#and whaddya know it helped immensely
genderqueerboy · 1 year
imagine how easy life would be if I actually got tired at the time you're meant to get tired and not all the other times.
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frvnkcastles · 2 months
Reader that sometimes just gets tremors? Especially when tired and frank just holds them as they can't stop? I'm going through this rn and have been since some trauma within the last year and an half, it makes my how that got cracked by my brother in a fight worse for some reason so I have to manually click it since I didn't get any medical treatment when it happened like 8 years ago?
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Summary: You struggle with tremors, and Frank is there to help throughout the day.
Warnings: Tremors, gender neutral reader, fluff
Word count: 1.9k
Author’s note: This was actually a half-done one shot I had written some years ago based on my own experiences, because I also struggle(d) with tremors, though it’s gotten better, so I just had to edit a little and add some stuff. I hope it gets better for you too, anon!! I focused a lot on hands in this, I hope that works for you <3
Your frustrated huff followed by a loud sigh caught Frank’s attention, his routine of brewing his evening coffee interrupted by the obvious emotion arising from your shared bedroom. With a gentle frown, he tried to see you through the doorframe, tilting his head in doing so only to simply find your smaller frame hugging itself on your bed. A weight sank onto his heart and he forgot about the coffee machine promptly, leaving it work on its own as he trailed to the bedroom with worry gnawing at his heart — the one he had given up to you a year ago.
It was all that time he had spent with you that allowed him to know you more than well, and recognize the shadows of anxiety looming over your eyes as you turned to face him with an expression that told him you were seconds away from breaking.
”Hey, ’m here, sweetheart. Whaddya need?” he promised, his deep, calm voice always capable of grounding you in ways that no breathing exercise could. His ego had been boosted beyond belief when you had first told him that you found his presence and especially his voice immensely soothing, and ever since then, he had made an effort to talk you through your anxiety. Suddenly, a man of very few words, transformed into a chatterbox — although you had always known that when it came to praise and encouragement, there were very few who had it under control like Frank.
”I tried to paint my nails, but…”, you trailed off, making Frank’s frown deepen when you lifted your hands so he could see the obvious shake in them. He saw the embarrassment and struggle in your eyes as you blinked and shyly lowered your trembling hands down, but he was quick to reach you on the bed and take them in his own.
”Breathe with me, yeah? ’S okay. I’ll hold ’em for you as long as you want me to. Okay, sweetheart?” he spoke softly while making an effort to look into your eyes, all the while his big, warm hands enveloped your smaller ones. He felt the shake, so he squeezed a little tighter, not enough to hurt but enough to balance your fingers. ”There you go”, he whispered sincerely as you took in a deep breath and nodded along with him.
You took a minute just sitting with him, letting him cradle your hands and brush his thumbs across your skin until he was finally clearing his throat and getting up after a gentle kiss on each hand. ”Aight, tell me. What color ya want? I’ll paint ’em for you”, he inquired, and for a second there, you wondered if he was joking. But then he seriously walked over to your box of nail polishes and began digging through the different shades, his eyes scanning them — some got a longer, curious stare whereas others almost made him smirk. Clearly, he liked your nails painted, too.
Still, you were touched by his kindness, and when you thought about him painting his daughter’s nails, your smile only deepened. It threatened to bring a tear to your eye, but you swallowed and answered his question.
”Purple, please”, you announced meekly, a bashful look on your face when Frank grabbed the shiny little bottle and climbed back on the bed with you.
”Hell yeah, baby. Love purple on ya”, he commented before settling in front of you. He saw the flash of disbelief behind the affection in your eyes, and it made him grin as he pulled you closer and closed his jean-clad legs around your hips. ”What? Ain’t seen me with nail polish before?” he teased, well-aware that manicures were the last thing one thought of upon taking a glance at the muscular, burly, downright scary man. Of course, you weren’t scared of him, and you had seen the soft side of him, but it was still almost dreamy to watch him gently take your hand while unscrewing the top of the bottle with one of his.
”I’m so lucky I have you”, you chuckled quietly, all truthful and a little bit shy as you cast your eyes down to where Frank tenderly held your twitching fingers.
Before he could bring the small brush soaked in neon purple over to your thumb, he narrowed his eyes at you and hummed. ”Hey”, he grunted, and at that, you brought your gaze back to him only to find him observing you with sincerity. ”I’m the lucky one, aight? You mean everythin’ to me, darlin’. I’d sit here paintin’ your nails all night if you wanted me to”, he swore, and with a weak smile, you nodded in the knowledge that he meant every word.
Then, you fell into a comfortable silence as Frank meticulously swiped the purple across your nails, making sure not to mess up the skin around them as he focused so deeply it was almost amusing. His hold on your hand was soft but firm, and he felt warm even with the callouses on his big palm, sending a shiver down your spine as he effortlessly moved and tilted your hand so he could go about his work.
If only the tremors in your hands had been a one-time thing. Instead, they seemed to always be there, bothering you and making things difficult for you. Frank picked up on it quickly, always there to help you if you wanted it — and most times, you did. You didn’t say it outright, but he could tell anyway; you felt stupid and incompetent, probably even more so when you needed him to do things for you, so he always made sure to take off the pressure and make it a casual, normal thing. He didn’t mind, after all.
So, when in the morning you reached for your necklace, the one he had gotten you, adorned with a diamond heart, it didn’t take him long to see you struggling to unclasp the chain. Your fingers trembled uncontrollably and the harder you tried, the worse it got. He noticed the frustration growing behind your eyes as you desperately tried to open the necklace, the annoyance radiating off of you while you stood in front of your full-body mirror.
”Hey”, his gruff voice whispered from behind you, snapping you out of your self-loathing thoughts. ”Lemme”, he added before gently taking the necklace that looked so small in his large hand, ”y’know I love any opportunity to touch my best baby.”
When he saw the anger in your features fade into a blush and a sheepish smile, he grinned in a way that was more than obvious in the mirror while he circled around you. ”Look at you, still get so shy. Fuckin’ adorable, ’s what you are, sweetheart”, he muttered while towering over you, big hands coming to your neck before carefully pulling the necklace back and reaching for the clasp.
His big hands were hardly made for working with jewelry, either, but if anything, the brief struggle he had made you feel better. A part of you wondered if he did it on purpose — a secret he’d never reveal — but you did end up with a smile on your face when he finally locked the necklace and let it fall to the neckline of your shirt, shining in your reflection.
”There’s my pretty darlin’”, he announced with a kiss on the top of your head.
It wasn’t the only thing that required his help in the bedroom department, either. You had a few beloved button-ups that Frank absolutely adored on you, and every now and then, you made sure to whip them out. The only problem was… well, the buttons.
You had gotten the first one done. Then you kind of struggled with the second one, but you managed. The third one was your downfall.
”Goddamn it”, you seethed, the pure venom in your voice uncharacteristic to say the least, and it got Frank to peek from the bathroom connected to your bedroom, his wet hair ruffled and his bare chest shining under the warm lights while he tied his towel around his waist. Any other time, it would have gotten you to drop to your knees — and even now, your gaze lingered and your mouth went dry at the sight.
He, on the other hand, was far from amused as he watched the half-buttoned shirt, even though the peek of your bare skin caught his attention for a second. Nevertheless, it wasn’t the priority, and he made as much clear as he walked over to you with one of his big hands catching your wrist to stop you from stomping over to your closet for a change of clothes.
”Hey, hey, c’mere. I don’t mind, y’know that”, he reassured, and before you could rant about your inability to do the simplest thing, he gave you a look. ”Ya gotta be more patient with yourself, sweetheart. You’re tryin’ your best and I know ya’d get it with some more time”, he insisted while swiftly doing the buttons for you, taking his time to caress your collarbone and to lean down to kiss your neck when he was done.
It seemed he was always there to help you. Sometimes it was random routines that got interrupted by your shaking, like pouring a glass of juice or trying to write something down on paper, but the most persistent time it occurred during was nighttime. You’d lie in bed, unable to sleep because of the constant tremors, and oftentimes it would push you to a point of frustrated tears.
But Frank? He was incredibly patient with you.
”C’mere, sweet darlin’. It’s alright. I gotchu”, he whispered, his voice thick in the quiet of the night as he pulled you into his chest, wrapping his arms tightly around you to keep you still. It didn’t seem like it was going to stop on its own, but he had no issue with hugging you to help with the shaking, his big hands covering yours and your entire body swaddled by his embrace.
”I’m sorry”, you sniffled, ”I know it’s so annoying.” You felt so embarrassed that you couldn’t stop, couldn’t have any control over it, but Frank wasn’t going to let you go down that path.
”Nah, sweetheart. I know it must give you a lotta grief but I ain’t bothered. I won’t ever mind holding you through it”, he assured you, dead-serious but soft as he spoke into your ear. ”I’m sorry it keeps happenin’. Wish I could take it away”, he added sadly, and nodding, you agreed.
”Thank you, Frankie”, you sighed, dropping your head on his shoulder and feeling the warmth of his body. ”This would suck a lot more without you”, you mentioned, and chuckling, he pressed a kiss against your temple.
”Exactly how I feel about you and a lot of things. You make every day better, y’know? I just wanna do the same for you”, he explained with a shrug, and you couldn’t help but smile against his bare skin, a feeling that made him mirror the expression.
”You do, I promise. I appreciate you being patient with me”, you mumbled, closing your eyes as you enjoyed the feeling of being cocooned in his arms.
The tremors hadn’t gone away, but they were less bothersome with Frank applying just the right amount of pressure, and you finally felt like you could get some sleep. It was a ritual you repeated on most nights, and even when you grew annoyed yourself, Frank never, ever did.
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skyward-floored · 3 months
Temple of Darkness
Four swords manga scene rewriiiiiite
I forget specifically which number chapter this is, but it’s the one right at the end of the first volume with Blue and Red and the Temple of Darkness. I didn’t change a lot either— I mostly wanted to see how good of a job I could do writing out one of the scenes— but I’m happy with how it turned out :)
Ao3 link
Blue isn’t planning on admitting it to anyone, but if he ever sees snow again, it’ll be too soon.
He gives his fingers a flex as he and Red walk through another portal the fairy makes, just to be absolutely sure he can still move them. They seem fine, but who knows? An ache still runs through his skin from being trapped in the ice, and there’s a small pit in his stomach whenever he thinks back to the time he spent stuck like that, blurry and indistinct as it was.
But he’s not there anymore. He can move, and breathe, and he should be focusing on finding Green, which is more important than his dumb urge to make a fire and take a nap beside it.
“Where are we now?” Blue asks in an effort to ignore his icy thoughts, looking around at where the fairy has brought them. There’s a structure ahead in the distance, but not much else. “I don’t see Green anywhere. ...I still think this is a trap.”
“We both heard him though! He’s got to be here somewhere,” Red says as he looks around, optimistic as ever. He points at the building. “Maybe he’s in there.”
“In there?” Blue says with a raised eyebrow, looking over the large temple built halfway into the rocks, foreboding dark stone reaching up to the sky. It doesn’t exactly seem like a place someone would want to go.
“Sure!” Red says optimistically, and Blue huffs, gesturing at the place.
“Why would he go in some creepy old temple?”
“Why not?”
Blue finds he doesn’t have a good argument for that.
So he follows Red towards the building, an uneasy feeling growing in him the closer they get. A prickle down his spine makes him shiver, but Blue shakes it off. He’s probably just cold from the ice still.
“This place sure looks creepy,” Red says as they get closer, his voice more quiet. The fairy that Red picked up somewhere is sitting on his shoulder, nervously fluttering her wings.
“It used to be called the Temple of Light,” she says as the building looms above them. “But... the rise of evil has turned it into the Temple of Darkness.”
“Well that’s great,” Blue says as they stop in front of the doors, Red eyeing them a bit nervously. “Sounds like a lot of fun. Maybe we can come back and take a vacation here—”
The doors creak as something pushes them, and Blue’s hand goes for his sword as Red jumps, both of them staring as footsteps approach.
“You’re finally here. I’ve been waiting.”
Unfortunately, Blue would recognize that obnoxious know-it-all voice anywhere.
“Vio?” he asks.
“Vio!” Red shouts at the same time, his face lighting up in ecstasy as the purple hero steps through the doors. “Vioooooo!”
Red rushes forward onto the steps of the temple to greet him, and as Blue follows him at a much slower pace, Vio gives them both that insufferable smile he always has plastered on his face.
...Blue certainly hasn’t missed it or anything.
“You’re safe! I’m soooo glad!” Red continues in an ecstatic voice, and Vio edges away from him when he goes in for a hug, merely patting him on the arm.
“So whaddya mean you’ve been waiting?” Blue asks, and Vio looks at him, expression unchanged.
“Green is inside too,” he says, gesturing to the doorway. “Hurry on in.”
“Really?! That’s great!” Red cheers as Vio pushes the doors open further, the same ominous creak accompanying the action.
Despite the creepy temple, Blue can’t help let a bit of Red’s optimism rub off on him as they follow Vio inside. Finding Green and Vio both in one fell swoop makes their job immensely easier. Now they’ll finally all be together again, after... he’s actually not sure how long apart.
He was encased in ice, sue him.
Point is, with them all together again, they can get back to stopping Shadow Link and Vaati, and finally save Zelda.
Blue nudges Red with a grin as they trail behind Vio, barely even caring how creepy the temple is. “With the four of us all back together, we just have to get the... Four Sword... and...”
He trails off as he takes in where Vio has brought them. It’s a large room with platform of some kind in the middle, a rectangular stone box at the top. Green’s sword is resting on the lid of it, and a strange feeling goes through Blue at the sight of it without its owner.
“...What’s this?” he asks Vio, staring at it in unease as Red peeks over his shoulder. A coffin?
Vio doesn’t look at him.
“The truth is...” he says quietly. “Green is dead.”
Something in Blue cracks.
“Wh... WHAT?!” he shouts, at the same moment that Red gasps out a horrified “no!”.
Vio still doesn’t look at either of them, and Red’s eyes well with tears as he drops to his knees, resting a horrified palm over the lid. Blue feels his hands begin to shake, and he moves forward and shoves the lid of the coffin off, determined to see Green for himself.
Then stares in disbelief at the sight that meets him.
“It’s empty!” he and Red say at the same time, Red’s voice shocked while Blue’s demands an answer.
“A monster engulfed him in flame,” Vio answers, voice still quiet, almost detached. “There was nothing left. It’s so sad...”
“It... it can’t be! Oh Green!” Red wails, tears already pouring from his eyes.
Blue can only stare at the empty coffin, a million different thoughts running through his head as his shaking hands grip the edge.
Anger is what shoves its way to the forefront though, anger at Vaati, anger at Shadow Link, anger at the monster that killed his brother so thoroughly that all they have to bury is an empty coffin and at Green for being stupid enough to die—
“We’ll never be four heroes again,” Vio continues, and Blue almost tells him to shut up when Red lets out a louder sob. “And there’s no way we can complete our quest.”
Red truly wails then, grief and the weight of what failure means hitting him and Blue both. Red presses his head to the coffin, and Blue feels the anger in him swell to something overwhelming. He grips Green’s sword in his hand so hard it hurts, his vision blurry and hot as Red sobs beside him.
“Green how could you?!” he shouts, voice breaking with grief, and he slams Green’s sword against the stone of his empty coffin.
The sword breaks into pieces.
Red jumps, and Blue stares in shock at the pieces of the sword, the blade crumbling, hilt cracked with pieces falling off.
“It’s... it’s a fake... made of stone,” he says as he and Red both stare in disbelief.
Then Blue feels the anger roar to life in him again as he realizes what this means, and he whirls back towards the purple hero.
“Vio, what’re you up to?!”
But Vio isn’t there.
“He... he’s gone!” Red gasps, voice still thick with tears. He and Blue both look around, and laughter echoes through the halls, high and cackling.
“Putting an end to you two fools!” the voice laughs in response to Blue’s question, and the ground shakes beneath them.
Monsters burst up through the stones, countless legs wriggling and pinchers gnashing as they loom over them. Blue can’t remember what they’re called, but he doesn’t waste time trying to figure it out, mind already swinging towards how to beat them.
“Both Vio and Green have already fallen into my clutches,” the echoing voice continues with no small glee. “The temple of darkness will be your grave!”
“Run!” Blue shouts as the voice tells the monsters to attack, and he and Red bolt out of the way as the moldorms dive at them.
The voice continues to laugh as they run deeper into the temple, Blue trying to put distance between them and the monsters. He hears a small noise over all the snarling and distant laughter, and looks back to see that Red has stopped moving, kneeling on the ground with his head bowed.
“C’mon Red! What’re you doing?!” Blue shouts, and Red looks at him through his hair, eyes shining with devastation.
“Blue I... I can’t go on,” he says in a small voice, dull with shock. “Green and Vio... both gone...”
Blue blinks at him, then marches back and grabs Red’s sleeve, trying to pull him to his feet.
“Pull yourself together! This is the trap!” he snaps, dragging Red to his feet as the monsters catch up. “They can’t beat us so they want to break our spirits!”
The possibility of Green and Vio truly being gone doesn’t even cross Blue’s mind. He doesn’t let it. It’s not a problem for now, not while they’re being chased by monsters trying to kill them.
Red doesn’t reply to Blue’s words, and as a monster lunges forward, Blue shoves him behind him and away from the snapping pinchers.
Red cries his name as the mandibles snap around Blue, and he grunts, wedging his sword in the moldorm’s mouth just in time to stop it from chopping him in two. He wrestles against its strength for a moment, arms straining as it tries to crush him. But then Blue shoves his blade down, slicing the moldorm straight down its middle.
He hits the ground running as it falls to pieces, and succeeds in pulling Red to his feet, grabbing his arm and tugging him deeper into the temple.
Red stumbles a little, but Blue doesn’t let go of him, slipping his grip down to hold Red’s hand instead of his arm. Red squeezes it tight, fingers trembling a little, and Blue holds back a sigh.
Red obviously isn’t going to be much help, not in this state. Which means it’s up to Blue to get them both through this alive.
It gets darker as they run, and colder too, but there’s nowhere else to go, so Blue keeps pulling Red along by the hand, going deeper and deeper into the Temple of Darkness. Red’s hand is shaking a little still, and the occasional soft sniffle reaches Blue’s ears, but Blue ignores them, and keeps going.
