#and there’s a couple others who’s names i have to learn bc i simply do not remember
lyriumsings · 2 years
my brain keeps assembling and disassembling batfamily characters like mr potato heads bc it’s really sick of the inconsistent faces we get for them across comics
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babiebom · 9 months
How Many kids I think the Bachelor/ettes would (want to) have
A/N: because I like thinking about things~ also because I started thinking about it because I want a lot of kids and I wondered who I would actually work well with. Late Merry Christmas btw!!! And happy holidays!!
Tw:sex, maybe cursing idk I always put cursing, childbirth/children, mentions of issues with childbirth, mentions of postpartum depression, mentions of adoptions and other stuff surrounding it.
Wc: at least 5 bullet points for each
Sdv Masterlist
I think he would want either one kid only or as many as his partner wants
Because I can see him being a good dad to his kids
But like I also think that people like him only have one kid because they didn’t get along with their own siblings
So the trauma is like I don’t want to have to choose between my kids when they don’t get along and I don’t want any problems so having one is good
But I also thinks he would want to see how close siblings could be to live somewhat through them
So it’s literally a toss up
On the topic of adoption though he’d probably adopt an older kid if you’re okay with it
Like a teen that doesn’t have a family and is about to age out
I think he’s that type of person and you could adopt a baby or a younger kid later on.
I also think Robin would be present but not like constantly there. Like it’s grandmas for Christmas and other holidays and sometimes she visits but that’s it.
I do think that he would probably end up with a lot of kids bc he can’t keep it in his pants now that he has a significant other.
He’s going to have at least 3
I see him having 2 boys and a girl if I’m being honest and it would be really cute
All of them are learning to skateboard and something about music
I think he would be a very chaotic dad
Like you have a heart attack every couple of minutes being married to him
Like “yeah! Junior lost a tooth” “how’d he lose a tooth?” “He absolutely ate shit at the skatepark”
I think he would be happy to adopt but probably wouldn’t because of Jodi
I do headcanon Jodi as bit of judgemental
Like she won’t say anything outright but she will be passive aggressive like “I love allllll of my grandkids! Even (adopted child’s name)”
So if you guys do end up adopting for one reason or another you’ll only see Jodi for big holidays unless Sam can get her to change
Vincent is a sweet uncle though and Kent is a decent grandfather. Refuses to tell stories of the war to them though. Jodi is an overbearing but GREAT grandmother when she’s not being petty
Well he already has Jas so he either will have one more so she has a sibling/cousin
or he will have like 4 more to make the total 5
I do think he would like a big family
But all of the kids are a couple years apart at least because he does want to make sure they all are happy
It takes a while for you two to have kids or adopt because he does still have depression and thinks he would be a shitty father
But he’d be the best out of the bachelors I think maybe number two
Because I feel like out of all of them his love would be greater simply because he does have that self hate and he wants to make sure he’s doing as well as he can
Jas is VERY happy to be a big sister
Harvey is a 2 kid guy
Like he would be a 1 kid guy but he’s afraid that the child would be lonely
I also think he would be an only child so he doesn’t want his kid to have the same childhood as him
But the kids would definitely have an age gap
Like at least 8 years because he wants to make sure you(if you’re a person who can give birth) are okay after giving birth.
I also think that if he adopts he would go for siblings specifically
Like two kids that don’t want to be separated by the system or two kids who are biologically related he would go for them
Simply because he wants two kids anyways and keeping people together is what would make him happy
Either 1 or 4 there’s no in between
I feel like you would have either all boys or all girls with him
Like his genes are very predictable not gonna lie
No matter what gender I think he would make all of them play gridball
Would be hella sad if none of the kids liked the sport bc COME ON
I do think that in his heart he would like to adopt
Especially if it’s to save a kid that’s in a bad family situation
Because in a way his grandparents adopted him after his father left and his mother died
Like those are his parents for lack of actual mom and dad
Very sweet dad but does have sexist tendencies
Like if you have daughters he would be much more strict with them but also would spoil them rotten
And while he’s not as strict with the boys he’s also not as sweet on them.
You have to get him to open up and realize that raising the kids in a specific way can breed resentment towards him. He gets smarter the more kids you have.
I think Elliott would want one or two
I don’t know why but I see him as a guy that doesn’t have a lot of kids
Mostly because I feel like he would still like to have time with his partner and having a lot of kids would take away from that unless you can get a sitter or something
But I also feel like he wouldn’t want daycare or a babysitter or nanny
He wants to raise the kids together especially because you both work from home
Also having more than I think 3 for him would make it so he has no time to work on writing
And having only a couple would mean he can evenly give enough attention to the kids.
While for some people having a lot of kids is not a problem with attention and love I think Elliot knows that he’s the type of person that cannot be spread too thin.
Which isn’t a bad thing.
If you’re same sex he is not opposed to adoption
Would like to adopt twins though
Would prefer boy girl twins but obviously won’t throw a fit if it doesn’t work out that way
You’re adopting kids not a dog.
Easily at least 6
I don’t think she would have the most easy pregnancies
But she will make it look as if she’s the perfect housewife and that bearing children is a breeze for her
She loves kids and wants a big happy family especially because of her upbringing
So if you marry her expect her to want to have kids that are all at least a year apart in age
Doesn’t mind getting pregnant again as soon as you’re cleared for sex
I do think she would prefer to bear children instead of adopt but she’s not opposed to it
I could also see her becoming a foster mother at some point and taking in a bunch of children because she has an empty nest
If you’re the same sex she would probably want ivf
Like obviously this isn’t meant to be offensive and some people have different takes
But she also won’t like be upset that you have to adopt and she would make sure to adopt a BUNCH of children
Is a good mother and tries hard to spread her attention evenly.
You having a farm is great for this type of situation not gonna lie
To be VERY honest I see Leah as the kind of woman to be a single mom
Not because she gets divorced or her partner dies
It’s literally by choice only her and her kid in their cabin painting.
BUT OBVIOUSLY in this scenario she’s married to you
She would still only have 1 or 2 kids
I don’t think she would really enjoy being pregnant
Like she would like doing the pregnancy art things
But the state of being that she’s in is HORRIBLE she HATES IT
But she loves her kid so much that she’s like okay I can do it one more time.
Maru is either a one person kid or a 5 person kid tbh
And I do think that science people be lowkey freaky
So I do think she would have a lot of kids
Like somehow she’s always pregnant and everyone is like ?????? Another kid?????
Y’all’s kids are super smart ngl
Like you’re like???????wtf
Like even if you end up adopting they’re super smart and you’re like ????????? WTF HOW
Though they are still very interested in farming.
Somehow combines the two and creates a super farm
Like you make so much more money after having kids it’s insane.
Two or three kid woman
No matter how strong your genes are your kids will always have either blonde hair or blue eyes if not both.
Out of all the people having kids your kids with her would have the most normal names
She was a mean girl in high school she’s not setting up her kids for failure from the beginning
Unlike the others who would be on board with homeschooling if that’s what you wanted Haley wants the kids in public or private school.
Shes not much of a teacher and you’re always working on the farm so she wants them to have a good chance of being smart.
I think that y’all would have tons of baby books for the kids because she takes at least 10 pictures a day
Like there is no running out of embarrassing baby pictures your kids better behave lmao
Actually a good mom and ends up being one of those “I’m a cool mom right” women
But she’s actually kinda cool when she’s not making dated references.
One kid that is just as weird as she is
It doesn’t matter if the kid is adopted or not they behave just like her
But also I think she would go for adopting or fostering the more troubled children because they need love too
And I think she’s the perfect person to understand people on a different level than others.
A very sweet mother that is different than the other bachelor/ettes
Your kid turns out very happy, kind, and connected to the world
They might be a little weird like her
But are well liked by the people who find themselves misunderstood.
She would also be the type of person to run a foster home.
I think Abby would like 2 kids.
I think she was very lonely as a kid
Especially with her father only focusing on his work and her mother hanging out with her but not really understanding her likes and hobbies
If she had a sibling there could be a chance that they won’t get along but she feels in her heart that they would’ve been close
So she would have two kids that are like maybe 2 years apart or 5 years apart
I don’t think she would enjoy being pregnant but she enjoys it more than she thought she would
Is not willing to go through giving birth again
So if you’re a person who could give birth if you want more than 2 kids then you’re giving birth
If you’re a person that can get others pregnant then you better plan for a surrogate or adoption because like I said she’s not going through that labor shit again
She is open to having more than 2 kids but like there’s other things that you have to do if you want them
Is a decent mom is kinda awkward with mothering but tries her best
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taylortruther · 7 months
I actually agree with you 100% on all long-term relationship breakups being pretty much the same. When you've loved someone for so long, it means they're also part of your routines, part of your comfort, part of your home and part of your family. Their family becomes your family, their friends become your friends, their hopes and aspirations become things you care about as well as their struggles. The reasons why the rs starts falling apart aren't as simple as one or both parties no longer "being in love", but rather a combination of issues: career ambitions intolerable to the relationship for various reasons, incompatibility of personalities or of extended families, growth at different paces, the goals and wishes agreed at the start of the rs changing with time, loss of trust and connection, etc. I thought of this the other day when an anon mentioned the movie Blue Valentine, and I think the reason why that film feels so realistic (and devastating) is because all long term relationships slowly desintegrate in similar manners to what happens to the couple in the movie. And piggybacking off the discourse we had on The Alcott, it's quite desperating and frustrating to slowly realize that things that once were profoundly sacred have come to feel like a curse; you no longer feel like you're choosing everyday to be with this person out of love, but rather that you're emprisioned to them.
What we know about TTPD department so far makes me think this will be explored but not in the way many fans seem to be expecting (not you guys lol but I have seen ppl that expect the songs to be sassy, petty, and accusatory). Instead, I think we will see her show and deconstruct all the ways she fought for it to work, compromising, committing, twisting herself into a pretzel, and making herself smaller, not because he was "forcing her" like some fans think but rather from her own decision bc that's just how much she loved him. Which is even more devasting if you think of it: she locked herself away, tried to dim her shine, beared emotional burdens alone because of her own conviction and desire to make things work, not as a result of him "making her" do all of that. So imo one of the reasons this album will be particularly devastating is bc we will learn in a very raw manner just how much she loved this man and how much she was willing to give up for him, and how much regret she probably has about things she did for him that at the time felt like a no-brainer but in hindsight seem ridiculous (which is a very common thing for everyone bc that's simply what you do when you love someone; love isn't usually rational). And this will undoubtedly be very relatable for ppl who have been in ltrs that ended bc, as you say, most of them end in the same way and most of us realize how much we actually sacrificed for it only after the fact.
i agree!!! also, we know taylor never does anything by halves. we know love is basically a religion of drug to her. we know she felt that he believed in her and loved her for her at a time when she felt she was distinctly unlovable. we know she fought hard to deal with her baggage. we know she was reflecting on fame, how fickle it is, and why she wanted it so badly (miss americana doc, mirrorball, midnight rain, to name a few.) we can look at midnights to see the things that were haunting her and they were things like: dealing with fame, choosing the hard way, reckoning with loss of self, wanting to protect love that felt fragile, blocking out noise, the empowerment and loneliness of relying on oneself. midnights feels like a very honest and logical progression past folkmore, which discussed those topics as well as infidelity, taking up space, confronting depression and pain and other sticky human desires. ttpd feels like it will further touch on these complicated and sticky and dark topics, with the added "bonus" of the specter of a breakup, and the breakup itself, haunting them. anyone whose ever lost a part of themselves to try and save a relationship of any kind will understand, i think. love is a beast that way.
