#and theres a lot of y’all doing great things
st4rgzer · 7 months
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ORANGE JUICE matt sturniolo
summary: y/n comes back after a few tough months (very much recommend listening to orange juice by noah kahan before reading)
genre: fluff and angst
cw: big TW for recovering and becoming sober :)
a/n: again, theres more info in the songs if this doesn’t make much sense but yeah, hope y’all like it<3, will do more song rec fics, i love them
The triplets called me today, they heard I was better and they were hanging out with Nate and some other friends, so I decided to tag along.
It’s been 6 months on the dot since I got sober, I think they know about it. I’ve kind off disappeared from the face of the earth, changing myself, and I wasn’t sure if some people would approve.
I knock on the door and I’m greeted by Nick immediately, he engulfs me in a hug that lasts about a minute
“nick I missed you too but I think that’s enough” I laughed, trying to unwrap his arms, he eventually does it himself.
“yeah stop hogging her!” Chris says before wrapping his arms around me in yet another never ending hug. After a bit, Im left standing in front of Matt, he’s different, he’s grown a little bit of a beard, barely a beard, more like a stubble, a smile creeps up on my face, a familiar one, a feeling I hadn’t felt in a long time.
“you look great” he smiles at me, coming closer and embracing me in my third hug in the span of 5 minutes, I linger there for a little longer, he sighs and rests his head on the crook of my neck, his words tickle. “I’ve missed you, a lot” I giggle a bit as the stubble brushed against me jawline. I break from the hug as soon as I remember Nick, Chris, and Nate are waiting on us. “I missed you too” I whispered before Nick began ranting on about the things I’ve missed.
“And we’ve been on tour! And we’re going again soon” he explains as the end of his Ted talk comes to an end.
“wow! Thats great, im so happy for you guys” I can’t help but have a huge smile on my face, looking at the three and realizing how much they’ve grown without me, and the fact they’ve waited for me and they’re not mad at me for leaving, no questions asked.
“What have you been up to?” Matt asks with a quiet voice “if you don’t mind us asking” he quickly reassures me I don’t have to say anything I’m not comfortable with.
“Well, I’ve been getting help, doing better now” I leave it there, not wanting to give any more information than I needed to, not right now at least.
“That’s amazing, we’re proud of you” Matt places a hand on mine for comfort, everyone nods agreeing.
“Wanna help me with the snacks?” Matt breaks the silence, I nod and he leads me to the kitchen, it hasn’t changed a bit since I got here, there’s just more stuff, it’s more lived in, I like it.
I open the fridge and see a row of beers at the bottom, probably for when friends come over, my body goes tense and the sounds around me become muffled, I snap out of it when Matt pats on my shoulder.
“Hey, you alright?” He ask’s concerned, I know he’s trying to keep a calm expression but I can tell he’s worried.
“Yeah I’m fine just- got caught up for a second” I utter out with a sigh, I don’t notice my hand trembling till he grabs it.
“Theres orange juice here, I know it’s your favorite” he says softly, rubbing the palm of my hand, making sure I looked at him in the eyes so I wouldn’t get distracted with something else.
“Yeah? Thanks, I’ll get it then” I smile at him, he kissed the tips of my fingers gently
“Anything you need ok? Count on me, please” he begged, looking at me with sincerity, no games.
I nodded and the corners of my mouth turned upwards as it hit me that I was with him again, after such a long time, for me at least. I then grabbed the orange juice from the fridge and poured myself a cup, Matt glancing at me with a smile on his face as I did so.
Our hearts have changed, our faces have changed, but we’ll always find our way back to each other, no matter the changes we succumb to, and I’ll always hold that in my heart.
taglist: @iha8you @dwntwn-strnlo @slaysturniolo @stvrni0lo @strniolo @gabbylovesreading @sturn3g1rl @ifilwtmfc
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youtellmeman · 4 months
Boyfriend! Lo’ak headcanons
All under the cut
Rated E
Fucking menace holy shit
That rumor that guys are annoying when they like you it’s cause of him
Absolutely the worst before y’all started dating his great idea to getting your attention was being annoying
This in the end like most of his shenanigans back fires so bad it’s sad cause it just leads to you ignoring his ass and then he wants to act butthurt
“Why are you ignoring me? :(”
Eventually tho he does figure out that he has like court you properly with gifts and compliments and just being nice
Sucks ass at it tbh feel like he gives the worst compliments totally on accident
“Don’t worry I think it’s cute how bad you are at weaving.” Smiles dumbly at you “You think I’m bad at weaving???”
Once you’ve fallen for him tho it’s a wrap magically gets smooth as fuck it’s wild
Knows just what to say, how to act, everything
Def a level 10 clinger
Always with you doesn’t matter if your busy he’ll just sit there and watch you
So touchy like he always has a hand on ur waist, messaging ur shoulders, tail wrapping around ur leg
Despite his recklessness with his life he is the exact opposite about you
You wanna come on one of his adventures with him, nah. You decide to do something reckless without him knowing, fattest scolding known to man
Literally the exact copy of how his father can be sometimes
Don’t tell him that tho cause he will be butt hurt about it for ages
While he might be reckless with his life he'll never be reckless with yours so be ready to get told no A LOT
you wanna go with him on one of his adventures, no. You wanna go on one of your own, no. You wanna go hunting by yourself, nah.
So protective im telling you and with being protective comes, you guessed it, jealousy!
