#and this is my tenth globe!
snowglobehoarder · 6 months
let's just pretend i didn't fail to force my brain to work for two months and enjoy the next globe
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this is probably my most classically pretty snowglobe, i quite like it
notable features
monochrome silver and white
two(2) nice doves
some fancy swirls
a protrusion which i assume was meant to be engraved with something, but as i probably found this in a thrift store, was not
nice clear tones
a shorter melody
overall an 8/10 nothing to exciting or novel but very pretty
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thehamletdiaries · 7 months
Oh oh oh I just had a thought so let's talk bowing order.
NOW for those those don't know, at the end of a play people bow and they generally (The Globe productions being an exceptions and I'm sure there are others) come out in an order which is ensemble through to main cast through to leads through to lead - there is no reason it HAS to be done this way but that is the standard and personally I enjoy it.
There can be a lot of backstage politics involved in this stuff, for example in Wicked Glinda and Elphaba bow together even though Elphaba is the lead and should bow last but the original production for various reason set the precedent and here we are.
Anyway, I would never say there a standardised or correct version of a bowing order for Hamlet cause it ENTIRELY depends on the production and each is so different but this is just a version of it in my head that makes a lot of dramatic sense to me -
First bow: the players. We love them, them being first is actually a point to their importance because they represent the importance of theatre; so we start with them. The Gravediggers and the priest can also be here, but they probably are doubling with players anyway.
Second bow; all the court; so Osric, Reynaldo, Voltemand and Cornelius, the various courtroom messengers who deliver info and such - I would also put the ambassadors from England in here; you get the collective I'm going for.
Third bow; Marcellus, Bernardo and Francisco - ultimately they go here because they only open the plot but also the OPEN THE PLOT; they deserve there own space that is just the three of them to be appreciated.
Fourth bow; Fortinbras, and his military leaders (ie the Captain but I'd add some others even if they were doubled - I'd put them here - alongside him).
Fifth bow: Polonius and the Ghost (if the ghost actor is not doubling - if he is I think Polonius alone totally works).
Six bow: Rosencrantz and Guildenstern
Seventh bow: Claudius and Gertrude
Eighth bow: Laertes and Ophelia because my siblings have to bow together but then Laertes steps back for Ophelia to give her own solo bow
Ninth bow: Horatio
Tenth bow: Hamlet
But then Hamlet and Horatio take hands and bow together and then they lead the full cast bow.
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jungle-angel · 11 months
Afternoon Sunshine (Rhett Abbott x Reader)
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Summary: You and Rhett can’t think of a better way to spend an afternoon than with each other
Tagging: @sebsxphia @rhettabbotts​ @nobody7102​
“...... The sea is everything. It covers seven tenths of the terrestrial globe. Its breath is pure and healthy. It is an immense desert, where man is never lonely, for he feels life stirring on all sides. The sea is only the embodiment of a supernatural and wonderful existence. It is nothing but love and emotion; it is the Living Infinite,” you read, hardly taking your eyes off of the page in the book you had been reading from. 
“S’gettin good darlin,” Rhett hummed as one of Tiny’s kittens had begun to crawl across his chest. 
There you both were, sprawled out under the tree in the shade while the sun was shining high above the ranch. It was one of those days where you just couldn’t resist the thought of being outside, the hot breeze rippling the grass and the trees sighing with it. You had both packed a picnic lunch as well as the white and yellow fringe blanket to spread out in the grass. As soon as she had eaten, you turned Amy loose and let her go chase the bumblebees and the butterflies, her giggles reaching your ears as you and Rhett enjoyed the afternoon. You had been reading one of the books that was just one in your ever growing collection in the book barn, 20,000 Leagues Under The Sea, to be exact. Rhett had listened with great interest to the strange tale of Captain Nemo and his mysterious submarine, recalling when he had first seen the Disney film on a camping trip at the little outdoor theater. 
“Hey!” he chuckled as the kitten crawled across his face with his tiny little paws. “You’re trouble, you know?” 
The little kitten mewed before he accidentally tumbled into Rhett’s hat, drawing a laugh from the cowboy who picked him right up in his much bigger hand. “Alright you little troublemaker,” Rhett remarked. “You’re goin back to the barn.” 
You smiled and shook your head. “I’ll wait till you get back.” 
And you did. You waited patiently as Rhett traipsed off to the book barn to put Tiny and Willie’s kittens back in their cozy little basket for a nap, hoping that they wouldn’t get into too much trouble. You kept a careful eye on Amy the entire time, watching her run on her little legs as a big, fat bumblebee zoomed from one flower to the next, buzzing about and paying no mind to the giggling little toddler who tried to catch it. 
“Ya’ll mind if I ask you to keep readin?” Rhett asked as he lay back down with an obscene groan. “It’s hot as hell out here and thinkin about the ocean’s keepin me cool.” 
“Patience o’ sweaty one,” you joked, leaning over to place a kiss on his lips. “Let me find my place.” 
You kept reading, regailing Rhett with the tale of the deep blue sea and the Nautilus, blowing through almost four chapters before Rhett was snoring away next to you. You lived for days like this when it was so peaceful and quiet, the two of you able to enjoy every second of it. It wasn’t long before Amy came in to snuggle, the chirping of the birds and the rustling of the trees putting you three into a deep sleep that you deserved more than anything. 
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jarognieva · 1 year
Okay so today I want to talk about this pretty girl:
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It is called Celestial Centipende or Fluorescent Flower and we can find it in Byrgenwerth and Chalice Dungeons. In my opinion this name suggest it's just mix of big space bug and a plant. But considering Bloodborne is highly inspired by Lovecraftian stories, I think Celestial Centipendes might be an ancient intelligent beings.
I realised they are similar to the Old Ones (Don't confuse with Great Ones!) from At the Mountains of Madness. The Old Ones are ancient beings who came from the cosmos and created life on our planet. Their civillization was very advanced when they started to colonize the Earth but it started to degradate through time and finally completely disappeared. In the story main characters find well-preserved remains of a few Old Ones on Antartica. Old Ones are not EXACTLY like Celestial Centipendes, but there are a few distinguishing marks that are very similar to them. Here is an extract from a description of one of these beings (fragments that remind Celestial Centipendes are bold):
Objects are eight feet long all over. Six-foot, five-ridged barrel torso three and five-tenths feet central diameter, one foot end diameters. Dark gray, flexible, and infinitely tough. Seven-foot membranous wings of same color, found folded, spread out of furrows between ridges. Wing framework tubular or glandular, of lighter gray, with orifices at wing tips. Spread wings have serrated edge. Around equator, one at central apex of each of the five vertical, stave-like ridges are five systems of light gray flexible arms or tentacles found tightly folded to torso but expansible to maximum length of over three feet. Like arms of primitive crinoid. Single stalks three inches diameter branch after six inches into five substalks, each of which branches after eight inches into small, tapering tentacles or tendrils, giving each stalk a total of twenty-five tentacles
Surely Centipendes do not have wings, and their "legs" are more like arthropod legs than tentacles but look at concept art:
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These things around the "mouth" remind more tentacles than legs, aren't they?
At top of torso blunt, bulbous neck of lighter gray, with gill-like suggestions, holds yellowish five-pointed starfish-shaped apparent head covered with three-inch wiry cilia of various prismatic colors. Head thick and puffy, about two feet point to point, with three-inch flexible yellowish tubes projecting from each point. Slit in exact center of top probably breathing aperture. At end of each tube is spherical expansion where yellowish membrane rolls back on handling to reveal glassy, red-irised globe, evidently an eye.
Exept for yellow color and an eye, it seems quite similar, I think.
Five slightly longer reddish tubes start from inner angles of starfish-shaped head and end in saclike swellings of same color which, upon pressure, open to bell-shaped orifices two inches maximum diameter and lined with sharp, white tooth like projections—probably mouths. All these tubes, cilia, and points of starfish head, found folded tightly down; tubes and points clinging to bulbous neck and torso. Flexibility surprising despite vast toughness. At bottom of torso, rough but dissimilarly functioning counterparts of head arrangements exist. Bulbous light-gray pseudo-neck, without gill suggestions, holds greenish five-pointed starfish arrangement.
Tough, muscular arms four feet long and tapering from seven inches diameter at base to about two and five-tenths at point. To each point is attached small end of a greenish five-veined membranous triangle eight inches long and six wide at farther end. This is the paddle, fin, or pseudofoot which has made prints in rocks from a thousand million to fifty or sixty million years old.
I know that some parts of description don't correspond with Celestial Centipendes' appearance, but I think it might be possible that they're inspired by the Old Ones because it wouldn't be the first Lovecraftian reference in Bloodborne. What if summoning a meteor is not just weird superpower holding by a cosmic beast but an equivalent of the Call Beyond? What if they're not just a weird creatures from the dungeons, but the last from their kind? The kind which civilization vanished millions of years before Ptumerians, Loran and Isz. History likes to repeat, especially in Bloodborne, so I believe they were using Old Blood and trying to communicate with the Great Ones too.
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roxineedstosleep · 1 year
Make me blind, but at least not kill me with your back.
This is for my adorable and loveable @iucemond!
I hope you enjoy this honey!
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"We knew the resentment was strong.... but to have a mistress in his room when his betrothed is on the other side? Even Lannister whores have more shame and stay in candlelight as their only way to be seen by others."
Alicent could hear that from one of the maids, apparently she had been charged with cleaning the room of her second son, Aemond, in the morning. Over the years, she herself had given up trying to buy and control what the palace servants and retainers said.
With Aegon she tried to make amends and keep things quiet, but that only made all the rumours get  bigger abd bigger until they runned over her husband faster; he could only look her in the eye in utter disappointment and get all the servants concerned dismissed with large compensations. New ones were hired, of course, but they were no longer in charge of her or the chief servants. They were in charge of her husband, who spent a few hours a day with all of them to find out the situation. It was clear that the servants, new as they were, were still loyal to Viserys; a failure on his list.
Failure with Aegon, Haelena had gone "delicate", Daeron was no longer in his care... the only thing left on her list of victories was her son Aemond.
But clearly no more. Not after this.
Even if she tried, that words of clearly betrayal would travel to her husbands ears at the end of the day.
She knew her son was unhappy about his future marriage to Lucerys, she herself (even drawing out all the hatred and resentment in her heart) noted that both boys were uncomfortable about the prospect of having to marry. So when her husband argued that it would be the perfect way to unite their family... she asked for reconsideration.
"The scar has healed, husband," she begged, "but your hearts have not healed," she pleaded on her knees in front of the court. Don't let them bleed to death, please."
