#and when asked uh why they do this now they all blame the time spent away killing their filters when talking to eachother
ms-all-sunday · 6 months
post timeskip they start calling zoro a good boy because he's taking orders and being so much less grumpy about it and he gets painfully turned on in public. sabaody like is the start of this it starts really fucking early
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smusherina · 5 months
yard work - chapter 12 (regina george x reader)
fandom: Mean Girls (all media)
pairing: Regina George x OFC/Reader
summary: You'd been in the same class as Regina George since kindergarten. You'd lived on the same street even longer. Once upon a time, when life was sandbox disputes and who got the swing first arguments, you'd even been friends. Now, in junior year of high school, you doubted she even remembered you. The same couldn't be said about you. You definitely remembered her. warning(s): a homophobic character saying some homophobic shit. listen, it's set in 2004 it was inevitable.
chapter 1 / chapter 2 / chapter 3 / chapter 4 / chapter 5 / chapter 6 / chapter 7 / chapter 8 / chapter 9 / chapter 10 / chapter 11 / chapter 13
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"So..." Gretchen drawled from the passenger seat. "You're still not doing the dance with us?"
Regina glanced at her. "No."
"Cady's taking the lead." The brunette said, very badly acting as if she wasn't looking for a reaction. Regina resisted the urge to bite back, to defend her honour, and kept her eyes on the road.
"Great." She said, voice tart. "She's doing the stunt, is she?"
"Yup." Gretchen's breath hitched. "She's, uh, got it nailed down."
A mean smirk spread her lips. "Oh, really? I'm looking forward to it."
Gretchen swallowed. Regina spied from the rearview mirror Karen was watching the scenery pass by dreamily.
"What's up, Karen?" Regina asked.
"The sky!" Karen stated proudly. "And birds, I suppose. Hold on..." She felt up her boobs, pulling at her nipple obscenely. "Ouch. Yeah, it's gonna start snowing soon."
Regina, knowing the forecast had promised much the same thing, hummed. "Gonna have to stay in, then."
Gretchen shifted her weight on the passenger seat. She seemed uneasy. Both she and Karen had been severely late to arrive at her car today and had seemed... Dodgy. Regina could hardly blame her, though. Things had gotten weird recently.
She wasn't being nice. Not exactly. She'd just, kind of, dialled it back a little. A year ago she'd have spent the days leading up to Christmas break making the rounds, spreading nasty rumours about this and that, ensuring everybody's holidays were ruined just the right amount. This time, she'd forgone that.
A part of it, a large majority, was due to the Thanksgiving fiasco with Jorts. Another, smaller part, was because she was tired. She just didn't want to.
Arriving at her house, Regina parked and stepped out of her car. Gretchen and Karen followed her inside where mom greeted them with mugs of hot chocolate. Fancy chocolate and skim milk. Regina pointedly left her mug on the tray.
As she was going up the stairs, she noticed neither Gretchen nor Karen had grabbed a mug.
"Take them." She gestured vaguely back to her mom. "Don't be wasteful, girls."
Making her way up leisurely, she relished in the sound of the two girls scrambling to grab their mugs and then follow her as fast as possible. She might've loosened her hold on the student body, but Gretchen and Karen she'd keep. She didn't care if it was immoral or something, she'd done a lot of work to get them where they were.
"Shane Oman's doing a Christmas party this Friday," Gretchen informed them as they settled around Regina's room. "There's talk he's specifically invited Doris Harris."
"Who the fuck names their kid Doris Harris?" Regina scoffed and inspected her nails. She'd have to get a new set soon. "Are you going?"
"What? You- you're not?" Gretchen sputtered.
"I have... Plans." Important, top-secret plans. "Shane Oman is a sleazebag and a womanizer. Doris can have him." She said airily and looked at the two girls sitting on her floor.
"What plans do you have?" Gretchen probed. Karen looked on, seeming to be in her own world. Little specks of snow were beginning to fall outside.
"Private." She left it at that. "Who are you bringing to the party?"
"Probably Jason." Gretchen sighed. Regina's face twisted.
"You're still with that douche?" She sat down cross-legged near the two. "Why?"
"Oh, do you think I should break up with him?" Gretchen looked between her and Karen, seeming lost. "I can do that."
Regina rolled her eyes. Okay, maybe she'd put a little too much work in these two. They were old enough to think for themselves.
"Look, Gretchen..." She closed her eyes. "I'm not gonna say sorry. I'm, uh, just not going to." She didn't tack on the yet that meant to crawl up her throat. Too much too fast. "However, it's becoming apparent that my usual methods are no longer as effective. Exhibit A, Cady Heron."
Gretchen stared at her. Then, her head tilted to the side like that of an inquisitive dog. Karen was gaping at her, having probably not comprehended a single word. Regina sighed.
"Look, I'm not gonna just waste my time and energy putting people down anymore!" She was feeling way too defensive and the others hadn't even said anything. "I might, like, join a sports team or something for senior year. Focus on myself."
"Wow." Gretchen breathed out. "So, you're just gonna step down?"
"I'm still Regina fucking George. I'm not gonna stop being me." That being a vicious bitch with a lot of hate in her heart. "I'm just saying that it's getting old."
"Why? You- you can't just stop. That makes no sense. Someone's gonna take you over, like- like Doris Harris!" Gretchen took several short breaths, this close to hyperventilating. "Doris Harris is going to be the new Regina George!"
She rolled her eyes so hard her entire head rolled with them. "That statement contradicts itself. If she's the new Regina George, I'm still on top. The original."
"You sound so alike." Karen smiled. "You two are so cute. True love."
"Karen!" Gretchen snapped, sounding like a chihuahua. "Shush!"
"Who sounds alike?" Intrigued, Regina leaned forward. "Me and who? True love?"
"Oh, uh..." Karen looked to Gretchen, who was trying (and failing) to subtly shake her head, and then to Regina whose eyes bored into hers. "Uhhhhhhh..."
"She's rebooting." Regina huffed, leaning back. "Gretch, I just... I don't care anymore."
It had been a startling realization. Not a quick one despite the one eureka moment that'd brought it all together. There were things more important to her than maintaining a hierarchy in high school. It still was important, to a degree, but well. If she had to pick between one-upping some random girl at a shitty party and date night with Jorts, the choice was entirely too obvious. It was going to be date night every time.
(If she even had that privilege anymore. She's called her slurs, for fuck's sake. She could only hope her apology would be good enough.)
"How can you not care?" Gretchen screeched. Karen sipped at her hot cocoa nervously.
"I just don't." Something like this, not caring about something, wasn't a decision she could consciously make. At least, not entirely. Once you stopped caring, you just did. That was that.
It wasn't easy, though. She didn't have the strength of will to be deliberately mean to everyone, every single day, but she would not tolerate people stepping on her toes. If somebody encroached, she wouldn't hesitate to bring them down. Where the line went, distinguishing between a serious threat and a general nuisance, was the hard part.
Letting go of the instinct to just be mean was a challenging hurdle.
"She's changed you. All this time, you've been talking to her, haven't you? J, Jorts, whoever she is. She's corrupted you." Gretchen sneered. "What happened, Regina? Or should I say, Reggie?"
Regina looked at her friend, minion, accomplice- whatever.
"Excuse me?" She said, so quietly it could've been mistaken for a whisper.
"You heard me." Gretchen's sneer dissolved, old instinct to cower kicking in. "Reggie." She hissed, a feeble attempt at keeping her power.
"What the fuck do you know about J?" Regina could feel herself grow cold, anger mixing with panic, mixing with visceral, palpable terror.
Of course, all that manifested as blind fury.
"We know plenty about J. You've never shut up about her. Y'know, I used to think she was an ex-boyfriend of yours 'cause of the way you talked about her. And now, it all makes sense." Gretchen spread her arms provocatively. "Because she's gotten into your head, used her sticky, lesbo fingers to mix you up. Snap out of it, Regina. This is not who you are."
Anger roiling in her stomach, she was about to release pure acid onto the dimwitted, insensitive, stupid girl, when Karen spoke up.
"Gretchen, you're being stupid." She said so lightly. Both of them turned to look at Karen. She was watching the window, looking immensely pleased with herself. Yet another correct weather report.
"What?" Gretchen breathed out.
"Stupid. That's stupid. I didn't know you were, like, homophobic." Seeming to focus, Karen turned to face Gretchen. "I think I told you my brother's gay."
"Oh." Gretchen deflated. Regina didn't know what she should do. "Well, that's different, he's a guy! Lesbians are totally different."
"How?" Karen, more engaged than Regina had witnessed her be in a long time, kept her eerily wide eyes trained on Gretchen. "How is it any different?"
"Listen, everybody can do what they want with... Whoever, like, consents, but it's different when they shove their beliefs in people's faces." Regina, quite astounded, didn't know what to say. Karen did, though.
"J didn't shove anything in our faces. I don't think she shoved anything in Regina's face." She put her finger to her chin. "Unless they're into that sort of thing."
"Karen..." Regina sighed.
"Anyway, I think your opinions about gay people are weird, Gretchen. You should look into that."
"My opinions are just fine!" Gretchen's shoulders rose all the way up to her ears. "You guys are the weird ones! It's not like I hate gay people! There's just, y'know, healthy concern. If it was so easy to turn Regina then what can they do to impressionable little kids?" Gretchen licked her lips nervously. "What about Kylie?" She asked, looking to Regina for sympathy or agreement or something.
By that point, Regina had checked out.
"I don't think Regina's changed. Not really." Karen's owl eyes turned to her. "She's just... Shedding. Like a snake. Getting a new skin." She dragged her eyes up and down. "Yeah. New, shiny scales. Like a blonde, human green tree python. My dad has one. A snake one."
"Thanks," Regina said, tone flat. She then turned to Gretchen. "Get out."
Her hands trembled. Rage or fear, she couldn't tell where the tremor stemmed from.
"Regina, this isn't right-"
Just the sound of her voice made her blood boil. Her eyes stung too, but she refused to feel anything but anger.
"What isn't right is that you're still in my house. J is my childhood friend and the assumptions you've made about her are life-threatening. People are killed because they're gay, Gretchen. She hasn't turned me into anything, much less something you're insinuating." The claim that Jorts had turned her into a lesbian was false. If there were to be a claim about Regina's sexuality alone, then the answer wouldn't be so clear. "Get your fucking act together. I'm too good to bother with high school politics. We're going to college in two years. Stop being so small-minded and do something with your life for once."
She heaved in lungfuls of air. She stood up abruptly, walked to the door and pointed down the hallway.
"I-" Gretchen tried to say something, but Regina just reiterated her point.
She didn't particularly care that her friend (ex-friend) didn't have a ride home. She didn't care that she was a bigot, that Gretchen was right about her and Karen being the weird ones. She didn't care that Jorts had definitely changed her in some way.
As soon as the brunette had scuttled down the stairs, the front door slamming on her way out, Regina slumped against her door. She didn't care. She did not care.
"So, is it just us, now?" Karen asked from her spot on the floor. Regina was pretty sure she hadn't moved an inch since she plopped down. "Is J gonna be our new friend?"
"I don't know, Karen." She buried her face in her hands. Fuck. She wasn't supposed to care. "I didn't know Gretchen was like that."
"Hmm." Karen hummed. "I didn't know you weren't like that."
Her head snapped up, looking at Karen. Her expression was unreadable, like a book with blank pages.
"I... I'm scared, Karen."
"Yeah. My brother's boyfriend is from Alabama and he's been beat up before 'cause he looks gay. And he is gay, but the earring gave it away, I think. And my uncle died of AIDS and my family don't really talk about him and we weren't allowed to see him. My aunt that's in New York's been living with her best friend of, like, thirty years for forever and I went to visit one time and they had only one bedroom."
That was perhaps the longest, most coherent sentence Karen had ever said. Too bad the subject was so grim.
"Wow, Karen. Sounds like your family's full of..." What could she call them? Her mind defaulted to nasty slurs. "People like that."
"I guess." She smiled faintly. "I hear them crying sometimes, in my brother's room, when they're home for the holidays. Mama says I shouldn't go up and snuggle them until they feel better. They're having a moment." Karen looked confused at that. "Are we having a moment?"
Regina slowly unfurled from her slump against the door. "Maybe."
"Oh. Okay." She accepted easily. The familiarity of the scenario had a smile creeping back to Regina. "My brother smiles the biggest when me and his boyfriend team up against him at board games. My mom cries when we visit my uncle's grave. She tells us stories about him and shows us pictures. My aunt has three cats with her bestie and they call them their children and they wear matching rings."
"That's really sweet, Karen." Regina, now smiling in earnest, shuffled closer.
"I don't really get it." She said in the same light tone she'd use when talking about schoolwork. "Like, my brother's boyfriend is really nice so I don't get why people beat him up for dating my brother. And I think it was really mean that my grandma didn't let mama see her brother when he was sick. And my aunt and her best friend already live together, have cat-kids, and kiss on the mouth, so why can't they get married for real?"
Regina stared ahead, more than a little floored. Gretchen, simultaneously surprisingly and unsurprisingly, was a homophobe. Regina knew the political climate and knew that being openly gay was social suicide, and sometimes literal suicide, but she hadn't expected someone so close to her to be like that. They hadn't talked about it much, to be fair. Besides, Regina wasn't much better. While she might've not been a real homophobe, as in actually subscribed to the ideology, she'd done plenty of homophobic acts.
Whether or not in the name of projection or denial didn't really matter. Janis 'Imi'ike had been the first girl she'd subjected to hate crimes and discrimination, but not the last. How many times had she shoved other girls under the bus so she could get off scot-free? How many times had she done it for a twisted sense of fun?
Too many, was the easy answer. Not enough, whispered the scared, hidden thing in the back rooms of her mind.
And Karen was an ally. A supporter of the cause. And unexpectedly well-spoken when she had something she liked to talk about.
"Karen, I like girls."
"Me too!"
Regina's heart beat like a drum. She was beginning to sweat.
"No- I mean, like, I'm... A lesbian. I guess."
She snuck a glance at the other girl. She was peering mournfully into her empty mug.
"Like your aunt and her best friend." She took a deep breath. "I like girls in that way."
"Uhh, duh," Karen smiled at her, beamed, really. "J is your true love."
"I wouldn't go that far." Regina sighed but had to purse her lips to keep from smiling. At the same time, a knot tightened in her chest, like hiccups trying to escape. She threw her head back and puffed out a breath, blinking rapidly.
"Let's go get more hot chocolate and I'll tell you about my talent show performance." She wiped discreetly at her eyes and extended a hand to Karen.
"Hot cocoa!" The girl exclaimed as she pulled herself up with Regina's help. "Ouuuhh, what kinda performance?"
"A song." Regina guided them down the hallway. "For her."
Obviously, she had more than just a song planned. A proper apology, for one, was in the works. Karen didn't need to know about that, though. That was between her and J.
Notes: Boo I lied it's not the last one. I thought it would be! I was wrong! I did start rambling like I kind of predicted in the notes of the last chapter. Or, like, I felt the ending would be a little too abrupt without some downtime. So have some Regina POV!
Will no longer be making predictions about when the end is. I'll only be contradicting myself lol. But like, the arc is coming to a close, a natural end is coming. And then the epilogue things.
Praying to god the taglist will work. Trying a new method today, fingers crossed! Hand-typing every single fucking name, no commas in between names, the utmost technicalities. This is the night fellas, the night we've been waiting for.
Edit: it didn't work. in fact, it worked worse than the other times! fuck! put another version of the list, back with commas, and it seems to tag some people but not all. gonna have to do some scouring on the internets.
Taglist: @autorasexy, @wedfan2, @unadulterated-moron, @modernsapphicism , @9unknown0 , @sage-rose2000 , @massive-honkas , @nattys-swiftie , @likefirenrain , @luz-enjoyer , @dandelions4us , @natashamaximoff-69 , @alexkolax , @jareaul0ver , @here4theqts , @charleeeesworld , @natsbiggestfan1 , @brocoliisscared , @yellowwallflowers , @scarlettbitchx , @ayoungexwife , @cyberbonesworld , @syddie-reads , @screechcat , @theenglishswiftie , @gabby-duhh , @sweetmissnothing , @masterofpuppets-10 , @l1lass , @starved-mortal , @nothanksbye07 , @nenas19 , @jvuyii , @starry-night17 , @reneeswife24 , @glorioushamsterqueen , @krononan , @slug-on-bike , @rayisaknight , @chaseatlanticlover91 , @reginassweetheart , @mirage018
(if you want to be added to the taglist, comment so on this post! beware it seldom works. i try my best.)
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avatar-anna · 2 years
Unknown Number, Part 3
italics: y/n (unknown number)
bold: harry
(four weeks ago)
J: guess what?
HS: What?
J: no you actually have to guess!
HS: Why?
J: i wouldn't have said guess what if i didn't want you to actually guess. i would've just told you
J: so guess!
HS: Uh...you went on a date with a decent guy?
J: normally i would say RUDE but you're correct!
J: still...RUDE
(ten minutes later)
HS: Wow.
J: wow? just wow? i'm making real progress here!
J: college graduate, good head of hair, sense of humor that isn't misogynistic, and he's stupid hot
J: i think i'm in love
HS: After just one date? Don't you think it's a little too soon to tell?
J: who knew you were such debbie downer
J: i think you need to go on a date. maybe that'll make you believe in the power of love and a beautiful smile
HS: Ha ha
HS: I already told you I'm too busy.
J: no one's too busy for love h
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(present day)
Y/n had never felt more nervous in her life.
Here she was sitting across from the person she'd spent countless days and weeks and months texting. There was never a moment where she didn't have anything to say to him, but now her mind was completely blank.
She wasn't supposed to see him again. The tour buses were typically a ghost town as it got closer and closer to show time, so she figured she could wait there before she had to leave for the airport.
When Y/n saw Harry outside the tour bus, she thought he'd come to yell at her some more; part of her thought she was about to be sent to jail for stalking. But all he wanted to do was talk.
And now they were on a couch not saying a word.
There was too much that needed to be said, but Y/n didn't know how to start, and she assumed Harry didn't either because he was just as quiet. But since the silence was almost as unbearable as when he yelled at her, she mustered the courage to say something.
"I...I don't know how to convince you that I'm not a stalker," she said, looking down at her hands folded in her lap. Then she laughed a little.
Her eyes flicked up to Harry's, and when he wasn't laughing or smiling with her, she stopped. "We, uh, we had the same conversation, only in reverse, remember?"
Y/n had gone through many emotions that day—mortification, terror. She'd gone out on a limb by texting so soon after a date, and to find out that said date had given her a fake phone number was not the best feeling in the world. And then realizing that she'd sent a picture of herself half-naked...not her proudest moment.
"I—It was a risk for me too, you know," she said quietly. "I didn't know who you were, either, and I—I don't know what else you want me to say. I wasn't lying. You were the one who asked to talk, so talk."
Harry didn't talk, at least not at first. Y/n wasn't going to say anything else until he did, though. He'd yelled at her, called her sick, assumed the absolute worst without about her before stopping to ask for an explanation. And she understood, but then why not just let her be? Why drag this out?
"I want to believe you. I'm trying to believe you," Harry said. "You just—You have to understand how alarming this was for me. This isn't the first time my phone number has gotten leaked."
"I'm sorry." It was all Y/n could think of to say.
"And so hearing you say my name when I'd never told you...I got scared, and—and angry that it'd happened again."
Y/n understood where Harry was coming from, and she didn't blame him for not believing her, but this all seemed redundant. She already forgave him in her note. Perhaps she could try a different approach.
"I didn't know who One Direction was when we first started talking," she said. "I didn't even know who One Direction was until I got this job."
Harry's brows raised. "Really?"
Y/n rolled her eyes. "You're popular, but not that popular."
To her surprise, Harry laughed. It was small and weak, but it was a laugh. "Fair enough."
"I swear I didn't know who you were until this tour. I saw the first couple shows on the road, I saw just how many fans you guys have, and so maybe I did a little research, but I didn't know it was Harry Styles, beloved by millions of teenage girls around the world, that I was texting."
Harry scooted closer to her, and with wide eyes, Y/n scooted away. She didn't know what that meant, or why he did it, but she wasn't ready for it. They'd been friends, were friends, she didn't know what they were. He was close enough for now.
Harry was...very gorgeous. Y/n was well aware of that after seeing pictures of him online and in passing during the day. Now that they were up close, she was suddenly aware of his pretty green eyes and hair that curled down to his shoulders. And the tattoos. God, how many times had she told Harry that she loved a guy with tattoos?
"So...You really only found out a few days ago?" he asked.
"I only know what you've said over text," Y/n said with a nod. "And some of your discography, obviously. And the names of your fellow boy band members."
Y/n watched as Harry took in what she said, hoping he would believe her, or at the very least not be angry with her anymore. She knew they would probably never be friends, but maybe she could go back home knowing he didn't hate her or think she was crazy.
"I...believe you. I think," he said after a couple long minutes.
"Don't say that if you don't—"
"No, I—I told you a few days ago that I know you, and I meant that," he insisted. "I jumped to conclusions because of past circumstances, but thinking clearly and reading your letter...those instances and this aren't the same. I'm sorry for exploding on you like that."
Y/n shook her head. "You said it yourself. This wasn't the first time something like this has happened. You had a right to be angry."
"I just—This wasn't how I wanted this to go."
"What do you mean?"
"I wanted—I wanted the first time we met to be...I don't know what I wanted but I didn't want it to be like this."
Eyes blinking in surprise, Y/n said, "Well, I'm glad you believe me. Maybe we can still be frie—Oh."
Before Y/n could finish what she was saying, her phone went off. Her alarm.
"What's that?"
Y/n looked down at her phone, then up at Harry. Things seemed to be mended for the most part, but she didn't want to press her luck. If she left now, maybe they could go back to the way things were before their identities were more or less revealed.
"I set an alarm so I would make it to the airport on time," she said, standing up from the couch. "My flight isn't for another two hours, but I like to get there early because of security and all that."
"You're leaving?" Harry asked, sounding incredulous, though you weren't sure why.
"I told you I was. You threatened to call the police on me, remember?"
"But—But we fixed everything. I thought...This is still your foot in the door, June. I don't want to take that away from you."
It was sweet that he was still thinking about her career, Y/n thought. But... "I appreciate that you're taking my career into account, but I think I need some time to digest the fact that the...friend that I've been texting for the last couple months is—is—"
The truth was Y/n needed to get over the fact that she couldn't actually be with her perfect stranger. When she could hide behind her phone, it was easier to fantasize and come back down to earth, but now the reality of their situation was slapping her in the face. This wasn't going to end with the two of them together.
