#and we stuck her next to ed and went oh
dreadlord-mr-son · 1 year
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It's funny to work through all the implications of us deciding Wynn's dad was Hohenheim's son from a fling Hohenheim had before he met Trisha.
Ed is freaking out about unknown branches on the family tree. Part of him thinks it's awesome but he has so much family-related trauma. Al, who took his trauma in a different direction, is latching onto new family like a bear trap. She cannot escape, she is his now.
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buddiefix · 8 months
Fake Dating/Didn't Know They Were Dating Fic's (Part 1)
The following are some buddie fanfiction involving fake dating, or the characters realizing they've been partners all along.
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What If I Fall In Love Backwards? by RedRidingStiles 
9-1-1 (TV)  
"I feel like we should go save him," Chimney said as he and Hen loaded their drunk and injured patient into the back of the ambulance (day drinking and balconies do not mix), nodding his head towards the small swarm of college girls surrounding a highly uncomfortable Buck. "And by we I mean you, Eddie." "Yeah I got this," Eddie reassured, cupping one hand around his mouth before shouting, "Hey Buckley!" "What's up, Hot Stuff?" Buck called back, his eyes holding crystal blue relief as they met Eddie's across the lawn. Eddie tried to bite back his amused smile but didn't succeed when his next words had Buck grinning like a complete fool. "You. Me. Tonight. Wear something pretty." "Edmundo Diaz, are you trying to ask me out on a date?"
five Times Buck and Eddie saved each other by pretending to be together and the one time Christopher helps
Language: English Words: 9,879 Chapters: 1/1
baby, say you'll always keep me by hattalove
9-1-1 (TV)  
“Yeah,” Eddie says, and the darkness behind his eyelids takes on a white edge. “Be good. Nice to be married,” he yanks on Buck’s t-shirt, “best friend.” Finally, Buck takes a breath that sounds off somehow, but he laughs too, and that sounds normal, Eddie thinks. A normal laugh. “Sure, Eds,” he says, and there’s his hand in Eddie’s hair again, a puff of breath on the crown of Eddie’s head like Buck leaned in to press a kiss there and then stopped, but why would he stop—“I’ll marry you if you remind me tomorrow.”
The one in which joking about being married to your best friend is all fun and games, right up until you realize that you're not laughing.
Language: English Words: 8,251 Chapters: 1/1
I Hate Accidents (Except When We Went From Friends to This) by morganofthefairies 
9-1-1 (TV)  
“You should just move in,” Eddie said one night.  They were already laying in bed, Buck’s face half-buried in his pillow. “Where would I sleep, Eddie,” Buck deadpanned, sleep heavy in his voice. “Here,” Eddie said, not entirely sure how Buck missed that part.  “The same place you’ve been sleeping.” Bobby raised an eyebrow when Buck updated his address on all of the necessary paperwork, but Eddie wasn’t entirely sure what the big deal was.
The story of how Buck and Eddie went about their relationship in entirely the wrong order.
Language: English Words: 7,206 Chapters: 1/1
we could follow the sparks, i’ll drive by markofalover
9-1-1 (TV)  
“Oh! You must be Mr. Diaz!” someone says from behind him, and Buck spins around clumsily, all long legs, to find a woman with a Miss Perez tag stuck to her blouse. She’s smiling politely, white teeth against red lips, and it takes just a second too long to process what she says.
everyone thinks Buck is the other Mr. Diaz.
Language: English Words: 6,539 Chapters: 1/1
i'd never let you fall and break your heart by autistic_nightfury
9-1-1 (TV)  
Four times Buck and Eddie pretended to be in a relationship so people wouldn't bother them, and the one time they actually were together.
Language: English Words: 5,808 Chapters: 1/1
Say Cheese by S_lycopersicum
9-1-1 (TV)  
"Um... anything left to get?" "Snacks for that girl who has diabetes. Amy, Audrey, uh..." "Abby." "Pfff... I'd remember if she was called Abby," Buck half-heard Eddie say, but his focus was on the other end of the grocery store aisle, where at 11pm at night his ex-girlfriend Abby Clark was carefully assessing two different brands of provolone.
Language: English Words: 4,927 Chapters: 1/1
of bake sales and overdue realizations by brewrosemilk
9-1-1 (TV)  
Eddie doesn’t notice it until it becomes a thing that happens even when it’s just him and Buck, without Chris anywhere near them - but even then, he doesn’t find it strange, or give it much thought. Buck is the one who starts ending their phone calls with a quick ‘love you’ but it doesn't take long before Eddie does the same, often beating him to it. It’s never a big deal - most of the time it’s something along the lines of;
‘Hey, can you grab some milk on your way over? We’re out.’ ‘Yeah, yeah, I got it.’ ‘Great, love you.’ ‘Love you.’
Before long, they’re even doing it in texts.
Language: English Words: 4,823 Chapters: 1/1
the secrets we keep (the ones that spill out) by sparegarbage
9-1-1 (TV)  
The 118 is a close-knit family. It’s not surprising given how much time they spend together: endless hours at the firehouse, barbecues on the weekends, the occasional night at the bar. They’re a family, yes... but Buck and Eddie don’t have to tell them everything. They’re allowed their secrets, really, and it’s not… weird. Really, it’s not. It’s just that sometimes the 118 asks too many questions, and sometimes there’s just no good (or clear or logical) way to explain. Exhibit A: How Buck ended up in Eddie’s bed during a sleepover (and how he’s been sleeping there most nights since).
Buck and Eddie comfort each other with cuddles, hugs, and kisses (platonically—or so they think).
Language: English Words: 4,624 Chapters: 1/1
With(out) A First Date by firstdegreefangirl
9-1-1 (TV)  
Buck and Eddie become boyfriends. Six months later, they start dating.
Language: English Words: 10,282 Chapters: 13/13
it's always been you by coupe_de_foudre
9-1-1 (TV)  
“What do I normally get from there?” Eddie asks him, chin settled back onto his shoulder. “The kung pao chicken.” he answers almost instantaneously, having all of Eddie’s usual take-out orders memorised by now. It comes in handy for when they need to get food in quick whilst navigating work and Christopher. It’s not weird. He, unfortunately, misses the odd look that Maddie sends him. As well as the way that Hen hides a snicker behind a cough.
Language: English Words: 8,700 Chapters: 6/6
(Friendly reminder I do not own any of the works listed in this post, and all can be located on archiveofoureown.org)
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stevesbipanic · 2 years
Steve couldn't believe what he was seeing.
Eddie and Robin had come over the previous night to watch corny Christmas movies, Robin had left before they went to sleep since her family was driving out to visit her grandparents in the morning. He and Eddie had crashed in Steve's bed, something that was becoming a regular occurrence and not helping Steve's overwhelming feelings towards the metalhead.
They had had no plans for the next day so of course they'd slept in and of course they'd woken up tangled together and of course they didn't talk about it. Steve had made them breakfast and Eddie made them coffee and it was all sickeningly domestic and exactly what Steve craved. Eddie eventually had to leave though which lead them to now.
"Ahhh, Stevie, slight problem."
"What is it?" Steve said as he trailed out from the kitchen to Eddie in the foyer.
Eddie had opened the door to a wall of snow.
"We're snowed in, shit."
"Fuck, um well maybe I can just go out the upstairs window?"
The boys went upstairs and looked out.
"Noooo, my van's totally snowed in too shit."
"Plus I honestly don't like the thought of you jumping from my second story, Eds."
"Fair point, guess you're stuck with me for a bit."
Neither boy minded having to spend longer together. They watched more movies and smoked and listened to Steve's music which thankfully Eddie had started supplying with "good music". The boys worked together to make themselves something warm for dinner, Steve had been teaching Eddie to cook since the spaghetti-o's incident.
"I still stand by canned foods, Stevie."
"And I stand by living to thirty, Eds."
They were now smoking Eddie's last joint on Steve's bed, talking about dumb shit when it happened.
"Hey, at least we still have power right?"
As if on queue the lights went out.
Steve checked the circuit breaker to no avail.
"Well Dustin took my last flashlight for 'science' so we'll have to do with candles."
"Trying to seduce me with this romantic atmosphere, sweetheart?"
Steve hoped Eddie either didn't see his blush or blamed it on the cold. And cold it was, they had gathered up all the blankets they could find around the house and cocooned themselves on Steve's bed.
"Ya know this is kind of fun, Stevie."
"Yeah? You like freezing yourself?"
"Well no, but I like freezing with you."
Steve couldn't help the warm blush that spread through him.
"I like freezing with you too, Eds."
"I think I know a way we could warm up," Eddie said smiling softly.
"Oh yeah? How you got a secret heater in your pocket?"
Eddie laughed shaking his head and leaning in, before Steve knew what was happening, Eddie was kissing him. Steve smiled into the kiss, pushing back against Eddie. Eventually they pulled apart, slightly breathless.
"You know what? I do feel warmer."
"Well I've got plenty more ways to warm up."
"Is that a candle in you pants or are you just happy to see me?"
Steve had never felt warmer than hearing Eddie's laugh.
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"You're here!"
Steve looks around for the emergency but all he sees is Eddie's smiling face. More specifically, Eddie tangled in lights.
"Help me hang these Christmas lights."
"You know its a crime to report something false."
"What! I need help!" He jiggles the Christmas lights in his hand. "And how else was i supposed to see you it's not like I've been threatened recently," he pouts. Steve's caught in his puppy dog eyes.
"You don't need excuses to see me Munson."
Eddie's smirks his way, eyelashes fluttering. "I don't?" His grin is wicked.
"No, we could act like normal people, you didn't have to tell Max it was life or death."
"Sounds like you wanna be my friend Stevie."
"Uhuh and you just wanted to see me because...?"
"Oh officer, friend doesn't even begin to cover what I want to be with you."
Steve's face is bright pink.
"Like best friends?"
Nice. Good cover.
Eddie cackles at his stupidity.
"You're so cute Stevie," His eyes are glistening when they meet. "Now chop chop!" He claps his hands together. "There are lights to be hung!"
They spend the next couple of hours decorating. Eddie even shows Steve some bartender tricks with the whipped cream can he uses to top the hot chocolate he made.
Steve has never had so much fun in his life. Eddie is a force and he wonders how he went so long without him in his life.
No! Bad! Be civil! Be friends!
Eddie's flirting is friendly. Friends can flirt!
He's enjoying himself too much and he doesn't want to lose this. Doesn't want to lose this newfound thing he has.
"You ok over there?" Eddie looks at him concerned.
"Yeah! I was just thinking about...presents!"
Another genius save.
"Oh yeah? You a master gift giver?" There's a teasing tone in the line.
"I mean I try my best. I can definitely wrap a present without using multiple rolls of tape now."
"Wow that's tough to beat."
"Haha...what about you?"
"What about me? Am I master giver~"
"Psh What! NO! I meant what do you do for the holidays."
"Ok ok," Eddie chuckles. "I spend the holidays by working the bar of course. I spend the morning with my Uncle, he normally comes into town the night before. We trade very manly presents and then I go to work and tend to sad drunk people."
"Do you enjoy that? I mean I don't even talk to my family but I have this giant pseudo family that makes sure I'm on task for holidays."
"I kind of do, like the drunks and I both try to give a good Christmas you know?"
The phone rang in the back and Eddie ran to get it. Since it was so early the phone had to be for emergencies.
Steve waited for him to come back while snooping around behind the bar. There was tons of photos of Eddie with the rest of his employees and most of them look like they were taken when they were kids. Steve had known they were all friends but he didn't realize to what extent. It made his heart warm.
He was glad he had Robin and El and all of her other little friends. He didn't really see them all until he moved into the Hoppers and they stuck to him like weeds.
He heard muffled shouting and a slight bang and then Eddie was storming back in.
"That stupid stubborn bastard-"
"What's up Eds?"
Eddie turns around like he forgot Steve was there.
