#and they were like well chin up it's not like js are everywhere
tennessoui · 1 year
“The r t i c o a w j k e z n keys don't work” that’s HALF THE BOaRD 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭😭
"obi-wan" is just "b-" and "anakin" doesn't even exist if it's a bad computer day and they're all glitching at once LMAO
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strangerfictions · 5 years
The Fight
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 Request/ Prompt: so basically, I was tagged in the prompt in December by @1998--js​ and I knew I had to do it!
 Character A tilting Character B’s chin up to get a better look at their face and the evidence of the fight. A delicately thumbs away the streak of blood by B’s mouth, saying nothing as they examine it. After a brief pause, B’s heart skips a nervous beat as A looks them dead in the eyes. Their voice is quiet and tense, their anger barely restrained.
“Who did this to you?”
-  @whumpster-dumpster​
Summary: Rumors are spreading about you and Billy which leads to you both fighting. You have it out with the people who started it and Billy has to pick up the pieces.
Warnings: A bit of violence, lots of angst and fluff!
Words: 3416
A/N: So, I’ve been working on this for the past week or so and I am super happy with how it turned out. Thanks to @1995--js for tagging me in this prompt I loved it so much. Right now, things are very crazy since I’m back at college but requests are back open now for a limited time so if you have anything in mind send me an ask! I also want to thank everyone for 400 followers and for all the love on my shitty fics! Hope you enjoy this. Likes, reblogs and comments are all welcomed! Let me know if you would be interested in a part 2 of this!
 The Hargrove’s had moved in across the road almost a year ago and you still weren’t sure what to make of the California natives. You remember meeting the family for the first time and feeling very uneasy around Neil Hargrove. You would come to learn that you should follow your intuition a bit more.
Billy hadn’t left you alone since that day they turned up on your doorstep. Every day he would drop you home and you would talk about stupid stuff until you were both laughing at nothing. Of course, being friends with Billy had its up’s and downs. The first few weeks of your friendship a rumour spread around school that you were hooking up together which was far from the truth.
You both usually ended up arguing about a rumour every now and then and today was no different. You had brought up a rumour you heard being spread about you and Billy which made him snap at you about it like it was your fault it was being spread.
“Maybe if you weren’t such a fucking player you wouldn’t have rumours following you everywhere you go Hargrove but you seem to like that kind of attention so why would you even care” You hated that rumours followed the both of you just because you were friends. You both knew that Billy loved that kind of attention, but you didn’t enjoy it.
“So fucking what? Do you know how much trouble you cause me? I have been turned down by more girls around here because of you so I suggest you keep your mouth shut!” You were stunned by what he said but you were even more stunned that he was raising his voice.
“Pull over” You ask in a calm, steady voice.
“Stop the fucking car Billy. I’m not putting up with you and your fucking shit anymore. If you want better chances with girls here it is. Don’t fucking talk to me until you respect me as a friend” As soon as the car came to a stop you get out slamming the door and walking down the path. You hear Billy’s car door open as you continue to walk away.
“Seriously Y/N? Get back in the car and stop being stubborn!” You walked towards your street throwing up the middle fingers at him as you left him standing beside his car.
You managed to get into your house before he passed you and once you were home you could finally let the emotions flow. Tears slipped down your face at a steady pace quickly but soon your sadness turned into anger as you paced around your room. Billy was one of your only friends except for Robin and so hearing him say things like that to you really hurt. You suddenly remember the party Billy had mentioned and you walk straight for the phone.
“Hey Robin! I’m going to that party tonight will you come please?...great come over here when your done…great see you in awhile!” You put down the phone and started to get ready waiting for Robin.  
After about an hour there is a knock on your bedroom door and Robins head peaks through the crack.
“Hey! Have you been crying?” Robin walks in placing her jacket on your bed.
“I had a massive fight with Billy over those fucking rumours going around about us. He said I get in the way of his hooking up!” You say dramatically as you apply some mascara to your lashes.
“Wow I mean that’s such a contradiction of what I saw today. He was with Tommy and Carol and he was having a pretty big fight with Tommy about spreading those rumours. I’m sure I heard him say that if he heard any more rumours about you that he would kill Tommy personally” You look up out of surprise almost blinding yourself with the mascara wand.
“Really?” You couldn’t believe it. Was Billy really going to lie about it all just to reclaim as much masculinity as possible?
“Yeah I mean it was pretty badass of him. I was going to call you later after work to tell you! It’s weird that he would lie though don’t you think?” Robin looked at you concerned as you cleaned up the mascara on the bridge of your nose.
“Yes, I do Robin but that’s Billy for you!”
You both finish up and walk to the party since it was only a few streets away. As soon as you get in all eyes are on you. You tug at the bottom of your dress suddenly feeling self-conscience. You spot Billy at the back of the room before Robin pulls you towards the kitchen to do shots.
You are on your fourth or fifth shot when you hear Tommy come into the kitchen.
“Well if it isn’t Billy’s little bitch!” You slam your shot glass down on the table hard smashing it in the process.
“What the fuck did you call me?” Robin is instantly trying to keep you back as you walk towards Tommy who’s suddenly looking very scared.
“It was a joke Y/N” Tommy tries to defend himself as you walk closer to him Robin still struggling to hold you back. Before you know it, you have hit Tommy straight in the face connecting with the side of nose. Before you can think Carol is on top of you trying to pull at your hair and a fight breaks out between you both. You manage to get Carol to the ground straddling her and punching her in the face but before you could get anymore in you are being dragged away by Steve Harrington.
“Let go of me Harrington! I swear to God I will…” Before you can finish your sentence, Billy comes into view. As he looks up, he locks eyes with you seeing the mess you are in as Steve drags you away from the kitchen. You suddenly begin to feel pain in your face as Steve lets go of you and walks away mumbling something about an icepack.
Billy walks through the living room to where you are sitting on the sofa and without saying anything, he sits beside you. He tilts your chin up getting a better look at your face and the evidence of the fight. He delicately thumbs away the streak of blood on your bottom lip, saying nothing as he examines you. After a brief pause, your heart skips a nervous beat as Billy looks you dead in the eyes. His voice is quiet and tense, his anger barely restrained.
“Who did this to you?”
You couldn’t look at Billy you felt so stupid for getting so angry over what Tommy said. You didn’t think you just did which you never do. You always think about things before doing them. You did the thing that you were always telling Billy off for doing when he turned up at your window with blood all over his face.
“I may have punched Tommy for calling me your bitch and then Carol attacked me I just got so angry and since I was already angry it just happened which is so hypocritical of me because I’m always telling you to think before you punch someone and now instead of me picking up the pieces it’s you which it shouldn’t be because I’m still mad at you” It was clear to Billy that you were going into shock and adrenaline was the only thing keeping you from feeling the intense pain of your face.
By the time you had stopped talking Steve returned with a bag of ice and a shot of vodka to “help the pain levels”. You take them both graciously thanking him.
“I can’t tell if you are stupid or a real badass” You feel Billy stiffen beside you as you half-heartedly laugh at Steve’s joke. Robin comes up behind him with a first aid kit handing it to Billy without saying anything.
“I ruined your night, didn’t I ?” You look at Robin who has a slight smirk on her face
“No, it’s about time you stuck up for yourself. It was going to happen to them eventually it was just a countdown to see who it would turn out to be. Clean her up before bringing her home please!” Billy nods in agreement and you say goodbye to Steve and Robin. You are both left in silence as they walk away. Neither of you knowing what to say to each other.
“You’re very quiet Billy. Are you okay?” You look up at Billy who refuses to even acknowledge you are talking. He quickly stands up causing you to get a little dizzy. The realisation of a probable concussion setting in.
“Stay here. Don’t move I’ll be back to help you clean-up” With that Billy storms off towards the kitchen probably to see the lack of injuries on Carol and Tommy. You were never a big fighter, but you had learned how to defend yourself at a young age. That kind of thing never really leaves you and so you instinctually knew where and when to punch. You lay your head against the back of the sofa closing your eyes and slightly grunting at the sudden pain searing through the left-hand side of your face.