But they were pleas to deaf ears. Even Rhaenyra, her old friend, asked for reconsideration and then a rejection of her father's proposal... but it was all deaf ears for the King.
And so, before the entire kingdom and adjacent kingdoms, his son's marriage to his grandson was made official.
Lucerys, the boy she once hated more than anyone else in the world, cried his eyes dry, cried as his robes turned from red and black or blue to a greenish-black hue.
All the noble and the ladys of all around the globe could notice the clear and unfair desition that the king had made... even the Stark tried to put one of his sons to oppose the proposal; Cregan? is she might no been forgetfull, shout and cry, infront of everyone, about how Lucerys and him had been bethroted since the tenth springs of the Velarion boy’s existence. Aegon (Aegon! from all of the people) proclame in a sober tone that was a mistake.
Even Aemond try to scape, but couldn’t.
But her husband, her stupid and blind husband wouldn’t see it.
After that Lucerys moved to Kingslangind to be close to his future husband. But since the first day he was miserable.
He locked himself in his chambers and refused to even look at his grandfather... who seemed to die a little more in the face of his grandson's clear depression. But wouldn't he react like that? Lucerys had tried everything to at least befriend his son, but to no avail.
Moons and a few year passed of attempts, but even her son remained fervent in his refusal. He was not explicit in his rejection of the whole proposal, and began to associate more with Ser Cole, who took him (to everyone's surprise) to tourney after tourney in order to postpone the wedding as long as possible.
And she couldn't help, with that loneliness that distressed her, to get fond of the poor, sweet child. (Sweet son, sweet child, now she understands why her old friend called her middle child that; he was a sweetness).
She and her daughter, Haelena, tell him all the positive anecdotes of their Aemond, in order to soothe some of their sorrows for the poor child. They tell him how brave he is, how determined, how strong, how clever, how careful Aemond is; how good he is to his nephews, how kind he is to the servants, how devoted he is to old Vhagar, how careful he is to her and his sister.
They tell him lovely anecdotes, to show Lucerys that, when Aemond returns and agrees to try a friendship with him, their future together may be peaceful. That not everything will be black or painful.
The one thing she is grateful to the Seven for is that Lucerys will not be forced to have offspring with Aemond, no. Things would be worse then. She herself admits that it hurt her to love her children, she had to learn to love and care for them... she sees Lucerys, and the more she gets to know him the more she realises that he and his son could not cope with the weight of a baby and its upbringing.
Where would they get a baby for them anyway, both being men? The only blessed thing about their engagement and future marriage. A baby, let alone a baby that didn't belong to either of them, would be a curse.
It would end up embittering Aemond, and it wouldn't be long before it would tear his grandson apart.
And, to lla's calm during the first few months, Lucerys began to calm and soothe with his union with Aemond.
The more anecdotes she and her daughter told, the more Lucerys seemed to come out of his depressed state and returned to being the sweet, cheerful child who would not hesitate to ask Aegon for a game of chess or ride with Arrax through the skies until lunchtime.
Aemond, the little time he spent in the palace, was haunted by the boy, who did not hesitate to ask him about his adventures, celebrate his victories and encourage him in his defeats. Of course, his son would not yell at Lucerys for shouting barbarities when he lost... but even a servant with impaired eyes would notice the displeasure of his son's eye nate his betrothed.
Aemond would speak to his betrothed in short, dry words and in the event of a normal conversation, it would be only if it was about improving Vhagar's care or Lucerys' wooden swords. Lucerys would perk up a bit when the young man looked her way...but no more than that.
Not soothing or kind words. Not approach during dinners or light conversation...nothing.
Viserys seemed to notice nothing...or was simply blind to the very misfortune he himself had created.
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And now as she enters her second son's room, and sees an older woman naked on those sheets... she feels her daughter's words of dancing dragons begin to draw clearly in her memory.
She can't even say anything or throw that woman out of her son's room by the head, because Lucerys (now also her sweet boy) comes animatedly into the room and sees the mess of sheets and fluids that Aemond and the other woman have made the night before.
(She would later learn that it was the same maid from before who tried to stop Lucerys from going to Aemond's room, but the boy would have outrun her when he learned that his uncle was back in the palace).
To say that things regressed and got worse was an understatement.
Viserys nearly set the whole place on fire when he learned of his second son's gall...and nearly burned the mistress when she, within the gall she had, tried to justify Aemond from breaking his oath. Alys, as she would learn during the confrotation that her name was, to everyone's irony, She was also a bastard from the house of Lucerys' biological father.
Lucerys, only asked one thing, the boy's voice was small, tiny in comparison to the cries of her husband within the entire noble court room.
"THE union was nonsense" was Alys's impudence, the one who spoke, her foolish son seemed comfortable letting his lover speak, as if he had no fear that the whole court was about to fall into chaos because of his idiocy "You can't even give offspring to the prince; not like me that I am already waiting for the-"
Alicent doesn't know how or at what moment, but his body moved on its own.
She doesn't know if it was the rage, if it was the sadness she felt for herself for another failure added to her list of failures, if it was the presence of the woman's lack of sitting and the audacity to show the world the rotten seed she was carrying, or if it was the newly acquired affection for Lucerys that made her body move.
She really doesn't know.
But it had to be her husband, her sick and weak husband, who pulled her out of the slut's lap. Who had to stop her, again, from pulling the knife from the belt of the king's robe, to plunge it into the bastard's neck. It was Aegon, who for the first time was sober enough (he does not know if by the fright of his father's screams or by the surprise of his younger brother's actions) who had to restrain Lucerys who fell shattered on the floor without being able to wake up.
After that, and having to sedate her and her grandson with poppy milk. That everything fell into a tailspin of was destroyed.
In short, neither Lucerys nor she was the same after that day.
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And for that very reason, Viserys himself decided to give in to blindness again... but this time for her act.
She herself noticed how Lucerys lost her joy and the desire to live.
She herself demanded the maids to take all the rejected letters that Lucerys wrote to her family trying to defend his betrothed. Oh, the poor child, even in her agonizing grief, at the clear stain he had lived through her future husband's infidelity.
Her grandson was trying with all the little strength and dignity he had left to fight for his fool of a son.
Son who, to her pain, to the pain of the boy and of all the witnesses, strolled quietly with his mistress through the corridors of the palace. Even Aegon, in his worst moments, had never had the audacity to walk any of his whores through the corridors of the palace.
So, with her newfound freedom, and with the secret support of her old friend, she began her plans.
She could not escape a loveless marriage... but he could.
The only thing that she can even be proud of on all this hell situation was that, Aemodn posponed evrything. Lucerys still having a chance to scape.
And she, as a “Forgive me” gift for Lucerys and her Nyra, would make it happend.
As the woman's belly grew, Alicent took care of many things.
She appointed the best maids to Lucerys' care, she sent the two best soldiers to the care of her son's betrothed (even when Viserys tried to cut off the betrothal the boy had refused thinking that everything could still change), only the best of the best.
Sure, her son would still have the servants at his disposal...but that didn't ensure that his things would move slightly and things wouldn't be complete in time. That she did punish him, slightly, when she found out. It seemed that even the servants had been enraged at the shameless act of their once best prince. it only happened on a couple of occasions, so it couldn't be corrected properly, it stopped after the first scolding.
But, the best part (the only one that made his heart feel alive again and sweetened when he noticed the sweet boy's smile), was when the “secrets” letters began to arrived. Or at least when she noticed them after a quite time.
Aemond already have a mistress, and sadly, a future baby onboard. Why could Lucerys find his own special someone to be able to be free with?
She had ensured herself, with a bit of Aegon's surprisingly great ideas, to bring a promising knight onto the palace grounds. Probably, in terms of her son and her daughter, having a new friend would make the boy recover a little bit of his smile and not be depressed... That al least could work until she can think a way to make Lucerys happy again.
He was a truly promising young man. He was strong and had good references from all his coaches and colleagues who were preparing to be knights of the royal guard.
Faithful, devoted, sweet, and charitable…everything good she ever believed Aemond to be. A little older, a few years older than her son Aegon, but with such curiosity that more than an adult he seemed like a child playing with swords and with dreams of being a real knight. Elric, without a surname as he is a commoner (chosen by Ser Cole himself, this being one of her new students).
So much joy packed, Lucerys could really benefit from that young man. So she put them together. She herself arranged for the young prince Velaryon to be trained in the sword by Elric.
And so it was, they spent days and entire afternoons training, first in silence, then with animated words and euphoric shouts. A couple of months passed, when she noticed during a visit to Lucerys' chambers, that the young man had some letters hidden there.
The handwriting was clearly a little crooked, as if the writer wasn't used to having a quill or charcoal in her hands, but the few things she could read were sweet and cheerful. And, something inside her, she couldn't help but feel pain and longing.
"I wish I could see those sunsets. You always say that lemon cakes are delicious... I can ask one of the cooks to give us some. We would take them up the hill and train there."
That paragraph reminded him of the best days of hers with Rhaenyra, it reminded him of the best of times... Was Elric learning to write from his grandson? That close were they getting?
So, she simply pretended not to notice the letters, or Lucerys' flushed faces when he returned from training or suspicious escapades with Elric.
She pretended not to notice how Elric would become more and more attached to Lucerys' escort, or how both young men would tell inside jokes and stay talking for hours after each training session. Or like Elric's handwriting, in the letters that were badly hidden, they began to straighten out and become a little more daring.
And when there were only a couple of moons left for Aemond's baby and that woman to be born, it was Aegon who spoke to him, one afternoon when he remained sober and they both watched the training of the knights inside the castle courtyard.
"You know, when I was young Ser Cole would go on and on about beautiful farmlands to the west of our capital" his son commented, sipping the tea she had ordered for both of them "He said those lands were so fertile that all kinds of plants and fruits would grow regardless of the situation of the entire kingdom or the climate the Seven decided to put on us."
"What are you getting at with this?" she asked him, noticing how Aegon was about to eat the cupcakes she had reserved on her own plate.
"Well, they are lands so fertile that they need young knights and protectors for those lands," he said, staring at her, but glancing back at Elric, who was shredding his second or third doll of hay. "I'm concerned for the safety of those hard-working people, mother. And it seems that Lucerys has returned to being that cheerful child of always... I think he doesn't need as much support as before; they will be fine on their own, we can handle the situation from here."
The proposal was clear. Elric's services were no longer needed... But that did not mean that everything had to end in such a sad way. Even more so when she could see her son, that she passed in front of Elric, going in the direction of her lover who was with her belly quite extended.
