#and then when kairi hugs him later he looks just as shocked and takes so long to hug her back
phoenix-downer · 3 years
Spring Birthday
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After Sora’s return, Naminé’s friends celebrate her birthday with her. While her early days were lonely, her life is very different now, and she treasures each new memory with the people dear to her heart.
~1650 words. Post-Kingdom Hearts III and Melody of Memory. Gen, Friendship, Fluff. Naminé POV. Written for @naminezine​, and the banner art is by the lovely @somniumars​.
“Naminé, when is your birthday?” Kairi asked over breakfast one day, scones with jam and clotted cream, served with a hot cup of tea for both of them. They liked to visit this cafe together at least once a month. It had outdoor seating, and the weather was finally warm enough again for them to sit outside with light jackets. 
Naminé stopped buttering her scone for a moment and frowned. It was a simple enough question, and yet she found herself unsure of what to say. 
“Well, I suppose it was the day Sora released his heart to save you,” she said at last. “But as glad as I am to be alive, it feels strange to celebrate that day, considering what happened.” 
“I understand,” Kairi said softly. “Are there any other days you can think of?”
Naminé paused once more and thought as Kairi sipped some more of her tea. The only other day she could really think of was… 
“The day of my rebirth. It was spring on Radiant Garden. The sun was shining, the flowers were blooming, and the weather was perfect.” She sighed happily at the memory. “I’ll never forget what it felt like to walk outside for the first time in a body of my own.”
“Then why don’t we make that your birthday? I know we technically missed it last year, when we were all searching for Sora, but it’s coming up here soon.” 
“Sure, that sounds nice.” Naminé put one more cube of sugar in her tea to get it to just the right sweetness, then added a little more cream and stirred. “I’ve never really thought about having a birthday of my own before.”
“Well, you deserve to have one,” Kairi said with a determined glint in her eye. “You’re your own person. Always have been, always will be.”
The two girls chatted some more as they finished their breakfast, and the subject soon slipped away from Naminé’s mind. It wasn’t until she and Xion were gathering shells together on Destiny Islands a few days later when the topic of birthdays came up again.
“See,” Xion said as she picked up a thalassa shell, “I like these ones the most, with the pink centers and yellow edges.” 
“I like them too. Yellow’s one of my favorite colors.”
Yellow was the color of the sun. A hopeful color for a girl that had begun her life in a cage, longing to see the outdoors for herself. For that reason alone it was precious to her. 
“You like blue too, right?” Xion said. She placed another thalassa shell in Naminé’s palm, this one with a blue center and yellow edges.
Naminé nodded. “Yes. Blue is the color of the sky… of the waves… all the things I longed to see when I was imprisoned in Castle Oblivion.” 
“It suits you, and so does yellow,” Xion said with a smile. “Born from the waves, and reborn during the spring.” 
“Xion, when is your birthday?” Naminé suddenly asked. She realized she hadn’t really gotten to celebrate it with her before. 
“Oh, my birthday? I figured it should be during the fall. I don’t know why, but I’ve always been drawn to falling leaves, the seasons changing, that kind of thing.” She smiled ruefully. “I suppose because I felt like my time was limited, just like those leaves. Kairi actually asked me about it recently, I think because she wants to—”  
Her eyes went wide, then she coughed and craned her neck. “Look, I see some more shells over there!”
Naminé found Xion’s startled reaction rather curious, but she didn’t press her friend. It was just nice to spend time together sharing a hobby they both enjoyed. For a girl who had started life with no friends of her own, Naminé was lucky to have so many now. 
The next time she met with her friends, it was for a picnic on Rapunzel’s world, in a clearing in the woods near a small pool. The weather was perfect, sunny with a breeze blowing dandelions and flower petals through the air, and she and Sora and Rapunzel were all cloud gazing after a delicious lunch of sandwiches and cookies and lemonade. 
“See that one right there?” Rapunzel said, pointing up at the sky. “It looks like Maximus.” 
“It sure does!” Sora put his hand behind his neck and grinned. “The sky’s full of all sorts of interesting clouds today.” 
“I wish I had my sketchbook with me,” Naminé said with a sigh. “I’d love to draw all of them.” 
“Take a picture with your Gummiphone then,” Sora suggested. “You can always draw it later based off of that.” 
“I’d like to, but I’ve run out of room in my sketchbook. I could really use some new pencils, too.”
Sora and Rapunzel exchanged glances, and Sora grinned.
“Naminé, you should come to the castle,” Rapunzel said. “I’d love to show you some of my art supplies. Have you ever tried painting before?”
Naminé shook her head. “No, I haven’t, but I’d love to. Thank you for the invitation.”
“What are we waiting for? Let’s go now!” Sora sat up and sprang to his feet. 
The three of them spent the rest of the afternoon trying out Rapunzel’s art supplies. Well, more like Rapunzel showed Naminé her things and let her try them out while Sora kept typing away at his Gummiphone. Naminé giggled at how he still typed with one finger, like a bird pecking at grains of rice. 
“There we go,” he said all of a sudden, then put his phone in his pocket. “What’d I miss?”
Naminé and Rapunzel both giggled and showed him what they’d made: a painting to hang on the walls of Naminé’s room in Twilight Town. It was of the beautiful woods where they’d had the picnic with dandelions flower petals floating through the air. As soon as she got home, she put it up and gave it a satisfied nod.
The days flew by until at last it was the anniversary of her rebirth. There was a knock on the door late in the afternoon, and when she went to get it, she was surprised to see Riku and Roxas waiting there for her.
“Hey Naminé,” Roxas greeted with a grin. His eyes were playful, like he had a big secret he couldn’t wait to share.
“Come with us, there’s something we’d like to show you,” Riku added, and she ducked back inside to grab a few things before following them through the woods and to the Old Mansion. 
“Why are we here?” she asked. 
“You’ll see,” was all Roxas and Riku said, and she followed them inside. She was shocked by how nice the entrance looked, like someone had been in here and cleaned things up—
She gasped as she entered the foyer. A huge banner hanging from the stairs read Happy Birthday Naminé, and all her friends were gathered around a large table in the center of the room. The evening light shone through the window behind them, pink and purple and blue, another gorgeous twilight on this world she called home now. 
“Happy Birthday Naminé!” her friends all cheered, and she couldn’t help the smile that spread across her face. So this was what they had been plotting and planning all this time. Roxas grinned and grabbed a camera to take a few shots, and Sora and Riku had some of those confetti poppers that they popped with loud crackling noises.  
The seashell decorations were yellow and the star candles were blue on the cake Xion held. Axel lit the candles, and they cast flickering lights and shadows over everyone’s faces.
Kairi leaned close and murmured, “Make a wish, but keep it secret.”
“A secret?” Naminé asked, tilting her head.
“It won’t come true if you tell us,” Ven explained, and Terra nodded. 
As Naminé looked at the faces of her friends, what she should wish for became clear. She knew, deep in her heart, what she wanted more than anything.
With that, she blew out the candles, and everyone cheered loudly. Aqua swept the cake out of Xion’s hands so she could cut it properly, and then everyone sat around the table. The cake was delicious, vanilla and lemon, and after everyone was done eating, it was time for Naminé to open her presents. 
“Here!” Sora said, his eyes shining as he handed her the first one. “It’s from all of us.”
Naminé’s hands shook as she removed the wrapping paper. She wasn’t used to getting gifts, and it took her some time to free the box. But once she did, she couldn’t have stopped the smile on her face even if she’d wanted to.
“They’re like the paints Rapunzel has! And in all the colors I like too.” She hugged the box to her chest. “Oh, thank you so much everyone, I can’t wait to use these.” 
When she was finished unwrapping the rest of her presents, more art supplies and nice jewelry and cute clothes, she thanked her friends for making this such a wonderful birthday night. But there was one last thing that would make it truly perfect.
“If you wouldn’t mind,” Naminé said, “let’s make a painting together. So we have something to help us remember tonight.”
Naminé loved drawing on her own, but drawing with her friends was truly wonderful. Everyone brought their own unique spark to the table. And when the painting was finished, it was one huge flowing mosaic of color and life and creativity. Sure, it wasn’t a masterpiece, but it was something truly unique that only they could have made. And that was why it was a work of art. Not because it was perfect or technically skilled, but because it had their hearts poured into it.
Naminé couldn’t have asked for a better way to commemorate her birthday.  
A/N: Thank you so much to the mods for making this project possible and for being so caring and supportive! And thank you to the other contributors, this zine was such a joy and I enjoyed talking to you all. A big thank you too to Somnium for drawing the banner! I really enjoyed working with you!
And thank you for reading!
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atomic-taco-muffin · 4 years
Sora x Baby!Daughter!Reader Part 5
Warnings: i had @kalosqueen27​ help me out with this, angst/fluff, twists
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Today was your first birthday which was a big deal to Sora. He had everyone prepare for the party while you were napping. Once everything was complete, Sora went to go get you. You were somewhat fussy when he interrupted you nap but soon calmed down. He took you down stairs and started celebrating your birthday. Sora helped you open your presents from your aunts and uncles. The Wayfinder Trio got you your own wayfinder with your favorite color. Kairi and Riku got you a new stuffed animal, Naminé got yo a coloring book and some crayons, and The Sea Salt Ice Cream Trio, including Saïx, got you a new book. When it was time for the cake, everything turned upside down. Everyone sang happy birthday and Sora helped you blow out the candle. You laughed and clapped your hands. When you did, a keyblade appeared right in front of you. Everyone was shocked at that. You were only one years old. It seemed almost impossible for you to do that. 
“Okay. Party’s over. Thank you guys so much for coming.” Sora put you in your highchair and pushed everyone out of the house. Once everyone was out of the house, he locked the door and had a mini panic attack. The keyblade went away and he immediately took you to Master Yen Sid’s. He explained what happened and Yen Sid gave him an suggestion. 
“I suggest that we take her powers away for a while till it’s time for her to use the keyblade.” he said. Sora didn’t argue it. He agreed and Yen Sid performed a spell that took your powers away for a while. When he returned, Riku and Kairi were there. 
“I don’t wanna talk about it.” Sora said and went to the kitchen. Kairi and riku followed. 
“We need to talk about it. It’s a big deal.” Kairi said. Sora put you in your highchair and went to get started on dinner. 
“Look, I already took her to Yen Sid to remove her powers till she’s old enough I don’t need a lecture from you guys.” 
“I was going to say that you should do that but looks like you beat me to it.” Riku said. Kairi agreed with Riku but it didn’t make Sora feel better. 
“Still.” Sora said. 
“Why are you so angry? It’s not like she hurt anybody.” Kairi said. Sor put down the kitchen utensil and turned around. 
“Because I don’t want her to learn about her father and who she’s meant to be. I was hoping that she would be just a normal little girl.” Sora started to cry. Riku and Kairi brought him into a hug. 
“It’s gonna be okay. We’ll figure something out.” Riku said. You looked at the trio and wanted to hug Sora. 
“Da-da!” you said. The trio looked at each other with wide eyes. 
“Did she just...” Sora started. 
“I think she did.” Riku said. Sora picked you up and did a little happy dance. 
“You just said your first word. I’m so proud of you!” he said smiling. Kairi and Riku didn’t want to ruin the moment so they left. Sora started to cry again and held you close to him. Later that night, you were sleeping in your crib in Sora’s room again when Ansem snuck in. He gently took you out of the crib and went back through the corridor. You started to cry and Sora woke up. He saw you being taken away but he couldn’t make it. You were taken away from him and now there’s a bigger chance of you giving in to the darkness. 
Ansem took you to the Castle That Never Was while you were still crying. You wanted Sora back. He was your daddy. Young Xehanort saw Ansem with you and took you from his arms. You cried for bit but then calmed down. Ansem wasn’t surprised. Y!Xehanort hummed a small lullaby and put you back to sleep. 
“So, what are we going to do with her?” Ansem asked. Y!Xehanort shrugged his shoulders. He went to the couch in the Grey Area and grabbed a black paci. You took the paci and sucked on it. You soon fell asleep. 
“We should talk to Xemnas. He knows more about the plan than I do.” Y!Xehanort said. He took you to Xemnas’ room and knocked. 
“Enter.” Xemnas said. Y!Xehanort walked in still holding you in his arms. 
“Here she is. She’s zonked out, but I have a feeling that she’s a light sleeper.” he said. Xemnas stood up from his desk and walked over to you and Y!Xehanort. He gently took you in his arms. 
“Thank you. You may go.” he said. Before Y!Xehanort left the room, he asked Xemans a question.
“Remind me what’s so special about her?” 
“She’s a princess of heart and has the power to control Kingdom Hearts. When she’s old enough, she will be able to bring back the older version of yourself.” Xemnas said. 
“Right. Thanks.” Y!Xehanort lef the room and closed the door. He took you to look at Kingdom Hearts and got a better look at you. You were back in his arms and the rightful heir to his throne. 
“Welcome home, princess.” 
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maddrmatt · 3 years
Kairi’s Epic Journey: The Quest for Sora
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Chapter 20: To the North Mountain
A short while later, after getting herself dressed, Kairi paced back and forth around the room, racking her brain for any possible explanation for last night’s unexpected show. Pluto watched from his spot on the bed.
“I just can’t understand it, Pluto.  How was I able to see one of Sora’s memories?  I mean, I’ve had many dreams about him since he was lost.  But none of them were about things that actually happened. Why am I having them now?” she asked.
Pluto just gave a shrug of his shoulders and a whimper to indicate he had no idea either.  Kairi sighed and sat down on the bed next to him.
“Do you think maybe I was supposed to learn something from that memory?  But if so, then what was it?  When I returned to the Islands, Chirithy filled all of us in about what happened in that world when Sora was trying to save me.  So, if there was nothing in that memory that I didn’t already know, then what was the point of even showing it to me?” asked Kairi holding her head in her hands.
Pluto whimpered and pawed at her shoulder.  Kairi gave a small smile while she put her arm around her canine companion and stroked his back.
“I know you can’t possibly have the answers, Pluto.  But thanks for listening anyway.  It’s just not easy having so many unanswered questions while we’re on this quest. Between the Wayfinder, the woman in my dreams who gave it to me, and the Memento Card from Never Land, I just don’t think I can handle any more mysteries.”
‘It’s times like these I wish I could go to someone wiser than me like Master Yen Sid, Merlin or Ansem the Wise.  But, besides the fact that I can’t get to their worlds from here, they’d probably just tell Riku and the others and then I’d be dragged back home to the Islands.  I really am on my own here.’
Just then, there was a knock on the door followed by an elderly female voice who said, “Miss Kairi?  The queen and the princess were wondering if you’ve awoken yet. They’re awaiting you in the dining hall for breakfast.”
“I have, Gerda.  Please tell them I’ll be there soon,” responded Kairi.
“Of course,” said Gerda’s voice as the sound of her footsteps walking away were heard outside the door.
Kairi let out a large sigh.  “Actually Pluto, watching that memory did get me thinking about something regarding Anna and Elsa.  In fact, it’s actually something that’s been on my mind ever since we were preparing to face Xehanort.”
Pluto looked at her in confusion.  But he gestured for her to continue.
Kairi rose to her feet and faced the dog.  “In the memory, Sora mentioned that we fought against Xehanort and the Organization even though it was what he wanted to happen in order to keep them from going after Anna, Elsa and the other new Princesses of Heart.  But I’ve been wondering for the longest time if we could’ve done a little more than that. Like maybe warning them about the danger they could be in.  Or even gathering them all together and bringing them to somewhere they might be safe.”
Pluto gave a yelp of surprise in response. Kairi gestured for him to be quiet.
“I know.  I know.  If the others were here, they’d probably give me a big lecture about how those ideas would be a major violation of the world order.  And yes, I admit I did say differently to you last night after Elsa left. But I can’t help it.  It just doesn’t seem right to keep the other Princesses in the dark like this.  There could be others like Maleficent and Xehanort out there and I hate to think of what might happen to the Princesses and their worlds if they come after them especially since they would have no idea why.  Personally, after everything I’ve been through, I’d certainly want to know of any potential threats that might come after me regardless of the rules,” stated Kairi.
Kairi let out another sigh before she continued, “I don’t know, Pluto.  If it were truly up to me, I’d tell Anna, Elsa and the rest of the new Princesses of Heart everything.  And I’m sure if Sora was here, he’d probably agree with me.  Do you think I’m wrong for wanting to do this?”
Pluto considered Kairi’s words.  Ever since his master had taken up the Keyblade, he too knew how important preserving the world order was.  But, at the same time, he had to concede that Kairi was making some good points.  Unable to give a definite answer to his friend, he simply gave an uncertain shrug.
Suddenly, a loud roar rang through the room causing Kairi and Pluto to jump.  It sounded as if it was coming from outside.  Kairi rushed to the window and parted the curtains.  She gasped in shock.
Her window looked out into the courtyard. And currently squeezing through the gates was a giant monster that looked like it was made of snow.  It had claws made of ice and protrusions of ice coming out from its knees.  Its face was composed of two empty holes for eyes and a large wide mouth that was the source of the roars.
“Pluto!  There’s some kind of monster outside!  It might be a Heartless after Anna and Elsa!  We’ve got to fight it off!”
Quickly, she opened the window and climbed onto the sill.  She quickly leapt to the ground with Pluto landing shortly beside her.
The snow monster had just finished pushing through the gates.  It was now lumbering across the courtyard towards the doors.  So far, it hadn’t noticed Kairi and Pluto
‘I may have failed with Sora.  But I will not fail to keep Anna and Elsa safe!’ Kairi thought as she summoned her Keyblade and pointed it at a spot on the ground between the snow monster and the doors.
“Fire!” shouted Kairi as she shot a fireball from her Keyblade.  It struck the ground right in front of the snow monster.  It roared in fright.
Taking advantage, Kairi and Pluto charged in and stood in front of the doors.  They struck defensive poses before the snow monster.
“Back off, you beast!  If you’re looking to hurt Anna and Elsa, then you’re going to have to go through us first!” she yelled with Pluto barking in accompaniment.
The snow monster let out an enraged roar as it raised it’s claw in preparation to swipe it at Kairi and Pluto.  The girl raised her Keyblade to meet the oncoming attack.
But just as the snow monster was about to attack, it stopped.  Its empty eyes gazed at Kairi’s Keyblade.  A look of what seemed to be recognition crossed its face.
“Sora?” it bellowed.
Kairi’s eyes opened wide in surprise upon hearing what the snow monster had just said.  She lowered her Keyblade as she and Pluto both glanced up to the snow monster in confusion.
“What did you say?” asked Kairi.
“Kairi, if you wanted to play with Marshmallow, you could’ve waited until after breakfast.  That way, we could all play together.”
Kairi looked behind her right to see Olaf walking toward them.  Oddly, he didn’t seem too concerned that there was a giant monster in their presence.
As he walked past her, the snowman’s eyes fell on Kairi’s Keyblade and he gasped in surprise.  “Oh!  Sora has one of those too!  Only not as flowery.”
Olaf walked up to the snow monster and hugged its leg.  Kairi’s and Pluto’s jaws dropped in surprise.
“So good to see you here, little brother!” Olaf said joyfully.
Kairi’s surprise increased.  “Little brother?!” she exclaimed in disbelief.
“Oh, I guess you two must’ve started playing with each other so quickly, you didn’t properly introduce yourselves.  Allow me,” said Olaf as he clutched onto one of the snow monster’s claws and led him up to Kairi.  The snow monster hesitantly walked alongside him.
“Kairi, Pluto, I’d like you to meet my little brother, Marshmallow.  Marshmallow, this is Kairi and her dog Pluto,” said Olaf.
Kairi unsummoned her Keyblade and hesitantly held out her hand to Marshmallow’s claw.  “Uh, nice to meet you, Marshmallow,” she said unsurely.
Much to her surprise, Marshmallow regarded her with uncertainty.  ‘I guess I can’t really blame him.  I did almost attack him.’
“Now don’t be shy, Marshmallow.  Kairi’s very nice.  She’s actually a very close friend of Sora’s,” said the smaller snowman whispering the last sentence.
A small smile came to the giant’s face.  He placed the tip of his claw into Kairi’s palm allowing her to shake it.
Kairi returned his smile before it was replaced by concern.  “Olaf, doesn’t he feel a little moist?”
Olaf glanced at his stick hand and took note of the moisture now on it.  “Not to worry, Kairi.  All Elsa needs to do is give him a flurry of his own and he’ll be okay for his visit.”
Kairi gazed at the giant snowman.  Now that he wasn’t creating an uproar, he looked like he was a pretty gentle giant.
Although, there was one feature of Marshmallow that disconcerted her.  She noticed several holes scattered around his body.  They almost looked like battle scars.
“Olaf!  Kairi!” exclaimed Anna’s voice.
Kairi turned and saw Anna, Elsa, Kristoff and Sven approaching.  Behind them was a crowd composed of the castle staff.  All of them seemed to be concerned with Marshmallow’s presence.
“Anna!  Elsa! Marshmallow came to visit us!” exclaimed Olaf.
Anna looked at all the holes over Marshmallow’s body and gasped.  “What happened to him?  Why does he look so roughed up?”
“You mean he doesn’t look like that normally?” asked Kairi causing Anna to shake her head in response.
Olaf finally noticed the holes himself and his eyes opened wide.  “Oh! I’m sorry, little brother!  I was so happy to see you; I didn’t notice you were hurt.  Elsa, can you help him?” he asked worriedly.
“Don’t worry, Olaf.  I’ll take care of this,” said Elsa as she waved her hands.  Her ice magic travelled from her hands and flowed around Marshmallow. The holes filled up with new snow as he let out a sigh of relief.
“And just to make sure he doesn’t melt while he’s down here,” said Elsa as she conjured a larger version of Olaf’s snow flurry above the giant snowman.
“There!  That’s better!  Now you’ll be nice and cool for your visit down here,” said Olaf.
“Something tells me he didn’t come here for a visit, Olaf. Look how distressed he looks,” said Kairi.
“Kairi’s right.  And even if he wanted to visit, Marshmallow knows that shouldn’t come down from the North Mountain when it’s not winter,” said Kristoff.
Before any of them could press the matter further, they heard from behind them say, “I heard the uproar and saw everyone running out. What ever is the matter?”
Everyone turned behind them to see the Duke of Weselton making his way through the crowd.  Upon seeing Marshmallow, he gasped in surprise.
“Oh my!  Erik and Francis told me of your larger snowman that guarded your ice palace, Queen Elsa.  But to see it in person is quite a sight indeed.  But why on earth has it come here?” inquired the Duke.
“Marshmallow is not an ‘it’, Your Grace.  He is a he and I’m sure he would prefer that you referred to him as such,” snapped Anna causing the Duke to back off in surprise.
“Anna, don’t be rude,” chided Elsa before turning to the Duke.  “You’ll have to forgive my sister, Your Grace.  Marshmallow’s unexpected appearance is causing all of us a little concern.”
“Oh no.  It was an error on my behalf.  I meant no offense to er Marshmallow.  Please accept my apology, Princess Anna,” said the Duke.
Anna looked as if she was ready to lash out again at the Duke.  But a look of warning from both Elsa and Kristoff made her reconsider.
She took a deep breath and said, “It’s fine, Your Grace.  Now if you’ll excuse us, we need to find out why Marshmallow is here.  You may continue on your returning home.”
Elsa, in the meantime, addressed the rest of the crowd.  “You can all return to your duties.  My sister and I will attend to this matter,” she said as the crowd heeded her words and returned to the palace.
Anna turned her attention back to Marshmallow. “Marshmallow, not that we don’t like seeing you, but why are you here?  You know Arendelle isn’t safe for you during the spring.”
Marshmallow gave an apologetic look.  “Chased!  From palace!” he cried causing everyone’s eyes to open up in surprise.
“Chased? What on earth would an immense creature such as him run away from?” asked the Duke’s voice.
Anna turned back to the Duke who had stopped shortly of entering the palace.  She shot him a deadly glare causing him to cower slightly.
“Uh right.  You were probably about to find that out.  I’ll just return to my preparations to leave.  Forgive my interruption,” said the Duke as he turned around and walked quickly back into the palace finally leaving the group alone in the courtyard.
‘Boy, if looks could kills, the Duke would be dead right where he stood.  But as much as I hate to agree with him, he is right.  Marshmallow looks like something others would run from, not the other way around,’ thought Kairi.
“Marshmallow, who chased you?” asked Elsa.
“People!  With fire!” groaned Marshmallow who looked almost traumatized just mentioning it.
“Oh no.  No wonder you ran,” said Olaf as he hugged his brother’s leg.
Kairi regarded the giant snowman with sympathy. ‘The poor thing!  He must’ve been terrified!  And I just had to shoot a Fire spell to get his attention,’ she thought with regret.
Kairi approached the giant snowman and grabbed onto one of his giant hands.  She gave it a reassuring rub.  “I’m really sorry, Marshmallow.  If I knew who you were, I wouldn’t have tried to attack you.”
