#tagging appropriately as
slavicafire · 1 year
im not sure if this is like, relevant to what youre searching for, but i always thought it was interesting when eternally young vampires have a weakness for like, aging. finding beauty in the things people normally find scary and depressing and stuff since they know they will never have it.... maybe i wouldnt go as far as for like, necrophilia or something, but i can imagine it wouldnt be uncommon for vampires to be cruising all over the retirement homes
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littlemizzlinguistics · 10 months
Studying linguistics is actually so wonderful because when you explain youth slang to older professors, instead of complaining about how "your generation can't speak right/ you're butchering the language" they light up and go “really? That’s so wonderful! What an innovative construction! Isn't language wonderful?"
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transarsonist · 1 year
but no yeah lets have the conversation:
"the CEO doesnt want to run that kind of website" Excuse, shouldnt have bought the 'go nuts show nuts whatever' website if thats the case. APPEAL DENIED
"we have to follow the TOS of the appstores we're hosted on" Excuse item one, no you dont, item two, you have since those days implimented infrastructure that would allow pornography and sex work on this platform Without violating TOS of any applicable app store. APPEAL DENIED
"we own the site we get to make the rules" Incorrect, this site has only ever made profit when the users willed it. we collectively own the site as a hive mind and no legal change in ownership will change that. APPEAL DENIED
"we have to keep this website safe for the children who use it" Argument based on fallacy banning pornography and sex workers does not prevent pornography and sex work from occuring on the site, it only forces aforementioned users to hide and avoid labling their content appropriately, which REDUCES the safety for children and sex workers alike instead of increasing it, this has been shown to the point that making this argument at all is tantamount to admiting fascist intent APPEAL DENIED
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catasphy · 1 month
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defendglobe · 6 months
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neosatsuma · 7 months
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shepscapades · 4 months
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kafus · 2 years
beginner’s guide to the indie web
“i miss the old internet” “we’ll never have websites like the ones from the 90s and early 2000s ever again” “i’m tired of social media but there’s nowhere to go”
personal websites and indie web development still very much exist! it may be out of the way to access and may not be the default internet experience anymore, but if you want to look and read through someone’s personally crafted site, or even make your own, you can still do it! here’s how:
use NEOCITIES! neocities has a built in search and browse tools to let you discover websites, and most importantly, lets you build your own website from scratch for free! (there are other ways to host websites for free, but neocities is a really good hub for beginners!)
need help getting started with coding your website? sadgrl online has a section on her website dedicated to providing resources for newbie webmasters!
HTML (HyperText Markup Language) and CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) are the core of what all websites are built on. many websites also use JS (JavaScript) to add interactive elements to their pages. w3schools is a useful directory of quick reference for pretty much every HTML/CSS/JS topic you can think of.
there is also this well written and lengthy guide on dragonfly cave that will put you step by step through the basics of HTML/CSS (what webpages are made from), if that’s your sort of thing!
stack overflow is every programmer’s hub for asking questions and getting help, so if you’re struggling with getting something to look how you want or can’t fix a bug, you may be able to get your answer here! you can even ask if no one’s asked the same question before.
websites like codepen and jsfiddle let you test HTML/CSS/JS in your browser as you tinker with small edits and bugfixing.
want to find indie websites outside the scope of neocities? use the search engine marginalia to find results you actually want that google won’t show you!
you can also use directory sites like yesterweb’s link section to find websites in all sorts of places.
if you are going to browse the indie web or make your own website, i also have some more personal tips as a webmaster myself (i am not an expert and i am just a small hobbyist, so take me with a grain of salt!)
if you are making your own site:
get expressive! truly make whatever you want! customize your corner of the internet to your heart’s content! you have left the constrains of social media where every page looks the same. you have no character limit, image limit, or design limit. want to make an entire page or even a whole website dedicated to your one niche interest that no one seems to be into but you? go for it! want to keep a public journal where you can express your thoughts without worry? do it! want to keep an art gallery that looks exactly how you want? heck yeah! you are free now! you will enjoy the indie web so much more if you actually use it for the things you can’t do on websites like twitter, instead of just using it as a carrd bio alternative or a place to dump nostalgic geocities gifs.
don’t overwhelm yourself! if you’ve never worked with HTML/CSS or JS before, it may look really intimidating. start slow, use some guides, and don’t bite off more than you can chew. even if your site doesn’t look how you want quite yet, be proud of your work! you’re learning a skill that most people don’t have or care to have, and that’s pretty cool.
keep a personal copy of your website downloaded to your computer and don’t just edit it on neocities (or your host of choice) and call it a day. if for some reason your host were to ever go down, you would lose all your hard work! and besides, by editing locally and offline, you can use editors like vscode (very robust) or notepad++ (on the simpler side), which have more features and is more intuitive than editing a site in-browser.
you can use ctrl+shift+i on most browsers to inspect the HTML/CSS and other components of the website you’re currently viewing. it’ll even notify you of errors! this is useful for bugfixing your own site if you have a problem, as well as looking at the code of sites you like and learning from it. don’t use this to steal other people’s code! it would be like art theft to just copy/paste an entire website layout. learn, don’t steal.
