#and who is simply fucking better at pvp
ironinkpen · 4 months
there's something so poetic about kipperlilly copperkettle—who hated one of her classmates for daring to be better than her and having a dead dad, who refused to improve herself and instead chose to be bitter and entitled, who was so obsessed with being Special and Important like she felt she deserved that she willingly worked with a rage god, betrayed her party, and killed her friend—getting killed by fucking. Hold Person. her fancy optimal build IMMEDIATELY folding in the face of riz's cleverness and experience and applied knowledge. she spends years fixated solely on racking up EXP and getting the Best Abilities, and then when she dies, she's killed not in glorious combat but by a clever, practical application of a 2nd level spell that she NEVER would have ever thought of using because she has no creativity or adventurers' spirit, cast by the same classmate she always hated with a watch his dead dad gave him.
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Since you guys really liked my last post about the sticks, here are some specific ways I think that the CG’s behaviors and stuff differ from that of the average Outernet stick:
They’re much more physically emotive than the average stick. They sag their shoulders and slouch when they’re tired or sad, they ball their fists and stance up when frustrated or angry, they hop around on the tips of their feet when excited or really happy. This is less of something that they learned from Alan and more so something that they taught themselves to make communication easier. They can’t “speak” to Alan (minus Second) and if they do have faces, Alan can’t see them, so they only have their body language as a form of communication.
They’re much more naturally creative and intuitive, and they each display this in their own unique ways. This is mainly due to the fact that they grew up with an ANIMATOR, a person whose livelihood depends on creativity and intuition. Second displays it through the art that they make, Yellow through her redstone prowess, Green through their building skills, Blue through his cooking, and Red, arguably the least naturally creative of the bunch, through his ability to understand and communicate with animals and other creatures.
Very simply, they TALK like humans. Since the Outernet is basically its own separate society from reality, it would also have its own unique dialect, ranging from unique slang to a slightly changed version of a human phrase to their own cuss words. Meanwhile, the CG just uses what was taught to them: human slang, human phrases, and human curse words (look me in the eyes and tell me that Green doesn’t say fuck every other sentence).
Finally, what I believe to be the biggest difference of them all:
They have a much better reverence for and understanding of death. I know that this seems a bit out of left field, but hear me out. Both King and Purple’s backstories involve the death of a loved one. Now, I’m not saying that death isn’t a traumatic event, but I am saying that both of their reactions to it were almost cartoonishly extreme. You don’t just put yourself on a warpath because someone close to you died tragically. If death is something that happens to everyone, you wouldn’t react like this. This leads me to believe that the Outernet has some kind of respawn system (which isn’t surprising considering that sticks can and do bring video game items into the Outernet), and that the only way for an Outernet stick to truly die, something needs to happen to their code. All of this is to say that the CG NEVER HAD A SAFETY NET LIKE THIS. Even while in Minecraft, a game that they know several times over has a respawn system, they’re still scared of dying. They probably constantly have what if scenarios running in the back of their minds because they have had too many close calls not to think that this time could be it. This is only amplified by living with Alan, who, as a human, is even more naturally acquainted with death and the effects it can have on one’s psyche. Suffice it to say, the CG understands and processes death like humans would. Hell, they even held a FUNERAL for Green in the PvP episode even though they respawned. They understand that their time is limited, so they do everything they can while they’re still standing.
Thanks for reading.
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neverlearnedtoread · 8 months
Spinning Silver
⭐⭐⭐⭐; the staryk king and mirnatius with the word 'wife' on the board: there's only one thing more horrible than a wife.... *rips off paper* MY wife
Oh?? 👌😉😏
women are fucking amazing and wonderful and terrifying and unequivocal badasses. especially to their husbands. it's about the fantasy of a marriage you have no control over being perfectly suited to you in ways you didn't even know it could
inhuman fae creatures that actually have a separate culture and set of rules they are governed by. they're much more powerful than humans, of course, but they are bound to their laws, and if you're smart you can work with that
fairytale-esque magic system that relies heavily on (1) trickery (2) Having Audacity and (3) the rule of threes 😉. we love a soft magic system that rewards big swings and BDE!
not one, but TWO separate arranged marriages engaged in HEATED pvp AKA two people bound in hostile matrimony trying to kill each other while having 'wait, are they hot? fuck!' moments
you can be cold and practical and still be a good person. you can be strong enough to protect yourself without sacrificing others. with a good enough grasp of contracts you can force a demon to leave your kingdom AND husband unharmed in a 2-for-1 deal
No.. ❌🤢🤮
multiple POVs with no names for chapter titles so you have to figure out who it is from context clues - if you're like me and love a little puzzle to go with your reading time, you'll really enjoy it (Novik does it VERY well) but if you get confused easily or don't wanna put in the brainpower its annoying and overly complicated
if you don't like enemies-to-lovers where they actually argue and are ideologically opposed, you're not gonna enjoy the romance subplots. this is not a 'forbidden-lovers' kinda enemies-to-lovers. this is firmly in the 'my husband misses me a lot - but his aim is getting better!' zone
really quick wrap up - it gets tied up a little too fast after the final confrontation with the Big Bad. i wouldve liked at least to have irina POV at the end because her side of things just. gets left hanging
Summary: Miryem is a daughter and granddaughter of moneylenders, and though her father doesn't have the hardheartedness to be a good one, she'd rather be despised for what she's owed than starve. Her knack for the trade, coupled with her sharp tongue, draws the ire of her village, and even more alarmingly, the Staryk's attentions; faerie creatures who only covet gold, they take her offhanded boast that she can turn silver into gold quite literally, and show up at her door to hold her true to her careless words - which, honestly, kind of backfires on them when she rises to the challenge and upends their realm into complete disarray, so maybe there's a lesson there for the next group of nonhumans to learn: don't bet the house against a human girl whose Had Enough Of All This Bullshit. She might win.
Concept: 💭💭💭 I don't know Rumpelstiltskin's story very well, and Ice Kingdom aesthetics aren't my favourite (you can blame it on my residual dislike of Frozen), but I DID read Uprooted before this. I wasn't as into the book blurb as I was with Uprooted, but I'm an experienced (and opinionated) enough reader to know when to trust my gut - if I find an author's writing style easy to read, and I enjoy how they handle their themes, I'm not afraid of diving into deep waters. If it's that bad, I can always DNF
Execution: 💥💥💥💥 As I've come to expect with Novik's writing, a wonderfully easy read; the storytelling voice flows smoothly and makes me want to keep on reading. No slogging through difficult to understand passages and too slow pacing for me! I instantly wanted to collect every POV character like puppies in a basket, no matter how brief their sections were. I will say the ending does forget what it wants to say and simply ends on a happy note, instead of a complete thought. It doesn't tie in the POV characters together strongly enough - I would've loved to see an epilogue scenes with the 3 main female characters supporting each other, or at least being three distinct Bad Bitches!
Personal Enjoyment: ❤❤❤❤❤ Mostly because of Irina and Miryem (and Wanda)'s absolute BDE. They truly brought their stories to life and felt very dynamic, constantly driving the story forward through their actions, especially because their personalities and characteristics were so well-suited to the challenges they faced (Miryem rules-lawyering the Staryk, Irina taking to politics, Wanda keeping faith despite all the shit she's been through). Honorary shoutout to the complete hilarity of Mirnatius's POV (though ultimately it IS more indulgence than necessity, I respect Novik for it) - may he spend the rest of his life desperately drawing his wife in vain search of her bad angles!
Favourite Moment: the running gag of mirnatius losing his fucking mind trying to prove irina isn't hot. you know that post that's like 'find a blorbo to draw and your art skills will start improving so much faster'? irina is his blorbo. special mention of the scene he gets jealous realizing a random guard has a crush on his behated wife and immediately jumps to the conclusion that irina would want to fuck the guard for the sake of the kingdom. babygirl the hoops you are jumping........where is this gymnastics routine even going 😭 this man is not beating the meow meow allegations..
Favourite Character: It's really a tie between Miryem and Irina, who are both so similar yet different at the same time. Miryem's BDE was enjoyably explosive - she throws it in everyone's face, which is perfect to play off of the Staryk's otherworldly impassiveness. Irina's BDE was a lot more...steely. Quietly coming into her own as she realized how adept she was at politics, and how perfectly well-suited that made her to being tsarina - and when they finally met each other? it was so funny when were like 'hey...why dont we kill our husbands via pokemon battle??'
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huggingtentacles · 2 years
Just had an inspirational moment while playing Elden Ring PvP.
Today was not my day. I entered the arena and got instantly obliterated 8 times in a row by people simply playing better than me. I had zero excuses. I got outplayed.
But I still looked for some! I went "Well ain't that unfortunate that I only get paired up with tryhards!"
