#and to me it felt like she stayed with dean (longer than she should have) bc she didn't want to be a flake like her father
terrainofheartfelt · 1 year
in my studies I just finished Gilmore Girls 3x02 and it just hit me how...parallel Rory and Christopher are in their respective confrontations? Or like, Jess and Lorelai's respective responses? How Rory and Chris are both like "I don't want it to be this way" and Jess and Lorelai both saying "But it is"
I guess what really got me was how similar the rapid fire questions felt similar.
Are you still with Sherri? / yes / Is she still pregnant? / yes / Are you going to marry her? / yes / then, honey, we are where we are
did you call? / no / send a letter? / no / telegram? / no / smoke signal? / no.
it's just fucking me up a lil that's all.
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marvelfanfn2187a113 · 8 months
Bed Time
Team Free Will & Winchester little sister!reader
Requested by Anonymous
Synopsis: you have a bet going with your friends to see who can stay up the longest, but Team Free Will isn’t having it
Note: over a liter = like 3-4 cans
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36 hours.
That’s how long you’d been up, and you were prepared to double it if need be. You’d already beaten out half of your friend group, and you had a feeling the others would crack soon enough.
One of your friends—you were so delirious now that you couldn’t remember which one—had made the brilliant suggestion that all of your friends should try to see who could stay up the longest.
You were used to getting minimal amounts of sleep in your chaotic Winchester life, so you readily agreed.
But it wasn’t nearly as easy as you thought it would be.
The longer you stayed awake, the more you started to realize just how awful Sam must have felt when he had Lucifer keeping him from sleeping. And this was just you and your friends doing a stupid challenge; you couldn’t imagine how he must have felt.
Still, between the lack of sleep and horrible memories flooding back of your big brother in pain, this challenge was turning out to be awful. But still, you were stubborn; you wanted to win.
Fortunately for you, your brothers and your angel friend Castiel still hadn’t discovered what you were doing. You didn’t think they’d approve of this less-than-healthy bet.
It was getting harder to hide it from them as you found yourself chugging energy drinks to stay awake. You threw them away in your room so no one would see, but they weren’t idiots; you looked almost as tired as you felt.
“Are you feeling alright?”
Of course Sam would be the first one to call you out.
“I’m fine,” you said immediately.
“She has over a liter of Red Bull in her system,” Castiel spoke up. You glared at him.
“What?” Dean asked. “You cramming for a test or something, kid?”
“Even if you are,” Sam interrupted. “That isn’t good for you.”
“She hasn’t slept in thirty-seven hours and fourteen minutes,” Castiel added.
“Cas,” you groaned. “Seriously?”
“You what?” Dean demanded.
“That’s abnormal, is it not?” Castiel put in, confused.
“Yes, incredibly,” Sam huffed. “And unhealthy. Kid, what’s going on?”
“I’m not tired?” You suggested.
“Try again,” Dean said.
“Fine,” you sighed. “Me and my friends have a bet going to see who can stay up the longest.”
“Oh brother,” Dean huffed.
“Y/N, this isn’t healthy. You’ve gotta call it off.”
“But I’ve almost won!” You protested.
“Bed,” Dean demanded. “Go, now. Tell your friends the game is over.”
You groaned, and were just starting to turn around when your phone buzzed. You pulled it out, and a wide grin spread across your face.
“I won!” You cheered.
“Bed!” Dean ordered, snatching your phone from your hands. “Scoot!”
“I just have to tell my friends—“
“Sleep!” Sam added.
You slumped your shoulders and started for your room, calling over your shoulder.
“Can you text the group chat that I won?”
The boys response came in unison.
“Go to sleep!”
@nyotamalfoy @mrvlxgrl
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zepskies · 1 year
Never Say Goodbye - Bonus Track #3
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Pairing: Dean x Female Reader 
Summary: The first time you and Dean sensed each other’s thoughts and feelings, you were just kids. It would take years to realize that you both were bonded for life, and even longer to finally meet. [Soulmate AU] (18+)
AN: Aaand Part 3! I’ve so enjoyed this series. 
Word Count: 2,500 Tags/Warnings: Angst, hurt/comfort, cavity-inducing fluff
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Bonus Track #3: To Be Loved
Sam and Eileen stayed with Bobby while Dean brought you home. 
Jack had been blowing up his phone all day, and Dean knew he’d have to have to fill in your dad eventually. But right now, all he could think about was taking care of you.
You were quiet the entire car ride home. Your thoughts were a mess, and Dean could only glean so much. But he accompanied you into the bathroom while you showered, just to make sure you were all right. 
After you were dressed in soft pajamas, you finally spoke. 
“We should call my dad, let him know what…what happened,” you said. You tried to find your cell phone. You looked all over the apartment, but frowned when you realized you had no idea where your purse was. 
Dean approached and calmed your shaking hands, grounding you with his firm, but gentle touch. 
“Hey, take a breath, okay?” He guided you to sit down on the couch in the living room. 
“I remember…being at work,” you said with difficulty. “I touched that damn book.”
Dean nodded grimly. “It’s burnt to a crisp.”
You sighed. “What the hell am I going to tell Jerry?”
“I told him you were mugged, and the book got stolen in the process,” he said. 
You raised a brow. 
“And he bought that?” you asked incredulously. 
“He seemed to,” Dean said. “You might have to smooth things over, but for now, you can just chill here at home, okay? You don’t have to go anywhere, talk to anyone, until you’re up to it.”
He settled you on the couch with your favorite throw blanket. 
“You hungry?” he asked. “I can make us something…or better yet, let’s order in. What do you feel like?”
You were too preoccupied to answer. Dean sighed and sat down beside you on the couch. He could tell that your mind was racing, but he couldn’t pinpoint more than a few stray thoughts. You bit your lip and looked up at him with tears in your eyes. 
“She killed all those people…using me,” you choked out. “And I can’t even remember most of it…”
“We destroyed the tapes,” Dean said. Though he knew that wasn’t what you were getting at. “There’s an active investigation, but she mainly used magic. If there’s any fingerprints, your dad will take care of it.”
You gripped your head with both hands in dismay. 
“He shouldn’t have to break the law for me. This is insane…”
Dean scooted over so he could hold you, rubbing your back while you dissolved into tears. It all but broke his heart. 
Deciding you might be more comfortable in bed, he picked you up bridal style. You continued to keep your face covered as he carried you to bed. 
Dean then settled in himself, but you surprised him a bit by turning to him. You moved over to his side of the bed and buried your face into his neck. He wrapped his arms around you, shushing you gently and soothing a warm hand up and down your back.
I can’t stand it, Dean, you whispered in his mind through the bond. So many people died because of me, in a single day.
It’s not your fault, he replied. Someone would’ve touched the book eventually. 
You just don’t know that. 
“What I know is you’re alive. And I'm damn grateful,” Dean said out loud, soft in your ear.
You sucked in a breath at that. You pulled away, just enough to see his face. Despite the tears clinging to your lashes, making your eyes red and puffy, you still looked beautiful to him. 
Because he recognized you—the size and strength of your heart. You were crying for people you hadn’t known, over something you had no control over, and had only vague memories of. But he knew you still felt responsible for their deaths, just as Dean would have, if he were in your shoes.   
“I’m grateful for you,” you replied, sniffling and stroking his cheek. “I’m so sorry for all this.”
Dean shook his head and pressed a kiss to your forehead, followed closely by your lips. 
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The next day, Dean woke you with a kiss above your brow. 
“Morning, sleepyhead,” he said. He sat down the edge of the bed, already dressed in his usual jeans, undershirt and opened buttoned down ensemble. 
You smiled, until you spied the alarm clock on the nightstand and realized how late it was.
“I talked to Jerry, called you out of work on official police business,” he said, guessing at your thoughts. “Need your help tracking down the ‘mugger.’”
You gave a soft huff at that. “I don’t think that coverup is going to stick.”
Dean’s shrug was deceptive; he had already broken things down with Jack this morning, in painstaking detail, so that the murders of ten people likely wouldn’t be traced back to you. Jerry was, quite frankly, the least of his worries.
“It’s gonna be fine. I’ve got it all worked out,” he told you. “But are you hungry? Want some eggs, pancakes, bacon, or all three? Breakfast of champions.”
He rubbed his palms together with a grin, one you tried to match, despite being sleepy. Really, you still felt like total crap. But you appreciated the way he was trying to lift your spirits. 
“Whatever you want, baby,” you said, grabbing his hand, the one that held his mother’s ring. He looked down at you with a softer smile. He brought your hand up to his lips. 
“All right, beautiful. Breakfast of champions it is,” he said. You were able to smile a bit more as you watched him leave the bedroom.
Getting up was a monumental effort, but you made yourself do it, or you knew you would spend the entire day lying in bed and feeling sorry for yourself. 
Your guilt was still eating at you. You knew you could only try to move forward, like Sam and Dean used to have to do after a rough hunt. You tried to focus on one task, and the next, until you were dressed, freshened up, and sitting down across from Dean in the dining room, eating breakfast. 
But he picked up on the predictable course of your thoughts, most of them following the path of self-loathing. He took your hand across the table, which prompted you to look up at him from your eggs.
“You didn’t know the book was cursed,” he said. “Just because I’m retired from hunting, doesn’t mean this shit isn’t still out there.”
A fact that elicited his own guilt. 
That he got to have his normal life while other hunters scraped and struggled and died. You sensed his thoughts, and it broke you out of your own inner world. You squeezed his hand, feeling tears well up in your eyes. 
“You’ve earned this, Dean,” you said. “You’re finally living your life for you.”
He considered your hand in his. “That doesn’t make me selfish?”
“You deserve to be happy…even if I’ve been making that part difficult.” You wiped away the first couple of tears that broke down your cheeks when you remembered how angry you had been at him a few days ago. How selfish. “The fight we had, before all this started…”
Dean leaned over and brushed a lock of hair away from your eyes, along with a stray tear from your cheek. 
“Listen, whatever we were arguing about, it’s petty shit. Let’s just move on, okay?”
“It’s not petty,” you replied with a sniff. “You were right…about Jason. I shouldn’t have been out all night at his place.”
Dean was uncomfortably silent then, even though a part of him felt vindicated, deep down. It did also feel stupid now. 
“Look, I trust you,” he said.
“I know. But it’s still not fair to you,” you said with a sigh. “I know between my job, the wedding planning, and everything else, it doesn’t feel like we’ve actually been together for the past few months. I don’t want us to feel like that before, or after we get married.”
Dean folded his hands on the table. “Okay. So what do we do?”
You raised a brow at him. A teasing smile worked its way onto your face. 
“You’re letting me call the shots?” you asked. 
Dean noted that smile, spying a glimpse of your old self.
“Well, you generally do what you want anyway. So I figured I’d just tag along,” he remarked.
You pushed at his chest. “You’re not getting off that easily.” 
He grabbed that hand and held it. And he kissed the inside of your palm, then down your wrist. It was tender, languid, and sweet. Until the heat in his eyes made you blush, earning a smile from you.
“Come ‘ere,” he said. 
He tugged you over by your hand, and you got up, willingly being guided into his lap. Your free hand delved into his hair, nails scraping lightly against his scalp. He gave a pleased hum and tugged you down into a kiss. The heat of it made your toes curl as his hands molded to the curve of your ass. 
You held his face, pressing lingering kisses against his lips, along his jawline, down his neck…
Desire coursed through both of you, echoing through the soul bond in perfect symmetry. 
“I need you,” you whispered in his ear. 
Dean grinned against your neck. He slid an arm beneath your legs and around your back, and lifted you into the air, eliciting a squeal from you as he made a quick path to the bedroom.
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Three weeks later…
“Hun, you need to calm down,” Jo told you. She was stifling her laughter as she fixed the lay of your wedding gown. 
It was ten more minutes of waiting.
Ten more minutes, and you wouldn’t have your last name anymore. You would be a Winchester. 
Sweet Jesus, you were about to be an honest-to-God wife.  
“I need ice,” you said, trying to air out your underarms. “Someone blot me. I’m sweating like a whore in church.”
Jo resisted the urge to remind you that you were in a church. Or at least, in the women’s dressing room.
“You’re gonna be fine,” Eileen said in amusement. You made sure to turn to her when you replied, so she could read your lips. 
“I feel bloated.” You grimaced, rubbing your chest as if that would quell your sudden anxiety. Or was it Dean’s? You couldn’t tell anymore. 
“Or possibly heartburn. Maybe the breakfast burrito wasn’t a good idea.”
“What’s to be nervous about? He faced down a literal goddess for you,” Eileen replied with a smile. You gave a wry smile, even if that was a somewhat painful reminder. 
“I know. And no matter the words, it’s just not enough to describe how much I love him. But it’s just…” you took in a deep breath. “What if I’m stopping him from being who he’s supposed to be, you know?”
Both women had to know what you meant. They were still hunters. Eileen and Jo shared a glance, but it was Eileen who touched your hand. 
“When I met Sam, I thought I had my life figured out. I was on my way out of New York. I never meant to stay, let alone for six months,” she said. 
And you knew this story, but it still warmed your heart to hear it again. 
“We’re still figuring it out,” Eileen admitted. “But I see you and Dean, and it gives me hope. It makes me think I can still be myself without hunting…maybe even a better version.”
You teared up, like the emotional wreck you were, but Eileen and Jo immediately went to blot it away from your mascara. 
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You didn’t know that Dean was having a similar meltdown.
“Dude, quit fidgeting. You’re gonna be fine,” Sam said in amusement. He was fixing Dean’s cuffs, then the burgundy carnation pinned to his breast pocket.
“I don’t know if this monkey suit is fitting right,” Dean groused.
“It is,” Sam informed him. 
“Does it really need to be a flower,” Dean gestured at the pocket Sam was adjusting, along with the satin pocket square. 
“It does,” Sam once again informed him.
“I don’t know why. It’s not a fucking prom,” Dean muttered. 
Sam resisted the urge to laugh at his brother’s evident nervousness. “All right, just calm down.”
A knock sounded at the door to the men’s dressing room. In came Jack, popping his head in and asking if it was a good time.
“Perfect time,” Sam said, straightening his brother’s tie. “I’m going to check in with the ladies, see if they’re ready.”
Dean nodded, though his anxiousness grew to see him leave. Still, he welcomed Jack in to take a seat across from him on a wooden stool. Jack obliged, but first, he pulled out a flask from the inner pocket of his blazer. 
Dean raised a brow. “Whiskey?”
“You gotta ask?” Jack said. Dean grinned and took the flask, and then a sip. 
“The day I married my wife, I was much like you. Shittin’ my pants,” Jack said with a wry chuckle. Dean looked down, both embarrassed and amused.
“For me it was questions. So many questions,” Jack continued. “The world’s telling me this is it. This is the girl. But what does that mean…practically?”
Dean could relate to that. 
“You know what I found out?” Jack asked.
Dean looked up at him. “What?”