Marshmallow was surprised at the sudden gesture of comfort. But he gave a grunt of thanks.
“Why would anyone chase Marshmallow out of the ice palace?” asked Anna.
“I don’t know.  Maybe they were seeking shelter in the mountain and found the ice palace.  They may have assumed he was dangerous, and they ended up in a fight.  A fight that they apparently won,” said Kristoff.
“That’s not very nice. Marshmallow would’ve probably let them stay with him if they had just asked nicely,” said Olaf.
“Yes.  But unfortunately, Olaf, not everyone knows Marshmallow as well as we do,” said Kristoff.
“Well, whoever they are, we can’t let them get away with treating him like this.  I say we march right up to the North Mountain and demand an explanation from them,” said Anna pounding a fist into her palm.
“Now, Anna, let’s not do anything too rash.  We have to think this through,” said Elsa.
“What’s there to think about?  There’s a group of people in your ice palace who attacked our friend.  He was probably lucky to get out of there alive.  We can’t just do nothing,” said Anna.
“I never said we were going to do nothing.  I’ll travel up to the North Mountain and try to negotiate with them.  It may just be a misunderstanding and we can resolve this peacefully,” said the queen.
“But what if it’s not a misunderstanding?  What if these people are dangerous?  I’m not letting you go up there alone if they are.  Certainly not without me or the boys,” said Anna with Kristoff, Sven and Olaf nodding in agreement.  Marshmallow nodded too although he looked a little hesitant.
“Anna, no.  With my powers, I can protect myself from whatever might happen up there.  Besides, if we all go, then no one’s going to be able to help Kairi search for Sora,” Elsa said.
Anna gasped in realization.  She turned around to face Kairi.  “Oh, Kairi! I’m so sorry!  We’re supposed to be helping you today,” said the princess apologetically.
“You know what, Anna?  It can wait,” said Kairi bluntly to everyone’s surprise.  
“But Kairi, what about Sora?  Don’t you want to start looking for him?” asked Olaf.
“More than anything.  But who knows how long it will be before we actually find anything? We should deal with this right now,” said Kairi.
Anna’s surprise increased.  “We?  You mean…”
“Yes.  If you’re going up to this ice palace, then you can count on me to help you out,” stated Kairi as Pluto barked to show his desire to help as well.
“I don’t know, Kairi.  I don’t want to put you in danger,” said Elsa.
Kairi held out her hand and summoned Destiny’s Embrace.  “I think I can handle any kind of danger.”
Everyone gasped in surprise.  “You have one of those giant keys too!  Just like Sora!” exclaimed Anna.
“Yes, she does.  I saw it earlier before all of you came into the courtyard.  You know, there must be some pretty big doors somewhere for these big keys,” said Olaf.
“I watched Sora use his to fight off the Heartless with Donald and Goofy.  It was amazing what he could do with it,” said Elsa as she looked at the Keyblade.
“If you’ve seen what he can do with his, Elsa, then you know that like him, I’m not going to stay behind when there’s a wrong to be righted,” said Kairi.
“Kairi, are you sure?” asked Elsa.
Kairi smiled at the queen.  “I am. The most important thing that we do right now is get Marshmallow his home back.  Sora would do the same thing if he were here now.”
“I can see why you and Sora are such good friends.  You’re both so helpful,” said Olaf.
“Indeed.  Thank you, Kairi,” said Anna gratefully before turning to her sister.  “Elsa, we know you just want to keep us all safe.  It’s always been one of your best qualities.  But that doesn’t mean you have to do everything by yourself.  I believe that with all we have to offer, we can pull this off.  And if Kairi’s willing to put her search for Sora on hold to help out, the least you can do is accept it.”
Elsa gazed at everyone around her hesitantly.  Throughout most of her life, she dreaded any harm coming to the people she loved especially Anna.  But she had to admit that her sister was right.  With so many willing to help, including their newest friend, it would be wrong to decline.
Finally, the queen let out a sigh and smiled at her sister.  “I guess I’m really outnumbered on this one.  You win.  Kristoff, can you get your sled ready to go?”
“Right away, Elsa. Let’s go, Sven,” said Kristoff as he and the reindeer dashed off to the stable.
“Come on, Kairi.  If we’re going up to the North Mountain, you’re going to need some warmer clothes,” said Anna.
“Do you think you have anything that’ll fit me?” asked Kairi.
“I’m sure we can find something,” said Anna as she took Kairi by the hand and led her back into the palace with Pluto following behind leaving Elsa and Olaf alone with Marshmallow.
“Don’t worry, Marshmallow.  We’ll get your home back.  Right, Elsa?” asked Olaf as he petted his brother’s hand.
“We’ll see, Olaf. Hopefully, whoever chased him out can be reasoned with,” said Elsa worriedly.
A short while later, everyone who was going up to the North Mountain was gathered around Kristoff’s sled to which Sven was hitched up.  Anna was dressed in the winter clothes that she had got at Oaken’s during Elsa’s winter. Kristoff was in his ice harvesting outfit and Elsa remained in her snow gown.
“Are those clothes you found comfortable for you, Kairi?” Elsa asked the princess of heart who was now dressed in a brown winter outfit complete with boots and gloves.
“They are a little big, but it’ll do.  I will admit, I’m not used to wearing something like this.  Where I come from, the weather doesn’t usually require clothing this warm,” said Kairi.
“Well, at least you’re better dressed for cold weather than Sora was when he was here,” said Elsa.
“Yeah.  I can imagine he probably was pretty vocal in his complaints about freezing.  But Elsa, don’t you want to dress a little more warmly?” asked Kairi gesturing to the queen’s apparently flimsy gown that one probably wouldn’t normally wear in the cold.
“You don’t need to worry about me.  The cold never bothered me anyway,” said Elsa.
“Yes.  And you won’t believe how many times she’s made that point,” said Anna causing Elsa to chuckle.
Kairi smiled.  It looked like Anna and Elsa were on their way to getting over their conflict.
“We’d better get going if we want to make it up to the North Mountain and back before dark,” said Kristoff.
“Can Sven make it in that time, Kristoff?” asked Kairi.
“Oh yes.  I’m pretty strong and you will not believe how fast I can go,” said Kristoff in his Sven voice causing Kairi to laugh.
“At least you won’t have to carry Marshmallow with us in the sled.  He’d definitely slow you down,” said the Princess of Heart gazing up at the giant snowman who had Olaf sitting on top of his head.
“Oh, he doesn’t mind walking.  And I’ll be right up here so he won’t get lonely,” said Olaf giving his brother a pat on the head to which he let out a grunt.
“Let’s get going, everyone.  We’ve got some bad guys to chase out of the ice palace so we can get Marshmallow his home back!” exclaimed Anna.
Everyone boarded the sled.  Kristoff sat up front at the reins with Anna at his side.  Kairi climbed into the back with Elsa and Pluto.
But just as Kristoff was about to command Sven to leave, a voice from the palace called out, “Queen Elsa!  Princess Anna!”
Everyone turned toward the doors.  To their surprise, the Duke of Weselton was running toward them with a pair of guards following close behind.
‘Now what does he want?’ thought Kairi.
Once the trio had reached the sled and stopped, one of the guards said, “I’m sorry, Your Majesties. We were about to escort him back to his ship.  But he ran away from us.”
Elsa rose to her feet, walked to the edge of the sled and gazed at the Duke.  “Your Grace, one of the terms of your visit was that you were to be escorted by the guards at all times and only go where you were supposed to,” she said sternly.
“I know and forgive my violation, Your Highness.  But in light of the circumstances, there is something I feel I need to ask you,” pleaded the Duke.
Anna was about to say something until Kristoff gently grabbed her by the arm.  “Let Elsa handle this,” he whispered.
“Very well.  What is it?” asked the queen.
“I know this may be too much to ask of you and I know I have no right to ask in the first place. But I humbly request to accompany you on your journey to the North Mountain,” said the Duke causing everyone’s to shoot open with shock.
‘Why would he want to come with us?’ thought Kairi.
It seemed Elsa shared the same train of thought with Kairi.  “Your Grace, why do you wish to come along?”
“Because if those ruffians that chased your giant are anything like I used to be, then perhaps I could be of assistance to you in persuading them of their error.  You both could consider it part of my atonement for my offenses against you.”
“Your Grace, the best way you can atone to both of us for your offenses is to let the guards escort you to your ship and return to Weselton.  We are all perfectly capable of dealing with whoever is in the ice palace without any need for your assistance.  Right, Elsa?” asked Anna.
Much to Anna’s surprise, Elsa didn’t seem to agree.  In fact, it almost looked like she was actually taking the Duke’s request into consideration.
Anna gasped in horror as she rose to her feet and faced her sister.  “Elsa, no!  Letting him come along is going way too far!” she exclaimed.
“Anna, please think about this.  He’s abided by all our conditions during his visit here and up to now, he hasn’t asked anything of us.  In light of that, I think maybe we should allow him to come with us,” said Elsa before leaning toward Anna and whispering to her sister, “This is still about keeping things civil between our homelands.  It would be foolish to jeopardize that now.”
Anna looked like she wanted to scream.  She looked over to Kristoff who held up his hands indicating he didn’t want to get involved in this.
Anna looked to Kairi. All the Princess of Heart could do was give a shrug showing she had no idea of what to do either.
“Errgh!  Fine!  You can come along, Your Grace,” said Anna begrudgingly before shooting her sister a glare.  ‘But if you’re waiting for me to like it, you’ll be waiting for a very long time.’
“Oh, thank you so much, Princess.  I promise you that you will not regret this, and I will do everything I can to assist you all in your endeavor.  I also look forward to seeing this fabulous ice palace of yours,” said the Duke.
“Oh, you’re going to love seeing it.  It’s quite a work of art, Mr. Weasel Town,” said Olaf.
The Duke’s eyes narrowed in annoyance.  “It’s Wesel…,” he nearly shouted before catching himself and clearing his throat. “I mean, I’m sure it is.”
“Well, if you’re coming with us, then climb on in,” said Anna as she climbed off the sled.
“Anna, where are you going?” asked Elsa.
“To ride with Olaf,” she said curtly.
Kairi watched Anna walk up to the giant snowman.  Marshmallow gently picked up Anna in his hand and raised her up to his shoulder allowing her to climb on top of him.
Kairi let out a sigh.  ‘Just when it seemed that everything was about to be fixed between them, this had to happen.’
“Elsa, I’m going to ride with her and Olaf.  Maybe I can calm her down,” said Kairi.
“Thank you, Kairi,” said Elsa as she climbed up front to sit next to Kristoff.
Kairi was about to climb out of the sled just as the Duke entered through the back.  “Oh!  I don’t believe we’ve had a proper introduction, young lady.  The Duke of Weselton, at your service,” said the Duke with a bow causing the rear half of his wig to flop forward.
“Uh, nice to meet you, Your Grace.  My name is Kairi, and this is my dog Pluto,” said Kairi as she bowed back while Pluto eyed the Duke with suspicion.
“It’s a pleasure to meet you both, Miss Kairi.  Am I correct in assuming you are a newcomer to the queen’s circle of friends?” asked the Duke.
“You could say that. We all have a mutual friend who has gone missing.  We were supposed to begin our search for him today before this problem came up,” said Kairi awkwardly.
“I’m very sorry to hear that.  I do hope you find him,” said the Duke sympathetically.
“So do I,” said Kairi as she walked past the Duke and hopped off the end of the sled.
“Pluto!” she whispered as the dog came over to her.  “I know the Duke seems like he’s not up to no good.  But keep an eye on him just the same.”
Pluto gave a salute with one of his ears.  He then turned around and kept his eyes on the Duke who was now seated behind Elsa.
‘Having the Duke come along is going to complicate things especially since I don’t know how he’s going to react if he sees me and my Keyblade in action.  I guess I’ll just have to trust Elsa that he really is trying to turn over a new leaf.’
Kairi then walked over to Marshmallow.  Knowing what she wanted, the giant snowman picked her up like he did with Anna and raised her high enough that she could climb up to where Anna and Olaf were.
“Nice of you to join us, Kairi,” said Olaf pleasantly.
“Glad to see you didn’t want to be around the Duke either,” said Anna bluntly.
Having overheard her sister, Elsa sighed and turned to Kristoff.  “It’s time we got started.  Go ahead, Kristoff.”
The ice harvester nodded and snapped the reins.  Taking the signal, Sven began to pull the sled toward the gates of the castle. Marshmallow trudged close behind at a similar pace.
Their trip to the North Mountain and Elsa’s ice palace had begun.
A few hours later, the party had travelled far away from the village.   The signs of getting closer to the mountain were beginning to be seen as they entered an area of snow-covered ground.
As Kairi rode atop Marshmallow, she mulled over how the trip had gone so far.  ‘According to what we learned when we stopped at Oaken’s trading post earlier, neither he nor any of his family heard anything come past them last night.  So, whoever these people in the ice palace are, they must’ve come from outside Arendelle.’
Kairi then glanced over to Anna who was shooting a hostile look at the Duke in the sled. She had been doing it throughout the whole trip.
‘There’s got to be something I can do to help Anna end this hostility towards not only the Duke, but her sister as well.’
Suddenly, Marshmallow halted.  Kairi, Anna and Olaf looked ahead and saw that the sled had stopped as well.
“Okay, everyone out,” said Kristoff.
“What on earth for?” asked the Duke.
“I need to take the wheels off and replace them with the runners.  Otherwise, we can’t go any further, Your Grace,” said Kristoff.
“Oh.  Well, carry on then,” said the Duke as he, Elsa and Pluto disembarked the sled.
But just as Kristoff was about to get to work, he saw something up ahead.  He rushed toward it.
“Kristoff, what is it?” asked Anna from on top of Marshmallow.
“There’s a trail of tracks over there.  They’re heading in the direction of the ice palace.  I’m going to take a closer look,” he said as he pointed ahead.
Once the ice harvester reached the tracks, he kneeled down.  He studied them closely.
“Does he know what he’s doing?” the Duke whispered to Elsa.
“Kristoff grew up in these wilds, Your Grace.  So, if he thinks there’s anything that can be learned from those tracks, we have to trust him,” said Elsa as Sven grunted in agreement.
“If you say so.  But I do hope we get to our destination very soon.  The way this dog has been looking at me is making me rather uncomfortable,” said the Duke pointing over his shoulder at Pluto who was still keeping a close eye on him.
After a few minutes, Kristoff returned to the sled. “What did they look like, Kristoff?” asked Kairi.
“From what I saw, there’s footprints, hoofmarks and sled tracks which means there may be a lot of them.  But I can’t tell how many exactly,” said Kristoff as he resumed work on swapping the wheels for the runners.
Elsa gazed up toward the mountains ‘What kind of people are we dealing with and what could they be doing up there?’
“Do you think it would be a good idea to turn back and resume this journey with reinforcements?” asked the Duke.
“No.  We’ve come too far already to turn back now.  Besides, we have everything and everybody who can handle this, Your Grace,” said Anna sourly.
Elsa glanced up at to Marshmallow.  Her heart sank as she saw the persistent unpleasant look on her sister’s face.
Seeing the Duke was on the opposite side of the sled and out of earshot, she walked up to Kristoff and asked quietly, “Kristoff, do you think I made a mistake in bringing the Duke along?”
“I know you’re just trying to keep things good between you and him, Elsa.  But I won’t deny that it is a bit of a setback to things getting back to normal around here,” said Kristoff as he worked.
Elsa’s frown deepened and Kristoff offered her a comforting smile.  “Don’t worry. I have a feeling that the other feisty redhead up there can talk some sense into her.”
In spite of herself, Elsa managed to smile a little as she recalled her conversation with Kairi the evening before. ‘Kairi does seem like the type of person who could do that.  It’s no wonder she and Sora are good friends.”
“I think there may even be a little more than friendship between them,” said Kristoff causing Elsa to give a look of surprise.  
“He did grow up with love experts so he can recognize it when he sees it,” Kristoff said in his Sven voice to which Sven nodded.
Elsa thought about it some more.  ‘Kristoff may be right.  The way we’ve heard Kairi talk about Sora, even though it’s tainted by sadness, is very similar to how Anna talks about Kristoff.’
Then a small frown came to her face.  ‘I can only hope after this, we can find some way to bring the two of them back together.’
Much later, after the wheels had been swapped out for the runners, the trip had resumed.  The party was now travelling even higher into the mountains.
Ever since the earlier stop, things had been pretty quiet between Elsa, Kristoff and the Duke.  None of them was willing to start a conversation.  They sat in silence in the sled.
On top of Marshmallow, however, Olaf was as vocal as usual.  He was laying on his back and pointing out the shapes in the clouds.
“Look, Anna and Kairi! There’s a cloud that looks like a fluffy bunny!  It’s so cute!” exclaimed the snowman pointing upward.
Kairi looked at the cloud in question and smiled.  “You’re right, Olaf!  It does look like a rabbit.  Don’t you see it, Anna?”
Anna said nothing. She just continued to glare at the Duke in the sled.
‘Okay. Peacemaker time,’ thought Kairi. “Anna, I know you’re not too… enthused about having the Duke with us.”
“Now there’s the biggest understatement ever, Kairi.  Any second now, I know he’s going to turn on us and hurt Elsa,” said Anna.
“Anna, I doubt he’s going to try anything especially since we outnumber him eight to one.  If we’re going to deal with this problem, we’re all going to need to work together and this frosty attitude towards your sister isn’t helping things,” said Kairi.
“Anna?” Olaf asked causing her to turn to him.  “Kairi’s right. I don’t like it that you’ve been making Elsa feel so badly,” he said sadly.
A flash of regret shot across Anna’s features.  “I’m sorry, Olaf.  I don’t like making Elsa feel bad either.  It’s just so hard being around the Duke after everything he did.”
“I understand, Anna. I’ve actually been in a position similar to this one before,” said Kairi.
Anna turned to the other redheaded princess.  “You have?”
“Yes.  Very recently, I had to train and fight alongside someone that I wasn’t on very good terms with,” said Kairi.
“What exactly did this person do to you?” asked Anna.
“He tried to kidnap me in order to force Sora to do what he wanted,” said Kairi.
Anna’s eyes opened wide. “He did?  And you had to work with him?  How did you manage to even be in the same room with him?”
“Believe me, I was asking myself the same question.  But after some time, I realized that though his methods were wrong, his reasons weren’t and just because he did bad things in the past didn’t mean that he was incapable of doing good.  And what also helped was the fact that he ended up helping to save Sora from a very terrible fate.”
“Saving Sora does sound like a good reason to be friends with this person,” said Olaf.
“That was the biggest reason I decided to forgive him, Olaf,” said Kairi.
Anna seemed to consider Kairi’s story.  But she still didn’t look one hundred percent convinced.
“You don’t have to become best friends with the Duke, Anna.  But don’t rule out the possibility that he may have turned over a new leaf because I have seen it happen,” said Kairi.
Anna let out a sigh. “I get what you’re saying, Kairi. And I guess it is pretty admirable that Elsa is willing to give the Duke a chance.  It’s just…”
“Just what, Anna?” asked Olaf.
“It’s just that every time I see the Duke, I’m reminded of all the danger Elsa was in after the coronation.  Especially since it was all because of me,” Anna said remorsefully.
The last sentence of Anna’s struck Kairi and Olaf by surprise.  “Anna, what do you mean?” asked Kairi.
“If I hadn’t been so desperate for love and accepted a marriage proposal from someone who never loved me, Elsa’s powers wouldn’t have been revealed in the worst possible way. Then the Duke would never have tried to kill her.  I caused so much trouble for her and having him around is just a painful reminder of it,” said Anna who looked like she was about to cry.
‘So, a lot of the anger Anna’s been showing has actually been at herself.  I certainly know how that feels.  Sora ended up in so much danger because of me in the past that that all I ever wished more than anything was that it would never happen again,’ thought Kairi.
“I’m sorry, Anna,” said Olaf patting her hand.
“Me too,” said Kairi.
“It’s okay, Olaf and Kairi.  You didn’t know.  But you are right that I haven’t been very fair to Elsa during all this.  The Duke has behaved himself during his visit so maybe if he does manage to help us out at the ice palace in some way, I guess I could consider letting bygones be bygones a little,” said Anna.
“That’s the spirit, Anna. If he can help get my little brother his home back, then I’m sure we can all be friends,” said Olaf.
“Well, I don’t think I’d go that far, Olaf,” said Anna with a small chuckle causing Kairi to smile. It was good to see Anna taking her words to heart.
“Anna, there’s been something I’ve been meaning to ask you: does Olaf know what the word ‘little’ actually means?  Because that really isn’t the word I’d use to describe Marshmallow,” said Kairi.
Anna chuckled. “When Olaf calls Marshmallow his little brother, he’s not actually referring to his size, Kairi.”
“That’s right. Marshmallow is my little brother because Elsa made him after she made me with her powers,” said Olaf.
“Oh, so it’s matter of who was ‘born’ first.  Now I get it,” said Kairi with a laugh.
“Glad we could clear that up for you, Kairi.  Oh look! We’re nearly there!  The ice palace is just up ahead,” exclaimed the little snowman pointing ahead to a bend in the path.
“Oh, you’re just going to love it when you see it, Kairi.  Elsa’s ice palace is one of the most wonderful, amazing, beautiful…” Olaf stopped just as they rounded the bend.
Everyone’s eyes widened and their jaws dropped.  But not in awe.
“Oh no,” said Anna in a tone of shock and despair.
Onto the next chapter!
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miss-tc-nova · 4 years
What To Do - Riku & Mother!Reader
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Um, okay. So this is a little out of my norm so I apologize if it’s a little off. And I admit, I struggled with deciding on a definitive plot for this one. Ultimately, I did alter the nightmare so I’m sorry about that, but this is what I got and I hope you enjoy.  ~~~~~
               My son…Oh, where do I start with my son.
               Riku’s always been an adventurous kid; he and that little brunette, Sora, used to get into every kind of mess imaginable. There certainly was no fear of the unknown when it came to those two. None of that is to say they were bad kids; they just had a knack for keeping me on my toes.
               It didn’t escape me that my child had a smartass reputation or could be incredibly stubborn, but an effort was made on his part not to cause trouble at home. As my only child, I had a close bond with him and I did everything I could to make sure he was taken care of, but I’m sure the fact that his father wasn’t around played a big part in his awareness of me. Nevertheless, we were a happy little family of two getting by just fine on these little islands.
               A lot of that changed when he disappeared.
               One night Riku just ran out of the house during a terrible storm. For an entire year, all I could think about was how we’d gotten into an argument about his attitude—how I snapped at him—before he and his friends simply vanished. Coming to terms with the working theory that they’d been swept into the sea by a storm was impossible for me—but I didn’t have to. Out of the blue, a knock on the front door interrupted my chores and there he was, looking like a soggy mess on my front porch. More than his physical features, his personality had changed; he was more mature, softer, darker—more than those two years should have made him.
               No explanation was ever given for his disappearance and I cursed our honor system that told me to respect his privacy and to trust him. I nearly beat an answer out of him, though, when he announced he’d be going again, but this time he may not come back. The goodbye had more finality than any seventeen-year-old kid should ever give his mother. I’m ashamed to say I didn’t even try to convince him to stay; it was plain to see that he needed to go, even if I hated it.
               So, suffice to say, when he came back another twelve months later, I may have cried—a lot. Riku finally came clean about everything. I didn’t want to believe him at first; I couldn’t imagine my little boy traveling to other worlds and fighting life-threatening forces. But Riku never lied to me; even when we were at odds, my son always told me the truth.
               For the moment, there’s no immediate plan for my son to go running off to far away worlds and I’m so relieved and happy to have him home again. It’s also nice to have someone else in the house again; however, it’s only been a few days and I’ve noticed far too many nights with the lights on.
               The creaking of a door pulls my senses back to the waking world. Fluttering eyes reveal darkness—it’s still deep in the middle of the night. Soft thumping alerts me to movement in the hallway. I wait for them to return, signaling Riku’s return to his room, but they never do.
               Motherly senses tingling, I drag myself out of bed and meander down the hall. Warm light from a table lamp struggles to make it past the living room entrance. Sitting on the sofa, drowning a bag of tea in a mug of water, is my son.
               Every muscle in his body tenses and the look in his eyes is almost wild—I can only imagine the terrors that have conditioned him to be this way. He looks ashamed once he realizes there’s no threat.
               “What’s wrong, sweetheart?” I ask, sitting beside him.
               “Nothing serious,” he mumbles, clearly exhausted. “Just can’t sleep. Did I wake you?”
               I smile. “Maybe just a little.” His sigh is of defeat. “But don’t beat yourself up over it. I’m trained to wake up when my son isn’t sleeping like he should.” The answer doesn’t seem to give him any solace. “Do you want to talk about why you can’t sleep?”
