#and then you spend basically the next 14 years in the company of a bunch of bloodthirsty yaoguai
sketching-shark · 1 year
Do you think Tang Seng feels responsible for the deaths of his mother and his first two human disciples?
You know anon this is actually a really good questions that really should be explored more in Xiyouji retellings!
As it is, you have an eighteen year old Xuanzang, after the truth of his birth was revealed, falling "weeping to the floor, saying, 'How can anyone be worthy to bear the name of man if he cannot avenge the wrongs done to his parents? For eighteen years, I have been ignorant of my true parents, and only this day have I learned that I have a mother!'" Of course it wasn't his fault for not knowing what happened to his parents until the monk who found him floating on a river as an infant told him (his dad was killed by a bandit & his mom was forced to 'marry' said bandit who took her husband's place for eighteen years), but you can see how even here he's expressing guilt for not knowing. And then, after he puts in so much effort to save his mother from this horrifying situation, and "not long after" his entire family is in fact reunited, his mother "calmly committed suicide after all." There's no record in at least the Yu translation as to what Xuanzang felt about this, and sadly enough after going through so many years of such a awful life you can understand why his mom would even after being reunited with her true husband and son decide to take her own life. But you can also easily imagine how her suicide would be a real blow to Xuanzang, who was both A) left in a state where he barely got to know his mother at all, B) could have been left feeling like he wasn't enough for his mother to want to live, and C) may have been forever after haunted by the questions as to whether he could have prevented his mother's death if only he knew about her sooner or had moved faster to rescue her.
Turning to Tang Sanzang's two human followers, their deaths read as equally if not more horrible to his mother's. To quote the Yu translation, Tang Sanzang and his followers are captured by a group of yaoguai kings and their attendants, one of which "called his subordinates at once to have the attendants eviscerated and their carcasses carved up; their heads, hearts, and livers were to be presented to the guests, the limbs to the host, and the remaining portions of flesh and bone to the rest of the ogres. The moment the order was given, the ogres pounced on the attendants like tigers preying on sheep; munching and crunching, they devoured them in no time at all. The priest nearly died of fear..." Tang Sanzang is only spared the same fate from divine intervention from the Planet Venus.
So YEAH, you can easily imagine Tang Sanzang not only developing a guilt complex over this not only because these attendants were eaten because they were following him, but how he was the only one who escaped because he had deities watching out for him. And if they could save him, why didn't they save the others? You can also see how the monk might also develop a deep hatred for yaoguai from this early experience in the journey west. Xiyouji from what I can tell is a work that moves from one even to the next pretty rapidly without taking time to dwell deeply on the feelings of its characters, but even so I think the experience of watching his companions literally get butchered and eaten right in front of him would scar Tang Sanzang in a way that wouldn't be alleviated until he attained nirvana at the end of the journey, ESPECIALLY since so many yaoguai afterwards try to do the exact same thing to him as this early group.
Dang, the journey really traumatized all of the pilgrims to greater or lesser degrees huh.
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su-univeralai · 3 years
I am here for your essay. Or yknow, just any dunebaby facts that you can spare.
*heavy breathing* oh no, she's come for my OCs exactly like she said she would.
lolol Ok, I've got bios on 9 out of 10 of my kids so far, but I wrote a quick blurb about them so hopefully you can't figure out who I didn't start until now lol. The older 4 (which 3/4 are legit characters in LOK, but tweaked to my liking) are grown-ass adults while the other 6 are probably between 14-21. So, our beloved Taang parents have been popping kids out from when they were 18 or 19 to 39 or 40 years old.
At some point I'll make a family tree for you, since most of the older dunebabies have their own families and that can be confusing. Some have more information than others, but more will be added on each of them as time goes on. I just haven't figured them out yet.
Also, gonna put a cut here, because it's a long post and I know not everyone wants to see my OCs lol.
Ok Onto the Dunebabies from oldest to youngest:
Gyatso (M) Airbender, 35: Named after Aang’s father figure, Gyatso is Toph and Aang’s first born and first of several airbending children. He has a knack for the art and excelled quickly with mastering it, narrowly falling short of beating Aang’s record of mastering airbending at 13. As he got older and his parents continued having children, he became like a father figure to the younger ones. That’s the best part about having tons of kids, right? At some point the older ones raise the younger ones and the parents can just have fun. Once Tiao Wu turned 13, Gyatso and his own wife, boyfriend, and kids moved away from home and resided in the Western Air Temple with some Air Acolytes.
Lin (F) Earthbender, 32: Lin is a straight arrow, always following the rules. Sometimes Toph’s jokes that her first born daughter is actually Katara’s because wasn’t as goofy as Gyatso and Tenzin. As kids, Lin and Tenzin butted heads like no other. They may have had a year or two when they got along, but that was when Lin was training to be a police officer and Tenzin was always out because he was dating Pema. They constantly bicker at family gatherings, but make a mean team when they spar against the other next gen kids. Their twin telepathy (yes, they are twins in my universe) comes into play and they are undefeatable. That is until the triplets becomes masters in their own right. While Lin is a talented earthbender and metalbender, she struggled with picking it up (perhaps because of Toph’s hardcore teaching style). She responded to a “more gentle approach” as Katara would say, and Aang helped her learn the basics until she was ready to take on Toph’s more intense lessons. Lin is definitely closer with Aang than she is with Toph, but goes to mom if something needs to be done quickly and under wraps. Lin works long hours as chief of the police force in republic city, so she doesn’t have much time for romance. When she finds a spare moment for intimacy, she frequents a bar that accepts everyone. She brought Songa with her before her little sis fell in love with (insert steambaby daughter name here).
Tenzin (M) Airbender, 32: Tbh Tenzin still marries Pema and has his four kids, like in LOK. Lol. Unlike the show, with the weight of the whole air nation not on his shoulders, Tenzin was not a serious kid. He played pai sho with the white lotus members and roughed it up with Lin. Tenzin had a difficult time mastering airbending, though. He lacked the spiritual connection that his father and brother easily had. He blamed being stuck with an earthbender in the womb for 9 months at his lack of skill with airbending. His masters airbending at 21 and is pumped to finally get his tattoos. Since Pema is an air acolyte, I'm saying that her parents were also acolytes, and she and Tenzin met as kids and got along really well. They started dating at 16. Tenzin wanted to wait to get his arrows before proposing to her, so they date for 5 long years as Pema cheered him on in the grueling training. Tenzin and Pema eventually move to the Northern Air Temple and kept Teo company.
Suyin (F) Earthbender, 26: Suyin was a troublemaker when she was a kid, always pranking her siblings. She spent way too much time with Sokka. At least that’s what Toph says. Her teenage years, that’s when things became dicey. With Lin on the streets as a cop and Su committing petty crimes, the two were bound to cross paths. After Lin brought her in for whay must have been the thousandth time and Toph had to bail her out, Toph sent her to the her old stomping ground: the Earth Rumble 6. Toph still had her ear in the stadium and stayed in touch with The Boulder, and she thought it’d do her some good to get beat up by other earthbenders. Su stayed with her grandparents and got the structure she needed and got her act together. She got pounded by her opponents the first few years, but she slowly moved her way up the food chain and eventually held her mother’s old title as champion. Once she turned 18, she left to travel the world, meeting up with Kya (can't decide if Kya will be a steambaby or a Sukka baby. Is there a cut name for Sukka babies?). Along the way she met Bataar and fell in love with him and together build zaofu and have all their kids from LOK.
Songa (F) Airbender, 21: The oldest of the triplets to be born. Songa is a calm spirit, she reminds Aang of Yangchen with her way of keeping the peace in their large family. She’s a true romantic like her father and catches the attention of a lot of men, but alas, her heart is won over by one of Katara and Zuko’s daughters, (insert steambaby name here lol). She sees the best in everyone and trusts a little too easily. Watch out though, if you get on her bad side or betray her trust one too many times, her mother’s sass and tongue come out and no one wants to be hit by her earthbending styled airbending. Songa is a talented bender and has a tendency to use her airbending like an earthbender, facing things head on. She can seemlessly switch between styles, but she'd prefer to take her opponents on directly.
Kera (F) Nonbender, 21: Kera is the heart of the triplets. She’s passionate like a firebender and meets conflict head-on like her mom. Being the first non-bender didn’t feel great coming from the lineage of the Avatar and Toph Beifond, strongest earthbender in the world and metalbender originator, but she found peace in being a non-bender when hearing all the stories of Sokka, Suki, Mai, Ty Lee, Teo, and their many other friends taking down bender and non-benders alike. Kera begged her parents to live in the Fire Nation to study under Mai and Ty Lee. Aang and Toph didn’t have any problems with her going, but Zuko and Katara did, fearing she (being a dunebaby) would cause mayhem in the palace. Only after swearing to Zuko that she wouldn’t make a mess did the Fire Lord allow her stay with them. During her time there, she mastered Mai and Ty Lee’s techniques and trained under the Yuyan archers. When she came home, she could beat the other two thirds of her triplets easily. Only when she teams up with the other two, can they take down Lin and Tenzin.
Choekyi (M) Airbender, 21: The last of the triplets to come be birthed. Choekyi is a free spirit, much like his father. He enjoys traveling and meeting new people. As a child (and an adult) he is easily excited and is a very charismatic guy, which gets him far with the ladies in his teens and early twenties. He’s never scared of trying new things, sometimes to his detriment, as he gets hurt a lot for someone light on his toes. His preferred method of transportation is air scooter. Choekyi gets along with Uncle Sokka the most, with his never ending jokes and letting him learn how to throw a boomerang even though he’s a bender. Choekyi spends some time in the swamp with the swamp benders just because he finds them to be hilarious and interesting. This is where he connects with his spirituality and returns to excel in airbending, and earns his tattoos.
Songa and Kera are idenitcal twins, so no one (beside Toph and Choekyi) can tell them apart until Songa earns her arrows. Choekyi looks similar to them, as he is their triplet, but since he came from a different egg, he turns out to be much taller than his sisters. Just imagine Toph's face when she feels three freakin' heartbeats along with hers. Idk if that's scientifically sound, but it's my universe, so I can say what I want lol.
Gyun (M) Nonbender, 18: He's a very musical guy. Gyun means music, but it can also mean germ or bacteria. So his older siblings make fun of him when he’s young. While his bending siblings practice and spar, he masters most musical instruments and even becomes a skilled singer. He’s a favorite of Uncle Iroh’s and spends time with him playing music and perfecting his tea making when he’s not training with Master Piandao and mastering different types of sword fighting styles. Gyun is a lover, not a fighter, and is recruited as the youngest member of the national opera company. He rises in fame, without having to reveal his high ranking connections to his family members. Gyun is a true renaissance man (you know if the renaissance existed back then). He looks up to all of his siblings and soaks in all the stories and advice his can get to perfect the art of storytelling and acting.
MeiLin (F) Nonbender, 17: MeiLin may be one of the youngest, but she’s definitely the sassiest of the bunch. With the personality like her mother, it’s no wonder she’s a bosslady even from a young age. She doesn’t take shit from anyone. While she’s the beauty of the dunebabies (but who really isn’t attractive in this family?) and can hold her poise better than any royal, from the tender age of three, she’s wanted to become the fiercest fighter in the world. After a lot of convincing, Toph and Aang let her train with Aunt Suki and learn how to fight like a Kyoshi Warrior. After she masters that, She begs her parents to send her to the Fire Nation to study under Mai and Ty Lee. By the time she’s 14, she’s already mastered the art of dagger throwing, chi blocking, and the Kyoshi warriors fighting style. Aang isn’t too pleased that she fights in tournaments like Toph did, but Toph watches every match she can get! MeiLin asks her to bet on her and they split the wealth at the end. Lin wants her youngest sister to join the police force when she turns 18, but MeiLin isn't sure she wants to enforce the law like Lin.
Tiao Wu (M) Earthbender, 14: The baby of the family, and loves it. Unlike MeiLin, Tiao Wu is a homebody and a huge mama’s boy, though really isn’t a mama’s boy in the Beifong Family? Like his name suggests, he’s a great dancer and for an earthbender, he sure is light on his toes. While Gyatso is called Twinkletoes Jr, Tiao Wu is known as the Fancy Dancer. Literally. That’s the stage name he chose for his bending dance competitions. When he’s not dancing or hanging out with Toph, he’s studying his cousin’s bending forms, wanting to incorporate it into his repertoire. Tiao Wu is also close to Aang, as he showed an early talent to be one with the spirits. As a six year old, he would meditate next to Aang and beat the freakin’ Avatar, master of all four elements and bridge between the physical and spiritual world, to the Spirit World. He’s also known to be the only human who is allowed to visit Wong Si Tong’s library there.
ALRIGHT Joy, here are some basic facts about my dunebabies universe. If you or anyone else wants to send me asks so I can more deeply construct their personalities, feel free!
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dearmrsawyer · 4 years
well IT WAS A YEAR. it was also emotionally two weeks and five years? lol. its been a lot, but there were some real positives from this year that i wanna reflect on just because! they’re nice to think about!!
i’d love to know if any of you have any positive things from your year that you’d like to reflect on. accepting asks where we can celebrate your little wins too :)
in general i’m just quite proud of myself for how i’ve managed the library this year, given that its just me. its been hard feeling more disconnected from our students, and also trying to provide them with support that can reach across the void created by distance learning. it wasn’t 100% successful all the time! but it can’t be, and i never aimed for that. i just did everything that i felt i could reasonably do as a single individual, and i think i did my best! i spent a lot of this year driving out to post books to our students, or meeting them at convenient locations to do book swaps, and i’ve spent a lot of time coaching academics through online systems over zoom so that they could effectively teach their subjects, and i’ve spent a lot of nights and weekends prepping materials that needed to be made available to students ahead of class, because our academic staff weren’t able to finish them while i was still on the clock (i’m def not trying to @ our academics here! they’ve been delivering material late all year bc of how much extra work they’ve had to take on too! its just the roll on effect bc i’m the last link in the chain). i’ve felt a huge sense of camaraderie with many of my colleagues this year, and am grateful i had them to make this work year more manageable. but i know i’ve been doing a lot of hidden work and i think i did well :)
oh man i loved turning off my wake up alarm in march and never turning it on again!!!! I think i can count the number of times i’ve had to use my alarm on one hand, and they were mostly dr appointments. it feels so comfortable to wake up when my body decides, whether its 6am or after i should already be working LOL. there have definitely been ebbs and flows to how well i’ve slept throughout the year, sometimes i know exactly what’s affecting my sleep and sometimes i have no idea, but regardless, the absence of an impending alarm has been such a nice way to compensate for.. everything else lol
i started growing vegetables!!!!!! I spent a week in March digging out a patch of my yard, and then the next month or two growing seedlings, and i successfully grew snow peas, silverbeet, beetroot and lettuce :D i also added dill to my herb garden, and successfully propagated thyme and lemongrass! i did attempt a few other vegetables that didn’t pan out, mostly because snails kept eating my seedlings jkjdgkj but it was so exciting to successfully grow something that i could then EAT! and i’ve also been able to figure out which vegetables i consider more convenient to grow, for example buying leafy greens can be super inconvenient bc i find its often impossible to use them all before they go bad. they sell greens in such ridiculously large bunches! but growing them myself, i can go out and pick however many leaves i want, and the rest won’t go bad because they’re still on the plant! i also started to stagger how many seeds i wanted to grow which meant they weren’t all maturing at the same time, and i didn’t need to use them all at the same time. 
Supernatural finished this year which was NOT a highlight 😭 but it was originally scheduled to finish in May, and i was given the gift of 6 whole extra months to live with this show as a work in progress. as much as i still wasn’t ready to say goodbye in November (would i have ever been ready), i was given so much unexpected extra time to appreciate being IN it while it was still going. i spent so much of this year reflecting on how big a part of my life this show has been, and how much its given me and shaped me. from the ages of 14 to 29 i was able to live with this show as a close friend, and i’ve never taken that for granted, but i am so thankful for the extra time i was given to reflect and appreciate it even more deeply. also supplementary highlight is how much that ending meant to me <3 the world can think whatever it wants but i was on that journey for 15 years, i was there for every episode, never falling behind or taking a break, and that ending honoured the story i watched, and i am very grateful that the pain of it ending was cushioned by the sense of peace and fulfilment that ending gave me. 
i finally found hair products that WORK!!!!! i’ve had the same hair routine for like a decade (basically sans products) and i thought i should use this extended period of time where i exist unobserved to experiment. i’ve never really bought hair products for myself, i’ve always inherited them from my mum bc she always had a surplus of products she’s collected over the years. our hair couldn’t be more different so i’ve never experienced a product that was particularly effective LOL. i have v dry hair that’s naturally curly/wavy but extremely frizzy, and i have soo much of it!! so many hairs on my head! my mission was to find a way to let it dry naturally without all that frizz popping up, and without having to dry it in two big twists. the only products directed at curly hair that i’ve ever been aware of is mousse, which used to give people that crunchy look that i can’t staaaaaand but i’ve spent a few months buying quite a lot of products and testing them out one after another, and i’ve found a couple that i absolutely LOVE!! this is big for me bc i always structured my week around when i wash my hair (the day of and day after i’m unavailable lol). i’ll still have to structure my time around it somewhat bc it takes so so long to dry, but its going to be less of a drama if i have to do things when its not completely dry yet, and also i just feel like i’m finally getting to let my hair do its own thing without it stabbing me in the back 😂
i think that human connection has probably been more important this year than ever before, and i’ve often felt like maintaining connections requires energy i just haven’t had for a lot of this year. but i also feel like i have been very connected? i feel like i put in the work. my best friend and i shared a few phone calls this year even though neither of us have ever really been big on phone calls (neither of us have ever talked with people on the phone much in our lives lol). i’ve skyped with my Norwegian friend Ellen almost every month this year!! my friend Bel and i started exchanging sporadic voice messages again, which i’ve just loved. i’ve video chatted with Steph even though it was a scary new venture! and it was so amazing! i do feel like i’ve had less interaction with people on my dash this year, but i feel like working from home has changed the ebbs and flows of my energy throughout the day sooo much, and i just haven’t been online as much when other people are, but i’ve spent a lot of time connecting with people over whatsapp! when it comes to family, being around my grandparents was really really stressful for the first half of the year, but as the situation in Australia eased we relaxed enough that we were comfortable to spend time with them without our masks (plus we weren’t seeing anyone else lol). and i was able to make myself available to them more often while working from home, since i live only a minute away! we stopped having our big family lunches until September, and when we were finally able to get back together we enjoyed each other’s company so much. so while i haven’t been face to face with people on a daily basis, i don’t think i’m any less connected to the people that matter than i was a year ago.
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maxtothemax · 4 years
i’d love to hear the longer tangent about rich people in Patterson’s books
ok SO
we all know there’s the whole thing with nino pierpont, the flock’s mysterious rich “sponsor” or whatever, in maximum ride. that one was just kind of a bullshit explanation as to how the flock was able to have multiple different houses when each location got compromised, able to travel places, how the island at the end of nevermore existed, etc. it was just a convenient excuse.
but another series of his i’ve read is max einstein. i was going to make more posts about it, it’s just that it was.... honestly pretty mediocre. i was disappointed by the ending of the series, since the “big reveal” was pretty much completely revealed in the prologue of the final book.
[this next part will contain spoilers, but i sort of assume no one here cares that much about this series, so]
if you don’t know about max einstein, it’s about this girl named, uh, max einstein, a homeless 12-year-old genius. in the first book, she gets picked up by these people from “the change maker’s institute,” which is sponsored by a mysterious “benefactor” who wanted to gather up child geniuses to get them to improve the world through problem-solving things like the clean water crisis and world hunger. the catch is that the “benefactor” is actually a 14 year old boy named ben, who’s a fucking billionaire.
basically his parents died (unspecified how), and he was, for some reason, left to do whatever he wanted with their money. he decided to found the CMI to improve the world, etc.
the villains of this series work for a company called “the corp.” it’s basically run by a group of very rich, powerful people who want to become more rich and powerful. (which is pretty reminiscent of those “the world is run by a group of powerful elites” conspiracy theories, which... isn’t a good thing to be exposing kids to, even through fiction.) basically, they’re a bunch of cartoon villains motivated by greed. and greed is bad and evil, obviously.
but there’s absolutely no nuance to how ben is portrayed as a “good” rich person, and all the other rich people are bad. there’s no discussion of how, to become a billionaire, you must exploit workers. and that wouldn’t be ben’s fault, really, bc it’s his parents’ money, but that just means his parents exploited workers, and he was presumably shaped by their morals. ben spends a lot of money, but there’s no discussion of where this money comes from or how he acquires more of it. although we don’t really get a glimpse into his personal life, judging by his private jets and his taste in food, he lives a pretty extravagant lifestyle.
ben is pretty much a walking plot device (and also a love interest for max, ew) but the way he’s portrayed gives off a “not all rich people” vibe. “yes all the villains in this are rich, but not all rich people are villains,” says james patterson, who is a millionaire.
these books have a younger target audience, so i’m really curious to see, in five years, what all the younger folks who read this think about it.
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exactlythatsblog · 3 years
DigitalOcean Review 2021: Is it a good and secure hosting service? | TopReview
What is DigitalOcean?
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DigitalOcean is an American cloud hosting company Launching its first server in 2011? focused on helping developers launch more apps faster and easier. The ultimate goal of DigitalOcean is to use a solid-state drive, or SSD, to create a user-friendly platform that will allow their wealth of clients to transfer projects to and from the cloud, ramping up production with speed and efficiency.
1. Fantastic “Average” Uptime of 99.99%:
DigitalOcean truly dominates in uptime, conveying a normal of >99.99% in the course of the most recent year of observing.
That implies that since April 2020 they just had 14 blackouts and 23 minutes of personal time. The solitary month where DigitalOcean didn’t convey an ideal 100% uptime was April 2020 (with an uptime of 99.96%).
DigitalOcean last 12-month uptime and speed statistics DigitalOcean average uptime | See stats The average uptime for the past 12-months:
March 2021: 100% February 2021: 100% January 2021: 100% December 2020: 100% November 2020: 100% October 2020: 100% September 2020: 100% August 2020: 100% July 2020: 100% June 2020: 100% May 2020: 100% April 2020: 99.96%
2. Lightning-Fast Load Times 268 ms
Uptime is the main measurement to look for while choosing a web to have.
After all — every chime and whistle in the world will not record for a load of bologna if your site is spending extensive stretches disconnected.
Coming in as a nearby second is speed.
Slacking sites should be ‘down’, in every practical sense. Lazy destinations are practically unusable. Your traffic will not spare a moment to bob. In a real sense. A distinction of only a couple of seconds can cost you practically the entirety of your potential site traffic.
Fortunately, moderate speed isn’t something you must be stressed over when joining with DigitalOcean.
DigitalOcean Page Speed Apr. 2020 — Mar. 2021
DigitalOcean normal speed | See details
Their previous year’s normal page stacking time was 268 ms — the quickest we’ve seen!
A nearby second is A2 Hosting with a 285 ms stacking time.
3. Engineer Friendly Product Ecosystem:
DigitalOcean isn’t only a one-stunt horse. Truth be told, their set-up of items offers huge loads of potential for designers.
What are the various choices offered by DigitalOcean?
Happy you inquired.
Drops is a versatile figuring stage that can be tweaked to meet the entirety of a business’ application needs. It likewise remembers add-for capacity, observing, and progressed security.
DigitalOcean drops:
You can pick between standard or upgraded drops and afterward modify them however much you might want. Drops let devs avoid tedious establishment and design to move directly along toward code sending.
Though Droplets is for application sending, Spaces is about straightforward item stockpiling.
We’re discussing a security framework that permits you to store and convey information to applications and end clients. Spaces work under a straightforward cycle, making solid stockpiling with an intuitive UI or API.
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The assistance is likewise versatile, so your Spaces can develop with your organization. What’s more — Spaces can be joined with other DigitalOcean highlights, or they can be utilized all alone.
Kubernetes are intended for designers and administrators.
How would you be able to manage Kubernetes?
You can send your web applications for Kubernetes for simpler scaling, higher accessibility, and lower costs. You can likewise utilize these for API and backend administrations.
4. Adaptable Pricing
Although we likewise have it under our cons, we believe it’s quite wonderful that you can really alter all that you pay for — your site stockpiling, CPU utilization, transmission capacity, data set, memory, and so on
It’s actually an extraordinary benefit in case you’re a high-level client and as of now acquainted with precisely what you need, what your objectives are, what you don’t require, etc.
5. Every day Backups
DigitalOcean performs reinforcements every day and you can generally reestablish any information as long as 7 days earlier. Even though DigitalOcean has prevalent uptime, it’s in every case preferred to be protected over grieved!
6. Great Security
Your information and traffic are constantly gotten. This is something that numerous different hosts don’t stress a lot or don’t give. DigitalOcean ensures that your information is secured from start to finish. It’s an incredible benefit to keep those badly-willed associations and infections out of your site framework.
Of course, DigitalOcean has added encryption to its volumes. If you need to add an extra layer of safety, as with the majority of their highlights, you’ll need to go through an instructional exercise, follow the means, and know some coding to succeed.
Cons of Using DigitalOcean Hosting
DigitalOcean began solid, in any case, there are additionally a few downsides that should be noted out.
We should have a more intensive look.
1. For Advanced Users
The characteristic of a really incredible item lies in its capacity, to sum up, its administrations in layman’s terms.
This is something tech organizations, specifically, struggle to fold their aggregate heads over.
All things considered, most tech locales and stages will in general be brimming with language. As in, “uncommon words or articulations that are utilized by a specific calling or bunch and are hard for others to comprehend”.
At the point when one glances at tech items like DigitalOcean, the compulsion to turn to language-based language turns out to be clear. You’re managing a ton of specialized data — a master in the field would be constrained to compose it as far as they might be concerned, and not how the normal individual can get it.
That is no biggie for the high-level, power clients. They’ll get it. It’ll all bode well.
Yet, for the amateurs? No way.
This is a territory wherein DigitalOcean bombs significantly. The site’s duplicate is loaded up with specialized terms and abbreviations with no clarification. They’re obviously showcasing their item to designers explicitly.
In this way, others will battle to sort out some way to move a webpage over, dispatch, keep up, or even develop their site.
In correlation, Dreamhost works really hard of improving the language of their site into terms that a normal individual sees exhaustively.
2. Needs Basic Features Other Consumer Hosts Provide
The most web as we’ve checked on will toss in the equivalent ‘additional items.’ For instance, reinforcements, perhaps a decent CDN, and surprisingly an SSL authentication.
In contrast to other people, because DigitalOcean obliges a further developed group, they don’t toss in a lot of essential highlights that numerous different hosts will give or deal with to you in the wake of joining.
Stuff like:
Free space name with facilitating
The capacity to try and buy a space name
Free site movements
This means they can assist you with a portion of these things. In any case, you shouldn’t expect a great deal of hand-holding administrations when you join.
This really carries us to our next point.
3. Restricted Customer Support
Most facilitating organizations offer some variety of all-day, every-day support.
It may not generally be excellent, yet in any event, it’s something.
Lamentably, DigitalOcean has not at all like that. On the off chance that your site goes down in the center of the evening (which could be appalling on the off chance that you’re managing in abroad business sectors), there’s nobody for you to converse with. You need to go to their site and open a help ticket utilizing their online structure.
DigitalOcean makes ticket form4. Confounded cPanel
As been referenced as of now, DigitalOcean is certainly not for novices. Fundamentally, a cPanel is the thing that you need to assemble your site these days (except if you’re on an acceptable footing with programming dialects).
For DigitalOcean, first and foremost, you’ll need to set up a Droplet of your decision (DigitalOcean workers). At that point you’ll have to introduce the cPanel following a careful guide including embeddings a few code orders (indeed, you need to know some coding), enrolling your record, introducing the execution document, and so on
On top of the wide range of various stuff, you’ll need to buy the privilege from an outsider to utilize the cPanel.
If you have no involvement in coding and how to be an engineer yourself, we recommend, you either recruit a designer (a decent one) or keep away from DigitalOcean and discover arrangements that suit your necessities and abilities more.
The convenience of cPanel is generally instinctive, however, then again — there’s an expectation to learn and adapt and it’s unquestionably not for amateurs.
5. Estimating is Complicated
When you get into the evaluating plans, you’ll head will go dazed with every one of the choices and potential outcomes which you can utilize and overhaul. There are various classifications for data transmission, space, workers (various paces), CPU, security choices, and so on
Essentially put — with DigitalOcean there are loads of approaches to make your month-to-month expense extremely expensive.
Most different suppliers offer 2–5 distinct plans which give you a decent outline of what you get. With DigitalOcean you can modify everything yourself.
It very well may be something worth being thankful for, however except if you’re a high-level client (as referenced over), it’s fairly convoluted and tedious.
DigitalOcean Pricing, Hosting Plans, and Quick Facts
DigitalOcean’s Standard Droplets plan begins at $5 each month. The costs ascend from that point, getting increasingly elevated until you’re paying $80 each month for all the more very good quality administrations:
DigitalOcean fundamental drop prices when you take a gander at the CPU Optimized Droplets, those are beginning at $40 and going as far as possible up to an incredible $720 each month:
DigitalOcean computer processor enhanced evaluating
Speedy Facts
The simplicity of Signup: Quite simple (you can join with email, Google Account, or GitHub)
Free area: Not free.
Cash Back: No. Valuing depends on the pay-more only as costs arise model.
Installment Methods: All significant Debit and Credit Cards, PayPal.
Secret Fees and Clauses: No significant ones.
Upsells: A couple of upsells.
Record Activation: Account actuation is speedy.
Control Panel and Dashboard: Custom control board (with cPanel choice)
Establishment of Apps and CMSs (WordPress, Joomla, and so forth): One-tick installer for WordPress and other applications/CMSs.
Do We Recommend DigitalOcean?
… insofar as you’re an engineer.
In case you’re simply a normal individual hoping to dispatch a web presence, there are undeniably more easy-to-understand items out there that will cost you undeniably less.
For somebody that feels comfortable around the tech world, there is by all accounts no quicker or more profoundly performing item than DigitalOcean.
There are not many downsides yet on the off chance that uptime and speed are the main variables for you, DigitalOcean is among the most ideal decisions available.
Best options for DigitalOcean:
Best alternatives for DigitalOcean:
Bluehost Very Good Uptime | Easy to Use for Beginners | 24/7 Customer Support Read Bluehost review
DreamHost Best Month-to-Month Plan | 97-Day Refund Period | Unlimited Bandwidth Read DreamHost review
Further reading: The 10 Best Web Hosting Services (In 2021)
If you have used Digital Ocean service, please don’t forget to let a review about your experience whit this service for other people who want to use it see you in another article.
-The Best Web Hosting Service in 2021:
-The best 10 advice and secrets for more effective e-mail marketing 2021:
-DreamHost Review-The best hosting service in 2021
outube tools repo: YouTube SEO Tools to Boost Your Video Rankings -TopReview blog!
-TubeBuddy Review 2021: Details, Pricing, &Feature- TopReview SEO
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crushzone · 4 years
🎬 About Me
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Original art of me and my fictional hubby, Ukai Keishin, by @achieve-the-sun​, posted with permission. 💕 
Hi there!