"There are dragons that dance better with beautiful lambs, they run through the rivers and forests in search of flax and hot stones" mentioned Haelena, her precious daughter "Dragons no longer dance together, that's why jewels don't rot."
So she allowed it.
She called Elric that same night to her chambers, and gave him a mission to go to that faraway valley to take care of those hardworking people. It was a permanent mission.
The young man left her room, with an upset face... and she only stopped to pray and pray that the insinuations of her eldest son and the new words of her daughter were true.
Then, when the scream of the maids the next morning, screams coming from Lucerys' room, reached her ears. Screams of the disappearance of the young prince... she could only cry in joy.
Elric hadn't been found either, but no one could say much about the promising knight, since he had departed after his assigned mission.
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After a few months, after her old friend arrived enraged in Kingslanding with her husband and all her worried offspring (who later returned calm and calm after a talk with her and everyone who took care of Lucerys)... she got a message. .
The paper was clearly poor, easily wrinkled, stained and quite brittle compared to the good parchment used in the capital. The handwriting, still clumsy but careful, was written in a dark charcoal and left several smudges.
Elric had written to him.
He wrote to her about the progress of the mission, about the care he gave to that town, about how he took care of each one of the inhabitants with courage and always talking about her goodness towards her people. But, everything the young gentleman described was in the plural... and that ended up calming his heart.
At the end of the letter, with a much finer and more delicate handwriting, he could see how someone left him another message.
"Thank you".
And that soothed his heart and he crossed off all her mistakes from his list of failures. They were so calm and serene that she did not blink an eye the next day, when one of the maesters told her that the baby of her son's lover had been born dead. 
The only burial allowed by her, the court and her husband for the deceased born was an unmarked grave. Aemond protested, but even her husband fell for it, claiming that the disappearance of her fiancée had more importance than the death of a bastard with no shared blood in her veins. After that, Alys was banished and Aemond was forced into an endless search for her missing fiancée. Fiancée that neverwas to be found after a all year of exhausting search.
Or when Viserys told her that she was sending secret guards to the same area that Elric had gone to fulfill her mission, when he noticed that the fruit was from there, or when no one wondered why the Targaryen heiress never calcined the palace after the disappearance of her son. dear of her.
Or when after a years, another letter arrived, inside an oranges box, but this time with the carbon footprint of a tiny baby's foot all over it. Signed by Elric, wishing for the queen’s blessing t he baby and his future.
The only thing that the people knew, like all the servants of the palace, was that she calmed her son Aemond down after the death of his eldest son letting him know where the grave of his bastard was, that she bought more fruits from the valleys far from the capital and that she always kept hidden in them a chest of threadbare papers that occasionally arrived with orders for fruit.
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If after a decade, when Rhaenyra took the throne, and the whole kingdom entered into peace, a little boy with curly brown hair and purple eyes came to the palace, asking to be trained to be a knight... she said nothing. He didn't refuse anything.
The other servants only watched as she, along with the new queen, pampered the child, filling him with lemon cakes and giving him the best swords and trainers anyone could have ever asked for. If her son Aemond refused to be in the presence of the little one, she would not reproach him.
The End.
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astrologicaldiary · 4 months
This is Aquarius's time to shine!
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I'm not a pro but just an observer, I have been looking at some celebrities who are Aquarius Sun, and they are really having a good career!
Megan's song Hiss is #1 on the chart. She signed a deal with Warner Music, and she gets to control and manage her masters and songs. And that's an excellent deal because as someone who is a creator is so important to have control of her art because we live in a capitalist society filled with greedy ass corporations that abuse their power and take advantage of people. Megan has this experience with her ex-label. Whewwww, I'm glad she's left! They really wanted her to be their slave but treated her like shit behind the scene.
I think ever since Pluto moved in Aquarius, it; 's given the Aquarius peeps so much power in their career or whatever sector they are a part of or working in.
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First of all, I love this man. But I'm shook that he has two kids! But anyway, he has been doing well publicly. He won a globe and an Emmy, and he did this beautiful and ....sexy campaign with Calvin Klein.
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I had to show it off !!! Yes, he's definitely an Aquarius but his career has been blowing up.
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This beautiful gal works with my man Jeremy on the Bear (watch the show, it's good). I took a look at her birth chart, and she's actually a Libra sun but she's an Aquarius moon! And she has been an IT girl and gathering all these awards and recognition! I hope she getting paid FAIRLY and gaining more opportunities because Hollywood is shitting on black women a lot! But yeah, she's killing it!
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If you are an Aquarius rising or have any prominent placements such as the sun and moon, I think this Pluto in your sign is going to boost you up to a whole other level!
For me, I have a Uranus in Aquarius in my tenth house, so I'm not sure if I'll get a sip of the power juice, but I'm already feeling the energy to shift my career path make realistic plans, and follow through! Because I'll be my own enemy! Now if have other Aquarius placements, I think that you are already feeling the fire!
My sibling actually is an Aquarius stellium and has a sun. My sibling who travel with his friends out of the country, he told me that he has been seeing the same ghost TWICE! Now he can't sleep!
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So some of y'all could see some supernatural shit since Pluto is rule in Scorpio, and pluto involve of taboo and occult stuffs. So it makes sense, but I haven't had it. And I hope not because I'll pass out! But even with Megan with her album theme is so on point around this pluto transit. Her music had symbols about transformation, shedding, snakes and talking her shit !
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So if you are an Aquarius sun, rising, or moon, this is time for you to get your shit together! Go towards your dreams and do some weird things you wanted to do so bad but were scared of what people would say! Fuck them! THIS IS YOUR TIME SO DON'T BLOW IT !!! But... this is a powerful transit so be careful and humble yourself. So be really honest and true with yourself since Pluto is about accountability and transformation.
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spaciebabie · 2 years
and your lil animations are the shit too
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scarletttries · 1 year
You Are In Love (Eddie Munson x Reader series)
Part Ten: Dancing in a Snowglobe, Round and Round.
Pairing: Eddie Munson (Stranger Things) x F! Reader
Tags: Hunter's back and being shitty, but otherwise all fluff :)
Word Count: 2.2k
Author's Note: This is the tenth part of an Eddie Munson series inspired by Taylor Swift's "You Are In Love". Links for other parts on my Eddie Munson Masterlist :) As always please feel free to send me thoughts and headcanons for Eddie Munson <3
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And so it goes, You two are dancing in a snow globe, 'round and 'round.
As he passed through the hall littered with decorative posters, late enough to have missed home room but right on time to blend into the sea of students getting ready for their first classes, Eddie thought two things:
One: He couldn't help but think that the theme of 'Winter Wonderland.' for this year's prom was more a reflection of budget constraints and leftover decorations from the Middle School Snowball dance than an inspired choice.
And Two: Way too many people were smiling at him today. Eddie was used to a certain amount of stares and attention as he roamed the halls of Hawkins High, but usually they came with a certain cruel tinge of disdain that was noticeably missing this morning. In fact, by the time he was sat in his first class someone had gone as far as to give him a high five, Eddie completely oblivious as to why, worried some cursed gate had opened somewhere, and this was just another upside down version of this town. His morning seemed to pass in a flurry of smiles and nods, leaving the metalhead thoroughly baffled as he sat at his lunch table, excitable freshmen adding the undetermined celebration.
"Congrats man, you must be pretty excited!" Dustin cheered as he settled at Eddie's side, Mike nodding along with his joyful friend, if not a little less enthusiastic.
"What are you talking about Henderson? And why is everyone smiling at me like they suddenly have manners?" Eddie scowled, irritated in his confusion until Dustin pieced it together,
"Did you miss morning announcements again?" Dustin asked, unimpressed with Eddie's efforts at punctuality this year,
"Literally always, spit it out."
"They announced the prom queen nominees this morning, and (y/n) was one of them."
"Everyone's smiling at you because let's be honest, no one thought you'd be going to prom with possible royalty." Mike summarised somewhat sarcastically, Eddie already out of his seat and halfway across the cafeteria by the time he finished the remark. You were mid-sentence when you saw a black blur come flying towards you, the full weight of your boyfriend crashing down as he launched himself into your lap, a frenzied cry of 'Congratulations!" drawing the attention of half the room. The other half quickly followed at the chair beneath you toppled at the added weight, landing you both on the floor in a tangled mess of limbs and laughter.
"Sorry sweetheart, are you okay?" Eddie asked, slightly embarrassed by the scene he'd managed to cause until he caught the beaming smile spreading across your cheeks,
"I am now." You replied, lips finding his for a chaste kiss as a teacher across the room began to call out, "One student per chair please!" You both found your feet again, Eddie squeezing your hand before turning to the girls sitting at your table, watching this scene unfold, no longer surprised by your level of antics,
"I assume congratulations are due to you as well Chrissy?" He quizzed as he picked your chair up off the floor, checking its structural integrity before pulling it out for you to sit back down on,
"Thanks Eddie, but i'm not sure you should risk any more chairs congratulating me!" She laughed quickly, getting the words out before Eddie could be tempted by another hug-based tackle.
"As you wish. Apologies for the interruption!" He said with an old-fashioned flair, bowing chivalrously before leaving your table to return to its discussion of all things dates and dresses.
Eddie hadn't bothered attending either of his two previous senior proms, unsure why anyone would subject themselves to being surrounded by classmates for a whole evening, outside of school requirements. But as he stepped into the hall, decorated with glistening streamers and sparkling balloons, there was nowhere he'd rather be. And with you on his arm, no-one he'd rather be with.
You found it almost surreal as you watched Eddie disappear off to get you a drink, leaving you to take in the surprisingly pretty room you were in for the night, the flurry of sparkling snow-like decorations hiding a multitude of sins. You'd thought about prom a lot through your four years at Hawkins; the dancing, the music, the date (feeling very pleasantly surprised in who that had ended up being.) The importance of this one night felt like it had been drilled into you since years before you were old enough to go, but as you watched the twinkling lights and swaying forms dancing around the room, you felt an odd feeling wash over you. It wasn't excitement, or nerves, or anything you were expecting to feel. Instead you felt content. Like in fact tonight was just a night. A fun night, sure. A night where you'd dance with your friends, and kiss a cute boy, and feel excited about the great outfit you'd picked out. But it wasn't The Night. Maybe it was your nearing graduation, and the chance to finally get out of this small town, but clarity seemed to strike you in that moment, that you were going to have hundreds of special nights, and that this was just going to be one of them. So as Eddie returned, drinking in hand, nervous for this perfect night with you, you actually felt resoundingly calm, knowing you had a lifetime of imperfect nights together still to come.