"Shit, sorry. That was Wayne. He won't be coming into town till New Years. They asked him to work and he said YES! Even though I could pay him for the work days he was missing he still wants to be seen as reliable as if he hasn't worked for them for twenty years already."
"Exactly," Eddie runs a hand through his hair in grief and it gives Steve an idea.
"You know, if you have to work on Christmas you're welcome to join me for Christmas morning?"
Eddie gives him a blank expression.
"You want me to spend Christmas with you?" His cheeks are pink.
"Well...if you want to, it'd be me, Robin, and the rest of the crew. About twenty of us in total."
"I'll have to think on it, I wouldn't want to impose."
"You wouldn't though! I offered."
"Ok Stevie," Eddie gives him a fond look. "I'll let you know."
I literally have the rest of this story written 😅 let me know if I should post it all at once.
Please leave comments! And thank you for reading!
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llamaisllama777 · 2 months
TSAMS EPISODE analyzation: Solar is back
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Hey, this is a new thing I'm gonna do on here where I analyze and theorize on things that happen in TSBSCU (The Security Breach Show Cinematic Universe). Today's episode: Solar is back.
🎶Guess who's ba... you get it. Solar's back.
Our favorite techie is back and...
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He looks just like how he does in thumbnails! 😲 I'm so stinkin' happy! He looks so good! I thought this would translate well in vrchat, BUT I DIDN'T EXPECT IT TO LOOK THIS GOOD! Like dang! Props to the modelers and @ayyy-imma-ninja this looks so good! I always did love her designs for Solar. So, Solar wakes up and is obviously confused. One minute, he's home with Sun and Moon getting Thanos-ed by Ruin, and now he's in some strange lab he's never seen before. Thankfully, Solar is a smart guy and decides to try the computer and calls Moon. Now, if I was in Solar's place, I wouldn't be so smart, and I probably would panic and do something dumb like walk out onto the surface of the sun 🙃 Moon comes and picks up Solar and tells him "Oh ya the Moon you knew turned evil and tried to kill our sister also I'm not the Moon you knew, I'm the Moon you use to know."
Moon, give him a minute! He was literally only alive for 2:39 seconds. Moon give him a breather first! Anyways, Solar obviously doesn't believe him cause. Why would anyone believe that someone they've known for so long just went nuts and tried to kill his sister and has been replaced by his oldself.
Moon takes Solar home. Solar reunites with Sun and Jack. Jack yells the loudest, "FATHER!" He can and then runs to him like a golden retriever, and that is so STINKIN' CUTE!
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Okay, anyways past how cute this is.
Sun breaks it to Solar that...ya.. Moon went bonkers and now goes by Nexus and to kill Earth, and of course Solar doesn't take it well. The Moon he knew. The Moon, who was his friend. The Moon, who was his brother. Turned evil and tried to kill Solar's sister... ya. He's gonna need a few days to recover from that.
Lunar and Earth are gonna be SO HAPPY when they find out Solar's back.
Now, before I get to the theorizing, let's take a look at Solar's new design and some clever design decisions in Solar's design.
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Face is now more expressive, and he isn't stuck with a permanent grin, which I didn't have a problem with, but I like how expressive his face is now.
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He's got some SKINNY ARMS! Eclipse made him so skinny and I find that hilarious.
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There is now a metal plate over where the wires are on the back of Solar's head. Clever! Now, if Solar ever gets into a fight, no one can pull any of the wires on the back of his head for an advantage, which is a major design flaw in Sun and Moon, the robots meant to be around literal children who like to poke and pull everything they touch. Seriously, what stops someone from yanking the wires on the back of their heads and defeating them instantly. Moon pulled one of the plugs on Ruin's head to turn off Ruin's vision, so this was a smart design choice by Eclipse and the modelers and @ayyy-imma-ninja
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I guess Eclipse sewed Solar some new pants and ran out of felt. I don't care if that's not what happened. This is what I think happened. THIS IS MY HEADCANON NOW!
Lastly, Eclipse gave him socks, and we all know why AS A FORM OF TORTURE cause everyone knows wet socks are a form of torture. That is my headcanon on why he gave him socks. (That does sound like something he would do just to spite Solar)
And lastly
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He sit. I love the body movements on Solar, like the little point he does at his feet is just wonderful I don't know why but I love the little movements they do in this show like Earth's little 👉👈 she does. I love it. It's tiny details like this that makes the show feel more real. You know?
And now on to the theorizing.
Here's what I think will happen next on with Solar's character on TSAMS.
We will inevitably get a Solar confronts Nexus in vrchat episode.
So, I have three ideas on what will happen next
Idea #1 Solar decides to see for himself despite everyones warning and finds away to meet uo Nexus either physically or with holograms of something point is Solar will confront Nexus, and they get it to an argument about what Moon did and Solar will be desperately trying to reason with his brother, asking him to come back and maybe they can fix this whole mess but Nexus will refuse and Solar will leave heartbroken and will tell Nexus as he leaves. "I'm so disappointed in you." To which Nexus will probably have a mental breakdown and may start to regret what he did.
Idea #2 Solar confronts Nexus they get into a whole argument about what Nexus did they fight and as Solar is about to leave Nexus captures Solar and is gonna keep him captive and either use him as bait for Sun and Moon or keep him hostage until he sees things Nexus' way.
Idea #3 they get into a fight, and Nexus, in a fit of rage, kills Solar. <- This is the least likely idea.
Idea #4 Solar decides to stay with Nexus. Not to help him with anything, no. But to keep an eye on him. Make sure Nexus won't hurt the family in any way and maybe to save Nexus from himself. Basically, solar becomes Nexus' Jiminy Cricket, trying to sway Nexus from the side of evil and it may lead to a similar thing to idea #1 or #3
Now, onto the biggest question we still have...
How does Solar being back benefit Dark Sun?
I thought Solar wouldn't actually come back, that the machine would malfunction and release a ton of negative starpower into the world, which would make the Astrals come to earth faster. But instead it actually worked! Solar is back but now how does this help Dark Sun?
Theory #1 Solar coming back will force Nexus deeper into this dark life cause Solar will reject what his brother has become and abandon him and that will cause Nexus to become even worse and go full villain if he wasn't already before.
Theory #2 Solar being back will force Sun out of the family spotlight. Allow me to explain. Solar will have everyone's attention for a while and Sun will probably feel left out cause Earth and Lunar will be spending all their time with him, Jack will want to spend time with Solar now too and he may take Dazzle with him so she can properly meet Solar and Sun will start to feel like he's losing everyone and that all he will have is Moon cause eventually they will all move on. Lunar may die or become a god and have to leave them all, Earth has her own life and stuff she probably wants to do. Maybe she'll start her own daycare away from Fazbear or something, and Dazzle may even "move on" one day leaving just Sun and Moon and I think Solar being back will cause Sun to start having those fears that one day everyone will leave him. Now, I'm not saying Sun doesn't want to be with his brother, but we all know Sun is still dealing with all the trauma Moon inflicted on him and we know one day something or someone will cause Moon to slip and do something that hurts Sun physically or emotionally and this may push Sun into the grasp of Dark Sun. I think whatever Dark Sun is planning involves pushing Sun away from his family and maybe turning Sun into second Dark Sun. Solar may be the catalyst for Sun abandoning his family, like how his death led to Nexus abandoning the family. Hopefully, though, this part of the plan will fail, but seeing as how Dark Sun's plan has been working pretty well so far, I think this part might actually happen.
I hope you all liked this and the theories I came up with. Let me know what you all think.
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stevesjockstrap · 1 year
Prince Charming and The Freak
Steddie microfic challenge written for ‘charm’ wc: 548 | rated: T for language? @steddiemicrofic
Eddie made sure to duck his head when the herd of basketball players walked towards him down the hall, but he still got tripped and his notebooks and books went everywhere. When he’d found the last page near a classroom door, he heard voices.
“Thanks so much, Miss Simpkins. You know we have the big game tonight and I really just forgot about this test today. I promise I’ll do better on the make up.”
Eddie scoffed. Of course. Steve fucking Harrington. Charming the pants off the new clueless algebra teacher.
“Will I see you at the game later? I think you’d really enjoy it.”
The next scoff must’ve been louder, because suddenly they were both looking at him.
“Did you need something?” The teacher asked, glaring at him.
“Sure don’t. Just grabbing my stuff, from uh, the floor.”
“Why was your stuff on the floor?” Steve asked, concerned.
“I dropped it. Not all of us can have star basketball reflexes,” he tried to deflect quickly.
Shockingly this seemed to have the opposite effect, he stood and took a few steps in his direction. Steve looked at him closely. At the pile of unorganized mess in his hands, his flushed face from scrounging around the hallway.
“Were they messing with you again? My- the team?”
“Leave it alone, Steve. I dropped my stuff. You don’t-“
“I do. Sorry, Miss Simpkins, I gotta go handle something. But I’ll see you later?” She blushed when he sent her a grin and a wink. “C’mon, Ed.”
He wouldn’t call them friends, but the last few weeks somehow Steve “The King” Harrington had been appearing around him, after Steve had walked in on him getting ganged up on by the basketball team and actually stuck up for him.
When they’d walked down the hall and around a corner, Steve rounded on him. “Why didn't you tell me?”
“There’s nothing to tell, Steve. I don’t need your Prince Charming act, alright? I don’t know why you even care. If I didn’t know any better-“ he stopped with a shake of his head. He needed to shut up before it was Steve punching him.
“I care because you haven’t done anything to anyone, those guys just rag on you because you let them-“
“Sure. Because if I retaliate then I’m the one in trouble! No one on the basketball team ever has consequences for their shit, you know this.” He waved his hand back down the hall, encompassing the conversation he overheard.
Steve at least had the decency to look a little ashamed. He nodded. “Can I walk you to your car? Please? It’ll make me feel better.” He pulled out the most adorable puppy dog eyes he’d ever seen.
Eddie blinked at him. “Put the face away, Harrington. If you want to keep committing social suicide by being seen with me, far be it for me to argue. Ignorance and all that.”
He’d started walking down the hall when Steve caught his elbow. “What do you mean?”
“Why are you doing all this? I can’t figure it out and it’s-“
Steve pushed him roughly against the wall, but the kiss was more gentle than he could’ve imagined. Oh. Eddie dropped his stuff again so he could grab Steve’s shirt and pull him closer.
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hardboiledleggs · 1 year
You Looking at Me Looking at You ~ Steddie Week Day 6 @steddie-week
Acrid smoke belched from beneath the hood of his dingy van. Eddie sighed as he slammed his fists against the steering wheel and snatched his bag from the passenger’s seat with a groan. Just his luck.
He shoved his hands in his pockets and shuffled across the parking lot, eyes squinted against a bitter wind that was howling across the campus. This was the third time this month that the van had quit on him on his way to class, and he was fresh out of extra cash to pay for even a bus ticket, let alone a tow truck.
Eddie had just finished weighing the merits of walking home versus calling his Uncle Wayne, who lived in a trailer an hour away from campus, when he reached the squat building housing his favorite class, Intermediate Painting. He swung the door wide, breathing in the smell of canvas and turpentine, and stepped around the many easels scattered across the floor until he reached his favorite corner. Robin was already there, fiddling with her supplies, and her face broke into a toothy grin when she saw Eddie.
“Hiya, Munson! I was wondering if you were ever gonna get here. You’re usually so early, is something wrong?” she chirped as she busied herself with arranging her brushes.
Eddie flopped onto his stool with a huff. “It’s my stupid van. Fuckin’ blew another gasket or some shit. I thought it was gonna explode before I made it into the parking lot.”
She winced in sympathy. “That’s too bad, Eds. You can’t ask Wayne for any extra cash to maybe replace the engine or something?”
“No, no, I-I mean, I don’t want to bother him with something like this. He’s got a lot on his plate, and I’m an adult. I’m supposed to be figuring this stuff out on my own.”