               “Not really…”
               “Let me rephrase that; tell me why you can’t sleep.”
               “Really, it’s nothing.”
               “Look at me.” A gentle hand leads his gaze to me. “I am your mother. I may not like this whole warrior-of-light thing, but I’m not about to let you go on moping if I can help it”
               There’s a little of the old, defiant Riku. “I’m not moping.”
               “I’m only teasing you, sweetie,” I hum, pinching a cheek. “Now come on. You’re never gonna feel better until you tell your mom about it.”
               There’s some inner resistance—I know I’m not going to like it—but Riku relents.
               “I had a nightmare about Xehanort taking Kairi and Sora away.”
               The only word I don’t immediately process is “Xehanort,” but pressing for more information reveals that this is bigger than a child’s nightmare. These are things he withheld in his first retelling of his adventures: darkness, possession, and the man who took away his best friends.
               Riku was never really a cry-baby child, likely due to some ridiculous idea that he had to grow up fast because he had a single mother. Every scrape and bruise was braved with a tough-guy act, even if he had tears in his eyes. Hell, even a broken arm couldn’t get this boy to admit defeat. And yet some monster had done the impossible and made my son cry.
               That breaks my heart.
               “And I don’t know what to do. What if Sora doesn’t find her? What if he doesn’t come back?” With the expression of a lost child, scared and alone, he looks to me. “I don’t know what I’ll do if they don’t come back.”
               It doesn’t take much effort to pull the boy into my arms. I can’t quite cradle him like I used to but, with all I have, I hold onto him while he cries—really cries. Fists clench behind my back and tremors ripple through him. For the first time in his life, Riku stifles sobs into my shoulder.
               It’s frustrating that this is all I can do. I inadvertently raised a fighter, but now his battles are out of my reach. Picking up the broken pieces and helping mend the pain are in no way insignificant jobs, but the fact that I can’t wipe away all this distress and fix it for him is killing me inside.
               Unmeasured time passes before Riku reaches that phase of all-cried-out. Sniffles and hiccups still come through but other than that, he breathes steadily.
               “What do I do now?” he whispers.
               I think on that a moment. “Didn’t you trust Sora to go find her in the first place?”
               “Then you’re just going to have to trust him. It’s okay to be scared and worry, but you can’t just send him off and then stop believing in him. Besides, this is Sora we’re talking about—you know, the kid who broke into our house in the middle of the night to confess he ate the cookies because he thought you would get in trouble for it.”
               Somehow, a chuckle manages breaks through. “I still can’t believe you let him spend the night after that.”
               I heave a sigh. “It’s hard to punish a kid for doing the right thing—though his mom was not thrilled about the late night call.” There’s a pause. “You might have to go get that goofball eventually, but for now, you trust him. He’ll bring Kairi back.”
               Silence reins again while Riku takes in my advice. Finally, he sits up and attempts to clear his eyes. There’s a conveniently placed box of tissues on the side table beside me.
               “Geeze, and here I thought I was the mature one of my friends,” he mutters, taking a handful.
               Brushing a stray tear from his face, I reply, “Don’t get me wrong: you were definitely the most sensible of the bunch. But being mature doesn’t mean you don’t have feelings. People can only take so much and you’ve had more than your fair share of hardships. The important thing is that, once you’re done, you dust yourself off, clean yourself up, and keep moving forward.” When those aqua eyes turn on me, I smile. “If anyone can do that, it’s you.”
               Riku returns the expression. “Only because I had a good example to follow.”
               That actually catches off guard, but my son interrupts my shock by pulling me into another hug.
               “Thanks mom. For everything.”
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xyliane · 4 years
AUgust 9: royalty au
aka “space royalty IN SPACE!!!” ft the kingdom hearts kids. I don’t know what I’m doing in kh except that certain people got me into it and I’ve been dabbling with a few other fics for it over the last month and I don’t know how to write any of these good good kids at all. so I smashed up destiny island trio with “crest of the stars” which I haven’t seen since 2009 so all of my memories of it are on the delightful worldbuilding. vaguely soriku or sorikai? I guess? what is kingdom hearts?
The Highwind hadn’t changed at all in the last three years, or however many rotations that translated to on Kingdom ships. Sora couldn’t restrain himself from running his hands over everything, his new haptic interface buzzing gently at his temples with every passing node and module. It would have itched if Sora weren’t practically leaping with excitement. This was the Highwind. He was done with training. And what’s more, he’d been recruited for this, so someone out there thought that he was ready. Maybe if he was lucky, he’d even run into--
“Sora?” a familiar voice said. “What are you doing here?”
He spun, his smile wide with delight, and practically sprinted down the corridor to bury the red-headed junior officer in a hug. “Kairi! I didn’t know you were stationed on the Highwind!”
His best friend grinned sheepishly, face flushed the same red as her hair as Sora set her back on her feet. They wore similar sleek space-ready black uniforms, but while Sora’s jacket was full-sleeved and trimmed with red insignia, Kairi’s tunic was sleeveless and her collar marked with two tiny silver stars--a lieutenant now, not even three rotations into her official serve. Sora would have to get her something as a present. Rose-gold interfaces wound around her wrists and up her arms, newer and much nicer than the ones she’d borrowed at the academy. Nicer even than Sora’s headpiece, which he just got as a graduation present from Donald. Jeez, the Highwind really did have it all. “I’m not surprised you slept through that announcement,” she said. “I heard you were barely awake enough for your own assignment, sleepyhead. Admiral Yen Sid was probably ready to have you court marshaled.”
“Yeah, well,” he said and scratched at the back of his neck. “I’m here now?”
Kairi’s smile grew to match Sora’s own. “You definitely are,” she said. “Have you been to your quarters yet? Or do you need a tour of the ship? Captain said we don’t launch for another rotation, so I can--”
“I’ve got this, don’t worry,” Sora said, and started down the corridor again.
She raised an eyebrow. “If you’re sure,” she said, and fell into step with him. For a minute, it was like they were back at the Academy, or even back on Destiny Island, striding along the edges of the ocean like they were in space and bouncing up and down in the lack of gravity. Sora hadn’t known about grav boots then.
Sora turned down the third corridor, following the spoke past the windows that looked out upon the twilit lights of Departure Station floating against nothing but a thousand thousand stars. “I was here before,” he said.
“Before we shipped out? That’s against protocol--even you know that.”
A really stupid rule, but one Sora had to follow if he wanted to be here. “No, before that. We haven’t even left dock yet! Before the Academy. It was after you and your family had to flee the Island, and I went looking for you and--”
Kairi blinked like Sora had hit her over the head with a practice sword. “No way,” she said. “You were here?”
“On the Highwind?”
Sora crossed his arms with an annoyed harrumph. “Where else would I have been?” he said. “We found you while I was here.”
“I didn’t know it was the Highwind! I was kind of out of it, with the oxygen deprivation and the spacing and the kidnapping. I thought it was just...just the...” Kairi trailed off as she looked him up and down, taking in the haptic headpiece that wound through his chaotic hair and the red pilot’s insignia at his wrists and collar, and she put her head in her hands for a long exasperated sigh. “Oh, stars. No wonder the Kingdom Navy was so angry.”
Sora did remember more than a few expressions of shock when Yen Sid had announced where he was to be stationed. But he’d cared more about Donald and Goofy’s expressions of joy than some old farts. Or young farts. Farts who thought they were better than anyone else just because they had weird-colored hair. So most of the Academy, really. “They weren’t angry, just...not happy.”
“They’re pissed, Sora. But it’s not their choice to have two humans onboard the Highwind, not anymore.” Without checking to make sure that Sora was keeping up, Kairi squared her shoulders and picked up the pace with a grin that usually spelled pain, and lots of it. “You know, we’re almost at the flight deck. You wanted to meet the new CO, right?”
He had been going to the mess, but his stomach suddenly didn’t seem as important. He wanted to be on the Highwind because it was the best, but he also wanted to serve the person who had helped him save Kairi. He wanted to help. Not having King Mickey around felt...weird. Different. Like the air needed to be circulated a few dozen times. “What happened to Mick--I mean, the Rear Admiral?”
“The king handed over the ship to someone he trusted with his heart,” Kairi said.
That gave Sora a long moment of pause. “Should I know him?” he finally asked.
A muffled giggle came out from his friend’s mouth. “You have to meet the captain eventually. So I think you should meet him now.”
“Meet who?”
“Someone you trusted with your whole heart!”
Of all the times to be mysterious, she had to choose right this moment. “Kairiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii...”
“Come on, Sora!”
They made it to the bridge in what must have been record time, Sora’s books thudding heavily against the tiled floor. Other officers, their hair all colors of the rainbow, gave the two humans the side-eye as they raced along the corridors. Sora didn’t care. They’d have a chance to say hi later, to become friends, when he wasn’t in danger of falling behind Kairi. But she slowed down with just enough time to catch her breath, unable to stop Sora from his all-out sprint to the door. Without the magnets kicking in on his boots, he couldn’t quite stop himself before tumbling face-first into the sleek sides of the small bridge.
Normally Sora liked Kairi’s laughter--it reminded him of waves and summer storms and the Island--but right now it was turning his face as her hair. What a first impression. He did his best to jump to his feet and imitate a proper salute. “Ensign Pilot Sora, reporting for command, sir,” he said, looking anywhere but at the tall captain who was definitely staring at Sora and probably counting all of the ways that he could be sent back to the Academy.
Another laugh, much quieter than Kairi’s but absolutely cacophonous in Sora’s ears, echoed around the tiny command chamber, loud against the half-empty room. Sora’s heart ached with it, beating in time with a voice he hadn’t heard in years except in the rare crackly messages shipped from the other side of the system.
The captain’s hair was long and the color of stars, a rare color even among humanoid nobility in the Kingdom. His uniform, practically picture-perfect and sleek with silver lining, had a solid steel blade at his hip, a form of haptic device that responded less to physical touch like Sora’s or Kairi’s as much as pure will. Sora hadn’t seen one of those in use in years. Not since he’d last seen Riku frantically stabbing it around a ship, Sora at his side.
Riku smiled, a private little thing that lit his green eyes up brighter than a solar flare. “Still crashing into things you shouldn’t, right Sora?”
“It’s you, Riku,” Sora breathed. “Riku!”
One of the bridge officers actually squawked. “That’s the prince of the Seven Island Worlds, you insubordinate--”
Sora ignored them and all of the rules about propriety and princes and how no one is supposed to call the nobility by their names because that’s not how things are done Ensign Sora that the instructors had tried to drill into his head at the Academy, and threw his arms around his friend. Because once, long ago, Riku had promised that Sora could call him by name, and Sora won’t ever break a promise like that. “I thought I’d never see you again,” he said.
Even though it barely lasted a moment, Riku hugged him right back, tight and warm and just right. Sora missed that. He missed Riku. “Well, you promised you’d be my pilot when you were done,” Riku said a little self-consciously.
“And I am!” Sora said, and thrust a thumb at the pilot’s insignia emblazoned on his jacket. “That is why I’m here. Right?”
Riku laughed again, and Sora swore that his heart turned to molten gold right in his chest. “A captain can choose his crew."
“You chose Kairi?”
“Well, of course,” Riku said, glancing over the top of Sora’s head to the young woman. “She’s the best gunner in her class, and probably will be in the fleet in the next few cycles.”
“Thanks, Captain,” she said. Sora could tell she was trying to be miffed and ended up being pleased. Of course Riku would know how to make her feel welcome.
But that still left Sora.
As though hearing his thoughts, Riku poked him gently between the eyes. “And I chose you, Sora. So. Welcome aboard.”
(AUgust prompts)
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aliceslantern · 4 years
Grow, a Kingdom Hearts fanfic, chapter 3
Suddenly human and abandoned in the Keyblade Graveyard, Demyx struggles to survive and come to terms with what his life is. Only by chance is he saved from exposure, and brought to Radiant Garden to recover. Unsure of who he is and where to even begin, Demyx finds a kindred spirit in Ienzo, and before long finds perhaps he isn't the only one lost in this new life. But how can they move forward with so much holding them back?
Roughly canonverse, Zemyx, hurt/comfort. Started for Zemyx day (9/6). Updates Wednesdays until it's done.
Chapter summary:  Newly recovered, Demyx tries to figure out what he wants from this life.
Read it on FF.net/on AO3
Demyx was getting used to being prodded by Even. He checked on him at least once a day. The more time passed, the more often Demyx looked forward to it, because at least he was someone to talk to. As long as he was tethered, he couldn’t really go anywhere by himself.
“Admittedly I know little about ophthalmology,” Even said, staring deep into his eyes with the same penlight. “These should help. I had Ansem print them for me.” He handed Demyx a pair of glasses.
“Oh--right. I don’t believe you’ve had the pleasure of meeting.” His lip curled. “The former king of Radiant Garden. This is his castle.” His tone was bitter.
Demyx only knew a little about the story of the apprentices from his time in the Organization, and that he suspected was embellished. “So is he, like, your boss?”
“No,” Even said shortly. “He was our mentor--in the past, anyway. Now we work together.”
“With Kairi.”
“Yes. Try those, will you? I have to get back down there soon.”
Demyx put them on. After days of blurriness, to have clarity back was odd. “Whoa. HD.”
“I had to hazard a guess at the strength.”
“No, they’re fine.” He blinked.
“Well, that just means the poor vision has nothing to do with what you went through.” He shook his head. “One less thing to worry about.”
“You must be busy.”
“Idle hands make the devil’s work,” Even said absently. Then, “well… I suppose busy hands do too.”
“What do you guys do down there?” He swung his legs back and forth a little.
“You know of the princesses of heart, yes? Kairi’s one of them. We’re hoping given her connection to Sora, and the special properties of a heart of light, we might be able to find answers as to where that boy is. If he is.” A pause, then, “I don’t know why I’m telling you this, it’s not like you understand.”
Demyx shrugged, trying to hide how he was stung.
“Regardless, it is a concrete goal to work towards… and for that I’m thankful.”
He turned away. With his newly sharpened vision, Demyx could see more acutely the lines around his eyes, the gray mixed into his blond hair. He looked exhausted. “Thanks, Ev,” he said. “Do you know how much longer I’m gonna need this?” Gesturing to the port in his hand.
“Even,” he corrected, then sighed. “I suppose you have a point… your last labs were the best yet. If you’re up and about you can take care of yourself.”
“Yeah. Plus I’m kind of going insane sitting here for so long.” He offered a hesitant smile.
Even considered. He went over to the sink, washed his hands, put on gloves, and grabbed some gauze. “I’m afraid this may hurt,” he said.
Demyx had thought it was just a needle, but it was more of a thin tube inside of his vein due to how long they’d thought he’d have it. Removing it did hurt a lot, and he swore out loud. But once it was gone… despite his throbbing hand… he felt so much lighter. “Can I walk around?” he asked. “Can I do stuff?”
“So long as you are careful. ”
“Thank you!” He leapt to his feet and pulled Even into a hug; he jerked as though he’d been shocked.
“Please do not touch me,” he hissed in a completely different tone. There was something dark and closed off in his eyes, more than his typical sharpness.
“I’m sorry--I’m just so glad.”
“Yes. Quite. Well.” He left without so much of a backwards glance.
Demyx bit his lip. He hadn’t meant anything by it. It was just a hug, right? He’d apologize again later when Even checked on him.
It was time to get out of this room. Apparently this place served as a sort of infirmary for the castle, though nobody else had had to come down here. It had its own bathroom, so Demyx hadn’t even needed to cross its threshold. Leaving felt odd, but it wasn’t like he was in prison.
The hallways down here were dark, without windows, sconces providing the only light. The carpeting was thick, heavy, and needed a good clean; it squished uncomfortably under his slippers. He wandered for a while, mentally taking stock every now and again so he would be able to find his way back. The layout was weird, putting it lightly, and he could see places where the castle had been renovated, or added on-to, architecture and design clashing oddly. Apparently the apprentices had all lived here in the heyday--they must live here now. It wasn’t like Demyx was a stranger to living in castles, but this one felt so much more real and old than the one in the World that Never Was. He ran his fingers along the crown moulding, touched the lamps when he saw them. This place must’ve once been nice, but it was dirty, and in a state of relative disrepair.
Would this be his home now?
The thought was jarring, and he stopped in his tracks. Pushed the glasses up his nose. The better he physically got, the more apparent it was that he had nowhere to go and nobody. No friends, no family. Hadn’t Lea and Isa just extended that invitation to be nice? Did they really mean what they said?
A weepiness came over him, and he bit it back. He felt like he’d been buffering for so long, going here nor there in his life? What did he want? Who was he really? The more he thought about it, the less Demyx felt like the self he’d been as little as two weeks ago. Was he changing? Becoming “different”?
All these thoughts were giving him anxiety.
He wandered for a little while longer, coming across a section that seemed a bit cleaner than the others. There was wood flooring here, not carpeting, and Demyx could see some old windows in the walls. A few swatches of paint were here and there. He saw a few doors here and there and tried one on impulse; it was open. He could just barely see bedroom furniture, a small rose bush in a pot by a window--
“What are you doing snooping around?”
The voice startled him; he yelped and clutched at his chest, the new glasses falling to the floor. Demyx scrambled to pick them up. Slowly, he turned and saw Dilan, Xaldin’s Somebody, in a blue uniform. Frowning. “I’m sorry,” he stuttered. “I didn’t know… I’m guessing this is your room, then?”
“...Quite,” he said gruffly. “And I’d appreciate it if you didn’t go barging into spaces you haven’t been invited to.”
“Of course. Yeah.”
There was a pause. His hair was neater than Xaldin’s, Demyx realized, and was his skin a bit darker.
“I didn’t know you guys lived here,” Demyx continued. “I was just… taking a look around.”
“You’re up on your feet, then?”
“Well. Obviously.” He cleared his throat a little. “I haven’t been able to leave that room for like a week.” A wry laugh.
“Ienzo told me what happened.” Dilan shook his head. “What a cruel thing to do.”
Demyx shrugged. He and Xaldin hadn’t had the best rapport in the Organization days, and he didn’t know what to say.
“You’re well, though?” he asked.
“...Getting there. I think.” He rubbed at his sore arm.
“Do you… know what you’re to do next?”
“No,” he admitted slowly. “It’s been… hard.”
“Of that I am well aware.” He touched his chest.
“So… I’m gonna go,” Demyx said. “I won’t, uh, mess with your stuff.”
“Much appreciated.”
Demyx set off in the opposite direction. He was getting hungry now, his appetite only growing in the passing days. Usually someone brought along a meal to him, so he headed back. He found a sandwich and an apple on a plate on his bedside, and once this lunch was done with, he just… sat. Waiting. After a few minutes of this, he decided to take out Arpeggio to try and get his mind off of things. His fingers were a bit shaky, but within about fifteen minutes he was able to play with the same fluidity as before.
But it was… harder. Not physically. But as he picked through old compositions he felt the emptiness composed by his Nobody self, the sadness, the loneliness. At the same time, they felt like they’d been created by a stranger, despite the fact that he remembered writing them. A strange dissonance. Wasn’t this what he’d wanted, a heart to truly feel music with?
What did Demyx feel?
He tried to parse it out. Empty, again? Tired, sad? Overwhelmed?
Having a heart was supposed to be easy.
He let Arpeggio fade and curled up. A cool breeze came in through the cracked window. He stared out at the little bit of town he could see, feeling on the verge, the breath of remembering--
“I thought I heard you playing. How do you feel?”
Demyx’s head snapped up. He saw not Even, but Ienzo, in that white-coat getup. He was carrying a small bundle. “Um, alright,” he said, blinking yet more tears out of his eyes. “Where’s Even?”
“He and Ansem are trying to solve a problem with one of our simulations.” He cocked his head a little. “I do know enough about medicine.”
“I know, I just…” He swallowed, and considered telling Ienzo. “Nothing. Never mind.”
“I brought you some more clothes, too. And this.” He held up a gummiphone. “You might find a use for it--if you don’t break this one.”
Demyx took it from him. “Thanks,” he said. “You didn’t have to--”
“The castle is large. It makes it easier to keep in touch if we all have one--heaven forbid something happen to you.” His tone was dismissive.
Ienzo came over to him, went through the familiar motions of taking his vitals. He listened to Demyx’s heart. It was strange to be so close to him, and a little uncomfortable in a way Demyx couldn’t define. His eyes were a bit greener than Demyx remembered, and his eyebrows furrowed together just slightly. Demyx could hear him breathe. “Your heart rate’s a little high,” he said. “Are you nervous?”
He cleared his throat. “No. Ah. Just a little anxious, I guess.” He felt the blood rush to his face, trying to place that feeling.
“I just don’t know what to do now,” Demyx admitted.
Ienzo took the stethoscope out of his ears. “That is the question, isn’t it,” he said slowly. “After so long of having little to no choice, suddenly the world is open in front of us. Like having the rug yanked from under you.”
“Yeah,” he said. “It really is. But don’t you… have your work, and stuff?”
Ienzo set the object aside. “I do,” he said. His eyes flicked up in thought. “But at the same time… I was with the Organization for considerably longer than you. Work… well, it’s something concrete to work towards.”
“Even said the same thing.”
His expression darkened a little. “We all seek to be better people. To… make up for the hell we’ve wrought. Working with the guardians of light… providing them with whatever they need to the best of our abilities... is the least we can do.”
Demyx picked at the lint on his pants. “I… thought about it, in the desert,” he admitted. In his newly-sharpened peripheral he saw Ienzo’s head snap up, his eyes widening. “If this wasn’t karma.”
Slowly, he nodded.
“But… you know…” He forced a laugh. “I’m here , right? If whatever forces exist in this world wanted me gone… I would be toast. Same for you. And Even and them. We literally came back from the dead.”
“A second chance,” Ienzo murmured. “Quite.”
He pressed a hand to his chest. “But that doesn’t help tell me what to do. Or how to feel about any of it.” The blood rushed to his face. “And I’m sure you’re too busy to listen to this.”
“No,” Ienzo said. He sat down next to Demyx on the bed. He was shorter than Demyx remembered. More weird reformation? “This is the first bearable conversation I’ve had in a while.”
He snorted. “Really?”
Ienzo sighed heavily. “A lot happened that I don’t particularly care to get into at the moment. But things between us are… a bit tense.”
“...Oh.” Ienzo’s smile was small and sad. Demyx couldn’t actually remember if he’d ever seen him do it, and before he could stop himself he said, “you have a nice smile. I’ve never seen it.”
The blood rushed to Ienzo’s face.
“I’m sorry, was that weird to say?”
“No, ah.” He pulled at his collar a little. “No.” He knotted his hands in his lap. “I know in the past our rapport has been… rocky.”
Demyx bit his lip and thought back. For a long while, he and Zexion had both been part of the reconnaissance team, but whenever they’d been paired together, it hadn’t exactly ended well. Their personalities clashed like oil and water; Demyx’s carefree attitude and low ambition combined with Zexion’s perfectionism always ended in fights. “You could say that again.”
He chuckled a little; strangely, it had no sound. “Perhaps it would do to start over,” he said. He offered his hand. “I’m Ienzo.”
“Demyx. Nice to meet you.”
He pretended not to notice the tingle he felt when they shook.
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Based on the scene in the Melody of Memory trailer... when we see the man in the hood about to reveal his face, Kairi attacking him, etc.
And, yes: this is a “The Master of Masters is Sora” fic. Because if that figure is the Master of Masters--though it’s probably a memory of Xehanort--him showing his face to Kairi seems to indicate he knows her... which really only leaves a few options.
I didn’t write this story because I want this to happen. At all. But because if it is and has to--and I’m still not saying it is--I’d want some of it to be handled in this way... because otherwise it’s kind of squicky, if Kairi is implying a Master of Masters!Sora locked her powers and changed her fate... which I still don’t think is happening, but I wrote this story as possible catharsis for that, anyway.
The Final Encore
"But Kairi," said a voice she thought she recognized, as it froze her in place after she’d tried to attack the bearer of it--for which tears formed in her eyes, because how was she being held hostage again?!--"If I hadn't changed your fate… we never would have met. And wouldn't that have been tragic?"
"As if I ever wanted to meet you!" Kairi bellowed, as she tried to do anything and everything she could to get out of this Stopza hold right now... How was it that she'd just been furious at this man for having repressed her powers for years—after she'd finally gotten them back at full-force—but was now unintentionally showing him that maybe she was even weak with them?
Surprisingly, the man seemed to take note of her distress and severely lessened the level of the Stop spell that was on her, until it was just that: Stop. Nothing more and nothing less, and Kairi couldn't figure why he’d do this. Because she'd be free of it in a second, and defeat him like she’d promised. She would! So why-
"…I'm sorry. I didn't mean to make you feel so vulnerable. I know you must hate that after... after what's happened to you in the past. And just so you know, I'm not the one who stole your powers, okay? That was all Xehanort's doing, not mine."