"Good evening Hawkins, if you have not already voted for prom royalty please do so now, as we will be revealing your king and queen shortly."
Eddie felt his heart plummet to the icy depths of the mariana trench as the results were announced: Chrissy and Jason won. As he watched you happily celebrate your friend getting something that felt really important to her, he couldn't help but feel awful. Like maybe if you hadn't broken up with Hunter and started dating the Freak, you'd be the one holding a cheap plastic tiara. Like once again his presence in your senior year was tarnishing it, a side effect of your relationship that he was sure would test your patience eventually. But as you stepped down off the stage, back towards your solemn looking date, his wavy hair and rough-around-the-edges suit making him immediately obvious in the center of the dancefloor, you couldn't help still feeling like a winner.
Smiling brighter than if you'd won a contest, you scooped Eddie's hand up in yours, pulling him closer until your arms could drape over his shoulders, swaying against him in time to lulling music.
"Have I already told you just how handsome you look tonight Eddie?" You flirted eagerly, the blushing response from Eddie enough to make you giggle every time,
"Only a dozen or so times, but I've always said flattery works on me, so keep it up my beautiful queen." He charmed back, leaning his nose to meet yours in the slow melody of your moves, faltering on the final word before adding,
"I'm sorry about that by the way." You shook your head happily, brushing off his commiserations,
"No need to be sorry love, I'm happy for Chrissy." you paused and added, "unless you didn't vote for me, in which case you should be a little sorry." You pouted with the accusation, Eddie quickly rebuffing,
"Of course I voted for you sweetheart." Sealing his words with a kiss before sighing, "I just meant, if you weren't dating me, maybe you'd have won." You watched his warm brown eyes trail down to his scuffed boots, a perfect Eddie addition to his unusually formal outfit, and thought about your response for a moment.
"Maybe." You agreed, much to Eddie's surprise, expecting you to dismiss his thought, feeling all the worse for the confirmation. " But prom queen's a title I'd only get to keep for the next two weeks of school. And if I play my cards right, I get to keep you forever. So really there's no competition." You teased, watching the soft lines form on Eddie's face as he frown released naturally into a smile at the thought, his future endlessly brighter with you in it. You reached up, planting a soft kiss on his cheek, leaning back only to find Eddie's hold on your waist tightening. Hugging you against his chest until your feet barely skimmed the ground, Eddie squeezing flush against his, spinning himself in the spot and only putting you down once he was satisfied your excited squeals were audible over the gentle music.
Finally setting you back on your feet, Eddie brought a hand softly to your cheek, looking deeply in your eyes with an ecstatic grin on his face,
"You know you could play your cards wrong and still keep me right?" You laughed as you nodded, his grip on your tightening again as he spoke, threatening to repeat his dance moves if you tried to squirm away. "In fact, you could bring my DnD cards to a poker table and still be stuck with me. There's no cards you can play to escape this." And he set again, twirling you in the air, round and round, relishing in the happy laughter that poured out of you as he did.
And with his optimistic words, you could feel all the excitement and nerves for the future you expected tonight to bring, but it wasn't about the dance. It was about Eddie, and the life the two of you would soon be setting out on away from all of this. What felt like closure to your time at Hawkins High, felt like a world just starting to open up for the rest of your life. With him.
It never ceased to amaze Eddie just how perfect a night with you could feel. Even in a room of recycled decorations, and music he'd never allow on his stereo, he could feel his cheeks aching from a night of endlessly smiling with you. He'd practically had to force himself off the dance floor to trudge to the men's room, cursing nature for calling him away from you for even one song. As he washed his hands he couldn't help laughing at his own reflection in the grimy mirror; he'd tried his best to tame his wild hair for the night but after all the shapes he'd thrown, it was just as big as ever, his cheeks flushed with excitement, eternal smile plastered over his face as he heard the door crack open behind him.
"Speak of the devil." Hunter said sarcastically upon seeing Eddie, the usual band of lackeys following closely behind him, "or should I say devil worshipper." It was almost impressive, the careful way he measured his tone to sound both cuttingly cruel and entirely uninterested in the now worried boy before him. Even though your relationship had gone from strength to strength after his last interaction with Hunter, Eddie couldn't help but feel the sting of fear at the turmoil and hurt his next unpleasant statement might bring.
Holding his hands up in defense Eddie spoke confidently, "I was just leaving, no need to get your spear out Hunter." He couldn't help but feel a little victorious at the small laugh he drew from one of the jocks to the left of Hunter, who looked thoroughly displeased that Eddie wasn't speechless in his presence this time.
"I would never, I just wanted to say I hope you have a good rest of the night." Confusion spread across the faces beside him until he continued, "You know. Going home alone. Because I can assure you, getting in (y/n)'s bedroom is going to take you even longer than graduating." The crowd around him erupted in the kind of big laugh Eddie was used to, but it barely registered to him as he looked at the vicious look in the jock's eyes and realised in the months you'd spent dating Hunter you must have never had him up to your room.
Eddie's mind was suddenly awash with the early days of doing homework in the middle of your bedroom floor leading to make-out sessions that left rug-burn on both his knees. The nights spent curled up at your side, fingers tracing along your warm flesh as you nuzzled into his chest, his owh shirt draping from your shoulder as you drifted off together. Every precious moment he'd spent with his body draped over yours, fevered desire guiding your hands across him as you'd waste entire afternoons exploring every tattooed inch of him.
Hunter was projecting. And as Eddie watched the poison smirk spreading across his face, he wanted to laugh. And brag. And boast. He felt like finally had something he could hold over the head of this arrogant prick of a man, who had picked ruthlessly on him for being different, and yelled at you over your kindness all those months ago. But watching Hunter's confident facade start to waver in his calm silence, he instead said,
"You have a good night too Hunter." A sincerity in his voice that left the gang in baffled quiet as he swanned out the door, realising how little any of their opinions meant to him now. Now that he had a way out of town, a better sense of himself, and you.
You Are In Love taglist:
@lacrymosa-24 @aftermidnightwriting @fluttergirl1202 @tayhar811 @souls-rain @neewtmas @kimmi-kat @wintrrrsoldier @dylanmunson @sidthedollface2
@eddiemunson95 @mistiatmosphere @singularattitudeofasafetypin @omgsquee2001
52 notes · View notes
jessy-the-martian-girl · 10 months
Okay, I´ve finally finished it. And I've started on June, 2nd. This story was intended to be something short and fluffy, but it turned out bigger and with some sad themes (loss of a close relative in particular, and attempts at coping with it).
~5.7k words. Luis x OC.
Sorry for any mistakes and typos. Some things might seem weird - as I'm not completely sure if real people do talk like that.
Idea: Beach day with Luis.
Summary: Sea and cats are the best cure for the soul.
By the Sea at the Edge of Forever
“The sea is everything. It covers seven tenths of the terrestrial globe. Its breath is pure and healthy. It is an immense desert, where man is never lonely, for he feels life stirring on all sides. The sea is only the embodiment of a supernatural and wonderful existence. It is nothing but love and emotion; it is the Living Infinite. ”
― Jules Verne, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea
- So, this is your hometown, eh? - Luis could not resist asking this question in the late evening, when the priority tasks were finished.
Other relatives and friends of Jessy's brother were notified of time and date of the funeral. The newfound cats were fed, the minimum cleaning in the apartment was done too. Even soothing tea was brewed and handed to a young dark-haired woman, who looked pretty upset by this sad event.
- Almost, - the girl who settled in Serra's arms smiled mirthlessly and, after taking a sip of tea, continued even without more questions. - My parents moved here when I was a little less than a year old. For the climate, they said. Sea air, and all that, you know...
- Speaking of sea air... Maybe we can go to any beach? - the Spaniard felt that he was treading on uneasy territory, but he also felt the urge to cheer up his girlfriend. - I once heard that cure for everything is salt water: tears, sweat and the sea...
Silence fell over the room. For a while, Jessica just sat there, clutching a mug of tea with both hands, as if trying to warm up her fingers. But when Serra was starting to worry that he might've crossed a line with this proposal, beyond which she would simply stop talking to him (just after asking him to leave), the girl emerged from her trance and finally answered.
- You know, I dig this idea of yours, - she turned a little in the ring of hands to see the face of her Spaniard. - I've had enough tears for now. There is one small beach here, quite secluded. I like it. But it's not easy to get to it, and your back...
- It's fine, mi luz, - Luis smiled at her reassuringly. - I'm in pretty good shape already, such a walk won't hurt me.
- Well, okay then, - still, Jessy decided to play it safe. - However, we can always change the route and stop at any other place on the coast. It's not the high season, so it's not like there will be no free space on the beach.
- ¡Bien! - the Spaniard beamed and hugged his girlfriend a little closer, mindful about the mug of hot tea in her hands. - Then we'll leave tomorrow morning.
The next morning came quickly. And while Luis was cooking breakfast, despite the cats' attempts to sabotage all the preparations (or, at least, to get these new people to take their feline friends with them wherever they were going), Jessy went on with packing stuff they would need. Surprisingly, this apartment still had some of her belongings, although she has not been living here for almost a year: working, traveling, getting stuck in that mess in Spain and staying by Serra's side at the hospital and even after that...
Two small backpacks readily accepted beach towels and a compact beach mat, sunscreen lotion, water and a light snack (sandwiches with butter and cheese, dates and a few oranges)... Besides, she managed to rearrange the contents of the backpacks so that Luis got a lighter one. The same stab wound on his back that almost ended his life was healed, of course, but doctor's orders were to avoid any serious strain until the end of the rehabilitation period. And there were at least a few more weeks before it, so the girl did not want to worsen the condition of the person so dear to her. Also she was used to go hiking with a backpack three times heavier and it was not a big deal for her.
Among her clothes left in this apartment brunette unexpectedly found men's swim shorts, which she once bought for herself as a part of beach outfit. But they remained brand new as Jessy never dared to wear this piece in public because of unusual design with pictures of turtles in various poses from the Kama Sutra. Luis, on the other hand, didn't have any problems with that, he just grinned at the offering and tried the shorts on to make sure it suited his size.
After having breakfast and, at Jessy's insistence, applying sunscreen on their faces and hands, the couple set off. At first they went by public transport almost to the outskirts of this small coastal town, and then by foot, along forest trails. They tried to keep slightly away from the wider road: though its condition was terrifying, there still were some reckless souls who seemingly enjoyed bumpy and dusty car rides.
