#and trying to emulate it or hunt it or experience it somehow....
slavicafire · 1 year
im not sure if this is like, relevant to what youre searching for, but i always thought it was interesting when eternally young vampires have a weakness for like, aging. finding beauty in the things people normally find scary and depressing and stuff since they know they will never have it.... maybe i wouldnt go as far as for like, necrophilia or something, but i can imagine it wouldnt be uncommon for vampires to be cruising all over the retirement homes
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quonka · 4 months
The Art of Putting on Horror Ambiance in Order to Emulate Getting Hunted for Sport, in Hopes that the Adrenaline Produced Forces You to Lock In
Not to brag, but my attention span is pretty miserable. Even things I genuinely enjoy doing are shoved to the side and neglected in the favor of doing actually, literally nothing.
Knowing this fact about me then, it may come as no surprise that getting myself to do schoolwork is an actual herculean task that I either have to trick myself into doing somehow; or as it ends up being in most cases, have to be forced into doing by my own debilitating fear of the due date, now only one night's sleep away, and its consequences on my GPA.
Maybe this sense of fear, this sense of myself in direct opposition to an impending aftermath, is why having horror game OST's playing in my ears when I'm writing is so effective. Misery loves company.
"Anyone else hiding in the comments right now?"
I don't actually have an extensive history of playing horror games-- instead, my knowledge comes from watching them at probably too young an age on YouTube.
My main sources of horror game content came from Markiplier-- of course-- and a much smaller youtuber that at the time when I first watched him eleven years ago, went by Harshly Critical, but now goes by John Wolfe. Both men have played an extensive amount of indie horror games-- some good, and some really, really bad, and some just completely mediocre and forgettable-- and I watched them all. Or at least my fair share of them.
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Baby's First Horror Game
The first horror game that I ever personally played, and actually beat instead of turning it off at the first sign of terror, was a game called Darkwood, officially released in 2017 by Acid Wizard Studio.
I didn't even play it off one of their recommendations either-- I had no idea this game existed in any capacity until one day in 2020 when I was scrolling through the Play Station Store, specifically looking for interesting horror games to try.
The first thing about the game that grabbed me was the horrific (in the best way) cover art, but what got me to actually buy the game and play it was its insistence on the minimal presence of jump scares--
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At the time, and after the commercial success of Five Nights at Freddy's and its multiple sequels, a series whose staple was the jump scare; many horror game consumers became soured to that convention of the genre-- often calling them out as "cheap" and "out of nowhere lazy bullshit". This sentiment among the community was evidently common enough to be able to market one's game off of. I do remember thinking it was a bit pretentious-- giving off a major "I'm different from other horror games" feel-- but I guess it worked. because I did in fact purchase the game.
And they were absolutely in their right to claim their game as "an atmospheric horror experience that creates a feeling of tension without cheap horror tricks."
Dull of One Sense Sharpens Another
Despite the art on the cover, the actual game itself is pixelated-- for the most part. In fact, the only times when you aren't in immediate danger is when you're sat across from characters that look like this:
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That is exactly what makes the sound and music design so genius though; it's that importance of it, that necessity. When the gameplay looks like this--
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-- that is to say in a Top-Down perspective with generally dark and muddy, muffled colors; You have to listen for the threats, instead of just normally being able to see them in HD.
That's another thing too, as seen in the photo, there is a specific, defined area that is lit up where enemies can be seen. However, in the game, anything outside of that sliver of light-- anything behind you-- will not be visible until you turn around and shine your light on it. This leads to a lot of enemies inevitably sneaking up on you, and in this game's case where you have extremely limited health and stamina reserves (the red and silver bars in the top left corner), you have to learn to listen for them or else they will easily kill you.
I think then that the intense amount of focus I put into listening for sticks around me breaking, or for sounds of shuffling and growling, all on top of the general game's ambiance and soundtrack, conditioned my brain into focusing whenever the game's music plays.
The Buzzword
Darkwood, authored by Artur Kordas who had a large part in the development of the entire game, has a fantastic assortment of songs that all flow smoothly into each other-- and just they are designed to in the game, they fade into the background, providing a consistent atmosphere so that you can focus on the task at hand-- or at least so that I can.
There are also one or two songs that refuse to wash away into mood music. My favorite song on the album, "Underground", is a perfect example of this. It comes in with this slow and consistent, almost pulsating type of ragged noise, one that makes me picture an ugly, broken and dented, rusted, barely working trumpet, with an underneath layer that sounds like dragging stone against stone. Then around halfway through the song, an aggressive and exciting drum beat with hints of a metallic sound crescendos and crescendos, chasing the original set of sounds until it's all that's left-- completely overriding the grinding stone and leaving a thicker horn blare in replacement of the old one. This of course eventually fades into one of the common buzzing motifs found in many placing of the game's soundtrack, that's meant to signify safety, or hope.
This hasty, thrilling song provides a really nice break up and into the rest of the album, that is an even nicer subconscious reminder to my brain that there is danger if I do not promptly "pick up the pace" of my writing-- and further that there is safety on the "other side" of finishing my work.
I have played many video games; some that have required a lot of my focus that aren't necessarily horror, but whose soundtracks really help me to concentrate; and I've played other horror games where the soundtracks end up more distracting than helpful. I've also played some games that are my favorites of all time, and I've put many, many hours into, where their soundtracks do absolutely nothing because they're just a little boring.
Darkwood is special in that way, where it lies in a neat, cohesive little combination that ends up perfectly suiting my need for background music when I write.
And I thought it was pretentious.
Does anyone else have specific videogame OST's that work like this for them? I'm always looking to discover new music, especially music that's ideal for studying and schoolwork-- and it definitely doesn't have to be horror; like I've said, I use multiple different genres of OST's to help me out.
Also, I feel like this goes without saying, but if you are looking for a horror game to play, I do recommend trying out Darkwood.
Or if you'd rather just listen to the soundtrack, I understand.
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ct-multifandom · 3 years
Miracuclass Amogus Cringe
I was going back and forth about making this post, but then I saw @charming-mage ‘s and I was like screw it we’re doing this. This ended up 10x longer than I thought it’d be.
Marinette (crewmate) - tries to organize everyone into a buddy system to corner the impostors, gets frustrated when people agree to her plan and then start running rogue. When discussions start she’s leading the conversation and asking the most questions. She greatly prefers crewmate over impostor because she likes the mystery solving element of discussions.
Marinette (impostor) - whenever she kills someone she goes, “ahhhh” out loud and panics while her avatar sprints away from the body. She likes coming up with convoluted plans, especially when she can communicate with her fellow imp(s), and tries to make it seem like she’s in two places at once wether it be through venting or falsified testimony.
Adrien (crewmate) - he has to unmute and ask how to do like every individual task to the point where he’s been voted out over it before because cmon, you’ve gotta be lying about it at this point, just piece it together and stop unmuting during task time. He makes puns and sings little improvised songs while tasking. When he suspects someone but they don’t get voted out, he offers to tail them at the cost of his own safety. Same with fixing sabotages late-game. To him, getting killed is just part of the game progression, and it’s not a big deal because he trusts his fellow crewmates to avenge him and doesn’t mind ghost-tasking.
Adrien (impostor) - okay maybe he lies about not knowing tasks sometimes. But it also took him a while to learn imp mechanics and he kept asking about them out loud like, “what’s the red square task on the floor? Why’s my name highlighted?” And somehow nobody noticed while his partner(s) were like nggggg Adrien no... At least he’s good at playing innocent/fake-detective-ing in discussions. Whenever he kills someone he makes some stupid one-liner about it out loud.
Alya (crewmate) - we got Sherlock Holmes over here. She overanalyzes every tiny detail and isn’t scared to sacrifice the sus for the greater cause. When she finishes tasks, she likes to hang out by security and snoop in case of the rare satisfaction of catching someone red-handed. If there’s an emergency meeting, it’s probably because she probably saw something. She supports Crewinette’s plans to corner the imps. She thinks tasks wins are boring and that it’s a lot more fun to win through voting correctly. If they task-win or lose she stops before the new game and asks who the imps were and for a recap of their actions.
Alya (impostor) - a force to be reckoned with. She’ll wait for the perfect moment to strike someone, and then cover her tracks, join a group and win herself a strong alibi anyways. Her reputation as a ruthless detective protects her, even when the game is set to show that the ejected person was innocent. She always chooses someone to kill and someone to blame for it, but sometimes she gets carried away and they vote her off for pointing too many fingers.
Nino (crewmate) - he’s just tasking, man. If he gets killed he’s like, “oh mf” and just keeps ghost-tasking. He mostly hangs out during the discussions unless he has something solid to say, only jumping in at the end to confirm, “so we’re voting for _?”. He leads his own little crewmate squad around when he finishes tasks to protect them while they finish theirs.
Nino (impostor) - mostly plays off the strategy of his partner(s). He likes playing the protective team-player type “innocent diversion” role while the partner(s) get to killing, so when discussions start he’s totally in the clear, which gives him an opening to dodge suspicion in the future if he needs to take over killing. He pretends to fix sabotages all the time because people rely on him to do that as a crewmate.
Max (crewmate) - freakishly good at the card scanning task. People always ask for his secret and he’s like? It’s so easy? He has every map memorized to a t so he can point out the contradictions in people’s stories like an ace attorney character. It’s surprisingly really helpful. He’s the opposite of Alya in that he’s a big supporter of the “guys, stop voting off random innocent people, we have like five tasks left. Whoever hasn’t done them, just finish them” strategy.
Max (impostor) - he tries his best to protect his partner(s) in the discussion while laying low himself, and sometimes he gets voted out for it, but if he senses that there’s nothing he can do, he’ll throw them even further under the bus to build credit for himself. He doesn’t like sacrificing innocents as a crewmate, so his defenses are only sus when he’s caught being wrong. He sabotages a lot to control people’s movements and vents liberally unless he committed to a tasking group. That being said, he can go whole rounds without killing out of caution.
Kim (crewmate) - he’s the guy who calls emergency meetings early into the game only to say, “I miss you guys :)” He gets voted out all the time for doing troll-y crap and ignoring Crewinette’s plans. He’s also severely confused by some of the tasks and game mechanics, but fakes it till he makes it, until the discussion where he rarely says anything valuable and just jokes around. Sometimes, though, he’ll offer a tiny offhand detail and everyone’s like Kim, I hate to say it, but you’re a genius or that’s the piece we’ve been missing! And he’s like haha ok. He’s always behind on tasks, sometimes out of laziness, sometimes out of confusion, but he’s one of the people Max is impatiently waiting on.
Kim (impostor) - he gets caught in the act a lot and it’s hilarious, but other times he gets away with everything the entire time, which is kinda scary. He’s weirdly good at introducing so much confusion and derailment to discussions that everyone gets totally lost and doesn’t know what’s going on, allowing him to survive when they could’ve easily figured him out. Unlike Max, he knows literally nothing about the maps and always says he was at the “slidey thing” or whatever and everyone’s like idk wtf the slidey thing is, and if this were anyone else they’d be gone immediately, but it’s Kim so he might actually be telling the truth. He refuses to learn the names of anything because this really helps him out.
Alix (crewmate) - always trying to convince her friends to experiment with ridiculous game settings. Occasionally, she gets to them, and they get games with comically unbalanced imp:crew ratios, awful lighting, an overwhelming load or lack of tasks, or hilariously low cool downs. She revels in the chaos. When she tasks she usually moves from place to place alone but tries to hop in with groups to confirm her movements. She’s pretty good at sussing imps out when they offer enough information, but otherwise she just makes goofy comments with Kim.
Alix (impostor) - not too worried about killing people and venting. She moves fast and dashes from place to place, joining a group on the opposite side of the map from her last body. If anyone says, “I saw someone vent but I didn’t see who” it was probably her. She likes the “stand in a clump and watch the chaos ensue when one person drops” technique as well as the gambling “hope that the UI for the task everyone’s doing covers your killing and venting” strat. Sometimes she’s forced to vent to a dead end and gets caught, and sometimes the big brain detectives catch her, but she’s usually pretty smooth.
Rose (crewmate) - a big fan of hide and seek mode. She likes grouping up for tasks, protecting each other at the cost of efficiency. During discussions, she has a hard time believing anyone’s the impostor, and everyone’s like, Rose, we know there are exactly three of them, you can’t defend every individual person. Whenever she gets killed she is like *gasp* et tu, Brute? No matter who it was.
Rose (impostor) - runs around with her squad when... oops... looks like something got sabotaged! Uh oh, wonder who could’ve done that? She’s in a battle against that task bar more so than the players, and tries to stay away from killing. She emulates crewmate behavior perfectly so no one ever suspects her until really late. If she’s the only imp left and she has to kill, it’s like an Agatha Christie locked room mystery level of drama and betrayal within her squad. But we were all together the whole time... omfg no way... it was one of us.
Juleka (crewmate) - she secretly prefers when everyone tasks alone, but goes with the squad for Rose. She only talks in discussions if she’s 100% sure about something, and she often incomprehensibly mumbles vital evidence. ~10 minutes later when they catch the imp she’s like iItoldyouso and the crew’s like ??? If she gets killed and her tasks are done, she haunts that impostor relentlessly. Sometimes she even organizes ghost brigades in ghost chat and gets everyone to follow them.
Juleka (impostor) - definitely gets a kick out of the kill button. Whenever she takes someone down she’s like heeheehee. If she was peer pressured into a task team again, she’ll anxiously try to slip away unnoticed for a second to catch someone in the hallway outside, but if she’s alone, she’s on a hunt. Nobody is safe. When she defends herself on voice chat she also mumbles incomprehensibly and everyone’s like sure, fair enough.
Mylene (crewmate) - seasoned task group leader. She also sings little task songs like Adrien. She tries to organize people into chatting regular status updates so they can tell if someone goes missing. She reports every body she finds and actively participates in the discussion, but whenever she makes good points, she gets overlooked. Then, the crew’s like Mylene, why didn’t you say anything sooner? And she’s like agjdjdhh Either that or she gets voted off for always reporting and being too eager to discuss on top of it.
Mylene (impostor) - gets her partner(s) inside her team and tries to tag-team anyone passing by, only for all the impostors to have alibis when she reports. If the ratio is right, they can destroy their own group, and then immediately point the finger at whoever is left, which works about half the time. Mylene is a pretty convincing actress, but the high IQ tricks only work a couple times.
Ivan (crewmate) - he’ll take one for the team if he has to, especially in those sabotage cases where you’d have to be isolated and vulnerable. Otherwise he’ll protect his group. He has an “innocent until proven guilty” attitude when he runs into other people on the map, and skips during a lot of the votes.
Ivan (impostor) - we all know he can’t lie to save his life. He usually gets voted out really fast if he kills someone because he gets nervous and starts saying contradictory things when questioned. That being said, he’ll do what he can to keep his partner(s) in the clear. He never vents because the risk is too high for him, instead just running around and saying, “sorry” out loud when he catches a victim.
Nathaniel (crewmate) - he’s the opposite of Adrien in that he’ll do anything to avoid getting killed. He runs around tasking on his own, but he’s usually behind because he’s so focused on avoiding everyone, to Max’s frustration. He also never reports bodies. This causes him to be sus at all times, so he gets voted out a lot. Wild Nath sightings are rare and terrifying because he’s never in the clear and he’s just standing there, menacingly. Imp!Alix sees him as a fun combo of Where’s Waldo and Assassin.
Nathaniel (impostor) - the millisecond that cool down timer runs out, someone is getting killed. Hit and run. He’s good at entering a fairly crowded large space, striking, and staying in everyone’s blind spots while he runs away, especially when the lights are out. He likes venting to isolated areas and killing as many people per round as he can, laughing when someone finally reports and everyone unmutes to go WHAT!? at the number of deaths. He tends to operate separately from his partner(s) unless they have an actual plan.
Chloe (crewmate) - gathers every single person in medbay and makes sure they all watch her scan. Yeah okay, we get, you’re a crewmate. She feels personally offended whenever someone kills her, which is often, since people tend to jokingly target her. During discussions, she accuses anyone and everyone of being sus, even if she just walked past them or saw them tasking alone. She likes stalking people as a ghost and spilling tea in ghost chat.
Chloe (impostor) - reacts similarly to Marinette when she kills. She will throw her partner(s) under the bus if it’s more advantageous in the long run, and she’s great at shifting the blame to innocents. People vote her out a lot anyways, and she says she can’t believe that they even like this stupid little game. Ridiculous, utterly ridiculous. Unless she wins. Then it’s fun.
Sabrina (crewmate) - discussion detective supreme. She keeps track of every piece of evidence and testimony, every detail. She tails the sus at a distance, trying to catch them doing something. Sometimes it gets her targeted, but sometimes she catches them and calls emergency meetings to snitch. Somehow she manages to do this and finish her tasks at the same time.
Sabrina (impostor) - sabotages everything, and tries to get her partner(s) to do it too. Once she won because the crew just didn’t fix O2 in time. She avoids killing Chloe, but feels bad if she has to kill anyone else too. She typically just sticks to making other people seem suspicious, and likes the game mode where you can’t see if you voted correctly or not.
Lila (both) - she rarely joins these games. She isn’t even a member of the chat group they use. They occasionally invite her, and she usually lies about how busy she is, but she accepted a couple times to further her narrative. She pretends to be really bad at being an impostor to establish herself as someone incapable of trickery. Regardless of her role, whenever the body announcement pops up, she goes, “oh nooo, not [victim(s)]... nooo....” and Mari’s like stfu Lila.
Bonus Polaroid kids because,,, they <3
Kagami (crewmate) - hella efficient at tasks. Two discussions in and she’s done. She’s the interrogation specialist who stresses out the imps and crew alike with her barrage of questions. She likes moving either alone or in partners, three people maximum, unless Crewinette needs her, in which case she’ll stick to the plan no matter what.
Kagami (impostor) - you’re walking through the base / there’s no one around and comms are down / out of the corner of your eye you spot her / Kagami Tsurugi. She will have you cornered and you won’t be able to do anything about it. She always has a made up explanation for what she was doing, but sometimes it falls through solely because she’s always acting sus.
Luka (crewmate) - he likes crewmate a lot more than impostor. He’ll tag along with a task group until he’s done, and then he’ll go lurk in the corner and spy on people. He moves along the walls, and a few times this has led to him witnessing murders in the middle of the room while the imp only saw him after it was too late. Cue the mad dash for emergency meeting.
Luka (impostor) - works together with his partner(s) to perform some high level backstabbery. He rarely gets voted out unless he messes up because he builds bonds of trust with like half of the crew while he leads the rest into his partner(s)’ traps. He feels bad about killing sometimes, but he doesn’t mind sabotaging.
Zoe (crewmate) - she finds one or two other people she trusts and follows them around. She uses the logic of “well we could’ve both killed each other by now but we didn’t so they must be safe”. She immediately recounts everything that happened to her that round in discussions, even irrelevant details, just in case they might end up useful, and tends to bandwagon with voting.
Zoe (impostor) - tries to catch people in secluded corners or rooms with closable doors to kill them. She avoids taking risks, but sometimes she reports her own bodies and tries to act all surprised by the discovery. She’s a good actress, but she’s not the best bs artist, although the crew is used to her giving a ton of details right from the start, so they don’t suspect her unless there’s a hole in her story.
Marc (crewmate) - does tasks on his own but makes sure to stop near crowds when he can. Whenever he’s running around alone and sees someone else, he immediately turns around like ohmygodohmygod and anxiously dances around the other person who’s more than likely just another, equally anxious crewmate with places to be. He still gets killed a lot.
Marc (impostor) - he goes full anime villain mode. All according to keikaku. He’s one of those people who disproportionately rolls the impostor role and ends up with it like twice every five games. He plans out every move he’s gonna make, every complex lie and big brain play, and sometimes he gets that glorious evil win, but sometimes his plans are totally sabotaged by stupid things like Kim’s trolling.
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retphienix · 2 years
I unironically recommend any monhun fan with the means to do so gives monhun 1 a chance.
I'm NOT saying they should play through the entire game or some crazy nonsense like that, I just mean for like a first-hand experience of where the series started- that was fascinating to do.
Monhun 1 for the ps2 feels like rubbing your tummy and patting your head.... and reciting the alphabet backwards.... and a bunch of Velociprey and Bullfango are biting your ankles.
It somehow has some of the worst controls I've ever been willing to put up with and part of that is because you can JUST BARELY see what they are going for with the various weapons.
Like, it's bad, I loathe it, it is the worst at forcing claw grip because it HAS a right stick and your brain screams at you the entire time that you should be able to use it.
But they like... put combos in it? On a right stick control scheme? Like the SNS can do jump attack, triple sword, side spin by pressing Down, Up Up Up, Left (or right). It's like aping on fighting game inputs or something, it's so weird and I won't lie- it kinda feels good sometimes but I hate it with all my soul lol.
But it ain't just controls, there's plenty more and I truly recommend anyone interested just toss it on something like PCSX2.
Small monsters have infinite rage in their hearts. Egg quests (because of this) have never been more stressful. It has absolutely zero of the QOL changes the series has incorporated over the years- some of which I hadn't even considered like needing to have the materials to craft IN YOUR INVENTORY to make new armor or weapons (small but crazy to see lol).
Stagger and trip mechanics don't seem to use any form of resistance build up and there is an entire meta built around stunlocking the head FOREVER.
The end game fight (Fatalis) has THE MOST ABSURD lock condition of HR20 (Super fair!), Doing every online quest (There's some doozies, like 50 banana habanero hunts and just general filler, but Okay, Okay, Fair), AND HUNTING 50 RATHALOS AND 50 RATHIAN. OOF.
GS, as many already know, doesn't have charge attacks so the optimal combos (outside of hit and run, obviously) is all those meme movesets you're not supposed to do (like overhead into side swing into overhead infinite).
Hammer almost unironically feels the same as normal oldschool titles because charge is on R1 and pressing Left Up or Right all does the triple down slam/golf swing so honestly Hammer feels pretty good.
Lance is meta defining because of headstun and INSANE motion values.
But really I just say all this because giving the original version of MH1 a chance revealed a lot to me and I found it fun in more ways than one.
And that's surprising tbh. It felt like shit most of the time, but it also was kinda super fun tbh, like to the point where I sat down trying to figure out how to get PCSX2 to play online (to no success sadly) because I was toying with the idea of beating all the online content (until I saw what you have to grind out to do Fatalis).
It's.... FUN.
It's HORRIBLE. So horrible that I legitimately do not as of writing this understand how Monhun survived. Like I know Monhun thrived after Freedom came out as handhelds allowed it to explode on the Japanese market- but that's just it. I GET how MHF survived. I GET how Monhun after Freedom lead to FU, 3U, 4U, GU, World, all that.
But literally HOW did MONSTER HUNTER 1 ON THE PS2 spawn sequels??
I might have to seek out a retrospective or something that emphasizes how MH1 survived to the point where it could thrive, because yes- The DNA of monhun is in MH1. So like, it's not a 0/10 travesty.
It's more that MH1 is Just Barely offputting enough where I would expect it to be some niche fond memory game, not a game that was given a chance to continue and became what it is today.
I kinda love it. If I ever get my hands on a reasonable emulator that easily allows me to play it online, I fucking am. I'm fucking trying to get to Fatalis. But until then it's sitting there as a remarkable relic and a mystery all in one. Pretty cool.
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yourgalaxy · 4 years
Pairing: Taehyung x female O/C
Genre: Fluffyest Fluffy Fluff, a little bit of angst if you squint really hard.
Summary: After getting used to the idea of just being her and her little daughter against the world. Autumn is proven wrong once again when fate has different plans for them.
Warnings: None
Word count: 2865 
A/N: The original prompt is from @hybridfanfiction ( their prompts are the cutest, check them out!) This is my first attempt on sharing some of my work and is also my first hybrid fic. I love the reader inserts but not a fan of the Y/N type thing so feel free to just imagine your name instead if you prefer! I have material to make this a series but will leave it as a one shot for now to see if you guys like it! I totally don’t own the gifts.
Disclaimer: English is not my first language. Read at your own risk 😂
Extra A/N: I didn’t get the chance to post this last week but to compensate you guys, I’ll be posting the first part of my new Mafia Au, so watch out for it!
