#and they're probably not meta either lmao
rubys-domain · 1 year
i'm going through a phase of "i just want x character out all the time and i just wanna run around with them and bask in their glory" with kokomi. so much so that i'm almost scared that she'll surpass chong as my fave of all time. but i went through a similar phase with cyno so logically i know that that won't actually happen.
still kind of annoying that i can never have this much interest in a meta dps tho. like why are all the characters i have any interest in maining either 4 stars, supports, or just not meta units (cyno, yoimiya)???
#⇢₊˚⊹ 🩷∥ruby∥yo,ide yo !!#if i could go back in time and give my newbie self advice#it would be to pick ONE meta (or universally strong) dps. just one. even if i have no interest in them#solely to make my life easier#as long as i don't dislike them,i can be arsed to use them#currently the only 5 star dps's considered strong that i also wouldn't mind using are tighnari and xiao#and they're probably not meta either lmao#childe maybe. i just find childe international boring to play#yeah nilou's strong and i really like her but she's not REALLY a dps. at least not in the traditional sense#xiao needs high investment and better weapons than i currently have#at least cyno can make good use of a white tassel#i mean i guess i already have blackcliff pole but eh...#tighnari i have the event bow. but i also don't know when i'm gonna lose my damn 50/50 to him#nari PLEASE come home i BEG 😭😭😭😭😭#don't get me wrong cyno and yoimiya serve me well. but i didn't use cyno at all until i got baizhu#and by that point i was already capable of giving him the stuff to make him decent#yoimiya's great (she does more damage than alt chong whom i invested way more into which is good but also kinda depressing as a chong main)#i just hate how easily she gets staggered. especially since i haven't been able to build layla very well yet so i still have to dodge#(totm is a pain. geovishaps are a pain. i might have to co-op to farm totm. but being ar 54 ppl might expect me to carry. which i can't)#(and i'm scared of bringing chong to co-op cuz nobody might let me use him. if i bring yoi i might get dunked on for her rn not-great build#(and i literally have no other characters i have that are actually built so i'd just be screwed)#(luckily it's getting added to the strongbox in 4.0. it's not the most efficient but it's definitely the less painful way to farm totm)
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where-the-water-flows · 4 months
hey no wait. hang on, wait. wenjing is like, explicitly the secret sword, right, the one basically no one knew about, it's part of the reason the court is like 'mmk seems legit' when fang doubing is like ~I am totally for real his disciple~ because he knows about the sword at all
but li xiangyi/lianhua is clearly like. practiced at using the sword, which does not move like basically...any other weapon. that man has spent a fuck lot of time training to and straight up developing how to use a sword that is basically the most unswordlike sword to ever sword. that sword is like a slap bracelet with bladed edges that can also cut through....anything? nearly anything?? it does not move or react like your standard mostly rigid bar of folded metal sword, is the gist here.
which brings me to two, semi-related, points:
when saintess rocks up to steal di feisheng from the zombie cave and also is like 'I'm going to kill you uh actually lol nope fuck that I'm outtie peace bitches', is that literally the first time she's even got a hint that li xiangyi/lianhua has a sword that is basically nigh impossible to block because it can straight up bend around obstacles? (obstacles such as, say, anyone else's sword) if yes, no fucking wonder she's like mmmm I see no thank you I need to go wash my di feisheng's hair, so busy, catch you later because like. how the fuck do you even deal with that. a guy who should have been horribly and messily dead literally a decade ago rocks up and is like 'I lived bitch! also surprise, I have a sword made of glowing Go-Fuck-Yourself metal', like, I too would fucking split! you would only be able to find me by the cartoon dust cloud left in my wake. RIP to everyone else in the jianghu but saintess is making the objectively correct choice here, which is wild because, like. saintess.
how many people's last fucking moment was seeing throat cutter, probably glowing and covered in their blood? because like. Li xiangyi clearly used it! enough to be good at using it. enough to know that it glows blue when there's blood on it, even if he apparently was just like sometimes swords just glow for reasons I guess ¯\_(ツ)_/¯. so. if no one outside of sigu sect high command knows that wenjing exists*, that means everyone else who ever saw that sword -- which there has to have been people, given that li xiangyi was out there uhhh using it -- those people who saw it presumably also uh. died. in a pretty confirmed kinda way. likely via....that sword. throat cutter** indeed
*and not even all of the inner sigu sect command folks knew about li xiangyi having it! they're pretty explicit that five people total know about the sword, which is the four court heads, and then presumably either qiao wanmian or xiao zijin, but not both of them (which, lmao, what the hell were sigu sect internal politics for real), and even that's if we assume shan gudao is not being included in the count because he's "dead"
**yes I know it's a reference to a friendship/relationship you'd cut your throat for per @murderedbyhomework's recent great meta, but also, like. it's still a cut throat, y'know? words can have multiple meanings, and also this is mostly a pun on the name. the rest of the post stands as is tho.
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rainbowgod666 · 7 months
Wizardposting blogs and my view of them, OR:
My ass out here cataloguing wizards like they're pokemon 💀 i ran out of things to do fr 💀💀💀
@official-megumin: dutch (EDIT. SHE ISNT. I WRONGLY REMEMBERER A POST OF HERS. I KNOW HER ASS IS LIVING [OR FROM] NORTH EUROPE THO) megumin that still has the "only knows one spell and its the stupidest and hardest to unlock and use. Balancing the Meta my ass" problem. In a relationship with @a-sentient-cup
@autism--wizard: just a lil neurodivergent guy that likes spooders. Not much of it really. Possibly strong enough to defeat spiders georg
@the-adhd-sorcerer: moot :) also more powerful than they let on, but its like DBXV2: starter gear and GODLY stats
@mossy--wizard: moss-fueled neurodivergent boi with lots of moss. Yes their blog feels like a wet forest in the sunlight, drying up after a long rain. Not really interacted with them tho...
@wizard-council-bureaucrat: basically the MC of tumblr wizardposting. If they say something its either wizard law or just a suggestion. Probably the only wizard here that ISNT "surprisingly powerful even though their learning was less than advanced"
@wizard-intern: the blorbo.
@the-gnomish-bastard: ok i get that theyre basically pilaf from dragonball, but A: the stew arcanum is REAL bur the 24 gods thing either sounds like bullshit or he made a stew out of 24 REALLY HUBRIS-FILLED PEOPLE (which would explain his "holy fucking shit how are you even capable of HAVING A STRUCTURE WITH THE FUNCTION OF A BRAIN"), B: he was the dude that came up with the whole "floating wizard island thing" (which has so many holes like wtf put it back down) and C: im pretty sure they have been corrupted by some kind of mushroom deity, which would explain the fact that when calling him "stupid" its like SCP-682 saying that humans are disgusting. Because there literally isnt a stronger word in the human language. How in the fuck does someone have so little intellect we have to do like the jewish population of europe after 1945 when they came up with the word "shoah" to describe what happened to them. To the user running that blog. GET SOME PSYCHIATRIC HELP ASAP. Holy shit.
@not-a-suspicious-wizard: "I aM vErY tRuStWoRtHy" dude everyone knows you wanna do some weird "subjugate reality" bullshit. How about you start making drafts and NOT murdering opponents? Seriously dude if you wanna be in charge as long as you dont try weird "consolidating power like its the 1940s" shit its alright. Maybe take some craftmanship things as a hobby! Make your own throne! Come up with something to do when you are too tired to do Dominant King Bullshit! Play modded minecraft/terraria! Make origami! If youre gonna blanket the world in darkness, at least make it look cool and welcoming instead of "inevitable rebel uprising lol have fun with Prophetic Children lmao" :3
@incompetent-wizard: are you SURE youre incompetent? Chances are, you're just unlucky 😊
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morethansky · 5 months
Realized I never wrote up my thoughts on "Into the Breach," which was the first episode I've liked since "Extraction"!!! Probably because all I could think about was Echo for 72 hours afterward.
