#but in doing so she kind of -- accidentally did the same damage to jess
terrainofheartfelt · 1 year
in my studies I just finished Gilmore Girls 3x02 and it just hit me how...parallel Rory and Christopher are in their respective confrontations? Or like, Jess and Lorelai's respective responses? How Rory and Chris are both like "I don't want it to be this way" and Jess and Lorelai both saying "But it is"
I guess what really got me was how similar the rapid fire questions felt similar.
Are you still with Sherri? / yes / Is she still pregnant? / yes / Are you going to marry her? / yes / then, honey, we are where we are
did you call? / no / send a letter? / no / telegram? / no / smoke signal? / no.
it's just fucking me up a lil that's all.
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sserpente · 4 years
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Synopsis: After his lucky escape, the Tesseract takes Loki on new adventures--but unfortunately, his journeys through space do not go unnoticed and he soon ends up on TVA’s radar. The deal is a simple one: Become a recruit and help the Time Variance Authority fight time crimes to earn your freedom again eventually or die. Loki accepts the challenge. It would not be long until he could use their own weapons against them, after all. If only that, however, were his only concern. Least of all did he expect that with his reluctant arrival at TVA, a woman would step into his life and wreak havoc in his heart. He does not know what it is about her that he seeks her presence like a bee hunting for honey--but he is determined to find out.
A/N: Gaaaah, I haven’t nearly pre-written as many chapters as I would like to have pre-written before starting to post but I just can’t wait any longer! I finally want to share this story with you guys, I am so hyped about it! So, without further ado--enjoy the first chapter of “Pastel Blue”! I hope you like it! ♥
Chapter 1
Tick Tock. That clock on the wall was driving her crazy, it had been ever since she had been assigned to this dull office. She spent most of her time in the lab, working in midst of dangerous and highly sensitive equipment and delicate devices.
Tick Tock. She was going to smash it—with a big hammer, perhaps, or even better, a jackhammer. It was ugly too. Made of wood and obviously antique, late 18th century probably. What had Mobius been thinking?
Oh yeah, him. Mobius M. Mobius, her I-am-not-your-father-but-I-will-treat-you-like-my-daughter supervisor and babysitter, thank you very much. Granted, he was old enough to be her father, taking into consideration that in her mid-twenties, there wasn’t much need for a parental figure in her life anymore.
Tick Tock. She sighed. The pile of paperwork she had been handed this morning had seemingly not shrunk by even an inch. She could swear she had not been stalling today. Breakfast, work, lunch break, work… Tick Tock. She rolled her eyes. No. This was unreasonable. Grunting a few not so decent swear words, she gathered the spreadsheets and dozens of handwritten notes, sending the calming ruffling of paper through the air and exited the room without so much as thinking about what Mobius would think about her wandering places around the TVA during work hours again.
Besides, the kitchen and common room right around the corner of her desired destination was equipped with the best coffee machine modern technology had to offer. Hot chocolate with mint and a hint of vanilla? Oh yes, please!
At this time of the day, the lab in question was deserted. Pens, pliers and other small tools lay scattered all over the metal tables as if someone had just finished their work for the day. Some of the devices in here could cause major damage if activated accidentally or even at the wrong time. Now there was the thrill, the proximity to endless possibilities.
After turning a few laps around the tables to see if anything had changed or improved at all since the last time she was here (which would be yesterday), she eventually made herself comfortable at the huge desk fully equipped with a cup holder, sockets and a fancy table lamp. The chair was the best part, enabling her to swirl around whenever she felt like she needed a refreshing spin.
She had just pulled out her burrow from her hair, having twirled it around one of the lighter strands. Her guess was the sun had bestowed its warm kisses upon her chocolate brown hair in the summer. Leaning over her papers, she got back to work.
But it was only five minutes until she heard the heavy metal door with the see-through glass panel being pushed open, followed by someone clearing their throat.
“Jess, do you have a moment?” Mobius asked. Jess tilted her head, the slightest frown accompanied by a gentle smirk decorating her face. What, no chastising for changing work locations today? She swirled around on her chair, expecting to see the man in question in his grey suit and the signature scar across his nose stare her down with arms akimbo. Instead, he was holding on to the door tensely, right next to him, seemingly out of place in the threshold, a man with raven hair and the most stunning pair of blue eyes she had ever had the pleasure to lock her gaze with. Her eyes were blue as well—Loki’s, however, seemed to shimmer green in the artificial light of the lab. She didn’t get much daylight, all the way down here.
“M?” Jess smiled. She rose, ignoring the slight trembling of her knees as she approached the two, keeping a safe distance. Her heart skipped a beat with every single step, her chest resembling a magnet pulling her towards Loki like a powerless needle.
“I’ve told you, repeatedly, to stay in your own office.” Ah, there it was.
“I have asked you, repeatedly, to re-locate my office here.” She retorted with a smug expression, eyes darting over to Loki. Mobius shook his head. “An introduction is probably redundant. Jess, this is Loki.”
He was wearing the orange prison clothes TVA had manufactured a few years back. She had to admit, orange suited him rather well, bringing out his cheekbones and the dark hair framing his flawless face. His lips were thin, his jawline to die for. She would be lying if she denied his attractiveness. Loki was a god, after all. Most prominent to his appearance, however, were the shackles around his naked wrists and the metal collar hiding most of his long neck—a chunky but firm reminder his powers were all but a myth as long as the light was blinking bright red like a traffic light screaming stop at him like a sleep-deprived police officer.
Loki lifted his chin, allowing pride and confidence to flood his aura. Out of all the people he had encountered in this strange place so far, alterations of his very own self on an old-fashioned projector included, she was by far the oddest. Jess, so he learned, wore a colourful choker around her neck as well as two bracelets of the same kind. They reminded him of sugar pearls. If he had asked her about them, she could have revealed to him that they were indeed candy necklaces—and that she wore them because Mobius had stressed there were no edible snacks allowed at work. The elegant pieces of jewellery hanging down her earlobes, however, appeared to be non-edible. Two delicate silver charms, holding what Loki identified to be moonstones. They suited her, complementing the long brown hair and the outstanding colour of her eyes. Blue—just like his.
“The God of Mischief.” She completed, the fraction of a second after he had studied her conspicuous appearance. She added a court but polite nod. “I was kind of hoping to meet you one day.” And so she was. The rumours had spread across the entire facility like wildfire, reaching even the Minutemen based in different timelines. Loki, the Norse God of Mischief, had stolen an Infinity Stone and escaped his respective timeline—a timeline reaching all the way back to 2012—creating a new branch of reality entirely. Unsupervised, he could have caused serious damage to the very fabric of time and the multiverse. He had to be stopped, had to be captured, had to be persuaded.
Mobius had expressed his interest in getting the infamous Trickster to work for him frequently. Loki was skilled, intelligent, witty, a talented fighter and most of all, one of the most capable users of magic the multiverse had to offer. His stories of victory and defeat were known to most of the TVA and yet, they resonated with her to an extent her colleagues could never fathom. Above everything Loki had had to experience—above all Loki will have had to experience—there was a thick layer of loneliness clouding his aura like a blanket of ice-cold snow. It was a suitable comparison, given his heritage.
“I didn’t just hear that.” Mobius intervened. He sized her up like an unpredictable teenager. “The God of Mischief has retired. Loki here has just agreed on working for us.”
“With you,” Loki interrupted. “Not for you. Reluctantly.” That would leave her wondering what exactly it was Mobius had offered him in return.
Jess chuckled. “Now that is a matter of opinion, trust me. I would know.” Raising an eyebrow, she gave Mobius a challenging glare.
“I need you to cover a shift.” He responded matter-of-factly. Jess’ eyebrow rose even higher. “Reese just jumped back from 1792.”
“He almost made his personal acquaintance with the guillotine. They’re patching him up in the hospital wing right now.”
Sucking in a deep breath, Jess took a step back, realising just what kind of favour, no, requirement Mobius would ask for. Reese had been in the TVA for more than three decades—he had not aged a day since his accession as a matter of fact—and his experience and excessive excitement over the Avengers had made him the perfect candidate to keep an eye on Loki while he was still not to be trusted—if he was ever going to be trusted, that was. He was the God of Mischief, after all.
“I’m on probation, remember? What makes you think I should cover for him of all people?” Loki rolled his eyes and for a moment, you almost felt sorry for excluding him from a conversation that was clearly about him.
“Call it an experiment. Prove to me that we can rely on you and I’ll end your probation.” Jess resisted the urge to shake his hand off her shoulder when he leaned forward to touch her in a fatherly manner.
“Sir, do you have a moment?” A Minuteman had appeared behind them. Jess had never quite figured out how they moved so quietly. Their shoe soles must have been made of feathers. In turn, the stilettos she usually wore to smuggle a few more inches to her height were loud and made satisfying noises ricocheting through the hallways when she walked, emitting confidence and even smugness. She needed that boost every once in a while.
Mobius nodded. As he released Jess’ shoulder and pushed past Loki—who did, much to her amusement, not move an inch for the senior manager—he pointed a finger at him. “Behave.”
The lab door fell shut behind him, drowning all noises from the outside like a soundproof recording room. Jess gaped at Loki for a second, her body once again threatening to overwhelm her with the magnetic pull she felt towards the Trickster, fascination setting her veins ablaze.
“You do not look human.” Loki suddenly said, breaking the uncomfortable silence. Jess pouted.
“Excuse me? I am hoping you meant that as a compliment, I am as human as I’ll ever be.” Loki frowned, then responded with a hum.
“I take it you hop timelines for him too then, fixing the damage others have done.”
“Me? No.” Jess shook her head. “I am not a Minuteman. I wish I was, trust me, but I have got nothing to do with that, unfortunately. I work in the linguistics department, spending all day translating protocols and time recordings from all sorts of languages. Now I know what you’re thinking. With its technology, shouldn’t TVA be able to translate everything using a smart computer program?” She shrugged. “Well, technically you’re right. But there’s a bunch of languages out there that simply don’t exist either here on Earth or any other known realm. We’re only human—and a computer program is only as smart as its creator. It can’t translate a language that does not consist of words, for example, that would go against the very human comprehension of its programmer.”
“Then how do you speak them?” Loki probed.
“That’s my superpower. I don’t know why I can understand them, I just… do. And what did it get me?” She raised her hands in a dramatic motion. “Paperwork. Lots of paperwork. The only way for me to get in on the real action is this place here. Take a look at this.” Loki watched her move towards what resembled a toaster, shaped like a metal suitcase that had been left open. Smiling, she reached for a shining red apple on the table and placed it on the black surface before activating the switch. She had seen the scientists do this dozens of times before. In fact, she was sure she could handle most of the devices in here in her sleep. As the small machine hummed to life, it sent a deafening vibration through the room and then, just like someone had hit fast-forward with a remote, the apple shrivelled and rotted.
“Pretty cool, huh? It works the other way around too once it recharged. They haven’t figured out how to make it work for living beings, including humans, just yet, though. This is just a prototype anyway, the real thing is supposed to help re-animate the dead for a short amount of time to solve time crimes and shit. I swear I’d get a major in science if I lived another life. My father was one. Before he died, that is.” Jess wasn’t quite sure what made her open up to the God of Mischief and tell her about her personal family drama. She usually babbled when nervousness got the better of her but this was a new level of openness entirely. They all knew her story, after all, but apart from Mobius, they all pretended they didn’t. “You see? TVA is not all bad, even if it may seem so at first. M can be an arsehole sometimes, I know. He calls our main timeline in which everything began,” Jess continued with a dramatic voice, “the Null-Time Zone. I never figured out why and he won’t tell me.”
“Because you don’t listen, Jess.” Mobius answered, holding the door open with the Minuteman who had asked for his advice impatiently but mutely waiting for his turn again behind him.
“So?” She probed, pointing at the God of Mischief with her chin, her arms crossed. “If I am to play babysitter for a while, where am I staying? Where is Loki staying?”
“Your place.” Jess blinked, incredulousness spreading on her face like a clean swipe of butter on warm toasted bread.
“My place?”
“Your residential unit is supervised and equipped with modern alarm systems, just in case you decide to make trouble again, remember? We’ll position security outside the door in addition to that, killing two birds with one stone. Besides, it’s only temporary. Reese should be up and on his feet again in no time. The blade only grazed him before he made the jump back.”
“That does not sound reassuring!” Jess stood up straight to prove her point and yet, even compared to Mobius, she was nowhere near tall enough to make an impact with her body language at this time.
“You can take the rest of the day off as compensation. Show Loki to your unit. Make yourselves acquainted. I’ll send security to collect him in five minutes—to the second!”
She seems familiar almost… like part of me has known her forever. It was a thought which jumped into Loki’s mind and implanted itself in his head like a parasite. A mere mortal, how could there possibly be a connection between them? But it wasn’t just magnetic fascination and intrigue. Loki felt a need to keep her in his presence much like she was about to be his cherished bride. Irritation crept up the back of his neck as he followed her through the branched corridors and back to the modern lift he had had to use upon his arrival.
He would only love to know just what it was that had gotten her on probation. Abuse of machinery for her own selfish purposes, perhaps? A prank which had gone too far and done damage to the organisation? Murder? No. Despite her toughness, he could not imagine the delicate mortal standing next to him in the elevator being capable of killing anyone.
When the elevator doors slid open again, the young woman gave him an almost sheepish smile. She hardly appeared worried by having to escort him all on her own, across empty hallways which were only too inviting to overpower her and escape. Something held him back. She did, so he realised with another wave of irritation electrifying his body.
“…the most dangerous missions they usually leave to Justice Peace and Death’s Head. Ever heard of them? They are like celebrities around here.” He heard her say just then. But Loki couldn’t possibly take less interest in this so-called Time Variance Authority. All he needed to know was that it was yet another, partially human-led secret organisation imagining with the naivety of a child that they held power over him. SHIELD had made this mistake in the past and they had paid the bitter price. TVA would be no different.
“The units here are labelled with our initials and the department number. This one.” Jess pointed at the first door coming into sight to their right and quite apparently, Mobius had not made any empty promises concerning Jess’ safety and surveillance. As they turned around the corner, they were greeted by a grimly looking security officer clutching one of those small devices Loki identified as a Taser, one which of the like Darcy Lewis had once used on his brother. He kept a straight face even as Jess unlocked the residential unit using her fingerprint and entered but gave him a provocative smirk before following her.
His own chambers back on Asgard—another life entirely, so it seemed now—were a reflection of who he was with their green accents, the countless books, the tidiness and the ancient parchment rolls on his dark mahogany desk from Vanaheim. If anything, analysing her personal living space to the very last grain of dust would satisfy his need to learn just why he felt so drawn her, perhaps.
The first item of furniture he took in was the long bookshelf towering all the way up to the ceiling, every inch filled with clearly read books about as thick as his wrist. He made a note to study the titles later. A coffee table full of empty peanut shells and a new package of peanuts still sealed neatly in their plastic bag, a caramel sofa on which he found more sealed peanut bags as well as a golden cushion with cheesy pom-poms. A drawer, a TV with large speakers and another electronic gadget resembling a fridge and two separate doorways which led to a bathing area, so he presumed, and her bedroom. Even with the overall lack of more furniture in the room, Jess had somehow managed to add her very own personal touch to the sterile residential unit.
“The bathroom is to the right, you’ll find refreshments and snacks in the fridge next to the TV. My bedroom is out of bounds. I hope you enjoyed the tour.” She chuckled, grabbing a blue leather jacket from the hook on the entrance door behind them. “Big meals are eaten in the cafeteria at certain times of the day though. Mobius wants to strengthen the team spirit but the cooks never say no to a late breakfast or a midnight snack if you ask them nicely.”
Loki narrowed his eyes at her. “Don���t you feel like a prisoner in this place?” A lackey for someone else to take the credit for your hard work, he added silently. He knew two of that kind—one being his brother, the other his alleged father. Loki suppressed a begrudged growl. Just in that moment and before she had a chance to reply to his provocative remark, there was a vigorous knock on the door.
“That’ll be your cue.” Jess announced. Loki had to force himself not to turn his head and catch one last glimpse of her as the grimly looking security man escorted him back to Mobius and, other than Jess, kept pushing him forward like cattle and yet, he was convinced he could feel her curious gaze resting on his back long after he had turned back around the corner, stepped into the elevator and even when he was reluctantly reunited with Mobius near the lab where they had first picked her up.
He was speaking to the same Minuteman who had interrupted them earlier—quietly, vividly and so engrossed in the seemingly heated conversation that he noticed Loki and his new bodyguard approaching only after his exceptional hearing had picked up shreds of information he made another mental note of using against them, sooner rather than later.
“You do realise that they’ll come after us with a vengeance, right? That could be the end of TVA once and for all, you know very well what he is capable of.”
“Let that be my concern. This is just a temporary solution—one which I am very curious about.”
“But it already—“
“I realise it already happened and that’s exactly why I’m doing this. All we need to do is stop it from happening again by observing the situation intently, stitch up the loop and we’ll be safe. This isn’t my first rodeo, Dave, you of all people should know this.”
“And what about the Tesseract? Wouldn’t it be smarter if we—“
The security officer cleared his throat, announcing their arrival.
“The Tesseract,” Loki interrupted with a glare, strutting towards them like the king he was born to become and despite his shackles, “belongs to me. It called out to me, it is mine.”
“You’ll find a lot of people in this facility who will disagree with you on that. Trust me. We’ll make sure you won’t get your hands on that cube again.” Dave snorted. “I hope you like your new lodging. Now come on, mischief maker. You’ve got a lot of work to do.”
A/N: And Scene! So what do you think, what do you think, what do you think? 🤯 I’m so excited to dive into this story! I literally recorded myself on my phone in the middle of the night a while back when all the ideas I had finally came together so I hope I’ll be taking you on an exciting journey with me!
Chapter 2
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austarus · 4 years
Harry Wells x Reader Amending Past Actions
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**A/N: The picture/edit/gif does not belong to me. It belongs to @moonymartell
*Set Post-s4 but before s6, with the revelation of Harry’s cube message that Cisco and Caitlin had found in s6. I think that makes sense. Anyway, just humor me ok? I miss my grumpy and soft scientist.