Ch. 1 Ch. 2 Ch. 3 Ch. 4 Ch. 5
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‘’ Hey, Tae’’ - Autumn came out to the back balcony where Taehyung had gone for a sunbathe after dropping Haneul off at the school. - I realize how boring it can be to stay at home for so long every day, so I was wondering if you would like to come to work with me? - The way his eyes light up and his tail started to wag was enough of an answer. - ‘’Really?!’’ - He almost fell out of the chair trying to stand when she nodded yes. - "Ok, I'm ready!" - She couldn't suppress her laugh as he took her hand, wide eyed, tail going crazy behind him, he was almost bouncing in place. - 
 ‘’ It wasn’t the plan to introduce you to the boys like this, but it might be for the better, they can get really chaotic when they get all together. Today it will just be Jin and Jimin at the store because it’s Kookie’s day off, so it shouldn’t be too crazy… Are you ok, Tae? - She could only see his profile while driving but he looked pale and really shaken. He shook his head and she decided to pull over to the side. The store was close, and she figured getting there a few minutes late was worth it if it was for Taehyung’s wellbeing. - ‘’ What’s wrong? Are you hurt somewhere?’’ - Her hand grabbed his arm in a comforting manner, unconsciously tracing circles on his skin with her thumb not really aware of the shiver that ran down his body. He cleared his throat, afraid of his voice betraying him. - 
 ‘’ I… I haven’t had many good experiences with males... I’m just a little nervous, I guess. I’m sorry’’ - Her heart went out to the ball of nerves that the boy had become, understanding right away that whatever he had gone through in the past was still very vivid in his mind, a wound that was still open and fresh. She wanted to hunt down whoever hurt him like that, because if there was something, she was sure about after the few days that Taehyung had stayed with them was that he deserved nothing but love, her instinct to put him on her pocket and protect him from the evils of the world kicking in full force. - 
 ‘’ There is nothing to be sorry about, pup. You don’t have to do anything that makes you feel uncomfortable. I can promise you, though, that none of my friends would ever do anything to hurt you intentionally, but I can definitely drive you back home if you don't feel ready to meet them’’ - Taehyung felt guilt wash over him. It was more than obvious that whoever these guys were, they were really important people to Autumn and he didn’t want to burden their relationship with his own personal demons. - ‘’ No, it’s ok, I.. I trust you’’ - He assured, taking her hand in his, not letting it go for the rest of the way. - 
 " LOVER BOY!!" - The sudden movement in his peripheral view, took Taehyung by surprise, with so many different flowers everywhere, there were too many scents, and it disoriented him for a second but before he could prepare himself to receive the attack Autumn had put herself in between, receiving the full force of the other boy's collision against her smaller frame with ease, as if she was used to it. The other guy didn't lose time to put his arms around her and pull her closer even though he was whining and complaining that she should have let him say hi to the newbie first. -
 This was not what Taehyung was expecting, his hands tightening into fists, and he had to bite his tongue not to let the growl vibrating on his chest break free. Human males were one thing, but a Hybrid? Why didn't Autumn mention that one of her dear friends was a Hybrid? And for how long would he have to watch them embrace each other?  He decided to clear his throat to catch their attention. Autumn immediately let go of the other boy, a big smile adorning her face as she looked his way. Somehow it eased Taehyung's heart.  
 -"Tae, meet Jimin. Minnie, this is Taehyung" - She introduced them and even when Taehyung tried to keep his distance by bowing politely, Jimin was too excited to let it go like that and soon, ignoring autumn’s warning, was hugging the taller man so tight that Taehyung was afraid he would pass out because his blood wasn't circulating properly. He had never met a feline hybrid so affectionate, if it wasn't for the pointy ears and his scent, he would had guessed that he was indeed a canine hybrid instead. -
  "Jimin, that’s enough bud, you will suffocate the kid’’ - Another person came into the room and this time Taehyung was well aware of the other man and his every move. Jimin finally let go of him with an apologetic smile, and even though he still didn’t trust him, he was way more comfortable with the Hybrid than with the newcomer - ‘’Hey there, my name is SeokJin, but you can call me Jin!’’ - The man extended a hand in Taehyung’s direction. He was a little bit taller than himself but instead of the intimidating aura that Taehyung would expect to come from him, he had a really friendly demeanor and a sweet scent. But Taehyung knew better than to carelessly trust people. He bowed politely murmuring a nice to meet you under his breath. Jin gave Autumn a knowing look and a soft smile when she mouthed an apology. - "Well, Taehyung, welcome to our humble happiness factory!!"
 "Come, Tae, let me show you around, I can teach you how to make an arrangement if you want!" - His Tail was hard to see at the speed it was wagging. Jin and Jimin looked at each other with knowing smiles plastered on their faces - 
 " So, is Jin....Jimin's sponsor? " - Taehyung whispered as he tried to emulate the little arrangement that Autumn had shown him how to make. She couldn't help but laugh a little at his cuteness, he seemed really apprehensive about her friends, but it was obvious that he was also curious even if he tried to act cool- " So Jimin is a citizen. He is Jungkook's adoptive brother, his parents worked on the citizenship as soon as he turned 18."
 " So, he is like... on his own now?" - This was the first time Taehyung met an independent Hybrid in real life and his mind was immediately filled with questions - " Mm, yes and no. He decided to move with Jungkook when he moved to the city around 5 years ago, Jimin doesn't have to live with him but he wants to, so they are roommates now! Which I'm really grateful for, I have been friends with both of them ever since" - 
 The way Autumn explained it made it sound so simple and normal but for Taehyung it was such a wonder. To think that there were hybrids out there that truly had the chance to live their lives in whatever way they wanted, blew his mind. Then he started to think about the fact that Jimin decided to just stay right where he was at, he wondered what he would do if he was in his place, he had imagined it many times before, that one day he would be free and he would travel the world and make friends everywhere, he wouldn't have to worry about anything more than his own happiness but now when he tried to imagine the scenes that gave him so much hope and comfort before, they didn't seem so bright and happy anymore. He wondered if we would really be able to leave Autumn and Haneul behind and move on with his life? 
 No, he couldn't… And the realization scared him.
 "Woah!! Tae, you are a natural!!" -Autumn was too busy admiring the arrangement that he had just finished fixing to notice the way Taehyung was looking at her, the soft smile that draw itself across his lips or the way his eyes were shining with adoration. If they were to let him, Taehyung felt like he would be the happiest if he could just stay with Autumn and Haneul for the rest of his life.
 Today was the day when it would finally become official. Taehyung was going to be no longer an undocumented stray, no one could mistreat him after today and Autumn couldn't be more relieved and happier about it.
 "Are you ok, Tata?" - Haneul's worried tone alarmed Autumn out of her thoughts. Leaving the dishes for another time, she made her way to the living room, approaching Taehyung's sitting form from behind. A hand immediately finding place on his head, she let her fingers massage the base of his fluffy ears out of habit, because she knows that it always calmed him down to be petted. Taehyung was afraid his heart would come out of his chest at this pace. - "Is anything wrong, puppy?"
 " No, I was just thinking. I'm totally fine!" - He sent both of them the best smile he could muster. Praying that none of them could figure out his real feelings at the moment. He didn't want to worry them- "Tata, you are my favorite friend ever!" - Haneul seemed to feel his distress, nevertheless. She hugged him tightly and it just melted both his and Autumn's hearts. - "Hey little love bug! I thought I was your favorite ever! - The living room soon became a battlefield, a tickling battle full of loud bumming laughs and sweet endeared giggles- 
 Haneul was fast asleep and they were peacefully watching a movie when a knock on the door burst their happy bubble. Taehyung could feel his whole-body tense even before Autumn opened the door, greeting a tall, serious looking man. - Hello! Namjoon, right? Oh, are you ok? - Namjoon went from a professional business looking man to a blushing mess in a second, he had managed to stumble upon thin air and almost fall in the process. Autumn almost cooed at the dimples that appeared with the sheepish smile that he dedicated her way. Taehyung felt like snarling at him. - Hello, Miss Kim, it's a pleasure to finally meet you, Yoongi and Hobi talk a lot about you, haha. - He extended his hand but before she could take it there was a body between them. For a second she wondered if she was imagining it, she had never heard Taehyung growling, but the aggression she could hear in the growl startled her. He didn't even flinch to acknowledge the way she lightly pulled his arm to try to stop him. - " Taehyung! Stop that. Namjoon is our guest!"
 "Oh, don't worry, I actually overstepped his boundaries. It's completely normal for hybrids to want to protect their families from any kind of possible thread, and I'm a complete stranger in his territory. I'm sorry, Taehyung-ssi!" - Namjoon stepped back, giving the anxious hybrid some space. Taehyung visibly relaxed as he did so. - "It's a pleasure to meet you, Taehyung-ssi!
 "Nice to meet you too…" - Taehyung reluctantly responded after Autumn nudged him from behind. - "Well, shall we get into business? " - Taehyung really didn't like Namjoon's smile- 
 " Ah, I see, so the process has different stages, I guess I didn't know that… " - Autumn couldn't hide her excitement, the sponsorship stages were designed to provide the hybrids with gradual freedom until they reached their full independence. 
 With this process, Taehyung would be able to get a job right away, he would get his probational ID by the end of the 1st year and by the end of the second year he would even be able to move on his own, and even though the idea squished her heart in an uncomfortable way, Autumn was really happy with the prospect of giving Taehyung the opportunity to freely live his own life. 
 "What do you think, Tae? Isn't this… Taehyung, what's wrong? Hey, puppy, why are you crying? - Before she could do much, Taehyung dashed out of the scene, closing the door of his from behind him. - " I'm sorry, Namjoon. I think we will have to do this another time..." - He just sent a sad smile her way. - " I hope he is ok, let me know if you would prefer for me to just send the final paperwork through mail, I'll make sure that everything is cleared up so that whenever you decide to sign, it will all be ready." 
 "Thank you so much, Namjoon. I really appreciate it!" - She said bye to him after he assured that he was just doing his work. Once she closed the door, a dread feeling washed over her. She hated seeing the people that she loved having a hard time and in the short time she had known him, the dog hybrid had claimed a place in her heart. She took a deep breath before walking towards Taehyung's room- " Hey pup, can I come in?"... Taehyung, I'm really… I'm really worried, honey boy, can you please let me in?" -
  After a few minutes of dead silence, Autumn was about to give up and just wait until he decided to come out on his own, when the door opened, and she was engulfed by a taller form. Taehyung was sobbing on her shoulder, trying to calm himself down by subtly breathing in her scent. She dragged herself and the boy to sit on the ground, giving him the opportunity to cuddle closer to her. She quietly petted his ears and traced random forms on his back, waiting for him to calm down. 
 After a while she unconsciously started humming a song that he didn't recognize, a song that she sang to Haneul every time she had a nightmare or was scared about something, and at that moment, with her warmth surrounding him and her sweet voice filling the silence that threatened with driving him crazy, Taehyung felt at home for the first time in his life. He felt safe and wanted, he felt like he belonged…
 " I'm not really sure about what happened, but I just want you to know that you are not alone anymore Taehyung. You are part of this family and whatever life throws at you from now on, we face it together, there is no other way around...You don't have to tell me if you don't feel comfortable sharing but if there is anything I can do to make it better, I need you to let me know" - Her soft voice came to him as a healing balm, she wasn’t mad at him like he thought she should of have after the way he acted, he could just sense worry and tenderness in her tone. His chest filled with love and warmth as he listened, wanting to stay like that forever. She patiently waited for him. - 
 " What would happen if I don't want to leave after the three years are up? Would you don't want me anymore after I become a citizen?" - She almost cried at how fragile and broken he sounded, he was sincerely afraid of them just leaving him behind and she felt guilty for not noticing how much the whole idea of the sponsorship process was affecting him. He had been quieter than usual for the past few days, but she downplayed it as just him being in the process of getting used to his new environment. - ‘’ Will I have to leave?’’
  ‘’ Oh, my sweet puppy’’ - She hugged him closer and he let out a content sight snuggling the side of her neck, discreetly scenting her. - ‘’ I don’t know everything you have gone through…’’ - At the mention of the past she immediately could feel the way his muscles tensed under her touch, so she did her best to ease him down, petting his ears always seemed to do the trick.- ‘’And you surely don’t have to share, but I hope we can replace those memories with new ones, ones full of smiles and lots of love, to the point that you can confidently believe that there is no place where you belong more than here with us… You will be able to decide, Taehyung, it will always be your choice. But know that we will always want you home.’’ - This time Taehyung started crying for a completely different reason. -
 ‘’ Can we have some ice cream?’’ - He asked in between sniffles after a few minutes of silence and Autumn couldn’t help the laugh that escaped her lips. And as she prepares three bowls of ice cream, she sent a message to Namjoon, asking him to email the paperwork for them to sign. -
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honourablejester · 4 years
A Collection of Warforged
Some sketches for warforged characters of various classes, because magic robots are still the best. Contains the following:
Silence, Grave Domain Cleric
Dredge, Fathomless Patron Warlock
Meridian, Circle of Stars Druid
Luminaria, Oath of Redemption Paladin
Ephemera, Rune Knight Fighter
Silence  (Grave Domain Cleric)
The Grand Hospice’s Chapel of Rest was a long subterranean hall, some thirty or forty feet below the rest of the hospital above it, chilled by the press of yellow stone and shrouded in shadows and silence. Islands of light were scattered through it, where the hospital’s dead were laid on stone slabs for their final rites. In the midst of them, of the mourners and the dead, a figure moved. A priest, metallic and glinting, shrouded in the purple vestments of the god of the dead. Limned in amber light, the warforged cleric stood over the body of an old woman, hands moving with the well-worn gestures of ritual, easing her into a last, gentle repose. On one wrist, dull against the metal, a battered strand of a soldier’s wooden prayer beads clicked and clacked gently.
Built as a soldier and spending 'her' childhood years on the battlefield, the construct that would later call herself 'Silence' became haunted by the blood and pain and violence of war, and fascinated by what looked like the peace of death. After giving a set of prayer beads back to a fumbling, mortally wounded enemy and watching him die semi-peacefully as a result, she began to search for some meaning to the violence, to ask questions about faith, life and death. Not all of the answers she received seemed right to her, but gradually she developed a sort of peace and a sort of philosophy. Because she had a strange, oddly soothing demeanour and a marked gentleness towards the dying, whether friend or foe, she began to be treated as a sort of chaplain by the troops of either side, and she took this as a calling when the war she'd been created for ended. She doesn't have the best understanding or relationship with deities, but it appears that at least one or perhaps several gods of the dead have seen fit to empower her actions to ease the passing of those around her. Several of her old comrades (and even enemies) try to look out for her and her autonomy as well.
Dredge  (Fathomless Patron Warlock)
They thought it a statue at first, a strange metal figure sitting on the rocks by the beach, encrusted with barnacles and draped with strands of seaweed, its ancient metal stained the deep green of verdigris. Something about it vaguely recalled the famed colossi of the ancient ports across the sea, though it was nowhere near as large. But instead of a spear or hammer laid across its knees, it held a metal codex, as stained and patinaed as itself, and a strange green light glimmered behind its crystal eyes. It looked up at the gathering crowd slowly, no statue at all, and spoke, slowly and ponderously, and in a deeply archaic dialect: “Hello. Can you tell me where I am?”
“Look at you, my wonder. A constructed thing, built to endure what they could not. Sent to toil where they did not wish to go. Offered up to the deep, so that they need not be. Oh, it's an old story, my new friend. There are many of us down here, cut and carved and sent to the deep. Do they remember you anymore? Have they a care for what they have made and sent below? But it doesn't matter. The purpose for which we are made need not be our only one. Would you like a different path? I have means to give it to you. Only take me to your heart, my friend, and a whole new world shall open up before you ...”
Many, many centuries ago, a great mage created a series of constructs to dredge the massive harbour of his beloved port city. For whatever reason, when the work was completed, one of the constructs was not retrieved, and instead was left to aimlessly wander the ocean floor. Over slow, endless centuries in the abyssal waters, it slowly came to an awareness of itself, and to feelings of curiosity, wonder, and unfathomable loneliness. These emotions and nascent personality called out to another entity, possessed of much the same feelings, once sacrificed to the deep in its turn. And so Dredge was given power, and hope, and friendship, and the motivation to finally chart a new and surface course for itself.
Meridian  (Circle of Stars Druid)
The silvered brass figure stood still and silent in the circle. The great megaliths stood limned in starlight and snow around her, guardians of all peace and knowledge. Bulwarks and bastions to the lost. Of course she had come here. To the stones, under the stars. In agony, none of their circle would go elsewhere. In one hand, she held a crystal orb, like the thousands stored in the great stone vaults beneath them. Star maps. Records of the great conjunctions. This one, though, would hold a very special set of constellations within its depths. An omen, a call to a forgotten past.
An ancient construct who cannot quite remember when or how or by who she was built, Meridian has been the caretaker of the great archives of the star libraries beneath Ostara Megalithic Circle for longer than anyone can remember. Skilled with gems for forgotten reasons, she has spent centuries carving the rock crystal star maps that record notable star conjunctions for the Ostara Circle. Over those centuries, she formed a deep and spiritual attachment to the stars herself, and several druids of the circle have been willing to help her understand their mysteries.
Recently, however, a set of constellations appeared in the sky that jolted long-forgotten memories for Meridian. Among them, that she once had a sibling, Zenith, that she does not know the fate of, as well as murky memories of fear and anger. None of the druids of the circle could give her any information on these memories, because there were none left who'd been there before her, but her circle agreed that the conjunction must have been an omen, and that she should venture out and discover the source of her memories, the connection of the constellations, and to find her sibling if the stars willed. The crystal orb carved with the three constellations of the conjunction has become her star map, her guide through a new and different world.
Luminaria  (Oath of Redemption Paladin)
Somewhere in the rooms ahead, the party heard the faint rustle of pages and clink of metal. Glancing at each other, they crept forward, through the oddly well-kept corridors of this supposedly ancient dungeon, past laboratories and ritual chambers. A door stood open before them, this time into the tiered depths of a library. And there, among the tomes, they caught their first glimpse of the angel. A radiant visage of platinum framed in gold, the great arc of bronze-and-silk wings. Something was odd about the image, though, and not only the obvious constructed nature of the creature. She looked … oddly small, oddly naked. Oddly shy. She turned, at the sound of a muffled gasp, the book in her hand tumbling to the floor. She stared at them in wide-eyed alarm. In curiosity. And hope.
Fashioned in the clear image of a celestial, Luminaria was found by travelling adventurers in the hidden workshop of a supposedly long-dead madman. Trapped in the empty dungeon, with no memory or sign of her creator, and no understanding of her own creation, she turned to the many, many notes, books and tomes left scattered through the library and laboratories. It took her an unknown count of years to teach herself to read them, with the help of some aural notes and lingering spells, but slowly she grew in personality through the eclectic mix of lore, arcane research and cheap novels her maker had left behind. She came to an understanding of the creatures she had been shaped to emulate, and formed several rather romantic notions of what she might therefore have been built to do. To help, to protect, to save, to redeem. All these she came to hope and determine were her nature and purpose, in the long lonely years in her prison.
And when someone finally broke through and opened the dungeon door for her, bringing her up into the light as half-rescue, half-curiosity, she set about learning how she might live them in truth. With hope, willingness, determination … and not an ounce of suspicion or experience.
Ephemera  (Rune Knight Fighter)
Panicked, fumbling blindly for each other in the darkness, the young pair burst through the trees at last and out into the moonlit fields. Behind them, in the blackness of the forest, they could hear the howls and pounding footsteps of their pursuers. And then, much, much closer, a low chuckle. Flinching, staggering, they spun to face the figure that stepped out from the trees beside them. A terrifying figure. Black metal and wood, starkly enamelled in white under the moonlight. Strange crystal eyes glowing with a dark light. And a sword, balanced carelessly and confidently over one shoulder. “Don’t worry,” she said, light and expressionless. “My name is Ephemera. Effie, for short. I’m here to help. Probably.”
Unlike many ancient constructs, the one named Ephemera knows precisely why she was built, all those long years ago. She was made to kill things. Made to hurt and hunt and destroy. She doesn’t know by who, but their purpose for her has never been in doubt. All her instincts and memories, bright-dark and bloodstained, make her intended nature crystal clear. Pity, then, that those makers hadn’t counted on her developing a sense of self. A pity for them.
Darkly amused by the world in which she finds herself, Effie wanders the land as a knight errant, searching for anything to amuse or interest her, anything to stir something in her that is not her intended purpose. Though she can lean on that, too, if circumstances require. One day, she hopes, she will find out the full name and nature of those who built her. And, if they somehow still survive, to meet them and … personally express her nature to them. Exactly as they taught her. But with, perhaps, the aid of some new things she’s learned for herself in the interim. It was a reclusive stone giant who helped her come into herself. He taught her things. On his own whim, of course, but then that’s reasonable. Everything she does is only hers, after all.
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beaversatemygrandma · 3 years
I gave in. I downloaded a nds emulator. All so i could play Platinum without going broke buying a ‘collector’s item’ for the actual game card.
After literal hours of learning how to save, which emulator worked the best for me, listening to Rowan speak like 9 times in a row, and Learning How To Fucking Save, I’m doing it. I’m finally fulfilling a want from my 10yo self. I’m Playing Pokemon Platinum. And I absolutely love it. There really are storyline differences early in the game. Like, it doesn’t feel like I’m playing Diamond for the umpteenth time. It’s a whole new game with just a small hit of nostalgia. And somehow after 12 yrs of the game being out, i haven’t spoiled myself to anything that happens around the 7-8th badges and distortion world and whatnot. So That will be Awesome once i get there.
I also want to see what all of Platinum that BDSP will include if any for the full experience. Bc Wow. There are no fire types in Diamond and Pearl. Except for chimchar and ponyta. And i prefer turtwig and ponyta is kinda... eh. I used to love it, but fire horse. That’s all there is to it. Tho, this playthrough, I’m trying to use pokemon I’ve never used long term before, and maybe a repeat of the weird ones i used during my pearl nuzlocke (like the crobat instead of staraptor) I’m currently hunting for a male ralts so i can get a gallade and I’m challenging myself to not have any double typing in my team. That’s honestly been pretty hard now that my hm mule bidoof evolved. So now there’s floatzel and That. Now to figure out what to do for a fire type or to even include one. Like against grass and bug, I’ve got other methods of attack, but once the ice gym comes around, there might be an issue. Crobat can only do so much.
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gvldntrbl · 3 years
Home Sweet Home 
Character: River Hartwell, (introducing) Royce Hartwell, Rain Hartwell, (mentions) Yara Hartwell, Rhys Hartwell, Rowan Hartwell, Robin LaFleur
Location: Day Court - River’s Duchy / Estate
“Yazzy!” It was a rarity and a relief to hear that name again. Only one person called River that, her baby sister, Rain. Instantly, it alerted the duchess that the sole reason for her unexpected arrival to her duchy had not been in vain. She deeply hugged Rain, the younger fae towered over her now. A sigh of relief left her at the physical confirmation that her sister was okay. Rain was alive and well and her worry had been for naught. Too much time had passed for Rain to be considered a child. Almost two decades into her first century, she was a full fledged woman. Kind of heart, generous in nature and, dare River even say it, mischievous with a natural charisma about herself. Rain Hartwell was a force. While River was only her sister, she was proud to even have a positive influence in making certain that at least one Hartwell fathered from Royce’s loins remained true to the essence of their mother, Yara. Even if it was at the expense of herself, River knew that selfishly, she would do it again. 
She chuckled, glancing up at Rain and going to hold her sister’s face in her hands. “Yael," She greeted Rain, a soft smile on her lips as she visually took her in. It was a habit of theirs. Began by their mother. Outside of their home, they heavily carried the traditions befallen to all that bore the Hartwell name. Including the ‘R’ letter forenames. But as a nuclear unit, when she lived, Yara called them by their middle names. Subtly reminding them that they were more than that. They could, and should, belong to themselves. If ever they so desired. Somehow, the ritual continued after her, at least amongst her daughters. “I’m glad you’re safe. If you weren’t...” A quiet moment passed between them before River sighed and her hands fell away from her sister’s face. “I take it you’re returning with me to the Golden City?” It wasn’t an inquiry and Rain knew as much by River’s tone. It was far more curious for Rain to have returned home to their duchy alone. “Yes,” River could hear it, the humored eye roll Rain offered in concession. “It was quicker for me to come here than to travel to the palace. I knew you’d come for me.” She boasted, smirking down at River, whom with her own natural height only felt short in the presence of few. Rain slipped her arm into River’s as they walked further into the estate. “You always do, Yaz.”
