#and those wings T_T
meep-meep-richie · 4 months
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´´ I care desperately about what I do. ´´
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noxtivagus · 2 years
#🌙.rambles#[ ffvii. ]#back in the ff mood god the whole series rlly means so much to me#when i get to play ccr i'll cry 👍🏼#'those wings.. i want them too' :<<#'the price of freedom is steep'#I LOVE HIM.#i shld continue the og ff7#n then i really want to play intergrade but i don't have a fucking ps5 !!!!#i wna replay hard mode tho just for fun on ff7r ykyk#& like i remember very nearly getting 100% on everything in the game w all the extra stuff n achievements n wtvr but#i uninstalled at some point bcs i needed more space for something OR i think school. started again around then T_T#i loved that summer so much. finally finishing games like ffxv & kh3#playing sooo much fe3h & botw & acnh n. other games too#hehe. lovely memories#GOD I LOVE FFVII SO MUCH THOUGH#i think it's. extremely obvious the kind of characters i like holy shit#in ff there's#my fav in ffvii is undeniably zack. noctis ffxv's the loml (real)#ffviii i really like rinoa. she's my gf (real).#ffvi i have a very certain fondness for locke#ffix. hmmm i love garnet a lot but my fav is definitely kuja#ffx. yuna. definitely#ffxiv's. too much charas >< genuinely can't pick between alphinaud / emet-selch / hermes / aymeric#ffxiii hmmm i have a soft spot for hope ngl#wait i'm getting off-topic but#thinking of ffvii! i really really like zack#his eyes are the color of the sky. i really love ffvii's themes w wings n all. the sky.. :^)#dreams & honor & wishes.#my heart is so filled w love rn thinking of final fantasy hdfklasdj my home n comfort fr 🤍
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astrxealis · 2 years
i fc'd dance in the apocalypse right after gates of the abyss holy SHITTT
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cissyenthusiast010155 · 8 months
hey ha! saw requests are open so i take the chance and may request something also sorry for the english 👉🏿👈🏿 soooo the thing is im obsessed with lucifer from sandman in an unhealty way and there is this idea in my head that lives rentfree so luci saves f/reader that is trapped "in" a demon that shows them there bigges fear and all the things and people that they did something to they regret so we are crying and fearing but luci comes like " T_T...you shouldnt be here" grabs over our shoulder puts there wing protectiv around our back und guids us to the illusion that the demon is creating at a point where the illusion brings us to hesitate the next steps luci push us forward and be like the lightbringer angel they are and we are like 🥲🥲🥲 mhmhm thanks and fluff stuff
i know its kinda specific and its ok if your not up to this but want to drop here im a fan of your writhing so im looking forward to everything you post xD
so have a good one ans thanks for your time 🌚❤️
Hiiii anon!! Thank you for the request! It’s detailed, and I love that 🥰 I tried to follow your request as best as I could. Hope you Enjoy!! 💞💞
Shadow Shadow ~Soft!Lucifer Morningstar xGN!Reader
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Mommy… Master List
Requests & Prompt-List
Warnings: angst, happy ending fluff, demonic possession, crying, anxiety, implied anxiety attack, greatest fears, comforting, pet names, fluff ending, etc.
Enjoy (:
The dishes had piled up in your kitchen sink. They had been bothering you all day, so with a sigh, you got up and went over to address them. You started cleaning the dishes one by one…
Your ears perked up when you thought you heard the door move. You looked back at the kitchen door, but it hadn’t moved. Odd, you thought.
Suddenly, you felt something invade you.
The feeling was hard to explain… Your eyes rolled back and you started levitating off the ground slightly, as a sharp, yet un-uniform, non-physical shape pierced and entered you. You let out a strangled scream as you started to feel your body go numb. You were sucked into yourself, having no control over your body anymore, somebody else was now at the wheel.
Everything around you was dark. You could still vaguely see through your eyes, but you were being pulled into the darkness more and more.
Suddenly you were pulled into a memory filled with true fear and terror. You started to shake as you were forced to relive these twisted thoughts and memories. They were warped, having heightened fear and fright. You started crying, falling to the ground and shaking uncontrollably.
You didn’t know how long you were in those state, but you were cradling yourself on the ground, scared to death and sobbing uncontrollably.
Suddenly, you heard a voice, not one of your own.
“You should not be here…!” The booming voice exclaimed.
You then felt the invasion start to be pulled out of you.
The feeling was still hard to explain… Your eyes rolled back and you started levitating off the ground slightly, as a sharp, yet un-uniform, non-physical shape pierced you once more, but this time exiting you. You let out a strangled scream as you started to feel your body come back to you. You were sucked back out of your depths, having finally control over your body again, the somebody else at the wheel now gone.
When your vision came back to you, you saw a tall figure with strong wings standing in front of you. You were still shaken and scared for your life. Your lip trembled and you immediately put your hands in front of your face to protect yourself.
“My name is Lucifer.” The large being spoke softly, bringing one of their wings around you, “What’s your name, little thing?”
The wing around you made you oddly calmer. You felt protected. And you felt like you could finally breathe.
“I… Y/N…” you whispered, wiping the tears away for your eyes.
Lucifer nodded slowly in understanding.
“That is a lovely name.” They cooe, “I am sorry that you had to experience that, my sweet…”
“What… W-what was that…?” You whispered.
Lucifer sighed.
“One of my more roudy demons who got away from me.” They admitted, “It won’t happen again. You need not worry.” They reassured you.
“No but what was that…?” Your voice trembled as you thought back to the horrific feeling that you had felt in every bone of your body for that time.
You winced and tears threatened to spill down your cheeks once more. Lucifer sighed in sympathy.
“You see, Demons like to thrive off of the human mind… And this demon specialized in fear” They explained gently, “So the demon pulled out your biggest fears to feed off of and survive inside you. Humans call this possession.”
Tears began to flow down your face once more. You nodded at their words.
“It was so awful…” you choked out, your voice cracking.
Lucifer’s wings held you closer and their hand came behind you to rub your back.
“I know, little one…” they cooed lovingly, “But the demon is gone now. It will never bother you again.”
“Ok…” you whispered, looking up at the Lightbringer with watery eyes.
“Thank you” you choked out.
“Anytime, little one…” Lucifer gently spoke, “I’ll come back to check on you soon, alright…?”
You hiccuped and nodded. Then Lucifer left and you were back in your kitchen. With your dishes.
Lucifer Morningstar Masterlist
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rnjfy · 5 months
snow ducks — pjs.
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in which park jisung loved snow ducks, but he loved you more.
a/n: merry christmas to those who celebrate! i’m back after almost a year (LOL) to drop this jack frost!jisung au that’s been rotting in my drafts ever since he’d dyed his hair for glimo T_T
warning/s: f!reader x jisung, mild profanity (like one or two), not proofread, fluff & angst if you squint, jisung and reader are CLUELESS, insinuations of a rough past, jisung as jack frost (because this is a warning in and of itself)
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jisung couldn’t have imagined getting used to a life where no one knew his name. a life where everyone seemed to walk right through his body even when he was standing directly in front of them, his dark blue jacket hanging loosely on his body—bare feet feeling numb despite the cold concrete beneath them.
alas, he didn’t really have a choice. waking up to the man in the moon telling him that he was special? that’s what thrusted him into his new lifestyle.
“jack frost?” the curious tone of a short brown haired girl tore his attention away from his dwindling thoughts—she was staring cluelessly up at her father, who watched her from the family’s porch.
jisung huffs, a small smirk already pulling at his lips. he’s heard this conversation a thousand times, but he was always curious as to how each parent would spin the story and he in-turn was pleasantly surprised at the amount of different takes each parent would tell their kids.
the man clears his throat before repeating the same old folklore the people of the city had made up about the white haired boy, yet with a new-found twist. “if you stay outside too long, jack frost will come and freeze you up!”
this makes the teenage boy chuckle, his staff hanging freely on his fingertips. sure, he can cause a blizzard with just the touch of them thanks to the man in the moon, but even he wouldn’t do that to a little girl. though, his sharp eyes watches her gasp before she rushes up from her spot in front of their house, the snow beneath her feet crackles as she giggles into her dads arms.
jisung doesn’t know what makes his heart freeze, the lonely feeling he gets from the heartwarming family gesture—or the snowstorm he seems to be brewing over the city of pennsylvania.
