#and to update the public link during my lunch break
Demo update
Hi guys,
Being at work and taking a little break, I thought why not share here the link to the test version of Heavy is the Crown and get some feedback?
This includes almost the entire first part of the prologue which focuses on what Merlin does so there are few choices available unlike the second part which will be about the 12 year old Mc.
Do you want to give me your opinion?
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miekasa · 3 years
any spare levi headcanons tonight????? 😁😁😁😁
Sure, why not, he is the love of my life after all. These are pretty random, and fit in some sort of generalized modern boyfriend au. Hopelessly domestic, as that is the nature of nearly everything I write for Levi, anyway. Also still terribly obsessed with the idea of him with a motorcycle, so there’s that.
He owns at least six black blazers. They’re nearly identical; slight differences in texture and cut, one with lapels, one that’s boldly all leather that you swear you’ve never seen him wear. They’re kind of his go-to staple, other than a sweater.
That being said, he doesn’t exclusively wear all black. His closet leans towards more neutrals, sure, but he’s not allergic to color. You might not catch him wearing neon orange on the average day, but he’s not averse to a nice shade of green, any shade of purple that suits his mood, even a softer pink.
He has towels and rags he sets aside especially for you when he comes over. He always washes them and put them back in place when you leave so that they’re ready to go for next time.
Claims to not have any attachment to the shows/dramas you watch, but he’s totally backseat watching. Halfway into every single series, he starts sitting down when you turn it on, and scoffs at dumb decisions the characters make.
He splurged on one of those frame TVs that look like a painting when they’re idle. It was a good investment in his opinion.
He doesn’t hate Starbucks drinks—there’s worse things out there in terms of quality of tea. What he despises about the establishment is the way they call out names for you to pick up your order. He’s learned that mobile order ahead is the way to go.
Has slippers for around the house, so consequently, you have slippers for walking around his house. He keeps both pairs (and a few extra for friends and guests) tucked neatly beside the door for easy access; yours always go next to his.
Does not understand the purpose of a robe. Buy him one tho and he will suddenly find an excuse to wear it: making breakfast, lounging around watching TV, doing some light cleaning and dusting. It’s comfy, alright, he can admit that much.
The little puppy you got him that he swore he was not going to warm up to now gets the royal treatment. The best doggie goods and treats, top rated shampoos, cutest drying towels, even a miniature couch he constructed just for the pup. They’re best friends, there’s no breaking that bond now.
Speaking of the puppy, affectionately named Captain, Levi can be found walking him every day shortly after work. They have a few different routes, but they always pass by the local vendors/market, who enthusiastically anticipate their appearance every day. Some of the older ladies running stands have even taken to bringing a few treats with them for Captain—after bundling up some goods for Levi, too, of course.
Captain also has a special doggy backpack Levi uses for when he’s on his motorcycle. If you follow anybody on TikTok in his area, you’re bound to see at least one video of the pup while Levi’s out riding. He’s become viral on social media without even knowing it.
(When you show him a video someone posted of him and Captain with well over 100k likes, and a million views, he only rolled his eyes. But remembers that particularly day; remembers the folks had a kid who politely asked to pet the dog, so he let him. He also maybe asks you to send the link to him).
On the subject of the motorcycle, there was a good few weeks he wouldn’t let you on it. Always found an excuse, a smart reply that was punctuated with gentle push on your forehead and calling you too clumsy for it. Later, you found out it’s because he’d ordered you a helmet; didn’t want to risk you riding without one.
He always keeps it in the storage compartment should he make a stop to pick you up while he’s riding; and he usually wears at least two layers to have a spare to wrap you in before you get on.
When he cooks, he always makes sure there’s enough for leftovers and/or to give you some later. He also bakes frequently, and at least once a week, he stops by with some kind of treat for you—“Trying out a new recipe, let me know if you think it’s missing anything.”
On the subject of food, he won’t police what you eat to annoying extent; he knows that not everybody has the time or will to make pasta from scratch like he does. But, he will smack your wrist if you consider ordering fast food when you’re over at this place. Give him 30 minutes and a single pan, he’ll make something much better than whatever you can find on Uber Eats.
Really, though, he doesn’t mean to obnoxious about the homemade food thing, it’s more habit for him. Growing up, he had to learn to be resourceful, so buying fast-food isn’t ever at the forefront of his mind. Cooking for you also turns out to be something somewhat intimate that he enjoys, so just let him.
Once bought an Apple Watch because he liked the look of them, it wasn’t insanely expensive like other high end watches, and it could connect to his other devices, so why not? A week later he returned it, the ping of his notifications were in one too many places for his liking.
You tried to convince him to keep it—“At least for when you’re jogging! It can track your activity and calories!”—but he clicks his teeth. He’ll survive without keeping track of them.
He learned the hard way that jogging with Captain is no good. His legs are too tiny and Levi ended up carrying the puppy the entire time. Captain is more of a walk dog… or ride on the back of his bike dog.
If you changed anything in his phone settings—like the ringtone for you contact, or the sound his keyboard makes—he wouldn’t go back in and try to figure out how to reset it. Unless it was something obnoxious, like adding an autocorrect shortcut to say something lewd.
He doesn’t really listen to music when he’s just walking. When he’s on a run, that’s fine, but he somewhat prefers to just… hear the environment around him when he’s on a stroll or a break from work. The only reason he’d have headphones on in public is to take a phone call, but even then, he’d prefer to wait until he’s somewhere more private.
He likes having you over at his apartment and has contemplated asking you to move in. He doesn’t want to rush anything, though, so he’s content with your sleepovers for now. (Though he really cannot fathom that you call them “sleepovers” like you’re 14. Please).
He speaks to his mother at least once a week, and she always asks about you. Levi tells her that you’re fine, gives her small updates about you, but Kuchel really just wants to know when the wedding is. He pretends to be busy whenever she starts asking and conveniently ends the call.
Occasionally, he’ll stop by and take you out for lunch. Depends on how much time he has during the day for himself, but he always enjoys sharing a meal with you.
Whenever you’re out with your friends drinking, Levi will pick you up. Even if you already told him that you’d Uber home; as soon as you text him that you’re going to leave soon, he’s already on his way.
He makes pretty good cocktails himself. Teases you for running his alcohol supply dry when the truth is he has more of your favorites in his cabinet than his own. He secretly likes the way you flirt with him when you’re tipsy.
You don’t always cuddle on top of each other when you sleep together. You can just lay by each other and that’s enough; but sometimes, you catch Levi turning towards you in his sleep, reaching for your hand. His body seems to search for yours subconsciously, and you swear there’s a hint of a smile on his sleeping face when you put your hand within reach.
Do not try to pay for dinner when you’re out with him. He’ll pull the “I’m going to use the restroom” move and pay the bill behind your back if he needs to. Open your own doors, maybe; pull out your own chairs, sure if you want; but not this.
He flosses very diligently every night. Mostly because he fucking hates the dentist, so if he takes the extra steps and is extra careful with his teeth, he doesn’t have to go as often, right?—Wrong, it’s the one time the roles are reversed, and you and Hange have to wrestle him into the doctor’s office.
On the flip side, if there are any doctors you routinely avoid and/or forget to schedule check ups for, fear not, because Levi will do it for you. He’ll drive you there, too—the only caveat being, that he usually doesn’t tell you where you’re going until you’re almost there. You think he’s doing the mysterious man surprise date thing and then boom, he’s pulling up to the ophthalmologist. Good luck.
He’s purchased a physical, paper copy of the news on every one of your anniversaries, birthdays, and other special occasions. He keeps them all neatly tucked away in a drawer. Sometimes, he looks back on them—sees what was happening in the world around you on that day. Maybe someday he’ll cut them up and bind them together in a book for you.
He doesn’t like having headphones in when you’re home with him, and preferred if you didn’t either—unless it was for work or school. He welcomes you to use his speakers and play your music aloud; he likes listening to what you listen to. If you look closely, you can catch him humming along or tapping his foot when he really likes a song.
Saves pictures you send him in an album in his camera roll. Occasionally can be found scrolling through them—particularly if you’ve been away on a trip, or he hasn’t gotten the chance to see you because of conflicting schedules.
He takes relatively short showers and doesn’t have a strong preference for the water temperature, so he lets you shower first. Unless you want him to join you, of course.
It’s not hard to tell when Levi wants you. He becomes noticeably more touchy, even if that margin isn’t too wide by anyone else’s standards; and he rarely tries to hide it. It only happens in the privacy of your apartments; but he’ll come on to you—leaning a bit further into conversations, a hand on your knee, a kind of cloudy look in his eyes.
Sometimes he forgoes the attempts at being subtle, just kisses you out the blue, carefully backs you up against the wall, puts his hands on your hips. He can be awfully direct when given the opportunity.
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tomtenadia · 3 years
A Little Braver - Chapter 11
Hello everyone. That’s me back from my holidays and I have ch 11 ready for you.
The first part is our two lovebirds still on holiday in Doranelle and they get to be cute and yes, this part as fluff. Enjoy it while it lasts.
For the second part and the ending, just blame the angst gremlin. I decline every responsibility.
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It was Sunday and also Aelin’s last day of holiday in Doranelle. She and Rowan had spent their Saturday in the Cambrian Mountains and did a lot of hiking, had a picnic near a waterfall and swam naked in the pool in front of it and also engaged in some other more interesting activities. The day had been perfect and they had managed to survive two full days without fighting and they both were impressed by it.
Now they were in his car and Rowan was driving her to the coast. He had explained that it was the last part left to explore and that one of his colleagues had suggested a lovely place. He had made lunch for both again and they did manage to set off a bit earlier.
Aelin was comfortable in her seat, her feet on the dashboard and he stared at her while her head was turned to look outside. 
After their talk he had decided to stop feeling guilty. Aelin had been right and they both deserved a second chance at happiness. He had finally decided to accept what he felt for her and maybe that was why they had not fought for two whole days. They had been both pushing the other away, too scared of caring once again. He still was, if he was truthful to himself. Her job scared the heck out of him. But he was done pushing her away.
“Are you comfortable over there?”
She turned and smiled at him, her blue eyes lit with mirth “are you going all health and safety on me, captain?”
“You are the firefighter, you should know the dangers of such a position in case I hit hard on the brakes.” He explained, stopping a mocking smile from appearing on his lips.
“Well, just don’t slam on those breaks, captain. Can you do that and deliver us safely to the beach?”
His hand gently brushed her naked knee. She was wearing a pair of blue shorts and a colourful top.
“Will the water be warm enough for me to swim in it?”
Rowan nodded. “According to my colleague this is a lovely beach and not too busy either. Something only the locals know about.”
Aelin pulled her sunglasses down on her eyes “wake me up when we are there.”
Fifteen minutes later Rowan poked her arm “Ohi, sleeping beauty. Get up.”
Aelin lifted her sunglasses on her head and glared at him “why can’t you behave like a well mannered man? I don’t know, wake me up with a kiss?”
He got of the car and opened the rear door and unloaded the two backpacks “get your arse out of my car. We are at the beach.”
“So, so rude.” She complained while leaving the car and grabbing her stuff from him. They had warmed up to each other but she still adored their bickering.
He started walking and she ran after him, grabbing his hand in hers.
They arrived at the beach and she rejoiced at the discovery they had the entire place to themselves.
Rowan selected a space not too far from the water and deposited their stuff on the ground, placing also the two beach towels for them.
In an instant Aelin had removed her clothes and was standing in front of him in her bikini.
He stared at her “is that your… bathing suit?”
She posed for him “lovely isn’t it?”
It covered very little, thought Rowan. Two red triangles covered her breasts all tied together by some very flimsy strings and the same for the bottom part.
He grabbed her hand and pushed her down on the towel “sit,” he rummaged in his back pack and took out sunscreen “you have a very fair skin and you will burn.”
Aelin sat down and he took a place behind her. He dropped some cream on her back and started spreading it on her back “you do the front,” he said by passing her the bottle.
“I thought you’d love the honour.”
Rowan sighed “if I do that it might lead to something else which is not appropriate on a beach in the middle of the day.”
Once his hands stopped she reached for the knot behind her neck and untied it, the top of her bikini falling off. She untied the one on her back as well and turned to him “up to the challenge, captain?” She took the bottle and put a dollop of cream on her fingers and started spreading it on her naked breasts and enjoyed staring at his expression morphing into pure lust.
“You’ll be the death of me.” He put more cream on his hands and began massaging her breasts making sure they had a nice cover “given how flimsy your bikini is, you need protection everywhere.”
“So considerate of you…” she teased him arching her back into his touch. She never had enough of him. She had a few men before Sam and no one had ever made her feel like that. Not even Sam.
Once he was done he bent over and recovered the piece of garment “come on, cover up.”
She took the piece of her bikini from him “scared by a pair of magnificent boobs?”
“No, we are in a public place.”
She slowly put the top back on and he offered to tie it for her “let them stare.”
Rowan’s mouth was at her ear again, biting gently her lobe “I don’t share.” and the tone in which he said it made her toes curl.
She then pulled away and ran to the water, jumping in it with happiness. Rowan stood and joined her slowly.
“Come one, it’s stunning.” She shouted emerging from the water.
Rowan smiled then ran and once he reached her he tackled her and carried Aelin like a sack of potatoes and threw her sin the water as soon as they reached a deeper spot. 
Aelin re emerged. She tried to protest but she found his body against hers, his lips kissing her hard. She stared at his tanned and muscular body and ran a hand along his chest “I don’t share either, captain. I am very jealous of what is mine.”
Those words were his undoing. He grabbed her legs and pulled them around him and Aelin climbed on him and a moment later they had completely forgotten they were in the middle of the sea.
Luckily for them they had remained the only two people on the beach as their adventure in the water was followed a bit later by one on the sand.
Fully clothed again they now lay side by side. Aelin had her eyes closed, trying to suntan a bit and Rowan on his belly reading a book.
Aelin turned on her side and lifted the cover of his book and noticed it looked like about some theory of flight or tactics “we are on holiday and you are working?”
He turned to her.
“Your book,” she pointed “it’s about flight tactics. Can’t you enjoy a day without thinking about flying?”
“I’d like you to know that I am reading for pleasure. The fact that the book is giving me great ideas is another matter.”
Aelin scooted closer to him and placed her head under his arm and stared at the book with curiosity. She noticed strange drawings “are those flight manoeuvres?”
He nodded and with his arm he pulled her closer “this,” he pointed at the diagram “is called barrel roll attack. It’s quite cool.” Then he pointed at another one “this is the Immelmann and this one…” he turned the page “these are a low and high yo-yo.”
“They have funny names.” She looked at the book “this one seems cool,”
“This is a high G barrel roll.” He explained “you do this when the attacker is at your tail and you can feel his guns on you. It’s far more brutal than a regular barrel roll. Not recommended if you have a sensitive stomach.” He took out his phone and showed her something “Fenrys put a camera on his fighter during training and this is a video taken during training and a mock dogfight.”
Aelin watched the video with amazement “Play it again, it was so fast.” He did it and she stared at the jet completing the manoeuvre “was that you?”
Rowan nodded and showed her a few more videos of their training. She was fascinated.
“I still want to see you fly. For real.”
He put the phone down and looked at her “Lorcan says it’s fine. We can do that when I come back.”
Aelin nodded and he kissed her. He closed the book and pulled her closer and then lay down with his arm over her in a very protective gesture. She turned and snuggled all the way against his torso and let his body protect her from the sun. 
It was a few hours later when Rowan woke up and realised they had fallen asleep on the beach. Aelin was tucked in his embrace and was sleeping soundly and he was glad to notice that her body was in the shadow of his body. It would have been a very painful awakening. 
“Hey, sleepyhead.”
She opened her eyes and looked up at him and he loved the freckles that had appeared on her face.
“We fell asleep.”
“You really do make a good pillow.” She told him while sitting back up.
“I will make sure to update my resume, I am sure it’s a very sought after skill.” He stood and offered his hand to her “come on, let’s go for a stroll.”
She wore her top again “we don’t want to cause a riot, don’t we?”
Rowan smiled and he pulled her up after he took her hand.
They walked for a while. The beach had turned out to be much longer than they thought. Aelin had kept her shoes in one hand and walked the whole distance with her feet in the water. She hadn’t realised how much she needed a holiday. In the past year her life had been complete dedication to her job. It had helped to keep the demons at bay. But now there was Rowan and hopefully she had found someone with whom to walk the path back toward light.
“Fancy going out for dinner tonight?”
“I am craving seafood.” She said swinging their linked hands “we can stay here. Have dinner and then go back to your flat.”
“Sounds like a great plan.”
It was much later that night when they finally rolled back into Rowan’s flat.
“I am so tired and my face is on fire.”
Rowan cupped he face with his hands “you have freckles and you are stunning.”
Aelin gave him a smile and then ducked “I call dibs on the shower.”
Rowan laughed and let her win.
The shower took her a bit longer than planned. Her thoughts wandered to the fact that she was meant to fly home the next day and sadness struck when she realised she did not want to leave Rowan. They had the four best days so far and she hated that she had to wait two more weeks for him to be back and finally try and work on the foundation of their relationship that they had built during that holiday.
Once back in Rowan’s room she started packing. He had given her her own room but she never used it. They had ended up sharing the room and the bed.
She was busy groaning at packing when she felt his arms fold around her waist from behind. His smell of pine and snow was much stronger and she leaned against his chest, closing her eyes “I really don’t want to go.”
“I’ll be back in two weeks,” he told her against her ear.
“I know,” and she hated how petulant she sounded. She turned in his arms and buried her face in his naked chest. Rowan held her tight, her head tucked under his chin.
“I love when you hold me like this. It makes me feel less alone.”
Rowan squeezed her and they remained like that for a time that it felt endless. He didn’t want her to go either and he had a feeling they were going to be two very long weeks. He was getting used having her in his bed and loved waking up in the morning with her scent around him. He eventually pulled away and sat down on the bed and put on his briefs “come on,” he patted the bed “time to sleep.” She climbed in bed with him and took her usual position nested against him and his arms protectively around her.
Aelin was once again in his car but alas, this time it was not for an adventure. He was driving her back to the airport. Her holiday was officially over and she had been grumpy all morning. 
His hand was resting on her knee giving her comfort.
“Are you going back to work tomorrow?”
Aelin shook her head “I need to start tonight. We are on night shift.”
“That sucks.”
In the distance she noticed the shape of Doranelle airport appear and her heart sank.
Rowan parked in the short stay car park and he grabbed her hand and together they walked into the airport. Check-in was a breeze and he eventually walked her just before the security area “this is as far as I can go.” He told her sadly.
Aelin crashed against him and fought it very hard not to cry.
“Hey…” he said very gently caressing her head “I will be back soon.”
She took a deep breath and pulled back.
“Call me when you land. I don’t trust those civilian pilots.” His thumb brushed her lips gently then he leaned over and kissed her.
“These are going to be two very long weeks.” He whispered against her mouth.
“I know.” Then she kissed him one more time and pulled away with all the courage she had. One of them had to let go eventually.
He kissed her one last time and let her hand go and stared at her walk away until she disappeared behind security.
It was a few hours later when Aelin landed back in Orynth. She had texted Aedion before boarding and gave him an ETA. While she waited for her bag to arrive on the carousel she phoned Rowan and he answered at the first ring.
“I am pleased to say that my pilot did manage to land us safely back in Terrasen.”
She heard Rowan scoff “It’s not that difficult, he just needs to press a few buttons and use the stick for landing and take off.”
She loved to tease him “he was hot though…”
“Sure, if you fancy men getting paid to fly a big metal trap in a straight line…”
She chuckled “we turned a few times as well.”
“You banked,” he corrected her.
“An aircraft banks, does not turn. Then we roll, pitch and yaw.”
She huffed “fine, we banked. Happy?”
Her bag arrived and she placed it on her shoulder.
“Was the flight okay?”
She started walking to the exit “yeah, no turbulence this time.” She reached the main doors and walked through “what are you doing?”
“Getting ready to head to class.”
“Are you going to crush those little bastards?”
Rowan laughed “oh yes, I have a very hard exercise in mind.”
She spotted Aedion in the distance and weaved at him “Aedion is here. I gotta go.”
“Be safe, okay?”
“You too, captain. I am getting quite fond of having you around.”
“Bye menace.”
Aedion found her within minutes and hugged her as if he hadn’t seen her in a lifetime.
“Welcome back.” He squeezed her “give me your bags.” He grabbed her stuff and they walked back to his car “how was you holiday?”
“I had a good time.”
“You seem happier.”
“How is the station? Is it still standing?” She changed the subject. She had no intention of talking about her time with Rowan with her cousin.
“It is still standing. We had a few interesting calls, but nothing we could not handle. The team we got from west is blending really well in our team.”
They arrived at the station not long after and once she got off the car Lysandra and Elide ran to her and hugged her fiercely “I was away only for four days.”
“We missed you.” Then Lysandra grabbed her arm and pulled her to the lockers room “get changed and talk.”
Aelin opened her locker and dropped her duffel bag inside it and took out her uniform “So nosey,”
“You have just spent four days with hot captain. Come on girl, we want details,” and both women sat on the bench.
“We had a good time.”
“And it was relaxing.”
Aelin removed her clothes and remained in her underwear “and that’s it.”
“You are telling me, that you just spent four days living in his flat and you two did nothing?”
“I am not telling you anything.” She wore her trousers, then grabbed her top and finally her blue shirt “things happened but they are between us.”
“Aelin, I have a bet to win.”
“I knew it.” Shouted Aelin, fixing her hair again in a tight braid.
“Well, they had to concentrate on a new target since Aedion and I are off the betting pool.”
Aelin stopped and turned to Lysandra and the woman showed her her fourth finger now carrying a gorgeous ring.
“Holy fuck, he did it. He finally proposed.”
“It was beautiful,” said Elide dreamingly.
“He did it here at the station?”
Lysandra nodded “he waited for me and Elide to come back from a call. He placed loads of candles in a heart shape in front of the rigs and as we drove back in he stopped in front of the ambulance on one knee. And then he proposed.”
Aelin hugged her best friend “this is amazing. So friggin awesome.”
“So nothing happened with hot guy?”
Aelin looked at the clock. She still had twenty minutes before the start of the shift “Fine. Just as an engagement present.” And she took a seat beside the two women “Rowan and I, we… had a great time.” And at her expression, Lysandra squealed and Elide smiled as well.
“Is he good?”
Aelin laughed “he is… very skilled.”
“Holy shit. How many times? Where? Any naughty places?”
Aelin knew this was going to happen. She and Lys had always shared such things “the first time we did it three time. The night I arrived in Doranelle. And we did it in the sea and on an empty beach.”
“Ok, I am really jealous right now.” Asked Lys grabbing her friend’s hands “what does this mean?”
Aelin shrugged “he is away for two more weeks. Once he is back we… will discuss things.”
“Ok, from a scale from 1 to god, how good is he?”
Aelin laughed “definitely god.”
“And is he…?” Lys’ eyebrows lifted in a suggestive manner.
“I am not telling you that.”
“What does he do to be a god?” Asked Elide shyly.
“Make you scream so much the neighbours thinks he is torturing you.” Explained Lysandra deadpanned.
Aelin laughed and grabbed Elide’s hand “don’t worry about all of this.” She said tenderly “how is it going with Lorcan?”
Elide blushed savagely “really well. I… I told him about… me.”
“And?” Asked Aelin curious. She hoped the man had been nice to her. She knew where his office was.
“He has been nice about it. He promised he’ll wait for me and that when I feel ready he will show me everything.”
Aelin chuckled “Good.” Then looked at the clock “girls, let’s go.”
The team was having a relaxing night in front of the tv. Aelin was on the comfy chair  her legs draped over the arm, reading a book. Rowan’s manual on flight techniques that he had lent her. After he had shown what he was reading at the beach she had started getting curious and wanted to be able to impress him upon his return. Her phone was in her lap and they had been texting all evening. She was hoping in an easy shift when the dispatch alarm went off. Everyone jumped and she and Aedion took a rig each after the announcement called for two engines and the ambulance.
Aelin ran to her turnout gear and got dressed super quickly and jumped in the engine.
“Did I hear correctly?” She asked Nox who was already at the wheel ready to go “are we going to the airport?”
Nox nodded.
“Those bloody civilian pilots.” She joked but no one got her and she wished Rowan was there, he would have loved it.
They arrived at the airport and Nox stopped the truck. Aelin got off and met the man in the car with red flashing lights “Follow me. We have a collision between two aircrafts. The big one then crashed into the hangar and we have people trapped in there as well.”
Aelin ran back and they followed the car and when they reached the accident site they were not ready for the carnage in front of them. The plane had slammed into the hangar and a raging fire had enveloped a side of the aircraft. Aelin searched for the second plane but could not see it. She jumped off the truck and went back to the man to get an idea of what they were dealing with.
“I thought you said there were two aircrafts.”
The man silently pointed at the remains of a smaller aircraft under the bigger one. There was nothing left and the smaller plane had been reduced to smithereens.
She went back to her team and started shouting orders “Manon, Asterin, try and crack the aircraft door open and see if we can save someone. Wesley, Kyllian you go with Ress and cover Asterin and Manon with water.” She ordered them “Ansel, you are on the aerial and get Manon and Asterin where they need to go.” Then she turned to the rest of her squad “Aedion, take Luca and Brullo and stop the aircraft fire. Remember that the fuel is in the wings.”
“How do you know that?” Asked Nox surprised.
“That is not important now.” She went to their engine and grabbed mask and oxygen tank and tools “Ren, Nox, you two are with me. We are going inside the hangar.” They all geared up very quickly and in the distance she noticed Dorian’s approaching. “Aedion, we might need to call west if it gets worse.”
Aelin and the two guys ran to try and find and entrance to the hangar but the frame of the plane was stuck inside it, blocking any access. “Be careful, there is jet fuel everywhere.” They walked under the wing on fire but they could not see any point of access inside the hangar.
“Can you hear it?” Asked Nox.
“Fuck, there are people still in the hangar.” The nose of the plane had collapsed as the landing gear had failed. Then she noticed it. A small passage near the nose. She removed her oxygen tank from her shoulders, pushed it through the opening and walked to the small hole.
“What are you doing?” Shouted Ren.
“Going in. I am the smallest of the three.” She kneeled and started to wriggle her body through the small opening “open up a bigger passage, we need to find a way to evacuate the civilians.”
Once on the other side, the heat was unbearable and fire and smoke made visibility impossible. 
“Fire department, call out.” She shouted to draw attention. A massive explosion rocked the hangar and she threw herself on the ground and rolled quickly on the side managing to avoid a piece of the roof of the hangar collapsing on her.
“Fire department, call out,” she shouted again. Slowly she began walking deeper in the raging inferno in the hope someone was still alive. Everything was collapsing around her. Then she heard it. A voice. 
“Fire department, call out.”
She heard the call again and tried to walk to the voice. Then she saw it. A person was on the floor and beside it there was another one. She ran to them.
“Are you okay?” The woman was in shock but alive.
She had a look at the man lying on the ground and searched for a pulse and found none.
“You need to come with me.”
The woman started shaking and Aelin pulled her up on her feet. She had no time. 
“Go through there, there are firefighters outside. They will help you. You are safe.”
The woman nodded and kneeled and slowly slithered through the small aperture.
“Ren, there is a woman coming out.” She shouted.
“We can’t open a passage. If we do this side will collapse completely.” Shouted Nox in a panicked voice.
“Go through the other side, go through the nose, but I need a fucking bigger passage.” and she left again not waiting for a reply.
Manon had cracked open the door of the aircraft and she and Asterin had made their way inside. The cabin was full of smoke and fire had started to spread from a gash that had opened where the wing was attached to the fuselage. Manon smelled fuel and knew they had to be quick.
“We are with the fire department. If you can walk we need you to follow us and evacuate the aircraft immediately.”
Asterin walked deeper down the aisle “cover mouth and nose with something.” She noticed a few injured people “Manon, you take those who can walk.”
Manon nodded and directed people out of the main door and once at the aerial she shouted for Luca.
The young man climbed the aerial very swiftly “I am passing you some passengers, make sure they get down safely.”
Luca started ferrying people back and forth leading them to safety to two waiting Lys and Elide.
Asterin heard a few ominous sounds and pushed the people down the aisle, Manon joined her and together with the last two passengers they ran into the cockpit and slammed the door shut when an explosion rocked the plane.
Luca flattened on the aerial and covered the person he was accompanying, with his body.
On the ground Aedion and his two men took sheltered from the explosion and Dorian did the same. 
“Evacuate the civilians quickly.” He shouted over the noise.
Lysandra and Elide took all the survivors to the ambulance that had been parked at a safer distance.
“Aedion, I want that fire under control.” Dorian barked again “we are getting close to the collapse point.” then he realised he was missing one person “where’s Aelin?”
“Inside,” and Nox pointing at the hangar.
“Alone?” Shouted Dorian in rage “you let her go inside alone? That is not protocol.”
“She was the only one who could fit through the small gap.” Ren bit back, not caring if he was being disrespectful to his CO. “Nox and I are trying to open a second gap but the fuselage is the only thing holding up the hangar right now.”
Dorian slammed his hat on the ground and tried to call Aelin over the radio but no response came over.
Aelin knew she was lost. She had found two more people beyond saving, but she did not give up. The heat was becoming worse by the minute. She continued walking until she spotted two figures hiding in a corner. They were alive “Fire department,” she shouted. The two people waved at her. One was badly injured “can you walk?”
“I can manage.”
“Lean on me,” offered Aelin to the man. Slowly they crawled back to the nose of the aircraft and as she did with the first person she pointed the exit to them.
She looked at the small screen on her wrist and noticed that her oxygen was running low.
“Shit.” She probably still had fifteen minutes. She could try and save someone else.
Dorian saw the two people come out of the passage and for a moment he hoped a third one would appear as well but Aelin never did. “Where are you?” He whispered to her.
Aedion got the aircraft fire under control, but not yet the hangar and Nox and Ren could finally work on opening a bigger passage for them to go in. They knew it was a race against time. Chances were Aelin’s oxygen was running low and they had to get in and find her quickly. 
Aelin’s breathing apparatus beeped signalling her that her juice was up. She had moved even deeper in the hangar and she had lost sight of the nose of the plane, her only landmark to her way out. All around her there was nothing but fire. She threw the air tank on the ground, now exhausted and useless. She removed the mask and the stench of jet fuel hit her. The smoke grew thicker and she began coughing, her lungs burning at every breath. She placed the mask again against her face and walked a bit more searching for more survivors.
Aedion saw it happen in slow motion. He was helping Nox and Ren opening a new passage to the interior of the hangar when the structure folded on itself. The material, now compromised by the crash and the heat had given up like a house of cards in the wind.
“No… no… no…” said Nox frantically, “Aelin is inside. Fuck it, Aelin is still inside.” He shouted.
Aedion turned to him with a dangerous glare in his eyes.
He ran to the engine and went to grab his oxygen tank but Dorian stopped him “you are not going inside.”
Aedion freed himself from the man’s grip “I am going in and I don’t give a fuck. I am not letting her die in there.”
“You can’t go in there.”
“If you love her as much as you claim you will let me go in and save her.” Aedion wore his gear in defiance.
Dorian tried one more time to stop him but Aedion did not listen and slowly crawled through the passage they had managed to open. 
Aelin stopped and coughed a bit more. Her lungs and her throat were on fire. She could feel the fumes from the jet fuel starting to have an effect on her. She moved a few steps then she heard it. 
A moment later the whole structure collapsed on her. Her mask rolled away from her hand, and Aelin, trapped under the debris, sank into unconsciousness as the fire now surrounded her completely.
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tundrainafrica · 3 years
Title: Lovebug (8/12)
“It might be a bug.”
“A bug?”
“Sometimes the developers of this application make mistakes. This is our first time meeting I’m sure so…Isn’t it a bit weird that we just met for the first time and it rings like this? And for two strangers to coincidentally ring each other’s alarms?“
Levi is the developer of the Love Alarm App and Hange is married to Zeke.
Link to cross-postings: AO3
Other Chapters: 1 2 3 4 5 6��7
Notes: Feedback is very much appreciated :D
Levi put a hard deadline for Wednesday
“Wednesday” he said it again because he couldn’t be too certain how he said it the first time. He was conscious if he were too stiff, it might almost seem awkward. If he were too relaxed, maybe the urgency wouldn’t get across.
The challenge was finding the balance and when his team nodded, their faces unchanging, he realized it had been an easy task. They had gone through that same pattern before, especially before a large-scale quality assurance test, a recalibration of the application.
And the one on Monday was much larger, covering not just fifty volunteers, maybe even hundreds. When it was Zeke’s own connections that had managed to get that many volunteers, they couldn’t afford to delay it.
Levi cleared his throat and continued. “All fixes should be completed by Wednesday. All QA and regression tests by Friday,” Levi added. “The large scale QA test will be happening on Monday. No negotiations. No chances of rescheduling. ”
Aside from the number of volunteers, that QA test should not be anything different. Nothing much changed except perhaps the fact that Levi was in a constant state of compartmentalizing. He was working partly with outsourced labor to complete the code and to make sure someone was testing their new application. He was also working with his own team to make sure they were still addressing issues and realising fixes for the love alarm.
He liked the busy-ness, the need to be constantly thinking about work. Sometimes though, there were more distracting prospects that forced their way into his limited brainspace. And for some reason, his brain space was so willing to accommodate it.
More specifically, to accommodate her. Well, he had no choice anyway. After all, it was her application. It was his brain child but by extension, it was her and Zeke’s property.
He was constantly in a state of stress and Hange’s presence only made things more stressful. But somehow, his brain demanded he forced that extra piece of information, that piece of responsibility, that piece of Hange somewhere in his brain.
Just like he couldn’t say no to Zeke and Hange, he couldn’t say no to the manifestations of his own mind.
She never gave him a chance to say no. After all, she liked working in his office. She had made herself at home on the desk next to him and everyday he was reminded of that extra compartment his brain had created just for him.