“The bond…it matters, but it doesn’t always make things easier either,” Jack said. “It just gives you a reason to be honest. To have someone you can be fully yourself with, no matter the repercussions. Someone who can be your true support system.”
“That sounds about right,” Dean said after a moment. Jack leaned across the divide to pat his shoulder. 
“After her mother died, I worried about my daughter every day,” he said, with some deeper emotion shining through his eyes. “I didn’t realize that she came up strong, stubborn, with her own ideas about the world and what she wanted from it.”
Dean nodded. That definitely sounded like you.
“We didn’t have the best start, you and I. But I see how you look after my girl. How you support each other,” he said. “I’m proud of you, son. Proud to call you that too.”
Dean’s throat constricted with unexpected emotion. On days like today, he really wished his dad could’ve lived to see this. 
But Dean was grateful to shake his father-in-law’s hand.
“Thank you, sir.”
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Dean stood alone at the altar inside the church sanctuary. But he wouldn’t be alone for long.
Five minutes.
His gaze roamed, finding Bobby and Ellen in the first row. The latter was already teared up, smiling with almost motherly pride. Even Bobby shot him a wink and a smile. 
Dean smiled back at them and took in a steadying breath. There was Jody Mills and her husband, some of your friends from work, and from school. There were other friends of his from the precinct. 
Then he noticed someone in the back—a lanky kid with shaggy brown hair and an attitude. Dean grinned when Jessie Deluca met him with a lazy salute.
He’d been dropping by the precinct lately. Dean had taken him out a few times for burgers and pizza and light conversation. 
You had even suggested that Bobby give him a part-time job after school, at the tow yard, and a safe place to stay when he needed it. So far, Jessie hadn’t taken Bobby up on that offer. Dean was working on it.  
But the fact that he’d accepted Dean’s offhand invitation to his wedding spoke volumes. He sent the kid a little salute back, along with his grin. 
And then the music started. A hush drew over the crowd, and even Jessie took a seat in one of the pews. The double doors opened in the back, and down the aisle came Sam and Eileen. She looked beautiful in her wine-red dress. Sam was tall and dapper in his light gray suit, contrasting Dean’s darker one. 
Jo was next, being escorted by one of your buddies from college, then your cousin Lily and her boyfriend. And finally, your father walked you down the aisle. 
Dean sucked in a subtle breath. He’d never seen the dress, of course, but it was beautiful. You were beautiful. 
The moment you reached out and took his hand, he could breathe again. 
And he knew then that he was ready…because this felt right. 
He later showed you the ring before he slipped it on your finger — engraved with an anti-possession star. You smiled up at him wryly. 
But then your smile became more genuine, more lovely. Your eyes shone bright with unshed tears. 
You held nothing back from the soul bond, and so Dean got a full picture of what it was to be loved. 
His eyes burned too. He hoped you were able to read his WiFi signals right back. Because just now, he wasn’t sure if his voice was going to cooperate with him.
The simple fact of it was, you were his girl. His person.
And that was something that couldn’t be broken.
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AN: I hope you enjoyed this more official epilogue to Never Say Goodbye! ❤️
It’s been so much fun to write this story. But let me know if there are any requests in this story-verse! I’d be happy to come back to it someday. 🥹
Keep Reading:
Ready for another bonus one-shot?
Read on: The Old-Fashioned Way You and Dean are having trouble trying to start a family. What happens when you turn to a spell for a possible solution?
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captainremmington-13 · 7 months
A Lady Made of Snow
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DISCLAIMER: I don’t own The Hunger Games franchise, the images above, The Ballad of Songbirds and Snakes, or any of the characters in this fic other than Bellova. I also do not condone the beliefs or actions of Coriolanus or Bellova.
SUMMARY: Coriolanus and Bellova argue yet again. But this time, there are consequences that change both of their lives forever.
⚠️Warnings⚠️: THIS IS A VERY DARK CHAPTER. It contains manipulation/gaslighting/brainwashing, cursing, violence, and misogynistic undertones
A/n: This chapter is from Coriolanus’s POV (still in third-person). The next chapter will recount these same events but from Bellova’s POV. Also, the part in all italics is a flashback.
Coriolanus had never felt better. 
He had secured his position as an apprentice Gamemaker, was flourishing at the University, had become the heir to the Plinth fortune, and no longer worried about going hungry or losing his home. 
He felt as if he was on top of the world. And he intended to stay that way, no matter what it took. 
Coriolanus sat in his office in the Citadel, adding the finishing touches on a report Dr. Gaul had assigned for his military strategies class. He was no longer afraid of her, and had come to admire her macabre ways. Violence and death was simply a part of life, after all. There was no use in being scared of it.
He glanced at the new monocle lying on a stack of books that “Ma” Plinth had gifted him that morning. It reminded him of Dean Highbottom. Normally, thinking of the old fool would irritate him, but now it made him smile. 
Rat poison truly did come in handy. 
Putting down his pen, he looked at his watch. Twelve o’clock. He figured now was a good time to pause his work to eat lunch. Now that he could afford to purchase anything he wanted whenever he wanted, buying food was never an issue.
He checked his reflection quickly in the silver mirror on his desk, and grabbed his leather satchel which contained a matching wallet. Just as he was about to stand up, someone knocked on the door. 
Now annoyed, he sunk back in his chair. “Come in. And don’t waste my time.”
In walked none other than Bellova Reginelle, donning a suspiciously wide smile. He immediately took in the blood-red dress she wore. It was a beautiful velvet garment that fell down to her ankles but had a daring slit in the side. The bodice made her figure look flawless, and the off-the-shoulder sleeves complimented her slender neck and shoulders. She wore matching gloves that went past her elbows, as well as a pair of tall black stilettos. 
In short, she looked like a threat. One that needed to be eliminated before it could cause trouble. 
Coriolanus simply gave her an indifferent look. “What brings you here?”
His old rival let out a short laugh. “Hello to you too.”
He rolled his eyes. “I said not to waste my time. Get to the point before I kick you out.” 
“Fine, fine,” Bellova said. She stood before his desk, looking down at him with a slightly smug expression that made Coriolanus grit his teeth in annoyance. “I have…a proposal for you.”
He smirked. “That’s odd, considering that you’ve spent the last few months avoiding me.”
She purses her lips, clearly trying not to roll her eyes. “I decided that wasn’t the best course of action. We’re not children anymore, Snow, being petty won’t get us anywhere. Instead of working against each other, maybe combining our power and influence would be more beneficial. For both of us.”
Coriolanus frowned. “So what exactly are you proposing?” 
Bellova inhaled sharply. “We should get married.”
He blinked. “Pardon?“
“It would be a politically intelligent move. With my connections in the Department of Justice and yours with Dr. Gaul and the Gamemakers, we could be unstoppable. Nobody would dare to cross us ever again. All we’d have to do is play pretend for the press, and we would have a chokehold on the entire Capitol.”
A beat of silence passed.
Then, Coriolanus laughed. It was a cold, condescending laugh, which grew louder at the sight of Bellova’s furious expression.
“You seriously thought I would consider marrying you? You truly are delusional.”
Bellova’s face hardened, contorting with rage. “Fine then,” she said slowly. “How about this: either agree to my proposal, or I won’t hesitate to ruin your life again.”
Coriolanus scoffed. “And how exactly would you do that?”
Bellova smiled cruelly. “I would tell every press outlet in the Capitol every awful thing I know about you. I would tell them that your asshole of a father stole the idea of the Hunger Games from Casca Highbottom just to impress Dr. Gaul. I would tell them how you murdered that tribute in cold blood the arena last year. I’d tell them that you sent Sejanus Plinth to his grave and used his parent’s grief to replace him as the heir to the Plinth fortune. And I would tell them how you murdered Dean Highbottom just last week. Did I miss anything?”
Coriolanus just looked at her, stunned. 
“Oh yes, how could I forget: I’d tell them that you fell in love with a district girl and cheated in the Games just to keep her alive-“
“I did not love Lucy Gray,” Coriolanus snarled.
Bellova sneered back. “You’re the worst liar I know, you should really learn the art of deception if you want to be a politician. What happened to your little songbird anyway? Did you kill her to keep her from spilling your secrets?”
Coriolanus felt his heart pound loudly in his chest. How she had discovered all of these things, he didn’t know. 
What he did know was that he had to ensure she never told a soul. 
His hand reached down to open one of his drawers. He had a feeling he may need what was inside.
Then he stood up, towering over her. “Nobody would believe any of that, especially coming from you.” 
Bellova blinked. “What’s that supposed to mean?”
“It means that you’re a conniving, overprivileged, pathetic little c-“
His insult was cut off by a sharp blow to the face. 
“How dare you speak to me that way?” Bellova screamed, her eyes glinting with pure hatred.
“I’ll speak to you however I fucking please,” Coriolanus sneered, walking around his desk to stand within a few feet of her. 
Bellova was too enraged to see what he slipped into his pocket.
“I’m going to murder you, Snow,” she seethed.
“That’s ironic, considering you came here with the intention of marrying me.” 
Apparently, that was enough to completely shatter her composure. 
Bellova started towards him, her perfectly manicured hands reaching out to wrap around his neck. As soon as she began to move, however, Coriolanus reached into his coat pocket, his palm wrapping around cold metal.
Coriolanus sat on a stool, waiting for Dr. Gaul to return. She had summoned him to her lab show him something she called “a leash in a bottle”. He didn’t have the slightest clue what that meant, but he supposed he was about to find out. 
The doctor reappeared, holding a metal box protected by a combination lock. Setting it down on the table in front of Coriolanus, she quickly entered the code and removed the lid.
Dr. Gaul reached her gloved hand into the box and retrieved a single syringe. It was slightly bigger than a normal one, and it was filled with a clear concoction.
“I’m very proud of this,” the doctor began, her eyes full of glee. “I have spent years trying to perfect it.”
Coriolanus nodded in acknowledgment. “What exactly does it do?“ he asked. 
Dr. Gaul grinned wickedly. “When injected into the neck of a human body, it quickly begins to alter the brain. It will decimate any hostile tendencies, replacing them with a docile and pliant nature. The injected person will also experience severe memory loss, but the doses can be altered to only erase certain things, such as this one here. After it has taken full effect, the injected can be molded into whatever the injector desires.”
Coriolanus stared at the syringe in awe. “That’s…incredible.”
The doctor beamed at him. “Thank you, my dear.” She put the syringe back in it’s box, and held it out to Coriolanus. “This one is for you. To use in your time of need.” 
Coriolanus took the box carefully. “Dr. Gaul,” he said. “With all due respect, why give this to me and not someone else?”
She chuckled lowly. “I have a feeling you’ll find the answer to that very soon.”
When Bellova’s hands were an inch away from his neck, Coriolanus shoved her, sending her stumbling backwards into the wall. Before she could lift her arms again, Coriolanus whipped the syringe out of his pocket. 
He used one hand to pin her to the wall, and grinned as her eyes widened in fear. 
“Snow, what the fuck are you doing-“
She cut herself off with a piercing scream as the needle of the syringe was plunged into her neck.
Coriolanus swiftly injected the serum, keeping his hold on Bellova tight to ensure she did not escape. When the dose was fully gone, he pulled out the needle and tossed the syringe to the side. He stepped back and let Bellova collapse to the floor, writing in agony. 
Her entire body was shaking, as if she was having a seizure. Somehow, she managed to climb onto all fours, letting out choked moans of pain. 
“Wh-What,” she gasped. “What are you doing to me?” 
Coriolanus crouched down in front of her, grabbing her by the chin firmly. “Finally shutting you up after all these years.”
“No!” Bellova squeezed her eyes shut, and tears began to roll down her face. Her arms soon gave out, leaving her to curl up in a ball on the cold tile floor again.
Coriolanus stood up, waiting for Bellova to stop convulsing. It took at least another couple minutes for her to go still. 
He leaned down again to inspect her. Her body seemed completely limp, her eyes were shut, and her breathing was steady once more. 
Then, her eyes shot open. Coriolanus watched intently. She looked dazed, and her grey eyes, which usually had a piercing nature to them, were wider and almost…innocent-looking. 
Bellova slowly sat up, shifting so that she sat back on her heels, her knees pressed against the tile. She looked up at him, her eyes full of nothing but naivety. 
“Hi Coryo,” she said, her tone so soft and sweet that Coriolanus had to refrain from gaping at her in shock. “I…I must have hit my head or something…why am I on the floor? What happened?“
Coriolanus’s mind raced to think of a proper lie. “You passed out due to dehydration and hit your head. You must be more careful.”
Bellova smiled brightly. “I will Coryo, I promise. I’m confused, though…who am I to you again? I can’t seem to recall.”
A deceivingly warm smile spread across his lips. “I’m your fiancé. We’re set to be married in the next couple years.”
“We are?” Bellova said, a look of awe on her face. 
Coriolanus laughed quietly. She looked so helpless, so gullible. “Yes, we are. You’re my future bride, how could you forget that?”
Bellova took his hand when he offered it to help her stand. She giggled, stumbling forward slightly and leaning her head against his chest. “I’m a lucky girl, aren’t I? I’m going to have the most handsome husband in the Capitol.”
Coriolanus stiffly embraced her, and felt her sigh happily against him. This seemed like a hallucination, like something that simply didn’t fit within the reality that he knew. 
All his life, he had harbored mixed feelings about Bellova. Sometimes he really enjoyed her company, other times he despised her more than anyone else. But after he realized that she’d been a driving factor in why he was convicted of cheating in the Games, he felt nothing but hate and contempt towards her. She was simply another Capitol brat. But she was an intelligent Capitol brat, one who possessed a mountain of damning information about him. 
Simply changing her personality into something more…agreeable instead of killing her was an act of mercy. 
Coriolanus allowed himself to smile. He quite liked this new version of her. She was like a toy, a mindless but pretty figurine that would bend to his every whim.  
She was no longer his rival or a threat to his career.
She was a puppet, and he held all of her strings.
✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊ ❆ ‧ ₊ ⊹˚✧ ‧˚₊
TAGLIST: @daenerysqueenofhearts, @squidscottjeans, @euphemiaamillais, @gracieroxzy, @effectwalker, @vxnilla-hxrddrugs, @mystargirl-interlude
Author’s Note: Thank you for reading! Please let me know what you think in the comments! I know this chapter took a very dark turn, I hope that you will continue reading to see what happens next!!!
Also, let me know if you want to be added to the tag list!
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pink-sparkly-witch · 1 year
The One That Got Away - Chapter Ten
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Warnings: tw: child abuse, tw: physical abuse, tw: verbal abuse, angst, heart-to-heart, language.
Word Count: 1.6k
Pairing: Firefighter!Dean Winchester x Female Reader
A/N: There are TRIGGER WARNINGS in this part - please heed these, and if you think you’ll be affected by any of them, please do not read.
You can catch up here!