And then I lose again to a guy who seemingly picked up Elden Ring like a week ago. His build wasn't even finished. And I got rolled and smoked by this absolute idiot. It hurt, but also opened my eyes to the problem: I wasn't in my best state right now.
I got up, went outside, bought a snack, had a walk, listened to some music. I came back home feeling a lot better. The effects were immediate. I fought one of the guys who rolled me and I won. And then I won again. And again. And then I got another guy who rolled me. I flawlessed his ass!
And now it dawned on me.
It's not like I suddenly got gud in that 20-minute timespan
I'm ALWAYS this good at the game.
I am ALWAYS capable of this, there is enough fight in this dog! I am never not good at the game. Sometimes I just don't have the access to my peak condition!
This thought really makes me feel better. Because when I die in Elden Ring due to a bad mistake I made, my brain used to go "Oh, I was never good at this game" which is a fucking lie! I am good at this fucking game!
My message is. Take care of yourself. Access your peak condition. You can literally feel this buff activating in your body. It's fucking magic I tell you.
May Marika's Tits guide your way.
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alertarchitect · 2 years
I'm sorry if this seems kinda out of left field for my blog here, but it's an observation a friend and I made yesterday/last night while playing the currently available Iron Banner mode in Destiny 2 and I don't have many other places to post it.
So, first is some context for those who aren't necessarily into D2, or at least the PvP side of it. Iron Banner, or IB, is a PvP mode that happens 2 times per 3 month season for 1 week each time it happens. Kind of a special event thing. For a lot of people, it's also basically the only time they play D2's PvP. This can lead to moments like me being dimly aware that PvP was in the midst of a SMG meta, and then suddenly experiencing how overpowering some of the weapons at the top of the general SMG heap can be. Especially with the new boogeyman weapon of Destiny 2 PvP: The Immortal.
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This thing right here. Image is not mine, as I do not have this weapon on any character.
"But, Arti," you may ask, "why is this little thing so terrifying?" Well, it's simple. Not only is it a SMG, it has the strongest SMG archetype with the second-highest rate of fire, can get ludicrous amounts of range for a SMG (to the point where it can and does overshadow auto rifles, which are supposed to be the automatic weapon option for mid-to-long range), can drop with amazing perks, and can drop with enough points in its stability stat to make these little words right here, the ones that say "high recoil," absolutely fucking meaningless!
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Not only that, but it drops from the Trials of Osiris game mode. Trials is a PvP game mode, kinda like IB, but it is the sweatiest game mode in Destiny 2. The reason for this is simple - not only does it drop incredibly good weapons such as The Immortal here, but those weapons can drop as Adept versions. See, there are some examples of end-game content in Destiny that reward you for doing well in them, especially at higher difficulties, with versions of their normal weapons that intrinsically have better stats. Not enough to make it so that having an Adept version with a bad roll is better than a regular version with a good roll, but enough to make strong guns even better than they already are.
So where all of this comes together is, to put it simply, everyone and their mother played a metric shit-ton of Trials this past weekend when The Immortal was released, as anyone that read up on the new weapons and saw what The Immortal was going to be like through the D2 API immediately knew it was going to be the strongest weapon for PvP in the current meta.
This has led to me and my friend, who don't normally play PvP much outside of IB, consistently going up against full teams of people spamming this gun, along with a shotgun (as shotguns are also doing well right now), and barely getting to do anything because of it.
And this was when we had an idea.
See, one thing that is incredibly easy to forget in the face of a meta this dominating is that even in the darkest times, the meta isn't everything. And even weapons that aren't necessarily as strong can still come out to play and fulfill one very important role - counterplay. Because The Immortal may have enough range to push out into being useful at mid-range - but at its core, it has the same weakness as every other SMG. A weakness that is magnified by most of the people running it using it in conjunction with a shotgun.
So if you, like my friend and I were, are getting frustrated by game after game of being matched against these meta-spamming people trying to get as close to you as possible so they can do optimal damage, do what we did. Pull out your scout rifles and hand cannons and take them out from a farther range than they can reach. Show them how annoying a pulse rifle player being safe about engagements can be.
Make these people that lessen variety suffer through your use of it.
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deepseamuse · 3 months
PvP in gacha games always sucks. There is no way to avoid this without introducing an entirely different style of gameplay that doesn't feature characters' abilities at all. It is simply inherent to the way that gacha games function; rarer characters and those added later will always be better, so anyone who can't get those or just wants to use a weird or funny strategy is fucked.
On a related note, while there are obviously gacha games with high skill ceilings that are also bad and more blatantly trying to take all your money than usual, these things get worse the lower the game's skill ceiling is. The lower the ceiling, the more important a character's power, and the more obvious power creep is. Obviously, idle gachas are the worst, because the only thing that matters is how much time and money you feed into it; it is literally impossible to become better.
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ursbearhug · 1 year
Since I cannot scroll in peace because I'm seeing only 12 same posts, and before anybody gets smart with me they're from the same mutuals with the same time stamples, I'll share a random memory from the past.
For those who have never played Nostale (no fault really) it had this interesting system of companions. You could tame a pet (selective, not every wild mob can be a pet) and at certian levels you'd get a companion (I'd say human companion but at 40something you get this weird human/dog hybrid thing. Also not sure if Sakura qualifies as human). I'm not a person who got really far in Nostale because past level 20, leveling up slows down to a screeching halt, so you'll not learn about 60 or 80 post game activities, simply because I've never got there. It worked like this; you run up to a monster, that is equally or lower leveled than you, check if it is catchable indicated by little icon next to it's health bar, you weaken it because it's Pokemon and then you repeatedly use capture emoticon/action until you succeed. So from what I can jog up from my memory, you could tame chicken (first pet), sheep (my fav I cherish all the sheep I've tamed in my 2008 glory days), hamsters (that's what they were called here, don't know about other translations. They were shooting ranged spikes at enemies, so go figure), differently coloured jelly monsters and many more but one of the most prevalent and recognizable pet was this turtle thing.
For you see, Nostale had this atrocious leveling system. You level up your character *and* your character's profession level. They are separate bars, that gain exp differently and one was more important than the other. Getting exp and level up was really whatever because you can get good gear regardless. But profession level allowed you to wear SP cards, which in turn turned you to jacked up, specialized version of your class, with set skills and it's own profession levels as well (yay...!). Like warriors could be basic bitches and play with 3 spells because the rest were dogshit but they could also turn into Berserker SPCard and weaken themselves to deal more damage. Or go the au contraire route and become Crusaders and deal heavy damage with crossbows. Some SP were better than others, especially in terms of how useful they are in pve and pvp content.
So why is that relevant? Well, as I said post 20 getting levels was abysmally slow. No without reason, of course, because you can get 50% more exp for the low price of real life money at a moment's notice! Oh so sexy! And how efficient! Get 50% more for an hour and spend more coin! Obviously, not everyone can throw money away at viddy games. To get SP cards you needed to be certian level (like fabled level 35 for the 1st spec) or... Buy them from other players! But to equip it, you need particular profession level. Since the way these two bars progress are slightly different at some point people realised it's actually more efficient to put your character in particular spot, to endlessly grind low level mobs with the turtles' aoe attacks, leave the computer on and fuck off to touch grass. Your profession level or SP profession level is slowly (and I mean SLOWLY) raising, while you're actually living your life. And just like SP cards, pets can be sold as well. So if you wanted to level up an alt character you just get the desired SP card (it depended on the class really. Mages usually went for Red(1)/Blue(3), Rangers had absolutely overpowered and busted 1st spec so unless you were intending to grind for the 4th one, you didn't even have to put too much effort into it, and warriors were in tough spot since none of the original 4 specs were really that good), get the turtle, spend your parents hard earned money on the funny bubble and like 50 exp boosts, leave your character at the pea spots for like 48 hours and voilà!
This also lead to easy bots, that were punishable. It became so annoying for newbies (because whales were taking away mission objectives from them), that mods started to scour the fields and kick out or ban players who didn't respond (botting makes responding impossible for most cases and you cannot respond if you're not actually in front of your PC).
In the meantime, guild wars 2 has fancy way of taming animals as ranger. You go to particular spot and look for 'juvenile' version of desired pet. Sometimes it's like "spot the difference" and it's the exact same picture and sometimes it's total opposite. Some pets are soft locked behind events (wyverns and smokescales, my beloathed). My problem with them is usually that they're not marked as tameable and you have to specifically hover over them with your mouse to see if they are. I swear looking for hyena shaved off like 5 years off of my expected life spawn.
There is small part of me that goes "what if we download and check how much NosTale changed? 😝" but I must know better and not drown in nostalgia.
My favourite part of the game was the Top the blacksmith. That's his name, not a command.
I also really liked artstyle for art. Especially thrid SPs. The frozen mage, the crusader and demolishionist were so pretty.
