#and today i sat down an hour and a half ago and chucked down about half of the chapter. like 1.6k words
transhoverfish · 1 year
hey remember that marg fic ive totally been planning then putting on the backburner for like 3 years now?? i added another chapter!!! its gonna get finished ONE WAY OR ANOTHER.
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sturniololoco · 8 months
can you please do a younger sister fic where reader is in videos and gets a lot of hate comments?
Sturniolo Little Sister (SLS) x The Sturniolo Triplets
Warnings: Hate, body shaming, eating disorder, crying, etc.
“Oh my gosh Chris! Stop! That’s so gross!” I yelled at my brother as he burped in my face.
He laughed in return, trying to shield himself from my solid punch in the arm.
“Alright guys! That has been today’s video, I hope you all enjoys having our special guest in our video today-“ Nick started to say, giving the video it’s usual outro.
I waved to the camera before turning back to Chris and continued beating him up. Matt laughed and joined in while Nick finished talking to the camera.
laying in the darkness of my room at 1:30 in the morning, I opens my lap top and went to my brothers YouTube channel.
The video from earlier already had 500k views. Getting happy, I scrolled through the comment section to see what people thought of the video.
Omg yay!
Ew why’d they bring her??
Oh my lord Matt and Chris are so hooooot!!!
wow what a fatty
worst special guest ever
boring next
3467 more ⬇️
I could feel the tears well up in my eyes as I slammed my lap top shut.
I scrambled to the bathroom, trying to forget the feeling of sadness and dread pool in my stomach.
But I was instantly reminded when I made eye contact with myself in the bathroom mirror.
Wow you really are huge, I thought as I turned to my side, examining myself.
I quickly ran to my bed, desperately trying to fall asleep and get the thoughts out of my head.
“Woah, you look rough.” Chris said as I walked into the living room, sitting in the couch and pulling out my phones.
I rolled my eyes at him and shrugged, trying to hide my face behind my hair.
“Hey, sis. I made you a bagel.” Nick said, walking into the living room, sitting next to me, and handing me a paper plate.
I took it and mumbled my thanks to him. My brothers dug into their breakfast, but I just looked at mine, not being able to bring myself to eat it.
Do you know how many calories is in cream cheese?!?
“Hey, you okay?” Matt asked me, seeing how I had only taken about 2 and a half bite of my bagel.
“What- oh yeah…I’m good.” I say, nodding my head, trying to sound convincing. He gives me a suspicious look but I quickly play it off.
“I’m not very hungry today, I had snuck early this morning before I went back to sleep.” I lied. Matt looked reassured though.
I only had to keep this up till I was skinny and perfect, shouldn’t be that hard.
The only problem would be keeping this from my brothers.
it been a week.
A very, very long week.
Keeping this secret from my brothers just kept getting harder and harder, but I was learning.
“SLS/N! Dinners ready!” Nick yelled up the stairs.
“I need to finish up my project, I’ll be down in a second!” I yelled back. It was a complete lie, I finished the project three days ago.
This excuse would usually work, and he’d save my dinner on a plate. I’d then take it up to my room, and throw it away.
I sat on my bed, computer out, acting like I was doing work.
“I need to go switch the laundry, I’ll be right back okay.” Matt said as I started to unpack my dinner about an hour later. I nodded and he went into the laundry room.
I had to be quick.
I chucked my plate up side down into the trash, then covered it with wet paper towels so Chris wouldn’t get suspicious when he took the trash out.
I heard Matt begin to walk upstairs, so this gave me even more time to finish the dishes and clean the kitchen.
“SLS/N! Come up here please!” I hear Matt call.
he didn’t sound happy thought. I quickly rush up the stairs and walk to my room.
I open my door to see Matt standing there with his arms crossed over his chest, a disappointed look on his face. Chris was sitting on my bed, leaning forward with his head in his hands. Nick was holding my trash can in his hands, looking at me with a scared look in his eyes.
I felt dread pool in the bottom of my stomach.
“SLS/N? When’s the last time you ate?” Matt asked slowly.
he looked up at me and I could see tears in the brims of his eyes.
Then I broke.
“I-I can’t do I-i’t!” I said, crumpling onto the floor in sobs.
Matt rushed to my side, kneeling in front of me. “Shh, it’s okay I’m right here.” He says, whispering sweet word in my ears as I calm down.
“SLS/N…What happened?” Chris asked when my breathing had gone back to normal.
I told them all about the hate comments on the video, how they made me feel, and how they hurt me.
“I just hate the way it made me feel. So I thought that I change, it would be easier.” I rambled, tears still flowing out of my eyes.
“SLS/N, starving yourself is not easier, I promise. You’re not perfect, nobody is, so we can’t always have least everyone. Next time we need you to talk to us.” Nick said, coming over to join us, sitting on the floor.
I nodded my head, my lip quivering, afraid if I said a word, the sobs would come back.
Chris came over, wrapping his arms around us all in a great hug.
“We’re always here for you sis, no matter what.” Chris whispered.
omg I’m so sorry if this was shitty. I think I wrote it 30 mins 😭 I promise better content will be coming starting Wednesday.
@idkwhosnyla @babypat08 @eyelessdemon00 @christopherowensturniolo @sturnsxx @freshloveforthefit @matty443355 @sleepysturnss @emeraldgreenbeautiesstu @sunsetsturniolos @hoesturniolo @x4nd3rsukz @chr1sgirl4life @sstvrnioloo @sturns-posts @chrisstopherfilmed @kylasrealityx @zoeysturnioloooooo @comet235 @islaasblog @sturnioloblogs @defnotayonna @mattsleftnipple03 @thematthewlover @mattsaq
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hyuckssunchip · 3 years
Here’s The Deal
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Pairings: Mark x Reader, ft. 00′ line (Renjun, Jeno, Haechan, Jaemin)
Words: 5.9K
Warnings: Language (there is almost always language in my writings), slight smut, angst
Y/N gets caught in a tight situation as she discovers that her relationship was a lie. Mark knows just how much she really means to him, but how can he prove it after what he’s done? How much was real?
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“Hi Y/N!”
“Oh hey Mark,” you say as you slide into your seat and rest your forehead on your desk. You let out a deep sigh. 
“What’s up?” He asked laying his own head down to face yours.
You let out another exaggerated sigh, “Nothing. I just didn’t get much sleep last night. I was up all night working on my writing assignment for philosophy.”
“Oh… Well maybe you and I can go to that one cafe to get coffee together. Maybe lunch?” Mark offered quietly.
“You know, after class so you can wake up.” He said, quieter and less sure of himself.
“Oh… Well, I actually don’t like coffee. But thanks for the offer anyways.” You said, lifting your head up slightly, just enough to give him a weak smile.
Mark looked at you, furrowing his eyebrows and biting his lip. He gives you a slight nod before leaning back in his chair. He then turned his head to the right shaking his head at his friends that sat adjacent to him.
“Just ask her!”
“Shhh! Don’t talk so loud!”
“Grow some balls man!”
“Guys can you just shut up?! This is not helping. Telling me to man up is not going to get her to say yes.”
“Well maybe, stop beating around the bush and straight up ask her!”
“Would you two shut up? You are not the one who has to---”
“Oh hey guys. What are you still doing here? Class ended like half an hour ago?” You say, accidentally interrupting their conversation.
“Uh.. We’re uh… just discussing our project for uh… drama? Yeah. Drama.” Mark’s friend Jaemin answered. 
“Drama? Why the hell would we be in drama?” Renjun hissed at Jaemin. After a couple seconds of painful silence Jeno nudged Mark forward. 
“Uhh.. yeah. What are you doing here?” He asked stumbling towards you a bit.
“Oh… I just left my notebook here.” You said pointing towards the blue spiral notebook on one of the desks. “I’ll just grab it real quick and let you guys get back to your… discussing.” You said, giggling a little at the thought of them doing drama. 
“Mark! Do it now!” Haechan whispered to Mark pushing him into you. As you struggled to keep your balance from the new weight of Mark, he wrapped his arms around yours to stabilize the both of you. 
“Oh, sorry.” he said, quickly shoving himself away from you as if you burned him.
“Actually we’re done discussing our project, right Jaemin?” Jeno said, looking sharply at his younger friend, who nodding vigorously at you. Before you knew it they were gone and you were left alone with Mark.
“Hey, maybe… do you want to… watch that new movie that came out? Crazy Rich Asians?” Mark suddenly asked out of the blue.
“Oh! Yeah I heard that was going to be really good. I’d love to go! My roommate really wants to see that, I’ll ask when she’s free.” You reply excitedly.
Mark let out a sigh of exasperation before grabbing your shoulders and forcing you to face him. “Are you totally oblivious or just trying to let me down easy?” He asked staring into your eyes. For some odd reason you couldn’t seem to look away and suddenly your heart skipped a beat. 
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You and Mark had been dating for a month, ever since he confronted you and made you realize your feelings for him. 
For the short amount of time that the two of you had actually been dating, you two were really close. You had gotten physical pretty quickly, although you didn’t mind it too much. Mark was something else, he made you feel things you had never felt before and it had become almost addicting.
However, despite this the two of you haven’t slept together yet, after all it was only a few weeks of dating, way too soon for you. On multiple occasions you had gotten close but were interrupted, you were secretly thankful that the two of you couldn’t go further.
Your relationship wasn’t about the physical, Mark made you happier than you thought was possible. His constant laughing and goofy smile always had you thankful to have him around. He really did brighten your day.
Mark was sweet and thoughtful, always coming up with spontaneous dates for the two of you and kind gestures that made your heart skip.
You’ve never been in love before, but maybe, just maybe you were on the right track this time.
It was Saturday, and for once you had panned a surprise for your boyfriend. A picnic date. You climbed the few flights of stairs that led to his dorm, which he shared with Haechan and Renjun, two of his friends that you were acquainted with. Nothing more than a couple of interactions, but you’ve never run into them at their dorm, save for the time they caught you and Mark in a compromising position.
Just as you were about to knock on his door, you heard voices behind the door. You knew that you shouldn’t eavesdrop, but you couldn’t help but lean in. 
With your ear pressed against the door, you could clearly distinct between each of their voices.
“I don’t know. I’m so close it's just frustrating!” Clearly Mark.
“Why don't you just go for it? Why are you dancing around?” Jeno?
“I don't want to make her do anything that she doesn't want to. Especially if she’s not ready.” Your heart swelled at Mark’s response.
“What do you mean? Why do you care?” You frowned at Haechan’s response, why wouldn’t he care?
“Ha! Don't tell me you’re actually starting to like her?” You froze.
Her? Is there someone else? Is he talking about me?
There was a pregnant pause.
“... guys… stop.”
“She’s a fucking bet! Just finish it quickly, you’re so close. If you don’t we’re all fucked! You know that!” You felt like throwing up. A bet?
“Mark! Tae Oh will kill us if you don’t finish this! Please!” Finish this? Am I a game?
“I know! You don’t think I know that?! You think I want this?!”
With your ear still pressed firmly against the door, you let out a muffled cry.
As he yelled, you flinched and backed yourself away from the door.
You let out a silent sob and rushed back to your dorm room, leaving spilled contents of your picnic along the way. As you pushed your way into your dorm, thankful that both of your roommates happened to be gone, you threw yourself on your bed. 
Your emotions were all over the place, you were sobbing, upset that you weren’t enough for him, upset that you were a bet, upset that he had made a fool of you. But like a flip of the switch you became pissed. He played with you, with your feelings as if you were nothing. Nothing he said or did was real, your whole relationship was a lie.
You wiped your eyes dry and wrung your hands, pausing when you felt the promise ring Mark had given you just recently for your one month anniversary. More angry than you had ever been you ripped your ring off your finger and chucked it across the room hitting the door. It bounced off and landed under your desk, but you didn’t care enough to pay attention.
Just as you were cooling off you got a goodnight text from Mark. On any other day you would be swooning at the cute text, but today you were not having it. You ignored his texts and ended up falling asleep before your roommates ever made it back.
The next morning you woke up to your alarm blaring, looking at the clock you realized you hit snooze one too many times and rushed to the door. You made to class with little time to spare and even before the professor made it. You scanned the room for a seat, and found a few. There was one next to Mark, saved for you as usual but you stopped yourself, opting to sit next to Jisung. You smiled awkwardly at him as you sunk into the seat. You felt your phone buzz again and ignored the text as soon as you saw Mark’s name on your screen. You sigh and ignore the text, pulling out your notebook and start doodling.
Mark frowned to himself a couple of rows behind you. He couldn’t focus the entire class and couldn’t help but stare at you confused. Before he knew it the class was over and you were rushing past him, not even sparing a glance. Before he could gather his things you were gone.
To be honest, it was a lot of work avoiding Mark. It’s like he had it on his agenda to track you, normally you would absolutely love it, but as of right now that was the last thing you wanted.
At some point you were out of energy and could no longer continue the chase.
“Can we talk?” Mark asked, nervously wringing his hands together. 
You sighed, thinking that there wasn’t really much else you could do. Stopping in your tracks you plopped down on the empty bench you were close to passing. You tried to hold back a scoff, sure that he was worried about losing his bet. It took everything in you not to throw that in his face and stalk off.
You heard Mark let out a relieved sigh, collapsing into the spot next to you, but consciously leaving a respectable gap between the two of you.
For a moment the two of you sat in silence, neither wanted to get to the discussion at hand.
“What happened?” There was a quiver in his voice and you cursed your heart for wavering at the sound. No matter how upset you were, you still liked him and could’t help but feel guilty at suddenly ghosting the desperate boy.
You glanced at his side profile and admired him. He was leaning over his knees, staring intensely at his shoes. 
For the first time since you overheard his conversation you thought about his position. 
Why did he even do the bet in the first place? Mark was a nice guy, at least that’s what you had always thought. And why was Tae Oh threatening them? 
You recalled what you had heard. Jeno had said that Tae Oh would kill them if Mark couldn’t finish the bet. Did that mean he was in trouble?
With one last glance at the forlorn boy next to you, you had decided. It was a stupid idea, and it would only hurt you, but for some reason you couldn’t stand the thought of Mark suffering. To the point where you would put him before you.
“Nothing happened.” You mumbled out, your internal conflict starting to give you a headache.
His eyes searched for yours, “Why are you avoiding me?”
“I’m not.” You gulped, refusing to meet his eyes.
“I swear you just ran the other direction, and it took me so long to get you to talk to me. If I did something wrong we can talk about it, otherwise we can’t fix it.” He pulled your hand into his hesitantly, rubbing softly over the skin, sending warmth through your body. You didn’t miss the frown on his face when he noticed your ring wasn’t on the usual finger.
You pulled your hand out of his, wiping your palms on your jeans and fumbling with your fingers. 
“I promise you nothing is wrong, I’m just stressed about school. You know cause finals are coming up.” You hoped he would fall for it, after all he knew how you were during testing periods.
“Right.” His eyes shook, “How about we have a small date night, that’ll make you feel better, right?” 
You nodded at nothing in particular, eyes now trained on the bird that was digging for dinner in front of you.
“I’ll pick you up at seven then? We can get take out a watch a movie.” He asked, nodding to himself.
“Uh, I’ll just go to your dorm, I have stuff to do anyways, it’s on the way.” You rejected his offer, not thinking you would be able to pretend for a whole car ride.
You stood up abruptly, not able to take the tension any longer. “I’ll see you tonight then.” 
Then as fast as you could you escaped.
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You had spent the last few hours thinking about what the bet could possibly be. Tae Oh was one of Mark’s seniors, you often saw them in the same group, but he was notorious for be an ass. There was nothing more to say about that. Tae Oh was an ass and you didn’t doubt for a moment that he was capable of making Mark’s life hell.
Groaning, you ran your hands over your face. Why did you have to care? 
You racked your brain for any clues. The other day you had heard Mark saying that he didn’t want to push you. Push you into what? 
Tae Oh would’ve only had two things in mind when making the bet, break your heart or sleep with you. You frowned, Tae Oh didn’t know you that well, why would he want to break your heart, and as a horny college student it made more sense for him to want Mark to sleep with you.
Your eyes widened in realization. That’s why they said he was so close. Mark and you had gotten intimate, but never actually did anything. He must have told them that and that’s what they meant by getting close.
You chewed on your bottom lip. Could you do that for him? Honestly, before this whole situation you would’ve been more than willing to sleep with him on your own accord, god knows you were close. But you were starting to feel uncomfortable with the thought after knowing his intentions.
“Y/N?” You jolted up straight, “What are you doing? How long have you been there?”
Mark rubbed the back of his neck, tilting his head in confusion.
“Oh, not long, I was just about to knock.” Your face heated up in embarrassment.
“Oh hey Y/N.” You made eye contact with Renjun who was sitting on the couch with a book, feet in the position of kicking a very focused Haechan. 
“Stop it. You’re going to make me die.” Haechan retaliated with a quick shove, “Hey Y/N.”
Though he didn’t look at you, you still smiled at the interaction.
“Let me kick them out, I told them you’d be over around seven.” He laughed quietly at the scene.
“Renjun, you asshole! I died!” The bright flash on the TV screen was proof and Haechan didn’t look like he was going to let it go.
“Guys! Y/N’s here, I told you she was coming.” The other two froze, staring at Mark like they were having a silent conversation before Renjun slammed his book shut.
“Right. Haechan, there’s that new place down the street that has great tacos, let’s go.” He nudged the pouting counterpart aggressively.
“But my game-” 
“Haechan.” Renjun raised his eye brows while staring down Haechan, no doubt a sign that it was a chance for Mark to complete the bet.
“Oh. Yeah... I like tacos.” He stood up giving you a short salute. “Bye Y/N.” 
He couldn’t help but send a wink in your direction, making you wince in reminder of your situation.
Before you knew it, it was once again just you and Mark.
“So I already ordered, do you want to choose a movie?” Mark made his way to the now unoccupied couch.
“Sure.” You shuffled behind him, mind not really thinking about the movie.
As you fell into the cushion of the couch, Mark slid close to you, eliminating any space that might’ve been between you two.
He pulled you into his arms, gripping you tightly as if he was worried that you would slip away.
“Let’s just stay here for a moment, we can choose a movie when the food gets here.” He mumbled into your neck, eliciting an automatic sigh in response.
“You know I wouldn’t do anything to hurt you on purpose right?” You tensed at his confession, obviously referring to the bet.
“Hmmm.” There was nothing that you could do but hum in response.
Mark began to pepper soft kisses along your neck, leaving a little trail of love bites. You unconsciously opened your neck, giving him more access.
His kisses got deeper, leaving what you know would be dark spots, proof of possession. Soon he reached your mouth, pulling you in. He nipped at your bottom lip, asking for access, to which you gave him without hesitation.
Your hands moved to tangle in his hair, gripping softly and tugging him closer. He groaned into your mouth in response, and you could feel the tips of his mouth curve into a smile.
His hands which were once rubbing your waist, gripped you tightly, pulling you onto his lap where you were forced to straddle him. 
For just a moment he was forced to pull away, looking up at you with smiling eyes, searching for the same in your own.
You couldn’t do anything but crash against his lips, leaning your body into his. There was nothing but the thin layers of your shirts, the rapid beating of his heart easily felt, and you knew that he could feel yours as well.
One hand reached up for your neck, a way for him to lock your head in place, digging deeper. The other hand meandered its way to your thigh, massaging your inner thigh, causing you to grind yourself on his lap, getting growl from him underneath you. 
You felt a change in him, his grip became more needy, you were sure there would be marks in the morning. 
You pulled back for air, startled at the sound of someone at the door.
“Delivery!” Mark sighed, shaking his head for you to ignore it, as he leaned back in to resume.
“Mark, the food’s here.” You mumbled, keeping the distance between you.
“Forget the food, we’ll just order again.” You kept a hand on his chest, preventing him from starting again.
“Ugh, fine.” You wiggled off his lap and collapsed in the seat you were originally in. Your eyes followed his back as he opened the door, paying for the food and holding the bag in his tight grip. He was especially tart with the man, in an obvious hurry.
Once the door was shut again he slid the food on the coffee table, and crawled on the couch towards you, having every intention of picking up where you left off.
“Mark, the food’s going to get cold.” You giggled at the sounds he made in protest.
He leaned against the back of the couch, throwing his head back in frustration.
“Fine, we’ll eat first.” He cocked his head at you slightly, choosing to ignore the feeling arising in the pit of his stomach.
You stuck your fork in the first container, popping it into your mouth before chewing thoughtfully.
“Mark...” you sighed, “I actually have something to talk to you about.”
You felt the knot in your stomach dissipate, knowing that confronting him would ease your mind. The plan of going through with it tonight didn’t sit right with you, and you knew it would bother you if you didn’t say something.
“Shoot.” He nodded, chowing down himself.
You let out a deep sigh, instantly catching his attention, and put down your fork.
His brows furrowed as he too set his down, a feeling that things were about to become serious.
“I uh...” you cleared your throat. “I actually know about the bet.”
He clearly stiffened and eyes widened at your admission.
“I can explain!” He rushed out, interrupting you in hopes of stopping whatever you were planning on saying.
“Okay.” You said, shocking him with how calm you were.
“Go ahead, explain it to me.” Although you knew the gist of what was going on, you were actually curious to know how he got roped into something like this.
“Uh... how much do you know?” He cut himself off. “Actually I’ll just tell you everything.”
He reached for the cup of water in front of him, quickly downing it in hopes of drowning his nerves as well.
“Do you know who Tae Oh is? I swear it wasn’t a bet between my friends, they would never do that.” He gulped, watching your blank expression. “I think you’ve met him before, he’s not a great guy.”
There was an obvious shudder from him. “About a month ago he made a bet that I couldn’t get with a girl, and I honestly didn’t care what he thought. But... he has some stuff over Jeno’s head, and he promised that if I succeeded he would let it go.”
You pursed your lips at the mention of Jeno. 
“I... I know I told you I’d tell you everything, but I’m not sure it’s right to tell you about Jeno. I can ask him to talk to you, but I can’t tell you.” He bit his lip anxiously, praying that you would understand.
You nodded, admiring his loyalty, despite his current situation. You gestured for him to continue.
“It’s not like I chose you, I would never purposely hurt you or do that to you. I... I honestly liked you a lot before he even suggested the bet.” He gave you a bashful look, a sudden switch from his nerve wracking expression.
“Tae Oh chose you, I think he did it because he knew that I liked you. I mean back then I wasn’t exactly subtle about it.” A nervous chuckle escaped his lips. “I totally understand if you absolutely hate me now, I mean I would too.”
You looked at his dejected form, “I don’t hate you. If I did I would’ve broke up with you the moment that I found out.”
He looked at you with a confused expression, “Why didn’t you break up with me?” There was a hint of hope in his voice. He wondered if it was possible for you still to like him after what he had done, or was supposed to do.
It would’ve hurt your pride to admit you still liked him despite his actions, so you chose to go with the pity card. “I overheard you talking in your dorm, and someone mentioned that Tae Oh would kill you if you couldn’t finish. I know Tae Oh could really make your life miserable, and I didn’t want to be responsible for that.”
Mark visibly saddened at the idea that you didn’t like him, that you didn’t want to feel guilty about the aftermath.
“Here’s the deal,” you let out, finally coming to a conclusion, “I can’t sleep with you. I don’t feel comfortable with that anymore.”
Mark winced, feeling a tight lump grow in his throat at the thought of you not able to stand him, and the thought that he makes you uncomfortable.
“I don’t want Tae Oh to win though, for both your sake and Jeno’s.” He made eye contact, clear that he was shocked.
“I don’t know what the rules are, or what proof you have to have, but I’ll help you with that. But that’s all I can do.”
Mark didn’t look thrilled at the idea, if anything he looked dejected. However grateful he was that you were willing to do this to help him, he couldn’t help but wish you didn’t pity him. If it weren’t for Jeno he would’ve rather taken punishment from Tae Oh, after all that’s what he deserved.
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“Mark, you have no idea what this means to me. Thank you so much.” Jeno grinned at him, wrapping him in a suffocating hug, making Mark feel worse.
“Right, it’s not like I couldn’t do it for you.” It was monotone, he was unable to show his real feelings about the situation.
“So how’s Y/N?” Jaemin asked, watching the interaction.
“What do you mean?” Mark furrowed his brows and directed his attention at the other boy.
“Well, you guys can still date, she doesn’t have to know it was a bet.” He shrugged as if this was the most obvious thing in the world. Oh how badly Mark wanted that statement to be true.
“No? What do you mean?” It was Jaemin’s turn to be confused.
“We broke up.” Mark avoided eye contact with anyone else, staring up at the sky and squinting in the bright light.
“Why? Did you tell her?” Haechan asked, “I didn’t think you had it in you to do that right after the bet was over.” He frowned to himself. “Don’t you think that was too harsh?”
Renjun elbowed Haechan in the side, shutting him up. As one of the more attentive of the group, he could see the way that Mark was acting in response.