All he had to do was enter the room and enjoy the view of her hunched over her laptop like she always was.
First thing in the morning, she was there. After meetings and standups with his team, he would go back to his office like always, and she was there.
That time, all test devices were lined on the desk, the whiteboard that only that morning had been covered with scribbles was replaced with something a little more coherent.
“You’re testing?” Levi sat next to her, counting ten devices before deciding it would be a waste of time to count further. He looked back up at her.
Hange nodded. “You updated the build last Friday right?”
“Just some fixes,” Levi said. The fixes came slowly, with more data being added, with the algorithm being tested here and there. It was still far from perfect though. He scanned the whiteboard just to get an inkling of her own progress. “How many pseudo emails do you have?” He could have counted it himself but once again, he gave up after ten.
“Enough to test on this many devices,” Hange said.
He read them out loud, taking note of the checkmarks..
“Creative,” Levi commented.
“Look, I just need a bunch of emails that are easy to remember so might as well stick to the same combination,” Hange said. “ You get it, Humanity’s strongest?”
Levi cringed inwardly. He should really go around changing that name. “Do you actually use those emails?” He asked.
“Sometimes, when applying for free trials, when making more than one account in websites.” Hange said. “I like keeping my own consumption patterns not connected to ‘Hange Zoe,’ if you know what I mean.”
“At least you’re able to make use of those emails for testing.” Levi pulled his chair a little closer to her and looked over her shoulder. “Is it working better?”
“It rings,” Hange said. “The last five times I tested, they said I was happy.” She chose that moment to click ‘activate’ on the next alarm. As expected, it rang again, the words ‘happy” flashed in the middle of the screen with an ugly smiley face in Arial font right under it.
It was a blatantly horrible sign that maybe they had spent a little too much time on the back end. Front end and user interface could be fixed a little later anyway, Levi reminded himself. He brought out his own test device and pressed the activate button.
The word ‘happy’ flashed across the screen. “Looks like they fixed a lot of the kinks,” Levi said.
“Are you happy?” Hange asked.
Those types of questions were the ones that had him a little more self aware. He didn’t answer immediately, instead, he left his natural instincts speak for themselves. A smile threatened to creep up his lips overwhelming the small part of him that wanted to push it down into something more subtle.
“Levi, are you happy?” Hange pressed, a hint of a laugh in her voice.
He was. He couldn't tell exactly why. Overall, it had seemed much easier, to just let the smile climb up his face so he gave it facility, freedom to move.
And soon, he didn’t regret it. Maybe because his own smile had been the reason Hange’s eyes got bigger before her features softened into something comfortable within a few seconds.
Before Levi could appreciate them a little more, her eyes suddenly narrowed, as if studying him. He noted all of it in her expression, the triumph, the victory lap in her expression, and the sneer particularly evident in her eyes.
He didn’t want her to win that little game they had for themselves. So he turned back, allowing time for the smile to fall into something less embarrassing. “Well, if the application says I’m happy, maybe I am.” He stood up again, holding his laptop to his side. “I’m going out for a break.”
Summer was ending soon.
And for Levi, the end was usually accompanied by the relief that he wouldn’t have to brave public transportation under the sweltering heat while dealing with an office dress code.
Strangely, he also found himself a little melancholic as he noted that red leaves were starting to sprout more frequently among the branches. He considered it almost an obligation to take a walk twice or thrice a week, especially during those last few weeks.
He would sit on one of the benches by the garden. To save time, he would bring his laptop every single time and he would always allow himself short in-betweens to enjoy his surroundings after long minutes of staring at the screen.
Like always, the trees were above him and the flowers were in front of him. When he looked down, he even enjoyed the grass and the cobblestone lined paths.
“You take the same route every time.”
Levi looked up, an instinctive reaction to that very familiar, almost intimate voice. “You followed me?”
“What if I wanted to take a walk too?” Hange asked.
“You're welcome to take a walk. I’m just gonna do some work here before going back inside,” Levi said. He looked back at the screen in front of him, trying to find something to make progress with as he monitored the workflow tracker.
Nothing much had changed or was expected to change, his own staff was probably on lunch break. He trusted them enough to be certain they would get most of their work done by Wednesday. And consequently, he was left with nothing much else to do but maybe take a lunch break too.
Hange sat right next to him on the bench and Levi pulled away, far enough to put a good few inches between them. “You’re going out more often now,” Hange said.
“I noticed I’ve been spending too much time indoors. I never really got to enjoy summer for what it was. We only get it three months a year.”
Hange gave him a knowing look. “And you only noticed it now? After living in this city your whole life?” She asked. “You’ve lived here your whole life right?”
“Yeah,” Levi said.
Hange shrugged. “You just never struck me as the type to enjoy weather, or nature in general. Back in the golf course, back in the ocean, you didn’t look like you wanted to be there,” she noted.
“Maybe it’s a recent thing,” Levi said. He kept it vague, not wanting to probe any complex topics when he was grappling with more important complex things.
Hange though, was a black hole of knowledge, a bundle overflowing with curiosity. “What makes it pretty? Why do you like taking walks?”
“Do we have to have a reason?”
“Well ever since I started to work closely with you, I started to notice something too,” Hange said. “You seem happier.”
“Maybe because Zeke is always busy.”
Hange snorted. “You really hate him don’t you?” She leaned a little closer. “And aren’t you at all nervous admitting it to me?” An overly playful demeanor accompanied such intimidating words. It was more laughable than terrifying.
Levi shook his head, unfazed. “I trust you wouldn’t tell him.”
“I wouldn’t,” she admitted. “I don’t blame you though.” She only had to give him an almost pitied look for him to read her mind.
He articulated it for her. “I never really recovered from those two all-nighters cramming an application.” That had been more than three months ago but the memory still burned as a faint memory of excruciating exhaustion and an unpleasant caffeine buzz that took weeks to brush off.
“You managed to impress the hospital admin at least. And we got the funds,” Hange said.
Does that make Zeke any more of an insufferable person? He had hoped to ask that with the face he gave Hange then, one eyebrow raised. If it didn’t send the message, he could easily say it out loud. That one pleasantry Zeke afforded him though that day in front of the convenience store echoed in his head. Even just coming up with an insult sent a wave of guilt through him.
A wave of guilt I don’t need to feel. Levi reminded himself, willing to recall the other instances the blond had been abrasive. Zeke was either a master manipulator or misunderstood. He was a billionaire though, so Levi decided to err on the side of ‘manipulator.’
“The funds go to the company, to the outsourcing activities and to server space,” Levi corrected.
“Don’t you have company shares?” Hange asked.
“A stock option,” Levi clarified. “Something I chose not to take. I’d rather get my money as is. I don’t trust myself to grow something of that much value.” He kept his answers vague, since he never did read the contract closely anyway, it was Erwin who went through the benefits with him.
“Well everyone else in the company who runs on stock options seems to trust you. Zeke’s own investment is riding on your own ability to make a good product...” My PhD dreams are riding on your product. Hange didn’t say that last part out loud but Levi heard it loud and clear.
“Well this pseudo love alarm project, it’s still far from perfect.” For emphasis, he opened up the new project entitled ‘emotion alarm project’ on his dashboard and slipped the laptop screen over to Hange. “Thirty percent done. We barely fixed the interface, just getting the required testing and data done is taking up a lot of resources.”
“I know that and I expected it,” Hange said. “You know, a PhD sometimes takes decades to complete and I’m ready to take that much time.”
“I just wanna manage your expectations. Besides, something about the testing still bothers me.”
“What about it?”
“Remember the first night I made the application?” He stifled a wince at the painful memory. “It didn’t ring… until you came in.”
“Maybe it was a bug?” Hange suggested. “It shouldn’t be too much of an issue right? Since you made a lot of improvements after.”
“I did,” Levi said.
“And it never happened again with the later builds.”
“It doesn’t but it works too much like the love alarm. Do you notice, it always rings when we’re nearby?”
“When we’ve already loaded millions worth of data points. When we’ve overseen that much testing with other people. I don’t think you have to think too hard about it. We just keep improving the application right? Same as the love alarm,” Hange explained.
“Maybe I’m just being cynical. It doesn’t work once and I can never trust it again,” Levi muttered as he scrolled through the tasks for the next release for the upteenth time since a while ago.
“I guess that’s what happens when you’re the one who came up with the project. You can never trust your own abilities to develop?"
"Or because I worked on it, at three in the morning, I tested it. I know how many shortcuts I took with it…" Levi trailed off as he started to focus a little more on the numbers, the titles on the task trackers.
"You know they did the research, the testing, if it works for them, if they have a good success rate, then maybe it works for us too? Maybe the app is right, we're happy when we’re next to each other. Sometimes we’re sad when we’re next to each other and sometimes we're angry. If this application is detecting moods like this… similarly to the love alarm, maybe it means we could--- "
"Get along?" Levi finished it for her. There were only so many things that code could mean anyway.
"Get along.... Or to get to know each other more." Hange said, her voice softer than a second ago. The smile took longer to leave her lips.
Hange though had always been good at composing herself but Levi had months to figure out patterns and trends in the way she navigated the more sensitive topics. He couldn't help but notice the heavy tension, even under the light summer breeze.
Those moments happened too often that Levi had prepared an escape route every time. Business talk. And they had a lot to talk about. "Hange, I wanna ask something about the front end," Levi scrolled back up, towards the top of the task trackers. Dealing with front end was a mammoth task, rifed with two many sub tasks but it was definitely one of the last priorities, if it was even a priority. Levi wasn’t the type to particularly mind releasing an application with a white background and an interface that used the very underwhelming Arial font.
But it was Hange and Zeke’s application.
"Ask away," Hange said.
It came easily after that. The ticket on his workflow tracker had an inkling of a script to follow. "What colors would you associate with emotions?" He asked.
"What?" Hange furrowed her brows.
Levi cleared his throat. Nevermind, it wasn't easy to come up with the question without a little more expounding. "Like would you say red is anger? Blue is sadness? Yellow is happiness?"
"Wait? Why?" Hange asked again. Her lips were curled up just a little higher.
"I'm thinking of the front end of the application. What colors do you see for each emotion?"
"Yellow for happiness," Hange answered easily.
"Not orange?" Levi challenged. He had opened up the task and started to take notes.
"Orange is way too angry for me."
"Red seems much angrier," Levi said
"Red is anger definitely but I'm not seeing bright red, I'm seeing something like orange."
Levi opened up a color wheel. " So this red?" Levi asked.
"No, bright reddish orange," Hange corrected. It may have been a coincidence or just a trick of convenience but a red leaf had fallen on her lap at that moment. Hange picked it up, and twirled it and held it in front of Levi like a token.
“So... autumn red?” Levi asked.
Hange dropped the leaf on his lap. “I guess.” She raised her eyebrow. “Why are you staring at me like that?”
Was he giving her a strange look? His mind sometimes formed opinions as he spoke and Hange had always been receptive anyway so he verbalized it, just for her. “When I’m angry, I see red,” Levi admitted.
“I haven't felt really angry in a while, so I wouldn’t know,” Hange said. “Maybe it changed.”
“Sadness?” Levi asked.
Hange turned to him questioningly. “Tell me yours first.”
“Grey,” Levi said automatically.
“Blue,” Hange said, as if it were the truest fact in the world.
A fact Levi was compelled to question. “Why blue?”
“Why not blue?”
“Blue doesn’t seem sad….”
“Why not?” Hange pressed.
“It seems…” Levi started, only realizing seconds later, he was unable to come up with the right words.
“Too nice?” Hange suggested.
“It’s a nice color. It makes me feel good just looking at it.” It was a pathetic response. With such a complex thought, to even force out of his mouth, he had to channel his inner child, through the most child-like attempts at articulation.
“Okay, I know it doesn’t feel good to be sad but.. don’t you think sadness is a beautiful feeling?” Hange asked.
“No.” It should have been a natural answer. Somehow, Levi felt like there was something else worth listening to.
Hange saw reason to continue at least. “You wouldn’t be feeling sad, if you never felt happy in the first place, if you’ve never felt desire or love. There are feelings much worse than being sad for sure.”
“Like what?”
“Not feeling at all maybe?” Hange surmised. “So maybe the strongest feelings, whether good or bad, are still nice… maybe something worth indulging.”
And it was turning into a philosophy lesson. How many hours had he wasted listening to Hange prattle on about emotions and concepts of love? They weren’t hours wasted for sure, but they did leave him feeling just a little sad at times. Once again, he went back to business talk. Levi looked back at his workflow tracker. “So ‘blue sad, yellow happy, red angry…”
“Do you really think sadness is grey?” Hange asked.
Levi looked up from his laptop and straight towards Hange. "Look, I don't think much about what color my emotions are…” He trailed off. He could have said more maybe. Speaking while reflecting turned out to be a daunting task at that moment.
Maybe sadness was grey. That had seemed like the most natural conclusion at first. He focused for a little longer on the view in front of him, the view of Hange and behind her the open grounds that made way for blue sky and the blue burned into his eyes, enough to make him feel something in his chest then down to his stomach. Before he knew it, he started to entertain Hange’s own idea.
When Hange looked back at him, the open sky behind her, he felt stinging at the back of his eyes, he let his face fall.
The color overall had been burning at first. The more he stared, the more he noticed its more lasting qualities. It turned out blue wasn’t burning, it was subdued, mild. At the same time, the clear endless shade of blue in the sky behind her did wonders to accentuate her features. Enough of a reminder to leave another twinge in his chest, that time it was slightly painful.
A twinge of sadness. Emotions may be difficult to comprehend but whatever clarity that washed over him then had been enough of a motivator to speak up. “I think you’re right, sadness is blue,” he said. A beautiful blue.
He found himself searching for the prettiest shades on the color wheel, looking back up at the sky, then to the yellow streaks from the sun that hit the pavement. He then turned his head towards the garden where red roses grew. From a distance, from above, they were supposed to form a heart.
“Yeah, red and yellow too. Red hurts, it’s glaring, Sometimes yellow is too bright but all together, they make the garden beautiful. Like this courtyard,” Hange said. She stretched her legs out onto the stony path just in front of the bench and shifted her weight to the palms of her hands.
“Yeah, it is.” Levi nodded.
“It’s colorful,” Hange said. “Bright reds, bright greens, bright blues, bright yellows. They’ll all only be here together until the end of summer.” She wrapped her arms around herself, a wistful smile on her face.
“You like summer?” Levi asked. “It’s fucking hot.”
“I like summer and spring. What can I say? I like seasons with a lot more variety of color,” she answered. “ I always get a little sad when summer ends. Surprisingly though, I’m sadder than usual about this summer ending.”
Hange shrugged. “I can’t even explain it for myself. It’s ridiculous that I’m this sad about summer ending. I usually get like this when I’m out of the city but I haven’t even been out in the countryside in a while but somehow, I’m already imaging the larger, wider landscapes up north. I’m imagining how quickly the trees go bald… Green then red then blue. And how quickly skies turn from blue to just a constant gray and when the lakes just freeze over, turning from blue to a more of black… It’s sad to imagine.”
“I can imagine it,” Levi said. He didn’t leave the city often since there wasn’t much spare funds to work with. He was capable of empathizing though, after all the twinge of sadness remained and it had been surprisingly easy to channel it elsewhere.
“There are places up north that have the most beautiful springs and summers but when the leaves change… everything dies much more quickly.” Hange lowered her head.
“Maybe one day, I’ll check it out,” Levi said. He found himself picturing the logistics of a trip already. Having never used his leaves, having built up disposable income through a lack of drive to even form a life outside work, he realized he did have leeway to indulge just a bit. Somehow, Hange’s own thoughts were enough to inspire.
“You haven’t been up north?” Hange gaped.
“I didn’t have much money growing up and there’s no reason to.”
“I should take you up north. You know, the gardens up there, the rolling hillsides. They remind me of Pemberley,” Hange said.
“Pemberley! Mister Darcy’s estate.”
Levi groaned inward. That book again.
“Elizabeth visited towards the end of the book and there are a bunch of old houses around there and when I would walk on the fields, I like to pretend I’m in the book.”
“Relive your rags to riches fantasy?” Levi asked bitterly.
Hange pouted. “It’s not just that. Besides, I wasn’t poor, you know. My parents managed to pay tuition to a good college with no debt.”
Not as rich as Zeke definitely. The banter might just get out of control so Levi went with a conservative digression. “Maybe I’ll go there one weekend, up north before summer really ends.”
“Maybe, I’ll take you there myself,” She said, an excited grin on her face. “Maybe after this weekend or next year if we’re too late. I told Zeke about how I was feeling lately, so for my birthday, he promised he’ll take me up north so we’re going this weekend.”
Levi choked. “Wait, birthday? When’s your birthday?” It turned out to be a burning question, a small fact Levi felt obligated to know. So the answer couldn’t have come any slower.
When Hange opened her mouth ready to speak, the universe decided for them that it definitely could come a little later. His phone rang, breaking that brief silence, prolonging the painful anticipation.
Petra Ral. For some reason, he expected the worst when any of his subordinates called. He answered the phone. “Petra, is everything okay?”
“Sorry about calling. I tried texting you but you weren’t replying.” Petra went straight to the point soon after that. “Some of the members of the other project offered to help out with testing. Do we have enough phones?”
They did have enough test devices, the pile on Hange’s desk was enough proof of that. “Yes we do,” Levi said. They were all in his office. He turned to Hange questioningly. It was her blank face that reminded him, they’d have to look through the phones themselves to see what devices they could wipe.
“I’ll meet you by the office,” Levi said. “Hange and I are going back now.”
He hung up the phone and turned to Hange. “Petra is gonna borrow some of the test devices. You’re okay with that?”
“Sure, I’ll help you wipe them,” Hange said. “Are we going back now?” She seemed hesitant, a closer look and Levi could see a hint of disappointment.
He closed his laptop. “We have to get back to work right?”
“You never even stopped working,” Hange accused.
“I stopped long enough to listen to you ramble on about that damned book and your nice vacations.”
Hange walked on, seeming deep in thought. “Hey Levi… What do you think of Petra?” It was an abrupt digression.
“What about Petra?”
“Have you ever considered dating her?”
Levi stifled a choke, letting it out as a peaceful clearing of the throat. “Why are you asking that?”
Hange shrugged, as she walked ahead. . “Nothing, she seems like a nice person and she seems to like you… Besides, she rings your alarm.” She looked back at him, a playful grin on her face.
Levi sighed. That wasn’t a question he would have liked to broach.
“Well?” Hange pressed.
But maybe he could give some vague answer in exchange for some information. “I’ll tell you. If you tell me something."
"Tell you what?"
"What are your plans for your birthday?”
Levi was tricked, treated, bamboozled. Hange had a way with words, a way of just pushing the right buttons. It could have been that or it could have been a series of convenient circumstances and conversation topics that had Levi there, at the front of the mall after work with Petra right next to him.
On the bright side, he had Hange’s birthdate, her plans for that Friday all the way until the weekend. That was enough to satisfy his own curiosity. Over time though he realized, that was all it did.
Was it worth it?
Back when he and Hange had been discussing it, it seemed like a good exchange, she satisfied his curiosity, he satisfied hers. Hange had given her due information. In exchange, she received information on Petra, the long QAs, her alarm ringing, the amount of effort Petra put into her job and just the occasional present that made their way to his desk.
While Hange’s own information went so far as to give the name of the restaurant, the time and the route of their roadtrip, Levi’s own information evolved into something else. Before he even knew it, Hange had created a new agenda of her own.
Your love alarm would ring with Petra right?
It did. Of course, in front of the mall, surrounded by other people wasn’t the best place to test it. There was no reason to either. Ever since Petra joined them more than a year back, the love alarm had always rang and Petra had enough professionalism, enough of a handle on her own feelings to mark it as ‘accurate.’
Admirable? Definitely. Date worthy? Did he ever consider dating her long enough to deem her date worthy? ‘Maybe not’ to both questions.
Have you ever considered dating Petra?  Hange brought up that question during their conversation and Levi felt almost guilty for the straight up ‘no,’ and the shallow ‘she’s too young for my taste’ reason.
She could have been too young. Still, Hange seemed more like a counselor for that exchange and she made some good points.
Assuming the love alarm didn’t have a bug, and the reading was accurate… Hange first set her premise.
The premise could have been accurate. No, it definitely was. Petra’s own approach towards him only served to extinguish any doubts.
Levi and Petra settled for an early dinner at some restaurant towards the end of the mall. Not for the food, nor for the pricing but for the convenience of being able to sit down after the twenty minute walk and a long day up on their feet back in the office.
And Petra had been excited to sit down in front of him. She rushed ahead and slipped into the booth, even before Levi had slipped himself into the small gap between table and chair. He allowed himself enough focus to scan through the menu and digest the names of the dishes at least. He hadn't bothered to even spare a good look at the board outside nor what the hell the other customers were eating and thus, he was excruciatingly slow.
On top of that, he was exhausted from a day of work and most days, he wouldn’t have bothered to go on a date, not with a colleague at that.
It’s not a date. Levi reminded himself. He shouldn’t be dating subordinates. That was another source of stress at that moment.
A few times Levi looked up at the menu, making some ingenious excuse about how he couldn’t decide and how he needed some blank space to help clear his mind before he tried to decide again. Every single time he looked up, he had to internally make an excuse because Petra was staring right at him.
“Have you decided what you want to get?” Petra asked, her voice was a song. She propped her elbows on the table, a rude gesture in most places. She managed to subdue rudeness by propping her chin on top, a look of seemingly genuine interest in her face.
Seemingly. Who the hell was he kidding, she probably was genuine about it. If it wasn’t his own instinct that could be relied on, he could at least trust the love alarm that had rung with no fail since she joined the company in the first place.
“I’ll get the fried chicken meal.” Levi didn’t particularly like fried chicken. He had been a little too self conscious of how long he had stared at her and back at the menu, how long the awkward silence between them lasted and he soon realized, he had to order quickly, even if he didn’t know yet what else he was missing.
“You wanna get tea? We could share a pot,” Petra suggested as she put down her own menu.
Levi could have finished a pot on his own. He wasn’t telling her that though, especially not right after too many close encounters with what could have been inappropriate. “Sure.” Levi nodded a little faster, hoping that was enough to feign excitement.
The waiter came and went with the menus on hand and Petra started to ask questions, questions that were invasive enough that Levi had a hard time thinking two things at once.
They weren’t too personal. In fact, they weren’t about him anyway. Levi started to figure that for himself when he got his bearings. “What about Hange?” Levi asked. He was stalling, finding ways to untangle his hairball of thoughts.
“You were asking me right? About any advice on what to give Hange for her birthday?” Petra asked.
“Yes, I did.” Why did he forget?
Assuming the love alarm didn’t have a bug, and the reading was accurate, that means this ‘love’ between me and Zeke is one sided.
“Well, we could check out a few shops nearby. You could buy her something that could help her with organization. Diaries, bookmarks, pencil cases, wallets…” The list went on and the contents had started to become unbearably boring. Really, would Hange have enjoyed those?
But I don’t think it’s one sided. Love is a choice right? I can choose to love him. So if you and Petra---
Me and Petra. There were too many things wrong with it, a boss and a direct report, a conflict of interest.
But she seems genuine. She seems like a good person. And maybe she could be worth pursuing.
She’s my direct report. He argued then.
But if you decide to pursue a relationship, you can always just reshuffle, right?
Petra continued to talk. “Does she like tea? We could give her a tea bag. The one I bought you last Christmas… it took me months to find it…” She brought out her phone and started to scroll, seeming too deep in thought. She furrowed her brows and bit her lip, as if the extra effort hurt..
An unnecessarily vigorous effort over a simple request from him. Guilt was an unwelcome feeling but it was also incredibly tenacious, like a cockroach. His mind was becoming more receptive to painful speculation as he watched Petra grapple over her choices, and he wasn’t at all being helpful.
Guilt was the rising action. Then everything fell into place soon after, not into place, more like a chaotic order, like a ton of bricks.
And that order made his feelings more intelligible.
He didn’t want to be in a relationship with Petra. That was all there is to it.
Love is a choice right? A tiny glimmer of protest made itself known in the silence. Those were words from Hange, echoed multiple times before in an exact tone and manner only Hange could ever pull off.
Can I choose to love Petra? Levi asked himself then.
Petra was a nice girl. She was helpful. She worked hard. She was competent. More importantly, she was single and she wasn’t married to his very rich client.
Most importantly though, in the grand scheme of all his experiences and emotions, Levi had to point out to himself, she wasn’t Hange.
Why don’t you give her a chance? Hange had asked that then. She goaded him, nudged him and pushed him out of his own office, to follow after Petra had left the office with the devices.
It's frowned upon, boss colleague relationship. Levi had argued.
Something tells me she likes you. Hange continued, as if she never heard of the unspoken taboos of office relationships. Maybe she hadn’t.
Besides, I noticed… You know, you look a lot happier. How that had ended up the conclusion of their conversation, Levi couldn't exactly tell. He remembered looking up at Hange, to hell with how far down his jaw dropped or how wide his eyes were. There was just something special about Hange pointing out something and how quickly something could easily become a certain reality when someone just verbalized it.
Maybe he was happier, maybe he started to appreciate nature a lot more. Maybe he had started to see more color the past few months.
His own recall of Hange, his own thoughts that flew back to her had him perceptive of the variety on his plate, the decorations on the shop for just a split second and when he looked up to Petra, a part of him was at the least attempting to appreciate.
Petra was a redhead, her hair fell in a neat bob that barely brushed her shoulders. Red was a nice color on hair, and Levi only noticed it then. He stared for a while longer, trying to find something to feel, something to think beyond ‘nice.’
Petra’s eyes shot up and she met his gaze. “This is it!”
“What?” Levi asked, almost instinctively. He felt a tad self conscious analyzing the shade of someone’s hair.
“I found the tea, the one I gave you last Christmas. You really liked it right?” Petra asked.
“The Jasmine Pearls?” He did remember the tea then he remembered telling her he really did enjoy it. A part of him had maybe forgotten for a split second that it was Petra who gave it so the question had shaken him more than necessary.
“I was only able to get it from a shipment last time. I had to book three months to get it. But they’re on sale now and---”
“She might prefer coffee though...” Levi said. His own intention had been to find the perfect present, but he ended up feeling guilty as soon as he saw Petra’s reaction.
Her face fell. She turned back to her phone for just a second before fixing her eyes back to his. She took a deep breath. “I’m sorry for that, I can’t believe I got so excited.” A blush crept up her face.
“No. Don’t think about it like that.” Levi attempted to maintain at least a ghost of a laugh in his tone. The last thing he wanted to do was keep Petra unnecessarily uncomfortable, especially after everything that had happened until that moment.
The air was heavy and he wondered if she noticed it too. She was probably too preoccupied with her own self proclaimed mistakes, very evident by the beet red of her face.
“Let’s go around first. We might come up with something better if we ask around the shops,” Levi suggested. It had been more to comfort her than anything else. The suggestions of a while ago, the list of items had only served to make Levi think a little deeper about it, to the point of acceptance.
Even before they had finished their food, Levi had already concluded for himself, whatever he gave Hange, whether it be a wallet, tea, a small trinket, Zeke had probably come up with a more expensive version, something he probably would have never considered buying himself.
Levi didn’t leave though. Soon after they finished eating, he still accompanied Petra to every shop. He made a facade for himself, a window shopper buying a birthday gift for a good friend, he asked enough questions to engage Petra, everything ending with the conclusion, “I’ll think about it.”
Overtime, he realized he wasn’t thinking too much of what was in front of him. His mind was elsewhere.
Besides, I noticed… You know, you look a lot happier. Hange was smiling when she said it, but the smile didn’t curl the same way the others did. She crinkled her eyes as she spoke but Levi could almost point out the sadness in them.
And he saw it every time he recalled that. What does that have to do with dating Petra?
I like seeing you happy and I think if you found someone to love, maybe you’ll stay like this much longer.
Like what?
More pleasant? Smiling more often? Appreciating stuff outside work?
Hange talked for longer after that but that had worked to motivate him to invite Petra out to get to know her, to ask for advice for a gift for Hange. Somehow, a part of him wanted to take Hange’s advice, stay ‘happy’ so in his own way, he could prove her right and maybe by extension, make her happy too.
But was entertaining a relationship with Petra the right way?
The question burned for longer. Even after they exhausted all the shops and all the ideas that came with it. It was around eight in the evening when they stood by the train station under the mall, exchanging goodbyes. “Make sure to get home safe.” A part of him had considered taking her home. Their trains went in completely opposite directions though.
“Will do,” Petra said.
“We have a long day ahead tomorrow.” They always had a long day ahead but at that point, Levi was foraging for something a boss would say.
“Yeah, I'll make sure to get the testing done tomorrow," Petra said. "What happened today, it definitely gave me the motivation. I had a lot of fun.”
“Me too.” His response was automatic, something he didn’t want to think too much of.
They separated soon after and when Levi boarded the train home, he entertained the question again.
Was entertaining a relationship with Petra the right way to be happy?
I think entertaining love is an opportunity to be happy at least. Hange argued. You don’t have to jump into it but I think building a relationship with someone teaches you a lot and love, it makes life colorful.
Colorful? The trains were grey, the suits of all the passengers were shades of black, grey and the occasional blue. An almost alarming transformation from the gardens, after long days of working with Hange.
A copy of the emotions alarm was downloaded onto his phone and in the silence of the long ride home, he opened it again. He clicked ‘activate,’ the application loaded, no emotion was detected.
It was a fun night right? Levi concluded, there really was some more to improve on in the application. With the amount of testing done, and the amount of data loaded, he also had to entertain the idea that maybe it wasn’t an issue with the application.
Maybe it was his own issue with appreciating, with being open to love. “That’s what you were saying, right Hange?” He whispered to himself. A second later, he thought maybe he had said it loud enough to sound like an idiot.
Before nervousness and overthinking could take over again, he willed himself to mull over Hange’s words like always.
Love is a choice and just be open to it. Even if he didn’t believe it for himself.
It turned out, Erwin also knew about Hange’s birthday. And he suggested a basket of fruit as a gift.
Levi had been a little surprised. For one, maintaining partner and customer relations was never part of his job so how the hell was he to know that baskets of fruits and cakes were customary.
And secondly, he was just a little indignant. Erwin was his boss though so he couldn’t tell him that. He complied before going back to his office and booting up his laptop. It felt odd.
The laptop pinged with a characteristic echo and it was much louder in the silence, the almost deafening silence. After all, most days, Hange would have been there to chatter his ear off about her own experience testing.
That day, she had taken the day off. A birthday leave. Just for herself. She took September four and September five off. The fourth was to prepare for the long trip. Then on the fifth, she had dinner with Zeke, in an Italian restaurant on the first floor of a luxury hotel near the city center.
He knew the details, he knew the name. But it has nothing to do with you. He constantly reminded himself, it was only on a good to know basis. Still, he entertained the idea that maybe he could stop by the city center on the train on the way home, just for the modicum of a probability that he did run into them. It was not like he had anything else to do on a Friday night anyway.
But you can think about that tomorrow. Levi scolded himself. Somehow, Hange not being there was making it more difficult to focus. After all, she had been there, every single day before.
Also, how could he entertain multiple other ideas about Hange’s birthday when he didn’t even have a present for her? He had managed to put off Petra’s suggestions lightly, by some distraction from work. He had managed to make a good excuse of the fruit basket, saying that it was better to give a gift as a company.
Really, it had been his own insecurity stopping from putting any money into anything. Zeke could buy Hange a billion wallets, a billion tea bags, a billion fruits basket if it suited him. Then it begged the question for Levi, what could he give that Zeke couldn’t?
The emotion alarm. The answer didn’t come quickly. It came after staring at the desktop screen for long enough to lose grip on the time but after a long moment of doing nothing, Levi eventually brought out a test device and opened the server.
There were three basic emotions. Anger, Sadness and Happieness. Those were the three Hange put into her plan. They were to create the application, test it among patients and study it to see how it could help with more accurate prognosis.
And if he went the extra mile, maybe he could just give it as a late birthday surprise. Or maybe he might end up never finishing it. At least I’d try. That last thought lingered for a second longer and it did its part to send a burst of confidence through him.
He looked through his workflow tracker. No assigned bugs to look into. So he opened a new document, pulled out a paper.
“Hange Zoe, you wanted to test emotions right?” He asked no one in particular. When he was asking questions out loud, ideas ended up flowing much faster. He pulled out a small paper from the post-it stack at the corner of his desk.
“What if we connect it to the web, make a dashboard to display reports, so maybe psychologists have something to look at after testing?” He could have said it out loud. Maybe he didn’t. He had said it loud enough in his head at least to keep his gears moving. “What if we find a way to quantify it?” That last part was ambitious. It would need Hange’s input for sure so he grappled with two ideas, surprising Hange and just suggesting it like a developer.
His ideas were risks, born of long hours of googling enough to maybe bullshit years of studying psychology. Maybe Hange wouldn’t agree, maybe she would. He copied the necessary code from the alarm anyway and decided to just play around with it.
It was a birthday present only he could give anyway.
Another idea popped into his head after an hour more of googling, a much more doable idea. Even before he made sense of it, he pulled another post-it from the side and wrote out the three emotions. Underneath them, he wrote the colors. Red. Blue. Yellow.
Yellow and red became orange. Red and blue became purple. Yellow and blue became green.
He wasn’t a psychologist, he wasn’t a philosopher. He was merely a developer. He was an experienced one at that and with the right amount of free time and the right amount of motivation, he managed at least to pull out a framework and recall the color of the leaf on Hange’s lap.
Red. Yellow. Blue. Orange. Green. Purple. He had enough time to work on some front end tasks that day.
He finished it on Friday, the fifth of September, at around noon and maybe he had done a few hours of overtime to get it done, arriving home at midnight just the night before.
It wasn’t perfect but the colors showed up as a big dot under the emotion, and the application would flash in bright shades of red, yellow, blue, orange, green and purple, the latter three a mix of the basic emotions.