"Is what? Not who you thought I was?"
"I was taken by surprise too, you know. I thought, or I'd hoped for—"
"Nothing. I have to catch my flight," Y/n said. She stood up from the couch, or tried to, anyway. Harry reached for her wrist, keeping her there. She knew she could easily pull away and stand up, but she didn't. "Maybe I should've let you believe I was crazy," she said with a laugh. "It would've made leaving easier."
"You don't have to go," Harry insisted. "You're my friend, and I—"
"But I don't want to just be your friend, Harry!" She said, finally pulling her hand from his. "Maybe that makes me crazy for developing feelings for someone before I ever met them, but I'm not sure I could sit around and pretend that I don't want to take your face in my hands and—"
Y/n didn't even register that Harry had moved closer to her. Couldn't make a single noise before they were nose and his lips were on hers. She could only stare, nearly cross-eyed, so surprised she could hardly register how soft his lips were. And then, for just a moment, Y/n closed her eyes and let herself get lost in the kiss. Her hands found themselves in his hair, pulling him closer, pulling him over her, but before they could get any further her senses took over.
"H—Wha—What are you doing—"
"Do you know how hard it was to watch you go on and on about going out with complete dickheads?" he asked, not trying to kiss Y/n, but not moving away either. "To know that some undeserving idiot was taking you out and treating you so wrong when I could've—when I knew I could be better than that, be someone you deserved."
"You never—I don't understand." She did, she just didn't want to.
"June," Harry said. His thumb traced the curve of her cheek so gently, yet it sent chills throughout her whole body. "I want—I want y—"
Y/n didn't let him finish as she pressed her lips to his again. A hum rumbled from Harry's chest, clearly pleased by her reaction. She let herself savor every feeling—from the hand that cradled her face and laid her back across the couch to hair that created a curtain over the both of them and his persistent mouth that wanted more, more, more. The leather sofa was cool against her back and she whimpered, but Harry only took it as an opportunity to deepen the kiss, slotting a leg between hers while her arms threaded around his neck.
"Tell me you'll stay," he said, breathing only slightly shallow. Y/n had only kissed Harry twice, but she was aching to do it again. She leaned forward, but he moved just out of reach, his fingers holding her chin in place. "I'm sorry for yelling and immediately assuming the worst, but please don't go. Not yet."
He looked so sincere, Y/n thought. The way Harry stared at her was intense but endearing. His lips were a little swollen from all the kissing, and some of his hair was hanging in his face. She could understand why so many people were attracted to him, even outside the realm of physical beauty. If Y/n didn't know him the way she did and he still looked at her like that, she would do nothing short of eating out of the palm of his hand. His energy was hypnotizing, his intentions were good, and he had a decent heart to match. Y/n wasn't sure she'd be able to leave even if she wanted to.
"I won't. I promise."
If him pleading with her hadn't done the trick, his smile would have. It was full of hope rounded out by deep dimples and charm. "Really?"
"I know it probably won't be easy, but I want this too. I want you."
She spent so much of her time on guys who didn't care, who weren't after what she was after. Recently, Y/n had only gone out on dates because she thought she was crazy for developing feelings for someone she'd never met, but now...
She didn't even think it was possible, but Harry's grin widened, and when she leaned in again, he let her. They only kissed for a few minutes before Y/n pulled back with a start. "Wait!"
She giggled, then smoothed the corner of his mouth where there was a little lip gloss. "You don't even know my name."
Realization dawned on Harry, as if he'd never even thought about calling her anything other than June, which was fine by her, but she figured he at least needed to know her real name.
"Oh right. I guess we should do this properly. I'm Harry, and I would very much like to take you out sometime."
Y/n grinned and awkwardly shook his hand while Harry was still on top of her. "Nice to meet you, Harry. I'm Y/n, but you can call me June. Almost everyone does."
"Yeah, that's kind of the point of nicknames," she said, looking at him oddly. "Why?"
"I want a name that's just mine," Harry said.
Running a hand through his hair, she said, "Well, can we kiss while you figure something out."
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Twelve uninterrupted minutes. That's what Y/n and Harry got. He supposed they could've spent it talking, but they had plenty of time to talk. Harry just wanted to be close to her, and Y/n wanted the same.
It was weird to see her, to know she was June, and associate her with a different name. But not too bad that he needed a minute to think about it.
In twelve minutes, Harry was out of his shirt and Y/n was working on getting hers off. They knew better than to do anything more than that, but he liked seeing her in a way he never thought he would, and he could only imagine she felt the same. When Y/n finally managed to get her shirt over her head, Harry felt a bit like an ass for staring, but he couldn't help it. He was taking every inch of her in. Every curve, freckle and scar. Y/n squirmed a little under his gaze and attempted to cross her arms over herself, which was when he finally looked back up at her lovely face.
"Sorry. You're quite beautiful."
That wasn't a dick thing to say, right? He avoided stating the obvious, which was he wanted to put his mouth everywhere and didn't quite know where to start, but something crossed Y/n's face. Harry didn't quite know what it meant, but he would.
Though he did get a little worried he said the wrong thing, but before he could ask she pulled him down to her again.
All of that in twelve minutes. Harry wanted more, would've maybe gotten more, but the door to the tour bus flew open, and a voice drew nearer before either of them could separate.
"Harry? You in here? People are losing their minds because—Woah."
Harry was quick to maneuver himself in front of June as Niall's eyes fell on the two of them. He reached down and grabbed his shirt and shrugged it on. "Everyone can keep their pants on. I'm coming."
"Can you?"
"Niall!" Harry said, but June just giggled behind him. He looked back at her to see her smiling.
"It was a little funny."
Shaking his head, Harry leaned forward and kissed the top of hers. "I have to go—Can you give us a minute?" he asked, throwing a look over his shoulder at Niall.
"Yeah," he said, though most of it was covered up by laughter at having caught his friend. "Yeah, I'll—Wait a minute. Is that June?"
She peeked out behind Harry's shoulder. "Hello."
Harry's mind was alphabet soup for a moment while he tried to make sense of what was essentially his two worlds colliding. It would make sense that Niall knew June because he was always hanging out with the 5SOS boys.
"But what about that girl you've been moping about—"
"I'm going! I'm going! I gotta go tell Calum and the boys."
"Niall, no—And he's gone." Y/n sighed and rested her head on Harry's shoulder. Then she playfully pinched his side. "Moping?"
"Oh hush."
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J: where are you?
HS: Radio interview. I'll be back soon.
HS: Why?
J: i was gonna do a little shopping. thought you might wanna join
J: BUT i will just go by myself
HS: Sorry. I'll see you after?
J: fiiine
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HS: Okay I'm back. Where are you?
J: still shopping!
HS: All you buy are t-shirts. How does that take so long?
J: um...RUDE i guess i'll just put the super sexy panties away
HS: ...please don't hurry
J: that's what i thought
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HS: I miss you :((
J: you saw me twenty minutes ago
HS: I want you in my bunk
J: a little late seeing as we're already on the road!
HS: :(((
J: everyone is going to hate me, but do you want me to call you?
HS: No it's fine.
HS: Can you switch buses at the next stop for gas?
J: you're unbelievable
J: yes of course
HS: :)))
HS: Louis wants you to know we're disgusting!
J: tell louis he can kiss my ass
HS: I will do no such thing. Your ass is mine
HS: Louis is right
J: we are disgusting
HS: So... I'll see you in a couple hours
J: can't wait xx
J: but until then (download image here)
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and that's a wrap! i hope y'all enjoy the last part! thanks for all the love on this fic, everyone has been so sweet💕💕
@cookielovesbook-akie @sucker4angstt @l0v3e1i @bellesmith628 @marigold-morelli @obsessedmaggiemay @voniikg @onecrazydirectioner @unabashedcolorfrienddreamer @austinsvlrslut @iheartharlow @jessitpwk @fictionalmenloversblog @onceagainace @zucchinimalfoy @sqrxndipity @indierockgirrl @drwho06 @shakiraa-a @nomyeyebrowsarentreal @sleutherclaw @yeehawbrothers @harryspirate
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damiansgoodgirll · 1 year
Can you write some Kylian angst where him and reader have a big argument, he walks out and drives off which makes reader cry, after he left she feels ill then she tries to call Kylian but he didn't answer and then she faints, when he comes home he found her on the floor and takes her to the hospital direct and they found out she is pregnant. After she was really mad at him but forgives him after he apologize many times?
kylian mbappè x reader
trigger warning : angst, mention of cheating, fainting, pregnancy
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i never meant to hurt you
“kylian! can you please calm down!” you kept screaming, knowing that he wouldn’t listen to you.
“calm down? y/n the photos are everywhere! who is he? uh?” he asked you, again.
it started as a normal day but kylian came home and accused you of cheating on him. it was ridiculous but there were pictures of you hugging a boy that wasn’t kylian and instead of letting you explain, he accused you of lying and cheating on him.
“he’s a friend! i was at the bar and we bumped into each other, i haven’t seen in for years kylian!” you had enough, he was being childish.
“sure…you bumped into a friend and decided to sit at the table with him and hug him?” he was mad.
“yes! is that so hard to believe?” you asked him. tears falling from your eyes because it was the first time kylian screamed at you.
“very hard to believe you didn’t cheat…i can’t believe that after all of these years we’ve spent together you decided to cheat, on me…” he told you.
“kylian! i fucking didn’t cheat on you! why can’t you trust me?” you almost screamed.
“maybe because all i see was my girlfriend all over a man who wasn’t me?”
“i’ve never, never, said anything when all those models constantly flirts with you even tho you know how mad it makes me, when i see them touching you and hugging you, i never complained and for one time! one time that i see an old friend of mine, who’s actually married, one time that i decide to hug an old friend of mine, you accuse me of cheating? kylian, what the fuck?” you couldn’t keep it in you any longer so you told him everything you wanted him to know.
“you know that’s different!” he screamed back.
“those are models i work with!” he explained.
“oh my bad! i only knew kylian the football player, not kylian the victoria’s secret model!”
“you know that’s not what i meant! it’s all my sponsors…you know that! but we are not talking about me! it’s you who cheated and the pictures are everywhere and i can’t barely stand in the same room with you right now!” he said, taking a jacket and his car keys.
“where are you going now?”
“i’m going for a drive…” and with that he left the house, leaving you standing there in the living room.
it’s been thirty minutes since he left you home alone and you started to feel sick. you felt pain in your lower stomach and your head became dizzy.
you reached for your phone in your pocket and you tried to call kylian but he wouldn’t pick up. you tried a few times but the pain became too much and you were terrified.
“please pick up…” you whispered.
but he wouldn’t.
you tried to go from the living room to the kitchen, seeing is drinking some water would make you feel better but you weren’t able to take a few steps forward that you laid on the floor due to the pain.
and then you saw nothing but black surrounding you.
kylian realised that he acted as a child the moment he left you alone. but he didn’t want to come back home, he was mad at himself for making you cry. but eventually he thought he spent too much time driving around the city and all he wanted to do was to apologise to you, so he came back home. what he wasn’t expecting was to see you laying on the ground, unresponsive. he immediately called an ambulance as he tried in any way possible to wake you up.
once you were taken to the hospital, doctors and nurses ran towards you to take care of you.
kylian was panicking, he was blaming himself for leaving you alone, he was blaming himself for not picking up your calls, he was mad at himself for screaming at you and for not believing in you.
he stood next to you for the whole time the doctors took test on you.
“she was stressed and dehydrated” one of the nurses told kylian, hoping he would calm down.
when you woke up, you saw a white blinding light pointed out into your eyes, making you squeeze them violently.
“easy easy…” you heard kylian voice next to you.
“kylian?” you called him, opening your eyes softly.
“it’s me…i’m here baby, i’m so sorry…” he apologised “i’m so sorry for screaming at you, for not believing in you…”
“it’s okay…” you said tiredly. you were still mad at him but you were too tired to fight back at the moment.
before he could speak again, a doctor came into the room with the happiest of the smiles you have ever seen.
he checked you, like every doctor is supposed to do.
“next time don’t stress to much, it will hurt the baby…” he smiled at you.
“the what?” you asked him a little confused.
“the baby…you’re pregnant…the test we ran also showed us a high level of dehydration, probably the reason you fainted in the first place, also, your boyfriend told us you had a little argument before the accident happened so i suggest you to both keep it down, for the sake of the baby” he smiled at you “congratulations!”
you and kylian were shocked. you had planned a lot of things in your life but a kid wasn’t on the list. in that moment you forgot about being mad at kylian, your worry was all about the kid you were carrying.
“we’re gonna be parents…” kylian whispered. you thought he was going to be mad but the tears in his eyes and the smile on his face told you a different story.
“we’re gonna be parents…” you repeated, smiling at him, and in that moment all of your worries began to fade as you let kylian hold you and taking care of you.
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a-dauntless-daffodil · 2 months
Something that I couldn't put into words but now I can about the Chaggie conflict in "Rosie" and one other reason it hurt: Charlie questioning Vaggie's loyalty. Yes, I know it wasn't because of Vaggie's origin but because of the lie itself but still hurts and clearly hurt Vaggie - she has been nothing but loyal and honest in Charlie's dream and has only ever done 1 lie in all of that. And when it's revealed, Charlie is now questioning everything - Again, I understand but it still hurts. And I know this might be redundant, I WANT this moment to come back again in S2. I don't know how but I want Vaggie to admit how angry/hurt it made her that Charlie questioned the loyalty she has given without asking for anything. What do you think?
i don't think Vaggie was even slightly angry with Charlie until her girlfriend made a magically binding pact with an unrepentant serial killer the second Vaggie wasn't looking XD
......we're asking a bit much by expecting the woman who hates and judges herself over her own mass murderer past... to then be upset that her girlfriend was also hurt and angry about that and reacted badly to randomly having all that dropped out of the clear blue sky in the middle of an already terrible day...
so in that ep got the vibe Vaggie spent the entire time feeling sick and guilty over the whole thing tbh. As usual
(and her feeling very very not good about seeing Alastor getting all creepy mentor with a Charlie who just got a wedge driven between her and her main emotional support- im 100% sure Vaggie's "Charlie can we talk-?" following Alastor's "good girl" thing was her wanting to know EXACTLY what deal her gf just made with Alastor and what the hell she was thinking and charlie are you sure Vaggie can't just stab him a little as a warning-)
But Vaggie, she's also not really uh. Not got a good track record of wanting or letting Charlie know about her feeling bad about stuff, emotions wise. Even when Charlie is right next to her reaching out. That's not her thing???
ah what the hell tangent time
like one big reason Vaggie DIDN'T fess up her past to Charlie was her being scared Charlie would be hurt by it and actually hate her for having done that, because Vaggie is being hurt by her past and hates herself for having it (re: every time she's called angels like herself deranged), so even though the blackmail against her made NO real sense and Adam's threat was just him not understanding that someone (charlie) could ACTUALLY believe in redemption for LITERALLY anyone (she does), it still pinged Vaggie's fear right in the heart, making the stuff like how Charlie is letting a known serial killer live in the hotel and help out with her and Vaggie's dream go RIGHT out the window-
(to be fair from Vaggie's pov there's probably a BIG difference between ending someone's mortal life on Earth (a la normal sinner seral killers) and presumably destroying their entire soul forever (re: exorcists) so like, that's kinda fair, but it still doesn't include how Charlie is WILLING TO WORK WITH AND THINK THE BEST OF HEAVEN AND THE EXORCISTS ANYWAY which is WHY she thought going to heaven to talk with them could work in the first place)
(to be extra fair it doesn't MATTER how much Vaggie trusts Charlie bc Vaggie had body parts ripped off and her eye permanently gouged out and was abandoned in hell by someone ELSE she use to trust once and THAT means really trusting people not to hate or abandon her is gonna take her putting some more blame on Adam and Lute and co and less on herself, because as long as she focuses on what SHE did (murderer) to make all this happen TO herself (filth like you doesn't deserve-) she's never gonna fully get that what happened to her was a choice shit people made (let's exterminate ppl for fun! let's rip off our comrade's wings and eye without hesitation!!!), one they didn't have to make, one she didn't make for them- meaning non-shit people like Charlie probably won't do that to her, actually, bc people like Charlie will care about Vaggie as a person outside of her being useful or being exactly what is wanted. Like how Charlie was more worried about Vaggie at the end of ep 3 than anything else and wouldn't let Vaggie blame herself and was fine with things being hard as long as she and Vaggie could face them together. Like how Charlie was calmed in the More Than Anything reprise not by Vaggie promising to fix everything but by Vaggie saying Charlie is important and wonderful to HER)
if anything Vaggie might be upset if she found out Charlie had less of a problem with the Exorcist thing than with the lying thing
If you (Vaggie) think you still need to EARN redemption, then having someone say your sins don't bother them so much can ironically make you panic and either think they're lying to you OR it can make you worry you've downplayed what you've done and are somehow tricking the person you love into believing you're a better person than you actually are and therefor might be taking advantage of them, which of course you don't want to do because you love them, which is a pretty big contradiction you probably won't notice is there
Sooooo i could see Vaggie spiraling into something like THAT but,
her be angry at Charlie for being upset over the thing Vaggie hates about herself? the mental health levels aren't good enough for that one yet XD
basically both Vaggie and Charlie got to live through the very fun experience of being trapped in your own head and trauma
anyway, the fact that Charlie didn't ask or want or LET Vaggie do an apology for any of that at the hotel gates says more than enough for me, for both of them. Just like with Vaggie putting her own fear and self-loathing onto Charlie, most of Charlie's pain in that ep didn't come from Vaggie's past or Vaggie's lie.
I've said Charlie's bad at figuring out what she's feeling and ep 7 is where it really bit her in the ass- she got hit with an identity crisis (turns out the one person who always believes in her didn't trust her enough to tell her this) (this on top of the epic fail of their shared dream to save sinners from extermination and the looming destruction of the hotel that represents that dream) and trauma trigger (what if Vaggie lied about all of that too, what if she never really loved or had faith in Charlie, what if Charlie is going to be alone again) without understanding that's what was going on or that it was something coming from herself as much as from Vaggie.
Being away from Vaggie didn't reduce Charlie's stress during that ep, it made it worse, until Rosie had to yoink her in for an emergency counseling session. Before that Charlie vents about how she told Vaggie everything and shared everything with her (the exorcist thing gets a TINY throwaway mention it is NOT the focus here) and when you add the lie revelation to how Vaggie asked to be alone on the roof in ep 3 instead of letting Charlie be there for her, it stops being about ONE lie TO Charlie, and turns into YEARS of lies ABOUT Charlie's place in Vaggie's life.
Which was terrifying and painful and... went away the MOMENT Charlie realized Vaggie did actual love her and believe in her, and was not actually going to leave her.
If actions mean more than words then their reunion at the hotel gates is them both saying the only thing either of them want to hear- I missed you, i love you, i want to be with you. Here's this horrible souvenir i picked up for your while we were on opposite sides of town and thanks babe im gonna fling myself into your open arms about it.
Vaggie hates herself too much to feel like Charlie owes her an apology for being hurt and angry at the Exorcist lie. It was a pretty big thing to keep hidden
i mean murder aside, Charlie had no idea Vaggie's opinions and advice about heaven was from personal experience, she probably assumed it was just normal sinner bias against the people who kill sinners and not, you know, Vaggie secretly dissing on how terrible her former boss and co-workers used to be. Maybe Charlie would've approached the talking to heaven differently if she'd known. Maybe she would've tried strangling Lute's hologram in ep 1. we will sadly never know
we DO know that Vaggie ran to hug Charlie right after the secret was revealed, which means Vaggie was mainly worried about Charlie being hurt by it, which doesn't really leave a lot of room for Vaggie to be upset at Charlie when Charlie does turn out to be hurt by it
so Vaggie wanting an apology from Charlie? I see her more wanting a very, very, VERY long hug
but if Charlie ever tries giving an apology anyway (a la the balcony scene in ep 3), that might just freak Vaggie out and fuck her up with "oh no my gf doesn't understand how bad the things i've done are am i tricking her am i using her would she be better off without me" issues for the foreseeable future ^w^;
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https-lvesick · 26 days
now playing: 200 - minhyung's version by mark
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summary ・ after losing the people he loved the most, mark could never move on... but is it really that bad when you return? ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤgenre ・ angst (that's the first idea that came out when i was listening to this fucking song, thanks mark) ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤcontent ・ grieve, character death, spiderverse is mentioned (and used), silk!reader again because i love her! lowkey toxic at the end but... uh... yeah... ㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤㅤwc ・ 1980
[notes] i may be a bit uh... invested in spidermark, i admit it. this idea came out when i was listening to the mentioned song lol and whenever you guys see a post "now playing" keep in mind that the fic was plotted because of the song! ngl i literally sobbed real hard while writing the first two paragraphs... i guess i was a bit overwhelmed...
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and there he was again. sitting on top of a building, doing your favourite activity together, looking at the moon. his mask was discarded beside bim, his phone in hands, earbuds paired and the song he wrote for you was playing on repeat while he watched some videos of you.
if only he had been faster. you would be there too, with him. now he has no one for him. he wasn't capable of saving the people he loved the most so why is the city still counting on him? why was he doing all of this when, out of all people in the country, he couldn't save only two...
"baby, look! aren't they the cutest?" you point to a pet café, where three cats could be seen by the window.
"they surely are! oh look, they're greeting you!" his voice is joyful. the soft and lovely tone and the sparkling eyes whenever he looked at you or even thought about you were undeniable signs of his love and adoration for you.
"can we have one when we move in together?" you asked, looking at him over the phone. and who was him to deny when you looked so adorable like that?
"we surely can, love." he giggles. It was one of his many memories with you, but this one is where you mentioned moving in with him. a tear dropped at the screen, wetting the phone and suddenly, there was mark again, sobbing.
you finally graduated from high school and were going to attend the same university, so why not move in together? you've spent years together, attached to the hip, in a joyful friendship, which later evolved into a romantic relationship and you couldn't been happier. mark and you were sure you could handle each other's weird habits and were ready for that. let's be honest, you've seen each other at its worst multiple times, and nothing could make your relationship weird.
that time... when he stupidly let you go... you were excited. talking about new cute decorations you found on a website and cat's products for the new addition to your and mark's family.
but that fucking scumbag needed to target you. he needed to take you from him...
every single day mark still reminisced in that moment. he couldn't think of anything other than you. you were his first thought in the morning when he woke up and the last when he was going to sleep. he tried to focus on the good parts. when he had you. but it was hard not to remember he was the one to blame for your loss. after all, he was your superhero. your spideyboy.
his heart clenched again and, by that time, his face was completely drenched in tears. he couldn't stop thinking about you. and this was making him sicker and sicker every day.
the gadget on his suit blinked, announcing a new mission for spiderman. and that was the one thing keeping mark alive. he was trying to compensate for his loss by overworking himself.