They run into what Blue thinks is a larger room, but it’s so dim he can barely tell. The moment they go through the doorway it slams shut behind them, leaving them in almost complete darkness.
“Ugh! Trapped again,” he growls in frustration, wiping some sweat off his brow. “It’s pitch black in here, I can barely see my stupid hand in front of me.”
Laughter echos somewhere again, but Blue ignores it, still catching his breath from his and Red’s sprint. He looks back at Red to see if he’s ready to keep moving, and huffs in annoyance.
Red is sitting silently against a pillar, his hands on his knees and expression vacant. Blue looks around for any monsters in the immediate vicinity, then glares down at the silent hero.
“Red! Quit your moping! Green and Vio aren’t dead,” he snaps, looking down at the fake sword of Green’s. It’s a convincing fake, but definitely that, the weight too heavy, the gold and green chipping from the handle. “That Vio we saw was probably just Shadow Link in disguise!”
“I don’t know,” Red says quietly. “He seemed pretty real.”
The response is so unlike Red that Blue is actually thrown a little, but a sudden cold feeling distracts him, prickling up his spine and giving him goosebumps.
Ugh, why did dark magic have to feel cold of all things?
Red puts his head to his knees, visibly wilting. “And where’s the real Vio?”
“Who cares?!” Blue snaps, looking around as the coldness intensifies. His heartbeat is speeding up, but he ignores it. “The whole reason we fell into this trap was ‘cuz we were so busy crying over Green!”
Red looks up then, tear tracks barely visible in the darkness. “Blue, aren’t you worried about the others?”
Blue pauses.
Yes, a little voice says in his mind, remembering how they’ve been split apart, the words of the echoing voice ringing through his ears, uncertain grief for Green and possibly Vio too still lurking in the shadows.
But he knows Green and Vio have both made it out of tough situations before. He knows they’re tough, they’re him after all, and if Blue is still here, then there’s no reason for them not to be.
“Not really,” he replies.
Red looks at him in disbelief. “...Seriously?”
The laugh echoes again as tears well bright in Red’s eyes, and suddenly he’s on his feet, grabbing at Blue’s tunic and giving him a watery glare.
“You can even make me mad!” he shouts, tears spilling over again as his voice breaks. “Were you stuck in that ice so long that your heart froze?! How can you not care?”
“Back off, Red!” Blue snaps back, ignoring the sting his words leave, cold sinking over him all over again. “You don’t get—”
“HEY! PAY ATTENTION TO ME!” a different voice howls, “I’M THE MONSTER HERE!”
Red and Blue freeze, and turn around to see a giant, snarling poe looming over them, glaring at them and baring its fangs.
...They run away screaming.
Unfortunately it’s still black as pitch in the room they’re in, and Blue doesn’t make it too far before he slams right into something made of very solid stone.
He yelps as pain radiates up his face, most sharply in his nose, and he’s so distracted by the blood dripping down his lip that he almost doesn’t notice the little ball of light that flitters by.
“Fairy!” Red calls in relief, and Blue blinks over at the little creature. Huh. He hadn’t even realized she’d left until now. “Where have you been?” Red asks as he reaches out to her, her glow lighting up the smile on his face.
“I’m sorry, I’m terrified of evil energy!” she apologizes, voice still a little weak, and she flutters off with a purpose. “Come! This way!”
Blue wipes the blood off his face, nose still stinging, and the fairy leads them through the room, her light bright as a beacon in the utter darkness that surrounds them. She leads them around a corner, and Blue blinks rapidly at the light that meets them. A lantern hangs from a hook on the wall, glowing a warm orange, and Blue takes it, relieved at a reliable source of light.
...And warmth.
“A lantern!” Red smiles, looking more like his old self with the discovery. His voice is still dull, but it’s lightened somewhat. “Thanks! Now we can see where we’re going!”
Blue almost smiles, then stops in his tracks as the cold feeling rushes back, striking him like an arrow and making their fairy freeze with terror.
A figure drifts out of the darkness, the same giant poe that scared them earlier. Blue and Red stare up at it as it looms closer, licking its lips, and Red grabs his arm with a scared look.
“You saved me the trouble of bringing you here myself!” the poe hisses, a few Bubbles floating by, skulls clattering as they quickly get out of the way. “This dark and unholy place is my home... a place of pure evil.”
It glides closer, and Blue feels that awful cold intensify, the one that reminds him of being trapped in the ice. Slowly freezing to death, every bit of him numb, unsure if he would ever be rescued.
It feels like pure despair.
“I can taste your fear, so delicious...” the poe chuckles, licking its lips, “but don’t worry. I’ll put you out of your misery soon.”
The cold feeling is sunk into Blue’s very bones now, worse than being trapped in the ice, terror rooting him in place so harshly he can’t so much as wiggle his toes.
I can’t move, he thinks in horror, gasping as he watches the poe stop directly in front of him, extending a ghostly hand. I can’t move, I can’t move I can’t move I can’t move again—
The hand settles above him, cold so intense it burns, and Blue feels something tug, something deep inside of him, something that shouldn’t ever be moved.
Then it’s being pulled out, and Blue can’t stop his scream. Horrible pain and unnatural wrongness tear through him as whatever it is is slowly, agonizingly, pulled out of him, and he feels like he might throw up.
“How sweet,” the poe purrs, laughing at his scream. “I love the taste of a soul trembling with fear!”
Red whimpers his name, but Blue barely hears it, mind nearly overwhelmed with fear and pain. He twitches as his soul is tugged around, the big poe muttering to itself, and Blue falls to his knees as the poe gives it a jolt.
“Yes... Green and Vio made great appetizers,” it says as it hungrily licks its lips, “but you two are the main course.”
Red sobs out his name as the poe starts tugging again, and Blue can’t even scream this time, breath stolen from him. The pain grows right to the edge of truly unbearable, but something about what the poe said sticks in Blue’s mind, trickling past the hopelessness and urging him not to give up.
He fights desperately past the pain and panic and coldness that’s only growing deeper— colder than anything he’s ever felt before— in order to speak.
“I... might...” he gets out, shaking with effort as his hand grips around the lantern, “have fallen for your tricks, but... Green, and V-Vio...”
Something warm fights against the coldness in Blue’s chest, and he shakily raises his head to glare at the poe.
“...they never would have! Y-you’re... hiding something! So let’s shed some light on the matter!” he yells, and using every bit of his strength, he thrusts the lantern into the Poe’s face.
It screeches and covers its eyes, releasing whatever it was of Blue’s that it had grabbed. Blue snaps back into himself with a full-body jolt, dizzy from the echo of pain in his soul, but he forces himself to focus past it. Later, it can wait until later.
“My eyes! Cursed light!” the poe howls, and their fairy jingles suddenly with an idea.
“Look, torches!” she cries, flying over to a brazier, “use the lantern to light the torches! Light drives off evil!”
Blue springs into action, Red still shivering in place with fear, and he lights them as fast as possible, his numb legs stumbling from remaining cold and fear.
“Oh no, we’ll have none of that!” the poe booms, recovered from Blue’s attack. It quickly blows a cold wind through the room, extinguishing all the torches Blue managed to light, and Blue growls in annoyance.
“Fine! I’ll just have to light ‘em faster!”
He runs along the wall, lighting torches fast as possible, and the poe snarls in anger while Red looks on in amazement.
“Why won’t you give up?!” the poe snarls, then blows the freezing wind again.
Except this time it doesn’t blow out... It sucks in.
And Blue is directly in its path.
His grip slips from the lantern as he’s pulled, and he drops it with a shout. He hears it crack, and then everything goes dark around him, freezing, endless cold hitting him from every side now.
“Oops... I swallowed him whole!” the big Poe’s voice echoes around him, and Blue slams a fist against the walls, ignoring the panic that’s roaring to life in him again.
“Hey!” he shouts, barely stopping his voice from breaking as he slams his fists against the poe. “Lemme out!”
The poe is unmoved. “Oh well. I’ll just have to crush your spirit...”
The dark walls around him suddenly constrict, cold squeezing him like a horrible embrace, and Blue’s breath is stolen as something crunches, pain shocking up his middle.
“...from the inside!”
“C-can’t draw my sword...” Blue grunts, making a desperate effort to grab it, but he’s being squeezed too tight to move.
His brain begins to go fuzzy as the walls squeeze tighter, making it hard to breathe. He hears distant shouting, Red’s voice echoing somewhere outside, but his ears begin to ring, and he can’t make out the words.
I don’t want to die, not like this, please not more cold again—
Suddenly the big poe howls, and the pressure is abruptly gone from around Blue, making him gasp in relief. He blindly grabs for his sword, and feels the force light up inside it, warming his hands.
“Prepare to face the heroic might of Blue Link!” he yells hoarsely, then stabs his blade directly into the big poe’s stomach.
It howls again, and explodes into pieces as Blue falls to the ground, Red screaming with joy and relief. He runs to Blue’s side and hugs him as light washes over the temple around them, and Blue doesn’t have the energy to resist.
“You did it Blue!” he cheers, tears back in his eyes, and Blue smiles back, his aches and pains forgotten in the rush of victory.
They did it.
A sudden thrum runs through his hands, and Blue looks down at his sword, the blade lighting up.
“Whoa! The Four Sword!” he exclaims, holding it out as it pulses with light.
Red moves to look at it in awe, and Blue feels a faint thrum from what must be the other blades, a distant chime of green washing over him, a steady glint of purple... warm red, but muted, and quickly silenced by shadows.
But Green and Vio are safe. That much he can tell.
I knew it was just a trap!
The glow fades, and Blue’s strength goes with it, his legs shaking as he practically collapses. Red plops down next to him, his hand still on his arm, and Blue breathes out, closing his eyes a second.
“You did it!” their fairy cheers, flitting over excitedly. “Big Poe is no more, and now the temple can return to the domain of light!”
“Good,” Blue croaks, holding a hand to his side. “It better, after all that.”
Red’s excitement dims a little at his raspy reply, and he frowns and puts a hand on his ribs. Blue flinches back, hissing through his teeth, and Red’s frown deepens. Being nearly crushed to death inside of that poe certainly didn’t do him any favors.
And maybe he’s a little shaky from all that dark magic, and the remnant of the freezing cold in his system, but Red hardly needs to know about that.
“Are you okay, Blue?” he asks, and Blue shrugs, wincing at the action.
“Fine,” he grumbles, pushing Red’s hand off. “You don’t need to fuss.”
Red looks at him hesitantly, then sighs, and begins rifling through his pouch in silence, the fairy sitting on his shoulder.
“...I’m sorry about what I said earlier,” Red says finally, voice a little thick. Blue looks at him in surprise, and Red chews nervously on his lip. “I know you care, Blue. I was just upset. And I’m worried about Green and Vio and everyone, and I was scared in there when it all seemed so hopeless... I shouldn’t take it out on you,” he finishes in a whisper. “Sorry.”
Blue huffs, and looks away, ignoring how the apology mends a little something inside him. “It’s not a big deal. But... thanks,” he mumbles.
Red brightens almost immediately, a wide smile on his face, and he gives Blue a quick squeeze before handing him the potion he’s dug out.
“Here. This’ll help your ribs.”
Blue nods his thanks and knocks it back, the potion’s magic quickly swirling around and concentrating in his middle. He sighs as it does its work, and Red leans on his shoulder, Blue not shoving him off.
“We should try to find Green again,” Red mentions after a minute, and Blue nods.
“He’s safe, I felt him through the Four Sword. But you’re right, we need to regroup,” Blue says. “We’re... stronger together. It’s time we became one team again.”
“I’ll see if I can sense any heroes nearby,” the fairy says, and Blue smirks.
“Just try not to dump us in another trap, alright?”
The fairy’s glow turns a little more pink, and Red giggles, the fairy chiming a little laugh as well after a moment.
“I’ll do my best. Try to rest up in the meantime, you two,” she suggests, and Blue closes his eyes, leaning a little more against Red and enjoying his warmth, the deep cold finally fading.
She doesn’t have to tell him twice.
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mask-of-prime · 1 year
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VG: Shouting Match - PART 2
A horrific, unending ringing occupied Vitani's head for hours. Whatever external natural ambience such as crickets and hornbill calls were not only muffled, but drowned out by the awful new frequency. She hoped it wouldn't be forever, as she loved the sounds of twilight. ____ Meanwhile, the rest of the Guard shared this same misery as they surveyed Mekundu Cliffs until dusk. Kelele hadn't been found, and being unable to listen for her presence was no help. Imara shook her head. This wolf's power was so new to everyone. Her very own leader found herself in trouble trying to counteract it. Despite watching Vitani meet her match, Imara wished her friend hadn't left so soon...
____ Vitani retreated to a secluded spot far in the outskirts of the Pridelands. There, she struck a stick against a flammable rock, and tossed the newly-made torch in front of herself. Vitani took a breath, feeling the voices of the past within her chest. With a clear, confident voice, she bellowed: "Roho ya Moto!"
The fire from the torch twisted in a slight current as it grew. Suddenly, a bright, orange flash filled the site. Vitani flinched. There was Nuka, seemingly in the middle of a song he'd been humming. Turning around, he shrieked at his living sister standing before him. "Ugh, can't a ghost get some beauty sleep around here? Sheesh!" "Nuka, this isn't the time for lounging about in the great beyond. I need your help." Vitani deadpanned. "But-" "You promised me I could summon you any time I needed to. Was that not what you said?" "Ohh, alright, alright..." Nuka pouted, "Whaddya need, termite?" "I need your help against this... creature with this weird power. She makes this loud noise that makes the ground shake, knocks everyone down." "That doesn't sound too different from what you do..." "Exactly!" Vitani clenched her paw, "Just... that but incredibly overwhelming! I need to do something different from her. "Soo... why are you asking me?" Nuka squinted, "Why not ask those old guys for help?" "Like Askari, or something? I don't have time to learn everything in one go, let alone waltz back and forth to the Cikha Escarpment, are you crazy?!" "Oh..." Vitani growled, "We gotta come up with something quickly! Some way to cheat..." As Nuka hummed in thought, whispers brushed past his ears. He listened for them. "Hmm? Ooh, yeah. But... wouldn't that hurt? Oh... okay... worth a try..." Nuka muttered to the voices. "What do they say?" Vitani piped. "I promise it won't hurt." Nuka smiled. "What won't-" Vitani's heart raced, "...Nuka -- whoa, whoa, whoa -- WHAT?!" Before Vitani could cower, Nuka's ghastly form launched itself towards Vitani. Nuka's spirit had possessed Vitani's body! Through symbiosis, Vitani and Nuka had duel thoughts and memories, and most importantly; a new power the Roar was now capable of. Feeling an immense burning in her chest, despite her flesh receiving no damage from it, Vitani unhinged her mouth and let out a huge cloud of fire as she roared in agony and pure shock. ____ As Vitani trained with her new fire powers, a kidnapping had taken place while none of the adults were looking... Sauti was staying behind from the royals as they'd discussed amongst themselves about the pup's place in the Pridelands, feeling out-of-place being the only painted dog, and only dog that was really around in the Pridelands. Beginning to stray from the pride, he eventually stumbled across a stranger, a canine like him who claimed she would volunteer as Sauti's adoptee, but it had all been a trick... As Kelele snatched Sauti up, she ranted and raved that the pup could very well signify the return of the Lightning Cry, a power allegedly wielded by the legendary Sikio, a fellow painted dog like Sauti. She couldn't wait to train the boy to awaken a dormant power, and to someday challenge her. If she could defeat the Roar-Wielder, the Lightning-Wielder would be next on her record. The pup was confused. He didn't know of such a legend, nor of such a power. All he knew to do was yell for help. ____ As Vitani exited the secluded area where she'd trained, her ears -- despite still being damaged -- picked up on commotion nearby. She'd rushed to Pride Rock to find that the royals were demanding that Kelele put Sauti down unharmed. The Guard had also tried to subdue her to no avail, Kelele warning that if they dared touch her, she would kill the boy right then. The sight of a crazed woman putting the life of a young boy on the line triggered bitter memories in Vitani of her very own mother's behavior of bargaining with Kovu's life. Overall, Vitani did not take kindly to the sight of children being in danger. Enraged, fire began to build up from Vitani's chest as she told everyone to get behind her. Kelele merely smiled in amusement, awaiting yet another pathetic, predictable attempt to send her flying. Suddenly, flames erupted from Vitani's throat, accompanied by a garbled, pained roar. Kelele dropped Sauti in shock. Luckily, the pup scrambled over to the royals to get out of the way of Vitani's new, hazardous move. "These lands ain't big enough for two power-wielders, Kelele..." Vitani scowled. Unsure how to calculate her moves against fire, a terrifying element she didn't foresee, and now felt blazing the end of her tail, Kelele cowered and scurried away, revealing herself to be a rather poor sport. Vitani heaved as she felt Nuka's spirit leave her body, as Nuka's time to guide his sister had been up once again. The Fire Roar was uncomfortable, but she appeared to have won with it. She slowly turned to see everyone's shocked faces. She walked up to everyone, and looked down at the little newcomer to the Pridelands, and gave a polite nod of approval. ____ ((Author's Note: Vitani discovers how to use fire with her Roar! Long ago, inspiration from this post led me into coming up with fire as a possible element controlled by the Roar, and something unique to Vitani as leader of the Guard. I eventually figured that since Nuka returned as a Fire Spirit, I thought I'd combine the two concepts by having Vitani and Nuka's spirits fuse in a symbiosis/possession-like way. Their fusion is temporary, just as Nuka's time to give Vitani advice is. Since the showdown scene is a trope borrowed from decades of cartoons reenacting the climactic scene in The Good, the Bad, and the Ugly, I guess this makes Vitani the Good, Kelele the Bad, and... Nuka... the Ugly? He always gets the short end of the stick huh))
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barkspawn · 2 years
Girl I saw the first kiss prompts and you know we gotta see shane and the farmer with the drunk first kisss
I'm still obsessed with him calling her Oats
Shane and Amelia sat on the dock, celebrating Amelia’s birthday with three six-packs. A few weeks back, Shane told her he’d be her company on her birthday. She had spent the last few alone, and Shane couldn’t have that. 
She was always fairly shy but grew close to Shane quickly. He had pushed her away, but she saw something in him. It helped that Jas loved her immensely. 
Amelia cracked open another beer from the cooler, passing one to Shane, who laughed. 