“you were out again?”
jisung sighs. he didn’t want to be sitting through another one of the tooth fairy’s lectures and with this one being his third of the week, he could probably recite her lecture off the top of his head.
her wings were fluttering rapidly as her cheeks tinted pink with how frustrated she was with him. “you didn’t throw snowballs at a child’s head again did you?”
a laugh almost bubbles from his lips. almost.
“that was one time! and they had fun didn’t they?” the boy grins as he twirls the small snowflakes around in the air above his fingers. he watches as she relaxes a tiny bit, her wings still making the slight fluttering noise he’s learned to drown out. the green fairy sighs, tired from having to say the same thing over and over again to the michievous boy standing in front of her with absolutely no care in the world.
“don’t let north find out, okay? he’ll rip your head right off.” she ends her lecture short with a small murmur, which catches jisung off guard. her bright smile flashes at him before she’s whisked away by one of her many fairies.
being a guardian wasn’t always easy, he was a teenage boy for god’s sake and having to deal with everything a boy his age does on top of having to be a ‘role model’ for millions of kids out in the world—meant finding time for him to just be himself, the teenage jisung park, was a scarce opportunity. he knew the tooth fairy only meant well, they all did, even the easter bunny. but he felt like they didn’t understand. they didn’t know about the grip his past had on him, a past that he isn’t even fully aware about yet. they didn’t know that sometimes all he yearns for are answers to who he really is.
but despite all this, he picks up his staff with his gaze trailing over the hundreds of elves scattered across the north pole.
and the white haired boy is gone—with only a small snowflake left in his place.
over the years, jisung’s learned to ignore the ache in his chest that longs to search for the answers to the questions swirling in his head. instead, he enjoys walking in the silence of the night—the glow from sandman’s magic lights his path as he prods at the floor beneath him.
he welcomes the cold, the one thing that has brought him comfort over these last few years. watching the ice create beautiful shapes on the pavement strangely relaxes him as he hums a soft song he doesn’t remember, though his heart seems to recognize the familiar tune.
“great job, sandy.” jisung whispers into the dead of the night, watching proudly as the yellow sand sifts into each house he passes by.
the boy lifts himself into the air with little to no effort. he lets a chuckle slip past his lips as his fingers feel through the sandman’s ‘dream trail’ as he likes to call it. jisung has always admired him, his power to soothe children and provide them with heart warming dreams to keep their sleep from being distrupted.
on nights like this, cold and lonely ones, he misses his home deeply. he knows it sounds ridiculous, to miss a home he doesn’t even remember, but he dreams that he had a family. one that would snuggle under one blanket on nights like this one—one that would wake each other up on christmas day because north or ‘santa’ had decided to pay them a visit.
he’s snapped out of his daydream though when he spots you sitting in front of your house. jisung’s never been one to keep track of time, but judging off the dream trail, he was pretty sure that it was late enough for no one to be out. you seemed to be busying yourself with something in the snow, so he takes this as his sign to drop down from the wires he’d been standing on previously.
“ducks?” he’s confused when he sees enough ducks made of snow sitting in a straight line, all of them nearly identical to each other.
his curious mind pushes him to wander towards your hunched figure, but something in him makes him cautious—almost like approaching you was a mistake.
jisung chooses to ignore the unfamiliar feeling, his feet making no marks in the snow as he squats next to you, his staff standing tall next to both of your figures.
his eyes linger on your face, the top of your head was covered in a black beanie with a pom pom sitting at the top. you were clad in your pajamas and a jacket—an outfit that kind of matched his—your cheeks and nose were both stained pink from the cold, but your eyes shimmered in happiness as you continued to make another duck.
“you kind of look like a ryan to me..?” he’s startled by the warmth in your voice, followed by the soft giggles that left your lips.
he could tell you were his age, something he oddly never encounters. he’s used to seeing toddlers running and playing around in the snow, so the weird feeling of familiarity settles in his chest as you put down the duck-making-contraption to blow some warmth into your hands.
you don’t seem to notice him, not like he expected you to, but it’s when you whisper something into the cold air that has him rooted to his place on the ground.
“i hope you still like ducks, ‘sung. i made too many for you to not like them anymore! happy birthday, wherever you are.”
and you disappear back into your house after picking up your contraption.
“how would she even know who i am?! i sure as hell don’t know who she is!” jisung was close to ripping the frosty white hair off his head and his feet were burning the solid floor of the north pole from the amount of pacing he’s been doing since he had gotten there an hour before all the elves had woken up and gotten to work.
north’s jaw ticks as he sighs for what felt like the millionth time that morning. “for the last time, jack, she probably means someone else! it’s not like you’re the only “jisung” in the world.”
the rest of the guardians bob their heads in aggreement, soft murmurs of their own comments all mesh into one—but jisung decides against them all. he felt a physical pull towards you, the shape of your face, the way you spoke and the way your eyes shone in the moonlight… all those things felt so familiar, but he was driving himself crazy as to why it all felt the way it did.
“i’m telling you. she knows who i am!”
he was frustrated. the feeling of familiarity in his chest was addicting and so very comforting. he wanted to know who you were—how you knew him—well, he was so sure that he was the “‘sung” you were talking about.
his heart was racing so loudly that it was pumping in his ears. the questions that were screaming at him made his head spin. it wasn’t like the helplessness he felt when he couldn’t remember his past. this… this was world’s apart from that.
despite it all, jisung’s pacing seems to slow to a stop before his eyes narrow into slits. the silence of a certain green fairy was enough for his mind to swirl with a couple thousand more questions.
his gaze hardens like the ice he’s able to create with his fingertips, “you know something.”
the phrase comes out bitter and demanding. something the younger boy has never used especially around any of the guardians. he watches as the fairy’s eyes dart to everything in the room except him, explanations spilling from her mouth.
“no i don’t! who said i did? was it one of my own? because there’s absolutely noooo way i know anything! nothing! nada! zer—“
the tooth fairy bites her lip as she watches jisung’s grip tighten on the wooden staff.
“park,” north’s voice is low, the warning clear in his tone. he loves jisung like he would love his own son if he had one, but he would not and will not tolerate him hurting any of the other guardians.
not like he could ever do that.
“you’re going to tell me what you know right now.” the frustration is evident in his voice. he was tired of being left in the dark—forced to fend for himself when that’s all he’s been doing for so long. too long.
the fairy fiddles with her fingers, her wings flapping at an even faster rate behind her. “i-i don’t know much. but—i have your teeth. f-from when you were just jisung park.”
the world seems to slow to a stop. jisung’s read about it happening in some books he found in the nooks and crannies of the north pole, but he hadn’t expected it to feel like it did.
he knew what that meant. she had once told him that all the teeth she had collected from each kid held a memory from their lives. the collection of memories all locked in the gold tube he used to gaze at with so much curiosity, the memories unlocked by one touch of his finger.
the silence was suffocating him—and suddenly he couldn’t breathe.
“jisung. you have to calm down.”
the worried gaze of the easter bunny somewhat helps him, though his rapid breaths were starting to be difficult on his lungs. hearing how something so crucial to figuring out his past, to figuring out who he is, was kept from him by someone he’s kept so close for the past few years seemed to be crushing him.
“y-you… you had the answers to my questions all this time… and you didn’t… you didn’t tell me?” heartbreak drips from his tone. all those nights he spent trying to shut out the loud thoughts in his head—all of which could’ve been solved if the tooth fairy had just told him what she just did.
“we wanted you to embrace who you are now, jack. you’re a guardian now, it doesn’t matter what happened in the past—“
“that’s not for you to decide!” his rough shout startles everyone in the room, even some of the elves. his eyes sting from the unshed tears he’s determined to keep from rolling down his cheeks.
“it wasn’t your right to take that from me. those are my memories, my past, my life!” jisung’s breathing hard now. the intensity of how painful this secret was overbearing. and the fact that everyone knew? not just the tooth fairy? that’s what hurt him most.
he scoffs, the grip on his staff tightening as he lifts his hood up above his head.
