#and then you'd all injure yourselves
d0wnb4df0rf1cm3n · 1 year
don't give up on me.
Regulus Black x F!Reader
Summary: You're sick. Regulus knows that. But how can he convince you that you're worth saving?
Word Count: 6.5K
AN: If this kind of content is triggering for you, PLEASE KEEP SCROLLING!!! nothing is more important to me than y'all keeping yourselves healthy - both mentally and physically! If this shit helps you then, here ya go :) (P.S. the summary is really bad sorry!!)
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You ran back to the dorms, promising Pandora that you'd be back before breakfast. Lie.
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Every day was pretty much the same: you weighed yourself on the muggle scale that you'd snuck into your bags behind your dad's back, and then based on that number, you'd eat. Or you wouldn't. It was easy to miss mealtimes - you'd make the excuse of needing to finish some homework or having forgotten something in the dorms. If you went to the hall during mealtimes, you'd put a little food on your plate and push it around to make it seem like you'd eaten loads when you hadn't touched anything at all.
If the number on the scale weren't acceptable to some extreme standard you'd set yourself to, then you'd spiral - only small amounts of food, you'd go on a run before dinner (strategically showing up late enough that there wouldn't be much left), calling yourself the worst names in the mirror.
It was a routine that you hated - you wanted to kick it, but you couldn't. It was a safety net. You needed control, and this was the only way to have it. It was your drug and you were dependent on it.
It had started as a need to look better, more like your sister. She was taller, skinnier, better at everything she did. You wanted that. So you started skipping meals, spending more time doing workouts - you'd bought one of those muggle aerobics DVDs, and you'd follow it almost every day. You lost a few kilograms in the first few weeks of summer, and the pride of achieving your goal outweighed the hunger pains and headaches. Your weight became an obsession to you and you weighed yourself after every meal and in the morning and night, and your diet to become healthier quickly became a desire to be smaller.
It didn't help that you remained invisible to everyone except your few Hogwarts friends. They owled you frequently, begging you to come up to London so you could spend time together, but you lived too far away for that to be possible. Your dad was busy all the time - it wasn't easy for him after the divorce - and your sister was busy with all her friends. They didn't like you very much, finding you odd as you went to school so far away. They left you alone for the most part - you only saw them when your sister agreed to drive you somewhere.
Not eating became natural after a while: the hunger pains stopped being painful, the headaches disappeared, and the desire to eat had all but disappeared. No one really noticed - you were pretty good at hiding your tricks - but your quickly shrinking body was noticeable. Your dad brought it up once, worried about how your clothes looked so big on your body: he offered to drive you to the doctors, wondering if being a wizard meant that you were more prone to getting sick. You shook your head, telling him that you were fine, but you made a mental reminder to buy much baggier clothes to hide the weight loss.
After that, you quickly went from loving your new body to despising it. You hid every inch of your skin even in the height of summer - hiding under baggy clothes, blankets, and behind pillows. You shoved your mirror to the back of your wardrobe.
By the time you went back to Hogwarts in September, your robes were far too big for you. You'd altered them sneakily: you kept the robes you had but they rested on your body better.
You'd avoided hugs from your friends, lying about an injured arm, but you'd happily reunited with them on the Hogwarts express. They all commented on how they were loving your new look - you smiled sadly at the reason. You remember getting off the train onto the platform - Regulus had helped you down from the train, gripping your hand tightly as you stepped off. As your friends dragged you away, you'd looked back at him. He'd looked almost concerned.
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You came back to the Great Hall halfway through breakfast. You sat down with your friend, adjusting your collar where it was rubbing against your neck. You felt uncomfortable, almost like there was an emptiness in the back of your mind.
Pandora caught your eyes mouthing, are you ok? You nodded in response. You grabbed a glass of water and some fruit. Your throat was so dry and every single movement made you nauseous. It's fine, you told yourself, you can run it off before Charms. You're fine.
You were lying to yourself. You weren't okay, you had a problem and you knew it. But you couldn't pluck up the courage to go to Madam Pomfrey and get help. This was comfortable. You never wanted to go back to the way it was before - constantly hating your body for the way it looked in clothing, jealous of what others looked like. You'd take a few bad days like this over that.
You yawned. You were exhausted but your sleep wasn't restful or comfortable. Some parts of your body would always be sore when you woke up.
You felt someone move to sit next to you, and before you could turn to see who it was, they grabbed the apple out of your hand. You turned to protest, before seeing Regulus' pointed look and the knife in his hand. He began to cut up small slices and feed them to you, not giving you time to protest until the apple was finished and entirely consumed.
"Get a room lovebirds, someone from down the table called, but Regulus was quick to shoot them the finger. You smiled at that and Regulus let out a breath at the sight of it.
"It's nice to see you smile, canari. You don't seem to do it as much anymore," He said lowly, making sure his voice was only for you.
You pat his shoulder to reassure him, trying to hide your panicked mind behind gentle touches. He smiled at you before standing up to leave. He offered you a hand, which you gratefully took, and you both headed towards Defense Against the Dark Arts - your first lesson of the day.
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That night, you had been planning on skipping dinner. You had convinced Pandora and Barty that you had an essay for Professor McGonagall that you hadn't even started, and they had believed you. They left you in the common room, promising to bring back one of your favourites - a Pumpkin Pasty. All was well.
You slipped out of your dorm room and down the stairs to the front door, heading out for a quick run.
"Where do you think you're going?" A voice cut through the cool air. You shut your eyes. Busted.
Regulus walked up to you, raising his eyebrows and waiting for an answer. "Tell me, Reggie, does growing up rich make you so entitled or are you just naturally a pompous ass?"
He laughed, throwing his head back, and grabbing your hand, "I'm going to let it go because you haven't eaten anything and you're probably hangry." He dragged you down to the Great Hall, even as you dragged your feet.
He pulled you in and sat you down by his side, piling your plate high with all the foods he knew were your favourite. If your anxiety wasn't spiraling, you would be touched that Regulus knew exactly what you liked and what you didn't.
People were sat all around the table, making small talk and eating. You took deep breaths as nonchalantly as you could, cutting up the food Regulus had piled on your plate. You didn’t want to draw any attention to yourself. Normally it wouldn’t be a problem - you’d have a few days of no one noticing you skipping meals, then you could comfortably eat dinner with no worries. You could prepare for that. But, after breakfast this morning was sprung on you, you didn’t think you should be eating this soon. I mean you had only just run off the apple you had for breakfast. How were you going to keep your weight down if you were gorging yourself on the most unhealthy food every minute of every day.
You tried to join in with the conversation every so often, pushing things around on your plate as you did so. You thought you were hiding it well, but you caught Regulus glancing at you in concern, every time you finished speaking.
Catching onto this habit, you worriedly stood up, grabbing your things and getting ready to go.
“Leaving again so early?” Barty asked, grabbing your wrist. He looked at the wrist almost concerned but you tugged your hand away. You looked around the table before your eyes landed on Regulus, concern filling his face.
You swallowed nervously, “Yeah, I'm going to head up to bed. Goodnight,” You stepped over the bench and left through one of the back doors. Regulus watched you leave. Something didn’t sit right with him.
As soon as you rounded the corner, you picked up the pace almost breaking into a jog. You made it down the stairs to the Slytherin common room, heart pounding in your chest and nearly threw yourself up the stairs to your dorm. You closed the door and locked yourself in the bathroom. You were usually methodical about this process, you had a system. But you were desperate at this point. You tied your hair up messily and filled up a hidden water bottle at the sink before chugging it and turning to the toilet. 
Back in the Great Hall, Regulus decided that he was going to go check on you. He excused himself and bid everyone a good night - just like you had - before heading in the direction of the Slytherin dorm. 
You were bent over the toilet, retching. You hated this so much. It didn’t feel good - it almost hurt - but you felt so relieved doing it. You couldn’t explain it. It was somehow the one thing that helped you feel better.
Regulus quickly made his way up the stairs to face your dorm. The stairs were enchanted to stop the boys from climbing up them, but Regulus was able to jump and skip a few steps to make it to the top. Nothing was going to stop him from getting to you. Not now.
Regulus knocked on your dorm door, to which he was met with silence. You couldn’t hear him. Not liking the feeling in his gut, he slowly pushed the door open. To his surprise, you weren’t there.
From the bathroom, he heard the faint sound of someone retching. Regulus furrowed his brows. You hadn't seemed sick this morning. Why didn’t you say something? You were going to go on a walk, for Merlin's sake! Closing the door behind him, he walked over to the bathroom door, pressing his ear to the door. That was definitely you retching. He knocked. You froze.
“Canari? Are you okay in there?” He asked, leaning against the door.
You scrambled to get up, quickly flushing the toilet and washing your hands.
You splashed your face with water before replying, “I’m fine, Reg.” You cursed yourself for the wavering in your voice.
You turned to the mirror - you were a mess, your tear-streaked face red and splotchy. You washed your face, trying to get rid of as much inflammation as you could. 
You took a deep breath and leaned against the sink. How could you have been so stupid? How were you going to talk yourself out of this?
“Can you open the door, please?” Regulus said. He was half intending to break the door down, but he wouldn't violate you like that.
You sighed and opened the door with your head down. You tried to walk past Regulus, but he gently pulled you towards him, your head resting just over his heart. His finger tilted your face upwards, his eyes widening at your red eyes and face. 
“Why didn’t you tell anyone you were sick?” he asked.
“It’s fine, don’t worry about it.” You tried to pry yourself away from him, but he wasn't letting you go so easily.
“You’re not fine if you’re throwing up. What's really going on?”
“It’s nothing. I had a stomach bug over the summer. Sometimes it acts up a little. It's fine. I'm fine.” you affirmed. Your solidness was almost more to convince yourself than him.
One look at Regulus told you he was not convinced. He pulled you back into his chest. "You sure that's all it is? You'll tell me if it gets worse?"
"Yeah, Reg, I'll tell you if it gets worse. I'm sorry I didn't tell you before."
"It's okay, Canari. As long as you are okay, it's okay."
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You managed to avoid any more confrontations until Christmas. You decided to stay at school over the Christmas holidays, like you usually did, which meant no friends to worry about your ever-growing problem.
You woke up to a dry throat and a pounding headache. The usual. You coaxed your body into slumping out of bed and you brushed your teeth. God, you looked a mess. The dark circles under your eyes were prominent and your face was pale and gaunt. You almost looked like a skeleton.
The sun was pretty high in the sky - it was probably almost afternoon. Shit. How could you have slept half the day away? It's fine you'll just have to stay up later tonight to finish all your essays. You walked out into the dorm to be greeted with 4 other empty beds - everyone else had gone home for the holidays. You figured it was probably safer to stay at school than to go home looking so terrible.
Begrudgingly, you pulled on a pair of jeans and a Slytherin sweater you were almost sure wasn't yours, and slipped down to the common room. You'd left an essay for Professor Binns in front of the fireplace - you had rushed to the bathroom after Barty had practically force-fed you a few. You'd blamed it on the fact you got a dog food-flavoured one (you didn't - it was chocolate brownie, which was almost worse), but the side-long glance Regulus had given you made you retreat into your dorm room for the rest of the night.
Still, you needed to finish that essay and you headed down the steps, pausing halfway down to calm your racing heart. The common room was cold and empty - it usually was in the winter, given that most Slytherin students went home for the break. You shivered violently - the cold that nestled into your bones in early October had refused to leave. Now, without at least a jumper or two under your robes, you were constantly shivering.
You glanced at all the tables - there was no parchment or quills. There was no one still here that would want to steal your essay or your quills, so you were surprised to see all your stuff gone and the common room completely clean. You searched everywhere in case the house elves had moved it while cleaning, but you couldn't find it anywhere.
Tears started brimming in your eyes knowing that those were the only quills you had and there wasn't much chance that you could afford to buy a whole set of new ones and finish your essay before Christmas day.
"Good morning, Canari." You whirled around to see Regulus standing behind you, his obsidian-black suit perfectly ironed and immaculately clean. His hair was perfectly coiffed - as it usually was - and his face clean of the stubble you knew that he was able to grow. Not a hair out of place. Never a hair out of place. Why couldn't you be more like Regulus - perfect without trying. Skinny and pretty and fun to be around. Not always worrying about if you were trying too hard.
A lone tear slipped out of your eye and down your face. Regulus was there in an instant, his hands grasping your face, thumbs wiping away any tears.
"What's wrong, Canari? Why are you crying?" Regulus said, pulling you into his chest. You felt him stiffen against you, his fingers running over your protruding spine. But you nestled into his warmth, the chill in your bones just barely sated by his heat.
You looked up into his eyes, sniffling, "Someone took all my stuff."
"I forgot my stuff down here last night - my essay for Binns and all my quills were on the table, but now they're gone," your breathing picked up as you began to panic, "And I can't afford to buy a whole new pack of quills, which means that I won't be able to finish any of my other essays and Professor McGona-"
"Canari. I have your stuff." Regulus interrupted, his arms running up and down your back, "It's okay. I took it to my dorm before I went to bed. Here." Regulus led you to the staircase leading up to his dorm and made you wait as he dashed upstairs and got your things. He handed them to you in a neat pile before leading you back to your dorm with his hand on your lower back. "Put your stuff away and then come down with me. Let's eat breakfast together."
Alarm bells started ringing in your head. Eat? Now? With so much to do? How could you waste your time? But you couldn't make Regulus more suspicious of your behaviour.
You head down to the Great Hall with him, pulling at your sleeves as he placed all manner of pies and treats on your plate. You felt nauseated by the smell alone.
It didn't skip your notice how Regulus looked at you as if you were going to break at any second. Hell, he probably thought you already had.
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You turned the corner off the path to head into the Forbidden Forest. If any of the Professors found you out here they'd give you a detention. That coincidentally would mean that you missed dinner. Two birds, one stone.
You set off on your run, keeping to the border of the forbidden forest, but deep enough in that no one would be able to see you without looking. You kept a steady pace - you were used to this routine. If you overate, you'd run until you felt exhausted and then you'd slip back into the dorm and skip dinner.
Except the snow was never normally this heavy and with every breath you exhaled a puff of smoke left your lungs. The inhales were almost painful, the cold air rough on your fragile lungs. You could hear your heart pounding in your head and your ears were starting to ring but you ploughed on.
What a mistake that was. You feel your foot slipping before you can even grab onto something. The next thing you know everything was black.
Regulus was worried. He'd paid close attention to your ever-deteriorating health, and he was worried, to say the least. After you'd run from lunch with him and Barty, he'd followed you back to the dorm. You hadn't even noticed him trailing you as you almost ran back to the common room. You'd slammed your dorm door shut and hadn't left for hours. You'd finally left when you thought no one was in the common room, dressed in some sweatpants and a jumper that was far too thin for this ghastly weather. He'd grabbed his own coat and a spare jacket for you, before following you through the hallways. He'd contemplated calling your name once, but clearly, there was something going on. And Regulus wanted to know what.
You'd slipped out of one of the doors to the courtyard and set off on a light jog down toward Hagrid's hut. That's odd, Regulus thought, you didn't have detention. Of course, it didn't pass his mind that you may just be running. After all, who would willingly go on a run in the middle of December in Scotland. Still, he watched as you ran down the steps that led to the now frost-covered pumpkin patches. Maybe you needed to collect something from him, he thought. Yes, that's probably it. Far more likely than Miss 'golden-girl' having a detention. Professor Kettleburn probably needed something and sent you to go get it.
His confusion only multiplied when you bypassed Hagrid's hut and disappeared into the thicket of the Forbidden Forest. Regulus picked up his pace, making sure that he wasn't caught as he followed your footsteps. He tried to keep up but you were always a faster runner than him, always making it to class on time even if you were both running late. He quickly lost you, having to resort to tracking your footsteps through the deep snow. He was ever more confused as to why you were out here - if anyone caught you here, you'd have a month's worth of evening detentions. Not the best way to start the year.
When he finally caught up to you, his heart dropped to his feet. You were lying face down in the snow, clothing soaked through. He knelt beside you, his hands running over your face as he softly called your name. Your skin was cold to the touch, causing Regulus to panic. He quickly bundled you up in the spare coat he brought with him. He removed the scarf from around his neck and wrapped it around yours, before tucking your hands into the pocket of the jacket.
He hoisted you up in his arms, wrapping his arms securely under your body. He slowly started walking back to the castle, being careful to avoid anyone seeing him leave the Forbidden Forest - the last thing he needed was the both of you getting in more trouble. He carried you through the hallways to the hospital wing, rapping his knuckles sharply against the window while you remained unconscious in his arms.
Madam Pomfrey was quick to open the door and, at the sight of your unconscious body, ushered you both inside, helping Regulus to lay you on one of the free beds. She laid a thick blanket over you and dug out a heating potion to dispel the chill from your bones. Regulus just sat by your side and held your hand. It was ice-cold as usual, but somehow Regulus never wanted to let go.
"...Mr. Black?" Madam Pomfrey asked, but Regulus had missed the question while he was staring at you. He looked up at her questioningly, silently asking her to repeat the question, "I said, will you get some dry clothes for her? I trust that you have something you can give her."
Regulus nodded dumbly, leaving the hospital wing before breaking into a run. He ran upstairs and pulled a sweater and some sweatpants for you. They would be big on you but hopefully, they would keep you from getting too cold. His heart was pounding as he returned to the hospital wing.
He diligently gave the jumper and sweatpants to Madam Pomfrey, before turning around so she could change your clothes modestly. It was nothing he hadn't seen before, he wanted to tell Madam Pomfrey, but somehow he was sure that she wouldn't appreciate that sentiment.
Once she was done and you were nestled under two layers of blankets and in clean clothes, Madam Pomfrey turned back to Regulus.
"Mr. Black, I'm going to have to collect a report from this accident from you, if you would so oblige."
"Uhh, of course, yeah. Um, well," Regulus prided himself on being a good liar, but under so much pressure, not so much. "We found a - uh - salamander on the fifth floor by the library when we were studying there earlier. She said she'd go tell Hagrid so she headed down to his hut. I wanted to find her to finish my essay before dinner so I headed down to see Hagrid, but then I found her lying in the snow."
Madam Pomfrey nodded, "Did Hagrid find out about the Salamander?"
Regulus nodded, "Yeah, one of the third years told him. I heard them talking about it while I was looking for her." It wasn't a total lie. Two third years had found a Salamander by the fifth-floor boys' toilets. They'd told Hagrid, and Regulus had overheard them talking about it.
Madam Pomfrey nodded, sealing away the report and filing it away. Regulus stood up to go back to the common room when Madam Pomfrey stopped him.
"She's incredibly thin, Mr. Black. You wouldn't happen to know anything about that, would you?" Regulus shook his head, "It's worrying how underweight she is. You haven't noticed anything? Anything out of the ordinary?"
Regulus shook his head again before turning around to leave the hospital wing. He knew something was wrong. He just didn't know what.
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When you opened your eyes, the first thing you could feel was heat. You were warm. After months of being on the edge of freezing all the time, it was nice.
The second thing you noticed was the smell of cologne. A familiar cologne. Regulus' cologne. It was an expensive one - the Black family was rich and they weren't scared to show it off.
You opened your eyes slowly, grateful for the darkness. You looked towards the window to see that it was nighttime. You furrowed your brow in confusion. You could have sworn that it was just past lunch. You pushed yourself up further only to realise that you were in the hospital wing.
Before you could push yourself up even further, a voice interrupted you, "And just where do you think you're going, young lady?" Madam Pomfrey walked up to you with a glass of pumpkin juice in hand and two tablets. "You're dehydrated. And possibly have a concussion. You should be glad Mr. Black found you when he did."
Regulus found me? How the hell did he know where I was?
You took the pills from her hand and swallowed them down quickly. You savoured the taste of the Pumpkin Juice - it had been so long since you'd had the calorie-filled drink.
You turned to the door just in time to see Regulus walk in. It was as if he had exhaled for the first time seeing you awake. His shoulders dropped, his chest relaxed and all the tension in his face melted away.
He sat by your side gently, letting you finish the juice. Madam Pomfrey spoke up again, "Now, young lady, do you want to explain that nasty little fainting spell?" She said, her eyebrows raised as she scrutinised you.