Word Count: 3350
“Dad, we can’t just let that meta get away with Syberon Labs’ technoscope.” Jesse spoke in a hushed manner as to not let other wandering ears to hear her their conversation. The undergrad had trailed right behind her father as the taller Wells made his way to his office. Harry pressed his thumb on the fingerprint scan against the wall beside his door, unlocking the system to reveal an intricate pass-code sequence as well. Harry mused to himself that it’s a miracle he managed to re-learn and memorize the security code. The dark-haired man had to ensure that no one except him, you, and Jesse were able to enter his area of isolation and Time Vault if there were to be maliciously rampant around the city like Zoom. The young speedster paused until they had fully entered the office and closed the door. The dimness of the room brightened up due to the motion-sensory had had installed years ago. “We have to let the board understand the amount of damage that meta can cause even if the tech isn’t linked to their powers.”
“Jesse, while I do appreciate that you keep me around for your meta-hero work, in this case my hands are tied. I can’t speak on behalf of the science anymore.” Harry replied as he pulled off his bag from his shoulder to set it beside his desk. Long legs moved to take a seat at his workspace, Harry unbuttoned the black buttons of his suit jacket. He had an earlier demonstration pitch to make with speaking to him in his ear for the science-y parts. The not-so-genius CEO inwardly sighed at the amount of proposals on his desks. “I’m not what I once was.”
“What if you could?”
Blue eyes ceased scanning the stack of papers he held in his hand. Harry gently laid them back down the cool glassy surface. “… What are you saying?”
Jesse took a step forward in front of her father’s desk, taking a breath in to resist the urge to accidentally speed-talk her lightbulb moment whenever she got excited. “What if we enhance your neural firing up to the intricate speed that it was once at in each your nervous cells? Therefore, amplifying your neural functions to compensate for cognition and analytical/systematic processing within certain parts of your brain. We’d also have to certify that other areas of your brain are also matching the same speeds before the Enlightenment accident so that we don’t get an overcompensation of neural stimulation. If we increase the firing rate to the adequate speed without causing your body to overstimulate or overwork itself biochemically then we should be able to get your mind back to what it once was. That means we’d also have to know your body’s precise neural chemical levels to see if we need to inject increments in order to compensate for the firing rate values while balancing the fact that we’d have to scan your brain for any traces of dark matter or sub-particles. I’m sure you’d documented your initial firing rate along everything else before you did the tests on the Cerebral inhibitor back on Earth-1.”
That’s my Jesse Quick. Harry had watched his daughter with wide eyes as she spoke confidently. Pride swelled in his chest even though he found himself nodding to the gibberish that came out of her mouth. I should have been able to understand all of that… “Honey.”
“I love you-
“-I love you too, dad-”
“-but, and I can’t believe I’m saying this- but in English, please.” This is probably how Joe feels every time Barry and the others spoke with me about science and physics and all that.
“We’re going to speed up your brain back to what it once was.”
Jesse blinked at her father’s sudden response. “What? Why?”
Harry stammered before responding, running a hand through his unusually groomed hair. No longer unruly without the anxiety from problem-solving each meta incident or the next big bad. “I’m not- I can’t do that again. Something’s going to go wrong and… I can’t put you through that like I put (Y/N) and the Team. I lost myself, Jesse. I can’t go through all of that- that helplessness again.” Jesse watched her father with a pained expression before casting it downwards, the subtle guilt of not being at her father’s side when all that had gone down. I could have prevented his pain. Was the one thought that rang within the depths of her mind each day.
“Dad, I refuse to accept the fact that there’s nothing that we can do.”
“(Y/N) will even be here to monitor your neural and physiological vitals. She’ll be the green light if things go smoothly.”
“Just let me try. I can fix you.”
“Jesse!” Harry slammed a hand down on the desk, the harshness of the impact caused a picture frame to fall and shatter. The older Wells rubbed his face before massaging his temples. Don’t give me hope from what I had sorrowingly lost. “Stop, please. It’s not going to work. I’m fine with everything as it is now.”
“But are you content?” Jesse asked with pleading eyes. Harry looked up at his daughter before tilting his head off to the side. Finally, his gazed locked back on her.
“It’s better than being a blank slate or dead.”
“But are you content, dad?” Jesse asked once more, stepping over to pick up the fallen and cracked picture from. It had been of him and you and Team Flash last Christmas. His first Christmas with them. She handed her father the frame with a sigh. “I’ve seen you… stay up late at night wandering the labs, picking up your old notes, and trying to rework things at home until the early morning. There’s nothing wrong with wanting your intelligence back.”
“My intelligence doesn’t define me, Jesse. You need to understand that. I’m balanced now, that’s good enough for me.” Is it though?
“It doesn’t define you, but it’s something you value, dad. You’re my dad. My badass dad, who fought in the War of the Americas. Who jumped breaches to find a way to save me from Zoom while trying to keep the others safe by dropping hints. Who’s stubborn and prickly but ended up making friends on Earth-1 that you now consider family more than ever and met the one other person you’d sacrifice everything in life for. (Y/N). Your skill, intelligence, and determination brought you up to that point. Brains and brawns always win the fight, brawns can’t do it alone. I just-I just want to make you happy.”
“Dad, do you trust me?”
“You know I do, Jesse.”
“Then let me try.”
“Okay,” Harry grumbled as he leaned back and cracked his stiff neck, he adorned a serious expression on his face. “But we keep this between us. I’m already receiving backlash from your hero group as it is just being present at my own Labs.”
“Don’t worry about them. Oh, and one thing.”
“Did you tell Cisco and (Y/N) about my team?”
“Did Cisco come up with a name? Did (Y/N) approve?”
“Are you serious?”
“Yeah! So did they?”
“He might have rattled off a few names. One of them was probably Jesse and the Quicksters.”
“Not bad, I like it.”
“Don’t get any ideas.” Harry lightly scolded Jesse, who cheekily grinned at him.
“I won’t, I won’t,” the young speedster observed her father carefully as he moved past her to a desk space. Unlocking it, the Earth-2 Wells pulled out various notes and finals a blueprint model. Jesse padded over to stand across her father as she eyed the papers. “What’s this?”
“These,” Harry started, “are all the notes and things I had with me about the Cerebral Inhibitor. The blueprints are of mine and Cisco’s as well as the ones I snagged from Marlize after she had left the labs, who made readjustments to regain my intelligence.”
Jesse had already picked up the up-to-date notes by Marlize then the blueprints. She wasn’t even going to ask her father why he even had those in his possession because some part of her felt that he had been contemplating this too. “This is some A-class sloppy work, no wonder you weren’t able to fully get everything back.”
“Think you can outdo her.” Harry quirked a playful eyebrow at his daughter, who only returned the gesture. Jesse’s mind already had been making mental notes on the kinds of improvements that needed to be done.
“Hell yeah I can. I’m a Wells after all.” The speedster grinned up at her father, taking a seat on a spare chair and already sifting through the baroque equations and mathematical language.
Nothing lifted Harry’s spirits more than having his daughter beside him, their relation had been sewn back together. Harry left his daughter to jot down and hypothesize the necessary medications needed. Knowing my daughter, she’ll want to create the Cerebral Inhibitor from scratch. Harry took a seat at his desk once more, taking up paper after paper and analyzing the business proposals sent in. He may not have his intelligence anymore, but that does not necessarily mean he can’t run the business side of STAR Labs. Jesse was currently managing the science and analytical research side. But is this really going to work?
Harry covered his yawn as he set down the paper packet and pen in hand. Glancing over, he noticed that he had been working away for nearly 3 hours. The war veteran reclined back on his comfy leather chair as he stretched his limbs. His eyes wondered over to Jesse hunched over, speedily working through the notes as sounds of furious scribbling filled the silent void of the office today. With every intention of getting up and taking a walk through the Labs to get the blood flowing, Harry stood up and loosened his collar.
Blue eyes widened as a breach opened. Jesse’s ears had instantly perked up and, like the speedster she is, she raced to be beside her father in a defensive position. Spluttering sounds emitted from the breach as a very disoriented Wolfgang Wells stumbled out and onto the ground. Jesse looked thoroughly confused as did Harry. The doppelganger cowered on the ground in fear as more spluttering sounds signaled another emerging traveler. Harry watched you pop out of the breach.
“Hi,” You sent a friendly wave to your boyfriend and his daughter along with a cute, innocent-looking smile.
“One sec,” you held out a hand to them before yanking Wolfgang up by the back of his collar with all your might. Instantaneously, you twisted the German man’s arm back tightly behind him and locked Wolfgang in place adorning a threating sort of smile on your face. Harry blinked a few times as to what the hell was going on while Jesse crossed her arms and observed in amusement much to Wolfgang’s chagrin. “Ok, so let’s try this again. What do we saw when we’re wrong about judging others and their misfortune?”
Wolfgang sneered at you when he had tilted his head make eye contact with you, “You’re joking, rechts?” Your smile dropped astonishingly at his response. A darker look in your eyes as you kicked the back of his knee causing the older man to yelp and fall to bend uncomfortably. Harry ‘tch’ed and winced at what he witnessed. Jesse covered her mouth and hid her laughs at your chosen course of action. “It was wrong for me to do that.” Sie wird mich töten!
“Und vhat?” You kick the back of his other knee and dug your fingers in the pressure point of his shoulder muscle, allowing the man to succumb on the ground on his knees. He groaned out in pain. “Und I’m sorry for kicking you out of the Council.”
“What. Else.”
“I shouldn’t have laughed at your face for losing your intelligence. It was a horrible thing for me to do. Können Sie mich jetzt gehen lassen?” Bitte, erbarme dich.
“Now that wasn’t so hard, was it?” You grinned a bit sadistically at him, letting him go and pulling the Breach Extrapolator. Once it was open you grabbed the flinching man and shoved him back into the breach to his Earth.
You turned around and your sweet disposition had returned, sunshine and all. As if the menacing persona you had adorned vanished in a matter of seconds when that breach had closed. Throughout the entire exchange Jesse had spared a glance at her father to literally see him making heart eyes at you and a gentle smile on his face. Harry won’t even deny that your entire gesture had warmed his heart with one thought running through his mind. That’s my wife. That you had gone through the trouble to do all of that for him. Harry’s twinkling eyes never left you and Jesse just rolled her eyes at her dorky father. A smirk had bewitched its way onto his face as he stepped away from his daughter and towards you. You felt heat crawl its way to your cheeks at the hidden look behind his eyes. His arms instantly wrapped around you, holding you tightly to himself as you reciprocated the gesture of affection. You kissed the side of his head, your insides ballooning to maximum capacity.
Pulling away, Harry couldn’t help but tease you, “To what do I owe the great pleasure of Persephone coming all this way to visit my humble abode.”
“I’m so telling Cisco that you’re using his nerdy mythology reference for us.”
“Humor me this one time, will you?”
“You do know that Persephone means Destroyer of Light, right?” You gave him a quirky look, your arms loosely wrapped around him.
“I know, but it seems like the Destroyer of Light has a particular soft spot for a man like me.” Harry just wiggled his eyebrows at you causing the both of you to giggle like dorks. You leaned up and rubbed your nose with his.
“Ugh, you guys are gross. Sickeningly cute, but still gross. Just kiss already so I can give hugs.” Jesse pipped up with a gagging expression. Harry chuckled with pink cheeks and leaned down for a quick kiss, much to your disappointment before Jesse shoved her father away from you. You gave the young speedster the biggest of hugs because you truly did miss her presence and enthusiasm. “(Y/N), that was badass. I didn’t know you could even get that angry. And like, not just anger that my dad normally has when he gets frustrated that something’s not working- silent anger. I’ve been told that’s the worst and most malevolent kind of anger.”
You rubbed the back of your neck when the both of you had turned away, a sheepish laugh falling off your lips. Music to Harry’s ears obviously. “It usually takes a lot to get me that made.”
“Remind me to never get on your bad side. I may be a speedster and everything, but ‘hell hath no wrath than a woman scorned’.”
“I don’t think that’s really possible for you to do, Jesse.”
“Jesse?” Harry interrupted before the speedster could go on rattling off, wrapping an arm around your shoulder.
“Yeah?” Her father gave her a pointed look before signaling with his head simultaneously towards the direction of the door. “Right, yes. I have to go… review a few projects for class. 3 Majors and all- Anyway don’t do anything I wouldn’t do and always use protection kids-” You blinked, and Jesse was gone in a flash of yellow-green lightning. Your cheeks as well as Harry’s lit up at her last statement before she left the office.
“Man, I really wish I had superspeed,” you sighed at her rushed exit, leaning into Harry’s side. He rubbed your arm gingerly.
“Well yeah, think of all the things Barry normally gets done.”
“Yet, he still manages to get his ass handed to him by metas. Every time.”
You moved your gaze up and locked eyes with those beautiful azure ones. “You breached over just in time.” Harry took your hand gently and brought you over to the couch. The dark-haired man dimmed the lights in the room, mentally knowing that he deserves a break right now and obviously he wasn’t going to waste time working when you’re currently in the same vicinity as him. You sat close to one another, just automatically cuddling together in each other’s arms on the couch-bed. Harry took one of your hands once more and kissed the back of it before moving to peck each fingertip on your hands. You raked your teeth over your bottom lip as you eyed him with a half-lidded gaze. “We need to talk, babe.” He whispered softly.
“You think so? If anything, I also think I came at the right time. I actually get to see you in a suit again.”
Harry paused with a confused look. “You don’t like my usual casual look.”
“No, I do. I love it, really. I’m just…”
“Really I think you’re sexy in a suit but in reality, you’re handsome in literally anything you wear especially when you roll up your sleeves when you work on something and all that jazz.”
Harry blinked a couple of times, trying to process your rapid-fire rambling response. A soft smile graced his face and he shook his head at you. “I assume that my suit shirts will also be on the list of things you steal from me this time around before leaving to Earth-1.”
“I don’t steal. I borrow.”
“Uh huh. Then can you return those sweaters that you borrowed.”
“That depends, will you actually be sleeping over at my place this time around?”
“Well, that depends on what’s in it for me.”
You kissed Harry’s nose before winking at him. “I was thinking of cooking dinner together. Jesse included as well and- I don’t know- go out for a walk in the city and then we can come back home and do stuff…”
“Do stuff?”
You nodded shyly under his smug face, before switching the conversation. “What did you want to talk about?”
“Jesse believes she can fully restore my intelligence. Not just basic necessities to be a functioning and thinking human being.” Harry ran his fingers through your hair. Confusion crossed your features momentarily as you pulled back to fully look at your boyfriend. You opened your mouth, but Harry beat you to it. “Don’t ask me about the details but- She thinks she can speed up my brain to properly retain its normal function. Before Devoe…” Harry trailed off and you saw the pain flash through his eyes.
You took in a breath and contemplated your next words. “If this is what you want, then I will be here. Every step of the way. If Marlize couldn’t do it, Jesse can.”
“You think so?”
“I know so. I believe in Jesse, she’s your daughter after all. Brilliance, character, and tenacity.”
His strong jaw had softened as his lips turned up into a beautiful smile with mesmerizing blue eyes. The sight caused your heart to beat harder in your chest. “You really are the Persephone to my Hades.” You felt jittery under his heated gaze.
“Harry, I would eat as many pomegranates just to stay by your side, oh great kind of the Underworld.”
“Is that your way of saying ‘yes’ if I were to propose?”
You held your breath in the tender moment before breathing out your response. “Yes.”
Blue eyes sparkled at your response. Harry peppered your face with kisses as giggles left your lips and small acts of adoration were exchanged. “Then as long as you’re in my life, I will be content.” You cupped his face and planted a sweet kiss on his anticipating lips. Harry smiled against your mouth and nipped gently at your lips. The tiny dark velvet box didn’t seem to bear as much weight as it initially had a few months ago in Harry’s pocket anymore.
German Translation:
Rechts?- Right?
Sie wird mich töten - She is going to kill me!
Bitte, erbarme dich. – Please, have mercy
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l-reeny-l · 4 years
Some thoughts on the New York Special
Aka "Contrived Nonsense - The Movie"
• Not gonna touch the L² shenanigans much bc they were as insufferable as ever and Alya really needs to lay off her shipping bs
• So right off the bat I have to ask: since when are the holders the ones to eat the power ups?? In every other instance they were always for the kwamis, which is why they're in the forms of macarons/camenbert, so??
• My first thought when hearing that Bustier is pregnant was that I hope that it means we'll see less of her bc maternity leave, but I doubt it. I don't see why this is something that needed to happen, but oh well.
• I can't believe that Adrien still doesn't know LB well enough to know that going behind her back is one of the worst things he could possibly do (also that flower thing in the beginning was so unnecessary, like when will he finally respect her boundaries??)
• Luka is amazing and I wish he could just replace the entire girl squad, Mari needs someone who is actually on her side
• Alya sounds like a staight up mean girl bully for most of this movie
• I am extremely tired of the slapstick Marinette scenes, just let the girl live
• I love Mme Mendeleiev and I thought that it was really sweet that she wanted the students to like her
• But I really wish the classmates were less bratty, like "this is a plane not a classroom"??? Darn right it is, which is why you absolutely need to stay in your assigned seats, that's how they're gonna identify your body in case of a crash. I mean it was really nice of Mme Mendeleiev to give Marinette her seat, but still.
• Really didn't like how Alya made fun of Marinette the whole time. And the "mixed signals" comment was stupid too, as if Adrien wasn't out here, being flirty with Mari, while also having a thing going on with Kagami
• Kagami deserves better
• The animation in this is great, but it makes it really obvious how shitty the extras look. Also, I really didn't like the voice acting.
• What kind of freak would think that putting your friends through extreme psychological terror in order to force them into a relationship neither of them currently wants is a good idea??
• Why did Doorman direct our attention towards the museums security system, when it never comes into play?
• The licence plate on the car that Gabriel uses for his hawk moth shenanigans says "TSURUG-1", is he trying to get Tomoe in trouble or what?? Just use fake license plates, you're rich ffs.
