#and therefore should definitely never get high
you’re still ignoring WHY the rates for men are so high, because women get underreported and don’t get taken seriously at all when they commit crimes. Women abuse children more and initiate 70% of domestic violence, yet men are still portrayed as the villains. You should read the comments or some of the reblogs under that post. Full of people who have been abused by women and have been safer when around only men,and never been taken seriously. You say it’s a strawman fallacy but no it’s not, radfems say this shit all the timesee. and are very gender essentialist themselves. Maybe you’re not saying it but a lot of popular radfems are, to mostly agreement from other radfems,so you can’t really blame people for seeing that and understanding it to be a popular TERF take.
Hi -
So, I'm going to answer this ask and the one that includes the bustle link that I expect was also sent by you? However, I'm not going to continue putting in this degree of effort (i.e., reading and researching the information you send) unless you start matching that effort. It will be difficult for you to do so in an ask (although I suppose you could try), so I suggest you reblog this post to further discuss.
So, on to the response:
No, there is not a significant reporting gap (at least, not one caused by sex).
You said "women get underreported and don’t get taken seriously at all when they commit crimes", but there is no evidence that is the case. Let's take the crime data from two sources: the criminal victimization survey by the BJS [1] and the FBI crime data explorer [2]. These two sources are helpful for this discussion because the BJS attempts to determine total offenses including those not reported, while the FBI only looks at reported offenses.
For 2022 (rounding numbers) and looking at violent offenses (excluding homicide as the BJS report is interview based):
Male violent crime: 4,750,000 estimated by the BJS and 1,990,000 reported by the FBI for an overall 42% reporting rate
Female violent crime: 1,220,000 estimated by the BJS and 777,000 reported by the FBI for an overall 64% reporting rate
These numbers would suggest that more female offenders than male offenders are reported (i.e., a greater percent of female offenders, even though in absolute terms there are far fewer female offenders). However, there are some caveats to this data that makes me reluctant to state this conclusion:
The crime definitions between the BJS and FBI differ slightly. For example, I had to search through the "other crimes" for the FBI to find simple assault and several additional sexual assault categories to try and match the overall BJS "violent crime" statistic.
These stats are incident based not offender based. So, for example, if John commits 10 aggravated assaults and 5 of his victims report the assault to the police, 5 incidents are recorded in the system. Therefore, recidivism may or may not play a role in reporting rates.
I calculated the rate using the offender stats for individual offenders and "both male and female offender". Proportionally speaking a greater percent of female offenders are in the "both" category (23% vs 6%). Other statistics suggest more severe crimes are more likely to be reported to the police (e.g., 50% of aggravated assault is reported vs 37% of simple assault). If we make the assumption that violent crimes involving multiple offenders are more likely to be severe, then this could partially explain the disparity.
However, this point is essentially irrelevant, as the statistics previously discussed in the CDC report don't rely on reported crimes, they specifically interview representative samples in order to determine prevalence rates. (The difference between this data (and data in the BJS report) and the number of reported cases is how we know these crimes are under-reported.)
Just to drive the point home: the BJS study, which again, looks at both reported and unreported crime indicates:
Men take part in 84% of violent crimes and the only offender(s) in 79% of violent crimes (the stats for women are 21% and 17% respectively)
The offender-to-population ratio is 1.6 for men and 0.3 for women. That means the share of men in the "offender population" is 60% more than the share of men in the US population. The share of women offenders is 70% less than their share of the US population.
And before you send me another debunked myth: no men are not victimized more: the victim-to-offender population ratio for all violent crimes is 1.0 for both men and women.
I've also talked about how men don't under-report abuse (at least, not anymore than women do) in the past, so see this post for a couple more sources.
There's also no evidence that crimes committed by women get taken less seriously. However, it is true that when women do commit crimes, they tend to be less severe than the crimes committed by men (i.e., women commit more simple assault and aggravated assault). Given this, women's crimes may be taken "less seriously", but that's because the crimes are less serious, going by the accepted definitions of the crime. (And this is not my personal opinion! There is an actual "crime hierarchy" used in the American justice system that ranks crimes by degree of severity.)
In terms of legal consequences, women and men receive similar sentence lengths with one major caveat [3]. Caretakers of children, especially, young children, routinely received shorter sentences. Since women are more likely to be the primary caretaker of children, they'd be more likely to see this sentence reduction. However, this gap has been closing since the introduction of mandatory minimum sentencing. Some research suggests women may receive harsher sentences than men for "traditionally male crimes" [4].
Either way, crimes by women are clearly taken at least as "seriously" as crimes by men.
No women do not abuse children more.
You said "Women abuse children more", but this is an oft-repeated statement from terribly misinterpreted data.
The misconception comes from data from the child maltreatment report from the HHS [5]. This report looks at reports of child abuse and neglect. In it they found that 52% of victims had a female perpetrator and 47% had a male perpetrator. At first glance, this looks like women abuse more children (hence the wide-spread misinterpretation), however this neglects to take several things into consideration.
First, since about 51% of the population is female, even if we considered nothing else, these values would suggest parity in maltreatment (abuse + neglect) rates. Of course, even this interpretation is deeply flawed, but I thought it merited pointing out.
Second, and perhaps most important, these stats are not looking at incidence or even prevalence rates. This isn't a rate at all. For example, you may be tempted to interpret these as "52% of children in a women's care are abused" or "52% of women abuse children". These are, and I must stress this, completely incorrect interpretations. These stats say only that of child maltreatment (abuse+neglect) victims identified by CPS, 52% of them were maltreated by a women.
Next, these stats fail to take into account the fact that many more women are the primary caretaker of children. According to the American Time Use Survey (ATUS), mothers spend 80% more time caring for children than fathers. This disparity widens even further when you exclude the "entertainment" categories like playing or reading to children (130% increase, or more than double) [6]. This matters because it provides some insight into how rates of abuse would be different. You need to adjust for time spent with children to get a meaningful rate. Another way to look at this is that despite mothers spending almost twice the amount of time around children as fathers, they account for the same number of perpetrators. This alone should tell you that a child is more likely to be safe in the company of a randomly selected woman than a randomly selected man.
In case you still aren't convinced however, the report also clarifies that the perpetrator sex varied widely by maltreatment type. Women were the perpetrator in 58.5% of neglect cases (vs 41%) and 70.5% of medical neglect cases (vs 29%). But men were the perpetrator in 49.5% of physical abuse cases (vs 49%), 89% of sexual abuse cases (vs 8%), and 59% of emotional abuse cases (vs 41%). While no form of child maltreatment is ever acceptable, I hope I don't need to explain how abuse (which "requires an action") is different from neglect (which "occurs from an inaction") and requires different responses.
Speaking of neglect: there is much discourse on how much of the neglect (and medical neglect) registered by CPS is "true neglect" and how much is a result of poverty. This is particularly relevant considering single mothers are much more likely to live in poverty than married couples or single fathers. Examples of this may include: a mother doesn't have enough money to buy food and pay for rent so she and her child eat very little until her next paycheck, a single mother can't miss work without being fired so she sends her sick child to school, a single mother can't pay for child care so she has to choose between leaving her child home alone or having an unfit adult (her own abusive parent? an unsuitable boyfriend?) watch her child. In all of these situations, something absolutely needs to be done to help the child, but it likely isn't the same something as a child who's being beaten or sexually abused by his father.
Other notes on neglect: even the relatively higher proportion of female perpetrators for neglect and medical neglect in this sample are well below parity when adjusted for time spent with the child. It’s also likely that men’s rates of neglect are likely severely under-reported here. Why? Because a neglect case is rarely (if ever) opened for absentee ("deadbeat") dads; it's also unclear how many men with non-primary custody are listed as perpetrators of neglect. (I ask you: if mothers are considered neglectful for failing to intervene on behalf of their child in abusive/neglectful situations, why aren't fathers?)
Other studies on child abuse perpetration (sadly no national reports) show:
Evaluations of child fatalities in Missouri over a 8-year period showed men inflicted 71% of fatal injuries on young children [8]
Evaluations of fatal and nonfatal abusive head trauma over a 12-year period at the Children's Hospital of Denver found 69% of the perpetrators were male (including 74% of the perpetrators of fatal head traumas) [9]
Data from conviction rates and victimization surveys suggest that 4-5% of adult, child sex offenders (as in child sex offenders who are adults) are female, meaning that 95-96% are male [10]
Altogether, this indicates that men are more likely to abuse a child in their care than women. Unsurprisingly, it’s safer for children to be around women than around men.
No, women do not initiate more domestic violence/commit the same amount of abuse.
You said "women ... initiate 70% of domestic violence". It took me a while to find a source for this statistic, but I eventually found out it comes from a poorly done study that unfortunately finds company with a number of other poorly done studies touted by MRAs and anti-feminists.
Before we address that study specifically: a brief history of the nonsense plaguing domestic violence research.
To be clear, this is not a new discussion, we (the general we) have been having this same discussion about whether there's gender parity in domestic violence for, oh, 50 years or so. It is, possibly not entirely, but certainly mostly the result of the "Conflict Tactics Scale" (CTS). Intended for use in family violence research, it has several methodological flaws which make its results ... let's go with unreliable.
I really thought I'd discussed the CTS before now ... but can't find anything on my blog. But there is this post which is a nice pictograph about this next topic, which I will loop into our discussion of the CTS.
So ... why is the CTS so unreliable? Because "domestic violence" is not a homogeneous phenomenon. If I asked someone to picture an abusive relationship they are almost certainly going to imagine an abusive man controlling his partner through intimidation, likely restricting her behavior, and possibly hitting or otherwise physically harming her. This "typical" dynamic is what we think of when we hear "domestic abuse/violence". (I'd argue that it's what we should think of when discussing domestic violence, but I'm open to being convinced otherwise.)
Notably, what this doesn't include is the -- far more common -- case of situational violence. A "typical" example of situational violence is arguments that "gets out of hand" and end with one partner slapping/shoving/etc. the other (switching between perpetrator for different incidents) or two people who routinely get "nasty" (name calling, personal insults) to each other during arguments. There's no intimidation or controlling behavior and it doesn't escalate. It also is generally not associated with significant victim hardship (i.e., no/little increase in depression, anxiety, or PTSD; little fear or feeling unable to escape the relationship; no or few physical injuries; little or no economic hardship; etc.). It's also what's predominately being measured by the CTS.
This isn't to say that situational violence is "okay". It clearly isn't, no more than a bar fight or slapping a co-worker is okay. It is, however, far more comparable to these examples (bar fight, slapping a coworker, etc.) than it is to the standard conception of domestic violence (which itself is more comparable to being a prisoner of war [11]). Some people have tried to resolve this by renaming the standard conception to "intimate partner terrorism" or "domestic abuse with coercive control". I have ... mixed thoughts on this, so I'm going to leave it at this for now.
If you'd like to read more about this, Michael P. Johnson at PSU (who originally proposed this division back in the 1990s!) has written a book and also has numerous articles about the topic.
I have a lot of sources about the CTS/differences in violence perpetration rates, but this post is already very long and I plan to make a whole separate post about this at some point. So, I'm going to briefly summarize the points and give some references that would be particularly helpful.
So, the issues with CTS include:
Failure to include a full range of possible violent behaviors, including many that are almost always perpetrated by men, including: rape, murder, choking, and suffocation.
Failure to examine post-breakup/divorce time periods, despite post-separation being one of the most dangerous time periods for abused women (but, notably, not men).
Failure to examine context. This gets back at the paradigm I mentioned above: studies that do examine context have shown that the vast majority of coercive controlling violence (i.e., traditional abuse) is perpetrated by men and the vast majority of responsive violence (i.e., self-defense) is perpetrated by women.
Failure to examine the severity of the violence and/or violence impacts. Studies have also shown that women routinely receive the more severe injuries than men. That applies to both the injuries received from coercive controlling violence and from situational violence. Notably, men are rarely ever injured from responsive violence. Women also routinely report more severe psychological and social problems as a result of abuse.
Extremely poor phrasing of the questions. The CTS is unique in its false positive rate, as has been established by several other measures of violence. For example, simply adding the stem "Not including horseplay or joking around..." reduced the number of violent incidents reported and also showed higher rates of female victimization than male victimization.
Inconsistency with every other scale/measure used for determining prevalence rates of abuse! Hopefully it is obvious why this is an issue, but as an example: if I created a new measure for "depressive symptoms" and I found that it correlated very poorly with every other accepted measure of depressive symptoms then my new measure would be considered to have very poor "convergent validity". In non-politicized situations, my measure would likely never make it to the publishing stage, and would certainly fall out of use once this poor validity demonstrated by another study. Unfortunately, science is not immune to politics any more than the people conducting it are, as we can see with the survival of the CTS.
I gathered this information from a bunch of sources, but I've selected a few reviews (i.e., papers that "review" or condense many other papers into one) that would be helpful to you [12-16]. I recommend [12] in particular, although [13] touches on much of the same information and is much shorter. Ultimately, the CTS can, at most, be considered a measure of situational violence (and it's not even very good at that!).
So, finally, why is the 70% study [17] particularly bad?
All of the above problems with CTS apply, but in addition to all of that, they didn't just use the already flawed measure as it was ... no they, narrowed it down into 6 total questions. In total it asked about the respondent's perpetration of victimization of the following forms of violence: threatening with violence, pushing/shoving, throwing something, slapped, hit, kicked. They then "assessed" severity by asking a single question about injuries ("How often has partner had an injury, such as a sprain, bruise, or cut because of a fight with you?" and the corresponding victimization version.)
So, let's see ... failure to include predominately male forms of violence? Check. Further exclusion of even the existing items on the CTS that do examine this? Check! Failure to examine time past the relationship? Check. Failure to examine context? Check! Failure to examine severity of violence? Check. (Asking about a sprain or a bruise but not hospitalizations? broken bones? concussions?) Inconsistency with all other measures? Definitely!