"Uhh, well - I was - uh - walking down to Hagrid's hut, and - uh - my ears started ringing, and I think I fell." You said, your voice hoarse from disuse.
"And it has nothing to do with the fact that you are underweight?" Madam Pomfrey pressed.
"I've just been nauseous the last few days." You lied quickly, slightly recoiling under her heavy words, "I think it's stress but it might be a bug. I remember Pandora complaining about her stomach the night before she went home."
Madam Pomfrey seemed convinced. Regulus less so. As soon as Madam Pomfrey left, he turned to you.
"You lied." You shifted nervously under his intense gaze.
"I didn't. I have been nauseous all week."
"If you were nauseous, why were you on a run?"
"I thought the fresh air might help."
"Fresh air in the Forbidden Forest? Bullshit." Your heart dropped. He'd followed you there.
"Why did you follow me?"
"Why were you there alone? If I hadn't followed you and you'd fainted, you would have been dead by the time anyone found you."
"Oh, so I guess that means I should thank you now, should I? Oh, thank His Lordship, Mr. Black for saving my life, even thOUGH NO ONE ASKED HIM TOO!" You exclaimed, seething. You threw his hands off you and tried to push him away but he refused to budge.
"Stop being difficult," Regulus said, pulling the blankets back over your frail body.
"JUST TELL ME THE TRUTH!" He interrupted, his blue eyes blazing with fury. You could just about pick out the lingering concern that was embedded in his gaze. You saw red.
"GET OUT! GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE! LEAVE ME ALONE!" You pushed Regulus away with every ounce of strength in your body. He fell off the chair, crashing to the ground in an undignified heap.
You watched, in horror at what you'd done, as he walked over to the door. He cast you a longing glance as he left, almost as if he was begging you, pleading you to let him in, to not shut him out. To let him help you.
You sighed. You weren't sure if you could be helped.
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On Christmas Eve, Madam Pomfrey let you go back to your own bed, with the promise that you'd visit her every day so she could check up on you. Regulus hadn't visited since you told him to leave, and a small part of you was glad that he hadn't. The rest of you had missed him dearly.
You felt him walk up to you as you lounged on one of the sofas in front of the fire.
"Room for one more?" He asked hesitantly, standing in front of you. You shuffled to the edge of the sofa to give him room to sit down.
"So how are you?" He said, hands toying with his wand as he tried to avoid staring at you.
"We don't have to do this, Reg. Can we just let it go?" You sighed, hoping that you didn't have to get into this conversation right now.
"Yes, we do. Tell me, Canari, are you feeling better?"
"I'm fine, Reg." You both sat in awkward silence, not exactly knowing how to approach this conversation. "I'm gonna - uh - go. Now. Uh - bye."
You stood up, trying to escape into your dorm room, but Regulus beat you to it - blocking you with his body. It wasn't fair that he was almost a whole head taller than you.
"No, what's going on? Are you sick?" Regulus insisted, hands coming up to brush your arms. You shuddered at the gentle touch, but he still didn't pull away.
“Canari.” he insisted. "Don't lie to me."
You took a deep breath. "I'm sick," you whispered quietly, but loud enough for Regulus to hear it.
He shifted on his feet, “What do you mean?”
You looked at him, noting the tears building up on his lash line. Regulus never cried. More than once, Barty had joked that the 'snowman didn't have a heart'. You shook your head, "It won’t make sense."
"Then help me understand."
You took a few breaths, trying to get your thoughts in order. Regulus led you back to the couch, his large warm hands covering your cold frail ones. You tried to get your thoughts in order, tried to figure out where to start. Well, it's probably best to start at the beginning. “I don’t know what happened. I was just supposed to lose a little weight. I started eating less, doing some muggle workouts. And it worked. But now - now, now I just can't stop." you finished.
Regulus' face contorted to one of concern. You avoided his gaze, your eyes filled with tears at finally revealing your secret. Regulus pulled you into his lap, his arms wrapping around you, pulling you into his chest. You nestled into them, your head of his heart as sobs started to wrack your body. Regulus held you tightly, whispering that it would be okay. He breathed deeply and steadily, hoping you would fall into rhythm with him. 
Eventually, your heaving breaths slowed, and you began to calm down. After a few moments of silence, Bucky asked “How long has this been going on?”
"Since the summer break. But I think the problem's been going on a lot longer than that." You whispered into his chest, defeated.
Regulus took a deep breath, his mind relaying all the suspicious behaviour he'd picked up on over the past term. "Why didn’t you say anything?"
You shrugged weakly, "It wasn’t your problem."
You jostled in his lap as he turned you to face him. "Canari. Your problems are my problems. How many times do I have to tell you that I'm here? Because I want to be here. For you. I want to help, Canari. Please." You avoided his gaze because you knew what you'd find. Genuine concern. Something you weren't sure if you deserved. "You always help me or anyone else whenever we need it. Remember when Pandora had those nightmares for months and every night you'd hold her hand until she fell asleep? Or when Barty told us that he was afraid of the dark so you gave him an enchanted tea candle that would never go out? Hmm? If we were going through this, wouldn’t you want to help us?"
"Of course, I would," you said firmly, tears building up in your eyes again. You rubbed the way with the corner of your sleeve, but Regulus caught your hand.
"So why can’t you let me help you the same way?" he asked, his eyes shining with sincerity.
You shook your head lightly, "It’s not that simple, Reg."
"Because what?"
"It's just not the same," you said a little louder, pushing yourself off his lap. You had to put a distance between him and yourself, or you knew that you would break. You turned around heading in any direction that was not here, not in front of the only man capable of reducing you to tears.
"I don't get it. What’s the difference between me and you? Why can’t you-"
“Because I don’t HATE you!” you exclaimed, turning around to face him again. The pain in your eyes was evident as you tried to shrink further into yourself. Regulus was up in an instant, cradling your head in his hands as if you were a porcelain doll. You took a shuddering breath, "It’s not the same thing because I don’t hate you. I want to help you all, because you are good people, and I like you."
Tears streamed down your face as the confession spilled from your lips. You told him about everything, the loneliness, the self-loathing, the punishments, everything. Regulus stood there as you sobbed in his arms and confessed to him, taking every beating and tucking it away in the corner of his frozen heart that was reserved for you.
When you had finally settled, Regulus looked at you sadly. His gaze was heavy as if he was trying to see if there were any other secrets you were hiding. "Is that really how you feel about yourself?" he asked, saddened even more when you began nodding. "What did you do that was so wrong?"
You didn’t know. The loneliness that had plagued your childhood had melted into the insecurity that you didn't belong anywhere, and you never would. So slowly, you accepted that you never would. Your voice was weak when you spoke up again, "I'm sick, Reg. I know that. But I don't think this kind of sick can be healed by one of Madam Pomfrey's potions. People catch colds or break bones - those can be fixed. And once it's fixed, it won’t bother them again. But this," you gestured your body repeatedly, "this I don’t know if I fix. I don’t know how, I don’t know where to start. It’s me against me. It's a losing game. I’m not the kind of sick that gets better, Reg," you shrugged slightly and shook your head.
Regulus wrapped his arms around you tighter, "There's always a cure."
"Not for me."
"No. You're not giving up. YOU CAN'T FUCKING GIVE UP WHEN YOU HAVEN'T EVEN TRIED TO GET BETTER!" Regulus wasn't one to lose composure ever. In fact, Regulus wasn't one to show much emotion at all, but here he was, crying and yelling over you. Trying to convince you to get better. He tucked his chest into you, whispering, "Please. Please, you can't- you can't leave me here. Not alone, please, Canari."
You rested your face on his head, your cheek pressed against his beautiful curly hair. You stayed like that, you pulled into his lap, his head cocooned into your chest, your head laying on the top of his head. Both of you expended every last tear in your body before he spoke up again.
“Can I try to help?"
"I mean you want to get better? Right?" Regulus removed himself from your chest and looked into your eyes. His hands traveled to rest on your face. You nodded. "You can always talk to me about anything," You avoided his gaze, "you know that right?"
At the uncertain look on your face, Regulus stiffened. You quickly spoke up, "It’s not that I don’t trust you. I do, but-" You paused thinking how best to word this.
"It’s just that I don’t want to disappoint you," you said, your voice trailing off as you spoke. "I don’t want to fuck up and end up hurting you because I couldn’t be better. I don’t want you to worry every bloody day. You don't deserve that." you took a deep breath and looked away again. "I don’t want you to leave because I couldn’t be strong for you."
"Is that really what you think I would do?" Regulus asked, his tone growing angrier. You cowered under his anger, and Regulus noticed. He tried to level his breathing as he continued, "I would never be disappointed with you, because you're trying your best. You said it: you're sick. And sometimes it takes time to heal. And you're healing for you, so that you can have a happy life. A long life." He paused, considering whether to add this next part, "No matter whether that life has me in it."
You leaned into him again, his arms wrapping you into a tight hug. Your life would always have Regulus in it, no matter how long, short, sick, or healthy it would end up being. Regulus made you promise to go back to Madam Pomfrey in the morning to tell her the whole truth.
"Promise you will be there the whole time?" you asked softly, nuzzling into the crook of his neck, and exhaustion washed over you.
His arms tightened around you, "I promise. As long as you promise not to give up. Even when it gets hard."
You smiled your first proper smile in what felt like an age.
"I promise."
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spinningwebsandtales · 6 months
Imagine Vergil Protecting You After You're Injured
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Vergil X FemReader
Rating: T+
Warnings: Blood, violence, reader is wounded
Word Count: 767
(A/N:) Sorry I have been MIA folks! But I'm back and hopefully will be writing more and getting back into the swing of things. I've been wanting to write, but every time I sat down the words alluded me. So I took a little bit of a break and focused more on my artwork. Now I hope to continue to give attention to both my hobbies. So keep an eye for more stories in the future! Until next time happy reading! ~Countess
Vergil never felt that having back-up in fights was necessary, as he felt perfectly capable of taking care of business on his own. Power was his only goal in mind as he fought. Becoming the best, becoming stronger. Leaving himself unquestionably the best and most powerful being in existence. Leaving his brother Dante in the dust, like the vermin he is. Then Vergil came across you, a devil hunter in your own right, and he begrudgingly acknowledged your skills in the art of slaying demons. It was a fluke, he had told himself, that you ran into him hunting the same hoard of devils. It was a fluke that you fought alongside him perfectly. A fluke that you had his inner devil half purring at your nearness. Now it was a common occurrence for you both to take missions together.
What had changed his mind about you, he couldn't remember. And now it seemed abnormal whenever you weren't at his side. You were a fragile human, completely mortal, but your powers and strength made even the most powerful of the devil hoards cower and fall by your blade. Vergil refused to let you forget your humanness, but as you were always quick with retorts. You made sure that Vergil never forgot that he was also half human. He tried really hard to forget that, in his pursuit of power that his father and stupid twin brother had given up for the side of humanity. Vergil would scoff, roll his eyes, and march away leaving you to sprint to catch up. But he couldn't fight the small grin coming to his lips, despite trying to hide it, of course you'd notice and not leave him alone until you were satisfied in embarrassing him.
Once again you and Vergil found yourselves taking on another hoard of demons. This group had dug deep into a small town and refused to go down easy. Slash marks marred your face and despite blood flowing into one eye, you refused to back down. Vergil snarled for you to run away, but you stubbornly widened your stance ready to face another wave of attack. All he could do was curse you loudly and hope to keep your now blind side protected while you protected your other side. Limbs and heads of demons falling at your feet, until a Sin Scythe cut through it's own allies just to plunge the scythe into your guts.
Your cries of pain shattered Vergil's concentration as he watched in horror as you crumbled to the ground. His devil side raging inside as the scythe was pulled from your still form. He trigged in blind rage stepping in front of your fallen form and taking out the rest of the hoard in a wave of power. He tried to calm himself, to switch back but all he could manage was a few of his limbs and most of his facial features. Spittle flew from his lips as he tried to soothe his fury, while he checked for a pulse. Your heartbeat met his scaly fingertips and when he pressed a warm hand to your wound, you whined. He snarled more and your eyes fluttered open.
"You're losing a lot of blood," he replied. His voice deeper than normal, but that had to do with the fact he was fighting hard to keep from fully transforming again as the blood in his veins continued to boil in anger.
"How many are left," you panted. Always worried about the mission instead of yourself and it made him roll his eyes.
"Dead," his blunt reply made you stop asking questions. Your eyes clouded in pain Vergil scooped you up easily. "We have to get this taken care of."
"Vergil," you gasped. "Slow down. It feels like I'm coming apart at the seams."
"You'll just have to hang on a little bit longer. Until we can get clear so I can use the Yamato to open a portal."
"If you say so." You grumbled. "But don't complain if my innards stain your pretty clothes."
"I'm more worried about losing you."
Vergil's reply stunned you both and his body began to tense until you gently cupped his cheek.
"I'm not going anywhere," you promised.
"Good because I'll tease you for eternity for being taken out by a Sin Scythe," he smirked and you pinched his nose in protest. While your warm blood, had him fighting the anger inside, Vergil's top priority was to take care of you first and then go make more demons' lives living nightmares for even laying a finger on you.
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harleehazbinfics · 7 months
hazbin hotel x devout!reader; lucifer morningstar x reader
devout series
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Earlier today, you had taken a morning flight by yourself. Something you had put into your routine, it was a wonderful feeling and definitely freeing. The wind against your cheek as your wings take you wherever it leads you.
However, today was not your day. As you had accidentally led yourself directly to a turf war. You hastily dodged a projectile hurling at you and jet out of there unfortunately for you, that demon was a sharpshooter and masterfully shot you down.
Now, you arrive at the hotel somewhat embarrassed as you arrive injured and bruised. It felt more real when Charlie fretted over you.
You chuckled softly appreciating her effort as Vaggie sits you on the couch inspecting your injuries.
You carefully explained to her what happened and took full responsibility from your... (irresponsibility) mess and promised you'd take care of yourself better and recuperate well.
Lucifer then arrives abruptly falling through his portal all panicked.
You laugh at how similar the father and daughter were when they worried over you.
After another round of explanation, all 3 of them gathered around you worriedly.
"Well, I am an angel, so I do have some healing powers on me, but it'll only heal you overtime," Lucifer explains trying to help you.
You nod accepting his help with words of gratitude while his golden aura envelopes you. It felt warm like a comforting hug, so much so that you almost fell asleep during the process.
One of his hands kept you up as you snap back to your consciousness, making him chuckle.
"I remember when I first met and took care of you, you'd always doze and smile whenever I came to heal your wing," he tells you a story that happened months ago now.
It made you feel a lot more appreciative of Lucifer, who took care of you when it seemed like the world had turned away from you.
"Thank you, Lu. For everything," you thanked him, giving him a bright smile covering his hand with yours.
You almost missed the way his pale face flushed red from your dazzling smile, if not for when he used both his hands to hide his face from you.
You giggled finding his flustered state adorable.
Meanwhile, the couple that was with you left you to yourselves (Vaggie pushing Charlie away to give you privacy while there were hearts around her). Clearly encouraging this dynamic.
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almond-tofuuu · 7 months
Zayne x reader break up prank on him?!? How'd he react?!?
Break up prank on Dr Zayne?! Ofc it's only a prank, none of us would actually wanna leave this man 😚
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Playing with hearts💙
Warnings: none except for bad writing and a little bit of angst (happy ending tho bc I cannot bear to hurt this man 😭)
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It all began on a lazy afternoon, the sunlight filtering softly through the window, casting a warm glow over the room. You and Tara found yourselves with an unexpected surplus of free time. With no urgent missions or reports looming over your heads, you decided to indulge in a few rounds of kitty cards.
As you shuffled the deck, Tara's mischievous grin hinted at an impending scheme. "How about we up the stakes a bit?" she suggested, her eyes twinkling with mischief. "Winner gets to choose a dare for the loser."
You paused, considering her proposal. You'd been on a winning streak so far, your kitty card skills unmatched. With a shrug and a confident smile, you agreed, eager for the challenge.
But fate had other plans.
"...I lost?" you muttered to yourself, disbelief washing over you as you stared at the cards in your hand. Tara had orchestrated a flawless victory, leaving you stunned and humiliated. She reveled in her triumph, a victorious gleam in her eyes.
With a resigned sigh, you accepted your defeat and braced yourself for Tara's dare. Little did you know, it would lead to a moment of unexpected turmoil.
Which brings you to where you are now, standing awkwardly outside of Zayne's office as he's typing away on his laptop, oblivious to your current predicament. Tara's 'brilliant dare' was for you to pull a prank on Zayne, pretending to breakup with him, and as a woman of your word, you were determined to see it through. However, as you hovered in the doorway, watching your loving boyfriend hard at work, you couldn't help but feel guilty about what you were about to do. Taking a deep breath you put your nerves aside and sauntered up to his desk. Hearing you approach, Zayne raised his head to look at you, a small smile gracing his face and his eyes softening upon seeing you.
"I wasn't expecting to see you until later tonight, what brings you here, love? You haven't gotten yourself injured again, have you?" Zayne asks gently, his eyes scanning your body for any signs of injuries.
Your resolve wavered as you met his gaze, his concern melting away your confidence. But you pressed on, determined to execute the prank with finesse.
"No, Zayne, I'm not injured.... But I think we need to talk" you try to keep your voice steady as you speak, knowing Zayne is very perceptive so you need to do this right if you want to successfully prank him.
"Oh, it sounds like you've got something important to tell me" Zayne's brow furrowed, sensing the gravity of your words. He rose from his desk, taking your hand and guiding you to the couch with a gentle touch, "go on, what is it you need to say, love?"
As you prepared to deliver the fake breakup, guilt weighed heavy on your heart. But you steeled yourself, unable to back down now. With a deep breath, you uttered the words, your voice barely above a whisper, "I-... I think we should break up..."
One second passes.....then two, three, four.... The silence is suffocating. After 30 seconds of no response from him, you sigh and look up at him, assuming he already realised it was a prank. However, when you finally see his face, your heart breaks. His brows were furrowed in confusion, lips parted slightly as if he's trying to speak but can't quite get the words out, and his eyes, you've never seen such raw emotion in his eyes, and you realise they're glossy with tears he is trying desperately to hold back. Before you could retract your words, Zayne spoke, his voice laced with pain.
"I see... I'm sorry that you're not longer happy with me... I'm aware that my work takes up a lot of my time, and perhaps I haven't given you as much attention as you deserve..." he trails off, his eyes glistening with unshed tears as he fights to keep his composure.
In that moment, you curse yourself for agreeing to that damn bet. Your facade shatters, tears blurring your vision as you reach for him, hands gently cradling his face, desperate to undo the damage. "No, Zayne, please don't think like that!" you pleaded, your voice breaking. "You make me feel like the most special girl in the world! It was just a prank, a really stupid prank. I love you, Zayne."
"A prank?..... You mean, you don't actually want to break up?" Zayne's eyes search yours, hopeful that you're telling the truth.
Nodding, you reply earnestly "Yes, it's all because I lost a bet with Tara. I love you, Zayne, I don't want to break up with you"
It takes him a minute to fully register what you had said, but when he finally does he exhales a shaky sigh of relief, wrapping his strong arms around you and pulling you into his chest, head buried in the crook of your neck as he breathes in your scent, trying to calm himself. You both stay like that for a few minutes, Zayne refusing to let you go, his voice barely audible as he softly whispers into your ear "please don't ever do that again.... I can't bear the thought of losing you... You are everything to me"
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tetsuswaifu · 2 months
Beach Day with the Boys (Haikyu! x Reader) - Pt. 1
⋆ ♱˙𓆩☠︎︎𓆪˙♱ ⋆ feat: Bokuto Kōtarō, Kuroo Tetsurō (early relationship for both)fluff
word count: 988
a/n: i love the beach so much and i love the idea of what it would be like to go with them, so i will be writing for more of the guys soon enough, lmk if you would like to be apart for the taglist also if you have submitted a request recently, i promise ill get to them, ive got some nonserious family stuff going on thank you for being so patient w me 🫶🏼🫶🏼🫶🏼
likes, reblogs, and replies are always appreciated, thank you for taking the time to read my work :)
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・❥・Bokotu Kōtarō・❥・
You and Bokuto are early to arriving at the beach, being the first one's there. Both of you wanted to stake out the best spot so you could set up the volleyball net. Bokuto was very insistent on it being in the perfect spot, making sure it far enough from the water and designated the seating area of the group. His focus about the whole thing made you laugh, you had never seen him so serious before. The guy even brought a rake to keep the area clean of anything that could injure anyone.