“i can’t believe any of you.” he ignores the way they all scramble after him, pleading for him to calm down—he needed to be somewhere else, anywhere else but in a room full of people who just shattered his already bruised heart.
you couldn’t stand the cold. you prefer to be out on a sunny and warm day than to play in the snow while simultaneously freezing to death.
so why were you standing out in the cold?
you wished you could say that you didn’t know. that somehow, the cold just brought you some source of comfort and that you couldn’t pinpoint the exact reason as to why. but you did know. you know that you’re out here because of a certain boy and how he always loved the snow. how he knew how to handle himself on ice, even when it was freezing and his teeth were chattering.
“y/n? come back inside, dear. it’s freezing!” the voice of your mother pulls you from your everlasting thoughts of the boy you loved, as it almost always did.
you turn to look at her and you see the pity in her eyes. you know she can tell whenever you start to get out of sorts over your best friend who went missing four years ago now. she’s seen the ducks left out, just like you do for every birthday that’s passed without him.
“i’ll be in in a minute, mom.” you smile, a genuine one, soaking in the cold for a little bit more when you hear your front door gently closing after a soft reply from your mom.
you hadn’t known what happened to your best friend, and he never got the justice you felt he deserved. but him disappearing without a trace seemed to scream ‘runaway!’ to the police, so his case was dropped, much to yours and your family’s devastation. you still remember the day you found out he disappeared like it was yesterday.
“where’s this boy at?” your irritated sigh is acxompanied with a white puff from your mouth, the cold atmosphere made your breath visible as your teeth chattered and your fingers trembled.
despite it all, you were there. waiting in front of the fountain of your town like you always do when winter starts.
‘hello! this is jisung, i don’t seem to have heard your call or—shit y/n cut that out! sorry uh… leave your message at the beep, okay bye!’
“damn it.” the frustration was settling in, your eyes gazing at the digital numbers taunting you on your phone. it’s almost been an hour since you were supposed to meet jisung here—either he had forgotten your plans, or he simply liked to torture you because he knew how much you hated the cold—and if it was the latter, you were certain you’d kill him.
your phone rings in your hands and you hurriedly pick up, expecting to hear your best friends deep voice scrambling with apologies.
“…honey? where are you? mrs. park just called to say that jisung’s gone missing…”
your life hasn’t been the same ever since. you never heard a peep from the boy—and even after a whole year of you texting his number, someone else eventually answered, regretfully telling you that they weren’t jisung, but an older lady named kira.
which was a weird experience, but your parents were glad that you had finally let go of texting your missing best friend. they knew you would take the news the hardest. you were head over heels for this boy, and seeing as how you both were attached at the hip—they were worried for how you’d cope.
and they’ve settled that you making ducks out of snow once a year seems to be the perfect way to cope for you.
“this is stupid,” you mutter, more to yourself than anyone in particular. you gaze at the perfectly lined up ducks. eighteen of them.
that’s how old jisung would’ve turned that year.
when your fingers start to feel numb, the cold air seeming to get even colder, you decide that maybe it’s time to head back inside. you glance one more time over at the eighteen ducks sitting neatly at the front of your porch. a small flicker in you hopes that one day, they somehow bring jisung home.
he didn’t know what he was doing here. after all that happened in the north pole, he just let the wind take him anywhere. his mind was too busy to figure out where he’d stay before returning back to the north pole when everything was sorted out in his mind and heart.
and that’s how he finds himself standing next to you. his hood is up and his tight grip on his staff causes you to let out a small shiver.
he can tell you’re feeling somber, your eyes weren’t as happy as they were when he first saw you and your gaze seemed to linger at nothing in particular.
he watches as you purse your lips before slowly heading back inside. jisung didn’t know who you were, but being next to you warmed his freezing heart with a sense of familiarity he hasn’t felt in so long.
“eighteen…” his soft mumble is heard by no one, he had counted the ducks you had lined up by your house.
he wonders why you had decided to make that many, but a small smile tugs at his lips when he uses his magic to create a small pile of snow around the ducks, forming a small fence around all of them.
jisung’s torn from his thoughts when he hears soft chatter coming from the inside of your house, his curiosity getting the better of him while he stands to steal a glance from your window.
“hey hon. do you want to pay jisung a visit?” an older man looks directly at you as he fixes his tie, your slightly smaller stature stands in front of him, clad in the same outfit he saw you standing in earlier—minus a set of blue gloves.
the mention of his name has him attempting to hear your conversation better. he strains to hear over his racing heart, but he hears you reply with a hesitant ‘sure’. even from where he’s standing, he can see the fear in your eyes. he doesn’t exactly know why they glisten with unshed tears and he looks away as your family gathers around you in a group hug. he felt like he was intruding an important family moment.
he’s not sure how much time has passed with how he was trying hard not to eavesdrop, but your front door suddenly nudges open, surprising him almost enough to drop his staff.
“you made a little fence?” jisung hears the grin on your mom’s face and he turns to you to find you staring at his little creation around your ducks.
your face is turned down into a frown, your hands clad in the blue gloves you were wearing the first time he saw you that day. “i didn’t.”
this seems to silence your parents as they watch you with curious eyes. you looked conflicted, almost as if you didn’t know whether or not you liked the fact that someone had added to your small creation.
“well… then maybe jack frost did it?”
jisung perks up at the mention of his name, (well his alter ego’s name, you could say) his jaw slacks at the playful tone your father had taken when talking about him. but your eyes immediately roll into the back of your head.
“yeah, whatever.” the last word was mumbled underneath your breath, but he heard it loud and clear. he couldn’t understand why you not believing in him hurt the most, even when he knew you didn’t just by the fact that you couldn’t see him.
he watches dejectedly as your family gets into your car, you taking the back seat while your family sit in the front. your head bobs to music that was probably playing on the radio, and all he could do is stand on your porch as your dad drives you all away.
“let me see my memories.” the tone he’s chosen to use wasn’t gentle, but it wasn’t harsh either.
jisung’s staring straight at the tooth fairy, who was in the middle of sorting out a problem with her baby fairies. she stills and purses her lips, looking at the teenage boy with red-rimmed eyes.
he’s had enough of the lies, tired of the way the rest of the guardians seem to think they can decide what he wants to do with who he is and the past that holds the answers to everything he had questioned the man in the moon ever since he had become jack frost.
“what happened, jisung?” her concern is waved off by the cold boy, the grip on his staff was tightening. “please, toothiana.”
his low whisper gets to her. he never calls her by her name unless things get too difiicult, for either of them. she could hear the pain hidden by his tough front, but she could tell that the boy was having an incredibly hard time.
“you’ve kept this from me for long enough. i’m tired of having to… look towards the moon and get no response every night for something i know is right here with you—!” his voice strains from the pain he’s trying so hard to hide from her.
the fairy sighs—conflicted by the care she holds for him and her duty to protect him. “…okay.”
jisung was fairly surprised by how quickly she agreed to him, but she wasn’t sure if she should even be allowing him to see his memories, strict rules from north was taunting her mind. but, with one more glance at jisung, she knows that she just doesn’t have the heart to keep it from him.
he watches silently as she flutters over to the hidden cases of teeth she had collected over the years, her fingers skimming over thousands of tabs—one shiny case slipping out into her awaiting hands.
“just… we’re here for you, jisung. okay? if you need us…” the fairy gently places the gold tube in his hands before leaving him alone to discover the memories lying in the gold case.
he wasn’t sure about what was preventing him from diving head first into his memories, but his gaze remained trained on the small image on the side of the tube, one that looked like his younger self. the silence he was left with seemed to scream at him to touch the white surface.
‘sung! jisung, where are you?!
he wanted to call out to the voice, tell them that he was right here and that he was doing just fine. he could hear the panic in the unfamiliar voice despite it being muffled and quiet.
being in this moment scared him more than anything ever has—he could have his memories in his hands right now and they were all at the touch of his fingertips. but the idea of it all overwhelmed him, pushing his heart to rage against his chest.
jisung… where did you go?
“i’m right here.” his whisper is heard by no one.