Anyway, warm garlic bread and gay bear sex.
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sekiron · 2 years
Destiny 2: How to improve
I know most of yall don’t give a flying fuck about D2 (that sounds a bit harsh but hey it’s not inaccurate) but I need to lay out some things here In the original draft of this, I was far more angry and enough people have done that last season and this season now. So figured I should layout ideas I think could be done to fix things One way to help the Vanguard strike playlist again is adding the PsiOps and Heist Battlegrounds to the playlist, in addition Chosen, PsiOps, and Heist Battlegrounds should drop random seasonal gear from their original season (also reissue Chosen gear with the Land Tank origin trait). "But hey hows that fair that Battlegrounds get their own loot pools-" Simple solution: guns like Militia's Birthright's non adept form would drop from strike completion, taking them out of the Nightfall loot pool unless its the Nightfall that week, adept variants would only drop during the Grandmaster version. As for guns like Duty Bound or D.F.A, they'd be in a different loot pool that like the weekly Nightfall loot pool, would cycle. So we'd have the Vanguard Nightfall loot (Shadow Price, Palindrome, SWARM, etc) and Vaulted Nightfall loot (D.F.A, Mindbender's Ambition, etc) In addition, like during Year 4, we should have a Battlegrounds playlist and Hunts playlist Hunts would get the Nightmare Hunts, Empire Hunts, and Baron Hunts (once Forsaken returns) into one playlist. Loot dropped would be from the planets loot pool: Baron Hunts grants Tangled Shore loot, Nightmare Hunts grant Luna gear, etc Now that's simply helping PVE playlist content, now onto PVP One big thing, RETURN TO CBMM (in quickplay and comp). Fireteam Based Matchmaking will be good for Trials, Iron Banner, and Gambit so it can stay. However the SBMM is clearly not good as its just led to people playing the same people over and over again Another obvious issue is lack of loot incentive from competitive. There's rather easy solutions here For reaching certain ranks, you'd receive a Ghost, a Sparrow, a Ship, and an Emblem (maybe multiple? one should at least denote that you've reached Ascendant) but see that wont keep people coming in. Once you reach Ascendant for the season, aside from playing a few matches to get your weekly roll of Rose, why bother? Well adept variants of Crucible guns would be enticing. Now of course the main problem is maps or lack there of. Ideas for map locations:The Scarlet Keep, Bray Exoscience facility, Riis Reborn, Freehold's temporal anomalies, The Lucent Citadel, The Black Garden, Neomuna, wreckage of The Almighty, a Seraph Bunker, somewhere in The Dreaming City and The Reef
The same problem is present with Gambit but even moreso. My map suggestion is the same as above along with Also I'd like to see a version thats what Gambit Prime attempted to be, Gambit Perfected. Within GP, you'd que into your role and once in the game your role would be over head for your teammates to see and know who's who. - Max 3 rounds like old school Gambit - Role buffs return but are not as overpowered as previous ones - new Primevals (Taken Techuen, Taken Chieftain, Taken Darkblade, Taken Acolyte that uses Stasis, Taken Wyvern) - Lucent Brood are now possible enemies with Hive Lightbearers being the High Value Targets - House Salvation are now possible enemies with Stasis wielders being High Value Targets - Shadow Legion are now possible enemies with Tormentors being High Value Targets - Season of the Drifter gear returns, wins granting a chance at adept versions (I just really want Spare Rations and Bug-Out Bag again lol)
Now Seasonal content...thats far more tricky imo. For one, cutting up the story content into 8 parts always has hurt the stories, Plunder for instance could've had us gather a few more relics per week and the main story couldve been shortened and it'd flow much better than waiting 8 weeks... As for the dreaded 3 x 7 upgrade screen. One idea is to cut it to only 15 upgrade steps but we still have this issue of this time gated vendor upgraded. So remove the timegate...sorta As it stands now, the way to upgrade the vendor/device is the weekly season challenges, one will be related to the weekly story quest and the other would be combat related So have the item used for upgrades drop from the season activity very rarely. Excess items can be turned in for enhancement cores or prisms And the last one I have much to say about: Moments of Triumph it feels pretty lame Age of Triumph was D1's finally hooray, a celebration of Destiny 1 as such, Moments of Triumph should feel similar something like double rewards for multiple activities two active rotating raids/dungeons an armour ornament set from seal completion just something so people know to be active in Moments of Triumph because if you didnt see the MMXXII seal in the triumph tab you'd have no idea it's going on right now ANY CASE we come to the end of my lil(hA LIL) post about how Destiny 2 can improve greatly now this wont fix everything but it'll definitely fix some stand out problems imo
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clamsjams · 6 months
Hellooo :D here's my opinion on the Purgatory event. I am not an expert on game design, I don't know much at all, but I still want to try to analyze the event a bit. (If you do end up using this for the video pls keep me anonymous.)
Hopefully this makes sense lmao
1.- Time
a) It lasted for way too long, it never gave anyone a chance to rest. Constant stress. 
b) Changes being made constantly regarding the score = confusion, no one could properly adapt, no one knew what to do, it made strategizing a lot harder, it made pvp a lot harder.
c) The fact that they scheduled an event on Sunday and announced it barely the day before (late in the day) is nuts. QSMP has always had little activity during Sundays, they should know the ccs schedules, why the fuck would they put an event on such a day and with such short notice. The least they could have done is warn the streamers in advance, no need to tell them exactly what the event will be, but they could just let them know that they'll need to be available on Sunday.
Also, they should have warned the ccs about the entire event in general. Again, no need to explain details or give spoilers, but letting them know "hey, this event will last 2 weeks and it's going to be pretty intense, we need you to mentally prepare yourselves and also we'll have important event on X and Y days so we'll need anyone who can to show up" would have been better than just throwing them to the wolves like that.
2.- PVP
They seemed to want to focus on pvp rather than roleplay, however:
a) Cursed team is an aspect of roleplay that they introduced that actively made pvp/confrontation worse.
b) Mobs being too overpowered. Yes it's purgatory, but not everyone is a proficient minecraft player and struggling with mobs caused a lot of problems for people when the focus was meant to be on interpersonal conflict.
c) Their idea seemed to be an "anything is valid" event, but they didn't stick to it, which was for the best but the thing is that the rules should have been implemented since the beginning, wanting "anything" to be valid was always unrealistic. It is possible to have a strong competition whilst also having some rules to keep things fair.
d) They ended up focusing a lot on the quests/tasks/contracts instead of pvp, which defeats the purpose of having a pvp event. They should have chosen whether to focus mainly on pvp or on strategy and stuck to it, instead they tried to make both things equally relevant and it did not work at all.
e) Spawn protections were useless.
f) They bounty system sucked, revealing a players cords like that was only going to bring trouble, especially as often as it happened. They tried to fix it but it was not good enough and ended up removing the npc entirely. It could have worked if they just didn't give out the exact location of players, I saw many suggesting a compass that simply points in a direction and that would have probably been better (though it still could have led to bases being found but it gave people a lot more time to move and get far away before being found).
3.- Rewards
a) The event asked a lot of the streamers and the audience, yet it provided little reward for everything they did. For "winning" during the first week all Bolas got was that they didn't have to participate on Sunday's event and an "advantage" for the capture the flag event, which ended up being having an admin play on their team.
b) Winning Purgatory got them to rescue 1 egg. They couldn't even pick which egg. Also, they immediately after threw a nuclear bomb at them. We still don't even for certain what happened to Dapper.
And that's it. That's all they ever got for Purgatory.
c) They didn't even get any answers or clues re: the eye guy, the eggs, egg island, the feds, the black concrete, the supposed cursed team, ElQuackity.
They got nothing, they didn't even get the chance to fight their captor, or ElQ, who was working for the eye. Nothing.
This made the ending feel anti climatic despite the fact that a lot was happening and that it should have been a great deal for them to finally be done with Purgatory.
4.- Teams
a) One good thing was pairing people with others they don't usually have a chance to interact much with because it helps to develop friendships.
b) The problem was how they handled the inactive players.
Half of the original Bolas team never logged on for the event, not even once. They only had the numbers because the half that did join fully committed and logged on even on days when they usually wouldn't.
