#and this isnt the first time shes done something like this where she decided not to speak up because something didn't happen to her
yutadori · 1 month
i know that confrontation can be super scary, given that it's something i avoided for a majority of my life, but sometimes it's necessary.... sometimes feeling that anxiety is worth it, especially when it comes to things like standing up for your friends and showing them they have support when they're confronting someone who has hurt them
like.... an ex-friend fucked over two of my friends recently and he never acknowledged it or apologized to either of them. now, almost two months later, he sent a message to our gc asking if we wanted to hang out because he was going to be in the area from tomorrow to friday... which is super short notice, especially since all of us either work / go to school.... it was also insane because he COMPLETELY ignored what happened ???
so in response my friend (who was affected) wrote a set of paragraphs expressing that she was upset and how he wronged her and our other friend, and ended it by saying that if he wants to hang out he needs to let us know in advance instead of informing us last min like he always does -__- my other friend (who was affected) sent a msg right after, and i sent a message of agreement. this leaves one friend within the group, and she didn't say Anything...... the four of us (excluding the ex-friend) were talking in a gc about it, and when i sent my response, my friend (who hadn't said anything yet) was like 'aw man now /i/ have to say something' LIKE GIRL WHAT???
it annoyed me soooo bad because she made it seem like a chore... what i even sent wasn't even that long, it was literally just one sentence lol and that's because it didn't feel like it was my place to say something long since i wasn't directly affected, but i Still wanted to show support for my friends. so i asked her why she didn't want to say anything, and i wasn't confrontational in the way that i asked, and her response was simply 'eh cause i dont want to LOL' like -____- dont piss me offffff wtf
idk it's just so baffling to me how she can be so nonchalant... she agrees that what he did to our friends was fucked and she was even pissed about it herself, but when it came to ACTUALLY saying something to him directly, she didn't want to say anything.... and she even followed up her message to us by saying that if he wants to hang out, he has to reach out to her directly... what... wtf.... what the hell are you saying..........
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cattonicdragon · 1 year
Could we have a tooth fairy Easter bunny Jack frost and platonic north and sandy with a reader that represents Halloween(reader looks like a mix between a crow and scarecrow) that's scared that there holiday is on the decline and has become a little depressed because of it. Thank and love your stuff ::::)
Guardians《seperate》 x Halloween guardian reader who's holiday is being forgotten
Guys in back,again(probally gonna disappear again lol)
In fr trying to catch up this time.
Anyways I ty for the request!:3
Angst,fluff,hurt with comfort,readers sad :(
has not been proofread, A/N at the end
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Tooth fairy
Its early October,you know what that means, its Halloween time
The time where the vail between the spiritual world and the living is the thinnest
You and tooth usually celebrate together,she does get more work during hallowing because of all the candy but she spends the most of her time with you
She helps you hang up the decorations and spread the Halloween feels
However you havnt done that yet,not only that but you dont have that much time left you only have a month
Once tooth realizes that somethings wrong she'll immidatly do ask the other guardians if they had seen you or if they had heard something from you,the results all come back the same,you were seemingly no where
She decided to check the globe,that could have a clue right?
That's when she noticed there were many less lights then usual,and that when it started to line up..
People were forgetting about you.
The last time you had spoke before going radio silent you had mentioned that it wasnt even October and people were advertising Christmas things
She had realised that you had probally hid yourself away becuase of this
When she does eventually find you shes understandable very worried for you.
After she gets a thorough explanation she'll waste no time in helping you with preparations
However first off,she has to get you in the Halloween mood,as your current one is rather sour,and we cant have that!
She cheers you up by bringing you around and showing you places that are getting ready for Halloween
She brings you to see a small shop that has cobwebs,spiders,skeletons,ghosts the whole lot,she smiles as she sees a small one form on your lips
She then brings you to stores as parents and kids are choosing out pumpkins,baskets,sweets and costumes
When a smile finally Grace's your lips she hugs you tightly and tugs with her to get more decorations up and around
She understands what it feels like to be forgotten and she dosnt want that to happen to you
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Bunnymund/Easter bunny
Hes used to people neglecting his holidays for others
But hes surprised when there seems to be lesser lights on the globe
Things line up really quickly in his head as the cogs start working
He dosnt waste a second,immediately searching for you in fear you've disappeared
Once he finds you he tries to calm you down reassuring you that aslong as hes there he wont let you disappear
He even decorates Easter island with some Halloween decorations
He gives you Halloween styled eggs as a way to cheer you up
He will decorate pumpkins with you aswell
since halloween takes place in fall he might take you to forests where the leaves have turned orange and are starting to fall
he will help you decorate places and even though hes not the biggest sweet tooth,with a big oof bribery im sure he'll try a sweet oor two
he'll constantly be there and comforting you
easter isnt all ways widley celebrated so hes probally had a fear of fading aswell
he wont ever say it but due to the fact that your holidays is overlooked in favour for christmas,he holds a small grudge
he knows its not norths fault but hes just salty
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Jack frost
Honestly hes kind of tone deaf
hes very happy go lucky and isnt used or very good at adapting to change
id like to think that he was quite close to you even before becoming a guardian,because halloween is in the colder months of the year
it might take another guardian to point out your abscents or off behaviour
however just because hes abit tone deaf dosnt mean hes not smart
once its been pointed out to him hes going on a man hunt for you
altough he wasnt in an entirely similar situation,he still knows what its like to feel isolated,scared and alone,and as his S/o he dosnt want yuo feeling the same
once locating you the first thing he'll do is make sure your not fading away
if you are then he will moost likely panic
he will eventually calm himself down,realising that panicing wont help it at all
his first priorety is to make sure that your ok
mentally and physically
afterwards he takes you to do things to take it off your mind
some of his favorite things to do are skating and carving pumpkins,if your not good at either he'll help you
he loves decorating everywhere with fun decorations
his favorite halloween decore are those door bells that grab youor finger or smth(i hate those things with a passion,so i can imagine him loving them)
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north/santa claus
if anyones going to find out the fastest,itts north
he has to keep a keen eye on the months and probally realise that its your holliday
his first reaction is to celebrate your holiday with you,he feels alot like a father figure to you and as such he feels he needs to celebrate your holiday with you
though the smile on his face dosnt stay long as he finds that many stores,instead of having halloween decoration.have christmas things
thats not right.
at first he thinks it might just be the store,and so he checks others
thats until he becomes aware that its most stores
why are they all decroated with christmas decore,they should be deced out with sceletons and pumpkins
not snowmen and gingerbreadmen
after coming to this realisation he checks the globe before visiting you#
he gets quite anxxious once checking the globe
hes quick to find and omfort you,hes quite furious people are neglecting your holiday for his.christmas is still months away!
after calming you down he will go ALL OUT on halloween decorations,the north pole dosnt even look like what it once was,white robes with dark circles are hanging around the celeing,skeletons have been placed everywhere in different positions,fake spiders and fake spider webs have been thrown enywhere they can.
all the elves and yeti's take a day off,to decorate pumpkins.
he'll probaly also reach out to the other guardians,inviting them all over so you can all celebrate together.<3
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sandy is very intune with the going oon in the world,aswell as being extremly intuitive
hes probally seen this coming though he didnt think itd be to such an extent where it'd cause you distress
after feeling a particullary cold gust of autaum wind its clear something is wrong
after checking the globe it seems that his hypthesis had become reality
he wasnt very surprised since he had a nagging feeling it'd happen,apart of him thinks that he might have just been denieing that you had the possibility to fade,that he was in denial
either way he had to push his own thoughts away as he had more importtant things to do,such as comforting you and restoring your holiday to its former glory,or at least try to.
after locating you hes quick to alert you of his precents though he may not be the best at calming you down since,he cant really speak.
hes most likely to put you to sleep and give you good dreams whilst brainstorming ideas to help your current dilema
once your awake and calm,he'll try his best to relay his ideas and help you
cutting pumpkins is a must
he will try his best to make candy with you
if you ever need some comfort just say the word and hes hugging you and trying his best to comfort you
he makes sure you have good dreams for days
he promises that he'll try his best to help you
he'll be dammed if he ever didnt go through with that promise to you.
the other guardians will most likely notice both of your distress and end up helpping,either that or sandy asks them directly.
hope this is ok,i havnt writeen in a while,btw this was written with a keyboard and i cant be botherd to proof read it rn and just wanted to post it so here you go!,but in all seriosuness i will be working on my other requests,thank you all for being pateint with me<<33
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kararomanoff · 1 year
once upon a time a daddy just wanted her baby
this was written by a minor, if that makes you uncomfortable just don’t read
You are at an archery competition and stay in a hotel where all the other contestants are also staying. Kate Bishop was always your main competition, she was your enemy , but one night you appears at her room door. (G!P Kate)
warning: g!p Kate, daddy kink, rough sex, degradation, pet names, oral sex (r giving), p in v sex
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You had done archery since as long as you could remember, your grandpa had been the first person to teach you always spending time together in your grandparents garden practicing, he was your best friend and when your mom who was his daughter died you and your dad moved in with him.
