#just some notes
mihai-florescu · 1 year
Kaname's mom and Subaru's dad (Kaname's idol fanatic mom jumping on stage and then falling to her death at Subaru's dad's concert, top solo idol at the peak of the industry, leading to uncovering of past misdeeds, his arrest, deteriorating health and death. Kaname isnt told what happened but knows he needs to be an idol because it's the thing his mom loved best, and Subaru spends his whole life under the threat of his dad's legacy, thinking he will meet the same fate as his dad. And yet he still chooses to pursue being an idol to make people smile, starting from his mom. In a funny twist of fate, decades later Kaname is attacked by the non special student body of Reimei when they're shown a video of his mom's sins being a catalyst of That Akehoshi's decline. But when a video accusing Subaru of being his dad's son is projected at the biggest idol event of the year, he is protected by the friends he's made, escaping the same fate.)
Madara's parents and Kanata's mom (Madara's parents with their numerous connections helping Kanata's mom fake her death to set her free, to escape the cult worshipping her. Madara spending his entire youth trying to destroy the cult and give Kanata back his humanity, feeling like he's failed because he couldn't do it on his own when it was never a task that could be done alone in the first place)
Izumi's parents (They're controlling Izumi throughout his childhood to follow their wishes and expectations of him, but Izumi chooses one thing for himself that they don't agree with - Makoto. Eventually he grows up to follow in his parents' footsteps by trying to control Makoto himself to protect him from potentially getting hurt)
Jun's dad and Nagisa's "dad" (Jun's dad raising him to be a solo super idol that can defeat Jin, but Jun only flourishes when he joins a unit with Hiyori and stops seeing being an idol as a duty. Similarly Nagisa being raised to be the next supreme idol, finding warmth and a family in his unit instead of being alone at the top)
Wataru and his adoptive parents (who didn't pay much attention to him, leading to Wataru constantly learning new tricks to outdo himself until eventually he couldn't be understood by those around him anymore...)
Arashi's parents (individualistic and uncaring, leading to her developing the big sis persona to not let others feel unsupported as she was growing up)
Tsumugi and his mom (who has failed, got scammed by religious organizations and brought trouble to the point of divorce, and despite it all, Tsumugi can't give up on her, his mom who was for a long time the only stable connection in his life. Tsumugi who learns the signs of a scam and to avoid them. Tsumugi who is in charge of the SNS at school where the students start railing against Kanata's religion and recognize him as a fake god. Tsumugi who develops a big bro helpful persona to make himself useful. Tsumugi who considers becoming a teacher because of it, who gets confronted by Natsume "the apple doesn't fall far from the tree, or have you forgotten that's the same vocation your mom failed at?" Tsumugi who is very much aware and had decided to make a separate path for himself, one continuing as an idol in Switch, even before Natsume's words.)
Man. Enstars characters and the relation to their parents, the expectations, subversions, accidental following in their footsteps etc. I couldve worded this entire post so much better and added more characters, but you get the gist. This is all just my understanding, if you think anything is off please let me know. And I did not mention every character so if you think I missed something important also share.
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mayusteapot · 2 months
And the award for the worst parenting goes to...
Well, it will always go to Doctor Burnley. But Aunt Elizabeth with her stingy praise isn't really showing a shining example. But here I agree with her, saying that Doctor Burnley is doing a horrible job. Laura seems way too compassionate in this case. Or, I'm not sure if she is compassionate or an apologist for his behaviour. Yes, there are reasons for it. Horrible, terrible reasons that hold no water whatsoever, even though they do exist.
"the doctor wiped the persperation from his manly brow" Why does Emily sound a bit swoony here? Or is she just making most of the drama of the scene?
Leave the trees alone, Teddy Kent!
Does the dictionary not have the word dictionary on the cover or the spine? Why is Emily misspelling that? Explain to me!
Oh yes, Aunt Nancy! She's a riot. I mean, not a good parent either, apparently, but interesting.
I just cannot with Mrs Kent. I hope she at least just gave the cats to Mr Kelly to take away or something. She's getting really creepy.
It took a pretty long while for Miss Brownell to get to teaching Emily punctuation...
Poor Saucy Sal!
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eleancrvances · 1 year
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Deromanticizing Dead Women: Vera Caspary's "Laura" and the Tradition of the Murderous Male Aesthete by Kathleen E. Urda
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cowgirlcherrie · 1 year
re-evaluating how I did the second chapter of CMIYGL, before I post it tmrw… I’m going back to the drawing board briefly only bc Imma redo some of the text I did…
I lowk wanna make Cat and Ellie friends (they are still exes) but lowk wingwoman cat is tempting me… LET ME COOK FOR A SECOND
I’m using a life experience I had at uni for this fic too y’all 🎀
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polishhandplates · 2 years
Translation notes 6-10 | HANDPLATES
6. When gaster refers to the baby bones, he uses the feminine pronouns „one żyją” and not the masculine „Oni żyją” because in polish, both children (polish plural stuff is fun. Basically, it’s female/fem unless there’s at least one man/masc in there. 99 women and one man? Too bad, all are masculine now!), Souls, Experiments and things are feminine(ish, children like I said earlier, are neutral, but the feminine plural still applies), so it just made more sense to be like this. 