You wanted to access the damage but knew better than to get up without Billy. You could feel blood dripping down your face potentially from your eyebrow. Your scalp was beginning to tingle as your adrenaline wears off. From the way Carol had a grip on your hair you wouldn’t be surprised if you had a few bald patches.
“You really got them good!” You open your eyes to find Billy standing over you with an impressed look on his face.
“Probably not as good as Carol got me though my head is killing me” Billy chuckles deeply as you wince in pain.
“No seriously Carol has a split lip, a bloody nose which might be broken and two very swollen and bruised eyes and Tommy…well his nose is broken and is bleeding everywhere…it looks like a murder scene in there.” You can’t help but feel like Billy is exaggerating but you knew better than that. Billy would never exaggerate about the results of a fight.
“I just want to go to bed. Can you help me clean up first?” You try to stand up but almost fall back down. Billy instinctually wraps an arm around your waist before you have the chance to fall back onto the sofa. He carefully helps you up the stairs, first aid kit in hand. This wasn’t something Billy was used to. He was usually the one with cuts and bruises littering his face not you. He wasn’t even sure if he knew how to patch you up properly. You were the one with all that knowledge.
Once in the bathroom he helped you sit down on the edge of the bath while he opened the first aid kit to see what he could do to help you. You watched as he opened the green box confusion written all over his face.
“You need help, don’t you?” You asked as you tried to get comfortable on the side of the tub.
“No let me figure it out. You do this for me all the time it’s the least I can do for you this time round” You laugh as he pulls things out to inspect them before placing them back in the box.
“Billy I would rather not be sitting here all night. I promise this isn’t some sort of defeat on your half just let me talk you through it” Billy sighs nodding his head as he places the first aid kit on the windowsill above the toilet.
“Okay first get a facecloth and soak it in warm water so we can clean the blood off, then you will  need some sort of alcohol or antiseptic if there isn’t any get a bottle of vodka from downstairs.” With instructions in hand Billy begins to move quickly around the bathroom. He sits on the toilet in front of you and starts to clean your face gently trying not to hurt you.
Billy reaches behind him to look for the alcohol but realises there is none so has to go downstairs for some vodka. When he goes downstairs you decide you want to get a good look at the damage done. You stand up from the edge of the tub and steady yourself on the wall. You carefully walk to the mirror hanging over the sink. You begin to survey the cuts and bruises on your face carefully. You check to see if you have any bald spots but luckily it seems Carol didn’t pull too much out.
“Are you sure this will work?” You jump glancing behind you at Billy who is standing in the door of the bathroom holding a full bottle of vodka.
“Well if it doesn’t, I’m sure if I down half the bottle it will have a desired effect” You sit back on the edge of the tub while Billy soaks some cotton wool in the vodka. Sitting back on the toilet he brings the soaked cotton wool to the large cut on your bottom lip. Gently he presses it against the cut soaking it. Your reach up to Billy’s hand and pull it away slightly as you feel the effect of the alcohol.
“Sorry” You mumble as you take your hand away from his.
“It’s alright at least we know it’s working. Here…for moral support” Billy offers you his other hand and you graciously take it as he continues to gently dab at the few deep cuts on your face. Once Billy feels like your face is sufficiently soaked in vodka, he throws the cotton wool in the bin behind him.
“Now what?” he asks turning around looking at you for further instructions.
“I think they should be fine until I get home. Thanks.” You look up to find Billy’s blue eyes focused on you. Your heart skips a little as he raises his hand and tucks a strand of hair behind your ear.
“That’s alright princess. Come on lets get you home” Billy helps you up for the tub and you both walk to his car. As you walk past the kitchen you catch a glimpse of Tommy and Carol who are looking worse for wear than you.
“I did tell you that you got them good. Here I was thinking you were incapable of punching anything!” You feel Billy’s grip on your waist get a little tighter as both Carol and Tommy look up at you both. Despite the fact that you just got beaten up you feel safe. Safe because of the arm around your waist.
As you both walk to Billy’s car you begin to laugh. The realisation of the seriousness of the situation setting in. You knew it was the mixture of drink and adrenaline causing you to feel this way, but you felt on top of the world. Was this how Billy felt after he got into fights? You slide down into the front seat of the Camaro feeling the pain creeping in.
“Why did you lie to me this afternoon? You acted like I was such a bother to you which I probably am, but Robin told me she saw you fighting with Tommy earlier and warning him about spreading rumours about me…us. If you really thought I was that much of a nuisance, why would you even bother saying anything to them in the first place. I’m just really confused about it all Billy.” You slouch down in your seat as you hear Billy sigh from his side of the car.
“Fuck…fine okay you’re not a problem you never have been. It was easier to make you think that than tell you the actual truth okay!” You watch Billy’s hands tighten on the steering wheel his knuckles turning white. Without warning he pulls over and turns the engine off.
“I don’t want you to say anything okay. I just need you to listen to what I’m going to tell you because everything is fucked anyways so might as well tell you. If you don’t like what you hear I will bring you home and you will never have to talk to me again…Y/N Y/L/N…I like you a lot and I didn’t want to tell you because there is no way a girl like you wants to date a mess like me and plus I really like our friendship and I don’t want to ruin that. You hate me, now don’t you?” You couldn’t wrap you head around what Billy had said so you stay silent looking through the windscreen in front of you. After a few minutes of silence, the engine starts again, and Billy is driving towards your house.
“I don’t hate you. I just…I think I have a mild concussion and so I’m not sure what to say” You glance over at Billy who has turned very pale.
“Fine” Billy huffs as you pull up outside your house. He refuses to look at you as you turn towards him. You reach out and place a finger on his jaw turning his head towards you.
“I like you Billy, but I’m concussed and need time to think so less of the mood. Can you help me inside?” Billy nods jumping out of the car quickly running over to your side to help you out. He helps you up and wraps an arm around your waist steading you.
“I like your arm around my waist it makes me feel safe” The concussion really starting to take effect. Billy walks you towards your front door as he listens to you.
“I also really like that you came over to me as soon as you saw I was hurt and how you brushed your finger over my bottom lip that was really nice Billy. I like this side of you. I like to call it soft Billy.” Billy hums in approval as you both stop at the front door. You fish your keys out of your denim jacket and hand them to Billy who pushed them into the door opening it wide so you can both get in without it being awkward.
“Soft Billy? I kinda like that princess. Need help getting upstairs?” You nod as you rest your head against Billy’s shoulder. You both make it upstairs without any further injury. You remain quiet well aware you have said plenty. Billy walks you into your room and helps you sit on the edge of your bed.
“You okay now? Need anything else?” You shake your head as you take you denim jacket off and throw it on the ground beside your bed refusing to change before getting into bed. You pull the covers back and slip into bed awkwardly.
“I’m going to get some pain killers and water for the morning princess. I’ll be back in a few” Tiredness hits you hard and you close your eyes as Billy leaves your room. He knows your house like his own and so it takes him less than a minute to find some pain killers and a glass of water. By the time he gets back upstairs he finds you fast asleep. He places the glass of water on your bedside table along with the pills. He notices that your blanket isn’t all the way up and so he pulls it up over your shoulders and tucks you in. Placing a small kiss on your forehead.
“Night princess”
Read Part Two Here!
Tag List: If you want to be added to any of my future posts then click here to be sent to the google form!
  @an-antisocial-writer @charmed-asylum @takemepedropascal​ @technolilly​ @multifandomgirl16​ @dreamin-of-dacre​ @1998--js​
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thehandflextm · 4 years
My Immortal...but make it Pride and Prejudice
For my final project, I decided to rewrite My Immortal (the infamous fanfiction) as if the original author were writing a Pride and Prejudice fanfiction instead of a Harry Potter one! I do not own My Immortal nor do I own Pride and Prejudice! Basically none of this is my original text, all credit goes to Tara Gilesbie and Jane Austen.
Chapter 1.