Once everyone arrives and unpacks their belongings, he’s eager to start a game. He chooses you as his partner and you are ecstatic. Together you dominate the sandy court with a mix of your amazing serves and his powerful spikes. After every point made, Bokuto can’t help but cheer loudly in triumph. His excitement rubbing off on others, making everyone smile.
After claiming victory, Bokuto pulls you up onto his shoulders, parading around the beach while chanting, “We are the champions!” His enthusiasm so infectious that onlookers start to clap and cheer for you.
Not surprisingly, Bokuto still has a lot of energy after the intense game so he suggests going swimming. He races you to the water; he lets you get ahead, and before you know it, you're swept off your feet and gently tackled into the waves. You laugh as you splash each other playfully. He challenges you to various water games, like who can hold their breath the longest or swim the fastest. Despite his competitive nature, he has very good sportsmanship. He will always cheer for you, regardless of who wins.
After playing in the water, you decide you want to relax and tan, while Bokuto gets in another game of volleyball. With every move he makes, his chiseled muscles glisten in the sun. You'd watch him play all day if you could.
After his match, he joins you on a beach blanket, taking a break to enjoy some fruit and cold drinks. The small talk between the both of you is enjoyable, talking about anything and everything you could think of.
As the sunset approaches, all the boys take initiative to get the bonfire going. Each person takes a seat on the logs surrounding the fire, taking turns roasting hot dogs and marshmallows, sharing funny stories about each other. Bokuto's laughter was joyful and loud, you couldn't help but smile at the sound.
When stars began to show up in the night sky, Bokuto and you excuse yourselves to take a walk down the beach. He reaches over and intertwines his fingers with yours, “I’ve had such an amazing time with you, today. You make everything so much more fun.. and I, um,” he pauses, his hand squeezes yours, “… I think I’m falling for you.” “I think I am too, Kou,” you give him a firm kiss, more than a peck but not too intense.
After his confession, you both head back to your spot and lay down on a blanket, gazing up at the stars. He pulls you closer to him, releasing a sigh of contentment. He couldn’t be happier to be surrounded by you and his friends on this wonderful, beachy day.
・❥・Kuroo Tetsurō ・❥・
When you get to the beach, Kuroo is eager and extremely prepared to get everything set up. He’s got a big canopy to sit under, a foldable table for the food, those reclining camping chairs, he’s got everything. Kuroo even brought multiple outdoor games like badminton, ladder ball, spikeball, and cornhole. He is prepared.
This man is so ready for the beach that he even brought water balloons. You didn’t even see him packing them so you were surprised when he pulled out a cooler full of them. “No, you didn’t,” you smiled as you started to grab some and back away. “Yes, I did.” He and you ran around the beach laughing, trying your best to hit each other with the colorful balloons.
After you won the war, you both sat at the table under the canopy, fixing up a plate of premade sandwiches and snacks. As you ate, you two discussed what your plans after eating were, with random conversation mixed in.
Kuroo suggests going for a walk along the shore to collect seashells. You each find some unique shells but the majority are common. Kuroo playfully pretends to find a super unique one, only to reveal another one of the common shells. You roll your eyes but still laugh at his antics.
Later, you go and swim by yourself to cool off, while Kuroo prepares to prank you. He digs a shallow hole in the sand, covering it with a towel. He lures you over, suggesting to sit with him. When you step on the towel, you sink into the hole as Kuroo laughs. He quickly gets up to help you out and apologizes, a mischievous smile on his face.
When sunset comes, Kuroo is already on top of making the fire. You expected to have to scavenge the beach for wood but, again, that man is prepared. He brought a whole case of those premade firelogs so you wouldn’t have to worry.
Kuroo looks at you, his usual playful demeanor turning serious, his features softly lit by the fire. He takes your hand with his, “Y/N, I know I joke a lot, but I want you to know I really care about you. Today was amazing because I got to share the day with you.” He hesitates a moment before leaning over to give you a soft kiss
Night arrives with beautiful stars shining in the sky. You and Kuroo lie on a blanket, gazing up at the stars. Kuroo points at various star clusters, naming them and sharing facts about each one. His passion and knowledge for the subject captivated you. You admired the smarty-pants side of his personality.
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mystra-midnight · 11 months
Two Tickets to Paradise
summary: you'd fought and given up, then started fighting again. the lighthouse, which had started as a paradise, was turning into hell, and it was breaking you—slowly tearing away your sanity.
warnings: 18+ only. on the darker side. mentions of alcohol consumption. rough sex. dacryphilia. hints of emotional distress. hints of angst and/or mental anguish.
words: 990.
notes: honestly wrote this so surprisingly quickly. murphy's always been one of my favs from the show - the arrogance, the vulnerability, the character development? jesus it just does thinks for me. (i don't think i'd ever say no if you send in thots and imagines for him)
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The moment the lighthouse door slammed shut, you should have panicked, but you hadn't been able to find it in yourself to be afraid or even upset. After surviving a trek through a seemingly endless desert, then a boat ride across a seemingly endless ocean, a serpent attack, and a night out in the cold with an injured and angry delinquent, the lighthouse was a welcomed surprise—a perfect paradise.
Not even John—fucking—Murphy, with his toxic tongue and perfect eyes, could ruin your good mood. The two of you had never been particularly close, but you got along well enough that the shared space wasn't uncomfortable. For the first few days, you gave each other space, choosing to sit on opposite sides of the room and occupy yourselves.
Occasionally, the two of you would watch and rewatch the videotape that explained what caused the apocalypse on Earth. On the tenth day, you both drank yourselves stupid and spent hours sharing secrets, thoughts, and theories. You discovered you both had a mutual distrust of the adults who'd arrived on Earth and taken over as though they hadn't sent one hundred kids to their deaths until eventually passing out.
That became your routine for the next forty-five days. Or maybe it was fifty-four. You didn't know.
You tried to keep count, but the days had started to run together, turning into a blur of drunken moments that hurt to think about. You had screamed and cried. You had clawed at the doors until your nails bled. You'd fought and given up, then started fighting again. The lighthouse, which had started as a paradise, was turning into hell, and it was breaking you—slowly tearing away your sanity.
Murphy was in a similar predicament. Some days he screamed and raged around the room, breaking what he could. Other days, he sat completely still and stared ahead as though he no longer inhabited his own body. Eventually, you turned to each other for comfort and escape. That was how you'd found yourself bent over the arm of the sofa, his cock buried deep in your slick walls.
Murphy was wild and untamed, lost in a frenzy of emotions. His hand was fisted in your hair, pulling hard as he pounded you. The sound of his pelvis hitting your ass was obscene and loud, as were the moans and gasps forced from your lips. He was rough—rougher than you liked, but you still couldn't find it in yourself to care.
The pain and pleasure blended so beautifully together that it left you speechless and dazzled, only able to moan each time he pushed into the satin clutch of your cunt. Before this moment, you'd felt hopeless, utterly so, and at the end of your rope, your sanity had been stretched so thin and buried so deep in your being that you never thought you'd find it again.
Murphy found it.
And now the pain was starting to feel so good. It made you forget about the emptiness that had been eating away at you—the hopelessness, the desperation. You needed him. You needed him to stop your thoughts from racing and to fuck everything from your mind until all that remained was him, his cock, and the pleasure searing in your veins.
He happily obliged as he needed the distraction as much as you did.
Both of you needed to feel something—anything—instead of that all-consuming disparity. Luckily, the familiar warmth of orgasm was starting to course through your veins, leaving your skin sweat-slicked and your voice ragged as Murphy adjusted his angle, somehow driving his cock deeper into your sweet cunt, the tip of his cock hitting that spot that sent you suddenly careening.
“Murphy!” You sounded panicked, like you were breaking, and perhaps you were. He did it again, feeling your walls tighten around him. He was dripping with your slick; the wiry hair at the base of his shaft matted; your own equally as messy from where he pulled and yanked it. He was in a frenzy, chasing the climax snaking through his veins, relishing in the feeling of it coiling tighter and tighter in the pit of his stomach until he could hardly breathe, until all he felt was flames licking at his skin.
He was going to break you—maybe kill you—but you didn’t care because the same feelings were consuming you. It was glorious and all-consuming. You started to shake. Your thighs trembled so violently that only the arm of the couch kept you from collapsing.
He didn't notice—or maybe he did and he didn't care; either way, it didn't matter; you didn't mind.
He could use you; you'd let him. He could break you; you'd thank him.
But the moment his cock slipped from your slick walls, you couldn't forgive him. Tears stung in your eyes as you sobbed, the sound welling up from your chest only to be drowned under the sounds of his grunts and groans. Murphy snapped his hips forward, seemingly spurred onward by the tears that rolled down your cheeks in rivers, his pelvis meeting the reddened skin of your ass with a sinful slap, slap, slap.
The moment you needed and wanted with every beat of your heart faded away, your orgasm sleeping through your fingers like waters as you felt thick, ivory rops of come hit your lower back. Murphy tugged hard at your hair, sending pain blossoming through your scalp as he shadowed over you, his lips brushing against the shell of your ear.
You wanted to be angry. You wanted to fight and rage, as you'd done many times already. But the feel of his other hand moving between your legs, his fingers gathering your slick and bringing it to your own lips to taste, melted such thoughts from your brain.
"Not yet," he hissed, pushing two fingers into your mouth, the taste of your own arousal spreading over your tongue. "Not until you're begging."
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effloradox · 1 year
I love Taylor swift and twilight! Ur blog is perfection 💜! Do you mind doing more jasper fan fics!
thank you so much, you're so sweet 🥺
Jasper doesn't like to talk about his past. Conversions about his history are reserved for late night whispers, when it's just the two of you in the safe haven of your room. It's not something you hold against him, you can't judge him for something he did over a hundred years ago in bad faith, but you know he feels resentment for the person he used to be. You know how much he struggles with controlling his thirst, and it’s still not the easiest thing for you to deal with.
The problem with introducing a human into a house full of vampires is that it had the potentially to go fatally wrong. Control is something that all your coven take very seriously, it's the only way you can continue to exist amongst humans after all. Everyone knows that it's you and Jasper that have the hardest time controlling yourselves around blood, it’s not exactly a secret. It never fails to astound you the sheer amount of control that Carlisle exhibits on a daily basis in his job. You're getting better with controlling your urges, and you haven't relapsed for a while but introducing a clumsy human into the house felt like a disaster waiting to happen.
In a way you blame Edward. Your emotions towards your adoptive brother are complicated even on a good day, but the idea of him bringing his human girlfriend into the house for her birthday felt like a terrible idea from the offset. Part of you had hoped Alice would have some dramatic vision that would mean you could call the whole thing off but all she'd seen was an admittedly nice vision of Bella blowing out the candles on her birthday cake surrounded by all of you.
It seemed Edward had forgotten how unbelievably accident prone his new girlfriend was though. An unforgivable oversight on his part, one you'll definitely be calling him out on later. You'd turned your back on the birthday girl for a second, just to look over to where Alice and Esme were putting the finishing touches on the cake when you'd smelt it. The acrid coppery smell of blood hit your nose instantly and every fibre of your being is drawn towards it like a forbidden siren call. Your sisters had moved to your side in an instant, only partially caging you against the kitchen counter you'd been leaning on. It's hard trying to centre yourself and not give into the urges, and it's only what's taking place on the other side of the kitchen that really brings you back to yourself.
Jasper is looking much worse for wear. His senses have honed in on Bella and all of you can tell he's only seconds away from pouncing. Emmett and Edward have their arms around him in an instant, stopping him from beelining towards the injured human but it's clear he's putting up enough of a fight that they'll struggle to restrain him for a long time. You're in front of him in the time it takes Bella to blink, your hands cupping his face gently to keep his eyes on you. Edward had pushed her towards the wall as soon as he'd heard Jasper's thoughts so she's not as close as she was, meaning she only hears fragments of what you're saying to him.
"Hey, hey, Jas it's okay. It's okay. It's just a little blood. Look at me, it's okay yeah?" Your words seem to be having some effect but Bella notes that Emmett and Edward still haven't let Jasper out of their grip. Carlisle appears by her side and she's vaguely aware that he's speaking to her but her eyes are still trained on you and Jasper. Your words seem to be having some kind of effect on him and it sends a small pang through her chest that you have the ability to calm Jasper down even in the face of the strongest temptation when Edward sometime can’t even look at her as a result of his urges.
Her eyes are still trained on the two of you as Esme leads her out of the room to go and find the first aid kit. The last thing she sees is Edward and Emmett letting Jasper go as he collapses in your arms almost bonelessly. His arms wrap around your waist as his head rests on your shoulder, giving you ample chance to press a chaste kiss to the crown of his head.
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nina-ya · 9 months
May I please request a super angsty femReaderxzoro fic where reader dies trying to save zoro but in a really specific way as in she has devil fruit similar to uta but with healing abilities instead and she trades her life to save zoro which makes her have a death similar to rikas from jjk but the song she sing when she’s leaving is long live by Taylor Swift specifically “long live all the mountains we moved I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you” ect.If it’s too detailed, you don’t have to do it but I would really enjoy if you could do this
Long Live
A/N: Italics is a flashback and purple are the song lyrics I had so much fun writing this! well as much fun as you can have writing something sad, but thank you for giving me an excuse to write about more Taylor i hope you enjoy! <3 Pairing: Zoro x fem!reader CW: Reader dies, blood, vague alluding to sex WC: 2.1k Your voice had been a source of joy and happiness for as long as you could remember, and your devil fruit ability only heightened that joy, granting you the power to heal through your melodies. It felt like a gift straight out of a fairy tale. Cradling injured individuals in your arms, you would serenade them, witnessing their wounds miraculously vanish as they sprang up with newfound energy.
In your pursuit of understanding and enhancing your abilities, you dove into the histories of past users who once possessed this ability before you. While you didn't find much in terms of strengthening your powers, you stumbled upon something intriguing: the most recent user of your ability met their demise by sacrificing their life for a marine soldier. The event was well-documented—the tale of their final song and fading away into the unknown, all to save a critically wounded soldier. At the time, you found such sacrifice baffling and perhaps even foolish. The idea of willingly giving up one's life for another was a concept that had always left you questioning whether you could ever do such a thing.
You first encountered Zoro when he casually slid into the seat next to yours at a random, somewhat sketchy tavern on an island whose name had already slipped your memory. Ordering a beer, as expected, neither of you paid much attention to the other until you initiated a conversation, asking about the swords he carried with him. Drink after drink, the banter flowed effortlessly, and as the night progressed, so did the subtle hints of flirtation. Before you knew it, you found yourselves in the confines of the bathroom, Zoro pinning you against the wall, lips locked, hands exploring, clothes quickly discarded—an intense moment that seemed to mark the conclusion of your unexpected encounter. Or so you thought.
The next day, as you went about your business, you stumbled upon a wanted poster that featured none other than Roronoa Zoro, one of the most formidable and dangerous men in the world. The revelation left you torn between celebrating or worrying over the fact that you had just slept with one of the most deadliest men in the world right now. You had chosen the former.
Your lingering questions about whether you'd see him again were answered when, to your surprise, you spotted Zoro rounding a corner, seemingly lost and running in your direction. The unexpected reunion left you wondering about the twists and turns fate had in store for the two of you. He screeched to a halt in front of you, muttering something about being in the wrong place. You were on the verge of teasing him for looking like a lost fool when the unmistakable sounds of approaching marine footsteps and shouts pierced the air from behind. Without a moment's hesitation, Zoro swiftly unsheathed his swords, leaving you momentarily confused when he shoved one into his mouth. Your confusion gave way to surprise as marines in front of you began dropping like flies.
In the chaos, Zoro reached for your hand, grabbed it, and started running with you. Urgently, he asked you to lead him to the docks. Though an underlying sense of fear lingered, the idea of potential injury or worse, you couldn't help but go along with the green-haired man, guiding him through the streets towards the docks. The urgency of the situation fueled your pace, and as you turned a final corner, a grand pirate ship came into view. To your amazement, some very enthusiastic individuals, recognizable from the wanted posters plastered everywhere, were waving at Zoro and urging him to run onto the ship. 
You might have assumed that Zoro would have let you go and abandoned you at some point, but to your surprise, he had you stick around. Soon enough, you found yourself on the deck of the pirate ship, met with perplexed and cautious stares from the crew. This wasn't the life you had envisioned, yet the appeal of friendship and adventures proved too compelling for you to resist.
As it turned out, your unique ability to heal with the simple power of song quickly earned you the role of healer on the ship. You often teamed up with Chopper, working together to mend the wounded, a category that frequently included Zoro. It seemed like he would intentionally find himself in dangerous situations just to give you an excuse to heal him. It became almost routine  for Zoro to pull you aside for healing sessions. He would claim it was because "you're the faster healer" or "Chopper is busy with the others," but the way he stared at you with complete and utter infatuation as you sang hinted that there might be an underlying reason why he always sought you out.
Your relationship with Zoro had flourished during your time on the ship. While the two of you hadn't explicitly labeled it, an unspoken bond had formed, making you inseparable. It was clear to everyone around you that you and Zoro were meant to be. Your connection was so strong that it felt as if you were bound together for life. You, the enchanting songbird, had managed to melt the heart of the swordsman. It was a relationship that seemed almost too perfect to be true.
The shaky rhythm of Zoro's breath sliced through the air, the only accompaniment being the unsettling drip, drip, drip of crimson liquid splattering onto the floor from each painful gash on his body. His eyes threatened to give in to the darkness, the grip tampanoding his profusely bleeding wound weakening with every passing second, allowing more of the red tide to seep out. "She's close by," he reassured himself in a desperate whisper. "She will come and heal me, and everything will be okay." His vision blurred, the edges of consciousness fading, yet the approaching footsteps redirected his waning focus. Your silhouette emerged into view, and a feeble smile of relief played on his weakened lips.
You stood there, your body pulsating with the ache of injuries you had sustained from the battle. Exhaustion weighed heavily on your chest, each labored breath revealing your weariness. As you took in Zoro's dire state, a chill ran down your spine, and your hands trembled uncontrollably. The blood painted the wall against which he leaned, the pool he lay in enough to have claimed the life of an ordinary person by now.
In that moment, a wave of realization crashed over you, akin to what the previous user of your devil fruit must have experienced when confronted with the imminent death of that soldier. The only conceivable explanation for willingly sacrificing one's life in such a manner was love. Only someone who is deeply in love could find themselves doing what you were prepared to do.
Thump-thump-thump-thump-thump-thump—thump... thump... thump...
Your heart beats in your ears, slow and steady, a sharp contrast to the urgency that surrounds you. Crouching down next to him, your knees bathe in the blood beneath you. You reach out and stroke his face, your voice cutting through the tense air as a sweet melody falls from your lips, “Long live the walls we crashed through, I had the time of my life with you…”
Your vision blurs slightly as you start to sing, and your voice wavers, but determination fuels your every word. Zoro's consciousness begins to steady, and his gaze focuses on you. He listens to the lyrics you sing, his smile quickly fading as he senses your growing unsteadiness. His own heartbeat starts to quicken, mirroring the vivid recollection of the last time he was this severely injured.
Your fingers gently comb through the emerald strands of the injured marimo, the sound of your singing soothing his pain, mending the cuts and bruises that adorned him. As his eyes gradually flutter open from the haze of injury, he gazes up at you, a soft smile spreading across his lips upon hearing the sound of your voice. This time felt different from his previous injuries; there was an abundance of blood, and the worry etched across your face reflected the urgency to reach him in time.
You knew you couldn't stop singing. You needed to heal him, but you also needed to talk to him, so your song took on a more serious shift in meaning as you sang. "Will you take a moment? Promise me this: that you’ll stand by me forever," you begin, your voice carrying a weight that matches the importance of this moment. His larger hand envelops yours, nodding in silent agreement. You continue, "but if, God forbid, fate should step in and force us into a goodbye," confusion knits Zoro's eyebrows, wondering the reason behind the unexpected shift in your melody.