• I don't want to be mean or whatever, but if you don't want your battle-android child to do battle-android things, then maybe you shouldn't have made her a battle-android
• Also pretty bold of Nightowl to accuse the kids of being dangerous bc they accidentally hurt one (1) fellow hero, right after Majestia smashed a villain through at least 3 skyscrapers with absolutely zero regard for any collateral damage/civilians and presumably no way of repairing the damage
• "My power allows me to create a magical object to repair the damage caused by a specific villain, but the villain is already gone!" could her powers be any more vague? Besides, she also regularly fixes the damage caused by CN and literally just now fixed damage caused by Majestia, so?? Also I feel like that is something they should've specified back in season 1, and Chat definitely should've known this.
• I'm very tired of sadrien, especially if it takes the attention away from Marinette's troubles
• I really don't understand why Marinette didn't have Kaalki with her, like I get that they just randomly have their astro power ups, but Kaalki exists, just use the horse
• Good to know that the miraculous magic "confuses human minds" but isn't that also something they should've stated in season 1? Also, if Aeon can just tell who they are, does that mean that anyone who follows the Ladyblog/watches the news would be able to tell too? Like if it doesn't work on Aeon, then I don't think it works through a screen either. This is bs. (On principle I don't mind the magic thing, I just think that they didn't really think it through)
• I'm not the biggest fan of the eagle kwami/their powers, but seing as this takes place in the states, I suppose it was inevitable
• I love Jess and Aeon (even if Uncanny Valley's design is low key hideous)
• Most of the other heroes were super goofy and I didn't like it. Also, how come that they all transform the exact same way?
• Liberated Nightowl was hilarious
• Why does a random special get to have a guardian appear, while we never get to see any guardian stuff Marinette supposedly does?
All in all this was a waste of time.
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lilithsmom · 3 years
Besides my cat and the occasional adventure my plants are one of the few things that seem to bring any joy these days. I’m not a really intense plant person who has over 100, is always trying weird propagations, uses leca, or even wants crazy difficult plants. I have maybe 50 and I’m very happy with that amount. I love the plants I have. I don’t have a wishlist currently. But what I love to do is talk about my plants. If you come over to my apartment all I want to do is show them off and tell you about them. So that’s what I’m going to do here. I realize I have quite a few plants within the same family so I’ll do a little series showing off the plants of each category.
First up is my favorite group, Peperomia.
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This is Jordan. He’s a Peperomia Obtusifolia, also known as Baby Rubberplant. I frequently refer to him as my shining star, my pride & joy, and my favorite. He’s one of the first plants I got. I got him at the Mile High Flea Market’s plant vendor. After buying I split him up into two plants, Jordan and Pippen. Jordan stayed in the apartment on the kitchen table with a western facing window. Pippen came to the office with me. With Covid closing the office I brought Pippen home and the growth difference between the two plants was insane. When I finally started naming my plants these two are my tall guys so I wanted a name that would suit that, Michael Jordan and Scotty Pippen. Jordan has been the plant is always growing. There’s always a new leaf coming in and it’s really helped me when I’ve felt like I was a bad plant parent. This year however is the first year he’s flowered. Those green thin stalks at the top those are the flowers for peperomia. I’m so glad he’s so happy that he’s flowering (truly all of the plants are so happy in this new apartment). He’s also the only plant I have that is in a pot with no drainage holes. When I finally got a diamond drill bit I repotted and added holes to so many pots but I decided against doing that to Jordan because he’s doing so well and I don’t want to disturb him. That’s still the case and until I see him not doing so well I will take him out and add holes. I am extra careful of his watering though because of this. But whatever it is I am doing it is working and I adore Jordan so much.
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This is Pippen. I’ve given his back story with Jordan’s since they are twins. Pippen did okay in the office but once I brought him home he’s grown so much in the last year. I have to get him a trellis like Jordan now that he’s gotten so tall. I currently have him attached to a chopstick that’s taped to the plant bench just so he stays up. Peperomia are generally trailing plants in the wild so these guys want to fall over but I am too in love with their height as they grow. They don’t have aerial roots like philodendron or monstera so when I put them on a trellis I have to keep them tied up. I recently repotted him since he was in a pot that was feeling way too small for his height. Peperomia have tiny root systems so he wasn’t root bound but his base couldn’t support his height. Pippen hasn’t gotten the flowering memo like Jordan but he’s still a gorgeous boy.
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This is Lindsey. Named afternoon Lohan because she too is a hot mess. I got Lindsey from a random Lowe’s one night when I just wanted a new plant and wasn’t aware of the great local plant stores in Denver yet. She wasn’t doing well and I knew that but I had hope for her since she’s also a Peperomia Obtusifolia, but the variegated variety. For the longest time she wasn’t growing but she also wasn’t losing leaves so I didn’t give up on her. Finally one day I saw new growth coming in and now she has so many new leaves. She’s dropped some older leaves which was expected now that there’s new growth. She’s still very short compared to Jordan and Pippen but that’s fine, she’s on her own journey.
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This is Cheese. He is also a variegated Peperomia Obtusifolia. I got him from IKEA. I didn’t want a plant, I didn’t want to support big box stores plant sales, but look at that adorable variegation. I hadn’t seen anything like it before and he was $3. Cheese got the memo with Jordan about flowering which is great since I’ve only had him maybe two months so I’m glad he’s happy. Can’t wait to watch him grow.
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This is Darcey. Named after D’Arcy Carden from The Good Place. She is a Peperomia Caperata Silver (Frost). I got her from RitualCravt. She’s a different kind of Peperomia than the rest where she’s more tropical and requires more frequent watering. I accidentally did some damage to her roots while repotting her a while back and she lost a lot of leaves. I decided to put her in water for awhile to let the roots grow and in the water she flowered for the first time. It was incredible to see and now that she’s back in soil she’s flowering again. She’s in the pot I made out of clay to sit in the skull ashtray Jesse’s mom gave me for Christmas.
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Last but certainly not least, its Peach! She’s a Peperomia Incana. She’s the most “rare” plant I have. I never heard of Incanas until I was watching a plant Youtuber’s video about uncommon plants they love or something like that and immediately fell in love. I have never seen one in stores so I ordered her off Etsy. They’re just like Obtusifolia but they have fuzzy leaves (hence naming her Peach). They are the more succulent variety of Peperomia so I made sure to put her in well draining soil and I give her plenty of light, which she loves and has grown quite a bit since I got her in March. I love her shape so much, the two branches growing in almost opposite directions, so gorgeous. I’m truly obsessed with her.
That’s it for my Peperomias! I do want to grow my collection of them so maybe in the future you’ll see more but for now that’s it.
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first-living-myth · 4 years
Summer Made Children
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Picture credit to @unbeknownsst
Jade hurt his ankle, and is laid up with cast and crutches. Jesse is sitting next to him, doodling heart on their cast to cheer him up.
Summer-made children, to come back to,
"Did you fell off the tree?"
Mom indeed been working temp as a nurse (that's why she's not home every nigh; she's working in the emergency unit though the evening till early morning) not even once-- Jess ever saw someone with broken bone and casted leg in front of his eyes. He sat a little away from the bed: unnecessarily looking terrified. This is one of the weekly trip to dad's place as the adults call it, holidays. Yet if it's a holiday why Mom always looked rather sour everytime he's being picked up of the apartment? He noticed so; children always do, her tightened jaw and stifled frown and a little bid of adieu that sounded like, I want him back in Sunday before 7 pm, instead of a nice 'Have a nice weekend!'
"Did bad kids hit you?"
His eyes are all doe; the thing that would still be with him once he later grown up into a man, doe, big eyes. Although little legs just decided to took himself onto the chair right next to the older kid's study, keeping distance from the bed, afraid those little clumsy hands of his would leave the boy in pain accidentally. (he is clumsy, big one.)
"Is it broken?"
(Little gasp!)
"Do you need help!"
Jade Huang was twelve and he fell from the stairs.
The classroom is large and daunting, far too threatening for Jade's tiny brain to comprehend. He did not like it, not even the slightest. However, he dare not to refuse his mom’s will, forced him to get off to school no matter what. Typical Asian parents, he dare say. He wore plain silky white shirt, short sleeve, tapered western, baggy lightweight black pants, then also his most remarkable sceptical and somewhat supercilious, with its odd rectangular, thick dark brown glasses. It was quite unhinged actually, due to the constant damage he shoved.  He likes to throw things around when too immersed with something; bad habit never cease, just like wonder does.
Jade never once revel in commingling coeval groups, simply enough, he prefers to be alone. Hence, he wouldn’t get surprised anymore if the peers around him despise his presence; uncanny, an oddball, yet shrewd to say the least. He could never mingle well, a perfect misfit. Then, when lunch time comes, he always sits beneath the tall primeval, verdant, gigantic and gnarled, shady trees, all alone but with his fine, readable, small leather-bound books. He would read anything, from classic literature, until full-colored comics. 
Whether he will understand the contexts or not, possibly more coherent with the latter, it wouldn't be a problem. Reading was and only his solace, in amidst of boisterous cacophony.
“Oi, clotpole!”
A chubby, bald, slanted eyes, noteworthy flabby tummy, has appeared. He seems cute, yes, to others, indeed. But Jade, himself, saw the other child, named Jason, as his mortal enemy; Jason oftentimes beat Jade until he felt like his end was near, pulled childish pranks, such as stole Jade’s favorite toy and many others. As usual, he chose to be wise, at least he thought, to ignore the impudent boy. 
“I said, oi, clotplole! Didn’t you hear or are you deaf?”
“What do you want this time?” He asked, nonchalantly. 
“Buy this for me! You’re rich, aren’t you?”
Jason said with a glimmer in his eyes, playful just like a misbehaving child would, while proud, holding up a crumpled, frayed brittle, piece of paper. There was a picture of something, he was unable to limn it, because it wasn’t considered as one of his interests. One thing for certain, it was some kind of toy.
“Because I want to!”
“You’re rich?”
“Just buy it, motherfucker!”
“But I don’t want to, and my statement is final.” his tone surprisingly even, almost studious.
“You bloody wonker!”
The next thing Jade knows, he was at home, laid up with cast and crutches. He was unconcious for a while, and refused to talk. Even when the old fine looking aunty was talking to him, he kept his mouth shut. Albeit seen disheveled, his gaze fixated on looking at a child of eight or nine, all pale skin and thin bones and dark, tangled hair. 
Ahn Jaesuk, the name of the child. But he prefers to call him Jesse, as prolly everyone did. This is their third meeting, Jade was slightly content, thrilled yet he did want to show it. 
“Hi, Jesse.”
"Did it hurt?"
The kid talks so much. So-fucking much, he pulls the chair closer to the bed that his curious side grows. Frown curls in response; he's so expressive in the contrary to the older boy regarding to his either reaction or feelings, big, even. He gives big reactions to almost anything.
(His expressions changes often when he's trying to read Jade's collection of books; the expression where he barely understands letters, the expressions where he found a new verb he never heard before, the expression where he  found BIG ACTIONS in the comic books! Later growing up he'll find fondness specially towards DC Comics.)
"I mean, when the bad kids hit you."
Did he come too straightforward? No means to offend, but,
"Or did you really fell off the tree!"
He's careful not to jump into the bed. Sick people needs bigger space, Mom once said. She's the nurse afterall; a pro in sick person, making them less sick, helping the doctors to help the sick. The easy way in comprehending the term in the brain of a nine year old.
"So, do you, need a help when you need to go to pee? Was it hurt when they put the cast on your feet? Mom said where the bone is broken it will be swollen and painful.
Jade is the only child and he didn't know how to deal with a little brother, the one who acted and played like so. He didn’t know how to deal with Jesse, even though he had done lots of research. By all means, reading many books that he could possibly find, few have been proven useful, but the rest look ridiculous though. A snippet from Jade’s reading material, ‘Raising A Kid’, ‘Teaching Boy About Things’, ‘Shit Brothers Said’, ‘I am A Brother’, and the list goes on. Well, what would you expect from someone mediocre, twelve years old, plain yet geeky boy? 
“Hey, do you know what word to describe someone that asks too many questions, talk too much, like you?” 
Jade asked, mimicking a wiseacre or smart aleck look alike’s expression, his brow wrinkled as he leaned in close to headboard, which was covered in white pillows, in his smaller and rather austere bedroom. 
“I read it in a book, apparently those people are called loquacious.” Jade slurs. He was slightly worried if this is the right choice or not; he was concerned, he hardly believed anything at all. One of the human nature, future is always seemed scary, because they cannot control it; predictions, however, is in another hand. Now, Jade prayed with all his might, he's able to, at least, produce a good outcome through this.  
Even so, Jade stilled in disbelief, a hefty sigh escaped successfully. It’s not like it should be a surprise, or anything, because even at the very first meeting, Jesse couldn’t shut up; a brazen young boy, inquisitive most of the time. But the child seemed fastidious about Jade’s current condition and all. Many would think Jesse was being annoying, making the whole plight vexatiously so, most certainly to a sick, helpless boy. However, Jade saw things differently, it was adorable, cute to be truth, and amusing to look at. 
He felt the sudden urge to squish, pinch those plump cheeks, when he was watching vacuously open, soft vermeil, comparatively dainty lips of Jesse’s keep moving and talking. And so, he did, unconsciously and makes wonder spread in his chest.
“It’s hurt, the pain still lingers but I guess I’m okay.” He laughed, dryly. “Someone pushed me. From the stairs. It was scary. It was high. He was bigger than you. Strange.” He said, intermittently so.
He sounded as chirpy, until a really, foreign word hits his ear, over a pronounciation that the little boy barely could repeat. Mouth opens; involuntarily, a gape visible, and he doesn't even know that he's making that face for that brief moment,
<: O
(That's exactly the face he is making.)
Doe-eyed, mouth-gaped, briefly silent; do all 12 years old be this cool? Or only because Jade spent more times with books instead of communicating with actual person? But Jess surely never heard that word before.
  "--Lo, locucious." Hey, he tried his best to repeat that out. Hopefully the older one still has that emphaty to correct the kid, or he will grow sticking to it until someone else is kind enough to point out. But Jess knows the word, retaliation!
Don't ask where did he learn that but Batman comics taught him so! Inclusing many scientific terms (he believed they are scientific, because, Detective Comics,) that came out of the same comic book series.
Jess also spent too much time reading colorful comics.
He gave out big reactions, remember? Again, big frown curling over his big displease of an expression in which  shifted in no time upon the progression of the story; someone pushed me, fell from the stairs, it still hurt--- he cringed a big fear, he was bigger than you; and his frown curling up into a fright. As if the older boy was telling him a horror, bed story time. (Would Jade read him bed story times?).
And he looked up the other boy with  that same fright. Is he worried? Well, look at his face right now? "....Joshua got his knee hurt too when we played football in school," Joshua, Joshua Carson, his classmate, but he didn't mention about the fact that the mentioned boy as his classmate. "He skipped school for two! Weeks! I envy!! But then I missed him so I visit him everyday after school."
Chirpy, chirpy little boy,
"Uh-oh do you want me to take your drink!!"
(The story is still in progress).
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cecilspeaks · 5 years
154 - The Heist, part 2
You have orbited the sun. You have been to the Milky Way galaxy. You have seen the moon. You are an astronaut. Welcome to Night Vale.
The Sheriff’s Secret Police announced today that they have no new leads into the ongoing investigation of the robbery at the Last Bank of Night Vale. The three people who stormed into the bank, held the staff and single customer at gunpoint, but did not at first even ask for any cash from the registers’ drawers. And yet in only a few minutes, and with no damage to or forced entry into the vault, they had managed to steal millions of dollars from it. Sheriff Sam described the details of the robbery as follows. 
The robbers entered the bank repeatedly shouting “This is a robbery” and waving their guns around. After a minute or so, teller Genevieve Daly finally asked: “Do you want me to give you money?” “Um, yes,” the robbers decided. “We want you to give us money.” “How much money?” Genevieve asked. “How much do you have?” the robbers replied. Genevieve then had to count the money in her till, which took a while, because bank protocol requires that tellers count the money multiple times, until the total amount matches twice in a row. But on her second count, Genevieve was two dollars off from her first, so she had to start over. “Hang on,” she told the masked intruders, “gotta do it again.” “No worries, the robbers said, truly looking like they were not worried. Customer Joel Eisenberg, who had dropped face down on the floor the moment guns were drawn, immediately handed over his wallet to the robbers. “What’s this for?” the robbers asked Joel. “You’re robbers, aren’t you?” Joel said, careful not to look directly into their eyes. “I’m giving you my money, not trouble.” “Cool, cool,” the robbers said without looking in the wallet. Genevieve’s manager, Susan Willman, stood behind her new employee nervously explaning to the thieves, “I don’t have access to the vault. I-I-I don’t know the combination.” “That’s fine,” the robbers said. The security guard on duty that day and every day for the last 50 years was Jesse McNeil. Jesse does not carry a gun, so he couldn’t intervene, but he has always been known for his friendly charm and grace. He tried the old “kill them with kindness” approach by complimenting the fine work the robbers were doing. “I understand you’re robbing our bank,” Jesse said. The robbers cooed and said, “What a nice thing to say, old man, thank you.” “You can’t tell because we are wearing plastic masks of former US presidents,” said the robber with the face of Richard Nixon, “but we are blushing, kind sir.” Within minutes, the Sheriff’s Secret Police had arrived. “Who called the police?” the robbers asked, but without urgency, as if it was the first table read of a pilot TV script. “I did not,” Susan and Genevieve said at the same time. “I left my phone in my car,” Joel said from the floor. “I am sitting in a chair by the door,” Jesse said and the robbers guffawed at the audacity of this old man, so highly complimenting himself. “Well we have to take hostages now,” the robber said and soon, the police had entered the bank. There was a brief shootout with no injuries, and the robbers were apprehended and the hostages freed shortly thereafter. There was also a fire that engulfed the front of the bank, which helped their efforts to arrest the perpetrators, but police do not understand how it started. They believed it was a diversion, during which time the criminals were able to empty the vault. But they have no leads yet on where this money was taken or how they got into the vault. 
The only other person in the bank that day was vice president Steve Carlsberg, who was not taken hostage, because he had accidentally locked himself in his office. Oh, Steve. Steve said that he eventually kicked his door open, breaking his foot in the process. Oh, Steve! He got free, but only after the criminals had been arrested and the fire extinguished.
