#and was so upset when eddie begins didn't really clear it up for me
solitairechimney · 1 year
With the Eddie/Shannon info we got this episode, we now know for sure that they were the same age, which means both Eddie and Shannon were 19 when Chris was born. And since they got together in senior year when they would've been around 17/18, that means she got pregnant within the first two years of dating, if not less, and Eddie was at the most 19 when he enlisted. Filing all of this under facts that are devastating to me
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tink27 · 9 months
Steddie ficlet (might do a follow up to show Eddie's reaction)
"He likes a boy"
after years of friendship, and being joined at the proverbial hip, Robin liked to think she could read Steve pretty well, however, his love of being just vague enough to confuse her made this difficult.
"who likes a what now?" still trying to get a read on Steve's feelings, but as of right now he just seemed, disconnected. Since showing up unexpectedly at her house, he had maintained that far-away sort of look that showed that even Steve didn't know what he was feeling.
"Eddie... he... we were hanging out and he" finally he fully met Robin's gaze, and the heartbroken edge to his vacant stare became evident "he was implying, heavily, that he likes me"
"... likes likes you?"
Steve's expression briefly switched to mocking disbelief at her childish choice of words, but he didn't have the energy for any kind of clever retort
"Yes Robin! like likes me!" throwing up his hands before allowing them to smack down against their Jeans ("their" because they fit them both and had been making the rotation between both Steve and Robin's wardrobe for months, she wasn't entirely sure who they belonged to to begin with, not that it mattered)
"And you're... upset?" This was baffling because in the months since Eddie returned for the upside-down, the two had never been closer. Far too many shifts consisted of Steve waxing poetic about Eddie while Robin vaguely tried to relate and be supportive. Although why Steve seemed so utterly smitten as he talked about Eddie's hair or musical elitism would never really make sense to Robin. But still, she saw how they were together.
Steve had a bad track record for love, pouring every part of himself into another person in a way that was truly heartbreaking to watch. However, it became significantly less heartbreaking when it was accompanied by Eddie's eyes following Steve around every room, and always looking to him in conversations no matter who was there because it was Steve's opinion and thoughts that mattered to him most. They truly were obsessed with each other, and honestly, Robin had been waiting for the other shoe to drop.
So Steve's stricken expression made no sense, nor did his frustration that Robin - despite being his platonic soulmate - didn't magically understand the issue he was having.
"I dont know Robs, its just he likes... Steve Harrington" his voice was defeated as he said it, but it still explained nothing
"....you're Steve Harrington" The confusion in her voice was evident "Am I missing something here, this isn't a 'King Steve' thing is it, because Eddie has made it pretty clear that he thought you were a jerk back then"
the noise of frustration from Steve showed she clearly had missed the point and never had she wished so badly to read her best friend's mind as when the tears began to well up in his eyes. She wanted to hug him, but knew from experience that Steve needed to get the thoughts out first.
There was a minute of silence that Robin had to try desperately to not break, every instinct wanting to spit out an awkward and unhelpful comment to lighten the mood, but she knew she just had to wait.
"I'm not..." the words seemed to get lodged in his throat, even those two words came out scratchy and uncomfortable
He squeezed his eyes shut "I'm not a boy"
Steve opened their eyes, with a desperate expression "I'm not a boy"
It was a statement but also a plea. Begging for Robin to know exactly what to say. She didnt.
"you're not a boy." Robin made sure to sound confident, at least she could pretend to know what she was doing. It seemed okay because they gave an awkward nod, head moving slightly too much for it to seem natural
"you're.... a girl?"
the tears seemed to spill the second she said it, and a choked noise lodged itself in their (her?) throat, but after a moment of panicked pause their eyes screwed shut and they nodded but also shrugged. Clearly just as confused by their discomfort as Robin is.
"Okay, thats okay Ste-" shit, stupid "that's okay babe, you're still you, and hey I might be... severely romantically challenged but even I know Eddie is obsessed with you"
there's a brief watery smile before the corners of her lips are pulled down "He likes Steve, he wouldn't like me"
"Horse shit" Robin wasn't as confident as she was trying to sound, but she knew that her best friend was still her best friend and that anyone who didn't adore her was an idiot (as all best friends know)
she moved to sit next to her friend who had ended up on the floor with her knees pulled to her chest, and once again the silence was allowed to stretch out before them, only broken up by heartbroken sniffles and shakey breaths
"so..." Robin wished more than any other moment that she wasn't so awkward "Not Steve?"
"I-" the thought gets broken off " It doesn't feel right, doesn't feel like it's me"
"whats you?" two words encapsulating a question that was near impossible to answer, but it still felt right to ask, to show that Robin wanted to know the answer.
the expression on her face showed that her friend also thought the question unanswerable, and a frustrated shrug fell from her
Robin hated that defeated expression, so she tried "Michelle?"
Clearly, the scrunched-up expression implied it wasn't a fit
"Hannah?" no not that
"Sarah?" seemed less disgusted but still no
"Becky?" okay back to disgust, moving on
"OH! Punch me if this sucks, but... Stevie?" Robin felt the need to justify her choice, showing that she wasn't just trying to make her keep her old name "Like Stevie Nicks! I could see that, dye your hair blonde, get some bangs"
the comment about changing her hair was obviously met with a scowl, but after a soft smile found its way onto her face "Stevie feels better"
Robin had never felt so smart, she was a fucking genius "Stevie is it babe"
Stevie spent moments looking at her, seemingly deep in thought before softly speaking "Thank you Robin"
it seemed too formal for them, to say it so directly with her name like that, but she could tell that Stevie was really grateful so Robin held back the tears (one of them had to be the butch one in this relationship)
"no problem babe" it was spoken just as softly as the thanks, and for now it seemed enough
"Now, tell me what happened with Eddie"
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Stranger Things Headcanons!