This episode gave me such Rebels vibes, and that's truly the highest compliment I could pay any Star Wars media. I present my case:
There's an objective laid out from the start that is a small but crucial piece of the larger plot. The beginning of the episode presents this problem, and by the end of the episode, that specific problem solved.
Everyone is competent, and every character gets to do something vital to the mission. Whether it's a small thing doesn't matter; it's the fact that if that character wasn't there to do that small thing, the mission might be screwed that matters.
The action is meaningful—it conveys something about the characters while also driving the plot forward—and there's suspense that ratchets up the tension. And then to diffuse it, there's humor, and each joke is funny, but it's not overdone.
Infiltration episodes are such a Star Wars staple, and it's a real shame that TBB hasn't had more of them. They tried to make up for it by putting THREE infiltrations into this episode lmao. The fact that they show one long-term infiltration, one short-term infiltration, and one super short-term infiltration is very clever and makes the writing feel cohesive and dynamic, something this show hasn't always been able to achieve.
Also important, they do both a space/flight mission and a ground mission (two of each, technically), which is something that always helps make an episode feel like it's set in the GFFA and not just, you know *cough* Space!Louisiana. Or Tatooine scene #700.
There's also some nice storytelling going on with the environment—they go from being outside on the cloud city (free) to inside a space station (trapped with enemies), and for Omega, inside a cell (in which she actually enters another cell, visually—her bunk). The wide outdoor shots make the close, indoor shots feel much more claustrophobic, which is exactly the atmosphere these particular indoor settings should be giving off.
Other thoughts and meta:
Daytime Tantiss is a good sign! Forecast: Not death?
Prison Break Omega is just such a good vibe, and this would just be so fucking cool...except we've literally already seen her escape once this season??? And it was already really well done??? This is like the flip side of my complaint that Omega was too helpless in the first season, and it was annoying how she constantly needed to be rescued. Now she's too competent and is always escaping lol. It just really, really cheapens the dramatic effect either escape could've had.
Needless to say, the Batch's driving purpose once again being that they're struggling to rescue Omega is just. I'm tired. If there are going to be two major captures and two major escapes this season, at least one of them needs to be a narrative flip!!! The Batch rescuing her at the front end of the season and Omega escaping herself at the end, or vice versa, would've made it much less repetitive (and stopped cutting the Batch off at the knees in order to show Omega's competency). Omega even gets captured in the same fucking way—she gives herself up in "Plan 99" and "Point of No Return"! Ughhhhh
Okay I swear I actually like this episode lmao, I just. Editor instincts.
Thinking about how Omega left Lula on Pabu and has essentially left Straw!Lula to Eva, and how it shows that she's shed her need for comfort and is now ready to provide that comfort to other children, which is very lovely. But I'm also worried about Lula and Tech's goggles being on Pabu, because there are only three thematic options here: Everyone returns to them (sanctuary), everyone leaves them behind (leaving the past behind), or Omega returns to leave more items, say a bandana or a Firepuncher (memorial). The link between Lula and the goggles is actually not that natural (unless you're a Techwrecker shipper like me :D), so I've been pondering this choice a lot.
The symbolism of everything inside Tantiss being in the shape of the Empire cog and every character within its walls being a cog of the Empire is so heavy handed...and I am here for every moment of it!!!
Truly did not expect Rampart to stick around for so long. He's going to be a main character in the finale at this point?? I like how he's like a Kallus foil here—despite being scapegoated by the literal emperor he's still loyal to the regime and takes such pride in it. A very Jennifer Corbett & Brad Rau–esque character.
The way that when Echo came down the ramp I literally said, "Oh, thank god."
Hunter and Echo doing the clone hand clasp (and not wrist clasp, you'll note) isn't as emotional given that we already know how strong their bond is at this point, but it's still nice to see this visual callback to the Batch respecting Cody so much despite him being a reg that Hunter would use this hand clasp to greet him. It's a great shorthand (ha) for Hunter's feelings, since he is particularly suspicious of outsiders, and Echo is now fully "one of his."
I really love the mirror of the scene when the Batch is in the cell on Kamino and they escape by breaking into the wall—Omega effectively does the same thing here. These are the satisfying kinds of repetition, rather than entire arcs!
Every time I think about the Tech-is-the-mustachioed-doctor theory I giggle. It would just be. So anticlimactic?? But absolutely hilarious.
The costume change is so unnecessary, buuut I'll be first in line to buy the variant figures! Also it's nice to see some canon clone armor painting after writing and reading so many fics about it!!
I really like Hunter sensing Rampart plotting and how it brings his powers even closer to Jedi precognition.
Not too much Crosshunt in this ep, but I like how in both shuttle scenes, Crosshair stands in a position that blocks Rampart from getting to Hunter in the cockpit (while Wrecker blocks Rampart from getting to the exit).
Not particularly significant, but I like the visual detail of Hunter, Echo, and Crosshair bracketing Rampart in a triangle and it looking like they're his bodyguards but them actually forming that position because he's their prisoner.
The way I screamed when Rampart tries to get Echo to say "sir" and he just says, "I don't think so." Echo did not go through everything he's gone through up to this point to take anyone's shit!!! And the way Rampart just takes it and looks down all ashamed is peak comedy to me. Even he sensed that he was treading on dangerous ground there. (Just for a second think about Fives on Umbara and how he refused to take Krell's shit from the very start...)
The commandos being on this space station (that's orbiting Coruscant??) makes me very sad because it kind of foreshadows a dark ending for the Tantiss arc by showing that the commandos are spread all over the galaxy. So even if they rescue all the commandos from Tantiss, it still wouldn't save all the others. In which case, writing wise, it feels way more unlikely for them to save the commandos on Tantiss at all.
Wrecker tapping his foot while scrolling through the comments on his AO3 account is very cute. Also in the last episode the mining foreman was on his datapad like a phone and I thought it was supposed to convey that he was lazy lol but maybe this sort of thing is just going to show up in SW a lot more now haha
The lieutenant demanding to know where the captain is is kind of silly because wasn't he the one to let him go inside?? Why would he be back at his ship? But I love me the Rebels-esque gag of knocking him out on the ship.
Everyone is screaming about Crosshair having faith in Echo getting them through, but I would also like to contribute the fact that Crosshair says, "You can't go alone." A very poetic line of dialogue because being alone in the Techno Union is what the Batch saved Echo from being, and it's what Crosshair chose to be for two and a half seasons of this show. Not wanting to be alone again was also what made him turn against the Empire! We also see this anxiety in the previous episode, where he (in that very ridiculous reveal) admits he doesn't want to go back to Tantiss (and be alone again).
ECHOOOOOO!!!! About fucking time they gave him another action feature!!! I rewatch that opening sequence in "Tipping Point" constantly. And not only that, it's a very character-driven action feature for once!!! We see him showcase what it means to be an ARC trooper and also what it means that he's "part-droid." A test I like to consider when I gauge the quality of action-ensemble media is, Could any other character have done that? In this case, the text is very loudly telling us absolutely not! Also the way he exudes confidence about it ("But I can") is also just. Super hot, 10/10
Tbh the Echo feature felt so out of place for this show that at this point I was suddenly filled with terror that he was about to die. Thank god he did not, but he's still separated from the others by the end, so it's not out of the question for something terrible to happen in hyperspace, and I do not want it!!! But altogether that was a badass third act and a very good episode!