Most jealouse mf in the world im not gonna lie to you
Like he's so used to neteyam getting what he wants while he gets in trouble for shit that once he has something of his own he is not letting go
PDA king for the sole reason that he needs everyone to know they can't have you
Someone hitting on you, he's coming up to you and just enveloping your mouth in a kiss until said person walks away
Hungry kisser for sure. Kisses like he needs you to live and it never fails to leave you breathless
the type to have you pinned against a wall, or tree if we wanna be accurate, and still pull ypu in by the waist
Theres never gonna be a time where he doesn't follow your lips when you pull away
Hands are very much everywhere he can reach like its rare that kissing him doesn't lead to something more unless its a quick peck
Loves to just plant himself in front of you if your seating and demand that you play or do his hair
Falls asleep like that incredibly often
Snores im so sorry
Mf could shake down a house with his snores if he's really tired that day
Runs hot so dw about sharing blankets in bed
Downside is he does have sweaty hands like you gonna have to pull away sometimes to air dry
Sucks at cooking but still tries cause he wants to be romantic, he almost burns ur hut down and its decided he doesn't cook anymore
wants to be ur big strong man he will hold anything and everything for you, and then will burn red if you notice
"What would i do without you and your strength to help me gather things hmm? " "I-uh-i dunno." Pink as hell
A lil appetizer for before I upload part 2 of my lo’ak series
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sibswin · 27 days
Introduction Post
Hello! I’m Victor, an 18 year old guy super into Incest! Specifically, sibling incest, of all types and genders! I’m Bi with a fem lean, as well as a switch~ So happy to make out with girls, twinks, top pretty little things or be raped by mommies, or even explore each other with my twin!
Oh, and I’m super super slutty and dirty~ Hope to talk with some of y’all, my DMs are always open~
Original posts, as well as reblogs where I add something, are tagged with #vicy speaks
Session: 0541ad524ff67d797ef75acc6734b30f2b82b2d8afc696e52123064104a9260a6f Discord: vicer4life
Snap: vicer4life
Let’s get naughty <3
If I don't respond to one of your asks, assume I'm saving it for later when I'm in a better mood for it! For example, when I don't have energy to dom, I might not answer subby asks until I'm able to~
Note: While I am bi, my type in terms of guys are femboys and twinks. If you are a fairly masc male, I'm not interested in sexting, unless ur good at playing femboy/twink/girl. (And tbh some of y'all guys are insanely good at playing girls so I'm still hella open for that lol, just, yeah) Otherwise, still down to talk and stuff, be friends, hell yeah incest solidarity, just not sext!
Most of my limits are fairly specific so I didn't think to add this before, but the amount of accidental limit crossings has increased recently due to me not really listing em, so I might as well now. Though I ramble a lot so uhhh theyre going to be under the "Keep Reading"
air deprivation, or at least a focus on it. i got asthma and uh, went through a lot when i was younger, so i really dont like focus on not being able to breathe. not to say that i dont like acts that can technically do that - i love being used as a seat, i love love love having my mouth filled with someone else's tongue, and im happy to impale your face on my cock~ just don't focus on the breathing aspect
choking, for the same reason
romance - to be blunt and honest, I am in an open, romantically exclusive but sexually nonexclusive relationship. I know its kinda not great that i didnt reveal that until now, but i thought it wouldnt help my chances, even if its bad to hide it. But my point is here, I try to separate romantic love and sexual/familial love. I wanna have a fun incest sexytime, not a romantic one. ...if that turns you away tho, i get it. sorry for kinda hiding this.
forehead/cheek kisses - these are too romantic for me. But I am a giant kiss slut~ just on the lips, or other places~
detrans - this just feels conflicting morally for me, even in fantasy. however, y'all are valid, dw <3 its just kinda something that i dont wanna deal with and feel morally conflicted about
and I might as well end this off with my safeword: Olive! Idk what to really say about it theres my safeword ig
sooo yeah
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fic rec friday 7
welcome the the seventh fic rec friday! where, on friday, i rec five of my favourite fics.  
1. tender by sunswathe [EXPLICIT]
This is the absolute last thing they should be doing right now.
Not when Pidge is known for crashing into Keith’s room in the middle of the night for no reason other than being bored.
Not when he can hear Hunk’s loud snoring, muffled through the door.
Not when his sister is just outside, sleeping on the couch, while Lance is in Keith’s room, sleeping with her childhood best friend.
But Lance couldn't care less.
i’m gonna be real w yall ur gonna see a lot of secret relationship fics bc im obsessed with them. theres something about the tenderness of privacy and intimacy of secrecy that just Gets To Me. this fic lived up to its title exactly
2. right hand man by laidellennt
As his right hand man, Lance grows closer to Keith and realizes a few things about him, as well as a few things about himself.
In other words, Lance realizes he has a major crush on Keith.
look the red paladin lance black paladin keith dynamics Grew on me okay. i cannot live without them now they are so so powerful. this fic is fun and fluffy and it features pining lance, whom i adore. also keiths whipped ass referring to lance as his right hand man and impulse control will never fail to make me scream
3.  A Look, a Dance by @ohcontrary [explicit-ish??]
What would it be like to have Keith's arms wrapped around him for real, not as a distraction? And that look. What would it be like for it to mean jealousy, to mean desire? Lance shuddered, heat curling at the base of his spine before he stopped, sobering quickly as he remembered the serious way Keith had named him ‘my paladin.’
i specifically remember having to walk this one off. u know when a fic is so good that u actually cant take it and have to take a break to cool off?? yeah that was this fic. the PINING. dear lord. it was so wonderful. i have several lines from this screenshotted in my devotion scrapbook. please please give it a read.