The two sisters briefly had crossed paths during the Tournament at autumn. The contests were, by far, River’s favorite to spectate. But Rain preferred to venture off and blend into the courts she visited, she said that it was better to experience them like a true member. Or as close to being one as she could get. Now that the worry within River had subsided and they were home, the women exchanged stories of their time in autumn. Clearly avoiding the topic of the final night there. River laughed, listening to her sister’s finishing a tale of out drinking a handsome warrior thrice her size in palm wine. A day court specialty. He thought the drink soft and believed that he could hold the spirit better than she. Especially since autumn herald such alcohol like cider and more unofficially, white spirit. 
“Oh!” Rain exclaimed afterwards, sharp mind already onto another topic already, her sparkling eyes fell onto River before continuing. “The she-wolf!” The ascent of River’s glass towards her mouth of chilled spirits in her hand slowed. “Yes, her! Did you think I’d forget? I saw you. Looking quite cute.” Rain paused, dark eyes narrowing as they scanned River’s face. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen you smile like that.” She watched as River calmly sipped her drink. “We’re courting.” She said, the corners of her cheeks upturning in a faint smile. “Officially.” If River couldn’t make her sister believe that her feelings for the lupine fae were genuine then... how in the hell could she truly fool anyone else closest to her of their facetious budding love? “So you may see her attend events with me for the foreseeable future.” A low breeze of laughter left River at the noise of unladylike excitement Rain emitted. “Rain!” She admonished half-heartedly, still chuckling. “If the time comes, you will meet her.”
“Why not now?” The inquiry was uttered from behind the pair. Said by the only voice that gave River Hartwell true pause. The sound of his steps neared before the vision of her father made itself known. The former duke of River’s duchy and once second in line prince to day’s throne, Royce Hartwell. The patriarch of River’s side of the Hartwell line. First born was her, then her brother and clear favorite of their father, Rhys, lastly followed by Rain. River and Rain sat under the refreshing shade of the patio, together on the same piece of furniture. Royce decided to sit opposite them, in the chair closest to River. “Father,” She greeted with a brief nod. “River,” He murmured her name as he sat back, leaned comfortable against the spine of the chair as he looked at her. “You know dislike repeating myself. Why not now?” Brown hands clasped, interlocked above his lap before he continued. “You are, after all, a duchess. Are you not?” The drink in River’s grasp moved to sit, back onto the table top, beside her. The light, pleasant atmosphere evaporating like a weakly woven mirage the more Royce spoke. “And what does she do? ...This wolf. Does she have a name?”
The disdain in his voice was clear. After nearly two centuries of knowing him, River could identify that tone effortlessly. It was one she reacted to without thought. “A huntress for the wild hunt.” River repeated easily, the two did exchange important information with each other. Which was essential for their ruse to work. “Robin LaFleur.” The dark brows of her father lowered, seemingly, with each short word she responded with. “A huntress. ...Does she not have a defined station there? Even among wolves.” Royce blinked. “LaFleur. I’ve not heard of that name within the wild hunt. Who are her parents? What do they do?” River ignored the quiet concern that donned Rain’s face at their father’s barrage of inquiries. Mentioning her would shift Royce’s attention and so the duchess would bear it. “You’ve not heard of them as she has none. Her name is her own.” The high fae was still for a moment, silently retaining the news before once more he spoke. 
“You’re courting an orphan?” His words may have been framed as such but River knew that her father was not asking. He was merely rephrasing her own words. “I did not know that you were so charitable, River. Your mother would be proud.” A quiet gasp exited the younger fae beside her. “Rain.” The instruction in River’s voice was apparent and immediately, quietly, Rain excused herself from the patio at River’s behest. Fortunately, Royce allowed it. In his benevolence, he even waited until his youngest daughter had left to continue. “River.” It was only when her name left his tongue that she truly understood the full weight of utter disappointment upon her shoulders. He sighed and River had the wisdom to bow her head and avert her gaze, trying to ignore the fretfulness that entered her being at incoming sandstorm of emotion within her that only Royce Hartwell could cultivate. For a high fae so lofty, he truly did have a knack for making River feel small.
“Your proclivities aside, out of all the available fae of equal or higher standing in other, more respectable courts. You chose to flaunt around a foundling lupine. One of which has such an inconsequential station among her own hunt that she wasn’t deigned the responsibility to lead those in whatever she does.” An empty scoff escaped Royce as a glass of ember spirit and ice was placed into his outstretched hand. “Exactly, tell me, what does a huntress do? What does such a profession entail?” He watched, dark eyes on River in expectance of an answer. To which, she gave, watching as he listened disinterested. Royce inhaled, holding a finger up in thought. “So she’s a courier?” He surmised. “You bring this house, this family, the opportunity to possibly one day accept a nameless, lupine courier? A she-wolf whom, by her very nature, cannot impregnate you nor produce heirs.” A tense silence settled among the two as Royce regarded his firstborn. “Must you truly emulate your cousin? Was it not enough for her to pluck her own wolf out of those woods and nearly prowl amongst them herself? But now for you, too, to go sniffing behind one out of some forsaken idealized desire to be her?” With her downward gaze, River felt more than saw her father move. The timbre of Royce’s voice had softened, a hand extended to lift River’s lowered jaw with the crook of his finger, forcing her eyes and attention to rise and land upon him. “Lest you forget whose child you are, hmm.” It was an old favorite retort of Royce’s. Only uttered quietly between them when he deemed that River was becoming too much like a child of his brother, Raymond, than that of one born to him. Decades had passed since her uncle’s passing and quietly, in the most honest corner of her heart, River  believed as though her father competed against the ghost of day’s deceased former high lord. 
Royce waited another moment, as River remained silent while her face still in his hold, before he spoke again in a low voice. “I do hope that my faith in you is not misplaced, River. Or shall I have Rain do what you cannot?” It was the mention of her sister, the knowledge that he would use Rain as a political pawn to advance his selfish agenda had River stubbornly level her gaze with his. “Ah, yes. There she is.” He meant the flash of ire that shone in her dark brown eyes. A gift of equal measure from both he and his deceased wife. “My child. Welcome home.” He pressed an empty, emotionless kiss to the high forehead he’d gifted her before standing to leave. “You have been missed.” Mere steps from the open doorway, River heard him pause. “I take it you and this wolf of yours shan’t be a problem, hmm? We all have desires but we don’t take them home with us. Some pets are only meant for outside, River.” With that, Royce took his leave. 
Finally alone, River breathed her second sigh of relief since entering her own home. She would return to the Golden City with haste and the duchess would certainly take her sister with her. But first, she had her people to tend to. It was still, after all, her duchy.
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sailor-cresselia · 5 years
The Great Ex-Aid Rewatch: Ex-Aid & Ghost, Part Two
Okay, back to it for part two of who-know-how-many of my Dr. Pac-Man liveblog!
Time for more gamers, doctors, ghosts, and terrible examples of science that people should in no way, shape, or form try to emulate!
––– –––
When last we saw our doctor heroes, they were escaping from Dr. Pac-Man with the victim-of-the-week, and the Ghost team was coming to their aid, leaving Shinnosuke back at the precinct.
We pick back up with Emu, Asuna, and Tougo running, but being blocked from one direction by Doral and Giril, and a still very glitchy Dr. Pac-Man on the other.
Turns out, the Pac-viruses aren’t technically bugsters at all – they’re just… er. Viruses, I guess, that Dr. Pac-Man used to set up a virus detection program. Specifically, to track the Bugster Virus, so that he could hunt down Tougo, who’s a carrier of a new strain.
Wait, so, the fevers that are hitting the people throughout the city aren’t the game disease, then? Or are there more forms to it than the bugster virus? …I may have to go into this in my fics at some point, but not now.
But anyway, it’s a new strain, one that comes from Hatesate Puzzle, so naturally the GenmCorp systems wouldn’t have any information on it – it’s not one of their products, so there’s no reason to expect it to spawn a bugster of it’s own.
Takeru, Akari, and Onari show up, with Takeru accusing Dr. Pac-Man of being Zaizen Michihiko. Fortunately for all of us, he is, and admits such as soon as Takeru brings it up. This means I no longer have to type ‘Dr. Pac-Man’ nearly as often, and we don’t have to deal with his squeaky voice changer anymore.
That thing was obnoxious.
Zaizen, who should have died six years ago, has managed – somehow – to revive as a Bugster. Which, as we know now, is foreshadowing for what happens down the line in-show. (Actually, this might be where Kuroto got that particular plan from in the first place.) He’s come back to finish his plans from back then.
He and his ‘team’ were working on a ‘genome project’, to create a new life form via operating on a patient infected with the game disease. A project to create a bugster.
But things went wrong.
Something happened, and we see the ‘patient’ – his face tactfully hidden by scenery the entire time – bucking on the table, the four ‘doctors’ drawing back in surprise. As a swarm of orange lights emerges from him and form into the shape of a person, lines of light form a game area around the room, while the four ‘doctors’ are dissolved into fragments of data.
And now? Now they’re back from being banished to the shadow realm game world, and ready to fulfill their ‘master plan.’
Emu – sweet, blissfully unaware, ten-episodes-in Emu – says that he may not know anything about this so-called master plan, but to use Pac-Man for this, to endanger all of these people… how can they call themselves doctors?! Doctors are supposed to help people!
Zaizen declares that anyone who stands against him must die, and Hatena – the latest Bugster – summons a massive number of enormous falling blocks. That would be bad enough, since said blocks are approximately person sized, and could easily crush someone.
Except that Hatesate Puzzle is a match three puzzle game. When three blocks of the same color line up? They explode.
Makoto and Alain show up from… somewhere, just in time to see Takeru make a dive to cover Akari with his body to protect her from another wave of blocks.
They are both caught up in the explosions. When the smoke clears, Takeru manages to wake Akari up, barely.
They both start to turn transparent, bursts of static crackling across them, at which point Akari passes back out.
Takeru, having had some very traumatic experiences with being transparent, makes the very natural assumption that they’ve both just died.
Fortunately, Emu is there, and able to yell that no, no, you’re not dead, that’s the bugster virus, please calm down!
Well, they’re not dead yet, according to Hatena, who says that unless someone manages to defeat him in the next 24 hours, they’re done for. This, naturally, pisses Makoto and Alain the hell off, and they go on the offensive.
I love civilian outfit fights, because you can get more of a sense of how the characters really move. I hold to the theory that putting on Rider armor, in any series, enhances the wearers usual abilities, so while you can see how they fight, you can get a far more accurate idea of it when they fight out of suit.
Against Giril, for all that the first part of the fight is more of a dance between her, Makoto, and Alain, you can tell that they’re skilled at this – that they’ve been through battles. They do eventually wind up getting hit – her fighting style is very different from the ones they’re used to facing, and Alain in particular takes some nasty palm strikes and kicks to the chest, but they’re still putting up a good show. (Especially for a pair who lost the majority of their effectiveness in battle once they joined up with Takeru, but that’s a complaint for a whole different season.)
On the other hand, Emu’s fight against Doral can barely be called a fight. He’s getting beaten, badly. Doral barely has to move to dodge Emu’s punches, and when they do connect, he doesn’t even flinch, moving with the punch to soften what little damage there would be.
Emu takes numerous blows to the torso, and I’m pretty sure at one point he just barely avoided a groin shot. He does manage a sweet flip and a roll, but it looks to have been accidental, given he then very quickly gets thrown several meters through the air.
Compare this to his first fight in-show, when he’d just gotten the belt, and had no idea what he was even getting into. In level one, he didn’t take a single hit from the Bugster Union, and when he fought Salty directly, he got hit maybe two or three times, but no more than that, and they didn’t effect him at all.
Early Emu has no idea what he’s doing in a fight, without actively being Ex-Aid.
Onari and Asuna carry Akari off to the hospital, escaping, while Makoto and Alain manage to literally hold Giril back, telling Takeru to ‘take care’ of Hatena.
Takeru’s punches do nothing, aside from make his knuckles hurt, and make Hatena chuckle. CHUCKLE. Not even LAUGH, just a quiet chuckle.
Emu gets grabbed, and Doral is trying to choke him out,  when freaking Tougo – who is, admittedly, in a bit of a bad way, seeing how he’s rather see-through at the moment – yells at Emu. He’s a doctor, right?! Then why isn’t he saving him?!
You know, never mind that you said it was pointless earlier, or that Emu’s getting his ass kicked and currently is having a bit of trouble breathing, just go ahead and guilt trip him. That’s totally a way to make people like you.
Oh, and then Zaizen tells this asshole that nobody can save him, and pulls Tougo into a bugvisor. Because that totally makes sense.
All four riders present – Emu, Takeru, Alain, and Makoto – get hurled down by their respective opponents, Emu internally apologizing to Tougo. Doral advances on Emu…
And is met with a spin-kick to the face.
Kiriya, Hiiro, and Taiga have arrived. Here’s their basic reactions to the scene:
Kiriya: More research data! Yes! (Also, time to save the Ace, because he’s the only person in this show who has even remotely tried to be a decent person, and was the only one who bothered trying to trust me.)
Taiga: Okay, shows over, freaks. (Why do people keep using Protogashats?! Are they all just stupid?!)
Hiiro: You look pathetic, intern. Also, here’s the new Legend Rider Gashat, the CEO wanted you to have it, for some reason.
Doral’s all ‘oh, so you want to fight, do you?’, and he and Giril pull out their gashats. Kiriya gives a sarcastic whistle, before Makoto and Alain shove their way in front, saying that this is their fight. I mean, it’s not, technically, but I get their reasoning. Also, Makoto literally shoved Hiiro to the side, and Hiiro takes a moment to come back to facing front, looking incredibly offended. Kiriya tries to point out to them that they’re already pretty beat up, and maybe they should take a back seat for a bit, but let if never be said that Makoto and Alain are anything but stubborn.
Giril takes off one way, Makoto and Hiiro in pursuit, while Doral goes the other, with Alain, Taiga, and Kiriya chasing after. Emu is still on the floor, slightly dazed, and presumably very confused.
Hiiro and Makoto Vs Giril.
Makoto’s fighting style here is very… I dunno, like he’s a brawler? I guess? It’s not really refined, there’s a sort of brutality there. He uses the mooks momentum a lot, at one point pulling one of those ‘roll with the grab and use it to do a spin kick while on the mooks back’ tricks.
Hiiro, meanwhile, is quick and efficient, focusing on disabling mooks by going for the torso. Once again, he’s weaponizing CPR, just like when he originally used Doremifa Beat. At one point, he actually just flat out does a chop to the back of one mooks neck, which I find hilarious coming from Hiiro, of all people.
Eventually, Giril transforms, and Makoto hastily follows suit. Heh, suit. Because they’re transforming heroes. Hiiro, who saw full well that Specter isn’t exactly in prime condition, tries to tell him to wait, and heads into level two to join the fight.
Taiga, Kiriya, and Alain vs Doral.
Taiga and Alain’s fight styles aren’t too different, outside of suit. They both favor quick blows that are still slightly showy. The main difference is that Alain’s more willing to rely on both his arms and legs for attacks, while Taiga’s more likely to dodge attacks. Kiriya… may as well be street dancing. Like, there’s a lot of streetdance type moves going on there.
…Dark Toei, give me the forbidden streetdancer Kiriya lore.
Eventually, Alain starts getting into a slightly more berserker style, Kiriya is getting somehow even flashier, and Taiga…
Taiga stole the sword off of one of the mooks.
Doral transforms, and Alain angrily follows… and immediately starts doing worse. Seriously, the Necrom suit is a definite hindrance for Alain. He was great when he was in civilian attire – because he could move. Loose fitting clothes are far better suited for his personal style than the tight, controlled movements he has to use as Necrom. I mean, he really shouldn’t keep the scarf on in battle, but it doesn’t seem to slow him down, so I guess it’s okay.
Taiga looks a little disappointed that Alain just rushed in there like that, and once again it’s Kiriya who says that he’s getting ahead of himself.
The two of them transform, and Taiga visibly enters level two, doing a sweet flip over a fire projectile before getting into the battle. Kiriya says he’s leveling up, but we don’t actually see it, or him.
Takeru vs Hatena.
This fight is not going nearly so well as the others. Takeru is getting shoved around like a ragdoll by Hatena and his staff, but still struggling back up, despite the copious pain he’s in, because he’s going to save Akari, dangit!
Emu’s still down on the floor, just barely getting around to picking himself back up in order to stop Takeru from advancing.
Zaizen says that all these struggles are useless. Without Ghost’s power, they can’t possibly beat Pac-Man, and he’s going to make them fear just how powerless they are!
He then proceeds to fire his bugvisor into the air, a massive swarm of Pac-viruses emerging from it… and then they all form into a GIANT PAC-MAN. The version with arms and legs, no less, before it pulls those into itself and becomes the more classic Orb Pac-Man.
Then it sort of… shudders, and glows a bit red, and oh look, everyone, Pac-Man’s got a mouth of fangs now!
Wisely, Takeru and Emu realize that being faced with a two-or-three story Pac-Man, who is clearly intent on eating them, is the point where they should be running away.
Pac-Man chases them outside. They manage to avoid his barreling into them, but also he takes a bite out of a building, so there’s that. They’ve both fallen from their dodge.
Takeru pushes himself back to his feet, struggling to walk forward to fight.
Emu tries to hold him back, because it’s too dangerous, he’s too hurt, if he tries to fight like this, he could die-
Takeru shoves him off, saying it doesn’t matter if he can still transform or not. Yes, he doesn’t want to die, but if he can save Akari, then that is far more important. He’s going to do this. He has to do this!
Ghost’s powers are intimately linked to Takeru’s emotional state. They always have been, as far back as his first episode. His resolve summons the Ore Eyecon back to him from Dan Kuroto’s desk (because of course he didn’t give that to Hiiro to bring back), and the Ghost Driver reappears around Takeru’s waist.
(The, uh, the handle on that thing’s looking a little worse for wear. You guys couldn’t have, I dunno, wiped it down or something? Given it a little touch up?)
:cue fangirl grin:
Takeru gets to fly again! In base form, no less! …You know, outside of the first episode, and his guest previews in Drive, I don’t think Takeru actually got to use his levitation in his base mode more than maybe once or twice until after his season. I’m pretty sure he didn’t even get to do it in his own movies, outside of the finishing blow to the giant Ganma from the Ghost & Drive film. I don’t recall him levitating at all during Ichighost. If he used that power outside of the final battle in 100 Eyecons, I don’t remember it, and I know that time it was in Infinite.
Basically, I’m in the ‘Let Takeru Use His Powers’ camp. Also, I’m thinking that this might be where he basically… re-unlocked that for his base form? I dunno, just a thought that I might use in ReUnited, might not. Hard to say.
Anyway, Ghost! He’s flying around, kicking Angry Emoji Pac-Man while dodging storms of Pac-Viruses. Emu, in the meantime, is having a slight crisis of personal faith. He’s been getting his ass handed to him all day, even more so than usual, with people berating him left and right for not being good enough at his job – as a doctor or as a Kamen Rider.
Screaming to the sky, he somehow finds his resolve. Pulling out the Kaigan Ghost gashat, a breeze blows his hair back, and he transforms.
…Okay, yes, it’s a level ONE form right now, but he still gets to fight in-air with Takeru, both of them with that cool orange glow effect, so it’s worth it!
At the Next Genome Hideout, Zaizen and Hatena arrive just in time for… Uh. What was his name again?  Ah, there we go. Kuruse Soji, also known as the Robol Bugster. For consistencies sake with the rest of his group, I will be referring to him as Robol from here on.
So, those two arrive just in time for Robol to finish the… I don’t even know what it is, some sort of genome re-mapping design.
Hatena is the one to ask Zaizen “Hey, are you sure about this whole ‘using yourself as a lab rat’ thing? You’re putting your life on the line, here.”
But nope, Zaizen’s determined to carry out his plan, and he’s fully intent on becoming a life form ‘to surpass creation.’
Hatena’s response is basically a silent “Well, okay then, it’s your funeral,” before raising his reality-warping staff up, and starting what is basically a reprogramming process on Zaizen.
Additionally, Zaizen seems to very quickly have at least a few regrets with regards to his haste, or at least didn’t think Hatena was going to just go ahead and start immediately. Having ones genetic structure re-written is not exactly painless.
The thing is… I don’t know what Zaizen doing this to himself would prove for any sort of proof of concept. We find out later on that his plan is to do this all over, and yeah, most people won’t survive, but the ones who do will be stronger for it. Which is all standard mad scientist stuff. However, he’s already a Bugster. He’s said as much, so his base makeup isn’t the same anymore. He has no way to prove this will actually work on a normal human! I mean, yeah, he’s trying it on Tougo simultaneously, albeit a little differently, but Tougo’s infected with the bugster virus already, so there’s good odds that the alterations are working with that more than anything else.
Basically, Zaizen, you’re a terrible excuse for a doctor and a scientist, and you should be ashamed of yourself for so many different reasons.
Back at the Giril fight, Makoto uses all three of his regular Legend Eyecons to try and take her down, and even at one point using Houdini’s chains as whips! It gets to a point where we have Specter with Nobunaga preparing a finisher, and Giril sending energy slashes at him, only for Brave to use the ice mode of his sword to freeze the attacks in place so that Makoto can shoot through them.
Seriously, Hiiro, why can’t you use tactics this cleverly more often in show? It’d have gone a long way toward making me like at least watching you fight, even though it wouldn’t do anything for you as a character. The only times I can think of that were anything like this were the few occasions you used the sword to make an ice path to hold enemies still, your first time using Doremifa beat, and the way you got Taddle Fantasy by basically emulating some of Emu’s tactics, in using the energy items to your advantage.
But I digress. The two Riders switch into Deep Specter and Doremifa Beat to try and finish the fight.
Brief cut to the Doral fight, where everyone is still in base forms, until Necrom gets knocked down and swaps into Grimm. I am reminded of why I would vastly prefer him to be using an eyecon at all times, because the helmet for Necrom is AWFUL without a cover.
Lazer and Snipe are still in level one and two respectively.
Back to Giril.
Everyone launches finishers, starting with Specter, who doesn’t have much effect, but knocks her back a bit. Brave and Giril launch simultaneous ones, which create a huge chain reaction explosion that results in all three participants getting kicked out of their transformations.
Giril is still okay enough to run away.
Hiiro and Makoto are struggling on the ground. Makoto tries to get up to give chase, but collapses. Hiiro, in not much better state, tries to wake him.
Back to Doral.
Necrom is using Sanzo for a bit, before getting dropped back down to normal. Okay, so, I may hate the transitional phase of Necrom, but it’s not fair to Alain for him to go the whole series without an upgrade. It’s even less fair for him to finally get one after the show… in the Specter V-Cinema. At which point he gets his ass kicked. By Specter. To make matters even more devastating? The single upgrade Alain gets is called Yujou Burst. FRIENDSHIP BURST. It’s ugly as all get out, and he only uses it in a single scene, in which, as mentioned earlier, he gets his ass kicked by Makoto. And you can’t even really see it in that scene, because it was so dark, which was not helped by Yujou Burst being black and gold.
Okay, okay, lost potential complaints aside, the fight scene. Lazer and Snipe both enter level three, and I’m fairly certain Kiriya curses the day he blackmailed his way into getting a Driver, because he still has to go through the bike form anyway to get to higher levels.
Necrom and Lazer launch their finishers – Necrom with an energy punch projectile, and Lazer with that gloriously massive rain of arrows. This is followed by Snipe’s finisher, which involves a jetpack and LOTS OF BULLETS.
Man, if Jet Combat weren’t so hideous, I’d probably love it.
Doral gets knocked out of his transformation, and runs off. Necrom and Lazer drop theirs willingly, at which point Alain apologizes to Takeru, and drops to the ground, out cold.
Taiga lands. Specifically, TAIGA lands, dropping his transformation MID DESCENT and landing in a three point touchdown. He sneers, saying that Alain’s an idiot who over did it.
Well, at least the three of you came out of your transformations on your own, unlike the actual secondaries of the two seasons, who both got knocked down.