 My Masterlist AO3    Ko-Fi
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Y/N and Dean danced delicately around the things they really should be discussing. They talked about their careers, the town gossip, and what they’d been up to for the past twelve years. She wiped down Dean’s kitchen, ignoring his protests, and now that the surfaces gleamed, Y/N felt the tension in the room rise. She couldn’t take much more of dodging the elephant in the room, it was driving her crazy, and she could feel her hackles rise the longer they stayed awkwardly quiet with each other.
It had never been like this between them before. Not even in the hospital had it been so electrically charged, and it terrified Y/N. She grabbed plates, cutlery, and pie and headed back to the dining table, where Dean quickly sliced and served them a piece of the sweet pastry treat. 
“So, uh, Bobby told me about your dad. I’m sorry, Y/N/N,” Dean spoke, breaking through the thickening tension. And there it was, the first elephant in the room. Y/N shrugged with indifference before she carefully responded.
“It is what it is. That man must’ve gone through five bottles of Jack a week, maybe more, for the past twenty years. It was bound to happen,” she finished and took a mouthful of pie.
“Have you seen him yet?” Dean asked, and she shook her head. “You gonna?” he prodded gently. Y/N shrugged again as she chewed the pie, responding after she swallowed.
“I know I should, I’ll probably regret it if I don’t, but there’s nothing that can be gained by me going there. According to Bobby, he doesn’t remember anything, so an apology or an explanation for what he did isn’t coming, so why bother? It’s not like I’ll get any closure from it,” Y/N shoved another piece of the pie in her mouth, and Dean studied her expression a little more before speaking again.
“So, it’s unlikely he remembers what he did to you?” Dean clarified, and she nodded. “But you won’t know for sure if you don’t see him. It might give you some peace or closure seeing him again even if he doesn’t remember-”
“I remember, Dean,” Y/N said a little louder than she intended. “I remember everything that happened when I was a kid, and anything that happens or is said or not said in that room will stay with me for the rest of my life, and he’ll get to remain blissfully ignorant of all of it. How’s that for closure?” she huffed.
“I just need a little more time to figure out what will be easier for me to live with. Will I be able to live with things the way they are now and happily never see him again? Can I face him knowing he’ll never apologise? Not even remember what he did?”
“I can’t imagine how hard this must be for you,” Dean said as he took her hand.
“Can you tell Bobby that?” Y/N scoffed a sad laugh. “He won’t get off my case. ‘Speak to your father,’ ‘speak to Dean,’ like it’s not hard enough coming back here after being away for so long and knowing I hurt people. He just expects everything to be fine, and I’ll slip back into the folds, be accepted, and fit in like the past decade never happened. It’s daunting, and I don’t know if I made the right choice coming back here, and I’m scared…”
“Okay, alright, stop and breathe,” Dean said as he gripped her shoulders. “First off, it’s your decision what you do about your father, alright? You hit the nail on the head, Princess. You, and only you, know what’s best for you, so you need to tell Bobby to back off and leave you be,” he smiled softly as she laughed, glad he could ease her worries just a little.
“Second, never doubt that you don’t fit in here. You do. It’s your home. The family you have here will always be your family. Blood or not. That won’t ever change. Were people hurt that you left? Yes, absolutely. But were any of them as hurt as you? No. Not even close. They were hurt because they didn’t know the extent of what was happening and felt like they’d failed you in every way.”
“I never told anyone, Dean. Only you,” she frowned, a slight look of accusation crossing her features.
“And I never told anyone, I swear to you. But, Princess, it was no secret your father was an alcoholic. It didn’t go unnoticed that there was some level of neglect. That you had to look after the both of you much younger than any kid should have to,” Dean said as he placed his thumb and forefinger on her chin and pushed gently to force her to meet his gaze.
“The bruises, cuts, broken bones,” Dean continued, “were mostly hidden, but more than once, mom asked about a black eye or the fingerprint bruises on your arms. The black eyes I explained away as your clumsiness,” he smiled softly at her sad laugh. “The bruises as you were probably putting your dad to bed,” Dean swiped the tears from her cheek that had fallen.
“And then, Bobby and Mom got letters telling them everything, and the guilt and hurt they had because they didn’t help you-”
“When I started school,” Y/N interrupted, “my father sat me down and said that if I told anyone about the drinking and the hitting, he’d be taken away, and I’d never see him again. And because I didn’t have a mother, I’d be taken far away from Uncle Bobby and you guys and be put in a foster home. I’d never see anyone I loved ever again. It’s why I didn’t tell anyone. Except you. And why I was so insistent that you didn’t tell anyone. That’s on me, not them.”
“It’s not on you, Y/N. Not telling anyone was the decision of a frightened little girl stuck between protecting herself and protecting her father. She did what she thought was right and tried to protect both of them. All she had to do was hold on and keep pretending ‘til she was old enough to get the hell outta Dodge. Well, Lawrence, technically, but you get what I mean!” Dean smiled at the soft chuckle she gave him.
“If it makes you uncomfortable, or it’s too soon, tell me, and it’s dropped,” Dean said and licked his lips. “Mom wants to reach out to you. She misses you. I do, too,” he finished as he gently took her hands again.
“I’ll call her, and maybe we can arrange something when I come off night shift rotation next week,” Y/N said quietly. “I miss her too,” she smiled sadly. “But I miss you the most, and that scares me.”
Dean saw the water pool in her eyes and frowned. He’d thought she might be overly guarded tonight, having not seen each other in so long, and that it’d take longer for her to put her armour down. She did have shields up, he could see them, but his Y/N, his girl, was cautiously peeking over them, just waiting to bring them down completely.
“What scares you, Princess? Me?” he asked, following her lead and lowering his guard slightly.
“God, not you! Never you, Dean. I’m scared of this. Us. You invited me here, said we needed to talk, and yeah, we’re talking, but not really about what we need to talk about. There’s this…” Y/N trailed off, hands gesturing wildly, trying to find the right words. “Vibe… this tension that is slapping me in the face, and quite honestly, I can’t figure out if you wanna kiss me or yell at me. And that scares me because there was a time when I could read you, cut through all the bullshit and get straight to the point.
“And yeah,” she continued before he could respond. “That’s my fault. Because I left, and it’s been a long time, and we’ve probably grown apart. Changed beyond the other’s recognition,” she finished and ran her hands down her face in frustration. 
Dean wasn’t sure what she was trying to say and couldn’t predict where this would go. Yes, they had both changed, but he wasn’t sure he’d changed as much as she had. He was proud of who she’d become. Everything from how she carried herself to how she spoke with more confidence than he’d ever heard from her astounded him. He couldn’t wait to get to know her all over again. The spark of physical attraction was still there for him. She was as beautiful as she’d always been. More beautiful. He also couldn’t deny that he thought her confidence was quite the turn on.
“Alright,” Dean said. “Let’s get the ball rolling. I read your letter. Mom gave it to me the day you met Jess. You thanked me for not asking you to stay?” he questioned.
“Yes. You probably saved both our lives that night,” Y/N smiled sadly.
“Princess…” Dean whispered, and she shook her head, cutting him off.
“You might not realise this, but I know you. I know you better than you know yourself. My father would’ve gone too far again, and you’d have killed him. And because you’re a good man, you’d have turned yourself in,” she said as she touched his cheek, caressing his jaw with her thumb.
Dean’s lips tightened, and he nodded once, confirming that was precisely what he’d have done.
“So, tell me, Dean,” Y/N said. “What are we doing here? What do you really want?”
Next Chapter >>
Tag list: @deans-baby-momma @deans-spinster-witch @leigh70 @stoneyggirl2 @hobby27 @candy-coated-misery0731 @iprobablyshipit91 @twinkleinadiamondsky @mrsjenniferwinchester @spnwoman @snackles87 @perpetualabsurdity @hoboal87 @synmorite @nancymcl @trannydean @nic-kolas @jc-winchester @winchestergirl1720 @globetrotter28 @nelachu2423 @kayleighmeister @venicesem @ladysparkles78 @roseblue373 @suckitands33 @tristanrosspada-ackles @silentbutscreaming @lacilou @sandlee44 @kmc1989 @chriszgirl92 @ashbatz @k-slla @jamerlynn @kazsrm67 @waters-2567 @spnbaby-67
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of-many-fandomss · 2 years
How are ya?
How's 2023 treatin ya so far?
I hope it's goin better than mine lol 😅
I'd do anything for some protective Dean Winchester rn😭
Idk just, like, reader getting hurt/in danger/threatened or something and him just going, like, feral to protect her, yknow?
Because she is the love of his life and he'll do everything in his power to protect her and keep her safe. Idk man i just love that idea.
It could maybe be how they both figure out that they should be together romantically, or it could already be an established relationship. Whichever.
If some of this don't sit right with ya, or none of it🤷‍♀️, then feel free to ignore me, kay?
Hey there! I’m doing good! I hope everything gets better for you soon!! :)
The fury that slammed into Deans body was enough to make a normal person crumble. But Dean wasn’t a normal person, and that fury surged through his body in a way that seemed to make the adrenaline he was feeling from the fight ten times more intense than it was.
A yell of rage left his lips before he had even fully comprehended what he was seeing- you, falling to the ground after being roughly stabbed in the stomach by a vampire that had snuck up on you.
After that, none of them stood a chance.
He let out another scream of anger as he whirled around with his machete raised, successfully decapitating two of them in one go.
More of course came charging at him, but Deans only thought in mind was to get to you, as the vampire sneered down at your quivering body while you tried your best to apply pressure to the wound.
On and on it went, him barely breaking a sweat as he surged through the nest to get to you, all thoughts of self preservation flying out the window. That was what always happened the second anything concerned you.
Sam had been teasing him mercilessly for months now about the feelings Dean had developed towards you. How he no longer felt keen on just staying friends with you, their longtime, badass hunting partner.
He never acted on admitted to his feelings though, knowing what happens in those situations in his line of business. But he could never fully stomp out the small sparks that light up in his chest whenever you smiled at him. Or the tingling feeling he had whenever you accidentally touched his arm. No matter how hard he tried.
When he had finally gotten over to you, he felt like it had been an eternity- when it reality it had been less than two minutes- and he growled at the vampire that was now watching him with wide, panicked eyes, “You son of a bitch!” He cried, swinging the machete and watching with satisfaction as the body and head fell to the ground.
“D-Dean,” Your weak voice finally snapped him out of his thoughts, and he discarded the weapon without a care, immediately, sinking to the ground beside you.
“Oh, sweetheart,” He breathed out, moving your shaking hands gently to the side so that he could be the one applying pressure to your stab wound, “Its fine, you’re going to be fine.”
“What happened?” Sam came up behind his brother with wide eyes, having just been tasked with taking care of the other room full of vamps.
“What does it look like?” Dean snapped, not really meaning to be harsh with his brother.
Sam paid him no mind though as he quickly rushed out, “We have to get her to the hospital.”
The eldest Winchester nodded his head once, immediately scooping you up into his arms and began running through the building to get back to the car, Sam right on his heels.
“D-Dean,” You repeated, eyes growing heavier and heavier.
“Hey, shh, it’s okay, you’re alright. Just keep those pretty eyes open for me, sweetheart.” He said, gaze dropping to yours quickly before speeding up even more.
“D-Dean, I-“ You coughed violently, sending a sharp pain to the man’s chest at the sound, “I love you, Dean.”
Under any other circumstance, those words would have stopped him dead in his tracks, possibly halting his breathing as well.
“Come on, just stay awake.” He wouldn’t allow himself to dwell on your words, knowing you probably only said them because you thought you weren’t going to make it.
He wasn’t going to let that happen.
You grasped at his arm, forcing him to look at you, “I-I mean it,” You whispered, “I love you and I always have. I just didn’t know how to tell you.”
Never once sleeping his pace, Dean dipped his head down and placed a gentle kiss on your forehead, “I love you, I love you too. So damn much, but we can talk about this later. Right now we have to get you to the hospital.”
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wastemanjohn · 10 months
look back into the sun
been talking with @deanwinchesterpregnant, about, well, dean winchester being pregnant. or deanna. here's a short extract from a fic i wrote several thousand words of in one day last year and haven't touched since bc it's just rotting in my drafts 🥲
Deanna found out in a gas station bathroom. She’d been carrying the test around with her for a week. Praying her period would surprise her in the meantime, knowing in her heart that - and she couldn’t stand it anymore. It was hot outside, Sammy had been whining about it for the last hundred miles, and she’d been nauseous the whole drive, terrified to mention it. The two pink lines showed up right away.
The bathroom smelled terrible. She wiped off the test, stuck it in her pocket and threw up in the toilet, like her body was waiting for confirmation. She didn’t feel any better afterwards.
They settled in a motel after sundown, on the outskirts of Bumfuck, Pennsylvania. Everything had felt so normal, in a dreamlike way. Sam had been complaining about them staying in one room, about the privacy he was so obsessed with; John had snapped that he could start making demands when he was bringing some money in himself. Deanna sat next to Sam on the end of their bed, knees touching, as John ran down what he thought they were hunting. They didn’t really need a rundown, though. Missing hearts, pathologist notes John somehow managed to get hold of, query animal attack. It was pretty fucking obvious, and werewolves are straightforward enough.
Sam said as much, then went for a run. John rolled his eyes and let him go, even though it was late, because his resolve to fight with Sam was always in pieces at the end of a long day like that. 
Deanna remembers touching the back of her father’s arm and saying, voice all tight, “Daddy, can I talk to you?”
John looked at the test for what felt like a full minute. A full minute for him to say, “Oh.”
Deanna stood in front of him, arms coiled around her waist like ropes. Quietly, she said, “Yeah.”
John blinked at her. Then stared, like he was seeing her for the first time. “Is it mine?”
“How could you ask me something like that?” Her voice came out all hoarse.
Deanna’s eyes misted over. She felt like she’d been punched in the gut.
John may have had his little bar skanks, his flings when he was states away. He never hid them from Deanna, which made her feel like crap. But Deanna had been faithful. There hadn’t been anyone else since she was seventeen years old. It almost hurt her more that John would think otherwise, than the fact that he wasn’t faithful himself.
He didn’t apologize. He rubbed his hand across his forehead. It was shaking a little. “How did this happen?”
“I don’t know.” Deanna’s hands were shaking too.
“You’re on the pill.”
She nodded. “I-”
“And you take it every single day?” "
There were days when Deanna would forget. Days when it was impossible. She couldn’t just hold the rocksalt and ask a vengeful spirit to wait while she took her contraceptive. John should understand that. He had to understand that. 
She didn’t answer him. But John didn’t really seem to be listening anyway.
His hand was in his hair now. Running through it manically. “I don’t believe this.”
“You think I do?” 
She was in tears. It was the hormones. The hormones, that wanted so badly for her father to give her a hug. Hold her, reassure her. Make everything feel less horrifying, turn down the volume on it. 
“Dad, look at me.”
It was only when the words left her mouth that she realized John wasn’t. He was looking anywhere but. “Fuck,” he muttered.
“I know.”
