#and we could have done without him🤷🏼‍♀️
gayboybyerz ¡ 2 years
I’m gonna be controversial for a second and just say that Eddie Munson was the worst thing to come to stranger things. That’s all.
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deansapplepie ¡ 1 year
Till THE DEAD do us part | Chapter 3
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A/N: This story will take place in all the seasons, but it’s not exactly a rewriting cause I’d have to re-watch everything to use the exactly lines of the characters, also I think it’s better if I tell a side story without changing the main facts of the story.
This story has a Female Reader, but I don’t describe her appearance, so anyone can identify with her.
Chapter 2 Chapter 4
Chapter 3: I’m sorry and Thank you
Summary: It’s time to bury their dead, take decisions and say goodbyes. The tension is thin in the camp and not everyone can control their emotions or how they deal with it. Hard decisions are made and a shot is take in hopes that everyone have a future. Y/N and Daryl have their first little fight in this one.
Warnings: swearing, death, violence, little angsty, fluffy, little mention of suicide that if you blink you’re gonna lose it, maybe some characters are ooc, idk 🤷🏼‍♀️
Pairing: Daryl Dixon x Grimes!Reader (Rick’s sister)
Word count: 4,179
Extra notes: I proofread the text, but English is not my first language, so feel free to correct any mistakes, of course with love.
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Everybody started to work early, cleaning, reorganizing and getting rid of all the bodies. You needed to burry Amy, but Andrea would not let no one take care of her. You could imagine the pain she was feeling because you felt that too when you lost Rick. Amy was so young, she was sweet and gentle, she didn’t deserve it. No one deserved it.
You tried helping with whatever you could, unfortunately you were not strong enough to help carrying the body of the dead. So you were trying to make sure everyone had water to drink or something to eat, even if it’s just a little.
You were at good distance with Carl and Lori, helping them to put things in order, when you saw Rick holding a gun on Daryl’s head. Fuck. You walked the faster you could and put yourself between them. “What the hell is going on here?”
“Y/N, get out of the way.” Rick said, seeing you were not going to leave he lowered his gun. “He was going to kill Jim.”
“He was bitten! He’s a danger to everyone!” Daryl argumented, you turned around and looked at him.
“Jim is our friend, one of us… we can’t just kill him. We take care of him, he’ll eventually die and… when the time comes we… we do it.” You said, a little unsure of your own words, but that was what was the human thing to do.
“Never thought you were this dumb.” He almost spitted the words at you.
‘And I never thought you were an asshole.’ That’s what you wanted to say, but you didn’t, you just rolled your eyes at him and left. Things were under control, no one pointing guns at each other, your mission was done. That was a stupid fight and a stupid insult, but you couldn’t ignore the sting you felt at those words.
It didn’t take long for Amy to turn and Andrea have to kill her, it was heartbreaking to watch. When everything was over you had tears in the corners of your eyes. Also, you heard Carol had to kill Ed, you didn’t watch it, but you knew what it meant. Even if he was a human being, he was a monster… and now Carol and Sophia were free.
After that you buried your dead, while the zombies had already been put in fire. You said your goodbyes to Amy and hoped she was happy wherever she was. Everybody were going back to camp descending the hill, you passed through Daryl and gave him a look, that you didn’t know if it was sad, angry or upset.
“Ya defend not killing the living, but if ya could, ya would kill me right now.” Ok, so your look was the second option, angry. You just continued walking and ignored him. “ ‘m sorry.”
“Oh, I bet you are.” Sarcasm covered your words. “Maybe I’m dumb, but not SO dumb”
“I didn’t mean it. I was just angry.” He said walking by your side. “I was wrong, can we be good again? I hate how ya’re looking at me.” And he did, he could get those eyes from everyone and not give a fuck about it, but for some reason, a reason that he didn’t know, or didn’t want to admit, he couldn’t get that look from you.
You stopped and turned to him, you saw worry in him and that was not usual of him, not about the little you knew about him.
“Don’t do it again. Don’t call me that thing. It sounds silly, but…” ‘it brings back bad memories’, you were going to say, but didn’t have the courage.
“I’m never calling you that again. ‘m gonna think about other insults next time.” He tried a joke, and you tried to remain serious, but he could see the corners of your mouth curving a little while you battled against the smile. You hated that people would make you angry, but as soon as they wanted forgiveness, you would laugh or smile, instead of giving them the cold shoulder like normal people would do. Some said you had a good heart, but sometimes you thought you were a fool.
“Ok, Dixon. We’re friends again.” You said offering him your hand. He looked at your hand and thought for a moment. “Come on, shake my hand to seal it. I don’t have the whole day, if you don’t take it right now I’m going to…”
And he took it. He took your right hand in his and you were not expecting to feel this way to a simple handshake. His grip was firm, but comfortable. His hand calloused and warm, engulfed your hand that was so little compared to his. You felt comfort, protection and another feeling that you couldn’t describe, but made you lose your words.
“Ya’re going to what?” He still had a hold in your hand, maybe because you were holding his back and thinking about never letting go of his.
“Don’t matter. It’s done. We sealed our friendship, so I don’t need to threaten you anymore.” Reluctantly you let go of each others hands and continued to descend the hill.
“Oh, was that a threat? You don’t look threatening to me.” He mocked you.
“You better keep your eyes open D.” You answered liking the way his initial felt on your tongue and how it was said so easily. “I may look harmless, but I can be dangerous too.”
“Of course, as dangerous as a Puppy”
“Remember that puppies can bite and scratch.” You said lightly elbowing him.
“My clothes magically appeared clean and folded in my tent. It was you, wasn’t it?” He knew it was you, he just needed a way to talk about it and thank you.
“It was the least I could do…”
“Thank you.”
“It’s no problem D.”
Later that day, after a lot of discussion, was decided that everybody that want would go to CDC early in the morning. You were not sure if there would be anything there when you arrived, but you also knew you couldn’t just stay in the quarry forever, more walkers would come. You couldn’t risk losing more people. You slept in your tent with Luna to keep you company, at 3 in the morning you woke up and couldn’t sleep. You really tried, you were tired, but you were not able to sleep again. You turned around back and fort on your tent, until the sun started to rise.
So you changed your clothes, put everything you had on your bag and left the tent to start disassemble it. The thing was, you didn’t even know how to assemble it, Shane had done everything for you, so now you were having a hard time.
“Do ya wanna some help?” You heard Daryl’s voice by your side and you almost jumped out of your skin. “Sorry, didn’t wanna scare ya.”
“Please, I have no idea what I’m doing.” You confessed shamelessly. In fact he didn’t even waited for your answer to start helping you.
“I realized that from distance, anyone could see ya struggling from miles away.” He joked, but it was not completely a lie, your struggle was very clear.
“Well, Lucky me, you offered help.”
After everything was ready to go, you started to say goodbyes, Morales and his family decided not to follow with you. A stupid decision in your opinion, but there wasn’t anything you could do about.
“Y/N, Carol and Sophia are coming with us. Do you mind going with Shane?” Rick came to you right before living.
“Actually, I’m going with Daryl. I figured it’d be better for Carol and Sophia to go with you.” You answered taking both Rick and Daryl by surprise.
“Are ya?” Daryl didn’t have time to think before the words left his mouth, and then you gave him the look that told him to play along with you. “I offered ya early, but ya never gave me an answer. I thought ya weren’t going with me.”
“Of course I am! Daryl Dixon giving me a ride? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity.” You grabbed your bag to put it in Daryl’s truck, Rick gave you a knowing look. He knew you were avoiding Shane, he just didn’t know why, but he knew you too well to not notice. Also, he saw how Daryl was surprised. “Luna, are you coming with us or do you prefer going with Carl?”
“Nah, she’s coming with us. My offer is only open if she comes with us.” Daryl stated, and you couldn’t resist but laugh.
As soon as you hit the road, Luna was all over the place. She wanted to go for the window and feel the air with her tongue out like any normal dog. She sat on your lap, forgetting she isn’t a lap dog, and you needed to hold her just in case, because she tried a few times going to Daryl’s side and you were not dying by a stupid car accident in the middle of the apocalypse.
“So…why didn’t ya want to go with Shane?” Daryl threw the question at you after Luna had calmed down.
“Cause Luna wanted to go with you.” You gave the excuse shamelessly. He snorted to your lame excuse.
“Bullshit! Spill the real reason, that’s the least I get for playing along with ya.” He took a small glance at you and returned his attention to the road.
“Okay… never took you for one that likes gossip but…” he gave you an annoyed look as if to say ‘just say it’. “I had a fight with him, when you guys went to Atlanta. In front of the whole camp actually.”
“The bruise, in his face, was that ya?” He asked, looking at you for a brief moment, and you nodded in response. “I knew it. Couldn’t be a walker, it looked like something ya would do.”
“How did it look like something I’d do?” Did he take you for the type to go punching people around? Maybe he thought you were kind of a badass? No, not possible.
“The bruise is just the height you’d be able to punch, no way you could hit him on the eye.” Well, none of the options you guessed, he just stated you were short, which you really kind of was. But you couldn’t let it pass like this and gave him a light punch on his arm. “Easy Puppy, I’d rather die fighting zombies than in a car.”
“You just called me short!” you stated as a justification of why you lightly punched his arm.
“And didn’t lied.” He smirked and then put his right hand on Luna’s head for a brief moment. “Why did ya punch him?”
“He lied. He told us Rick was dead.” You answered and Daryl said nothing, probably thinking about what you said. “I mean, any idiot can see if a person is breathing and if the heart is beating.”
“Well, it’s Shane. He’s a different kind of idiot.” What was he probably trying to say? “Maybe, he didn’t knew the difference at the time. I’m not trying to defend him, I don’t like him, you know.”
“I know… it’s just… I’m angry.” You said. Funny, because Daryl had told you the same thing to you, but of course your fight was very silly compared to the reasons behind your quarrel with Shane. “Do you think I should talk to him?”
“Is it going to make ya feel better? If yes, do it.” He didn’t even had to think to say that and he didn’t like Shane at all. That was one of those moments where you saw how good he was, and you wish people would see through his rough demeanor. “Take a picture, it lasts longer.” You didn’t realize you were staring at him for a long time.
“Sorry, I was thinking about what you said.” That was not a complete lie, but not even half of the truth. “But I don’t need a picture if I can look at you everyday.”
You wanted to talk more, but you were tired, your half slept night was charging it’s price. You didn’t know when you slept, but after 2 hours you woke up the car was slowing down until stopping. Luna was laying in your lap awkwardly, half her body was on the car seat and her head was on Daryl’s lap.
“Morning Sleepyhead!” Daryl took a small glance at you.
“Hey… sorry, I didn’t want to sleep, but I was tired.” You ran your hands on Luna’s back. “Why are we stopping?”
“Don’t know, guess it’s a problem with the RV.” He took Luna’s head from his lap and talked to her as to a child, you didn’t even paid attention to what he was saying you just thought that was adorable.
You broke the moment putting a harness on Luna, so you could leave the car. As soon as you left the car your eyes found Shane and you decided to take the opportunity to talk to him.
“D., can you look after Luna for a little while?” You asked him, giving your best puppy eyes, without even noticing.
“Alright Pup, go and do what you need to do.” He said grumply taking the harness. “Go, before I regret it”
“Okay, thanks.” You gave a little smile and left in Shane’s direction.
When Shane saw you walking in his direction, he thought there would come trouble, because any moment you two talked, you would fight. He regretted all the fights, but it was as if he couldn’t control himself, in this world… he couldn’t be soft, gentle or unprepared. He couldn’t also let anything bad happen to the one’s he cared, even if he had to make some sacrifices along the way, and that was what scared him the most. He felt like he was losing his humanity and he didn’t see any other option.
“Shane, can we talk?” You finally approached him, expectations very high and afraid of the outcome.
“I don’t want to fight Y/N…” well, you didn’t want this too, but it didn’t depend only on you.
“Me neither. I just wanna my nice big bro Shane back, you know…” You said, eyes on the mark you had left on his left cheek. “I’m sorry, for the punch.”
“I probably deserved, a cop that can’t tell the difference between the dead and the living…”
“You were probably nervous, I can only imagine the chaos the hospital was and… and you said they were shooting everyone in there, you were probably also afraid.” You said and took his hand in yours. “I’m sorry, I was angry and shouldn’t have reacted like that.”
“I’m sorry, I have been an asshole lately.” He admited.
“Lately?” You mocked him. “Let’s be good again, I don’t punch you anymore and you don’t piss me off. You know, just like you and Rick, I grew up and I don’t need you to protect me from everything. You should be the cool big bro that encourage me to do reckless things that Rick wouldn’t want me to do.”
“Just like… hanging out with Daryl Dixon?” He suggested and he knew he was entering a delicate topic because you already fought before about it.
“Yeah, he’s a good person and my friend. You should encourage me to make other friends, the world went to shit and the people is all we got.” You chewed the inside of your cheeks hoping you would not start fighting again.
“You know, I only act like this, because I don’t want you in the same situation you had with Paul.” He confessed, and in part it was true, you were never the same after Paul, after all the psychological abuse. It took months for you to go back to your normal self, and a german shepherd puppy to make you smile and live again. But on the other hand, it was also his prejudice against the Dixon Brothers.
“I already told you, it’s not like this.”
“I see the way you look at him. It’s the same way you used to look at Jack Jones.” He stated, and you remembered your first crush at school. You never had the courage to tell him what you felt.
“I surely don’t, I’m no teenager and… hey maybe I could have avoided all this situation with Paul if I had told Jack how I felt…” You tried to deny, but you knew that maybe he was right… maybe you had a crush on Daryl. “Just let me live, please Shane? If I die tomorrow, I want to know I lived to the fullest. I don’t expect to find love or anything in a world like this, but I want to be with people I enjoy being with and protect the people I love.”
“Don’t say no sense. You’re not going to die, I’m not letting you die.” He stated. “It’s ok, you can be friends or more than friends with whoever you want, but let me know if anyone hurt you…”
“Thank you Shane.” You hugged him tightly. “And please… let go of Lori, you’ll only hurt you and her. I say it, because we’re family and I love you.”
You left his embrace and you saw the hurt and sadness in his face, maybe a little anger too, but you hope he would not blame you for this and listen to your advice.
“Go to your boyfriend before he comes here and kill me.” Shane played after he saw the way Daryl was looking at the both of you.
“Shut up Shane!” You gave him a punch on his arm before you left.
“By the way, I’m proud of your punchs, you really learned how to beat someone properly.” He kind of yelled at you, and you just laughed. Well they really taught you how to beat someone and how to make it as painful as possible.
After that Shane left with T.Dog to try finding replacement parts for the RV. You go to Daryl and take Luna from him, you could not ask for him to do more than he already did. “Thank you.” You told him.
“ ‘s nothing. It’s always good to pass some time with Luna.” He replied taking a cigarette and lightening it. His curiosity taking the better of him. “Are ya feeling better?”
“Yes, I guess. Things went well. Thank you for the advice.”
Jim was getting worse over the time, you thought he would not make it to the CDC and in truth, you knew nobody survived from a bite, you never saw one single person survive it. Rick was new to all this shit, so he had hope, but you knew Jim would not make it and that nobody could in fact help him.
The RV was fixed, but now you got another problem, Jim was bad and he had decided to stay behind. Rick tried to convince him otherwise, but he had made his choice and you should all respect. It was sad leaving him behind, but you couldn’t stop any more time, you needed to keep going. You entered Daryl’s truck, a heavy silence following the both of you. He started the car, his forehead frowned and the eyes on the road. You could feel he regretted his actions towards Jim.
“You were not completely wrong.” You finally said taking him by surprise. “You just had the wrong approach.”
Silence. Not the comfortable one.
“The most compassionate thing to do in a world like this, would be to not let the people we like turn into one of those…”
“Why?” He asked, eyes on the road, not even giving a glance at you. Your were took by surprise and didn’t know what he meant. “Why are you telling me this?”
“Because this whole situation made me think and… I know you have your own thoughts about it too. We can’t be so radical, but we should think about doing something to not let each other turn.” You wanted to look at him, you wanted to hold his hand, but you couldn’t, you knew you had crossed lines when you told him those things. You didn’t even know if he considered you a friend that could discuss this kind of things and tell when someone is wrong or right.
“Yeah, ya know a lot of shit.” The bitter comment left his mouth seconds after what you said.
“Daryl, if I ever get bit, I want you to end it for me.” You didn’t know what made you say it, but you just ignored his comment and threw this bomb on him. He almost hit the brakes the moment the words left your mouth.
“What the fuck?!” He cursed. “Don’t ask me something like that. Yar not getting bitten.”
“You don’t know.” Seeing Jim like this made you think. You didn’t want to die alone, you didn’t want to turn, you didn’t had the courage to do it yourself and you didn’t want Rick, Shane, Lori or ,in the worst scenario, Carl to do this. “Promise me”
“I ain’t promising you shit!” He didn’t understand why he got so angry at what you said and asked, it should be something normal to ask each other in a damn Zombie apocalypse. But the thought of you getting bitten… it bothered him in more ways that he could admit. “Stop talking no sense. We’re not losing anyone else to those fuckers.”
“I’m sorry.” Apologizing were becoming and habit that you didn’t want to keep, but how could you stop when you were afraid you hurt people.
“Ya don’t need to be.” He answered than he looked at you for some seconds before landing his eyes on the road again.
You decided against opening your mouth again, you pet Luna’s back and stared out of the window. When you were not looking Daryl stared at you for a little longer than what he should while driving. He over reacted, he knew it. He could not be good with his feelings and also short tempered, but he knew when he let it took the best of him. He had already lost Merle, he knew he was alive, but he was alone. Again. That wasn’t the first time Merle let him alone, and he didn’t know how it affected and made Daryl feel. In a world so big like this, maybe they’d never see each other again and he would never know. At the moment, you were the only friend he had. Could he call you a friend? And even though, there was other people that were polite to him, you were the only one that would talk more than 2 words to him. Not that he made a big effort to have a conversation to others, but you seemed to not care his short answers. The thought of you being bitten and he being left alone again, felt as if a giant rock was put on his chest. He didn’t like all this thoughts, but he couldn’t just stop them. His right hand went to Luna’s head that once again was on his lap, and he could not help but grow fond of the dog.
