#and when this happened i knew. oh the tumblr guys will get a kick out of this
maraschinotopped · 1 year
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saw a hedgehog but i couldnt tell at first due to it being so dark so i had the scariest 2 minutes in my entire life.
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ardenation · 4 months
Just my rambles. Also I only remembered sweet tooth existed 2 days before the third season came out so I quickly re-watched season 2 and then season 3 right after AND WHEN I TELL YOU I HAVE THOUGHTS ON THIS SHOW.
spoilers under the cut
Okay, I can't remember which order the episodes are so I'm winging it here and just word vomiting. in my defense my best friend is away camping and I have nobody to yap about this to so tumblr gets it instead.
The first thing I can remember is that whole thing with the bat kid. OH MY GOD. that poor kid man. it's so awful how his parents raised him to believe that what he was was unfit for society, below humans, and not natural. no kid should have to grow up like that. I don't completely blame the parents, but there were some very, very bad decisions made. and the fucking scene where the dad tries to cut off the baby's hybrid traits??? I got SO reminded of when Gus' antler was cut off. baby boy was mutilated. but the difference between the scene with the baby and gus was that nobody was there to stop it from happening. nobody was there to wrangle the saw out of that guy's hands. bruh. tears. I fucking hate it here.
also live laugh love Rani <33
uhh I dunno what comes after that so let's jump to the boat episode! *laughs nervously*
That. freaking. episode. broke me. I didn't even want to keep watching after that (lie) because it was just so incredibly awful. just when they walked onto that boat for the first time and It was dead silent? goosebumps. especially after finding that dead body. by the way, this is when I started to dislike Dr. singh. bro fell way off after Rani left. anyway, I did not trust Darwin AT ALL when he was introduced. I thought he was shady as all hell. Glad I was proved wrong in the end, though. not important. let's talk about those dead bodies and what Gus had to do because that is a whole rodeo.
I admit, when I first heard he was going to have to find and toss dead bodies overboard my first thought was 'FUCK yes trauma angst trauma angst trauma angst' because what can I say, it's how my brain works. it started off pretty chill, the deer boy doing some nice yardwork and tossing the flowers overboard. okay. this is fine. oh, shit, now he's found dead bodies. oh my god he's crying. oh my god i'm crying. MY BABY. MY BABY BOY, WHY WOULD THEY DO THIS TO YOU?! anyway that was probably the most fucked up thing I have ever watched in my life. kill me. kill me- and the fact that he kept all the people's little things as ways to remember them? what the fuck. what the hell netflix. why would you do this. he's just a little kid. I'm going to kill someone. ALSO I fucking KNEW Darwin was going to get sick. I was watching it with my little sister, and when he popped up I went 'bet you Gus is gonna look away and darwin's finger is gonna start twitching' then BOOM. also, that makes it so much worse. at this point I was like, how many more people is this poor kid going to to lose? WHY IS HE SO TRAUMATIZED???
hahaha. boy oh boy.
side note, why was Siana and Birdie actually so cute? I would've loved for their relationship to be explored more before... yk. and Nuka?? my baby. my darling. she means everything, actually.
wait what happens next?? idk
episode 7 time! or at least the end of it.
first of all, FUCK YOU DR. SINGH. I LIKED YOU AT THE START BUT NOW?.ALL THIS DESTINY BULLSHIT 'it's my destiny to kill gus' BRO YOU JUST SAID YOUR DESTINY IS TO MURDER AN INNOCENT CHILD?? WHAT IS GOING ON IN YOUR BRAIN. THIS IS WHY RANI LEFT. and when Adi was getting closer and closer to stab Gus, when he was screaming and kicking, I was actually going to vomit and cry. what the actual fuck. why is this show so incredibly messed up. it's not even funny. this is the most disturbing shit I have seen in a while which is saying a lot. the sheer horror of the things in this show once you start to think about it is insane. anyway before that whole thing I genuinely thought 'hm I think that blood on Adi's knife in the vision thing is actually big man's blood because he probably protected gus' and I was half right? I was not expecting Birdie to be killed AT ALL. It totally took me by surprise. once again, this show is so horrifying and sad. Gus crying over Birdie. i'm going to die. he's an orphan. why is this stupid world so mean to this kid?? he's turning into fucking Peter Parker for god's sake! I really, really thought big man was going to die in that cave. and imagine if he did? Gus would've lost both his parents AND his father figure in just a few months. I would've lost my mind. anyway. birdie's dead. jesus fucking christ. WHY. JUST WHY. NETFLIX, STOP HURTING MY BOY.
Alright, let's see if I can remember literally anything that happens in episode 8.
It was such an emotional rollercoaster fr. I felt like I was getting emotional whiplash every five seconds. he's gonna die! wait, he's gonna live! now this guy is actually gonna murder Gus! wait, now this guy turned good and saved him! holy shit, everybody is going to die- holy shit EVERYBODY IS DEAD! wait, Gus cut himself to bleed on a tree and now they're alive! oh my god, Gus finally snapped! wait, now his dead dad is popping up and convincing him to save people again! OH MY GOD BECKY IS DEAD! WAIT OH MY GOD SHE'S ALIVE! (I think that one was the worst) NO is big man going to die on that mountain?? oh good he's not! omg jordan actually died in the crash!
....there was no resolution to that one. good riddance. sorry Jordan fans.
and then we had the whole reveal of Gus being the narrator the whole time- how tf did I not predict that?? Also, am I the only one who doesn't like stuff that does those huge timeskips where it shows the main characters when they're old. is it just me who doesn't like it. okay i'll go
let's talk about Gus and Wendy for a second. honestly, throughout the whole of season 2 and three there was a little nagging voice in my head saying 'it's a boy and a girl interacting.... you know they're going to end up together' and I would tell my head 'stfu, I wouldn't really like that because there are no good girl boy friendships in any media ever that's completely platonic (mostly, anyway)'. I was hoping SO SO badly Wendy and Gus would stay platonic besties forever, simply because it's cute and stuff like that barely happens. praying to GOD. but I knew deep down it was hopeless from the start. I don't like when media does that. 'oh, look! it's a boy and a girl of the same age meeting as kids! OBVIOUSLY the only possible route to go from here is romance, RIGHT?' I mean i'm biased as a gay enby chronically online person who thinks these stereotypes are shit but it's true. don't get me wrong. I love wendy. I love her so, so so much. but just- WHY?! I was at least hoping it would be somebody we didn't know or something. oh well.
i mean, I guess they only held hands a few times and sat together as old people, so maybe there's a tiny little chance it wasn't romantic? but they also had grandkids. yk what fuck canon. they're old besties. I think they'd be cute either way but I just prefer them friends.
SO. the sweet tooth fanfic community. it's admittedly nonexistent. I went to check the tag earlier and like- what?? it's ALL weird shit. there was like three good ones but just like why Is that all of what's in our fandom?? guys, we have not done well.
I call upon all ao3 authors and encourage them write sweet tooth (if you want to). It doesn't even matter if it's a short fluffy or angst drabble, we just need to wash the weird shit out. go ahead and post that 200 word interaction you wrote between big man and Gus in the aftermath. we need more good fic in this fandom, DESPERATELY.
and why did the writers put Gus through so much. like his dad dies, he's captured, traumatized, mutilated, shot in the leg, shot in the back, traumatizedx100 on the boat, watches his mom get murdered to protect him, has his father figure almost die multiple times, has a scientist try to kill him with a knife while holding him down multiple times, fucking snaps, and idek. WHYYYYYY. WHAT DID HE EVEN DO TO DESERVE THIS?? WHAT DID ANYBODY DO IN THIS SHOW TO DESERVE ALL THAT HAPPENED TO THEM?????? man....
I think that's all that's in my brain? this wasn't really a review just me spitting words.
moral of the story, I have adopted Gus and that is that. if you managed to get through all this you have a longer attention span than everybody I know combined when they try to listen to me ramble so congrats lmao
and I know I only brought up a few things but don't even get me started on Zhang, Rosie, and her kids because I will not shut up. and Jordan. Jordan why did you do that. and Munaq, that poor guy. ANYWAY I gotta stop talking now cuz it's 9:45pm byeee
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bangchansgirlsblog · 9 months
My biggest regret
Chapter ten
I think it’s time I wrap this story up cause I’m bored 🙄
Anyways 600 likes or I’m quitting tumblr 👹
Muah 🩷
"Chan?" She questioned trying to squint her eyes. "Chan is that you?" The guy on the bed sat up and his face was now clearly visible. It wasn't Chan but instead it was someone that looked like him.
"Oh My God, I'm so sorry," her  face went pale as the feeling of embarrassment quickly crawled up her face. If that wasn't Chan (Thank God) where was Chan?
She quickly closed the door and looked around feeling helpless. Why couldn't she find him? Where was he hiding? Was he with another girl? Her brain started to overthink. The jump scare she just received being the cause of it.
"Hey? Y/n? You okay?" A soft voice yelled over the loud music playing.
"No Hyun, I don't know where Chan is and 2/8 of the boys are really wasted, I want to go home," she frowned.
"Hey, look at me," his hand softly touched her chin and guided her face in his direction, "I'll help you yeah? No need to get worked up," he was slowly getting closer to her. His body heat radiating against her.
"Thank you so much Hyunjin. I didn't mean to spoil your fun. I'm just so tired and my head hurts-"
"You don't need to explain it, let's just look for all the boys we can spot first then when we're done we look for Chan, does that sound like a plan?"
Her brain was mushy. Not because she was drunk but because his body was right close to hers. He had his one arm wrapped around her waist while the other was holding his drink. His mouth was close by her ear and his hot breath was hitting her sensitive neck. How could she possible think straight if he was so close?
"Y-yeah...I think-" she took a step back from his towering figure and to this Hyunjin smirked because he knew what he was doing. "I think I saw Changbin and Seungmin by the Food bar, let's go get them,"
"After you princess," he gladly let her through as she directed both of them to the table with snacks and lo and behold there stood Changbin and Seungmin snacking off like usual.
The two boys looked over feeling a bit guilty but they knew they were caught, "Y/nnie! Look what they have! takis and pickles!" Changbin slurred.
"You guys are on diet for comeback season!" Hyunjin quickly smacked the snacks out of there hands.
"We just wanted takis," they both pouted,
"Awe! Hyunjin! They’re both harmless and this one time won't hurt, be nice and let them enjoy their break," she scolded the older boy who found it quite amusing.
"Fine but if the manger complains-"
"I'll whoop their ass! Go ahead boys get your snacks so I can walk you guys to the cars,"
"We're leaving already?" Seungmin sways back and forth knowing he had a lot to drink, "we just got here!"
"Yes and look at you guys, your acting like you can't control your liquor," Hyunjin jumps in defense, "and she isn't feeling well, so let's go people,"
Y/n sends Hyunjin a quick thank you glance before she makes her way to the kitchen where she finds Han bent over in the sink while Felix tried to rub his back. Well it looked like he was trying but in all honesty he wasn't doing much.
"What happened?" She asked rushing over to the two.