He handed her back the test, still not looking at her. Thrust it at her, really. When he left, with this awful look on his face, Deanna knew better than to follow.
Sam went to bed soon after he got back. Deanna stayed up on the couch, the TV on with the volume down to nothing, picking at the fraying threads on her jeans and gritting her teeth so tight her skull vibrated. The longer she talked herself out of saying fuck it all and having a drink (just one wouldn’t hurt, right?), the longer she wondered how the hell some people go through life never drinking at all. She’d never felt hurt like this, alone like this, afraid like this. Afraid John wouldn’t come home, afraid of what would happen if and when he did.
There was a night, six weeks ago, a hot July night when John had come to her. They’d left Sam alone in the shitty apartment they were renting at the time to go take care of a quick salt and burn, nothing big, done in two days. And John hadn’t been coming to her much during that stretch of time, Deanna remembered that; so it must have been that night. They smelled of lighter fluid and corpse, and there was dirt on their clothes, under their fingernails, and Deanna’s shirt had been off and the night air through the Impala windows felt refreshing against her clammy skin, and John was gentle with her like he nearly always was; and whether it was the adrenaline of the hunt, or John was just feeling lonely, Deanna couldn’t know, but she sat in his lap in the backseat and he tangled his fingers up in her hair and told her he needed her, he needed her right by his side, always, sweet words like that, sweet words that Deanna loved, because John could be really sweet, when he was inside her and they were both flushed and breathless. He had his hands on her face when he came, inside her like always, and Deanna felt the rush of it, and thought nothing about it.
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beansandsprouts · 1 year
Chapter 3
Dean Winchester x fem reader
Chapter 1
Previous chapter
Summary: Wanting to see you in action again, Dean tags along on a hunt
Warnings: violence, blood, cursing
A few days had passed since you'd started staying at the bunker. It was an interesting experience, living with people after being on your own for so long. Despite the largeness of the bunker it seemed like someone was always nearby.
You'd made a grocery run with Cas, offering to tag along with the angel. He intrigued you. You'd seen plenty of strange creatures during your time as a hunter, but never an angel. He was gruff, quiet, and very straightforward.
Though he looked relatively harmless, his rumpled clothes and messy hair made him seem like a little kid, you could sense that he was a dangerous person. You wondered if you could beat him in a fight if it came down to it. Probably not.
He was kind to you, a bit awkward, but he'd tried to make you feel welcome. He let you pick out a cereal for yourself, insisting that since you were a part of the crew then you should have your own food. It'd made you smile. You supposed it was Mary's influence that had made him feel more open to accepting you. He'd probably be more reserved if she hadn't talked you up so much since you'd met her and Bobby.
Speaking of Bobby, he'd returned the day after you and Mary and the boys did. He was delighted that you'd be staying with them, clapping you on the shoulder and grinning at you. You must've made a good impression with him as well. You had mostly kept in touch with Mary, but he'd check in on you every now and again. And you'd called him a few times with lore questions and to ask for advice.
You were all sitting in the main room, you were reading a very interesting book on hellhounds, a creature you'd never seen before, when Sam spoke up.
"Looks like we've got a case, Kent, Ohio. A girl was found in an alley by a bar, throat ripped out. Third one this week."
"I'll take it!" You piped up.
"Mind if I tag along?" Dean asked.
"Uh not at all." You said, giving him a smile.
You didn't typically want or need a partner on a straightforward case like this, but it felt kind of weird to say no. Besides, it wouldn't hurt to get to know your housemate right?
Within a few hours you were packed up and loaded into Baby and on the road. Dean had put on some music, which you recognized as Metallica.
"Alright, Metallica, you've got good taste."
"Finally, someone who appreciates my great taste in music." Dean grinned.
"Don't tell me Sam doesn't like the classics."
"Despises them. He prefers to listen to podcasts on the 95 theses or whatever."
"Your brother has no taste." You chuckled.
"You're tellin me."
The drive to Kent was pleasant. Dean's music and the scenery kept you entertained. He wasn't much for small talk, which you appreciated. A quiet drive was one of your favorite things, a peaceful moment in this chaotic mess of a job.
You arrived at a motel near the center of town when Dean parked and turned to you.
"Do you want your own room? Me and Sammy usually share, two beds, but seeing as you're a lady and you don't know me very well..."
"Nah its fine. Get one room. I'm not worried about you trying anything, Mary would have your ass." You winked.
Dean grinned, "That she would. Sit tight, I'll be out in a minute."
After a few minutes Dean cane back out, moving the car to a spot in front of your reserved room.
You went and dropped your stuff on one of the beds, stretching your legs after being in the car for so long. You'd been in the car for longer, but a 15 hour drive still left you feeling stiff.
You decided to take the rest of the night to sleep, and get an early start tomorrow. Dean was asleep within minutes, you could hear his light snores.
You turned over to look at him, he looked softer when he slept. Not as cocky and definitely not as tense. Seemed he held onto a lot more stress than he probably realized.
You sighed and turned to lay on your back. You hoped this hunt would go well. You didn't like working with someone else, but you were determined to make a good impression on Dean. You wanted him to be willing to let you stick around.
Eventually, you fell asleep. Dreaming of an old life.
The next morning the two of you made a quick breakfast run, stuffing your faces at a diner across the street. The pancakes were pretty decent, and the coffee was strong. It was a good start.
When you returned to the motel, you and Dean changed into some suits, ready to go talk to the local police about the crime scene.
You had changed in the bathroom while Dean changed out in the room, when you walked out, you were taken aback by just how good he looked in a suit.
It made him look good, though suits really just had a tendency to make any man look good. You couldn't help but rake your eyes down his form, admiring the way the shirt stretched over his biceps.
"Like what you see?" He had a cocky grin on his face as he winked at you.
"I like suits." You shrugged.
"You like men in suits." He corrected.
"What can I say? I've always liked a cleaned up man."
"Fair enough. Ready to go?"
The police really hadn't given you much. What they had given you was that all the victims had been seen at the same bar the night of their deaths. All women. You and Dean figured it was a male vamp, flirting his way into a meal. You'd decided you'd go in as bait.
You hadn't thought to bring anything to try and seduce a vamp so you had to make a quick shopping trip. You were in some small boutique in town, going through their dresses.
"How about this one?" You held up a white dress with floral print, it was cute, innocent.
"Nah, the victims were all wearing sexier stuff. Short. Tight...like this." He held up a small black dress, it had a plunging neckline. Definitely a lot sexier.
"Alright, let's ring it up."
"Not gonna try it on?"
"It's my size isn't it? It's fine. Besides if it's a little small it'll just add to the look."
Dean shrugged, "Alright."
When you came out of the bathroom in that tight dress and your hair done up in an elegant style, Dean wolf whistled.
"Damn, I'd eat you up too." He grinned.
You snorted, "Whatever. Let's go."
When you arrived at the bar you sat alone at a table, a whiskey in hand. Dean sat a little ways away, when you looked over in his direction he winked at you, causing you to smile a bit. You had to admit, he was cute.
Eventually, a man approached you. Arm around the back of your chair.
"Mind if I buy you a drink?" He stared down at you hungrily. You figured this was the vamp, no one else had approached you tonight, and he had that predatory look in his eyes that you'd come to recognize after years on the job.
"That'd be great." You said, pretending to check him out. He really wasn't your type. A bit scrawny for your tastes.
He disappeared for a moment before bringing you another whiskey, you'd made eye contact with Dean and had given him a nod. He was ready and waiting.
You were suspicious of the drink, all the girls autopsy reports showed that they'd been roofied. You bit the inside of your cheek, the only way to avoid this was to fake a few sips and start acting woozy. Hopefully he wouldn't notice.
And he didn't. 15 minutes later he was leading you out of the bar, you were stumbling after him. He led you to the alleyway, the same one all the other girls had been killed in.
He pressed you up against the wall, getting ready to bite when Dean turned the corner.
"Hey bloodsucker!"
The vamp whipped his head around and took a step back, growling at Dean. Dean tossed you a machete, which you easily perked up and caught.
"You stupid bitch." It hissed.
"Au contraire my friend. It seems you're the stupid bitch, taking a hunter into an alley." You grinned. The vamp saw the shift in your demeanor, a look of shock overtaking it's features.
Dean lunged at it, but it pushed him away. Then you lunged at it, slashing at its abdomen. It cried out in pain, clutching it's side. You pushed forward, blocking the punches it tried to throw before swiftly decapitating it, blood spraying in your face.
You turned to Dean, grinning. He just stared at you.
"I think that's the fastest I've ever seen someone take down one of those things."
"I'm just another breed of hunter." You winked.
Dean hadn't missed the feral look in your eyes once you got your hands on a weapon. You'd been delighted to have the opportunity to take down the pest. He liked it a little more than he'd like to admit.
You returned to the motel and cleaned up. You'd managed to get the case solved in less than a day. That was a record even for you.
You and Dean made a pretty good team you supposed. You wouldn't mind going on more hunts with him in the future, he didn't hold you back or slow you down. He managed to keep pace with you the entire time.
The drive back was nice, Dean even let you pick a tape to play. You chatted a bit here and there, he told you about what Sam was like growing up. A scrawny little kid until suddenly he shot up and was taller than Dean.
"So what were you like then?"
"A real ladies man," he grinned, "I had girls all over. Left some heartbroken. I hunted with my dad sometimes but usually took care of Sammy. How bout you?"
"I was pretty normal honestly. I did well in school, snuck out to see my friends at night. Bit of rebelling here and there but nothing too wild."
"Sounds nice."
You smiled softly, "It was. I miss it sometimes. The simpler days. But nothing really compares to the life I have now."
"Hunting really is it's own thing."
You hummed in agreement.
You really did miss your old life sometimes. You missed working a regular job, you missed going out with friends. You missed your parents. You enjoyed what you had now, but you couldn't help but wonder what would have become of you if you hadn't gotten into hunting.
Jack and Cas were there to greet you when you and Dean returned. Mary and Sam had left on another case. You greeted them and talked about the hunt before retreating to your room.
You pulled the dress out of your bag as you were unpacking and held it up.
"Might as well keep it. Could come in handy one day." You murmured before folding it and placing it in one of your drawers.
You heard a knock on your door and opened it to find Dean.
"Whats up?"
"Just wanted to say good job on the hunt. You did well."
"Thanks, so did you." You smiled.
"Uh, we were gonna go watch a movie if you wanted to join us. Beer and popcorn, and Cas bought some candy earlier." He offered.
"I'll be there in a moment."
"Great." He nodded and walked off.
You smiled, you appreciated that they wanted to include you. Maybe it wouldn't be too difficult to fit in here.
Next Chapter
Dm me if you want to be tagged when I update!
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everlark777 · 11 months
holding you is like the new past
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chapter three
“can you believe that asshole” i slam my hands down.
“STAY OUT OF MY WAY?? i am here at this school and i earned my place. how dare he!”
our cat, titan’s head poked up and looked around lazy from all the yelling.
“i can't believe him. everyone in the department should know how ruthless he is”
mikasa had been egging on my anger for the past ten minutes as we ate microwaveable ramen on the couch. mikasa and i had been living together for two years and she had seen her fair share of my outrages involving anyone and everyone in the department, but i could tell this one was tiring her out. it had been all i could talk about for the past week and with the next class being tomorrow, i could tell mikasa didn’t see a break in this anger for a while.
“i’m sorry. i know i’ve been talking about this with you so much” i said head in my hands.
“it’s just i can’t believe him. he actually thinks like that, and to think i had a slight crush on him?! i don’t even want to have a conversation with him much less spend my time with him”
“your feelings are valid, he is a douchebag and you’re going to prove him wrong, i know you will”
mikasa’s words calmed me. i didn’t have to follow his rules, much less listen to a word he says.
“i’m going to go research for our project” i said standing up heading towards my room.
“atta girl!! good for you” mikasa beamed up at me clearly happy to see my change of attitude.
i cracked my door leaving space for titan to come in. i turned on my lamp and opened my laptop. okay, I could accomplish this. It was 9:07, if i started right now i could easily finish around 2 a.m. and still get a few hours of sleep. but i should probably make some coffee beforehand.
i ended up not going to sleep that night, but the next day i walked into class with most of our first project researched out.
i made sure to be early just so i could have the upper hand and made sure to sit in the seat he had “claimed” last class.
armin walked in ten minutes early but still not earlier than me. i made sure not to look up and meet his gaze but felt him when he sat down.
with less than a glance, i handed him a folder with the research i worked on all last night. i had placed a sticky note on top. in neat handwriting, much like his own said, “my half of the research, do with it what you will”.
i felt the small smile creep on my face as i watched him read it.
“what is this?” he scoffed, not as much a question as a demand.
“thought it was pretty obvious” my voice came out sterner than i thought it would and felt a ting of pride.
armin made a face i couldn’t quite place. “well, i thought i made it obvious you wouldn’t have to do any work,” he said as he sat in the seat next to me. once again i felt the nervousness of him being so close and it made me jumpy. his presence intimidated me and i wasn’t sure how i was going to be around him for much longer.
“and i’m making it obvious that i don’t agree with that,” my voice came out strong not letting in on how fast my heart was beating and my palms sweating.
i’m not a confrontational person. i don’t enjoy going out of my comfort zone to defend myself either, but something about armin had me not willing to give in.
“i’ll look over it after class and get back to you” he shrugged off the words as he placed his things on the desk.
i was taken back. did he just give in so easily? why did he not continue to fight back? unless he has some ulterior motive? maybe he thought i would go to the dean?
“so that’s it, you're just going to look over it?” i turned to him, clearly taken aback.
“what else would you like me to do?” his question almost sounded genuine.
i began to lose grip on my perception of him. he made me more angry than i’ve ever felt but now i found myself just confused.
when i started my response, i was cut off by the professor as they started the lecture. i forced my attention up front, not wanting to give him the satisfaction of my answer. he would have been able to see it written on my face, that he surprised me.
i fidgeted all class, i bounced my leg and picked at the skin on my fingers. i found myself abruptly changing highlighters for my notes, anything to keep myself busy to help the time past.
when class ended i quickly packed my things, ready to go out the door before noticing armin hadn’t moved. he was looking at me as if he was waiting for a response. i allowed myself to glance at him and i saw him give me a small smile.
“do you need something? i have somewhere to be” i snapped, lying to get away as quickly as possible.
armin reached into his bag to grab a sticky note and began writing on it.
“here’s my number then so we can talk about the project another time” he handed me the sticky note and written in his perfect handwriting was his name and number.
“i can just talk about it now” i forced out, not being able to imagine having to talk to him outside of this classroom. the idea made my head hurt.
“well you said you had somewhere to be. i would hate to make you late” he offered politely.
more confused than ever, i turned and walked out of the door leaving him with his things still out on the desk. my head was spinning. confusion for the whole situation consuming my thoughts. i walked out of the building and started my journey back to my apartment.
when i got home, i attached the sticky note still in my hand to the fridge for mikasa to see when she got home and with that crashed into my bed to finally get some sleep.