It was almost night when you arrived at the CDC. The place was a cemitery, there were bodies everywhere and some walkers too. You all got our of the cars and went to the entrance of CDC. All was closed, with heavy strong metal doors. You knocked, called, pleaded but there was no answer. Some started to not believe anymore on the possibility of the CDC having someone in there, but you couldn’t stop believing. You were already there, it was getting dark and it was not safe being outside. When you had lost hope, Rick saw the camera moving and you continued asking for help until the big metal door opened and you could see the big iluminated hall inside the building. You filled your lungs with hope and could breath relieved that you would have a place to stay.
Final Note: Thanks for everyone reading, liking, reblogging and commenting, it’s really good to receive your feedback.
Taglist: @sunnybunnyy2
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romanoffsbish ¡ 2 years
Only Love Can Hurt Like This…
Wanda Maximoff x Vision
Wanda Maximoff x Fem!Reader
Natasha Romanoff x Carol Danvers
@beenicejoy request ❤️
https://www.tiktok.com/t/ZTRHAbsj7/(TikTok they referenced)
Warnings: Angst! (Happy Ending), Heartbreak, Cheating.
Smutty Paragraph: Fingering(W) —I would’ve done more smut but the person hadn’t requested smut so I only did the blurb to urge the plot line I built along lol
18+ | Minors DNI | Smutty paragraph (🤷🏼‍♀️)
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"Scotch on the rocks... Make it a double.," you sighed towards the bartender who looked at you with concerned eyes., "Rough night?!," your lips quirked when you heard the voice of your dearest colleague., "You could say that.,"
Wanda watched from her corner, silently at war with her heart and mind, and she almost gave into her urge to wring Darcy's neck when she saw her hand unnecessarily sat on your bicep., "Darling, are you okay? You seem a bit tense.," Vision asks, his arms wrapping around her from behind, and if anything she becomes more tense when he pulls her back into his loving embrace., "Yeah Vis, just tired is all."
"We could always slip out early.," he muses and her stomach drops at the flirty undertones., "We most certainly can not, this is my best friends wedding.," she scoffs, wriggling out of his hold to give him a pointed glare, and he shrinks under her stare., "I'm getting a refill."
Wanda was grateful to her aloof boyfriend for giving her a reason to approach the bar you have been living at, and to her excitement you are finally without the scholar on your arm., "Hey Y/N/N...," you lightly nod her way, but forgo speaking as you slam back the cocktail., "How've you been?," Wanda inwardly cringed at how awkward the formality fell from her; you rolled your eyes, and sighed into your glass., "I've been good Wands...," you lied, turning yourself to uncomfortably look at her., "Can we talk about it, for just a second please?"
Wanda tensed, of course you'd want to do this now, her fingers gripped onto her glass tightly, but regardless of her uneasiness she nodded., "It's been super weird between us, and I don't want it to be anymore.," you quietly admitted, and Wanda shakily whispers., "Me neither."
"So, let me just say this: I'm done. You don't have to worry anymore.," Wanda's face fell., "What do you mean?," you sighed, meeting her worried gaze with a melancholy one of your own., "I'm done trying to get you; I can't do it anymore, I'm sorry it's taken me this long to figure it out, but I promise I'm done making a fool of myself.," a few tears settled at your eye line but you refused to let them fall, this was a night of celebration for your best friend, so you're doing your best to stay low-key.
"Y/N, you haven't been making a fool out of yourself.," Wanda rushes out in a subtle panic., "It's okay Wands... It's okay.," you sigh out as you pull your longtime best friend in for a hug., "...I want it to be okay.," you reaffirmed quietly.
Wanda's arms are wrapped tightly around you, her unwillingness to let you go only heightens as your next words string out., "Which is why I tendered my resignation at Stark's Corp.," Wanda could feel her soul leave her body when the words left your mouth., "Starting August 1st I'll be working with Pepper in California."
"You're leaving?," Wanda asks, her soft voice trembling as the daunting reality hits her, her fingers painfully dig into your back on reflex., "Plane leaves tomorrow.," you confirmed the obvious while slowly peeling her off of you., "Were you even going to tell me?," you look at her with a sad smile, the answer is clear as day when she looks into your conflicted eyes., "Oh."
In an attempt to evade the brunettes sad stare you peer out to take in the happy couple as they are sharing their first dance on the floor. It's the perfect example of everything you'd always wanted, their love was purely infectious. However as you see their shining smiles you also notice the way Carol's eyes fall to the food. You smirked when you realize just what she wanted, and as the wingwoman you've always been you decide to help her out.
"I've got to go now Wands, please take care.," you lay a soft kiss to her cheek, then you walk away from the woman who was clearly on the verge of a breakdown., "Please don't go.," she whispers long after you're gone, turning to face the bar to prevent those around from seeing her tears., "C-can I please get a vodka soda."
"Mind if I cut in?," you ask the blonde with a subtle head tilt to the tin that was nearing bare of the famed mashed potato cups, and she does her best not to look too excited while giving in., "Why thank you my good lady.," you teased the blonde who sprinted away to collect her food, and Natasha laughed loudly when you spun her around the floor before pulling her into you.
You swayed her around for a total of one song before she sighed heavily against your chest, her face lifting off your shoulder to glare up at you., "Y/N, are you really going to give up on her?," you deadpanned., "Tasha, she's dating Vision, and I've been pining after her since high school, what is there left for me to do?"
"TouchĂŠ...," she groans in bitter defeat., "I just don't see why you have to run off to California. What do they have that New York doesn't? What am I meant to do without you?," her pouting face really pulled at your heart strings, but not enough to sway you this time around.
"I need a change of scenery Natty, and if I'm ever going to get over her then I need to go. Broaden my horizons a little, I need this,." Natasha smiles sadly, hearing that subtle bit of desperation in your tone settled her bitterness.
"You'll be back to visit right?," she asks quietly, a bit unsure of your long term plans., "Of course Natty, I could never stay away from you for long. Who else will I get into trouble with?," she chuckled at your words, memories of your college shenanigans flying through her mind.
"Don't replace me.," she whispers insecurely., "I would never dream of it Red.," you gently reassured her with a sweet kiss to her temple before spinning her into her wife's arms., "Welp lovebirds, I'll be heading out soon, but I'll see you two for our special goodbye brunch tomorrow.," you said with a clap of your hands, and the couple yanked you into a tight hug., "Careful not to wrinkle the fit, it's a rental."
After bidding them ado you turned to the bar, her unwavering stare was intense when you finally returned it, an obvious layer of pleading laid beneath them as she silently willed for you to tell her this was all just a sick fucking joke. That you weren't flying over a thousand miles away just to escape her. That the well of chances you'd given her to finally pick you hadn't actually ran out, that she still had time to figure it out, but when your eyes dropped, and you avoided her reaching out she knew this was it—she finally lost you, and fuck she'd surely be lying to say it didn't hurt like hell...
She went to follow you in a panic but she was bombarded by a group of giggling women that surrounded her; the brides were throwing their bouquets, partaking in the silly tradition that deemed the catcher next in line to be wed. Silently she cursed the notion, and it was as if the world was in on this sick joke because the bouquet landed in her folded arms. Obnoxious cheers filled the space around her, Vision ran up to lift her into the air, spinning her around as if the little game was a direct reassurance.
Watching the woman of your dreams being with another was never easy, but it always was a bit harder when under the surface lied the truth you always wanted to come to light. Wanda's expression was blank as her partner celebrated, but you saw right through her, you have always been good at that. Everyone had joked that you could read minds, but really it was just that you were always aware of Wanda.
Every twitch of her face meant something to you, what one might mistake for confusion, you readily knew to be irritation. When she sighed, which was often, you knew what each one meant, no one else could even detect the subtle differences in her breathing patterns, but you always did. They told you when she needed to vent, or to cry in your arms, or even when she was homesick and needed a Sokovian dish to cheer her up.
Nobody on this Earth knew Wanda more than you did, and yet here you both stood; together but still you were somehow two worlds apart.
You'd stayed off to the side to witness the silly tradition, and you now regretted deciding to do so because everything she was feeling you saw. Regret plagued her mind, it was easily the most notable of emotions swirling behind her orbs, her cheeks were shining under the dim lights as fresh tears fell down them, and your cheeks soon mirrored hers the longer you held her captivating stare.
Her eyes screaming "I love you," and yours saying much the same, but your feet carrying you away tell her that she was a smidge too late, and so it took everything in her not to allow the festering sobs to escape her chest.
Wanda was unresponsive when Vision tried to talk to her as they entered their shared space. The bouquet she carried in out of respect for her closest friends soon found a home in the trash, and she found her home in her flask., "For heaven sake Wanda, you've had enough.," Vision shrieked, but his attempts to take the container from her were futile as she shoved him back., "Only I'll say when I have.," she sneered, the metal touching her lips, the liquid that once burned now glides down her throat effortlessly, her boyfriend cringes at the sight.
"This is just too unhinged Wanda, we should be celebrating, and I should be having my way with you as we do.," she cringes at the way he speaks, as if she was nothing more than a prize he'd won, his vile words a stark contrast to the ones you'd muttered all those months back when you loved her so incredibly well in a drunken, post bachelorette party haze.
"Oh Wands, you're so beautiful...," you'd coo'd while your lips laid soft kisses all over her body, taking special care not to leave behind a trace., "I'm going to love you so well Wands, you're going to feel it deep within.," and feel she did as your fingers finally slipped inside of her after a decade of wait, unbridled moans of pleasure filled the space, and lasted well into the early morning, no thoughts of Vision had even prevailed in the redhead's cloudy mind. Everything was you, it always was, and she was kidding herself to ever think otherwise.
Tears once again befall her cheeks as she tries to rid her mind of your loving touch, desperate to return to the moment, but it's of little use., "Vision, there's nothing to fucking celebrate.," the words held a bite to them that send shivers down her own spine, he didn't exactly deserve her fury, but he sure as hell was going to get it.
Vision wasn't stupid—far from it actually, so he'd always known from the start he was on borrowed time with the box dyed redhead. Wanda was always hard to read for him, but the way the woman looked at you as if you'd hung the moon and stars was obvious, he had always yearned for that stare onto fall to him. It never did though, and he always knew it never would., "Whatever Y/N said to you, I just hope it isn't too late for you both; it's clear to me it's about time I set you free Wanda."
Wanda's heart shattered even further when the man she spent the last five years with spoke. She did love him, but never how she loved you, and now she's finding out that he always knew. Part of her wants to be angry that he'd stayed, that he didn't urge her to follow her heart, but at the end of the day she knew he was following his, and he wasn't the problem here—she was.
"Please Wanda, don't let her slip away.," the man mutters from her side., "Be brave.," he says with conviction as he places a parting kiss to her trembling lips., "And don't forget to send my invitation to the wedding.," he chuckles sadly, the sound of wheels following him as he takes his sparse belongings with him.
Once the door slams shut she breaks down fully, the reality of it all finally hitting her, she settled onto her couch with her laptop full of memories of you, and a pint of ice cream.
"Y/N, I'm serious, look!," Natasha squeals from the seat across from you with a hopeful smile and her phone held out for you., "Well, I'm saying it surely doesn't mean anything.," you groaned while reluctantly accepting the device and seeing she was indeed telling you the truth.
"It is with deep regret, and great hurt in my heart that I announce to my dearest friends and family that Wanda and I are no longer an item.," your eyes were transfixed on the screen, those words you'd waited years to hear finally became a reality, but all you could do is shake your head and pass her phone back to her.
"Come on Y/N! This can't be a coincidence.," Carol chimes in, and Natasha rewards her with a peck to her reddening cheeks., "Exactly! Go to her! Cancel the move, Tony will take you back with open arms, I'm certain of it."
"Guys, no. This changes nothing, breakup or not she's not ready to love me in front of the whole world and we all know she never will be.," you shut them down, tone level as you were in public but the couple knew it was best not to push., "Okay, then eat up champ, it's almost time for us to all head to the airport.," Natasha reroutes back to the task at hand, you smile at her before returning to your eggs, and she begins her plans to bark up the other tree.
Wanda woke up to the sound of your laughter, for the briefest moment the world felt right, her hungover mind easily tricking her into a false sense of reality. The dinging of a phone and looping of your laughter brought her back though, so she swiftly sat up, one hand haphazardly reaching for her phone while the other massaged at her throbbing temples.
*Take off is at 3PM, Flight 2469, don't fuck this up Max, your window is narrowing 🤏🏼*
Wanda paid no mind to the way her body reacted to her quick movements, but it was apparent to her that as she approached thirty she could no longer hang like she once did. Nausea and a killer headache wouldn't get in her way of getting to you, to fixing everything. She booked the flight, fortunate to find it was not full just yet, and then she ran to shower. There was no way she was finally professing her unwavering love to you out loud while smelling like an actual distillery.
You felt uneasy as you entered the busy airport with your whole life being downsized within two hardshell suitcases. This hope inducing idea that they broke up over you was weighing heavily on your mind and it made you begin to question if leaving was the right choice here. This might finally be your chance to have her, the woman you've been in love with since sophomore year of high school when she'd transferred into your school and deposited herself right into your heart. With that deep accent, kind heart and that perfect smile.
Then you deflate as you remember once again that even before Vision she refuted her feelings for you, she always had, and it appears that she always will. This game she played had been the most exhausting one of your life; the jealousy she always exhibited when you were coupled up, or were flirted with that she'd disguise as her "not wanting to lose her best friend to an undeserving hussy.," the worst part of it all. Her intentions were obvious, everyone saw right through her, but no matter the case you excused her behavior in fear of having none of her, and she'd continue to shoot anyone down when they mentioned her potential crush.
She'd never elaborated to you why she was so afraid to love you outwardly, at one point you considered her parents potentially being homophobic, but then Piet came out Senior year and they embraced him wholeheartedly. She didn't even have the guts to tell you after she allowed you to make love to her for countless hours, your name tumbling from her lips like a sweet promise, but it was really just a tainted one with heartbreak as its intention.
After that joyous night, and subsequently devastating morning she avoided you. It was months of unfair silence, every text or call ignored all until the wedding planning had picked back up. Then she had tried to just act as if nothing happened between the two of you by pulling you into a hug, a front of sorts. Talking about Vis this, and Vis that, all the while doing her damndest to cockblock you when Carol's beautiful bridesmaid Monica tried to pick you up at the dress fittings.
Thing's only got worse when her attempts fell through, and you and Monica began to spend more time together. Wanda was irritable at every gathering, your few shared words were nothing short of awkward, and her longing stares from across the room bordered creepy. So long were the easy days of your facade of friendship, only to be replaced by a fragile tie between shared lifelong friends.
Leaving really was all you had left now...
"Hey, you alright?," Carol whispers as she pulls your crying form into her strong embrace., "I'm going to miss you guys.," you told a half truth, but the way your Russian best friend looked to you it was obvious she knew the truth, but if she did she said nothing, residing instead to hug you tightly., "Don't you dare be a stranger dorogoy.," she threatens, arms tightening to get her point across, only satisfied when you choke out., “I wont Tasha…,”
The redhead tapped your ass in send off, only giggling when your pointed glare finds her, and you share one last chuckle with your friends. Heart absolutely aching at the absence of the other original member, but it’s truly no shock to you that she’s not here to bid you farewell., “Take care, and safe travels to Cancun my sweetest loves.,” you genuinely relay just before walking off to meet Pepper in the TSA line.
“Where the fuck is Wanda?,” Natasha groans against her wife’s chest., “She’ll be here.,” Nat scoffs., “Yeah, too late for me to see it work.,” the blonde laughs wildly, and the redhead whines while trying to shove her away, but Carol holds to her firmly., “My beautiful wife, you must have more faith in me please…”
Natasha looks up to her with furrowed brows, and a deep pout, Carol gently thumbs at the crease between her eyes., “I pushed our flights around, and handled all the trip rearranging so that you—my Russian spy in training, could have a front row seat to the greatest love story of all time, second only to ours of course.,” Natasha squeals, then surges forward to catch her wife’s lips in a passionate kiss.
“Look, the show has begun…,” Carol teases, Natasha follows her eyes to the luggage counter to find a distressed looking Wanda in a rush., “Tell me my wife, did you bring the popcorn?,” the couple quietly snicker before following behind the Sokovian at a safe enough distance.
Wanda’s feet move her quickly, the line for TSA a breeze as she’d paid for the precheck, but then she was lost in a crowd of random people., “Where could all of you need to be going?,” she grumbled while looking all over for you, the flight had already began to board and she was panicking that she’d miss her chance to speak. Just as she began to feel tears pricking her eyes at the prospect of missing you she heard your perfect laugh, heart clenching at the daunting idea of never being able to hear it again.
It all happened rather quickly, one second you’re upright talking to your new boss about the California weather, the next your flat on the ground of the Laguardia airport, groaning in pain with a newly heavy feeling atop of you., “Y/N, are you okay?,” you look up to see your boss’s confused expression, then you peer down to see the shivering body atop of you., “Yeah, I’m good Pepper.,” you reply before sitting the both of you back up. Pepper got the subtle message loud and clear so she stepped closer to the terminal, but not far away enough so that she couldn’t be a bit nosy.
“Wanda, would you like to tell me what the hell that was about, hm?,” you immediately regret the way it came out when you saw the way that she flinched., “I-I, please don’t leave me Y/N, I’m ready, fuck, I’m so unbelievably ready.,” you can’t fight the need to comfort her as you guide her head to your chest., “Wands, it’s too late for me to stay, I made a commitment.”