“What could I do?” Mark shrugged, trying so hard not to let his voice crack and play it off like he didn’t care. If only they knew that it was the other way around. But he took Haechan’s blows, after all he deserved it, he was the cause of it anyways.
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“Y/N! Hey!” You heard Jeno’s footsteps sidle up beside you, the faint breathing evidence that he had jogged to you.
He shoved his hands in his pockets, suddenly embarrassed to thank you.
“Um, thanks. I just want to let you know that it wasn’t like it seemed, Mark was just trying to help me. He’s not a bad guy, I know he probably seemed harsh, but he really didn’t want to do it.” 
He gulped, and peered over at your face, more than shocked at the fact that it was expressionless. Too similar to the one they had gotten used to seeing on Mark.
“I know.” You hiked your bag up higher on you bag, gripping tightly on the straps for support.
“Mark really likes you. For real. He’s been really upset, beating himself up for it you know. He won’t admit to it, but we all can see it.”
You squinted your eyes closed, trying to ignore the underlying meaning of Jeno’s words.
“He wouldn’t ever just use you like that. You know him.”
You had enough.
“Do I? Because this was a far cry from the Mark that I knew, or at least I thought I knew.” You sent one last look before escaping out the doorway, leaving Jeno behind with a hurt look.
Jeno never wanted to hurt either of you, but it was a consequence of his stupid decisions. And now other people had to pay for his mistakes.
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“Y/N.” You stopped in your tracks, it seemed that no matter where you went you couldn’t get away from them.
“Renjun.” You replied curtly, having nothing else to say to him. Beside him was the familiar pair of shoes, one’s you would always recognize.
Mark shyly lifted his hand to greet you, but dropped it as if he realized that he no longer had the right to.
Renjun, ever the observer watched the interaction, taking in the tense air between the two of you.
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“Guys I’m telling you something’s not right. I know it was stupid, but Mark is really suffering.” Renjun spilled to the rest of the boys, “We ran into Y/N and he looked so depressed. It was really bad.”
“Well, of course it’s gonna be bad, Mark basically used her.” Haechan let out, never thinking about his words.
“What am I wrong?” He raised his eyebrow in question.
“You don’t have to say it like that.” Jaemin scolded, glancing at Jeno who seemed more stoney than usual.
“He’s right though.” Jeno let out. “It’s my fault, I never should’ve let Mark do it.”
“Jeno, you didn’t know what Tae Oh was going to do.” Jaemin comforted him, to which he was met with empty eyes.
“I ran into Y/N, but she wasn’t having it. I don’t think she’ll ever forgive him.” Jeno dropped his head in his hands.
There was a silence as none of the boys knew how to comfort him.
“What’s going on?” Mark stood in the doorway, watching the scene before him unfold.
“Nothing.” Renjun quickly covered up. 
“Jeno? What’s going on?” Mark ignored Renjun’s excuse and focused on the downtrodden boy.
“I’m sorry.” Jeno’s voice sounded broken, leaving Mark on edge.
“It’s my fault, I shouldn’t have let you do it. I swear I didn’t mean for anyone to get hurt. I tried to explain everything to Y/N, I’ll try again, I promise.” He pleaded with Mark, hoping that he would forgive him.
“Oh.” Mark stepped back from Jeno, the emotionless tone coming through again.
“Please, I promise I’ll try to fix things.”
“Don’t, it’s fine. There’s nothing to fix anymore.” Jeno hated the look Mark had on his face. “Don’t bother explaining, she already knows everything.”
“What?” Renjun butted in, unable to hold his curiosity.
“She overheard everything. We didn’t actually sleep together, she just let me pretend so we would win the bet.” Mark picked up his bag that he had dropped on the floor earlier. 
“Jeno, it’s fine. Explaining won’t change anything. There’s nothing you can do to change it. Don’t stress yourself out, or blame yourself. I’m just as much at fault, I chose to do it.”
With that Mark, left the same way he came in, no longer feeling like he could stand to be under the scrutiny of the other boys.
“Wait, she knew? And she faked the whole thing for him?” Haechan scratched his head, still processing the bomb Mark dropped on them. “But doesn’t that mean that she still cares about him? Why would she do that for him?”
“Haechan for once you didn’t say something stupid. I agree. I think we should talk to Y/N, chances are if she did that for him, she still cares about him.” Renjun nodded enthusiastically, eager to fix the situation.
“I’ll do it.” Jeno said, gritting his teeth. 
“No, I fucked everything up, I need to fix it.” He turned to Jaemin, placing a hand on his shoulder, reassuring him.
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“I know what you did.” Jeno blurted out, startling you. 
“What do you mean?”
“I know you and Mark didn’t actually sleep together.” The look on his face slightly scared you, and you weren’t sure whether him knowing was a good thing or not.
“Did he tell you that?” You cocked your head to the side, trying to feel out the situation.
“Yeah, and I know why you did it too.” Jeno leaned down, getting eye level with you. “You still like him don’t you?”
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, I did it cause I felt bad. I didn’t want to feel like it was my fault you guys would suffer.” You looked away from him, watching the stream of students exit the library. “And no, how could I like him after that? He used me.”
“You know exactly why though, if you’re going to hate anyone, hate me.” His words more aggressive, a tactic he was using to redirect your anger.
“I don’t hate him,” you mumbled out, “and I don’t hate you.”
“See, you did that because you still care about him.” He prodded, “If you didn’t you would’ve never let him pretend to go through with it.” 
He paused letting that sink in, “For what it’s worth, he still cares very much about you. I don’t think I’ve ever seen him so depressed.”
You sighed, “I don’t want him to be depressed.”
“Then you should talk to him. I know you guys still have feelings for each other, and honestly it’s hurting you guys more to ignore it.” He raised his eyebrows earnestly, giving you a tempting offer. 
“I know for a fact that if you were willing to take him back, he would beg for forgiveness. Mark loves you Y/N.” The last bit came out soft, but it had the biggest impact.
Your heart ached, yearning for him despite the situation.
“Just talk to him. I know I don’t deserve to ask that of you, but I’m begging you, for Mark’s sake.” You had never seen Jeno this distraught before.
All you could do is nod.
“Y/N?” Mark froze at the sight of you standing on the other side of the door.
“Can we talk?”
“Yeah, com- come on in.” He stuttered, embarrassed at how nervous he was. “Do you want something to drink... or?” 
“No, I’m fine.” You mumbled, staring at your sleeves. “I just wanted to talk about, you know.”
The two of you took the chance to settle into the familiar couch, memories of your relationship coming back to you.
“I don-”
“I know-”
You blushed at the awkward atmosphere.
“You first.” Mark let you continue.
You cleared your throat. “I talked to Jeno.”
He nodded silently, “I told him to stop bothering you, I’ll talk to him again.”
“No, there’s no need.” You let out, “We talked about some things, more specifically things between us.”
Mark gulped, unable to see where you were going with this. 
“I’m probably really stupid for doing this, but I’m obviously attracted to stupid.” You tried to joke, referencing Mark. No matter how much you tried to relieve the tension, it still hovered over you like a think cloud.
He let out a nervous laugh, dying out to let you continue.
“You have no how much I wanted to hate you when I found out. And you have no idea how much I hated myself for not hating you.”
Mark sat up at the insinuation that you didn’t hate him.
“Mark, I still like you a lot. There’s a part of me that hates myself for liking you even after everything, but there’s a larger part of me that tells me that this is more important.” You took a deep breath, struggling to finish your thought.
“I love you.”
You choked back your breath in shock, you weren’t expecting him to confess so bluntly.
“I was stupid and I hate that I did that to you, but I want you do know that I don’t regret helping Jeno, I just should’ve gone about it a different way, one that wouldn’t have any casualties. I would’ve begged on my knees if I had to, but I didn’t feel like I had the right to. Honestly, I figured I would be doing you a favor by leaving you alone.” His nervous tick of picking at his nails made it clear that he was just as nervous as you were.
“I don’t want to praise you for doing something like this, because it was stupid and hurtful, but I’m glad you were able to help Jeno.” You smiled at him, “He’s really thankful, you have know idea how many times he let me know that. He also kept me updated on you, and that definitely didn’t help my feelings go away.”
Mark felt a surge of happiness rise in him, the realization that you still like him, the hope that this wasn’t the end of your relationship, and the gratitude that his prayers were answered.
“Mark, I love you too.”
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© Copyright 2021. hyuckssunchip. All rights reserved.
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skellebonez · 3 years
I’m not going to write out the ENTIRE TikTok so just. Watch an enjoy the madness that is B Dylan Hollis. It will make this fill so much more entertaining.
Don’t you dare.
Had it not been even a few weeks ago things would be almost completely on their normal “regular day with no special plans” schedule. Wake up, work, hang out with Pigsy and Tang, get Mei to have some fun, run off to Mount Huaguo for training with Sun Wukong, make sure the immortal Monkey King is taking care of himself, go home and sleep (a few gaps between each in case he needed to chuck a water bottle or granola bar at any of his friends and make sure they weren’t overworking themselves and if he came across anyone who needed his special brand of, as Macaque once called it, “aggressive self care affection”).
But no. Oh no. This was not a few weeks ago.
This was now, not even a month after the Lunar New Year Festival. Not even a month after he was finally introduced to the rest of Spider Queen’s family- plus one not so accidental addition who had decided it would be a fantastic idea to experiment on himself for funsies and “oops all spiders”.
Said addition stood, or rather half stood and half reclined on the mechnical legs protruding from his back, diligently typing away at his computer. The same computer he hadn’t stepped away from except to take a shower earlier in the day.
17 hours ago.
“Syntax,” MK said with the most gentle warning tone he could muster... which, to anyone unfamiliar with MK would sound like he spoke the human turned spider demon’s name like a threat. “Please tell me you have eaten more than a single calorie bar today.”
“I have eaten more than a single calorie bar today,” the scientist assured with a barely thrown over his shoulder smile in the younger man’s direction.
“Ok g-”
“I ate 2.”
The proud look on Syntax's face, as if he had figured out the loophole to end all loopholes, was a stark contrast to MK's expression of angry horror.
"You can't just eat TWO CALORIE BARS, Syntax!" He shouted, grabbing the scientist by his lab coat sleeve before starting to drag him out of the laboratory. If anyone was there to witness this they would find this feat impressive given how Syntax dug his mechanical legs into the floor in protest.
"I have survived on these so far and I will conti-"
"Survived, yeah, as a human," MK noted as he realized the other was simply allowing him to lead him along without a fight in the least. "But you're a spider demon... cyborg... guy now, you need more sustenance than that. And you needed more before!"
"3 bars?"
The moment Syntax shrunk back in reaction to MK’s yelling the Monkie Kid took his chance and gripped the scientist’s sides and tossed the man over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes before breaking out into a sprint down the halls of Spider Queen’s lair.
“Don’t you dare!” Syntax yelped, attempting to free his arms or move his spider legs but gave up on the later and instead retracted them out of fear he might accidentally harm his captor. “I have work to finish, young man!”
“You can’t finish if you die of malnutrition, I’m teaching you how to cook!”
As they ran toward the entrance they passed Spider Queen who, upon realizing what was happening, gave them a calm wave and a smile.
“Make sure to have him back in time for you to get home before dark, MK!”
Syntax eventually gave in. After all, despite his new enhancements he was still no match for the sheer strength of the Monkey King himself in the hands of a very determined young man with a hard line stance on self care.
And somehow this man decided he should be deposited in... his kitchen.
In front of a phone set up like... a camera.
“Hold that thought!” MK said, positioning Syntax just out of sight as he grabbed a cook book and hit record. “A bean PIE from the 1920s! Today we’re doing something different-” he reached over and grabbed Syntax’s arm, pulling him into frame without even a single change in his expression. “Today I have an assistant because SOMEONE doesn’t know how to EAT NUTRITION and needs more Vitamin B.”
As he let go of the scientist’s arm he turned to him, face as serious as a miscalculated formula when a project was due in 1 hour.
“OK, you’re the science dude. Let me tell you something from experience,” MK grabbed the cook book, holding it up. “Cooking IS science. And this science insists that BEANS can be made into a PIE which I think is bullshit and I am going to prove on camera. Until you learn how to eat things that aren’t instant bars, you are going to join me on my cooking science experiments. Understood?”
Truth me told, Syntax didn’t see the appeal in cooking. It was far too much hassle for something as basic as nutritional supplements you could acquire from far easier means that did not involve making a mess you had to clean up later... but...
The idea that cooking could be a science... that he had never considered before. And MK seemed to be pretty well convinced that he was correct in this assertion. This was part of why Syntax had, for a while now, considered reaching out to him with an offer of becoming his assistant. His tenacity and determination was something that was a great asset in the field of scientific discovery after all! And well...
If making a weird pie could get him into the young man’s good graces...
“Where do we start?”
MK held up a bowl of beans to the camera. “Now these took a long bath last night-” he turned to Syntax. “-I’ll splice in some footage from earlier here later-TIME TO COOK EM!”
“The pot,” Syntax noted, pointing to the pot on MK’s stove that had begun to over boil.
“AAGH!” MK yelped, sliding over from where he was grabbing his mixer. “BEAN REBELLION!”
“Eggie,” MK chuckled out, cracking an egg into the mixing bowl with the rest of the ingredients.
“How many eggs does it call for?” Syntax asked, trying to make sense out of the madness he was being witness to.
“How many? I don’t know, it just says EGGS.” MK gestured to the cookbook before them as if it has just insulted Pigsy himself to MK’s face.
“FORE!” MK yelled, closing his eyes and turning on the blender as Syntax held a frying pan in front of himself in preparation for disaster.
And disaster came... just not in the way either expected, as the blender sputtered and just.... stopped.
“... did you just kill my blender?” MK turned the knob on it, shaking it and tapping it gently. “HELLO?”
He shook it harder, twisting and turning the knob on the front wildly before he broke down into laughter. “THE BEANS KILLED MY BLENDER.” MK crossed his arms on the counter, laying his head down on them as he devolved into equally amused and annoyed cackles. “This has never happened before, how the hell!?”
“Well...” Syntax looked around, finding an induction blender sitting half buried on the opposite side of the counter. “Will this work?”
Finally. After waiting for the pie to bake. It was done.
A piece sat on a plate before both men, looking both intimidating and somehow delectable at the same time. But both were well away this concoction was primarily sugar, cinnamon, and BEANS. They looked at each other for a moment before nodding, each taking a fork full of the pit before shoving it into their mouths expecting the worst.
MK looked at Syntax as they chewed. Then the camera. Then he started to laugh through his bite as Syntax’s face went on a journey from “this tastes good” to “HOW THE FUCK DOES THIS TASTE GOOD”.
“Nothing makes sense anymore,” he moaned, gesturing to the pie slice before him as he began to laugh in disbelief.
“WHY ARE YOU GOOD?” Syntax asked, shaking his plate slightly. “You have a bag of BEANS in you!”
MK laughed harder, needing to put his plate on the counter as he needed to hold his sides from the pain of trying not to laugh louder than he was.
“This is like if tomato soup made a cake that tasted like chocolate!”
“I-It!” MK wheezed, holding up one hand to get the scientist’s attention. “It has!”
“Yes? Oh, that’s fine dear! Yes, as long as he has somewhere to sleep and I know where he is- ... yes, we would love to try some when you escort him home tomorrow! Thank you, take care now,” Spider Queen said, smiling as she hung up the cell phone that Pigsy and Tang had no kindly helped her acquire.
“So, uh...” Huntsman asked, rubbing the back of his neck in concern and confusion. “What’s up?”
“Syntax will be spending the evening with MK!” She announced, smiling wide. “He’s taken up an interest in baking, apparently. Something about needing to unlock the secrets of tomato soup and beans.”
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cursestothemoon · 4 years
Paging Dr. Weasley
Requested: yes
George Weasley x fem! reader 
Warnings: strong language, asthma, fever and illness symptoms, food
Word Count: 3031
Summary: George is excited to go see the new products at Zonko’s and the harsh weather isn’t going to stop him. The reader has asthma and she's a bit apprehensive about going out in the cold, dry weather but George insists it’ll be fine. George, unfortunately, is wrong.
The night prior it was quite clear to you that the weather would be horrid. The wind, aggressive in nature, thrashed and collided with the walls of the stone walls of the castle. You were fortunate, however, tucked under your boyfriend George’s arm, asleep in his warm dorm. He had insisted that you stayed the night with him, when it got cold out he got clingy, and you had no objections to his suggestion. The following day you were to venture down to Hogsmeade with George, a week ago the plan was made when he mentioned needing prank supplies from Zonko’s, Fred unable to go because of a weekend detention he got himself. With the oncoming storm you had assumed that tomorrow’s plans had been canceled, knowing from past learning experiences the harsh cold was no help to your asthma.
Light flooded through the window in George’s dorm, a bright white that pierced your eyes even as they rest under your lids. You turned away from the harsh light, nose pushing into the warm, inviting chest of your boyfriend as you tried to slip back into a deeper sleep. A deeper sleep would not come, it wasn’t long after you turned that you were fully awoken by a deep groan.
“Bloody fuckin’ hell, I told Lee to close the stupid curtains when he got in too.” George grumbled, hand smacking against his face to cover his eyes.
You were silent as you slowly shimmied yourself higher onto the pillow, motioning for him to lower himself so his face would be in your neck, concealed from the morning sun reflecting off the night's snow. George happily complied, humming his gratitude as he nuzzled into your neck before placing a gentle kiss where your shoulder met your neck.
“Who opened the fucking window?” Fred’s voice was heard after a few minutes of comfortable silence.
His tone showed his clear annoyance, followed by a groan and the shuffling of covers probably a result from him angrily pulling them over his head.
“I might’ve forgotten.” Lee answered from his bed making Fred chuck one of his pillows at him.
George groaned into your neck, “Will you two wankers shut up. We’re trying to sleep.”
“We?” Lee and Fred asked in unison before Fred continued, “Is Y/n there with you?”
George and you had retired to bed quite early last night, and neither of you expected Lee or Fred to check to see if George was alone last night before going to sleep.
“Yeah she’s here so shut up.” George grumbled again.
You could hear Fred, or Lee you weren’t sure, as they moved around in their bed before they spoke. It was Fred.
“Was the poor girl buried under the blankets all night?”
You decided to respond this time, “No, I had my face out to breathe.”
“Guess it’s time to get up.” Lee grumbled, moving to swing his legs out from under the covers.
“Maybe if you closed the curtains we’d all still be asleep a bit longer.” George sassed as he moved to sit up, not before giving you a good morning kiss on your forehead.
“Maybe if you closed the curtains…” Lee mimicked in a high voice, getting up to go to the bathroom.
Deciding that sleep would not be achieved until tonight, you too, sat up, knuckling at your eyes as you leaned against George’s chest. He circled his arms around your waist, placing another kiss to the crown of your head.
“Morning, pretty girl.” He rasped into your ear.
Unfortunately it was loud enough for Fred to hear and make a gagging noise as he turned away from you two.
“Disgusting. When you guys leave feel free to close the curtains, yeah?” He mumbled from under his covers, a few tendrils of fiery hair poking out.
You shuffled your legs over the edge of the mattress, standing up and stretching before grabbing the pillow you had been using to go over and smack Fred from over the sheets.
“Get up you wanker.”
He yelped before sitting up abruptly, hair a literal mess with strands sticking out randomly, “Georgie! Your girlfriend is attacking me, make her stop.”
George pretended to think for a moment before answering, “No. I don’t think I will.”
Fred feigned offence before also getting up and out of bed, his maroon boxers with green ‘F’s on them were quite the sight.
“Mate, it’s snowing out. How are you only wearing your knickers.” Lee asked, coming out from the bathroom.
“Run hot.” Fred answered simply with an overly flirty wink directed at Lee.
“Merlin…” George muttered, shaking his head as he got out of bed.
You smiled at your beloved, his hair- much like his brother’s- a frizzy mess of red locks and his eyes still puffy from just having woken up, but unlike his twin, George had on a pair of flannel pajama pants and an old Gryffindor t-shirt that he had cut to show his midriff. He was quite literally perfect, his pants hanging low on his hips- just exposing his v-line- and his t-shirt, now crop top, ended just above his belly button, an auburn happy-trail in view.
“You ready for today?” George asked, pulling you out of your less than innocent thoughts, his knowing smirk a clear sign that you had been caught ogling at him.
You stood for a moment in thought, “Today?”
George nodded, “Zonko’s, butterbeer, our plan to go to Hogsmeade.”
“I thought we would postpone that, the weather is horrid.”
He peered out the window before turning back to you, “It isn’t snowing much anymore, I think we should be in the clear.”
“Don’t you have asthma though? Won’t it make it act up?” Fred asked as he slipped on his shoes.
You nodded slowly, moving to fix the astray sheets on George’s bed, “Yeah, I don’t think it’s a good idea for me to go out today.”
George pouted slightly, “We’ll bundle you up extra warm, and it’ll be quick. You’ll be ok, you haven’t had an attack in so long.”
You knew why he was so keen on going, Zonko’s had a new line of products that he was dying to get his hands on. He’d been talking about it for months, he and Fred finally saving up enough money from selling their own things to go purchase a few things. You felt bad, and he was right, you hadn’t had an asthma attack in a while so perhaps you’d be fine.
“Alright, but we’ll need to stop by my dorm so I can get my thick scarf. The one that goes up over my nose.”
“Of course, I wouldn’t have it anyother way.”
An hour later you and George were ready to go, two scarves- one long enough to go over your nose- a beanie, fuzzy socks, and a pair of George’s mittens were part of the outfit you were sporting. You felt a lot more confident in your attire now, nothing could go wrong...right?
It went wrong.
So very wrong.
The first half hour out on the town was fine, a bit chilly but George was there to wrap an arm around you and pull up your scarf so it covered your nose. Then, as the forty-five minute mark hit, you started to feel a bit...wheezy. The scarf kept slipping, the wind had picked up, and it was extremely dry out. Once it hit an hour you were in a full blown asthma attack, having to pull out a rescue inhaler- something you made sure to bring with you no matter how confident you were at first- and George felt absolutely terrible as he watched you try to catch your breath in The Three Broomsticks.
George rubbed a hand in comforting circles on your back as you took a few inhales of your inhaler trying to stop the painful wheezes. You reached behind you, putting a hand on his to try and tell him it was alright and you didn’t blame him, knowing he’d be beating himself up over this.
Once your breathing had leveled enough for you to string together a few words uninterrupted, you turned to your boyfriend.
“I’m sorry but I think it would be better if I went back.” You muttered, voice still a little raspy.
George crouched down, face to face with you sitting in a chair, as he spoke, “Baby,” He cooed, “You shouldn’t be sorry. I’m sorry I forced you to come out knowing you have asthma and you were worried. I should’ve been thinking more about you, pretty girl.”
You shook your head gently, “It’s alright George, you were excited. No one needs to apologize, let’s just go.”
George silently agreed, moving to remove his scarf as you stood up. He pulled up your scarf so it went over your nose and wrapped his own scarf around it in hopes of it staying up better. Once he was happy with his work, he grabbed your mitten covered hand and you two walked out of the little pub.
Fortunately, you two got back to the castle without another asthma attack hitting you. George took you straight to his dorm, and sat you on his bed. The dorm was empty, it was still rather early in the day, but you felt your eyes start to droop as fatigue from the asthma attack, shivering in the cold, and fighting your way through the snow all came crashing down on you. You were also starting to get a headache, something you were definitely not happy about.
The lanky ginger noticed how tired you started to look and felt his heart melt all while guilt nearly ate him alive. He knew it was his fault you were feeling so bad, but your tired eyes and grabby hands at him made him smile.
“We need to get you changed, love.” He said quietly, going to his own trunk to pull out a sweater and pajama pants for you.
With his sweater and pajama pants in hand he got down to his knees in front of the bed where you sat and started to unbutton your coat. Once unbuttoned he helped you shrug it off, then helped shed all the other layers until you were in a thin t-shirt before pulling his sweater over your head. You moved to take off your bra but George muttered to let me, his hands sliding up under your shirt to unhook your bra, then letting you shimmy around to get your arms out before grabbing the undergarment and putting it in his trunk- he doesn’t need the boys coming in and seeing his girlfriends bra.
He then unbuttoned your jeans, slowly helping you pull them down your legs before replacing them with his own pajama pants.
“Stan for me for a moment.” He said, going to tie the drawstring in a neat bow to make sure the pants didn’t fall off of you.
“Thank you Georgie.” You smiled leaning into his chest.
“No problem, love. Let’s get you into bed.”
You shuffled onto the bed and situated yourself under the covers, looking up at George expectantly making him chuckle.
“You take a nap, I’m going to go get us food alright?”
“Ok.” You nodded, getting comfortable.
Before George was even out the room, you had fallen asleep, the day had taken a toll on you evidently. He smiled at your peaceful form, asleep in his bed, before carefully leaving the dorm to go grab some food for a late lunch.