"Han threw up on the floor then in the sink, I'm so disgusted," Felix gags before rushing out the door.
"Aw you poor thing! Is it the alcohol making you feel this way?" He groans and shakes his head no before going in for another round. The vomit burning his throat.
Y/n's mother instincts quickly kick in as she grabbed the water bottle from the counter and started to wash him up. She hated vomit but no one else was sober enough to help her except for leeknow stumbled into the kitchen and got extremely worried once he saw it was Han.
"How can I help Y/n?" He said sobering up and washing his hands.
"Help me carry him to the car once I'm done. I can't risk him using these bathrooms because I don't know what germs are currently crawling on the surfaces," she grabbed some ice from the fridge hoping she wasnt crossing boundaries but yet again she didn't care because she didn't know the people. "Make sure he doesn't sleep leeknow or else it'll get worse, I'm going to grab I.N, Hannah and Chan so we can go,"
"Thank you so much Y/n, I owe you one,"
"No need to mention it!" She grabbed her back and the clothes she help take off of Han which were covered in vomit and made her way to the back door where she called the two younger lover birds.
"Ew, ew, ew!" Hannah gagged and she held onto the vomit clothes.
"That's what you get for leaving me!" Y/n squealed before storming away to find Chan but this time she didn't have to look because he was instead looking for her.
"Chan! Where the fuck have you been? Do you know how long I've been looking for you? Do you know what your members have been up to? I'm so mad at you right now, I cant even talk to you-"
"Hey! Woah! Calm down Y/n, what's the matter? What happened?" He looked surprised and shocked. The attack caught him off guard.
"Han started vomiting, Felix was being suffocated by girls, leeknow can barely walk, Hannah and I.N are being lover birds not even bothering to help! I feel sick and I want to go home now," tears were in here eyes as she spoke. Her body shaking from all the frustration and anger. Chan knew he couldn't talk to her in this state so instead he listened and agreed to follow her back to the cars where Everbody was.
"Y/nnie, there you are, Han says he feels hot and I don't know what to do," Hyunjin tried to grab her from Chan but Chan's arm automatically wrapped around her marking his territory. Hyunjin glared at Chan who also was glaring back.
"Han? Love can you hear me?" She spoke while ignoring the two childish boys. Her soft voice broke their little staring contest to admire her. How soft she is.
"My stomach hurts really bad," he groans, "and it's so hot,"
"Should I take you to the hospital or shall the boys take you?"
"Can you take me? Please," he begged.
"Okay, I geuss all of you are going to have to squeeze in the other cars. I'll take him to the doctor and then we'll meet you at home,"
"But you said you were tired-"
"It's okay Channie, I'll be fine. Just go home and prepare his room with warm blankets. Can you do that for me?"
"Yeah yeah," he quickly kissed her forehead and got everyone to get into the car while Y/n and Han left for the hospital. His head rested on her lap as she massaged his scalp trying to calm him down. They would stop now and again just in case he felt like throwing up or passing out.
"Food poisoning," was what the doctor said it was and once they gave him his medication and a two hour IV, saying She was tired was an understatement.
"Thank you Y/n," Han whispered as they pulled up to the house, "you barely know me but you take care of me like my mother," he giggled.
"It comes naturally and I know being sick sucks, let's just get you in bed," she slowly guided him into the house where they find all the boys (and girl) seated watching a movie. Automatically leeknow helps carry the smaller boy to his room as Y/n collapsed on the couch. So tired.
"Bed time?" Chan's body was hovering over hers. The little moan that escaped from her mouth was a response and he straight away carried her to his room where she fell asleep. Deep sleep.
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shenji-yei-v2 · 2 months
honestly, as a dedicated rebirth+bunker fan, I barely visit the dark descent tag. maybe amfp, maybe justine. but the dark descent? nah. I mean once a month I look for it on Tumblr and I’m like « oh, headcanons. Oh, juliabeatrice animations. Oh, Alexander or Daniel. cool. see you next month ». And it’s over. it’s just a bit weird. my entire group of fandom friends usually sends the dark descent related posts in the chat and I’m like oh? something happens here? it surely does ofc. it’s just so weird to find yourself so uninterested in… like, the main amnesia series game, the first and the most popular one. it’s just so weird that back in 2015 I knew only Alexaniel stuff, memes with Grunts and Peediepie, and now I barely follow the tag of my current game series hyperfixation. Like I never even expected there could be amnesia game I love more than TDD. back in 2015 I was like « yeah Justine is short and AMFP is sad and not meme-able, so TDD it is, yaoi angst letsplays memes material », and now I’m like « what? There are other games besides Rebirth and the Bunker? What? There’s someone else than Leon de Vries? » lol. Its just surprising how much can it change for you as a game series fan in… ten years, who am I kidding, this game is a relic. I mean, in modern terms, when a mainstream dies in a week. Well, to conclude, it’s a pleasure to be in the same fandom with you guys who still make stuff about Alex, Daniel, Agrippa, Mandus and Justine, after all these years. I may seem like I’m a newbie (and it’s not bad honestly, I’m happy to see amnesia series receiving a new wave of hype after the Bunker’s release) but I’m actually here since 2015 and I’ve waited patiently for Rebirth’s release since the trailer, because I remembered how good was TDD and AMFP. and how good was the internet around these two games ten years ago. Maybe now it’s not the same and it won’t be the same, we won’t have impact shitty memes with Rebirth and Bunker’s characters, we won’t have funny Pewdiepie videos (man has a BABY, he became Rebirth’s protagonist himself lol, congrats tho), but we have a completely new era of fandom stuff. And it’s nice to see new people and old fans being brought together by the legend of why the hell Alexander was kicked out at the first place Frictionals are you kidding we wait for like 14 years already and you’re still silent about it what did he do did he fart during Empress coronation or what
anyways il ove yall hehe you’re cool thank you for getting old with me
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bloodlustngore · 2 years
So I just uploaded this onto my Wattpad, you can find it under the name KissingPrentiss or Jennifer Jareau Oneshots! I'm still trying to figure out how to make masterlists again bcos I haven't really written on Tumblr for a while so bare with me! Anyway enjoy, I thought of this idea randomly :)
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JJ x Fem!Reader (Y/n & JJ are married, Henry exists! Will does not)
The unsub fights back JJ, but the blonde gives him a good punch until Derek arrests him. JJ comes home to her girlfriend with bruises, which worries her. But shes one hell of a proud wife.
JJ knew that going in first and alone would be dangerous, Derek was right behind her though, watching out for the blonde, gun trained. 
When JJ spotted the unsub she tried to reason with him, just so she could atleast get behind him and arrest him, get the guy to co-operate. But he was beyond that when he lunged forward and pushed JJ harshly against the wall, throwing a few punches her way, to the point she was almost pinned, until she got the better of him, with her knee she kicked him in the stomach and then punched him in the face, her knuckle was probably going to have bruises, but it was worth it.
Derek ran over, and got the unsub, whilst JJ untied the victim. Both of them exiting the building. To where Emily forced JJ to get looked at by the paramedics, despite the blonde protesting saying that she was fine and it would only be a few bruises. Yeah...a few. There were bruises on her stomach, somehow a scratch on her cheek and also two deep bruises on her neck, which could be seen as something else, unless they knew what happened.
Derek came over to check on JJ, a smile on his face "got a little beaten up, huh?" He asked. Knowing the answer, Derek knew that JJ would be okay but he still showed a bit of worry. "Yeah, but I'll be okay" JJ added, reassuring him. 
"I know you will, I'm proud of you for it, guess the lessons are paying off" Derek added, giving JJ a smile. The blonde chuckled. "Yeah and its thanks to you." The paramedic cleared JJ, she stood up from the ambulance and walked over to the others with Derek. "The question is..." JJ knew he was going to mention her wife Y/n.
"Of course Y/n would be worried, but I updated her about it while I was getting checked over. Shes adorable, all worried and then called me a badass." JJ chuckled again. "Well shes damn right, now lets finish this case so you can get home to your girl." JJ agreed.
The jet landed, everyone had to go back to Quantico to get some personal stuff. JJ' car in the parking lot. Once she began driving home, her phone rang, connecting it to the bluetooth on her car radio. Y/n' voice was heard. "Hi JJ" she speaks softly over the phone. "Hi Y/n, its good to hear your voice." She adds, smiling, not that Y/n could see her. 
"When are you getting home? I know its late and you told me to get some rest but I didn't want to go to bed without you." Y/n spoke truthfully, which made JJ' heart melt. God, she loved this woman so much.
"I'm in the car, so I'd say in five minutes. I love you." JJ added.
"I love you too Jayje, see you soon." Y/n replied, and with that the call was over. 
When JJ got home, parking the car in the driveway, she opened the front door, shutting it and just as she did, Y/n walked down the hall. Usually JJ would be greeted with Y/n pulling her into a tight hug or their son Henry would come running, but it was eleven p.m at night, he was in bed for school. So both women had to be quiet. 
"Oh JJ, are you okay?" Y/n asked her wife, noticing the bruises on her face, neck and knuckles, along with the scratch on her cheek. Y/n caressed JJ' arm lightly. JJ had already updated Y/n on what happened over texts but she didn't say exactly the serverity, which it wasn't severe but Y/n was still going to worry, she always will. "Yeah, I'm fine Y/n. I'm just glad to be home. You don't need to double check the bruises darling" JJ reassured her wife as best she could. KNowing that Y/n being a nurse, she would want to. 
"Okay, I believe you, those lessons with Derek really paid off, I'm very proud of my badass wife! Anyway, how about I run you a bath and have you eaten?" Y/n asked, JJ smiled at her. She'd never had someone like Y/n care for her so much, she wasn't used to this despite them dating for five years and married for three. But she loves Y/n with all her heart. She loves the little family that they created. "Y/n, baby, its eleven at night. I had some food on the jet. Having a day off tomorrow so we can share the bath too" JJ smirked. 
"Okay, well lets get you out of these clothes and into some comfy, then we can rest okay? My badass wife" Y/n mentioned, JJ winked at her with another chuckle. The two women headed upstairs, JJ peaking into their sons bedroom, he was fast asleep. As she followed Y/n into their shared bedroom. Y/n helped her wife out of her blouse, throwing that in the laundry basket along with her jeans. Y/n ouldn't help but kiss JJ, lightly kissing the blondes neck, where the bruises were, to her chest. JJ undid her bra and threw that on the floor somewhere. Giving Y/n a view of her body.
"Even with those bruises, you're so beautiful" Y/n complimented as she took in the sight of her wifes beautiful body. Placing a kiss on top of one of the bruises on her chest, JJ let out a quiet sigh of relief. "Y/n, if you don't stop we won't be sleeping any time soon. And plus we'd have to be very quiet." JJ mentioned. Earning a chuckle from Y/n.
"You're right, let me kiss you, one more time." Y/n added, and JJ agreed. This time JJ took charge, pressing her body against her wifes, crashing her lips against Y/n' in a fiery, passionate kiss. Nipping her wifes bottom lip slightly as she pulled away. "Get something comfy on and come to bed" Y/n whispered in her ear, shivers down JJ' spine. Looking in the wardrobe, putting a tank top on and some lounge shorts, she headed over to the bed, laying in the sheets next to Y/n. 