Other problems with the study: they asked individuals to rate their perpetration and victimization, they did not examine their partners responses to such questions. This is a problem for a study like this, given that men tend to over-estimate their partners violence towards them and under-estimate their own violence towards their partner, and women do the opposite over-estimating their own violence and under-estimating their partners [12]. A note that a related problem has also shown up for the original CTS (i.e., if you asked both partners to complete the scale, their responses may agree on the "explaining a disagreement" item pair, but there was little if any agreement on the severe items like the "beating up" item pair).
To make a bad problem even worse: they condensed their multi-item (8-point) scales into binary (yes/no) categories and 3-item (low/medium/high) categories. This reduction in variance likely created artificially high rates for women and artificially low rates for men.
Hilariously (infuriatingly), they make it all the way through this data and then acknowledge that their study may not actually have examined domestic abuse at all! Instead it describes "common couple violence or situational violence", which, again, goes back to what the paradigm I introduced earlier. Of course, they don't revise their title or abstract to be less misleading ... that wouldn't be sensational enough.
Also, just to point this out: even this poorly designed, misleading study still showed "men were more likely to inflict an injury on a partner than ... women". So ... there you go. Even tipping the scales/design as far in favor of a "gender symmetry" result as they can possibly go, women still end up injured more than men.
So, for the rest of your ask:
"yet men are still portrayed as the villains"
well when 1 in 3 men around the world openly admit to abusing women, and they are the perpetrator of 90+% of homicides, and 10-67% of men openly admit to believing non-defensive physical and sexual violence against women is at least sometimes okay it's pretty easy to see why women can see them as the villain/enemy.
"You should read the comments or some of the reblogs under that post. Full of people who have been abused by women and have been safer when around only men,and never been taken seriously."
This is one of those cases where critical thinking skills are pretty important! Let me start you off:
Do I think that a social media post will garner a representative sample from which to draw conclusions? Or is more likely that people who agree with the post will comment on and re-blog it, spreading it more people who are more likely to agree with it?
Can I see the re-blog I'm making comments about (i.e., evidence-based-activism's re-blog?). If not, (hint: it's not in the re-blog viewer :)) is it possible that there are other hidden replies that are disagreeing with this post?
Maybe most importantly: do I need female-on-male or female-on-female violence to be as common as male-on-female and male-on-male violence in order to show compassion to those who do experience it? (Hint: you shouldn't!! Something doesn't need to be common to deserve sympathy and rare =/= excusable.)
In addition, this is touching on a pretty common issue with discourse these days -- the prioritization of "feeling" over "being". Someone (male or female) may feel safer around men, but statistically speaking they are safer around women. It's reasonable to respond to and accommodate people's feelings on an individual basis, it's not reasonable to base an ideology or policy around them.
"You say it’s a strawman fallacy but no it’s not, radfems say this shit all the timesee. ... Maybe you’re not saying it but a lot of popular radfems are, to mostly agreement from other radfems,so you can’t really blame people for seeing that and understanding it to be a popular TERF take."
Similar to the last point ... views on social media are not representative of a population. Views that you, specifically, are seeing are not representative! If they were, then "well, I see more posts preemptively criticizing people for not including men than I see posts excluding men" (which is true, almost every post I read now-a-days includes caveats like "but men are abused too!! and women can be abusers!!") would have been a valid counter-argument to your ask. But see, I know that my experience on social media is not universal, and I should hope you can acknowledge the same of your own!
Also ... to be fair to all these unnamed "radfems", I'm guessing that you would consider my posts (like this response) to be an example of someone "saying this", which is very much not the case. I am acknowledging social trends and making reasonable generalizations to allow for communication about a complex topic (you know, the way people do for any and every topic ever), but I'm not claiming that no women is ever abusive or that no man has ever been abused. I'm guessing that these other posts are pretty similar (if less verbose).
side note, you also said: "radfems ... are very gender essentialist themselves".
Either you don't know what "gender essentialist" means or the people you are talking to/about are not radfems. I acknowledge that there are a number of people going around and saying they're radfems, but the nice thing about a political group like this is they have (at least some) defined beliefs.
So, for example, if someone went around saying they are a communist, but then when asked to describe their desired economic system, describes an economy based around the free market and decentralized production ... then they aren't a communist no matter what they call themselves. A command economy is a central tenant to communism, so much so that a desire to implement one/have one is intrinsic to being a communist.
In the same way, if someone is calling themselves a radfem, but supports the preservation of gender/gender roles or believes that femininity/masculinity is biologically innate ... then they aren't a radfem.
Violent crimes for women and men are reported at similar rates.
Women and men are punished similarly for violent crimes (i.e., people do take crimes by women seriously).
Children are safer in the company of women than men. There is insufficient research to accurately describe perpetrator demographics of "minor" child abuse/neglect, but there is significant research indicating that men are the perpetrator of the the vast majority of severe injuries, fatal injuries, and sexual abuse.
Men commit the vast majority controlling domestic violence (the type of violence people think of when thinking about domestic violence); women's violence is predominately responsive. Women are also the recipients of the vast majority of injuries (minor and severe) and are the victim of almost all fatalities.
Social media posts are not representative studies.
Critical thinking skills are important!
And, everyone -- regardless of sex or any other demographic characteristic -- deserves compassion when harmed. It is still appropriate talk about trends and create policies that assist the majority of those harmed.
A reminder that I will expect a reasonable degree of engagement with this information if you plan to engage in further discussion! I'll answer the bustle link ask, but after that I'll simply delete asks that don't make a genuine attempt to think critically about this information. (Clarifying questions are okay to ask though :)).
References below the cut:
Criminal Victimization, 2022 | Bureau of Justice Statistics. https://bjs.ojp.gov/library/publications/criminal-victimization-2022.
“National Incident-Based Reporting System (NIBRS) Details Reported in the United States .” Federal Bureau of Investigation Crime Data Explorer, https://cde.ucr.cjis.gov/LATEST/webapp/#/pages/explorer/crime/crime-trend.
Myrna S. Raeder Gender and Sentencing: Single Moms, Battered Women, and Other Sex-Based Anomalies in the Gender-Free World of the Federal Sentencing Guidelines, 20 Pepp. L. Rev. Iss. 3 (1993) Available at: https://digitalcommons.pepperdine.edu/plr/vol20/iss3/1
Child Maltreatment 2022. https://www.acf.hhs.gov/cb/report/child-maltreatment-2022.
“Average Hours per Day Parents Spent Caring for and Helping Household Children as Their Main Activity.” Bureau of Labor Statistics, https://www.bls.gov/charts/american-time-use/activity-by-parent.htm.
Shrider, Emily A., Melissa Kollar, Frances Chen, and Jessica Semega, U.S. Census Bureau, Current Population Reports, P60-273, Income and Poverty in the United States: 2020, U.S. Government Publishing Office, Washington, DC, September 2021.
Schnitzer PG, Ewigman BG. Child deaths resulting from inflicted injuries: household risk factors and perpetrator characteristics. Pediatrics. 2005 Nov;116(5):e687-93. doi: 10.1542/peds.2005-0296. PMID: 16263983; PMCID: PMC1360186.
Starling SP, Holden JR, Jenny C. Abusive head trauma: the relationship of perpetrators to their victims. Pediatrics. 1995 Feb;95(2):259-62. PMID: 7838645.
McCartan, K. (Ed.). (2014). Responding to Sexual Offending. Palgrave Macmillan UK. https://doi.org/10.1057/9781137358134
Comparison Between Strategies Used on Prisoners of War and Battered Wives | Office of Justice Programs. https://www.ojp.gov/ncjrs/virtual-library/abstracts/comparison-between-strategies-used-prisoners-war-and-battered-wives.
Michael S. Kimmel. (2001). Male Victims of Domestic Violence: A Substantive and Methodological Research Review. The Equality Committee of the Department of Education and Science. https://vawnet.org/material/male-victims-domestic-violence-substantive-and-methodological-research-review
Flood, M. (1999, July 10). Claims About Husband Battering [Contribution to Newspaper, Magazine or Website]. Domestic Violence and Incest Resource Centre Newsletter; Domestic Violence and Incest Resource Centre. https://eprints.qut.edu.au/215068/
Walter DeKeseredy & Martin Schwartz. (1998). Measuring the Extent of Woman Abuse in Intimate Heterosexual Relationships: A Critique of the Conflict Tactics Scales. VAWnet.Org. https://vawnet.org/material/measuring-extent-woman-abuse-intimate-heterosexual-relationships-critique-conflict-tactics
Shamita Das Dasgupta. (2001). Towards an Understanding of Women’s Use of Non-Lethal Violence in Intimate Heterosexual Relationships. VAWnet.Org. https://vawnet.org/material/towards-understanding-womens-use-non-lethal-violence-intimate-heterosexual-relationships
Shamita Das Dasgupta. (2001). Towards an Understanding of Women’s Use of Non-Lethal Violence in Intimate Heterosexual Relationships. VAWnet.Org. https://vawnet.org/material/towards-understanding-womens-use-non-lethal-violence-intimate-heterosexual-relationships
Whitaker, Daniel J., et al. “Differences in Frequency of Violence and Reported Injury Between Relationships With Reciprocal and Nonreciprocal Intimate Partner Violence.” American Journal of Public Health, vol. 97, no. 5, May 2007, pp. 941–47. PubMed Central, https://doi.org/10.2105/AJPH.2005.079020.
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jqnehr · 4 months
“Did you take AP physics in high school? Can you solve a simple thermodynamics equation? Do you even know the basics to quantum mechanics and astrophysics? No, so you’ve got no right to speak.”
“Joke’s on you, Dr Bozo, but I have a law degree. I could sue you and beat your ass in court. Can you do that? Are you a lawyer by profession, huh?”
“Having a university degree of any kind does not make you ‘intelligent’. It, in fact, makes you ‘generic’. However, I could never expect nitwits like you to possibly understand such a, frankly, simple concept.”
“Like how you don’t understand the concept of manners? But, who am I kidding? Entitled knobheads like you merely discard the aspect from their vocabulary once they realise how inconvenient it proves towards their goal of subjugating others.”
“My, subjugating’s quite a big word for you. Did you learn it from one of those brainless, moronic ‘fanfictions’ I’ve seen you glued to?”
“I’m so honoured to be the very first one to teach you how to mind your own business. Let’s start your first lesson now! Step one—recognise when an issue directly affects you or not. When it doesn’t, move on with your life.”
“Did you memorise that definition from wikiHow? I see you came prepared. Sadly, your unrelenting tendency to be a birdbrain immediately makes it my duty to rid you of such folly. And yet, simpletons never fail to completely overlook such goodwill.”
“Goodwill? Dr Dunce, how do you tell someone you find really aggravating to shut the hell up, scientifically?”
“Glad you asked. It takes approximately one-hundred muscles to speak, but none to be silent. It’s a great way to get ample rest, and ample fitness.”
“I can see why you’re so fit. It’s because you never shut up. You’re scared you’ll get a potbelly, so you run that mouth of yours off without fail. Maybe I should physically sew your lips shut while you sleep.”
“You can try. You’d rather place your own on them, though.”
“Don’t change the topic. If there’s one Doctor Mendacitas Muttonhead can’t do, it’s flirt.”
“I’ve proven you wrong so many times, dearest. And look, you’re blushing. What, you think I’m going to call you ‘cute’? No. It’s an unfitting word.”
“Oh? Being all schmaltzy now, are you?”
“Quite the opposite. I’m merely saying how there are many antonyms of ‘cute’ I can think of that would be much more appropriate to describe your current expression.”
“I can just leak to the entire Astral Express that you kiss your reflection goodnight before bed, Dr Dumbass. I’m sure they’d be able to find plenty of corresponding synonyms for ‘idiot’ to label you as, quite assuredly.”
“Ha! What an intriguing tall tale, my love. All I have to do in return is tell everyone your AO3 user and that’s your career over. Your bookmarks are quite…something.”
“You told me I need to read more. So, I do. Therefore, who is truly at fault here?”
“It’s my fault that you read 500k-word omegaverse fanfictions that haven’t been updated in ten years? Be thankful I like you enough to listen to you moan and groan about how its last update was in 2009 at four in the morning. I can’t believe you actually stay up all night reading those poor excuses for literature.”
“Correction—masterpieces. And you love me enough, you mean. Don’t forget how you put this very engagement ring on my finger. In fact, I think the credit is due towards me, for having put up with you for this long.”
“Oh, get over here. Allow me to reeducate you in the practice and art of appreciation, sweetheart.”
330 notes · View notes
misstycloud · 2 months
How to stop your husband from being weird: situation one- digging in the middle of the night.
One of the things that I have noticed about my dear husband, Arlo (bless his soul), is the constant digging in our backyard; he leaves in the middle of the night and when I dare glance out the window, I see him. His back is always facing towards me, so I can’t get a good look at his face. He is a very expressive person and I can tell what he thinks from simply looking at his face, hence why this is somewhat concerning.
Had I known that my dearest would wake up during ungodly hours of the night, get dressed, fetch the garden tools from the shed, and then proceed to dig a massive hole, then maybe I would have hesitated to say ‘yes’. (Do not be worried, I love my husband deeply and this was just a little joke.)
Joke aside, it is still very annoying. Does he not know this will keep me awake too? I have work to do and I can’t keep on going if my sleep is this disturbed. I would have to be some sort of abomination- a vampire perhaps?
That is not all; I find dirt particles inside our house; I clean for nothing apparently.
I have tried bringing this up(somewhat hard to ask your spouse why they are leaving you all cold and lonely in the middle of the night) with Arlo, but every time he changed the subject. The audacity! He even asks me if I’m ill and is in need of a doctor. I tell him ‘I am quite fine thank you very much!’ and remind him my eyesight is good, I’m not imagining things and I know he’s been up to something in the yard. I also know he’s not preparing to pot new plants for summer so he better not try that with me.
Last time I tried prying the answer out of him, he finally relented and gave me what I wanted.
His explanation: I have been finding a lot of roadkill and other deceased animals lately. I didn’t want you to have to see it. You know I work so many hours, I don’t have time during the day, that’s why I bury them at night. It’s horrible, but understandable since they’re rebuilding the library and trucks loaded with materials drive by often.
Whether I believe this explanation or not doesn’t matter. There is factor agreeing with his explanation and there are ones that goes agaisnt it.