“No, please don’t tell me I’m too late, this can’t be it for us Y/N.,” you chuckled bitterly as tears streamed down your face., “But it is isn’t it?,” she shook her head., “Don’t say that, it’s not!,” you didn’t want to say it, but it just felt like the end was upon the both of you, her hushed lap confession wasn’t going to magically fix this, and you were truthfully beyond exhausted with the repetitive matter at hand.
“What do you want from me Y/N? Need me to shout it across the damn airport?! Fine.,” the distressed woman jumped up from your lap in a hurry before you could stop her, she climbed onto a counter, towering over you as you were now on your feet staring up at her shocked., “Attention travelers, I, Wanda Maximoff am merely just a stranger to you, standing in this airport ready to profess my love to the one and only woman of my dreams—Y/N Y/L/N.,”
Wanda smiled down at you, eyes shining with a glossy truth, she held that contact with you as she continued to loudly speak to the strangers., “I’ve loved her for over a decade, but sadly it’s my only damn fault we never got our chance. I was just so fucking scared of the repercussions. Love is absolutely terrifying, and having you as my friend had felt safer than losing you over an inevitable future heartbreak.”
“Sing it!!!,” you both chuckled when you heard your best friends voice from afar, you even tried to find the source, but Wanda was not done speaking to you, so you turned back to face the love of your life.
“But that clearly didn’t work out, because you’re telling me that I’m losing you anyways. Plus, I’ve had you wholly now, and I’ll be damned if I’ll never be able to do so again.,” Wanda couldn’t stand the distance so she went to hop down, you were quick to help her, soft hands gripped her by the waist and gently lowered her back to the ground.
The newfound closeness made your breath catch as she didn’t move to pull back, but instead leaned in to have her front flush to yours while her hands cupped your cheeks., “Allow me this chance to make it up to you detka, make up for all this lost time where I ran from the truest thing I’ve ever known.,” her heart was thumping erratically in her chest at your continued silence, anxiety spiking when your lip trembled., “I- don’t know Wands…”
The pads of her thumbs brushed your tears away while she took in a steadying breath, then before she lost all her built up confidence she pressed her lips to yours passionately. You gasped at the vaguely familiar feeling, and Wanda went to pull away in fear that she only made things worse, but with your grip on her hips you held her in place, and your lips moved against hers with no further hesitation.
Wanda broke the kiss, giggling against your lips when the sound of clapping surrounded the both of you., “How about now?,” she hummed, and you smiled., “We’ll figure it out.”
Natasha and Carol ran full speed ahead when they felt all was well, the blonde lifting the two of you off the ground in a rush of excitement., “Ahhh!!! Double dates, and my bestie stays.,” Natasha shrieked, but then her face fell when you looked at her with a saddened expression., “Guys, I made a commitment, I can’t stay.,” Carol set you both back down, and the once joyous moment felt almost doomed for pain.
The clicking of heels and clearing of a throat pulled all of your attention to the right., “Y/N, please do excuse me for cutting in, but the contracts haven’t been notarized yet, and I wouldn’t have a problem with you working remotely from New York.,” she saw the way your eyes searched her face so she offered you the kindest smile she could., “Truthfully.”
“Where will I stay?,” you thought out loud, and Wanda didn’t hesitate to answer., “With me, it’ll be just like college, but ten times better.,” the beaming smile she wore settled the rest of your doubts., “Sure we’re not moving too fast?” She met your teasing with a shoulder bump while the group of you stood in line to board the plane to California., “I was actually thinking we weren’t moving fast enough.”
You turned to her with a teasing smirk., “Careful Maximoff, just cause you caught that bouquet doesn’t mean I’ll be marrying you anytime soon.,”she smirks right back., “Detka, how else will we reach my plans to be married by 30?,” your eyes widened at the reminder of her lifelong goals, and you settled into your seat and furthermore into a stunned silence.
“Vegas is only an eight hour drive away.,” Carol muses all too suddenly through the crack in the airplane seats., “Shut the hell up Danvers.,” you grumbled, and all three of your favorite women broke out into fits of taunting laughter, and after a moment of sulking you did as well.
Wanda’s fear of planes had always been rather bad, and it was in this moment with her that you realized this was it. Wanda had chosen you, and she wasn’t going anywhere without you from this point forward, she was yours in the way that you have always been hers, and it was like the familiar feeling of the weight of the world on your chest had finally melted away.
“I love you Y/N/N.,” Wanda whispered, her eyes shut tightly with her hand in yours and head leaning against your shoulder., “I love you too Max, so very much.,” you settled a sweet kiss to her head to offer her comfort, and felt as she squeezed your hand when the plane took off., “I’ll gladly take your last name one day.,” you felt her smile against your clothed shoulder, and all in the world finally felt right.
4,666 Words 😳😂
If you ever make a request and want it smutty make sure you say so, because I won’t be likely to make it as such if you don’t. 🤪
❤️ Kaitlyn 💋
692 notes ¡ View notes
thekinkyleopard ¡ 1 year
The Midnight Snack
An Alistar x Kanai non-canon Snz Fic
A Threequel to:
“The Gathering” & “The Happy Ending”
⚠️Content Warning⚠️
Snz Fet, Fluff, Persuasion, Contagion, Smut
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Author’s Notes: Idk how I let you guys so easily talk me into new fics when my requests are closed and I have so many other things I need to write but…UNCLE FUCKING CHRIST I LOVE YOU INSATIABLE GREMLINS OF SNZ. Here we are with a third part??? Already? So quickly? Who am I??? A brand new bitch. Anyway. A third to a fic I only thought I’d write one and be done with? Wild. THIS IS A THREEQUEL TO “The Gathering” & “The Happy Ending” in order to understand context, go to my blog and read those first! Id link them, but I’m lazy. 🤷🏼‍♀️ Here we go! Nai’s turn 🥳 @aller-geez Owns Draeko and Kanai, and did the art!
Description: Al wakes up in the middle of the night, still sicker than ever. He finds a way to snag his best friend’s attention…and talk him into a little late night, snack.
It was just past midnight, Draeko was fast asleep, conked, splayed out on his back. Mouth wide open, but still just as cute as he always was. He was actually taking up too much room, however, and he wound up pushing the demon he was bed-sharing with, off it. Alistar fell to the floor with a loud thud, groaning lowly as the fond fog of sleep escaped him. Suddenly extremely aware, and reminded by how sick he was still. His body was wet, slick with sweat and his sinuses were full. Weak and shaky. He couldn’t breathe out his nose, and his eyes felt heavier than usual when he was awakened. Exhaustion never felt so exhausting.
Alistar slowly came to a stand, swaying back and forth in his boxer briefs, the dizziness taking him in a chokehold. “Water….” He muttered dryly looking around the room only to find empty water bottles and nothing worth quenching his thirst. He would have to go to the kitchen. The redhead stumbled slowly through the apartment, and into the dining room where he was met with an ever wide awake Kanai. Glued to his screen. “You’re still up?” He asked with a slow blink of his squinting black eyes, trying to adjust to the brightened beams of the overhead lighting.
The Navy haired demon looked up, and made eye contact with his pathetic looking best friend. “I am…I’m surprised you aren’t sleeping off your ailments,” cocking his head to a slight angle as he looked over the red head with curiosity.
“Yeah…the pet quite literally scooted me out the bed…came to get some water…” he yawned over once that followed with a sharp, abrasive cough. The hound winced at the scene.
“Do that, your throat sounds very dry, Donnie,” the hellion spoke certainly before his gaze went back into his research. Alistar went to open his mouth, but closed it again with a loud snarf.
“Hm,” he responded, if one could say that. Alistar then made his way into the kitchen, and pulled the fridge open in one motion. It took him a second to register through the different items before he spotted a fresh bottle of water. The one thing that was inconvenient was having to hydrate the vessel. Drinking water wasn’t customary in hell.
In fact, it had been such a problem, Al ended up in critical condition several times from dehydration. Kanai had to set alarms to remind the demon to drink water. By now, it was starting to become more routine to actually hydrate but, it felt like such a stupid task to perform. The redhead snagged the bottle of liquid and shut the fridge door. He quickly snapped the lid off and pressed the bottle to his chapped pierced lips. Chugging half the bottle as much as he was capable without being able to breathe in the process. He pulled the bottle from his mouth and gasped loudly as he swallowed. “Fuck…” he heaved for a few moments, catching his breath.
Lazily, he screwed the cap back on and carried it out with him back to the dining room. Kanai did not look up this time though he could feel the presence of the other now, his duo colored, blacked eyes scanned the illuminated words before him. Al leaned against the doorway, watching the hound carefully. His head thudded painfully, his skull feeling far too big for the flesh on his head. He squinted, trying to will the pounding away. “Nai?”
“Yes, Donnie?” The hound responded, still not looking up from his current project at hand.
“Will you rub my head?” Bringing the butt end of his palm to his left hand temple, he ground into it, hoping to relieve the pressure. It just wasn’t the same when it was from one’s own inflicting. Now the navy haired male looked up and cocked a brow, eyes scanning over the sore features of his friend’s face. He shrugged his shoulders and slid back in his chair, patting the space between his legs. Without missing a beat, Alistar quickly made hast and made his way over to make himself comfortable between the hound’s open legs. He was wearing a long black band tee with loose grey sweatpants, a lazy fit that he either never changed from the night before, or specifically put on to lounge and research in. Either way, Al found it endearing.
The red head settling in, his shoulders squeezed by each one of Nai’s slender knees. The pressure was comforting. In a few short seconds, and after a few clicks, a video began to play. While it did, the hellion brought both his grey hands to the mess of Al’s loose red hair. Normally in a ponytail, but down and free for the night. His fingers tangled within the damp threads to reach the sides of Alistar’s head, he pressed his prints down, rubbing small individual circles with his digits. The demon groaned with pleasure allowing his neck to loosen and fall back into the sensation.
As the video played, discussing the deeper theoretics to physical and psychological bonding between humans, the hound watched closely as his fingers dug into his friend’s skull. Moving in short calculated circles on each side of the anti-Christ’s temples. “S’good Donnie?” Asking distractedly while his eyes watched the screen closely.
“Mhmmm….” The redhead melted into a puddle but the more he began to relax, the stronger that familiar, delightful tickle presented itself inside his frontal sinuses. “hE..hH…” he struggled and stuttered.
“Just let it out, Al,” The hound told him lazily, his hands still roughly mulling and pushing into the demon’s skull.
“HehH’eEZSCHhh’iiEW…..” Alistar sneezed into the palm of his open hands, a cloud of mistral spit coating the surface of his blackened skin. “Ooff…”
“That was a big one,” Kanai ruffled his palm through the demon’s red hair now. He looked down, and Al looked up, their eyes met and the anti-Christ smirked, lifting his brows suggestively.
“Want to try it?” The redhead braved the question, not sure he could canoodle his way through Kanai’s current train of all night deep dives…but he was going to fucking try.
“What?” The hound asked curiously tilting his head as he continued to gaze down lifelessly at his best friend.
“Sneezing and fucking,” Alistar responded back with an air of causality that continued to draw the other in. Playing on the hound’s innate need for exploration.
“Why?” Furrowing his brows with slight confusion now. What was the purpose?
“It feels REALLY good,” The demon continued through his powers of persuasion, his lips pulling up into a half smirk before licking them once.
“But I’m not sneezing,” Kanai now frowned, realizing the flaw to this plan already.
“Not YET…” Al held up a finger, drawing attention back onto the metaphorical drawing board.
“It would take a while…” the grey skinned man responded flatly but only because he was teetering the edge of thought, contemplating his desire to experience more feelings.
“Well listen, we could both benefit from this research,” Alistar continued, he was going to go down without a fight and he could already seen the hound weighing thinner the longer they kept on the topic.
“Okay, so it’s research?” Kanai raised a thin brow in his response, voice still flat with a slight hitch of interest.
“Yes,” The redhead grinned, a hint of mischief gleamed behind his black holes. Now he had Kanai right where he wanted him.
“Okay,” Now he was listening attentively, his fingers unconsciously continued to rub and dig at the other’s tense skull. It seemed to starve off the burning sensations that cause the anti-Christ to explode.
“I want to know what it feels like to be the one getting fucked while sneezing…you know, what’s that like? The FEELING..” Alistar emphasizes on the right words to keep his friend’s attention, and consideration.
“Okay…?” In a certain light, Alistar could see Kanai slipping away, but still holding on for dear life as he was always desperate to understand the redhead.
“Yes, and in order for you to also experience that feeling, you’d need to get sick,” Al continued his explanation, knowing somewhere through, he would get him fully back again.
“Right,” Kanai responded with a confident nod. Like a train on time, he was at the station, Alistar felt excitement bubbling up from within his lower stomach.
“Two BIRDS, Kanai, one stone,” too excited, the redhead threw him a curve ball, hoping his time on earth and influence may have caught up by now.
“What birds? Why a stone?” The Navy haired hellion was lost again. Alistar slapped his hand to his forehead, regretting it instantly as his brain rang around inside his skull like a giant gong.
“No…Uncle Fucking Christ…It’s a human metaphor…two problems solved with one solution…I’m sick now..you fuck me, get sick by tomorrow…follow?” He spelled it out a little more easily for him now. Kanai squinted but then nodded his head quickly in understanding, signaling to Alistar he was back in the game. Just still a little confused about the end plan.
“Following, not entirely sure where it’s leading,” he replied back honestly. Yet, it was still progress Al needed to continue.
“You get sick, I fuck YOU, boom, now you know the feeling, RESEARCH, Complete,” he pointed at Kanai, then himself, then back at Kanai and made an explosion motion with his opening fist.
“Hmm..” He sat on it for a second, he calculated the experience. Though carnal sexual experiments weren’t on his top ventures of research, he certainly wasn’t against them. Humans were incredibly sexual beings. Often he wanted to understand the nuances behind different kinks and concepts. Sexual experiences were half of what being human was about, for those that weren’t asexual that is! Fascinating the world is…he almost trailed out of the room on the topic. He did however, circle back and found himself leaning into his curiosity.
“Eh? Eh??” Alistar chimed in, knowing the distant look in Nai’s gaze meant he was wandering in a mind maze.
“Okay, yes,” Quickly he made his decision, nodding his head to match his verbal consent, and Alistar was in. Oh man, dessert had never been so sweet. The demon was a glutton for sex, compared to the other. He wanted it all the time, every way. There was no wrong way to have sex EXCEPT, without consent. You’d think as a demon it would be the opposite. Nope.
He had felt the indescribable sensations of being tightly wrapped around Drae’s hole while he blew his nose off the surface of his face. Now he would get the opposite feeling, he wanted to be stuffed to the brim, the ultimate feeling of fullness. It had to be phenomenal.
“Amazing…” truthfully, it was. Alistar was beyond excited as his throat burned and prickled with anticipation. Draeko couldn’t top him, even if he mustered the courage, Alistar couldn’t take him seriously enough. Kanai was perfect. They’d already done so a million times, so he knew it would be good. No one else in the group would give him the time of day…quick fix? Kanai. Good fix. Reliable. Loyal. He bit his lower lip, sucking on it once while Kanai searched the red head’s gaze.
“Don’t just stare at me, dude, fuck me,” rolling his eyes impatiently, he may be bottoming but he was still very much going to be doing all the bossing around. The navy haired hellion smirked lifelessly, but with that sparkle Al recognized only from hell.
“Of course, Donnie…” he replied, wrapping his hand around the underside of Alistar’s jaw gripping it to lift him from his spot on the ground. The demon gasped, his throat tightened and it triggered something buried. No longer was it held dormant by the stress relief of a massage. Like a kinked hose now, he lifted Al into his lap and as he was straddled, Kanai forced Al’s face down into a hard, aggressive kiss. Their tongues slid together quickly, rushed, and furious. The two fought ferociously for dominance, neither wishing to give up the feat but Al ground himself needlessly into the hound’s lap bucking lap. Almost throwing Kanai completely off his win.
The hound parted their lips and took a fistful of Alistar’s bright crimson locks, pulling his face back to look at the brightened light on the ceiling above him. “Go on now, Donnie, the floor is yours…” he let out a breathless chuckle. A joke he personally felt like he nailed, but his opportunity to bask in it fell short before the redhead’s body trembled and twitched. His chest collapsed and rose with such quickness, Nai looked between it and the hellion’s jarring maw.
“HEHH’DZSCHh’iEEW!” He blew out fast, and without much time or means to be polite, he sneezed into his friend’s unsuspecting face. Kanai blinked a few times feeling the new arrival of wetness hit him so suddenly in a fine mist, a few dense drops included.
“Wow…yours are very loud compared to Luciftias…” the hound noted outwardly, Alistar blushed as his thighs tightened around Kanai’s haunches.
“Bad thing? SnNdfF….” The redhead asked curiously, looking downward at his friend from the still ‘pulled hair’ position, blackened scleras half lidded.
“No…curious to how it’ll feel when you tighten up around me though,” the navy haired hellion spoke earnestly while trailing his free hand up the back of Al’s spinal chord. He shivered, gritting his teeth and rolling his shadow orbs behind his skull. He ground his hips with hungry force downward into the other’s lap, already feeling Kanai’s length growing hard in his sweats. It felt so prominent from the thin material of his own boxers, but not enough to satisfy. Just a tease.
“Oh, man, it’s gonna…Hh…feel so goHOuhd Hhah’AETSHH!” This time he aimed himself to the side, trying to have some shred of decency as this one sent his body rocking aimlessly against the other. His nose dripped and his mouth was so numb that he couldn’t even feel it. Kanai reached up and thoughtfully, wiped the ick from his face then onto the side of his pants.