George came back with the food fifteen minutes later, but he couldn’t find it in him to wake you up just yet. He waited around an hour before gently kissing your hairline to wake you up, but he grimaced at the unusual heat that your skin held.
When you woke, you felt fine, maybe a little lethargic, but fine. Usually asthma attacks didn’t take this much out of you but perhaps it was just because of how intense this one was and your head was still pounding.
You two quietly ate, George asking how you were every so often, you responding with a soft ‘alright’ before going back to the sandwich he brought. When the food was finished you crawled back into George’s bed, still feeling a bit sluggish but the food helped.
“Can you lay with me?”
George nearly awed audibly at how soft and small your voice was.
“Let me just change ok, bubs?”
You nodded, “Wear the cropped shirt please.”
George chuckled at your request but of course complied, pulling the shirt over his head and letting it fall just above his belly button. You smiled at the sight making him shake his head before pulling his own pajama pants on and climbing into bed next to you.
Hushed conversation started between the two of you. He was sitting up slightly with your head placed on his chest. As the sun went down and the other boys came back to the dorm, you let the melodic thump of George’s heartbeat lull you to sleep.
The night was a bit rough to say the least, George barely got any sleep due to his worrying about your wheezing. You didn’t usually wheeze when you slept, so it worried him. You on the other hand woke up with a stuffy nose, painfully dry cough, and achy muscles.
You were sick.
Even worse, it was Monday morning and you could not muster up the strength to get yourself dressed and to class. You had woken up first that morning, an aggressive cough pulling both you and George out of sleep. Once you the coughing fit had subsided you turned to look at George.
“I don’t think I can go to class today.” You pouted.
George pushed your hair out of your face as he answered, “Don’t worry about it, darling.” He placed an open palm on your forehead, “You’re burning up.”
Just as he had said it your body shivered before you erupted into another coughing fit.
“My thoughts exactly.” He smiled. “You are not leaving this bed today, and I’ve just gotten word that Dr. Weasley is in.”
You let out a raspy laugh, “You don’t have to miss class, I’ll survive.”
George shook his head, “Nope, I’m going straight to McGonagall to tell her that you are sick and I need to take care of you.”
He left before you could protest any further.
You turned around, getting comfortable again, and started to doze off before Fred piped up.
“I thought you two would never quite fucking yelling.” He groaned.
Lee responded for you, “Shut up you twat.”
George jogged to the transfiguration classroom still in his pajamas getting interesting looks from the people in the halls. He didn’t care though, not when his little love was sitting in his bed sniffly and sick waiting for his cuddles.
He made it to the classroom and pushed the door open, startling Professor McGonagall and the few students in the room.
“Mr. Weasley! You cannot just come stampeding into my ro- what in Merlin’s name are you wearing?”
George caught his breath before speaking, “Professor, Y/n is sick and she can't come to class and since she’s sick she obviously needs me to take care of her so I also cannot attend classes today.”
“Is Miss L/n alright?” McGonagall asked, now worried about the girl.
“It’s my fault, I took her out in the cold yesterday and her asthma acted up but now she’s also got a fever and she was wheezing all night.” George rambled, the guilt coming back.
His Professor put her hands out to stop his rambling and push him toward the door, “Alright, alright, you go take care of the poor girl, both of you are excused for today and tomorrow if it’s necessary. If it gets any worse take her straight to Madam Pomfrey, understood?”
George nodded and McGonagall continued, “And for Merlin's sake next time send someone else to come tell me, we do not need you strutting around the school in- in- whatever this is.”
She gestured toward George’s outfit making his ears turn pink, realizing just how many eyes are on him at the moment.
“Right, of course. Thank you.”
George made it back to his dorm just as Lee and Fred were stepping out to leave for their first class of the day. He offered them a quick good morning and ‘see you later’ before making his way to you. He found you asleep in bed and tucked the covers under your chin before sliding into bed with you, pulling you into his chest as he let sleep take over.
A few hours later he woke up to you already awake and reading a note, he assumed it was attached to one of the two bottles that had been placed on his bedside table sometime while he was asleep.
“Who’s that from?” He asked, sitting up and looking over the note.
“McGonagall, she sent up medicine.”
“How sweet of Minnie.” He smiled pulling himself out of bed, “Alright, let Dr. Weasley read it.”
You laughed, “Dr. Weasley?”
He nodded feigning shock, “Yes, Dr. Weasley, and I’m going to nurse you back to health.”
George plucked the note from you and read it over, taking in all the instructions on how and when to take the medication which he assumed were the two bottles.
The rest of the day passed with George waiting on you hand and foot, bringing up food, rubbing your back, cuddling you, you name it he did it. He also did it all in his cute little crop top that definitely helped speed up the process of your recovery.
Now as you lay in bed, George tilts your head up to place a gentle kiss on your lips but you stop him before he can.
“You’ll get sick.”
He chuckles, “I’ve been kissing on you, and cuddling with you all day. I’m going to get sick either way, pretty girl, so please let me kiss you on the lips at least once today.”
“Alright but we can’t tell anyone, I don’t think it’s very proper of me to be snogging my doctor.”
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the-fiction-witch · 4 years
Don’t Distract The Driver
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I smiled as I turned on my heel at the bottom of my staircase swinging my weight and my little white suitcase around the last banister rail  feeling my petticoats swish as I spin, I put my suitcase by the door going to the kitchen with a skip and a jump over my little rug getting my large travel mug filling it to the tip top with hot coffee. I shut off the last few bits and bobs I had on around the house, when I heard the familiar little engine, I grabbed my handbag and set my white sunglasses on my head next to my little headband. I went and opened the door spotting the pastel blue beetle that now sat at the end of my drive way, I smiled widely seeing the tall, skinny figure who emerged from it.
He climbed out the drivers side his jeans tight to his skinny legs, his usual shoes, His belt tight with his knife sat down his left leg as usual, His grey button down over him with the little slightly metallic lines down the fabric, open to the centre of his chest as usual, his black coat cradled him as usual, his hat in his hand as he pulled back his hair and sat it on his head 
"Hello babydoll" 
"Hello Benny" I smiled running down the path and into his arms as he wrapped them around me tightly and pulled me close to his chest for a kiss "I made you coffee" I smiled handing him the travel cup
"You. Are. An angel." He says happily taking it and having a savoured sip "ummmm I haven't had a coffee since the highway, thank you babydoll" 
"Your welcome, so shall we get packing?"
"Of course put your stuff in the trunk I saved you some room"
"Okay" I nodded starting to bring my bags 
".... Babydoll"
"What is it Benny?"
"Need I remind you I own a beetle? Commonly known for being… not that big of cars"
"And I also have all my clothes and such?"
"I know"
"So why do you have like six bags?"
"I need lots. Benny, you think looking this beautiful just happens? You think I wake up like this?"
“I do” He shrugs
"I know babydoll and you look very beautiful but we are only going for four days."
"I couldn't decide on my dresses so… I took options"
"Options? How many options?"
".... A few" I blushed "plus I couldn't pick a swimsuit"
"Fine stuff what you can in the trunk and throw the rest in the back seat" he sighed, 
I smiled as I sat in the cream leather seat my head slightly against the blue metal and the glass of the window and door, I could hear the engine revving and Veering as it went along the long infinitely stretching american highways, The sounds of the air rushing past the window were it doesn’t quiet seal properly, The rush of sound every so often, Little sounds when a car past but loud when something like a huge truck went by, The radio on low the gentle music playing slowly, I could smell the oil and fuel of engines around us, I could smell the coffee that sat in the cup holder, I could smell benny’s aftershave which brought a wider smile to my lips. I looked out the window and saw the vast straight road, a sign for the route, the local towns and things close to us. I sat up seeing that as we drove we were following a large black car, I glance to Benny as he sat in the driver's seat focused intently on the road and the car in front of him, his bottom lip trapped between his teeth his hair slightly in his eye where he had thrown his hat on the back seat earlier. 
I smiled sitting up and fixing his hair out his eye for him,
“Thank you y/n” He chucked 
I smiled and continued to gently play with his hand until he took my hand giving it a kiss and putting my hand back in my lap with a pat before he returned his hand to the wheel
“Don’t Distract the Driver.” he warns
“I wasn’t distracting the driver” I smiled “I was helping”
“Sure you where”
“Why are we just following this car?”
“It’s a nice car?” He shrugs 
“What is it?” I asked
“63 lincoln. Ummm I want one” “Benny, you live in a basement and own like four shirts?” I remind him
“I’m not allowed to want things?”
“You can, just maybe think what you can afford”
“I own more than four shirts”
“Then why do I only see four?”
“... Because… they are my good clothes… that I wear with you around?”
“Fine” He sighed “Maybe… I could save a little money by, Moving out of the crummy little cracker box?”
“Maybe I could come and live in your nice house?”
“I don’t know benny, might be a little cramped or you in the other bedroom” I smiled 
“I would, Maybe I could just… curl up in your bed”
“Could you now?”
“Come on you have a two bed two bath house why can’t I come live with you”
“You won’t like living with me benny”
“Maybe I can be the judge of that?” he smirked 
“You just don’t wanna pay rent anymore”
“.... Kinda”
“You’ll still have to help pay the mortgage” 
“Yeah but that's got to be better then rent in my shitty apartment,” he says “Plus you have a driveway, so I wouldn’t have to pay as many parking tickets” He says
“That's true” I giggled, laying my head on his shoulder as he drove. “Maybe, I’ll think about it benny.” I smiled giving his cheek a kiss 
“Hey, I’m driving” He argues trying to squirm away from my kisses
“Awww benny? Don’t you want my kisses?”
“I do, but just not while I’m driving babydoll” “Your mean to me” I whine leaning back on the door
“Ohh? I’m mean because I want to focus on the road so we don’t crash and die?”
“I know I’m mean” He smirked leaning over and giving my head a kiss “Happy now?”
“Kinda” I giggled “How long till we get there?” 
“Another few hours”
“You said that three hours ago”
“Well it's a long way” 
“I’m going to go swimming” I giggled “will you come with me?”
“....Maybe, depends how the Championship goes?”
“If it goes well? Then will you come and sit by the pool with me?”
“I will if it goes well” He says 
“Benny?” I asked after a while of quiet driving
“Yes y/n?”
“Do you love me?” I asked nuzzling on to his neck
“Awwww Babydoll, Of course I love you” he says kissing my head “Don’t you love me too?”
“Of course I love you” I giggled looking out to the long boring road, “Benny?” I asked 
“Yes Babydoll?” He asks 
“I’m bored”
“.... do you wanna play chess?”
“No thank you benny. I’ll have to deal with chess enough when we get there.” 
“.... Do you want to play eye spy?”
“Are we six?” I asked 
“I was only suggesting y/n”
“I know” I sighed as I watched the road, But I smirked to myself glancing down at his tight jeans “Benny?”
“Did you wanna play a game?” I smiled resting my hand on his leg 
“I just suggested two games” He shrugs but I moved my hand up a little more stroking the inner seam of his jeans all the way till I ran my finger tips around his pocket “Oooh…” It clicked in his head what I was suggesting he smirked and picked my hand up giving it a kiss “Don’t distract the driver Babydoll.”
“But Benny”
“You wanna do that we can pull over, I’m not having to feeling me up while I’m trying to drive y/n”
“You're mean” I pout
“I know.”
“Just one little kiss” I whine “Please” I beg pressing kisses to his cheek, his jaw and down his neck
“Don’t distract the driver” he complained trying to get my kisses away 
“Awww Please, Pwetty Pwease Benny” I whine and soon enough he pulled up to a junction stopping the car
“You are such a whiny little Brat when you don’t get what you want” he smirked turning slightly one hand on the wheel and the other on the seat 
“Maybe I wouldn’t If, you gave me what I wanted” I pouted 
“Wouldn’t you?” he smirked pulling me to kiss him I happily kissed his soft lips back his hair gently ticking my lips as he kissed me, our kiss got deeper and deeper the longer it went on until some other car pulled up behind us and honked loudly, so Benny pulled back and carried on driving 
“Benny…” I whine petting his arm suggestively 
“I’m driving” He reminds “You got a kiss now let me drive” 
“But Benny” I whine 
“Don’t distract the driver” he says pushing my hand away 
I giggled and gently pet his leg, stroking his jeans “Come on benny” I whined 
“Why are you being such a brat Babydoll?” He smirked 
“Because I wanna play” I giggled slipping my hand into the pocket of his jeans gently stroking his hips “Please Benny, I just want us to have fun”
“Babydoll, I want us to have fun too. But Don’t distract the driver, it’s dangerous” he says “we’ll have fun when we get to the hotel okay” He says 
“No. Fun now” I complained grabbing his crotch
“Y/n!” he jumped “I’m driving”
“Well I think it’s time for fun” I smiled toying with his belt 
“Y/n” He warns “don’t distract the driver” I undid his belt and undid his jeans “Babydoll…” he warns 
“Just drive benny” I smirked slipping my and under his jeans my hand meeting his half hard cock 
“Don’t distract the driv- Uhh!” He groans as I squeezed his base hard, “Babydoll, what’s wrong with you? You are being such a little brat today, Fine. you’re not going to give up on this so” He sighed 
“Good” I giggled I started off slow gently pumping as I kissed his neck gently as he drove until he was rock hard, his breaths sharp, biting and gnawing on his lip a lot trying hard not to moan or groan in reaction to my movements and my kisses  “Benny? Do you love me?” I cooed as I sped my hand up even more 
“Umm! Course I do Babydoll. I just don’t like when you wanna play distract the driver” He smirked turning to kiss me gently but I pulled away
“Focus on driving Benny, it’s awfully dangerous” I smirked giving his cheek a kiss and moving in my seat tugging his jeans down even more letting his rock hard cock jump free from his jeans, I moved and gently kissed his head and down his shaft making him grip the wheel tightly 
“Fuck! y/n…” He groans “Why do you have be such a little brat and play distract the driver?” He compalined 
“Want me to stop?” I cooed
“Fuck no babydoll!” He groaned
I smirked and took every inch of him into my mouth sucking hard “Ughhhh! Fuck Babydoll!” He groans grabbing my hair hard I knew he was getting close but he pushed my head away leaving me a little confused “Fuck it” He said as he pulled into a truck stop cafe place, parking up at the back of the car park and doing up his jeans “Backseat. Now babydoll.” He smirked so I giggled and did as I was told, getting into the back of the car and he happily followed pulling me aggressively to kiss him grabbing at my dress I smirked kissing back moving to kiss down his jaw and his neck making sure to leave a love bite at the crook of his neck
“Why so attentive all of a sudden benny?”
“You know why” 
“I’m sure I don’t”
“Yes you do you little brat” He growled kissing down my neck and attacking my breasts with kisses “You are getting such a fucking spanking when we get to the hotel” he smirked undoing his jeans again 
“Why?” I whine
“Don’t distract the driver babydoll. Else master punishes his little bratty babydoll” he growled forcing me into his lap….
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seouliie · 3 years
bikini bottoms (m)
having a job as a lifeguard on the beach has you doing many things you’ve never done before. stopping fights between a 5 year old and a seagull, spending hours trying to dig a jeep out of a 4 foot hole some doofus had dug, and lastly, giving jung hoseok a blowjob.
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(gif from weheartit)
GENRE: e2l, smut, lifeguard!au
WORDS: 2753
MEMBER: jung hoseok
WARNINGS: really only a blowjob, implied smut, possible part two, hoseok is a fuckboy, mention of sexual harassment, there’s banter in this and hoseok slaps yn’s ass, but it’s all playful!!
The wooden chair of the lifeguard tower creaks as you sit down, as if releasing a heavy sigh after a long night of no usage, now to be sat on at the fresh time of 10 am- the start of your work day. From above, the people now rolling in to the beach start appearing, encouraged by the sunny sky and beautiful weather to get on their swimsuits and hop in the clear water.
This was an everyday thing for you- and you loved it. The fresh air seemingly always in the atmosphere, tinted by the salty smell of the sea, the sun, the sand- everything. It was the perfect way to start your day, and the perfect day to end it. Your mornings could never go wrong at the beach.
From the corner of your eye, you can see the outline of a rather familiar figure making his way towards the lifeguard tower, a frown naturally forming onto to your lips.
Well, except for one thing.
Meet Jung Hoseok, the heartthrob of the beach. Not gonna lie, the only reason you haven't filed a complaint for him to get fired was because almost half of the people who come to the beach are teenagers who want a piece of him. Not just him- his dick. If he did evidently get fired, then less people would actually come, meaning less money for you. Yes, you have thought this through before. And you prefer money.
You sigh, not wanting to interact with this sex machine at least until you've had your third cup of coffee. Lazily, you respond: "Yes, Hoseok?"
He smiles when you make eye contact with him, his gaze pure and playful. "You left your shoes at the shed! I wanted to bring them to you!" A hand covers his eyes from the rays of the sun, and he lifts his other hand to reveal your pair of dark blue flip-flops hanging off his middle finger.
"I know, Hoseok," you reply. "I leave them on purpose. I don't like the feeling of shoes on a beach." You rake a hand through your hair, your strands getting blown into your eyes from the slight wind.
"Well, I brought them, so you might as well wear it." He smirks as he waves the shoes around mockingly. From afar, the sound of a baseline is audible, hinting that the car of the boy-crazy girls have arrived.
You scoff. "Just throw them up or something. Don't you know how? Weren't you captain of your basketball team?"
Hoseok laughs, a sound that- for some reason- causes your stomach to flurry. "First of all, I was not captain and I barely played since the coach despised me. Secondly, I will not throw these up, and you will come down to get them."
High-pitched laughter rings through your ears, causing your mood to already turn negative. You roll your eyes. "Don't you have some girls to fuck? I can practically hear them calling your name already in their squeaky ass voices like some fourth graders."
At this, the raven haired boy pouts, slight wind brushing his bangs into his eyes. "Come on, I'm trying to be nice, princess."
You bit your lip. The sun was pretty hot today, the wood burning up below your feet. Maybe you should put some comfort between your skin the the fiery hot chair. "Alright fine." You stand up and turn around, going down the ladder one foot at a time.
Little did you know, Hoseok was not focused at all on giving your shoes back. After he saw you climbing down the little wooden stubs, his eyes were trained on your ass, naturally pushed out each step. Once stepping onto the grainy smooth sand, you swiftly grab your shoes from his hand, pulling him out of his trance.
You bend down to slide the soft material onto your feet and shake your head. "God, making me do all this extra work for nothing-"
A hard smack to your ass cuts you off mid-sentence. Jung fucking Hoseok. Almost breaking your neck from looking up so fast, you notice that the human incarnated form of aggravation is not in front of you like he was a second ago. He's halfway up the ladder.
"Hoseok!" You cry, shocked by how he slapped your ass and how he climbed the goddamn thing so fast. "The hell are you doing?"
"Getting away from those girls." He says as he reaches for another slab of woob. "Jesus, you fuck them once, and they get all attached."
The group of girls have already set up their towel on the pale sand, one of them already oiling themselves up. He fucked them all? Like.. at once or all tog- You huff a breath of air. You are not going to be thinking about that right now.
"Not all at once, of course," He calls out, which makes you wonder if you were thinking out loud. "Although it definitely wasn't individual." Hoseok talks with a sly tone, raising a brow at you.
Looking back at the girls, you see them talking amongst themselves. However, they are all turning their heads, looking for one thing- the thing that's sitting at the top of the lifeguard tower.
Realization hits you like a truck. "Jung Hoseok, you are not leaving me with those maniacs."
He snorts, raking a hand through his hair. "Yes you are! I got you your shoes, do me this favor."
You could not believe the audacity of this man. He practically forced you to take the shoes, and now as a 'favor' you had to deal with those hoes who you only wish would get a grip of self worth so they stop chasing after that man? What a great way to start your day.
"Oh my fucking God." Anger is flowing through your veins, taking over your thoughts and actions, and you no longer can feel your sanity. "This is not a fucking favor, this is you manipulating me for you sake, so fuck you slutty bitch!"
The sand is wet and warm as you roll it into a ball, turning around and chucking it at Hoseok’s head. You barely miss his slim face and hit his neck, but still doing damage by getting stuck to his skin. "That's for slapping my ass, asshole."
You miss the way he eyes your leaving figure up and down after wiping the sand off his neck. Oh, he just loved messing with you.
Swimsuits are tight. They curve around one's body perfectly, almost painfully, used for swimming or other water activities. They're actually pretty comfortable, if you do say so yourself, and you take pride in knowing the way your body looks in the bright red one piece of the lifeguard apparel.
But wet swimsuits are a whole 'nother story. Wet swimsuits are the devil themselves. They're sticky and distressing and tight, feeling like hell in spandex form suffocating your body and not letting you get the blood you need. Not to mention they take almost an hour to take off.
"God, can't I just take it off?" You whisper to no one in particular. The pad of your thumb scrolls through Instagram, images of other people's picture-perfect lives on view to the world. Feeling itchy, you continuously adjust your swimsuit, trying to find some relief for the discomfort you currently felt.
Sounds from the door break the much appreciated silent atmosphere you were miraculously blessed with, of course broken by the one and only  Jung Hoseok. "Help me," he quickly says, slamming the door of the hut shut. There's still some sand stuck on his bare upper chest from where you've hit him.
You scoff and look back down to your screen. "Help yourself, Jung. You've clearly been doing that the whole day, anyways." You squeeze your eyes shut as memories from earlier in the day came rushing at you.
The girls approached you right after you walked away from throwing the sand at Hoseok, ignoring the way he screamed your name repetitively. Not only did they waste your time by asking you where Hoseok was, but once you wouldn't let them go up the lifeguard tower, it got into a heated argument and one girl had the audacity to throw you into the fucking water.
She was strong, not gonna lie, but over what? A simple fuck? From the man who probably has a little tic-tac anyways? Oh, how you went off on them.
"They, uh-" Hoseok's voice slightly cracks, and he's talking in a slight panicked way, fast and mumbled. "They sort of attacked me- harassed me."
You look up. "They harassed you? You mean like... harassed harassed or harassed harassed?" He just blinks and shyly points to his trunks.
"Harassed harassed." Your eyes trail down, and the little bulge in Hoseok's pants momentarily shocks you.
"Holy shit, Hoseok."
Eyes wide, he nods. "I know. They fucking went after me once I got down the tower, so I ran here as fast as I could." When his breathing begins to slow, Hoseok moves to stand next to the big wooden table in the center of the room. "God, crazy bitches."
"And you got turned on from that?"
Not from them, he thinks to himself. But he wasn't about to let you know that he was already having his senses heightened after he saw your wet figure in the water.
"Well not exactly. It's kind of, just, you know," he sighs in defeat and shakes his bangs.
"And you want me to help... how?"
Hoseok stares at you, saying nothing. And you realize it.
"No, Hoseok, no way." You click your phone off and set it on the armrest of the wooden chair. "I'm not gonna sleep with you."
He lets out a frustrated groan. "I'm not asking you to sleep with me, just help me deal with this!" His hair comes out slightly ruffled after he rakes his hand through it. "I can't walk around with a fucking tent in my shorts around everybody. There's children!"
It takes all your self control and dignity to not look down at his crotch once again, for the outline is becoming more and more visible as the seconds roll on. And you've got to admit, he doesn't look as small as you thought. "Why should I do that? You've basically ruined my whole day by tricking me into getting down from the tower so I had to deal with those psychos. Not to mention, you slapped my ass and one of them threw me in the goddamn water!"
"Okay, well," Hoseok tries to counter argue. "You... threw sand at me." He knew he wasn't convincing anyone with that. "Please ________ just help me. I swear I'll make it up to you."
You think. You actually think about it. Blame it on the fact that the Jung Hoseok is practically begging you for it. An amused idea runs through your mind as you think of all the things you could make Hoseok do for you, all the embarrassment that would come with it, all the revenge you would finally get. Without saying anything, you make eye contact with his desperate form and stand up, walking towards him. His eyes widen.
"Woah, you're actually gonna-"
"Stop talking." You turn the both of you around and push him onto the chair, kneeling down in front of him. Hoseok is so stunned he doesn't even realize he bumped your phone off the armrest and onto the sandy floor. His breath gets stuck in his throat at the sight of you on your knees, ready to take him in your mouth. You run both of your hands up his thighs before slowly outlining his cock lightly with your fingertips.
"Jesus Christ," he breaks underneath your touch. He couldn't believe he was gonna get sucked off by you, the girl who's hated him since they first met. It was unbelievably hot. He sucks in a harsh breath when you squeeze his clothed dick. "Please don't fucking tease me, ______"
His length hardens in your hand when you begin to sensually rub your palm against it. You would be lying if you said that you weren't even the slightest bit turned on. "Patience, Hoseok," you grin. "God, you're so desperate for me, huh?"
A whimper. Jung Hoseok fucking whimpers.