On their way Serra chatted almost incessantly about all and everything at once. He even told a story how he learned to read animal tracks as a child. Then he asked something about the surrounding area, and, after listening to the answer, gave out a new bunch of questions. But as they came to the seashore, he stopped mid-sentence and stared in fascination at the expanse of water spreading before his eyes. Jessica sighed happily by his side - she had always harbored deep love for the sea, and now she was glad to share this love with someone significant.
- Well, hello, here we are, - the girl said softly, wiping away the welled up tears and not being afraid to seem ridiculous because of this and because of her words addressed to the majestic water element.
For some reason, she was absolutely sure that Luis *would understand* that. And he did, silently squeezing her cold fingers in his warm hands.
- Perhaps, we will have to walk in the water somewhere, and, please, be careful with stones, even large ones, - brunette gave out the warning on the rights of someone who had scouted all the surroundings in her childhood. - I was about six years old, and that stone seemed very reliable... As a result, twisted leg, slightly cut arms... And my dad and my brother took turns carrying me back to town.
At the mention of her relatives, Jessy´s voice quivered, but she managed to regain control of her emotions.
- Point taken, - the Spaniard nodded seriously, adjusted the straps of his backpack and, wincing from the short jolt of pain in his left arm, added with his usual charming smile. - Vamos, I can't wait to see that beach you were talking about with such a dreamy expression on your face.
And they headed to the border of the first beach, where the sand was almost hidden beneath rather large stones. Jessy was leading the way, maneuvering between those stones with ease, but never forgetting to cast a side glance at her companion to make sure that he was all right and that she wasn't too fast for him. Well, another reason for those glances was to take some sweet time to admire Serra's grace.
It turned out soon, that their's timing for such trip was not very great. The high tide period quickly had them taking off their shoes and rolling up their pant legs. However, the first water obstacle also had an unexpected effect: Jessica barely took a couple of steps only knee-deep in water and froze, feeling sudden dizziness and nausea. The water was so clear and shimmering that it was hard to understand what real depth lied ahead. Some underwater stones and common unevenness of the bottom only added to said effect of uncertainty. The brunette almost offered to turn back, unable to overcome this weakness combined with irrational fear of suddenly going under water, but then Luis was the first to step forward and, turning around, held out his hand to her.
- Hold tight and look at me, not at the water, - understanding and care were reflecting in his gray eyes, and confidence that nothing bad would happen.
Jessy nodded and, clutching to the offered hand, also took a step. She almost went off balance immediately, but Luis never allowed her to fall, simply pressing her to his chest and letting to wait out this dizzy spell. Her next step was much more confident, but she never let go of her Spaniard's hand. Fortunately, there wasn't much distance left to go, and just a little bit longer before their intended destination.
The entrance to that small beach was partially covered by a pile of stones — and without knowing that there was a passage there, it could be easily missed. Jessica confidently dived into this very passage, waving to Serra to keep up. To a casual observer it would seem as if they had vanished into the barrier. And there they were met by light sea breeze, gentle sun and salty spray. The couple could also hear the even roar of the surf, accompanied by the rustle of stones carried away by the waves. And absolutely black sand was quite striking addition to the view.
- Vaya, - the Spaniard breathed out in pure fascination. - How beautiful...
- It is, - the girl responded quietly, leaning into her man's shoulder. - I've missed this place so much...
They dropped the backpacks and set up the place for their base camp, spreading the beach mat and pinning it down with suitable cobbles so that it wouldn't be blown away.
- There is a natural pool of a kind here, that area surrounded by rocks, about waist-deep for me... The water usually warms up faster in there, - and Jessica fell silent, realizing that yesterday she was so desperate for any kind of distraction that she did not even ask what exactly they plan to do on the beach. - By the way... You *can* swim, right?
- Only in fresh water, - Luis, who has already managed to pull off his shirt and jeans and even settle on the mat, saw the mentioned "pool" and smiled in anticipation. - There was a swimming pool at the uni, and we didn't always have our lake contaminated with that... thing. But I haven't got a chance to swim in the sea yet.
- It's said it's easier to swim in salty water, it pushes you to the surface, - the girl relaxed a bit and reached for a bottle of sunscreen. - Do you want me to help with your back? The forecast said that sun can be quite active today.
- And why only my back is worthy of your attention? - the Spaniard pretended to be indignant, nevertheless obediently turning over on his stomach. - What about the rest parts of my body?
- Well, if you insist... - Jessy readily played along, squeezing the lotion onto the man's back and applying it with confident movements on his shoulders and neck, trying not to disturb that new scar under his left shoulder blade. Skin at that place was still too sensitive.
She even touched top of his ears with the lotion out of an old habit, explaining to Serra, who jerked in surprise, that people rarely think that such body parts need protection too, and sunburned ears are really unpleasant experience.
- The only thing worse is getting the scalp sunburned in the parting, - the girl giggled, recalling that *unforgettable* experience of hers. - Moreover, no one believes you when you get sunburns in such weird places. So, roll over and let's continue.
A new portion of the sunscreen was squeezed on a broad chest with the older scar, and soft hands got back to work — gently rubbing the lotion onto chest, arms, stomach... Throughout the process gray eyes were never turning away from brunette's slightly smiling face. However, when those hands slipped on his sides, Serra tried to squirm out from under the light touches.
- Don't, Jess, - the man pleaded through involuntary laughter. - Por favor...
- Sorry, sunshine, - the girl quickly removed her hands and gently touched the tip of her beloved's nose with her finger, leaving a little bit of lotion there. - I guess, you'd better finish this on your own.
While Serra was finishing with his face and legs, his companion got rid of her T—shirt and hiking pants, fished out from her backpack another bottle with a sunscreen of higher SPF, and began to apply the protective coating. With her rather pale skin using a more powerful remedy was quite a logical choice.
- And now it's your turn, - the Spaniard almost purred, not even trying to hide a playful glint in his eyes. - Get down and hand me your lotion.
Jessica stretched out on the beach mat with a smile, exposing her back to the man who knelt next to her, ready to return the favor. Suddenly it dawned on Jessy that she really trusted Luis. Not forcing herself to trust him - it was simply there. During their "Spanish adventure" she had absolutely no time to stop and muse about such things, but now the realization has finally caught up with her.
She only instinctively tensed for a second when deft fingers unhooked the top of her swimsuit. It was a public place, after all, and she was not quite ready for being that explicit. It felt just like a quick test for developed trust, so Jessy relaxed. Luis still noticed her reaction and stopped to explain his intentions.
- This is just to cover all of your skin, - his words did not diverge from the deed, with strong hands smoothly sliding along the curves of the female body, carefully wrapping it with an even layer of sunscreen. - The straps and belt are too thin, if they shift, you won't like the outcome.
- Been there, done that, - the brunette admitted with a stifled chuckle, patiently waiting until the Spaniard hooked everything back, in order to roll over on her back and put her chest and stomach under his caring hands.
Of course, she could have managed on her own from that point, but it felt so nice to be taken care of, that the girl just mentally shushed her inner voice and allowed herself to revel in such an uncommon feeling.
They chatted a bit more, while waiting for the sunscreen to "cure" on their skin. Jessy shared a couple of funny sea-related stories from her past. Though shocked expression on Spaniard's face openly hinted her that the particular story about her almost drowning at the age of five was not that funny as it seemed to her.
- Hey, it was okay, - she tried to lighten the mood. - My dad was close by. He plucked me out of water in no time. It was not enough time for me even to get scared.
- I just can't imagine that I could've never met you, if it wasn't for your dad... - Serra whispered, slightly shaking his head and reaching with his hand to touch the shoulder of his vis-à-vis as if to make sure she was still real.
- But I made it to this day nonetheless, - brunette shrugged and smiled warmly.
After a few more minutes of silence Luis easily got to his feet and stretched out his hand to Jessica, helping her to get up. Then he pulled her towards the "natural pool", not letting go of girl's hand. The water, however, was not yet fully warmed up, but it already felt quite pleasant. And it was much, much warmer than in the mountain creeks in the wilderness of Valdelobos, as the Spaniard mentally noted.
As soon as Jessy was knee-deep in the water, she stopped for a while and took a deep breath, taking some time to adjust to the temperature. And then, gently freeing her hand from Serra's hold, she pushed off from the sandy bottom and slid into the water with a soft exclamation. The first dive after a long break was always a little uncomfortable for her and required some efforts. After taking a couple of strokes, the girl swiftly turned over on her back, exposing her face to the sun and letting the water catch her. Fortunately, there were no big waves this time.
Luis followed suit right away, relaxing on his back close by and just occasionally touching his girlfriend's hand or shoulder with his own. His pose was an expression of a tacit agreement for "no active long-distance swims yet".
After floating in the water like this for a little, they slowly swam together to the stone borderline that separated this small lagoon from the open sea. The couple settled there, enjoying beautiful views of the sea or their secluded beach.
Jessica, in gentle reverie, admired how small waves rolled over hardly visible rocks in the water and crashed on the shore. And Luis, amazed by the transparency of the water, tried to look at the bottom of their improvised pool — his gaze was captivated by nimble fish, colorful starfish, colonies of shellfish and corals. Suddenly, an unusually shaped shell lying a little further away caught his eye, and Serra decided to dive for it to get a better look. It took him a few tries, and it also got Jessy's attention. Finally resurfacing with the loot, Luis turned the find over in his hands, then handed it to his girl. She put the shell on the palm of her hand, but suddenly, with an ouch, shook off the object of study into the water.
- What's wrong? - Serra asked, with concern evident in his voice.
- Something pinched me, - the brunette was obviously embarrassed by her own reaction. - Not that it hurts much, more like I just didn't expect it...
The Spaniard examined Jessy's palm for possible damage, then looked for this shell again. When he spotted it, he carefully knelt down, plunging into the water almost up to his shoulders, and took the shell out, turning its aperture to the light. Something with pincers was clearly stirring inside.
- Oh, so it's one of the Paguroidea species, - Luis smiled involuntarily. - I didn't think they can be found here too. - A hermit crab? - Jessica instantly forgot about her palm and, literally hanging on the Spaniard's shoulders, stared curiously at the shell resident, who was clearly dissatisfied with such intense attention. - This is the first time I've ever seen one, not on TV, not in the aquarium and not in the encyclopedia. Awesome!
- They are usually not aggressive to bigger opponents, - Serra nodded, watching how a representative of marine fauna menacingly moved its claw. - We seem to have just scared this one. - Let's put it back to its natural habitat then, - Jessica expressed their shared thought, adding with a chuckle. - As long as it doesn't come back to bite our heels for this.
- It'll rather be glad that it was released and will not risk another encounter, - Luis laughed heartily, arranging the shell in the water closer to the stone barrier.