“I concur,” his hand now slid up to grip the back of Al’s neck, his grasp was tight, sharp nails dug painfully into the flesh there. From two points of his head he was being forced in the position to stare at the light, that burning, triggering light. What was it about the brightness that just sent one into oblivion?
“Fuck, Nai…” he growled hoarsely, snuffling loudly afterwards. Alistar, in solid calculated motions, rolled his hips in tight circles wanting so badly to feel the slightly shorter man’s thick length, pulsating through him while his sinuses had their way with him. Kanai, on the other hand, as pheromones and hormones started to over take him, let go of the demon, momentarily. Only to pick him up by his thighs, shoving his laptop out the way using Al’s body, he forced him onto the table.
“Oooh some fire in your fucking loins…that’s it Nai, you want this….you want my cold…yo-HiH’AESSH’UE! Heh’TZsch!” Blasting inconveniently over Kanai’s face once more but this time the hellion simply licked the wet substance from his mouth. Unfazed by the assault.
“I want it…” the hound rumbled from deep within his chest as his hands began to claw the other’s boxers from off his body, tossing them across the room. Alistar sneered, sniffling twice, loudly to needlessly try and clear himself enough to breathe through his nose, watching Kanai through glossy, watering black holes. No such luck when he only found his snuffs increased the endless prickle that danced up and down his face and throat.
“Hh..hah..” Kanai crashed their mouths back together in an aggressive motion, swapping those fresh bacterium and swallowing the hellion’s incoming sneeze. So the hound thought. Yet through the roughened kiss, it persisted. His nose trickled between the mess of saliva that swapped between the two. Hands violently gripped at each other’s arms…legs…Kanai stood between the redhead’s thighs. He gripped them, almost for support, or almost, as if he intended to rip them clean off his friend’s body. Alistar groaned animalisticaly as he pulled on Nai’s lower lip. “Hheh’EZSCH!” Again, the onslaught of facial blows never ceased, it was certain within a few hours Kanai would be crawling out of his room with a fever that was inhuman. Al sat back to look upon the mess he made, chuckling with snarky satisfaction. Nai smirked, and brought up a thumb to wipe at the wet on his lip.
“So messy, you are, Alistar,” breaking the silence between the sound of staggered breaths.
“Just making sure I’m thorough, friend,” he winked his leaking blackened eye with a flirtatious smirk. The hound scoffed, and then he looked down at the red head’s exposed, hardened length, and swiftly, spit in his hand. Taking hold of the desperate cock, and slowly twisting his palm around it.
“Very kind..we don’t want to miss a bird…did I get that right?” Kanai’s voice was smooth, like room temperature butter onto crispy toasted bread. Almost like he became more composed as Alistar began to unravel.
“A-ah…yo-..hnn..sure did…” the red headed demon gritted through his clenched teeth now, hips involuntarily bucking against Kanai’s skilled working hand.
“Very good,” the hound whispered with a seductive husk, only causing the anti-Christ to slip further into pleasure as he released his control to him. He loosened under the sheer pleasant motions, his clogged up sinuses only turned harder against him. So they thought…If sneezes were sentient.
“Hah~…Hnn…Hh’HTSSCZH!” He flung a few inches forward by the sheer force of it, biting his lower lip hard he snuffed and snorted. “SNDF!” It felt so unbelievably good, a mini release as the hound tugged on his aching cock.
“Don’t waste them all before I’m even inside, Donnie…you’ll be very displeased,” licking his own lips now, Kanai was watching closely to the pleasant twists and turns of his partner’s pleasured expressions.
“Oh shit…don’t fuckin’ say tha—-HAH..TZSCHH!” Involuntarily another shot out, the more his pleasure increased it seemed the more persistent it became as Nai’s hand twisted, and squeezed around him. The Navy haired demon now slightly concerned his friend would run out of viral steam if he didn’t speed this up. To Al’s dismay, Kanai removed his hand long enough to pull his sweats down for just a few moments, as he untucked his own throbbing erection from behind the material.
“We shouldn’t waste anymore time, should we ?” Kanai taking his friend’s current state as a signal to move forward in the task at hand. Alistar’s experience. The red head was greeted with a sudden sense of clarity as his cock twitched in open air, he reached forward and gripped Kanai tightly by his left hip, bringing him closer. While looking down, he squinted a watering eye and then hocked a fat lump of spit across the tip of the other’s length.
Alistar reached down between them and took the moistened length in his open grip, sliding the saliva to coat it around every corner of the flesh, while Kanai’s head bobbed, struggling to stay upright in this motion. Eventually, the hound snapped his head back up, his gaze falling over Al’s as their eyes locked. He gripped the redhead’s flame cladden wrist and tossed it off his dick, before gripping Al’s thighs tightly. He spread them apart and pulled him closer to the edge of the table to expose his waiting hole.
“That’s right you’re going to fuck that tight ass, aren’t you, Nai?” It was hard to ignore his hormonal desires within, but they were burning like the many fires bursting inside of him. His nose continued to tickle, and he was closer to another. Almost he could taste it, metallic. He moaned low in his aching throat.
“I am…I need to now,” The hell hound grunted, jaw clenching as he pressed himself at Al’s entrance, prodding impatiently. Losing his sense of collectiveness he was nothing more than an animal subject to his natural desires.
“Yeah, Nai? You need to? Prove to me how bad you need it, my friend” Alistar reached up behind Kanai and gripped a handful of Navy blue locks, pulling their sweating foreheads together in a rough motion.
“With pleasure…Donnie..” Nai huffed breathlessly before he pushed himself fully inside, sheathed within the tightened entrance, and stayed soaking there as the redhead let out a hoarse grunt. “Come on Al, give it a go….” Slowly, at the pace of a sloth crossing the street he began to pull his length out and Al, between this pleasurable feeling and allowing the build within him rise, opened his jaw involuntarily.
“Eh’Hih’TSZZCH! HIH’T-CHS’UH!” In perfectly timed rhythm, Kanai pushed himself back in, and slammed full hilt.
“How’s it…A-Al?” He managed through a clenched jaw, his muscles flexing at the strain of such a tight fit.
“F-Fucking Amazi-ng…Nai…Don’t stop, I swea-Hh’hih… I’ll kill yo- H’TDZSCH! you…” like a broken dam, the flood gate came undone, he pushed his hips outward to meet with each powerful thrust, leg clasped around one of the hound’s rocking hips to forcefully increase the pace. “HARDER,” he hissed, to which the other hellion responded accordingly, with a breathless sneer.
“Yes, Sir,” he replied smoothly, if not with a slightly muted groan, his length felt incredible, tightened and squeezed so much more abruptly when the demon was fitting. “You’re so …much..tighter…Al…” he grunted as he continued to throw himself inside from each pull outward. His shaking grey hands gripped with an impeccably strong force against Al’s thighs, his skin there reddening with each passing second. It only added to the challenge as Nai’s grip made it harder for Alistar to meet each thrust, almost edging his impeding release.
“I can-… Huh’AESSH’ue! H’hH’EezSCH! can’t wait to feel you tomorrow…” continuing the thought regardless of the messy particles of spit and sick that spilled between then, hitting every square space of flesh within it’s wake.
“I’m…going to cum, Al,” the hound warned, his grip only getting tighter, his groin twisting as his hips began to thrust with less calculated movements. Alistar brought a hand behind Kanai, pushing him deeper, as if it were possible. Just brushing against his prostrate, Alistar took hold of his leaking, impatient cock and began to stroke to each thrusting motion.
“Just hold on…I’m almost..Al-m…Hh’Hah..” he now peered back up at the ceiling light, needing just a little help getting there…but ol’ reliable never fails as he felt that same, erotic, masterful feeling. Like when your foot falls asleep, that same static electricity that trickled through the nerves, but instead it’s in your face. The redhead stuttered, his body clenched as the onslaught of Kanai’s thrusting length struck his magic chord, and his hand tugged despairingly at his own overstimulated cock. “HH’HEHTZSCH!” A three in one opportunity, Alistar sneezed, and came hard in short strands all over his tired digits.
Kanai now, as well, grunting with force, hips slapping to full hilt before he spilled over inside the insistent demon. They both huffed, and puffed, Alistar sniffled, snorted and snuffed. “Snddddfff,”
“Well…” Kanai almost gasped, pulling his spent cock from the inside of his best friend’s now leaking hole. He leaned against the table, both palms gripping the edge as he caught himself up to sane levels of thought.
“Well….” The crimson haired demon replied with his own breathless expression.
“How was it?” Standing up straight, the hound now tucked his soaked, softening shaft back under the hem of his sweatpants, Al taking this opportunity to hop off the table and take hold of the water bottle he originally brought in.
“Phenomenal, Kanai, you gotta try that,” pausing between catching his breath to account his feelings on the experience.
“We shall see later this day, won’t we?” Responding in his usual dry, monotonous fashion, seemingly having regulated himself enough to speak more coherently.
“We shall…snnddfff..” regardless of the high he was currently riding, Alistar was still unrelieved of having this illness. Though he did feel a thousand times lighter the same way he did with Drae earlier. Ah yes, this was the life. Variety.
“I am not looking forward to that part though…” Kanai referred to the dripping of Al’s nose and wild sniffling to get any real sense of air.
“You get used to it…” the red head shrugged his shoulders simply, he began to work at the lid of his water bottle again, unscrewing it off completely with a twist of his index and thumb.
“Sure…I’m going to go shower now,” Nai much more exhausted now than he had been originally, turned from the chair and began to walk towards the hallway of rooms.
“Hmm..enjoy, I’m gonna chug the rest of this water and, try to sleep…” he yawned but it only all too quickly followed with a loud painful hacking cough. He hit his chest with a closed fist to clear his throat enough that he could take a sip of his water and sooth the onslaught.
“Good luck resting, Donnie,” Kanai yawned waving behind, stretching his shoulders before he turned in the direction of the hall.
“See you tomorrow to complete our research,” Al responded back, running his hand through sweaty locks of red hair.
“See you tomorrow,” And then the hell hound disappeared, retiring to clean himself up in preparation for the day’s later activities.
The End
Author’s Notes: I’ll have you know before I was even halfway done with this piece, Geezie came up with an idea for a FOURTH installment to this series….so yeah. It’s coming if you couldn’t tell behind Al and Nai’s conversation 🫣🫨 First accidental Snz Series when I had my first snz series planned already….but I guess I’ll just have to do both. 🤷🏼‍♀️
68 notes ¡ View notes
jj-nhlgirly ¡ 2 years
Summer of Love:- Home Sweet Home
Jack Hughes x F!Reader
Smut 18+ minors DNI
AN anyone on the phone will be in bold, I tried with the smut ok? Next part should be out in a couple days hopefully 🤞🏼.
TW:- mentions of sex, edging, oral (f receiving) praise kink, fingering,choking and swearing? 🤷🏼‍♀️
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(Not my gif, credits to who made this)
It had been a few days since the accident. Mackenzie sat on the side of the bed legs swinging, attempting to do her makeup with one hand. Jack had offered to help and got as far as concealer but had to leave for a morning workout with the boys. Huffing Mackenzie gave up, reaching for her phone to call Kaylee to see if she would come and help, Mackenzie was also frustrated because she forgot she needed to shower and so the “makeup” if you could call it that, she’d put on was pointless anyways and she still required assistance to get dressed and she didn’t feel comfortable asking a nurse for help. Growing up together there wasn’t much Kaylee hadn’t seen before, considering the endless amount of times they’ve had to help a drunk one another into clothes after a night out, or the countless times they’d walked into the bathroom to use the toilet as the other showered. You could say they were beyond the line of a normal best friendship, and so if Jack couldn’t help her change, Kaylee certainly would.
Unlocking her phone, Mackenzie clicked on the second most recent contact. Kaylee picked up on the second ring, “hello my American sweetheart” Kaylee greeted. “Hey gorgeous, are you up to anything?” Kenzie smirked knowing the answer, “girl… since when do I do anything without you?” Kaylee deadpanned. Mackenzie laughed before teasing, “true just gotta check you’re not cheating on me”. “If anything you’re cheating on me with Jacky boy, but he’s cute so I’ll forgive you for that.” Kaylee teased back, Mackenzie rolled her eyes, “you’re not even into boys so how can that statement be factually correct?” Kaylee laughed “I could be secretly into boys” Kenzie laughed again, “considering I was your “sexual awakening” when you drunkenly kissed me and told me I was sexy at a house party at 16 I doubt we’re at the point of hiding things from each other.” “Hey! I still stand by that statement. You are sexy as hell, Jacky boy is one lucky boy, I’ve seen your lap dance moves!” Both girls belly laughing at the memory of Mackenzie stunning the room into silence after a lap dance dare, Mackenzie would never admit it but she killed it. “Okaaayyy swiftly moving on, can you come to the hospital I need help with changing and my makeup, I wanna look hot.” Kenzie pleaded, “I’m on my way home girl, I’ve already ordered my Uber” “See now this is why I love you.” “Oh that’s why? But any excuse to see your fine ass and I’m there!” “Careful Jack doesn’t hear you say that” Mackenzie laughed out, “I’ll see you in a little bit beautiful, love you mwah” “I’ll see you soon gorgeous, love you mwah” the girls blew each other a kiss and hung up.
Looking at the time, Mackenzie figured Jack would be done or finishing up his workout, so she decided to call him but before she could call him, “Jack❤️” came across her screen with a picture of the two at a devils game, Mackenzie smiling widely with Jack kissing her cheek. Answering, Mackenzie speaks first “well hello handsome I was just about to call you.” “Oh really? You causing trouble in the ward?” “Me? Trouble? Never. I was just letting you know that Kaylee’s coming to help me get ready for the day. The doctors are going to make their rounds soon. I’m hoping I’ll be discharged today and we can maybe go on a little date this evening?” “Yeah sounds perfect, we haven’t had the chance to go on one in a while huh? I’m just heading back home now, I can drop Kaylee off if she wants?” “Oh babe she’s already ordered an Uber and is halfway here but thank you though. You have any ideas for our date then lover boy?” They usually took it in turns to plan the dates and this time it was Jacks turn. “I have a few ideas, most require two arms which might cause an issue considering you have one right now.” Jack teased, “just means you actually have a chance at winning this time”, Mackenzie shot back. “Oh really? Is that how you wanna play baby? I’ll remember that when you pout because you want my help at the mini golf course.” “Mhm you say that like you don’t purposely get up close and personal. Anyways I’ll let you go shower, Kaylee should be here soon. I love you.” “I love you too baby, I’ll come over in a little.”
True to her word, Kaylee did in fact arrive soon. After greeting Mackenzie with a hug and kiss on the cheek as usual, Kaylee walked over to the bag Jack had packed for Kenzie and pulled out denim shorts, a white cropped tank top and a Red Devils hoodie that judging by the smell of cologne belonged to Jack. Kaylee set them on the bed before making her way to the door locking it, making her way back to Mackenzie to help her up and to the bathroom. Mackenzie reached to turn the shower on before sitting on the bench so Kaylee could help her undress. “And here I was thinking I’d get a famous Mackenzie special lap dance.” Kaylee teased, “maybe on your birthday if you’re a good girl” Kenzie winked, Kaylee pouted before helping her take off her shirt that was again definitely Jacks judging by how it fell to her knees. “Do you own any clothes or do you just steal Jacks all the time?” Kaylee smirked, “oh please I bet if I went through your closet at home there would be plenty of clothes you’ve stolen from your ex girlfriends.” Kenzie retaliated standing to take off her pj shorts. Kaylee left after that letting Mackenzie shower in peace, she kept the door slightly ajar incase Mackenzie needed help, both girls chatting away about anything and everything. After showering Kaylee helped Kenzie get dressed reaching for a matching bra and underwear set claiming she’d thank her later. “I don’t know what bedroom activities you think I’m gonna be getting up to because I can guarantee Jack doesn’t think I look hot with bruises and a broken arm.” Kenzie rolled her eyes, Kaylee stared at her for 10 seconds quirking her eyebrow before replying “girl… you know I love you and I’m gonna be straight up that boy loves you to death, he doesn’t care if you look like Fiona from shrek he’d still think you’re the most beautiful woman in the room as do I might I add.” “Mhmm maybe we should test that” Kenzie laughed. The girls then finished Mackenzie’s makeup before cuddling in bed together waiting for the doctors to come round. After waiting an hour the girls decided to FaceTime Maddy, Freya and Olivia, as Kaylee was preoccupied bragging about getting to see Mackenzie’s “hot ass” their words not Kenzie’s, Mackenzie decided to post something on Instagram to inform the world she was still alive and kicking.