4.  Red Together by @ohcontrary [again explicit-ish]
A series of Klance fics featuring Shy!Lance and Flirty!Keith. Part 5 in progress on the.grrrl.aliens!
[Mostly based on fanart. Have a piece you wanna see written? send it to me on tumblr!]
another thing by @ohcontrary bc her fics are always a hit. this series was one of the first if not the first to pioneer the shy/flustered lance tag, so we all owe it a great service fr. i never got to read part five bc i dont have patreon but i imagine the whole thing was amazing. ohcontrary i miss u and this series will always be a fave
5. you love me (don’t let me go) by jjkimchi (orphan_account)
Lance forgets he's married to Keith.
do not be fooled, friends, for there is no angst here. there is a brief moment of disorientation from lance proceeded immediately by he and keith being Trouble and causing Drama, bc of who they are as people. this fic makes me laugh every time. 
that’s it for today!! i’ll see y’all back next friday for the next fic rec post!!!  
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thetisming · 5 months
everyone! Sarah Murr just followed me on instagram, meaning I have been given a burst of motivation to do something i’ve been meaning to do for a long time! so as y’all know i’m autistic and i am so sure that Francois Dubois is also autistic. aside from basic ‘i need more representation and so i’m gonna make this guy that representation, this guy is actually very autistic coded. i’m gonna use my not yet fully typed & Juliet script for this okay let’s go.
his first scene is with a gameboy. i know this isnt an autism thing but the first thing we see him do is play a video game and that is what i would be my first scene in something probably
his whole thing about not being scared, just shy/surprised?? i dont know how to explain it but this is giving neurodivergent energy
he's not into drama or big public performances. again im not great with words but i'm pretty sure that a lot of autistic people arent into being the centre of attention because a lot of the time we are the centre of attention but for Bad Reasons or because it’s scary and stressful and all eyes are on you and. yknow? 
what neurotypical acts Like That. what the fuck is he on like you know what im talking about just. theres no neurotypical explanation for it
he says ‘i guess i should wait to propose to you’, Juliet starts LAUGHING, and then he GETS DOWN ON ONE KNEE. buddy thats a social cue that is a sign that she thinks youre joking and she does not want to marry you. buddy. dude. man. what the fuck how did you even do that dude
‘so you DO want to marry me?’ NO SHE DOESNT!!!! I mean i totally get what hes saying because she did say that it’s not that she doesnt want to marry him but DUDE!!!!! No she does not she doesnt want to marry you dude man. why would you. my dude my boy my guy. why would you even. mate…
the way he so very much does NOT want to be in the family band he does not want to perform he does not.
his whole storyline is about learning to be confident while still being true to himself??? thats so autism i cant explain it because im so bad at words but it is!!!!!
thanks for reading guys
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browntrait · 10 months
hi k. i really wanna have fun w my sims again. i can spend literal hours in CAS but after that…nothing. any advice for developing OCs in game and starting a legacy? starting is always hardest for me, pls help 😭
hi anon bby! this is a great question, although idk if i can offer tht much help bc tbh, i be struggling w this all the time. however, here’s a couple tips tht always help me when i get bored/in a rut and want to play the game again:
1. Using In Game features
Is there an aspiration you’ve never played through? have you played through strangeville or completed the haunted house challenge with paranormal stuff (if you own those packs)? sometimes the easiest way to start for me is trying something in the game that i’ve never done before. a little while ago, i realized i never completely the Komerobi Sight-Seer aspiration, so i made a new sim and started to play through it. it was fun to do new things, and a reminder that theres lowkey so many little features that i be sleepin on. the more packs you have ofc theres more things to try, so keep tht in mind.
2. Using a challenge created by someone in the sims community
9 times out of 10, if i’m in a rut, i will start playing a rags to riches gameplay. it just has a gameplay that is always a litle chaotic, but entertaining and u can really make it turn out in so many different directions. using challenges that other simmers make can help widen ur horizions on different gameplay and can give you generations of challenges/aspirations/sims to explore. some off the top of my head are not so berry 1 or 2, globetrotter, postcard legacy, i’m a lover challenge, 100 baby, alphabet baby challenge.
fun fact: Zenya was originally a sim I made to play eco lifestyle rags to riches, and she’s become my main oc/story main character so, anything can happen!
3. Creating/Finding your perfect save file
i stall on starting gameplay bc i hate the default lots/townies a lot of the time, and thinking about starting over makes me lose motivation. ive taken time to create a couple save files w new lots, townies and sims of mine that make it a fun setting for any kind of gameplay i end up doing. add your fave lots, create your own lore for the neighborhood and the sims who live there, and make sure everything is playable and suits your personal style. if making your own from scratch is tew much work (bc trust me, it is), i also have used ratsave by @ratboysims and lemonade save by @helloavocadooo many times and enjoy them both! also if anyone has reccs for save files pls lmk!
4. Mods
idk if u use mods but i love gameplay mods!! whenever i get a new mod, i play around for a while and test out each feature of it. combining mods together and finding which ones enhance your gameplay is one way to get you engaged in playing again! mod recc list coming soon <33
I hope these tips help you or anyone else! if u need links for things lmk, im not at home rn but i will try to update as i go. if u need any help pls don’t hesitate to reach out!! and if anyone else has some tips they use, pls reply below! a lot of y’all have amazing gameplay and legacies that i admire sm so i’ll also take any advice!