None of the three robbers is talking to the police, even after their HBO privileges were taken away from them, so the sheriff is asking anyone in Night Vale with information about this heist to contact him immediately. You can do this by calling the Sheriff’s Secret Police secret tip line, which can be reached by just speaking aloud. They are one of the several organizations that have universal access to your phone’s mic and camera.
I talked to Carlos today. He’s been running his experiments over at my sister Abby’s new house, in an old storage shed out back because, well his laboratory is under renovations and he was making such a huge mess over here with all of his chemicals staining everything. Abby is, of course, married to Steve Carlsberg who is home from the hospital with the cast on his foot. Carlos told me Steve is fine. He is having a hard time adjusting to crutches and he’s still shaken by the whole experience. But he’s focused on rebuilding the bank and getting everyone back to work. He’s been inviting his employees over for lunch this week, to keep everyone on task for reopening the bank, and to treat them to his famous medium rare rosemary chicken recipe.
Carlos said he had met Susan Willman several times before. “She’s delightful,” Carlos said, which I’m sure I misread. He’s also met Jesse before too. “Oh, he’s always over there, real nice guy,” Carlos said. “He once told me, ‘you’re a scientist’, and it was the kindest thing anyone’s ever said to me. So I showed him my lab and just talked his ear off about my doorless fridge project. Jesse got so excited he had to leave after only 15 minutes.” Carlos said that since the robbery, though, Jesse has not looked as cheerful or healthy. Jesse looks sick, like he’s nauseated.
Carlos said he joined the crew for lunch today and cheered them all up with funny stories about science, but he’s taking a break from his experiments and should be home early today. Carlos ran out of the chemicals he needed to continue his work, and has to wait a few more days to get more. “I thought I has plenty of it,” Carlos said, “I calculated exactly how much I needed, but it wasn’t near enough. Well, this is why I studied science instead of math. “Anyway, Steve’s going to be fine,” Carlos said. “I love you.” And I said, “I love you too.” You might think that last part wasn’t necessary for the news story, but it was. Love is the most important news story.
The Sheriff’s Secret Police have announced a breakthrough in their bank robbery investigation. They’ve been interviewing witnesses and combing through their notes and evidence, and they think they have figured out exactly what happened at the bank. They’re planning a full report later today. They had the report ready to go now, but right when they started the press conference, they realized that they probably should make an arrest first, and also because in their excitement to make this announcement, every single person on the police force showed up, leaving the abandoned mine shaft where they keep prisoners unattended, which is probably fine because the cells are all completely locked, but - wow, you never know, right? Better safe than sorry. “Hoo wee,” the representative from the Secret Police said, “We really should go check on that jail. My bad!”
And now a word from our sponsors. Today’s show is brought to you by Budweiser. Have you ever wondered about that house at the end of your street, the one with the windows boarded up? The one that does ever receive sunshine? The one with the incongruous Victorian architecture in your otherwise ranch style tract home suburb? Have you ever dared your friends to spend a night in that house? And they did it, because they don’t like being called weak, and then they re-emerged the next day completely normal as if nothing had happened, only something did happen? Like you couldn’t tell at first because your friend was like, “It was just a house, totally boring”, but you started noticing weird things in their behavior, like they suddenly were fluent in Romanian and they would whisper it to someone you could not see? And then there was that time your friend laughed for 10 straight minutes, and you did not know why, never learned why, and when they finished laughing, all of the trees in your neighborhood were dead? Well, we here at Budweiser know exactly what made your friend laugh, and we know what happened in the house that night. And some day, you will know it. but not today. No, not today. Budweiser: Be glad today is not the day.
The bank robbery earlier this month has understandably shaken customer confidence. So vice president of the Last Bank of Night Vale, Steve Carlsberg, has called a press conference to address public concerns over the security of their bank accounts and investments. Here’s Steve’s statement.
Steve Carlsberg: First I wanna say thank you to all of my valiant and valuable employees. They faced down danger, and without their bravery, we might all be much less fortunate. To Susan Willman, my dear friend: thank you for your leadership under such duress. To Genevieve, our newest employee: you deserve the quickest raise we’ve ever given out, and I promise it won’t always be like this. And to Jesse: you protected our bank for nearly 50 years, and your training finally paid off. Thank you for your service to our safety. And Joel Eisenberg, our lone customer, who stared down those monsters and did not give an inch: to you I say thank you.
I want the people of Night Vale and the customers of the Last Bank to know that we have your security in mind. We are cooperating with the Secret Police, and while this crime is not completely resolved, no customer has lost a single dollar of their savings. We are well insured, and I guarantee you [muffled] all protections are in place.
Cecil: But while Steve Carlsberg was talking, the Sheriff’s Secret Police returned to finish their announcement from earlier.
Steve: Wait, I’m not done yet!
Cecil: Seeing that Steve had claimed the podium in their disorganized absence, the Secret Police had to stand at the back of the room and wait impatiently. Their feet tapping, arms folded, each of them exhaling deeply and intermittently, one of them groaning aloud, “Is he done yet? Ugh.”
Steve: OK, yes, but…
Cecil: One of them staring demonstrably at the clock.
Steve: ..I signed up for this time slot at the podium and no one was here when I arrived, so I’d like to finish. [pause] Are we good? OK, fantastic. So uh, where was I? Oh, I was trapped in my office! I regret that I was not standing with my brave staff during this terrible event, but see, I think someone barred my door to prevent me from coming out there, really letting those robbers have it! I’m a nice guy, but not when my family is in danger. And these people, Genevieve, Susan, Jesse – they are my family. Joel and every other bank customer is my family, and I would do anything, anything, to protect them if they were threatened.
Cecil: Just then, the Secret Police – did you know that a group of police officers is called an obstinency of cops? [ahem] Marched to the podium declaring: “Four o’clock, your time’s up.” Two officers grabbed the mic shouting “Dibs” simultaneously, and then had to play rock, paper, water torture to see who got to speak.
Steve: Hey, hey watch it buddy! I-I-I mean officer. Sorry, uh…
Cecil: The police then announced they had in fact left all of the cells at the abandoned mine shaft locked earlier today, but somehow the three bank robbers escaped. Their cell was still locked and no tunnels or holes were found, yet the three were completely gone. “Dang it,” the police spokesperson said. “The important thing is we tried our best. Anyway,” they continued, “we’re proud to say that we have made an important breakthrough in the bank heist case. We have made a new arrest of the person we believe responsible of the theft at the Last Bank of Night Vale.
Steve: Oo, that’s great!
Cecil: The police then turned to Steve Carlsberg and said: “We have arrested our prime suspect in this conspiracy: Steve Carlsberg.”
Steve: What?
Cecil: The police handcuffed Steve. Oh, Steve…
Steve: No! (--) I didn’t (--) [yelping, inaudible]
Cecil: And led him outside to the back of a squad car. Listeners, I-I-I, I wish I could tell you I’m happy that the police think they have solved this bank robbery, but I cannot tell you that, this is not right. Steve would never. [sighs] While I sit with my feelings, you will sit With the weather.
[“Only One Star” by Ann https://soundcloud.com/carlitta-ann]
Sheriff Sam talked to reporters. These reporters were confused and angry, upset that such a good man, their brother-in-law in fact, could be confused for a master criminals. The Sheriff said the robbery of the bank vault required inside knowledge, someone who worked at the bank, someone who knew the combination of the vault, and could get the money without any damage to the vault, walls or door. Steve is the only employee present who knew the combination. The frustrated, enraged reporters then asked what happened to the money. If Steve stole the money, as they said, surely the police must have recovered it. Sheriff Sam said it’s clear the money has been spent on luxury. The suspect, Steve Carlsberg, bought a brand new house with a storage shed even, the most obvious symbol of opulence. “But he closed on that house weeks ago,” the infuriated reporters stated. “How could he have paid for something before he had the money?” The Sheriff then held up a life-sized promotional cardboard cutout featuring the text “Great mortgage rates are inside of you”. The Sheriff said: “He used something called a mortgage, and elaborate financial scheme where you don’t have to pay until later, a brilliant and evil ploy for bank robbers.” “Mortgages are normal, I have a mortgage,” the displeased reporters responded. “Maybe you’ll be arrested next,” the Sheriff spat. “Also, Steve Carlsberg bought a fancy car for his daughter. He even upgraded the vehicle with hand controls for braking and acceleration. We could tell right there we was flaunting his stolen wealth.” “She’s in a wheelchair,” the disgusted reporters snapped back. “Those controls are necessary and standard.” The Sheriff shrugged and said: “You say tomato, I say criminal.” And with that, they stepped away, smug in their arrest of this innocent man.
I didn’t know what to do, so I called Carlos. He said he was coming home early today, but I haven’t seen him yet. He didn’t answer his phone, so I called my sister Abby. She was understandable upset about her husband’s arrest. I told her I would do everything in my power as an investigative journalist to vindicate Steve, even if it means starting a podcast. She sighed and said: “I know.” When I asked if Carlos was still at her house, she said: “He’s gone.” “Oh good. I’ll see him soon then,” I replied. “No,” Abby said, “You won’t. the police were just here questioning me and Janice. Then they took Carlos with them to the station. They said they’re not done with their investigation.
Listener, stay tuned next for a song and language you have never heard, written in a key not on any scale, played in a time signature that changes with each measure.
Good night, Night Vale, Good night.
Today’s proverb: The gum you like is out of style again.
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meadweos · 5 years
Hello! I’m Ellie, this is Dorcas and I hope you enjoy this trainwreck of a soft as all hell introduction to my babe. I’m super excited to be writing here okay byeeeeeeeee.
is that LILY JAMES wearing that HUFFLEPUFF scarf ? no, it appears to be DORCAS MEADOWES who happens to be a SEVENTH year and a MUGGLEBORN !! SHE is CISFEMALE, and i heard they’re COMPASSIONATE and BENEVOLENT but might also seem NAIVE and DAMAGED. they appear to be leaning towards the side of the ORDER, but this is a conversation we should be having somewhere else. ( ellie / nineteen / gmt / she/her )
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TRIGGER WARNINGS : death, injury, hospital mention, dogs.
PART ONE. BASICS / MAGICAL FULL NAME & MEANINGS  : Dorcas ( GAZELLE ) Andromache ( MAN / BATTLE ) Meadowes ( LIVED IN OR NEAR A MEADOW. ) DATE OF BIRTH : November 16th. AGE : 17. ZODIAC SIGN : Scorpio. HEIGHT : 5 ft 7 in. EYE COLOR : Dark brown. LEFT OR RIGHT HANDED : Ambidextrous.  FAVORITE COLOR : Light blue / black. SCHOOL : Hogwarts. BLOOD STATUS : Muggleborn. WHAT ARE THEIR PARENTS JOBS? : Her mother was a stay-at-home tutor, and her father was a doctor. ( Her aunt is a therapist. Her uncle is a lawyer. ) DO THEY HAVE ANY MAGICAL BLOOD? : Not in her immediate family. Her fifth, twice removed, much, much older cousin is a wizard (of Emeric Switch fame! Imagine that!) HOW DID THEIR MAGIC FIRST MANIFEST ITSELF? : She wanted to talk to the dogs at the local pet store, and accidentally ‘phased’ through the door. She was found half an hour later just stroking a pitbull puppy which had latched itself onto her. YEAR : Seventh year. HOUSE : Hufflepuff. PATRONUS : Panda. ( THE PANDA IS A RESOURCEFUL ANIMAL, AND THOSE WITH IT AS A PATRONUS ARE THE SAME. THEY ARE GOOD AT USING WHATEVER IS AROUND THEM, AND INCREDIBLY CREATIVE AND BRIGHT. THEY ARE FRIENDLY AND WARM, AND MANY MAY GO TO THEM FOR ADVICE OR HELP, WHICH THE PANDA WILL WILLINGLY GIVE. THEY ARE A BIT OF A HEALER BY NATURE, ENJOYING COMPANY AROUND THEM AND USING IT TO ENHANCE THEMSELVES. THEY LOVE TO EXPLORE MANY AREAS OF KNOWLEDGE AND THE WORLD, TRYING TO BROADEN THEIR HORIZONS AND KEEP THEIR MINDS OPEN. ) BOGGART : Her father, sat in the same armchair he’d always loved. His head turned towards her as he tells her it was all her fault, and the room shrinks. UPDATED: Earlier, and for very good reason, I wrote a drabble centered around what her Boggart would be for a different roleplay. It’s different than what it is now, but I’m nevertheless extremely proud of it. You can read it here. AMORTENTIA : What is it about true love, dearest? What makes everyone go wild? Is it the prospect that someone, someone whole, and unflinching, is out there - waiting for you? Waiting for your embrace, your touch? Or is it just that they are tired - tired of making homes in people and receiving nothing back? You, though. You make homes in all manner of things. And, anyway, who decided homes can’t be humans? Who decided home is a stationary concept? That your heart can’t be held in the hands of many people, that it cannot be crushed and sewn back together in a matter of minutes? Who decided that love, that great big messy concept, has to be romantic? You are as messy in love as you are in life - that is to say, you build pieces of yourself from the people around you, from the pieces of themselves they give you. The skin beneath your ear? Composed of the whispers of secrets from your first boyfriend. Your nose? Your mother’s love. The inside of your wrist? The balm of Emmeline’s arms around your body, shielding you the only way she can.  No. It isn’t so impossible that love is greater than the romance. That love is so many more things. The Greeks of old always said there were many kinds of love. Eros. Agape. Philia. Storge. Ludos. Pragma. Philautia. It is these things that you, alone, recite in that dungeon. The cold seems to envelop you as you take in a breath, the tendrils of your senses magnifying. It can be overwhelming, you know, but you are not as surprised as you expect to be. Warmth, sinking between your fingertips, laps at your cheek, at your lips as you breathe out. It sticks to you, to your tongue. Like caramel and peanut butter, the batter of the cookies your aunt always makes, the s’mores that you made around the campfire just last week. Her hair, or is it her perfume (?) wafting in your direction - regardless, you stay rooted to your place. Daisies, growing wild, the way they had at home, in your back garden. The smell of old brick and something crumbling - that weird Dragonleather smell that stays in the air whenever Hagrid passes, the smell of bursting fireworks (that time that the Marauders hadn’t realized there was anyone still down the corridor) and butterbeer, warming. Your dogs breath, laughter bubbling up as you remark on the smell of toothpaste, on peppermint and mossy treebark.  You’re not surprised to smell all the things that make this place home - you’re not surprised to smell that it’s not made up of just one person - just one thing, fixable - but many. Moving parts that flare up and slide away into the background of your senses. WAND : Phoenix tail feather core. 9 inches. Black Walnut. PETS : Owl, named Athena. Also owns a pitbull, the light of her life, Agape ( LOVE AND AFFECTION ) or Aggie, for short. CHARACTER INSPIRATION : Cinderella, Sonya Rostova, Izzie Stevens, Craig Middlebrooks, Ann Perkins, Ella Lopez, Jess Day, Riley Matthews, Penelope Garcia, Kara Danvers, Capheus Onyango, and Jane Villanueva. ( CHARACTER TAG HERE. )
PART TWO. ARE YOU GOOD AT… DANCING? : I certainly try.  SINGING? : Yes! COOKING? : Somewhat. DUELING? : Never been better. STUDYING? : If my grades are anything to go by, yes. MAGIC? : Uh, I’d hope so.
PART THREE. HAVE YOU EVER… DRIVEN A CAR? : Yes. Not well, though. FALLEN IN LOVE? : … Yes. HAD SEX? : Yes. LAUGHED SO HARD YOU CRIED? : I don’t know anyone who enjoys their life who hasn’t. SMOKED? : ... No. DONE DRUGS? : Nope. BROKEN THE LAW? : Accidentally. KILLED SOMEONE? : No.
PART FOUR. LITTLE SECRETS BIGGEST FEAR : Losing everyone. And everything. SOMEONE YOU ADMIRE : Emme, McGonagall. SOMEONE YOU FEAR : I don’t really know. Dumbledore, when he’s mad. Whatever that ponce of a miserable Muggle hater is called. SOMEONE YOU MISS : Grandpa. Terry. My brother. Mum. Dad. SOMEONE YOU COULDN’T LIVE WITHOUT : Emme. Myself, too. SOMEONE YOU COULD KILL : Anyone who hates muggles. DO YOU WANT KIDS? : Maybe someday. DO YOU WANT TO GET MARRIED? : To the right person? Yeah. BIGGEST REGRET : Not sleeping in the same room as my brother that night. ( I could have saved him. I should have saved him. ) CAN YOU SEE THESTRALS? : Yes.