“If you’re sure. Hey, you can always crash at my dorm tonight if you can figure out a way to sneak past Wheeler. She’s been taking her RA duties veeery seriously lately,” Robin rolled her eyes as she said this. “Apparently, Carol from 306 got busted when she went home for Thanksgiving. They went into her room for maintenance and it turns out she had snuck her boyfriend in and he was living there. Wheeler was pissed it happened under her nose.”
Eddie snorted. “Carol Perkins? From our English 101 class first semester? That doesn’t surprise me at all. Remember when she came in late for the exam covered in hickeys? She clearly doesn’t know how to be subtle.”
He grinned and began to sort through his own supplies as Robin cackled. Today was supposed to be a live model study, and he had been struggling with the assignments set to them regarding the human form so far. Eddie had been practicing sketching strangers in the park and at coffee shops, but Professor Bauman had insisted that he had yet to “capture the innate sexuality of the bare human form,” whatever that meant. He was determined to get it right today.
At that moment, Professor Bauman swept into the room, wearing a bright pink smock smattered with paint. He clapped his hands together, silencing the muted chatter in the room.
“Children, children! We have precious little time today for our artistry, so PLEASE let’s get started. I want you to focus on the proportions of your sketch today, making sure that we’re being as accurate as possible before any paint blesses the surface of your canvas.” He leveled a pointed look at Robin, who flushed and picked at a hole in the knee of her jeans. “If everyone is ready, I’ll go and grab our model for today.”
Eddie stuck his tongue out at Robin. “Eat it, Birdie. You aren’t the favorite anymore.”
“Oh, please. You know he lets me call him Murray during office hours.”
“Ask him to boost my grade next time you’re in there, will you? Make yourself useful for once.”
Their squabbling was cut short as Bauman’s office door swung open and out stepped Adonis. Okay, it wasn’t really Adonis, but to Eddie, the model may as well have been the stunning Grecian figure. He was stark naked, of course, which allowed Eddie to see the moles that dotted his gleaming skin like dark constellations. His bronze hair was swept artfully off his forehead, almost gravity-defying in its levity. He was toned, but not overly muscular, and his chest was covered in a dense thicket of hair that Eddie wanted to press his face against. Eddie desperately worked to keep his eyes level with the model’s collarbone and not stray any farther down.
“Hi, everyone, I’m Steve. I’m just going to be doing one pose today, so I’ll be taking quick breaks to stretch every 30 minutes or so.” Steve had a nice voice, calm and alluring. “Feel free to come closer if you need a more detailed look at anything for your sketch, it doesn’t make me uncomfortable at all.”
He smiled at the class, showing off a row of even white teeth. Professor Bauman shook Steve’s hand firmly and waved him toward the low table in the center of the room.
“Remember, let your hands be your brushes. Let the colors move through you and allow them to direct your movements. You have two hours. Begin, please!”
At that moment, Robin elbowed Eddie sharply in the ribs, forcing a hacking cough from his lungs as he took his first breath in what felt like hours.
“Jesus, Munson. Subtlety isn’t your strong suit either,” she muttered from the corner of her mouth.
Eddie spared her a glance of disdain before watching Steve lower himself onto the table, folding his arms underneath his head and bending one leg so his knee pointed skyward in a pose that showed off just how muscular his thighs were. Shaking himself, Eddie sorted through his pencils with a shaking hand until he found one light enough to begin his sketch with.
The next half hour was torturous. Eddie really did try for professionalism, carefully outlining Steve’s frame and sketching out the proportions for his hands, but every time the model shifted to grab a drink of water or stretch out his limbs, Eddie’s eyes drifted downward and he became so flustered his pencil would slip and mar his careful marks.
At the hour mark, Professor Bauman began to walk around the room to begin his critiques. He had this way of leaning into his students’ space and artfully picking apart their work that was equal parts impressive and unnerving. At Robin’s canvas, he paused for about a minute before remarking “Don’t be afraid to get up close and give the appropriate detail to the more intimate parts of our friend Steve,” which made Robin blush.
His gaze slide to Eddie’s work, and he broke into a pleased smile.
“Yes, Munson! This is what I have been looking for from you! Do you see how you’ve used the light in the room to bring the focus of your sketch to his face? And his expression, my God, so simultaneously haunting and sensual! Excellent work, keep it up!”
Bauman swept away in a dramatic fashion, leaving Eddie to bury his face in his hands. The word ‘sensual’ echoed around his skull. He wondered if Steve had been listening to that particular bit of the professor’s speech and internally debated whether it would be more embarrassing to leave now or possibly be stuck walking to the parking lot at the same time as the model.
Robin snorted, catching Eddie’s eye and wiggling her eyebrows suggestively as he glowered at her. Leave it to Buckley to revel in his extreme embarrassment.
The class continued to sketch silently, save for the shuffling of supplies or a muffled curse when someone smudged their careful pencil lines. Eddie had almost completed his initial portrait when he got to the hands and frowned. Hands had never been his strong suit; they were always proportioned differently on each person, and there were too many knuckles and creases to ever look natural.
Sighing, he gathered some scrap paper and a pencil and shoved his stool back from his easel. He shuffled into the center of the room to Steve’s side, trying and failing to keep his eyes on the more appropriate parts of the model. Steve’s eyes flitted to his own, and he grinned up at Eddie, though he kept his body completely still.
“Need to see anything specific?” he asked quietly.
Eddie flushed beet-red. “Uh, your hands?” he asked, cringing internally at his indecisive tone.
Steve lifted one hand and placed it in Eddie’s palm. “Do your worst, Munson,” he said with a wink. “That is your name, right?”
His fingers were warm and solid against Eddie’s, and each nail was painted a different color, though most of the paint was chipping. Up this close, Eddie could smell a faint hint of something floral: Steve’s shampoo, maybe? He clutched Steve’s fingers and sat on the small stool next to the table, searching for his usual confidence.
“That’s my name, feel free to wear it out.”
A hastily-stifled laugh shook Steve’s chest, and he glared at Eddie in mock anger as Eddie’s ego preened under the positive attention.
“I really need this paycheck, dude, don’t screw this up for me. I can’t go back to scooping ice cream at the mall,” he whined.
Eddie smiled as he held Steve’s hand up, carefully bending and straightening each knuckle as he sketched.
“Sorry, big boy. I can’t just turn off my irresistible charm all willy-nilly. What if a handsome man walks in here and starts flirting with me? I have to be prepared for every possibility.”
“I thought a handsome man was already flirting with you,” Steve shot back, a glint in his warm brown eyes.
Eddie’s heart skipped a beat, but he recovered quickly, glancing around the room in exaggerated confusion.
“Really? Where is he?”
Steve yanked his hand away, still grinning. “You wound me, Munson. I thought I had a sensual form? Maybe I’ll just take my talents elsewhere.”
Eddie finished his sketch with a flourish and stood, shrugging at the model still lying flat on the table in front of him.
“I suppose you can do that, but good luck finding another cute guy to flirt with in here,” he drawled.
“There’s always Professor Bauman,” Steve snarked, and Eddie snorted as he backed toward his easel.
As soon as he had flopped back into his seat and his face was hidden from Steve, Eddie spun to face Robin. She was already looking at him with a knowing expression on her face, one eyebrow lifted in an unspoken question.
“He’s so hot, Birdie. And funny. I’m going to die!” Eddie hissed at her, and she rolled her eyes at him fondly as she took in the panicked expression on his face.
“Just so you know, Mr. Hot-and-Funny watched your ass the entire walk back to your seat. Good thing you wore your tight jeans today,” Robin smirked.
Eddie flipped her off and schooled his face into a neutral expression. He refused to give her the satisfaction of flustering him.
When the professor told them to pack up for the day, Steve stretched languidly like a cat and loped into Bauman’s office. Eddie gazed after him dazedly, watching as his muscular thighs flexed and his ass bounced with every step. He would’ve been more embarrassed if there weren’t at least five other students doing the exact same thing.
Robin stood and sighed. Slinging her bag over her shoulder, she tugged at a lock of Eddie’s hair.
“You sure you’ll be able to get home okay? I bet we could sneak you past Wheeler if we tried.” The genuine concern in her voice almost melted his resolve, but he shook his head.
“Don’t worry about me, Buckley. I have enough duct tape to hold the old gal together for another few miles at least.” Her frown deepened, and he hastily added, “Besides, I don’t think Tammy likes me very much. The last time I was over I broke one of her mugs and she called me an ‘inbred hick’ or something charming like that. I still can’t believe you ever had a thing for her.”
Robin shook her head ruefully. “Alright, asshat. I’ll see you next week then. Call me when you get home so I know you lived.”
She left, barely catching the toe of her sneaker on the doorjamb and stumbling into the hall as she went. Eddie listened to her muffled curses as she tripped down the hall on the walk back to her dorm and grinned to himself.
He packed up his supplies carefully. This professional shit hadn’t been cheap, and he definitely couldn’t afford to replace his oil pencils if he ruined them. As he was stacking his canvas carefully in the back with the others, the door to the professor’s office opened and Steve stepped out, dressed now in simple blue jeans and a bright yellow sweater. He was frowning slightly and fiddling with the cuffs of his shirt, but he straightened up and his face brightened when he spotted Eddie still lingering in the classroom.
“Hey, Munson! I was hoping I could catch you before you left,” he called as he hurried to Eddie’s side. “How did your piece turn out?”
“Not bad,” Eddie smiled. “Helped that the subject was cute, you know. I do my best work when I’m staring at hot people.”
Steve threw his head back in a genuine laugh as they began the walk through campus. His strides were much longer than Eddie’s, despite their similar heights, and Eddie found himself rushing a bit to keep up.
“So, are you majoring in Art?” Steve asked, his casual tone at odds with the searching intensity in his eyes.
“Oh, uh, yeah, I am. I want to do tattoos for a living like my mom, so… art degree! College isn’t really my thing but I knew my uncle would get a real kick out of raising a college grad. I used to, you know, deal in high school, so he just about explodes with pride whenever he can tell somebody I’m a sophomore in college.” Eddie grinned ruefully at Steve. “Of course, the dealing is what made it possible to pay for these first couple of years, but there’s a mutual understanding to ignore that part of our finances.”
That drew out another laugh from Steve. Eddie felt the laugh settle somewhere in his chest, warming him from the inside despite the biting wind.
“So, what do you usually get up to after class?” Steve questioned. He was still picking at the loose threads on the ends of his sleeves like he was nervous, although he seemed perfectly comfortable walking with Eddie.
“Well, today I will be begging my uncle to come up and drive me home, probably. My van quit on me again this morning,” Eddie sighed as he scuffed his shoe along the edge of the sidewalk. He knew Wayne wouldn’t mind, but he felt horrible for interrupting his uncle’s sleep schedule because he couldn’t take care of his own vehicle.
“Damn. If only there was a cute guy around who would definitely drive you home if you asked nicely.” Steve snapped his fingers in an ‘aw shucks’ motion and sighed. “If only he had a really nice car and absolutely nothing to do tonight and is desperately trying to figure out a way to spend more time with you.”
Eddie’s heart leaped into his throat. Blush saturated his cheeks, staining them with pink, and he turned to look Steve in the eye.
“You better not be fucking with me, okay? You’re fun and I like you, so if you drive me home, it better not be the last time I see you.”
Steve gave him a long and searching look before grabbing Eddie’s hand and looping their fingers together.
“Well I, for one, am excited to see your place,” he said softly.
Eddie grinned and allowed himself to be tugged toward the parking lot a little faster than his legs could carry him.