"But I'm sure you still used it to your advantage! And if nothing else, you've still used me like a pawn! And I'm going to end you for all the pain you've caused!"
Kairi was finally free of the figure's magic! And she was throwing her Keyblade at him, in order to warp to the man and hit him with it over and over again... but just as she was starting this, he darted closer to her and caressed her face. And Kairi unwittingly stopped her actions for the shock of it.
One, because not even Riku—who she knew so well—had done such a thing when he'd been caring for her lifeless body when she’d lost her heart.
And two... because Kairi thought she knew that touch... even with a sleeve and full gloves to block it... but there was absolutely no way. Right? It was blasphemy to even think such a thing!
...And yet, Kairi found herself asking the question with acid in her voice, anyway. "Who are you? You're not Xehanort, so..."
And when the man spoke next, she could just imagine the smirk on his face... and could almost hear it with a younger sounding voice: one that she knew for sure. "Who do you think I am?"
And Kairi was taken back to what seemed like so many years ago... when she and Sora would—somewhat—work together to make the raft, and she'd give him hints on where to find the items needed in an exasperated manner... and how he, in response to that a year later, had only given her a hint as to his name. They had always messed with each other and flirted with such games…
"Sora?" Kairi choked out, as tears fell from her eyes... though she didn't know what emotion from her, exactly, was causing them to do so. And she hated that her tears were falling onto this place of Sea and Sky’s water, to mock what should have represented a happy place for her Sora. But then… wasn’t Sora being here like this doing the same thing?
And the man pulled his hood down and revealed the face that Kairi wanted to see more than anything else in the world... but also never wanted to again, as it looked like he had mutilated himself and she was now piecing together in her head how he'd gotten to such a position. He must have fallen to the darkness... to save her. (1)
"Hello, Kairi," Sora answered her question as he smiled at her. And there was so much love in his voice, that she wanted to punch him for it. How could he still sound like that for her, when he'd done this to himself for stupid her. "It's good to see you... But I'm sure you won't be happy to see me when you learn all that I've done... Yet I don't regret that it allowed me to protect you."
"What you've done-" Kairi started. But she couldn't even finish the sentence because even though she was theorizing Sora must have done some evil things—and he now seemed to be confirming it himself... what was this nightmare world that she'd gotten pulled into?!—saying it was unfathomable. Impossible.
But Kairi was about to try it again, anyway, because she didn't want to deny reality... when he suddenly sped to her and hugged her. And she imagined he was doing this for selfish reasons. Because if he really had done the things he was implying, and still knew her heart, then he should've known that the last thing she'd ever want was to be around a killer like this.
But yet it was too good—too much of what Kairi wanted: her old Sora—that she leaned into him, anyway, and began apologizing. "Sora, I'm- I’m sosorry that you had to die for me! That I was so foolish, and thought I could take on the Keyblade War, and was so weak. You deserved better, and I-"
And Sora pulled away fast, as if Kairi had struck him... but he seemed to recover his wits about him fast, for he gently leaned forward and whispered in her ear, "Never apologize for being everything to me."
And the words were so close to the "I love you" she'd dreamed of hearing from him again—under better circumstances—that Kairi had to cry again. Why did it seem like those words were cursed for them? Or romance for them in general? Maybe it would be best to give up…
"What happens now?" Kairi asked, feeling suddenly emboldened—because maybe she wanted to act as old as he now was—in pulling on Sora's belt loops through his cloak, so he was closer to her and couldn't run from this. And his breath seemed to hitch in his throat as she did. "You must be from the future... and I'm guessing from how amazed you are to see me, I never see your young self again, do I? I'll only ever see you again as an adult... after you've spent years without me, and I've only spent a year away from you. It hardly seems fair to you."
But Sora was pulling away from Kairi like she was a danger he couldn't even begin to fathom. And this time, she understood why.
As Sora turned away from Kairi and even seemed to be walking as far away from her as his legs could carry him, she heard him utter these words, "…Nothing happens between us, Kairi. The young girl doesn't get with the man who's a murderer. She just doesn't. And that's where our story ends. But it was good seeing you one last time, and I still have no regrets."
And with nothing more between them, Sora disappeared through a Corridor of Darkness and it sent chills down Kairi’s spine.
But though Sora should have been right... Kairi wondered if he was. She knew what being around him had just made her heart and body feel, so maybe it would never really be done for them... what a scary thought that was.
And here Kairi had thought the only trauma she’d be leaving here with, was the experiments that Xehanort had done to her when she was a child… Not how Sora had seemed to mess with fate, so things would go exactly as he’d seen them go.
But did this new stuff about Sora have to stay awful? Was she a Princess of Heart or wasn’t she, Kairi demanded of herself as she summoned a Corridor of Light and figuratively left what had once been a home for her.
And when Kairi woke up from her year long coma, she promised herself that she was going to use her unlocked powers to save Sora… it was all she could do, for someone who had released such powers in order to rescue her.
Author’s Note: Kairi is thinking that Sora used the power of darkness—and became the Master of Masters—in order to save her at the end of KHIII, but she’s wrong. It was sometime after that.
Also, Kairi’s being harder on Sora in this than she probably would be in canon and would be in other fics (even ones of mine). But this story is, sadly, supposed to be the more hopeless one, because not only does Kairi condemn Sora for what he’s done (which I do think both canon and fanon Kairi would at least do some, as she loves the World), but Sora’s now older than Kairi in this AU. He’s an adult, and she’s not. So there really probably shouldn’t have been hope for them here… But yet I left some at the end, anyway, because I never want things to be hopeless.
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xxxmasterkali · 4 years
Kingdom Sims Pt. 26
MATURE CONTENT for sexual content, nudity, language and violence.
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Kairi: I..I think..I think I’m pregnant.
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Namine: Oh my god. Kairi, are you sure? Did you take a test?
Kairi: I don’t need to. I know it. I can feel it. I’ve missed my period and I’ve been sick for two weeks. What do I do!?
Namine: Did you tell Sora?
Kairi: Oh no, Sora! I didn’t even think about how he’ll react! What do you think he’s gonna say?!
Tears streamed down Kairi’s face.
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Namine pulled Kairi into a hug.
Namine: Kairi, calm down. It’s gonna be alright. No matter what, Sora will always love you and he’ll be there for you. He might get scared but he will always stay by your side.
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Kairi calmed down a little.
Kairi: You’re right Namine. Thank you. Now I just have to figure out how to tell him. I know he won’t abandon me, but I still don’t know how and when to tell him.
Namine: Well you need to tell him so just do your best and keep in mind that he loves you.
Watching Namine and Kairi, down the hall through a mirror, was Bride Hannah. 
Bride Hannah: Pathetic. Stupid little princess and her stupid little hero. I’ll end their lives somehow and I’ll make them watch as I torture the living hell out of them. 
Later on that evening, Kairi found Sora walking through the foyer. 
Sora: Kairi! How has your day been beautiful? You feeling any better? I know you haven’t felt good the last couple of days but it’ll pass.
Kairi looked down at her feet. 
Kairi: Sora..about that....
Suddenly, Kairi was lifted from the air and tossed to the side by an unseen force. Sora reached for her and was about to run after her, but he was tossed against a wall and pinned to it. Then he felt a burning pain on his chest, he looked down to see a huge gash was carved into his chest. He screamed out in pain. They couldn’t see whatever it was that was doing this to them. There was nothing there. They both reached out their hands for each other, screaming the other’s name and Kairi tried to run to him. Bride Hannah suddenly appeared before her and stood between her and Sora.
Hannah: Hello, princess. You ready to watch your stupid boyfriend die?
Kairi: Don’t you dare touch him! You can’t hurt me and I will stop you!
Hannah: You’re right, I can’t hurt you...but...I can hurt that thing growing inside of you.
Sora and Kairi both gasped.
Sora: Kairi! What-what is she talking about!?
Hannah: Oh you didn’t tell him yet? Here, let me show him what I mean.
Hannah waved her hand at Kairi and Kairi clenched her stomach and dropped to her knees. Kairi cried. Sora was still pinned to wall but struggled to break free and tears fell from his eyes too.
Kairi: No...please. Stop! Don’t hurt them! Please, I’m begging you....
Sora: Kairi! Leave her alone!
Hannah: You might have a heart of pure light, but your unborn child has a heart just like it’s father. Made up of light and darkness. 
Sora: GET AWAY FROM HER!!!!!!! STOP!!!!! If you wanna hurt me then hurt me, but don’t hurt her! Don’t hurt either one of them! LEAVE KAIRI AND MY CHILD ALONE!!!!
Sora clenched his fists as hard as he could and flexed his body the most he could. He was finally able to get out and he raced over to Hannah and pushed her. She lost her grasp on Kairi and the baby.
Sora: Kairi! Go now!
Kairi: I’m not leaving you!
Sora: You need to protect our child, please!
Kairi: Sora...I can’t leave you...
Hannah flung Sora back and Kairi watched in terror. Hannah began to approach Sora, but Kairi jumped between them.
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Hannah: You better listen to your boyfriend because if you don’t, you can say goodbye to your baby.
Kairi: You’re just jealous.
Hannah: What did you say to me!?
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Sora stood up and was about to protect Kairi, but he stopped as he could see the light surrounding Kairi and he could see her eyes we shinning with pure light.
Sora: Ha! It’s the light! The power of light!
Kairi: You heard me. You’re jealous of what Sora and I have. We’ve been through hell and back to be with each other for almost a decade, we’ve been fighting. But we love each other so much that we never gave up fighting! You’re jealous of that! That’s why you’ve been targeting us! And I will do everything in my power to protect my family! You stay the hell away from us!
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The light grew bigger and bigger until it finally covered the entire room and Hannah yelled in pain.
Hannah: No! Too much light! It’s burning!
Sora covered his eyes. The light burned Hannah until she turned to ash on the floor. The bright light dissipated and Sora put his hands down to see Kairi falling to the floor. Sora ran for her and caught her before she hit the floor. She was unconscious and Sora knew she was okay. He tried to process everything that just happened. He could handle any sort of danger but what shocked him the most... Sora picked Kairi up and carried her to bed so she could rest. He laid her down and starred at her, and then his eyes traveled to her stomach. He gently laid his hand over her stomach. 
Sora: I can’t even believe...
Sora needed a moment to process it all. Sora walked down the stairs and as he was about to exit the house, Riku opened the front door.
Riku: Hey! Whoa you look like hell! You’re bleeding! What happened!? 
Sora: Oh, I totally forgot about that...
Riku: You forgot you have a huge gash across your chest and dripping blood?! You need to fill me in!
Sora: Well, Kairi defeated Hannah...
Riku: She did!? How?
Sora: Light...She channeled all the power she had and used it to defeat her for good..she was desperate to protect me and...
Riku: Who else? No one else was here with you guys.
Sora: ...Our baby...
Riku: Come again!? Did you say baby? You got her pregnant you numskull!
Riku smacked Sora upside the head. Sora rubbed the back of his head.
Sora: Hey! I didn’t plan it! I’m just as shocked as you are! I just found out!
Riku: How long has she known? 
Sora: I don’t know. I’m trying to think of how and when! We used protection every...oh wait...
Riku: You didn’t!
Sora: The night I proposed to her...we were on the beach, I forgot to bring anything with me and she said it was okay and I was okay with it too.
Riku: Sora, how could you be so careless and stupid!
Sora: I didn’t think about it! It was the heat of the moment, okay! I feel bad enough! I mean I wanted kids with her, eventually but right now..I don’t know if I’m ready to be a dad. And I still haven’t had a chance to talk to her about it so I have no idea how she feels. 
Riku: Sora, I know this is sudden and i definitely think you should’ve been more responsible but aside from all that, I have no doubt in my mind you would be a great dad! You guys will both be great! 
Sora: I just...I need a minute to think about all of this.
Sora walked outside and sat down on the bench. He starred up at the stars and he did this for at least an hour. Just thinking about everything. Sora put his hand down and covered his face. He was scared. Scared he wouldn’t be good enough.
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Suddenly he felt a hand on his back and head on his shoulder, and he could hear someone crying. He popped his head up to see it was Kairi.
Sora: Kairi! Are you okay? 
Kairi: Yes. Are you?
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Sora: Why didn’t you tell me?
Kairi: I was going to but I wasn’t sure how. I was scared. I’m sorry.
Kairi was about to get up but Sora grabbed her wrist.
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Sora: Kairi, don’t go. You can always tell me anything, it doesn’t matter what it is. Don’t ever be scared to tell me anything.
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Kairi: I know I can but-
Sora: No but’s! Please talk to me when you need to. Whenever something is going on or when you feel any type of way, please express that to me. I don’t care what it is. I will always love you no matter what. It’s gonna be okay and we will get through this. I’m scared too. I’m petrified. But together, we can get through anything.
Sora stood up and pulled her up with me. He pulled into a hug and squeezed her tight.
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Kairi cried onto his shoulder.
Kairi: I’m scared though. Do you think we can do it? Will I be a good mom?
Sora: Of course you will. I question if I’ll be a good dad myself, but we’ll help each other.
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Sora rubbed her back and tried to comfort her as she cried.
Sora: Shh...Kairi, it’s okay. Please don’t cry. You’re going to make me cry. I hate seeing you sad. 
Kairi began to calm down and the tears started to subside. 
Sora: Come on, let’s get to bed.
Kairi: Will you hold me all night long?
Sora: Of course, that shouldn’t even be a question. I always do.
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Sora and Kairi got to their bedroom and Sora pulled Kairi in and kissed her. 
Sora: It’s okay, Kairi. We can do this.
Seconds later, their clothes had been tossed around the room.
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Sora gazed down at her stomach and rubbed his hand over it.
Kairi: I’m gonna be so fat...
Sora: I don’t care, you’re still beautiful no matter what. You always will be to me.
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Kairi pushed Sora down onto the bed and kissed him. No matter what situation they were in, Sora could always make her feel better.
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Paopu Gamers
This is a Drabble based on a Modern AU of Sora and Reader starting a gaming channel on YouTube and gaining a decent amount of popularity written by @nobodies-png​. I loved it a ton and asked permission to write about it a little and here that is!
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Sora & Reader (friendship)
Warnings: N/A
1,242 words
“Hey guys! I’m [Name]!”
“And I’m Sora! Welcome to our new channel!”
Clips of you and Sora talking, laughing, screaming, and sobbing flashed across the screen. The earliest clips were from nearly 3 years ago, and you could tell because in the clips you had the terrible bangs you tried to cut yourself and Sora had on braces in many of the shots. Those older clips phased into ones from last month and the clarity of those clips were more clear and better edited.
It was a moving slideshow of how far things had come.
The last clip began to play, it was of Sora screaming and falling out his chair tangled in his headphone wire while you laughed beside him, and then it too faded away to reveal the two of you grinning and wearing party hats. Both of you had on oversized obnoxious sunglasses, the most ridiculous ones you could possibly find mind you, and popping long confetti sticks.
Sora tossed his confetti wand to the side and put his fingers to his mouth to let out a loud whistle as music blasted in the background. You dropped your own wand to scoop up a pile of confetti in front of you and throw it up again.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you!” You chirped loudly. “Paopu Gamers has officially hit 1 million subscribers and I think I speak for both of us when we say that we are in complete and total shock.”
Sora wrapped his arm around your shoulders and pulled you close to him, giving the camera a thumbs up, “I’m still trying to get over the shock of us hitting 100 subscribers and that was three years ago now.”
“We started this channel to do something we love and to hear each other talk about our passion, and we’re so happy that you guys, for some odd reason, like to hear us talk about it too!” You laughed.
Sora released your shoulders to give the camera finger guns, “And with this new landmark in our journey to explore every single game ever released on this planet-”
“Every single game ever released is a stretch-”
“We have decided to heed one of your suggestions! Starting next week, we’ll be posting a short series as we take on ‘I Love You, Colonel Sanders! A Finger Lickin’ Good Dating Simulator!’” Sora pumped his fist, “Will we find love?”
“I sincerely doubt it, but I will be craving fried chicken for weeks while we do this.” You shook your head.
“So tune in next Wednesday for that, and thank you”, Sora put his hands together and bobbed his hand, “THANK YOU. For sticking with us this long.”
“We love you guys!” You cupped your cheeks with your hands. The music grew louder again, and Sora pulled you out of your seat to dance while more confetti rained down on the two of you. The screen faded to black as reminders came up for what videos were coming out when.
“I can’t believe you two reached 1 million subscribers.” Riku shook his head as he clicked paused on the video, which already had thousands of views, to ensure the next video wouldn’t randomly start playing.
Kairi pulled you into a tight hug, her cheek pressed against yours, “I can. They’re superstars, Riku, and I always knew it.”
“Some superstars. Terra still forgets they have an online presence unless their faces pop up on a Snapchat or Insta video.” Riku chuckled, “And then a week after that he forgets again.”
“Well, he sent us a ‘congrats’ text earlier. So, he remembers”, You glanced at your phone briefly before shrugging, “As of now, at least.”
Riku leaned back in his seat and crossed his arms, “So you guys are actually gonna do the KFC dating simulator thing? Really?”
“Yeah, I think it’ll be fun.” You shrugged. It sounded like the kind of thing you and Sora could film in a day or two and would have a blast going through it side by side. Dating Simulators were always a big hit just because the two of you had so much fun with it. Filming when you guys played ‘Dream Daddy’ had been one of your top ten favorite video series. “Besides, we gotta. The comments have been going crazy for it. People want Sora to fall in love with Colonel Sanders more than they want him to fall in love with me.”
Sora nodded once and paused in devouring his popsicle to speak, “That’s true.”
“Although, lately it seems like people are shipping you more with Vanitas from those videos he was in a few months ago or Ven and Roxas.” Kairi noted as she texted on her phone, “Xion was in one of the chatrooms about it.”
Riku narrowed his eyes, “Like Ven and Roxas or…?”
You shook your head, “I think they’re still confused about which person is which person and I think most of them still think they’re the same person? It’s… It’s hard to say, to be honest.”
“And yet they want you to date him—them?” Riku asked.
You shrugged in an exaggerated manner, “The only person I’ll be dating is Colonel Sanders.”
Kairi held up her finger with a twist of her lips, “Mmmm, that sentence is not one you hear every day, and I do not like it.”
“Yeah, it sounded gross as it came out of my mouth.” You agreed wholeheartedly.
Sora held up his fist, a look of brave determination on his features, “I won’t let the weirdness deter me. I will court and date Colonel Sanders. He will be mine.”
“We’ll leave you and your thoughts about Colonel Sanders alone.” Kairi bobbed her head and quickly stood and looked to you, “So we are doing this ‘100 Baby Challenge’ thing or what?”
You stood hesitantly, Kairi looped her arm through yours to start to drag you away, “I haven’t played The Sims since like middle school. Which one are they on now? Sims 12?”
“It’s only on Sims 4, you big baby, and I’m gonna show you the ropes. It’ll be a great video series I promise.” Kairi pulled you to where she knew where your computer was.
You grinned at your eager friend, “Ok, ok. Catch me up on those sims, Kairi.”
As Kairi dropped down into your desk chair and pulled up The Sims you couldn’t help but pause and really take in your situation. Never, ever would you have guessed that Sora and your channel would blow up quite like it did. You just wanted to post funny videos of you and your best friend talking about your favorite games just for fun and for other friends to watch. Yet here you were with followers and fans and people around the world who actually enjoyed watching you do what you loved to do. It seemed too good to be true, but here you were about to re-learn how to play the Sims so you could do a challenge that many followers begged for you to try.
“Hello? Dear pupil of mine? Are you ready? Take notes I will be quizzing you later.” Kairi jokingly said while snapping her fingers in front of you. You grinned and dropped down into your desk chair on top of Kairi who squealed in surprise at the sudden weight. The two of you laughed and wrestled for seat.
This was too good to be true.
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retro-rezz-the-est · 5 years
The Right Alpha pt. 2 (Drew/Reader/Roman A/B/O)
Summary: A/B/O action with Drew and Ro accompanied by real time plot lmao. No smut this time, but plenty of angst and fluff.
(A/N: I wanted to get this out for my birthday and for the 500 followers milestone last week but since I’m a lazy piece of shit who’s brain doesn’t work properly, I forgot lol. So here it is! Thanks once again for 500+ and let’s hope that I haven’t lost my marbles due to VKM’s crap by the next milestone. God bless @writinglionqueen and @writing-reigns for being my betas and my support system throughout this. Love y’all both! ^3^)
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Warnings: a lot of harassment/sexual harassment, brief flashbacks of the douchebag ex from the first part and Roman and Drew bc they should come with their own warning labels lmao
Word Count: 6728
Read part one here 
(Y/n): your name
“You sure you don’t need anything tonight?” Roman asked.
“Trust me, Ro, I’ll be fine,” you said, holding your phone to your ear as you walked towards the backstage door. Even though Ro was still scheduled to be at tonight’s show, he still had yet to show up to the arena. Duffel in hand, you shouldered the door open and were met with the bustling sounds of the production team and the stagehands prepping for that night’s SmackDown Live taping. 
You heard him chuckle in your ear. “If you say so, baby girl. Love you.”
“Love you too, Big Dog.”
Your heart felt light as you ended the call, sighing to yourself and holding the phone to your chest. You’ve been floating on air since Roman and Drew confronted you in that hallway after RAW a few months ago and with the implementation of the new, albeit incredibly stupid, “wild card rule”, you were able to spend more time with your Alphas. For the first time since jumping ship to the blue brand thanks to the new rule, you felt…
You were actually eager to come into work that day, mentally preparing for your tag match with Bayley against Alexa and Nikki Cross. Sporting one of the merch tees you stole from Ro and a pair of jean shorts, you tried to maneuver your way around everyone and make it to the women’s locker room in one piece. You tugged on it and bought the collar to your face, inhaling and smiling as the scent of your alpha washed over you.
You really have it bad, don’t you? you asked yourself, your thoughts taking over.
Yep, and I don’t mind one bit.
You didn’t notice the figure in front of you until you crashed into them nose-first, bashing your head against the back of theirs.
“Shit,” you said, pocketing your cell as you tried to speak with a mouth full of hair. “Sorry, I wasn’t paying attention!”
“It’s ok, girl. I shouldn’t have been standing around like an idiot,” the voice replied, their body turning to face you.
The now-revealed Smackdown Women’s Champ ran a hand through her long hair and smiled at you, taking her other hand off of her suitcase’s handle briefly to give you one of her iconic hugs. When you first transferred from the Monday show, the Beta was the first person to show you any sort of kindness. So, the two of you became fast friends, looking out for each other both in and out of the ring. “So, how’s my fave tag team partner doing?”
“I’m doing well, actually,” you replied as you started off on you way again, her trailing closely behind you. “SmackDown’s a lot more chill than Raw is, to be honest.”
She let out another short laugh. “You’re not wrong here, (Y/n), but the wild card rule keeps shaking everything up around here.”
“Ugh, tell me about it. If I keep having to see the same people getting pushed when there’s quality talent just sitting back here, I’m gonna pull my hair out.”
“I know, right? I’d love to face some of the other girls here, like Kairi or Ember,” she added, unzipping her dark grey hoodie.
You raised your brow at her suggestions and noted, “I would actually pay to see those matches happen.”
“Well, at least it hasn’t been all that bad lately. You still get to see your mates every day thanks to the rule,” she sighed in content and looked at you. “I’m literally so jealous of you. Two mates! How do you guys even function?”
You started to ramble on about your relationship with the two Superstars as the two of you continued to walk down to the locker rooms, but you soon noticed Bayley glancing at you funny.
“What?” you asked her, brushing yourself off. “Is there something on me? Is there something on my face?”
“Nah, there isn’t. I was just hoping that you were gonna get into the more… juicy details,” she cheekily wondered, a sly grin plastered on her face.
“B-Bayley! I’m not gonna gossip about my sex life here! There are three topics you don’t talk about at work: politics, religion, and sex!”
“Aww, come on, live a little!” the beta whined. “Just this one little thing? For me?”
She already knew the answer the moment she looked back at your face, pouting in defeat. She made a move for her pocket and paused, feeling around in it when her eyes went wide.
“What’s wrong, Bayley?”
Groaning, she answered, “My hair ties. I think I left them with that stagehand I bumped into when I got here about an hour ago. Can you wait for me here and watch my bag while I try to find them? I promise I won’t be gone for long.”
“Of course,” you responded as she handed her small suitcase over to you. She shouted a “thank you” in your direction as she ran off and turned a corner.
You dropped your duffel on top of her suitcase and pulled your phone back out and leaned up against the wall behind you, scrolling through your old texts as you drowned out the hustle and bustle around you. You opened your group chat with Drew and Ro, giggling at how they both complained about working with Shane and his behavior.
Reading through the messages, you didn’t notice the shadow that had just loomed over your body. A hand slapped the wall next to your head, but you didn’t want to look up. You didn’t want to look up because you already knew who it was.