7. I- im not translating the hmm… I just am not, there isn’t anything for me to translate.
8. Why is translating sentient such a hassle?  I decided to go with the next best thing of rational. Though, it was rather pulled from the polish translation of homosapien ,  since in polish it means „Człowiek Rozumny” or roughly „Rational Human” and sapient in my mind is related to sentient. I could go with „świadome” which would be conscious, but that wouldn’t work as well. Damn, I feel like a little scientist myself, trying to accurately translate and work on something I hold dear… I translated „Completely unremarkable and entirely undeserving of such attention seeking behavior” into „Completely painless and unnecessarily dramatic, this better not become a pattern…” Later gaster specifically calls „the other one” aka. Sans and It since…well, it’s gaster.
9. Because in polish Little and Smaller are basically one and the same, I opted for the crossed out to say „The tiny”. It fit more. When gaster describes little sans he also uses the word „lichy” which generally means small, thin, inconspicuous, but also can mean od low quality, in bad shape, bad quality etc. 
10. The tenth one wasn’t too complex- I mean it was but it wasn’t 8 levels of tiring. I still kept the funky „plural but also feminine but also kinda not” pronouns for them, keeping in mind that Gaster would be thinking of them as the gender neutral terms „Experiments, Children, Things”. Ngl had to edit a few words where I slipped up, but it’s all good. Honestly I didn’t translate the babbling, because that would be…slightly painful if I had to edit it… but we’ll see, it’s the tenth one, maybe by then I’d have the proper skills to do it. If it happens, expect a note from me and a 4000 word apology letter. 
This went quicker than I expected, might actually do another 5 today, the monster energy drink is helping, that’s for sure. As a side, note, this is how I keep it all organized, the comics that is. (Ignore the little YouTube, a man needs to get some ambient noise sometimes) I also have a little google translate page open, because no one is perfect, and it helps me find words I’m forgetting or just look up alternative translations, all within reason of course.
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and every group has the comics in it
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Im using half screen so I can look at the comic and translate it at the same time, though, I’ll also show it in full screen.
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I also keep the index on there, just in case I need to check something…but mostly so I have the comic on a tab that ISNT  hidden from me, because my object permanence is not there when it comes to this stuff.
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wingsfreedom · 2 years
After watching Brotherhood and FMA 03 in a row, my biggest fave and peeve with 03:
Pros: Scar wasn't given a so called redemptive narrative and was portrayed in a less villainous light but still a realistic one. Winry's parents were executed by the military makes more sense.
Cons: what have they done to my boy Alex?
The 03 Homunculus take was very similar to how I imagined they could be before the reveal in Brotherhood, but I'm fine with it either way so I wouldn't say this is better or worse since it works fine for both seires.
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kochei0 · 7 months
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I turn to Ares.
Thanks to Tyler Miles Lockett who allowed me to draw inspiration from his ARES piece for page 2! Look at his etsy page it's SICK
⚔️ If you want to read some queer retelling of arturian legends have a look at my webtoon
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beepboopappreciation · 3 months
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Is this anything
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badolmen · 9 months
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christadeguchi · 9 days
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(✿◕‿◕) die (ꈍ ꒳ ꈍ✿)
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bluestonewings · 9 months
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ACES!!! Look at this Scientific American article!!! It makes me genuinely so happy to read. We’re making it!!!!
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abracadaze · 2 years
i feel so bad for nikola tesla like imagine spending years beefing with a guy who has conned the public into believing he's some sort of supergenius when in reality it's his overworked employees developing all of his world-changing inventions and you end up dying broke and starving and alone and then 100 years later another guy cons the public into believing he's some sort of supergenius when in reality it's his overworked employees developing all of his world-changing inventions and he's doing it all IN YOUR NAME. he must be rolling in his grave like a fucking rotisserie chicken
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balis77 · 1 year
Fun fact: Samus' zero suit is a bodysuit in more recent games instead of the tank-top she wore in older games because at this point, she's been spliced with so many species' DNA you really don't want to see what the rest of her skin looks like.
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fairydriver · 8 months
if you post an image in discord itll round the corners, but once you hit a certain smallness it rounds into a circle. so basically if you make an image that is 32x32 and you post it in discord itll go from this
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to this.
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so you basically can just draw a little face in mspaint or something and paste it into discord and itll look like a little emoji. you can potentially mess around with this a lot, its proportional to your image going smaller and it doesnt have to be a square either.
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hinamie · 1 month
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9 / 266
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icybreaths · 9 months
3 drafts (+ more mayhaps i need to dig through my likes)
8 asks
headcanon wips;
jewel's human history (bleachverse)
tweaking her bankai design + translating attacks
countless art wips, well over 100 these art hands don't quit
bunch of drabble wips. i wanna write an ohmygod long story but my brain farts about it and i end up drawing instead asdfdf
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