A/N: There will be a mix of both SFW and NSFW, I will put tags for both so no one is confused ^v^ I had SO much fun writing this, I was giggling like a toddler the entire time!! I hope it's enjoyable!
Characters: Eddie Munson and Billy Hargrove.
Mentions: No specific gender
Eddie Munson:
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SFW He may be clingy at times, but not for the reason you think. It's more of him being a tad paranoid that you might leave him for someone else.
He is SUPER affectionate. Expect kisses, hugs, and hand holding all the time! He's made is clear you're his partner and no one else's by constantly, and I mean CONSTANTLY holding your hand. This boy LOVES holding your hand! Not to mention how much he loves it when you kiss the back of his hand, it makes him feel all bubbly inside. In public he isn't too big on PDA, but definitely doesn't mind it. He's ok with hand kisses, holding hands, and small hugs, but anything like cuddling is just too much in public around people in his opinion. He doesn't want the moment to be ruined by some jackass (or a friend), you know? In the beginning of the relationship with him, you two would spend hours over the phone just talking about whatever. On that note, he LOVES hearing you go on little tangents. You've caught him dozing off because of this!
"Eddie? Are you listening to me?" "Huh? Oh...well...I was listening to your gorgeous voice and couldn't help but doze off from sheer joy." "That's the most corny compliment Eddie!...I liked it."
He loves sleeping by you. Spooning is his favorite position to sleep by you in. Whether it's being held by you or him holding you, he loves it. Especially when he gets to hold your hand. Intertwine your fingers with him, and he'll melt like putty in your hands. (More on this later)
He's surprisingly super flustered and bashful when in bed with you. He isn't very experienced with sex, and emphasizes that.
"Y/N I'm...I'm probably gonna suck absolute ass at this. So, I'm sorry in advance." "This is the fourth time you've said this, I don't mind!"
He isn't kinky at first, until he actually got to experiment certain things he thought was interesting. This lead to some interesting moments in bed. He is particularly fond of bondage and blindfolding most. He likes the thought of you being tied up and trusting him so much, and vise versa. He's more of a switch, but loves a good night when he's being dominated. Not to mention he loves being teased and teasing you.
"P-Please Y/N at least let me finish this plot I'm writing...I gotta get this new campaign story finished by tomorrow!"
He loves morning sex, especially when it's early and you both just woke up. He also likes midnight sex, again, when you both are all groggy and had just woken up. Please hold his hand- he fucking LIVES for it. He cracks jokes in the middle of it all and after it all. It's how he does aftercare. He gets you everything you need, and then helps and cleans you, before telling you jokes to make you giggle.
Billy Hargrove:
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At first, it was a one-sided relationship. He didn't pay much attention to what you needed, or he did and didn't care as much. It hurt for a bit, but you kept your patience with him. And to say that least, that's the best decision you've made this entire relationship. Because the more involved you got with the relationship, the more he eased up around you. He started to get really sweet towards you and was more attentive to your needs. Anytime you were upset or something was wrong and you tried to hide it, Billy was first to notice. every single time.
"Something's wrong. What happened and who did it?" "Billy I'm fine." "Bullshit 'cuz if you were fine you wouldn't be on the verge of tears."
You picked up on this, and didn't tease him for it because you know the moment that you would, he would stop, and you didn't want that. Eventually he'd start to pick up flowers for you. Of course, not before he asked what your top five favorite flowers were. He gets jealous easily, mainly because he doesn't want you to just up and leave. That being said, he hates it when people flirt with you, and when he's being flirted with, he makes sure they know he's taken. He loves having late night talks with you when you both wake up super late together. However he doesn't like it when your visiting while Neil is home. Speaking of Neil, he gets very pissed when Neil talks bad about you, and will stand up for you. Which sometimes results in a bad argument...Or worse...
Oh boy...He's one experienced guy. It wasn't a surprise to you, given his reputation. By far his favorite position is doggystyle. Mainly because of the view he gets, and he just loves your ass overall. Despite being a dom 90% of the time, he doesn't mind having someone dominating him in bed. He adores it when you give him hickeys on his chest, neck, ect. He'll show it off to anyone who asks about it.
"Hm? Oh- This? Yeah, my (bf/gf) gave me it. What 'bout it?"
Heaven forbid he catches a guy flirting with you. You might as well pray for him to not take out his jealousy in bed. Remember how I said he'd be willing to get dominated? Yeah, well, he also loves giving/receiving oral, so just say the word and he'll drop to his knees to give you some damn good head. There are nights where he's super sweet and gentle during it all. Either to heal an insecurity of yours or to show his appreciation for you. Usually, this happens late at night or early in the morning. He does like tired and gentle sex, despite his usually rough and fast sex. At first, he was horrible at aftercare, but the longer you two dated, the better he got at it!
A/N: I really enjoyed this- I know it isn't much yet but i will make more!! I promise! Toodles!