Speak of the fucking devil.
“Hello, (Y/n).”
You could already hear the sickly sweet adoration dripping from his voice, but you still didn’t look at him when you responded. “What the hell do you want, Shane?”
“Woah there, Omega. Is that any way to speak to your boss? I feel offended,” he said, his voice still filled with endless loads of fakeness. You could smell the cockiness rolling off him in waves, so much so that you had to hold your breath whenever he was around. The hand on the wall was slowly moving closer to your head and you could hear it, and you hoped to whoever’s above that someone would do something about it.
But no one ever did.
You could feel your hands starting to tremble as he leaned closer to your face. “I was just gonna ask where your two big, bad Alphas were, sweetheart. There’s no harm in that.”
The weight of his leer felt like a brick pressing against your forehead and you kept getting whiffs of want her and mine that you sure as hell didn’t need today. The Alpha above you moved a piece of hair away from your face and chuckled at your hesitance, already familiar with it.
“Y-You should already know where Drew is, you prick. And Ro’s here as well. He’s just not… here… right now.”
Your wolf was going absolutely batshit at the sight of him, and the thought of him touching you made it even more ravenous.
Hit him! Tear into his smug face! Kick him in the balls! Tell him off! Do something already!
You could feel your teeth start to grow sharper as he chuckled again, his free hand descending to your waist while the other made its way to the back of your head. You could feel his gaze lingering in your cleavage, and you felt more exposed than before.
Why can’t he just leave me alone, for fuck’s sake?
“Oh, he’s not here right now? What a shame. Truly,” he said teasingly. Shane’s hands gripped you tighter as he pulled you closer to him, forcing you to look up at him and drop your phone to the floor with a clatter. His eyes were malicious, but they held in them a caring look so fake and plastic that it made you sick.
Your entire body shuddered as you looked into his empty eyes. “Yeah, he’s not here now. So, w-what do you want from me, S-Shane?”
It was still shocking how no one passing by saw him do this to you. It still shocked you how no one interfered with him tormenting you like this.
“You know what I want, (Y/n). Just say yes and I’ll go.”
Resisting the urge to scoff, you uttered, “The fucking answer’s still no and you know why.”
“Aww, come on, live a little!” he whined, mocking Bayley’s earlier comment and making you cringe. “I could show you a really fun time.”
He managed to pull you even closer to his chest and he leaned down to your ear. “Just picture it: a night out celebrating with me and Drew after beating your pathetic, waste of space mate to a pulp once again. And as the night grows even later, we could get more… intimate, if you will.”
Don’t say anything, you told your wolf despite the immediate pushback from it. Shane’s breath was near potent and you actually felt the need to eject a wave of vomit onto his Jordans. Keep quiet and don’t make this any worse for me.
“Plus, seeing as those two idiots haven’t even claimed you yet, I can show that Scottish dud how it’s really done.”
Gripping your hair, he yanked your head back and bashed your head on the wall, ogling at your unmarked neck while you hissed in pain. With your arms stuck against his body, his head fell and he drew his nose over the skin. “You’d love being mine, Omega. I’d treat you right, unlike those absolute brutes you have for mates.”
Don’t do anything because if you do, then you’ll bite his nose off and we’ll be out of a job.
“What do you say, (Y/n)? You wanna take this for a test drive?”
His wedding band started to dig into your side through your shirt and you yelped, telling him, “You shouldn’t be doing this, Shane. You’re married, right? And you have pups?”
He roared with laughter at your comment, and all you wanted to do in that moment was curl into a ball and hide with your mates at your side. He responded with a large grin, saying, “And what about it, sweetheart? She doesn’t have to know now, does she?”
Moving up to your jaw from your neck, his lips brushed against your cheek as he added, “And besides, you like knowing that, don’t you?”
Before he could move closer to your own mouth, his own phone rang and you thanked every deity in existence that he released you and moved away to take the call.
“We’ll finish this conversation later, (Y/n). I’ll see you around.”
Holding the phone to his ear, he brushed off his chest with his free hand and casually walked away, you looking bewildered as he did so. You felt nauseous and dirty, feeling your now sharpened nails digging into the palms of your hands as you curled them into fists.
You hated this.
You’ve hated it since he started this little “game” of his a month ago, and you sure as hell hate it now. You hated how easily he could corner you and make you feel as vulnerable and weak as a small child. And you couldn’t even do anything about it because he was your fucking boss!
Your wolf howled in anger, letting out kill and must tell mates with every other breath. Everything around you continued as normal, but you knew that it was far from it. Your eyes burned with the feeling of unfallen tears and you could feel your breath grow faint when a familiar voice reared in the background. 
“Hey, (Y/n)! I’m back! Sorry I took so long, the stagehand wasn’t in the spot where I had found them originally and I had to go searching for them again but that took ages-”
Bayley stopped her mini rant and took a good look at you, your entire attitude seeming to deflate since she had left originally.
“Hey, are you okay?” the Beta asked you. “You look...sick. Like you’ve just seen a ghost or something.”
Blinking the tears away, you forced a laugh out and moved your hands behind your back. “It’s fine. I’m just… just a little nervous about tonight. It’s my first time going against Alexa and I want my first match with her to go well.”
“Well, I’m sure you’ll be fi- oh my god, (Y/n)!)”
You quickly looked around, eyes wide with shock. “What? What happened? What is it?”
“Your hands!”
“My wha- oh.”
Drops of blood were currently dripping from your fists and onto the floor, making small puddles at your sides. You didn’t feel the bite of your nails digging into your skin, but you chuckled nervously and tried to hide them again. She grabbed your wrists in one hand and reached for her bag with the other.
“We have to get these cleaned and wrapped before out match tonight. Come on!” she told you, hoisting your bag onto her shoulder and dragging you by your wrist to the medical personnel with her free hand.
“Haha, take that, Bliss! You’re never getting your hands on this!” Bayley exclaimed at the blonde as the woman clutched her sides at the champ’s feet, you raising her arm above her head in victory. Moments later, Nikki slid into the ring as soon as you two slipped out of it.
Bayley gave you a hug as she started to make her way up the ramp with her title held high, Bliss and Cross limping back up a few minutes later. You, however, walked in the direction of the announce table where an empty chair and headset were waiting for you. You gave a brief greeting to Graves, Saxton and Philips before situating yourself next to the first man.
The last match of the night was a one-on-one bout between Ro and Shane and as always, Shane cockily walked out to the ring with Drew in tow to the sounds of boos from the crowd and his “best in the world” introduction. Drew grabbed two mics for him and Shane before they both climbed into the ring, looking like they absolutely owned the place. It would’ve made you smile if it weren’t for him being the lackey at the likes of Shane. 
Shane raised his to his mouth and was about to talk, but he was interrupted by the blaring sound of Roman’s theme. He came out with a smirk on his face and you could almost hear the thud of his boots as he stalked to the ring.
He threw you a wink when he made it to the ropes closest to you and you smiled, hearing the ref signal for the bell and seeing Shane immediately rush at him from behind. He threw his forearm into the back of Roman’s head and crippled him, making you gasp. Drew applauded at ringside and the two of you locked eyes.
You shuddered under his intense gaze and you quickly looked away just in time to see Shane stomping out Roman, your mate groaning as his heel connected with his chest. You glanced away from the match briefly to discuss other matters with your fellow commentators (minus Graves, of course) before turning back and seeing Shane glaring directly at you, the look in his eyes making feel nauseous as you wrap your arms around your torso.
He winked at you like Roman had, taking his time raking those eyes along your figure and Roman was quick to notice. The Samoan bared his teeth and growled as he began to let out his wolf and rose from the ring floor, charging at Shane and spearing his head into the ringpost he was closest to. As the grey-haired Alpha started to regain his senses again, he threw his chest back and howled with the rest of the Universe and speared Shane again. The match was over before you could even blink, and Roman quickly pinned the other Alpha to pick up the win.
Huh, Shane’s off his game tonight. Good, you thought as you heard the three-count and you stood to clap for your mate. Taking off your headset and thanking the three men at commentary, you made your way into the ring and took Roman’s arm to raise it.
You two quickly moved out of it and began walking up the ramp side by side, his arm thrown around your shoulders and your own wrapped around his waist. Glancing behind you, you saw the dirty look Shane threw you and you smiled internally at that, claiming it as a small victory over him.
He pulled you aside near some supply crates as you made it backstage, bringing you into his chest while you inhaled his familiar scent. It had momentarily calmed your nerves down, being there with him, but they were briskly replaced by a new feeling of dread when he moved your hands from around him and looked down at your bandaged hands.
“How’d this happen, Omega?” Roman asked, worry making his brows furrow. “Did you hurt yourself?”
He started to rub at where the skin of your palms would be as you answered him. “Yeah, I did. I was nervous my match and I didn’t notice my nails digging into my hands. Bayley bandaged me up well, so I should be fine.”
You and your own wolf felt bad for lying to him about them, but you didn’t need him going after Shane with a death wish in tow and getting fired because of it.
This is better, you assumed, seeing his eyes grow soft. It’s better for all of us.
“I’m just glad that you were able to pin Shane tonight,” You raised your hands to cup his face and he nuzzled himself into them, making you chuckle. “Lord knows he needs to be put in his place.”
Roman laughed as you said the last bit under your breath, squeezing your waist before lifting his hands to move yours from his face. “Speaking of Shane,” he questioned, looking down at you with concern in his warm brown eyes, “what was that wink all about during the match? Is there something you’re not telling me, baby girl?”
“What? No,” you scoffed, answering him quickly. “Shane’s just being his usual dickish self in order to get under your skin and make you mad. Nothing more.”
The quickness of your response made the Alpha quirk his brow for a second when he smelled hurt and shame wafting off of you but he brushed it off, agreeing with you. You rose onto your toes and planted a kiss to his cheek, saying, “Now, you wait for Drew here while I go and get our things ready, ok?”
You let go of him and began walking away, hearing him reply with a “yes ma’am” and pivoting on your heel to see him throw up a faux salute in your direction. His eyes lingered on you even as your figure grew smaller until you finally turned a corner.
Your heart wanted to fall out of your chest and flop around on the floor when he asked you about your hands, and even more so when he asked about Shane’s shitty excuse of a wink. But, you persisted, even though your wolf continued to berate you about the situation.
Lying will not make this better. Makes it worse for you and mates. You’ll see.
Since your tag match with Bayley against Bliss and Cross went over so well on SmackDown, you were told that you had to give a dual promo with the blonde Omega the next week on the red brand. 
You arrived to the arena dressed in a casual black tank with some skinny jeans, your sweater tied around your waist. Since the skin on your hands was starting to heal and you didn’t want to encounter Shane again, you decided to take the longer route to the locker room instead, using as many of the hallways as you could. He was always lingering somewhere on both shows and was always eager to find you, and you weren’t taking any chances.
A few minutes had passed since you’d seen anyone and you let out a breath you didn’t even know you were holding in. Turning down another empty hall, you felt a presence trailing behind you as you walked, but you paid it no mind. Then, a rough hand grasped your shoulder and spun you around.
“Thought you could run away from me, little Omega?”
How in the absolute hell?!
Your eyes went wide when he spun you around and pinned your arms to your sides. Shane moved in closer and you had the incredible urge to just raise your head and scratch his face up with your teeth.
“H-How did you find me?”
His laughter bounced off the concrete walls, making your bones vibrate. “I told you last week that we’d finish our conversation later. And to me, ‘later’ means ‘right fucking now’.”
He laughed again at your lack of words, your mouth slightly agape and hyperventilating. You were smart in that you didn’t ball your hands up as to not puncture the skin of your palms again, but you were damn near close to.
You could feel his hands sliding up your bare arms and situate themselves at the base of your neck, his thumbs drawing figures along your collarbone. All you could see was his smug grin, complete with eyes that were filled with absolutely zero remorse for what he was doing.
“Why do you do this to m-me, Shane? What did I do to you?”
This caught his attention. “You haven’t done anything yet, but you will.”
“Like I said numerous times before, you’ll need a real Alpha like myself to show you the ropes. You’ll need me to claim you and show you how to be a good-”
He talked to you as if you were an incompetent child, and his hold on you grew tighter with every word. You began to struggle and try to get yourself out and away from him, but to no avail.
This hurts.
“- obedient -”
“- little Omega for me, (Y/n).”
Struggling became useless as your breathing became quicker and quicker with each passing second and you shut your eyes tight, feeling them shift along with your teeth. His words were reminiscent of those from your ex-lover, and you couldn’t help but see blood red all over at the sound of them. 
All you could think of was how dirty your ex made you feel, putting you down constantly with his hurtful, disgusting actions and words, and he made you feel the exact same way that he had and you wanted him to. You had to physically hold yourself back from pouncing on him and dragging his face into the ground.
Get him now!
“Shane? Shane, where th’ fuck are ya? We’re on in thirty bloody minutes!”
Oh, thank the gods above.
Shane groaned and released you abruptly, causing you to stagger back. “Fucking hell, Drew.”
The large Scottish Alpha’s feet reverberated off the walls around you and he turned the corner closest to you two, looking around. He spotted you both and stomped over, clearly pissed off with Shane.
“What th’ hell, man?! Ya say you were gonna meet me here, an’ then you just rush out like a bat outta hell!”
Dressed in a simple white tee and jeans with a leather jacket on top, he curled his hands and growled, letting off more feral scents combined with his usual one. Through his frustration, he saw the glow of your shifting eyes and how much you were trembling, accompanied by the growing of your nails at your sides.
Eyes flickering between the two of you, he looked at the other Alpha and grimaced. “And what were ya doin’ all alone here with my mate, Shane? I thought I told ya she’s taken.”
The other man chuckled nervously as you cupped your neck, feeling the imprints from his fingers already beginning to bloom into small bruises.
“We weren’t doing anything, McIntyre. I just caught up with her and was just politely asking her a question about her new feud with Alexa. Isn’t that tight, (Y/n)?”
You nearly barfed at his piss poor attempt at being nice, but you decided to play along. “Yeah,” you murmured, willing your eyes to fade to their normal hue and your nails and teeth to shrink down. “We’re all good here.”
You feigned another laugh and quickly put your sweater on, zipping it up fully to keep your skin hidden. Drew looked as if he didn’t buy any of it but soon turned around, grabbing Shane by the collar and dragging him away.
“Woah, hey now, watch the shirt! This thing is worth more than your monthly salary!”
“Cut th’ shit,” the Scot grumbled, stomping away with him in tow. “We’re already running behind schedule and I don’t need t’ hear your daddy runnin’ his mouth at me again.”
And with that, the duo disappeared behind another wall, their voices fading into nothing while you stumbled back into the wall behind you, clutching your chest and feeling your heart race.
“Great,” you muttered, briskly walking in the opposite direction of them. “Hope the Glam Squad has enough concealer to cover these up.”
Your promo was one of the first segments of the night and you were finished with it relatively quickly, getting a fairly good reaction from the crowd when the other woman had come out to do her bit. You were glad everything went smoothly once you finished and when you finally got backstage, you started to make the journey back to get the remainder of your things and head back to the hotel.
You made it to the women’s locker room and shut the door, grabbing your sweater and bending down to stuff it into the bag you had Natalya bring for you. You got out your phone to text your mates and ask them when they were going to be finished when the door behind you creaked open, twin footfalls thudding on the floor. Their scent slowly filled the room surrounded you before you saw them and you relaxed your shoulders.
“Hey, are you guys finished for the night? I was gonna text you to see when you-”
You pivoted on your heel to face the two large Alphas with a grin on your face, Roman dressed in a long sleeved black tee and shorts and Drew in the outfit you saw him in earlier. They stared back at you intensely, Roman crossing his arms and Drew moving to go lock the door.
You shuddered under their intense glares, asking, “Is everything okay?”
Roman was the first one to speak, uncrossing his arms and walking over to you. He moved your bag and took your hand, sitting you down on the bench behind you as the Scot watched from the door.
“Me and Drew were talking earlier, and we feel like you’re hiding something from us, ‘mega.”
Oh, help me now.
“Me? Hiding something from you two?” you pondered, scoffing and chuckling anxiously. “Everything’s totally fine. Trust me.”
“And there it is again,” he shot back, “you’re doing that thing again. You’ve been acting skittish and dodging our questions for almost a month now. Why won’t you tell us what’s wrong?”
He was confused, and you could clearly see the hurt in his eyes when you looked into them. But you couldn’t bring yourself to tell them yet.
Do it.
“I mean, was it something that we said? Something we did?”
“N-No, of course not, Ro! You know you’d never do anything to hurt me! You both wouldn’t!”
You sighed and took your hands out of his, placing them on your head as your eyes fell to your lap. It took everything in you not to burst out into a fiery mix or rage and tears. “Look, I already told you guys before. It’s noth-”
A loud bang brought you back from your stupor and you yelped, jumping out of your skin and directing your attention to the door. Drew stood there with the side of his fist against the door, and there was a crack emulating from the impact.
“Enough of this, (Y/n). We’re your Alphas, your mates. You’re supposed t’ tell us when something’s up. Why’re ya hidin’ from us?” he whispered, his voice cracking near the end.
Drew didn’t really express his more sentimental emotions outright but when he did, it absolutely crushed you. You could see your mates hurting - feel them hurting - and they were slowly chipping away at your walls. The silence after he spoke was deafening and you knew that if a pin fell then, you would hear it.
Every second felt like a minute and every minute felt like an eternity until you opened your mouth again.
“I don’t want you both to think that I’m a bad Omega for not saying something sooner.”
Your soft voice prompted Drew to move away from the door and kneel down to your height, placing both of his hands on your thigh. “Leannan (sweetheart), nothing ya say right now will make us ever think that. You’re our mate, and ya should be able to tell us anything plaguin’ ya.”
“We love you, (Y/n), and we do care,” Roman added, moving his hand to cup your cheek. “You don’t have to tell us everything if it’s too much, but at least give us something.”
The fuse was lit.
With that permission, you didn’t notice how quickly your body shifted into attack mode and you hastily stood, knocking your bag over.
“It’s fucking Shane’s fucking fault!” you barked, baring your teeth and nails to no one. “He keeps on stalking me and harassing me and bothering me and saying how much fucking better he’d be as my mate!”
You moved from the bench and began to pace the room, huffing and blocking out all outside noises as you continued to rant. “That little rich shitbag thinks he can do all of this over and over again with no consequence, and he thinks that he can just grab me and toss me around like I’m some useless thing! It makes me feel sick and dirty and… argh!”
The two Alphas jumped when you kicked a nearby locker, putting a dent in the shape of your foot in it. “I want to claw his eyes and scratch his smug stupid face! I hate it when he says that he’s gonna ‘show me the ropes’ and fucking claim me as his own when he’s got a whole wife and pups!”
You paused to catch your breath but you couldn’t stop the tears that were burning your eyes from falling. Your back hit the wall and you slid to the floor, cradling your face in your hands.
“I just… what did I do to deserve any of this?”
Your mates rushed to your sides as you cried, Drew holding you to his chest as you let the tears flow. You could feel Drew's heart beat faster and faster and you could feel Roman's heavy breathing on your neck.
The Samoan stood up and looked at your wrecked form, growling. You could see his eyes dilated and flash gold for a second before he turned away from you and unlocked the door, almost ripping it from its hinges as he stormed out with murder on his mind.
“Shane! Where the fuck are you, you bastard?! I’m gonna tear you apart!”
Oh fuck, you though, untangling yourself from Drew and getting up as quickly as you could to follow him. You two scrambled outside to find the wild Alpha and spotted him barreling through anyone who dared to get in his way as he continued to shout.
“Everyone get the hell out of my way! Where’s Shane?! I’m gonna fucking kill him!”
You ran after him, shoving past poor stagehands and other Superstars to get to your angered mate. Reaching him, you took his wrist and spun him around, seeing his eyes blown out to a full gold. His chest heaved with every harsh breath, and you could see veins popping out of his neck from how hard he was clenching his teeth.
“You see? This is why I didn’t tell you in the first place! I didn’t want you to go on a murder-happy fucking rampage and lose your damn job!”
“She’s got a point,” Drew added, firmly grasping Ro’s other wrist. “You need to think!”
He was having none of it. “He hurt my mate, our mate, and that waste of space needs to pay! I’ll find him and rip out his eyes myself.”
It scared you how aggressive he was when he meant it, but you stood your ground. “You’re not the only one who wants to kill that bag of human scum, Roman, but we do have to be smart about this.”
“We can deal with him next week,” you sighed. “Just… just calm down, please.”
No! Now! Get him now!
Drew nodded, agreeing with you and helping you to pull the other man back in the opposite go get the rest of your things even though he continued to try and escape. You smiled to yourself, though, at the thought of the things you were going to do to Vince’s son in the near future.
For the next week, your two mates didn’t leave your side for a second, with Roman escorting you out to the ring for your match on SmackDown the next night and Drew acting as your personal bodyguard when the cameras weren’t rolling. They wouldn’t let anyone get near you, growling and baring their teeth at anyone who wasn’t a personal friend who dared to get in your personal space.
Monday came far too soon and the three of you arrived to the arena, game faces on as you waltzed in like your own little pack. They each had an arm around your waist with a hand in each of your back pockets, leering at everyone while you grinned.
Roman and Drew were already planned to have another in-ring bout prior to Extreme Rules, but they wanted to have you out for the main event as support. You already knew that Shane was going to be there, going ringside to cheer the Scotsman on and berate his opponent.
You all had your roles, you all had your positions. Now, it was just time to put it all into play.
As their match was the one to close out the night, you had to deal with hearing Shane’s long introduction when him and Drew went through the curtain. You watched them travel to the ring and you saw the Scottish Alpha’s hand twitch, eager to get his large hands on the man next to him.
Shane continued to rant before you and Roman cut him off, trekking down to the ring to meet him. He swiftly ducked under the ropes as Ro approached him but he smiled at you when he saw you, instantly making you sick to your stomach.
Gripping his elbow, you whispered, “You know what to do, right?”
“Of course I do, baby girl,” he replied, brushing you off. “I got this.”
He smirked at you, climbing up the steps and under the ropes. The bell rang and the match began with the two men locking into each other in the middle of the squared circle, Drew quickly getting Roman into a headlock and bringing him down to one knee.
He managed to shove the larger man off of him and into the ropes to throw his forearm into his clavicle and drop him down with a thud. Roman roared as a “Let’s go, Roman!” chant erupted from the crowds. You applauded him and Shane sneered, creeping closer to the ropes like a rat to freshly tossed food.
The match went on for several minutes, each filled with blows delivered and taken by both Superstars. Drew took a harsh Driveby from Ro on the edge of the ring and you were almost certain that he had been knocked out, had it been for the groan he made when he reached up to rub at his head.
It quickly turned to the Samoan being on the receiving end of most of the blows when Drew landed a nasty Glasgow Kiss to his skull, dropping him like a fly. He dragged the fallen wrestler to the middle of the ring, standing above him menacingly.
“Pin him! What are you doing, man? Just pin him already and get it over with!”
Shane’s loud voice could be heard above all else and you prayed that Roman would get up and walk it off like it was nothing. Instead, Drew chuckled and ducked out of the ring, walking around it to come face to face with the McMahon. As the older Alpha continued to go on and on, your mate threw the fastest right hook you’ve ever seen, making Shane plummet to the floor like a stone in water.
You looked around at the shocked faces of the commentators as well as various members of the WWE Universe, but you didn’t expect the roaring cheer that one move got.
He kneeled down to his level and proceeded to pumble the man further, driving fist after fist and hit after hit into him. You were full-on belly laughing at that point, noting how comical it was to see the once high and mighty Shane McMahon who had cornered you numerous times be put in a similar, vulnerable position.
It was beautiful.
Hearing the newfound commotion, Roman arose from his spot on the ring floor akin to the Undertaker and the crowd went wild once more. He got up and ran to the ropes behind him, bouncing back from them and diving over the set in front of him, Drew moving so he wouldn’t get hit.
Shane’s head struck the ramp below and began bleeding as his face and body grew battered and bruised. The two men towered above him and rained down blows and kicks galore, and you wished you had a phone with you to record the magic happening. They then hooked an arm under one of his and hoisted him up from the ground, looking at you gleefully. 
It was your time to shine, your chance to get your licks in.
“Go on, leannan!” Drew shouted, a wide, wicked smile plastered on his face. “Show this ugly bastard what’s for!”
Roman laughed alongside him. “Show ‘im your spitfire, Omega! Make him pay for what he did to you!”
Make him pay.
You roared, baring your sharpened teeth and charged at the silver-haired man, landing a solid dropkick to the middle of his chest. He fell with an “oof” and laid there like a limp ragdoll, but you weren’t going to let that deter you from having your own fun.
“If you ever-”
Another punch.
One more for good measure.
“-think about touching me or talking useless crap about my mates again, I will fucking. End. You!”