“that’s so stupid!” the room is filled with giggles as the boy attempts to flip whipped cream up from the back of his hand and into his mouth.
with a cute frown, “it is not! and it’s so possible.” jisung rolls his eyes, slapping his wrist and missing for the hundredth time.
this only causes the two kids to fall into even more fits of giggles, the whipped cream landing on the young boy’s forehead. he looked incredibly silly, but nothing could have prepared the younger girl for how adorable he looked, despite it all.
“shouldn’t you get going? or do you wanna stay over tonight?” she breaks the comfortable atmosphere with the tough question. the girl knew how sensitive the topic of jisung’s parents were, which is why she attempted to avoid it as much as she could. but it was late, and if he didn’t go home now, he would for sure be in trouble.
his deep sigh is what meets the soft question, and though he tries to hide behind a smile, she knew he was hurting.
“is it okay if i stay over?”
she never asks why, but that’s why jisung’s so lucky to have the girl sitting in front of him. his question is met by a soft nod from her, eliciting his lips to tug into a small smile.
“you’re the best.”
the sliver of a memory soothes one of jisung’s many curiosities. the small gold case he’s holding opened up one of his many lost memories, one that he knows was treasured by his younger self. the sight of the faceless girl haunts his mind as he imagines the memory over and over again. who was she to him?
“damn it,” jisung huffs when he feels frustrated tears sting at his eyes.
he could tell by the one memory he allowed himself to see—that the reason the guardians were hiding this from him, was because of the difficult past he was dealt with. he may not remember any of it, but slowly it was piecing itself together.
you hated this day. and with every year that passes, you’d wonder if it would ever get easier, but it never does. seeing your best friend’s name engraved on a tombstone was never an easy sight. it never failed to bring you to tears.
your parents would always carry a new boquet of hyacinths, jisung’s favorite flower according to you. the three of you would arrive at his grave, a different boquet already sitting at the feet of his tombstone.
you had your hands in your pockets and your gaze settled on the floor—so you didn’t notice a certain white haired boy who had settled himself on your porch.
“woah. what the hell?!” your loud voice seems to go ignored by your parents as they head into your house. your heart was racing at the sight of the unknown boy who seemed just as startled as you were.
jisung’s eyes are blown wide as he stares back at you, “y-you can see me…?”
you’re clutching at your jacket as you stare at him, bewildered. what the hell?
“yes i can see you, y-you freak! who the hell are you?!”
he stumbles as he picks up his staff, the hood resting on his head falls as he slowly steps off your porch. “shh, dude. you have to be quiet.”
jisung doesn’t know what he’s doing. he came here to get some piece of mind—and when your car came rolling up your driveway, he wasn’t expecting you to see him.
“you expect me to be quiet when you’re just mmf—!”
both of you are surprised when jisung surges forward and covers your mouth with his hand. you’re stunned at his action, his palm feeling cold as ice against your skin.
“no one else sees me. i don’t know why you do, though. so you have to shut up.” he’s quiet now, his eyes turning to your front door, trying to see if your parents were going to come out at any moment.
“who the hell are you?” your voice is slightly calm now, the boy stands sheepishly in front of you. his silence gives you a moment to look him over, a ridiculous wooden staff is sitting between his fingers—a blue hoodie clads his skinny figure and his feet were bare against the white snow covering your front yard.
“i’m—uh… jack..?” he watches, amused at how you seem to stare at him with disbelief.
“jack?” you whisper, your jaw unclenches as he nods at your question. an easy smile dancing on his lips.
he honestly has no idea what he’s doing. but he does know that he’s enjoying it.
“yeah! jack frost, ever heard of me?” he smiles lazily. it wasn’t everyday that he could introduce himself as the fairytale that he seems to have become over the past for years to anyone.
your frown is instant. jisung watched as your eyes danced across his face, taking in the familiarity of his older, colder features.
he expected anything. maybe a jaw drop. maybe a gasp, maybe even an eyebrow raise with some questioning as to whether or not he was serious.
what he didn’t expect though, was for your eyes to widen before your body crumpled to the ground.
the warmth of your bed is the first thing that you register when you wake from the strangest dream.
you’d seen jisung. you were sure of it. his hair was as white as snow, and he stared at you with not one hint of recognition—just mischief and a little disbelief at the idea of you seeing him.
“jack…” your murmur disturbed the silence of your bedroom. sitting up, your blanket fell off your shoulders. you were still in the clothes you wore to jisung’s grave, and the moonlight spilling into your room was the only source of light that illuminated your space.
confusion and sadness wraps itself around your heart as you try and shake the feelings that your dream had welcomed back into your head.
unbeknownst to you, frost begins to form on the corners of your closed window as a certain white haired boy perches himself on your roof—his grip on his wooden staff tightening at your quiet whisper.
he didn’t know who you were—not up until a few days ago, anyway. so why did a flash of recognition cross your eyes before you tumbled to the ground?
was that his confirmation that he was the jisung you were talking about? but how?
the jisung you knew was dead. and he was very much alive. albeit, invisible to everyone, but alive. except he wasn’t invisible to you.
the cold boy’s eyes wandered up to the moon, glaring at it as it seemed to be taunting him from above. how could he possibly have more questions now that he’d watched one memory from his stupid golden tooth capsule?
with one last huff (and a glance towards your now peaceful figure tucked away underneath your blanket), jisung stands—and lets the air take him far away from your house.
“jisung! don’t go so fast!”
giggles erupt into the air as jisung grips onto the girl’s arms, leading them both across the frozen water.
his smile was bright enough to light up the darkest of nights, watching as the girl struggles to balance herself on the slipper surface.
“you’re alright.” he murmurs to her, grinning as a splash of pink settles on her cheeks.
the girl shakes her head, her grip on his arms tightening as she feels their speed start to pick up once more. “i swear to God, park jisung, if we fall—“
“don’t worry, darling. i won’t ever let you fall.”
“jack?” the tooth fairy’s tentative voice cracks jisung’s concentration as he shuts the golden capsule shut.
she eyes him, watching as he buries what he felt by what he saw deep beneath his surface. he clears his throat before shoving the capsule into the pocket that rests on the bottom of his sweater.
“what’s up?”
her wings flutter furiously as she flies herself over to him. “are… are you alright?”
and the concern in her voice—pisses him off.
“yeah. never better.” jisung smiles at her, allowing his frustration to coat his words and drip off them.
he watches as she flinches at the harshness of his words, her mouth forming a slight pout, and guilt tugs at his heart. he sighs, trying to shake the frustration from his mind.
“i’m sorry.” he murmurs, turning away from the fairy to reel back his emotions. technically, it wasn’t her fault that the memory of the girl was flawed. so it wasn’t fair to the tooth fairy that he was taking his frustrations out on her.
she smiles slightly, reaching up to fluff his hair.
“i’m sorry too, jack.”
their eyes meet and he feels his resolve cracking just a tiny bit. he had always loved the tooth fairy in a sort of, sisterly kind of way, even when she’d piss him off a lot of the time.
she bites her lip, her wings fluttering as she brings herself back down to her feet.
“…did opening your tooth box help with anything?” she asks hesitantly, unsure of how he’d taken the weight of his past.
jisung swallows. his grip on the golden capsule tightens as he avoids her gaze.
“it… it actually raised a lot more questions.” he sighs, his jaw clenching as the image of the faceless girl forces its way back into his mind.
the tooth fairy frowns, watching him closely. “how so?”
“i haven’t actually fully opened it. i could only let myself see two memories,” she nods, listening intently as jisung runs his hand through his hair.
he bites his lip, a frown making its way onto his face before he continued, “both of which had this girl. we were inseparable, apparently. but in both memories her face is blurred.”
the green fairy sighs. “that does happen to some tooth boxes. either the memories are tampered with time, or they were simply memories that the child wanted to block out. but you did say that you and the girl seemed close? i wonder why younger you had wanted to block those memories out…”
jisung’s eyes fall closed, frustration swirling beneath his chest once more.
he’d taken his tooth box in hopes for answers. and yet here he stands, more and more questions filling his mind—and suffocating his peace.