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Liked by jackhughes, trevorzegras, edwards.73 and 145,318 others
Kenzie.Havener sup party people, I am still alive and kicking. It’ll take more than a damn tree to take this girl out. Thank you for all the love and messages I appreciate every single one of you! 🫶🏼
Special thank you to mom for the Nerf updates 😌🫶🏼 isn’t he the cutest? 🥹 and special appreciation to my bubs for being by my side every step of the way, and for buying me my very cool monkey who we have decided to call Oakley after the tree that brought him to us 🤙🏼 i love you endlessly baby, thank you for always being there for me. ❤️
jackhughes I love you forever baby ❤️, but maybe try and not give me a damn heart attack next time yeah?
trevorzegras I need that picture of jack rq 🙏🏼
Kenzie.Havener check your messages 😌
trevorzegras you are a literal angel 🤙🏼
Kenzie.Havener just doing gods work 🤙🏼
jackhughes why that picture 😭, you said you wouldn’t send it to anyone 😩❤️
Kenzie.Havener you needed to be humbled baby ❤️
l_hughes06 awww Nerf is so cute!! Mom how come we never had a dog 😭😩
Kay.Johnson because it’d have ran away 0.2 seconds into living with you boys and I wouldn’t blame it😭🥹
l_hughes06 someone come collect their girlfriend 😫🤨
Kenzie.Havener ok come on gorgeous, clearly he’s salty after being humbled 💅🏼
Frey.Lodge ok come on babe 🫶🏼
Maddy.Elizabeth baby let’s get outta here ❤️
Olivia.Autumn beautiful let’s humble him together and call it a date 😉😙
l_hughes06 what is wrong with you guys? 😩🤨
jackhughes how long do you have lukey? 💀
Skylar.Grace I cannot with you calling him Oakley after the tree that nearly killed you 💀😭😂
Kenzie.Havener it was a truly humbling experience😌😙
Edwards.73 how much did Jack have a say in this? 🤨
jackhughes more than I’d like to admit your honour 🫡🤚🏼
Elblue06 so glad you’re ok sweetie, the boys better be taking care of you whilst I’m gone🤨💙
Kenzie.Havener oh they are taking such good care of me, I love you mama Hughes 💙
Elblue06 I love you too Kenz 💙
AngelaWoods oh my baby, Im so thankful you’re ok. I love you!! And you’re welcome for the Nerf updates, I’ll send you more soon 🫶🏼❤️
Kenzie.Havener thank you mom, I love you too. Please send more I miss him so much 😭❤️
Mackenzie tuned back into the girls conversation as soon as Olivia said g-spot, “I’m sorry. what?” Mackenzie questioned. Olivia looked at Mackenzie through the screen lifting an eyebrow before asking “how much of the conversation were you paying attention to kenz?” “I heard g-spot but that was it, I was making an Insta post to let people know I’m still alive.” Kenzie replied now more interested than before. “Ugh someone explain what’s going on, I’ve literally been talking for 10 minutes” Olivia huffed, “fine I’ll get her updated, basically Olivia and Chase are having issues in the bedroom. Chase thinks everything is fine but Olivia does not and won’t say anything” Maddy summarised. “What kinda issues are you having Liv?” Mackenzie questions, Olivia sighs “I don’t know where to begin Kenz.” “Start with what’s bothering you the most?” Kenzie suggested. “Ok well, in the time we’ve been dating he’s never made my orgasm from just sex, he’s never found my g-spot, and it’s just vanilla. There’s no spice, nothing new, I’ve tried wearing lingerie for him but it changed nothing” Olivia vented, “Oh wowza, have you ever orgasmed in the time you’ve dated him? Or have you faked it the entire time?” Kenzie asked, “I’ve orgasmed but only from oral and even then it’s a rarity that he’ll go down on me” Olivia frowned.
“Mhmm” Mackenzie hummed encouraging her to go on. “It’s like there’s no passion and it’s a chore for him now. It’s literally a 10 minute job and then he’ll turn over and go to sleep. What do I do Kenz? We’re the only ones in long term relationships here, please tell me you and Jack have had similar problems before?” Olivia sighed out. “Liv I wish I could tell you yes.” Kenzie pouted feeling bad for her close friend. “Wait you’re telling me that you and Jack have never had bedroom problems?” Maddy asked. “Only one and we’re working on it so I can happily say I’m a very satisfied girly” Kenzie beamed. “So he’s found your g-spot before? During sex?” Olivia questioned, getting closer to the screen. “Found and become more than acquainted with it, both during sex and with his fingers” Kenzie responded in a heartbeat. “And he’s made you cum?” Olivia inquired, “oh yea! More times then I can ever recall” Mackenzie replied feeling bad that this wasn’t something Olivia could say. “And it’s not vanilla? Like you’ve worn lingerie and it’s not been the same?” Olivia inquired again, “oh no! I try and leave lingerie for special occasions you know to keep things interesting. But it’s definitely not vanilla, like I said we only have one problem but we’re working on it and I’m happy with that” Mackenzie responded. “And what’s that?” Kaylee now joined in, “I don’t feel like I should share that without Jacks consent or him around. But like I said we’re working on it and I’m happy with that” Mackenzie said, whilst she was more than happy to help her girls out respect was a massive thing for Mackenzie and talking about hers and Jacks issue in the bedroom wasn’t something she was comfortable sharing without Jacks consent or with him around to be able to input into the conversation.
“Okay but like what kinks do you have? What keeps things spicy?” Olivia asked trying to get as much help from her friend as possible. “Look Liv, Jacks gonna be here soon why don’t I talk to him and see if he’d be willing to have a FaceTime session with us into helping you spice up your bedroom life? Might be useful to get a guys perspective on it all?” Kenzie replied, she felt a little uncomfortable being the only one talking about her sex life. She loved these girls to pieces and would help them the best she could but this was something she couldn’t really talk about without Jack. “You’d do that? Oh Kenz thank you!! Chase is away with the boys for the weekend so I can FaceTime later?” Olivia cheerfully responded, “ yeah course I will Liv, anyways me and Kaylee are gonna go. The doctors will be here soon and so will Jack. We love you all.” Kenzie sent them all an air kiss and Kaylee hung up.
Before either of the girls could start a conversation there was a knock on the door, “come in” Mackenzie called out however when the person tried to open the door it was locked. “Oh sorry one moment” Kenzie shouted out as Kaylee got up to unlock it. Dr Kingston walked into the room, smiling warmly at Mackenzie. “Oh sorry Dr Kingston we must have forgotten to unlock it after I showered” Kenzie apologised. “That’s alright dear, I must ask for your permission to talk about your medical condition with this lovely lady in the room.” Dr Kingston smiled at Kaylee. “Yes you have my permission” Mackenzie smiled. “Ok well from the scans I had requested there’s no suggestion to any brain injury and your concussion seems to be healing well. I had some extra X-rays done of your ribs and arm, to confirm the fractures. Your arm will take 6 weeks to heal and your ribs will take 3-6 weeks to heal. Now I’ve been told your a field hockey player is that correct?” Dr Kingston read from her file. “Yes Doc, but the season doesn’t start back up until September, training starts late august.” Kenzie replied. “Mhmm you should be healed and able to play by then it is only May 27th however I would like you to take it easy, no high energy activities and no hockey training for 6 weeks. I will make you an appointment to come back and see me 6 weeks from now and make you an appointment to see another doctor back in… New Jersey as a check up but I am happy to discharge you please do come back if you have any concerns” Dr Kingston smiled, “thank you doctor.” Dr Kingston left the room closing the door behind her.
Kaylee immediately started packing Mackenzie’s stuff as Kenzie texted Jack asking him to come pick her and Kaylee up. She immediately got a voice note telling her he was already on his way to come visit her anyways. “Don’t forget Oakley!!” Kenzie called out, “ah yes Oakley the monkey you affectionately named after the thing that almost killed you” Kaylee sighed. “Jack and I found it funny! He’s my humbling monkey, could have been worse! I could have called him Jack junior” Mackenzie laughed at the disgusted expression on Kaylee’s face. After signing the discharge papers, Mackenzie and Kaylee made their way down to the parking lot to wait for Jack. Jack pulled up 20 minutes later, jumping out to help Kaylee with the bags putting them in the trunk before coming back around to hug and kiss Mackenzie, Kenzie flipping off Kaylee as she fake gagged at the couple. Pulling away Kenzie looked over at Kaylee, “oh please you’re just jealous im getting laid and you’re not getting any” Kaylee sighed dramatically “I mean… you’re not wrong.”
Mackenzie walked around to the front passenger door about to open it before a hand reached to stop her, “you’ve been gone for 5 days and you’ve already forgotten the rule” Jack huffed out. The “rule” Jack was referring to, was something that was made up before they even started dating, if Jack was around he refused to let Mackenzie open any doors always reaching for them before she even had a chance to touch the handle. Mackenzie rolled her eyes leaning up to kiss him as he pulled the door open for her, helping her get in and buckling her seatbelt for her. The drive back was pretty uneventful, Mackenzie had fallen asleep 10 minutes into the ride leaving Jack and Kaylee to chat amongst themselves. “So Jacky boy, when are you planning on proposing to my home girl here? Kaylee started, “ssshhh Kay” Jack started before briefly glancing over to make sure Mackenzie was still asleep before looking back at the road, “the boys and I are planning to look for promise rings in a few weeks time. Then I was thinking of actually proposing in a year or two. I mean we are only 22, well I am Kenzie in a few weeks but you get what I mean.” “You haven’t given her a promise ring yet? You’ve been dating nearly 3 years!?” Kaylee was shocked, if not a proposal she’d have thought Jack had at least brought or had given her a promise ring. “It slipped my mind ok? I’m planning to make it up to her by planning out a promise proposal not entirely sure how to make it perfect for her without using ideas for our actual proposal” Jack glanced at Kaylee in the mirror, “I have a few ideas I’m sure the girls will be more than happy to help.” Kaylee smiled.
10 minutes later they pulled into the drive way of the lake house, Kaylee climbed out to grab the bags with the help of Luke. Jack walked around the front of the car opening Mackenzie’s door reaching over to unbuckle her seatbelt and picking her up bridal style turning her bad ribs into him. She stirred in her sleep mumbling out a faint “Jack?” which he wouldn’t have heard had her head not been resting on his shoulder, “yeah baby I’m here, we’re home” Jack whispered. “I love you Jack” Kenzie whispered before snuggling into the crook of his neck, placing kisses. “I-I love you too kenz” Jack moaned softly as she kissed over his sweet spot, sucking lightly as he walked up the stairs to their bedroom, Kaylee and Luke following behind with bags and Oakley. “B-baby we can’t right now, Kaylee and Luke are following behind us” Jack leaned down to whisper, “but I want you, I want you so bad Jack” Kenzie begged. “We can’t baby, you need to rest and the doctor said no high energy activities” Jack replied struggling to not give in. As they entered the bedroom, Jack gently laid Mackenzie on the bed before turning to grab the bags and Oakley off Luke and Kaylee. “Kenz you want me to join you and Jack for the call with Olivia?” Kaylee asked, Jack looked over at Mackenzie confused, “what call?” Jack asked. “Oh right, erm Luke you may wanna leave for this” Kenzie warned as the youngest Hughes walked away, “Olivia requires a male opinion on some issues she and Chase are having, would you mind listening and giving some advice?” Kenzie questioned. “What kinda issues?” Jack quirked one of his eyebrows at the girls, “bedroom issues” is all Kaylee said before reaching to call Olivia, “it’ll be easier if she explains.”
“Hey wifey’s and Jackson” Olivia greeted smiling, “not my name but hey” Jack greeted. After chatting for a little, Jack decided to break the ice into what this call was meant to be about “soooo I heard from two little birdies you need some male advice?” Olivia sighed “yeah, I’m at a loss for what to do” “well what’s the actual issue?” Jack looked between the three girls. “My sex life is boring as fuck! There’s no passion, it’s like it’s become a chore for Chase to fuck me. He’s never made me orgasm during sex, oral is a rarity, I’ve tried wearing lingerie but it changed nothing. He won’t even go and get me a wash cloth after we’re done” Olivia vented, Jacks face was full of surprise. “What? Does he not know what a g-spot is?” Jack quirked his eyebrow, “no because that’s what I’ve been saying!! He asks me to go down on him or help him get off but with me? He’s not interested, if he catches me trying to get off he’ll just sigh and leave the room. And if I even suggest a new kink I wanna try out he just acts like it’s something to be ashamed of? What do i do? How do you and Kenz keep it good and interesting?” Olivia finished, Jack looked at Mackenzie with a look that was asking for permission to talk about their experiences together, Mackenzie nodded if there was anyone she’d trust to keep this secretive it would be these girls. “Well when kenz and I first started having sex we decided to write a small list of things we’d both be open to trying aside from the usual stuff and every now and then we’ll pick one to try out. Communication is important, both myself and Kenz have tried stuff together and not enjoyed it but we were honest about it. As a guy I can’t lie and say that before Mackenzie, my only thought about having sex was to get off, I didn’t put as much thought into the girls pleasure as I’d like to admit I should have but with Mackenzie it’s just different. Like before I’d only go down on a girl if she asked me to but with Mackenzie I dunno how to explain it but I want to do it she doesn’t need to ask me and not just because it’ll lead me to getting something in return. There’s been plenty of nights where we’ve just focused on one person whether that be me or kenz.”
Looking over at Mackenzie, Jack noticed her cheeks flush. “So what you’re saying is just talk to him?” Olivia sighed knowing that was the inevitable, “well yes or you could try something new?What have you tried so far?”Jack suggested. “Or you could just join me in the gay girly club” Kaylee added lightening the mood, “unfortunately for you im not into girls sorry bestie but we’ve not tried a lot, most we’ve done is a blindfold.” “Ooooo I forgot about that, can we add that to our list baby?” Mackenzie asked already pulling up the locked notes in the phone and adding it, “yeah baby why not? Hmm maybe try a switch kink then, you be in control for once?” Jack suggested. After some hyping up from the girls, Olivia agreed to try being dominant with Chase when he got back tomorrow night, promising to keep them updated. Kaylee then walked out of the room still talking to Olivia, leaving the couple in peace.
As soon as the door shut Mackenzie was leaning over kissing Jacks neck again, this time sucking a little harder, not enough to leave hickies but enough that Jack moaned out “K-kenz we can’t, you need to rest.” “I’ve rested enough baby” Kenzie replied moving up to kiss him on the lips, hands playing with the hem of his shirt tugging lightly on it. Pulling away Jack took his shirt off before coming back in to kiss her again. Mackenzie tried but failed to take off her hoodie, laughing Jack was quick to help before realising that the door was still unlocked. Jack stood up to lock the door turning around to find Mackenzie struggling with her tank top, shaking his head he walked back to the bed helping her discard of it along with her bra. Jack moved his head to kiss her neck getting lower and lower until he wrapped his mouth around her left nipple, “Ohhhhh” Mackenzie moaned out before being shushed by Jack as someone knocked on the door. “Yo Jack?” Quinn called out trying to open the door, Jack shot up throwing Mackenzie his shirt to put on. Mackenzie slipped it on quickly with Jacks help, laying on the bed under the covers pretending to be asleep. Jack walked over to unlock and open the door, “yeah?” “We’re all going out for dinner and bowling are you and Mackenzie coming?” Quinn asked before peaking into the room seeing Mackenzie asleep or so he thought. “I think me and Kenz were gonna have a date night but she fell asleep. Is everyone going?” Jack asked smiling. “Yeah everyone’s in the cars ready to go. I’ll call when we’re on our way back incase you two want ice cream” Quinn smiled at his brother before turning away.
Turning back, Jack climbed back onto the bed from the bottom making his way up under the covers till he was laying on top of Kenzie, her eyes were still shut, but they quickly opened to the sensation of Jacks warm tongue sucking her nipple again, “OOHH” she moaned out. Jack switched to give the other one the same amount of attention, “mhmm Jack baby” Kenzie moaned reaching her hand to wrap around his hair. Jack left her nipples, moving to leave a trail of kisses down her abdomen, fingers unbuttoning her shorts and pulling the zipper down, pushing them off her legs along with her panties. Carefully, Jack spread her legs apart slotting in between them perfectly like a puzzle piece, using his thumbs Jack pushed her folds apart exposing her more before leaning in to leave teasing butterfly kisses around her pussy. Kenzie tugged gently on his hair, “mhmm jack please” “what do you want baby? Tell me what you want” Jack loved hearing her beg. “I want you baby” Kenzie pleaded, ���you have me baby, I’m right here” Jack wasn’t letting her off that easy like he usually did. “Jack please! Please I want you to eat me out!” Kenzie cried out, “mhmm that’s a good girl” Jack praised her before leaning in slowly licking her clit before dropping down to her entrance coming back up again. “Ohhhhh fuck mhmmm” Kenzie moaned out quietly, Jack stopped pulling away no more than necessary “you can be as loud as you want baby, no one’s here. Tell me how good it feels” before diving back in picking up where he left off adding sucking her clit into the actions he was doing. “Fuck Jack, mmmm Jack” Mackenzie moans louder, Jack moans back the vibrations causing her breath to hitch in her throat. “Aaahhh Jack, Jack don’t stop” Kenzie panted out, Jack shook his head side to side, “mmmm Jack! oh Jack I’m gonna cum” Kenzie warned and Jack immediately stopped ,pulling away from her, Mackenzie whined out pulling the covers back and looking down at him.
“Whyyyy?” “What can I say our sex ed phone call gave me the idea that we should practice on your edging baby” Jack argued before slipping a finger in her. “Oh fuckkk Jack” Mackenzie rolled her eyes back at the unexpected action. Jack started moving his finger back and forward keeping it ridged to avoid hitting her g-spot for the time being, “you like when I finger you hmm baby? Love my hands don’t you?” “Y-yessss Jack mmm, feels so good!” Kenzie whined out, “yeah? You want another angel?” Jack asked getting his middle finger ready, “y-yess, mmm jack please” Slipping his middle finger in, Jack started curling them in a come here motion and moving them faster. “H-harder J-Ja-ack” Mackenzie was getting closer to the edge, Jack started thrusting his fingers harder into her grazing her g-spot as he did so. “OH MMM JACK, THERE BABY RIGHT THERE” Mackenzie moaned louder, “right here baby?” Jack asked grazing her g-spot once again. “Y-YES IM GONNA CU-CUMMM” Mackenzie was silently pleading with him to let her fall over the edge but Jack had other plans pulling his fingers away and rubbing her thighs in a soothing motion as she whined out again.