But that should not be the standard, people should be able to log on when they can/want, they are entitled to their off days or other projects/responsibilities, they all have a life outside of the qsmp and outside of purgatory. Plus, the fact that the event was designed to appeal to a small group of players (bc pvpers are definitely not the majority on the server) and because of how harsh the conditions were, then they discouraged people from wanting to participate. Cellbit almost fully quit on day 2. In fact, Bolas' consistency was due to the fact that they enjoyed losing their minds with their friends. It wasn't the event itself what motivated them, but rather their friendship and enjoyment of each other's company.
c) Ideally, you want people to play your game because they actually enjoy it. Or because the reward is worth it. In this case, neither occurred.
d) Struggling to get players online, or completely depending on the exact same group of people for the entire 2 weeks is exhausting and with the lack of reward is simply not worth putting up with. I completely understand any cc that is/was feeling burnt out due to purgatory.
hi kal! i know it’s been ages since i asked for this but im cleaning out my inbox now. since my qsmp hyperfixation is gone im most likely not gonna get around to doing this video but i still appreciate all the info that u and everyone else ended up sending me! i’m not deleting the asks and i’m giving them a special tag just in case i decide to come back to it one day. thanks again for ur thoughts
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bidickgrayson · 6 years
wish i weren’t such a baby about pvp!!!!!!!!!!!!
#this is made worse by the fact that my friends who play with me are actually quite good at it#and ironically#their kindness to me about my shittiness makes it worse#if they were neutral or mean about it#it'd be easy to be like 'fuck no am i playing'#but they're like 'play with us! we can get the quest done together!'#so i play with them#then i'm miserable and doing badly#but they make sure to point out when i do good things#which is NICE and i appreciate it#but it's also like....yikes.....this is not surprising to me but it still sucks that i'm so obviously having a bad time#they're going out of their way to try to make me feel less miserable#i just wish playing pvp didn't make me feel so disproportionately sorry for myself#it shouldn't be that big of a deal or that hard!#it's so *casual* to them bc that's what it should be. it's just quickplay#but to me it's this big ordeal and they're very nice bc they go out of their way to make sure i know they want my company#but i hate the feeling that....i make them feel like they gotta go out of their way to make me feel better#about an activity that should just be simply fun or simply neutral#like at one point i started tearing up because i was so frustrated! then i was tearing up because it shouldn't have been such a big deal!#and the thing is....i *want* to be able to casually enjoy pvp or at least be neutral on it so i can play it with my friends#it's part of why i keep agreeing to play with them when they ask me#i just don't know how to stop having such a bad attitude and how to stop making my friends feel like#they need to try to make me feel better about it#talking to myself#been a while since i've done a vent post here
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darealsaltysam · 3 years
i have a theory
consider: the better the dream smp member is at minecraft, the easier they would be to beat in a fight irl
dream and techno - pvp gods, but they play minecraft for a living. we don’t even need to see them irl that much to know (and i say this with peace and love) that you could snap them like twigs
wilbur - not great at mc and not terrible either. same with fighting. depends on your own height and if it can challenge his
georgenotfound - do i even have to say it. have you seen him in tommy’s vlogs. he looks like he learned how to walk right yesterday i am sorry
tommyinnit - good at minecraft. irl? 17 year old boy who plays minecraft all day and drinks coke constantly. case closed
jack manifold - for this one im just gonna direct you to his boxing vlog with gogy and wilbur and i think thats my entire statement said
ranboo - yes he can play minecraft well and yes hes tall. but if you distract him with a john mulaney clip you could push him over and thatd be that hed shatter on the floor dont tell me he wouldnt
nihachu - definitely not the best of the best when it comes to the game, but irl she would win the fight simply by forfeit. who would DARE to hurt niki nihachu. dont tell me you woudlnt just back down 
jschlatt - he cant play minecraft. he simply cant. but you know what he has? a gun
foolish gamers - good at minecraft but also doesnt he like have a home gym or something or did i mishear???
badboyhalo - he throws knvies as a hobby good fucking luck getting close to that guy mate
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gaysimpsstuff · 4 years
Addidentally Injuring Their S/o
Part Two Here
YT Video Here (thanks @vanillaicedlatte-yt)
Genre: a n g s t
Type: Drabble/ Headcannons
Summary: in the heat of an arguement, after a battle, etc., they activate their quirk and Y/n somewhat permanently.
Warnings: gore, blood, fighting/ cursing, crying, burns, toxic relationships, 290 spoilers, endeavor
Other: This was meant to come out yesterday, but shitty mental health got in the way, so yeet. Also, I’m sorry these get worse and worse as they progress, that’s usually how things go for me. This was also inspired by a Tik Tok that I can’t find where Shigaraki accidentally dusts y/n who’s trying to comfort him. It was a Cosplay, if anyone can find it please let me know so I can link it and credit the creator.
Characters: Shigaraki, Dabi, Bakugou, Todoroki
Angst Taglist: @smolchildfangirl @combat-wombatus @mandalorian-baby-bird @waffleareniceandfluffy (let me know if you want to be added to or removed from the taglist)
Tomura Shigaraki
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It had started as a great day, a perfect day even. Everyone was listening to him, the league was getting news coverage, people were afraid.
Everything was too perfect.
Something was going to go wrong, he was sure of it.
He hated the way everyone was laughing and joking together, Toga helping Magne do her nails, Spinner playing video games with Twice backstage, and you were chatting with Dabi and Compress about the league’s next moves.
Kuroguri was off doing something or other, and he’d mentioned another ‘follower of All For One.’
But something felt off.
And of course you would notice him.
You were hiding at an abandoned theatre, and he was sitting on the edge of the stage, staring out at the empty audience.
You were with Dabi and Compress in the wings, and glanced away from them towards your boyfriend.
He seemed stressed, scratching at his neck vigorously. You sighed, standing up and heading over to him, sitting beside him.
You placed your hand on top of his spare hand, offering him a soft smile.’
“Hey, baby~” you cooed. “How’s my boyfriend doing?”
He grumbled, yanking his hand away from you. Your theory was correct, he was stressed about something.
He didn’t want to talk to anyone, especially not you. You always tried to comfort him and convince him everything was ‘okay’ even when it wasn’t.
“Go away.” He growled. “I’m trying to think.”
“Thinking about what?” You asked, scooching closer to him.
“None of your fucking business!” He snapped at you, and you flinched away from him.
“Tomura, I was just trying to help-“ you frowned at him. He could be immature and bratty at times he’s, but he usually made sure not to get that way with you.
“I don’t give a shit! I don’t need your damn help!” He stood up, marching over to the wings to head backstage. You followed suit.
Compress and Dabi quickly rushed off the stage when they saw Shigaraki heading towards them. Dabi stopped for a moment next to you, looking at you.
“Good luck with him.” He said, jerking his head towards Shigaraki. You shrugged at him.
Shigaraki overheard Dabi’s notion, anger and distress intensifying. Good luck? Good luck?! What the hell was wrong with him?
Dabi and Compres joined Toga and Magne in the red velvet chairs, Compress requesting that he gets his nails done in orange and black when she finished with Magne’s.
Shigaraki pushed aside the large heavy curtains blocking his way backstage, finding Spinner and Twice huddled near a small TV, an old PvP game loading onscreen
They both looked over their shoulders, staring up at their boss. You quickly darted backstage, crouching next to the ‘gamer boiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiis’ as they had nicknamed themselves.
“I’m so sorry,” you whispered to them. “He’s in a bit of a mood. I’ll take care of it, okay?”
Did he hear you correctly?
A mood?
You’ll ‘take care of it?’
Of it?
“Say that again, to my fuckung face!” Shigaraki screamed at you. “Tell me I’m just ‘iN a MoOd’ again!!”
You turned to him, eyes wide and scared.
“I’m sorry, Tomura, I didn’t mean it like that- I just didn’t want our friends to worry!”
“They aren’t our fucking friends! They just work for us- they work for me!” He corrected himself.
You stood up, flicking your wrist to motion for Twice and Spinner to leave. They quickly turned off their game and rushed away.
“You might not consider them our friends, but they’re certainly my friends. And I won’t let you scare my friends.” You stood your ground, taking a step towards him.
He scoffed, turning around and marching back onstage. You sighed, following after him, again.
“Please, Tomura talk to me. I’m your partner I want to help you!” You exclaimed. “You’re worrying me, please!”
“Well I don’t want to fucking talk!” He shouted, “and I don’t have to!”
“Please, Tenko!”
He saw red.
His hand flew away from him before he could stop himself, a target missile. It’s destination? Your face.
You lifted your hands instinctively, and he grabbed your wrist, fingers curling around your skin.
In that moment, all he felt was relief. Thank fucking god you’d lifted your arms. It was the one thing that has saved you from him.
You screamed, pain shooting up through you from your arm. Your skin peeled, falling away in tiny fragments of dust.
The dust fell around his fingers, your hand and wrist were completely gone now.
You felt someone pull you backwards, and you saw a glint of silver as Toga quickly severed your arm, blood spilling onto the floor of the stage where the pile of dust that used to be your arm lay.
You fell to your knees, screaming, reaching up and clutching at your elbow- the point of separation- desperately, trying to will your arm back into existence.
“TOMURA!” You shrieked, tears falling down your cheeks. “TOMURA! FIX IT!!”