Y/n wrapped her arms around JJ, protectively and placed another kiss on her neck "good night my love" she whispers to JJ. 
"Goodnight, baby" JJ added, closing there eyes and drifting to sleep, finally. JJ loved it when Y/n wrapped her arms around her protectively, content that she had found the love of her life and a son to come home to.
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asco-bisco · 1 month
French Fry - Tyden
let's post this on tumblr bc y not
btw this is not beta-read and might not make sense, I'm still easing my way back into writing
Aiden and the others were at a restaurant for no reason other than just wanting to have fun and hang out.
But having ‘fun’ was impossible for Aiden once he joined the circular booth Taylor reserved for them thinking it was the most ideal and found himself sitting beside Tyler. Just great.
Tyler wouldn’t stop kicking Aiden’s feet under the table and it totally wasn’t because Aiden was stepping on Tyler’s shoes.
Aside from that, everything went smoothly. They were able to talk about normal things for once and everything was normal until the food came which was when Taylor who spotted Tyler’s fries wanted to play a game. 
“You guys wanna play a game?” She questioned, eyes locked on the fries lying on Tyler’s plate before looking at the others. “What game?” Logan smiled, already seeming to be excited at the mention. She took the longest fry, ignoring Tyler’s shocked face, and carefully bit on the very end of the fry.
She didn’t bite it all the way, only applying enough pressure so it wouldn’t fall out. She grinned widely and she took the fry out, guessing the others knew what she was talking about and they did. “Oh,” Logan’s eyes widened. Aiden beamed, “Loser gives up all their fries to the person next to them!”
After a challenge was set, everyone agreed.
The seating order was Taylor, Tyler, Aiden, Ben, Logan, and Ashlyn but since Taylor and Tyler didn’t want to be next to each other while doing this, Taylor moved to sit beside Ashlyn, leading to Ben and Logan swapping.
Taylor started but had to get another fry since she had already eaten the one she had earlier. She bit the end of the fry softly before turning her head to Ashlyn who took the other end carefully. Taylor bit down all the way, getting rid of the part that had already entered her mouth, and Ashlyn turned away to face Logan.
Logan did the same with Ben who did the same with Aiden who realized the fry was long enough for Tyler to bite which meant there wouldn’t be a loser which ruined the point of even starting this.
Also, Aiden wanted Tyler’s fries.
Before Tyler could lean in to bite the fry, Aiden pulled away. “What are you doing?” Tyler knitted his brows before his eyes widened as Aiden put a third of the fry in his mouth leaving nearly an inch of the fry left.
Aiden smirked at Tyler. “Just give up already,” Aiden managed to say.
“Looks like Tyler’s losing,” Ashlyn sighed. 
“Who said that?” Tyler shot a glare at Ashlyn before looking back at the fry in Aiden’s mouth. Then he leaned in but froze for a second, muttering “How do I do this…?” before falling silent.
Aiden knew Tyler was going to give up whether he liked it or not because no way was Tyler going to do this, right? Tyler was frozen, staring at the fry hesitantly, clearly ignoring whatever Taylor was saying. Aiden didn’t order fries because he’d rather get chicken fingers on the side but getting Tyler’s fries didn’t sound like a bad idea.
Suddenly, Tyler leaned in slowly while opening his mouth and Aiden could feel his face flush heavily.
Then Tyler stopped and Aiden could feel Tyler’s teeth touch Aiden’s lips slightly. Aiden could feel his heart beat loudly against his chest, it was louder than his breathing–if he even was breathing. But then Aiden felt Tyler’s lips graze his softly and he squeaked, shoulders tensing as he bit down on the fry at the same time Tyler pulled away.
Tyler had less than an inch in between his teeth before he ate the rest. “Don’t underestimate me,” Tyler smirked and looked away. 
Everyone else seemed to move on easily after that. Taylor moved back to sit beside Tyler who acted as if nothing happened, Logan and Ben switched spots, and everyone decided no one was losing their fries.
But Aiden was still stunned, not even realizing the others were trying to get his attention until Tyler had nudged his foot under the table.
“Aiden, are you okay?” He asked, raising his brow. Aiden felt his breath hitch when their eyes met.
“Yeah, I’m okay.”
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animation-is-my-jam · 5 months
Hiii! I'm wondering what was the reason you ship tobecky? What moment did you feel that "oh yeah this is my otp!
Hello! Thank you for the ask!! (^.^)
Oh boy, okay then, strap yourselves. Call me Captain Tangent because I'm going to take too long getting to the point, but yippee!!
Alright, first is the context before the context. I watched Wordgirl during the original shorts that were between Maya and Miguel since I was a PBS kid (cable was inconsistent). During that time, I watched it up until season 4, when I dropped off in favor of other stuff. From that time, I do remember that I wasn't a Tobey x Wordgirl(Becky) fan. Instead, Tobey's crush on Wordgirl flew over my small head, and I was a Scoops and Becky truther because apparently, I recognized Becky's crush on Scoops more. (I didn't know what shipping was exactly. All I knew was that I liked to pair characters up in my head or be invested in romantic tension. EXs: Robin and Starfire in OG Teen Titans, Tiana and Naveen, ...Pleakley and Jumba...)
When about season 4 started, I didn't try to see what the show was up to until after the Miss Power special, where I curiously searched up Wordgirl on the family computer to see what happened. There then I found SuperstarWordgirl's art and amvs about Tobecky. Remember, I forgot about Tobey's crush, so I was just confused about why people wanted to see them smoochy kiss (I was like: "What?? Doesn't he dislike her? And she has the other boy??")
I was puzzled and embarrassed seeing shipping amvs, so I left it alone, only searching it up a bit on ff.net because I used it for mlp fics, and yup still was confused so I didn't hear of Wordgirl by then.
--Then, my mind broke in 2016. With animated movies like Zootopia and Finding Dory, I started to develop fixations beyond MLP and lurk into fandoms where I discovered Tumblr. (I was in the mlp fandom before, but I wasn't overtly active or multifandom yet, and was still a kid, so I was in very much danger and scarred for life to the point of my development but that's for another day--). Later that year, with the release of Sing, I really kicked into gears of wanting to make stuff/make friends with similar interests. Yada Yada, eventually over a year with being on Tumblr, I started to see posts about childhood nostalgia, and the PBS ones caught my eyes. Wordgirl was a big one, and superhero stories were getting interesting for me again, so I nodded and respected it. BUT THEN I SAW A POST SAYING THAT there was a canonical gay couple in Wordgirl, and I ran straight to the tag--look I was invested highly into gay shit so once I heard about it...in a PBS show? In my childhood show? I was like, OKAY, LET'S HEAR IT OUT.
And yes indeed, to whom that post was referring to...was TJ and Johnson... (What I didn't know, that was just when Liz confirmed stuff on tumblr for the last season like two years ago), BUT REGARDLESS, I GOT INVESTED BECAUSE GAY PPL REAL!! So yes, guys. You technically have Tjohnson to thank for getting me into the fandom and, yes, eventually to ship Tobecky.
Getting into the Wordgirl tag, I was very excited and comforted by all the art and tight-knit unity the fandom had. Headcanons, fan arts, and crossovers with stuff like other PBS shows or Captain Underpants, it really put me in a place of whimsy at the time. (remembered I was in places like the brony fandom, so by comparison, i was safe) and I was in the starting phases of high school too, so yep, seeing nostalgic wonderful art did my brain good. My fixation of animated movies waned, and I dipped deeply into Wordgirl, other cartoons, and video games. Because I was lurking in the Wordgirl tag, it wouldn't take long to see Tobecky again, along with other ships. Then it finally dawned on me after seeing clips posted that Tobey definitely had a crush on Wordgirl. And well...I'm a sucker for anything romance and especially since I missed that detail before so I went on YouTube for more clips. This was before the resurgences of ppl posting Wordgirl stuff, so I then went to deviantart for answers and got obsessed with this one artist on their Tobecky art. Like I didn't ship it yet, but I liked it. Eventually, after a few weeks on the Wordgirl tag, I kicked the bucket and watched the full show (I actually watched it through a tumblr masterpost link AHH THE MEMORIES) but regardless, after watching everything, yup....it became a hyper fixation. But what about Tobecky? So, I mentioned before that it wasn't until re-watching the four seasons again and seeing for the first time the other seasons that started to ship tobecky. Specifically, Have You Seen The Remote. I was already a bit intrigued since the first episode (because I like for one-sided infatuation relationships), but the whole thing with Tobey trying to say how much he and Wordgirl could get along and how they're similar in some ways...he was trying to convince her on their potential chemistry; but all he did was convince me lmao.
I liked their dynamic that wasn't just romantic, too, and i stewed on it for a bit and reached the conclusion like I did with Tjohnson. That yes....shipping time. I made it to the last Tobey episode, and it just confirmed deeply that out of any other woodview school character that I liked her best with Tobey (the note dude, the note was my roman empire, similar to the scene of TJ getting bashful over Johnson complementing him in what would Wordgirl do). I was critical of the ship itself, especially after catching up with it's fandom lore and it did kinda made feel a tad guilty, but at this point I've made peace that I can like this ship but also talk shit because of my love for it (you can be analytic guys it ain't gonna kill you, but also be respectful and don't bully others).
Becky is my favorite character, and Tobey is my favorite character to analyze, so match made in haven, I suppose. Plus, i liked my spin on them in a timeskip setting, and AHH-- (*Future AU happens*). The fics only made it worse by how Tobecky began to infest my brain. Shout out to Something Hidden. Yeah, also, as I mentioned, after finishing up Wordgirl, that's when I really started to break out of my shell in the fandom and express my ideas and care for Tjohnson and Tobecky. I have never been sane since...
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nights-flying-fox · 1 year
It's Not Always the Rabbit Who Takes the Wrong Turn
Chapter 2: Two Leos, No Leo
Leo wakes up somewhere very familiar, and yet not. Meanwhile Donnie has a theory.
Word Count: 3477 ☆ Fandom: rottmnt ☆ Warnings: brief mention of wounds, nothing else ☆ AO3 Link: Here!! ☆ Previous Chapter: AO3 / Tumblr
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 Leo wasn’t sure what was going, or why he was sleeping in such an uncomfortable place (his bed wasn’t like this). A buzzing sound of loud chatter filled the place too, which was the worst. He hardly could make up words.
 “It wasn’t me-”
 “-no –machine—”
 He knew those voices.
 “Then how—o Le—”
 Family, it was his brothers.
 It was them.
 His mind was slowly catching up with reality. As sounds became more and more clear, Leo’s memories of what had happened returned to him as well.
 “Please Casey—”
 “They all die!”
 “It isn’t about me.”
 Leo opened his eyes wide open, shooting up with the sudden worry. His family, he had to be sure they were okay. He had to see them.
 “L-leo! Slow down, you’ll hurt yourself!” He heard Raph before seeing him. There he was: big, strong, healthy. All good, just a few healing wounds. He looked all okay.