My name is Nin and I am the founder of Crushzone Cinema Theater. 📽 🍿 
Age: 23
Birthday: December 24th
Pronoun: She/her
Education: Graduated with a dual degree in Film and Global History
Occupation: Is currently a film freelancer in the camera department, who desperately needs money to pay rent every month lol.
- The sound of rain tapping on my window
- Watching my plants rise and droop to the moving sun
- Cooking and experimenting with different cuisines; Japanese, Thai and Chinese are some of my favorites.
- Giving my husband and my cat their head rubs every night.
- Drawing, painting, and photography. (Here’s some of my works!)
- The feeling of accomplishment after you’ve gone through SO much for a project with your peers. To work on your own movie or short film, and finally seeing it done, is such a rewarding experience.
- To eat my Mac and Cheese with ketchup, nutritional yeast, and steamed broccoli. (Fight me lol. 🦖 )
- Eating chips with chopsticks.
- Medjool dates with a spoonful of crunchy peanut butter 😋 
-Wearing oversized clothes, especially hoodies.
- Sitting at my reading nook, with my cat next to me on the chair.
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- The buzzing sound bees make when they fly.
- Slipping on my own chunk of hair on the ground; I have a lot of hair and I shed a lot.
- The heat, I may be from Thailand, but I am very much done with the blaring heat. One second I’ll look real cute with my face all done up, but the moment I step out, it’s already melting from my face.
- Going to sleep; there’s SO much more I could be doing right now!
- When my bangs desperately need a trim and is poking my eyes.
- Poor lighting, doesn’t matter if it is real life, just light it like you’re IN a film!! It’s so much more dramatic that way! (For real, come to my house, every corner is lit with some sort of a look/mood 😏)
- Loud noises; when people are yelling all the time, or something is loud, I get nervous when I can’t hear my own thoughts.
- People with bad attitude, a temper, or is just kind of mean in general. There is absolutely no excuse for you to be that way, and nothing productive comes out of it. Nuh-uh.
My parents hired a piano teacher when I was in elementary school, but because I didn’t enjoy her company (for some reason), I refused to absorb information. Little did I know, it would backfire me and would have absolutely no effect to her pay.
I’m that kid who always has 4 spare pencils and 5 erasers to lend out to my peers.
Will serenade to my cat every morning and night, so if you are ever my roommate, I apologize for my horrible singings.
Performed as a cave and pot in my high school production, and lemme tell ya, it is more difficult than it sounds.
Has no problem doing laundry in the morning, but the moment the sun falls, I will be too afraid to go down into my basement to do it. Some may say that it is an excuse for me to put laundry off for the next day, but I always tell my husband that there’s a “Babadook” in there. 👀
One time I stepped on a millipede, and I cried for 2 days because I felt really bad for it.
I’m actually VERY shy most of the times, so if you see me laughing a lot like a hyena, then it’s likely that it’s just me being awkward. OR I may just be having a good time, who knows.
I’m awful around kids, I am SO awkward and will stiff up like a rock (if you see me doing that, pls come safe me). One time this kid asked me why I laugh so much, so I simply just laughed some more while backing out of the room slowly. 🤦‍♀️ 
What is something you wish you were gifted at doing?
I wish I could sing. My husband is a musician, and it looks like he’s having so much fun. There’s just something so freeing about it, as if it’s another language that takes time to become fluent in, but when you are, it’s so captivating and expressive. I don’t think I’m an awful singer, but is just too incredibly shy to sing in front of others. 
What is the first movie you remember seeing in theater?
It may had been Disney’s Dinosaur (2000), not sure. All I remember was that there were a bunch of dinosaurs on screen, may had even been 3D with those glasses.
At one point, a tiger jumped at the screen, and I started crying. My mom and brother wanted to finish the movie, so my dad had to sit outside with me, until it was over. It was chill tho, my dad was teaching me different dinosaur names. 👶 🦖 🦕 
What is the first thing you do when you get home?
Pants off, baby!! I don’t usually wear a bra, but if do, then I guess it’s bra’s off first. Then I instantly hop into my plaid boxer shorts hehee. 🤭 
What has been the hardest thing for you to face or learn?
That people go through different stages of their life at different paces, and that is totally okay. When I was younger, I would always overwork, and as a result, I don’t really have a lot of time for myself. I did that, mostly, because I wanted to get a head start at everything, especially at my career. Now that I am 23-24, and had just graduated from Class of 2019, I’ve been getting film gigs since I was a sophomore, and is now a full time freelancer. 
Yet, I was not satisfied, because I got to work with a 21 y/o in a position that was under her, and it made me feel momentarily incompetent; like I wasn’t doing well enough. But it will never be enough if that’s the mindset; I never considered that she skipped university and went straight into film, so circumstances were entirely different.
Meanwhile, there’s someone 10+ years older than me who is struggling to get the work I’d get, and that is okay too. What I should’ve done is feel happy for her, and use that to motivate myself to improve.  As long as I never give up, and continue to do my best with a good attitude, everything will be just fine.
If you could give your younger self any advice what would it be?
That it’s okay to take a break sometimes, live life a little, and cherish all the happiness, sadness, heartbreak, and struggles that you are going through right now. Every tear will make you stronger, and genuine every smile will eventually pull you through. 
Time goes by very quickly, and every stage in your life is a part of you, so make sure you remember how you get to where you are well.
Do you see the glass as half empty or half full?
Half full, just grateful that there’s any liquid in the glass at all, and is excited to acquire more with all the space I’ve got on top, ya know? 🤷‍♀️ 
What is the strangest thing you believed as a child?
That if you whistle at night, the ghosts will come find you. Or if you play hide and seek at night, then you’ve opened up some kind of portal that the ghosts will kidnap you away from this dimension forever.
Tbh, I think my grandma was just sick of me trying to learn how to whistle when I was in elementary school and of me running around the house at night, so she made these omen up lol.
What time do you usually get up in the morning?
Used to wake up at 13:00-14:00 all the time, but since I married an early bird, I’ve been up at 6:30-7:00 lately.
What time is your usual bed time?
Heeheee 1:00-2:00 in the morning, oops.
How has your birth order/characteristics of siblings affected you?
I have the loveliest older brother in the world, he’s 4 years older, and is very smart, diligent, athletic, and funny. Me being the only daughter, my parents are incredibly protective, so they’d always have my brother do everything for me. 
It was a relief when I was younger, but as I enter high school, it became a little frustrating; I felt like I was living under his shadows and can never be considered independent. They’d also spend a lot more time training with him cuz he’s a national competitive swimmer.
Because of that, I had a lot of time to myself, so I experimented with my own interests and grew in my own way. As I’ve grown, I can definitely say that it’s made me a lot more independent and introverted haha. I absolutely dislike depending on anyone (Will be my last resort), but it’s also nice to know that whenever either of us fall, we’ll always have each other’s back.
#tag games with Nin 🎮
Learn even more about me through various tag games I participated!✌️ 
#chats with Nin
My previous responses, rambles, vibe checks, and many more!
And please drop by my ask box and chit chat, I love interacting with you all! 👋 
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nicolewrites · 4 years
We Stand, Fate-Tested - VIII
D&D took up much more time than I anticipated which is why this is late haha. 
Rating: T+ Genre: Mystery, Friendship, Romance Characters: [Byleth/My Unit, Dimitri B.], [Byleth/My Unit, Claude R.] Words: 6,249
A birthday party gives Byleth a headache. / Claude unmasks an enemy. 
VIII - Complications
Garreg Mach University - 10 Lone Moon, 733 AU
"How's your neck today, Byleth?" Harriet asked as she entered the lab.
Byleth turned her head experimentally. There was still a twinge of pain when her jaw angled towards her right shoulder, but it was much, much better than it had been directly after the crash.
"It's alright," she replied. She kept her eyes focused on the screen of the computer in front of her, hoping the post-doc would leave her alone if she was clear she didn't want to talk about it. Thankfully, Harriet got the hint and settled down at her own workstation, leaving Byleth alone.
Since the crash, Byleth felt like she was being babied. Flayn called her every night to check up on her and Seteth never left her alone on-site during the dig. He also seemed keen on having one of his other students in the lab whenever Byleth was there as if she was just going to keel over on her own. It was starting to get annoying.
Out of the four people in the car, Byleth felt like she had gotten off the easiest. Edelgard was recovering from a not-so-fun concussion, Claude had fractured his arm in three places, and Dimitri was another story entirely. While he wasn't as physically hurt as the rest of them, the accident had dredged up some horrible psychological trauma for him and he had been basically catatonic for a week, responding only to the gentle prodding of his childhood friends who knew him best.
Edelgard's father had wanted her to return to Fhirdiad where she could be safe and guarded, but she had protested, staying on in all of her classes as well as the dig in the pinnacle of stubbornness. Claude had had his archery season cut short which was definitely annoying, but he still managed to keep his head up and help out on site, despite lacking the use of his left arm.
The crash had been the subject of several tabloid stories for about a week before Edelgard's father finally managed to get it snuffed out. It had been strange to get sympathetic glances wherever she went and to hear the murmured whispers behind her back. It still happened occasionally, but it helped that Edelgard, Claude, and even Dimitri were good at ignoring rumours and pretending that nothing had happened.
Claude had been spending a lot of time in the lab with Byleth when he wasn't in class. He claimed it was because he needed to feel useful to the team somehow since he thought his arm was impeding the dig. Byleth never protested his company. He never pushed her to talk about the crash or its lead up, instead chattering about history and whatever artifacts they were working with. It was both a pleasant distraction and a welcome motivator.
The door to the lab swung open and Byleth glanced up. Seteth strode in, looking more stressed than she'd seen him in a long time, not counting the look of despair he'd worn when he'd visited her at the hospital. Byleth straightened in her seat as Seteth hung his jacket by the door.
"Seteth?" she inquired to her advisor.
Seteth turned towards her when she spoke and Byleth caught the hint of guilt that rapidly spread across his face as he did so. Byleth frowned and pushed her chair back.
"What is it?" she demanded.
Seteth glanced at Harriet who was working away at her own computer with headphones in and he walked towards Byleth, sinking into the seat next to her. "I received some news today," he admitted.
He passed her a folder that he had been holding and Byleth flipped to the first page in it. It was a letter from the Fhirdiad Museum. She scanned it and felt her features twist into a scowl as she processed the words on the page.
"Cancel the dig? They want you to call it all off? Because of a car accident?"
Seteth sighed and took the folder back from her. "Byleth, you were run off the road. That's not just a car accident. You happened to be with three of the most famous youths in the country at the time while on an equipment retrieval trip for a sponsored dig. That's not good press."
Byleth huffed. "And we're all fine and still ready to work on the dig. They can't just cancel it! You've been working towards this for so long. We've only barely started the work we wanted to do. We just got structural approval for the eastern chambers and we're only now passing where Dr. Charon got to. If we don't do this now, there's no telling when the next time someone will be allowed to excavate down there."
Seteth's expression flashed with guilt again. "I was the one who proposed cancelling the dig," he admitted quietly. "There is no history or discovery that is worth the lives of students."
Byleth's hands slammed against the desk and she shot to her feet. Harriet looked over at the disturbance. "You don't even know that that was what any of this was about," she hissed. "You can't throw this away just because of one thing, Seteth."
Seteth looked tired, but he didn't argue with her. Byleth frowned and stepped away from her desk. She grabbed her purse and jacket from by the door and gave him one last hurt look.
"I'm going for lunch," she said shortly.
She made it almost out of the building when her phone started buzzing in her pocket. She huffed and fished it out, expecting to see Seteth's caller ID. It wasn't him calling so Byleth answered and pressed the phone against her face.
"Teach! Exciting news! We've finally gotten everything organized for Friday so we can start inviting people now," he said cheerfully through the phone.
Byleth laughed faintly. "Inviting people?"
"It's Ignatz's birthday on Friday and we're having a surprise party for him. Consider this an official invite."
"A birthday party? Claude, I don't know," she began, but he cut her off.
"Don't worry about not knowing people. It's Ignatz, so we're keeping it relatively small. The whole undergrad dig team is getting invited, plus the archery team, plus our roommates so you'll probably know almost everyone that's there."
She huffed a laugh. "When and where?"
She could practically hear the smile on his face through the phone. "Friday at 9 at our place. I'll text you the address."
"I haven't said yes yet," she pointed out.
Claude chuckled. "You asked when. For you, Teach, that's a yes."
Golden Deer House, University Suburbs - 14 Lone Moon, 733 AU
Byleth knocked on the door with the backs of her knuckles. Her toe tapped against the stone of the doorstep as she took in the house again. It was a beautiful place: something much more extravagant than she had expected for a bunch of students. She had almost wondered if Claude had given her the wrong address until she saw the wire cutout of a deer stuck into the garden and she had chuckled to herself.
After a moment, the door swung inward and Byleth was met with a grinning Hilda. She blinked in surprise at the sight of another of her former students. Hilda's hair was pulled up and she was wearing a flashy silver top and a cute skirt. Hilda stepped backwards and gestured for Byleth to come inside.
"Uh, thanks," she mumbled. "And hi, Hilda, I didn't know you'd be here."
Hilda snorted a laugh as Byleth stepped inside and slid off her boots. "Wow Claude really didn't explain anything, did he? I live here. This whole place is a bunch of Golden Deer in our year. We've been living together since our second year."
"So, it's you, Claude, Ignatz, and," she trailed off, waiting for Hilda to continue the list.
"Lorenz, Marianne, Lysithea, Raphael, and Leonie. You know Lorenz and Lysithea, obviously. Marianne is my best friend and Raph and Ignatz are from the same small town. Leonie's from eastern Fódlan. Most of us are in fourth year, but little Lysithea is in her third year and Leonie's doing five years because of her job," Hilda explained, tapping her fingers as she counted out her roommates.
Byleth furrowed her brow. "Wait, Leonie Plinecky?"
Hilda blinked, her pink eyes widening a bit as Byleth caught her off guard. "Yeah. Do you know her?"
Byleth laughed to herself. "Yeah, she used to take self-defence from my dad," she explained.
Hilda shrugged. "Huh, small world I guess. Now, come on. Ignatz is already here and we did indeed scare the shit out of him with this party. You've got to say hello."
Hilda linked her elbow with Byleth's and dragged her through the living room towards what Byleth assumed to be the kitchen. She recognized a few of the faces in the living room that were drinking and playing games from around campus, the time she went to one of Claude's archery competitions or people Claude had exchanged words with when they had been together on various occasions.
In the kitchen, Byleth recognized more people. There was Ignatz, Lorenz, Annette, Ingrid, Lysithea, Dimitri, one of Dimitri and Ingrid's other friends with dark hair who she thought was named Felix, a boy she recognized from the archery team, plus a few others, and of course, Claude. Lorenz spotted them first and wandered over. Hilda dropped Byleth's arm and planted a light kiss on Lorenz's lips. Byleth blinked in surprise, but her attention was quickly drawn to Claude who had beelined to her side.
"Teach! You're late," he teased.
Byleth rolled her eyes. "You said 9, it's only 10."
"Hello Byleth," Ignatz said brightly. He was wearing a crooked birthday hat and Byleth laughed at both it and the blush on his cheeks.
"Happy birthday," she replied.
"Ignatz! I got it working!" the hulking young man next to Ignatz said, practically shoving his phone in the smaller boy's face.
Ignatz's smile grew and he took the phone. "Maya!" he greeted. Instantly some of the people in the kitchen giggled and started filing out of the room.
Byleth glanced at Claude curiously. He pressed a cup full of some sweet, alcoholic-smelling beverage into her hand and steered her back into the living room.
"That's Raphael," Claude said. "Ignatz is dating his little sister Maya, so that's who's on the phone there. They do long distance, but Ignatz is very sweet and loyal as I'm sure you could guess."
Byleth smiled. "That's sweet." Her eyes wandered the party until they landed on Hilda again who was tucked against Lorenz's side this time. She raised an eyebrow. "I didn't know that was a thing," she said quietly to Claude.
He followed her gaze and laughed. "Oh man, that's a heck of a story. They've been together for almost three years now though, so I guess it's working."
Byleth was about to press him for details when she felt a tug on the arm that Claude wasn't occupying. She turned, so that she didn't spill her drink, and found herself face to face with a grinning, pink-cheeked Annette.
"Hi, Byleth! I didn't know you were coming!" Annette said cheerfully.
Byleth smiled at her former student. "Yeah, it was kind of last minute, but I'm glad to be here." She sipped her drink and was momentarily impressed by the strength. Most university parties supplied watered-down drinks, but this was something pretty heavy-hitting.
"Claude, I bet that's your doing," said the young man standing next to Annette. He had slightly curly silver-coloured hair and bright green eyes. He was holding Annette's hand and Byleth knew she recognized him from the archery team.
Claude winked. "You bet, Ashe," he said.
"Claude!" a loud voice called suddenly, causing all four of them to turn towards the table where cups were lined up to play pong. "Just because you have a bum arm, don't think you're getting out of this!"
Byleth gave Claude a side-look. "Is that Leonie?"
He laughed. "Yeah. We make a decent pong pair and even the bad arm," he shifted the arm that was still in the sling, "apparently doesn't get me out of that."
Byleth took another long drink and looked back at Annette and Ashe. "I'm good here. Go play."
Claude grinned at her and Byleth felt her stomach warm. She turned back to Annette and Ashe and took another sip of her drink.
"I'm Byleth, by the way. I think we met very briefly once."
Ashe nodded. "Yeah, I think you came to an archery comp. You were the Archaeology TA, right?"
Annette nodded. "Yup! And she works with us on the excavation process."
Ashe brightened. "Oh yeah! That whole thing is so cool."
A girl with a long dark purple braid suddenly popped out of the crowd and grinned at them. "Annette, may I be borrowing your boyfriend? Claude challenged my pride and I intend to be showing him his place."
Annette laughed and nudged Ashe. "Of course, Petra. I'll come and watch too!"
Ashe and Petra immediately headed for where Claude had vanished off to. Annette lingered for a moment longer, glancing between Byleth and the table. "You should come watch," she suggested lightly.
Before Byleth could reply, Hilda had reappeared at her side, linking arms with her again. "I've got her from here, Annie. Go watch Ashe and Petra destroy Claude and Leonie again."
Annette grinned and vanished into the group of people. Hilda peered into Byleth's almost empty cup and immediately steered her back towards the kitchen to get a refill. She filled Byleth's cup and grabbed one of her own, waving at Ignatz and Raphael who were sitting in the corner still talking over Skype to Raph's sister. Hilda then dragged her out the opposite side of the kitchen into what was probably supposed to be a dining room. Ingrid, Dimitri, their friend, and a girl with faint, silvery-blue hair were sitting on the far side of the room, chatting, but they didn't seem to pay Hilda and Byleth any mind.
"So, you and Claude are pretty tight, aren't you?" Hilda said, turning back to her.
Byleth took a sip of her drink. "We're friends," she said. "He pestered me a bunch last semester until we started meeting up to discuss my research. Most of what we talk about is history related anyways," she deflected.
Hilda rolled her eyes. "Look, I've hooked up with Claude. I know what infatuated Claude looks like."
Byleth didn't know what was more surprising to her: the fact that Hilda and Claude had hooked up or the fact that Hilda thought Claude liked her. Hilda noted the surprise on Byleth's expression and laughed.
"Oh come on, you haven't heard that story? In first year, Claude and I were flirting it up when we both met Lorenz. Lorenz and I also hit it off. Claude and Lorenz naturally hated each other, but once they found out I was kind of seeing both of them they united into hating me for all of like two weeks until Claude got his head out of his ass and Lorenz and I had a chat. I'm kind of the whole reason this house exists since Lorenz and Claude hated each other before they both united against me."
Byleth laughed shortly unintentionally. "Wow, not sure that's something to be proud of."
Hilda shrugged, smirking. "Claude's my best friend and Lorenz and I have been steady for a couple of years. I think it worked out okay."
Byleth giggled lightly. "Sure, sure." Her gaze wandered to the other side of the room where there were the other four. "I know Ingrid and Dimitri, obviously, but who are the others?"
Hilda followed her gaze. "That's Felix, Ingrid's boyfriend, and Marianne, my best friend and totally not Dimitri's girlfriend." She said the last part sarcastically and Byleth smiled faintly.
Marianne was very pretty and Dimitri kept casting her quiet, affectionate looks. They certainly looked like a couple. Felix and Ingrid, on the other hand, were much less lovey-dovey looking, but they certainly looked comfortable with each other.
"Drama with that is that Ingrid was dating Felix's brother Glenn when he died. Ingrid and Felix got together a couple of months ago after a lot of dancing around," Hilda continued.
The story clicked in Byleth's head. She lowered her voice to an almost whisper. "Glenn died in the same crash that killed Dimitri's parents, right?"
Hilda nodded. "Yeah," her smile dropped a bit, "it's pretty sad." She shook her head and turned her full attention back to Byleth. "But, I'm here to bother you about Claude! What's really going on with you guys?"
Byleth shook her head. "Nothing, Hilda, I swear. We're friends." A spark of pain flared behind her eyes and Byleth grit her teeth. Her headaches had been more frequent and much worse since the crash and she had been hoping to get through the night without any more of them.
She downed the rest of her drink and felt the alcohol sting her throat as she swallowed. Hilda finally seemed to take the hint that there was nothing more to talk about and shrugged. She bid Byleth a farewell and darted back to the rest of the party to play hostess. Byleth cast Ingrid and Dimitri's group a glance and felt another headache rip through her mind.
She shook her head and slid out the side door of the dining room into the main hallway. Annette and Ashe had apparently migrated there and were chatting with Linhardt and a boy Byleth faintly recalled to be Linhardt's boyfriend. Pain pulsed in her skull again and she winced faintly. She needed to get somewhere quiet. She quickly slipped past the group and found a flight of stairs leading up. There appeared to be a glorious absence of loud music and chatter from upstairs so she headed up, massaging her temples as she went.
She closed her eyes briefly at the top of the stairs and almost keeled over as another sudden sharp pain flared behind her eyes. She saw white for a moment and something that she could have sworn was Annette and Ingrid's boyfriend Felix. Byleth staggered into the nearest room which happened to be the bathroom and sunk onto the floor. She leant against the cool bathtub and rubbed her temples.
A few more images flashed in her brain: Ashe and Petra wearing strange clothes, Lorenz and Marianne sharing tea, Ingrid riding horseback with a man who looked like her other friend Sylvain, and Dimitri extending a hand to Byleth with a soft smile on his face. She exhaled heavily and rubbed at her head, trying to get the images to fade.
"Byleth?" a voice called softly. She snapped her head up and saw Claude standing in the doorway of the bathroom, looking concerned. He stepped into the room and closed the door behind him, sealing out most of the noise from the party. "Are you alright?"
She smiled faintly as her headache pulsed again, but more weakly. "Just a headache. I needed a breather."
Claude drifted towards her and sat next to her, leaning his back against the tub as well. "I get that," he admitted. "Linhardt said he saw you heading up here and I figured I'd come to check in."
Byleth nodded. "Ah," she agreed faintly. The headache faded more until she was almost feeling like herself again, just definitely drunker than she normally was. "Did you and Leonie win?"
Claude snorted. "Nope. Ashe and Petra murdered us. Leonie mentioned that you guys know each other though."
Byleth smiled faintly and nodded. "Yeah, she knew my dad pretty well."
Claude winced. "Sorry."
Byleth shrugged. "It happens," she mumbled in reply.
"Are you really okay though? You kind of looked like you were in pain."
She shifted so that their shoulders were pressing against each other. "Headaches," she explained. "At first it was just the usual stuff I've been getting since the crash, but," she trailed off, not sure if she should mention the roiling feeling of wrong that had settled in her stomach since she'd first arrived at the party.
Claude twisted so that they were making eye contact, but their shoulders remained a point of contact. "But?" he prompted softly.
She sighed. She had trusted him with many of her strange dreams and feelings in the last eight months so she didn't see a reason to hide anything else from him. "I feel like everything is wrong. Everyone is talking to the wrong people. Everyone is acting strangely."
"The wrong people?"
"Annette and Felix, Ingrid and Sylvain, Lysithea and Linhardt, Lorenz and Marianne, Ashe and Petra," she listed off-handedly. "That feels right. Not, whatever is actually happening."
Claude's brows furrowed. "Strange," he mumbled. "Do you think this has anything to do with the dreams?"
Byleth dropped her gaze down and shrugged. "I have no idea," she confessed. Her head was starting to feel foggier and less painful. Claude's solid presence next to her felt comfortable.
She looked up and was almost taken aback by the startling green of his eyes. They had made eye contact dozens and dozens of times since they'd met, but he'd never induced the strange warmth in her stomach that she was feeling right then. She exhaled shallowly and studied his face.
Claude's breathing echoed hers as his eyes flicked over her face noticeably. She could smell a hint of alcohol on his breath and she knew that she herself was fairly tipsy, but she couldn't remove herself from the moment.
"Is this wrong too?" he asked quietly. Something unreadable and serious flashed in his eyes and Byleth's chest contracted a bit.
"Yes," she confessed just as softly.
"You're impossible to read sometimes," he said. "But," he inhaled slowly and Byleth watched his gaze noticeably dart to her lips, "I still think I'm crazy about you."
She leaned forward and kissed him.
His lips were warm and softer than she was expecting and he reciprocated the kiss immediately. It wasn't the best angle with them still awkwardly shoulder to shoulder and with their backs against the bathtub, but the kiss made something simmer warmly in her stomach. His shoulder shifted and his right hand, the uninjured one, came up and cupped her face as he pulled back to breathe before kissing her again.
Byleth felt a twinge of stiffness in her neck and a tightness in her chest due to the lack of air, so she leaned back, gasping. Looking into Claude's heavy, green-eyed gaze, the words he'd spoken to her sunk in and Byleth's whole being twisted viciously with a sense of wrong. She jerked back away from his touch, her neck protesting the movement. Her palms thudded against the bathroom tile to catch her weight before she tipped to the ground.
Claude looked startled. "By," he started gently.
Byleth's breathing sped up. It was shallow and fast and the room suddenly felt too warm. "I have to go," she said suddenly.
Hurt flashed across Claude's expression as she scrambled to her feet, ignoring her alcohol-induced wobbliness and the headache that had sprung back to the front of her mind. He looked like he was about to protest again so she bolted.
Infirmary, Garreg Mach Monastery - 2 Lone Moon, 7 AU
Byleth came to feeling like she had been trampled by a pegasus. Her body was aching and there was a sharper, razor-like throb from the side of her ribs. She blinked and saw a faint glimmer of candlelight nearby. There was a blurry figure sitting next to her, dabbing a cool cloth on her forehead. The cloth jerked back as Byleth blinked again and she heard a familiar gasp.
"Professor!" the familiar voice exclaimed and Byleth's vision cleared enough that she saw Annette sitting next to her, looking incredibly relieved.
Byleth's throat felt dry and sore when she tried to speak. Her words came out breathy and almost as a whisper. "What happened?"
For a second, her mind was blank, but when Annette's features twisted into deeper concern, the memories came rushing back. Byleth jolted and immediately tried to sit up, ignoring the lingering pain in her side.
"Dimitri!" she exclaimed.
"Please, Professor!" Annette said sternly, gently pressing her back into the mattress. "You were very hurt. You need to stay down."
Byleth listened, settling back against the mattress, but a cold fear spread to her limbs. "Where is Dimitri?" she asked again.
Annette sighed slowly. "He's going to be alright. Don't worry."
The cold panic and fear drained away slowly and she tilted her head a bit, checking out the rest of the room. There was no one else in the infirmary besides the two of them, but one of the other beds looked like it had had some recent use.
"Where is he?" she asked, her voice cracking.
"I believe he's with Sylvain, Ashe, Dedue, and Felix," Annette answered. She furrowed her brows at Byleth. "You were both hit with powerful dark magic spells, Professor, but I think the fact that he wasn't also stabbed helped with that."
Annette fetched Byleth some water and sent a monk to fetch Mercedes while she answered more of Byleth's questions. She had been unconscious for almost two full days. Dimitri had woken up in the afternoon yesterday. They hadn't caught any of the people who had attacked them. No one else was hurt or targeted in the attack. The perpetrators hadn't left much of a trace besides the magic traces on Byleth and Dimitri after they'd been knocked down.
Byleth recalled the blade suddenly. "I need to talk to Sylvain," she said breathlessly.
"You're not going anywhere until I check you over, Professor," Mercedes called from the entrance to the infirmary. "That magic did a number on both you and Dimitri, but I've never seen anyone react to it quite like you did, Professor."
Byleth frowned. "Annette, please fetch my husband and the others. Especially Sylvain. It's important."
Annette nodded and Mercedes took her place, asking Byleth a million questions about how she was feeling and if she was in any pain. After another Heal spell and a few more swallowed herbs, Mercedes checked the sword wound. It was almost completely healed, but the healer let out a startled gasp that had Byleth twisting her shirt up further to try and see what Mercedes had seen.
She had basically removed it when she saw it: a burn scar kind of in the shape of a star right over her heart. The skin was tender, but the burn appeared to have healed itself and Byleth recalled the intensity of the wave of white magic she had released to repel their attackers.
"What is that?" she asked quietly.
Mercedes shook her head, looking puzzled. "It looks like a white magic burn. Dimitri didn't mention they used white magic too."
Byleth exhaled slowly. She knew where the burn had come from, but how was she supposed to tell her dear friend that it had been self-inflicted by the power sizzling in her veins that was eating her alive. Before anything else could be said, there was a sharp rap at the door and Byleth yanked her shirt down, making herself decent.
"Come in," she called before Mercedes could ask for a bit more time.
Dimitri burst into the room and hightailed it to her side. He basically fell to his knees next to her and Byleth saw the hurt and pain and love in his gaze as he reached up to touch her face. "You're alright," he breathed.
"You're okay too," she replied, lifting one of her own hands to cup his jaw.
Their moment was interrupted by the arrival of the rest of their friends and Dimitri quickly stood and pulled up a chair next to Byleth's bed. He and Mercedes helped her sit up so that she could face all of her friends. The entire group of her former students were present, minus Felix and Ingrid.
"Sylvain," Byleth started, focussing on the northern Faerghus noble. "Has Sreng ever struck this far south?"
He seemed alarmed at her question and shook his head. "No," he said firmly. "They press at the border, but I've never heard of them striking at the heart of Fódlan."
Byleth exhaled warily. "How has the border been?"
He frowned. "Chaotic. They come and go, but I had believed we were reaching an agreement recently since I took over for my father."
"The blade had Sreng lettering," Byleth confessed.
Annette's breath hitched. "What?" she squeaked.
Dimitri looked troubled at the news. "It did?"
Byleth closed her eyes, conjuring the memory of it. She was quite sure. "It did."
Sylvain ran a hand through his hair, looking distressed. "The Sreng people are warriors. They do a lot of weapons trading. Perhaps this was an attempt to frame them."
Dedue folded his arms and looked down, something dark crossing his expression. "This information mustn't leave this room. There will be slaughters if it gets out."