“you’re here.”
your voice came out breathless, though you didn’t mean for it to be. jisung was sitting on your fence, snowflakes flying from his fingertips and his staff at his feet.
his eyes darted to your figure and his lips turned up into a grin. “hello to you too!”
your heart stutters in your chest. so it wasn’t a dream.
jisung grins when he hops off your fence to make his way to you. his staff hanging comfortably from his hands. there was a sense of familiarity that drew him to you, a weird feeling that oddly—reminded him of home.
“you, good lady, happen to be one of the only humans that can see me.” jisung smiles wider when he reaches to stand right in front of you. your neck cranes to look into his eyes, and it satisfies a small part of him that he chooses to ignore.
“good lady?” jisung laughs as you cringe, pushing the hood off his head.
“y’know, like good sir?” you roll your eyes as jisung nods his head to the pile of snow in front of the two of you.
your eyes widen as they finally register the sheer amount of ducks that have been spread across your yard. “what… the?”
jisung laughs and scratches the back of his neck as he watches your reaction carefully.
“i saw you that day. you were making ducks with that contraption of yours—figured it’d be a lot faster if i made them for you.”
you’re still staring at the snow ducks, all in different shapes and sizes, your voice having evaded your throat.
jisung shuffles on his feet, unsure of what to make of your silence. he flicks his fingers at the ducks and watches happily as they come to life.
“this is… this is awesome, jack.”
he stiffens at the name, but smiles nonetheless. you step forward to crouch closer to the ducks, laughing when some of them waddle around you. jisung grins, flicking his wrist to create even more magic with the snow that shoots from his fingertips.
your giggles fill the air as he makes snow glide through the air, before bursting into tiny snowflakes that glitter as the sunshine hits them.
the oddly familiar voice distracts the white haired boy, his fingers freezing in the air. you’re still distracted by the snowflakes when jisung feels for the tooth box in his pocket.
‘sung, where’d you go?
“i-i gotta go. i forgot i had some place to be.” he murmurs, tugging the hood of his hoodie back over his head.
your eyes linger on the little ducks all over your feet, “alright. when will i—?”
when you finally tear your eyes away from the snow, the icy boy is nowhere to be found.
i… i’m right here.
it was weirdly quiet. jisung felt like he was floating, which was definitely not something he was used to. his eyes were closed, and he couldn’t seem to peel them open.
“park jisung, i swear if you’re hiding just to scare me, i’m going to kill you!”
y/n. where were you? your voice sounded so far away.
it was cold. jisung felt the bite of the freezing winter air, but he didn’t feel the need to care at all.
“‘sung, seriously…” you sounded annoyed. but he was right there.
i’m here!
jisung was convinced that he was trapped in a dream. he couldn’t bring himself to open his eyes, or to reply to your annoyed cries.
then he heard your phone ring—a heartbroken gasp tumbles past your lips, and hurried footsteps fade farther and farther away from him.
y/n! i’m right here…
“y/n.” jisung gasps, the tooth box slipping from his fingers. the truth slams into him and brings him to his knees.
your last memory of him, was that he’d ditched you. the revelation wraps around his heart as tears push their way past his strong exterior.
for years he had longed to know who he had been before the man in the moon chose him to be a guardian. for years he longed for a family—one that knew him as park jisung and not as jack frost.
and now, the answers to his prayers were right there, within his reach.
“jack?” north’s deep voice brings him out of the haze he was drowning in.
tears were blurring his vision, but he stood, grabbing his staff before wiping them off with his sleeve. “i… i have a family.”
jisung’s soft voice brings a small smile onto north’s face. the rest of the guardians had been just that all their lives, guardians. jack—jisung, had been the only one who was turned into a guardian after a tragedy that had struck his life.
north had hoped to keep him in the dark for as long as possible, though he knew it was never going to end up that way. when jisung was first introduced as a guardian, he had been so clueless—so accepting of his fate as jack frost, that north had felt it’d been best to allow him to learn to love himself as jack frost, even if that meant not knowing who he was as park jisung.
he had, obviously, been wrong.
“go, ji.”
jisung’s sobs (embarrassingly) get louder, surging forward to wrap his arms around north.
“thank you, north.”
something told jisung that you weren’t home. even though he passed by, eyeing the car that sat in your driveway.
the cold winter air was leading him some place else. some place closer to the girl that seemed to feel more and more like home.
“i miss you, ‘sung.”
your lonely whisper just manages to reach his ears as he slows to a stop a couple feet away from where you sat.
his eyes wandered past your seated figure, slowly taking in where the wind had taken him.
a frozen over lake. one that he knew quite well.
it was cold. jisung felt the bite of the freezing winter air, but he didn’t feel the need to care at all.
“where’d you go, ‘sung?” your heartbroken whisper echoes through the empty lake once more, and urges jisung to move closer to you.
“i’m right here.”
you’re startled—your head whips towards his figure before you’re up on your feet. you’re frowning at him, but all he can do is smile warmly back at you.
“jack? what are you—“
he moves forward, flicking his wrists to form makeshift ice skates on your feet. jisung has no idea what he’s doing, but he moves swiftly and hurriedly—transferring the two of you onto the frozen lake.
“jack!” your gasp is full of fear, your hands gripping onto his forearms as jisung glides the two of you across the frozen water.
“i’m so sorry it took me this long to remember you. to remember us, y/n.” jisung’s murmur is quiet, the cold winter air suddenly heats as your eyes find his despite the fear of falling.
it takes a second, but the truth hits you just as hard as it had him a couple hours before.
park jisung was in front of you. his brown hair hair was swapped with strands that were white as snow, his eyes were blue instead of their usual dark brown and his feet were bare—but there was no doubting the sweet smile that etched itself onto his lips and the dimples that came with it.
your whisper is breathless once more, and the smile that curves jisung’s lips could not be sweeter.
“hi, darling.”
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14dayswithyou · 1 year
Teo being a nepo baby is so hot; do you have any info on his parents? (Not mha au no, just about normal them :3). Gotta meet my in-laws before I fight them for neglecting my husband.
His father, Cristian, is the CEO of multiple research companies, one of the main sponsors for the NA University, and owns a few of the more luxurious properties in Corland Bay.
His mother, Kaori is a wealthy heiress and councilwoman, and is very close friends with the current mayor of Corland Bay.
Kaori also had an adoptive sister, but she passed away in a car accident alongside her fiancé. Losing someone so close to her was also part of the reason why she didn't want to give Teo any siblings.
His parents met in Aukland and instantly felt a spark, though they ignored it due to their busy schedules. But they ultimately kept bumping into each other in random tourist attractions, so they took it as a sign and finally became an item.
They also both had Teo out of wedlock, but shortly got married for his sake. And for the longest time, Teo believed the only reason his parents were still together was because of him. (it also influenced his beliefs on commitment and being tied down in a relationship)
Teo's parents often left the household staff in charge of taking care of him because they didn't have time to do it themselves. The head maid, a woman in her late 40's eventually took over as the role of his nanny, and is one of the very few people whom Teo has a soft spot for.
Kaori never saw Teo's rebellion as a cry for attention, and always blamed it on the household staff for bringing him up that way.
Cristian, however, did take notice of it, but assumed it was because Teo often felt coddled by his parents. So he had the entire right wing of the manor remodelled so Teo could have his own personal space.
Teo started bringing people home for... y'know... those reasons in an attempt to spite his parents, but they genuinely did not notice. He tried to ramp it up by blowing a hole in his wallet and staying out partying for weeks, but all his parents would do is look up from their phones and ask if he was hungry and wanted dinner to be served early.
Now that I think about it... fake marriage/relationship trope would 100% be up Teo's alley T_T He's definitely the type to use you by pretending to be his spouse in order to get some kind of reaction from his parents.
Overall I rate his family a solid -20000/10 and Teo a solid -5/10!! His nanny is the MVP though... I love her
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soverane · 3 months
have you seen the arlecchino ult leak posted just now and how do we feel abt arlenora now
[genshin leaks ahead!]