 “R-raph?” Leo asked, voice a bit weak.
 Raph examined him while he placed Leo back on the bed carefully. “Is it really... really you? Leo?”
 Leo had priorities though. “Are you okay?”
 “Wha- oh- yes I am good, but I need you to stop moving.” Raph said softly.
 “I—” Leo tried to move to look at him better, but the sudden pain made him gasp. He cursed under his breath, wincing.
 “The painkillers should kick in soon.” He sighed, clearly not happy seeing Leo like that.
 Geez, Krang must’ve hit him badly back on Technodrome. And when he was returning home. Eugh. At least his family knew the basics of healthcare, he was grateful for that. Talking about wounds and family... “How’s everyone? Dad, Donnie, Mikey, April? Casey Jr.?”
 “Everyone’s okay, see?” Raph smiled, albeit his worry was still readable on his face. He gestured to the space around them, and Leo followed his direction. To be honest he was surprised he hadn’t seen Donnie and Mikey before. They were behind Raph, looking at him. Leo couldn’t see any injuries, much to his relief.
 Except... those scars (or they were burns? They looked like lighting scars though...) on Mikey weren’t here before. He turned to Raph to ask, but then he noticed the healing wounds he had seen before were scars, fully healed.
 ...Had he slept that long?
 “Are you really Leo?” Mikey asked, distracting him. Beside Mikey, Donnie looked at him in a way that made Leo’s worries worse. It was that untrusting face, the suspicious one. Had something happened to Leo, like in Jupiter Jim’s New Adventures Vol. 7 where JJ’s appearance was altered? Oh, pizza supreme in the sky please no! He was the face man (and the leader, sadly), he couldn’t lose his good looks!
 Leo smiled at his brothers, not letting his thoughts spill out. “The one and only!”
 “Don’t be so sure about that, pal.” His voice said back. Leo turned towards the sound’s direction and saw his own face looking back at him.
 Leo stared at him, then turned back to look at his brothers. “Not to worry you guys, but I think I hit my head worse than I thought.” It was probably the concussion. Yeah.
 His brothers glanced at each other, nervous. Oh, they were worried. He didn’t miss how Raph glanced at the other Leo too.
 “Guys, I’ll be okay, no big deal.” Leo tried, but the pain wasn’t helping. Ugh, he really wanted to get over this and figure out what was wrong with his body right now. “It is just a few injuries—”
 “Shell cracked, wounds on right leg and also broken, rib damaged and a broken bone. A few minor wounds. The rest is nothing that won’t heal in a day or two.” His other self interrupted.
  Oh it talks too! How great. “I wasn’t talking to you, halluci-leon.” Leo huffed. “You’d expect yourself to understand that.”
 Other Leo rolled his eyes, “You’d expect the stranger doppelganger of yours connect the dots faster, but here we are.”
 “Leo! Be nice to yourself!” Mikey scolded.
 “He can handle a few jokes.”
 “You are seeing him too?” Leo turned his attention back to his brothers. Mikey nodded, so Leo asked the next logical thing: “Ooookay, what did Donnie do this time?”
 Donnie gasped, a bit dramatically in Leo’s opinion, “How dare you too! As if I’ve ever broken Papa’s rules.”
 Everyone in the medbay turned to him, various expressions of disbelief on their faces.
 “You all are terrible.” Donnie crossed his arms.
 “Love you back, Dee. Anyway,” Other Leo looked back to Leo, “I don’t think Donnie did something this time.”
 “Then what’s going on?”
 “We were hopping you’d tell us.” Other Leo said. “You’re not a Casey Junior case, are you?”
 “Uh, no.” Leo noticed the relieved breaths.
 “Are you a clone?” Donnie asked.
 “Are you a shapeshifting alien that fell from the sky via a meteor and is trying to trick us to eat us and then replace us with your kind?”
 “No. Mikey, what the heck?”
 “Okay, this doesn’t make any sense if you keep saying no.” Other Leo groaned.
 “It is not like I don’t want to help here.” Leo glared at him. He was as lost as they were, and it lowkey began making him feel rather anxious. “How about we try different questions?”
 “Good idea. Uh, what year is it for you?” Raph asked.
 Leo smiled. Big guy most likely had an idea. “2020.”
 “You know Casey Junior, so did the invasion happen?”
 “Kicked Krang butts, stopped it from happening.” It sounded so simple when he said it like that.
 “How long did it pass since that?”
 “Well, you see, I just got out of the Prison Dimension.”
 Yelling and his other self looking at him in shock. This went on better than he expected.
 “How did... what...” He mumbled before taking a deep breath, “How did you get outta there?”
 “Portaled myself out...” Leo replied, a bit distracted by how everyone reacted. “Am I missing something? Like I get it, it was a dangerous decision and all that but this is not the reaction I was expecting.”
 “You are looking almost all fine, for the starters.” Other Leo said, “I wasn’t as good looking as you buddy. Congrats avoiding some punches, good for you!”
 “Not just that, but did you say you portaled yourself out?!” Raph gasped.
 “You didn’t even have the time to progress everything that happened to you!” Mikey exclaimed.
 Amongst the worried talking, Donnie interrupted. “Gentlemen, do you realize what does this mean?”
 “What?” Leo was going to handle the other information later.
 All eyes turned to Donnie. “Your portaling has malfuctioned and you ended up in the wrong timeline.” He explained.
 Leo blinked. Portaled myself to the wrong timeline?! “Are you sure about that?”
 “That’s the most likely theory I got.” Donnie confirmed. “We need to get on some details to confirm it though.”
 “Maybe Draxum or Junior can help too, right?” Mikey smiled.
 “If we ever need help, perhaps.” Donnie was still not fond of the idea of asking for help from Draxum, but this was a better answer than the ones they’d gotten in the past months.
 “At least that explains some things...” Other Leo sighed.
 Leo was glad for the answers, but unfortunately, the answers didn’t help his worries. Made them worse even. “I need to go back.” He tried to get up, but Raph stopped him.
 “You can’t until you heal properly.” He said softly.
 “Raph, I know you mean well, but I need to go back to my timeline.” To his timeline, and to his family. To his brothers and sister and father and friends, who were all beat up and probably mourning him.
 To his family, to the place he belonged.
 “I don’t think you can portal yourself back like this. You might end up hurting yourself worse.” Other Leo said. “Trust me, just stay like this for a week. With how Draxum created us, your bones will heal in no time. So will your shell. I am sure your ninpo needs healing too.”
 “My ninpo?”
 “Overuse of ninpo can be damaging.” Mikey informed.
 Leo wondered how did he know this. Or why.
 As if he read his mind, Mikey elaborated. “Casey Junior explained that in the future because of the overuse of ninpo his Mikey suffered a lot from side effects. Draxum agreed too.”
 “What sort of side effects?” Leo asked.
 “Wounds on body, damaging your ninpo extremely badly, aging faster...” Mikey began counting.
 “Aaaand that’s why I must run some tests on you.” Donnie interrupted, goggles on his eyes.
 Tests didn’t sound fun right now, “They better be quick.”
 “I don’t think you should worry.” Other Leo said. “Though that explains the wounds in your hands.”
 What wounds..? Leo turned to look at his hands, bandaged. He didn’t feel any pain, but it was probably the painkiller. Good to see it was starting to work. Then he looked at Mikey again. His arms, the strange wounds—
 “Are those scars from overuse of ninpo?” Leo was looking directly at Mikey.
 He avoided his eyes, “Yes.”
 “What happened?” Was it during the Krang attack? After? Did his Mikey get those wounds, or could he stop that?
 Now, that won’t do. He was wounded, tired, and confused. He wanted answers, and he was going to get them. “Okay. Since no one is talking I guess it was bad. Did that happen during the Krang invasion attempt?”
 Raph sighed, “Yes, it did. But I am not sure this is the right time to talk about this.”
 “No, it is! I need to know, so when I go back, I can help.”
 “I don’t think you can do that.” His other version said. “That happens while you’re in the prison dimension. Or rather, probably around the time you escaped or shortly after that. Donnie, correct me if I am wrong, but even if after a week he manages to portal himself back at the same time he left, there isn’t much of a chance he can stop it, right?”
 Donnie hummed, “I don’t think he can even manage to go back to the time he left. Though time is a tricky concept, and there are many theories, and—”
 “Alright, alright, I get it. Fine.” Leo was so not in the place to listen to detailed explanations of time and space. Not when his mind was getting more and more nervous. “So let’s say I can’t go back for a week like you said, I need to know. Post Krang, what happened? What have I caused to change?”
 Did I put anyone in danger again?
 They clearly didn’t want to talk about it. Couldn’t blame them. Leo wanted to forget that day too, but he couldn’t. Not when he didn’t know his family’s fate.
 Finally other Leo took a step forward, “I wasn’t able to keep my katanas. I got trapped in the Prison Dimension with... him.” Leo watched as other Leo stopped for a brief second. “I am not sure for how long, but until Mikey ripped space and time to save my butt.” He smiled towards his little brother, “Our mystic warrior, Raph, and Donnie got me out. Closed the portal. Raph had some scars, he and Donnie both had similar wounds to Mikey’s on an arm but it wasn’t anything too serious. Even Mikey’s healed pretty fast. Donnie was stubborn but Mikey told us about his shell, some wounds there, but it was all stuff they can do without us. Dad, April, Junior, they all were fine too.”
 Those were good news. No major injuries that they’d need his help. Good.
 “To be honest, it was me who was beat up badly. So in your timeline that does not happen.” Other Leo turned his attention back to Leo, “Like I said, lucky.”
 Leo cringed, “Eugh boi, glad I wasn’t you. No offense.”
 “None taken.”
 There was something Leo wasn’t telling him, but he didn’t want to dig into that. Not when his brothers were here. It could be something that should stay between Leos.
 “How’s the scan, Don?” Other Leo turned to his twin, who no longer wore his goggles.
 “I couldn’t find anything new.” Donnie replied.
 “Good! Then you can go back home right after you heal, but we should probably ask Draxum first.”
 Mikey was right, but that didn’t mean Leo was happy about that. He wasn’t fond of Draxum’s company as much as his twin. “Just make sure he does not throw me off the roof or the window or something.”
 “You are never gonna let it go, will you?” Raph asked, most likely tired of hearing the same thing again and again after almost two years of the event. Too bad for him, he was going to hear it for forever.
 Both Leos answered at the same time: “Nope!”
 Donnie glared at them, “There is two of them now. We are doomed.”
 Mikey’s face lit up with realization, “We still haven’t figured out how to call you, other Leo!”
 “Easy, Lameonardo.” Raph teased.
 “Come on Raph, you can do better than this.” Leo smirked.
 “I think other me deserves a great title, like World’s Greatest Ninja.” Other Leo joined.
 “We are so not calling any of you like that. Never.” Donnie glared.
 “How about something silly, like uhh Poptart?” Mikey suggested.
 “Poptart?” Leo repeated.
 “I am hungry.” Mikey shrugged. “How about uh- double marked Leo?”