He had always been there for you even when you came out and your dad had shouted of days until he decided to leave your life over it and yet again grandpa was there, he was now all you have, him and archery.
you first met Kate Bishop when you where eleven, you where at your first serious archery competition sitting on the bench waiting till it was your turn when she came up to you and said ''apparently your who im up against to win, your just a stupid little girl your not going to win'' she was 14 at the time and that's how it's been since ; her thinking very little of you and you wanting to prove how good you are.
now sitting in a hotel room in berlin alone trying to figure out why Kate has only ever been horrible to you for these seven years. You had never known or asked why and it made everything hell, you never started doing archery competitively for the competition you did it for the community and for getting friends that had the same interest as you and all she had done had made it something scary, you didn't want to try prove yourself all the time just for her to never change, she is twenty one now and still acting the same as she did at fourteen, its ridiculous.
you need to speak to her. you need to shout in her face and tell her how she made hell out of you life.
she was some where in this hotel, all the contestants are.
you walk down to the reception desk ''hi, i was just wondering if you could tell me what room Kate Bishop is staying in, i need to speak to her'' you speak to the middle aged woman ''are they expecting you?''
''no'' you feel nervous now, what if you cant speak to her
''one second let me call and check its okay for me to give you her room number'' shit there is no way Kate is going to give it to you.
You wait as anxiously as she phones knowing Kate will give you shit for this when you next see her.
she comes off the phone ''she said yes, its room 1457'' you thank the woman for her help and then make you way to Kates room now having no idea what you are going to say or why she is letting you in her room.
you get the door of room 1457, Kate's room, her room. You knock on the door and wait what feels like forever till the door opens. Kate stands there in a shirt and her boxers, you cant help but stare at the outline of her cock and think about how big she is but you stop yourself.
You look back up, her lips held in a steady smirk ''I need to speak to you'' she nods and moves to the side to let you in. Kate sits down on the bed as if you weren't even there as you a stand as far away as you can.
''why are you here little girl hm? isnt it past your bed time''
''mm yeah it is but- what no Kate im 18 i dont have a bed time'' you lie, you did have a bed time that you had chosen but you couldnt tell her that.
''awww you do have a bed time dumb baby, when is it, 7pm?'' she laughs
you feel small when she treats you like this; which is practically when ever she speaks to you. ''no it at 10:45'' you mutter under your breath
''oh look at that its 10:35 ten minute till bed time and you here, do you need me to read you a bed time story? give you some milk?'' you shake your head feeling powerless against her ''come here'' Kate demands softly but you not move ''I SAID COME HERE!'' you walk over to the bed and stand in front of it ''little girl you cant go to bed in your clothes'' she sounds so evil ''Kate i cant do that'' you speak quietly ''you can and you will or i'll make you'' she threats and so you take your clothes off until your left in your bra and panties.
Kate stands up from the bed and walks behind you till towers over you. She presses her front on your back and you can feel her hard dick against you. ''you cant sleep with a bra on, such a dumb girl'' Kate tuts as she unhooks your bra till it slips off ''be a good girl for once and lie down on the bed for daddy'' you do as you told and lie down.
''now daddys going to tell you a story little girl okay'' she sits down at the desk chair and cups her cock through her boxers
'' once upon a time a daddy just wanted her baby but her baby was bad and wont spend time with her daddy and that made her daddy very sad'' Kate pulls her boxers down till her dick comes out, she wraps her hand around it and start to move her hand up and down ''all the daddy wanted to do was care and teach and give her little girl super special treats but her baby was dumb and kept running away and then... well...'' she stands up to properly take off her boxers ''daddy had to punish her little girl'' you where in shock but also so very turned on it was embarrassing
''come to daddy baby'' you got up and stood in front of her ''your gonna be a good little obedient thing and suck daddys big special treat to apologise for being such a mean bad dumb little girl, open for daddy'' you open your mouth and she shoves her cock inside, you whine never have having a dick in your mouth, Kate know this, she know you where her good virgin and she know that she was going to take that from you and turn you into her fuck toy.
Kate grabbed you by your hair as she started to thrust into your mouth not caring about your whine and moans or the tears running down your face ''fucking take daddys giant cock take it'' her thrust speed up and her grip on your hair tightens ''fuck such a little whore all for daddy, bet your soaked hm? bet your pussy trying to grip onto nothing cause you want daddy in you so much''
''daddys gonna cum and you are gonna swallow every. last. fucking. drop'' and as she says that she cums send it all the way down your throat.
a minute later she pulls her dick out of your mouth, a string of her cum and your saliva going from your mouth to your her pretty pink tip '' take your pantie off and then get on the bed on all fours'' she commands and yet again you do as your told still wanting to prove how good you are.
''look at you doing what i tell you too, did daddy fuck some sense into you little one?'' you tried to reply but anything you tried to say was incoherent.
''this is gonna hurt at first but then it'll really really good, daddy promises'' Kate rasps as she starts to push her length
''mhmm daddy i-'' you moan
''i know slut daddy feels so good'' she then fills you with the entirety of her cock
''so fucking tight for daddy'' she starts to move pretty fast for at first but shes been waiting years for this. You had never given her a break, always being a good innocent girl with the bonus of daddy issues. Kate had lost count of the amount of times she jerked of thinking of her pretty baby, you've always been her pretty baby you just hadn't known. She was going to make you her dumb baby and you weren't going to say no.
you where close already, Kate could feel it; she could feel you squeezing her tight. ''so wet, is this all for daddy little girl?''
''yes daddy, yes all for you'' you where mindless at this point.
''you mine, mine only'' she husk possessively
''only daddys''
''fuck thats right whore'' Kate moans
''daddy i- i feel weird'' you cry out not really understanding the way your body feels.
''let it go baby, cum for daddy'' and then you came feeling so free and overwhelmed and floaty, suddenly thought you feel to much, over stimulated as she continues to thrust into you even faster than before.
'' 's to much daddy'' but she doesn't stop
''but daddy need to cum stupid baby''
'' 'm okay'' you tiredly reply
''fuck daddys gonna cum'' Kate paints your walls white as you whine.
Kate pulls out of you as you blink trying to keep your eyes open ''you did so good for daddy, everythings gonna be okay now i can look after you. sleep little one''
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mihai-florescu · 9 months
Kaname's mom and Subaru's dad (Kaname's idol fanatic mom jumping on stage and then falling to her death at Subaru's dad's concert, top solo idol at the peak of the industry, leading to uncovering of past misdeeds, his arrest, deteriorating health and death. Kaname isnt told what happened but knows he needs to be an idol because it's the thing his mom loved best, and Subaru spends his whole life under the threat of his dad's legacy, thinking he will meet the same fate as his dad. And yet he still chooses to pursue being an idol to make people smile, starting from his mom. In a funny twist of fate, decades later Kaname is attacked by the non special student body of Reimei when they're shown a video of his mom's sins being a catalyst of That Akehoshi's decline. But when a video accusing Subaru of being his dad's son is projected at the biggest idol event of the year, he is protected by the friends he's made, escaping the same fate.)
Madara's parents and Kanata's mom (Madara's parents with their numerous connections helping Kanata's mom fake her death to set her free, to escape the cult worshipping her. Madara spending his entire youth trying to destroy the cult and give Kanata back his humanity, feeling like he's failed because he couldn't do it on his own when it was never a task that could be done alone in the first place)
Izumi's parents (They're controlling Izumi throughout his childhood to follow their wishes and expectations of him, but Izumi chooses one thing for himself that they don't agree with - Makoto. Eventually he grows up to follow in his parents' footsteps by trying to control Makoto himself to protect him from potentially getting hurt)
Jun's dad and Nagisa's "dad" (Jun's dad raising him to be a solo super idol that can defeat Jin, but Jun only flourishes when he joins a unit with Hiyori and stops seeing being an idol as a duty. Similarly Nagisa being raised to be the next supreme idol, finding warmth and a family in his unit instead of being alone at the top)
Wataru and his adoptive parents (who didn't pay much attention to him, leading to Wataru constantly learning new tricks to outdo himself until eventually he couldn't be understood by those around him anymore...)
Arashi's parents (individualistic and uncaring, leading to her developing the big sis persona to not let others feel unsupported as she was growing up)
Tsumugi and his mom (who has failed, got scammed by religious organizations and brought trouble to the point of divorce, and despite it all, Tsumugi can't give up on her, his mom who was for a long time the only stable connection in his life. Tsumugi who learns the signs of a scam and to avoid them. Tsumugi who is in charge of the SNS at school where the students start railing against Kanata's religion and recognize him as a fake god. Tsumugi who develops a big bro helpful persona to make himself useful. Tsumugi who considers becoming a teacher because of it, who gets confronted by Natsume "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, or have you forgotten that's the same vocation your mom failed at?" Tsumugi who is very much aware and had decided to make a separate path for himself, one continuing as an idol in Switch, even before Natsume's words.)
Man. Enstars characters and the relation to their parents, the expectations, subversions, accidental following in their footsteps etc. I couldve worded this entire post so much better and added more characters, but you get the gist. This is all just my understanding, if you think anything is off please let me know. And I did not mention every character so if you think I missed something important also share.