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lotanxiety · 11 months
The Girl Who Cried Wolf pt 2
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A/N: Ahhh okay I’m quite thrilled about the response on the first part of this and I’m excited to make this a series! Like I mentioned, this is my first time doing this so bear with me as the plot progresses! If there are things you want to happen, suggestions of where it should go, etc feel free to drop in the notes <33
Summary: Soft Dean being sweet to you after a nightmare, slow burn hehehe
Warnings: just fluff really… for now😈
About an hour after you had fallen asleep, Dean stepped outside to call Sam and make sure he’s handled everything back at your house. While Dean was outside the motel room talking to Sam, he heard you scream.
Bursting through the door, he saw you rolling around and shaking in your bed. In a second, he was by your side trying to wake you up. “Shhh shh Y/N wake up, it’s just a dream. I’m right here, please wake up.” With a gasp you come out of your nightmare to reality which was your nightmare. Tears flood your eyes again and Dean goes to hold you. You look up at him, and his hearts breaks once again for the girl he just met. “C-can you… possibly stay here” you ask more vulnerable than you’ve ever been. Dean nods, sinking down further into the bed with you, still holding you close. Being wrapped in his warm embrace was the most comfortable you had ever felt in your life. You didn’t grow up with a loving family and had never been in a relationship. You didn’t realize how much you needed to be held not only before this tragedy happened but especially now. Dean somehow knew that and had been comforting you in the way you didn’t know you needed. You were extremely grateful and wanted to do something to thank the brothers, however how do you thank someone for saving you from a werewolf, comforting you from the trauma, and helping you clean up the aftermath? That was too much to think about so you decided to make it tomorrow’s problem. Finally, you drifted off to sleep for the second time, but this time without the nightmare.
The next morning, Dean woke up with you in his arms. As he blinked himself awake, he was careful not to move because he didn’t want to disturb you. Dean studied your face. You looked so peaceful, he dreaded the moment you would wake up and have to face reality again. He knows what that’s like and it pains him to see this girl who tried to make a better life for herself end up the same as him. He wanted to do everything in his power to keep her safe and try to get her life back on track. He wasn’t exactly sure what was so special about this girl, but the longer he stared at her sweet, sleeping face, the bigger the swell in his chest got. She was also wearing his shirt which he has never let another girl do. Their situation was anything but sexy, however for a brief moment he couldn’t help but let himself think. She was absolutely stunning, even covered in dirt and blood. Then she stepped out of the shower in his shirt and he quickly had to bring himself to reality to keep those thoughts away since they weren’t appropriate at the time. Dean became more increasingly aware of the beautiful woman wrapped around his body, in his clothes, and immediately jumped out of bed, still trying to be as gentle as possible as to not wake you, to take a cold shower. Sam was still asleep in the adjacent bed. When you woke up not too long after, you laid there staring at the ceiling preparing yourself to face everything. Finally, after deciding you’ll never truly be ready, you stood up and walked over to your destroyed clothes that sat in a pile on the floor. That’s when Dean walked out of the bathroom with nothing but a towel draped over his lower half. You accidentally stare at the man in front of you, really appreciating the view. “Like what you see?” Dean says with a smirk on his face. Your cheeks go red, quickly averting your gaze. “Dean, I’m so sorry I- didn’t mean to stare. You just surprised me.” you sputter the words out quickly. Deciding not to make further comments as to try and not make you uncomfortable, Dean grabbed his clothes and retreated back to the bathroom, smirk still proudly on his face. You rub your hands over your face, embarrassed he caught you staring and replaying what just happened over in your mind. Sam wakes up and sits up in his bed. “Mornin Y/N” he says with a yawn. Once he opens his eyes more, he reads the look on your face. “Are you okay? Well that’s a stupid question considering what has happened, but I mean you look kind of…spooked” Sam says. “Yeah… no.. i- i am uh… totally fine yeah” you stutter out, face still flushed. Sam decides to leave it alone. Dean exits the bathroom, fully clothed this time, and you rush in to change. As you two pass, an unspoken volt of electricity passes between the two of you. The rest of the morning is pretty quiet.
You guys all go to a diner for breakfast before Sam and Dean drive you back to your parent’s house.
“I know it can’t be easy staying here, are you sure this is where you want to be?” Sam asked you.
“I was going to move back in with my parents, so it’s not like I have anywhere else to go anyways. I’ll be fine.” You say trying to remain as stoic as possible. “I uh- have something for you guys. It’s kind of stupid, but I don’t know how to thank you for all that you’ve done for me.” You say handing a piece of paper to Sam and another one to Dean. You had spent your time in the back seat sketching each of them in the most epic scene, so hopefully they could see themselves as you do; heroes.
“Oh my god, this is incredible” Sam says reaching to hug you. Dean stands there with the paper in his hands and tears fighting their way to the surface. He choked them back before you broke away from Sam so you couldn’t see.
“I didn’t know you could draw. This is uh- really nice. Thank you Y/N” Dean says, pulling you in for a hug as well. When his arms wrap around your body, you both melt into each other. Not without some hesitation from both parties do you guys pull away. You watch from the porch as the brothers load into the Impala and drive away, never to be seen again… Or so you thought.
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shostakobitchh · 1 year
chapter 46 sneak peek!
another rough draft from the opening of the chapter! there’s a time jamp of about two-ish weeks to when term begins for everyone. 
alternatively, Ariel gets bombarded by Weasley children. 
Hermione’s head craned out of the carriage, despite the fact that there was apocalyptic rain beating against it, the wind howling in protest. Ariel waved excitedly as Ariel stood at the main entrance, battling to keep her hood on against the storm.
She battled the wind, struggling not to go flying off the steps as the students began barrelling past her to get into the castle and out of the rain. Hermione’s carriage right at the front. Ron nearly fell out after her, ending up with a mouthful of Hermione’s hair as the wind knocked Hermione’s hood off. Ariel grinned as she watched the two of the bicker, the sound music to her ears.
Ariel, unable to help herself, met them halfway down the steps, throwing her arms around Hermione’s neck. They took turns for a minute trying to lift one another off the steps, but when Hermione almost lost her footing, they dissolved into a fit of giggles as the rain left them absolutely drenched.
When they pulled away, Hermione was grinning so hard it looked like her face would split open. “I’ve been so worried!”
“About what?” Ariel teased. “About the owls not being able to send me more than ten books at a time?”
She swatted at her shoulder and laughed. “About you — about Black. I was relieved when you wrote that Professor Dumbledore insisted you come to Hogwarts early, but not being able to see you…”
“I missed you too.”
Hermione hugged her again tightly. When Ariel pulled away, she saw Ron watching them from two steps down, looking very grumpy and very wet.
“We don’t have to do that, right?” Ron asked.
“Shut up,” Ariel said, and then launched herself at him.
Ron sputtered as she pulled away, wiping at his tongue, but he too seemed to look a little relieved. “You two have too much bloody hair.”
Seamus and Dean laughed as they passed, causing Ron to turn beet-red. For a moment, it looked like he was going to break away and follow after them, but he wiped the water out of his eyes instead and shook his head.
“Come on,” Ariel pulled Hermione forward, Ron right behind them. “It’s freezing out here, and the house elves have outdone themselves this time, you should see the spread.”
Hermione grumbled under her breath about slave labor, but Ariel didn’t hear her. Her heart felt it had been surrounded in the Lumos, only ten times brighter. Once they were inside, they took turns drying each other off with some spells, wringing out their cloaks. Ron pointed his wand at their hair, to which Hermione dodged.
“Don’t you dare,” she warned. “My hair will grow three sizes.”
“Really?” a curious expression crossed his face.
“Ronald, I am warning you —”
“Here,” Ariel motioned for her to turn, tying back her hair into a somewhat tidy ponytail. “At least it’ll stay out of your face.’
Ariel did the same to herself and Hermione watched, smoothing down the top of her head to try and de-frizz. “Your hair’s gotten longer, you’re going to need a haircut soon.”
She shrugged. She liked having it long, being able to thread her fingers through it. She’d never been able to do it before — Aunt Petunia had given her haircuts that made her look like a convict. “Maybe.”
They finished drying themselves off, Vanishing the puddles they’d managed to make in the process as they drier students began piling into the Great Hall. Ariel craned her neck over the crowd, still somehow shorter than most of the Second Years, and waved to Lavender and Pavarti, who were excitedly chatting with Padme towards the front of the hoard of people.  
A figure moved to block Ariel’s view, her pale face much healthier, more filled out, her brown eyes wide with hesitation. She almost didn’t recognize her for a second, blinking dumbly until a small, hesitant smile graced her face.
“Ginny —” Ariel started to say, wanting to ask her how she’d been, but she was abruptly cut off when something slammed into her.
Ginny then promptly burst into tears, flinging her arms around Ariel’s neck.
“I’m so sorry —” she blubbered. “I’m sorry —”
“Ginny, Ginny it’s okay,” Ariel soothed, turning red as the other students stared at them.
“I got all your letters, I just couldn’t write back, I couldn’t write it all down after…”  
I have written you down now, you will live forever —
“I know,” Ariel said quietly. “Listen, Ginny, that arsehole ended up turning into Voldemort. It wasn’t your fault, I don’t blame you for what happened. I’m just happy you’re okay.”
She sniffled, wiping at her face. “I should have known, all he talked about was you after a while. I feel so stupid.”
She’s terribly jealous
I was hoping for more than this cliche
“I did too,” Ariel admitted. “Hermione and I knew something was off, we should’ve kept after it more. I’m sorry.”
Ginny just shook her head, almost in disbelief. “Hermione told me everything, all you did for me. How did you manage it all? Killing the basilisk alone —”
Ariel felt her body tense as she remembered the sound of the floor shaking beneath her feet as the basilisk moved, not wanting to relive the memory. She diverted and asked Ginny how she had been doing instead.
Ginny looked away for a moment before saying softly, "I'm okay. It's not easy, but I remember what the Headmaster told me, that there were older and wiser wizards tricked by him." she smiled faintly. "I still have nightmares, I still get scared sometimes when writing... but it's getting better. The Mind Healers helped a lot.”
Ariel squeezed her hand, feeling the same sensation in her chest. “I’m glad.”
“The trip to Egypt definitely helped to take my mind off of it, too. Did Ron tell you in his letters — Fred and George almost locked Percy in one of the tombs.”
As if right on cue, a pair of arms picked Ariel off the ground from behind, squeezing her into a hug.
“Evans, old girl,” said George’s voice as a second pair of arms picked her up. “My, how you’ve grown! We used to be able to lift you over our heads with one arm.”
“Very funny,” Ariel said dryly, but she couldn’t wipe the grin off her face. “Maybe you too are just getting shorter.”
“Or weaker,” Ginny supplied, earning a snort from Ron. “Once I learn that Bat-Bogey Hex, it’s game over for you two.”
George clutched at his heart mockingly, pretending to keel over. “The very thought strikes fear into my heart.”
Ron rolled his eyes and crossed his arms. “You’re on your own, mate. I’m not going anywhere near that.”
Ginny shot him an indignant glare before turning back to Ariel with a smirk. “Obviously I can only take them down when they get tired of meddling with each other.”
“Smart,” Ariel agreed. “Divide and conquer.”
“Terrifying,” Fred shuddered theatrically. “It almost worries us as much as that Sirius Black does.”
Hermione shot them both a very cross look, still shaking water out of her hair.
“Any sign of him?” Ron asked Ariel, glancing at the doors at the heavy oak doors as they swung shut. “Dad said he'd be mad as a hatter to try and escape, let alone after twelve years in Azkaban. He was going to write to you, you know, warn you, but Mum thought it’d frighten you…”
Fred gave Ron a little smack on the arm before leaning on his shoulder. “Life of the party, this one.”
Ginny snorted loudly as Ron and Hermione glowered. Ariel sighed and shook her head. “Nothing, I honestly haven’t heard any news about it. Have you?”
“Just a few sightings here and there but nothing concrete.” Hermione interjected, sounding only a little like one of the professors. “Besides, Ariel is perfectly safe here. Black can’t get anywhere near the castle as long as Dumbledore is Headmaster, and that would be without the Dementors keeping guard.”
George shuddered, for real this time. “Awful things, those Dementors. They searched the train on the way here.”
Ariel’s mouth went dry. “What? They did?”
“Yeah,” Ron shivered, rubbing his arms. “I think I would’ve broken out of Azkaban too, if I had to feel like that all the time. I felt like I’d never be happy again.”
“Did anyone faint?”
They all blinked at her. Ariel immediately regretted asking.
“No, but Malfoy came running into our compartment like a bat out of hell.” George grinned. “Slimey little bugger was shaking like a leaf, wasn’t he Fred?”
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Ron x Harry. Ronarry. VERY OOC. Happens around 5th year
NOTE: pls forgive me for any errors or any ooc. English is not my first language.
This is me pushing my Ron x Harry agenda hehe!
Ron's not sure what he is feeling. He have felt something similar to this for quite a while now, and may have felt comfortable of it for a time but then...
As time passes by, it intensified. He could feel his heart beating louder as he stared at Harry, could feel the hairs on his arm and neck standing much longer as he felt his touch, and could feel his face heat up faster whenever he gets closer. Maybe he's sick? Maybe it comes with being a teenager? But if it is, then why hadn't others felt the same way as him.
"Oh Ron, you innocent summer child," Is the only thing that Hermoine said to him when he talked to her. She said that she felt something like that before, and is possibly feeling it everytime she receives a letter from a certain someone (probably Viktor Krum).
"Come on! What is it? I don't want to act like this around Harry! He's got enough in his plate as it is!" But still, Hermoine just said that she will not be answering his question and would just leave it to him to figure it out.
"It's better this way! You have to figure it out yourself." Yeah right... Better this way! He admits that he is not as intellectually gifted as Hermoine is, and maybe even a bit lost in some other aspects in life, which is why he has asked for her help. But now that she refused to help him, he would just have to ask other people!
The twins could help.
Oh how wrong he was.
"Are you saying that our little Ronnie..."
"...is feeling something so strange..."
"...around our little Harry?" He nodded in answer, praying that this time, the twins wouldn't do the same as Hermoine and just leave him hanging.
"Well... I don't know if we should tell you..." George said, his eyebrows scrunching seriously. Fred then whispered something to George, something that may have stopped his other twin from considering the options.
They said the same thing as Hermoine.
"It's better if you figure it out, Ron. Besides, you have our blessing if ever you did figure this out." And the twins left with a wink.
He groaned, thinking of another person that he could ask about it on. He could try Neville.
"I've felt that once. It feels like you wanted to be around this person so much, but at the same time you feel a heavy almost like euphoric feeling." He felt hope with Neville. But then he dished out how it was better that he would discover it himself.
Well then, Seamus and Dean it is.