Those vouching for him: it is true that trucks drive by often these days since the library really did catch on fire recently. It was an unfortunate accident casued(according to the police) by some teenagers. They played around with a lighter and things escalated beyond their control. The saddest part is that I can’t go to the library anymore, I suppose I’ll have to find new hobbies to entertain myself until the library is rebuilt and restocked with books. Another thing is that I do like animals and it definitively wouldn’t be fun to see a run-over one in real life. My husband is very caring and wouldn’t expose me to something he knows I hate, therefore it makes sense for him to bury them in secret. Besides, his job is demanding and he actually wouldn’t be able to do so in the day.
All of this form one solution that is: burying the dead animals in secret from his wife(me) during nighttime as to not disturb me or his work hours. (If we look away from the fact I wake when he does)
Factors indicating he’s lying: how come I have never found a roadkill if they are so common nowadays? It’s unusual for him to come home before me, and if he’s that busy with work, it wouldn’t make sense for him to find all of them before I’ve even caught a whiff of something foul nearby. You see what I mean? Secondly, there is not reason why he should be the one doing all this work. Surely there are professionals dealing with here things? In that case then he should call them instead and tell those truck-drivers to be more careful.
Ultimately this is very suspicious, but what else can I do? Statistically, there is a high chance(I believe?) that your husband will have at least one weird hobby. I will have to live with that and I have said to him ‘I love you more than anything and if this is something you wish to do then o won’t question you.’
He was almost in tears, it was adorable. He said, ‘Yes, my love, thank you. I also love you more than anything in this world and I would be damned if something came between us.’
Afterwards I lectured him on not bringing in dirt in the house again, though. This was his answer: of course not, my darling!
To summarise this incident: my husband still visits the outdoors at night, however not as often as before. I warned him, too, of being careful because a bunch of men have been going missing lately and I’d be devastated if his name came up on of of those reports. I shouldn’t say this- but I will- I’m kind of happy those men are gone. I recognised their names and/or faces from the papers, you see. It turns out that all of them were ones I’d met previously. I won’t bore you with the details, but they weren’t pleasant encounters.
Everyday I have checked the floor for dirt and have found none. This is very good news for my ‘cleaning-spirit’. Whenever I feel Arlo leaving the bed I have decided to relax my mind and go back to sleep again. Then, if I’m still half-awake, I will feel him laying down beside me once more and together we drift off to dreamland.
The lesson I learned from this is that you don’t have to ‘fix’ everything about your partner, and they are allowed to have their special hobbies. There is a difference if you’re being harmed in the process, though. If that’s the case then you should immediately speak up about it and you compromise. Remember, communication is key!
Written by: (Y/n) (L/n)
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asterias-record-shop · 11 months
bingo square: out of their league with tasm!peter using prompt 3.
i know one of the things about peter is he’s unaware of how appealing he is but i have idea stuck in my head
you and peter having been dating for a bit and you’re only familiar with his friends and vice versa like you guys know of each other and have exchanged greetings in passing but have never had the opportunity to get to know you
so when the opportunity does present itself (maybe at a party?) they’re stunned by everything they’ve learned about you and your personality basically a ‘woah our friend is great but your woah’ and he gets somewhat possessive and jealous
i like the idea of sitting on peter’s lap and teasing him until he lets you cockwarm him or the party dies down and barely anyone is there and he fucks you with his friends hearing (or watching 👀) and it ends with you leading him out the door to go home and your both marked up with hickeys and he has your lipstick on him + peter telling his friends that he knows he got lucky and how it’s something they’ll never about
—𓆩[cupid’s arrow]𓆪—
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𓆩♡𓆪 CHARACTER - TASM! Peter Parker x Fem! Rich! Cheerleader! Girlfriend! Reader
𓆩♡𓆪 TYPE - fluff, smut, maybe slight angst?
𓆩♡𓆪 WORD COUNT - 3.2K
𓆩♡𓆪 SUMMARY - You were surprised when you found out that Peter fucking Parker was single, and you quickly fixed that. It was a surprise to everyone, especially him, when they found out you were interested in him - the head cheerleader and a physics nerd? Even then though, when a party occurs and his friends get to know more about you and think you’re so fucking cool — a wasted Peter gets jealous of how much they have your attention.
𓆩♡𓆪 STORY WARNINGS - cursing & foul language || definitely mixed up multiverses with friends, and added more || reader is reader wears makeup and revealing clothing || the nerd and the cheerleader trope has my heart || reader calls father ‘daddy’ nonsexually || party || shotgunning || reader smokes || drugs and alcohol || Peter really gets into this party mood because you’re having so much fun, therefore he gets wasted because he drinks and smokes || public groping & grinding || cock warming in public || slight voyeurism and exhibitionism? || marking kink || creampie || riding || multiple orgasms || multiple positions ||
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“I think… we should go eat here for lunch,” you suggest, looking up at him as he stares down at you, the glasses on his face falling down his nose making you giggle, pushing them up. “Sounds good, right? I know high-end isn’t really your scene, but daddy’s friend just opened it up and the sushi looks like it’s to die for.”
“I-I uhm… I think that sounds good, I just got paid so-” he paused when you started giggling, looking down at you confused. “What’s wrong?”
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“You don’t have to pay, sweetie. I don’t even have to pay, daddy has a tab there and we can get whatever we want. Besides, I have no practice today, so we have time!”
He smiled, but sighs. “When do I get to treat you, hm? It’s… it’s not fair. We always go to your house, your spots… I don’t get to do anything for you.”
You sit up, your shirt riding up your tummy and your skirt exposing your thighs. “What do you mean? Am… am I doing something wrong? I-I know I have problems with taking over things, am I doing that? I’m sorry-”
He shakes his head, quickly cupping your face. “No honey, of course not… it’s just, I don’t think it’s fair. I never get to spoil you… or bring you to my apartment or buy you lunch… Does that make you annoyed? Do I do enough for you?”
You stare at him, jaw slack before you start to laugh. “Peter! Are you insane?! I love you, I don’t care how much you spend on me, I like spending on you. I love going to your apartment, I love Aunt May, but I just like taking you to my house because we have more privacy. I like you living with me, don’t you want to move in with me? I’ve been meaning to ask you that…”
Peter pauses, staring at you. “You want me to move in with you?”
You giggle. “Well yeah… we’ve known each other for years, been dating for two… it’s not that weird, is it?”
He shook his head. “N-No, but… if I move in with you, I need to help with your bills and stuff. I’m not going to let you pay for everything.”
You laugh. “Peter, why would I let you pay for something I don’t even pay for? You… just have to stay with me,” you slowly move to sit in his lap, pushing back his hair as you giggled. “And love me. Besides, you would be the best boyfriend ever if you moved in with me.”
He hummed, nodding as he pulled you closer. “I will, honey, I will. I’ll do anything you want me to.”
You giggle, tugging on his hair. You had him wrapped around your finger, and you loved it just as much as you loved him. You pulled him closer, about to press a kiss to his lips before someone yelled his name. “Peter? Peter, oh my god, hey!”
You pulled away, smiling when you saw Gwen. “Oh, it’s Gwen. You should talk to her, invite your friends out to lunch with us!”
Peter almost groaned when he saw Gwen, Ned, MJ, and Harry walking toward them. He loved them, he did, but fuck could they leave? He was about to be kissed by you until he couldn’t breathe and your lipstick stained his lips, could they go? “Oh, hey guys!”
“Peter, we haven’t seen you in a while! Hey Y/N!” Gwen looks at you as you pull your legs under your butt, smiling at her.
“Hey Gwen! How are you guys, have y’all eaten lunch? Peter and I were just about to go.”
“Oh no, we just came from lunch, but thank you! How are y’all?” She sits down, the rest following as you shrug.
“We’re good! Peter and I were just talking about how he’s going to move in with me soon” you answer, humming. “I’m thinking next Friday. Oh, and we can have a party too! You guys should come, it’s going to be a… Peter's welcome party!”
MJ hummed. “You like to party, don’t you?”
“Oh who doesn't!” You giggled, humming. “It’ll be great! Besides, my parties are always the best, you guys should really come!”
Peter smiled, nodding. “Yeah, I know it’s been a while since we’ve all gone to a party together… what do y’all think?”
Gwen hums, looking back at everyone as they nod. “Okay! We’ll come.”
You smiled, looking back at Peter. “Perfect.”
It didn’t take Peter long to move in. Aunt May was happy he was getting out of the house, and you were even more happy to have him living with you. He was sleeping in your now shared bed every night, sometimes with his cock shoved deep inside of your cunt and twisting up your guts from how big he was.
Tonight though was Peter Parker’s Welcome Home party. He was home, finally he was home with you, where you have wanted him since you both started dating. Your now shared house was filled with sweaty teens, drunk or high off their asses as you sat with Peter and his friends in the living room, giggling along with Gwen as you held a joint between your fingers.
“You’re lying!” MJ was cackling as she clutched her book, staring at Peter. “Peter fucking Parker chased you down to ask for your number?”
“Yes!” You giggle, covering your mouth to hide your smile as Peter pressed his face into the back of your neck, slurring words into your skin before leaning into your hand and taking a long drag from the joint. “I told him he was hot at the subway station, then of course I had to catch my subway, and then he chased me all the way into the car and had to take a whole other subway to get back to where he wanted to go!”
Gwen laughs as Peter exhaled the smoke against your skin, your body hot even though so much skin was exposed in the skimpy dress you wore that barely went past down your ass and cut low on your chest, and even had a triangle piece of fabric missing from the bottom of your braless tits and lace black underwear. His hands ran along your bare skin as you giggled, leaning into his form as he started pressing lazy, open mouthed kisses to your neck.
“Peter! Why didn’t you introduce us to Y/N earlier, she’s amazing!” Ned laughed as you inhaled deeply with the joint in your mouth, mind going hazy before Peter pulled you back to kiss him.
You exhaled into his mouth, smoke flooding out from where your mouths weren’t connected and his hands groped at your tits. You groaned, humming as he took the joint from your fingers adorned with long acrylics and the base pressed to the thin satin that covered your tits.
“And that’s our cue to leave,” Gwen voiced out, everyone agreeing as you pulled Peter closer.
You groaned against his lips as you tried to turn around, desperate for more of his kisses before he pulled away, his mouth smeared with your lipstick. It was your signature color, one you wore everyday, and it looked fucking amazing on him.
You looked down at the joint in his hand, the fact the two of you were almost done with it saying something. “Want some more, spider boy?” You whisper, grabbing his wrist and taking a long inhale before blowing it into his face and licking his fingers. You hummed loudly, sucking his middle finger into your mouth like a lollipop as you take the joint in your other hand, pulling his finger down your throat before pulling away and moving to his pointer, sucking on the tip before forcing yourself to gag on it, pulling away to see the thick string of saliva. “The sooner we finish this, the sooner we can have some more fun.”
This specific joint was the one you were saving. It wasn’t Peter’s first time, mainly because it didn’t affect him, but this one did because it was of higher quality and had certain things you had disclosed to him before. You told him it was called ‘Cupid’s Arrow’, a stupid name but one that suited the joint filled with aphrodisiacs and a cherry flavored strain and he agreed immediately because of how excited you were.
You didn’t smoke very often, only on special occasions, and today was one of them.
It didn’t take long for you both to finish the joint, Peter slipping the remainder into a drink next to him as your lips continued their assault on his own, tongue pushing into his mouth and lipstick smearing all over his lips. He whined as you pulled away, humming as you tilted your head back and his mouth pressed against your neck before you gasped.
“Peter! I love this song, come on!” You tugged him off the comfort of the couch, a smile on his stained lips even though his boner was on show before you tugged him in front of you to firmly press against your body. “Dance with me, Peter.”
You’re both pushed together even closer from the rest of the sweaty bodies around you, but they knew better than to get close to you and Peter. He turned you around, his hands holding your hips as he bent his knees to press his cock between your thighs, his erection poking into your soaked panties as your hands pushed behind your head to hold his and pull him even closer.
It doesn’t take long for the drugs to actually kick in, mixing with the alcohol, your body finally cooling down as you rocked your hips back into Peter’s. He groaned loudly into your ear, hands shaking as they pushed underneath the fabric that barely covered your chest, groping and letting his fingertips swipe over your hard nipples.
You groaned loudly as you tilted your head back, your body starting to grow hot as you rocked into him with urgency, the feeling of his large, blunt tip rubbing against your pussy too much to handle. You whined loudly as he pulled you closer, desperate to feel your body against his as you groaned into his mouth when he pulled you in for a kiss. He pulled away to press firm kisses to your neck, smearing the same lipstick he had on his lips against your skin as you pulled out that same golden, expensive tube and a handheld mirror to reapply it.
His reflection caught your eye, his mouth pressing firmly to your neck and sucking against your skin while groping at your tits from underneath your dress. You tilted your head back as you slip the tube and mirror back into the waistband of your dress, eyes rolling back as his thumbs slid over your hard nipples and his hot mouth sucking against your skin made everything hazy.
Neither of you registered the people around you, your mouth pressing kisses to his cheek before sucking hickies against his jaw, slight saltiness from the thin sheen of sweat on both of your bodies. Both of you were grinding against each other like there was no tomorrow, the tip of his cock rubbing against your clothed sex making your body even hotter.
“Fuck,” you cursed, groaning as he squeezed at your tits before slowly guiding you both back to the couch where you straddled his thighs and were quick to unbutton his pants. You tugged the zipper down as you set your lipstick and mirror down on the table as he easily slipped off your underwear, throwing it to the side as you pushed yourself up so you could guide his cock into you.
This wasn’t the first time the two of you had raw sex, but it was definitely the first time you were both high off your asses. “Wait, wait,” you whisper, balancing yourself by holding his chest. “Is this okay?”
“Mhm,” he hummed, nodding vigorously. “More than okay. So much more than okay.”
You giggled as you leaned forward, pressing your lips against his as he slowly pushed his cock between your legs, letting his blunt tip slide up and down your slit before finally pushing up into you. Your head falls back, groans echoing around the room as he bucked his hips.