Below as always is my permanent tag list for Steddie writings, if you want to be added or removed just let me know :)
Tag list: @brassreign @inmoonywetrust @kyoxyukiforever @spectrum-spectre @vampireinthesun @awkwardgravity1 @obsessivlyme @steddieassheg0es @tell-me-a-secret-a-nice-one @sunflowers-and-knives @original-cypher @estrellami-1
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steddieas-shegoes · 1 year
for the 150 steddie prompts!!
132: “i didn’t think it was possible to love someone this much.”
(i used a number generator thats why its so random)
have fun!!
Oh, this is gonna be mushy. I'm feeling mushy. I'm gonna be in a wedding next week and am feeling so many mushy things about it, and I just finished writing the "speech" I'm giving (I am hoping I can just like privately do it tbh) and got REEEEALLY emotional so.
Rated T | tags: modern au, steddie wedding (a stedding if you will), fluff
Despite Eddie's insistence that everything would go perfectly, and Nancy's overbearing organization, and Robin's attempt at keeping Steve from knowing when something went wrong, things did not go perfectly.
The rain started five minutes before they were supposed to start the ceremony and Steve immediately started spiraling.
"Rain is bad luck! It wasn't even supposed to be cloudy today! Nance, what do we do?" Steve was pacing back and forth, running his hands through his hair, ruining it's previously perfect style.
"First, we just wait a few minutes and see if it passes. You take a breath or five. Robin is gonna make sure the guests are staying dry inside the reception hall," Nancy answered, typing furiously on her cell phone.
"And then? If it doesn't stop? Do I just marry Eddie in the fucking rain?"
Nancy looked up at him, eyes squinting as she considered an answer.
"Your first kiss was in the rain, was it not?" she finally settled on.
"I don't see how that has anything to do with-"
"And the first date, that ended up with you stuck in rain after a concert?"
"The first time he said he loved you was during a storm."
Steve felt some of the tension ease from his back and arms.
"And when he asked you to marry him, you were waiting for the rain to stop so you could walk the dog he didn't tell you he was rescuing."
"That was-"
"Yeah, so I think maybe we can just relax when it comes to rain. It's clearly not the sign of bad luck you seem to think it is," Nancy went back to typing furiously on her phone.
"Who are you texting?" Steve asked, sitting down on the arm of one of the chairs in the room.
"Is he okay? Is Eddie?" Steve stood up, ready to go check on them himself, but was immediately stopped by Nancy's firm grip on his shoulder.
"Everyone is fine. Chill."
So, he chilled. Or tried to at least.
Nancy continued to text and the skies continued to pour down rain.
After ten minutes, he stood up.
"We can't keep people waiting. It doesn't look like it's gonna stop, so-"
A knock on the door interrupted him, causing both him and Nancy to turn towards it with wide eyes.
Steve opened the door, even though he was supposed to wait until they were actually getting married to see him today.
His arms were full of Eddie before Nancy could slam the door shut.
"What's wrong, baby?" Steve asked, arms tightening around him and breathing in the smell of his "nice" cologne.
"'S raining," Eddie mumbled against his neck.
"Okay, that's it. Both of you are getting married now." Nancy tugged them apart and out of the room, her strength somehow still surprising to both of them.
"Wheeler, it's pouring and-"
"Shut up."
One thing about Nancy Wheeler is she was a bit scary when she was determined, and right now, it seemed she was incredibly determined to get them married.
The rain was still coming down, but Nancy didn't let that stop her from dragging them to the arch surrounded by rows of seats.
She stood under the arch, eyebrows raised as water dripped off of her.
Steve and Eddie stared at her, then at each other.
They both started laughing.
"Might as well do it, then," Eddie shrugged.
"Dearly beloved, we are stuck out in the rain today to see these two idiots get married-"
"Hey! This is not what we agreed you'd say!" Steve argued, cutting himself off when Nancy snapped her fingers.
"We're gonna cut this short because this rain is cold, but they've both prepared some things to say," Nancy gestured for them to get started.
Steve had known what he was going to say for months now, memorized it and practiced it in the mirror almost every morning while he was doing his hair.
But it didn't feel right now.
"I didn't think it was possible to love someone this much," Steve said, squeezing Eddie's hands in his. "Standing in the rain to marry you makes sense, now that we're here. All I care about is you, all I ever care about is being with you, rain or shine or snow, bad times or good."
It was impossible to tell for sure if Eddie was crying or the raindrops were running down his cheeks, but when he spoke, Steve could hear just a slight rasp to his voice.
"You remember when I finally kissed you for the first time? The rain hadn't stopped all day and we both looked ridiculous, kinda like now, and you were just pouting up at the sky, and I couldn't hold back. I can never hold back with you. I'll kiss you in the rain for the next 100 years if I live long enough to do it, sweetheart," Eddie said softly.
"Alright, kiss each other!"
"Aren't the rings next?"
"Robin has them, we can do that part later."
Eddie pulled Steve against him, fronts flush against each other.
"Think we could find somewhere to mess around in the rain?" he whispered against Steve's lips.
Steve's eyes flashed over to Nancy, who was already walking away.
"Kiss me and we'll see."
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2gayy2functionnn · 5 months
Don’t say Forever- Chapter 2
TW: Mentions of ED, Mentions of dead bodies
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When she woke up the first place she thought she was in was hell. She wasn’t very far off, but she wasn’t dead.
The banging on her door continued and she laid there tangled in her sheets hoping it would stop. The door slammed open hitting the wall. 
“Didn’t you hear me knock” Regina snarls crossing her arms.
“I think the whole neighborhood did” I shoot back rubbing the sleep out of my eyes and sitting up in my bed a little bit. Regina rolls her eyes and scoffs before looking me up and down. 
“God, just come down for dinner. My mom says we can’t eat until you’re there. I’m hungry. So get your stupid ass down there. Got it” Regina commands not waiting for my response. I grumble to myself, just wanting to lay back down in my bed. 
I reluctantly force myself to stand up and go over to the closet overbearing with clothes. My immediate thought is “Fuck to the No” Everything either has pink or sparkles and neither of those exist in my dictionary so i walk over to my small duffel bag and pull out a pair of black sweatpants and a oversized zip up up that belongs to Damian.
I softly slip down the stairs in my socked feet. I reach the dining room and see the “happy” family having dinner and immediately feel like an imposter. I want to turn right back around, but before i can even think about it. Mrs George is walking up and escorting me to my seat. She plops me down next to kiley, who’s stabbing her chicken with a fork and picking it apart and secretly feeding it to the dog.
“Oh honey” She says pressing a hand to my cheek. She looks softly at my face and clucks. I blush immediately as i feel the touch on my face. I can’t remember the last person other than damian who’s touched me with care. It makes me squirm uncomfortably. 
“Maybe Regina, was right you do look flushed” She says softly. Regina laughs then coughs a bit as a peice of food gets stuck in her throat.
“Right?” I say confused and stare at the platinum blonde. She smirks back at me.
“She said when she went up there you were conked out and said you didn’t want to come down because you weren’t feeling 100 percent” Mrs George says softly still having a hand on my forehead. I narrow my eyes at Regina.
Oh. So i could’ve stayed up there. Also way to make me feel welcome, I guess. 
“yeah” i say coughing slightly. “I’m not feeling too hot maybe i should go back up” I say. Mr George stares at me, acting as if he can read every thought in my mind. 
“Well Janis, If your sure” June says her eyes frantically moving between eveyone at the table. I stand up quickly.
“I’m sure” i say. I want to go upstairs now. So i do. I walk fast and slam the door behind me and throw myself on the bed. 
I miss my mom, and my grandma. Even my ass hole dad who beat the shit out of me would be better than this hellhole. I think as i sob into my pillow. I can’t trust anyone in this world and everyday it makes it more and more clear. 
I lay in bed for a bit and start to sketch some in my journal. Various pictures of dead bodies. I open my phone find the most recent autopsy photo i can, and go to town. I’m so focused on my task, I don’t hear my door slightly open. 
“Hey” a person says startling me, making me jump and look up quickly. Regina stands there, clad in a satin pink pajama set and soft slippers. I blush and look down.
“Janis” she repeats sighing annoyed. I look up and meet her eyes. She tosses an uncrustable and banana at me. 
“Thanks for fucking off” She says softly. The kindest i’ve seen her been since 8th grade. I nod softly. She still stares at me.
“anything else” i ask looking up at her icy eyes. Before looking back down at the food and opening the uncrustable.
“Mom said i have to drive you tommorow. If your not in my car at 7:10 your ass is getting left here understand. Also wear something better than that oversized shit. I know your tiny but clothes really shouldn’t be that big on you” She scoffs crossing her arms. 
“It’s damian’s, I don’t have anything else” i say softly looking down at my pillow. Regina bites her lip and debates something in her head. 
“If i show you something, don’t be a wise ass about it or think I actually like you or something, Ok?” She says tapping her foot. I nod and twist my pen in my hand. 
She walks into my closet and comes out with a trashbag. 
“I knew you would hate the shit my mom picked out, So i went to a thrift store and grabbed some ugly shit, I thought you would like.” She says throwing it down next to me. I look at it wide eyed than Regina.
“Thank you?” I say. Regina scoffs crosses her arms then exits with a slam. 
What the fuck was that.
Janis gets out of her shower steaming hot. Her hair drips down her back as she frantically searches the trash bag for any form of pajamas. Looks like the queen bee forgot something. She is forced to look in the actual closet. Luckily she finds a black satin set while not the most practical, still comfy and works for now.
She lays her clothing out for tomorrow, as her phone bings and lights up on the bed. She walks over expecting it to be damian to give his goodnight call. But suprisingly it’s an unknown number.
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Janis scoffs and changes her contact name before replying and lying down in her bed. As she sits she accidently sits on the banana and uncrustable from earlier. Maybe she should eat. Than she looks down at her stomach and realizes. 
She needs a break.
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 Janis is more than positive she doesn’t snore! Yet as she falls asleep she makes sure to put her sleep clocked app on. 
You know.
Just in case.
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mmingooo · 1 year
5. day off - written ෆ⸒⸒ uniquely smau
uniquely is a new co-ed group under pledis entertainment, nabi will have to go through and explore the idol world while making friends, and possibly even finding love.
mingyu x idol!oc
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The day was warm, there weren’t as many people out on the streets as the girls would’ve thought. After weeks of performing, going on variety shows, doing interviews, a day off had finally come and they decided to take advantage of it and have a girl’s day.
They went out for lunch, went on a walk, explored the city on rented bikes (even though they knew it like the back of their hands), went to get coffee and to end their day, they went to a shopping center.
There, they looked at clothes, accessories, shoes, make-up, anything they could think of, and after almost an hour later, Nabi’s feet felt like they were about to fall off, Kkotbi and Binna seemed to still have some energy in them to keep going, so Nabi let them know she would stay in one of the sitting areas and wait for them to be done. The pair agreed and off they went to finish speanding all their money.
Nabi sat down and immediately felt relief wash all over her, she let out a sigh and closed her eyes.
She felt someone sit next to her, and she opened her eyes slightly to catch a glimpse of them and see if they were her friends, but they were not, it was a man wearing a black cap who was on their phone.
Nabi closed her eyes again, ignoring the man, and felt as if she would fall asleep in any moment.
“Hello?” The man spoke next to her, and she thought she recognized his voice, “Where are you? I got here like 10 minutes ago.”
Nabi looked at him, first, she noticed he was talking in the phone, and then realized she did actually know who he was. Her eyes widened and her breath got caught up on her throat, it was Mingyu!
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“Oh, hi!” Mingyu spoke and Nabi turned to look at him. He had a smile on his face, “You’re Nabi right? I’m Mingyu, we met a few times a couple of months ago.”
“Yes! Yeah, that’s me and I-uh, know who you are,” she smiled awkwardly.
Mingyu chuckles, “So what are you doing here?”
“Oh, uhm, I came here with my members, we had a day off.”
“They’re all here?”
“No no, it’s just me, Kkotbi and Binna.”
“Ah, a girl’s day?”