It had been a small act of just manipulating the data, loading Hange’s USB full of data to get it to work. Whether it would be accurate, he couldn’t tell but it would be something good to bring up on Monday maybe, a risky birthday present but still, a little risk seemed better than omission when it came to Hange.
The last few parts were a little tests on his end, while testing in between, while signing off necessary decisions for the testing on Monday.
The testing never worked, no emotions flashed onto the screen the few times he tested and every single time, he reminded himself, it wasn’t perfect but maybe Hange would still appreciate it.
By five, he was out, right on time and with his own personal project completed and downloaded into his phone, his workflow tracker empty, and everything ready for the large scale QA event on Monday and he thought himself a little deserving of a little stroll at the city center on a Friday night.
At around thirty minutes past five, he boarded the train, the same route home, stopping five stops shy of his usual stop.
The station at the city center on a Friday night was bustling. It had taken him a good one minute to even push himself out of the train. He only ever managed to get a glimpse of the shops, the city lights beyond the crowds not when he stepped out of the station, but a few blocks after that when for a good few minutes the crowds dissipated into something a little more breathable.
The luxury hotel Hange had mentioned was one, if not the best one in the city and Levi easily picked it out as he stood towards one of the less saturated parts of the crosswalk. It was a skyscraper, the windows were of the modern kind that reflected city lights in a unique way and they covered the building from top to bottom. And even from just his peripherals, he could pick the building out by the strange iridescent flashes of color.
The view was very much worth the price and Levi only had to walk ahead, catch it as a small glimmer behind buildings and crowds to know he was going the right direction, despite having to ride through the crowds.
He arrived at the block, the building only a few feet away, close enough that he had to strain his neck to get a glance of the skyscraper at the top. He looked back down at his phone.
6:30. Hange said they had a reservation for seven. He wondered why he was putting himself through that torture. Would he even get to talk to her? Eventually he realized, might as well make use of that information just to satisfy his curiosity again.
The restaurant was a small place, with glass windows, and if Levi stared long enough he could make out every single face there. For a Friday, it was still empty and he was able to conclude without much of a long glance that Hange wasn’t there.
So he took a good long stroll around the block. He entered leather shops, boutiques that sold branded clothing, staying long enough that the salesman had thought he would have bought.
Thirty minutes passed with a few bumps along the way. Sometimes minutes lasted years, sometimes they lasted split seconds but the bumpy wait was long enough for him to realize that he was doing something completely stupid.
It was Hange's birthday. That was Hange and Zeke's night. All he could give her that day was a greeting, and maybe a basket of fruits, care of Erwin.
So he planned a birthday message, saving it in the drafts. He didn’t have to give her the modified birthday application as a present. He could always prepare a script to pitch his suggested changes for the application on Monday. Disappointment and surrender had him lethargic and for a while after exiting the last store, Levi leaned back on some free brick wall where the space was for rent, a good distance away from the sea of people but still close enough that if he just stretched out his arm, he might just get dragged in.
He leaned back and stared, allowing himself that bout of reprieve as he watched the crowds go by. Crowds of people weren’t anything new, he dealt with those everyday trying to squeeze into the trains during rush hour every morning.
Crowds on a Friday, in the center of the city weren’t something he was completely used to though. He hated crowds and he always strategically timed his personal shopping trips to late afternoons on weekdays, particularly when it was much easier to maintain a comfortable distance from strangers.
When he was observing, time went by at a sluggish pace. For a while, Levi was hypnotized by the strange cadence that accompanied the view. The longer he stared, the more perceptive he became. There was a very big difference between crowds on a weekday during rush hour and crowds on a Friday night moving through a shopping district.
When he was close enough, he immediately picked it out, like a very small diamond in a sea of coal, invisible at first but from the right angle, it suddenly became crystal clear. Crowds in rush hour comprised hard, focused individuals. They were like streams: movements were loud, hard wired towards one direction.
Crowds on a Friday night were more like a river, they were moving but only barely, very subtly. Of course they would, the faces were relaxed, the people were rarely alone. Some clusters in the crowds came as one family, others came in groups of friends and others came in couples.
The more faces Levi scanned, the heavier he became. It dawned on him soon after he was alone in crowd of people and he was fucking lonely. For a second he considered testing his application, he decided soon after that he probably didn’t want a bunch of code rubbing his own loneliness and singleness in his face. For another second, he almost considered inviting Petra over.
Shaking both temporal thoughts away, Levi turned the corner and back to the main road, making some excuse that the main road which passed the five star hotel was the closest way back to the station. It was a valid conclusion at least, the main road was wide enough, and the shops were few and far in between that social distancing wasn’t too big of an issue.
There was another conclusion Levi liked to entertain though. He checked his watch. 7:30.
Hange had said before, the reservation was at seven. He dove into a crowd, while catching a glimpse of the restaurant to the window. Hange was surprisingly easy to spot, maybe because Levi had first swept through the seats on the corner with his vision. He spotted the brown hair, the glasses and a dark purple cocktail dress. Notably, there was no blond companion in front of her.
Zeke was in the toilet, his rational mind justified. “Have fun, Hange,” Levi said. At least he got to see her on her birthday, he allowed himself a passing thought on how well she had dressed up that night, similar to months ago when he had completed the test app. Then he brushed that thought away, looked straight ahead. He stayed with the sea of people, long enough to pass the hotel and as soon as he was a good distance away, he broke away, taking the underground path to the station.
It was still early and the station entrance was surprisingly more peaceful than above ground. He had enough space to open up his phone and check the birthday greeting in his drafts box.
Happy birthday Hange! Excited to continue working with you. See you on Monday for app testing. Btw, thanks for volunteering for the calibration on Monday.
He evaluated for himself that the text was a good balance between casual and professional. Satisfied, Levi clicked send and pocketed his phone as he made his way to the ticket gate.
The next time he opened his phone was in the train, three train stops in when he was lucky enough to catch an empty seat.
Thanks, Levi :)
It was too short of a message for Levi to read through and he was almost disappointed at such a turn out.
What did you expect, an ‘I love you?’ The tremble in his lips was enough evidence, that maybe a part of him did, as embarrassing, as ridiculous of a prospect as it was. He hovered his thumb over the keyboard, letting the weight of the incomprehensible emotions pass before he typed.
See you on Monday. That’s what he had wanted to type, just to keep the conversation going. Hange was still typing though.
Levi was staring at the bubbles above the message box for a good long few minutes. Minutes, it definitely took minutes. Hange was typing long enough for a station to announce a next stop, enough for the train to empty at that stop, enough for it to refill and enough for the conductor to announce the next stop,
The text eventually came. Where are you right now?
How the hell had that taken minutes to write, Levi didn’t know. He wasn’t eager to reciprocate though.
He replied within a few seconds. Why?
Hange took a little longer to reply. The bubble on the screen continued to bounce as Hange Zoe continued to type.
Nothing much. I was just curious. It had taken almost another train stop for Hange to type those six words.
A split second later, another message appeared underneath. Sorry for bothering you. So Hange wasn’t just a slow typer.
It was still eight in the evening, too early that for most, the night hadn’t even started. So Levi took a risk. He left the train at the next stop, boarded the other train that ran through that same line, the train that would bring him back to the city center.
Hange, you okay? He texted.
Hange didn’t reply. There was no bouncing of bubbles above the message box, but he continued to stare, just in case. And that little motion on the screen was a fickle thing.
Sometimes it appeared, sometimes it didn’t.
Hange Zoe is typing.... And sometimes, he stared at it for long enough that it seared into his vision even a minute after it was long gone from the screen.
She never did type anything and maybe he had waited too long for a response. By the time he arrived at the right station again, he tapped his card and exited the ticket gate and ran through the underground. When he reached above ground, he tried to maintain the same speed. That involved pushing through crowds and being a small man, he realized it wasn’t too much of a bother to anyone. After all, with the amount of people huddled in the crowds under the cool air of late summer, he wasn’t the only one pushing.
He didn’t have time to check his phone. And soon, he realized he didn’t need to. He arrived back at the hotel to find Hange hunched over, unmoving in the same seat she had been just a few hours back.
Zeke is in the toilet. Levi told himself. He waited a minute, then another. And when he looked closely, he realized, Hange was on her phone. He opened his phone to see the bubbles bounce again.
Hange Zoe is typing…
Levi was counting minutes, and the bubble never disappeared. He looked back up at the glass door to see Hange was still not moving, still slouched, her head bent over. To the phone on her lap maybe?
He looked back at his phone and concluded then, Hange had been typing for ten minutes.
Maybe Zeke is taking a shit. He set an alarm for ten minutes. The hotel and restaurant bathroom wouldn’t be too far. And no one took a shit for more than twenty minutes right? If Zeke didn’t come back in ten minutes, maybe that meant she was alone.
Ten minutes went by quickly. And a few times Hange had typed, a few times she had laid her phone on the table and leaned back on the chair. A waiter had offered wine once and Hange shook her head.
It would be rude to barge in but at the same time, there were answers he was desperate to get. He sent a message. Are you alone?
The typing stopped for a second. Then it continued for a minute. Then it stopped. Finally, like the sunshine after the rain, a chat bubble appeared and Levi savored the sound for a split second before he took in the contents.
Just one word. Yeah
Where’s Zeke?
He’s not coming tonight.
Levi leaned on the wall just next to the window and typed one message. You need someone there with you?
A few times he glanced back to see a waiter near her, handing Hange a small tray. The bill? He guessed. Hange should be going out soon but she continued to sit, for a few seconds longer.
Her reply came within those few seconds. I don’t wanna be alone tonight.
Levi leaned back on the wall and he closed his eyes. He took a deep breath, grappling with the conflict. Should he be happy? Sad?
His phone continued to buzz. Hange had left messages in succession.
Can I stop by?
I know a lot of places won’t be open.
We can get fast food.
Somewhere near your place maybe?
Anywhere that would be convenient for you.
Only if you’re not busy though.
Don’t feel obliged.
A string of messages, longer than he expected.
Exit the shop. Turn right and follow the sidewalk. Don’t cross the street. He was shit at the directions, but he decided for himself, she would ask anyway if she got lost.
It turned out, at the least, the directions sufficed. Soon he was hearing the clack of leather shoes, the rustle of a light autumn coat and Hange’s voice.
“What are you doing here?” Her voice was loud and clear even when it was competing with the sea of crowds, the other background conversations, the ads and the sound of traffic. Of course it would be, she was right next to him.
“Are you okay?” Levi asked. It wasn’t the best greeting but it felt like the most natural thing to say.
After all, Hange was smiling but it was an unusual smile. It was one of those smiles that seemed to be carrying a heavy weight. He figured it out after staring for a while longer. it was the weight of her cheeks, the prickling of her eyes. If she let the smile go, maybe everything would have fallen with it.
He gripped her by the hand. “You wanna go somewhere?”
“Let’s get out of here,” Hange said, a noticeable crack in her voice.
Maybe that had been enough to break the fragile smile on her face. In the crowds of people, in the middle of a busy street, there was no time for Levi to check. He thought it the best move to pull and maybe she thought it the best move to follow. She was obedient, predictable and light and he easily brought her farther from the center, towards the quieter parts of the city.
Five minutes of brisk walking, or maybe it was ten and soon, they reached an area with clusters of apartment buildings, residences. There were still small shops, a few restaurants and hole in the wall food stalls, some with lines spilling out all the way until the sidewalk.
At first, it seemed hopeless to find some place just for both of them. With time, Levi started to imagine one particular place that wouldn’t have so many people that late at night.
It should be bedtime for kids already anyway. He thought to himself. And when he articulated it, he was sure, there should be one. And there should be no people.
He just had to find one.
Five more minutes of following the winding roads between apartment buildings and he found one, a comfortable distance away from apartments. They could easily manage a soft conversation with no risk of being heard. He sat back on the swing, taking in the slide, the sandbox a few feet away, the monkey bars and high rise apartment buildings with most windows already illuminated just above them.
Hange had taken the seat beside him.
“Are you okay?” Levi asked again.
“I’m fine,” Hange spat out, only proving she was definitely not fine. There was enough light from the one street light on the corner, the shades of orange, red and white coming from the window and they had all worked together to show a glimmer of Hange’s face, even with her head bent down.
“Are you crying?”
The answer came in heaved breaths. The question must have made her more conscious. She bent down further on the swing. Her bangs covered her face and whatever glimmer he had seen a while ago was forgotten. Eventually, she gathered herself. “Levi, if you ask people why they’re crying, sometimes they just start crying.” She let out another breath.
That didn’t convince him to stop. “Why are you crying?”
“You don’t ask people that.” That time, the words came out a little more seamlessly.
“You asked me if I was crying back then… Back in the office.” Levi never forgot that harrowing experience and it was an easy memory to bring up.
There was silence for a second, save for a few more ragged breaths, the creak of the swing and maybe a few barking dogs from the distance.
Hange broke it herself, her voice much clearer than a while ago. “Sorry, I’m just tired,” she said. “Really tired.”
“Zeke ditched?” Maybe ditch wasn’t the right term. By the time he considered that, the words were long gone from his mouth.
“I knew he wasn’t coming,” Hange said. She pushed on the swing just a little bit, enough to have her swaying.
“Why did you wait?”
“We had a reservation.”
“But if he told you…”
“He told me to cancel it.”
“And your road trip?”
“He said not this weekend. He has a few more meetings and he couldn’t come home on time.” Hange’s voice was alarmingly serious, a sign of acceptance maybe?
Levi hoped not. In a feeble attempt to lighten the mood, he spoke up. “Happy Birthday.”
“I’d rather not think it’s my birthday.” Hange let out a pitiful excuse of a laugh. “How many birthdays do people even get, and here I am wasting one of them being sad.”
“I’m not the best company but I can try to do my part to help make it better,” Levi pulled out his phone and opened his email, opening the apk file he had been working on since that morning. He copied the download link and pasted it on Hange’s message box.
The message was sent quickly and the popping sound from Hange’s phone filled the silence of the empty playground.
“Happy birthday,” Levi said once again with a little more flourish.
“I told you, don’t remind me. Let’s just sit here and talk.” Hange gripped the chains of the swing and leaned back.
“Check your damn phone Hange.”
“Nah… My phone has been chocked full of disappointments since this morning.”
“I sent you your birthday gift through your phone.”
“It can wait until later,” Hange argued.
She was like a five year old child and Levi was starting to give up on even keeping the surprise.“I modified the app,” he said.
“What?” That had gotten Hange’s attention. She pulled out her phone.
“I created another copy of it, played around with the code.”
“Why?” She seemed curious more than anything. Curious was better than sad at least.
“As a birthday gift,” Levi said. “Just open the damn phone.”
Hange picked it up from her lap. A clicking sound as she unlocked the phone then silence and maybe a hint of humming as Hange fiddled with her phone. “I just download it right?”
“No shit Sherlock.” It was a stupid question. Hange had downloaded apk files more times than he could even count.
“Well, you said it’s a new app,” Hange said in defense.
“It is and it isn’t.” Levi moved his head, and it settled as a mix between a shake and a nod. “It’s not part of the original research plan… and I didn’t have much time to test it so it’s not perfect.” He unlocked his own phone and opened the emotions alarm. He stared at it for a second, hovering his thumb over the activate button then he looked over at Hange’s phone. “No need for an email. Just open it.”
“Nothing’s changed,” Hange said.
“Well, I added colors now,” Levi shrugged. “And I tried adding more emotions by playing around with the data, but who knows if they’ll show up.” At that point, he was self conscious enough that he saw it as an obligation enough to manage expectations.
He heard the familiar sound and he was sure Hange had activated it. He activated his own and leaned back on the swing and pushed just a little bit, enough to occupy himself while the alarm read them both.
Hange’s phone rang first.
“What did you get?”
“You added purple?” Hange asked. “What the hell does this mean?”
“Red and blue. So if red is anger and blue is sadness…” Levi started.
“Go on…” Hange said.
“I’m not a philosopher nor a psychologist. You say something.”
“Loathing?” She suggested. “A combination of anger and sadness… It sounds like loathing to me, or indignance.”
His own phone rang, he put the screen up. “I got green. Blue and yellow. Sad and happy. Can someone be sad and happy at the same time?”
“Acceptance,” Hange answered. “Or desire.”
“Those are opposites.” “Opposite sides of the spectrum but they’re the same feelings, they both involve happiness and sadness. Acceptance is sad happiness. Desire is happy sadness.”
He almost regretted asking for Hange’s feedback. He felt her speculation at the pit of his stomach and he only realized when his phone fell to the ground that he froze, lost his balance on the swing for a second. “This hasn’t been tested though so it’s all for fun.” A pathetic disclaimer but it didn’t seem to work. He looked up to see Hange was staring at him.
The tears had dried and her eyes were a bit brighter and she seemed more inquisitive than sad. “You know... " Hange started off slow,  breathless from amazement maybe. She was still fiddling, staring at her own screen. "This might be a good idea for the app. Let's test this again on Monday. Maybe we could add this."
“Maybe. We’re gonna have to revise the plan if we do.”
“Or we can keep it just a personal project but let’s think about it Monday.” Hange stood up. It’s getting late.” She put her hands up and stretched, swaying from side to side.
“Yeah, it’s getting cold too,” Levi said. Summer was ending soon.
“Happy Birthday to me,” she added, the venom from a while ago apparent. She pocketed her phone then held her sweater close. “Zeke said to wait a few weeks. I guess I’m gonna have to wait until next year to enjoy summer up north again. Maybe we can go south instead.” She kept her voice cheery, an attempt to lighten the mood.
A seemingly unsuccessful attempt. “You still wanna see summer up north?” Levi asked.
“I wouldn’t mind waiting. I guess what hurts about it is, I’ve been psyching myself up for days. I bought new clothes. I’ve been packing and I’ve already created a route for us,” Hange said.
“Yeah, you were talking about it a few days back, about how this one garden reminds you of Pemberley.” Levi asked.
“Well, last time I went there was a few years ago… There’s an area that reminds me of Pemberley, another one that reminds me of the Rosing garden---” Hange trailed off.
“I wanna see them all,” Levi said. He never finished the book and he wondered if she noticed. Regardless, he wanted to see it anyway. If there was something Hange could talk about for hours, something that had left her a lump of disappointment, he wanted to see it for himself.
“Really?” She said. “But with testing on monday… And you don’t seem like the type to---” Even under the dark night, Hange looked flustered, the pink in her cheeks still apparent.
“As long as we’re back before Monday right?” He didn’t know if she would agree. He didn’t expect her to but when Hange was already hovering such a prospect up in the air. When she had misunderstood that last statement to have been an invite, he might as well just play along. And enjoy it. “I don’t see any problem going with you,” he added that last part just to make it a little clearer.
"Like this weekend?" Hange asked, a look of disbelief on her face.
"This weekend." Levi nodded.
“Then let’s go. When do you think you’ll be ready?”
“We could leave right now.”
41 notes · View notes
*slips you a twenty*
Hey kid wanna read some lit fanfics? 
I just updated my blog with a link to all my AO3 works
Also...... Chapter 8 of The Wall Between Us is up and it’d be cool if you read it or whatever, a bunch of us are gonna be there, we’re gonna cry and order pizza and suffer for the love square it’s gonna be cool 
Read Chapter 8 on AO3 Start from the beginning here
Or on this post below the cut! 
The Wall Between Us 
Summary: Marinette is left to pick up the pieces after losing her chance with Adrien and having Master Fu give up his memories to protect the Miraculous Box. She struggles to find her ground as the new Guardian, and finds unexpected support in Luka Couffaine. Simultaneously, Adrien is learning how to navigate his emotions and slowly growing into his role as future co-guardian, and in the process realizes important truths about his feelings for Kagami, Marinette, and Ladybug. When Ladybug tells Chat Noir that as the Guardian, she is okay with not only revealing their identities but also entrusting her secret to close friends of hers, things become unequivocally complicated for the superhero duo. Will Marinette and Adrien be able to sort through their feelings and do what’s best for the Miraculous team?
Chapter 8
By the time Gabriel and Natalie had returned from their business trip to Seoul–and really, Adrien wasn’t even sure they had been gone at all due to the fact Akumas were aplenty during their absence– he had already extracted a good volume of information to make a case for his suspicions.
He hadn’t found the evidence he needed to prove that his father was indeed Hawkmoth, but instead he had found years of badly-filed fiscal reports, personnel that had been hired and fired under very mysterious conditions, some sort of project for the mansion that his father paid millions for which Adrien had never seen, and the one that irked him the most: audits from France’s Child Protection Services, fines, and ‘cease and desist’ letters warning Gabriel that he was putting Adrien under too many work hours.
That, he discovered, was the real reason why Adrien had been allowed to go to school in the first place. It wasn’t that Natalie had made him a favor: They enrolled him so that Child Protection Services would get off the brand’s neck for forcing Adrien on a part-time job when he wasn’t even sixteen yet.
All of Adrien’s findings were pretty incriminatory, not to mention infuriating, but none were exactly what he was looking for. And yet, it was one of those things that once you have considered, you cannot help but keep seeing.
“Adrien, would you like to explain to me why you have been missing your extracurricular activities for the past two weeks?” Natalie said with a stern voice one morning, as Adrien meticulously chewed on his oatmeal breakfast.
The fiery urgency to flip a table, which had taken a hold of him lately any time Natalie or his father addressed him, surged like a geyser.
“I just didn’t feel like attending,” he said politely, without looking up.
Natalie was taken aback by his answer. “Excuse me?”
Adrien looked up this time. “I didn’t feel like attending,” he repeated. “You weren’t here, and I just didn’t feel like going.”
“You know if you start doing poorly, your father will have you homeschooled again and–”
“And what? He’s gonna lock me up again? Is that it? Wouldn’t people start asking questions?” he demanded.
Natalie blinked, completely caught off guard by Adrien’s sudden rudeness. “This is no way to be talking to your–”
“My what? My dad’s assistant? You’re not my babysitter, not my teacher, and certainly not my mother. I can do whatever I want.”
Natalie composed herself and marched swiftly out of the dining room.
“Kid, what the hell?” Plagg hissed from inside his shirt. “That’s a dumb way to get caught.”
“I’m sorry,” he muttered back. “I’m just… I’m so angry at them! I can’t stop thinking about all this stuff that I found, and just… the idea of them being–well, you know who. It’s making me see in red.”
He marched to the patio and went into his car, where, to his surprise, he found he’d be sharing a ride with his father.
He felt Plagg jabbing his little paws at him as if to say, “I told you so.”
“F-father. Good morning.”
“Drive, George,” Gabriel instructed. After a silence, he spoke again without looking at Adrien. “You think you’re so smart, don’t you? Disrespecting Natalie like that, blatantly disregarding your responsibilities, and giving the brand bad publicity.”
He threw a newspaper at Adrien’s lap. It was from a few days ago. Apparently his sudden outburst at the crowd of harassers in the skate park had made it into the news.
“I’m beginning to think it was a mistake to give you this much freedom.”
Adrien gulped, shuddering with sudden terror.
“Perhaps it will be better if you go back to being tutored at home. Or even better, I’ll send you to a boarding school where I don’t have to deal with your carelessness anymore.”
Adrien gasped. “Please… please don’t. Don’t send me away.”
“You’re not feeling so brave and boldened now, are you? Do you have anything to say for yourself?”
Adrien didn’t move. He didn’t dare speak, breathe, blink.
The car had stopped already, they were at the steps of the school. His friends were all hanging at the entrance and had spotted him.
“Your lack of words doesn’t surprise me. You’re just a naive, spoiled little boy who can’t begin to understand the sacrifices I make for this family… You’re dismissed.”
Adrien opened the door, not yet getting off the car.
“Are you going to take me off school?”
“No. Take it as a gesture of good will, and a warning. Stay. In. Line.”
“I-if you send me away, people will start wondering what happened,” he said with a small voice. “They’ll ask questions.”
“And what sort of questions would those be, son?”
At Adrien’s silence, Gabriel sighed. “Close the door. Have a good day.”
He got up and stood in front of the car, breathing deeply so as to not give into the urge to cry.
“I can’t wait to be eighteen to get away from you,” he said and smashed the door close as hard as he could, then sprinted into the school building, afraid that Gabriel might order George to stick him back in the car.
Regrettably, all his friends, Marinette included, saw the display unfold.
It was Nino the one who ran after him.
“Hey, dude, everything alright?” Nino said, as he caught up with him in the locker room.
“Hey Nino, good morning!” he chirped with sunny disposition.
The sudden contrast between what he had seen at the school entrance and then, gave Nino whiplash.
“Erm. Yes, good morning. Don’t ignore my question.”
“Nothing happened,” he said shrugging. “Come on, we’ll be late for—”
Nino yanked the strip from his messenger bag and forced him to stop. “Cut the crap, Adrien. I saw. Is everything alright?”
Adrien’s mask of optimism wavered, but he fought hard to keep it in place. “Yes, Nino. Everything’s alright. I promise.”
Nino sighed, not impressed. “Okay, if you say so.”
As they went into the classroom, Adrien saw from the corner of his eye how Nino shook his head discreetly at the girls. He had been right not to tell him. He knew those two would also want to know what happened. He didn’t want to cause hysteria. However, a more pressing thought occupied his mind for the rest of the day.
Given his regrettable display of temper, and though his father said he wouldn’t pull him out of school, Adrien knew not to trust it. One could never anticipate what his father would do just to stay in control. It worried him that he may have crossed a line that would be difficult to come back from. His father might increase his security, might actually pull him out of school. Not ideal, if his hunch was actually right.
He had to tell Ladybug what he knew as fast as possible.
On the lunch break, he excused himself to the bathroom, taking the burner phone with him to send Ladybug a message:
He kept inconspicuously checking the burner phone for the rest of the day, getting no answer from Ladybug whatsoever. It made him restless. What if she was in danger?
No, she couldn’t be. There would have been an Akuma attack or something.
Still, he was worried, and he knew he couldn’t afford to go back home that day without having told Ladybug about his suspicions, so he resolved to drop by the hang-out anyway later that day. Natalie and George would pick him up after fencing, which gave him enough time to swing there and come back.
It only occurred to him that this might not be the greatest idea once he found himself sans transformation, standing at the door of the hide-out.
What if she wasn’t there today? What if she’s shocked by learning who he is?
He shook his head. No. This was an emergency. He had to do it now, so he ringed the bell.
Almost immediately, he got a text back: YES :) I AM HERE. WAIT A SEC. WILL OPEN THE DOOR SOON.
His heartbeat so fast he could hear his pulse. He was short of breath and felt as if his knees would buckle under him at any second.
He heard some voices, then someone approaching to open the door.
Adrien felt temped to open it himself just get over the painful anticipation. The seconds extended for an eternity.
And then, all of a sudden, he was greeted with a most confused Alya Cesaire.
She crumpled her face, perplexed. “Adrien? What are you doing–”
From inside the house, Adrien distinctly heard the voice of none other than Marinette. “Alya? Is that him?”
It took him a fraction of a second to figure out something that had taken him two–almost three now– years to realize. It felt as if time had stopped and then abruptly resumed, pushing him into a turbulent shore of angry waves.
All of a sudden, it was hard to breathe, impossible to buoy to the surface for a gasp of air. His voice caught up in his throat.
He figured it out.
“Alya?” Marinette repeated from inside the house as Alya stood petrified in front of Adrien, realizing exactly who he was.
“Don’t–” he said gasping. “Don’t tell her,” he pleaded and then darted away as fast as he could possibly run, only stopping when the tears completely blurred his vision.
Back at the house, Marinette was trembling from the utter anticipation. She had requested that Alya come with her to meet Chat. She wasn’t sure she could take it by herself and she needed someone for moral support.
The seconds of wait stringed into whole minutes of silence and Marinette forced herself to march to the front of the house, where Alya was still clinging to the frame.
She was… were those tears? Was she crying?
“Alya?” she asked with trepidation. “What happened?”
“Chat— Oh, Marinette!” She gasped. “Chat was here. He was–he wasn’t transformed.”
Dread came over Marinette’s expression. “Where is he?” she insisted urgently, “What happened?”
“He– he’s gone. Mari, you need to talk to him. You–we… we know him.”
She blinked, too shocked to let fear take ahold of her. “What? Who is he?”
Alya shook her head. “I can’t tell you.”
“Why?” Marinette demanded.
“Marinette, I can’t tell you. You’ll never forgive me if I do… Just… You have to go talk to him, Mari.”
Marinette sprinted outside, hoping to catch a glimpse of ‘someone she knew’, but it was the beginning of rush hour and the streets flooded with commuters, anonymizing everyone. She called and called and called him. Left him voice mail after voice mail, message after message:
Chat Noir did not pick up the phone and Marinette, well, Marinette had not been this brokenhearted since Adrien had started dating Kagami, and that was saying something.
Adrien didn’t sleep that night. He hadn’t cried this much since he lost his mother, hadn’t felt this much either.
He never was one to give into negative emotions, but when they got the best of him, they pulled him deep into an abyss that was hard to crawl out of. If any butterflies came flying his way, he wouldn’t have known. Plagg kept guard the entire night.
“I can’t do this anymore, Plagg,” he confessed. “I can’t–I can’t be Chat Noir anymore. It hurts too much.”
“Kid don’t say things like that,” said Plagg as Adrien sobbed. “I’m sure there’s a way to fix this.”
“She loves someone else,” he cried. “I can’t… She’ll never love me, Plagg. It doesn’t matter if I wear the mask or not.”
“That’s not true,” Plagg said, fetching the burner phone. “Look at how worried that poor thing is for you.”
Adrien kept crying. “She doesn’t love me the way I love her. I won’t stand in her way.”
The next morning, Adrien had to put on very little effort to act indisposed for school. He hadn’t come down with anything, but he felt sick. At one point during the night, he had been so caught up in his crisis that he ended up emptying his stomach. In the morning he had woken up from the few hours of sleep he managed to clock in with an insulting headache and even worse nausea than before.
He called in sick and remitted to his room for the next couple days.
It was funny. He never remembered feeling safe or at home in his room. It was too big, too cold for him and somehow at the same time, too small, too stuffy. It was as if his dad had tried to fit in the entire world inside it in the hopes that he’d never want to see the real thing himself.
It wasn’t comfort what made him feel like he belonged there. It was the fact that for once, his surroundings completely matched his state of mind. This is how he felt: as empty and grey as the mansion had been since his mother disappeared, as much of a prisoner as his father intended for him to be.
He groaned at the sound of his civilian phone chiming non-stop with messages from Nino asking if his father had done something to him, Marinette offering him any help if he needed it–these were the ones that hurt him the most to read–, and finally, Alya, who was not sending messages so much as entire monologues begging him to answer at least Ladybug.
He turned off both his civilian phone and the one for Ladybug, hoping there would be no Akumas while he was in this state.
With Chat gone, Marinette regressed into the sort of grief that shut her down when she became the Guardian. She didn’t stop showing up to school, mainly at Alya’s pressing insistence, but it was evident to the class that something was going on with her again.
A few of her more curious friends and acquaintances ask her if everything’s alright with Luka, which only added  to her mortification. She hadn’t been herself these past days and she wasn’t exactly sure she’d be able to explain to Luka why she was so brokenhearted without giving her identity away; why Chat’s sudden rejection was way more painful than anything she ever had to go through. So, against her better judgement, she decided to ignore him for a couple days, at least until she was able to sort her head through the situation.
The truth is Chat’s disappearance–not only this one but every time he’s been convinced he’s not cut out to be her partner–hurled her into a spiral of helplessness not just because she couldn’t fathom doing this without him. There was another reason, one she always purposefully ignored.
It’s like she had told Alya: She had feelings for Chat Noir. It had become easier to ignore them with time, and especially when she could just invest all of her romantic attention on Adrien before Luka came around. But the thing with being in love with Adrien is that she was in love with the idea of him. The idea of being together if she could only one day bring herself to tell him. He was an outlet of sorts–more often than Marinette liked to admit out loud– to feelings she could never show, as they were forbidden.
The second reason why Marinette always fell into despair when Chat Noir surrendered or try to surrender his ring, was because she actually loved him. If she was honest, completely, absolutely honest, she loved him. But she could never tell him, it was Master Fu’s orders not to get involved with him, not to reveal their identities. She maneuvered through those restrictions by effectively fooling herself into believing that one day, in the far future when Hawkmoth was defeated and the stakes wouldn’t be so high, she’d tell him and then everything would be okay. She’d tell him the way you admit to a school crush on one of those high school reunions or unlikely encounters as adults.
Chat surrendering his ring always cut that fantasy short.
What is worse, Marinette realized, was that this time she wasn’t using the idea of someone to distract herself from the way she felt. She was using Luka. Luka, who has been nothing but supportive and absolutely selfless. Luka, who loved her, who didn’t deserve to be treated like this.
Marinette cried in part because this was Chat being typical Chat. But also, because she realized she would eventually need to let go of Luka, and she didn’t want to do that, no matter how wrong it was to keep him to herself. Maybe she just needed to try harder, maybe she just needed to shut down the idea of Chat as she had done before.
The problem was that ignoring him was impossible in this circumstance. Ladybug was about to lose her Cat for good.
“Mari,” Alya said softly as she rubbed her friend’s back as Marinette sprawled over her lap. They were in Marinette’s room. “I think he was just shocked. He’ll come around.”
“But what if he doesn’t?” she asked desperately. “I can’t do this without him, Alya. You-you wouldn’t understand. I can’t explain it… I just can’t do it if he’s not there.”
Alya gave her a pained smile.
Oh, this was all so rotten, Alya thought. And Marinette didn’t even know the beginning of it. Alya found herself wondering what would have happened if they had actually revealed their identities before things got complicated off and on the hero costume. It probably would have saved everyone a whole lot deal of pain.
“He will,” she reassured him. “Trust me, he will.”
Alya gave it a few days. But when the end of a week arrived and there was still no sign of Adrien, she decided she probably overestimated him. Nino was mad at him for virtually disappearing, Marinette was growing worried that something had happened to him, not to mention that his disappearance as Chat Noir was truly causing a number on her.
So, she did what she did best: take action.