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lover-of-mine · 3 months
7x04, 7x04. The episode that you are. If Tim really wanted us to know it was all about Tommy then he did a poor job. This is the one episode that i see the most discussion regarding. BUT NOW, the more and more I think that’s on purpose. I think it was MEANT to. Because if the episode is truly about Tommy, why involve Eddie? Why have Tommy and Eddie be besties? It shouldn’t matter who Tommy is hanging out with right? Could have been Tommy visiting the 118 again? And hanging out with the crew to parallel 2x01. If all was for “his attention” and “it’s been exhausting trying to get it”, we sure didn’t get to see it play out on screen. What stopped buck from reaching out to Tommy after the air hanger. NOTHING? He never called or texted… also, idk if anyone realized buck Tommy knew he was goi he to hang out with Eddie, and YET CONTINUED to invite buck… why show us the last maybe minute before they begin to talk about Eddie and where Eddie is NOW in the frame. Why didn’t Tommy invite buck again to hang out? It’s a two way street. Another thing, why INVOLVE Christophe?. Buck grilling Christopher on his thoughts about Tommy? When did he care about Christophers thoughts before about his dads girlfriends or friends? Accusing Tommy of lying to get bonus points with Chris. You think he truly cared which movie is better? Why does he try to make him a bad guy to Maddie? If he truly wanted Tommys attention or liked him, why did buck say to Maddie “Chris thinks hes “so cool” and USED AIR QUOTES. Gets upset at Eddie having it on a calendar CIRCLED. Even Tommy at the end of the episode says to buck”you KNOW Eddie can have MORE THAN ONE FRIEND” and “that kid won’t shut up about you”. THE WAY BUCK FACES LITS UP. The basketball/gym scene. You mean to tell me, buck, a GROWN man, couldn’t simply go up to his bestfriend “hey, i wanna go and play ball with you guys”. I feel bad that I say no all the time”, you always invite me”. Simple as that. But no, he HAD to wait until the gym scene? And get his attention by having Eddie spot him? Order a WHOLE basketball to the station. That’s the attention buck was trying to get from Tommy?
Okay, hi, thank you for the excuse to talk about Buck, Bothered and Bewildered lol Tim did a great job at showing us that Tommy was there a device to make Buck's bisexuality the 100th episode event. They couldn't do it with Eddie, so they added a guy. Love love LOVE the way they said "looked this is guy is similar to Eddie" as the way to speedrun Buck into a crush on him. But I think the thing people fail to look at when taking Buck's words at face value (when hello unreliable narrator Buck) is the other side of the episode, the not recognizing people part of it, the not seeing people clearly part. They took the fact that they would have to recast Harry and ran. To finish the episode by saying it's about Tommy when we were watching Eddie practically glow when we are supposed to be seeing him through Buck's eyes it's the most clear way to show Buck is getting things mixed up. The gym scene gets me in so many ways because it's the one Tommy isn't really in the middle, Buck doesn't like basketball but he ordered a ball to be delivered at the station to get Eddie's attention WHEN HE ALREADY HAS A BALL AT THE LOFT. Jee plays with it in 609 and we see it behind Chris in 301. He had no way of knowing who Eddie was on the phone with. And he was acting like that. Someone please tell me how that scene equates to wanting Tommy's attention? And it's not like Buck can't just roll up to the basketball game himself, Eddie was super happy to see him there, Chim didn't hesitate to go with him. He's a grown man, he could've just fucking asked. And the wording of the way Tommy disarms Buck at the loft is insane. Why are they flirting while talking about how great Eddie is? And the fact that Tommy knows that the path to soothing Buck is assure him of his place in Eddie's life is such a CHOICE. Because Buck and Tommy didn't hangout alone enough for him to know so that's information he got second hand from Eddie. Eddie told him what the problem was and he used it. And Buck could've gotten in contact with Tommy himself. Why did he need Eddie as an intermediary? Maybe because Evan Buckley is a mess who can't identify his own feelings? And has proved that over and over again? Maybe because Buck would not handle realizing he's attracted to men while also realizing he's in love with Eddie because babyboy has never dealt with a big emotion in a healthy way ever? Maybe because even Lou said Tommy is there so Buck can work out the kinks surrounding relationships with men and Buck needed a safe place to explore that before the life-changing realization that Eddie is right there? The whole thing is about Eddie. It's infuriating almost. Buck got left in a curb and he was more worried about Eddie. Like, by god, get it together, dude. And seriously, why didn't they explore Tommy's relationship with other 118 members? Maybe because that would give him a fighting chance and the show doesn't want that? Nothing about Tommy was about Tommy because even his scenes in 709/10 were there to remind the audience of how bad Gerrard is. They even added to his personality so he would be similar to Eddie (crazy choice when they followed that with Eddie meeting a Shannon doppelganger and the whole way the show keeps their storyline parallels and the way Tommy is making Buck realizes he's bi and Kim will hopefully make Eddie let go of Shannon's ghost for real and that's what they need to finally see each other but that's another story) and they made every scene the dude is in an a parallel to one of Buck's previous love interests. But sure, let's trust Mr all my emotions are in an open cabinet but they are all mislabeled when he says he wanted Tommy's attention. Crazy.