"imma make it for you, my love..." he mumbled to himself, drying, uselessly, his face, before standing up.
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honestly, mark didn't know how he ended up in this situation. suddenly the city was full of spiders, which he didn't even know that could exist.
"so wait... uh... you're... me... but from another universe?" he tried to cope, he was, really hard, but... how did that happen?
"not you, i'm me, but yeah..." the other spider said. "and there's someone else, silk. as soon as she found out about it, she was willing to help us." he smiled.
"yeah! she travels through the multiverse a lot!" the blonde girl said, swinging her legs.
"but she's a bit late, i see..." the spider who seemed the oldest, spoke, grumpy as always. mark had already noticed it...
they were discussing loudly and mark's head was spinning. when, in a million years, he could guess there were other spiders? and that there was a multiverse. and that he could travel through it whenever he wanted.
suddenly an orange portal appeared and another spider could be seen coming. another woman.
"sorry guys, i was... busy..." she reasoned, wiping off some blood on staining her suit.
as soon as she spoke, mark felt a pang in his heart because why is her voice so identical to yours? and your body proportions? yeah, he was really confused.
but, when the named silk, took off the part of her suit that was hiding half of her face, mark's blood drained. his face was terrified and the blonde girl named gwen noticed it.
"hey... you fine?" she asked, tapping his shoulder.
the spider version of you approached him with concern in your eyes. "uh... mark, right? what's wrong?"
everything was wrong! it was you! his love, his girlfriend. the woman he'd burn the world for if this meant to keep you safe. you were alive? and a spider in another universe? what the fuck was going on?
"y-yeah... i just... need some air..." he quickly grabbed his mask and put it on.
"we literally on top of a building..." the other spider named mark mumbled, watching the guy jump off, swinging on his webs.
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it was kinda comic the amount of times the spiderman could be spotted up in buildings in random times of the day doing nothing. actually doing the same thing he had been doing for good seven months... thinking.
"great thing you're fine. i thought you were about to pass out." behind him there was your voice. he pressed his eyes together, trying to remember: you were not you. she was not you.
"sorry..." he mumbled. "i was... uh... having a hard time..." he tried to reason. but as soon as you sat beside him, he lost it completely. but how could he cope when she was exactly like you. when she even had the same scent he could never forget.
"you know... that grumpy man out there and me are kind of... responsible for this uh... spiderverse thing. so i kinda feel like we could take care of you. and i'm definitely in charge of gwen, so you can report her behaviour to me if needed." you laugh and mark can feel his heart warming at his favourite sound. "the point is... if you need to talk... i'm here to listen..."
oh and he wants, more than anything. he wants to tell you how much he misses you. how he wants to just leave this life of superhero and maybe kidnap you, so you can live together, far away from this mess of a life. but... it's not you... it's not.
you sighed and smiled, caressing his shoulders before standing up. maybe you got the hint, he didn't want to talk, or maybe he wasn't ready for it.
"i had a girlfriend..." he blurted out and you stopped. even if he wasn't mentally prepared to talk about you again, especially with someone who is a carbon copy of the woman he loved the most, mark knew he needed to. he needed to release this fog of blame that was plaguing his mind and heart ever since the beginning.
you kept your distance, trying to make him as comfortable as possible.
"she was... the girl of my dreams, you know." he smiled, already feeling the tears starting to prick up in his eyes. "did you ever feel like... living in heaven just by having a special person by your side?" he asked and you hummed in response. "that was it... that was what she was for me. my fucking world ever since we met each other when we were only six."
he paused, sighing deeply, wiping some tears off his face. you waltzed towards him slowly, resuming your previous position beside him.
"we were about to move in together. we were gonna attend the same university, so why not? she was so excited, she was thinking of having a cat as our child..." mark smiled lovingly and you couldn't help but do the same. "but then... a fucking bastard, who i thought was my best friend, took her from me. i wasn't... fast enough to catch her while she was falling... i..." he sobbed and you touched his back, trying to comfort him in some way. "it happened seven months ago and i still can't move on. i overwork myself as spiderman, forgetting about my normal life..." he chuckled. "in hopes that i can stop thinking about it for a second, but it's kinda impossible." and for the first time he looked in your eyes.
you could see the pain right in his soul, it's like you could read him like an open book, but there was a hint of pure love. he locked his eyes to yours and frowned, letting more tears fall.
"and it doesn't help the bare fucking minimum that you look exactly like her. from your eyes to your feet, you are her. so why here? why, out of the other many universes out there, it had to be mine?" the pain in his tone made you feel guilty.
you were taken aback by his words. speechless. you averted your gaze from his, but he was still looking at you.
"but you know... i'm kinda relieved now... i can finally feel you here after all. i know you're not her. you're not... mine... but please, let me hug you... that's the only thing i'm asking for now... please..." he mumbled, desperately. she was the one thing that kept him close to you again. he needed it for his life.
without thinking too much you pleaded. the sigh of pure relief he let out made you cry a bit. you could tell he needed it like it was oxygen. like this would make him live again.
mark touched every part of your body, trying to feel everything of you like it was the last time he could do it. your hair, your shoulders, your waist. he buried his face in the crook of your neck so he could smell your scent once again like it was some kind of aphrodisiac.
but then he pulled away from you, cupping your face in his hands, staring directly into your soul before moving his gaze to your lips, licking his own.
his mind was telling "that's not her", but how could he get it when she looks exactly like you? right in front of him once again. it's like... you've never been gone. he had you one more time, he couldn't let you go again...
"mark..." you whispered and he closed his eyes. having you calling his name again had his head spinning. you can't do it to me... please don't... "i'm not her... i don't wanna hurt you or... having you thinking i can replace her..." no one can ever replace her. "but..."
"would you... let me kiss you?" he wasn't thinking straight. she couldn't do it to him. to your memory, but... how could she deny it when he was asking so eagerly? so... passionate. so... needed.
"would it make you feel any better?" you ask, somehow feeling guilty.
"much better..." he mumbled, getting closer.
when your lips touched, you could feel mark melting right away. his body was eager and you could tell it was the best moment ever since... his loss. one of his hands remained on your cheek, caressing lovingly, while the other flew to your waist.
it was wrong. he couldn't be doing it. she wasn't you. but how could he do the right thing? was there even wrong or right? his mind kept on telling him one thing, but his heart was so happy to have you back. it wouldn't hurt any more to have a little piece of you again. even if you could never return to his life...
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alexawynters · 8 months
Scarlet Whispers pt 10
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Gif not mine, as always
Trigger Warnings: Some gore and violence.
Pairing: Wanda Maximoff x Female!Reader
Rating: M. Minors DNI
Masterlist with parts 1-9 here
Chapter Ten
A/N: I Googled the recipe for authentic Hungarian Chicken Paprikash in order to see how difficult it might actually be to make, and as someone who can’t cook but three things, I have to say it looks hella complicated. I’m giving Reader far more credit than I would ever give myself with regards to kitchen skills.. That said it sounds delicious and now I want it :’(  Someone pls feed me. Also I felt super bad that I went so long without posting when I had this just… sitting in my Google Docs, so uh… have another chapter. I only have 12 written so far though so I guess I better get to steppin’. sweats nervously
The pair of you had elected on a movie marathon today, watching the Hobbit series together on the couch when Wanda felt it. That telltale tingle in the back of her mind, signaling that her wards had been tripped. This wasn’t the alarm for a breach, but rather letting her know that someone was at the perimeter attempting to get in. Pearly teeth grit in rage - how dare someone ruin her perfectly good afternoon with you? Everything was coming together, and now someone had the audacity to try and intrude, possibly to try and take you away from her? Wanda couldn’t have that.
Pressing a gentle kiss to your forehead, the redhead informed you she needed to check on one of her projects and it might be a while. Your pout was quickly kissed away, Wanda directing you to play the new video game she had gotten you last month. Unintentionally, you had been putting it off - between spending time with Wanda and trying to play all the other video games you had, there hadn’t been much time for it. Excitedly, you agreed, getting the disc ready before putting it in the console, as Wanda stepped away. Sure it would be better with the woman by your side, but you could be patient while she worked on her projects. 
Or at least, you would try to be. Healthy relationships and all, you had to be able to spend time apart, and you certainly spent enough time together even if secretly your selfish heart thought not enough.
Out of your view and satisfied you were preoccupied for the foreseeable future, the witch conjured her battle regalia, and stepped through a portal to the ground's perimeter. From the moment she stepped through, the cause of the alarm became readily apparent - Stephen Strange stood just beyond the barrier looking smarmy as ever.
Wanda was getting really sick of that stupid goatee.
“Stephen,” Wanda said, calmly, “How did you find me?” She asked, but she didn’t truly care, the how didn’t really matter.
”America didn’t sell you out, if that’s what you’re asking. The trail of death and destruction you’d left pointed me in the right direction. It took a while but eventually I found where you've been hiding, as you had to know I would.”
The witch hummed noncommittally. “I’m just trying to get my family back, Stephen. You of all people should understand that. I’ve seen what you have done to try and reunite with Christine. Can you blame me for wanting to be happy? Why do you get to choose the reality we all must live in, but when I try to make a life for myself, I’m labeled a villain?”
Strange knew there was some truth to her words, but he was never one to back down. “The family you had wasn’t real, Wanda. They never wer-”
“They were real to me!” The witch seethed, cutting him off.
“In almost every other universe, we are together and happy. If I have to go through you to make that happen, I will. To you they aren’t real, but to me they are my family, and I would burn every universe for them.” Red eyes blazed in rage, and Stephen had no doubt the Scarlet Witch meant her words.
Nevertheless, the sorcerer had no patience for empathizing with his former colleague. There was an innocent person in her grasp and it was his duty to save them. “You have to let her go, Wanda. You can’t hold her against her will like this.”
A sinister chuckle. “Against her will? Does she look like she’s being held against her will?”
With a flick of her stained fingers, and a hazy one-way portal appeared off to the side of them, showing where you were currently engrossed in playing your new video game: Baldur’s Gate 3. From there the scene changed to the recent dates you both had been going on, and how happy you were spending time together, focusing on just how enamored you looked gazing up at Wanda. Another twitch of ink-tinged digits, and the images were gone.
The sorcerer had to admit you didn’t look unhappy, but that didn’t mean all was as it seemed. He knew there was no way she had come clean to you about everything she had done to get you here. If she had, surely you would have run for the hills by now, or at least attempted to. Things wouldn’t be so rosy for you if he left you in her care, Stephen was certain.
“Be that as it may, this Y/N doesn’t belong with you. You decimated entire universes in your search for her, leaving countless innocents dead in your wake. Does she know that? Does she know that you murdered her parents in this universe?” He asked, knowing full well the answer.
His words stung, Wanda knowing that some part of him was right in this instance. No, she hadn’t told you, and initially she had never intended to. As she had gotten closer to you though, Wanda realized she wanted you to know. Not to hurt you, but to solidify that she would always keep you safe from any harm, no matter who it was. She loved you, truly, and wanted you to know everything about her. However, she couldn’t risk that until she was sure your heart wouldn’t turn away from her with the knowledge she revealed.
“They were abusing her, Stephen! In your infinite wisdom, did you know that? Do you know the life she led before me? I’m not her captor, Strange, I saved her! Here she is happy, and I provide her with everything she could ever want or need. Taking that away from her for the sake of your pitiful morality and duty, that would be the real crime. Y/N deserves to be loved, to be happy, and so do I. Don’t take that from us.”
Strange knew he couldn’t win on logic alone. This would undoubtedly end in another showdown, but he was hoping he could reason with the witch. “It’s not just about rescuing her from your clutches, Wanda. You have caused real harm to the multiverse. Untold suffering, trillions annihilated for your selfish obsession. You have to be stopped, Wanda. What’s to prevent you from killing Y/N when she doesn’t fall in line like you want? What will you do then, toss her body aside like so many other innocent people, tearing through countless more universes to find another copy? When will it stop?”
“I would never hurt her!” the redhead snaps, her magic flaring out in warning. She was blatantly ignoring the fact that not long ago she was chasing you through a forest in the fear and anger that you were leaving her. Even then though, she had never planned to hurt you, certainly not kill you. Only to teach you a lesson. Wanda deeply resented that Stephen thought she would ever purposely hurt you. Not to any lasting degree at any rate. She loved you. You were her everything, the key to her happiness.
The witch took a steadying breath, calming herself. She had to think of you first, and she didn’t want to risk a battle so close to her home with you in it. “I have no intention of leaving this universe ever again, Stephen. I can’t say that I am sorry for what I did - it has brought me here with Y/N. But we are happy here, and unless someone comes along to threaten my family, I otherwise have no need to ever harm anyone ever again.”
She paused to look Strange in the eyes, trying to convey her sincerity. “Please Stephen, just go. Leave us in peace. This doesn’t have to be a fight. I’m so… tired… of fighting, Strange, but I want to be clear: I will never give up what is mine. I will neutralize any threat to her, or her happiness, and that includes you.”
The sorcerer couldn’t deny that Wanda looked every bit as exhausted as she suggested at this moment. Unfortunately, he still couldn’t allow the greatest threat to the multiverse that’s ever existed to continue free. Stephen believed that Wanda believed she wouldn’t do anything to hurt you, but that didn’t mean that he trusted her temper. Having already proven volatile at best, and if he left her alone with you, there was nothing stopping Wanda from going on the rampage he expected her to, should you step one toe out of line.
With a deep sigh, he looked at the ground, pondering his options, wishing there was another way. “I’m sorry, Wanda. I can’t take that risk. Not with someone as powerful as you. I’ll ask you one last time, let Y/N go, and surrender. This doesn’t have to end in blood.”
The witch tilted her head, studying him. “I’m afraid that’s where you’re wrong, Stephen.”
Purposefully she strode through the barrier to her home, no longer protected by it, able to engage if necessary. “I won’t let you take her from me. I won’t allow anyone to take her from me, ever again. I have grown so much stronger since we last fought. If you insist on your foolish crusade, this will end with your blood.
By now Wanda was mere feet in front of the sorcerer, refusing to back down. “Like you said, Strange. Last chance.” She tilted her head again, and a chill ran down Stephen’s spine at her determined, if slightly unhinged visage.
Strange sighed, moving to take a defensive stance, when suddenly the witch’s arm was protruding from his chest. He let out a surprised grunt. He hadn’t even seen her move, but he could feel the agony radiating throughout his body, proof enough that she had.
With a disgusting squelch, Wanda withdrew her hand, his heart clutched firmly within, still beating. Horror darkened the man’s face as he stared in shock. He hadn’t even seen her move, much less been able to react. How had she gotten so fast? Pain and shock prevented him from even speaking.
“I’m sorry it had to be this way, Stephen, but I told you. If you continued to come for me, it would be the Scarlet Witch you would be dealing with.” With an almost regretful look at his flabbergasted expression, Wanda crushed his heart in her hand before dropping it. What was left of the ruined organ thudded onto the ground at almost the same time his body did.
Wanda turned and began walking back towards the cottage, not looking back as she waved her hand. Red phosphenes surrounded Stephen Strange’s body as it disintegrated into ash. She neglected to take a portal this time, electing instead to take the long way to the house in the hopes the night air would steady her. It didn’t.
Eventually setting foot in your shared home, Wanda cast a glance towards the living room and was relieved to see you were clearly still enthralled with your new game. So engrossed were you, that you failed to notice Wanda, hand and arm covered in blood, as she headed towards the bathroom for a shower. Though she could have cleaned herself instantly with magic, she knew she was in no state of mind to return to you just yet. Despite how unaffected Wanda had made an effort to appear to Strange, her sins were weighing heavily on her heart. Killing someone she had once fought beside was not something she relished. Another death she was going to have to explain to you one day. Since the walk hadn’t done anything to ease her troubled heart and mind, the witch set about taking a shower. It stood to reason you would hear it and not question her continued delay, buying her time to not only clean up but hopefully also clear her head. 
Her shower was longer than usual, with less time spent cleaning than simply existing. Rivulets of water ran down her face as the redhead stood beneath the showerhead, staring sight unseeing at the shower wall. A necessary evil, she told herself. That didn’t make the weight of his death any less burdensome. What was she supposed to have done? Even if she had let him go, eventually he would have come back, the insufferable pest that he was. Likely then with numbers that even the Scarlet Witch might struggle with. She couldn’t have risked that. Risked you. Never again.
Why couldn’t he have just left her well enough alone? Wanda had meant what she said: she had no intention of universe hopping anymore. All she had ever wanted was her family. Now that she had you, she could begin rebuilding that, and you were making such good progress for her. Why would she want to start over with another variant of you, when you were just… so perfect for her? She still missed your Avenger variant, but every day that hole in her heart hurt just a little less. Besides, something about you specifically had a hold on her heart in a way she hadn’t anticipated.
Maybe in the beginning Wanda might.. have gone searching for another if you had not panned out as she expected. Terrible as that was to admit. Instead, from the moment she laid eyes on you before even entering into this universe, she was gripped by you. It was Fate, she was sure of it. And now? She couldn’t bear the thought of losing you. Of ever even trying to find another. Out of the vast multiverse, there was only this version of you. She wanted you as you were, and she refused to let you go or allow any harm to come to you. Even if it meant protecting you from herself.
A shuddering breath was exhaled, and Wanda began slowly rinsing the blood off of her face and out of her hair. She may have left you with a video game to keep yourself entertained, but Wanda knew from experience if she wasn’t there, it wouldn’t be too long before you would come looking. Wanda had become your rock, your favorite person. You could be playing your favorite game of all time, but if Wanda was not present, you wouldn’t have nearly as much fun. It was sort of cute how you would look for her at every opportunity, unable to stand being without her for too long. She felt similarly, and hoped you knew that now.
Finally clean, and deeming herself capable of functioning again, the witch changed into her most comfortable pajamas before mindlessly making her way back to the living room where you were. Absorbed in your game as you were, you only vaguely registered Wanda’s presence returning. You scooted slightly on the couch to make room for her, without ever taking your eyes away from the screen.
“Hey, Wands!” you said, enthusiastically. “How is your project coming along?”
The former hero was not ready to speak just yet, so she simply hummed instead, and leaned against you. She took comfort in your familiar warmth, even if your arms weren’t around her just now, your presence was enough to be soothing.
The lack of a proper response caught your attention. You almost didn’t turn to look at her, being in the midst of a pivotal battle, but you were glad you did. Hazel eyes puffy and tinted pink from crying met yours. Alarmed, you immediately stopped playing, controller forgotten in your lap, the game not even paused. Turning to the older woman, you placed one hand on her arm, the other to her cheek which she leaned in to.
“Wanda? What’s wrong? Has something happened?” 
Oh her precious detka, thought the witch. Always such a big heart, eager to provide comfort and aid. Perhaps if she were to tell you, maybe you would understand. Maybe you would forgive her. As she took in your concerned gaze though, she knew she wasn’t ready to risk it. Not right now. Instead, she shook her head to your question, unwilling to answer it.
“Can we not talk about it right now?” Her Sokovian accent was slightly more pronounced.
Though you were dying of curiosity as to what could bring someone so mighty to tears, you didn’t press. It’s not as if there would be something someone as powerless as you could do anything about whatever it was anyway. All you could do was ask and offer comfort. Wanda would tell you when she was ready. Until then, this was your opportunity to return some of the love and support she had provided you with, and you positively ached to bring that to her. Wordlessly, you pulled her into your arms, leaning back on the couch until she was laying atop your body. Murmuring gentle words of reassurance, you held her close, occasionally running your fingers through her auburn locks.
After a while, you grabbed the remote nearby and turned the tv from your video game to the DVD player. The Dick Van Dyke show began playing softly in the background, and Wanda’s chest bloomed with love for you at your thoughtfulness. She nuzzled further into your embrace, staying that way for the better part of the rest of the day as you both dozed intermittently.
Hours later Wanda slipped into a proper sleep, and once evening had rolled around, you took it upon yourself to cook dinner. Though you hadn’t wanted to part from the witch, she clearly needed the rest, and you wanted to surprise her by making dinner for her. Carefully you rolled her away from your chest and onto the couch instead, placing one of the pillows beneath her head. The only indication she registered any change was the slight, adorable scrunching of her nose. Why was this woman so damn cute?!
The kitchen had never been your chosen domain. Before Wanda, you were more likely to burn a pot of water than actually cook something successfully. Now you were hoping some of her lessons had rubbed off on you as you rummaged through the pantry and fridge trying to locate ingredients. With any luck you would be able to throw together and create something vaguely resembling an edible meal.
It was a pleasant surprise for you to discover that you currently had all the ingredients available to make Chicken Paprikash - Wanda’s favorite meal from her home in Sokovia. Going through her recipe note cards, it didn’t take you long to find it, and soon you were throwing seasonings in a pot along with some onions, tomatoes, peppers, and the chicken. While that was cooking, you prepared the noodles. A little under an hour later, and everything was coming together. You just hoped it wasn’t trash.
The aromatic and savory fragrance must have awoken the redhead because she sleepily padded her way into the kitchen to find her sweet surprise. You couldn’t see her yet, your back to her as you stirred the food while it simmered. Though unable to carry a tune to save your life, you were humming quietly to yourself with your earbuds firmly in place as you focused on making the delicious meal. Precious.
“Are you cooking, detka?” Wanda asked just loud enough to be heard over your music, and you jumped, startled. Blushing you turned to face the witch and grinned sheepishly.
“Uhh.. if you could call it that?” you chuckled, pulling out an earbud. “I just thought since you’re always taking such good care of me, maybe I could return the favor?” Voice lilting upwards almost in a question, hoping you hadn’t overstepped.
Moving to stand next to you and see what you had made, Wanda’s eyes widened as she took in the familiar dish. “Is this chicken paprikash?”