Dominant, cocky Hoseok, just whimpered. For you. And it went straight to your core.
Rubbing your thighs together, you opt for some relief from the tingling you felt. Hoping to distract yourself, you toy with the waistband of his swim trunks for a few seconds before finally pulling them down his thighs.
It was much different than you would've ever imagined. In the past whenever you thought about his dick, which was rarely ever, you obviously knew he was packing some size considering the amount of times he slept around. However, seeing it in person has outdid all of your previous expectations. His dripping cock had length to it, but the thickness was shocking. It was unbelievably thick.
"Fuck," you whisper. You wrap your hand around the base of his cock, your fingertips barely able to touch each other. You give it a light squeeze before slowly sliding up.
Hoseok is watching your every move, his hands forming fists by his side to keep him from thrusting himself into your grip. "_____- shit." He leans his head back, clenching his jaw as you spread his precum around his length, making sure to coat every spot with his juice. The sight of his throat bobbing up and down makes your eyes flutter. God, why is he so hot right now.
"Your so naughty, Hoseok." You lightly trail your tongue up his cock, keeping your eyes on him the whole way up. Wrapping your lips around the head, Hoseok whimpers once again when you begin to suck on the swollen tip. He can't hold back anymore and snakes his hand into your hair, pulling at the roots while letting out deep groans.
When you take all of him in one go, he slowly pushes down on your head so that his tip meets the back of your throat. The sound of you quietly gagging sends him into overdrive, his body shaking from the pleasure. You grasp at his thighs, clawing your nails into his skin. "______, please please please, fuck."
Remembering a tip your friend once gave you, you hollow your cheeks and suck, continuously bobbing your head up and down. Obviously, your friend knows what she's doing, basing off of the way Hoseok lets out a loud vocal moan and thrusts wildly into your mouth. You've never seen him like this- so unhinged and in a way almost pathetically desperate. It was turning you on beyond belief.
He's close and it's obvious, sweat dripping down the side of neck, letting out a string of curses and swears as he gets closer to his high.
"Fuck, _____ don't stop, p-please don't stop." His voice sends a rush of warmth to your core, and his other hand releases the grip on the armrest to join the other in pulling your hair. Both of his hands are grabbing at your head, and you move even faster, giving his throbbing cock a couple swirls with your tongue until finally he's squeezing his eyes shut and releasing his seed into your mouth. The warmth in your throat seems to never end, akin to the strings of moans Hoseok lets out. After swallowing, you release his cock with a pop and wipe his cum off of your chin with the back of your hand.
Hoseok tilts his head back and keeps his hands in your hair, wanting to pause for a while for him to catch his breath. "Goddamn, ______." He lets out a breathless laugh.
You smile breathlessly and rub your hands up to his abs, tracing the outline lightly with your fingertips. His eyes darken again as they watch your lips swollen red and with his cum dripping down the sides. He forces himself to loosen his grip on your hair and slowly pulls his hands back.
You grab it before he can fully retreat. He looks at you, confused. A soft laugh escapes your lips.
"You still owe me a favor, shit head.”
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sour--disposition · 4 years
this is part two to “End of The Road” 
part one
callum airey x fem!reader
please check my masterlist to see if my requests are open
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(gif from the lovely @behzynga​)
The first few months were tough. Your mental health spiralled initially and it took the girls rallying around you to keep you afloat. Waking up became a chore, tasks as simple as brushing your teeth were hard, but not as hard as getting up to take a shower.
They let you stew in your sadness for a short while, knowing that nothing they could do would make things better in the short-term. They settled for keeping you company, eating in your room so you felt included, inviting you even though everyone knew you would turn them down.
Until you didn’t.
Slowly but surely, you started to come back out of your shell. You deep cleaned the spare room that Freya and Josh were still letting you bunker down in, brushed your hair out properly and showered for what could’ve been an hour. When Freya came in to ask if you wanted a coffee, she found you cross legged on the bed, scrolling through a job-searching site. “Hey”, she smiled, sitting next to you, “this is nice to see”. Freya looked over your shoulder at what you were doing. “I’m proud of you”, she said quietly.
Freya helped you sort through the job openings, ending up with you sending your CV off to at least 15 different companies that had positions that you were qualified for. “It’s not much, but it’s a start”, you shrugged.
“Y/N, two weeks ago you cried because the pizza man had the same colour hair as him, now you’re applying for jobs and looking at flats and thinking about your future. It’s massive”, Freya told you with a massive smile painted across her face.
“Do you think we could do something to celebrate?”, you asked. “Drinks or something. I’ve not seen any of you properly for so long and I want to be the one to offer the invitation for once”, you said lightly. Freya grinned, telling you that it was an amazing idea.
You grabbed your phone, creating a group chat to add the girls and the troops (minus Harry).
me: a night out soon? miss you guys x
Freya’s phone buzzed against the duvet cover and you heard Josh’s chime from somewhere in the flat. Replies started coming in almost straight away.
big josher: 100%
talia 🐠: yes yes yES!
nelly welly: will said can the eboys come
nelly welly: also yes ofc
Plans were soon being made, with everybody agreeing almost instantly. A weight that had settled in your chest was alleviated almost instantly. An irrational fear that everyone would want you gone had clouded your judgement after what had happened with Harry.
Within the next week, you’d heard back form over half of the jobs you’d applied to, all of them wanting to see you as soon as possible for an interview. You’d also been given a few dates to view flats nearby, one was in the same building as Josh and Freya, another in the same building as Gee and Will and another in the same building as Ethan.
The girls, and a few of the guys, had offered to come with you to some of the viewings, offers which you took up without hesitation. After all, they had all gone flat hunting in London before, you hadn’t.
“Y/N”, Freya yelled from down the hall. You poked your head around the door, seeing Cal stood awkwardly by the door.
“You could’ve just texted me, I’d have come down. You didn’t have to come all the way up”, you told him, already making your way over to pull some shoes on.
“If I texted you, it’d have taken you at least 10 minutes to get down. Hurry up, we’re gonna be late”, Cal told you, poking at your side. You could hear Freya laughing from the kitchen at what Cal had told you.
As soon as you got back from viewing the flat, both Freya and Josh were hounding you about Cal. Okay, it was mainly Freya. You just sat in front of them, eating your pasta and trying to ignore what Freya was teasing you about.
“It’s okay, y’know”, Freya said, all of a sudden taking a serious tone. You raised your eyebrow at her in confusion. “It’s okay to like Cal, even after what happened”. You almost spat your food at her as you choked over her words.
“I don’t know what you mean”, you spluttered. You could already feel your cheeks turning a traitorous red.
“Even I can see it”, Josh chucked from beside Freya. “You deserve to be happy, though. Just make sure you do it on your own terms and in your own time”, he told you seriously.
That night, as you laid in bed, you opened your phone and pulled up the text thread between you and Cal.
me: i’ve put the deposit down on the flat from the today
cal: happy for u, have you told josh and freya
me: ofc probably gonna start moving my stuff as soon as i get the keys
me: shouldn’t take long lol i dont have much
cal: do you want help?
me: from you?
cal: no from harry
cal: ofc from me you spanner
cal: sorry, probably the wrong thing to say
Before you had chance to reply, a goofy picture of Cal was filling your screen and the shrill of your ringtone was filling the room. “Sorry”, Cal said instantly, regret written all over his face.
From the low light in his room, you could tell that he was in shirtless in bed, probably with only the bedside light on. He looked cozy, pillowed on a mountain of cushions and cocooned in a plush looking duvet.
“It’s fine”, you told him, rolling over to flick the lamp next to you bed on. “It- It still hurts, obviously, but it’s getting better, I guess?”, you admitted.
“I’m glad”, Cal murmured. “Glad you’re moving, too, and that you’re getting job interviews. You deserve to be happy”. You couldn’t help but smirk at the similarity to what Josh had said earlier on. “What?”, Cal asked you.
“Just something Josh said earlier, about deserving to be happy”, you said softly. Cal raised an eyebrow, indicating that you continue. “About moving on from what happened, finding someone else if I want to but only when I’m ready. That sorta spiel”, you told him as you rolled your eyes jokingly, hoping Cal wouldn’t look to close into what you were saying.
“And? Do you want to?”, Cal asked. You could tell that although his words were saying one thing, his tone was saying something completely different. Suggesting something completely different.
“I mean, I still need to make sure I’m somewhere good. It’s not fair to anyone that I start something I’m not ready for”, you said, trailing off slightly at the end.
“I sense a ‘but’“.
“Harry did some serious damage, Cal”, you whispered brokenly. “He was the first person I’ve ever truly loved. I don’t know if that will ever go away, the hurt. It’s like it’s burned into me. I can still see how angry he was when he blamed me and how angry he was when he saw you”, you muttered. Your eyes had glossed over slightly and your throat had tightened under the grip of your emotions.
“I know, angel. But the right person will help you with that, yeah? You just need to find someone who’s in it for the right reasons, with you for the long run”, Cal assured you.
“Thanks, Cal. Love you”, you whispered into the low light of your room.
“Love you, too, Y/N”.
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reidgraygubler · 4 years
a different type of high (spencer reid/reader) pt 4
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Title: A Different Type of High (part four)
Request: no
Couple: spencer reid/gender-neutral!reader
Category: angst in the first half, some fluff in the second half
Content Warning: mentions of death, talks about parent death, relapse scare, suicidal ideation, talks about drug usage and drugs, anxiety/panic attacks, explanations of nightmares/night terrors, swearing, intrusive thoughts,
Word Count: 4,514
Summary: Reader nearly relapses because of the anniversary of her mother’s passing. 
A/N: this one does deal with some heavier topics (see CW's), so please proceed with caution. I originally had t his as on big long part, but, uh, it was too long. So it’s two parts… anyways, thank you all for the love and support! check out my masterlist!
last part  series masterlist  next part
I sat in the living room with my eyes on the coffee table. Several orange pill bottles sat lined up on the edge. The way the light caught the plastic caught my attention, mostly in a bad way. I was already on edge, and my day was already ruined. Any number of things could have made my day bad, but we can easily put the blame on my mother. And, I’m not just saying that because she’s an easy target. No, I’m blaming her because she died a year ago on this very day.
I was hungry, and not for the food in my fridge. No, I was hungry for the high and the nothingness. The high that was dangerous and could likely kill me. Maybe that’s what I wanted. I mean, the only person I have in life to keep me grounded was Spencer… And we’ve only known each other for a short time. What if he’s faking it all? He doesn’t really care about me. He just says he does. Saying stuff I want to hear.
My body was on autopilot as my hand moved towards the bottles. The grip I had on the lid was tight like my life depended on it. Mostly because, in that moment, my life did depend on it. That was until a slip of paper caught my eyes. An unfamiliar handwriting was scribbled across the paper, but a more familiar name was at the bottom. 
Just because I’m at work doesn’t mean I’m not thinking about you! Please call me if you need help with anything! 
I furrowed my eyebrows as I looked at the note. I have no idea when he would have written it and put it there. But it was the exact sort of pick-me-up I needed to stop me from making a stupid mistake. 
I stood up and shoved the paper and bottle of pills in my pocket before making my way to the door. My keys and a small stack of quarters sat on the side table beside the door, they ended up in my pocket. 
My feet moved themselves, and I soon appeared at the laundromat down the street. There were a few people there, and I could tell they 
hadn’t been there for very long. I just hope my phone call to Spencer wasn’t too long and they didn’t listen. Although, why would they listen to a random girl’s phone call? They don’t care, they won’t care. 
I quickly made my way towards the payphones, going to the furthest one to ensure my own privacy (again, they won’t care). I fished out the quarters as I sat down. It was kind of amazing how quickly I dialed Spencer’s number, and more impressive how fast I remembered it. It was the next number I remembered after my address.
The phone only dialed for a few seconds before he answered. I would have assumed he was busy with work or something. But, I guess, like his note said, even if he was busy, he was thinking about me. I’m pretty sure he was just saying that though.
“Hello, this is Doctor Spencer Reid,” he spoke calmly like he didn’t know what was happening. Well, that was probably because he had no idea I was on the verge of a breakdown. “Hello?”
“It’s… It’s me… Spencer, Spencer, I…” I swallowed roughly as I stared blankly at the wall in front of me. I could feel my heart beating a million miles an hour and hear the beating in my head. It was nearly deafening to me. Being alone didn’t help the anxious feeling. “Are you home?” My voice was a light whisper, and I wondered if he even heard me ask. I don’t even know why I asked if he was at home. I knew he was at work. It’s only 3 pm. Maybe I was just hoping he’d be home, and he could come over and save the day, make me feel better somehow. How though? I’m not sure. Spencer’s a fix-it type of guy, I’m sure he’ll figure something out.
“I’m still at work. But I should be home soon. Why? Is everything okay? Are you okay?” He asked, his voice heavily laced with concern. It was that moment that I realized he did care about me. 
I closed my eyes and brought my hand to rest over my mouth to muffle any sobs. “Are you okay? I need you to talk to me. Tell me what’s going on.” He asked again when I stayed silent. I let out a deep sigh and shook my head, even though he couldn’t see me.
“I, uh, I… I want…” I let out another deep sigh, hoping he’d know what I was getting at. “Please don’t make me say it,” I whispered and looked at the counter. My fingers rapidly tapped against the smooth surface. We both knew I had to say it and admit my defeat and the fact that I was sitting in the laundromat, with a bottle of whatever drug I had hidden in my bathroom. “Fuck,” I shouted before slamming the phone down on the hook. The other few people in the laundromat looked at me with caution in their eyes. 
“What?!” I looked at them before I tightly tugged my sweater around my body before storming out of the laundromat. The pill bottle in my pocket rattled with each step I took, and it was getting very difficult to move without wanting to take anything. Tears sprung from my eyes, blurring my vision the longer I was outside.
When I finally made it back to my apartment, I stormed to the bathroom. My reflection scared me. I almost didn’t recognize myself. It was a little horrifying, seeing myself as so unrecognizable. So, I stared at myself, my hand in my pocket, rattling the contents inside.
I scoffed before shaking my head. My hand came out with the bottle, and my eyes looked down at it. My thumb fidgeted with the lid, wanting to pop it off and pour the contents into my mouth. But, instead, I chucked it to the sink, the lid popping off and pills flying everywhere, before I ran to my bedroom.
I pulled the blankets over my body to hide from the world. Tears were rolling down my cheeks and face and I knew there was nothing I could do to stop it. That’s a shame too… Nearly two months clean and all I wanted to do was not exist and ruin everything.
I jumped awake when a very loud banging came on the front door. I looked around my room before swinging my legs off my bed and leaving the room. I dragged my body across my apartment and to the front door, where the banging hadn’t stopped.
I pulled the door open and looked up. Spencer was standing there, looking at me with a frantic expression on his face. I stared at him with wide eyes, my earlier fears and anxieties quickly returning. I had nearly forgotten about calling him too. Damn it.
“You didn’t do anything, did you? You didn’t take anything?” He asked, looking down at me. I took a deep breath and shook my head. I stepped to the side and silently invited him inside. He stepped inside and looked back at me, before looking around my home. He was probably looking for any signs of current drug use. The only real sign was in the bathroom… Where the bathroom had a grenade of pills explode all over the place. We’ll just keep him out of there… For now...
“No, no, I didn’t. I swear I didn’t. I, uh... I took a nap and cried it out,”  I rubbed the underside of my nose. I pressed the door shut before turning around to look at him. He was looking at me, he still wore a panicky expression in his eyes and it made me feel sick. He doesn’t believe that I didn’t do anything. I wouldn’t believe me either.
“What happened?” Spencer finally asked as I walked up to him. He opened his arms up and allowed me to hug him. I honestly didn’t want to answer him. Everything about today was already awful, and I just wanted it to be over. “Can you tell me what happened?” He asked after a moment of silence. I let out a deep sigh after he pulled his arms away from me. He noted my deep breath and wrapped his arms back around me. 
I turned my head away from his chest so I could have a coherent sentence. Er, well, as coherent as it could get. “My… It’s the anniversary of… Of my mom's death,” I swallowed roughly. Spencer looked down at me before squeezing me harder. I pressed my face into his chest and shook my head. “And, I just…. Wanted to disappear. I don’t know…” I spoke, my words being muffled into his shirt. One of Spencer’s hands cradled the back of my head while the other held me closer to him. “I didn’t want to be alive at the moment,” I whispered. 
“Don’t say that,” he returned the whisper. His voice vibrated in his chest, and it felt good against my head. The way he squeezed me made me feel safer in the moment. “Please don’t ever say that again,” his voice cracked at the end. I bit my lips together as I started to cry. “Don’t even think like that,” his voice got even lower, probably because he was also crying and he was just trying to mask that fact.
“You don’t get to think that way either,” I looked up at him and furrowed my eyebrows. He looked at me as he remembered when he was gone for a week and how he stood in front of several people with loaded weapons. 
“This isn’t about me… It’s about you,” he whispered, bringing a hand to my face. His thumb brushed away the tears that were rolling down my cheeks, but that was basically useless because I couldn’t stop crying. But it felt good to cry, to be honest. “You’re still young and have so much to live for. Someone has to save you,” he looked down at me, his hand still holding my face. I feared that he was only doing it to make sure I was still here and alive. Which was a weird fear for me to have, and I suppose for him to have. 
“So are you, Spencer,” I whispered as I leaned into his touch more. He swallowed roughly as he kept his eyes on me. His eyes grew glossy the longer he stared at me. “You save everyone… But who saves you from yourself?” I furrowed my eyebrows. Spencer sighed deeply before hugging me again. 
“You do,” his whisper was hardly audible, so I was happy I heard his words. I wasn’t so sure what he meant by that. I mean, obviously, I was the thing that kept him sane while he was home. But, I don’t exactly know how I save him though. So, I was unsure as to why he told me that.  “It’s just been difficult for me recently. But, I’m working on getting better,” he spoke softly. And, I swear he said ‘for you’, but it was so quiet I couldn’t be sure. Even if he did say it, I’m sure I wasn’t supposed to hear it.
We stayed silent for a while, and we just stood in each other’s arms for even longer. Being in his embrace made me feel safe, and I know I said that earlier. But it’s true. I wonder if he felt the same.
“You alright?” Spencer looked up at me. I looked down at our hands and nodded. “You look like you haven’t slept in a couple of days,” he spoke, his tone was soft and gentle. I could tell that he really cared and was trying really hard not to sound mean. I didn’t mean to take it to heart the way I did, but I did.
“Not really,” I grumbled and looked down at the ground. I shrugged and quickly glanced at him. He was looking at me with an apologetic look on his face, silently telling me that he was sorry for suddenly offending me. I shrugged it off like it was nothing. It wouldn’t be the first or last time someone offended me over something so… small and unimportant. He shouldn’t be sorry, it’s my own fault. He was just asking if I was alright.
 “The last few days have been rough for me, ya know? Especially with this whole thing,” I sighed deeply and shrugged again.
“If I stay here, will you promise to get some rest,” Spencer offered, grasping both my hands. I looked at our hands with a dullness in my eyes. I was beginning to zone out because of how tired I was getting. Spencer lifted a hand and gently rubbed my shoulder. I sighed and looked down before looking up at his face.
“I’m having nightmares, and they’re really realistic… That’s why I’m losing sleep,” I whispered. Spencer looked at me before pulling me into a hug. “And they’re about everything. Me, my mom, you, drugs, dying, death… I don’t know,” I mumbled into his chest. I pressed my chin into his chest and looked up at him. Spencer looked down at me with a smile on his lips. We were really close to each other’s face, and I know he noticed that too. “I like when you spend the night,” I noted, changing the subject to something lighter, even though it was that much lighter. 
“Really,” he asked, raising an eyebrow and smiling lightly. I nodded and returned the smile. “Why’s that,”
“Because then I’m not lonely, and left with my thoughts,” I whispered as I stared at him. I’ve never noticed how pretty his eyes are, with their golden and greeny color. He looked at me like he saw something, but I was clueless about what he saw. “And, whenever I’m with you, I feel safe and at home, in some weird way. I’m sorry. I don’t know. The exhaustion is starting to hit me now that you pointed it out,” I sat back away from him. I pressed my hands into my face and shook my head. “I just never sleep anymore and I’m honestly used to it at this point. But I’m tired all the damn time,” 
“I’ll be here, you can rest. You don’t have to worry about anything hurting you,” he whispered before wrapping an arm around my body. I looked up at him and nodded. “Let’s lie down?” he asked softly. I nodded before going to walk to my bedroom. Before I even got the chance to step a foot away from him, Spencer picked me up and carried me. I looked at his face and furrowed my eyebrows. “I’m fully capable of walking, you know,” 
“I know,” Spencer smiled as he readjusted his hold on me. He was carrying me like a backpack, but on his front instead of his back. “But you’re tired,” he hummed as he held me tightly.
“Yeah, I am,” I looked at him with a smile. Spencer laughed at me and shook his head. Our faces were close again, closer than before. And, for some reason, I really wanted to kiss him. Which, again, is weird. He’s my best friend… And I want to fucking kiss him. It just felt like the perfect moment for us to kiss. But, I don’t want to ruin our friendship. I can’t lose the one thing that’s keeping me grounded. And he can’t lose the thing keeping him grounded.
Spencer carefully kicked my bedroom door open and walked in. He laid me down on one side of the bed before going to the other side. The blanket was pulled over both our bodies and Spencer was close to me.
“Please get some sleep,” he whispered, brushing hair away from my face. I looked up at him and nodded. “Do you want me to rub your back?” 
“I knew there was a reason I kept you around,” I laughed before rolling onto my stomach. “My bestest friend ever,” I hummed as he started running his hand along my back.
“Aren’t I your only friend?” Spencer joked lightly.
“Ah, not only that. My bestest friend,” I looked up at him and smiled. Spencer shook his head before brushing his fingers across my eyelids, somehow getting me to close my eyes. 
“Go to sleep,” he whispered. I giggled and nodded before moving closer to him. Spencer returned the laughter before wrapping an arm over me. 
I wrinkled my nose as I noticed a weight across my body. It wasn’t like an emotional weight like I’ve been so used to waking up to recently. No, there was something actually on top of me while I was asleep. So, when I opened my eyes, I wasn’t too surprised when I saw something on me. However, I was more surprised that it was another person. That’s right, Spencer stayed the night.
His arm was strewn across my torso, and his legs were entwined with mine. His head was resting on the same pillow as me. The way he slept so soundly and restfully made me mildly jealous. How come he gets to sleep so peacefully and I don’t?
I hope he was as peaceful as I thought. There was probably not a bad thing he was dreaming about. Unfortunately for me, I was freaking out because I dreamt that I watched my best friend being killed.
I laid back, pressing my head into the pillow before turning to look at Spencer. His nose twitched as he stirred lightly before hugging me tighter. I held my breath, worried that my breathing would wake up. But, it did. There was no need for worry. He must be having a good dream with all the humming and hugging he was doing. 
I looked at his face, mesmerized by the way he slept so soundly. The way his eyelashes pressed against his cheeks, and freckles dotted the bridge of his nose. His lips pouty and slightly parted. I didn’t even realize he was awake and I was staring till he said something.
“Hey,” he murmured, pulling me closer before nuzzling into me more. I smiled softly as I looked up at him again. “You don’t have to go to the bathroom, do you?” he hummed as he closed his eyes again. 
“No, I don’t,” I replied back, giving up on any chances of getting up. We might be here for a while, so there’s probably no point in getting out of bed with Spencer holding me hostage. 
“Mmm, good,” he opened his eyes and looked down at me. The tired smile on his lips made me feel warm and safe as I looked at him. “How long have you been awake?” he asked, his thumb rubbing circles on my shoulder.
“Not long,” I whispered, looking right at his eyes. He looked back at me and nodded. “How did you sleep,”
“I think that was the best sleep I’ve had in a very long time,” he closed his eyes again, “Something about your bed is very comfortable,” he looked down at me and smiled. 
“Is it the bed or is it because you’re sleeping with someone to cuddle with?” I asked myself as I stared at him. “I’m happy you find my bed comfortable,” I laughed lightly. My bed is not comfortable. So I know he didn’t find it that comfortable.
“How did you sleep?” he asked, placing a hand on my cheek. I swallowed roughly as I stared at him.   
“Better than the previous night,” I shrugged a little bit. Spencer frowned as he readjusted his hold on me. “Let’s make breakfast,” I spoke out loud before sitting up, pushing his arms off me. 
“Yeah,” I smiled as I slipped out of bed and grasped his hand to pull him out of bed. He grumbled before standing out of the bed. I smiled at him before practically skipping out of the bedroom. “I’m sure I have something!” I spoke out loud, knowing I have nothing much for breakfast.
 I went right to the kitchen, instantly eyeing up the loaf of bread that was probably a little stale. I grabbed it and opened the fridge, happy to see a carton of eggs. And with that, I made eggs in a basket. I hope that Spencer would enjoy that. Considering it was one of the only things I knew how to make.