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minty-muse · 10 months
I think more of wtc tumblr needs to read pandora hearts. Every character is mentally ill and also a meow meow. There is also killing and blood. Although most characters don’t kill but they’re still very fucked up. And they still do bad things. But they’re written like real people and you can find yourself sympathizing with characters you may have initially hated because of how complex and real they are. There should be at least one character you become completely insane about who destroys your life. There’s also mystery and supernatural elements and I’d argue that it’s also heavily psychological although that isn’t listed in its genres for some reason. It’s very much a mindfuck series where you have no idea what’s going to happen next and when it does happen you won’t be ready for it. Everything has a purpose. Things happen for a reason and there are a lot of details you might not notice upon a first reading. And theres angst. So much angst. And it will crush your heart into dust and bits until there is nothing left. Also the art is really pretty and drastically improves over time. The anime isn’t great but you should still listen to the soundtrack because it is very pretty and unique. It has the same composer as madoka so if you’re into that type of music it uses a lot of the same instruments and stuff. A lot of people sleep on the series because it was never very popular and doesn’t get much traction anymore plus the anime is kind of outdated tbh and that’s most people’s only exposure to the series. But I know y’all love deranged characters with complex personalities so just throwing it out there. Also if you’ve seen the case study of vanitas and enjoy it this is by the same author and you should read it.
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chenandbradford · 1 year
what do y’all think of season 5?
there have been some great moments, but imo, it’s been the weakest season overall. there are still three more episodes, and maybe we’ll have a really great season finale, but in comparison to the other seasons, something is missing?? idk am i the only one? genuinely curious about what other ppl think and how yall would rank the seasons
I think my personal ranking would be:
1. season 2 - strong season narrative w/ armstrong, day of death ep, intro of Nyla + settling in of rookies with their TOs which leads to some GREAT interactions esp with chenford, lots of memorable emotional and comedic moments
2. season 1 - a really good intro to the show but you can tell they were trying to figure some things out (the ill-fated nolan/lucy relationship). rookie nolan is also the best iteration of the character cause his storylines have been stale since he graduated
3. season 4 - eh middle of the pack, it does have some great rewatchable moments and i like aaron
4. season 3 - being a COVID production didn’t do it favors. i do like the intro to UC Lucy, la fiera, the true crime cult ep, and tim as man of honor, but the season kinda feels like a filler otherwise 
5. season 5 - i don’t find any particular episodes very memorable. it feels like there’s been a writing or tonal shift?? i think the rookie has always done a good job of balancing comedy/serious, but this season has been a little silly tbh and it doesnt feel like there’s an overall storyline cause we’re not spending time with characters cause theres sooo much going on 
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scarsmood · 2 years
Meet otherkin!
Realizing my closest irl friends are otherkin, hey y’all did I ever mention how important it is to have IRL group meet ups? Because it’s very important.
What’s so fun about IRL otherkin beasts? I’d argue the more personal connection helps us feel more validated in our identities that this isn’t something intangible. Infact, there are other people who have the same struggles and concepts. That helps you a lot. When you can make a dog bone joke to a group of friends who understand makes life much easier and comforting.
I think an IRL othercon would be pretty critical to the community. Because it’s a lot harder to say shit like “I’ve never met fictionkin therefore…” “well I’m not sure I think y is valid because” a lot of the social structures would change if people were meeting others IRL. Because you meet those different experiences first hand. You learn peoples stories and how their identity was shaped. You gain a deeper understanding by being around others in the community IRL.
I do it online is that the same? Respectfully no. It seriously does not compare to physically being in the same room with someone. There is a lot of aspects like body language, comfort levels, physically sharing the same environment these things make huge differences. Also you can actually joke to actually bite your friends. You can give your friends physical gifts and go to pet stores going “wow thats a nice dog toy” or going to a coffee shop that reminds you of your cannon. You can organize trips to places with your hearthome with people who understand. That is very exciting!
So touch grass, organize meet ups for otherkin groups. For example I sit in texas Bardou made a texas otherkin server to organize meet ups. Do that more! Advertise! You may suprise yourself with whose near you.
It’s going to vary on commitment levels. It’s not a garentee you make friends or even get to have a interesting or fulfilling experience. But we do it because theres a chance there is! You don’t give up! It’s hard meeting new people but sitting and talking about variances in cannon from your kintype. Those discussions are really fun IRL!
It is absolutely fulfilling! As a relevant side discussion I will 100% make a blog that acts as a bulliton board for finding otherkin near you 100% this is something I seriously encourage everyone to attempt cause it personally changed my life for the better. It can be difficult to figure out how your beliefs compare to others but it is a great learning opportunity.
It also generally helps you and others understand what otherkinity is by being around others. Reading about it online is only one aspect and we miss a lot not being able to discuss our day to day with someone whose also otherkin.
The personal benefits I’ve gained from meeting ’kin IRL:
- decreased anxiousness in identity shifts
- broader acceptance to other experiences (orgins, types, definitions )
- feeling way less weird or abnormal. At this point I feel comfortable in my animality not just to a few people but to greater society as well. it is harder to feel weird when you have friends to back you up
- decreased species dysphoria and anxiety around body. Meeting other people who also struggle with dysphoria and sharing that frustration in turn helped decrease mine. You feel less uncommon as your kintype cause you now know others who have the same issue.
- concepts and ideas are challenged typically for the better. Never met objectkin? You have now! Never met fictionkin? Well here you go! Preconceived notions or ideas will be challenged and typically changed for the better
- understanding otherkin in general. Despite being a huge umbrella in my experience otherkin do have a few shared cultural traits. This is also most likely going to change and shift depending on where you are in the world. In texas it means generally everyone is laid back and pretty open minded. Cant complain about that at all!