 “Double marked?” Leo asked.
 “Because there are two Leos and that makes double marks!” Mikey grinned.
 “Sorry Mike, but that doesn’t make any sense at all. Maybe if he had some sort of extra markings then maybe it could work.” Other Leo replied.
 “What was the Spanish word... tio? Ah no...” Raph struggled to remember.
 Meanwhile, Leo cringed, “Please don’t call me tio, it literally means uncle.”
 “I was trying to find the word for brother.” Raph explained.
 “Hermano. But I dunno, not really a nickname.” Leo hummed.
 “You know, we could call you Neon.” Other Leo said. “Like... Neon Leon. But you’re the Neon and I am the Leon.”
 Leo smiled at him. Like the name he had chosen for the video game records. “That’s not bad, other me.”
 “Thank you other me.” Other Leo made a dramatic bow. No- Leon made a dramatic bow. Right.
 One week. He had to wait for a week, and then he could go home. He could do that. All he wished was that his family would wait for a week too. Just one week.
 Donnie had never felt like this before. He didn’t exactly know what this feeling was. Worry? Sadness? Anger? Desperation? Maybe it was all of them together.
 His dumdum twin had just sacrificed himself.
 Not only that, but his dumdum twin’s tracker didn’t work. Donnie couldn’t see his vitals or his location!
 "I don't understand!" Donnie kept staring at his screen. The lights representing his family shone brightly, except for blue. There was nothing blue on the screen. Nothing to prove Leo was back. Nothing to prove Leo was alright. "We saw him get into that portal. He must be somewhere, there is no possibility of the tracker not working."
 "Maybe while fighting against Krang it got broken or something." Mikey tried to reassure. 
 "Maybe." Donnie repeated. 
 "Well, if he isn't here then he must've portaled somewhere safe." Raph said, no longer upset about Donnie putting trackers on them. "Maybe Dad and April are luckier. Donnie, you keep trying to find him."
 Donnie nodded, determined eyes fixated on the screen and his hands tapping it without a break.
 As Raph was about to move, he heard the call coming from April. "Found him?"
 "No, so you didn't either." April's voice sounded worried.
 This didn’t make any sense. None of this made sense. Where the heck was Leo?!
 "He isn't here." Raph replied, trying to keep his anxiety under control.
 "But where he could've gone?" Mikey questioned.
 "He has some favorite places, doesn't he?" April said. "We can check them."
 "He wasn't in his best shape, he might have accidentally portaled himself to somewhere randomly like the old days." Raph agreed. 
 "I hope he didn't portal himself to Tahiti." Mikey sighed. "Not the worst place but…"
 "How about the Hidden City? Or Hueso's?" Raph guessed. "I don't think he's somewhere hard to reach. We just need to keep searching!"
 "You are right, my son. We must keep searching." Splinter's voice said softly.
 Raph smiled at Mikey, then at Donnie. That's when he noticed the concern on Donnie's face. "Donnie?"
 He didn't answer. Instead, he kept staring at the screen.
 "Donnie, are you okay? You're worrying me." Raph watched as Donnie took a deep breath. 
 Then he finally said, "He might have portaled home." 
 "What? We just searched the whole lair." Raph didn't understand.
 "We did. But our lair. Our timeline's. What if he didn't portal to our world. Then he would end up portaling into a different universe or timeline, and that would explain why I can't find him no matter what I do! Because even broken I'd get signals! I did the design and coding and everything, I know how it works!" 
 "Donnie, what are you talking about?" 
 "Remember how Casey came from a different timeline? This might have created an issue in time and space and with Leo's messy portaling the dum dum might have ended up in a whole different timeline." He told them. “Or maybe it is something about ninpo and the dumdum mystic stuff! I don’t know, but he has portaled somewhere out of this planet at least once! You saw that too. And that is exactly why there is a possibility he has done that or something similar again.” 
 Donnie had seen how Leo had opened a portal purely by accident and ended up getting them almost eaten by some sort of creature while trying to escape from Stockboy’s plan. They had spent nights talking about how far he could portal. This should be the answer.
 Because any other answer would mean there was something worse happening. Donnie refused to believe anything worse was happening.
 Raph and Mikey looked at him, both looked even more worried now.
 “If it is really that… Then what will we do?” Mikey asked.
 “We keep searching,” Raph said. “But in case Donnie is right, we must prepare for that. What do you need, Donnie?”
 Donnie thought for a second. “I need to start doing some research and gain some information. I already had a plan for a dimension travel machine, but we need to be sure Leo is not here. Also it would be great if there is any more information I can gain about his mystic powers…”
 “I’ll try to reach Draxum.” Mikey announced.
 Donnie was relieved, “Thanks Angelo.” He really really didn’t want to ask for help from the yokai. 
 “Boys, I know it is hard but now I want you to stay there and treat your wounds.” Their dad said after a deep breath. “April, Future Boy and I can keep searching.”
 “Raphael,” Splinter interrupted again. “We will find him, but I cannot lose any of you too.”
 Raph seemed to be still upset, but he sighed and gave up fighting against Splinter. “Okay. We will join you as soon as we can.” He nodded to himself.
 Donnie glared at Raph. How could he give up so fast? Leo might need them! They didn’t know how much time they had! What if he was hurt? What if he needed them? What if they were losing time—
 Donnie looked at Raph.
 “Are you okay?” He asked, genuinely worried. Again.
 “We must keep searching. Or at least try to gain more information.” Donnie said.
 “We will, but first we must treat our wounds. Dad’s right about that.”
 “And what if he is in the need of our help? What if he right now needs us?” Donnie retorted, voice a bit loud.
 “We can’t help him if our wounds get infected.” Raph pointed out. “If anything happens to us, we can’t help him.”
 “We can try and communicate with Draxum meanwhile.” Mikey said gently.
 “We will go back into searching right after taking care of our wounds, okay?” Raph reassured. “I am worried too, so the faster we get this done, the better.”
 He was right, and as Mikey said the time they would use to treat their wounds wouldn’t be fully wasted if they managed to reach Draxum. “Okay.”
 “Good. That’s a plan. Now, to the medbay.” Raph led them.
 Donnie slowly followed, trusting Raph’s words.
 That was a plan. A plan so they’d find him. Donnie knew they would. Because none of them would ever stop till they did. After all, they had hope. 
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princelokifanblog · 7 months
Wrote a fic but Tumblr hates me so it didn't post the first time
The Wedding!?
by princelokifanblog
tags: duck game, vaellus x eliana, secret other ships, character death, fluff, angst, tw knick knack
Once upon a tiem in the feywild there was a bunch of fried. They had alot of fin otghether `and went on adventures. On one adventure, the friends travelled to the astral planed becaue Minke’s mom was there (actyaly his granmda but we dont hve time to explain that). They found a really nice house there that actually belonged to Figs stepdad (HIS REAL DAD!!! WHO DOESNT HATE HIM OR KILL HIM!!!). They said woaw this is nice and went inside. Inside there was a nice picture and a cool couch and then som armour and stairs. Down the stairs there was a people. The people were parents… TO THE FREINDS!!! An orc man named mugorim was there and he was gifs dad but he tried to STAB HIM sand you know why??? Because he thought he was VAELLUS!!! AND HE WAS JEALOS OF VAELLUS BECAUSE ELIANA IS IN LOVE HIM AND NOT MURGIM!!!
They beat up figd dad and then got a message from… THE PRICNISSS GRRRRR!!! The princess said fig had to STOP BEING VAELLUS WARLOCK AND BE HERS INSTEAD AND FIG SAID YES OH NO!!! Princess alos said that vaellus and eliana were getting MARRIED YAY!!! And fig wanted to go back to be there but the ;rincess said the OOOONLY WAY was to be ber WARLOCK!!!
They got back and the wedding was happening. There wwere flowers everywhere and the air smelled like laundry detergent. So good. Fig saw his mom and vaellus getting married and the princess was doing vows for them but taking WAY TOO LONG BECAUYSE SHE SUCKS. Fig wanted to say hi to hs mom because its hims mom so he did but the princess told his mom fig was dead or something so she FREAKED OUT and got scared. Fig has a little guy friend named reghie and reggie was a bitch ansd sneaky snuck up and bit vaellus ANKEL!!! NOT THE NAKLE!!! So vaellus KICKED his leg and said that he got bit so eliana who is a good lady and wife wanted to get the guy who bit so she punched but she missed and aPUNCHED VAELLYUS NOOOOOOO!!!!!
Then EVEYRONE started fighting because it eaas cRAZZY and the rpicness trapped vaellus in a ground hole in the fgorund and he was stuck in the hole. Fig went to his mom and said hi mom and she said hi fig and mugorin said RAAAR and then the princess punched sevyn and sevyn flew into the skynbut minke turned into a angel (he can dp that trust me i have a good theory about it) and saved him and then aradenn said woah. adraenns mom was dancing but not kn a weird way it ws just a jig. Vaellus got out of the hole because eliana helped hi but the princess got SO MAD so she fell overt from the mad so minke threw an angel laser at her (this is part of my theory keepnup). She exploded into a dust and it was fine.
Then everybody cheered and the wedding kept going nd eliana and vaellus kissed. The spark between them was more electrifying than a flash of lighting in the moonlit sky, burning brighter than the fires of hell (where the princess hung out) and more passionate than anything ever before. Looking into his eyes, Eliana could see her one true soulmate, the most incredible man in the world who would give up life and limb to keep her save and cherished. He was hers and she was his, wholly and undoubtedly. It didn’t mater how manty people were watching them, because their souls were intertwined in a dance of destiny, their threads of fate woven together in an immaculate tapestry of glory.
They did some more kissies and then knicmkanc showed up and said HEY I HATDE KSISING but he was actually just dad because when the princess kept him hostage she said he could never find love and wasnt allowed it so he got jealous easy. Sevyn knew this and gave him the ring of message and said tp get a girfling of bofyriend or someone and he did ans it was he coral king and they are married now. But its more important that elaiana and vaellus are married because they are otp and goals and everything and this fandom is AWFUL to them so i will make them kiss again in this fanfic.
Eliana and vaellus kissed again and it wa sparkling and rainbowful. Fig was so happy and everyone else was there except mugroin cause i dont want him there anymore soforget he was ever there. Someone else was in lov but im not telling you rando al; my duck game ships but mor characters got married that day or a different day i dont know yet i stil have to thingk about it and be comfortable postign abot my shipz onlen. Anywaylike comment subscribe and ofloow for more duck game content like vaelliana the BEST ship.