don’t hotlink images from other sites, unless the resource you’re taking from says it’s okay! it’s common courtesy to download images and host them on your own site instead of linking to someone else’s site to display them. by hotlinking, every time someone views your site, you’re taking up someone else’s bandwidth.
if you want to make your website easily editable in the future (or even for it to have multiple themes), you will find it useful to not use inline CSS (putting CSS in your HTML document, which holds your website’s content) and instead put it in a separate CSS file. this way, you can also use the same theme for multiple pages on your site by simply linking the CSS file to it. if this sounds overwhelming or foreign to you, don’t sweat it, but if you are interested in the difference between inline CSS and using separate stylesheets, w3schools has a useful, quick guide on the subject.
visit other people’s sites sometimes! you may gain new ideas or find links to more cool websites or resources just by browsing.
if you are browsing sites:
if the page you’re viewing has a guestbook or cbox and you enjoyed looking at the site, leave a comment! there is nothing better as a webmaster than for someone to take the time to even just say “love your site” in their guestbook.
that being said, if there’s something on a website you don’t like, simply move on to something else and don’t leave hate comments. this should be self explanatory, but it is really not the norm to start discourse in indie web spaces, and you will likely not even be responded to. it’s not worth it when you could be spending your time on stuff you love somewhere else.
take your time! indie web doesn’t prioritize fast content consumption the way social media does. you’ll get a lot more out of indie websites if you really read what’s in front of you, or take a little while to notice the details in someone’s art gallery instead of just moving on to the next thing. the person who put labor into presenting this information to you would also love to know that someone is truly looking and listening.
explore! by clicking links on a website, it’s easy to go down rabbitholes of more and more websites that you can get lost in for hours.
seeking out fansites or pages for the stuff you love is great and fulfilling, but reading someone’s site about a topic you’ve never even heard of before can be fun, too. i encourage you to branch out and really look for all the indie web has to offer.
i hope this post helps you get started with using and browsing the indie web! feel free to shoot me an ask if you have any questions or want any advice. <3
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probablybadrpgideas · 11 months
The angel said to the Virgin Mother, "Rejoice, for soon you shall give birth to the left leg of the Savior."
"Left leg?"
"His divine essence is far too powerful to be contained in its entirety within only one womb, so different parts of him have to gestate in several different wombs. There are seven other virgin mothers spread out across the land, and you must journey far and wide through the world to find them and assemble the Savior once his component parts are born."
­This kind of feels like an RPG idea that was accidentally submitted from a parallel universe where Christiantiy is a small obscure religion and people are making weird appropriative RPG campaigns based on it.
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bonesblubs · 8 months
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Fang Xin Guoshi
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thelostmoongazer · 1 year
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yeah he's baby girl or whatever
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factual-fantasy · 8 months
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So recently I've seen some cool cookie run OC artwork floating around by people such as cosmicwhoreo, shipovnikk, rawdough and 8bitesofsweets. And even though I have never played the cookie run games and I know literally nothing about that universe... I reaaally wanted to make some cookie run pirate OCs <XDD
I really like the colorful art style of the game. And as I have discovered in the past, the round cookies are really fun to draw! So after a bit of research and doing my best to mimic the art style in most ways.. I came up with these 12 goobers! I hope they look like they fit into the cookie run universe- <XD
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ofmd s2 poster but they are both tiny knitted frogs :) inspired by @amuseoffyre 's wonderful puppet version <3
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worked on my short haired Alecto sketch some more on the plane
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daily-grian · 2 years
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This Is Fine
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soup-du-silence · 2 months
Impressions/favourite moments from Ch 9?
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god where do i start
there's a whole essay to be written about how their dreams were just mirrors of each other because they're too fucking obsessed with each other to imagine life without each other, that Jamil keeps dream-Kalim around in his perfect world when he could have just conjured a life without him, where's he's fucked off forever, or where they never met? Explain to me WHY dream-Jamil is a horrifyingly chipper, overly-friendly parody of himself but still brainwashes Kalim instead of just pouting and saying "noooo kalim dont wake up you're so sexy we're best fwiends haha" which I can't not read as implying this is something he's fine with? has been fine with?? (we got a hint about the conditions of the manifestation of Jamil's signature spell! we've long known Kalim's been sworn to secrecy about it and he takes that promise so seriously that Jade couldn't get it out of him but like!! I still want to know the details!!)
That they had the most ridiculous shonen jump little boy slapfight because they're both SO stunted and they've been together forever but they never got to be normal-ass kids about it and they finally got to air their grievances with each other because they're trapped in a dreamscape where there's no repercussions to finally just throwing hands and calling each other names? That when push comes to shove Jamil still instinctually puts himself in danger and pushes Kalim to safety?
there's an essay to be written but I'm simply too yaoi poisoned to be the one to do it, I'm sorry. My only note is that I think the fight should have devolved into sloppy makeouts.
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