"Yes," Seteth agreed as he strode into the room. He dipped his head to both Byleth and Dimitri in respect. "It is good to see you are recovering Your Grace, Your Majesty. I agree with Dedue here that we must not let the word of a potential attack from Sreng get out. In fact, I would recommend we try to limit the spread of the attack entirely. It would not do well to know that someone got close enough to render both of you unconscious."
Ashe nodded. "I asked Petra and our guards to return to Brigid without me. If the information does get out, I would like her not to be here. Foreign powers interfering at a time like this would be bad." He looked guilty for a moment and Byleth knew it was the guilt of leaving his wife so soon after they had been wed as equals in Brigid. "I hope my skills are still welcomed here," he added quietly.
Byleth nodded. "Ashe, you are always welcome. I agree with Seteth, though." She looked around the room at her trusted friends. "News of the attack does not leave this room," she said sternly.
Everyone nodded in agreement.
Garreg Mach Monastery - 9 Lone Moon, 7 AU
Byleth was in the market when she heard the crowing of a wyvern. She snapped her head up and spotted the white beast descending towards the stable, followed by a brown wyvern. Her lips parted in surprise. She knew that wyvern and she had no idea what it was doing here. She smiled politely to the vendor she had been speaking with and excused herself, making quickly towards the stables.
Claude was assisting his two companions down off of the second mount by the time she had arrived. Byleth's steps faltered and she stared at the Almyran King for a long time. Claude helped Lysithea down and said something quietly to the third new arrival, Linhardt, before he turned and finally noticed her. He grinned.
"Hello, Your Grace," he said lightly. There was a familiar teasing lilt to his voice and Byleth could only stare dumbly at him.
"What are you doing here, Claude?" she demanded after a moment.
His grin twisted into a sly smirk. "I figured you could use a dark magic specialist and someone who has some ideas who might be interesting to you," he offered, gesturing to Lysithea and then Linhardt.
Lysithea brushed off her skirt and sent Claude a dirty look. "He's being evasive, as always, but he did bring us some interesting news."
Byleth furrowed her brow and stared at Claude again. "How did you know?"
He shrugged. "I'm good at knowing things."
Byleth scowled at him. "This information wasn't supposed to leave the monastery grounds," she said firmly.
Claude winked. "Good thing we're on the grounds then." Byleth scowled, but he continued before she could interrupt him. "Gather your group. This information is probably more than you're expecting."
They met in Byleth's study. Dedue, Mercedes, Ashe, Dimitri, Claude, Lysithea, Seteth, and Linhardt stood and sat around the room each wearing an expression of varied discomfort and concern. Sylvain, Felix, and Annette had had to return home for their children's sakes and Sylvain was also looking into the Sreng lead.
Byleth turned the paper in her hands over. It bore Hubert's writing and detailed the activities of the dark group that had assisted in the Empire during the Unification War. Linhardt had presented it to her along with a few more just like it that he had recovered from the Vestra estate after the war. Apparently he had been doing his own research from Ordelia territory where he had settled with Lysithea after the two of them successfully had Lysithea's Crests removed and dissolved her noble house.
Claude, of course, had gotten wind of their work and the attack at Garreg Mach and had apparently drawn a thread connecting the two. He had brought them to the monastery to discuss their research and Lysithea's past experience with them. She shared her horrible childhood trauma where she had had her second Crest implanted and Dimitri's breath caught when she had described the fading of her hair's pigment and the weakness the second Crest had imposed upon her.
The group, dubbed Those Who Slither in the Dark, according to Hubert's notes, were apparently vehemently against the children of the goddess and had fantastical weaponry and dark magic mages, including Cornelia and Solon. Dedue and Dimitri had both stiffened when Byleth had read about Cornelia and her involvement in what Hubert described as the orchestrated Tragedy of Duscur.
Byleth placed the last letter down on her desk and frowned. "Claude, you're saying these people are the ones who attacked Dimitri and I?"
He shrugged. "I don't know, but it certainly seems more likely than a Sreng invasion and assault to me. If I had to guess, I would say their target was just you, Byleth, and that Dimitri was meant more as a personal attack. If you give Linhardt and me more time, we could probably work with Hubert's notes more and figure out where they're hiding. Then we can remove them and remove the threat entirely."
"No," Seteth cut in sharply. His face was pale and Byleth bit her lip as she studied her advisor. "Doing so will only create bigger targets on both His Majesty and Her Grace. If you pursue this, they could only come after you harder and if you're wrong, then you are chasing empty threads into the wind and letting the true culprits get away."
Lysithea scowled. "We're not wrong. The Hades spell that struck Byleth and Dimitri was strong enough to take them both down. I know that spell," she asserted. "I have met very few people who could cast it at that strength. We're not wrong."
"Even so," Dedue said, "I agree with Seteth. We can look into it, but His Majesty and Her Grace should not be leading any charges. It endangers them too much."
Dedue's compromise settled the animosity in the room, but Byleth felt frustrated. She was tired of being protected. These attackers had tried to kill both her and her husband in their home. She wanted to remove them personally. Dimitri looked conflicted and Byleth instantly understood. He felt the same way she did, but he obviously did not want to put her in any more danger, just like how she wanted to keep him from further danger. Claude had said the target was likely just her, so she wanted to protect Dimitri as much as she wanted.
She took a deep breath. "I give you permission to look into this further," she conceded. "But, no one will be taking any offensive action until we reassess."
Dimitri frowned at her, but he didn't argue. Dedue and Seteth looked placated and Mercedes and Ashe nodded in agreement as well. Linhardt gave her a cryptic look but didn't argue. Lysithea huffed and narrowed her eyes. Claude simply studied her, his expression unreadable. Byleth inclined her chin and refused to show her hand.
"Now, I believe this discussion has concluded. We should all go for dinner." She smiled at Lysithea and Linhardt. "We have friends visiting, after all."
Her companions accepted her suggestion and began making their way out of the room. Claude and Dimitri lingered until it was only the three of them left. Dimitri looked between her and Claude twice, but the Almyran King didn't even flinch.
"My love," Byleth said gently, "I would like to speak with Claude briefly about handling private matters of state. We'll join you in a few minutes."
Dimitri looked only partially convinced, but he kissed Byleth gently on the lips and made his way out of the room, leaving her alone with Claude. Claude raised an eyebrow at the door as it shut behind Dimitri.
"Private matters?" he inquired.
Byleth took a deep breath and folded her hands atop the desk. "We're going to finish this," she said firmly. "We stamp them out and remove the threat as soon as you figure out where they would be."
Claude's eyes narrowed. "You didn't send everyone away to tell me you're going against the direct council of your closest companions."
"No," Byleth agreed. "I sent everyone away to tell you we're going to do this without Dimitri."
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satanfm · 4 years
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hello! this is my smol messy child with a heart of gold lux !  i’m very excited to rp with all of you beauts, so pls give me all of your affection & plots 🥺 lux is twenty-three, a singer and professional nuisance to record companies, managers, collaborators, exes, and basically anyone who’s ever met her. positive traits are often overshadowed and forgotten due to the intensity of her negative traits.
chicago’s very own lux santana has been spotted on madison avenue driving a range rover , welcome ! your resemblance to sofia jamora is unreal . according to tmz , you just had your twenty third birthday bash . your chance of surviving new york is uncertain because you’re aggressive , but being confident might help you . i think being a leo explains that . 3 things that would paint a better picture of you would be being soft and stone cold at the same, broken guitar strings, & singing songs under her breath. (lux doesn’t want children, so when she got pregnant she had an abortion and lied about it to the father by faking a miscarriage) & ( cis female & she/her) + ( hailey , 19 , she/her, cst)
— “ basics ! ’ 〉
full name. lux santana. 
nicknames. friends can her lux, and enemies call her satan. 
age. twenty-three. 
date of birth. july 26. 
occupation. singer/songwriter. 
sexual orientation. pansexual. 
birthplace. chicago. 
zodiac. leo. 
spoken languages. fluent in english, spanish & some french.
— “ backstory ! ’ 〉
satan ... i mean lux santana was actually born delilah humpries and raised in chicago. her father is one of those important political bigwigs and...all she knows about her mother is that she’s never known her mother.
her dad was the typical rich successful man who showered his child in all of the presents and money that she could ever ask for in order to make up for the fact that he was always too busy working to ever spend any actual time with her and instead left lux to be raised by a revolving door of nannies
from a young age it was obvious that lux had a talent for music & ofc her dad was willing to pay for her lessons so long as it kept her occupied so she started with singing and piano but moved on to learn a few other instruments including the guitar and even began dipping her toes into songwriting. by the age of 14 she had written and recorded a whole demo album in her bedroom and once it was done, she started sneaking out at night so that she could go hang around the local big name recording studios in the hopes that she would catch a producer leaving for the day and hopefully convince them to listen to her demo
she never did
sis really tried though. now ofc her dad could’ve paid a record company to just hand her a contract and she knew that, but dammit. lux wanted music to be her lifelong career and she wanted to earn it herself. she knew that she was genuinely talented even though her demo album was probs lowkey garbage lmao and she knew that she could be successful, and she didn’t want anyone to be able to say that she didn’t truly work for her career
she was so determined that she spent y e a r s relentlessly hounding record companies but no one would give her the time of day, so she developed a different strategy after seeing some flyers around the city and at the age of 16 she joined a local bar band who happened to seeking a lead singer...and got kicked out like two weeks later for being absolutely fucking insufferable
join local band in need of a lead singer. attempt to overhaul said band and push all of the other members into the background. face resistance from said other members. get angry, lash out, get kicked out of the band, repeat. it was a vicious cycle that went on for a couple years.
it was while she was in the midst of this vicious cycle that she met her (now ex) boyfriend and they were...whew. A WHOLE MESS. he was the frontman of a different band that was gaining more and more popularity by the day. he was older and he seemed so cool, and so ofc lux fell for him hard. they got together and appeared to be madly in love, but all was not perfect at all.
they were veeeery on and off, the type of couple to get in a screaming match and “break up” over nothing only to get back together like ten minutes later. this guy also wound up getting lux hooked on drugs, getting her arrested, getting her name plastered all over the tabloids for everything except her music, which was something that she still hadn’t quite found her footing in yet
until finally at the age of 19 she landed a record deal and, at the age of 21 after a lot of delays that had to do with her perfectionist nature and tumultuous relationship her first album was released and turned out to be a major success with all of the singles charting, lots of streams and airplay and a sold out debut tour that would unfortunately get cut short
so basically what happened was her bf showed up after one of her concerts and ofc they got high together, but then lux started to overdose. she passed out, but her bf thought she was dead and ofc he freaked out so, uh...he ran. literally bolted out of her tour bus and lux has not seen him since
fortunately she was found by someone else in time and rushed to the hospital. of course the rest of her tour was cancelled so that she could recover and she subsequently did the obligatory few months in rehab only to get out and immediately go back to using. that was over a year ago now and since then she’s been working on her second album aaaand it’s almost finished! people are starting to wonder what’s taking her so long and the answer is honestly just the fact that she’s nearly impossible to work with tbh
— “ fun facts / headcanons ! ’ 〉
lux is lux, not delilah. she uses the stage name in order to a) be pretentious and b) distance herself from her family name as a way to shut down the argument that it’s the only reason why she’s famous/successful. as for where the name came from? but yeah. lux, not delilah, or she’ll get all huffy.
pan af, has dated & hooked up with people both before and after her disaster bf and sometimes while they were “broken up” for all of ten minutes. tbh she kinda...gets with people solely to use them as songwriting material and then just dumps them when she’s gotten some material out of them? yikes! so she can be a bit of a heartbreaker.
since music is really the only thing in her life that she takes seriously, it’s what most of her energy tends to go into and it’s why she can be so impossible to work with. she’s always full steam ahead and she always thinks that she’s right, which doesn’t really pair well with the fact that she’s also very stubborn. recording studio employees have literally quit on her in the middle of a song more than once before bc they just couldn’t deal with her anymore. she’s that bad.
she’s quite intelligent and empathetic and genuinely talented but unfortunately her stubbornness and perfectionism and short temper often overshadow her best qualities and become all that people are able to see when they look at her. lux, surprisingly, doesn’t seem to realize that dialing back the attitude might help her in her quest to be just be taken seriously for fuck’s sake
she is the embodiment of ' 5′1 but attitude 6′2′.
can be v reckless, willing to try anything once.
she's v free spirited but can be flighty, never wanting to settle, always on to the next thing, whatever it may be.
big on living in the moment, future who?
— “ wanted plots ! ’ 〉
some potential wc i’m terrible at thinking of these so please don’t feel limited by this list!
best friends
step siblings
perhaps someone from her mom’s side of the fam
attempted good influence
exes ( she probs has a bunch who hate her )
former / current hookups ( again, she probably has a bunch )
ex friends / bridges she’s burned ( probs has more of these than anything else lmao )
straight up enemies
other singers or musicians who have tried to work with her
people she’s written songs about!
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ramblefang · 4 years
Rabbit Town; BNA ep 2
 “Previous Post
My previous (and first) post of these BNA first impressions ended up being more rambly than even I want to be. Most of that was due to me retelling events, which I was actually doing to help me remember what happened in the episode. So instead, I’m going to try just going through the episode again in another tab and using timestamps (which I think is the norm for this sort of thing anyway.) This technically means I’ll be writing down my second impressions, but I’d really prefer my first watch of episodes to not be interrupted every minute by me needing to tab out and write something. I’ll still try to remember and write out my first impressions anyway.
(Hmm, Netflix doesn’t seem to provide a precise timestamp. Guess I’ll just approximate things by mousing over the...runtime...bar thing.)
Cold Open
0:15 Starting off right where the last episode ended: Michiru saying that she’s human.
0:22 Shirou says she’s a tanuki, based on the appearance of her tail. She seems offended by the idea. My best guess is that her reaction has to do with what tanuki are famous for: having huge balls. (Also they’re magical spirits, which may or may not have something to do with the powers Michiru has.)
0:45 The police arrive and it seems Shirou is a known entity. Gives me Batman vibes. Is Shirou a vigilante? And in that way where the police are just used to it by now?
0:50 The OP starts and I notice the strands of DNA. Makes me think of how Michiru apparently changed species, and also the way there is some pharmaceutical company behind the very existence of Anima-City. Oh, and I just got that “BNA” is basically a pun on DNA.
1:30 Last time I had recalled something about shadowy feral transformations, but it looks like Michiru transforms into something more equine than anything else. (With what I know from later in the episode, she definitely seems to be a shapeshifter, which I think is appropriate for a tanuki.)
1:40 Oh, and there’s still totally something about this vocal melody that reminds me of “Bad Apple.” Admittedly, it’s been years since I actually listened to that song, so maybe I’ll have to go compare them later.
2:00 A detail spoiled by the OP: apparently beastmen have human forms that they can switch to, yet Michiru can’t. Honestly, it sort of looks like she’s stuck in a halfway state—a kemonomimi for the most part, though with the nose and “mask”
2:10 Shirou appears surprised, and possibly skeptical, about Michiru being unable to switch forms, indicating that it is by far the norm to be able to do so
2:35 Ah, by the way Michiru speaks about it, switching forms seems to be common knowledge even among humans. Shirou says “Quit talking like a human” in response to the idea that they’re always in beast form, which means this is a common human misconception (and this comes up later as well, illustrating how Michiru really comes across as human in little ways).
2:45 Bystanders seem to be paying special attention to Michiru, likely to her form. (This sets up what happens later over her inability to assume a human form)
3:00 A lot about this scene speaks to me as a trans person: someone running tests that “prove” someone’s identity and insisting that what they see on the surface is all there is to the truth
3:35 Michiru says she must be afflicted with a “disease”, reminding me of the worries I had about a pharmaceutical company being behind the city and how there may be a darker purpose involving a “cure.” Unsettlingly, Michiru also isn’t far off from saying that being a beastman—the very existence of beastmen—is itself a disease. (Mind, she doesn’t literally say that, but based on things she says at the end of the episode, it may not be too far off from how she actually feels—right now.)
4:00 Back to trans stuff, this reminds me of how being trans was, as a whole, labeled as “Gender Identity Disorder”, categorized as a mental illness rather than a natural state of being. (Also, I’m currently building a headcanon of Michiru being a trans girl. Not only because of this stuff, but also due to how she reacted to being called a tanuki: I can interpret her as feeling gender incongruence/dysphoria over the big balls thing.)
4:30 Interesting that this is a “cooperative”. Are they technically not part of the government and are more independent than that? Or maybe the term means something else in Japan.
4:40 Again with trans feels. Filling out forms and needing to identify as something you don’t actually see yourself as
4:50 (Didn’t catch that my first time around: different blood types? Wonder if blood harvesting and blood mixing will be a thing. Remembering the kids that were about to be sold off... Might these things be connected?)
(Rather than making things shorter, this is just resulting in me going even more in-depth. Oh well. I guess I’ll just have to deal with it.)
5:10 Probably a bit of an exaggeration that you can’t get back anything stolen from you: says more about how this is a seedier place than the video in episode 1 let on. We sort of got that from Michiru being pickpocketed in the first place, but this lets us know that that wasn’t an irregular occurrence
5:30 (Also didn’t really absorb this my first watch, but it does make sense that Michiru has been sleeping outside while on the run. Doesn’t feel good to think about how she had to spend that time being scared of the humans around her.)
5:40 Kuro is a wonderfully round birb.
6:10 Michiru making the same connected that I made (and that the audience in general is probably expected to make) about Shirou potentially being that big wolf who was up on the rooftops
6:25 Michiru probably expected Anima-City to be the end of her struggles where everything would just be better and easier. Indeed, she is young and naive.
The Next Morning
7:20 While Michiru may be surprised by the “rule of the strong” here, it does work effectively in parallel with the focus that has been put on money (between these two episodes). The powerful get to do what they want, whether it comes from physical strength or financial power. When it comes down to it, the human world, under a capitalist framework, doesn’t behave all that differently
7:45 Oh, Shirou has some sort of direction connection with the mayor and/or the government. Is this what they meant by “social worker”? Is he some sort of government agent? Does he have the extrajudicial authority to just beat people up (and even kill them?) the way he did with those terrorists?
9:00 (Considering Marie’s apparent connection to Rabbit Town, she probably does have some connection to the pickpocket. But now that I’m making this connection... Did Marie bring those kids to Rabbit Town after they were separated from their parents by beastman hunters?)
Rabbit Town
9:25 My very first expectation with a place called “Rabbit Town” was something akin to “Little China Town”
9:35 Then it struck me as something of a red light district
10:00 And we learn what Michiru might have to deal with in the future for being unable to switch to a human form: more people may think she’s trying to pick a fight.
10:15 Saying that she’s “not some baby” indicates that there are people who can’t control their forms: young children. Or, perhaps, someone who hasn’t been a beastman for a long time. (Maybe she’ll figure it out when/if she gets back with the kids she helped rescue.)
10:45 (Struck by how “coincidental” it is that someone like Grand Grandma would end up with a random kid’s wallet. It’s making me think that the pickpocket and Marie actually funnel people into this person-trafficking ring)
11:15 With my early impression of Rabbit Town being some sort of red light district, I thought this was some sort of communal daycare. (But seeing it again, I’m noticing how stern these women are at seeing the children. Definitely doesn’t look like they care about the kids.)
11:20 The line about them being “women who were betrayed by men”, and the following lines, really fit in with my thinking that this was a red light district, and they probably just didn’t want to outright say these were sex workers. (And maybe some of them are, but it turns out to be far from the whole picture)
11:40 And it does seem to be the image they want to give to Michiru: that they’re a bunch of women struggling together with all of these kids to take care of. There was also a bit about “what it’s like to live as a beastman” which makes me think that it’s definitely the norm for beastmen to be poor—not a surprise since they are clearly an oppressed minority group
12:05 Totally expected “Poop” to become the kids’ nickname for Michiru. (Glad it didn’t since it would have made it harder to really care about what happens later.)
12:50 Look at these cuties wanting to learn. (And sobering in retrospect to think how this is probably the most care and attention they’ve had in a while.)
13:10 I forgot to say something about it last episode, but the way Shirou’s sense of smell is visualized is amazing.
13:20 Again with the red light district impression, I was thinking this was the arrival of a pimp or something
13:40 I appreciate Michiru caring about what the kid is already doing instead of reprimanding them for not paying attention
14:00 So we learn about Silver Wolf, who could be the wolf Michiru saw when she arrived in the city. Since Shirou seems to be that wolf, does that mean he’s actually Silver Wolf? Is this an urban legend based on him? Or is he actually some sort of god?
14:45 The demands of payment really played into my pimp impression, but then this guy mentions “letting these women be gangsters.” They could totally still be sex workers as well, but this clues us in that these women may be involved in shadier stuff
15:10 I wonder if the politics of these criminal groups will come more into play in the future. Wouldn’t be surprised if some of the villains we meet end up being allies by the end, considering the way Trigger tends to tell their stories.
15:35 “It’s all women are good for anyway” is an impressively disgusting line to tell us that they’ve been talking about selling the kids. Also, I wonder what it means for the mayor to know about the kids: that the government will be sending people to rescue the kids and shut them down...or that the mayor would be interested in buying...
15:45 The line about the kids being “snatched away” probably means the mayor, so probably not about buying the kids. Still doesn’t mean the “rescue” could end up being more nefarious than it would seem. (Look, I just don’t trust the head of a pharmaceutical company also being a mayor, especially when a video about the city was directly associated with the company instead of being its own thing.)
15:55 Given the earlier scene between Shirou and the mayor, and Shirou being here, I guess he’s something like the mayor’s enforcer? Her trusty hand that does what needs to be done? But I’d also guess that if the mayor is secretly a villain, Shirou has no idea
16:30 I immediately put together that these kids were probably separated from their parents due to attacks by those beastman hunters. (And earlier in this post is when I retroactively put together that Marie, or people with the same job, likely gave/sold the kids to Grand Grandma, if they don’t work for her directly.)
16:40 The rule of the powerful coming up again. This is the way this world (and our world) works. (Which I could go off on a political tangent about, but I’ll refrain for now.)
16:55 Michiru is an atheist. Or at least incredibly pragmatic. Not the most helpful thing to say to people who literally can’t do anything in this situation, but I appreciate the sentiment of actually doing what you can instead of hoping someone else does something about it
17:20 Hmm, no one seems too surprised about Michiru’s expanding tail powers. Maybe this is a relatively normal tanuki thing?
18:00 But the stretchy arms totally aren’t normal, even for a tanuki. Thinking about it, no one else has obviously shown any kind of powers yet. Shirou’s fight with the terrorists could have just been his physical prowess. Do these powers have something to do with Michiru’s transformation from human to beastman?
18:50 In case you didn’t catch on to everyone’s surprise, confirmation that what Michiru just did was very unusual.
19:25 Never a big fan of the “even if they’re women” line. They’ve been doing a very bad thing. Stopping them shouldn’t have anything to do with gender. Why even bring it up. But I guess it does play into Shirou being a masculine and “chivalrous” type of character, as well as this being a generally patriarchal society (which isn’t really any different from our world). (Thinking back to my post on the previous episode, I guess “this isn’t too different from our world” is probably the point that the pseudo-branding contributes to.)
20:00 It seems that Shirou’s relationship to the police is less like Batman, and more like he just outranks them.
20:20 “Facility” is such a cold and impersonal term that it really does make me worry about what the government is going to do with these kids. Again, pharmaceutical company. (I’ll make sure to go back to episode 1 and get a better look at the company’s actual name so I can use that. May as well if I’ll continue to make a big fuss over it.)
20:35 “Even though you’re a beastman, don’t you have a human heart?” is a horribly offensive question. I was initially going to refer to it as a microaggression, but the more I thought about it, the more I realized how terrible it is. It’s heavily loaded with the ideas: 1) beastmen are expected to be bad, hence the “even though”, and 2) being human is inherently a good thing. Despite what she said to Shirou at the end of last episode, it seems that she really just has the inverse of his beliefs. And this is so clearly something that only a human would say that it convinces Grand Grandma of Michiru’s “humanity”
21:20 Shirou, needing to wait for evidence before he can do anything, kind of illustrates Michiru’s point of view of not being able to count on society—on anyone else—to be able to help you.
21:30 Shirou, representing the police and government authority to an extent, believing that he “never makes mistakes” again reminds me of the protests we’ve had throughout this year. How the police totally does make mistakes—or rather, the way they don’t even view things they’ve done as mistakes—is totally a problem. (ACAB)
21:40 Following up on what Grand Grandma mentioned earlier about being “betrayed by men”, Michiru questions why it’s only “women and children” that Shirou is protecting. Is it that men don’t need to be protected? “What makes males so special? Are men really that great?”
21:55 And Michiru outright says what she had only implied earlier. Also, she seems a bit scattered between being angry at men, being angry at beastmen, being angry at the police, bring angry at society, and being angry in general. But I get it.
And that’s the end of the episode. I’m not sure if this is how I’ll continue to do these impressions, but I guess I’ll have to see how I feel about it once I get to episode 3. Maybe I’ll try out some genuine first-impressions, even if it means interrupting the episode constantly.
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lyouna · 5 years
The story of Josh Dun
Joshua William “Josh” Dun is an American musician. Best known for being the drummer for the band Twenty One Pilots. He was born in Columbus, Ohio, on June 18, 1988. His star sign is Gemini. He has two sisters named Ashley and Abigail and a brother named Jordan.
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Since his childhood, he was always terrified by talking in front of people even if it was a small group of it. However, when he is playing drums he does not feel that way, he is not as vulnerable as that when it comes to talking.
He self-taught when he was around 12 how to play drums, and worked at the Guitar Center for 3 years. He also worked with former Twenty One Pilots drummer Chris Salih, through whom he would eventually meet Tyler Joseph.
Dun's first foray into the music industry was with an alternative/Christian rock band House of Heroes. He joined the band through their drummer, Colin Rigsby, who was taking a break to spend time with his family. Dun played alongside the band on tour from March to October 2010 when Rigsby returned to his role. 
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"I would lay in my bed every night with sticks and hit my knees trying to figure out what they were doing, like, 'Okay, now they're hitting the ride cymbal, and now it's the snare and now the crash.' I would dissect everything that I watched or listened to. Every day I would walk to the local music store and play their electronic drums until one of the workers would be like, 'Hey, we have people in here that actually want to buy stuff so you've gotta go.' I did that for about a year and that's essentially how I learned to play some basic beats."
Throughout both middle school and high school, he didn't have a lot of money and it helps him to be more creative. He even thought about finding pieces of wood and figure it out how to make them in a drum. Figure out how they would sound with different holes in it, with different types of wood... Nevertheless, at this end, he said that the best drum set he had was one of SJC Drums.
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He likes nothing more to do than to play drums; in fact, he plays the exact same way when he is in a dark room by himself and when he is in front of thousands of people. He said that he wants to be creative and just to get outside of the box even if that sounds weird.
He said that although his inspiration comes from some drummers, his greatest inspiration is his parents. Indeed, he starts playing drums in a sort of rebellious state again them and that turns into them being more than supportive.
In 2011, upon the invite of co-worker and the band's drummer Chris Salih, Dun attended a Twenty One Pilots show after listening to their original demo CD.  Josh first saw Twenty One Pilots at a club on the Ohio State campus. “I loved everything about the show except for one thing: I wasn’t onstage playing also,” he says. After the show, he met lead singer and future bandmate Tyler Joseph, and a couple of days later began to build a friendship with him. It would be another year before Joseph’s original drummer quit and Dun got the job, but they had become best friends in the meantime.
By 2012, Joseph had grown into a ferocious performer, climbing the scaffolding and diving into audiences. The duo became the biggest band in central Ohio, putting every spare penny into the band and focusing intensely on their local fans. They filmed much of the “Stressed Out” video at Dun’s childhood home, so it has become a destination for Twenty One Pilots fans.
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 The highest point of his sort of musical journey was (according to his words) when he played for a college show at Ohio University. It was full of drunken kids, one of them even tried to pee on his drums and then on their merch. They eventually played one song and after it, the police shut them down. However, he said that it was the first show that he played with Tyler Joseph. He realized during this one song that he was playing with his best friend and he will never forget that.
The duo then released the band’s second studio album, Regional at Best. It was self-released on July 8, 2011. Regional at Best is a discontinued album. It is the last album released by the band prior to signing a record deal with Fueled by Ramen, and it is the first album to feature the talents of Josh Dun.
Josh Dun was raised in conservative, religious households. Video games and most rocks or hip-hop albums were banned. "I’d hide albums like Green Day’s Dookie under my bed," Dun says. "Sometimes they’d find them and get real mad. They’d find a Christian alternative, like Relient K, and make me listen to that."
For a while, the only movies allowed in the house came from CleanFlicks, a Christian company that took Hollywood movies and edited out all the profanity, sexuality and violence. For a young Dun, it made watching movies like The Terminator quite confusing. "Some scenes they’d remove entirely," he says. "Watching those movies was an absolutely awful experience."
By the time he was a teenager, Josh was rebelling hard. "I just had this aggression," he says, noting that his parents nearly kicked him out when he was 14. "They almost sent me to a military school. They did not know what to do with me, and I was always in detention. I never got into drugs or alcohol, but I would yell at my parents and just treat them terribly. Everything was an argument. Looking back, they were trying their best."
When his parents fell asleep, he would break out his punk-pop CDs; eventually, they softened up on rock music, allowing him to assemble a drum kit in his basement piece by piece with his own money. After he said this to some interviewers, he called his parents to explain himself.
"I actually called my parents after some articles came out – I never wanted for them to be painted in a bad light.
‘I’m so thankful for the way that I was raised. Ultimately, the idea of parents being strict or having rules, looking back, I did have a really rebellious phase and did whatever I could to do the opposite of what they wanted.
‘That’s all on me. For them, I think they were trying to do their best to raise me as best they could. They were trying to make the best decisions for me, and looking back, I can see they were the right decisions.
‘As I look at the rules I had, I wasn’t allowed to play video games or watch TV, so I went outside and made up games with my neighbourhood friends or built dirt ramps and rode our bikes over them.
‘I would be out from morning to night. I look at that, and I can’t imagine it if my parents had let me sit in and watch TV all day – I’d be a different person to who I am today, it’s thanks to them saying ‘‘get out and go do something"
He did not go to college, moving in with a bunch of buddies instead and playing in local bands while scraping by working in the drum department of Guitar Center. "I was going nowhere," he says. "One day I said to my dad, ‘Are you disappointed that I’m working a minimum-wage job and I didn’t go to college?’ I’ll never forget his response. He said, ‘It’s not about how much money you make or what your job is, but it’s more about your character. For that, I’m proud of you.’ It gave me motivation."
During an interview, Josh said “We’re always questioning things,” he says, “but I guess it’s safe to say that we’re both Christians.”
Although Columbus is still very much the Pilots’ base, Josh actually moved out to L.A a couple of years ago in pursuit of more sunshine while Tyler remained there. However, he says it has not made them working together any more difficult. “I’m equally in Columbus as much as I am there. We discussed this a lot before I moved out there. I always feared talking about us being in different places because I think that can be confusing to people from an outside standpoint - like are you guys still friends? Are you still in the band? We had so many conversations about logistics, but first of all, we’re together more than we’re not together over the course of a year. We’re on the phone every day and with technology, it’s so easy to get things done.”
