your loving boyfriend and put everything behind you. Or maybe you can congratulate him on the fourth win of the season, leaving his team undefeated.
He doesn’t seem to hear your question, though, and he mumbles something. At first, your brain doesn’t register what’s been said, but then you process. It hits you like a train, and you’re speechless for a moment. Everything that had been floating around in your head left the moment that you realized how he was really feeling.
Apparently, you go without saying anything for too long, being completely shell-shocked and all, so he repeats himself, thinking that you couldn’t hear him the first time. “Am I not good enough?” He finally stops pacing, looking up at you, and for a second, you wish that you had never faced him. There are tears in his eyes, threatening to spill onto his blotchy cheeks. He looks absolutely disheveled and your heart breaks at the sight. This wasn’t the first time that you had discussed this with him. 
Harry wasn’t the arrogant guy that he pretended to be at school. He was insecure and he doubted himself in everything that he did. The only thing that made him feel like he was enough for anybody was you, and he thought that you were trying to leave him for someone else.
“Harry, baby.” You say, walking over to him and trying to grab his hands. “Listen to me please.”
He pulls away and spits, “Don’t call me baby.” You know he doesn’t mean it, he just pushes everyone away when he gets like this. He’d rather be alone than think he’s burdening anybody. 
You take a deep breath in, trying to force the tears in your eyes to stay there and not spill onto your face. This was about him, not you. You had no right to shift the focus onto yourself by letting the tears fall. Not that he would blame you, he would drop everything to make you feel better, which is why you couldn’t cry right now. It was your turn to make him feel better. 
“Harry, listen.” You say, grabbing his hand. “You’re everything. I could never ask for anyone better.” There’s nothing but truth in your voice, and you hope that he can hear it.
“Then why do you want him?” He asks, no longer sounding hateful, just hurt. He pulls his hand out of your grasp and you can tell by the look in his eyes that he’s too far into his insecurities for you to fix this with a sentence or two.
“I don’t. Harry, I don’t. I want you. And that’s what I was trying to tell him when you walked over.” You take his hand in yours again, holding tighter than last time, not wanting him to pull away again. To your relief, he doesn’t. He just let’s you guide him to the bed. You sit down at the end and pull him to sit beside you. 
Once he’s settled, you raise a hand to his hair and push it out of his eyes, knowing that he hates when his hair falls into his line of vision. “Yes, he asked me out. Yes, he told me that I should choose him.” he stiffens and you can feel the anger coming back to his body, so you quickly continue, “But I didn’t. I didn’t choose him, because he isn’t you,” you slide into his lap, placing one knee on the bed on each side of him, straddling him. You cup his face in your hands and continue, “and you are the only,” you lean in and give him a quick peck, “one,” you lean in again, “that,” another, “I’ll” your lips linger slightly longer this time, feeling his arms wrap around your waist and pull you closer, “ever,” you’re back to quick pecks, “want.”
You move your hands from his face, letting them slide down over his neck and come to a rest on his shoulders.
You lean your head down, letting your lips find purchase on the taut skin of his jaw, leaving wet kisses down to the dip of his collar bones. Between every kiss, you murmur a praise to him.
“You’re so handsome, baby.”
“You deserve the world.”
“You’re so good to me.”
“Love you so much.”
“Look so good in that uniform.”
“Such a good baseball player, wanna reward you.”
At the last one, he pulls back slightly, scanning your face, ensuring that you’re not only doing this because you were arguing. “You sure, baby? Don’t have to do anything just because you think I’m mad.” He runs a hand down your back, letting you know that it’s fine if you don’t want to. The action sends shivers throughout your body.
“Wanna show you how proud of you I am, how much I love you. Would you like that baby?” You ask, waiting for him to approve, not wanting to push him if he really doesn’t want you to do anything.
After a moment of consideration, he nods his head, “Please, love.”
Your lips find their way back to his, immediately locking into a kiss. It’s not like the ones that you usually share. It’s not rushed. There’s no teeth knocking against one another’s, there’s no fight for dominance. It’s smooth and soft, tongues gliding together and seamlessly allowing your mouths to mold.
After a moment, you move slightly, allowing your lips to fall in quick succession all around his face, kissing every feature that you adore beyond comparison. Every detail that he seems to hate about himself. 
You let your lips land on the dimples that make your heart flutter, the crinkles by his eyes that make your tummy erupt in butterflies, the freckles that make you want to run your finger over them for hours on end. You kiss every inch of his face, because his face is the most perfect one that you had ever had the pleasure of seeing.