“Fuck, Oats. You’re like half a beer ahead of me,” he watched her as she took another long drink. She hummed and pulled off her sneakers and socks before sitting on the edge of the pier, her toes barely reaching the water. Shane laughed before following suit, his feet able to sink into the water a few inches. 
“You’re,” he teased, reaching over to tap her nose, which she scrunched up, “short as fuck.”
She smacked at him, her lower lip pushed out in a pout, “it's my birthday, don't be mean.”
He laughed, the pillar holding him up, “speakin’ of which,” he took another swig, “whaddya want?”
She blinked over at him, not sure if she was too drunk to understand or if he was too drunk to make sense. 
“I… Don't know what you're asking me.”
Shane rolled his eyes, kicking his feet so the water splashed with them, “for your birthday. Whaddya want?”
She gestured around them, “this is about all I need, Shane. Don't you dare buy me anything or I'll shove–”
“Yoba, okay, damn,” he held his hands up in defeat, “nothing extra, got it.”
“It's already pretty sweet of you to do this much for me.”
He laughed, the sound making her jump and echoing through the woods, “now that's something I don't get called every day.”
She blinked over at him, like he was a madman, “sweet?”
He nodded, chuckling through his last drink of the can. 
“But you are sweet. Like really sweet,” she hummed, shifting so she was leaning against him, “I don't see anyone else rushing to hang out with me. Or setting up our own little party. And definitely not asking if I'd want a gift on top of it!” 
She reached over and poked his stomach, expecting a lot more give. Then, she felt bad for expecting a lot more give.
Quietly she added, “you're sweet. At least you are to me. Don't think you're not.”
“Or what?” he joked, his voice soft, “you'll kick my ass, pipsqueak?”
She huffed and shoved him, “I take it back. You're a dick.”
She laughed as he nearly fell into the water, shooting her a glare. It's not like it would be super cold. It's the middle of summer.  And it only came up to, what, their waists? Well, probably her chest. 
Still, she rolled her eyes, “don't be a baby. It's just water.”
“That you can't even reach from here,” he shot back, not expecting the shove he got in return, “ah, fuck!” he managed before falling into the small lake, submerging for a moment before standing, his eyes a strange mix of surprised, mad, and devious. 
Amelia held her sides, the laughing feeling uncontrollable, “oh my Yoba… You should see your face right now…” she watched as he walked over, assuming he was coming to climb out. She pulled a leg up so she could stand and help, but his hand caught her ankle, “not so fast, sunshine,” her eyes widened as she realized what was happening, letting out a scream as he grabbed her legs and fell backward, bringing her with him into the water. They came up, Amelia clinging to his shirt for dear life as he laughed.
“You are so fucking dead,” she glared up at him, the water colder than she thought it would be. She let go, running her fingers through her hair to get it off of her face, “when I'm done with you,” she just glared, her threats lost in the beer and chill of the water. 
“You're kinda cute when you get all mad,” he teased, her mouth falling open in surprise. 
“I'm so not cute. I'm terrifying, I'll have you know,” she huffed as she started to climb back up the dock. Shane caught her around the waist in an attempt to toss her back underwater, but as she gasped, she clung to his shirt, pulling him down with her. 
This time, they both laughed as they stood, his arm still around her waist while her fists remained balled in his shirt.
“You're such an asshole,” she laughed, starting to pull back before yelping and clinging to him, her arms around his neck to keep her as far from the ground as possible. 
“What–” Shane started, looking around where he could, her arms tightening enough so he could feel her shaking, “what the fuck happened?” He held her there, carrying her to the edge of the lake. 
She seemed to come to her senses, pulling back a little before offering a sheepish smile, “I uh, something touched my foot…”
He looked at her for a long moment before laughing, neither of them quite letting go. 
“You're serious?” he teased, mocking her tone from earlier, “I'm terrifying.” 
As he laughed more, she pouted, wiggling from his grasp and climbing out of the water and heading toward the dock and grabbing his hoodie he removed earlier in the night. She pulled it on, relishing in the warmth of it as his laughter died down. 
He watched her for a long moment, trying to figure out why her wrapped in his hoodie made him a weird mix of sad and happy. After a moment, she noticed the look on his face, feeling very small wrapped in the oversized hoodie. She bit down on her lower lip, arms wrapped around herself. 
“What? I'm cold and you had a jacket.” 
He walked over to her, a smirk finally playing on his lips.
“It's massive on you.”
She pouted, “that makes it comfy. It's big on you to begin with.”
It took them a moment to realize just how close to one another they were, just staring at each other for a long moment before she continued. 
“So, are you gonna make fun of me for being small again?” 
She was going to continue but was stopped by his hands on her shoulders. 
“Oats, I like small.”
She looked up at him, trying to read his expression. In reality, she really wasn't that small. She was shorter than most people in town at around 5’5” but it's not like she couldn't reach anything. 
Shane had always picked on her for it. It annoyed her at first, but it grew on her. She enjoyed their banter and how they made fun of one another. She watched over his face for a moment, subconsciously reaching up to push a wet strand of hair from his face. 
She knew he was drunk. 
She knew she was drunk. 
She didn't care. 
She stood on her toes and pulled him down to her, finding his lips in what was meant to be a far more graceful way. It didn't take him long to respond, his surprised hum shifting into one of need and desire. She ran her fingers back through his hair, her mind fuzzy from the alcohol and kiss. Their tongues met for a brief moment before she stepped back, her hand over her mouth as her eyes grew wide. 
“Shane, I… fuck, I don't know where that came from… I'm so sorry…”
He looked over her face, his heart still racing as he chose his words as carefully as his mind would allow. 
“I'm not.”
She stopped, blinking up at him before nodding slowly, “okay… but you might be when–”
“Nope,” he cut her off, “can promise you I won't be.”
She just looked over at him, “Shane, I…”
“I'm not trying to make you feel bad or whatever, if you're sorry, that’s fine. But you've got a right to know that I'm not.” he finished, staring past her toward the beer. 
She bit her lower lip, concentrating hard on how she felt about Shane. She knew he was sweet and funny and genuine. He's also gruff and rude at times. But he hasn't been lately. She preferred his company over anyone... It's a kiss. They're not fucking or running away together. It's just… Kissing. 
He crouched, digging through the cooler as she knelt behind him, nearly scaring the life out of him. 
“I'm not sorry.”
He shifted, sitting against the pole of the pier. He looked confused, finally looking over her face. His expression softened as he understood hers. 
“I… It seemed like…”
“I'm not. It just happened fast, ya know?” she started, “I just… Did it. Without thinking. But now I did the thinking.”
His face shifted to confusion for a moment before she pursed her lips, deciding to be blunt, “I want to do it again.”
“I want to kiss you. Again.”
He couldn't help but laugh at the resolve on her face, her eyes narrowing. He started to shift so he could stand, “you're too tall. Sit.”
He blinked, steadying herself as she knelt in front of him. 
“Do you even want me to or am I…?”
“For fucks’ sake, Oats, you think too much,” he leaned forward and pulled her down to him. It wasn't graceful or even completely accurate, but it was enough for them. She had her fingers tangled in his hair as the kiss continued, quiet hums building from their chests as they moved. They broke for air, though she continued pressing sloppy kisses along his jaw and down his neck. 
Reluctantly, he pulled back, looking her in the eye, “can't be doing that. Kissin’ is one thing. Nothing else is happening unless we're sober.”
She couldn't help but smile, moving so her thumb could brush his cheek, leaning in so she could steal a too-soft kiss, “I told you that you're sweet.”
He smiled, stealing one firmer kiss, “only ‘cause I like ya.”
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imbiowaresbitch · 2 years
When the Pressure Gives Way
On AO3.
Pairing: destiel
rating: mature (but it’s damn close to the line)
Summary: Dean is trying to avoid another argument with Cas, because his best friend is seriously pissed about something. He heads outside to wash Baby's mats with a pressure washer, and Cas follows, with an insanely tempting proposition. Dean can't resist the chance to help Cas wash his wings.
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Dean didn't know what had crawled up Cas' ass lately, but his angelic best friend was rivalling Sam for bitch-face champion. He was nearly as uptight as when they'd first met, and now Cas was storming around the bunker, snapping at everyone. Rather than get into a fight he knew they'd both regret, Dean decided to head outside to clean off some of the gear that had gotten way too nasty on the last hunt. He'd already scrubbed down Baby, leaving her gleaming and gorgeous, the way she was meant to be, but the floor mats in the trunk and foot wells needed the pressure washer.
Dean changed into a ratty pair of cut off shorts, a ragged white t-shirt he could toss or bleach without worrying about it, and an old pair of white sneakers that had definitely seen better days. Dragging everything out into the sunshine, he started cleaning. Watching the grime and dirt and blood get blasted away was therapeutic, and Dean sighed as his shoulders loosened.
"What is that?"
Dean jumped a mile and fumbled the nozzle, which luckily cut off immediately, rather than flailing uncontrollably. Three thousand PSI could do some damage. Turning to see Cas watching him, Dean felt his cheeks heat as the angel's eyes raked over him intently. Hopefully, he could blame the flush on the heat.
"Pressure washer. That last case sucked, and I need to clean out these mats before I put 'em back in Baby."
"Why?" Cas asked bluntly, and Dean shook his head.
"Whaddya mean why? When… when you were human… after a shower, didja want to put on the same dirty clothes? Or were clean clothes way better?"
Cas tilted his head as he considered it, even as Dean bent to grab the nozzle and continue his job.
"A valid point. And this machine, it's effective?"
Dean chuckled.
"Not for people, but the floor mats, solid tools that need to be cleaned, blasting concrete or brick. It'll do all sorts of stuff."
"I see," Cas murmured and went silent.
For a long moment there was only the sound of the water hitting the mats as Dean carefully went over them inch by inch. There'd been some sort of ectoplasm on the body they'd hauled, and that shit stained if he didn't get it quick.
"May I try?" Cas asked, and Dean glanced over at him.
"You wanna clean the mats?" he asked, chuckling softly.
His laughter dried up in a heartbeat when Cas stripped off his trenchcoat and began loosening his tie. When the suit jacket came off and Cas started on the buttons of his dress shirt, Dean made an incoherent sound, and Cas looked at him quizzically.
"No, Dean. My wings. I haven't found the water pressure in the showers sufficient to clean them without assistance from another angel, but maybe this appliance will do the trick."
"Cas, buddy, you weren't listening. This is not meant to be used on a person!"
Cas paused with two thirds of his buttons undone, and Dean kinda wanted to kick himself for interrupting the angel. The golden skin he could see where his white shirt had parted was just begging for his touch. He tore his gaze away to discover his aim had wandered, and he was sweeping the spray back and forth over bare concrete rather than the trunk liner. Redirecting it, he watched Cas from under lowered lids, biting his lip as Cas stripped off his shirt and tossed it aside.
Cas stood in the hot summer morning sun, his skin gleaming, and rolled his head on his shoulders.
"Dean, I'm not a person," Cas reminded him gently, closing his eyes, and then immense, opalescent wings exploded into sight.
Read the rest on AO3.
Thanks to @cr-noble-writes for the beta!
Now with banner art by my friend cactusdragon517!
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acarias91-blog · 3 months
By Alexander C Arias (A.K.A) Acarias
Once upon a time, in a universe where the boundaries of reality were as flexible as Deadpool's morals, the Merc with a Mouth found himself in a peculiar predicament. As he stumbled through a cosmic portal, Deadpool suddenly found himself face to face with Acarias, the World Breaker – a towering and immensely powerful being known for his ability to reshape entire galaxies with a single thought.
As Deadpool, ever the master of breaking the fourth wall, took in the sight of Acarias, he couldn't help but blurt out, "Whoa! Talk about a big, green meanie! You make the Hulk look like a cuddly teddy bear!"
Acarias, with his immense power and stoic demeanor, regarded Deadpool with a mixture of curiosity and annoyance. "You dare to mock me, mortal?" he boomed, his voice shaking the very fabric of reality.
Deadpool, undeterred by Acarias' intimidating presence, replied with his trademark irreverence, "Mock you? Nah, I'm just here to make friends and maybe borrow your galaxy-shaping powers for a day or two. Whaddya say, buddy?"
Acarias, unaccustomed to such audacity, raised an eyebrow. "You possess an amusing bravado, Deadpool. But know this: my powers are not some trinket to be borrowed by the likes of you."
Grinning widely beneath his mask, Deadpool responded, "Hey, Acarias, can we at least agree to disagree? Besides, I've got a proposition for you. How about we team up to take on the cosmic baddies? With your power and my charm, we'd be unstoppable!"
Despite himself, Acarias found Deadpool's brash confidence infectious. Perhaps there was something intriguing about this unpredictable, fourth-wall-breaking mercenary. "Very well, Deadpool," Acarias conceded. "For now, we shall join forces. But remember, I will not tolerate any foolishness."
And so, Deadpool and Acarias set off on a cosmic adventure like no other. Together, they traveled across vast galaxies, battling formidable foes and saving countless civilizations from annihilation. Deadpool's irreverent humor and unpredictable strategies complemented Acarias' raw power and tactical prowess, creating a unique dynamic that defied all expectations.
Their alliance became the stuff of legends, whispered among the stars. Deadpool's antics and Acarias' stoicism formed an unlikely friendship forged in the crucible of chaos. And though their partnership was as volatile as it was unconventional, they learned to trust each other implicitly, proving that even the most mismatched of heroes and cosmic beings could find common ground.
And so, the tale of Deadpool and Acarias, the Merc with a Mouth and the World Breaker, became a legend in its own right—a testament to the unyielding power of friendship, even in the face of cosmic absurdity.
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skyloftian-nutcase · 2 years
Even More Things I’ve said/done that the LU boys would probably say/do
Time: Why are you barefoot?
Sky: Well, you see, my bird was watching Star Wars and I didn’t want to bother him, and all my shoes are in the room with him, so I just decided not to wear any.
Wild: How’s it going? Warriors: Living the dream. Wild: Nightmares are dreams too, you know. Warriors: Exactly.
Twilight, approaching the door leading into a residence of someone he’s helping, door opens to reveal absolutely adorable doggie and elder male relative: *only seeing the doggie* Hi baby!
Twilight, seeing elder and realizing that relative walked out at same time as dog and thought he was talking to him: Um, I mean...
Twilight, awkwardly passing him: *coughs* Excuse me....
Four: Life is filled with an amazing spectrum of colors! Legend: I am darkness.
Hyrule, dragging Legend: Let’s go waterfall hunting!
Wild: The Sheikah slate says we should be arriving at the camp now.
Twilight, looking around at a barren, snow covered road blocked by a closed gate in the middle of the woods at night with no living being around: Your Sheikah slate is trying to kill us.
Birds, at the crack of dawn: *singing happily*
Legend, who hasn’t fallen asleep yet: SHUT UP IT’S STILL NIGHTTIME.
Warriors: So what do you do for fun? Time: Resting, listening to music... you? Warriors: Oh I like to hang out with my friends. Time: Oh, right, other people exist and need attention.
Twilight: I don’t like the ocean that much. It’s too loud. Wild: Yeah, it never shuts up. Twilight: I prefer the mountains and woods, much quieter.
Wind, immensely offended: What is wrong with you people?!
Legend: I used to be a nice person, what happened to me? Legend: Legend: Oh. Huh. I’ve got trauma. Well whaddya know.
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mammonshuman92 · 3 years
- It Takes Two -
(Mammon x GN!MC)
Genre: angst/hurt/comfort
WARNINGS: alcohol, drunkenness, cheating, **
** There is a moment where a character is drunk, and someone makes moves on them, character is too drunk to realize it’s not who they thought it was. Groping and making out, no penetration; character doesn’t consider is SA. I apologize if it is offensive.
Ya better hurry up, or we’re gonna be late!” Mammon was pulling you by the hand down the hallway to your first class of the day.
“I wasn’t the one who overslept because they kept saying “just lay with me for 5 more minutes.”“ You said, giving your best impression of him.
You’d become best friends rather quickly after your arrival in the Devildom, practically becoming attached at the hip instantly. It didn’t take long for that light, warm feeling to invade your heart. Now you’d been dating for a few months and had become even more inseparable.
“Details, details!” He responded, laughing.
The two of you came barreling through the door with only seconds to spare before the bell rang; hand-in-hand, laughing like fools.
You took your seats across the room from each other, being the professors current punishment for Mammon talking to you during class.
As you sat down you felt eyes on you and looked up.
A few succubi were not so casually looking at you and whispering.
It wasn’t uncommon though. I mean, you are a human in the Devildom. You also live with the 7 rulers of the underworld. You’d gotten quite used to people whispering about you. You decided to ignore them, and pay attention to class. Whatever they were whispering about was surely nothing you hadn’t already heard circulating throughout the gossip mill.
Throughout the day, you noticed the same group of succubi whispering and giving you looks. They even giggled a couple times. You tried your best to keep your cool, but it had been going on all day and it was really getting under your skin.
What is so damn funny? You thought to yourself.
The final bell rang and you couldn’t be happier. Now you got to put the day behind you and go home with Mammon. Tonight is movie night. Cuddling and eating junk food is just what you need after a day like today.
You rushed to the usual spot where you meet Mammon. Seeing his face would definitely make you feel better right now, but he wasn’t there yet. 
He must have gotten hung up in class or something.
You leaned against the wall, pulled out your D.D.D. and started surfing Deviltube to pass the time. You were so engrossed in your video that you barely noticed that same group of succubi walk past.
Until they made sure you noticed them, that is.
One girl bumped into you on purpose, sending your D.D.D. to the concrete, via crash-landing.
“Stupid human.” She sneered.
You rolled your eyes and bent down to pick up your D.D.D. It’s nothing you haven’t heard, quite a bit actually, since coming to the Devildom. She’d have to try a lot harder than that.
When you stood back up, the succubus in question was standing in front of you, arms crossed with a smug grin.
“Do you think you’re special?” She asked, looking you up and down. You didn’t respond and resumed your scrolling through Deviltube. Ignoring her made her mad.
“As soon as he gets tired of you, he’ll move on to the next one.”
Excuse me? 
“I don’t think MY relationship is any of your concern.” You said sweetly, slapping on your best fake smile. You looked around them, desperate to see Mammon walking up, but he wasn’t there.
Where is he? 
She was practically laughing in your face. 
“He made me feel special too.” Her words, full of venom as they left her lips, triggered something in your brain.
Flashbacks of your first day in the Devildom came rushing back. Specifically what Satan had said after Mammon made his grand entrance.