PART FIVE. FINISH THIS SENTENCE I AM… : Sleepy. Wishing Emmeline was here. I WISH… : Ice-cream could become a person. MAYBE ONE DAY… : I won’t feel this guilt anymore. SOMETIMES I… : Fall in love in the morning, and out of it by lunch. MY FAVOURITE SUBJECTS ARE… : Herbology. MY LEAST FAVOURITE SUBJECTS ARE… : History of Magic, Divination. IF I COULD DO IT AGAIN, I WOULD… : Save my brother. IF I COULD GO TO A DIFFERENT SCHOOL, I WOULD CHOOSE… : Beauxbatons, not Ilvermorny. IF I COULD CHOOSE A DEATHLY HALLOW, I WOULD CHOOSE… : The Stone. ( Say it like it isn’t a mantra, Dorcas. As though it isn’t something that’s poisoned your dreams since discovering those stories may be based in reality. )
DESCRIBE THEIR AESTHETIC IN THREE WORDS : Sea, daisies, laughter. THEME SONG : Lavender’s Blue ( CINDERELLA SOUNDTRACK - 2015. ) / Sonya Alone ( BRITTAIN ASHFORD - NATASHA, PIERRE & THE GREAT COMET OF 1812 - ORIGINAL BROADWAY CAST RECORDING. ) / Times are Hard for Dreamers (Pop Version) ( PIPPA SOO - AMELIE - ORIGINAL BROADWAY CAST RECORDING. ) TOP FIVE SONGS IN THEIR ( MODERN ) PLAYLIST : You Are Enough - Sleeping at Last, Yellow - Coldplay, When I Kissed the Teacher - ABBA, Breathe - In The Heights, & Paradise - George Ezra. VINE THAT FITS THEM : ( x ) RANDOM HEADCANONS : 1. Dorcas loves deeply. Deeply, deeply, deeply. It’s intrinsic to who she is. She’s protective, maddeningly so, and unable to sit still. She wears her heart on her sleeve, and is a nightmare when it comes to pacing herself. She knows not of patience, or of taking time to breathe. She consists solely of love - a palace built between her ribs of the people that she loves. In this, she is a typical Taurus Hufflepuff. ( x ) 2. Dorcas lost her parents at a very young age. She doesn’t often speak of it - speak about them, about the parents that she lost and the brother that she was unable to save. They were killed in a home burglary turned murder spree when she was six. They’d been meant to go on holiday, but Dorcas had come down with the stomach flu, so they’d foregone the vacation when it spread to Dorcas’s younger sister, Calliope. The only reason that Dorcas survived was that she managed to climb beneath her bed with her younger sister Calliope facing the wall, only her back visible from the opening created by the duvet. She gets stabbed three times, one of those stab wounds narrowly avoiding piercing her spleen and the major abdominal arteries. She still has the scars on her lower back. Callie was uninjured, and she was the one who managed to get to the neighbors house (by climbing out of the window from the second floor and dropping at least eleven feet). Dorcas remembers, mostly, finding out her parents and brother were murdered. The rest of it often feels incredibly foggy. She went through therapy for a number of years before she was discharged from the North West Surrey Mental Health Trust. The nightmares, today, are infrequent, but some nights are worse than others. She often takes a calming draught before she goes to sleep - provided by Madame Pomfrey at the Hospital Wing.  3. Dorcas’s best friend in the universe is Emmeline Vance. They aren’t in the same house, but that doesn’t matter. They met at eleven, on the train to Hogwarts. Dorcas, with brown hair down to her hip, and Emmeline’s hair newly cut into a bob ( her parents had gone wild at her for that one, ) and that was it. The rest, as they say, is History. If you can’t find Dorcas, she’s usually with Emmeline. 60% of her spare time is spent wherever Emmeline is. They’re one another’s great loves. She doesn’t know what she’d be without Emme.  4. Dorcas wants to be a Herbologist or a Healer when she graduates. She’s not sure how likely that plan is to succeed with everything going on - how far she’ll get before she abandons it all to help the people that she wants to help, desperately. As it stands, 40% of her spare time is spent either in the Potions classroom or the Herbology classroom - Potions is a required course for becoming a Healer.  5. If this were a modern AU, Dorcas’d totally be a theater kid. She’d also be that kid that is always making scrapbooks - always half finishing projects, the one that has too many cacti and exotic plants in the corner of her room. She’d keep her phone on her, always, lockscreen always changing. She’d love bands like Little Mix and butcher the Spanish when she tried to sing songs like Despacito.  6. FUTURE: Dorcas manages to live through the Wizarding War ( well, mostly ) without casting the Killing Curse. She’s fast, she’s quick, and she doesn’t stand still. She’s often the one coming careening past the others, ducking beneath their outstretched arms as light - green, red, blue, yellow - is cast against the ground. She Apparates in and out, as though her being there is a mirage. People, injured, bystanders, disappear from where they’d been only seconds before, as soon as her hand secures around anywhere she can grip on. She works with trembling hands, to heal those that she can. Four separate times she manages to Apparate away from under Voldemort’s nose.  The first time is with her arm hooked under Fabian Prewett, his unconscious body bruised and the cut on his arm infected with what she suspects is a modified strain of the venom of the Venomous Tentacula. The second time is with a handful of wands - all belonging to fellow Order members. The third time is with Dedalus Diggle. He’s a handful, that time, splaying limbs, cracking as they twist around. They have a spell maker in their midst but Dorcas is the only one that can sooth the pain, to make it all more bearable while they try and fix it. The fourth time is with Emmeline. Emme’s far too headstrong for her own good, and knows how rare it is that Voldemort himself makes an appearance. Dorcas is the one that breaks Bellatrix’s focus - the Cruciatus curse trained on her best friend, on her Emmeline, flickers when Dorcas passes, a blur of black leather and hair tied up in a bun, bangs hanging low and the light long since dimmed in her eyes. When Emmeline comes to, the pain still ricochets through her bones, and Dorcas is powerless to help. It takes days for the aftershocks to fade. The faintest roar of rage is still heard in Dorcas’s brain. She’s just too slow, in the end, to save herself, although she doesn’t try. She’s not ready, but she is. She’s not happy, but she is. She knew there was only one way this could end. The one incapable of love striking down the one composed entirely of it is the only end that makes sense in a world at war - in a world in which war stories are not one of morals. War stories are made of absolute and uncompromising allegiance to obscenity and evil. It just takes her years to realize. Years to reconcile. Being soft does not make her immune to this. Being alive doesn’t. She is happy, but it is not a happy ending. No - it’s a very sad beginning.
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[eyooo its the fic abt the ask I sent! i didn’t even proofread this and I wrote it all in one sitting so, uh… enjoy!]
Tick. Tick. Tick. The hands on his pocket-watch moved so slowly that Miles began to question whether or not the April breeze had frozen them.  He pressed his back against the whitewashed schoolhouse, humming the tune from his mother’s music box. Perhaps, he thought, nervous habits could be inherited. He checked his watch again, positive that the lessons were running late. Surely it was at least ten past three- he had already waited an eternity. Reading the hands, he groaned. 2:57.  He closed his eyes, praying to hear Rose’s voice as she dismissed her students. He had to laugh a bit to himself- he never thought anyone could be more excited for class to end on a Friday afternoon than a student, but here he was.
The liberating handbell was music to his ears. Miles watched as students of varying ages flooded past. Young girls giggled when they saw him, whispering and cooing about “Miss Rose and her beau.” They had come to recognize the ritual he and Rose had accidentally created. Each afternoon, Miles would wait for the lessons to end. He would perform any repairs that the schoolhouse needed. Then, he would offer to walk Rose home, often carrying mountains of books. Sometimes, to the young girls’ amusement, all that he held was Rose’s hand.
After the last of the students trickled out of the doors, Miles entered the schoolhouse with a grin, waving away a cloud of chalk dust. He figured that stampede of children must have caused Rose to not notice his entrance as he watched her erase the chalkboard. He felt a smile grow as he watched her, marveling at how angelic she looked in the afternoon glow. Those bouncing, honey brown curls, cinnamon-colored freckles, her adora- He shook his head in attempt to clear it. He prided himself on being what seemed to be, at times, the sole rational person in his family. Lovesickness was completely foreign to him-but not exactly unpleasant. His smile returned as Rose turned to greet him, a bit startled. 
“Well, if it isn’t my personal carpenter?”
“And painter, and pack mule, and, as I see your students call me, your ‘beau,’” he teased back, leaning on her desk. Rose rolled her eyes, responding to his last statement with only a coy smile.
“Unfortunately for you, I saw a miracle today. Not a single student broke anything- even though Ronald Carson actually came to school for once!” Miles laughed and took her hand in his. 
“Miracle indeed. But if I don’t have any repairs to make, that just means that I have more free time- thatsomeone could spend with me.” Rose laughed- and what a beautiful laugh! -before nodding in approval. 
“And do you have any ideas how to spend all this time we have?”
Miles brought her to the open doors. “Well, it sure is a nice day out. I’d know, I waited out here for a century. How about a walk through Treegap Wood?” Before she could reply, he began to lead her outside, stopping just long enough to let her lock up the schoolhouse. 
Miles felt a warmth in his chest as he watched Rose look upon the wood with adoration. Little did he know, he had the same expression as he looked at her. 
“I’ve lived in Treegap my whole life and I never knew how gorgeous it is here. It’s like in a fairytale, Miles!” she breathed, hardly more than a whisper. He knew these woods like the back of his hand- which she was now dragging him around by. He waited for her to stop and study yet another flowering vine. He wrapped his hands around her waist and lifted her into a spin. She erupted into laughter, crying out “Miles Joseph Tuck!” He laughed with her, heart swelling with affection. The laughter came to an abrupt halt as a tree root caused the couple to tumble onto the forest floor.
Miles, returning to his typical self, began to fret and check to see if Rose had been injured. The only thing that had taken any damage was her immaculate bun, allowing more of her curls to frame her now flushed face. Relieved, Miles felt himself sinking back into warm, sappy feeling that was enveloping him before the tree root’s interruption. He mentally gave thanks that Rose was the only one seeing him in this state, then sat up, leaning his back on the tree trunk. Rose sat up, too, but then leaned against Miles, resting her head on is shoulder. His heart skipped a beat, her intoxicating warmth and floral scent chipping at his high boundaries. He wrapped his arm around her, pulling her even closer. The fact that their parents would be far from happy if they caught them like this could be ignored for now. Rose melted against him as she admired the wood’s beauty. With each shared heartbeat, the thought of how much he wished he could stay in this moment for eternity echoed in Miles’s mind. For a brief while, he was at peace. 
Jesse swung himself to another branch, searching for the perfect view. He settled himself on this branch and scoped out the forest. The scene was beyond familiar to him. He skimmed it, recognizing each sycamore like an old friend. Something broke the perfect stillness, drawing his eyes to the foot of a nearby tree. At first, he brushed it off as being two random lovebirds. Then, the realization hit him. Smiling devilishly, he made his way to a lower branch and hopped out of the tree. What kind of a brother would he be if he let this go on unsupervised?
Miles lightly caressed Rose’s porcelain cheek, her soft curls tickling his fingers. His other hand was intertwined with hers. His eyes studied every inch of her delicate face as if this were the last time he would get to bask in her beauty. Adoration washed over him, and he tentatively leaned in, seeking to bridge the gap between their lips for the first time. Just as their lips were about to meet, they were interrupted by a youthful voice.
“Tsk, tsk. Shoulda known that we couldn’t have left you without a chaperone, Miles. Don’t worry, I’m not gonna steal your girl- but I can’t help it if she changes her mind." 
Miles stood, furious. Rose stood up behind him, face glowing as red as an ember. 
"Jesse, I swear, if she wasn’t here, I’d kill you for this.”
“Heeey now, no way to talk in front of a lady!” Jesse shifted his attention to Rose. “Sorry about my brother. Jesse Tuck, how do!” Before Jesse could extend his hand, miles turned to Rose apologetically. 
“No, I’m sorry about him. Guess you’d have to have the misfortune of meeting him sooner or later.”
“Hey, I’m a blessing! You must be Miss Rose. Lemme tell ya, you’re all he talks about lately. Even when he’s asleep! This one ti-” Miles clamped his hand over his brother’s mouth. 
“Shut up, Jesse,” he said through clenched teeth. Jesse raised his hands in surrender. 
“Look, I see that I cant leave you lovebirds alone, so how about I stay, I dunno, 50 feet away and keep an eye on you? Or I could always tell Ma about all this and let her handle it…”
Miles stared his brother down, already planning revenge. 
“100 feet.”
“75. That, or hearin’ about this from Ma from eternity.”
Miles sighed defeatedly. 
“Fine, but I’m holding you to this.”
The brothers shook hands, and Jesse parted. Miles turned to Rose to begin damage control. He apologized furiously, not noticing Rose’s bubbling laughter. 
“Miles, really, it’s fine. It’s… sweet. I have to say, you must have a very lively family.”
“That’s one way of putting it,” he replied, his voice losing some of its gruffness. She scanned their surroundings, then pressed a gentle kiss to his cheek. The two continued on their walk, albeit with Miles looking over his shoulder often. He began telling Rose stories of Jesse’s most interesting- and embarrassing- moments. As time went on, Miles relaxed, almost forgetting his brother’s interruption. The two rested by a creek, watching the golden sunlight seep into the water. They sat down together, exchanging soft smiles. Miles inched towards Rose, moving to wrap his arm around her when-
Miles jumped, then whipped around, searching for his brother. 
“Jesse. Tuck. If you don’t-”
“Up here!”
Miles looked up to see his brother grinning back at him from a high tree branch. 
“Never said what direction!”
Miles, livid, ran to the tree that Jesse was perched in, prepared to climb up it himself.
“Hey, I’m getting down, I’m getting down! We need to get home for dinner, anyway.”
Miles, exhausted, turned to Rose, who was beaming. She found these squabbles endearing, an interesting change from the collected, rational Miles she mostly saw. He shrugged, then asked, “Well, it is getting late. Care to join us for dinner?”
Rose took his hand. 
“I’d love to.” Jesse landed beside them, and inerjected “Heyyy, keep room for Je-” He relented once he saw Miles’s icy glare. “…y'know, I guess I can trust ya, actually!”
Miles gave a slight smile, but his tone remained serious. 
“Enough to stay far away the whole walk home?" 
"Deal.” Jesse waved goodbye and hurried home. To him, Ma’s cooking trumped everything else. 
Miles squeezed Rose’s hand. “You do realize that if we marry, you’ll have to deal with him for the rest of your life, too?”
She wrapped her arms around him, smiling into his shoulder. 
“You’ve survived it so far, so can I. Unless you to kill each other, it’s free entertainment for me.”
Miles chuckled, pulling her closer. In that moment, he knew that she was the woman he could spend forever with. 
Hell. Yes.
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jessicaingo · 4 years
His Ho Ho Hoes
December 18th, 2020
I’m currently in Oregon, At my sons fathers parents house.. Sitting in the room where the first abusive incident happened back in 2016. Many of y’all will be wondering “WHY?!” & I’ll explain. I have a wonderful relationship with my sons fathers parents. They have been incredible grandparents to my children & always have been loving & kind towards me. Its been a few years since the first attack.. I’m asking myself if time has healed the past painful experience.. As weird as this may sound, I think I feel sad that my sons father isn’t here with us… I know, I know. How could I possibly have feelings like that, right? I’m not sad for him. He put himself in the situation he’s in. He did so much damage not just to me, but our children & his own family. I feel sad for THEM. I feel sad that if he had made better choices, that he would be sitting here with us singing Christmas songs, watching movies, laughing as we watch the boys play. He is the one missing out. In the end, I got everything that truly matters in my life. I get the family experiences that he will NEVER get to experience this year. He will never get to see the light in my boys eyes when they wake up this Christmas morning & open their presents from Santa. You can never relive the moments that you missed out on. So that’s why I feel sad, I guess.. yet I do NOT feel bad for him.
I also have to keep in mind, HE NEVER WANTED ANY OF IT. The things that bring me happiness are NOT the same things that make him happy. He chose his whores, drugs & alcohol over me & eventually over his own children. How did we get to this point? The downward fall that we could never recover from happened here, in this house December 2016.
My sons father had recently lost his job. His poor reputation is what’s to blame for it. I figured it was the perfect time to go visit his family in Oregon. He agreed & I paid for the flights. I asked what interests his family had, I bought gifts for EVERY member in his family. I think I was more excited about this trip than he was. I wasn’t excited because I felt like I was going to be more established in his life, I was excited for HIM to be able to take a break & visit his friends & family. Maybe that break from reality would be the perfect thing he needed to regroup, go back to Arizona full of positivity & get back on track. One of my biggest mistakes in my relationship with my sons father was assuming he thought the same way I did. We NEVER once thought the same. The only reason why he came on this trip was because I was paying for it & I made the arrangements. He was just along for the ride. 
When we arrive, I thought things were going well! The home was beautiful decorated in Christmas decor in every room! It automatically felt like home for me. As a family, we watched movies, laughed, played games & drank wine. A part of me felt like this was the moment he might actually start to love me. I felt comfortable & thought I fit into his life so well. After a couple days of relaxing family time. My sons father wanted to hang out with his buddies. He made it clear he was NOT enjoying family time & he was anxious to leave the house. He included me as he made plans to go grab drinks & catch up with his friends. I was thrilled. I was going to meet his BEST friends whom he grew up with. 
That night, we ended up at some bar in Eugene Oregon. Things started off casual & escalated quickly. If I remember correctly it was at bar number 3 when my sons father asked if I wanted another drink & never came back. I was sitting at a table for about 15 mins, looking around the packed bar & couldn’t see him. I decided I’d go use the restroom then continue to look around for him. As I’m in the stall, two girls walked in. I couldn’t help but hear their conversation… “He’s here with his girlfriend from Arizona. So you have to help me try & get rid of her so he can come home with me”. At this point, I’m just standing in the stall confused.. wondering if I should wait for them to leave or just exit & make them feel beyond awkward… I chose to make these sluts feel the shame. I opened the stall door, smiled at them, washed my hands in the silence & exited the restroom leaving them completely in an embarrassment shock. At this moment, I’m now mad. Is this guy really going to leave me at some random bar in a small town knowing damn well I don’t know where the hell I am?! Or how to get back to his parents place? I look around the room, still can’t find him. I pull up my uber app & back in 2016 they didn’t have any Ubers in the small town. My heart starts beating faster as I start to panic. As I’m still standing close to the restrooms, I notice my sons father come out. I pushed people out of the way as I ran towards him. I casually grabbed his arm & said “Oh there you are! I’ve been looking for you” He lied as he responded that he had been searching for me too. I then proceeded to tell him that I wanted to leave NOW. He stood their awkwardly as he looked around saying he needed to find his “friends” to let them know where he was going. He told me to go to the exit of the bar & to wait for him… I see the bathroom sluts approach him. He only talked to the girls for a brief moment before him & his friends all joined me at the exit. We walked to a different bar. This bar was just as busy as the last. We finally made our way to the bartender & my sons father started ordering shots. He ordered 9.. We had only 7 in our group. As soon as the shots were given to us, My sons father grabbed 3 & WALKED AWAY. I’m getting really annoyed at this point. I know what’s going on! I’m not an idiot however, I LET IT HAPPEN. I was living in my own denial back then. I spotted him across the bar give the two bathroom sluts a shot. He had told them where we were heading...I watched them laugh & take the green tea shot. Was I really being made out to be some kind of joke? Did it excite them thinking they were doing this behind my back or in front of my face? I have no idea. All I know is now looking back is how disrespectful my sons father always treated me. After their “secret shot” I made eye contact with him. He quickly turned his back as if I didn’t already see him & he would just magically disappear. I finally worked up the courage to walk up to him & the bathroom sluts. Once my sons father realized I was on my way to cause trouble, he casually grabbed me & introduced me as “Jess” & told me he was just catching up with some girls he went to high school with. I gave my fake smiled & told him it was time to go. I didn’t give him a choice as I grabbed his hand & forced him to leave with me. Nothing was ever said about that night. I knew in the back of my head the truth, yet I justified it as “I stopped him before anything happened” so everything is “fine”. I had my guard up after that night though.. that’s for sure. 