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unethicalmorals · 6 months
Focusing on Rabbit and Pink you say👀👀👀👀👀 interesting
Side note I'm really glad to hear your thinking about Rabbit- Female characters tend to get sidelined a whole lot ESPECIALLY on ao3 so it's relieving to know she's on your mind. May her days be yuriful and possibly traumatizing❤️❤️❤️❤️ (I see those comments about Dove being Restless👁)
Marking down my calendar that's labeled "DAYS TILL BISHOP GETS FUCKED" marking down my other calender that's labeled "DAYS TILL LUCKY/BISHOP CHAPTER"
HE WAS SO SO SOOOOO EXCITED TO GET A NEW CREWMATE HE WAS SO READY TO STICK BY THEIR SIDE WITHOUT EVEN KNOWING THE GUY IT WAS SO CUTE I LOVE BISHOP🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺🥺💚💚💚💚💚 But it also makes me notice that the crew had a VERY different reaction to their other crewmate dying compared to Dove😭😭😭 I know it was for plot purposes so we could have an idea of what they were like before shit hit the fan, though it's so funny to me cuz I just imagine that their last crewmate was just so fucking annoying that none of them really cared when they died- like oh fuck finally that guys gone thank God. Or they died in a way that was kinda funny so it canceled out any grief they could've felt
Lucky getting some (very little) well-needed rest....... I imagine him in his crew in a bug stupid cuddle pile after a long day.... or maybe they finish quota early so they all relax and just talk to each other for a while...... they get longer than 3 hours of sleep for once...... peace and love that will never truly be reached OUUUUUUGGGHHHHH
Glad to have heavily contributed to the slutification of Bishop🫡 the bottom bitchification of that guy🫡🫡 the whorinization of this man🫡🫡🫡
*cut to Bishop tied up and gagged and sobbing on the floor with like 3 vibrators in his ass* Lucky: Wow this guy really just let's me do fucking whatever to him huh (I'm insane. I'm insane. I need that man Whimpering and pathetic)
Anyways excited for the next chapter :3 sitting on a counter and kicking my feet cutesy with my hands in my lap :333
Let me cook, let me cook-- I have some fun plans for those two that are gonna be really fun!! ^-^ (I AM PUTTING THEM IN A BLENDER AND MAKING PINK SOUP) Honestly Pink is gonna interact with everyone in an interesting way and I'm excited for some of these upcoming chapters that involve him >:)
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AND RABBIT--- RABBIT MY GIRL IS GONNA HAVE SO MUCH FUN!!! 🤭🤭🤭 (She needs to blow off some steam, y'know?) 🤭🤭🤭
Yeahhh, I've seen that happen a lot and I don't want to do my girls dirty like that!! 😭(I have not done myself any favours by killing off two girls and making Rabbit a late-game player in this fic--) But I have lots of fun involving her in the future!! >:3c Rabbit is not forgetting Dove anytime soon, and neither is Dove... 👀
True..... 😅(I could have written that part a bit better but alas) It's canon now,, the dead crewmate was just an annoying ass that got what they deserve,, all we knew about them was the blue suit (chapter 19 spoiler whoops)😔
Aww that's so much sweeter than what's actually gonna happen,, it's what he deserves (what all of them deserve)-- to be,, to be in the middle of a big crew cuddle pile,, surrounded by the softest blankets and pillows,, his crew all around him,, 🥺🥺🥺Maybe one day,,, maybe one day,,,
Good work soldier, it's honest work what you and Starbeans do~♥ 😌 (SCREAMING ♥♥♥)
Lucky is going to submit to the little devil's temptations sooner or later 🤭🤭
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Yesss!!! The next chapter is very soon (My friends keep pulling me away to play Lethal and Helldivers but)- it's coming VERY SOON I promise !!!! ❤❤❤
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cinemastyles-blog · 1 year
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Say That Again, Baby.
Summary: a Wattpad/tumblr request - “Hili! I was wondering if you can write a one shot that is basically a size kink type of chapter. Can it be where the girl just keeps telling him he's huge and something like that? so it would be both dom and sub harry”
Warnings: SMUT18+, strong language, size kink, praising, blowjob, oral (m), unprotected sex, biting, hair pulling, choking, porn-like phrases, filth from both y/n and Harry
Harry just won two Grammy’s.
You’re at the after party with him, spending the night celebrating his victories.
“Harry.” Anthony says holding his camera up, “show off that Grammy.”
Harry chuckles and brings his leg up, pointing to the Grammy that’s embroidered onto his Gucci Gazelle.
“Love ya, Pham.” Harry was a bit drunk.
Okay. A lot drunk.
“Harry, come here. They want more pics.” Anthony motions for Harry to come over. Harry lays a hand on your leg, “S’cuse me, babe.”
You have to admit, you were kinda sorta very drunk, too.
Not as wasted as Harry, though.
But, you knew that you were drunk because you could jump his bones right here in this booth in front of everyone not even think twice about it.
“Mhm.” You hum lowly as your eyes glance down from his eyes to his hand, “Course.” You look up at him, and before you scoot out of the booth to let him out, he gives your thighs a squeeze and winks at you.
You sigh and shake your head with a smirk as you get up. He lays his hand on your back and presses his lips to your forehead.
“I love you.” He whispers quietly.
“I love you, Harry.”
You went to go get another drink and when you came back, you noticed Harry kneeled down against the wall with his hand on his forehead.
You press your lips together and tilt your head. Walking over, “Hey.” You whisper quietly as you get on your knees in front of him, “You okay?”
He slowly lifts his head and smiles at you.
His eyes are watery and you can tell what happened bothers him, especially with him being drunk.
You smile and lay a hand on his cheek, “You deserve everything, Harry. The awards. The fans. The albums.” You move in closer and rest your forehead against his, “Fuck what that guy yelled, you still won album of the year and you know what else?”
You lean back and watch as he closes his eyes, nuzzling his cheek into your hand before pressing his lips to it, “What else, darling?”
You tilt your head slightly, “I’m going to make sure you have the best night of your life when we get home. Take your mind off everything for a while.”
His eye brow twitches and he smirks, “Yeah?”
“Oh yes.” You smile and press both hands to his cheeks, “I know it’s very hard to let what he said go, but if you need anything. I’m here for.” You press your lips to his, “Always.”
He smiles and bites his lip as he looks at you, “I could use something, but I don’t want to embarrass everyone here with how loud you get.”
You scoff and gently push him back as you smirk, “tables have turned Mr. Styles.”
“Oh have they?” He tilts his head and stands up, bringing you with him as he does.
“They certainly have.”
You guys are a giggling mess as you fall out of the car.
“Thank you!” You and Harry both yell to the driver as you practically run to the door of the house that you share with him.
“Fuck.” Harry laughs, “I can’t get.. oh, had it upside down.”
You laugh and push the door open, pulling him in with you, “You’ve been hanging out with me too much. I’m rubbing off on you.”
He kicks the door closed behind him and walks over to you. He grabs your face and smashes his lips onto yours.
You moan slightly as he runs his hands thought your hair, pulling your hair just so ever slightly as he does.
“I haven’t been spending enough time with you and I have something you can rub.” He smirks and laughs slightly as his comment.
You shake your head and smile, “I love you.”
“I love you, babe. Now.” He lifts you up and starts to walk towards the steps but you stop him, “Wait, no, baby. The chair.”
You point to the chair that just so happens to be Harry’s favorite seat in the house.
“Okay.” He smirks and walks over, sitting down with you still on his lap, dress still on and all, “Now show me just how exactly the tables have turned.”
You lean in, kissing from his lips to his neck. You kiss down and back up, nipping at his ear while you whisper, “Because I have partial control tonight.”
“Partial?” He raises an eyebrow.
“Yeah, just until I can’t take it anymore and need your cock buried inside of me.” You smirk and stand up before he can grab you.
“Take your clothes off, please.” You smile and start to slowly pull your dress down over your shoulders.
His eyes are fixated on seeing the skin that’s been covered all night.
His hands move to take his jacket off. He leans forward, slipping off his white tank and tossing it on top of his jacket that’s in a pile on the floor.
He starts to undo his pants and his eyes watch as the dress falls into a pool at your feet. His eyes move up your legs and scan over every inch of your naked body.
“Fuck.” He mutters as he slides his pants and boxers down his thighs. He kicks them off and rests his arms on the arm rests.
You’re in awe of him just sitting there looking at you. His hard cock leaking.
Aching to be touched, too.
You walk over and get on your knees between his legs, “You have such a nice cock, daddy.”
You glance up at him as you gently take it in your hand and his eyebrow twitches and he bites his lip as he picks up that you’re about to praise his cock.
A groan leaves his lips as you start stroking his cock.
You lean in and trace the vein of the underside of it. He sucks in air and clenches his jaw, “Shit.” He groans through gritted teeth.
You bite your lip as you ogle his cock, “You’re so big, fuck daddy. I can’t wait until you’re stretching my pussy out again.”
You lean in, pressing your lips to the tip before you part them, slowly welcoming his cock between them.
He lets out a breathy moan and he grips the chair arms, “Oh, bloody hell.”
He bucks his hips slightly and you continue to bob your head, working on taking him in fully.
You gag around him and close your eyes, trying to control your breathing.
You take a deep breathe and slowly work him into your throat. Harry absolutely loves hearing you gag on his cock because he knows it’s the only cock you’ll ever want.
He lays a hand on the back of your head, holding it there for a couple seconds. You pull off with a gasp, gripping his thighs as you giggle slightly, “Fuck, daddy. Your cock is so big, I could barely breathe.”
You smile up at him as your bare chest heaves up and down quickly. He shakes his head and runs his hands over his face, “Shit, You almost had me there, baby.”
You push your panties down your thighs and stand up. You step out of them and crawl on to Harry’s lap. Your lips immediately find his and you make out.
His hands slide up and down your body a few times before his hands slide to your ass. He squeezes and pulls them apart, “You want to sit on my cock, sweetheart?”
You whimper and nod, “Yes, daddy. I want to sit on your big cock.”
“Fuck. Say that again, baby.” He grabs your hips and sits up to close the space between you.
You lean forward and brush your lips against his, “Yes daddy. I want to sit on your big cock.”
He reaches down and holds his cock steady as he slowly pushes the tip of it inside of you.
You gasp and dig your nails into his shoulder, “Fuck. Fuck, yes. More daddy please.” You moan as he fulfills your request, “Fuckfuck.”
You let out a loud moan and gasp as he pushes your hips the rest of the way down, “I love your cock inside of me.” You moan out quickly as you clench around him.
“Fuck. You’re so fucking tight.” He moans as he watches you position yourself. You place your feet on his outer thighs and grip the arms of the chair.
You lean back whispering as you drag your hand down his chest, “You are so fucking sexy.”
You start to move your hips and you can’t help but moan, “Fuck, stretching me so good, daddy.”
He watches as your pussy swallows his cock whole each time you slide back down, “you’re so fucking sexy.”
He groans as he squeezes your thighs, “You like my cock baby?”
“Mm, daddy. I love your cock.” You moan and clench around him, “So close already.”
He hums and takes his hands off of you, resting one on the arm rest and presses the other to your clit, “Go on then, sweetheart.”
You moan loudly as Harry’s fingers out just the right amount of pressure on your clit as he circles it.
“Fuck, yes daddy, yes yes.” You let out a long moan as your squeeze his cock with your pussy.
“Fuck.” He groans as he digs his fingers into your hip harder.
You push your hips all the way down on him and moan as you slowly move your hips, fucking yourself on his cock until your high comes to an end.