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hisaame · 8 months
hi hi! Could you do a Scaramouche x fem!reader with angst to comfort? Specifically with reader having issues on how they view their body?? ((Like their insecure)) preferably modern au plss
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first time writing on request yippie!! hii and ty, i hope this is what you've asked for!! <3 also im stillll new to writing and stuff, so im praying im good for now!
╰』ˋˋ"What do you mean you aren't pretty?" «
ˎˋ╰⪼Scaramouche x fem!reader ˎˋ
[angst with comfort] — modern au,,,
『warnings: body negativity, cursing, body touch, reader uses she/her pronouns, reader being like half naked (NO SPICY STUFF THO), idk what else to add im not good at warnings.... 』
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— Scaramouche simply couldnt understand.
How could you, a pretty girl with the body of a goddess, possibly think you look less than he thinks?
It was in the afternoon, you had invited Scaramouche to come over to your dorm, since it was the weekends and you had no subject to study, you finished two exams last week. So you wanted to have a nice day off, where your lover would be there.
But before that you decided to take a shower, u have already been outside with your friends Hu Tao and Yanfei, spending time with them since they were from another school.
You hated your bathroom. Why? Because the mirror there was huge.
Slowly taking off your clothes, its almost impossible to ignore your reflection. Its there no matter where you turn—seriously, its like they made the dorms' bathrooms like this on purpose, just to make you feel even worse about yourself as if before wasnt already enough.
You cringe at yourself once you took off your clothes. You should hurry up in the shower—but something made you stay in front of the mirror, criticizing yourself with your own thoughts. Turning a bit to the side to look at other various parts of your body, finding nothing decent or enough for yourself. You sighed, you should be positive right now, school isnt in the way and you should be relaxing.
With a glare at your own reflection, before getting into the shower quickly, turning on some warm water. Showers should be relaxing, but as you washed your body, using soap, making there be various white bubbles on your skin, they smell quite nice, and are certainly fun to play with.
But the feeling of your own hands on your body distracted you. The way you felt under your own touch, it somewhat... Disgusts you.
Finally—once you were done with showering, taking a towel and wrapping it around your body, shivering as the cool air hit against your wet skin. You dried off your hair, brushed it out, trying not to stare at the mirror too much. Maybe you're just too judgemental. Maybe you're not as bad as you think?
After you were done with your hair—you must not have noticed, but there was a sudden knock at your bathroom door. Then it opened up to reveal Scaramouche. Well, he peeked through it first to check was he invading any privacy.
"Damn, this was the last place i was gonna check. I came here like five minutes ago." Scaramouche sighed in relief to seeing you, not at all bothered by the fact you're only in a towel. He pressed a kiss to your lips as a greeting, ruffling your half dry hair.
Though, you looked uncomfortable. Not with the fact your lover had come into the bathroom while you were in just a towel, but the fact your body was pretty exposed to him, and you thought, what id he judged you? Maybe not out loud, but what if he was thinking about it?
Noticing your discomfort, Scaramouches eyes widened for a split second at his realization, then spoke up, "i can leave if you want—to wait for u to get changed." , he gave you a half smile. But you told him its alright. Why? You wanna just push him away.
At your answer, he smiled softly, nodding. Maybe you just needed him here, after a hard week. What he thought was different than what you thought. Seeing this as a nice opportunity, he went behind you, wrapping his arms around your waist, his chin on your shoulder as he gave you a goofy, lazy smirk, looking at the mirror where you two can be seen. Maybe you should've kicked him out...
"You always look so pretty after showering—like all clean, pretty, and u smell nice." Scaramouche mumbled, as if shy to admit. "wait i said pretty twice. Replace one of those words with 'gorgeous' then." You couldn't tell if he was flirting with you or genuinely fucked up with his words.
But the way you looked at him with almost surprise at what he said, his eyebrow raised as his expression changed.
"Why do you look like i fucking said i discovered the moon and flew to mars? Dont you know youre pretty?" He said, his usual personality showing. He doesnt exactly like being all mushy, but for you, he's a sucker. So he's nicer...
Maybe it was finally time to admit it. He was your lover anyway, and you trusted him. You nodded slowly, then immediately looked away, regretting what you just did. That... Shocked Scaramouche! You, not pretty? Were you high!?
".. Huh? Did someone tell you you're not pretty? Ill fuck them up. Who was it?" He narrowed his eyes, his embrace around your waist tightening. His protective side definitely was showing. But once he didnt get a reply, seeing the way you frowned and refuses to look at the mirror, he realized the situation.
"... [y/n]? Dont tell me you tell yourself that..." Scaramouche sighed. Figuring you werent comfortable with the mirror, he turned you around, so you can face him again. You even thought he was prettier than you will ever be. Well, he's here to prove you're better than you think!
"[y/n]. I know i dont say this a lot, but you're gorgeous to me. God, these words sound so cliche.. But its true. You're the most gorgeous, pretty, beautiful—fuck, what else—cute, adorable girl i have ever met. Okay?" Scaramouche stared into your eyes. He definitely wasnt the best at comfort, but he wants to try his best—for you.
Then he softly smiled at you. "Hey, lets get you dressed up and we can talk about how magnificent you really are?", he kissed your nose, hos face flushing immediately right after as he lead you out of the bathroom, talking to you along the way.
"You may have your flaws and all that, but thats what makes you, you. You know? I like your flaws." Scaramouche admitted, blushing like an idiot when he looked away once he told you what he thought.
Soon enough, you were dressed, dragged to bed by Scaramouche who quite literally forced you to be the little spoon this time. You could barely hear the tv over him talking about how pretty he thinks you are.
Yeah, if anyone even dared to even joke about you being 'ugly', he's getting suspended because of reasons you know what happens.
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samlovesradiohead · 21 days
be my mistake
lucifer x f!reader
cw: angst, fwb, minor sexual content (nothing explicit), lucifer my pathetic man, ambiguous ending
wc: 1.5k
a/n: i hate matty healy but be my mistake is so good. i didnt know whether to have a sad or bad ending so i left it open. also i totally rushed this sorry, but enjoy this while i work on false idols!!!!!!!11!!111 also i want to incorporate a new thing where i just link a song im going feral over currently
(also, i'm taking requests. if it isnt obvious, i love lucifer, so please lucifer requests come to me)
song: be my mistake - the 1975
It was never meant to be this drawn out. 
Soundlessly you slept beside him. For a moment, he let himself observe the tranquility of the post-coital atmosphere. The relief from the previous activities has washed away, leaving immense guilt in its wake. He felt utterly helpless. 
Lucifer thought this was a good idea, but his ideas never really ended well. This one was no different. 
He remembers when he was first introduced to you. Charlie introduced you last as she walked down the line of hotel residents, waiting to greet the king. A simple polite smile and wave, with the introduction to your name and role at the hotel, had a faint blush decorating his pale cheeks. For the first time since Eden, he was taken away by the beauty of the woman in front of him. He hoped you didn’t notice his hesitation and the stars in his eyes, as if you were Aphrodite incarnate. Something about you stirred a feeling of familiarity in him. He wasn’t sure if he liked that. 
At the time, it was about 7 years since Lilith left. Thousands of years of love and marriage received a harsh closure on the day she left her wedding band on his workshop desk. Lucifer won’t lie and say it was always great with her. Years before she disappeared, they often argued over the governance of hell, with the Queen wanting to uplift her people, and the King wanting nothing to do with them, as they were just reminders of his banishment from paradise. It only worsened when they had Charlie. Lilith prioritizing her over their marriage, taking Charlie away when Lucifer wanted to spend time with her. Honestly, he should have seen the day coming. But he didn’t want to believe that their relationship was so battered to the point where she had to abandon her daughter, her people, and her husband. 
After she left, he didn’t know what to do with himself. If Lucifer wasn’t alienated from society and his daughter already, then he had hit a new low. The once prideful king was now a hollow shell of the man he was. He found himself restlessly wandering the halls of the palace, solemnly observing the artifacts that held stories of when things were good between the royal pair. The photos were always the worst. Hours at a time, he would stare into the enigmatic allure that is the former queen Lilith. Even in photographs, her radiance and elegance were at the forefront. She beheld a beauty so dangerous, so tempting, it sent him to damnation. He sees it now, as he found himself entering his own personal hell. His mind had the tendency to spiral out of control, with what ifs and introspection on if he had done better, would she be here?
This went on for years, although he was steadily getting better. 
The call he received from Charlie, inviting him to check out her rehabilitation hotel, had him excited for the first time in almost a decade. Guilt was a parasite that inhabited his psyche. Guilt for Lilith leaving, but also unintentionally abandoning his daughter as well. He knew he had to correct things. It’s been too long being miserable. 
Then came you. Why does Lucifer always bite into the apple? Once again, he falls into the siren’s trap of an enigmatic woman. 
He knows exactly when the arrangement started. After rebuilding the hotel, everyone decided it’d be best to just relax after such an eventful day. You and he were at the bar, Husk being absent due to being dragged into a game of Uno with Charlie, Vaggie, and Angel Dust. Lucifer poured up drinks as you two engaged in easy conversations, mostly pertaining to your life on earth. Maybe it was the buzz from the alcohol that gave him the courage, but on the topic of romantic relationships, he admitted to being astonished at how gorgeous you were when you first met. The flush on your face deepened, and he knew where this was going as you admitted your affections towards him as well. A brush against his hand and hushed whispers led to his suite. Hastened by carnal desire, clothes ended on the floor and limbs entangled in a game of passion. At one moment, he thought he heard Lilith in your pleasured sighs. The familiarity was burning him internally. In his lustful haze, he kept chasing those harmonious hymns you sang, doing anything to elicit those sweet sounds.