“Coffee?” Spencer asked as he slowly walked into the kitchen. I turned around and pulled open a cabinet. A can of Folgers was sitting on the top shelf. I pouted as I stared at the can.
“I don’t think it’s good,” I muttered as I pulled the can from the shelf. “I probably had this stupid can of grounds for an embarrassingly long time,” I spoke as I looked into the can and noted that the grounds were kinda gross and kinda clumpy, causing me to pout. “No coffee,” I muttered, tossing the can to the garbage, only to miss and go over. The can landed with a clang on the ground. 
“We can always get some later,” Spencer smiled as he bent over to pick up the can. I raised my eyebrow at him as he tossed the can to the trash, without failing.
“We?” I asked, turning to watch him lean against the counter. He shrugged and smiled.
“Why not,” he shrugged again. I smiled as I looked at him. It was only then that I realized I was burning the food.
“Oh no!” I jumped around to the stove to remove the pan from the stove. “I hope you’re okay with burnt eggs and toast,” I pouted as I looked back at Spencer. He had stepped closer to the stovetop to watch me. He looked very amused with my laughter and urgency with cooking. “Don’t laugh!” I looked up at his face.
“I just don’t think I’ve ever seen you panic over food before,” he pointed out with a smile. I looked down at the burnt food as I carefully moved it to a plate.
“I’m hungry,” I muttered before shrugging. I looked back up at Spencer and shrugged.
“That’s a good thing…” 
“Being hungry? How is that a good thing?” I scoffed and raised an eyebrow.
“You have your appetite back,” Spencer pointed out before he lifted me up to set me back down on the counter. It was so effortless as he moved me. I was impressed that he barely strained to lift me (unless, he did and I was just oblivious to it).  We were at the same level now, and I was able to look him in the eye instead of at his chest. 
“Why’d you do that?” I looked at him before looking at the counter beside me. 
“So we can have an eye to eye conversation,” he smiled at me. I rolled my eyes and looked down at the plate of two burnt eggs in a basket. “Can I ask you a question?” he asked, watching as I started picking at the food. He smiled as he stood between my legs. 
“You just did,” I smiled, trying to pretend like I wasn’t suddenly anxious. Why ask someone if you can ask a question? Why not just ask the question? That’s like #1 reason why people get anxious. 
“I want to take you to the office, so you can meet everyone,” he whispered as he grabbed some food too. I looked up at him with wide eyes.
“You want to take me… To the FBI…” I stared at Spencer. I almost relapsed yesterday and had the worst day of the year yesterday... And, he wants to take me to… The FBI to meet his friends… I could feel bile rising from my stomach. It honestly took everything in me to hold back the sick. So, I slowly lowered my hand and food back to the counter.
“Yeah, they’re my family, and you’re my family… So, that also makes them yours,” Spencer smiled at me. I dropped my shoulders as I stared at him. I really didn’t want to argue his logic there, but I understand why he said that. 
“Won’t… They’ll… Spencer, that’s… I don’t think that's a good… They’ll ask how you know me,” I whispered as I looked away from him. He rested a hand on my knee and looked at my face.
“We won’t worry about that right now,” he whispered in a reassuring tone. I stared at him and shrugged.
“What’ll we tell them? When they ask, ya know?” I looked up at him. Spencer stayed silent as he looked around my kitchen. I could only assume he was thinking really hard about what we would say and how we would lie to his family. 
“I’m not sure,” Spencer shrugged as he grasped my hands. I looked down at our hands and felt a frown forming. “I don’t know,” he whispered and shook his head. It was obvious for both of us that we would have a hard time being around his friends. Everything about telling a bunch of FBI agents that you’re addicted/was addicted to drugs can be a little (alright, a lot) intimidating. What are they going to do? The worst thing is they arrest me and fire Spencer. “Don’t overthink it,” he looked up at me. I nodded.
“I just won’t think about it,” I forced a smile before shrugging. Spencer gave me a knowing smile. “If they’re your family, Spencer, then they’re my family,” I sighed deeply as I looked down at my legs. I pulled my hands from his before rubbing my hands up and down my thighs. “And, I’d love to meet your family,” I sighed even deeper as I looked up at him. His face lit up a little bit with my words, and it genuinely made me feel happy. 
“You’ll love them,” he whispered before pulling me off the counter. I wrinkled my nose before looking up at him.
“I mean, I’ve already met Emily. And, she seemed definitely cool,” I laughed as I grabbed the plate. I looked at the two burnt pieces of bread. I tossed them into the trash and looked up at him. “I just hope everyone else is just as cool as she is, and even as cool as you,” I cocked my head as I looked up at him. He stayed silent before pulling me into a hug. “When would you even want me to go?” I asked once he released me. My stomach felt upside-down as I asked my stupid question. “Whenever you want,” he spoke softly. I looked down at the ground and nodded.
 “I should let you get to work. I know you don’t like being late,” I pouted, “I’ll see you later?” 
“Of course,” Spencer smiled before hugging me again.
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series taglist: @shameleswhorehourstm, @itsametaphorbriansblog, @bxtchboy69, @sammypotato67, @seninjakitey, @thebluetint​
didn’t work: thatsonezesty13,  mediocrehamiltrash
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incarnateirony · 4 years
15.15: The Absent Mother
I’ve had to take a great deal of time to pull my thoughts together on this episode because it was so MUCH. I’ve said in the past that I wasn’t a fan of Davy; he often layered his things very thinly. But today was a masterfully interwoven piece to the point I literally watched another show for an hour while thinking about it, went and took a shower for half an hour to scrub my head clean, and came back to this and STILL sat to write about it.
So if you’re new to my meta, I’m going to break the ice. You need to read my The Generational Family post to dip your toes in. It speaks in plain english things that will be less-plain english in this post.
If you’re less-new to my meta, but often floating in the occult references, I’m going to try to drop links to posts or tag folders of references.
But what a fantastic salute to the Empress this entire episode is.
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Now let’s dive in.
It’s no secret my blog bangs on about arcana on the regular. I have spoken of the four colors (represented in the above gif but also frequenting the #hues of involution tag). 
Frankly, I consider it invariable that the brother focused episode will summon forth The Emperor as a key focus. Somewhere in that chaos binder of tags I even predicted that much when I saw the color themes of the episode, but that’s a whole other aside--just something to put a pin in the idea of while I speak of the Empress, and the Generational Family.
(15.16 update: hahahahah)
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I’ve gone feral
Some time back I had made a post about Castiel’s tie to this path; be that his frequent association with Mary over time (be it storyline parallels in general arc, John and Mary’s meeting, mixtapes or whatever else); that he and Rowena served as mirror and foil from her earliest conception, back when his parental storylines hovered more in regret over Claire; that Amara and her forced bond were associations of the profound bond and many lines directly mirrored while other motions challenged each other (Eg, heart tie, profound bond>mark bond);
I even made a joke at one point that Castiel should wear a pink trenchcoat to match Rowena’s dress.
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This, of course, I joked equally was absurd, and that we would probably have to settle for the violet-pink light of Death on both him and Dean in 15.13′s alchemical Marriage of the Minds.
This Marriage of the Minds you’ll find plenty of topic on for my blog, and all in association with the Art arcana, from which the Occultum is drawn to begin with in its concept. This may seem like a long drift aside from the episode itself, but is more a preface of discussion based reminders.
Either way, @meta-mania-spn​ outright trolled in to my trenchcoat joke with this when it was released, saying “here’s your pink trenchcoat.”
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And how on point you were!
But I’m going to have to ask fandom to do me a favor before we continue any further in this discussion.
I’m going to need you to stop trying to shove everything in singular boxes applicable to one and only-one storyline. Go back to the Generational Family post. Make sure that’s anchored like, in your subconscious at this point. Know it, feel it. 
Okay, now we can continue.
Hah hah “You’re standing in The Trap zone.” Okay.
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So obviously, we have two major story ends going on right now: On the one hand, Sam and Dean go have a discussion to Amara where they plan to lie to her to pull off a stunt against Chuck; on the other hand, we have Castiel and Jack working a case. This seems simple enough in our structure.
Amara’s face of this ends up being entirely reflection. Of her cosmogenic origins (”We are the same.”), We Are Twins (I point to Thoth’s use of the twins in generational storytelling), etc. Of her history with Dean. Of her reasons of bringing Mary back.
Fandom may not like her reasons for bringing Mary back. They may even hate them. And we’ll get back to this later, but this is the sum of this.
On the other hand, Cas and Jack think a demon is involved. They even summon one. Turns out Rowena, in taking over hell, has adopted a new system. No more tricking and damning souls. People end up where they belong. The demon is bored (which has a funny shout out at the end on him trying to find a new purpose--as a cop, which is about six levels of commentary but I digress), but the continued path of Rowena renovating hell from welcome meetings for damned souls to lack of intentionally dragging others down is made clear, while evoked.
I point back to Rowena’s own history: at one point she aspired for power, but after Funeralia, she was stricken with guilt and grief over feeling like she abandoned her son. This is a thread that I have tried to put in videos over time as a still-binding tie; Castiel staring into Belphegor’s husked out eyes at one point, even if it wasn’t really his fault, just as we lost Rowena who went to essentially reclaim her son’s legacy and throne since she couldn’t atone for his loss.
But then we get to the case. It’s a whole long adventure, much of which has some bog-standard casework; we do have Castiel coming to speak that he found new meaning in becoming a parent (rolling back to the parental thread), and there’s a bunch of great imagery we’ll cover below. But before we get to that, let’s focus on the resolution.
It reveals a broken family structure: Mother was sick and felt shoved away, Father Changed Things, and the child ended up on a destructive path about following god.
Now when I talk about not boxing things in on one level, I’m going to break down this family a bit.  We’ll also just totes ignore the Joseph-the-Carpenter tattoo on the pastor that clearly has NOTHING to do with Joseph behind Dean only an episode ago and the entire Emperor theme with the sun behind his head. After the whole Mary behind Cas thing. Nope, nothing to see here. Has NOTHING to do with the generational stuff I’m about to talk below. That’d be silly right?
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You also have to think of it this way. If Pastor Joe (yes that’s his FKING name) a parallel, so is his dead wife. There are levels where it was felt she was mocked, and pushed away, which tied into Amara this episode. You have your Chuck and Amara level parallel. However, on the emotional level, the mother figure that Castiel actually ends up representing is also coming due to be absent. And this is about the father's atonement with that just as much as it is with Dean having his dialogue with Amara.
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On many levels. Dean and Amara’s dialogue trades of old grudges, old motivations, but also current events and learning to live in the now. 
The child, however, was still stuck in the past--a past the mother who told her to believe in God seemed to want, but the same kind of duty Castiel became aware of needing to change in the past. But she got stuck in it.
While she judged people by their sins, Jack and Castiel end up finding the poor unfortunate man judged by Lust, after an entire aside Castiel had with the pastor about one of the victims struggling as a gay man and what-not; For Reasons(TM). But this is an arcana post, not a “point out the obvious fucking screaming queer text and subtext being put in blinker lights this episode” post, so I’m going to generally show that the misguided and wrathful child thought she was carrying out God’s will.
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And then I direct you to my Lust tag.
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I have far longer stuff on it, but if you skim, you’ll find the loudest message is about not letting a wrathful god judge or punish you for sins. It involves the Whore of Babylon as a symbol of power riding a beast that represented (Aleister) Crowley; or in this case, Rowena riding Crowley to power, but also birthing and rearranging a new world. I point back to the demon in question, and then I gesture to the stuff about Castiel’s impending storyline overlap.
Did other sins get punished, sure; the one girl got greed, for example. If you check my posts on the Lust topic, there are other forms of debauch actually associated with lust beyond just carnal lovers, but the message about ignoring god’s wrath and making the new world remains in-tact.
This is the kind of wrath enacted by the girl. Who is furious about how the aeon changed. Because you changed everything, dad. They don’t worship God, they worship You.
So here’s the fun question: Is this a child of man furious that man is no longer the true god because Chuck in the corrupted Emperor path has changed the world to his whims, just flipped? That is to say, that they no longer see the Shadow as The One True God? Or is this someone throwing a tantrum on Chuck’s behest that the world of man is being reclaimed? Or is it a generalized moral of all of these things contingent on the choices The Ones -- Sam and Dean -- make moving forward? And what of Jack inevitably feeling like he has to do Dean’s commands, with the task laid out to destroy God as mapped by Death, in the inevitable absence of Castiel?
Now this has drifted a wide-berth from speaking of the Empress herself, which I’ll roll back to. I had mentioned, for example, the pink. So let’s talk about why that is.
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The Empress is the Matron. While she goes through many forms, this is sort of the central or individualized one. She represents a fertility in preparing to birth the new world. She holds a blossom, she takes a pose I’m not gonna bother breaking down in this post, and she is crowned in a sphere that is passed to her from the Emperor which she will wear until the next aeon from their union is born.
She is represented by the moon, and though her child will eventually become the new sun it must first be the earth, her emperor is her current sun; the son is the reflection of the father in the eyes of the mother; the Empress Moon lets the Emperor Sun shine on her face and brings life to the earth in their union, and again, I point back to the Marriage of the Minds post.
Now, see that bird in the corner? That’s a pelican. It’s frequently associated in old alchemy as the mother giving her life, as part of the birthing process is also death, for her next generation. I have spoken in the past that Byzantium itself is an ideal example of that. The pelican has intensive alchemical implications, but it was believed she “fed her child from her own heart.”
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Okay cool so there’s just a bleeding heart right there while Jack struggles with feeling like he has to deal with this alone, while Castiel tries to insist he doesn’t, with the renegade child taking it upon herself to carry out god’s work and essentially going mad/bad. Castiel not wanting to let that all fall on Jack.
There’s also giant posters about THE WORLD and a mirror shadow Safe Place poster which I’m not even going to talk on much beyond gesturing vaguely at my Shadow tag and Universe tag and move on, but I will take particular note of the hands reaching out to Cas and the world as a vague gesture to once again stick a pin in.
I mean there’s a few other themes I’m going to point out for general notes: hearts everywhere,
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Some stuff on Day and Night and hands all over/handholding, which I’ll point to my talk on Absence for false dichotomies
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And an admittedly offtopical “lmao fuck this news screen”
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But with that, I move forward:
The child here was dressed almost EERILY like Mrs Butters, for the record. And uh-- /wore her cross upside down/
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They both kind of represent the same thing of misguided ideals, though Mrs Butters proved able to be reasoned with at the end and went to go return to nature where she belonged, just as man should return to his place some day free of god’s machinations; but she didn’t break her cycle and her fate is to be decided after this by court and what-not, which.. you know, fine.
But that’s a note worth passing re: Mrs Butters, but again, it needs to fall to generational; child vs parent, with Mrs Butters being the lightly lamia-associated elder who lost her sons and went mad trying to protect them according to how she had been commanded, just like this story, too, comes to misguided commands in absence.
Add in of course that Butters pointed out Jack was “too much like his father”. This, of course, was a shot at Lucifer in a way, but the serpent she evoked isn’t truly symbolic of Lucifer in our show, it’s about humanity. And uh, who is synonymous synced to in SPN? Even ignoring the relevance of the serpent to the Emperor? 
Throughout this episode, Jack waltzes around imprinted on habits from Dean, taking on the weight of the world, sacrifice, doing it alone, and inevitably, small bursts of anger.
While... Amara tracks and polka dances sideways across the Mary issue of idealizations vs realities, of the Now being more important than the Then. Fandom gets stuck on how unfair it was to Dean and considers it torture which, human perspective, fair. But Amara isn’t thinking on your human level. In fact she very loudly flags around how Dean (and frankly, the audience) doesn’t properly perceive the scope of what she even is. 
Castiel, driving home, continues to try to be an improved parent. He talks with Jack, and tries to tell him he doesn’t have to do this alone. But Jack is stuck in that rut, and it’s a rut Castiel knows too well. He’s walked these paths and the audience has walked these paths and he can’t let the child handle this alone, though Jack declares it isn’t his choice. Jack has surrendered to what he believes Death commands of him, what the job is.
It’s going to be about choice.
But right now, Jack is too much like his father. And I point back to the Moon, who lets the Sun shine on her face, perceiving the world as a reflection of the Father, of Soul in the eyes of the Mind. This is the path to teach their son to avoid just as much.
Meanwhile, Castiel is punched in the FACE basically by Jack saying not to tell Sam and Dean he’s turning into Soul Bomb Take 2. He doesn’t want to worry them over something he can’t do anything about. Congratulations, Castiel is now living the mirror of Jack knowing the Empty deal and Sam and Dean not being told, and you can SEE the reality of it ALL slam him in the face. Not just because Jack blowing up would negate the point of his sacrifice; I don’t know if that even really plinks his mental armor; but the actual magnitude of that kind of secret.
Burying my clown brain’s fierce desire to talk at length of small details like Cas opting not to wake Dean up in the room, we see a recursion-yet-subversion at the end. 
We cut off, here, abruptly. In context of the episode, we know Castiel has at least learned one lesson and is going to try to tell Dean about his deal. But on some level, this all enmeshes thoroughly to Castiel’s Empty deal. Do I think Cas is going to tell the Empty deal in 16? No, I’m gonna guess on some level Sam gets his hands on it around 17 maybe, or nobody at all finds out--or at least Dean himself doesn’t find out--until 18.
In that time they *still* will not have stopped Chuck, that won’t be until 19. So I really wish this arm flailing about “oh god they’re making it all about Cas saving Jack and then dropping it!” would stop because man guys, I’m tired, I’ve been writing you the roadmap on this for two years and haven’t failed yet, pls listen.
Even after episode 18, Castiel’s role is inevitably going to be to take the burden from Jack. ...And Dean will too, but you won’t really even start to wrap your heads around the how and the why until at *least* 16 covers the Emperor path better in scale of the generational family. That’s going to be a joint thing.
Yes, I’m saying that’s going to be a joint thing after the Empty.
The show has taken a highlighter repeatedly to the fact that Jack was neither ready to rule or remove Chuck and that it was all a bad idea. Like “Then who?!” yes HMMM WHO. 
Who is sitting here following the path of all of these individuals in this very episode? Do I need to gesture people to literal years of Castiel being associated with every one of these women’s central stories in my meta, make everyone read literal compendiums of it to get the where and why, or is it at least enough in the collective subconscious to be recognized?
What is Rowena doing? What is Rowena doing, right now? She unbirthed an entire realm and is restructuring it; where people go only where they deserve to go, where they aren’t as boxed in but certainly aren’t out there being shitheads for the sake of being shitheads. But man, if only there was SOME ONE ELSE lined up on this whole lunar path, somewhere, with these women.
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(For more on the blossom, see my Albedo tag)
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For the full context and, frankly, mental breakdowns about 15.13 and what all that amounted to, I point you to the tags I linked above in discussion and lead-in to this post, because I’m not going to re-tread that ground right now.
But Castiel’s deal has always been about saving Jack. Castiel has been the Empress all year and before it. He will continue to be the empress, symbolized as feeding her young from her own heart, and--well, like that above gif (and also like 15.09, but with Sam in that generational rotation), receiving the sphere from the Emperor (Dean) and passing it to the new aeon to be reborn. Jack is the new Aeon. the mother will protect this at any cost.
But I don’t know why fandom pole vaults into assuming then that the Emperor suddenly has no place in this fascinatingly interwoven play. They are part of this cooperative birthing process together. Even in and beyond Death. As it is, there’s parts of Jack’s resignation that will inevitably tie to Castiel with Dean in 18.
As always, the case is a warning tale, but just what side of it you take really depends on where the characters choose to step. Is it a warning of man stepping away from god or god changing the rules on man? 
Even Amara’s message is multifaceted: Knowing when to walk away on your own path is not the same as betraying someone. And it’s only going to be by Dean’s manipulation that she would consider it, while he is in fact lying to her; but that’s NOT going to come without a long term price. And frankly, is itself a message for the endgame of this show, with some people thinking taking ones’ own path is tantamount to betrayal. It is not. But what matters it the truth. And the choice. And remembering that we all have a choice.
And what of Cas, after the Empty then?
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My soul went to heaven, big surprise.
In order to be in the Occultum, the Occultum must be in you.
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To know what he, himself, is also worth, Castiel will have to make that place within himself. And that will also be the place for his child, and his family, and humankind as he has come to adopt as his people.
...But there was a two step phase to that spell and I remind you Rowena wasn’t alone in that image.
The pink of fertile rebirth.
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For more on the Empress, click here. 
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refinedbuffoonery · 4 years
Late Nights
This is 2.5k words of fluff and essentially no plot. Set a week after the events of ICLU. I wrote the first part back in May right after I got the idea for ICLU and have been sitting on this ever since. 
When the letters and numbers on the screen finally blurred beyond recognition, Riley closed the program she’d been working on and put the lab computer to sleep. Her eyes burned. She was horribly behind on developing this program; it needed to start beta testing days ago, but the team’s back to back multi-day ops and her impromptu trip with the Coltons on her supposed day off consumed all of her time and energy this week. 
Posing as a think tank, the Phoenix did have to do think tank-y things on occasion, after all, and every agent was expected to contribute to the organization’s public projects. Including a certain physically and emotionally exhausted hacker. 
Mac sat across from her, fidgeting with spare robot parts. Riley checked the time. 10:58 pm. Everyone else had gone home hours ago. She vaguely recalled Bozer teasing her about not spending the night in his lab again. Pointing at Mac, he’d said, “Good thing he’s just as much of a workaholic as you are.” Riley knew Mac was just there to keep her company—and because they’d carpooled—not because he needed to keep working, but she hadn’t bothered to correct Bozer. 
Groaning, Riley let her head fall into her hands. It felt like some invisible force was squeezing her skull, slowly crushing it like a grape. She needed to go to bed. Possibly forever. 
“You okay?” She glimpsed Mac’s concerned frown between her fingers. 
“Yeah,” she replied, dragging her hands through her hair. “I have a headache, that’s all.” Understatement of the century. “How long until you’re done?” 
Mac looked unconvinced; when it came to her, he didn’t miss much. Mercifully, he didn’t push for a more elaborate answer. “Um, I need a few more minutes to finish this, plus maybe fifteen more to clean up. Bozer will kill me if I leave a giant mess in his lab.” Riley managed a small smirk. Indeed he would. 
Riley figured it would be at least a half hour before he was ready to leave. Just enough time for a nap. “Take your time, Mac.” She stood, hauling her backpack onto her shoulder. “I’m going to take a nap. Come find me when you’re ready to go.” He nodded. 
Sleep beckoning, Riley left the lab in search of a comfy chair. 
Thirty minutes later, Mac found her curled up in her favorite chair in the war room. Knees tucked into her chest, head cradled in the crook of her elbow, she looked breathtakingly peaceful. 
He regretted waking her the moment he gently shook her shoulder. Riley grumbled something unintelligible that might have been his name. 
“Time to go home, Riles.” Mac shouldered her backpack and helped her out of the chair. 
Riley could barely open her eyes. She took one staggering step forward and nearly wiped out on the table she definitely didn’t realize was right in front of her. He knew she was exhausted—he was too—but this was alarming. She was burning herself out on the least important part of her job, and Mac didn’t understand why. A problem for tomorrow, he decided. 
Mac wrapped an arm around her waist, helping keep her upright. “Thank you,” she mumbled. He pressed a quick kiss to the side of her head. 
Mac’s truck sat alone in the underground lot. He was immensely grateful he and Riley had carpooled to work that day. Otherwise, if he hadn’t stayed to keep her company while she worked, she definitely would’ve spent the whole night in that war room chair. 
They drove home in silence. Riley quickly fell asleep in the passenger seat, head resting on the window. 
She was still out cold when he parked his truck in the driveway, and Mac couldn’t bring himself to wake her up twice in one night. He slid his arms around her back and under her knees and carried her inside, and Mac’s heart melted when she snuggled her face into his shoulder. He could hold her like this forever. “Let’s get you to bed,” he murmured. 
Mac laid her on the guest bed and rested her backpack against the nightstand. He quickly unlaced her boots and pulled them off, revealing bright yellow and orange striped socks. He chuckled, imagining her muttering at him to stop laughing at her socks. 
Grabbing a makeup wipe from the guest bathroom, it took him a few minutes to remove her stubborn eyeliner. No wonder, he’d seen it withstand blazing infernos, days in the woods, blood, sweat, tears, everything. 
He tucked her under the covers before retrieving her favorite pajama shirt—an old t-shirt of his—and shorts. Mac left them at the foot of Riley’s bed, so she could change into them whenever she woke up. 
Riley curled into a loose ball, snuggling her face deeper into her pillow, and Mac couldn’t help but worry as he closed the door halfway and retreated to his room. 
Riley awoke in the middle of the night to her bra’s underwire stabbing her in the chest. She blinked a few times, trying to get her bearings. She definitely wasn’t in the war room anymore. 