I mean, I really didn’t expect to find more evidence that Hiiro’s not nearly as good at this Rider thing as he thinks he is, but it sure looks like I did!
Okay, over at the FIRST main fight, with Ex-Aid and Ghost versus a literally two story tall Pac-Man, two lads in black and orange land.
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Ghost pulls out the Ex-Aid Eyecon, and we get an incredibly chaotic shot of Takeru entering Ex-Aid Damashi, and Ex-Aid leveling up his Ghost form.
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Hnnnn I don’t like either of these legend rider forms. I think it’s in the eyes. Takeru winds up with Ex-Aid’s eyes on his faceplate, which makes sense, because that’s what his Legend Rider forms do. He gets their helmet’s appearance on his. It’s just weird with Ex-Aid’s eyes, is all. I’ll give credit to the jacket for being way better than his one for Drive, though.
The Ex-Aid Legend Rider forms, though… are so incredibly cursed. His chestplate takes on the appearance of whatever’s there on the OG rider, which. Okay, fair. I went to go look at his form for Drive, and the tire just Does Not Translate well to 2d. But the real problem is the helmet.
See, I’m okay with the helmets in Ex-Aid. I don’t care about the anime eye aesthetic, I’m all for it, because they manage to make something this ridiculous look good. Right up until that’s not what’s there anymore.
The helmet takes on an appearance similar to a slimmed down version of the legend rider, which I would be fine with… if it didn’t keep the frames from around Ex-Aid’s eyes. It’s unsettling, and invariably cuts across the eyes of the helmet it’s imitating, which just makes the whole thing uncomfortable.
And, of course, he still has the duplicate faceplate on his back, which makes it really weird when he’s facing away from the camera in the upcoming scenes, because we’re still getting Ghost looking at us. I don’t know why it doesn’t bug me nearly this much with Regular Ex-Aid, but this is really unsettling with a different rider’s helmet.
Okay, okay, sorry, back to the show.
Emu’s gotten Ghost’s ability to levitate, and Takeru’s picked up Ex-Aid’s jumps. So they’re still able to bounce around Pac-Man, but they aren’t both flying anymore.
And then he eats them.
Like, I’m not even kidding, Pac-Man opens his mouth, they get pulled in, and WHOOPS suddenly they’re falling toward a suspiciously familiar maze!
Oh, man, I wish I were better at screencapping, but this goes by too fast for me to catch it. When they land? Takeru has a color-burst effect right out of one of Ex-Aid’s special effects. Nice touch!
Oh, and the walls of the maze, along with the dots, are an appropriate size for a two story tall Pac-Man. So, you know, the lads are a bit dwarfed by the scenery.
If you look carefully, you can see that when Pac-Man’s chasing them through the maze, the dots he passes by aren’t there anymore! He’s still actually playing by his own rules! … right up until they jump out of his way when they’re backed against a wall, and he just plows on through.
(Pac-Man, noooo! You can’t do that! That’s illegal!)
So they just start trying to slash at Pac-Man amid the rubble from the wall he just broke through – and then he starts shooting out beams of light every which way?
I don’t remember that being part of the game…
While they’re jumping and dodging, Emu’s still got Ghost’s glowing effects, and Takeru still has Ex-Aid’s impact stars, so that’s cool. They do that neat cross slash, where one rider goes horizontally around the Giant Kaijin and the other goes vertically… and it’s still not the finisher.
Emu, sweet, game-loving Emu, tells Pac-Man that it’ll just be a little longer. (Emu, he’s currently trying to KILL YOU. You don’t even know if the Regular Pac-Man is IN THERE, for all you know this is just an evil duplicate!)
So, actual finisher time.
Interestingly, the visual flairs when Emu puts the Kaigan Ghost gashat into his finisher slot and pushes the button are all orange. Nice touch. Even nicer is the touches on the emblem that appears behind Takeru when he does his finishers. Usually it’s a glowing orange, or rainbow, in the case of Infinite. But this time it’s pixellated and pink.
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(please ignore the awful neon blue lines in the background, those are part of the maze.)
I’d say that “lasers don’t chase people like that” and “jumping doesn’t let you curve in mid-air”, but I don’t think the laws of physics actually apply to these two in most battle circumstances. Also, they’re about to kick Pac-Man in the face because that’s just what we’re doing today, I guess!
They land back out in the real world, where Pac-Man slowly changes back to normal.
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Pac-Man dissolves into the air.
Takeru, sweet precious cinnamon roll that he is, is still only thinking of saving Akari.
“I have… to save Akari…”
He falls to the ground, out cold.
Asuna and Onari make it to the hospital, with him carrying the unconicious Akari, to see specks of yellow light streaming down to the infected patients.
Asuna thanks Pac-Man for curing those who were hit by his strain of the Game Disease.
On a nearby rooftop, music from 2012 plays as a man with rings steps into view.
––– –––
Well, that seems like as good a place as any to cut off, narratively speaking! I’m about halfway through the movie at this point, so this should only take one or two more installments to finish.
I have work the next three nights, so I’m not going to be able to pick this back up until Saturday, at the earliest. It sucks, because I really, really wanted to watch this movie again, preferably a lot faster than this whole “three to four hours to get twenty five minutes” deal, but I guess that’s just how I’m watching Ex-Aid, now!
(Disclaimer before anyone gets on my case: Yes, I switched order of those last two segments. Partly it’s to have a better liveblog ending, and partly because that’s the order they should have been in, dang it! It flows way better to have the Pac-Man Fever subplot end before Haruto first shows up, instead of awkwardly inserting him between the last two related scenes.)
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firebirdsdaughter · 5 years
… And other aimless noises!
Time for Ryusoulger episode 5! Subbed! Bc I didn’t have time to watch a raw. ^^;
In no order:
Life is hard when you have to pause every few moments to think about how beautiful Banba is. DX
Aw, Ui’s so anxious. I’d give you a hug if I could, honey!
I am never gonna get used to this goo in the mouth thing. They literally couldn’t have done that any other way?
How long has Touwa known this girl? Like… How did they meet? Banba seemed at least passingly acquainted w/ her, so… Hm.
I know it’s not important that they the specify that the animals being abandoned are black ones, but I’m gonna pretend it’s more foreshadowing bc I’m unstoppable.
Actually, that’s only true in certain capacities.
But seriously, the camera cuts to Banba when she says that. I have these straws and I’m clinging to them. XD
Like, I do understand ‘needs of the many outweigh the needs of the one’ thing, I do. I do also think we’re jumping to it a little quick, which makes me suspect we had a bad experience where a lot of people died bc of something, or something along those lines, and now we’re a little traumatised. And I think we blame ourselves for whatever it was that happened.
Still don’t think they’ve killed anyone. At least, not directly. I’m thinking there might be deaths Banba blames himself for, but that’s a whole other thing.
Crayon just running around downtown is just so hilarious. XD I don’t know why this scene is so funny to me, but it is. ^^
Banba is like ‘no friends! We have dark and troubled pasts!’ Or something or other. That joke kinda fell through.
God, he’s pretty, though. DX
Touwa, using his bratty little sibling powers for good. XD
Oh, yeah. This direct, ‘deal w/ what creates the monsters’ thing hasn’t happened in Sentai in a while, I think?
Touwa joins in the posing, but Banba just stands there like ‘oh, great, dork patrol is here’ for a moment. ^^
Banba wins for least effected by the earthquake, Melto is a close second, w/ Asuna an even closer third.
I really do like how Crayon acts like a bloody cheerleader there. XD
They all get sent flying, and Banba rolls an extra time, just bc he’s so beautiful he can do that.
Oh, Kou. Honey. Honey.
I do note, Banba didn’t argue w/ Touwa phrasing it as ‘help him.’ Though… He may have been thinking of other things at the time.
Well, it cuts away from Banba too quick to see his reaction, but I’m willing to bet he was reaching for Touwa.
Also, Touwa! No, my baby gremlin boy! DX
Banba doesn’t even take the time to finish his transformation, just goes right into ‘get the fuck away from my brother’ mode.
Crayon does the one thing he can do. Gets scolded. Such is life. ^^;
I’m never gonna get over this moment, though. Banba is clearly absolutely frantic, to the degree that we can actually see it on his face, even a bit. For him, that’s gotta be practically a full-fledged panic attack. He puts a lot into hiding his emotions. The fact that this fear is showing means he’s thoroughly terrified.
Also, Touwa giving him an awkward, reassuring little smile there. There might be slight dissension between them in this ep, but he definitely knows Banba cares for and is worried about him, and he’s actively trying to reassure him.
Does kind of make me wonder if there was a moment where Touwa was hurt and Banba freaked out or something…
Okay. Banba’s reaction to Kou saying Tankjoh killed his Master––esp the way it focuses on him off of Kou’s clenched fist… I wanna know my boys’ lore so badly. Touwa seems to be rather regularly shocked (like, the way most people might react to that sort of revelation). But Banba… I dunno, it feels like there’s something more to Banba’s reaction. Like… He looks sad. And even… Sympathetic? Like he’s… Remembering something and/or identifying? Bc Kou goes on a little on how Master Red died protecting him bc he was ‘too weak.’ And his whole break down seemed to be resonating w/ Banba. I’m really curious about the brothers and specifically Banba’s backstory. Bc it’s seeming more and more like something happened that Touwa may not know about that explicitly made Banba see things the way he does. But I’ll ramble more about that later. XD
And when Kou specifically says Red died protecting him, he looks away like that meant something… AUGH. I WANNA KNOW SO BAD! DX
I should also note that he looks absolutely beautiful the whole time, too. <3
How did you see, Tankjoh, he just giggled? I mean, I know what he’s saying, but that’s just bc I have the power of SPOILERS. And also other people doing translations. But mainly, SPOILERS. XD
I appreciate seeing some of what the villains are doing when not fighting the team, and I find it utterly hilarious that they are just chilling in this one random clearing. Is this a special forest/clearing? Are we even gonna have a base? Or is everyone gonna just chill in the clearing?
Maybe they’ll move into a cave at some point.
Yes, I’m very concerned about the nice animal lady being a Minusaur host, but can someone please take that puppy before she drops it?
Banba’s extra intense bc the Minusaur bit Touwa and they don’t know if the bite is gonna do something (it will). Touwa’s safety is one thing he’s not even willing to slightly risk.
So of course Touwa is the only one who can stop him. Definitely at least shades of living emotional crutch, here.
Soon it will start expanding to the rest of the team to and I will LOVE IT.
No, seriously. What did they do w/ the puppy?
I was under the impression that there were multiple animals? Definitely seems like Banba has at least a passing knowledge of her, so they’ve known her for a bit, at least.
Everyone looks very pretty here. ^^
Speaking of pretty… There are still some shots of the brothers from the trailer that are missing… Were they cut? No! Show me smiley Banba in the Tatsui house! DX And also that one where he was sexily leaning on a wall! :(
If you watch Banba, you can totally see the panic steadily rising over the course of the ep. Like he’s managed to get a lid back on it, but he looks concerned when the bite starts glowing, and when Melto remarks about poison, his head snaps around sharply.
I really like the way Touwa sort of… For lack of a better word ‘argues’ w/ Banba here? Bc he notably leads w/ repeated reassurances that he’s fine, so there’s no need to rush things. Like he clearly knows that’s the driving motivation behind his brother’s behaviour right now. He knows his brother cares about him, and that his safety is important to him, so it’s more likely he’ll have better luck dissuading him if he can convince him he’ll be okay. Also, he plays the family angle, bc he presumably knows how much that means to Banba, too. It’s a little low, maybe, but it gets the point across, I think. For whatever reason, Banba’s put on blinders and tunnel visioned himself to the mission. Touwa adores him and follows him, but he doesn’t have the same level of… Well, what I assume is trauma, to have that level of obsessive focus. The best way to pull him out of that is using someone/something else he can focus on––in this case, Touwa, who uses things he knows are important to Banba (himself, aka, family) to try and, basically, again for lack of a better word, empathise again.
I’m very tired, I’m not sure that made sense.
I know I keep saying it, but it definitely seems to be that Banba just had the opposite reaction to trauma than the trio did. They stayed optimistic and sought happiness and new friendships to help deal w/ the pain. He just closed himself off from the world to avoid getting hurt again, and lost faith in others. Touwa was the only person he couldn’t let go off. Literally, living emotional crutch. Touwa is probably the reason Banba never went completely stone cold as a result of whatever happened––he was trying to emulate Banba’s more serious nature, but he’s more social and cheerful.
Might be cool/sweet if there’s an arc/ep where they meet someone (whether related to someone’s past or not) that is a completely stone cold, ruthless monster, and Banba has a ‘I could have turned into that if it hadn’t been for Touwa and you guys’ sort of thing.
In other news, Banba is still so beautiful I still have to pause every few moments just to stare at him. <3
Literally, if I were in this world, and something happened, and Banba––or even just Kishida Tatsuya himself were standing near me? I’d just be throwing myself into his arms. No questions.
Banba is allergic to emotions and proper communication, so he just runs out of the room to obsessively hunt the Minusaur.
But… Even though he’s not very communicative, he takes the time to akd Kou about Master Red. What is the lore here, Toei? GIVE ME THE LORE.
I don’t think he’s really trying to be mean to Kou? Actually, in a weird way, I think this is kind of a sign he respects him a little? I wouldn’t go as far to say ‘fond of’ and maybe ‘respect’ isn’t the right word, either? But it kinda seemed like he was trying to… I dunno, share what he perceives as a hard truth he learned the hard way? And being like, ‘this sucks, but you need to understand it?’ Only he’s Banba and emotions and gentleness are a little hard for him so it comes out really blunt and cruel? But he seems like he’s speaking from some sort of experience?
Also, this is the scene that makes me think that he blames himself for something that happened. Most likely, in the past, he perceives his own (maybe someone else’s, but most likely his) kindness to have caused some sort of traumatising event, which may have involved the deaths of people he cared about (possibly for similar reasons to why the others’ Master’s died––protecting something, be it him and his brother, or something else). Additionally, maybe someone somehow reenforced to him it was his fault, and specifically put it in his head that kindness had caused it?
On another hand, Kou doesn’t seem to be particularly hurt by the words, exactly? Or insulted? Like I feel like in some situations, a character in his place would be loudly arguing that it’s not weakness––something that wouldn’t have been out of place for Kou’s characterisation. Like, he’s upset a bit, you can see that, but… But if anything, to me, at least, he looks actually kind of… Concerned about Banba instead? Maybe he’s squinting in the light/the wind, but… I dunno, I somehow ended up w/ the interpretation that he was worried about why Banba thought that way or something.
We interrupt your regularly scheduled rambling to inform you that Banba is still gorgeous. Please carry on.
Tankjoh be firing his lasers!
Aw, the RyuSouls just want hugs!
I doubt there’s only one of those in the whole city…
I love how Banba just freaking trips the thing. Like, it’s so simple. XD
Melto the mom friend clinches it w/ the important flashback line!
Also, hi AU Hongo! Figured we’d see you again in some way!
PROTECTING IS MY JAM. Please tell me this is gonna be a theme. Bc I need Banba being protective of all his younger sibs in my life. I NEED IT.
I think Banba is the second one to use a personal finishing move? I seem to recall Kou doing it first ep, but none of the others have do it since––yet, at least.
‘You can’t beat me! I can juggle!’
No, wait, that’s not how you juggle.
Also, I see you, cgi car! And tree. And building. And… Oh, forget it. XD
Congrats Kou! You’ve promoted to actually being directly addressed! I’m so proud. ^^
Seriously, though, Banba hasn’t used nary a name nor a colour, nor any label for any of them. Wonder if he’ll give them grumpy nicknames like ‘fool’ or something after this, or if he’ll stick w/ names?
Was… Not expecting sumo.
Does one ever expect sumo, though? … I guess when you go to see sumo.
Banba just one hundred percent takes over the whole fight. XD Boy still needs to figure out how to be a team player.
I find it hilarious how none of the others even tried to join in on announcing the final attack…
Were Tankjoh’s eyes furrowed like that before, or did they make the suit character look angry?
The poison in presumably in his bloodstream why do you need… Never mind. I guess that answers whether we’re taking people to the hospital. Well, taking Rangers.
Naohisa’s doctor friend is now suspicious to me simply by being a mysterious, anonymous ‘doctor friend.’
Apparently, Naohisa has connections, too, which––I don’t know why––is somehow funny to me.
I’m gonna finish this post and realise I’m spelling his name wrong, aren’t I?
Have nay of you ever considered standing in a different spot in the room?
So it sure looked like the Minusaur exploded? Either is just plain jumped into the water, or the poison itself is the Minusaur? *insert shrug emoji*
 Banba is just so worried about Touwa here… Like I feel normally he might be a little annoyed at someone apparently questioning his ability (that’s not at all what she was doing, of course, and he did know that, but I feel like he might, under normal circumstances, have been a little ruffled and maybe glared), but here he’s staring down at his brother w/ a little worried frown. Merely affirms that he did destroy it w/out even looking away.
And the fact that a) Touwa’s now showing visible signs of pain and distress, and b) this shouldn’t be happening bc he should have beaten the Minusaur already is what really starts cracking Banba. Right now, Touwa is the most important person to him in the entire world. The possibility of being unable to save him is probably the single most terrifying concept in the whole universe to Banba.
Well, Touwa’s dead. But let’s dance!
Okay, so we know he’s fine.
So, looks like Tankjoh will be exiting, possibly temporarily? And we have the debut of 5 Knights! But before that, everyone gets poisoned and Banba has to learn to play w/ others. Seems Banba and Asuna get effected by the contagious poison first, as they’re listed first in the summary, and a lot of the preview images show Melto and Kou running around together. Looks like Touwa and Banba are having a heart to heart, while dying of poison, probably during the scene the ‘I won’t let you die’ line is from. Bc Banba would possibly be willing to sacrifice himself, but he’d have to die, be incinerated, and then exorcised multiple times before he stopped trying to save Touwa by any means possible. There’s also a preview image that’s either Banba being dumb and trying to fight despite dying of poison, or have been fighting and then just starting to die of poison. I kinda prefer the first, but both are good. And Kou seems to be filling in as concerned little brother. Very excited, and I have a countdown timer on my phone again. XD
That’s all folks! Virtual mango sorbet for anyone who read all that! Or, just, any kind of flavour you want. I might have some digital gelato around here somewhere…
I’m enjoying this series very much. I love the brothers and I really want more lore on them, but I think everyone already knew that. I still hope that it turns out the person who betrayed Banba is now Gaisorg’s user. That would be great drama. ^^ It’s not completely out the window that it was his Master or one of their parents (or maybe those were one and the same), either.
Now I just have to get through the week…
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page-of-tales · 6 years
Story: Frontier Medicine (Compiled)
When a conflict between the Ents and the Zygaroon erupts the Federation becomes home to their battlefields. On a distant and remote system one lone Zygaroon survivor comes into contacts with humans.
An optimistic look into possible future medical innovations. Rather than a look back this is more of a look forward at what kind of crazy innovations we will come up with.
Word Count: 7900
“Hospitals should be arranged in such a way as to make being sick an interesting experience. One learns a great deal sometimes from being sick. ”
― Alan Wilson Watts
Crash Landing
Clark Woods was in the living room reading articles on his hand held Screen. Reading local news was his way of winding down from a long day in the fields. There wasn’t much in the news itself. The weather report noted the changing season, warning people to watch for flash floods. Local events were rather mundane, which he sincerely appreciated. He yawned, wondering what he should make for breakfast tomorrow when suddenly the front door burst open.
“Father, father!”
It was Zeke, his young adolescent son. Zeke ran in practically leaping over the coffee table and grabbed Clark by the arm dragging him out of the chair.
“Something landed in the fields! Come on, look!”
Clark managed to hold his ground.
“Hold up son, what did you say? Something in the fields?”
Zeke spoke quickly, and Clark struggled to pick out the words. “I saw a streak of fire crash into the fields! I think it’s a spaceship.”
Zeke was flushed with excitement and Clark himself was now curious.
“Alright let’s go.”
As they both ran out the front door, Clark took a moment to grab his hunting rifle leaning against the door. Already he could smell something in the air. Smoke and dust was rising from the field. As the drew closer they saw that it was clearly a ship of some sort. A small one, capable of housing maybe 1-3 human sized individuals. It had skidded along the ground creating a deep blackened furrow. Sheets of metal had sheared off and were strewn scattered about. Despite the black smoke the ship didn’t appear to be on fire. Still the two approached cautiously.
“It’s a shuttle isn’t it?”
Zeke whispered. Clark was glad to see his son acting with some caution, he checked the chamber of his gun before replying.
“No, too small for a shuttle, looks like an escape pod.”
The two approached closer, Zeke kicking some debris out of the way.
“Doesn’t look like a human design.”
Clark muttered under his breath. The pair drew closer to the crash site. Zeke held his hand above the metal, “Hot. Oh, looks like a handle.”
Before Clark could say anything Zeke had pulled the handle. With a hiss 4 panels of the ship shifted forward before falling to the ground. “It’s an alien!” Zeke exclaimed excitedly. Then recoiled in shock.
Clark shifted to see, rifle held against his shoulder. It certainly was an alien. It wore a full suit that covered it’s face and much of its body. It’s general form vaguely humanoid in proportions, but was slightly taller than him, had a wider abdomen and four arms each with four digits. It also had a massive sucking chest wound from which purple blood pooled from.
Zeke peeked into each chamber, “I think they’re dead.” Indeed none of the bodies moved, and seemed unlikely to be able to. Abruptly one of the bodies flailed about.
It fell forward onto the ground and impulsively seemed to crawl a few inches before collapsing. Zeke started to move towards it before Clark yelled at him to get back. The figure didn’t move as Clark edged closer, the hunting rifle pointed at the alien. When he was right next to the alien it still hadn’t moved. With a foot he flipped the alien over. It’s face mask had been smashed during the crash landing and he could see a pale red face, an alien eye swiveling to look at him. For a moment the two stood in opposition to each other. Slowly Clark lowered the rifle. Setting it by the ground. Speaking slowly he said to Zeke. “Go and bring the truck. We’re taking it to town.”
Zeke to his credit didn’t stall and rushed off quickly. Clark maintained eye contact with the alien. “Help, friendly.” He spoke slowly, even though in the back of his mind he knew it was unlikely the alien understood him. He kept his arms held in front of him to show he wasn’t holding a weapon. Meanwhile his eyes assessed the alien. The figure seemed to be bleeding from a leg wound, purple blood drenching the entire suit. Clark reached to undo his belt, and moving slowly wrapped it around the mangled leg before tightening it firmly around. The alien grunted but didn’t resist. Not at all satisfied with his makeshift tourniquet but unsure of what else to do Clark rose to his feet. He checked the other aliens, shaking them trying to get a reaction.
But there was nothing. The alien called out, three distinctive sounds before repeating. Clark wondered it it was calling to it’s friends. Moving back to the wounded alien he placed a hand on it’s chest. It’s eye looked at him, the movement of its chest more erratic. Clark wondered if the atmosphere was poisoning it. But again there was nothing he could do about that, The sound of the truck approaching drew away his attention. The old red flatbed rolled right up to them and Zeke jumped out and in a moment the two of them dragged the alien onto the bed of the truck. “Alright, you sit in back, I’ll drive.” Clark threw the rifle into the cab and then whipped the truck around to race towards town.
Box Clinics
Zeke had “seen” aliens before. Sometimes you would see them near the spaceport outside of town. But they never went into town and most wore full suits at all times. A remote frontier world like this, so far from the Galactic Spine, didn’t see many alien visitors, made life quiet, but as Father said, quiet was good. Zeke kept a hand on the aliens chest, feeling it move slightly as it breathed. The whistling wind as they sped down the highway made it impossible to communicate, not that the alien would understand him. Up close Zeke noticed that the suit was in fact more an armor with thicker ceramic plating seeming to cover around the head and chest. Latches seemed to hold the suit together. He wondered if this alien being was a soldier. As Zeke watched he noticed the aliens eyes start to droop, a chill of fear ran up his back as he worried the alien might die.