It was hopeless, you knew there was no way for him to un-dust you. You fell forward, forehead pressed against the floor.
Shigaraki took a step back, glancing at his hand. There were a few speckles of dust resting on his palm. His breath quickened, eyes widening as he cupped his other hand over his mouth.
He stared down at you, Blood staining your shirt as you screamed and cried.
It must have hurt.
He remembered the promise he’d made after you’d started dating, when he’d protected you from some assholes trying to mug you.
“I promise you, I’m going to protect you. Nothing, no one, will lay a hand on you ever again.”
It was a promised meant against anyone who posed a threat to you.
He never meant to become a threat himself.
Touya Todoroki/ Dabi
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Some days were always going to be better than others, that’s simply how it works when you’re recovering from trauma.
Today was one of the bad days.
He’d woken up with a thick, heavy, dark feeling in his chest.
He wasn’t even comforted by the warmth your body produced next to him.
Most days he’d roll over and wrap his arm around your body, pulling you close to his body to cuddle you.
This morning however, Dabi rolled away from you and climbed out of bed. You looked over your shoulder at him, confused and slightly hurt. Did you do something to make him upset last night?
You followed after your angsty boyfriend, walking out of the bedroom and down the hall into the kitchen.
He crashed at your apartment a lot, being a villain it was hard to get his own home. You didn’t know where he stayed when he wasn’t at your place.
He grabbed a box of cereal out of the cupboards, pouring himself a bowl. You pulled the milk out of the fridge, handing it to him with a smile.
He scrunched up his nose at your kindness, snatching the carton from your hand and angrily pulling the cap off.
You sighed, nervously pouring yourself a bowl as Dabi started to eat. He didn’t even bother to sit at the table.
“Hey, babe? You okay? You seem kind of... off today.”
Your boyfriend glanced down at you, cerulean eyes seemingly staring right through you.
“M’fine.” He grunted. Your frown tightened.
“I’m sorry, but I can’t believe that.” You shook your head at him.
Dabi glared down at you in annoyance. His scowl deepening. You took a step back, concerned and scared.
“Dabi, please talk to me.” You pleaded with him.
“Uzéndayo.” He grumbled angrily. “Fuck off.”
“Please, you’ll hurt my feelings.” You scoffed sarcastically. “You can talk to me, y’know.”
“Don’t fuckin need to. Leave me alone.”
“Dabi, this is my place. I’m not leaving you alone.”
“Then I’ll leave!” He snapped, brushing past you and leaving his cereal on the counter to sog.
He snatched his jacket off the back of the couch, shrugging it onto his shoulders.
“Seriously, Dabi! What the hell’s going on! Did I do something wrong?”
It pissed him off further to hear you blame yourself. You always thought it was your fault, but it never was.
“Oh shut the fuck up for once! Quit thinking it’s all about you! It’s not always about you!”
“Dabi just fucking talk to me! I’m not letting you leave until you tell me what’s wrong!”
You stepped in front of the door, flinging your arms open to block ilhis exit. He looked you in the eyes, seething.
“Nothing happened!” He shouted “Sometimes I’m just angry for no reason! Get out of my way and I’ll take my anger out on some rando and not on you. Then I’ll come back and we can pretend this never happened.”
“Dabi I won’t let you just kill some innocent person because you’re upset! Just sit with me and we can talk it out and-“
“That’s always your solution! Quit being a wimpy pacifist and move!”
“I’m not a pacifist, I just don’t think you should kill without reason!”
“Well I have a fucking reason!”
“And what’s that?”
“I want to!”
“That’s not a reason!”
“Just get out of my fucking way or I’ll make you!”
“Dabi, just talk to me!”
It was the last thing you said before he grabbed your arm and pulled your body forward to meet his. Your chest pressed against his, his face right in front of yours.
It’d be hot if you weren’t so scared.
“Listen here you little shit,” he growled, low and angry “I’m stronger than you in every fucking way.”
“I could kill you in an instant if I so desired.”
“Incinerate your filthy annoying ass any day I want, so be fucking grateful for once and watch your damn mouth!”
“SHUT THE FUCK UP AND LISTEN! I am superior to you in every way, you should be grateful I even share oxygen with you!”
“I DON’T CARE IF IT HURTS, LISTEN TO ME YOU DIRTY MOTHERFUCKER!” He screamed in your face, eyes wild with unchecked rage.
Tears flowed down your face as you sobbed, indescribable pain was shooting up through your arms.
Dabi’s eyes finally drifted downwards, and he froze, mouth falling slack.
Smoke was billowing off his hands, and his knuckles were white with how hard he was gripping you.
He snapped his hands away from you, curling them into his body as his eyes widened. He took a few steps back.
There were black scorch marks on your body in the shape of his hands. They looked real bad.
“Get out.” You whispered, so soft he couldn’t hear.
“GET OUT!” You screamed, pointing at the door despite the intense pain in your arms. “GET OUT OR I’M CALLING THE POLICE!”
“B-baby I’m sorry!” He shouted “I didn’t mean to, I promise!”
Dabi stumbled past you, quickly rushing out of your apartment and shutting the door behind him.
His back was pressed against the wood as he slid down, covering his face as he listened to your sobs on the other side, hearing your footsteps fade into the bathroom, probably to run cold water on your skin.
For a moment, all the could think about was the cereal on the counter, getting soggy.
“Fuck.” He muttered, eyes burning as they tried to produce tears without his tear ducts.
“I’m so fucking sorry.”
Shoto Todoroki
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Shit wrong emo scar boy with daddy issues, fire powers, and an evil older sibling with blue fire
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There we go
It was a shitty day. 
Well, most days were shitty days, but today was shittier than usual. 
A home visit, Endeavor trying to act like he was ‘upset about everything that happened,’ and pretending he was the victim in the situation.
It would be enough to set anyone on edge, especially Shouto. 
So it wasn’t much of a surprise when he returned to the dorms with a deep frown on his face.
Even when Midoriya, Iida, and Uraraka tried to talk to him, he still seemed angry the whole time. There was really only one thing that should be able to cheer him up. Let’s hope you do your job well.
“Knock knock~ Shouto it’s me!” you stood on the outside of Shouto’s dorm. You knew Shouto must be stressed, so you’d gotten him some brownies from the sweets cupboard, Sato’s locks were easy to pick.
“I don’t want to fucking talk.” his response was blunt, clearly annoyed that you’d bothered his brooding. “Go away.”
You sighed, he could act like such a child sometimes!
“Shouto, I just want to cheer you up! Let me in, babe.” a moment later, he swung the door open, am annoyed glare on his face. You smiled sweetly at him, handing him the plate of brownies. His hands remained in his pockets, glancing down at the brownies then back up at you.
“Um... can I come in?” you asked quietly. He shrugged, stepping aside to let you in. You stepped past him, sitting on the edge of the platform bed, setting the brownies on the nightstand. 
Shouto closed the door behind him, turning to face you.
“Do... do you want to talk about it?” Shouto huffed, shaking his head and looking away from you.
“Do I look like I want to talk?” he snapped. You flinched, his tone was harsh.
“Shouto I just want to help, you don’t need to be rude.”
“I don’t give a shit if I’m being ‘rude.’“ He growled, arms crossed. 
His eyes stared coldly at you. Yeah, he was definetly upset.
“That’s okay, we can chat about something else. Oh, Sato probably needs to change the lock on the sweets cupboard, I kinda broke it getting you these brownies!” you looked up at him, smile faltering as he looked down his nose at you. “Are... are you mad at me?”
“Wow, you just noticed that.” he rolled his eyes. “I told you to go away but you didn’t.”
“I-I’m sorry, I was just really worried about you. You’re my boyfriend and I love you, I don’t like seeing you upset.”
“Then maybe you should try fucking listening to me for once. If I don’t want to talk, then you can’t make me talk.” You nodded, apologizing again.
“Oh my god shut the fuck up!” he shouted. “You’re always talking, always apologizing, you’re getting on my fucking nerves!”
“Okay!” you stood up quickly, lifting your hands defensively. “I’ll just leave!”
You brushed past him on your way to the door, hesitating on the handle. You glanced over your shoulder at him.
“Would you fucking stop with the pity?” you looked at the ground, not saying anything.
You heard the slap before you felt it.
The sting shot through your face, and you could hear Shouto shouting at you, but it was muffled. You didn’t know what he was saying. 
You lifted your hand to your cheek, hissing in pain. He didn’t just slap you,
He used his fire.
You choked on your words, turning to look at your boyfriend with tear-filled eyes.
Shouto was looking at you with a look of sheer horror on his face.
“I’m sorry...” you whimpered. “I’m going-” you slipped out the door, ignoring Shouto’s shout for you to turn back and talk to him
That it was an accident.