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scekrex · 7 months
so yk how adam knew angel dust was a pornstar when charlie mentioned his name. uh i have not been able to get that out of my head because he knew him by NAME it wasnt just like he passed by an angel dust billboard cause those are probably fucking everywhere and was like “cool” NO bro looked at it closely enough to know his name by memory— anywaysss what about adam x male reader whos a pornstar cause thats cool dhdkd maybe he sees an ad with the reader on it or something and gets intrigued 😋 anyways have a super silly day
I fucking adore you for that prompt bc the fact that Adam knew Angel by name was/is stuck in my brain too and I've been meaning to write pornstar!male!reader for a while, you simply gave me an actual reason to do so. Also the warmest, cuddliest hugs to @ultimateissuessimp who not only helped me to come up w a plot but also fixed my writers block xoxo to you bro.
Any way you want me, baby, that's the way you got me
pairing: Adam x male!reader
warnings: language, smut, sex without consent (it's not Adam guys, chill), mention of sexual abuse, choking (with and without consent), unprotected sex, major character death (temporarily)
note: not beta read bc fuck you I don't have beta readers
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Your pimp massaged his temples and sighed, “Stop acting like a fucking picky whore, if you want your fucking money you'll do the job.” You crossed your arms over your chest, you were having none of it.
It had been a couple of years since you started doing what you did, it had been a couple of years since you had dedicated yourself to that fucking asshole who was trying to force you into something that was way outside your comfort zone. So you have learned to stand up for yourself, to say no. And usually that was fine because usually your clients weren't some snobby bitches with an ass full of money. This time your client was exactly that though, and that asshole of boss - at this point you were sure you could call him that - saw the money and nothing but the money. So a ‘no’ wasn't on the table for you this time as it seemed.
“Fuck you, I'm telling ya, I'm not doing that bullshit,” you told the man in front of you. He however simply grabbed your wrist and pulled you in, “You’re gonna drop that fucking attitude of yours right fucking now because you're gonna do it, if you want or not is irrelevant.” You huffed and ripped your arm from his grip, “Fucking fine, but if that whore breaks me it's on you.” At that your boss chuckled deeply as he gave your cheek a light pat, “Good boy.”
So there you were huh? In a room with some asshole you didn't trust the slightest bit.
It didn't take long for the man to not only undress himself but also to basically tear the fabric off your body - quite literally because your shirt was being ripped open and he yanked your pants down hard enough for the stitches to give out on it.
Your mind went blank after that, everything was just a hazy blur as you tried to get it over with. There were cold hands on your body, then you fell, the landing was surprisingly soft.
A scream filled with pain ripped from your throat as the man thrusted in, in, in until he was fully inside of you, no lube, no preparation. A hand was firmly pressed against your mouth and while probably not intended, he also covered your nose leaving you no way to breathe but you took it, what were you supposed to do? Say no? With that hand on your lips? Yeah, pretty impossible. You also doubted that the asshole would care about your wants. It all went down when his other hand wrapped around your throat and squeezed, he didn't even try to ask for consent, he just took what he wanted, maybe needed.
Your hands were on his wrists in an instant, your nails dug into his skin in order to try and push his hands off of you but to no result, he was stronger. And then the hazy blur faded to black.
When Adam read the news about his favorite porn actor being killed he was quite furious.
The news articles all stated the same, that some rich bitch had paid for a session with you - an recorded one on top of it - and had choked you to death. And on top of that the manager of you had published the video, hell Adam was even able to see you die at his hands.
The news articles also blamed you for not giving him any signals to stop, Adam thought that was bullshit. He had followed your porn career for a while now, he had seen interviews too, if only two - it wasn't like many people wanted to interview pornstars on a daily base - he knew you had this little rule about consent and therefore he knew you had given the man signals he just tended to ignore them.
“Can you fucking believe it, Lute?” he asked angrily as he held his phone in front of her face, on the tiny screen there was a news article about your death, a picture of your corpse covered by a white sheet was also featured. Lute looked at it briefly, then shrugged, “Who cares? Just another whore that'll end up in hell.” Adam put down his phone and grabbed Lute by her shirt, “Watch your fucking mouth, he wasn't like the rest of those disgusting sluts.” Lute just shot him a weird look and mumbled a quiet, “Whatever, Sir,” as Adam let go of her clothes.
When the world around you got bright you were confused, what had happened?
You found yourself in someone's office, the walls were painted white and there were golden accents to make the room seem less stirile. “Where the fuck am I?” you asked, visibly confused as three pairs of eyes stared at you, one of them was a small girl, she looked delighted to see you. Then there was a woman, you figured it must have been her mother or something like that, she offered you a small smile. The last one was the face of a man who seemed to be equally confused as you were at first, but soon his expression softened a little.
“Well look who we have here,” the man spoke and got out of his seat to walk over to you. He wrapped an arm around your shoulders as he shot you a sharp grin.
“Welcome to heaven, Y/N.”
It took a good while for you to get used to the afterlife you were expecting, it looked like your beliefs had been with you and that God had decided to put you out of your misery and send you to heaven a little sooner than you had thought. Not that you complained though, the company was better than the people that had surrounded you on earth.
Adam and you had grown to be close friends in no time and soon after your bond had increased so much you had asked the first man out. He had agreed and so the two of you started dating.
He was surprisingly soft with you - was it really surprising though, given that he knew how you had died? No, not really. But it was nice that he accepted your ‘no’ without further questions - sometimes, when he was really into something you said no to, he sat down with you and talked it out, gave you all the options to stop whenever it got too much or you simply didn't like it. Consensual sex without fighting for what you wanted and didn't want was new to you, it wasn't something your former boss or former clients had ever given you.
But that all shattered when Adam requested something that really didn't sit right with you.
“Fuck no,” you exclaimed, and got up from the bed, “No choking, not after-” you cut yourself off, you weren't able to say it out loud, not yet at least, “No.” Adam sighed, he wasn't annoyed or frustrated, he was actually able to understand the situation you were in quite well. “Babes, I’m not gonna hurt you like that bastard did,” he explained himself while also giving you the space you needed, otherwise you'd feel cornered and that was the least thing he wanted you to feel in that moment.
You knew that, in the name of God, you fucking knew Adam wouldn't choke you unconscious and he most importantly wouldn't kill you again by doing so but it felt wrong to let anyone grab you by the throat with the slightest bit of force. “Adam,” you pleaded, your eyes begging him to drop the topic. Adam's body language softened and he patted on the bed, a nonverbal request for you to sit down again. You hesitated for a moment, then you sat down again.
His wing wrapped around you immediately and his arms pulled you to sit on his lap. His chin was resting on your shoulder as he softly spoke, “I’m not asking you to live through a full fucking session, I'm asking you to try it, to let me show you how it's properly done. You can always tell me to stop and I'll be off of you in an instant. I won't ask you to ever try it again if you don't like it.” The brunette's hands rested on your chest, one of them slowly moved upwards to caress your neck and acting out of instincts you leaned into the soft and warm touch of his.
You thought about it. You thought about it for a while and you came to the conclusion that Adam was right. Trying was okay, trying meant you were allowed to hate it. So you hummed in agreement adding a quiet, “Okay.”
Soft lips were kissing your throat and you tilted your head upwards to offer Adam more excess. The first man gladly took it as an invitation to leave hickeys on the soft skin of yours which earned him a throaty moan. “Someone’s fucking horny,” Adam grinned and pressed his palm against the slowly growing bulge in your pants. You immediately lifted your hips to chase the friction that was given to you, a deep groan was ringing through Adam's ears, fuck he could listen to the sounds you were making all day. “You’re one to talk,” you breathlessly countered and lifted your knee against Adam's crotch. The taller man's hips stuttered and his wings flapped in excitement at the newfound and unexpected friction. “Oh fuck,” he mumbled against your throat as his fingers clawed at your shoulders and his nails dug into your skin, the pain it caused was different than the pain men had brought you back on earth, the pain Adam was giving to you always felt so deliciously holy and you could drown in it.
You have had sex before with all kinds of men, rude and harsh ones, shy and soft ones, ones that took what they wanted and then left without the slightest thought of satisfying you. But with Adam it was different, Adam always made sure you were feeling as much pleasure as he was experiencing and if he were to get too caught up to jerk you off, he'd blow you afterwards.
Your fingers itched towards the hem of Adam's robe and pulled the soft fabric up until his lower half was exposed. “Get that stupid shit off, it's cockblocking us,” you growled with lust audible in your voice. That was something Adam was quick to do, he was always so eager to get undressed for you, no matter what, no matter when.
Once Adam's robe had hit the floor, your clothes were joining it in no time. Your naked bodies were pressed together, his lips never left your skin long enough for you to actually miss them, they were on you constantly. “Gonna fuck that brain out of your pretty head babes, it'll be all you will be able to think about for the entire week,” the first man whispered in a deep, aroused voice that gave you the most pleasant kind of goosebumps you've ever had and your body shuddered against his lips. “You gotta try real hard for that, you sure you can fuck me that well?” you teased, very much aware that, yes, he was able to do as he had just said, he had proven it before and he'd prove it again. “Watch it, whore,” he grinned up at you and then your nipple disappeared between his lips and another moan tore from your throat to let the first man know what an incredible job he was doing.
Back on earth you had disliked, maybe even hated the term. It was always used as an insult that was supposed to play down what you were doing but when Adam said it, it sounded like the most beautiful thing to achieve, to be called whore by Adam was something you took with pride, something that made your body heat rush to all the right areas.
“Nah,” you replied and even though it was more of a whine than an actual statement, you confidently continued, “You like it when I use my mouth and we both fucking know it.” Adam's wings twitched at the thought of you sucking him off and his eyes revealed that he liked the idea - not for now though, now you two had other plans. “Sure do, babes, sure do,” the brunette agreed as he reached for the bottle of lube that he had placed on the bedside table earlier.
That was also another thing you appreciated about the sex with Adam, while he made sure you were feeling that holy version of pain earth could never compare to, he was also gentle, well as gentle as someone like Adam could be. But he prepared you, always did, and he was the type of guy who'd rather use too much lube than not enough.
At first it had been weird for you that Adam knew about your carrier, in the name of Lord above that motherfucker had seen you die because of that stupid porno. But it turned out to be quite useful for him to have all that knowledge about your past, that way he knew how far he was allowed to go without constantly having to ask you. He did check on your well-being during sex though, a thing you appreciated very much. He also knew about the things you were into, figuring his kinks out was as easy as breathing, the first man did nothing to hide the things that turned him on.
Adam covered his fingers in lube, waited a moment for the liquid to warm up and then slowly started to push his index finger inside of you. Your back arched and your hips rocked down on his finger, taking it like it was a daily thing - maybe because it was. “Gimme the second one,” you breathed out and watched as Adam moved his hand a little, his index finger almost slipped out and you were about to complain but before you had the chance to, two fingers were thrusted inside of you and you groaned, “That’s what I'm talking ‘bout, pretty boy.”
“Just look at the filthy little slut you are,” his hand moved up and down your side before it stilled on your hip bone, “So fucking eager to take the first dick ever made.” You nodded, “And so fucking ready too, so what ya waiting for, big guy?” Your lips had curled up into a shit eating grin as you challenged him, “Scared you'll hurt me?” Oh and that made something inside of Adam snap.