“Haha, yeah uhh.. my attempt at it at least?” You absentmindedly rubbed the back of your neck  - a nervous tick you’re pretty sure you didn’t have as a child until you started watching anime to learn the nuances of facial expressions better. It wasn’t until well into adulthood you learned most people don’t actually do that. Embarrassed, you fought not to slap your own arm, and instead simply lower it like a normal person.
“I hope I didn’t butcher it too badly. I tried to follow the recipe you had on the card since we had all the ingredients, but I can’t speak to the integrity of the dish as I haven’t tasted it yet. Besides, you're the true connoisseur here, so even if it seems okay to me, your superior palate might be able to tell the difference.” The joke rolls easily off your tongue, followed by a quick wink.
To you this was no big deal, you were just trying to be kind. But to Wanda? This was the sweetest thing anybody had ever done for her, and it reminded her almost of when she taught your Avenger variant how to make the dish. The other you had never tried to make it for her in return however, opting simply to learn about the meal while Wanda cooked. Now, looking at the beautiful dinner you had created for her, simply because it was her favorite and might cheer her up, Wanda felt her heart about to burst with affection for you.
Unable to hold back, deft fingers gripped your neck softly, quickly pulling you in for a searing kiss. Pouring all her love, affection, and appreciation into the kiss. You were surprised, but not unhappy with this turn of events. It hadn’t been your goal, per se, a kiss from the woman you were coming to love. However, if she wasn’t melancholic anymore, then you considered your goal accomplished. Your arms came to wrap around her neck, though you were careful to keep the spoon from making contact with her clothing or hair, you had heard her take a shower earlier and didn’t want to ruin that for her.
The kiss simmered into something soft and sweet. Meanwhile your food, unfortunately, was starting to bubble over. Hearing it, the pair of you sprung apart, with you frantically pulling the pot off the eye of the stove, stirring it to return to the intended consistency. Embarrassed and amused, you both burst into giggles at the almost mishap.
“Thank you, Y/N. This is incredibly sweet of you, I-” The redhead pauses, unable to eloquently convey everything she felt in that moment. “Just, thank you.”
The wattage of your smile could have been seen from space; you were so happy. “Of course, Wands! Any time.”
While you turned off the stove, Wanda set the table so you could begin plating your dinner. Jokes and laughter flowed easily between you as you both enjoyed your meal. Wanda, who never doubted your cooking skills, though you are pleasantly surprised, enjoyed that the paprikash is not only edible but rather delicious.
As you and Wanda settled into the domesticity of it all, the witch found her heart becoming light once again. So incredibly kind and thoughtful, you brought her joy, and filled her with hope. She resolved then and there to tell you everything one day. Deserving of that much at the very least, Wanda prayed, hoping, with all her being, that you would forgive her when the truth was finally revealed. For now though she sank into the warmth and comfort you provided, falling for you just a little more with each grin you flashed her way.
A/N 2: I’m not proud of what I had Wanda do in this, but I still have some left-over rage for how Stephen treated Wanda. All she needed was a little empathy, especially from the man who made the call to allow the events with Thanos and the Mind stone to play out as they did, basically letting Vision die. For no good reason. No you can’t convince me he was right. Its lazy plot writing that out of thousands and thousands of possibilities, none of them could have involved sparing Vision, or at least making his death mean something. I’m a Wanda apologist first and foremost, and I will die on this hill. Wanda deserved better, especially from those she called “friends”. Also, I stan women’s wrongs 😛
Taglist: I remembered this time!! @dorabledewdroop
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hueningchu · 1 year
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Never again.
Genre: Heeseung+Jake x Cheater!Reader
Parings: Smut, Angst, Established relationship
Song: “Unfaithful” by Rihanna
Warnings: Smut, Angst with a sort of happy ending, Mentions of cheating on partners, Established relationship, Toxic friendships and Toxic relationships, Gaslighting, Manipulation, Spanking, fingering (I apologize in advance if any of this is cringy)
Summary: After one more month of sneaking behind Heeseung’s back, You and Jake are beginning to get messy with covering it up. It all comes crumbling down when Heeseung receives a text from someone. What is the text about? Who sent it? How will they explain themselves? Who will Heeseung blame in the end?
Pt. 1
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You would like to say those hours a day you spent with Jake was not worth it but..my god it was. You did not regret a single minute that you spent with Jake. Heeseung was so sweet and so attractive but Jake was just something else to you. He made you feel good but so bad at the same time. The electricity and the heat you feel between you and Heeseung was nothing compared to how you feel with Jake. People say girlfriends are supposed to have butterflies of excitement when their significant other walks in the room. However, when yours walks in the room you feel guilt and nervous butterflies. Nervousness that at literally any moment Heeseung can ask you..
"So you and Jake have been getting along pretty well?" Hee asked with his back turned to you while he stirred his drink. Distracted by your phone, you almost missed the question, so he cleared his throat and repeated it. "You and Jake have became good friends, no?"
Getting asked that so out of the blue made your voice a tiny bit shaky but you were hoping Heeseung did not notice that."J-jake? Oh! Yeah he's uh..really cool. That's probably why he's your best friend huh?" You tried to give a normal answer that wouldn't sound suspicious but that sort of failed.
"Why is your voice so shaky? Geez, I'm only asking a question." He giggled and flashed you a smile. His sweet smile was a sign that you were off the hook.  "But really quick.." Hee got up and walked into the bedroom to fetch his phone that was charging. "I got this text today." When he walked past the couch, He tossed the phone to you so you could read over the text. "Take a look at it. It'll make you laugh." Heeseung giggled again before walking back in the kitchen.
You felt your heart stop the minute you saw the contact name of the person who the text was from. It was a very long paragraph to Heeseung, from none other than...Jake.
Jake: Hey r you up?
Heeseung: It's like 3 in the morning.
Jake: You answered tho..
Heeseung: Well no shit. I'm awake
Heeseung: I'm just pointing out that it's late as hell and you're texting me
Jake: when has this ever been a problem in our friendship?? You used to text me at 5am to get ready for school together😭
Jake: Don't think I forgot lmao
Heeseung: Shut up
Heeseung: what did you text me about tho?
Jake: oh yeah
Jake: It's kind of a lot so like should I tell you in person?
Heeseung: why did you even text me if you weren't gonna tell me until later..
Jake: I'm sorry
Jake: I feel really bad about it. So I guess I'm avoiding the topic..
Jake: I'll just tell you now then
Heeseung: Are you trying to make me nervous or sum??
The next text Jake sent to Heeseung was the last of the chats for that conversation. It was a lengthy paragraph explaining how you and him have been together without Heeseung knowing. You could start clapping on the spot because of how good of a show Jake put on. God, he acted like such a quiet and innocent little boy in front of Hee but if only his best friend knew the things jake would do while he kept Heeseung completely oblivious. All of those little moments you had with Jake were coming back.
"Yo. Wanna ride with me to go get snacks. When I come back the three of us can go." Heeseung said to Jake as he grabbed his keys out the dish near the front door. "Y/n is still getting ready so by the time I get back she should be ready to go."
"Nah, I'll stay here and keep y/n company. I don't mind keeping an eye out for her." Jake smiled at his bestie before Heeseung quickly left out the door. "Hey, y/n!" Jake yelled out for you as he hopped off the couch to walk into you and Heeseung's shared bedroom, where you were currently getting ready. "Hey." He poked his head in the doorway and smirked at you.
"Hey?? Did Hee come back already? You guys ready to go?" You we're sitting on the bed, putting on lipgloss and adding the finishing touches on your makeup.
"He actually just left. I wanted to come see what you were up to. Maybe we have some time to fool around a bit." The sneaky boy started to walk over to you and smiled. "You look so sexy with all that makeup on." Jake leaned down and went in to kiss you.
"Are you crazy? He could walk in at any minute. Besides, I just finished my makeup!"
Jake grabbed your chin. "Come on. I didn't say we had to screw or anything. Let's just.." he shrugged and sat down next to you. "Makeout or something before he gets back."
When he tried to kiss you on your freshly made lips again you moved back and rest your elbows on the bed. "Stop it! It's obvious when people get done making out. Especially with the way you do it."
"Come on. We are gonna be with Heeseung all day. I need something to think about while we watch the movie." He sounded so desperate for you. He started to use the baby voice he uses when he wants something. When you shook your head again which caused him to groan and put his head in your lap. "Please babygirl..I can't go a whole day without kissing your pretty plump lips." That's what got you. The second you leaned down to give him a deep kiss, you both heard the front door open. "Awe that's him. Well, let's get this day over with.” Jake hopped up and stood with his back facing the door. “And don't say anything stupid that'll get us caugh-"
Jake could barely finish his stupid sentence before Heeseung walked in and leaned on the doorway. "Let's get going. Y/n, Put the snacks in your bag."
All the flashbacks and memories were running through your head while you read the text message. "Heeseung.." Before giving him an explanation you realized there wasn't one and just started thinking of which excuse you should go with. "What is this?" Oh. That's really how your instincts decide to play it? The oblivious act was not gonna work on Heeseung and the way you were executing it, that act wouldn't work on anyone.
"That's exactly what I'm asking you. Why do I have my friend texting me at 3am, telling me that he's been fucking my girl behind my back?"
"Jake is a dirty liar. I don't even know why he would tell you that. Let alone why you would believe him."
"I don't know. I've been friends with him for almost 15 god damn years and he's never slept with any of my girlfriends so.."
You tilted your head, waiting for him to finish his sentence. "So?..."
"So I'm guessing it's true." Heeseung walked over to you. "I should have known." He shook his head. "I should have known the minute I caught you leaving the house in the middle of the night." Heeseung was getting himself worked up. You could tell he was slowly boiling over. "I'm so fucking stupid. You told me.." He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. "You fucking told me you were going out for gas and I believed you. I can't believe I trusted you."
"What about Jake?" You quietly said.
Heeseung tilted his head and raised his eyebrows. "Did you seriously just ask me that? What about him?"
"Why is it all my fault and why is none of the blame on him?" Just as you said that you both heard a doorbell ring, causing your heads to turn towards the front door.
Heeseung chuckled and started to walk over to the door. "Funny you ask that. Cause I actually called him earlier and asked if he was busy. Told him that if not then he should come over so the three of us could talk." When Heeseung went to open the door you couldn't take it. You wanted to leave but there was no where to run. So you ran up to Heeseung and tried to convince him otherwise.
"Please Hee. Don't do this." You pleaded for him to just ignore it or tell the person on the other side to go away. You knew it was Jake and your heart couldn't take anymore stress or heartbreak.
"Don't call me that. I don't ever wanna hear you use that nickname again." Heeseung replied before pulling away from you to open the door for the visitor. Of course, it was just who you expected.
When the door swung open and you were both met with the main manipulator himself, You looked away and ran into the kitchen to get away from what was awaiting you. While Heeseung on the other hand faced his best friend head on. The minute he opened the door, Heeseung gave Jake the most bold and serious stare possible.
Jakes 'sincre' eyes met Heeseung's serious ones and he only said three words. "I'm sorry, man."
"Yeah. You said that already." Heeseung said as he leaned a arm on the door frame. "Don't just stand there, come inside."
Heeseung shut the door after Jake walked in. "So.." Jake took his coat off and started to walk towards the living room. "Where is she?"
"I don't know. She probably ran upstairs." Heeseung just stood near the front door, covering his face with one of his hands as he let the other rest on his hip. He was thinking about how hard this whole conversation was gonna be. "She's embarrassed."
Jake chuckled and started walking up the stairs to go find you. "Embarrassed? What is she embarrassed for? She did this to herself."
When you overheard Jake say such lies you came out of the kitchen. You were almost just as mad as Heeseung now. "I did this to myself?!"
You scanned the room for Jake and tears almost fell when you seen him and his shit eating grin standing at the top of the stairs. "There she is. There's the bell of the ball. Or should I say the lying cheating slut." Your eyes widened when Jake came at you with such vigor. He walked over to you and then pointed at Heeseung. "Look at him." When you wouldn't turn your head to face Heeseung's, Jake grabbed your chin with his other hand and forced you to. "Look at how hurt you've made him. All because you wanted one night of fun with me."
"It was more than one night, you asshole!" There goes the tears. You pushed Jake away from you and shook your head to get his grip off of you.
That's when Heeseung decided to jump back in on the argument. "How many nights exactly was it, Y/n?" He took Jake's spot and stood right in front of you. "Was it a special occasion type thing or was it every other weekend?" Heeseung pulled out his cellphone. "Oh, how about this? Let's go through our messages and see just how many times you have used a shitty excuse to blow me off."
Jake walked over and leaned on Heeseung's shoulder. "Should we make a game out of it? Try to guess which excuses are real and which ones are fake."
When Heeseung pulled up the messages he scrolled back a bit and then let out a giggle. "What about this one?" He showed Jake and kept it hidden from you. "Was she telling the truth?"
Jake took time to read it and then he giggled too before shaking his head. "Sorry but she was lying. It’s what women do, Heeseung. They lie and cheat.”
Gosh this was SO ironic coming from him. The fact Heeseung hasn’t called him out yet surprised you but it seemed most of his anger was towards you. "Who do you think you are? Don't try to pin this all on me." You turned to Heeseung and threw your hands in the air. "How can you let him stand here and talk about you like this? How can you let him come into our home and disrespect us?!"
"Us?! No y/n, I don't think you understand. There is no more us." Heeseung pushed you out of the way and walked up the stairs. He was gone for a bit before walking back with two suitcases. "And this home is no longer 'ours'."
"Are those my things? Are you throwing me out?!" You started to run up the steps but before you could Heeseung threw the bags over the stairs. You stood there shocked for a moment before the anger struck. "What the fuck! I'm not just a animal, Heeseung! You can't just throw me out onto the streets whe-"
"I can and I will. Do you expect me to keep you here after what you've done to me?"
"So let me get this straight." You pointed to Jake who was standing at the bottom of the stairs so innocently. "You'll kick me out and never speak to me again but there's no repercussions for Jake?" You gave Heeseung an exasperated look. "Am I the only one who this falls on? What's so special about Jake that you just can't bring yourself to lay the iron fist on him?
"What do you want me to do Y/n?! Want me to get in a fist fight with him because my girlfriend made a move on him?"
"He was the one who made a move on me first!"
Jake shook his finger. "Uhh actually no. That's a lie because if I remember correctly you told me that you had been wanting to hook up with me for months before I even brought it up to you."
"Ah ha!" You pointed at him again. "So you do admit that you're the one who made a move on me first!"
When Jake realized you caught him he switch the topic so no blame could fall on him yet. "I told you the first time we did it that it would never happen again. I made it clear that it was a mistake and that I never wanted to continue contact after that."
"I never asked for you again after the first time."
"So explain to me how you and Jake became a casual thing. If neither of you contacted the other after the first time then how did this become an item."
"Jake called me a two weeks after and told me he couldn't control himself. He said he knew it was wrong to go behind YOUR back but he couldn't help it and needed me in his bed again."
Heeseung looked hurt by this information and sent Jake a perplexed look. You knew he was secretly hurting and was trying to keep it together but he asked for the truth. So you gave it to him.
Jake definitely noticed the look Heeseung gave him so he took that as the cue to start explaining himself.
Only he didn't explain himself. Instead he shifted the blame again and somehow made Heeseung even more mad at you. "Oh? Was I the one who hit you up on Valentine's day and practically begged you to come over and fuck me?"
"Wait..Valentine's day?" Heeseung turned back to you with his brows furrowed. "Didn't I have to spend Valentine's Day in the ER with my brother?" You seen Heeseung start walking down the steps towards you. "I thought you were sick in bed all day and couldn't come with me to the hospital.
When Heeseung said that Jakes eyes widened and he held a smirk on his face. A smirk that made it obvious that he was trying not to laugh. "So..how is it possible that you were sick at home AND over my house on Valentine's Day?"
More tears found their way in your eyes when Jake fed into the fire that was burning in Heeseung. "I n-never went over Jake's house. Heeseung, I swear. I was at home on Valentine's Day." Your emotions started taking control and you started falling apart inside. The lying was a clear sign of that.
"Heeseung." Jake looked over at his best friend. "Why would I lie about something like this? Shit, I even have pictures in my camera roll that me and her took on Valentine's Day."
When Heeseung got quiet Jake knew it was the perfect time to convince him. "Take a look. They aren’t dirty pictures or anything. Just some pics we took at dinner." Jake pulled out his phone and started tapping and scrolling until he found the picture he was referring to. "Check the date."
Heeseung's face got even more sour when he seen this piece of evidence. "Seriously, Y/n?! While I was at the hospital with my brother?!" You jumped when he got loud. You don't know why. Heeseung never hit you but you were so scared. "To think that my girlfriend would rather fuck my best friend than come with me to the hospital to care for my brother is...a wake up call." He started to walk over to you. "I'm surprised I didn't find out earlier. Love makes you so blind and oblivious sometimes."
When you thought Heeseung would zero in on you some more for the horrible truth he just found out, he turned around. "And you." He looked straight at Jake and shook his head. "I can't even begin to tell you how hurt I am."
Jake put his head down in false shame and nodded at Heeseung's words. "You're right. I'm sorry I let me and y/n's  relationship get this far."
Heeseung waited to hear more from Jake but that was it. Heeseung raised an eyebrow. "So why did you do it?"
"I'm sorry?" Jake was a bit confused by the question.
"You said you knew your relationship with y/n shouldn't have gotten that far. So why did it? Why did you call her back and tell her you needed more."
Jake rubbed his arm. "I honestly couldn't tell you. Heeseung..You know I'm not the best with girls and so when y/n showed me the passion and love that she did I couldn't just let her go. I wanted more of that passion in my life."
"So what.." Heeseung shrugged and tried to hold in the tears that were threatening to fall. He didn't wanna cry. He wanted to be a man and face this situation with a cold attitude but it was too much..even for him. "Are you like..in love with her or something?"
Jake whipped his head up at Heesung and quickly shook his head. "N-No. I don't love her but I-"
Heeseung walked down the steps, walking past you until he reached Jake. "Are you saying you wanna steal her love and passion away from me?"
"Heeseung, I-"
No matter what Jake tried to say, Heeseung wouldn't let him get one word in. "Because that's exactly what you did. You stole her from me and ruined a perfectly good relationship. I can't even live in the same house as her anymore because all I can think about when I look at her is how you defiled and ruined her."
"He didn't ruin me, Heeseung." You tried to speak to him and get him on your side. "I'm still your perfect angel." You couldn't stop sniffling. "I'm still your baby."
Heeseung shook his head. "No. It's not the same anymore. God, I can't believe this is ending like this." You could see a tear fall onto his cheek but before you could wipe it for him, he turned away from you and Jake.
"It doesn't have to end like this!" You followed him into the living room and sat down on the couch in front of him with your hands together. "Please. Please give me another chance. I'll be better to you, I promise."
"No." Heeseung sat down next to you and took one of your hands into his. "I can't do that y/n. If I take you back then I'll have to break it off with Jake." Heeseung said this quietly to you so that Jake wouldn't hear.
I nodded my head and leaned closer to whisper to Heeseung. "Do it. Break it off with Jake and keep me. Jake was the one who started all of this turmoil. You should hear the things Jake used to say about you when we were alone."
"What type of things did he used to say?" Heeseung asked as he looked up at you and held your hand.
Just then Jake slowly stepped into the living room and you could see a scowl creep across his face when he caught glimpse of the hand holding you and Heeseung were doing. "Ask him yourself. Jake tell him about the things you used to say."
Heeseung let go of your hand and stood up to question Jake. "You gonna explain?"
Jake chuckled and wore that stupid smirk again. "Explain what? Explain how y/n used to scream out about how she wanted me and how i fucked her better than you?"
Before Jake could speak anymore a loud smack echoed throughout the room. "Could you have at least some respect. Is this situation not serious to you?"
The slap from Heeseung immediately made Jake go wide eyed. "I was just quoting what your so-called girlfriend said about me."
Heeseung went for another smack but Jake managed to block this one. "Did you just say 'so called' girlfriend? She was my very serious girlfriend who I loved very much.” Hearing Heeseung speak in past tense broke your heart and stunned your hope of a second chance.
"Listen. I'm sorry if you think I'm being disrespectful about this but you need to wake up and realize that she's the problem here." He put his hand on Heeseung's shoulder and looked him in the eyes. "Our friendship was perfectly fine before she came along."
"Our relationship was perfectly fine before YOU came along!" You stood up behind Heeseung and put your hand on his back.
"Get your hands off of him, slut." Jake pulled him away from you.
"He's my boyfriend."
"Didn't you hear him earlier? He's throwing your ass out."
"No. He said he's reconsidering giving me a second chance." You grabbed Heeseung's hand. "Right?"
"Go on. Tell her no." Jake’s grip on his shoulder tightened.
Heeseung broke away from the both of you and he put his hands up defensively. "Both of you need to back up." He stammered. "I don't even know what to think anymore. All of this is too exhausting."
"It's an easy answer." Jake stood near Heeseung. "She's out of the picture."
"Jesus, Jake. Why are you being so overbearing?"
"Because you are having sympathy for this girl who backstabbed you."
"Oh, that's rich coming from you." You said under your breath.
"What's that supposed to mean?"
"Oh, Come on Jake. You're not a very innocent soul in this." Heeseung let slip.
"So what? You're on her side now?"
"I'm not on anyone's side! There are no sides in this!"
You sat back down and started to suddenly cry again. Both of the boys stop and looked at you. One of them came to comfort you and the other didn't.
Can you guess which one comforted you.
"Baby.." Heeseung kneeled down and rushed to your side. "Why are crying again?” He brought a hand up to rub your knee.
Of course it was Heeseung. It was always him. How could you not tell that Jake never truly loved you. Jake was only using you for pleasure. If anyone is to blame for this, it’s you for trusting Jake. With his dumb smile and empty words.
"You're gonna leave me Heeseung." You sobbed. "Aren't you?"
"I'm.." He paused and looked away from you. Trying to figure out the answer to that question for himself. He still hasn't decided what he wants to do. "I don't know, Y/n. I just know I love you."
"So you are basically saying you're taking her back?" Jake scoffed. "Gosh, you're so stupid."
That's when Heeseung snapped even more. "Seriously? What is your problem?! Do you have no shame or remorse?!"
"I have remorse but I'm just telling you this girl is not worth fighting for."
"You just stumble in and ruin my relationship. Do you even feel bad about what you did?”
Jake shook his head. “If it means I saved you from wasting your time on her.”