She asked her teachers for Adrien’s homework worksheets and on she went Friday after school to confront what would be very possibly a mess even bigger than Marinette’s.
She sighed, rang at the gate of the Agrestes’ mansion and waited for the camera to activate.
“Hello, Miss Sancoeur. I’m Alya, I’m in Adrien’s class. I’m here to give him his work for the week he missed.”
“Deposit it on the bin, please,” Natalie said, as an automated door slid open. to receive the packet of books.
“Actually, I was hoping I could see him? There’s a few things that our Social Studies teacher asked me to explain to him about a specific assignment,” she said, beaming.
“Adrien has come down with a bad case of the flu, I am sure it wouldn’t be safe for you.”
“Don’t worry ma’am. I got all my shots up to date.”
Natalie sighed and after a few minutes of deliberation, the gates opened. She met Alya at the front door and directed her to the floor where Adrien’s room was. “Down the hall, first door to the right,” she instructed. “I have to warn you. Adrien has specifically requested not to receive visitors.”
“Oh, I’m sure he’ll make an exception,” she said with determination in her eyes. “Thanks!” Alya flashed her a smile and once Natalie had returned to her office, proceeded to barge into Adrien’s room.
The blinds were all drawn, only letting in slivers of light. The air was stuffy, like no one had opened the windows in a good while. It also smelled disgustingly of spoiled cheese.
There were clothes and dishes and all kinds of things lying everywhere. Alya did not remember Adrien ever being this messy.
Both the three displays of his computer and the television were on with different shows each, mixing the occasional strands of yellow light from the windows with the morbid blue of the screens.
A lump, which she supposed was the culprit himself, lay buried in a mountain of blankets and pillows. It seemed he hadn’t noticed her–or in the very least, he didn’t care someone had entered the room.
“That’s it!” Alya announced, dropping her school bag unceremoniously as she huffed and puffed making way through the catastrophe of a room he had, to draw the curtains back and open the windows letting in fresh air and the sounds of the city. She then proceeded to turn off every screen and to yank, almost with unnecessary force, the blankets off of Adrien.
“What?” Adrien groaned.
“That’s it!” Alya said. “Get up. Get up this instant or so help me god, I’m going to toss you directly into your bathtub, clothes still on.”
“Alya?” He seemed confused. “What are you doing here?”
She proceeded to make piles of the different kinds of trash to make it easier to bag them later, and discarded plates and cups as she gagged at the smell.
“Seriously, what is that stench?”
“Camembert,” he explained, not finding it in himself to feel ashamed. “For my Kwami. He doesn’t eat anything else.”
Alya eyed him with disbelief and shook her head. “What are you doing there, just looking? Go take a shower!”
“Go. Take. A. Shower. Adrien Agreste.”
A little afraid to continue questioning her, Adrien made his way to the bathroom and emerged a good twenty minutes later still in pajamas. Fresh ones at that, but still.
“You live like a pig,” Alya berated him as she took a seat in the couch in front of the television.
“I’m not– why are you here? Did you just come in to criticize me?” Adrien complained, joining her.
“First of all, no. I came in to make sure you were still alive, seeing as you decided to literally disappear off the face of this earth telling absolutely nobody. Nino is livid, by the way. Will love to see how you explain yourself out of that one. Oh, and there’s been Akumas, not that you’d even get the memo in this bunker, so I had to pitch in as Rena. You’re welcome.”
Adrien looked down.
“Second. I knew. I knew you were going to do this; lock yourself up here and wallow in your self-pity. And I knew somebody needed to come here to make you snap out of it,” she said, giving him a gentle slap on his head.
“Am I wrong?” Alya demanded. Being met with silence, she nodded. “My point exactly.”
“Third,” she continued. “You think you have it bad? Try being Marinette for a little bit and have your oh-so-trusted partner of years now, suddenly bail on you with no explanation after realizing who she is. How could that possibly look to her, huh?”
“Marinette?” he said softly. “Is… is she alright? I didn’t mean to–”
“Shush. Don’t interrupt, I'll see that you get your chance to apologize to her, don't you worry your pretty face. Fourth. You sir,” she said poking her index finger at his chest. “Need to put on your big-boy pants and deal with your shit like the superhero you are.”
“And fifth,” she said, the fire in her eyes lightly subduing. “There’s homework,” she said pointing at her bag. “I brought it for you.”
Adrien became small in his seat as he took in Alya’s numbered series of complaints. Meanwhile, Plagg came out of hiding, knowing Alya already knew of his and Ladybug's identity.
“I like the way this one talks,” he said, munching a piece of cheese. “Finally, someone with some goddamn common sense!”
“You’re… Plagg?” Alya said.
“Have we met?” Plagg retorted. “Ah yes, Marinette’s friend on the door the other day. Of course. Either way, you have to know. I would’ve kicked him off the bed myself but well, I’m the size of a tennis ball.”
“I’m sorry, okay?” Adrien said quietly, gaining the attention of the pair. “I know… I know I keep messing things up. Which is precisely why I’m not going to be Chat Noir anymore.”
“What?” Alya said, widening her eyes.
Adrien brought his knees up to his chest and rested his chin on top of them. “I just make everything worse,” he explained. “I keep messing up. And I… I know she used to have a crush on me, as Adrien. I don’t want to get in the way of her and Luka…”
“Adrien,” Alya said softly. “Don’t take this the wrong way, but for such a smart guy, you’re pretty darn stupid sometimes.”
Adrien couldn’t help the sudden chuckle that escaped his lips.
“Why on earth do you think that would be a good idea? Have we not met the same Marinette, or, Ladybug in this case? For a reason that’s entirely beyond me, the girl crumbles if you’re not the one to help her up. It’s like… like she wouldn’t believe anything unless it comes from you. You should have seen the certified dumpster fire the last Akuma was. We were all over the place without you.”
Tears fell down his cheeks, and in that moment, Alya knew to knock down her tough-love strategy down a notch. Yes, this was Chat Noir. But it was also Adrien, and while Chat may react to confrontation, Adrien would do anything but.
She clicked her teeth. “Oh, Sunshine. Don’t cry,” she said as she pulled Adrien into a hug.
“I don’t think I can do it, Alya… I’ll make everything worse.”
“You keep saying that, Adrien. But why?”
“I–I think I know who Hawkmoth is,” he admitted in the quietest possible murmur, followed by a sob.
“What…? Adrien, look at me. What do you mean you know who Hawkmoth is?” she said, eyes wide with concentration.
“I figured it out,” he said, hiccupping as he tried to stop crying. “That’s why I went to the hide-out that day. I wasn’t ready to reveal my identity, but I had been stupid with my dad and I thought he might pull me out of school so I knew I had to tell her what I knew before my dad could lock me up or send me away. The first time she took me to the hide-out, I was browsing through some of the documents… Then I found this, this scanned page about the Peacock Miraculous from one of the grimoires and I knew I recognized it from somewhere.” He looked up with an ominous look. “My dad,” he explained. “He has this safe that I once broke into out of curiosity. And he had the missing grimoire in the set and also the brooch. I snuck in his office to investigate and they weren’t in the safe anymore. Then, I found all these documents… he’s been spending money in weird ways, making orders to companies that don’t exist… If he’s Hawkmoth and Natalie is Mayura… that’s–that’s why I had to tell Ladybug. I wouldn’t be able to forgive myself if she found out who I was and thought that I was part of it all. Alya I’m so scared… I don’t know what to do.”
“Oh, Adrien,” she said softly. “And why didn’t you stick around to tell her that?”
“Because I’ve been in love with her since I met her, okay? I panicked,” he said, now a bit more exasperated. “You– I don’t think you and Nino know what it’s like, it all came so easy to you. But for me… It was so hard to get over her as Ladybug, then realizing that I was really in love with Marinette, and now–”
“Wait, you’re in love with Marinette?” Alya interrupted, jaw on the floor.
“Did Nino not tell you?”
“No! We don’t gossip about what you guys tell us!… I mean, unless it's really important, but that's besides the point! Holy shit, this is so complicated,” she said with a long sigh, plopping her back against the couch. She groaned as she processed the information. “Why are you two like this?” she exclaimed, rubbing her face in frustration. “Okay, but about your whole theory,” she said, once she recovered. “I think that doesn’t prove much, Adrien. I wouldn’t worry if I were you.”
Adrien shook his head. “I know what I saw, Alya. He had the Peacock Miraculous.”
“But that could mean anything. It could be a replica; I’ve read a lot of studies tracking the history of each jewel. People have tried replicating them to scam others.”
“It’s Natalie, Alya,” Adrien said with less patience. “Natalie is Mayura,” he said. “I just know it…” He sighed. “I don’t know how to tell Marinette. I don’t want to make things complicated for her.”
Alya thought for a moment, then snapped her fingers. “I got it. What you have right now is a lead, at best. We need to come up with a plan to prove your theories. And Marinette doesn’t need to know how you found it. I didn’t tell her that it was you at the door that day, so really, you could just tell her there’s reason to believe that Gabriel might be Hawkmoth. You tell her your sources is someone close to the Agrestes.”
“What if she asks who the specific source is?”
“We’ll get to that bridge when we cross it.”
“Half-baked plans don’t work on Ladybug,” he said, crossing his arms.
“Perhaps. But she won’t press if she knows your identity is at stake. And for what it’s worth, Adrien, I really do think you should just come clean. About your identity, I mean. It would make everything easier for both of you. I know it must be super scary but... At least promise me you’ll think about it, okay?”
-- “Well, you look like shit,” Juleka commented a bit amused as Luka joined for breakfast before school. He hadn’t been sleeping well and it showed. He simply gave Juleka a ‘I’m not in the mood to fuck around’ smile and begrudgingly served himself a bowl of cereal.
“What is it?” Juleka insisted.
“I really don’t wanna talk about it, Jules.”
“It’s Marinette, isn’t it?” she asked, sounding more like she already had an answer.
Luka sighed and said nothing.
“She’s still not answering your messages?”
Luka shook his head. “I don’t know what I did wrong.”
“Nothing, probably.”
Luka looked up at his sister, who shrugged at him. “Alya says there’s something going on with her family or something, and she’s really having a hard time with it. It’s probably only that.”
Luka appreciated the fact Juleka tried to cheer him up, but he already knew Marinette wasn’t answering because of family trouble. It had been no secret that Chat Noir had been absent in the last few Akumas. Coincidentally, Juleka had mentioned Adrien had been missing school the last few days, so he knew something must have happened between them. Maybe a fight, it was anyone’s guess. The only thing he knew is that he couldn’t bear it. He couldn’t stand that he couldn’t do anything about it, that Marinette wouldn’t actually tell him why she was hiding–to be honest, he also was unsure he even wanted to know. The prospect of her crying to him for a guy who has broken her heart not once, but twice now, did not appeal to him in the slightest bit.
Adrien Agreste was so stupid! He was an idiot! And yet, Luka couldn’t help but wonder if Marinette would ever cry for him like that, even if the last thing he’d ever want to do was to hurt Marinette the same way Adrien had. If she’d ever trust him as blindly as she trusted Chat Noir or love him just the same.
He sighed, trying to push the thought away. Lately, he had run out of strategies to keep his jealousy at bay and so, defeated, he simply tried to ignore his feelings as best as he could, not knowing what else to do. Giving into the feeling made him think horrible things about Adrien, which he was sure weren’t true. Confronting them brought up a proposition that made him break a cold sweat, which although extremely painful, had begun to make a case for itself. It was something he didn’t want to do, but that he suspected would be the best for both of them in the end:
Break up with Marinette.
30 notes · View notes
artificialqueens · 4 years
Bet You Look Good On The Dancefloor, 10 (Branjie) (and background everyone) - Ortega
a/n: omg HIIIIII hihihihihi i’m SO SORRY for the update gap fam, i started back at work and have been crAzy busy ever since! however i tried to make this chapter one that was worth the wait…….insert one thousand eye emojis if ya know what i mean. hope u enjoy!
fic summary: Strictly Come Dancing enters its 18th series and its producers, after being goaded by a rival dance show on its inclusivity, commission it to be an all-female cast. Unlike Akeria who’s just here to bone her potential dance partner, dancer Vanessa is ready to act like a professional.
And then TV presenter Brooke Lynn walks into the rehearsal room.
20th November 2020
Vanessa is giggling as Akeria sits with an enormous plastic bag of snacks in front of her on the hard plastic train table. She’s looking at them with the long-suffering eyes of a wearied mother, casting her hands over them as if she doesn’t quite know where to start. She finally picks up a bag of chocolate buttons, stands up in her seat and yells out into the train carriage.
“Okay, whose are the buttons?”
“Oh! Those are ours. Thanks, Kiki,” Jan stands up from the two-seater she’s got beside Jackie and behind Vanessa and Brooke, leaning forward over them to grab the snacks.
“Strawberry laces?”
“Mine!” Crystal cries happily, leaning over Gigi from the table seat they’re sharing with Jaida and Yvie opposite them. She snatches the sweets out of Akeria’s hand and follows it up with a thank you.
“Barbecue Pringles- wait, that’s Yvie’s,” Akeria immediately cuts herself off, leaning over the aisle of the carriage and handing Yvie the tube.
“I’m nothing if not predictable,” she shrugs, ripping off the plastic covering and the paper on top to grab a crisp and then offer one to her dance partner.
“Tangfastics?” Akeria yells out. There’s a pause where nobody claims them. Akeria gives a long-suffering roll of her eyes and yells a little louder. “Tangfastics?!”
Vanessa watches Monique give a jolt in the two-seater she’s sharing with Monet. “Shit, sorry Keeks, that’s ours!”
(Vanessa suspects that Monique’s delay in hearing her snack might be because of the way Monet’s got her hand resting on her thigh and had been whispering something to her moments before, but she’ll park that for now, use it to make fun of her at a later date.)
“God damn, stop gazin’ in Monet’s eyes for two whole seconds,” Akeria teases her, to a hoot of laughter from the other girls and a glare from Monique herself.
“Can’t help it that they’re so dark and intoxicating,” Monet pipes up with a dramatic gesture. Asia yells at her to shut up from over her headrest. A little further down the carriage, Vanessa can see a businessman shaking his head in despair.
“Gigi, that’s your fruit platter,” Akeria hands the tub across the aisle, already able to tell the model’s choice of snack. Vanessa silently takes the bags of Starbursts and chilli heatwave Doritos that she’d asked Akeria to pick up for her and Brooke respectively. “Whose are the Haribos?”
There’s another silence. Vanessa has to hold in her laughter at Akeria’s growing frustration. “Girls, I swear to Jesus, y’all cannot send me to the shop to grab all your motherfuckin’ snacks and then not claim ‘em! Who ordered the goddamn Haribos?!”
Asia blinks suddenly, looks up from her phone and tugs Akeria’s sleeve. “Bitch! Those are ours, we got them! Sit your dumb ass down!”
The girls all roar with laughter as Akeria sheepishly sinks back into her seat. Vanessa can’t help but give a little bounce in her seat from excitement because they’ve made it; she’s off to Blackpool with a girl that likes her back, her two best friends, and the rest of the dorks they’re sharing the competition with. They’ve got a Cha Cha Cha this week which they’ve practised, polished and perfected, and Vanessa can feel a little bite of excitement to the cold air which makes her think maybe…maybe this week it’s their time to get a few more tens and perhaps be top of the leaderboard this week. She’s confident, and she knows Brooke is too. They chatted through their thoughts about the week ahead when Vanessa walked Brooke to the tube station the night before, and her heart still gives a little excitable thud when Vanessa remembers the way they’d stolen a kiss in the dark just beside the entrance.
Whatever it is they are feels like one of the fairytales Vanessa used to watch when she was little on VHS tape, the ones she used to rewind the moment they were done to go all the way back to the start. She and Brooke are still focused on the competition obviously, so for now they’re still content with stealing kisses behind the scenes of It Takes Two, going for dates that aren’t really dates and are more mid-rehearsal lunches, long and lingering goodbye cuddles where Vanessa rests her head against Brooke’s chest and wishes she was going home with her instead of to her own empty flat. It’s nameless and exciting and a bit of a foray into the unknown, only Vanessa knows it’s not really so much of an unknown because she trusts Brooke, she knows she likes her back and how much she’s devoted to her. It’s the way Brooke nuzzles against Vanessa’s hair and mutters a compliment about how talented she is, or the way she’ll stop mid-kiss to just murmur about how beautiful Vanessa is against her lips, or the way she links their pinkies together midway through a rehearsal break and shyly comment on how lucky she is. It all makes Vanessa’s heart feel huge and light and fast in her chest, a helium balloon filled with butterflies.
“Guys! Train selfie!” Crystal cries suddenly, jolting Vanessa out of her daydream. Vanessa leans onto the middle of the table to squeeze herself into shot and yelps when Brooke tugs her back.
“You just totally Mike Wazowski’d me!”
“Oh like anyone could miss you in any photo, fuckin’ lil miss beanstalk bitch!” Vanessa teases her, the girls all laughing in response.
“So funny that half your fans think you’re datin’. You two fight like cat an’ dog on the daily,” Asia rolls her eyes and snorts. Vanessa feels her body spark with electricity as Brooke takes her hand under the table and squeezes it a couple of times in secret.
She feels guilty as she looks to Akeria who’s raising her eyebrows at her, still very aware of her crush. It’s not that Vanessa has kept things secret from her and Monique intentionally. It’s just that she and Brooke have been so wrapped up in each other and their rehearsals, not to mention the fact that they haven’t had a girls’ night in forever. Vanessa resolves to tell them this weekend, having to bite back a smile as she thinks about their potential reactions.
“Guys, get in the fucking selfie already! My arm is hurting!”
Vanessa leans back into Brooke’s chest and feels something in her ribcage blossom as Brooke puts her arms around her in a hug for the photo.
The train starts moving and all the girls give an excited squeal of delight which makes two old ladies a few seats down look at them all suspiciously. There’s a flash of recognition in their eyes after a second and their attitude changes, judgemental eyes becoming kind. Vanessa wonders if it will ever fully sink in that she’s ‘famous’, a public figure. Right now it just feels as if she’s going on some big mad girls’ weekend away with her second family and a girl she really fucking likes.
The evening is mostly taken up by the train ride, all the girls having rehearsed during the day and trundled their suitcases to the train when they were done. Yvie vlogs, Crystal and Gigi chatter excitedly, and Akeria and Asia bicker about who’s eaten the most buttons. Vanessa and Brooke for their part hold hands underneath the table, share little smiles that speak both volumes and a thousand words, and flirt just enough to make Vanessa’s heart beat out her chest but not enough to arouse suspicion. All the while they speed past towns that she’s never heard of and will never visit, blurs of green and grey shrouded in the dark of the Autumn night sky.
The train doesn’t go all the way to Blackpool so they have to change at Preston, which Vanessa knows nothing about other than the fact it’s got a train station. The girls find the platform for their connecting train and mill about, stopping once to take photos with an adorable little Strictly fan who can’t be more than eight years old. Vanessa chats away with her way more than the other girls do because the little girl’s dark hair, nut brown skin and huge brown eyes make her miss her own little cousins back in Puerto Rico. She asks her about school, and if she dances, and what she wants to be when she grows up.
When the girl replies, “a dancer like you”, Vanessa almost tears up.
She tells her not to give up on her dreams- because it’s what eight year old her would’ve needed to hear- and then waves her and her Mum goodbye. By the time she’s finished chatting and she turns back around, Brooke is waiting for her with a little smile on her face.
“What? What’s that look for?” Vanessa laughs a little. She wants nothing more than to wrap her arms around Brooke’s waist in a hug but the platform is busy and the other girls could see them.
“Nothing. Just you’re really cute with kids.”
Vanessa smiles bashfully, looks to the ground. When she looks up again Brooke has come a little closer to her. Vanessa pouts as she very gently threads the tips of their fingers together, the closest they can come to holding hands in public.
“I wanna kiss you so bad right now.”
“Let’s do it,” Brooke giggles quietly, a little sparkle in her eyes. “Let’s just start making out and watch how the girls react. Yvie would put it in one of her fucking vlogs.”
“Storytime- my Strictly co-stars just kissed?” Vanessa jokes, and Brooke wheezes a laugh which in turn makes the other girls turn round. Vanessa immediately drops their hands as Asia eyes them both with suspicion.
Brooke looks back at her and Vanessa can feel her pulse speed up at the adoration that’s in her eyes. “You look so good today, let me take a candid that’s not really a candid.”
“A plandid,” Vanessa shrugs back, then screws up her face. “I look like shit though. I sweated all my makeup off in rehearsal, my skin’s all dry from that train heater an’ I’m wearing sweatpants I’ve owned for six years.”
“Still cute though,” Brooke winks, and Vanessa tries to suppress a smile as she relents, shakes her hair out and looks down the platform. She’s surprised to find the train making its way up the tracks and after a second she leaps back, grabbing her suitcase and Brooke’s arm and yelling to the other girls.
It’s only when they’re on the train again when she gets an Instagram tag and realises that Brooke managed to take the photo, and she has to admit she doesn’t look too bad. She’s confused, though, when she sees what Brooke has captioned it.
bhytes: sls 🧡
Vanessa looks quickly at Brooke before tapping out a message to her.
V: what’s sls mean??? x
She watches Brooke’s reaction in real time as she receives the message. Her eyes widen a little and a pink blush appears on her cheeks, almost as if she’s been caught at something. Vanessa watches her fingers hover over the screen, typing against the air as she tries to figure out how to reply. Eventually, Vanessa’s phone buzzes again.
B: Oh I meant to type sis!!!! Silly typo x
Vanessa narrows her eyes- she’s not buying that for a second. Sure enough as she goes back to Brooke’s Instagram page there’s a small “Edited” beside her caption, and it now reads what Brooke had just told her she’d allegedly meant to type. Feeling a little guilty for snooping, Vanessa scrolls through the comments- there’s one from Yvie already, and another from Jackie, and some from Brooke’s friends and colleagues of course, but eventually she reaches the fans.
branjie2020: SHE EDITED IT IM-
strictlybranjie: Brooke we see u girl
brookelynnbites: not little mix secret love song…………
Intrigued, Vanessa looks up the lyrics and instantly she knows why Brooke had been shy with her. Now blushing herself, Vanessa puts her phone face down on the table and loses herself in thought. She thinks about the lyrics. Why can’t I say that I’m in love…it’s just a song, Brooke probably just meant the sentiment generally, but still. Vanessa can’t help but wonder if maybe they could make something of whatever it is that they are, a fling between two members of a TV show. Maybe they’ll be together when this is all over, and maybe…well. Vanessa hasn’t told anyone that she loves them like that since Kameron, and it would be a big deal if she said it to somebody else again. She’s not falling for Brooke yet; that would be ridiculous, especially given that they’ve not even so much as seen each other naked, but all Vanessa knows is that she really likes her, cares for her so much that it almost scares her, and whenever she’s around Vanessa feels as if she’s levitating.
Vanessa puts her jacket over her lap and wordlessly takes Brooke’s hand underneath it. She doesn’t miss the smile on Brooke’s face when she squeezes it reassuringly.
They all eventually reach Blackpool, the windy seaside weather and the sound of the seagulls greeting them as soon as they’re out of the train station. Their hotel isn’t far from the Tower Ballroom and Vanessa’s glad that they’re not staying at some run down B&B although the BBC, always eager to cut costs wherever they can, has booked them all in with each other in twin rooms. Vanessa isn’t mad about that. Admittedly after that moment they had in Brooke’s dressing room last Saturday she’s been thinking ever since about how she could engineer some form of sequel. She’s narrowed it down to finding an excuse to crawl into Brooke’s bed at night, bullshitting something about it being too cold in her own and how it would be so much warmer if they just slept together. That’s if she needs to be subtle, of course. Knowing how Brooke had practically slammed her against her dressing room door last week there’s probably not going to be much need for subtleties.
“I hope you don’t snore,” Brooke laughs, rolling her suitcase out of the lift and onto the carpet of the hotel corridors. Vanessa lets out an incredulous snort.
“Bitch! Do I seem like the kinda girl who snores? I’m insulted.”
“No, that’s true. I need to worry about you talking in your sleep instead. The loudest girl in the fucking cast,” Brooke laughs, Vanessa kicking a leg forward to knock Brooke’s suitcase off-balance as revenge. Even though it wobbles on its wheels, Brooke is undeterred. “I’m going to be trying to get to sleep and just as I think I’m drifting off all I’ll here is…AN’ FIVE, SIX, SEVEN, EIGHT!”
“Shut up,” Vanessa giggles, giving Brooke a push as they both arrive in front of the hotel room door. Brooke presses the key card to the pad and walks in first, and Vanessa is too busy struggling with her case to gauge her reaction at first. That is until Brooke turns around from the spot she’s rooted to in the middle of the room.
Vanessa frowns. She doesn’t really know why Brooke’s grown so awkward and quiet all of a sudden until she takes three steps forward and can see their room properly.
‘Oh’ is right. Because there, in the middle of their room, is a double bed. No, not double. King-sized, a king-sized fucking bed that’s probably the size of a small country village and is just for the two of them. All Vanessa’s plans go out the window because this is…new, and unknown territory. A quick makeout session in Brooke’s dressing room is one thing but the two of them haven’t even stayed over at either of their flats yet, they’ve never shared a bed in any context before. Vanessa bites her lip.
“Well…” Brooke says finally, trails off. Vanessa realises that she’s not going to finish her sentence.
“Um. I can go down and get ‘em to change it?” she offers, regretting it as soon as she’s said it because despite it all being new territory she’s not exactly opposed to it.
“No! No, it’s fine,” Brooke says- a little too quickly, Vanessa thinks, which causes her to suppress a smirk and try not to let her thoughts get carried away. “I mean, we’re both adults, it’s fine. Plus it’ll probably be comfier, right?”
“Yeah. Sure, right,” Vanessa nods and agrees, trying not to seem too eager.
It’s late by that point, so the pair of them unpack, trying to chat easily but the elephant in the room shaped like a king-sized bed is still very much present. Vanessa showers before bed and changes into her pyjamas, a little embarrassed at how scruffy her small black cami top and mid-length bottoms are. When Brooke comes back from her own shower, though, already changed into her pyjama set, Vanessa’s mouth dries up. She’s dressed in a matching set made up of a little pink satin shirt and shorts, the black cording at the hem of which is only drawing Vanessa’s eyes to Brooke’s thighs and not at all helping the bed situation.
Brooke clearly sees her looking and raises an eyebrow. “Cute, right?”
Vanessa snaps out of her daze. “What?”
“The pyjamas. They’re from like…Asos or Missguided or something? One of them,” she replies, hopping into bed and under the covers on the other side. Vanessa inches away from her a little, careful not to make their bodies touch because this is different to dancing and it’s not as simple as just being able to wrap her body around Brooke’s or make some stupid move because there’s no performance high or adrenaline or alcohol, it’s just…them. The pair of them in the same bed with the silence of the room surrounding them and the dark of the night outside hidden from view by the blinds Vanessa pulled down. As Brooke gives her a quick kiss and leans over to her side of the bed to turn the light off, she gives a quick look back to Vanessa.
“Night, babe.”
Vanessa gives a small, nervous smile back as she says goodnight. They shuffle under the covers to get comfortable and the silence falls again. Vanessa should say something, do something, reach out and take Brooke’s hand or lean in again. But everything is new and different and the time just isn’t right and she has no idea if Brooke even wants to go there with her yet, so instead she closes her eyes and attempts to sleep.
But in the morning, things are different. The moment Vanessa stirs she can tell there’s something in the air. She blinks open her eyes, the sun peeking through the slats of the blinds already too bright. That’s not it, though. That’s not what’s different.
And then as she gains a little bit more consciousness it hits her like a ton of bricks.
Brooke’s leg is thrown over her thigh, her arm around her waist, and her body is pressed up against hers. Vanessa feels a little tingle flash between her legs. For one thing, it’s cute that Brooke’s sought Vanessa out to cuddle during the night- whether she was asleep or awake for that decision Vanessa doesn’t know, but it’s nice either way. But on the other hand, Brooke’s little satin shorts have risen up to expose most of her thigh, and it’s not helping Vanessa think rationally right now.
Slowly, Vanessa starts tracing soft patterns on Brooke’s arm in a bid to wake her up: little figures of eight, then her name, then love hearts because if Brooke’s asleep she can’t work out that that’s what they are. Brooke’s leg shifts against her, and Vanessa can feel a heat against her thigh which she can’t decide whether or not helps or worsens the situation she’s in. Just then, she feels Brooke’s thumb give a little movement, a small stroke against the skin of Vanessa’s stomach where her cami top has risen up during the night. When her thumb moves again, Vanessa knows she’s woken up.
Neither of them have spoken yet and Brooke’s still stroking at her stomach, so Vanessa shuffles back in her arms just in case she’s still half asleep. She hears Brooke give a stifled yawn on the pillow behind her, hears her breathing shallow out. She’s awake, so Vanessa can take things up a gear. She moves her fingers from her arm to Brooke’s thigh, keeping her touch light and gentle as she traces a little patch of skin just at the outside. She feels Brooke shift against her in response, tries not to think too much about her thighs or what’s in between them because she knows she’ll overwhelm herself, flip round to straddle her and end up begging her to make her come apart. This moment is good. It’s gentle and tense all at once, the pair of them just touching and teasing each other, a mutual understanding even though nothing’s been said. This is different to last night- there’s no awkwardness, there’s no tentativeness, there’s just Brooke’s body wrapped around Vanessa’s and there’s only so many places that situation can lead.  
Vanessa feels Brooke press a small kiss to her shoulder blade and it makes her heart flutter, a hummingbird caged in her ribs. Brooke’s fingers trail a little higher to stroke under the material of her top and Vanessa feels herself melt. She wiggles in Brooke’s lap, knowing how it’ll drive her crazy given the amount of comments the girl’s made about how much she loves her ass and how completely obvious she’s made it. In response, Vanessa feels Brooke sigh against her neck, kissing it once, twice, three times.
Vanessa feels her resolve cracking so she traces a little higher on Brooke’s leg, decides to break the silence. She tries to keep the smirk out of her voice but it’s hard when Brooke bucks against her thigh again. “Good morning.”
Brooke gives a little whine against her neck which makes Vanessa press her thighs together, raising her own hips in an attempt to gain some sort of friction. “Morning.”
Vanessa presses her lips together in a suppressed smile, her next move falling into place in her head. “Y’know, I think I’m gonna get up an’ start gettin’ ready.”
“No,” Brooke whines, the arm around her waist pulling her closer, and Vanessa can hear the pout in her voice. She feels Brooke rub against her thigh again and it’s almost impeding her ability to think straight at this point.
She’s having fun winding her up though and she knows she’ll be able to have Brooke begging for her if she keeps it up, so she attempts to turn around a little to face her. She can’t really manage it, but she doesn’t mind too much. She just wants to see Brooke’s face when she delivers her next line, keeps her tone light and ever-so-slightly mocking. “Why not, boo?”
Vanessa decides to shuffle round, can hear Brooke whine in frustration now that she no longer has something to grind against. When she sees Brooke blushing, biting her lip with her hand now pressed between her thighs, it’s the hottest thing Vanessa has seen in probably years.
Brooke’s still not answered- instead she’s trying to shuffle close to Vanessa, presumably to kiss her, but Vanessa’s enjoying her moment of being in charge, so she lays her hand against Brooke’s chest to stop her and narrows her eyes. “Uh-uh. You gotta tell me why I shouldn’t leave this bed.”
Brooke only blushes harder, and Vanessa’s knocked for six. Brooke is actually shy. This confident, stone-cold goddess is getting embarrassed at the prospect of talking dirty to Vanessa in bed.
Vanessa’s brain is hotwiring.
“Don’t go quiet on me, princess,” Vanessa murmurs, bringing her other hand down to stroke at Brooke’s exposed skin again, this time against the visible strip of her inner thigh. “Can’t give you what you want if you don’t tell me what it is.”
“Please…kiss me, fuck-”
Brooke’s barely got the words out when Vanessa bridges the gap between them, meets Brooke’s lips with her own and kisses her softly and gently. She knows Brooke wants more, knows she’s getting herself worked up beside her but Vanessa’s enjoying having the power for now because knowing Brooke it won’t be long before she tries to take it back. When Vanessa pulls away Brooke is pouting, all disappointed that Vanessa’s lips are no longer on hers. Vanessa hears Brooke give a little gasp and then a whine as she takes her hand, the one Brooke’s grinding against, brings it out from between her thighs and places it by her side. There’s an unspoken rule between them that Brooke’s not allowed to replace it.
“Please, ‘Ness,” she pouts, and Vanessa would find it cute if her hands weren’t trailing up and down her waist. Brooke paws at her, needy and desperate, stops to rest her hands on her ass.
“You’re so polite. Such a good girl for me,” Vanessa praises her, kissing her pouty lips and delighting in the way Brooke moans against her. Vanessa strokes her hair with the hand she’s not propping herself up with and she can tell Brooke wants it somewhere else.
“Please,” Brooke says again, her eyelids heavy and her pupils blown. Vanessa feels herself give a small laugh.
“I don’t know what you want, baby.”
“You know what I want, fuck,” Brooke whines, her eyes fluttering closed. She thuds her head against the pillow in frustration, grabs at Vanessa’s ass in an attempt to pull her closer.
“You want me to touch you?” Vanessa murmurs, and Brooke nods her head frantically in response. She trails her hand down Brooke’s neck and down her chest, stops when she sees Brooke’s nipples poking through the satin fabric of her pyjama top. Vanessa bites her lip as she flicks her thumb against one, squeezes her thighs together for the hundredth time when she hears Brooke let out a moan. She teases her slowly and gently, can feel her own breathing deepening as Brooke writhes against the sheets. Brooke’s hand drifts from Vanessa’s ass to the waistband of her own shorts and Vanessa stops touching her, moving her hand to her wrist instead.
“You want me to just sit and watch you touch yourself? Sit here on the bed with you fuckin’ yourself with your fingers instead of letting me fuck you instead?” Vanessa asks her, making sure to keep a warning tone to her voice as she draws away. Brooke whines, instantly ripping her hand out from between her legs and pulling Vanessa close with it instead.