With every word let out, you let out led to another hit to his body, your feet flying everywhere they could reach. After a solid five minutes of you three tossing him around and beating him to a pulp, you landed a fine tuned pointed-toe kick to his crotch. He crumbled to the ground, clutching his body as you and your mates looked on victoriously.
You could barely hear yourself think over the commotion going on around you, but you didn’t care. You got your payback. You all did and if he tries some shit like that again, you’ll be bound to pay him back again by a ten-fold.
You raced up the ramp to meet your lovers at the head, raising their arms to signal your win against Shane’s bullshit. You felt a weight being lifted off of your chest and you felt relieved for the first time in over a month.
Karma really is a beautiful thing, isn’t it?
~~ Tag List: @writinglionqueen @writing-reigns @i-have-saracasm @yaint-me @calum-hoodwinked-me @missmoxy @gold–gucciempress @mistress-to-the-moon@mis @meishaabae @luciddrreamss @neversatisfiedgirl @the-carter-mob-don @aj-mac21 @crossfitjesusinskinnyjeans @finnsauroraborealis@tacoshu @ladytea19 @candicelerae @sassybrose @bambixbliss @lookalivesunshine-x @liamakorn @baddie-bismuth @deepdisireslonging@flawlessglamazon @myorlandobloomersareshowing @thegoblin-maiden @justsimplevicky @taryn-dibiase @caramara3 @hardcorewwetrash @shieldgirl18 @demonkingsangel @speckylynch @mondaynightrollynch ~~
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Ch. 13* ☆*~~~*☆
Location: Unknown
The group landed in what could only be described as a floating castle in a sea of stars, yet very few were within the sky, it seemed that all of them were in the ‘water’ below at their feet. The large female gently lowered everyone carefully to the ground, a bright smile to greet them. Everyone watched cautiously as it sat down before Xion and Roxas. Axel moved before the two only for the other to smile brighter as it reached forward seeming to be uncaring of the red head before them, if anything it seemed more excited. Everyone moved to draw their weapons only to halt as they heard Lio laughing from Terra’s arms.
The Luminary seeming rather excited to see the large woman currently looming over them, as she gave a laugh, “They don’t recognize you in that form, Olix.” 
“Olix?” The trio from her days past called as she smiled brightly, wrapping gentle hands around them in a hug, seeing that she was too large now to properly embrace them.
“Where are we?” Ventus asked, looking to the large woman sitting before them who was fondly looking around to the group below her.
“Stella Umbra.” Lio replied, her gaze moving back to Olix as she released the three.
“Have you never been here?” Donald asked.
“Typically Luminary are the only ones allowed here, but Olix invited everyone. I believe you all are the first guests, ever.” Lio replied, as she motioned for Terra to place her down. The man seemed hesitant only to be reassured as she held tightly to his arm, as she stood beside him.  “One of the safest places from Kingdom Hearts and the battle.”
Axel chuckled looking up to the giant star filled woman sitting before them, “You really do like your make-overs.” 
“This is actually her true form,”Lio explained for the other, in this form Olix had no reason to ever speak, only gaining that when she created her other form. “When I was put to sleep, I only had a short time to do anything, I never expected for her to actually become such a huge part in all this.”
“It’s good to see you’re okay.” Sora smiled, as Olix placed a large finger on his head.
“Xemnas did mention she was fine.“ Mickey replied.
Olix shook her head at this, small  flakes of glitter and light coming off of her from the movement.
“What do you mean, he didn’t mean you?” Lio called, as everyone watched in confusion.
“But, but we saw,” Xion whispered as Olix wrapped a hand around her, caressing Xion’s cheek with the tip of her thumb.
Olix turned waving her hand, whisking an orb out the air pushing it towards the lake as she showed a large illusion of the battle scene, her movement as she placed an orb within Kairi’s hood.
“What happened?” Riku asked looking up to the woman.
Olix continued her illusion, showing Xehanort leaving Kairi with Xemnas. The man turned to the red head, as his voice echoed softly around them.
“Will you continue this charade, Illusionist Aria?”
Kairi glared towards the man with violet eyes.
“I’ve known that gaze, you’ve had it since we’ve first met.” 
The illusion of Kairi disappeared as Olix stood before the man, “You don’t have to go through with this, Xemnas.”
Xemnas glanced up, before turning back towards the woman, “The others have already fallen, we have come to a climax it is only right.” 
Olix shook her head, “They others have returned to the correct self, and you, you left the others alive, if you didn’t have a heart you wouldn’t have done even that. You wouldn’t have let them go.”
Xemnas chuckled, glancing up toward the endless sky around them, “Is that so?”
“You knew that Inzeo and Vex, Evan would find a way to bring back the others, so you let them go, is that right?”
Xemnas turned towards her, “Saix, no Isa should have returned as well.”
“Why would you go through all this?”
“I could ask you the same thing,” He stated, only to watch her finally understand the message he was trying to give. “You are much like the Luminary, would you be satisfied with this end?”
“My time was always borrowed, ” Olix replied. “Why, Xemnas?”
Xemnas turned to the woman, “I would assume the same reason that you are before me. We both wanted a different end.”
Olix gave a nod of understanding.
“The girl, Kairi, is safe?” He inquired.
“Yes,” Olix confirmed with a hand to her heart.
“And yourself?”
Olix shook her head, “Please let them know.”
Xemnas looked as if he wanted to say more, only to stop himself, “As you wish.”
The group stared in shock as the illusion disappeared.
Axel grunted in disbelief as he shrugged his shoulders, “Guess he did care.” 
“How did you do this, Xemnas went after you too.” Roxas called to the woman towering over everyone.
Olix showed the moment right before Xemnas had grabbed Kairi, of the way Olix had seen it. The moment she placed the orb in Kairi’s hood the girl had vanished and was replaced with Olix herself in the form of the youth. Showing, the Olix that Xemnas had stabbed was a false created by a second orb, destroying the illusion set in the shape of the woman when the source was shattered. The parting message was actually cut short due to orbs shattering.
“Don’t give up...Sora…I’ll watch over her.”
“But how did this work, why did you go through everything when you could have escaped too?” Riku asked to the larger woman.
“Olix‘s illusions.” Lio translated for the other. “They are just that figments of light, the don’t have a solid form, she needed a body to replace the missing one.”
“But you could have teleported later.”
Lio explained for the other, “I could have, but then Xehonart would have went after one of you. I have always been on borrowed time.” 
Sora turned toward Olix with large tear filled eyes, “But where’s Kairi?”
Olix laid a clench hand down, as she released her fingers as Kairi stood there. Leaping from Olix’s hand as she embraced Sora.
“You hid her here?” Lio gasped.
“How, this place is so far away.”
“Stella Umbra is everywhere and nowhere at once.” Lio explained motioning towards the ocean of stars at their feet, “Should a world be created a star takes its place in the body of water, there is always a connection. Luminary’s use it in order to check in on worlds and travel to and from those worlds via portals.”
“Like corridors of darkness?” Roxas inquired.
“Similar but only a Luminary can move through or gain access to them.”
“But how did Xehonart summon Kingdom Hearts if Olix hid Kairi away?” Riku inquired, looking to Lio than back to Olix still kneeling before them.
“Right this is super confusing.” Axel huffed.
Lio’s pink eyes widened as she listened to whatever silent conversation she and Olix were having, “Because of me.”
“What?” Terra asked, turning to the woman still holding to his arm to keep herself steady. “What do you mean, Lio?”
Lio looked down trying to process the information before turning back to the others, “Olix was created by some of my light, a Luminary’s light and hope. Eris said it herself a Luminary can be a key to Kingdom Hearts opening, if that Luminary wasn’t in control of themselves.” She glanced down to her hand not holding onto Terra noticing the slight glow, something surging through her. “I was so angry and scared when Olix was formed, everything was automatically done, she was only a spark when I was asleep, a small flicker of light.”
Kairi looked toward Olix who was waiting patiently a smile on the large star filled woman’s lips, “Olix told us that if a Luminary wasn’t strong enough, someone could use them to create Kingdom Hearts, but that you were more than strong enough to stop that.”
“Yet with Xehonart shattering Olix, he unleashed that magic that Lio, a Luminary, had present, the light used to create Olix being just enough to open Kingdom Hearts.” Aqua followed up, getting a confirmation from Lio in a nod.
“But you said you only felt a tether snap, right?” Ventus asked as Lio nodded looking to Olix for an answer.
“When she hid Kairi she severed the connection and then hid herself.”
“Wouldn’t you be able to see it no matter what?”
“I don’t see tethers all the time, it’s more of a safety line, I have to physically active their appearance. Yet with going from 3 to 10 plus adding the splints of Xehonart it was difficult. I am still not use to everyone’s to be able to pin who is who, there’s so many overlapping and chasing each other.”
“This is confusing.” Sora groaned scratching his head, “Olix is right here so it’s all right now, right?”
“No.” Lio replied, “The Olix we know now is a figment, a very small light, not only did she take some of the rebound of the Spell of Awakening and the Rewind Spell, her light was shattered again and again. She very weak right now.”
Olix reached out setting her hand palm faced up towards the Luminary, who immediately reached out placing a hand to Olix’s. A soft smile on the Luminary’s face as they noticed tears streaming from underneath Olix’s mask, as she removed her hand from Lio, before reaching out picking up Kairi and Sora, 
“Now wait!” Lio suddenly barked, frightening everyone. “Where are you going now? I’m sure we can figure something out.”
“What’s wrong?” Aqua asked, as Lio released Terra’s arm, unsteady heels trying to hold the woman upright as her feet left the ground floating up to Olix’s face with great difficulty.
“I’m sure that Inzeo and the other can help,” Lio argued before Olix’s face. “We can do something, please...”
“Lio, what's wrong?”Kairi asked from Olix's hand to the woman floating well above them.
“It’s taking everything you have right now to keep it together isn’t it?” Lio looked ready to cry in frustration as she turned to the others, “Olix was created to help me watch over everything until I could come back, but now that I’m back she’s…” Lio left it open, afraid to speak it into existence, as she heard the shock from the others. She had never expected for Olix to get a name, much less touch so many people’s hearts. 
Olix was created simply as a vessel, much like The Gaurdian Terra had inhabited, yet made from a piece of a Luminary’s light and hope. Olix may not have been related to her in blood but they shared a connection that made them sisters in a sense.
“You can’t leave!” Lio called, a soft flicker of white light moving off the Luminary.  “You, you promised Namine, what do I tell her now! I just got back and I haven’t even got to know you.” Lio cried, she knew it was selfish but none of this was fair, why did Olix have to pay for her original selfish choice to create her. “That’s not fair!” 
Olix shook her head, giving the silent conversation to the Luminary via the bond they had shared, only for Lio to gasp a hand to her mouth as she stared at the other in the mask.  
 The Luminary’s glow stopped as she rested a hand to Olix’s large cheek as leaned forward, resting her cheek against the large one before her, “This doesn’t have to be the end, Olix please.”
Olix placed a gentle hand to Lio’s back, giving a soft moment as she gave a silent sob, before wrapping her hand around Lio as she lowered the other to the ground beside Terra.
Lio knew that Olix was right, the Keyblade Wielders here needed their Luminary, they had all gone so long without one. Olix wanted to do this and if there was one thing Lio knew was she could relay on was her sister if she wasn’t there.
“Olix,” Xion called as the giant woman turned towards her, “Are you really leaving?”
Olix waved a hand in a circle as she created a small orb, handing it to the girl. Finding a small shell within it from their days back in the organization.
“She says she’s been holding onto it for when you came back.”
A soft finger stroking the Xion’s cheek as Olix moved to stand back up.
“You’ll take care of them right?” Lio called only to let out a soft laugh drying her tears as she felt Terra wrap an arm around her shoulders, “What am I talking about, that’s what you’ve been doing this entire time. Just be safe please, I won’t stop until all of you are back.”
Olix smiled as she cupped a hand to further protect Sora and Kairi within her hand, as she flashed a bright light disappearing in a fall of stars.
“Wait, where did they go?” Axel asked.
“She wouldn’t say.”
Riku chuckled, “As long as Kairi and Sora are together, it’ll be all right.”
Ventus turned to Lio, “What about their tethers, can you still see them?”
Lio gave a weak laugh, for whatever reason Olix was hiding them, “They’ll be fine as long as they’re together.”
“Are you okay?” Aqua asked as Lio managed to get her tears uncontrol, watching as the Luminary gave a nod, uncertain if she was trying to convenience them or the others.
Everyone staring at the place where Olix had disappeared with the others/
“So any idea on how we get back?” Axel asked, flinching at the glare from Aqua, “You've got enough energy to teleport us back, Ms. Luminary?”
Lio laughed her face still stained with tears, “You wouldn’t want me to  teleport us anywhere, even if I was at full strength.”
“So what we just hang out around here since we can’t use those Luminary portals.” Axel inquired.
“There’s another portal instead that we can take.” Lio replied allowing Terra to wipe her face dry from the few tears that managed to stay behind. “Hopefully it still works.” She replied as Terra took her hand following her along with everyone else into the large ivory building, leaning more on Terra now for emotional support rather than physical.
“It’s been awhile since anyone's used it.” Lio explained moving them through the open aired hallways.
“What are we talking about, a few years?” Axel inquired.
Lio thought for a moment, “About 200.”
Lio laughed, walking through the sliver halls, flashes of Olix’s memories compared them to Castle Oblivion, that had been the others' adventure. Some of her own days within training flashed between. Everything seemed so untouched by time.
“It seems this place is empty.” Terra replied as Lio opened a large door, the man rushing over to help her push.
“Thanks.” Lio smiled to the man who refused to leave her side, “It was only Master Eris and myself here. I’m surprised that it's still in good condition without our upkeep.”
“Isn’t this where Olix hid you?” Aqua inquired, as another door was pushed open, the other woman moving them through another hall, it honestly was very confusing the fact Lio knew where she was going was amazing everything seemed very much the same to herself.
“I was hidden in my room, and when I woke up I immediately followed yours and Ven’s tethers to Yen Sid’s place.” Lio replied, lifting a hand as she placed it against the next door, the solid form seeming to almost peel back like a curtain at her touch. “Welcome to the Mare Stella.”
Revealed to them was a large ballroom with a huge domed glass ceiling sparking in a rainbow of colors, reflecting and bouncing off one another, small sparkles of glitter scattered throughout. Casting of white, platinum and silvers holding it up, beneath an arch of a clear crystal standing on an elevated platform that slowly spun. Much more colorful than the halls they had just been through.
“It’s beautiful.” Xion gasped, looking around, her eyes falling to a large statue on the other side of the room of a woman.
Lio stepped forward, moving to the top of the platform as she stood before the archway. Raising her hands as she summoned her staff, realizing it was shattered from before and honestly had no idea how it was still holding itself together. “I almost forgot.”
“Right in the fight, will it be all right?” Goofy asked.
“It seems to just be the seal Master Eris placed on it, the base is still intake.” Lio replied.
“Seal?” Aqua inquired.
“Yeah, in training it was easier for me to have a large conductor. So I asked Master Eris to help me create a base similar to your keyblades so as not to overload myself. Kinda of like training wheels.” Lio explained, as she held the staff in both hands horizontally to the floor.
“Will you be able to fix it?” Xion asked.
Lio instead rose the staff above her head, before cracking it over her knee in half, what appeared to be a small pink, gold and silver version of a keyblade appeared, no bigger than a normal casting wand. “It might be better to actually remove the training wheels. Please stand back everyone.”
Everyone moved away from the platform as she swelled with magic from across the room. The platform at her feet erupted in an aura of pastel colors as the archway began to reflect almost in a bubble type of film.
“It’s set, just think of where you want to go and you’ll arrive.” Lio smiled, moving over to the edge of the platform, prepared to jump down, only for Terra to appear, immediately offering his arms to her to assist her down.
“You sure it’s safe?” Axel inquired.
“Safer than me at the moment.” Lio replied as Terra set her down. “Or anytime actually.”
“What about you?” Xion asked.
“Are you going to stay here?” Roxas followed up, as Lio blinked in confusion.
Terra removed his hands from her waist, only to wrap his arm around her, “She’ll be coming with us.”
“Right, you never got to move in.” Ventus gasped.
“And this place?” Riku inquired.
Lio looked around, her eyes turning to the large dome, “Stella Umbra is a trove of magic, spells, history of so many worlds. I’m sure there’s something here that I can find to help Olix and the others.”
“We can help!” Xion offered stepping forward.
Lio gave a giggle as she placed a hand to Xion’s head, “Thank you, but for now, why don’t we all take a much needed rest. Afterwards, I’ll work with the others in getting quick portals set up so that you all have easy access to come and go.”
“Will that be all right, isn’t this place reserved for Luminary only?” Aqua asked.
“As current Luminary I think Stella Umbra has been quiet for too long, it could use more visitors.” Lio smiled toward the Keyblade Master.
Seeing the others through to their homes, Lio turned back to the three that this entire journey started with. “You all are next.”
“That included you too.” Aqua smiled as Terra took the Luminary’s hand.
Lio smiled as she moved through the portal arriving in the more familiar and welcoming Land of Departure. The young woman followed the trio through the castle, her hand firm on Terra’s. She had wanted for so long to be a permanent part of this, instead of just glances from the outside every so often. It was almost too surreal, what was ten years of blood, sweet tears and laughter was over.
They could relax, to take a moment to breathe.
So focused on her thoughts Lio didn’t realize that they had entered a room she hadn’t recalled seeing before. Waiting at the door with Terra as Aqua and Venus moved around collecting pillows and blankets, tossing them in the middle of the room.
“What are they doing?”
“You said we should rest. Sounds like a good idea, and we should listen to our Luminary.” Terra explained, only to laugh at the look of confusion on her face.
“Nap Party!” Ventus cheered, tossing a larger pillow down before collapsing down, only to burst out laughing as Aqua tossed another pillow on him before collapsing on the nest of pillows.
“Long overdue.” Aqua yawned giving a stretch, as Terra led Lio over. 
The tall young man, turned falling backwards, which sent Aqua and Ventus scrambling out the way. A more than likely recurring theme considering how quickly the other two managed to get out the way.
“You coming?” Aqua giggled to the Luminary staring in confusion at the situation before her.
Lio seemed to finally accept her fate, as she waved a hand, “I believe that it’s a great idea, but maybe without the armor.” She smiled, as she vanished everyone’s armor, straps, and looser articles that would make getting comfortable harder. “That’s better.”
“One more thing to do.” Aqua replied as she glanced towards Terra who had sat up his hand held out to Lio.
The Luminary in question took his hand, letting out a rather shrill squeak as Terra yanked her off her feet, causing her to stumble forward. Managing to catch herself on his lap and chest, hearing the others laugh as Terra wrapped his arms around her before laying back.
Everyone manages to position themselves correctly to get more comfortable. Terra on his back, an arm behind his head, allowing Lio to rest against his bicep. The Luminary also on her back, head tucked into Terra’s neck. Smiling as she felt Aqua move to rest against her shoulder on her side. Ventus on the other side of Terra against the man’s rib cage.
A place to finally rest and relax, one extremely overdue.
Lio had always enjoyed the night sky in the Land of Departure. It was one of the places she had witnessed a Star Shower in her youth, she recalled waking up in the spare room the following morning. It was years later that she realized it was Eraqus who had put her to bed that night when she had fallen asleep on the lawn refusing to go in until she wished on every star.
Master Eraqus, they had all erected a small monument for him in the Garden, where Lio liked to believe that he had sent little Chritiy back to watch over them. The others had offered to return to Stella Umbra to assist with an honor for Master Eris as well, yet Lio had asked for a little more time. 
Master Eraqus was a rather straightforward man,  based as a man in kindness, never one to give up on anyone, allowing everyone to pick their own course of action. Treasuring his friends, and students to the very end. Even with everything that had happened there was so much respect to honor, to allow to live on and pass along.
Yet Master Eris was so different, the woman had trained her, had raised her. With such a firm hand that she hardly had any friends, but to learn that it was from a fear, a mistake she couldn’t control. Lio was confused on what to do, the woman had been her guardian for years, but unlike Eraqus there was no type of familial feeling to it. 
With such confusing emotions to Eris, she didn’t want to even start thinking about Xehanort.
It was only right for a Luminary to honor all Keyblade Wielders no matter what type of life they ended up leading, but at the same time…
Not to mention she would need to find Sora and Kairi, the young girl’s body was safely with Inzeo and Evan, after having found it on Stella Umbra, where she could only assume Olix hid it for safe keeping. Namine would hopefully be able to return soon, and they were still a few of the Organization Members uncalled for. Not to mention the cryptic message Olix told her prior to leaving.
Was it a place, item, person?
All the worlds that she and her Keyblade Wielders looked after always seemed to have some type of perfect ending wrapped up nicely within a bow, yet she realized for the ones that protected that world it could be a little more complicated. 
Lio sighed, normally star gazing especially on the lawns of the Land of Departure cleared her mind if just for a moment. Now it seems that they only provide more questions.
The woman jumped,so in thought she wasn’t prepared to suddenly be called out.
“Room for one more?”
Lio turned as she smiled to the person, “For you, always?”
Terra moved to stand beside her, watching as her gaze turned back to the sky. “How are you holding up?” He had realized that she might have taken the largest change, while the others could more than likely pick up from where they left off when this all started, Lio had lost just a bit more, and was not getting use to new powers, a new home, new charges. In what would only be less than a week to them was years to everyone else.
Lio inhaled deeply closing her eyes, before letting out a sigh as she opened them their focus on the starry sky above, “I’m, I’m good, just in shock that it feels like it’s over but at the same time just starting.”
Terra nodded, his gaze never strayed far from the woman, who seemed so focused on the sky. He realized he preferred to see them reflected in her eyes and the ones that always greeted him on her cheeks.
He gave a chuckle as it all suddenly became so clear, “I did a lot of foolish things, but there’s one thing I learned throughout this, and I was the most foolish not to realize it sooner.”
Lio didn’t turn to him, but that familiar lipstick outlined a smile as she gave soft hum, show she had indeed been listening to him. She had changed so much, but it was more like she had changed into a more comfortable version of herself.
“What would that be?”
“Just how much,” Terra wanted to make sure that there was no misunderstanding, “I love you.”
This caused those pink eyes to widen in shock, as Lio turned from the sky to him with a soft, “Terra?” fell from those lips. Never breaking contact with those those deep blue eyes before her, she could only watch as a strong hand cupped her face.
“More than all the stars in the sky.”
Lio realized at that moment, any questions she need to solve would be done so, because of the people she had met through all this, the ones she had known and because of the person before her.
She hadn’t realized she had been quiet for so long and she couldn’t find the right words, but at this time it seemed that actions spoke so much louder than words. Her arms wrapped around his shoulders as she pulled him close, her lips against his. She didn’t even have to think about it, just every movement was automatic. That when the words “I love you too” fell from her lips she knew that it was the one thing she never would question.
A muffled giggle against lips as she felt herself being lifted off the ground in a spin.
She often heard of others on different stars having a happy ending, she found she could be happy with this beginning.
* ☆*~~~*☆ End
2 notes · View notes
phoenix-downer · 5 years
The Keyblade Graveyard Part 2: Japanese and English Comparison
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This is the sixth in a series of translation and analysis posts I’ve done about KH3. I’ll go into detail on camera angles and camera shots, draw connections to past KH games, and, of course, talk about translation and the social aspects of language.
I’ve broken up this analysis into multiple parts because it was getting so long. The first part covered Aqua and Ven’s interactions with Terranort, and this part is about when he attacks Kairi and Lea. There will be seven parts total.
Here’s a general key for the kind of analysis I like to do:
JP: Official Japanese Dialogue
EN: Official English Dialogue
TR: My Translation (usually more literal and thus more stilted than the official English version. I’m not using natural-sounding English in order to stick as close to the Japanese versions of the lines as possible for the purpose of analysis)
Notes: things I found interesting, grammatical points, extra thoughts, etc.
One last note: media doesn’t exist in a vacuum. Every work of art must be viewed through the cultural lens of the people who made it. Kingdom Hearts, for all its ties to Disney, is still very much a Japanese game, so it should be analyzed in light of that.
With that in mind, let’s continue.
We left off with Aqua screaming Ven’s name in a panic:
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The next shot is at a tilted angle again to show how “off” everything is about what’s happening, and Sora is the one who attacks. Goes to show how protective Sora is of Ven, which is a nice character touch:
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JP おまえ!
EN That’s it!
TR Why you!
Notes: Sora uses the derogatory second person pronoun omae here to refer to Terranort. His tone is forecful, too, to indicate he is not happy about what Terranort has done.