“Yeah,” Nabi nods, meanwhile, her phone had been going off every few seconds, she assumed it was Minsu, who she had left hanging.
“Do you need to get that?”
“Oh, no, no, it’s okay,” Nabi says, “So uhm, are you here with someone?”
He quickly glances down at his phone, “I’m supposed to be, but they’re late.”
“Ah, girlfriend?”
“Uh no, it’s actually one of my members, Seungcheol?”
“Oh yeah yeah, of course, what are you shopping for?”
“We’re just doing some window shopping, we might get something, but it was mostly to just get out of the dorms.”
“Yeah I can understand that,” they smile at each other and before it can get awkward, Mingyu’s name is called from a distance, they both look to the direction of the calling and see Seungcheol trotting to them.
“Sorry, I got stuck at the studio,” Seungcheol apologizes and Mingyu stands up to greet him, Nabi follows suit. “Oh, Nabi, right? It's been a while.”
“Hello,” she bows, “Yeah it has, we’ve had a packed schedule for weeks.”
“Yeah I can imagine, but it’s been fun I hope?”
“That’s good!”
“Uhm, well, I better go find my members, we’ve been out all day.”
“Oh yeah, of course,” they say their goodbyes and as Nabi is walking away Seungcheol speaks up. “If you ever need any thing, we’re a call away, we need to support each other!”
“Thank you so much,” she bows again and bumps into something, her face flushes, “Take care!”
Nabi speed walks, turns the corner and enters the nearest bathroom.
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ෆ⸒⸒ notes; uni has been killing me 😭 so forgive me if i don’t post often cause i barely have to open this app 😔💔
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spoopydooblr · 1 year
My King Will Be Kind Chapter 3 / Kendall Roy x OC
an: hiiiiiii sorry for the delay i have a college degree now lol
tw: cursing, smoking, mentions of ED, SMUTTTTT
A man walked out of the building. He looked like he was in the secret service or something.
"Miss Allen?"
She didn't remember telling Kendall her last name.
"Um, yes, hi." Stella mentally facepalmed. That's the best she could do?!
"Mr. Roy is waiting for you upstairs."
"Oh, okay." Stella gulped, and followed the man inside the stunning apartment building. The inside was almost disgustingly-nice. It was too much, right?
The man led her to the elevators, pressing the button on the side. The elevator came within seconds. He let her in first.
"Uh, thanks."
He followed her in, taking out a lanyard and scanning his ID on the wall. He pressed the "P" button. Of course Kendall had the penthouse.
Stella was nervous suddenly. She felt out of place, like she wasn't supposed to be there. What if a paparazzi saw her enter? They would have a fucking field day.
The elevator was all too quick, and for a second Stella felt nauseous. The elevator stopped with a 'ding' and the shiny metal doors opened to reveal a spacious, modern living room. Everything was white and cream with dark wooden accents. Every time she saw something nice, something even better, more expensive, would be next to it. She stepped out, the doors closing behind her and leaving her alone in the living room. Again, was she supposed to tip the elevator guy?
"No, buddy, I really think the Knicks got this one!" Kendall's voice came from down the hallway. "Yeah." He said, "Well we'll see." He laughed.
Kendall suddenly appeared in front of her, his phone pressed against his ear. He looked surprised, but happy to see her.
"Hey, Iverson, dude, I need to go, okay? Yeah, alright. Love you, buddy."
Stella smiled nervously, feeling a bit guilty that he just hung up on his son for her.
"Hi." He smiled, wrapping his arms around her waist.
"Hi, Kendall." In her heels, she was a little taller than him.
He pulled away, hands still on the small of her waist. "You, uh, you look beautiful."
She couldn't help her blush. "Thank you."
Kendall was wearing a plain white button-up and pants, but Stella knew the shirt alone was probably worth a month of her rent. He looked so good.
He took her hand in his and lead her to the kitchen. His grip was soft but firm.
The kitchen was beautiful, with white walls and new, stainless steel appliances.  He probably never used it.  A couple of chefs moved about.  It smelled like authentic Italian.
"Holy shit..." Stella said under her breath.
Kendall laughed.  He wasn't supposed to have heard that.
"I hope you like Italian, but if you don't, they can make you something else."
"No, it's perfect."  They stopped in the middle of the kitchen.
He moved towards her.  She let him.  "Thank you for coming."
"Of course."  He led her over to the table, pulling out her chair.  She was sure he went to cotillion as a kid.
Kendall sat across from her, a tiny candle in between them, illuminating their faces.  It was disgustingly romantic.
"How was your day?" He asked.
"Um," She stopped, unsure if she should tell the truth about her anxious day.  "I went shopping, took my dog for a walk...oh!"  Stella grabbed her purse, rummaging around for the blunt.  " I got you this."  she stuck her arm out, suddenly very unsure.
He took the glass vial, inspecting it.
"I-I really like weed, and I thought you probably did too, and it's better than a regular cigar so-"
"It's awesome."  He gave her a goofy smile.  "This is fucking awesome."
Stella returned the smile.  "I'm so glad.  I thought we could smoke it later."
He nodded, turning the vial over in his hands.  "You have a dog?"  She nodded.  "My kids have this, uh, rabbit named Megathump.  It almost died from a bagel related incident."
She had to laugh at the thought of Kendall with a rabbit.  "Bagel related incident?"
"It's a long story."  He stopped.  "I have two kids, if you didn't know."  He seemed almost...nervous?
"Oh, cool.  I um, don't have any kids."  They laughed at the awkwardness.
"Everything I do is for them." He said.
"I know."  Stella reached out to take his hand.  "How is the deal going?"
"It's been tough.  We're getting there, though."
"I feel like I see you on Twitter every day now."
"Yeah, uh, they love me out there."
"I can tell."
One of the chefs from before brought over a bottle of red.
"I hope Cabernet is okay." Kendall asked.
Stella looked at the bottle in front of her. It was old. She nodded, and the chef poured them both a big glass.
"How long have you been living in the city?" He asked. Their hands were still intertwined.
"A couple of months. We're on break from my show—" she stopped. "We'll It's not my show, um, I'm just a side character."
"Yeah, I assume your kids watch it?" Delirium was one of those shows that every teenager watched behind their parents backs. There were three sex scenes in the pilot episode itself.
"Well, they're not supposed to." He laughed. "I let them watch it when they're here. My daughter loves it."
Stella blushed. It was hard to believe a billionaire's kids watched her show.
"She really wants Yumi and Garrett to stay together." Wow, he really knew the show.
"We'll see." Stella laughed. The actress that played Yumi was one of her best friends. "I don't even have the script for season three yet."
"Is acting the main passion for you?"
"Honestly no. That's why I'm here." Stella was a bit shy to tell Kendall her life story, but the look on his face showed that he was interested. "I'm a writer, first."
His face lit up. "Will the network let you write on your show?"
She cringed. "No, uh, I asked and they said no—"
"Well they should."
Again, she blushed. "They're letting me do something of my own, actually."
"No way."
"That's why I'm in New York in the first place. I'm from here, sort of. West Chester."
"Ah, a West Chester girl." He smirked. Kendall probably assumed she was well-off, which wasn't really true.
"Yeah, I guess."  Stella took a sip of wine.  Kendall watched her carefully bring the glass to her lips.  She pretended to ignore him.
Another chef came over with plates of food.  Stella tried her best to smile, but food was always an issue for her.  Especially now that she was in Hollywood, her body image was at an all-time low.  For now, this was between her and her therapist, but it was tough.
"Thank you Antonio."  Kendall said.
The food looked amazing.  Thankfully it was rich people food, so there weren't big quantities.  A tiny spiral of spaghetti sat in a giant bowl.  She took a sigh of relief.
"This looks amazing."  She beamed at the chef.  For the third time that night, Stella wondered if she should tip the man.  Kendall was probably paying a fortune for the food, so she decided against it.  
"Antonio has been my chef for ten years now.  He's the best."
Stella nodded.  "That's crazy...a personal chef."
Kendall laughed.  "Yeah, well, my father wouldn't have it any other way."
"How is that, by the way?"
His smile faltered just a bit.  "It's been tough.  My father is, uh, a cruel man, but we're trying.  My siblings and I have never been closer, though."
"That's good."
"It's been a mess...shareholders and shit."
She didn't really know what Kendall even did for a living, but she nodded.
"You met Roman, right?"
The tragic interaction stung in Stella's mind.  "Uh, yeah."
"God, he's such a fucking...he's just impossible."
She laughed.
"And Shiv, God, she's married to this guy, Tom, and he's a real piece of shit."  He rambled on.  "Sorry, Stell, this is probably very boring."
She blushed at the nickname, but took a sip of her wine to try and distract him.  "It's not, really.  I like hearing about your life.  I feel like we live in totally different worlds, but here we are."
"Here we are indeed."  He said, raising his glass.  "Cheers."
They ate and talked for a while, sharing stories about their families and life and work.  
"Do you want to smoke?  I have a balcony."  Of course he did, it was the penthouse.
Stella nodded, getting up and taking his hand.  Kendall led her to the balcony, overlooking the entire city.  It was incredible.
"Oh my God, this is insane."  Stella walked to the ledge, looking over.  "Does this ever make you dizzy?"
"Nah, uh, I'm used to it now."
Of course he was.  "Makes sense."  She sauntered over to Kendall who was sitting at a table on the balcony.  He opened the blunt, taking out a fancy lighter.
"Come sit."  He said, motioning to the chair next to him.  "You can have the first puff."
"Why thank you."  She sat next to him, watching him turn the blunt around in his hands.
Here she was, smoking weed with a billionaire.  What was life?!
Kendall handed her the blunt, and she stuck it in her mouth.  He held out is lighter, just like the night before.  
Stella breathed in, letting the smoke burn her lungs.  The blunt was expensive, and it sure tasted like it.  "Wow."
She handed it to him.  He took a huge hit, breathing the smoke out into the air.  "Wow."
From behind them, a worker brought out more wine.  Stella thanked him.
"This shit is delicious."
"I know."  
Kendall handed her the blunt and she took it, breathing smoke into his face.  He laughed.  
"I never asked."  He said.  "How old are you?"
Stella choked on the smoke.  "Uh, how old are you?"  She knew the answer already.
He smirked.  "Forty one."
"Okay, well, I'm twenty six.  Almost twenty seven."
He nodded.  The age gap wasn't really something she cared about, but she was sure everyone else would.  Stella could already see the tabloids.  
They talked and smoked for a bit, Stella laughing at Kendall's interesting stories.
"Do you want to, uh, go inside?"  Kendall asked, motioning to the almost-gone blunt.  The wine, too, was long gone.
She thought for a second.  It had to be past ten and she had a meeting the next day.  "Okay."  She whispered.
When she stepped inside, the chefs were gone and the kitchen was spotless.  Kendall grasped her hand, pulling her into him.  He smelled so good.  Their eyes met and she blushed, looking down.
"Hey,"  He tilted her head up to meet his eyes.  "Don't be nervous."
"Don't apologize, it's okay."  He wrapped his arms around her waist.  "Can I..."
She didn't answer.  Instead, she kissed him, lips softly pressing against his.  He returned the kiss hungrily.  Stella reached up to cup his face.  Damn, he was a good kisser.  
Kendall led her to his bedroom--a huge spacious room with bright white walls.  A giant window overlooking the city was across from the bed.  If she wasn't in such a compromising position, Stella would have loved to see the view.
"This okay?"  He broke the kiss.  Stella smiled and nodded.
"Everything's perfect."
"Good." He said, gently pushing her down on the bed.  "Because, uh, you're so fucking sexy."
Stella turned red, not meeting his gaze.  Kendall squeezed her hips, deepening the kiss.  He was now on top of her, grinding his pelvis against hers.  She felt like she was in heaven and they hadn't even taken their clothes off yet.  