That he didn’t mean it.
That didn’t matter.
Katsuki Bakugou/ Dynamight
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Fuck Icy-Hot. 
Fuck. Him.
He said he’d gotten stronger since the Summer Camp, but he hadn’t at all.
He was still loosing to Todoroki, and no matter how hard he was working, he still kept loosing to him.
His hand was buried in his hair, tugging harshly every so often as he listened to you ramble about something that happened during your work study.
Even you were getting ahead of him, his own partner was getting stronger than him. He’d promised he’d protect you, but that would be useless if you kept improving faster than him.
“Then afterwords, FatGum took me, Kirishima, and Amajiki to this resturaunt, and the owner turned out to be a huge fan of FatGum, she gave us free desert! Oh my gosh the cake was so good!” you exclaimed, laughing a little.
Bakugou grumbled under his breath a little, keeping his eyes away from your estatic face. 
“Great.” you glanced back to your boyfriend from where you sat at your desk, eyebrows furroring. Usually, Katsuki would give you one of those proud smirks all like ‘that’s my partner,’ but today he seemed upset.
“You alright, Katsuki? Was your provisional licence class stressful today?” you asked sympathetically, moving your hand towards him to comfort him. 
He yanked his hand away from you, shooting you a pissed off look.
“Fuck no.” he growled. “Even if it was, I can handle it. I don’t need your damn help.” you rested your hand on your lap.
“I know, Katsuki. My boyfriend’s so strong!” you smiled brightly at him. Usually complimenting him would make him feel better, but today it seemed to only piss him off more.
“Shut up.” he hunched over, curling into himself more. He pulled one leg up to his chest, holding it under his knee. 
“Uh.. are you sure you’re okay?” you asked, cocking your head to the side gently.
“I’m fucking fine!” He snapped, keeping his eyes anywhere but on you. “I don’t need your pity!”
“Pity? Katsuki I’m not pitying you, I’m worried for you. You’re my boyfriend and I want you to be happy so-”
“Didn’t I say to shut up?” he stood up, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Don’t give me your worry, fight me instead!”
“Why the hell would I fight you, Katsuki? I already know you’re stronger than me!”
“Fucking how? You got that new work study you’re constantntly talking about! How haven’t you gotten stronger than me?”
“Is that what this is about? I’ve only been at my work study for a few days, how in the world could I have leaped leagues in that amount of time to reach your level?”
“Then why even join that stupid work study if you’re not getting stronger?”
“I am getting stronger, just not fast enough to be at your level that quickly!” you explained. “Sorry?”
“Ugh just shut the fuck up!” he shouted, storming out of your dorm and down the hall to the common room. There were a only a few people in there,
Yao-Momo and Jirou in the kitchen, Kirishima and Kaminari on the couches, and Sero was leaning over the back of the couch. They all looked up when Bakugou stormed in with you on his tail.
“Katsuki, you’re confusing me! What’s going on? How can I help? Is it something I did?” 
“Just leave me alone, okay? Go away!” he shouted over his shoulder. Kaminari, Kirishima, Sero, Jirou, and Yaoyorazu all snapped their heads towards you and Bakugou.
“Katsuki, please! You’re scaring me!” you glanced over at your friends, Jirou and Yao-Momo glancing between each other and muttering. 
“Yo, Kachan, the hell’s going on between you and Y/n?” Kaminari asked, standing up. Sero hissed at him to sit down if he wanted to keep his head.
“I’m sorry, Kaminari, Bakugou’s upset and I don’t know why-”
“Don’t know why? Quit it with the lies! I hate liars!”
“I-I’m not lying! I really don’t know!” you reached forward, latching your hand onto his wrist. “Please just talk to me!”
“BULLSHIT!” he snapped his hand away from yours. “You’re a fucking liar!”
“Bakubro, calm down!” Kirishima stood up, briskly walking over to the two of you. 
“STAY OUT OF THIS!” Bakugou slammed his palm against Kirishima’s face, setting off a small explosion.
“KIRISHIMA!” You ran to his side as the smoke cleared, finding his face hardened.
“I’m okay, I’m okay!” he assured you. He offered you a small smile, suddenly, he yelped and ducked, avoiding another hit from Bakugou.
“LET GO OF THEM!” he shouted, and his hand sparked twice before setting off again. This time right next to your face.
You hit the ground first, then felt stinging pain across your face and shoulder.
You didn’t even hear your own screaming because of the fact that he blew up your ears.
You didn’t register Kirishima picking you up, or Bakugou staring after you in fear, or the others in the room scolding Bakugou or worrying about you.
All you knew in that moment was pain.
Pure, white hot, agonizing pain.
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stellocchia · 3 years
Saw the tags on your reblog of Tobi's c!Techno crit post...
"Opportunistic manipulative bastard who takes advantage of people's vulnerabilities but truly thinks he's doing what's best for them based on his own experience" is literally just c!Quackity in Season 3 (and possibly the most sympathetic reading of c!Dream as well). The only difference is that c!Quackity has a shred of self-awareness and can actually admit when he's wrong.
And that made me realize... there is not a single narrative purpose that c!Techno serves that another character hasn't done leaps and bounds better.
c!Tommy is the better anarchist/freedom fighter and has a self-improvement/healing arc that he actually puts work into. c!Jack has the more compelling story about moving on from revenge and having complex feelings about a former friend who hurt you (c!Niki has some of the same story issues as c!Techno, but she isn't nearly as obnoxious). c!Tubbo has the better claim to being used/taken advantage of and left behind as collateral damage. c!Foolish's backstory about giving up the path of violence only to be dragged back in by hostile invaders and his own death is much more sympathetic than c!Techno's own trajectory (because, you know, he didn't take the first shot and then fuck off to nowhere...). And so on and so forth.
So... what does this guy offer, except being funny and good at PvP?
I think the fundamental difference between c!Techno (if he was allowed to be a villain) and c!Quackity is that most of c!Techno's characteristics are just a front for c!Quackity.
C!Quackity is manipulative, yes, but he's far from being as cold and calcutative as c!Techno is, and not for lack of trying. C!Quackity simply gets attached far too fast. Like, that's the guy who jumped in lava in the vain hope of being able to save his friend. He's the guy who refused to get mad at c!Tommy no matter what he did. He's the guy who never retaliated against c!Wilbur, not even after having been directly attacked multiple times by him.
C!Techno could bring a less sympathetic version of that to the table. Someone who ultimately puts his beliefs above the people around him. Someone who is never willing to compromise no matter what and who's never willing to take a risk for others (with maybe c!Phil and c!Ranboo as exceptions).
He would need to face consequences for this to work, but it could work. It could make him a fresh kind of villain, something we don't have yet on the smp (because he's a heck of a lot more detatched from everything than c!Dream, he actully does have some kind of moral compass, and his ultimate goal is anarchy, not control or c!Tommy) and that could be cool!
As things are right now though... he doesn't bring anything at all on the table, you're right on that. Like, I guess he's the only complete Mary Sue? If that counts for anything?
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notsogoodangel · 3 years
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“Dream SMP is the new Homestuck”- literally everyone old enough to remember Homestuck and is still in fandom communities.
Anyway, some explanations as to I chose the class I did under the cut
Purpled: Knight of Heart
“Those bound to the aspect of Heart are very concerned with their favorite subject: themselves. It wouldn't be a stretch to call them 'self-obsessed', but not necessarily in a negative way. They simply want to understand the one thing we all are stuck with for our entire lives, i.e. our own minds. Forging an identity is extremely important to the Heart-bound, and every decision and action goes toward building a coherent narrative of their own story.” (The Extended Zodiac) This sounds very Purpled when you consider he has always being alone, even when he wanted to make friends. He DEEPLY understands what he is good at and that has shaped and created his own narrative: he is an excellent PVP fighter, and nothing else. He is proud of that fact and doesn't hide it at all. Heart is essentially "soul"/what is inside of you, and he has found what is inside him and what makes him him. 
As for the knight part “The Knight could be defined as one who serves [aspect] or one who serves through [aspect] for the betterment of others”. This combination of elements essentially creates a true knight "I offer myself for my own betterment and the betterment of others" with the "myself" part would be "fighter" because that how Purpled sees himself as. 
Tommy: Page of Blood
I originally wanted to make him a Bard of Blood because “ Bards "allow destruction of [aspect]" or "invite destruction through [aspect]", and Blood is essentially connections and bonds, like family and friends, and we all know that Tommy always bring destruction of bonds by accident.