[sobs, falls at your feet, weeping, wailing, curls into a ball] hi meadows!!! <3 i was having a field day... i didn't know what to expect with her leaks but the parallels with signora as well as signora's own theme in her boss battle phase 1 ost leak was not on my 2024 bingo card but here we are...! omfg i am devastated in the best possible way... i'm gonna try to collect my thoughts here...
arlecchino's constellation, "ignis purgatorius"
it means "cleansing" or "purifying fire", and this is interesting bc signora (then rosalyne) "sacrificed her [physical, mortal] body to become the embodiment of liquid fire herself." i'm not sure what being the "embodiment of liquid fire" really entails for signora but the crimson witch of flames and the pale flame (specifically the flower, "stainless bloom") artifact sets tell us that rosalyne was a living being who still looked human, but whose essence is made up of "liquid fire." that, and her newfound purpose is to aid the tsaritsa in "cleansing" the world of its darkness and corruption. (the shivada jade gemstone description is my tsarlyne roman empire but that's a ship for another day <3) idk why arlecchino's constellation is so conceptually similar to signora's whole "liquid fire," "cleanse the world in silent ice" schtick, but it is giving me brain rot, so, yes.
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arlecchino's boss form
her splash art complements signora's so much it's driving us all insane!!!!! i saw a video leak of her boss gameplay and it seems her 'wings' (?) resemble spider legs more actually! she uses them to walk, among other things. i wonder where this is going! but ok, sure! bug yuri <3 spider x moth yuri <3
arlecchino's boss battle phase 1 ost
of all the leaked content it's her ost that did it for me. towards the end of the track (2:19-2:30) WE HEAR SIGNORA'S THEME. I KNOW HER THEME BY HEART CHRYSALIS SUSPIRII AND SALTATIO FAVILLAE ARE FOREVER IMPRINTED IN MY BRAIN. I KNOW HER THEME WHEN I HEAR IT. so why!?!? what is her theme doing in arlecchino's phase 1 ost, and what does this mean! T_T what was the reason!!!! why would they do this to me!!!!! i'm not ok!!! if there's one thing i know about genshin's music team and lore team it's that the smallest details are not put there without intention, so i'm curious about the inspiration for arlecchino's ost and why it includes elements of signora's theme. the boss battle ost's of childe and scaramouche don't have signora's theme at all, so what makes arlecchino's different?
for those less familiar with signora's theme (there is a fatui theme, which is recurrent throughout all their ost's, and then you have each harbinger's individual themes unique to them only.), you can hear it in chrysalis suspirii between 2:08-2:32 (imo the saddest, most beautifully haunting, most romantic version of it) and in saltatio favillae between 1:16-2:24 (imo the most dramatic, phantom-of-the-opera-esque version of it). there's just... so much grief and tragedy in her theme that i've never heard in the other harbingers'. elogia cinerosa also shares this leitmotif between 2:11-2:43, and it's this version of signora's theme that's heard in arlecchino's phase 1 ost.
someone on twitter made a very cool music analysis of this if anyone's interested!
anyway arlenora isn't beating the moth to flame allegations, they're not beating the secret affair allegations, nor the doomed lovers allegations.
now how do we feel about the fact that arlecchino has an agreement with the tsaritsa that lets her use the hydro gnosis for her own interests before surrendering it to the tsaritsa, and how do we feel about arlecchino possibly using the hydro gnosis to resurrect signora :D
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chevvy-yates · 10 months
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[NC_RES]_00002731 mercs_Steyr_Scharfenberg_006_WA_KBKI.file ///core:_stuck_on_u.file\\\
⚠️ READ: Please do not repost/reupload any of my art here or to any other platform, or I will be forced to do anything to get it annihilated.
Please do not repost any of my art. Carrying pose by @pinkyjulien. <3
OK. T_T sobs in happiness
More thoughts I gotta write down beneath the cut for those who are interested.
Vijay knows no boundaries and just jumps onto Ryder from behind and someone took a pic in the right moment (I did). Ry is comfortable with V still close to him, but he's trying not to lose his smile here entirely because he concentrates on the sudden 6'4'' tall weight on him. x)
I think you get why I call this brotp 'Stuck on you' — Vijay basically declared it this way. V is like the angel on your shoulder, he watches over Ry.* He was there for Ryder right from the start, listened and supported him, got him out of he darkness besides giving him a new identity before they even got to be friends. Yes, there was a long pause — both needed — but after that you're not able to separate them ever again, not as lovers but as best friends and both are happy with it because a real good friendship can be so much better than a relationship. <3
It's a bit funny to me you know? And I'm laughing at this very moment about it as well.
Because here was I believing Vijay to be my main oc before I created Ryder — with the intention to give V a boyfriend and a support character for team Jackie and V. But it all came differently bc I stumbled over pretty Arki along the way (and I love to what it turned out by now).
And where am I now? I realized half a year ago, that Ryder is my main guy and Vijay his support. Without him there literally would be no Ryder. I mean it! Seriously. If they hadn't met, Ryder would be gone given his low self-esteem and depression when I reflect my written back story about him. Let that sink in.
*Sidenote: the moment I wrote this I scrolled up, looked at the pic for another moment and noticed that with a bit imagination the holo cherry blossom tree behind them could be a form of wings. <- me again, doing pics with no idea finding/seeing things only later.
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adventuringblind · 2 months
Speaking of ghoulverse, will you post a max verstappen ghoulverse headcanons?
Ghoulverse Headcanons: Max
(Sorry this took me a million years to get to! I kept waiting because I had so much going on T_T)
Max has a lot to him so fair warning that this is going to be long and maybe confusing in some areas if you have no prior knowledge.
search maxverstappen.ghoulverse or ghoulverse on my page if you want to learn more!
Reminder that the central plot point is that ghouls eat humans. This is inherently gory and violent.
HC's under the cut!
Max is in the royal bloodline
Because demon prince Max sounded hot so I made it a thing.
The royal bloodline has a few specific things that are unique to them
Wings and crowned horns being two of them.
He's got this dragon look going for him and has scales that cover anything that's not inherently human looking.
Total there are eight horns, four on each side and all varying in size and shape.
Basically compensating for the lack of a real crown by his horns looking like one.
He will purr if the back left one is scratched
Basically these massive dragon looking wings can ac as a blanket.
Elongated canines, dark eyes, and pointed ears are something all ghouls have.
There are references in his tag and I'm to lazy to link everything.
Again, royal ghouls get to do cool shit
As in, biting someone like a vampire will turn them into a ghoul
Le king of the ghouls gets the cool jedi mind tricks and can hypnotize humans.
Max would inherit this ability and has a very weak version of it already
Also - I mean - he can fly
So that's cool
As a mate:
doesn't like using his status but will if it means keeping you safe.
Provider and protector at heart.
Ghoul mate would be easiest because there wouldn't be any ahem changes.
Human mate would be turned ghoul because there isn't a way around it.
If a partner didn't want that then he wouldn't do it
When he hits those things that I still don't have a name for, expect lots of either sappy love making or the most inhuman pace.
There is no in-between.
His mood swings during those are also extreme and he'll vent a lot.
He's actually just a crow and brings his partner weird things he finds on people while out hunting as tokens of his affection.
And you know - also food.
Max will always be a provider FIRST.
But he'd also prefer not to hunt if he can manage it.
He wants humans and ghouls to find a balance and work together and won't jeopardize that if possible.
Sometimes though, desperate times call for desperate measures and he has to look elsewhere.
He's also protective and will not hesitate to protect a human mate by decorating them with his own horns.
Also his scales when they fall out.
He used to put them under his pillow thinking he would get money for them.
Has the stamina to go for AGES
On the off chance he has come back from hunting... he's gonna be riled up
Won't wash
needs sex
Apologizes and cleans everything up after
Somebody hit on his partner?
Yeah, best believe they will be smelling like him and sex for DAYS.
Growly possessive boy.
He just needs lots of love okay?
eventually when Max takes the crown, he trusts his partner to be his second and help him keep the world in one piece.
He also trusts her to keep the younger of the tribe out of trouble.
cough Oscar and Lando cough
Tribe will always mean more to him then blood
He's loyal and once his trust is earned, it's hard to lose.