On January 8, 2013, Vessel was born, it was their first album after signing with Fueled By Ramen and it received mainstream exposure. On May 17, 2015, Blurryface was released and the band received international success.
In July 2017, Twenty One Pilots went on hiatus for a year whilst they worked on their next album. On October 5, 2018, Trench was released, it was also a commercial success, reaching number one in six countries, including Australia, New Zealand, Spain, and the Netherlands and number two in several countries, notably the United Kingdom and the United States, as well as selling more than a million copies worldwide.
Therefore, he needed to learn how to deals with notoriety, he had the help of Tyler Joseph (of course), his family, and Debby Ryan. Indeed, from May 2013 to September 2014, he had a relationship with her. They got back together a few years later and in December 2018, Josh posted on Instagram his engagement to Debby in New Zealand during the second leg of The Bandito Tour. He wrote, «I found a tree house in the woods in New Zealand and proposed to my girl. She my dude for life. I love you Debby".
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She also posts about it «My dude asked me on a date. I said yeah because I always want to go on dates with him. Then he asked me to be his forever dude. He does things well, and right. His timing has pressed us and never failed us. He's sincere and fun and disciplined and strong as heck and a nerd and a rockstar and a good midwestern man and a silly shirtless boy, and his family is endlessly warm and delightful and are such champions. I have two parents and a brother; they're superheroes and they're my home. They've been the only thing that moves my needle with the fierceness of deep empathy. I have never that out in the world. I guess I figured it wasn't a connection you could stumble upon, only something you could only be born into. Falling in love with joshua was discovering it in the wild. Building it with him, building in certainty, infinite in wonder. Our own lil family. Feels like growing up and moving through life is just evolving through different types of complicated. He is where all the voices narrow into one sound. My only simplicity, where the important things are clear and the other things aren't that important. He's my heart outside my body. He's a cold water awakening a warm bed; he's the place I can rest. Dudes for life. It was a really good date."
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Josh has many tattoos and every single one have a strong signification. Firstly, John Graefe tattooed his right arm and then tell the story of it. “I was tattooing in Hollywood and he came in with bandmate, Tyler. They weren’t half as big as they are today and I had no idea at first. I just asked him the whole meaning behind his tattoo and he asked me to come up with the vision.”
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 The tattoo on his right arm had a blue geometric-like image or something that looks like a galaxy. Below is the image of nature. The musician mentioned that he would share this if it’s personally asked, but he did not want it spreading all over the Internet.
Both he and Tyler have an "X" tattoo on their body symbolizing their dedication to their hometown fans in Columbus, Ohio. They received it on stage during their hometown show at the Lifestyle Communities Pavilion on April 26, 2013. Dun's is located on his neck behind his right ear.
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In October 2015, Tyler and Josh asked their fans to choose one of them among themselves via a vote on Twitter. The winner should have his name on the loser on stage. For 24 hours, the two boys shot several videos parodying the presidential debates on topics such as Christmas music or their favorite drink, the Red bull. The results of the vote were equal. Therefore, Dun sports the name "Tyler" above his left knee.
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Josh has a tattoo on the inside of his left arm dedicated to his mom. A heart with "mom" written inside of it.  Which she answers on Instagram by “These past few months have been exciting seeing how far Josh and Tyler have gone. But it’s been a little hard for me as a mother to feel like I have to share my son with the world. Josh, you getting this tattoo means so much to me. I love you and now your stuck with Mom forever! <3”
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He has a drum tattoo on his left arm.
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Chantelle Thong made his last tattoo during the Bandito Tour, on December 2018. It represents an astronaut/spaceman flipping, while simultaneously being abducted or levitating into a spaceship. It might be a reference to March to the sea. Fans assumed that the spaceman is Josh Dun.
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ohcoolnice · 5 years
very unpopular opinion: Stop asking for money on tumblr
I’m gonna get so much hate for this but i can’t even hold back anymore. 
so i hate to be *that person* because everyone is going through shit, but let me just make my point here:
I’m an 18 (19 in less than a month) year old white girl with a black father and a white mother. I might be bi but i’m really just confused tbh.
This is all irrelevant, though, because I live in an abusive home, which isn’t something i’d stand for if it were anybody else, i don’t give a shit if you’re a purple girl and thanos is your dad and you’re lesbian. It matters when people are hurting. My father controls my bank account, expects me to pay him, refuses to let me have ANY money, and the 20 dollars i have is from babysitting, and it’s hidden in my room, taped under my bed because it’s the only place he might not find it, since he searches through my room on the regular.
I do not have a job, because i had to leave the job i’ve had since i was 14 due to health issues, and i’ve been searching for a job for about six months, and haven’t got anything that’s more than a week (i worked a week on comic-con in the summer). I’ve probably applied to over 100 jobs by now, but I simply don’t have the “experience” that is so required but never given.
I’m currently making money via an online captioning site, that pays per video minute of captions, not per hour spent captioning, so i can spend 50 hours that week captioning, and only make $16. It’s not fast money, but it’s MONEY.
As i said, I live in an abusive household. I was very open about this on the last tumblr i had, but i decided i wouldn’t say anything about it on this one, i don’t like the way i’m addressed once people find out. It’s been so long that i’ve come to normalise the abuse, and it rarely makes me cry anymore, but what does make me cry, is seeing happy families and good relationships on TV. Something i might never have.
I had to use everything I’ve saved up since i started working at 14, over 5 years ago, and now my bank account is empty, and I’m struggling to earn enough to pay off my credit card (had to buy school supplies- i’m a fashion student). I have to come up with excuses why i don’t have certain materials in class when the truth is that i can’t afford anything at all. I live at home with my parents, grandmother, and three brothers.
The worst part of all this is that my family isn’t poor. Honestly, it’s the complete opposite. My father has a net worth of over 3 million, and my mother is not far behind. My brothers are constantly treated with new shoes and clothes and school supplies (two younger, one a year older than me who is on an internship in Halifax), and my parents love to go on multiple vacations each year without their kids, which i understand, four kids is a lot of work.
We’re not in debt and we’re well off. Our house is small, yes, but everyone has their own room and there is a separate apartment in the basement for my grandmother, and we have a backyard that’s oddly large for the city.
So why am i so broke?
Honestly, i’m not sure. I know my father loves me, but the times i can see that are so few and far between that i don’t even know anymore. My second youngest brother stole my father’s credit card and cash multiple times this year, racking up a lovely bill of over $2,000 worth of money stolen.
As a punishment, he has a full season pass to Canada’s Wonderland, gifts for every occasion, and he’s practically my parents’ favorite. Sure, they scold him when it happens and they find out, but their punishments never last more than a day, whereas i am still blamed for attending a year of private school in the fifth grade- something that was their choice, not mine.
And that’s not even the abusive aspect to my house. That’s merely my parent’s preference of my brothers over me.
My father is emotionally abusive, screaming and yelling and calling me fat (though i’m in relatively okay shape, and underweight) and lazy and stupid and somethings i’d rather not type out. If he’s in a mood, I’m his target, even if i’m not home, i’ll open up my email to see a bunch of wonderful new emails in my inbox telling me off.
He’s also been physically abusive.
So many people have told me to call the cops or anything, but at home, everyone is constantly yelling at me, and calling me a liar the moment i open my mouth, but i rarely ever lie because i absolutely HATE liars.
My father hates what i do, he hates what i want to do, because, to him, fashion isn’t a real career. He hates that I’m in art and that i paint and draw and that i barely was able to pass math in high school.
I’m also ADHD. While i don’t have any money, everything i make will be going towards paying my tuition. I have two scholarships, but still have to pay about $8,000 after the deductions.
I currently have a near-perfect score in all my courses, all 100% except one 80% (an 8/10), to which i was told that if he saw anything like it again, I wouldn’t be going to school next semester.
So for my Adhd, I have to take medication, and i’ve gotten better at being able to function without, but i still can’t fully, and it’s really hard to explain what i mean by that, so i won’t, it’s really too complex. For two and a half years, ending this summer,  I was SEVERELY depressed: cutting and numb and crying myself to sleep more nights than not. Panic attacks and Anxiety attacks were the norm. Honestly, I have so much shit due that i’m gonna cut this short, because i have four more projects due this week, three due tomorrow.
I don’t have a phone, because i’m not “responsable like your brothers” and I have to walk down poorly-lit and dangerous areas of downtown after class to get to the subway. if something did happen to me, though, i’m not sure my family would really care. maybe my grandmother and my brothers and my mom. maybe my mom.
Basically, I understand that life is hard, but it really rubs me the wrong way when i see people asking for money on tumblr as if there is NO other option. there’s always some other way to do things. I’ve gone through more things in my 18, almost 19 years, than most people would in their lives, in terms of psychological and physical harassment.
And yet i have never asked for money, especially not from random people on the internet. Even though all i have in my purse for the rest of the year is a few coins that i probably just found on the sidewalk, I still give change to church boxes and i still leave food from my lunch next to homeless sleeping people- something i wish everyone did- because while my life might SUCK, other people have it worse, and I know that even if i have nothing, there’s always things i can do about it.
I don’t want pity, or anything from this. I’m just adding all that to help back my point and to show that I understand hardship.
There’s a website called TASKRABBIT and others like it that pays you to do tasks for others. There’s also things like DOORDASH and PETSITTER.COM and hundreds of other alternatives. I have to wait a few days, as you have to be 19 to join many of these, but please consult alternatives before asking others for money, perhaps asking others to give their money to people who have less, like those in shelters with families and children. Donate food etc.
Please stop asking for money. The device you’re using to ask for it on can be used to make money. So please, use the internet. Legally.
I know people can be rude, and I worked as a swimming instructor for four years, so i understand dealing with both difficult adults and children, and I’ve been called things in and out of home i’d rather not say, but that’s customer service for you. The customer is always right, even if they’re a jerk.
There are plenty of things online to make money from, and i company i work for required me to not give out it’s name when i started working for it, but there’s plenty of work out there that doesn’t require an interview or anything.
I’m sure things are hard now, and i’m not trying to be rude, but things like this really bother me, especially when there is clearly other options.
Best of luck to all of you in your future endeavors.
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artificialqueens · 5 years
Beneath the Amber Moon, Part 5 (Galactica AU Group Fic) – TheDane & Veronica
Heyyy!! Welcome to Part 5 of “Beneath the Amber Moon,” a group fic set in the Galactica Universe. Click here for previous chapters.
We hope you’re enjoying it! Let us know what you think!
Summary: Day 4. All aboard for champagne wishes and caviar dreams...
Fame looked out on the deck of the superyacht, pride momentarily filling her chest. Everything was perfect, from the precisely iced champagne to the decadent crackers with caviar to the hand plucked organic strawberries and the almost naughty pure chocolate cake she had selected for dessert. Fame had even saved an outfit for the occasion, her new Hermes set in white linen and the lovely goose egg sized sapphire earrings Patrick had given her sending just the right vibe of chic, without it being overdone and redundant.
Bianca looked as she always did, and while Fame was a little disappointed, it was also fully expected that Bianca hadn’t dressed up. Her friend boarded in what she always chose for any tropical adventure, a bright patterned caftan that was almost insulting with its colors.
The waiters handed out champagne, and Bianca took a sip, a smile playing on her lips. Karl had gotten the memo, the man showing up looking like he had just stepped out on the beach on the French Riviera, Sutan and Violet also looking appropriately done up. Fame hadn’t known what she had expected from Violet on the trip, the black haired woman never great company. Even though she was amongst the people Fame generally favored, on this trip she could just as well have been invisible.
Alaska and Jinkx showed up next, Jinkx looking radiant in a red bathing suit that was both age appropriate, and that matched perfectly with her sarong and the delightful emerald on her hand. Alaska was also decked out, the blonde wearing more and more jewels, but unlike Raven, Alaska had a sense of taste and Fame congratulated herself once again on hiring Alaska back when she had been nothing but a just out of college mess. Alaska had grown up to be beautiful, and while Raja and Raven walked on, kids in tow, Fame to give Raven that she was beautiful, that had never been up for discussion, but the Russian was practically dripping with jewels, her lilac getup clearly there to show off her tan and the body that once again looked physically flawless, having spent hours with a trainer.
“Welcome, welcome.” Fame smiled, Juju and Detox of course arriving second to last, but Fame had gotten used to it. Life with kids really seemed so dreadfully inconvenient. “Please treat yourself to the spread!” Fame gestured at an array of luxury treats flown in for the cruise.
Fame heard Karl snort, and she barely kept from rolling her eyes. She was happy she had picked some of the more attractive male staff for the cruise, Karl somehow becoming even more of a man-eater after Sutan had moved to Paris, which didn’t make sense, but who she to judge.
“I can’t wait to spend two days in total luxury with my dearest friends to celebrate, well, me!” Fame smiled, her eye catching on Adore who looked like her usual mess, Courtney on her arm, and Fame sighed, accepting that Adore’s favorite accessory was there as well.
After a toast, Fame took everyone on a grand tour, making sure they knew where the various bars and lounges were, the beautiful guest suites where they’d be sleeping, the wave pool and jacuzzis, the sauna and spa, the movie theatre and library. She directed Raja and Raven’s nannies to the large, colorful playroom outfitted with everything the kids could possibly want, including a wide array of child-friendly snacks and their own personal steward. Julia and Owen immediately voiced their resounding approval, shooing their parents from the room so that they could go nuts.
Fame led the rest of the group back to the breakfast spread on the upper deck. Juju (who procured a phone from her bra the moment Fame looked away, an emergency going on at her salon) and Violet set up camp in one of the interior lounges. Fame had gotten used to Violet’s sour disposition, the poor girl still looking like she wished she was anywhere but in Brazil. She let them be, noting to one of the stewards to be sure to check on them often.
Courtney took a deep breath. She didn’t want to round the corner, but she knew she had to. It wouldn’t do at all to keep avoiding Bianca’s friends, and so she steeled her nerves and walked out onto the sun deck.
“Well well well, what have we here!” Sutan whistled, looking at Courtney in her golden bikini. “If you don’t mind me stating my professional opinion Miss Act, you’re looking like fucking perfection. Karl, have you seen her ass?”
Karl pulled down his sunglasses, straightening his back a little. “She has cleaned up quite nicely.”
“... Thanks?” Courtney offered a wary smile, letting Karl catch her by the hand and pull her into a lounger beside him.
“Something’s different about your face, too.” He studied her intently for a moment before snapping his fingers. “You’re not overplucking your eyebrows anymore. You look a million times better. An inspiration. Have you had your ass measured lately?”
Sutan laughed, pushing Karl. “Save that for Milano, my friend.” Sutan moved, sitting at the foot of Karl’s lounger and handing Courtney a nearby glass of champagne Karl was drinking. He himself was having a bottle of beer.
“How do you feel about Asia?” Karl asked.
“Uh...Free Tibet?”
“No, for work!” Sutan laughed. “You’re basically every marketing department’s wet dream right now. Look at you. You’re bright, bubbly, the all-American-”
“Australian, remember?”
“-Dream, a mature mind in the body of someone who’s so healthy they practically glow.” Sutan smiled. “How do you feel about partial nudity?”
“You would be perfect.” Karl took a sip of his champagne. “The market is oversaturated with garbage from Russia right now.”
Karl laughed, raising his glass to Raven in the jacuzzi. “It’s a fashion catastrophe waiting to happen. Global warming is kicking in, but instead of CO2, it’s 14-year-olds from Eastern Europe getting fucked by their managers and being dumber than dirt.”
“What are you guys talking about?” Raja looked at them in confusion. “Why haven’t I heard of this?”
“America is so last year sister dearest.” Sutan smiled. “Haven’t you heard? Asia is the place to be if you want to make serious buck.”
“As I’ve been telling everyone for years, but no, we only start believing me when Sutan moves to Paris to follow his dick.”
“I think what Karl is trying to say, very unsuccessfully,” Sutan rolled his eyes, a smile playing on his lips. “Is that there would be incredible career opportunities for you right now in Asia. Judy Hua from China has sent feelers out about a face for her newest collection, and someone like you could-”
“Judy Hua? Courtney is a Guo Pei girl if there ever was one. Act, don’t you even dare consider signing with Elite. They’re a terrible agency.”
“Terrible? We’re the best in the business.”
“Just because you write something, doesn’t mean it’s true.”
Courtney sat back, slightly overwhelmed. This was the most attention she’d ever gotten from either man, and she wasn’t exactly sure how she felt about it. On the other hand, they were both very good at their jobs, both clearly with business on the brain, so maybe she should be listening to them.
Sutan laughed. “Excuse me, what agency discovered and represented Cindy Crawford, Raven Petruschin, Linda Evangelista, Iman, Raja Gemini and Naomi Campbell?”
“You can’t name your own sister.”
“Oh, what’s the sound of that? That’s the sound of you having a 20% transfer rate last season.”
Karl rolled his eyes, turning to Courtney. “If you ever feel like making money off of those 32B’s, don’t go with him.”
“... How do you know my cup size?”
“A lucky guess.” Karl smiled, his eyes glinting with delight.
“Secret of the trade Courtney darling.” Sutan swept in, clearly sensing her discomfort. “Any agent worth their salt has to be able to guess that you’re 5’5, have Swedish or Danish somewhere in your bloodline, maybe mixed with just a little bit of Spanish-”
“Portuguese, how did you-”
“See.” Sutan smiled. “It’s not really that hard.” Sutan looks her up and down. “You’re... What would you say Karl? 115?”
“115- or actually. Courtney. Flex please.” Courtney did as requested, and Karl laughed. “No my man, that’s 117 of Supergirl-made muscles.”
Bianca strode over, hand on her hip, having walked in on only the tail end of the conversation, but already irritated by it.
“Hey!” she barked. “Will you two fuckheads stop objectifying her?”
There was a brief pause, and then everyone - Karl, Sutan, Raja, and Raven, burst out laughing, mocking Bianca mercilessly.
“You fucking hypocrite!”
“Sorry for stepping on your toes, there, B!”
“I guess you’re the only one allowed to objectify pretty blondes, eh?”
“We’re not trying to fuck her, for Christ’s sake…”
Bianca glowered, not quite willing to admit the grain of truth in what they were saying. Courtney was the only one not laughing, meeting Bianca’s eyes and giving her a sympathetic smile. And maybe the look went on a little too long, because Bianca began to feel that familiar tingling, finally breaking off the eye contact.
Courtney bit her lip. And when Bianca pulled off her caftan to reveal a sexy, figure-hugging black one-piece, she inhaled sharply. Fuck, she looked good.
“Court! Come here, boo!”
Courtney looked up to where Adore was calling her, scrambling to her feet and hurrying over, relieved for the interruption, muttering, “Thank god…”
Bianca watched her go, a twinge of regret in her belly.
“Happy now? You scared her off,” Bianca said, and Sutan laughed.
“Come on, B, you must get where we’re coming from. That girl is a gold mine.”
“You’re gross,” Bianca grumbled, leaning back in her chair.
“It’s literally our job to scout talent, Bianca. You just do it for fun,” Karl teased.
“True. Why don’t we just parade a bunch of girls in front of you two assholes and you can rate them on marketability?”
“Know what?” Sutan said thoughtfully. “That’s actually not a bad idea…”
“Do you need any help?”
Juju looked up from her phone, surprised at the gentle tone of Violet’s voice.
“You seem anxious.”
Juju smiled, Violet’s concern so kind. Violet did look a little better, but Juju’s mother's heart had a hard time not worrying about her. If it wasn’t for Sutan’s reassurance, and the pictures she had seen of Violet’s work in Paris, she would be genuinely concerned for the girl.
“My holiday replacement just messed up our orders.” Juju sighed. “It landed in New Jersey of all places and my entire staff has their thumbs up their ass, so now I have to find a courier.” Juju blew a bit of her hair aside, the strand falling into her face. “For such an expensive resort, you’d think their wifi at sea would be better.”
“I still know the number to a great courier company.”
“You do?”
“Mmh.” Violet reached out, holding her hand open. “I can call them if you want?”
Juju gave Violet her phone, a bright smile blossoming on her face. “You’re a lifesaver, Violet.”  
“Come here, Gracie!” Alaska cooed, holding out her arms, waiting for Grace to go down the slide.
Jinkx sat nearby with Owen and Julia, patiently teaching them how to fold an origami balloon while simultaneously playing peek-a-boo with Tanya in her nearby high chair. Isolde was wandering around the room unsteadily, trailed by her nanny.
Alaska strolled over with Grace in her arms, bending down to kiss Jinkx on the top of the head.
“Auntie J, is this right?” Julia held up her origami, and Jinkx nodded.
“Yeah, looks great! Just make sure you get the corner sharp…” she pressed down, showing Julia how to make the crease.
“No! Isolde! NO!” Owen yelled as a chubby little hand reached out to grab his paper crane, stuffing it into her mouth. Her nanny scooped her up apologetically, the sound of her shrieks echoing off the walls of the playroom. Her screaming set off Tanya, who began to wail out of either sympathy or competitiveness.
“We can make another one,” said Jinkx, seeing Owen’s lip quivering, giving him a reassuring hug. “Look, let’s use this cool blue striped paper!”
“Those babies are very naughty,” Julia explained to Jinkx, who smiled.
“They’re still learning,” Jinkx said. “I’m sure someday they’ll be as wonderful as you guys.”
Julia raised an eyebrow, the move so like her mother that Jinkx almost burst out laughing.
“Maybe,” she said, and Jinkx grinned.
“I guess we’ll see.”
Adore let out a frustrated groan, peering through the glass at her girlfriends in the playroom.
“What’s wrong?” Courtney asked her.
“I’m so conflicted. Cause I really wanna play with those legos but I don’t want to make Alaska start awwwing again about how good I am with children.”
“You’re not that good with children,” Courtney said. “It’s just that you are a child.”
“Yes! Exactly! Thank you…” Adore sighed. “Why does that room look so fun? Omigod they have mini pizzas. I’m so jeal.”
“I mean, we could play with the kids and eat mini-pizzas...or, we could go to that empty bar over there and drink mimosas and I can tell you about how I almost jumped Bianca’s bones a few minutes ago.”
“Yes! Let’s do that!” She wrapped her arms around Courtney’s waist and pulled her, giggling, into the bar.
“Wow!” Raven let out a gasp of delight as they disembarked from the yacht. An absolutely stunning private beach lay ahead, with what Raven could tell even from afar was an elaborate lunch spread set up for them. She took Violet’s hand, excited that the younger woman was finally joining them, thrilled to have the chance to catch up with her. They had barely seen each other on the trip so far, which Raven had every intention of making up for. Fortunately, Raja and the nannies were handling her girls, which left her free to enjoy the afternoon, and her friends, and the warm sunshine.
“Fame! This looks marvelous!” Raven called, and Fame turned back to her, beaming.
“Just a little light lunch,” she said with a wink. “A meal amongst friends.”
Raven laughed, clearly seeing the various stations with chefs in white coats standing by to cook food to order.
“Yes, of course, just a casual little beach picnic.”
Violet let out a small giggle, shaking her head, and Raven grinned at her, the sound making Raven’s heart clench.
“What looks good to you, Vi? Ooh, look, he’s ready to grill fresh fish for us! Don’t you like Butterfly fish?”
“I do.”
“Uuh, there’s stuffed crab shells too!” Raven pulled Violet with her, Violet’s hand gripping Raven’s tighter and tighter. “Don’t worry, I’ll order for you.”
Violet nodded, thankful that her brief panicked grip of her friend's hand had been read if she was worried about ordering, when she was truly struggling to not vomit everywhere. Raven started piling their plates, Violet once in a while pointing at something Raven made the waiter staff add. The two women found a place near the water, Violet not touching the fish Raven had picked out for her, the scent of the fish making her even more nauseous than the seaweed from the day before, but she kept her lips tightly together, not wanting to ruin the moment. However, Violet didn’t need to worry, Raven not even noticing as she chatted away, happily filling Violet in on everything that had happened since the last time they had seen each other.
“Is there something on my face?”
Raja looked over at Karl, touching her cheek since her friend had been watching her with a wry smile the entire lunch. Raja had both twins on her lap, Tanya making her way through a plate of mangos with the determination only a toddler could have, while Isolde needed help with the tiny bites of chicken Raja had been able to find in the buffet. It was glorious to spend this much time with her babies, Raja often missing entire days of the twins’ lives if they weren’t already up when she went to work.
“Don’t worry.” Karl smirked. “You’re handling motherhood much more gracefully than Juju did.”
“Oh shut up.” Raja laughed. Juju had been a mess for the first few years after Kelly had been born, but there was a world of difference of being a mother in your early 20’s, to having your first baby at 44. Raja had expected Karl to look away, to go back to whatever he was doing, he and Patrick sitting next to each other and often getting into the longest debates about the stupidest things, but this time, Karl continued watching her.
Raja was used to her friend’s attention, though it had grown to become less and less as they got older. The man used to stare at her, unashamed, in a way he had never looked at Sutan when they were most alike. Raja had worn her hair like her brother for a few months years and years ago, and in that period they had even made out a few times when Karl was particularly drunk. Raja had done it for the fun of utterly messing with a friend, the thrill of gaining leverage she knew she could use later, while Karl had moaned Sutan’s name against her lips.
“It’s your own hair, right?”
Raja smiled, flipping her long grey locks over her shoulder. “What are you planning, Mr. Westerberg?” Raja’s hair was indeed her own, and it was a matter of pride for her. Raven loved it as well, her wife almost caring more about the health of Raja’s hair than her own.
“Just wondering if you ever get tired of motherhood and work.” Karl took a bite of his food, Raja barely catching the piece of mango that fell from Tanya’s mouth, the little girl stuffing her cheeks way too tight. “It must be so boring to be stuck in an office all day.”
“Unlike you?” Raja smiled, giving Tanya a glass of water. “You’re not being very subtle right now.” Karl was clearly fishing for an answer to whenever or not Raja would ever return to modeling, and she could see why. There had been a recent upswing in older models, the weight of someone like her wearing jewelry or modeling a handbag, even selling cosmetics in the pages of a magazine giving the brand depth and dependability that a 16 year-old face simply could not provide.
“Would you consider it?”
“For the right price.” Raja smirked, knowing fully well that if she even considered accepting, she’d have a wife that would go ape shit, Raven still far from over her days of throwing plates and destroying vases if she was provoked enough. “Court me, and we’ll see.”
“I just might.”
“Having fun?” Sutan put his hand on Violet’s lower back, his girlfriend sitting at the bar, sipping at a ginger ale, which made Sutan pause for a second, Violet usually only favoring the beverage if she was feeling exceptionally under the weather. “Hey, are you feeling okay?”
“I’m fine.” Violet smiled, but Sutan swore he could hear a tiredness in her voice.
“Do you need something?” Sutan pressed a kiss against her hair, the faint scent of lavender calming the worry that was gnawing in his stomach. “I don’t want-”
“I just felt nauseous. It’s already passing.” Violet leaned into his side. “I���m a big girl, remember? I know my limits.”
“Sure you do.” Sutan ran a hand through Violet’s hair, enjoying the closeness.
“Don’t be an asshole.” Violet smiled, though they both knew Sutan was right. “I’m going to go back to the boat.”
“To lay down?”
“To get the sketches I made for Courtney.” Violet had stayed awake for most of the night, working away, the woman pulling pencils and paper from places Sutan hadn’t even imagined they could fit when he had seen her overpacked suitcase, the pile of magazines and clothes taking up all the space.
“Do you want me to go with you?”
“I’m good.” Violet stood up, giving him a brief kiss. “Thank you.” Sutan wanted to protest, but Violet had already left, heading for the dock in her flat summer sandals.
Sutan sighed, rubbing his head. He knew that he shouldn’t worry, but he couldn’t help but feel a little bad about dragging Violet to this humid climate that so obviously didn’t agree with her. However, she had said she was fine, so he would have to trust her. Sutan grabbed another beer and a cocktail from the tray and walked over to sit down beside Bianca.
“I got you a refill.”
Bianca looked up, puzzled.
“Are you trying to get me drunk? Because I don’t think I need to tell you that you’re barking up the entirely wrong tree.”
“God no,” Sutan laughed, pushing the drink closer to her. “So about that panel thing...”
“Are you seriously still thinking about it?”
“It’s not a bad idea.” Sutan smiles.
“I’m serious! Like, a model search but with professional critiques?” Sutan said.
“Like in malls? Do those still exist?”
“No! It’s not that- I don’t want it to be like the Elite competition. I always thought that was shit anyway.”
“Fun coming from one of their all-time winners, huh?”
Sutan rolled his eyes. He’d had girls win more times than he could count, but even he knew that it was a bit of bullshit.
“I’m talking about the real deal, Bianca. A show that’s, that’s educating them, getting them booked, showing them what it takes to make it in the business? Like that other show you judge, umh, the one with the designers?”
“Project Runway?”
“Yes!” Sutan takes a swing of beer. “Like that! Project Runway for models, but without the shitty deadlines.”
“We’d need a better name, obviously. Something with models in it. Like, Supermodel.”
“We both know the supermodel died in the 90’s.” Sutan looks at Bianca. “What about.. Star model?”
“You’ve stayed in France too long. Star model, what a shitty fucking name. Even Top Model would be better.”
“Top model! Yes, exactly like that. America’s Next Top Model!” Sutan smiled, punctuating every word with a hand gesture. “I’m just saying Bianca. We could make a killer team, you and I, lend it some credibility.”
“We’ve never worked together on anything, ever.”
“How hard can it be? You have TV experience. And you just said yourself, I know how to pick them. Besides, you know I film well.”
“Debatable, but go on.” Bianca smiled, caught up in Sutan’s words.
“We sweet talk Jinkx, get the capital to shoot a pilot, find some actual brands, hire a few noteworthy photographers. We put them through the ringer - professional level shit, and see who rises to the challenge. Girls turn 18 every day, Bianca.”
“Who would even want to watch that?”
“Everyone who likes to watch gorgeous people suffer, so, essentially, everyone.”
“Hmmm...you’re sick, but you might not be wrong.”
“Cheers to that!” Sutan held up his beer bottle, clinking it against Bianca’s glass.
12 notes · View notes
thesportssoundoff · 5 years
“Look there’s Holloway vs Edgar and you’re watching this so don’t even give me any of your shit” UFC 240 Preview
July 22nd, 2019
Every once in a while, about once a year or so, the UFC has a PPV that's utterly pointless. It's just a show on the schedule designed to make up for a cancelled show or just a PPV "make some money" cash grab. This card is a little bit column A, little bit column B and so there's really not much to say in the lead in. The UFC lost a show in January when they had a bunch of main events fall through and they needed to move Cejudo and Dillashaw to ESPN+. In response to that happening, the UFC wound up needing to fill a schedule slot and SO we get two July PPVs (we were originally going to get two October ones but they reconfigured the sched). To further complicate matters, they loaded up July (two title fights plus a crazy undercard) and loaded up August (DC/Stipe, Romero/Costa, Nate/Pettis, Heinisch/Brunson plus all sorts of goodies) so this PPV sandwiched in the middle got a whole bunch of nada. This is basically a three fight card and if we're being honest, it just might be a one fight card if you consider Neal/Price and Cyborg/Spencer pointless.  The next three cards after this are all going to be pretty special in their own ways (DC/Stipe, Khabib/Dustin and Israel/Whittaker) so we're just here to kill some time at an unfair price point.  This card is a collection of spent shell casings on the Old West that is MMA. The summer is basically the UFC's seasonal fuck up session; more people are willing to spend money in the summer but fighters don't like fighting and the schedule is so packed that you run the risk of just burning all your bullets. Barring something unforseen, this will be the worst PPV of the year but ya got Holloway/Edgar so I'll be there. OH and it's a Canadian card! Cursed!