He quickly withdrew his fingers, causing you to complain about the emptiness you were left with. “Adam,” you whined and wiggled your ass closer to his hips, “I can take both, your fingers and your dick.” That earned you a light slap on your hips, “Don’t be so fucking impatient, you'll get what is needed to shut your mouth.” “I think it'll make me open up instead, moaning yo-” you cut yourself off with a loud moan because the brunette had just bottomed out inside of you without any kind of warning. And the burn that came with it from how wide his dick stretched you was beautiful through and through.
“Don’t just fucking talk about moaning my name, do it,” he demanded and gripped your hips firmly to keep you from squirming, he didn't move however, gave you the time you needed to get used to the feeling. Oh the self control this man had was driving you insane. “Goddamn it, fuck me already, what use is it to have the first dick inside of me when it doesn't fucking do shit,” you whined as you threw your head back into the pillows.
Adam didn't move his hips, however he leaned over you and wrapped his left hand around your throat, there was no pressure at all, just the feeling of his hand. For a moment panic flooded your brain and your body screamed at you to make him stop, to tell him not to fucking touch you like that, but then he spoke up and his voice was so soft, sounded so worried, “You decide when it is too much, if this is too much you simply say so and I won't touch you like that again unless you ask for it like a good fucking boy you can be.”
You closed your eyes, took a deep breath and relaxed, his hand was still on your throat but you relaxed. “No, it's okay,” you whispered without looking at him, then added, “Now get to the fucking point and fuck my brains out like you promised.” And then there was pressure on your throat but at the same time the brunette started to move his hips, the pace at which his hips slammed in and out was bruising but it was exactly what you needed. You bared your throat as much as you could, showing him that it was okay, showing him that you trusted him with this, “Fuck, Adam.”
The sound of Adam's balls slapping against your ass filled the room and while one hand was firmly yet not painfully wrapped around your throat, the other slowly slid up your torso until it reached your nipple, the skilful fingers of your lover twisted it in such delicious ways that moan after moan spilled from your lips and Adam admired it, admired you. He was purely enchanted whenever you got vocal during sex - which was quite often.
“Fucking right, whore, moan for me ‘n’ my dick,” he hissed before he caught your lips in a bruising kiss, your back arched off the mattress even more, your hips tried to chase his whenever he pulled out only to slam himself back in again a second later. A whine fell from your lips and seeped into the kiss, your wings closed around his back, trapping the both of you behind feathers but neither of you minded, you were both too caught up in pleasure to care about such things. “Adam, please,” you moaned as your hips helplessly moved in sync with his own, “Fucking touch me.”
Normally Adam would make you beg for it, deny you your orgasm for as long as he could, but not that day. You had been doing so well for him, had tried something that neither of you were sure you would like. You had given him your trust by allowing you to touch in ways no one ever touched you with consent and he wanted to reward you for it, wanted to give you what you so desperately graved. As he attempted to let go of your throat you stopped him. Your hand tightly gripped his wrist in order to keep his hand where it was and you looked him in the eyes as you said, “I fucking dare you to stop choking me, use your other hand to jerk me off.”
He couldn't help the chuckle that rumbled through his body but he did as he was told and once his hand had started to stroke your dick, it only took you a few moments to reach your climax. The white wetness covered your stomach, a few drops even reached Adam's chest but you were too fucked out to pay any mind to it, all that you were able to focus on was Adam, Adam, Adam. Adam, who was fucking you through your orgasm to chase his own, Adam who didn't take much longer to reach his peak, Adam who filled you up with his cum until it started to leak.
The first man breathed heavily on top of you as he pulled out, a weak snap of his fingers cleaned both of your bodies before he fell into the sheets beside you. Well to be fair he had landed on your wing instead of the mattress but you couldn't bring yourself to care. You turned around to face him and curled up against his chest, Adam wrapped his entire body around you in order to keep you warm and protected.
“Thank you, Adam.”
He kissed your head softly.
“Anything for you, babes.”
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maxlarens · 2 months
(ONE MORE TONIGHT SORRY) 📎: Oscar and his (forbidden) love for pain au chocolat leading him to a tiny bakery outside Monaco bc less eyes and obviously it becomes his favorite spot (actually I want to do a smau on this now 😭)
sorry this took me five years i had so many thoughts it was actually hard to narrow down. surprise i rambled about another oscar idea that viv gave me! who's shocked?
yes😌 and i agree u do need to write an smau for this anyway. LOVE. so obviously he finds the exact bakery that you work at on a stewpid little rental bike😣 like he’s just riding around trying to get used to the city and he stumbles upon this like hole in the wall, tucked away little bakery because he can smell it all the way down the street or something. and can’t help himself.
and maybe he discovers it on break where he doesn’t have to be SO strict with his diet. and he comes back every couple of days because he gets like... ADDICTED to the pain au chocolat there. and y’know he notices you of course because you’re there every time. and he’s normal about it at first, doesn't think too much of you. until you start to acknowledge that he's a bit of a regular. and then it's like he finds himself thinking about you all the time. and he thinks okay maybe a side effect of being addicted to the pastries? but he its not like hes thinking about the food. he's thinking about your hair, the way you smell, your accent, the way you smile when he comes into view
you probably develop a bit of relationship over a few weeks. since he has to wait for you to make his coffee and for the pain au chocolat to heat up, he does a lot of standing around at the counter and chatting. it's awkward at first because oscar is. but the two of you warm up to each other quickly. you tell him what you're doing living in monaco, he tells you vague bits about his job without revealing too much straight away. he laments about his diet, you tell him he has to come by for coffee anyway. and he does, whenever he can. he starts to integrate the bakery into his running/cycling route as much as possible. he's there basically everyday. but when you tell your coworkers (who work on your off days) they have no clue who he is because he doesn't bother to come around if you're not there😭
secretly he thinks the coffee is average.
simply a MUST for you to start calling him pastry boy as a joke. this is how you learn his last name. and how you find out he's a formula one driver. which you obviously ask him tons of questions about while he blushes his lil head off🥺
i think the two of you continue like this for a while. and even though you know it's far more than a normal cashier/customer relationship, i think you're both reluctant to cross that line. you especially. because he's an f1 driver and you're just a barista. so i think you wait for oscar to make a move. he does eventually.
maybe around the monaco gp and he starts thinking about how he'd really like to see you there? he asks you out for lunch on a not-date date and things go well from there😌
the slow burn of it all is so cute i think! trying to find excuses to go see you even when his diet doesn't allow for it. the conversations that you get wrapped up in that can only go for so long until you're neglecting your job. oscar timing his visits to near your lunch break so he can spend more time with your attention on him. the slow integration of you into his life. and eventually you're living with him and maybe you get a different job but you still bring him pain au chocolat from that bakery🤭
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literallyjusttoa · 1 year
My top 7 Apollo exes from Ancient Greece
DISCLAIMER: Though I have done a lot of research of mythology for this, it is based off of the riordanverse version of Apollo. I won't be acknowledging any awful implications in versions of these myths, not because I don't think they're important, but because it simply isn't a part of riordanverse Apollo's characterization in the books. Also I'm not going to mention Copollo. I love Copollo like the rest of you, but sadly that is a Rick Riordan exclusive, and also technically Commodus is an ex from Ancient Rome, not Ancient Greece :3
Ok with that out of the way lets talk obscure and non-obscure Apollo relationships
7. Apollo & Thyia
This one clocks in at number 7 because I love the idea behind it, but it is the most bare bones relationship myth wise. All we really know is Thyia is a priestess of Dionysus and she and Apollo maybe had a kid once. But like, the idea of Apollo dating his brother's priest? Hilarious, A+ stuff. Also, Thyia isn't just one of Dionysus' priests, she is THE priest of Dionysus. She runs his temple in central greece, is thought to have offered the first sacrifice to him, and might have been the first Maenad? Either way this relationship must have been insane. Also she's a nymph so she's definitely still kicking out there, would love for these two to meet again.
6. Apollo & Hyacinthus
Ok ok I know what y'all are thinking. Number 6?? This is like Apollo's number 1 most tragic relationship of all time!!! And yes as an angst lover I do enjoy the pain this relationship brings our boy, but I just feel like there's not many places to go with this relationship besides what we already have. Like Apollo and Hyacinthus were kind of the perfect couple. Which, like, great for them, but it doesn't give me much space to add anything? I guess, great ship, no notes.
5. Apollo & Hypermnestra (& Oikles)
Ok, half the reason this is here is because her name is Hypermnestra. Slay. But also this is a great place to bring up my favorite little headcanon. In a lot of Apollo's relationships, there will be a child, and myths will have different versions with different fathers. Some say it's Apollo, while other's say it's whoever he dated's husband. In this case, myths disagree on whether Amphiaraus was Apollo's son or the son of Hypermnestra's husband, king Oikles (Oikles??? I love these names). The implication here is infidelity, but I disagree. No, I think every time there's confusion over who parentage it's because Apollo was dating both the woman he's said to be with and her husband, and therefore no one knows who ended up, y'know, fathering the child. Anyways Apollo dated both Hypermnestra and Oikles and you can't convince me otherwise.
4. Apollo & Branchus
I like this relationship because in my mind, I always thought it was Apollo's first. In one version of their myth, it is said that Apollo met Branchus after leaving Delos as a dolphin, which I always thought implied this was soon after he established Delphi, which was really early on. Idk something about a young Apollo accidentally revealing his godliness to this boy he really likes is just so sweet to me. And he makes Branchus into a prophet, which is so cool! These two are cutie-patooties is what I'm saying.
3. Apollo & Kyparissos
C'mon, the man died of grief because his deer died. Throughout ToA we learn that deep down Apollo is a mushy ball of emotions and compassion, and that convinced me that these two spent 75% of their relationship crying over baby animals and pretty people. I love the idea of Apollo dating someone who's honestly just as much of a loser as he is. And while it is sad that Kyparissos is another lover Apollo had to turn into a plant, I have to emphasize again that he died of heartbreak, because his pet deer died.
2. Apollo & Cyrene
Listen, these two are boss bitches and you cannot convince me otherwise. In the same way I like Kyparissos bc I feel like he and Apollo are so similar, I like Cyrene bc I feel like, in a lot of ways, these two are very different. Like, don't get me wrong, Apollo can be strong and wild when he wants to be, but Cyrene wrestles lions. I like to think the time these two spent together really helped each of them grow in their own way, which makes for a really fun and interesting relationship. Also, just like Thyia, Cyrene is sometimes referred to as a nymph, so she could still be out there!
1. Apollo & Admetus
The more I think about these two, the more I love them. Admetus meeting Apollo at his lowest and helping him through it. Apollo falling head over heels as a result and doing everything in his power to repay the man. The two of them still holding such strong affection for each other even decades after the time they had together, to the point that Apollo would mess with fate to extend Admetus' life. Apollo's life is full of turmoil, and this period of it was probably the worst, but despite that, his relationship with Admetus seems so steady. The other gods are said to be embarrassed of Apollo's love of Admetus, and I think it's because Apollo loved him in a way that went directly against the values of the gods. Apollo and Admetus' relationship was defined by service and care, filled with selfless intent and genuine love. While many gods give their lovers gifts and special favors, the idea of actually going into servitude for someone you love is as ungodly as you can get. Apollo spent time with Admetus, and he wasn't possessive of him, helping him to find a wife after their time together was through. I think this relationship is a great example of how Apollo, even in his lowest moments, is a genuine and caring person, and how that often separates him from the rest of his family. Also these two are just cute and they both love cows and they're cows in love.