Once you’re satisfied that his face has been moved on enough, you move down to his neck, nipping and sucking marks into his skin. He groans when you place an open mouthed kiss on a particularly sensitive spot and you smirk into his skin. 
Usually, you would pay special attention to that spot, but that was never really for him. Sure, it felt good to him, but you just really loved the groans that would fall from his lips. So, you would drag out the time you spent adoring that single spot.
Today, however, was all about his pleasure. And you know that he hates the teasing more than anything. He doesn’t need the foreplay, the kissing and sucking all over his body. All that he needs is to see you on your knees, looking up at him through your lashes.
So, as you move down his neck, you begin to unbutton his baseball jersey. Once the final button is undone, you push it off his shoulders and look at the man in front of you. How you got lucky enough to be with him, you’ll never know. 
You begin to kiss down his chest, paying slight attention to the places that you know make him tick. You know that he doesn’t need it, but you also know that they make him feel good, and that’s all that you want to do, make him feel good.
You continue making your way across his chest, kissing and licking. When you get to his nipples, you let your tongue run over them for a moment. You let your teeth gently graze over the peak, and his body jolts into you.
“Baby, please.” He whimpers. You look up at him, giving him a look of mock innocence as you make your way to his other nipple. You repeat your actions before moving down his torso.
You stop once again at his butterfly tattoo, letting your tongue run along the lines of it. He lets out a choppy breath, and you know he’s putty in your hands. You’ve got him right where you want him.
You make your way lower, yet again stopping at his fern tattoos. As you run your tongue across them, pausing slightly every now and then to nip at his hips, his hands rake through your hair, gripping on to the strands like they’re his tethers to reality.
“Not gonna tease you today baby, is that okay?” You murmur against his hip, knowing that you not having your mouth exactly where he wants you to be is killing him. 
“Yeah, that’s fine baby just please, need your mouth so bad.” He begs, and you have no choice but to give him what he wants. You pop the button on his baseball pants, pulling both them and his boxers down his legs. Your breath catches in your throat at the sight of him, red and leaking. It’s not like you’ve never seen him before, he’s just so pretty in every aspect, and it seems to catch you off guard every time.
“You sound so pretty when you beg for me, H.” You all but whimper, letting your mouth move further down as he kicks his pants completely off.
You settle comfortably on your knees in front of him. You let your hands come up to the top of his thigh, scratching your nails down the skin.
He hisses, and you take his moment of distraction to lick the pearl of precum that has settled at the tip of him.
Just this simple action has him bucking his hips and letting out a broken whimper. You can’t help but smile, knowing that you’re the reason that he’s reacting like that.
When you peer up at him and see him looking at you with pure adoration, you take him in your mouth, sucking at the tip before bobbing further down. The hand in your hair clenches, like he’s trying not to push your head down as far as you can go. Like he’s trying not to make you choke on him.
You pull off of him and revel in the whimper that escapes his mouth. “Do you want to fuck my face baby?”
He chokes out a groan, nodding his head slightly. You reach for his other hand, which had been clenched tightly in a fist by his side, and place it in your hair alongside the other one. He shoots you a wary glance that quickly dissipates as you say, “Then do it. Please, H.”
He lets out a light chuckle. “Who’s begging now?” 
He doesn’t give you time to answer. He pushes back into your mouth, and you can’t help but moan. Him having you like this is one of your favorite sexual activities with him.He starts slow, easy. It’s always like this. He uses shallow thrusts to give you time to adjust to the experience.
Little by little, though, he pushes deeper. He can’t help it, really. You’re just so wet and warm. You feel like heaven to him. 
You hollow your cheeks, slowly moving your tongue along the underside of him, feeling the veins running across the muscle. 
“That’s it, baby, feel so good for me.” He groans, pushing your head down further, causing you to slightly choke, the tip of his cock hitting the back of your throat. 
He pulls your head back, just as he does every single time, and asks, “Are you okay, lovie?”
Your heart swells, but you’re too impatient to dwell on it, you want him back down your throat. “I’m perfect. Now please, please let me make you feel good.” You stick your tongue back out and he places the tip of his dick on your muscle.
The only warning he gives you is a slight nod before he pushes back down your throat, immediately setting a brutal pace, hips snapping forward as he pulls your head towards his hips by your hair.
You can feel the ache beginning to settle in your jaw and the burn in the back of your throat. You know that you won’t be able to comfortably talk for the next few days, but it was always worth it.
“Look at you baby, taking me so well.” He groans, praising you. 