AN: Special fangz (get it, coz Im goffik) 2 my gf (ew not in that way) raven, bloodytearz666 4 helpin me wif da story and spelling. U rok! Justin ur da luv of my deprzzing life u rok 2! Dis stry is like if lizzy wuz goth so itz nut boring! MCR ROX!
Hi my name is Lizzy Dark’ness Dementia Raven Bennet and I have long curly brown hair with purple streaks and red tips that reaches my mid-back and icy blue eyes like limpid tears and a lot of people tell me I look like Amy Lee (AN: if u don’t know who she is get da hell out of here!). I’m a vampire but my teeth are straight and white. I have pale white skin. I live in a town called Longbourn with my parents, my three younger sisters, and one older sister (I’m twenty). I’m a goth (in case you couldn’t tell) and I wear mostly black. For example today I was wearing a black corset with matching lace around it and a black leather miniskirt, pink fishnets and black combat boots. I was wearing black lipstick, white foundation, black eyeliner and red eye shadow. I was walking outside Longbourn. It was snowing and raining so there was no sun, which I was very happy about. A lot of preps stared at me. I put up my middle finger at them.
“Hey Lizzy!” shouted a voice. I looked up. It was…. Fitzwilliam Darcy!
“What’s up Mr. Darcy?” I asked.
“Nothing.” he said shyly.
But then, I heard my sisters call me and I had to go away.
AN: IS it good? PLZ tell me fangz!
Chapter 2.
AN: Fangz 2 bloodytearz666 4 helpin me wif da chapta! BTW preps stop flaming ma story ok!
The next day I woke up in my bedroom. It was snowing and raining again. I opened the door of my coffin and drank some blood from a bottle I had. My coffin was black ebony and inside it was hot pink velvet with black lace on the ends. I got out of my coffin and took of my giant MCR t-shirt which I used for pajamas. Instead, I put on a black leather dress, a pentagram necklace, combat boots and black fishnets on. I put on four pairs of earrings in my pierced ears, and put my hair in a kind of messy bun.
My sister, Jane (AN: Raven dis is u!) woke up then and grinned at me. She flipped her long waist-length blond hair with pink streaks and opened her forest-green eyes. She put on her Marilyn Manson t-shirt with a black mini, fishnets and pointy high-heeled boots. We put on our makeup (black lipstick white foundation and black eyeliner.)
“OMFG, I saw you talking to Mr. Darcy yesterday! Did you know he has ten thousand a year?!” she said excitedly.
“Yeah? So?” I said, blushing.
“Do you like Mr. Darcy?” she asked as we left our shared bedroom and went downstairs.
“No I so fucking don’t!” I shouted.
“Yeah right!” she exclaimed. Just then, Mr. Darcy knocked on the door! One of the servants opened the door and he  walked up to me.
“Hi.” he said.
“Hi.” I replied flirtily.
“Guess what.” he said.
“What?” I asked.
“Well, Charles Bingley and I are hosting a ball at Netherfield Park” he told me.
“Oh. My. Fucking. God!” I screamed. I love going to balls!. Dancing is my favorite thing to do, besides reading or walking or drinking blood.
“Well…. do you want to go with me?” he asked.
I gasped.
Chapter 3.
AN: STOP FLAMMING DA STORY PREPZ OK I KNO THEY DIDNT HV GOFF CLOSE N 1800S!! I JS WNT THEM TO BE GOHT! odderwize fangs 2 da goffik ppl 4 da good reveiws! FANGS AGEN RAVEN!.
On the night of the ball I put on my black lace-up boots with high heels. Underneath them were ripped red fishnets. Then I put on a black leather minidress with all this corset stuff on the back and front. I put on matching fishnet on my arms. I straightened my hair and made it look all spiky. I felt a little depressed then, so I slit one of my wrists. I read a depressing book while I waited for it to stop bleeding. I painted my nails black and put on TONS of black eyeliner. Then I put on some black lipstick. I didn’t put on foundation because I was pale anyway. I drank some human blood so I was ready to go to the ball.
I went outside. Mr. Darcy was waiting there in front of his carriage. He was wearing a his normal fancy clothes and a little eyeliner (AN: A lot fo kewl boiz wer it ok!).
“Hi Mr. Darcy!” I said in a depressed voice.
“Hi Lizzy.” he said back. We walked into hisblack carriage and drove to NetherfieldWhen we got there, we both hopped out of the carriage. We went to the dance floor and danced together.
“That violinist is so fucking hot.” I said to Mr. Darcy, pointing to him as he played, filling the room with his amazing music.
Suddenly Mr. Darcy looked sad.
“What’s wrong?” I asked as we moshed to the music. Then I caught on.
“Hey, it’s ok I don’t like him better than YOU!” I said.
“Really?” asked Mr. Darcy sensitively and he put his arm around me all protective.
“Really.” I said. “Besides I don’t even know him and he’s not even rich.” I said disgustedly.
The night went on really well, and I had a great time. So did Mr. Darcy. After the ball, we drank some wine Mr. Darcy and I crawled back into the carriage, but Mr. Darcy didn’t go back to Longbourn, instead he drove the carriage into……………………… the forest!
Chapter 4.
AN: I sed stup flaming ok lizzy’s name is LZIZY nut mary su OK! DARCY IS SOO IN LUV wif her dat he is acting defrent! dey nu eechodder b4 ok!
“MR. DARCY!” I shouted. “What the fuck do you think you are doing?”
Darcy didn’t answer but he stopped the flying car and he walked out of it. I walked out of it too, curiously.
“What the fucking hell?” I asked angrily.
“Lizzy?” he asked.
“What?” I snapped.
Mr. Darcy leaned in extra-close and I looked into his gothic red eyes (he was wearing color contacts) which revealed so much depressing sorrow and evilness and then suddenly I didn’t feel mad anymore.
And then…………… suddenly just as I Mr. Dacry kissed me passionately. Darcy climbed on top of me and we started to make out keenly against a tree. He took of my top and I took of his clothes. I even took of my bra. Then he put his thingie into my you-know-what and we did it for the first time.
“Oh! Oh! Oh! ” I screamed. I was beginning to get an orgasm. We started to kiss everywhere and my pale body became all warm. And then….
It was…………………………………………………….Mr. Bennet!
Chapter 5.
AN: shjt up prepz ok! PS I wnot update ubtil u give me goood revows!
The next day I woke up in my coffin. I put on a black miniskirt that was all ripped around the end and a matching top with red skulls all over it and high heeled boots that were black. I put on two pairs of skull earrings, and two crosses in my ears. I spray-painted my hair with purple.
In the breakfast room, I ate some Count Chocula cereal with blood instead of milk, and a glass of red blood. Suddenly someone bumped into me. All the blood spilled over my top.
“Bastard!” I shouted angrily. I regretted saying it when I looked up cause I was looking into the pale white face of a gothic boy with spiky black hair with red streaks in it. He was wearing so much eyeliner that I was going down his face and he was wearing black lipstick. He was wearing red contact lenses just like Mr Darcy’s. He had a manly stubble on his chin. He had a sexy English accent. He looked exactly like Joel Madden. He was so sexy that my body went all hot when I saw him kind of like an erection only I’m a girl so I didn’t get one you sicko. He was here with some other officers to visit my sister, Lydia.
“I’m so sorry.” he said in a shy voice.
“That’s all right. What’s your name?” I questioned.
“My name’s George Wickham, although most people call me Vampire these days.” he grumbled.
“Why?” I exclaimed.
“Because I love the taste of human blood.” he giggled.
“Well, I am a vampire.” I confessed.
“Really?” he whimpered.
“Yeah.” I roared.
We sat down to talk for a while. Then Mr. Darcy came up behind me and told me he had a surprise for me so I went away with him.
Chapter 6.
AN: stop flaming ok! i skipped time cuz the middle is boring lul so jus pretnd it al happned!MCR ROX!