You persist, “if you have children someday, when they point to the pictures, please tell them my name.” Your voice grew shaky as you continued, “Tell them how I hope they shine." Teardrops fall onto his concerned face, and he instinctively reaches up to wipe them away. The inevitability of this conversation weighed heavily on both your hearts, each word spoken a painful acknowledgment of the uncertainties life may hold.
In response, Zoro reassures you with a resolute voice, "I promise to stay with you forever, but you know fate won't dare step in and tear us apart. I won't allow it. You’re too important to me, and I swear that we will live out the rest of our lives together, and *you* will get to tell our kids all of these things, okay?" His words, a promise fueled by determination, aim to chase away the uncertainty of what lies ahead, providing comfort in the tomorrow that they both look forward to.
It's happening. Fate weaves its cruel design, guiding you toward that goodbye—a scenario Zoro strongly vowed would never come to pass. “Long live the walls we crashed through, how the kingdom lights shined just for me and you,” you continue, your voice quivering with an emotional strain that mirrors the tension in the air. The aura that your powers provide seem to shimmer with an magical quality as Zoro's wounds gradually fade, mirroring the slow, inescapable dimming of your own presence.
Your body slumps over, a proof of the draining strength within you. Stronger hands, Zoro's calloused and desperate, grasp your arms, pulling you close in a desperate attempt to defy the approaching reality. A gasp escapes you, the sound of your body's instinctive cling towards life.
“Stop… Stop this… I—I’m fine now, see? Chopper can just fix us up; you can stop now,” Zoro pleads, his voice quivering, the tremor reverberating through the air. His lip wobbles, tears teetering on the edge of escape. He knows the words he's uttering form a desperate attempt to go against the harsh reality. In this wretched moment, he attempts to make you hold onto your own life, to discourage you from the selfless act of sacrificing yourself to mend his wounds. Yet, the heavy truth hangs in the air—a truth that your fading form seems to convey with every passing moment.
Your breath is shaky, and a sudden weariness envelops you. Yet, his pleas, laced with unspoken desperation, don't deter you. ”Long live the walls we crashed through, how the kingdom lights shined just for me and you,” you sing softly, leaning onto him, a somber smile gracing your lips despite the impending farewell.
“Please stop…I love you, please don’t do this…” Zoro's whisper is almost a plea, his voice breaking as tears fall freely. He grasps your hand, squeezing it with a desperation that clings to the diminishing hope that both of you can somehow emerge unscathed from this ordeal.
“And I was screaming, ‘Long live all the magic we made’ and bring on all the pretenders…” Another wave of weakness washes over you, and your head falls limp onto his shoulder, “I'm not afraid.” you murmur, hoping the reassurance in your words might alleviate some of the weight on his shoulders among the unfolding tragedy. ”Long live all the mountains we moved…I had the time of my life fighting dragons with you.” With that final line, your voice softens, the melody fading into a whisper as your breaths grow shallower. The grip of Zoro's hand on yours tightens, desperately clinging to the waning connection. With each passing moment, your form dissolves into an ethereal glow. In desperation, Zoro reaches into the empty space that you once occupied, his trembling fingers grasping at nothingness, a denial of the harsh reality that you are gone. The ringing of your song linger in the hollow space, a haunting reminder of a love transcended beyond the boundaries of existence. Zoro, left with an aching emptiness, is now entangled in the flickers and fragments of a love that slipped away.
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reallychaoticwoo · 4 days
Hi, babe!!!! I just accidentally hit my head really hard and I need some comfort. So could you please write something for a non idol! Reader with some kind of injury? I’m feeling better now, but I still need something to get me going. Love you💕💕
⛓️Hello babes! So this may have been slightly self-indulgent as your girl is in SERIOUS need of some physical affection lol but i do really hope you enjoy it!⛓️
✨️Peace of mind✨️
❤️Pairing: San x reader
⚠️Warnings: cussing, some suggestiveness🖤
This is truly a fluff fest, and I am absolutely NOT sorry.
‼️This is purely for entertainment purposes and does not represent the idol in any way‼️
🖤This was not proofread, so I apologize for any typos or weird mistakes 😅 Hope you enjoy!🖤
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You didn't plan on injuring yourself today, I mean, does anyone ever really plan on it? You'd been rushing to get your things together, eager to head home and get out of your uncomfortable office attire. Bending down to grab your laptop bag and purse your head collided with the corner of your desk. Your vision blacking out for a quick moment and a sharp pain shooting through your head, you let out a groan. "Fuck.." Your hand finding it's way to your forehead to apply pressure to the aching area. Sitting back in your chair hand still holding your head you heard a knock at the door. "Come in." San opened the door, leaning himself against the frame. "Hey I was just coming to see if you.... shit, are you okay?" The casual stance he had disappeared as he made his way to your desk. Pulling your hand away from your head his eyes widened. "You're bleeding y/n. What happened?" Concern written all over his face, he headed to bookshelf in the corner of your office where the first aid kit was. "I'm okay.." You started looking at your blood covered hand that had been resting on your head. "I was just trying to pack up and I hit my head on the desk when I went to grab my bags." He let out a small chuckle, internally scolding himself for laughing at your clumsiness. "Yup, that sounds like something you'd do." He sat on your desk facing you, pulling your hand into his to wipe away the blood with a small antibacterial wipe he'd gotten from your first aid kit. "So what were you coming in to ask me before you stopped to play nurse?" You asked, nuding his knee with your free hand, a cute little smirk resting on your face.
The two of you had a bit of a back and forth going at the office. Passing flirty winks back and forth in the hallways, randomly showing up at each other's offices with any and every excuse in the book as to why. Neither of you had actually made a move to further things, though. Part of you wondered why, but another part of you figured it was because the both of you knew dating in the workplace, you get really messy really quick. Either way, you always caught yourself wishing things could be more.
"Well, I was going to see if you had plans tonight. But considering you just tried to put yourself into a coma, I don't think now would be the best time for a date." As if it was the most casual sentence in the world, he leaned forward to wipe the blood from your forehead and face, with nothing but a concentrated look painting his own. "I wouldn't say no if you asked." You looked up at him, a glimer of relief and excitement passing through your wide eyes. He chuckled knowingly. "Oh, I know. Don't think I haven't been wanting to ask you out for a while now. I just didn't want things to get weird if I did, but I think it's pretty obvious we'd both like to see where this could go." You giggled at the truth he just admitted so bluntly. There was no arguing that you were dying to see what things would be like if you both just allowed yourselves to be honest with your emotions towards each other.
"So, how about instead of going out like I was originally planning, we stay in and you let me take care of you and that injured little head of yours?" Playfully nudging your chin with his thumb, he looked at you with warmth in his eyes and a shinning smile spreading across his lower face. You couldn't help but return the cheesy grin up in his direction. "That sounds even better, honestly. No loud noises or bright lights. And most importantly, no feeling the need to wear uncomfortable clothes to look pretty." He tsked, a fake pout spread across his features. "You wouldn't want to dress up and go on a nice date with me??" He crossed him, arms feigning disappointment. "Right now? No. I want nothing more than some comfy sweats and to get out of these harsh lights." Your head really was throbbing. As much as his banter improved your mood, your eyes had been squinted the whole time, and you were ready to go anywhere that was quite and dimly lit. His muffled laughter catching your attention, he offered you his hand to help you up. He made sure to grab your bags so you wouldn't have to bend down again and risk another blow to your already aching head. "Okay, okay, princess, my place work for you? I've got plenty of comfy sweats, you can pick whichever ones you want." Walking out of your office, your face resembled that of a high school girl getting a text from her crush. You were smiling, blushing, internally screaming, and giggling. I mean, who wouldn't feel that way when the hottest man to ever grace this planet was taking you home to comfort you and make sure you still got a little date out of it. Honestly, the fact you knew without a doubt he'd have no expectations from you made you weak in the knees. Just a genuinely caring man who wants to make sure you are feeling okay because you hit your head. You weren't sure the exact moment the gods started blessing you, but you were mentally thanking them the entire walk to his car.
The car ride was rather nice. His hand resting on your thigh, the two of you talking about everything and nothing. When you finally reached his house, he quickly opened your door, offering you his hand to help you to your feet. Outside his house was simple but beautiful. He had a wrap around porch with a black metal bench swing, stringed light bulbs lining the edge of the covering, and a sitting area with two large wicker chairs and a small table. His yard was well maintained with beautiful flowers and greenery placed perfectly throughout. You were admiring the simplicity and homey feel as he ushered you up the front steps and through his front door. The inside of his home was equally as inviting, sleek, and modern, with carefully placed decor, highlighting the various spacious rooms. Gesturing you to follow him, the two of you moved to his living room. "Make yourself at home. I'm gonna go grab you some headache meds and water really quick. I'll be right back." You smiled in his direction, nodding at him in a silent thank you. Sitting on the couch, you took a look around the living room. A large marble fireplace in front of you with a large TV mounted to the wall above it. The mantle was decorated with a few vining plants and pictures of who you assumed were his brothers or really close friends. You smiled to yourself at how many goofy and well taken photos he'd proudly displayed. He quickly made his way back to the living room with meds and water in hand. "Here, take these. I'm going to go change really quick, and then you can pick out your pj's for the night." With a warm smile and a gentle kiss to the forehead, he made his way down the hall and to his room.
It was only a few minutes before San was back by your side. "Alright, gorgeous, let's get you into some comfier clothes." He bent down, picking you up bridal style and carrying you to his bedroom before sitting you gently on his bed. Opening his closet, he motioned his hand to the large selection of sweats as if to say 'take your pick'. Your eyes lit up at the grandiose selection, a delighted smile on your face. Picking out a plain black set, he brought the clothing to the bed and laid it down next to you neatly. "You can change in here. I'll wait in the living room. You have any movie requests? I can order some pizza, if that sounds good to you." You chuckled at how considerate he was. If you were being honest you'd expected him to be a total fuck boy. The flirting at the office and his perfectly styled appearance just screamed 'I'll take your chick and fuck her in front of you'. Yet, even if there was some truth to that, he was actually turning out to be a real gentleman. "You pick the movie, I can never make a decision and my head hurts too much to even try right now. And pizza sounds great, thank you." With a quick nod, he was leaving the room to let you change. Alone in his room, sitting on his bed, you felt a sense of home. His bed was plush and comfortable. You had to fight yourself to get up and change, deciding it'd probably be off putting if he found you curled up under his sheets fast asleep when you never came back.
Walking back you to the living room, you stopped at the entryway, smiling to yourself at the sight before you. San had set up the perfect at home date night. A makeshift pallet full of blankets on the floor, several pillows leaning against the couch, candles flickering on the mantle and end tables. Pizza was sitting on the coffee table, which was pushed off to the side, sitting next to one of the end tables. He'd turned the lights off to make sure the brightness wouldn't cause your headache to worsen and had a movie already pulled up and ready. Thanking the gods for the nth time today, you walked into the living room, taking your place beside San. Handing you your plate, he pressed play on the movie before grabbing his own plate. Both eating now, you looked to the screen, a familiar movie playing. A movie you'd watched many times, usually when you were alone and sad, sobbing into your pillow at the when you heard the line "if you're a bird, I'm a bird." You should've guessed by this point he'd be the type of guy to enjoy romantic movies. What you didn't guess was that he picked this movie so he could see how you reacted. He wanted to see what made you laugh, what made you cry, and what made your eyes shine with want. He wanted to get to know you better and more than just small talk and casual flirting.
Finishing your food, he took your plates and set them on the coffee table. He put his arm around your shoulder, pulling you closer to him, placing an attentive kiss to the top of your head. Leaning into his touch, resting your head on his shoulder, a content smile grew across your face. Although your headache seemed to be dissipating, the events of the day seemed to be catching up with you. Your eyelids growing heavier by the second. Noticing how your body seemed to grow more relaxed, San wrapped his arms around you and carefully moved the two of into a laying position. In the half awake/ half asleep haze, you softly muttered, "This is perfect. Thank you, Sannie." Your eyes never opening, you nuzzled further into him, your head now rest on his chest, your leg laid across his thighs. The soft touch of his fingers running through your hair and the steady beating of his heart lulling you into the most traquil night of sleep you've had in years. A soft kiss to your forehead and then to the top of your head, San allowed himself to succumb to his own tiredness, truly at ease with you in his arms.
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vigilvntes · 11 months
OK here’s my angsty but also soft scenario:
Everybody on the team knows Adrian has feelings for you. Chris teases him all the time about how you are never gonna feel the same way. Nobody knows that you’ve been secretly dating for months.
 The team goes on what should be a routine mission, but everything goes horribly wrong and you find yourselves fighting for your lives. Adrian does everything he can to protect you, and in the process gets seriously injured.
He hast to go to the hospital, and even with his accelerated healing. It seems like he’s going to die.
You completely break down, and from your reaction it’s pretty obvious that you and Adrian are more than friends. You’d be upset if any of them were hurt, but not like this.
Anyway, you spend every day by Adrian side at the hospital, talking to him, begging for him to come back to you, telling him that you love him. It’s the first time you’ve told him that.
It takes a few weeks, but thanks to his accelerated healing. Adrian does get better in the first thing he does when he wakes back up is tell you that he loves you too.
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bonus points if everyone is under the impression that you hate adrian. like you constantly bicker with each other and everyone just kinda thinks that you're being fr and you can't stand his ass and that adrian is only bickering with you because he has a huge crush on you and it's the only speck of attention he gets from you. idk i think he would think it's kinda funny that the two of you argue with each other when you're with the team, and they constantly tease him and tell him that there's no chance in hell you'd ever give him a chance because you clearly hate him ... and then he gets to go home and kiss your face off and giggle about how DUMB the team are for not knowing.
so when you hear emilia tell the team over comms that adrian is down, and you rush over to him with literally no thoughts in your head other than to be with him and help him despite the chaos around you, everyone is kinda confused. when the fight is over and you're sobbing over his unconscious body, begging him to wake up and come back to you while leota drags you away so chris can pick him up and get him some help asap ... they're even more confused. except emilia. she has her "holy shit" moment right then and there but refrains from saying anything because there's more important matters at hand. she has to drive your boyfriend to the hospital before you wage war against anyone and everyone that had a part to play in his death, should that happen.
so at the hospital, you're pacing around, biting your nails, shaking. you haven't stopped crying since you saw him on the ground, blood pooling from the wound to his side. you're injured too, but every time the doctors try to treat your wounds you tell them they can't, not until you know adrian is, at the very least, alive. it's at this point that chris just can't seem to help himself. he's upset too – that's his best friend for(n)ever, but you HATE him. or so he thought. so he'll straight up ask why you're being so fucking WEIRD. why you're acting like you're in love with him, or some shit. your sad grimace, emilia's death glare, and leota and economous' (who realised on the drive to the hospital) look that says 'dude, come on??' quickly catches him up on the situation. confirms that you are, in fact, in love with adrian.
the doctors tell you that he's alive, and it's only then that you allow yourself to be treated. your wounds are surface only, easy enough to patch up, and even though you're discharged you spend almost every single day in the hospital by adrian's side, talking to him, telling him that you love him and that it should've been you and not him. some days you're forced to go home by chris or emilia, with you promising that you'll sleep (you won't) and the two of them promising that they'll stay by his side. it's on one of those days that adrian wakes up, and you're grateful that your mind won't allow you to fall asleep when you get a phone call from leota at 3am telling you he's awake.
you're still in your pyjamas when you turn up at the hospital, having literally jumped out of bed and into your car to drive over. when you rush into his hospital room, a strained, tired, dumbass grin spreads across his lips and he greets you with a 'hey, fuckhead'. you burst into tears then and there and he immediately tries to get out of the hospital bed to comfort you but emilia yells at him and tells him to sit the fuck back down before she leaves the two of you to it.
fluff ensues. back and forth i love you's. 'if you think this is bad, you shoulda seen the other guy. no– babe, it was so cool. i hit him over the head with his own hammer before he stabbed me. then i stabbed him with his own knife. double whammy.' chris turns up and questions both of you on when the fuck you stopped hating each other and started fucking instead?????????
anyway 🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶🫶
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madame-fear · 1 year
Request, Enemies to Lover, Stark!Reader X Lucerys Velaryon.
(Also a lil bit smut, hehe...)
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— ☆ amira speaks : ok so, few notes: the starks and targs made alliances first and a short while after luke was sent to storm's end bc this is my own canon, yes? also, conceptually this is a mix of enemies to lovers + slowburn (kinda??) but with the relationship being fastforwarded, iykwim. And, dialogues in italics are from past events. Lucerys is briefly aged up. — summary : [ — ✧ request ] after your brother Cregan became allies with House Targaryen, you are occasionally forced to stand the smartass Prince Lucerys Velaryon, whom always knows how to get on your nerves. Eventually, you soften for each other after he has certain gentlemanly acts with you. But, your relationship drastically changes for the better good when Lucerys is gravely injured on Storm's End, and you are asked to "take care of him." — word count : 4.7k
— pairing : lucerys velaryon x stark!reader — genre : smut, enemies to lover, some fluff.
TW | mentions of near death, unprotected sex, P in V, slight profanity, creampie.
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After your elder brother Cregan made strong alliances between House Stark and House Targaryen to support Princess Rhaenyra's birthright to the Throne, you are occasionally forced to tolerate her cocky, smartass secondborn son: Prince Lucerys Velaryon.
No one knew why your relationship was as complex as that, even if your Houses got along together pretty well. Lucerys just knew how to have an ease to pick up on you with small, silly things, and you just always dismissed Luke, retorting back to any remark he would make. If you had to stay in the same room, you would simply whine and hesitate the entire time you're together, not tolerating each other's presence near one another.
“Why don't you like each other?” is a question you'd both hear frequently, simultaneously. The answers are always: “Because he's a spoiled, cocky, and annoying prince”, and also “Because she's boring. I'd rather die than be on the same room as her”. Yet, none of the responses helps your relatives to make you properly bond together.
With the brief passing of time, you learnt to stand whatever thing you thought about each other, and ignoring yourselves. The main situation that helped you slightly tolerate him, was one time you were in the library and you couldn't reach a certain book you fancied to read. There, his hand appeared from your side, and took the book, reaching it down for you with a rather cocky smile on his rosy lips.
“Thank you.” you spat out, taking the book from his hands, staring at him intensely into his eyes. “No need to thank me, Lady Stark. I am simply being a gentleman.” luke would reply back, ruffling your hair in a stupidly teasing manner, with his prideful smile remaining. Afterwards, and strangely enough, you both leisurely softened for each other even if you simply tried ignoring one another; not finding your presences so bad, after all.
Another situation that helped you bond slightly with each other, was the very first time that, during dinner between House Stark and House Targaryen, Lucerys stood from his seat only to offer you his hand, and take you dancing. He mainly did it because his mother suggested him to do so, and he did as he was told even if he protested against it. Obviously, you took his hand a bit hesitantly, and danced together in the centre of the dinning room.
“I figured, I'd much rather take you dancing, than hear continous political chaos, no?” as the princeling gently swirled you around with constant grace, he whispered to you, breaking the silence. You scoffed, humming briefly in response. “Finally, something we can agree with.” you retorted back, making him widely smirk. “Funny girl.” lucerys replied in a murmur, as you both continued dancing around the centre of the dinning hall.
“I would've thought of you as a terrible dancer, but it seems I was mistaken.” the young prince continued talking in a whisper. In response, you chuckled. “And I would've never guessed you would admit being wrong for once, yet, here we are.” the young Velaryon rolled his eyes at you, as you kept talking. “But, thank you. You aren't a bad dancer yourself as well.” you finished, widely grinning at him.
Despite none of you would ever admit it, you realised you actually had more fun dancing together than you originally would've thought. Some chuckles and giggles were heard coming from both of you that night, and it was a relief for your families to see you both in that state.
Luke occasionally loves to bother and annoy you, but what used to be a tedious rivalry where you couldn't even be in the same room, slowly became mere fun teasing to each other, even if you both preferred to keep the 'we can't stand each other' facade with the rest of your relatives. None of you either wanted to admit to yourselves that you didn't find each other as annoying as you used to.