“No, baby, I’ll be good.”
“You gonna be good for me?”
Vanessa feels sorry for her at this point so she lies on her side against the mattress, tucks herself in beside Brooke and traces the skin just above the waistband of her shorts. Brooke is letting out a litany of whines as Vanessa inches her hand under the material, stops and presses a gentle finger against Brooke’s slit. Vanessa feels herself gasp as she feels how wet she is already, slick against her finger and dripping on the inside of her thighs.
“Fuck,” Vanessa whispers, leans in to kiss Brooke’s neck. She’s managed to find herself an actual Aphrodite and she’s never felt more religious in her life. She tilts her head as she slides a finger up to brush against Brooke’s clit, eliciting a gasp from Brooke who bites her lip and squeezes her eyes shut. “What would people say if they knew that Brooke Lynn Hytes, confident, boss-ass, sex-on-legs bitch, turns into a lil’ whiny, bratty, needy princess when she wants to come so badly?”
“Vanessa, please,” Brooke practically sobs in response. Her hips lift high off the mattress as Vanessa rubs little circles against her. Vanessa desperately wants to feel how wet she is again but she’s wondering if she can wind her up even more, so she moves her lips up to whisper in Brooke’s ear.
“Remember when I sent you that message by accident?” Vanessa asks, her voice a low murmur. Brooke hisses in response and Vanessa sees her grab a fistful of the duvet.
“Shit, you know I got myself off to the thought of you lying in bed all wet and needy after you had that dream,” Brooke gasps out, and Vanessa’s eyes fly open in shock. If Brooke didn’t have her knees bent and propped up then she would probably straddle her thigh and try to ride it until she came because God, the idea that Brooke touched herself thinking about her in the morning and then came into the studios and acted as if it had never happened with her afterwards is just too much. Almost as a reward for the information Brooke’s just given her, Vanessa slides a finger inside her and hears Brooke moan in response.  
“Y’know you were the girl from the dream,” Vanessa drops her lips down to Brooke’s neck, kissing it hot and slow as she slides a second finger into Brooke and presses the rest of her hand gently against her clit. Brooke gives a gasp that’s almost sacrilegious.
Brooke is writhing beside her, frantic and desperate and frustrated and Jesus fucking Christ if Vanessa couldn’t just come from the sight of that alone. “Tell me. Tell me what happened.”
So Vanessa whispers in Brooke’s ear about how she’d kissed her, how Brooke had told her how much she’d wanted her, how Vanessa had begged her to touch her and how Brooke had got her off through her underwear, and she hears Brooke gasp and moan and whine in response to each new revelation. Vanessa fucks her gently with her fingers and Brooke is so wet around her that it’s sending her into a frenzy herself. Suddenly, Vanessa has an idea.
“And you told me you thought I would taste good,” Vanessa tells her, tipping her head up a little to gauge Brooke’s reaction.
“Fuck…want to taste you so bad,” Brooke pleads.
All her shyness seems to be gone now that she’s riding Vanessa’s fingers desperately, and even though Vanessa thought shy Brooke was cute, this version of Brooke- the Brooke that knows what she wants, the Brooke that’s loud and vocal and messy- is her favourite. Vanessa gently removes her hand from between Brooke’s legs, ignoring the nearly apocalyptic whine Brooke lets out in response to the lack of contact, and takes Brooke’s hand from where it’s still digging into the duvet. Vanessa shifts a little, spreads her own legs as she guides Brooke’s hand between them, and her heart is almost beating out of her chest as Brooke eagerly brushes two fingers over her, hears her gasp as her fingers slide up her slit easily from how wet she is.
Brooke’s fingers feel like heaven as they push softly inside her, pumping gently, and Vanessa’s moan is cut off by Brooke’s lips against hers. Brooke’s kisses are slow and wet and she teases Vanessa’s tongue with her own as Vanessa bucks her hips underneath her. For a moment, her plan to make Brooke come is thrown into disarray as she thinks maybe she could just lie here and let Brooke tease her and finger her until she does instead.
“Oh my fuckin’ God you feel so good,” Vanessa whispers out in one breath, the way she sounds so broken already making her blush and bite her lip. Brooke’s gaze is dark- she’s watching the way Vanessa bucks her hips up to meet her fingers as they slide out of her, greedy and desperate just like Brooke had been.
“So wet and I never even touched you,” Brooke whispers, the little bit of awe in her voice sending Vanessa into the stratosphere. “You got this worked up over me?”
“You should see how good you look when you wanna come so bad,” Vanessa murmurs back, turning to watch as Brooke takes her fingers and wraps her lips around them, slides them into her mouth and sucks on them.
Every single time Brooke does something new Vanessa thinks it’s the sexiest thing she’s ever seen, so the fact that Brooke’s no longer touching her isn’t helping at all. Brooke’s a goddess though and she wants to worship her properly so Vanessa leans over her, doesn’t even bother trying to manoeuvre around the waistband of Brooke’s shorts this time and instead just trails her fingers up Brooke’s inner thigh, moves the material to one side and teases her again with her fingers. She rubs gently against Brooke’s clit and can hear her breathing coming in short gasps, knows she’s close so Vanessa kisses her, deep and fiery and hot, then murmurs against her lips as Brooke’s hisses and whines get increasingly louder.
“You know once you come I’m gonna let you do whatever you want to me.”
Brooke gasps and Vanessa watches her eyes roll back into their sockets. “Fuck, I’m gonna get you back for teasing me so fucking bad you won’t be able to sit right for a week never mind fucking dance- ah!”
Brooke’s reacted to Vanessa pulling her hand away. Vanessa’s making sure her eyes are dark, giving Brooke a warning. “Is that trash talk, or are you gonna be good for me?”
“Please, Vanessa!” Brooke nearly yells into the room, and Vanessa thinks that perhaps she’s put the poor girl through enough so she replaces her fingers, works Brooke’s clit until she’s gasping beside her, little shudders racking her body.
“‘Ness, I’m gonna- ah!”
As Brooke comes, Vanessa crashes their lips together, and the sound of Brooke’s muffled whines gives her a better high than any drug ever could. When she’s sure Brooke’s finished Vanessa leans back against the mattress, exhausted. Her left side is practically numb from propping herself up, her neck is tense and her right hand is aching but fuck if that hadn’t been the best sex of Vanessa’s life and she hasn’t even come yet.
“You good?” Vanessa asks Brooke once she’s got her breath back. Brooke is on her back, her eyes wide and staring up to the ceiling, her hair plastered all over her face and her chest shiny with sweat. Vanessa watches as she moves her mouth once, twice, trying to come up with something to say and failing.
“I don’t have any words,” she finally says, and Vanessa bursts out laughing beside her. Brooke giggles, then suddenly scowls, reaches behind her head for her pillow and thumps Vanessa with it.
“Hey! What the fuck was that for?”
“You were so mean!” Brooke half-pouts, half-laughs and she leans over Vanessa, cages her in with her arms. Even after sex she still looks incredible in her pyjamas, and Vanessa finds herself rubbing her thighs together, trying and failing to find something to rut against. Brooke obviously notices this and Vanessa watches the little flash in her eyes as she grabs Vanessa’s wrists, pins them above her head in one swift motion.
Vanessa almost dissolves.
“You know I’m used to being in charge, right? That was very out of character for me,” Brooke cocks an eyebrow at her. Vanessa smirks back at her, anticipation building low in her stomach at the thought of Brooke bossing her around and roughing her up a little.
“Well then maybe you need to put me in my place.”
When Brooke straddles her, leans down and meets her lips in a kiss, Vanessa feels as if she’s made entirely of embers and flames. She pulls away and Vanessa realises that she’s tugging her pyjama bottoms off so Vanessa brings her knees up to her chest to help make things easier. Once they’re off Vanessa’s heart crashes against her ribcage as Brooke takes her legs and spreads them apart quickly, her palms holding Vanessa’s thighs down. As Brooke leans between her thighs Vanessa tangles one hand in her hair, her heart rate rising in anticipation as she feels herself throb. She waits for the contact of Brooke’s tongue, tipping her head back against the pillow.
It doesn’t come. Instead, she hears Brooke’s voice.
“You know, maybe I’m tired now after you played with me so much earlier. Maybe I just need to go back to sleep.”
Vanessa brings her head back up in shock and looks at Brooke’s face. She’s got a glint in her eye and a smug smile on her lips and Vanessa has never wanted to kiss the smirk off her face more. As much as she thinks the girl is a goddess, there’s no way she’s giving her what she wants that easily. “Uh-uh. I ain’t beggin’ you, Brooke.”
Brooke raises her eyebrows lazily, lightly scratches her nails down the insides of Vanessa’s thighs and in turn making her rapidly regret her last comment because she knows she’s going to be yelling Brooke’s name in probably a matter of minutes once she puts her mouth on her. “That’s some awfully big talk from someone who moments ago was trying to grind against air.”
“But I know you wanna feel how wet I am an’ hear what I sound like when I’m about to come,” Vanessa whispers, bucking her hips up because Brooke’s touching every little bit of her except the place she needs the contact most and it’s starting to kill her very slowly. “You want me ridin’ your face.”
Vanessa sees Brooke blink slowly, the composure and power she’s just built up wavering just a little. Then she makes eye contact again, presses kisses up Vanessa’s inner thigh that make her feel as if she’s burning up.
“Yeah,” Brooke murmurs against Vanessa’s skin, punctuating her sentence with kisses. “But I also know that I want to hear you beg me for it, and you’re not going to come until you ask me nicely.”
“Fuck,” Vanessa whines, letting her head thud against the pillow. She regrets teasing Brooke so badly. Actually she doesn’t at all, but her behaviour is coming back to bite her and it’s not fun. She’s shocked into a gasp as Brooke licks up her slit, the contact gone almost as soon as it’s there. “Brooke, baby, c’mon, this ain’t fair.”
“Is it not? I think it’s perfectly fair,” Brooke laughs softly and traces patterns into her inner thighs that make Vanessa want to scream. “I had to be a good girl for you, now you have to be one for me.”
“Honestly you could be doing whatever you want to me right now an’ all you want is for me to say fuckin’ please?” Vanessa hisses, frustrated and incredulous and ready to fucking explode.
“I want you to be good for me. Good girls use their manners.”
As if to drive her point home Brooke kisses up her thigh and then licks against her again, too much and not enough all at once. Vanessa needs Brooke’s mouth and her tongue and her lips and so her resolve cracks all too quickly like a sheet of ice.
“Okay, okay, okay, God fucking damn it…please, Brooke.”
“Can’t give you what you want if you don’t tell me what it is,” Brooke replies instantly. The bitch is using Vanessa’s own words against her for her own gain and it’s infuriating Vanessa as she bucks her hips in the air, writhes against the mattress.
“Want you to use your mouth, fuck, please.”
“That wasn’t so hard, was it?”
All at once Vanessa feels as if she’s been shot out of a cannon because when Brooke’s tongue finally licks at her clit slowly and gently Vanessa thinks she’s ascending to heaven at about a million miles per hour. When Vanessa brings her hand back to tangle in Brooke’s hair, Brooke takes her wrist and holds it down with one hand, putting her even more in control. Vanessa can still use her hips though and she does exactly what she said she was going to do- rides Brooke’s face as her tongue brings her closer and closer to the edge and makes her even more wet than she’d been in the first place. Vanessa would probably feel embarrassed at how much she’s writhing and whining and moaning underneath Brooke if her mouth didn’t feel so fucking perfect, and with every flick and swirl of her tongue Vanessa feels more and more like a raging fire that needs to be put out.  
“Brooke Lynn, fuck, you’re gonna make me fuckin’-”
Brooke’s nails dig into her thighs as Vanessa comes with a loud cry, the blaze burning her up finally extinguished. Vanessa sinks back into the pillows and Brooke simply relaxes with her head against Vanessa’s stomach. It makes her wish that they could just spend all day in their hotel room and learn each other’s bodies, figure out everything the other likes in the space of a single day.
“Wish we didn’t have to get up,” Brooke sighs against her skin, presses a kiss to her stomach which makes it flutter. Vanessa smiles lazily, laces their fingers together which makes Brooke smile in turn. Brooke’s voice is soft as she keeps talking. “So was that, um…good? For you?”
Vanessa starts giggling, gives Brooke a gentle kick with her foot. “Jesus, dare you to sound any more like a 19 year old boy who just lost his virginity.”
Brooke gives an offended cry, plants her lips to Vanessa’s stomach and blows a giant raspberry against her skin that makes her howl with laughter and curl in on herself like a woodlouse.
Vanessa fights through her laughter. “Oh my God okay, okay! I’m sorry. Of course it was good, fuckin’ amazing. The whole fuckin’ buildin’ prolly knows how good it was, think I damn near yelled the place down.”
“Not entirely great for the whole keeping-us-on-the-down-low thing, though.”
“I guess you’d know, havin’ just spent a decent amount of time on the down low,” Vanessa wiggles her eyebrows and causes Brooke to yelp a laugh.
Charmed by the other woman’s reaction, Vanessa gently slides herself out from underneath her and steals the duvet to wrap around herself as she crosses the short distance to the window and pulls the string on the blinds to open them up. She smiles as she’s greeted by the seafront view: the sea icy but blue under the sunny November sky, the golden sand of the beach, the little rattle of the tram that’s making its way along the waterfront. The smile is still on Vanessa’s face as she turns to take in the sight of Brooke still splayed out on the mattress. She’s got that post-sex glow with the light hitting her toned skin and her hair all messed up around her face like a scribble of a halo.
Vanessa feels a tug on her heart, a longing even though she knows Brooke is hers.
“Welcome to Blackpool, baby. Let’s get those tens.”
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duncvns · 5 years
Hey babe, if you're still into doing the A-Z NSFW, I'd love your take on older!duncan 🤤 W, I, O, S. Any of them (or all, lol). Please feed me ❤️❤️❤️
here i am... back with my baby older!duncan to feed you guys <33 thanks for requesting babe, it’s nice to actually finally write again. 
Under cut due to length and smut read more links aren’t working
W = Wild card (Get a random headcanon for a character of your choosing)
I choose public sex 
Duncan loves fucking you in public. Whether it be in his office during his lunch break or just sneaking a hand under your dress during meetings. He polished and careful that neither of you gets seen. 
His favorite thing to do is have you cockwarm him while he’s busy typing away on his laptop. Multiple people walk into his office during the day, not even glancing down at your trembling form sat pristine on Duncan’s lap. 
If you dare move, he thrusts into you, savoring the broken cry that escapes your throat. You can’t cum, his threat still rings loudly in your ear -
“Cum, and I’ll hold a vibrator to your cunt until you fucking pass out.” 
You whined at the threat, ignoring the near painful throb in your clit. Duncan keeps a casual hand on your thigh as his assistant walks in, updating him on situations that demanded his attention. 
He keeps at it for hours, even stirring you awake when you doze off once on his shoulder. He likes to tease you, thrusting deeper into your already aching cunt with a certain roughness that he always seems to possess. 
“P-please, Duncan. Can I cum?” Your fingers grip the edge of his glass desk hungrily, eyes tired and begging. Duncan tucks some hair behind your ear, breath hot on your already heated skin. 
I = Intimacy (How are they during the moment, romantic aspect...)
Duncan has been around the block a few times. He isn’t as elementary to surprise you with roses and wine. He prefers to pour a bottle of expensive champagne on your naked body and lick you clean. 
His sex with you is cool and calculated. He doesn't enjoy fumbling around in the bedroom. He knows the spots that make you tremble and he makes sure he spends extra time on them. 
Duncan savors sex, he likes watching your facial expressions intently, watching your pretty lips curl into a moan. 
He makes sure to relish in the feeling of your tight, shivering cunt wrapped deliciously around him. You were always so responsive to every touch and trace he placed on your hot skin. 
His favorite thing to do is watch you cum. He wouldn’t dare cum first, he has to have a clear mind for when you reach your climax. 
Your face is always scrunched up so beautifully, eyes rolling back in your head and needy breathy moans falling from your lips as you coat him with your cum. 
But when he is feeling a bit more romantic and giving, he’ll place a single white rose on your bedstand as a gift for when you wake. There’s usually a pristinely written note along with the rose that Duncan makes sure he always leaves.
I’m sorry I could not be there when you awoke this morning. Work is unforgiving, as usual. ~ D
O = Oral (Preference in giving or receiving, skill, etc)
Like I stated previously, Duncan has been around the block a few times. His tongue is a godsend and every woman who’s ever had the good fortune to get to experience it will vouch for his skills. 
He’s clean and pristine with every sexual act, making sure everything is pleasurable to both parties. His tongue is quick and sharp, nudging, sucking, and biting only your most sensitive spots. 
Again, he loves keeping eye contact during the encounter, loving the responsive expressions that grace your features. 
His beard leaves delicious burns on your inner thighs, marking territory as Duncan goes down on you mercilessly. He can’t himself but to hum against your cunt, mouth watering at your sweet taste. It sends electric jolts throughout your body, making your orgasm creep up even closer. 
If he can, he likes to sneak two fingers coated with arousal past your wet and swollen lips. Of course, you suck them eagerly, accepting anything Duncan gave you. He smirks against your cunt, nibbling on your clit and running his canines over the sensitive nub, wincing as you bite down on his fingers in surprise. 
“Good girls don’t bite...” He warns before nipping at your clit again, pulling it through his teeth. You buck up in his mouth, tears falling down your face in frustration. “Bad girls don’t get to cum...” 
S = Stamina (How many rounds can they go for, how long do they last...)
He may be mature in age, but Duncan can absolutely go all night. 
It’d be lazy, love making. Nothing that required a lot of energy on his part. He’d balance a glass of bourbon in his hands as you rode him, chest rising and falling quickly as you took him as deep as possible.
Slow words of encouragment fell from his red bitten lips as he circled his hips - enticing you. He cums with a low shout, keeping his lust blown eyes on yours. 
It doesn’t stop there. 
On your way to fetch water from the kitchen, he bends you over, shoving his half hard cock inside of you, not giving you any time to adjust before he’s rocking into you steadily. 
The sex is hot and quick. Wandering hands and heated kisses making themselves known. Duncan picks you up after you both cum. He’s gentle as he lowers you back into bed, placing kisses to your chest. 
“Round five?” You smirk, even your exhausted state still hungry for his touch. Duncan shakes his head curtly, moving to slip on a pair of boxers. “That is... only if you’re up for it.”
“Princess, I’m up for ten more rounds...”
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theheartofpenelope · 5 years
Simple Things : Chapter Thirteen
Excerpt - Yet here she was, strolling through the Schönbrunn Palace Gardens, her hand safely tucked in the palm of the man who had promised to come whisk her away for the evening. Tom had informed her that he had planned on wooing her that night. Tag list: @winterisakiller, @devikafernando, @scorpionchild81, @messy-insomniac-bookgirl, @smutsausage, @hiddlesbitch1 @noplacelikehome77 @wolfsmom1 @meh1217 @dina-bln @lilaeye39 @tinchentitri @fairlightswiftly @nonsensicalobsessions @wolfsmom1 @stmeiou @ink-and-starlight @givemecocoaa @profkmoriarty13 @nikkalia @massivelemon @lotus-eyedindiangoddess @argo-shila @emoietmoi @redfoxwritesstuff @sweetkingdomstarlight-blog @raining-litter @theoneanna @coppercorn-and-cauldron @turniptitaness @shadyskit @memoriesat30 @antyc67 @just-the-hiddles @sheris532 @marggot4 Author’s Notes/Warnings: tags will follow later on Anyway thank you in advance for feedback - would love to know what you think…Also on AO3 through this link Masterlist available through here Bonus: click here for the pinterest moodboard (always updated)
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Chapter Thirteen : Vienna 
1. Charlotte did her best to keep her facial features under control. She took a deep breath and tried to keep her mind focused on something else, anything else, fearing she just might break out in a besotted smile if she didn’t. And this was not the time nor the place to do just that. 
From inside the hotel lobby Charlotte had a clearly view of see Tom waiting on her. As she neared the sliding doors she noticed him standing tall next to a taxi. A taxi?  
To her delight he’d caught her walking up to him and his lips curved into a content smile, his one eyebrow slowly lifted disclosing his (though slightly anxious) excitement. Well, that didn’t help things at all. And Charlotte was surprised at the amount of willpower she needed to prevent herself from just running up to him and falling apart in his arms. 
No, no, she would be cool about this, she reminded herself as she walked through the hotel’s entrance and steady on closer to Tom. So very sophisticated and ladida, acting as if nothing could ever knock her of her feet. Not his admiring gaze (there goes my heart), not the smile that reached up into his eyes (hello good sir) and certainly not the softest kiss on her cheek that might have lingered on a tad bit too long.
Charlotte pressed her fingertips into his arms as Tom’s cologne dizzied her. Oh how badly did she want to slightly tilt her head and brush her lips up against his. But she shouldn’t, she couldn't. They needed to be discreet. 
She gladly allowed him to escort her into the awaiting taxi. And when he’d urged the driver to head on, she wanted to remark in all honesty how completely silly and unnecessary this was. Her hotel was smackdown in the center of Vienna. Everything was within walking range….
But then it dawned on her. Just a ride around the block. Just enough time to put his lips on hers. 
“Good heavens darling, this day went on for too long....”
2. It felt a bit strange to her, strange it that funky out-of-your-body-type of experience. Was this her life? Was this her reality? Wasn't she supposed to be networking, making connection for future endeavours, mingling with the in-crowd? Stretching her mind in academic discussion about legal competence and end-of-life care? 
Yet here she was, strolling through the Schönbrunn Palace Gardens, her hand safely tucked in the palm of the man who had promised to come whisk her away for the evening. Tom had informed her that he had planned on wooing her that night. She'd chuckled in absolute delight as he laid out his plans. Things had evolved so fast up until that point he now solemnly believed he needed to slow down the process. More than that really; he wanted to go back a few steps and make a start the way things he found should start. He wanted to pull back from the hussle and bussle of everything and just take his (and her) time. Together. But discreetly. Always so very discreet.
The Palace Gardens were a great place to start. The courtyard was mind blowingly big, enormously outstretched. It held so many types of flowers, and all shrubberies were tweaked to perfection. It was simply perfect and with the maze and all, nothing short of a fairy tale. The crown of it all however was the Gloriette, a pavillion type of building with grand windows. It had been designed to glorify Habsburg power and the “Just War” (a war that would be carried out of "necessity" and lead to peace). 
These days the Gloriette houses a café and an observation deck which provides panoramic views of the city but unfortunately it was already closed by the time Tom and Charlotte passed through.
Charlotte sighed at the sight of so much splendour and, without realising, held on tighter to Tom’s arm. He chuckled warmly and shared his admiration with Charlotte before urging her to tell him more about her current plans… There were so many questions, so many things he wanted to learn about her. 
He led her to a cosy little Italian place near the river. Highly recommended by Ben and Sophie, who described it as a nice and quite yet authentic restaurant where they would surely be able to enjoy a ridiculously good pasta in all privacy. Tom didn’t need to hear about this place twice and made reservations - himself - as soon as possible.
Ben and Sophie were clearly very reliable advisors. That became quite clear when Tom sat down on the patio of said restaurant. With Charlotte across the table, toasting with a glass of red wine, the evening was already all he had hoped it to be. They wined and dined, they talked so easily, with a fair amount of flirt that was steady on growing stronger through the course of their meal. His hand searched out hers at the table and squeezed it gently while he quietly proposed they would take their dessert elsewhere. Charlotte lifted a brow under a playful chuckle and flirtily added he’d made her quite curious now… about that dessert...
3. Never in a million years would Charlotte have guessed there would be some last minute running involved after that incredibly delicious meal. She’d spontaneously declared Tom insane, loudly questioning what he was up to as she rushed after him towards to some sort of house by the river.  
But Tom would not be Tom if he hadn’t prepared the evening. He was enamoured with her and he felt happier than he had felt in a long time. But he hadn’t walked the parcours to all of this like he usually would and he nervously and desperately wanted to make up for that. He want a night of perfection, a night of romance, an evening out in which we could prove to her that he - personally - made an effort. Just for her. And that he had gladly ruled out any other intrusions beyond themselves. That part was a tricky bit though. But he happily went for it. For her.  
And that’s why he felt they needed to catch the very last riverboat that night. The absolute last one that was to depart that evening in fact; because the summer sun was about to set. With this last boat ride
Charlotte had giggled and merely shook her head as they boarded. Yet she couldn’t resist but to quietly and playfully reprimand Tom with, “I’m here. With you. That is all that matters. To me, that is.”
He’d nodded in understanding, but under a bashful smile, gladly guided her to the back of the pleasure boat; out on the terrace on those wooden benches. Tom mindfully draped one of the fleece blankets over Charlotte’s legs as dusk had now started to set in. Charlotte exhaled blissfully at his thoughtful gesture. And when Tom put his arm around her shoulders, she allowed herself to relax and lean closer to him. There were absolutely no paparazzi here. Nor other spying eyes. Everybody’s attention was clearly turning on the scenery outside of the boat, not inside. 
“I know darling,” he finally replied to her, “and I apologise for rushing you, but… I want, or I need, tonight to be perfect. I just want this to be ‘us’. Nobody else.”
“Us... ,” Charlotte’s lips curved into a smile, “I like the sound of that.”
She chuckled some more as she flicked her fingers against the baseball cap he’s put on during their mad dash for the boat. It was an nice attempt for anonymity, but she hated the thing. Tom looked back at her sternly, but his eyes twinkled with mischief. 
“Steady now, love…” 
Charlotte tittered before setting her sights back onto the beautiful scenery as the boat glided across the Danube river. It was quite here, serene even. No crowds, no traffic, only the sound of water lapping the hull of the boat. She admired the Austrian architecture, but her breath got caught when she could very clearly now see the sun setting against the horizon. And Vienna’s city lights came to life. 
A small shiver ran across her back and she felt his arm pull her in closer. Charlotte slid out her seat a bit and allowed herself to shamelessly lean against his strong chest. His familiar cologne immediately soothed her and she sighed while admitting to him the scenery was simply beautiful. 
Tom smiled to himself and looked down at her lovingly before he ever-so-sweetly placed a longing kiss on her lips which she most definitely did not reject. Charlotte gladly molded herself to his position and gratefully returned the kiss she did expect to be receiving in public.
Two days ago, they had spent their afternoon in London talking in earnest over lunch, and then lounging in his living room afterwards. They had taken their time with discovering the other, with kissing and feeling, with lounging and talking. But they hadn’t slept together again since Edinburgh, and right now this somehow - and very acutely - only added to the longing. 
A small whimper escaped from her Charlotte’s mouth and Tom pulled back with a slight curse under his breath when he realised the boat tour wouldn’t be over for another 20 minutes…
While their kiss softly but surely deepened, his hand snuck lower and under the blanket where it caressed one of her legs and the upwards before softly bit surely clasping her inner thigh. Charlotte squirmed in her seat uneasily, locking her eyes with him surprised. 
“I thought you were all about discreet,” she mumbled with an eyebrow raised in delight. 
“Oh but I am darling,” he whispered into her ear while he adoringly massaged her thigh. 
“B-b-beg to differ…” she stuttered, a slight blush rising to her cheeks..
His crystal blue eyes met her chocolate brown ones. 
“So happy. Here. With you,” 
4. Charlotte wasn’t entirely sure how they had managed to make it safely from the boat back to the hotel room and franky at that time she couldn’t care less about it. Because Tom’s lips were leaving a deliciously enthralling trail of kisses down her neck. Leaving a path of gentle nips from the column of her neck down to her clavicle, Charlotte dropped her head back in surrender and blissfully gasped his namen.”
Tom groaned appreciatively as he sweetly pressed his lips onto her almost bare shoulder. Charlotte’s hands ran over his shoulders and then over his neck and up into his hair. She curled her fingers and softly tugged at his curls in an implicit attempt for him to place his lips onto hers. Words were a bit of a struggle for her now that arousal had started to cloud her mind.
Their mouths very quickly came crashing back together again. The word frantic came to mind. When they pulled back their gasps for air were slightly mingled with idiotic chuckles. 
“It’s been too long,” Tom whispered, resting his forehead against hers.
“Mmm, I agree,” Charlotte breathed. 
“Give me a second, will you,” he chuckled, “else I fear I won’t last long…” 
She loved how he gently stroked her long hair while seemingly grounding himself for a moment. His eyes were closed and she distinctly heard him taking a deep breath in and out. And while she contemplated on following his example but failed to do so as her heart was still savagely beating within her chest. She did manage to close her eyes while he slid his hands over her body, carefully tracing her curves. But slowly this time. He wanted to take his time. That was obvious. 
She felt his hands slid down over her waist, over the swell of her hips and down her thighs. While his mouth slowly claimed hers again. His tongue slowly gliding against hers, tasting of wine of the promise of a wonderful night. His fingertips rimmed the seam of her dress and trailed upwards over her thighs while Charlotte’s agile fingers patiently yet deftly unbuttoned his shirt. Her hands slid under the light fabric, firmly splayed out against his toned chest, up to his shoulders where she proceeded to push the piece of clothing off. 
And in return she gladly lifted her hands over her head so he could lift her summery dress up over her head as well. 
He murmurs something she couldn’t hear and probably wasn’t meant to hear. She would ask in normal circumstances ask but then his hands reached out the the curves of her breasts where they stroked and teased and readied the path his lips and tongue were so eager to follow. 
Words not important now.
It was only a matter of seconds before the last pieces of clothing found their way to the floor and Charlotte slowly laid down on the luxurious hotel bed. Desperate for any kind of friction now, she was ever so delighted when Tom skilfully undulated his toned body over hers. A slight moan got caught in her throat when his teeth softly sank into her lower lip and she raked her fingernails playfully over his lower back in retaliation. He shivered in response, muttering she was a “bad girl,” before ravenously continuing his teasings. 
When his fingers trailed down to her apex of her legs, she flinched and her head lulled back. A muffled whimper escaped her lips, much to Tom’s pleasure … And with even more adoration for her then before he bent down lower and decidedly ran his tongue over her little bundle of nerves. 
Charlotte proceeded to gasp, this time not so slightly anymore. Her hands clutched onto the sheets in all her might while Tom teased on, adding pressure with his thumb before steadily spoiling her on. A little peak disclosed to him how beautiful she truly was, all pretences stripped away, blushing feverishly and moaning delightful things in response to him. 
He took pride into bringing her to a climax and enjoyed witnessing her fall to pieces, knowing it was his doing.. Truth be told, it wasn’t a moment too soon for him though. With a speed and ease he anxiously chased after his own release that came much to soon to his liking. He needed to learn to pace himself again, he reprimanded himself jokingly. 
They rolled into each other’s embrace easily, lovingly, catching their breaths in unison. 
“Good heavens,” Tom joked, “you’ve ruined me!”
“How’s that?’’ Charlotte frowned under a laugh. 
“I don’t last that long with you. Christ” 
Charlotte lost herself in a fit of giggles. 
“Seriously,” he continued, “I want a rematch later on.”
“Later on?” she teased, “oh my, do you think you can manage that?”
“Hey!” he shot back, “why did you think I insisted on picking up these?” he winked devilishly to the cake boxes he’d picked up at Café Prückel on their hasty flee from the boat to the hotel. 
But Charlotte happily delved in though. Both skimpily covered with a hotel sheet, they savoured the stupendous cakes with vigour, and stealing a morsel from the other’s cake with their plastic forks. 
“Could get used to this,” Charlotte confessed with a smile.
“Mmmm, yeah,” Tom blissfully agreed, “I admit,” he added while munching on, “this one is the best ever though.”
He fed her another piece of his Sachertorte and jokingly pulled away when she wanted to take a bite. Charlotte cursed him under a loud giggle. 
But it was true. The cake was extremely good. And it was also true that Charlotte could get used to this just as well. Easily so... 
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academiceve · 5 years
How To Read More: Personal Tips
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In 2015 I decided to make reading a priority and started tracking my reading progress, set reading goals and try to complete reading challenges. I’ve been able to complete 4 challenges so far:
In 2015 I read 26 books
In 2016 I read 48 books
In 2017 I read 80 books
In 2018 I read 80 books 
I’ve been asked to share my reading routine and how I make time for reading on Instagram a couple of times, so I thought writing a separate blog post about it could be useful to some of you!
Until you make reading a priority either by setting a challenge of reading a certain amount of books per year or reading a set amount of pages each day you will not read more if you have been struggling with it in the first place. Prioritising reading over binge watching tv shows/movies or mindlessly scrolling on social media will help you read more until it becomes a habit. It is said that it takes around 21 days of consistently performing an action until it becomes a habit, so why not prioritise reading? If it is important for you, making reading a priority will devoid any excuses related with lack of time. We all have the same amount of hours in a day and we consciously choose to spend it, so saying that you don’t have is not really an excuse. 
Figure out at what time points in your schedule could you dedicate to reading. As I’ve already mentioned, one way to get into reading would be to read a set amount of pages every single day, either in the morning, during lunch breaks or evenings. For example, you could set a page goal of reading 25 pages every day and dedicate some time to it depending on how fast you read. It could be anywhere from 15 - 30 min to an hour. Personally, I usually read on my commute, as it takes me about an hour with public transportation to get to the research lab that I’m currently interning at! You could also read before bed time or during lunch breaks! 
Setting small reading goals can help you focus on reading, so that you can achieve them! I would recommend either setting a daily page count goal or a yearly reading goal. You could do 12 books per year, meaning that you read at least 1 book per month. My reading goal this year is 20 books, I wanted to cut down to enjoy the process of reading more but you can read more about my 2019 reading goals HERE. I’d always recommend quality reading time over quantity but do whatever suits you and your lifestyle best! You can also look for reading challenges online, as well as join fun communities on Instagram, GoodReads and YouTube. 