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ssseriema · 1 year
hi!!i super love your art and how u draw poses its so dynamic and so full of life!!! so i was wonderin if u could show us ur art process or something like that regarding how u draw poses/anatomy /nf
aahhh T_T this is one of those questions ive always had trouble answering but ill do my best, thank you for your kind comments!!!
so. the reason why i have trouble explaining my process is that i just kind of wing most things and if they look wrong to me ill correct them. however thats not very helpful. so these are the things i keep in mind while doing that
a) line of action
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the reason why sometimes my drawings of a character just standing there look stilted is that theres no defined or fluid line of action. you can pull it as tight or as slight as you want, but as long as you can see some sort of flow in the character's pose it helps a little with giving them personality and dynamic. theres lots of ways to give a line of action meaning, so if youre having trouble with a sketch, try drawing a line over it and see if theres any way you can make its movement more natural
b) anatomy time
heres where i struggled for a long time T_T anatomy's hard bro, sometimes its still tough to grasp T_T but what helped me out a ton was gesture drawing exercises! during the pandemic this studio called croquis cafe made its library of gesture drawing exercises public (heres an example, warning for blurred out nudity ig?). unfortunately its not out there anymore, but the idea was looking at a nude model and trying to draw them in 30 second, 1 minute, or 5 minute lapses per pose. this essentially helped me get a grasp of anatomy, proportions, and gesture all at once. theres a lot of cool tutorials on it, and a lot of stock reference photos you could use with a timer, but also pls remember this is a method that worked for me and it may not be the best way for everyone else!
what ill use as guides in my initial sketches are more like rectangles and blobs rather than a skeleton just cuz i find those more helpful for the fluidity of the drawing overall, but feel free to sketch out and use whatever. no worries if you have to change the pose and start over if you dont like what youre seeing, and looking at art and cartoons can help you figuring it out too
keep in mind proportions cuz those can be tricky. like ill generally try to keep the joint of the arm at the level of the waist, and also if you ever have doubts, look at a reference image, trace over it if necessary, hell you can make yourself the reference image if you cant find what youre looking for. its so helpful and its saved me so many times ;w;w;w;
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sorry for the long rant, i know this advice isnt super unique but its how ive managed so far. if you have any more questions feel free to leave them in my inbox or message me :)
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doctorsiren · 27 days
delicious, finally some good fricken food (your art in general, as well as your winged lawyers and split Phoenix and Miles AUs) /genuine
Your style is so gooood I love it keep up the good work :0 (but take breaks as you need them, of course. As an anon who does art, burnout and art block suck T_T)
Hehe thank youuuu 😁😁
I’ve never experienced art block or burnout that’s lasted more than say, like, a day? But I think it’s because there’s always so much going on in my brain and the ADHD makes it hard to focus on those ?? Idk how to describe it
Because sometimes I’ll just not be in the mood to draw, so I’ll do other creative things like music or writing, or I might play video games or watch a movie
But sometimes I want to draw, but idk what to draw and that usually results in me doing doodle pages or redrawing old art or asking for suggestions on tumblr
Lmao even when I needed to wear a wrist brace at the end of last summer, I figured out how to draw with it on because nothing can stop my silly
I mean, it’s probably not the best way to go about things but I genuinely just always want to create and want to draw and I’m not sure why those things don’t affect me the same way I’ve seen and heard it affect other artists, but I am very thankful that they don’t
Art is my break haha but when I do have projects, I make sure to know when to work and when to not
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twilightknight17 · 2 months
This time on P3R: Get in the car. We’re going to war. Atlus is just personally attacking me now.
(I’m half-joking. Probably.)
It’s the first day of December, and Ryoji was absent today. But I got a text from him after school asking me to meet him in the music room.
Specifically using the phrase “I need to see you right now.”
He’s sitting at the piano when we get there, by himself. Something is clearly wrong.
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Don’t apologize. You’re important to me.
He’s not even sure what he wants to say. So he just thanks Minato for spending time with him, because he’s learned so many new things and got to experience so much, like the trip to Kyoto and just hanging out with everyone.
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...oh. He learned to play the piano. For Minato.
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Let’s do it let’s play together let’s play a duet asdfjkl;
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We don’t have another time! T_T
He says that seeing the couples in Kyoto and spending time at the dorm has helped him understand what it means to build real connections with other people. They help each other overcome challenges and keep each other going. And they understand each other.
It’s… sweet, knowing what he is. He’s trying so hard to understand, and he likes people so much.
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……Atlus. ATLUS. What is this? WHAT IS THIS? I’m not allowed to date this boy and you put THIS dialogue in this game how much more blatant can you GET OH MY GOD.
Hello, TVTropes editors, it’s not a crack ship or ships that pass in the night after a line like that.
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Yes, I want to be more than friends, I love you, please, please, please, if I love you enough I can save yo--
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Fuuka comes in and says that she was passing through and heard someone playing a beautiful song, so she thought she’d come in and listen to the performance. Which. Did you just hover outside the door after he stopped playing so you could interrupt at the worst moment?
That was mean. I’m sorry, Fuuka. But seriously.
She asks who was playing. It was Ryoji. He’s right there, Fuuka, come on--
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Did my boyfriend launch himself out that window to escape this interaction? Oh my god.
I never should have taken my eyes off him.
I didn’t even really get to answer him. Those weren’t definitive answers.
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God. Fuck. Atlus, why. Why would you do this to me.
All I can do is go home, and spend my evening doing whatever.
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Ryoji’s still absent from school, and now Aigis is gone, too.
But there’s literally nothing I can do.
I guess I’ll go to my student council meeting.
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...Odagiri-kun, I know I’ve been neglecting your link. But – and I say this with as much respect as I can manage when I’m busy worrying about my boyfriend – it has been over six months. Just let this go, holy hell.
I’d rather not go home, but I guess I have to. After all, I need to get some sleep before the plot decides to go haywire.
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You’ve never woken up at midnight even once this entire month? God, I should have woken you up in Kyoto.
Also the fact that Aigis went after him without telling anyone else what was going on… no. We’re a team for a reason, Aigis!
But no. He’s “dangerous”. He’s her enemy.
He also doesn’t know what’s going on at this point.
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Shoutout to Atlus for the butterfly wings when she activates her powers. Thematically appropriate for the papillon heart. But look at his face! He doesn’t understand what’s happening, and you’re trying to kill him!
It triggers his memory, though.
Ryoji is the thirteenth Arcana Shadow: Death. And ten years ago, he was broken into thirteen pieces because of an incomplete awakening in the Kirijo labs. During a fight on the Moonlight Bridge against Aigis, a robot created specifically to destroy shadows, she couldn’t defeat or destroy him, so she sealed him into the only available vessel.
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So, y’all killed his whole family in your fight. Oof.
Aigis says she had no other choice but to seal Death in this kid. I guess when you’re 100% focused on your goal, it certainly would seem like that.
I am curious what happened to Minato after that. I’m surprised any of the remaining scientists didn’t snatch him up. Did Aigis just never mention what happened to Death?
Apparently not, because this poor kid was left to grow up alone, until his inevitable return to Iwatodai.
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...he looks like he’s in pain, now that he’s remembered.
Aigis comes at him, even though he tells her not to because he’s stronger than the first time they fought. He’s got all of his pieces now. He doesn’t want to hurt her. And he deflects her no problem with what I’m assuming is Moonless Gown. But she keeps trying, even activating Orgia Mode, until she can’t anymore.
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Fuuka had been scanning for Aigis, and SEES took off immediately when she found her, so now we’re arriving two minutes too late. Aigis is down, entirely shut off, and Ryoji is not doing well.
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You didn’t want any of this. It’s not your fault.
He tells SEES that the shadows exist to bring the rebirth of the “maternal being”, and that the Appriser exists to draw her to him and allow her to awaken.
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He explains that he was born ten years ago and sealed inside Minato, and that Minato returning to Iwatodai set all of this in motion.
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Junpei, he’s awake during the Dark Hour and won against Aigis. There’s clearly something going on here.
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...plus, listen to how sad he sounds.
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No wonder. An awakening will take it out of you, and he awakened to something stronger than most of us can comprehend. Minato also realizes that Ryoji was probably Pharos all along.