I was trying to sleep when suddenly, an horrible woman with beady eyes and wrinkly skin and everything started knocking on the door! She was wearing all black but it was obvious she wasn’t gothic. It was…… Lady Catherine de Bourgh!
“No!” I shouted in a scared voice but then Lady Catherine grabbed my arm and I couldn’t run away.
“Let me go!” I shouted at her and scratched her arm. Lady Catherine fell on her but and started to scream. I felt bad for her even though I’m a sadist so I stopped.
“Lizzy.” she yelled. “Thou must not marry Fitzwilliam Darcy!”
I thought about Mr. Darcy and his sexah eyes and his black hair. I remembered that Mr. Wickham had said that Mr. Darcy was evel, but he told me himself it was all Wickham’s fault!
“No! Please!” I begged.
“Thou must!” she yelled. “If thou does not, then I shall tell everyone about how Lydia and Wickhma had sex before marriage !”
“How did you know?” I asked in a surprised way.
Lay Catherine got a dude-ur-so-retarded look on her face. “Everyone thinks that already.” she answered cruelly. “And if you doth marry Darcy, then thou know what will happen to your sister!” she shouted. Then she ran away angrily.
I was so scared and mad I didn’t know what to do. Suddenly Dracy came into the house.
“Mr. Darcy!” I said. “Hi!”
“Hi.” he said back but his face was all sad. He was wearing white foundation and messy eyeliner kind of like a pentagram (geddit) between Joel Madden and Gerard Way.
“Are you okay?” I asked.
“No.” he answered.
“I’m sorry I got all mad at you but I thought you were mean to Mr. Wickham.” I expelled.
“That’s okay.” he said all depressed “Will you mary me?”
“Yes!!” i said exitedly and we went back into Longbourn together making out.
Chapter 7
AN: well I hav noffing 2 say but evrt1 stup glamming ok!!111 if any gofik ppl r reading dis den u rok!!!11 omfg im leeving dubya pretty soon kant wait!!! Diz wil prolly be da last chaptah until I kum bak.
Mr. Darcy and I went to Jan’e swedding to Mr. Bingley and we were all happy and clapped when they kissed! Even tho I’m goth, I stil love my sister and am glad she’s happy. Mr. Darcy and I announced our engagement and everyone was happy. My mom fainted with hpapiness because she knew he was rich lolz. My dad didn’t want tme to marry him at first bcuz he though Drayc was meant to me but I told him i loved him so it wuz ok.
Whe got married and i wore al black corest, red fishnets on my legs and purple fishnets on my arms ,a blakc lace vail, and a lether black skirt. Mr Darcy told me I was beautiful and now we’re married!
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aibrechts · 7 years
this isn't necessarily a request but y'know what is a good and pure mental image? poker pair forehead kisses. allen kissing tyki's stigmata, one by one, reaffirming that he loves even this side of him. tyki pressing sweet, reassuring kisses to allen's skin, carefully avoiding his scar out of a badly-hidden fear that it'll react to him as a Noah and hurt his boy, until one day Allen guides his hand to rest on the scar, dragging it slowly down over his closed eye to prove he won't get hurt... :)
listenn,, i know u said it wasnt a request but u cant expect me to read this (the sweetest most pure and wholesome thing i’ve ever?) and not do anything about it. So. Ur just gonna have to deal with 1,300 words of Tykillen fluff okay ur actions have repercussions js
Allen dozed somewhere between sleep and half-wakefulness, whatever consciousness he had focused only on the warm hand trailing over his stomach and waist, up his chest and across his collarbone. Slow and calm and Tyki. Not because Allen knew Tyki’s touch so intimately (he did) or because he remembered them falling asleep just like this (he definitely did), but because no-one touched him like Tyki did. No-one’s hands were as gentle, as careful or as reverent as Tyki’s were when he traced undefinable patterns across Allen’s body. Painting him with love, his fingertips the softest brushes.
Still less than awake, Allen rolled in against Tyki’s warmth and curled into the space beneath his chin. Undisturbed, Tyki’s touches migrated to his back and trailed up and down his spine. Over and over, stopping to ad lib swirls and flourishes until Allen was all but asleep again. Tyki’s nose in his hair, lips on his forehead pressing tiny kisses as soft as butterfly wings wherever he bothered to reach.
“Hey,” Tyki murmured, voice low and rough with sleep and honesty. Allen mumbled a vague sound against his collar and curled his legs to tangle with Tyki’s beneath the sheets while Tyki’s wandering fingers travelled up the nape of his neck, beneath the tangle of hair falling around Allen’s shoulders. He tilted his head into the touch, bared his neck for Tyki’s gentle hands to brush against his skin. Eyes closed in drowsy bliss, Allen felt himself dissolve into a puddle of warmth when Tyki whispered, “I love you,” against his brow like it was the most precious thing in the world.
Another vague sound, this one overcome by the wordless swell of emotion in his heart, Allen curled his arms around Tyki’s waist and buried his face against his chest. A low laugh rumbled against his cheek and Allen had to bite his lip to hold back his own embarrassed grin.
Hand trailing back down Allen’s spine, Tyki was grinning when he said, “What?” and nuzzled his face happily into the fluffy mess of hair atop Allen’s head. “You don’t believe me?”
“I do,” Allen mumbled against his skin, cheeks hot, and only made a short grumble of disagreement when Tyki urged them into rolling so he was on his back with Tyki lying atop him. He was ready to relax into that new position, with Tyki’s lips at his neck and his body a warm weight against Allen’s, but it seemed Tyki didn’t want sleep right then.
His hands in Allen’s hair framing his face, Tyki sat up enough that he could pepper Allen’s face with smiling kisses. Allen squirmed and giggled, twisting this way and that under Tyki’s affection. “I love you,” he said, and kissed Allen’s nose. “I love you,” he said against his chin, his cheek, his forehead. “I love you, I love you, I love you,” until Allen could only throw his arms around Tyki’s neck and pull him down to kiss his lips so he would stop, laughing the whole while.
He could taste Tyki’s grin on his tongue, could feel every ounce of his adoration - could feel those kisses lingering everywhere they’d landed and smiled because Tyki, his Tyki. His big dumb mess of a lover and enemy - and friend above all that - cared so much that he wouldn’t let himself touch the scar slicing down Allen’s face. Even the kisses which had landed on Allen’s left cheek had missed the line of the scar. Because Allen knew Tyki, and he knew what Tyki knew, and Tyki knew that Mana’s curse abhorred the touch of a Noah. And Tyki, after all the hurt he had caused Allen, would never stand to cause him pain. He was so transparent it made Allen want to laugh, and so sweet it made him want to cry.
Allen tilted his head away, broke their kiss so he could put his right hand on Tyki’s cheek and twine the black fingers of his left with Tyki’s. Tyki didn’t react to the Innocence anymore, was far too used to Allen’s body to be taken by surprise. Quietly, his teasing smirk almost brushing Tyki’s lips, Allen murmured, “You can love me.” He closed his eyes, that smile still on his lips, and gently pulled at Tyki’s hand. Feeling the vaguest tug of resistance, Allen slitted his eyes open and craned his neck just far enough to touch his nose to Tyki’s. “You can’t hurt me,” he whispered, because if Tyki could learn to bear the touch of his Innocence then Allen could learn to let himself be touched.
After a moment’s hesitation Tyki slowly acquiesced. The pads of his fingers trailed across Allen’s cheekbone, tracing the cross section of the jagged scar. Breathing slowly, deeply, Allen closed his eyes again and directed Tyki’s gentle touch up until his fingers reached the place where the scar bisected his eyebrow, the point of the inverted star. Whatever pain Tyki’s concern caused Allen to expect - stabbing, aching, repelling… it never came. There was only the same dull itch of damaged nerves and scar tissue which Allen had always felt under his own touch, and nothing more.
“Trust me,” Allen said, holding Tyki’s hand there and opening his right eye so he could smile at his Noah, “you can’t hurt me.”
“You’re not invincible,” Tyki murmured and his eyes were reprimanding while he raised his hand to stroke his thumb across the rough star.