If you need inspiration to read, I would highly recommend following ‘bookstagram’ accounts on Instagram or watching ‘booktube’ videos on YouTube. Although I follow many book accounts on Instagram, my favorite BookTube channels are PeruseProject, Savidge Reads and ABookOlive. They also give great reading recommendations and update you on new releases! 
Another tip for tracking you reading would be to join GoodReads. This website and app allows you to search and catalogue books into lists, as well as participate in yearly reading challenges by declaring a goal of how many books you would like to read per year! It’s like FaceBook but for reading and I love it! You can follow me on GoodReads HERE. 
If you really don’t have time or don’t always want to read books, there’s always an option to listen to audiobooks! I would recommend checking out the app Scribd because it’s a monthly subscription based app full of different kinds of audiobooks, e-books and magazines! The first month is free and if you don’t like it, you can cancel it any time! I read 2 books in January through Scribd and the price is cheaper than for Audible! Check out THIS LINK for more! 
I hope these tips help you to get back into reading and build a routine to achieve all of your reading goals! If you would like to read more from me, click HERE to see other blog posts! You can also follow my studygram HERE for some inspiration! 
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mydarlingklaus · 5 years
Black Roses, Chapter 4: With every update comes more love and support and I cannot express my gratitude enough.  As usual, the link to my ff account is at the end if you could so kindly leave a review. Much appreciated. I’m not posting the whole chapter on this platform because it’ll take forever to space it all out so click the link for the full chapter. Happy reading (:
Tyler admired Caroline from across the table, leaning back on his chair as she digested her grimoire and paying him no mind. After lunch they both had free period which is usually when they engaged in quality alone time together but found themselves in a study room instead.
He knew how busy she's been lately and his schedule was no better which prompted his plans to woo her into immense PDA for the next 40 minutes. But Caroline had other plans, stressing herself out to get things done and was too focused on her work to notice her boyfriend's prying eyes.
"You're staring." She sang with a smile, making it clear she sensed him far before saying anything.
The werewolf smiled back. "What can I say, I like the view." He shrugged.
"Cheesy. Very cheesy." Caroline softly laughed under her breath shaking her head and continued reading.
She hadn't noticed Tyler sitting up from his chair and subtly moved to her side of the booth now right beside her. His immediate warmth was hard to hide so she wasn't too shaken up even when he pushed a strand of hair behind her ear with his finger.
Caroline didn't allow the close proximity to phase her, teasing him by not giving the attention she knows he's desperate for was reward enough.
"Would it be less cheesy if I had very dirty intentions?" He said suggestively against her skin.
Her slight shiver not enough reason to give in. She dismissed his seductive promises with a shrug and abruptly changed the subject. "Want to see this new spell I learned? Your girl can basically cause a wildfire using just her mind." Caroline proudly claimed with a widened smile.
Of course she was proud.
It was a spell she had been working on since last semester for her senior seminar class that she consistently messed up on; whether ingredient measurements or other distractions. Multiple trials later, she felt it was finally perfected and was eager to show it to the person she cared most about.
Tyler brushed off her comment with nonchalant nods with lips seeking out her skin again.
"Later, much later." He suggested with his lips brushing her cheek before dipping lower to caress her jaw and kissing repeatedly. His hand grabbing one side of her face to keep her head at an angle as his sensual actions continued.
Caroline momentarily lost herself in the feel of his affections, forgetting her hurt from his dismal of her excitement.
Tyler was a great boyfriend majority of the time, but he wasn't the best support system when it came to her witchery. When they were just friends, he always claimed how confusing witches were and how the witchcraft gave him the creeps, but then he fell for Caroline. She thought with him being with her it'd encourage him to learn more about what she is and but it never came and she didn't press him about it.
The book nearly dropped after her shallow moan of appreciation. His other hand venturing lower to her waist pulling her closer.
A part of her wanted to indulge and relax but she knew how irresponsible it would be if she succumbed. Her eyes closed for a second before opening wide soon after. She couldn't risk sparing any time or being distracted.
Lightly pushing him against his chest when he attempted to drifting lower onto her neck, Caroline groaned.
"Stop." She whined lightly pushing him away.
Tyler sighed frustratingly and annoyed. His fingers ran through his hair wildly as he sat up his chair with a scowl. "Really Care?"
Caroline threw her hands in the air. "What? I told you I have a lot of work to do."
"And I don't?" He raised his voice. "Yeah, I have tons of assignments and football but I still make time for you, for us. To steal these moments with each other while we can..." Leaning in for another kiss that Caroline immediately dodged.
The blonde scoffed turning her face. "Seriously? That's what this is about, you're pissed because I don't want to make out with you whenever you want?" She accused.
"Honestly? Yeah, kinda." He admitted. "Or maybe I'm just pissed that my girlfriend seems to be more into her stupid spell book than me."
Caroline's head shot up with an upset snarl. "It's not stupid." She defended.
Tyler pressed his lips into a line appearing apologetic. "Hey," Grabbing her hand into his affectionately. "I'm sorry babe, okay? I just miss you and feel like we haven't spent a lot of time together lately. We're the royal couple at this school but I don't feel very royal-like when I'm not with you." He joked making Caroline grin at the corniness.
It wasn't that Caroline was intentionally trying to blow Tyler off but she genuinely had a full plate of responsibilities, not to mention her mother informing her earlier in the day she'd be visiting some time this week. Whitmore's first football game was in just a few days, homecoming committee meetings were tomorrow; her class work and personal work were clashing. The pressure kept piling on and she longed for a break that would never come, and Tyler was a part of the break she needed.
She gave him a warm smile, leaning into him to capture his lips in a sweet but brief kiss. "I know, I'm sorry too. I know I'm a mess and probably the worst girlfriend ever."
Tyler looked up, pretending to ponder. "Not the worst..." He teased making Caroline laugh.
"I appreciate you wanting to make time for me, I do. But you know how important my lineage is and what it means to my family to remain the supreme witch by the time I graduate." She explained.
"I get it, you know I do." Tyler sighed. "I get how important this is for you but it's not everything, right? You're more than just spells and shrunken heads." He laughed.
Caroline's forehead slightly creased in irritation. Irritated that Tyler wasn't understanding what she was trying to say at all.
- He really doesn't get it.
Tyler's hands crept up on both sides of her face softly. "I want you, Care. I like being with you but lately it seems I've been in a relationship with you and the grimoire."
"Oh, you mean how I felt last semester with you and your football
Her response died when his mouth covered hers briefly with a promising kiss. The abrupt act of affection stunned the blonde witch who's air nearly knocked out her lungs from the aggression. He pulled away with an event brighter smile that she reciprocated, deciding not to start another argument.
"Let's go away this weekend just you, me and my parents' lake house. The next full moon isn't for a couple of weeks so I'll still be around. Perfect opportunity for us to, reconnect." He suggested.
She nearly forgot about the full moon that occurred once a month was quickly approaching.
Caroline dreaded this time of the month because Tyler would go home to, 'handle the situation'. He never wanted to be near, on the certainty that he would hurt someone on campus; most importantly Caroline despite her fascination. Instead, his parents arranged a deal with Headmistress Saltzman for approved leave once a month.
Money can get you anything.
He would run wild and free in the dark woods near his mansion, about 30 minutes from the school.
Without a doubt Caroline missed him during that time but a romantic getaway? As if they were a married couple trying to keep their love alive instead of just two teenagers who needed a breather.
The witch's mouth agape. "Tyler-"
"Imagine how beautiful and peaceful it'd be to have a little getaway before things get too wild around here. Before we both become caught up in other stuff and really won't have much time together till graduation. And, my parents said I can use it whenever I want." Tyler excitedly proposed.
Caroline nervously laughed. "You realize we have school, right?"
"Obviously," Rolling his eyes. "But it's just the weekend and all we need is the approval from Headmistress Saltzman then it's a done deal." He said nonchalantly.
Tyler turned Caroline's chair until she was completely facing him. She slightly flinched when he grabbed her hand again and leaving a kiss on her knuckles.
"We're stressed already, especially you, and being on campus all the time is probably making it worse." He accurately claimed. "A weekend away is exactly what the doctor ordered." He said with a convincing smile.
It was a very tempting offer that Caroline would usually jump at the opportunity for.
The Lockwood lake house was legendary, especially during Summer vacation. Tyler came from a wealthy family as well, his father was the Mayor of Whitmore though he had to keep his family tree a secret from the public. Nothing would hurt more in his campaign than everyone finding out their dear mayor and his son were half beast. Tyler's mom was human, marrying into the supernatural improved her knowledge on the nature of werewolves; it's what Caroline wished Tyler would do for her. Caroline only met his parents a few times and never feeling more cold and inferior than talking to Mrs. Lockwood.
They allowed Tyler to rent out the lake house that had been passed down by generations. All his parties were lively and extravagant. Nearly the entire class was invited, minus vampires of course. Not to mention it sat on the most beautiful lake in town with the perfect view of the dusk and dawn. Caroline loved it and being there would probably be the perfect stress relief.
She sighed defeated. "That sounds so nice, really, but I don't have much time to spare especially with this group assignment from Professor Sommers' class that determines if I graduate or not. Can you believe she really paired me with Klaus Mikaelson?"
The werewolf's eyebrows shot up curiously. "Mikaelson? Why do you two have a class together?"
"It's a general education class, everyone's allowed apparently." Caroline said disapprovingly.
"Huh..." Pressing his lips together.
"Yeah I know. Literally couldn't have received a better graduation gift, right?" She rolled her eyes with a laugh.
Caroline's joking expression faded when she noticed Tyler's face drop and feeling his body tense.
He took a deep breath and slightly relaxed noticing his girlfriend's concerned face.
When he placed a comforting hand on top of hers she felt more calm. "Sorry, sorry it's not you. I just really don't like that guy." He admitted.
"Join the club." She agreed with a wide smile and arms around his neck to bring him in for a deep kiss.
Their lips smooth against each other and in perfect rhythm. He pulled her closer, both arms around her waist tightly and moaning between kisses.
She knew Tyler was just trying to be a good boyfriend, it was more than appreciated and she wanted to be good to him as well; he's yet to give her a reason not to be. She was becoming her own enemy, her personal thoughts and revelations blocking her from reality.
- Fake it till you make it.
She told herself, figuring this was just another one of her phases that would blow over in a day or two.
The werewolf pulled away from the embrace to speak. "But if he ever gives you a hard time-"
"Don't worry. I can handle him." She smiled into another kiss. "Who do you think makes a sport out of giving him aneurysms?"
Tyler laughed in agreement, kissing her lips a final time.
Per usual, Caroline arrived to class before everyone else with three textbooks in her arms and a scowl on her face. Lately she hadn't been bubbly happy Caroline that everyone knows and loves.
She was already having a chaotic day, not to mention one of her cheerleaders sprained their ankle which meant Caroline has to change the squad's formation and she had to prep for another meeting tonight with her coven to discuss homecoming. She performed a minor soothing spell on herself before class to ease her through this last class, especially because today was the first day of working on class projects.
Literally the last thing Caroline wanted to do today was endure vampire company for 40 minutes.
Now sitting at her seat she pushed her hair out her face and began organizing her desk area before class began.
Organization kept her semi sane.
She spread out all her notebooks and pens, color coordinated and perfectly parallel of each other.
Caroline glanced up at the sound of an annoying female laughter coming from the entrance.
More and more students arrived and cleared her view at the nauseating sight of Klaus and the infamous short redhead vampire. Her back pressed against the threshold stupidly laughing at whatever Klaus was saying while he practically towered over her.
The girl was clearly whipped. He could've been telling her it's cold outside or he lost his car keys and she would think it was the funniest thing in the world.
- Gross. Imagine being that sprung over Klaus Mikaelson.
She cringed.
This was the second time Caroline's seen them together all cuddled up looking and acting like a couple; at least this time they were fully clothed. Still she was trying to burn that image out her head.
Caroline never noticed them together before this semester and now they popped up everywhere she turned in the most sickening fashion.
Klaus kept his hands in his pockets but the girl wouldn't stop touching him like she'd die if she didn't. Both her hands caressing his chest through his white Henley seductively, and thigh settled between his. Klaus didn't seem as enthused with her affections but he also wasn't dodging anything to stop it, smirking and egging her on. When he did show a hint of a smile it seemed genuine, and he didn't appear annoyed by her either.
- Maybe it is two-sided?
Caroline found it difficult to not analyze the scene in front of her. It was hard to look away, like watching a tragic car crash.
Caroline wanted to gag. They were so transfixed into each other neither bothered to move out the doorway for the student entering. If anything the redhead used it as an excuse to subtly push herself closer into his body.
- Amateur.
The blonde rolled her eyes.
- Shit!
Full chapter can be found here! Don’t forget to leave a review (:
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kootenaygoon · 5 years
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The event was called Find Your Divine. 
Every year the Nelson Star hosted a women’s shindig down at the Prestige, featuring a booth bonanza of feminine swag from all sorts of local companies before a speech given by an inspiring public figure. Usually it was an author of some sort of self-help book, or maybe a TV personality. This year they’d landed the prime minister’s mother, Margaret Trudeau, and I’d been assigned to cover the estrogen-heavy event on a weekday evening. One morning Sharon swung by the newsroom to let me know she wanted me there right from the moment the doors opened through to the end, plus she wanted the coverage to go live that night. This was her baby. I seethed at my desk, annoyed by the urgency in her voice. Whenever there was money coming our way, that’s when my publisher’s priorities got real clear.
That night I asked Kai out for a drink, primarily to bitch about Sharon and seek solidarity. That’s not what I found. He met me at the Falls Music Lounge around 8 p.m. and when I invited him to order something he said he didn’t drink. He looked impatient, his leg bouncing under the table.
“The reason I’m here is to talk to you. I wanted to know what’s up. It seems like you’ve been really off the last little while,” he said. “And this whole thing with the Carpenters is getting out of hand. Are you okay?”
“I’m okay. I mean, the break-up’s been hard but I’m holding it together.”
“Yeah, but there’s only so long you can blame your drama on your ex. At some point you need to move on with your life and be a grown-up, you know?”
Kai was better positioned than most to comment on my mental health. Two months earlier he’d spotted a bruise on my neck that I’d earned tussling with a bouncer at the Royal. One night when we were in the office late, he smelled pot and became the first person at work to call me out on it. He had little patience for my misbehaviour and wanted nothing to do with my ongoing HR antics. When it came down to it, he was an adult and a father. 
I was neither.
“But don’t you think it’s ridiculous how Sharon just marched into the newsroom and bossed me around like that? I mean, Greg’s the editor. Not her!” I said, getting upset all over again. “I’m just tired of this Mickey Mouse bullshit.”
Kai sighed, took off his glasses and rubbed his eyes. “This attitude isn’t going to get you anywhere. Trust me.”
“Nobody holds them accountable.”
He shook his head. “You talk like they’re Bond villains. It’s ridiculous. Are they the best publishers I’ve ever had? No. Are they the worst? No. They’re prominent, long-term members of this community and they deserve some respect. Way more respect than you’re giving them. I’m surprised you haven’t been fired already. If you want my honest opinion, there it is.”
“So you’re taking sides with them.”
“The only one turning this into an us versus them scenario is you, Will.”
After my conversation with Kai I decided that I was going to cover the shit out of this event as a pseudo-apology for my surly behaviour. I was going to give Margaret the deluxe treatment. For a few months I’d been live-tweeting school board meetings and I decided to do the same thing with her talk, posting videos and photos to Twitter as the night progressed. I would tag Justin Trudeau once the story was published. From what I heard he had actually distanced himself politically from his mother, as she was too incendiary and polarizing of a figure. She had cheated on his father, partied with the Rolling Stones and admitted to rampant drug use. The more I learned about her, the more I liked her. Like Sean Dooley she was capable of stripteasing in public, using her vulnerability as a kind of strength. 
I showed up for the event early, as some of the companies were still setting up their booths. They were selling bras and moisturizing cream and the type of art you might hang in a doctor’s office, one smiling face after another as I completed a lap around the room. Sharon had asked me to take some pictures of the vendors so I did, asking a few to pose here and there. We were getting regular text message updates about Margaret’s imminent arrival, and I was getting giddy. One of my favourite things about journalism is how I’m routinely faced with people I would never get to meet otherwise. Margaret would be a good addition for my “Famous People I’ve Met” list, alongside Ted Harrison, Jack Layton and Miriam Toews. 
The thing about the type of people who birth future prime ministers is you can feel them before you see them. It’s like the wind picking up speed, or a quick chill in the air, and suddenly you know something’s coming. I was standing there taking a picture of some smiling business owners when a susurrus of whispers swept through the room. She’s coming. The ladies fumbled with their cameras, began to jostle politely towards the door. I ducked and weaved through their bodies and made my way back into the hallway, where I could see Sharon talking to a woman in a cherry red dress. It was her.
“Oh, and Margaret? This is Will, our reporter. He’s going to be covering the event and taking pictures,” Sharon said, once I made my way over.
Margaret gave me a languid handshake, her smile knowing. She seemed a little drunk to me. “I’m used to having my photo taken, believe me.”
For the next twenty minutes I watched her work the crowd, making time for one admirer after another. She posed for a photo with Mayor Deb Kozak, hugged strangers and told pithy jokes. Eventually she made her way to the podium, after being introduced by local actor Lucas Myers. Hundreds of women had amassed their swag and were now ready to be inspired. I had the feeling that most of them were going to end up feeling like they received something different than what they paid for.
It was clear from the get-go that Margaret hadn’t prepared a clearly mapped out PowerPoint presentation about how to succeed, or a carefully scripted Ted talk on all the lessons she’d learned along the way. Instead she took the microphone and just began to speak in a rambling, scatter-brained style, careening from one subject to the next while making self-deprecating jokes and name-dropping historical figures. I could see some of the women murmuring, annoyed, as she laughed about doing drugs and hinted at her own promiscuity. All of this was somehow perfect, though, for her subject matter. Her book Changing My Mind was about mental health, an unpredictable and volatile topic. I started pulling quotes and posting them on Twitter. 
She was so real.
One thing I’d learned while researching Margaret was that her son Michel had died in a Nelson-area avalanche in 1998. The Kootenay area held special significance for her. When she started talking about Michel, I turned on my recorder. I knew this would be the emotional crux of the piece, as well as the most obvious local angle. She told the crowd that news of his death robbed her of the will to live.
“I was so locked in my own grief I couldn’t even help my boys. I had the body of a 10-year-old boy. I was wasting away. It had become clear that I was a danger to myself and I wasn’t in charge of my life,” she said.
Once the event was over, I rushed to the Star office and began transcribing the recordings I’d taken. There was a great quote and about wake and baking, a few solid anecdotes about her life with Pierre, and then the Michel angle. I processed the photos and uploaded them to the website while I checked Twitter for engagements and prepared my Facebook post. I texted back and forth with Greg, who was editing from home, and got the piece up less than an hour after the event had ended. Not bad. I e-mailed the link to Sharon, to make sure she saw the story, then headed home exhausted.
The next afternoon, as I was standing alone in the newsroom, Sharon swung by to check out the pictures from the evening before. I proudly showed her all the favourited images I had in a quick slide slow, pointing out the ones I’d used to illustrate the story. 
“But where are all the pictures of the vendors?”
I’d forgotten. “Oh, right. Those got uploaded with the rest, I’ll just pull them up here.”
All told, I’d only taken maybe 20 photos of the various booths. Some of them hadn’t been manned while I was making my rounds, and many of them weren’t aesthetically pleasing. I was going through the motions because she’d asked me to do it, but I didn’t know how these images would ultimately be used. They wouldn’t have any real journalistic value beyond being featured in a promotional photo spread. Or an advertisement. I had figured three or four solid images would be enough, but I was wrong. She started listing on her fingers all the businesses I’d missed.
“Okay, but I was more focused on Margaret. She showed up around that time, so I guess I was distracted.”
“I told you to get pictures of all the booths.”
“For what?”
“It doesn’t matter for what. This is your job, and you didn’t do it.”
Sharon stormed off, furious. It was a sunny afternoon and I’d just returned from lunch. Things had been going so nicely until she showed. Here I was convinced that I’d finally mended a fence, done her a solid, and she still wasn’t happy. I couldn’t win, no matter how hard I tried. I stewed at my computer, vibrating with frustration, until I couldn’t hold it in any longer. The sea of anger that had been building in my chest for the past two years was boiling over, and I was about to take it out on her. I walked across the office and knocked on her door, asked if I could sit. She gazed over the top of her glasses at me, her lower jaw quivering.
“I don’t think it’s fair, you giving me shit over the Trudeau coverage. I was there from the beginning to the end, getting awesome photos and live-tweeting and everything. I covered the shit out of this event, I did my job, and you didn’t even mention my story at all.”
“You weren’t there until the end. You were missing during the clean up.”
“I was working at the office, writing up the story with Greg so I could get in online right away like you asked. I checked in with you! I told you that. I ended up working for 12 hours that day.” 
She scoffed at that. We were beginning to talk over each other, and things were escalating. My face was hot, my voice was breaking. I began to insult her and Cam, calling them “shady” and vowing to destroy their reputation in town. I told her I couldn’t fucking wait until the day they walked out of the Star office and out of my life. I accused her of being a negligent publisher and blamed her for my deteriorating mental health. She stood with tears in her eyes and asked me to leave, twice, motioning for the door and looking in the opposite direction. The fear on her face made me feel instantly ashamed. I shook my head and left.
That’s it, I thought to myself. They’re going to fire me for that stunt, for sure.
As it turned out, I was wrong.
The Kootenay Goon
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lookslike-wemadeit · 5 years
January 2011
1- At 12:13 AM, Louis tweets his first tweet of 2011 “#harrylouyear <<< GENIUS ! :) HAPPY NEW YEAR :)”
1- Hannah tweets at 12:43 AM “My head is pounding from Louis playing 'The Musical Theatre Game' aghhh xx”
Louis rides the train to London to see Stan
1- Hannah tweets her NYE with Louis “@AlexheartsQuiff I stayed at home with Louis & my sister and played Smurf Village hahaha xxx”
1- Harry spends New Year’s Day with family
2- Louis tweets “So excited for today :) xx”
2- Show at the Forum in Hatfield, Hertfordshire
2- Harry tweets about the show “Brilliant gig at The Forum! Got a brilliant book from Italy:) Thanks You Everyone!! :D”
2- Jay tweets Robin “@robintwist My beautiful little sugarbreasts :) So lovely to have you on twitter land xx “ (Louis mum and Harry's step dad)
2- Robin responds to Jay “@JayTommo my little swamp duck, why aren't you following Mr Womderful? “
2- Louis tweets “Great gig today , thank you Hatfield :) we love you !!!!
2- next to you during the concert
3- Dusty posts Ted makes me feel like the only cat in the world :)
3- he also tweets- going to watch a film with the best boyfriend in the world
3 - Harry goes shopping in Manchester with his cousins
4- Dusty posts a picture of flowers he got for Ted. And a video and my boyfriend is sexy
4- Louis tweets “Big shout out too @joekenners thanks for tonight !!!“
4- Harry tweets about the game “Off to the football :D  Not much is better than a trip to Old Trafford with the father @louis_Tomlinson and @rioferdy5 :) .x”
4- Harry & Louis go to Rosso for dinner and later drinks
4- Harry tweets again about what a great night it was “Great night with @louis_Tomlinson , @ashwils84 , @joekenners and @rioferdy5 :) .x”
4- Louis tweets “Niall has been hacked so ignore his funny tweets ha”
4- Louis tweets a picture of him and Harry with Nemanja Vidic before they’re even home “Me Harry and Vidic http://yfrog.com/h6y7hdj”
4- 20 minutes later Louis tweets again “Great night with @Harry_styles and @anton_Ferdinand !!!“ Anton was not there. Rio had tagged the wrong Louis (Louie Spence) in a tweet earlier in the evening and Louis was getting him back for it.
4- Harry & Louis have a sleepover at Harry’s house in Holmes Chapel
4- Louis tweets “@AshWills84 unlucky mate I'm just sat at home drinking tea haha good to see you mate !”
4- Louis tweets at 1:54AM “sleep over at Harrys :)”
4- Louis tweets X Factor contestant John Wilding who was eliminated at Judge’s Houses in 2010 “miss you man !!”
4- Louis tweets “:)” in response to a fan telling him he was lucky for sleeping over at Harry’s
5-Louis tweets Rio Ferdinand “@rioferdy5 when you gonna come play for doncaster rovers then boss haha”
5- Louis tweets Joe Kennedy who asks Louis “haha have u seen ok today? jk.” Louis responds “no what does it say ? X”
5- OK! tweets article “One Direction fan Rio Ferdinand catches up with Harry and Louis at the footie”
5- Louis goes home to Doncaster late in the afternoon. He hangs out with Hannah at her house for about 3 hours
5- Louis tweets “Just got @BrunoMars ' album... what a talented guy ! Great album!!!” He was talking about Doo-Wops & Hooligans
6- Zayn & Louis ride down to Brighton together in the afternoon
6- Louis tweets while in the car “Hello everyone :) x”
6- Louis tweets asking if anyone has the unauthorized One Direction biography “Anyone got this a to z book ? X”
6- Louis tweets the Larry Stylinson Twitter account “@LarryStylinson :) have a nice day x”
6- Louis tweets Aiden Grimshaw “@Mr_Grimshaw well my name is Aiden and I smell of poo poo and still wee the bed !!”
6- Louis tweets Rio Ferdinand “@rioferdy5 man up !!”
6 - Louis tweets “@LoveForAnneCox big love for Anne cox :)” (Harry's mum)
6 - Louis tweets “@SupportHStyles hollister and that is a silly thing to say cos I support Harry x”
6- Louis tweets “Damn I miss all the interactive stuff like megamind :(”
6- Louis tweets Rebecca Ferguson’s old account “@beccaxferguson good thanks lovely how are you superstar :) ? X”
6 - Louis tweets Niall “@NiallOfficial poopoo”
6- Louis tweets Rebecca Ferguson again “@beccaxferguson ha you miss us anyway!! Can't wait for the tour x”
6- At 8PM, Louis tweets “Let's start a trend :) any ideas ?”
6- At 8:20PM, Louis tweets “More trends ....?”
6- At 8:30PM, Louis tweets “If it trends world wide I will tweet an never seen before picture :)”
6- At 8:47PM, Louis tweets “If you want that unseen picture get tweeting :)"
6- At 9PM, Louis tweets “Two trends related to me love it !!! I love you all !!!!”
6- Louis posts “never before seen” picture of him and Harry before the first live show “Before the 1st live show http://yfrog.com/gym6leyj“
6- 15 minutes later, Jay tweets “Silly Ol' @Louis_Tomlinson for tweeting a photo a previously seen one :) Louis aged 6 xx http://plixi.com/p/68274395″
6-9: The boys in Brighton doing “band stuff,” including recording “I Want”
9- Harry’s friend, Ashley, tweets “harry would go a hint of gay for Louis, he never shuts up about him ;)HA!”
9- Harry posts picture of him and Louis playing with light sabers at 9:30 pm. I think that was taken in the studio in Brighton. Hannah said Louis had the light sabers in his car forever, but didn’t have the Clio anymore at this point. He sold the car before moving to London from X Factor. “Star Wars Is Always Cool. Enough Said.
10- The boys move into the X Factor rehearsal hotel, The Richmond Hill Hotel in Surrey
10- Harry (and the other boys?) have dinner at Nando’s
10- Harry tweets “ And i say,What a way for the Ice to break.....”
10- Harry tweets “ Night Everyone!!  I leave you with this, "The Awkward Moment When............................................" :) “ at 11:19 PM
10- Harry tweets link to video of father and daughter doing a cover of “Home” by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes at 11:24 PM
10- Harry tweets lyrics to “Home” by Edward Sharpe and the Magnetic Zeroes at 11:32 PM “ We laugh until we think we’ll die,Barefoot on a summer night..Nothin’ new is sweeter than with you :D night .x “
10- Zayn tweets at 11:35 PM he’s “chillin with @harrystyles :),” tags the wrong Harry on twitter
11-The boys record “Gotta Be You” in southwest London with Steve Mac
12- Zayn’s birthday
12- The boys take Zayn out to lunch for his birthday
12- Harry tweets “The awkward moment when your mum walks past the shop at dinner time and the whole of One Direction start shouting milf -.-  hahaha!!“
12- Harry then tweets “I feel like I should tweet something not directed at the mother now.....a Turtle wearing a helicopter hat. Done. :D”
12- Niall says Louis sleep walks “In the night louis started sleepwalkin, he got into my bed, I pushed him off and he sat on the floor singin the tune t jungle book!wierd”
13- Harry gets a haircut
13- Sugarscape tweets “Harry and Louis are dancing with each other aahhhhh!”
13- mutual we discussed it
Lots of flirting
Pretty much always touching
louis slapped Harry's bum
13- Louis posts “Secret Video Diary” from X Factor on twitter which is about 3 minutes of him searching for Harry
13- Dinner at Nando’s
14- Someone on Twitter claims to work for Sugarscape and says they were at the shoot the previous day; Says Harry asked for her number; the official Sugarscape twitter says they’ve never heard of the person and they were not at the shoot
15- G-A-Y performances,1 public and 1 private, at Heaven nightclub in Central London; The owner of the club booked the boys for his birthday party; Hannah got to the club around 11:30PM, waited in line with fans and stayed in a separate hotel room with friends
16- Harry posts picture of him and Louis with Brian May from Queen at 6:58 PM “ Brian May.....Hero.
16- pictures of all the boys together they are clingy
16- The boys go to the JLS concert at the O2 Arena in London
17-Choreography rehearsals in Surrey for X Factor tour
17- pictures of One Direction outside Richmond Hill Hotel
17- Niall tweets he ate Domino’s with Harry & Louis around 9:30 PM “ Just had dominos with @Harry_Styles and @Louis_Tomlinson ..harry just had sweetcorn on his “
19- Article published saying they were thrown out of “health club” for rowdy behavior; In actuality, they were scolded for playing around in the pool at their hotel
19- Harry tweets “I'm being serenaded by Zayn :P" w/ picture
19- Harry tweets “Finally something to do in our hotel rooms...but word of warning, xbox kinnect is tricky in a tiny hotel room :D haha!”
19- Photoshoot
20-23- Days off
20- Louis tweets from the One Direction Twitter account “  Morning everyone , have a lovely day :) - Louis :) xx”
20- About 90 minutes later, Louis tweets from his own account about official One Direction Twitter account “Everyone follow @onedirection !! We will all be using the group twitter alot more as well as our personal accounts :) #followonedirection”
20- At about 7:54pm, the One Direction account (Louis), tweets “likes Who Let the Dogs Out by Baha Men on Ping http://itun.es/iFV6dW  #iTunes ”
20- At 7:54 pm, Louis tweets from the One Direction account again “Will everyone please follow the one direction iTunes ping :) - Louis.”
20- Louis sets his profile pic on ping to a cropped picture of him and Harry in Holmes Chapel in December
20- Harry leaves late in the evening to visit Gemma “On the way to visit my sister :D .x
21- Harry at home
21- Louis tweets about official One Direction facebook page
21- The One Direction account tweets “Who wants a follow 5 people will get followed today just type #followme1d and your reason :) we will pick the best 5 :)”
21- One Direction account tweets the now defunct URL “Check out a new webpage :)  http://www.1direction.co.uk/ join our news letter for the latest updates and video diaries :)”
21 - One Direction account tweets “18th in The Shorty Awards, Best Musicians Twitter Account http://bit.ly/voteonedirection #voteonedirection ..Keep it up lets get to 10th :)"
21- Harry tweets “So tired....kinnect volleyball all day:P but now I'm a 'pro' ;) haha .x”
22- Niall tweets from One Direction account “Hello twitter :) great few days at home , see you soon .... COME ON DERBY !!- Niall xx”
23 - At 11:54AM Harry tweets from the One Direction account “  I think thats the best lie in i've had so far :) Harry .xx”
23- At 12:01PM, Harry (?) tweets from the One Direction account “  i'm just chilling out today :)”
23- At 12:04PM, the One Direction account (Harry again?) tweets “  Shorty Awards: Vote @onedirection for music!! Louis for humor and Harry for Fashion...They're near the top!! :D“
23- At 12:05, Harry tweets from his personal “Haha Just seen I'm 8th for Fashion in the Shorty Awards!! :D ^^^”
23-Hannah tweets a picture of her and her friends before the G-A-Y performance in London
23- Hannah immediately tweets a picture of her mother’s desk at work, saying the picture is from Louis’ birthday
23- Hannah immediately tweets a self-described “blurry pic of Louis”
23- Hannah tweets a fan how long her and Louis have been dating, saying “For about 17 months x“
23- Hannah tweets “@louis_tomlinson is NOT leaving One Direction! Don't know where that rumour came from xx“
23- Hannah tweets her anniversary with Louis is March 18th
Hmm math... It would either 22 months or 10... Not 17?