Curiously enough, the feelings that grew for each other was unwanted as well. You found yourselves focusing and thinking on one another more than you should. Occasional mutual staring because you think of one another as... Strangely attractice, feeling the need of defending each other when someone disrespects you, and using random excuses to be near your presences. Oh, and with all of this, you still manage to roll off a 'gods how can they be so annoying?' from your lips. An overwhelming sensation of bittersweet, mixed feelings with each other.
By the time you were already less bothered with Lucerys, eveytime you had to return to Winterfell from Dragonstone, the thought of not being around Luke and tolerating the way he playfully picked up on you constantly made you feel unused to not being around him. To a certain extent, long for his presence, but you try to wash away those feelings.
Upon arriving back to your home in Winterfell a few days after one of your many visits to Dragonstone, you found yourself sitting down on the floor in a calm manner. The direwolf you tamed rested his head on your lap, immersed in a profound slumber, while your fingers leisurely caressed it's soft, fluffy grey fur. The only sound heard resonating through your room was that of the fire crackling coming from the small chimney in your quarters to keep it warm in the usually cold atmosphere of Winterfell.
Your eyes stood fixed on said crackling fire, being drowned on your own sea of thoughts. The mere idea of feeling the slightest of longing for the — now less — annoying Prince Lucerys made you feel confused regarding your own feelings. Despite you insisted to your own mind that you could never feel attracted to that cocky future Lordling that always found a way to get on your nerves, your heart always reminded you of how gentlemanly, and more delicately he's been treating you on your latest visits to House Targaryen.
A sudden knock on your door interrupted your waves of thought, making you turn your head to stare at the door, as well as awaken your sleeping direwolf. Before you could reply, your brother Cregan swiftly opened the door. His facial expression seemed to be tinted with concern, and inner conflict. “(y/n),” he sweetly greeted you, as always. A brief grin formed on your lips. “Cregan.” you greeted back. “Is something the matter?” you inquired, intrigued at his notorious worry.
“Indeed,” he rapidly retorted, standing at your door. “We must return back to Dragonstone as a matter of urgency.” your brother stated, making you furrow your eyebrows, even more confused. Before you could ask why, he continued. “Prince Lucerys has returned from Storm's End gravely wounded, and we must travel to Dragonstone to support House Targaryen.” a huffed sigh escaped your lips as your brother finished speaking, your eyes widening in surprise at his statement.
“How unfortunate.” you replied to Cregan, continuing to leisurely pet your dire's grey fur. Even if you didn't want such feelings to overwhelm you, you couldn't help but feel a scintilla of deep concern and... fear, for his safety. 'How severe are his wounds?' You wondered to yourself. The feeling of growing worried for Lucerys seemed like a foreign concept for you, but here you were; your heart pounding fast against your chest with nerves, hoping for the best.
A sigh came from Cregan's lips as well. “I know that, even if your relationship is... strangely complex, to put it in a way,” a scoff escaped your lips in response. But your brother wasn't wrong; your relationship with Lucerys had been oddly mixed lately, especially after the certain situations you had together where you found his actions to be proper of a gentleman, but you still picked up on each other and constantly mentioned how much you hated one another.
“But please, meet Lucerys on his chambers, and use the situation as an opportunity to bond together. I am certain the Prince will appreciate your actions after having nearly faced death.” your lips were formed as a thin, straight line as Cregan finished talking. Without responding much, you nodded in agreement.
“Very well, then, I will do my best, and I will go see him.” the tone of your voice seemed weary, but only because you tried to cover the true concern that tightened your chest at the thought of a badly injured Lucerys. And, even if you hated it, a hint of enthusiasm grew on you at knowing you'd see him.
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Traveling from Winterfell back to Dragonstone was, fortunately, a rather fast trip. As soon as you arrived to your destination, you were warmly welcomed and thanked by House Targaryen as always, now more than ever, as you provided full support to their House, and for the health of Rhaenyra's secondborn son. A polite, courting smile remained on your lips as Rhaenyra guided your brother and you inside the rocky castle.
Both your brother and you hastily made your way inside Dragonstone, with quick steps following Rhaenyra from behind. Your heart oddly thumped loudly against your chest, and you tried remaining calm with your clasped hands resting in front of your body, attentively listening to Rhaenyra as she briefly spoke about what the inconvenient in Storm's End had been, with overwhelming concern.
“Princess Rhaenyra,” you suddenly spoke, as a moment of silence was made. A soft, low tone came from your lips, yet vehement. “Would it be too much trouble, if I go visit Lucerys and wish him well on his health recovery?” despite your voice being slightly quivering, you somehow managed to inquire Rhaenyra about visiting a recovering Lucerys on his quarters as Cregan suggested without stuttering for a bit.
A warm, polite smile danced on her rosy lips, giving you a single bow with her head. She knew how your relationship with her son was a mix between tense, yet had been latelt formal enough to slightly tolerate one another in the same room. And, even so, she could see the way you occasionally stared at each other, or often found yourselves being on the same room under some dumb, plain excuse. “You may, my sweet girl.” she replied, seemingly happy about your question. “I am certain Luke will be fond of your presence.” Rhaenyra added, and you briefly curtsied as a way of saying thanking her.
Afterwards, a Royal Guard fleetingly guided you through the grey, large halls of Dragonstone, towards the chambers of the Princeling. Fortunately it was a rather short walk, and you quickly found yourself standing in front of a large, dragon-carved wooden door, meaning you had already arrived to his quarters. A respectful, single bow with the head was given to you by the guard, and he left back to where Rhaenyra and your brother where conversating.
Taking several deep breaths, you prepared yourself to be less awkward with the usually teasing future Lord, disliking the feeling of being too nervous at the sight of him badly injured. Your fist was raised slightly, and you knocked the door twice. Not allowing anyone to answer, your hand swiftly opened the door, allowing you to enter.
As soon as you were inside the quarters of Lucerys, your breath sharpened, flinching briefly. A maester stood by his side, Luke laid on bed with a pale face. The princeling wore a silky, white gown, and his face was full of fresh, slightly bloody scars and scratches. Tossed aside on a chair rested his dragonriding clothing, noticing they were dirty, and stained with dried blood. His hair seemed to be wet, and messy. Luke's facial expression was weary, and yet, his green eyes slightly widened at the sight of you entering to his quarters; clearly, he had not expected you to show up.
“Lady Stark.” the maester greeted curtsying you, as Lucerys shyly descended his gaze to his lap upon noticing you, with a tint of pink on his scarred cheeks. Giving the maester a single bow with your head as a form of greeting back, you then fixed your stare on Lucerys. “Hello, maester.” you spoke, with a little grin, and a gentle tone. “May I have some alone time with Prince Lucerys, please?” you kindly asked, and the maester, without hesitation, rapidly left both of you alone on Luke's chambers, bowing down at the two of you before closing the door shut behind of him.
Hesitatingly, Lucerys lifted his stare, shyly taking a look at you. It was annoying to realise how fast, and tight his heart had recently began to feel against his chest at the mere sight of you, but at the same time, he had to admit he enjoyed having you around. “So, you came, Lady Stark.” lucerys mumbled, fixing his eyes on yours, as you gracefully walked to his side of the bed.
“Indeed.” you replied, your lips drawing a genuine smile. “The second my brother and I received the news of your inconveniences on Storm's End, we fleeted to see you, and your family.” as you kept talking, you daintly sat on the edge of his bed, but close enough to his face, resting your hands on your lap, gazing at him. “I must admit, I was deeply concerned for your wellbeing. But... Hearing, and seeing that you're safe and sound relieves me.” the young Velaryon could tell by your gaze, and voice tone, that you were honest. Not even a scintilla of doubt grew on him at your words. A weak smirk formed on his delicate lips. “Thank you, (y/n).” he retorted.
Briefly making an awkward moment of silence, his eyes fell to stare at his own lap. There, the previous pink tint formed on his cheeks, being notorious amongst the freshly bleeding injuries and scars on his face. “I know our relationship is... Strange, to say the least,” lucerys began, as he fidgeted with his trembling fingers. “But even if we're supposed to despise one another, I...” the brunette-haired boy paused. The words seemed to get stuck on his throat, struggling to roll off from his rosy lips. “I... Was frightened of never being able to have your presence near me.” with a sudden keen feeling of courage, Luke lifted his gaze from his lap, staring at you.
“I don't truly care what you think about me, or the things I say to annoy you... But, I genuinely care for you; your presence never fails to lighten my day, as much as I dislike admitting it outloud.” at his words, your lips were briefly apart with surprise. Your face slowly became near to his, being able to admire the precious glint his hazel eyes carried. With shame, he nearly lowered his face back to his lap with slightly weak movements, but you managed to gently take his chin with your fingers, and make him stare back at you.
“You silly, silly boy.” you began speaking, with a stupid wide grin forming on your lips. His eyebrows were furrowed for a brief moment, but you didn't reply, as you boldly pulled yourself closer to him, and planted your lips to the corner of his mouth, dangerously close to his lips. The Prince swallowed nervously as you did so, goofily grinning at you as you leisurely pulled back, staring back at Lucerys.
“I should keep hating you, but I figured... I think, I just love you too much to keep despising you.” you mumbled, as his hazel eyes unconsciously fell down to your beauteous lips, admiring every inch of them. Your own eyes did the same on his enticing, rosy lips. It seemed the tense atmosphere was fervidly felt between the two of you, but it was a passionate, fiery type of tension.
Without saying any other word, you abruptly clashed your own lips against his, while the future Lord of the Tides followed the movements your lips did to kiss his very own. It was alluring to kiss each other, just like two missing pieces of a puzzle that had just found each other. The more intense it became, the more your panting increased; resonating through his quarters.
Despite both of you briefly pulled apart from one another to catch some air, you rapidly returned to keep clashing your lips and kissing, nibbling on each other's lips occasionally, and feeling your accelerated, hot breathing against one another. One of his hands was tightly gripped on your shoulder, and the other one desperately clawed on your back. The way his hand clawed on your back, tugging on your dress, indicated that he so needily wanted to pull you closer to him; and you understood his signals perfectly.
Not breaking the passionate, moist kissing, one of your legs slowly creeped to his side, helping you get on top of him. A breathless moan escaped from him at the feeling of your weight pushing down on his erected bulge that you could feel poking on your in between leg. “Sȳz riña.” luke whispered breathlessly in between the kiss, allowing his eloquent High Valyrian come to light in such heated moment.
'Good girl'. That, you understood. Being a Stark that was deeply immersed in historical readings and had an appreciating thrill for the language of Old Valyria, you had taught yourself how to read and understand High Valyrian. The reaction you were getting from Lucerys made you smirk in mischief, raking your nails on his wet, messed hair, pulling it back, and your other free hand rested on the large, wooden bedheader to keep your balance on top of him.
His shaking hands went to firmly grip on your waist, only to leisurely travel lower to your legs, and slightly hike the skirt of your dress up; giving Lucerys more access to slide his hands under your dress. Even if his hands teasingly moved under your dress to make their way towards your underwear, he managed to, somehow, control your body and keep pushing you on top of his fully erected member. Some strangled noises unwantedly escaped your lips as you rubbed your still clothed, dripping wet core against his bulge.
“You have no idea, how badly I've been lately fantasising about wildly fucking you, every single night.” he husked, beginning to place kisses on your neck, causing you to hitch your breath as you slided your trembling hands through his chest. “Fuck,” you whimpered, feelings his hands precipitously remove your underwear, willingly helping Luke to toss them aside. The windy feeling of the atmosphere hitting your exposed, pulsating genitalia, plus his hands holding a tight, firm grip on your hips, sent shivers down your spine.
Needily, your hands rapidly travelled all across his clothed chest, to all the way below his silk-textured nightgown, rushedly hiking it up to his waist. Your fingers gently — and hurriedly — began working on sliding down his underwear, as your face leaned down to continue placing sloppy, wet kisses on his lips. As you removed his underwear, your exposed, wet core immediatly sat on top of his erection, rubbing yourself against him; his tip already releasing pre-cum from the arousal. The hand that raked it's nails through his hair remained there, holding a tight grip on the back of his head as he released a quivering pant at the pleasure being received.
“You can't tease me, princess.” lucerys kept mumbling in between kissed, intensely fixing his hazel eyes on you as his nails dug deeper on the skin of your hips. “I know you want to desperately fuck me, as much as I wish to.” in response, you teasingly scoffed, and bit his lower lip as to provoke him. Without giving you a warning, you suddenly felt his cock harshly being shoved inside of your wet, throbbing core, causing you to release a sudden gasp against his lips, feeling a brief stinging pain. A strangled noise escaped him, feeling how your walls tightened around his rigid size.
“Fuck, Lucerys...” you groaned, closing your eyes shut, tightening your hand firmly on the bedheader, as you adjusted to his hardened size. Both your breathing was accelerated, hitting against one another's skin. Lucerys descended his lips to trail some small, provoking kisses on hour jaw, and lower his way towards your sensitive neck. As his nails were digging on your skin, he softly began thrusting inside of you a bit deeper, making sure of being as delicate as he could without causing you any type of pain.
You threw your head back, with lips being partly open. Quivering pants and some quiet moans escaped from your lips, as you felt him entering his size deeply inside of you. “You like the way I feel inside of you, no? You're already dripping wet for me, sweet love.” he whispered in a breathless manner, trying to so badly contain his own moaning, widely grinning against your neck, continuing to kiss and nibble gently on your neck to stimulate you even more.
“S-Shut up, and fuck me faster.” you whimpered, nearly begging to feel more, as Lucerys moved dreadfully slow inside of you. “Hae ao jaelagon.” luke growled, briefly pulling apart from biting on your neck's sweet spots, and harshly pounding his entire size against your pussy, leisurely beginning to make an in-and-out motion, having full control of your body. The feeling of your moist genitalia tightening it's walls around his shaft made him throw his head back, parting his lips as some grunting escaped from him.
“Tepagon ziry ry naejot issa, jorrāelagon...” he whimpered, moving your body inside of his erected member. Some slight drops of sweat began appearing on your bodies, as you clenched your jaw, with desperate hope of containing the moans and panting that escaped from you. The wet noises of his own member fervidly pushing inside against your wet core began echoing through the room, slowly being accompanied by your whining moans.
One of trembling his hands kept it's tight grip on your waist as to help his ridge enter deeper on your shaft, as the other one went to take hold of the back of your hair, slightly pulling your hair. “Fuck, you feel so good, p-please, don't stop–” you whined, stuttering and being occasionally interrupted by your own moans, which got louder with every thrust. His twitching cock knew exactly where to continue hitting continously, as to make you reach your orgasm faster.
“Seven Hells, you feel so good” he yelped, fluttering his eyes shut, as he groaned in pleasure. “You are so tight and wet around my cock, y-you feel better than I-I imagined...” as he kept whispering breathlessly, stammering, your own body began shoving itself all the way down to the end of his rigid member, pulling your hips down hard, penetrating as profoundly as he could. “Lucerys...” you whined, barely being able to form a proper sentence.
The rougher he kept pounding against your dripping pussy, getting moister every passing second, the more dumbfounded you felt. You could barely think to form a proper thought, or sentence. Both of you were misted by a cloud of pure ecstasy, beginning to feel an aching inner heat tightening inside of your chests, as an uncomfortable knot inside your stomachs formed. “L-Lucerys, I-I think...” pausing for a second, a crying, loud moan escaped from your lips. Luke's own moaning continued, being joined by growls.
“I-I'm going to cum...” you cried, tightening your hand, whose fingers were deeply interwined around his messy, already sweaty hair. His lips once again went to your neck, but only being placed against your skin, harshly breathing on you. “Māzigon syt issa, dōna jorrāelagon–” lucerys commanded, a cry of pleasure abruptly escaping him.
Hearing his High Valyrian coming from him while he fucked you roughly, made you shudder in pleasure. Your legs were violently trembling at feeling how he continously hit said sensitive spot, making your knees buckle; feel weak and vulnerable under his touch. The uncomfortable knot formed on your stomach was suddenly released, making you scream with pleasure, as a shockwave was felt travelling all across your body. For a second, Lucerys stopped his penetrating motion as his warm cum was rapidly discharged from his twitching cock, to inside of your fluttering walls, accompanying you in your screaming of pleasure, throwing his head back as a trail of fire invaded his insides.
Your hands were firmly, and tightly placed on his shoulder as you had a simultaneous release, having your mutual orgasm. His semen dripped out from your pussy, along with your own wet liquids; it was a rather pleasuring sight for Lucerys. Both your bodies were heavily sweating, as you panted together, deciding to take a small break from all the intensity. Your eyes were shut, your chest arose and fell trying to catch some air. Feeling your weak legs trembling, you lost some balance, and suddenly let your head fall to the crook of his neck.
“I didn't know you could fuck so well.” a breathless chuckle escaped from your lips, relaxing your body on top of his own as his member remained inside of you. One of his hands went to be wrapped around your delicate body, and the other one sweetly played with some sweaty strands of your hair, vastly grinning at your comment. “Now you know, and I have so much more to give, byka jorraelagon.” lucerys murmured, planting several soft, little kisses on top of your head.
“I can only hope my brother didn't hear us. Otherwise, he'd send our direwolves to bite off your cock and balls.” you joked, fluttering your eyes shut. Another chuckle — this time, louder — escaped from his lips, stupidly grinning. Lucerys couldn't care whether or not his brother liked the fact that he was now head over heels for you. All he needed, was to have you by your side, and fill you with all the love he tried to contain for you.
A brief moment of silence was made, as you tried coming down from your high on top of his body, with your eyes shut and your head on the crook of his neck. Lucerys peacefully caressed your silky hair, looking down at you with admiration. “You know, (y/n),” the Lordling began, breaking the silence. “I know we're constantly talking about how much we despise each other, but I suppose it's time for me to admit, that I actually love you. Your personality, your beauty, your grace, your courage, everything.” a deep, crimson flush took over his face, as you once again opened your eyes, and lifted your sight to gaze into his hazel eyes.
A shy smile formed on your own lips, mimicking his very own tint on his cheeks. One of your quivering hands travelled to be placed on his cheek, caressing with your thumb a fresh scar all across his angelical face that still contained some blood, now dried. His face flinched briefly, but rapidly, he gave into your warm touch. “As I now love every inch of your being, Lucerys Velaryon. And when my brother told me about your near death in Storm's End, I realised, I would be so lost without you.” your voice was soft and delicate, making sure to fix your gaze on him, so he could see the glint of certainty on your (e/c)-coloured eyes.
Without allowing him to say another word, you delicately leaned closer to him, tightening your grip on his face — as your hand remained on his cheek —, and tenderly placed your lips against his own trembling ones, savouring his sweet taste. Lucerys wasn't used to such display of affection coming from a Lady, and it was quite a surprise all that it had just happened, but he realised... That with you, he could begin to get used to it.
The mutual hate vanished away rapidly, being turned into something much beauteous and graceful, provoking the feeling of butterflied fluttering on his heart whenever you kissed, stared, or caressed him. Even if he had nearly faced death at the hands of his uncle back on Storm's End, it didn't matter anymore.
The situation made him realise how he would fervidly miss your presence, and how you helped him forget about all his troubles, and he would forever cherish you for such thing by constantly providing you with love, and undying protection.
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@jjamieberry @anemicroyalcore @countsmoon @tickle-euphoria @beeebo234 @manuholland6 @capellaadara @kyuupidwrites @tchatso @phantasyy @tasty-nutella @mstxdes @valeriecash @cookielovesbook-akie @justrybca
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alicewritingstories · 2 months
Whumperless Whump Event: Scattered in the Mountains
Fandom: Linked Universe
[Previous] << Chapter 7 >> [Next]
Prompts for this chapter:
2: "Eyes open, ambulance is almost here." (except that there are no ambulances in the setting)
25: "I know it hurts. Breathe."
29: Wrong place, wrong time
30: "I can't stop crying, I'm sorry..."
31: "We can't just sit here and wait."
Central characters: Time, Hyrule, Legend, Warriors, Sky, and (though he doesn't know it yet) Twilight
Legend had been walking for an hour or so and guessed it was about noon when he finally saw a thread of smoke rising above the trees. He sighed in relief; that looked like it came from a chimney and that meant someone was living out here who might be able to at least give him some directions and a look at a map. He had no idea how Hyrule was so comfortable just wandering around the wild.