It took longer than Riley cared to admit to realize she was back in Mac’s guest bedroom—her bedroom for the year she’d lived with him. Mac must’ve taken her home from the Phoenix. 
Riley rolled onto her back, and her underwire stabbed her again. Fuck this, she thought, yanking off her tank top, then her bra, and sighing in relief as the straps fell down her shoulders. Chucking them both on the floor, she noticed the stack of clothes at the foot of her bed, blending in so well with the dark sheets Riley almost missed them. She smiled, silently thanking the man sleeping across the hall, and changed into her pajamas. 
While debating whether to stay or join Mac, Riley stretched her back and hips, joints popping softly. She could be lazy and spend the rest of the night in her old room, or she could go cuddle with her boyfriend, but that would require getting up. But if she got up, she could also brush her teeth. 
Had she even had dinner? Riley couldn’t remember. Her brain was still foggy. 
Ultimately, her desire to sleep with Mac and brush her teeth won out, and Riley hauled herself out of bed and across the hall, feet barely lifting off the ground with each step. 
Mac was a pretty light sleeper, so Riley slipped into bed beside him as quietly as she could. He stirred, but didn’t wake. Sinking into the mattress, Riley knew switching beds was the right choice. Her body relaxed more in Mac’s presence. She’d never realized how lonely exhaustion was, not until she had someone she could freely share with and who could empathize with her. Even so, she’d still lied earlier about how she really felt, mostly for the sake of her dignity. Mac was her best friend, but Riley was loath to outright admit to weakness, even to him. 
She wanted to snuggle into his warmth and tuck her face between his shoulder blades, but that would surely wake him up. And waking Mac up would lead to questions she didn’t want to answer just yet. So, Riley stuck to her side of the mattress, tucked her legs into her chest, and went back to sleep. 
When Mac’s alarm went off, he wasn’t alone. Riley had snuck into his bed at some point and now curled into a tiny ball, facing away from him. 
He wished they didn’t have to go to work today, wished they could sleep in and he could pry some answers from her. But the world wouldn’t save itself. 
He texted Matty. Please don’t send us on an op someone else could do. Riley’s burning herself out, and I can’t figure out why. 
I’ll keep an eye on her, Matty replied immediately. 
Thank you. 
Leaning over to kiss his girlfriend’s cheek, Mac got up and went for a run. 
He did an easy three miles around the neighborhood, letting the cool dawn air wake him up. Mac smiled every time he passed someone else out for a run or walking their dog before the July sun made leaving the house practically unbearable. 
When he returned, Mac found Riley awake and making coffee for them both. Her back was to him, so Mac scanned her body for signs of stress or injury, finding neither. “Good morning,” he said to break the silence. 
Riley turned to him, bleary-eyed and still half asleep, and held out a steaming mug of coffee. Mac accepted, kissing her cheek in gratitude. It shocked him how easy it all was. She croaked, “How was your run?” 
Mac couldn’t deny the way seeing Riley in his clothes affected him—the same way, he realized guiltily, the sight had always appeased some primal, possessive part of his brain, even when they were just friends—but damn it hit differently when she wore a sleepy, lovesick smile and had just crawled out of his bed. Riley had always been his girl, but now she was his girl. 
The whole scene was sweet and domestic and everything he’d ever wanted. 
“Good,” he finally answered. “I even stopped to say hi to our favorite dog.” An elderly couple who lived a few streets away had a mini Aussie, who was quite possibly the happiest being in the universe. She would trot alongside her humans without a leash, but when Mac or Riley appeared, she whined and whined until her owners said “Go ahead,” and she’d come barreling full-force into Mac or Riley’s chest and lavish them with endless kisses. Her name was Freya. 
Riley’s eyes lit up in excitement. “My dog!” Mac chuckled, sliding onto one of the bar seats tucked below the counter. 
Changing the subject, Mac tried to be nonchalant when he asked, “How do you feel this morning?” Worry crept into his voice anyway. 
“Better,” Riley said, the mug hiding her face as she sipped her coffee. “Thanks for taking me home.” 
Of course he took her home. Even if they weren’t dating, Mac still would’ve taken her home and given her his clothes. There was no universe in which he wouldn’t do that. 
“Like I was going to let you spend the night in that chair,” he replied. Riley toyed with the hem of her shirt, her usual lively presence vanishing like a turtle retreating into its shell. Mac probed, “What’s up?” She sighed, still looking down. “Riles?” 
When she finally looked up, Riley’s eyes were heavy with guilt. “Do you know how many times I almost got us killed this week?” Mac waited. “Twice. I led us—led you—right into traps I should’ve seen from a mile away. And before that, I gave you a fucking panic attack that sent you driving through the middle of nowhere to come find me!” Her voice crescendoed. “And now? Now I can’t even get that stupid program to work right! I just want to be able to do one thing right. One thing! Is that too much to ask?” Riley let out a loud, frustrated groan, shoulders caving inward. 
Mac stayed in his seat, letting Riley have her space. He knew she didn’t like being coddled when she was frustrated. “I almost get us killed constantly,” he reminded her. “It’s part of our job. No one is holding it against you, especially not me. And that panic attack was the best thing to happen to me, because without it we’d still be waiting for one of us to find the courage to confess. This is going to sound hypocritical coming from me, but you can’t beat yourself up about that stuff.” 
Riley snorted. “Very hypocritical.” 
“You have to take the small wins as they come, okay? We’re not dead! We had sex! The important stuff!” 
“I see you have your priorities together.” Her tone was snarky, but Mac caught her smile between sips of coffee. 
“If we didn’t have to go to work I’d bend you over the counter and tell you how hot you look in my shirt.” 
Mac impressed himself with how casually he managed to say that; he could only imagine Riley’s merciless teasing if his voice had cracked. 
Riley blushed, even as she cautiously said, “We could do that anyway.” 
The apprehension in her voice hit Mac like a bucket of cold water. He couldn’t just say things like that to his girlfriend of two days. Or maybe she was his best friend and he didn’t care. Mac couldn’t decide. This thing between them was so new, yet it felt like they’d been together forever. The butterflies lasted forty-eight hours, tops, before the calm sense of belonging, of home, washed over them. Mac had never had that happen so quickly in a relationship before. Usually it took weeks or even months, not two days. 
“It’s not like they’re going to know,” Riley added. 
That made the decision for him. “Are you kidding me? If we walk in late together, they’ll absolutely know why. They’re like professional mind readers! We’ll never hear the end of it.” 
“Correction,” Riley said. “You’ll never hear the end of it. Desi and Bozer will just high five me and say, ‘Nice.’” 
Mac frowned. She was right, unfortunately. He finished the rest of his coffee, grimacing at the bitter last sip. Placing his mug in the sink, Mac said, “Seriously though, I want you to feel safe sharing with me when you feel like this, Riles.” He leaned against the sink. “Let me help you.” 
Riley crossed to him, finally closing the gap between them, and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Okay,” she agreed, head resting on his shoulder. She sighed. “I really don’t want to go to work today, but if I get any more behind on that damn project I am going to pull my hair out.” 
Mac pressed a single kiss where her neck met her shoulder. “Your hair is beautiful. Please don’t pull it out.” Gently, he unwound Riley’s scrunchie, letting her hair tumble down her back so he could play with it. 
“Just for you.” 
They stood like that as long as they could, before they really did need to get ready for work. “I need to shower,” Mac finally said, ruining the quiet moment. “Care to join me?” 
Riley raised an eyebrow. “I thought you didn’t want to be late.” 
A very serious shower,” Mac amended. “No funny business.” 
“Right.” Riley kissed him until Mac couldn’t hold back his grin. “No funny business. Now where have I heard that before?” 
Laughing, Mac dragged his girlfriend toward the bathroom. 
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ldwritesstuff · 4 years
Fallen Kingdom
Holy Shit this blog is alive, whaaaa?????
Anyways, I was scrolling around on @ingapotejtoo‘s Blog and I saw his recent drawing of a royal portrait and the rambles of an Anon there as well and it got me a-thinkin. So here is what I came up with. I hope you enjoy. 
“Tubbo you have to hold still,” The Captain laughed. 
“But I wanna go to the garden!” the youth named Tubbo whined. 
“The painter is almost done, just wait,” The Captain beamed. 
The child fussed a bit before settling back down. Portrait day meant getting dressed up in their finest attire and standing around for hours while the painter worked to capture their image. The prince of the kingdom, still a young child, wasn’t amused by this. He would rather be out playing nations or with the bees. The good king of this land, referred to as the Captain, smiled at the boy. Sure he kept a stern face for the portrait but how can one not smile at this kid? It had been a long time since the once mighty sailor had settled down here after finding the orphan Tubbo at sea. Granted he liked to argue that Tubbo was a gift from the goddess herself, the only explanation he believed in. 
“Alright, done!” the painter said, flipping the canvas around. 
The Captain and Tubbo looked to see the fine work of art. The Captain, dressed in royal red robes with gold accents stood proud. The golden crown sat on the king's head with the diamonds shining brightly. Around the Captain's neck had red and gold jewelry and a green and gold ring on his finger. Tubbo sat next to him on a stone pedestal with a green and gold necklace to compliment the Captains own. Tubbo even had his own little blue cape to match his father’s. Tubbo beamed in the portrait compared to the stone faced Captain. 
“Another job well done,” the Captain hummed. 
“Can we go play now?” Tubbo whined, clearly done with all the sitting around. 
“Let’s go get this hung up first and then we go and play before lunch,” The Captain answered. 
Tubbo smiled at that, hopping down from the stone pedestal. The servants grabbed the painting and marched it to the ballroom. The Captain followed with Tubbo holding his hand. The palace gleamed from a recent cleaning for spring. Being inside for most of the harsh winter months drove the little prince insane, much with the rest of the palace staff along with the child. The Captain took it all in stride with how rowdy he could get sometimes. Thankfully spring came around and now Tubbo could run around the estate and play in the sunshine. 
“How does this look your highness?” the servants asked as they hung it on the wall. 
“A little to the left and should be perfect. All who come and enter the grand ballroom can see it,” the Captain proclaimed. 
“It’s pretty Captain,” Tubbo said. 
“Indeed. Now then, I think the garden awaits us? After we change out of our serious clothes” The Captain said as he ushered the little one along.
“You get to be the bad guy this time,” Tubbo chirped. 
“Alright, but i’ll win this time,” The Captain smirked. 
Happy times 
A distant memory. 
The once great king walks among the ruins of a once mighty kingdom. Houses burned to the ground, the streets overgrown. Remains of a coup surrounded the king without a crown. The Captain let out a sigh as he pushed forward. His dark brown hair slightly disheveled from the journey here. The man swore to never return, the bitter taste the sight left in his mouth. He had settled down in this hidden valley to get away from the war and fighting. But his enemies reminded him of the path he took a long time ago. 
The remains of the castle stood on the hill, abandoned and lifeless. The worn warrior climbed the steps with his sword tapping his side. This place, once held life and joy, now a sarcophagus of lifeless and haunting memories. The night when it all fell still burned in his mind. All he knew is that he failed, he failed his subjects and more importantly, he failed the ones he loved. The reason for all of this glowed softly in his inner coat pocket. He had half a mind to chuck that thing into the nearest river and never see it again. But at the same time, letting the enchanted Eye of Ender fall into anyones hands but his own would bring about a greater end. 
Inside the crumbling castle walls, he gazed upon the torn gold and red banners. The Captain blinked slowly and continued along his way. The initial anger burned into a numbness that has lasted him years to today. At one point, he ended up in the ballroom and gazed upon a torn painting. The Captain’s face slashed out and the prince torn to shreds. He reached out, his hand brushing the remains of the canvas. They were happy, everyone was, and now many long gone. How alone the Captain is in these lands. 
The man made his way around the empty palace, everything destroyed and a bitter reminder of a different life. His room long gone, a fire had raged through there during the night of the attack. The prince’s room had been ransacked but he dared not to go in there, far too painful for him even to this day. So he continued, up and down the halls, searching for something and yet nothing. 
At one point The Captain found himself on the balcony, the one where he dived from after being cornered. How he got there in the first place, the memories all too vivid. 
There was an explosion, the little hand that was in his own disappeared. The Captain looked back to see rubble and fire. The people, no, monsters, who started this all began to swarm. A hot rage filled the Captain as he tried to push passed them, to get to his son, a chance to save him. But the attackers pushed back just as hard as he swung his sword. The Captain never cries, not for anyone. But the tears that flowed from his eyes as he screamed with every swing couldn’t be held back. 
He was out for blood. He wanted them to pay for getting his son killed, for invading his kingdom. But they were too strong and he was forced back. The Captain found himself cornered on the balcony. He saw the kingdom burning, the screams of his subjects rang out in his ears.  
“Give us the Eye of Ender and you might live,” one shadow hissed. 
“You attacked my people, burned my kingdom and killed my son, give me one reason why I shouldn't destroy it now?” The Captain growled. 
The people hissed in fury. Why should The Captain care? He lost everything all in one night. No, they won't take from him anymore. If they wanted this trinket so badly, they’d have to go through him now. After all, he had nothing left to lose. 
The Captain climbed onto the railing as they pushed forward. 
“Give it to us,” they hissed. 
The Captain smirked, a broken smirk. He looked at the people, the fire glowing in his eyes, any life void from them now. 
“Tell your master you have failed, long live the king,” The Captain said. 
The crownless king looked at them, gave them a two fingered salute and then fell backwards. Their cries of fury didn’t reach the Captain as the wind whistled past him, falling down, down, down. A few tears fell from his eyes as he plummeted to the ground. 
But the stop at the end wasn’t one he was expecting. The river that ran at the base of the castle caught the Captain and swept him away. The Eye of Ender, the curse that caused all of this, hummed and glowed in his pocket. 
The Captain took a deep breath in, giving his head a shake. He didn’t realize how tightly he gripped the old railing until the pain registered with him. His hand now slightly red, burned a little. Someday, someday he would take revenge but even after that, what is the point? Everyone is gone. His son is dead and his subjects either dead or scattered. No, this kingdom would remain in ruins, a reminder of dark forces and a once thriving place. The Captain turned away from the balcony and back into the castle.
Back at the entrance, his foot hit something. He looked down to see an old crown with the diamonds in it dulled from the dust. The night his kingdom fell is the night where he lost his crown and swore to never put it back on. The Captain didn’t deserve it. But he did pick it up and stashed it away in his coat. Maybe he still had an inkling of hope that things could return to normal. But those hopes dashed when he looked at the destroyed throne. 
“Never again,” he muttered and left the palace.
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sunkisseddaffodils · 4 years
Flatmates!AU tenth doctor x reader (ft captain jack)
Pairing: tenth doctor x reader (ft captain jack)
Summary: where the reader is looking for a flatmate to rent out the room in their flat, having recently broken up with their partner. A strange man offers to rent the room for a lot of money. The reader can’t believe their luck. But is this man all that he seems?
Genre: mostly fluff
Warnings: swearing
Note: you can request a doctor who fic/ reader insert by asking on my profile <3
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Four hours had gone by when you had finally finished putting up flyers about your room to rent around numerous cafes and bars in the town centre. Each time you did it, you felt a pang of sadness. A week ago, your partner had broken up with you and now if you didn’t find another person to sublet the room in your flat, you’d be evicted. You took the bus home and as you were wandering down the road to your flat; you noticed a strange man dressed in a blue suit sitting on your front garden wall. Lowkey, he was cute, but you couldn’t be thinking about that right now. Honestly, you wouldn’t be surprised if he was a murderer with the way your week was going. Swiftly, you jogged on over, demanding what on earth this guy was doing. He gave you a cheeky grin, asking, pointing to your apartment:
‘I presume you’re the one who’s renting out the room in this flat?’
All of this seemed kinda dodgy but surely things couldn’t get any worse.
‘Yeah, I am..’
He jumped down off the wall, fixing his brunette hair.
‘Wonderful! I wanna rent the room from today’
Your eyes widened.
‘Oh my god really? Wait, no hang on a second. I need to do a credit check and shit. You can’t just move in straight away,’
The tall, slim man reached into his pockets, producing a thick wad of cash.
‘Would this be enough to cover the first few months rent?’
‘Oh my fucking god’
He took this as a yes, placing the money in your hand, running up the steps to the front door, asking for the keys. You gave them to him, reluctantly.
He continued up the stairs to your flat with you running after him
‘Excuse me, but I don’t even know your name’.
He reached the living-dining area and sat down on your old, worn-out, leather couch.
He sat up, crossing his legs.
‘Oh, me? I’m the Doctor.’
He couldn’t be serious. You stood in front of him, crossing your arms, with a look of confusion on your face.
‘Doctor who?’
For some reason, he looked as if he was enjoying this.
‘It’s just ‘the doctor,’
You were about to remark about how ridiculous this was when he abruptly leapt off the settee and started rummaging around your kitchen cupboards. It seemed that he found what he wanted, and he stuck his finger inside an old pot of peanut butter and then licked it off. You really couldn’t believe your eyes. It took every ounce of your being to stop yourself from screaming the house down.
‘Doctor, please just stop for a second’
He placed down the peanut butter, putting his arms up apologetically.
‘Okay, sorry’
Taking in a breath, you began to list the rules if he was to stay here.
‘Doctor, you can stay here. But under these conditions: one, please keep all the shared living spaces clean and tidy, don’t be noisy and you’re gonna have to buy your own food if you want to do what you just did again’
The doctor nodded in acknowledgement, and you gestured for him to follow you. You gave him a quick tour of his room and the bathroom. He said thanks and you let him get set up in his room. For the rest of the night, you shut yourself in your room as you had an urgent report that was due at work the next day. In the middle of the night, you awoke, needing the toilet, and as you passed his room, you could hear the doctor talking to someone. All you could make out was that he talking on the phone to someone called captain jack. Checking your phone, you thought, ‘damn, it’s 4 am, doesn’t this guy ever sleep?’. The next couple of months passed smoothly except for the times where you noticed strange things about this man called the doctor. He didn’t eat. He didn’t sleep. And he always shut himself in his room. Often, you heard strange noises coming from his room. A sort of whirring sound. Maybe you had been too harsh that first time you met? But you couldn’t complain as he had overpaid his rent massively, and he didn’t want it back. That would keep you going for a while. Overall, he seemed a genuinely nice, guy. After work one night, you decided you were going to break the ice, try to get to know him better. It was 9 pm when you left work, you strolled down the dark road. Your heart sunk when you noticed the gate was left open, and the bins were strewn over the floor. Then, to top it all off, the front door was wide open... 
Thoughts raced around your mind. Were we being burgled? Where is the Doctor? Is he alright? You scampered up the stairs into your flat, where you heard a loud commotion coming from the doctor’s room. Shit. Grabbing a frying pan, you barged into his room to a very unexpected scene. The doctor was pressed up against the wall, being strangled by a massive green, slimy .. monster? What the fuck was going on? Without thinking, you ran up behind the thing and smashed it around the head with the frying pan. The doctor fell to the floor, panting. He struggled to raise his arm and this loud noise emitted from a blue screwdriver thing he was pointing at the ceiling. The monster roared in pain at this. The doctor ran and pulled you out of the room screaming at you to ‘run’. In the living room, the doctor pointed the screwdriver at his bedroom door, which seemed to lock it. He was pointing it around the room while you stood useless in the corner of the kitchen. The doctor was talking to that guy again, but it wasn’t on a phone but an earpiece. You couldn’t understand anything he was saying.
‘That should stall it for a bit’
You tried hard to gather your thoughts, demanding to know what was going on, running over to the doctor and tapping his shoulder.
‘Care to explain what the fuck is going on’
The doctor’s expression was sympathetic as he began to elaborate.
‘So basically your partner was actually a slitheen in disguise and they used you and your apartment to rebuild their ship which is above your flat and call for the rest of their race to come and destroy the earth and sell it for profit. I was just waiting for it to return so I could stop it.’
You didn’t even understand half of what he said. Slowly, you made your way over to the couch to sit down to rest. Running your hands through your hair, you asked the doctor:
‘Who are you?’
He sat down on the couch next to you, trying to be as comforting as possible.
‘I’m just a traveller, a passerby. Once I’m done here, you’ll be safe.’
Before you could reply, the door to the doctor’s bedroom was torn down by the Slickeen? Slitheen? Whatever the fuck it was. Both of you jumped up from the couch, backing away as far as possible. It came bounding through. The Doctor pulled you behind him as he made one last offer for the Slitheen to leave the planet.
‘I’m giving you one last chance. Get off this planet and I won’t do you any harm’.
The Slitheen simply cackled in response and marched towards them.
The doctor shouted at you urgently 
‘Do you have any vinegar?!’
‘Yeah, I think so in the top cupboard. Why?’
The doctor hurriedly shoved a bottle in your hand, ordering you to:
‘Quick, throw the vinegar over it. No time to explain why just do it!’
Both of you chucked the acidic substance over the Slitheen and it exploded all over the walls and floors, including yourself and the Doctor. Dumbfounded, you stared around at the thick, green goo which had wrecked your apartment. How the hell were you gonna clean this up? The doctor made his way out of the flat, informing the person on his earpiece.
“We’re done here. Bring the tardis’
You chased him down the stairs but he disappeared into an old blue police box. You knocked violently on the box.
‘OI! You can’t just leave after all that.’
Another tall, slim man walked out of the box and shook your hand
‘Captain Jack Harkness. And who are you?’
Blushing you answered ‘Y/N’
The doctor reemerged from the police box, having somehow changed his clothes. You gave him an evil glance as you were still covered in gunk.
‘Jack, stop it.’
Jack looked offended.
‘What? I was just saying hello’
The doctor instantly responded.
‘Well don’t. Anyways, thank you for all your help, Y/N. To make up for wrecking your flat, do you wanna come on a trip with us?’
You replied uncertainly
‘Anywhere in space and time’, he grinned widely, leaning against the police box.
‘This police box is a ship that can travel in space and time. It’s called the TARDIS.’
Nothing could surprise you anymore. Of course, you had to say yes. Captain Jack and the Doctor looked very happy with your answer and led you into the Tardis where you would have many adventures with the two of them.
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olliepig · 3 years
Centre Stage chapter 11
Many, many thanks as ever to the wonderful @willow-salix for her patience while I swore repeatedly about this and for her amazing betaing skills that then knocked it into shape. 
As always, it’s also available on AO3 here.
Pausing for a second to centre himself, Scott pushed all thoughts of the rescue to the back of his mind, carefully tucking them away to deal with another day. It had only been a matter of hours since he had last been there to drop his bags off before going to meet Cat, but it somehow felt like a lifetime ago.
Taking a deep breath, he slid the key card into the lock and pushed the door open. A blur of movement caught his eye as he stepped into the room, and he just had enough time to brace himself when Cat launched herself at him, flinging her arms around him and burying her face in his shoulder.
Not sure what he had done to deserve such a welcome, he let the door slam shut behind him, grabbing her and pulling her into him, the warmth of her body beginning to counter the chill that had been bothering him since he had left the rescue site in the Alps an hour before.
“You’re freezing,” she shrieked, clearly thinking twice about her actions as she tried to wriggle out of his grip.
“Yup, but you’re nice and warm,” he responded, tightening his grip to prevent her from escaping and taking all her nice body heat with her. Usually, the adrenaline from a rescue was enough to keep him warm until a hot shower in the hangars back on the island could take over and heat him through but this time, the cold seemed to have permeated his bones and he wasn’t sure he would ever feel warm again.
Knowing that he was far too strong for her to escape from without resorting to underhand tactics, Cat softened, leaning into him and lulling him into a false sense of security as she slid a hand up under his jumper, his soft skin cool to her touch.
“Distraction isn’t going to help you,” Scott tried to inform her, the small sigh that he let out as she gently ran her nails down his back suggesting otherwise.
“I wouldn’t dream of distracting you,” Cat purred as he dipped down to kiss her softly. “I just thought of something that could help you warm up a bit.”
“I’m listening...”
“Well, they always say that exercise is good for that sort of thing,” Cat breathed, struggling to maintain her composure as he trailed kisses down her neck.
“They certainly do,” Scott murmured. “And what kind of exercise did you have in mind exactly?”
“This!” Cat cried, finding the base of his ribs and tickling him mercilessly as he yelped in surprise, struggling to get away while she hung on as best she could, his infectious laughter making her giggle helplessly.
Breaking free, Scott launched himself towards the bed, grabbing a pillow and lobbing it at her to stop the onslaught.
“Not fair,” he complained, his smile undermining the sincerity of his protests.
“What? It got you moving and I bet you’re not as cold any more,” Cat defended, trying not to laugh at his wounded expression as she held another pillow up as a shield, ready to defend herself in case of further attacks.
“You might have a point there,” Scott admitted, realising that he no longer felt quite so chilled. “But still, I call bullshit on those tactics. I can think of plenty of better ways to warm up.”