"Look Ron, we heard about this from the twins and they asked us to give you a hint. You could say that... You are feeling something much deeper than friendship." Then they left him wondering more. Much deeper than friendship? Of course he does feel something like that! He followed him on a life-threatening adventure in their first year for goodness sake! Not to mention he continuously would do that for years to come.
And now that the threat of Voldemort came back? Well, he's going to go to the front lines for his best mate!
Nights will follow, and he would be up thinking about what it is that he is feeling for Harry. Honestly, he tried to act like nothing has changed, that everything is the same.
He's still always beside Harry, making sure that he is eating enough, staying safe from bullies (darn Inquisitorial Squad and Umbridge!), having enough time for himself (considering that he is teaching them DADA), and that he is sleeping well. Not that Harry couldn't do all that but sometimes he just needs a little boost, you know? A little reminder that he shouldn't neglect himself.
As someone who has been friends with Harry ever since the beginning of their Hogwarts life, he could say with confidence that he knows his best mate well. Which is why he was one of the first ones to notice how he is acting quite differently.
"Harry," he called out as the teen just entered the common room. It was in the middle of the night, no one's left awake except for him and Harry. Harry who is twitching and holding his right hand.
"R-Ron, why are you still awake?"
"I was waiting for you," And worried for you.
"Well... I'm here now. You should go to bed. I'm going to follow soon." But before Harry could go upstairs, Ron marched towards him and gently reached for the hand that he is nursing. Harry lightly hissed, but is not stopping him from looking at whatever it is that is hurting him.
On his hand, an inflamed carving on his skin reads: "I must not tell lies".
At this very moment, he felt a different feeling altogether. Something welled inside of him, fiery anger that only came to him at certain situations. Righteous anger, not for him, but for Harry.
"Did that bloody cunt do this to you?" He calmly said, but deep inside he wants to shout. He wants to march down to where Umbridge is and give her a taste of her own medicine. Azkaban be damned.
"Ron, it's nothing-"
"This is nothing! I know for a fact what she is using on you, and it is illegal! This should stop! Is she only using this on you?! Is she targeting you because you're saying the truth?! I'm going to kill her! That arsehole will never know what's going to hit her!" In the middle of his rant, he didn't realize how he reached for his wand. He didn't also realize how he was marching towards the door, probably wanting to hex the hell out of Umbridge.
"Ron! Stop it!" Harry pulled him using his other hand, trying to stop him from whatever it is that he is going to do.
"Don't stop me, Harry! She needs to pay for what she did!"
"And what are you going to do?! Use the cutting spell on her? The unforgiveables?!"
"I would use it! She deserves it!" At that time, he knew that he has enough intent to use one of the unforgiveables. Despite being a Death Eater, Moody-Who-Is-Actually-Barty-Crouch-Junior taught them well of the said spells and well... he may have listened a bit too eagerly.
"Ron, enough! Why are you doing this for me?! I don't get why you're eager on fighting for me!" If there is anything else that he knows is evident with Harry, is that he has a low to non-existing self-worth. Past experiences, usually with adults that should have been guiding him, have rendered him questioning if he is worth the attention that others is giving him.
"Harry, you are worth fighting for! I understand that you are unfamiliar with this concept but, mate, you deserve everything good in life! At the same time, you don't deserve what Umbridge is doing to you. " Harry's green eyes started watering, tears threatening to fall from it. They both moved closer together, with Harry resting his head on his shoulder.
"But... Why? Why do YOU?"
Ron Weasley is a stupid stupid boy. He never expected his realization to happen in the middle of finding out Harry is being tortured by their DADA professor. He sighed, hugging Harry closer, tighter.
"Because... I care for you. We've been together for so long, mate. I... Love you." Harry let the dam broke after what he said, followed by a happy laugh. After a few seconds, Harry shifted.
"I love you too... for quite some time now." He whispered quietly, but it was enough for Ron's heart to start beating loudly.
That night, they decided that they're going to take things slow. They have the rest of their lives to figure things out and no Dark Lord is going to stop them. At the same time, they decided to contact Sirius and Remus. They'll know what to do with Umbridge's tortures, and to ask if there's any treatment for the scar that the Blood Quill leaves behind.
For now, they're satisfied with each other's warmth. For now, they're alive and together. They have each other and that's enough.
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In Another Life, I Would've Loved Doing Laundry And Taxes With You
Chapter 1: Take My Hand, Don't You Dare Let Go
Relationship(s): Castiel/Cassie Perez, Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester
Tags/Warnings: Season 7, Isekai, Universe Hopping, Canon-Typical Violence, Not Canon Compliant, Marriage, Angst, Cliffhangers, Falling in Love, Hurt/Comfort, Hurt No Comfort
Cassie has gotten really invested in a new show "Supernatural". During her latest binge watch, she wakes up in a world that appears to be the actual "Supernatural" universe- and she knows exactly where she is in the timeline. She makes the executive decision to pick up Castiel and be his new "wife" before Dean comes to pick him up to heal Sam- but she can't make herself stay behind when events actually start to unfold. How will this affect the rest of the season? How long can she rely on her memory to prepare her for the future? And what will happen when the inevitable season finale rolls around?
Written for AU-gust 2023 Prompt 28- Isekai
Taglist (if you would like to be added, let me know!): @theladywyn, @ihavepointysticks, @klaatu51, @itsjessiegirl1, @neptunium134
Cassie munched on her popcorn while watching the drama unfold on the screen in front of her. She couldn’t look away for longer than it would take her to refill her bowl or go to the bathroom.
After she finished watching Hawk’s Shadow for the tenth time, she finally admitted she needed a new show to get into. After browsing through Netflix for a while and growing ever-more disappointed that all the shows that seemed interesting had only one or two seasons with major cliffhanger endings, something caught her eye.
Supernatural, a show following two brothers that hunted monsters following the unnatural death of their mother, was a show she’d heard about before but never had the time to get into. She looked at the episode count in the menu and it seemed daunting, but her research indicated it had a final finale instead of a last-ditch cliffhanger, so she decided to give it a shot. 5 episodes in and she was hooked. In the past few months, she’d binged through most of the 15 seasons.
The credits for the episode she was currently watching started to roll and Netflix had the audacity to ask her if she was still watching. A glance at her phone told her that she probably should stop for the night. But… She was almost at the season finale. It would be better to end her session on a big episode like that so she could spend the next day digesting it, right?
Yes. She was still watching.
As the previews for the next episode rolled on, Cassie felt, and did her best to ignore, the pull of sleep. Despite her best efforts, she fell asleep about halfway through the episode and the roar of the impala lulled her into a deep slumber.
Cassie woke with a start the next morning, fumbling for her phone and cursing herself for falling asleep. She was going to have to figure out where she left off and mess up her Netflix history and-
She wasn’t on her couch. Nor was she in her bed. Well, she was in a bed but she knew it wasn’t hers. In fact, this didn’t look like her apartment at all. And the phone she just pulled off the charger didn’t look like hers either. It was a slightly older model (not that she always had the latest one) and had a different, generic home screen.
Where was she? Where was her stuff? And what the hell had happened after she fell asleep last night?
After a lot of poking around on the internet (did it always have this few ads?), Cassie could confidently say that she did have an identity as Cassandra Perez here in this strange world. But that was where all the similarities ended.
This Cassandra Perez lived in Colorado, for starters. Her parents were dead and she was an only child. She also worked as a dance teacher at the local community college, not in law enforcement. She’d never been to Texas and never worked with anyone named Cordell Walker, not that her partner seemed to exist in this world.
Who did exist in this world? Sam and Dean Winchester. And a certain trenchcoated “man” who went on a Word of God spree before disappearing earlier this year. Oh, and also that year was 2011, not 2023.
She may or may not have had a major panic attack after piecing all that info together.
Once she calmed down (and called off work for the next few days), she tried to get her bearings. All the information pointed to her somehow ending up in the Supernatural universe via falling asleep on her couch. If she was remembering her Supernatural timeline correctly, recent events would put her right at the beginning of the season 7 plotline. Castiel was believed to be dead and Sam was dealing with hallucinations of Lucifer and his time in Hell. Oh, and the Leviathans were on Earth and planning to turn humanity into willing livestock via a special additive in processed foods that not only made them fat and lazy (or, well, more so than average) but also killed any humans that had undesirable traits like cancer and being skinny.
Was there ever a better time to pick up a vegan diet?
But there was something else. It didn’t hit her until she attempted making breakfast the next morning (she couldn’t, because apparently TV fridges aren’t magically full of food every morning if you actually live in TV land). That something else was that Castiel wasn’t actually dead. He was going to come out of the water at some point, somewhere in Colorado, with no memory or clothing.
Yes, someone was supposed to find him. She knew that. But she also knew that she wasn’t supposed to be here. What if that changed things? What if she somehow took the place of the person who was supposed to find him (and that fireplace/sitting room did look familiar….)
She looked up the nearest rivers on her laptop, then grabbed the keys for a car she’d never driven before, and went searching. 
She’d found Castiel climbing out of a river into a jogging trail near her house. She called it an act of God because, really, what were the odds that he’d be in the first place she checked? If there was anything she knew about Supernatural, it was that everything happened for a reason. She took him home, got him cleaned up, and ordered them pizza (because her fridge was still empty).
“I don’t remember anything,” Castiel said. “Not my name, where I came from, why I was naked in the river…. There’s just nothing.”
“Well, you remember how to use the bathroom so there must be something up there.” Cassie winked and set a full plate of pizza in front of him. “We’ll figure out your memory stuff later; right now you need to recover and then we need to get you some clothes,” she said, gesturing to the robe that didn’t really fit him.
He nodded and started nibbling on a pizza slice. “Thank you for doing all this. I know you don’t have any responsibility toward me.”
She shrugged. “Maybe. I just…. You need help. And I want to help you. It’s…kind of a thing I do.”
“It’s very kind of you. I may not remember much about the world but I know it would be a better place if there were more helpful people in it.”
Cassie turned around (because she needed to clean up the pizza box not because she’s blushing) and hummed. “Maybe so. Anyway, finish up eating and we’ll get you settled back into life in the real world, alright?”
She needed to tread carefully. She’d seen the show. She knew how this story ended. In a few months, Dean Winchester was going to show up and take Castiel (or, rather, Emmanuel) to the psychiatric hospital to fix Sam. Castiel would take on Sam’s hell trauma and be left a shell of himself until it was time to take on the Leviathans. Then, they would both end up in Purgatory. The story was already written. She couldn’t change it. She just needed to play her part.
She wondered if this impending sense of doom and ‘if only’ was how Sam and Dean felt when they were staring down the apocalypse.
“I need a name,” he said a few days later. “I can’t remember my own name but I’m going to need one if I’m going to live in this world.”
“Well, we can get one for you.” Cassie said. “You want to just look up a baby name website or go with a basic John Smith?”
Castiel frowned. “I don’t think ‘John Smith’ is appropriate. I need a real name.”
“Okay then.” Cassie got her laptop and opened the web browser to find a baby name website. “Let’s get you a name.”
They tried a few different baby name sights but nothing really stood out to them. She noticed that the ones he liked but claimed didn’t “fit” were more biblical, so she went to her bookshelf and grabbed a bible. “Maybe we can find something for you in here,” she said, handing it to him. “Have a look. I’m going to make dinner, okay?”
The next morning, he’d found his name. Castiel.
Cassie knew she shouldn’t let herself get attached. She knew that one day, Castiel would have to go off with the Winchesters and play his part in saving the world. She knew her part in his story was only supposed to be temporary.
But, as she’d learned long ago, her heart was rarely as smart as her brain.
It was one thing to watch him on the show and think his quirky behavior was kind of endearing. It was very different to be with him in person and see every side of his person.
Sure, he wasn’t technically himself at the moment. But, even without his memories, he was still Castiel at his core. He was self-righteous with a strong moral code. He did his best, even if he fumbled. He was a bit awkward and a bit of a failure but he made up for it with his heart and enthusiasm.
It was hard for Cassie not to fall for him, if she was honest.
It’s not like there was any flirting. Even as a human with no memory of his angel self, Castiel didn’t seem to have his angel capabilities. Castiel was just existing. And yet….
Castiel would keep the house clean so Cassie didn’t have to worry about it when she came home from the dance studio. He always had dinner hot and ready for her when she was out of the shower. He packed little snacks for her to eat at work (“I know you don’t give yourself enough time for a full meal.”). He dutifully sat and watched Hawk’s Shadow with her (the fact that her favorite show existed in this universe was confusing but she wasn’t questioning it), even if he didn’t get any of the references. For the first time in a long time, Cassie felt like she was in a real relationship with someone. Who cared if that someone was an amnesiac angel from another universe?
She tried to enjoy it, even as the dread of their impending doom ticked closer with each passing day.
“We need a reason to be living together.”
Cassie looked up from the morning paper. “Do we? I mean, can’t we just say we’re roommates?”
“I don’t pay rent.”
“You’re a friend I’m letting couchsurf.”
“I don’t surf and you don’t have a couch.”
“That’s not-” Cassie sighed. “Do we really need an explanation?”
“People will have questions, surely. We need an answer for them.”
Okay, maybe he had a point. Luckily, there was an easy solution to this. “What if I was your wife?”
“My….wife?” Castiel tilted his head. “You would do that for me?”
She shrugged. “Sure. I mean, I like you and I want to help. Besides, what’s the alternative? I buy you a suitcase and you just go off on your own? That’s not right. Anyway, I’ve got the day off tomorrow so we can just go down to the courthouse and-”
“Cassie, wait.” Castiel grasped her hand. “You really don’t need to do that.”
“Maybe I don’t need to. But I want to. Besides, my abuela’s been on my ass about getting married forever; you’ll be helping me too.” And also I’m slowly falling in love with you and I’m terrified of the fact that I’m going to lose you in less than a year.
“Well, if you’re sure….”
“I am.” Cassie grabbed his hand. “Let’s go get married.”
They didn’t find out his healing abilities until later. Or, rather, Castiel didn’t find out about his healing abilities until later. Cassie was just wondering when they would pop up and how he would start his traveling healer enterprise.
She was cleaning the gutters (seriously, what was the point of living in TV land if you still had to do everything yourself???) and fell off her ladder, right onto her arm. Her pained cry drew Castiel from the house and he rushed over to help her.
He helped her sit up and gently held her arm. “It feels broken.” He gave her a sympathetic look when she winced. “I-I should call a doctor….”
“Yeah,” she muttered. “Just- Sit here with me for a bit?”
“Of course.” He carefully held her broken arm, giving her a chance to catch her breath.
Then, she felt it. A cool feeling enveloped her arm and she gasped as she felt the bone knit itself back together.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” Castiel asked, brow knit with concern.
“I- I think it’s fixed,” she said. “I… I think you fixed it.”
“But- That shouldn’t be possible. How did I….? I just knew I wanted your arm to be healed….”
She swallowed hard. This was it. The next part of his story. The part where he became a traveling healer so Dean could find him again. The part right before he was ripped away from her home and off into oblivion. And she had to play along. “And you healed it. You have a special gift.”