This would be a great opportunity to carry him home like a damsel, though. I’m gonna pretend that’s what happened, especially after the music room conversation. And I KNOW I’m gonna have to go to school tomorrow, but I’m also going to pretend I don’t have to.
But yeah. Seriously, Atlus? For real? All of that?
Just end me.
I need to go write fic or something.
They deserve to make out on a piano.
I’ll do the sad explanation next time.
(Also I’m gonna hit the image limit. X’D)
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noxtivagus · 2 years
#🌙.rambles#[ ffxiv. ]#spoilers#THIS MAN. HIM. HE. THE. HIS EFFECT ON ME. BRO. I HATE FFXIV FOR THIS#T_T from his curiosity to his empathy. bro SAME SAME SAME I RELATE#it hurts when i think of. yk how he erased his memory right#but... that's engraved in his soul. so with fandaniel. oh god fandaniel w amon is also so fucking good#hermes's story n character is such a tragedy! i love it so much! i love tragedies!#i really wna give him a hug. a warm long one.#listening to dynamis right now is making me emotional#i just. remember. his voice. talking to meteion. talking about the stars and wings and. under that night sky. and. those flowers#hope in your heart. happiness in your eyes. so gentle and kind#emet's probably still my top 1 fave chara of all time bcs there's smth just so special n painful about him that just means so much to me#but hermes is just. special. they're all special in their own way but hermes is like. i relate n connect w him so much type of special#w all the themes in his chara n his personality n all. more my type. mor similar to me. it gives me this sense of comfort#he wants to find meaning yeah. understand. find answers#i like sad charas so much bcs i relate to a certain depth of that pain n. i want to help them T_T#wait i'm about to cry. live just for the sake of living...#i love endwalker n the personifications of despair n hope.#hermes. endwalker. my heart aches so much#'it isnt right isnt it? it isnt right to turn away from the answer / even if the answer is pain...#even if we aberrations must scream ourselves hoarse to be heard...'#'hate / if that be your wont. but leave your suffering behind. lay down your burdens. be born anew. fly high. fly free.'#'it's just...the fact you are still here / in spite of your suffering / gives me heart.'#'then I wonder... am I the aberration for thinking thus? and I am filled with dread...' he. i cld cry just thinking abt him#i'll be free n happy so long as i stay true to myself. living in this whole special world. writing. thinking. loving freely#i'll find proper happiness if i just let myself be free from the inside. then i really can do everything i want while being kind to myself#even if it's lonely sometimes. i'm way above that. bcs i know i'm intelligent and kind deep down. and i'll live up to it#i have so much to say n write but i'll leave the rest in my notes bcs there's too much in my head
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jennyandvastraflint · 5 months
Xena Reactions S2Ep22! Last one for a bit as I vowed not to watch on until all my assignments are done by the middle of February... 😭
"Wouldn't that be cool?" "No" I LOVE THE CHILD AHAHA
I love his wings sjfjds
"And the power of five- six purebred stallions"
HESTIA!!!!! 😌 My aroace icon
Draco? The guy is still alive?
"Giving up the chance to love again"
"Love can be the most potent force"
Omg. Is that the episode where Gabrielle was SUPPOSED to fall for Xena overtly, and they had to rewrite it to Gabrielle falling in love with herself
uh... Did baby just hit Xena
YUCK. AAAH. The straight agenda invaded my show again....
"It's all part of her plan" Sghsdgk "I hope"
"We have to talk" fjjgdsdhks
Oh she was. But she's fighting it.
"It's not the plan I'm worried about, it's Xena" awwww
She just sat there nomming a banana... 😂
She's trying to talk him into being good
"Dress a man in my armour" uh oh
Hey maybe leave the Hestian Virgins tf ALONE
"Resist and he dies" Damn you doing me a favour?
Why do I feel like Xena dressed as one of them.
HAAAA I called it.
Joxer, shush.
Lil shit baby sjdhds
EW. NOPE. UMMMMM... Oh okay. They're arm wrestling... Okay
NOPE. NOOOO PLEASE DON'T. I hate these straight innuendos
I think Draco and Joxer should've done this... And Gabrielle and Xena.
Xena is bathing, hoping it'll help
"Joxer is full of good ideas." "No, I said Joxer" Ahdhshshhs
Xena is like tf. Nope.
"You can't be in love with Joxer! He's- JOXER!"
PLS this little shit kid shfhshs
"You can't want Gabrielle!" BECAUSE SHE'S XENA'S GF
Did she say POOKIE to Joxer 😭
Urgh... They captured Joxer again... He's the damsel in distress
"This love stuff is a real PAIN"
Gabby wanted to run into him
"Did I mention I'm a widow?" 😂
I'm in love with someone else. XENA
"I tell you, and Joxer's as good as-"sfhdhd
"Aphrodite?" NO VANITY
"What a guy" "... A prince"
"You would kill the woman you love?" "No. Would you?" AaaaaaaaHHH 👀🏳️‍🌈
This is a trick btw.
They run
Oh no. Did baby shoot the Hestian Virgins 😑
"Come back. We won't bite... hard" sdjdhd
"Dracooo?" T_T
I love Xena just fighting this bullshit.
"You better change yourself" says Xena who changed herself for Gabrielle
"It'd reflect badly on u"
"Only old people. Only men over 50? Livestock? Oooonly other looters"
I don't like love spells...
Joxer... No. Forget it... Ugh I mean I feel very slightly bad for him but like. Nah. Joxer. Get a grip please...
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estel-of-the-eyrie · 8 months
So I've not written anything LOTR in literal years at this point, but @emilybeemartin's Boromir Lives AU has given me THOUGHTS. (90% of those are He would make the BEST uncle and defacto parent figure T_T)
And especially after their excellent fic recommendation the other day ... I've begun work on a 10th Walker fic of my own hehe 👀
While I finish up the first chapter or so... here's a little sneak peek of the opening piece of Myths of Its Own:
Wren woke to screaming.
And not even the kind which followed – or even predated sometimes – a bar fight. This, blood-curdling terror. Nightmares vocalised.
The whistle of shrapnel and rapid machine gun fire on muddy Belgian battlefields and tommies falling between blood-red poppies-
Glass had been missing from the gaol’s windows for quite some time if the moss around the bars and overall damp were any indication. The cell itself was small, and she was the only one imprisoned there for now; a small mercy, she supposed. Nobody would witness her digging her nails into the warped wooden bedpost or scrambling to get a good look at the insurgents in the dark outside. 
She could make more of a fool of herself with peace of mind. 
Hoisting herself into position, slipping only slightly on that one troublesome bend on the wall, with aching arms she reached up to the window. Her breath caught in her throat and lodged there; choking on fear alone as she spotted them. Then came the siege of thoughts she’d been hiding for days stuck in the gaol, mind fuzzy and battling pain and reason to ground herself enough to even consider escaping. 
They’re dead and they won. We’re all screwed-
A piercing screech.
Where the bloody hell did that come from? It wasn’t human-sounding… 
Her eyes drew skyward. Aircraft? 
There’s a whoosh, a rush of … something. Nothing she can see but it’s enough to send her sprawling back across the floor. 
No… that can’t be possible. That sounded like wings. 
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theprophetsaid · 1 year
"I thought I would love to hear Freddie sing: 'My soul is painted like the wings of butterflies.' I thought: this is Freddie. And he's not going to write it for himself ... but I can write it for him. I wanted to put those words in his mouth." God... I thought this was what Brian was doing when he wrote for Freddie, but I didn't expect him to say it so plainly. I can't help but imagine Brian writing 'Save Me' because he felt Freddie needed a better outlet to grieve his breakup with Joe T_T
This is exactly the kind of things that convince me that their musical bond was unique and simply unmatched. Brian and Freddie didn't need to have an "established" writing partnership; Brian wrote Save Me because Freddie needed a song like that at the time. Freddie wrote Soul Brother because Brian needed it. Brian wrote this stunning butterfly lyric because he felt that Freddie had to sing that about himself at the time. Name a more beautiful connection. Name a deeper understanding. I'll wait.
send me asks if you're bored
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