You felt wetter than you’ve ever been, your cunt squelching as he slowly pushed into you, his face pressed against your neck as he groaned loudly. He gasped as you slowly began to sink down on him, your pretty face scrunched in all the right ways and tears pricking your eyes made him groan loudly, his hips bucking into you.
He didn’t even know that he came until you felt something inside of you, that same sticky feeling flooding down your thighs as you groaned, attempting to push lower on his cock as he grunted. “Did you just cum?”
He pauses, looking down. “I-I think so…”
“But you’re still hard?” You whispered, ducking down to kiss his neck and continue sucking on his skin. “Guess that Cupid’s Arrow really did something, huh baby?”
He hummed, nodding. “I swear, you feel so much fucking better than I could ever imagine. I don’t know if it’s the drugs or if it’s you, but I swear I can fucking feel everything.”
You giggled. “You’re sure it’s not your spidey senses?”
He groaned, shaking his head as he held your hips and angled his own to thrust up into you with a loud groan. “N-No, my… my spidey-sex-drive is up or something… I feel everything, your pussy clenching and all of your slick dripping down my cock… I swear I can feel you stretch out with every thrust. Please, please I need to fuck you so bad.”
“Isn’t that what you’re doing?” You whisper, one of his hands pushing up the chest area of your dress and letting your tits fall out. He pauses his thrusting, making you whine, grabbing a folded blanket to throw it over your shoulders.
“I need more. Fucking hell, I need to feel as much as I can of you, but this body is only mine to see. You’re mine.”
You groaned into his ear, gasping as you held the back of his head, rocking your hips into his to match every thrust. You could barely think about anything else but his cock ramming into you, the almost infinite feeling of riding your orgasm making your mind blurry. Have you cum yet? Peter always knew when you came, he would feel a lightning bolt down his spine and would giggle softly, but with the amount he was shaking in pleasure you didn’t know.
You could feel his cock being easily let into your deepest parts, the aphrodisiacs must’ve had something to do with loosening you up and making arousal spew from you like a fountain. Or maybe it was cum? Who knew at this point, you couldn’t think of anything else but Peter who was covered in your lipstick and hickies, his cock buried inside of you, balls deep and his cum leaking out of your pussy before he pounded it straight back in.
He groaned into your neck, gasping as another shock ran down his back, his hands slamming you down on his cock as you panted into his ear. “F-Fuck, Y/N, I can’t stop… I can’t stop my hips, I can’t stop fucking you.”
You shake your head against his neck, whimpering. “Don’t stop, please don’t stop!”
Your body was hot, the only relief was his cock inside of you and you didn’t want it to stop anytime soon. You didn’t care that you both were fucking mid-party, it was your house, your couch, your boyfriend. If anyone had a problem with it, they could leave.
You gasped as he grabbed your hips, flipping the two of you over so you were on your back, his hands sliding a pillow under your hips to support you before going straight back to your tits. You groaned as you pushed your hands under his shirt, the blanket covering both of your bodies as his mouth stayed on yours, barely pulling away to even breathe.
Peter couldn’t help it, whatever the hell was in that joint made him infatuated. His hips thrusted as hard as he could, desperate to be inside of you as much as he could while you rocked your hips to match his thrusts, desperate to reach a climax in your high. You had cum at least three times from what Peter could actually process, but like him, the permanent high of ecstasy wasn’t enough when the both of you needed to hit that climax.
Your moans filled his ears as the couch started to creak, his mouth hot on your neck and collarbone to mark you up as though someone would try to take you. He couldn’t stop leaving all those hickies all over your body, how could he when everyone needed to know you belonged to him? Besides, after this and everyone seeing him fuck you until you saw stars, everyone would definitely know he was your boyfriend, soon to be fiancée as soon as he found the perfect ring for you.
Your legs were wrapped around his waist, your thrusts meeting his as his cock slammed into you, wet slaps and squelches filling the room that could’ve been full of spectators — not that either of you cared.
You didn’t know when he stopped, panting above you as you hold his head and rake your fingers through his hair, admiring the mess of hickies and lipstick marks that you left. You pulled him down for another firm kiss, humming as you pulled away and he followed your lips. “We should get a dog.”
He laughed, titling his head to the side to press kisses to your neck, seeing all of his friends in the corner gaping at you both. “Whatever you want, honey.”
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omg, I love fulfilling requests ♡ keep them coming for Bingo!!
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© asterias-record-shop
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ponderingmoonlight · 7 months
Heyyy! I wanted to say i rlly luv your fanfic and it would be great if you wrote a nanami kento one with prompt 6 🩵✨
There you go! Sorry this took me quite some, guess I'm too much of a hurt writer. But since 3 people requested prompt 6 with Nanami, I just couldn't let this one slide. Hope you like it though <3 I also added Promp 64 to this! 6. "I'm not crying. It's not worth crying." 64. "Don't be stupid, I'm not leaving you."
Beautiful mistake
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Pairing: Nanami Kento x fem!reader
Word Count: 1,8k
Synopsis: You are in a secret but healthy relationship with none other than Nanami Kento despite being the sunshine to his rain. Until one day, you accidentaly spoil your secret to Gojo Satoru.
Warning: None, slight language like always
Your heart is pounding against your ribcage. The sun has just set, which means he’ll be here any second. You nervously fumble on the hem of your sundress. Do you look good? Hopefully he likes your new dress.
It’s always weird to meet outside of Jujutsu High in everyday clothes. Of course you should be used to it by now, considering that it’s been like this for two years now. Nanami and you decided it is best to keep your relationship private, far away from work. Therefore no one knows about your meetings late at night or the fact that you basically live at Nanami’s place. And this is just fine, perfect the way it is.
“There you are, sweetheart. Is this dress new? It suits you very well.”
The sound of his voice alone sends shivers down your spine, you greet your boyfriend with a wide grin and a tight hug. As usual, he smells absolutely breathtaking good. You need to finally ask him about his perfume.
“Glad you came”, you reply, face buried in his suit.
You love the fact that he’s always wearing suits, it definitely does something to you.
“You know I would never miss spending an evening with you. Here, I just couldn’t show up empty-handed.”
He hands you a gorgeous bouquet of purple, white and rose flowers, perfectly arranged and coordinated. You smile to yourself, taking in the delicious scent of lavender that now hangs in the air. Words can’t express how much you love the man standing in front of you. Even if he acts aloof and uninterested, he has a heart of gold. Suddenly you feel overwhelmed by your feelings, tears water your eyes. Unlike Nanami, you are terrible at hiding your feelings.
“I’m not going to cry”, you whisper to yourself, fanning air into your face to stop the tears from running.
“It’s not worth crying, I bring you flowers almost every time. But I’m glad you like them.”
Strange how your frequent bursts of emotion don’t bother him at all while everyone else is getting on is nerves. You truly are something special for him, the sunshine that scared away his rain, the joy that helps him to overcome his numbness. You are a gift, a true sweetheart, loved by everyone who knows you. Maybe this is the reasons why no one seems to even notice the chemistry between you two when working together as jujutsu-sorcerers. You are an absolutely poor liar, bad at hiding your feelings and the blush that creeps up your cheeks whenever you look at him. Even an untrained eye would be able to see your affection towards him – everyone expect members of Jujutsu High, as it seems.
“How was your day? Did your mission go well?”
“Oh, not at all. I’m glad you weren’t assigned to accompany me”, he signs and takes off his glasses.
Your hand gently brushes through his thick blonde hair. You can tell by one look at his tired gaze that this day was rough.
“Maybe I would have been able to help you.”
He gifts you a small but gentle smile, hands wrapped around your waist.
“Sure, but I just can’t risk you getting hurt because of helping me.”
“You know that’s also my job, right?”, you tease him.
“And you know that your job sucks, right?”
You can’t help but giggle at his response, the warm feeling in your chest keeps growing and growing. How is it that one man can make your life feel so much better just by his sheer existence? You simply cannot imagine carrying on without Nanami anymore.
“And you know that I love you, right?”
Your hands gently cup his face while your body aches to close the minimal distance between your bodies. Oh, how much you’d love to stay in this position forever, for the sun to never go down this evening. But you know all too well that tomorrow will be an exhausting day with a meeting of all higher up jujutsu-sorcerers that you and Nanami have to attend. It would be foolish to stay here any longer. But still you want to let these delicious seconds of togetherness melt on your tongue.
“Well, considering you already told me 13 times today alone, I sure hope so”, he replies before pressing his soft lips against yours.
You simply can’t believe it. The man that is holding you is the love of your life, the one you want to marry someday, the only one who has the key to your heart. Even though you are the complete opposite of him, even though no one seems to even be aware of the fact that you are in a relationship, you are absolutely mesmerized and obsessed with him.
“I hate to say it, but I think it’s better to get home. After all, we have to be up early in the morning for that stupid meeting”, he growls against your lips, face twisted in annoyance.
“How much I hate it when you’re right”, you sign while taking in his delicious scent.
“But that happens quite often. Come on, I’ll cook us dinner tonight.”
-Next day-
“There you are, golden girl!”, Gojo cries out in excitement as soon as you enter the room.
You gift him a breathtaking smile. In some way, you and Satoru are pretty similar to each other. Almost always in a good mood while wearing a bright smile on your faces along with loving a good joke and the company of other people. But unlike him, you tend to be quiet in your own way, only opening up around people you know and love.
“Nice to see you again. How have you been Gojo?”
The sincerity that glitters in your striking eyes is always a blessing for everyone around. You are so real, tender and kind in this cruel world that it’s sometimes hard to believe that you are able to survive in it.
“I’m doing better since you came here, (y/n).”
You giggle at his light-hearted comment, very aware of the fact that he’s just trying to tease you. Although you know that Gojo is very easy on women, you never felt more than sympathy for him. After all, you laid your eyes on someone else this whole time…
Oh, where’s Kento?
He told you this morning that there’s something he has to take care of, but it’s very untypically for him to show up late. Worry lines appear on your effortless features. Did you miss something? Did he maybe tell you about a meeting?
“Why do you look so worried, (y/n)?”, Gojo questions.
“I’m just wondering about Nanami-san…Normally, he’s never late”, you mumble while racking your brain.
To be honest, you’re pretty forgetful, without your boyfriend you wouldn’t even be here right now. But something important like a reason for being late wouldn’t escape you, right?
“Who knows? He never tells anyone about his private life anyway.”
Lost in thoughts, you slowly but surely fall into panic mode. Something has to be wrong. This behavior doesn’t suit him at all.
“Hey, I’m sure he’s fine, (y/n). Nanami is a tough guy”, Gojo tries to calm your tingling nerves down.
But it doesn’t work. Frantically, you swipe over your phone, desperately trying to find an excuse in one of his text messages – nothing. You try to call him multiple times only to be greeted by his mailbox.
Oh no, this is bad. This is very very bad. Something must have happened, you just know it.
“I should now if he has something to do, I mean, I’m his girlfriend after all. It’s kinda my job to know these things-“
Gojo stares at you wide eyed, mind trying to process the information that just came out of your mouth. Did you really just call Nanami your boyfriend? This can’t be true…right?
“(y/n)”, he interrupts your babbling, your innocent eyes darting at him immediately.
“Did you just call Nanami your boyfriend?”
Your heart sinks to the floor, mind going completely blank. Fuck. Fuck, fuck, fuck. You were so lost in thoughts that you accidentally spoiled your secret relationship of two years to none other than Gojo Satoru.
“Gojo, please don’t freak out”, you beg.
“So it’s true? Oh god, I can’t believe it. That are some pretty fucked up new. How long?”
“How long what?”
Kento is going to hate you for this. From all the people you could have told about your secret, why on earth did it have to be Gojo Satoru? Your face goes pale just thinking about your boyfriend’s reaction.
What if…What if he doesn’t want to be with you anymore? Your thoughts are raising, eyes getting wetter and wetter the more you think about what you just did. This was your little secret, the only thing you had to do was keeping it to yourself. And you? You ruined everything by mindlessly telling Gojo about it.
“Sorry I’m late, the traffic-“
“Nanami, when did you plan on telling me about your relationship with (y/n)? You have to be kidding, right? How the hell did you pull her?”, Gojo blurts out immediately.
You are on the brink of tears, Kento's eyes darting towards you without emotion.
“None of this is of your business. Let me talk to (y/n) alone for a second, we’ll be with you soon”, he instructs the white-haired man with firm voice.
“Only if you promise that you’ll tell me every little dirty detail about this.”
“Leave. Now.”
“Urgh, what a bummer…”
You swallow hardly, your gaze glued to the floor while you try to blink away your hot tears.
“How did this happen?”, he questions, his well-polished shoes standing right in front of you.
“I-I…I was so w-worried about y-you that I panicked and…and then it j-just slipped out…”, you stutter.
“Huh, I understand.”
Your eyes dart up at him.
“Are you going to leave me now?”, you cry out, tears now running down your cheeks uncontrollably.
Kento tilts his head and steps forward, hand gently cupping your face.
“Don’t be stupid, I’m not leaving you. Sooner or later, he would have found out anyway”, he responses.
You wrap your still trembling arms around him tightly, tears soaking into his fine suit.
“I’m really sorry”, you mutter into his chest.
It’s like a massive weight falls from your heart. For the split of a second, you really thought he’ll end things with you right here and now. You simply can’t afford to lose him, Kento is your ray of sunshine on rainy days, you love him with all of your heart and more.
“Please, don’t be. I should be sorry for you worrying about me. Be prepared for Gojo’s constant teasing though. These will be hard times.”
He brushes a soft kiss against your lips, a tender smile on his face. God, how much you feel for this man. More than any words could ever express.
“We’ll get through this together”, you reply.
“Yes. Like always.”
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mayaluvzyou · 1 month
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Eddie Munson x Cheerleader!reader
Warnings: Swearing, abusive relationship, subtle mentions of sexual assault, angst, kinda slow burn, pining, drug usage, f!reader, eventual smut, use of Y/N.
w.c: 1.8k
A/N: IT'S FINALLY HERE!! I know that the song came out in the 90s, but I love it so much and the lyrics are just so fanfic worthy. Btw this takes place in 1989 purely because I want it to. Also, this will have multiple parts !!!