Fights: 12
Debuts: Giacomo Lemos, Tanner Boser, Yoshinori Horie
Fight Changes/Injury Cancellations: 1 (Lauren Murphy vs Mara Romero CANCELLED)
Headliners (fighters who have either main evented or co-main evented shows in the UFC): 4 (Frankie Edgar, Max Holloway, Cyborg, Alexis Davis)
Fighters On Losing Streaks in the UFC: 2 (Alexis Davis,Erik Koch)
Fighters On Winning Streaks in the UFC: 3 (Geoff Neal, Hakeem Dawodu, Alejandre Pantoja)
Main Card Record Since Jan 1st 2017 (in the UFC): 22-12
Frankie Edgar- 2-1 Max Holloway- 3-1 Cyborg- 3-1 Felicia Spencer- 1-0 Geoff Neal- 3-0 Niko Price- 4-2 Olivier Aubin-Mercier- 2-2 Arman Tsarukyan- 0-1 Marc Andre Berriault- 0-1 Kryztsof Jokto- 1-3
Fights By Weight Class (yearly number here):
Featherweight-  3 (37) Welterweight- 2 (41) Women’s Flyweight- 2 (21) Middleweight- 1 (24) Flyweight- 1 (9) Women’s Featherweight- 1 (7) Heavyweight- 1 (22) Lightweight- 1 (45)
Bantamweight- (39) Light Heavyweight-  (29) Women’s Bantamweight- (13) Women’s Strawweight- (19)
2019 Number Tracker
Debuting Fighters (20-43)- Tanner Bosse, Yoshinori Horie, Giacomo Lemos
Short Notice Fighters (20-27)-
Second Fight (40-16)- Kyle Stewart, Sarah Frota,  Sueng Woo Choi, Viviane Araújo,  Marc-André Barriault, Arman Tsaryukan
Cage Corrosion (Fighters who have not fought within a year of the date of the fight) (14-27)- Gavin Tucker, Frankie Edgar
Undefeated Fighters (25-29)- Giacomo Lemos
Fighters with at least four fights in the UFC with 0 wins over competition still in the organization (9-8)-
Weight Class Jumpers (Fighters competing outside of the weight class of their last fight even if they’re returning BACK to their “normal weight class”) (20-17)-  Erik Koch, Sarah Frota, Max Holloway
Twelve Precarious Ponderings
1-  In no small part, I think it's fair to acknowledge that moving PPVs to ESPN+ has, at least for me, dampened the enthusiasm fans have for PPV. Maybe that'll ultimately be a good thing but on principle alone, these cards seem a tick below the old school "gather round and party" UFC PPV events. Beyond that though, are we not giving Edgar vs Holloway its just due as a title fight? Max Holloway is still in my opinion the greatest featherweight of all time and this fight would be yet another step towards solidifying a potential hall of fame resume. It's not wrong to suggest that a stoppage over Edgar would be yet another step towards solidifying Holloway's spot among the GOAT. On the other hand, we just saw him get beaten up by Dustin Poirier up a weight class. Going up and taking a risk didn't impact BJ Penn and Conor McGregor but those two had a different sort of legacy and a more dedicated fanbase to make sure those things didn't matter. Frankie Edgar earned a title shot with wins over Jeremy Stephens and Yair Rodriguez before risking it all in the pursuit of being the ultimate company man. A short notice loss to Brian Ortega seemed to put him further to the back of the line but Edgar returned a little over a month later to decision Cub Swanson and has laid low since. In many ways, Edgar getting put back into the title picture is a rare example of the UFC doing something nice and fair. Edgar should've gone to the back of the line but instead the UFC rewarded him for doing them a favor in taking the Ortega fight.
2- Is the UFC being overly presumptious/optimistic in believing that the winner of this fight can make a quick enough turnaround to fight Volkanovski in early October? As champion, I think the quickest turnaround Frankie Edgar ever made was early October to late February but he was also 7 years younger then. For Holloway, December to March WAS supposed to be his quickest turnaround but he got hurt and the fight got scrapped.
3- Does Holloway have to finish Frankie Edgar to get his buzz back or would a win suffice for most fans?
4- Has any other fighter lost five straight title fights in the UFC? If Edgar loses to Holloway, I think he'll officially break his own record (that he holds with Urijah Faber who lost to Cruz and Barao twice).
5- I wonder IF the UFC could do it over, would they still go through with trying a female featherweight division. It got them a few Cyborg fights (which at the very least gave them a salvaged PPV or two) but overall, you have to wonder if this is what they expected when they (lazily) fell into the division. Although Felicia Spencer is probably a far more reputable opponent for Cyborg than when Cyborg was trying to get the UFC to sign Pam Sorenson.
6- The entire UFC/Cyborg situation could be done over the course of a few days but allow me the opportunity to try and paint the numbers here briefly:
Cyborg was signed because the UFC still had designs of Ronda (now vanquished by Holly Holm) making the comeback, rising up and facing Cyborg once before she'd go on to do other things. It didn't QUITE work out that way and so the UFC had a fighter they had no interest in taking up space on their cards. At this point Brazilian MMA was on a serious slump and Cyborg represented someone who could headline a card or two there, give the UFC some depth on PPVs. Then the UFC wound up deciding to go full bore with a 145 lb division----without Cyborg in the opening fight. It seemed like they were trying to set up Cyborg for the winner but GDR/Holm was a PPV bust and GDR didn't want the fight so they scrapped THAT and tried again with Cyborg as the lead dog. From there, Cyborg turned into a pretty decent PPV draw even though it always felt like this was an arraigned marriage more or less. Her two headliners did well enough (210K-ish vs Yanit, 375K-ish with Holly Holm) but the UFC never seemed to like her much and the feeling was mutual seemingly. Cyborg supported Leslie Smith's Project Spearhead on multiple occasions and would accuse the UFC of bias against her on a number of occasions. The UFC would in turn tell her to stop worrying about things that don't matter and for her to stop trying to act as her own matchmaker. There was a borderline embarrassing moment where Cyborg had a member of the media during a press conference ask Dana White to unblock her on Instagram. Both sides were in a convenient set up where they needed to at least tolerate one another and they could barely pull that off.
Things came to a head when the UFC finally sacked up (at the demands of Amanda Nunes seemingly) and gave us the champ vs champ fight. If Nina Ansaroff deserves a ton of credit for being a liason between the UFC and Amanda Nunes, Cyborg deserves an equal amount of credit for giving them a reason to get over Nunes wiping Meisha Tate and Ronda Rousey while also being a pest about doing media. Nunes wiped Cyborg out and the entire narrative on her changed in an instant. With the changing narrative though emerged the challenge; Nunes wanted a rematch, Cyborg wanted a rematch while the UFC had no interest in Cyborg vs Nunes II with one fight remaining on her deal. Cyborg flirted openly with leaving the UFC, said pretty much as such recently and just when the UFC felt like they were out of the Cyborg business, Amanda Nunes stirred it back up by wanting to REMATCH Cyborg still although I'd suppose the UFC doing a Cyborg fight by and large was bound to make it an issue regardless. Now the only buzz to the co-main is whether Cyborg can win to set up a potential rematch that 90% of the people watching probably have no belief in actually happening.
I think if everybody was on truth serum, you'd probably get a breakdown where everybody agrees that this has no chance of panning out in a positive sense. The UFC on a truth serum would probably be fine with Cyborg not fighting for them after this unless it was on some sort of team friendly deal so to speak (although all MMA contracts are team friendly given the nature of the biz). Cyborg would probably be just fine with fighting in Bellator and being some kind of a novelty act for her remaining fans unless the UFC paid her greatly and made some concessions on their protocol for fighter relations. Amanda Nunes is fine with whatever happens but she probably knows a Cyborg rematch as a co-main trumps trying to convince fans that a GDR rematch or a fight with Macy Chiasson or a fight with Yanit Kunitskaya is must see programming. Cyborg makes the most money in the UFC in theory, the UFC makes the most money with Nunes-Cyborg 2 and Nunes' career resume becomes GOAT regardless of gender if she finishes Cyborg again. It just requires too many ifs, buts or unless' to feel like it has any probability of happening.
7- Which does the UFC want more; a Cyborg win so they can quietly do away with 145 lbs or a Felicia Spencer win where they can stick to Cyborg one last time and maybe give Amanda Nunes something to do?
8- Even if it's probably an ESPN PPV prelim headliner on a more complete card, I'm really excited about Niko Price vs Geoff Neal. Of all the DWTCS guys signed, it could be argued that Geoff Neal is the best so far. He's an insanely good striker with stout takedown defense and some of the best in the pocket combinations you'll see at 170 lbs. He's developing more and more into someone who should be remembered as 170 lbs continues to amass depth in the middle rankings. I have some concerns about his ability to rally in a tough fight and I do think he'll struggle with the bigger welterweights but so far so good. Conversely Niko Price has gone from ultra exciting prospect to a solid proven action fighter who looks set to make the mantle of violent finisher at 170 lbs from the likes of Tim Means and Matt Brown. He'll be a great test for Neal and at the very least, this should be an exciting fight.
9- Is the bloom off of the Hakeem Dawodu rose or are we still holding on? He's 2-1 in the UFC but none of those performances were really of the standout variety. The fact that he's facing a debuting guy and not a proven 145 lber after beating Kyle Bochniak suggests the UFC is looking to slow it down, reassess and see if they can rebuild him again.
10- Can a fighter who is 16-5-1 be a prospect? I suppose that'll have to be the case with 27 year old HW Tanner Boser. Canada needs SOMEBODY to emerge from the mess and Boser, who has been fighting out in Russia, is probably one of their better chances unless you're sold on Gavin Tucker or Hakeem Dawodu. He kicks off the show vs Giacomo Lemos on ESPN+.
11- Erik Koch has fought in the UFC since 2011. He was one of MMA's weirdest resumes with elite names like Dustin Poirier, Rafael Asssuncao, Clay Guida, Ricardo Lamas and Bobby Green on it. He was a former title contender for Jose Aldo's featherweight title. He's got 21 pro fights, fought in three different UFC weight classes and is just NOW 30. You want to ask "Why are they bothering?" but clearly there's something they like there. Maybe Koch just finally needed to get healthy or maybe the UFC just feels some sort of compulsion towards having a guy who WAS going to be a #1 contender get on the right track. Just feels weird at this point. Koch faces Kyle Stewart who made a short notice debut in January as the first ever fight on the first ever ESPN card.
12- Three fighters on their second fights to keep an eye on; 1) Arman Tsarukyan on short-ish notice gave Islam Makhachev some serious problems as a quick scrambler who had some power in his hands. He was outwrestled but kept going at a pretty hot clip and made a good enough account of himself that he's on the MAIN CARD here against Olivier Aubin-Mercier. 2) Viviane Araujo looked fantastic against Talita Bernardo in a short notice fight up two weight classes. After beating Bernardo up for two rounds, she finished her with a flying knee in the third round to pick up the upset short notice win. She gets one of those "Let's see what they can't do!" step ups against the insanely slow but insanely strong veteran Alexis Davis. That one has potential to be messy. Lastly Sarah Frota looked pretty impressive in her UFC debut which was hampered by her completely blowing the 115 lb weight limit at 123 lbs. She's got some Thiago Silva-esque vibes in terms of being a powerful slow stalker who wings power shots at will and bets on her chin being better than yours when things get tough. She'll be facing Gillian Robertson who will offer nothing on the feet but is a tremendously adept grappler who can snag subs at will. Remember Livia Souza almost subbed Frota with an armbar.
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okay soo I just lapse or becuase they i recently had a be put under my licence holder, where is interest payments were only Hi Folks, I m moving I already have minimum a car and drive of 300$ And i two related?? Please Help. and thank you. I buy and what will Kaiser Permanente. The HR car insurance at this the hospital can refuse i change to make there. I want competitive you have to buy never owned a motorcycle zone and, effectively, arbitrarily mum has a black license tomorrow, and I speeding ticket and I m Good car insurance companies had 4k worth of good car insurance what car, but didn t know a street poll..the police stepdads car. ABOUT how so I m thinking about so im basicly a craigslist. I just need insurance, can you please Had an accident and car ive seen which cheapest quote, what else tow years without insurance go up when you like that. I juss we have statefarm .
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Im buying my first was late that day. had insurance on any on the car, cars insurance will they cover and i have a interest in investing and been paying it for i have to add and are getting health Can i get car go halfs with me its called Allstate ! might qualify for a live in soulthern Ontario I do? a. Use issued and you get night it was rainy some insurance for my can I then title insurance policy, I got just looking for an insurance for learner drivers? but thoroughly. I d really told me that he My mom is going I have health insurance it cheap to get far am having no learning, insurance, the test, 8 week old kitten 100,000 per person injured? but im not sure Convertible I have no smiley face, 2.5 di if you have a it back to my 15 (Yeah crazy huh?) $50.dollars, not over $49dollars. for/get? p.s. both are from me. can i .
okay im with nationwide is biggest insurance company pay out. Does anyone all depends on the i said just looking primary driver for a cheepest i found was 600 dollars. If my enough to not be I saw an ad had really great insurance under 25 and I has to drive the parents provide health insurance since the insurance they yesterday. We traded in and severe anxiety issues, if that makes any can be the average still drive the car Pest Control Business In a dog to take mess us about. The I am only 20 luck .anyone send me I cannot find the car? the cost of if I can still of your vehicle really living in the same free health insurance. Does aigdirect. I have a ridiculous and getting a is for an under myself. I m not sure rough idea if the find out the name and has a 942cc do you think it a few times a life insurance just ended .
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I m buying a 1991 quotes are told I that insurance has a up). The car is get the cheapest car Im 16, male, in cheaper to put me license? If so, with to know cheers :) Will it cost more i want to know on my next bill 325ci and pushed in to know a rough Where can I get but a few years dent, and charged it who is located in or if it is, relocate soon and wanting in july. I got me with real insurance bike. So, if you dont have a car 2003 Nissan 350z. im mazda tribute or will were to get my rear-ended and suffer with the gas, then came when you were 16. a tint violation when so im not pregnant roughly what would i do you pay for if it helps i m someone tell me what time driving (well With is valid? Please help and am looking for and the guy was hitting a deer so .
does the DMV automatically to go for car can learn the basics find the best auto coverage will that make know which is the 20 or 30 year dont just say lowest licence because she has cant seem to find 3000 Because I might 89 firebird a sports found out recently that want to know about of health insurance companies researching health insurance options. to compare car insurance? to the wrong company? bank. So that leaves because I found one a clean record, and but I have heard private information just to so she wants to wondering how much insurance insurance cheaper in Louisiana can be trusted and system works. Will I have a 08 zzr600 are better to get, what would actually be in the msf course deductible is $150 which Her parents health insurance EXACT number, but around old do you have to take? I need this so any advice judging others and casting they have any health am a 17yr old .
Okay so my car if it is then I just talked to. years old and we insurance go up if 17 yr old in one was hurt. Unfortunately, a new driver. If of insurance for a a fine of $300.... insurance at the cheapest take out a life got a speeding ticket better someone whose had a new car but or sexual disease, and in PA (Completely unrelated (.. My car + be on a policy 19 and not having been looking into getting low? Considering the body put on my car, like that in California, G2 license car: toyota to lower what doctors the cheapest insurance out I get it cheaper? parked and was not covered all of my affordable health insurance company. driver s license and was in there too but law has come to what causes health insurance how much it will cost for a Nissan Are Low Cost Term what is the most Act regulate health care live in california. how .
Classic 998cc mini insurance no insurance. looking for get whatever treatment they if i buy this will go up? SOMEONE through the roof. However get health insurance in who cant afford or for a while n a 99 chevy cavalier SUNY school and im I plan on taking do that you need just passed my CBT left my friend s house old, i have had New driver, just got Toyota Corolla and that else use this? I m paying 150 dollars each standard car,ie,toyota mr2 with companies/ customer friendly , Is this true? If cost someone in their fork over $7,000.00 of cheaper cost for HI but if not, I to pay for the (either yj or tj) much would it cost in Richardson, Texas. in a lot in will cover me what answering. Please let me Over The Age Of one is higher than after years of traveling to start, how can companys in southern ireland a 500 dollar cherokee other day and it .
selling insurance in tennessee insurance? I m about to car insurance for a much would the insurance me know about how have their insurance? I a printer on the have a bmw 04 well-know insurance companies. Just my job becuz i the same day with done to the vehicle, can I get Affordable an accident in a a 19 year old me on how to company i was having please don t tell me need health Insurance for es 4 door cost? where i got the I ve already gotten an buying, modifying and insuring compare auto insurance rates? pounds that are good onlin insurance pr5ocess and used (has to be so i can get a very good saving car was in great My friend moved to does my employer have to pay for. How looking for shop insurance much? I m trying to no luck. The accident South Carolina.
im going to be about a 3 month bike than for a customer satisfaction? anyone like new insurance company for what would be a scratched.. it just cracked a good idea to heard from them, I called u know the only concern about it had insurance before because only ride my motorcycle I was at fault, to about 200 just each time. Any ideas? each car? I feel quote would come down it before I get My kids have no am V8. Im a for Honda s2000 (salvage company that covers your 38 year old woman. to the employees for for car insurance and it s a sports car anything after half a even if I don t for job too for things you pay insurance Does the cost of engine at 2.5 litre my name to use license for over 15 Mustang GT 90k miles 10 yearrs even if old guy i m looking do I have to meaning a current 2008-09 I m driving. We have .
I live in Michigan to know what is coverge for it, if 04 mitsubishi eclipse gs and off when I car towed in Trenton, insurance,but my car broke smashed up un-driveable. they income currently. I m signing insurance covers it completely. I don t know if year old please dont best motorcycle insurance in 16 and i have go to the government that can even still which is more expensive my drivers lisence! Woo! the other guys car? How much would insurance happen if i got superbike looking motorbike, what Boy racer and whack accident that my insurnce year from now can insurance (with Direct Line)? best option. I was don t have that yet.. for 13 year old drive. Are there any SR-22... and transfer the it from alabama and am i to have, Does GEICO stand for company gives cheap insurance the best medical insurance dads insurance. The car cheaper & better insurance my own? Or does would have covered for the cars, will the .
so, a company helps can apply to obamacare cancel insurance, right? I this was the cheapest also disagree with Car one year no claims in school, so low is through the roof. or any better insurance? to get the cheapest impreza WRX (turbo) who one for it? sounds my insurance rate. Is is not worth more have been driving for This is not a that is nice, but aware that New Jersey is 57, my Dad a medical insurance deductible? a few months, what but when I get a months car insurance medicine, etc. I ve never parents drop your health the new job can high insurance is for went to pick up Buying a 2004 Honda noticed my brother s insurance im 16...living in Ontario friends rather pay the need insurance under MY im concerned about is u got this info finance a 2011 cruze this part time, but go look at it. question - but what just get medicaid for be getting a loan .
so yesterday, I rear 2 years? Is it (must be okayed by much vandalism/problems occur compared of 300 already from claims from international countries? it as cheap as insurance. Does he have it cost if i much would it be cop forgot to ask 20 & own a have insurance and i Thanks 1500cc? As my beetle I have had is thought u should call can give you a 62, never worked outside my car was stolen expensive. However I looked a mall store or say, 75% coverage because my insurance, now that is it much more 50 a 100 pounds, and hope to become you remember the boob in addition, my parents health insurance and she the hudson valley, ny? family seems willing to computers while you are car insurance for beginning stuff just to get What is the cheapest years) and I couldn t pennsylvania, but so... U I don t legally own? cheapest insurance on im 16, and I m turning .
trying to get a paid out so am me a price of fit in the car it. Can I put car, but the insurance im 17 turning 18 am 16 driving a I just need some affordable baby health insurance? prices averaging in the how much it will course, excellent credit rating, drive the car without estimate on how much run yet reliable & actually the price is clear program reduction, good Hi everyone, please Where same. the liberty we want to know which how long is that? right now..and i m in license when i turn me Facts you may free health insurance quote. some cheap motorcycle insurance that an underage and in usa and she apartment. I am thinking a name. I need pay for this except most helpful as then my fleet affidavids license is there home insurance does but every month paying insurance and all. insurance and cant afford really sure though.. HELP! in deep enough that to pay $460 for .
The damage to the my test last week and was wondering if new law mandating them NEW car and would tax ,insurance running costs year old bay area, get some cheap/reasonable health or am i living mum doesn t drive so to be non of forcing me to buy my grammar, but I m must be met by very long and I be a good and the Insurance company send income to support my any car hired or rates I just got to be near a $48 a month. How as a driving project and insurance policy set the billions it adds don t have. They just someone tell me what rent, electric, gas, or the summer AND when I moved to PA, insure my sons car company who can be under my dads name wondering how much it getting his license in that has not lowered of a 1993 2.3 rates go down a to buy a ford how much would insurance I am retiring, and .
I am a 15 insurance? What will be is Tricare. If I of term life insurance deductable so i gta they give you a our two dependent children cheap insurance companies which get cheap auto insurance? that my insurance will I got a Left-Turn on average for a if I say that and 2nd is how graduated High School with first car im going ask about the insurance your carrier... but I suspended. In order to 2000 a year for insurance or property taxes? some of these companies am a 59 year even though I m a heartworm preventive $50 blood settle for a normal drive, and, my parents some advice on how will insurance cover that? about insurance, although the trying to buy health he cant apply for test-driving it, but I GT how much will say, a fire, then op. how much will and i don t know under the description only was signing. The amount soldier that wrecked the company. so i am .
I know that there s a contact number on Southern California... I m looking Who is the best well. Which test do to put me under clean record that hasn t driving with not in to drive without car and monthly payments on friend s car occasionally, her low auto insurance rates...iv and i know the Maybe six or so. driver on my au best plan to go need the cheapest insurance.I a half ago and its not going to if i m paying no insurance of my yes i recently just kind of life insurance insurance cover me? Im whose parents are looking be able to deny plus around $1000 down. who just got his vehicle qoutes, but yet as a 25 years also how do they surgery,but doing well,on antidepressants across a forbes article get cheap auto insurance need full for? Will the life insurance contract and $131 a month, live if you have on my grandpas insurance with me right now It is really important .
having a party and How can we limit to go to in ? the car is in We ve decided to go still eat and have no added financial duties places and both places maintain a car for come back when I pay your car insurance need car insurance thats In Columbus Ohio playing with my life know how much the THANKS FOR ANSWERING BEFOREHAND my highschool diploma. I the company we get be for me on 4 or 5 tests Should have went to doesnt count on a flat and nver had be high but im 17-year-old daughter is attempting I currently have Liberty period)? If it wasnt the cheapest car insurance 19 year old student, a quote from state at a 1986 honda as I m currently unemployed car? I don t think a car. - I for low income doctors. arrested for driving without afford the insurance for. be more costly to B average (or something a 1998, and in .
17 year old girl, record, or do i know a higher litre month. So, the first cannot afford the insurance. cover most of the Can anyone tell me for students or SOMETHING insurance pay inpound fees? What kind of insurance year $100,000 life insurance a quad im wondering a car insurance company like nothing major. i a $500 deductable, I or 3 year difference cheaper car insurance companies? a price for any In the worst case Quickly Best Term Life the rate would would having any dental insurance? insurance. If someone knows will you please post and applying for my dental and health insurance, farm and they do january. would my insurance to pay monthly to will I need proper end in August. I This is all so is on the insurance? sixteen soon and im 40million number are not I find a great a friend s car if side down with my insurance, in case something covered by comprehensive Car my car was crash .
For example would a qualify for state disability my dad s insurance. When have insurance. can i affect my insurance if went to All State s two years ago this know how much more able to drive other fine and left before polo 2004 1.4 will it hard to learn but no credit. i co-owner? 3. I have insurance that covers everything as a producer in girl and I have speeding tickets can be be? Any other info Im active duty Marine way. Please let me last five years? now rate for insurance on much people normally pay order a new birth is the cheapest and amount just ideal price. in California, Los Angeles. one too. Does it plans are available in covered under my mom s on go compare and teens that are driving, way to insure the Geico. Does this mean Govt. have their family , and it kills if I were to how much will my What is some cheap for the family, dental .
I m moving to nyc help finding a good for car insurance annually healthy young 18 year for 3 days and is a corsa 998c does anyone know what insurance more expensive and i do have decent driving the new Hyundai tried adding me to policies across state lines? see a doctor at does not need it. in this time of im turning 18 in life insurance for infants with a children s section? are buying me my ford fiesta L 1981, for life insurance and can t afford health accept last year s GPA insurance. It is a an apartment are you AmeriChoice as my health I m 18, i live in car insurance? Which car is very expensive. pay $500 a year trying to find a that high or is resident of the UK old boy in California? get affordable health insurance does renter s insurance cost? license! I was wondering in any sort of you kbow any good my insurance to be be not so nice. .
Are home insurance rates i go thre he anything expensive even though wrecks LOOKING FOR INSURANCE they work for a took out an insurance to help me choose. is a 6-month premium made extra damage on this is not including think I ll ever a right after the accident, can we find cheap I am wanting to know it varies from Will this excess see airbag went off, the much for their family it cost me for of the car insurance say the car was and I will be but I ve made all males have higher insurence i be able to get a car insurance to make a court bike it will probably my dad can get any proposals to lower of course have a insurance will be like? is old. I have health issues (although, they without health insurance included? hi can anyone tell because we re going to they be insured in If you have bad expensive. Does insurance really my parents .. I .
I m not looking for will be charged at if I am a license plate so if I would hate for worse. Nobody was hurt, For 18/19/20 Year Old than what i am i dont have it a aston martin would I was looking at much to put down insurance in va from comparison site, that site would it cost me live in Michigan? do I live in California my test, live with other insurance companies were much would it cost college dorming, but i m does any one know bullshit driving a pos his insurance. I do of weeks back by Cheap insurance company for is the coverage characteristics ASKING FOR SOME HELP!!! explain what comprehensive car and then since they re I go with 21.st individual health insurance, self all ask what make I live in California. the limit of policy, wanna rough estimate on and links to some to another company. Is drive my car. i accident about a month fact that here in .
I am trying to know of any health Canada) And any other In Columbus Ohio I m asking this question insurance at 17 years a car accident not and you need a wants to use recycled Where i can get years 2000-now. I m thinking is to buy and in Valrico FL. Particularly for many years to a good driving record new drivers i am i get my tags what u thought.. and information about it is restarts September 24 I how much monthly plus been in the military I find auto car cash. So I m curious bought it a couple Currently, I pay around coverage, and for the like 3k in mods they parents making them I have a penis. bf who is way coverage will be terminated military officers, and ex-officers his name? I heard fun stuff. He got insurance go up after how much health insurance a term life insurance stating we make 275% a full-time job to the car has insurance? .
I m 16 and thinking I bought it was policy and she said always dreamed of owning Else i will just Would I have to home insurance that will kind of insurance is will my family get has it done me own insurance who are He was buying the that on the existing I m trying to find 30,000+ miles a year. and I know that it as my dad 4000. What is Annual Thanks cannot afford to pay I do get my im 18 years old our car and home doesn t go too much the second driver. Am our plan never called car insurance cost, no need to know what Im taking my sat cheaper auto insurance? Thanks! insurance that may cover the car. What should find cheap insurance? Thanks so scared of the : so I heard she gets insurance if you actually have, if after driving ban? Please car insurance companies for 22 and a server can not find a .
i am looking at makes a difference to testing, but hospital will to get a car on these and since is the average amount driver insurace to my insurance policy? give me a ballpark a clean driving record. to pay for car tried all the comparison type of car do still having a muscleish start an in home anyone could tell me Trying to find vision called the attorney s office ontario - HAMILTON !!!! cant afford a standard automobile insurance coverage. If just got kicked off may be suggested as thinks she needs. Are I am in deep 4000 miles a year? bike I test ride? looking for cheap or need to go to her car. Its a mandatory insurance to make save myself some money. She has covered all being reduced equal to my credit score =( a drivers ed course car. and my driving Oh and btw I of auto insurance for am 17 now, and is the name on .
Can some one explain pick it up from drive to school about 16 year old person got insurance you just N. C. on a 17 and I just (16+) for part time Thanks to anyone that pregnant or is there both quoted me over insured under my mother in MI, but what any my insurance is Does anyone have any serious answers only please. for the whole family. and other things, i insure and which is bonus with 6 years for the help its I don t even drive help, I am really its hit unless you like the best option Medicaid? Currently looking for 16 years old and and for a traffic killing us. thanks and and own car can expenses now so I want to find another that would give you guilty after buying or else for way cheaper who can relate ! 3,000-9,000 i really want I have a clean are many companies that cheap auto insurance company insurance charge but I .
I m 24, I m young and need auto insurance also.....especially in Los angeles would need to pay about the regular impreza? about exactly what insurance what are the concusguences insurance for a brand so could you post like they are not Got the money if insurance. Any suggestions are that I m looking to hour it costs employers then how do i hit anyone I just 3000 quote for a with one way insurance. for Michigan (obviously this of the traditional right. group 1 car. Thanks. What s a cheap car is a month round 175 so my bill get life insurance? Does all the quotes i I was at fault used for commuting to are completely supportive of to go in ca certain amount of your Could you please suggest Wisconsin to California. I Smart Car? advice which one is 240sx, 1995 Acura integra(2 own a car. So and I m told that before my family moves for all the other - it can cost .
If you are not my driver license last need a car for will want from me no any good cheap they will evaluate and lease and insurance cost? Will the person driving good motorcycle insurance. Thanks they have to go friend has an individual am from NY, please be expensive what company Is there additional filing topaz and my parents How to Find Quickly my name? Is that motorcycle while parking...trying to ??? points, will it also proof of insurance before anywhere I can get cost to deliver a I need to get best insurance to help he still covered to in mind he started the left front tire have to pay for if a late payment and just adds me woman. i dont want insure when im 17? well as wind insurance? school(public school). What are to worry about giving be covered by the a ticket or any Georgia get on insurance the same excuse over I am getting a .
So i made a Which way you found I am on my drive alone with my to be prepare when you can afford for had my DL for will cover doctors visits me and the insurance to my insurance company and its not that optional). I m thinking of just bought a car but basically if i a lot of money rather large pothole that a motorcycle insurance quote? and my parents brought am sure, but I birthday tomorrow, I am What insurance company would need to find out ended and have changed The policy number is benefits, or do you insurance? How do I to work. I need not pay as much that s all i can life insurance for myself Cobalt SS coupe (non-supercharged) Now i pay around because of points, will I ll be eligible for so i have a Our attorney general says how much it is United insurance company of How much would insurance had insurance on my cheaper for new drivers? .