Kendall reached up to her blouse, fiddling with the hem.  "Sorry, wait, ugh,"  Stella muttered, realizing the shirt was incredibly hard to take off.  "I would let you rip it off, but it's vintage."
He smirked, beginning to undo the buttons on his own shirt.  "I'll buy you a new one."
After a few awkward seconds of taking their clothes off, Stella laid naked underneath him.  She could feel his dick against her leg as he stood above her.  Kendall kissed her again, this time more passionate.  Stella couldn't help the moan that left her mouth as his hand snaked in between them.  His thumb pressed against her clit, rubbing small circles on the sensitive spot.  Returning the favor, she reached down to stroke his cock.  It was thick and long, of course.  
"Hold on."  He said, getting up and walking to his dresser.  Rummaging through, he revealed a condom and came back to her.  
"Smart."  She giggled.  
He rolled the condom on, stalking back to her on the bed.  The kisses became more rough, more needy, as Kendall rubbed his fingers through her folds.  
"Ahh, Ken...I need you."  She barely got the words out.
"Mm, what's that baby?"
Stella rolled her eyes.  "I need you, now."
Without a word, he slipped into her.  She felt her walls stretch to accommodate him.  They both moaned, bodies fitting together perfectly.  He thrust into her as she wrapped her legs around his torso.  A chorus of moans filled the room.
"Fuck, baby, you're so tight."
Tears of literal joy stung at Stella's eyes.  He felt so good.  
"Ken..."  She stuttered, her nails making marks against his back.  There were stars in her vision as he pulled all the way out, shoving himself in again.  The sting was like nothing she had ever felt before--in a good way.
“Fuck...oh God.”  Her legs shook around him, walls pulsating so hard she felt like she was going to die and go to Heaven.  There was no way she was this close already.
He reached down, toying with her clit once again.  "Cum for me, baby."
Stella came with a silent scream, Kendall quickly following as she clenched against his cock.  He pulled out, collapsing on the bed next to her.  
They were silent for a bit, catching their breath.
"You know I had sex with this actress once a couple of years ago,"  Kendall started, "And I was like this is the best sex of my fucking life."
She looked at him quizzically.  
"And then I had sex with this other actress, and now I think I have to fucking rethink that.”
She swatted his shoulder.  "Thanks, I guess."
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jacksdinonuggets · 5 months
I can't think of a unique title for this. Another Blake fic!
tw: ed, sh, depression.
Blake curled up under his blankets and whimpered. It had been two days since he left his room. Two days since his damn meds ran out. Stuck in his room, he was bedrotting. Since he hadn’t had his depression and anxiety medication, depressed and anxious was basically his entire mood. He didn’t want to go to Charlie again. He was always venting and impure regressing and he felt like it was bothering her too much. Why couldn’t he just have the normal, happy regression that everyone else has?
Whimpering again as his brain got to him, he curled up further. His stomach ached but he refused to eat, having no motivation to do so. He heard his door creak open.
“Hey Blake,” Charlie said with a soft voice. He hid under the covers, not wanting her to see his pathetic face.
“You missed dinner again…” She was carrying a plate with mac & cheese and chicken nuggets on it. Seeing the piles of untouched food on his nightstand, she set the new plate down and picked up the other ones, throwing them in the trash. They had to resort to plate pals (Animal style paper plates) so she could easily just throw them away.
“Come on, sit up, I want to see you eat,” She sat at the end of his bed. Even though she had a lot of little’s to take care of, she still worried about Blake. He clearly wasn’t doing well. 
Blake hesitantly sat up. His hair was messy, face pale and white, and deep bags under his eyes. He took the plate from his nightstand and sat it in his lap. He just stared at it.
“Blake, please, eat at least half. I don’t want to take you to the sloth ring again due to malnutrition,” Charlie urged, “I don’t like forcing you to eat, but at this point, it’s for your own good,” 
“Fine…” Blake mumbled. He was such a fucking burden, making her take him to the sloth ring a couple of days ago. If he wasn’t even alive, she wouldn’t have to worry about him. He didn’t even understand why she acted like she was worried about him. People hate when others vent to them. He wouldn’t be surprised if she was just annoyed.
Charlie held his trash can as he ate his food, in case any came up. Usually, since he was so used to purging, if he ate, there was a high possibility of him puking. Luckily, nothing did, although he was close.
“Good boy,” She ruffled his hair when he managed to finish about ⅔ of the plate, “You did so well,” 
“You doing okay? I know your meds ran out… I’m getting them refilled by tomorrow,”
“M fine…” He lied.
Charlie sighed, seeing right through his lie. She got up and walked out of the room. Blake concluded that she finally had enough of him. Served him right. He was probably just an attention seeking brat. It was most likely his fault that everyone loved the other littles better.
His door opened again. He peeked out from under his covers and saw the blonde fallen angel.
“Hey, Blake. Heard you didn’t feel like talking to Mama,” he sat next to him. Charlie was standing in the doorway.
“I said I was fine,” He grumbled.
“We both know that’s not true, sweetie,” Charlie piped up.
“I don’t know why you guys even care. I’m such an annoyance to you guys. All i even do is complain about feeling bad and unhappy. No one likes a venter,” He went back under the covers.
“Blake, it’s okay to have impure regressions, you do realize that?” Hez emphasized.
After getting no response, Hez sighed. He was about to give up when he heard soft sobbing. He lifted the covers and saw Blake, crying and gripping his bed sheets.
“Oh, Blake, It’s okay, come here,” Hez lifted him up and put him in his lap. The boy kind of stunk. He hadn’t showered for about 3 days.
Blake cried into Hez’s shoulder, letting all of his big emotions and feelings out. Hez rubbed his back and shushed him, whispering sweet nothings into his ear. Charlie wanted to step in, but didn’t want to interrupt their sweet moment.
Sensing that the boy was starting to regress, he picked him up off the bed and walked towards his bathroom. He needed a bath and he was going to give him one.
“Who do you want to bathe you, baby? Me or Char-Char?” He asked the boy. Blake pointed to Charlie. She had changed him a few times before so he was more comfortable with her than Hez.
You could tell the boy’s headspace had dropped. He was more semi-verbal and had a lisp. As Charlie cleaned Blake, Hez fixed him up a bottle of warm fat free chocolate milk (The only drink he will consume while small), and took out all of his favorite bedtime stories.
Blake came out of the bathroom in his onesie and holding Charlie’s hand. She led him to the bed and tucked him in. Hez handed him the bottle of milk and his favorite stuffed animal before giving Charlie the books. He decided to let them bond and left the room. 
Blake drank his warm fat free chocolate milk as Charlie read his favorite books. His insomnia finally stopped and he drifted off to sleep while cuddling his caregiver.
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jerseygirllll · 1 year
bittersweet cherries I e.m CHAPTER 8
previous chapter
couple: eddie munson x aurora henderson (OC)
word count: 1.3k
summary: cute memory of dustin, eddie, and aurora. hellfire meeting and more people seeing her since returning
a/n: a short chapter again lol, sorry! i am thinking of doing a couple bigger scenes I want to try and stretch into multiple (at least two) chapters.
“But mom, I promised Eddie I would come over after school.” You whined into the phone. Toying with the coiled cord trying to ignore what your mom was telling you. 
“Aurora, I am not telling you again. I need you to watch your brother after school today. No exceptions” Her voice stern enough to realize she wasn’t going to let up. 
“Not funny, mom. Please, I wanna go to Eddie’s today.” Begging seemed like the only way you could possibly get out of this. “Dustin can ride back home by himself. He does it all the time and he is always fine.”
“Aurora, watch your brother after school today or you won’t be allowed to go to Eddie’s for the unforeseen future.”
“What the fu- fine. I will watch him.” You slammed the phone into the receiver of the pay phone, almost snapping it in half with anger. Letting out an exasperated sigh you slung your heavy backpack on and trudged over to the elementary school to go pick up your very annoying brother. 
“Hey, Rory! Oh, hello?” Eddie’s face through the screen door distorted once he saw your younger brother's figure pop out from behind you. 
“Sorry, Ed’s. I got stuck watching him today. Is it okay?” Your face probably flushed with embarrassment for springing this on the guy. You were a little worried he would say no since he’s never met Dustin before and you have been the only person to come over before. But that gave you some trust. 
“Yeah, com’on in little dude.” He greeted your brother warmly, pushing the screen out so you two could walk in. Dustin came around your side and walked into the trailer. Key chains rattling on the side of his backpack as he entered. 
“Welcome to Castel Munson.” 
Eddie showed Dustin where he could drop his stuff off as you did it out of a force of habit. Shoes cluttered the base of a coat rack where miscellaneous coats and jackets hung, currently out of use with the spring weather. Eddie’s (then) brand new denim vest hung on the post closest to the door right next to your denim jacket that you left here last time. 
“Can we play a game? Or watch a movie, please?” Dustin asked while swinging his arms around as he explores the small trailer. 
“Dustin, don’t be a pain- it’s alright, Ror.” Eddie walked past you and softly squeezed your arm. You just sighed again and went to grab your notebook so you could get your homework done. 
“Do you know what Dungeon and Dragons is?” Eddie asked curiously. You could see Darin trying to figure out if he did by his facial expression being all scrunched up. 
“I do not as a matter of fact.” 
“Then I’m gonna teach you because it is the best game in the whole damn world. Com’on you got a lot of learn’ to do.” Eddie and Dustin went straight back into his room gathering Eddie’s containers of dnd characters, piles of notebooks with rules and explanations. 
The pair crashed down on the floor of the living room and covered the floor in materials. All afternoon, as you did your homework and later made some snacks for the crazy boys, Eddie taught Dustin everything he needed to know about D&D, helped him create his first character and show him some special tricks. 
Even though you complain the whole walk over to Eddie’s on having to bring Dustin with you, you were so excited that they were getting along. 
Dustin begged you for a while after that to tag along with you whenever you went over to Eddie’s. 
The second you pushed the double doors open Eddie felt like he was back in high school with you. Your hair is pulled up into a very messy bun, your own curls springing out in some places and framing your face. A cherry coke bottle was held in your hand along with a plastic bag most likely filled with some snack you bought for everyone. 
It is just like how it was throughout high school. Eddie would stay afterschool to hold Hellfire meetings and you’d be heading to your shift at the bookstore. Eddie would beg you to blow off work and come watch the game even if he knew you’d stop by after work because you always did. 
Every Monday and Thursday when Eddie and his gang held meetings at school you'd walk all the way back to the old building after your shift. Stopping at the gas station between the two locations to pick up snacks, a carton of smokes if you knew Eddie was getting low, and always, a cherry coke. 
Cherry coke was apart of your signature on top of your vanilla and cherry perfume, red chuck taylors and red chipped nail polish you always had on your nails.  
“I am glad to see you are all alive and well.” Letting out a chuckle as you see everyone’s face react to your presence. 
“Aurora!! Oh my gosh.” Erica almost fell out of her seat trying to get to you. Lucas and Jeff followed suit walking over with Gareth, Mike and Will trailing behind. 
One giant bear hug commenced as they all tried to hug you at once. 
“Guys, it’s getting hard to breathe.” Short apologies all spilled from their mouths as they back away slightly. 
“I cannot believe you are here right now. What the hell, man!” Jeff and Gareth stunned more than you’d ever seen them. 
“Dude, it’s only been a couple of days. I still cannot believe it.” Your face naturally turned to a smile as you looked over your friends. As you spotted Eddie frizz behind Mike's head you quickly swerved around everyone and headed towards him. 
“Hey, princess.” He opened his arms for you to gladly accept a hug. 
“Hey, yourself, dungeon master.” 
Which started some comments on how Eddie knew you were back and didn’t tell. Leading Lucas and Erica to get very offended that Mike had seen you before too. And it just kept going from there, constant chatting and sharing the snack you bought. 