Heeseung stood up again. That was it. He couldn’t do anymore of this back and forth. "Get out. This is our home and I need you to leave right now." Heeseung raised his voice and pointed to the door.
You've never seen Heeseung yell at Jake like that. They are best friends so you have never seen them really argue. Unless it was over the video game. When Jake stood in silence for a while he eyed the two of you and both, you, and Heeseung could tell he had so much more to say. He looked like he wanted to blurt out a thousand things at once. "Do you really want me to leave?"
"Yes. Want me to walk you out?"
Jake widened his eyes and shook his head. "Nah. That's fine." He waved his hand in the air and turned around to walk to the front door.  "I've been here a thousand times. I know my way out."
Heeseung waited until he heard the door open and close. He let out a sigh he never knew he was holding in. "It's just you and me now." Heeseung had a sort of disgusted look on his face as he turned to eye you up and down. "How could you let him do that." He shook his head and walked up to you, bringing his hand up to cup your cheek. "You let him see and touch all of the places that were meant for me." His other hand started to travel up your t-shirt as he wrapped his arm around your waist. "I was your first and I was supposed to be your last."
"I'm s-so sorry." The tears were still running from earlier. You couldn't tell if the mood was more or less tense since Jake left. You looked up at him and leaned into his chest. "Please don't make me leave. I'm sorry I caused this."
He sighed and put the hand that was cupping your face behind your head, holding you close to him. God he wanted to scream and scold you but he just couldn't bring himself to truly kick you out. He loved you and all the chaos that came with you. It's not like you did this on the daily or anything and he knew that. That's why he was seriously considering taking his girl back. He wanted his sweet princess back.
"I'm not gonna kick you out."
You leaned back and looked up at him with wide teary eyes. "Really?"
He nodded.
"Does this mean you are gonna break it off with Jake?"
"You know I can't do that, baby." He kissed your head. "He's my best friend and I can't abandon him. Just like I can't abandon you."
"Oh Heeseung.." you wrapped your arms around his neck and jumped up into his arms. "I'm so sorry. I'll do anything to prove myself to you and show you that I'm gonna be better."
"You keep saying that but you are gonna have to show me now." Heeseung lightly pushed you down on the couch. "How about you take your pants off." With no hesitation you listened to him and took your pajama pants off. You then took your shirt and bra off to get it out of the way.
"You a little excited?"
Nodding, you spread your legs for him.
He chuckled. "Jake's right. You are a fucking slut. I never seen this side of you before." Heeseung leaned in, reached his hand down and started to harshly rub your clit. "You're always so incredibly innocent for me." He swears when he took your virginity and you looked at him with that doe like gaze he fell in love with you and you're pure like aura. He couldn't lie that he sort of liked this side of you too. You were just as submissive as before but a tad bit more straight forward.
Just when he got you wet enough, Heeseung stopped rubbing you and leaned back again. "Turn around for me."
Once again, you did as he said and turned around on your stomach.
"You gotta understand that I can't let you off too easy, baby." Heeseung started rubbing your clothed ass before he landed a hard slap on it. "If I don't show some assertiveness then you're gonna think it's okay to go around whoring yourself out." Another smack landed on one of your cheeks.
You let out a helpless yelp. "I promise. I'm never gonn-"
That landed you another hard smack "Don't speak. I'll tell you when you can talk to me."
He started undoing his belt and he swung it out of the loop holes before folding it. "Get over here and lean over my lap." Before he could say anything else, you bent over his knees. “Should I give you the pleasure or pain first?” He started to rub your ass again where he smacked earlier.
Not wanting to piss him off anymore, you waited a bit to answer because he told you not to speak unless he said so. “You can talk now, honey.”
“Pleasure!” You blurted out. “Give me pleasure. I’m begging you.”
He thought about it and nodded. “Alright baby. Whatever you want.” Heeseung set aside his leather belt for now and quickly pulled your panties down. He grabbed your hair and pulled your head up to whisper in your ear. “I’m gonna finger fuck you until you beg me to lay my cock into you.”
Ughh why was he so irresistible. Every word slipped off his tongue like a symphony and it incited the heat in your lower abdomen. Slowly you felt his hand creep right between your thighs and you opened your legs best you could. Heeseung slipped two wet fingers past your folds. Your man knew exactly what you wanted because he wasted no time pumping and pistoling his fingers in and out of your plush cunt.
Since Heeseung was getting tired of waiting for his turn he decided to speed up the process of you getting yours. The way he decided to do this however was something you were a bit scared for. He let go of your hair and reached over to grab his belt. “I’ll show you what dirty cheaters get.”
A loud wham filled the room, followed by a yelp from you. He continued fingering you roughly as he hit your ass with his belt ever so often. "Did I not fuck you good enough? Or did you just get tired of me? Is that why you went and had Jake take over for a while?"
"No Heeseung. I could never get tired of you."
"Then why did you do it darling?"
You stayed silent and looked down in shame when you had nothing to say. "It's okay. I'll make sure he never gets in your pretty little head again." Heeseung grabbed you by the wrist and pulled you off of his lap as he stood up. "Make sure you stay dumb for me and my cock only."
Heeseung pushed you down by your shoulders and you looked up at him, while getting on your knees. Watching as he pulled his layers of clothes down and let out his unbelievably hard dick. “I gave you pleasure then pain. You put me through so much pain and so now you have to give me my pleasure.”
You moaned as you took him in your mouth. Letting him do as he pleased. You were so pliant for him. The safe feeling you got from Heeseung made you start to think. You couldn’t believe you ever took this for granted. “Your pussy is probably gushing wet while sucking my cock. Isn’t it?” Heeseung kept a fistful of your hair in his hand while he thrusted his hips towards your face. “You wanna touch your pretty pussy, don’t you?”
When he could feel and so he pulled your head back and made sure you looked up at him. “Go on. Play with yourself while I cum on your face, gorgeous.” He took his other hand and started jerking right in front of your face, groaning when he caught a glimpse of you actually moving your hand down to begin playing with yourself.
You whimpered as one of your fingers slipped past your entrance. Heeseung could feel his first orgasm of the night coming and you were trying to finish what Heeseung started earlier.
Your whole body tensed up to give you a warning that your orgasm was here. As if all this wasn’t enough, Heeseung groaned loudly while his cum dripped onto your face and lips.
Heeseung bent down and grabbed your chin roughly. “Look at that face. So cute.” He leaned so close that his lips were almost touching yours. "This is your last chance, you little whore. Don't fuck with me again."
Everything was still so fuzzy but you managed to nod slowly. "Of course. Never again."
He kissed you deeply like he's never kissed you before.
"Never again."
word count - 5.6k
Notes: I’m so happy I am finally in a mood to start writing again. This is not very good for my first work back but it’s something light. Hope it’s okay and please ignore any grammar or English mistakes!
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After falling into bed, neither you or Billy are sure where you stand
Miserable. There was no other word for it. What made it worse was that you couldn't talk to the one person you always turned to because he was the reason for the misery.
You were laid across Karen's couch, watching her pace the floor as she talked to someone from the bulletin. They were stressing about the evening edition and Ellison was out for a couples days due to his daughter's wedding. You were glad she had seniority meaning you could just watch her bitch at the interns and not have to intervene.
You turned until your feet was over the back of the couch and your hair was touching the floor. If nothing else you managed to pull a smile to her face when she saw your current position. She made a few more loops before hanging up. She cocked her head to the side staring at you "Honey? Something wrong?"
You shook your head. How the hell were you supposed to tell her that the previous week you'd spent Friday night and most of Saturday in Billy's bed? The first night could've been blamed on the alcohol but when the two of you woke up the next morning you weren't sure what the excuse could be for the other two rounds you went for in the bed or the one in the shower or the one on his couch.
She studied you for a moment "Bullshit. Spill" she crossed her arms and you grinned slightly "uh oh. I've instigated Miss Page" she shook her head and motioned with her fingers for you to turn the correct way on the couch. You turned slowly, steadying yourself before patting the cushion next to you "I want to tell you but you and Frank have one of them annoyingly close and trusted relationships where you don't hide anything from each other"
She sat down and you saw the tiny crease between her eyes which meant she was trying to figure out the meaning behind your words "Did something happen while we were gone last weekend?:" you groaned before burying your face in your hands. Maybe if you weren't looking at her it wouldn't be as bad? "I slept with Billy" you mumbled.
After silence overtook you both you weren't sure she'd heard you. The moment you pulled your hands down you knew she had because she was staring at you open mouthed "What?" You let out a long sigh "I had sex with Billy, a few times actually over the course of Friday night leading into Saturday afternoon"
She looked nearly comical the way she opened and shut her mouth a few times before finally asking "Well was it good?" "Karen!" You scolded and she cracked up laughing "What am I supposed to say here? I mean are you two like together now?"
You shrugged "I don't know. I mean we've talked since then but not about what happened.Billy has always been flirty with me and he's big on physical touch so I have no fucking clue where I stand because I mean he's Billy. He's my friend and means a lot to me but I know he's not the settle down one woman type. I don't want to bring up the elephant in the room just to get shut out you know?" She nodded slowly, a sigh escaping her. "Christ I'm glad Frank had to work late. My poker face is shit if I don't have forewarning"
You laughed lightly "Also explains why I've been avoiding direct conversation with Frank. He can see right through my bullshit" she nodded again "True. I mean, we're all going out tomorrow night for Foggy and Marci's anniversary. You'll have moral support. I think Curt has a date but everyone else will be there even Claire and Jess are coming. Test the waters maybe?"
You slouched down further on the couch, nearly hitting the floor "What if I just hide under your bed and refuse to come out?" She laughed "Well I mean you could but do you really want to be under and listen when.." "No!" You cut her off mid sentence sliding on down to the floor "Fine. I'll go but I'm sticking close to you and Frank so no funny business until I head home got it?" She nodded, biting her lip to keep from laughing at your distress "Yes ma'am"
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Frank walked into the bar with one arm around Karen who was holding your hand. You knew you shouldn't be feeling like this. It was Billy. You'd known each other for so long, a part of you wasn't surprised that you fell into bed. The attraction had long since been there you just never meant to actually give in to it.
A part of you wanted to just hide behind Frank all night but he'd know something was up if you didn't socialize at least a bit. As much as you didn't want to face an awkward conversation with Billy, one with Frank seemed even worse somehow.
The moment you walked into the door the music hit your ears. It was a song you loved, that calmed your nerves slightly. Frank stopped before turning to you and Karen "You two want your usuals?" You nodded so he kissed Karen's cheek before heading to the bar. Karen pulled you closer to her, wrapping an arm around your shoulders "Breathe. It'll be fun. All our friends are here. It's gonna be a good evening"
You looked around and spotted Foggy dancing with Marci. They both waved when they saw the two of you. You heard your name being called and saw Jessica and Trish heading their way towards you and Karen. You smiled seeing the two of them, Jessica was a little rough around the edges but you'd known her for some time. "Hey Jess! Hey Trish!" You greeted.
"Good to see you Y/N, you too Karen" Trish greeted as Jessica pulled you into a one armed hug. She glanced around once she released you "Where's Castle? I know him and Russo are around here somewhere" Frank walked back up about that time "Dunno where Bill is but how ya been Jess?" The two of then started talking so Trish grabbed your arm "Care for a dance?" You laughed cutting your eyes at Karen "I'll be back and don't worry you're still my favorite blonde"
Karen's laughter trickled to your ears as Trish pulled you onto the dance floor.
After about half an hour you figured Billy just wasn't coming. He'd yet to show up so you had relaxed into the evening, even venturing away from Karen and Frank a few times. You were waiting at the bar for another drink when you had that hope squashed. You felt someone step up next to you, a hand brushing against your lower back and spun to tell whoever it was to give you some breathing room. Instead of some random drunk though Billy was leaning on the bar with a grin spread across his face "Easy there Y/N"
You let out a breath because even though you hadn't looked forward to facing him the thought of some overly enthusiastic drunk asshole made your head hurt. "Hey Billy" you greeted with a small smile. He looked good as always, black jeans and a dark green sweater. His eyes bore into you slightly and you had to resist the urge to fidget in your seat from the weight of his stare.
When the bartender came over with your drink Billy reached over your head before you could pay to hand him a twenty. "Rest of her drinks go on my tab" you raised an eyebrow at the bartender "No they don't. Keep that twenty as a tip" then passed over the amount for the drink in your hand.
The bartender looked a mixture of amused and not wanting to get into whatever you and Billy had going on. He passed Billy a beer then walked off. "So I can't pay for your drinks?" "I've never asked for you to pay my way Billy. I have a decent job, might not be a ceo who wears custom made suits on the daily but I get by well enough" he chuckled lightly "You have always been so damn independent. It doesn't hurt to let someone help ya"
You shook your head, staring up at him as you said "If someone is harassing me hell yeah I'll ring for help, my car break down and it's more than I have at hand I will call but Billy I can buy my own drinks" he smiled broadly "Ok darling. At least you've agreed to let me help with anything big"
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You pushed away from the bar and felt him follow you. Billy's presence was something you couldn't very well ignore even if you wanted to.
When you got closer to the table you'd been sitting at with Karen and Frank she cut her eyes up and you knew the moment she spotted Billy behind you because they got wider. You slid onto the chair next to her so Billy took up residence in the chair on your right. "Damn Bill. Didn't think you were gonna make it"
You turned towards Karen begging for conversation when Billy said "That meeting with Samantha Milton ran longer than I thought" Frank made a noise which was a mixture of a scoff and a laugh. You knew what that meant. Samantha was gorgeous and eyeing Billy, probably vice versa as well. "Yeah I bet it did"
You felt your entire body stiffen when Billy's leg bumped against yours and prayed he didn't notice. He reached his left hand out to rest on your knee but you moved away quickly, nearly knocking into Karen.
"Y/N you good?" Frank asked and you smiled "Yeah. I um I gotta use the bathroom. Karen wanna come with me?" She smiled at Frank "We'll be right back" she grabbed your arm and the two of you slipped away into the crowd. God you were an idiot. Why did you think it would change anything? Yeah the sex was amazing but it was just sex, that much was now blazingly apparent.
"So what's the play?" Karen asked after clearing the bathroom to ensure it was in fact just the two of you. You stared at her blankly "What play Kare?"
She motioned towards the door "Billy and the Milton chic?" You smiled despite everything. Karen was a one in a million friend, willing to go to bat even when you weren't. You shook your head "There's no play Kare. Me and him had a drunk night that washed over into the next day. I shouldn't let it effect years of friendship and I'm not going to so please just act like you know nothing? For my sake, for Frank's sake"
She rolled her eyes but nodded "Fine but I'm accidently kicking him at least once tonight" you laughed and grabbed her hand to head back out "I'd expect nothing less"
By the time the two of you made it back to the table Frank was talking on the phone while Billy was peeling the label off his beer looking borderline annoyed. "Something wrong?" You asked once you were sat back down next to him.
He cut his eyes at you "Could ask you the same" "I'm good" you replied and held his gaze. He nodded slowly "Good" Frank hung up then looked at Karen "How long you wanna stay out?" She shrugged "It's Friday night. None of us have to work tomorrow" he grinned "Good. Remember Rumlow?"
Your eyes shot up at the name. Brock Rumlow. He was a couple years older than Frank and former army rangers. He'd gone into working for shield and last you heard worked close with Darcy Lewis and Jane Foster. He was pretty chill and not bad to look at either. "Brock’s in town?" You asked and he nodded "Should be here in a few minutes" "Awesome. Glad I decided to come out tonight then"
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You missed the look that passed between Billy and Frank and the way that Billy's jaw clenched at your words. So you had been on the fence about coming out, even though it was originally for Marci and Foggy. Now you were excited to see Rumlow of all people?
He was sitting right next to you, within arm's reach. If you wanted anything all you had to do was ask. He thought after the hours you'd spent together the previous weekend that it was a step towards him and you being more than friends. He'd done everything in his power to show you how good he could make you feel, how much he wanted you. He could still feel your nails biting into his back, hear the way you moaned his name. What the hell had he done wrong?
Maybe you'd gotten the wrong idea, thought it was just sex. Maybe you didn't want him the way he wanted you? Shit though, every day he had women and some days men throwing themselves at him. He was a good lucking guy, damn good job and thought he treated you well. He was also your friend, he knew you in every way. Why the fuck were you excited to see Rumlow?
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You spotted Brock the moment he walked in. He was about Frank's build, black hair he always wore short but not cropped. The thing that always got you was the fact that much like Frank and Billy, Brock had this aura about him that any creep within fifty feet would immediately back off their mark. You could sense the fact that all three men were dangerous, had done unspeakable things and would do so again to protect someone they deemed worth of it.
Frank let out a loud whistle and Brock grinned when he spotted all of you. "Castle! How the hell are ya?" The two of them greeted each other with that one armed hug men do. "Can't complain man" Frank replied with a laugh as Brock drug another chair over to the table, sitting between you and Karen. "How's it going Russo?" He asked Billy who gave a sharp nod "Like Frankie said man, can't complain"
Brock nodded then looked between you and Karen "You two are gorgeous as always" you and her both smiled. "Nice to see you too Brock" she replied and you added "Yeah its been a while. I wanna hear about Darcy and Jane!"
The two of you went into a conversation, dragging Karen in as well. Out the corner of your eye you saw Frank cut his eyes at Billy "Let's grab another round" "Yeah I don't know how much longer I'm staying out" Billy replied but stood to follow Frank nonetheless.
Brock watched them walk away then looked back towards you "Something up with Russo? Last time I saw him like that my unit was passing his and Frank's overseas" you shrugged one shoulder as Karen leaned up to look around Brock at you "Couldn't even imagine what's wrong with Billy"
Brock looked from Karen to you "Did I miss something?" You shook your head "Don't worry about it Brock, now tell me more about Darcy"
Billy followed Frank back to the table carrying his drink and yours. He could feel his jaw clench harder when he heard your laughter then got closer to see your head laid over on Brock’s arm as you both laughed.
"What's so funny?" He asked sitting down next to you. You glanced towards him and shrugged "Brock was telling us something about one of the women he works with" Brock was watching you while you talked to Billy and christ a part of him wanted to ask just what the hell Brock was looking at.
What was wrong with him? Rumlow was a decent enough guy. He'd known him for years, why the hell was he getting under his skin so much tonight?
The answer hit him like a brick when a song started playing that he knew you and Karen both loved. Karen's eyes lit up "Frank wanna dance?" The two of them headed for the dance floor.
You sat there for a moment, clearly considering your next option before turning to Brock "I only see you like every six months or so, wanna push me round the dance floor one time?" He nodded "Would be my pleasure doll"
He watched the two of you head to the dance floor and silently fumed. The idea of Brock’s hands on your body was infuriating. Images of you under him flashed through his head, the way your skin tasted on his lips. Christ the way you'd felt.
When the images changed to you under Brock, clinging to him, moaning his name Billy damn near broke the glass in his hand. His eyes flew up to the dance floor and when he spotted you with your body that close to Brock’s he was on his feet without another thought. Fuck this, fuck things left unsaid. If he was going to lose any chance with you tonight, it wouldn't be because he went down without a fight.
"You gonna tell me what's really going on with you and Bill?" Brock asked after a moment. You shrugged looking up at him "I can't tell you"
"Why not?" He asked with a smirk, leaning down a little closer to the point that if anyone just glanced it probably looked like a kiss had been shared. "Promise not to tell" he whispered. You laughed before burying your face into the crook of his neck "We slept together"
"What's that?" He asked so you leaned back to look up at him "We've been dancing around each other then Frank and Karen were gone and we were alone" he laughed and you weren't sure if it was how you worded things or the look you were sure you had on your face "So that's why he's plotted my murder four times?"
You shook your head "It's not like that Brock" he looked over your head and chuckled "Sure about that?" You were about to ask what he'd meant when you heard Billy's voice "Anyway I can cut in? I wanna talk to Y/N"
Your eyes widened when Brock’s reply was "Up to her man. She asked me to dance" you could practically feel Billy bristle up. Any time he got angry enough to fight he was like a tightly coiled spring, like a damn animal ready to pounce. You winked at Brock "Yeah, fine by me" he nodded then leaned down to press a kiss to your cheek before saying "In that case I'm gonna go find Nelson and his girl"
You turned back to Billy and christ his eyes were pitch black. Oh he was angry. "You wanted to dance?" You asked innocently. He reached one hand out to pull you flush against his body "Can we walk outside and talk instead, Doll" the edge he put to the word doll was sharp enough you could feel a shiver run up your spine.
You looked around to see that Frank was looking over at the two of you. "Frank's watching Billy" his eyes never left yours when he said "I don't care" you pushed back from him "I do. You're not gonna ignore me for the most part then act possessive"
A groan left him "Y/N, sweetheart I have never been rough with you but this is one time if you won't stop being a stubborn ass I very well may throw you over my damn shoulder and walk out this bar, Frank be damned" you raised an eyebrow at the threat. Part of you wanted to call his bluff, the other was afraid if Frank got the wrong idea. "Fine. I'll go outside and talk to you"
His hand went to your lower back "C'mon then" you snatched away from him "I'm grabbing my jacket and telling Frank and Karen some excuse" He cut his eyes at you but nodded.
Frank was watching you hard when you walked back over "Everything good?" You nodded, forcing a smile "This place is kinda packed. I need some fresh air so Billy offered to walk me outside"
Frank nodded, looking at Billy before saying "You got her?" Billy nodded "Yeah man. Always" you smiled when Billy offered you his arm in front of Frank so you took it, holding onto it until you were outside.
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You snatched away from Billy the moment you were outside "Talk" he scoffed when you walked a few feet away from him. "What are you doing with Rumlow?" He knew you better than he knew himself which meant he knew exactly what button to push to make you just pissed enough that truth would come slipping out your lips.
"The hell you mean?" You asked and he smirked "Oh Brock’s coming. Oh dance with me Brock. You sound like a damn high-school kid at your first dance" you crossed your arms, glaring at him "Fuck you Billy"
He laughed at that, quickly covering the space between you. He left just enough room to not be completely crowding your space "Fuck me huh? Didn't you already do that?"
How dare he be so damn cocky? How dare he know you well enough to know what would get under your skin? "Damn you" you shoved his chest when you spoke "You have side stepped for a week! You wouldn't fucking talk about it! You acted like it didn't happen! If it was just sex you could've told me Billy"
His smirk just got deeper with every word you spoke and every time you shoved against him "Are you done?:" he asked when you stopped talking. You glared up at him. He was do damn close and fuck he smelled good.