-other aspects of your identity like sexuality, gender, hobbies ect might also overlap you can learn about yourself outside of just otherkinity.
This is again really important to do in my opinon. Not sure where to start? I would suggest posting with tag kin4kin sharing a general state, locality, or general vauge area your in. Start a discord server for your area! Organize meet ups (once a month is a solid tike span imo) be careful with strangers! Research and look up tips for meeting people irl.
Heres a few:
-only meet in public places
-do not share home address or revealing identity information
-tell someone else your going out and to where as well as when youll be home
-self defense, bring pepper spray, pocket knife, your teeth, the choice is yours just have an item to defend yourself with
- adults only. Sorry minors. Minors may be able to create a minor meet up or with the help of the adult group to have someone there to ask questions for moderation about. Having an adult or two as a resource to access but not someome deeply involved in the meet up i would hope would be safer. Even then its still risky for minors. Id much rather they wait until reaching say 18 to do anything.
- go on more personal adventures with others once you know them well
- communication is key if your uncomfortable about a situation speak up. If no one is listening leave. Your saftey is always more important
Good luck making friends out there yall’
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theinvisiblemuseum · 1 year
I do love Sirius and James as romantic couple. I do write lots stories for lots of ships and James and Sirius. Sirius and James and Remus, Wolfstar being the main ones.
And everytime im not writing for James and Sirius, there’s a few people who always asks why they’re not a thing.
Like can’t you let two bros being bros?
“But you wrote that they were cuddling together…” HAVE YOU EVER SEEN JAMES? DONT YOU CUDDLE YOUR FRIENDS TOO?
I also hate the thing “If people don’t think that you and your bestie aren’t dating…” THERES A FRIENDSHIP FOR A REASON?! WHY IT ALWAYS HAS TO BE LOVE?
I love love, I’m hopeless romantic and I love to be touchy and cuddles and forehead kisses everyone and people need to remember that friendship affection also exist cuz what y’all doing then
NO EXACTLY!!! like i'm truly and genuinely not opposed to romantic prongsfoot or wolfstarbucks, i've read some great fics with both, but in a wolfstar or jegulus fic (or even jily) i really don't need it emphasized OVER AND OVER that remus & regulus are 'second choices' or not as important. might be just me, but i don't tend to rank my relationships with people?? so i don't see why it's so commonplace for this to exist where prongsfoot is concerned?? AND YES!!! i think people have to realize that affection is not inherently romantic. i'm not a very affectionate person in general, but holding ur friends hand or cuddling them or giving a kiss on the cheek or playing with their hair... these aren't things you can only do if your relationship teeters into romance. i truly think we'd all be a lot happier if we all agreed upon and accepted that lol. not every friendship has to end in friends to lovers to be valid.
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Thoughts on Vol. 2 (spoilers):
Things I loved:
-I love the story and most of what happened
-Very happy it ended on a cliffhanger
-Shoutout to El for not giving Brenner closure
-The sound design (soundtrack, ost, sound effects) *chefs kiss*
-Every Argyle moment
-Screaming at how well the set up for Vecna’s origin is
-Jopper kiss jopper kiss
-Master of Puppets. Wow.
-You know it’s great when even the things I wish were done differently I can still really appreciate
-Will Byler’s speech. That’s all.
Things I didn’t love as much:
-My biggest gripes are all the loose ends (what happened to Owens/the military, why’s the upside down stuck in 1983, where are the possessed Russians, etc.)
-Things that didn’t make sense (why didn’t Nancy or anyone else have a sense of urgency when there’s a massive fucking rapture in Hawkins when that was literally in her vision, why did it take 2 days for the upside down to bleed into our world, etc.)
-The entire 2 day timeskip felt like a rushed ending to give vague closure but threw everything off for me personally, don’t get me wrong Robin and Vickie are cute but that was not the time to set them up, it was nice to see the reunion but everyone’s acting way too calm, etc.
-Mike Wheeler continues to be an utterly unbearable character, I was hoping he’d get Vecna’d and some sort of arc but all that happened was a half-ass retelling of Will’s speech to El and the obligatory “I love you”
-On Byler: (let me preface with the disclaimer that I am queer) I do not support it in canon. I think Mike has inner issues involving his sexuality that prevents him from having a true connection with anybody. Mileven has been falling apart since s3, and there’s no way he out of no where does a full 180 and gets with Will. I think he isn’t straight and has some feelings for Will but without any acknowledgment of that this season I absolutely do not support him finding himself and all of a sudden dating Will in 5, theres just no way that’s plausible and I think the unrequited love story is 1) very true to the queer experience and 2) adds depth to Will’s character as an outsider (which I think will be important and have to do with Vecna in 5)
-On queerbaiting: (again, from a queer person’s perspective) I literally do not see what y’all are talking about. There isn’t queerbaiting. Robin is canonically a lesbian, Will is very clearly gay, coming out doesn’t have to be Will standing up and announcing “I’M GAY!!!” it feels a lot more natural and realistic especially given the time (period and the events of the show) that he wouldn’t say that. Jonathan clearly knows as well so I don’t get the issue. Yeah, Robin’s love interest is a side character, so what? Byler isn’t canon? Big deal, go watch another show with boys kissing. I think that the canon queer characters are done very well and given that the world is literally ending don’t see a point in focusing on forcing relationships between any characters at this point ???