Eventually everyone started to settle down again and finished up the last bit of today's campaign. You joined in to observe next to Eddie on the old directors chair you were shocked to see still in one whole piece. 
“Had to keep your seat available for ya,” Eddie whispered as you pulled it next to his throne. “knew you’d always come back.” Shooting you a wink before turning his attention back to the game. 
“Thank you, handsome.” You comfy in your chair knowing it might take a while for when to wrap up.
Being back in Hawkins is still unreal for you. It took you a lot longer than your originally thought to get yourself back together and come back home. Which of course, made you even more worried about Eddie. 
You left with no notice. A small note tacked on the cork board in the kitchen was how you told your mom and Dustin you had left. The cab had already dropped you off at the bus station by the time they realized you were gone. Leaving with a reason is ten times better than leaving without a reason. Which technically you did have one but you just didn’t share it with anyone. But soon, you’d have to confess to Eddie what happened and why you left. 
Being back for the few days you were, having seen a few of your friends and seeing Eddie for the first time in a year made you realize that this is where you meant to be. 
Here in Hawkins. 
Here with Eddie. 
Here surrounded by all your friends. 
Hawkins was your home. 
You leaned onto Eddie’s shoulder. Letting yourself relax into his warmth radiating from his body. He was a wonderful thing during the winter but very unfortunate in the summer. For him at least. You always got to see all his tattoos on display from him not wearing a shirt. 
“I missed this.” 
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amarantine-amirite · 2 years
Slightly Bewildered
It started when I cleaned up all the crap off my computer. Part of me worries that I have gotten rid of the wrong stuff. I brush it off as being ridiculous.
I had only just started to get over this when I heard my aunt say, "Hey, where's that voucher that's good for forty iTunes gift cards? I need it now."
The first thing that ran through my mind was, Uh oh. I messed up, didn't I? It then occurred to me that what's urgent is seldom important. You're better off to slow down and think about what you're doing if you can. "Does it have to be right now?" I asked.
"Yes it does, Mercedes"
I went over to the computer and looked at what it was. My aunt's boss emailed her. Somebody set fire to her car. The arsonist was never caught, and the boss got stuck with the bill for $1,500 from the fire department for responding to the call. She doesn't know where the $1,500 bill came from. The collections department told her to go to the city, but the city told her to go to collections. Nobody answered her questions.
What the boss asked my aunt to do was to buy up 1500 dollars worth of iTunes cards and pay the fire department for her.
When we receive an email giving us important news, we decide we'll deal with it later. But the longer you think about something, the more likely you will notice things that don't seem right. "Is your boss's spelling usually that bad?" I asked. I didn't get an answer.
It went beyond bad spelling. The more I looked at the request, the less reasonable it seemed. iTunes gift cards are only good for anything iTunes, they would be worth nothing to the fire department. I had good reason to suspect that this was a scam, and a very sophisticated one at that. Criminals know that we're likely to drop everything if our boss emails us with a high priority request, no matter how stupid it looks. We're even more likely to fall into the trap if they pretend to be your boss because, even if the recipient did suspect foul play, they might be too afraid to confront them. After all, if they are wrong, they're implying that there was something unprofessional about the boss's request.
"Please tell me you found the voucher" my aunt demanded.
I didn't. But that didn't stop me from saying, "I've connected the dots!"
My aunt strutted to the computer in a corporate manner. "'For Christ sakes, Mercedes," she began, "There are only two dots, you drew them right next to each other, and they don't mean anything."
"Yes, but I think that story about the $1,500 bill to put out the car fire was bogus." I said.
My aunt sat there on the chair in the kitchen with a confused look on her face. "It was?"
"Yep, it was bogus. Nobody other than Apple recognizes iTunes cards as money. So it doesn't matter that I accidentally deleted that thing, right?"
I thought I was out of the woods. Nope. "Yes, it does matter. What if it was important?"
"Then I wouldn't have deleted it in the first place." I still didn't understand why my aunt was upset.
"I want you to go to Staples and buy 40 iTunes gift cards," she demanded, "sometimes emergencies are emergencies, and we can't ignore them just because we're uncomfortable." Yes, I thought, and sometimes a clown statue is a murderer hiding in your house.
I went to Staples. I Saw office chairs and thought it would be funny to go-kart in them. I zoomed around until I Hit some old lady. "You damn kids need to be respectful of others around you," she chastised.
Her comments Snapped me back into reality. I came to Staples for something important. But what was it?
I forgot why I came to Staples.
I Walked around the store twice. A tall staff member with a weird haircut that tried to look like a slicked up version of Ed Sheeran's hairdo but failed so badly asked, "You need help finding anything?"
I noticed his name tag said Doug. "Have you ever walked into a room and forgot why you went there?"
Doug laughed. "Take your time," he responded.
I walked around the store a third time. At that point, I decided that whatever I had come to Staples for wasn't important, as I would've remembered if it was important. I picked up a couple of after-eights at the checkouts and left
I think this is the first time that forgetting something wound up working out well for us. A few weeks later, we discovered that I was correct in assuming that it was a scam. The email didn't come from her boss, it came from the boss's secretary. Ever since she came out as gay, the company stopped paying her. That means that she has been logging into the boss's email and scamming her subordinates to make ends meet.
Even still, my aunt was still mad at me for losing track of something. Shouldn't she be happy I stopped her from falling for a scam?
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Things have gone from bad to even worse the past few weeks. I've been met with barrier after barrier and now I'm at a complete loss. If I moved to Herts (the area I want to go to as I'd be able to continue work and be much closer to family and my best friend) I would have to transfer ED services. The one team who have stuck by me and genuinely want to see me in a far better place.
If I went back Kent, I'd be able to work with them, but I'd lose my job and be much further away from friends and family. It's a horrendous decision as ofc I love being near to my family and best friend, especially with my dad getting older, I want to be there for him as much as I can. Plus, my job has massively helped me the past few months and it could be a great stepping stone.
The dietitian/ service manager is cold towards me. All she cares about is when I'll leave. She has said that as a service they can't help me and has asked why I'm struggling with restricting... is it not obvious?! I'm in a situation I have no control over, I'm being kicked out of the one place I thought could help and I have no idea where I'll go to next. Oh and I have an eating disorder?!
I also had my CPA yesterday. My home team asked what support I was getting as I should be having more. I was asked how my session with the service manger went so I was honest and explained that she had said if I didn't get on with my key worker due to not being able to support me then that was up to me. I felt confused and frustrated. Surely if you get on well with someone else, who is able to support you in a way that actually benefits you then it would make sense for you to work with them?!
I was asked why I didn't have a key worker which I tried to explain, saying it was difficult to build a rapport when they have to read questions off a piece of paper that another support worker wrote for them, before saying "I'll be a mother figure to you"... That was when the housing manager snapped at me saying how I wouldn't work with anyone else and had a block towards all of them apart from one. By all he meant two and the above was one of them. To top it off he then turned to me and said that he hadn't said it to me before but found me difficult to work with. That stung.
When I first arrived, I wouldn't be in the same room as him. Within a few months, I was able to not only manage being in a room with him alone, but I really opened up to him too. If he had felt that way, he should have told me and I wouldn't have wasted his time. I knew being kicked out was never going to be easy but for it to become toxic was not something I was prepared for.
I was quite upset and spoke to one of the support workers I get on well with. She thinks the whole thing is horrendous and doesn't agree with any of what has been done or said. She actually got quite upset. She's asked me to help her find a way to become a therapist to work with people with EDs as she's aiming to leave by the end of the year. I don't blame her. The way she gets treated by some of the other staff is horrible. If it wasn't for her constant support I don't know how I would have got through the past few months and I'll forever be grateful.
In terms of actually finding somewhere, I'm very much still in the dark. My social worker has done my care plan which will be put to panel and then the tenures. He did mention the Shared Lives Scheme but I don't think that's for me. I'd rather have my own flat with support (although even I know I'm not ready for that).
My care co was kind and said that I have put such a brave face on throughout all the uncertainty. I'm seeing her in person next Tuesday as I'm going to drive to Kent to meet her. I'm hoping that just maybe we will even have a placement to view.
At this point, I'm done with being at the ED residential unit and am desperately trying not to give up completely.
0 notes
kandadiff · 2 years
Van Der Wulff : Thanksgiving 2
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You watched conflicted as Robin walked away, greeting Damien effortlessly. Like it didn’t bother him, it both upset you and made you drawn more to him. You bitterly turned away from him and went to walk toward the table. Lucy looking directly at you from holding one of her brothers hand. You looked away from her and was met with the sweet smiling face of Anne and Gemma. 
“Happy Thanksgiving, sweetie.” She said happily taking your hand in hers and she kissed your cheek in greeting. She seemed like she and Gemma were hiding there nervousness. Even though they were dressed to be here (expensive dresses that Ed paid for) they were out of place amongst the criminals here. You thought why Edward invited them then realized it wasn’t him. Negan must have insisted or even invited them himself. 
“Happy Thanksgiving, Anne” you replied warmly and similarly greeting Gemma, Harry and Marcel. You stopped when you reached Edward. His face was no longer swollen like the pictures Damien had shown you. Though marks of the accident littered his face in forms of purple bruises and small cuts. You felt your heart swell for him as you made eye contact. 
“Happy Thanksgiving.” He mumbled, his hands in his pockets. “You look nice.”
“Thank you.” You said trying to sound as neutral as possible. “I’m glad you’re okay.” Since Edward accident you were forbidden from seeing him – not by anne but by the police who questioned you for the accident. Referring to you as the scorned girlfriend who had a perfect motive. It would have been a perfect crime to them, save for the airtight alibi you had. 
“For the record,” he said motioning to one of the waiters who was walking around with glasses of wine. “I knew it wasn’t you. If you were going to kill me, I’d like to think you’d let me know it was you.” He was joking but you could tell the accident did scare him. You knew it scared his mother, she often turned a blind eye to what he did but that was to much for her. And even now you sensed the tension between the two. 
“Ed,” Anne said gently putting a hand on his shoulder, though he flinched at the contact. “Can you help me find my seat?” He nodded and took his mothers arm in his own. You watched the approach the table and figured you should find out yourself. Looking at the seating chart you smiled seeing GD’s name and thought about quickly and quietly switching your own to be next to him. But instead you were sat across from Shawn, Makayla on one side of you and a woman named Bethany on the other side of you. You frowned thinking of spending the whole dinner with Shawn. His limo driver lingering on your mind, did he know about you and Robin? Probably. 
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“Not happy either huh?” A voice next to you brought you out of your thoughts. A blue-eyed blonde stood next to you and for a moment you were surprised expecting to see more of the Morrose siblings pop up somewhere around him. But when he looked down at you, you saw small wisps of black in his roots and realized it was dyed. “Me either” He pointed out his name. Judas Ellis. He sat between Stephan and someone named Irma. “Want to switch?”
“Whos irma?” You asked and he motioned to the woman smiling a little too wide on Lucian’s arm. 
“My dads newest girlfriend…” He said and you nodded. You hadn’t met any of Damien’s brothers besides  Stephan, of course, and now as you looked more at him you saw the resemblance of his father. “Shes…. Trying to hard. I’d rather not sit next to her.” He said and then shook his head as though remembering his manners. “Sorry, I’m Jude Ellis.” He stuck out his hand and you shook it amused. 
“Arianna Johnson.” You replied and his eyes lit with recognition. 
“Oh! The girl Stephan took to prom right?” He said and you couldn’t help but chuckle.
“Yeah we spent all of two minutes together before he ditched me to be with his friends.”
“He has friends?” Jude questioned and you laughed. “So is you switching with me completely out of the question?” Your nod made him pout “I’ll guess I’ll just have to convince someone else.”
“Why don’t you switch with one of your brothers?” You asked motioning the waiter for another drink. Yours was empty. 