The girl also laughed at this joke and hugged her man as he swam closer to her again.
- You know, it's warmer around you, - the Spaniard suddenly remarked in a soft voice, returning the hug. - You're like a little sun with an aura of warmth. To hide her embarrassment at such a compliment, Jessy splashed this eloquent subject and, with a laugh, twisted out of his hands, trying to swim away. This unexpected childishness resulted in a small water duel, which ended in a draw. Or, as the girl proclaimed: "friendship always wins!" - after which, with her arms outstretched, she fell backwards into a small wave, raising a cloud of salty spray... only to be almost immediately back in the firm embrace. Luis was glad that his crazy idea worked and his querida is still able to enjoy simple things. Even after such great loss. Only the shadow of guilt lurking in her hazel eyes kept him a bit worried. He himself had only one night *then*. Afterwards there was no time: his studies and the need to provide his living completely absorbed even hints of free time for several years. He managed, and developed the mask of “a good-for-nothing guy, who happens to be quite a ladies' man”. And under that mask there was an acute, painful sense of guilt: he was not there, he could not help, he did not prevent... Now his own experience seemed to be quite useful. Luis could roughly imagine the direction of his girl's thoughts, and see where it would be possible to intervene and lend her a shoulder. After all, even the strongest and most hardy at some point may break down.
- Let's go back to the shore and get some sun? - the brunette, who went quiet in his arms, offered hesitantly.
Her fingers were absentmindedly tracing some patterns on his chest, and it was... rather pleasant.
- I like the idea, mi vida, - Serra planted soft kiss on his girlfriend's temple and pushed her in the right direction. - A snack would be nice too.
The sea did not quite share their intentions, trying to knock the pair down, like a too playful puppy would, and then drag them back into its depth. Thankfully, it was much easier to get out together.
After drying off with beach towels, the couple paid the closest attention to their food supplies. Sandwiches with cheese and dates were delicious, although the sea air usually made everything tastier anyway. And Luis was very surprised, when Jessica took out a thermos with green tea - the most unexpected and uncommon option for a picnic on the beach. However, it turned out that she forgot to take mugs, and they only had the lid of the said thermos at their disposal.
- One for two is a great option, - Serra stated with a playful grin, deliberately taking a sip so that his lips touched this "mug" in the same place as his companion's.
- I'm glad that we share this opinion, - the girl returned both the gesture and the smile. - An orange for a dainty?
- Sure! - the Spaniard grabbed their improvised mug with his left hand so that Jessica could peel the citrus, but then his shoulder was pierced by a sharp pain and his fingers went numb and weak, forcing the man to hiss through clenched teeth. - Mierda...
The girl with a soft cry threw another small towel over the spilled tea and scurried behind Luis's back. He was clutching his hurting limb to his chest and it was such a vivid and unexpected reminder of the past injury.
- Guess, I've overestimated my condition... - the Spaniard's voice sounded strained.
- The doctor warned me that you might still have twinges like this from time to time, - Jessy's hands confidently glided over his aching muscles, starting from the upper back, stroking, pressing harder, kneading carefully. - He was talking about build-up of scar tissue as a possible cause. Now, it should get better... And the pain really subsided, yielding slowly to firm but gentle touches. When Serra's back finally relaxed under her fingers, brunette sighed with relief and pressed a small kiss upon that creepy scar. She remembered how they had to cauterize the wound with the same plaga removal laser, wrecking all the settings and restoring them again to get rid of those parasites. All because there was nothing left to sew up the wound with.
Shaking off those memories, girl wrapped her arms around Luis, pulling him a bit closer. He, in response, covered the palms that settled on his chest with his own and slightly leaned back, sinking into that warm embrace. - Gracias, querida mía, - his fingertips slid over her forearms in a tender caress. - I hope I didn't scare you too much... - I was more scared when you passed out on the operating table in your own lab, under my hands, - the girl admitted with a nervous laugh, carefully moving to her former place next to Luis and snuggling against his side. - As of today... Thank goodness, that the tea was not boiling hot. We'll do just fine without any burns.
After calming down a little, she finally peeled an orange, handed it to the Spaniard and reached for the second one, this time for herself. She noticed the fact that Serra was willing to share only when a slice of orange was already touching her lips. Jessica did not turn down the treat, followed by the man's fingers weightlessly brushing over her lips, his warm palm resting comfortably on her cheek. She smiled and leaned slightly into Serra's touch, turning her face to him for a kiss with an orange-salty taste.
The kiss was short though and when their lips parted, the couple just finished their snacks and went to lie down on the beach mat, snuggling side by side. Pebbles rustled softly, carried by the waves along the bottom, gulls cried in the sky, sunlight caressed the skin... Luis and Jessy were having fun cloud-gazing, sunglasses in place. Strings of fantastic images floated through the sky above them, driven by the wind: a large turtle, a dancing couple, a kitten playing with a ball of yarn, "Enterprise NCC-1701", that space station "Babylon 5", a sailboat, a dragon, an archer...
Soon the wind changed and brought in black clouds. Noticing this, Jessica reluctantly offered to call it a day and, as soon as their swimsuits were completely dry, slowly move towards their temporary home. Even if it wasn't supposed to rain, weather forecasts did not always pass the reality check.
To pass the wait a little, the girl sat up and reached for a small pointed pebble. She drew several lines on a larger flat stone with it. To Luis's surprise, these lines stood out on the black surface in a gray-brownish color, though the pebble was black too. The first clumsy lines were gradually turning into a simple silhouette of a lighthouse above the sea.
- Hey, you're good, - the Spaniard smiled upon seeing the final picture.
- Nah, I can't draw, - the girl dismissed his comment with ease, throwing her pebble "pencil" into the wave that ran ashore. - That's just my itchy fingers, nothing more.
- I dare to disagree on this statement, - Serra squinted slyly, taking the flat stone with a drawing from the brunette's hand before she sent it into the water too. - A little more practice, and it will no longer be "good", but "excelente".
In response, Jessica vaguely shrugged and, picking up another handful of dark pebbles, consistently sent them into the water, immersing in her thoughts. However, she was not allowed to stay like that for a long time and was soon distracted. Drying off after sea bathe, her hair fluffed up a little, curling and framing Jessy's face with a light-brown halo, trying to get into her eyes and mouth. Second distraction was Luis, who plucked a long blade of grass, and took part in the fun mini-game "tickle-a-friend". The Spaniard was quickly caught doing this, but at a reproachful stare, he just smiled broadly and stretched out his hand to smooth his companion's disheveled hair, which only resulted in another hug.
With all this childishness in action, time to go back home came swiftly. Their swimsuits finally dried out, the wind grew stronger, the sea became stormy... Luis and Jessy had to hurry up with packing, yet the first drops of rain caught them almost at the forest edge. Luckily, it gave them a chance to hide from such weather under the green dome of branches, at least for a while.
They still had to run from the forest to the bus stop to avoid getting soaked to the skin. However, it didn't help much. But when Luis and Jessy got back to the neighborhood where they lived at the moment, it looked like there was no rain there at all. After exchanging puzzled glances and quickly assessing their appearance a la "we went swimming in our clothes", they both burst out laughing. That attracted the attention of a passerby who turned out to be one of Jessy's distant relatives. And that man didn't hesitate to express his disapproval for such behavior of the girl in mourning for someone as significant as her own brother. Jessica visibly stiffened from being scolded, her guilt rearing its ugly head again. Serra noticed this change in his girlfriend's mood, and realized that he neither can nor should tolerate it. He stepped forward, as if trying to shield his girl from unpleasant conversation with his body. It was hard to contain his anger, but Luis mustered the calmest tone he was capable of at the moment. He was not aiming for a fight after all.
- I don't know about you lot, but I personally prefer that miss Jonzz here stayed among living, - he added more menacing undertone to his voice, pinning the other man with a slightly disgusted glare. - And not cried herself into heart attack or cardiac arrest just to maintain someone's else believes of how it's appropriate to grieve.
This rebuke somehow silenced an uninvited do-gooder and forced him to beat a hasty retreat. As soon as this person disappeared from sight, Serra turned to face brunette and gently pushed her chin up with one hand just to meet her unsure hazel eyes with his steel gray ones.
- It's not your fault, Jess, - Spaniard's tone was all about firm, but gentle care mixed with a tint of worry. - You are absolutely allowed to take care of yourself under any circumstances. Remember that, por favor.
- I know, - Jessy tried to smile, almost successfully, and to shook off the dreadful feeling of guilt's filthy paws reaching to claim her soul. - I... I'm okay. Let's go, Luis?
- Sure thing, cariño, - with a wide smile Serra swung his hand over girl's shoulders and pulled her into the right direction. - Our new cats must be waiting us already!
The cats were really waiting, and their patience was finally rewarded. Chirrups, squeaky little trills and cute meows filled the space of the murky apartment, making both Luis and Jessy smile and giggle at such enthusiasm. In fact, little calico cat and his gray brother acted like they knew that right now their humans needed all the positive attention they could provide. Gray one even tried to climb up Serra's leg, but was quickly and gently picked up and placed over Spaniard's shoulder. Meanwhile calico cat sniffed and licked at Jessica's ankles, as soon as she took off her shoes, of course.
- Hey, fur baby, it tickles, - brunette laughed and knelt down to pet this welcoming committee. - I know, I know: you and your little brother missed us.
Smiling to another almost shy meow, Jessica stood up and, after asking Luis if he didn't mind, headed to the shower, to wash off sea salt and sand still stuck on her skin. Serra wished he could join, but this bathroom was too small for two, so he stayed behind to occupy cats' attention instead.
He scooped up the second cat and sank into the nearest (and only) armchair. Those cats, although young, were very skilled at common cats' things, and they've purred their new man into light sleep in no time. When Jessy was done, she came right to a snooze-town. The sight was heartwarming and peaceful, but to shower was a must, so the girl had to wake Luis up.
Brunette watched her loved one go, yawning and carefully pulling off his shirt on the way. Cats yawned in sync and jumped down from the armchair. The movement caught Jessy's eye and she noticed a book with colorful cover lying on the floor. She changed from her bathrobe into T-shirt and funny shorts with TMNT print, then reached to pick that book up and smiled fondly at it's name: “50 best baking recipes from around the world”. It was her gift for her brother's last birthday. This memory made Jessy's heart sank again, and she quickly flipped through a few pages to detach herself from this sorrow for just a bit longer. The girl checked out some recipes and stopped at one, baked churros. It seemed pretty easy to cook, and all ingredients were present in the fridge.
- Oh, temptations... - Jessica sighed softly after considering some other options from this book.