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buddiebeginz · 3 months
Can we talk about 7x04 for a minute? Still to this day; out of all the episodes from the season, it is the most discussed? Why? If the show wanted us to believe Tommy was the person who buck wanted their attention, WHY is there a debate? The more i think and the more i look at the bigger picture, i can see. The episode is purpoursly trying to make it a debate between both Eddie and Tommy. That way, ABC is able to test out the waters. Another thing is, Christopher. Christopher isn’t even in the episode but yet is mentioned and a small but important plot. If this was truly about Tommy, AND NOT EDDIE, why involve Eddie? Why didn’t they parallel Tommy to 2x01. Where after the boat cruise, he comes back to the 118 and is jealous of everyone. Buck thinks he will come back for his spot. Eddie didn’t need to be involved. They could have easily done chimney. What stopped buck from reaching out to Tommy after the air hanger. NOTHING? He never called or texted… NEITHER DID TOMMY REACH OUT BACK…. also, idk if anyone realized buck Tommy knew he was going te to hang out with Eddie THE SAME DAY, and YET CONTINUED to invite buck… AND LEFT HIM ALONE AND STRANDED. maybe that was a potential foreshadowing? why show us the last maybe minute before they begin to talk about Eddie and where Eddie is NOW in the frame. Why didn’t they show the beginning where buck comes and meets Tommy? Buck getting upset at Eddie for having on his calendar the basketball game and it being circled. Buck grilling Christopher on his thoughts about Tommy? When did he care about Christophers thoughts before about his dads girlfriends or friends? Accusing Tommy of lying to get bonus points with Chris. You think he truly cared which movie is better? Buck putting up AIR QUOTES “chris thinks he’s so cool”. Really? That’s the way the show is trying to tell us, he likes Tommy? If so, they did a piss poor job. Why does he try to make him a bad guy to Maddie? He really didn’t have the time to talk to Eddie to go to the basketball game? Really? You mean to tell he HAD to wait until the gym scene? Or hell… even ask Tommy or chimney to go. Or, just go up to Eddie, and “hey, is there a spot for the basketball game this week?”. Literally simple as that. They made buck deliver AT THE station a basketball. Even before that, buck wanted Eddie to spot him so by grunting and moaning to get his attention? So he could talk about it Tommy💀💀💀. That’s what you are trying to tell me💀💀 PLEASE. Tommy says to buck “my attention” after buck told him “trying to get your attention has been exhausting” and I’m like just where is this on my screen. Is it a deleted scene? Before the kiss, Eddie and Christopher are mentioned literally the most throughout. The way Tommy says to buck “you know Eddie can have more than 1 friend” and “that kid cannot shut up about you” and the way buck smiles. I truly and honestly believe buck did have an attraction to Tommy, but was scared he was losing Eddie and Chris. Otherwise why act like a child? Why hurt Eddie ON PURPOSE to simply get Tommy’s “attention”. Otherwise why act like a child? Why hurt Eddie ON PURPOSE to simply get Tommy’s “attention”. Or better yet, when speaking with Maddie after he hurt Eddie,
Maddie says “you don’t mean to hurt HIM, did you”,
Buck: I was pissed, you know? Seeing him and Tommy being such good friend after only two weeks. I FELT LEFT OUT and I guess I was trying to get his attention.
Maddie: Well, that's not how you get someone's attention.You clear your throat. You tap them on the shoulder. You don't hurt them.
Buck: I know, Maddie. Trust me, I feel awful.
This entire conversation is about Eddie. They don’t need to say his name. The context is regarding someone who Buck had HURT.
Some really great thoughts here
The reason there is still debate about 7x04 is for a couple of reasons.
I fully believe we were supposed to get more of a confirmation about Buck and Eddie's feelings for each other in s7. Even if they didn't go canon by the end of the season I think there was supposed to be more emphasis on showing them growing closer (even closer than we already got). One or both of them would have likely also had their oh moment too. But when they got the greenlight for s8 they decided to hold off on all of that (I wrote a post about that here).
The thing is 7x04 would have made much more sense if it was confirmed by the end of the season that Buck had feelings for Eddie. 7x04 is the kind of episode that needed to have a connecting episode later in the season (especially for the general audience) that was like no you're not losing your mind this is what was really happening. But because Tim and ABC decided they wanted to hold off on Buddie it left that ep just kind hanging and left questions unanswered. We didn't even get to see Buck and Eddie discuss what happened which we should have. We should have been able to see Buck apologize to Eddie and we also should have seen Buck talk about feeling scared Eddie was going to replace him in his life. The audience and Buck also needed to hear Eddie say that no one could ever replace him in Eddie's life.
The other reason this episode gets debated is because B*mmy shippers have twisted it into something it's not. They've come up with their own version as a way to confirm their ship more. And look I get that media can be very subjective. We all bring our own emotions and opinions and life experiences to what we watch and that will alter how we see something. Still B*mmy stans continually ignore what is factually shown on screen yet argue with everyone else that their headcanoned version of B/T is the right one. I'm not saying Buddie shippers aren't guilty of this too sometimes but more often than not we're pulling from actual quotes Buddie have said and scenes that have actually happened.
What we saw in 7x04 is yes Buck took an interest in T*mmy and yes he was attracted to T*mmy but those strong emotions we saw from Buck throughout the majority of the ep they weren't about Eddie taking T*mmy away from Buck they were about T*mmy taking Buck's place and taking Eddie away from Buck. The kind of emotions we saw from Buck in 7x04 made literally no sense if you see them through the lens of Buck being all about T*mmy and only viewing Eddie platonically. No sane person gets that upset over a guy they barely know. Who at that time Buck hadn't even spent any time with minus the helicopter rescue.