When dawn came, he was met with a headache and guilt, his companion these days. He looked over and saw your sleeping form, peaceful, a stark contrast to his warring mind. But even he cannot deny he enjoyed the warmth of another in his bed. It was nice, after being stripped away from that privilege. He let himself go back to sleep, slotted against your back, leaving a chaste kiss on your exposed shoulder.  
After that night, it had become a regular routine for you two to meet in his room. You two agreed to keep it casual, both of you not feeling ready for a serious relationship just yet. This went on for months, just a sinner and a damaged king uniting in physical intimacy. He cannot lie, the first few weeks, sometimes he’d close his eyes and imagine it was his first love. Nothing against you, it’s just that Lilith seems to have an invisible collar around his heart. Yes, you got him going, but he was weak when it came to her. He feels guilty for even fucking you, with his wedding band still on at that. You were so captivating just as she was, he couldn’t stay away from you and your temptations. 
Lucifer has a weird knack for knowing when things are about to go bad, but somehow knows he cannot do anything to prevent it, so he lets the remorse eat him alive. During sex, he noticed you began to incorporate deeply intimate gestures that shouldn’t be shared in a no-strings-attached relationship. Hand holding, deep kisses, etc. but he craved these things as well, so he decided to let it slide. 
He felt it getting too serious for you when you began to send him longing glances, asking him out to dinners, and wanting to hang out more. Of course, you could just want to be friends, but he knows that longing look in your eyes. You were dancing along blurred lines. 
He was confused, but when wasn’t he? Lucifer didn’t know if he wanted you, or your body. Both were great in his opinion. 
But he was fucking terrified of going back to that miserable, agonizing pain he felt when Lilith left. What if you left him too once you found out how pathetic he was? He fears it might be too late, as he takes note of how he eagerly waits for your texts and how he looks to you when he tells a joke. He hates this feeling. Why must you do this to him?
Lucifer hates himself for realizing his adoration for you a day after he sent you out his suite, with the arrangement ending on his terms. He doesn’t know why he did that. Maybe it was the fear of being abandoned again. He felt his heart drop as he watched your eyes water, hastily pulling on your garments before leaving his room with a slammed shut. In your wake, he wanted to shoot himself (if he could) for being stupid. He’s basically abandoning you, just as Lilith did he. He didn’t even know how else you would react. The same old self-deprecating thoughts lulled him to sleep in a twisted, weird way. 
A day of introspection and locking himself up in his workshop made him realize a few things. He understands now that 1) he hurt you badly, 2) there’s no way you will forgive him so easily, 3) he wants to apologize and just… be with you, even if it means he might get hurt in the process. He doesn’t understand why now of all times he realizes he wants to be with you. It is also now that he slips off his wedding band. For some reason, he thought he would’ve cried and screamed when he finally took it off, but when nothing came about, he sighed a breath of relief, as if expecting Pandora's box to open. He opened the drawer to his desk, placing it in the back. 
All day, he’s been rehearsing on what to say to you. “Hey, I know we’ve been fucking a lot these past couple of months and you started to like me and I totally get that i broke your heart the other night, but now after a ton of introspection and self-doubt and facing my inner demons haha, I realize i want you too!!! Wanna go out???” No, it has to be meaningful. It’s the least he could do after basically stomping on your heart. He feels like evil incarnate (well… he kind of is). 
After rehearsing lines and crafting a gift, a rubber duck that resembled you, he made his way to your room. He feels his nerves go haywire as he gets closer and closer. Lucifer never meant to hurt you this way. 
He arrives at your door, taking a couple seconds to prepare himself for the unexpected. 
Three polite knocks, a moment of silence, then the door clicks open. 
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magicdefendorwolf · 1 year
Characters:Yanqing(x reader),Jing Yuan(the matchmaker)
So,i think it is quite clear to everyone that Yanqing is inexperienced when it comes to love
So of course he would assume that the way his heart flutters around you,the way he often longs for your presence,how he cant help but be nervous around you,and the slight stutter in his words when talking with you is just because he respects you alot as a friend and didnt want to mess up around you
Yeah thats why, totally why
Or atleast thats what he thought,until in a conversation with Jing Yuan
Now there are two possible ways in which the topic may have come up
The first one is if Jing Yuan brought you up because he noticed how Yanqing was crushing on you,or Yanqing somehow brought you into the conversation
Nethier way they're talking about you,and Jing Yuan points out the big crush Yanqing has on you
"Oh yeah her,she's a great person,no wonder you have such a big crush on her" Jing Yuan would say with a chuckle at the end
And of course Yanqing would be shocked and quick to deny itwhile also blushing
"What?! I dont have a crush on her,she's just an amazing friend is all. Why would you think that?" Yanqing would reply confused,like he had said the most absurd thing ever
Then Jing Yuan would start listing all of the reasons to him
And Yanqing would be quick to deny each one
Oh he's nervous around them? No he's just afraid of messing up infront of such a respectable person. He blushes whenever their faces are a tad bit too close? Well of course they're in each other's personal space how could he not? He always wants to be in her presence? She's just an amazing friend is all
Every single reason Jing Yuan would list Yanqing would deny,like,what are you trying to become Yanqing? Adrien Agreste 2.0?
Anyways,after a big amount of convincing and explaining from Jing Yuan he would finally consider it,and when he finally realises he's got a crush on you he's going to turn into a tomato
Jing Yuan would just chuckle with a soft smile,oh but he would definetly push Yanqing to confess,after all,he isnt as blind as his adopted son,he sees the way you reciprocrate his son's feelings
Of course Yanqing wouldnt want to at first in fear of rejection,but with some pushing from Jing Yuan he would finally agree to confess to you
And here is where the adventure begins
You see Yanqing is a big bundle of nerves,the usual extroverted and confident sunshine suddenly becomes the shiest man on the planet,its like he did a full 180°
And you dont understand why he's suddenly so nervous around you?
Like yesterday he was his usual sunshine self
So he approached you and asked you to meet at a spot you two usually went to to hang out,so you agreed,but afterwards you were quick to catch his wrist so he wouldnt basically sprint away so you could ask him what happened with him??
He would turn around trying to conceal his nervousness and tell you he'll explain when you meet up
And then poof,he was gone,sprinted away
And you stood there dumbfounded thinking you had done something wrong
And Jing Yuan who was watching from a far facepalmed at the scene,he made a mental note to lightly scold Yanqing about this later
But anyways,moving on
When you finally met up at the agreed spot Yanqing was nervous,again,and gave you a small greeting
Then he decided it was time to confess
"I like you" he'd say hoping you would get the hint
"I like you too,you're a great friend! But are you alright?"