-This is bleak but more of the main cast should’ve died. It felt like the stakes weren’t really that high when the only ones killed off was Eddie (who was introduced this season) and kinda Max. I love all the characters and would be upset at their deaths but it needs to happen for the sense of danger and reality, when everyone makes it out fine it feels like wacky spring break adventures, Steve or Murray or Dimitri or somebody else should’ve bit the dust IMO, but given how badly some people are taking Eddie’s death maybe it was a good idea on their part for the fans not to
-The Stancy moments were all so forced and even the Jancy moment felt off after Jonathan literally talked about wanting to break up with her days earlier
-There’s probably more I’m forgetting in general but current ramblings lol
Overall, I think it was good save for the final 30 minutes but the reality is with the set up of Vol. 1 we were bound to be underwhelmed, that was 7 episodes of a massive season where there didn’t need to be closure and even if they tried harder here they probably couldn’t have accounted for everything they should have. I have high hopes for 5 and that it’ll clear up some things and disagree with a lot of the hate the Duffers are getting right now?
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bagofspoons · 1 year
holy SHIT y’all the hiatus is over w a long ass session to start us off. i passed out so hard post session but now. i have things to say abt peoples characters and im going to say them. plus an added pronoun check for my own memory. this is a long post so ill pop it all under da cut. tldr at the end 2
i LIKE THEM. i like them. i was very eyes emoji at their intro and im rly excited to see a druid. i have a feelin that theres a lot more 2 alastrelle than meets the eye but im not rly sure what. we got an insight check that he seems to know more than hes letting on... but like. idk. i have a feelin that theyre more like... they know stuff but not in a malicious way? mayb im bein 2 optimistic and alastrelle is just waiting 2 absolutely decimate every1. they DID heal ma’el tho so like... i think they do not want this. they seem kind. i want 2 know more.
CADILLAC | R-D 2.04 (pronouns unknown - seems to vary)
everybody is so mean 2 me image. r-d is rly. look. i love them but i also hate them. he’s so fuckin funny but also.... gestures broadly at the last hour of the session. she seems 2 b tha only character built 4 outright combat. at least from what weve seen. it seems like a lot of the others went 4 classes that cld offer support (from my limited knowledge of the classes themselves plus dnd) whereas cadillac built (literally) a beast. she seems really cool and had some rly amazing moments first session. designated antagonist im super interested to see how every1 is going 2 interact w the person who drew 1st blood!! also tha character we got the most backstory 4 session 1. kinda dont blame it for the murders but. i dont want any pcs to die T_T
NOX | DOCTOR (PALL’OR) REMAEDI (he/him, okay with they)
HE’S COOL... the outfit is very wizardly but we know hes a cleric. am i right when i look at the ref art and see that hes purple. he is purple. he also shotgunned an unmentioned vial (WHY DID NO 1 ASK ABOUT THAT AUAUEUEGEUGH) and the rice and meat. chuggin ig. seems like... cautious? mayb suspicious but remarkably chill. well. i say chill. again. gestures at the last hour or so of the session. LUV the weapon design. would luv 2 see it do some more damage (see “r-d is built for combat” above. terrifyink). i want 2 know more abt his eyepatch and stitches and general deal. do we think hes an unethical doctor guys. would he kill u for like. fun.
CERIN | EIWN (she/her)
pretty lady. fllushed emoji. i love her design a lot its rly cool. i assumed she was druid bc of it but idk if pep would have allowed class double ups? plus cerin is bein v secretive... possibly monk? eye dee kay im rly just guessin at this point. shes so funny 2 the bit w the shelter being her height and alastrelle tryin 2 fix it secretly was great. i dont have much 2 say abt her yet but i think she will turn out to b EXTREMELY interesting. i kno 4 a fact cerin will say smth and then the dash will explode w how much we love eiwn.
RIVER | MA’EL(VAR) (he/him)
IS HE NORMAL??? squints. i dunno... intro was. suspicious. i did like him tryin 2 explain stuff to r-d that was kinda funny. he seems to b like... relatively level headed? i struggled to get a read on his personality except like... suspicious of others but wants 2 cooperate. clearly doesnt want 2 b here el oh el. HE DID ALMOST DIE 2 TIMES WITH NO IDEA WHAT WAS HAPPENING EL EM AY OH. i wonder how hes gonna react to that.
PEP | MIYM (she/her, okay with they)
MIYM MY FUCKIN BELOVED. kenku AND a bard? plus card themed LDFKJ. alto WISHES he could. the resume made me laugh sm and she generally just seems so nice... i like that she’s immediately forming more positive relationships w tha others... probably intentional on pep’s part as a filler character for the pair offs. i was wondering why they were getting such an outright dmpc and was wondering if she was gonna get killed early... i was real newvous. its cool tho. i like her a lot. very glad miym explained the whole premise 2. thank u from da audience i was a little like WHAT THE HELL. but in a good way
TL;DR - I LIKE THEM ALL. i think theres a LOT of things we havent touched (obvs. it was 1 session) but a lot of seeds and references to things wer made i think. also it looks like we got a lot of elves lol. im generally just rly excited 2 see them play again and having consensual and established pvp will make things VERY interesting. i wonder what the symbols on the like... bracelets/necklaces are 4. and what happens when someone dies.... do they both go to zero/make death saves? i guess we will see....