But in the end I chose Page of Blood because pages “provides others with [aspect]" or "creates [aspect]” because that is what Tommy does the best in the DSMP story: create connections and provide others with connections, whether is because people want to help him or because they hate him and those people are willing to help each other to stop Tommy. Tommy has always being able to create connections easily and the worst anyone could do was to isolate him, just look at the Exile Arc, he was nearly brought to suicide because he was all alone with the only people to connect with is the one person who hates connections, and Ghostbur (and Ranboo from time to time, specially after Tommy found Techno).
Also yes, I am dead set on giving Tommy the blood aspect because it’s a perfect title of him, all he has ever done was because of his connections and bonds with other, and all he has ever accomplish was thanks to his friends.
Tubbo: Mage of Time
Okay this one is a little weird, but hear me out.  Time could be translated to experiences, but more than anything, Time players are goal-focus, which is what Tubbo is really good at. Most people think he is positive, always looking for the best outcome, but that is not true. Yes he does this things, but not because as a person he wants to help people, it’s because he is given a task and he is going to full-fill it. He is goal oriented and his goals always tend to be something along the lines of “keep X thing safe” or “help X do X”. If you need something to get done, you call Tubbo, and that's what Tommy has always done, that's what a lot of L'Manberg people did, they rely on Tubbo because they believed in him to get shit done. Tubbo has always being a support player, in video game terms, but he has never being passive. He is always doing something, whether is for him, although most of the time for someone else. 
Mage is because "Mage benefits themselves with knowledge pertaining to [aspect]" and "guides by setting an example using knowledge pertaining to [aspect]" AKA Tubbo is always learning from experience, something that doesn't seem to be common in fucking DSMP. Tubbo rarely commits the same mistake twice. He is always making decisions that will either keep the most people safe or avoid doing a past mistake, even if they are usually not the wisest decisions. 
Ranboo: Sylph of Space
Honestly, Ranboo was very hard, I wanted to make him a rogue/sylph, or a space/hope player. 
First of all, Sylph is defined as "Sylph is thought to be one who heals [aspect] or one who heals through [aspect] for others" and Space implies life and creation. So you will think “why give Ranboo the “heals life and creation”, but that’s not it, it’s more of “Ranboo heals through creation”. The most notorious thing about Ranboo is his willingness to help pretty much everyone, but specially Tommy and Tubbo through resources. Which is in part why I wanted to make him a rogue, he distributes stuff to other players, but he doesn’t steal from others, he will rather die than to steal from others, specially those close to him. 
Aside from that he fits Space player’s personalities remarkably well “They are patient, masters of the art of 'wait-and-see', and are inclined to take things as they come. That isn't to say that they're pushovers or willing to let injustice lie-they just choose their battles wisely.” (The Extended Zodiac) Which we all know that Ranboo is extremely passive and doesn’t do much of anything and while he doesn’t really say no, he still is careful about going with this, such as The Butcher Army, he was part of it, but he never actively participated. While hope is way more active, it may stand for a lot of what Ranboo does, but a key factor of Hope players is that they are willing to destroy if it meant that THEIR vision of a better future flourish, which is nothing all like him. He hopes to see betterment, but he hates the idea of other people being forced into anything. If destruction happens he will just watch most of the time, which is more of a Space player thing to do.
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why fuchsia frankensteins’s dodgebolt strategy was absolutely GENIUS: an essay
okay, i know fuchsia frankensteins’s dodgebolt strategy wasn’t entirely new, but there are many things about it that just makes it so perfect for their team. 
first thing’s first, i just want to contradict hbomb’s comments about this dodgebolt strategy. he himself believes that since they got there together as a team, then they should all be able to shoot because it would somewhat be a celebration of their cooperation and teamwork. while i don’t necessarily oppose his statements, i do think that fuchsia’s “funnel dream first” plan was still able to promote the teamwork fuchsia upheld during the event. in fact, i fully believe their strategy embraced their teamwork because of the complexity of their strategy and how each member of fuchsia had a role during dodgebolt that helped them sweep through all three games. 
all members being able to shoot shouldn’t be the main idea to go to when wanting to show a team’s cooperation and unity. 
fuchsia’s strategy wasn’t merely to establish a hierarchy and simply stick to that plan-- i fully believe there was some unspoken yet brilliant trickery they pulled off that helped boost their win. like, a lot of trickery. granted, they may have been doing this unintentionally, but everything just lines up so perfectly that i really wanna talk about the genius behind it.
firstly, let’s talk about dream. it was obvious he was going to be the main shooter when it came to the game, and i really want to commend dream for being able to create this strategy in the first place. to me, dream wasn’t too sneaky when it came to his role since he was simply the main archer and he delivered whenever he needed to shoot someone off. what was amazing, however, is how he was able to divert everyone’s attention to himself so that the opposing team would underestimate his teammates’ accuracy when it comes to shooting as well.
the dream ace during the first round completely made them target and hyperfocus on dream. with the fact that hbomb wasn’t expecting a hierarchy of archery when it came to fuchsia, and with the hyperfocusing on dream, they completely undervalued the other players of fuchsia, especially george.
and speaking of george, holy fucking shit gogy. i’m going to talk about george and sapnap's dodgebolt roles because honestly, it was real fucking genius. 
what’s interesting about george is how underestimated he is when it comes to pvp, especially archery, and i think sapnap and dream’s infamous reputation when it comes to pvp paved the way for george to be their secret weapon all along.
there was only one game in mcc 11 that showcased their pvp skills, and that would be sky battle. during sky battle, especially in the first and third rounds, sapnap and dream absolutely dominated the kills. witnessing this, the blue black cats (who i will be referring to as bbc from now on) were led to believe that george wasn’t as good in pvp as the other two.
but all sky battle did was made sapnap fool bbc into thinking that he should be the priority when it comes to dodgebolt, leaving george to sweep them in the end.
you can see in bbc’s point of view that sapnap was always their priority after they’ve taken out dream. i know sapnap was doing this unintentionally, but the fact that he kept picking up the arrows before the george sweeps happened further added onto the mind games they were playing with bbc. with sapnap picking up the arrows, it gave them the impression that he was the second sharpest shooter in fuchsia, and him passing the arrows to dream was only him being “scared”.
sapnap’s façade in dodgebolt completely paved the way for george to slowly reveal he was fuchsia’s secret weapon all along.
you see it happen during the game. round 2 was the best place to see how bbc completely prioritized sapnap after dream’s out. sapnap took the attention away from george so when the opportunity comes, george can strike the opposing team dead.
(i just loved how they believed george was the shield and sapnap was the threat when in reality, it was the other way around.)
now, let’s move onto karl, who also played a pivotal role in dodgebolt. i know we like to joke about karl carrying when he was shot first three times, but let me tell you that karl being believed to be the “easiest target” was the best plan fuchsia had into gathering arrows at the beginning so dream can take out the best players when it was their time to shoot. the trickery was absolutely genius-- bbc thinks they’re taking out an easy target, but fuchsia takes this as an opportunity to harvest arrows to take hbomb out first during every round.
karl was 100% a valuable asset to fuchsia, and was important because, again, he was the reason dream could easily take out most of the team during the first few shots-- that’s how hbomb was taken out in round 2 and 3. karl walked so the rest of the dream team can run, basically.
(kudos to @sapnapss for mentioning this ^^ !)
with the roles explained, i’m just gonna commend other things fuchsia did that helped boost their winning streak. 
firstly, big kudos to dream for making up the strategy beforehand so there was no confusion when it came to dodgebolt. compare mcc 8’s dodgebolt and mcc 11’s dodgebolt and you can see how his team was less stressed and more decisive when it came to executing plans and shots. 
secondly, kudos to george and dream humbling their team whenever they win because they didn’t want a repeat of what happened during mcc 9. it really helped calm their nerves and be less complacent and more focused.
thirdly, i’m quite amazed at how they adapted to new plans when they realized how they died in previous rounds. when shelby took out most of their team in round 2, dream made it a plan to shoot shelby after he takes out hbomb. when they realized the “shoot left shoot right” strategy didn’t work for sapnap and george, they didn’t try implementing it during the last shots of round 3. 
and lastly, i completely loved the “don’t get the arrow in the middle strategy”. it was easy to see why dream opposed taking the arrow when sapnap got in round two-- it made the other team aim at the better players of fuchsia more. by not taking the arrow, it leaves bbc at a loss of who to aim for first, so they do the second best thing they can do which is target karl. and we know why targeting karl was important for fuchsia’s “funnelling dream” strategy. all of what dream told them to do was deliberate and part of the fucking plan. 
in summary, fuchsia’s dodgebolt plan wasn’t just a “dream carry” strategy, it was full of deliberate trickery and detailed planning that gave each person of fuchsia an important role that brought them their victory. it’s no wonder that fuchsia was the first team in mcc history with a 3-0 win for dodgebolt.
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dreamsfreckles · 4 years
[7:21p.m.] A Couple of Whipped Besties, One Could Say...