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alpaca-clouds · 1 year
The forgotten parts of the ancient world
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Time for my weekly history ramble and today I am gonna talk about how our understanding of history is not only eurocentric but also otherwise quite skewed. Because we even ignore half of Europe.
When we talk about the ancient world, we will usually talk about it in terms of the "advanced civilizations", aka those civilizations that build a lot of stuff and who we know more about because of it. Which means usually... we are going to talk about Rome, Greece and maybe we are going to talk about Egypt. But that is going to be the end of it.
With that we obviously ignore all of Europe outside of it.
Admittedly. There were times when Rome basically was "most of Europe", because Rome was quite colonialist, but... we tend to just ignore the other cultures that existed in Europe at the time.
Sure, if you have grown up in Europe, you will know about the Germans and the Celts and you might be vaguely aware that the Slavs also were already around and doing their thing. But chances are, that you do know exactly jack shit about what those cultures were doing or, for that matter, which cultures were included under those rather wide names.
The celts are a really good example of this. Because the nominative "celts" actually involves a plurality of different cultures, that were related, yes, but still their own. The name "celts" was in the end an exonym given to them by first the Greeks and then the Romans, who were then just lumping those foreign cultures into one.
A big problem, of course is, that the celts, Germans and Slavs did not in fact write much of anything down. So we basically do not have anything in terms of primary sources on them, outside of the Romans and Greeks interacting with them and writing about it, before the cultures slowly died off (or rather were forcably converted to Christianity in many cases).
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But then there are also the other cultures - even "advanced cultures" we kinda do not speak about and will not learn about. Especially if you grow up in a majority white country. Things like ancient Persia and ancient Mesopotamia are only ever mentioned in passing. Minoan Greece is something you usually not learn about until you actually start to properly learn history. Ancient cultures in Asia and Africa? Ha, good luck. America and Australia? Yeah, most certainly not happening.
And while the latter two have the "excuse" of there really being near to nothing in terms of written history we have from there, the same obviously cannot be said for the Ancient civilizations of Asia, who did in fact write a lot down.
Usually the excuse for the ancient civilizations of Asia and Africa (minus Egypt) being excluded is, that "Well, you live in an European country. So it does not have to interest you." As if in the ancient world there was no trade and no exchange of ideas happening. Part of which is actually documented.
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Heck, even if we talk Ancient Greece/Rome/Egypt, we will often find, that those kinda each get lumped in, as if they were just one solid culture that suddenly appeared out of nowhere and then suddenly disappeared into nowhere. Like a blip, that lasted for a couple thousand years. With just one culture that never changed and was just solidly one thing.
But I have talked about this before: No, those cultures were not "one thing". They developed over time. If you were to look in close it would actually be super hard to say when each of those cultures began and ended. It kinda fizzled in and fizzled out. There were not just people going there and being like: "Alright, time to build some pyramids now!" Or: "Yoooo, let's build like some great temples to some gods on some mountain."
And those cultures changed over the time they existed. A 900 BC Greek would have not quite recognized the world a 500 BC Greek would have lived in.
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Why do I take that much of an issue with that?
Simply put: Because this lack of widely shared information will be used again and again by white supremacists to push their agenda. And that is true for so many aspects of this.
You probably might have seen some people meming about the "classisist" twitter or youtube pages, that simp over ancient Roman and Greek architecture. You also might be aware of the white supremacist proudly declaring themselves to be "anglo saxon" or "germanic". You will also know about how they will talk about "the actually advanced cultures" and only focus on the white cultures of course. And you will very certainly know about the entire "ancient aliens" conspiracy, that very much is based on the idea that only the Greeks and Romans could've been truly advanced, while all other cultures had to have had the help of aliens to archive their amazing feats.
And all of that is all linked to this: The lack of general awareness of the ancient world and how it looked - what the cultures looked like, how they changed and how they interacted.
Heck, those white supremacist asshole, who spout that shit often do not know anything about those cultures either. They just think it sounds could and that it makes them feel superior to other people.
But it is all... just a lack of information.
Yes, in some cases that information has been lost to time completely. But in quite a few cases it is just the lack of general awareness on the topic. Nothing else.
So we need to do better in teaching this stuff. Because it is important.
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hungarianmudkip69 · 7 months
actually im thinking abt it now so here's a post
Tips for Actually Fucking Getting Your ADHD Medication!!!!!
First of all, some notes:
a) I was diagnosed and started my medication when I was very small. So unfortunately I cannot offer advice about getting prescribed your medication! only getting the medication you are already prescribed. I literally don't remember a time before I was taking my meds.
b) I take specifically Concerta! While I think these should be applicable to other medications as well, that's something I felt like I should be upfront with.
c) I live in the US. I don't actually know how much of this would apply to other countries. Maybe some of it? But this is specifically about the US healthcare system.
This is going to be a bit long bc I am, of course, ADHD, so I'll put it under a cut.
This post will cover two scenarios: My Medication Is Usually Covered, But This Time It's Not/Costs More Than Usual and The Pharmacy Is Out Of My Fucking Medication!!!!
I would appreciate reblogs even if you aren't ADHD to get this info to people who need it, especially with another shortage seemingly starting!
I've got a couple different situations to cover, starting with:
My Medication Is Usually Covered, But The Pharmacy Says This Time It's Not/Costs Way More Than Usual
ok this is going to be so so hard but this is what you're going to have to do:
Call your health insurance.
Every time this has happened to me, it hasn't actually not been covered, it was the pharmacy fucking something up while checking coverage.
When you get through to a rep, you're going to say this:
"Hi, my name is [name.] I was trying to get my ADHD medication from my pharmacy, but they said it's not covered, which is weird because my prescription hasn't changed and it's been covered before. I'd like to know what's going on."
If you're upset, don't feel bad about not being able to hide it. Gotta be honest, I've gotten the quickest help when I started crying on the phone...
What usually happens with my medication is that it's made by multiple manufacturers, and the insurance only covers some of them. If the pharmacy only checked one manufacturer and it wasn't covered, sometimes they don't bother to check others, and tell me that my meds aren't covered.
Even if it's not that, it is far more likely that your pharmacy fucked up than that your insurance coverage changed. I once got quoted ALMOST SEVEN HUNDRED DOLLARS for 30 days of my medication. It turned out to be a pharmacy error.
Health insurance companies may be out to fuck you over, but the people at the customer service phones are there to help you. Let them help you get your meds covered if the pharmacy won't. I once had an incredible rep who even called the pharmacy herself to make sure they ran my meds properly and started filling them while I was still on the call. Let them help you! They want to!
The Pharmacy Is Out Of My Fucking Medication!!!!
This is the problem that I was having at the end of last year which was fucking hell for me to deal with.
Some useful background for this section:
There are multiple different ratings of generics for a drug. For my explanation, we'll use Concerta. This explanation may not be entirely accurate as I am not trained in this stuff! But it is what my dad learned and explained to me while we were navigating the shortage.
Concerta is extended-release methylphenidate, but the unique thing about it is the release mechanism. It has a little hole in the end and a tiny sponge in it. Over time the sponge absorbs stomach acid and expands, pushing the medication out at a consistent rate.
There is a generic with this same sponge release mechanism! It is what is called an "AB rated" generic for Concerta because it is proven to have the exact same therapeutic effects as brand name Concerta. Insurance covers AB generics! Yay!
Extended release Ritalin is the same drug and the same dosage, but it simply dissolves in your stomach over time so it doesn't release as consistently as Concerta. It is a "Bx rated" generic. At least in my experience, insurance will not cover this without a special exemption from your doctor. This is usually a good thing, because it means your pharmacy can't just give you a Bx instead of an AB without your knowledge. During a shortage? Not so much.
So you have been informed by your pharmacy that they do not have the generic covered by your insurance. Here is what you're going to do.
1) Freak out a little bit. This is normal. Medication is important and you're not getting it. Let yourself work through it, then calm down because there Are Things You Can Do!!! Take your phone with you when you lie on the ground and cry, that way once you're done you don't have to get up to work on solving it. Getting up is hard.
2) Call your pharmacy and other pharmacies in the area. You want to find out a few things:
2.1) Do other pharmacies in the area have the generic your insurance covers? If so, you can call your doctor and ask them to send your prescription to that pharmacy instead.
2.2) What potential alternatives do they have? Ask if they have the brand name in stock (during the height of the shortage, both pharmacies my family used almost always had the brand name but not the AB generic) and if they have other generics your insurance doesn't cover. Take notes!
2.3) "Do you know what the process would be for getting one of those alternatives covered?" They may not, or they may tell you exactly what you need to do.
3) Call your insurance. Explain your situation to them, and ask them about ways to get your medication covered. I take 72mg total, and when the shortage started I was taking one each of 54mg and 18mg generic pills - by talking to the insurance, I found out that I could switch to two 36mg brand name pills without paying any more. However, this didn't help for my parents or for the times the pharmacy was out of the brand name as well. So here's the more important part: There are ways for you to get your doctor to apply to get them prescribing you an alternate generic approved. The insurance rep can describe this process to you. Take notes to get ready for the next step:
4) Call your doctor's office. Explain your situation, again, and explain that you called the insurance and they told you you need the doctor to do this thing. Ask when you can expect it to go through. Explain how you've been without your meds and it's awful and please you understand that there might not be anything they can do but anything they can do to fast track it would be incredible. Be polite, but don't be afraid to expose how badly you need this. I find it helps. Just be honest.
5) Treat yourself. This is stressful and it's a lot of phone calls, which are hard, especially if you don't have your meds. Give yourself a little treat and it will help your reward-motivated ADHD brain feel better about having to do that shit. Legitimately, my therapist told me to give myself a little treat every time I call the doctor. It's an important step.
6) Follow up. If it's past when you were supposed to get news or have your meds, call and ask for an update. Don't be afraid to be proactive in finding out the exact status of your meds. Just be polite and kind and phone reps are generally happy to help.
I genuinely hope you never need this advice. I also hope that if you do, it helps. These are just my personal experiences, so please also feel free to add any of your own tips to this post.
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monstersinthecosmos · 10 months
(writing asks!)
🤲what do YOU get out of writing?
OMG I DONT KNOW! Like why do creative people feel the need to make stuff, I can't explain it. I just know that it's what I want to do as a creative outlet. And like usually (NOT LATELY BECAUSE THE LAST COUPLE MONTHS MY LIFE HAS BEEN A DISASTER) I reserve 9-10pm every night as WRITING TIME and like, it's not a chore for me! It's like a reward at the end of the day. So I spend all day thinking about what I'll write at 9pm when it's writing time. :D So there's like the half of it that's creative & spiritual to do, and also the half that's just like, my little Me Time that I allow myself that helps me unwind. :D
💋when you leave comments on a fic, do you want to hear back from the writer?