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nullbutler · 1 year
Masterpost of Projects
Hi! I'm Null! I make way too much stuff !! Here's a comprehensive list of everything I'm proud enough of to advertise on the front of my blog! It's a lot of kuro stuff!
A literal season 2 MOVIE. That's right i fucking COMPILED SEASON 2 INTO A FUCKING MOVIE it's a TWO AND A HALF HOUR LONG FUCKING MOVIE. I am in no way an editing professional, but the filler is cut, the gratuitously vile scenes are either done differently or also cut, and Alois and Hannah are portrayed in a kinder light, especially with Alois's backstory being handled a lot more carefully. No original footage is added - it is merely camera tricks and framing.
"You got rid of that Ciel screaming scene and that's like 5 stars for me." -- @warmmilk-n-honey
"Truly proves that less is more." -- @pain-in-the-butler
"An actual digestible version of Season 2." - @mantomhive
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2. My Webcomic: The Dead The Damned & The Devil (Read here)
What if Vincent Phantomhive came back from the dead just before his sons were sacrificed? This is a fix-it AU...kind of. Many side characters are integral to this story, like Francis and Madam Red. It's got 8+ chapters, and if you like to watch scared parents protect sad little kids, its a good read. likewise, if you already want to hug vincent, its a good read. likewise, if you want to punch vincnet in the face, it's a good...
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3. My Season 2 Video Essay (black butler season 2 is laughing at you)
watch me scream about the meta of season 2 as an exhausted season 2 fan for about two hours...it's got some original animatics, too!
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4. My Youtube + some highlights such as
The Black Butler Actors OVA Abridged
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exactly what it says on the tin! a 22 minute long black butler parody following what the hellish production of season 2 was actually like (and also. uh. character trauma??? somehow???)
"Cinder Soul" the angsty End-of-Contract visual novel
Sebastian and Ciel angst hours, in an AU where Ciel has quite literally lost everything. Ominous. Sad.
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Season 2 Reanimation project
on indefinite hiatus -- but its still 14 minutes of technically an episode, and the ending is more 'open' than 'cliffhanger.' what if Alois and Ciel got to talk it out when they were trapped in the same body, back in episode 11? Fully originally animated (thsi is probably the largest thing I've ever made hghdfhs)
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Collabs w Mel ( @weeb-cheese )
This list will probably get longer but aaa they're so cool!
Pluto video essay!
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Drossel video essay!
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NOT-KURO VIsual Novel
A light-hearted (?) sapphic visual novel about some ladies who LARP at garden club. On hiatus
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5. Ego Te Absolvo
So what if Alois Trancy teamed up with Ash Landers and became an exorcist who killed demons? Would he be happy? Would he be free? This is a really fun fic, i've been co-writing it with @eemoo1o and its aaa!! very cool!! do be warned, it gets...darker...the longer you read it. it is an alois trancy fic after all, even if the initial concept might seem a bit silly
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6. RIan Stoker Ask Blog
Don't ask me why i wanted to make this. but he's always open!
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I have a number of other smaller projects that you can find by hunting through my youtube and stalking my ao3. I don't mind!! tho some of the older stuff is definitely not as good lmao thanks for reading!!
I also run @blackbutler-heritage-posts and hosted @dadbastianweek2023 !!!
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noddytheornithopod · 11 months
PnF Season 5 Title Speculation
Okay first thing's first, found out through this (click on "relationships"), which I found out through the PnF Wiki twitter.
As for the episode titles themselves, I will list what's been confirmed here.
501: Summer Block Buster/Cloudy with a Chance of Mom
502: Appetite for Adventure/License to Bust
503: Dry Another Day/Deconstructing Doof
504: Tropey McTropeface/Biblio-Blast!
505: A Chip to the Vet/More Than an Intern
506: The Aurora Perry-Alis/Lord of the Firesides
507: Agent T (for Teen)/The Haberdasher
508: [Title TBD]/Out of Character
Alright, now that's out of the way, time to get crazy and speculate nonsense based on titles alone
Summer Block Buster: I don't really have much to say besides the fact the title is very fitting. Yeah Summer Block Busters are a thing, but I won't be surprised if this episode is just one big grand re-entrance for everyone. I expect it to be very meta about it too, some of the dialogue Dan recorded for Doof even suggests this.
License to Bust: IDK what to say here but the whole pun on "licence to kill" (which is also the title of a Bond movie). I don't think puns are emblematic of much, but it's most explicit confirmation Candace is still trying to bust her brothers, which people understandable debated after Candace Against the Universe. Wonder if the licence thing is going to be relevant.
Dry Another Day: Second Bond title pun, lol.
Deconstructing Doof: Not sure what's being gotten at here, but it's an intriguing title to say the least. Very uh interesting. I could make a joke about how it's about how they don't know what to do with him post Summer but I'm not here for snarky commentary.
Tropey McTropeface: Uh... very interesting. Named after Boaty McBoatface, apparently. IDK what tropey nonsense they're getting up to though.
Biblio-Blast: I feel like SOMETHING is being said here but I don't know what. Was pointed out to me it could be something about weaponised books but IDK what that even looks like.
A Chip to the Vet: Okay this is very interesting. Firstly, it's probably Perry going to the vet. Secondly... one thing done for pets at vets is to get chipped. Whether it's just something the vet does or it's a deliberate request so they can get an idea of where Perry wanders off to... it's gonna be a big problem for Perry. Hopefully OWCA has a way to get around that lol.
More than an Intern: Carl episode. Nuff said. More trying to prove himself to Monogram probably even as Monogram treats him like shit, lmao.
The Aurora Perry-Alis: Aurora Borealis? At this time of year, at this time of- yeah we all know Steamed Hams probably. No idea what this will add up to honestly, maybe some kind of astronomical phenomenon that looks like a platypus, or the gang make one? If there's anything I have to say though, there's a chance it might run parallel to the next episode in a Bubble Boys or Bee Day type fashion, because...
Lord of the Firesides: Yeah you know I'm gonna be talking about what is obviously a Fireside Girls episode as that guy with the Isabella brainrot. So if it works like Temple of Sap or Bee Story, it COULD run parallel to the last episode, but that's not guaranteed. Either way... some friction between the Fireside Girls is going to come up. The title obviously references Lord of the Flies, aka the story where kids turn brutal and try to dominate each other or whatever. Maybe there's a split Isabella is caught in the middle of. Or perhaps... Isabella is removed as troop leader. She could make some serious blunder (could even be unrelated to Phineas even if that bias does affect her activities a lot), but maybe the other girls just end up being sick of Isabella's Phineas nonsense after something went too far. :P If Isabella is kicked out, I feel like she'd really struggle with that, because being a Fireside Girl is really important to her. Also, IDK who would replace Isabella as leader (honestly this ep would be good to just flesh out the other girls more in general), but I did see a hilarious suggestion that maybe it could be Candace. Would be similar to We Call it Maize (a very underrated episode IMO) but with more serious consequences. Not something I'm riding on, but it's a fun idea, especially if she proves she's more egotistical or just outright doesn't know what she's doing. Also saw a hilarious yet touching idea that somehow PHINEAS helps Isabella regain her leadership, he'd reassure her of why she's a good Fireside Girl and all that (cuz he believes in her to the ends of the Universe guys, shit my Phinabella is showing), or just somehow help her prove herself again. Also, the solution coming from what the girls thought was the problem would just be ironic and funny in a very PnF way. Either way... amazing at what a mere title can make me wonder.