“Father requested someone partial to sit next to her. She has already gotten into an argument with nearly every one of us. Except Lucy of course, but she won’t last. Lucy thinks she’s…. fake.” You hadn’t noticed you were making the face and Jude laughed. “You met Lucy, then? She’s fun, right?” He said and you weren’t sure if he was joking. The smirk on his face relaxed you. “Don’t worry about it. Lucy scares a lot of people, That’s why she’s dads favorite.” You laughed and saw Stephan lock eyes with you from across the room. You groaned as he approached. His eyes flickered to Jude then back to you, his nostrils flaring up. Jude stepped in front of you. 
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“I’ll distract him if you want to leave. I think he” he motioned to GD standing by the bar watching you along with TOP. When you looked at them both boys looked away as though they did not just meet your eyes. “Is trying to get your attention. I’ll fend off my brother.” You sighed and looked up at him. 
“Thank you.” You said and he nodded. 
“Nice to meet you, Arianna.” He winked and turned greeting his brother in a bear hug. “Stephan! I haven’t seen you in days!” ~
I didn’t even have a moment to speak with Damien and let him know why i was there, much to his surprise, when Simon whisked me away. Noting to me that i had not listened to Negan’s rule. Which negan, who we met just outside the large hall, did not forget to remind me of as well. 
"I told Simon, to tell you to wait for me.” Negan said sternly as he lead me away from the group into a more private room. I was going to meet his family and if my stomach wasn’t doing flip flops right now i would be sassy right back to him. “The people in there are-”
“Dangerous and ready to take advantage.” I mocked, reciting what Simon had said to me. Simon, who was behind Negan smirked. 
“They are.” He sighed and i stopped walking looking up at him. “I say these things for a reason.”
“Fine.” I said feigning for forgiveness. “I’m so sorry.” I said leaning into him, my hand on his chest “I’ve been a very bad girl, are you going to punish me?” He stopped looking down at me quizzically. Simon coughed surprised behind us. I laughed shaking my head and continued down the hall. Men were so easy.
“Let me go first.” He ordered as we approached the large wooden door. Despite the thickness of the wood i could hear noise behind it amplifying when he opened the door, closing it a crack and moving inside. The different voices made me more nervous and i leaned against the wall. Unfortunately for me, usually i didn’t have a lot of luck with whole families. Usually one or both of the parents winded up disliking me (Jacksons father, Suga’s parents, Namjoon’s mother) or his siblings didn’t like me. And Negan had kids, I wasn’t too worried about Shawn. Me and him were fine and Negan didn’t seem to take his opinion into much consideration. I had no idea how he would act if his daughter didn’t like me. I could hear my heart pounding in my chest and when Simon looked over at me, i was worried he could too. 
“Don’t tell me your nervous.” He teased and i sucked in a breath nodding. “Why?”
“Not very good at meeting the parents.” I managed to say trying to calm down. “Or kids, I- don’t know what to do. If i should. You think its to late to bail?”
“Relax kid,” he said putting a calming hand on my shoulder. “You’re going to be okay. He really doesn’t do this, so they have nothing to compare you too.”
“Except his ex.” I grumbled and Simon laughed. 
“The lat girl the family met was a while ago. I doubt they even remember her.” his words were comforting but they were falling on deaf ears. All i could do was focus on the door. Simon forced me to look at him. “Listen, if they don’t like you so what?” he shrugged “The boss likes you and so do i. Thats all you’ll have to deal with on a daily basis anyway.” I nodded calming a bit until he called me in himself and I looked up at Simon. “Good luck.”
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Normally, I was good at hiding how nervous i was and i did try. I usually played with my necklace when i was nervous, a tick since i was young. So i kept my hands at my kids but instead i played with the fabric of my dress as i moved into the room. The room was a large family room decorated with fall decorations much like the rest of the house. A dozen or so family members were spread amongst the chairs and sofas, Negan standing in the middle. All eyes were on me and I walked inside. Simon walked behind me closing the door from the party. “Everyone this is Kalyn Snow. The incredible woman i’ve been talking about.”
Before i could even say hello, an older man, who i assumed was Negan’s father spoke. “Damn! Where the fuck did you find her?” I looked up at Negan and his sister laughed. 
“He’s always like that, pay him no mind.” She said “I’m Sarah, nice to meet you.” I shook her hand. Negan introduced me to the rest of his family. His mother, Judith, who greeted me with an old word grace. She reminded me of Big Ang. Sarah was sweet and her husband friendly. Nate was a dick, as always. Mark was nice and his wife was distant and uninterested. Negan’s daughter was enthusiastic throwing me in a hug right away. 
“Oh i can’t wait! We should have a girls day out! You, me and Shawns friend! Adi not Camila!” She said and Judith patted her head. 
“Ellie, lets go to the party. Come on.” I walked with them listening for Negan behind me. 
 “She’s fucking hot!” Kurt said and i couldn’t help but smirk. Only half paying attention to Ellia’s excited babbling.” 🌶You know what they say, the prettier the girl the more money she cost.”
“🌶I didn’t pay for her, dad.” Negan said. 
Kurt laughed. “🌶what does she think of the others?” he asked and Negan stopped as the rest of us entered the party. I looked back seeing them engaged in intense conversation and wondered who exactly were the others. Ellia hooked her arm into mine, rushing towards you to tell her about the girls trip she just had to have when i spotted Damien. 
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Damien and I were now back to as normal as we could be, but i didn’t let him know about Negan. He knew there was someone new and secret in my life and was asking around about it but hadn’t gotten anywhere with his questions. But as i glanced around the room his ice blue eyes locked with mine and he motioned towards the balcony. 
“Excuse me,” I politely excused myself from you and Ellie and went to follow Damien to the balcony when another arm hooked into mine. Damiens eyes widened and he eyebrows furrowed when he saw who it was. I fully expected to see Negan but the massive diamond ring on her finger and the jeweled bracelet on her wrist told me it was Bethany Thorne. Damiens mother. 
“Walk with me, child.” she said and pulled me the opposite way. A few heads turned toward us and i put on a fake smile assuring Damien’s brothers i was okay. Some of them (like Judas, Slyvester and Abbadon) eyed me closely, the youngest, Abbadon moving towards Lucian. She pulled me up the stairs, her beautiful dress flowing like a throne behind her. She pulled me toward the staircase, both of us looking down at the crowd of powerful people. “I didn’t think i’d see you here.” She said her eyes turning towards me. Her voice was dripping with poison and clearly I was not welcome by her. 
I glared at her “I’m here with Negan.”
She scoffed. “Here I am loosing the small amount of respect i had for you, I knew Damien had bad taste in women but Kalyn” She was patronizing, every word belittling. “Lowering yourself to be part of a harem?”
“Excuse me?” I asked looking right at her. 
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“I used to think you were a lot smarter but i see time has only made you foolish.” She spoke down to me like a teacher to an unruly student. “Negan Mendes is known for three things. His business, his temper and his harem of whores he keeps in this very compound. And it looks like you joined it. His latest edition.” She laughed. I looked away from her digesting her words as i looked down at Negan. He was called out of the room, him and Simon walked out of the main door. My eyes turned to Damien, he was watching us, he moved swiftly towards an older man. The gray haired man looked up at her and waved, the ring on his finger matching her own. He was her husband. She smiled down at him just as Damien moved behind him, as though he had a plan. She shook her head curtly at her son. He ignored it. “I always knew you were an opportunist but to sell yourself so publicly. Moved on from Damien to his father? I always knew you were an opportunist. Why keep the prince if you can have a king?” She was trying to provoke me. “How will Lucian react when he finds out he lost you to another man?"
“I have nothing against Lucian.” I said resisting the bait. “Him and i are friends.” I said choosing my words carefully. 
She scoffed. Bethany was a dangerous and unpredictable woman, while i knew she wouldn’t try anything with Lucian here, i didn’t doubt she would remember every word i said to try and twist it to match her argument. “A friend? What kid of friend are you to my son, if you are friends with a man who treats him horribly. He can’t even take his last name.”
It was my turn to scoff at her. “I know and believe me, I know he’d rather have his last name rather than the woman who doused him in lighter fluid and tried to set him on fire.” she slammed her hand on the banister. “Oh did I hit a nerve?” Out of the corner of my eye I saw Robin starting to make his way over to us.
“One day,” she said her voice shrill. “The spell you have on my son, Lucian and now Negan will run out. And no one will be able to protect you or your house anymore.” 
“I can protect myself, Bethany and my house.”She gave a big fake smile behind me and turning i saw Robin. 
She looked at me with judgement. “Enjoy your dinner, children.” She pushed past me and Robin curled his fists watching as she went down the stairs. 
“Its okay.” I whispered to him. “Lets go eat.” I said watching as everyone started to sit at the massive dining table. 
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Both Robin and i started towards the stairs until a familiar chilling echo within the room. Robin and i froze at the top step seeing the main door swing open. My breath caught in my throat as i saw him, a few of his masked men filtered behind him. The mans green eyes flickered and settled onto us. Robin stood in front of me putting his hands out as though trying to prevent the man from seeing me. “Stand behind me.” I shook my head. The mans red lips curled into a twisted smile and i found it hard to breath. Robins breaths coming in shallow but we both stood tall. I held my hand out “together.” i whispered my voice betraying my fear. Negan stood next to the man with a smile on his face that faded when he saw our reactions. The eyes that were not already on the man followed Negans gaze and soon all eyes were on us. Robin looked down at my hand, uncomfortable with all the attention. His fingers linked tightly with mine and i felt the fear and nervousness radiating off of him. “Together.” he whispered.
 Negan looked at us confused his eyes settled on our connected hands. Your eyes connected as well and you spied looks at a confused TOP, a surprised Edward and ... Damien, who wasn’t looking at us. His eyes on the man who started the audience on us. 
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The mans laughed again. The manic sound sending a chill down your spine “Hello!” His voice was deep and hypnotizing. It was clear he was used to having the attention of everyone - no matter what room he was in. Suddenly his smile disappeared turning his face into a darkening grimace. But his sudden mood change scared and intrigued you. A few people greeted him but his attention wasn’t on them. It remained on us. “Did you forget me?!” He shouted, he didn’t have too. When he opened his mouth again everyone either listened out of curiosity or simply fear no one spoke over him. Eyes turned back to us. Robin and i looked at each other and slowly walked down the stairs. Shawn leaned to whisper something to you but you pushed him away your eyes following the mysterious stranger as he approached the both of us. “My children.” he opened his arms but we didn’t move closer his lips curled into a friendly smile.Well... as friendly as it could be. It reminded you how a predator would befriend its prey before it strikes. Damien went to move towards the man but you saw Jude hold him back, Lucian shaking his head at his son. Robin and i did not return his smile and as quickly as it came it faded away. He hooked the cane he held in mine and Robin’s connected fist pulling us harshly towards him. Damien tried to rush forward but Lucian put his hand on his son forcing him down. 
“How i’ve missed you.” The clown prince threw his arms around us. The action felt foreign and odd. Robin and i stood frozen unsure what to do or how to act. I looked towards the door expecting and hoping to see mother bounding in behind him. “Have you missed me?” He said. It sounded threatening. 
“Yes.” Robin said finding his voice before me. His hand squeezed mine taking my eyes from the door.
I nodded. “Wheres mom?” I asked my voice coming out weak and quiet. His eyes darkened and his lip curled in anger. Then he released us and turned towards Negan. 
“Negan, place me next to my children please, We have a lot to catch up on.” He laughed. Simon looked at Negan, who nodded stunned as well. But he tooka. few chairs moving everyone two seats down on the left side. Joker severed the tie between me and Robins linked hands and at between us. 
Negan stood at the head of the table as people took there seats looking curiously at me and Robin. Negan said a speech but i wasn’t paying attention all i could focus on was the clown prince next to me. 
“Lets eat!” Negan said and soon the room was filled with the clattering of plates and low chatter. 
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