"No! I like like you!" He'd say,his nervouseness mixing with furstration
Seeing that your expression said nothing but confusion and disbelief
"I love you!" He said giving up the subtlety
He looked off to the side nervously
But when he heard you reciprocated his feelings he basucally jumped onto you to hug you which made you both fall down
Now you have a happy sunshine rambling to yiu about how happy he is you feel the same way
And once again, Jing Yuan standing somewhere in the shadows knowing he did a good job at being a matchmaker
This was requested by @xxanimelover93xx i hope its what you expected it to be<3
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ganondoodle · 10 months
more totk rewritten thoughts
since the mastersword still breaks at the start even in my rewrite, its gotta get restored somehow, so i think i wanna be a little 'classic' about it;
you can find the broken mastersword in a cave system near hyrule castle, its very obvious so you are more likely to come across it and pick it up, it doesnt use up an inventory slot but gets its own just like it did in botw
once you find it zelda inspects it and decides you need to talk to probably purah or impa to determine if its savable, since while it got damaged before its way worse this time; you get told you should ask the deku tree about it (so theres an actual incentive to go to the forest of the krogs/koroks) and discover that its been corrupted
in the corrupted forest you can walk around in freely here, without the mist teleporting you around since the spell of the krogs/koroks isnt working anymore, the center is mostly the same as in canon
zelda detects bigger concentrations of miasma all around the forest, at each point she directs you to is a miniboss, in total there are 3, but while the trees in the forest start to grow leaves again after you defeat each of them (there are mostly to all barren in botw too so i thought that would be a cool thing to siginify the ground has been cleansed more now) the center and the dekutree are still corrupted, however the deku trees insides are now accessible, once you go down there there is a boss (main big one thats unique and not just phantom ganon, tho that WAS a cool moment in canon, im using phantom ganons as the guys you gotta fight for the memory tree thingies so it would be too much reuse u think) once you are done with the first phase it flees into the underground via burrowing down, you follow through the hole and theres phase two in an underground boss arena themed around roots .. since its in the roots of the dekutree still
afterwards the forest goes back to normal (just with the other trees more alive again) and the deku tree tells you to put the sword back into its good ol pedestal, while its not gonna be fortified against miasma it can restore the blade form, and due to you cleansing the forest and making it more healthier it will not take ages to do so
then you are left to your own devices again, but once you reach the middle point of the game, after fighting ganondorf for the first time (which also triggers the miasma memory tree thingies i made a concept of a while back) you can go back to the forest and get the mastersword back, its blade restored physically but it being still vunerable to miasma and has only little attack power
zelda has the idea of going to the springs to ask for a blessing for the sword, however the deku tree suggests to ask the three dragons for it instead (so if you havent tried it yet you are hinted to go and try an land on them, since you couldnt do that in botw, also reference to skyward sword and how the mastersword got to be) after each blessing it gets higher damage and durability; once you obtain all three it still does not seem to be where it should be
now here i am a little unsure about if i want zelda to bless it also (similar to how skysw zelda needed to bless it) or if you should bring it to the giant hylia statue in the forgotten temple
(for zelda it would be neat bc its both a reference and something more character connected, but also you where already hunting down the deku tree and the dragons for it so making you go yet somewhere else again seems a little much; i like the giant statue as a way to guide you there but then again i dont think you an incentive for literally every place)
(on a side note about link shiekah arm, it has a battery that recharges and you can upgrade, but i also thought about making it so you CAN push it past its battery but then it takes from your health instead - like the destroyer in the botw DLC, but slower- which eliminates the need for an equivalent of the lil zonau charges)
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vhagarlovebot · 1 year
Hi!! I was wondering if you could write something for aegon along the lines of aemond and reader are married but bc aemond wants to give her space and “spare” her of his company and doesnt wanna scare her bc of his appearance and demeanor they dont talk at all and theyre like strangers, sort of like aemond thinks he’s doing the right thing by leaving her be but in reality she just wants to be loved by her husband and one day aegon finds her sobbing about aemond bc she just wants to be loved by him. Bc shes crying abt his “perfect” brother he feels better abt himself bc hes thinking “my brother isnt the perfect son” and so he decides to befriend her and they kind of bond over the fact that theyre both really lonely in kings landing. Ik this is probably rlly off for his character tbh so if you dont want to do it thats okay! Ik some ppl r really iffy abt writing abt aegon so if thats the case just ignore the ask im sorry to bother! But I love ur writing sm and hope u have a great day~
gwen’s note: i need to say this before writing your req because it is important to me. but i really think aegon, as well as many other characters from hotd, is very complex. however we can’t overlook the awful things he’s done, that’s why i think that the only way of writing him is by trying to understand from where it comes, why he is the way he is, etc. (but not defend him, never defend him for being a rapist) and diverge from his character. hotd writers made it really hard to sympathize with him given that the first scene they gave us of older aegon was THAT scene. and again, i would never defend aegon from what he did, that is inexcusable, it does not matter how much he suffered or how alone he feels, he should have never done that. that is why if i write aegon i would always try to get as close as possible to what i think of this complex character (just as i have been doing with aemond) and always have his feelings and experiences in mind, i will never minimize what he and everyone has been through. and bc in fanfic you can write whatever you want, i’ve been saying that since the beginning. aegon is not a good person but i believe that if they give him a chance, he would definitely try to be better. and i fully believe that aegon has a heart and deep down he cares, we see glimpses of that in the show. so after saying that, if i diverge from what the show has showed us about aegon or what YOU think about him, remember that everyone has their own opinions and if you don’t like them, be respectful and simply block me (this is not directed at you but to everyone in general). hope you enjoy! <3
crying in public was not a good idea, but being under the weirwood tree made you miss home.
“do you feel well?” a man’s voice startles you, and you are quick to wipe the tears still falling from your eyes, trying to pull yourself together before turning around.
you are surprised to see prince aegon standing a few feet away from you, genuine concern on his face.
you want very hard to say yes but you can’t say the words, so you just simply shake your head as more tears start falling from your eyes.
aegon doesn’t know what to do. he never knows what to do when someone cries in front of him, he’s not used to this kind of behavior. he can’t remember a time when someone from his family cried in front of him and he comforted them. or if they comforted him. because that never happened. so he doesn’t know if he should keep walking and leave you alone, or ask what’s happening. however, his legs are moving towards you before he can make a decision.
and you don’t know what to do. should you excuse yourself and run out of there? but your legs don’t move and your eyes can’t leave his face, lilac gaze studying your body, but not in a creepy and sexual way. it’s also the first time you and the prince are alone and you thought when that happened, you would feel uncomfortable, rumors fly fast inside and outside the red keep and prince aegon is the main protagonist in all of them. however you feel strangely calm.
“does this have to do with my brother?” aegon dares to ask. he knows your marriage is not an easy one, mostly because aemond is very cold towards you. he has seen you alone together just a couple of times and in all of them you’ve been looking sad and uncomfortable while his younger brother showed nothing with his expression.
it is sad to know prince aegon knows why you’re sad. does everyone in the red keep notice how unhappy you truly are?
aegon sits beside you, his hands on his lap as you move away making space for him on the little bench.
“i just feel so… alone.” you let your guard down, after all he is the one asking and you so desperately need someone to talk to, anyone, and if that person turns out to be the prince, then so be it.
aegon laughs bitterly, looking to his feet playing with a few leaves that had fallen from the tree. he knows that feeling too well, he has been feeling alone his whole life.
“and— and i can’t say anything to him because he doesn’t listen to me. it’s like i’m talking to a wall.” you sob, wiping your nose with the back of your hand.
prince aemond is your husband. but he’s also a total stranger too. you barely talk, he almost never looks at you and you haven’t consummate your marriage, something everyone is expecting for you to do. but how are you supposed to do it when he openly shows how much you bother him?
“i’m a burden to him!” you hide behind your palms, tears still falling from your eyes.
aegon feels a little better to know that his brother is stuck in a loveless marriage just like him. they might be very different but neither of them were able to escape from duty.
however, aegon feels something weird growing in his chest, something that doesn’t make him feel that much better. not while knowing that you’re hurting because of his brother.
aegon parts his lips, debating whether or not to say what he has not say to anyone. ever. because open up to someone is not something aegon targaryen has done before, he’s pretty good at hiding his feelings in a bottle of liquor. or a couple.
“i feel alone, too.” aegon looks for the right words but they don’t come to his mind and he feels very vulnerable. “i am a burden to everyone. my family. the servants. my own father doesn’t want anything to do with me.”
what the prince says is no surprise to you. you’ve heard the servants talking about the prince and how they wish to never be in the receiving end of one of his outbursts.
“see?” he says and you lift your gaze, turning to look at him, who is already looking with his lips curved in a small smile. “we have something in common! we’re not entirely alone.”
the kind gesture of prince aegon of trying to make you feel better is not something anyone would do, not in king’s landing at least, much less by saying something so personal. but it makes you smile through your tears.
it is strange, sitting on a bench with aegon targaryen, talking and being vulnerable. this definitely wasn’t on your list this morning when you woke up, but it is something you’re always going to remember.
“now,” aegon says, drawing out a handkerchief and holding it out to you. shyly, you accept it. “i am sure you miss home and i have nothing else to do… so why don’t you tell me everything i need to know about winterfell?”
your heart fills with pride and longing. and as you wipe your tears you start telling him about those cold and happy days of your childhood while prince aegon listens very closely.
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stargirlie25 · 5 months
so many people say that Elucien and Gwynriel would be boring but Vassien and Elriel would be so much fun!
There is nothing forbidden abt elriel lets be honest. The only reason rhysand forbid them is not because he hates them its because he saw that it is just lust. Not some emotional bridge between them. Do we remember when Feyre went into luciens mind and she sensed what he was feeling towards elain? Its safe to say Rhysand did just that with azriel and then forbid it because his feelings are not even serious!! Do you seriously think Rhysand would forbid elriel if Azriel was falling in love with Elain? No. If he saw that they were in love, he would accept it and protect them because in ACOWAR he said that Elain would be supported if she decided against the bond. If later in the series Azriel said, ''i love Elain and she loves me'' Rhysand would 100% be supportive. The only thing in the way of elriel is Elain herself.
Now that we got rid of the fake forbidden aspect, what about Elain and Azriel. No forbidden love. Just Elain and Azriel. They are both accepting each other with wide arms. There is nothing interesting about that. In real life sure. Although now you have to think. In a book that only has words and leaves everything up to your imagination how would Elriel be interesting besides plots? No in real life your partner does not have to challenge you. Although in a high fantasy novel with these specific characters, they do nothing for each other. Elain would not help Azriel grow and Azriel would not help Elain grow. Lets be honest they both need growth. Azriel would just try to protect her and push down the idea of Elain doing big things. Not that its her fault but his shadows would continue to hide from her. They are apart of him! Elain and Azriel do have an understanding between each other but so does cassian/feyre and nesta/rhysand. I never thought they were romantic until ACOFAS. Also reading about another sister finding herself in the night court and a bat boy will bore me to death. Elriels have no other reason to say they are interesting other than forbidden love and plots. Its gone so far to say Elain will be a spy like azriel. ''The hewn city troubled her'' and so will every place Azriel tends to spy in.
Why do i think Gwynriel will be more interesting?