23- Harry & Louis leave Surrey early in the afternoon and ride a Southwestern train 45 minutes into Central London
23- Harry & Louis go to TGI Friday’s in Haymarket Square and go shopping
23- Harry & Louis go to Odeon Leicester Square to see Black Swan
23- Harry tweets “Vote @louis_tomlinson for humour in the shorty awards!! :D” at 3:37 PM
23- Harry tweets “TGI Fridays......heaven.” at 3:41 PM
23- Louis tweets “Please RT my last tweet love you all :) if I am 2nd by tonight me and Harry will do a twitcam , bromance special ;)” at 3:41 PM
23- Harry tweets lyrics to “California” by Phantom Planet at 3:51 PM “On the stereo,listen as we go,nothing's gonna stop me now..California here we come..Right back where we started from :D“; He later played this song during the twitcam the same day
23- Hannah tweets link to Shorty Awards after fan tells her Louis is in 1st Place “Louis is 1st!! Keep voting please & keep him there :) http://shortyawards.com/category/humor
23- Hannah tweets the link to vote again, this time with Harry and One Direction included “@louis_tomlinson for humor, @harry_styles for fashion & @onedirection for music.. please vote! http://shortyawards.com/category/humor”
23- Hannah announces she is booking flights for Dublin to see the X Factor tour
23- Harry & Louis ride the train back to Surrey around 8PM
23- Hannah tweets a fan 15 minutes before the twitcam begins that she’ll watch the twitcam if she was on her laptop “@1OneDirectionx If I'm on my laptop then yep xx”
23- Harry & Louis do promised twitcam lasting an hour, beginning at 9:53PM and ending at 10:50PM
23- Hannah tweets a fan 20 minutes into the Twitcam “@xsarahloveharry Won't load! Never mind, I'm tired anyway xx”
23- Harry tweets “:) (@Harry_Styles live on http://twitcam.com/3m2lg)“
23- Anne watches the twicam, calls them “my boys”
23- Niall tweets he saw Little Fockers with Zayn at 11:30 PM “ Went to see little fockers wi @zaynmalik and TM..really funny!! ";
The film was still in theaters at the time; They did not go with Harry & Louis to their movie, and likely went to the movie theater an 8 minute bus ride from their hotel
23-Harry tweets at 12:13 AM “I Wish #thepersonunderthistweet A Very Nice Sleep :D .xx“
23- Harry tweets at 12:20 AM “It's not about the Money money money,We don't need your Money money money..We just wanna make the World Dance..forget about The Pricetag :D”
23- only Larry Twitter cam
Harry: Me and Louis had a really nice girl’s day out today.
Louis: Yes. Me and Harry spent all day shopping...dining...eating cookie dough...and watching girly films like The Black Swan. Which ended up being not that girly, quite rude and quite violent.
Harry: [quietly] It was good though.
24- Harry tweets at 7:47 AM “It's National Pie Day...And I got hit in the head with a Cream Egg!! :D”
24-Louis tweets at 6:55 PM “I love every single one of our fans !! You are amazing ! We are so lucky to have you !!”
25- One Direction Twitter account tweets “Good bye to all our lovely fans see you soon , lots of love Louis , Harry , Niall , Zayn and Liam”
25- Louis tweets at 9:18 AM “Please keep voting on the shorty awards it's so close now!”
25- Louis posts link to vote in Shorty Awards “  http://shortyawards.com/Louis_Tomlinson please vote humour :) RT love you all xx”
25- they arrive at LAX
25- Hannah tweets “I'll do my best to keep you updated on the boys if you all keep me company while they're away? xx”
25- Hannah tweets 2 pictures of Louis
25- Hannah tweets Danielle Peazer, Liam’s very new girlfriend at the time “@DaniellePeazer Lou asked me what I wanted but I didn't have a clue so I'm excited to see what he brings back!Bet we get the same stuff ha!x”
25- Hannah responds to Danielle who said she texted Liam her US clothing sizes with “@DaniellePeazer Oh great well I didn't think of that so I'll trust Louis' judgement haha.. I just want them back safe xx
25- Hannah tweets with the hashtag 1Dupdate to let fans know the boys would land soon in LA “#1Dupdate The boys should be landing soon!! And I think it's about 2pm in America xx  “
25- The boys fly to Los Angeles, arriving at mid afternoon local time
25: Louis tweets “So excited to be in L.A will tweet pictures when I can :) xx”
25: Louis emails Hannah “@larrybromance Lou says the hotel is incredible & they're living not being recognised xx” It was the Days Inn Hollywood.
25- in LA they are whispering and cleny
25-30: The boys in Los Angeles recording “Save You Tonight”
26- Louis tweets from the one direction Twitter- hey everyone me and Harry just had pancakes and maple syrup great way to start the day :) miss you all Louis and Harry x
26- 4 minutes later, Louis tweets from his personal account “Ohh yeah and we had sausage with our pancakes :) x”
26- Hannah replies to Louis’ tweet “@Louis_Tomlinson Sausage and maple syrup together?? That's even worse than pasta on toast x”
26- 6 minutes later, Hannah tweets  “In all fairness to Louis, pasta on toast is quite tasty but makes the bread a bit soggy.. I'd choose that over maple syrup sausages anyway x”
26- Louis tweets a picture of himself “Doing the American look :)"
26- One Direction spotted in West Hollywood with Cher Lloyd and Savan Kotecha Harry and Louis are not far apart the whole time
26: The picture from the train hits the internet
26- Louis tweets from the One Direction twitter account “Having a great time and met up with Savan and cher :) - Louis
26- An hour later, Louis tweets from his personal “Voting closes Monday please keep voting for me on humor guys it means a lot! http://shortyawards.com/Louis_Tomlinson”
26- Louis then tweets from his personal “lets trend #votelouis :) Please RT :)”
26- 2 minutes later, Louis (most likely) tweets again from the One Direction account “Everyone ! Voting closes on Monday please vote One Direction for music :) http://shortyawards.com/onedirection #voteonedirection  ”
26- At the same time, Louis tweets again from the One Direction account “Also vote Harry for fashion http://shortyawards.com/Harry_Styles :) #voteharry :)”
26- 1 minute later, the One Direction account tweets “And Louis for humor :) http://shortyawards.com/Louis_Tomlinson #votelouis”
26- Harry tweets “The Sun Has Got His Hat On And He's Coming Out To Play :D”
26- Hannah tweets “Louis has bought new shoes...And no, they aren't Tom's.. America has changed him already! :(”
27- Reports emerge that the first single will be released on March 13th
27-Harry tweets around 8AM “Here comes the sun,du dun doo doo,Here comes the sun,I say...it's alright :D”
27- Harry tweets “Have a good day everyone :D. Will tweet some pictures later from @onedirection :) .xx“
27- Louis tweets at 6:35 PM “  Hello everyone hope your well . Missing tweeting you guys so much ! Xx”
27- Louis tweets at 11PM LA time “I think it's funny how some people are just getting up and I'm not even asleep yet !!”
27- Louis tweets “Keep voting on the shorty awards please #votelouis”
27- Louis tweets a fan “@heyimisabella good babe how are you ? X“
27- Hannah tweets Louis’ Clio was named Cheryl “@katiejburroughs Louis used to drive a Clio (called Cheryl) but he sold it when he went to London so now he hires cars when he's home :) xx“
27- Hannah tweets “Definitely getting used to this Louis not being here thing.. You've all been so lovely to me as always. 3 sleeps until they're back! Night x”
28- Hannah tweets early in the morning UK time/late night LA time “Spoken to Louis - he's having an amazing time, meeting lots of people & now he's going to bed :) xxx”
28- Hannah tweets a fan “@leprechaunxo The only time he ever cooked for me was when he made this tasty salmon pasta :) xx“
28- Anne tweets Jay about the Shorty Awards  “@jaytommo :-) we must be doing something right :) xxxx http://shortyawards.com/category/lovelyonedmummys” ( Harry and Louis' mom's)
28- The One Direction account retweets Harry “RT @Harry_Styles Have a good day everyone :D. Will tweet some pictures later from @onedirection :) .xx“
28- Robin tries to win tickets to the Brit awards and says since “Harry (S) and Lois (T)” can’t go he would take Anne (Harry's step dad)
28- Hannah tweets “@Louis_Tomlinson is only 3 points ahead of 2nd place so can we all please #voteLouis again!! http://shortyawards.com/Louis_Tomlinson”
28- Harry tweets “ Thank everyone who's been voting me, @louis_Tomlinson and @onedirection in the Shorty Awards...Keep Going!! :D. Love you all .xx“
28- Hannah tweets “When you #voteLouis or #voteHarry you have to make sure your reason has something to do with humour/fashion or it won't count!! RT”
28- Harry tweets from the One Direction Twitter account “  http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HL_WvOly7mY BEVERLY HILLS!! :D  -Harry .xx http://twitpic.com/3u6zh2″
28- Harry tweets “Look what Liam showed me... HAHAHA!! :D http://yfrog.com/h8r4ejj”
28- Harry tweets from the One Direction account “Sunny Again Today in L.A.!! Have a Good Day Everyone :D  - Harry .xx”
28- Louis tweets “Expected more from skins , disappointed :(”
28-Jay tweets that Louis got into bed with Harry “@tomlinson_love he got in bed with Harry last week lol”  
29- Hannah tweets a fan “@xx_annemarie_xx Louis doesn't have bebo babe xx” ( x ) (Even though it’s well-documented that he did)
29- Hannah tweets what time the boys are landing at Heathrow “  If my maths is correct (and my world clock) the boys will land at 4pm tomorrow UK time which is 8am LA time. That should mean that they leave 5am tomorrow UK time & 9pm tonight LA time. Wow does that make sense??”
29- Anne tweets ”to all those asking: to my knowledge Harry isn't dating anyone”
29- Harry tweets “Have a good day everyone :D. Love you guys and see you soon!! .xxx”
29- The band in West Hollywood posted by Paul on his facebook
29- Ashley (ash_sherls) does a twitcam while drunk with her friend and says Harry isn’t a virgin; An uproar on Twitter ensues; Ashley defends her statement to Twitter user @CaraStalik: “cus trust me...he won’t care.”
30- Hannah tweets “Not long until the boys are home!! #welcomehome1D” and encourages fans to use that hashtag in all tweets
30- Hannah tweets “When I spoke to Louis last night the boys were sunbathing by the pool & didn't want to come home!! Lets trend#welcomehome1D to make them happy to be home”
30- Hannah tweets two fans about something Harry & Louis bought in LA “Louis' are brown & Harry's are sand coloured ha xx” and “Yes they did, lou got brown and Harry got sand x”
30- Hannah tweets “I'm not seeing Louis today, I'm just excited for him to be back in the same country as me!! #welcomehome1D xx“
30- Hannah tweets “They've landed, prepare guys xxx”
30 - The boys arrive back in London and are mobbed at Heathrow
30-Harry tweets “Oh..my..days. Wow!!”
30- Louis tweets from his personal “My jumper got ripped in the chaos so I give it to someone ! Love you all x”
30- Louis tweets from his personal “Every needs to stop saying sorry it's fine it was crazy cos there was so many people but don't worry :) love you all !”
30- Louis tweets from the One Direction account “What a way to be greeted back to the UK how we've missed you :) love you all - Louis x”
30- Jay tweets she talked to Louis & Harry on the phone and the boys are fine
30: Hannah tweets “Please follow mine & Louis' best friend @DanWoollett - he did the live link from Doncaster on the finals & is going to a London tour date :)”
30- Hannah tweets “Feel a bit sick after watching those videos but on a brighter note I love you all for trending #welcomehome1D worldwide all day!!”
30- Louis tweets “http://shortyawards.com/Louis_Tomlinson - Keep voting :)”
30- Louis tweets “  Massive thanks to @AJ_RedOne @Savan_Kotecha and the rest of the boys !!  “
30- Louis tweets “Just been watching my old Grease videos , it makes me sad :( That was a fantastic part of my life!
30- Louis tweets James Corden “  @JKCorden Jamesy baby chips and gravy how are you old bean ?”
30- Harry tweets “Goodnight :D Thanks for all the support..you guys are amazing...seriously. .xx”
30- Louis tweets “Voting closes tomorrow and I am 200 votes behind please keep voting me for humour :)http://shortyawards.com/Louis_Tomlinson.”
30-Louis tweets “Let's trend #votelouistomlinson”
30-Louis gives instructions on how to vote “You can only vote once and have to leave a reason or it will not count. #votelouistomlinson”
30-Louis tweets Joe Kennedy and Ashley Wills “@joekenners @AshWills84 Hey mate yeah I'm really good! yeah was a top day , hope to have another day soon! Just signed Ash on FM haha“
31- At around 6:45PM, @CaraStalik creates the Twitter account @HarrysVirginity and puts in the bio “I seem to be lost according to @ash_sherls”
My thoughts
Harry and Louis spend most of the month together.
They went on a few dates
Hannah spent most of her time tweeting Louis
Louis never tweeted Hannah
Hannah had no clue when they actually started dating.
Harry was not a virgin.
10 notes · View notes
gretehart · 6 years
Important Updates: Patreon, Commissions, Etc
Heyo my dudes!!
The holidays are upon us, which means New Years is steadily waiting around the corner to ambush us & steal our lunch money  ᕕ(ᐛ)ᕗ With 2019 readying its bat, I've got a lot of plans upcoming, and want to share them with everyone!
These updates are pretty important, so I recommend reading them (or at the very least skimming LOL)
Patreon: $100 goal reached (Again!)
So thanks to Patrons, I've reached back up to my $100/month goal, Which, fortunately for all of you guys, means I will be back on streaming every friday night! This weekly stream will begin starting in the new year, due to the holidays (I wouldnt be able to start before then even if I wanted to) Weekly freebie streams will begin on January 4th (unless something comes up), so stay tuned!!!
And a reminder; if I make it to $250 (the next goal), Patrons can start sending me their requests for freebie stream without having to be present for the stream itself!
Holiday Freebie Stream When?
I know I normally do a christmas/holiday stream just like for Halloween, but I dont have any info on when I will start said stream! The reason being is because Im still waiting to hear from my job what days we may (or may not) have off the week of Christmas and the week of New Year
My idea is to (hopefully) have the stream on the 22nd of December, so it can be all day and not exactly during the holidays (so people have a chance to make it to the stream)
This isnt official yet, but I will let you all know as soon as I can!!
Commissions: Refunds & Break!
(Please read this if I owe you a commission!!)
This is a pretty big change for me, but lately i've been absolutely swamped with work, both in and outside of artwork. Commissions, Patreon Rewards, Trades, and other things have been stacking up and I think its time to take a break.
From now through the rest of the month & thru  January, I will finish what little I can on my list, start refunding people their money, and closing Commissions for the time being. Larger commissions will be refunded while smaller, easier commissions will either be finished or refunded as well!
Once those are taken care of in one manner or the other, I will be closing commissions temporarily. I want to start the new year focusing on Patreon stuff & more personal projects. I doubt commissions will be closed permanently, and I may just take a commission every so often during said break, but for the most part they will be closed/on hold!
Of course I will let you guys know when commissions are open, but until then \o/ expect more personal stuff (hopefully!)
Art Trades: Closing/ Close friends only!
This is mostly for artists that agreed to do an art trade with me, and I greatly apologize in advance
I wont be able to finish the art trades with whats all on my plate, and even after clearing out the commissions there will still be a lot to do and I cant handle taking on trades from others. I will be closing trades and leaving them to close friends only ! This may change in the future, and I will let you guys know if thats the case!
Instagram: Made!
So finally after forever of saying I'd make one, I have my official Instagram account up and running!
I of course have next to nothing on it, but will work on it more and more through the days and hopefully have a fully functional page going on for those who want to follow me on there! I dont know much about Insta but Ill learn as I go ♥
Patreon/Twitch Discord: Coming in 2019!
Yes indeedy! I will have a Discord server set up for Patrons and Twitch subscribers coming the new year!
I asked a little while ago on Patreon if I should make a server, and a lot of people said yes, so its gonna be a thing! I'm already working out the kinks with the server (with the help of some close friends) With the Discord server, itll be easier to communicate with Patrons & Subbers about new content, streams, and many other stuff!
The server won't be public unfortunately, BUT that may change in the future! We shall see!!
In the meantime, Patrons keep an eye out for the invite link in the new year ♥
More projects coming soon
Honestly I've got a lot planned for 2019 and I really hope to actually flesh them out this time around.
One main thing I want to work on are keychains and charms! Nox and I got materials, a new printer, and even a laminator to make keychains, charms, and other things too! Its something I've wanted to do for a while now, and I think the new year is a good time to finally start!
I'd also like to (possibly) make more cork board designs, since those were a lot of fun to do ~ But thats only a possibility of a project; nothing set in stone.
Another thing I really wanna dive into are my own personal characters & stories. Now i doubt I will have any sort of story/series out, but just to be able to draw my own characters in my spare time would be nice. And who knows, I may have some ideas to flesh out in the near future!
There are some other projects I have in mind but nothing that I can really reveal at this time But stay tuned regardless!!
That should be it as far as updates and important info goes!
I'll be reaching out to Commissioners about their refunds & requests soon
Patrons be sure to keep an eye out for other exclusive updates coming up and to everyone else; you are all amazing and I couldn't have gotten this far as an artist without all of you ♥♥♥
Thank you all so so much
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shaffaansalam · 4 years
E-Mail Marketing
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E-Mail marketing is the highly effective digital marketing strategy of sending E-Mails to prospects and customers.effective marketing E-Mails convert prospects into customers and turn one time buyers into loyal fans.
Different Types Of Marketing E-Mails
1)Promotional E-Mails
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E-Mail marketing campaigns are used to promote, whether it’s to promote a special offer, a new product release, an e-book, or a webinar.  A campaign could consist of 3 – 10 E-Mails sent over several days or weeks.
Promotional E-Mails have a clear call-to-action — or C-T-A for short. The Call To Action represents the specific action you want the reader to take, whether it’s visit a web page or make a purchase.
This type of marketing E-Mail is sent as and when required, in line with the rhythm of your business.
2)Informational E-Mails
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Newsletters: A newsletter, as the name suggests, share news related to your business (new milestones reached, new product capabilities) or to highlight a product use case. Sent according to a set schedule (weekly, bi-weekly, monthly), newsletters help maintain a consistent connection with your subscribers. A newsletter is an opportunity to share insights, thoughts, tips – whatever brings the most value to your audience.
Announcements: E-Mail is the perfect way to inform customers of company announcements, new releases, changes to the service, etc.
As a channel, E-Mail has the necessary formality for delivering important messages. This would explain why E-Mail was the channel of choice for brands sending crisis communications during COVID-19.
The Benefits Of E-Mail Marketing
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1)Conversions (selling your products and services)
You can send an E-Mail marketing campaign to your subscribers to drive sales.
Other E-Mail marketing techniques known to increase conversion rates include:
E-Mailing a discount or special offer (birthday/anniversary E-Mails, welcome E-Mails, re-engagement E-Mails)
Abandoned cart E-Mails (triggered whenever a visitor abandons a cart at your online store)
2)Brand Awareness
What’s great about E-Mail is that it lets you reach someone directly. It’s one-to-one communication at its best. And besides, people don’t just let anyone into their inbox these days. It’s a curated space reserved for favorite brands and publications.
Showing up in someone’s E-Mail inbox will help your brand stay top of mind. A personalized marketing E-Mail is more impact full than a social media post where you can’t be sure if someone has actually seen your message.
One of the major benefits of E-Mail marketing is its scalability. This means that E-Mails can be sent to a large number of recipients for a relatively low cost (compared to other marketing channels).
3)Customer Loyalty
E-Mail drives customer loyalty at every stage of the buyer journey: lead-nurturing, conversion, on-boarding, retention.
It’s a powerful tool for building a community, as discussed at length in our guide to building relationships with email.
Why E-Mail Marketing Is Important ?
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E-Mail is accessible to all age groups. It opens the door to a wide range of audiences. However, most people do know how to check their E-Mail. This makes it the most mainstream form of marketing.
E-Mail marketing is extremely cost-effective. Most E-Mail marketing tools offer pricing packages to suit all budgets. In reality, the barrier to entry has never been so low.
3)You Own Your E-Mail List
So if all else goes, you will still have a direct line of contact with the people who are more interested in your brand. And the intimacy of E-Mail as a one-to-one channel will bring you even closer to that audience.
How To Start E-Mail Marketing?
1)E-Mail Marketing Software
A dedicated E-Mail marketing provider is the way to go.Sending marketing E-Mails through an ISP will only put your brand and E-Mail sender reputation at risk.
2)An E-Mail List
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This list contains the E-Mail addresses of interested subscribers who have opted-in to receive E-Mail communications from you.
Best Practices For E-Mail Marketing Success
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1)Setup A Welcome E-Mail For New Subscribers
When someone signs up to your E-Mail list, you’ve got their attention. Now’s the time to engage them even further with a welcome E-Mail.
A welcome E-Mail is an automated message sent to new customers and subscribers. The idea is to introduce your brand and any content that’ll establish your relationship with the subscriber — a welcome discount, link to latest articles, useful information, etc.
2)Define The Goal Of Your E-Mail Marketing Campaign
Every E-Mail marketing campaign needs to have a clear goal.
Examples of common goals include:
Promoting a new product
Sharing a discount with loyal customers
Getting more downloads for your latest e-book
Updating subscribers on some important piece company news  
Your goals can either be hyper-specific or broad — as long as they fit with your business and your audience.
With a clear goal in mind it’ll be easier to create your E-Mail content. Which brings us to the next step
3)Craft Your E-Mail Copy
To write persuasive, engaging E-Mail copy, keep these tips in mind:
Ask yourself: What does my audience need from me? How can I help?
Imagine you’re writing to one person
Show your personality
Tell a story
Write to instill curiosity (starting with the email subject line — more on that below)
Use a conversational tone, i.e. write the way you speak
Break up the copy with short paragraphs and use bullet points where possible
The E-Mail signature should be the name of a real person. This is more personal than a faceless brand logo.
4)Test Your E-Mail Campaign Before Sending
Always send a test E-Mail before officially hitting send. Small mistakes can easily slip through the cracks and harm your brand image.
Keep your eyes peeled for:
Forgotten or incorrect links
Text formatting errors
5) Schedule The Campaign For The Right Time
Rather than choosing a random day and time, be strategic. Choose a time that makes sense for your audience, based on what you know about them.
Most people tend to only visit their inbox a few times each day. Find a time that’ll put you top of the inbox when subscribers are checking their E-Mails. This is sure to increase your open rates.Many people check their E-Mails in the morning when they get to work, as well as after returning from lunch.
But, what works for most may not work best for you. It’s important to test different times to see where the sweet spot is with your audience.
6) Monitor The Campaign Results
Analyzing key E-Mail marketing metrics will teach you how to do better in future campaigns.
7)Choose An Engaging E-Mail Newsletter Design
When it comes to E-Mail marketing, design is just as important as the content. The look and feel of your E-Mail is going to communicate a message about your company and its values. Spend some time getting it right.
Ideally, you want to capture attention with an on-brand E-Mail design that highlights your main message and Call To Action in the best way possible.
Great E-Mail design supports email content by making it clear, legible, and structured. A structure that naturally draws the reader to your call-to-action will drive up your click-through rate.
8)A/B Test Your E-Mail Subject Line And Content
Test different E-Mail subject line formulas, content formats and Call To Actions. See which ones get the best engagement and stick with the approach. Keep testing until you find your secret sauce!
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smochiis · 7 years
dress me up, buttercup I four (m)
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✩ pairing : hoseok x reader
✩ genre: idol+stylist!au, drama, humor
✩ warning: dirty talk, foodplay, little bit of body worship
✩ word count: 5.8k
✩ summary: There are nearly 1,000 reasons why mixing work and romance is a terrible idea. Unfortunately, Jung Hoseok makes it very hard for you to resist.
✩ chapters: one | two | three | four
✩ a/n: apologies for not updating for a while! I haven’t been here very long but I already have over 200 followers so as a thank you I’m dropping this chapter!! love you bunches~
The search for a new job proves relatively unfruitful in the beginning. You barely manage to stay afloat with the schedule from hell and what little time have, you’ve been spending it with Hoseok again -- and thankfully, the two of you have a nice way to relief your stress. Very nice. But this leaves you with little time to actually commit to your search.
 You usually try right before you go to bed, but you always end up falling asleep and waking up with a dead phone.
 And even on the rare occasion that you do have both time and energy to browse the online postings, none of the places you look at are ever hiring. You’re beginning to think that it’s a good thing you haven’t told any of the other staff you’re probably leaving because it’s looking like it might not work out.
 Which makes you anxious. Because if this fails, you don’t know if you and Hoseok have any other options besides going public -- which he has suggested.
 But you still don’t like that idea.
 You’ll definitely never be able to find a job on your own if that happens.
 Though as you have learned, it does pay to be patient. So you wait, hoping for the right opportunity to present itself. And as you’re sitting at the dinner table with Hoseok one night, shoveling a spoonful of pork and tofu into your mouth, your faithfulness is rewarded.
 Your eyes practically bulge when you see the Now Hiring link on JYP’s online website. Dropping your spoon, choking on your pork and tofu, you rapidly click on the link and scroll to the bottom of the site. They’re looking for a wardrobe stylist for the group Got7 and you waste no time in uploading your resume -- thankfully you have a copy of it saved on your phone.
 You can hardly believe your luck. It’s almost too good to be true but you don’t want to think about it too much lest you jinx yourself. Looking a gift-horse in the mouth and all that.
 But, still, you can’t help but imagine how perfect it would be.
 Got7 and BTS are acquaintances and frequently attend the same shows and award ceremonies. The boys are all friends and tend to hang out and you know they have multiple group chats. Plus, you’ve already met the Got7 members before so you don’t think you’ll have any trouble making the adjustment or fitting in.
 You’d likely see Hoseok every once in a while too, an added bonus.
 “Something wrong?” he asks, having first looked up when you dropped your spoon.
 You shake your head, unable to fight your smile as it practically splits your face in half. You scrape bits of pork and tofu off the table and into your hand as you say, “I just put in an application. Got7 is looking for a wardrobe stylist.”
 “Really?” Hoseok blinks, dimples denting the corners of his mouth. “That’s amazing! I’m so happy for you, angel.” He stands up suddenly, leaning across the table to give you a soft, heartfelt kiss.
 You grin, kissing him back, before sitting down. “It’s not like I’m guaranteed the position,” you caution. “There’s probably lots of other highly qualified people applying for it too. I’m not getting my hopes up, but it would be nice, you know?”
 “Yeah,” he agrees. “Except for the part where Jackson flirts with you.”
 Knowing he’s only partly joking -- because you guys have definitely had a few “discussions” about his jealousy -- you just roll your eyes and keep eating.
 The next few weeks that pass are fairly uneventful.
 You’re not sure if it’s because it’s actually gotten better or if you’re just better at managing it, but the schedule from hell seems a little easier. You’re still so busy you can barely think, but you’re not nearly as drained at the end of the day. And thankfully, it appears Hoseok feels the same way.
 Though your dates do start ending earlier because he can’t keep making excuses as to why he stays out all night.
 Still, you feel refreshed and happy when you’re working. So does Hoseok, even when you’re with Hojun who is very close to completing his internship. During a small break in filming one day, he begins showing you pictures on his phone of the places he wants to visit in celebration.
 Hoseok watches the two of you, but there’s no malice in his gaze.
 Even so, you decide to put his suspicions to rest once and for all in the name of compromise.
 Hojun scrolls to a tropical resort and you fake a wince. “Ah, I love places like that. But my boyfriend doesn’t because of the snakes,” you tell him with a shake of your head.
 The intern pauses. Then he licks his lips, glances around, and leans forward like he’s about to share a secret. “Mine either,” he mumbles.
 You can’t help yourself -- you explode with laughter so loud that you draw attention from everyone within your immediate vicinity. Including Hoseok, who pegs you with a confused stare, mouthing, “What?” over and over again. And poor Hojun, you have to assure him that you’re not laughing at him.
 “No, you just reminded me of something funny,” you manage, wiping your eyes.
 For the rest of the day, Hoseok bugs you about it. Desperate to know what had you laughing so hard. But you don’t know whether or not you should tell him -- his ego is a little fragile. Maybe you’ll tell him sometime in the future, but the idea keeps you entertained for so long that you actually forget about your application for a little while.
 The call comes while you’re busy prepping Hoseok for a broadcast. You have to let it ring and it isn’t until your lunch break that you check your phone. It isn’t a number you recognize and you’re about to disregard it completely until Hojun peeks over your shoulder.
 “Oh, noona, you have a missed call from JYP Entertainment,” he says with surprise.
 You almost spit out your iced coffee. “This is their number?” you rasp, blotting your mouth with a napkin.
 The intern nods and takes a bite of his sandwich. “Yeah. I put in an application with them a little while ago and saved their number just in case they called.” Then he pauses and looks at you. “Why are they calling you?”
 You suppose your sheepish smile is answer enough and he goes back to eating, mumbling something about being thankful he applied to other places too. You’re too nervous and excited to finish your lunch, hitting redial.
 A woman answers on the third ring. Nervously, you give her your name and explain that you missed their call.
 “Sorry to call you during the middle of the day like this. You must be busy,” she states.
 Your stomach jumps as you hastily assure her that it’s more than fine. Even though you are busy. So busy that your lunch break will undoubtedly be cut short. But that’s not like it matters now because no matter the outcome of this phone call, you’ll be too anxious to eat.
 “My name is Nari and I’m part of JYP’s management office,” she officially introduces. “I see you’ve submitted an application as a wardrobe stylist on our website. Your background and references are excellent and we would like to invite you to an interview.”
 Everything in the background fades to white noise at that very last word. Interview.
 “Do you have some time later this week?” Nari asks.
 “Yes!” You shoot up to your feet, startling poor Hojun. Then you clear your throat and say a little calmer, “I mean, yes, of course. What day works best for you?”
 You and Nari select a date and time with minimal fuss. And she’s more than willing to work around your schedule, which you make sure to tell her you appreciate. Then you’re hanging up and slowly sinking back into your seat, the world around you feeling surreal.
 Did that really just happen?
 “Noona?” Hojun waves a hand in front of your face.
 You blink and then you’re jumping back up. “I have to go talk to Hoseok. Go ahead and finish my lunch!” you tell him on your way out the door.
 And vaguely, you can hear his response of, “But I don’t like potato salad!”
 Your timing couldn’t be better as you sprint-walk back into the studio. The boys are being released for a five minute break and you make a beeline for Hoseok, who spots you immediately and moves to meet you halfway. He reaches up and yanks on his tie so that it’s crooked.
 Giving you an excuse to be near each other.
 “What’s the matter? Something happen?” he asks while you undo the silk Gitman Brothers with a smile.
 You straighten and smooth the tie, pretending to concentrate. “I guess you could say that,” you muse in an attempt to be nonchalant. But your excitement is too huge and you can’t hold back the grin on your face as it betrays you. “I got a call back from JYP. They want to interview me later this week!”
 Hoseok’s laugh is both startled and amazed, his dimples popping out. “How could they not? You’re obviously the best!” And then he’s tugging you into a fierce hug and for a moment, the two of you forget where you are.
 You wrap your arms around his neck and you don’t know how to explain it, but it’s like you can feel how proud he is. How happy he is. How he’s fallen in love with you just a little bit more.
 You’re not sure it’s possible, but you think you do too.
 Catching an odd look from one of the other stylists -- Jungkook’s -- you quickly realize your mistake and the two of you separate sheepishly. You go back to “fixing” Hoseok’s tie, and you can feel Jungkook’s curious stare boring into your back, but your grins remain bright as ever. And when you send Hoseok off to film again, he’s all but glowing.
  That night, Hoseok insists on celebrating. Even though it’s not one of your set date-nights. He’s supposed to go bowling with the boys but he says he can always go with them next week. You’re not sure how you feel about it, since you hate making him blow off his friends. Especially when he already spends so much of his free time with you.
 But then you remind yourself, you aren’t making him do anything. And you know you won’t be able to change his mind so you don’t fight it too hard.
 When he arrives, he rings the doorbell. Which confuses you because he knows your passcode. But when you open the door, and see the fancy bottle of wine and big box of chocolates in his arms, you understand.
 Your heart is a useless pile of mush as you step aside to let him in. “It’s not like I actually got the job. It’s just an interview,” you laughingly tell him.
 Hoseok kicks off his shoes and hands you the, obviously expensive, gifts before tugging down his trademark mask and leaning in for a kiss. “If they called you for an interview then you’ve technically already made it through like one or two rounds, which is celebration worthy,” he says matter-of-factly and takes off his hat to ruffle his freshly-showered hair. “And besides,” he continues with a heart-shaped smile, “I very rarely get the chance to spoil you.”
 And spoil you, he does.
 The two of you crack open the wine, a Recioto della Valpolicella, and feast on the assorted chocolates. Though you normally aren’t one for red wines, this one is very sweet and mixes well with chocolate. And the combination is heaven on your tongue, a soothing warmth in your veins.
 “I did my research,” Hoseok brags when you moan happily and take another sip.
 After working through almost half the box, you and Hoseok curl up together on the couch to watch a movie that he brought -- The Notebook. It’s one of your more peculiar common interests, you’ll admit, but you’re happy he enjoys it as much as you. Actually, as you’ve noticed, he tends to select more sensitive movies on his own which you amusedly think suits him very well.
 But whereas you’re wholly invested in the melodramatic romance on the screen, sipping your wine and nibbling your chocolates, Hoseok keeps picking up his phone.
 Noticing the furrow in his brow, you shift in his lap. “What’s wrong?”
 “Nothing.” He quickly puts his phone down. But when you don’t look away, he sighs. “Jungkook has been pestering me about our hug today.”
 Suddenly, the movie is nothing but background noise. Nerves make your stomach flip and you set your wine on the coffee table. “Do you think he knows?”
 “I think he’s suspicious,” Hoseok says. “And you know how he is. He’ll keep digging and poking until he knows for sure.”
 “And once he knows, the others will know,” you finish, biting your lip.
 You and Hoseok didn’t plan to keep your relationship secret from his friends. It just happened as a result of keeping it a secret from everyone else. And in Hoseok’s words, the less they know, the less they have to keep secret themselves. Though you know that it still kills him to keep something so huge from them.
 They’re his second family.
 Having to constantly make excuses for his whereabouts and odd night trips, and sometimes having to outright lie to them… You can’t imagine what it’s like. You know you wouldn’t be able to do it, the guilt would eat you alive.
 “One way or another, they’ll eventually find out. It’s just a matter of time,” Hoseok sighs again.
 You nod. “Yeah. Hopefully I’ll have my new job set up before they do, so it won’t be so weird.”
 You don’t know if you could go to work every day and look them in the eye after they find out. Because, Hoseok, they’ll forgive. But you? You’re just a stylist to the other boys.
 “Mm.” Hoseok nuzzles the top of your head. “And then I can finally brag to them about how amazing and wonderful and beautiful my girlfriend is. It’s been so hard not to rub it in their faces,” he mumbles, dropping a kiss to your shoulder.