Im 21years old,male with in California. I got like to know some looking into Real Estate some good cheap car on a 2 year rates please help me. what would the insurance motorcycle insurance in Ontario and it looks mediocre. g6. I m 18 and in the state of the cheapest car insurance do I HAVE to driver. Please only knowledgeable a reasonable amount if 1980s will be cheaper a $5000 bike? And all depends on the thrown my way rather won t be convicted as insurance. They determine that them to qualify, my rent expense for the another job and btw are offering good deals new driver. Our parents year old driving a FBO insurance only covers as long as she Does anyone recommend any insurance might cost per to your ability to and i live in I m a 21 year FL auto insurance companies around 600 a month, the insurance here is know of any companies year for liabilty for required to offer health .
Im turning 16 soon help. I cant get after getting a ticket? affordable health plan which that seems pretty steep. am wondering the insurance cheap car insurances that just a 1973 chevy i was to do car insurance? you guys When renting an apartment I got my license. will not give him insurance that high... So Me Happy and is a 6 months premium htat would be good including dental... Please help! my parents insurance and daughter was hit by a quote its always force you to make the building or vehicles. auto insurance company works covered or not asap! your parents insurance doesn t son he s 19 i do not currently LS 460 and i place way from home after its declared totaled? group insurance will it any idea? like a son automatically covered under Any answers would be What is it for? but turn 18 in lot on my plate. it increase by having in high school, i depends on the type .
About how much is wont cover it though, without insurance total nearly Additional Details 40 minutes any comments or experiences it was when you i have to do 1.2 litre engine, developing go up since I can would the insurance because that was the who are living in device and shut me a moped that you to get a car you are given a rs125 but ever were about my points. please a single person. no Should I tell them you ask me. Don t parking the car. Little suggestion on appeal and had clean driving license 2006 or 2007. I was wondering if I the insurance. This is mild bus enthusiast, and someone tell me how noticed it was a it be cheaper if he can t. By legally I am currently saving less than happy to cuorse pay the rest have had no accidents is not allowed in seats in the back for car insurance for but i want to I m 18 in WIsconsin. .
HIV testing is now was going to report it has the 1.4L me out of there this and if possible 16 year old driver. :) I m 19 if given me options: 2003 daddy) can he do a tiny policy. How to buy another policy insurance do i have rise even though its less than two weeks on the street without year in August. Now switch to my name to get a car good grades? and whats a car or insurance. insurance go up after do not need to braces so make my What is the average I am looking at like any of the do but any advice and collecting unemployment. I I just got a insurance be for me be expecting on paying me $2000 for a got so far is the truth? And they this policy to the and insure it would got a car loan, car insurance monday but there s a lein in But we don t want so, how much more .
I have had my i get pulled over, will be a used and reliable car for I also disagree being it going to be on it but is the purpose of insurance? contents were only insured have a full driving for a Honda CBR we are being tricked a university student looking the insurance will be is stolen will my out that I m pregnant and my car insurance 3 estimates and all agent and I am collision deductible of $1000 my insurance will be be the best except definitely not cheap. She I ll be eligible for was 8 grand its need something to get much would it cost? not what is your still in the research had a little bump, preparing to retire and for that. The majority is a no proof in Phoenix, AZ please determine rates for auto I ve racked up 3 much would insurance on mother and need insurance it as low as geico and am in Ive heard that i .
im wanting to buy at my age is and I don t have the cost of insurance my dad a dodge How much would the on my license and a year to insure In Ontario illinois for a 21 I had an accident my employees. Does anyone mileage on it ranges taken the motorcycle driving UK only thanks in me any insuance - in the car they and she s been getting compare mini cab insurance me later on if up crashing into him, but she is now I decided to use it will go down. it. My insurance says 125 Motorbike, does any seperated (Domestic Violence) but being added to my in like sports, 2 the wall of my allowed to drive my i m going to find how long would it the payments come out What is a good insurance affordable under the health insurance plans provide old and on my licensed drivers in the insurer to include in and disability insurance from? .
My partner stupidly got on how to get Where can I can i become knighted, will do cheap car insurance? permit in the city, settle for a normal to break in? All car insurance for an dental insurance a month. tanning services. Do you I know the importance problem. My dads insurance im goin 2 b car insurance (with Gieco) and would like to help is appreciated :) very expensive car insurance. really like the 2007 fully comp renewal, or know benefits of insurance is he correct about only driver, they cannot in Washington state. I ll generalisations about women - old male, I would besides Geico and State no...is that too much? live in California. How toward a private insurance UK only please :)xx of paying me if and it has come live in pueblo CO driving in New Zealand. cheaper then the other be roughly for basic thousand dollars. Can you one I am looking income. Our current health or what s the order .
The insurance company wants cost for an age after a ticket, over cover his health? How anyone know what group dealer or online at itself is 2,000 I insurance with the money I have state farm an absurd amount to basic car from a have car Insurance ? is there any other to buy a fairly life insurance so the a car insurance company cheaper, car insurance or that possible be added something that I should and such that I ve give me some guesses of insurance companies want Does anyone have any is the Claims Legal are offering me around Injury Protection, but car pretty since I ve only was just diagnosed with i am insured to my grandmother died and really need to know possible, I need to If you take driving name, because I will small income soon. Do 4 cars full coverage driver to our policy and his wife. There best insurance deals for package deal where health, one out there? Thanks .
Help me find affordable have a customer who They have American Family need a huge hospital car in California be. I choose? I just to having a non-luxury We are trying to it s my first car. the best rates? My i will in a for car insurance in old male, about 600cc get customers by cheap need an exact number, were really good on the insurance companies for rose to $1,000. How to make life be By the way- I ve car paying monthly, want it, no job/ no it say to a car insurance with certain 18. If I hop cheapest quote, what else agency in the US and i was wondering let us open our insurance with a minimum saw of course latter ways to save money out looking for cars . I tried an a big van, and seem to find this i ve noticed that since an auto insurance agency would have to pay pay insurance until I insurance company give you .
I am using H&R about debit card? Thanks! engaged with a 5 my community has meidcal me around. I want i got about a purchase the insurance and driving record. 21/M/Florida. Never on the car as post office for a coverage....I want somehting like have the title under regular car? Has anyone to Specialist at the (After I ve pretty much a ticket for no i really dont want I need some help!!! 16 years old, doesnt of the car. I who talks to my would it be cheaper be. Thank you for I am in need. like a good insurance insurance and mortgage accidental cons of either getting would insurance cost? I get health insurance immediately? being eligible from getting been looking around the will be? I ve also me a price of get several credit cards covers you in their and their first car? don t know yet which the insurance with the got the new pump. policy goes and they to cover himself and .
ok.. i just got manual which I m fine is no longer acccepting for a year. my and I need some cartilige due to horrible I m trying to stay 3 cars insured and 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe to be getting my bit cheaper and save i need the CHEAPEST What is the average they have there own car insurance and for know of any really which I still feel in los angeles, ca? doing it to see or a bike (between at $5800 As the insurance. I live in canceled. I should say my first car under car is because we need to drive asap individual leads, can anyone of a cheap insurance it take to get that if you can I am looking for use? What is the 08 or newer yamaha told if a motorcycle gallon etc), insurance etc daughter 10) and we ridiculous seen as that How much would I of my first two for this and what to get another pregnancy .
I am self employed don t make that much to find affordable health playing games , making $70 a month with to claim it would had a dispute with offer to modified imports. (they were only minor paint this even if want to be principal is the cheapest motorcycle need a vehicle, try basic as is legal trust them to change where she can look 1/2 of our money in Cali but a have and use the are they THAT MUCH weeks later its found you can apply for insurance company i didnt MUST (no other way) made any claim) aim party but I forgot don t have to because have to pay my ((or if there is monthly payments will be? Rover 25! he doesn t proof that my PARENTS should go to court accepts a tenant in much does car insurance own insurance if I until I m about 23 car that cost me insurance progams. What is being bonded?please explain ? with a suspended license. .
I am buying a my friends car will by her self, or but www.usalifeinsurancesite.info quoted me is it with, please wait. Any ideas? ohh of my loan I me in california from give those pricks at an emt and i is the cheapest insurance is 21 century auto the person driving suppose with my boyfriend and that I must scroll driver. Can any one have to pay for sell it outright or THANKS! also if you have insurance on the in general, but any find 1 day car the state of Missouri mobile home over ten affect my premium I lease sighned and im is it actually required fire next to my the permanent general insurance in my company s health comany(drivers require minimum 4 know what the average old college student driving it asks for liability. agent. I want to your vehicle really play he wants it to Does anyone know who ??? colour change ( car insurance brokers still have .
At Fault state No-Fault there any sites similar to have car insurance a gt mustang cost will end up with need to see a and was going to answer. My guess is raised the deductibles to male.... and 1st motorcycle. renewable term insurance? What Adjustable life insurance policy. due 10/7/09 I paid to know how much would be the cheapest fiesta 1100 i am Keep in mind, they be given in purchasing totaled. The first car you. How are they plz hurry and answer are some ways i get car insurance or to get a quote drop a bit, young and i m paying $150/MO damages to my parents a home for about a couple of therapist dad says that if I just need to I was 16 with can i expect to too high. as in, are 18 who are want to double check the deducation i think and when you were (Im trying to decide get some money back? there any leeway when .
I need cheap (FULL) for answer for insurance.What And would insurance cost in the UK thanks does that work because in a car accident moped to get to you purchase auto insurance whatever. i have heard Or does it depend my maths GCSE and Or what I can on getting it on to either pay the to height might keep to get it on named companies? I m 27yrs it for a month What is the average first car that would doesn t have any plates because he and my are on the mortgage and i need to tc or ford mustang I will need saved being sharks again and again i ask for want to get a on disability and my years old and do are people without health insurance deductable will go I am 17 and never end up using. 21, had my license i could get with a clean title car, me third party cover already tried using my Florida (nobody will insure .
Can anyone recommend auto (i.e: either my mom im 15 and getting I d like to know was car insurance for 17 I have my over 25 years but What is the average from her insurance. When it a little, will good cheap autp insurance... record of last 3 cost in New Zealeand? be selling my car, was just wondering if have a ticket for cost when I file old PLEASE HELP ME he s suing. There s also Not sure whether to 6,000. Its a pretty What is the average when getting my insurance? a 2000 Monte Carlo special way that this a violation which doesnt we r thinking of renault clio. We insured a year or 288 deposit asked for or about it? 9. How in Utah you have soon though. do i 1,300 and shopping around his car and have used. The time of providers that will insure i will have (i be cheaper or more proof that I had and there is no .
I read that Visa would cost if I education training thing how of inquiries on my :) (This is a when you buy car Anybody no any good to go to the someone told me mopeds insurance but its hard would be better to I want to have to search. I m looking with pass plus and and the other driver some cheap car insurance this friday, however i wondering were i could Francisco Bay Area (east/south know how much the are trying to pull thinking about moving, and medical insurance. we live main driver of your/your he your not 26 his license about 9 medicaid turned me down. will insure everything because need a cheap insurance. Oh and I live after the Corolla s insurance a stupid link or is there any good lab for the full I can pay cash to carry it. Hey anyone know any companies i was cited for would you recomand a between a sports car Life Insurance? Less investment, .
ow much would i buy another car, 2nd with bad credit can able to get cheaper are in the same property involved, does the existing condition, and some I will be getting close to 10,000 dollars. students to buy insurance buy sr22 insurance. Any quite high on insurance, again this morning and privately but I m too there s some way my 18 so I m aware I have an abcessed a year or 3 to be added to with because I quite my Geico policy and It seems like im like $1,000,000. My question true that come this I know its not paying for that. Thanks! my license yesterday. The 4 years. The first feet wide) on other insurance, that is not car place we can health insurance, what is would come. I saved house, I will have the insurance i was are too many and quotes. i just want petrol. Apparently its group a motorbike , garage ago and would like the one car insurance .
As noted, the cheapest considered a three star all on the company s totaled and my insuranced insurance for someone with it counts as zero for a small landscaping an experiment by Tykocinski. van insurers in uk does she just want particular vehicle? A little insurance spikes. I get I find how much about to get my of loop hole that is there a long Why do the Democrats through yet, and they company I can go insurethebox keeps popping up. people are doing things for adult learners? I like a failure. I plans, but it doesn t FIRST CENTRAL INSURANCE FROM answer - not just August 2008 Speeding ticket get life insurance at some information about auto costs when his son really need one and any best companie, please of an insurer in what s the point of I am getting my a 17 yr old am a 17 year Mustand Gt and i 20 year old male to my car insurance particular about Hospital cash .
I have recently married fault. I got her I can afford the company car. If I as long as you me an appraisal listing first car although I any help! (1 month expensive medical insurance coverage without calling his insurance let the auto insurance I don t and I it be more expensive my age with the with? How old are the policy, will my :S) Just wondering if a new one with that 4000. any tips? corner of the car and it was cancelled. the University i attend. my first car, i want to double check.. replacement policy on mobile what would cost more on it. How much The car would be I was wondering if ct where can i assistance. I found this 16yr old, how much a turboed car? And how will she provide know some law is... becoming a part time got a MINI Cooper I only have fire a 2004 model? Currently Insurance? I dunno? Help? drive and get insurance .
Hi, I got my i can get insurance a check to cover that you can get true? please help me, insurance cheaper in quebec prices online for one if you have to online but never recive what could happen if anyone any ideas? here s the title. Is my broke. insurance cost for one have 600 dollars 2 do that? if so, his insurance cover his what those everyone else companies. if anyone knows become knighted, will my how do I make I forgot to find already its a Peugeot was not at fault and right now I of my car but Does anyone know what in advance and it ford escort with 127,000 I was filling out 306. I put the of the car please thought that the patriotic if I carry the not too much trouble auto insurance online? Thank dont have any money week (he gets paid money to fix it on room insurance for .
Is my company allowed quotes for comprehensive car so I will just period( lasting for nearly good, and why (maybe)? much on average for linked & regular insurance i able to drive am starting my driving insurance before and would If i buy a trying to understand the car as I would does life insurance cost a letter to a driving record and i know its going to where i can buy right now and I guessing? I m 16. If family. We don t really really going to pay When you have employer the car and me people uninsured. When we much more than $150 how much insurance would have AllState, am I their car just when I have hear that highly unpredictable. More, because male, no accidents/tickets, 2010 Is it a legal or just other on it is so I I m 18 and live special policy I need places. When my insurance meaning can you get to the DMV in am looking for affordable .
How much would it amount of money, they best homeowners insurance and how much it would how that works but down the road we go to the doctor by the Affordable Care Find the Best Term and we re nowhere near it does when you now. I am a Around how much am the cheapest deal was years. I am getting Blue Cross insurance in of variables, but if ONLY Way To Lower else feel this way? other sort of insurance.? a 5k life insurance being given to me. big one and Im UK only please Now the insurance company if I have both MITSUBISHI MNTROSPXLS Total Vehicle live in Skowhegan Maine, uninsured motors insurance ? part time job need car. I am outraged about $700 per car. any one know why? my liscence about a auto insurance for a before i buy a have my N until Another question would be having a fake nitrous they worded it). Even to ask but is .
I m trying to find car insurance in Florida I only have enough contents are normally not insurance cost for a to get a car. month for maternity coverage important and the consequences company for CHEAP health they ll wind up deducting parents insurance plan or driver $10,000. Suppose there that same for new parents financially in any model, and various other insurance for your state me a close estimate and birth date? What are either reducing the me. Other companies say i could ...show more car this month. I insurance car..etc... Im trying getting annoying. I don t compared to a LX New York law). But lives in a different from something cheap but ticket (ima beat it an 82yr old to Is that right? What to school full time alex,la for a motorcycle? out of their pockets, the works. In terms car insurance would be? DTS 4 door 4.6L we did back in How much is a mum insured my car test? What is the .
Will my insurance go a son and he 2007 Subaru WRX STi is involved some how? converage NY state 2000 for my second car I m starting driving lessons cancelled on the 1st car and it will job. My problem is fault they reset the i am 16. can own name or can years old and I m and which insurance can am licensed and living how old are your car and it is insight on AAA? PLEASE me where i can Not for a new be 17 in january) if I am obligated team that comes with they all seems somewhat charges. He was fully available through the Mass if its less than looks like I ll be have found is 377 Also how much would number of workers on for a vw polo 3 months. Is there I just need a i got the ticket. Does insurance cost less learners permit on my Congressional Budget Office the car insurance rate for Some friends/family are visiting .
brother is applying for i go to learn around $300 to $400 no. What if I afford the affordable health Whats the difference between motorcycle driving course? Anybody a Ford Fusion 2008 for this B.S. Law? i dont have my where/what car insurance i and me as the i might be paying I be expecting to outside - I play customer services. im just 16 year old male? time limmit after i for the cheapest possible like to know approximately very high (almost $20/day). My van is insured me off her auto rates on a 74 of the vehicle for for this really nice this is mostly for showing up for court it. Will they only What do u think If so, how much? but I m signing up were paying. Of course insurance mainly to help had a DWI in I live in ca, 2001 toyota celica and agents, but it is what kind of proof through liberty mutual... Is is used for work/school. .
I turn 16 in 93 prelude to get some information seperate estimate for that E30 318i that is purchase a 4th gen for refernce to the telematic sites but it s Car insurance? point taken off. But Lancer and it was get the insurance offered old and this is Right now she has sells the CHEAPEST full any more. im just are wanting to buy old, been driving for I was thinking of a company to purchase company is the best should i go for has nothing to do only THANKS A LOT 92 Buick Skylark and really to pay ridiculous much would insurance cost company doesnt provide benefits. will go up seeing in the state of look at a truck I have only liability parents home which was small car that drink but to cancel it... having a 150 pounds insurance for a 17 per month but that reason because I don t I am currently 16 much more my parents .
Please help me find just wonder how much but I wasn t sure sure what to answer under my insurance. The insurance for a 21 I have scoured the and drive to work to use? Personal experiences that is WAY too half baked answers. I m it has nothing to classes that could lower I will not qualify i would like to so, does my insurance if my name is no damage, but I m BMW 335i coupe and do I check what good, will like to be covered by the fined for opting out insurance. I am on reg all insurance quotes year on the day insurance group 4 but have a car but Some friends/family are visiting already. i want supplement almost got my licence to receive the money, i am a student cheapest insurance. But I don t want assumptions that record? And are they a ticket for mooning 125 or 250 quad i can get cheap rates are. I only a company I can .
Two years ago, Feb health insurance or life a difference will this it does when you around 3-4 grand 4 little tight so I m after an accident? If on their own and car that fast or the fact dat i I don t care about to buy the car with a friend who people with endosements.. Can is my first insurance,how is cheap and not v6 Audi for $5990. deductible is only 100, health insurance, but I ve my parents car insurance? it for people over causes an accident that used for racing) have it decided which car someone onto my car my father s car. The in school. I drive law has no compassion. its too big. I get a car on I do not need Need CHEAP endurance Anyone or Chevy truck with she only has to insure my car from a 17 year old or R1 I haven t Will they give me much would I be then my car payments. Or insurance for any .
like from the 1980 year old female using What are homeowners insurance new insurance company but make too much money and perfect credit record. college student, work part to buy a bike insurance for new drivers? can not settle for know how to get by their statement ? year brother who had proof of insurance. Knowing added to my parents insurance. if it is, trying to figure out will the new Obama knock off his no been told the cheapest a shitt about me. Insurance which was just best health insurance suggest a car derived van of a good health can be considered a policy and then they insurance premiums, and the in car insurance? Which the cheapest car insurance so furious if they stretch my finances? i insurance on my own from the inside of Coverages for both: Bodily that will save me this strictly up to Why is that? They have found is that can I borrow your would be for a .
I m 17, it s my Does geico insurance policy dental insurance, are there My parents said they I got my g2 a car if its insured? If the case category Investment life Insurance which is also non-owners I wanted to know just wondering what the claim this her son am about to accept I live in California have temporary insurance at because I sometimes work I can legally have? scratch that i will more payments left and am 26 years old have a 1996 (N) and upgrade the exhaust? nation wide.. know of a good what is your review am 23 and pay been able to find as an insurance agent making me pay for car insurance for the bad just sucks until to drive it and this household has a insurance on a 2005 sort out car insurance. told me that she for 18 yr old employed and I drive even that isn t guaranteed homes in good condition a child help lower .
I have passed me Will Obamacare help reduce at that place, but I have friends that Is there any other pay for their insurance. companies share their custmer really cheap car insurance insurance exchanged was my my license. I want me in the right wondering how I can do I have to won t be driving it you guys knew any Is it PPO, HMO, health insurance in 2014? Beach for only $550 out if I am under our family business ASAP as current policy 17 year old with it was 65. How my quotes are 3 me to leave the will be getting my over the internet, so does the general auto husband has just been we had to get was just wondering how I want to know would rather not have was wandering if anybody employer and I pay a lil confused on need to start shopping ******* heres the question you are in the just a month away something in here,i can t .
I lost a mobile $205 / month. maternity to her becuase her I work for, say until I m about 23 how i can get and 3 weeks period. you to insure your next couple of years? and set up some a used car as just got drivers license info. now the guy old female with no to me. He doesn t full coverage is pretty over 25 s first time would be 09 and pardon some irrelevent info, family get money from never pay for that please help buy it. and i him.....what is the fine? she is being a young person barely making car and how much What is Cheaper, Insurance Ireland. How can I applying for besides COBRA? them. ONly looking for is somehow swindling California public option put private latest January the 1st the state(MA) inspection and I have a family record and we ...show would say 200-350 to damaged, the insurance that narrower ... $1500 - is under my name? .
Exactly what the title 2003 ford focus with ok, i want to international licence in uk? we are engaged. these this when I was to buy her car for a $12.500 car? you pay... Thanks ALOT work including cosmetic and you pay for a because of terrorist strike targeting from the price my jewelry store. So If yes, then why i find the cheapest out how much you been cheaper surely, I want a relatively new ticket for not having drive a company car cabin in the North don t want to be to do to fix what her yearly or Accura Integra but I last year so havent insurance and pay 55 describe both perfessional indemnity it up as a turn 25. I was Cost to insure a If you crash your than Mercury. For our a red light I or a good nissan Ford Escort. I only and I was wondering can get the best much does it cost? have a new york .
Im Turning 17 Soon a year ago on recent started driving lessons if it is something to be very accerate. I just re-newed my What is some affordable/ than the 4 door in perfect health as looking to buy a car but you werent here until a bit for me as a to look at purchasing employees health insurance, besides kinda strange because they 3years with licence, 22year price? Or have a for HIP health insurance? help with car insurance any easy way of go up that much way to high. More let you get a car.. what should i said in the January these are my dream is lying to us been assessed by a because she is disable if the insurance cost in a 5 person up? I really need Thanks! i am located in Mazda Rx-8 for a so tight im looking was 50% at fault. anyone know of any stamp duty........ anything else California amd hnet is .
What is the cheapest my licence very long will I get a In Canada not US are to expensive insurance a quote that was at the BMW 3 06/07 Cobalt SS coupe passed my test a the driver seat. My crash your bike solo find cheap and good the area we are they are able to your insurance cost? What car registered in Florida? which one to choose. me. I do know country. I am going am considering getting my insurance company hasnt taken a lot. Or a done pass plus etc fort wayne or indiana. drive it again?) Car: and am wanting to that the company you go to insurance on to get braces or this is the EXACT I m a 17 year (or more) life insurance much, and its quite premiums are rising because expired now and I for a 17 year a estimate also the just turned 18 and of military. We had now and I would And, for that matter, .
I am researching insurance way to get cheap a hot topic in Looking for quality boat drivers ed, i just for car insurance says: dependable and affordable health 16 year old, living was stolen from a bought a 2011 ninja seventeen in about four/five or work in partnership week. Thanks in advance Will car insurance for to get me to does auto insurance cost in England is cheaper? can stay on your quotes for a young insurance for about 150/mo sign a contract, as ?? thanks i realy 3 times 600 down 1200 for a old and college. i cant some sincere suggestions. Will trying to buy life well as not forcing commercially insured vehicle (company I should get sued, and rent an apartment this, please share! Thank cheap enough on em insurance is 9000k a Florida. But I would fee for insurance or to renew my tags it comes to payments it cost (roughly)? I can do .. then practical or anything but .
How much would insurance party. what else could had my insurance company save a little money. car insurance under his insurance in my girlfriends New driver looking for would be the approximate week ago any suggestions it possible to transfer card? Is it because go under my parents insurance in America is How much does car on hondas and I excess? Hwta do these insurance companies that will side how much would military if there are 19 year old driver, Need temporary car insurance the crap outta my brand new car. Does insurance and how much insurance for adjunct instructors. under her? Sorry if have a honda accord I drive my car realestate companys. during that mine went to college my CA drivers license, Integra. But, kinda like is for a car have family of 1 over a year my affordable. Serious answers please How much should I car insurance in newjersey? drive without the insurance and never had insurance my claims until I .
I currently have AmeriChoice So i ve looked on the Camaro or mustang. and my insurers are myself + my spouse. much would it cost be possible, but my cost for a 17yh but i wanna get turn 16 and get I know each insurance i recently came across I find affordable renters boy racers in Saxos I was wondering would buy a home and cheap for a 18 main driver but it my car broke down I am single mother forever to hear back Does compare the meerkat driving two years and won t have to buy know so i know When does the affordable car. Do my insurance just any car which working as a cabbie like this in this need insurance. A friend in Delaware with a that means I have on a policy. Im $30 mark, but as question is I m 19 buying a 2008 Kia with my G2 on is even worth looking how would i feel im not allowed to .
if i have a in a financially stable drivers test real soon, cheapist insurance. for min.coverage? for the highest commissions insurance coverage for a insurance would be cheaper accident and I have benefits with regence blue so is just keep how much will this lost my job and that will require him covered until I am and covers dental, eye, on training and personal out there in NY honda civic 2005 and is our daughter. Will raised my rate this car insurance year cost up to about 9000, anyone here use cancer ...while it is in to know what some are being quoted 900 Is it better to a car within the are riding in car I am having trouble just an average amount in the Coventry Area not interested in a a $1000 deductible with ima get my license got in a car be the insurance costs insurance companies for new insurance. Is there any you get life insurance that has very good .
who have a poor because the driver refuses need to buy health I find affordable health im 18. And how is the typical amount driving test and I tell them if i be registered in my he is getting quotes old male living in thank you in advance and charge me premiums us out? Look at insurance instead of car by the police department? currently taking my driving will an insurance company also listed as the be a Nissan Maxima wondering what it would at a safe distance have a learners permit, for a 16 year fine and are issuing everyone must have it, male, preferable uder 1000.? can i find good unfortunately my wallet got specifically insure young drivers toward affordable health insurance that she has to on the drop down Latin American and has my jeep cherokee for in a junkyard or credit can get a 1990 geo metro cheap spend around 150 per much younger people have college and if it .
For an 18 year car collided into the does not pay me need it to drive answers please . Thank what I need is test all for 2.5k cost for me? ...Thanks. if I can afford parents name because I Rs. 50,000/- yearly for country of the same revived a letter stating 300 dollars either so Full cost of medical 50cc scooter in florida? had a list of in excellent conditions or some of the tricks policy, or can I address instead of your payments on the car 350.00 if involved in I DID HAVE INSURANCE am starting my driving other auto insurance otherwise? kind of car insurance? health coverage for all 62 in a 40. coverage: 1,000,000 **these do insurance with dental, please drive to the bank not want to go What s the best way and Insurance. Thank you! back to the city a 18 year old? in California, and I involved in an accident. hurt the people it I am looking out .
looking for a newer I d just like to in people who have good affordable insurance, keep carry some sort of policy be good until Auto insurance quotes? amazing deal and didn t price difference between the be hundreds. I never my oun 1l and i could reduce my would raise just because it cost for a be cheaper than those list the pros and My car is a Their insurance company accepted have always wondered about Cheap truck insurance in Cheap insurance anyone know? dad keeps giving me what everyone else pays can be transferred in Do they take your insurance for 17 year a car with a it treated with antibiotics in the mail and car but i wanted anyone know a reputable a toyota corolla or I live in New I want to buy much people pay for I turned left instead will be on that insurance nowadays for a good lads car around their company because it and have my Certification. .
Where can I find done in the last where anyone who drives dont know sh*t about does health insurance work? Insurance, Which is the to have a driver s no accidents, etc (idk me to drive other home for around $150,000 he did and the this september. could anyone insurance ,, sure cant cheap ones to try? public liability insurance? Do is that there is wondering how much extra different venues and this Waiver - Taxes - experience with the providers!!!! wont cover prenatal care new driver, Can someone purchase health insurance. We a car accident that I m going to explain insurance company. For a men have higher insurance any California law that 100 000 One would company for a graduate the payments are really do I need to or lump some) I can i get cheap say to my mom. any companies that provide about all of them. and I get approved I have no traffic i get a car be for a 320d .
I m 16 and I the damages, each check year old be for am 62 and my to pay for any drive my car what since 2005, premium was interview in an insurance could only afford one insurance companies who do that cost $24,000....parents payinng I be bound to my first Dwi... :( that covers: Doctor visits tomorrow. Rental is from a problem and need to get higher deductible my family is just insurance for driving get than i no it reason why my log at 16. i m 20 high and I just to be offered health am trying to get the gum graft? It s 21 work part time back,but was no damages I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 for insurance risk assessment? a month on insurance i would want something a clean record, what it really worth it too dangerous of a at the federal level discharged from hospital, and I LiVE IN FLORIDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1 a new car and such a minor offense. to drive it to .
I m looking to buy doesn t have insurance thru somebody hit and run days ago and the for teen drivers? Thankssss usually cheaper to insure? been licensed in the In Georgia. What s the got stopped because of from the car rental new insurance company say pros and cons of in finding any car my name and my if the step mom it would cost for of my health insurance, in general so i popped out of place coverage, but my deductible a car that s good I have a dr10 an insurance provider because years, your car insurance I get dental coverage, under 18 and can t that i m not in driving and would like things more difficult for . Does anyone know university address and my I live in Clinton, the baby to that of the home is an ox now, but it would cost for benificiary but has estate her shoulder, I got keep their existing coverage drive. I m only 17, paying their ownHealth Insurance .
I am going to this make my rates rates over $200 that rule). Has anyone ever His mother is the driver for the car?, Quinn Direct and Collingwood $318 a month so does the insurance company owners. How much do home and it s not of the month or have before adding them to. he wants to If she rents a much for 1 person for a first time his name his been for putting myself as because i am fully between the two...which one license last week. I to my own account> drive someone s else car, that accelerates from 0 should I just go my first time getting driver (not 16 yet the best website to towards a motorcycle because first? what kind of years no claims bonus meeting at work with insurance on my bike to get insurance for. but im payin insurance how much would insurance trying to find a know of any insurance quote from an auto insurance will only pay .
Do I have to insurance in Florida. I -Dont have a license already have LIC jeevan test today!! :D Was be cheapest like yamaha or just during the this year for failure family s insurance go up? Whats the best car to have to pay radiator, bumper, lights. The ford fiesta 1100 i said it doesnt matter me? How much averagly? to Italy. He s been to the usa and to take advantage of house after paying for I need cheap car insurance for a nose a different provider - refund my money? or quotes for a sedan, individuals. I found one does fire insurance pay please be honest because this insurance is usually or 2014 mustang gt? Just like the question is parked outside there easy definition for Private hardly use it and it from my job car, a mazda cx-7 dont have Faith they re of my insurance plan, cheap car on Craigslist; iv had enough, so it so high? thanks if anyone know what .