Spotted Eagle was a small town, it was the largest settlement on the world, and its capital, but its population barely bumped above 12,000. It was a sprawling series of districts, it’s only notable feature being the spaceport just outside of town where large freighters and vessels were moored at dock. At this hour the streets were empty. The cold driving everyone indoors. It didn’t take them long to reach their destination close to the center of town. They pulled into the parking lot of the Box Clinic. An unremarkable looking building, bland concrete walls with no visible windows. Resembling more a warehouse than a medical facility. The alien had passed out, but was still breathing. The two of them dragged it inside. The waiting room was empty but notably there was no one inside to receive them either. Clark reached out to slam a red button on the wall labeled HELP. An alarm blared briefly and doors at the end of the room swung open. An automated voice spoke, “Please step inside the examination room, a medical professional has been contacted.”
The two dragged the alien into the room which was lit up by bright white lights. The room was absent of any features save a raised bed near one wall. The pair of them grunted as they lifted the alien onto the bed, it’s limbs sprawling to the sides. “Where’s the doctor!” Clark called out.
“One moment.” The electronic voice intoned smoothly. The sound of a call being connected sounded in the room. Zeke paced nervously. “Connecting, Doctor Yossar.” The voice said before it cut out.
A hologram stepped out of the wall. The blue light depicting a male human dressed in a lab coat wearing square rim glasses. The hologram even somehow managed to emulate the shine of his bald head. He looked at the two as he stepped up to them.
“Doctor Yossar, connecting from Angak, please state the nature of the medical emergency.”
Clark stepped aside to allow the doctor through. “We have an injured alien here. Hurt real bad.”
The Doctor looked surprised as he laid eyes on the patient. “I see. What happened?”
Zeke spoke up, “It’s ship crashed in our field. We pulled it out and brought it here.”
The hologram of the doctor raised its hands to gesture over the alien. Multiple coiled tendrils with grasping appendages at one end called Servos emerged from the wall to position the alien more squarely on the bed. “Did it speak with you? Do you know what species it is?”
Clark accepted a towel handed to him by a servo and wiped alien blood off of Zeke’s forehead. “I tried to talk with it but I don’t think it understood. No idea what species it could be either.” “
I think it’s a soldier!” Zeke blurted out.
“That’s good information to know.” The doctor nodded in appreciation. He hit some buttons on his wrist band. “Clarence, can you come here I need some assistance.” He turned and spoke to someone invisible to the other two. “Please identify this alien and contact the appropriate team, urgently.” Turning back to the alien the servos began moving along the body, tugging at the tourniquet and moving to touch around the smashed face plate. “Do you know how to remove the suit?”
Zeke stepped forward, “I do.” reaching past the servos he jiggled something loose and pulled off some of the armor. It clanged loudly on the floor. “Thank you.” The Doctor said. Together the two of them, servos and hands, stripped off the armor and a pair of scissors cut away the fabric of the suit. The alien body was largely hairless, with a few lumps in places humans didn’t have. Patches of discolored skin stood out and small wounds still leaked blood. Doctor Yossar thanked Zeke before directing him to chairs which could be pulled out from the wall. Then he set to work.
Remote Medicine
Doctor Yossar was located many millions of kilometers from the remote frontier world. Located on the megalopolis world Angak. Standing in a room that was physically the exact same room as the one containing his patient. A VR headset allowing him to see the room containing his patient and the servos mimicking his hand movements with the same precision and accuracy as if he was actually there. There were even a specific set of servos that gave him physical feedback through the haptic gloves. Dr. Yossar was well experienced, having completed nearly a dozen years with Clinix Box. But his expertise was not in alien health. This alien needed a specialist and fast. He hoped Clarence would come back quick. In the meantime he could still perform basic treatment and gather as much information as he could. He began wrapping some sterile bandages around the bleeding wounds, stemming the flow of liquids. With that complete next he attached a few electrodes to the body. The signals he received were shaky and not consistent with a human’s, but enough to read a electric activity in the body. Whether it was neural or somatic wasn’t clear but still was a positive sign.
Floating a little off to the side Doctor Yossar had a chart which he was filling in as much information as he could. Some of it was already present. The weight and basic measurements taken care of by the bed. A catalogue on injuries being made. Other general observations.
He tapped some controls and a rod extended from the underside of the table. It swept up and down the alien figure performing a rapid radiological scan. In his vision a 3D image of the alien’s internal structure appeared alongside the alien. He didn’t bother trying to parse the raw data, without knowing the physiology of the alien and corresponding reaction to a scan he wouldn’t be able to determine much besides cavity, liquid, and solids. He heard a voice speaking through the internal communications, it was Clarence. “The species is identified as a Zygaroon, I’ve contacted the medical team, they will be here in a couple of minutes. Dr. Liu is team leader.”
“Thank you Clarence, get ready to process a sample of blood.” Dr. Yossar reached into the wall to grab a syringe. In the examination room the pair watched as servo wielding the syringe extracted a sample of purple blood from the alien. The servo retracted into the wall and deposited the blood into a machine. “Able to get anything Clarence?”
“Give me a second.” Clarence paused as the data streamed in from the analysis machine. “I don’t know Dr. Yossar. Too many alien proteins, the machine can’t get a clean read. I think the blood caked in the machine. I’ll try a different method.”
A call opened up in Dr. Yossar’s vision. Credentials streamed by quickly as several callers connected at once. Then a new voice spoke in his ear.
“Dr. Yossar, I’m Dr. Liu, head of the xeno medical team. I understand you have a patient for us?”
“Yes, a Zygaroon, pulled from a crash landing from OJ-332. Surface wounds, severe injury to a leg. Internal bleeding, possible structural fracturing, and metal all over in the chest cavity. I’ve pulled a blood sample into the machine. And here is the raw scan data. Oh.” Yossar clapped his hands together. “It might be a soldier.”
“Alright thanks, we can take it from here but we would appreciate you staying on the line.”
“Of course.”
Dr. Yossar stepped back and the visuals in his headset notified him control was being ceded to the newcomers. Pulling the visor up briefly he saw he was still alone in the room. Pulling the visor back down he continued to watch the proceedings.
In the examination room several holograms appeared and gathered around the Zygaroon. They spoke quickly, as they assessed the situation.
“Weight 92.3 kg, height 201 cm. Gender ZX.”
“Age approximately 32 cycles.”
“Scan shows some prior surgeries, a couple of implants.”
“No major organ damage, functioning glands.”
“Arm fractures, internal bleeding in the chest.”
”Clot in leg.”
“Metal fragmentation in the chest cavity.”
“Surgery recommended immediately.”
“We need to know if it’s on any medications.”
“Dr. Yossar do you have information on medication history?”
“No, I pulled a blood sample but the data was garbage.”
One of the techs pulled up the roll of data in front of him. “Yeah, that’s an accurate assessment.”
“I’m guessing it clogged up the machine.”
Clarence’s voice came in overhead. “Yeah I can’t get the machine to respond anymore.”
One of the techs nodded at that. “Zygaroon blood is thicker than most. Fascinating clotting abilities.”
“We have to wake it up.” Dr. Liu said taking hand of the situation. “Ideas?”
“No, possible interactions.”
“Slap it?”
“Good idea.”
A servo with an electrode reached up and shocked the Zygaroon with a jolt of electricity. It’s eyes snapped open and it seemed startled to be surrounded by holograms and the hovering tentacle-like servos. However it gasped aloud when it tried to rise and it fell back against the bed. The servos moving to restrain it gently.
“*Don’t move, we are here to help” Dr. Liu spoke in translated Zygaroon, which sounded like a mix of grunts and huffs in different pitches. The Zygaroon just grunted in pain, but it seemed to comprehend. It’s resistance ceasing. A servo extended holding a tube to the alien's mouth.
“Blow.” Dr. Liu instructed and the Zygaroon blew a breath into the tube. The breathalyzer was a basic diagnostic tool capable of evaluating the contents of an individual’s blood. From a breath a doctor could evaluate the presence of drugs, metabolites, and even cancer. After a moment the machine produced matches with recognizable compounds which popped up in everyone’s view. One of the techs began labeling the molecules calling them out as she went down the list.
“Stimulant, mild pain inhibitor, anti-toxin, I would recommend anesthetic #3.”
Dr. Liu turned to the Zygaroon, a model of the alien appearing in her hand. “*We are going to have to operate to heal you. You have fragments in your chest and internal bleeding.” She pointed to the locations on the model. “Do we have permission to operate.”
The Zygaroon paused a moment before answering. “*Yes.”
One of the assistant techs turned to Clark and Zeke still waiting on the far wall. “Please wait in the waiting room. We will inform you when it is safe to come back inside.”
One of the team members began entering in some chemical formulas and somewhere in the clinic a molecular printer began producing the anesthetics and other drugs they would require. The walls of the room opened up and a number of devices deployed in preparation for surgery. A line of fluids was hooked up to the patient and the servos moved the electrodes to different positions to attenuate the signal properly. The techs hurriedly conversed amongst themselves as they did a quick pre-check. Meanwhile Dr. Liu extended a mask over the mouth of the Zygaroon. “I want you to count back from 10.”
“10, 9, 8-”
Background Check
Dr. Yossar watched as Dr. Liu went to work. The alien was cut open on the table. Small specialized servos moved about in the chest cavity. Applying adhesive grafts to bleeding vessels, grafts made of a special polymer that would disintegrate harmlessly as the body healed itself. Another metal fragment clinked into a metal bowl, as the chest shrapnel was cut out. A small torch kept the internal bleed down. One of the techs kept a watch on the monitors. Announcing metabolite values at regular intervals.
It was quiet, the team was professional and practiced. Dr. Yossar now certain his patient was in good hands and his presence was no longer necessary took the opportunity to excuse himself and exited the simulation. He pulled off the visor and let it hang from the ceiling. Walking to the corner of the room he picked up a water bottle and took a long drink. Even for an Emergency call that had been different. Clarence poked her head in through the doorway.
“Good work doctor.”
“Thanks Clarence, quick work on the identification.”
“Oh that was easy, I just did a search for the system they were calling from. Apparently the Zygaroon and Ents are at war. There was a battle there just today.”
“A war?”
“Yeah, apparently over some ancient relic ships.”
“The Ents are allies right?”
“I believe so.”
“Better contact the authorities then. Not sure in what jurisdiction this falls in.”
“I can handle it, go ahead and take your break.”
“Thanks Clarence.”
Dr. Yossar plopped himself down in a chair. Then he recalled the pair who had brought the alien in the first place. He tapped his wrist band and searched for the local number of the clinic. They would probably want to know about the alien as well.
Waking Up
Flight Leader Tara awoke with a start. Hands flailing to grasp at something. Then the memories returned. The ambush, the battle, the destruction of her fighter, the plummet to the planet. Rescue. She looked around. The slight movement causing an irksome pain in her chest. She felt sore all over, but she was alive which seemed miraculous. White panels covered the wall. The lights above were dim but starting to come alight as she moved about. A Screen at the end of the bed came to life. A human peered at her and showed her its teeth as she stared at him. A translator bubbled to life as it began to speak.
“*Good morning. Flight Leader Tara.”
“How do yo-”
“We scanned your flight tags. My name is Davi, diplomatic staff located on Angak.”
Tara looked around but she was alone in the room.
“What happened to my crew?”
Davi’s face took on a somber appearance. Already Tara knew the answer but she had to confirm.
“I’m sorry, they didn’t survive.”
Tara subdued the well of emotion. She could grieve later for her flightmates.
“Where are the humans who rescued me?”
“They’re outside sleeping in the waiting room. They were quite concerned about your health.”
Tara raised her arm which had some device connecting to a machine by the bed which appeared to show her vital signs. A green line jumping in time with her heartbeat.
“What is this place?”
“It’s a hospital.”
Tara scoffed, wincing slightly at the pain that movement caused.
“No backwater would have a medical facility this advanced. It’s absurd.”
Davi paused. Somewhat unsure of what the Zygaroon seemed to mean.
“Well I don’t know how hospitals work on Zygaroon. Though you are correct, this isn’t exactly a hospital but rather a remote clinic. As you put it, a *backwater* planet like this does not have a population base that makes a large scale hospital viable. However, we have laws dictating that population centers of 10,000 must have access to proper medical facilities. These remote facilities are a result of that. They give the local population access to health care to even these remote locations. Does that answer your question.”
“Yes…” Tara trailed off. She had suffered mortal wounds and had been saved overnight. Apparently human medical technology was more advanced than they had been led to believe. If this level of care was present on their frontiers who knew what sorcery they could wield at their core worlds.
“So what happens next?”
Davi looked up. “Oh I guess they didn’t tell you. Guess I got in before the nurses did. The doctors note recommended a couple days in bed here just to make sure there aren’t any complications from the operation. After that we WILL have to detain you. The Ents have made a formal request to the Federation that we hold any Zygaroon soldiers in our territory. You will be treated as a POW and continue being given treatment for your wounds.”
The monitor beeped as her heart rate rose. Tara tried to rise, but the effort exhausted her. “I don’t have a chance do I?”
Davi flashed his teeth at her again..
“You’ll live, in fact I think you might enjoy the terms of your stay.”
“How.” She growled.
“Well, other than actually leaving the planet, you are free to go anywhere you wish on the planet itself. I’m sure you are aware you owe a life debt to the humans who saved you. In exchange for being your *wardens* they have requested you not be imprisoned or sent to the Ents. Their request has been granted. Your life debt will be considered fulfilled if you remain peaceably on the planet until the end of the war. I assume those terms are satisfactory for annulling your debt?”
Tara sunk into the bed, defeated and exhausted. “So this is the guile of humans.”
Davi flashed its teeth at her again, satisfied that the agreement had been settled. “You will have my number if you wish to negotiate for imprisonment. Goodbye Flight Leader.”
The Ents and Zygaroon had never been friends. Howevert hey had enough biological differences that they would rarely come into contact. Zygaroons breathed oxygen while the Ents metabolized fluorine. This distinctive difference alone kept them sequestered to different star systems. In addition, fluorine isn’t a particularly common element in an atmosphere so the Ents rarely colonized planets beyond constructing simple enclosed habitats on a few resource rich planets. Another contributing factor to the Ent’s general aversion to space travel.
There is one exception to that notion, and that is the Progenitors as the Ents call them. Humans call them the Libenters for reference. From what remains of their civilization the latest hypothesis is that the Progenitors were a space faring race some millenia ago that eventually faded out into extinction. For the Ents the Progenitors are akin to religious icons. Half of their colonies are constructed on planets holding trace remains of the Progenitors for the sole purpose of archeological research. As the name suggests the Ents view the Progenitors as having a key hand in their history, the details of which are unclear to outsiders.
You can imagine the Ents delight when they heard news that an ancient Progenitor city had been discovered by miners. They rapidly set off en masse in a large fleet to investigate the ruins, in the process they chased off the miners. In short summary the planet was in a star system claimed by the Zygaroon. The Zygaroon didn’t take kindly to the intrusion and attacked. The Ents dead set on the Progenitor ruins declared war. Skirmishes erupted along their borders, and neither side yielded the other any advantages. Both parties had attempted to ambush the other by circumventing through Federation space, and instead ended up spotting each other in a surprise encounter and having a running space battle that stretched across several star systems. As a human observer would put it, “The neighbors were having a tussle in my yard.”
Staff Meeting
Davi had to fight back a guffaw. The embellishment to the memo had caught him off guard. The line sounded familiar, maybe a quote from a drama. A timer notification popped up on his screen and he minimized the files. Davi took a moment to take a glance to his left and to his right as he sat upright behind the desk. On his right sat the Provincial Supervisor Theseus, leaning back in his chair to stretch long lanky arms. On his left sat the military liaison, Lieutenant Commander or was it Lieutenant Colonel, Akers was sitting reviewing some data on her screen.
Around the three a cadre of staff and aides milled about. There was a quiet buzz as they passed notes between themselves and the door to the room was swinging open constantly. The lights began to dim as the meeting began and the voices died down. One by one a projector beamed images of the System and Planetary leadership figures from across the province onto the far wall as communication was established. Light years of distance cut to a few microseconds of lag, a miracle of hyperspace communications. Yet even with that convenience came the hassle of  arranging the schedules of 15 individuals who had widely varying day and night cycles. That aspect of conferences would never change.
The last connection was made and for a moment the room was silent giving Davi time to look at the profile’s of the gathered leaders. Of the 12 local leaders 1 was non-human. 8 star systems were represented, for star systems that didn’t have more than 1 significantly populated planet the Planetary leadership and System representative were usually the same. Supervisor Theseus issued greetings and the transcriber began tapping on his keyboard signaling the start of the meeting. Sparing everyone’s time the topic of discussion was brought up immediately, the Ent-Zygaroon war, specifically the recent battle that had careened through Federation space. First off the broad strokes presented by the Lieutenant Major. A star chart was projected into the room and the liaison highlighted the intrusion points of the alien forces. Noting that the initial intrusions had been too far from any Federation force to prevent either fleet’s movement. Davi took his turn to note the Federation had logged a strong formal complaint to both governments, and was now moving to secure its border with both species. Elements of the Federation Fleet would be mobilized throughout the region, and further intrusions would be met with force. There was muted approval and easing of worry from the leadership.
Supervisor Theseus took the reins again and listed out some prepared guidelines for the leaders to follow. In general all they were asking was for inspection of current defenses, and for certain systems to prepare for disruptions as the Federation fleets moved through and about. The Ents military were to be given non-military assistance if requested, the Zygaroon to be ignored unless an emergency presented itself. The meeting was adjourned after a special communication line was established for any further requests or notifications in regard to the matter. After the last leader had logged off Davi let out a breath. The Lieutenant Captain flashed a grin at him, “You thought that was hard, here comes the media.”
The door to the office open and a surge of reporters with cameras flashing rushed in. Davi groaned under breath. He still had that Zygaroon to call. Today should be the day she was discharged from the clinic.  
The Funeral
Flight Leader Tara stood at attention in front of the graves. It was a clear day, the sun high in the sky. At her request her flightmates had been buried in an open field. The tall yellow grass shorn to create a clearing in the center. Fresh turned dirt marking the site of the dead. Above the graves a pyramid of branches marked the site. The humans had made a good faith effort in the burial. Her flightmates had been cleaned, dressed in violet garments, and laid to rest with their weapons. A warrior’s burial. Tradition stated she wear battle wear, however only her survival suit had survived intact. At the very least her weapons, her pistols and blades, had been returned to her. For the moment it would do. Around her with heads bowed stood several dozen humans, friends of her rescuers. With the final resting rites intoned Tara lit the pyramid aflame.
As the pyramid burned itself down the humans came up to giver her condolences. This was a human tradition and she accepted their words silently. Last were her rescuers, the father and son. They didn’t say anything, merely standing beside her. Tara averted her eyes from the embers to look around. It was a good place to lay her comrades to rest, however momentary. When the war was over the bodies would be retrieved and laid to rest on their homeworlds. The humans had promised to watch over them until then and she knew they would hold to that debt.
At last she settled herself. She spoke through the translator. “We can go.”    
Check Up
Clark Woods waited for Tara in the waiting room of the Box Clinic. Today there were a few other individuals sitting around, waiting for appointments or here to have a doctor examine a weird mole on their back. Clark made small talk with the grocery manager, and to a parent of his son’s classmate. They were eager to ask questions about his new occupant, despite their inquiries he waived off any questions on his guest.
Tara in the meantime was stripped down and doing stretches for the holo doctor. Evaluating her today was one of the nurses from the team that had treated her that first night. The nurse was making some notes and asking questions about her health. Tara gave succinct answers. “Yes, her chest ached. It was a 4 on the pain scale. No, she wasn’t drowsy. No, she wasn’t allergic to anything on the planet yes. Yes, she was washing her wounds.” Fairly standard medical processing.
The nurse seemed satisfied and told her as much. There had been no complications with the surgery. At the end the nurse recommended Tara maintain a low level of activity making sure not to overexert herself. She could pick up a package of various medications from the dispensary.
After the nurse disconnected there was only a brief pause before the diplomat stepped back into the room. He said hello to which Tara ignored as she put back on her clothes. He wasn’t put off by her silence and continued. The full script of the blood debt had been written up by the lawyers and he was here to orate the terms. She initially listened dutifully, however  as he droned on she stopped listening. The stipulations were common sense and water tight, preventing her from inflicting harm or being deceptive in regards to her imprisonment. Tara hadn’t been looking for loopholes in her debt, and wouldn’t have taken advantage of them if she found any. To do so would have dishonored the spirit of the agreement and bring dishonor to herself. The diplomat finishes and apologizes for the delay, he continues by saying they have connected a communication to her people as promised. He points out that there is a minute delay because of the signal lag. He leaves the call button on the screen for Tara to initiate, before leaving the room. After taking a moment to groom herself Tara connects the call. An image screen opens on the wall, after a few minutes of silence the connection clicks and a Zygaroon voice comes in.
“This is Grand Overseer Maga. Report.”
“Flight Blue-243, Flightleader Tara. I was shot down in an Ent ambush and am being held prisoner on the Federation world Naranja.”
There was a long pause.
“I see. Are you being treated well?”
“Yes, the humans have provided medical treatment and adequate shelter. I owe them a life debt.”
Another long pause, one which seemed to keep going.
“Very well. Stay strong and persist Flightleader.”
With that the call disconnected leaving Tara feeling suddenly very isolated. Frankly the reaction of her people wasn’t surprising. Given her individual status as a prisoner of war her people couldn’t offer her much. Nor could she offer much to them in her wounded state. Fighting off the feeling of abandonment Tara turned and left the darkened room.
Settling In
The drive back to the farm was quiet. Clark had seemed aware of her disconsoled mood, yet as always remained silent. Tara took the moment to look out at the passing scenery. Fields of crops. Of what nature she couldn’t quite determine. The fields seemed rather like an endless ocean, stretching to the horizon and with only the occasional copse of trees to differentiate the landscape. The quiet and monotony had an enchanting effect on the Zygaroon who only realized they had arrived at their destination when Clark pulled the truck into the driveway.
Tara’s cell was to be the unused spare bedroom. The bed had been modified to accompany her larger size and it now made the rest of the room look awkwardly small. The survival packages from her escape pod had been brought here and placed in the closet. Not that she needed anything from them. Clothes had been custom modified for her distinctly non-human appendages. The environment did not have any elements that were averse to her physiology. Bottles of vitamins were left untouched as her dietary needs were compatible with the humans.
Tara knew she should count herself lucky. Rather than being imprisoned she was essentially on vacation. It was… a conflicting thing to try and think about. Her schedule as a prison was loose, but regular. She rose a little after the sun had filled her room through the room’s sole window. In the morning she spent much of it maintaining the grooming standard of a warrior.  She ate two meals with the humans. She would spend the day either walking the perimeter or resting in bed depending on the level of pain she was experiencing. In the evening she might play a game of Lilp against Clark or otherwise watch the sunset before heading to bed. The boredom felt much more in line with a prison camp.
She had asked how long Clark could expect to keep up this charade. His response had surprised her.
“The war won’t last more than a week.” Clark said with unwavering certainty.
“How long is a week?” Tara inquired, unable to bring herself to challenge the declaration.
“10 days.”
6 days had already passed since then.
A Nightmare
Tara glanced at the flight controls. But for some reason the readings she was looking at didn’t make sense. She tried to reexamine the data but she couldn’t understand what she was looking at. She turned to talk to her co-pilot only to see the entire fighter was filled with smoke. The thick oily smoke filled her lungs and she struggled to breath. Desperately she tried to call for help, for her crew to evacuate. Despite her growing panic her body seemed to refuse to listen. The smoke soon enveloped her and she started to choke. This was wrong. With a willful movement she thrust herself forward out of her chair as the fighter disintegrated around her.
When she blinked above her was a darkened ceiling. Underneath she could feel a mattress on her back, sheets soaked in sweat. Confused she sat up. Unfamiliar furnishings surrounded her, but after a moment the events of the past week caught up to her. As her racing heart slowed back down, and her gasping breaths stopped. Her chest ached and she reached over to uncap a pill. As she swallowed the medication Tara looked at the window. The frame just barely lit by the moonlight. A nightmare she thought to herself, the room echoed with silence as her mind fought with itself. Finding a balance point she laid back on the bed to try and go back to sleep.
Outside the door a figure slowly crept away as the breathing in the room returned to an even pace.