He summons his Keyblade and charges:
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And the camera changes to Terranort’s perspective. This has the added effect of making it seem as if Sora is charging at us, the audience:
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Only for Terranort to stop him with the power of darkness:
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He grunts and struggles as he tries to free his Keyblade. Note his clenched teeth, too:
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We get this bird’s eye view shot as Sora continues to struggle and Terranort holds him in place almost effortlessly. Note how he only needs to use one hand to do it, whereas Sora is using both hands to try to free his Keyblade:
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The camera pans over Terranort, and the Xehanort look is on full display in this shot before he blasts Sora backwards. Note again how the camera is at a tilted angle to add to the unease of the scene:
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Much like when Ven was sent flying, the camera cuts to a rear perspective as Sora flies backwards. Note again the tilted angle and how the camera seems to be on the ground. Sora cries out both when Terra first blasts him with darkness…
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…and again when he lands on his back on the ground. His Keyblade falls with a loud clank as well:
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Note how his knee is bent here:
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This will form a nice sense of continuity later on in the scene.
Terranort, content that Sora is out of the picture, turns around and sets his sights on Kairi, the camera panning with him:
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The camera cuts to a shot from Kairi’s perspective of Terranort charging at her, and by extension, the audience. Note the tilted angle again:
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Then we get a medium shot of Kairi bracing herself for the attack. Note her defensive stance as she gasps…
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…only for Lea to jump in front of her in the nick of time:
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This is especially touching considering how he kidnapped her in KH2; it goes to show how much their relationship has changed since then. He was her kidnapper before, and now he is protecting her with his life. His redemption has come full circle.
The angle is tilted again, and the characters are viewed from behind in a wide shot to better show the action. Lea has his Keyblade out..
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…but it’s not enough. Terranort is simply too strong. He throws Lea back like he weighs nothing, causing Lea to cry out…
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…and the camera tracks Lea’s movement pretty steadily:
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Lea hits a boulder (ouch!)…
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…before hitting another boulder, and the camera bounces and shakes as he does to give an idea of how hard he was knocked into those boulders, so much so that it affected the environment:
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The camera cuts to a medium shot of Kairi, and much like how Ven’s loss was framed in terms of Aqua’s reaction earlier, the scene frames Lea’s loss in terms of Kairi’s concern, Kairi’s fear and sorrow and worry. She calls out his name, sounding very distressed:
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JP アクセル!
EN Axel!
TR Axel!
Notes: She uses the name Axel instead of Lea, just like he told her to. Another detail showing how close they’ve become.
Her concern is for his safety and wellbeing…
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…until something, well, someone else demands her attention:
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And her mouth drops open and she raises her in surprise:
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We cut to a shot of Terranort with his Keyblade raised high over his head, and Kairi gasps as the camera tilts upward. Note the low angle that makes him look as if he is towering over her. The rapidity of the cut also suggests how quickly he moves:
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Something else I noticed is that he is attacking her differently than he attacked both Ven and Lea before. Those attacks were sideswipes that caught them in the chest and sent them flying. This attack is meant to land on her skull and make her crumple to the ground. Terranort is certainly strong enough that such a blow could kill her on the spot.
And while I’ve seen people wonder why she didn’t use her Keyblade, in her defense, she just saw how useless both Sora and Lea’s Keyblades were against Terranort! She is a much less experienced fighter than they are; she knows that if they don’t stand a chance against him, she doesn’t, either. Plus, she’s still in shock from seeing Lea, her friend, her confidant, her fellow student, just get flung to the side like he was nothing. Her freezing up like this is understandable, especially considering how quickly Terranort moves.
Thankfully, Sora has recovered enough to sit up. Note how his left knee is still bent like it was when he was knocked down:
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He sees what is happening…
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…and moves to do something about it without hesitation:
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Notice how the camera focuses on his entire body in a full shot to better underscore him springing into action.
His pose in the following screenshot is not unlike that of a runner getting ready to start a race. He’s preparing to push off the ground with both his hand and his right foot to give him as much momentum as possible:
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He knows he has a limited window to reach Kairi, and timing is everything. He’s preparing to run as fast as he can as he pushes off:
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The camera briefly goes into slow motion here as we see him running towards Terranort and Kairi with his arm outstretched:
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The framing in this shot is really interesting, too; we get a full body shot of Sora running towards the camera, with Terranort on the left side and Kairi on the right side looking up at him to really highlight the size/strength differences between the two of them:
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Note the camera angle is still tilted slightly to give that sense of unease:
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Then the camera changes to a full shot of Mickey and Riku reacting. For once the camera is not tilted, perhaps to indicate how Mickey is trying to break through the chaos here:
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JP ダメだ ソラ!
EN No! Sora!
TR It’s no use, Sora! OR Don’t do it, Sora!
Notes: In the Japanese version, Mickey uses the word dame, which can mean a variety of things, depending on context. Here it most likely means Mickey is trying to express a prohibition against Sora doing something, or he is warning of the futility of the act.
In the English version, Mickey tells Sora no, showing his concern for Sora’s safety, but the unfortunate side effect is that he sounds like he doesn’t care about Kairi. Perhaps it was intended to be an “oh no Sora, not you too!” kind of a thing, but unfortunately it does not come across that way.
I’ve thought about this at length, and I think adding Kairi’s name would’ve fixed the issue, because it would’ve made it clear Mickey was expressing concern for both her safety as well as Sora’s. Instead it kind of seems like he only cares about Sora here, even if that wasn’t the intent.
Just my two cents. Anyway, back to proper analysis.
Donald and Goofy, bless them, spring into action and race to get there in time in a blur of motion…
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…as Mickey and Riku reach towards Sora:
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The camera then cuts to Kairi. We’re shown a shot from Terranort’s POV, and the high angle emphasizes her vulnerability. Note the fear on her face as well. She’s exhibiting signs of shock here, much like Aqua and Ven did earlier:
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Till suddenly, out of left field (literally), Sora intervenes:
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He’s just a blur of motion compared to Kairi’s relatively stable form:
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Notice how she staggers backwards a little under the impact of his weight as he throws his arms around her:
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Then he buries his face in her shoulder and clings to her. He knows he might die, he knows at the very least he’ll get seriously injured. After all, he’s about to take the blow that Terranort means for her. But he doesn’t care, so long as he gets to die holding her:
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I’ve seen him get criticized for not using his Keyblade here, but the thing is… he tried. Lea tried. It didn’t work. And magic for Keyblade wielders at least seems to be tied to wielding the Keyblade or some sort of weapon, so that probably wasn’t an option, either. All he had left, all he could do to keep Kairi safe, was shield her with his body. Which he does:
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This is a Sora so terrified of losing her that he regresses to a scared child clinging to her for dear life. That’s all he can do, hold her as he awaits the inevitable. He’s acting on instinct here more than anything, and his instinct is to latch onto the closest source of comfort in his final moments.
You can see how wide her eyes are here, indicating her shock and surprise that he’s really here. Note how her arms are sort of hanging in the air because she’s not entirely sure what to do with them yet:
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This hug is very similar to similar hugs they’ve shared in the past, so let’s talk about the parallels.
In KH1, Kairi was the one who hugged Sora to protect him from the Heartless. Note how she closes her eyes as she does:
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And note how similarly her body is positioned to Sora’s in KH3. They both wrap their arms around the other person’s neck/shoulders and lean over the hug-ee’s shoulder because of height differences:
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Then, of course, Sora hugged her back and thanked her once he was human again:
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For the KH1 hug, we only got to see Kairi’s reaction…
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…until KHUx released a medal that showed Sora’s face during the hug:
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In the KH3 hug, we likewise don’t see Sora’s face up close in the game itself. The next post will talk more about some of the shots we do see of his reactions during this part, but they’re from a further distance to show the rest of the action going on in the meantime.
Now, on to their reunion hug in KH2. The element of surprise comes to the forefront here. Sora, filled with guilt at not keeping his promise to return to Kairi, begins to apologize when she suddenly hugs him:
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Note how similar his reaction is to Kairi’s at getting suddenly hugged in KH3:
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The visual parallels immediately come to the forefront - both of them have their eyes wide in shock, right hand held out because Sora doesn’t know what to do with his yet in KH2 and Kairi doesn’t know what to do with hers yet in KH3. This parallel serves as a callback to KH2, to remind the audience of what happened then, only this time the roles are switched. This time Sora is the one hugging her.
Then, after Kairi says to herself, “This is real…”
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…and closes her eyes like she did for their KH1 hug…
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…Sora gives her a look of compassion…
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…and likewise closes his eyes as hugs her back:
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The KH3 hug, in just a few moments, manages to remind the audience of their previous hugs and in doing so adds greater emotional weight to the scene:
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Sora is acting like he’s doomed here, much like Kairi thought she was in trouble when she protected him in KH1. But is he really? Find out in the next post about Donald and Goofy’s epic counterattack!
To be continued…
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atomic-taco-muffin · 4 years
May I ask for another part to Riku x shy female reader? When she has flashbacks of Riku and begins to miss him. That was when she sees him in the final world but is still shy. However she lets him hug her. Then she remembered everything as he was stroking her hair.
Riku x Shy!Reader Part 7
Warnings: fluff/angst, more soft!Ansem (yay! I love him!) 
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You laid in bed next Yozora. You couldn’t sleep and it was all because of Riku. You didn’t even know who he was and yet your mind was filled with memories of him. You tossed and turned trying to get him out of your head but it wasn’t working. You thought that maybe something to drink would help. You got up and went into the kitchen, not realizing that you woke up Yozora. You grabbed a cup and filled it up with some water. 
“Baby? Why are you up?” Yozora asked as he rubbed his eye. You didn’t hear him walking towards the kitchen so you were shocked. 
“S-sorry, bubs. I-I just w-wanted something t-to d-drink.” you said. 
“It’s okay, baby. I was just wondering why you weren’t in bed. Now let’s go back to bed, I wanna cuddle with you.” (Why must he be so hot?!) 
“O-okay.” You finished your water and went with Yozora back to bed. The next day was worse. Everything that you looked at reminded you of Riku and it was making your head hurt. You tried taking some pain meds but they weren’t working. You told Yozora that you were gonna take a nap and went into the bedroom. You closed the door and held your head. It kept getting worse to the point where it felt like a migraine. You felt dizzy and passed out. When you woke up, you saw that you weren’t in your apartment with Yozora. It was the Final World. You stood up and walked around, trying to find Yozora. You were scared that you wouldn’t find him and hoped that it was all a dream. 
“Please let this be a dream.” you whispered. 
Riku was sitting at the dining room table, trying to think of another way to save you. He hasn’t eaten and slept since he lost you in Quadratum. It was scaring Kairi and Ansem. Ansem has seen Riku in pain but not like this. They were about to check up on him until he shot up out of his seat. 
“I got it! One of us will head to the Final World and try and find (Y/N)!” he said. Kairi and Ansem were shocked. How did he know that you might be there? How was he going to get there? 
“Riku, we love the idea. But, uh, how do you know that she might be there and how are you going to get there?” Ansem asked. 
“1. I know she’s there. I can feel it. And 2. I was thinking that you could take me there, Ansem.” Riku said. Kairi and Ansem noticed how tired Riku looked. His hair was all messed up and he had huge eye bags under his eyes. Riku noticed how concerned they looked. 
“I’m going to save her. She’s my girlfriend. I have to save her. Kairi, you’re her sister. You would do the same thing, right?” 
“Yeah, but...what if she’s not there?” 
“She’s. There.” Ansem could feel the darkness radiating off of him and calmed him down the best he could. He agreed to help him find you and they went to work. Ansem was able to create a portal to transport Riku to the Final World. When Riku got there, he started his search. He searched and searched until he found you crying. 
“(Y/N)! You’re here! I knew you’d be here!” he said as he was about to hug you. You shuffled back, scared that he was going to hurt you until the last piece of the puzzle fit into place. 
“R-Riku? I-is that y-you?” you asked. 
“Yeah. It is.” You started crying and hugged him tight. Riku returned the hug while stroking your hair and gently shushing you. 
“I’m so sorry, Riku! I didn’t mean to forget you. I was just confused.” you sobbed. 
“Shhh. It’s alright. All that matters right now is that you’re safe in my arms.” You looked up at him and smiled through your tears. 
“There’s my little bunny.” he said smiling. You giggled and kissed him. He kissed back pulling you in closer. 
“Come on. Let’s go home.” he said. When you two got home, Kairi practically crushed you in a hug. She was just so happy to know that you’re home. When you saw Ansem, you walked up to him and kicked him in the balls. He groaned and toppled over. Riku and Kairi was surprised by how confident you were doing so and laughed. Later that night, you and Riku were getting ready for bed and he hugged you from behind. 
“You have no idea how much I missed you.” he said. You turned around and hugged him. 
“I can tell. Also, Kairi told me how you almost went insane.” you said softly. He was gonna kill Kairi for telling you that. Riku picked you up and brought you to bed. You two cuddled while watching some movies. The two of you went to sleep, knowing that nothing can stop you and Riku from being together. 
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maddrmatt · 3 years
Kairi’s Epic Journey: The Quest for Sora
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Chapter 17: Friends of a Friend
“I’ve got to say, Pluto, this world is definitely a far cry from Never Land,” said Kairi as she gazed at her surroundings.  Pluto nodded.
When she first arrived in this new world, she almost panicked because she and Pluto had materialized right in the middle of a village.  She was dreading having to do some difficult explaining but fortunately, no one seemed to have noticed a girl and a dog appearing out of thin air. Perhaps it was due to some magic of the Wayfinder.
Once the shock had worn off, Kairi took in the scenery.  She saw that the village bordered an ocean much like her hometown on the Islands.  But though it was spring, the weather didn’t feel as warm.  And when she turned around and saw the immense mountain range, she knew that this world was nothing like she had been to before.
“Well, Pluto, what do you say we walk around and see what we can see?  Maybe we can get a hint of what we’re supposed to do here?” asked Kairi who received a bark of agreement in response.
Together, the girl and the dog strolled through the village.  As they walked into an area that appeared to be a marketplace, Kairi held the Wayfinder in her hand.
‘I still wish I knew exactly what I did in Never Land to make it glow.  It would make this quest a whole lot easier,’ she thought.
“Hoo-hoo!” exclaimed a voice snapping Kairi out of her thoughts.
Kairi turned and saw that she had wandered near one of the stalls.  It contained all sorts of things for sale.
Standing near it was a burly man wearing a knitted sweater and hat.  He had strawberry-blonde hair with sideburns and a moustache and was wearing a friendly smile.
“Big spring blowout! Got a good selection of sundresses, sunhats and a sun balm of my own invention.  Get yourself good and prepared for summer, ja?  I’ll even throw in a complimentary dip in the sauna,” he said gesturing to a steaming box situated near the stall.
“Um no thanks.  I’m not really shopping right now.  I’m just…” stopped Kairi as something near the stall caught her eye.
“Those flowers!” she exclaimed as she looked over the flowers of various shapes and colors in pots near the stall.
“Ah, you like them? I grew them myself,” said the man.
“You certainly did a great job.  They’re beautiful, Mr.…?”
“Wandering Oaken, at your service, young lady,” said the man introducing himself.
“I’m Kairi and this is Pluto,” said Kairi as the dog barked.
“Well, Miss Kairi, would you be interested in buying some?  Add a touch of hygge to your home?”
“Hygge?  What does that mean?” asked Kairi perplexed.
“It means comfort, coziness, everything that gives you a nice feeling,” said Oaken.
“Oh,” said Kairi.  ‘I guess the feeling I’d get whenever I was just hanging around the Play Island with Sora and Riku; that was my hygge.’
“Well, they would probably look good in my mother’s garden.  But I’m from pretty far away so even I could buy them, I couldn’t take them home with me. They probably wouldn’t survive the trip.”
“Oh.  You are a tourist, ja?” asked Oaken.
“You could say that.  But I will say that if I could, I would bring these wonderful flowers home with me,” said Kairi.  ‘They certainly bring back memories.’
As Kairi looked at the flowers, she recalled what little she could of her life in Radiant Garden before she washed up on the Destiny Islands.  She remembered going through the various namesake gardens, picking flowers and giving them to her grandmother or anybody she thought could use some flowers.
‘I’ve often said that my life before the Destiny Islands didn’t matter.  I was only a little girl back then and there couldn’t have been much difference between Radiant Garden Kairi and Destiny Islands Kairi.  In fact, if I’m being honest with myself, I think my life truly began the day Sora found me on that beach and smiled at me.  Still, I can’t help but wonder…”
Kairi was snapped out of her thoughts by a loud sneeze from behind.  Following it, she felt something hit her in the back before hearing whatever it was fall to the ground.
The Princess of Heart turned around and looked down.  A puzzled look came to her face as she bent down and picked up what had struck her in the back.
“A carrot?  Where did this come from?” she asked.
In response, Pluto just gave a look that indicated he was as surprised as she was.  Oaken, however, just gave a pleasant smile as if the sudden appearance of the carrot was no surprise to him at all.
A few minutes passed before Kairi heard, from directly ahead of her, a voice exclaim, “Oh good!  You’ve found my nose!”
She looked in the direction of the voice and saw a surprising sight.  Waddling toward her, Pluto and Oaken, was a snowman with a small snowing cloud hovering above him.
Upon reaching them, he looked up to Oaken with a pleasant smile and said, “Hello Mr. Wandering Oaken!”
“Hello, magical talking snowman! Looks like you’ve been smelling flowers again, ja?” responded Oaken with a smile of his own.
“Oh yes.  You know, I really ought to hold my nose whenever I do that, so it won’t go flying off when I sneeze.  But then again, it doesn’t really make much sense to hold your nose if you want to smell flowers.  Am I right?”
Oaken nodded in agreement.  Kairi, though she was still stunned to see a walking, talking snowman, managed to nod as well.
“Anyway, thank you so much for finding it.  Usually my friend Sven catches my nose when that happens.  He usually also sticks it on after he pretends to eat it so if you wouldn’t mind,” the snowman said as he pointed to the spot on his face where a nose would normally be.
“Oh, uh, sure,” said Kairi as she stuck the carrot in the spot he indicated.
The snowman’s smile got bigger. “There!  That looks so much better now, isn’t it?”
“Yes.  It actually does,” Kairi admitted.
The snowman giggled.  “You’re too kind.  I like you.  Oh, but where are my manners?  I’m Olaf and I like warm hugs,” he said reaching out his stick hand.
Kairi overcame her shock and gave the snowman a smile as she took his hand and shook it.  “It’s very nice to meet you, Olaf.  I’m Kairi and this is Pluto.”
Olaf gazed at Pluto.  “Well, he’s a funny looking reindeer, isn’t he?”
Pluto gave a yelp of surprise. Kairi laughed.
“He’s not a reindeer.  He’s a dog,” she said in between laughs.
“Oh!  My mistake.  You see, I’m still less than a year old.  There’s still so much I need to learn.  But I’m sure I’ll know plenty when I am older,” said Olaf.
Pluto let out a grumbling growl showing he was still annoyed at Olaf’s comment.  Kairi gave him a pat on the head.
“Don’t take it personally, Pluto. Still better than being called a cat, right?” asked Kairi.
Pluto thought for a minute.  Then he smiled and nodded.
“So, Kairi, I’m guessing you’re new here, right?” asked Olaf.
“Is it obvious?”
“You were acting like most people do whenever they see me for the first time.  Like you’d never seen a snowman before.  Anyway, what brings you to Arendelle?  Because if you’re looking for something fun, I know a few things you can try,” said Olaf.
Kairi’s face fell a little. “Actually Olaf, I’ve come here because Pluto and I doing something very important.  Maybe you can help us.  Have you ever seen or met someone named Sora?”
Olaf let out a gasp of surprise as he lifted his head off of his body.  “Brown spiky hair?  Little underdressed for cold weather?  Usually with an unusual pair named Donald and Goofy?  Wait, are you a friend of his?”
“Yes, I am.  Have you…”  But Kairi was unable to finish her question because Olaf had become absolutely ecstatic.
“Oh, I knew today was going to be a good day!  I always like making new friends.  But making a friend who’s a friend of a friend is so exciting!  I can’t wait to tell Anna, Elsa and everyone else at the castle about this!” said Olaf giddily.
Two of Olaf’s words struck a sudden realization within Kairi.  “Anna? Elsa?”
“The princess and her sister, the queen. Such a wonderful pair.  Arendelle is lucky to have them.  Did you know that the princess met her boyfriend at my trading post up in the mountains?” piped up Oaken.
“Really?” asked Kairi.
“Oh ja!  And they make such a nice couple, even if her boyfriend called me a crook when they met.  But I think he was just stressed due to the unexpected blizzard in July.”
Kairi’s mind, however, was reeling from what she had just learned. ‘I’m in the home world of two of the new Princesses of Heart!  Maybe what I’m supposed to do here is connected to them!’
“Olaf?” asked Kairi.
Olaf stopped his happy rant and asked, “Yes, Kairi?”
“Do you think it would be possible if I could meet Queen Elsa and Princess Anna?”
Olaf’s smile got bigger. “Of course, you can!  They’d love to meet you.  Ever since they opened up the gates, they love meeting new people! Follow me!” he exclaimed as he toddled off.
“Thank you,” said Kairi as she followed behind with Pluto following alongside her.
But before they got very far, they Oaken cry out, “Hold on!”
Kairi turned around and saw Oaken approaching her.  He had a vase in his hands filled with some of his flowers.  He handed them to Kairi.
“What’s this for?” she asked.
“Well, if you’re going to meet the queen and the princess, you ought to bring a little gift for them,” he responded.
“But I can’t afford to buy this. This vase looks way too expensive,” said Kairi.
“Oh, never mind about that.  It’s on the house.  Consider it a token for someone who knows how to appreciate lovely flowers,” said Oaken.
Kairi smiled.  “Thank you so much.”
“Come on, Kairi!  I want my friend of a friend to meet my other friends,” said the snowman as he came back and tugged on Kairi’s arm.
“I’m coming.  Thanks again, Oaken!”
“You’re very welcome.  Farewell, Miss Kairi.  Hope you enjoy your time in Arendelle!” called Oaken.
‘I certainly will.  That is, if this visit gets me closer to finding Sora in some way,’ thought Kairi as she and Pluto walked away with Olaf.
Much later, Kairi, Pluto and Olaf were in another part of the village closer to the castle.  As they walked, Olaf talked about what happened when Sora, Donald and Goofy visited Arendelle.
“Did you know when I first met Sora, I got my foot stuck in his hair?” asked Olaf.
Kairi chuckled. “Actually, that’s not too unbelievable. You will not believe the stuff that got in his spikes when we were younger.”
“It certainly was an unusual way to meet a friend,” said Olaf.
“More unusual than sneezing your nose into someone’s back?” asked Kairi with a sly smile.
Olaf giggled. “Okay, you got me there.  But after we became friends, Sora, Donald and Goofy were so good to me.  They even helped put me back together after those Heartless monsters caused me to fall apart.  They did a good job even though they made a few mistakes when they were looking for my body.  Well, we’re here,” said Olaf.
Kairi looked ahead and saw they were now on a bridge leading up to a large castle.  It was surrounded by a wall with multiple towers with the only way in being a pair of open gates.
The three strolled up to the gates which had a guard on either side of them.  They eyed Kairi with suspicion.
“It’s okay, guys. She’s with me,” said Olaf.
Taking the snowman’s word, the guards’ expressions softened.  They gestured for Kairi to enter.
Stepping through the gates and into a large courtyard, Kairi asked, “So where is the queen and her sister?”
Olaf put a finger to his chin and thought.  “Hmm. Well, I know Elsa was having a very important meeting and it’s probably still going on right now.  As for Anna and Kristoff, there was something they needed to do today.  But I can’t remember what it was.”
Suddenly, a loud voice shouted from a nearby stable, “Come on, Sven!  You’ve got to do this!”
Then the same voice said, in a slightly different and more goofy tone, “But I don’t want to!”
“Oh, that’s right! It’s Sven’s bath day!” exclaimed Olaf as he led Kairi to the stable.
Before they could enter, Olaf stopped Kairi.  “Let me go in and introduce you first.  Sven might be a little embarrassed about a stranger seeing him bathing.  But just remember one thing, Kairi,” he said as he gestured for Kairi to come closer.
“What is it, Olaf?” she asked as she leaned in.
Olaf whispered, “Kristoff is the man and Sven is the reindeer.  Try not to get them mixed up.  Got it?”
“Uh sure.  Thanks for clearing that up,” said Kairi who was a little befuddled.  ‘Who could ever get a reindeer and a man mixed up?’
Olaf smiled. “Okay.  I won’t keep you waiting for long.  They are going to love you!”
Then, a loud splash was heard from within the stable.  Following it, was the male voice from earlier sputtering accompanied by a female voice laughing.  There was also some kind of animal making a laughing sound as well.
“Oh.  Sounds like Sven decided Kristoff needed to take his bath first!” giggled Olaf as he walked into the stable.
Kairi shook her head amusedly.  ‘Amazing how this little guy says the most unusual things as if they’re normal.  But I guess that’s part of his charm.’