I DO but I don't get offended if they don't reply lol. But like ngl, if I notice a fic author doesn't reply to comments, I am less likely to leave a huge comment. Like one time I left a BOOK REPORT on a fic and the author replied to like, everyone EXCEPT me who was leaving emojis and stuff? And I felt really bad like I made them uncomfortable or something. So like. I tend to comment as I read and I like to copy & paste lines in and stuff, but if the author never replies I'm less likely to take the extra time to do this because I don't know if it's well received. 😅
✨What's a fic you've posted you wish you could breathe life into again and have people talking about it? (or simply a fic you wish got more credit)
jkgald wording it like that makes me squeamish but I felt like the gangbang fic I wrote for the BDSM zine kinda flopped 😬 like it has some comments and people who did comment were really excited but like, proportionally to my other Sheith fics it didn't do well. And I wasn't sure if it was like TOO MUCH or something, bc it got a lot of hits but not so many comments, like it made me wonder if people opened the link out of curiosity but then noped out. Like I have Sheith fics with less hits that have 2 or 3x the comments. Whoops! And I wonder if I overcomplicated it. IDK!!!!!!!!!! But I was happy with how it came out so it's not necessarily that I would want to like fix or anything. I just felt sad that no one liked it. 😂
💝what is a fic that got a different response than you were expecting?
I think maybe The Front ? I was a little overwhelmed by the response bc I thought I was being like extremely self indulgent and niche about my own kinks and people wound up being like SO excited and kind and generous with comments it just really surprised me. 😳 LIKE YOU DONT EVEN LEARN KEITH'S NAME FOR 21K, I was calling him "the creature" LMAOOOOOOOOOOO it just was like so extremely catered to my own individual needs I was surprised. 😂
💌share something with us about an up-and-coming work (WIP) that has you excited!
For Sheith right now I'm back to working on my fic Tonight the Stars Revolt! which is like a retelling of canon if they were friends with benefits who kept fooling around after near death missions to relieve stress and like I WROTE THE FIRST 50K IN A MONTH on my break after my first ship contract and I didn't intend for it to get so complicated and plotty and I also absolutely did not intend for the last few chapters to be like A YEAR APART FROM EACH OTHER but I kept getting distracted doing exchanges and stuff, and I kinda try to like alternate Sheith and VC so I'd write a chapter, then write a VC fic, then it was time to go back to Sheith but I had an exchange, then VC, then a zine, then VC, etc. It just really got away from me but like it's my baby and it's where I pour all my meta and headcanons and I think about it constantly so every time I return to it I'm very exciting! The upcoming chapter includes a flashback about BABY KEITH and his DAD and a SNAKE and I'm really excited about it. :)
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besidesitstoowarm · 10 months
"Midnight" thoughts
i'll be honest i did not super enjoy this rewatch. everyone was so goddamn stupid and annoying it was kind of hard to sit through
i do like bottle episodes and wish we got more of them. donna has a nice relaxing spa day and the doctor tries to go on a field trip and has the worst day of his life. i like how he short-circuits the various bits of entertainment so that they can all talk to each other instead, it was cute. we briefly see rose on one of the music video screens when the doctor's back is turned
bus stops and something outside starts knocking. it starts with two, the dad knocks back 3 times and it repeats, the doctor knocks 4 times and it repeats. there's only one thing i think of when i hear 4 knocks and i'm not sure if it was an intentional reference or not
so the power goes out briefly and something enters the newly divorced lesbian and she's frozen, unable to do anything except repeat what everyone is saying. first normally, then it speeds up so she's speaking at the same time. it's suitably creepy and interesting that this thing is learning, mimicking. i also like that we never see it, learn nothing about it, and have no idea what it is or what it wants. the professor continually insisting nothing could possibly live on midnight just pissed me off, motherfucker do you know what lives in deep sea vents?! have you seen what tardigrades can do?! extonic sun or not
it's a classic hysteria story, like the house md episode set on an airplane. if i were there i would simply not become hysterical so it's hard to relate to these people, lol. eventually the doctor gets possessed too and they go to throw him out the airlock but the hostess realizes the thing never left sky so she murder-suicides them and everyone is saved. the doctor asking at the end what the hostess's name was and no one knows cause they never asked was a good touch
i think i must be spoiled from the last episodes or something cause everyone felt so goddamn annoying. no one was likable and i would have started throwing hands with that annoying ass couple like immediately. i do want to give a shoutout to colin morgan, who was cast in "merlin" bc of his performance in this episode, and the professor who was played by david troughton, son of patrick :) the episode was also directed by alice troughton but she has no relation
so yeah, kind of mid (-night) tbh. really curious about how i'll feel about the next one as i've never rewatched and didn't get all the hype last time
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linalilia · 1 year
Okay, ships... Malleyuu
Riddle x Floyd, Keqing x Ganyu, and I remember you mentioning there was a couple in milgram? I don't remember their names, all ik is the guy has blue-ish hair I think 😭
no actually i will do one for malleyuu bc this is my personal blog and i'm feeling brave enough to talk about my opinions here
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listen. i LOVED malleyuu back in 2020-2021 and i still think their dynamic is adorable in theory but i really don't like what is happening to their dynamic at the moment. first of all, i'm not a fan of what's happening to malleus's character and second of all, there's just. too much malleyuu. like i'm genuinely starting to like any other yuu ships more simply bc they don't have malleus and they already sound more original to me. also i really hate how some fans are saying "but this game IS about malleyuu, malleus is your canon love interest!!!", NO THIS GAME IS ABOUT MAGIC AND SOLVING OTHER STUDENTS' PROBLEMS EVEN THOUGH YOU'RE NOT A THERAPIST. so yeah anyway rolloyuu though- *i get slapped*
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my relationship with riddle x floyd is like. it sounds fun in theory but it's also kinda ehhhhhh.. like basically i want riddle to have a partner who can teach him to have fun and relax a little but also i want him to stay sane while dating that person. i guess they're like a cute fun little ship to me but i can't really see them in a serious relationship? seth x riddle supremacy 😌✨
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i either absolutely love genshin ships, hate them or just don't get them at all and keqing x ganyu is the third one for me 😭 like they look very aesthetically pleasing together and i think their personalities would go together well, but i just don't really understand it? i like the fan content i see with them, but i don't think i find them interesting enough to make any content with them myself 😔
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OKAY OKAY SO milgram doesn't really have any canon couples except like. those characters who had lovers before arriving there and tbh i actually thought that 0104 have some romantic elements at first because it did sound like that to me and as we know my tiny brain likes to make everything about romance. sorry mahiru kinnie things but now i think they're more like. in a platonic but very toxic and codependent relationship? they're a mother and son actually /j (or maybe not /j. idk what's going on in haruka's head anymore but i don't think he's joking) either way i would love to write a whole essay about them because something about relationships like that makes me go insane like i'm sorry 😭😭 i want to put them in a lab and study them. i want to learn more about them. i want to see what will happen to them in season 3. i think i'm okay with both platonic and romantic versions of this ship honestly like i'm a little freak okay!! i'm a little crazy!!
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marvellouspinecone · 1 year
Sorry, not done:
Because I have decided that I want Mels to regenerate after all. That would mean that the Ponds will already be struggling with the fact that their daughter is their best friend and then also that she killed the Doctor before she talks to them. And us too, so that'll make the reveal better and more like in the series, I think. (but more impactful bc we know Mels and we've had fantheories about her being River that turned out to be true and we will be so happy about that :))
But it will also mean that the Doctor in his half-delirious dying state will start calling her 'River'. And she will totally call him out for it because she may have killed him but he is not calling her his other lover's name while trying in vain to kiss her so there's that. But then he touches her cheek and goes. "It's you. This face - that's River Song."
And I think that will always be an exciting idea for Melody but she obviously focuses on the important bit: "but Amy said River was your wife. We're not married." And he laughs in that quiet, dying way of his and goes "Spoilers." And she will tell him about dreaming to marry him before they had even met so he asks her to marry him. Her parents are right here after all. Hey, you know what? He'd even go and put on a suit for her, just let him pick himself up, hang on a sec. (also get rid of the blood because in my mind in this version there's a lot of blood). And she tells him "Don't you dare." Because if they're married in the future and she has not married him yet, then he simply can't die so she won't do it. And he probably makes a comment about how Pond stubbornness should be able to stop the world in its tracks. And they laugh and cry together and we'll all die from angst and cheesiness like we should <3
But when her parents talk to him one last time, it's that thought that gives her hope that this isn't the end. She hasn't married him yet and he will NOT miss their wedding
Honestly though. Moffat owes me boyfriend/girlfriend - 11/Mels. I mean, what he has with River is unparalleled to me, but add some softer, sweeter and then all of a sudden very devastating 11/Mels to that? It would be such a nice extra layer. And they would be so much fun together!
Like, obviously, we would need to have some kind of conversation about the dating River and Mels at the same time and them both being a little jealous of each other situation. But like, River would obviously find it hilarious and tease him about Mels. And I think Mels would be about as jealous of River as she would be of the fact that everybody seems to know and love that enigmatic person and she has always missed her so far?! Because if the Doctor has a girlfriend/crush/wife/whatever, Mels should get a chance at dating her, too. That's just a fact.
(Someone will probably tell River that Mels wants to meet her to see if they could possibly date and she'll go 'oh, yeah, obviously, she sounds like a blast. Someone should introduce us asap')
Okay, now I'm done.
Screaming crying, all the feels🤧😭
Mels being jealous of herself and then going "yeah she sounds fun we should meet" about HERSELF is peak Doctor Who timey-wimey shenanigans, and arguably is up there with the "you named your daughter after your daughter" masterpiece.
I don't think there would be much trouble with the Doctor dating them at the same time, simply because it never felt like dating to me when i was watching the show. The Doctor obviously doesn't trust River until he learns that she is Mels and it's more about cautious flirting while keeping her at arm's length, which is... ok hurts, but it doesn't prevent the writers from all the jokes about him getting it on with historical figures and such. He actually might keep the same distance with Mels, bc the curse of the Time Lords and all that classic Doctor/companion stuff that we love. It doesn't mean we can't get couple-y moments (Ten and Rose were always awfully touchy-feely and romantic without actually going canon until the very last moment) but it would add another layer to their relationship
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squeak-art · 11 months
whats the day to day in miitopia verse for ur folks
Depends on the person! readmore bc im goin through most everyone lmao. For some info tho, my main verse takes place roughly 2 years after the events of the game
For the 'main' postgame team of Mim, Calia, Dela, and Kets, if they don't have some kinda quest stuff going on (the occasional face and/or monster incident still happens, funni postgame plot antics i came up with so that i could do more silli stuff w writing the lads still) they tend to hang around the Travel Hub and just sorta do whatever--
Mim tends to team stuff or the horse (named Creamsicle) and also just likes to socialize at various lil cafes and such, and if Calia isn't keeping to herself she likes to follow Mim around. Calia, being near-blind due to... reasons, as well as just being a very likes-her-own-space sort, tends to prefer to just stay in familiar locations and do whatever activities it is a cleric does
Dela's also fairly social, but aside from that she tends to spend time semi-training Kets in how to be better at sneaky spy and info-gathering stuff-- she's the thief and he's the intel, more or less. They also do their own more private 'quests' on occasion for ppl who may need information or certain objects taken from another-- assuming the person isn't doing anything too bad and they pay decently, or if it's a special case that they feel they need no pay for.
The rest of the main 10 are not always available, and tend to stick to their home locations-- they do occasionally join up for various quests and all and still all maintain a lot of contact with eachother, but the others have their own lives to live too and can't just always dedicate to being part of the active party.
Quarty and Rasi, on top of being an active couple and doing Couple Things, tend to also like to help eachother with their careers on occasion! Although he isn't much the performer type, Rasi helps Quarty with practice and rehearsal performances and testing new songs out, and Quarty helps Rasi with certain knight-in-training tasks, though he isn't very good for combat practice help since bladed weapons were never really his thing.