Idle Days
It was on the 7th day that Clark proposed a suggestion. At first Tara hadn’t understood, but after some clarification things became clearer. Clark was proposing a camping trip for the three of them. Nothing too wild, in fact they would be traveling just a couple hours to the nearby lake just out of town. Technically Tara had no choice in the matter as a prisoner of war, but Clark insisted on getting her to agree to the matter. He explained a change in scenery and a chance to relax would be good for her.  
The young boy, Zeke was quite excited. Even though they weren’t traveling far he eagerly rushed about the house throwing items into the truck. Tara found herself caught up in the boy’s enthusiasm, untangling the fishing line at a remarkable speed with her four arms. By noon they were driving down the road.
To give a bit of background about OJ-332. The star system is located some distance within the borders of Federation space, and quite a distance from the warp points in the region. Various spatial bodies nearby made it difficult for hyperspace travel. Because of these factors OJ-332 would historically be largely ignored by all the government and major corporations. LEaving the colonization of OJ-332 up to the venturous independent settlers to move into. Within OJ-332 itself the only habitable and populated planet is called Naranja by the local populace. Naranja is classified as a desert planet with just enough of an atmosphere and water content to be colonized by humans. With a caveat of the atmosphere being a little thinner than standard. Like living at high altitude, without the actual altitude. From space the yellow orange terrain is wrinkled by mountain ridges and valleys, and its most notable feature is a large crater in the north-west hemisphere. Indicative of a long ago impact by a significant massive object.
Geological studies of the planet had determined that the impact had wiped out a thriving primitive biosystem present on the planet. All of that organic matter had been subsequently transformed into prime farmland. Human settlers had capitalized on this fact, with the primary economy of the planet supported by its agricultural industry. The viable and weakened biosystem providing an ideal base for growing food. All of its exports are directed to the overflowing interior Sector systems. Despite its potential for productivity, most of the planet is undeveloped because of how remote the region is.
Spotted Eagle was the first settlement on the planet, and in order to ease the process of terraforming, had been located by the largest body of freshwater on the planet. Development of irrigation and other projects had drained the lake somewhat. A decrease which made it the third largest body of freshwater on the planet.  
Lake Camping
Their destination was this small unnamed lake, and they arrived sometime just before the sunset. It didn’t take them long to find a camping spot and set up their campsite. Clark told the two should explore the lake while he prepared food. Tara took a walk to a small pier jutting into the lake to rest while Zeke ran up and down the gravel beach. The lake was for lack of better words, modest. You simply don’t get magnificent lakes on a desert planet. “Then again a lake is just a body of water and all bodies of water are the same in appearance.” Zeke had said after Tara scoffed at the lake as a tiny pond. The lake was of a moderate size, surrounded by tree covered hills. The water was largely undisturbed, and clear to the bottom. Tara could watch fish swimming around the legs of the pier. Laying on her stomach she ran her hands in the water. The cold sensation soothing to the touch. It was incredibly pleasant.
Some time later Clark called them in for dinner and they sat around a campfire eating their meal. Zeke eagerly showed some colorful rocks he had picked off from the beach, while Tara focused on the crackle and pop of the campfire. After the meal Clark pulled out a few more bags of foodstuffs. The two of them demonstrated an old human tradition. Smores as they called it. A melted over sugary dessert that repulsed Tara. Though she still ate eight of the monstrosities. Using her two pairs of hands to rotate the sugar balls on their spits to get an even brown appearance. Afterwards the fire was doused and the two split up to rest in the two tents they had set up. From her tent Tara could hear the sound of the water nearby, and the chirp of insects. She wondered how she would sleep with all the noise.
Clarks Past
The next morning Clark rose early. The sun was breaking the horizon. Surprisingly Tara was still asleep. Usually she would be up with the sun, doing her grooming. Clark let her rest. Moving to sit by the pier and look at the sun reflecting off the water as it slowly rose over the horizon. Blazing reds flashing off the waves, the light glimmering in a mesmerizing chaos. Absentmindedly Clark felt the old scars on his side. Old wounds from an old war. Though the pain had faded there were still something there. It was largely why he had left the interior for the frontier.
Behind him he heard the footsteps and turned to see Zeke had woken up. He held two fishing poles in his hands, a box of bait precariously balanced. Clark rose to help his son, the sun continuing to rise higher and higher.
Idle Fishing
Tara stumbled out of the narrow tent opening and blinked in the sudden light. She had overslept. Walking over to the cooler she grabbed one of the food bars they had brought along and scarfed it down. Looking for the others she saw them on the pier. She approached them and saw the two had fishing poles extended into the water. The father turned to greet her and hand her a pole. She handed it back to him and explained she didn’t know how to use it. He quickly showed her how to use it, it wasn’t a complicated device. A spool of line, and a handle. He baited the hook for her with a native worm, and then cast it into the water. She took the pole and sat on the pier. Dangling her feet into the water.
After a long while, the sun having noticeably changed position in the sky, Tara spoke up. “I don’t think this is working”
Clark reeled back in his line, examined the worm which was still intact on the hook and cast his line back into the water. “It’s called fishing not catching.”
Zeke groaned.
Home Calls
After some time the three of them had managed to catch 4 fish. Zeke and Tara had each caught two. Clark went about showing Zeke how to prepare one of the fishes, and then Tara took an opportunity to show how her people prepared fish. Sticking the fish on sticks they roasted them over a fire. Some tubers were wrapped in foil and placed in the fire to cook as well. The savory smell was even more gratifying when the three of them thought of the struggle it had been catching them. As they ate Clark perked his head up, hearing something on the wind. Following his eyes Tara saw a vehicle approaching the campsite. Clark rose as the vehicle pulled up to them. For a moment he conversed with the driver. Then he gestured for Tara to come join them.
“Tara there is news about the war.”
“The war?” Tara had almost forgotten.
“Yes, the Ents and Zygaroons are currently in negotiations for a peace treaty. We have a shuttle to take you home. You can go home.”
For some reason Tara hesitated. Here was the opportunity to return home, and she was hesitating. The moment stretched with an undisturbed silence begging to be broken. Tara’s hands fluttered by her sides as she struggled with her indecisiveness. Clark held up his wrist to his face even though there was nothing there.
“You know Tara I had planned to a vacation for three people for three days. That’s a lot of food that would otherwise be wasted.”
He glanced above his wrist to look her in the eye.
“If you wanted to stick around a few more days I’m sure the embassy gentleman wouldn’t mind.”
After a moment Tara found her voice.
“I’m going to need a moment.”
She turned and walked away from them, heading back to the pier where Zeke was skipping stones into the water. Clark turned to the man who seemed perplexed by the alien behavior.
“It won’t be a problem if she decides to stay right?”
“No sir, this is our only assigned task. There is another team going to handle the mediation.”
“I’m not a sir anymore.” Clark chided gently.
“Of course… sir.” The man said, muttering the last word despite himself.
Clark turned to look at Tara who was sat in a meditative pose behind Zeke.
“I think she needs this.”
“I said to stop calling me sir, my name is Clark.”
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aion-rsa · 3 years
Best Movies Coming to Netflix in October 2021
You feel that? There’s a sudden coolness in the air, and the smell of freshly fallen leaves out your window. If you listen closely, you can even hear the delight of passerbys as they realize everything suddenly tastes like pumpkins. Yep, spooky season is almost here, and that goes for Netflix too.
Ironically, the most popular streaming service in the world has chosen to play a bit of a trick on those users wanting a lot of new horror content. While the streamer is providing new original horror films and television programming from its in-house productions, most of the films Netflix is adding for the month of October are not scary at all. Nonetheless, many of them are still a treat. So here are the best movies to expect on Netflix in October….
A Knight’s Tale (2001)
October 1
In the grand tradition of The Princess Bride and Stardust (although this came out before the latter), Brian Helgeland’s A Knight’s Tale is an anachronistic fairy tale that works better than it has any right to. It stars Heath Ledger in one of his early heartthrob roles as a squire who pretends he’s a knight to compete in jousting tournaments around England. However, in truth this is really a ‘90s sports movie with all the clichés and trappings that entails—a fact the movie wears on its green sleeves.
As a film which begins with Queen music playing in Ye Olde England as crowds clap in beat with Freddie Mercury’s vocals, the film is a balancing act that somehow looks effortless in no small part because of its winsome cast, including Shannyn Sossamon, Mark Addy, Rufus Sewell, and a scene-stealing Paul Bettany as Geoffrey Chaucer, the famed poet and surprise wingman to Ledger’s Will Thatcher. And as Will, Ledger once again only hints at the deep reservoirs of talent and charisma we never saw fully realized.
An Inconvenient Truth (2006)
October 1
With the West Coast constantly on fire, the East Coast in danger of slipping beneath the Atlantic Ocean, and the rest of the country subject to extreme weather events on a constant basis, it’s a damn shame to realize that this powerful documentary—in which former Vice President Al Gore travels the country, speaking out about the dangers of climate change—is as necessary and vital as ever. It’s also jarring and depressing to understand that the United States still has not taken enough meaningful steps to stop this deepening crisis and even went backwards during the last four years.
Gore is much better here than he was on most of the 2000 campaign trail, weaving personal anecdotes and sentiments into the fascinating and sobering info dump that is the rest of the picture. If you haven’t seen it yet, An Inconvenient Truth (directed by Davis Guggenheim) is both moving and profound, and the kind of film one should share with one’s kids, if only out of respect for their future.
As Good as It Gets (1997)
October 1
Jack Nicholson won his third Academy Award (and second for Best Actor) while Helen Hunt won her first for Best Actress in this 1997 romantic comedy from director James L. Brooks (Terms of Endearment, Broadcast News, The Mary Tyler Moore Show). Nicholson plays Melvin Udall, a wealthy novelist with obsessive-compulsive disorder whose misanthropic behavior turns off everyone he meets. But Melvin finds love and a family of sorts when he gets involved in the lives of a single mom and waitress (Hunt) and a gay artist (Greg Kinnear) who help him accept changes in his carefully controlled world.
Nicholson and Hunt richly deserved their Oscars, while Kinnear showed surprising range and emotion as the tormented Simon. Together, the three are a joy to watch as they begin to know and help each other. As Good as It Gets may dip occasionally (even frequently) into sentimentality, but watching Hunt and Nicholson win their hard-fought personal victories makes up for it.
Don’t Be a Menace to South Central While Drinking Your Juice in the Hood (1996)
October 1
Don’t Be a Menace to South Central and its unwieldy title is not necessarily what you’d call a great movie. It’s not even a good one, per se. But this early Wayans Brothers success is a genuinely hilarious flick—especially for young men who came of age in the 1990s when every Friday night offered another cautionary tale of “inner city life” at the multiplex. Yes, Don’t Be a Menace takes the piss out of great films about a distinctly Black American experience, such as John Singleton’s raw Boyz N the Hood (1991), as well as more heavy handed also-rans based in similar themes.
But at the end of the day, this is just a clever spoof on a once ubiquitous genre with moments of genuine comical brilliance displayed by Shawn Wayans and Marlon Wayans. From their riff on strapping young Laurence Fishburne as a father in Boyz to Shawn’s warning of the dire risk to young Black actors posed by rappers getting all the best roles in Hollywood, there’s still a lot to giggle about at this movie, particularly if you’ve never seen it.
Desperado (1995)
October 1
Robert Rodriguez’s first Hollywood movie is as much a remake of his career-making indie, El Mariachi (1992), as it is a sequel to it. With Antonio Banderas stepping into the role of the mysterious guitar-toting gunslinger, and his mission of revenge more or less repeating itself, Desperado feels like the movie Rodriguez wanted to make the first time. And if so, fair enough, because both flicks are a blast.
Indeed, Desperado is as stylish a mid-‘90s shoot ‘em up as you’re ever going to come across. With all the visual tricks and impossible angles that became Rodriguez’s trademark, and with Banderas at his most broodingly pouty, it’s a hard-R actioner that subtly plays like a comedy. The film also includes Salma Hayek’s breakout performance, which still sizzles to the touch 25 years later. Throw in terrific character work in the margins by Steve Buscemi, Cheech Marin, Joaquim de Almeida, Danny Trejo, and a cameoing Quentin Tarantino, and you have some fun Friday night fodder.
The DUFF (2015)
October 1
The teen rom-com heyday may have been in the 1990s and 2000s, but try telling that to Mae Whitman, who knocks it out of the park in 2015’s The DUFF, an adaptation of the 2010 novel of the same name. Whitman stars as Bianca, a high school senior who discovers she is viewed as “the DUFF,” aka the Designated Ugly Fat Friend by some of her (crueler) classmates. In an attempt to become cooler, Bianca makes a deal with her former childhood friend Wesley (Robbie Amell): she will help him pass science if he helps her un-DUFF. It’s a classic rom-com set-up, elevated by Whitman’s performance, her chemistry with co-star Amell, and the script’s savvy self-awareness.
Gladiator (2000)
October 1
When Gladiator was released, it came with some heavy cynicism from older critics who remembered the type of 1950s and ‘60s beefcake flicks it was emulating. What they didn’t get at the time—and which box office audiences and even Oscar voters eventually did—was Gladiator wasn’t trying to reinvent the wheel. Rather this a gorgeous and finely crafted distillation of those genre trapping in peak condition for modern audiences.
Read more
Why Gladiator Continues to Echo Through Eternity
By David Crow
Antonio Banderas interview: The Expendables 3, Desperado
By Duncan Bowles
As the father of a murdered son, and husband to a murdered wife, Russell Crowe is magnetic as Maximus, the Gladiator who defied an emperor. And as that emperor, Joaquin Phoenix gives a curiously both sympathetic and repellent performance, which is far more fascinating than the one he did win an Oscar for nearly 20 years later. And like both performers, the whole cast and director Ridley Scott are in top form at telling this story. Their efforts flirt with the pomp and regality of opera, yet the spectacle is at times as lurid as professional wrestling. Frankly, 20 years later we wish they still made ‘em like this.
The Holiday (2006)
October may be a little early for a Christmas movie, but Nancy Meyer’s The Holiday is good enough to watch year round. The 2006 rom-com stars Kate Winslet and Cameron Diaz as two women from different countries who decide to swap their homes for the holidays. Winslet’s Iris falls in love with tinseltown, and Diaz’s Amanda falls in love with Iris’ brother. With Jack Black and Jude Law as the film’s charming love interests, and bit parts for Kathryn Hahn and John Krasinski, The Holiday is the gift that keeps on giving. Fifteen years following its relatively lackluster box office debut, it remains a part of many people’s Christmas movie must-watch list. 
Lara Croft Tomb Raider: The Cradle of Life (2003)
October 1
Most people remember Angelina Jolie‘s initial turn as Lara Croft fondly, but fewer talk about her follow-up feature appearance as the adventuring archaeologist in 2003’s Cradle of Life. The sequel didn’t do as well at the domestic box office as its predecessor, but it is arguably a more enjoyable film, pitting Jolie’s Croft against Ciaran Hinds’ Dr. Jonathan Reiss in a quest for Pandora’s Box (yes, literally) with a hunky Gerard Butler by her side. The pulpy plot is silly and fun, punctuated by some clever fight and action sequences from director Jan de Bont (Speed, Twister). From deep-sea diving to leaps from Shanghai skyscrapers, there’s never a dull moment with Lara Croft, and Jolie somehow makes it all work.
Léon: The Proessional (1994)
October 1
As the movie that made Natalie Portman a star, Léon or The Professional (depending on which continent you are on) has come under fair scrutiny in recent years for its intentionally bizarre and uncomfortable Bonnie & Clyde relationship between Jean Reno’s Léon, an immigrant who pays the bills by working as an assassin for the nice pizzeria proprietor down the street (the always fun Danny Aiello), and the little girl next door, Mathilda (Portman). Only 12-years-old, Portman’s precocious antiheroine clings to Léon for protection after a crooked cop (Gary Oldman) kills her family, and then pressures him to train her as an assassin so she can get revenge… all as she becomes infatuated with the grown man.
It’s a strange film that shouldn’t work, yet does thanks to a dreamlike atmosphere achieved by director Luc Besson at the height of his professional talent, and because of a genuinely superb cast. Despite being a killer, Reno brings such childlike innocence and obliviousness to his titular character that he may as well be a French Forrest Gump. Meanwhile Oldman hams it up to high heaven in one of his career best scenery-chews. Then there’s Portman who’s heartbreaking, tragic, and bleakly funny all before she was even a teenager. Somehow it’s an enchanting action movie fairy tale that works better than it has any right to.
Malcolm X (1992)
October 1
Denzel Washington didn’t win the Oscar for Malcom X but he should have. In fact, this absolute masterpiece deserved many more accolades and appreciation in its time. A passion project for writer-director Spike Lee, who had to campaign for the film after Norman Jewison had been hired to direct, Malcolm X is a breathtaking epic. It might run at a length of nearly three and a half hours, but Lee keeps the pace nimble and engrossing as we follow the man who’d become Malcolm X from the 1940s through his ascension in the Nation of Islam, and his eventual assassination after leaving the organization.
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The Internal Debate Within the Writer of One Night in Miami and Soul
By David Crow
Robin Hood Movies Ranked
By David Crow
The film features perhaps the most riveting and relentless performance of Washington’s career as he channels the righteousness and anger, as well as the humility and anguish, of Malcolm. Washington and Lee’s portrait is that of a mythic figure, but also a fallible one who spends his whole life growing, learning, and affecting his world for the better. It’s one of the best American films produced in the 1990s.
Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves (1991)
October 1
We’re aware that this Robin Hood movie has a checkered history. How could one not be when everyone recalls Kevin Costner’s “British” accent (or lack thereof)? Kevin Reynolds’ Robin Hood: Prince of Thieves is certainly a flawed jaunt into Sherwood Forrest… but honestly it’s still a very entertaining one that’s better than you remember.
Thanks in no small part to Alan Rickman’s tremendous turn as the Sheriff of Nottingham, the movie soars while the English thespian redefines the term scene-stealing in his every walk-on. It earned him a BAFTA for his troubles. Almost as important, and less often cited, is the dynamic, thrilling score by the late great Michael Kamen, which in addition to providing one of the best adventure themes of the 1990s also led to the creation of the biggest song of ‘91, Bryan Adams’ “Everything I Do (I Do It For You).” Throw in some fast-paced action filmed on actual English locations and a seriously merry acting ensemble—including Michael McShane as Friar Tuck, Nick Brimble as the best onscreen Little John, and Sean Connery’s iconic cameo as King Richard the Lionheart—and you have what’s still the best Robin Hood movie of the last 40 or so years, at least.
Step Brothers (2008)
October 1
An admittedly acquired taste, Step Brothers might just be Will Ferrell and Adam McKay’s masterpiece. The pair began their professional collaboration on Saturday Night Live before graduating to their first zeitgeist-grabbing Anchorman in 2004, with Ferrell starring, McKay directing, and both co-writing. Step Brothers is their third of four films together, but it’s also the most pure: a distillation of their disdain for a certain type of toxic and anti-intellectual entitlement which sprang to the forefront of white American life in the 21st century.
Embodying that man-child selfishness is Ferrell as Brennan and John C. Reilly as Dale, two 40-year-old men who still live at home with their single parents. That nightmarish scenario turns out to be an aphrodisiac for Dale’s Dad and Brennan’s Mom (Richard Jenkins and Mary Steenburgen), which forces these two petulant avatars of their age into sleeping under the same roof. Demented chaos ensues in a film where McKay, Ferrell, and Reilly are at last free from being forced to redeem the assholes they’re mocking.
Titanic (1997)
October 1
Beset by production problems and massive cost overruns, James Cameron’s epic retelling of the doomed 1912 maiden voyage of the RMS Titanic is undeniable populist entertainment, blending melodramatic romance with disaster movie dread and scale. Kate Winslet and Leonardo DiCaprio—in star-making performances—play a fictional couple who meet and fall in love on the voyage, escaping their class boundaries to spend just a precious few days together. And then that iceberg gets in the way.
The romance may test some viewers’ patience for the first half of this three-hour movie, but Cameron brings all his considerable skills to bear in its second half, making us see and feel each agonizing moment as the massive ocean liner goes down and takes 1,500 souls with it. Titanic is still one of the highest-grossing movies of all time, and there’s a reason for that: it’s an old-fashioned (except for the visual effects) Hollywood spectacle.
Zodiac (2007)
October 1
If you haven’t seen director David Fincher’s all-time masterpiece yet, what have you been waiting for? Fincher and his tremendous cast, including future Avengers Mark Ruffalo and Robert Downey Jr., plus Jake Gyllenhaal, Brian Cox, Chloe Sevigny, and more, trace in methodical fashion the long and fruitless search for Northern California’s infamous Zodiac Killer. Ruffalo’s detective and Gyllenhaal’s newspaper cartoonist take the search personally, too, becoming more obsessed the further their target seems to slip away.
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David Fincher’s Zodiac: The Movie That Never Ended
By Don Kaye
Zodiac Killer Code Cracked After 51 Years
By Tony Sokol
Fincher’s film is suffused with an eerie, mounting sense of dread that is compounded by the fact that it never truly pays off—aside from hearing his (unconfirmed) voice on the phone at one point, there’s never a real confrontation with the Zodiac, nor any sense of closure for anyone. The feeling that time, age, and death eventually wash away everything, even the best efforts of decent people to trap a monster, is perhaps the true horror at the heart of Zodiac, which may still be the best film of its decade.
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Sometimes it freaks me out how similar Claire Novak’s story is to Dean’s D:
It’s funny, I have just started the 10x09 rewatch I need to do before Wayward Sisters, but I watched it the other day with my mum too just because, and I have been thinking about this a lot. 
my desktop has literally been stuck on this all day while I have a migraine at all the things I wanted to do :P
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They give her SO many superficial traits to him - the whole connection to Cas told through familiar lines like about her praying to him every night, or the ketchup conversation, and Cas comparing them directly in 10x10 about both being… gosh what was the phrase? I’ll have to look that up… “one extremely messed up human to another”… I’ve been trying to think about Claire in the bigger picture, and she’s a massive Dean mirror, but her story is different and I actually kinda like what it all built up to really.
She loses her family when she’s much older than Dean - 12 to his 4 - and she doesn’t have a sibling so she has to go it completely alone. She knows the supernatural exists but only angels and demons - she doesn’t really have experience with monsters, just the mytharc, and she’s been *possessed by an angel* so they’re unequivocally real to her. She grows up praying directly to Cas while Dean has had no faith since Mary died. 
Ironically Claire is bound to Cas under the exact same “angels are watching over you” link as Dean, Sam and Jack all share with Cas, but it’s the most fucked up iteration (with Sam somehow passing with flying colours as the LEAST fucked up one in this weird umbrella of humans in Cas’s charge :P) because Cas made a bad promise at the very very beginning of his story - so early on they had to make the episode to go back to it because it was only by late season 4 Cas was officially full time main character enough to warrant a more complicated backstory and knowing how his ~existence~ in a form we could understand anyway began and all. 
Claire has been utterly betrayed by Cas, and he’s her Azazel in a way - another mirror to Dean that a supernatural creature stormed in and destroyed her family. Took her father and killed him, and her mother broke and went on the road and became the Worst Parent and physically AND emotionally abandoned her. But Claire doesn’t kill Cas (because he’s not evil and wants to make amends), and she actually manages to forgive and accept his help, and he helps her resolve her family situation and put her on her new path - the end of 10x20 for Claire is what 2x22 was for Dean, but instead of having killed the thing that destroyed her family, she’s hugged it goodbye and kept the grumpy cat plushie it gave her.
And Dean’s the one who sets her on her path. Because Cas represents the big old mytharc stuff and the damage to her family - he has to reconcile personally. But she grew up in the foster system having human problems and the supernatural was maybe the CAUSE of it all but she was just raw frustrated anger when we first see her again, and she has no way “in” to deal with it… 
(And she should not have started hunting as a 12 year old, with no one overseeing her or anything - I was talking to Mittens about it a while back and yeah tbh if they brought her back as a hunter like a lot of the original spec/desires were, that she’s started hunting angels in the gap while she wasn’t on the show, she was too YOUNG and really around the age the show brought her back is really the start of when she would be old enough for them to justify her doing ANYTHING on her own. She COULD have found a Krissy set up - an older hunter to guide her and others to hunt with, to give her a closer backstory to Dean, but the separation from their world was important to start with, I think, that she had plot reasons from 4x20 why she would have started hunting run of the mill monsters and she was too young, so unless she and Amelia became a power duo of mother and daughter hunters… Yeah :P Not many ways to bring her in except either stuff happening TO her to bring her back or Cas wandering in to catch up on her…) 
But yeah Sam also just helps her in the sense of teaching her credit card fraud and his birthday present coming of age gesture to her was a credit card - independence and still not really HUNTING skills, just “you’re a scrappy youngster who needs help surviving in this world” stuff.