Kairi set the vase down and started to dust off her clothing and straighten out her hair. Pluto looked at her in confusion as if he didn’t understand why she felt to need to groom herself.
Kairi noticed her friend’s confusion and said, “I’m about to meet a princess and then a queen, Pluto, so I’d like to look somewhat presentable.  If there’s one thing I’ve learned having a politician for a father, it’s that first impressions are very important.  And I’m sure you know this because your owner is a king, right?”
Pluto understood and gave the girl a nod.  Kairi smiled and went back to her grooming.
As she worked on making herself presentable, she heard Olaf’s voice within the stable say, “Hi Anna! Hi Kristoff!  Hi Sven!”
“Hello Olaf!  Did you enjoy your day in town?” asked the female voice.
“Oh yes!  And something amazing happened!  I was smelling flowers and I sneezed my nose off!” exclaimed the snowman’s voice.
The female voice chuckled, “Olaf!  Doesn’t that happen every time you smell flowers?”
“This time, something very special happened.  I followed my nose and it led to me to a new friend.  And not just a friend but a friend of a friend!” exclaimed Olaf.
“A friend of a friend?” asked the male voice.
“Yes.  And I brought her here to meet you.  She’s right outside.  Come on in, Kairi!” called Olaf.
Kairi picked up the vase and took a deep breath.  “Okay, Pluto. Let’s meet some royalty.”
With that, Kairi walked into the stable.  She saw Olaf standing alongside a woman with red hair tied in pigtails and dressed in a pale green dress.  Standing nearby was a muscular, blonde haired man who looked a little drenched and a reindeer who was giving a friendly smile.
The woman approached Kairi and gave her a smile.  “Well, hello. You must be Olaf’s new friend. I’m Anna, princess of Arendelle and I welcome you to our castle.”
Kairi kneeled downward and presented the vase to Anna.  Pluto bowed his head.
“Thank you, Your Majesty.  My name is Kairi, and this is my dog Pluto. These are for you and your sister the queen.”
Anna took the vase from Kairi and sniffed the flowers, taking delight in their pleasant scent. “They’re lovely.  Thank you, Kairi.  You’re very thoughtful.”
The man then came over to Kairi.  “Pleasure to meet you, Kairi.  I’m Kristoff, Official Arendelle Ice Master and Deliverer.  You’ll have to forgive my appearance.  Apparently, my reindeer Sven still doesn’t like to take baths,” he said shooting an annoyed look at the reindeer.
“But Kristoff, I don’t like to take baths,” Kristoff then said in the goofy tone as if he was speaking for Sven.
“Well, I’m not too fond of them either.  But we live in a castle now so you’re just going to have to get used to it,” Kristoff shot back.
Kairi giggled.  “I know what you mean.  It’s nearly impossible to get Pluto to take a bath too,” she said as the dog huffed indignantly.
“Oh, this is so great. My friends are getting along so well with my new friend of a friend!” exclaimed Olaf.
Anna gave a look of confusion.  “What exactly is Olaf talking about, Kairi?  Do you know someone he knows?”
“Actually, Your Majesty, I think you all know someone I know,” said Kairi.
Anna, Kristoff, and Sven exchanged confused looks.  “Who?” asked Anna.
Kairi was about to answer Anna’s question when Olaf let out another gasp of surprise and said, “Kairi’s right!  Sora’s our friend too so we’re all friends of a friend!”
Anna and Kristoff’s jaws dropped in surprise as did Sven’s.  “Sora?” inquired both humans.
Kairi nodded. “Yes.  Sora’s one of my best friends.”
Anna smiled. “Well, this certainly is a surprise.”
“I probably should’ve guessed it.  Your clothes look very much like his,” said Kristoff.
Anna took a look at Kairi’s outfit.  “You’re right, Kristoff.  They are pretty similar.  Though lucky for you, Kairi, it’s a much better fit for the weather right now than when Sora was here.  It’s amazing he didn’t freeze being so underdressed.”
“But, Anna, I don’t think anyone expected to get caught in Elsa’s winter. I doubt anyone had time to dress for it.  Some just apparently took off into the blizzard wearing nothing but their coronation dress,” said Kristoff teasingly.
“Heh-heh.  You do have a point there,” said Anna while sheepishly chuckling.
“You really did that?” asked Kairi with a laugh.
“Yes.  I wasn’t really good at thinking things through back then,” said Anna.
“So, Kairi, how’s Sora been anyway?  We haven’t seen him since Elsa brought back summer,” said Olaf.
Kairi’s smile vanished as she sat down on a nearby barrel.  “So, I guess that means none of you have seen him lately.”
Kristoff suddenly became confused.  “Um no. Should we have?”
Anna took notice of Kairi’s change in mood.  “Kairi, what’s wrong?  Did something happen to him?” she asked with concern.
Kairi silently considered how to tell them about Sora’s fate knowing that she would have to withhold certain information.  ‘Last world, even though Peter was aware of the other worlds, I couldn’t tell him the whole truth because I didn’t think he and the Lost Boys would understand. Now I’m with someone who might be able to understand but doesn’t know about the other worlds.  It’s times like these I really hate the world order rules because they cause us to be dishonest in the name of protection.’
“Yes, Your Majesty. Something really bad happened to Sora and he’s been lost ever since.  That’s why Pluto and I have come to your kingdom.  We’ve been trying to find him.  But so far, we haven’t had any luck,” said Kairi hanging her head.
Then, Kairi felt someone take her right hand.  She looked and saw it was Olaf.  The snowman gazed at her with sympathy.
“That’s so awful.  No one should be apart from their friends,” said Olaf.
‘I agree with you completely, Olaf.  Unfortunately, it’s happened too many times for me,’ thought Kairi.
As Olaf continued to hold Kairi’s hand, Pluto nuzzled up against Kairi’s leg to comfort her.  In addition, Sven approached her and nuzzled her shoulder in sympathy.  Kairi gave a grateful smile to the three of them for their gestures of comfort.
“Is there anything we can do?” asked Kristoff.
“Unless you can give me any hint on where Sora is, I don’t think there is,” said Kairi.
Anna gazed at Kairi and saw an all-too familiar pain.  ‘It’s that same pain that I felt all those years separated from Elsa.  Although I’d say hers is even greater because even though Elsa and I were apart, at least I knew where she was.’
The princess of Arendelle placed her hand on Kairi’s shoulder.  “We may not have anything that could you help you find him, Kairi.  But we’ll help you in any way that we can. Right, boys?” asked Anna to which Kristoff, Sven and Olaf nodded.
“You will?” asked Kairi.
“Of course.  We had problems with those Heartless monsters when Elsa set off that eternal winter.  Though I don’t fully understand it, I’ve had a feeling that Sora, Donald and Goofy did something to make them go away,” said Kristoff.
“Oh yes they did! And my little brother told me he helped them fight off a really big one too!” exclaimed Olaf.
“And though I can’t explain it but I have a feeling that we owe Sora a great debt.  So, the least we could do is help you find some sort of clue to wherever he is.  Maybe we can ask around the kingdom and see if anyone’s seen him,” said Anna.
“We could even go the Valley of Living Rock and ask Grand Pabbie if he can help,” said Kristoff.
“I’m sure we’ll find Sora in no time!” exclaimed Olaf as Sven grunted in equal enthusiasm.
Kairi’s heart rose upon hearing her new friends’ ideas.  ‘It’s touching how they’re all willing to help despite just meeting me. Sora, you’ve definitely made your mark on so many hearts throughout the worlds.  Maybe, with their help, I’ll find some sort of clue to find you.’
“And while we help you, Kairi, I insist that you and your dog stay here at the castle as our guests,” said Anna.
Kairi gasped in surprise. “Oh no, Your Majesty.  I don’t think you need to go that far.”
Then, suddenly, Kairi’s stomach let out a loud growl causing everyone else to chuckle.
“You’re not going to help Sora without a good meal and some good rest.  As princess of Arendelle, I will not take no for an answer,” said Anna.
“I guess you’re right. I do have some Potions and Elixirs in my pack.  But they don’t compare to a real meal.  And I guess sleeping in a castle beats camping out in the forest,” said Kairi.
“So it’s settled.  But one more thing, Kairi,” said Anna with a serious look on her face.
“Yes, Your Majesty?” asked Kairi nervously.
Anna’s face softened into a friendly smile.  “None of this calling me, ‘Your Majesty’ anymore.  You can just call me Anna.  And the same will go for Elsa too.  You’re a friend of Sora so that makes you our friend too.”
Kairi smiled back. “Thanks, Your Majes…I mean, Anna. And thank all of you for wanting to help me find Sora.”
“Yay!  It’s been less than a day and Kairi’s already staying for a sleepover!” shouted Olaf with glee.
Anna giggled at her friend’s statement before her tone became serious again.  “Yes.  It will be nice to have a guest here that we can actually stand,” she said with a disdainful look on her face.
“Now, Anna, let’s not go through this again,” said Kristoff.
“I can’t help it. I still can’t believe Elsa actually allowed him to set foot in Arendelle after what he tried to do,” said Anna folding her arms.
“What’s going on?” asked Kairi.
Kristoff rubbed the back of his head and said, “Don’t get us wrong, Kairi.  We’re glad to meet you and have you as our guest.  But you have come at a pretty difficult time.”
“Yes,” said Olaf gesturing for Kairi to lean in closer to him so he could whisper his next statement in her ear.
“The Weasel’s come back.”
Onto the next chapter!
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peppermintbee · 6 years
15 easy changes that would have made Kairi a more compelling character
Ever since finishing KH3 I’ve been completely preoccupied with what a disservice the writing does for Kairi. This isn’t an unpopular opinion; the KH3 tag is full of complaints regarding Kairi’s treatment. I think what’s really disappointing is that fixing her portrayal wouldn’t require that much work. So, if I was Nomura’s co-writer for KH3, here are the changes I would have suggested.
1. Don’t put her in the time chamber to train
Not only does the pocket dimension cause plot holes (Why can’t Sora train there? Why didn’t Kairi and Lea become high level in there?) it’s only narrative purpose was to keep Kairi and Lea out of the story while Sora was visiting Disney worlds. Having her literally anywhere else, where Sora can see and talk with her, would have been better than that.
2. Let her train and travel with Sora
Conveniently, the game is set up perfectly for having Kairi as a team member. Sora starts the game at LV. 1 and Kairi is a beginner keyblade wielder. They could visit the Disney worlds and git gud together. We know team mechanics were programmed for Kairi, since she briefly fights alongside Sora at the end. In the Disney worlds you can have up to 4 team members, so it doesn’t seem like a stretch that at least one of them could be Kairi (and/or Lea). With that, the opportunities for character building are endless: team banter, selfies, special team attacks, commenting on the Disney stories, etc. 
3. Or, give Kairi her own missions
Riku and Mickey are off screen because they are trying to find Aqua. Even though we don’t see much of them, this makes them active participants to the plot. Therefore, if she can’t be a team member, have Kairi be on her own  important story mission. A really easy one would be involving her in the Twilight Town investigation to find Roxas’ data and/or rescue Ansem the Wise. Maybe one of the turncoat Org 13 members works with Kairi. At some point, Sora and Kairi’s paths would cross, and they’d work together just like Sora and Riku did.
4. Have Sora mention Kairi every once in a while
Honestly, this is such a low bar it’s sad the game didn’t clear it. Sora frequently mentions Riku in the Disney worlds when something reminds him of him, he tries to call him, and he even talks about Riku in the social media loading screens. Kairi doesn’t get the same amount of attention. (Riku also doesn’t talk about Kairi.) It makes it feel like Kairi is not a priority to the characters, which makes it hard to be invested in her while playing.
5. Have Sora and Kairi greet each other when they finally meet
The first time Sora and Kairi are in a room together is after Ventus gets saved and everyone is talking in Yen Sid’s room. During this scene, most of the time Kairi is OFF SCREEN and has almost no lines. When she finally talks, she apologizes to Aqua and says something about saving Namine. Sora and Kairi stand about 5 feet away from each other and he only looks at her when she’s talking. This is dumb, especially considering Kairi and Sora haven’t seen each other in person since KH2 (!!!), a game that she also had very little presence in, and now that she’s finally here, she may as well be a part of the wallpaper. While Sora and Riku are reunited in the most badass way possible (a dimension crossing rescue and summoning of the great rainbow keyblade), Sora and Kairi aren’t even given so much as a chance to say “hi.” Simply include few lines of them being excited to see one another. A hug, a compliment, an “I missed you,” ANYTHING.
6. Just rewrite the entire paopu scene
This scene has such wasted potential. It’s the first time Kairi and Sora really talk to each other, which already starves the scene of emotional impact because their relationship feels underdeveloped and unearned. If this scene had even a little bit of foundation setting (see the above list) it wouldn’t have felt so forced. I’d argue the only foundation their relationship has is from KH1, which not only is over a decade old for players, but the characters themselves have changed a lot since then. 
Secondly, it is almost funny that a scene that’s supposed to be about Kairi and Sora starts with Sora talking about Riku. Would it have been so hard to put a scene change between the Riku/Repliku talk and this one and not awkwardly segue from Sora worrying about Riku to Kairi proposing to Sora.
Third, Sora shows almost no excitement about sharing a paopu fruit with Kairi until the very end, which only makes it feel more forced. He expresses shock, confusion, and even insinuates they don’t need to share a fruit since they are together in spirit. He says he’ll protect Kairi, which is kind of a lame promise since Sora protects all of his friends. Instead, Sora should have looked genuinely touched and excited about the paopu thing, and they should have made a promise that went beyond protecting each other, since that’s a given. (I do really like that Kairi vows to protect Sora, but considering what happens later it feels pretty hollow.)
8. Sora should protect Kairi with his keyblade, not a hug
Honestly, this was so dumb I don’t even know where to start. If there’s gonna be a Kairi hug, it should have been when they were reunited, or the paopu scene, or like... any other time. I get that it’s supposed to be a parallel to KH1, but that defense-hug made sense because Kairi was unarmed and untrained. (Plus, Kairi could actually shield heartless-Sora with her body. In this scene, Kairi and Sora are about the same size so it just looks like a normal hug, not protection). Just hours ago, Sora protected Riku from Aqua with his keyblade and it was badass. At the end of this scene, Riku protects Sora with his keyblade, and it’s badass. The hug isn’t badass, it’s stupid and it makes both Sora AND Kairi look incompetent, which it frustrating to witness.
9. Let Kairi literally protect Sora
As much as I like the scene where Riku protects Sora from the heartless cyclone, that would have been a perfect opportunity for Kairi to make good on her promise and protect Sora. We already know Riku will defend Sora, he did that in all the other KH games. Kairi shedding her damsel persona to defend Sora would have been amazing.
10. Play as Kairi in The Final World
If Kairi’s “light” is the reason Sora can persist in the final world, just abandon the whole deus-ex-kairi and let us play as Kairi. Kairi should collect the Sora fragments (or her own fragments), and save at least Sora and Riku’s heart. I think we should have been able to play as Kairi at some point anyway, but this seemed like an especially good time for it. That would elevate her role in saving Sora into something really believable, instead of Chirithy and Kairi just telling us she saved him when it feels like Sora just saved himself and everyone else (as usual).
11. Give Kairi a cool team attack
We only get to fight alongside Kairi for like, 10 minutes. At least give her a cool team attack. I’m not asking for a lot here.
12. Kairi doesn’t get kidnapped (and if she does, she goes down fighting)
Literally anyone else. I don’t care who. In fact, I think Riku would be a good candidate for kidnapping: not only does it subvert the damsel thing, but it would make the bad guys look pretty formidable if they were able to pull it off, and, Riku is important enough to Sora to “motivate” him to rescue him.
I’d rather she not get damseled at all, but if she really has to get kidnapped, it should at least be because she compromised her safety to save Sora or Lea. Then, when she’s grabbed, she should go down kicking and screaming, maybe taking out an Org member on the way out. Instead, the way it’s framed makes it looks like she got kidnapped because she sucks at fighting.
13. Give Kairi’s death/disappearance some real weight
I still stand by the fact that Riku is the one who should have been kidnapped but I digress. When Kairi explodes, Sora gets upset briefly before talking about closing Kingdom Hearts and receiving encouragement from his other friends. Xion reassures Sora that Kairi is fine, likely to justify why Sora gets over losing Kairi so fast. With a smile, Sora goes into the next battle and doesn’t mention Kairi until long after Xehanort is defeated. This makes her death feel like a cheap way to add superficial stakes and write Kairi out of the story (again). This can be fixed by having Sora react like a normal person, such as falling into complete despair or wracked with grief and vengeance, and having the other characters react appropriately too. 
At the end of the story, Sora and the gang are weirdly understanding of Xehanort when he gives his sob story, even though he exploded Kairi just a little while ago, and they don’t even demand to know how to save her. It really makes it feel like they forgot about her.
14. Don’t gloss over Sora’s end-game rescue of Kairi
We’re shown that Sora saved her somehow and now he’s gone. That’s all the script thinks we need to know because the next game is about Sora and Riku just like most of the KH games. Not that I really want another game about Sora rescuing Kairi, but the fact that this is barely graced with explanation really makes it clear that Kairi is little more than a plot device to set up the next game. I don’t really know how to fix this other than not fridging Kairi, or bringing Kairi back right after Xehanort is defeated, or making the next game about Kairi saving Sora. Which brings us to my last fix...
15. Send Kairi after Sora, not Riku
Kairi explicitly said she was going to protect Sora. Therefore, she should be the one implied to search for Sora at the end of the game. Having her cry on the beach while Riku went after him was lazy and cheap and everyone knows it. But, I suppose it’s fitting end for a character that Nomura clearly didn’t care enough about to write decent character development for.
And there we have it, 15 ways to make Kairi more compelling. If the game included even a few of these, Kairi would have felt like a more meaningful person and not a watered down version of KH1 Kairi. I can only hope that the next game has some strong female characters that we can all root for, but honestly, I’m not getting my hopes up.
Let me know if you have any other suggestions, I want to hear them!
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I figured if your bored, can u write fluffy Soriku about Sora being cute and all which Riku finds him amusing yet adorable at the same time? OwO
Hell yeah boo❤️. It'll probably be bad or okay so I'm sorry rkwnqjabwv. I like writing for these 2 but then at the same time it's hard BC...Riku elwjbbs. It's hard to write him properly so if he isn't like he is in the games then I'm sorry rkwnqjabwv. Also Sora may be oblivious to his feelings bC he’s just a little dumb like that XD.
Just had to get that out there in the beginning.
Plus it's irony how I didn't write this until the next day ekwjwhwg. Btw this is as if Sora and Kairi didn’t disappear in KH 3 bc...Fuck that ending. That ending was SAD. Also I can’t remember if Riku stopped sitting on the tree branch bc he came too tall but that was the excuse so my bad fkwnwnwb.
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Riku remembered when they were kids. They would practice fight and Riku would win all the time. Sora would get angry and pout and he couldn't lie...he found the sight adorable. Even back then he loved Sora. He loved him before he even knew what Love was. Whenever Sora would fall asleep on the beach, tiny Riku would pick up tiny Sora and take him back to his house and put him in his bed. He would be snoring and would cling to Riku and he wouldn’t mind one bit. He loved to take care of him because...he loved him. He loved him so much. He would hang out with Kairi every once and awhile but he still loved to be alone with Sora. Especially when they went adventuring.
They went adventuring one time and they found a paupo bush. Riku and Sora were just kids and never had one. Sora looked at it excitedly and went over to it to grab one and ran back to Riku. He looked at Riku with excitement and said, “Why don’t we share it?” Riku stared at him and smiled. “Of course,” he said. He knew of the legend, but didn’t know if Sora did. It was that if two people shared the fruit, then their destinies would be bound for life and that they would never be out of their life. He wanted that. He wanted to be with Sora no matter what. Sora held it up to his face and took a bite of the small fruit and Riku did it at the same time. They looked at each other and smiled. Riku loved the sweet taste and so did Sora. Sora suddenly hugged Riku and he was shocked for a second, but he hugged him back. “Now we won’t be separated!” Riku smiled and kissed the top of his head.
“Yeah, we’ll never be separated.”
Now, years later, Riku and Sora were back on the island. They’d been through so much but they liked to visit from time to time and just relax. Sora was sitting on the tree branch that had the paupo fruit and Riku was standing right next to Sora. They were watching the sunset and just...enjoying each other’s company. “Hey, Riku, why don’t you join me up here?” Riku stopped sitting up there because he became too tall for it. “You know I’m too tall to sit up there,” he said with a smirk. He looked at Sora and saw a sad little frown. “No, please don’t do that. You know that’s my weakness,” thought Riku. Sora being sad was his weakness because he never wanted to see it. He’d do anything to keep him smiling.
“Pleeeasseeee?” Sora said while putting his hand on Rikus shoulder and shaking him back and forth. Riku laughed and put his hand on Soras hand. “Fine,” he said, faking being annoyed. He jumped himself on there and looked at Sora and saw him smiling so hard that his eyes closed. Riku couldn’t help the smile that grew on his face too. God, Sora was so adorable. “You always do this to me,” Riku said, accidentally speaking his thoughts. This caused Riku to widen his eyes and blush a bit. Sora looked at him with his head tilted a bit. “What do you mean?” Riku smiled at his obliviousness. He was so dumb sometimes and he found it adorable and amusing.
He flicked Soras temple with his fingers and Sora little out a little “hey” and laughed. Riku couldn’t help but laugh as well. “You make me always do whatever you want for your happiness,” said Riku, finally opening up to Sora. He was always honest with Sora, never afraid to be honest. But talking about his feelings towards Sora...that was difficult. But, maybe it was time? Sora looked at him and blushed a bit. He moved so he was sitting crossed legged on the tree and facing Riku. “Really? You’d do anything for me?” Sora started to remember what happened at that battle. Well, what did happen but was reversed. Riku gave his life for him. He gave up his light and life by protecting him from the heartless tornado. It still pained him to think about it but seeing Riku here, alive, and being with him made him so happy. Riku blushed and looked at him with a shy look. “Of course I would.” It was even sadder because Riku couldn’t remember it.
Sora blushed and got an idea. He jumped off the branch and walked over to the other side of Riku. He jumped back on and grabbed a paupo fruit. The fruit was sticky but it had a very sweet smell to it. He couldn’t remember if he had one before, but he wanted to share one with Riku. He got cross legged again and put the fruit between them. “I don’t know if we’ve ever shared one, and I want to now,” he said with a blush. He couldn’t look Riku in the eye, he didn’t know why though. He didn’t know why he felt embarrassed to do such things in front of his best friend. Before his mind could spin out of control, Riku sat just like Sora did and grabbed his wrist gently. Sora looked up at him, surprised. Riku led Soras hand to his mouth, and looked him in the eye as he took a small bite out of the paupo fruit.
Riku and Sora had matching blushes on their face. “Your turn,” Riku said, voice soft and shy. Sora looked at Riku like he was in a trance. He shook his head to snap out of it and grabbed a bite as well. The fruit tasted very soft and mushy, but had a very sweet taste to it. It felt sort of familiar, but he knew that he never had one. Or not that he could remember. Sora smiled and looked him in the eyes. “Now we’ll never be apart!” Riku smiled. He saw young Sora in front of him again. He never changed did he? He just remembered how excited he was then and how happy he was now. But he knew he didn’t remember. He smiled inwardly about that. He had the worst memory ever.
The two boys moved so they were still crisscrossed but now facing the sunset. Riku laid his hand on the branch and soon felt warmth. He looked down and noticed that Sora put his hand on top of Rikus. He tensed a bit, not used to the contact. He looked at Sora but Sora wasn’t looking at him. He noticed a blush on his face and he began to blush too. Maybe he had feelings too? He breathed in, sighed, and became less tense. He missed this and enjoyed this. He remembered wanting to leave the island for as long as he can remember. He wanted to get stronger for Sora and Kairi (mainly Sora) to protect them. He got that and now he was excited to be back. Excited to enjoy this sunset again and excited to be back with his best friend. He tightened his hand around Soras and Sora squeezed his hand too. He wanted to say that he loved him, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. “Maybe another day,” he thought.
“But right now...I just want to enjoy this moment with him.”
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AAAAAAH. I hope you enjoyed this and this is what you wanted! If it’s not then tell me and I’ll retry to do it! It’s like 12:00 PM and I’ve been working on this since like 10:20 fkwnwnwb. I tried to make it long because I love long fics. But not too long. There’s a bunch of little paragraphs bc I didn’t want to make big ones bc there may be people like me out there who lose their places when they read big paragraphs. Ik I do fkwnwnwb. But anyway I hope you liked this!!
And anyone who read this far down, I love you❤️. And even if you didn’t, I still love you❤️. Okay my ask box is open 24/7 y’all and I hope I see you in my ask box again soon boo~.
If you reblog...leave me a nice little tag. I love to see them
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