B*mmys continue to spin a false narrative about this episode and confuse people who didn't totally understand the ep to begin with. So then you have people saying oh Buck must have been confused and actually into T*mmy or maybe into Both. But his attraction to T*mmy isn't comparable to Eddie because one person he knows better than he probably knows himself and the other he didn't really know at all at that point. It's also not a coincidence that in that ep the show repeatedly drove home how similar T*mmy and Eddie are. Buck was only ever even interested in T*mmy because of his similarities to Eddie who it's never occurred to him he could even have.
Oh I wanted to point out one thing you said:
"Why show us the last maybe minute before they begin to talk about Eddie and where Eddie is NOW in the frame. Why didn’t they show the beginning where buck comes and meets Tommy?"
This a really good point. If the episode was supposed to be about T*mmy and Buck's feelings for T*mmy it easily could have started out that way showing the two of them together for longer so the audience got a feel for them and their chemistry more but we saw them for all of like a minute before Eddie showed up.
B*mmy's will try to say it's because the episode was a misdirect like the episode is trying to make you think it's about Eddie and Buck's feelings for Eddie when it's really about T*mmy but that makes no sense either. Everyone behind the scenes knows how much people ship Buddie and I don't believe for one second they'd do an episode like 7x04 if Buddie isn't in the plans. Like you said they didn't have to include Eddie at all there were so many other ways they could have done a storyline with Buck and T*mmy if the end goal was just to get Buck and T*mmy together. Most especially they didn't have to make T*mmy have every exact same hobby as Eddie.
They definitely didn't have to make Buck talk about Eddie a whole bunch of times literally right before T*mmy kissed him. Also having T*mmy say "my attention" and Buck's response being "yeah I guess so". If this was really about Buck's feelings for T*mmy wouldn't the writers want to drive home that Buck had been confused but he had this moment of clarity and realized oh I like T*mmy. Instead of having Buck respond with, "I guess so" and sound so unsure. He could have said something like, "Yeah, your attention. I like you T*mmy. Was that not obvious?" Then you could easily take the conversation from there. But the important thing is it would make Buck's feelings clearer to the audience if the intention was to highlight Buck's feelings for T*mmy. But it never was.
The misdirect of that ep is having Buck end up kissing T*mmy at the end when the audience spends the whole ep knowing Buck's feelings are about Eddie. Which is why I said we needed an ep by the end of s7 that made Buck's feelings indisputable. If you watch eps 4,5,6 you can see that's where they were going with Buddie. And even though they paused things till s8 you can still see how loud Tim was about Buddie's feelings throughout s7. In ep 7 with the cologne scene in the loft, the medal scene with Eddie watching Buck get his award and the kitchen scene in ep 9, all the chris stuff and the hospital in ep 10.
I think we will still see some of the stuff they were planning on doing with Buddie including circling back around to things that need to be addressed from 7x04 in s8. If T*mmy comes back we may even get a scene where he tells Buck he knew it wasn't his attention Buck was after. The show would just be really stupid to not follow through with any of the stuff they've set up.
I could seriously talk about this ep forever (you kind of opened Pandora's Box messaging me about 😝). I hate seeing people try to make that ep all about T*mmy and Buck's feelings for him when it was so clearly about 1. Buck realizing he's attracted to men and can act on that attraction 2. Buck's feelings for Eddie.
Btw here's my giant post on the ep I wrote when it came out if you're interested in any more of my rambles. Also sorry this took me forever to respond to I'm horrible at getting back to messages in a timely fashion.
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morganwrites12672 · 2 years
Hi could you maybe write a fictional character comforting the reader after a break up or breaking off a situationship. Maybe it turns romantic. Eddie Munson or Steve Harrington... Just a really nice guy :( need that rn
(bc i just broke off a 8-month-situationship and it feels like a fucking break up and i feel horrible 🤡 idk if he manipulated me or smth, he was so amazing in the beginning, and i feel like he doesnt even care :( man, so sorry for venting )
Thank you for trusting me with this!
Steve Harrington x Reader
'Idiots in Love'
You were done with love. He had been the man of your dreams. But, after a few months he didn't seem to care as much. The strongest flames always burn out. Just because the past is in the past doesn't mean it doesn't hurt. It does, like fucking hell.
You hadn't left your room in two days. Ever since you had to tell him, tell him that couldn't do this anymore. He didn't seem to care when you ended things. He didnf get upset, he just left you crying in the rain.
It was fairly ideal that after having to shatter your heart into more pieces then countable, you would get fucking soaked from a freak rain storm. Just your fucking luck.
"Yn?" A voice asks. What would Steve be doing here? He was your best friend, but you never told him about having your heart broken.
"Steve?" You choke out in between your sobs. He doesn't hesitate to open your door and climb onto your bed. Upon seeing your tear stained face and broke demeanor, he instantly wraps his arms around you.
You cry into his shoulder as he comforts you. He gently strokes your hair and kisses your head as you just sob, and sob. Once all of your tears had dried up, you both lay down together. Steve never takes his arms away from your waist. Not even for a second.
"What happened sweetheart?" Steve asks before pushing a strand of hair our of your face. You clear your throat and take a deep breath. Steve moves one of his hands to gently run circles on your thigh.
"I had to leave him, he didn't love me anymore. I doubt he ever did," you resume crying and steves heart breaks in two. He loved you, and this asshole had thrown away something he would of sold his left arm for.