“Mm I like to cum on your cock, daddy.” You lean in and kiss him. He grips your hips with his hands and pulls you closer.
Your tongues move against one another and you moan in his mouth.
He leans back and looks at you, “Bend over on this chair f’me.”
He taps your hips with his fingers, indicating he wants you to get up. You let out a sigh and smirk, “Fine.”
He winks and smiles at you, “Good girl.”
You bite your lip as your heart skips a beat at his words.
He knows you absolutely love to be praised.
“Say that again, baby.” You smirk slightly and watch as he gets up. He pulls you into his body and looks down at you.
He gently grips your chin and tilts your head up, “Good girl.” He whispers quietly as he stares into your eyes with a smirk plastered on his lips.
You take a shaky breath and smile, turning to put your knees on the chair.
He gives your ass a smack and you jump slightly. You look at him over your shoulder, “hey!”
He chuckles and rubs both of your ass cheeks, “M’sorry.”
You smile, “It’s okay, now fuck me with the big cock daddy.”
You wiggle your hips at him and rock back, “Please.”
A smirk spreads across his face as he slowly slides his hands down, running his fingers across your soaked folds.
“Mm.” He hums lowly, “Why should I do that?”
You close your eyes, frustrated that he’s taking over.
“Because it’ll feel so good, baby.” You open your eyes and look back at him, “Please daddy?”
You move your hips back move and he slips two fingers inside of you, letting them rest for a moment. You let out a whine, “I love you fingers, but I want that cock daddy.”
He chuckles and spreads his fingers as he slowly starts to push his cock in. You gasp at the feeling and your eyes roll back and close.
“Fuck, yes daddy give me that big fucking cock.” You push your hips back and lean down onto the back of the chair, “Fuck, fuck.”
You moan and dig your nails into the cushion, “Shit, yes yes oh fuck!”
He spreads his fingers a little bit more as he pushes his cock the rest of the way into you.
“Fuck, daddy.” You moan out, “your big cock stretches me so good.”
“Fuck.” He groans before slapping your other ass cheek, “you’re such a dirty little whore, aren’t you?”
“For you.” You look back at him and bite your lip.
He watches you as he starts to thrust, slow at first but then quickly builds up into a punishing pace.
Harry grabs your arm, pinning it down onto the lower part of your back, moaning as he digs his grip on your arm tightens., “Fuck. You feel fucking incredible.”
His other hand smacks your ass cheek again and he rubs over the red skin.
You clench around him, “so fucking big.” You whine out, “Yes yes. Fuck me, daddy. Yes yes.”
He pounds into you for a little longer before slowing his pace, “You’re gonna make me cum soon, babe. Where ya want it?”
“In my pussy.” You smirk slightly and rock back onto him, “Please daddy.”
He slides his hand up your back and around to your neck, “Say it again, the correct way.”
He squeezes slowly as you start to speak, “Daddy, I want you to cum in my pussy.”
“There ya go, love.” He starts to thrust, still keeping grip of your neck and squeezing.
Your moans are muffled from his choking you, “Fuck.” You whimper out as you squeeze his cock with your pussy, “Please please. Your cock is so fucking good.”
Harry loosens his grip and slides his hand back to your hips. He pulls your hips back to meet his and you can feel his cock twitch.
“Fuck.” He gasps and pushes his cock all the way in, “Snuck up on me.” He chuckles slightly and groans.
You moan as you feel yourself be engulfed by nothing but pleasure.
You both rest there for a few moments, breathing heavy and slightly sweaty.
“Shower?” Harry asks, breaking the silence.
“Please.” You agree.
He pulls out and you turn around and sit down. He holds his hand out and you take it, rising to your feet.
He presses his lips on your temple and sighs, “Race ya!” He pushes away from your and be lines for the steps.
“He-wa-wha- no-“ you stutter and jump slightly, “Not fair!” You yell as you run up the steps after him. He turns around at the top and laughs, “Let them fly free, baby.”
You laugh as his remark about your arms holding your boobs to your chest, “You would like that, wouldn’t you?” You ask stepping towards him when you reach the top.
“Very much so.” He smirks and you lean in to kiss him but push away from him, “Race ya!”
You make it to the bathroom first and hop in the shower, “Loser!”
He walks around the corner and looks at you, “Alright. I see how it is.” He walk over to you and pins you to the shower wall.
“You going to show me just how it is, huh?”
He smirks and nods, “Damn right.”
Thank you for being patient! I hope you like this!
Likes and reblogs are appreciated <3
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a-republican-mind · 2 years
I've been being accused of some things lately and would like to clear my name...
IDK what to do with myself here. I can’t really explain myself well after all of that scandal, and if I try to explain to someone here, they block me. I feel like it’s best to leave but at same time, to stay. Leave because all of what I build for five years, is destroyed, I’m hated, I’m sent anon hate. Stay because this is only place that I can talk to people, and I don’t have anyone to reach out. And look at me now, I’m more lonely than ever due to that mentally ill, man hating radfem Christian chick obsessed with me for some reason, I didn’t piss her off nor have I mocked her in any way before all of this. I don’t know what else she has posted about me and yes, I did contact the first person who knew about this via another account but at that time, I was scared the world was about to end and wasn’t really thinking but just to clear my name. And for those that say I baited my attempt to take my life, I had a knife with me until I cried to sleep. I know I fucked up big time.
But the other thing that I got blocked for sure was that “like” to that post, which again, I’ll say again, IT WASN’T FUCKING ME!!!!! Sure, likely story, dumbass. I am not creating this story, this legit happened. It wasn’t me but a friend of mine who (by stupidity of me not closing my laptop and leaving it on the settings page with the list of blocked people) was taking care of my stuff while I going to the restroom and decided it was good idea to run my blog. He has a tumblr: weepingcloddreamland, look him up and good luck trying to contact him as his last post was back in March of 2020. All of this happened on summer of 2018/2019, before the virus. I was out while he rebloged and give likes to those blogs I blocked for the right reasons. When I came back, he said, “Hey Michael, I spiced up your blog a bit” “Oh, really” *checked what he did* Shocked I said “Dude, WTF did you do, I blocked them for a reason!” his answer was... “I did a favor, you know women love that” After that, I decided to kick him his ass and cut ties, he left angry. Shortly thereafter, he created a blog to do what I did, blocked him back and said this.
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As proof that I did talk to him, because no one believes me at this point. All of this happened before I had my porn addiction. My porn addiction started in 2020, and it went downhill from there. I know I have a problem. It will take a lot of time as I know that this isn’t solved overnight or in a week time. I deleted the blogs already (for those anons who keep on asking).
For those that blocked me for this, I just want to say sorry for all. I’m a horrible person who was caught in all of this. And is shameful of everything, I’m even disgusted at myself. All of this stuff that my addiction caught me in was fantasy and I’ve never once disrespected a woman in my life. I don’t support violence against women. Nor have I ever abused any woman in my life. You people act like if I actually did and I dare anyone to find anything in my record (nothing in there) I hope to regain your trust as I did when you first followed me, but I still highly doubt any of you want to hear from me again or forgive. But I am praying for all of your wellbeing every night before I go to bed. If you’re having personal problems, I’ll be praying for you. That’s how much I love you guys even if you hate me now. I hope that whatever hopes, dreams, goals, you (my former mutuals) have is completed or happens the way you want it. If you want to believe what I said, that’s up to you and I know that I’ll get even more hate and death threats may even lose more of you. But I want to tell the truth and my side of the story. I will change for the better, but I can’t do it alone. I still have those sick feeling of relapsing again but I’m holding tight not to.
Oh, and one final thing, please unfollow and block nette and her nasty man hating friends. I’ve heard many things from a couple of people about her that isn’t really good. One of her friends is racist, a couple of them are creeps (actual online stalkers) and saved pics of me when I posted them on my blog. Even one of them is proudly an ableist. And all for what? To save the day? To feel better with themselves?  To get money out of me? Keep in mind that I’m dirt poor (have no money in the bank for months and struggle to get some money to buy at something worth five dollars at Wendy’s or Burger King for example), didn’t have a vacation since January of 2019, don’t have a central A/C system in my house and had a very hard life (economically speaking all the way since the beginning of 2016). Most of you consider yourself lucky that you can travel on a plane to Disneyland, Europe or whatever part of this fucking planet that I’ve never been on yet. Plus, after all of that, the bad luck still continued, I lost two cute cats, and my phone (which was going to be replaced anyways but I didn’t expect it so soon, it almost made my family go broke). This is all harassment and self-gratification just for a few likes. I have unblocked a couple of people that have blocked me in case you have the goodliness of your hearts to forgive me (still highly doubt it). But I won’t trust them again until otherwise. I’ll be removing anon tho. I don’t know what else what said about me other than the two posts about me, but I don’t think that stopped. Plus I believe in the “eye for an eye” punishment, so nette and co watch out and stop having those only idea of God. Get off the internet and read the bible. I just want this drama down and over with and to have my good friends back, but I still doubt they will want me back. For sure, some of them will see this tho. I’ve said enough.
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thetaylorfiles · 11 months
This whole 'friend dating Taylor' thing reminded me of something else from way back in the day - didn't you have a friend who took a photo of Taylor and Karlie when they happened to be at a gym at the same time as her? Or am I remembering incorrectly and that's a different tumblr account altogether? Anyway, been following you for ages. Whenever Taylor does something, I check your tumblr to see the takes on Kaylor nonsense lol
Aw! I love that you come back here. I miss this place a lot just because I had so much fun with you guys. Sometimes my inbox would be so full I literally couldn’t answer them all. You guys and interacting and laughing is the best part of tumblr and conspiracies and Kaylor and everything!
Please note that TTB is TayTaysBeard who got kicked off tumblr for her antisemitism and outing and doxxing of people. When she got shut down, she came back as Spade Riddles. TTB = Spade. They’re the same person
As for the rest, yeah, that was me. The person you’re talking about was a woman who lived in NYC and her husband works very closely with Josh at his company. She got to see Karlie a couple times at business dinners and parties.
She also went to the same gym as Taylor. She ran into Taylor and Karlie in the same class as her one day and snuck a photo.
Here’s where it gets weird. Before she and I started talking, she had been a curious Kaylor. Since she personally knew Josh, she was fascinated by TTBs blog and Kaylor. She believed for a few weeks or months and then realized it couldn’t be true because of what she knew from real life vs what nonsense TTB was spewing.
TTB has always maintained that Josh Kushner is gay and with his best friend Mikey (who is married to a woman with a baby). She’s also always maintained that Josh is a criminal on par with his brother Jared. And TTB claimed that Josh has had gay rumors for ages, everyone knows Karlie is a beard.
So my friend, after a while, and after actually communicating with her, she was like, “I’m out. This bitch is nuts. No way is it true.” Back then, there was no Gaylors. It was Kaylor or Taylor is straight. Nothing in between.
So my friend sent TTB that picture she took of Karlie and Taylor and had shown it to TTB. She said she could post it and say what she’d overheard them talking about, which was just normal stuff. Except at one point, I guess Taylor was talking about some app and said to Karlie, “oh! You should tell Josh about this!” Pretty harmless. But to TTB image thought that if taylor had suggested showing Josh, they must be amicable. But TTB needed Karlie and Taylor to hate Josh for keeping Karlie under lock and key, due to her contract.