I know this is kinda rushed but we're going to pretend it's not ♥️
Today was the day. You had put off breaking up with your shitty boyfriend, Jason, for weeks now. If you had been dating anyone else, you wouldn't have hesitated to speak up about the issue. But, this was Jason Carver you were talking about. The school's most popular douchebag.
Everyone was almost always jealous of you for being Jason's girlfriend. Practically the whole school of Hawkins High was drooling over him, so, naturally they'd envy you.
You walked towards the cafeteria in a more stiff manner than usual. Could anyone blame you? No way. You were about three and a half minutes away from being the center of a new wave of drama, therefore you had more than enough reasons to be scared.
Taking a breath deeper than it should've been, you strutted into the cafeteria with the most faux confidence known to man- or to you, at least. Though nobody could tell you were feigning aplomb, it felt like you wanted to run out of there and shrivel up somewhere quiet.
You didn't feel like eating, so, it wasn't a surprise when you sat down at your usual table with no tray or lunchbox. Nobody seemed to notice. Jason certainly didn't.
Mere seconds after sitting down next to him, he uncomfortably snaked an arm around your waist with a smirk. He always did this. It was nice the first few times, but it didn't take long to get weird. It definitely was not as nice anymore. The two of you always sat at the head of the table, having nobody else directly next to either of you. This constantly gave Jason advantages, advantages you didn't like at all. One time, he made an attempt at touching you from under the table that was far from indisputable. The worst part was that you couldn't say anything about it. That was unless you wanted to end up bruised again.
Shuddering at the horrid memory, Jason started to speak, his hand now rubbing your side a little.
"Hey, babe, I was thinking of hosting another party at my place. You in?" He questioned, that disgustingly familiar smirk still plastered on his face.
"I- uhm..." You stuttered, unsure of how to go about this without the whole table hearing and going into a fit of whispers. "Just- c'mere- for a moment.." The tone you spoke in was unintentionally soft. There was no way in hell you'd ever raise your voice at him.
Pulling Jason along with you, you walked back out to the lockers closest to the entryway of the cafeteria, making sure there were little to no students roaming the halls for fear of them overhearing. "Jason, I just... I've been thinking," you took a shaky breath.
"I don't really think that this is.. that this is working out." You had never averted your gaze quicker in your life.
"Wha-" he paused, letting out an amused chuckle. "What do you mean, baby?" His smile was very slowly fading. He knew what you meant. No doubt about it. He just wanted to truly hear it from you.
"I mean I think we should, y'know, leave it here." The way you avoided the words 'break' and 'up' was so undeniably obvious- to both you and him.
"You're saying we should break up? Is that it?" Jason's smile had fully gone away, now replaced with a nasty scowl that made your heart rate increase. "You're saying you wanna leave me for some other dickhead?" With a snarling tone, his words soon became more rhetorical than ever as he shoved you into a cold, metallic locker behind you.
You gasped and winced at the aggression, though it was far from something new. "Jason, please! This is exactly why I'm saying this!" You retored, tears stinging and bubbling in your eyes.
"You know I'm the best you've ever had- and don't try and lie to me like you won't be choking on some other guys dick tomorrow!" Jason snapped back, the words hitting you like a ton of bricks. You wouldn't consider yourself a prude, but sex wasn't a frequent thing for you. It was almost entirely his fault that you knew as much as you did about it.
"Jesus fucking Christ- this is your problem!" You snapped back at your now ex-boyfriend.
"You get all pissed off when things don't go your way and blame it on anyone else but yourself! Just.. Just fuck off!" That was it. The first and most likely last time you had ever bitten back at him.
His immediate change from anger to both shock and fury in expression was enough. You ran off down the hallway before he could say anything more, tears burning and blurring your vision as they streamed down your flushed cheeks in warm lines.
You dashed down the hallway in uneven and uncoordinated steps, quickly barging into the closest bathroom you could find.
The door squeaked a little as it opened and closed. You went directly into the nearest stall, locking yourself in there for god knows how long.
Sinking down against the wall of the cramped bathroom stall, the overwhelming wave of emotion got the best of you. Nothing could stop the fact that you were full on sobbing at this point with zero care if anyone heard you.
It'd been five minutes. Five minutes of wholeheartedly crying your eyes out. That was up until you heard a familiar squeak. The bathroom door.
"Hey, uhh.. R'you alright?" They asked, the only thing unusual about it was the fact that it was clearly a male student speaking. A male student. Why would a guy be in the girls bathroom?
You scrambled to wipe your tears and silence your whimpers, but it was too late. Someone had obviously heard you.
"Sh-shit.. Yeah, m'fine.." You somehow managed to mumble out in a small voice, just barely above a whisper.
There was a moment of silence. It seemed like he realized something too, though neither of you thought to mentioned anything about it.
Your eyes fought to find a semipermanent spot to rest for the awkwardly quiet conversation. They eventually landed on the pair of scuffed, white, Reebok sneakers creeping towards the bathroom stall you'd secluded yourself in. The shoes stopped moving about a foot away from the door.
"Can I, y'know, come in?- Or open the door, I guess?" The unknown student questioned, his tone uncertain whether or not it was a normal thing to ask.
The more he spoke, the more you felt as if you knew this boy. Since you didn't recognize his voice right off the bat, it was evident that you two didn't know each other too well.
"Uhm... I guess so.." You answered, the same level of uncertainty in your voice. With that, the door opened slowly, the anticipation to find out who this mystery student was becoming worse. Lo and behold, the schools freak stood towering over your body that was currently shriveled up in the dirty corner.
There was a subtle sense of recognition in his confused gaze. Did he know you or something? Of course he knew you. Everyone did. You aren't exactly a secret after being a school's most popular cheerleader.
"y/n..?" The boy spoke again, more confusion flooding into his single word than before he'd unmasked you. Everyone in the school thought you were perfect, not a single flaw in your soul. So, imagine the surprise of seeing you, crumpled up like a discarded note in the corner of a bathroom stall. Not exactly ideal.
You couldn't say anything. There was nothing to say. The most you could do was peer up at him with red, glossy eyes and mascara stains all down your flushed cheeks, limbs uncomfortably scrunched together.
"There is- so much to unpack here," Eddie stumbled on his words, eyes searching around frantically to no specific destination. "Shit.." His mind was running a mile a minute to think of something- anything to say.
"What're you," he took a breath, eye narrowing. "What're you doin' in the guys bathroom..?"
Your eyes went wide. As if this wasn't already an atrociously awkward and embarrassing interaction, he had to go and ruin it even more. He was unmistakably horrible at comforting people.
"Fuck!" You gave up, too much was happening in too little time. You let your head drop into your knees with another sob of more emotions than you could comprehend, and Eddie couldn't do much but watch your entire breakdown, making things about a million times worse.
Suddenly, Eddie acted on impulse, dropping to his knees to make somewhat of an attempt at helping you.
"Hey, hey, hey, it's okay." His hands twitched with hesitancy, hovering above your shoulders. Should he touch you? Could he touch you? What even happened? Hundreds of thoughts flooded his mind as he stayed there, unable to do much but stare at the way you crumbled into a shaking mess of tears.
Throwing all caution into the wind, he placed his ringed hands on your shoulders and just kept them there, hoping that would do at least a little good in trying to calm you down.
"y/n, look at me." His tone was gentle. The care in his voice clashed with his intimidating appearance. A lot.
Inhaling a shaky breath, you looked up at him with puffy eyes and trembling lips.
"D'you wanna tell me what happened?" Your brain went haywire at the simple question, but you did the best you could at remaining physically (somewhat) calm.
Wiping your stinging tears with the sleeve of your cardigan, you nodded softly. "Just- please don't tell anyone. I don't need everyone in the school to be talking about me."
"Pinky swear." He stated genuinely, holding out his pinky finger to you. The child-like way of promise made you chuckle just a little bit.
You took a breath to recollect yourself before speaking.
"I broke up with Jason."
"Holy fuck."
"I know- I don't.." You sniffled, reddened eyes filling up with water for what felt like the millionth time in the past fifteen minutes. "I don't know what to do, because I know for a f-fact he's gonna start some stupid rumor about how we broke up."
"Like what?" Oblivious to how insensitive that may have sounded considering the current circumstances, Eddie couldn't help but wonder what kind of shitty things the blonde jock would conjure up as a way of dramatic retaliation.
That was a low blow, even for the school's freak. At least that's what you thought.
Looking up at him with wet eyes and a look of disappointment, he immediately took back his previous question, scooting backward to give you a little space.
"Right. Sorry.." Eddie muttered an apology awkwardly, nothing but the chatter of students leaving the cafeteria heard between the two of you.
It took Eddie a minute-- or six-- but, he managed to think of something that he thought would help lighten the mood of the saddened cheerleader before him.
"How about we skip next period? Have a little fun, yeah?"
This is such a short fic but wtv
I hope it was kinda enjoyable anyway 🫶
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Hey, mod here I finally decided to write headcanons for the Hantengu clone and Zohakuten should have done that sooner. Anyways let's begin. Btw this is still in progress I accidentally added this to my queue ;-;
All four Including Zohakuten
Sekido, Karaku, Aizetsu and urogi are more like quadruplets.
Sekido being the oldest and urogi the youngest of the four
They think of Zohakuten as their baby brother, and in return, he thinks of them as the annoying big brothers.
Like they have a brother dynamic, they stick together, they live together, they fight together and die together. If that's not quadruplet shit then I don't know what is.
All five of them consider Urami(hantengu) their father they would even call him Pa or father sometimes, they'ed even defend him like he's their dad.
all five are Blasien, specifically Nigerian. Like from the dub Aizetsu sounds like he might have a Nigerian Accent.
I have this theory, it's more like a headcanon tho and it doesn't really aline with Hantengus's backstory but anyways
The headcanon is that the clones were originally his sons and he lost all of them which caused him to become completely mentally and emotionally unstable
When he met Muzan, he agreed to turn into a demon but begged muzan to bring back his sons. when he turned, he gained the ability to split from his sons.
But that's just a theory, a game theory I'm sorry I had too
All four are 25(225)
Zohakuten is 13(213)
Urami is 80(280)
Hantengu is their last name, and is the name given to the main body they split from.
Urami (hantengu)
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The Father of all five and The oldest
He made them their clothes and fixes them, he does it i swear. fight me.
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Sekido is the oldest of the five and therefore takes the role of the angry and strict older brother, that bonks the younger ones on the head once in a while.
He sleepwalks and has an extremely creepy walk when he does.
Like he will walk around like he's gonna absorb the others.
My Man has back problems because he never relaxes.
He gets told by all his brothers and even Urami, that his back problems and stiffness come from that.
He also doesn't really stretch, so yeah.
The pain is the reason why he always stands so stiffly straight and only does minimal movements.
His favourite colour is actually blue.
He despises drinking and smoke
he absolutely hates it so much
He hates that Karaku smokes.
Urogi and Karaku probably take him out drinking just to piss him off or to have someone sober enough to stop them from doing stupid shit while under the influence.
I'm sorry but he is a control freak
Like he wants everything to be perfect
And everyone to do their parts correctly and how he want's it done
Absolutely hates slacking and making jokes on missions or meetings.
it's pretty much canon.
He can cook, he doesn't really have to but he can and he can cook good shit.
He loves his brothers tho more than he likes to admit to himself or anyone else.
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Like sekido, Karaku is the the second oldest of all four
He is the type of person that would make deez nuts jokes and perverted suggestions.
Would embarrass others on purpose just to get a kick out of it.
Gives good sex and Romance advice even tho no one asked him to.
But If you do ask for advice for anything to do with sex, flirting or romance he is the man for that.
Smokes weed but denies that he does it as a running gig,
because he tried to lie to Urami with a cigarette in his mouth which he forgot about, because he indeed was high at that time
Also offered his blunt once to zohakuten who ofc made a grimace at the smell and declined, as a joke
Got caught doing it and got his ass beat by Sekido and lectured by Urami
He can get very serious tho if he wants to be or if it's about kyogai or Urami or any of his brothers
He does deeply care for his brothers even if he annoys the undying shit out of them on purpose.
Sweats easily, like this man gets extremely hot very fast
Definitely has a fan,
Sleeps with the fan ON.
Not even Urami or Kyogai can convince him it's bad for him he.
Can cook but only the same simply dish and ONLY WHEN HE IS HIGH
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He is the emotional mess of the four
Emotional support brother
He is the person you go to when you feel like everything is to much and you just want to pour your heart out
Great listener.
Let's you speak and gives great advice and suggestions when asked to give them.
Only if you aske him tho
He is also the one that tries to resolve things between all of them
He doesn't talk much about his feeling which even kyogai and sekido find concerning and both are bad at expressing their feelings
The calmest of the four even when he was a human baby.
He rarely screamd or was Fuzzy definitely was the easiest to take care of.
Can cook too because the other two refuse to or can't cook.
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The youngest and the Hyperenergised of the four.
Gets the Zoomis a lot and I mean A LOT like he will fly and run giggling around and just pass out on the floor or a tree or even on someone else
Is cuddly and affectionate as fuck, like he will randomly hug all of them.
Has Autism a 100%
Gets distracted by birds or shiny things
Has a great sense of humour like, if you need a laugh or need some energy he will and can help.
Man can't keep his mouth shut for even a second.
He can talk for hours without stopping he can keep secrets under one condition
Five words
Remember when I said he can't shut up? It gets worse when he is drunk and he gets drunk fast.
Remember when I also said he can keep secrets? Yeah fuck that, He will spill the beans when he is drunk and there is nothing you could do if he is intoxicated and talking
unless you shut him up some how
This man doesn't shower or bath, he will fight you if you try to get him to do it.
Probably Used to scream like he is getting murdered when Urami would bath him when he was a human kid.
Still screams, even tho he is now a grown ass man.
But once he is in the water he refuses to get out or leave the shower
Absolutely would destroy the kitchen if you let him cook
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Absolutely hates being called baby brother but doesn't say anything about it tho.
Is the type of person to put the big boy pants on if his big brothers can't.
Gives off old-soul energy tho he is not that old. And says he doesn't.