The spit was pooling in your mouth, as it always does, and you know that sooner rather than later, you’ll be making an absolute mess of yourself.
He pushes all the way to the back of your throat, and you feel yourself gag, but you know that he won’t let up before he feels like it, so you push your gag reflex down and do your best to breathe through your nose.
“Yeah, baby. That’s it. Taking all of me like a good girl.” He brings his hand down to your throat, squeezing at it gently, just adding a little bit of pressure.
You moan around him, and that’s when the spit begins to fall, covering your chin. He smiles down at you, mumbling something about you being his messy little baby and continues to thrust into your mouth. 
The only thing that you can taste is him, and you wouldn’t have it any other way. You can feel every vein, every ridge of his cock against your tongue. You can also feel the way that he’s twitching in your mouth, how every thrust is bringing him closer and closer to his end. 
You hollow your cheeks around him and suck a little harder. You hear him groan from above you and his hips stutter.
He’s a lot closer than you thought he was.
You double your efforts, moving your head along with him, holding his cock all the way in your throat for longer than you had been, sucking a little harder on the tip when he pulls back. 
He’s being unapologetically loud, moaning and groaning about how good you are for him, and you can’t help but be proud. You made him that way.
Seconds later, you can feel the first string of his release. He goes to apologize and pull out of your mouth, but you slightly shake your head and grab his thighs. You know how hot he thinks it is when you swallow.
You take everything he has to offer before swallowing every last drop. When you stand back up, you open your mouth and stick your tongue out, showing him that there’s nothing left.
He groans and pulls you closer, catching your lips in a heated kiss. This time, it’s complete teeth and tongue. 
“Want me to make you feel as good as you made me feel, love?” He asks.You just shake your head. He looks offended, so you quickly elaborate. “I congratulated you for winning baby, that was a one way thing. Don’t need you to do anything for me, I’m okay.”
“You sure?” You smile at how persistent he is. He’s just as eager to please as you are.
“I’m sure.” He nods, dragging you onto the beg to cuddle with him.
“I’ll just pay you back another time, then.” He promises. You roll your eyes. 
“It’s not something to pay back, H.”
“Fine then, I’ll give you head randomly just because I want to. Or maybe next time you do good on a test. Anytime really.” He chuckles.
“Alright, alright. Can we go to bed? I’m tired.” You whine. He just looks over at you and smiles, pulling you close and placing a kiss on your lips.
“Night, baby.”
“Night night.”
Okay so I tried hehe. Thank you for reading!! Come talk to me if you wanna :)))
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neerons · 4 years
Some of the HLITF MC’s best quotes
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“Instructor Goto... Always kind and diligent, his instructions easy to understand... I owe him a great deal. Instructor Ishigami... Very Spartan methods. The hardest of them all to make the grade with. Instructor Soma... They say his remarks can cut like a knife from time to time, but his advice is invaluable. Instructor Kaga... ......All that comes to mind is being backed up against a wall. Also, the fact that he has a ton of closet fans among the male trainees. Chief... Always paying for your instructors’ ramen... Wait! That’s not what I’m going for here!” (—MC’s thoughts, in Shinonome’s route)
“Hurrah, scientific mumbo jumbo on parade. I’m following about half of this conversation.” (—MC’s thoughts)
“Shinonome, you magnificent man, you!” (—MC to Shinonome, as Shinonome’s girlfriend)
“I think they look pretty awesome, personally. Who doesn’t love boobs? (—MC’s thoughts about her breasts, as Shinonome’s girlfriend)
“I mean, Shinonome’s real type is more Sachi than me. So calm and kind... And then there’s the whole, um... boob thing. Man, she has great breasts. So jealous.” (—MC’s thoughts, as Shinonome’s girlfriend)
“I love everything about Shinonome! Even when he’s being nerdy, even when he’s being mean. Even though he’d make a better girl than I do and his mushroo— I mean, his hair’s so silky...” (—MC to Sachi, in Shinonome’s route)