 “If I didn’t know any better,” you murmur, rolling your head to the side to give him room, “I’d say you’re trying to seduce me.”
 “Am I that transparent?”
 His mouth moves up the curve of your shoulder to your neck, lightly rubbing back and forth. “Maybe a little,” you admit in a slightly higher pitch. Your eyes close automatically and your bottom lip gets caught between your teeth as he continues to tease you with feather-light brushes.
 Hoseok kisses your pulse. “I just can’t help myself around you. You’re too beautiful,” he says.
 “I’m in my pajamas,” you quip wryly.
 “I love when you wear your pajamas. It’s sexy.” He grins against your skin when you snort out a laugh. “Angel, you could wear a goddamn paper bag and I’d still think you’re the sexiest thing I’ve ever seen.”
 Coming from any other man, you would immediately scoff and roll your eyes. Men will say anything when they’re horny. But Hoseok… You know him so well by this point that you know he means every word of that. If you show up at work tomorrow in a paper bag, he’ll still think you’re perfect and amazing and try to steal some kisses.
 Love makes the weirdest things acceptable.
 “You’re a horrible flirt,” you tell him. But, when he pulls away from your neck to look at you with that smile, you know you wouldn’t change it about him.
 Cupping the corner of your jaw with one hand, your waist with his other, Hoseok pulls you in for a kiss. Your favorite kind -- the slow, passionate kind that starts as small touches of lip and tongue and builds into slanting mouths and heavy breathing. All the emotions kindled in your chest are poured out through your lips in a beautiful, wordless exchange that few have the privilege of knowing.
 Your fingers comb through his hair and his thumb strokes your jawline and he smiles into your mouth. “Lay down, angel,” he murmurs against your swollen lips.
 The two of you shift until your back sinks into the couch, neck propped by a pillow. But your couch is small, not exactly designed for extra curricular activities, and so Hoseok is stuck half kneeling next to you, half underneath you, with your legs draped across him.
 “Here?” you ask.
 Your couch might be a little too cramped for whatever he has in mind. But Hoseok just grins.
 “Relax, leave it all to me.” He leans down and captures your lips, his fingers falling to the buttons of your pajama shirt. Hoseok’s mouth is soft and his fingers are swift and your chest is suddenly exposed to the cool air of your apartment, making your skin prickle.
 You suppress a shiver, licking into his mouth.
 “Arms,” he whispers, kissing the corner or your mouth.
 Wordlessly, you lift up one arm and then the other so he can slip your pajama top off. But he leaves it underneath you like a blanket, protecting your bare skin from the chill of your leather couch. You sigh happily as he loves the line of your jaw, covering it with soft kisses, and as he drags his lips down your neck and throat. He kisses every inch of your skin, making it flush under his lips.
 You’re reminded of just how meticulous he can be as he spends countless minutes moving his mouth against your throat. It feels like ages before he makes it to your collarbone and once there, he sucks hard three times, quickly licking the bruise left behind.
 With Hoseok, there’s no such thing as too much foreplay.
 And you consider yourself lucky that he seems to like it so much -- many of your past loves were all too eager to skip these steps. But not Hoseok. He relishes watching you slowly get turned on, coming alive in his arms and under his mouth. To him, it’s almost as good as the sex itself.
 And god knows you’ll never get enough of his touch.
 Your body is hot and uncomfortable when Hoseok leans back up. His mouth is red and swollen, his cheeks flushed, and you know you must look the same. But there’s a mischievous gleam in his brown eyes that you recognize and you lay there while he leans up and over you, rustling around behind your head, before coming back.
 With a piece of chocolate between his fingers.
 He presses it to your lips, saying, “Open,” and pops it into your mouth when you comply. The chocolate is milky and sweet, melting almost instantly and you moan. “Good?” he asks.
 You nod, savoring the taste.
 His mouth is back on your collar bone, leaving open kisses down to your cleavage while his fingers fiddle with your bra straps. You arch your back just enough for him to slip his hands beneath you and undo the hooks, sliding off your bra completely. He doesn’t waste time, immediately pulling a nipple into his mouth while he moulds your breasts with careful hands.
 He kisses and plays with them, enjoying your soft sighs and low moans. Your nails lightly scratch his scalp in encouragement when he switches breasts, showering them both with attention.
 They’re wet with his saliva and dotted with bruises by the time he decides it’s enough and you’re squirming underneath him. Hoseok chuckles, kisses the valley of your cleavage before moving down your sternum, dragging his lips all the way to your navel where his tongue swirls patterns on your skin.
 But where you expect him to continue his downward path, he suddenly pulls back. You’re about to ask him why when he leans over your head again and returns with another piece of chocolate.
 Rather than putting it in your mouth, however, he lowers the small square to your chest with a grin.
 You watch, lifting a brow, as he begins to trace patterns on your skin. “Really?”
 “Chocolate is good for your skin,” Hoseok hums, not looking at you. “Plus, it’s an aphrodisiac.”
 You definitely don’t need the help of an aphrodisiac, you think. Hoseok and his wickedly talented fingers and tongue are more than enough to turn you on. He’s only kissed you and petted you and already you’re itching to tear off your panties.
 But still, you let him play with the chocolate.
 At first it’s nothing but a smooth, interesting sensation. He traces your nipples and outlines your breasts, treks down to your navel and dips it inside. You don’t really see the appeal until the chocolate begins to melt from the heat of your skin and Hoseok’s fingers.
 It leaves a trail that’s warm and sweet-smelling, the scent filling your nose and laying heavy on the roof of your mouth. You can strangely taste the chocolate as it melts onto your skin.
 Hoseok paints pictures on your belly and breasts, grinning to himself the whole time. You can only watch, amused and weirdly aroused by it all, until he uses up the last of the chocolate.  Then he grabs another piece and repeats the process, using your body as his canvas.
 He goes through at least four small pieces of chocolate. And with each one, your body grows more restless.
 You half expect him to keep going until all the chocolate is gone, but when he looks at you, he changes his mind. Something in your expression must have revealed how badly you need his touch.
 Hoseok holds up his fingers, coated in chocolate. And you don’t have to be told -- you open your mouth and wrap your tongue around them.
 “Ah, that’s right, angel. Clean my fingers,” he coos, palming the bulge of his erection. “How does it taste?”
 You suck him clean before answering, greedily swallowing all traces of the chocolate. “So good,” you mumble around his fingers. Your tongue licks his fingers, dips between them, and you know he’s imagining other things.
 Hoseok groans low in his throat, eyes growing dark as he watches you. Even though the chocolate is gone, you continue to suck on his fingers until he pulls them out of your mouth and your eyes catch the saliva running down his fingers and wrist.
 “If it’s that good then maybe I should have a taste for myself,” he murmurs as he lowers his head.
 He starts with your breasts, sucking them into his mouth. His tongue swirls around your flesh, gathering chocolate and teasing your nipples relentlessly. He licks up every trace of the sweet substance, leaving your skin pink and raw but also tingly from so much attention. Hoseok greedily makes his way down your stomach, destroying the pictures he so lovingly painted on your skin.
 His mouth and his hands are everywhere and the scent and taste of chocolate fills your senses. Now you really understand why so many people compare chocolate and sex. And you know you’ll never be able to look at an assorted Valentine’s Day box without recalling this.
 As he feasts on your body, Hoseok’s hands massage everything below your waist. You’re still wearing your pajama pants but the ache between your legs has been steadily growing ever since he first kissed you.
 His tongue dips into your navel, licking up the last bit of chocolate from your body, and then he’s crawling back up. Your mouths meet with a needy whine from your chest, your arms wrapping around his shoulders and your hands rooting through his hair. It’s a bittersweet brown and silky beneath your fingers, just like the chocolate you taste when he kisses you.
 “You taste so sweet.” He grins. You go to tell him that he tastes sweet too but he stops you with a quirk of his brow and his fingers on your lips. “But you know, I’m in the mood for something a little sweeter,” he says suggestively.
 “Cheesy,” you snort.
 But you’re all too happy to wiggle out of your panties and pajama pants, breath catching in your throat as he kisses your hips, the insides of your thighs. He cups your bare pussy with one hand, rubbing the heel of his palm in small circles while his mouth focuses on the sensitive crease between your thigh and hip.
 “Hobi…” Your fingers find purchase in his hair again.
 And as you lay there on your leather couch, succumbing to pleasure, you realize how well Hoseok knows you. He knows exactly how and where to touch you, how to make you moan and gasp his name, how to draw out your pleasure.
 You think back to your first night together. How his touches were hesitant and unsure, how you guided him with your moans. Now his hands and mouth are sure and confident, and the growth makes your heart squeeze.
 He’s learned your body so thoroughly, like it’s an extension of his own.
 Hoseok kisses your core, arms scooting underneath your thighs. He props your legs up on his shoulders as he proceeds to eat you out, just how you like it. Soft and tender kisses, firm sucking on your clit, fingers spreading you open for his hot breath.
 With any other man, you would be embarrassed at how quickly you turn into a whimpering mess. But because this is Hoseok, and because he knows you, you’re not embarrassed at all.
 In fact, you’re actually proud.
 You groan when he finally rims your entrance with his fingers, your hips lifting higher. He sinks one finger inside easily, all the way up to his knuckles, before pulling out.
 Nice, easy thrusts and firm pressure on your clit. You’re about to go crazy, your whole lower body tightening in warning.
 “Hobi,” you gasp, tugging on his hair, “Hobi. Hobi, I need to -- ah…”
 He keeps fucking you gently with one finger, flicks his tongue against the top of your slit. “It’s okay, angel,” he mutters against your dripping folds. “I can feel it. Let me take care of it.”
 Your eyes shut and you press your head back into the throw pillows. His pace is sure and solid and when he adds a second finger, curling towards that hidden rough patch inside you, you come with a low moan that turns into something like a sob. His fingers keep moving and his mouth chases after your release, noisily slurping up the juices that his fingers push out.
 “Fuck, you taste even better than chocolate,” he says, licking a strip up your pussy one last time before pulling his fingers out. They glisten in the light as he moves them toward your face. “Don’t you think?”
 You pull his wet fingers into your mouth, tasting the tang of your cum. It mixes with the sweet aftertaste of chocolate still on your tongue.
 “Mm,” you agree on a moan.
 When they’re clean, he pulls them out and begins taking off his sweatshirt. You’re completely naked while he’s still wearing all his clothes, having been too busy touching you to take them off. Next are his sweatpants, but before he lets them join the rest of the clothes on your living room floor, he digs into the pocket and pulls out a foiled square.
 “This time I may have come with ulterior motives,” he admits with a grin.
 “Well that was risky.” You watch as he rolls the condom onto himself in short strokes.
 You can’t even imagine the chaos that would have proceeded had someone -- a fan, a reporter, or one of his friends, even -- caught him with a condom in his pocket. Still, he’d done so for you. And you can’t decide if you think it’s a dumb or romantic move.
 “You’re worth it,” Hoseok simply says.
 You lean more towards romantic. Your heart is so easily swayed.
 Hoseok pumps himself while he gets on his knees, uses his other hand to test how ready you are. You’re plenty wet, ready for more.
 But your brows furrow. “I never get to taste you,” you complain as he lines himself up.
 “You know I love when you suck my cock, angel,” he says, eyes closing briefly like he’s picturing it in his head. He rubs his cock through your folds, spreading your wetness around. “But tonight isn’t about me. My only goal tonight is to pamper you, spoil you, make you feel good. You can blow me later, I promise.”
 “I’m holding you to that,” you sigh as he pushes the tip into you.
 You’ve never really been that into giving oral. Putting stinky dicks in your mouth was just never appealing until you met Hoseok. With him, you don’t mind at all. In fact, you actually like it. Maybe it’s because he doesn’t have a stinky dick -- he showers too frequently. Or maybe it’s because you love him.
 Either way, having that bitter, salty taste in your mouth while he lays heavy on your tongue is amazing. When he grabs your head and fucks your face? Even better.
 You’ve been sorely denied that privilege for most of your relationship. Not because he doesn’t like it, but because he’s always too focused on making you feel good. So you promise yourself here and now that next time, you’ll definitely be the one to pleasure him. You’ll suck him off so good he won’t be able to think straight.
 The thought, and the slight burn as his cock stretches you out, has you moaning.
 “You’re always so tight,” Hoseok grunts, working himself inside inch by inch. He blows out a heavy breath once he’s seated completely, balls against your ass. “Fuck, angel. So tight but you take me all the way in.”
 You feel so full, almost too full. But you adjust quickly, your body recognizing his familiar width and curve.
 You expect him to start thrusting as soon as you give him the okay. To your surprise, he grabs one of your legs and lifts it up over his shoulder. Then he does the same to your other leg, leaving your body tilted at an angle with him still deep inside you.
 “Good?” he asks, hands smoothing over your thighs.
 You nod, adjusting your grip on the couch.
 “God,” his head falls forward, “you’re even tighter like this.” He laughs a little, but then his hips are moving -- pulling out slowly until the head of his cock slides out with a pop, then pushing back inside.
 Your back arches, his name on your lips. “Hobi…”
 Wine in your veins and chocolate on your skin, Hoseok makes love to you on your couch. The forgotten movie continues to play softly, background music to the thoughts and emotions you and Hoseok share through the language of your bodies.
 It’s slow and unhurried. Hot kisses and whispered phrases into the soft skin of your thighs, his strong hands holding your hips steady, eyes the color of chocolate growing darker. He tells you everything you need to know without uttering a word at all, loving you like it’s the first and last time you’ll be together.
 You feel like you’re about to drown in it -- in him.
 And it’s perfect.
 You and Hoseok are in your own world where nothing exists except the two of you. His hisses and grunts as he fills you up, your breathy moans as you tell him, “Yes, right there, right there.” Your hand reaching up and his reaching down, your fingers tangling together.
 Your hips roll, your voice breaks, and Hoseok’s fingers on your clit send you tumbling into an orgasm so intense you see stars. His rhythm stutters when you squeeze on him, wringing choked curses from his mouth. He keeps thrusting and you can’t hold back your scream as your whole body shakes.
 You’re not sure if it’s another orgasm, or just one really long one.
 But then your legs fall from his shoulders and he covers your body with his own. “Fuck, angel, I’m not gonna last,” he rasps against your neck, thrusts sloppy and uneven.
 Your chest heaves, your nails digging into his hips as you find his mouth. “Let go, Hoseok,” you urge. “Come for me.”
 And he does. Choking, gasping into your mouth, whispering your name like a prayer. He grinds into you, brushing over your swollen clit and your pussy clamps down even harder. Inside you, his cock pulses as he fills the condom.
 “That was amazing,” you gasp. Your hands push Hoseok’s damp hair out of his face. “I love you.”
 He grins tiredly. “Mm, I love you more.”
 You lay there on your couch for a while and after your heart finally calms, you notice the movie is still playing. It’s almost over, an elderly Noah making his way to Allie’s room in the middle of the night. You and Hoseok watch with heavy-lidded eyes as the disjointed lovers wholly reunite, Allie remembering Noah just in time for the two to pass away peacefully in their sleep side by side.
 You’ve always thought this scene particularly sad. It’s the hardest part for you to watch because it seems cruel in a way -- to recall your love just moments before dying.
 But now, with Hoseok’s comforting weight on top of you, his fingers petting your shoulder, you think it’s oddly beautiful. To have such a strong connection to another person, to love so deeply that not even old age can defile it.
 As the flock of birds fly away on the screen, the credits beginning to roll, Hoseok murmurs, “I love that scene.”
 “Me too,” you say with a smile.
 It’s sad, yes, but also beautiful. And amazing. And you hope that you can experience something like it at least once in your life.
 The title screen begins to loop before Hoseok rolls off of you with a groan. Your skins separate with a sticky, peeling sound and you both wince. You’re covered in dried sweat, saliva, and chocolate.
 It was sexy in the heat of the moment. But now it’s just messy.
 Hoseok, as if reading your mind, helps you stand up. He carefully removes the used condom, ties it, and tosses it into your living room’s trash can. “I don’t know about you, but I could go for a shower,” he muses, glancing at you.
 The suggestion is crystal clear in his eyes. And even though you should be spent, your body is already thrumming at the idea.
 You grab his hand and tug him all the way to your master bathroom. “Let me take care of you,” you implore, voice husky at the thought of finally being able to taste him. “You deserve to be spoiled too, you know.”
 Hoseok’s eyes light up. “I do love to be spoiled. Especially when you’re the one doing the spoiling.”
 Your throat is sore the next day, but it’s well worth it.
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breeeliss · 7 years
[Miraculous Ladybug]: It’s All Hype!
i feel like i’m severely going to regret taking this much on but fuck it, YOLO, im dead inside :))))
in honor of Ladynoir July i’m going to desperately try and do one multi-chapter for every week of the month! so that means this first week i’m going to be using Days 1-7 to make a multi-chapter, and so on and so forth until the month is over. we........will see how that goes lol
but in the meantime enjoy the first story!
[Day 2: Banter]
Link to Archive of Our Own: [AO3]
Title: It’s All Hype! Pairings: Ladynoir (Ladybug x Chat Noir), Adrienette (Adrien x Marinette) Summary: Alya accidentally gets the Internet in a frenzy after announcing that Ladybug and Chat Noir are dating, but the two heroes are adamant about correcting the error and making sure the world knows that they’re just friends. So Alya proposes a staged public break up to set everything right.
In hindsight, she really underestimated how utterly freaking difficult that would be.
Day 1: Patience
“Ah, my lovely Lady, bless our good fortune that I may be able to accompany you home on such a cold Autumn’s night. Perchance the stars may be able to lead us back to your marble palace before dawn.”
Ladybug threw her head back and cackled. “You’re such an idiot, what are you even saying?”
Chat Noir scoffed. “Such a sharp tongue, my Lady. Whatever would your father say? Although, I suppose I could lock this secret away between the two of us should you permit me to seal it with a friendly kiss.”
Ladybug stuck her tongue out. “I’ll seal it with my foot up your nose if you’d like.”
“So not only does that sound impossible, but that sounds like a sinus infection waiting to happen,” he replied. “Do you know where your feet have been? I could catch a disease.”
“The depths of your dramatics are truly unfathomable,” Ladybug deadpanned.
“You know, my best friend tells me the same thing,” Chat Noir wondered. “I was thinking of getting involved in acting. I played a detective once. I was pretty good.”
“You should play a knight or something,” Ladybug suggested. “You know, really play up the whole needless chivalry and romantic waxing that you’re so good at. I mean, you’re getting practice for it right now.”
Chat Noir turned his head so that he could stare at Ladybug whose thighs he was holding as he carried her piggyback across the Parisian rooftops. “I’m helping you get home and you’re complaining? What do you want from me, woman?”
“It’s just a sprained ankle! I could’ve limped home just fine. Or just swung back home without putting pressure on it.”
“Nonsense, my Lady! ‘Tis my job as your valiant prince to return you safely to your kingdom should you fall ill!”
“Fine, you goof, whatever makes you feel better, I guess,” Ladybug smirked, hugging her arms tighter around his neck. “Although you should add valiant prince to your repertoire. Start making a list for when you go to auditions.”
“Ooooh, will you be my manager please?”
“Am I getting a wage?”
“Of course, you’ll receive my utmost respect, admiration, and loyalty.”
“I get that anyway, but I’ll accept your payment.”
They both just finished up with two weeks of brutal exams at school, and Chat Noir had practically begged for the two of them to spend a day together that weekend in celebration. It had been a while since she spent time with Chat Noir that didn’t involve patrolling the city or dealing with akumas, and she thought it would be fun to see if she could spend the whole day with him. They’d been walking around the city, getting coffee together downtown, and having footraces on the rooftops before Ladybug had slipped on a chimney and twisted her ankle. It was nothing that some ice and a day’s rest wouldn’t fix but Chat Noir practically had a conniption about it and insisted that he help her at least part of the way home. They were at least a mile away from the bakery and her foot was throbbing a little, so she decided to let it go. Besides, if she was being honest with herself, she really didn’t want to cut the day short sooner than they had to.
Ladybug pressed her cheek against Chat’s and smiled when he leaned into it. “We should do this more often,” she said. “Sometimes, we feel like coworkers.”
“Coworkers?” Chat Noir laughed.
“Yeah, you know! Those people who only see each other during working hours, maybe hang out during their lunch breaks a couple of days during the week, and then never see each other again until the next work day.”
Chat Noir squeezed Ladybug’s wrist. “I’m pretty sure that most coworkers don’t know how many freckles are on their other coworker’s cheeks.”
“You don’t know that either.”
“Do so! Forty-two. I counted that time we were trapped in an alley for an hour.”
“Oh yeah,” Ladybug grinned. “I think that was the time I realized you had little blue flecks in your eyes.”
“See? Not coworkers. Coworkers don’t have the patience required to learn about the people who work with them. You and I are different.”
“I guess that’s true,” Ladybug agreed. “If I have the patience to sit through all one hundred and fifteen of your puns, that must be something special.”
“A hundred and fifteen?”
“I too am a very good counter.”
Chat Noir gripped her tighter as he crouched down and made a wide jump over an alleyway before turning to the left to head down a busier avenue. “So basically what you’re telling me is that you’re giving me permission to remain in charge of scheduling our friendship dates.”
“I’ll give you permission so long as you don’t get carried away with them.”
“You have no faith in me, my Lady. I know better than to do anything outlandish.”
“Free next Saturday then?” Ladybug asked. She pointed ahead of her. “You can leave me four blocks down. It’ll leave me close enough to my house.”
“Roger that!” he replied. “And I’m extremely free next Saturday. Wanna meet at the Louvre and walk around the palace a bit? We can take pics.”
She giggled and pressed closer to him when a cold wind blew against them. “I’ll try to show up all fresh-faced for you.”
Chat Noir started slowing down as they got closer to the point where Ladybug asked him to drop her off, but she didn’t have the heart to point out that he was trying to prolong their time together. Instead, she let him take his time and carefully let her down onto the roof while she awkwardly leaned heavily on her other foot.
“Are you sure you’re going to be ok? You could stay on my back and I can keep my eyes closed while I take you home.”
“Then you’re going to get hurt too,” Ladybug teased. “Don’t worry, it really is only a few blocks away. I’ll be okay, I promise.”
“Alright,” Chat Noir smiled. “Make sure you ice it and wrap it up with something. And keep it elevated.”
“I will.” Ladybug cupped his caw and leaned up to give him a kiss on the cheek. “Thanks for being so chivalrous and taking this poor little princess home.”
Chat Noir chuckled and placed a kiss on the backs of her knuckles. “It’s no trouble, you know that. But get some rest. If an akuma pops up tomorrow, I don’t know how well I’ll handle on my own.”
Ladybug twirled her hair. “Ah, what would you do without me?”
Chat Noir laughed and started backing up so that he could backtrack home. “Not much, you know that.” He jutted his thumb behind him. “Gotta get home, but I’ll see you later okay?”
Ladybug waved to him and stayed on the roof until Chat Noir was completely out of sight. She did her best to keep off her foot and swing on her yoyo as she looped around her neighborhood for a bit to make sure no one saw her sneak back home. She meandered for about five minutes before she landed on the roof of the bakery and slipped back into her bedroom.
Marinette detransformed when she landed on her bed and carefully climbed down from her loft so that she could grab her cellphone from her desk. She checked the four missed calls from Alya while she opened the latch to her room and asked her mom for some ice for the ankle, saying that she twisted coming down from her bed. If it was this late at night, she figured that whatever Alya was calling her about had to have been important so she called her back while she lifted her foot onto the desk to keep it elevated like Chat Noir had told her.
“ Marinette!!” Alya screamed on the second ring. “ Answer your damn phone!! ”
“I was downstairs doing something, geez,” Marinette frowned. “I’m here now. What’s up?”
“ Okay, don’t freak out, but do freak out, because you would not believe the pics that I took today while Chat Noir and Ladybug were out.”
Marinette rolled her eyes fondly. “Oh yeah, I heard about that. I saw them running around when I went for a walk today.”
“ It was ridiculously cool, I’ve never seen them just hang out all day like that. But that’s not even the best part .”
“Let me guess. It’s gonna get you a crap ton of followers and you’re going to be hailed as an investigative genius.”
“ Ugh, you know me so well girlie .”
Marinette laughed, but turned her head towards the latch when she heard her mother calling her down so that she could wrap an icepack to her ankle. “Hey, is it okay if you tell me about it tomorrow? I’ve gotta deal with something right now, but I’m all ears in the morning. I promise.”
“ Everything okay?”
Marinette winced. “I may….have possible twisted my ankle coming down the stairs to my bed?”
“ You’re a disaster,” Alya chuckled over the phone. “ Alright. Well, I’ll post the pics really late tonight so you’ll probably see them in the morning. But still call me, okay?”
“I will I promise. Night, Alya!”
Just as she expected, Marinette’s ankle was hardly anything at all and she woke up the next morning with her ankle feeling a little tender, but definitely well enough to walk on. Lucky for her. She wasn’t sure if her parents were going to let her live down the embarrassment of a self-inflicted injury that was the result of climbing down from a bed she’d been sleeping in for sixteen years.
She’d tried staying up the night before to wait for Alya’s blog to update, but knowing Alya she stayed up until three in the morning and didn’t update it until long after Marinette had fallen asleep. Marinette sat in front of her computer and pulled up her bookmarks, bracing herself for whatever silly photograph that Alya had decided to blow up today so that she could pretend to be excited about it when Alya called.
But the moment Marinette loaded the first page of the blog, she cursed loudly and yanked on her pigtails.
The first post — pinned to the top so that absolutely nobody would miss it — was a photoset of Chat Noir carrying Ladybug home last night, of Ladybug kissing Chat Noir on the cheek, and Chat Noir placing a kiss on the backs of her knuckles while the two of them had equally wide smiles on her face. Marinette didn’t really need to see the headline on the post to know what was going on, but it was kind of hard to miss ‘LADYNOIR CONFIRMED!!!!!’ in big block letters across the screen right underneath the pictures. She scrolled down to the short text that followed the pictures and sighed in frustration.
Hello my fellow Ladybloggers!
No your eyes are not deceiving you. Our patience has finally paid off and I can finally update you with some pretty monumental developments in the relationship between our two favorite superheroes. Now you can take a look at these pics and decide for yourselves, but if you ask me, that right up there is nothing short of L.O.V.E. Think these cute kids are dating? Maybe setting up for something more serious? Tell me in the comments and bask in the shipping feels! :D
XOXO Alya <3
“Alya, I’m going to kill you,” Marinette muttered. The comments were an absolute nightmare. Everyone was fixating on these photos that Alya must have grabbed on her camera phone when she was out last night. The theories were absolutely ridiculous. There were a couple of people gushing over their close friendship and partnership, and Marinette appreciated that at the very least. But the vast majority of commenters were all fixated on just one thing:
Ladybug and Chat Noir were very obviously in love and dating.
With a sick feeling in her stomach, Marinette checked Tumblr, Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter and checked all of the Ladybug and Chat Noir tags. Sure enough, the photos were trending, and it had only been about nine hours since Alya had posted the photos. All the pictures were getting liked,  retweeted, reblogged, and shared on literally every social media website that Marinette could find, and she was convinced that if the whole city of Paris hadn’t seen these pictures, they were going to before Marinette even had a chance to finish breakfast. Freaking Alya. Marinette was two seconds away from showing up to her doorstep and throttling her.
Marinette waited until Tikki finished up her cookie breakfast before transforming and swinging out a couple of blocks away until she was sitting on top of a flower shop. She pulled out her compact and made a call to Chat Noir, hoping that his kwami would be able to tell that she was trying to get through to him even if he wasn’t transformed. Luckily, he answered on her third call, looking like he was out of breath and running while he was talking.
“ Please tell me you saw the Ladyblog this morning.”
“How could I not?” Ladybug frowned. “It’s all over freaking Twitter too. She only posted them last night how is this even possible?”
“ I mean, if I’m being honest, with the way that Alya girl and all of her followers talk about the two of us, I’m surprised it’s not on the damn news.”
Ladybug groaned. “God this is a mess. What are we going to do about this, people are never going to leave us alone about this.”
“ I have no idea but this is super not cool,” Chat Noir insisted. “ Where are you? Can we meet? I sort of want to put this fire out as soon as possible if that’s all the same to you .”
“Trust me, we’re totally on the same page,” Ladybug grumbled. “I’m pretty sure we stopped by her house last Christmas when we had to deal with that Santa Claus akuma. Do you remember the address?”
“ Pretty sure. It’s a Sunday, she’ll probably be home. Wanna stop by for a quick visit?”
“Sounds good to me. Loop around to the Notre Dame and I’ll meet you there.”
It didn’t take them very long to head on over to Alya’s house, all the while ignoring all the teenagers who were pointing to them from the street and yelling about how cute a couple they made. They both landed on Alya’s balcony and saw her sitting on the couch of her living room alone and updating her blog. Chat Noir reached forward and knocked insistently on the glass door until Alya looked up and smiled brightly at the two heroes. She practically threw her computer off her lap and scrambled to the doors to unlock them and come out to her balcony to meet them. “Holy shit!” she screamed out as she bounced outside, pulling a coat on along the way. “What are you guys doing here? Did you see the piece I did on you guys?”
“Yeah,” Ladybug muttered. “About that….we need to talk.”
Chat Noir scratched the back of his head. “You. uh….wouldn’t mind taking that down, would you? You see, this is all actually just a huge misunderstanding.”
“Misunderstanding?” Alya echoed. “Was that not the two of you being all kissy and touchy last night?”
“I-I mean it was!” Ladybug amended. “But it’s not like that, honest.”
“We’re not dating,” Chat Noir laughed nervously. “Seriously. That’s just how the two of us are, you know?”
Alya crossed her arms and smirked. “Ah, I get it. You’re just really close . Right. Gotcha.”
“Why are you saying it like it’s a lie?” Ladybug frowned.
“I don’t mean anything by it, I swear,” Alya laughed. “Forget I said anything. I mean, I’m happy to take things down but it kind of already went viral. I can’t really control anyone who puts up mirrors of it on other websites. I mean, Lord, have you seen Reddit lately? That’s all anyone’s talking about today.”
“It’s only been nine hours!” Ladybug exclaimed.
“You really underestimate how much this city ships you two,” Alya snorted.
Ladybug rolled her eyes. “Perfect. Give it like two days and we’re going to be a meme.”
“We’re likely going to be a reaction image at best, my Lady,” Chat Noir assured her.
“Chat, you’re so not helping.”
Alya cleared her throat. “Hey, uh. You mind if I ask a question?”
“About what?” Chat Noir asked.
“Well, this isn’t the first time I’ve made theories about you two,” Alya pointed out. “Granted this one blew up like crazy and I totally didn’t see it coming, but Ladynoir has trended on the Ladyblog like four times in the past. I obviously don’t mean to make you guys uncomfortable, but I didn’t think this sort of thing would bother you.”
Ladybug big her lip and shared a gaze with Chat Noir. “Well….things might have….changed recently.”
“It’s just that it’s particularly awkward this time around,” Chat Noir explained. “Trust us, we’re totally happy to let fans do their guessing and support us whatever way is appropriate. But this time it’s just toeing a really weird line for a couple of reasons.”
“Well, what’s the reason?” Alya asked. “If you want me to change the wording of the post I can try to do that.”
Ladybug rubbed her arm and sighed. “Well….the two of us are dating.”
Alya blinked a few times before her eyes widened. “Wait a minute you two are dating each other!?”
“No, no! Not each other!” Chat Noir amended quickly. “We’re both dating two different people is what we mean. She has a boyfriend and I have a girlfriend.”
Alya’s mouth formed into a small ‘o.’ “I….am seeing the issue.”
“Don’t get us wrong it’s not like our partners know who we are, but it’s still just really awkward for the two of us, that’s all,” Ladybug explained. “It’d put our minds at ease if you could just take them down and stay on the safe side.”
“Shit,” Alya sighed. “I’m so sorry. I mean, like I said, I have no problems taking the pictures down and correcting the post but it’s really too late for that. People already latched onto this and there are going to be rumors about all of this spreading around to other blogs no matter what I say.”
“I hate the Internet,” Chat Noir sighed.
“Well, is there anything else we can do? You’re the social media expert!”
Alya drummed her fingers against her pursed lips as she paced around the balcony. “Well, there’s one thing we could do. But it’s a little complicated and it’s going to take some effort from the two of you.”
“Well what is it?” Ladybug urged.
Alya shrugged. “Well, how else do you counter a celebrity hook up? Follow it up with a celebrity break up.”
Chat Noir shook his head. “Hold on a second, you want us to break up?”
“That’s right,” Alya grinned. “Well, a fake break up technically. Since apparently you two aren’t dating which, oh my God, I’m still really freaking out about that because are you sure? Like totally positive?”
Ladybug glared. “No, actually, some days I wake up and I conveniently forget my boyfriend. Tends to happen quite a bit.”
“Alright, alright, I get it,” Alya amended. “Totally platonic, nothing going on, I screwed up and jumped to conclusions. I have learned my lesson.”
“I mean, that would work,” Chat Noir reasoned. “The fake break up, I mean. Might be a bit abrupt but hey! Let everyone else theorize about that.”
“Ugh, alright. I guess that’s our best option at the moment,” Ladybug said.
“It shouldn’t be too complicated,” Alya promised. “If I could get it on video and post it on the blog as solid proof, that’d be our best bet. All the rumors drop, you two are strictly friends and partners, and everything ends happily.”
Chat Noir raised his hand. “Uh, slight problem. Public break-ups are not one of my areas of expertise.”
“Oh don’t you two even sweat that part. Consider me your unofficial publicist,” Alya winked. “If it’s a fake break up you’re looking for I can orchestrate one no problem! Besides, consider this an apology for getting you two into this mess in the first place. I insist.”
Ladybug smiled. “I appreciate that. Although, if you don’t mind my asking, exactly what did you have in mind in terms of a break up?”
Alya clasped her hands under her chin and smiled innocently at the two of them. “Oh my darling heroes of Paris, I’m so glad you asked.”
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