- Are you talking about me, mi amor?
Her train of thought was interrupted by Luis, refreshed and relaxed... and wearing only a towel around his hips. His hair still slightly wet from the shower and his smile as charming as usual - a real eye candy.
- And about you, too, - Jessy couldn't help, but smile in response.- But, actually, I've been thinking about trying this recipe... What do you think?
- Sounds great, - Serra pushed the damp hair out of his face and headed to change into something more suitable, than a towel. - Wait for me.
He was rather fond of this idea for even more quality time together, and it worked out pretty well.
As the late day gradually turned into early evening, sorrow, that was almost perceptible the day before, finally shrunk and hid in the darkest corner of the apartment. Combined efforts of Luis and two impish kitties left no chances for it to overtake again.
The rest of the evening went pleasantly and peacefully, with tea and home-baked churros, and heartwarming talks on the sofa. Cats tried their best too, singing cats' songs, kneading and even clawing lightly at their humans' limbs. And after a while tiredness, mixed with loud purring lulled Jessy to sleep.
Tight embrace of her beloved Spaniard, his steady heartbeat, and her feeling secured helped the matter too.
Luis smiled gently at the girl lying in his arms, and closed his eyes too, drifting off to sleep. Both cats immediately seized the opportunity to pin their humans to the sofa for more feline comfort, and the apartment went silent.
This spontaneous beach day turned out to be the much needed breather for Jessy. A little something to make future look brighter and less hopeless for her, even with all those unwanted changes. It was easier to believe now, that she won't be struggling with everything on her own. And it became plainly obvious that she was not alone anymore. They were not alone.
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clove-pinks · 8 months
Perry's Victory on Lake Erie
The best version by Lee Murdock (on The Lost Lake Sailors album) of "Perry's Victory On Lake Erie" is also on YouTube, if you don't have Spotify.
I've searched in vain for the lyrics and finally ended up transcribing them myself! Feat. USAmericans consistently called "Columbians" and some potent nationalism.
You tars of Columbia give ears to my story
Who fought with brave Perry, whose cannon did roar:
Your valor has gained you an immortal glory, and fame that will last until time is no more.
On the tenth of September let us all remember, as long as the globe on its axis reels round,
Our tars and marines on Lake Erie were seen
To make the red flag of proud Britain come down.
Columbian tars are the true sons of Mars, who rake fore and aft when they fight on the deep.
On the bed of Lake Erie, commanded by Perry, they caused many Britons to take their last sleep.
The van of our fleet was brought up complete,
Commanded by Perry the Lawrence bore down.
Our guns they did roar such terrific power, that savages trembled at that dreadful sound.
The Lawrence sustained the most dreadful of fire, she fought three to one for two glasses or more,
whilst Perry undaunted did firmly stand by her, and on the proud foe heavy broadsides did pour.
Her masts being shattered, her rigging all tattered, her sails all in ribbons her wheel shot away—
With few left on deck to manage the wreck, our heroes on board her no longer would stay.
There was one gallant act of our noble commander, whilst writing my song I shall notice with pride:
When launching the smack that carried his standard, the ball whistled through her quite close by his side.
Said Perry, "Those villains intend sure to drownded us, but push on my brave boys you need never fear."
And then with his coat he plugged up the boat, and through sulfur and fire away he did steer.
The famed Niagara, now proud of her Perry, displayed all her banners in gallant array,
While twenty-five guns on board she did carry, which soon put an end to this sad bloody fray. 
The fire of the Britons grew shorter and shorter, the signal was given to break through their line.
While starboard to larboard and from every quarter, 
The guns of Columbia gloriously shine.
In the heat of the battle, whose cannon did rattle, on the Lawrence, a wreck, with her men near all slain, 
Brave Elliott did steer as they brought up the rear, and by this grand manoeuvre the victory was gained.
Oh had you been there, I vow and declare, that such a grand sight you had ne'er saw before! 
When six bloody flags that no longer would wave, were laid at the feet of our brave Commodore. 
The whole British fleet was captured complete, not one single vessel from us got away.
And prisoners, some hundreds, Columbians wondered, to see them all anchored and moored on the bay.
Great Britain may boast of her conquering heroes, 
her Rodneys her Nelsons and all the old crew,
But Rome in her glory ne'er told such a story
Nor boasted such feats as Columbians can do.
So Columbians sing, and make the woods ring,
And toast those brave heroes, by sea and by land.
Whilst Britons drink sherry, let us drink to Perry,
And toss it about with a full glass in hand.
Columbians sing and make the woods ring, and toast those brave heroes by sea and by land,
Whilst Britons drink sherry, let us drink to Perry!
And toss it about with a full glass in hand.
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sunsetschloe · 1 month
dear diary | April 23rd, 2000 |
summary: a series of diary entries from Annabeth, spanning from her childhood running away, to her adulthood, when she finally finds the place she belongs, featuring quotes from different authors, and also mine <3
link to ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/55270033/chapters/140201542
April 23rd, 2000
Dear diary,
I got caught in the rain today on my way to the grocery store, which sucked. I had to hide in the bathroom for an hour or two, but surprisingly, my hideout remained completely dry. I think it must have been woven with magic of some sorts. By this angle of rain, it’s impossible that not a single inch of my hideout has a trace of water. I hope it was my mother’s blessing.
I hate to admit it, but life on the streets is getting lonely. I mean, I didn’t have many friends before I ran away, but this is just sad. No teachers to please, no homework to do, just me and my books. I read 20,000 Leagues Under the Sea today, and now I want to explore the depths of this unknown world, but sadly my parentage will probably prevent me from going anywhere near the ocean my entire life. I would love to visit the aquarium though, or the Sea World.
I always feel like I’m rambling in these entries, but I truly don’t know what to write, except the chaotic thoughts tumbling around my head. I’m thinking of moving somewhere far far away from here, because its getting boring. Hopefully the rain stops soon
—Annabeth Chase
“The sea is everything. It covers seven tenths of the terrestrial globe. Its breath is pure and healthy. It is an immense desert, where man is never lonely, for he feels life stirring on all sides. The sea is only the embodiment of a supernatural and wonderful existence. It is nothing but love and emotion; it is the Living Infinite. ” —Jules Verne, Twenty Leagues Under the Sea
next entry [tba]
previous entry
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dathen · 2 years
“You love the sea, captain.”
“Yes, I love it! The sea is the be all and end all! It covers seven-tenths of the planet earth. Its breath is clean and healthy. It’s an immense wilderness where a man is never lonely, because he feels life astir on every side. The sea is simply the vehicle for a prodigious, unearthly mode of existence; it’s simply movement and love; it’s living infinity, as one of your poets put it. And in essence, professor, nature is here made manifest by all three of her kingdoms, mineral, vegetable, and animal. The last of these is amply represented by the four zoophyte groups, three classes of articulates, five classes of mollusks, and three vertebrate classes: mammals, reptiles, and those countless legions of fish, an infinite order of animals totaling more than 13,000 species, of which only one-tenth belong to fresh water. The sea is a vast pool of nature. Our globe began with the sea, so to speak, and who can say we won’t end with it! Here lies supreme tranquility. The sea doesn’t belong to tyrants. On its surface they can still exercise their iniquitous claims, battle each other, devour each other, haul every earthly horror. But thirty feet below sea level, their dominion ceases, their influence fades, their power vanishes! Ah, sir, live! Live in the heart of the seas! Here alone lies independence! Here I recognize no superiors! Here I’m free!”
This did things to my heart I am going to lie down now
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officialbabayaga · 3 months
i think one of my favorite thinks about the tenth fast & furious movie is just how bad academy and golden globes winner brie larson’s acting in it is
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loneberry · 2 years
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Above: In 1883 an Indonesian volcano erupted, causing peculiar inferno-like sunsets around the globe. See the pastel sky-sketches of William Ascroft (images 2-4). A ‘Krakatoa sunset’ even inspired Munch’s famous painting, The Scream (1893):
Edvard Munch was walking with some friends one evening as the sun descended through the haze: “it was as if a flaming sword of blood slashed open the vault of heaven,” he recalled; “the atmosphere turned to blood – with glaring tongues of fire – the hills became deep blue – the fjord shaded into cold blue – among the yellow and red colours – that garish blood-red – on the road – and the railing – my companions’ faces became yellow-white – I felt something like a great scream – and truly I heard a great scream.” His painting The Scream (1893), of which he made several versions, is an enduring (and much stolen) expressionist masterpiece, a vision of human desolation writhing beneath an apocalyptic sky, as “a great unending scream pierces through nature.” As it happens, the final eruption of Krakatoa on 27 August 1883 was the loudest sound ever recorded, travelling almost 5,000 km, and heard over nearly a tenth of the earth’s surface
The Krakatoa sunsets also had a powerful effect on Victorian poets, namely Gerard Manley Hopkins, who documented their appearance with “near-forensic interest” and published his observations in Nature. An excerpt:
Above the green in turn appeared a red glow, broader and burlier in make; it was softly brindled, and in the ribs or bars the colour was rosier, in the channels where the blue of the sky shone through it was a mallow colour. Above this was a vague lilac. The red was first noticed 45º above the horizon, and spokes or beams could be seen in it, compared by one beholder to a man’s open hand. By 4.45 the red had driven out the green, and, fusing with the remains of the orange, reached the horizon. By that time the east, which had a rose tinge, became of a duller red, compared to sand; according to my observation, the ground of the sky in the east was green or else tawny, and the crimson only in the clouds. A great sheet of heavy dark cloud, with a reefed or puckered make, drew off the west in the course of the pageant: the edge of this and the smaller pellets of cloud that filed across the bright field of the sundown caught a livid green. At 5 the red in the west was fainter, at 5.20 it became notably rosier and livelier; but it was never of a pure rose. A faint dusky blush was left as late as 5.30, or later. While these changes were going on in the sky, the landscape of Ribblesdale glowed with a frowning brown. (from G. M. Hopkins, “The Remarkable Sunsets”, Nature 29 (3 January 1884), pp. 222-23)
Read an essay on Hopkins’s melancholic fascination with the Krakatoa sunsets here.