Castiel stared at his hands. “I… I have a gift. A gift of healing….” He looked back at her. “I need to share this gift with others. I- There’s so many people sick and dying, or who can’t afford medical care…. I can help.”
She nodded slowly. “Yes, you can. And you should. I… We’ll figure something out about that. Together.”
As they went inside to start planning, Cassie tried to ignore the sinking feeling of regret in her gut.
She knew this day was coming eventually. She knew that a demon would show up and threaten her and Dean would show up in the nick of time. She knew that he could take Castiel away from her to heal Sam. She knew there was nothing she could do to stop it.
But that didn’t mean she wouldn’t put up a fight. “I’m going with you,” she said before Castiel could agree to go.
“Sorry, lady, I only need the healer,” Dean snapped.
“You really should stay, honey,” Castiel insisted. “You know I’ll be back in a few days.”
“No, I’m coming,” she snapped. “I’m your wife and I’m not letting you wander off with some stranger all by yourself.”
“I go off with strangers all the time,” Castiel replied, letting some irritation show.
“Not strangers that know how to kill demons!”
“Look, lady-”
“My name is Cassandra and if you call me ‘lady’ one more time, I’m gonna stab you with that magic knife of yours.”
Dean scowled at her. “Listen, Cassandra, I don’t have time to argue with you. My brother needs help and your husband is the only one that can help him.”
“And what’s the problem with me coming along then? I’m not stopping him from going, but I’m not letting him go alone.”
“Sir, if I may.” Castiel stepped between them and herded Cassie into the other room. “Listen, Cassie, I understand you worry for me but this is going a bit far. Can you at least tell me why you don’t want me to go alone?”
She sighed. “I- Look, I know this is what you do. You go off for days at a time, you heal people, and then you’re home for dinner. And that’s just one of the things I love about you. But this…. This is different. He knows what demons are and he’s asking you to go heal his brother…. Do you think he’s maybe not telling us the whole truth? I just…. I worry. And I’ll feel better if I come with you. I promise I won’t get in the way, I just want to be there for you. I mean, that’s my job as your wife, right?”
Castiel nodded. “I understand. I’ll be happy to have you with me. I’ll just explain that to Dean and that I won’t come without you.”
She squeezed his hand, grateful for his understanding. “Thank you.”
Dean was, naturally, very annoyed about having to cart her around along with Castiel but he needed his brother healed so he didn’t argue it any further. Cassie sat in the backseat of the impala (and boy wasn’t that a trip) while Dean and her husband awkwardly talked in the front seat.
She knew where they were going. She knew what would happen. She knew she couldn’t interfere (more than she already had). And she hated every second of it.
“So how’d you two meet anyway?”
Castiel answered before she could. “Cassie found me; it was like an act of God, in a way. I was naked, no memories, nothing… And she took me in. Gave me home, helped me find my purpose. I don’t know where I’d be without her.”
Dean glanced at her in the rearview mirror. “And you just did that out of the goodness of your heart?”
“I like helping people,” is all she said. 
Dean huffed. “So you’re just an altruist then? Good for you.”
Cassie glared at him but stayed quiet. If she didn’t want to get kicked out of this little traveling party, she would need to play nice.
For now.
Cassie knew they would run into demons at the convenience store. She tried hard not to look like she was looking for them. They would find her and Dean regardless.
Maybe that was why she saw the demons first. “Dean! The knife!” She held her hand out and caught it when he (thankfully) threw it at her without a question. She stabbed the first demon in the gut, ducked the second one’s punch, then stabbed it in the back. She tossed the knife back to Dean so he could handle the other two.
“Thanks,” he said, panting softly. Then he looked at her, suspicion written all over his face. “How’d you know the knife would kill them?”
“Well, number one, you killed one in front of my house. And…. There were these Supernatural books-”
“Oh god.” Dean facepalmed. “No further questions. Let’s just grab some road snacks and get out of here.”
“Planning to rob the place like a criminal? I thought you were better than that Winchester.” Meg stepped into the store.
Dean stepped in front of Cassie and pointed his knife at Meg. “What the hell are you doing here?”
Meg held up her hands, showing her angel blade. “Relax; I’m not here to hurt anyone. I’m here to offer my services. You do realize that everyone in hell is looking for your boyfriend, right? You could use an extra set of eyes and hands to look after him.”
Dean rolled his eyes. Cassie stayed quiet while they argued. She knew where this was going.
They arrived at the mental hospital after a few more hours of driving. Cassie stayed with Castiel while Meg and Dean bickered over whether to tell Cas the truth.
“I’m glad you came,” Cas murmured, holding her hand. “This is all…quite overwhelming. And I’m not sure I trust either of them.”
“Told you so.” Cassie smirked and got up on her toes to kiss his cheek. “I told you when we got married, didn’t I? I’m always going to look after you.” She knew she couldn’t protect him from everything, but she would be there nonetheless.
Eventually, Dean and Meg came back over to them. “Okay, look, Castiel, I know you’re a healer but we’re going to need you to knock out those demons standing guard,” Dean said.
“No,” Castiel said. “I-I can’t do that.”
“You can,” Meg said. “Just focus and use those special powers of yours so we can get in and save Sam.”
Castiel shook his head, turning to Cassie for help. “I can’t. They’re demons. How- How could I….?”
Cassie bit her lip. She knew he could. But how could she explain that to him. “I… Well, we didn’t think you could heal people either. And that is a lot of demons. I think it’s more than Dean and Meg can handle on their own, at least not without alerting any other demons that might be around. Maybe… You could at least try….”
Castiel looked between her and the demons. “Are you sure?”
She nodded. “Just try. We’ll be right behind you in case things go wrong.”
Castiel looked to Dean and Meg, who nodded, and then back to the demons. “...Okay. I’ll try.”
They made their way down to the hospital entrance, Castiel in front, then Dean, then Meg, and Cassie taking up the rear.
Castiel only had to put his hands on the first demon to smite him. Then, it happend.
“I remember.”
Cassie watched with bated breath as Castiel finished off the demons outside the hospital and came back over to Dean and Meg. She tried to catch his gaze but he seemed to be deliberately looking away from her. “I remember everything,” he said. “Everything I’ve done…. Where is Sam? I need to try and fix what I did to him….”
“He’s just inside. I’ll take you to him.” The group moved to head inside, but Castiel stopped Cassie right before she could step in.
“You don’t need to come in, Cassie,” he said, still not looking her in the eye.
“I do.” I need to be with you when you lose your mind. I’m not leaving you alone with Meg.
“You don’t,” Castiel insisted. “You came here to support your husband. That’s not who I am anymore.”
“I disagree.” She grabbed his hand, finally getting him to look at her. “I meant those vows. For better or for worse, right? Yeah, things are crazy right now, but I’m not running away. I’d never do that to you. I’m coming in and I’m standing with you and you’re not allowed to tell me not to.”
Castiel opened his mouth to argue with her but she kissed him instead. “I think you know me well enough to know you can’t talk me out of this,” she said with a soft chuckle when she pulled away.
Cas sighed. “Yes, I suppose I do. Come on then.”
They walked into the hospital hand in hand.
“I can take on his trauma. It’s the least I can do. It should help him function again. It won’t solve everything but… It should help.”
Cassie wanted to tell him not to. She wanted to tell him he meant too much to her for him to lose her like that. But she knew this was a mistake he had to atone for and she wouldn’t stop him from doing that. She’d just need to stay by his side and care for him, just as she had been.
She watched as Castiel touched Sam and took on the burden of the Lucifer hallucinations and other hell trauma. She winced when she saw fear enter his eyes and he pushed everyone away. She stayed there in the room after Sam and Dean left and Meg went to get “hired” at the facility. She slowly coaxed him into sitting on the bed and laying down to rest.
“I see him, Cassie,” he said quietly. “He won’t shut up….”
“It’s okay. I’m here.”
Cassie sat next to his bed and picked up the Bible that was sitting on the side table.
“What are you doing?” Meg asked, leaning against the doorway in her fresh uniform.
“He likes it,” Cassie murmured. “It’s where he got his name. Genesis is his favorite chapter.”
“That was before he got his memories-”
“He’s my husband.” Cassie glared at her. “Don’t tell me what I do or don’t know about my husband.”
Meg cocked an eyebrow but left the room. “Suit yourself.”
Cassie sighed and flipped to the chapter they’d left off on during their last reading session. “Okay, let's see…. Matthew chapter 3….”
While Sam and Dean were gone, Castiel’s condition slowly improved. Cassie and Meg worked together to bring him out of the hell trauma shell. It was slow going and it was often 1 step forward, two steps back, but she wasn’t giving up. Bit by bit, they got him to sleep, then talk with Cassie, and even other patients in the facility. “They grow up so fast,” Meg joked when he successfully played a full game of checkers with a stranger.
She tried to focus on the good parts of this. She really tried hard not to think about what was coming next in the story. “I’m just glad he’s functioning,” she muttered. “I’m worried about him. About what’s next.”
“You worry too much, Cassie,” Meg said. “He’s on the mend. He’ll be up and kicking again in a few months, you’ll see.”
I don’t know if he has a few months. “You know, being a fake nurse doesn’t make you a mental health expert.
“Excuse me for trying to look on the bright side.”
“You’re excused.”
Meg chuckled. “I like you. You’re more fun than the Winchesters.”
“So are you.”
Just like she remembered, Sam and Dean showed up to pull Castiel back into action. Just like she remembered, things went horribly and she had to pick up the pieces with Castiel. She barely even registered the appearance of Kevin and all the hubbub that came with that while she was trying to coax Cas out of his shell again.
And just like she remembered, things ended up with Castiel being called to action to track down the real Dick Roman and cut the head of the leviathan empire. She hated it, but there was nothing she could do.
“Are you sure that weapon of god is going to work?” she asked.
“We’re pretty sure,” Sam said. “We got all the ingredients- unless Crowley lies about his blood but he hates the leviathans more than we do so I doubt that- and we followed the ritual. It should work. We just need to get in and cut Dick’s head off and that should be the end of it.”
Cassie huffed. “Yeah, just go into a big building full of monsters that want you dead and hope you kill the right one. Oh, yeah, and also rescue the prophet of the lord and hope Crowley doesn’t get to him first. Easy peasy.”
Sam chuckled. “Honestly? It’s probably the easiest thing we’ve had to do in the last couple years….”
Castiel appeared next to them suddenly, holding plates of food for everyone. “I collected it myself; it should be safe.”
Cassie smiled and took her plate. “Thanks, honey. You should get some rest though, okay? You need your strength.”
“So do you.”
Dean rolled his eyes and took his food. “Get a room, you two.”
“Dean-” Sam didn’t get to finish his scolding as two angels appeared out of nowhere. 
“Where is the prophet?” asked the blonde woman. “We felt that a prophet was activated. We need to take him to the desert to learn the Word of God.”
“Prophet’s not here,” Dean said. “Leviathans have him at the moment. You’re a little late.”
“We’ve been stretched a little thin,” the blonde one said curtly. “After all, someone slashed our ranks in half.” She glared at Castiel. Cassie subtly stepped in front of him. This was not going to go well.
“Hester, I’m sorry,” Castiel said. “I made mistakes, I know. But I-”
“‘Made mistakes’???” Hester screeched. “You call that genocide a mistake?! You killed our brothers and sisters! You tried to replace our father! You worked with a demon! That’s more than a mistake!” She threw up her hand, sending Castiel flying into the wall. She was on him in an instant, punching him over and over. Her companion tried to stop her, pleading that they’d lost so many already, but nothing was working.
Cassie had stolen the angel blade from Meg’s jacket before she’d even really realized what she’d done. She run over and plunged the blade into Hester’s back and the room lit up blue with her death.
Before the other angel could react, Cassie held the blade to his throat.“Tell your other angel friends to stay the hell away from my husband,” she hissed. 
The angel disappeared without another word.
The appearance of the angels had everyone on edge, even Meg. Between that and all the news coming from Dick Roman’s headquarters, it was clear they had to get this taken care of. Cassie knew she should just let it happen and play her role on the sidelines, but she’d already interfered more than she should have. In for a penny, in for a pound, right?
“I’m coming with you.”
“No, you’re not.” It was the first thing Castiel had said for the whole conversation. “It’s far too dangerous for you.”
“I’m not some weeping damsel in distress. I’m coming with you.”
“Cas has a point,” Sam said. “I know he’s your husband and all but… You’re not exactly prepared for something like this.”
“Oh, and he is?!” Cassie snapped. “I mean, he’s my husband, but we all agree he’s certifiably insane and basically defenseless. And I’m supposed to trust that you two chucklefucks will bring him back alive?! No thank you; I can take care of him myself.”
“Cassie, that’s enough,” Castiel said firmly. “I understand that you’re worried about me but killing Dick Roman needs to take priority and I won’t be able to focus on that if I’m worried about you.”
“I can take care of myself!”
“You’re a dance teacher who read a bunch of books that happened to be accurate on the supernatural!”
I’m a Texas Ranger! she wanted to scream. I’ve killed people. And now I’ve killed demons and even an angel. I have killed for you and I will die for you and I’m not stopping that now. “I can help,” she said instead. “I mean, we still need to rescue Kevin, right? And the place will be crawling with leviathan. You need all the hands you can get!”
“Cassie, no.”
“If I may.” Meg spoke up from her spot against the wall. “I’ve been keeping an eye on her for the past few months and I can say with absolute certainty that she is going to join your little mission whether you want her to or not. I think keeping her alive will be a lot easier if you actually know where she is, don’t you?”
Cassie had never been so grateful to have a demon around.
Castiel sighed. “Unfortunately, Meg is right about my wife’s stubbornness. Maybe it is better if she comes….”
“Cas, you can’t be serious!” Dean rounded on her. “You’re staying here or-”
“Or what?” Cassie stepped right up to him, standing as tall as she could to get in his face (a skill she’d practiced often with Walker). “You’re not taking my husband on a suicide mission without me. If you don’t take me willingly, I’ll just ride along in the trunk. Or I’ll make a demon deal and show up in the middle of it. But you’re not leaving me out of it. Do I make myself perfectly clear, Winchester?”
“He’s not your husband!”
“The hell he isn’t! We got married, we signed the paperwork, we made vows! I don’t care if he’s an angel of the lord or if he’s on the run from heaven or if he let the leviathans out and started this whole mess! I made a commitment to him and I’m seeing it through, regardless of what you say. For better or for worse, right?”
Dean rolled his eyes and turned to his brother. “Sam, tell the lady this is a bad idea and drive her home.”
“Dean…” Sam sighed. “Maybe we should take her. She seems pretty committed to it. Wouldn’t you rather know where she is than worry about where she might end up?”
Dean huffed and grumbled some more but eventually he gave in. Not that Cassie would’ve let that stop her if he kept fighting it.