Agent T (for Teen): Perry the teenage girl??? Okay so I've already seen this catch on from many people, but if there's one thing everyone in the Phineas and Ferb fandom wants, it's more Stacy and Perry interaction. Sure, maybe it could be someone else (Monty's a teenager, where's he been? maybe something leading to or following up Vanessa's internship based on when the revival takes place, or even some weird Candace shenanigans)... but come on. Even if it isn't, we all are gonna see this and hope it's Stacy related as she gets roped back into Perry's world again.
The Haberdasher: So something to do with selling men's clothing? Definitely a scheme PnF could enact. Also there's the meaning of stuff for things like sewing but that's supposedly British and the men's clothing thing is American soooo we know what's more likely. I wonder who's gonna get the glow up though? Baljeet? Jeremy? Maybe the guys just wanna slay? Shit, Phinabella brainrot is back, what happens when she sees whatever Phineas puts on? :v Of course, this could somehow tie to the B-plot too, maybe Doof needs to dress nicely for something.
TBD: Truly a profound title. So much is said with mere letters... okay yeah I can't do this lol
Out of Character: So much is said with so little. The first thing that came to mind was once someone asked Dan and Swampy at I believe SDCC if they'd ever do a personality swap episode, and their response was to look at each other and be like "maybe we will now" (it was likely too late before the show ended then but yeah). Point is... maybe we're finally seeing this idea. It can be very easy to have characters act out of character through whatever means ie an inator or invention, but if you're going to name an episode that, I think you're going to have something that really commits to that premise. There is ENDLESS potential of weird dynamic shifts you could do with this, it could be truly hilarious. Maybe it's also body swap shenanigans, but well I think I made my case for personality swap. Just imagine Perry trying to take over the Tri-State Area, or Baljeet bullying Buford, or Ferb talking while Phineas is silent, or *could go on for hours*.
Soooo yeah that's way more speculation than I expected, let's see if any of this leads to anything lol
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cdroloisms · 2 hours
also, (sorry to soapbox, i promise this will be the last of it), as an added note to the little conversation from yesterday about dreblr--i have to say that there's been ,,, uh, a slightly concerning amount of "us versus them" rhetoric especially about c!tommy apologists recently, as far as i've observed. and look, i get how the fandom's history plays into this, but dreblr isn't some separate special "better" version of the dsmp fandom. we're just dsmp fans who tend positive towards c!dream, which is a valid way of enjoying the story, but you know, so's hating c!dream's guts, lmao. people aren't unable to have valid opinions on the story or on c!dream just because they're negative about him and positive about c!tommy, which is like, literally just normal too, lmao, c!tommy is the generally good-aligned character we follow for most of the story and c!dream is the generally evil-aligned character that hurts him? being an analyst in dreblr doesn't automatically equal being "more correct" just because it's dreblr, and dismissing others' opinions just because they're a c!tommy apologist or whoever apologist isn't exactly a helpful way of approaching meta, either.
obviously no one is obligated to interact with anyone in this fandom that they don't want to interact with--we're here to have fun, it's not actually a professional field of analysis and debate. that being said, there is nothing about liking c!dream that is inherently superior to other dsmp fans. i know i've made a lot of general posts about dreblr versus "the greater fandom" which probably haven't helped with this feeling -- they're largely generalizations based on my experience in this fandom, and i don't want to come off as meaning that bad analysis is something that is Only found outside of dreblr (i've definitely been guilty of shit analysis more than a few times, lol) or that there's nothing that the rest of the fandom outside of c!dream apologist spaces has to offer. when it comes to individual enjoyment of the fandom and the characters, the point im making isn't that everyone has to do outreach to communicate with a c!tommy apologist or anything, lmao -- just that, you know, the general shady comments about how much better we are at analysis than those darn c!tommy apologists when they're not really relevant don't reeeeeally have to be as common as they are.
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theomnicode · 8 days
Third eye? Naah no way...or maybe...?
My unposted tumblr drafts have become...suddenly quite interesting because I never posted them since the theories and hypothesis on them seemed just too wild so I was had enough inhibition to refrain from posting them.
Buuut...I think I'm gonna tell a story now too.
I'm going to pretend I'm the next great Shibabawa except I'm not gonna choke on my cough drop lmao. Nor want to.
Warning: Long rambling.
TW: PTSD, depictions of violence, supernatural, trauma dump, mental disorders
(I'm flagging this mature audience cuz it might sound disturbing)
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I'm giving y'all a chance to pick my brain but let's just keep it on objective basis shall we?
About how an INFJ personality type that I identify as (MBTI personality test and self-study), can make and I quote...
"kuvautunut luovan assosiaatioita epäadekvaatisti sellaisien asioiden välille, joissa ei minkäänlaista yhteyttä ole".
Rough translation: Epäadekvaatisti Creative associations with things that do not have any connections.
By simply identifying with Saitama a bit too hard, because he's quite a lot like me, so many similarly infernal traumas about human relationships, I've apparently noticed because I'm just dummy sensitive. It is said that INFJ can almost predict the future with their sixth sense.
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I'm creatively inclined, it's within my very nature. So I'm very visually inclined and Murata-senseis art is very appealing due to it's meticulous attention to detail and lineart to evoke emotions, something I've personally practiced a lot in the past. I've drawn, I listen to ambient and symbolic music like wow and ff14 music, I sing and I've self-practiced doing graphic design from early age.
I'm currently 37 years old, born in May, zodiac sign Taurus, 96kg and 156cm, wear glasses as I'm nearsighted and depressed, welp. But I scored either 126 or 137 IQ on a internet IQ test when I was in...secondary school/high school so and I think I've scored high on logical portions on another more official test so that's a bit validating lol. I'm totally trash at mathematics however.
AAnd I have an impostor complex more than likely because I feel guilty about not being as good as I want to be and stopping drawing completely. ._. So now I just channel my mind through writing. I've gotten a lot better at parsing information via writing and thinking up scenarios in my mind as I've made metas so there is a lot of progress.
"the subjective experience of perceived self-doubt in one's abilities and accomplishments compared with others, despite evidence to suggest the contrary"
I'm pretty sure I have legitimate ptsd from watching psychological horror when I was 17-18. Ju-on, the Grudge japanese version. I could not sleep well for a month, I felt paranoid and unsafe by thinking about physical sensations such as something touching my feet when I went to bed and my hair during the shower.
The cinema was too loud and I was alone watching it. I don't typically like to watch horror because I hate jumpscares, but they're overall not scary. The anticipation...that makes it scary.
Kayako's sound is...terrifying. Like it reverberates primal danger through your soul or something. Toshio is just plain uncanny valley.
I was SO not mentally prepared for this movie and I only wanted to go and watch a new horror flick, god fucking damnit.
Next I watched some more japanese horror like The Ring with my childhood friend to try and desentize I believe, I think One missed call is another movie I watched too.
I shrink away from violence. My childhood's friends mom was probably schizophrenic. She had hit her head when me and my buddy were away, sat unmoving in front of the tv screen and there was a pool of blood around her while I was shooed away as my childhood friend began to clean the mess.
So what's the key here to make such, atypical, logical conclusions and connections between things that should not have a connection in the first place?
That's a secret. :p Spoiler alert.