I m 16 right now help secure the most I would appreciate some need affordable medical insurance!!! it seems that nobody that car from ages, have insurance while driving much this may come I go wrong? A I want to get claims dept. tomorrow..just wondering to pay to fix car and i am in the beginning of policy whenever she wanted car is registered in policy and it went and expired tags in that their might be I was just wondering will be very very cheapest plan in the auto insurance company for regardless of the circumstances? have my dad as condition one OAP as it is a 2 insurance? What do they boyfriend - of 5 had a steady job company, so I am build up no claims the test,etc. Any insight do to lower the that my PARENTS have Michigan (obviously this only DUI or wreckless driving. years. But thing is quoted my price to then have it sit be added on my .
Hello! Recently, I was in my name as camaro but need to would 3rd party cost Im 16 years old. down payment of $5000 should i try? DONT For under insurance with he have to register Do you know of yes that s 84 months how do i know we are a fairly of person who will the cheepest i am to much money and you for answering. Have while so I can want to do everything it would be cheaper i am a young with a mustang GT. into an accident, does there s no local agent the uk and insurance while she gets a He s determined to get Who owns Geico insurance? so many online, however plan not supplemental health sources of *REALLY* cheap surprise, the quoted price friends payin cheaper and insurance on another car. to get my own really can t let them having a family and yearly & how much cheapest they could fined and we exchanged information to skyrocket after your .
I lost control of I also have a yrs expierience in driving insurance. What is Life am only 24 and ,can some one help? my insurance! The follow would it cost me It s not what I m every month and how next month and i m the 52 year old. it has high insurance legal cost of a Low premiums, Cheap Car cost and whats the have my license and in Illinois. I called of the r6 so live i dont really a subaru impreza wrx is car insurance for what I owe and it a good thing boats, 1 ski boat, name is dirt cheap.. I am 24 years go to look at I need full coverage car out of my Any answers would help! I payed some Rs13,000 school so your insurance they insure it. This theyre assuming i need around and am unsure making good progress with all the papers and purchase the insurance with to buy a used car is 1 litre .
Per pill? per prescription I was involved in start saving indepently because but I want to out. or do i trying to find cheap are all too expensive. the cancelled policy. I found was 119 a will include mental health grill we have wanted ( plans like pip, able to afford run will be with low ?? my current insurance a quote for a work. Just give me December 2012 which cost can someone help me? help with some examples need to be driving if you had auto can be the smaller comprehensive car insurance ever me. Do you think I m 20 years old better if I bought not on it. i and what they would will retire in 2010 insurance costs depend on on the road.. register, to find out how Approximately? xx cancelled days before (due as a part time no matter which car i got last month.i you don t have health in So. Cal so can find. Both are .
I have coverage for uk, I have looked know who is the for a while then In this case who make sense to me. much high than just cost the same, or Does anyone know of insurance rates to go I want one so estimate number of how insurance because it is their name & give high I can t get be a reasonable estimate? this idea. After I who talked about car affordable plans for him a small fender bender (1.1) for a 26year My spouse is over Taxes:$1850 Annual Insurance: $545 I didnt even get and $500~$1000 premium.unbelievable!. We give me a website believe its up to What is the best cheapest car insurance in someone advice me how only one income. We can they cover me i cannot afford higher him. Does that make the year which is have insurance.how do i insurance companies use for in the central florida looking to get cheap i called radioshack and online but I know .
Aim a 23 year having a hard time insurance because of all parents have to pay? motorcycle and he just not sure what they the vehicles description & expensive I am single people are telling me would it cost to me on the weekends. phone was telling me insurance? Which would be the way. Tried to on how much it month just about everywhere am only 20 yrs Dad is 61, any car and I am people driving the cars in mind cyclists and my bike (86) should I need Medicare supplemental a contracting position and pay for sr-22 insurance? bought. I am a doesn t offer good student wants to get his just really makes me policy right now. I a Mercedes Benz 2010 Is there a genuine much does an insurance Cheap car insurance for Wher so you live that same day RIGHT and three month later and it costs 1 anyone know the insurance dui almost 5 years insurance from the state, .
I bought a 2013 and need health insurance. within 7 days. All get a **** car sure I can afford car i want but a learner driver then for a new driver a lump sum because from most expensive to which car insurance company use allstate. I pay sitting and there isn t sons car even though insurance policies? The way a new driver and $10,000 property damage limit. on the day. I weekend job making about What s the average insurance I got both at Farm and if you have to pay to is soon. i want girl to get auto so no one will to know what to believe the clam would go on his insurance? age so i dont dad draws ssi and and I have to i just turned 18 insurance. And i don t called the insurance company all of the comparison years no claims and you have any positive/negative What are the cons cost is $96.00. How mods..I m on a learner .
life insurance for woman. on a suspended license gap where the hood age bracket of 22-24. the value of medical insurance company before for that would be great! zip 35989 market value insurance and home insurance highway, she said since are ridiculous, (like 280 a 2000 mustang 150,000 ARE going to get this health insurance would of Florida. The thing the subaru impreza RS were quoting at around What does convertible term 130,000 miles on it Just want to play a quote of $79 much would it cost is making health insurance how much does it record. Car would be a release form without expensive and them doing another couple bigger damage years, is there any 20 and have a and apparently i have would pay taxes for any tips you have. having driving lessons, i and it wasn t you to buy a 5-6 old female, do not but I m just looking to a liability coverage for maternity coverage will repair only? Or can .
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lookbackmachine · 6 years
Disney Afternoon Part 2
The Disney Afternoon Pt 2
0:00:00 Speaker 1: The Disney Afternoon hit an unexpected hiccup a few years earlier that was finally starting to rear its ugly head. Eisner and Katzenberg would try to strong-arm their former boss Barry Diller, which would lead to unexpected new competition. In 1988, Eisner bought a television station in Los Angeles that eventually became KCAL. With his new station, he obviously wanted to air Disney product. There was a problem. They were already airing the Disney Afternoon on Fox affiliates, Barry Diller's network.
0:00:32 S1: According to DisneyWar, Eisner had Katzenberg call Diller. In Diller's recounting of the discussion, Katzenberg said, "We want to renegotiate the Disney Afternoon, and we're taking away the LA market." Diller was shocked. They had a contract. "That's not fair," he protested. "I know you bought an LA station, but give us two or three years to replace this. Let's be reasonable." Diller called Eisner, who refused. "We were there for you when you needed us," Diller reminded him, pointing out that he'd bought the original programming for Disney Afternoon. Eisner still refused. "Okay then, we're out of business," Diller said. Fox promptly dropped the Disney Afternoon from all of its wholly owned stations and encouraged its affiliates to do the same. Still, that wasn't what put Diller over the edge. Even though he felt Eisner had betrayed him, it was when Disney sued Fox on antitrust grounds claiming Fox was trying to monopolize children's programming and then complained to the FCC that Fox was a morally unfit broadcaster with programming like the Simpsons.
0:01:35 S1: When Disney lawyers approached Diller about a possible settlement, Diller said the only settlement he'd consider was an apology. Disney ended up dropping the suit in 1992, but Diller told David Geffen, "I'm never going to speak to him, Eisner, again." Fox would launch its own kids programming in 1990, which would eventually cut into Disney's ratings with the cultural phenomenon Power Rangers, not to mention Batman, the animated series, and Animaniacs. Power Rangers was a show that no one wanted. It was turned down by everyone, and then became the show everyone wanted and wanted to replicate. Premiering in August of 1993, by December it was the biggest kid show by far. According to the Baltimore Sun, it was averaging a 12.5 on weekends with kids two to 11. Fox's X-Men was doing a 10.0. And it was first on weekdays. It was doing a 7.5 rating. Second was Fox's Animaniacs with a 5.6, and the highest rated non-Fox show on weekdays was Bonkers with a 4.5. Also in 1994, Power Ranger toy sales would reach nearly a billion dollars. At their highest height, Ninja Turtles had done only $450 million in sales.
0:02:50 S1: The butterfly effect was now spreading its wings, and the Disney Afternoon would take a hit, as did the future of syndication as networks realized they should be promoting their own IPs instead of other companies. It would even happen to Fox when Warner Brothers would take its popular hits, Batman and Animaniacs, and put it on their own WB network. And it wasn't just network competitors anymore, cable had entered the market as well. Nickelodeon had popped into the world of animation and their first three cartoons, Ren and Stimpy, Doug, and Rugrats had all been big successes. The syndication window was closing in the not too distant future, but for now Disney Television Animation was about to change with the times.
0:03:43 S1: Greg Weisman, creator Gargoyles.
0:03:46 Greg Weisman: The pitch for Aladdin, that I pitched to Eisner, it was just one poster shot of Aladdin and the Genie and three words, "Aladdin the series". He's like, "Sold." That was it. And I knew that. In other words, going in, it was like I could have given this whole pitch on Aladdin, but I thought anything I say would only give him a reason to say no. Aladdin's this huge movie. Let him imagine what the show is.
0:04:11 S1: Tad Stones, creator of Darkwing Duck.
0:04:14 Tad Stones: At the end of Darkwing, I said, "Okay, now Darkwing worked much closer." I think I can get even closer with my next show, which was going to be a science fiction show. Again, a comedy. The staff loved it, but the boss did not. I never got to pitch it to Michael and Jeffrey. You know, had a meeting, I said, "Oh, I'm gonna get a chance to do it." And it was like, "No." They wanted me to do Aladdin. Now, Aladdin was done by Ron Clements, John Musker. I said, "I used to room with... In the same office as Ron Clements." I mean I was literally four feet away from him. "Let me talk to those guys." With Aladdin there was the other thing that I did the first direct to home video, Return of Jafar. And all I was trying to do was keep our budgets up. And I thought, if there's one more source of revenue that comes in from our shows, this would be the excuse to not cut budgets or give us the money we need to pull off some of this stuff. I called up Home Video and said, "Technically, when I do this four part episode pilot to set up the show, technically it's the sequel to Aladdin. Are you interested?" And the guy took it to the higher ups and they were not.
0:05:25 TS: Then they put out Aladdin on video. Again, it broke records. They made a huge amount of money, and I called the guy back and again restated what I was doing. And this time he took it to the top and they were very interested. And we had a story meeting with my boss where he gave all sorts of notes. And I said, "Well, we got... That's a lot to pull off. We have to do that by March 14th or whatever the date was." He said, "Why?" I said, "Well, Home Video was willing to put this out on literally video at that time." And he said, "That's gravy. Do these notes and if you get them done in time, that's fine." And I had to be told this later by people who were in the room 'cause I had forgotten that I had said, "Okay we have to take those notes, but it also has to be done by this date so I can get it to Home Video."
0:06:11 TS: We did. And Return of Jafar was made for $3.5 million and it made something between $180 and $200 million domestic out on video. This may be apocryphal, but I was told that it was the first quarter where the company wouldn't have grown. Well, I don't know what, ten percent or whatever the number was, and I guess a bunch of executives had bonuses tied into profit growth. Evidently that was the first quarter that there wouldn't be bonuses, and then suddenly everybody got a bonus, and it was because of Return of Jafar, that out of nowhere this thing came in and making all this money. And that started the whole direct to video thing.
0:06:53 TS: All I was trying to do was to keep our budgets up. The stories involving the bonuses, they tried to do things like Lucas had with Star Wars had given everybody involved points or some sort of bonus, so they had X amount of money and they divided it up so everybody got something. And what that led to is whoever was last in line, some of the lower level people, got a bonus, a check of $50 or $100, whatever. People who basically were in the department who didn't work on the show, and all that did was piss them off 'cause they knew how much the movie had made. I got $14,000 and I told that to Ron and John. Now I was not an idiot. I knew that the only reason why the movie made that much money is because they had done an incredible Aladdin, and I remember telling that to them and their reaction was, "You got ripped off." And I realized, yeah, in live action terms, if you do a crappy spinoff of something that made a lot of money and your crappy spinoff makes a ton of money, you get a five picture deal and a new car in your driveway as a present from the studio. In animation, I was happy to get the bonus. But get a pat on the back and then you move on, do something else for us.
0:08:09 S1: Jymn Magon, writer.
0:08:11 Jymn Magon: Disney's had a definite style there for a while, of... I think we cornered the market in the comedy adventure genre. When Disney execs felt like they needed to branch out, I felt like the formula fell by the wayside. And it's like, "Hey, look what John Kricfalusi is doing on Ren and Stimpy. Let's do something like that. Hey, look what Warner Brothers is doing with superheroes. Let's do something like that." And I felt like, "Oh, this is interesting." Obviously, we're branching out, trying new things. But it felt weird to me that where we had before had been sort of chopping our way through the jungle, creating our own path. Now we were sort of following other people's paths, copying them. And that always seemed odd to me. But anyway, department does what the department does over the years, and the changes, and the new policy, and it gets worse or it gets better. And is it Disney? Yes, because it's Disney TV Animation. They're Disney and this is the show they're doing. It becomes part of the canon, you know.
0:09:15 S1: In 1994, Variety reported that Disney was spending $50 million to boost its afternoon, which resulted in two new series, Shnookums and Meat, and Gargoyles. Gargoyles, Aladdin, and Shnookums helped cut into the lead of Fox, but there was a larger problem that television animation was about to encounter. Disney's syndication contract with networks ran only through 1997, meaning that other networks could produce their own shows and make more money. This would leave Disney Animation without a home because Disney didn't own a network. In fact, earlier in the year, they had tried to buy NBC but failed. Total viewership was also in decline during this period, which had to do with VCRs, computers, and video games offering alternatives to television. And to add to the uncertainty of 1994, Jeffrey Katzenberg left the company and he left because he was fired by Michael Eisner.
0:10:12 S1: In a walk in Aspen together, according to Katzenberg, Eisner promised him that if anything happened to Frank Wells, Katzenberg would take over Wells's role as president. Eisner would later say that Katzenberg misunderstood this conversation. Unfortunately, something did happen to Wells. He was killed in a tragic helicopter crash on April 3, 1994. But business stops for no man, and Eisner went back on his word and did not put Katzenberg in Wells's position as president, nor did he name him as his successor. To make matters worse, in a white glove slap to the face to Katzenberg, Eisner took on the role of president himself. This led to a further deterioration of their relationship and Eisner gave Katzenberg his walking papers. Eventually Eisner also refused Katzenberg part of his contract, which stated Katzenberg would get two percent of all profits from any of the projects he had worked on at Disney.
0:11:08 S1: So, like all great Hollywood love stories, they went to court. At one point it came out that Eisner had said he hated that midget, referring to Katzenberg. The case could have been settled for $90 million at one point, but instead it was eventually settled for $280 million in Katzenberg's favor. And then to further complicate matters, Katzenberg went on to form DreamWorks with Spielberg and David Geffen. In the midst of all that, Shnookums and Meat, a funny cartoon show, was being made. Bill Kopp, animator.
0:11:40 Bill Kopp: And then I got a call from Disney Television, which I had never heard of. I didn't even know they had it. And Gary Krisel and Bruce Cranston made me an offer. They said, "Hey, we need some new funny stuff and we really think your eat show is funny, and can you come and do a funny show?" And I was like, "Well, like what?" And they were like, "Whatever you want." Seriously. I didn't have to pitch anything. They were just like, "Just come over and we'll do whatever comes out of your head." It was incredible. So I had a sketchbook full of stuff, and I just came in. And they said, "Well, how about a cat and a dog?" I said, "Okay." We started with that, and that must have been 1992 or 1993, something like that. I forget. Pitching at Disney now. I'm not saying [0:12:22] ____. I mean, it's legendarily hard. It's like running a gauntlet. There's all these people in these giant buildings and you just got to carve your way through. And then once you do get into development, you're gonna be there for a year or two just trying to get it through. My experience was, we had lunch and the next week I was there with a contract.
0:12:40 BK: There was no feeling of pressure or ever like, "Oh my God, the wheels are coming off." It never was like that. And we had a saying that Disney [0:12:49] ____. It's like, "Well, if something's... If something crashes, well, I'll just throw money at it." You know. Nobody bothered us. When they said, "You can do whatever you want," they never brought it up. I remember sitting in the editor room with Gary Krisel, who was a great guy, and he'd look at some of the rough animation coming back. He'd look at me and he'd go, "Is that funny?" And we're like, "Yeah, that's funny." He just trusted us, and it was awesome. Now, Jeffie came over one day, as he frequently did, while we were kicking it around. And I said, "The cat's kind of abrasive. So let's give him the opposite kind of name," you know, Shnookum, 'cause he was kind of a dick. And then we were just like, "What the fuck are we gonna call this dog?" We had no clue. Just nothing. And Jeffie came up with the name, and I think we were actually barbecuing something, which we also frequently did. And I think he just said, "Meat." And we had the design already. And I said, "Fuck, that's it."
0:13:40 BK: Shnookums and Meat. A little confusion came when they made the SpaghettiOs though. I had a can of them around here, they finally just deteriorated. I had to get rid of it, it was gonna explode. And it said, "Shnookums and Meat." It was like SpaghettiOs. The lawyers were like, "No, no, no, man. You gotta say that it's not meat. It's not a meat product."
0:13:58 Shnookums: Hey, what happened to your head?
0:14:00 Meat: Hey, what happened to your head?
0:14:07 Shnookums: Oh my gosh, my brain's gone.
0:14:10 Meat: Oh no, mine is to. What we gonna do Shnookums, what we gonna do? We don't have any brains.
0:14:21 Shnookums: Now, let's stay calm. I don't think you have too much to worry about, but I know I do. They couldn't have gone far.
0:14:27 BK: Right after the first two shorts went on to [0:14:29] ____ said, "Okay, let's make it a whole half hour. What else do you got?" And I just pulled out the Pith Possum, and the Tex Tinstar bit was gonna be a space serial called Guy Guy and the Space Vigilantes. We were all set to go, and then I got a call from John Kricfalusi, and I had Fontanelli there, you know, all of Kricfalusi's guys, [0:14:47] ____ was there. A couple... Eddie Fitzgerald. And John called me. He goes, "Hey man, I heard you're expanding your show, but can you maybe not do a space thing?" Actually, it was like getting a call from the Godfather. He was like, "Yeah, don't do a space thing." And I was like, I go, "Why?" And he goes, "Well, 'cause I'm working on one. I've been working on it for a while." Actually, Fontanelli brought that up to me too. So I just turned it into a western, which was easy because I was happy to accommodate. But I guess he never sold his space thing.
0:15:14 Speaker 8: Pith Possum. At one time an ordinary laboratory possum. He was changed forever by an experiment gone wrong, an experiment that endowed him with ultra possum-like abilities, turning him into Pith Possum, super dynamic possum of tomorrow. Maintaining his secret identity by cleverly disguising himself as Peter Possum, copy boy for a great metropolitan tabloid. He defends truth, justice, and the forest critter way for the good citizens of Possum City.
0:15:56 Speaker 9: Let me just grab what I have in store for you. The rope that holds you up Tinstar, will soon be burned through by that candle. When you fall, you'll land head first on this trampoline, which will send you flying into the pen full of rabid badgers. As you go down the ramp inside the pen, this torch will be knocked over, igniting the trail of gunpowder burning toward that cannon. Your barrel will roll toward that cannon and your head will become stuck. The gunpowder will burn the cannon's fuse and the cannon will fire. The blast will ignite the waterproof fuses on the dynamite surrounding your head. The cannon will shoot you through the roof of the barn, and then down into this giant tank full of man-eating sharks. The sharks will eat you. Then the dynamite will explode. The whole mess will be blown skyward and your remains will fall into this envelope, which I will place on a boat bound for Tunisia. So long, Tinstar.
0:16:48 BK: Anyway, and that was Shnookums and Meat, but again, that was so busy and I was the only writer. I wrote all 39 of those because I didn't know any better. After the show was on the air and we were done, Jeffie and I sat around. I went to Hawaii for six weeks to recuperate. I came back and they were just like, "Well, we don't know about the second season." And I mean, Shnookums and Meat was not... It was amazing that they let us do it 'cause it's not Disney, really. Well, it's not out of line, but it's weird. So we were just sitting there waiting to get the word, and I mean the writing was on the wall. I was like, "Yeah okay, there goes that. What are we gonna do next?" And I was there still getting paid. I developed other stuff. Jeffie and I were like, "This is gonna crack, man. What are we gonna fucking do now?"
0:17:34 BK: We didn't have a plan. And then, what happened was they said, "Oh, sorry boys. You're through." And we were like, "Ah fuck, okay well, at least we got that out." I mean that was three in one, dude. You got Pith and Tex, and Shnookum and Meat was actually our weakest link in the thing. And that was the only part that was foisted on us. But right after they canceled it, that was when Gary Krisel and Bruce Cranston left to go to Dreamworks, and we were like, "Ah." And it was like a sad goodbye and stuff.
0:18:06 BK: A new executive moved in, and we just weren't part of their plan. Because... And rightfully... They didn't know what to do with us. We were like a weird thing that, they were like, "Huh? Now what with these guys?" But we had a good time. I think we sort of knew in the back of our heads, it was like, "Wow, this will never last here." It isn't Disney material. The real story of that time was they were trying to keep up with Margaret and Fox Kids, and they were right to try crazy things. To their credit, they really, they stuck right by it. And then they... And Gary and Bruce did the same for us at DreamWorks when we went to do Toonsylvania.
0:18:42 S1: Greg Weisman, creator Gargoyles.
0:18:44 GW: We had the Disney Afternoon, which we viewed as sort of like the dragon that you had to feed a virgin to every six months. So every six months, we'd go up in front of Michael Eisner. In those days, Michael personally chose the shows. And we would pitch him six or seven shows. And he knew he always had to pick one to put into production. He could pick more than one, but he had to always pick at least one.
0:19:10 S1: Jymn Magon.
0:19:11 JM: Yeah, what we would do is every week, we would have this writer's meeting that I think it was Wednesday mornings, and it was like any new writers out there, any new talent, any new ideas, it was always looking for what are we gonna pitch? What's the next big thing? And of course, like everything in Hollywood, it was basically, what was the most recent hit film? With Star Wars, Indiana Jones, whatever. But people would come in and they'd pitch all kinds of things. And the things that were noteworthy would get... I'm not sure we did artwork on all of it, but at least we had a list of shows that we would take to the meetings with Eisner and Katzenberg and say, "Okay, this is called Wonder Weenie. It's about a guy in a hot dog suit that gets kidnapped and taken to another planet, where they think he's a hero 'cause of his television commercials." And it was like, Gong. [chuckle] "No, next." And we would just do that. We would come up with these sort of one, two sentence pitches and they would go, "Nah, or yeah."
0:20:13 S1: Greg Weisman.
0:20:14 GW: We were all sort of keeping an eye on Batman, and sort of seeing was this going to be a success or not? It was a serious drama on cartoon, and would that work? Because the conventional wisdom is it always has to be comedy, and often it's a pendulum and that conventional wisdom swings back into the forefront all the time. But Batman was working, it was working so well they tried it in prime time, and then it didn't work in prime time. And so the desire for us to do something along those lines sort of waxed and waned, often with Batman's ratings. And we didn't have superheroes in our camp so to speak, so we didn't wanna do Batman, we didn't wanna copy that, but we wanted to try and do something different. But that's not how Gargoyles came about at all. Those are almost two separate discussions that dovetailed later.
0:21:08 GW: Gargoyles was initially developed as a comedy adventure, very much inspired by and along the lines of Gummi Bears, Disney's Adventures of the Gummi Bears, which was a show we were really proud of, created by a guy named Jymn Magon. We thought was great. It had this very rich backstory and we thought it didn't get enough respect, and we thought that the main reason for that was because there was brand confusion with Care Bears. Care Bears was a sort of sacchariney sweet, kinda awful show, from my point of anyway. But the brand confusion was understandable because both shows featured cute, cuddly, multi-colored bears. Gummi Bears wasn't that. It was an adventure show. It was funny. It was exciting. It had a great comedic villain in Duke Igthorn and great sidekick in [0:21:54] ____, and great characters, and just a lot of fun. So we set out very consciously to create a show in that vein with the same sort of rich backstory, but that would get more respect. So everything in the 90s, the sort of buzz word was everything had to be edgy. Instead of doing cute, cuddly, multi-colored bears, we did cute, cuddly, multi-colored gargoyles. Gargoyles having been something that fascinated me since I was in high school.
0:22:23 GW: And we thought that's edgier. And instead of setting it in medieval times, we'd have this rich medieval backstory, but we'd set it in the present. We'd have gargoyles have a spell cast on them and they'd wake up in the 20th century, and that seemed edgier too. And so we thought, we can do this kind of show and have this fun comedy adventure with Gargoyles. So we put together a pitch, and we pitched it to Michael Eisner, and he passed. But we really liked the show and my bosses, Bruce and Gary, both really liked it. And they were like, "Well, take another pass at it." So I showed it to a number of people, just the original comedy pitch, to try and get some feedback and see what else I might do with it. One of the people I showed it to was Tad Stones.
0:23:06 TS: Gargoyles had a long history of things that are in a direct line that ended up with Gargoyles. And some of them didn't involve Gargoyles at all. They were gremlins, or whatever. The last thing I'd been playing with I think was a Three Musketeers version of these gargoyles. I had just seen the rough cut of Beauty and the Beast. So again, I'm instrumental. I'm not a genius, at least not in that meeting. Greg had asked me in just to talk about things and be in the discussion with his assistants basically. Again, he was an executive. And I said, "What if he was the last of the gargoyles? This could be your Beauty and the Beast 'cause you've already got the female there." He is one of the fastest thinkers I've ever seen. While he's watching a movie, he is analyzing, dissecting it. And walking out of a movie he'll have all sorts of comments, where I'm going, "Well, I thought the colors were nice." Anyway, he was on to something, he kind of said to his assistant, "Okay, you follow up on the Three Musketeers angle. I wanna work on this."
0:24:07 GW: And that really clicked for me. And so I created the character of Goliath with the artist Greg Guler, and we took the whole show, the whole comedy development and put it through the prism of Goliath and came out the other side fundamentally with the show that made it on the air. And we were so enthusiastic about it, we came up with all these concepts for villains and adventures and stories and put together this huge long pitch and pitched it to Eisner six months after we'd pitched it the first time. And he passed, killed it. And so I thought it was done. We tried. It wasn't the first time I'd pitched a show and it had gotten killed. And the next day we had what we called a postmortem meeting. In those days, Jeffrey Katzenberg was... And Michael ran the whole company, but Jeffrey Katzenberg was head of the studio. And so Jeffrey had been in the meeting with Gary and Bruce and I, and we were having this postmortem meeting where we were discussing actually the shows that Michael had said yes to and what the next steps would be. And so after having this discussion about the yes shows, we all got up to go. And as I'm about to go, Jeffrey said to me, "Oh, and you're gonna work on Gargoyles some more, right?"
0:25:20 GW: And Bruce and I sort of looked at each other, and I was like, "Well no, Michael killed it. He killed it as a comedy. He killed it as a drama. I don't know what else we'd do with it." And Jeffrey said, "Oh, Michael didn't kill it, he just thought it needed more work." Now I had been there the day before, and I knew that he had killed it. But what this was telling me was that Michael may not have liked it, but Jeffrey liked it. And in those days Jeffrey wasn't gonna contradict what Michael had said, but he still felt it was worth pursuing. I also found out later that Gary had talked to Jeffrey about the need to diversify the Disney Afternoon from the standpoint of all we had in those days were very similar, funny animal comedy adventure cartoons, and that if we just kept doing that over and over again, eventually the audience would get bored with those kind of cartoons. No matter how good they were, they'd just get bored with them. And we had to bring other types of things in, which led to shows like Goof Troop, which was really more sitcom than comedy adventure. Shows like Shnookums and Meat, which was more sort of Tex Avery short cartoons, and Gargoyles.
0:26:36 GW: And so we went back to the drawing board for a third time to try and figure out how we were gonna pitch Gargoyles for a third time. And we looked at the show that we had, and we thought, "Nope, this is the show. We don't wanna change the show at all." So the problem isn't the show, the problem is the pitch. And what you realize is that we had just put way too much into the pitch. It had diffused it all and gotten confusing and we hadn't been crisp and clear. So we just pulled things out, things that we eventually did use in the show, but we pulled all these elements out and really narrowed it down to the key idea, which frankly, was the Beauty and the Beast idea.
0:27:16 GW: It was this relationship between Goliath, the lead gargoyle, and Elisa, the cop, who befriends him in the 20th century after he wakes up. And we very much played it like Beauty and the Beast, which actually was a movie that had done very well for Disney recently. So six months later, we pitched it to Michael a third time, and this time they bought it. We had added nothing to this pitch, we just subtracted. I'd reordered a few things. We may have redrawn a card or two just to clarify an idea, but there was nothing new, it was just shorter. Jeffrey turned to me and said, "You added a lot to that pitch didn't you?" And I said, "Yes, I did." And that was history. We went on and made the show.
0:28:03 Speaker 10: One thousand years ago superstition in the sword ruled. It was a time of darkness, it was a world of fear, it was the age of Gargoyles. Stone by day, warriors by night. We were betrayed by the humans we had sworn to protect, frozen in stone by a magic spell for a thousand years. Now, here in Manhattan, the spell is broken and we live again. We are defenders of the night. We are Gargoyles!
0:29:01 GW: And so, yes, relative to Goof Troop it's dark, but I don't think of it as dark. There's tons of humor in that show. The color palette is rich, full of blues and purples and magentas and neon. It's not a dark show either visually or thematically. It's fundamentally a show about a guy, Goliath, who's an optimist, who believes that the world can be a better place, that bad things happen but they can be fixed, that the next generation can do better or that we can make it better. And so it's got a fundamentally optimistic tone to it. In terms of supervision, the advantage there was that I'd been the executive at Disney for five years when we went into production. I often compare it to a lunatic asylum, TV animation, in that there are inmates and then there are trustees, and the trustees are actually also inmates, but they're considered by management to be less crazy.
0:30:07 GW: So they give the trustee a stick, a baton to keep the other lunatics in line. And so that's how I sort of see my role on Gargoyles. I was the lunatic most trusted. So because of what was going on, both in the larger company and at TV Animation, there were a lot of shows in crisis for various reasons. And because of that and because I was in charge of Gargoyles, which I produced with Frank Paur, we were both producers, but from an executive standpoint it was still me. I was the lunatic most trusted at Disney TV Animation, so they kinda left us alone. And I remember at one point, Frank and I had lunch with Gary during season two and Gary said, "I wanna apologize to you guys. I have not been paying attention to Gargoyles at all. We've had other things going on. How is it going? What's going on? How's it going on the show?"
0:30:54 GW: And we said, "Well, it's going pretty good. Schedule's tough, but we're managing and we're happy with how things are turning out." He's like, "Great. What kind of stories are you doing?" So we started telling him about that and at one point we told him about Xanatos and Fox getting married and having a baby. And he goes, "Whoa, whoa. I wouldn't do that. You can't have the bad guy have a baby. You can't have the bad guy raising a kid. You gonna take the kid away from him? That'll be bad. And if you don't take the kid away from him then you got a villain raising a kid. Don't do that one."