"Hey, he doesn't matter. There are so many other people who love you more then he ever could. I love you more then he ever could," Steve says and kisses your cheek. You smile and hug him even tighter.
"I was an idiot, because I love you to," you say. Every time you were upset, you hadn't wanted your boyfriend to hug you. No, you had wanted steve. He was your best friend. You told yourself those feelings were platonic.
They werent. You both loved each other. You always had. The only issue was that you were both idiots in love.
Requests are open! Check my pinned post for all of the characters and fandoms I write for!
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heard-nsfw-is-back · 1 year
Here's what I've got as the "beginning" for jumanji!steddie. I just watched it recently so it's like in my mind and I'm ok I'll shut up just look I'm very excited and I'll talk about it forever just here ok bye.
Eddie Munson was on his bike, heading home from school. He'd just seen Steve home, they had been talking about class and what they were going to do for the summer. He was so preoccupied about how he was going to see Steve and what plans to make that he didn't see Billy Hargrove and 4 of his little minions following him. It wasn't until he was halfway to his father's factory that he heard Billy yelling. "I'm gonna get you Freak!" Eddie jumped a little and started pedaling as fast as he could. He just needed to get to the factory. There were too many workers there and Billy wouldn't risk getting caught by them. He hoped anyway.
He hoped correctly. He just made it inside, panting and shaking from fear and pain. "Wait till you get out! You can't hide forever!" Eddie scoffed as the door shut behind him. "Watch me." He muttered and trudged up the stairs. Maybe he could convince his father to drive him home. It was busy and loud and Eddie's head was starting to hurt, but it was safe. He made his way over to Jim Hopper who was probably the coolest adult he knew.
"Hey Jim." Hopper looked up from fine eyelets he was fixing. "Oh hey Eddie. What are you doing out here." Eddie shrugged. "Nothing just thought I'd come by." Jim made a face. "Right sure." Heavy sarcasm with just a splash of an eye roll. Honestly Eddie would be offended if it wasn't so funny. "Oh hey wait listen! I'm working on something. It's going to be amazing." Jim sat up from his chair and walked over to a box. He pulled out some sneakers and held it proudly to Eddie.
"Sneakers. Wow the ingenuity really gets to me on an emotional level." "Can it." Jim bit and hit the sneakers on the table. They lit up and Eddie whistled, actually impressed. "Ok that's pretty cool." The voice of Eddie's father cut through. "What's Billy Hargrove and his buddies doing down there. Is that my son's bike? Is he here?!" Eddie stifled a groan. Damn. There goes his chance of getting a ride home. "Here Pop." His father walked over. "I know you're not hiding up here. I didn't raise a coward." Bull, Eddie thought. It's not cowardly to avoid a fight with 5 other guys!
His father must have seen his thoughts on his face. "You've got to stand up for yourself! Grow up! We've all had to." Eddie nodded, holding back furious words and tears. "Now get home. It's not safe in here for you." He dismissed Eddie, who walked out to Billy and his friends hiding behind a tree. The beat him up, splitting his lip and making his arms hurt. "You stay away from Steve! You hear me? That's my boyfriend!" Eddie pulled himself up. "We're just friends." He insisted. Billy got on his bike. "Not anymore you're not." He laughed and they were off.
Eddie kicked some grass that had the bad misfortune of growing there and threw some rocks. If he wasn't so close to the factory he'd be making some pretty inventive curses right now. He decided to wait a little longer for Billy to really get far, and take the long way home, just to play it safe. Not for the first time he cursed being so much smaller than everyone. It wasn't fair. His father and mother were so tall and even Steve was almost a foot taller. Thinking about Steve was upsetting. He never made Eddie feel like a freak. Or point out how his father threw their name around. Steve's family was also pretty affluent. But he never acted like it much.
Eddie's eye was starting to sting. It would probably bruise at this point. He was walking past a construction site when he heard strange drumming. Rhythmic, but it sounded muffled. He looked around for a radio and followed it. It got louder and louder until he climbed up to a wall of dirt in the foundation. He dug his fingers in and shoveled until he felt a box. Eddie brushed it clear and a small handle came loose. He tugged at it until a crate fell out. It was locked and had chains around it. "Cool!" He whispered and looked around and found a shovel. With a few hits to a lock the chains fell apart and Eddie opened it to a bunch of sand and a board that had pictures and a single word in beautiful font. JUMANJI.
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littlespoonevan · 2 years
ciara I trust your perspection so much so what are your thoughts on this eddie-less /less-eddie episode?I feel like they have ended the previous episode on such strong feelings that i think people are understandably upset about Eddie's absence in the dream. Thoughts?
ahhhh okay so. from a 'blorbos from my show' perspective, you better believe at least 25% of my brain capacity every time eddie wasn't on screen was thinking where is he asdkjfh like, i definitely checked how much time was left in the ep More Than Once because he hadn't been in it much lmao
but, if i take off my blorbo hat and put on my 'person with an english degree who knows how to engage in critical thinking' hat, i can try and offer you a logical explanation asjdh
so when i was first watching the ep i thought the dream world was sort of paralleling the real world?? as in the person buck interacted with in his dream was whoever was in the room with him irl at the time (like the way it cuts between chimney in his dream vs chimney sitting with him at the hospital)
that idea was sort of proven false bc chris didn't show up when he was talking to him however i do think there's still some merit in it. just because, it seems very clear from that chris/eddie scene that eddie hasn't been in the room much???? and so then that's maybe why buck doesn't really see him in his dream???? bc when eddie brings chris into the room he's Visibly upset. like, he walks chris over to the bed and then walks away as if he can't even watch. hen is mainly the one answering chris' question and eddie is standing at a distance, crying, as chris talks to buck.