One of his hands came up to catch your face and fuck it all you nearly lost all composure then and there at the memories of his hands on your body. "Wanna know what I think?" He asked holding your face in place. "What?" He smiled before surging forward, catching your lips with his own.
His other hand went to your hip and pulled you against his body. You almost whimpered against his lips when he walked you backwards until your back brushed the wall of the bar. He pulled back just enough that you both got a breath of air before attacking your lips again.
You got your senses enough to push his chest. One movement was all it took for him to pause in his actions "What is this Billy? Between us?" He raised an eyebrow trying to catch your lips again and when you wouldn't let him he dropped his forehead to your neck "Tell me you haven't thought about us. Tell me you don't want us" one of his hands moved from your hip, down your thigh to slide under the skirt you were wearing. Your breath caught in your throat at the feelings of his fingers digging into the soft flesh.
"What about Samantha Milton?" You managed to breathe out, feeling his smile against your skin. The hand on your thigh slid up further and when his fingers grazed over your clothed center it took every ounce of will power you'd ever had to not crumple then and there. He caught your lips in a bruising kiss before a smirk slipped onto his face "You're jealous"
He let his hand return to your hip, giving you a chance to think more clearly "and you're not jealous over Brock?" You saw his jaw clench and couldn't fight the urge to make him admit it "Maybe I should go back in there to him" his grip tightened on your hips "I wonder what his tongue would feel like, how his hands on my body would feel"
He leaned down to be face to face "I don't fuckin want Milton. I want you and I know for a fact Brock ain't takin you from me without one of us getting our ass beat tonight. So either tell me here and now you don't want me and I'll go knock that smirk off his face or tell you want me and I'll take you home with me and see just how many times I can get you to scream my name. Hell ill fuck you here and now so the whole of New York City knows you're my girl"
You swallowed hard at his words whether from the fact that he'd called you his girl or that you were trying to ignore the wave of heat they pushed through you. Your decision was made before you ever spoke "Take me home"
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wheels-of-despair · 1 year
The Ups and Downs of Dating a Trash Panda Pairing: Eddie Munson x You Summary: Eddie and Evil Woman's first date doesn't go exactly as planned… but everything works out in the end. Obviously. Contains: First date, questionable choices, proof that a good cheeseburger can fix anything. Words: 2.6k
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"What, no dress?"
"Shut up."
"You really ought to put in a little effort."
"Cram it, dork."
"Guys like it when you get all prettied up for them."
"How would you know?"
"Maybe some lipstick."
"Good idea, can I borrow yours?"
"You're no fun," your brother grumbles before he gets tired of his annoying little game and leaves your doorway.
As if getting dressed for a first date isn't already stressful enough.
You don't know why you're stressing. The guy is perfect. You'd only known him for a week, but you were already completely crazy about him. He was funny, he was gorgeous, he scared you just the right amount, he had good taste in music. (Although you did dock points for being a Dio fan. He claimed he could get you to come around. As if your loyalty to The Ozz-Man could be tested by some pretty metalhead who was obsessed with the pint-sized weirdo that tried to replace a legend. Pfft.)
You settled on dark jeans, a shirt that your mom would call a "blouse", and relatively new Converse that hadn't been drawn on yet. The white parts were still white and everything. Yup, you think as you look in the mirror one last time, this is about as good as it's gonna get.
You decide to wait out the rest of the time in the kitchen, so you could dart outside as soon as you heard the van and not have to suffer through any awkward introductions.
You didn't even have time to sit down before you heard the unmistakable roar of that monstrous van.
"Leaving, I'll probably be back by dawn!" you yell before ducking out and making a beeline toward the driveway… where some vaguely familiar dweeb is getting out of Eddie's van.
"Who are you and what have you done with the feral trash panda I'm supposed to be going out with tonight?" you ask before you can stop yourself. You can't help it; he's wearing stiff jeans without holes in them, a tucked-in button-up without any stains on it, and freshly polished combat boots. He's even made an effort to tame his hair.
His pale face immediately turns red, and you curse yourself and your big mouth.
"Kidding. You look good." Oh god, he's going to just turn around and leave, isn't he? Honestly, you wouldn't blame him.
"Thanks," he says shyly, which feels even more out of character for him than the clothes do. "You do too."
"Ready to head out, or did you want to go in and get grilled?"
He gulps and spins on his heel. You follow him back toward the van and try not to smile as he gets halfway around the front before turning back, darting in front of you, and opening the passenger door. This adorable awkwardness is doing wonders for your nerves.
"Thank you, kind sir," you say with a wink as you get in. His eyes go big, and it takes him a second longer than it should to remember to shut the door. He hustles to the other side, jumps in, and starts the engine without looking at you. You're not used to having this effect on anyone. You're quite enjoying it.
In the week you'd known him, nearly every minute you'd spent together had been spent talking. Even when the teacher of the one class you shared together told you - well, him - to shut up and pay attention, you'd continued your conversation on paper. You had an entire notebook dedicated to Conversations with Eddie now.
But aside from the cassette mix blaring through his speakers, this ride was utterly silent. You wanted desperately to say something funny to ease the tension, but you were suddenly as tongue-tied as he was. What the hell is that about?
When you get into the little town you're still not completely familiar with, Eddie whips his van into a parking spot in front of a brick building.
"Uh… Italian good?"
Well done, Munson, three whole words. "Yup, that works."
He grins and jumps out, coming to open your door, but you beat him to it. You're quite capable of opening your own car door. You'll need to break him of that quick.
He gives you a funny look, but recovers as you join him on the sidewalk. He takes long strides toward the restaurant's front door and gives you a triumphant smirk as he holds it open for you. Yeah, okay, you win this one.
The second you step inside, you feel out of place. This is a fancy restaurant. White linen tablecloths, candles and fresh flowers on the tables, waiters wearing ties. Even with your attempts to dress up, you both still stick out like sore thumbs.
"Table for two, please," Eddie tells the hostess. She looks the pair of you up and down, puts her badly painted eyebrows back into place, and gives you a fake smile.
"Right this way," she says sweetly, leading you to a small table in the back. On the way, you pass a couple you've seen in school, all dressed up and eating with one of their families. They look at you with surprise, and the boy leans over to whisper something to the girl. Her eyes never leave you. Fantastic.
Eddie holds out your chair, clearly haven been coached on how to treat a lady, and you sit. He takes a seat across from you, and you both look around the dimly lit restaurant. This is the kind of place rich old men from three towns over bring their mistresses, or where seniors take their prom dates. What the hell?
"Come here often?" you ask, half-joking. His face reddens again.
"Not really," he admits.
"Good evening," your tie-wearing waiter greets before you can make Eddie any more uncomfortable. "Can I start you off with drinks as you peruse our menu?" He hands you each a laminated sheet.
"Uh… Mountain Dew?" The waiter's nose twitches at Eddie's request. "Same," you say with a mildly sarcastic smile.
"Very well," the waiter says, giving you a hard look down his crooked nose before leaving you alone. You feel like a kid who's been mistakenly seated at the adult's table… until you look at the menu. And then you look up at Eddie. His eyes are wide, probably for the same reason yours are: these prices are ridiculous.
"I don't even know what half this stuff is," you mumble, scanning the list in horror.
"Me either," Eddie admits. If he keeps going red like this, his head's going to explode before the night ends.
"Have you ever been here before?" you ask, genuinely this time.
"No," he says, almost guiltily, chewing his bottom lip.
"This doesn't really seem like us, does it?" You're trying to be as gentle as possible, for Eddie's sake, but you hate everything about this place. The flowers stink, the candle is giving you black lung, and you're feeling more claustrophobic by the second. You also suspect you'll both end up washing dishes to get out of here. Bet the people from school would love to see that.
"Do you want to bail?" he asks quietly, almost like he fears your answer.
"On you? No. On this overpriced shithole? Hell yeah." His face lights up, and he looks around to see if you're being watched. You are. Fuck it. "C'mon," you stand up, instinctively taking his hand and pulling him up to follow you, dodging tables and ties on your way out.
"Is there a problem?" the hostess asks as you rush past her.
"Left the stove on!" you call over your shoulder as you burst through the door and find yourselves back outside, where the sun is just beginning to set. You turn to Eddie with a smile, which he returns. It's nice to be able to breathe again. And then you realize you're still holding hands, so you panic and break apart.
"Fucked that one up, didn't I?" He rubs the back of his neck, looking at you through one scrunched-up eye.
"Nah," you say, enjoying the fresh air and the feeling of freedom. "I'm honored that you think I'm a fancy Italian restaurant kind of girl."
"What kind of girl are you?"
"For you? I'd be a gas station hot dog kind of girl."
You briefly wonder if he's going to have a stroke, or get freaked out by how into him you are - way to come off like a stalker, you loser - and then he lets out the goofiest, dorkiest laugh you've ever heard.
"I think we can do a little better than gas station hot dogs. What are you in the mood for?"
You shrug. "What's your favorite?"
"There's a good burger joint a few streets over."
"That's more like it," you grin.
"You wanna walk?"
"Sure," you shrug. "Can I do something first?"
"Yeah?" You take a step toward him, and he instinctively steps back.
"Relax, I'm not gonna hurt you," you tell him with a smile. "Close your eyes?" Surprisingly, he doesn't put up a fight. You take a slow step toward him, stick your hands in his hair, and give it a gentle tousle.
That's all it takes to make it go wild again. He looks at you in confusion.
"There he is," you announce, crossing your arms and looking up at him with affection. "Knew you were in there somewhere." He ducks his head to hide his smile, and you stand at his side and give him a gentle nudge with your shoulder.
"I believe I heard talk of a good burger joint?"
He beams down at you, tilts his head, and begins walking in search of better food. After he catches his reflection in a store window and blushes again, he untucks and unbuttons his shirt, revealing a plain t-shirt underneath. Another step toward normalcy. For him, anyway.
After the third time your hands bump together on your journey, you glare up at him. "Am I gonna have to do everything myself?"
"What?" he asks. The boy is hopeless.
With a dramatic sigh and a good-natured roll of your eyes, you grab his hand and interlace your fingers, wondering whose face is burning more on the rest of your walk.
"This is it," he says as you approach a glass window with chipped paint advertising breakfast, lunch, dinner, and coffee. You probably would've missed it if he hadn't pointed it out. He opens the door, and you step inside to see a checkered floor, fluorescent lights, a long counter, and a row of red booths. Framed newspaper articles and vintage advertisements decorate the walls. Two booths are occupied, and three old codgers who must be regulars sit at the counter having a lively discussion about pie over steaming mugs of coffee.
"Yeah, this is more like it," you grin up at Eddie. He laughs and leads the way to a booth in the back that's seen better days, and you settle in across from each other. You look around and see the menu above the counter. Not only can you pronounce everything on it, you can afford it too. Yeah, this is definitely more like it.
"What do you recommend?" you ask.
"I pretty much always get a bacon cheeseburger."
A grandmotherly type wearing Keds, pleated jeans, and a sweatshirt covered in sunflowers appears. "Hey, honey! Where you been?"
"Hey, Bernadettte. Uhhh… working hard in school?"
She laughs and pulls a pad and a pen from her apron. "Suuure. What'll it be, kids?"
"Two bacon cheeseburgers and a basket of fries, please."
You each pick a soda, and she gives you a smile before returning to the counter.
Now that you're both comfortable, your usual level of chatter quickly resumes. From the time Bernadette went to fetch your drinks to the time you finished sharing an after-dinner milkshake, the only silence came when both of your mouths were full.
"Can I get you kids anything else?" Bernadette eventually asks. If you eat another bite, you're going to explode.
"No ma'am," Eddie answers politely.
"Haven't seen you in here before," she remarks to you, ripping the ticket off and placing it face-down on the table.
"I've only been here about a week. But now that I've found the best burger in town, you'll probably be seeing a lot more of me," you joke.
She laughs. "I knew I was gonna like you. I'm Bernadette. You come back and see me anytime." Somebody calls for a refill at the counter, and she winks as she walks away.
"Ready?" Eddie asks, sucking down the last sip of his soda. You nod.
He takes the ticket to the register, and you tidy up your mess and tuck a few dollars under the milkshake glass so they don't drift away. Eddie returns and looks down at it, then at you with a glare.
"Non-negotiable," you say simply, standing between him and the tip on the table. He holds up his hands in defeat, then gestures toward the exit. You wave to Bernadette on your way out.
"You kids take care!" she calls.
"You too, Bernadette!" Eddie responds.
Holding hands is less awkward on the return trip. The drive home is quiet, but not unbearably so. It's peaceful now; you're both full, and happy, and comfortable with each other.
When you're back in your driveway, he puts the van in park and turns off the engine. You turn to tell him goodnight, but he's already darting around the front to open your door. You resist the urge to roll your eyes as he yanks it open and holds out his hand expectantly.
"You know you don't have to do that, right?"
"Let me be a gentleman, dammit. Just for tonight. I'll go back to being a… what did you call me earlier?"
"Trash panda?"
"I'll go back to being a trash panda tomorrow if you want."
"Fineee," you grumble playfully, taking his hand and sliding to the ground with a thump.
"Now what?" you ask, looking up at him with a devious grin.
You lean back against the van and cross your arms, watching your flustered date try to make up his mind.
He opens his mouth, but nothing comes out, and he closes it again.
"I had a great time tonight," you prompt, finally taking pity on his floundering.
"Me too. Sorry I fucked it up."
"You didn't fuck it up. I think this might be the best date I've ever been on."
"Really?" he asks.
"Uh… me too…" Hopeless. Totally hopeless.
"I think this is the part where you kiss me goodnight," you stage-whisper, watching him blush again in the glow of your porch light.
"You're sure?" His dark eyes dart to your lips.
You lean closer. "Am I gonna have to do everything myself?" you tease, gently, repeating this question for the second time tonight.
Eddie grins and closes the distance, his lips meeting yours in a kiss that makes you go weak at the knees.
"Happy now?" he asks smugly when he pulls back, in a low, gravelly voice that sets your insides on fire. This motherfucker.
"Nah, I think you better try again."
He pulls you back to him without a word, a little more aggressive this time. You don't mind in the slightest. When you come up for air, he looks at you expectantly.
"Uh… yeah. Yeah, that was better." He grins triumphantly and stands to his full height, draping an arm around your shoulders.
"I'm walking you to your door. Deal with it." You laugh and let him.
After a shorter kiss on the doorstep and a promise that he'll call you tomorrow, he heads back the van, and you step inside.
Your brother is sitting at the kitchen table with a plate of cookies, a glass of milk, and a shit-eating grin on his face.
"Not a fuckin' word," you warn, trying to look threatening instead of hopelessly head-over-heels for a feral trash panda.
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3mcwriting · 2 years
Any Fan’s Dream, Part 3
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Any Fan's Dream Masterlist
When you look around and see Avengers Tower in front of you and Peter Parker beside you, you wonder how the hell you managed to get into the MCU.
"Why am I training with you guys again?" you asked.
"So you can kick ass." Natasha responded.
"Language! And no-" Steve corrected, "so you can defend yourself."
"Exactly. Kick ass."
"Let's just start, ok?"
No way! You got to train with the Avengers! It was gonna be so-
"-horrible. This is horrible. You guys are sadists."
You groaned, barely able to move your limbs. Everything hurt. You were convinced you were dying. 
"In case I don't make it, I just want to say that you guys are both really hot and-"
Natasha laughed. “Thanks, babe, but you're not dying. C'mon, get up."
"I don't think I can."
"Yes, you can. Up you go." Steve hooked his arms underneath your armpits, dragging you to your feet. 
You stood shakily, "I thought you guys liked me. This is abuse."
"Uh huh, well, the abuse is over." Natasha's comment made you sigh in relief. "You should go take a shower though, you're sweaty and you stink."
"And whose fault is that?" you sent a pointed look at the two Avengers. 
"Yours, for not exercising more often." Natasha deadpanned.
You gasped, affronted. Then you winced because holy shit you were way too sore already. "Blaming the victim. That's not very Avenger-y of you."
"'Avenger-y'?" Steve questioned.
"C'mon, let's go get some clothes for you," Natasha said, "you really need that shower."
You huffed, "I heard you the first time."
Natasha led you to her bedroom and grabbed you some sweats, some undergarments, and a t-shirt that said "Stop undressing me with your eyes. Use your teeth."
"Really?" you questioned.
"What?" Natasha asked innocently. She dangled the shirt from her hand, waving it slightly. A mischievous twinkle in her eyes, when she looked at you. "Bet you won't wear it."
You bristled, really? You grabbed the shirt. "Watch me."
"Well, at least the shirt is comfy." you said, having thrown on the clothes she had laid out for you. 
You were still wincing as you moved. You could admit that the soreness was persistent. Also a pain in the ass(pun not intended but very much welcomed). 
As soon as you were dressed, you left the room, carrying your bundled up clothes in your arms. You wandered, eventually managing to stumble upon the kitchen where you saw-
You dropped your clothes. It was Thor!! Now I've met both brothers! AWESOME!
But, wait a damn minute. I thought he went back to Asgard after AoU. Well I guess they technically don’t specify where he goes immediately after. They only show when he goes to Asgard during Ragnarok, but that’s set two years after Age of Ultron. Hmmm.
"Ah, Lady (y/n)! Are all things well with you?" Thor bellowed, grinning at you fondly.
I'm Lady (y/n)! 
"I'm good, Thor." You tried to maintain some semblance of chill. "How about you?"
"I am well!" Thor smiled, he wrapped his hands around you tightly, excited at seeing you. "I am quite joyful! I was not anticipating seeing you on this venture."
His tight embrace made all the sore spots send a flare of pain. You didn't care though. Thor was hugging you! And he was awesome at hugs! 
You remembered that he wasn't supposed to be here. "Why are you here?"
"I came here to inquire about some subjects, Vision was quite helpful in answering."
Ah, you thought, so he had to ask Vision some stuff about the Stones.
"How long are you staying?" you asked, the hug ending. 
"I'm departing later this evening," Thor answered, making you frown. "Do not despair! We shall feast on pop-tarts together before I depart!" 
You smiled, glad that someone else's excitement finally matched the level of excitement you were feeling. "Sounds great!" 
The two of you spent the next hour gorging on pop-tarts. Your stomach hurt from laughter(and the torture from earlier) and the two of you were having the time of your lives. At one point, Wanda had wandered into the room. She joined the two of you on the couch, trying a pop-tart because she had never tasted one before. 
The three of you started playing a game, Wanda would fly a pop-tart around the room and you and Thor would try to catch it. Tony interrupted halfway through the third round. 
"Why did I just get smacked in the face with a flying pastry?" 
Thor did not allow Tony's interruption to stop the game. Instead, he dove to catch the pop-tart before it could hit the ground. He caught it right before it touched the floor, but unfortunately, the pop-tart broke in his tight grip.
"Dammit. I guess you won this round, Thor." you grumbled.
Thor didn't respond, instead, he stared in despair at the broken pastry laying in pieces on his hand. "And yet, it does not feel as if I've won anything." Thor's voice full of melancholy.
You patted him on the back. "Don't be sad. We have more."
Thor nodded, then swallowed the broken pop-tart . "My apologies, but I cannot indulge myself in anymore. I must take my leave."
You frowned. "That's too bad." 
You didn't know when the next time you'd see him was. What? Until the events of Infinity War happened and he was angry and depressed about everything happening. Were you really that powerless to stop those circumstances from happening?
Thor hugged you tightly, his embrace warm and comforting. You sank into the hug, wrapping your arms around him just as tightly. You didn't want anyone to see the sadness or worry on your face. You tried to make your mind go blank, not wanting to start crying right there in front of all of them. After all, to their knowledge, for once nothing was wrong. 
"It is alright, Lady (y/n)." Thor tried to reassure you, noticing the way you were reluctant to let go. "Everything is alright."
But for how long?
You just squeezed him tighter before letting go. You forced a smile on your face, trying to appear happy. "I know," you managed, "can you promise to come back soon?" 
You weren't sure if just asking was enough to make a difference, or even if he would be able to follow your request, but you would take any scrap of hope you could because you were not gonna allow everything to end up the same.
Thor smiled at you softly, the first time you've seen him expressing something other than excitement or joy. It was simple fondness and adoration, "I swear to you, I will return. And maybe then we shall commence another round of this ingenious game you created."
You nodded, relieved at his agreement. "Then I hope you have a good time. Make sure you stay safe."
"Of course," Thor affirmed, before wrapping you up in another hug.
Tony snorted. "He's not going off to war."
After Thor's departure, you hung around the Tower for about another half-hour before you looked at your phone and realized that it was just about time for you to leave. Peter said he would wait for you at 6:30 in the lobby, and it was only three minutes until then. You didn't want Peter to get all worry-crazy again, so you said your good-byes to Wanda, Natasha, and Tony. You couldn't find Steve, but you hoped that you'd see him again soon.
"How was it?" Peter asked, brows furrowed in worry when he saw the limp in your gait.
"Pretty good," you responded, "unfortunately, I didn't get the chance to make the pear shooter."
"That's too bad," Peter distractedly responded, "are you okay? You look like you're in pain."
You couldn't help the way your heart squeezed at the genuine concern in his voice. "I'm alright. Steve and Natasha decided to start training me today, so I had to go through that pain. But by the time they're done with me, I'll probably have like a six-pack or something. Which is cool cuz like, muscular women are hot."
Peter tilted his head. "Are you sure you're fine? Avengers training must be really hard."
"I'm pretty sure I'll live," you managed, "for how long, that's the question.
"Also," Peter added, "when did you get that shirt?" 
He averted his eyes when you looked down at the words on your t-shirt. You remembered what it said and smiled giddily when you thought of how Natasha Romanoff gave you a shirt! You! One of her shirts! You owned an Avenger's t-shirt!!
"I got it from Natasha," you proudly stated. "Do ya like it?"
Peter coughed. "It's very...nice."
"I know right!" You nodded. "It was so amazing of her to give it to me, don't you think? She is so amazing."
"Has your crush on Black Widow returned?" Peter questioned, noticing your palpable adoration of the woman.
"Who said it ever left?" you asked. "Besides, how could I not? She's so strong and smart and pretty and so, so, awesome."
You were a hopeless simp, but who could blame you? You had met the Avengers! The frickin Avengers!! And Natasha fucking Romanoff had lent you one of her shirts. She was a close friend of yours apparently, and you loved it.