He turned and headed in the direction of the smoke, still moving carefully in case he'd misjudged and to avoid losing his footing on the rough ground. Four had already found out how badly that could go.
At that thought, he couldn't help speeding up a little more. While leaving Four and Sky to look after themselves was better than leaving Sky alone, Four wasn't exactly in a position to fight if he had to.
Soon he could see the source of the smoke: a wooden cabin nestled in a sheltered corner against a cliff. He sighed in relief and broke into a careful jog as the slope evened out a little.
As he approached, a hylian walked out of the door, calling over his shoulder, "I'll be back before long. Make yourselves comfortable!"
Then he saw Legend hurrying towards him and immediately tensed, feet moving into guard as his hand moved towards the sword hilt Legend could see poking out from behind the pelt he was wearing as a cape.
"Woah…" Legend slowed to a walk, raising his hands and ignoring the still-raw memories that Sky's delirious ramblings had brought to mind. This man was reacting to seeing an armed stranger running towards his home and family, that was all. "I'm not here to cause trouble," he called. "I need some help. At least some directions."
The man tilted his head curiously, his eyes narrowed between angular black tattoos.
Then the door opened and Warriors walked out. "Legend?" he said, then his eyes brightened as he saw Legend.
"Hey, Pretty boy," said Legend, folding his arms. "Trust you to land on your feet."
Even as he spoke, he noticed the shadows under Warriors' eyes, the spots of fevered color on his cheeks, and the blood on his sleeve. He had not landed on his feet.
"One of your friends?" asked the stranger dryly, looking over his shoulder at Warriors.
"Yes. Have you seen anything of the others, Legend?"
Legend nodded. "Sky's sick and Four is injured. How about you?"
"I found Wind, but he's the only one." Warriors gestured to the stranger. "This is Link. He knows the area and helped us."
At the name, Legend couldn't help a small double-take. Link apparently noticed and a flash of self-consciousness went across his face.
"Well, we'd best get Sky and Four back here as well so you're all in one place," he said thoughtfully, rolling his shoulders. "Then… you said you were a party of seven, Warriors?"
"Yes, that will leave Time and Hyrule unaccounted for."
Legend's heart skipped a beat and he tried to ignore it. If one member of the Chain was well-suited to being lost in a completely unfamiliar mountainside range, it was Hyrule. He'd be fine.
"Right." Link's eyes drifted up to another part of the slope. "Well, come on, Legend; let's go."
Legend nodded, but before turning away he asked, "Where's Wind? You said you'd found him."
Warriors glanced worriedly back at the door of the cabin. "He's been poisoned, but he's recovering."
That raised more questions, but there wasn't time to ask them right now, so Legend just nodded and hurried back up the slope with Link at his side.
Hyrule had calmed down as much as Time thought he was going to be able to; at least his breathing had steadied and he wasn't trying to struggle any more. Time hoped that was a good sign.
"OK, I'm going to have another try at digging you out," he said, squeezing Hyrule's hand. "Stay awake."
Hyrule swallowed hard and nodded. Though steadier, his breathing was still quick and shallow and he was horribly pale; even his lips seemed to have lost their color. Time started work on moving rocks, occasionally speaking to check that Hyrule could still respond.
Then, suddenly, something shifted. He heard a rustle of falling sand and soil and, although he didn't see any movement from the rock resting on Hyrule's back, Hyrule's scream told him all he needed to know. Time lunged back to his side and took his hand again.
"Time… it hurts…" wailed Hyrule. "It hurts…"
"I know," said Time, keeping his voice steady with an effort. "I know it hurts. Breathe. Just keep breathing."
"Am I… am I going… to die here?"
"No. I'm going to get you out. It's going to be OK."
"It hurts…" Hyrule tried to pull free, tried to wriggle out from under the rock, but fell still with a sob.
"I know," said Time, wishing there was something else he could say. He helplessly pressed Hyrule's hand between both of his. "I know."
Hyrule gulped again, tears spilling down his face. "I… I can't stop crying, I'm sorry…"
"Just breathe. You've faced apparently hopeless situations before and survived. You can survive this."
Agonizingly slowly, Hyrule managed to calm himself as Time held his hand, resting his other hand on his shoulder to remind him to stay as still as he could.
"I'm going to try again to dig you out, OK?" asked Time.
Hyrule sniffed and nodded. Time gave him a few sips of water, then went back to trying to move the rocks.
It seemed to take forever to get back to the cave where Legend had left Four and Sky. Four was sitting by the opening and as he saw them approaching he waved.
"Hey, Four," said Legend. "This is Link. Link, This is Four and that's Sky. Has he woken up at all, Four?"
Four had been looking at Link with slightly-narrowed eyes, but at the question he turned his attention back to Sky. "No, he's stirred slightly but no sign of waking."
"What happened?" asked Link, kneeling down beside Sky.
"Sickness," said Legend. "He'd been hiding it - trying to push through - but a fever hit him hard overnight."
Link nodded. "And you?" he asked, looking at Four.
"I injured my ankle falling down a hill," said Four.
Link smiled slightly. "Y'all really aren't used to this area, are you?"
"Nope," said Legend curtly, biting down any more acid remarks.
"Well -" To Legend's shock, Link simply scooped Sky into his arms - bedroll, sword and all - as easily as if he was carrying a child. "If you can help Four, we'd best be going."
"How are you -" Legend couldn't see any obvious strength-enhancing items on him, but admittedly he was wearing several layers, including gloves, so that didn't mean anything. He shrugged and helped Four back to his feet. "Link found Warriors and Wind," he told him. "Time and Hyrule are still missing, so the faster we get moving the better."
"So you should carry me," said Four with a wince. "Fine."
Legend boosted Four onto his back and followed Link back down the slope.
"So… you're all called Link as well, huh?" asked Link as they walked.
"Yeah. It's… a long story," said Legend. Time was much better at explaining this and he didn't want to attempt it if he didn't have to.
"Warriors was cagy too. I'm starting to wonder if that story's fit to hear," said Link.
Legend bristled. "What's that supposed to mean?"
Four tapped him gently on the shoulder and said, "It's genuinely complicated and a bit weird and I don't think either of us is the best person to ask."
"And Warriors has two modes, one of which is 'cagy'," added Legend. It was unfortunate; Warriors had taken to the idea of the portals and their shared spirit remarkably quickly.
Link tilted his head thoughtfully. "Yeah… that's consistent. Plus it sounds like he's had a rough time since he lost the rest of you."
"What happened?" asked Four.
"He said he'd gotten separated, had stumbled on a monster camp - and I think I know the camp, it was a nasty one - and had cleared it but got wounded in the process. He found Wind shortly afterwards and they were able to camp together, but by morning the wound was infected, Wind had poisoned himself with mushrooms, and they were looking for help when they met me."
Legend couldn't help a wince. This was a hell of a thing to happen for Warriors' first portal.
Despite his best efforts to ignore the anxiety, given what had happened to all of them he shuddered to imagine what might have happened to the two still wandering the wilderness somewhere. Though they were moving as fast as they could, he could feel the time burning.
But at last they were back at Link's hut and Legend set Four down to open the door so Link didn't have to disturb Sky.
"Light Spirits, man, it's my cabin!" exclaimed Link. Startled, Legend looked past him to see Warriors sheathing a knife and moving from his protective stance in front of the bed, looking embarrassed.
"Sorry about that," he said, taking a step forward. "How's -"
"Asleep, as best I can tell," said Link, laying Sky on the floor to one side. Warriors crouched by him to take his pulse.
"Yes, this seems strong enough," he murmured, "though his breathing doesn't sound good…" He glanced up as Legend and Four limped in and shot them a relieved smile.
"If you can keep things under control here, Warriors, I think Legend and I should go and keep looking for the rest of your party," said Link.
Legend nodded agreement and helped Four to sit down on a stool, then hurried after Link.
"Any ideas?" he asked as they walked.
"Well… I don't want to worry anyone, but before anything else I'm going to check that landslide," said Link.
Legend swallowed hard and nodded.
Time scrubbed a hand over his face with a sigh, looking up at the tangled mess of rubble just waiting to crash down on the boy lying at its base. He suspected he'd cleared as much as he could. He'd freed Hyrule's other arm and splinted it to secure the broken bones and had at least made sure his head was probably going to be safe, but he was starting to realize that there was nothing else he could do alone. To get Hyrule out from under that rock, he needed someone to help him lift and brace it and someone to move Hyrule, since he wouldn't be able to move himself.
"Time? I… you can't get me out, can you?" asked Hyrule, his voice cracking.
Time knelt down beside his head again. The traveler's breathing was shallow and he was shivering despite the blanket Time had laid over him.
"I'm going to need to go and get help," he said, as calmly and clearly as he could manage.
Hyrule's eyes flickered open, wide and fearful.
"I can't get you out on my own and we can't just sit here and wait in the hope that someone will stumble by who will be able and willing to help."
Hyrule looked away. "I just… I…" His breathing was speeding up, jagged and desperate. "Not alone… Don't… leave me…"
Time winced. That was the choice. If he left to try to get help and Hyrule didn't survive, he'd die alone. But he meant what he'd said: they couldn't just sit and wait. There was nothing more he could do; if he stayed, he would be staying to watch Hyrule suffer and giving up any real hope of saving his life.
"Hyrule," he said quietly, "I'm not abandoning you. I need to go and find help to give you any chance to survive. I'll be back before nightfall."
Hyrule shivered, tears in his eyes again, his breath still too fast, too uneven.
"It's OK," said Time, stroking Hyrule's hair. "I'll be back. Just… just breathe."
Hyrule screwed his eyes closed, biting back a whimpering sob. "P-promise? Promise you… I don't… want to die alone…"
"I am not abandoning you," said Time. He laid Hyrule's sword within reach, then added the rations he had left in his bag and his water bottle. "Try to keep sipping water and eat something if you can. And…" After a moment's hesitation he took a neatly-folded handkerchief from a pocket in the lining of his bag. He never used it; it was just a little reminder of home, with the cow-head badge of Lon Lon Ranch clumsily embroidered on one corner. He remembered Malon sewing it when they were so much younger.
He gave Hyrule's hand one last squeeze and then put the handkerchief in his palm instead.
"What's this?" asked Hyrule.
"A promise I'll come back. Keep it safe for me."
Hyrule swallowed hard and nodded. Time got up and, before he could change his mind, he hurried away.
Sky felt like he was made of lead. He often struggled to wake up, but this was different. He felt like he was smothered under a nesting loftwing, held down by something soft but huge and too heavy for him to lift it.
Perhaps the easiest thing to do would be to just accept it and he started to sink back down into unconsciousness, but then he heard a muffled voice in the distance. Familiar. Worried.
He took a breath and it snagged in his chest, making him cough. A groan bled out of him. He ached.
"Sky?" The muffled, familiar voice was a little clearer and a hand took his, steadying him in the dark. "Can you hear me?"
He thought he'd garbled something out and the hand clenched around his.
"It's OK. You're safe."
The surface under him felt more solid and the weight on him a little easier. Gradually, he peeled his eyes open and was met with a vague blur mostly dominated by blue.
Zelda's loftwing?
"Bluebell?" he slurred.
There was a pause.
"How's his fever?" asked someone further away.
A hand slipped under his bangs. "His temperature feels normal."
"Yes, but you're feverish."
"Blue… Bluebell?" Sky blinked sluggishly. Hadn't he been with Legend? He remembered the portal, and Legend, and he didn't think they'd been on the Surface in his own era, but maybe… "Zelda?"
"It's OK, Sky. Get some more sleep."
But Sky was finally managing to blink the blurriness of weakness and exhaustion out of his eyes even as he remembered collapsing in the cave and a vague impression of Legend caring for him.
It was Warriors leaning over him now, he realized. The blue was his scarf.
Sky cringed.
"Sky?" asked Warriors gently.
Sky started trying to sit up, but the floor under him suddenly swirled and tilted and Warriors had to catch him.
"Hey, easy!"
"I'm OK."
"You are not OK. Take it easy. You're safe for now." Warriors eased him back down onto his bedroll. He lay still, bracing himself for the tongue-lashing he was about to get.
Soft child of peace.
Too slow.
Too weak.
"So, why did you lie to me when I asked if you were all right?"
"Give him a break, Warriors," said Four from somewhere in the distance.
"It's OK, Four," said Sky. He could at least try to fight his own battles. He blinked up at Warriors. "I didn't realize how sick I was."
Warriors frowned. Then, after a moment, he lowered his voice to a murmur and asked, "Sky… has anyone ordered you… has anyone told you… not to say so if you're struggling?"
Sky stared at him.
"If so, I think I should know," said Warriors, an odd solidity in his tone. "I've… encountered commanders with that attitude before and I will not tolerate it."
"Do you… you think…" Sky stumbled over the words, unsure what Warriors was suggesting or how to really answer the question. "I… no. No, nothing like that."
You were late and you failed to protect her.
"And the closest… wasn't from anyone you know."
"If you'd told Time you were sick…?" prompted Warriors.
Sky shrugged as best he could. "I'm sure he'd have told me to rest, but… a portal is a portal and I…" Then it struck him. "Wait, you think Time would punish me for being sick?"
Warriors smiled, some tension going out of him. "Not given that reaction," he said with a relieved sigh. "As I say, it… is something I've seen before. Cruel and unproductive, but sadly not unheard of."
Sky stared at him. He was the one he'd expected judgment from. But he was tired and the fog was starting to fade back into his brain and he couldn't work out how to ask the question that was now vaguely drifting in his mind.
"Well… in future, if you're sick don't hide it, OK?" said Warriors gently. "Maybe I don't know as much as you do about these portals, but forcing yourself on when you're too sick to continue is counterproductive in the long term. Yes, sometimes it's necessary, but as a rule any unit must move at the speed of the slowest." He gently laid a hand on Sky's shoulder. "Taking care of the sick and wounded will slow us down, yes, but it's far too important an obligation to lightly be ignored. Now get some more rest."
Sky felt ridiculous, but nodded, the fog growing deeper. "OK," he murmured. But as he closed his eyes he realized something: Warriors wouldn't have hinted something like that about Time if Time were in the room. And Four's was the only voice he'd heard. "Wars… th'others?" He wrenched his eyes open again. "Where… where are the others?"
Warriors had been drawing back, but he looked over his shoulder. "Wind is here; he's asleep. Four is here too."
"Time and Hyrule were still missing, so Legend went with the owner of this cabin to go search for them," said Four.
"His name's Link too and he's been trying to clear monsters in the area and make the roads safer," said Warriors. He smiled. "I think I may not be the newest member of this group for long."
Sky only just noticed the remark as he started trying to sit up again. "Time and Hyrule are missing?" he asked. "I can…"
Again, Warriors caught him as his head swam. "Sky, we just talked about this," he said. "You're still healing and you need to rest. If it's necessary for you to push past that, we'll tell you, but in the meantime the best thing you can do for them is to recover and regain your strength, understand?"
Sky tried to argue, but he felt like he was floating and - little though he wanted to admit it - Warriors had a point. He let himself be helped down again and dropped once more into the dark.
Time hadn't gone far from where he'd left Hyrule when he saw movement on the path ahead. With a gasp of relief, he hurried towards it, ready to draw his sword in case the two vague shapes were monsters but rushing nonetheless.
He felt his heart jump into his throat when he recognized Legend's red tunic.
"Legend!" he called, just remembering not to break into a run on the uneven ground. He would be no help to Hyrule injured.
Legend waved and rushed to greet him, his companion trailing behind.
"Time! Are you OK? Have you seen Hyrule?" he asked.
Time nodded. "I'm fine, Hyrule isn't." He turned to point to the scar in the mountainside that the landslide had left.
Legend made a horrible gasping noise.
"He's alive, but trapped and badly injured. I had to leave him to search for help."
Legend pointed to the other hylian who was hovering a couple of steps away. "This is Link. He knows the area."
"And I can help move rocks," said Link. "Is there anything else you need? I don't have any potions on me…"
"Will he be able to heal himself?" asked Legend. "Wait… he hasn't already?"
"It was too risky given the way he's trapped," said Time. "We need to pull him out and brace the rocks while we do so."
"Warriors isn't in a good state to help, but out of all of you…" mused Link.
"You've found the others?" asked Time, glancing from one to the other of them. "And what do you mean he's not in a good state?"
"It sounds like he landed right in a monster camp," said Legend. "And on top of that, Wind's poisoned himself, Four's broken his ankle, and Sky was hiding the fact that he was already sick." Even as he spoke, he was starting in the direction Time came. Time caught his shoulder.
"Link," he said, "You said you can move rocks?"
Link nodded.
"Legend, we're going to need all the help we can get. Go back and get Warriors; Link and I will work on getting Hyrule safe. He was conscious when I left; we just need to hurry."
Legend balked, but before he could argue Time beckoned to Link and started back towards where he'd left Hyrule.
"This has been on the point of coming down for a while," said Link as they ran, Time pulling out ahead. "Y'all have been really unlucky."
"Story of our lives," muttered Time. The ground was getting easier to cover and he broke into a run, leaving Link behind as he rounded the last corner and crashed to his knees beside Hyrule.
Hyrule stirred, hand reaching feebly for his sword, but Time gently caught it in his.
"It's me," he said softly. "Eyes open; help is almost here."
Hyrule's eyes flickered open and he looked up at Time, then sighed, his hand clenching for a moment. He'd laid the handkerchief by his cheek, perhaps picking up the sweet, homely smell that still clung tenaciously to it.
By now, Link had also arrived and he swore as he took in the situation.
"I think if you and I can get that one rock lifted and braced, Legend and Warriors will be able to drag him clear," said Time.
Link nodded, stepping closer. "And I see why you couldn't do anything on your own." He moved into Hyrule's field of view and crouched down to smile at him. "Hey, Kid. I'm Link."
"Me too," murmured Hyrule.
"I thought you might be."
"'m Hyrule too."
Link nodded and looked sidelong at Time as he said, "I have a lot of questions that nobody so far has been willing to answer, but let's solve this problem first."
Time nodded, then looked round at the sound of running, scrambling footsteps. Legend sprinted around the corner and stumbled to a halt, his eyes going wide. Warriors joined him a moment later.
The captain was clearly sick, unsteady on his feet and his complexion livid, but his eyes narrowed and he drew himself up, his expression going strangely blank.
"Right," he said. "Time, Link, I'll need you two to move that rock. Get ready, but do not touch it until I give the order."
Time was startled by the sudden change in manner - and unspoken transfer of authority - but it was in line with the plan he'd already made, so he glanced at Link, shrugged, and gave Hyrule's hand one last squeeze, putting the handkerchief back in his palm before he moved. Legend immediately took his place.
"Legend, don't let him move," ordered Warriors.
"What are you -" blurted Legend.
"The damage is probably already extensive, but movement will make it worse." Warriors knelt down beside Hyrule as well, by his waist, and gently removed the blanket. "Hyrule, I'm afraid this is going to be painful, but I need you to relax as much as you can, OK? Let us move you."
"OK," whispered Hyrule.
"Legend, you and I will need to drag him clear. We'll move along the line of his body and must not twist him, do you understand?"
Legend was scowling, but nodded. Though he could be hot-headed and prickly, he wasn't stupid and wasn't going to argue when Warriors clearly knew what he was doing.
"Hyrule, I'll have to take hold of your hips to brace them."
Hyrule nodded. "OK."
"Right. Link, Time, get ready. I will count 'one, two, three', then call 'lift'. At that, lift the rock. When I see it's clear of Hyrule, I will shout 'move'. Legend, at that, we move him. When it's safe to lower the rock, I'll shout 'clear'." He turned his head to look square at Legend. "Understand?"
Legend nodded. "Got it." He pulled off his belt and slipped it between Hyrule's teeth.
Warriors looked at Link. "Understand?"
"Yeah." Link braced his shoulder against the rock and planted his feet.
Finally, Warriors looked Time in the eye. "Understand?"
"Yes." Time slipped his hands under the rock as best he could.
"One. Two. Three. Lift!"
Time hauled the rock up with all his strength, trying to ignore a muffled cry from Hyrule.