“You’re doing so good for me baby” Jack praised, “l-let me help you baby”Mackenzie pleaded. Jack climbed up the bed laying on his side beside her a noticeable tent in his shorts. “Not yet baby” Jack leaned down kissing her as he slid two fingers back inside her, “o-oH MmmmM Jack”. Mackenzie rolled her eyes back, “how’s that feel baby?” Jack asked picking up the pace of his fingers, as he curled them hitting her g-spot head on. “S-so good!! You’re so- so good to me, mmm I-I’m gonna c-cummm” Mackenzie warned, “yeah? That feel good? Gotta look after my baby don’t I” Jack pulled his fingers out again just as she reached the edge, Mackenzie panting out “J-Jack I can’t take another, I need to c-cum. It’s s-starting to h-hurt a little” she pleaded, “ok, ok baby girl, you’ve been a good girl for me haven’t you?” Jack pulled down his shorts and boxers stroking himself a few times before reaching over to the nightstand grabbing a condom, rolling it on Jack positioned himself at her entrance intertwining his right hand with her left one as he slid in. Mackenzie threw her head back at the stretch, squeezing his hand gently, Jack moaned out as his tip hit her walls. He kept still letting her adjust to him before slowly thrusting in and out of her, “oh oh Jack mmmm faster, h-harder” Mackenzie moaned out, “you sure you can handle that baby?” Jack moaned increasing the pace of his thrusts tilting his hips to hit her g-spot.
“YES MMM FUCK JACK, PLEASE” reaching for the hand that wasn’t occupied with hers, Mackenzie placed it around her throat squeezing gently. “You want me to choke you?” Jack squeezed his eyes shut moaning louder, “mhmm please jack Im so fucking close.” Jack squeezed his hand around her neck gently knowing she didn’t like it squeezed any harder, “oh f-f-fuck j-jack I’m gonna cum, please. Please can I cum?” Kenzie’s eyes fluttered as she struggled to keep them open, “c-cum baby, cum for me” Jack moaned squeezing her hand. Mackenzie fell over the edge, walls pulsating around him, eyes rolled back, mouth open chanting his name. Jack slowed his thrusts helping her through her orgasm which seemed to be lasting a lot longer than usual. “JACK OH OH FUCK MMMM JACK” Mackenzie opened her eyes still cumming, she thought Jack made the hottest face when he came. She watched as his eyes rolled back, brows furrowed, making the sexiest noises she’d ever thought existed as he fell over the edge, “Oh oH Kenzie, FFuck baby!”
Jack collapsed on top of her being care of her ribs, panting as he slowly pulled out of her. Standing off the bed removing the condom in the bathroom bin and coming back with a warm wash cloth to clean her up, helping her get changed and off the bed to use the bathroom. Coming back Mackenzie found Jack eyes half open laying on the bed, he looked exhausted. “Jack?” Mackenzie called as she climbed back into bed snuggling into his shirtless chest, jack hummed in response, “are you ok bubs?” Kenzie was concerned. “Yeah just didn’t sleep much last night, was too worried about leaving you alone in the hospital” Jack admitted, “oh baby you could have called me! I never sleep well when you’re away, need you. You make me feel so safe” Mackenzie admitted. “Mmm you’re always safe with me baby. I love you, gonna make you my wife one day” Jack started playing with her blonde hair, “I love you Jacky, can’t wait to be Mrs Hughes one day.” Mackenzie leaned up to kiss him but whined out, “what? What is it?” Jack looked down worry filling his blue eyes. “N-Nothing” Mackenzie gritted out, “kenz it’s not nothing, what hurts? Are you due your pain meds?” Jack glanced at the alarm clock on the nightstand answering his own question as he reached down for the bag beside the bed pulling out the packet of medication. “I told you we shouldn’t have done anything, you need to rest” Jack blamed himself, “no no I’ll be ok, just need my meds but hey? I handled three this time I’d call that progress” Mackenzie smirked, “you did so well baby” Jack kissed her before popping out two pills for her to take, reaching into the bag again he pulled out her water bottle. Mackenzie took the pills, snuggled back into Jack and slowly fell asleep with Jack playing with her hair.
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Unpopular opinion below:
Daryl was still our Daryl in the series. Rough and rugged and sassy (hello, seasons 1&2, nice to see you again). He was making hard decisions because he wanted to get home. He also made decisions because he couldn’t abandon people there that needed him, that isn’t who he is. He did things without sparing feelings, which we saw on the flagship show too. He is a little more desperate in France because he has more to lose.
Some things could have been done differently but Daryl is still Daryl in my opinion.
I’ve written a couple of one shots with France era Daryl and I don’t find him any more or less difficult to write. He’s a complex character, then and now. A big softy but hard when he has to be.
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theforgottenmcrmy ¡ 2 months
live reactions to house of the dragon season 2, episode 7
as always, this is just for fun🖤
spoilers below the cut
Has EVERY episode’s intro been slightly different this season, or am I losing it?👀
Getting right into it.
I’m going with others on this one in saying Rhaenyra initially might have believed Laenor had returned🥲
Syrax and Seasmoke reunion is probably not what they would have imagined either…
Addam: “you gotta believe me, this dragon chose ME😅😅😅”
Alicent talking about women being cast aside or hated as though she did not facilitate BOTH of those things being done to Rhaenyra many times over🫥
So it was Seasmoke Rhaena tried to claim previously, and it “nearly devoured her”…. And yet they expected better results with someone who had even less Targaryen (AND Velaryon) blood than Rhaena?😅
“What if the rider? Do we know who he is?” YOU should know him, Corlys😂
I love you Rhaenyra but Syrax isn’t give Aemond and Vhaegar any second thoughts😅😅😅
“A common shipwright vows to serve you, while your brother seeks to destroy you.” Nothing but facts here 🫡
“Let us raise an army of bastards.” POETIC JUSTICE, IM HERE FOR IT 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
“Well done” is all Corlys has to say. Not sure why part of me expected more.
I love how Oscar Tully isn’t scared of Daemon. Tell him like it is, my lord.
The fish scale looking armor is so cool.
Ser Simon’s looking nervous as hell😅😂
“The King in the Riverlands!” “The King in the-“ oh wait, wrong show😅
Wait, what’s going on👀👀👀
Wowwwww, Daemon’s really just gonna stand by while this goes down?!?
Oh wait, it’s even WORSE, WTF——-
See, I’ve let most of the changes slide without comment, but now this is a change that I HAVE to comment on. How are we supposed to believe that House Blackwood won’t be bitter with Daemon now after what happened to Willem?! And they were one of Rhaenyra’s most steadfast supporters in Fire and Blood, no?!?!
Aegon’s looking 20+ older😅
I wish I could feel more sympathetic for Aegon. But I remember what he did in season 1, and I’m not willing to overlook it.
Alicent gave up on parenting her Aegon, so Larys is stepping up😇
“I am of salt and sea.” Isn’t that almost verbatim what Baela told Corlys the heir to Driftmark needed to be?👀
Noooooo, please don’t send the children to Pentos😭
Rhaena “time to shoot my shot” Targaryen. Just like her mother with Vhaegar.
“Mongrels.” *”really?!* look from Rhaenyra😂
“Did you think I would have dark hair?” WE CANNOT HAVE THIS CONVO RIGHT NOW, please. My heart cannot take this….
I stg if this is there last serious convo before the Gullet…
Jace begging Rhaenyra not to pursue the lowborn dragonriders in order to protect his own claim in the future… echoes to young Rhaenyra arguing with Viserys about being replaced with Alicent’s children💔
Also, Jace foreshadowing almost verbatim as to what will happen with the two Betrayers…
I’ve decided Ulf isn’t a Targaryen bastard at all, just a drunk who crafted a clever lie to keep him drinking for free.
Now Hugh, on the other hand- I’m more inclined to believe his story. Regardless of what happens.
Really? The dragon keepers abandoning Rhaenyra in her hour of need? It’s a good thing they didn’t exist in the book, because something tells me if they did, they wouldn’t have done that🤷🏼‍♀️
Rhaenyra’s outfit though👌🏻
As happy as I am to see Baela present and offering her support, Jace’s absence is even more apparent🥲
Also, and this is extremely random, I love how whenever we have Dragonstone scenes, we can always hear dragons in the background. Makes the emptiness in GOT scenes in Dragonstone heavier.
Loveeee that some of these “Targaryen bastards” have dark hair. Lends weight to Targaryen white/silver hair need not always be dominant as proof of parentage.
I wanna know how they summoned Vermithir TO the cave… or are there like different caves/“nests” for each dragon?👀 because if that’s true, that’s cool as hell and also extremely practical
They really all dipped as soon as possible😅
Did Ulf just get swept away, or-
The amount of foreshadowing with Rhaenyra this season is actually insane
Oooo, calling it now, Ulf is gonna go wandering out, and find Silverwing along the way.
Damn, Vermithor really out here just having a snack until he finds who he’s looking for👀
Hugh being claimed by trying to save someone else’s life says something… still wandering what on earth goes wrong
Aw, Vermithor looks kinda happy. Do you think he’s been lonely all these years without the Old King?🥲
Silverwing really just casually nudging Ulf away from her eggs like😂😂😅
Then immediately going, “we gonna go for a flight now, or?!”
Imagine being a peasant in King’s Landing, being on the brink/in the middle of war, knowing almost all Targaryens (that you’re aware of) have dragons of their own, and all the sudden seeing the dragon of Good Queen Alysanne with a new rider, just flying about King’s Landing…
That ending shot though!!!!!🖤🖤🖤🔥🔥🔥
King’s Landing, a certain queen is coming for you🤭🖤
I will not survive next week if the Gullet is now moved to season 3. Please💔💔💔
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juniper2896 ¡ 3 months
I’m inconsiderate?? For deep cleaning the entire kitchen and organizing cabinets and declutterring to make the kitchen more open and happy…?? Because I moved a FEW items. Not to a completely different place either, just behind something in the same area… I made sure that the things we don’t use were towards the back and the things we use more are in the front. NOT to mention I put my things in the back or higher up and HER things closer and lower because she is short. I am so inconsiderate right??
I’m going to give you a list of inconsiderate things her and her husband have done…:
To start I took her in because she was getting a divorce and needed a place to live (I said she could live with me for 6 months rent free since she didn’t have a job)
Very first night, cant remember if he showed up or if she asked first but her new love interest had to sleep the night because she was scared alone and she felt safer with this guy she had known for 3 years but not in depth and had only been idk dating like a week?? So I said yeah sureee I want you to feel safe and comfortable here…
Sooooooo this new guy at that point had told her he would take care of her financially and she wouldn’t have to get a job, she could go to her exes house and play stay at home mom…So this guy has a job and is basically living with us right? So I should start making them pay rent right?? No I told her 6 months rent free…🥲🙃
So over those first months they slowly bring his things and buy new things and just start putting them anywhere… without asking me….
They start paying rent but can’t afford exactly half so I say I could pay 100 dollars more than them, oh and they can’t afford ANY bills (Electricity or wifi)… I am like okay cool its fine I make significantly more than him and can afford living here alone anyway so its totally fine🙃. But really it is because I am just like that, a good friend 😇.
Soooooo then they start moving the thermostat wherever the fuck they want it and turning on fans in rooms they aren’t in and plugging in something in every fucking outlet. OH!!! They closed vents in the living room and kitchen And went into my room to close my vent in my bathroom area so that they could get more air (Their room really is hotter than the rest of the apartment) Oh and their room didn’t have a ceiling fan but no worries, he is a handy man and installed one 👍🏻
They leave trash bags out on the porch 🤷🏼‍♀️
One morning I was on my lunch break at work and she called me saying soooooo last night me and P (Her lover/other roomie) rescued a kitten, It’s with me now (at her exes house while she watched her kids… a stray un vaccinated cat🙃) I am pretty sure she didn’t ask if it was okay if they could keep it, they just did. I had a pet cat btw that I adopted who was vaxed and fixed and payed for the pet deposit… but, I was like awh cuteeee😅
A month later I found a kitten in my parking spot and called Her down and she picked it up (I was having a hard time) and claimed it for herself💁🏼‍♀️ Cuz that makes sense. I wanted to take it to a shelter and she said welllll I picked it up so its mine anndddd then we had a second cat…
That first cat was a male (We thought it was a girl) and this new cat was definitely a girl… sooooooooo yup, they couldn’t afford to fixed them sooooo yeah they fucked all the time. I should have said lets rehome them but I honestly didn’t think I had a say… so now she is pregnant and they can’t afford anything to make sure she has a healthy pregnancy…Side note they won’t be able to afford the pet deposit when we all move in two months and she had the audacity to ask if I could foster them until they can afford them… wtf? I obviously said NO….
Lol is anyone actually reading all of these😅😅😅💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️💁🏼‍♀️
Sooooooo I have a house ready for me (My dear mother bought a house in the town I work in and I am going to rent it from her). I could totally break the lease and leave, I could have done that back in February… but they don’t have a place to go so I am waiting till our lease is up (They knew I was leaving and not renewing since September 2023) I am so inconsiderate right?
Back in February I was able to go stay at that new house for a month to make sure everything was working before we had renters move in… when I came back they had moved my apple TV plug into their room and told me right when I got home… she said “I hope that’s okay” not “Is that okay?”…. I had it in the living room and never went out there to watch tv and don’t really watch tv at all so I said it was okay…. It still is, but the point is they didn’t ask!
Also they had closed all my vents to my room so they could get more and never told me till I complained a week later about how hot my room was…
I’m sure there is more but my hand is cramping from all this I texted😅😅😅
So am I inconsiderate for moving a few items?? OH ALSO MOST THOSE ITEMS WERE ACTUALLY MINE🙃🙄
I know, if it bothered me I should have said something sooner right?? Well it didn’t really because I am very tolerant and just used to being pushed around without even realizing it. What bothered me was her saying I am “inconsiderate”…. When all I do is fucking people please to the point of overlooking all of my own wants and needs….
Okay I am done
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starset21 ¡ 1 year
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A little blurb based on @foreverrandomwritings Fanboy with a girlfriend who is asexual head canons, I hope you guys like it. I might eventually add more or possibly make her into an actual background character in my other stories 🤷🏼‍♀️ who knows.
What if I said I never wanted to have sex,” she said a little out of nowhere while they were watching a Star Wars movie in her living room after a home-cooked dinner for their 5th date. Mickey’s brows furrowed. “What do you mean?” He asked, turning the movie down and turning his full attention to her. “I really like you Mickey, but I have to know if not having sex is a deal breaker for you before we keep going,” she said before looking down at her lap. This had been on her mind all day. Mickey was concerned and gently lifted her chin so he could look her in the eyes. “Of course it’s not a deal breaker, I really, really like you too. What brought this on?” She let out a breath she hadn’t realized she was holding. “I’m asexual Mick. In the past when I’ve told my previous partners that I don’t really feel sexual attraction and that I have very little interest to almost no interest in sex it’s been a deal breaker and any hope of a real relationship ended there,” she told him. Mickey frowned at her words and took her hands in his, squeezing them gently. “I’m so sorry that’s happened to you, they clearly missed out because you are…” he leaned forward and kissed her forehead, “amazing,” he then kissed her cheek, “intelligent,” he kissed her lips, “and beautiful.” She was sure her cheeks were now red as a tomato at his words. “If you want to go further we can or if you don’t that’s totally ok. I’ve gotten along well enough without another person for most of my life. I just like being with you. If you ever want me to stop doing something, you say so. No matter what, no questions asked, I will.” She couldn’t help but let the tears well up in her eyes at his words, she had been so nervous to tell him but he accepted her fully and honestly. She wiped her eyes before allowing Mickey to pull her into his arms. That night Mickey went online and did a little bit of research of his own on asexuality, discovering that asexuality is a spectrum that there are stigmas and negative assumptions about asexual people in society and in the media that really should be addressed more often. Once he was done reading several articles he then proceeded to order two ace flag keychains, one to give to her and one for him to keep as a show of support.
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batmanrogues-scenarios ¡ 2 years
ok lol so my asks are always crazily specific but i always get the ideas when i’m at work
🤷🏼‍♀️ so i was gonna ask for riddler, scarecrow, joker, and two face when their s/o gets revealed to have been sent as a spy for batman or whatever to figure out their whereabouts, etc. like how they react, since their s/o started as kind of a henchperson of theirs, and “organically” got in a relationship with them, how they would find out, react, etc. thanks!! 🫶🏻
This is going to be angsty.
They honesty seemed more knowledgeable when it came to Bat so he thought they were useful, letting them tag along
Soon he realized he can hold conversation with them, which became longer and longer
Just kinda fell over time, couldn't believe his luck; but it wasn't only because he thought it was too true
Theu acted strange when he showed affection or talked about, he thought it was because they weren't used to it
He wished he was right but no
One day while fighting Bat they jumped in front of him to protect him
Batman asked why they were doing it, they were supposed to get information from him, what did he done to them
And just like that his heart shattered
He activated trap getting S/O and Batman in it, gave them one last glance before running away
He was so angry, the most intelligent man in Gotham didn't saw it coming; he calls himself moron for the first time in a long time
Just let's himself cry to sleep
And he is still angry but wants S/O back to hug him, to tell him it will be alright
When S/O comes to talk he threatens them with traps while hoping they won't give up
If they don't he would slowly open up but they need to back it up with actions
He didn't really paid attention to them, just another henchperson
But they seemed to be fascinated by fear toxin, like really interested
So he gives them mission to see how far they'll go
Decides to share of the information about toxin since they succeeded, really tries to ignore how their amazed stare makes him feel
Becomes his right hand person and soon S/O
He loves rambling to them about his research
It feels nice, too nice
S/O took cops somewhere else while he was finishing toxin and after he was done he went to them to help
But he heard them talking to cops like they knew each other
"Y/N stop it."
"Stop what?"
"We all know he didn't give you wrong information. You're covering for him."
"Ha! Don't ridiculous. "
"I don't know what he had showed you but it's nothing good. I gave you this job because I thought you could keep up with Scarecrow, not for you to be fascinated with fear."
He just walks out behind a wall in complete silence
They raise their guns but S/O in between "Jon..."