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cryptiles · 2 years
hello! i hope you're doing great. i want to request a demon slayer matchup if it's okay!
my name is sei. my pronouns are she/her
i am a quiet person, but when i'm around people i'm comfortable with, i talk a lot. i love making jokes as well! my hobby is reading, especially fictions. my ideal date is, hmm i don't know what it's called, but i love it when me and my date go to many places. just explore new places and try the food that catch our eyes there. i love hardworking people, people who are passionate and share their interests with me. i totally adore someone who will spoil me, but also help me to be confident and not dependent on them
i think that's all! thank you so much ♡♡
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— details ; demon slayer x fem! reader ; match-up based ; demon slayer m.list ; she/her
— requests are open as of 19/8
— a/n ; hello hello thank you for your request , loved writing it and random but you seem like someone i would absolutely LOVE to be friends with 🥴 hope you enjoy ^
i match you with … tengen !!
• okay hear me out.
• in the beginning your personalities obviously clash.
• he would be those people that constantly tries to speak to you , make you comfortable enough to open up.
• you don’t even need to speak with him for tengen to constantly bug you with how awesome he is.
• if you do eventually open up and start being your talkative self bro is going to love. it.
• he already talks a lot so the conversations between both of you would go on forever if someone doesn’t stop it.
• bros a natural comedian , the inside and outside jokes between y’all are unstoppable.
• tengen will laugh so fucking loud at your jokes everyone else just smiles , nods and pretends they don’t know y’all.
• well if you both are demon slayers theres plenty of exploring to do.
• i believe he’ll be those that purposely asks both of you to be put on missions together.
• after missions , he’ll take you out for dinner , his treat.
• during dinner tengen will lecture the shit out of you if you get hurt then switching to the topic about how you should eat more to stay healthy.
• it’s embarrassing how loud he speaks about how much he cares about your well-being.
• after that you both explore the streets , filled with shops and performances.
• tengen absolutely LOVES spoiling you.
• if he sees you eyeing something for a mili-second , boom.
• it’s gone , money paid , in your arms as a gift from him.
• he finds it so cute when you get all smily over the things be buys for you [ esp if its something for something small ] , proud as well since he’s the reason you’re smiling.
• he would also pamper you sooo much if you had a bad day.
• cuddles , bathes , he’ll read your books to you , head pats etc etc.
• passionate ? tengen speaks so much he will go on and on about a certain something for a long time.
• you know how he talks about himself and how cool he is ? yeah he does that to you a lot.
• in front of people.
• tengen will not shut the fuck up about you , bros shamelessly fawning over everything about you.
• as much as he wants to keep you safe at all times since yk demons and shit.
• he knows you want personal space / freedom , he’ll gladly let you go off on your own after strictly giving you a reasonable curfew time. [ and when you leave expect him to be asking for lots of affection before you leave because he’s clingy like that. ]
• bonus ! his wives fucking love you as much as he does , welcome to the family !
• lots of affection from these ladies , you’re being taken care of by hinatsuru , cuddles and affection with suma & aggressive compliments by makio.
[ i love his wives more than him tbh. ]
mini scenario !!
“ i’m home ! “
tengen screamed , his three other wives were out but he knew you were home.
“ welcome home ! “
you greeted giving him a small smile before returning back to your book , it was just so intriguing.
tengen frowned , a literal man child who just wants attention from his partner after a long day.
“ ahem ahem ! “ he coughed loudly it didn’t sound the slightest bit convincing , “ remember that day we went to have a picnic at the lake , you said something about one of your fiction books you wanted. “
he shoved a bag in your face , had a small red bow on the top of it too.
this piped your curiosity , finally putting your book down to look what’s inside the weird brown bag.
tengen smiled , finally getting the attention he wanted.
you pulled out one of the books you’ve been wanting for a long time but it was always out of stock whenever you dropped by the bookstore.
“ oh my god you remembered ? i said that so long ago. “
“ of course i remember , every important detail about you is stored in my brain. it’s literally muscle memory at this point. “
he smirked , pointing towards his brain which made his jewellery jingle.
. . .
“ wait weren’t you supposed to run to the store to get hina more rice ? “
“ … oh shit i forgot. “
“ bro. “
“ we’re dating , don’t bro me. “
© 2022 cryptiles. please do not repost / translate my work and post it to other social media websites without permission , thank you.
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psychoticwillgraham · 2 years
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ok fuck it here’s a basic intro post about the main character from my (extremely queer) space pirate sci fi novel
This fucker right here? Yeah his name’s Raymond, and he’s a gay autistic trans man (pre transition/pre everything even though this takes place WAY in the future in space civilization, but I’m about to elaborate on that), and is dating a literal alien. Oh here’s the problem with the alien thing though: aliens haven’t been proven to exist yet in his universe, but his crew are the one’s who discovered said alien and now they have to keep xe’s existence a secret. But enough about that, we’re talking about this guy right here.
His father was a famous outlaw (space pirate) captain and he would routinely sneak aboard his father’s ship as a kid to experience the life of an outlaw because he thought his dad’s job was ‘super fucking rad’, and most of the time his dad would humor him, but only take him on low danger missions. His mom was also an outlaw and on his dad’s ship, and a lot of the time he was on the ship with his parents, but when they went on dangerous missions, they entrusted their closest friends, a group of android anarchists (theres gonna be a little story im writing to explain this later bc god their story is great), to look after Raymond. Not gonna say what happens to his dad eventually (spoiler: it’s bad and that’s what spurs Raymond into his career path) but I will say that his mom doesn’t die, so yay.
Anyway, he’s pre everything even though the technology for transitioning at that point, if you choose to still be in your own human body (bc you can get an android one in this future or go fully digital in cyberspace), is super advanced and it’s easy to do, because the system has priced trans people out of it completely and there’s no options he could even begin to afford. Even with his family’s ‘pedigree’ or ‘infamy’, he can’t manage to get good enough gigs to pay for transition stuff in addition to his basic needs like housing and food. Because each planet is different and each city on each one is different and yadda yadda you get the picture, difference in cost of living and everything like that.