Well first off the fact that we figured out facts about Azriel when he was with Gwyn. Eg, He sings and sleeps with a dagger. Obviously yes his shadows! Although his shadows have been intimate with others but they do something they have never done with anybody, they dance and sing. They lighten around Elain AND Mor. SJM made these two women take away the darkness of Azriel. Then she inserts another, who embraces this darkness and smiles at them. There is multiple times where his shadows are out and he is not happy or he is stressed. I see some people say this is a bad thing. No not really. Azriel is aloud to be upset without there having to be a deeper reason. Also his shadows hid from koschei but who cares about that! Its important to note that he is happy/calm with Gwyn PLUS his shadows are out. That is growth. Not only for Azriel but for Gwyn also. Cassian AND Azriel made Gwyn feel stronger. In the start of ACOSF Gwyn says shadowsinger but towards the end she says Azriel. After the traumatic event, she feels comfortable around him. A man. That is growth. Not to mention after Azriel showed her how, she was able to cut the ribbon and become the first Valkyrie. She had been trying for weeks but after that one little lesson with Az, she cut the damn thing. Lets also note the fact that Azriel likes his space (got that from gwyn) and he isnt ever really taken by suprise. Although can you just imagine all of Azriels walls are up yet Gwyn makes her way in? It makes sense! Azriel said he is never really taken by suprise but Gwyn does that. IMO Azriel showed no personality for a lot of the books till he is with Gwyn. Now i can make a little bit of sense of who he is. Gwyn can simply answer a question and he can simply answer. It's easier on him.
Now Elucien my babies!!!!!!!!!!
We know that there is canon proof that Elain does not belong in the night court and that it sucks the general life out of her. Lucien has been struggling to find a home for so long and yes he has found friends eg,jurian and vassa although i highly doubt the human lands are his home. Elain has also made friends (nuala and cerridwen) although the night court still sucks the life from her. It makes sense though, darkness does suck away lightness. Now ive said before that the day court makes sense for both lucien and elain. For lucien, He can live in a place full of light (which is what he needs) and he can have a proper father figure and find a place where he is fully excepted. For Elain it also makes lots of sense. The day court helps people grow and Elain helps flowers grow. Not to mention it is still connected to the night court because feyre says that rhysands full beats form is helions beast forms are parallel and perpendicular at the same time! So she would still be connected to her sisters and friends. Besides all of this, Elain and Lucien have not yet found themselves. They have tried to find a physical home but there is still something missing. IMO i think Elucien will have the bond in which ''Home is not a place, it's a person'' They have always been the light in dark families so them together? Perfect! I also think Lucien would help Elain blossom. The buds in her mind are closed but light can help them grow! I think it's important to remember that Elain likes to help. She would help the servants at her home back in the human lands and she would help nuala and cerridwen. Although as if right now, every single member of the ic (except maybe amren) coddles her. It always, Elain doesnt go near- or Elain shouldn't- as if she does not have a voice and choice. HAHAHAHA IT RHYMES anyways given how Lucien acts, i feel as though he would help her be stronger in a gentle way. He himself does not like to be coddled or underestimated and says safe is boring. He would for sure understand elain!
Anyways there is much more deeper reasoning but this was all i had energy to write!
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husky-studies · 1 year
What is with this little gremlin I have to babysit-?
Concept: Blade had to take care of teen!reader (who kafka picked up after a mission cus they keep calling her mommy /hj) who acts like a little gremlin and he had to make sure reader doesn't end up blowing up an aeon or something.
Character(s): Blade, mentions of Kafka and Silver Wolf
Warning(s): none, this is platonic btw
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-Okay first of all, you lucky ass being a random teenager just walking by and had the thought to call kafka mommy/mom/mother when you see her to the point she brings you back
-second of all now you have blade (balde) as your babysitter, have fun tormenting him with your shenanigans
-"Where are you parents." "Kafka is my mom" ~you two when you first met probably
-you probably call him Baldie because you saw Silver Wolf making a typo when texting with him
-at first Blade didn't think much, you're just a teenager. What can you do? Blow up and aeon and their followers?
-yes. Yes you can.
-when that happens for the first time he genuinely panicked because HOW TF R U DOING THAT?! Kafka is gonna be happy but he DOES NOT WANT TO DEAL WITH AN ARMY OF ANGRY FOLLOWERS ALONE RIGHT NOW
-When that whole shenanigan is done, he's going to carry you like a sack of potatoes and carry you back to the headquarters...and give you an earful for doing that
-but is that going to stop you? Absolutely not
-"kid..what is that" "Nothing you need to worry about :)" "I swear if thats a nuk- i know that face. No." ~Blade when he saw you bringing in some boxes
-ALSO yk that Blade got captured in the Xianzhou Loufu right? YEAH YOU BEING THE ABSOLUTE GREMLIN YOU DECIDED TO BREAK HIM FREE
-In the most destructive way possible...
-"GENERAL JING YUAN! WHAT HAPPENED?!" "A teen nuked him" "Wait what-"
-Also the fight with Jing Yuan:
"What are you youngster up to? This isnt a place to hang out" "AND THIS ISNT A PLACE TO KEEP BALDE IN. LET HIM GOOOOOOO"
-annnnd you started nuking the place, the room is filled with explosives and your whines to let Blade go
-did you succeed? Hopefully, now you can continue to torment him /hj
-now the astral express is confused when Jing Yuan told them to keep an eye out for a teen with nukes
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Tag(s): @mitzukitsuna (for the idea :])
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Abby Anderson x reader where they get into a fight and Abby gets physical like she pins the reader against the wall or ground and after the fight Abby tries apologize but reader is scared of her
Shades of Cool
A/n: Idk if you wanted this to be hurt/ no comfort but it hurts my soul not to do any comfort 💀
Warnings: Abby pushes the reader, violence, swearing, they make up in the end so if you dont like that dont read it sorry😭-MDNI
You and Abby didn't fight often there were bigger problems to worry about and usually it was something petty that could be resolved quickly.
Your fights were never like this.
You both were in your shared apartment haven got back from a big patrol- Owen, Nora, Manny, Mel, Owen- They were all there.
You and Abbys relationship wasn’t a secret, everyone knew you two were together. Owen Some people didn’t like it, but there was nothing they could do about it, you two were happy together and thats what mattered.
However you made a slight slip up on the patrol-truly a minor inconvenience- and Owen decided to take the liberty of disciplining you for it. The argument between you and Owen became one between you and Abby- and that led to what was currently happening.
You were used to hearing Abby yell, she was a soldier it wasn’t like it was uncommon, but never like this- never at you.
Tears clouded your vision as she ranted about Owen, how his opinion about you two didn’t matter but you shouldn’t disrespect him because of how long they’ve known each other. Something like that. You couldn’t really remember or bother to try and listen to her voice through the pounding in your head.
“Are you even fucking listening to me?!”
You couldn’t even process the words before you felt a burning sensation on your back and a soft thrumming in the middle of your chest- did she just push me?
She just fucking pushed me.
The tears you had tried so hard to control were let out of their cages rapidly falling down your cheeks wetting them and leaving streaks as they went.
In an instant she was beside your trembling body, she kept her hands to her side as she kneeled down to be level with you, she kept them to her side as she apologized for her behavior, she kept them to her side as she started crying with you.
She didn’t want to hurt you.
You were scared, shes never done this before, would she do it again?
You gathered up all the strength you had left in your body to face her.
You didn’t realize what you did until after you did it.
Her face was turned to the ground, your hand was on top of hers, unmoving.
You had slapped her.
You grabbed her hand- she looked up to you.
“If you do that shit again, I swear to fucking god Abby you’ll never see me again.”
She let out a sob, you did too.
Leaning into her you sobbed together, bodies pushed against each other.
She held you so tightly yet with much caution behind her hands, you couldn’t bother putting in the same effort to gently hold her as you pressed your body as close to hers as you could.
There was no telling how long you two stayed like that, at least until you both stopped crying.
She carried you to bed that night, not the first time and definitely not the last, she tucked you in and kissed your forehead.
You two fell asleep listening to each others heartbeats in a silent agreement that you would talk about it in the morning, but right now, you needed to be as close as you could to her- and her to you.
I was listening to Lana while writing this hence the title
also this isnt proofread so its bad im sorry💀
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evalevaeva · 7 months
okay um sieun delusions... i heard this is a common experience for students who are class toppers in high school. once they get into an iv league school or a rly fancy high class school they're no longer special and gifted and smart cause EVERYONE is like that
so sieun goes to one of those universities and its his first time being in a school where... ppl are taking it seriously lmaoo. and he starts to notice that there's one student who is always just 1 rank above him. no matter what rank sieun got whether it was 10 or 2 yn is always right above him so he starts to notice her AND BOY GETS A LIL CRUSHY CRUSH HE DOES 😓
literally just make it fluffy or ill kill u
gifted | yeon sieun
- in which yeon sieun gets into seoul national university.
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Sieun had done it. He'd gotten past all the bullying and the hardships and decided to throw away his past in Byuksan Middle School and Eunjang High School. He'd gotten into Seoul National University with a special scholarship given to the top 1% of the entire student body, taking the examinations in each region.