That used to be a thing, btw. There were years where the narrative was that Karlie got duped by Josh when she was a teen. He needed a beard to do business with Saudis. According to TTB and Kaylors, Saudis won’t do business with anyone who’s gay. So Josh needed a beard. That’s why he’s with Karlie.
My friend knew this part was bullshit too. Her husband is high up in Joshs company and TTB was spewing bad fiction.
Anyway, sorry so long! Almost done!
TTB refused to post the pic my friend took and instead sent it around to the other big Kaylor blogs at the time, making up a better story around it and using it as “proof”, saying the person who took the pic confirmed Kaylor was together. Which never happened.
So I posted the pic and told my friends story for her. She was literally scared of TTB. TTB had her real email address and she was freaked out she’s dox her and mess up her husbands career. And we know TTB has doxxed and outed people before which is so fucked up.
I think that’s it? This was way back during the time when Karlie and Taylor were still friends.
The pic is on this blog along with the story. I may not remember it all perfectly.
Thanks for being around so long. And thanks for reading to anyone who made it this far!
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histrionic-dragon · 1 year
Good Omens Season 2 Reaction
Spoilers, obviously, so under the cut.
I accidentally saw enough of a gif here on Tumblr that I knew there would be a kiss. I accidentally saw a post here on Tumblr about "watching David Tennant unable to be with the blond he's in love with hits as hard at 26 as it did at 16" so I suspected something sad would happen.
I was not expecting THAT.
I didn't expect the kiss to be angry, and even when Crowley suddenly moved across the room and I thought "here it comes" I didn't expect it to be...devastated. He doesn't think that's going to make a difference. He doesn't think it's going to change things, not really. He just needs to do it, needs to make damn sure that Aziraphale gets it and he's done everything he can, but it's a parting shot, not a real argument.
And he's right. It doesn't change anything.
The narrative doesn't go the easy route of "Oh, what--wait--well that changes everything." Aziraphale's reaction is the worst. I wanted to smack him, and I generally like Aziraphale. I see myself in Aziraphale. I'm bookish and compulsively honest and want to see the best in people. But YE GODS, that is--NO!
It's better. It's more messy, how people really are. But it's so much worse to witness than a neat, fun, happy ending.
Maybe if he had more time, Aziraphale would process and fuss and dither and make up his mind and do something, but Metatron hustled him along (intentionally? is there a plot? don't really care right now) and he went. Even when he saw Crowley waiting by the car--"Yes, yes, I stormed out, but I haven't stormed out, I'm right here, I haven't abandoned you"--he goes.
At this point I actually put my head in my hands.
I thought maybe there would be some kind of plea deal with Heaven and Hell to avert the war where they both have to never see each other again. I didn't expect that they'd be separated because of someone's choice.
Again: it's a better, more human story. It's a worse, more human situation.
Aziraphale still doesn't fundamentally get something about Crowley.
The "I can change things if I'm in charge" argument, yeah, I can see that being a very strong, pardon the word, temptation. But that wasn't even what he was most excited about: he wanted him and Crowley to be angels and happy together. He's missing the point for Crowley because of what he wants. Crowley isn't a violent creep like most of the demons, sure, but he's still a demon. He doesn't like Hell, but he doesn't like Heaven either. He doesn't want to go back. He might have "sauntered vaguely downwards," but he was kicked out of Heaven for asking questions and he doesn't like that way of running things. Heaven sends angels to kill kids. Heaven was perfectly ready to destroy Aziraphale. He's not OK with that.
Azariphale wants to be with the good guys, wants to see the good in everyone, and wants to reconcile that good in everyone with the stricter, decontextualized good that Heaven has in mind. Crowley doesn't define "good" or "bad" as "in line with Heaven/Hell" much anymore, I don't think, and I don't think Aziraphale really understands that, even after millennia.
Also: David Tennant is a remarkably good actor. I enjoyed him a lot in Doctor Who, but the Tenth Doctor is on a continuum between goofy and all-powerful angsty adolescent most of the time. Crowley, whatever else he may be (and he's a lot of other things), is a grown-up. He's more nuanced. That comes through so well even in wordless scenes where he's wearing big dark sunglasses. Wow.
Unrelated also: I so appreciate the line "Can we throw books at them? Not the fiction, obviously, but the encyclopedias? It's all online anyway these days." I am deeply gratified that, in a life-or-death situation, someone had the initial reaction of "naturally we can't damage the books, especially the stories."
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spectralvulture · 2 years
When I first met my husband online in a dating app, he was moving out to Oregon but still lived in Ohio. I told my sisters about him, that he was a software developer for WordPress and bought a house in Oregon to live and work from somewhere else for awhile. His sister was about to finish out her doctorate at a university in Oregon, and since the kids in that family are peas in a pod, it seemed like a good time and place to do his own thing away from his hometown. My sisters firmly stated that he must really be 40 and creepy, because that sounded unreal. He never gave me any reason to doubt him, especially since I investigated as one does in online dating, and found his presence online rather easily, including his parent's blog (hey guys, yeah, I knew a lot about you all before I even met him) and picture on the Automattic employee page. Seemed legit, like he was a cool dude, and had no reason not to believe him.
Turns out I was right, and thus began the best thing that's ever happened to me. Outside of him being the kindest and most loving soul I have ever come across, he was a tech dude. That meant he wasn’t put off by a brain raised by the internet her entire childhood while “unschooled” and home 24/7 without parental supervision online. We got each other, even if he is more of a technical computer brain vs my chaos meme brain. He made things for the internet, and I used that shit. So that brings me around to talking about Automattic, and the bizarro world of an employer who doesn’t abstain from taking care of it’s employees.
When I needed health insurance because I worked as a caregiver which didn't provide benefits, he handled it by getting me on as a domestic partner, because at that point it's what we were to each other. We got married shortly after, and he eventually moved from WP to Woo, and I was able to step back from caregiving and figure out what it was I wanted to do with my life. Let’s ignore the fact that that’s still an unwavering: “What the fuck am I doing with my life?” I grew up in a different world than he did, daughter of a republican mechanic and liberal spiritual housewife, no GED or degree to my name after being 'unschooled' and ill equipped to provide for myself upon adulthood. People love telling me: “Oh you seem smart! You could get your GED tomorrow if you wanted!” Unfortunately it doesn’t work quite as easily as people think, especially when a simple test causes anxiety attacks that are out of this world. Bigger problems to solve before it’s viable. They mean well, but they have no idea what they are talking about. Stay in school kids, if not just to get that stupid degree and bounce, or not have the most severe anxiety around an educational setting. After we moved out to Ohio after getting married, we got ourselves situated in The Hollow. He moved over to Tumblr when Automattic scooped it up right before Covid shutdowns. When the loneliness of being away from family and friends came to a head with the Covid shutdowns, and the fire's tearing about my friends and families lives in Oregon, my struggle with alcohol came to a head. When he wanted to take a couple weeks off to help me back on my feet, he was able to take off an entire month. I kicked the bad habit, but those inner demons still lurked. When things came back up to a head for me this year, after he had just gotten back to work for barely a month after his paid three month sabbatical, he was able to take time off again while I got my shit together once again (don't worry, I didn't relapse). I have always expected at every turn of our life that someday our luck would run out at my hand. It hasn't. They don't fault us for life happening, and that's one of the most important things an employer can do for their employees. Sure work is work, but work doesn't have to be soul crushing every step of the way. I hope someday the rest of the USA catches up, because it is long overdue.
Moral of the story, Automattic is pretty chill, and I don’t think they are out to destroy this hellsite. They wanna see it stay alive like the rest of us, so chin up old farts and stubborn youths. It’s in good caring hands.
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starjxsung · 3 months
hi star, it’s been a hot minute since i’ve sent you a message and i hope you’re doing well. i haven’t been active on tumblr much because of school and life but i saw that you’re taking a break from writing and i hope it’s doing you well! take all the time you need, of course! i’m gonna reread the works already posted because i missed you a lot.
anyway, how are you?? are you eating? drinking enough water every day? sleeping well?
oh also, little life update: *tw mentions of abuse and dv* remember that girlfriend i had that i was so madly in love with before i disappeared? yeah we broke up recently because…well…she hit me. i’m still very shocked but i also feel like in hindsight i should’ve seen this coming. we’d been having so many issues for a while before that where she really got a kick out of humiliating me in front of other people and just overall treating me like some kind of emotional punching bag and she just didn’t respect me as a person. i think i stayed because i refused to believe that i was being abused and because i’m not good with change when i’ve literally merged my entire life with hers. but before i knew she’d come visit to me and my family and we’d started the day fighting because we had to pick my brother up from his school and she didn’t want to and then she literally lifts herself off of her seat while driving and boom. even after all that i stayed with her for another month before she’d left and i was finally able to admit that she’s abusive. and it sucks. i’m so so so sad but at the same time i’ve felt this immense relief. anyway i’m switching to online college and staying home with my parents to recover and piece myself back together. sorry if this is heavy, after the breakup i realized she’d literally alienated me from all my friends so i didn’t know who to tell :/ you can ignore this tho.
anyway, ilysm and please take care of yourself!
HI my angel you’ve been so thoroughly missed !!!! I’ve been doing good 🫶 took a little trip from tumblr as a whole and I’m enjoying it so much more again I love chatting with u all and I missed writing so dearly. This is truly hell site sometimes but heavy emphasis on the sometimes bc most of the time it’s fucking phenomenal
Also oh my god?? First off are you OKAY now and are you somewhere safe??? I am so so so beyond sorry to hear this happened :( I was rooting for you guys so often and I’m sick to my stomach hearing things turned out this way. It’s made especially difficult when things begin to change and everything was so different before… but please know that this is in NO way your fault and you did nothing wrong at all. The way you spoke of her was always so beautiful and unfortunately people can just be fucking shitty at the end of the day. That in no way reflects on you or your ability to hold relationships or anything of that nature. I don’t want you to put yourself in any scenario of wishing you did better or differently. You were a remarkable partner and the rest was not in your hands.
TW here also *mentions of death*: I knew somebody who lost their life at the hands of a domestic abuser. It was very jarring and I still think of her every single day of my life. There was nothing she could’ve done to prevent it, but I’m really sensitive to these things and ensuring that ANYONE is able to get somewhere safe when they’re in these scenarios. Please reach out if you need anything at all, know that you’re not alone in this and that I am right there with you on this journey to healing. You can always call my discord if there’s some sort of emergency and you need to talk, or message me on here or whatever works best. But make sure you’re in a safe place and away from anything that puts you in harm’s way.
I love you so very dearly and I have no doubt you’ll find somebody much better down the line. Right now focus on yourself and do the things that you love, be kind to yourself and know that she isn’t worth any of your time, energy OR of receiving your love. I hope she finds it in herself to be better.
I love you sweet friend. Thinking of you always 💓💝🩷💘💖💖🫂
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