“Whenever he takes a liking to someone, they suddenly find themselves awash in money. But from what I hear, if he decides to break it off with someone, that wealth evaporates. They’re left without a Grimm to their name.”
The memory made your chest feel heavy. 
Could that pertain to people as well? They said a pure soul is like a shiny gem. What if..
“Everything he’s said to you, he probably already said to me.” She spat.
Your head was spinning, a knot forming in your throat. Her earlier words replaying in your mind.
“As soon as he gets tired of you, he’ll move on to the next one.”
What if..? No.. He wouldn’t do that...would he?
You quickly got so lost in thought as anxiety started to take root, plaguing you with ‘what ifs’ and hypotheticals, that you almost didn’t notice when someone stepped between you and the succubus. Putting a hand on either side of your face, he tilted your head up to look at him. Irises the color of tropical waters, instantly melt away your anxiety, calming the angry sea inside you.
“Let’s go home.” He whispered with a smile. His voice was soft, but you could see the anger in his eyes. He slung an arm around your shoulders and turned to start walking toward the House of Lamentation.
“We weren’t done talking.” She said vindictively.
“Don’t ya have anythin’ better to do?” Mammon snarled, glaring at the succubus.
She scoffed and rolled her eyes, leaving with her friends.
By the immense tension you could feel between them, you could tell that they had indeed been together at some point.
The walk home was quiet, which left you with ample time for your thoughts to run wild. 
Did she know him like you do? His little habits and his favorite things? 
Did she stick up for him when his brothers were dogging on him? Or afterward when he was down, did she try her best to drown out their hateful words with affirmations of love?
Did she play with his hair while he laid on her stomach, arms wrapped tight around her middle after he loved her? Hold her in his lap as he rubbed soothing circles on her back when she was sad? Whisper sweet nothings to her when he thought she was asleep?
...Did he love her?
“Whoa! Did ya see that, MC?!”
The two of you were curled up on the couch in Mammon’s room, watching a movie on his projector, just like you did every week.
Did they do movie night?
It shouldn’t be bothering you. Of course he’s had other partners. He’s been alive for thousands of years.
And you’ve had other partners. So what? No biggie. That wasn’t the issue.
The thought of him saying the same things, doing the same things with someone else...loving someone else, is what bothered you. It hurt to think that maybe you really weren’t that special; another weak, insignificant human, just like all the rest.
But the things she said kept playing on a loop in your head.
“As soon as he gets tired of you, he’ll move on to the next one.”
“He made me feel special too.”
Could she be right?
“Babe, are ya okay?” He had paused the movie and was now staring at you expectantly.
“Hmm? Oh, yeah I’m fine.” He saw through it quickly.
“Ya know, you’re not good at lyin’. What’s wrong? If ya don’t like the movie we can watch someth-”
“That girl earlier, at RAD? Is she your ex?” You didn’t want to bring it up, but you had to know before your thoughts could torment you further.
His face fell and he sighed heavily. “I was wonderin’ when you were gonna say somethin’..”
You remained quiet, watching his face, waiting for him to begin talking.
“We were together a long, long, time ago. Nothin’ serious. I broke it off when I realized she was only around for what she could get outta me. She didn’t take it too well.” He explained, his expression turning sour. “She had a different story, huh?”
“She didn’t say much really, except once you get tired of me you’ll move onto the next one. That I’m nothing special because everything you say to me you’ve probably said to her.” You said, keeping your eyes down as you fidget with the hem on your shirt.
He started laughing.
Your head snapped up, looking at him in shock.
“What’s so funny, Mammon?” You asked, getting a little irritated by his reaction. He stopped laughing when he looked at you and realized you were serious.
“Ya don’t actually believe her, do ya?” He scoffed, getting offended.
“No? I don’t know..” You replied, not meeting his gaze. Of course you wanted to believe him, but you already felt like you weren’t good enough for him, and that succubi’s words just watered the seeds of insecurity in your brain and helped them flourish.
You had always been the opposite of his brothers. You always believed Mammon, even when everyone else was against him. You were always on his side. Ready to stick up for him no matter what. To hear you now, was like a slap in the face.
Mammon’s face distorted in pain. And anger.
“What? Whaddya mean ya don’t know?” His voice was soft, “Ya don’t trust me?” He asked, meeting your gaze.
“Mammon, that’s-”
He shook his head. “No, I get it. A few bitter words from some random demon and now my words mean nothin’. “ He jumped up from the couch, making a beeline for the door.
“What about the last few months, huh? After all the time we spent together you think I’d do somethin’ like that to ya?” His voice cracked on the last sentence. He paused; hand on the knob as he stared at the door. You heard a small sniffle as his other hand came up to angrily wipe his face.
“I thought ya knew me better than anyone.” His voice was barely audible, but you could hear the hurt. He felt betrayed.
And with that he left, slamming the door behind him.
When he didn’t come back after an hour and wouldn’t answer your calls, you grabbed a few things and headed to your room. You still felt uneasy about the whole “his ex confronting you” thing and after what had just happened, you just wanted to be alone. 
Your bed seemed huge and your room felt odd. It’s not like you didn’t spend time in there anymore, you just didn’t usually do so alone. The silence was deafening.
I shouldn't have doubted him. He used to try and hide his feelings, although he was bad at it. But since we got together, he doesn’t hide how he feels about us to anyone.
You thought of all the times his cheeks had flushed scarlet when you caught him staring at you. How he sits and endures scary movies because they’re your favorite. The way he will randomly bring you your favorite snacks or other little gifts because he was thinking about you. Relentlessly tickling you just to hear your bright, uninhibited laughter. That even in his sleep, he has to be constantly touching some part of you, or he gets restless. 
You slowly drifted off to sleep, with tears staining your cheeks.
“Have you seen Mammon?” 
He never came looking for you last night and he wasn’t at breakfast. He even skipped RAD.
Asmo shook his head, “Not since yesterday. Did something happen?”
You decided to fill him in with all the details. He is the Avatar of Lust after all, so surely he could give you some advice regarding love.
He gasped dramatically, “No she didn’t! What a tart!”
“I know I shouldn’t have doubted him. He’s never given me a reason to, but I don’t know. She just got in my head, I guess. Poked at some insecurities.” You explained. “I haven’t seen him since he stormed off.”
“He won’t pout for long, he never does.”
“It’s more than just pouting. I hurt him just like everyone else. He feels betrayed.” You said, voice small.
You just wanted to pepper his face with kisses and profusely apologize for ever doubting him. Why did you ever let some random succubus get to you like that? To make your trust for Mammon falter, even slightly. Did you honestly believe he would toss you aside after he got what he could out of you? Really? 
Satan said it too though, in the beginning. That when you’re with him you find yourself drowning in gifts and the like, but once he outgrows you, you’re left with nothing. That’s the Greed.
You refuse to accept it though.
You know Mammon, better than anyone. He has changed so much since you came here. He’s not the same demon he used to be. He is more than just his sin.
“When he is ready, he’ll come back. He always does.” Asmo said, placing a hand on your shoulder, giving you a warm smile.
“Now, let’s go and change! You are depressing me and it’s ruining my skin. We are going out tonight!” He was practically vibrating with excitement. You, not so much.
“Ugh, no way Asmo. I’m not in a party mood.”
“Nonsense! It’s exactly what you need. We will have some drinks and dance and you’ll feel better. You’ll see.”
You relented, knowing that once Asmo got his mind set on something like this, there was no getting out of it. Maybe a few drinks really would make you feel better.
“Trouble in paradise?” She said, motioning to the drink in his hand.
His clothes were dishevelled, his hair mussed, eyes red-rimmed and puffy. He looked like he’d been through the wringer. Felt like it too. He’d been in the private lounge at the club for a little while now, nursing drink after drink, attempting to drown his sorrows.
“Go away.” He growled, turning his attention back to his drink.
“Is that anyway to greet an old friend?” She asked innocently.
“Nah, but it is a good way to greet a snake.”
“Ouch.” She put a hand over her heart, feigning hurt feelings.
“Haven’t ya caused enough problems? Leave me alone.”
She scoffed, plopping down onto the couch next to him.  “Oh, come on Mammon. You’re this hung up over a human?”
“Don’t talk about MC.” He snarled. In one big gulp, he swallowed the remainder of his drink. No matter what kind of situation the two of you were in, he wouldn’t let someone, anyone, say anything cross about you. At all.
“Oh, come on. You can’t seriously say you don’t miss being with me. A demon.” She leaned in close, her lips next to his ear, “Not nearly as fragile as a human. You can be as rough as you want..” She purred.
He jumped up from where he’d been sitting, attempting to get away from the succubus. “Get the fuc- Whoa.” He slurred, staggering slightly before quickly sitting back down, head lolling back to rest on the back of the couch. His vision was pretty blurry; the room spinning. He closed his eyes, hoping it’d help. 
Even in his deeply inebriated state, you were all that was on his mind. The feel of your hand running through his hair, lightly scratching at his scalp. The warmth of your body pressed against his, your lips; soft and delicate like rose petals, leaving small kisses across his face before finally meeting his lips. The bubbly sound of your laughter, beautiful like music. The way your eyes shine every time you see him, even if he only left your side for a tiny moment. 
After the fight you had and leaving the way he did, and now being away from you a whole day, not hearing your voice, feeling your touch, he was ready to go crazy. And although he did sneak back into the house after he was sure everyone was asleep, and slept in the backseat of his car so no one would find him, it wasn’t the same as sleeping next to you. He missed you.
But, it was more than that. He felt so incredibly stupid for reacting the way he had. If he were in your situation, and felt how you did, he would’ve had questions too. You love him, and all you wanted was a little reassurance that he in fact does love you. Man, does he love you. More than he’s ever loved anyone or anything.
With the attention span of a tuna sandwich, mixed with the levels of alcohol in his system, and being so deep in his thoughts of you, he hadn’t noticed the sudden shift of weight in his lap.
One hand found its way to the back of his head, fingers tangling in his hair. The other hand resting on his chest, slowly moving down his stomach, intently feeling every muscle. His mouth opened slightly, a breathy sigh escaping. He had missed you so much, your touch lighting his skin ablaze, craving you more and more.
Your hand moved lower, earnestly caressing his growing stiffness. Your lips crashed into his suddenly; hungrily, your tongue brushing his bottom lip. His hands moved up your thighs before firmly gripping your hips, grinding you against him.
Small alarm bells were going off in his head, something didn’t seem right. You didn’t giggle like you always do when he grabs your hips. Your kisses seemed sloppier than usual too.
He tried opening his eyes, blinking lazily several times. The room was still swirling around in his drunkenness, making it nearly impossible to focus.
Your hand moved to his pants, undoing the button and zipper. He removed a hand from your hip and grabbed your wrist, but didn’t attempt to move your hand from his swollen boxers. As he was about to break the kiss and suggest heading home and picking up with this make up where you left off, he heard a voice nearby.
“What the hell?!” They shrieked. 
“Mammon..?” You barely choked out.
That was your voice. He’d recognize it anywhere; the musical sound gently floating into his ears as it always did. But you sounded like you were crying..
And it didn’t come from the figure straddling his lap. How is that possible? He’s been making out with you, getting pretty heated actually, for the last several minutes.
He broke the kiss with you, confusedly turning to his left and blinking several times until his surroundings started to come into focus.
There you stood in the doorway of the private lounge with Asmo next to you, your eyes wide as s tears streamed down your cheeks, gaping at him in horror.
The alarm bells that had been going off, the red flags popping up trying to warn him that something wasn’t quite right, were about to become very clear.
- part two coming soon! -
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mizunetzu · 4 years
Kuroo x reader - Kuroo’s Pocky Scheme!
⚠️ Warnings - Kuroo being a desperate simp, none!!
Pronouns - male, he/him
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Kuroo stared at the doorknob to the schools kitchen-y room. It was such a desperate, bottom-of-the-barrel move, but he was literally just that. A desperate simp.
He sighed and pushed open the door, more forcefully than he intended. A small, blonde girl jumped and whipped her petite form around.
Kuroo raised his arms in defense. “I come in peace, Yachi-san.”
The girl, Yachi, visibly relaxed. She let out a breath she didn’t know she was holding. “O-oh...you’re...sorry, I don’t remember your name, but you’re Nekoma’s captain right? Oh god, what if you told me your name and I forgot gosh I am so-“
“No-no! It’s fine, I dont think we’ve ever talked.” Kuroo nudged the door shut, and dropped his voice into a whisper. “Ok, hear me out. I gotta huge-and-kinda-stupid favor to ask.”
“M-m-me?! Wh-wh-whaddya need from me?!”
“Well-calm down, I don’t ‘need’ much from you, no offense.” Kuroo leaned against the door. “Uh-first lemme explain-and promise not to make a big deal outta this, okay?”
Yachi nodded. Kuroo looked around the room, seeing only Yachi and a big watermelon inside.
“So. I may or may not have a tiny...crush, on (Y/n).”
Yachi blinked. “Wait, who’s (Y/...(Y/n)..? (L/n) (Y/n)?! Oh my-!”
“That’s besides the point!” Kuroo flushed, waving his hands up to hush Yachi. He felt so pathetic. He felt like a desperate schoolgirl, coming up with ideas on how to get his crush to notice him with his school girl friends.
“Anyways,” Kuroo shakily ran a hand through his untamable hair. “I’m...uh, I’m kind of desperate, and I feel like I’m gonna explode if I don’t...kiss him soon.” That last part came out in a mumble. He shook his head.
Kuroo snapped a finger at Yachi. “That’s where you come in.”
Yachi nodded dumbly. She really had no incentive to helping out this...tall, scary man. But, if she recalled correctly, (Y/n) was close friends with him-so he should be perfectly safe, right?
“I need you,” Kuroo fished a red box of Pocky out of his Nekoma jacket. “To go up to (Y/n), and ask if you can kiss him. He’ll probably say no, but if you ask him and say you’ll do it Pocky-game style, he’ll say yes. He never rejects food.”
Yachi deadpanned. Then, she erupted into vast shades of red. “W-wait-! But I don’t like him! Why do I have to kiss him-!”
“No! Let me finish!” Kuroo was losing his cool. His desperate simp was really showing, huh. “Once he says yes, tell him to keep his eyes closed because you’re embarrassed or something, and while his eyes are closed-you and me will switch places and I’ll eat the Pocky in your place! I get my kiss, and I’ll owe you absolutely anything!”
Yachi sputtered. What if it went wrong? What if he didn’t switch in time and her poor first kiss was taken by this boy she wasn’t that interested in? He’d think she was interested in him and she’d have to marry him and have to live in a cave hiding for the rest of her life-!
“I’ll do it.” A mature, level headed voice suddenly pipped up. Kuroo and Yachi both flinched in suprise. The door softly pushed open.
“But if I may, I do have a few suggestions.” Kiyoko scratched at her collar, walking in and inspecting the two.
“Yeah-me too.” Yaku follower in after Kiyoko, sending a mocking lifted gaze over to Kuroo. Kuroo looked away in embarrassment. “Like, I don’t know, be more quiet so everyone-including (L/n)-kun, doesn’t hear about your stupid Pocky plan.”
Kuroo usually would’ve opened his mouth to retort, but Yaku could easily warn (Y/n) of his plan, and it would immediately fall into shambles. He probably wouldn’t get his kiss then. Kuroo, regretfully, kept his mouth shut.
“Anyways,” Kiyoko cut in, breaking the heated glare Yaku and Kuroo gave eachother. “I can ask him in Hitoka-chan’s place. But, I do have a few concerns.”
Kiyoko held her finger up. “One-how do we know he’s going to say yes in the first place? Even with the Pocky-“
“No, no. (Y/n) never refuses anything to do with food. I even got him to forcefully drag Kenma out of his room by offering to cook him dinner last year. He and Kenma had bruises all over. A kiss is nothing to him.”
Kiyoko hummed, seemingly accepting Kuroo’s answer. She held up her second finger. “Second, how will we-well I, ask him without seeming suspicious? If I ask him alone, and we do it alone, that won’t give Kuroo-san the opportunity to slip in and switch with me.”
“But if she asks him and all if us are, y’know, there, he’ll think somethings up or we’re tryna make fun of him.” Yaku finished her thought. Kiyoko nodded.
Kuroo blinked. He didn’t think this far. “Uh...”
“W-well, what if Shimizu-senpai asked (L/n)-kun while he was talking to uhm...Kuroo-senpai, and he tags along because he wants to just...be there...and Shimizu-senpai takes him to a room where me and...sorry, I-I don’t really know your name but-“ Yachi pointed at Yaku. “To a room with me and him in it?”
Yaku blinked. “Wait, wouldn’t it be suspicious If Shimizu took him into a room just to find us sitting there?”
“W-well...Wouldn’t it be more suspicious and awkward for Kuroo-senpai to be there alone with them? We can just, sit there and pretend to talk with Kuroo-senpai until (L/n)-kun closes his eyes.”
“Holy shit, that’s a great idea...” Kuroo rubbed his head in disbelief. If he had gone through with his original plan, he would’ve failed so hard. “Well then-what are we waiting for? Lets go-“
“I have one more thing.” Kiyoko turned to Yachi.
“Hitoka-chan, if what Kuroo-san is saying is true, we should have no problem asking him to do the Pocky game with me, but realistically, it would make more sense if you ask him.”
Yachi’s eyes widened. Kiyoko continued. “I’m a year above him, and since much upperclassman girls don’t...idolize and fawn over underclassman like the ones in his grade or first-years do, it would feel a bit weird if I asked him.”
“You, on the other hand,” Kiyoko grabbed the box of Pocky from Kuroo’s hands and placed them gently on Yachi’s. “Are perfect for this, since girls like you seem to gravitate towards (L/n)-kun. The ‘shy-girl-who-wants-to-kiss-her-crush’ type. And we’ll reenforce it with the Pocky according to Kuroo-san.”
Yachi was quiet for a second, then she opened her mouth. “O-okay...I guess I’m doing it then...”
“Wheey!” Kuroo clapped his hands. “You guys are so nice, helping me with my boy problems.”
Yaku jabbed a finger at Kuroos face. “Yeah, you owe us big time Mr. Docosahexaenoic face.”
“You aren’t even doing anything, though.”
“(Y-Y/-!” Yachi was standing behind (Y/n). Her mumbles of “(Y/-!” were practically inaudible as the sticks inside the Pocky box rattled around in her shaking fingers. Kuroo side eyed Yachi, nudging his head to (Y/n)-who was talking to him so obliviously-egging her to go on.