Everyone thinks he does
Even Urami thinks that he does
He makes sure Their old man is taken care of when the others go on missions when separated
Is the defeniton of the "i'm surrounded by idiots"
He and Aizetsu Were and still are the calmest of all of them even when they were kids
has a very adorable laugh, like he has that cute baby giggle
And he still has that giggle
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starythewriter · 10 months
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Warnings: mentions of cum, fluff and very little smut M!Receiving. 18+
A/N: This is personally what I think vinnie would act like around his lover, if he were high. Chiii, y’all lucky getting one post early this week, but I couldn’t hold back like- I got carried away… as I should. Y’all rly got me to 20 notes in the shortest amount of time yet I think… so Ty! I hope that my stories can help you in any way. Ty y’all got me to 92 notes, I’m glad y’all enjoyed this. Ily OOP we at 167 notes now tysm
If y’all get this to 200 notes by the end of today. I’ll drop another vinnie hacker story.
•I see vinnie being very horny and needy of you especially when he’s high. he gon beg you at some point for some.
• like if you get ontop of him, slowly humping him with clothe on. let’s be real, he gonna be all over you, begging for you. just needing you ontop of his dick.
• vinnie definitely gonna be open to receiving head, I think this would be a perfect time for you to show your dominance over him by making him beg, for you to allow him to cum.
•I also see vinnie, being so sweet, caring and extra sentimental. whispering things like “ily” or just being so sweeeeeet and really loving you… I think each time y’all get High would be the most ideal time to get closer physically, emotionally and to form a stronger bond. maybe not an everyday bond, but if things were to get heated in a sexual way, then… neither of you could ignore what happened in the night you got high therefore making the sexual tension stronger…
•I think he would be easier to dominate. mostly laughing, making jokes having fun and being lighthearted, just wanting to enjoy his time. I also see him being a little fucked up, maybe reminiscing a bit about his past… but I don’t see him being down in the dumps or dwelling for a long time.
• he will be so clingy literally never wanting to leave you.
•I think that if you are flirty with vinnie he might start flexing in front of you and sort trying to make you horny and wet on purpose.
•he loves that, he wants to enjoy your sweet cunt. vinnie needs it to be dripping with wetness.
• vinnie will get super hard, horny and enticed by any skin to skin contact so be aware of that. It may come in handy chiiii.
•he’s definitely gonna be on a cool chill vibe… he gonna give you a LOT of hugs to be prepared for that.
the end! I hope y’all enjoyed omggg. I’m giving y’all a small blurb, on how I think vinnie would act with his lover if he was high. Also stream moonlight by Kali uchis.
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dinoshimaaa · 1 year
had a little brainrot about something. you know how in the interdarshan competition event happening later in the update, wanderer will most likely be representing the vahumana darshan which specialises in history and social sciences? makes me think…
hear me out, history major!kuni who doesn’t really have a lot of friends and sits by himself in the lecture hall, but nevertheless gets good grades for all his assignments.
history major!kuni who just shrugs when you ask for his secrets on how to score in quizzes and assignments and probably just goes “just study it’s not that hard”.
history major!kuni who acts nonchalant about his major but is secretly a huge history geek.
history major!kuni who, upon seeing some online user misunderstand the history of a certain time period in inazuma, is quick to berate them by typing out a 5 page long essay as to why the user is invalid and therefore he should cease to exist, under the reddit username u/TheBalladeer6.
history major!kuni who studies alone in cafes and libraries, so no one ever notices the subtle sparkle in his eyes whenever he does research on a certain historical era he’s particularly interested in.
history major!kuni who is secretly (would never admit it to anyone) very passionate about history and its people’s impact on today.
history major!kuni who flawlessly recited the entire history of tatarasuna in detail while drunk on firewater. (thank you, ajax.)
history major!kuni who buys little keychains and enamel pins of historically significant places, some of which are souvenirs he bought overseas.
history major!kuni who travels overseas not to sightsee or to eat local food, but to read up on the history of the places he visits, sometimes coming back with a whole ass completed report that no one asked him to do.
history major!kuni whose mother is the ceo of a famous fashion brand, and occasionally requests for her son’s help in modelling for her company. (kuni adrien agreste era?)
history major!kuni whose mother, raiden ei, does not want him to follow strictly in her footsteps and wishes for him to choose his own path, but he misunderstands this as her neglecting him throughout his childhood.
history major!kuni who has many private consultations with professor nahida, the peculiar child-looking professor who hides an astounding amount of wisdom behind her big doe eyes.
history major!kuni who doesn’t even need professor nahida’s help in academics, and only spends time with her because of her comforting presence (again, would never admit this to anyone).
history major!kuni who, when comfortable with someone, would talk their ear off about a random history topic unprompted. any time, any day.
history major!kuni who only shrugs it off if you compliment “oh wow, you’re so good at history!” but goes stunned in admiration when you add on to his history ramblings.
history major!kuni who drags friends and close ones to museum outings together, but is slick about it so you don’t make fun of his geekery.
“hey, some rando asked me out on sunday and i don’t want to ruin my image by rejecting her upfront, so go to the museum with me sunday morning so i can tell her i’m busy.” “sure, kuni, sure… definitely not because you wanted to see the new exhibit on fontaine’s olden technology, no?” “pfft, what? of course not.”
history major!kuni who can go into heavy detail, and will, in a history topic if you expressed curiosity in it.
history major!kuni who only lends his history notes to close friends and people he thinks are passionate about history enough and hence deserve to see his (totally not) high quality, organised, 37-hour-long-preparation notes.
history major!kuni who thinks of travelling around the world (he has the money) or being a museum curator after he graduates.
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cellarspider · 2 months
26/?? PIE to the face
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We return to a movie that is going to linguistically hurt me again, Prometheus. You get to read a ramble about PIE. You’re welcome.
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Content warning for MORE OF ME. I cannot be stopped.
So. Imagine you have found a sleeping alien. You believe that they were on a mission to destroy humanity as a disappointment. What do you do? Not waking them up is certainly an option. But what if you do? You’re going to want to not disappoint them.
One could, for example, study the records still maintained within the alien ship. Learn about their culture. Get more than one guy to learn their language, particularly since this translator you’ve got seems to be a little gung-ho on things like “seeing [his] parents dead.” That’s a bit of a warning sign.
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And hey, something horrible happened on this ship, probably right before or right after this alien was put into hibernation. There’s a lot of dead bodies on the ship. Having a trauma counselor or three there would be a good call. People trained in de-escalation, definitely. Give you a chance to talk the alien down, and help them process stuff in what’s hopefully a culturally appropriate manner, given your xenological research before waking them up.
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You’ll probably want to make sure to take the “kill humanity” button away from them too, that would be a good idea. And, preferably, not have exploded the head of one of their colleagues.
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Am I describing a process that would take years? Yes. It should. This is the most important thing humanity’s ever done.
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It’s been two days since the Prometheus landed.
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As stated before, my faith in fictional humanity was not high in this scene.
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David wakes the Engineer up. Rather than any of the measures I described above, the Engineer is met with David, Weyland, some security guys, Doctor Franenstein the head-exploder, and Shaw.
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It took most of the humans a good hour or so to stop looking like death after waking up after a two year nap, and this Engineer’s been under for a thousand times longer. The poor bugger is visibly hung over and feeling sick, almost falling over on Weyland.
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Shaw starts demanding David ask where they’re from, what’s in the ship’s cargo, why was it made for humans, all in English as Weyland tries to talk over her. They are speaking a language that only took its modern form 1600 years after the last events on this ship took place. The Engineer has zero clue what anyone’s saying.
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The Engineer remains silent, and visibly disturbed by how Wayland orders his security guy to hit Shaw, which just makes the still unintelligible questions louder and less coherent.
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And then David starts speaking to them.
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There was a short dialog between them filmed, but in the final cut, the Engineer doesn’t speak at all.
The final cut also removes Weyland’s pitch for why he should have immortality–he created life in David. David is something more perfect than human. Therefore Weyland is a god, and gods never die.
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This is, as you can imagine, not convincing. It would’ve made Weyland slightly more explicable as a character, but the movie hasn’t even done that for its lead, so of course it doesn’t for Old Man Capitalism.
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In the full release, David only says a few sentences. To quote Anil Biltoo, who wrote the translation:
The line that David speaks to the Engineer (which is from a longer sequence that didn’t make the final edit) is as follows: /ida hmanəm aɪ kja namṛtuh zdɛ:taha/…/ghʷɪvah-pjorn-ɪttham sas da:tṛ kredah/ A serviceable translation into English is: ‘This man is here because he does not want to die. He believes you can give him more life’.
This is–okay. In the theater, I did not know precisely what this language was. But I was making a fair imitation of the Engineer's expression in response to this, because I was pretty sure it was PIE.
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Proto-Indo-European, that is. A massive swath of world languages are all traceable back to one source, though we have no records of it. Linguistic reconstruction of how they evolved from earlier roots allows us to infer a language that must have existed, and we call that the Proto-Indo-European language. PIE for short. And this is a big ol’ slice of PIE right here. 
And I had a whole thing in early drafts of this post. I’d convinced myself over the years that my inexperience with PIE had led me astray in the theater. I’d convinced myself this was a PIE conlang. Meaning, I thought this was a language created for this movie that sounds like a cousin to PIE. That’s still howlingly weird, for reasons I’ll get into. But then I saw this featurette:
[Video description: A behind the scenes featurette for Prometheus entitled “Language Of The Gods”. It interviews Anil Biltoo on his work for the movie, in which he explains the concept of a proto-language, of PIE in specific, and what he did for the movie.]
It’s PIE. It’s a different reconstruction of PIE than the current standard, but it’s PIE.
And I feel vindicated, because that’s what I heard in the theater. David opened his mouth and out came PIE. 
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I can actually read a few words in the excerpt. I could hear them in the theater. The word /hmanəm/ is clearly meant to be a root word of “man”, which standard reconstructions indicate is the descendent of PIE *ǵʰmṓ. /Namṛtuh/ is very clearly from PIE *ne-mért, “not-die”, because anything that looks like “mort” in an indo-european language probably has something to do with death. And “/kredah/” is close to PIE *ḱréddʰh₁eti, hence Latin “crēdit”, hence modern italian “créde”, “he believes”. 
PIE is just like that, sometimes. Some roots are unrecognizable, others are instantly identifiable. I’ll include my attempt at a gloss (a brief technical explanation of the meaning and grammar) at the end of the post.
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The implication is that the Engineers taught their language to humans. That was Proto-Indo-European, which then spread from there. I almost started laughing in the theater at this. 
In the real world, we know a few things about where PIE came from. PIE was probably spoken by people north of the Black Sea, at least five thousand years ago. This guy who’s just woken up with a hibernation hangover went to sleep three thousand years after that. 
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But, y’know what? Fine. Let’s say it’s a liturgical language. David’s done the equivalent of walking up to somebody and speaking to them in church Latin. Weird, but not impossible that it could be understood. Or maybe they’re just so damn long-lived and linguistically conservative that it’s more like talking to somebody in an old-timey news broadcaster voice. Still weird! But comprehensible.
But you know what we can’t possibly link back to PIE? Egyptian, Sumerian, Akkadian, Hawaiian, or the Mayan languages, most of the other ancient cultures the movie says the Engineers definitely contacted. Did all those come from the same ur-language? We don’t know. We can’t know, because our reconstruction methods are ineffective past a certain point. But if they did, then their root language had to have existed before the Bering Strait closed off the Americas from Asia, making any common ancestor at least twice as old as PIE. The movie’s implication is that it was PIE. The language of the gods is PIE. PIEngineer.
Apparently everybody who the Engineers talked to just forgot the language of the gods, save for the linguistic descendants of some nomads on the Black Sea Steppe.
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And that’s before we get into the worse implications. We can’t tie East Asian languages back to PIE. Austronesian languages. American languages. African languages. Were these people just not contacted by the Engineers? Did they forget? Did they refuse to listen?
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None of these are good answers! None! They’re all bad!
In Anil Biltoo’s defense, he’s an academic linguist, and, to my knowledge, not one who’s a conlanger. Ridley Scott specifically wanted to work in the oldest possible human language, and Biltoo delivered on that, based on modern scholarship. He did not make an alien language that evolved into a human language. If Scott had wanted that, David and Jesse Peterson would probably go feral for the project, but they weren’t asked. What would be the most naturalistic thing to do, if you wanted to get across the idea that humans inherited language from the Engineers?
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You make a Proto-Human language. People have tried before, and others have argued their attempts are bullshit. This is one of those times that Wikipedia has a “the neutrality of this article is disputed” flag at the top of the page, because there are nerd fights everywhere on this. We don’t even know if a Proto-Human language ever existed–there could have been multiple independent origins of language–but if you’re writing fiction, sure, Proto-Human exists.
Come up with a vocabulary and grammar that could work for Proto-Human, have David speak it to the Engineer, it sounds alien to everybody, nobody gets to be the special children of the gods, and no linguistics dork in the audience will laugh at you.
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They will definitely laugh at what happens next, though.
But the post is not done! Bonus linguistic nerdery below, including a sample of my constructed language and its script.
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Citations for alt-text rambles:
PIEngineer gloss
Alright, for the language nerds in the audience, I’ve put together a potential gloss, entirely based off of PIE roots available on Wiktionary and a shaky understanding of PIE verb construction:
/ida hmanəm aɪ kja namṛtuh zdɛ:taha/…/ghʷɪvah-pjorn-ɪttham sas da:tṛ kredah/ this.[singular neuter??] man.NOM [anaphoric demonstrative].1.NOM.MASC here not-die EMPHATIC/towards.3MASC.PRES(?)…life-many-[resultative or inchoative verb suffix? adjective of possession, accusative singular?] [genitive singular reflexive?] give.[middle 3S] believe.[stative(?) 3S] A more literal translation would therefore be “This man here does not (want to) approach death…he believes he (can be) given more life-having to himself.”
I am not good at figuring out suffix affixation for PIE verbs, so I probably missed or misinterpreted a few in there. I’m not sure how to break down /zdɛ:taha/ in particular, and /sas/ is a bit mysterious to me. Biltoo definitely created his own PIE reconstruction for this. Vowels are all shifted (ex *éy -> /aɪ/), there’s more palatal consonants (*ḱi-Ø -> /kja/, *polh₁-r̥-m -> pjorn), and other sound shifts I’m too scatterbrained to categorize right now.