On our last night in Oregon before flying home. He invited over his guy friends for a game night. My sons father was drinking heavily to the point of almost blacking out. He was picking fights with everyone, being rude. Repeating his most famous quote, “I’m the best there is!”. His friends were getting annoyed & started saying their goodbyes. He ran after one of them & I heard the front door close. After a few mins, I went to try & rescue his poor friend since he clearly wanted to leave. As I approach the front door, I hear my sons father speaking very loudly. I pause… I wanted to hear what they were talking about.. All I heard was “I texted her but she told me she wouldn’t meet up with me but I miss her, I really wanted to see her” I opened the door quickly to interrupt their conversation because I didn't want to hear anymore. My body just froze & I said.. “Hey, it’s cold. Why don’t you say goodbye to your friend & come inside”…. My sons father said something insulting towards me, I closed the door feeling devastated & he eventually made his way back inside after taking a piss in the front yard. The first thing he did when he walked back in was start yelling. Since his friends were gone, He wanted to start picking fights with me, his brother & both of his parents. We were used to such behavior so we mostly just ignored it & tried to enjoy the rest of our evening. Since we all refused to bicker with him, he poured a full glass of scotch & left for the bedroom. After a few moments of peace, I told his family I would go check on him. When I opened the door, I found him completely passed out with the full glass of scotch untouched on the nightstand. I walked back into the living room, told his family that we were both going to call it a night & that we would see them early in the morning to leave for the airport. 
I’ll never forget what happened next. I walk into the room my sons father & I were staying in. He was so intoxicated he fell asleep with the lights on so I turned them off, crawled into bed, put my phone on the nightstand & closed my eyes. All I could think about were the words I heard earlier that night of him talking about meeting up with another girl… “I text her… I wanted to see her… I miss her.. I text her.. I miss her… I text her…” just on repeat on my mind… Then finally one other thought popped in my mind. SET YOUR ALARM! We had to be up at around 6am. An alarm needed to be set! I reach over to grab my phone in the dark but instead, I accidentally grabbed HIS phone…. Now, in this moment I had two choices. Put his phone DOWN & pick up mine OR Enter in his password & go through his phone. Depending on this ONE choice I had would determine the outcome of my relationship with him… 
In my mind his words came back on repeat. “I text her.. I wanted to see her… I miss her….” 
I couldn’t help my curiosity. I slowly & quietly got out of bed not like I could’ve woken him, he was intoxicated & passed out. I tip toed into the bathroom & entered his password into his phone.. I got in. All I wanted was to know who this mystery girl was. Could it be one of the bathroom sluts I had encountered? Or was it someone else? I just had to know. I went into his texts & started reading them ALL until I found the one I was looking for. Shannon. My heart started pounding as I opened the conversation…. my sons father did in fact ask to meet up with her. Told her he was in town & had to see her… Shannons response was “Out of respect for my husband & child, I think that would be inappropriate. Take Care”… I was in shock. This was not what I was expecting however it settled me. Where ever you are in this world Shannon, thank you for being an amazing women with morals & having respect for your family. So many women these days are selfish & love the attention any man gives them despite if they are interested or not. I value the women who share the same morals as I do. 
Now comes choice number two. Put the phone back? Or keep digging? I already found what I was looking for… but it wasn’t the answer I was expecting. I was WANTING to find something discriminating after meeting the bathroom sluts.. So I kept looking. I somehow ended up in his photos.. this is where I found out more than I was ever looking for. Turns out, he was good at deleting his texts & emails.. what he never deleted was his photos & videos. I don’t even think I could begin to describe what I found in his phone. I was absolutely disgusting. In this very moment, I learned he never ONCE was loyal to me. I found pornagraphic photos & videos he took of himself & multiple different girls …. on the bed sheets & comforter set I BOUGHT HIM. 
I began to shake. I knew something was going on but NOT HIS. I NEVER GUESSED THIS. I start taking screen shots & texting them to myself. The emotions I felt in this moment were pure betrayal. I opened the bathroom door & with out a second thought I just threw his phone at him. Unfortunately for me, it hit him straight in the face. I truly did not mean to have such good aim but oh, I was vivid. He woke up yelling. I began to explain what I had just found on his phone. He starts to defend himself, saying I’m crazy, denying everything. I laugh sarcasticly. As I’m holding my phone, I started to wave it & told him I text all the evidence to myself & this time I had the proof! IM NOT CRAZY! He could NEVER deny it! This upset him…& the rest all happened so fast. He got up, we start wrestling over my phone. He pushed me down, as he’s walking away with my phone I knew he was going to start deleting all my evidence! I grabbed his ankle to try & stop him from walking away. He then turns & started kicking me in the stomach. He kicks & he kicks as I begin to scream & cry. He’s kicking with his right foot as I’m holding onto his left. Every kick, I grab on tighter to his ankle until I eventually let go. With his left foot free, he begins to stomp on my face.. & that’s when his brother & father walked in. That is the exact image they saw. My face, under his foot. His brother runs & grabs him as his father just screams “WHY SON? WHY?!” Then his father helps me up & takes me into the other room. I’m in tears just apologizing. I started apologizing that I did this. I INSTIGATED THIS IN THEIR HOME! I apologized that I should’ve waited until we were back in Arizona to confront him. I knew he was intoxicated & nothing good would come from it but I WASNT THINKING! I was acting on pure emotions of the ultimate betrayal. Nothing was discussed that night as it came to such a shock to everyone��� I was taken into a spare room to spend the rest of the night. I told his mother he still had my phone. She went to get it from him & he started accusing me of twisting his ankle! He made his mother take him to ER that night. When I got my phone back, all evidence had been deleted.. but I know the truth. I’ll never forget the images I saw that night. The next morning my sons father packed up his stuff & left for the airport with his mother. I then went into the room to pack my belongings & his father drove me separately to to catch my flight.
I often think about how I could’ve gone about everything so differently. I’m sitting in the room where the first attack happened writing this… I’ve been going through multiple scenarios in my mind how things might have ended up differently… then I remember what happened BEFORE this first attack. My sons father & I never had a good relationship. It wasn’t one full of love that ended after one bad fight. It was a relationship I FOUGHT FOR with someone who NEVER LOVED ME. 
This should’ve been the end of it all but a few weeks later, I found out I was pregnant with our first.
0 notes
pbandjesse · 7 years
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I accidentally fell asleep for an hour when I got home from work today. So I’m assuming falling asleep tonight is not going to be great or it will be fine either way.
Today it was good. I slept alright last night but had trouble getting up this morning. So I ended up waking up a bit late. Not that it actually mattered because late was still 10 minutes before 7.
I didn’t eat breakfast but I did pack a lot of snacks because I was planning on driving to DC for work. But what ended up happening was Laura switched with me and she drove. So I end up staying in the shop by myself for a few hours. It was a whole thing because the office decided to add a pick up after the drop off and that would have added a whole lot of time and since I had to leave at 2 I couldn’t drive anymore. I don’t think Laurel super thrilled about that but it all worked out in the end.
It was nice working alone in the shop for a few hours I mostly worked on cleaning the last of the job we’ve been working on. And I started organizing the next job. On my break I read my book which is very good. And I ate all the snacks I brought so I didn’t end up taking a lunch.
Making Laura got back around noon which was much earlier then we had planned and talked about. So I probably could have drove. But whatever. It was less stress on me to not have to drive.
In the new job that we’re working on I found a really really interesting book that is just pictures of golden era movie posters. And I want it. So I looked around online and I ended up figuring out that it’s worth about $150. But because I’m really good at the internet I found a copy that’s only slightly damaged for $8 on eBay. So I own that now.
I scheduled a Lyft to come and get me around 2. And I’m glad I did that but it also stressed me out having to wait to get confirmation that someone was coming for me. I don’t think I’ll do that again. When my driver did show up he could invited me because the GPS send him to the back of the building. But it was fine I had budgeted in enough time.
The place where my interview was was not what I expected or picture. It was inside of basically a big square office-type building. And there wasn’t much around that except for houses and other Square office buildings. I was still a few minutes early. The people were really nice their names were Dave, Zoe, and Vladimir which I loved. The interview itself went really well. I had to cut my hand right before I got in my Lyft and of course it’s the hand that I shake with. So I was trying not to Grimace everytime they shook my hand. But I don’t think they noticed that.
I got to tell a little bit of my life story and explain why I would want this job and how it is supplemental to my full-time job. Basically I’m hoping to work about 3 nights or parties a week which would increase my budget about $400 a month. Plus you get tips at this job which is pretty cool. I’ve never worked a job where you got tips before.
During the interview they had me go up on the little stage and sort of Play Act how I would teach a class but as I had told though I have never seen one of these classes before. And I didn’t quite understand how the teaching worked. So I kind of didn’t do it exactly correct but it helped me figure out what questions I had for them. I didn’t realize that I would paint a painting beforehand and then repaint it in front of the class while they paint it. Which is a really nice way to teach. But not exactly what I am used to from Art School. But I really like teaching by doing so I feel like it really works well for my style. We’ll see how my painting skills actually hold up for doing it in person.
They hired me on the spot I start on Sunday. They were very understanding that I can’t work any other weekends until the new year. And for the first 60 days I would be an assistant. So I wouldn’t exactly teach I would be hoping someone else teach. But that’s good because then I’ll at least understand a little bit more what they’re expecting for me.
My only real concern is the location. It’s not that it’s dangerous or anything. It’s very Suburban. But I’m not entirely sure the best way to get there. Today I took almost a $30 Lyft. And that is exactly how much I’d be begging a day so that doesn’t make any sense to do that. On the way back I took a lift to the light rail. Actually got on the wrong train the first time and had to backtrack. And that would work it said I don’t exactly know how to get to the light rail. There seems to be a red line bus and that might be my best bet. But depending on the time of day it looks like I could also take the green bus which is what I take the figure skating. So if I’m going directly from figure skating to this job that could be really convenient. I think it’s just something I’m going to have to feel out and figure a lot of trial runs. I’ll figure it out though. I’m going to try to take Lyft as little as possible to do it though.
The interview didn’t take care of my long and between that and my half hour train ride. Which was beautiful by the way, it’s right on the water. I got home around 4:15. The sun was even out! I talk to Jess about what I should do to celebrate getting a new job should I go get food or what. And I decided to save getting creeps for the weekend. And instead I went and picked up french fries and after stopping in the fancy little cafe just to look at what they had, I didn’t get anything, I went back home.
I made tacos and had my French fries. I listen to my podcast and then I decided I really need to lay down. Today has just been a lot of activity. I didn’t sleep right away I played on my phone. But I did end up falling asleep and I sort of just dozed until around 6. I set my alarm for 6:15 and did you get out of bed around that time. It was dark and I was a little befuddled because of the time and I thought the sun was getting up and I forgot what day it was. I made myself a milkshake and went and worked in my studio until around 8.
I made great progress on my sculpture I figured out how to make a little teeny tiny string lights. I definitely figure it out stuff I shouldn’t do with the next diorama like trying to paint over glue and foregoing sanding. It definitely led to a very bumpy look for some of this piece. But for a first go around I’m not disappointed. I think it has some charm to it and the only get better with time.
I took a bath and now I’m going to do my nails and then I’m going to go to sleep. I’m slightly concerned that I’m going to overload myself between art restoration, wine painting, this new project I’m working on with Jess, figure skating, and volunteering at the Walters. But I think it all work out. We’ll see how it goes if it’s too much I might need to step back from one thing the volunteering Maybe can just be a couple times a month. And not every weekend and the same with the painting class. I don’t really need it, I mean I do but I can make it work without it. We’ll see it’ll be fine either way I just sometimes wish that there was more hours in the day that I wasn’t exhausted and will have a car would solve some of the transportation issues it’s nice to have time to just sit on the train on the bus and I’ll have to think about stuff. A nice little break in between everything.
I hope you all sleep well tonight feel good and rested tomorrow.
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thorne93 · 7 years
Who Will Win? (Part 9)
Prompt: Jefferson (Once Upon A Time) sees you on the sidewalk one day, his “dead” wife.
Word Count: 1828
Warning: Threats, language, angst, sadness, sick parent/parent death, season 4/5 spoilers
Notes: This will span from season 1 through 5, if you don’t want spoilers, maybe don’t read this, haha. Also, the reader’s Storybrooke name is Alice. Beta’d by the amazeballs @like-a-bag-of-potatoes and badgered @amarvelouswritings Thank you both! Could never get this done without you!
Tags:  @amarvelouswritings @cocosierra94 @essie1876 @magpiegirl80 @letsgetfuckingsuperwholocked @harleyquinnandscarletwitch @iamwarrenspeace @marvel-imagines-yes-please @superwholocked527 @myparadise19982sand @missinstantgratification @thejulesworld @nedthegay @marvelloushamilton @thefridgeismybestie
Sebastian Stan Tags: @nedthegay @lostinspace33 @alwayshave-faith @elleatrixlestrange @buenostardissherlock @the-red-world-of-jess-chibi
Who Will Win Tags: @mrs-lancelot @elivanah @ultrarebelheart @learisa @isis278
Five years later. It had been five years since the curse was broken and you were reunited with your beloveds. The first two years were nearly perfect. Sure, you still had your not-so-good job at the wedding shop, but at least it you had Jefferson and Grace. That’s all you needed. It also helped that you were becoming best friends with Emma Swan. She was a brave, beautiful, fearsome young woman. Henry and Grace got to be friends through you two.
Your dad’s health was stabilizing and he was staying decent for the first four years after that, but within this last year, he was going downhill rapidly. He was going in and out of ICU, coming on and off life support, to the point that they said they could no longer put him back on life support due to the damage that the tube would cause in his throat. The staff, at some point, had accidentally mixed up the tubes, and when they were giving him pills, they ended up in his lungs. His organs would fail and then they would be okay. It seems he would slip in and out of comas easily.
Just as happy as you were to have the good memories, the unpleasant ones returned as well. You remembered that you lost your dear uncle when you were twelve, leaving young boys to fend for themselves while their mother concerned herself with chasing men. You remembered your father’s only sister out of six siblings had passed away too right before the curse was cast.
Slowly, you were learning that many family members and friends that you had been close with were passing away. Each death, you had no closure for. No funeral to go to, most of the time, the news hitting you years after the fact. Even cherished pets had gone missing or perished, which hurt nearly just as much as all the other passings in your life. It seemed that those who you were close with in life were gradually passing away, each one a swift blow to your heart. Every time one of them left Earth, they took a piece of your heart with them. All of that old and new anguish and grief came right back in your heart and mind. In a way, you wished you could go back to being blissfully ignorant during the curse.
Not to mention you found out your brother had taken a wife and you couldn’t come to the wedding because they didn’t know where you were. And your mom’s health was failing, but you were stuck in Storybrooke, while they lived in the Enchanted Forest.
A lot of heartache had plagued you, but you tried to remain positive. You knew one day, one way, you would find your way home to the Enchanted Forest.
Your job was getting increasingly irritating however though, the angry brides were getting on your last nerve, and it had recently transformed into a prom/formal event boutique, making for more orders, more whining women, and more things to mess up.
But the more pressing thing at first was Grace. For the first year or so, you dedicated so much time to her. In her mind, before the curse, you had been gone for three years, and her and Jefferson thought you were dead, so you tried to delicately explain what happened. The last thing you remember was being out at the market, then the next thing you knew, you woke up without any realization of who you truly were. You walked around in a fuzzy state until you became a nurse for a medical compound. You had found out since then that Regina was the one to curse you, she took away all your memories to give you amnesia. But thanks to Snow and Emma, you were determined to forgive her and after you learned why she went dark, you didn’t blame her for being so upset. Her mother was an awful person that had twisted the goodness inside her. She was becoming a best friend of yours too. Jefferson wasn’t thrilled about the idea at first, since he didn’t trust her at all, but you had told him that everyone deserves happiness and a second chance and you two owed her one. If Snow White could forgive her, so could the both of you.
You learned all about her, her hobbies, her schooling. You three immediately moved in with Jefferson and your life restarted. All of you couldn’t exactly pick up where you left off, but you could do your damndest to make sure you were close with Grace again. She seemed to adjust to the change rather well, and now she was thirteen, a budding young woman. You were trying so hard to makeup for all the years you missed. Teaching her how to be a young woman, polite, sweet, patient, and kind, but to also be the best warrior in the land. You taught her how to wield a sword and properly fight.  
But six months ago, things took a turn for the worst. They couldn’t do anything else for your father. They called and told you hospice was the only way to go, and you and Jefferson were going to get the house setup that day to bring him home. They told you he was having trouble breathing, and you had seen that the night before. The three of you had visited him in the hospital. He could hardly breathe or talk. Only two hours after the hospice call, they called with the worst news that had ever hit your ears.
“Y/N?” Dr. Whale, or rather, Dr. Frankenstein, had greeted.
“I’m so sorry to have to tell you this...but your father just passed...I am so sorry. We did everything we could.”
You stood stunned. It felt like your knees would buckle.
“Are--Are you sure?” you stammered. He’d been revived before, numerous times. Why was this time any different? What happened now? What could he possibly not conquer? You all joked and called him Iron Man because he fought off the impossible for years and years.
“Yes, ma’am, I’m so sorry. If there is anything we can do to help, let us know. We will keep him in his room until you arrive.”
“Thank you,” you had said numbly.
You ran and told Karen before calling Jefferson, already sobbing heavily, not able to catch your breath.