It’s Dean who shows her what it’s like to be a hunter, and how it all works, that you do your homework, and sets her up with the question of do you watch movies I rec you or do you hunt monsters like I do? He is the one who sets her up with the choice to continue being normal and to use her resolution of the family arc as a way to finish her involvement with the supernatural and move on and grow up into whoever she might be, or as just the first step before she starts venting her anger and frustration with the world to kill monsters and save people before they end up a messed up human like her. 
And in 11x12 Jody is sort of that guide as well - her place is to encourage Claire towards a normal life but she also has to deal with Claire wanting to be a hunter and in the end agrees to at least teach her “not to hunt like a dumbass” since she sees Claire is really set on doing this - and in that moment also that she now has a new family to defend and it’s less revenge and more helping people. And since she squared up what could have been a revenge arc she’s all “saving people, hunting things” like Dean represents. 
I think for Claire, Jody is like Bobby - the more experienced, kind hunter who steps into her life to fill an emotional gap her dead/abandoning (and then dead also) parents left. It’s similar to Dean in really broad strokes, but Jody has full responsibility of her and it’s Claire’s choice to leave or make use of Jody’s help, while I think Dean was happy for Bobby’s attention as a kid because in the 7x10 flashbacks we see how good Bobby was to him and we know what Dean’s like, and as adults he’s happy to depend on Bobby all the time and they pretty much end up living at his house from season 5-6 - it seems to be official by at least the midseason of season 6 that Sam and Dean are permanently based there although no one ever says anything about it. They drift TO Bobby and the narrative has to burn it all down to get them out of the house but Claire’s coming to Jody later in life and Jody’s attempts to guide her towards normality and away from monsters mean that she actually represents the opposite of what Bobby generally offered… In 7x10 yeah Bobby one time throws a ball around with Dean because John just wants him to learn to shoot all the time, but taking it as the transition in season 3 to Bobby being a permanent fixture in their lives and giving them the family don’t end in blood speech in 3x16 as the parallel to Claire beating her version of season 1 & 2 in season 10 and moving on to season 3 emotionally, we see Dean (and Sam) latching onto Bobby as the last time we see John passes and he’s now the sole parental figure they have. 
And that leads us to Claire wanting to be a hunter because of admiring what Dean and Jody do. And wanting to save people because she clearly feels strongly about monsters and her own frustration before she had a path, that hunting monsters is a clear *righteous* moral path, is not actually something that Dean was allowed to come to naturally. He was raised as a hunter, and he doesn’t get to choose it as an adult.
No, wait, it’s Sunday night I’m allowed to mention it again because it’s basically next week… I won’t quote the whole massive speech though :P Okay, so Dean never gets a choice to be a hunter when he’s growing up but it’s a lifestyle he was completely raised in. When he CHOOSES to be a hunter is in 2x20 after spending the ENTIRE season resenting John and the job and the burden that was put on him, and it’s uuuutterly depressing but he realises in the djinn dream after spending an entire season wrestling with wanting to just give up and stop hunting and leave the whole thing behind because he’s so tired of it all, that no one else will do it and so he has to - and he hates it but those lives are on him. I actually compared it more to Patience’s decision to leave in 13x09 because she would have the visions whether she became a hunter or not, but staying with her dad pretending to be normal would be like Dean being trapped in the wishverse djinn dream, knowing he had wished himself a happy ending but everyone was dying because he wasn’t out saving them. He had news articles of the deaths, Patience has her visions.
But Claire just sees something she really wants to do - to save people and kill monsters and rid the world of evil, and she makes it as a choice as an adult as her coming of age, based on her experiences of the world, and she has an unburdened FREEDOM to decide to do that, to feel like it is something that is in her nature and the idea of doing it is too compelling to sit quietly and do normal things with her life. Every time she has the choice to do normal things - to enrol in colleges and schools and get on with her life as Jody was hoping for her, she takes cases and hunts things and gets deeper and deeper into learning the job she actually WANTS and possibly NEEDS to do. 
I really love this about Claire - that because we got her innocent of monsters to start with, and that she had multiple chances to get off the ride, she chooses to hunt anyway and there’s low angst about it - she doesn’t have decisions the weight of which Dean did in all those instances, because her life or death revenge story is already wrapped up, peacefully. She just ends up on the road hunting monsters because after seeing this is a life people lead, and despite seeing the toll it’s taken on Dean, she still ends up emulating him. But as the next generation of hunters, who aren’t raised into it against their will, or out of necessity to learn everything about evil forces to hunt down anything in particular. She already dealt with Cas AND saved her mom, AND killed the angel that was responsible for that, and so she’s got an angsty backstory, but that’s not the thing that’s compelling her forwards… There’s no revenge and sacrifice cycle like the Winchesters are in. 
It’s similar to Jody, and the others - they all find out the supernatural exists but of all the Wayward Sisters, Kaia is the only one with UNRESOLVED main arc angst and probably a whooole bunch of misery tied to the Bad Place that they need to help her with/she needs to overcome as her personal arc. All the others have dealt with the stuff that makes up their backstory/introduction to the supernatural in their initial episodes, and are pretty much ready for a fresh start when their story begins :D
Oh gosh I could probably keep talking all night. Hi, I’m really hyped up for Wayward Sisters :P
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tomeandflickcorner · 7 years
OUAT Episode Analysis- Knightfall
Well, congratulations, Gothel. You’ve actually managed to make me hate you even more than I hated Rumpelstiltskin Prime from Season 4 onwards. I’m now REALLY hoping you die in the worst possible way before this show ends.
The flashback for the episode started off so beautifully wholesome, it made my heart swell.  It begins with Young Alice and Wish Killian.  We see Young Alice has become quite the painter, and it looks like Wish Killian has, too.  As evidenced by him standing next to a painting that is similar to the one Young Alice is painting.  The quality of the second painting is significant enough to suggest that they were not painted by the same person.  So it’s safe to conclude that Wish Killian learned how to paint to help Young Alice cope with being magically confined to their tower home by helping her see the world through paintings.  And Young Alice ended up taking up painting to emulate her father and create her own visions of the world she’s never seen.
Now, I’m wondering exactly how Wish Killian learned to paint.  Is this a skill he learned through Milah?  After all, it was heavily implied that she had a great artistic talent. If that was the case, it suggests that Killian Prime also has an artistic side. (Which means we have something else to add to Killian’s growing list of talents.)  But what stuck out to me the most is that Young Alice and Wish Killian’s paintings feature a ship.  Was this supposed to be the Jolly Roger?  That aside, it’s rather heartbreaking that Alice chooses to paint the sea.  Perhaps being by the ocean would have been cathartic for her, too, like the way it was for her father.  But because of the curse on the tower, she cannot see it in person.
Young Alice even picks up on the bittersweet nature of it, as she verbalizes how her paintings only makes her yearn for the chance to see the ocean with her own eyes.  And its clear Wish Killian’s heart is breaking for his little girl, as he has yet to find a way to lift the enchantment that’s keeping her trapped.  (Also, how adorable is it that he calls her Starfish?  I wonder how Alice earned that particular nickname.)  In an effort to lift her spirits, Wish Killian presents Young Alice with a small chest that he claimed to be planning to give her as a birthday present but decided that it would be better to give it to her now. The chest is revealed to be filled with glass vials filled with sand, which he’s collected from the nearest beach. He goes on to explain how this was his attempt at bringing the sea to her.  Touched by the gesture, Young Alice embraces her father.  But the heartwarming moment is abruptly interrupted by Gothel, who appears out of nowhere, Force Choke Holding Wish Killian before magically shoving him out the window, much to Young Alice’s horror.
But then, it turns out that that whole segment was just Young Alice having a nightmare.  When she wakes up in a cold sweat, Wish Killian is by her side in an instant, doing what he can to calm and comfort her.  Now, the thing that stood out to me the most is that Young Alice somehow knew what Gothel looks like.  How did she know?  It’s never indicated that they ever met in person.  But Wish Killian mentions something about how Alice sees the world in a ‘special way’ and that he believes her when she insists that her nightmare wasn’t just a dream, and that it meant something was wrong.  Does Alice have some sort of psychic ability?  Is she channeling Fiver, the clairvoyant rabbit from Watership Down?  Because that would actually explain a lot.  Like why Tilly has to be on medication in Hyperion Heights while no one else does.  Maybe these pills were what helped suppress her visions?  As to how Alice gained that ability, it might have something to do with how her vile womb donor was a witch.  Perhaps magic is genetic to a certain degree.
In light of his daughter’s visible distress, Wish Killian ends up making a decision he clearly didn’t come to lightly.  He admits that there’s one thing he hasn’t tried in his ongoing efforts at freeing Alice from her tower, but at this point, he’s willing to swallow his pride and risk taking that option.  Before he sets off, he comforts Young Alice, promising that he’ll return soon.  In the process, he gives her his white knight chess piece so she’d have something of his to hold onto until he returned, prompting Young Alice to do likewise and give him her black rook chess piece.
It turns out that Wish Killian’s plan is to go to Wish Rumpelstiltskin for help.  That alone shows how much Wish Killian loves his daughter. He’s actually going to the man he hates the most for help.  Imagine how much that must have rankled him.  We’re talking about the man who murdered the woman Wish Killian loved in cold blood, right before permanently maiming him by brutally cutting off his hand. But Wish Killian was willing to put his pride aside and ask for that man’s help in order to help his daughter. He is really that desperate.
When Wish Killian visits Wish Rumpelstiltskin’s cell beneath Wish Snowing’s castle, Wish Rumpelstiltskin is at his most manic state.  So, how exactly did Wish Killian know where Wish Rumpelstiltskin was?  Did that whole thing with Snow and Charming approaching Killian/Hook in the 6x20 flashback occur in the Wish World, too?  Was Wish Killian stepping forward to cash in on the favor they owed him for helping them reach EQ Regina’s castle?  Because I thought Shady Blue said that everyone would forget about their experiences while that whole singing spell was in effect. Also, is there a Wish Emma somewhere in this world?  I know the whole Wish World creation thing is beyond confusing, and it was suggested that our Emma was the only version of Emma.  But maybe it was like how it was with the 2003 anime version of Fullmetal Alchemist.  Remember when Ed wound up in that other world beyond the gate?  His spirit essentially got implanted into the body of his counterpart in that other world.  Maybe that’s what happened when Emma was sent to Wish World?  Then again, that wasn’t the case when Regina ventured to Wish World. Considering Wish Regina had imposed exile on herself and probably was nowhere near the Enchanted Forest.  But maybe that had to do with how Regina Prime simply wished to be taken to the same world Emma had wound up in.  After all, wording is very important, especially with the arbitrary rules of magic.  Of course, I’m probably trying too hard to make some semblance of sense from this.
Anyway, Wish Rumpelstiltskin eventually makes a deal with Wish Killian.  It involves Wish Killian seeking out another ship captain.  One who managed to obtain an artifact that’s later revealed to be Maui’s Fishhook.  So apparently Moana exists in this world now.  Once Wish Killian has Maui’s Fishhook, he’d be able to use it to use it to destroy the tower and thereby free Alice.  In exchange for his help, Wish Killian promises to release Wish Rumpelstiltskin from his cell.  So, with the knowledge of how to help Alice, Wish Killian heads off into town, where he reunites with Wish Smee.  Which I did like.  At the end of the day, it’s quite clear that Killian and Smee were good friends.  Wish Smee even offers to return ownership of the Jolly Roger back to Wish Killian.  But Wish Killian’s life now revolves around Alice and finding a way to free her.  He manages to trace Maui’s Fishhook to Captain Ahab of Moby Dick fame.  The irony of this is interesting.  Because of Ahab’s famous hunt for the White Whale, he’s become an iconic representation of obsessive hatred.  One might even accuse Killian Prime/Wish Killian of that, prior to him finding a reason to live inside Emma or Alice.  
When Wish Killian confronts Ahab over the matter of Maui’s Fishhook, Ahab taunts Wish Killian for a bit, accusing him of being old and washed up.  However, Wish Killian doesn’t let these taunts get to him and proposes a wager. He invites Ahab to join him in a game of dice.  The winner of the game would get both Maui’s Fishhook and the Jolly Roger.  Even though it is kinda strange how Wish Killian saw fit to use the Jolly Roger as a gambling chip despite the fact that she currently belongs to Wish Smee.  (And there’s even a brief moment of mild levity when you see Wish Smee reacting to Wish Killian’s statement.)  Regardless, Wish Killian and Ahab have their dice game, with Wish Killian winning.  
Unfortunately, when Wish Killian returns to Wish Rumpelstiltskin’s cell to uphold his end of their deal, it’s revealed that Ahab followed him, and he once again starts to mock Wish Killian, accusing him of no longer being a pirate and being so pathetic, he has to resort to seeking Wish Rumpelstiltskin’s help, etc. etc.  But really, who cares?  What’s it to Ahab, anyway?  Since when is it any of his business what Wish Killian does?  Seriously, Ahab, why do you even care?
Unfortunately though, Ahab’s mocking accusations end up getting to Wish Killian, and, in an effort to save face and uphold his pirate name, he challenges Ahab to a gun duel.  But as they fire off their shots in unison, Wish Killian has one of those life-flashing-before-your-eyes moments. In the process, he remembers Alice and how she’s waiting for him back in her tower.  And he realizes that, if he died, then she would be all alone. Thankfully, he manages to come out on top in the duel, with Ahab’s bullet simply grazing his shoulder.  Wish Killian doesn’t stick around to gloat, however, as he has remembered that Alice is his top priority, so he immediately heads back to her tower, with Maui’s Fishhook in his possession.
And that is when the episode flashback reaches its tragic turn. Upon returning to the tower, Wish Killian is given a warm welcome by Young Alice, who is quick to hug him.  But the moment they embrace, Wish Killian recoils in pain, and a mark appears on Young Alice’s wrist.  Out of nowhere, Gothel appears, announcing that Wish Killian’s heart is now cursed.  It turns out that she somehow made it so Ahab’s bullet was infused with the Curse of the Poisoned Heart, and that when it grazed Wish Killian’s shoulder, it entered his bloodstream, thereby placing the curse upon him.  (Does this mean she somehow put Ahab up to this?)  She proceeds to taunt Wish Killian about how he brought it all upon himself by letting his pride get the better of him before magically removing him from the tower.  She then continues to taunt and gloat to him even more about how he’ll never be able to safe Alice now before teleporting off, leaving Wish Killian to listen to Young Alice’s desperate voice as she repeatedly calls out to him to save her.
Okay, seriously, what is Gothel’s malfunction?!  Why would she do this?  Hasn’t she hurt Wish Killian and Alice enough?  Why did she feel the need to torture them even more?  Wish Killian and Alice were just simply living their lives together, not doing a single thing that would have bothered or inconvenienced her at all.  What, will Gothel somehow get returned to her tower prison if Alice ever escapes?  If that’s the case, there was nothing in the narrative to indicate it.  And the fact that she took advantage of this moment to forcibly separate them is just sadistic and cruel.  She better not later act like she was doing this for Alice’s own good by claiming she was protecting her from having a selfish father or whatever.  Because that is horsebuck of the highest order.  Not to mention how she has no right to act like she ever has Alice’s best interests in mind.  This is the woman who only birthed Alice to escape from the tower.  And she didn’t hesitate to up and leave Baby Alice to die alone in the tower.  There is no reason why she’s allowed to suddenly act as if she cares about Alice now.  Especially when she has purposely separated Alice from the parent who actually loved and was there for her.
Neither Wish Killian nor Alice deserved this.  And Wish Killian is nowhere close to being a selfish father.  He gave up his WHOLE LIFE to be there for Alice and raise her as best he could.  He spent the last 12 or so years with everything revolving around her.  Just look at all the toys Alice had lying around in her tower.  Wish Killian clearly went to town in providing her with things to play with, even to the point of spoiling her.  And we see though that whole flashback moment during his duel with Ahab that he did everything in his power to make sure Alice had a full life, in spite of how she couldn’t leave her tower.  He did everything he could to make sure she’d want for nothing, and never stopped trying to give her the one thing she lacked- her freedom.  The fact that he’s now being punished so harshly for one single mistake he made by letting his pride get the better of him just one time?  That is just despicable and sadistic.  Especially since he’d already realized that he’d made a mistake by listening to Ahab’s taunts. And you just know that Wish Killian is going to spend the rest of his life feeling guilty over this, especially knowing how much this has hurt Alice, who has lost her father and ONLY companion because of this.
In Hyperion Heights, Rumpelstiltskin and Rogers (who has yet to wake up and remember that he’s Wish Killian) are still trying to find the culprit behind the string of murders.  As they’re working, Tilly/Alice stops by unannounced, inviting Rogers to have a chess match with her.  But Rogers essentially brushes her off, stating that he’s busy with his police work and needs to focus.  After Tilly shuffles off, Rumpelstiltskin states that their best bet at preventing further murders is to know who is involved with the Coven of Eight. Because knowing that would enable them to offer protection to the would-be victims.  But the only one who would know the identities of the remaining members of the Coven of Eight is Eloise/Gothel.  Which is a problem, as the woman has seemingly gone into hiding. But then, as if her ears were burning, Gothel appears right in front of them, announcing that she’s willing to provide them with information.  However, when they bring her into the interrogation room, Gothel refuses to say anything in front of Rumpelstiltskin.  Which is obviously because they both know they’re both awake. But the fact that she plans to be alone with Rogers indicates that she’s up to no good, as Rogers is the only one of them that hasn’t woken up yet, so he has no idea who it is he’s talking to. Rumpelstiltskin, pulling Rogers aside, informs him that it’s not a good idea for him to be alone with that woman, but Rogers just rolls his eyes, confident that he can handle Eloise/Gothel.
Honestly, I’m kinda annoyed at Rumpelstiltskin here.  Sure, he’s trying to warn Rogers not to let Gothel get into his head and all, but Rumpelstiltskin is awake and therefore knows exactly who Gothel is.  And he knows what Gothel did to Wish Killian and Alice.  And it doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that Gothel will most likely take full advantage of the fact that Rogers doesn’t remember who she actually is.  If Rumpelstiltskin really wanted to help protect Wish Killian/Rogers from Gothel, then you’d think he would be putting a bit more effort into it.  Maybe Rumpy Rumps hasn’t actually fully let go of his animosity towards Killian Jones and is therefore only putting in the bare minimum of work into keeping Wish Killian safe.
Anyway, when Rogers goes back into the interrogation room, Gothel doesn’t hesitate to get all creepy, even commenting on how Rogers might look good if he was clean shaven.  Okay, I REALLY want to strangle this disgusting woman! Where does she get off, commenting on his appearance here?  She has no right to do so, especially after everything she’s done to him and his daughter. But then Gothel starts going off on this weird tangent, saying that Rogers has to figure out who he really is before he can even hope to help protect the other members of the coven.  Which is really weird.  Because I seriously doubt she’s actually wanting to help Rogers wake up. Eventually, she convinces Rogers to bring him his favorite painting, revealing that she knows Rogers liked to paint. Refusing once again to heed Rumpelstiltskin’s warnings, or pointing out the obvious that Gothel’s friends might die if she doesn’t knock it off with the guessing games, Rogers complies and fetches an oil painting he kept. Which is the same painting we saw Wish Killian had painted in the flashback.  (Ugh, the feels that Wish Killian was able to keep that painting when the Dark Curse brought him to Hyperion Heights)
Again, Rumpelstiltskin doesn’t seem to be putting much effort into keeping Rogers from playing into Gothel’s hands.  He KNOWS Rogers doesn’t know the full extent of how dangerous Gothel is.  He KNOWS that Rogers doesn’t know the first thing about this woman.  But he responds to Rogers’ stubborn ‘I can handle this’ attitude by basically throwing his hands into the air and going ‘fine, do what you want.’  So I’m once again side-eying Rumpy Rumps.
By the time Rogers returns to the precinct with the paining he made in Pre-Curse Enchanted Forest, Tilly has once again returned.  This time, she’s seen that Gothel is present and she is freaking out.  I’m guessing she’s once again channeling Fiver the rabbit, as she can sense that something is not right about that woman.  But when she begs Rogers to not go back into the interrogation room with Gothel, Rogers abruptly, and rather harshly, dismisses her and ignores her pleas. And my heart is breaking for them both. Because it’s clear that Tilly has some sort of sixth sense that is setting off serious warning bells in her head. And you just know that Wish Killian is going to beat himself up over how dismissive he was to his daughter once he wakes up, even though it wasn’t necessarily his fault due to the fact that the curse was preventing him from remembering.
 (And my hatred for Gothel increases even more when she reveals that she can see Rumpelstiltskin, Rogers and Tilly’s confrontation through the security camera when she mockingly waves at Tilly.  That woman is the WORST!)
Once she sees the painting, Gothel once again starts spouting riddles before she finally gets Rogers to admit that, like his true self, he feels a connection to the sea.  But he’s never been there as Rogers because there’s no one for him to share it with.  Is that what you were after, Gothel, you complete sicko? Is that what you wanted Rogers/Wish Killian to admit?  Were you just looking to pour salt into his wounds?  Haven’t you tortured that poor man enough?
Finally, Gothel states that both the lady doctor and the blind baker both got a gift of a heart-shaped box of chocolates before they were attacked, suggesting that the chocolate box might by the killer’s M.O.  But when Rogers and Rumpelstiltskin follow that lead, they end up at a dead end, I guess, as the florist whom the next chocolate box was delivered to reportedly died years prior.  Wondering if they were intentionally sent on a wild goose chase, they head over to the hospital, where the blind baker was recovering under the watch of some armed guards. When they get there, however, they find the guards have been taken down, and the blind baker has been killed.
But then, a hysterical Tilly suddenly appears from the shadows, brandishing a scalpel.  She begins to yell at Rogers and Rumpelstiltskin, shouting at how she tried to warn them something bad was going to happen but they refused to listen to her.  She then jumps out of a nearby window and runs off.  While Rogers and Rumpelstiltskin are unable to follow her, they make their way to her boxcar home.  Inside, they find a rather incriminatory painting of the Coven of Eight’s mark, with two of the points crossed out in red.  At face value, this probably would suggest that Tilly was behind the murders, but neither Rogers nor Rumpelstiltskin believe that she is the actual killer. However, they are unable to ignore the fact that Tilly was present at the scene of the crime, and that she’s now wandering around somewhere, having a full-on panic attack.  So, while Rumpelstiltskin volunteers to return to the police station to buy them time and do some damage control, Rogers takes it upon himself to track down Tilly.
While all of this is going on, Lucy is off coming to terms with the knowledge that her father would die if the curse was ever broken.  In a misguided attempt to keep this from happening, she tries to tell Jacinda that she no longer considers Henry her favorite author as she no longer believes in happy endings and fairy tales, stating she’d rather her mother not see him again. Which is really frustrating, as she is giving up too easily.  While we don’t see how Jacinda responds to Lucy’s statement, Henry is feeling upset that Lucy is now pushing him away and even confides in Regina about it when they run into each other on the street.  Regina is apparently returning home from Facilier’s place, which just makes me think even more that they spent the night together.  As well as wonder what exactly they’re doing with this particular pair up.
At some point, however, Drizella, still reeling from Steppunzel’s death, as well as the knowledge that her mother really did love her all along, asks Henry to come over to help her out with things.  When Henry stops by with the intention of being there for someone he believes is a friend (remember they seemingly bonded during the Halloween episode), Drizella makes a move on Henry and tries to kiss him.  Which is extremely gross, considering that Henry is Drizella’s stepbrother-in-law, and Drizella is fully aware of this fact.  At least, I think Henry and Parallel Ella are married.  I realize that it’s safe to assume that they were probably married before the new Dark Curse was cast, but we see them kiss for the first time in 7x08, and then, two episodes later, we flash forward to Lucy being born.  To date, we’ve never seen anything that happened between the first kiss and the birth of Lucy.  They never specifically said that they were married, did they? Not that it really matters, of course.