“(L/n)-kun!” Yachi tensed and downcast her whole head, suddenly finding immense interest in the small rip in her shoes. (Y/n) turned around, facing away from Kuroo.
“Yes? Yachi-san? Did you need—is that Pocky? Can I have some?”
Yachi almost threw the box straight into the air. (Y/n) had his eyes fixated hungrily on the Pocky box, pointing at it gently with his hand. Yachi cleared her throat nervously. She felt her heart hammering in her chest.
“I-I-please don’t take this in a weird way but-c-can I k-k-kiss you-?!”
Yachi bowed down in a sharp 90 degree angle, making (Y/n) step back awkwardly. He looked at Kuroo, who gave him an innocent shrug, and looked back at Yachi.
“Uh-I’m sorry, Yachi-san, I don’t really-“
“We can do it Pocky game style! A-and I’ll let you have all of the Pocky afterwards! Please! Please! Please!”
(Y/n) eyes flickered back and forth from the box of Pocky up to Yachi’s sweaty, bowing hair. He really wanted that Pocky too. It was just a kiss, he never really cared about sentimental things like “first kisses” and whatnot. Plus, he’d get a whole box of Pocky afterwards.
“Okay then.”
“Really?!” Yachi raised her head, and (Y/n) nodded.
“You better keep your end of the deal and give me the Pocky afterwards, though.”
“I promise I will-!” Yachi stiffly bowed again, before trotting off with (Y/n) trailing behind her. “W-we can do this in the managers bed rooms!”
“Ok...” They walked in awkward silence. After a few seconds of contemplating, (Y/n) turned around.
“Tetsu, why are you coming?”
Kuroo shrugged. “Am I not allowed to come? I want some Pocky too.”
(Y/n) pursed his lips. “I mean I give you like, two, but don’t you think you’ll make Yachi-san uncomf-“
“It’s fine! I-I don’t care if he comes!” Yachi said a bit too quickly. (Y/n) eyed her suspiciously. Both Kuroo and Yachi broke into a cold sweat.
“...okay...let’s keep going, then.”
Yachi and Kuroo let out a breath they didn’t know they were holding.
Yaku held up a peace sign while Kiyoko waved. (Y/n) raised an eyebrow, waving back.
“I thought we were doing this in private?”
Yachi tensed. “W-well this is private enough for me...”
(Y/n) softly plucked the box of Pocky away from Yachi, walking away from them to sit down and open the box. Yachi and Kuroo shared a knowing, determined glance while Yaku and Kiyoko pretended to immerse themselves in conversation.
(Y/n) fished out a Pocky stick, and sat cross-legged on the bed mats. He waved it around, eventually settling to pointing it towards Yachi. “Sit down, so we can do this.”
“Yes!” Yachi dropped down abruptly, sitting in front of (Y/n). Kuroo walked over as nonchalant as possible and plopped down near Yachi. (Y/n) looked at him skeptically.
“Whaaaat. I just wanna see my good friend (Y/n) have his first kiss.”
“Pervert. Just say you wanna kiss Yachi-san and leave, you creep. Or do you wanna kiss from me instead?”
(Y/n) soft clad smile turned into a teasing smirk, making Kuroo break into another cold sweat. His heart started picking up speed once (Y/n) placed a Pocky stick, chocolate side first, between his lips. They looked so soft.
“C-close your eyes please, (Y/n)-kun.”
(Y/n) hummed from the stick in his mouth. “Eh? But they’re already...closed?”
“I-I meant keep them closed! ...this is...this is embarrassing so-!”
“Gotcha, Yachi-san. Don’t worry, I won’t bite.” (Y/n’s) gentle smile reappeared as he smiled with the biscuit in his mouth. “Now, bite on to the Pocky already.”
Yachi turned over to Kuroo. Kuroo, as slowly as he could, shuffled his way into Yachi’s previous spot, in time while Yachi backed away. Yachi could see the way Kuroo’s hands shook as he placed himself down in-front of (Y/n), who was waiting ever-so-patiently with his fingers tracing the Pocky box.
“Yachi-san?” (Y/n’s) confused voice came out a bit muffled. Yachi squeaked out a quick “G-give me a second-!”, and (Y/n) couldn’t help but tell how far her voice sounded, even if it was just sightly father. Eh, he was probably just imagining things.
Kuroo was sweating buckets. He never thought his plan would work so smoothly. Hell, he didn’t think he’d actually be going through with it in the first place.
“God, hurry it up Kuuuua...” Yaku trailed off into a cough. “-Yachi-san. Hurry up ‘Yachi-san’, and stop staring at (L/n)-kun like that.”
Kuroo glared at Yaku, almost responding with a “shut the fuck up!”, before letting his mouth clamp shut frustratedly. He looked at Yachi for assistance. Yachi got the memo, and responded with a “I-I’m trying-! I’m just so nervous...!”
“Awwe...don’t be nervous, Yachi-san! Just think of it like we’re eating Pocky and our lips just so happen to touch.” (Y/n) smiled, and licked his lips the best he could. The chocolate part of his end was starting to melt, and the stick was getting soft in his mouth.
“The Pocky is melting...”
“I-I-I’m on it! Sorry, I’m doing it now..!” Yachi frantically motioned at (Y/n) to Kuroo. Kuroo nervously gestered back, as if to say “I’m fuckin’ trying..!”
Kuroo gulped, trying to swallow the lump in his throat, and closed his lips around the Pocky stick. This was really happening. He was going to kiss his long time crush. He was going to kiss (Y/n). Oh god, he’s awfully close. He’s closer than he’s ever been. Why won’t his heart just shut up and calm down?
Before he knew it, (Y/n) was nibbling at his end of the biscuit. The distance was becoming shorter. He wasn’t ready. He wasn’t ready. He wasn’t ready. He thought he was fully prepared to come into this all suave and nonchalant, but now that it was happening all of his preparedness flew out the window. He starting eating at his end of the stick aswell.
Both (Y/n) and Kuroo stopped eating once there was less than a inch of the stick separating them. (Y/n) briefly felt ‘Yachi’s’ nose brush against his, and Kuroo could feel the barely noticeable breaths of air from his nose.
The room was silent. Either that, or the vociferous thumping of his heart rate picking up speed drowned out Yaku and Shimizu’s voices.
And now that he was closer, he could see just how nervous (Y/n) was. His eyelids were fluttering, his brows were slightly pulled down, his nose was scrunched up just a tad, and his fingers were nervously tracing the packaging of the Pocky box. Even if it was cute, Kuroo couldn’t help but feel a bit bad.
But a plan was a plan. And he’d been waiting for years.
Kuroo broke down the last remaining barrier from his lips to (Y/n’s), letting the small Pocky nub lay on his tongue as he connected their lips together. He heard a small “yaay.” From who he assumed was Shimizu, and an obnoxious “Get it, ‘Yachi-san’!”, followed by a wolf whistle from Yaku.
He felt (Y/n) push closer, tentatively and unintentionally grabbing hold of Kuroo’s hand in the process. Kuroo intertwined his fingers with (Y/n’s), and that touch alone probably gave him away, but he couldn’t care less. (Y/n) could coil away in disgust right now, and he wouldn’t care. He got his kiss. A kiss that tasted like Pocky and (Y/n). A kiss he’s been waiting for for forever. His, and (Y/n’s), first.
Kuroo was the first to pull away. Half lidded and breathless, he sat back on his ass with a sigh. (Y/n) started to open his eyes, when Yachi’s scrambled to cover them.
“D-don’t look..! Please! I-I’m-uh, I’m still...embarrassed..!” Yachi looked back at Kuroo, who seemed to have come back to his senses, and shuffled back into the spot he was in originally. Yachi crawled over back in front of (Y/n), and removed her hands gently. She placed them in her lap, looking down with a blush no one in that room could tell was genuine or real good acting.
(Y/n) opened his eyes softly. His smile returned to his swollen lips, and he leaned his head on his palm. “That wasn’t so scary, right?”
(Y/n) clasped his hands together. “Congrats, you can officially say you stole (L/n) (Y/n’s) first kiss! Now you got something to brag about, huh, Yachi-san?” (Y/n) chuckled, still feeling the warmth of ‘Yachi’s’ lips pressed against his.
Yaku scoffed quietly. “Yeah, aha. ‘Yachi’ stole your first kiss.” He earned a flick to the forehead by Kiyoko.
Yachi stood up abruptly. “I-I’m gonna go! Uh-..brag...to my...f-friends.”
“Don’t go spreading rumors about me though.” (Y/n) looked up at Yachi, who squeaked out a “Yessir!” In reply. Kiyoko stood up aswell.
“I’m going to go with Hitoka-chan. See you three.” Kiyoko walked over to Yachi, seemingly ushering her out the door discreetly and shooting Yaku a look. Yaku stood up aswell.
“Well I don’t wanna be in here with you two. Pretty Boy and Docosahexaenoic Face. I’m gonna go see what Kai or Shibayama-kun is doing.”
Yaku shoved his hands in his pockets and walked out of the room, leaving Kuroo and (Y/n) sitting there alone.
Kuroo laid down on the floor next to (Y/n), resting his arms on the back of his neck like a cushion. (Y/n) sat there placidly, smiling at his reward that was the Pocky box.
(Y/n) fished a stick out, and munched on it happily. Kuroo looked at (Y/n), and closed his eyes with a smirk.
“So, how’d it feel having your first kiss with a cute girl?“
(Y/n) hummed, and took another bite of his snack.
“You’re not a bad kisser, Tetsu.”
Kuroo choked on his words. (Y/n) crunched on another Pocky stick. Kuroo sputtered and shot back up, staring at (Y/n) with wide, embarrassed eyes.
“To be honest you would’ve gotten away with it if it weren’t for, hm, 3 things.”
(Y/n) held up a single Pocky stick. “Number one. When our hands touched. It was pretty obvious your hand was too big to be Yachi-san’s, so that was a bit suspicious.”
Kuroo opened his mouth to say something. (Y/n) pulled out another Pocky stick.
“Two. When we broke the kiss, I heard you grunt. You would have literally no reason to do that unless you, per se, break a kiss and need to breathe in. And your voice, again, is too deep to be Yachi-san’s.”
Kuroo couldn’t do anything but helplessly stare at him, as he pulled out a third Pocky stick.
“Three.” (Y/n) set all three biscuits into Kuroo’s lap, to which he absentmindedly picked up. “You don’t really think I couldn’t see you? My eyes were open right up until we started eating the Pocky, Tetsurou. I was squinting...and you all were acting suspicious, so how could I not? Not to mention how weird it was for you to be sitting so conveniently close to me and Yachi-san.”
“If anything, if you weren’t planning something and you actually just wanted to watch, you would’ve sat near Yaku-kun once you saw him.”
Kuroo averted his eyes and broke a Pocky stick with his teeth, chewing on it to fill his mouth and prevent him from saying something stupid.
“And, even if none of those things happened,” (Y/n) pulled out another stick, this time twirling it around in his fingers. “I heard you discussing your ‘plan’ earlier in the kitchen. You really need to work on your volume, like Yaku-kun said.”
(Y/n) stood up, stretching his arms with a small groan. All Kuroo could do was stare up at him dumbly. He almost had a perfect scheme. Almost.
(Y/n) turned his head around, his back still facing Kuroo. “Next time you wanna kiss, buy me dinner and we can suck spaghetti noodles until it meets in the middle. Y’know, like in that one movie.”
(Y/n) waved around his Pocky box in farewell. “I’m gonna go see what Kenma and Hinata-kun are doing. Later, Tetsu.”
(Y/n) timpered off, shutting the door behind him. Kuroo stared at the door blankly.
“(Y/n), you sneaky bastard.”
Happy new year!!
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H-hold on, hold up hold the FUCK UP-
Self indulgent shit under the cut skskks
Ok but im imagining Nanami (who gets joy from taking care of his partner and letting them use his money however they pls) and me (somone who feels immense guilt when anyone spends even $10 on me)
So maybe Nanami and I are just dating, maybe we're married, BUT we're living together in his apartment and i already feel shitty bc i dont pay rent or utilities (he won't let me no matter how many times i ask to help).
Anyways, it's my birthday and Nanami gives me his credit card and tells me to go out and spend as much money as i want for my birthday and i try to explain that i dont want anything but he wont hear any of it and sends me on my way.
So i go out and im like 🧍‍♀️ idk what to do bc i dont feel comfortable spending his money but he was getting kind of agitated when i kept refusing his card so i dont wanna come back empty handed yk? So i just go to a department store and check out the earrings and i find a pair i like that are like $15 (they're faux gold hoops) and i get em
So i go home and Nanami wants to see what i got myself and i show the earrings all proud and junk like arent they so cute?? :3 and he's like yes they are now where's the rest? And im like 😀 whaddya mean the rest, this is all i got and he just stares at me silently for a moment with this blank expression and then he quietly leads me to the couch and makes me sit down. He takes off his jacket and harness and tie, rolls up his sleeves and im like 😳 what're ya doin baby? And he stays quiet as he pushes up my dress and pulls down my underwear. Then, without warning, he starts fingering me mercilessly. Im talking rapid speed, slapping my pussy, the whole shebang. And im so confused but i let him finger me and i cum in minutes but he doesnt stop, he keeps going. And im whimpering and trying to push his arm away so i can have a break but he just grabs my wrists and holds them above my head and just keeps going. He makes me cum again and again, overstimulating me until im crying and begging him to stop. He'll lean down and kiss my tears away before pressing his forehead to mine.
"Look at me, Sunny."
And im barely conscious but i look at him anyways and he proceeds to tell me in a calm but firm voice that i am to go back out tomorrow and buy myself clothes, jewelry, shoes, nails, etc.
"If you don't spend at least $1000 tomorrow, I will not hesitate to do this again."
Also says that if i dont buy what i want, he's just gonna punish me again and buy things for me, so i might as well do what he says and get stuff i actually want. Then he cuddles up to me for aftercare and im like 🙃 wtf am i gonna do?
ANYWAYS i go out the next day and i buy a bunch of stuff but i feel super duper guilty the whole time. Then i come home with all this shit and Nanami is pleased and kisses my forehead and says "good girl" and i just 🥺 and then he has me go through all the stuff i bought and model it and explain why i picked it out and he's got this small smile on his face the whole time im explaining why i HAD to get little dinosaur earrings sksksk. He praises me again and then says that he bought some things for me just in case i chickened out again and didnt get anything and im like 👀 wait whaddya get? And this bastard would bring out these sleek boxes and each one is filled with lingerie and im blushing so much rn and he leans in to my ear and says:
"Well? Aren't you going to model them for me? I need to know if they fit properly or not, so you might as well try them on now."
Anyways, then i get railed over the couch sksksk
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Shower Friends (Miya Atsumu x F!reader)
The dorm you live in has co-ed bathrooms. Why that’s remotely a good idea is beyond you; and recently, your precious shower time is being interrupted by a certain blonde haired setter for the volleyball team. When he lies to his teammates that he has a girlfriend, somehow you get roped into his scheme.
genre(s): college!au, fake dating, angst, fluff, mutual pining, enemies to lovers (kinda), eventual smut (maybe)  words: 3.5k
a/n: ah the sweet sweet smell of mutual pining. also 3 more chapters are planned, not written yet though bc i just decided i’d be writing them lmao. hopefully can get started on that this weekend and post them next week 🤗
taglist:  @apollochjld @kurosarium @vicassa @carbs-need-more-love @underratedmage @idek-at-thispoint @wtfeverbrandi @food8me @yikes-buddy @ntimacy @nyxiie @oikawasbooty @chocolate3010 @sugawarabby @greenyiplier @kritiiiii @tokyosdawn @youstydiaa @h3llok1ttygirl 
one | two 
Chapter Three
“You want me to help you with what?” You ask, a bit stunned when he showed up at the door, a terribly annoying but also cute pleading expression on his face.
He groans, his shoulders hunching forward in exasperation. “Ya really gunna make me repeat it?”
You peer closer at the top of his head and see that he’s being serious. The roots of his hair growing in are a dark brown and it had never even occurred to you that he dyes his hair the blonde color you’re so used to. “No, but why do you need my help?”
This is so embarrassing. Normally his roommate or a teammate can help him but none of them are available today and he’s already let the roots grow longer than he likes. But when one of them suggested you help him out instead, something inside him rebelled. For some reason, the thought of having you dye his hair for him made him uncomfortable, like he’s showing you an intimate part of him. This hair has been a part of him so long he can’t remember the last time he’d let it grow out.
“I can’t see if I got everything,” he admits. It took a lot of pacing around his room and staring at his roots for him to get up the courage to come over here to ask you. He can’t really explain why he was so against it, especially since you don’t seem to mind after you got over the initial shock of realizing this isn’t his natural hair.
A wave of relief washes over him when you sigh, conceding, “Alright. Just let me change into something I can get bleach on. I’ll meet you at your dorm.”
While he waits for you, he busies himself with mixing the dye together so it’s ready for you, and when you arrive in a t-shirt and shorts with paint splatters all over them, he mentally kicks himself for thinking about how even wearing something so simple you still look better than anyone he’s ever seen. Crossing your arms, you motion for him to take a seat at his desk. Before he does so, he reaches behind his neck to grab at the collar of his shirt and pull it over his head.
You stand there dumbfounded for a moment, it taking you a second to process that he’s now standing before you shirtless and you’re free to ogle his muscular chest and arms to your hearts content. He doesn’t pay any attention to you, knowing if he meets your gaze, he won’t be able to stop the heat threatening to crawl up his neck. Instead, he wraps a towel around his waist to protect his shorts and sits in the chair to wait for you.  
Except now, you have free reign to stare at his back, which is just as defined as the front of him and you need a few more seconds to reel your thoughts back.
“Whaddya waitin’ for darling?” He drawls, throwing you a glance over his shoulder, not expecting you to be standing there frozen, eyes pinned to his now bare chest.
He opens his mouth to tease you further, but your eyes snap to his and you practically shout, “Do you have another towel?” He just cocks a brow and then points to his closet where another towel is hanging on a hook. Snatching it, you return to him and drape it over his shoulders, hiding most of his annoyingly toned body. “Don’t want to get any bleach on your skin,” you explain, no way in hell ever admitting to him that you’re finding it hard to focus with him on display like that.