They're not always together though, and while Rasi often has to deal with knight things, Quarty is also helping in teaching Dinzy in Popstar music type stuff! Dinzy otherwise does normal school-aged kid stuff, but she loves going to Quarty to learn his ticks and help out.
Val and Nal-- the twin brothers of Neksdor-- actually run a business together! A sort of weird combination restaurant and tech help place, though part of the gimmick is that if someone isn't really in a position to pay they'll "accidentally" charge less or even "forget" to charge, since in the end their ultimate goals is simply to help the people of their communities who need it. Every since being part of the main team, they've more than had the funds to be able to sustain this sort of thing.
Aside from their work, they also deal with Micha-- an android from Nimbus who was rescues and now stays with them, mostly on account of Nal knowing how to manage all that techy stuff. It's sort of like raising a kid if that kid was a very learning-how-to-be-a-person robot with dangerous weaponry on hand. She's friendly, just... needs a bit of direction.
Zinni and Sprout, the weird sibling-like duo of the Fey Realm, don't really have any specific tasks they tend to-- they just sorta play the part of secondary protectors to the place, in the even that they're either better suited for something or the Fab Fairies aren't available. The two also have a lot of learning how to be in an actual community to do, seeing as Sprout is a wild child from the forest, and Zinni is a cult escapee
There's also Hazari, who is Kets' half-sister, and she's... got issues. Mostly relating to some not very kind views held by some parts of the Fey folk, and also havin the complex of being all mature and cool and smart at the ripe old age of like... 14-16 or so. Zinni and Sprout at least try to rein her in a little, seeing as she does need to be able to get along with the others on account of being one of the 4 new recruits to the team. She's also concerning obsessed with getting the approval of the Great Sage, much to Marin's dismay.
Visula, a semi-Vampire (as there is two flavors of vampire) from Peculia, mostly spends her time away from home for... reasons, and usually is in the traveler's hub somewhere doing her own things, and occasionally pestering Mim and Calia, the later being due to them being childhood friends before Calia had moved to Greenhorne! Honestly out of everyone Visula probably has the most normal day to day, just hang out and vibe and talk to friends.
Most of the Origins team is uh... dead people. Ghosts. Save for Vivo, due to him being a True Vampire and thus an ageless entity. He prefers to be active at night (The sun isn't all that dangerous, but True Vampires are at least mildly bothered by it and him having albinism doesn't help) but for the most part they all just stay at his place, hidden away and playing games and chatting and all that-- he hasn't gone out much since the events that went down roughly 200 years ago (though to be fair, he spent most of that asleep)
Marin and Nori live in a cabin in Powdered Peaks, near the edge closest to the Travel Hub, seeing as that's Marin's home before everything as well. Although they do both travel between the various other places often, in part due to that simply being what Marin does, and in part to help with Nori's atonement and rehabilitation, they spend a decent amount of time at home too. Marin does a lot of personal studies on magic and nature-related stuff, as well as a lot of magic training to keep her skills and spells sharp, and Nori just... kinda does whatever. She hasn't figured out her place or herself out enough to stick to one thing quite yet.
Much to their activities when traveling, aside from... well, traveling and camping and such, also involved helping people out as they go in typically small ways, though larger situations to also arise at times. Though, Marin does tend to avoid the more populated places, on account of not really being much of a people person, despite her reputation and how she acts,and wanting to not get caught up in too much weirdness that results from basically being the land's equivalent of a celebrity.
And... Trence. He used to live alone, but in more recent times Hasal, a living ghost not unlike how Nori now is, ended up showing up and opting to stay with him in Lumos. There's not much to do unless you count dealing with all he monsters and the very much vengeful ghosts there, but while Hasal does who-knows-what like the mysterious lil freak he is, Trence likes to tinker around with robotics and tech and program and stuff in his freetime, and has also taught himself how to fight enough to manage his job and situation, even eventually making himself a custom scythe that has a flippable blade! He's a bit of a workaholic too, though, and... doesn't treat himself the best, but Hasal has been trying to help with that.
Oh, right. and Vigil is... a necklace ghost man. Guardian Spirit. He just sort of vibes with Mim most of the time lmao
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hua-fei-hua · 1 year
hey! i stumbled across you on ao3 through genshin (i think? that was in september i have no idea at this point), went to check out your profile and saw my hero academia works there. i am currently very much into it, so i was like let's gooo sooo I found B♭ and that has been a wild journey.
firstly, i don't have any experience with american school system, so a lot of worldbuilding was new for me. moreover, marching band is something from another universe(aka music lover but never got educated on the matter), so fic constantly challenged me with new details-concepts-vocabulary. stepping outside of your comfort zone while reading? great idea! i think i never learned so much from a fic while enjoying it so much ^^
secondly, i am simply amazed by sheer amount of effort you put into it. i decided to read in publishing order, so non-chronological really impressed me. you're honestly a mastermind being able to pull that off. also, having a song for every chapter with specifically picked out lyrics relevant to the content is so, so cool! the diversity of your playlists should be astonishing, i'm jealous :)
thirdly, the characters are just so real. i love all the canon references, i love the reactions that don't feel exagerrated or too mild. they are acting...exactly as i would expect them to in that circumstances and setting. i just accepted leads' ways of thinking and reflecting so naturally
i also read the extra notes when they were available and just...how much thought is put in is mezmerising. for some reason i never thought pulling directly from your life experiences when writing? but it actually makes a lot of sense and it brought me some ideas to try out so hehe ;)
as i am very smart and hadn't scrolled down on the order post, i didn't see until quite late in the reading that the end of perfect harmony is published as notes, so that was a surprise. i understand your reasons and the fact that you're not even in the fandom anymore, but you mentioned in some extra notes that it's ok to ask for them even if years passed so...here i am three years after, complimenting B♭ :D
anyway, i finished it a couple of days ago, and even the notes are quite detailed. images of described shenanigans popped into my head just like that, and i really appreciate that you published them and i got to know what happened next!!
i actually wondered why were the comments disabled since i really wanted to comment on a few chapters bc your work deserves it so much...but yeah, that's what led me here so i guess congrats, you get my thoughts all nicely packed in one place ^_^
there's probably a lot of specific pieces, details, ideas i liked about B♭, so that is merely a summary of exciting things i remember!
i'll say goodbye using my favourite oneshot title:
thank you for the music ✩°。⋆⸜(ू。•ω•。)
not gonna lie i'm kind of obsessed w/the way you just glossed over the fact that you (probably) found me through my (anonymous) genshin fics, which means you jumped through the (minimum three) hoops required to get here, my (named) fandom blog, and then proceed to gush abt a bnha series i did. like i would assume that if someone put in the effort to find my other fandom fics from my genshin stuff, then there must've been smth really worth looking into w/the genshin stuff lmao
for the sake of my mutuals' dashboards, since this ask is so long i'm just gonna chuck the whole (long) answer under a cut lol
anyway yes Bb!! the amt of effort n planning i put into that series was legitimately insane. i made school schedules for EVERY SINGLE BNHA CHARACTER and PUT IT ON A SPREADSHEET so that i could PLAN WHO COULD WALK WITH WHOM TO THEIR NEXT CLASSES n have PLOT-RELEVANT CONVERSATIONS LIKE THAT. i made little profiles for each of the characters, where i chose their favorite musical key (and why), how many years/instruments they play, and gave them each a funny little quote/catchphrase!!!
Tumblr media Tumblr media Tumblr media
what possessed me to do this for ~20 different characters i honestly could not tell you
i definitely loved working on Bb a lot. i remember sitting down three years ago, practically to the day by this point, n hashing out the events of every single chapter to the epilogue, then reorganizing them into a proper timeline (i also kept a calendar in my notes with the chapters in order), all while occasionally looking out my bedroom window n thinking how wonderfully bright n warm n sunny the world was becoming again. bc really, 2019 was a very struggle year for me, n i didn't take the time to appreciate the sunlight then the way i have every year since. from there, i worked off that very strict outline, and most of the note-chapters that were eventually put up are primarily just copy-pasted straight from there.
i remember being on youtube a lot for music recs when working on perfect harmony too!! a bunch of them changed in the years btwn walking away from the series n actually publishing the notes (which were actually published mid-december last year, then backdated to 2020 a few days later ahaha), with a number of the tour arc alternate chapter title songs coming from songs that didn't even exist at the time of the fic's original planning. my mp3 collection grew a lot during the planning phases of Bb lmao.
i'm glad the characters felt so real!!! while no one character was based entirely off one single person i knew irl, one could say that writing Bb was a bit of a love letter to my time in high school band in some places, both the events i partook in n the people i knew there. it was a very "write what you know" type of fic.
anyway haha yeah the end of my bnha days were not fun, but i still loved Bb enough to hold onto the idea of returning to it Soon(tm) that i put off publishing the chapter notes for almost two years. even then, that was a difficult decision for me to make bc a part of me wasn't ready to close that chapter of my life. i think ultimately it was the best decision to make though, since the fics are p heavily tied up in a much sadder part of my life that i'd just rather not return to.
the main reason comments were turned off of Bb (and indeed, the majority of my bnha fics) is most simply described as "resentment". it's different from how i feel abt my old snk fics (where i turned comments off of them so that i could pretend no one's really reading them anymore), which is more impersonal "oh my god i was so young back then and i give fewer than negative shits abt any mistakes i might've made on them or what anyone thinks of them" bc in bnha it's kind of hard to avoid the fact that i had a Name in the circles i typically traversed for a while. it wasn't that big of a name, but it's certainly more than nothing.
it's not really a feeling i like to dwell on, so i just archive-locked the responsible works n turned off comments for the most heinous culprits (mostly sparklers, but even tho i love Bb as a story, i do not love Bb as a publishing experience, if that makes sense), and for the most part, that keeps the resentment contained.
still, i'm genuinely happy that you enjoyed the au so much!!! i honestly love love love how goddamn SPECIFIC the premises are for this fic. the world was truly built with love, and the music puns for every title were always such a joy to come up with c':
thank you for the ask!!!! :D
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herotheshiro · 1 year
alrighty it's been a few days since i finished weak hero class 1, i wanted to write down my thoughts about it asap before my perception gets molded even more by time, online posts, and fancontent.
for anyone interested in reading this HELLA long post, just note that i'm p much a drama-only person. i did read up to ch 39 of the webtoon though, and i still plan to make comments about the adapation aspect & where s2 can take the story from here based on the drama/webtoon but just note that's where all my base knowledge is coming from. this post will have spoilers about the full drama
the show & story as a whole
i feel like i generally share the same opinions as mainstream about the drama... it was a good story - the pacing was excellent imo, i don't feel like anything lingered too long or was waaay too underdeveloped. i was honestly shocked when i saw we were at like ep 5-6 when bumseok finally turned, i thought he would've turned at the halfway point (ep 4) but again based on all the developments and what was to come, it was a good time when he did.
i went in p much having some idea of future scenes, and then later knowing roughly the plot of the season. i had no knowledge of the webtoon, like i think i learned it was based off of a webtoon when i 1st looked it up to watch but i had never heard of it before despite it being popular (?). i watched 2 eps, learned that the entirety of s1 covered the backstory of sieun that was simply just 1 part of the webtoon, read the webtoon to read the original writing of the backstory up to ch 39, and then finished the rest of the drama. did not continue past ch 39 bc tbh the webtoon does not interest me, the plot of HS boys warring really does not intrigue me lol.