You were completely right about Natasha, but you remembered that another one of your loves was right in front of you. "Peter, you're strong, smart, and pretty too, not to mention a complete dork which is awesome because I am too!"
Peter grinned, his cheeks flushing slightly. "Thanks, (n/n)."
You winked at him, cheeks warm from excitement. "No problem, honey bun."
The two of you began the journey back to his apartment, talking about random topics the entire time. You felt like your heart was going to burst from happiness, here you were with one of your heroes and the two of you were talking like old friends. You had never had many(any) friends so having Peter Parker be your friend was insane. Especially because of how good of a friend he seemed to be. Granted, you didn't have much to go off of, but he was kind, attentive, funny, and smart, and he seemed to genuinely care about what you had to say.
You couldn't imagine a better companion, so who cared that you didn't have much friend-experience?
"You know you're really awesome, right?"
Peter looked at you and smiled. "You are too, (n/n)."
"Does she seem a bit...different to you?" Steve questioned.
Natasha hummed. "She definitely seems more excited when she comes here, but that's about it. Why?"
Steve's brows furrowed, "I don't know, it's just-"
"You two are just being paranoid," Tony strode into the room, "I, being the amazing person that I am, have decided to make her an Iron Man suit, with her help. That is why she's so excited. Also, that boy who's always with her probably has something to do with it."
Natasha snickered, while Steve frowned. "Isn't he like 15? (y/n) wouldn't break the law like that." Steve's forehead creased as he thought.
"3 years isn't much of a gap," Natasha said, "besides, if you go back a couple months that would be perfectly legal."
Steve's frown deepened and Natasha laughed. "What's wrong? Jealous that the little boy is getting more attention than you?"
Steve protested, "no, I-"
Tony laughed, "Capsicle is just mad that she got over him being a 100 year-old-man on drugs. Sorry," Tony patted Steve on the back, leaving the room. But not without calling out and laughing, "guess you've just gotta settle for being beat by that kid."
You flicked on the light, and stepped into the apartment.
You closed the door behind you, then walked into the kitchen. You couldn't hear anyone else in the apartment, but you knew that "your" mom was going to be here by the time you got home from the internship. She had told you so before you left for the Tower.
You turned the light on in the kitchen/dining room, looked around. You spotted a note on the table, and you moved to grab it. You read it, humming as you did so. 
I called and ordered your favorite dinner, went to go pick it up. Should be back by 7:15, your dad will be here around the same time. See you soon and don't burn down the house while we're gone. And if you do, make sure it looks like an accident so the insurance will pay for it.
You were in awe at how different "your" mom was from your mom back home. 
All of the lights going out at once interrupted your thoughts, plunging the apartment into darkness.
A noise came from the dark living room. "Ah shit," you cursed. I gotta go. There ain't no way I'm ending up like those people in horror movies. All those stupid motherfu-
“Hello, darling."
As soon as you heard the voice calling out in the dark, you were ready to get the hell outta there. Unfortunately, you weren't used to this new apartment so you ran into a wall. As you laid on the floor and cursed, the lights turned back on. Hitting your head on the wall had dazed you, but you could've sworn you knew that voice.
When you saw the person approaching you, you both tensed up and relaxed. You're reaction was confusing but-
How were you supposed to react when Loki broke into your apartment?
"Apologies," he chuckled, "I did not expect my arrival to cause you to attack the wall."
You sat up from off the floor, leaning against the wall you had just run into. "Really? You didn't think that breaking into someone's apartment and turning the power off would surprise someone?"
"Actually, the power went out all on it's own," Loki corrected. "Besides, I have been sitting here for quite a while, you simply never bothered to look up and see if anyone was in your living room"
"Are you-" you stopped. This was Loki, you didn't have the time to argue with him. You would normally be happy to spend time with him, but if "your" mom came in and saw him, you worried she might murder him. "Why are you here? You can't be here."
Loki tilted his head, looking at you in curiosity and delight. "You are rather relaxed considering our last encounter."
"You mean when you kidnapped me?" 
"Yes, that." Loki's gaze searched you. "Why is it that you are so calm after such an experience? You don't strike me as stupid. Well, at least not as much as most humans. But you're at ease in this situation. Why is that?"
You swallowed at how his eyes seemed to bore through you, "I'm just in shock right now. I'm sure I'll be plenty freaked out later."
Your feeble excuse only caused Loki to raise an eyebrow, his expression showing just how unconvinced he was. "As lovely as it was to see you again, I'm afraid I have to leave now. I will see you soon."
"See me soon?" you echoed.
He smirked, "you can count on it, darling."
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I’ve been reading these for at least a few months and I’ve been really enjoying them! Can you do something where husk, Charlie, Octavia, and loona(all done separately) with a reader who doesn’t have the confidence to ask them out so they do the whole “secret admirer” thing with letters and stuff?
Your Secret Admirer~
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Now, when you first joined the Hotel, you never intended to fall for someone. And you certainly never suspected youd fall for an alcoholic, scruffy cat.
But with you spending each evening at the bar, and him being the only real companion you had, you'd quickly fall for him, especially as he warmed up to you.
Of course, you hadn't the guts to confess, especially with someone as blunt as him. As such you did the next best thing.
You wrote him a love letter.
Now the first letter was accidentally ignored, the Cat dropping it and when you'd tried to broach the subject, the cat seemed oblivious.
So, you kept it together. Keeping a level tone, never acting out. But still feeling... well, down.
But a week or so later, the Cat would find the letter, and after pulling it out and reading it he'd be a blushing mess, totally unsure of how to handle the letter.
Now, when you'd speak to him again, you'd see the letter, realising he'd finally read it, and with that your hope was renewed.
So, you wrote him another letter. Leaving it on the bar, the same place as the last.
And this time, he found it the next morning, blushingly reading it as he genuinely had no idea how to handle the affection.
And after the first few letters, and a bout of sober contemplation, the cat derived an ingenious plan.
He'd drink again, as he always did, but this time he'd go extra light on drinks, the cat sneaking by on only a drink or two.
And due to him actually being semi sober, he'd finally realise how nice it was having you around, you keeping him company much of the night and honestly, the cat was surprised at how much he enjoyed having you around.
Of course, imagine his surprise when as he laid across the bar, pretending to be out drunk, the way he often ended up at night.
And imagine your surprise when you 'carefully' approached him, placing down the letter, only to be snagged by the cat.
He'd pop up, and this wasn't a 'drunken knee jerk reaction' he'd given on other occasions.
No, this was a 'clear eyed, fully sobber standing', the cat popping up before you.
You stared at each other for what felt like hours, neither of you daring to look away.
He'd hold your wrist for several more minutes before he'd ask simply. "W-why?"
And so, after Blushing up a storm, you'd tell him. "W-well, Uh, your pretty cool. You spend time with me without treating me feel like an idiot and your funny... your nice to me."
Youd look away, scratching your cheek before adding. "Plus... your really hot."
At that the Cat would blush, scratching his neck as he looked away, commenting how he liked you too, the Cat asking if maybe you'd like to go out or something.
To which you'd beam, eagerly snatching up one of his paws, telling him eagerly that you'd love to!
The date itself was at the Hotel, the cat, with a good bit of help from Nifty, would set up a meal for the two of you.
He'd even get all clean, showering off his usual heady scent of alcohol, the cat all anxiously awaiting you.
If the cat was nervous, you were freaking out, awkwardly stumbling over yourself to try and keep it together.
Your first date would end less than spectacularly, the both of you blame yourself for its failure.
So, after half a bottle of Alastors good wine, he'd show up at your room, the two of you sharing the bottle as you spoke.
Youd both reach for the bottle, pausing as your hands touched, the two of you staring at each other before well, instincts kicked in and you began making out.
You spent the night together. Joined in hot, passionate sex together as you both poured everything you had into it.
The next day you'd wake up, groggy from the bottle of vintage you'd shared. But unlike some shameful one night stand, you found yourself comfortable against his furry form, the two of you basking in your morning glow, despite the hangovers.
Youd begin a somewhat casual Relastionship. Neither of you wanting to force anything, wanting to give the other space.
But you found you just... didn't need to.
You got along excellently, and well, that transfered naturally into your relationship.
Youd spent most your time with the other, usually at the bar, since he was the Hotel's bartender.
But you also spent most your time when not at the bar together, your relationship quickly getting deeper and deeper, the both of you coming to love each other.
Of course, it took a while for you to come to terms with this sorta stuff, particularly Husker, as he'd basically forgotten how to feelings.
But given some time, you'd develope a deeply intimate and loving relationship.
Of course, the Hotel would discover it. Angel would be upset Husker ended up with you. Charlie and Vaggie accepting it, but also kinda upset at loosing a patient.
Alastor... was an issue, as he basically owned Husker and wasn't above manipulating the both of you, so you'd just endure it, hoping to wait out his contract so he'd be free to be with you.
But I imagine you could reason with him, although Husker would probably have to play nice with the radio demon, at least till he was free.
Charlie watched as Angel looked over the letter for what was likely the seventh time
She was quite shocked upon waking up and getting ready for the day, only to find a letter had been slid under.
She was even more shocked to find the letters contents to be a declaration of aduration, the letter essentially singing her praises.
Now, she had initially taken the letter to Angle to see if it had been some prank from him, something he himself admitted was right up his alley, but after reading it once more, he'd tell her bluntly. "Well, someone wants ya."
Charlie, through a Blush, sputtered out. "Wh-what?!"
To that, Angel laughed, propping his head up on one of his many arms as he tossed the letter back to her.
"Simple toots. Someone has the hots for you but don't got the balls to tell ya in person."
Charlie just held the letter in her hands, a gentle flush on her cheeks as she wondered who it could be.
She already eliminated Angel, and she doubted it could be Alastor and Neither Husker or Nifty seemed viable options.
She doubted it was Vaggie, her best friend was too up front to waste her time writing her a letter.
So that left... you.
She blushed thinking about it.
And she blushed every morning, when she woke up, finding a new letter waiting for her.
Each one was better and sweeter than the last, and reading your letter quickly became the highlight of her day.
She would, of course, let her best friend in on the secret, Vaggie promising to keep it to herself. And when the moth would ask if she was sure it was you.
But all it took was a little snooping to find definite clues leading to you. You weren't that subtle.
Now, while Vaggie kept it together well enough, hiding her knowing it was you. Charlie wasn't so good at it, and while she was never too blatant, she did start treating you differently.
She was nicer to you, spending more time with you and generally acting more friendly.
And this went on for a week or two until, after a particularly loving letter, she'd finally act.
Now, you'd honestly expected to find your first love letter in the garbage, if not burnt to cinders.
There was no way you'd expect someone as amazing as Charlie, let alone the princess, to like you back.
But since you started writing them, Charlie had only seemed to get even friendlier, spending even more time with you.
This only fuelled your affection, and after your most loving of letters, you'd be sat in a lounge room, reading a book when Charlie walked in.
Youd greet her, happily welcoming her.
Only for her not to say anything back, the girl approaching you with rosy cheeks. Well, even rosier than usual.
And after stopping before you, she'd hold out a letter.
Seeing it, you'd instantly blush, shakily reaching out and grabbing the letter, pulling it back before looking up at her.
Youd look down, shakily opening the letter.
Youd find a heartfelt letter, the girl telling you she'd love to go out with you.
And so, through an absolutely blushing mess of a face, you eagerly agreed. Blushing even harder when she hugged you close, telling you she was looking forward to it.
Youd go out together, first to dinner, then to a movie, the girl acting as a fairly regular teenager and of course, you were a blushing mess the entire time. Blushingly following after her like a puppy, the two of you blushingly holding hands.
Youd walk her to her door. In the hotel. Which felt a little odd, not that you could tell, youd be freaking out the entire night. The two of you confessing you really enjoyed your time together.
You both agreed with the others assessment, agreeing to do it again. The both of you smiling ear to ear as you parted.
Octavia was sat in her family kitchen, the girl mid way through a bowl of Greed Seeds as her father walked into the room.
He'd be perusing the mail when he'd find one for her, pausing before walking over and handing it to her.
The girl, seeing the letter, quickly snatched it up, jumping up and kissing her fathers cheek before rushing off, leaving Stolas a bewildered lamp post.
Octavia rushed to her room, jumping onto her bed with a very teenage giggle before she carefully opened the letter.
She found another love letter.
It was beautifully written, as they all had been, the page a beautiful poem of your adoration.
The girl just laid there, red faced, grinning ear to ear.
The letter ended with your usual 'with loving adoration, ~your secret admirer.'
But this time, at the very bottom it said, 'I hope I'll be seeing you at the next gathering.'
With that revelation, Octavia eagerly awaited the next Royal gathering.
Now normally, she despised these gatherings, being stuffed in a room of stuffy and stuck up A-holes isn't her idea of a good time. But now she had you, her secret admirer, to look forwards to.
And she was looking forwards to it, after several weeks of getting love letters, she was eager to finally meet you.
So, after a few days, the gala came around, the girl eagerly dressing up, doing her best to make herself presentable.
Entering the ball room, desperately hoping you weren't some creepy old guy sending her letters.
She acted naturally throughout the night, being pulled into the occasional conversation and ignoring the teenage nobles that seemed to gravatate towards her, most smug teenegers that thought their status meant they should instantly be allowed in her pants.
It'd be as she sipped punch at one of the tables that she'd glance up, only to lock eyes with you, you breaking into the biggest Blush she'd ever seen.
You stared at each other for several minutes, neither of you looking away.
She'd stand there for another minute before she'd take the initiative, approaching you, the girl standing before you.
Now stood before you, she'd ask simply. "Are you my secret admirer?"
And after several seconds of pregnant silence, your face getting even redder, you'd nod, pulling out another letter, you holding out to her.
She'd look down at it, finding it identical to all the others.
Pulling it open she found a simple question written out as all your writing was.
"Will you go out with me?"
At that she'd smile, nodding her head before grabbing your hand, the two of you walking off, sitting in a nook as you got to know each other, the two of you turning out to have a lot in common.
Youd spend much of the night talking, the two of you friending each other on your mutual social media, just spending the time together until the gala would finally end, you and Octavia parting with a gentle kiss, promising to meet up soon.
You just blushing up a storm, eagerly nodding your head.
Now, your whole 'secret admirer' shtick really didn't last that long with Loona.
The first one, she'd chocked up to a prank from Moxxie, Loona know full well the Imp was too much of a pansy to do anything serious to her.
But then when she got the second letter, this one being far more straightforward with your adoration, the girl was left a blushing mess.
Of course, she quickly pulled herself together, and after only a few moments of thought, she realised it simply had to be you, you were literally the only person it could be.
But, upon reading over the letter again, she found it was nice having someone complimenting her like that, so she let it go on a few more days, just enjoying the praise.
But after the first week she'd confront you, and while you tried to play it off, she'd literally compare your hand writing to the letters, finding it a perfect match.
And so, faced with undeniable proof you'd concede. After that, Loona would ask why you hadn't just asked her out, to which you'd tell her bluntly she was way out of your league.
She was attractive and confident and she was the most deadly and incredible woman you'd ever met and well, you couldn't contain yourself any longer. But you hadn't the balls to tell her In person. So, you wrote it down.
After suppressing a blush, the girl almost giddy at your complements, Loona would ask if, well, if you'd eanna go out?
To which you'd instantly break into a blush, something Loona thought was cute before timidly agreeing.
The girl plaid it of, trying to keep her cool, but in reality, she was giddy inside, tale actually wagging as she left, wondering where you should go on your first date.
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avatar-anna · 2 years
Love on Tour: The Documentary, Part 2
we all know harry is working on a documentary, so this is my take on how young dad!harry would approach it!
and now a little key:
bold and italics: camera directions, or what you would be seeing as a viewer of the documentary in person
just italics: interviewer questions, or people who are speaking off camera
Young dad!Harry x Young mom!Reader universe
Part 1 Part 3
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In the interview room with Harry.
“There are some pretty heavy songs on Fine Line.”
Harry scratches his chin and looks away from the camera. “Yeah.”
“You’ve said in the past that you write from personal experience. Where did songs like ‘Cherry’ and ‘Falling’ come from?
“Uh...Not the uh…not the best time of my life.”
Cut to Y/n’s interview.
“Harry is…the most hard working person I’ve ever met. He wants to do everything he does with a hundred and ten percent. Almost to a fault, and there—there were moments where I felt like he was choosing his career over his family. You know, once One Direction went on hiatus, I thought things were gonna be different. I thought we would have more time together as a family, but we started falling into the same cycles. Write, promote, tour.”
Cut to Harry.
“Were you choosing your career over family?”
“I know how Y/n felt back then, and we’ve talked about it at length since then,” Harry says. “I think…I think at the time I only knew one way of having a music career and providing for my family, and it worked, so I almost felt like I had to keep that momentum. After the first tour ended, I came home and we spent time together, but…All I’ll say was it was tense.”
Cut to Y/n.
“I often think the pandemic was a blessing in disguise.”
“Really? Why?”
Y/n looks down at her lap before answering. “Because I was done.”
Cut to clips of Harry in Japan and in recording studios with his team.
Harry’s voiceover: “I’d never felt truly alone until we separated. To some it may seem odd because I was touring so much anyway, but I spoke to my family every day. I don’t think a day had ever gone by that I didn’t speak to Y/n. I wanted to give Y/n space, and I felt so lost, so I just kind of…stayed away. It was so hard. All I kept thinking was, ‘I did this. This is my fault.’ I eventually started writing down how I felt, but…yeah. Not something I look back on with pride.”
Back to Harry’s interview.
“Why talk about any of this at all?”
Harry’s eyes are red and watery, as if he had just been crying. “It was part of this whole journey. It wouldn’t be authentic of me to only share the good parts. Fine Line is introspective. It’s an album about high highs and low lows, so it only makes sense to kind of…express what I was going through to make me feel a certain way while writing.”
Cut to Y/n’s interview.
“What was it like to hear Fine Line for the first time?”
“Jeff told me H jetted off to Japan to write songs for the next album, and I didn’t see him until after it was nearly ready to be released. I wanted him to fight for us, but he just left. It solidified for me how much we needed to take a little time apart and figure out what we wanted. I was…resentful going into it. It felt like his music was tearing us apart, and he went to write more. But…”
Y/n wipes a tear from her eye.
“He…He was hurting as much as I was, and I was partially to blame.”
When asked to elaborate about the children during that time, both Harry and Y/n refused to comment.
Cut to an interview with Jeffrey Azoff, Harry’s long time friend and manager.
“I have a lot of respect for the both of them,” Jeff says. “What the two of them went through together, what Y/n endured all those years. Being a parent is hard enough, add everything else they put up with on top of that?”
Jeff shakes his head.
“But Harry went on a huge tour under your management.”
“An error on my part. And his,” he says. “I think we were so excited to start his career, and as a manager who has a client who loves live performances, it felt like a no brainer. I could tell that H was going to be someone explosive in the music industry, and I let that kind of cloud my vision.”
Jeff also reveals that he has since apologized to Y/n and that they are on good terms.
“So how did you go about promotion for Fine Line?”
“It was tricky, you know, because to the outside world, why wouldn’t H be doing all the talk shows and interviews and things like that? To everyone who didn’t know what was going on, he had all the time in the world and no obligations, but that obviously wasn’t the case.”
“Were there ever conversations to reveal his family to the public?”
Cut to Y/n and Harry in an interview room together.
“We talked about our options moving forward,” Harry says. “But we decided the best way to protect the kids’ privacy was if no one knew I had a wife and kids.”
“Definitely not easy,” Y/n says, but not impossible.”
Clips of Harry on various talk shows (Late Late Show, Ellen DeGeneres, Graham Norton) and at the Jingle Bell Ball, and One Night Only at the Forum appear. Some are of him performing, others are of him rehearsing, and one in a green room with Y/n, Simone, and Collette sitting on a couch.
Harry’s voiceover: “We decided on a couple talk show appearances in places where I could drive home afterwards, and longer breaks between tour destinations,” he says. “I was prepared to hold off on the album release so that I could spend more time at home, but Y/n wouldn’t let me.”
Back to Y/n.
“Keeping him from doing what he loves was never the goal,” Y/n says. “I just wanted there to be a balance. The kids were getting older and had more things going on, and I didn’t want their earliest memories of their dad to be that he was gone all the time. H wouldn’t be the same person if he didn’t have his music, but he also wouldn’t be the same without us. I never wanted him to give up his life for us, but things needed to be different.”
“Global lockdown was certainly different.”
She nods. “I think H saw it as an opportunity to…make up for lost time. It was difficult for obvious reasons. Online learning, keeping the kids entertained all day, staying inside, the toilet paper thing, but we’d never been the kind of family that spent so much time under the same roof before. It was strange, but also really nice.”
Back to Harry.
“You know, obviously I was bummed that I put out this album that I was really proud of and couldn’t perform it the way I wanted to, and there were already so many fans who bought tickets. I felt like I was letting them down too. But at the same time, it forced me and Y/n to share common space after so much time apart. I wasn’t about to take that for granted.”
This was all Harry and Y/n were willing to talk about concerning their separation. They did not say how long they were apart or when they officially mended things.
In another interview room are four children.
“Can you state your name for the interview, please?”
“Simone Styles.”
“Nicoletta Anne Styles.”
When the fourth child doesn’t answer, Maeve does it for him.
“And that’s JuJu.”
“No it’s not!”
“Then say your name!”
“My name is Julian.”
“Do you know what your dad does for a living?”
“He travels a lot,” Maeve says. “Sometimes we get to go with him!”
“Daddy sings onstage,” Julian says.
“And on the radio!”
“He’s a musician,” Simone says.
“Do you have a favorite song that your dad sings?”
They all begin to talk over each other.
“I like Adore You!”
“As It Was!”
“Only because you were in it.”
“Baby Shark!”
“I like his One Direction songs,” Collette says.
“So you know who One Direction is?”
“Yeah,” Simone says while the rest nod.
“Simone, do you remember anything about your dad being in One Direction?”
“Not really. But Mom likes to tell stories about all the cool places we got to go together.”
“What is the coolest thing about your dad?”
“Did he tell you to ask us that?” Maeve asks.
The whole crew laughs.
“No, he didn’t.”
“I like when he plays with my toy cars. Sometimes we make a really big racetrack with, like, loops and stuff,” Julian says.
“I like when he plays tea party with me!”
“I like it when Dad picks me up from school early so we can go shopping together,” Simone says.
Back to Harry and Y/n’s shared interview.
“You do what?”