“Never said that,” Allen’s lips twitched in a cheeky tease, “but you couldn’t hurt me if you tried.” Tyki looked like he was going to counter that with some scathing reply but Allen pulled him down to seal those argumentative lips with a kiss.
Not to be distracted, Tyki indulged him for a moment before dragging his lips across Allen’s cheek and peppering kisses up the line of his scar. “My strength,” he murmured against Allen’s skin, “directly opposes yours.” Allen wished Tyki weren’t so busy kissing his face, so he’d be able to see the way Allen rolled his eyes. “We exist to destroy one another.”
Allen huffed a small sigh, disagreeing with Tyki’s insistence, and decided he’d stop that tirade before it managed to gain any momentum and ruin his morning. So he clapped his hands to Tyki’s cheeks and lifted him up so he could see the glare he’d been kissing away. “Listen,” Allen stressed and moved his hands to shake Tyki’s head a little. “You’re too dramatic,” he scowled at Tyki’s amusement and reached up so he could kiss the tip of his nose.
“Well,” Tyki laughed, “hello, Miss Pot. My name is Kettle.” Regardless, he didn’t resist when Allen dragged his nails back to push through Tyki’s hair, to pull him down to where Allen could press his lips to the stigmata engraved into his dark brow.
Pausing there, close and warm, Allen reasoned, “It doesn’t have to be about destruction.” He pecked a kiss to the next scar, felt the indent beneath his lips. “It doesn’t have to be war.” Another scar, another kiss, and Tyki had yet to disagree with him. “Haven’t we proven that?” he breathed, lips hovering over Tyki’s temple.
“Proof?” Tyki asked and Allen had to breathe a laugh against his skin before pressing a kiss there and lifting Tyki’s head so he could see Allen’s amused expression.
“You love me,” Allen said, certain after all the times Tyki had murmured the words against his skin and hair and lips. “And I,” he whispered, grinning into the warmth of Tyki’s returning smile, “am so, so in love with you.”
Still hesitant, still cautious for all that he wanted to believe it, Tyki asked, “Is that enough?” with something like concern pinching his brows.
“Isn’t it?” Allen countered with a small smile and trailed his hands down to cup Tyki’s jaw and pull him into a kiss. Because for him, it was enough. For them, it was enough. In all this mess of gods and devils, the only thing they’d found to be holy was just to love, and be loved in return.
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thepalegoldmoon · 7 years
so i was asked to answer all of these so here i gooooooo!!!!~… kms… ;u;
— 1. Who was the last person you held hands with?
uhhhhmmm i dont really hold hands cause i over heat and the get clammy easily, so the last person i “held hands”/ linked arms with was actually at Anime Boston with this rad dude Jay, we were cosplaying Keith and Lance from Voltron. it was a good day, but we were tired as fuck.
2. Are you outgoing or shy?
kinda both depends on the situation and who im around tbh
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing?
in general or like famous??? uhhhmmm, if we’re going in general tbh me rad ass mate Jay cause why wouldnt I be looking forward to seeing this kid??? hes literally the best thing or person to see ever, duh! and if were going famous??? uhhhmmm music wise either Panic! At The Disco, TOP, orrrrr maybe a tie between some one from the Hamilton, or Heahters musicals.
4. Are you easy to get along with?
again depends on the situation and people. over all id say yeah in some way.
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you?
uhmmm idk because we’d both probably be shit faced and tumbling over each other screaming, incoherently and laughing our asses off. While simultaneously getting into 20 different fights over cheese, bread, and cats. Then crying about video games and anime. probably in the midst of this we’d be laughing and patting each other’s back telling each other how good of a bro the other is an how we’re gonna take over the world by the sheer brute force of dogs and cats
6. What kind of people are you attracted to?
uhhhhmmm i dont really have a type but there’s a guy i like alot whos my dream guy tbh, and to me hes perfect in alot and pretty much every single way. ºuº
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now?
probably not but its nice to hope and dream c:
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind?
either rn my friend Casey cause shes in spain this week for vacation or my childhood bestfriend Liz cause her birthday just pasted on april 7th and i havent seen her in years.
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable?
depends on who im with and what exactly kinda stuff were talking about. but im always awkard af with everything so im always uncomftorble.
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with?
mi boi Jay!!~ we tend to get into deep conversation alot. i enjoy it alot tbh hahaha.
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say?
(when i got to this quesion)
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now?
UHMMM pass cause honestly the whole entirety of Heathers and Hamilton pretty much.
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair?
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles?
yeah man thats always been something i believe in because i have the most terrible luck but i like to believe miracles have happened in my life.
15. What good thing happened this summer?
i started the change in my social life and i got a really rad friend through the beginning phase of it!
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again?
uhmmm ive only done pecks cause im  fucking looser so that was Jay, so hell yeah i would man hahaha! (hes got a kissable face its nice alright, i swear im not this fucking awkward XD) ((and bro i know youll end up reading this. i love ya man!! i hope this isnt too bad lol~))
17. Do you think there is life on other planets?
fuck yeah i do bro. i wanna befriend at least one of them tbh.
18. Do you still talk to your first crush?
not really cause the kid left after 5th grade and i never saw him again,
19. Do you like bubble baths?
fuck yes.
20. Do you like your neighbors?
i dont really talk to them haha.
21. What are you bad habits?
i have alot, talking to much and fighting HARD during a fight, and having the worst timing for smart ass comments, and trying to change things i cant change too much. theres more but thats a good few.
22. Where would you like to travel?
everywhere and anywhere tbh
23. Do you have trust issues?
a bit ive more developed them because of shitty people
24. Favorite part of your daily routine?
either shower or the part where i come home and either draw, eat, play video games, get to text my boi, or where i get to sleep.
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with?
my nose, the corners of my mouth or my big toes.
26. What do you do when you wake up?
text my friend good morning or get up and play with my mouse for a few minutes
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker?
i enjoy my skin tone but i wish i could tan ith out burning although, ive always wanted to either be albino or see what its like to be darker.
28. Who are you most comfortable around?
either Jay, or my friend Casey
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up?
nope because i dont talk to them XD
30. Do you ever want to get married?
at some point maybe haha
31. Is your hair long enough for a pony tail?
almost but the sides and some of my bangs are just a teeny bit off from making it :u:
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with?
uhmm not really any tbh theyre all to much older than me
33. Spell your name with your chin.
alyxx/ nyxx
34. Do you play sports? What sports?
ew no but i like swimming and to go on walks for fun
35. Would you rather live without TV or music?
thats hard cause i need both for background noise
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them?
not really, i dont think so
37. What do you say during awkward silences?
something really stupid and half the time really provocative
38. Describe your dream girl/guy?
ahhhh hahaha well i dont really know because the guy im crushing on is my dream guy js. and if i were to try and describe him id butcher the amazing and astounding beauty of the real person to be honest
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in?
ahhhh idk, lush?? and anything with food tbh
40. What do you want to do after high school?
die, or move to salem WITCHever comes first -u0 lol (bad pun i know i know)
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance?
i belive in ALOT of chances tbh
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean?
either im tired, extremely sad/depressed, overthinking/ thinking, focusing, thinking how to reply something or im REALLY fucking pissed off at you for something.
43. Do you smile at strangers?
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean?
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning?
THE INPENDING FEAR AND DOOM OF CRIPPLING ANXIETY IF I MISS THE BUS OR if im hanging out wiht someone that day the motivation of not being alone in my room with myself for the whole day or so hahaha, or a con/ meet up which applies to friends.
46. What are you paranoid about?
47. Have you ever been high?
48. Have you ever been drunk?
buzzed not drunk
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about?
uhhh i dont think so im not really very secretive. maybe like PERSONAL shit but no
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore?
51. Ever wished you were someone else?
a few times
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself?
uhmmm either eye color and nose Physically.and personality wise i wish i wasnt so stubborn tbh.