Just grabs his fear toxin and throws it
He gets out of there as fast as he can, trying to ignore the urge to take S/O and calm their screams
Lays in his house looking at the ceiling, without energy to do anything
Refuses to meet ex-S/O, even other Rogue's feel like he is too quiet
His trust issues might be too strong
When they showed up he was like "Aight, you can do"
The way that they wanted to spend time with him reminded him of Harley, which was annoying but he needed someone to do his work
Slowly however Y/N gets fun out of it and becomes more cheerful which is more for Joker liking
Decided to show them real fun and soon there's 2 maniacs running around
When cops stop them he separates them and says to S/O
"I knew we shouldn't have send you. There was something wrong with you from the start."
Joker just goes "OOHH! That's explains why you always asked me questions. "
Just zaps cops and takes S/O away,when they ask if he's going to kill them he goes
"Nah, you're fun to have around. "
He honesty doesn't really care about being spy, just don't do that again
Two Face
When they wanted the job he flipped his coin and they got lucky
Harv wasn't in mood for talking and told them to piss off
However they were persistent and make good job so he gave them few words of approval
What got him interested so when they rescued him
They started talking more and he felt warm again
That was until he heard them talking on the phone about how they won't be spying anymore
He felt betrayed and took out his gun
"You either get out or I blow your head off." Harv warned.
Harvey took his other hand on weapon and put it down saying they should go
So they did
Harvey and Harv kept fighting with each other what to do, whether they should allow them to be together
Harvey is just tired and wants someone to love him while Harv is angry
It's all will come to the coin, as always
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mooodyblue ¡ 1 year
I saw your tweet about only being here for elvis and not the women in his life and my god I could not agree more 😭 the discourse is crazy for a fandom that's supposed to be about elvis like? And same with austin and his gfs. Why not just focus on him and his work? If you want to talk about people surrounding your faves that's fine but when it turns to constant discourse it's just like this isn't even what we're here for?? You have lost the plot 😩
YEAAAAAA YEA u get it!!! just don't put me into the group that actively hate on these women tho LMAO
i feel like with elvis, we have the same linda vs priscilla argument every week and i have to fight the urge to have an opinion every single time like can we just idk....love elvis without making it about his love life....that's his personal life that im sure he doesn't need people getting worked up over 🤷🏼‍♀️
as for austin, yeah. idk a single thing abt kaia but they're clearly very happy so i stay clear of all of that discourse bc people can get so mean 😭 kaia hasn't done anything wrong y'all hate her for no reason (and this is not an invitation for y'all to come in my askbox with more discourse okay!!!) but i'm an austin stan so ... i'm gonna just. focus on austin lol
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kmp78 ¡ 9 months
I feel sorry for you because you don't seem to know what basic human kindness is... And like you, many others. And ultimately that's exactly why the world is what it is nowadays. Sad times. Take care.
Kindness is one thing.
Coddling and excusing and covering other people's bullshit is smthg completely different. 🙄
Do you think ANYTHING in this world would ever get done if we were all like SL? 🙄
And btw I have had to deal with lazy-asses like him in my previous job. There were these 2 women who "called in sick" like every other week! During those 10 years I worked in that team I don't think we ever went 2 whole weeks where one (or both) of them didn't bother showing up cos "I have a cold" or "my kid is sick". 🙄
See, in Finland we have this law that allows us to have 3 sick days in a row without needing a dr's note. All you need to do is call your boss and tell him/her you're sick, and you still get full pay etc.
And there's no cap on this practice, so technically you could then just show up for work on the 4th day and then "call in sick" again on the 5th for 3 extra days. 🤷🏼‍♀️
AND if you have kid, you can stay at home with the "sick kid" for several days too with no pay deductions! 🤷🏼‍♀️
People like those two bitches abuse the system to no end, and then the rest of us had to do their work cos guess what! Someone has to! 🙄
We all knew they were lying, but what can you do? Firing a "sick person" is illegal after all. 🤷🏼‍♀️
I still laugh when think of the time one of them called in sick cos "my back hurts soooooo much I can't possibly come to work" - but then later that same day one of my colleagues saw her at the mall. 😂
Her excuse for getting busted?
"I had to go out walking cos my back is so sore that I can't sit."
Ah, okay. So THE MALL was the logical destination for that then. 😂👍
Another classic was when another colleague of mine called in sick one morning.
I knew she wasn't sick, cos the previous day I heard her on the phone cooing to her secret (MARRIED) gentleman friend about meeting up. 😏
Then a few hours later, her mom who this colleague lived with, called the office asking for her daughter.
Oh maaaaaaaaan it was so embarrassing when I had to blurt out "Uh... she called in sick..." to her mom when her mom lived with her so obvs SHE SHOULD KNOW if her daughter hadn't left for work cos she was sick! 😂🫣😬
The mom was so confused too cos obvs the daughter hadn't told her she was gonna spend the day fucking that married guy in a hotel instead of going to work! 🤔
Hope I didn't cause a major family fight... 🤭
But hey, don't make me an accomplice to your lies, folks! 🤷🏼‍♀️
So yeah anyway, this is why I have zero tolerance for lazy fuckwads "breaking a nail" so they can't do what they're being paid to do. 😒
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survivor-north-sea ¡ 2 years
Tribal Council #11 - Vinnare
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AJ, how has Bethany being voted out shifted the dynamics of this game, considering she was a major force in previous votes?
I think Bethany getting voted out will shake a lot of things up in this game since she really was a major force in a lot of the previous votes. I think since she was playing a lot of sides without everyone knowing it until one (1) hour before tribal a lot of us counted her as on our side, and with her gone I think everyone will have to reevaluate numbers going forward. I do worry that my name is out there tonight, since her message in the tribe chat before tribal name dropped me I think at least three (3) times. But as I've said before my only goal was to make it onto the jury, so if/when I'm voted out I won't be bitter about it. Of course I'm hoping it won't be me but you never know.
Arvin, how do you decide who to trust round-to-round? How do you figure out if someone is really an ally or just trying to use you as a pawn?
It's really difficult to trust anybody in this game, round-to round I just go with my gut. Even if you voted together the last vote, it doesn't mean they are your ally or maybe they are just trying to use you as a number.
Champ, do you see yourself as being on the bottom of the top in this game? Why?
Tbh I’m not dumb but I always feel like I’m never in the right vote, or I’m very confused on where the votes lie. I’m definitely on the bottom, I don’t see a path for me to frc but I’m just trying to make it tribal by tribal
Jayjay, despite Bethany’s plea to go home (essentially), the vote was still split between you and her. Why do you think that is? Do you think you’ll always be the ‘backup plan’ for if someone plays an idol, or are you getting out of that position?
I REALLY don’t know what the point was in splitting the votes on me and Bethany because if they didn’t let Bethany in on it then they should have known how it was gonna play out and the votes were basically pointless? It just made people realize there were people working with certain others that wouldn’t have been known if all just went to Bethany. It’s just confusing to me but I guess an idol being played was the reason they were split? I do think it would be very easy for me to continue being the vote or the back up plan considering people don’t want to turn on each other just yet if they don’t have to. I wish I could say I was getting out of this position but with how much I still feel completely out of the loop with things I don’t think I’ll be able to. I honestly think that I accidentally burned possible bridges that people are still upset with me about when I gave my emotional opinion about Raffy to the wrong people when I reacted to him throwing my name out. I just think it’s hard being completely new to this game and incredibly oblivious about who knows who in real life or not because I would have done things different in this game had I known what a lot of players already seemed to know from the beginning. 🤷🏼‍♀️
Jinx, you’ve been a visible returnee this entire season. Now that there are really only two returnees left, do you think that matters?
I think it’s funny because I don’t even consider myself a returnee?? I was voted out on accident my last season and I only played because 6 people dropped. I also idoled out a returnee the first tribal we went to and have had no issue for the most part voting out other returnees. I do think tonight it may play a part as I’m being asked about it but I feel as if I’ve always been a visible person in ORGs regardless of being a returnee or not because of my dumptruck ass. But I think the visibility doesn’t really bother me and it was a choice I made early on when I played an idol correctly, as the first and so far I believe only person to do so. I hope being a returnee in this game isn’t what matters to anyone else but I guess we’ll find out tonight and in the next coming days as the endgame approaches. hope this helps 🫶🏽
Raffy, congrats on your immunity win! This challenge clearly had a social element and you scored much higher than even the next. What do you think this says to others about your game?
I think this challenge definitely relied on the social element. You had to guess not only the lie, but what also SOUNDS like the person. I think what this shows to people (and myself tbh) is that my game is more social than ever. I’ve literally never won a social challenge before so I think it goes to show how much I’ve changed my gameplay to this setting and how much I’ve gotten to know everyone and their quirks! Also helps that I can look at intros from past seasons to find some of the lies haha
Toni, let’s talk idol hunt. Have you been sharing information about it with anyone else? And has anyone else been sharing their idol hunt intel with you?
To be frank, I do from time to time share idol hunt info with those I’ve been playing this game with for a long while and who’s intel has always proven to be reliable. There are also those who have shared one off reliable intel with me which served as an affirmation that I can trust them also. That’s the thing ultimately in this game - trust is currency and sharing information is one of the ways to gain that. Along with voting the way you said you would and sticking to your word. But I think when we reach the latter parts of the game we’ll gradually see people keep information more and more close to chest.
Trinica, how trustworthy do you think you are in this game? And do you think others would agree with your assessment?
I think during the pre-swap, I found myself having to withhold a lot of information from people I wasn't allied with. After the swap and merge, I've tried to be as honest as possible because this game was really messing with my head and I found myself second-guessing every choice I made. I kind of needed to do a reset on the kind of game I was playing so it was sustainable for me. If I had been asked this question before yesterday, I would have said that people agreed with the assessment that I'm pretty trustworthy. But I was recently given information that someone (and likely someone I'm aligned with) has been throwing my name out there as someone who voted for JayJay. So clearly someone is trying to at least spread the idea that I'm lying. So for the sake of full transparency, if it's a voting message that references Taylor Swift, I wrote it 😂 I hope that clears things up and bless your soul @ whoever is telling tales out of school. 🥰
Tyler, we’re getting to the point where you have to start thinking about how there are only three spots at the end. Have you found your two people you think are a final three? How many people do you think are willing to take you?
Well Jay! I agree we most definitely are getting to a point where people are starting to consider who their ideal final 3 is and how to get there. However, I think I am in a unique position as someone who’s been relatively shocked by all the vote counts and I also saw my (not so secret) two closest allies in Esteban and Bethany go out in the last two tribals. So for me I feel it is more important to take it vote by vote and hope I can survive rather than elaborately planning the next few votes because I simply do not have enough control to have the luxury of doing that.
This was a unanimous vote for Arvin, including a self vote.
Vote: Arvin … [emoji that does not on pc]
Vote: Arvin Floaters grab a life vest
Vote: Arvin have a good one, pal.
Vote: Arvin You’re literally the best person of this whole cast. You have a such a light, but I can’t ever tell where your head is at
Vote: Arvin Pick a side and stick to it ❤️
Vote: Arvin a legend an icon thee moment you are forever my maryanne loving bestie
Vote: Arvin Arvin,
Vote: Arvin I'm sorry, you're one of the nicest people I've met in this ORG
0 notes
thetaekookcloset ¡ 2 years
Discussion: Hobi’s Listening Party
We ended up having collectively a lot to say about Hobi’s listening party for Jack in the Box on this post yesterday.  A lot of people brought up lots of different ideas and topics, and a lot of it was stuff that I wanted to add my two cents on, so below the cut, I’ve compiled the replies from that post with my responses so we can keep chatting!
ESTHARIV said: Yes.Doesn’t want to get photographed too much by his side.
I did wonder about that too, and I’ve seen some other people saying the same thing, that Jungkook was really aware of the cameras and acting accordingly -- which would make sense too, since he seemed to kind of want to stay off to the side at the party and as a result had the camera on him a lot.  It’s hard to tell if this is really what happened, but in the moment when Taehyung sat down next to Jungkook and they’re smiling together, it looks like Jungkook glances away from Tae and looks right at the camera, and that’s when he stands up.  It could be that he was going to do that anyway, but the idea that he was conscious of not being caught on cam with Taehyung too much fits with a hypothesis I’ve been thinking about lately: that maybe Jungkook is trying a little extra hard to keep them out of trouble since Taehyung has been pretty carefree in that regard these past few months.
NEWALK said: They did a great in-sync dance next to each on the stage
They didddd, it was so cute.  I love love love seeing Taehyung and Jungkook sing together or dance together, I just think it’s the sweetest thing.
SWEETTAE1230 said: I just watched it and I never got that vibe. They looked like they were having a lot of fun within each others space. This anon sounds like someone trying to debunk Taekook, imo. But no, never saw JK moving away from Tae. It didn’t even look like Tae was trying to be all up in his space, just close enough to hang out without drawing too much attention. Tae came late, maybe he brought Wooga with him? I also noticed Tae wasn’t dressed to the nines like he usually is. Maybe he’d just woken up 😂
Yeah, a lot of people seem to be speculating that Taehyung brought Wooga Squad with him, which would make sense.  Maybe they went to dinner before the party or something.  I think most people who were saying that Jungkook was avoiding Taehyung were talking primarily about the moment where Jungkook stands up after Tae sits down next to him.  You can see, though, that before Tae sits, Jungkook looks right at him with a huge smile and gestures to him, then they’re both smiling really big when Tae sits down.  Jungkook didn’t even walk away, he stayed right there to dance a little bit.  Honestly I kind of thought that maybe Taehyung was returning to Jungkook throughout the night because he didn’t want Jungkook to be alone.  It was like he was checking back in on him, I thought.
ILOVEPRETTYPICTURES said: Yeah I noticed that Tae seemed to have arrived later than everybody else and wasn’t as dressed up (maybe even with a bare face, sometimes it’s hard to tell since he’s so gorgeous any way 🥹). I feel like you could interpret that JK seemed to be avoiding him if you wanted like anon seems to have done, but I could also say that Jinkook are definitely in love after sharing a drink and sitting closely so you pick your cherries 🍒🤷🏼‍♀️
Lol first of all, I love “you pick your cherries.”  That’s such a good way of putting it.  And so true!  I wondered the same thing about Taehyung maybe not wearing makeup even though the others were, but like you said, it’s so hard to tell with him, it really is.  I genuinely think the reading that Jungkook was trying to “avoid” Taehyung is a strange one, because it’s clear that once Tae was there, Jungkook spent a good chunk of time with him.  It didn’t seem like he was avoiding anyone so much as avoiding being very involved, so he spent time with whoever came over to hang out with him, which, based on the BB, seemed to be Taehyung, Hobi, and Jin.
ILOVEPRETTYPICTURES said: I thought it was weird how none of the guest were shown or any reactions to the album and all the members were filmed from such a close proximity throughout the night but I guess that’s very on brand.
Yeah that was definitely interesting to me too.  I wonder if there were maybe several factors at play with that though.  The Bangtan Bombs are pretty specifically behind the scenes clips of BTS themselves, so they may have thought including too many other people would have bothered fans -- or even just not interested fans, even if it didn’t necessarily bother them.  I also think that W Korea was there documenting the night, so it could be that they didn’t want to step on W’s toes, or show the same content that they would be showing, you know?
FLUFFYTIGERTAE said: There has been a lot of discourse about a very short clip where Taehyung goes to sit next to Jungkook, they laugh, then Jungkook starts to stand. Some are interpreting this as him leaving Taehyung, but in photos from the party you can see he just stood up to dance (Hobi was dancing too on the other side of Taehyung) and they were still smiling and laughing together.  I also think Taehyung arrived with the Wooga members that attended - I think he and Hyungsik were wearing matching tees so that would make sense
Yes, I thought those photos seemed to be from that moment as well!  You can even see in the clip that Jungkook doesn’t move away, he stays right in that area and starts to dance a little.  I really think he was just shy and didn’t want to be too involved with the party.  Honestly the whole thing gives me the vibes of like, the extrovert partner going out and being a social butterfly for a few minutes, and then coming back to check in with their wallflower partner, you know?  Not to say that that’s necessarily what was happening, but just that I got that kind of sense.
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Overall, I thought the BB of the party was really fun!  I was glad we got to see that, I wasn’t sure we would, since W Korea was there documenting it too.  Honestly we got a lot more TK moments than I was expecting, probably largely because they spent a good amount of time together (and all of it was along the edges of the party, which seemed to be where the cameras were staying).
I’m not personally reading much into the fact that Jungkook stood up after Tae sat down.  Maybe he did it because he saw there was a camera on them, maybe he did it because he wanted to see the dancers on the floor better (another theory I’ve seen), maybe he just wanted to dance and even potentially felt more comfortable doing it with Tae and Hobi there.
There’s really no way to know, but it seems clear to me that he wasn’t just walking away from Taehyung, and really, while they both spent a good amount of time together, they both spent plenty of time hanging out with other people too.  It just seemed to me like, despite the shyness a lot of them were clearly feeling, they let loose as much as possible and had a good time.
P.S. I love the photos Tae and JK took with Hobi, PLEASE they love him so muchhhhh.  These photos are extremely...........shall we say coded lmao.  I’m telling y’all Tae BRINGS the chemistry.
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bts-hyperfixation ¡ 4 years
I’ve Gotta Get Home
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I am so sorry this is so long, drabbles just aren't me I guess 🤷🏼‍♀️ anyway Merry Christmas 🎄☃️🎅
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One last movie night for this year. A tradition every few weeks. You head to the BTS dorm ready to watch whatever Christmas film they had decided on watching before they all head off to their respective families for the holidays. The door opens to reveal a Cheerful Jin.
“Hey Y/N everyone is all set up in the living room.” He smiles and lets you pass him. you travel down the familiar hallway to find five smiling faces staring at the door. Five smiling faces and Jungkook, who doesn’t bother to look up from his phone. You roll your eyes at him and move to hug each of the members you could actually stand.