Cassie grinned. “Alright then. Let’s pack up and move out; we’ve got a leviathan empire to dismantle!”
Cassie knew this moment would come. She’d tried to prepare herself for it.
But nothing could prepare her to watch the angel she loved be sent to a special kind of Hell. “Castiel!” she screamed, jumping forward and latching onto his trench coat.
A pulsing energy radiated through the room and she felt it on an atomic level.
Then, it was dark. And cold. And all of a sudden, she was in some very dark woods with Castiel and Dean Winchester. She knew exactly where she was. Purgatory.
She knew Castiel would leave. She knew why. But that knowledge didn’t make her feel any better when she realized her husband left her all alone despite all his concern for her safety earlier.
Dean’s hand wrapped around her arm. “Stick with me, Cassie. I’ll get us out of this. Somehow.”
She knew he would. Eventually. Somehow, that didn’t help her anxiety in the moment as glowing red eyes appeared in the forest around them.
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May I please request a Dean x reader imagine where he finds out she's really ticklish while they're cuddling and he just tortures her with tickles? Especially on her neck where she's most ticklish? :)
Hello Anon! Thank you for the request!! I am SO sorry for the late response, I have barely had time to come on this app, so this story took way longer than it should have. But here it is, I hope that it was what you wanted!
@streets-in-paradise @lyarr24 @nancymcl @hobby27
Tickle Monster
  In the bunker after a long hunt, you were excited to finally relax.  You and Dean had made a promise to watch some trashy old movie he liked that he had wanted to show you forever.  You didn’t mind watching it but pretending you didn’t drive him crazy and you enjoyed watching him squirm.  He usually had the upper hand so it was fun to change it around.
      Once you had come in, dropped off your bags and talked to Sam about how it was a success, you went to shower.  It felt good to wash the dirt off from the hunt.  You wanted nothing more than to just curl up in bed and watch a movie.  You had gotten yourself clean, and decided to let your hair air dry.  Walking into Dean’s room, you knew he would already be waiting for you.
“Are you ready to watch this movie?”  Dean said with a grin.
“Ready as I’ll ever be.  Are you sure you want to watch this?”  You ask him with only slightly fake annoyance.
“You’ll love it, I promise.”  He said, moving over on the bed to allow room for you.
“You promise, huh?  And what good is your word, Dean?”  You teased him.
“You wound me, darlin’.  But my word is good to you.”  He fake flirted.
“Whatever, Casanova.  Just start the movie so it ends faster.”  You shoved him over a bit as you crawled in beside him.  He made room and put his arm around you.
     After awhile, you began to yawn.  You were able to suppress it before, but this time Dean had noticed.
“Am I really boring you that much?”  He joked.
“Nah, but the hunt tonight really wore me out I guess.”
“You did good tonight, kid.”  He had given you that nickname the first time you met.  It bothered you because you weren’t a kid but the name stuck and it grew on you.
“Thanks Old Man.”  The name was in response.  He didn’t like it either, but like you, it had grown on him.
“Besides, I know a good way to stay awake”  He wiggled his eyebrows at you.  This caused you to jab him in the side.
“And miss this movie?  I can’t keep my eyes from the screen.”  You said as sarcastically as you could.
“Whatever kid.”  You both settled back in and he began playing with your hair.  It was calming for both of you.  
     Pretty soon you could feel yourself nodding off.  That was until you felt Dean tickling your side.
“You awake?”  He asked as you jumped.
“Dean don’t even start that!”  You turned to look at him, a warning look in your eyes.  This only caused him to laugh.
“Then don’t fall asleep on your new favorite movie.”  He countered.
“I am NOT asleep.”  You crossed your arms, protecting your side.
“Not now, you’re welcome.”  He was insufferable sometimes.
“Don’t start something you know you will lose.”  You warned.
“Oh really?  I never lose a fight.”  He challenged with that playful look he carried in his eyes.
“You will lose this one.”  You stared each other down, until an unspoken truce was called and you settled back into his side.  Little did he know you were slowly reaching your hand over, still having them crossed so he didn’t see the movement.  When you knew he had his guard down you tickled his side.  The big man beside you jumped higher than he did when he had Yellow Fever.  You hadn’t seen him so startled.
“That’s how it feels!”  You laughed in triumph.  You both were ticklish and knew that was the best way to get to each other.
“Oh now you’ve done it!”
“NO, we are done, Dean.  I am just finishing what you started.”
“No way.”  Fear was evident in your eyes, as he moved swiftly and had you pinned under him.  He began his relentless assault of tickles across your skin as you laughed and screamed for him to stop.  He didn’t but you had managed to free an arm to return the gesture.  This had caused him to fall more on top of you with his breath against your neck.  He knew how ticklish your neck was, and he breathed his hot breath causing you to shriek.
“DEAN!”  You shouted.  “DON’T do that!  You know how ticklish I am!”  You said in between laughs where you couldn’t catch your breath.  He just continued his assault and you were now crying laughing.  You kept ‘fighting’ back but knew you would lose, he always won tickle fights.
“Okay, do you call Uncle?”  he asked, slightly getting off of you to see your face.  You managed to wipe your eyes a little and catch your breath.
“Never!”  You said, sneak attacking him back.
“Oh now you’ve done it!”  You continued your fight for a little bit, then you heard the end credits rolling with the stereotypical 80s song running.  You both sat up, catching your breath.  You then looked over to Dean who looked as much of a loser in the fight as you and you couldn’t help but smile.
“You’re right Dean, best movie I ever saw.”
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hellsrebellion · 10 months
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It wasn't a command. And Roman was once again reminded that this version of Camilla both confused and terrified him. Rather than demanding with harshness, it's a gentle plea within her soft voice. Had there been some sort of domineering tone to it, he might've just offered some muttered excuse as to why he needed to go.
He was busy-- and he didn't necessarily need rest or sleep like she did. It was optional; although his meat suit certainly would've appreciated it. Not that there was anyone in there with needs, he'd made sure of that. It had been more on the front of selfishness than him having some 'sanctity of human life' bullshit.
'You can pretend and act like you're so different from the others, but how good can you be? You're holding someone hostage inside their own body right now, you're no better.' Roman still remembered a time not too long ago when she'd looked at him with disgust and voiced her disdain for him.
Her words like daggers, sharp with the intention to cut him up.
"Meat suit was already dead." He'd retorted flatly, turning back to face her after nearly leaving Singer's because he 'didn't need this shit'. Not knowing why he even felt the need to whip around explaining himself to her- as if he needed to. He could've just left despite the tether, then it would've been on her to call him back if she wanted to continue throwing verbal punches. Remind him of what he was, the hatred she harbored toward him. "Gunshot victim.. he'd already been beamed up, Scotty…he'd flatlined, they called time- lights out. There ain't nobody in here with me." His words had been spit with the same amount of venom, "So.. got anything else you wanna reem me for.. or we done for now?"
At the time, Roman had just accepted they'd never be able to see beyond black eyes and soullessness-- she'd always circle right back around to what he was despite his intentions. When Camilla had been of her own judgement Roman remembered her trying to reason with the Winchesters and Singer that he'd gain nothing from lying to them about what he knew. She hadn't known he'd been listening, but he had. As long as she had Dean in her's, that animosity would remain.. they were the only family that she had left. She'd never do anything to compromise that.. especially side with a demon.
"Look--we don't gotta get along, don't even gotta speak to one another 'less we have to. I'm just intel, can leave all the personal shit out of the equation.. I tell you what I know, you do with that information what you will. Call me here, just make sure it's need-to-know basis.. Dean can bottle his noise up 'til this is over and take me out for what Azazel did to his family after- we all got bigger problems right now."
It hadn't been some lifetime ago-- they'd still only known one another for a few months now. Which is why it was unnerving how quickly she'd become something.. important to him. He did care what she thought of him, had wanted her trust and that sense of longing he'd been grappling with never faded out, it only grew the longer he was around her.
Roman's expression softens on her in slight at the singular word, shifting his weight in his worn combats as those doe eyes search his own. He swallows and nods, barely detectable.
"Alright.." he says quietly to her, his low and deep voice in that uncharacteristically gentle tone- the one he only ever held with her when she got like this. Confusing, infuritating.. he didn't know which it was more of anymore.
Once again he just finds himself full of excuses. They were states away from the Winchesters, Bobby, Ellen, that weapon stash, her books.. anything she had that could've protected her or evened the odds should anyone downstairs have caught wind that she was alone in the city, and taken their chances trying to catch her off guard.
He had to stay.. to keep her safe.
But deep down, he knows better. Those hex bags kept her invisible-- nobody had any idea where she was; wouldn't have been able to sniff her out if they tried and at the moment Caim and the others' priorities were more focused on the bigger picture. As satisfying as it would've been to take the last remaining Remington out for them, they wouldn't be seeking her out. The only thing that was keeping him in that hotel room with her was his desire to be there.
She'd just handed the excuse to him, by asking for him to stay.
Roman's dark orbs linger down on her when he goes to pass by, his shoulder brushing against her own as he strides over to one of the beds to sit down on the foot of it with an exhale. Unsure of what to do then. It would've been less uncomfortable gargling holy water than it was trying to do this little song and dance, pretend like what was going on wasn't going on.
"Should've picked up some cards.. or.. Monopoly or somethin'.." he finally mumbles, sniffing and lifting his gaze to her. His head of unruly hair shakes once as his gaze flicks away from her again; untrusting that his own eyes wouldn't wander all over her, palms spreading down his thighs as he shifts on the mattress.
And he knew.. of course he fucking knew that she was treading a line seeing if he would finally cross over it. But she was the only thing he was terrified of.. and never for the reasons it would've made sense for him to be. He'd have never given her that knife she had tucked away in her bag if that were the case. It would be more likely Hell froze over before he ever allowed himself to give into the temptation she was offering him. No matter how badly he may have wanted to. The dynamic was already a complicated mess as was.. he couldn't imagine how much more complicated it would be if he did.
'You're walking a very dangerous path, Roman.' Jericho's words echo in his mind with warning. God knew he was.
"Can't help but keep wonderin'.." he finally starts again, any sense of amusement he'd held before drained from his voice entirely as his dark orbs stay planted on the warped wooden floor of that seedy hotel room. "..once this ends.. however it does.." he pauses in thought, his gaze finally lifting in search of her.
"..say we kill Lilith- Caim.. stop the domino effect should they start breakin' these seals. Lucifer never pops the cage.. or the war happens, and humanity wins.." he lists through scenarios, shrugging at her a bit as his gaze lingers up at her and shifts.
"You ain't the only hunter, Camilla.." he says finally, a warning in his tone- a knowing one. "Dean.. I don't know any way of savin' him.. even if that's the case, there's just as many hunters like Dean out there as there are like you, like Sam.." he explains in an even tone, swallowing as he stares up at her from the end of the bed.
" ..once the behemoth is out the way.. we both know who the targets are gonna be and other hunters aren't gonna be so understandin' that we ain't all the same." He exhales slowly as he watches her, nodding and dropping his gaze again.
He didn't know what he was looking for. Typically it was her looking to him for reassurance and he wasn't even sure that's what this was. More that he was just explaining a valid reason as to why he wouldn't even let himself get close to her- not any closer than he already was. Ever since Jericho jumping down his throat over his priorities it had turned into Roman just.. scrapbooking moments he'd had with her, the seed already having been planted that there was as much an inevitability here as there was with Dean's clock ticking, as there was with this little pissing contest between Hell and the Heavens. And to Roman that inevitability was only going to be harder if he allowed himself to let her in anymore than she already was…
"Likelihood is I'm gonna have to disappear.. once this is over." he says finally, his tone lowering as he swallows again. Not wanting to look up at her again for fear of what he'd find there. The worst part was that it didn't matter if any line was crossed or not. Camilla had crept into that godforsaken organ in his chest like a thief in the night and he already knew that he wouldn't be the same afterward. She'd made him feel the closest to human as he'd ever get again.
He didn't know if that was better, or worse in the end of things.'
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mlobsters · 8 months
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supernatural s13e10 wayward sisters (w. robert berens, andrew dabb)
is this a spinoff setup attempt? not sure i have the... whatever. to watch it. another longer than necessary recap but at least the music is mixed better than 13x09. but this is made more like a music video (or fanvid), can't say i'm feelin the music they picked but whatever. usually their pre-ep recaps are (sometimes too) snappy. is this the same editor as 09 i wonder. they had the same DP forever basically. so yes, it is the same editor and he only did 27 episodes in the series, definitely gonna keep that in mind as i slog my way through the end of the series. see if i can pick up the tells like i was doing and not realizing with the composers 🤪
generally down for claire being a badass and all, but like. being outnumbered with monsters that have physical advantages and her not having been doing it very long, is a little hard to swallow. generally the show presents hunting as something that should be done not-alone? and if she's gonna get into a wrestling match with a werewolf instead of just shooting it... whatever. whatever whatever
well, at least jody is freaking out/yelling at her about it. but like, jody can't be her hunting partner fulltime, so maybe she needs to get set up with one of the other hunters they know.
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another scar comparison for bonding moment (11x15 which was more a direct jaws scar comparison reference)
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SAM No no no, don’t tell me it tastes like chicken. DEAN No, Sam it’s a lizard. It tastes like a lizard.
all right that got a chuckle out of me
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cute cute
CLAIRE Yeah. Jody always said I’d get myself killed, hunting, and I’d be like, good. If I’m going to go out then that’s how I want to do it, doing something great
yeah need a smidge more self-preservation skills i think before doing this alone
these uh, bad place monster guys are. something. very predator movie monster vibes with the jaw situation, stringy bits and clicky noises
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that big skull is so goofy looking.
is there some reason they just didn't run straight into the nexus no stopping. wtf. kaia had to die first for no reason
JODY No, this isn’t on you, not all of it, I told you to go. CLAIRE No. I didn’t even think, I just raced in, no plan. I said I’d protect her. I get it now, why you are the way you are, with me. Because of the… this feeling…
all righty. kaia had to die for claire to learn a lesson.
CLAIRE I came back to Sioux Falls to save Sam and Dean Winchester and I did. No, we did, we saved Sam and Dean. All of these amazing women, my family. They don’t know it yet, they think I’m staying because I’m broken but I’m staying because I need them, my family, my army. The thing that killed Kaia is still out there and I don’t care if I have to tear another hole in the universe, we’re going to find it. And I’m going to kill it.
LOL omg the diary and voiceover. how very vampire diaries
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i mean, it's sweet
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uh huh 🥴
On May 11, 2018 it was announced that Wayward Sisters would not go to series, with network president Mark Pedowitz citing on May 17th: “We are big fans of the characters and the women who played those characters… We hope they continue on as guest stars on Supernatural… But we did not feel creatively that the show was where we wanted it to be. And we felt we had a better shot with [Originals spin-off] Legacies.”
isn't the originals a spinoff of the vampire diaries? lol spinoff of a spinoff had better potential 😬made it 4 seasons!
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