Sieun was used to being the only student who focused on his work and got good grades. University came as a shock to him as he stood in front of the noticeboard, the glass the only thing standing between him and the piece of paper. He wasn't first. He wasn't second either. He was in tenth place for the freshmens diagnostics test. Sieun couldn't believe it, as he turned to walk away from the crowd of students trying to find their names on the lower ranks. The Yeon Sieun had gotten tenth place in a test. The last time that happened, it wasn't pleasant. The name above his wasn't an unknown one. He had heard your name back when he was in high school, at cram school. He had never crossed paths with you, so he had never seen the use in interacting with you.
The boy could feel the sweat sticking his hair to his forehead. The students in Seoul National University were no joke, and it didn't take a genius to realise that. Every student had notebooks, textbooks, and most importantly, coffee. Sieun had never liked coffee, but feeling the lack of sleep every day caused him to become a crippling caffein addict.
No matter what he did, it seemed like one name could not leave his side (on results slip, of course). If Sieun was in nineteenth place,she would be in eighteenth place. If he was third, she was second. If he was sixth, she'd be fifth. It seemed as if they were binded together through the world of academics, and that caught Sieun's attention.
"The concept of biochemistry isn't something hard, everyone. Now, let's go onto sample questions," The professor spoke as the sound of pages flipping echoed throughout the lecture hall. Sieun flipped open his practice book as he read the question, his eyes widening slightly as he read the question. It definitely wasn't something easy.
"Which of the following are included in the types of glycolipids? N-acetylgalactosamine, N-acetylglucosamine, Xylose, or Cerebrosides?" The professor asked as he switched the slideshow to a practice question from the practice book.
The lecture hall was practically silent as students opened their guide books, worried as they realised that their confusion could lead to their downfall in their first year of university.
One hand was raised as Sieun turned to look at the girl who had her hand raised on the other side of the auditorium. She sat up straight as her hand was in the air confidently. She had a small smile on her face as she waited for the professor to call on her.
"Ah, one of our top students! y/n, what do you think the answer is?" The professor called out to the girl as she lowered her hand and spoke.
"Cerebrosides, they are a group of glycosphingolipids, which are the subgroup of glycolipids." The girl answered as the professor clicked on the slideshow to reveal the answer to indeed be Cerebrosides.
Sieun scribbled your name on the top right corner of the page as he rested his cheek on his palm, looking at the writing as he sighed to himself.
That was the first time you caught his eye. It wasn't something he could suppress for long. Sieun caught himself sneaking as many glances at you as he could without getting caught. He'd pretend to cough, just so he could turn in your direction to look at you or take a different route just to see you leaving the hall to the library.
You were always at the library. Similarly to the other students, you would mug till the late hours of the night.
You had your head on the table as you heard a light thud next to you, making you turn to the right to see a cup of coffee on the desk. You sat up straight to see Sieun sitting at the seat next to you, his lips in a thin line but his eyes betrayed him as he watched you, curious to see your reaction.
"Is this... for me?" You asked the doe-eyed boy as he nodded, turning to his books but his attention still on you.
"You seem tired today. You didn't get your usual coffee so I got it for you," Sieun said as you felt a pink hue engulf your cheeks as you looked away from the boy, coughing softly as you whispered with a smile, "Thank you".
That was the first time he felt his heart jump. Screw that, maybe free fall off a cliff? That feeling had him sitting at his desk at home, hand on his chest as he smiled to himself, giggling like a high school lover.
Sieun used every brain cell he had available from that day onwards to have a reason to talk to you. He'd drop his book, and you'd appear from around the corner, crouching down to help him pick it up. He'd buy you coffee every few weeks to the point that it becomes a routine.
"Yeon Sieun, second place." Sieun had grown accustomed to never being in first place. Instead, a smile grew on his face as he saw the name in first place, it was you. Sieun waited under the shade as he saw you and your group of friends at the noticeboard, reading the results as you turned away from the crowd and jumped up and down, excitement emitting from you.
"First! First again! It all paid off! Entering summer break on the best note ever!" You yelled as Sieun felt his cheeks hurting from how hard he was smiling at your antics.
"Sieun! Good to see you," you greeted the boy as you pulled out the chair to take a seat next to him in the library. Sieun gave you a small smile as you took out your books, placing them onto the desk as you began mindlessly mugging through the night.
Sieun raised his arms as he stretched, hearing a click from his shoulders as he turned to check on you, seeing your head on the table as you slept.
Sieun packed his stuff as he tapped you on the shoulder, making you jolt awake from your sleep.
"Sieun...?" you mumbled as sieun picked up the books from under your arms,packing them into your bag as he put your bag on his shoulder, surprising you.
"You seem very sleepy, I'll send you home. Don't go home so late next time, and don't stay up too late. You're getting eyebags and...you'll make me worried, " Sieun said as you got up and pushed the chair into the table, following him as you both walked to the bus stop.
There was an awkward silence until you decided to ask him a question, "Sieun, why did you start talking to me? I mean, it's not strange, seeing as we're taking the same course...".
Sieun stopped in his tracks as he calculated in his head the chances of you rejecting him at that moment. 33.3 in a 100.
"It's because I like you." Sieun admitted as if it was a passing comment. You turned to look at him, eyes wide as you tilted your head in confusion.
"You're serious? You actually like me?" You ask him, trying to find a hint of humour in his voice, but his voice was anything but humorous.
"I can't see a day in my life without you from now on. Will you give me the honour of being the one by your side till the end?" Sieun asked as you couldn't help but look into his eyes that seemed to hold every inch of the universe in them.
That was the day that Sieun was no longer alone in his life.
Every day seemed to be filled with you. He'd pick you up from your apartment and cook you breakfast, sit with you in the lecture hall, buy you your coffee, go out for dinner, and finally, send you home safely.
Sieun would help you prepare for practical examinations while you helped him prepare for theoretical examinations, the both of you were the most envied CC.
CC, Campus Couple. Sieun wouldn't have thought he'd have someone to accompany him, but somehow, you were gifted, right to him.
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inactiveanimeblog · 1 year
hey y’all, it’s been a MINUTEEEEE since i’ve written anything omg. please read this and let me know if you think i should continue to write this story. it’ll be like two maybe three parts? idk just lmk what you think :)
there is nothing too crazy in this so far (no smut or anything yet. so i guess trigger warning swears?)
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bully shikamaru who is so viciously mean to you :(
he makes fun of your glasses and outfit choices. you look homeless.. why are you wearing sweatpants to school? baggy clothes that make you look.. poor?
you’re disgusting in every way, him and his friends are sick of seeing you to the point where even bullying you becomes old.
you’re an absolute nobody.
and that changes come third year of high school.
you never tried with looking good in school because.. what’s the point? it’s a place to come and learn, to prepare for the big world.
but then you think about how you’re sick of being treated the way you do. being talked about behind your back. being beat up for the sole fact of your looks.
so when you decide to shop for new clothes, try new skin care and makeup, a new hairstyle, you see the difference in yourself. the confident oozing from your eyes. your posture straightening out.
you look good.. better than the popular girls that hang around shikamaru and his friends.
first day of school arrives and it’s finally time to make some friends, enjoy high school like every other normal kid teenager.
when you walk in people are staring and whispering.
“is that a new girl?”
“who is that?”
“dude she’s so hot!”
the chattering amongst everyone doesn’t go unnoticed. it’s overwhelming with how much positive attention you’re getting considering how much negative attention you used to get.
and then you walk past shikamaru and the rest of his shitty group of friends.
they all turn around and stare at you. it’s like you’re in a movie and this is your big corny slow motion scene. you walk forward without sparing them a glance. flipping your hair over your shoulder and turning the music in your headphones up.
from the corner of your eye you can see naruto and kiba gawking at you, the popular girls glaring at you, and shikamaru eyeing you with the same bored expression on his face he always has.
you smile to yourself as you walk into class, taking a seat at the back corner and glancing out the window. first day of your third year of high school and so far it’s already been a success.
the home room teacher comes in introduces himself, opting his students to say their name and an interesting fact about themselves. when it’s your turn you stand and place a piece of hair behind your ear. “hi i’m y/n y/l/n.. and uh an interesting fact about myself is i enjoy reading manga.” you bow and sit down. everyone’s eyes still on you as they yet again whisper amongst themselves.
“that’s y/n??”
“she looks so different.”
“what happened to her over summer break?”
lunch period comes around before you know it and you’re debating on leaving school to get lunch or hiding somewhere.
but it’s a new school year right? you should try new things and stop hiding from everyone.
walking out of the school entrance you spot shikamaru and his friends sitting in the parking lot, talking amongst themselves about who knows what.
you only hope they don’t notice you as you scurry by and try to leave.
to your dismay they do see you and sai calls you over. “hey you! get over here.”
fuck. here we go again.
you walk over with your head held high. “is there something that you need?”
“what? you think you’re all high and mighty now because you got ‘prettier?’” the most popular girl in school speaks. ino. you hate this bitch. “you don’t even look that good. all you did was take your glasses off and put on sluttier clothes.”
“are you done yet? lunch period’s only an hour and i gotta get something to eat.” you pass a glance at each of them, who are completely dumbfounded by your change of character.
once no one says anything you make your way out of the parking lot, walking to a near cafe up the road.