But yeah, more about him. He’s a quiet wallflower of a man, preferring to blend in mostly because he already stands out just because of his last name and the reputation associated with it. He’s not ashamed of his parents’ legacy at all, he’s actually quite proud of it. At least, that’s how he is in public. In private, like with friends and at parties, he immediately shifts into an extroverted state, as long as he’s around people he’s familiar with. He can also have quite the mouth on him and have zero filter which is why his crew always tries to prevent him from drinking too much. He’s also obsessed with learning about how Earth used to be before it died (in this story Earth has been long uninhabitable and that’s how the colonization happened), which eventually leads to his expedition there where he finds his eventual alien partner.
god that was a long post sorry y’all lol I’m just rlly excited about my oc’s lol
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enhaheeseung · 2 years
HI! i still need to read your most recent fic, ill do that after i send this and give my feedback through my reblog <3. but you asked why we like those works so much so.. (im not sure if you really wanted a response but im here to give you one anyway!!!)
for train ride home, the way it was literally so corrupt but also so gentle really like 🧍🏾‍♀️🧍🏾‍♀️ made me speechless tbh. just the way you wrote him as a character. ive never read anything with that particular theme but its honestly one of my favorite things and maybe a small fantasy of mine... so to see it written about someone i think about quite often was really great. it also made me feel a little less weird about enjoying something like that.
for best friends, i really enjoy just the over all theme. its very much something i would do. the whole making a "mistake" and then pulling back. i think it was really relatable but also just the way you captured the jealousy of heeseung. the way that he got mad when the reader tried to do the same things he does. i genuinely wanted to smack him when he got all pissy over her wanting to go talk to the dude, but im glad he didnt let her.
for darling, i think i said this in my reblog but the end made my oral fixation go crazy. i write a little bit but theres a few things that im a bit nervous to write about, that being one of them. im not sure why, but like the whole falling asleep with it in your mouth thing makes me weak in the knees lmao
but overall i just really enjoy your work. while we obviously dont know heeseung in that particular light, i think that you write him in way that makes me think "oh yeah this makes sense" or "i could see him doing something like that". this makes reading so much more enjoyable cuz i feel like some people write without really connecting the theme/content with the person theyre writing for.
Thank you for the response cause I was dead serious😳
So first off
Ngl with train ride home I literally thought about what other girls fantasize about if that makes sense I did absolutely no research btw lol it’s just kinda a pattern that I see from other stories and themes geared towards the female audience so I kinda went off of that bad guy good girl vibe like obviously I didn’t use that theme but I’m using that as an example so for instance it’s kinda like you want a bad but good boy, so like a perv and a gentleman if anyone even understands what I’m trying to say you’d think I’d be good with words but here we are 🤡
Moving on
Best friends was just something I made on the spot with a ton of editing in between when I wrote his character for that I wanted to capture that uncertainty that so many men have when it comes to relationships as well as the female character being so in love with him that she kinda just takes what she can get and ends up making mistakes and hurting herself even more than he has I’ve seen this happen so many times before just without the happy ending and I also made his character with traits like a lot of guys In friendships where he kinda got the best of both worlds having a female best friend and girls on the side but he never really felt complete without the female lead
And last but not least
Darling there’s not much to say not gonna lie to you I was just in a moody mood when I wrote that it’s pretty short but definitely gets the point across if you’re into that kind of thing I’m glad you feel less weird about liking those things cause to me it’s not weird at all and just so you know I know more people that are into that than I can count on fingers with both hands
love that you mentioned being nervous to post some things cause so am I like there are themes I made but they will never see the light of day just cause they are a bit out there and I don’t want to make anyone uncomfortable plus y’all don’t need to know everything that goes on in this brain of mine
I do try to go outside the box with my writing I don’t read a lot of fanfics but I think a lot of my concepts and writing style has not been done before so I try to spice things up and keep it interesting I incorporate a lot of smut but I feel like In some of my stories I built a foundation that will make readers comeback or ask for a part 2 cause even though there’s smut in it I developed the characters well enough to where you want to see more little off topic but stories like “angel” or “train ride home” are themes I’ve never seen done before that and everyone seemed to really enjoy those so my mind runs miles trying to come up with new ideas
As for the way I write heeseung it’s just literally all the fantasies I have about him tbh I write him exactly how I think about him😌
Also this was really fun responding to actually like I wouldn’t mind going into more detail about my plots if anyone is interested kinda felt like a mini interview and I just love answering questions
Sorry this is so long without any punctuation forgive me😞
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nibeul · 3 years
nah nah bc the citadel arc upsets me for that exact reason. echo “dies,” obi wan says they have to leave immediately no show of fives rex or cody grieving but when piell dies theres still that urgency of time but they have a whole ass funeral for him. this is also the same arc where a clone falls to his death and obi wan is like “great now our cover’s blown”
YEAH SERIOUSLY. like ok, you have time constraints during both deaths but y’all literally do not give a fuck about the clones. All the deaths piss me off actually, coz a lot were probably preventable. Longshot? Force shove him out of the way dammit. The guy that got cut in half by the doors?? Can’t you guys lift him up?? Charger? THERE ARE THREE JEDI THERE YALL HAVE THE FUCKING FORCE AGGHHHH
God it drives me insane.
Edit: also where the fuck did they find the thing to wrap his body what was that
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