(also... when stories that are not romance-based have female characters/representation i'm not happy with... that also turns me off to the story. i can make excuses for romance-based stories having weak characterization for the losers lol but to my knowledge weak hero is not a romance story - even if i am really suspecting the author low-key wanted to write BL but didn't go through w it. some of the stuff i'm seeing from later ch of the webtoon... why was gray lightly blushing when he was like i could have been friends w donald? sure technically there's nothing inherently romantic but that but also...)
i kind of wish i had gone w a completely or almost completely clean slate, i think there were a couple scenes where i didn't get the full emotional hit of bc i had seen gifs of it before (like the scene where sieun smiles for the 1st time when suho is poking at him in the hospital). i started knowing bumseok was gonna pull some shit, but i didn't know the full aspect until i read the webtoon. so i think if i had a do-over, i wish i could have looked at less stuff before finishing the full series... but i think knowing the webtoon story definitely made me like less sad about & better understand the developments overall.
honing in on some aspects
i feel like this hinges on a hot take but perhaps not surprising given my comments just now, but i honestly think the drama's writing is much better than the webtoon's - and this may be bc the drama had the benefit of retrospect, of having a solidified trajectory of sieun's story after this. (note: from now on, korean names refer to the drama character, anglicized names refer to the webtoon version) i was really surprised to see how different suho and stephen are as characters, but i do prefer suho over stephen... like the character morals are still present in the drama, and both characters are ppl who you really feel for when they're suffering through the injustice, but honestly... stephen is kind of not as likeable.
like his shtick of donating all his awards and stuff to the class & being like "oh i really enjoy helping others :)" just feels kind of fictional (derogatory) to me... while suho is more relatable with his initial resistance to help someone he barely knows, and his morals of doing the right thing shown through smaller actions (stopping his hit when he realizes someone is down fr - also his fight w the baseball team is so good bc it is a really good intro to suho's character without words; demanding the bullies get back in line when they cut) rather than a grandiose kind of thing. maybe it's bc i'm cynical and irl low-key suspicious of ppl who are extremely altruistic, and stephen being the way he is makes what happens to him in the end even more unfair which is the point - but yeah. also i prefer suho in the drama over stephen's "i would wipe the floor w all of your asses academically if i applied myself but i just won't ;)" even if technically the sentiment is still there w suho's ability to beatdown. but yeah, the rewrite of suho was really good (perhaps even needed) imo.
also them rewriting suho as someone who knows how to fight while stephen just got his ass beat... again, makes his fate more excruciating w how he let himself get whaled on & bullied to protect gray, and makes the bullies even more cruel but... i'm sorry i prefer suho fighting back. tbh i wonder why they didn't keep the story aspect of being put into a coma via falling from the roof but i guess it gives bumseok/bryce more direct involvement and reason for sieun to go off like he does (he's let this slide for the entire time but this time he can't given the direct action against his best friend)
i've seen posts being like suho seems to have aspects of sieun's future eunjung friends (me when i saw gerard sleeping on the desks: is this an ahn suho reference???), which i think will actually make s2 better bc it gives more incentive as to why sieun will even consider befriending the boys - rather than in the webtoon, which iirc/imo feels more like the boys just hang around sieun enough times for him to be like "fine, i guess we can be friends". bc remember, he has just lost his 2 only friends in extremely painful ways... he will need to be drawn to positive aspects (e.g., things he liked or remembers distinctly about suho) in order to open his heart again.
also... i have to bring this up bc i distinctly had thoughts about this when i saw it but them having a shower scene to match the same scene in the webtoon... literally groaned bc enough sexualization of younger characters but also of all the things to be faithful on... i get why they included it to show how suho is p much living at school and doesn't live the same life as his classmates but why... i saw an interview (supposedly, it was someone writing it up on twt) where choi hyunwook was like "it's hard to watch that shower scene bc it was my 1st ever exposure scene but i tried my best" and i'm like dude... i feel you as a viewer
other than suho/stephen, bumseok is the biggest and most obvious example of adaption change - like sure, characters should be allowed to just be assholes with no sob story to "explain" their actions, but i enjoyed them expanding bryce's character to be a bigger part of the friendship trio and give more reason as to why suho and sieun let his assholery slide until it's too late. bumseok's inferiority complex is honestly pretty relatable, and the scene where they reveal for the first time how badly his dad abuses him made me cover my mouth, but obviously it doesn't excuse the shit he ends up doing... but all together, it's understandable why he breaks down the way he does.
also, i really enjoyed how the violence at the end of the season took on more of a tone of "you can beat up whoever you want but it won't necessarily satisfy you how you like or bring back what's lost". bumseok had multiple times of beating ppl up and when he finally got his kicks in on the guy who really set off his inferiority complex, he realizes this wasn't what he wanted. in the webtoon, gray's beatdown of suho's bullies was presented kind of triumphantly, and there was definitely a sense of "hell yea" when sieun was going apeshit on them - but by the time we get to the last guys, that scene w bumseok where he can't bring himself to hit his ex-friend despite literally watching bumseok kick the shit out of suho... not only does it show sieun's warm-heartedness, but it adds to sense of defeat he has at the end with his outburst in the hallway and visiting suho after the adrenaline of fighting wears off. i think part of it was the show not wanting to support senseless violence in schools, but i think it was a nice change from the webtoon. also matched the story better since bumseok had more of a sympathetic backstory, had regret over what he did to suho, and also already got his ass beat physically & emotionally by his dad over suho anyway. no need for him to keep getting whaled on for the point to sink in
i'm also pleased they didn't super push a romance with youngyi, the initial interactions bw her and sieun were refreshing but i was still scared and thankfully p much the rest of their interactions in the season can easily be interpreted platonically. i still wonder a little if her character was really necessary given bumseok was already a 3rd wheel (like it was pretty obvious he wasn't exactly on the same standing like sieun and suho are to each other, mostly bc they didn't know much abt him really), but it is bc her headstrong nature kind of forces bumseok into the 4th wheel category and worsens everything since we all know bumseok embraced his inferiority complex rather than the discomfort of putting himself out there for his burgeoning friends.
i kind of wish though she didn't have so much dialogue of her being like "do you have a crush on me? ;P", like the times it happened were p much in a row repeatedly within 2 eps and i was like ok let's chill we know she's mainly here as a love interest but... i would've preferred less focus on her relation to male units and more about her as a character. on the other hand, her constantly checking her romantic value could kind of imply she has issues with self-confidence and is just putting up a front (also noting that she loves to post to social media of her having friends p much)... to her, it's like her involvement w ppl she considers her friends ends up hurting them in the end (seokdae getting beat up and arrested, sieun losing suho). which would add to why she was so affected by bumseok's accusation at the end, that maybe she wasn't that confident in them liking her as a person and that sieun, p much her only friend at the end of all this, may actually hate her bc she inadvertently contributed to suho's coma.
i personally think it's pretty likely youngyi will return in s2, i was surprised when they kinda wrote her off real quick at the end but no way she (and seokdae) are gonna be 1 season characters... i'm really betting she will return in s2 and (cringe) become sieun's love interest fr. i'm not necessarily against them being a thing, but i don't think there's enough development bw them yet at this point to be for it / not a huge fan of their dynamic in a romantic sense... honestly if anything, i would be for suho/youngyi, but sieun has the main character rizz i guess lol. anyway that one scene in the hospital where they handwave a love "triangle" bw sieun, suho, and youngyi... ngl the 1st time i watched it i really felt like it was less suho & sieun -> youngyi and more suho & youngyi -> sieun (and i'm not even talking about the scene afterwards where suho calls sieun warm-hearted which i think a lot of ppl tend to interpret romantically. also i feel like the term "warm-hearted" is such a good, succinct descriptor of sieun's character - to me, it doesn't necessarily mean kind per se but that he cares).
the gilsoo story (hopefully i'm spelling that right, i feel like i saw su before but idk the hangeul being used. but apparently u and oo are both used?? all my korean lang knowledge is from duolingo so forgive me)... i was wondering how relevant this addition is to the overall story (idr it being in the webtoon, i know gilsoo as a character wasn't in the stephen story for sure but idr if there was a gambling thing going on), but i was thinking on it while writing this and i realize it could actually be a good lead-in to s2 developments... it could be that gilsoo was part of donald na's network of dealings and sieun taking him down is partially why donald goes after sieun... and then seokdae could come back and help sieun take down donald based on his knowledge of how gilsu worked and who he worked with... i am aware that eugene supposedly plays a role in taking down donald by impacting his networks (this was based on a reddit post i read, i literally don't know) so if you remove that (sorry man, but for the record i also don't enjoy eugene as a character based on what i've read so far so. not sorry) this could be a good way to have a continuity bw the 2 seasons. if they don't do something like this, then that's unfortunately mediocre writing, or i'm missing info of what exactly gilsoo is adapting from the webtoon.
where do we go from here
and now another extremely hot take... i actually think the ending of s1 is a satisfying conclusion to suho's story. this is mainly due to that last scene bw suho and sieun in the hospital (which is also actually my favorite scene out of the entire show, with the surrounding context. i had actually seen gifs of that scene beforehand, but i was so happy afterwards that i never got spoiled to the surrounding context bc i was able to get at least a good chunk of the emotional effect... genuinely felt that crushing feeling in my chest every time i thought of that scene the day after finishing the show. i'm really affected by ppl mourning/yearning for things they no longer can have) - their soft apologies to each other for hurting the other, albeit if it's technically one-sided, i think is a good wrap-up of sorts since suho will be in the coma indefinitely (webtoon knowledge lol). it does provide a sense of finality of their friendship to sieun, not only the imagined apologies but the realization that they both made their choices and sieun (and tech suho) is left to deal with the aftermath.
but also narrative-wise it makes sense for sieun and suho to never interact again - it's what drives sieun's protectiveness of his friends, the fact that his 1st/recent close friendships were shattered and are no longer accessible to him. him regaining suho's friendship via suho waking up in s2 (if it's not at the very end after everything w the association) just weakens that point imo, he needs to develop his relationships w the eunjang bros separately. i've heard stephen does get mentioned/"show up" via memories but i'm under the impression he p much disappears after his flashback arc (outside of the impact on gray's character) - honestly i wonder why the author left him in a coma instead of straight up killing him since that "good bye stephen" seemed to have a lot of finality to it... but i mean the emotional hit to gray would've def been way worse if he had died straight up. anyway low-key suspect the author might have him wake up in a post-story side story but that's just wishful thinking. i personally suspect suho will get "written off" p early in s2 since they didn't already in s1 - like sieun will go back to seoul to visit suho and the hospital will be like "oh sorry he got transferred and we can't tell you where due to confidentiality" and i guess the grandma died or got put in a nursing home to remove that possibility bc no way the grandma wouldn't tell suho's friend about where he went. and sieun will be in despair for a few moments until his eunjung friends are like "hey you good?" (via text message or maybe they came w him) and he decides to move on idk lol. all in all, i don't think suho is gonna feature a ton in s2 and i think that's for the better.