“Jefferson, Jefferson!” you screamed into the phone as you were shaking, trying to drive home.
“What is it? What’s wrong?” he wondered, panicked.
“My Dad..He’s...he’s gone,” you said, afraid to say the words, as if saying them would make it real, and make you shatter.
“Oh no, sweetheart. I am so sorry...Are you on your way home? Do you need me to come get you?”
“I--I’ll be fine,” you lied before hanging up and letting the tears flow freely. The man who made you everything you were was gone.
And after that day, you were never the same. You saw life so much more differently. You couldn’t get the message back home to your loved ones, and you had to deal with the services all alone, except for what Jefferson could offer.
Your job was the worst job to be in for a woman who had lost her father. The women who came in all had fathers who would walk them down the aisle, but when you remembered your own wedding day, your father was far too sick to do that. It caused a seed of bitterness and hatred to settle in your heart.
Coupling the bitterness of your job with the actual dealings of orders and customers, you grew to practically hate your job. Your daughter was turning into more of a teenager now that she was thirteen, and becoming a bit hard to deal with. It seemed like no matter what you did, nothing mattered. You would fix one thing on the house, another would break. You’d make one customer happy, another would be there to complain. You’d make a meal but it would go bad. From repairs on the house, your cars, caring for your husband and daughter, grocery shopping, handling your father’s affairs as best you could (since you had to deal with his StoryBrooke estate and eventually the Enchanted Forest side of things as well), stress at work, trying to keep up with laundry and cleaning….It was all so much. Every day was a struggle and a battle.
Not to mention all the missions you were roped into with The Charmings. Every battle, every mission, every adventure, every problem they had, became yours. You remembered in the Enchanted Forest you all were actually pretty good friends, and now that your memories were back, you were always with them, helping them in one way or another. They were almost like an extended family.
(This opens where the season 4 finale is sort of ending)
The Darkness was swirling, going throughout the streets, trying to find a new host. It was too powerful to contain in the sorcerer’s hat. It had circled around everyone, finally settling on Regina, who looked terrified. Rumpelstiltskin had just had the darkness pulled from him and you, the Charmings, Regina, Robin, and Jefferson ran out after it. The usual hero group.
“Regina!” Robin screamed as the Dark Magic tornadoed around her. “What’s it doing?” he asked.
“What Darkness does,” Emma answered. “It’s snuffing out the light.”
“Well I’m not gonna let it,” Robin said before charging at the swirling mass. But as soon as he got close, it jolted him back.
“That’s not gonna work on this thing,” Emma shouted. “We have to tether it to a person to contain it!” she informed. She started towards the Darkness before Regina shouted.
“Emma, no! There has to be another way,” Regina tried, you could tell it was squeezing the life out of her.
“There isn’t. You’ve worked too hard to have your happiness destroyed.” She was about to thrust the knife into the darkness, to contain it, when you ran up and pulled the dagger from her.
“What are you doing?” she demanded.
“You are the only Savior we have,” you answered. “You are the only thing that can stop this evil. The only thing that can stand a chance, is you.”
“Y/N, no! No, wait!” Jefferson shouted before running up to you. “I can’t lose you, not again. Please...There has to be another way…”
“I’m sorry, Jefferson, but...we can’t let our friends do this…Emma can fix this, I know she can. No matter what happens, no matter what becomes of me, know that I love you and I love Grace.”
You kissed him, tears spilling, as he kissed you hard back before you pushed him back and thrust the dagger into the Darkness, where it coiled its way around the dagger, around your hand, around your body, consuming you, until suddenly it was all black around you.
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magnificent-dragons · 7 years
supercorp week day 3
Each time she saved Lena she wanted to spill, to tell her who she was, to tell her that she was trusted that she was going to be safe. It was those times she hated that she worked for the government, and she hated whoever had demanded that she was never to tell any celebrity her true identity, it was a dumb rule. Supergirl was a celebrity did that mean that she should not tell herself her own identity. J’onn made sure to check and ensure that Kara had not told Lena he said that if she did then he would have to wipe her memory of Kara.
What kind of person makes that rule, she was grumpy because of it, and she had even gotten mad at J’onn who was only doing his job and trying to protect her identity, but Lena was trustworthy. She hated lying to Lena about it, maybe Lena already knew and thought that Kara simply did not trust her enough to tell her. She trusted Lena with everything she was and everything that was to come but this, this was not her call and she hated it. The whole situation only hurt her relationship, and she feared that there was a possibility of it causing her and Lena to break up. A world where Lena hated her was not a world that Kara wanted to be part of, she never wanted to make Lena feel untrusted or uncared for.
Alex was with her on telling Lena, although originally she had not trusted Lena, after Lena saved her life and helped save the city if not the world, Alex trusted her. The two had gotten close even, they would have coffee together whenever their schedules allowed it and Kara could not have been happier that her sister approved of her girlfriend. Having Alex on her side meant that she would have some help dealing with J’onn if she told Lena, and she needed all the help  she could get. Despite J’onn’s soft spot for the Danvers girls he still followed the rules and protocol it was his job.
“We need to convince him Alex, I am not risking him wiping her mind of me. I could not live with it if he did.” Kara’s voice dripped with worry.
“It’s gonna be ok, I am going to see if we can get M’gann to talk to him about it, she may be able to give him a good argument. You just go to dinner  your girlfriend is waiting on you.” Alex offered Kara a smile, as she attempted to usher the kryptonian out of the building.
Lena was across town in her office getting ready, she had an extra supply of clothes in there mostly so that when she got to caught up with work and nearly missed an event she would not have to waste time driving back home. She probably should have taken off about half an hour ago to get ready for her and Kara’s date, but she had put it off and now was only left with twenty minutes to prepare. Honestly Kara would not care what she wore, but still Lena always enjoyed seeing how Kara’s jaw dropped each time she wore a new outfit.
The low cut ones always ensured that Kara would not be able to maintain eye contact, apparently supergirl was a boob girl. Supergirl, at first it had bugged Lena that Kara had not told her, but something had clicked in the way Kara looked each time she ran off. Kara looked sad like she was not able to tell Lena what it was, she was not allowed to tell Lena her identity. It was a likelihood after all supergirl did work with a government agency that was not secret. She could not be mad at Kara for doing what she had to do, she understood, hated it most days but understood.
She finished getting ready and headed out waving to Jess as she left, Harold would be taking over for the weekend giving Jess some time off. She had decided that even though having multiple assistants made it at times difficult, it allowed them to have a life outside of work. Just because she spent most of her time at L-corp she was not going to subject her assistants to doing the same. Although since the whole Alana situation had gone down she was much stricter with how she vetted them. If she messed up a second time with her selection she could end up dead.
Her driver dropped her off outside the newest restaurant in town, she had finally convinced Kara that humans could not live when they eat potstickers on every date. Kara’s appetite never bothered her but one can only eat so much chinese food before they have to swear off of it for a while. Lena stepped out of the car to see Kara waiting outside the restaurant for her.
“Lena, how was your day, that meeting with what's his name?” Kara said, as she helped Lena out of the car.
“He who shall not be named gave me crap and spent a good portion of the meeting looking at my chest, did your day fair any better?” Lena had her arm linkedin Kara’s as they entered the restaurant.
Dinner was easy talking back and forth, Kara occasionally almost spilling food on herself, she did tend to get over eager when she was hungry. It was one of the adorable things about Kara that never failed to make Lena smile. It was easy and simple, and amazing, then Kara got a call the tell tale supergirl call that tended to interrupt them all to often.
“I have to go Lena, snapper I am so sorry.” she gave Lena a peck on the lips before rushing off.
She had to remind herself that this was for the greater good, Kara was helping people, and she loved how good Kara was. How amazing she was as supergirl, that did not make her stop wishing that she could have just a bit more time during their dates. It was selfish she knew, and she would never ask Kara to stop being supergirl she loved it, and Lena would never make Kara stop doing something she loved. Supergirl was not who she was, it was part of her though and every part of Kara was important.
She found herself quickly finishing up her meal, not caring much for the food without the company, the food was fine, just nothing was as good as it was with Kara. The reporter made things better to live with, she looked at everything with a brightness that no one else could hope to match. She was probably being bias but then again it was true Kara was a walking ray of sunshine nothing could match that.
She left soon after, she was already thinking about working she had a project to finish after all. Her driver came up to the curb ready to take her home or wherever she pleased.
Maggie stopped by the bar and convinced M’gann to listen to Alex’s argument to try and get J’onn on their side. It was going to be easier than they had thought to get M’gann to understand, after all she knew that hiding something like that from someone you loved was difficult and strained a relationship not to mention the fact that it would end in heartbreak if it continued. Supergirl heart broken could be bad not only for the deo, but for any unfortunate person to be on the receiving side of Kara’s anger or grief.
“Alex, it is not going to be easy to convince him, you know he is a strict person who follows orders and he is protecting the deo in his mind.” M’gann stated, she was trying to figure out how she would have to approach the subject with J’onn.
“ I know how he is,  and I have used all of my leeway with J’onn but to no avail so you are currently our only hope. So please do the best that you can, for Kara’s happiness.” Alex sat across from M’gann at the table practically begging for M’gann to help them.
“ Ok I can’t guarantee that he will lift the rule or what will happen but I will do everything i can.”
It took two whole hours to get any news of what had happened when M’gann had brought it up, two hours of sitting around or pacing till it seemed as if Kara was about to ware through the floor again. After having to cancel yet another date with Lena under a false pretence the guilt was gnawing away at Kara. Alex hated to see her sister like this, her face scrunched up in worry and guilt hidden in her eyes. Lena made Kara happy, and she had proven herself multiple times to be worthy of trust, and to be on their side yet Lena was not trusted enough to have this secret.
Alex continued to check her phone every few minutes, while still trying to be discrete with it, seeing her check would not help Kara’s nerves the kryptonian looked as if she was about to explode anyways. Although exploding was not one of Kara’s powers, being able to break everything in Alex’s apartment was. The deo may pay for a good bit of the things that they would break, but there was a limit and she certainly could not afford a whole new apartment because of her sister’s stress levels.
Her phone began to ring, Kara’s head snapped over towards the sound, and Alex scrambled on the couch to reach the phone as it continued to ring. It was quite the sight to see the normally composed Alex Danvers scrambling on a couch in order to reach her phone as if she was a fish out of water.
“Hello, J’onn.” Alex did her best to keep the nerves out of her voice, this was the moment that Kara was waiting for.
“ I need to speak with you, I will drop by your apartment I don’t want this to be done inside the deo.”  Alex could not tell by his tone if this was a good or a bad thing, she and Kara were both holding on for some good news not a complete shut down.
“Ok, we will be waiting,” She said, before saying her goodbyes and hanging up.
“Ok, so what do we do, do  we wait can i go flying what do I do Alex I can’t be patient for much longer.” Kara was near frantic as she paced.
“It is gonna be ok, Kara just sit down for a minute, I can’t afford a new floor, nor can I explain why I would need one to my landlord.” Alex said, pushing Kara back into the couch and getting her to sit and wait.
It took twenty minutes for J’onn to arrive, twenty minutes of Kara tapping her foot in frustration. Dealing with impatient kryptonians was not exactly easy it usually ended up in property damage always accidental but damage nonetheless. When J’onn came in his face gave away part of his emotions, he had  the same look he did when he had asked her to keep secrets from Kara.
“You can tell her,” as soon as the words left J’onn’s mouth Kara turned and was about to fly out the window to go and tell Lena, but J’onn grabbed her shoulder gently stopping her. “But no one in the deo or in any office is to know that she is aware of your identity, or I may be forced to wipe her mind. She can never come into the deo when you are injured.”
“As long as I can tell her and someone keeps her updated,” Kara said, a small smile on her face knowing that she had triumphed.
“We will, now I believe you have something you need to tell your girlfriend,” J’onn gave his adoptive daughter a smile and was met with a bone crushing hug.
Kara changed into her suit using superspeed before taking off, glasses in hand, ready to tell Lena, Kara had her suspicions that Lena may already know. Lena was a genius after all and she could have figured it out if she put her mind to it. Kara pushed off those thoughts though as she saw the light on in Lena’s bed room, she was headed to the balcony. She landed with a soft thud, it was enough to alert Lena that she was there. Lena was sitting in her bed with a book in hand, her head automatically turned to face Kara. DEspite Lena being in her oversized pajama shirt and shorts Kara could swear there was never a more beautiful sight.
“Supergirl? What can I do for you,” Lena opened the balcony door and crossed her arms to protect herself from the slight chill of the night air.
“I should have told you along time ago, and I wanted to rao I have wanted to tell you Lee, but I am supergirl,” With that she slipped on her glasses.
Lena did not say a word just smiled like she had known all along and rushed up to Kara kissing her swiftly, Kara wrapped her arms around Lena’s waist and pulled her closer.
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overdrivels · 7 years
Eye of the Beholder
Genji plucked at his hair, which has long lost it’s artificial green, deep in thought. In his hand was his face plate, a sizable crack near the temple area. Luckily, it hadn’t injured his face, but he reasoned that another scar isn’t going to change anything.
It was an amateur mistake that led him to this–sitting​ in the med bay wait room while Angela went to fetch Torbjörn. Flipping his mask back and forth, he breathed in the cool, sterile air that he had once been so annoyed at. He’s come a long way since then, and he knows he should be proud of it. But the occasional creep of self-doubt always lingered closely at the edge of his mind, waiting for the day he lets down his guard to strike.
So engrossed in his thoughts, he didn’t notice you opening the door until it was too late.
“Hey, Genji.”
The mask nearly jumped out of his hand, and he somehow managed to clutch it before it hit the ground. He stared at you, wide-eyed, mentally bracing himself for some gasp of horror or disgust.
But without skipping a beat, you said, “Have you seen Hana anywhere? She’s supposed to teach me something.”
He paused, his rolling feelings of unease and apprehension stuck somewhere in his chest in a wary coil. You did not seem alarmed. You made no comment to his appearance, nor did you seem to notice his sudden change in appearance. He had to touch his own face to ensure that the mask was indeed not there.
It wasn’t. 
Oh, right. Hana. “She’s in the training room with Hanzo. Mobility training.”
You sighed, your entire body sagged against the door frame in defeat. “They’re going to be at it for a while. Thanks, Genji.” You departed with a wave, disappearing almost as quickly as you had come, leaving Genji in the room, dumbfounded and feeling like he’s the one who should be alarmed.
Though, it was a welcome comfort when you do not flinching at the sight of his marred face. But at the same time, the ease at which you took in his appearance was jarring. Did nothing phase you? Or was it that his face wasn’t as bad as he remembered? It’s been a while since he’s looked at himself for a prolonged time in the mirror, after all.
A quick check in the nearby bathroom showed that he’s still as…damaged as he remembered. Lips split in more pieces than just two, eyebrows nearly missing, thick scars running along his face like a mini railroad map. Yup, his face was still nothing that any normal person outside the medical profession should be comfortable with. That means that either you’re a secret doctor or you’re just not normal.
Genji didn’t know which was the preferable answer.
Later, once his mask was fixed, he’d force himself to think back on the last time he had ever seen you surprised or disgusted or anything outside of lackadaisical for that matter.
In the end, after wracking his brains for a night, he couldn’t come up with an answer. There was that one time an abandoned structure caught fire and you had just leisurely strolled out like it was a picnic, wet cloth from who-knows-where draped across your face. He couldn’t recall you even making a face during that time you caught McCree in the nude while he was drunk–Genji himself had hurled a blanket at the man to protect the younger residents of the Watchpoint. After that, Jesse had practically thrown up all over your clothes. You didn’t even bat an eyelash when he accidentally impaled himself on some unfortunate kitchen supplies and bled everywhere, requiring an emergency extraction from the kitchen and a speedy trip to Mercy. He later heard from Athena that the chef, having come back from an errand, was absolutely livid to find the gory scene in the kitchen and even more so when the culprit behind the mess was finally revealed. (In a way, the speed at which Jesse’s wounds healed with almost no scarring was a testament to how well the knives were kept and potentially just how boring it must be alone in that vast kitchen that once held no less than 20 chefs during peak hours.)
Curiosity gets the better of him. He may have found himself and found peace, but he was still human and occasionally very self-conscious. (It has nothing to do with the fact that he used to be a playboy and practically preened when attention was paid to his looks.) So for you to not even react felt like he was being jilted, which was why he was in the common space where you sat alone on one of the couches, reading.
He took in a deep breath, and undid the latch to his mask. It gave off a loud hiss, but even that didn’t tear your attention away from your book. He stood in front of you where you had curled yourself up on the couch, waiting. You don’t seem to have noticed his presence yet. Wryly, he thinks that if he were an assassin and after your life, you may have been long dead by now.
Luckily, he’s just your friendly neighborhood cyborg ninja who is a little bit concerned about the non-mechanical parts of himself. He cleared his throat, but you only flipped a page. At this distance, he could see it was some mystery novel. Either the story was interesting or you’re just trying to be difficult.
Trying a more direct approach, he asked, “May I ask you a question?”
You hummed in acknowledgement. He sucked in a breath.
“Are you…all right with my face?”
“What’s wrong with your face?” You asked nonchalantly, barely peeking up above your book to give him that same deadpanned look. Mentally, he spluttered. What’s wrong with his--
“It does not bother you?” He leaned in a little closer so you could a closer look at the grooves and ledges on his skin. Do you not see how everything is miscolored or uneven? The rough contours? Are you seriously seeing him? 
You quirked your head to the side, regarding him with unblinking eyes as you lowered the book. “Not really. I mean, that’s how you look, right? It’s not like you’re suddenly a different person because of it.”
Your words shut down any growing apprehension or worry he had, just like the push of a button. Bless your straight forward innocence. Whatever Genji had expected you to say, it definitely wasn’t that. It’s hard to rebut such a simple truth. Yes, it was how he looked, but most people at least reacted in some way to his visage (especially now since you all knew the story of how this came to be).
“Right,” he said slowly, trying to digest your nonplussed response. Backing away from you, he sat straight down on a seat nearby. “So, you are really…not disgusted?”