“I bet you can,” Cat agreed, raising an eyebrow and giving him a wink. “But you’re going to have to satisfy yourself with this for now I’m afraid. I ordered some dinner for you which’ll be here soon, and I think a nice hot shower would be much more effective in the longer term.”
“Spoilsport,” Scott grumbled good naturedly as he picked another pillow off the bed and half heartedly chucked it in Cat’s direction as she made her way back over to him. “Hello by the way.”
“Hello,” Cat murmured as she wound her arms around his neck, lifting herself up on her tiptoes to ghost a kiss over his lips. “Glad you’re back.” “Me too,” Scott murmured, dropping his forehead down to meet hers as the stresses of the preceding hours seemed to vanish. “Thanks for ordering some dinner for me. I’m famished.” “I thought you might be,” Cat smiled, glad that she’d been able to provide at least a little help. “It’s nothing massively exciting but it’s hot and nourishing so it’ll do you good. You still feel cold though so you should get that shower.” “I think I might,” Scott agreed, feeling the chill beginning to inch back into his consciousness as they stood quietly together.
“Off you go then,” Cat encouraged, dropping her arms and smacking him smartly on the ass as she moved away to pick up the scattered pillows. “Get yourself all nice and warm and then you can tell me all about the rescue when you're done.”
Something in the tone of her voice made Scott look up in alarm. Watching his reaction, there was a shrewdness in her eyes that he was sure hadn’t been there just moments earlier, making him wonder what she was thinking. Looking away quickly, he grabbed his clothes from the wardrobe and hurried into the bathroom, keen to get away from her unwavering gaze that seemed to strip him bare without even trying.
Watching him go, Cat shook her head slightly. It was no wonder she hadn’t picked up on anything being wrong, she thought. He had seemed his usual self right up until she mentioned the rescue, and even then, if she hadn’t been looking for it, she doubted she’d even have spotted the momentary discomfort that skittered across his face before he returned it to its usual calm.
Her conversation with Selene had turned up a lot of surprises, none of which were pleasant, but what had shaken her the most was how well he had hidden them from her. Trust was so fundamental to her that discovering that he had been hiding things had sent a flash of anger through her, but the hour she’d had to let the revelations sink in had allowed her the space to realise that there was a world of difference between lying and simply neglecting to mention things.
Well, he wasn’t going to get away with doing either, she thought, as she straightened the bed back out and picked up her book. She was going to make damn sure he was honest with her about what was happening because this time, he had no choice. She already knew.
“Feeling better?” Cat asked as Scott pushed his plate away, having made short work of the burger that had been waiting for him when he had gotten out of shower.
“Much,” he smiled as he pushed his chair back, pausing to give her a grateful kiss before flopping down onto the small sofa that sat in a corner of the room. “Thanks again for this,” he added, gesturing back to his empty plate. “I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
“You’d be colder and hungrier, that’s for sure,” Cat laughed, settling herself beside him and handing him the glass of water that he’d left on the table. “But you’d also be on a tropical island right now too, so maybe the cold wouldn’t have been such an issue.”
“That’s a fair point,” Scott agreed, taking a sip before putting the glass on the little table beside him. “I think I’d rather be here though.”
“I bet you would,” Cat replied, one eyebrow raised. Her tone was teasing, but when Scott met her eyes, he felt a shiver of apprehension run through him although he wasn’t entirely sure why. “So, how was the rescue?”
Cat had determinedly kept the conversation on neutral topics while he ate, keen for Scott to have at least a little downtime before he was faced with questions that she knew he would find uncomfortable, but now there was nothing to stop her. As the evening had worn on, her initial anger at finding that she had been left in the dark had subsided more and more, replaced by a desire to help in any way that she could, even if that was just letting him know that he was supported.
“It was fine,” Scott replied, finding himself strangely unable to meet her gaze even though he knew her eyes were on him, hating the secrecy that he was having to maintain.
“Just ‘fine’?” Cat pressed, trying to give him the chance to open up to her by himself. “You usually have a lot more than that to tell me when you get home. I assume you managed to get everyone OK?”
“Yeah, it was pretty simple in the end,” Scott confirmed, risking a quick glance up at her before looking around for something to fiddle with but coming up empty.
“So how did you do it? Was it hard to work out the best course of action? C’mon, Scott, you’re usually full of stories when you tell me about these sorts of things. Did something happen?”
“No, nothing like that,” Scott reassured her with a sigh, trying to buy himself some time as he picked his next words carefully. “By the time we got there, Dad had already been in touch with the authorities, so it was just a case of following the plan that they’d come up with and getting the climbers to hospital. Nothing more exciting than that.”
“If there were only a couple of them to rescue and it was that simple then it doesn’t seem like they needed you at all,” Cat observed, watching him carefully to see how her words landed.
“Maybe,” Scott conceded. “But it’s always better to be overmanned than find you need an extra pair of hands halfway through.”
“I guess so,” Cat mused, frustrated that she could see the logic in the argument despite knowing that they’d managed perfectly well when Scott had been on leave in the past.
“I know it was annoying today, but I can see why Dad wanted me there,” Scott bluffed, trying to disguise his discomfort by taking her hand and placing a soft kiss on her knuckle, attempting to smooth things over so they could move onto a safer subject. “You never know if a situation might change so it does make sense.”
“That's true, but don’t you usually wait til you get to the rescue site to make plans rather than finalise everything before you’re there?” Cat continued, watching him closely as she focussed on the inconsistencies in what he was saying based on how she knew they’d always worked in the past.
She could see in his eyes that he didn’t believe what he’d just said and wasn’t fooled by his bid to distract her. With the benefit of her new knowledge, it seemed painfully obvious that he was covering for Jeff, but instead of anger, the only question in her mind was why he wasn’t willing to tell her what had been happening and allow her to help.
“That’s how we did it before, but we didn’t have the benefit of Dad’s experience then, so things have changed a bit over the last few months,” Scott answered smoothly, wondering what had happened that made him so able to defend actions that, in all honesty, he was deeply unhappy about.
“And how do you feel about that?”
“It’s fine,” Scott dismissed, finding it very difficult to look at her as he found himself caught between his loyalty to his dad and the commitment he’d made to be completely honest.
When Cat didn’t answer immediately, he allowed himself a moment to hope that he’d gotten away with it for now. He knew he was going to have to tell her what was going on at some point and it wasn’t that he didn’t want to seek her support, but she had been so stressed about her upcoming performance that he hadn’t wanted to burden her with it until it was over.  
Rolling his shoulders to release some of the tension, he felt the silence stretching between them in a way that it hadn’t before. It wasn’t their usual comfortable quiet, and he could see from Cat’s expression that her brain was working overtime.
She knows, a little voice in his head supplied unhelpfully, sending a cold rush of dread through him.
She never normally pushed him for information about rescues, but his guilty conscience knew exactly what she’d been getting at by the questions she was asking. He hated lying to her, but his loyalty to his dad was absolute and he couldn’t bring himself to actually admit what was happening. Not after pouring his heart out to her about his hopes for the future on the last night they were together before their fathers rescue from the Oort cloud.
“What did John mean earlier when he mentioned your dad?” Cat asked, changing tactics and going for the direct approach.
“Nothing,” Scott snapped, looking up in alarm as he made a last-ditch effort to avoid telling her what had been happening. The expression on Cat’s face didn’t inspire him with confidence that his plan would work, her raised eyebrow daring him to come clean.
“Really? Cos the way you reacted didn’t make it seem like nothing.”
Scott sighed, suddenly feeling very, very tired. “It really was nothing. Can we drop this?”
“No, we can’t,” Cat replied sharply, her refusal to leave it taking him by surprise. She didn’t challenge him often, but he’d discovered to his cost that when she did, resistance was futile as she was always holding a trump card of some sort. “I don’t believe you, and I know for a fact that there’s stuff here that you’re not telling me.”
“And how do you know that exactly?” Scott bristled, hating the fact that he was being called out but hating even more that he’d done something to deserve it.
“I spoke to Selene.”
“Yes, oh,” Cat replied, doing her best to keep her voice steady as anger that it had come to this surged through her. “I’m your girlfriend, Scott, not some random person you hooked up with. When we agreed to make a go of this, we promised not to keep anything from each other, so you need to stop shutting me out. We’re supposed to be a team. I should not have to resort to calling Selene to find out what’s been happening.”
“You’re right,” he whispered, his head dropping as a wave of shame washed over him at the lengths that he’d driven her to by trying to protect his dad and maintain that everything was OK. “I’m sorry,” he added as he met her eyes, expecting them to be full of anger but instead only finding love and compassion.
Cat’s anger had evaporated the second she saw him visibly deflate as her words hit home, and by the time he looked back up at her, she was calm again, wanting only to help in any way she could. Needing a physical connection between them, she shuffled along the sofa, tucking herself in next to him and wrapping her arms around him, pulling him into her as she placed a gentle kiss on his forehead.
“I might not be able to solve anything,” she whispered softly, resting her head against his, relieved to find him leaning back into her, “but I can listen.”
In fits and starts, the whole story poured out. Cat listened in quiet sympathy as Scott confirmed what Selene had already told her about how they had all been slowly pushed aside, their professional opinion counting for nothing against Jeff’s, leaving his role hollowed out and reduced to the barest bones. Feeling the frustration rolling off him, it took everything in her power to stop herself from interjecting and voicing her opinions on the matter as he described the times he had been forced to defer to someone who didn’t have the experience of their new equipment and protocols that he did, slowly eroding his love for what he did, leaving him trapped in his duty to his family and unwillingness to challenge his dad.
“I just never expected it to go like this when he got back,” he admitted quietly when he was done, sagging into her as she rubbed gentle circles on his back.
“I know, but there’s no shame in admitting that things haven't gone the way you thought they would,” Cat replied reasonably, giving him a squeeze for support.
“I just didn’t want to let anyone down,” he sighed, sitting back and taking a sip of water before continuing. “I didn’t want to worry you either. You’ve been so stressed about these shows coming up that I didn’t want to burden you with it all.”
“I can understand that, and I do appreciate that you were thinking of me, even if it was a bit misplaced,” Cat reassured him as she shifted to face him, draping her legs over his lap.
“Truth is, it all started so slowly that I wasn’t even really aware of it,” Scott continued, wanting to give her some explanation as to why he hadn’t been honest with her about it from the start. “It was just little annoyances that didn’t seem worth mentioning that eventually built up into a big annoyance that’s been there in the background for a while. By the time it reached that stage, it seemed a bit late to tell you about it and I guess I thought I’d be able to handle it without you knowing.”
“And you were nearly right,” Cat smiled, stifling a yawn that she’d been trying to hold in for the last five minutes. “If it wasn’t for your reaction to the callout earlier, I still wouldn’t have picked up on it. Not yet anyway. But when you were a bit funny about talking about it, I started thinking back over things and a lot of stuff pointed to there being an issue there that you weren’t wanting to discuss.”
“You’re like a bloody bloodhound when you get a sniff of something being wrong,” Scott remarked fondly. “One of these days I’ll learn that it’s pointless trying to keep anything from you.”
“It sure is, especially cos you’ve got Selene to contend with too. You might as well just accept that you’ve got two people here who love you and who are gonna work together to make sure you’re OK.”
“It certainly seems that way,” Scott agreed with a wry smile as Cat yawned again. “I think it might be getting towards someone’s bedtime.”
“I think you might be right there,” Cat smiled, spinning herself around and using Scott’s leg as a hand hold to shove herself off the sofa. “C’mon then, you joining me?” “Try and stop me,” Scott grinned as Cat started peeling the covers back, the soft bed looking very enticing. “It’s been a long night all round.”
Exhaustion hit him as he finished the sentence, and a face splitting yawn was only moments behind, making Cat giggle. As they got themselves ready, he realised just how long a day it had been, starting on the island before taking in the sights of St Petersburg, a rescue and a difficult but necessary conversation.
“I’m so sorry, I kept you up and I haven’t even asked about how you’re feeling about tomorrow,” Scott apologised, as they stood together in the bathroom, fighting for space at the sink to do their teeth.
“Don’t be stupid,” Cat mumbled through a mouthful of toothbrush before taking it out so she could continue unencumbered. “There'll be plenty of time in the morning for me to tell you all about how I’m feeling, don’t you worry about that.”
“But I wanted tonight to be about you and what you’re about to achieve tomorrow and all that’s gone now,” he objected, struggling to shake the feeling of selfishness that was creeping over him.
“You needed this tonight and to be honest, so did I,” Cat told him firmly, rinsing her toothbrush and dropping it back into the cup that she’d designated for the purpose. “You know what I’m like. I couldn’t have focussed tomorrow if you hadn’t been honest tonight, so thank you. I love you and if something is bothering you then I need you to tell me.”
“Well, if you’re sure.”
“Absolutely. We can start again tomorrow, so let's get some sleep and if it’ll make you feel better, I’ll be the focus of all your attention in the morning,” Cat reassured him with a quick kiss on the cheek, leaving him in the bathroom to finish up before he could answer.
Dozing off later with Cat held securely in his arms, he realised that she was right. Even though he hadn’t wanted to talk about it, it had been the best thing for both of them, leaving his mind at peace for the first time in what felt like months. They were a team, and a smile crept over his face as he remembered that he had something very important to ask her in the morning.
“Surprise,” Scott cried with barely contained glee, flinging his arm out to direct her attention to his handiwork.
Peering through the cloud of steam from the shower that she’d just unleashed into the room, Cat took in the scene before her. The previously empty table was groaning under the weight of plates, each covered in a silver dome to keep whatever mysteries they contained hot. A large coffee pot and big jugs of water and orange juice completed the feast.
“There’s so much! This is amazing,” Cat exclaimed, hurrying over to investigate as Scott began uncovering the plates, revealing portions of all her favourite breakfast items.
“Don’t worry if you can’t eat it all though,” Scott added, taking the opportunity to place a kiss on her cheek on his way past as he continued to bustle around, wanting to make sure everything was perfect before settling down to eat. “I didn’t want you to go short and I wasn’t sure what the portion sizes were like, so I decided to treat it like our own personal buffet and just get a bit of everything.”
“Aww, thank you, that’s very thoughtful,” Cat smiled, “What made you decide to do all of this?”
“Well, I know you don’t like to eat very much before a show, so I wanted to make sure you’re all fuelled up for your big day,” Scott explained, pulling a chair out for her and offering a napkin with a flourish before taking his own seat. “Anyway, I wanted to make up for stealing your limelight last night so I thought this could be a nice way to start the day together instead of going down to the restaurant with everyone else.”
Cat couldn’t help but smile. His thoughtfulness astounded her every time and even though he had nothing to make up for, she very much appreciated the sentiment as it meant they got more precious time together. Wordlessly, she reached out and cupped his face with her hand, the roughness of the faint stubble on his jaw contrasting with the soft skin under his eye as she gently traced her thumb across it.
A small sigh escaped Scott as he leant into her touch, the worries of the previous days melting away as his eyes closed involuntarily. All he was aware of was the present and the woman in front of him who seemed to know exactly what he needed. Turning his head slightly, he captured her palm with his lips in a gentle kiss as he met her eyes, a smile creeping onto his face at the love he found contained there.
They stayed like that for a moment, transfixed by each other until the smell of bacon and a loud growl from Cat’s stomach finally broke the spell, sending them blinking back into reality. Flashing a smile at him, Cat was the first to move, surveying the feast before grabbing a slice of toast.
“So, how’re you feeling about the show?” Scott asked, breaking the silence as he began piling eggs and bacon onto his plate.
“Nervous,” Cat replied, not even looking up from where she was pouring herself a glass of orange juice. “But it’s Swan Lake so the day I don’t get nervous about dancing it, I’ll probably be dead. That would be like you not having that rush of adrenaline when a rescue gets called in.”
“Fair point,” Scott chuckled, reaching over the table to skewer a sausage with his fork.
“It’s been amazing though,” she added as she slathered a thick layer of butter onto her toast. “Getting to rehearse in the studios where it was first created has been incredible. There’s so much history here. I never thought I’d be lucky enough to do anything like this.”
“You’re not lucky, you’ve worked really hard and you deserve this chance,” Scott told her firmly, not for the first time.
“I don’t know,” Cat replied doubtfully. “I mean, I have worked hard and it’s not like I’ve not danced this before, but you should see the rest of the company, Scott. They’re all so tall and flexible. Their extensions are up around their ears and their port de bras are enormous but they’re also just so expressive. And then there’s little old me.
Cat paused for a moment, taking a sip of her orange juice as she collected her thoughts a bit.
“It’s definitely a style of dancing that’s very different to what I’m used to. And the stage is so big. I can see why they make their movements so huge because otherwise they won’t be seen up at the back of the auditorium but it’s so opposite to how I usually dance. I’ve always liked the little nuances but it feels like I’ve lost a lot of them in the process here.”
“OK, I understood maybe a third of that,” Scott admitted when it seemed like she’d run out of steam, glad to see that she smiled at his response. “But you said before that the steps are the same, so can’t you just do it your way? Surely that’s why they invited you here in the first place?”
“Up to a point, yeah,” Cat conceded. “I’ve had to adapt a bit because of the rake on the stage and just so that the people at the back can see everything but it’s hard not to be intimidated by them.”
“Are they making you feel bad?” Scott bristled, ready to run straight down to the theatre and set a few things straight if he got a hint that anyone was being nasty to her.
“Not at all,” Cat replied, placing a hand on his arm to reassure him. “Everyone’s been lovely and I’ll definitely stay in touch with a few of the girls, but they’re so technically impressive that it’s been hard not to compare myself to them. You only get to the top by being better than everyone else, so it’s drilled into us from a young age to watch and learn from the competition and it’s a hard habit to break, even when you know you’re not in direct competition with them.
“You don’t need to worry about me though,” she continued. “Despite how it sounds, I’ve loved every minute of this, even the challenging ones. What is it you always used to tell me? If you don’t push yourself then you won’t grow.”
“I can’t believe you still remember that,” Scott smiled, remembering all the times he told her those exact words as she worried about whether she was going to manage dancing new and more challenging roles in her early career.
“Of course I do. I tell myself it every time I have to do something that scares me. It’s pretty much become my personal mantra now.”
“Wow,” Scott breathed, feeling strangely touched that something he had said had stayed with her all those years, even after their breakup.
“So, is there anything you’re wanting to do this morning?” Cat asked, cutting through Scott’s reverie.
“Actually, there was something I wanted to ask you about,” he replied, his heart rate shooting up now that the moment had arrived.
“Go on,” Cat encouraged, her interest piqued by the way he had shifted in his seat, sitting up straighter than he had before.
“You know we have a charitable arm of Tracy Industries, don’t you?” Scott started, feeling strangely like he was in the boardroom, making a pitch to a group of investors. Given the nerves that were making his mouth almost unbearably dry, he sort of wished that he was.
Cat nodded in reply, her mouthful of omelette making it impossible to answer properly as she wondered where on earth this was heading.
“Good,” Scott nodded, taking a small sip of water to try and make speaking a little easier. “Well, your conversation with Virgil about funding for dance training, when he was at the theatre with Lily, really stuck with him, and he spoke to me afterwards about whether there was any way in which we could help.”
“OK,” Cat replied warily. She’d never seen Scott in business mode before and the total change in his demeanour from his usual relaxed self to consummate businessman took her by surprise and his formal language made her sit up and take note. It wasn’t that she didn’t know that he must do it at work, but he’d certainly never spoken to her as if he was giving a pitch to investors before and, while she thought she could see where he was going with this, she had no idea what it had to do with her.  
“We ran some figures when we got home and, by increasing the budget a little, we reckon we can actually do something to help there.”
“Scott that’s amazing,” she cut in, delighted that her hunch had been right.
A burst of warmth spread across Scott at her response making him smile at the knowledge that, so far, she was pleased with his plan. That definitely boded well for the rest of what he was wanting to ask her.
“So,” he continued, trying to remember the carefully rehearsed pitch that he’d gone over in his head what felt like a million times. “Rather than just giving a one off donation to your old school or setting up a scholarship, we thought it would be better to do something more substantial that would be beneficial to more than one child. With that in mind, we’re planning to set up a charitable foundation that’ll focus on giving the widest range of support we can to young dancers who might not have the chance otherwise.”
“I genuinely don’t know what to say,” Cat choked, her eyes welling up slightly at the thought of the difference she knew something like that could make. “You should speak to Penny about it. She’d be really good at telling you the sort of stuff they might need.”
“Well, we could do that,” Scott continued, unable to stop grinning. “But Virgil and I talked it through and we’d both like you to come on board and help shape what help we can offer.”
“What?” Cat squeaked, her joy turning to terror at the thought of being responsible for such a big thing. “Me? But I don’t know anything about running a business.”
“You don’t have to, I’m not asking you to run it,” Scott soothed, his heart plummeting at the realisation that she wasn’t jumping at the chance like he thought she would. “You’d be there in an advisory role. We’ve spent a lot of time researching things and we think we’ve got a basic grip on it but you’re the expert here. You can shape this thing into whatever it needs to be in order to give the most help to the most kids. What do you say?”
“I don’t know, Scott,” Cat sighed. “I’ve never done anything like this. I don’t think I’d even know where to begin with working out how to make it work.”
“And that’s why I’m here,” Scott encouraged, reaching over the table to take her hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. “We’ll do it together. You tell me what the kids we’re trying to help might need, and I’ll make it happen.”
“Well, I guess it could be OK,” Cat mused, possibilities starting to crowd into her head now that she knew she wasn’t being asked to step entirely out of her comfort zone. “The obvious thing would be some help with fees and uniforms. Oh, and shoes. Shoes are a big one, especially for the girls.”
“See, that's exactly the sort of thing we need you to tell us,” Scott encouraged, letting himself breathe again now that she seemed to be warming up to the idea. “I know you go through a lot of them but I didn’t know it was a problem for everyone.”
“Yeah, you go through them constantly while you’re training too, and they’re not cheap,” Cat replied, her mind working overtime now that she was thinking about it more clearly. “Maybe some coaching for kids if they’re wanting to go to full time ballet school too. It’s not something everyone can afford but it makes so much difference.” “Again, that’s not something I’d have thought of. You’re a natural at this.”
“I wouldn’t say that,” Cat deflected, a tell-tale heat rising on her cheeks at the compliment. “I’m just thinking of what I wish I’d had and going from there.”
“And that’s exactly why we want you to work with us on this,” Scott implored her. “Think of the difference you can make to other kids coming from a similar background to yours.”
“OK,” Cat declared, sitting up straighter and holding out her hand to shake his. “I’m in. I don’t know anything about business and I’ve never done anything like this before, but your old mantra still stands here as well as it does for dancing. If I don’t push myself, I’ll never grow and I’ll always wonder what I could have done if I’d taken this opportunity.” “It’s a deal,” Scott beamed, taking her hand and shaking it much more vigorously than he’d have dared if it had been a business associate. “Welcome on board, Miss George.”
“Why thank you Mr Tracy,” Cat giggled. “I look forward to working with you.”
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theonlygamergost · 4 years
What happens in the toy aisle, stays in the toy aisle - Fd!au
This fanfiction is based on the Family Dynamic au made by @antarctic-bay if you would like to know more, go check them out!!!
Also please bear in mind that the things written in this might not be canon!
Tommy Techno and Will are pretty chaotic without supervision, so when they go pick up Phil from his workplace, they make a fatal mistake: they enter the toy aisle.
Phil sighed in relief after a rush of clients had gotten out of the store, the offices had just closed so it was pretty normal for a rush to be around this hour, yet this one ending only meant that in a half an hour, the students rush was going to begin.
This also meant that he had half an hour to refill the shelves, so many things to do, so little time.
“Evening everyone! Evening Phil!” The new employee’s shift started round about now, he greeted everyone and went in the back where he worked, Phil was able to reply with a wave and a smile. The new guy had it rough since he worked the night’s shift in the warehouse, but Phil sometimes brought him coffee or something to eat before leaving work: the guy was slightly older than Wilbur and Phil only felt empathy for the guy.
He stretched his very tired body and started to put the products on the shelves, sleeping three hours for two nights in a row wasn’t the best idea he ever had but convincing Techno to stop studying so late wasn’t an easy task, plus, insomnia is a bitch ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.
The store’s “peace” (for how peaceful a store can be that is) was abruptly interrupted by the shouting of “HEY BIG P!!!!” coming further down the aisle. Customers and employees alike stared in confusion at the young boy who had yelled and the other two teens with him.
Phil turned to see his brothers wave at him with a grin on their faces, “Boys? Wha- what are you doing here?” He asked in disbelief, what were they doing here?
“We came to see you Big P!” Tommy hugged his older brother out of nowhere, making them almost lose balance. The other two smiled as they watched the wholesome scene.
“Thank you for coming to see me boys but, the store is on the other side of the town from your school! There has to be another reason you came all the way here” Wilbur and Techno snickered, making Phil more suspicious
then he already was.