I’ve developed a fondness for this 5 ft 2 in oddball who once gave up “poetry” for lent and possessed an irrepressible desire to describe the natural world, sometimes, in his view, to the detriment of his religious asceticism. He is the place where the naturalist, the poet, and the theologian meet. Anyone who has sensed the inscape of things immediately understands…
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amethystoceandespiser · 11 months
Crossover idea between helluva boss and my hero academia. I'm giving it in adoption since it needs some love. (sorry... this will be a wall of text)
Izuku Midoriya lived in a world where the extraordinary was the norm, and where with the awakening of superpowers labelled quirks, and thanks to the chaos that was brought by this change, the goverments around the globe decided to create a new profession: HEROES. when he was little, this was little izuku's dream... until he, alongside his mother discover on his doctor's appointment, that he would never recieve a quirk.
pretty similar to canon huh? well HERE IS WHERE I BRING A LITTLE BIT OF CHAOS TO THE FORMULA.
for you see, on his sixth birthday, he sneak out from his mom to see a villain fight, and was hit accidentally by the quirk of the villain, that let him stranded in another realm that was tought by many as simply lore: hell.
six months later, izuku disappears from hell, to find himself on earth again, and to his own confusion, in the same clothes and position he was when he left from earth. when he hears his mother shouting his name, she runs straight to him glad to see him safe and sound, bit to her confusion, he's nervious and terrified around her,but still apologize for being away so long, only for his mom to reasure him that she lost him barely for some minutes, confusing the green-haired child.
thinking that all of that was just an alucination provided by the quirk, without knowing that this wouldn't be an isolated incident.
with the years passing by, Izuku ended up understanding his situation more, and these are some effects he has as conditions:
he will go back to hell every anniversary of the day he was originally hit by the quirk (his birthday).
every travel there, he will die exactly at the six months mark, with the exception being the third one, that lasted a year. then, he is forced to go back to earth.
whenever he comes to hell, izuku will have his actual real age meaning that since he tends to survive six months there every time, and has to wait a year to come back, he will be older in hell than when he is on earth, like this:
first travel: 6 years old.
second travel: 7 years old on earth; 7 and a half years old on hell
third travel: 8 years old on earth; 9 years old on hell
fourth travel: 9 years old on earth; 11 years old on hell
fifth travel: 10 years old on earth; 12 and a half years old on hell
sixth travel: 11 years old on earth; 14 years old on hell
seventh travel: 12 years old on earth; 15 and a half years old on hell
eighth travel: 13 years old on earth; 17 years old on hell
ninth travel: 14 years old on earth; 18 and a half years old on hell
tenth travel: 15 years old on earth, 20 years old on hell. (on this trip, he lands with I.M.P and works for them).
he meets different characters from HH and HB, jumping from ring to ring each trip.
first trip, he starts working as a servant for a noble family and as a playmate for a little girl his age called Stella, that fell in love with him at first sight; unfortunately, she is spoiled, demanding and quite possesive of him since he is her only friend at the time (is bad enough that she stole his first kiss while playing house). in one of her temper tantrums, she uses too much force and end up killing him. this leads to him having a minor case of ginophobia.
you can put how his expiriences are on his second trip.
third trip he would be on the greed ring... being adopted in moxie's family. he gets treated as another member of the family, becoming a second son for crimson and his wife, and an older brother for moxie. to add drama, i tought that izuku would try to protect his new mom from crimson only to be knocked down by him, the horror doesn't end there. when izuku wakes up, he is restrained with ropes in a boat roamed by crimson, alongside moxie's mother that has a bag on her head. crimson kills her by throwing her in the lake like in canon and izuku thinks he's next, only for crimson to cut his ropes, and tells him that will be his fate if he tries to defy him again.
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Crimson notices that after seeing the death of the woman he considered a second mother, izuku was more worried about moxie's safety over his own, so Crimson gives him a deal: to work for him, learn to kill when he asks for it, and he will spare his son from sharing his duties, and in the worst case scenario, his mother's fate, all while mocking his failure of saving her by calling him hero (this trip will brake his spirit of wanting to be one thinking himself unable to do it)
Izuku would do everything to protect his little brother as long as he can. days turn into weeks, weeks into months, and izuku kept giving plastic smiles to his brother to reasure him that he was ok, even though moxie knew he wasn't.
one day, our green bean comes back from a job that crimson force him to go without him, and founds Moxie crying. moxie tells him that his dad brought him to the lake to teach him of their business and some of his duties... and saw his mom's shoe i there. izuku brakes down crying for failing to protect him, asking him to forgive him for being a bad brother, only for moxie to hug him and telling him that he's been the best brother he could have asked for, but that he was worried for izuku since he stop smiling, he basically felt that he was losing another member of his ACTUAL family, and than izuku tells him why he's been doing all of those things to protect him, and that he doesn't even know how much time left he has on hell.
Izuku sees that he already passed the six months mark and that his birthday is aproaching, so seeing that he doesn't even know if he will leave hell on that date, the kids decide to celebrate themselves a day before. and izuku is able to say goodbye before going back to earth, and wishing for moxie to have a good life. On the morning of his birthday, Izuku defies crimson, and he kills him.
at this point, Izuku starts to doubt if Bakugou could be a good hero in the first place, since his propensity to violence and cruelty reminds him too much of crimson, and stops worshipping the ground he walks in
the fourth trip izuku he ends up being adopted in the wrath ring by some imp family, six months of hard work, normalized violence, and actual progress on his phisical condition later, he has become accidentally part of the neighborhood kill count of Sally may. i mean it was an stray hatchet, ¿what did you espect? ¿another dramatic spectacle of death and trauma? it was so quick and painless that he basically went "¿what the fuck? ¿i'm on earth already? that felt anti-climatic".
i don't have any ideas to fill out trips from 4 to 6, so you can do what you want
his 7th trip in lust, would make him try to find a way into not succumbing to the temptation this ring brings. it would have an effect on him: it would help him get rid of the last remains of his ginophobia
in the 8th trip, he would get stranded in Sloth, where he would be hired to work in the hospital. this way izuku in the future gets to have at least a bit of medical knoledge that is useful in the future.
i was thinking that his 9th trip would be on pride and that there he would befriend loona a couple of years after she was adopted by blitz, and through out the months, they fall in love and take each others first time, and regardless of how sloppy and awkward it was, they loved it. after this, Loona ask Izuku if he wants to become official with her; he has an internal conflict, since he loves loona, but can't be in a relationship with her for how messed up his situation is, so he tells her no, but explains his reasons. Loona doesn't believe him and just feels that he was playing with her all the time, so just straight tries to cut ties with him, only for him to die days later and Loona being unable to properly say goodbye.
i can see some things happening in this setting, Izuku is still a good person at heart, but is not the idealistic shy guy we know from canon, he's more confrontational, he keeps his analytical mind, but is more proud of it since is thanks to it that he survived any fight he had in hell, and always keeps violence as a lat option unless the circunstances ask for it.
also, since he literally doesn't have any kind of phisical evidence of what he has been expiriencing all those years, he is regularly medicated since no one understands that he's telling the truth about him traveling to hell.
after his third trip regarding his expirience with Crimson and all of the horrible things he has done to protect moxie, he stops saying that he wants to be a hero. his mom is relieved, but after some time, she sees that Izuku started to work around his day in a mechanic and lifeless way, like the light he had while thinking of his dream has disappeared, making Inko worried that actually Izuku stopped smiling genuinely.
basically, show the trauma of having lost a great part of his childhood, innocence, and idealism in hell while exploring canon with him being literally a 19 year old man in the body of a 14 year old child.
i tought that the sludge villain incident and his encounter with all might might ignite his dream of being a hero after denying himself that for so many years.
Before he was transported on his the tenth trip, he was training with All might on the beach, and the last thing he sees is an older version of himself walking out of a portal. he would land him on I.M.P's office, where he encounters moxie and Loona again after so many years. this trip has another part of data about his situation: the distance in years between each trip is that of three years, and also discovers on the next trips, that he wasn't just move from space, but also time since he travels not only to hell, but also to the past.
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here some of the events of season 1 and the begining of season 2 would unfold. we could see Izuku reconnecting with Moxie and little by little repair his relationship with Loona (with how the events happened, it'll be an uphill battle). this trip would last a year until his next birthday, where I.M.P. would go to earth to simply celebrate, and Izuku remembers that dagoba beach would be perfect for hiding and disguise themselves. when Izuku comes out of the portal, he sees his younger version with All might, and before he knows it, from one of the mountains of trash a fridge falls on him killing him on the instant, making him go back to his 15 year old body.
to make it clear, the quantity of years apart between the first time he arrive to hell and the date on earth where he turned phisically 14 years old on earth is of 27 years.
another moment i tought is that the day when the attack of the USJ happens, the imps appear there. the reason is that they were told by the client that their target was gonna be on the USJ (universal studios japan) instead of the USJ (Unforeseen Simulation Joint), only to find out, after fighting some villains, that they're actually on the right place, since is one of the villains.
you can write any idea you want regarding how izuku escapes from the quirk, i tought of him searching for the villain, but since this story is up to adoption, you can choose any method you want.
by the way, no All might bashing please, you can use dadmight if you want
you can choose to let him try to be a hero again, even if he doesn't try to be the number 1 like in canon, or you could let him work for I.M.P. since whatever he learned in hell would be more useful for him as an assassin than as a hero, at least that's what he thinks.
also, i imagine Stella being clingy and posessive of him. when she finds out about him being alive, taking in count that in canon she showed that she was completely inmature and didn't think beyond the inmediate reward instead of the long term one, i think it would be plausible for her to kidnap him. she's definitely taking back her toy, previous murder be damned; Izuku belongs to her and he'd not dead now, so... it all worked out for him as far as she's concerned.
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minecrois · 2 years
My submission for @mcytblraufest -- an SBI AU inspired by the works of Jules Verne, gifted to @travesty-majesty
“The sea is everything. It covers seven tenths of the terrestrial globe. Its breath is pure and healthy. It is an immense desert, where man is never lonely, for he feels life stirring on all sides. The sea is only the embodiment of a supernatural and wonderful existence. It is nothing but love and emotion; it is the Living Infinite. ” -Jules Verne The story of a family, a pious man's obsession with his own damnation, and what lies twenty-thousand leagues under the sea.
A note for my giftee under the cut:
Sorry I took so many creative liberties with the prompt, if it's any consolation: I did stick to it being an SBI fic that takes place underwater. I also have a very unfinished Lost Boys AU that was originally what I was going to be gifting and a playlist I made to listen to while working on it. I can dm it to you if you want, but it isn't long enough to post as a gift. (I could also send you some of the stuff I wrote for the AU as well, but it would be a bit disjointed.) I got a bit burnt out trying to write that and needed to switch to something that was interesting to me at the moment so I could have the momentum to be able to complete it. I hope it is up to your standards and that you enjoy reading it!
PS: The link to your AO3 page is broken, if you could tell me your username, I could gift the fic to you on AO3 as well.
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