Absentmindedly, he hands you one of the clips he bought a long time ago, one that’s almost completely bleached itself and you start running your fingers through his hair to section it. He closes his eyes, focusing intently on the soothing sensation of your fingers on his scalp, doing his best not to groan out loud at how good it feels. With anyone else, this isn’t anything special, normally he sits as patiently as he can whilst trying not to annoy whoever is doing his hair (lest they decide to ‘mess up’ as punishment). But with you, it’s a different feeling entirely.
It's jarringly intimate as you clip his hair back and reach over him to grab the plastic gloves that came with the dye. Lathering up the applicator brush, you start slathering it onto his hair, trying your hardest to make sure it’s evenly distributed and surrounding each strand. As you do so, you ask, “How long have you been doing this?”
He resists the urge to shrug, not wanting to jostle you, replying, “Osamu and I started in middle school.”
“Osamu dyes his hair too?”
“Yeah, he goes for gray. But I’d heard blondes have more fun so—here we are.”
He grits his teeth as your fingers skim over his scalp, glad for the towel you wrapped around him to hide the goosebumps skittering along his bare skin.
“Let me guess,” you muse. “You guys did it because people couldn’t tell you apart?”
“That,” he laughs, “And we thought it would look cool. The first time we did it, it looked like shit.”
Your answering laugh warms his heart as you unclip a section of hair and keep working. “I can’t imagine your mom being too happy about it.”
“Livid. We got bleach everywhere.”
You laugh, continuing to move through his hair methodically. It doesn’t take very long as you’re just dying his roots and they weren’t that bad to begin with, contrary to what Atsumu thinks. When you finish, he gives you a sheepish look and has to swallow his pride to ask you to help him wash it out. Every time he’s tried to do it himself, he always ends up leaving a huge chunk of bleach somewhere.
You oblige, following him to the bathroom, not bothering to care about the looks you get along the way. If they want to stare at a shirtless Atsumu and then glare at you for having that all to yourself, that’s their prerogative. It does wonders for your confidence, regardless that all of this is a ruse.
Luckily, the bathroom is empty and Atsumu dutifully bends over the sink to let you start washing the dye out of his hair. He’s immensely grateful his eyes are shut, and his face is shoved into the sink to hide his flushed cheeks as he thoroughly enjoys your fingers running through his hair. The sensation of your fingernails lightly scraping over his scalp makes him ball his fists as he has to bite his lip to keep from making any sounds.
You’re unbothered, until you notice the towel has slipped from his shoulders and with the way he’s bracing himself against the counter every muscle in his back and arms is on display for you to see. It’s an effort to continue your task as if nothing is wrong and force yourself to look off into the distance instead of eyeing him up.
It’s no easy feat. Especially when you finish and he rises, scrubbing at his face with the discarded towel before moving on to his hair. You press your lips into a firm line and let yourself indulge just a little bit looking at the way his muscles flex with the movement, droplets from his damp hair trailing down the planes of his chest towards the waistband of his shorts and—your attention is broken at the sound of him chuckling and you snap your gaze to his.
You find him staring at you with mischief sparkling in his eyes, so you speak before he can tease you. “Is that it?”
“We have to actually dye it now.”
“Oh.” You turn on your heels desperate to escape his gaze. “Let’s go then.” A smirk plays across his lips, but he refrains from teasing you, solely because he very much enjoyed the way you were looking at him and doesn’t want you to stop.
And yeah—sue him if he thinks about your hands in his hair for the rest of the day. In the end, he might be a little grateful no one else was available to help him.
When mid-semester break arrives, it comes as a surprise that you actually miss each other. What surprises you even further, is that he’s the one to bring it up. Within the first night, he video calls you, a sheepish expression on his face, explaining he needed someone to complain to.
“What do you mean?” You teased. “Sounds like you’re getting stuffed with good food from Osamu and you have plenty to brag about.” You winked, smiling devilishly at him and pointing to yourself. You’re only joking. Slightly. You aren’t sure what will come about if he tells his family about you, or if that’s even a good idea. It’d be much easier to break this off cleanly without the involvement of each other’s families.
He sighs, flopping down on his bed and scrubbing his face with one hand. “They’re just dyin’ to meet you now.”
Your brows lift, half-expecting him to have tried to keep this a secret. “You told them?”
“I wasn’t gunna,” he explains. “But apparently some college sports news channel caught um—,” he coughs awkwardly, remembering very vividly this day, yet the two of you haven’t acknowledged it since. “Our—uh—celebration.”
Eyes widening, you stare at him a moment before the both of you burst out laughing. Between your giggles you manage to say, “Oops.”
Laughing alongside you, he grins, despite the pang in his heart at the voice in his head desperately trying to remind him all of this isn’t real. You aren’t his girlfriend and the moment all of this ends, you probably won’t bat an eye at him ever again. He hates how much that hurts.
Forging onward towards his demise he discloses, “I am now a very proud owner of a very jealous brother now, so thank you.”
That only makes you keep grinning, setting a hand on your cheek and dramatically saying, “What? Of little ol’ me?”
He fights the urge to tell you that yes—jealous of little ol’ you. The girl who is slowly becoming the girl of his dreams. The beautiful, funny girl who deals with him and everything that comes with him. He swallows all that, keeping the mood and saying, “He refuses to let me try any of his onigiri. A crime, really.”
“Of the highest caliber,” you agree, stifling your laughter. “Though I’m sure you steal some when he isn’t looking.”
“Yeah, but he caught me and hit me on the head with his spoon.”
“How dare he. Lucky for me, my family is clueless.”
“What do they think yer doin’ right now then?”
Shrugging you say, “I told them I had a project to work on with a classmate. Which isn’t entirely a lie, I do have a project to work on. But someone interrupted.”
He smirks. “Wonder who that could be.”
“Beats me.” His responding grin does something to you that’s been happening a lot more frequently lately. Making you feel like all the air has been punched out of you and like your heart is going to beat out of your chest. Though, you’ve gotten quite good at hiding it.
In the distance, you hear someone calling his name. He panics, it’s bad enough his family knows about you now, but he isn’t sure if he’s ready for them to meet you. Especially Osamu, who he has the sinking feeling is already suspicious of this. It’ll be a miracle if he can slip this by him.
“Gotta go!” He says quickly, and before he ends the call, he hears you chuckle and say, “Beware the spoon.”
Every day his situation only gets worse.
The next night he can’t get Osamu off his back. Enough that when he tries to retreat to his bedroom to give you a call, pathetically missing you again, Osamu bursts in when he’s about two minutes into the video call with you. He tries to shove him out, embarrassed and afraid Osamu will see straight through him. But Osamu is stubborn, and he hears you laughing on the other end of the call before saying, “Aww, Atsumu won’t you at least let me try to charm the pants off him?”
He grits his teeth, the thought that he wants you to charm the pants off of him, not his brother flitting through his head before he can stop it. But he relents, letting Osamu sit backwards on his desk chair to join the conversation.
He isn’t sure how, but somehow you get Osamu to believe this is real in a matter of minutes. You have him laughing and talking about culinary school and he almost feels jealous that your attention is now on Osamu instead of him. It’s a ridiculous notion, he knows it, but it doesn’t stop him from keeping the camera on him as much as possible.
When the call ends, Osamu looks at him seriously, and for a moment Atsumu thinks he’s just been pretending to believe you this entire time. However, he breaks into a smile and smacks him on the back saying, “Got yerself a keeper, there.”
Atsumu tries to grin with as much sincerity as he can. Yeah—he knows he does. But that isn’t going to stop this from ending.
That night, both of you go to bed feeling like you’re getting in too deep.
And as per usual, when school starts back up again, neither of you bring it up. You’re happy to keep ignoring it, hating yourself for liking this arrangement and him more and more every day. It sad really, how much time in your day is spent thinking about him. Wondering if there’s any possibility that the two of you could just transition to a real relationship. Because to you, that’s already what this is. Nothing would change, but at least you’d stop feeling guilty every time you enjoy his hand in yours or the soft press of his lips to the top of your head.
A few days after returning to school, you find yourself alone with him in his dorm room studying. He’s sitting at his desk, hunched over a textbook while you lay on his bed, head propped up by an elbow. You can feel your eyes drooping, the words blurring together, it becoming harder and harder to stay awake. His bed is too comfortable and smells overwhelmingly like him, a scent you’ve come to enjoy every time you’re pressed up against him. A mixture of his body wash and the ever-present faint smell of the volleyball court. Eventually you’re powerless against the solace of sleep.
When Atsumu notices you, his heart jumps into his throat. You look so serene and peaceful, your chest rising and falling ever so slightly, part of him wants to crawl in beside you and press his face into your neck and fall asleep right along with you.
But he too has begun to feel like this game has gone too far. The moment he had to tell his family, lie to Osamu, he knew he’d crossed a line. It isn’t fair to you. No longer does he need to pretend for his teammates that he can have a serious relationship, there isn’t a reason to torture himself and keep you tied to him anymore.
Yet, thinking about not being without you, no longer eating lunch together, studying together, or having you in the stands at his games wrenches his heart in such a way he actually feels like it’s crumpling inside his chest. He hasn’t been able to admit it, but at some point along the way, he thinks he fell in love with you. And it just hurts too much to keep pretending. Especially when you’re only doing this for peace and quiet during your showers.
For you, he shouldn’t drag this on any longer.
So, a couple days later, you texted him telling him you were in the library and can join him anytime if he wants. A harmless text, one you’ve sent him many times since this whole thing started, but this one makes his heart sink. Knowing this is the opportunity he’s been waiting for to talk to you. He tries to not think about it, trying to let volleyball take over his thoughts, but it’s futile. All he can think about is saying those words to you, and how it’s quite possibly going to utterly destroy him.
But you take it well, as he expects, squashing the hope that you might feel something for him too.
That night in the library feels particularly lonely. There’s no quick-witted remark from the boy who carved himself a place in your life, no one there to make you laugh when you’re struggling with a problem. Instead, you’re met with nothing but the darkness and silence of the library. It’s almost too much to bear, and once the silence starts closing in on you—you force yourself to leave, refusing to let yourself wallow.
The next weeks are hard. He never imagined that he’d think that after all of this was over. He keeps showering in the mornings to avoid you and uphold the deal you two struck months ago. He ignores the empty hole in his chest when he eats lunch without you, or studies late alone. The most jarring thing is your absence at his games. He constantly finds himself searching the crowd for your face, before remembering you won’t be there. He misses that intense gaze he could always feel on his back, the one that kept him awake at night when he let his thoughts run wild.
He feels as though something has been ripped from his life, leaving nothing but a gaping hole behind that seems intent on devouring him whole.
The same can be said for you.
Who knew you’d ever miss his teasing remarks while you shower? Or miss how you could complain to him endlessly about classes and then have him comfort you in the warm solace of his arms? Even the little things like walking to class together, now that you do it alone, it feels like there’s something missing.
The two you go on like that, thinking of the other every night before sleeping, tossing and turning with the thought of what could have been.
And eventually, you reach the point where you’re over it. Over pining after him day after day, peering out your door to make sure he isn’t around, or taking detours just to avoid him in the hallways. You’re over it. Enough that you’re willing to swallow your pride and confess to him, even if he doesn’t feel the same way—maybe you can fucking move on then.
Before you can talk yourself out of it, you stomp to his dorm room, his roommate opening the door; his eyes widening upon seeing you. Immediately, he grabs his keys saying into the room, “I forgot I need to go to the store Atsumu, see you later.”
He leaves no time for Atsumu to protest, out the door in a matter of moments, leaving you standing in the doorway. Atsumu is just sitting in his desk chair, looking dumfounded at you, having fully expected to never see you again.
The gears in his head grind to a halt as you say, “This is stupid.”
He gives you a bewildered look, unsure what exactly you mean by that.
You steel your courage and press on. “I like you. And you like me. I think. And all this pretending that we don’t is stupid.”
After a few moments, his lips curve into a smile, the mischievous one you used to hate but now feel relief seeing. He can’t help the joy building in his chest at your confession. How many sleepless nights thinking about this very moment did he endure?
“You said it,” he teases.
Despite giving him a look, you do nothing to stop the grin rising to your lips. “Well, it didn’t seem like you were going to.”
His smile only widens, and he motions you into the room. “Get yer butt over here already.”
You move on instinct, striding into the room and climbing into his lap, settling your legs on either side of his you wrap your arms around his neck. The overwhelming sense that yes—this is exactly where you want to be, washes over you. He smirks up at you, his large hands resting at your waist, waiting for your next move.
“I can’t believe I actually missed that stupid smirk,” you say, lowering your lips to his, fingers slipping into the short hair at the base of his neck.
His smile hasn’t faltered, muttering against your lips teasing, “Does this mean I can shower at night again?”
A laugh bubbles out of you, but he smothers it in another kiss and refuses to let go.
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cobaltusami · 3 years
Hey hi hello! I finally finished my Danganronpa Trigger Happy Havoc fanfic, It took me a literal week. I've been in a bit of a writing slump, But I hope this long fic makes up for my lack of writing!
Words: 3654
Characters: Switch!Mondo, Switch!Taka, Leon
Makoto was just minding his own business, He was walking to the dining hall with Sayaka just chatting about whatever came to mind when it started.
The closer they got the louder the voices were. He couldn’t distinguish who the other person In the argument was through the thick walls, But could clearly make out Mondo’s swearing.
“Do you… Hear something?” Sayaka asked, Putting a hand on Makoto and stopping both of them In their tracks.
“Yeah, Sounds like someone’s arguing with Mondo.” Makoto murmured as he closed his eyes in an attempt to make out what was being said.
For a moment the words got louder and clearer, But quickly became muffled again. As Makoto opened his eyes again he saw Yasuhiro standing In front of the closed doors. “What’s going on In there?” Makoto asked curiously.
“Ugh. Mondo and Kiyotaka are getting Into It In there.” Hiro sighed. “The energy In there Is like, Super negative. I wouldn’t go In there If I were you.”
He patted Makoto on the shoulder as walked past back to his room.
“We should go In there.”
“Are you sure? I mean last time I tried to diffuse a situation involving Mondo I got knocked out.” Makoto laughed nervously, Rubbing the back of his neck.
“You might be able to talk Taka down though.” She suggested, A bright smile on her face.
‘Somehow I sincerely doubt that.’
With a nod and a sigh, Makoto pulled the doors open and stepped In with The pop star.
It was much louder In the dining hall, Taka and Mondo were yelling at each other back and forth In front of their friends.
Makoto left Sayaka’s side and approached the duo warily. He didn’t get too close though before a hand tugged on his arm, Pulling him to a stop.
“Don’t get too close.”
The Ultimate turned to Sakura who had been the one to warn him, She had her eyes carefully trained on the two bickering students. She looked as if she were ready to jump In to separate the two at a moment's notice.
“How long have they been arguing?” The brunette asked, Stealing glances at his friends.
“At least ten minutes.” Hina spoke up from her spot next to Sakura. “They started fighting over who was better.”
“Yes.” Sakura responded.
“Man, This is getting old.” Leon sighed. “Sakura, Why don’t we just separate them now?” He asked, turning to the Ultimate Martial artist.
She glanced at him for a moment before looking back to Mondo and Taka. “And do what, Exactly? They need to work this out for themselves or the fighting will never end.”
She has a point…
“They should just have a stupid competition and get It over with.” Hina huffed. “Seriously, Their bickering Is ruining my donut eating session.”
“Don’t you eat Donuts all the time?” Leon asked, Exasperated.
“Also yes.” Sakura spoke up again, Smirking in amusement as Asahina pouted and grumbled to herself. She reached out and patted the Swimmer affectionately on the shoulder.
“Well,” Sayaka spoke up for the first time since entering the room. “When my group would be upset, We’d find things to do to alleviate the negativity.”
“Like what?” Leon asked curiously, taking his eyes off of the Ultimate’s before him.
The Idol hummed thoughtfully as she recalled all the group activities. “Well, We would talk about our feelings, Gossip…”
“Anything that might help this situation?” Makoto asked.
“Well, I remember one time I was really mad at a few of my friends And to make me forget about how angry I was and realize how stupid our argument had been, They ended up tickling me until I felt better.” Sayaka responded calmly, As If this were a totally normal thing.
“T-Tickling?” Leon stuttered. “You can’t be serious.”
“Sayaka, I don’t think that’s going to work…” The Ultimate Lucky student mumbled, A little embarrassed at the mention of the word.
“I can’t believe I’m saying this but… That might actually work.” Sakura interjected. “Maybe not In the same approach but the laughter should produce enough Dopamine to snuff out some of the Adrenaline they have.”
“Meaning…?” Hina asked quietly.
“Oh, I gotcha. They can’t be mad If they’re too busy laughing?” Leon asked.
“How do we get them to go for that?” Makoto asked.
“I’m on It!” Hina jumped up, Suddenly very enthusiastic as she approached the pair. Makoto and Leon both exchanged worried looks.
“H-Hina wait!” Sakura tried to stop her friend but she was already actively ignoring everyone else.
“Should we… Stop her?” Makoto asked, To which Leon shrugged.
With a sigh the Martial artist watched even closer than before. Just what Is she up to?
After a few attempts at gaining their attention, Hina stepped In between them and yelled as loudly as she could muster. “BOYS!!!”
Taka was the first to notice her. “A-Asahina!?”
“WHAT?!” Mondo yelled back.
“Your yelling Is super annoying.” Aoi chastised them both, Crossing her arms. “Why not just settle this stupid argument with an Endurance contest? Whoever gives up first loses.”
“Hey, That’s a great idea. Then I can prove once and for all that I’m better than your dumbass.” Mondo smirked at Kiyotaka who rolled his eyes at the Biker.
“What kind of Endurance contest do you propose?” He asked the swimmer.
Aoi grinned, Her eyes glinting with mischief. “How about tickling? Whoever says mercy the fastest loses!”
Mondo and Taka exchanged glances. “That’s fucking stupid.” The biker replied, Uninterested, But that changed however when he noticed Taka looking a bit worried at the mention of Tickling.
“Y-Yeah, I don’t see how It’s supposed to be an endurance challenge! One has to be… Sensitive, In order for that to work out In the first place!” Taka stuttered nervously, Trying desperately to keep his composure. “R-Right…?”
He has a damn good reason to be worried, Kiyotaka Ishimaru Is immensely ticklish, In fact It’s nearly impossible to find a spot on the boy that Isn’t ticklish.