He gasped with relief, only just managing not to let himself relax.
Hyrule let out a horrible agonized groan.
"Clear!" shouted Warriors.
Time and Link let the rock down carefully, then Time dashed back to where Hyrule now lay, Warriors and Legend beside him. Legend was trying to tip a green potion between his lips: a difficult task given that he was lying half on his front and looked like he was struggling to stay conscious, his breathing coming in desperate, shallow gasps. Warriors was bracing him so he didn't roll. Link knelt on his other side to help support him, his eyes wide and horrified as he stared at the visible kink in Hyrule's spine.
"However are we…" he started.
"He can heal himself," said Time. "He'll be OK." He tried to keep his voice as steady as possible. Hyrule's magic was astonishing, but that injury was so brutal that he suddenly had doubts. "Come on, Hyrule," he whispered as another mouthful of green potion went down. "Come on."
Hyrule took a breath and gritted his teeth, his eyes screwing shut. The familiar glow of healing magic began to creep through him, gleaming through his torn, filthy clothes. He relaxed his head into Legend's supporting hands as the glow centered on his broken spine. Time found himself holding his breath as well, his vision narrowing to that hideous twisted step in what should have been the smooth curve of his young friend's back.
"Come on," he whispered, trying to will the magic into working. Wishing he could pour just a little of his own strength into Hyrule.
Hyrule made a soft, gasping noise of effort and the glow brightened for a moment, then he yelped as his spine suddenly snapped back into line. Link recoiled with a curse and even Warriors jerked back, but Legend ran a hand through Hyrule's curls and tipped the green potion to his pursed lips again.
Hyrule didn't drink, breathing hard through his nose.
"Hyrule…" said Time, forcing the name from a tight throat. "Can you… feel your legs again?"
For a moment he wondered if Hyrule had heard him as the traveler went limp, panting. The glow faded.
"I can… I can feel them," whispered Hyrule, tears spilling from under his closed eyelids. He moved his feet feebly. "I can…"
He sighed as he finally lost consciousness.
Note: there will be one more chapter to wrap this up, but not as part of the event.
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kimbappykidding · 4 months
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Previous Parts: Part One, Part Two and Part Three.
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Despite beginning pretty hot and heavy, you and Jeno kept your relationship quiet, even from your brother and his members. Neither of you had suggested it, it just felt right and so you stuck to it. Personally, Jeno loved being your secret because it made him feel so special. You started hanging around more and whenever you entered Jeno got so excited. Even if you couldn't sit next to him you let him know you were thinking of him. You'd always shoot him looks and smiles and he loved just knowing that beautiful girl over there wanted him. The guys all knew the two of you were together as you were as subtle as a gun but they let you pretend and acted oblivious.
One of Jeno's favourite things at the moment was sneaking out to see you and sneaking you into his apartment. He'd never been a risky or reckless kid so this made him feel dangerous and he loved it. He felt like he was in some music video or tv show from the 2000s. Then he'd get you in his room and the moment would hit him...that he had this beautiful girl in his room and he'd blush and feel disbelief. Then the second you touched him or shot him a look his confidence would return.
You'd been dating for 2 months and had the dorm to yourselves one day. Sure it was because Jeno had bumped into a door and had to go to the hospital to get checked out. He was fine but they said he should rest so he decided to use this and called you immediately so you could spend the day at home together. You got out of work by saying you had to look after your boyfriend who had a concussion and hence your beautiful day together!
You'd been in Jeno's room quite a lot by this point but this time something caught your eye. "Can you show me how to play guitar?" and he smiled "what made you think of that?". You shrugged "I don't know...you look hot playing guitar and I want to look hot". "You always look hot" Jeno said and you smiled turning onto your stomach to face him "but imagine how hot I'd look with a guitar". Jeno pictured it and then rushed to get his guitar. He passed it over to you and grabbed another one because Jeno had several guitars. He showed you the proper way to hold it and how to strum it. "Wait you don't use your fingers?" you asked and Jeno laughed "no how would you?". "Nails?" you asked and Jeno smirked "well it would probably hurt after a bit so leave your lovely hands alone and use the pic". You shot him a smile and nodded. Next Jeno showed you some chords and tried to help you memorise them... and that's how you found out you really don't have an ear for music. At all.
Jeno found it hilarious that you genuinely couldn't hear the difference between notes, even ones of vastly different pitches. "Are you joking with me?" Jeno asked when he played two opposite chords and you just stared at him. "No!" you said "I promise I'm not...am I the worst guitar student ever?". "No of course not, we can just try it differently" Jeno said and he wrapped his arms around you and placed his hands over yours. "Okay maybe seeing it yourself will help" Jeno said and he started showing you the notes and pointing out differences but you weren't listening.
You were watching Jeno.
You could see he was really concentrating and that made him look so hot. His jaw was clenched and you could feel he was tensed. Jeno played them several times and when you didn't comment, he looked up. "Y/n?" he asked and then he saw you staring at him with an obvious look in your eye. "Y/n" he repeated blinking and it didn't take long for you to break the distance and Jeno quickly unhooked the guitar from you and moved it away. The music was well and truly forgotten as he picked you up and carried you towards the bed.
Later on, Jeno mentioned a milkshake would be so nice right now and you smiled "want me to go make us some?". "No you don't have to" he said and you smiled "yeah but you're injured right" gently brushing his forehead "I've got to look after you". "Well you've been doing a spectacular job so far" he said putting a hand on your waist "but I do feel like I need a second dose". "That's why we need sustenance!" you said "I'll be 2 minutes". Jeno sighed but nodded "let me come with you". "You really don't have to" you said with a smile and pushed him back down "I'll be right back" and rushed from the room.
Jeno was lying in bed relaxing when he heard the front door open followed by a scream. Rapid footsteps approached and then you flung the door open clearly panicking. "Oh my god!" you said rushing into the room and Jeno sat up straighter "what?". "Oh my god!" you said and Jeno stood up anxiously "what? Y/n you're worrying me. What happened?" when heard the guy's voices downstairs and he got it. Jeno's eyes went from you or more accurately the fact you weren't wearing anything, to the door and then they widened. Jeno was a jealous person but he'd managed to keep control of it while he was seeing you...but his members seeing you half-naked yeah that would do it.
"Was it all of them?" he asked and you nodded "I was coming back from the kitchen and then Mark opened the door and they were all standing there". "What did you do?" Jeno asked and you looked at him "what do you think? I dropped the glasses and ran!". Jeno was about to panic when he realised he wasn't the victim in this and he gently pulled you to sit down "are you okay?" he asked. You nodded but he noticed how you wrapped the blanket around yourself "I'm just so embarrassed. I can't believe that happened". Jeno hugeed you "it's okay, you have an amazing body so there's nothing to be embarrassed about there". You chuckled slightly "are you trying to make me feel better for all your members seeing me naked?". "I can't believe it but yes I am" Jeno smiled. "My brother was there" you said disgusted "at the back so I hope he didn't see anything but still" you shivered in revulsion. Jeno hugged you "it's okay, you stay here. I'll go get us some milkshakes and clear everything up. I guess we have to tell them about us now huh?". "Yeah probably" you smiled and Jeno smiled "good, I want everyone to know I'm dating you" and with a kiss to the head, he went downstairs.
He found the guys giggling to themselves and immediately got tenser. Jaemin wasn't here and Jeno figured he was probably taking some very deep breaths outside or something. The guys didn't notice him until he was at the bottom of the stairs. Jeno cleared his throat and they all turned around. "Jeno!" Haechan said "so...how is your recovery going?". "Pretty well clearly" Chenle said and the guys all started laughing again.
Jeno sighed "okay so you guys all know now but Y/n and I are together. This isn't just a hook up we're dating and Jaemin knows. I just wanted to say If any of you mention what you just saw then we're over" he said and the guys all paused before assuring Jeno they didn't see anything or wouldn't say anything. "I mean come on Jeno she's your girl, why would we want to ruin that?" Mark asked. Jeno nodded before pausing because Mark didn't sound surprised. He sounded as if he'd known this for a while. "Did you guys suspect something?" he asked and Jisung nodded "duh! We've known for ages Jeno". "You have?" he asked and Renjun smiled "you weren't subtle". Jeno lost a lot of his anger in surprise and nodded "oh..." which made the guys laugh. "As Mark said, we knew she was yours before any of this" Haechan said "you have nothing to worry about Jeno" and he smiled.
Once Dream officially knew, it was mere days before 127 found out and the elder members were far more surprised. "What!" Doyoung said his head snapping around as he heard Jeno had a girlfriend. "Who has a girlfriend?" Yuta asked and Mark smiled "Jeno". "He does? Who are you dating?" Taeyong asked. "She's called Y/n" Jeno said and he blushed just saying your name which made all his hyungs explode with his smittenness. "That girl from the carpark?" Jaehyun asked and Jeno nodded. "Congrats!" Jaehyun smiled "I knew she was into you" and Jeno blushed bashfully. "What does she do?" Taeil asked and Jeno nodded "yeah so she's the same age as me, she's a makeup artist for Hybe and she's...". "My twin" Jaemin cut off and all the guys froze. "Wait what"? Yuta asked and Jaemin nodded "you all heard me". "You're dating his twin?" Doyoung asked. Jeno blushed "yeah but I knew Y/n from school too so it wasn't like I just met her, we know each other and I had a crush on her back then too". "That's really cute" Jungwoo said and Taeyong nodded "must've been meant to be".
The guys were quiet for a bit before Yuta spoke "so is she hot?". Jaemin immediately bristled and Johnny patted him "it's okay I got it" and he covered Jaemin's ears "proceed". Jaemin sighed but let Johnny hide him from the conversation but all the Dream members weren't watching Jaemin, they were watching Jeno. "What?" Jaehyun asked confused and Haechan sighed "they're all scared Jeno will kill us but fuck it. Yes she's hot, very hot!" and Jeno did lunge for him. "He's a little protective" Jisung explained while Haechan screamed and the guys nodded. "Let's hope she's not a makeup artist for any sexy Hybe idols then" Taeil said and Jeno paused because that was also a sensitive subject.
Taeyong sensed this conversation could easily get rocky again so he changed the subject and both Jeno and Jaemin were relieved but one thing stuck with Jaemin. One piece of information he didn't know about and he was very eager to hear the truth from Jeno.
"Did you really like Y/n when we were in school?" Jaemin asked when he and Jeno were alone. Jeno looked down shyly but nodded "didn't you notice? I could never speak to her, even when you were sat on the other side of her". Jaemin hadn't noticed and shook his head "that's crazy I had no idea...I just assumed, well I don't know what I assumed". "Does this make things worse?" Jeno asked, worried Jaemin would see this as Jeno keeping a secret from him for ages but Jeamin shook his head "the opposite actually". "What?" Jeno asked shocked and Jeamin nodded "I thought you kind of just pounced the first time you were alone with her but to know you've liked her for years and just patiently waited and then went for it when your time came...it reassures me she's more than just a body to you". Jeno's eyes widened "is that what you thought she was to me?". "No but it's hard to be sure" he admitted "and now I'm certain so thanks Jeno". Jeno nodded and cautiously replied "you're welcome?" making Jaemin smile.
Once the happiness wore off though Jeno started thinking about the guys' comments about you and the hot Hybe boys. He was particularly worried because you worked for Seventeen and they were known for being one of the funniest groups in kpop. Plus they were all either hot, tall or talented and lots of them were a mixture so Jeno was nervous. He wanted to somehow tell the Seventeen guys you were together but knew that would be unprofessional and he couldn't affect your work with his childish insecurities. So instead he went to his friends, some of whom were friends with Seventeen.
He recalled Haechan was friends with Seungkwan so made sure to sit next to him at work and was being extra nice to him all day. Haechan liked attention so loved it but he wasn't stupid and noticed the change in Jeno...he simply decided to let this play out. Only once the day was nearly over and Jeno had let Haechan eat his dinner did Haechan comment on it "so why have you been sucking up to me all day?". Jeno paused "what? I haven't been sucking up to you" and Haechan laughed "yes you have! Agreeing with me on anything I say, laughing at my jokes, letting me eat your food!" he said pointing to their current situation. "Wait so you knew I was doing this but let me?". Haechan nodded "duh? I wanted free food and attention" and Jeno shook his head. "So what's up?" Haechan asked and Jeno shook his head "your friends with Seungkwan right?". Haechan nodded "yeah, I'm actually seeing him next week". Jeno nodded "well what the guys said the other day got me thinking...what do you think Seventeen are like around her?". Haechan paused and then smiled "wait are you seriously worried about that?". "I don't think Y/n would ever cheat on me but she is more social than me and she's beautiful! I just wondered if the guys ever flirt with her and how she reacts". Haechan smiled "well funnily enough Seungkwan's never mentioned that before to me". "Well do you think you could casually ask?" Jeno asked "just enquire if he knows her and what he thinks but don't mention me!". Haechan sighed "sure...if you buy me a hot chocolate on the way home". "Deal!" Jeno said and Haechan swore " Damn that was too easy, I definitely should've squeezed you for me". "You're sick" Jeno said and Haechan smiled "I know".
So Jeno waited and finally, Haechan's day with Seungkwan came around. Then the actual day seemed to stretch into an eternity and Jeno paced anxiously waiting for Haechan's car to appear until finally, hours later he got home. "So what did he say?" Jeno asked the second Haechan walked through the door and of course, Haechan decided to milk it. "Let me take my shoes off first..." and he had Jeno follow him around the house for 5 minutes before the boy broke. "Please just tell me!" Jeno cried and Haechan smiled "okay so he said he knows her, everyone's fond of her because she's a really good makeup artist and makes everyone look good and feel relaxed. Apparently, Hoshi did ask her if she was single and she told him she wasn't so you've got nothing to worry about. She rejected Hoshi and now all the guys know she has a partner". Jeno smiled "she really turned him down?". "Yes" Haechan said "so just relax and enjoy being with your girlfriend okay?". "Okay" Jeno said and Haechan looked at him "fancy buying me food for being such a good spy?" and Jeno was in such a good mood he agreed.
So Jeno was reassured and everything was great...until you asked him why Seungkwan thought you were dating Haechan.
"Pardon?" Jeno asked when you spoke and you explained "he said Haechan was asking questions about me and the guys and now he thinks I'm dating Haechan". "Wait what!" Jeno asked "what did you tell him?". "Of course that I'm not but he didn't believe me because it did seem suspicious...Haechan asking about me. You wouldn't have any idea why Haechan was asking about would you?" you asked shooting Jeno a look and he blushed. He lasted 3 seconds under your gaze before he broke. "Okay it's all my fault! I asked Haechan to". "Why?" you asked and he sighed "the other day the guys were teasing me once they found out you worked for Hybe. They said how many good-looking guys you worked with and I realised they were right. So I got nervous and asked Haechan to ask Seungkwan what the guys were like around you". "What were you worried about?" you asked "that I was seeing other guys?". Jeno shook his head "no, I trust you it was more that you had all these good looking guys who I had to compete with". "You don't have to compete with anyone, we're already dating" you explained but Jeno sighed. "I know but I also know I'm not the tallest or funniest or most outgoing idol and it started making me panic. So I thought if I knew Scoups was into you or Joshua and you were close I could prepare myself or plan to be more like them. Just in case... I hope this doesn't sound too strong but I don't want to lose you Y/n". Jeno had his head down so he couldn't see your expression but you didn't say anything for several seconds and that made his heart race but finally you put him out of his misery.
You wrapped your arms around Jeno and he immediately felt better in your embrace. He relaxed into you and rested his head on top of yours. "So I'm guessing I didn't terrify you?" he asked and you chuckled "not at all, I do wish you'd told me before though so I could've reassured you there's no single guy at Hybe who can hold a flame to you". "I don't believe that" Jeno said and you pushed him slightly "well believe it! Trust me, I value my time a lot and I wouldn't waste it on a guy who isn't funny, smart, talented, sweet and good looking!" you said "I have high standards Jeno" and he laughed at your tone. "That's true" he nodded "you are pretty classy" and you smiled "so if you can't believe how good you are then trust my belief in you". Jeno nodded and his smile reappeared "I can do that!" and you smiled "I had no idea you were the jealous type" and Jeno burst out laughing. "What?" you asked and he shook his head "just the guys know not to talk about you or that night because I'll attack them so yeah I am quite a jealous boyfriend". "That sounds more like protectiveness," you said hugging him again and Jeno nodded "yeah I like that more...let's go with that" and relaxed with you against him.
So Jeno was secure with you...and then a poorly times photo tried to ruin it.
Jeno didn't really check social media so he went the whole morning without realising he had a dating rumour. Finally, Jaemin found him and told him and Jeno swore "shit they know about y/n? How?" but Jaemin shook his head "it's not Y/n they think you're with" and Jeno saw the pictures.
It was kind of funny actually...they'd correctly guessed he was dating a makeup artist they just got the wrong one. They thought he was dating Susie the SM makeup artist because of a video in the behind-the-scenes making of a music video. For 3 seconds there was a clip where it looked like Jeno was staring at her with hooded sultry eyes. Then the two of them had been photographed getting in Jeno's car together because her car broke last week and he lived near her. But of course, the press ran with it and Jeno realised they'd probably been following him to try and find him with Susie again. So he was incredibly grateful they hadn't discovered his relationship with you but then he realised he had to convince you of all this.
Jeno knew you finished work at 4 so he headed to yours desperate to see you. He'd texted before to make sure it was okay and was surprised when you opened the door and greeted him with a hug. He then assumed you hadn't seen the photos and started trying to explain them to you when you put him out of his misery "Jeno I know you're not sleeping with Susie". "You do?" Jeno asked and you nodded "of course! I know you're not like that and I trust you so come on, stop stressing. You have nothing to apologise for" and you led him inside. Jeno was utterly shocked at how chill you were with all this but he had no idea they had affected you...just in a different way to how he thought.
You saw the photos of Jeno with the member of staff and you trusted him so knew the story was bull but the photos looked hot! You got they were likely just bad timing and totally out of context but it did make you feel a little protective over him. He looked so sultry and pouty hot and you had no idea how Jeno could look that good just casually waiting for his makeup to be applied. Did Jeno not realise how hot he was?
You tried to act normal and like nothing was wrong but Jeno could sense something was wrong and sighed figuring it was too good to be true. "Y/n are you sure you're okay?" he asked "it's okay if you're not" and you let out a breath. "Okay so I saw the photos" you continued "and they did surprise me". Jeno immediately went into panic mode. "Y/n they're fake! I'd never go near another girl and it was totally doctored. I wasn't looking at her I was looking at Jisung to her right I swear and I can ring him right now if you want proof". You gently grabbed his arm "Jeno it's okay, I believe you". "You do?" he asked "but you said...". "I said they surprised me" you said "not that I was mad or thought you'd cheated on me". "Well then how did they surprise you?". "Because you looked so sexy" you said "do you really look like that every day on set? How aren't all the heterosexual women all over you?" you asked running a hand across his shoulder and down his chest.
Jeno blinked in surprise because this was NOT how he thought this conversation would go. "Wait you saw the photos and they...turned you on"? Jeno asked. You blushed but nodded "I knew you weren't looking at her but if you looked at me like that with those hooded eyes and those lips..." you said trailing off to look at them right in front of you "I wouldn't have blamed her for falling in love with you right then and there". "It wouldn't have mattered if she did" he said "because I'm already in love with you" and before you could fully process what he'd said he pulled you into his lap and started kissing you.
Afterwards, you both realised what he said. "Jeno before we...did you say?". "I did" he said quietly, nervous he'd ruined everything. Of course, this all started a while ago but you'd only officially been together 2 months and he'd already said he was in love with you? He had his reasoning and apology all ready when you snuggled into his chest and he looked down at you surprised. "I want to thank you" you said softly "you've always made me feel so desirable and well...loved. You're the perfect guy Jeno and while I'm not quite ready to say that yet I want you to know I care about you a lot and I'm really happy". Jeno blinked a few times and pinched himself to make sure this wasn't a dream. You noticed and laughed, you angled yourself upwards and brought your faces together. "This is all real Jeno" and he nodded "just checking" and gently cupped your face to kiss you.