(btw this isn’t the end of the first chapter this is only half lol)
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saltygilmores · 2 months
Thoughts While Watching Gilmore Girls, Season 3, Episode 8, Part 4: "Let The Games Begin", the part where Lorelai says that if Jess was trapped inside her burning house she would save her shoes first
Lorelai Gilmore, you are no Jack Pearson. I won't complete that thought, even though I'm feeling nice and mean and I totally should.
Scene: Lorelai and Rory are discussing the upcoming road trip to New Haven with the Gilmore Grands. Rory forgot to pack. Lorelai goes into panic mode. Rory questions why she needs to pack her entire closet for a short road trip. Lorelai recounts a family vacation story from her childhood that would be best unpacked in a lengthy therapy session, frets that her mother will lecture them for under-packing, starts rummaging through Rory's dresser. Rory catches Lorelai making a double entendre about a meaty taco and declares it was dirty. The show makes another dig at New Haven after Lorelai brings home a pamphlet about Exciting Things to Do In New Haven but it's only a few pages long.
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You sound surprised, as if ya'll aren't wearing heavy coats and long sleeves in the spring and summer. I swear there's something in the drinking water affecting everyone's thyroids in this town, they can't regulate their body temperatures.
Could anyone tell I'm stalling here? Classic Salty.
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Rory: Mom, stop rummaging through my shit. Awwwe. Even Evil Villains like Lorelai Gilmore get the blues. I'm surprised she decided to go on this road trip to Yale instead of sending Rory off alone with the Grands, that way she'd have the house and Dean Forrester to herself the entire day. Since Dean's sexual stamina only extends to 1-2 minutes, they could have had sex hundreds of times in a day.
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Two quips that sprang to mind (couldn't decided which one was better): The only words Lorelai is thinking about right now are "Dean" and "Shower". Lorelai thinks Jess removed Rory's bracelet while they're in the shower together? Jess could only hope.
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Excuse me for a moment... *deep inhale*
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I went into the Tumblr gifs library and looked up "peaceful". Here is a nice, presumably not-evil, Peaceful Bunny.
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So not only does Jess commit attempted vehicular homicide, and steal Quarters on a String, he steals said QOAS by forcibly ripping them directly off the wrists of poor unsuspsecting delicate young ladies.
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Nice try. You think you're so slick, but you're not, Slick Gilly.
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You all don't understand the effort it takes for me to break down a scene like this without taking the cowards way out and simply rage quitting (which I have done before). I have to come up with multiple lines of witty, cutting commentary about what is unfolding before me, when all I want to do is KEYBORD SMASH. SO, YOU KNOW WHAT I WILL!! ITS A FREE COUNTRY ISNT IT! BALD EAGLE BASEBALL APPLE PIE! (Deep inhale) sagfshafgahfgasvxzcywtryqwuhajlkansjbkfagsfyafvabsfvsdgr2347527q2y4q#&$T%#^%^#*U@(%)&@tGSHFBSHFSVAGFSFS FUCKYOULORELAIGILMORE#^&#^%&#^WGHFSHGAS@$%@^@
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Thank for reminding the audience the reason why Lorelai thinks Jess should, ya know, die painfully and slowly. He was mouthy once. (the Netflix captions borked the line; Rory also said "and wrecked my car", but as if that makes Lorelai's treatment of Future Nephew any more justifable).
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I am told that in a later season, Lorelai bemoans the fact that unlike Dean, Jess never offered to change her water bottle for her. NOW WHY WOULD HE DO THAT? YOU'RE ABOUT TO WISH HIM A FIREY DEATH. AND WHEN HE WAS (FORCIBLY) APPOINTED TO CLEAN YOUR GUTTERS YOU DIDN'T WANT HIS HELP..
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Lorelai practically moans this, lol. We know "Change the water bottle" can mean two very different things. You ain't so slick, Slick Gilly.
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Welcome to Gaslighting and Emotional Manipulation Theater! See, here's the thing Slick Gilly, I watched an entire frigging episode about you accusing Jess of being a thief, it was called Lost and Found and it took me four frigging centuries to finish, I'm quite sure I have concrete evidence that you have accused him of stealing things. I am Jess Mariano's defense attorney and I will see you in court. Bring Rory too, she should also start getting used to what a court room looks like.
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Rory, honey. Sweetie. Sugar bear. It's best you don't wish for a crystal ball. Just strap in to the rollercoaster that is dating Jess Mariano while living with your mother, and pray.
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See, here's the thing Slick Gilly, I watched an entire frigging episode about you not letting Jess enter your house, it was called Swan Song and it will take me four frigging centuries to rewatch it.
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This "Jess talks in grunts" shtick is getting old and moldy.
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So not only does Jess commit attempted vehicular homicide, steal Quarters on a String, and steal said QOAS by forcibly ripipng them directly off the wrists of poor unsuspsecting delicate young ladies, but he's also an arsonist, and not only is he an arsonist, he's such a bad one that he'll apparently be killed by his handiwork? (he also can't be trusted to clean gutters). He was probably trying to off himself instead of live in Stars Hollow for another minute. Can we recall another time Rory tried to play this same grim hypothetical with her mom? Does Rory, like Jess, also have some kind of firey death wish? I mean, who can blame either of them. *twinkly flashback music to early season 2*
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I notice Pigtails didn't say "my daughter" this time, either. Sorry Rory. Maybe try playing a third time until she answers with "Some form of human life." Lorelai lies to Rory's face that she "promised you before and am promising you again that I will cut "this kid" some slack." Alright, I ran through my 30 screen shots, let's stuff this scene in a sack and throw it into the lake with Shane and her swan family.
Rory: "You're just waiting for the day I break up with Jess." Lorelai The Villain: "Did I like Dean? Yes. Did I worry less when you were with dean? Yes! I never expected you to be with Dean forever. I don't expect you to be with Jess forever." What a pile of rancid baloney. Maybe he won't be with Rory forever, but 13 years later Jess becomes her nephew and will be a part of her family forever and I will never, ever, ever stop loving that. What JUSTICE.
When I hit my lowest of low valleys listening to this wretched woman spew her many lies and Gilly-Nonsense, It's often the only thing that makes me smile.
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luffy-is-aroace · 11 months
Do you have the source in which Luffy was confirmed aroace? I’m making a project on the ace and aro communities that includes a list of aro, ace, and aroace rep in media and I can’t find where it was confirmed, but I hear everyone say he is. Thank you.
luffy is very very much aroace coded but neither he nor the author have ever directly said the words "luffy is asexual" - one piece's canonical queer rep is limited to transgender characters
that being said, here's the relevant passages, and some context if its needed:
in chapter 516/episode 411, luffy stumbles across boa hancock, the worlds most beautiful woman, in the bath. she has an ability to turn people to stone when they feel some amount of "love, lust, or adoration" to her; ie. when they are attracted to her. heres how it goes:
this is the first time hancock meets a man who isnt affected by her power. it basically suggests that, by not turning to stone, hes not attracted to her at all.
eventually, she develops a crush on him, and she wants to marry him, which he outright rejects (chapter 598)
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in regard to the "mero mero" moment, a fan noticed a discrepancy, and asked the author about it in the SBS corner from volume 54. luffy had previously responded to the naked body of a woman the way all the other guys did. oda decided to blame it on luffy imitating his friend
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"That's not the Luffy we know." "When Luffy is alone, his reaction is what it was with Hancock. He's interested, but he's not entranced by her." Luffy acting in a certain way because Usopp does - going along with the mood of the moment, or performing, or however you want to say it - feels awfully aspec to me. It's definitely a common aspec experience to try and force yourself into amatonormative - or, in this case, I guess allonormative? - behavior.
In the SBS for volume 88, oda was asked about why luffy called a woman a "beauty" at one point. The response:
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Luffy understanding physical attractiveness as a classification, understanding it but not caring about it - that suggests he probably doesn't experience aesthetic attraction (appreciating someones appearance, disconnected from sexual/romantic attraction). this definitely speaks to my experience as an aroace individual.
also, this isnt necessarily evidence for luffy specifically, but moreso a general answer - in the SBS for volume 34, oda was asked if there would be romance between the main characters, and he brushed it off:
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my impression, personally, is that Oda is generally fairly uninterested in pursuing any romantic relationships between his main characters.
in conclusion, I personally feel like the evidence here suggests that luffy is aroace, or at least aspec, given some of Oda's wording (which is probably a little up to interpretation, given it's been translated from japanese). His answer in volume 54 has always felt like a retcon to me, like Oda only came to a conclusion of sorts on this when Luffy met Hancock, and had to go back and find some reasoning for why Luffy would have responded that way. Luffy, more than anything, wants to have an adventure, and romance and sex aren't part of that for him.
I'm not gonna try to police how people view Luffy. it's not healthy for me to do that - luffy and his aroaceness is something that's very very personal to me and itd be way too messy. In addition, in the past I've had people point out that this evidence would only necessarily suggest luffy isnt attracted to women, and he could be gay; I personally don't see him that way, and I seriously doubt Oda would make that choice in canon, but people can do what they want. I think, however, it's pretty telling that a lot of aroace and aspec people see themselves in him.
This morphed into something of a modern take on my thesis here instead of just answering your question; sorry about that. I'd be interested to see your project when you're done, if you're able and willing to share!
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