It would not do if this key to Saitama's backdoor fell into the wrong hands now would it?
Is this message cryptic? Fuck yea it is. I'm also very sleep deprived atm thank you very much, so don't judge too hard about how weird or even disturbed they might sound at a glance, I've had a rough life I guess. >_> I'm trying to get more sleep but I have bunch of anxiety, however I'm managing even when my throat is clogging up constantly now.
Here is a prediction about chapter I've posted on discord. WC spoiler alert.
Empty void and Blast duke it out, but Blast gets caught in a genjutsu. He looks around and sees his son Blue and knowing its just another genjutsu, he does little to react. His son asks where has he been, his mom is gravely ill and he hasn't visited even once. He's been home alone for a long time, where has his dad been romping around?
Blue keeps escalating and hurling accusations and abuse at Blast about how he's a horrible dad and finally yells at him that he doesn't love his dad anymore, while Blast just takes it with an impassive face and mutters "this is just genjutsu…" but on the inside, he's seething at himself and feeling guilty because Blue is right, he's horrible dad but he just wanted to protect Blue from the horrible truth of God's existence and protect his only son from him too. The more distance they have, the less he can be taken emotionally advantage of and the chances of success would become higher… or so he tells himself.
Finally Blast yells "Enough!" and surprisingly punches Blue with gravity knuckle and ends the genjutsu and Void is immediately right next to him and taunts him.
"Oh you would punch your own son? You really are an asshole Blast."
Blast glances at Void tiredly. "Don't play games with me, Void."
Empty Void just grins savagely. "Then how about we stop playing around and make this a little bit real eh? You know your son is having a meeting right about now, how about we pay him a little visit?" Void suddenly vaults into the air. Blast can barely exclaim in a horrified tone before Void disappears. He instantly makes a portal and follows Void.
I also just have the funny feeling that some people wanna pick my brain. If they've been following the metas I post.
That burning sensation on Saitama's forehead is a bit too much on the nose though, innit? :p
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And thus is the Ring reference made and context clue gained.
Fun fact, I had a thought one morning because I ruminate when I apparently cant sleep and roleplayed a scenario in my mind. What if I just played Ju-on backwards, if that would help me get desentized if I cannot predict what is happening. But then a thought struck me that it might feel far too unreal and the sounds might get a disturbing quality like Cosmic fear, Cthulhu concept.
Because I don't remember the actual plot at all.
I can easily picture scenarios with visual clarity in my mind because I have good imagination. I could not remember the very beginning of season 2 and I completely forgot King first confronts a lecher and gets anxiety attack.
I could only vaguely remember that Season 2 began roughly with Saitama and Genos returning from grocery shopping.
I could not recall how the first episode ended and I had to look up for synopsis.
Garou appears into the scene during post credits and makes a feral face. He's threathening with violence and he's gonna enjoy it.
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Funny, there's that one dude in Mob psycho that I watched in more recent years who looks like young Garou to me and kidnapped Mob's family.
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If I try to squint like Saitama did when he had to do a double check on Garou...and look askance...
Saitama looks more gaunt and there is a shape in his eyes that could...vaguely resemble a humanoid figure's torso.
Garou looks like there are either multiples of him or he's overlapping with an extra eye the center and the jagged edge looks like a grinning mouth.
I do remember making the same observations the first time I tried to squint back when this chap was released.
I barely need to squint now and the image is more clear. Saitama looks more or less the same but Garou looks like he has completely white eyes or glowing pupilles.
My throat is constricting right now as I type this and my hands feel a bit clammy and my head slightly warmer than it should be. I've had inexplicable coughing fit for a week when I was younger and didn't know why, they thought I had astma. I also have anxiety about taking meds, oral medicine or small pills I can bite down on or melt in my mouth are easy to swallow. I also get very stressed out if I'm panicking like one time I forgot some important notes when traveling to France on metro and I had to backtrack multiple times through a gate and I got a headache from blood pressure.
I also just got new glasses with lenses that are more tailor made because I have high differential between the amount of nearsightedness on my eyes which i've been thinking might be astigmatism but idk. But the new lenses are more accurate and less ghosting on the sides normally and I took very little time to get used to them. Taking off my glasses seems to have just slightly lessened stress levels. Tired eyes have hard time to properly focus.
Honestly sounds like I have a crapload of psychosomatic symptoms rn. It's like my eyes with such high differential are giving me a skewed perception about Garou.
Someone confirm how many episodes OPM season 3 is gonna be again? I wanna know if there's even a slight chance that...
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Cosmic Fear Garou is coming to cinema soon(ish).
And that it would hopefully be fucking epic because I could use some more positive association with this one. Plz make it happen, I wanna watch it. The animations made about Saitama vs Garou battle are so good. :D
My spidey senses are just tingling hard.
This one is especially good...the only problem to me is the colourful, fast animation strobolights on this animation feel bad to watch around 5.40minute mark.
This one feels better to watch during flashing lights because the effects are slowed down sufficiently majority of the time.
Would be kind of cool if I knew if I had to wear some shades if I wanted to watch season 3 cuz I don't wanna get epilepsy from the fast paced action lol or if I should not watch it when mentally tired so I don't get porygoned like the little kids watching that one banned pokemon episode.
Eh I think I'm done rambling my thoughts and observations.
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eddiegettingshot · 4 months
I don't know if this has come up before and I know you're not the biggest Buck/Oliver fan (so feel free to ignore this entire ask if you want) but I'm so so curious about Oliver and LFJ's lack of chemistry on screen other than when kissing. Like I think it's beyond relative acting skill, because when lfj talks about Ryan he talks about him like he's a good friend, and same for some other members of the cast, and then just talks about his liking in terms of professional respect for Oliver so it seems like they're not clicking in real life that much either. Not to speculate bad blood or relationship or anything! I don't think it's that at all, I just find it funny that there's relative awkwardness there too and it bleeds through on screen. Similar to Ryan gushing over Devlin and saying nothing about the transphobe lol.
It adds some meta curiousity to the tommy and Buck thing for me. it was spoken of by Tim and Oliver in a lot of impermanent and good time not long time terms but some fans are either hoping for, expecting, or pessimistically concluding (depending on prefs lol) that it's going to become this Thing for Buck that will cause drama with Eddie or be a long-term built up relationship. And Oliver is going around only sharing buddie scenes and while he (was?) liking both buddie and bt2.0 fan works the overwhelming amount of his enthusiasm for bt2.0 seems to be just about Buck being bi. So I wonder how that impacts choices for season 8 about storylines and lfj returning beyond fan desire. Though they kept the transphobe so this is probably just a bunch of useless thoughts but I had to get them off my chest.
i have nothing to add to this i've just been thinking about it since you sent it and i think it would add a new level of hilarity if this whole time the problem has just been that oliver and lou don't care for each other. LMAO
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prismatoxic · 5 months
heyyy question. do we know for sure how old Chilchuck's daughters are, because I keep seeing that they're 16 & 14, but that would mean he was 12 (or maybe 13 if we're generous) when the oldest were born. I've also seen that the age of maturity for half-foots is 14 or 15, and yet there's never any mention of him having his children particularly young? idk I'm just a little confused on the math there. (and yeah, I know a year or two under the age of maturity isn't a lot, but half-foot lives are so short, surely it is to them!!) any thoughts on this?