PIEngineer to Tade Taadži translation
Alright. I previously mentioned that I have a conlang. I have yet to mention that it is distantly related to Prometheus, powered by the spiteful creative energy this movie engendered in me.
So it’s only fair I translate this passage into my language, write it in my script, and give a thorough gloss.
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Jàà odormàà, hu sàà id aannãgu … midadjã kii jur kaas ʻus mogeso. /jɐː odoɾmɐː hu sɐː id aːnːãgu/ / … /midadjã kiː juɾ̥ kaːs ʔus mogeso/ This.VOC not-native-person.ALL, death.INST not go.ATTR want.PRES. Forever.NOM give this.ALL 2S.VOC ACC 3S.NEAR.ponder.PRES.3P.FAR.ACC
Translation notes:
I am assuming David is speaking formally, clearly, and respectfully in this translation, even if one of the people he’s being respectful about is Weyland. Both Weyland and the Engineer are thus addressed using the Vocative case when first directly mentioned.
Due to the formality of the speech, formal style glyphs are also used: these require significant planning ahead of time, to identify ligatures, aesthetic considerations, and, ideally, to select a total number of words that works out to a multiple of six, as this is culturally the ideal number for a line of text.
Formal ligatures can cross glyph boundaries, and are read every time you encounter part of them in the left-to-right, top-to-bottom reading order. The most common ligatures are between grammatical markers, as in this text, but can extend to whole glyphs or even individual components of them. If one is feeling particularly artistic, aesthetic ligatures may also be joined between thematically similar glyphs.
Gendered pronouns are not used in this context. Politeness dictates that any third person pronouns be replaced with the equivalent of “this” or “that”, unless given express permission to use more informal terms of address. This is especially true when referring to non-native speakers, as they do not have an equivalent social role to the five (yes, five) genders of Taadži culture.
The word for “non-native person” used to indicate Weyland literally means “thing that has a spirit”.
Following my shaky PIEngineer gloss, I tweaked the verb in the first sentence: “to die” would normally be “hur hybà” (lit. “to stand at death”), but this has been changed to “hu iddà”, “go to death”, indicating that Weyland fears even getting near the idea.
The word for “forever”, “midadjã”, is derived from the word for 66, or 46,656. Tade Taadži uses a base six number system, because I felt like taking Jan Misali up on his heximal advocacy.
The normal word order for the language is SVO, but in dependent clauses it becomes OVS, just to make things harder for everyone, including me, who muttered “ah fuck” when I had to check my notes to remember where to put an allative and vocative in there. It’s after the verb, apparently.
The language has verbal person marking in some contexts, and I deliberately bent the second sentence into a more poetic mode so that I could show it off while retaining formal speech, referring to Weyland’s belief as if it’s a person. The glyphs ligate the person marker to the tense marker, Both to save space and for aesthetic purposes.
I had no word for “believe” when I started writing this sentence, so I grabbed a verb already associated with thinking during unmoving meditation to stand in for it, to get across the idea that “this is something he has thought about a lot”.
It’s a shame David’s being polite, because while I didn’t have a word for “believe”, I do have a word for “to believe despite evidence to the contrary”.
Bonus citations:
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noroi1000 · 8 months
❝𝐒𝐚𝐭𝐨𝐫𝐮-𝐒𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐞𝐢❞ Chapter 06
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Satoru-Sensei | ←Previous chapter • Next Chapter →
Summary: So on your second anniversary you can also give him something that he will be happy with .You will give him you. Again. You want him to be delighted with you. And you didn't know the moment he refused something like that. He never refused you. That's why you knew it would be something nice. Because he likes it.
A/n: Smut warning  (oral sex - fem receiving; vaginal sex) ⚠️Since some people wanted such a scene, here it is.
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This was hard to admit. But you really wanted to give something to your Sensei on your second anniversary. It's like your second anniversary. Therefore, the best thing would be to give him something he will like.
You remember those moments two years ago. Everything that happened two years ago... That's all.
This should be a bad memory. Because then you kind of died for other people. And you lost your former life. You lost what you had. You lost that life. And you regained what you always wanted to have. You gained a life with your sensei as you wanted.
You were an adult. He was older than you.
Your relationship is real.
You do everything real couples do.
Including intimacy.
You could have sex from the time you were 16. Because that's the law. However, he was older, and he didn't want you to enter too quickly into something that would become too deep for you.
He said he would wait for you until you were definitely ready.
Even though you were legally allowed to do whatever you wanted, he didn't want to force you. Because you were still younger and weren't completely ready. At least according to him.
He wanted to wait until you were an adult. And he would only do something like that for you when you were one hundred percent sure that this is what you wanted.
Why? Because his psyche forbade him from doing anything with you when you were younger than him. He was 28 and you were 16. That's why he didn't want you to lose your innocence when you could hold it..
On your 18th birthday, you did something the most daring and maybe not very responsible. You asked your sensei for your first intimate night together.
And he, knowing that you were aware of what you wanted and that you knew it was something you wanted, did it for you.
Giving you your first night like this.
He picked a cherry from the tree.
He ate the fruit and enjoyed the taste and smell. He was pleased with how plump and delicious the fruit was.
And you wanted to give your only cherry to him.
The first such intimate contact, and you knew that you had entered a completely new threshold in your relationship.
A completely new road lies ahead of you. Because you could no longer think of him as your sensei or you as his student. Because such a line has already been blurred between you. Completely blurred.
There is no longer a teacher-student relationship. Now it's just you. You wanted to give him something special.
You are afraid that he may feel uncomfortable knowing that two years ago you were a first year at Jujutsu High as his student. A student who was shy and quiet. A student who couldn't cope with training at all. A student who asked for additional extracurricular activities. A student who needed help getting stronger. You cannot grow stronger without understanding your own Jujutsu technique. That's why you couldn't do it, being low. That's why you wanted to avoid mentioning that he was your teacher.
You don't talk about what happened at school and about school. But he likes it when you call him Sensei. He feels so nice then. Because when that word comes out of your mouth, it sounds so sweet. There was only one other person besides you who said his name so sweetly.
Satoru-Sensei... That sounded so sweet...
But you wanted to give him moments he didn't have to feel uncomfortable with.
Something he would never associate a student with.
You don't have much choice about the gift. You have nowhere to buy it. You have no money, you have no way to get off the island. You can't go to the store.
Besides what you could buy him. A man who could have everything he could dream of. He can buy anything. He could even afford this island and this house. He earns a lot, so no one could stop him from using this money.
You had no way to buy him anything. You could make him something to eat, something he likes. However, you won't be able to find the recipe and make it in time.
Besides... Your sensei is a man. Men have their own fantasies and needs.
Your sensei has it too. And since you're both adults, there's nothing wrong with that.
For his birthday, you tried to give him something he would like. Something pretty. But when you couldn't find anything, he said you were enough for him.
You gave yourself to him on his birthday. And he was very pleased.
You also...
So on your second anniversary you can also give him something that he will be happy with.
You will give him you. Again.
You want him to be delighted with you. And you didn't know the moment he refused something like that. He never refused you. That's why you knew it would be something nice. Because he likes it.
What man wouldn't like sex?
Besides, it's very nice together with your sensei. That's why you don't think it will be excessive. He wants it just as much as you do.
But you don't have the courage to tell him directly because it makes your cheeks burn.
But he knows all your body's reactions. That's why you can be sure that he knows that you feel good with him.
Standing in front of the mirror, you looked at the light blue nightgown with small ruffles and a bow to decorate the neckline.
Your sensei prefers your cute look rather than your sexier one, right?
The truth was that he wanted something in between. Cute but sexy.
That's why he bought you this light-colored nightgown whose material doesn't cover it completely. Clothes that reach mid-thigh.
You didn't put on any makeup. You didn't do anything to your hair. Because your face will be wet later anyway.
In the evening, you prepared for his return.
You looked at your reflection in the large mirror with slightly pink cheeks.
This is your gift to him...
And when he came back, you were standing in front of him in his big T-shirt. And under this fabric you had your gift for him.
"Were you waiting for me?" he smiled and held out his hands, waiting for your hug to greet him.
You pressed yourself against him and stood on your toes to give him better access to place his lips on yours. He was very tall. You didn't want his neck to hurt from bending over so much.
"Were you sleeping?" he asked and took off the blindfold. His eyes went to his shirt on your body.
"No." you replied, cuddling up to him. "Satoru..."
He paid even more attention to you.
Your cheeks a little redder as you looked at his shirt on your body.
You bit your lip slightly.
"Today is our anniversary..."
"Yes Honey! I have something for us!" he said cheerfully.
"I have something for you too." You grabbed the collar of your shirt and looked under the fabric, at your nightgown.
He chuckled.
You looked at him.
"Is my present here?" he placed his index finger on your stomach.
You nodded, looking below his face.
"I wanted to give you something, but I don't have anything to give you... So I thought..."
"It's a lovely gift. All I ever wanted was you." His fingers unbuttoned the top of his uniform and he tossed it aside,  stretching slightly in his black t-shirt.
Until suddenly he took it off.
Your eyes followed his muscles almost shamelessly.
"I know you like this view. Now please let me see the view I love."
You grabbed the shirt on your body and ripped it off, allowing him to see the cute and beautiful nightgown on your body.
"What do you want from me?" he purred into your ear, moving closer.
For him to start anything, you have to agree. You have to say you want it.
"Satoru-Sensei... I want... I want you to take your gift...” you mumbled, feeling your face start to heat up slightly.
And like a child who got a birthday present, he clung to your body, kissing you and holding you against him, pushing you against the wall.
"What exactly would you like from me?" he asked with a smile, standing in front of you.
You placed your gaze on the floor and rolled up the hem of your nightgown to show your lower half without underwear.
His voice purred upon seeing this. He also smiled when he saw your red face.
His innocent little girl is not that innocent... He thought like this.
"This will be the perfect gift." he laughed lightly.
He knelt in front of you and leaned your back against the wall harder. To suddenly lift one of your legs and place it on his shoulder. Your calf lying on his back. He did the same to your other leg and let you hold onto his neck.
Then he calmed you down and slowly motioned for you to rest your back against the wall. You couldn't fall.
He moved closer to the wall, getting a little more between your legs. Your heart was pounding in your chest at the mere feeling of his cheeks brushing against your thighs. You grabbed the fabric of your clothes and lifted it for him.
Using his fingers to spread the lips of your pussy, he placed his tongue on you, making you gasp.
To feel his tongue painting wonders down there. His fingers began caressing your insides. Making your juices and his slick marks paint on your skin.
It's amazing that he knows your body so much. He knows what force to use in what place to make your body spasm. And all this with his eyelashes falling softly on his cheeks as he kept his eyes closed, or with blue eyes looking at your red face as you moan, trying to cover your mouth.
A few minutes like this, and you spilled your juices for him, giving his eager tongue your orgasm.
The way you cum so quickly for him would be embarrassing if you were with anyone else. However, you were with him. With someone who knows your body more than you do. With someone whose precision trumps others. His experience helps him watch you wet and trembling just minutes after he starts working on you. After one orgasm.
Looking at your closed eyes and open mouth, he chuckled, pulling his tongue out of your quivering hole.
Tasting you.
He slowly lowered your trembling legs and stood in front of you, unbuttoning his pants.
Your head rested against his chest as he let you rest like this for a moment.
His pants fell down by themselves when he didn't have his belt or zipper fastened. Resting your back against the wall again, he leaned down to grab your thighs and wrap them around his hips.
He lowered the waistband of his underwear to release his erection. Placing it on your swollen clit, he captured your lips in a kiss.
While your eyes were closed, he looked down with one eye, lifting the fabric over your body and guiding his tip towards the center of you. He closed his eyes with a look of pleasure on his face and very slowly pushed himself into your slick, ready walls.
Listening to your moans against his lips, he moved his hips slightly to enter you completely.
Your hands holding onto the back of his neck.
"My gift doesn't compare to yours. You give it to me. And I just wanted to give us an evening of watching anime and eating your favorite snacks."
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Taglist: @mc-reborn ; @yihona-san06 ; @yerinsshi ; @erisfayred ; @tohsri
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azrielgreen · 2 months
Hi, I hope you don't mind my asking you this but why don't you like people reviewing your work on Goodreads? a lot of other authors are proud to have their work reviewed there and it makes fics more accessible so I don't really know why you'd ask people not to? Please don't think this is a criticism at all. I'm genuinely curious and absolutely love all your work!!!
Hi, that's absolutely fine. I'm always happy to talk about it and I know it can be a little divisive because people like to bookmark/review what they're reading and that mostly does come from a place of good intentions.
Firstly, I would never want my fics to be accessible or mainstream. It was always surprising to me that YD was read by so many. I write for myself for fun, and the only people I want to read it are the people who actually want to read it, who went looking for it using tags or read the blurb and thought, 'yes, definitely for me!' - usually a small audience, which makes me very happy!
It's no secret that I absolute despise rating systems for fanfiction and what that leads to - the mainstreaming of fanfiction in general. Fanfiction is written by people who just want to share their work, not to compete with others and get on the NY Times Bestseller list.
There is NO NEED WHATSOEVER in my opinion to rate fanfiction based on personal preference/enjoyment/critique. Goodreads is first and foremost a rating system for reviewing books. I actually disagree with rating art in any way whatsoever, including published works, movies, music etc... I believe that a rating system should, at best, be used to provide feedback about the functionality of a service/object. Art is subjective, it's there to elicit emotions and feelings and IMO should not be rated in such a way. One person's 1/5 review is useless to someone else because everyone is different and exploration is discouraged when the rating is low, but I'm getting wildly off track here.
Fanfiction is not intended, IMO, for wide mainstream consumption. The casual normalisation of rating fanfics on GR & TikTok has become a plague of misery for many writers and a lazy haven for mean-spirited book critic wannabes. To be very clear, I'm talking about RATING them. Giving them a score out of 10 or 5. Picking them apart in a negative & critical way, often on the immediate basis of them not being "canon compliant". Only today, I saw a TikTok of someone slamming a fic for being "different than the book".