so i think that's enough to sort of suggest eddie's maybe not ready to confront the reality of buck potentially dying and therefore didn't feel emotionally strong enough to be there like the others were????
now, i understand it was a very full episode. there's a lot to fit in, all of the characters have a strong connection to buck in one way or the other and they obviously spent a lot of time on the buckley parents that, under other circumstances, would've gone to members of the 118. so i'm not criticizing because i genuinely loved the episode.
however, i think it wouldn't have gone amiss for them to have given us one scene maybe between eddie and hen or something where we were explicitly told or shown in some way that eddie wasn't coping well with it. even just a shot of him sitting in the waiting room looking worn down would've done it, i feel.
i think him not being in the dream - as much as i would've loved an alternate meeting - makes sense in context and helps to emphasise that this world buck's found himself in is wrong. maddie's with doug, bobby's dead and his ghost is taunting buck, and eddie's gone. and idk i think there's something meaningful in the idea that coma!buck lost eddie before he could ever even have him because his impact on eddie right from the very beginning was so significant
also chris saying "can you help me find my dad" is making my brain whir in ways that i can't fully articulate yet askjdfhs
so TL;DR: it would've been nice to have at least one other scene to linger on eddie a bit more the way we got to see them do with bobby and maddie (and even chimney) but also i loved the scene we did get and i need to believe we'll get something more next week for the sake of my sanity lol ❤️
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two-sides-samecoin · 2 years
Your "Steve wasn't a massive bully" post really spoke to me! So many people act like he bullied everyone even though there's no evidence for that. Even though he's a very sarcastic person, he's generally been nice, even to people who would have been "beneath" him in the social hierarchy, even back in s1. He even defended Jonathan before he took the pictures! Both Jonathan and Eddie, when discussing why they don't/didn't like him can't really give a concrete reason. If he was going around beating people up, they'd probably have mentioned it. Also, Robin never says that he bullied anyone, even when she called him a douchebag in s3. Did Steve massively mess up in s1? Yes, but I reject the narrative that he was some super horrible person before his "redemption." All evidence points to the fact that he was just a self-absorbed jock, not a terrible bully.
--- mikes-pineapple-pizza
Exactly this! Like he’s very sarcastic but it’s weird how he gets hounded for it when a lot of people on this show are very sarcastic. Yep like you said he even did defend Jonathan in season 1 before everything. For some reason people genuinely believe or speculate about Steve heavily bullying Jonathan which makes no sense because it was never stated and they did not have those vibes. It’s very explicit that Jonathan just doesn’t like Steve because he’s popular and also he can see right through his facade. He even complains to Nancy about it (maybe it was more about Nancy changing and not Steve but it’s clear that Jonathan thinks anyone who goes in with that crowd has a facade). And it also adds on to the fact that Jonathan is poor while Steve is rich. So the resentment is there from the beginning. And with Eddie it’s the exact same thing. Eddie even specifically says it too and he admits that he just couldn’t imagine it because Steve was popular and rich. Now that I’m typing this all out: I think it honestly says more about Jonathan and Eddie as individuals. And what their feelings were. Like you said Jonathan and Eddie really don’t give concrete reasons. Now that I figured this all out lol I think this is the reason why it isn’t concrete. It’s because they feel that way about Steve and it honestly has nothing to do with who Steve was at school. It was what steve represented for Jonathan and Eddie.
Exactly like Robin also says that he never out right bullied anyone. Especially because this time it was actually stated that this was how she felt. And what Steve represented to her. But she never stated that he out right bullied people. In fact I think it was quite the opposite where she was upset about the fact that he just stayed in his own circle. Especially because she brings up about how he doesn’t remember her in a class. Which also no one gives us a time line of when they were in class together. They could have had the class before season 1 or during season 1 or after the whole UD thing happens in season 1 unless they did give us a time and I’m just not remembering lol.
That last sentence is perfect! Because yes he was a self absorbed jock but not a terrible billy. As stated above Robin actually did say this in her speech. That he was more absorbed than being a billy.
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brunnerasposts · 2 years
"Old Friend" Pt. 3
E.M. x Female Reader
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inspired by "Old Friend" - I'm getting my act together and taking it on the road
Word Count: 1.2k
Summary: questions that were left unanswered unveil themselves at Eddie's trailer
Warnings: takes place after st4, swearing, best friends to lovers, fluff, st4 spoilers, suggestive kissing
first two parts are here ☟︎︎︎
pt. 1
pt. 2
Additional Notes: I apologize that this is the shortest part of the series, but I wanted a nice ending, haha. this is the last part to the old friend series so let me know what other situations you would like to see! With Eddie or with anyone from ST really. Please like, comment, and share! Any and all are greatly appreciated :)
Tags: @littlestarfighter03 @eddiethesexy @resident-gay-bitch
"Want a coke?"
Eddie's voice snapped you out of your train of thought, your mind hazy and yet having never been so clear.
You were sitting on the couch in his trailer, sitting up right instead of lounging on it as you usually did. Things felt different this time around.
The both of you had gotten very quiet in the car when you pulled the van up to the house and hadn't really said much even when you got out and made your way inside the Munson trailer.