You settled in between Namjoon and Hobi, cuddling into the taller man’s side as Jimin pressed play on the movie. It wasn’t even half-way through when you fell asleep. It wasn’t that you weren’t enjoying the film, but the combination of warmth and Namjoon absent-mindedly playing with your hair, knocked you out. By the time you regain consciousness, the credits are rolling on the screen. You blink away the sleep and look around you.
Candy wrappers and crisp packets are strewn across the floor. Popcorn litters the ground around the maknaes, a sign of a fight you missed. Hobi appears to be out cold. Namjoon smiles down at you when he feels you stir.
“Good morning” he teases flashing you his stunning dimples. “Maybe you should stay here tonight if you’re that tired? I mean we are all leaving in the soon, but Jungkook will be here, he doesn’t fly for a couple more days.” Your nose crinkles at the mention of the youngest. You see his head perk up at the mention of his name, evidently listening to your conversation.
“It’s okay Joon, I can drive. I don’t really fancy a night on the sofa.” Normally you’d say yes, but the though of waking up with just Jungkook made your stomach twist.
“Aye Y/N don’t be stupid. I’m leaving soon, you can just have my bed.” Jin says standing and leaving the room, not giving you a chance to protest the suggestion. Your mouth bobs open and closed like a fish for a moment as you search for another excuse. Finding none you resign yourself to your fate. A couple hours alone with JK can’t be that bad right? Especially if most of them will be spent sleeping alone in different rooms at opposite ends of the dorm.
“okay.” You shrug.
“Well done, you just ruined my Christmas.” Jungkook mumbles as he stalks into his room, not bothering to say goodbye to his bandmates. The others exchange glances that suggest this is the first time he has been over dramatic today.
“Well then…” Jin tries to break the awkward silence that settles over the room “Come on you can borrow one of my shirts to sleep in.” you follow behind him as the others start whispering amongst themselves.
Shortly after you are settled in his bedroom, it’s time for Jin to go. You wish him Merry Christmas and hug him as tight as you can. Jungkook doesn’t bother leaving his room. Namjoon went into speak to him but came up empty. Lied about him already being fast asleep. It didn’t help the awful feeling your stomach. One after another the boys bid farewell and left the dorm. Jimin was the last to leave. He assured you everything would be fine before kissing your forehead. He shot you a cheeky wink as he closed the door.
You were alone in the dorm. Alone… except for the one man on earth that had made it his mission to hate you. You look around the large empty space, suddenly feeling very cold without your friends around. You reach for the light switch plunging the dorm into darkness and pad back into Jin’s room, pulling the bedcovers tight around you.
The next morning you awake to singing. Jungkook must’ve forgotten you were there, or maybe he thought you’d already left, because he sounded far to cheery. You rub the last of the sleep from your eyes and survey the room around you. Jin’s bedroom was always meticulously organised, everything had its place. Nothing like your own. Outside the window you can see snow falling at an alarming pace. You spring from the bed, eager to see the damage left behind. Easily two or three feet. You could’ve sworn the sky had been clear when you went to bed last night. Now, there was a thick blanket of pure white everywhere. So much so the door was completely blocked. You’re stuck. You groan at the realisation, dreading Jungkook’s reaction to the news you would be together a little longer.
Tentatively you open the door to the bedroom and peer out. Jungkook is only in pyjama bottoms, twirling around the kitchen to whatever music is flowing through his headphones. His perfectly chiselled abs on full display. The sight was enough to make your mouth go dry. How can someone that mean look that good. His eyes flick up from his task, meeting your gaze. You swear you see a slight flush creep up his cheeks, but when he fixes you with a steely glare you look away.
“You’re still here” he says flatly.
“Yeah… about that.” You gulp down nerves as you glance back at him. “We’re snowed in.” you watch his grimace faulter. He immediately heads for the nearest window pulling back the curtains.
“Well shit.” He whispers to himself. “Of course, /I/ get stuck with her.” The fact that he is talking to himself even when you are standing there makes you irrationally angry.
“You’re not first choice for the holidays either sunshine!” you lose your temper. “God you’re such an asshole, would it kill you to be nice to me? Just once?” he looks taken aback by your outburst; you never bite back at his childish ways.
“I’m going to phone BigHit.” He ignores your jab entirely and pulls out his phone. Its not a long conversation, 1-minute tops, but the result makes you feel a little sick. “They say we could be stuck here 2 or 3 days.” A groan escapes you before you can stop it. Jungkook just stares at you, clear he doesn’t know where to go from here. You shake your head at the boy at stalk back into Jin’s room with the intention of hiding until someone can come and bail you guys out.
Your plan was fool proof… until it started getting unreasonably cold. You wrap Jin’s comforter around your shoulders and adventure out into the main room of the apartment. You head to the thermostat, dismayed to find it on full heat, just not working. You debate talking to Jungkook about it, but that seemed like a terrible idea. Instead, you gathered all the blankets from the movie night and trudged back into your temporary bedroom. Even with your hoard of covers you couldn’t stop shivering. It only got colder as the day turned to night. By the time it hit 9pm, your teeth were chattering.
You’re startled out of your self-pity by a soft knock at the door, so feint you nearly miss it. You lift as many layers as you can a shuffle to the door. You open it to a very sheepish looking Jungkook.
“Heating’s broken…” he states, as if it isn’t obvious by the number of blankets you are wrapped in.
“No shit Kookie.” You bite, a little more nasty than necessary. He rolls his eyes but tries again anyway.
“I thought you might be asleep.” He doesn’t meet your gaze as he attempts a civil conversation.
“It’s too cold, I can’t sleep.” You admit, trying to reign in your annoyance, after all if he could play nice so could you.
“Let me help you warm up.” You raise your eyebrow at the request. Oddly suggestive for a man that claims to hate you. You watch as his cheeks flush, the realisation hitting him. “I mean… oh god no… um I have a stand-alone heater in my room… it’s why I didn’t notice the cold earlier.” You laugh a little at his fumbling. He is adorable when he is not ignoring your existence.
“Then why are we still stood here.” You grab his hand before you think about it and rush to his room. It’s brand-new territory for you once you pass the threshold. He is a lot messier than the others. Clothes litter the floor, screwed up lyrics circle around the bin, and a few mugs are clustered on his desk.
“Sorry it’s a mess…” he looks ashamed of the state he lives in. He pulls the hand you are still holding out of your grasp and heads to the desk to close his notebook, storing it away so you can’t see the contents. You think better of asking, instead sitting as close to the heater as you possibly can. You let out a sigh of relief and let the excess fabric fall off your shoulders. Jungkook sits at his desk and watches you, he never gets a chance to just look at you when the others are around.
Truth was, he didn’t hate you. Quite the opposite in fact. Being in the band from such a young age he didn’t have much experience with girls, which meant every time he tried he stuttered or came across as mean instead of flirty. He’d asked the others for help talking to you, but they made it clear you were off limits. Ever since then he had decided it would be better to just keep his distance for a little while. That was three years ago… now he could talk to girls. Sleep with them too. But you were still off limits, and the more you were around the more he found himself enjoying your company. So, he took precautions: you were never alone together, he sat as far away as he could, and he refused your outright attempts at friendship. It wasn’t the best plan but at least it was something. Until he was stuck in the apartment with just you for who knows how long…
“Want to play a game?” you ask him, snapping him out of his thoughts.
“Uh...? Sure, what game?” you think for a minute, and he has to stifle a giggle looking at your thinking face.
“Twenty questions?” he nods and joins you on the floor. After a few rounds, you decide this is a terrible game. He always chooses one of the other members, and you always choose something obscure. “Okay this isn’t working… how about never have I ever?”
“Sure, but can we get off the floor now? My bed is a lot more comfortable.” His face tinges pink yet again when he hears you giggle. “FOR SITTING! My bed is a lot more comfortable for sitting.” He hangs his head in his hands and you can’t help but admire the flustered idol in front of you. “You know what, I’m going to get a drink. Do you want one?” you nod, and he walks out of the room, shaking his head at his owns inability to speak to you.
He is a member of the biggest band in the world, and was named people’s sexiest international man alive, but he gets one fucking look at your smile and he is done for. He busies himself, switching on the kettle and reaching for the peppermint teabags (Taehyung thought they’d be festive).
Back in his room you can’t help your idle hands from straying to the pile of discarded lyrics around the trashcan. All of them were an ode to someone, but you couldn’t work out who. As far as you knew Jungkook wasn’t seeing anyone, but these lyrics were filled with such raw emotion, there’s no way he wasn’t in love… you hear the kettle switch off and rush to place the paper back where you found it. You leap onto his bed and under the covers just as he opens the door.
“I see you made yourself comfortable” he quips gesturing to the blanket with your drink.
“Oh… sorry.” You start to uncurl from the duvet but he stops you, handing you your tea instead.
“It’s okay, actual I was going to say, maybe you should sleep in here anyway? It’s just that it’s freezing out there, so it’ll be better if… oh my god I’m so bad at talking to you.” He uses his newly free hand to facepalm.
“Ya know, it might help of you got in more practice. I have to say, I’m really enjoying the ‘nice’ version of you.” You take a sip of the scolding drink, enjoying the warmth as it ran down your throat. “It’s a nice change from this asshole I usually get to deal with.” You place your mug on the side, fixing him with a smug grin, genuinely thrilled you seem to have made a breakthrough in your relationship… finally.
“Asshole huh?” He raises an eyebrow at you and before you get a chance to think about what he meant; he rips the duvet away from you. “Maybe I should just take this back and kick you out into the cold, you know… keep my reputation intact.” He shrugs at you and wraps the blanket around himself. You pout in response, planning a counterattack. You let out an exaggerated sniffle and move for the door. You pick up the pile of discarded blankets from earlier, giving him an exaggerated look of puppy dog eyes as you shuffle towards leaving. He turns up his nose, refusing to look at you and that’s when you strike.
You tackle the blanket off of him, wrapping it around yourself and curling up so he can’t take it away. He attempts to wrestle it away from you, lifting you off the mattress as you squeal. It’s easy to forget how strong these boys are when they are also this lean. His arms wrap around your waist keeping you pinned to him as he tries to get you to let go.
“You need to learn to share.” You cry as you try to wriggle free.
“And you need to learn what’s mine.” he pins you down, straddling you and takes hold of the fabric triumphantly… until he realises what position he has you in. Your tongue darts out to wet your lips and he can’t help himself. He abandons his trophy in favour of kissing you. He slides his tongue along the line yours had travelled asking for permission. You allow him access and he runs away with it. Exploring every inch of your mouth. You eventually have to push him off just so you can breathe.
“We don’t all have singer’s lungs you know?” you pant. He just greets you with his adorable bunny smile, the one that used to be so rarely aimed at you.
“Sorry… you taste like peppermint.” Somehow his nose scrunches up even more. You can’t help but return his grin.
“Where is this coming from? Three hours ago, you couldn’t stand the sight of me.” Obviously, you have questions. He has never once showed any signs of being interested in you as a person. Maybe it was just the situation. It had to be. Caught up in the moment.
“I…um yeah, I can’t really explain that one easily. It started because I couldn’t speak to you without panicking, then when I talked to the boys and they said you were off limits and I just, I dunno.” He starts to lose his confidence, sliding off your lap. You catch his arm before he can, making a mental note to scold the others later.
“I didn’t say stop.” Instantly the grin is back in place as he leans back in to kiss you again. This time when you run out of breath, his lips trail down your neck to the corner of Jin’s shirt.
“This would be a lot better for me if you weren’t wearing my hyung’s Shirt.” He whispers, nibbling at your ear.
“Get rid of it then.” He looks like a kid in a candy store as he removes the offending clothing. You sit up underneath him, bringing his lips back to yours, desperate for another taste. He bites at your lower lip making you moan.
“Let me taste you?” he asks so nicely you can’t refuse. Shuffling back on to the pillows you hook your fingers into your panties, putting on a show as you pulled them down. He follows the motion of your hand as you hook the underwear on your index finger and drop it off the side of the bed. The image that greets him when he looks back is positively sinful. Namjoon is going to kill him for breaking the off-limits rule. He can’t bring himself to care as he dives straight into your dripping core. Strong arms encircle your thighs as he buries his tongue deep inside your walls. Each lick as whimpers coming from your mouth. For a man who doesn’t know how to talk to you, he sure knows how to use his tongue in ways that more than make up for the short comings.
He nibbles softly at the tender flesh of your clit. The volume of moans coming from him would make you think he was the one with the worlds most talented mouth around his privates. One hand unwinds from your leg to assist him in his endeavours. Two fingers slide into you easily. Your juice drip down his fingers as he continues to suck at your folds. Lewd slurps and moans echo through the room. You start to feel dizzy as he curls his fingers in just the right way.
“Kook, slow down… I can’t” he slows down immediately on your instruction, seemingly taking pleasure in the command. You decide to test how far he will let you go with it. “Stop.” He whimpers but pulls away from you. He meets your gaze, wide doe eyes staring up at you as you drip from his chin. The sight is ungodly. It takes everything in you not to look away and bury your face in a pillow. “Good boy.” You praise and his face lights up. “Do you like that Kookie? Like when I call you a good boy?” he nods enthusiastically “My good boy…” his eyes flick between you and your pussy. You flick your hand at him, and he immediately gets back to work.
You arch your back as three fingers scissor inside of you. Grabbing onto his long hair for leverage as he reattaches to your lips, sucking even harder. Tension builds in your stomach, your grip on his locks tightening the closer you get.
“Good boy, good boy, my good boy” you stutter out in between whines, only encouraging him. He keeps going as you orgasm, only stopping when you release his hair, smoothing it back into place as you do. “You really are good at everything aren’t you.” He doesn’t have a comeback. He just pulls you close. Another heated kiss, you can still taste your own cum on his lips. “Let me repay the favour.” You mumble against him, reaching for his waistband.
“No. lets call it the asshole tax.” You giggle and agree. As much as you were aching to get your lips wrapped around, what your sure was going to be the most beautiful cock you’ve ever seen, you could wait. Instead, you trace your hands under his shirt. How unfair. Here you are naked and exposed and he still had a shirt on. You pull the fabric up and over his head before dragging your nails down the blemish free skin.
“Fuck me.” You say, eyes nearly popping out of your head as you get a proper look at each clearly defined line that tracked over his stomach.
“Glady.” He smirks pulling you back underneath him. you can’t help but laugh at the sudden motion. He kicks off his sweats and reaches into a nearby drawer for a condom. “You sure?” you bite your lip and nod.
“Ruin me.” Never a man who needed to be told twice he thrusted straight to the hilt. Even with all the prep Jungkook was big. Much bigger than you were ready for. Tears spring in the corners of your eyes. He leans on one arm and uses the free hand to wipe the water away.
“Are you okay? You said… and I?” he gets adorably flustered all over again.
“Jungkook, you are dick deep inside of me right now, stop being so flustered. A little pain never hurt anyone. Now be a good boy and do as I asked. Ruin. Me.” He drags his cock out almost painfully slow, hitting every nerve still sensitive from your orgasm. He then thrusts back in as fast as he can.
“I can do better.” It’s the only warning you get before his pulling out and flipping you over. His speed was unrelenting as you grasped onto the sheets for dear life. Your knees and arms barely strong enough to support you as he pummelled you into oblivion. His strong arms caught you just in time as your wrist gave out. He pulls you flush against his chest, one arm around your waist, the other snaking back down to your clit. Everything feels amazing. You’re not sure you can form words as you approach another high. Drool escapes the corner of your mouth, a series of whines the only sound to accompany the sound of skin on skin. You scream as he makes you cum again. No signs of slowing down as he chases his own finish. Soon his thrusts get sloppy, staying buried deep inside you as he fills the condom.
He sets you down gently. Making himself comfortable before pulling you close to him.
“I did not expect this this Christmas…” you say cuddling into his side.
“Really? You were my Christmas wish, this year, and every year."
Christmas stories 🎄
The gif is Mimi's she is great check her out
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alyblacklist ¡ 3 years
Hi Aly, Just thinking about where Liz goes from here... So, while it’s hard for me to imagine a scenario in which Liz goes back to being a full-fledged agent, it does seem pretty clear to me that the majority of things she has done during this recent fugitive phase can be pretty easily dismissed without any charges... Mary Bremmer— yes, she was killed, but by the cyranoid. Was Liz controlling her? Sure, but unless they can track down that woman and get her to testify, it seems unlikely that anything will stick there... The almost plane crash— was exactly that. It almost happened, but we all now know that Liz planned to get info to the Task Force, so that they could stop it in time, and they did. The Freelancer— she got him out of prison, but made sure he was sent back. Everything in Kansas... well yes, there was a lot of bloodshed, but again, not actually by her hand. It seems that Anne is dead (at least to me), but that was definitely an accident and Red is the only witness... With her entire team (Esi, Skip, Jax, etc.) now dead, no one could really testify to any of the other things she did/was involved in. It seems to me that there are only two things she could actually be charged for:: kidnapping Dom & forging Aram’s signature/stealing that Semtex.... She wasn’t even the one who actually placed the bomb in the room, and Esi is dead, so... 🤷🏼‍♀️ I don’t know. It just seems to me that if she was able to essentially ‘get away’ with killing the Attorney General point blank— a kidnapping charge (of someone who is no longer alive, but also did not die at her hands) and theft (that occurred internally at the FBI), are two things that Panabaker could easily make go away.... Thoughts? (PS— I’m not necessarily agreeing that all of these things she has done should just be dismissed. Just knowing this show, I feel like most of it will be forgiven/forgotten.)
Nothing is impossible in this fictional universe, anon. I wouldn't get bogged down worrying about what would happen in the real world because even the things they try to present as somewhat tethered to reality aren't really (like the Freelancer getting released in the first place just because Keen didn't show up or Red's arrest, conviction and execution all happening in a matter of months). If they want Liz free, she will be. If they want her to be an agent again, she will be. If they don't, they'll find some other role for her as they have done so many times before when she's been in between badges.
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