“Hey! It’s a perfectly good Endurance challenge! Right Sakura?” Aoi called out to her best friend, Ignoring that comment about sensitivity.
“Yes, But It’s not so much a physical endurance challenge as It is a mental one, It’s about pushing limits.” She complied.
“Yeah! She would know about pushing limits!” Aoi smiled, Going back over to Sakura. “Tell them!”
“I… Just did.”
“Not that, I meant that story you told me about Ke--”
Sakura quickly put a hand over Hina’s mouth, She appeared calm despite freaking out internally. “Karate.” She blushed, Not wanting anyone else to know the story about Kenshiro that Hina almost just blabbed. “Similarly to Karate, If you want to prove who’s better, What better way than to push past even your opponents limits?”
Leon and Makoto exchanged looks again, This time intrigued. Evidently they both picked up on the odd response.
Mondo looked back at Taka, Who despite his best efforts, Looked incredibly nervous as his window for escape kept getting smaller and smaller. “You look a little nervous, Ishimaru… Don’t tell me you’re ticklish.” He smirked as Taka’s face went red.
“W-What?! Me?! D-Don’t be preposterous!” Kiyotaka retorted. “W-What about you? Are you…?”
“Tch. As If. You think someone as tough as me Is fucking ticklish?” Mondo brushed off the comment, Playing It cool despite lying and being completely and utterly ticklish.
Aoi finally removed Sakura’s hand to dish out another embarrassing comment. “I mean, Sakura’s tougher than you are and she’s ticklish.”
Sakura was too late to stop her this time. Her face went red as everyone quickly looked at her in disbelief. “Don’t look at me like that.” She mumbled. “It was a long time ago.”
Not wanting to press their luck and get their asses kicked for teasing the powerful student, They turned back to what they were doing.
There was almost an unnervingly teasing edge to Mondo’s words as he spoke In a low voice. “So? Whaddya say Kiyotaka? Think you can outlast me?”
No, No he doesn’t. But he’s out of excuses to back out now so he gave a small nod. “O-Of course! I’m much stronger than you are!”
“I doubt that very much.” Mondo smirked, Glancing to Aoi. “You’re the one who suggested It, What do we do?”
Hina turned to Sakura to ask her opinion, But she looked too embarrassed to say anything, So she turned her attention to Sayaka. “What do you think?”
“Maybe set a timer and time how long the person lasts? and have one tickle the other?”
Mondo gave a rather sinister smirk to Taka. “Works for me.”
“W-Wait a moment! How Is that fair? I’ve never actually done this to someone before!”
“And you think I look like the kind of fucking person who goes around tickling people for shits and giggles?” The Biker scoffed.
“I mean, If you need help I can show you how to do it.” Leon volunteered.
“If you value your life you won’t get Involved.” Mondo warned.
“Now that that’s out of the way.” Makoto intervened. “Who wants to go first...?”
“We’re seriously going to do this? D-Don’t you feel the least bit… Childish?” Taka made one last attempt, And Mondo wasted no time crushing it.
“If you’re scared you can always just admit I’m better.”
Kiyotaka glanced around the room at their classmates before sighing and resigning himself to his fate. Either way his secret is going to get out, But at least this way he can take Mondo down with him. “Very well!” He shot back, Pushing aside his nervousness. “I will go first! This should be easy enough.”
While Taka wasn’t paying attention, Mondo had silently moved behind him. Smirking as he listened to Taka continue on with his self pep talk.
“I mean, It’s just tickling, How bad could It beeeEEE!” Taka squealed In surprise and quickly brought his shoulders up as he felt fingers flutter over his neck for a moment.
Mondo snorted in amusement, clearly proud of himself for producing that reaction. “I thought you said you weren’t ticklish earlier?” He asked teasingly.
“You just startled me!” He shot back, Though he was unable to hide the blush that formed.
Mondo rolled his eyes, smirking at the Ultimate Moral Compass. “Whatever,” He paused for a moment, Thinking about how he wanted to do this. He reached around Ishimaru and began to tauntingly unbutton his jacket.
“What are you doing??” Taka demanded.
“I’m having a fucking pool party-- What’s It look like I’m doing?!” Mondo retorted.
“Pool party???” Hina perked up at the mention.
“H-Hina… No.” Sakura sighed, Exasperated.
“I’m undoing your jacket so I can reach more spots.” The biker explained, Undoing the final button revealing a white shirt underneath. “There. Now then… Who’s keeping track?”
“I got you.” Leon volunteered, Whipping his phone out of his pocket and fiddling with it for a second. “Okay, Whenever you two are ready.”
“Are you ready to admit defeat?” Mondo whispered in his ear, The feeling of his warm breath against his neck sending chills down his spine. “Remember, The magic word for when you’re screaming your lungs out with laughter Is ‘Mercy.’”
Taka shivered, Closing his eyes and taking a small breath. “I am ready to begin, Leon!”
“Startiiiinnnng… now.” Leon announced, Hitting the start button on the stopwatch app.
Mondo wasted no time, His fingers skittering across Taka’s stomach with careless abandon. He smirked at the way the Red eyed student flinched and trembled under his touch.
“S-See? This Is pointless. I am fine.” Taka struggled to maintain his composure, He clenched his jaw to keep any whimpers or other embarrassing sounds from escaping.
Mondo winked at Leon as he slowed his fingers. “You’re right, I guess this Isn’t going to--” He stopped mid sentence to shove his hands under Taka’s shirt, and dug his fingers into his sides.
That’s all It took for Taka to crumble, He let out a scream and fell back against the Ultimate Biker’s chest laughing. “N-NOHOHO! MOHOHOHNDO!” He cried out, His hands grabbing uselessly at the tickling appendages.
“Well well… Looks like someone’s pretty fuckin’ ticklish.” Mondo smirked victoriously, His fingers squeezing at Taka’s bare sensitive sides without mercy.
In an attempt to escape the tickles, Taka sank to the floor. Mondo however, followed, not letting up for a moment. “Where do you think you’re going?” He teased. “You’re not getting out of this that easily.”
The Ultimate Hall Monitor flailed helplessly, Laughing hysterically as he did. “PLEHEHEHEASE!”
“Begging already? Man, this Is gonna be easy.” Mondo chuckled, Brushing his fingers teasingly across his stomach. “Just say mercy and this will all be over.”
“N-Nohohoho! I won’t gihihihive up!” He tried to curl In on himself but Mondo was quick to sit on his thighs to stop him.
“Fine, Guess I’ll just have to kick It up a notch then.” Mondo smirked, Tracing his fingertips up and down his sides. This action drew a squeal from the uptight student. “You seem to be pretty ticklish here. You got ticklish sides, Ishimaru?”
“N-Nohohohot particularly!” He lied. His sides were one of his worst spots.
“You’re a terrible fucking liar.” The biker scoffed, Tickling his sides much more vigorously, he honed in on a particularly sensitive spot just under his ribs.
“KYAHAHAHAHA! NAHAHAHAHA!” Taka’s face went red as he began flailing again, Mondo jolted back, narrowly missing a hand to the face.
“You’re kind of dangerous when tickled, Aren’tcha?” He chuckled, His fingers rhythmically massaging circles into the sensitive skin.
Taka couldn’t remember the last time he laughed this much or this hard, His lungs were burning and his sides were beginning to ache. He’d been tickled In the past by his parents, But never this brutally or for this long.
Tears pricked the corners of his eyes and his small gasps for breath became more frequent. Every nerve In his body was on fire. He knew he couldn’t last much longer.
Mondo knew this as well. “Squirm all you want, The only way to make this stop Is to say the magic word.” He teased. “I could keep tickling you for hours.”
He emphasized this by kneading his sides rather meanly, Sending ticklish shockwaves coursing through the laughing student below him.
He broke almost instantly, with a scream of laughter. “NAAAHAHA! MERCY! MERCYEHEHEHEHE!”
Almost begrudgingly, Mondo let up on the merciless tickles and moved off of Taka. “What was his time?” He asked Leon casually, Hiding his disappointment quite well.
Leon glanced at his phone screen again after hitting stop. “I’m not telling until after you go.” He grinned.
“What?! How am I supposed to know how long to last?”
“You don’t. I’ll tell you once you’ve beaten Taka’s time.” The redhead responded slyly. “It shouldn’t be a problem for someone like you, Right?”
He shoved his phone back Into his pocket and turned to Makoto. “You keep track of Mondo’s time.”
Makoto nodded and set up the app as he was told.
“Fine. Let’s get this over with.” Mondo rolled his eyes and laid down on the floor next to Taka, Who had finally caught his breath and gotten rid of the ghost tingles.
The Ultimate Moral compass sat up, thinking carefully. He still wasn’t entirely sure how to go about tickling Mondo, But he had a bit of an idea after that.
Leon came over, Not that Mondo had noticed due to him closing his eyes to brace himself. The former Baseball star leaned In close to Taka and whispered. “I’ll help you. Basically, Mondo Is super ticklish on his stomach and under his arms.” He explained, Glancing at the student in question.
“He’s super weak to light teasy touches on his stomach, Like this.” He demonstrated by lightly running his fingertips across the back of Taka’s hand. “Also, teasing him verbally literally kills him.”
Taka nodded as he took In all of this information. More eager than before to try.
Just as Mondo was opening his eyes to question them, Leon had pinned his arms above his head. “Hey there!” He greeted cheerfully, a wide grin on his face as he received a death glare.
“What the hell do you think you’re doing!?” Mondo snapped, tugging at his arms uselessly.
“Helping the opposition, What do you think I’m doing?” He asked innocently.
“I swear to God, I will fucking end you!”
Taka sat next to the angry biker on the floor, watching the two go back and forth for a moment longer before calling over his shoulder. “Makoto! I am ready!”
“O-Okay! Stopwatch started!”
Wasting no further time, Taka began fluttering his fingers ever so lightly across Mondo’s toned stomach, making shivers run down his spine as he tried to squirm away from the delicate touches.
The biker tried to resist, But try as he may, he soon began sputtering out giggles and threats. Though not really directed at Taka. “Leheheheon, You behehetter be thinking about what you want to say to gohohod because you’re gonna meet him today!”
“Taka, He’s still threatening me, I don’t think he’s laughing hard enough.” Leon tried to say seriously, But the grin on his face betrayed his words.
“I agree! I think I know how to fix that!” Taka smirked, Darting his fingers underneath Mondo’s jacket and launching an attack under his arms.
Mondo let out a shriek and tugged roughly at his trapped arms to no avail. “NO! NOHOHOT THERE!” He barked out between laughs.
Taka’s fingers were clumsy at first, But he quickly adapted, finding spidering motions to be the most effective technique. “Why not? This seems like a very sensitive spot. I think It would benefit me to stay here.”
“THIS IHIHIHSN’T FAHAHAIR!” He complained, Burying his face in his sleeve to hide his growing blush. “IHIHIT’S TWO ON ONE!”
“Hey, I’m just helping because Taka’s never tickled anyone before. I’m making things fair if anything.” Leon retorted. “Besides, I haven’t tickled you. I’m just holding you down. This Is all Kiyotaka.”
“That’s right! The rules never stated anything about restraint.” Taka smiled tauntingly, Applying a bit more pressure and mimicking the massaging motions Mondo used against him earlier.
“I bet that tickles like hell. It looks like It tickles.” Leon teased.
“STAHAHAHAHAHAP!” He pressed out between fits of laughter.
“Taka, Try his belly again. Now that he’s laughing, He shouldn’t be able to hold back.” the Ultimate Baseball star encouraged.
Ishimaru did as instructed, His fingers brushing teasingly against his stomach. This drew a squeal from the feared Biker gang leader’s lips.
“FUHUHUHUHUCK! AHAHAHAHAHAHA! TAHAHAHAKA STAHAHAHAP!” He cackled as he felt fingers delicately dancing across his skin.
“I’ll only stop If you say Mercy!” Taka reminded, Continuing his soft torturous tickles.
An Idea came to mind, A rather cruel one. Taka recalled a time when he was a child and was playing with his mom, he remembered how badly It tickled when she blew a raspberry on his belly and wondered If that would work here too. “L-Leon, You know that thing where someone presses their lips against your skin and makes a weird sound? What Is that called?”
“Eh?” Leon looked up at him curiously, Pondering for a moment. But a rather evil smile crossed his face as he came to the realization. “Oh, You mean raspberries, Don’t you?”
“Raspberries, Yes! How do I do that?”
“It’s simple really--”
“NONONO DOHOHOHON’T YOU DAHAHAHARE YOU SON OF A BIHIHIHITCH!” Mondo threw out an empty warning, His struggling intensifying.
Leon laughed. “You press your mouth to their skin, And blow. That’s it. Oh, When you do It, Make sure you tickle him with your hands somewhere too, That’ll really drive him nuts.”
Kiyotaka nodded, Eagerly he bent down and pressed his lips against his quivering stomach. This action alone drew a string of unmanly giggles and squeals from him.
The first few attempts weren’t so successful, but he finally figured it out and blew a raspberry against his stomach, while at the same time digging his fingers into his underarms.
Taka relented, Pulling back with a victorious smile on his face. Leon released his arms and immediately dove for shelter In the form of hiding behind Sakura.
The others laughed at this.
Makoto was about to say something but Sayaka silently shushed him.
“Y-You’re fucking evil.” Mondo said breathlessly, pointing an accusing finger at him.
“S-So are you. I still feel the tingles on my sides.” Taka shivered at the recollection.
The Biker leader sat up and they locked eyes for a minute, Silent as they studied each other's reactions. Soon another round of laughter filled the room as they laughed at the absurdity of the situation.
“I’m sorry man, I guess I was kind of being a dick.” Mondo apologized.
“N-No, You’re fine! I apologize! I suppose I don’t know when to ‘take It easy’ as you put It.” Taka also apologized.
Mondo hooked his arm around Taka’s shoulders and pulled him to him. “That’s alright, I can teach ya bro!” He grinned.
“R-Really? Thank you bro!” The strict student beamed back.
“Oh God. They’ve become the other extreme now.” Aoi mumbled.
“I’ll never understand how male friendships work.” Sakura sighed, Hina giggled In response. “But, If they’re done fighting then… I suppose It’s all right that I don’t understand.”
Makoto looked at Leon. “Do you think they even still care about who won or lost?”
“Nope.” Leon snickered. “You wanna know just for the hell of It?”
Makoto nodded with a small chuckle.
“It was--”
“For our first hang out,” Mondo said loudly, on purpose. He locked eyes with Leon, Who had peaked out from behind Sakura to look at him. “Wanna help me get revenge on a certain Redhead?”
Leon squeaked as Taka also looked at him with a rather mischievous glimmer In his eyes.
“Yeah, Let’s get him.”
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alilbihh · 4 years
tomorrow (forever) | jjk
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pairing: jungkook x reader
summary: it's only after two of your best friends get married that you and jungkook realize maybe marriage isn't that bad of an idea at all.
words: 2.3k
genre: established relationship!au, fluff, jungkook is just! a fool in love!!
a/n: I just love him ok!!! wanna kiss his nose!!!! and i took way too long to actually finish smth for the bingo. sdjksdgkj. ty for reading
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The thing is, you predicted this marriage not too long ago. Or maybe it wasn't long ago at all.
It's one thing to be there when Hoseok and Yoongi are stupidly, densely in love with each other, with exchanging looks and lingering touches and letting them cry on your shoulder because they were in love with their best friend and didn't know what that meant.
It's another thing entirely, though, to be nursing a glass of wine offered to you in a tray and a well dressed waiter, poking at the decidedly uncomfortable dress digging into your side, watching the couples dance and the group of middle aged uncles cheer and the unwilling children skirt around their mother's dresses as they urge them to say hello.
You think you're tired but the buzzing in your ears tells you you're not. Hoseok keeps going around showing off his ring finger and Yoongi keeps kissing his knuckles and Jimin won't stop crying from even before the vows were said and it's all very dramatic and emotional and you can't stop smiling.
Jungkook's probably off somewhere to both charm and gain the favor of unsuspecting grannies, and when you strain your eyes to look sure enough, an older woman with too many rings and kind eyes is leading your boyfriend to a table of fruit slices and punch, probably saying something like eat, eat, you're too skinny, even though he probably has more muscle than actual flesh. You've seen this situation before.
The granny in question is shoving an entire cornucopia in his hands and watching expectantly, and you think you can pinpoint the moment he spots you watching him, eyes lighting up and his smile widening and this little bounce in his step he does when he's excited and can't quite hold it all in. You're so fond you don't think you can hold it all in, either.
He's hurriedly setting down the fruits and bowing respectfully at the granny before rushing towards you, first a walk then a jog then too-long strides that isn't quite considered a run and make him look so ridiculous you can't help but laugh. He's laughing when he reaches you, too.
Jungkook gently takes a hold of your hand, and you set down your glass of wine so he can take hold of the other, swings them around lightly,
"Y/n, hello, hello," he says, grins, clears his throat so he can push down some of the fondness leaking through his tone before finding that he doesn't need to and saying, "Did I tell you how beautiful you look?"
(Which is-- a ridiculous thing to say, really, because-- he's the one who drove you two here, and the first thing he said when he saw you was a mumbled wow and he's complimented you, like, three more times since then, and it's-- a lot. You just love him a lot.)
You pretend to think, hum lowly and say, "Huh, I can't recall. Might want to say it again."
Jungkook grins, never stopped, gently pulls you up, up, mumbles against your forehead, "Well, let me be the first to tell you that you look stunning."
You adjust his tie slightly, brush off his tux, grin something goofy and lopsided. "You look quite dashing yourself, mister Jeon. Very smart."
His hair is a bit disheveled, not quite as put together as it was when he first arrived, and when you squint you think there's a weird stain on his dark suit that's barely visible but still very much there that you're sure he, himself, has no idea of its origins. His eyes are a little wild and he's probably a bit tipsy. He's the prettiest man you've ever seen.
"Hmm," Jungkook hums something teasing, grins teasingly, too, "Will I look more smart if I start doing math problems here and now? Will it arouse you?"
You slap lightly at his chest as he laughs, "Shut up, nerd," you say but it doesn't come out nearly as menacing as you wanted it to. "Did you drink already?"
"Duh. Everyone did." As if on cue, Seokjin waltzes by in all his pink suited glory, hugging a wine bottle to his chest and whining to a nearby uncle about the extreme lack of kitchen utensils in the establishment. Someone should probably go control him.