To me, fanfiction is so special and beautiful and rare. I'd be lost without it and I read it daily. There are stories that have legitimately saved me. Fanfiction can be anything, written by anyone at any level. No one is obligated to read it, therefore any criticism, you keep to yourself. Rating it on Goodreads alongside published works is, in my humble opinion, fucking gross unless the author has specifically added it themselves.
This includes rating the fic in bookmarks, which is rampant. High rating or not, it's not a nice feeling and a little fandom etiquette goes a long way.
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softpine · 1 month
the amount of knowledge in guns you need to have to weave that into the story is fascinating to me. I don’t even know what racking a gun is (I do however know a whole bunch about obscure physics theorems) anyway I just think it’s neat how far we go into research to write things that make sense
i'm still not sure if i got everything correct, but no one has told me otherwise fjkjsd you've definitely heard the sound of a shotgun racking if you've watched any movie with guns in it, it's that "ch-chuck" kinda sound. what i didn't know is that there's apparently a huge debate in the home defense gun community over whether you should keep your gun loaded and racked or just loaded (don't bother mentioning safeties, they'll call you slurs...). the true benefit of not racking the gun would be if a little kid gets a hold of it, they're not going to know how to rack it therefore even if they pulled the trigger they hopefully wouldn't be able to shoot anything (in MY opinion this is idiotic; the chance that the gun would go off anyway is never zero, especially if they've ever seen their parents shooting and decide to copy their movements, as kids love to do). then some people think you should wait to rack it until you know there's an intruder in your house because the mere sound of it will make them go "oh shit" and just leave. people on the other side of the argument think this is pointless and only serves to reveal your position (but uhhh fyi, in some states you're supposed to give them a verbal warning and/or try to escape before using deadly force anyway). and they say you shouldn't be owning a gun if you're not prepared to use it as anything other than a sound effect. plus i saw some people say that you need that 1 extra round in the chamber or you might run out, which.... most pump shotguns hold 3 - 5 rounds so.. it just seems excessive to me, i can't imagine shooting up to 5 times and missing all of them?? in that case dude i think you're just fucked and 1 extra try is not going to help you lmao
the time factor is the most compelling argument to me, obviously if you're asleep and you hear someone break in and enter your bedroom, your gun is useless unless it's ready to shoot right this second. but the chances of this happening are just so slim and you know what would be even more effective?? a home alarm system so no one can possibly make it to your bedroom without you knowing about it. i saw a lot of people say they keep a loaded shotgun under their bed for this scenario. i'm a paranoid fuck and i've always lived in areas with high crime rates so i get it, but that's why i keep a maglite next to me while i sleep so in the incredibly unlikely event that someone breaks in without me hearing it, i can you know. whack them. do i ever think i'll need to do that? no but it makes me feel safer than having a loaded and chambered gun with no safety on lmao that would make me feel incredibly UNsafe... also i don't want to make this too dark but while i was in high school i knew FIVE kids who died because of their parents guns, one way or another. that is just unacceptable to me. we also had a gun go off at school and even though no one was hurt, that was one of the most traumatic experiences of my life because obviously in the moment we all heard a gunshot and thought it was an intentional school shooting. so anyway, me and guns do not get along but it's fascinating to research
but yeah as you can see i fell down the rabbit hole!! the things you do for writing jfksjds i did not need to go that far with it, but it was interesting!
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Response To Post On Transphobia
"By 'transphobes' they don't mean someone who feels malice toward a particular set of people. They mean people who perceive some harm arising from ostensibly harmless conduct. If they're not picking your pocket or breaking your leg or similar, what justifies your getting involved in their business?"
I'll say this again. Cross dressing, drag shows, hormone therapy/sex reassignment surgery for adults, all of this has existed for ages and most of us never cared a bit about it. We do not care about how any adult chooses to live their life, or how they choose to perceive themselves; that is what liberty means. What we care about is the attempt to forcefully impose those same perceptions onto the rest of us; that is the opposite of liberty. The current ideological movement in question here involves an attempt by certain parties on the Left to shape our conduct and our beliefs; and therefore it is an attempt to intrude into our business. Laws have been passed in states like New York and California, and in nations like Canada which literally dictate how people are to speak concerning sex/gender (employers, landlords, educators etc.)
An endeavor to positively dictate how people speak (to determine what concepts they must employ and how) is an endeavor to dictate public belief. At the same time, we are all collectively informed that to willfully refuse to use this language is to exhibit "hate". The political Left has a peculiar practice of attempting to forcefully dictate public belief (which is by definition intruding into people’s private lives) and then, when they are called out for doing so, complaining that their critics are somehow the ones intruding into people's lives by objecting to those policies.
Requiring private businesses to adopt a certain eccentric ideological perspective concerning sex/gender, and demanding that they alter their policies accordingly is also more than merely allowing people to “live their own lives”. It is the imposition of one subjective, highly questionable worldview onto all of society. Meanwhile, certain other unfortunate parties are left to suffer the practical consequences of this world view: young girls and female athletes lose access to valuable life opportunities, and in other instances (high contact sports) are physically brutalized by biological males. Female inmates are housed with and raped by male prisoners who don't "identify as men", and all under a system which intimidates these girls and women into silence and compliance, making them the offenders if they complain about the unfairness.
Finally, when we speak of the citizen's sovereignty over himself, it is implicitly understood that we are referring to adults. Children/minors do not possess the same rights as adults. They are overseen both by their parents and by the state (due to the potential for parental neglect and abuse). Furthermore, there are certain things that children cannot do even with a parent's consent because we believe they are not things that a child can elect to do. For example, in many states children are not allowed to possess alcohol even with a parent's consent. Children are not allowed to work certain jobs, to work certain hours, or in any other manner not consistent with child labor laws. Therefore, I don't believe that life altering and permanent decisions such as those in question in the gender ideology debate should be made by minors. When they are adults, they may do as they will. They are adults.
I have never taken the position that a person with Gender Dysphoria merely living their own life and making their own decisions was harmful to anything. What is harmful is imposition upon others.
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tabithatwo · 10 months
Do you believe Jackie and Shauna have a codependent relationship in canon? and if you do, who do you think is who in the relationship ("giver"/"taker") dynamic?
i think this is a very interesting and difficult question to parse out, mostly due to the fact that they're teenagers when we see them together. being 18/19 really does mean heightened emotion, less frontal lobe development and therefore less impulse control and ability to moderate our interactions with others, more hormonal imbalance, just a perfect storm of codependency. i say this lovingly, as a lesbian who experienced what its like to be a teenage lesbian and did her fair share of insane shit lol, the type of crazy you can attain as a teenage sapphic is fucking unmatched. there is this deep and unyielding attachment that forms between girls in general at that age and when you add romantic love that spark of crazy easily transitions to a wildfire. i think so many people see themselves in jackie and shauna because it is a more shared experience than we like to admit and the show fucking nails it.
when you're in it, you think that you're the only one feeling that sort of intense obsessive consuming need for a person. often you don't see that the other person wants and needs you just as deeply, because we all do our best to hide what we know isn't acceptable. and its true. that sort of desperation isn't healthy at all. we should all strive to be more comfortable in ourselves and to stop putting all our happiness (not just happiness really, because when you're consumed by someone like that every emotion hinges on them) into external factors, especially one person. but learning to do that is a process. we don't come out ready to do that. it takes time and development and independence that you can't achieve when you're that young.
then we get older and we're embarrassed when we look back on those behaviors. we shove them down and pretend they didn't happen as best we can and we definitely avoid talking about them with other people. i can't tell you the amount of times a rush of just total abject horror at how obsessed i was with my high school best friend, turned homoerotic nightmare, turned girlfriend, turned ex hit me in my mid twenties. like your brain starts kicking in and you just go GOOD GOD!!! what was i THINKING??? but more years pass and time makes the sting of things lighter and now i can talk to her and sometimes (sometimes!) we can broach the really fucking deranged things we did and thought and its weirdly healing and horrifying all at once.
now, idk if you're still with me because that was a long intro that didn't even touch on the topic yet, but i promise i'm getting somewhere:
i think that jackie and shauna are fully and completely dependent on each other. i don't think that there is one giver and one taker. i think that they are a beautiful and tragic example of the crazy obsessive entangled love that happens between young sapphics. for me, watching them and discussing them and writing them is so freeing, because it allows me to actually face the harsh realities of unhealthy dependence.
neither of them could ever be whole without the other. and i don't mean that in a romantic hyperbole-fueled manner. i mean that in a truly horrifying way. i mean that to them functionally, they are girls who have body parts as real as any other, that are unattached from their nervous system. jackie's arms are shauna's arms and shauna's arms are jackie's arms. each girl has two hands that touch and do and create and destroy, without her brain giving the okay. each girl has to watch, as an extension of herself does something that she would never ever allow. when they're apart, when they're fighting and hurting, when shauna goes to sleep in the attic, its as though their lungs and their hearts are in another room.
who gives and who takes is hard to answer in specifics, though the simple answer is both for each. but the best way i can put it is that jackie gives more and more in the tangible real world. she tries to anticipate shauna's every need. she gives her the last bite of food. she gives her everything she has and then some, because jackie's biggest fear is shauna taking a seam-cutter to all the parts of them that are sewn together and becoming a separate entity. jackie squeezes shauna tight in her hands and shauna gives more pieces of her body and soul to their shared cache than she wants to.
shauna has an image of freeing herself from the dependency, but she doesn't like to reckon with herself and she doesn't like to see all the places that she expects jackie to be an extension of herself. so when she tries to make space, shauna doesn't even realize that she's not separating them at all. she's touching where jackie touches and kissing where jackie kisses. she is trying to be jackie, but not truly in a jealously way. not in a way that undermines their romantic love. shauna is trying to be jackie in a way that intensifies their dependence, because even if consciously shauna is aging and trying to forge a path for herself with a new school and a new life, like most of us tend to try and do at that age, shauna is still subconsciously trying to fuse them into one being.
and when jackie dies, shauna absorbs her. because she can be both. she's been practicing for this her entire life.
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chryblossomjjk · 1 year
bts fic recommendations | 03.07.23
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→ hi friends! this is a little segment i do every tuesday (reviewsday get it, aren’t i funny, pls tell me how funny i am) where i read and review two-three fics. as a content creator, i know how big of a role other creators play in your growth, therefore, i want to do my part in making sure everyone gets the recognition they deserve! so with that being said, please check out the amazing fics listed below. make sure to like, reblog, and leave feedback! ♡ #reviewsday #kikirecs
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stardust - @euphoricfilter (jjk x reader | fluff, smut, f2l)
summary:  if jungkook would have known an unintentional orgasm would have led to this, then he would have begged you to work out with him sooner.
naur bby when i tell you i loved this from the first paragraph...
"If every living being’s foundation is made of stardust, scattered when born, then Jungkook thinks the two of you were made from the same star."
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and the way you continued the analogy throughout was pure literature gold (or should i say diamond teehee). its stuff like this that i read and im like damn, the moots are really out here posting fics that could easily be published best sellers for fucking free!! how lucky are we!!!
and the whole workout scene hits even better after his workout live like i legit was able to visual everything... and sex in the mirror will never not be top tier :')
i love this jungkook dearly. this is how i imagine irl jk yk? just that hopeless romantic vibe, feeling that he has someone on this earth that is meant for him and he's meant for them. thats encapsulated so beautifully in this fic. such beautiful writing, thank you for blessing us with this fucking masterpiece!!
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knee high socks - @minniesvenus (jjk x reader | smut, college au)
summary: after being obsessed with you and your knee high socks for forever, jungkook can't believe that you finally notice him.
okay so do you ever just hear a song or smell a smell that feels so incredibly nostalgic and fills your head with dreamy thoughts and stars and stuff... that's exactly how i felt while reading this! like i just kept thinking of the arctic monkeys song and the way you characterized jungkook's crush is just so authentic. its just that pure school crush feeling where you anticpate seeing this person and the more time you see them you pick up on little things and it makes you fall even deeper oof. there's just something so fimilair about the way you wrote this and it's probably one of the most realistic depictions i've seen of the natural progression of a crush like uGH THE FUCKING TALENT !!!
and it makes you root for him so much like i was internally cheering for him when she asked him to sit next to him. it was so fucking wholesome and sweet i screamed
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and then shit got unwholesome real quick whew
her giving him praise actually made me so happy though! like you definitely inspired me to write more of that bc its so refreshing and cute!! and the smut was saur naughty but so sweet bc she was just guiding him through the motions and once again it just felt so natural which is no easy feet!! like you really hit the nail on the head with this one and it will be added to my comfort fic list asap!! so so so lovely!!
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in the seom: love for dummies - @thvhoe (jjk x reader | smut, fluff, angst, fwb, college au, camping au)
summary: always the friend, never the girlfriend. jeon jungkook doesn't date. at least that's what he thought until he met you, a chemistry student who seemed to have it all—except for love. meeting at a mutual friends frat party, you hit it off right away. however, due to both of your stubbornness, it has never progressed beyond being friends with benefits. the annual camping trip with your friend group was supposed to be the turning point in your relationship with jungkook. but what happens when your best friend of 18 years unexpectedly comes back from busan and confesses to you, further complicating matters?
OoF WHAT A FUCKING OPENING SCENE LMAO!! i was horny from fucking JUMP!!! and kook juggling between pet names and not knowing what to call her made me giggle but always made me extremely soft like aw :') &lt;3
and y/n really whipped that fuckboy into shape we love to see it!! he better buy gifts n work for the coochie!!! >:(
"Pookie🩶: Can't sleep. Send me a pic of your boobies?"
this had me cackling bc this behavior is saur... annoyingly endearing like he legit is a big baby and i love him lmao even though unholy he is extremely cute.
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^y/n and i both having immaculate taste and listening to ditto
and i am so thankful things turned out well for this pairing. i felt so sad for him like ugh the protectiveness and worry over her. he was generally just so wholesome throughout this entire fic. def a fav protrayal of jungkook. thank you so much for sharing this beautiful peice with us my love!
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