You raised a sharp eyebrow, and Genji felt a cold gush of fear coil in his chest that made his remaining hair stand on end. All his muscles tensed in alert, and he leaned back just a touch as though to brace himself for the truth.
“You”–he held his breath–“are fine. You’re the strongest, most clever, and most handsome ninja there is. So stop fussing about it, you dork.”
Without any further comments, you returned your attention to your book, face still as unreadable as before. Genji did not speak, your latest words buzzed in his head restlessly, blurring all coherent thought and leaving behind nothing but your kind compliment. It twisted and pulled up a tingling warmth from the depths of his chest that he hadn’t felt in years. With the quiet clatter of the chair, Genji disappeared in a puff of smoke, leaving you to your peace.
Nearby, Hanzo almost jumped out of his skin to see Genji without his face plate, beet red and doing the very familiar and nostalgic action of internally screaming–hands alternating between wringing themselves and covering his face, and the sudden pacing that easily overtook the room.
Hanzo knew that look, the love-struck fool, and shook his head, chuckling to himself quietly. Some things never change.
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Versailles | 3 of 4.
“You do realize that flirting with me won’t earn you any kind of drink perks, right, St. Pierre?”
“Can you honestly blame a guy for trying?”
Laurent’s attempts at charming her with a smile were rebuffed with such ease, it was as though she’d been practicing. Probably a handy talent to have in a place like this, now he thought about it...
“Yes. You drank half of my damn bar before I got here.”
“And I’ll gladly reimburse you with my wit, good looks, and a date of your choosing, Jessica.”
It was her turn to offer a smile this time, and it paved the way for the kind of cutting retort that had kept him at her bar, instead of wandering the rest of Pavilion in search of an easy conquest. “Aw. At least you tried.”
“Oh, I’m incredibly trying.”
There was barely enough bar staff to handle the queues the excitement of a new nightclub had encouraged, and yet there she was, still stood, catering to him in spite of herself. The thought entertained him to no end. If he couldn’t find a way to bed the actress by the end of the night, then he knew he’d wind up back here, waiting for her, instead.
“Let me guess, our best bottle of Rémy?”
“Sure. It’s an open bar, why not?”
“Okay, firstly? Not for you it isn’t. Secondly? It’s never an open bar on the stuff you drink.” The pretty brunette leaned forward and whispered exaggeratedly, just loudly enough to be heard over the music roaring outside. “That’ll be seventeen thousand dollars.”
“Wait, what? Are you fucking kidding me?!”
“No. And I’m going to say the exact same thing to you if you buy it, you raging fucking psychopath.”
“Well, I’m pretty sure you’re not supposed to talk to customers like that, but all right...” After an aggravated sigh, he conceded. “Fine. I’ll take your second best.”
“That’s the smartest thing you’ve said all night.” There was an eye roll. “That’ll be twelve hundred, s'il vous plaît.”
“Sweet baby Jesus. Is she making you charge extortionately for my favourite drink on purpose?”
“What, you really want to stoop to the third? You could always pay by the glass if you’re struggling.”
Now she was just mocking him.
“No, no. Christ. Just give me that one.” Laurent begrudgingly handed over his card. “It’s a good job I’m already dead inside...”
This time her smile had been genuine. The kind that reached her eyes, and had him mirroring it without thought.
And then it was gone again as quickly as it’d come.
Rémy in hand, she’d turned back to look at the Frenchman before her. In a split second their exchange had gone from jovial to absurd as the valuable bottle of liquor smashed to the floor. She looked like she’d seen a ghost. Like she was trying to say his name... Whilst his brow had creased in annoyance and confusion at her carelessness, as the woman next to her started screaming, the reason for her strange turn became painfully apparent.
It was the cold metal of a gun pressing into the back of his head.
Not exactly what he’d been expecting...
The people who had noticed the scene unfolding began to panic; their terrified screams washed away in a sea of drunk chanting, singing, and the music of the best DJ money could buy. Or so he’d been told. But as those privy to the gun’s presence tried to rush for the door, something—or someone—was stopping them. Laurent dared not move his head to try and see what. The last thing Pavilion’s terrible décor needed was his brains all over the wall.
“Quite the party we’ve got going on here,” the stranger that held Laurent’s life in his hands mused. “Now turn around slowly.”
Though the voice wasn’t familiar, the accent was.
Who the flying fuck had he pissed off now? And, more importantly, why in God’s name did they think that Versailles was even a remotely appropriate setting in which to settle it? Anybody attempting to start shit would have their asses handed to them in a heartbeat, tonight. The French had worked so hard on making sure security was airtight, the fact that this was even happening blew his fucking mind.
“Now how did you get a gun in here?”
Jessica was still rooted to the spot, but her reaching for a second bottle of liquor hadn’t gone unnoticed.
“Stop talking and turn around,” the Italian demanded.
The bartender had inched the bottle towards him so subtly, the gunman hadn’t caught on to what she was doing. It was the kind of shitty whisky Laurent wouldn’t even use to clean a wound, but the bottle was stout enough to do some damage. In the right hands.
Jess was giving him a weapon. Now all he needed was a distraction.
With a wink and a reassuring smile in an attempt to calm her, he let her know that he’d absolutely gotten the hint. ‘Get down,’ he’d mouthed subtly. When he was sure she’d understood him, ‘On three. One, two...’
Laurent knew he was rolling the dice with his life. As Jessica screamed at the top of her lungs and dropped to the floor behind the bar—thankfully out of sight—the gunman could have easily pulled the trigger accidentally. Thankfully, however, it had panned out exactly as Laurent had hoped. The startling shriek had distracted just enough attention from his trigger finger that Laurent could swing around, whisky bottle in hand, both swiping the gun away from his head and smashing the bottle of liquor across the Italian’s ugly fucking face in one swift motion.
The gun went off. Two shots right into the top shelf. Probably taking out more of the fucking Rémy. Bastards.
Everyone situated inside of the club had heard the terrifying sound split the music.
It soon became clear that he was going to have to wrestle the gun out of the prick’s hand; perhaps there had been no brain inside of his Neanderthal skull to disorientate with the bottle. The Italian was strong, but Laurent was a fighter. People started to scatter. Two more shots went off as the well matched men struggled for the gun. There was no fucking way he was going out like this, in their own damn hotel, to a guinea scumbag.
Fuck that.
The surge of adrenaline was something he knew well. So was fighting in a life-or-death situation.
In the end, it gave him the edge. After being dragged to the floor and hit in the face with the butt of the gun a couple of times for good measure, Laurent finally managed to shift his bulky frame over the man and pin him to the floor.
“Does someone want to fucking help me, or?!”
But almost as soon as the words had left his mouth, the explosive sound of automatic gunfire sounded from across the other side of the room. Even the guests who had been partying outside—once confused by the apparent commotion within the club—had heard that.
I guess that explained what had been blocking the exit...
Two of the doormen that had been admitting guests to the club all night had since pulled out rifles.
It didn’t take long to realize that they weren’t aiming at anyone in particular.
They were aiming at everyone.
The club was so close to full capacity that hitting targets required next to no skill. Point, shoot, and it was likely that someone was being mowed down. They scrambled over each other with no thoughts of anything but survival. They jumped into the pool, threw themselves behind the bar in an attempt to find cover... One brave idiot tried to wrestle the gun out of one of the attacker’s hands.
Laurent had seen some pretty fucked up things in his life, but seeing a man being quite literally shredded was definitely up there.
Heart pounding in his ears, the realization that he had to get the fucking gun hit hard. Overpowering the asshole was no longer enough. He needed to take out the two by the door before they turned on him.
Laurent punched the writhing man beneath him so hard in the head, he was sure he’d broken a finger. Finally, the lapse in consciousness seemed to be enough to pry the pistol from his hand. There couldn’t be many left in the mag after how many had been emptied into the God damn liquor shelf, and conserving the ammo would prove difficult for a man who hadn’t fired his weapon in years.
It took two to pick off the first one.
Laurent didn’t get a chance to go for the second.
Rambo’s buddy had turned on him in a heartbeat and fired so many shots in the direction of the Frenchman, Laurent didn’t really understand why he’d still been alive when he hit the floor.
Well fuck.
As he stared up at the ceiling, he at least found some solace in the fact now that he was down, it sounded like the remaining gunman was finished with his assault.
Didn’t really feel like that many people around him were moving. He wondered how many of them were dead, and how many were just pretending in an attempt to seem a less appealing target.
“Laurent?” Jessica’s voice finally rang out from the other side of the bar.
He was glad it did. He’d almost slipped for a minute, there...
It was hard to muster the strength to look down at his body, and by fuck, when he did he wished he hadn’t. Was it possible that it hadn’t started to hurt until he’d seen it?
Well, there was no way in Hell he was making it out of this one, then...
“Laurent, are you there? Are you okay?” Jessica poked her head up above the bar and scanned the room. Seeing the look on her face as she registered the aftermath of the massacre was something he was glad he wouldn’t have to relive. Then she saw him. That was worse. “Oh God. No. Hang on. Don’t move!”
He wished he could have rolled his eyes.
“What else am I go—“ It was all he could manage before a wave of crippling agony choked him off.
It was in that moment that he’d decided there couldn’t possibly be a pain worse than this.
“Don’t talk,” she said, dropping down to her knees beside him. “Cell phone. Where’s your cell phone?”
They didn’t need to call anyone, but logic had no doubt flow out of the window for more than just her in this situation. There was no way in fuck that the shitshow that’d just unfolded had gone unheard. He felt for her, though. Couldn’t string together a sentence himself.
Laurent lifted his hand. It weighed like lead. In fact, if he hadn’t been so desperate to reach what was inside his breast pocket, then he might have given up trying. Jess watched on eagerly—almost ready to help, until she recoiled in fear of hurting him—ready to snatch the phone out of his hands and dial for help as soon as he fished it out. Only his hand didn’t return with a phone.
“Are you fucking kidding me?!”
Jess shook the cigarette packet he was desperately clinging to out of his frail grasp, dropping them beside his head. Laurent could only grunt in utter disapproval, his eyes all but rolling back into his skull.
Was she serious?
Weren’t good people supposed to give a dying man his last wish?
Laurent turned his head slightly so he could see the box beside his head. He barely had it in him to reach for them again. Keeping his eyes open was becoming more of a struggle as each shallow breath passed. As his fingertips edged towards his cigarettes, his eyes drifted shut.
If it hadn’t been for the swift slap she’d dealt him, maybe they wouldn’t have opened again.
“I swear to God—“ she shouted, grabbing the box and launching it across the room. “Just stay awake, okay? Stay awake and I’ll give you all the free drinks you want, St. Pierre. Please. Even the Rémy...”  
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canaryatlaw · 7 years
ok, long but good day. woke up to my alarm at 7:45, got up and got dressed, stuck the last of my toiletries in my suitcase and got an uber to the airport. Got there about 8:45, which was my goal time, so I was happy about that. got through security no problem, something I was like low key nervous about because I had originally thought the Real ID law going into effect meant I needed an enhanced driver’s license to use as ID, but I did a bunch of online research and knew that wasn’t the case, but was still a little worried about lol. I walk to my gate, which is allllll the way at the very end of the terminal. there’s a starbucks there, so I order a breakfast sandwich and a drink. I keep making the mistake of thinking that if a drink is on the app’s mobile ordering menu the barista will know how to make it, when that is clearly not the case. I asked for a “violet drink” which is the equivalent of “pink drink” but made with the berry hibiscus refresher instead of the strawberry acai refresher. but the cashier didn’t know what I was talking about so I just ended up with a normal berry hibiscus refresher 🤷🏻‍♀️ oh well. I sat for a while and used the free wifi while charging my phone on the conveniently located outlets, and in not too long they were boarding. My zone gets called, I swipe my boarding pass on my phone, and the lady is like “you’re good- oh wait no you’re not” because the machine was saying there was something wrong with my boarding pass and she was like “are you on standby?” and I was like....no....I bought this ticket a month ago I’m not on fucking standby. so she has me come around to the front of the desk and wait while she gets other people on the plane, where there are apparently other people waiting who also had boarding pass issues. At this point I’m fairly ticked off, and if I somehow don’t get on that plane I’m mentally planning what I can threaten to sue them over (clearly breach of contract, they made false promises that I relied upon to my detriment and I should be able to collect damages for the ticket prices and waste of my time), but then she types some things into the computer and gives me a paper boarding pass with a different seat number (which was exactly 5 rows in front of my original one). So I’m just like hey whatever, I don’t really care, just let me get on the plane, and if I don’t have to threaten to sue anybody than that’s good. So I boarded and got settled, opened the in flight magazine to see what sudoku they had going, they had easy and hard kenken puzzles, both of which I completed before the plane even pulled away from the gate 😂 (hashtag expert status) and I made pretty fast work of the easy sudoku puzzle before pulling out my phone and reading some fanfic I put on there forever, and then I was gonna start the stuff I loaded on it last night, but ended up wanting to reread one of Jess’ longer fics, and that pretty much took the rest of the time of the flight, lol. We landed at 1:30 NY time, I get off the plane and get my bag just fine, I’m texting my mom about where to meet her and I literally walk out of the airport just to see my mom driving by and I’m like, waving furiously trying to get her attention but NOPE she just keeps driving and I’m just like DAMMIT because if you’re familiar with laguardia airport you know they’re currently doing a massive construction project that has been making everyone’s life hell, so she had to do another full loop around to get back to where I was, which took another like, 15 minutes. So I finally get in the car and we start the drive home, my mom randomly pulls off the highway to this little town in search of somewhere she can get a green tea latte (which is apparently her thing now) and we end up in this adorable little place that’s billed as a coffee and ice cream shop but has a whole lot of interesting food options like fancy grilled cheeses and an assortment of belgian waffle flavors. And if you know me you know I’m obsessed with well-made belgian waffles, so I got a “churro” flavored one which was made with cinnamon in the batter, then topped with cinnamon sugar and vanilla ice cream, and damn I was pretty much in heaven. so we go back to the car and finish the drive home, pretty soon after we get there my mom has to take my sister to her therapy appointment (apparently she’s doing much better now than earlier in the year and my parents are very happy about it) so I was mostly alone and just did stuff on my computer for a while. eventually people returned and we decided to order pizza for dinner because my mom hadn’t been to the store and didn’t have anything to bake, so I called that in and the delivery guy came, and there was a very awkward exchange during which I was just standing there with the door open holding the collar of our golden retriever so he didn’t go run and jump on the delivery guy (he’s totally harmless, but he’s rather big and I know some people would not appreciate being jumped on) while my mom went upstairs to get money out of the sock (where my parents stash their cash) to pay for the pizza lol. But we got the pizza and paid for it successfully, and I put my piece under the broiler for a few minutes so the cheese gets nice and crispy and I’m in pizza heaven. dad comes home pretty soon and my mom pulls out some anchovies she was apparently saving for him (my favorite topping combo is pepperoni and anchovies, but I can’t really have pepperoni now so it just ends up being anchovies) so I had my second piece with them and it was very enjoyable. After dinner we just kind of chilled, me still on my laptop and the parents watching HGTV or whatever while the other siblings kind of milled about, and that ended up being out it for the night. we figured out train schedules to get me to the city tomorrow, the interview is at 11 and it’s about a 20 minute subway ride from penn station, so I’m gonna take the 8:30 train that gets in at 9:56 so I’ll surely have enough time to get there, even if everything goes haywire and I end up having to just hop in a cab or an uber (I’ve successfully navigated New York’s subway system before, once you’ve mastered one you can really figure out all of them, so I don’t expect anything to go wrong). the interview is supposed to last a little over an hour, and then I can take the train back home. It’s still been on my mind all day about whether it’s a job I want to take or not (assuming I get offered the job of course) and as much as it pains me to admit it because I’ve really, really liked my life in Chicago lately, I know this is the best opportunity for me and it’d be foolish not to take it when I don’t have any other possible offers or even interviews for any other job period, much less any job that actually deals with children. and like, I could make a job in a similar field like domestic violence work for a few years, but my heart wouldn't be in it (I mean, for DV in particular it is a cause I’m very much invested in so I would have my heart in it, but not the same way it’d be when it comes to kids where I really want to be) and it’d just be passing time until I can get hired at a job with kids. Right now I’m not crazy about the idea of being close to my family, even though they obviously REALLY want me back, and at one point in the past year I was convinced that it’s what I wanted to do and I probably accidentally got their hopes up on it, something has shifted, I don’t know what, but I’m not quite in that frame of mind anymore. I guess part of it is realizing that if I took this job in the city I don’t really have a group of friends there and I’m scared about being lonely, especially when my friend situation has been so great lately. So I don’t know. I think if it gets offered I’ll probably feel obliged to take it, but then I just have this overwhelming sense of foreboding of my time in Illinois and my time living this awesome life I’ve been living is going to be over, and like, that really sucks. But that’s about all I gotta say on that subject. Another thing worth noting that happened today though was I convinced my parents to pay, as my birthday gift, for me and Jess to go to Collective Con in Florida the weekend right before my birthday, because Brandon Routh and Courtney Ford are going to be there and we *obviously* need to take advantage of this and be able to experience seeing them as a couple outside of the show. I was pretty sure I could get my dad to go for it if I framed it right, so I looked up flights to make sure I got the absolute best prices (which were unfortunately still like $500 a pop, but there were ones that were much worse) and identified an airbnb and convention passes to give him a final number because I know that he’s more likely to approve stuff like that if I frame it the right way. So that’s gonna be coming up at the end of the month and I am SUPER psyched about that, we’re gonna fly out Friday morning and come back Monday morning, which is my birthday, and also the night “I, Ava” airs, then in two weeks we have C2E2 and HVFF Chicago, so it’s basically gonna be the best time ever and hopefully I won’t start flunking all of my classes because of it. But yeah, that was mostly my day. Hopefully tomorrow will go well. I’m always trying to think of questions to ask them because I know in job interviews they want you to have questions, but I always end up defaulting to like “what’s your favorite part about working here?” which I feel is kinda lame, so if any of you have ideas on that front, please hit me up with them by tomorrow morning lol. It’s almost 1:30 am now though and I have to be up at 7, so it is definitely time for me to go to bed. Goodnight my lovelies. Happy Friday.
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