“Okay, when I go back to visit my folks, I’m a total slob. I don’t help around the house, I just laze around and throw my socks on the floor.” (—MC to Sachi, in Shinonome’s route)
“And anyway, who cares what I eat? I’ve got abs of steel. Wanna touch? Put your hands on these babies and you’ll see...” (—MC to Shinonome, as Shinonome’s girlfriend)
“(...) All I was trying to say is that I accept you for everything you are, anyway! Bad hair day? Slipped on a banana peel? Wore your shirt inside out? Bring it on! And again, even if your equipment’s not working, I’ll accept that too.” (—MC to Shinonome)
(...) I’m not that much of a pervert! So please, let me sniff you a little longer? I mean, no. Scratch that. Let me HUG you a little longer. (—MC to Shinonome)
“I mean... yes, they DO look very... tasty out there on the field. But oh my god...” (—MC’s thoughts about the instructors)
“The roundness of the mushroom caps reminds me of something... Ah... I’m grilling Shinonome’s head.” (—MC’s thoughts, as Shinonome’s girlfriend)
“(...) Graduation means the culmination of a long-held agreement between us. Starting with that post-graduation kiss. And I dunno if there’ll be a celebration or what, but what I’m most interested in... MOST interested in... Is that Shinonome and I are finally going to... We’re gonna... YEEEEEEEEEEEESSSSSS!!!!” (—MC’s thoughts, as Shinonome’s girlfriend)
“Who shows up on an overnight trip with their hot boyfriend in bargain bin undies? Me, apparently.” (—MC’s thoughts, as Shinonome’s girlfriend)
“Is it me, or am I hitting like, peak fabulous girlfriend here? Hangin’ out in my boyfriend’s kitchen, totally got a handle on things! Kinda deal? YES! Freaking yay!” (MC’s thoughts, as Shinonome’s girlfriend)
“(...) I got to see glimpses of your stomach, and... those abs... Your abs are just, yeah, wow... Intriguing stuff, believe me.” (—MC to Shinonome, as Shinonome’s girlfriend)
“I-I’m broke! I’m waiting on salary day, and I used my winter bonus on a year-long train pass.” (—MC to Shinonome, as Shinonome’s girlfriend)
“Say what you like about me...But don’t you dare insult my darling Kaga!” (—MC’s thoughts, as Kaga’s girlfriend)
(...) a friendly and gregarious Kaga wouldn’t really be Kaga.” (MC’s thoughts, as Kaga’s girlfriend)
“I figured Kaga had brought me here for some freaky hanky-panky.” (—MC’s thoughts, as Kaga’s girlfriend)
“Demon...” (—MC to Kaga, as Kaga’s girlfriend)
“(...) Mean is like his default factory setting.” (—MC talking about Kaga to Chiba, as Kaga’s girlfriend)
“Chief thinks he’s so smart... he’s just a pachinko playing slacker!” (—MC’s thoughts, in Namba’s route)
“I discard my fantasy into a mental box marked ‘never gonna happen.’” (—MC’s thoughts)
“With all the love in the world, I give him the finger.” (—MC’s thoughts, as Shinonome’s girlfriend)
“How about we stay inside all day and bang it out on every surface we can think of?” (—MC to Shinonome)
“I’m nothing if not motivated when it comes to getting down with you.” (—MC to Shinonome)
“They dissed my silver fox! Unforgivable!” (—MC’s thoughts about random boys, as Namba’s girlfriend)
“Kaga looks so cute, obediently opening his mouth for the rice porridge. (...) Yikes... I’d better not say the word ‘cute’, or they’ll never even find my body...” (—MC’s thoughts, as Kaga’s girlfriend)
“Recently Kaga flip-flops between being a snarling beast and a purring kitty.” (—MC’s thoughts, as Kaga’s girlfriend)
“I pull off his shirt, taking a moment to appreciate his chiseled body. Usually it’s dark when we... you know. To see him up close in full light... (...) I drag my eyes back up to his face with difficulty.” (—MC’s thoughts, as Kaga’s girlfriend)
“Why am I the only one all flustered? Why does he get to be cool?” (—MC’s thoughts, as Kaga’s girlfriend)
“Finally you value me! It’s been such a hard road to get here!” (—MC to Kaga, as Kaga’s girlfriend)
“Usually I’d cringe at being in the pretty girl role at work. But this is serious! If batting my eyelashes can help, I’ll bat away!” (—MC’s thoughts)
“I’m becoming a real pervert thanks to Kaga!” (—MC’s thoughts, as Kaga’s girlfriend)
“Sorry. I kind of got excited over the thought of you seeing me in my swimsuit. (...) I’d like you to take it off me...” (—MC to Kaga)
“Take me, please.” (—MC to Kaga)