53. Favourite makeup brand?
lush is the closest thing to makeup i use hunny
54. Favourite store?
55. Favourite blog?
@thedevilandhisfiddleofgold​ c;
56. Favourite colour?
57. Favourite food?
uhmmm theres too many to list, all?? except spicy
58. Last thing you ate?
a cracker with nutella on it
59. First thing you ate this morning?
a cinnamon powdered sugar doughnut
60. Ever won a competition? For what?
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what?
Suspending, accused of stealing shitty locker wallpaper panels. THAT I ACCTUALLY FUCKING HADNT ;U;
62. Been arrested? For what?
63. Ever been in love?
YES ;-;
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss?
never fucking had one kiddies sorry no story time for this one
65. Are you hungry right now?
kinda i want chips
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends?
uhm my only tumblr friends are friends in real life so not really because how do you like someone more on tumblr than you like them in real life??? not like its impossible its just odd.
67. Facebook or Twitter?
neither tbh, i only use my facebook for my work schedule
68. Twitter or Tumblr?
69. Are you watching tv right now?
yes i started 13 reasons why
70. Names of your bestfriends?
jay, casey, liz (ranked most to least interaction and tbh who ive talked to most recently, those other two loosers never text me)
71. Craving something? What?
chips, cookies, FOOD, and love, BUT MOSTLY FOOD RN
72. What colour are your towels?
we have mostly white and black towels but theyre all just multicolored
72. How many pillows do you sleep with?
(im also counting my stuffed animals as pillows)
at least 11 tbh
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals?
(refer to last question)
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have?
75. Favourite animal?
wolf, fox, raven, snowleopard, cat, snake (i cant choose)
76. What colour is your underwear?
black like my soul bitch
77. Chocolate or Vanilla?
78. Favourite ice cream flavour?
birthday cake or cotton candy/ bubblegum
79. What colour shirt are you wearing?
80. What colour pants?
dark grey
81. Favourite tv show?
uhmmmm Voltron or steven universe
82. Favourite movie?
heathers and the crow
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2?
Mean Girls
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street?
havent seen the second one (refer to previous question)
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls?
the lebanese chick and the gay guy that were friends with lindsay lohan’s character
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo?
thats a hard question cause i love them all ;-;
87. First person you talked to today?
Jay (and caiden???) i sent a message to a group chat right after i woke up, i was pointed at Jay but theyre both in that chat
88. Last person you talked to today?
same chat
89. Name a person you hate?
ahha ahhahaha hahahaha, mmmmm theres alot 
90. Name a person you love?
Jay, Casey, my pets
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now?
better question… is there not????
92. In a fight with someone?
i dont think so but im aboutabe casue they wont give me times on if theyre coming tomorrow or not ;-;
93. How many sweatpants do you have?
2 and a pair of sweat pants i made into shorts
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have?
hehehe at least 6 or 7. tbh my attack on titan one has been issing for a while and it makes me sad
95. Last movie you watched?
heathers, im not saying the technical last one cause it was gross as fuck and doe not count as a movie to me
96. Favourite actress?
ehhh hellena bonham carter
97. Favourite actor?
johnny depp
98. Do you tan a lot?
not really cause i burn and im afraid of getting skin cancer
99. Have any pets?
2 guinea PIGS and a mouse
100. How are you feeling?
alright kinda missing my friends and also kind anxious
101. Do you type fast?
depends on my mood, what im typing on,  and about
102. Do you regret anything from your past?
so.. many… things…
103. Can you spell well?
fairly decently i think, average nothing over the top but i try haha
104. Do you miss anyone from your past?
ehhh Liz and my friend Julia from Germany she was cool.
105. Ever been to a bonfire party?
106. Ever broken someone’s heart?
there was a girl named shannon who was all over me and head over heels for me, she mightve been a taurus. she tried to use some serious mental shit to try and get me to stay. i told her to seek professional help and not me.
107. Have you ever been on a horse?
108. What should you be doing?
a 10 page paper and finishing final fantasy, and getting more loot boxes in overwatch
109. Is something irritating you right now?
not really knowing what to do with my senior paper, shop friends, being alone, and not having enough hours in the day and always being fucking tired.
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt?
yes, i do right now, tbh, but its cool
111. Do you have trust issues?
this was already asked. slightly it depends on the person
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of?
no one, mentally and close to physiccally jay and caiden, but im always mentally crying. i dont physically cry if i do youre special, im not that soft.
113. What was your childhood nickname?
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state?
i was born in pittsburgh, pa. i lived in townsend, ma and i just recently moved to pepperrel, ma.
115. Do you play the Wii?
not any more
116. Are you listening to music right now?
not really
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup?
118. Do you like Chinese food?
119. Favourite book?
how to make the perfect boy?? (its something like that) i also really enjoyed mrs. perigrines home for peculiar children.
120. Are you afraid of the dark?
im afraid of what might be in it
121. Are you mean?
i can be
122. Is cheating ever okay?
ew not wtf
123. Can you keep white shoes clean?
probably not
124. Do you believe in love at first sight?
kinda but only to an extent
125. Do you believe in true love?
again kinda but only to an extent tbh
126. Are you currently bored?
a bit
127. What makes you happy?
chilling with jay, playing wiht my animal or sleeping 
128. Would you change your name?
i want to, im trying to get Alyxx as my name hahah but i have a genius way to keep ASH
129. What your zodiac sign?
130. Do you like subway?
yeah its alright
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do?
uhhhh hahah i already dated my childhood bestfriend. Liz was chill but id kindly turn her down
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with?
already answered this up top, but Jay
133. Favourite lyrics right now?
hmmmm i have too many tbh, id love to put one here but i cant think of a good one atm sorry my dudes
134. Can you count to one million?
maybe but im to lazy to fam
135. Dumbest lie you ever told?
hahaha ive told too many to put those down
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed?
137. How tall are you?
5′5.25″ ( THAT QUARTER IS IMPORTANT ;u;, believe it or not i had=ve alot of friends that are taller than me)
138. Curly or Straight hair?
139. Brunette or Blonde?
i myself am a “brunette”
140. Summer or Winter?
kinda both
141. Night or Day?
ehh more night but i enjoy both
142. Favourite month?
either, October, November, December, and i actually am not a fan of my birth month may haha
143. Are you a vegetarian?
nope but ive thought about becoming one to cleanse and to get in better shape kinda reasons
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate?
milk and white
145. Tea or Coffee?
146. Was today a good day?
ehhh kinda
147. Mars or Snickers?
snickers but i wanna try a mars bar
148. What’s your favourite quote?
hahah either
“ another fucking heather! -sighs- Our love is god let’s go get a slushie!”
-JD “Heathers”
( i relate most to the heather part tbh)
  “ill hook ‘em…” “..and ill cook ‘em!”
-Roadhog and Junkrat “Overwatch”
149. Do you believe in ghosts?
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line on that page?
“WOW MAGNUS, you’re probably thinking. That was… stupid!” 