"Where's Namjoon at a time like this?" You say, seconds before your eyes widen and you continue with a low, "Don't tell me he's drunk? Oh no. Drunk Namjoon is not a good Namjoon."
Jungkook winces, too, probably also recalling that one time Namjoon got drunk, barfed his guts out on a nearby tree, then started aggressively speaking spanish to it, in that order. You didn't know Namjoon knew spanish. Namjoon didn't know he knew spanish.
"It's.. not a good time." Is all Jungkook says.
You're both still standing in a corner by the bar, wrapped up and spewing nonsense to each other, and you think there's something you could say here, something to fill the silence, but this is nice, too. Like there's no need to fill it at all.
He's just started swaying you both to the music completely out of rhythm, something a bit slower than the upbeat song probably chosen by Hoseok, when the song abruptly cuts off, Taehyung tap, tap, tapping at the mic, someone that you think is the dj distantly yelling complaints.
"Alright, time for our dear friend Yoongi to throw the bouquet! Whoever's interested can line up, come, come, come!"
When you look over Jungkook's shoulder you see a very blushy, very displeased Yoongi and a very delighted Hoseok nudging him forward, the shorter man clutching at the blue and white flowers in his hands. Seokjin is cackling hysterically.
"Y/n-ah!" Jungkook gasps, swinging your arms around like a madman, "I wanna catch the bouquet!"
You snort, because of course he does, "Isn't that a lady thing?"
He scoffs, "That's dumb. Since when do I adhere to social norms." He's bouncing in place again, glancing from you to the dance floor and back, where a small group of women have gathered. You laugh.
"Go, go, I'll watch from here," You say and he sprints, and you watch with a laugh because--really, he stands out like a sore thumb, the tallest of them all, a black tux amidst a sea of colorful dresses. Yoongi's standing on a small podium, his back facing them all, preparing to throw the bouquet, and you think you can see everyone holding their breath in anticipation.
The whole situation is so immensely endearing, a small congregation of women with their hands already in the air, Jungkook doing little hops despite being able to easily see over all their heads.
You're so wrapped up in your thoughts, with the idea of what you'll do when Jungkook comes back all pouty and empty handed, that you don't really process when it happens; Jungkook springing into the air, clutching the bouquet to his chest like a lifeline.
He turns, grins victoriously, waving his newly acquired bouquet in the air, says something along the lines of look, look, Y/n-ah, look, I caught it, I caught the bouquet, but your brain just kind of-- short circuits.
Like yes, maybe it's just a bouquet, just a silly tradition for people to think they're meant to get married next, but that's exactly it. Jungkook caught the bouquet. That means he's meant to get married next.
By the time Jungkook reaches you, the thought marriage marriage marriage has kind of already wrapped itself around your head, echoing mercilessly. What if this were your wedding? Would you cry during your vows, like Jungkook most definitely will? What if you two were the ones to decorate the venue, to argue over its color scheme, to taste test wedding cakes until Jungkook tastes sweet sweet sweet. If every time you held hands you'd feel the smooth line of a ring, if you could look down at your ring finger and remember how much you love, love, love.
Jungkook's still looking at you expectantly when you come to.
"Um." You blink. "Congrats."
"See? I told you I could do it." He runs a finger over the petals, brows furrowed, mumbles a low what kind of flower is this, inspecting them seriously, completely unaware of your inner turmoil. And you feel kind of-- overwhelmed, maybe, of this boy, this beautiful boy, and wonder if maybe he feels the same way, maybe he'll want to spend forever with you, too.
Jungkook's still talking when you snap out of it, "...And then I was like, I'm gonna do it, and then hyung was like, don't do it, and then I was like, why can't I do it, and then he said something about it not being a good idea? I was honestly shocked. When do I not have good ideas."
"Preposterous." You say, just to have something to say.
"Absolutely preposterous." He nod nod nods, and you wonder when you both started swaying, the song already something softer and slower.
"I'm gonna," you breathe, "Gonna get a drink, I think."
"Oh! Me too, me too. Let's go," He takes a hold of your hand, which is-- devastating, really. Here you are, trying to escape the thought of marrying your boyfriend with your boyfriend following you. Devastating.
You trail behind as he leads you back to the bar, keeps holding your hand while he orders for you both, tilts his head and says whaddya want, baby? And it's, just. Devastating.
You feel a bit like how you did in your first date, just toeing over the line between friends and lovers, wondering what to do next. Feel a bit lost but not quite, feel comfortable where you are, but at the same time kind of want to be introduced as Jungkook's spouse. And kiss Jungkook's ring. And--
"Hey," Jungkook breathes into your ear, laughs when you jump, "What're you thinking so intently about?"
"About how to get you to never do that again." You stick your tongue out at him. He does the same.
"C'mon, c'mon, tell me," he says, giggling sporadically, shuffles his chair closer to yours. He looks like he wants to keep going but his eyes widen suddenly, something like the beginning of a bad idea in the glint in his eyes, "Hey, hey, I just had an idea."
"Yeah?" You grin, wave the bartender over when you see him with your drinks.
Except when he's about to set your drink down, Jungkook leans in close and--"Let's elope," and you, one: flail your arms, two: choke a little, and three: knock over your drink.
Jungkook's too busy laughing to both acknowledge and explain himself, so you're left to profusely apologize to the very confused bartender and aggressively wipe napkins over the counter. It's a mess.
"Jungkook!" You hiss once the bartender goes away, "You can't just-- why!"
"Because it's fun," he giggles, cheeks tinted rosy gold.
"What just happened?" A voice says suddenly overhead, and when you turn you see an equally confused Hoseok rightfully worried over what's going on at his wedding. This is probably the first time you've seen him away from Yoongi the whole night.
"Y/n just spilled her drink." Jungkook tattles immediately.
"I did not-"
"It just flew everywhere, all over the place. There was an avalanche of it. People were swimming in it, slipping in it, they're considering calling for a nationwide rationing of wine just to make up for—"
"Shut up, I hate you," he grins, and what you say is rendered ineffective when you let your boyfriend pull you close to kiss your temple.
Boyfriend. Because—you're not married. But maybe that's not the worst thing in the world, suddenly.
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It's a few hours later, the venue growing more spacious, more empty, when you bring it up again-- Jungkook already beside you, tracing a nonsensical pattern over the back of your hand. You don't think he realizes what he's doing. The thought makes you so endlessly fond.
"Guk?" You mumble. He hums in question, head tilting to give you his full attention.
"Wha'sit, baby?" He drawls.
You breathe. There's some confetti stuck to his hair, and you laugh softly before plucking it out. He just grins and lets you, ducks his head before watching you through his lashes. You run a hand through his hair, then, the gel already having disintegrated into his skull or whatnot, fringe sticking to his forehead. He closes his eyes. Looks so pretty you might just burst.
You let in a breath. Let it out. Count to three. Say-- "That's where we're headed, right?"
It takes a second, then two. Jungkook opens his mouth, as if to say something, closes it. Looks around, and you think you can pinpoint when he realizes you're not talking about home, at least not in the literal sense.
He cracks a smile, lets out the softest laugh. "Oh, baby," he coos, kisses your knuckles once, twice, thrice, lets out the goofiest grin. "Of course, Y/n-ah, my baby. We're in this together, hm?"
(There's hints, later, too-- sometimes he'll be eating cereal and randomly say maybe yellow would be nice for our wedding, sometimes you'll walk past jewelry stores and he'll give you this soft little nudge of presence. Sometimes he'll stare a few seconds too long at your empty ring finger.
You wonder, wonder when he started saying when, when we get married, not if. Wonder when he started being so sure of it, this fiercely sure thing. Wonder when you started agreeing without much thought.
You're not engaged, not quite yet, but your heart kind of-- swells, when you think about it, that one day you will be, maybe not too far from now.
Tomorrow, though-- tomorrow. Right now, you're content as it is. You can figure out forever tomorrow.)
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hitsuhinahappiness · 3 years
Scar Map - All Sewn Up Chapter 2
The halls of Shin’ō academy were noisy and filled with the voices of its students, socializing before class, grabbing their books, their pads, their swords, and their fighting equipment. Although the area was crowded and loud, one voice rang out louder than the rest, at least to Toshiro Hitsugaya.
He sat near the window, waiting for one of his Kido classes to begin. Hitsugaya watched his longtime-friend chat with a male student, one with dark brown hair and bright green eyes. He first felt something was off about him when he had snaked his way behind her storage locker and surprised her when she slammed it shut. Toshiro would have lost interest and assumed it was a friend of hers playing a prank, but then he heard her yelp in surprise. That peaked his attention. Hinamori was nice enough to the guy, but she didn’t seem like she wanted to engage him any longer, assuming she had a class of her own to go to or an instructor to see. The bold brown-haired boy didn’t seem to catch the hint.
“I’ll tell ya what, I’m throwing a party at my parents’ place. They’re off on some mission in the world of the living. Gonna have lots of sake! Eh? Whaddya say?”
“You know, that sounds like so much fun, but I’ve got a lot of studying to catch up on, so thank you for the invitation, but I’ll have to take a raincheck.” She responds politely, then attempts to walk to her next destination, but is once again halted in her tracks by the boy, who slid in front of her as she tried to step away.
“I don’t think you understand,” He says, narrowing his eyes. “My name is Tajima Yoshiyuki. Both of my parents are full-fledged soul reapers. I’m kind of a big deal around here.” He points his thumb towards his chest and continues.
“I’m gonna be the one carrying on their legacy. In fact, I even plan to surpass them both and become a full-fledged captain of the Thirteen Court Guard Squads.” Yoshiyuki crosses his arms over his chest, closes his eyes and states smugly,
“You don’t just say "no" to me. What have you got to lose? So far, you’re a nobody--AGH--!”
The arrogant man was unable to finish before Toshiro grabbed him by the back of the neck and twisted his arm behind him. He slammed Tajima up against the wooden lockers with a solid ‘THUD’.
“I believe she politely declined your invitation,” Hitsugaya said to him in a low growl, pinning his arm further up against his back to force a sharp 'CRACK' from his bones.
“GAHAA--!” Tajima screams.
“Maybe you should learn how to take a hint!” The silver-haired boy exclaims as he pulls Yoshiyuki back by the collar of his uniform, spins him around, twists to the side to put all his weight on one foot, then pounds his other full force into the already regretful boy’s back, sending him flying into some chairs.
Toshiro is left holding his right fist out in front of him as Yoshiyuki stumbles and slips as he tries to get up onto his feet and finally scurry away.
“Same temper, same old Shiro.” Momo chimes in behind him. His shoulders relax from their tensed state and he glances back at her.
“It’s been a while! Look at how much you’ve grown!” The pig-tailed girl exclaimed.
He turns and before he’s able to reprimand her, she’s practically on top of him, her arms around his neck, hugging him tightly. He settles on letting her have this one and relaxes in her arms, after all, she did just get harassed by some strange, wolvish student in the hall.
I’ll have to have a chat with the headmaster about Mr. - … what did he say his name was?
Hitsugaya blushes as Momo buries her face into his shoulder.
“Thank you for coming to my rescue, Shiro, although,” Momo begins, as she lifts her head to meet his shining emerald eyes and places a palm on her hip, the other still slung around his shoulder.
“I could have handled him myself.” He smiles ever so slightly back at her.
“I know that, stupid. I just wanted the assholes here to know that you’ve got someone in your corner who isn’t as polite and kind as you manage to be. Don’t get me wrong, Momo, you’re strong, but you’re a pushover, same as always!” He begins to brush her off of him, and Hinamori pouts.
“You can’t let them treat you like that. You’re better than them. You know that. Can’t you feel the energy growing inside you?” He says to her, now holding her shoulders and staring into her chocolate eyes.
Hinamori sighs and nods.
“So… you’re going to be a soul reaper now, huh?” She says as a smirk creeps onto her lips.
“Kinda lame, don’tcha think?” She prods, elbowing him in the ribs. Toshiro crosses his arms and closes his eyes with a hmph.
“Yeah, yeah, I know…” He sighs.
She knows there’s something on his mind, so she waits patiently, even as others pass to get to class. Toshiro continues when all the students flood into their respective classrooms and the hall is vacant save for the two of them. His eyes are cast anywhere but her face to avoid showing emotion.
“Granny wasn’t doing well when I left her.” He admits. Momo’s eyes become wide and filled with worry.
“As it turns out, I’ve been… suffocating her with my… immense spiritual pressure. I wake up every morning and the room is just… coated in a layer of ice... I suppose I didn’t have any other choice than to come here and learn to control the powers inside me.” Hinamori nods, and once again, draws him back into a hug. Normally, he’d resist, but right about now, Hitsugaya realized she was just what he needed.
“You made the right decision.” She tells him before lowering her voice and saying, “I really missed you.” His eyes widened a bit, he had never heard her sound so… wanton. He shakes it off, just happy to be in her orbit once again, and rests his hand on her head, hugging her back.
“Yeah, I guess I kinda missed you too.”
They both chuckle softly, seemingly lost in a world of their own. Toshiro allows her to rest her head against him for a few more moments before slowly taking a step back and taking a hold of her shoulders again. He can tell she’s exhausted, that she’s been training extra hard lately in preparation for their final exams, which, unbeknownst to her, he’d be taking the exams alongside her as a prodigy student who was able to skip a few years due to his raw talent.
“You need to know,” He takes on a more earnest tone.
“If you’re ever in trouble, I’m going to do everything in my ability to help you. I won’t ever leave you alone or let anyone hurt you, okay?” Hitsugaya looks deep into her eyes, a serious and concerned expression on his face. She frowns at him a little and uses her thumbs to try and smooth out his eyebrows.
“Okay… the same goes for you, you know… you’re so serious, Shiro. Lighten up a little.”
I’m sure that’s what you’d tell me right about now.
“Lighten up, Toshiro.”
The things I’d do to hear your voice again… and yet, how am I supposed to face you? I’ve let you down. I wasn’t strong enough to protect you. How can I tell her that her idol and mentor has left for good? And that he is now our sworn enemy?
He walked out of the meeting hall to see Rangiku waiting for him, her back against the wall and her arms crossed over her chest. She looked up when she heard the doors open and her eyes glistened.
“Oh, Captaaaain~What took you so looong~” She sang, skipping towards him.
“Matsumoto,” He started, striding up to her.
“I need your help with something... “ He looked around and spoke to her quietly.
“Are you willing to break some rules?” He asked. Rangiku froze, narrowing her eyes at him. Her captain raised an eyebrow back at her.
“... Well?” He badgered when she didn’t answer.
“You? Break the rules?” Her serious expression couldn’t have held up another five seconds before she started to break down in hysterical laughter. Toshiro rolled his eyes.
“You--AHAHAHAHAHAH, y-you want me… to help YOU--” Before she could finish and incriminate the both of them, he slapped his hand over her mouth. She stopped laughing.
“Come on. Not here.” He said frigidly, flash-stepping out of sight.
Rangiku sighed.
“This damn boy..”
A/N: I hope you all enjoyed the second chapter! As always, constructive criticism is never not welcome. Let me know what you all think so far!Sorry the italics are weird, I tried to only italicize one word at a time, but it won't let me! Strange. I know I'm doing this code things right! I think..
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quillvine · 4 years
Late Night
Aaron Hotchner x Fem!Reader
Request: Hi! I love your aaron hotchner xreader and wanted to send a request for hotch with fluff. Number 25. Thanks
A/N: My mind went a million different directions with this one and honestly I might have to write another fic with this prompt. Of course I decided on the more smut adjacent idea.
It’s arguably too late to be working on a Friday night, but you don’t mind. After all, you and your husband are both workaholics so working late is basically a date night. What can be more romantic than doing paperwork with Aaron in his office?
Garcia had asked you if you guys had wanted to go for drinks with the rest of the team. Jack is at a sleepover so there was really no reason for you to say no. On any other day you would have said yes, but today you came into the office with a plan, a plan that you were hoping to lead to an immensely pleasurable night.
You set your after-action report down on his desk before getting up from your seat and straightening your skirt. As you get up Aaron looks at you questioningly.
“Relax, I’m just going to the bathroom.” You tell him leaning down to plant a kiss in his hair.
As you go down the stairs into the bullpen you swing by your desk to grab your bag and coat and then hurry into the bathroom. Once you’re in the bathroom you hastily take off your work clothes and stuff them in your purse. Then you straighten up the lacy undergarments you wore to work today. You throw on your coat holding it tightly as you exit the bathroom, there’s no one here this late but it’s better safe than sorry.
Strutting up the stairs to Aaron’s office, you drop your coat at the door and kick it shut.
At the sound of your coat hitting the ground, Aaron looks up from his work “Where are your clothes?” He asks.
“What do you mean?” You purr, sultrily walking closer to his desk, “Oh Baby, I can assure you I am not naked. Last I checked, my coat still counts as clothes.”
You’re now standing right in front of his desk. Aaron is still filling out his paperwork, if you didn’t know him better you would have thought that he was unaffected by your womanly charms. But, the way he’s white-knuckling his pen tells you otherwise. 
You smile, lean over to rest your elbows on the table. You’re giving him an eyeful- Well, you would be giving him an eyeful if he looked up. But even when you lean a little closer to nibble his earlobe he still doesn’t move.
You sigh, sometimes this man has a little too much self-control.
“Come on Hotchner, a little look won’t hurt will it?” You say as you reach over to tilt his head up so his eyes meet yours.
You see his eyes flicker to your chest, then to your lips, them to meet your eyes. You smile.
“Well hey there Agent,” you croon, “Whaddya say we have some fun?”
The heady look in Aaron’s eyes tells you that, yes he does want to have some fun, as does the tug on your hand that leads you around his desk and into his lap. You lean down to kiss him as he pulls you closer, his hands settling on your waist.
“Is this why you didn’t want us going drinking with the rest of the team?” He asks you between heated kisses.
“Well, I didn’t need to get tequila horny if I was already horny.” You tell him as you unbutton and paw off his dress shirt.
“Oh is that so?” Aaron asks, “Let me help you with that then.”
His tone is amused, it seems that he’s entertained by your neediness. Although it’s betrayed by his own as he starts attacking your neck with his mouth. You tilt your head back and sigh as he does. You definitely didn’t need the tequila.
Tags (lmk if you want to be added): @winterscaptain @mrs-joel-pimentel-23-25 @crying-river @yes-sir-hotchner
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