“Now I’m genuinely concerned, what are you little shit-heads up to?” Phil engaged his dad-mode, placing his hands on his hips and looking at the teens for explanations. Tommy and Techno smiled innocently while Wilbur answered.
“We came here to pick you up after your shift ends! There was no point in going back home and then coming here so…” He looked around while putting his arms behind his back, Tommy nodded aggressively like he always did when Wilbur talked for the three of them, “We came here directly from school in my car, It just didn’t feel right to make you come back home on the bus. You work for all of us so this is the least we can do”
Phil stared at them in silence, that was so thoughtful of them.
Phil moved around town with the old trusted scooter their father gifted him on his sixteenth birthday, but as time passed, it only became more old and less trusty, so it was no surprise when two mornings ago the scooter didn’t start, the noises it emitted were more than worrying so he brought it to the mechanical near their house. He could afford the repair costs but he completely forgot that he had to use the bus to get to work, so he woke up “at the same time as usual” the next day… he didn’t calculate that the scooter was way faster than the public transport though,  so he arrived twenty minutes late.
“That is very… kind of you guys, but my shift ends in an hour, what are you going to do until then?”
Techno shrugged, “Laugh at kids toys” saying it like it was the most normal and obvious thing in the world.
Phil couldn’t help himself from face-palming, smiling behind the hand that covered his face: he loved his brothers very much, but god why were they so chaotic?
“Fine then, go to the toy aisle, just… don’t get yelled at for making too much noise ok?” Their eyes started sparkling, they were waiting for this.
After thanking and saying goodbye to Phil, Wilbur and Tommy bolted out of view, Techno sighed and shook his head before walking with hands in his pockets after them.
Phil smiled and got back to work, moving the groceries from the cart to the shelves.
“So wait, you’re telling me that the teacher gave you a vote without checking your paper?” Wilbur was playing with his yo-yo while casually chatting with Techno, Tommy was bouncing a basketball around them.
“Yeah, I mean… it’s pretty normal, the teacher says that it’s always a “waste of time” to check my papers because she never finds any errors” The blonde boy was half-listening to his older brothers, they said they were going to the toy aisle to make fun of stuff, “Stil, the teacher shouldn’t do that! Correcting homework is part of her job!” Yet they were talking about boring stuff, who cares about school anyway?
“I am aware Wilbur, that’s why she doesn’t like me anymore, I said in front of the class that she gave me an A+ but I made two errors she didn’t correct, now both the class and the teacher think I’m an asshole” Techno sighed, he never really cared about what people thought of him, but it still kinda hurt.
Wilbur stopped playing with the yo-yo, looking at the ground while in thoughts.
“Have you reported this to the principal?” Techno shook his head.
As he was about to say something, a bunch of bouncy balls hit them.
“GWAHAHA! YOU JUST GOT PRRRRANKED BRO!” Tommy laughed hysterically at them, holding a small box full of them.
“You in this Techno?” Wilbur grabbed a couple of balls off the ground, “Count me in Will” Techno juggled a ball in his hand, ready for what was about to happen.
“Wait- guys- w-we can talk about this!” Tommy slowly started to back away from them, hoping for an agreement.
“One…” Tommy gulped, Techno adjusted his glasses.
“... Two… “ Tommy became a stuttering mess, Wilbur grinned as widely as he could.
“THREE!” They said in unison, bringing back their arm to launch the bouncy ball as hard as they could.
Proudly, Phil placed his hands on his hips as he admired the work he had just done: The whole aisle was know refilled and ordinated.
He chucked the empty carton boxes into the cart along with the cutter and pricer. Taking it in the warehouse where the new guy and another employee were drinking coffee, the night was long for them so this was the first of many.
As they noticed Phil walking in, they greeted him, “Yo Phil! Want some coffee?” The older Pandel brother shook his head and thanked them, “No thanks mate, I’m good” Taking one card box at the time, he cut them and folded them to throw them away while making small talk with the other two employees.
“Did you know that the manager got caught flirting with that young cashier the other day?” One of the workers said after taking a bite of their sandwich, “He’s an asshole who looks like a creep, I’m not surprised… “ The other one was playing crosswords, he replied as he scratched his head. “Vertical, four letters, a Japanese company who products televisions and owns a console? Dude, I don’t play those videogames how am I supposed to know?”
“Sony” Phil replied while dropping off the cutter, the guy who asked the question stared at the journal. “Um… Oh Yeah! It fits! Thanks Phil” He scuffed it off as he closed the storage door, heading off to change out of his uniform. He wondered what mess the three brothers could have done while out of his sight.
Before he changed and waved goodbye to his co-workers, Phil had sent a text to Wilbur, asking him to meet up outside the store, when he arrived there, they were already waiting.
“Alright!” He stretched his arms “I’m so done doing shit today, who wants to order pizza?” The brothers agreed and cheered as they got into Will’s car, of course he was driving, so Phil sat in front and the other two in the back.
“Thank you for picking me up today” He looked at Wilbur.
“No worries big P!” Tommy emerged from the back seat, a soft “It’s the least we could have done” came directly from behind him, he smiled.
“So what did you end up doing while waiting for me?” The car became as silent as rock, Will’s eyes widened.
From that day, the three brothers never entered Phil’s workplace again, also bouncy balls were now banned in the Pandel household.
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13-reasons-ideas · 3 years
Can’t Go Back Part 17
A/N: This chapter is pretty fluffy. We get a glimpse at how they are moving forward in their relationship since their fight. I’m planning on uploading a part from Monty’s perspective about what he’s doing Friday after school tomorrow or sometime this weekend. I hope you enjoy. Feedback is appreciated as always and much love. -Em 
I spent the next week actively not checking my emails. I was too afraid to even consider if I would get emails about schools yet.  It had only been a week. But you never know. In an attempt to keep my mind off of the fact that my entire future was now completely and totally out of my control, I tried to fill my time with normalcy. Things I normally did. Things that Monty and I normally did. That normalcy now included carving out an hour and a half for Monty’s physio three days a week, but we made it work.
I tried to get back into my routine. For the most part, I went to bed at the same time every night. Some days Monty went with me, other days he stayed up and did stuff for a while. But he came to bed every night. I went to the game Friday night. Scott and Charlie came over for brunch on Saturday. Justin came over to see his new best friend, I mean me, on Sunday because he picked up a shift Saturday morning. Monty and I did our own things together in the evenings during the week. I pretended to read while he played video games one night. Secretly, I was just watching him. For some reason watching people play video games was highly entertaining. We just did normal things.
We also went grocery shopping Saturday. “Are you sure you want to come with me?” I asked again.
“Yes, I’m sure Addison. Besides, we are over halfway to the store. It’s a little late to change my mind now.”
“Okay. Remember the list please.”
“I know. There’s a list and we get what’s on the list.”
At the store, I grabbed a cart and dug through my purse for the list and my pen. Monty took the cart from me without asking. I feigned an affronted look. He smirked back. Cocky bastard. I can already tell this is going to be so fun. I opened my mouth to speak when we got inside. “List, I know. And yes. I remember you’re going to make us get vegetables.”
“And you have to get at least one that you like.” He pouted. “You like carrots.” I offered.
“Fine.” He muttered. We are in a dramatic mood today. It was so peaceful when I went by myself. But I missed this. Monty went and put exactly five bulk carrots in a bag. Not wanting to fight him on carrots, I didn’t say anything. As usual, I was in charge of the rest of our vegetables.
The aisles were an easier task. There were no evil scary vegetable that I would have to force him to eat. I quickly scanned down the list as we entered each aisle. Carefully, everything was placed in the cart just so. “We need this.” Monty said, grabbing a box of cheese its.
“Is it on the list?” In response, he plucked the list and pen from my hand, and scribbled it on.
“It is now.” I rolled my eyes and grinned as he handed it back to me. His cheeky grin made me blush. I turned my back and pretended to look at something when we got to the fruit snack aisle and ignored the telltale thud of a box, make that two boxes, of fruit snacks being chucked in the cart. He didn’t write them on the list.
We both cringed at the price of meat, as usual. But we needed it so there wasn’t a whole lot we could do. I crossed things off that had been missed as we were filling the cart. Thankfully, it didn’t seem like the store was out of anything. “Oh, we need butter.” I muttered.
“Is it on the list?” Monty smirked. Like he had done earlier with the crackers, I quickly wrote it down.
“Yes.” I grinned. He grinned and stopped to kiss me on the cheek.
“I love you.”
“I love you too. Now let’s get this done so we can go home and do nothing.”
“Your wish is my command.” There was even a dramatic wave of his arm to accompany his attempt to woo.
“You are so fucking cheesy. I’m telling the guys about that one.”
“Ah, come on Addison. You love it.”
I went to grab a couple of pounds of butter and decided I could trust my adult husband to get some bread and jam on his own. When I found him in the bakery with our cart, I remembered that I married an overgrown child. There was bread. And there was jam. And also, cookies. Four different kinds of cookies. And a thing of strudel. Which, to be honest, I wasn’t that upset about because it’s like the best pastry. But the point is that it was there.
“I asked you to get bread and jam. Not half of the baked goods in the store.”
“But cookies are delicious Addison. And you like their chocolate chip cookies. And for some reason I still don’t understand, plain oatmeal cookies. Don’t even lie and say the strudel was a bad idea.”
“So, the sugar cookies and M&M ones are just to look pretty on the counter?”
“No. Those ones are for me.”
“I married a fuckin’ child.” I muttered softly. We turned when we heard a quiet chuckle behind us. A cute little old couple was watching our interaction with giant smiles.
“Mine still does the same thing dearie.” The woman said to me.
“Remember, we don’t grow up. We just get bigger.” The man smiled.
“I’m beginning to realize.” I laughed.
“See. I told you.” Monty smirked. As if to prove the point they were making, we watched as the man grabbed a container of lemon rolls and placed them in his cart. The woman gave him an exaggerated, exasperated look.
“Wait, how long have the two of you been married?” I asked when they passed us.
“Sixty-five years.” They said together, smiling fondly at each other. Wow. That’s amazing. I was still smiling when we got to the till and checked out.
Our normal routines continued for the rest of the week. School, physio, make dinner, sports, spend time together. The normalcy of it was refreshing.
“You’re scratching.” Monty said offhandedly, without looking up from his notes.
“Am not.”
“You stopped typing five minutes ago Addison.”
“I’m thinking.”
“And scratching.” I rolled my eyes and didn’t respond. I started typing aggressively loud to try and get a rise out of him instead. He didn’t respond at all. Not even an annoyed muscle twitch. We aren’t there yet. Okay. Monty’s phone buzzed on the coffee table beside me. I ignored it. It buzzed again. And then again. Before I could reach for it, he had hobble run over and snatched it out of my reach. I looked at him quizzically. He was trying to think of a reason to be hiding his phone from me. What is going on?
“It’s guy stuff. Jamie is having… girl troubles.”
“Girl troubles.”
“Yeah. His girlfriend but not girlfriend or something is doing stuff.”
“Something and stuff.”
“Yes. So, uh. I’ll be over… over there.” He motioned back to the kitchen table. “You know, dealing with girl troubles.”
“Right.” That was weird. Also, he’s going to pay for the movement in the morning. I went back to my writing and not scratching quietly. Occasionally I would look up over my laptop at Monty. He seemed to be very engrossed in his notes.
“Hey Addison?”
“Since the game got cancelled some of us are going over to Jamie’s place tomorrow after school.”
“Because girl troubles.”
“And stop scratching. You’ll only make the rash worse.”
The next morning, I skipped a shower. Cuddles were too enticing. It was a Friday so I didn’t feel like I had to look all cute. While Monty made himself a smoothie, I grabbed one of his shirts to wear because it was loose enough that it wouldn’t irritate the rash. It finally started to clear up. But now it itches. As though he could hear my thoughts, he called from the kitchen, “stop scratching.”
“Bite me.” I called back.
“If you don’t stop scratching, I will.”
“Is that a threat or a promise?” He looked up when he heard me come in the room.
“I was going to wear that today.”
“You have like… fifty more in your half of the closet.”
“I know mum is a history professor, but dad is a businessman. I know he taught you fractions. What I have is not half of the closet.” I merely shrugged. He waved towards the bowl beside the blender. “Chunky monkey with smooth peanut butter.” I sat and took a bite.
“Yum. I love you.”
“I love you too.”
“Don’t worry about washing the blender. I’ll do it after school.”
“You sure?”
School was pretty boring. It was the middle of November, so we were in the awkward not quite midterms but not quite ready for a new unit time. I met Monty at my locker after the last bell. He was waiting for me with Justin and Jamie. “Hey baby.”
“Hey babe. You guys have fun tonight, okay?”
“Yes Ma’am.” Jamie saluted. I shuddered. Monty tried to stifle a laugh.
“Jamie. Do me a favour and never do that again.” I placed a couple of textbooks in my locker. “I’ll see you at home. Can you stop and grab baking powder on your way home tonight?”
“Why can’t you stop? You’re going straight there.” Justin asked.
“I have a date with a bubble bath.”
“Ooh la la.” Jamie laughed.
“I guess. Didn’t shower this morning and a bath is better for my itching.”
“Oh?” Justin asked.
“I’ll explain later.” I muttered. He furrowed his brow and looked at Monty. I kissed Monty goodbye.
At home, I went to wash my face so I could do the expensive face mask I had been saving for a night alone. I did an exfoliating treatment first and ran my bath. A few scented candles were set on our master bathroom counter and I poured myself a glass of raspberry juice. The book I had been meaning to get around to reading was sitting on the toilet for easy access. Okay fine. One of the books I had been meaning to read. It was very relaxing. I had to dig in the cabinet for my body scrub but found it behind a backup pack of deodorant from Costco. Luckily, the bubble bath was also right there. I poured some in to give it time to foam.
With my face mask done and washed off, I undressed and settled in the tub. The water was boiling hot, just the way I liked it. I sighed and sipped my juice, enjoying a night alone. When the husband is away, wife will pamper. The hot water helped to calm my itching skin. The scrub made my legs nice and smooth before I shaved them and exfoliated a second time. Once the necessaries were taken care of, I could start to relax. Picking up my book, I settled in for the foreseeable future. My book was so interesting and immersive, I completely lost track of time. I was still in the tub when Monty got home. “Addison?” He called when he didn’t find me in the kitchen.
“I’m in the bath.” I called back.
“Okay.” He was opening and closing drawers in our room. He poked his head in the bathroom. “Do you want a glass of water or anything? How long have you been in there?” I paused for a moment to consider. How long had it been?
“What time is it?”
“Almost seven.” My eyes widened.
“Really? Then yeah, I’ll take a glass of water. I’m going to get out right away.” He shut the door behind him and I threw my book across to the door so it didn’t get wet when I got out of the tub.
Once dry and moisturized, I left the bathroom in search of my husband. I found him on the couch scrolling aimlessly through his phone. “I missed you.” I bent behind the back of the couch to kiss his cheek.
“I missed you too. You look very cozy in your fuzzy pyjamas.”
“Why thank you.” I curtsied. He laughed happily. Settling next to him, I laid my head in his lap.
“How was your bath?”
“Amazing. Very relaxing. Oh! And I exfoliated and shaved my legs.” I grinned and lifted my pants leg. “Feel!”
Again, Monty laughed and shook his head. He still reached out and rubbed my leg though. “Very soft and smooth.”
“How was girl problems?”
“I think they’re resolved. It wasn’t as major or as difficult as we thought.”
“That’s good.” I peeked at his phone. He was watching football injury videos. Oh Sweetie. “Hey, how’s your knee?”
“It’s okay. Physio has been helping.”
“I’m glad.” He seemed to realize then that I wasn’t just asking for an update on his progress.
“Oh. I’m just watching this because some of them are funny.”
“Yeah.” He restarted the video and adjusted his position so I could see too. He was right. Some of them were pretty funny.
It was family brunch Saturday the next day. Scott, Charlie, and Justin all came over. As usual, the four young men were more than happy to eat relatively work free. Monty did have to help me reach a few things and our guests helped set the table. But for the most part, I did the work. It was relaxing for me. Monty still felt a little uncomfortable having me do most of the work in the kitchen, but I didn’t mind. It was my choice to do it. I enjoyed it. And it made things much smoother when I was working solo.
Since it was just a casual pancake breakfast this week and just the five of us, I didn’t really feel a need to shower before they came over.  As such, I was still in my pyjamas most of the morning. They didn’t mind. We hung out for a while after brunch together. By the time everyone was getting ready to leave around two, I decided it was time to shower and make myself feel like a human again. “I’m running Scott’s place for a bit. We have a couple of things to go over with Charlie for next week’s game.” Monty explained when I was going to shower.
“No problem. I’ll just be here writing or reading or something.” From the bathroom I could hear him putzing around our room. I didn’t think too much of it. He was probably looking for a playbook or something.
After my shower, I wrapped my towels around me, fully prepared to throw on a pair of leggings and an oversized sweater for the rest of the day. Instead, I was puzzled to find a large white box in the centre of the bed. There was a bow and a single pink Post it note stuck to the lid. It simply said wear me on it in blue ink. I frowned in confusion but opened it anyway. Nestled inside was a classic, Hepburn-esque little black dress. I gasped and covered my mouth in shock. Gently lifting the dress out of the box I held it out at arm’s length to examine it. It was beautiful. This man is full of surprises. Not wanting to wrinkle the dress, I carefully set it on the bed while I grabbed a hanger.
Once it was hung up, I put on a pair of sweats and an old pyjama shirt. In the kitchen, I found another note next to the coffee machine. This one was on a yellow Post it, also in blue ink. No coffee. Look up. I frowned again. Why no coffee? Looking up on the underside of the cabinet, I found another yellow Post it. This one had an arrow pointing towards the living room. There, yet another Post it. This one was blue. There was another arrow pointing at the coat closet. A green Post it was stuck to the closet door. Be ready at 5:00. Wear your matching black pointy shoes. Now I was even more confused. Well, it says be ready. I shrugged and checked my watch. It was just past two. I rolled my eyes at the coffee note and made myself a cup anyway. I wouldn’t need to be up all night, but note be damned. I wanted coffee. I savoured it while I let my thoughts run wild of what could be in store for my night. At home fancy dress dinner? Going out for dinner? A walk in the financial district in the city? Hmmm. By two forty-five, I had finished my coffee and started getting ready.
I carefully put on the dress after I had washed my face again. I decided to curl my hair in tight ringlets so that when I brushed them out, they wouldn’t fall flat immediately. I let them set while I did my makeup. So, I didn’t get makeup all over my dress, I draped a towel around my neck to cover it. The simple black cat eye and blue red lipstick paired wonderfully with the classic, timeless style of the dress. A neutral blush and light bronzer added colour and balance to complete the look. I carefully brushed out the curls into nice waves framing my face. Using a decorative bobby pin, I pulled my bangs away from my face. Exiting our room after putting on my tennis bracelet-a birthday gift from my Gran a couple of years ago- I looked at the clock on the stove. It was four fifty. I had ten minutes to spare. Slipping on my heels, I went through my wallet and took out my ID and credit card. I had assumed that we would be going out and Monty usually kept my cards in his wallet.
The sound of a car pulling into our driveway pulled me from my thoughts. I opened the door when the car door shut. Monty was walking up to the house in a very familiar white dress shirt and black slacks. Damn, he cleans up good. I thought it every time he dressed up, no matter how often I saw it. His eyes widened slightly, and he stopped to take in my look. I stopped him in his tracks. I blushed and did a little twirl. He whistled through his teeth. “You look. Absolutely amazing.”
“You look incredible. Have I ever told you, you clean up really well?”
“Once or twice.” He shrugged. I smiled widely. He finished his walk up to the house and took my hands in his, really taking the time to take me in. “You really do look beautiful Addison.”
“Thank you.” I blushed again. My engagement ring sparkled in the setting sun. Monty’s black tungsten ring felt cool in my hand. Together, we walked to the car. We took my car, but I let him drive. It’s our insurance. “Are you going to tell me where we are going?”
“Nope.” He said as he pulled out of the driveway.
“Okay.” We chatted quietly on the way to our mystery location. Given the time, I assumed we were going to a restaurant. When we got closer to the county limits, I realized we were going into the city for dinner. I watched the cars speeding past us on the highway in the other direction. People were eager to be getting home from spending their days shopping or running errands.
I tried to figure out where we were going once we got to the city based on the turns Monty made. I was familiar with most of the downtown and financial districts due to visiting my dad at work when I was younger. I was a little surprised when he pulled in the parking lot for the new Italian place that opened last month. I wasn’t surprised because I was concerned about cost or anything like that. We just weren’t really fancy restaurant people very often. It was a pleasant surprise.
When he parked, we walked hand in hand to the door. He was a perfect gentleman and held the door not only for me but for the couple behind us. I smiled at him while we waited to be seated. He squeezed my hand. We were seated at a more secluded table, closer to the back of the restaurant. The table was lit by candlelight and dim recessed lighting in the aisle. It’s beautiful. Our waiter came by and introduced himself as Anthony. I ordered a cranberry juice with ice and Monty got a Coke. Anthony gave us a few minutes with the menus. As soon as I saw traditional carbonara on the menu, I had made a firm decision. Monty and I sat in comfortable silence while we perused the menu. Even though I knew what I wanted, it never hurt to look at the other options.
After we ordered-carbonara for me and lobster ravioli for Monty-Anthony left us to our evening. “This is really nice.” I said, after a sip of my juice.
“I figured we deserved nice. Or rather, you deserved nice. After everything… and I know you’ve been stressed about school. So, I figured you could use a night off.” He left the obvious tension between us and the cause for it unsaid. We both knew the reason.
“It’s still nice. And we do deserve it. This dress is beautiful by the way.”
“I thought you would like it.”
“When exactly did you acquire it?” I asked, with a sly raise of my brow.
“About yesterday…” Montgomery began, “Jamie wasn’t having girl troubles.”
“I kind of figured. Have they even decided if they have anything to have troubles over?”
“No. They’re still not together. But they go places together and buy each other things. And have sex. Apparently, there is a lot of sex.”
“But they aren’t dating.”
“Maybe he is having girl troubles.”
“Maybe.” He chuckled. Anthony came by with our orders. Unsurprisingly, the food was delicious. Mouth wateringly delicious. My eyes widened in ecstasy. So did Monty’s after he took a bite of his own food. We each shared a bite with each other and smiled. So good. So so good.
We spent the rest of our evening talking and enjoying being with each other. It was very nice. We hadn’t gotten to do the whole going out and just being together thing in a while. I pushed the last of my carbonara around on my plate. I wasn’t bored exactly. I was having a wonderful time. “Hey. Where’d you go?” Monty reached across the table to take my hand.
“Oh. Nowhere. I was just thinking.”
“Penny for your thoughts?”
“This is really nice.” I paused.
“I would honestly much rather be at home in sweatpants watching the new episodes of Law & Order from the other night.”
“Me too.” He giggled. I couldn’t help but giggle along with him. He motioned to our waiter for the bill. The black holder was placed in between us. Monty placed some cash inside and set it down without so much as a glance at me. He helped me with my coat and took my hand after he put on his own. As soon as we got out of the restaurant, I stopped and turned to him.
“Race you to the car.” I grinned before taking off like a bat out of hell. I heard him bark out a laugh behind me. I didn’t look back. Nor did I turn when I heard his footsteps. He wasn’t running because of his knee. They were getting closer though. Even without running, he was able to gain on me because of his gait.  Running in heels was not the easiest thing in the world but I managed to beat him to the car. When he arrived with the keys, I was grinning at him, triumphantly from the passenger’s side. “I won.”
“Yes you did.” He was grinning back at me.
When we got home, the two of us changed into our comfiest sweatpants and t-shirts. I threw on my old Tigers hoodie and popped a bag of popcorn in the microwave after taking off my makeup. Monty pulled up the recorded episodes. I couldn’t tell if he wore his grey sweats on purpose or not. We got comfortable on the couch and hit play. From the get-go this episode of SVU had both of us on the edge of our seats. The popcorn was mostly untouched. I teared up multiple times. When it was over, I ripped the remote from the coffee table and scrolled up to the new episode of Organized Crime. I couldn’t stand to wait any longer than strictly necessary. Our eyes were glued to the screen for the whole hour, minus the fast forwarding through commercials. By the end, we turned to each other in shock. “Wow.” Was all I could say about it.
“The new theme song is pretty great.”
“Yes. I don’t know how to process any other thoughts about it though.”
“Me either.”
“Very worth the wait.” Monty only nodded in response. I yawned and stretched. It was getting pretty late. The afternoon coffee I had wore off a while ago.
“Tired Bookworm?” I yawned again and nodded. Monty carried me to bed and tucked me in. I cuddled up beside him.
Before falling asleep I mumbled, “thank you for tonight. Was really nice. Ni’ night.”
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