Magnus Chase and the Gods of Asgard 
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stonequake · 8 years
This is what I do hwen I’m bored
1.Who was the last person you held hands with? this answer would normally be my boyfriend but oddly enough it is a random boy in the pit at billy talent who just held hands with me during a song i cried a little
2. Are you outgoing or shy? pretty shy
3. Who are you looking forward to seeing? my boyfriend tomorrow, my best friend soon
4. Are you easy to get along with? usually
5. If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? I’m usually the one taking care of people even when I’m drunk
6. What kind of people are you attracted to? weirdos, very emotive people, sincere, thoughtful, artsy, quiet, contemplative people, alternative ppl
7. Do you think you’ll be in a relationship two months from now? yes
8. Who from the opposite gender is on your mind? from the opposite gender? bob ross
9. Does talking about sex make you uncomfortable? not really talking about it
10. Who was the last person you had a deep conversation with? cale
11. What does the most recent text that you sent say? “ *flap* :( “
12. What are your 5 favorite songs right now? damn uh if I had to split-second choose: -  something weird by awful din
fuck shit up by ghost mice
good enough by tiny moving parts
common cold also by tiny moving parts
carjack by greys
13. Do you like it when people play with your hair? oh fuck yes
14. Do you believe in luck and miracles? I don’t believe in it but my brain often makes me act on it
15. What good thing happened this summer? i can’t even remember last month
16. Would you kiss the last person you kissed again? fuck no, unless we’re counting the little one I gave cale, then of course
17. Do you think there is life on other planets? of course
18. Do you still talk to your first crush? I don’t think I ever even talked to my first crush I was like 7
19. Do you like bubble baths? ya
20. Do you like your neighbours? she abuses her dogs
21. What are you bad habits? I have so many, washing my hands is probably one of them, staying up too late
22. Where would you like to travel? everywhere fr
23. Do you have trust issues? I don’t think in that way
24. Favorite part of your daily routine? doin my makeup
25. What part of your body are you most uncomfortable with? I’m pretty comfortable with my body nowadays, probably my nose or teeth
26. What do you do when you wake up? go on my phone, piss, eat cereal
27. Do you wish your skin was lighter or darker? i wish it wasn’t so blotchy
28. Who are you most comfortable around? cale
29. Have any of your ex’s told you they regret breaking up? uh
30. Do you ever want to get married? idk
31. If your hair long enough for a pony tail? yea
32. Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? ummm évelyne brochu and hugh dancy
33. Spell your name with your chin. elkhyxd
34. Do you play sports? What sports? I swim and ski
35. Would you rather live without TV or music? I already live without TV
36. Have you ever liked someone and never told them? who has not
37. What do you say during awkward silences? nothing
38. Describe your dream girl/guy? cool
39. What are your favorite stores to shop in? uh west 49 and like, winners
40. What do you want to do after high school? I’m not in high school and i’m doing nothing basically
41. Do you believe everyone deserves a second chance? generally
42. If your being extremely quiet what does it mean? nothing unusual
43. Do you smile at strangers? yes
44. Trip to outer space or bottom of the ocean? space
45. What makes you get out of bed in the morning? the fact that dad got milk last night so I can have cereal
46. What are you paranoid about? like everything. catching sickness especially
47. Have you ever been high? yea
48. Have you ever been drunk? yea
49. Have you done anything recently that you hope nobody finds out about? not /nobody/
50. What was the colour of the last hoodie you wore? black like my emo ass
51. Ever wished you were someone else? ya
52. One thing you wish you could change about yourself? my functioning, how I dissociate, make my voice stronger thats 3
53. Favourite makeup brand? low end is either nyx or elf, high end is too faced
54. Favourite store? #39
55. Favourite blog? qckdn
56. Favourite colour? grey or maroon
57. Favourite food? man idk, shrimp tacos maybe
58. Last thing you ate? wonton soup
59. First thing you ate this morning? cereal ?!
60. Ever won a competition? For what? can;t remember
61. Been suspended/expelled? For what? no
62. Been arrested? For what?n o
63. Ever been in love? yes
64. Tell us the story of your first kiss? can’t even remember
65. Are you hungry right now? nah
66. Do you like your tumblr friends more than your real friends? I don’t even really have tumblr friends
67. Facebook or Twitter? neither
68. Twitter or Tumblr? tumblr
69. Are you watching tv right now? no
70. Names of your best friends? pat and mat and cat
71. Craving something? What? death lol
72. What colour are your towels? most of them are shades of blue
72. How many pillows do you sleep with? two
73. Do you sleep with stuffed animals? yes
74. How many stuffed animals do you think you have? on my bed, like TEN
75. Favourite animal? I love penguins and bats and foxes and owls
76. What colour is your underwear? I think lilac
77. Chocolate or Vanilla? choc
78. Favourite ice cream flavour? bublegum
79. What colour shirt are you wearing? black :-(
80. What colour pants? grey
81. Favourite tv show? hannibal
82. Favourite movie? mmm idk spiderman
83. Mean Girls or Mean Girls 2? 1
84. Mean Girls or 21 Jump Street? 21 js
85. Favourite character from Mean Girls? uh idk the weird gay one
86. Favourite character from Finding Nemo? that stoner sea turtle
87. First person you talked to today? cale
88. Last person you talked to today? ^
89. Name a person you hate? shae!
90. Name a person you love? cale
91. Is there anyone you want to punch in the face right now? yeah
92. In a fight with someone? no
93. How many sweatpants do you have? 1
94. How many sweaters/hoodies do you have? lots
95. Last movie you watched? tangled lol
96. Favourite actress? anna sophia robb or évelyne brochu
97. Favourite actor? mads mikkelson, hugh dancy tbh.
98. Do you tan a lot? ha! no.
99. Have any pets? :——(
100. How are you feeling? sleepy, paranoid
101. Do you type fast? yea
102. Do you regret anything from your past? of course
103. Can you spell well? yes
104. Do you miss anyone from your past? yes
105. Ever been to a bonfire party? yes
106. Ever broken someone’s heart? yes
107. Have you ever been on a horse? no thanks
108. What should you be doing? sleeping
109. Is something irritating you right now? yes
110. Have you ever liked someone so much it hurt? my boy c-dawg
111. Do you have trust issues? ?
112. Who was the last person you cried in front of? calé
113. What was your childhood nickname? elile, el, zach
114. Have you ever been out of your province/state? yes
115. Do you play the Wii? oh yeah
116. Are you listening to music right now? yeah
117. Do you like chicken noodle soup? yeah
118. Do you like Chinese food? yeah
119. Favourite book? hm, idk
120. Are you afraid of the dark? no
121. Are you mean? oh yeah
122. Is cheating ever okay? no i don’t think
123. Can you keep white shoes clean? i can’t keep any shoes clean :\
124. Do you believe in love at first sight? no
125. Do you believe in true love? not the usual concept of ir
126. Are you currently bored? thats why I’m doing this
127. What makes you happy? my boyfriend, being in the pit, playing piano, hugging dogs, being downtown at night, warm snowy days, sleeping on the bus, looking at the stars, being underwater
128. Would you change your name? i don’t think so
129. What your zodiac sign? virgo
130. Do you like subway? ya
131. Your bestfriend of the opposite sex likes you, what do you do? yo that’s something I’m trying to figure out rn
132. Who’s the last person you had a deep conversation with? cale
133. Favourite lyrics right now? if i haven’t had a good dream in about ten years are my dark days coming or are they here
134. Can you count to one million? why would i
135. Dumbest lie you ever told? I always lie
136. Do you sleep with your doors open or closed? closed
137. How tall are you? 5'2
138. Curly or Straight hair? I like when my hair isn’t straightened
139. Brunette or Blonde? i’m blonde, i like both
140. Summer or Winter? winter
141. Night or Day? night
142. Favourite month? october maybe
143. Are you a vegetarian? no, i don’t eat much meat
144. Dark, milk or white chocolate? white
145. Tea or Coffee? tea
146. Was today a good day? eh
147. Mars or Snickers? mars
148. What’s your favourite quote? i like a lot of quotes
149. Do you believe in ghosts? idk
150. Get the closest book next to you, open it to page 42, what’s the first line
“ the old woman came in” quality bukowski
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just-pig · 7 years
Super Seventeen || Chapter Three
word count: [1716]
featuring: [nothing honestly lmao]
published: [july 31, 2017]
sorry for the late update! 
“What the fuck?”
Jisoo rarely swore, so when he did swear, you could bet something was up. Such was the case as the small trio of superheroes sent into the school stood around an object - said object being an arrow stuck into the wall with a piece of parchment pierced through the obsidian point.
As Jeonghan reached out to free the paper from the arrow’s death hold, Jihoon - or rather, Woozi - and Joshua went to examine the arrow itself. (Yes, Seungcheol had been replaced by Joshua considering the guy still had a broken foot but was apparently too oblivious to realize he was on crutches).
“Yup, there’s no doubt about it. This arrow is definitely from NCT.”
Woozi flinched upon hearing their nemesis’ name. They’d always had multiple rivals, but if Woozi had to choose one that irked him the most, it’d most definitely be Neo Culture Technology, a group of males who evidently couldn’t sit still for more than two weeks.