-curiosity anon
p.s. I was looking through the fandom wiki for help on this, and this line from the relationships section of Chilchuck's page made me laugh so fucking hard: "Chilchuck views Laios as not normal.[citation needed]" like the citation needed killed meeee we don't need a citation. it's just clear to see <3
chilchuck was teen pregnant
those are my thoughts
but, to be more serious--half-foot culture is, from what we can see, heavily gendered, with a large focus on housewives and working husbands. in such a society it does not even remotely surprise me that someone would get pregnant before they were a full adult. i don't remember where the girls' ages come from, but as garbage as the wiki is, it does pull from the canon sources, so it's most likely correct. we know all 3 girls are adults, so at minimum puckpatti HAS to be 14, either way. and i'm reasonably positive we know for sure meijack and flertom are 2 years older than her.
if you want my specific headcanon, childhood friends chilchuck & his wife (i feel weird calling her jaylark when i'm trying to talk meta...) were teenagers having sex and when a pregnancy occurred, it was 100% socially acceptable (maybe even expected) to go "welp, guess we're having a kid now" and see it through. having another one that same year was either more carelessness or deciding eh, fuck it, why not two? (i wonder if flertom was Too Much considering it took two years for them to have puckpatti.)
were they ready for kids? probably not, no. but if nothing else chilchuck seems to have taught his daughters some lessons from it all, because flertom and puckpatti remain unwed and without kids as adults. (meijack too, but she doesn't seem to care, whereas her sisters want to fix it ASAP.)
anyway--that very "citation needed" note has been there so long it's just funny at this point. is no one updating that wiki? like, that has to be the case, a vast amount of it is unfinished or has outdated info from before the manga finished. but, yeah, we don't really need a citation for that, we been knew LMAO
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spyroforlife · 12 days
What's your opinion on sticklers? It means someone who doesn't like to have fun.
That's not really how I define a stickler, a stickler to me is someone who's just more particular about how something should be done, like you should stick to the rules etc, and tbh that's one of those things where it just depends. If you're being a stickler about people goofing around in fandom, insisting on like canon compliance and whatnot, yeah that's kinda silly and I'm just gonna roll my eyes and keep doing my thing. If you want things to closely align with canon, you're more about meta, etc that's great! Post about that if you like, it only becomes annoying to me if the person then goes to OTHER people in the fandom to tell them they're doing it wrong
meanwhile, irl I very much appreciate people who are sticklers for uhh workplace safety as an example >.>
But I get that's probably not what you're asking about lmao. yeah idk, being a stickler about hobby stuff is just annoying to me at the worst, we all have our things we get hung up on, but no one likes fun police either. Ultimately if someone is whining and bothering you about Doing Fandom Wrong? block them and keep doing what you're doing ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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sapphire-weapon · 1 year
I'm sure you've probably answered this before, but you shipped Eagleone in the OG too. What lead you to shipping it in that timeline? I totally get it in remake, but I didn't in OG so I'm interested on your thoughts! If answered, feel free to just link or tell me what phrase to search on your blog! :)
I've said this a few times before, but very little of what I've been saying about Leon and Ashley's relationship is new meta. Most of it is shit I've been saying about them for 18 years. The appeal of the OG ship is the same as the appeal in Remake.
Ashley has always brought out Leon's softer side -- has always made him feel more genuine. The only difference between OG and Remake is that OG Leon's defense mechanism is being a huge shitposter, whereas Remake Leon's defense mechanism is cold distance and anger. Ashley gets him to lower his walls in both versions.
The idea of Leon being probably the first person ever to treat Ashley as an equal and as a human being as opposed to just "the president's daughter" is not new, either. The only difference between OG and Remake is that OG Ashley comes off as more spoiled at first, whereas Remake Ashley comes off as more reserved. Leon gets her to lighten up in both versions.
I could go on and on like this. All of the things that you like about the ship in Remake are present in OG, they're just portrayed differently.
The big thing that Remake has that OG doesn't is the fairy tale allegory and the canonical romantic imagery and tropes. The actual dynamic, however, is the same. Just different. If that makes sense LOL
There's also a lot to like about the ship in terms of the knight/queen dynamic -- which has always been my favorite ship dynamic, bar none, nothing else comes close.
I almost added Leon/Ashley as a tag to this post lmao:
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And I have a broader writeup of how it pertains specifically to Leon and Ashley here.
Again: this is all present in OG. It has always been there.
Remake just made it easier to see.
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cuephrase · 3 months
okay hi! I was the one who asked about how you get into comics cuz they're confusing and intimidating 😭 your answer was super helpful! I've been making a list as well as starting off with some like 'non-canon' stuff. (ig thats what its called? not main continuity)
I have another question though! I always see fans talk about liking and disliking different writers - are there any you personally like/ should stay away from? I always hear people complain about tom taylor specifically 😭
oh hi!! i'm so glad my answer was helpful, goal achieved!! yeah, i'd call it not main continuity, bc they are canon in their own little spheres...the licensed AUs. even if they're not main continuity, i think they can go a long way in easing you in/keeping you engaged as you brave the more intimidating aspects of comics.
WFA was that for me, actually. (which. ik is grounds to get me shot/invalidate every comic opinion i could ever have in some circles, but tbh i care a lot less about the opinions of people that uptight about this franchise than i used to, and i'm much happier for it. something can be flawed and still be fun, yk?)
BUT- to answer your question:
full transparency, while i am great with names irl, as far as comics go i drowned myself in so much content that i missed a tonnnn of names, and i've only really started learning names recently + they tend to be names of newer/current authors. for awhile i actually knew more artists names, believe it or not.
that being said, okay. hmmm.
so overall: writers that you're going to hear about a lot will fall into like, 2.5 groups, sort of a venn diagram. they are- Controversial, Loved, and Current. Current is the .5 group, because it overlaps with the other two. in my experience, you will hear about Controversial and Current the most- Loved is going to have like a few names that are just generally well-received, not that some people won't like them but like the majority is rocking with them.
some names you might hear a lot include
Devin Grayson
Chuck Dixon
Scott Lobdell
Tom King
Tom Taylor
Geoff Johns
there're almost definitely more but like, that's who immediately comes to mind.
writers will be Controversial for a range of reasons, but their writing being bad/unpopular is not the only reason.
i think knowing why people dislike an author can be super useful, i think meta is really interesting. but i personally have never avoided reading something purely off of the writer alone for two reasons, those being-
i like to form my own opinions. even if i think i'll probably agree, i like to experience it for myself so that i get full context.
with the exception of one writer (that ik by name), every writer that i've read and been like "wow i don't like this", they've written something else that i've enjoyed.
i said this in a response to a different ask, (about tom taylor actually lmao), but-
if you're interested in reading [tom taylor's] run, you should. other people disliking a run is like...idk if this is going to make sense, but it's kind of like knowing the weather. you'll be like "hey, there's rain" and then you can either a) choose not to go outside, b) grab a coat and umbrella, or c) pull on a swimsuit and go dance. no wrong choices! maybe you get outside and it's more of a light drizzle, or maybe it's basically a tropical storm and you book it back inside and start batting down the hatches.
basically, what i'm trying to get at is, if something looks interesting to you, i don't want you to be put off or feel bad for being interested (or even liking it, if you try it out!!) bc you've seen that some people seem to really dislike the writer.
on the flip side, reading stuff going into it thinking "everyone loves this!!" can be it's own problem, especially if you're new to comics, bc if you don't like it, you might be discouraged. like case in point, tom taylor's nightwing run was super hyped up for me so when i got to it and was underwhelmed i was like, oh. it made me wonder if i was missing something/reading them wrong, and also, like if everyone loves this and i don't, will i like comics? (hell yeah i would, i love comics but damn if i didn't get skeptical for a hot minute there.)
now to answer your question about writers i like/would stay away from:
i....don't really know.
like okay, i'm really enjoying the Batman/Superman: World's Finest run a whole lot rn, right, and that's written by Mark Waid. i already had Impulse on my tbr, but i was more excited to read it when i found out Waid was the writer, because of how much i enjoy B/S:WF.
or like Chip Zdarsky. pretty sure tumblr hates him, but i personally really enjoy his batman run, i like it so much actually, not that i think it's perfect, but omg does all the hate entertain me, and i really liked his jason & bruce story in Batman: Urban Legends, and i have Batman: The Knight on my tbr and i was more excited to read it when i saw that he wrote it.
however, if i saw them attached to a project that didn't immediately interest me, whether bc of the characters or concept, i wouldn't check it out just because they're writing it, yk? somewhere along my comics reading journey i may find writers like that, but i haven't yet.