"You don't have to say it back" Jeno told you "not until your ready and I don't care how long that takes". "See what I mean about being the perfect guy?" you asked and Jeno chuckled before going to sleep feeling a level of happiness he didn't even know was possible but he'd found thanks to you.
A dating rumour never had such a happy ending.
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That's the series! I hope you enjoyed it :)
The gif at the top is the one I referenced in the imagine. Jeno looks so damn good I wondered how the makeup artist can cope when he looks at her like that and then bingo, idea for the plot!
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mooonjin · 2 years
can i ask for a tech x reader (gn, fem, idc) after he gets his leg injured? like hurt/comfort fluffy shit?
thank you, ily!
(you remind me of my friend ella, she's a major simp except her energy is directed towards bts and kdrama actors 😂)
Tech-nically, You're Not Fine
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Notes: EEEE HEY JIABAE! i hope you like this and dont mind me puting in some hormons at parts,, also i LOVE bts too, shoutout to ella hehee much luv!!
Pairing: Tech x gn!reader
Summary: Tech's injury on Serenno left you in a fit of worry. As much as you wanted to change the outcome of the incident, the past already happened. He was here with you, in the present, injured and in need of somebody to take care of him.
Warnings/Tags: mentions of bruises, mentions of tending to injuries, sprinkles of hurt, teeny bit suggestive, teeny ss2 spoilers, fluff — tell me if I've missed anything!
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You were upset, you were furious, you were every emotion that wasn't anything 'happy.' That mission was stupid and reckless and they shouldn't have gone whether they would've been rich or not.
Are you kidding me? Castle Serenno? The former home of Count Dooku? Was that really the price of freedom? Almost getting yourselves killed for money? All the money in the world wouldn't matter if they died!
Is what you wanted to say as you were carefully setting up some bandaging for Tech's fractured femur, who, insisted it be called his fractured left femur. On a separate wheely table, you had all of the bacta bandages and several other tools that Tech provided you with.
You weren't sure if he wanted you to do it because he didn't trust himself enough or if he just wanted you. You'd like to think it was the second option considering he was definitely intelligent enough to patch himself.
"Why would you agree to go on that mission, Tech? I know you, Wrecker and possibly Echo agreed but you? Agreeing to this? That's outrageous!" it was a more toned down version of what you initially wanted to confront Tech with but you didn't want to scare him off like that whilst he was injured.
"Outrageous is the correct term I would use but as soldiers of war, paying a price for freedom is certainly worth the effort," he bargained, maintaining a stern tone of voice, being careful not to directly yell at you.
He remembered what Romar told him, that there is life outside of war so his ambition to retrieve the war chest upped. Tech was definitely dispirited when his femur was crushed and the war chest was the last of their priorities.
You grumbled, your face feeling hot from the anger you've tried to contain. Lashing out at an injured man was inappropriate, "Y'didn't even gain anything from the mission besides an injury—which could've been life threatening!"
"Fortunately, it was not. My left femur was crushed so it is only my lower half would have been threatened. If I was situated four meters lower then yes, I would also be inclined to agree with the term 'life-threatening', otherwise, I am fine." Tech was too exhausted to continue speaking, hoping that was an enough of an answer for you.
He didn't speak anymore, wanting to discourage a potential argument.
You checked on him multiple times as you prepared the equipment, noticing how he always flickered his gaze to the cockpit and back to his datapad.
You audibly sighed, gaining his attention from time to time, lowering your voice so you weren't harshly talking to him.
"Tech, you know nothing bad will happen to your datapad and the cockpit, right? You're injured, can't even walk properly and need rest," you said, to avert his gaze — mainly to you.
He swallowed shyly after his actions had been brought up, "Once you're able to secure my fractured femur, I am more than capable to sustain my own mobility," you dropped your shoulders, sending Tech and not-so-approved stare.
Even if his statement was true, the constant movement wouldn't give his poor femur time to heal.
"That's not an excuse to throw away resting time," you mumbled, eyebrows furrowing, trying to suppress the dismay in your voice. You unbuckled his knee-piece to get his left leg bare so there wasn't any obstruction when applying the bandages.
Next was his long array of tools as well as his blaster holster that was held together like a belt. You reached around his hip to unclip it, letting the items fall limp.
"I can manage," was all he mumbled before letting you finish up with taking off his trinkets.
You were now face-to-face with Tech's bare denim-blacks and eye-level with his crot—
You coughed, gaining his attention again, "A-hem," to save him from unnecessary pain, you stopped, not progressing with his outfit.
Tech seemed to have reached over to his holopad as you were taking his belt off. You rolled your eyes, coughing again so he would actually look up from the screen. How are his eyes not sore?
"Yes?" his eyes peaking just over the screen. The unexpected eye contact sent you to a blushing fit after having to pry your eyes away from the... view.
Your mouth opened first but nothing came out immediately, your eyes darting quickly to look everywhere but directly into his gold chocolate orbs.
"I won't do it for you so I don't accidentally hurt you, but could you roll up your jeans?" you waved your hand around, shyly, averting your eyes to the oh so lovely floor of the Marauder.
"That wouldn't be smart. Compiling my wear on top of my fractured femur is most likely to cause pressure," when Tech speaks to you, you could listen to him continue for hours on end.
Your eyes made their way back to his eyes before they widened slightly. He was already looking straight at you, unaware of what he's doing.
Although, it didn't really answer your question, "So?"
"I suggest I rid of the jeans so it is easier for you to mend," he discarded his datapad, letting it rest against the panel of buttons.
"Do you need to stand up?" you shoved back every stutter from escaping your throat.
"I do."
You quickly stood up, scooping him gently as he put pressure on his right leg for support. For his privacy, you looked away as fast as you could before you could see him clip off his crotch piece and dip his gloved fingers into the hem of his jeans. He slowly pulled them far enough down his thighs.
"How uh, far do you need them down?" you practically crushed your eyes as you shut them, overthinking the intention of your question. Fortunately, Tech took it like every other question he'd been asked.
"Only beneath my thighs, you may put me back down and remove the rest."
You tensed at his words.
"You want me to—uh, remove them?" you carefully helped him back down into the chair, the tops of his thighs exposed and the slightest view of his exposed boxers.
He didn't answer your question immediately, taking the time to clip his crotch piece back. You were internally disappointed at the loss but you were snapped out of your thoughts when you heard Tech speak again.
"Considering my state, leaning parallel to my legs would not do my femur justice. You have the mobility effective enough to remove them without further injuring me."
Any response died at the back of your throat. He's right. Always is so, you didn't object. Tech watched you delicately take the jeans off his legs and once you passed the area of his fractured femur, he picked up his neglected datapad and tapped away.
Your angry thoughts about the Batch attending the war chest mission, dissipated. You were quick to wander along his bare skin. He was muscly and toned, slightly upset that he would be hiding all of this under his outfit.
With a quick, mental slap, you addressed the serious matter at hand.
The bruising around the skin was extreme, a cloud of purple and scattered layers of green-ish yellow taking up a large amount of the thigh. You admired Tech's level of toleration of the injury. 
Hoping you gave it enough time to soak, you reached over to the prepared bacta bandages.
Once they were ready, you gave Tech a heads-up, "Bandages are ready, it'll be cold," you carried the white fabric onto Tech's thigh, subconsciously lifting his knee up to wrap it around, forgetting to warn him about that too.
Tech hissed, gritting his teeth at the movement. You heard him, mumbling apologies after apologies, doing your best to get the wrapping secure and done with.
You slotted a tan fabric layer to keep the bandages from coming loose under his thigh, bringing it up to clip it down. Once it was secure enough, you sighed, sitting back on your heels.
"I should've been there to help earlier," guilt slowly inched towards you. You stood up, pushing the table into a compartment. Your words caught the attention of Tech who shockingly put away his datapad for the time being.
"It was not your fault, it was only a matter of gravity and my unfortunate placement when the crate fell," he peaked around the corner, watching you bring out Crosshair's old rifle case.
"I know but could've at least like, pushed you out of the way or maybe be in your position inste—"
"No. It would not be wise to be in my position and the thought of you taking 150 kilograms similar to I is excruciating."
A small grin crept up to your face, analysing his sentence and repeating the fact he thinks about you.
You took out any remaining blaster ammo out of the rifle, double-checking that it was empty. You clicked off the sniping lens and propped it back into the case.
You chuckled, closing the case, "You think about me?" Tech's eyes blinked rapidly, processing your bold choices of words.
"Yes... well, if I was not, communication would be quite difficult." You chuckled again. There was some truth Tech's excuse, you suspected he added the last bit to cover for his answer.
The rifle in your hand was now safe enough to act as a crutch to support Tech, who was still jeanless.
You scooped Tech under his arms to help him stand up on his now supported leg. You made sure the rifle sat comfortable under his shoulder and his bandages sat on his thigh properly.
Now for his jeans.
This time, you weren't as nervous about the whole jeans ordeal. However, Tech was the opposite. Because his datapad was on the panels, the distance to reach it for himself was impossible, having to distract himself some other way.
You brought the jeans up below Tech's thighs, allowing him to put them up himself. Tech gulped, trying his hardest erase the image of you in such a compromising position.
"Sorry I wasn't there," you mumbled, placing him back down onto the chair.
"Like I said, it was not your fault and in the midst of a mission, it wouldn't be very efficient to mend me inside of a vertical war chest on the extremity of a cliff." Tech's way of comforting you was unique but it certainly helped ease you up.
"Now, you need to rest." Tech was now in arms length to reach over to his datapad, finally continuing whatever beep bop boops he was up to.
"Thanks to you, I am capable of considerable mobility. I am fine."
You rolled your eyes, snatching his holopad from his grasp. You waved your thumb over the shut off button as a passive way to threaten him if he doesn't get rest, "You are not."
"Technically, I am."
"Technically, you're not."
Post-Notes: hope ya liked it, i didnt edit much so im might come back to it to edit oops,, also i hope i wrote tech accuratly!
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@elsastoes @nekotaetae @jiabeewrites @lokigirlszendaya @imalovernotahater @backyard-bear @namesmox
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snakegorl212006 · 1 year
What makes them worry about there S/o
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========Clive + jill============== -when you’re out for long periods by yourself This was briefly mentioned earlier but clive and(Mostly) Jill would feel uncomfortable leaving you to your own devices for longer periods far away from any safe spots like Martha’s rest. Both suggest to have someone to accompany you.
-when in battle It's not news that you'll have to draw weapons at someone but it's a event they wish you'd avoid. Battling is like playing a game with chance and skill so not even they would know if you'll make it out alive in a fight. Because of this, they wish you avoid conflict at all costs or let them help you solve the problem.
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=======Joshua + jote============= -when you and joshua by yourselves -jote is protective over both of you -yall’s safety is very important to her so having you guys out by yourselves makes her anxious -on the otherside joshua would be in the same situation if you and jote are out alone together -not only he fears of you both not returning when he’s bedridden he also fears of ultima who might get in contact with either one of you -unlike clive and jill, this worry would only stem if you are out with joshua or with jote for a extended period of time -for example; jote is shopping for medicine while both you and joshua are out and about shopping for useful items. When she returns to the inn/hotel/home and realized y'all haven't return, she begins to worry
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====Cid=============== -he’s not the biggest worry wart but he has his moments when he’s concern -you can be out for extended periods in time(like explorations long) -you could be traveling too close to odin's territory or hang around in the blight -what makes him worry the most is when you’re injured -getting hurt any sort of way makes his heart sink. -like who hurt you? What harmed you? -being hurt or you having a near death experience would traumatize him
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====Benedikta============ -based on canon she has some sort of abandonment issues(from my pov when i was playing) -so she worries i can even say fears that one day you’ll leave her -especially if you became almost a perfect replacement for that empty hole cid left within her -she does her best to become a good lover to you and would hide things from you if it means she’ll stay with you -if she cares enough for you,she’ll even put away some of her selfishness and try to accommodate to your needs -but this fear also explains her possessiveness and can be somewhat controlling of you -the last thing she wants is you to leave her alone
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======Dion + terence============== -most fears and worries come from Dion -boi has a lot going on and since he has a image to keep and responsibilities he does worry he’ll have little time to spend with you -Terence also has the same worries for he has to be by Dion’s side as his second in command -this worry of making you feel left out also stems from them being gone for long periods of time dealing with orders from Dion’s father,Sylvestre, casualty wanting a conquest -they also both worry if you’re caught in the crossfire of anything -be it monsters, akashic, or even if Dion has to use Bahamut on home turf -Dion dose worry about you getting hurt by him -Terence just worries if you get into any trouble without protection
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=====Barnabas + Sleipnir============ -barnabas dose fear about your death -although ultima’s ideals rain supreme, he does fear that he’ll lose the only think he cares about which is you -sleipnir holds similar worries and acts on these worries on barnabas’s behalf by granting you round the clock protection and advice so you wouldn't be turned akashic or end up parishing under any means -helicoptering you is just the side effect on having some power over odin -behind close doors barnabas truly worships you similarly to hugo -so you dying or having to be turned into basically a ether infused zombie is not something he looks forward to
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====Hugo============ -like barnabas, he worries of your untimely demise -hugo wouldn't go so far as to helicopter you but would often suggest guards to accompany you or him -he always worries if something were to happen to you like a major injury -if you do end up fighting someone and you end up hurt, if the person who assaulted you is alive he would kill them and there entire bloodline and anyone involved -you’re his prize possession and he refuses to have anything happen to you
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eternalwritess · 26 days
mha matchup exchange with @lady-of-endless
i match you with... 𝓓𝓪𝓫𝓲 / 𝓣𝓸𝓾𝔂𝓪 𝓣𝓸𝓭𝓸𝓻𝓸𝓴𝓲 ██ 20% _ ████ 60% _ █████ 80% _ ▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒▒ 100% ᴄᴏᴍᴘʟᴇᴛᴇ!
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☯ This might surprise you but I totally see this happening, now how it would happen might be a little confusing but just hear me out for a moment!
☯ I think you two would meet like this, after a mission with the LOV Dabi ends up gravely injured. They needed to heal him and fast but there was a slight problem, non of them were medics. Yet it didn't take long for Shigaraki to figure out that there was a medic of some sort nearby who wasn't working entirely for the heroes and would heal people up when they needed it. So obviously they went to you
☯ And obviously you didn't have that much of a choice when it came to healing and helping them, so you healed him up pretty easily but now there was a problem, a rather big one at that. This problem being that he would have to remain in your care for several days since he was harmed pretty badly and unless he wanted all of his skin to fall off he had to listen to you
☯ Once again, you didn't really have a choice in this matter and they ended up leaving him with you, in that time. Trusting you with his care. It was safe to say that the moment Dabi fully realized what was happening he wasn't too excited about the whole situation, blowing it off and trying to get up and out of your house
☯ But each and every time you forced him to sit back down, mainly because you were scared of what the LOV would do to you if any harm had come to him, that and he clearly wasn't in the right state of mind, slurring his words and his eyes appeared glassy
☯ At one point it got so bad that he threatened to burn you to get out but in that time thankfully Shigaraki showed up and told Dabi the situation and that if he wanted to stay with him that he'd have to heal up first saying that the LOV had no use for a 'dead weight' which was honestly a rather light description of his condition
☯ With that you and him were left by yourselves again and he was thoroughly pissed at this point mainly because Shigaraki told him that he couldn't kill you unless you bought some sort of harm to him and if he did do that then he wouldn't be allowed back on the team, because they needed him in full health
☯ That being said though, it didn't stop him from bothering you, constantly nagging you about this and that and saying that if you didn't do something then you'd be bringing harm to him and that he could kill you, slowly getting on your nerves. So much had happened already and you were starting to get seriously pissed at him for being such an asshole
☯ Soon enough you were tired of him stepping on you so you and him had an argument, you basically starting saying how he was being ungrateful for your help and how you didn't want to be in this position either. While he kept complaining and complaining saying that he didn't want this either and in fact he didn't even want or need your help and that he was perfectly capable of functioning on his own, although you both knew that that wasn't true in the slightest
☯ The argument practically lasted an entire day and the next time you two saw each other again he seemed more than pissed, like you were the first person he was going to kill the moment that he was better. Which of course you laughed at the thought, you were the only thing keeping him alive right now so you controlled whether or not he got better
☯ The next time you checked in on him you two didn't really argue, more so just made hateful comments towards each other. But nothing ever really too bad, it never got to the point of shouting or threats like last time which you were internally thankful for, you didn't want to deal with that whole situation again
☯ Everything only got better when you found him seemingly panicking, you didn't know what had happened and when you tried to approach him he shouted and yelled at you, threatening to burn everything to the ground so you kept your distance, watching as he panicked more and more. Once it was done you came closer to him and when you tried to talk about what happened he brushed it off, saying that it was nothing and that if you mentioned it to anyone ever again he'd kill you
☯ The next day you got him some better food, you didn't really know why. He was an asshole but even then he just seemed so afraid at that moment. Of course that didn't make up for all of your bad interactions with him, but you still wondered about what exactly that was. Not to mention that it seemed like he was having a bad day.
☯ When he took the food he didn't comment on anything, didn't say anything at all and that ended up surprising you. Usually when you gave him something he'd whine or complain about it constantly
☯ When he was finally able to leave your house it didn't take long before you met each other other. You were walking back home from work when you were suddenly jumped by someone and within the instant they were gone, all you saw was a flicker of blue flames. Nothing even happened to you it was so fast, once you saw that it was Dabi you were going to thank him but all he said was 'now we're even' and walked off
☯ Yet that wasn't it, you constantly saw him hanging around and soon enough you two began finally talking to each other. It wasn't till one night when you two were just walking down the street when he realized that he was in love with you
☯ He didn't want to confess at first but after a while decided 'fuck it' and just told you that he liked you, he left it super vague and you had to pry to actually understood what the hell he had meant by that
☯ Your first date with him was rather tame. he would've gone all out but since he's a wanted criminal... yeah you can piece it together
☯ It was at your place as he didn't really have his own place but you two went outside to the park at night and stargazed for a while. Well, you stargazed and he talked to you, the both of you sharing quips back and forth
☯ Now what did the LOV think of all this...
☯ Toga was ecstatic, needless to say... she shipped you two together, turns out when Dabi came back from your place he wouldn't stop talking about you, 'complaining' about how you were way too gentle with him. Not to mention that he was staying out later than usual, apparently to see and talk to you
☯ Twice did not know you two were dating at first until Dabi kissed you in front of him and he began freaking out in excitement going 'oh thats so adorable! 'oh thats so gross!' 'you two lovebirds are so cute!' 'get a room!!' . He was very happy, mostly because Dabi would have less time to bother him now-
☯ Shigaraki was confused, dating? What was that? But once he figured it out all he asked was if they have an actual fucking medic now because he was more than tired of seeing Twice attempt to play the part
☯ Relationship dynamic: Caretaker & whumpee, enemies to lovers, opposites attract
☯ At first Dabi wasn't trying to constantly see you after he was let off from your care, but he just felt so bored so he kept going over when he didn't want to be around the LOV but then he realized that he actually liked you and was like 'oh shit'
☯ He constantly gets hurt, like constantly you need to patch him up every single damn time and each time he insists on you not doing it, saying that he's fine and that he's survived this long so he can go on a little longer. To which you say that he's sitting down and letting you help him whether he likes it or not
☯ Physical touch? You're going to melt this mans heart. He knows that he's not pleasant to look at and that the dead skin isn't pleasant to touch but when you start holding his hand, hugging him, kissing him he gets so confused and his brain short circuits for a second. This man is touch starved and you're giving him so much right now
☯ That being said he would constantly compliment you, especially after you help him patch himself up, you could also just walk better than someone and he'd point it out. He uses you to 'insult' the other members of the LOV. That being he basically just says how you're better than all of them in front of them. They don't hate you for it though, dont worry. But they do hate Dabi for it, but they know its just teasing so its fine
☯ While he doesn't directly open up with his past and what happened to him as a kid he does tell you bits and pieces of it, how he was unwanted as he grew up and how he hated his little brother. How he had felt unloved and unneeded
☯ He loves your confidence and admires that in you, he doesn't think he could be with someones who's not, but when you start doubting yourself he finds it stupid because he thinks only the best of you. He'll unknowingly start ranting about what makes you the best person in the world to him
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