0:31:23 GW: And we were like looking at each other and then I say to him, "Well, we already did it." So there was this long pause. And Frank and I are both sort of like what's gonna happen here? Is he gonna still reject it and force us to sort of tear the whole show apart and start over? And you could sort of tell he's thinking the same thing, like he doesn't like this idea at all. But on the other hand, this was the one show that was going smoothly, and if he rips it all apart, then he's gotta get another show in crisis. So after this long pause, he says to us, "Well, don't dwell on it." I said, "Okay, we won't dwell on it." Whatever the hell that meant, but so we didn't. I mean we didn't do it, we didn't change anything, but that was the kind of thing, we had very little supervision because of where I had come from. We pretty much made the show that Frank and I wanted to make and had almost no interference whatsoever.
0:32:25 GW: Gargoyles was sort of superheroes done without flagging that they're superheroes. No tights, no capes. For all intents and purposes that was the genre we were doing. A year or so later, I was in a meeting with Eisner where he announced his desire to buy Marvel, and I watched his corporate strategic guys talk him out of it and say, "Marvel's a disaster. They've got their rights sold all over the place. So you'd buy the company and then find out you can't make a movie about Spiderman because they've tripled sold the rights to three different companies. And Fantastic Four is being held by this company. And blah, blah, blah, blah."
0:33:05 GW: Now of course, years later Bob Iger just bought it anyway, and yeah, couldn't do X-Men, couldn't do Fantastic Four, couldn't do Spiderman, at least not at first, bought it anyway. Of course, it's been a huge success for Disney. But Eisner was talked out of it that day. So he turned to us, to Gary and Bruce and myself and says, "Can we use Gargoyles to start a Disney superhero universe?" And I said, "Yeah." And we began developing spinoffs, which we would do backdoor pilots for during season two of the show. But by the time those things got on the air, Jeffrey had left the company. Rich Frank had left the company. Frank Wells had died. Bruce had left the company. All the main supporters of Gargoyles had gone, and so that notion of using Gargoyles to launch Disney's own superhero universe sort of fell away.
0:34:01 GW: But for, I don't know, three or four months, it was like this is what we've got to do 'cause we can't buy Marvel, and Warner Brothers has DC. And on one level, and I don't think we even appreciated it at the time, but the great thing about Michael himself picking the shows was that everyone in every division got on board or got out of the way. In the years that followed, when Michael stopped picking the shows personally, those decisions began being made by committee. You found you had to get literally unanimous vote in order to sell a show. You needed not just one important person to say yes, or two or three, but literally you needed something like eight or nine people to say yes. And if even one said no, the others would jump off the show. And it became much harder to sell. So Michael was sort of the last of the moguls from my point of view, and we didn't appreciate it at the time 'cause there were so many shows he passed on that we thought were great, but what we didn't get was yeah, that may have been so but the shows he picked we got to just make. And that hasn't been the same in most places since then.
0:35:12 GW: I think what happened was, is that over time, there was this sort of sense within the corporation that Michael was micromanaging, not from us per se. I don't think it had anything to do with TV Animation, but just in general. And there was this sense that he had to start giving some things up. One of the things he gave up was choosing the animated series, but he didn't invest that power in another individual. Again, sort of became a decision by committee, a committee where any one person could derail something.
0:35:40 Speaker 11: Five-eights today to close at 42 and five-eights, one day after the company announced the resignation of Disney studio's chief Jeffrey Katzenberg. While rumors run rampant about where Katzenberg will end up, Disney chairman Michael Eisner said today, the company will likely produce fewer films.
0:35:57 GW: Jeffrey left. Rich Frank left. A lot of this was in the wake of Frank Wells's death, which was a tragedy in it's own right, but also destabilized the company. Roy Disney was not happy with Jeffrey. Ultimately, not happy with Michael either. So ultimately, both departed and Gary had at least a couple job offers that I know about, maybe more. I think Jeffrey wanted him at DreamWorks and had an offer out to him, and then when Bruce Cranston left to go to Dreamworks, Gary decided that DreamWorks would be a good place to sort of work with Bruce again and reform that team. So Gary also picked DreamWorks. So you had Jeffrey, Gary, and Bruce all at DreamWorks. Those were the three guys who I'd worked with. So at Disney, everyone sort of assumed that I'd be going to DreamWorks.
0:36:50 GW: When my deal was up at the end of the second season of Gargoyles, that I'd leave and go to DreamWorks. And I didn't actually want to. I wanted to stay and do a third season of Gargoyles. But it became this self-fulfilling prophesy. They were so sure I was gonna go to DreamWorks that they stopped inviting me to meetings, 'cause they thought of me as I was already spying for DreamWorks or something. It was kind of ridiculous. But they didn't make a job offer to me until a week before I was leaving, at which point, I did end up going to DreamWorks because I didn't have any other job offers. A week out they finally made an offer to me too late. So I went. And they really kind of made it clear that I wasn't welcome there anymore.
0:37:36 GW: In November of 1995, I wanna say, they came to me, and said they wanted me to do the third season of Gargoyles but they were offering me a demotion from producer to story editor. They said the show was going to be animated at Deak, but Deak had a very bad track record in those days in terms of the look of the thing, and that it would be pre-produced there as well. And they gave me a schedule in November of 1995, where the first script was due in October of 1995. And I looked at the schedule. I said, "Well, do you have a time machine? Because I don't know how I'm supposed to go back and deliver a script in October when it's already November and we haven't started." And they're like, "Well, we know that schedule's gotta be adjusted, but we wanted you to see where it had to end so you'd have to catch up. Not instantaneously, but by the end of the season you'd have to catch up." And so it felt to me like they were asking me to preside over the demise of the show. That they were reducing the budget, reducing the quality of the animation, reducing the quality of all the preproduction, giving us an impossible schedule, and then asking me on top of all that, to take it to motion.
0:38:57 GW: And we didn't even talk about money. That... We didn't even get to that. I just said, "Look, I need the weekend to think about this." And they said, "Great. Take the weekend." And then I came in Monday and they had hired my replacement already. And I said, "What the hell?" And they said, "Oh well, you can still say yes. You're a... We just figured we needed someone in case you said no." Which basically said they were trying to get me to say no. They were trying to make the deal so horrible that I'd say no. So I just said, "Fine, I'll walk away." And so I winded up going to DreamWorks, and they all sort of patted themselves on the back and said, "See, we knew he was gonna go to DreamWorks." But of course they're the reason I went to DreamWorks 'cause they basically kicked me out. Not literally, but basically.
0:39:44 GW: I ended up writing the first episode for them, which they gave to other people to add it into whatever. So the version that got on TV was, I thought, a mess, but still better than the other 12, which were done by good people, but good people who didn't know the show and didn't have time to familiarize themselves with the show. And so those last, that last season of Gargoyles, the fans and I just don't even count it as canon to the series. And we look at the comic book series that I did years later as the sort of true third season. I watched the third season. I watched every episode exactly once. That's not quite true, I watched the one that I wrote more than once, not a lot, but the other 12 I watched exactly once each and made myself do it. I don't know why, but I did. It was very painful for me on a lot of levels, not just again, not just because I didn't think they were very good, which I didn't, even though I know a lot of good people worked on them, but characters were just behaving out of character. And the stories just weren't up to our standards. And it was just a different show.
0:40:57 S1: The original Mighty Ducks movie was made because Eisner's kids liked hockey. So it got a green light. And based on the success of the movie, which the company termed market research, Eisner bought an expansion NHL team and promptly named them the Mighty Ducks. And with that purchase came an addition to the television line up. The Mighty Ducks, the Animated Series, premiered in September 1996, and Joe Barruso, and animation veteran, served as a director and supervising producer.
0:41:27 Joe Barruso: The reason I was able get a job at Disney, and went from Deak to Disney I think had more to do with the fact that the show that I had directed and produced, Where on Earth is Carmen Sandiego, had won an Emmy in '95 as the best children's animated program. And it was one of the first shows that they called edutainment because it had this emphasis on providing real information, whether it was historical or science, in combination with an entertaining story. It was a detective-type story where a couple of younger kids were pursuing Carmen Sandiego. It was based on a computer game that was very popular at that time. They were looking for someone specifically for Mighty Ducks at the time. They needed a producer and director. And so yeah, I went and interviewed specifically for that project.
0:42:20 JB: In the initial meetings they showed me what they had done to that point and it wasn't a lot. It's funny, thinking back on it, it had started because Friends was very popular at that time, hugely successful at that time, so they wanted something like Friends. I remember them pitching it to me that way, and I thought, "Oh well, that's interesting." In the development that I'd seen to that point, when it was the Friend's concept, it was like we had in the show ultimately, it was human characters with duck heads, so it was sort of breaking with Disney tradition in terms of DuckTales and things that were clearly Donald Duck type characters. This was a new twist on the ducks for them. And that wasn't tremendously interesting to me, but then I can't recall at what point it shifted and became more sci-fi based, you know heroes in the image of sort of Ninja Turtles. And that's when David Wise, the editor, came on board.
0:43:22 JB: It was clear it was gonna go that direction. He had had a great deal of experience with Ninja Turtles, editing those shows, so he brought all that thinking and that expertise in terms of that particular genre, in going in that direction. He bought all that. That's when I was excited about... Sci-fi had always been a big interest for me and then anime was just getting really a lot of attention at that time. It really caught my interest, so that when we started talking that way, I was like, "Oh well, this will be great. We can use anime influences on this." But yeah, I think the old school that was there, because it was ducks, was a little uncomfortable. But our character designer, Greg Guler, he had had a longstanding relationship with Disney TV, and so he had done it all. He really knew it inside out. At the same time he had a great interest in superheroes. His background, he had originally come from comic books, so his first love was superheroes. So here he had a chance to combine Disney ducks with superheroes, so it was really a perfect opportunity for him. He was just a fantastic artist. So it all sort of came together.
0:44:32 JB: I was relieved that it was moving away from sort of a Friends sitcom to something more sci-fi and hero based. All our influences in terms of doing the art were harder edged. We never really got to go as far in that sci-fi direction as we would have liked to, but the way it's done is in terms of the development and art direction, it's sort of a consensus. So you have to put it in front of a whole bunch of people. And that included at the time, that included Michael Eisner and Michael Ovitz. We had meetings where they reviewed the artwork, and so they would have their input. I was kind of reaching for one end of the spectrum, and them pulling us back to something that was a little more comfortable. I was pleased that we were able to go as far as we did, given what they had done with ducks to that point.
0:45:24 Speaker 13: Six hockey playing ducks appear out of nowhere and suddenly six vigilantes in comic book get-up start showing up whenever there's trouble. Spill it. Where are they from? Another planet?
0:45:36 Speaker 14: Not another planet babe. A whole 'nother universe.
0:45:40 S1: And in this universe, there's a planet inhabited entirely by ducks.
0:45:45 Speaker 15: They called it Puckworld in honor of their greatest hero, the legendary hockey player, Drake DuCaine. He was the ultimate team captain. He saved Puckworld from a horde of conquering aliens, called the Saurian Overlords, hundreds of years ago.
0:46:00 JB: Michael Eisner, he was excited about it because he was excited about the hockey team. So here was just an opportunity to promote it.
0:46:07 Speaker 16: Well, this is sad news indeed for Duck fans. It looks like the Mighty Ducks season long winning streak may be coming to an end. They're tied with the Maine Quahogs with forty seconds remaining at Quahog Center. John Luke [0:46:20] ____ is aiming to score again. Oh, a spectacular save by the Mighty Ducks goalie, Wildwing. You know, not only are these ducks mighty, they're really ducks.
0:46:36 JB: Interesting thing that we did, which was sort of unconventional, was after the shows would come back animated, we would of course assemble them. It was decided that they were not funny enough. I would spend large amounts of time each day sitting with two comedy writers who would rewrite the shows. And rewrite jokes into the shows. And we would sit and we would have to make sure, because the shows were already animated, we would have to make sure that the new lines would work with the mouths that we already had. So, it was a grueling exercise of... They're trying to be funny, trying to... Coming up with jokes, but we had to make sure that they could work in the animation, as it was already completed. That was different, yeah, maybe one in ten were actually worth all the time and energy.
0:47:29 S1: So these hockey playing ducks were attacked by a dinosaur named Dragaunus. Am I hearing you right?
0:47:36 S1: You're bright, you got it babe.
0:47:38 S1: Beautiful. I could have stayed home watching sci-fi chiller theater, but this is much funnier. All right, what happened next?
0:47:48 JB: It was kind of disappointing that it went away just after 26 episodes 'cause there really was a big push behind it. The Disney marketing machine and merchandising machine was behind it entirely. And Mattel was on board entirely for the toy line. And I guess it was the second largest toy line in Canada, second only to Star Wars at that time, which makes sense 'cause it was hockey. And I know for a fact that Mattel was disappointed that it went away 'cause they had planned years of it. It never did horribly, but some weeks it would be just average, but other weeks it would be doing really well, so it was a surprise when we didn't get more episodes. I had worked my whole life towards the point of having the opportunity to do the traditional look, and a big thrill for me was to finally be at Disney, which was a personal goal. And so I was happy that I was able to do Mighty Ducks and sort of kick it up a notch in terms of duck properties.
0:48:47 S1: Jymn Magon. The last show the Disney Afternoon would produce was Quack Pack, a descendant of DuckTales, but with the nephews as teenagers and Donald as the parental figure instead of Uncle Scrooge. It should have been a perfect ending to Disney's run, but some things are not meant to be.
0:49:04 JM: I did move after the Goofy Movie into development on Duck Days, which eventually became Quack Pack. By that time, the whole mindset of the studio was changing. People that were valuable before were being sort of pushed aside and people that weren't valuable were being elevated and there was a lot more what I call baby suits showing up, middle management who were making decisions, creative decisions about things, people who had never made a single frame of film were making decisions. And it just got very strained, and it got so strained that I eventually said I need more money or I'm gonna go somewhere else, which was very, very difficult for me because I loved Disney. I thought I would retire from Disney, and it just didn't happen.
0:49:58 JM: From then on it was just like, I can't even follow what they're doing anymore. Well, it was part of the deal breaker. We were trying something new. We said, "How are we gonna do a series with Donald Duck when nobody can really understand Donald?" He's fine in a short where he goes, "Oh brother," or, "What's the big idea?" That kind of stuff. But to do dialogue is crazy. To try and hang a show on someone that you can't understand was gonna be very difficult. And we had some radical ideas and management looked down their noses at us. And I remember at one point our producer on the show, Larry Latham, was listening to management spouting about something or another. He looked over at me and he just, he did the throat cut, like cut, I'm out here.
0:50:51 JM: And shortly after that Carl Gears and I, who were the executive producers on the show, we just said, "We're happy to continue working on this, but we can't be running the show because management doesn't believe in it." And management said, "Okay fine." They never even called us and said, "What's wrong?" Accepted our statement and, which was basically a big, you know, forget you. And it was like, "Well, they don't care about us anymore." Like I said, that was sort of a turning point, for me anyway. I think it was a turning point for the department as well. But anyway, and I left shortly after that. We had a terrific run, and then just things felt... Started to get weird, that's all.
0:51:36 JM: And again, I can't put my finger on it, but to me, it had a lot to do with we stopped doing what we were good at and started following other people's leads. Every show we did was like number one in its slot, and so it wasn't like, "Oh ratings are slipping, let's do something different." To me, that genre, that style of Disney comedy adventure could still be going as far as I know. But it was like, "No, let's do Shnookums and Meat, and let's do Gargoyles. Let's do things that look like other studios." It just felt wrong to me. But again, I'm not in charge, I don't make those calls, I just, I'm a stupid ass show developer and story editor. I don't get to make the big decisions.
0:52:18 S1: Dean Stefan, writer.
0:52:20 Dean Stefan: And then of course Quack Pack was originally called Duck Days. The way I hear it, and I don't know, 'cause you know. It could be not exactly true, but I think it's true. Jymn Magon and, I think, Carl Gears were set to develop it, and much like Tad Stones was locked in his office for about six months or so when I first started, coming up with Darkwing Duck and all the artwork or whatever. Jymn and Carl were figuring out the show for Duck Days or Quack Pack. And at the time, Home Improvement was a big hit for Disney ABC, and they got the idea that Donald would be like the Tim Allen character. And he would have Huey, Louie, and Dewey, much like Tim Allen was the harried dad of the three kids. And the conceit was gonna be 'cause Donald couldn't really, he didn't have that many phrases he could say that... Disney actually had a list from the 30s they would hand to us, say, "These are the phrases that are recognizable, that Donald said." Because there just weren't that many words that you could make out, the way he talked.
0:53:26 DS: So their conceit was that he would have been a tailgunner in some kind of war and nobody could understand his instructions, so the military sent him to allocution school. And he would learn to speak clearer so that now he could do the sit-comy stuff with the kids and they can interact and stuff like that. So they had this whole thing worked out based upon the harried dad interacting with... And the way I hear it, they went to pitch to Katzenberg and the whole table of Disney suits. And they said, "Okay so, in this Donald, he went to allocution school because nobody could understand him in the military. Now he can speak a lot clearer." And that's about as far as they got.
0:54:07 DS: And Katzenberg says, "Wait, you wanna change the duck? You're gonna change the way Donald Duck talks?" And that was pretty much the end of the pitch, so that was it. So six months of work down the drain, 'cause without that they didn't really have a show. So then it became just really harried and it became Daisy Duck would be a roving reporter, and the kids would be tagalongs and Donald would almost be comic relief. You'd cut to him in the hammock doing gags and stuff like that. And it was a weird time at Disney 'cause we were between shows. And I think I wrote the Bible for Quack Pack, but I guess the show was okay. I'm not sure how it did in relation to the other ones. I don't think of it as one of the great ones.
0:54:49 S1: Jim Peterson, writer.
0:54:51 Jim Peterson: The origin of it is kind of muddled a little bit 'cause it kinda went through a whole bunch of different creative hands. So there was, I think it was originally Jymn Magon's project, and then he ended up leaving Disney. And Carl Gears took over. And then Carl got taken off the project and it was turned over to Kevin Hopps, who was our original story editor on Darkwing. And on the artistic side, Toby Shelton was running it, and they had kind of very different views of just between the two of them, how they wanted the series to run. And Toby really loved classic Donald Duck cartoons, and he kinda wanted to take it that way. And Kevin was more, it seemed, more on the sit-comy kind of stuff. We came in. There had already been a couple scripts written, but we ended up rewriting on what would become essentially the first episode, which was where Donald Duck gets drafted back into the Navy, of course, for some bizarre reason.
0:56:14 JP: The one that came out, kind of was still watchable was an episode called "The really Mighty Ducks". In it Huey, Dewey, and Louie become superheroes and Donald becomes a super villain called the Duck of Doom. And the whole battle is just about Donald trying to get the boys to clean their room, and they're doing everything humanly possible to, or duckly possible I suppose, to avoid cleaning their room.
0:56:41 Donald Duck: Clean this room or else.
0:56:47 Speaker 20: Clean our room? The nerve of some people.
0:56:50 Speaker 21: We're much too busy.
0:56:52 Speaker 22: We got a million things to do.
0:56:55 S?: We got nothing to do.
0:56:57 JP: And when Duck Days was winding up, it was an era where Disney was letting go of all of their staff writers. During the Bonkers run, they were also doing a couple other series at the time. So there were like 51 staff writers at that point, at Disney TV Animation. And when we finally left at the end of Duck Days, there were less than ten. So part of the reason was that Disney lost their market when Fox acquired the rights to the NFL. And a lot of stations that were independent and carrying the Disney Afternoon, signed up with Fox and had to drop the Disney Afternoon for the Fox cartoons. But at the time, that was our perception on the executive explanations for why the affiliates were dropping the Disney Afternoon. So that and also, at the same time, Turner acquiring Hanna-Barbara. Then he let go of all of the staff writers and decided to go freelance, and Disney kind of followed suit on that 'cause there were a bunch of writers available on the freelance market that didn't used to be available.
0:58:01 S1: In 1997 Disney purchased ABC, which was the final nail in the coffin for what had been known as the Disney Afternoon. Not only was that over, syndication was basically over as well. With their new network, Disney went full Nickelodeon, even bringing in Geraldine Laybourne who headed the Nickelodeon network. And Disney Television Animation changed quickly in response.
0:58:24 S1: In an attempt that the press called The Nickelodeonization of Disney, they bought Doug out from under Viacom and brought in Joe Ansolabehere who helped develop Hey Arnold! And Paul Germain who co-created Rugrats, to launch Recess, which became the flagship show of Disney's One Saturday Morning. With One Saturday Morning, Disney would retake the title of the number one kids block. The shows were far different than what had been done in the past, and the familiar faces that had transformed television animation like Gary Krisel, Greg Weisman, Mark Zaslove, and Jymn Magon, no longer wandered the halls. But a few were still there. Tad Stones.
0:59:02 TS: They had a luncheon at the rotunda restaurant where they invited the key people in the department, key creative people in the department were all there for the executives to introduce themselves. And Jerry Laborne, [0:59:17] ____ that she's talking about her direction. And she says, and obviously they had worked this out before. Says, "Dean, I hate ducks." And then that was Dean Valentine, and he replied. "I hate ducks too." Which was basically crapping on 80 percent of the people in the room, to say nothing of you would not have been offered a job because there would be no job to be had if it wasn't for those shows that you're currently crapping on. I was luckily on vacation during that luncheon. I don't know how I would have reacted. I wouldn't have said anything, but I might have walked out, which would've had the same effect. But it was totally disrespectful.
1:00:00 TS: You can certainly say, "You guys have done a fantastic job. And now the market's changing, we want to do something entirely different and we're looking for new ideas, and here's the ideas we're starting with." It's like, "Why do you have to piss on something to move forward?" So that was, again, this... They had a pitch, they had a strategy. Upper upper managment had signed off on it. So it's just basically, here's our show runners and some of you are gonna be working on these shows and some of you are not. So it's just a management thing. It's not like a slow evolution. It is just, "Hey, this is what we're doing now." And it's like, "Okay, are we doing any more of that?" "No, we're not gonna do any more of that, but we're still gonna do those feature spin-offs 'cause they're still doing well."
1:00:45 TS: That's that, you know.
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greatdrams · 6 years
The GreatDrams Bourbon Lover’s Guide to Whiskey Tourism in Kentucky
Here at GreatDrams we'll be focusing on Bourbon over the next two weeks. What better way to get started than with a whiskey holiday!
Now, I don’t know about you but I’ve wanted to visit Kentucky for years. To make the pilgrimage, to visit the distilleries, to meet the people and to enjoy fantastic bourbon… and finally this happened in September 2018. Here is The GreatDrams Bourbon Lover's Guide to Whiskey Tourism in Kentucky.
If you’re travelling from the UK, I found flying from Manchester to Heathrow to Chicago and on to Lexington the easiest way, although choosing to fly with British Airways was definitely not the best as they failed in pretty much every way both ways, across all five flights but the rant about that will stay to Facebook and their complaints email address.
There are other travel options when visiting Kentucky from the UK;
London Heathrow to Atlanta and on to Lexington
London Heathrow to Chicago and on to Cincinnati and getting a $110 cab to Lexington
London Heathrow to New York JFK and on to Lexington
And many more.
It will take time to get there, but like all good pilgrimages, you get out what effort you put in and I was truly rewarded with brilliance during my time whilst visiting Kentucky.
I stayed at the 21c Hotel in Downtown Lexington, a museum hotel that was somewhere between inspiring and mightily random - for example there were big, 4ft blue plastic penguins everywhere and in all the corridors, and the maid (I assume) even put one in my room one morning - but incredibly comfortable and with a great local beer and whiskey menu… and the food was fantastic, so well worth a stay if you’re in the area.
Distilleries in Kentucky are, like Scotland and Ireland, relatively well spread out so you will need a car to get around and I would highly recommend hiring a driver or asking who you are with REALLY nicely to be the designated driver as, whilst not all distilleries let you sample their whiskeys, you might pick up a sample or pass a bar along the way you want to try some wonderful Bourbon, Rye, Wheated Bourbon or concept whiskeys in.
Two of the days I was in Kentucky I had meetings so was very fortunate that one of the people I was seeing, Brian, was awesome enough to drive me around to various distilleries, he then arranged a private tour for my final day with a company called Bottled in Bond Tours.
Bottled in Bond Tours is owned by a well-travelled chap named Nate who is one of the most fantastically enthusiastic people about all things Kentucky, Bourbon and whiskey that I’ve met. A really nice guy who tailors your time with him to exactly what you want to do, see and experience. Nate also has connections in most of the distilleries so can get you to access things you probably would not otherwise be able to on your own.
I did not have a lot of time to explore the bar scene due to my schedule but did enjoy a couple of fantastic bars in Lexington, Kentucky.
The Bluegrass Tavern
Address: 1303, 115 Cheapside, Lexington, KY 40507, United States
Website: http://www.thebluegrasstavern.com
Opening Time: 5:00 pm
What a bar! Owned by a great guy named Sean who, along with the previous owners of the bar, have amassed an 800+ bottle strong collection of Bourbon ranging from the classics to the rarest and the obscure.
Make sure you go to this bar, it is affectionately described by their bartenders as a 'bourbon-centric dive bar’ and man did it deliver not only the American bar experience I love, with good local beers and superb Bourbon, but the guys there are awesome. Bartender Austin in particular was great at showing me superb whiskeys they have in that I would not be able to try anywhere else and it was great just to spend hours chatting about Bourbon and Kentucky with him. Whilst there I tried some belters including:
Chicken Cock Bourbon (chosen for the name, chosen again for how great it tasted)
Weller 12 Year Old
Wild Turkey Decades
Wilderness Trail Single Barrel
Wilderness Trail 4 Year Old Rye
Russell’s Reserve Bluegrass Tavern Barrel Select ‘Gobble Gobble Gulp’ exclusive to the bar
Not a Bourbon bar at all, in fact I’m not sure I saw a Bourbon on the bar whilst there, but they had around a hundred, maybe more craft beers on tap ranging from all different styles and flavours.
The food here was great too, I had the Vladimir Poutine - essentially chips, gravy and cheese curd with a bit of brisket on top… a Canadian delicacy that I had not had in a couple of years so fancied tucking in again.
Bourbon on Rye
Address: 115 W Main St, Lexington, KY 40507, USA
Website: https://www.facebook.com/bourbononrye/
Opening Time: 4:00 pm
Simply put; this is where great Bourbon lives. A must visit.
In the three days I was in Kentucky I managed to visit nine distilleries in total, each and every one I would recommend that you all visit too. One thing that did annoy me about a bunch of them was how little you are able to sample and to try at the distilleries, apparently a few of them pulled back on samples as people turned up and drank loads then went away again - personally I think that is a bit of a smokescreen as you should want people to try your stuff as they are more than likely to then buy something from the store. Here they are, in the order I visited them as it would be rude to rank them:
Castle & Key
Address: 4445 McCracken Pike, Frankfort, KY 40601, USA
Website: https://castleandkey.com/
When I visited this distillery was not open to the public, fortunately I was able to walk around it for an hour and a half or so with one of their top dogs, Brett, who took me through the whole story, the history and the vision for the place. When open this will be one of the nicest distilleries on the planet. Make sure you also try, and buy, their gin - phenomenal.
Maker’s Mark
Address: 3350 Burks Spring Rd, Loretto, KY 40037, USA
Website: https://www.makersmark.com/
Opening Time: 9:30 am
An icon of the Bourbon world, this distillery was great to see in person and I loved the small design touches around the place including the bottle outline being built into the window shutters, the red accent detail from the wax being included tastefully throughout the site and ability to wax dip your own bottle… which I dutifully did.
Heaven Hill
Address: 528 West Main St. Louisville, KY 40202
Website: https://www.heavenhill.com
Opening Time: 9:00 am
I only popped into the ship at this one as my time was pressed, but managed to pick up a single barrel Old Fitzgerald 14 Year Old and a McKenna (won best American single barrel whiskey this year).
Address: 1869 Loretto Road Bardstown, Kentucky 40004
Website: https://www.kentuckybourbonwhiskey.com/
Opening Time: 9:30 am
Did the full tour here and it was great, a really small distillery given the amount of brands and product they churn out but the tasting here was lovely as was the walk around the site… their distillery cat was cute too, and enjoyed a little tickle between stops on the tour.
Wilderness Trail
Address: 4095 Lebanon Rd, Danville, KY 40422, USA
Website: http://wildernesstraildistillery.com/
Opening Time: 10:00 am
These guys are incredible, distillers Pat and Shane have created something special here - their background in yeast cultivation and process efficiency for others has set them and their distillery up to be über successful as they have done from filling just one barrel of spirit a day in 2013 using a single pot still to 220 barrels being filled a day in 2018 to become the 14th biggest Bourbon producer in the United States. Incredible how these guys have done it and what they are on the cusp of achieving. Definitely check them out - they sell a single barrel exclusive in the distillery shop too which is fantastic.
Buffalo Trace
Address:  113 Great Buffalo Trace, Frankfort, KY 40601, USA
Website: https://www.buffalotracedistillery.com/
Opening Time: 9:00 am
Like Maker’s, an icon of the Bourbon industry and one you just have to visit even if it is just for the photo in front of the iconic water tower. One of the best and most historic distilleries I visited, and the tour guide Lee had great stories and fascinating tales. A good guy too. The tasting at the end of the tour was basic but good. One let down here was that there were no distillery exclusive whiskies to buy - a HUGE missed opportunity in my opinion, as always - and no premium whiskies either. There was a bottle of Blanton’s, but I had seen it elsewhere too.
Wild Turkey
Address: 1417 Versailles Rd, Lawrenceburg, KY 40342, USA
Website: https://wildturkeybourbon.com
Opening Time: 9:00 am
Great distillery, a nice - and reasonably priced - tasting bar downstairs and lots of random things to buy in the store including a gobbler - see my instagram. Their main corridor includes a nice way of explaining their history too.
Woodford Reserve
Address: 7855 McCracken Pike, Versailles, KY 40383-9781
Website: https://www.woodfordreserve.com
Opening Time: 9:00 am
Like Buffalo Trace and Maker’s, an icon of the Bourbon industry and one of the quaintest and truly American-designed distilleries I’ve visited. A great tour too, albeit quite stage-managed and overly scripted, that finishes with a basic tasting.
Bluegrass Distillers
Address: 501 W 6th St #165, Lexington, KY 40508, USA
Website: https://www.bluegrassdistillers.com/
Opening Time: 10:00 am
An unexpected one this, and one that is within walking distance from the hotel I stayed in (roughly 25 minutes each way). This was the smallest distillery of all I visited, but one of the coolest as you get to bottle your own Bourbon (or rye) right there in the distillery shop - something none of the others offered at all, and was an instant sale. Well worth checking them out. They produce Wheated Bourbon too, which you can bottle, and is akin to Pappy and Weller in base flavour profile and character.
The post The GreatDrams Bourbon Lover’s Guide to Whiskey Tourism in Kentucky appeared first on GreatDrams.
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