(also the only reason ik their names is because they're writing current runs that i'm following lmao)
and it's kind of the inverse with writers who i'm not fond of, where if the project interests me, i'll check it out anyways, heaving a big sigh as i do.
i do plan on paying more attention to writers, bc i'm curious to see who i tend to like/dislike and why. like since i just finished reading through all of the Nightwing runs, i plan on ranking the writers once Tom Taylor's run wraps up, just for fun.
but yeah!! ik which runs i like/don't like and why, and that's about it.
idk if this was helpful at all, i'm lowkey afraid it wasn't, but hopefully it was!!
tysm for asking, and as always, i'm more than happy to answer any other questions you may have!! my inbox/dms are open 🫶🏼
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featherisderp · 1 year
Hello! What is your thoughts on meta knight and his relationships with everyone? Who do you think will he get along well and be besties with :00?
Hi! You're gonna get a long one!
First off, wanna mention that i think every specie ages slowly, and won't die unless killed by an outside force (so they can't die of old age, and they won't physically age past a certain point). This means that I will use physical ages to describe characters, rather than actual ages because these guys are all thousands of years old probably (I also think that some species will age through childhood quicker than others).
Okay, so!
Meta Knight is one of my favorite characters, which means I like to give him the most painful hc's I can! First off, he's blind, but he's got a visor in his mask that let's him see (which is why in some of my doodles, he has glasses, they're made of the same material). This was Nightmare's fault, his eyes were normally yellow but turned grey afterwards. At the time, Nightmare also quite literally ripped out his wings. Luckily for the plot amoured circle, the Dimensional Cape works as a prosthetic and can turn into his wings (He can actually use magic to maintain his 'wings' while he's not wearing the cape, but it's very limited and will hurt a LOT afterwards, so he doesn't do that often).
Alright, so hears everyone I can think of and Meta's relationship with them!
Kirby - Initially, Meta Knight refused to see him as anything more than a child who needed to learn. He was afraid of getting attached. He didn't want to lose anything else. However, this failed, and he ended up seeing Kirby as a son, going as far as to call him one. He cares for him enough to probably destroy the entire town in order to keep him safe, and is obscenely grateful that Kirby can hold his own for the most part.
Tiff - Initially, some kid who he avoided because she asked too many question and he didn't want to risk her figuring anything out since she tends to hyperanalyze random things while dismissing others. After Kirby's arrival, he sort of has to be around her, so he tries to keep himself emotionally distant. But he's bad at that, so he ended up seeing her in the same light a parent would their daughter, although he'll deny it. He finds it difficult to remember that she's still pretty much a 10 year old child given she's incredibly smart for her age. He teases her about Kine because, quite frankly, he finds it hilarious.
Tuff - He was a little easier to stay distant from. Meta Knight didn't have an opinion one way or the other about him before Kirby arrived, and usually only saw him or his sister if they were getting involved with Dedede in case they were about to get killed. Afterwards, he also sees him like a son. He's got adoption issues lmao. He's aware that Tuff is kinda stupid, but looks past that a lot in fvaor of things he's actually good with.
Sword/Blade - He feels the same way about both of them and will obliterate you if you hurt either of them. He met them at possibly the lowest point in his life and didn't initially believe they'd survive for very long given their terrible fighting capabilities. Regardless, he got attached and they became very close friends. He cares for their safety, and is a little off put by their willingness to do stupid things that puts their live sat risk, especially if he's the reason (cough cough Wolfwrath cough).
Dedede - In one word, idiotic. He showed up before Tiff was born so he's known Dedede for a LONG time. Even then, the idiot was playing with monsters. He got frustrated after the child's were around and Dedede started endangering them with his stupidity. Admittedly, he finds it amusing when he's scaled by N.M.E, but hates that it's them that does it (they don't deserve money how dare).
Ecsragoon - Sort of sad, really. He's just pathetic, all of his skill and he couldn't find a better job? It was worse after Meta Knight had seen that his mother wasn't a complete failure of a parent. Escargoon worked so hard to lie to her and out up the most ridiculous act he'd seen from him, but couldn't keep himself from being a complete fool of a person? He suspects he was likely more decent before working for Dedede. He also finds it infuriating that he yells at Tiff so often, and has even had her neglect her sleep for several days to built a stupid robot, only for it break and for him to attack Kirby anyways. Hurting him as bad as he did was satisfying.
Any of the cappies - He tends to avoid them, he's socially awkward. He finds them all collectively stupid, though. Who gets brainwashed by a swirl on TV with a penguin repeating 'Kirby must go away' over and over? Regardless, he appreciates that they provide company for his children friends.
Fololo and Falala - No opinion, but appreciates knowing they'll help him out if he needs to fly after Kirby without using his wings.
Waddle Dees/Waddle Doo - All his children. Every single one of them (Waddle Doo excluded). He sneaks them candy and they like to bring him small gifts. Typically screws or feathers, they don't have much. They're all squishy cute things. He's glad they're so durable. He likes Waddle Doo. He may be oddly loyal to a rude penguin, but he takes care of the Waddle Dees and won't hesitate to ask for something if they need it.
Tokori - He doesn't like him. He's rude to Kirby. Finds it amusing that Tiff has literally punched him and he seems to fear making her mad.
Any of the talking animals - No real opinion. He doesn't like that Kine likes Tiff. His kids aren't allowed to date. He finds it funny, though. He'll tease her about it endlessly.
Any talking trees - He mostly doesn't care. A little annoyed that Whispy nearly got his kids killed over a demonic flower, but oh well. It was a while ago.
Kabu - Meta Knight greatly appreciates his presence. It was nice to find something he was familiar with on Dreamland. He sometimes likes to chat with him.
That's all I can think of for Dreamland so GSA TIME!!
Nightmare - Ew. Ugly intergakactice war criminal that ruined his life and killed all of his friends. Meta Knight hates him with his very soul.
N.M.E Sales guy - Not really a personal opinion, but he doesn't like him. He works for Nightmare so hopefully he'll just stop existing. He doesn't know if he survived the ship being blown up and quite frankly, doesn't care.
Yamikage - He wants to kill him. He hates him. He doesn't understand how someone could betray the GSA, and it cost the lives of many innocent people. Yamikage also hates Meta Knight. Stupid pineapple.
Garlude - Now, I know it was never confirmed that she ever regularly worked with him, but I'm hooked on TheWinterRaven's Star Trio idea. He's very good friends with her and was devastated when she died. Before that, she was a good friend, but he admittedly didn't like her bothering him about his health.