Wayne was working as usual, so it was just you and Eddie alone together.
The gentle hum of the living room fan caught your attention, it being on high speed. It seemed to help cool you down as the alcohol made you a bit heated. As did the almost make out session.
Callahan always had to ruin shit.
"Yeah sure, thanks." You whispered to the male who stood in front of you. Eddie watched you for a moment, worried that if he turned away you'd disappear. He knew better than to treat you as though were as fragile as glass, but with everything that happened that night, how could he help it? Knowing you wouldn't bail on him the second he turned around, he strolled into his kitchen and opened the refrigerator.
Nothing but an island separated the kitchen and the living room, so you found yourself watching his figure as he hunched down to search for the drink. You knew what needed to be discussed, but how were you supposed to put it into words?
"Eddie," You closed your eyes, knowing it would be easier to think that way. "Yeah?" He asked, not really thinking much into what you had to say.
"My curse took affect again tonight." You began, swallowing slowly as you found your mouth to suddenly feel dry. "He asked me to go to Enzo's with him and. . . and I had hope, ya know? I knew that tonight was the night that marked one month of being with him." You began to curl your fingers so your hands now formed fists.
You listened to the sound of the refrigerator close, hearing his footsteps as they slowly approached you. "But of course, he didn't show." You dryly chuckled at the memory of embarrassment in the Italian restaurant. "So I called him. . . only for a woman to answer the phone."
The feelings of Eddie's calloused hands against your own made you flinch, but you slowly relaxed. He intertwined your fingers, now on his knees in front of you so you were practically eye level. You leaned your forehead forward, gently pressing it into Eddie's as he tried to comfort you in the best way he could.
"Hey, hey," He lifted one of his hands to caress your face, "I'm here," Eddie promised, whispering, "You know you can talk to me, I'm here."
Taking a deep breath, you continued. "And I was so angry. . . so upset with him that I didn't even stop to realize," You took a short gasping breath, "I didn't even enjoy my time with him."
Eddie gazed at the ground, slightly surprised by this news. "Then why did you stay with him?" He regretted asking, but he wanted to know.
"Because I wanted to try and move on from you." You admitted, cheeks flushing from the confession. Slowly, you opened your eyes and soon found his eyes searching your own. "Move on?" Eddie swallowed harshly, subconsciously licking his lips.
You nodded.
It was all beginning to make sense now. Sure, before you met Eddie none of your relationships lasted either, but that wasn't your fault. After you fell in love with Eddie, you stopped caring for any other guy in your life. You didn't want anyone else, just Eddie.
Yet you kept yourself occupied with men to try and get yourself over what you thought was only a crush when in reality it was so much more.
"I kept dating guys to move on from you and yet I never really tried in those relationships because I was hoping something would happen between us." Your eyes moved to your lap, ashamed of this fact.
"How come you never told me?" He asked you, though he wasn't one to talk because he never told you either.
"Because I didn't want to ruin our friendship, Eddie. I didn't even know you thought of me as anything more than a friend! Why would I risk losing you?" You questioned, the emotions suddenly getting the best of you.
Craning your head to face the ceiling of the trailer, you began to try and blink away the tears forming in your eyes.
"Lose me?" His eyebrows furrowed, the male taking your chin between his fingers so he could gently bring your head back down. "You're too important to lose." Not once did he break eye contact with you when he said this, causing your heart to skip a beat.
A single tear rolled down your cheek and Eddie was quick to gently wipe it away. Looking into his eyes, you found comfort and safety. You found home.
"I love you." You whispered, leaning in slowly as your noses nuzzled. Eddie's lips parted, the male ecstatic over the three words leaving your lips. "God, I love you too." He whispered back, closing his eyes to simply focus on this moment with you.
"You know, we kind of got interrupted before," You stated, making him chuckle. "I know," He hummed, pulling you closer until you were barely seated on the couch.
"The problem is," He began to lean in, "if I kissed you, I don't think I'd be able to stop."
This caused a small laugh to erupt from your chest, your eyes closing now. "Who said you had to?" Your comment while suggestive wasn't planned and you found yourself blushing. Eddie let out a small groan, connecting his lips with yours in a heated passion.
Your fingers detangled from his and soon found their way into his hair. Eddie used his own hands to lift you by your legs, standing so he could then switch positions with you. Now sitting on the couch, he held you in his lap, continuing to place kiss after kiss onto your lips.
"Mm," You mumbled, making him part for a short breath, "Do we want to try this out? You and me?" You asked him, Eddie chuckling whole heartedly. "Fuck yes, I do. And none of that friends with benefits bullshit. I want the real deal, everything. I'll do all that romantic shit," He promised you, cradling your head in his hand. "I'll buy you flowers, I'll go on any date you wanna go on, I'll even get dressed real nice for you."
While it was all sweet of him to want to do for you, you wanted nothing more than to be with Eddie for who he was: his dnd loving, metalhead self and nothing else. Slowly, you brought your kisses to his jaw and up to his ear which you gently breathed against, making him shiver.
"All I want is you." You whispered, leaning towards his cheek which you left a gentle peck on. "Well I'm not going anywhere," Eddie chuckled, making you smile before you both leaned in once more.
So maybe you weren't cursed, maybe all you needed was an old friend, a couple of beers, and some Madonna to make magic happen. To make you and Eddie happen.
Because your love was rare and life was strange.
And if you had to do it all over again, you'd do it without hesitation.
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