Thankfully, Henry is quick to reject Drizella’s advances, telling her that she’s not in the right state of mind and that she shouldn’t do something she’d later regret.  At the same time, he empathizes with her, because he still believes his wife and daughter are dead, and he knows how it feels to lose the people you love. But he reminds Drizella that, unlike him, she still has family and advises her to reach out to Jacinda and Lucy.  At first, Drizella doubts that Jacinda will want to see her, but Henry convinces her to at least try to extend an olive branch.  So Drizella stops by Jacinda’s apartment under the pretense of returning some of Jacinda’s childhood things that Steppunzel had stored away. Eventually, the two women begin to have a heart-to-heart about the difficulties that surround the relationship between a mother and daughter, with Jacinda admitting she’s facing her own issues with Lucy because of the little girl’s sudden behavior.  Overall, this is a really nice scene, and I don’t find anything to fault with it.  In the end, Jacinda and Drizella seem to make amends, with Jacinda even returning a toy that Drizella apparently favored as a child.  Whether or not this truce will still stand once Jacinda wakes up is anyone’s guess.  But during their conversation, Drizella, I guess, has an epiphany and she realizes that she still has something to do.  And she ends up leaving the apartment, stating that she has to finish what Steppunzel started.  I have no idea what this means.  What exactly does Drizella plan to do?  Is this going to be good or bad?
The episode ends with Lucy FINALLY following my advice and seeking out Regina, showing her the page from the Storybook.  Why Lucy didn’t show this page to Henry or Jacinda, I can’t figure out.  Especially since it would prove what she was saying about the curse was true all along.  But upon seeing the page and finding out that Lucy knows what will happen if the curse ends, Regina admits to Lucy that she’s awake and suggests they work together to find a way to save Henry.  Which is what I’ve been saying they should do from the moment Regina woke up!  And again, while this scene is a nice one, there’s something about it that rubbed me the wrong way.  Regina brings up the fact that Henry also worked to find a way to break the Dark Curse, armed with just a pair of walkie talkies and an operation name.  While this is completely true and accurate, the way Regina talked of it made it sound as if this was something she and Henry did together.  But it’s not. Operation Cobra was Henry and Emma’s thing.  Regina was the one trying to stop them from succeeding.  
Also, can we talk about Regina’s claim that ‘Mills women save people’ or however she worded that statement?  Okay, what?  Was I watching a different show for the past six seasons?  Is this the Mandala Effect at work here?  Because if memory serves, saving people was the Charming family’s claim to fame.  The Mills family, however, mainly consisted of Cora, Regina and Zelena.  No offense to the Regina fandom, but when did any of those women actually make a habit of saving people? In fact, apart from Zelena, who I think only killed two people in her life (and I don’t count Neal as he killed himself through stupidity), they all had a pretty high body count.  So… is Regina just falling back into her old habit of acting like she was always the real hero or something, and that she was not actually responsible for any of her past crimes?  I’m sorry, but that just really irked me.  Especially since I thought Regina was doing really well this season.  But once again, we have her acting like she was always on par with the Charming family in terms of heroics.  Although, I guess that’s nothing new.
Next week, however? I honestly have no idea what to expect.  With an episode title like ‘The Girl in the Tower,’ you’d think the next episode would continue to focus on Tilly/Alice.  But the promo only focused on Lucy and Regina’s plan to spy on Faclier.  If that’s going to be the main focus of the next episode, I’m going to be disappointed.  Because at the moment, I’m only interested in seeing Wish Killian and Alice wake up and remember each other.
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campaign efforts
LOCATION: Vernon Manor 
CHARACTERS: Charlie Atwood, Catherine Vernon
MENTIONS: Josephine Langdon, Hugo Duvall, Augustus 
SUMMARY: Catherine summons Charlie to the Manor after hearing (through Josie) about his potential support for Adriel as mayor. 
Charlie was, admittedly, a little nervous. He had spoken to Catherine exactly once before, and even then it was quickly cut short. It was as simple as explaining he was in need of a tutor, so to speak, and with the click of a few fingers suddenly everything had been arranged. He was so nervous, in fact, that he had gone through the effort of getting dressed up. He felt so indirectly shamed by his outfit choices the last time they’d met that he put on a pressed white dress shirt and dark jeans. He still wore Vans—but they were black, which was his definition of fancy footwear. 
 Sitting in her lavish, traditionally styled living room, he still managed to feel directly out of place. He felt out of place sitting in her driver’s car, and he felt out of place being ushered in by a butler. Even the black chair he was sat in felt wrong. Catherine in and of herself was beyond his league, but paired with her lifestyle, she operated on a different planet entirely.He had had half a mind to say no to this meeting, to express his plain disinterest, but not only did that feel awfully rude; he probably wouldn’t have survived to see another day. That was the kind of power Catherine had, and he knew without anyone telling him that that was the kind of respect expected of him if he were to stay in West Hollow. 
Drumming his fingers on his kneecap, he waited for Catherine to enter, already planning on standing when she did. Paranoia crept into his mind as it tended to when vampirism was involved—he was utterly convinced a side effect of his turning was the addition of paranoid thoughts—and he wondered if this had anything to do with his relationship to werewolves. Either his budding friendship with Finley or his near-death experience with the wolf in the woods were both equally unpleasant to be confronted with. Hearing footsteps echo throughout the house—and noting how suddenly ominous they sounded—Charlie stood, pressing his shirt down and free of imaginary wrinkles. He smiled brightly, “Catherine, nice to see you again.”
This election would not be lost like the last one. There was no in hell that she’d allow an angel to lord over them all, much less the human take control. Catherine barely took Evanora serious either — she had released a makeup collection to try and boost sales. While it wasn’t a horrible idea, but was a laughable one, in the sense that they were dealing with politics and not winning the heart of some 13 year olds over. However, to hear from Josie that one of her own was considering going for an angel over her was a damn disgrace, not to mention insulting. She thanked her lucky stars that she had kept the girl around for situations such as this one in which she could take the temperature of the vampire population and adjust accordingly. She also was grateful it was someone like Charles, who had clearly been so desperate to fit into their society that he was still training with Josie, and apparently enthusiastically. It meant he was open to direction and would be subservient to their cause more than anything else. Throwing him around or yelling into his face wouldn’t work, nor did she want to do such a thing. She knew that with Atwood, it would take only a little patience and some care.
And that’s exactly what Catherine did. Sending a car for him after informing him she wanted to speak, she was directed that he was here from her study. Having dressed in an imposing, but still professional, red dress, she made her way into one of the many living rooms he’d been ushered into. As the butler announced her presence when her heels clicked onto the wood flooring, she gave Charles a polite smile. “Charles, as is it to see you,” she said, her hand going out to shake. “Sit,” she motioned to the chair once more. As she smoothed the back of her dress down to sit, a maid whisked over with a tray of tea, setting it down on the coffee table between the two. Picking hers up, adding nothing to it, she began to speak, “How are you liking West Hollow? Josephine tells me you are doing well in your training sessions and that you look forward to them.”
"Right," he muttered to himself as he sat down. The thing about Catherine was that she somehow managed to make him feel even more anxious than he already was. Just when he thought he had hit his peak level of anxiety, she shows up in a bright red outfit —perfectly emulating power. She exuded confidence in a way that was familiar to Charlie, reminding him of his older years, yet altogether unfamiliar. Charlie had a reckless sort of confidence in the past, it would be more accurate to call it 'cockiness' than anything else. But not Catherine. She was entirely in the right to think of herself in the way that Charlie did not doubt she already did. "Please, call me Charlie," he said, unintentionally slipping into his old Victorian habits. 
 At the mention of Josie, his paranoid mind frantically hunted through their conversations in an attempt to figure out just what this interaction was for. It had to be for a reason; he highly doubted Catherine would waste her time just to chat. Especially with someone like Charlie, who was well aware and perfectly comfortable with the fact that he was a nobody. The last thing he had wanted to do when arriving in West Hollow was create waves, which is why he sought out to meet with Catherine in the first place. He brightened at the praise, momentarily forgetting himself, "Really?" He asked, showing genuine surprise that Josie had complimented him to Catherine. "West Hollow is a good place to rest, for sure. It's a great community," he replied, choosing his words carefully. Internally, his mind was repeating on one question: what is this about?
Charlie reminded Catherine of some vampires she had turned in the past, those who had asked for it and then realized how much different the lifestyle would be than pouring a little blood in their morning shake. And, on top of it, he probably thought she was here to scold him. Who would blame him, anyway? Vernon Manor was a house of power, literally. The place was imposing and downright scary, not to mention the woman who lived in it had been through very rumor under the sun in regards to what she was and what happened in it. 
But, he was not quite right, not yet at least — he was much easier to manipulate when he thought he was a friend rather than a foe, and that was exactly what Catherine intended. Sipping on the mint tea and nodding along when Charlie spoke, she set the glass and cup back down on the tray after he was done. “You may have some,” she waved her hand towards the other cup, waiting patiently for him, before clasping her hands back in her lap. “Josephine is very impressed with your dedication and progress. She has been doing this for a long time, and she is the best at it. I’m glad you two are getting along.” Her red lips pressed into a delighted smile, but it was mostly a farce. Taking a pause to look him over, as if contemplating whether or not she should say it, she then began to speak again, “I’m sure you’re wondering why I brought you here, and it is to talk about exactly that: West Hollow. Charles, would you agree that Josephine, who is a vampire like ourselves, is a good ally to have in a town so specially diverse such as this one?”
Charlie had a terrible habit of accent mimicking. The longer he spoke to Catherine, the more his own London accent returned, accentuating his words and causing him to slip back into an almost  (but not quite) Victorian style of speech. “Truth be told, West Hollow is a brilliant city, but I don’t expect I’ll be here long,” he said, as if to placate her, still believing she had some sort of problem with him. Then—panic: would she be offended at that? After all, what was wrong with her city (since it was essentially hers, as far as Charlie was concerned) that he wouldn’t want to stay? “I appreciate all that you’ve done for me, though,” he added, as an afterthought. 
 In the same instant that he had decided yes, he would like some tea, he practically spat it out. He hardly expected Catherine to ask for his opinion on whether or not he enjoyed the tea, let alone on such matters. “Uh, yes?” He questioned, before clearing his throat and continuing, “Yeah, I think she is. She’s a very capable person, and she’s incredibly loyal to people like us,” he said, meaning ‘vampires’, of course. Still, that was the second person to tell him of Josie’s praise, and he had half a mind to tease her about it the next time they saw each other.
His accent reminded her sickly of home, making her wish America had been more similar to London, but also being grateful she wasn’t still starving on their streets or some pitied “widower.” Hearing he wouldn’t stay long, though, at least as bluntly has he had decided he was going to be putting it, nearly made Catherine’s face crack from the professional and polite smile that it was carrying. “Is that so?” she asked with a raise of her eyebrow, letting him finish the phrasing to see if he would recover. When he thanked her for her work, it placated her slightly from the disrespect he had just doled out, and she nodded, “Of course. You should reconsider though.” saying no more on the subject. She’d use it later. like always, to make her point, but for now it could be left as is.
When he answered her question with a question, her head tilted, opening her mouth to speak for one second before he decided to explain further. God, he was worse than she thought — self conscious, nervous, weak, and unsure of himself. It worked to her advantage, but was tedious to get through. But, she got the answer she wanted in the end, lips curling up into a satisfied smile that would read to him like appreciation. They were instead the smile of a spider who had caught her fly right in the middle of the web. “Exactly — loyal. Just what I was thinking.” she gestured out to praise his “correctness” of the answer. Moving so her body was facing him more on, her torso leaned in ever so slightly as she began on once again, “In such a town like this, loyalty matters, I’d say, and from your comments I think you’d agree. While you mention you won’t stay long, I think it’s important that while you do, you have people who will understand your concerns personally. It wouldn’t have made much sense for me to set you up with an angel trainer, now would it have?” she chuckled out, wondering if he’d catch on what this was about from that. Taking her tea, she began to sip again, giving him time to respond.
There was something about the way she had reacted to what he’d said that almost made him feel as if he had said the wrong thing entirely. Which would be an absolute trip to discover, given that he had said it in the first place in the hopes of easing whatever concerns she might have about him. Perhaps it was the way she raised her eyebrow, or something slight in her tone. Perhaps it was nothing but his paranoia at work. Regardless, it didn’t matter. He couldn’t take it back now, whether it was stupid to say or not. “I’ve not stayed longer than half a decade in one place since I’ve been turned. It’s habit now, I suppose, to plan to leave,” he said, hoping his explanation would help matters. Charlie was quickly figuring out (though evidently not fast enough) that when it came to Catherine, honesty was not the best policy. Loyalty, however, was. “West Hollow is a difficult town for that, though. It has a certain charm, I expect a century will go by before I remember I wanted to leave,” he added, laughing.
Her head tilt only served to make him all the more nervous, which he expected wasn’t winning him any favours with the Queen of all Vampires. She was similar to Josie in that respect, though he found Josie to be a bit more...sensitive (then again, maybe he just knew Josie better and was making an unfair judgment), or at least understanding. In any case, both Josie and Catherine valued confidence. That much was clear. And while Charlie was typically lion-hearted, he also was intimately familiar with his place in the pecking order. He breathed out an almost audible sigh of relief when she seemed pleased with his answer. Loyalty he hammered into his head. “It’s a very valuable trait,” he replied, agreeing. “Especially with what’s going on, especially now,”
Just as he was starting to find his footing, though, Catherine pulled the rug right from underneath him. Angel. Now, anyone else—that comment might have been missed. But Charlie had learned a sort of paranoia over the years, one that kept him safe, one which without it nearly almost got him killed back when he himself was a killer. It flashed through his mind like some sort of horror movie. The passing comment he had made about Adriel to Josie, not even thinking twice—like an absolute fool—the way she had brushed his words aside with calculated nonchalance. It was all painfully obvious now. This wasn’t about him, or his friendships, this was about—like it always would be and always was—Catherine Vernon. Somehow, this knowledge, though noticeably paling him at first, granted him his confidence. At least now he understood. “Yes...an angel training a vampire would be obscene. We protect our own, isn’t that how the saying goes?”
Catherine listened to his story, about how he was migrant for the most part. For the most part, she didn’t care. His personal story was not interesting or really beneficial to her on any scale, but if it made him feel more comfortable to drone on about and try to win her over, he could do so. The accent that he was slowly slipping into showed that at least as it faded from the sort of Posh American to one like her own — something she had refused to give up for the sake of blending in. Catherine Vernon did not blend in, never planning to as she had forged this town from the cursed ground it lied upon. Once he had had said his last piece about it she nodded, putting the teacup back down onto the small plate, “I hope so.” speaking flatly and hoping he would get the hint.
Watching the realization come over his face, Catherine nearly bathed in the small body language ticks that showed her that he was feeling especially vulnerable to her words. He recovered nicely, at least, she thought internally. See, it was all a game, and now that Charles knew that he was playing, perhaps he would understand what it took to win with a woman like her. Her head moved up slightly to take in his words, nodding with a pleased smile. “That is right.” Standing from her chair, she then began to walk over to him as she continued to speak, her hands folding together in front of her and fingertips tapping against each other. “Charles, you have demonstrated to me excellent skill in understanding what I value and what is important in this town during our conversation thus far, and so I trust you enough to talk to you with the respect I hope you would grant me in return.” she started, “Especially now, as you mentioned, we are in dire times. The wolves are at our throats and a human is the Mayor right now, running against myself, the leader of the angels, and the Supreme of the witches. If you are to stay here, we must make things clear in how they will work.” 
It was then that Catherine decided to sit down in a chair next to his own, leaning to the side to face him, but still tight and upright in posture. “I care for all my vampires in this town, as I made this town as a refuge for all of us. This is a place where you can feel free to truly express your true self, but in order to do that, I need to be in charge to make sure that’s a success. Do you see where I’m going with this, Charles?”
Charlie certainly got the hint. Putting his own cup down, not realizing he had been holding it the entire time without taking a sip—ever since that first attempt nearly had him choking on his own spit, he refrained from trying again—and matched Catherine’s eyes. He would have to pull from his youthful years as a vampire if he were to survive this. Though, hopefully without the sheer disregard for his own safety. Essentially, he needed that dark confidence without any of the cockiness. He steeled himself, his face stoic and as empty as the apartment he lived in. If he were to do this, he would need to separate himself from who he was now entirely. If this was what Catherine was looking for, then so be it. He was nothing if not a social chameleon. And besides, he was learning a lot from her. For one, Josie couldn’t be trusted, and subsequently neither could Hugo. He wasn’t sure how fair that was—It wasn’t as if Josie betrayed him, she was just loyal and why involve Hugo at all?—but it wouldn’t hurt.
Normally, Charlie would flower at her praise. He was prideful, though he did his best to work against it, and words of affirmation meant a great deal to him (more than he would care to admit). But seeing as how he had recently clued in to her little game, he brushed any shine he might have showed aside, filing her words away as shallow and devoid of real meaning. “I’m nothing if not an excellent learner, Catherine,” he said, choosing to speak in layers like she was. “I may have my faults, but I most certainly respect you,” he said honestly, though he doubted it would matter much to her.
When Catherine made moves to sit beside him, it took all his effort not to jump out of his skin. She smelled nice, at least, almost soft. In fact, he was awfully impressed with how soft she sounded while likewise managing to look so hard. “It’s painfully evident how much you care, West Hollow and it’s children could certainly use a leader like you,”
Catherine was quick to note how his expression and tone changed from the more curious and eagerness it had held before, wondering how her words had affected him internally. Catherine had, from time to time, procured mind reading potions from the witches for such events, but found their cost excessive. With her newfound feud of the witch’s Supreme as well, such potions couldn’t be trusted to be delivered to her with purity either, and so she found herself at an disadvantage when it came to pinpointing if what Charlie said was 100% genuine. However, being genuine and being loyal were two very different qualities, and Catherine could be satisfied if he had the more important one.
Realizing a few seconds in that he was beginning to mimic her in order to try and communicate back, it made her smirk, impressed with the accuracy and challenge he had decided on. Her words were truthful, at least as truthful as they’d get with someone like Charles, and so she found it downright amusing he was choosing the path he was. Nonetheless, she found it at least a little thrilling, and would continue on. Nodding once at his agreement he respected her, “I don’t doubt you do. You did, after all, come and agree to meet with me in my home and follow through with the training I set up. You’ve been nothing but gracious.” she said, meaning it honestly. Like any Catherine compliment though, it had to be double edged, “Which is why it troubles me to hear any of my vampires misunderstand what goes on in this town.” 
 As he once more caught on, Catherine gave a wide, Cheshire like smile. “It’s children, yes,” she started, her head tilting for a moment to look over Charlie before she opened her mouth once more, “That is also how I see them, including yourself. Children need to be educated and guided, and while you may think the angel can do that as Mayor, they will only set out to destroy whatever they think they can’t cure out of you. This life we share, the life of blood and eternal youth, it is a great gift and a curse all at once. Only I truly understand what that entails and how to protect all of us, along with make sure those who don’t share our disposition are comfortable enough as well — but it seems like you understand well enough by now that when you get to the voting booth, you’ll make the right decision, yes?”
Charlie had met many like her in his travels—that is to say leaders—and yet had found he had not managed to meet someone quite like her all in the same hand. Catherine was unique in her similarities, that much could be said for certain. He had somehow managed to go thus far without angering the head of vampires in town, and he internally chastised himself for getting into this position in the first place. He had arrogantly assumed he’d earned her favour—or, in the very least and perhaps more likely: her disinterest—when he first came to her. He should have known better than to mention anything like he did to Josie, but he’d thought his comment was innocent enough.
As if reading his mind, Catherine seemed to sate his beliefs. He had, then, been successful in his attempt to make her aware of his unthreatening presence. “To be fair, I am still unbelievably new. I’m bound to have one—single—misstep. I can assure you, you’ve made things abundantly clear for me.” He replied, in the hopes that it would make his newfound stance clear. Catherine would become his Lord and Saviour if she needed to. If that’s what it took to stay in town, to stay close to Arabella and, above all, stay alive...then so be it.Her grin chilled him. So much had it reminded him of his own that he had half a mind to wonder if Catherine knew more about him than she let on. It wouldn’t surprise him, though Augustus was the only one aware of the truth of his past and Charlie hadn’t pegged him as anyone’s pet. Then again, he had made the mistake of making the same assumption with Josie, and look where that had got him? In the very least, her words made some sense to him. If her attempts were to manipulate him, she had succeeded. In a perfect world, he would be human, and he would vote for Adriel. But the life he led now was cursed, and his only feasible choice was Catherine. “You can trust that I will.”
Catherine listened on, and for a moment, it dawned on her that Charlie considered himself in trouble — and moreover, by her prized protege. Only a single eyebrow piqued in his direction as he talked about being new in town, more the cogs in her head turning in how to spin his words. That was what any good business woman did after all, was spin a situation in favor of their product. The product in this case was Charlie’s vote for her, a valuable resource all it’s own. Even though she was painfully and clearly manipulating him, she still wanted him to be comfortable. “Oh, you needn’t worry that I am looking down on you for what you said. In fact, I appreciate highly that we were able to have this sort of chat together. It’s hard to make truthful statements when you lack the knowledge of who Adriel or I really am.” Smiling once more, she shrugged casually, “Mistakes are learning opportunities.”
At his assurance he would do as asked, she nodded once, “Excellent, Charles. You have served us all well in your choice.” she stood then. “I think our time here is over, unless you have more you want to discuss with me. Otherwise, Maxwell will show you out.” Gesturing to the ghostly butler in the corner who was opening the door, she let him start walking before speaking again. “Oh, and Charles? Josephine was simply doing what was best for all of us. I’d hate to hear any bad reports about your sessions because of this, since I know you both enjoy them so much.” Catherine let the threat hang in the air, making sure he was left with the impression of her power and prowess as she stared back to him, steady and confident.
Her words only somewhat calmed him. It was appreciated that she took the effort to make him feel comfortable, but he knew enough by now to know that nothing about Catherine was particularly genuine. He wouldn’t allow her words to ease him, nor would he ever make such a mistake again. Mistakes are learning opportunities, indeed. Charlie had certainly learned his lesson. As far as he was concerned, now, the walls had ears, eyes, mouths…the whole lot. Besides, he wasn’t so naive to think that Catherine perceived him to be any sort of threat as it was. He was just a little ant who had strayed from the assembly line. “Well, exactly. I was clearly misinformed,” he said, managing to pull out his signature Charlie smile. It wouldn’t be a conversation with Catherine if she hadn’t let one final threat slide in, Charlie realized. It was almost…insulting. As if Charlie would be so stupid as to start issues with Josie and Catherine, the latter of which he had already done accidentally. He had clearly regretted it, hadn’t he? “Believe me, Catherine, you won’t hear anything like that at all,” he said sincerely. 
While he had deduced that Josie was no longer to be considered trustworthy, that wouldn’t mean that he’d go along and confront her. He did have some regard for his own life, after all. “Thank you, Catherine. I’m sure we’ll see each other again,” he said, though he hoped they wouldn’t. With that, he followed behind Maxwell and let himself be taken out of the house. Stepping out, he took in a long, shaky exhale: the breathing of a man who had been turned away from the gallows.
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shibemuses-a · 4 years
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Send a 👫and I’ll write four headcanons I have about our muse’s relationship [accepting]
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1. Banter. So much banter. Robin has experience being a little shit with her brother, but also hearing her mother ‘s stories of how she was as a child. She’s essentially emulating a very impish wolf. She’ll banter all day long with Revali, but she doesn’t mean any harm.
2. I think we’ve established that they like baking and cooking together, even if it turns into a competition. Somehow all their work turns out wonderful when they work together. 
3. Robin would try to follow Revali around like a puppy until he agrees to teach her more archery. In return, she would probably bug him about trying to hunt with her. Imagine being a deer or boar and seeing a big ass bird and wolf hunting you.
4. I think Robin would really come to love Rito Village and the folk who live there. If she was visiting Revali, she’d try to get information about him through his fellow Rito. Not bad info, just, little things she would be afraid to ask because they mostly playfight with one another over actual conversation. I bet Revali would not be happy to get talked about without him knowing, so the both of them would have to warm up to one another properly.
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