tbh, given the ending of s1/sieun's backstory with suho, i think people should actually go into the drama either having read the backstory itself via webtoon, or have the knowledge that suho's story is literally only 10-15 ch out of a 200+ ongoing webtoon. i think that's definitely what made me accept suho's coma more easily - i've read a few fix-the-ending fics where suho wakes up and while those are sweet & i get why they're wanted, i think it is unrealistic given the knowledge of where the webtoon goes from here. but tbh, i'm really surprised they chose to focus the ENTIRE s1 on the stephen backstory... like how tf are you gonna adequately cover the rest of the gd story in the next season? i'm saying that bc i heard the original plan for the weak hero drama was to have 2 seasons, but bro you need 3 seasons even if you remove a bunch of the fights and reduce the length of time spent on flashbacks... again, i have very little knowledge of the rest of the webtoon after ch 39 (arguably nonexistent) but idk. also the reference to donald na and the association at the very end... it is really super random given the story of s1 and how they did not mention ANYTHING about HS gangs/wars until now. again, given that the webtoon's literal MAIN STORY is about this gang wars stuff, i'm surprised they spent so much time on sieun's backstory nor did they have ANY mention of HS wars (btw was none of that happening in seoul? or is everything happening in the neighborhood that eunjang is in)... like tbh i feel like they could have provided enough meaning if they had just dedicated 3 eps to suho. to my knowledge, there's not TOO many events they pulled from the main story to write the s1 story, so there's a ton left to get into. plus there's like maybe at least 10 significant relevant characters to introduce in s2... how are they gonna develop all of those units well? s1 did p good w its current number, but idk how good self-contained stories can be when there's like billions of units involved. i personally think they'll remove a good number of units to the chagrin of webtoon fans, but man it is necessary fr.
anyway all that p much implies i am interested in watching s2 when it releases (i'm saying it will but i guess it's not really set in stone yet?). i actually wasn't really planning on it when i was in the middle of s1, given that i'm not interested in weak hero's webtoon & therefore its actual story, but man park jihoon. he really drew me in and i want to see where his character goes in s2. honestly still can't get over the fact that he used to be a relatively well-known kpop idol with a cute image and all his prev acting roles are cutesy characters... really explained why he seemed super comfortable in interviews & variety show esque stuff. as everyone else has been saying, the acting was good in this drama - i feel like i really realized what subtle acting was from this, but also for the record weak hero class 1 is the 1st tv series i have finished in maybe years, i don't watch much stuff out of depressive laziness lol. park jihoon's expressions were subtle but definitely enough to key you in on sieun's various emotions despite being relatively emotion-less - i read he purposely spent a lot of time developing that, and his hard work obviously paid off. his "crazy eyes" at the very end when he's in eunjung... ugh so good to show how much sieun has changed from that 1st instance he was bullied by youngbin.
hold on! what do i hear...
one last thing before i finish up - the soundtrack. omg. i was listening to hero and homesick on repeat for like 2 days... the music & lyrics match the show really well. homesick and again's lyrics... genuinely was struck by them when i read them for the 1st time. homesick is also very nostalgic-sounding to me bc it reminds me of music i listened to during a recent period in my life, so there's that too. hero is really good as well, and also them playing that acoustic version during the ep 7 credits... ough...
personally, i associate the songs this way, maybe this is common thought but i was like eureka when i came to these realizations:
hero - general
brass knuckle - general
homesick - sieun's pov
self - suho's pov
again - honestly... bumseok's pov. originally i thought of it as sieun, and it does match sieun imo, but i read the lyrics again thinking about how this plays when bumseok realizes what he's done to suho and i was like wait...
in summary
weak hero class 1 was a good drama/season. the writing of the season's story was solid, and the actors do a good job of showing not telling through their expressions/body language. the cinematography/editing is pretty, really liked the constant use of blue. the choreography/editing of the fights is also good (again, suho's fight w the baseball team... chef's KISS), even if there are definitely shots where you can pretty clearly see the gap of space bw the hit and the person being hit (complete tangent, but i always think of this video essay every time i think about fighting choreography so i kind of judge all fighting choreo off of that lol. yes i know it's just 1 person's opinion but whatever they're right). my very 1st opinion upon finishing it was "this was an interesting adaption of the webtoon (positive)" and that p much summarizes it. i don't know if i'd ever rewatch it (kind of the case w p much everything for me though, i'm p lazy and don't enjoy re-doing things), but i'm glad i watched it in the 1st place. also i definitely do not have a network of ppl who consume korean media bc i had never heard of this show before i saw it in passing on IG but it came out literally a year ago lol... based on that, i wouldn't even be surprised if i ended up missing s2 when it 1st comes out
also real quick now that i mentioned it... the IG vid i saw was an edit/cut of sieun and suho's 1st meeting with the music "sweet little bumblebee". cannot get over how much that song does not fit them yet that was my 1st experience w this show/series
an aside
alright i waited until the very end to bring this up bc i know this is not everyone's cup of tea but. i have to mention it given the nature of my other posts on this blog. i did touch on this kind of topic earlier though so y'all should see this coming
the ship of suho and sieun :) y'all know me, i think it's cute bc i love genki-adjacent units x reserved units. but overall i think what is most engaging about this drama is the complicated relationships bw sieun, suho, and bumseok (not shipping) and how other folks play into that storm. also i have read fics and seen fanart and honestly i'm not a huge fan of the popular depiction of the ship... like babygirl sieun, suave or super excited suho... no offense, but that's not how i would characterize them... idk how to really explain bc i don't have much plans on producing a significant number of fancontent (if any), but i feel like they would be a very reserved kind of couple. like suho would barely change how he treats sieun bw friends and dating, maybe just a bit more flirtatious language just to get a rise out of sieun. maybe sieun would warm up to suho but he would still be very reserved, half the time he would still push suho off if he tried to kiss him or get handsy but in an annoyed way rather than embarrassed (if you don't let me study by god i will not be responsible for what happens next). idk, this one is less clear in my mind bc i feel like i'm getting affected by the fan stuff i'm seeing and the amt of time since finishing the show is making me lose my memories lol. btw still on the fence about some of the suggestive dialogue in the drama, maybe it was meant to just show suho was a playful character but also stfu about being a married couple in a past life... (sarcasm. but also the "stop playing hard to get" line during the pool scene got to me more since i hadn't seen it online anywhere before, really wish i understood korean so i could tell if that was an accurate translation or not)
talking about suho/sieun... honestly i was surprised when the webtoon author explicitly covered ppl seeing gray and stephen as gay... pleased there was no homophobia bw the 2 which i was honestly expecting, just them brushing it off & being like "damn ppl just don't understand our bond". but also it isn't entirely out of left field to say gray may have had some romantic feelings toward stephen, w the way he reacted to the idea of them dating, which is apparently a reaction he has never had again in the webtoon... not looking that deep into it though, same-gender-friend-crushes happen. again, i don't read the webtoon so idk where they go from there. just adds more to gray's sadness when he reflects on the past if anything
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Some OC questions - 1, 2, 19 and 43 👀
Thank you :)
1. Your first OC ever?
No idea - even when I was a kid I was sort of imagining characters in fictional universes, way before I became a Star Wars fan, and my memory of childhood is terrible, so I couldn't tell you.
But I think I can remember my first Star Wars character (more like a concept, but it's the closest I had to an actual character). Surprise surprise, it was a Jedi who survived order 66 (I think everyone had such character at some point). I don't remember a lot of details (even her name), but I do remember her appearance (bc it's relevant) and the general gist of her story.
She is a young Jedi, just recently passed the trials, sent to a planet with cold climate to fight the separatist forces. This happens as the order 66 is given, so the clones open fire on her location. She fell from a pretty big height and, since the body wasn't found, was assumed dead. But she survived, thanks to mixture of cold weather and Force trance, and only got off with some mild injuries.
A couple of days later, she was found by a couple of the locals, who helped her recover and brought her up to speed. She decided to stay on this planet, and to do so without getting caught she changed some parts of her appearance - changed hair and eyebrows color (from blonde to dark, almost black), hairstyle (from braided to loose and curly), started wearing colored contact lenses (so her blue eyes appear greenish), and attempts to speak different accent. These actions helped her live a normal life (well, close to it) for quite some time, but it couldn't go on forever - the Empire slowly but surely strengthened its grip on this planet. At first she didn't do much more than help around sometimes, but when everyone realized it wasn't enough to simply adapt to the Imperial regime, she helped organize evacuation of most locals (planet wasn't very populated, so it wasn't impossible to evacuate them) and ended up sacrificing her life so others could escape and live on. Perhaps a little typical post order 66 Jedi story, but hey, I was young and dreamy.
You know, now I'm invested in maybe reworking this idea a little and expanding it, maybe I'll even get to it someday.
2. Do you have a personal favourite among your OCs?
Why would you make me choose? If I pick favourite characters it'll feel like I’m betraying the rest of them.
19. Introduce an OC that means a lot to you (and explain why)
Again, not easy to choose because there are quite a few characters that mean a lot to me, but I'll go with two of them.
Shailla is very important to me because of her kindness, compassion, patience, willingness to admit mistakes and learn from them, her selflessness, love for knowledge (love nerd characters). Most importantly, she doesn't give up on people and trying to do the right thing, no matter how impossible it seems at times. When people around say or do questionable things, Shailla attempts to understand reasons behind such actions before jumping to conclusions, and more often than not she's willing to give people another chance and even guide them. This is something I need to be reminded of, especially now, when I get angry at people for not thinking the same way I do about certain important things. Human behavior is complicated af, and we can screw up badly, and I just want to be a nonjudgmental presence for people (you can see that I wanted to be a therapist, but my brain said 'girl you need therapy' and so far it's not going well).
Then there's Raen, who's lazy and a bit messy, who doesn't eat healthy often, who screws up the little things, who got kicked out of school for bad grades and reckless behavior, who says dumb jokes and bad puns, and she owns all of this. She's comfortable with her little weird self, and I'm so jealous because I want to be myself without feeling embarrassed. I certainly own my weirdness here (and that's why tumblr is my favourite social media), but nowhere else. Is it a bit of self-insert? I guess so, and that's why she means a lot to me.
Also, they have a good sibling relationship, and it's just important to me by itself.
43. Do you have any certain type when you create your OCs? Do you tend to favour some certain traits or looks? It’s time to confess
I’m not sure. I don’t think I can point any common traits in my characters without a second opinion, but let’s see.
Looks: apparently a lot of my characters have dark hair, but very few have brown eyes (which is a shame).
A LOT of them are higher than 170 cm (probably has to do something with my own height of 181 cm)
Most of them don't wear bright or funky clothes, partially bc it's not practical, partially bc bright and colorful dyes in the game make clothes look weird.
Character lore: I immediately thought about tragic backstory, so I went and checked - yep, about half of them has one (plus a couple of characters with semi-tragic backstory).
Most of my characters don't have siblings, or have siblings that don't influence their life at all (which is surprising because I have a sister, and we're on good terms). And again, about half of these siblings relationships are problematic or straight up bad.
Not every character of mine knows their gender or sexuality (they're probably still questioning it, just like me lol), but most of them that do know are queer.
Traits: sass and sarcasm - it's rare for me to make a character not sassy or sarcastic (or both).
I also noticed that most of my OCs aren't good at playing by the rules, following orders, or are causing trouble often. Let me picture it like this:
Tumblr media
So like 85% of my idiots are in blue zone. Idk if it makes sense, my brain can't explain it properly.
And to prove this, I'll just mention that all of my Outlanders fit these - Jett checks all the parameters, Airistan and Imely check all but one (Airistan has a cousin, and their relationship is good; Imely is straight and cis), and Vintu checks all but two (no dark hair since he doesn't have hair, plus I'm not sure about his backstory).
These are probably not all traits I tend to give my characters, so maybe I'll take some time to analyze them later.
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