Jecra (Knuckle Joe's Father) - Best friend, as stated in the show. He acted like an idiot, though, and would usually annoy Meta Knight outside of battle. They got along well, and Meta Knight had lost a lot when he had to kill him. His death hurt.
Arthur - He has a lot of respect and sympathy for him. He's the leader of a large army that (in my AU's/HC wasn't originally even his). On top of that, he grew up around him, and saw him like a brother. It was heartbreaking to watch him go from a confident and well trained Star Warrior to someone who felt hopeless about the battle they were slowly loosing. He'd started yelling multiple times about how much better Uther would have done for the GSA and refused any support. When they split up, Meta Knight was convinced they were dead, and was beyond hurt that he had to die in that state of mind. He knew Arthur blamed himself for every failure and setback, and seeing him act as if he was fine around others was painful beyond explanation.
Falspar - Menace. Also grew up with him. Falsoar tried to keep everyone's spirits up and Meta Knight appreciated that. He cared for him, even though he had been notorious for causing mischief before the army fell apart. Near the end, he was trying his best to keep Arthur together, and he seemed lost. Meta Knight didn't like that.
Dragato - Very similar to Falspar, but Meta would call him dramatic too. He'd be the type to hop around on one foot, yelling ow repeatedly in a higher and higher pitched voice it he hit it on something. He was 'killed' in the same state as Falspar. Neither of them seemed like themselves in the end.
Lancelot - Meta Knight would speak to him the most out of all his brothers. He was calm and introverted. Shy boi. He got along well with him but would also harass him about his health. He was Arthur's biggest helper and near the end, had the biggest struggle in keeping him and the rest of them even the slightest bit hopeful. It was a lost cause by then and it was obvious he knew it. He stopped after Arthur yelled at him to stop acting as if everything would be fine. From there he was more quiet and withdrawn than he usually was. Meta Knight hated that.
Kit Cosmos - He knew he existed but hadn't really formed much of an opinion on him. He respected his skill.
Galaxia - Meta Knight had been on his own for several years before meeting Sword and Blade, and was at the lowest point in his life. He carried a lot of guilt and Galaxia would try to comfort him. He finds her presence comforting, to the point where he hates it when she's not with him. He speaks to her a lot. When he isn't fighting a loosing battle with his mental state, she bothers him about his health. In short, she's probably the closest thing he's ever had to a mother.
Any monster - He hates them all. As far as he's concerned, they're just embodiments of Nightmare's magic, and they can all disappear forever.
Anyone who works for N.M.E - He hates them too. He's good at hiding it when he knows they aren't a monster, but if they anger him, they're dead.
Sirica - Seeing her was both painful and relieving. He knew Garlude cared for her and was convinced she had died a long time ago. He doesn't know where she got the idea that he left her mother to die, but he assumed some monster had spewed it to her before dying. She clearly didn't like N.M.E but didn't have anything else to go off of, so he understood. Still, it was difficult to be attacked for the death of a friend that he already blamed on himself. He treats her the way a father would their daughter. Very protective orb.
Knuckle Joe - He didn't blame him for going after him. He was annoyed with Dedede for telling him that Kirby was the one he was after. Treats him the same way as Sirica. He knows they can handle themselves, but when they're on Popstar, dad mode activates.
I think that's all- Let me know if I missed anyone! :D
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izzy-b-hands · 1 year
sometimes i think abt how the ppl who harassed and/or found the harassment funny in The Fandom I Know I Don't Gotta Say (bc y'all following me Know Already lmao)
probably don't have to have a separate vent blog
where they privately reblog posts they agree with for that fandom
and they would love to share those posts openly on their main blog but don't bc they're afraid of additional harassment coming as a result of said reblogs
like they don't have to do that or deal with that I'd wager, but i do. it's been months, and im still terrified to even reblog certain posts or meta unless i do it privately to the vent blog so at least then i have it for myself to reread.
Like. Yes Im a coward and could just reblog them here anyway but also. i hate this and wish things had gone differently in the fandom. I had such high hopes and still constantly want to brainstorm and share abt all the characters and what might happen next season and then i Remember
and i get scared and either delete my draft, keep it to a private reblog, or don't interact at all and fuck that makes me sad. like fully acknowledge it's on me to be brave enough to interact more again, but also. dont wanna be told to off myself for liking characters lmao
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Fanfic Writer asks:
8, 16, 18 :)
8: Do you take inspiration from real life? If so, how do you incorporate it into your fics?
I do! I mean, not so often in a "this happened to me" sort of way, but I think I put a lot of my experiences and thoughts into my fics heh. But it's often stuff I just think about, like if I've seen posts online about a topic or I read something in a book. Sometimes if I read meta about characters I can keep that in mind when I write. I was reading and thinking a lot about asexuality so I wrote an asexual sasuke for example. That's one fic where I actually specifically thought "I want to write about an asexual character getting into a relationship" and thought of the plot later. If the fic is about being in love with your best friend... haha... most of the time the fics themselves aren't inspired by real life, I just sprinkle in some stuff here and there from my life experience. When it comes to describing rooms and places i do tend to think about places i've seen or visited to make it easier for myself. But mostly I try to think about the characters and not myself when I write haha and not make it like my own life at all, but I'm sure if you met me in real life you'd notice stuff... ah well. In real life I'm shit at talking about feelings and being romantic and stuff so I guess I sometimes think "what would I do in this situation?" And make the characters not do that lmao.
16: do you have a method for getting characters to sound/feel in character?
Yeah I kinda memorize speech patterns and behaviors. I do this in real life too heh it's automatic (i keep talking like my boss when i talk with clients send help what if someone notices). Then when I write I just play out the scene in my head like I'm watching a play, and the characters act it out within the confines of their characterization. That probably doesn't make any sense but it's how I do it. Like it can depend on the setting in the story ofc but to make an example. Let's say naruto and sasuke are having an argument, and they don't know each other that well. What sort of people are they when they argue? Sasuke is not the type to break down and cry usually, unless the argument is super serious with someone he loves in which case he might get emotional. It's more likely he'll close up and lash out rather than talk about his feelings with someone he recently met, and he probably won't consider naruto's view or feelings. And with that sort of "restraint" on his character and the setting they're in, there are only so many ways the argument might play out on his side. He won't suddenly sit down and talk it through like a therapy session and have a good cry about it. He's not level-headed, he just acts aloof. It's a simplified example, but take your character and put them in 360 degrees 3D mode and examine them from all angles, like really spend way too much time thinking about them, and various scenarios they might be put in and how they react, and compare that to similar situations in canon, though accounting for any differences in setting. If sasuke never makes a dick joke in canon, he probably wouldn't in your fic either (those are for sai lol) if you worry about not being ooc. But if x and y and z happens in your fic, maybe he would make a dick joke, and you have to figure out how to write that in a way that's still true to his character. Maybe it's sarcastic. Maybe it's mocking. (Maybe it's just super funny in which case go ahead). The important thing is that, if you write an au and you wonder if it's in character, pretend it happens in canon instead and consider how that feels. Like when artists flip the canvas you know? The flip side is the canon version of the character. Canon won't account for every scenario and it depends on how fleshed out the character is in canon, but there really is no shortcut other than obsessing a little over them. Also great to read other people's version of the character and see how that feels compared to canon. Not because other people are always right but if there's not a single fic where sasuke makes a dick joke, you might think once or twice on how likely it is that he would make one.
Honestly I don't really think about it when I write, my brain just goes bzzzz if something feels ooc lol and I frown about it until I figure out what's wrong.
Already answered nr 18. Thanks for asking!! 💕
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