“Oh, actually I haven’t been eating much because I’m so exhausted from the heat. I’ve only been having seconds, not thirds!” (—MC to Kaga, as Kaga’s girlfriend)
“A year has passed already, and yet Kaga still manages to inspire mortal fear in me.” (—MC’s thoughts)
“I personally have had a marker to the head so many times, it barely stings anymore!” (—MC talking about Kaga’s class to Namba)
“I wonder what people are thinking when they walk past us? I bet they’re jealous that I’m out and about with a silver fox. No wait, he’s married...” (—MC’s thoughts about Namba)
“Oh no! Ishigami thinks I’m useless, too! I mean, I know I am, but to have him basically agree...!” (—MC’s thoughts, in a Prologue)
“Why am I wasting precious fantasizing time with that nonsense?!” (—MC’s thoughts)
“Yikes, stop staring! I’m totally perving on his body!” (—MC’s thoughts)
“This is what passes for democracy these days?!” (—MC to the instructors and Namba)
“He’s a fantastic kisser, too. Where did he learn to kiss like that, anyway? Who gave him the right?! I’d genuinely like to know why kisses feel so good. Y’know, for science. What a man, what a man, what a mighty fine man! Mm.” (—MC’s thoughts, as Shinonome’s girlfriend)
“Man, I am just so good at this improving thing, I even impress myself. (...) If you don’t give yourself a pat on the back from time to time, who will?!” (—MC to Miyayama)
“Hey! I’m a beautiful daisy, not dandelion fluff! Or maybe I’m both. Maybe I’m more like a burr! Not like I’m planning on letting you go anytime soon, anyway. Mwaha!” (—MC to Shinonome, as Shinonome’s girlfriend)
“Kaga got up close and intimate against a wall with a criminal? Okie dokie.” (—MC’s thoughts)
“I don’t get laid to get paid, fellas!” (—MC’s thoughts)
“I was searching for Captain Tsugaru, expecting a gorilla, and now I’ve run into this total hottie instead. I should be used to hot guys, though. I mean, the instructors... (...) he gives me a charming smile, and I mentally thank his parents for making him.” (—MC’s thoughts)
“My mental image of Kaga scares me into stepping forward.” (—MC’s thoughts)
“Get him a hundred roses! If I could pull a move like that, I’d straight up date myself.” (—MC’s thoughts)
“Did they just say I’m being treated like a pet? In that case someone should definitely call animal welfare on my behalf...” (—MC’s thoughts)
“...You womanizer. Tastebud psychopath. Waste of a handsome face. Emotional chair-flinger.” (—MC insulting Tsugaru)
“I thought it must have been with a special lady if he came to such a fancy place before. Sorry Kaga. You’re not a lady, but you’re definitely special.” (—MC’s thoughts/ Tsugaru’s route)
“Praise the gods for Seiji Goto, the shining beacon of Public Safety!” (—MC’s thoughts/ Tsugaru’s route)
“Wow, what a love fest. Am I intruding here?” (—MC’s thoughts about Tsugaru and Momose)
“I have a second stomach when I’m not the one paying. And besides, isn’t this a date?” (—MC to Tsugaru/ Tsugaru’s route)
“We’ll do it for sure. Like bunnies! Oh yes! As they say... nothing ventured, no one gets laid.” (—MC’s thoughts, as Shinonome’s girlfriend)
“I guess I just don’t tickle Shinonome’s pickle...” (—MC’s thoughts, as Shinonome’s girlfriend)
“That’s him! I’d recognize his cute butt anywhere!” (—MC’s thoughts, as Shinonome’s girlfriend)
“He could’ve dragged me into some secluded room and had his wicked way with me! That would’ve been nice! I would’ve flung my undies with abandon if so!” (—MC’s thoughts, as Shinonome’s girlfriend)
“Your eyelashes are so long, I was thinking it would be a pain if they stabbed me.” (—MC to Tsugaru)
“(...) He’s seen my abs. In fact, nothing makes him splutter faster than a glimpse of these babies.” (—MC’s thoughts, as Shinonome’s girlfriend)
“His mushroom- I mean, silky hair... His pride and joy has turned into a bird’s nest!” (—MC’s thoughts about Shinonome)
“I’ve come to the conclusion that I suck at everything.” (—MC to Namba)
“Kaga’s niceness is so subtle you can blink and miss it.” (—MC’s thoughts about Kaga)
“He’s a brute! A fiend! He’s not my boyfriend or a detective, he’s the ruler of the underworld!” (—MC’s thoughts about Kaga)
“Sorry! I wasn’t thinking you two are cute or anything!” (—MC talking about Ishigami and Kaga in front of them)
“I do enjoy sleeping in your arms, of course… But I much prefer it when you make love to me.” (—MC to Goto)
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