“It was only a couple of times!” Harry says in his defense.
Y/n gives Harry a stern look before she says, “Okay.”
Harry looks at the camera. “She does this to scare me. Pretends like everything’s fine and then grills me later.”
Back to the interview with Simone, Collette, Maeve, and Julian.
“What was it like being in lockdown together?”
“It was really fun!” Maeve says.
“We played lots of games and did campouts in the backyard and stuff,” Simone added.
“I learned how to ride a bike!”
Collette tilts her head to the side. “Well, it was mostly fun. When Mom and Maeve got sick it was not so fun.”
“I think Daddy was in over his head,” Julian says.
Cut to Harry and Y/n’s interview.
“I was not ‘in over my head.’ We were fine. Better than fine, even.”
Y/n looks at the camera, clearly amused. “He called me crying several times.”
“How did you and Maeve quarantine while you were sick?”
“We took our bedroom,” Y/n says, gesturing between her and Harry. “And they would bring us meals and everything. I was a little worried because GiGi was only a couple months old, but we made it work.”
“Why were you crying so much, Harry?”
“It wasn’t so much. But…I think we’re all used to having Y/n around, and sometimes Simone and Collette would argue, and Julian missed having Maeve around, and you know, was looking after a newborn during all of it. Y/n is truly the glue that holds this family together.”
“He got really good at braiding my hair!”
Everyone laughs at the little voice off camera, which turns away from Harry and Y/n to where Collette is sitting in a director’s chair. Then the camera swivels back to Harry and Y/n.
“She’s right. I am a master at the French braid.
Cut to a home video of Simone and Collette with Harry filming.
“Welcome to our home!” Simone says. She spreads her arms wide as she presents the front room of the house to the camera.
Both Simone and Collette proceed to give a tour of the whole house. They show a kitchen, a home theater, what they call “Daddy’s office,” which appears to be a converted recording studio, and the twins’ bedroom.
“This is my room. I share it with Simone,” Collette says.
Simone shows off the bedroom, which has white walls with pastel accents. Lots of stuffed animals on two beds with princess canopies and a small sofa. There are two rugs on the floor, a white one with a textured pink and purple smiley face and another white one with an orange pattern. A teddy bear bean bag chair sits by one of the beds. There’s a bay window with a small mattress and curtains with hand-stitched cherries on them. “A project completed by yours truly,” Harry says about the bay window bed. “I’ve become quite the handyman during lockdown. And an interior decorator.”
“Dad!” they both cry.
“Sorry, sorry. I’ll keep quiet from now on.”
The “tour” ends in Harry and Y/n’s room, where Y/n lays on the bed. Her belly is big, clearly several months pregnant. She smiles as Simone and Collette approach.
“What’s going on here?” she asks.
“We’re giving a house tour!” Collette says as she jumps on the bed. “This is our last stop.”
“We’re gonna send it to Nana and Auntie Gemma and…”
Simone rattles off all the names they plan to send their video to.
“Wow! And I see you have your own cameraman,” Y/n says.
“He’s good, but we have some notes,” Collette says, and Simone agrees.
“That’s it. No more cameraman. I’m the tickle monster,” Harry says.
Simone and Collette scream and run away, and the video ends shortly after that.
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nevilleismybaby · 1 year
(m. Secret bonds of Love)
Neville Longbottom x Reader
Neville Longbottom, the “not-so” brave Gryffindor boy. Was always in your mind. His beautiful green eyes and brown hair. How he lights up talking about herbology. Everything about him to you was as perfect as a person could get. Just hearing his name could make you smile…
“Y/n” Draco hissed from beside you, taking you from your thoughts.
“What?” You whispered back to him.
“You were daydreaming. Why do you keep doing that? You know we’re supposed to be working.” He said.
“Yes, obviously I know that,”I told him. “Now be quiet, I can’t focus.”
“Whatever,” he rolled his eyes and went back to work.
You and Draco have been friends ever since you can remember. His and your parents being friends, meant you also became friends. You both came to Hogwarts together and were sorted into the same house. Though you mostly saw the friendly side of him, you were there to witness his arrogant side as well.
Especially with Harry and his friends. You didn’t mind them but they didn’t talk you because you were friends with Draco and his “goons”. Only really talking with Draco and other Slytherins wasn’t too bad, but people not talking to because of your friends made you feel a little upset. Of course you wouldn’t trade being friends with them just to have other friends but you had to admit it wasn’t fair.
You wanted to make friends with all the other houses, but the person specifically has Neville Longbottom. You first saw him on the Hogwarts Express, looking for his pet toad. He came into you and Draco’s compartment asking if either of you had seen him. Draco brushed him off. You tried to help, but Draco stopped you and made him leave.
After that you never really had a conversation with him but smiled at him when you passed by him in the hall, or offered to help him sometimes in class. But never became friends.
Today you woke up and realized it was the weekend. So you styled your hair and decided to go to Hogsmeade for a while. Walking around for a little, you went into Honeydukes to buy some candy. Looking around for a bit you ran into Neville.
“Oh, hello Neville!” You said.
“Hi y/n.” He responded.
“What are you looking for?” You asked trying to start a small conversation.
“Uh, trying to get a little candy,” he said, “ it’s been a bit since I was last here.”
“Me too, I don’t come here often,” you responded, “ my favorites are chocolate frogs. What about yours?”
“Um I’m not sure, I like all kinds.” He chuckled.
“Yeah.” You smiled softly.
Out of nowhere all the times you witnessed Neville get bullied by your friends filled your mind. You thought that he must hate you, and you didn’t want that. So, you apologized.
“Neville, I am so sorry for everything my friends have done to you. I would’ve stopped them but-“
“ It’s okay Y/n. I don’t blame you.” He stopped you.
“You don’t?”
“Of course not. You didn’t do it did you?” He asked.
“No, but-“
“Then it’s okay. I promise you.” He said.
“Okay, but how about I make it up to you?” You asked, “Do you like Butterbeer?”
“Yeah,” he said.
“Okay then let’s go!”
You grabbed his hand and led him to The Three Broomsticks. After being seated you got your butterbeer and started talking. When you finished he told you he had to do something in the greenhouse so you offered to help him.
Herbology and stuff like that was never really your specialty so the whole time you kept asking what different plants were. When he finished he walked you to Slytherin house and bid his goodnight. After that day you and Neville did this every weekend. Going to Hogsmeade and spending the rest of the day in the greenhouses. None of your friends knew. You usually tell Draco everything but this felt like something you should keep to yourself.
As the time spent with Neville went on the feelings you had for him grew. The daydreaming about him and his eyes went on and you felt like you should tell him because you felt you couldn’t keep your feelings from him for too long.
One day you were both in the greenhouse, Neville was treating to the plants and you were helping and still asking questions. There was one plant you were looking at that caught your eye. It didn’t have flowers like most of the other things. Neville standing right beside you, caught you looking at them.
“They’re called ferns.” He informed you,” it’s a flowerless plant that has leafy fonds and also has a vascular system for the transport of the water and nutrients.”
“Does it have a meaning?” You asked.
“It means magic and secret love.” He said.
“Really?” You asked turning to face him. Not realizing he was this close surprised you a little, but you got distracted by his eyes. You both stood there, inches apart, lost in each other’s eyes. Without thinking, you slowly learned forward, and kissed him.
After pulling away you look at his face. His eyes were wide and he had a light blush on his cheek. You smiled at him and you both leaned in a second time.
“ I really like you Neville,” you said.
“I really like you too Y/n,” he responded grabbing your hand.
He led you out of the greenhouse to a bench. You cuddled into him while watching the sunset. He looked at you dozing off and kissed your forehead. And you fell asleep with a smile on your face.
A/n: this is my first story I’ve ever made so some constructive criticism would be nice, but I hope it was good.
And it was kind of short.
Anyways, bye and have a great rest of your day!
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dykedvonte · 6 months
thinking abt what you said with house viewing Benny as a son and I’m obsessed. Like. The man spent most of his life before the war presumably alone, and then after the bombs fell he was alone again, save for AI he himself devised. Then he decides to pull in some Tribes, and one kid shows promise! So sure, treat him well, train him, groom him to be his protege, then next thing you know UH OH he’s got developing paternal feelings towards this guy. Wanting some semblance of a family when the time has long since passed, yet fostering that feeling all the same seems so accurate for him. Benny meanwhile only views him as a boss, and not a particularly good one at that. makes me wonder how House must’ve felt when he found out about Bennys plans
I view it as House blames only himself for this, cause he kind of does in canon (strap in this is a long one).
When reflecting on the issue of Benny, House chastises himself first and foremost for not acting quickly enough when it comes to priming Benny. He describes Benny as being ambitious, ruthless and capable; compliments coming from a man like House. House has an ego and while he is logical enough to understand there was never any evidence Benny saw him as a father-figure, he lacks the humility to admit he let his own views on his relationship with Benny blind him to the activities happening behind the scenes.
I doubt that House was as aware as he makes out about what Benny was doing, he knew early on but certainly not early enough to stop Benny from hacking and obtaining a securitron along with getting the chip in the first place. I take it he was distracted by all the possibilities he was calculating of Vegas' success and growth with him steering and Benny as the new figure head, not because of any normal affection for Benny but the admiration of his capabilities. It's to be noted that House believed menial incentives (likely caps, booze, basic needs, etc..) were enough to keep Benny tame like the other Chairmen but, as evidenced by the Omertas and Mortimer in the WGS, this is not enough when it comes to more driven Vegas citizens. This implies he still undervalued Benny and created a space in which Benny felt the need to rebel.
House in my eyes is not sentimental in the traditional sense. I can imagine his pride was severely scorned as someone he certainly deemed dumber than him was, albeit only for a little, able to out-gambit him. It would definitely hit home seeing how his brother also betrayed him but I feel like that's why he's so apathetic when he tells the Courier to do as they see fit with Benny. I doubt the way he terrorized his brother brought him any emotional satisfaction other than a "Now who's in charge!" ego boost. Putting that same emotional intensity towards Benny isn't worth it because who does it benefit? Wasted time, wasted planning, and most importantly wasted potential are all he gets from continuing to be hands-on with Benny. I say the closest example is not being able to throw out old toys due to the memories attached but knowing it's necessary as they are broken or just taking up space for new ones, and then asking someone else to do it so you don't need to get caught up in the feelings of throwing something you put so much effort into. It's not Benny House cares about in my mind, not in a way that sounds healthy to any non-emotionally constipated individual, but what he could've represented for him, which is why he so quickly offers the same position to the Courier.
As for Benny's view on all of this, it was a long time coming. Benny didn't and doesn't believe House is a completely shitty boss. He admires what he's been shown and admits House knows how to run the strip, but disagrees with the directions. Ideologically, House is an anarcho-capitalist while Benny is just an anarchist. House wants to run the strip to profit, though money is not what he's concerned with being rich with anymore. Benny wants a free state that he wishes to become a place for the people, except for the Chairmen who would be on top (I like to remind people that Benny's motives were selfish but not for personal gain/power as was it for the people he actually saw as family). Benny was never looking for a father but a future. He was not interested in being adopted, or having the chairmen adopted, as bigger names still overshadowed in House's legacy.
Truly, it's easiest to summarize as House feeling strongly and thinking positively enough of Benny to start incorporating him into the future of Vegas (a huge honor actually) while Benny was so disillusioned by House's ego and indifference that he thought the only way Vegas could be the future is with House gone.
#tdlr House saw Benny as the perfect face of his Legacy while Benny saw his legacy as a stagnant mosquito infested pond#its more complex as house certainly would of been irate if he hadn't known and the courier came to kick benny's ass#but more someone being mad youre fucking with their things#i likely thing that even in a more traditional father son relationship House is conditional and would force Benny to confrom more to his#standards as I also believe the Chairmen are more tightly monitered due to bennys unique relation to house and being the first tribe#so itd be smothering and oppressive for someone like Benny even though imposing his beliefs and standards would be how House shows affectio#and fatherly praise which would result in Benny probably wanting to act out even more. like the only way a father son dynamic is healthy an#works is if house would relent some control and show he sees benny as an equal which would never happen cause its house but its still tragi#to me cause house has that longing for something more personal to him than Vegas and tries to fill it with progress cause its rather hard#to create those bonds in the state he is in and benny was the closest thing to that and even that he inadvertently ruined#but on benny house kinda ruined him cause the chairmen for all intents and purposes liked and trusted benny as a leader after bingo who#benny really only killed because of the illusions of grandeur house put into a young impressionable mind and how bingo refused to hear him#not to absolve him of his wrongdoings and being a dick but benny didnt just attack bingo he challenged him and won and in the end while#nostalgic none of the chairmen choose to leave and go back to the old way which says something cause they can leave#this is long and honestly should a seperate post on benny cause i have thoughts on him and how more people need to add his all roads traits#to get a cohesive picture of how hed really act#benny gecko#benny fnv#fallout#fallout new vegas#robert edwin house#mr house fnv#mr house#ask#anon#sorry if this is confusing I have very indepth thoughts on all aspects and possibilites on how unhealthy and power inbalancey anything#with house would be but this is so interesting cause its oddly vulnerable for house of all people to disclose this to the courier
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abbonation · 7 months
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Lost Apprentice, Chapter I: Get Clean
Admitting you have a problem is the hardest part.
Explicit, 18+ content ~1.9k words
A/N: Welcome one, welcome all to the first full length fic of mine that isn't only smut! Blame it on the anti-depressants, blame it on the times but a bitch is needing some story goddamnit. Something with some bite to it. Which is something I've honestly never written before; that being said- feedback is welcomed and encouraged! This first chapter is shorter but I have the next few started and will hopefully update a couple times a week as I have time between work and school :)
CWs: accidental voyeurism; like 1 (one) horny thought?? It's light asf this chapter but let me know if you notice other necessary warnings I didn't include!!
Chapter I: Get Clean
A loud sight of relief escapes you upon stepping over the threshold of the combination bar and inn located— where the fuck are we? Eriadu? Ahh right, a small town on Eriadu. The jungle planet known only for its proximity to both the Hydian Way and Rimma trade route.
It had been nineteen, yes, nineteen full day cycles since your last shower, and technically you didn’t start feeling really nasty until about the seventh cycle mark, seeing as the first three were spent in hyperspace, but still. Over two full galactic weeks. No shower. And of course the Crest didn’t have even a sonic shower, yet Mando wondered why you seemed to be feeling stressed. Certainly it had nothing to do with the utter stink that was surely wafting off your body at this point, knowing full well he had the credits to install a complete fresher on the ship.
But, you were here now, a few warn down buildings, most covered in moss, but civilization nonetheless, where Mando had said We’ll refuel and rest up- then I’ll take you home.
He approached the bar where a Trandoshan man stands, wiping the counter. 
“Are your bathing stalls private?” Mando asks, hands on his utility belt. 
“Well, there are no bath stalls, but we have a bath house; it’s 5 credits a person, you get an hour. It’s public but there ain’ been a soul in there all day, so it’s all yours.” He smiles and you nod in thanks.
Mando turns to you, you can almost see the raised eyebrows on his face through the visor.
“I don’t mind sharing, I mean, if you’re okay with it.” you throw your hands up, honestly you’d wash in a mud puddle at this point if it meant feeling any less dirty than you are right now. 
He turns back to the bartender, passing him 10 credits and walking where he points, they’re just down the stairs and behind the double doors. Enjoy. You glare at his smirk.
“I don’t, uh, want to make you wait so you can go first,” Mando stumbles out, holding his towels. 
“Nah, it’s okay, you are the captain and all,” you respond- even if what you’d like to say is ‘Sounds great, if I have to smell like hot garbage for even one more minute I may implode.” 
“No really, I insist, it’s my fault we’re late getting back anyway.” He looks down at the tiled floor.
You think about how he insisted you stay by the treeline as the group of criminals passed by. There was no bounty catching or murdering scheduled for this trip, you were just supposed to be helping him find a pre-galactic war era ruin that was rumored to be in the jungle on this planet. Yet, there they were, and there he went. You had ended up intervening, shouting some shit like, “Oh no Mando! I’m so scared!” Trying to distract the attackers. Four armed men looked like they should’ve been a struggle, but he handled it no problem, especially with your distraction. They turned and two began running towards you, and Mando had to duck and weave between the other two to reach them. You had your dagger out and at the ready, slicing at one of them when he got you up against a tree. When he lunged towards your neck, you dropped your weight, stabbing the dagger into the meat of his thigh and pulling up, slicing through his flesh. He shrieked and fell in pain, blood dripping down your arms. You quickly removed the dagger, turning to run from him, when you looked back to see Mando stomping on his face. You swallow and stare at the boot shaped hole he was making, growling in effort, the other three men lay surrounding Mando. You hold the knife out again when he turns towards you, an unintentional move following what you just bared witness to. 
He stepped forward, “Why did you do that?” He’s angry. 
“I-I’m sorry I was trying-” you sound weak, and you hate it.
“I don’t care about ‘trying to help’. You could’ve been killed. Or worse, and you know it.” He’s closer now, still angry, but less yelling in your face.
“I thought I could help.” You say to the ground. 
He releases a breath and turns, resuming the trek back out of the forest towards the Crest. 
And after the small amount of back and forth, here you are. Sharing the deep stone bath, overflowing with steamy lavender and salt scented water, the stained glass inlaid in the ceiling casts a spectacular light on the room and a thin divider made of spindly, vine-like woven reed material separates you and Mando. 
You’re sure he won’t take the helmet off, that’s his prerogative, though. For now you let the hot water loosen your tight muscles and bones, cramped from the lack of moving room on the ship. There’s a tense silence between you, save for the trickling water and distant sounds of the bar beyond the doors.
“Listen, uh, about the jungle,” You hear his voice, and confirm that he still has the helmet on from the tune of his vocoder, and peek over to your right to see his blurred outline through the divider. 
“It’s.. nothing. Let’s not mention it.” You don’t want to think anymore about his over-protection despite your barely being what you might consider ‘friends’. Or the fact that you liked watching him kill the person who meant to hurt you.
“I just- don’t want to be the reason you get killed. That’s all.”
The water splashes when he puts his arms back down.
“Why did you ask me to come if you didn’t want all the help I can offer, Mando?”
“You know I didn’t ask you to come to be my bodyguard. You’re better at the, y’know, the smart stuff. And I’m better at the.. Killing stuff. They weren’t going to get the chance to mug us.”  You laugh at him then, he’s right. 
Silence overtakes you both again and you can’t seem to keep the anger at his actions at surface level when the water feels this good and he doesn’t seem to be holding a grudge.
You brush your fingertips over your scalp and down the front of your chest, brushing over your nipples and shivering when the chilly air hardens them. Too risky for now, though you are keyed up from the last couple weeks. You sink down until just your nose and the top of your head rests above the water, and blow bubbles on the surface.
“What’s that?” His voice turns towards you.
“Blowin’ some bubbles,” you hope he hears your smile, this really is a luxurious place, even if it came after a lot of suffering. “So, where to after this?”
You start to shampoo your hair, working the suds over your head.
“Like I said, I’m taking you back to Obroa-Skai.” 
“No pit stops this time, Mando?”
You’re rinsing your hair and smoothing in the conditioner now. 
“Well- I actually did calculate in a stop on Nevarro for some bounties, if that’s okay?” 
“Yeah, it’s on our way right? I don’t mind, nothing to do back at home except examine more rocks,” you laugh and lean towards the divider to grab the bar of soap when you inadvertently get a glimpse to his side of the bath through the divider.
His bare thighs with wet hair slicked to them stick out of the water, he’s leaned back on the same wall you were. His sun kissed stomach slopes down to a delicious happy trail, and you breathe out, blinking hard to snap out of your trance. “Sorry what?” 
“I asked if you like your job.”
“Yeah, um, I mean, as much as anyone likes their job, I guess. It’s nice to enjoy what you do even just a little bit.” You lather the bar against the sponge and begin washing your feet and legs, up towards your thighs.
“Why haven’t you been bounty hunting recently?” You knew there had to be a reason he needed your help on this trip, he hadn’t divulged it yet. 
The water sloshes on his side, he’s washing himself now too.
“Remember the uh, the kid I had with me last time we stopped on your planet?” 
“Sure, the green baby? That was a bounty though, right?” 
“Yeah, he was, he sort of became more than that though. I ended up.. keeping him.” 
Your scrubbing comes to a halt and you turn to the divider, “Wait, you what?”
“I kept him. He’s my ad’ika, my son.” 
Your eyes close and you shake your head, trying to make sense of things. “So you just kept this child? And whoever put the bounty out let you?”
“Not exactly, it’s a long story. I’ll explain eventually, but I asked because you helped me a lot- finding this remnant, it would be nice to have your help more readily available in the future… and I’m looking for him, I need to know he’s safe.” 
“So someone took him?” 
“No, just.. Okay. He’s a Jedi and he’s training with his master. I gave him over willingly, but I don’t know where he is now.”
“Mando you’re fucking crazy.” You have to laugh at the situation. 
“Excuse me?” He sounds wounded almost.
“I mean, not to be mean but we don’t talk, or see each other for like what? A year and a half? And you’ve had this crazy life changing journey, a child, new armor, new everything! It’s just.. wild. How do I know it’s even you under there? And now you want me to do what? Quit my job and surf the stars with you?” 
He’s quiet. 
“You’re- you’re right. It’s foolish of me.” 
You hear him start to get out of the water, splashing as he covers up in a towel. 
Fuck. That’s not what was supposed to happen. You stand up too, quickly reach to wrap up in your towel, and run-walk as quick as possible to meet him where he’s headed for the doors back to the changing room.
“Wait, Mando, that’s, that’s not what I meant.” You stop, and place your hand on his bare shoulder to turn him to face you. The T of his visor tilts down to look at your face, and where your hand rests on his skin. 
“I-I’m sorry. I didn’t mean to make light of your search for your son. It’s just crazy how much has changed since we last saw each other, y’know?” 
You look up at him and notice his adam’s apple bob as he swallows and nods. 
“I didn’t say no. Or that I don’t want to, it's just.. insane, but that doesn’t always have to be a bad thing.” You smile and look down at his chest. 
The gentle trickle of the water spouts is the only sound, and the steamy heat of the room must be getting to your head when you move your hand down his clavicle to skate just your fingertips over the hair on his chest. He shivers. “I think I might want to. Just lemme think about it.” You move just your eyes up to meet the helmet and he clears his throat before he answers, nodding “Okay.”
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