Joshua continued to elaborate. “Hm… the fletchings on the arrow have the same design, but…”
Seeing Joshua lean closer made Woozi do the same, unconsciously, almost as if the arrow itself were a magnet. Squinting, Woozi realized that there was a set of intricate designs on the shaft. “Wood carvings?” He asked aloud. Turning to Joshua, he asked, “Wouldn’t that affect the aerodynamics of the shot?”
Joshua shook his head. “Not necessarily. I don’t think the carvings are deep enough to affect it too much. But what I’m wondering is what’s the significance of this - ”
“You can go and science away some other time,” Jeonghan cut in, holding up the parchment and tossing the arrow to Woozi. “But right now I think this is a priority.”
Crowding around Jeonghan, it didn’t take them too long to realize it was in English (mostly because English is very much distinguishable from their native language of Korean) and Woozi turned to Joshua instinctively. “Tell us what it says.”
Joshua squinted. “Whoever wrote this needs to work on their writing,” making Woozi and Jeonghan snicker.
A few beats later, Joshua frowned. “We need to get to the headquarters. Right now.”
“What? Why? I said to tell us what’s on it - ”
“Not now, there’s no time. I’m sorry but we really have to go, I’ll tell you guys when we’re safe.”
Woozi tensed up. “You mean we aren’t safe right now?”
“No! Well, maybe. I’m…” Glancing quickly at the nearest window, Joshua dragged them both to an area with no light. “I’m not completely sure at the moment. But it would be best for all of us if we left - as in, left the neighbourhood. For now, let’s just get out of here.”
Slightly irritated at the fact that Joshua refused to explain to them the content of the note but trusting nonetheless, Woozi followed his hyungs out the school. (He regretted this as well since the two of them took him through a filthy tunnel he never knew existed and into a shady alley near the school just as a “caution”).
They had left in such a rush that it took a while for everyone to sink in what had happened - especially the four who had just returned from the dance competition, since they had arrived, panicked, and then were immediately told to get back in the car and rush to headquarters.
‘Headquarters’ referred to the building in which they were guaranteed perfect solitude and could talk freely about whatever you need to talk about as a superhero squad, given by their sponsor, Pledis. It also referred to that one pretty much fallen apart building on the corner of Serenity Drive (aka Jihoon would’ve preferred a building with an actual functioning sink, although Pledis claimed this was purely for masking purposes).
They had managed to set up a lounge room at the far end of the basement. It wasn’t particularly impressive, considering it was only made up of a pool table surrounded by thirteen various items to sit on, but it made do.
One would expect better funding for a superhero team.
So now they were sitting at the pool table, eyes trained on Seungcheol. Kind of. Doing a quick glance of the entire room, Jihoon noticed that only three people were really paying attention - in other words, Hansol and Seungkwan were still fighting over the only cushioned chair left; Soonyoung was asking Jeonghan what they were doing here; Seokmin and Jun were having a competition trying to see who could shoot a pool ball into one of the baskets hanging on the sides from the farthest distance (without breaking it, of course); and Jisoo was trying to go over the wooden engravings on the arrow with Wonwoo (always a trustworthy consultant) and Mingyu (who was solely there because of Wonwoo).
Seungcheol started the meeting nonetheless. If the others didn’t pick up on what happened… well, sucks to be them. “Okay. So Jeonghan - ”
“And Jisoo,” Jisoo cut in, apparently now focused. “And Jihoon.”
With a quick eye roll, Seungcheol dismissed the boy’s statement. “And Jisoo and Jihoon called to my attention that it appears our foes Neo Culture Technology are on the loose again.”
If coming here in the first place didn’t catch everyone’s attention, the three words ‘Neo Culture Technology’ sure did. Jihoon suspected that most people held the same special grudge against the group as he did.
Unraveling the parchment that he had wrapped up in his pack a few minutes earlier, Seungcheol beckoned Jisoo to come up to the front of the table. Upon realizing that Jisoo was to decipher the script for them, Jihoon leaned forward in anticipation. He had never been particularly patient.
“The note goes as follows:
We are aware of what you’ve done for the city. Everyone is - after all, your masked faces are everywhere in the news, claiming that you’re the saviours of South Korea. But they don’t know what you’ve really done. And we do. I suggest you take a step back, or else things are about to get messy.
We know things that you know. And we know things you don’t.
We’re closer than you think.
-js, nct.”
For a few beats, the room was actually silent - something Jihoon wouldn’t have thought possible considering how reckless the thirteen of them could be.
Finally, Jeonghan let out a weak, “We’re closer than you think? So… we’ve seen them face to face?”
Jisoo shrugged. “Why else do you think I rushed us out of there so quickly?”
Instinctively, Jihoon turned to look at the only window in the basement. It was a small window (because they were underground), but Jihoon swore he saw movement.
We’re closer than you think.
Great to know.
“Okay. So we know that NCT’s main policy is that they have an unlimited amount of members - anyone can join freely, but once they join, they can’t leave, unless they undergo amnesia.”
Soonyoung flinched. “As in, forced amnesia?”
Wonwoo raised his eyebrows. “I mean, un-forced amnesia, unfortunately, isn’t particularly common. From what I can tell, they hit the subject pretty hard in the head with some kind of brick or something to make sure that they forget any information that they could possibly leak.”
“And it also makes the members reluctant to leave in the first place. After all, you’d have to risk forgetting everything.” Jisoo adds.
“So let’s just make a quick diagram of who we know at the moment.” Jihoon uncapped his marker and then wrote down, Taeil, Taeyong, Yuta, Jaehyun, Winwin, Mark, Haechan. Tapping his chin thoughtfully, he muttered, “I feel like I’m missing someone…”
Scanning the list over and over, Soonyoung also had the feeling that someone was missing, but he couldn’t quite figure out who. He also felt that he should know -
As soon as the name ran past him, he nearly broke the table in fury.
His voice was calm, so the members remained more or less unsuspecting - except for Jihoon, who was aware of Soonyoung’s past conflicts with said boy. He gave Soonyoung a worried glance before writing ‘Ten’ alongside the other names.
Ten. The first time Ten and Soonyoung had crossed paths, they weren’t even superheroes. Back when Soonyoung was still considered a ‘ruthless teenager’, he had gone to underground dance competitions and earned immense amounts of money that he would secretly cash into their family’s bank, so as they wouldn’t go broke.
It was also in this time that Soonyoung had been given the stage name of ‘Hoshi’, since he was so young but still performed spectacularly, and people claimed he deserved to be called a star.
Except for one person.
Ten. The only other person that was Hoshi’s age. They learned that Ten was still a few months older, but by then, Ten had already targeted Hoshi and declared him an enemy, not giving them any time to become friends (something that Hoshi would’ve preferred as opposed to forcing himself to choreograph incredibly difficult and intricate dances in a week’s time to prepare himself for the ‘duel’).
But if Ten wanted to compete, Hoshi wouldn’t back down. That wasn’t something that Hoshi would do.
There was one point, however, that Hoshi really did feel like backing down. Between Ten and Hoshi, their dance skills were roughly the same, but it was the style of dance that made them both unique. Ten specialized in more traditional dancing, whereas Hoshi specialized in more modern-day hip-hop. And the people who judged the duels seemed to prefer hip-hop.
That bothered Hoshi a bit. Traditional dancing was still dancing, wasn’t it?
And that definitely bothered Ten. Though Ten seemed okay after he lost the fifth battle, he had come to Hoshi after everyone dispersed and whispered threats, punched him - anything that made a thirteen-year old have nightmares.
That was when he stopped going to the dance competitions. He almost gave up dance in general, but his mother excitedly told him that they actually had enough money for him to attend dance classes. Seeing her so excited, he couldn’t bear to say no.
So a few years back when he learned that Ten was part of NCT… you can imagine how determined he was to kick their asses.
And this time? He wasn’t going to let Ten get to him so easily.
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