Sapnap x reader
A couple of sus betsies - enjoy!
Sapnap smiled proudly at the beautiful view in front of him: you sitting in his gaming chair, beating the shit out of George on a minecraft PVP server.
Naturally, as Sapnap’s best friend, today marked your third night sleeping over at his house, the usual.
You two simply couldn’t get sick of each other.
Sure, he was annoying and relentless sometimes, and maybe you were a bit stubborn and moody; but regardless, both of your personalities clashed and complimented each other perfectly - creating a close friendship. 
Even though your friendship was his most precious treasure, Sapnap couldn’t help but be dissatisfied with it. 
Not because he wasn’t happy with you... but because he wasn’t happy with you. 
incase you need further elaboration:
Sapnap done went and caught feelings for you. (no earnings)
Leaning over your left shoulder as you gamed, Sapnap side-eyed your facial expressions as you passionately played on the computer monitor in front of you, flexing your weirdly amazing skill at PVP.
He admired you; you looked cute while concentrated. Critting George’s player with your diamond axe was Sapnap’s favorite sight to see. Your eyebrows furrowed the slightest bit and your eyes shined as you attempted to predict George’s next move. 
Not to mention you were also hot as fuck. Sapnap didn’t need to admit that though...
Not only were you his cute best friend, but you were also a super skilled player. He seemed to get the best of both worlds when it came to you.
You can be risky, fun, daring and stupid, but at the same time smart, soft, sweet, and safe. It’s rare to have someone as unique and different as you. You were irreplaceable. 
It also just makes things 1000x better when you’re the reason George regrets his entire PVP career.
Sapnap leaned back into his spare chair, laughing in disbelief at you mercilessly owning George in the game. He could hear George’s screams of absolute terror leaking from the headset on your head; his headset. (dollar tree)
Goddamn he’s whipped. (what a shrimp)
The headphones were a little big on you, which added to the cuteness. Sapnap secretly peered at you love-sickly, sighing in content. It was rare for him to be completely in a haze by you simply doing nothing; for some reason you had him completely under your control today.
Your sudden yell broke Sapnap from his trance and brought his attention to the monitor showing the signature “victory” screen. You squealed hopping up from your chair and doing a small victory dance, laughing at George as he wallowed in defeat. You turn to Sapnap, a wide smile on your face. “Were you watching that? George is SHIT!” You laughed. Sapnap shook his head in disbelief. “Have you been practicing? I have to get you to duel Dream... I doubt you could beat him though. Gogy is just trash.” You giggled with Sapnap at his open criticism towards George, while the trash PVP player on the call scoffed and mumbled incoherent curse words. (ignoring the fact Sapnap lowkey called you trash)
“Well,” you start, relaxing back into his gaming chair. “I’m kind of hungry now. Do you want to go get Chick-fil-a or something?” Just before Sapnap could respond, he was rudely interrupted by George screaming on his headset. “YOU’RE GOING TO GET CHICK-FIL-A?!” The headphones rung. “Are you trying to get cancelled Sapnap?” George joked, making literally no one laugh. You glanced at Sapnap in amusement. His face is twisted in playful annoyance as he ends the call with George. “I guess George is right... Don’t want our precious Sappy getting cancelled.” Sapnap scoffs and rolls his eyes at you playing along with George, a smile on his face. You smirk evilly, standing up to walk across his room to grab your purse. “Whelp, looks like you gotta get your own fast food.” You sling your purse over your shoulder and start heading towards his bedroom door.
Sapnap’s eyes widen at your statement. There’s no way he’s letting you go along with George’s stupid-ass joke.
Before you could leave, Sapnap scrambled to wedge himself between you and his door, stopping you from exiting the room. “Um? You’re dog water if you think you’re pulling that bullshit on me?” He sasses, backing you away from his door.
You hold in your laugh and shrug, putting up a serious face. “We should probably have a break from each other anyway... Why don’t you go out and get McDonald’s instead? I’ll be back in like,” you check your phone for affect. “Like 45 minutes.” You state, looking back up to his pretty eyes filled with betrayal.
Sapnap is frozen. He didn’t think that this Chick-fil-a joke would actually be taken some-what seriously. You wanted time away from him? What the fuck? You two have always been clingy to each other! You can barely go to his fucking kitchen by yourself! 
He took a second longer looking into your shining eyes. Then it all clicked.
You little rat. How cruel are you to be playing with his little heart like that?
Sapnap could turn this situation around in a few different ways.
1.) He could call out your cap right now and you two would go out and get your chick-fil-a, or whatever you want to eat.
2.) He could football tackle you to the fucking ground and make you apologize for saying such buffoonery.
3.) He could go along with your cruel joke, and make you think that he 100% agrees that you two “need to take a break.” He can even go as far as calling it a night and telling you that he’s too tired for another sleepover night.
Sapnap was never the merciful type. As much as he is unconditionally in love with you, he don’t play. 
Option 3 was game.
Sapnap looked up and to the side, pretending to think about your suggestion of “taking a break” like it was a valid choice. Stepping away from his place in between you and the door, Sapnap motions for you to go. “You know what, you’re kinda right. You can go ahead, I think I’m going to call someone.” Sapnap whips out his phone from his back jean pocket and turns away from you, pretending to scroll through his contacts.
This makes you stumble for a second. Did he just... agree with you..? Your heart stops beating for a split second and you debate if you should tell him that you were joking or not. You can barely go to the kitchen by yourself, why isn’t he catching on that it was a joke? You stand still there, looking at his turned back. “Okay... I’m just going to go then.” You say, still not making a move to leave. After a moment of him not acknowledging a word you just said, you start again. “Do you like...” you pause. “want me to bring you back something...” Sapnap turns back to you at that, suddenly deciding to pay attention to you. “Uh no thanks, I’ll just eat something here. You should probably call your mom, she probably wants you home. You’ve been here for what-” he checks his phone for the date. “Like 4 days?” He states, looking back up to you.
Your mouth drops. Hurt fills you heart. Did he really just say that?
Yeah... you have been at his house for a while... but you didn’t think that he was getting sick of you. You usually stayed over there for 4 nights on average before you went home.
You’ve stayed there for 6 days before! And you both STILL mourned the loss of each other’s presence when you left!
(Isn’t this simp culture?)
What does this mean? You stand there is silence just looking at him. It’s not like you could argue; you were the one who said you needed a break first.
You felt like crying. Yes... Sapnap is your best friend and this literally isn’t that big of a deal, but... you love Sapnap. You’d spend forever with him if you could. And you thought he would too. You stiffen for a moment. You know he isn’t your boyfriend; as much as you wish he was, you need to stop acting like he is. 
Him saying he wants to be alone shouldn’t be that big of a deal to you! You guys are friends! He’s standing there, looking at you expectantly, waiting for you to go on, do anything.
While you stand there debating your life choices with hurt written all over your face, Sapnap’s mind is racing a million miles an hour. He literally can’t decide if he should burst out laughing from how well his plan worked or hug you and say sorry for being so mean.
He literally can’t decide - so he does both.
Just as you feel your eyes getting the tinniest bit glassy, Sapnap roars with laughter and pulls you into a bear hug, squeezing your waist with one arm and using the other to pet your hair fondly. “I’m so sorry, I had to, it was too good, that literally couldn’t have gone better-” he rambles. You immediately sulk and smack his shoulder, aggressively hugging him back. “YOU ASSHOLE I GOT SO SCARED!” You groan in embarrassment. You literally almost cried.
Sapnap giggles and hugs you tighter, his smile couldn’t possibly get wider. You sigh in relief, snuggling into his arms. “You actually scared me so bad. That was so weird.” Sapnap laughs again, leaning back from you slightly to get a look at your pretty face. You were pouting. Cute. Sapnap smirked and squeezed your cheek with the hand that was previously petting your semi-tangled hair. “You did it to me first you dimwit, what the hell did you think I felt like?!” He exclaimed. “You literally told me to go home you asshole!” You exasperated. Sapnap threw his head back laughing, pulling you back towards him again. He nuzzled into the side of your neck, sighing happily.
As hilarious as it was watching you go through the 5 stages of grief over this situation, it was also heart breaking all at the same time. He hopes he never has to see that again on a serious note, if he’s being honest. If you ever looked like that when you guys were being legit - it would quite literally kill him.
After what felt like 20 minutes of hugging, you pulled back from the hug and looked up at Sapnap, his arms still attached to the ends of your sweatshirt, keeping you in place. 
As he stared down at your pink cheeks and flustered expression, he felt like he could stand with you here for hours. He wishes he could kiss you.
You rolled your eyes at him as he giggled. “Whatever.” You state, walking out of his hold and over to his bed side table. Sapnap watches your movements in confusion. Once at the table, you open the top drawer and snatch his wallet from inside, your back facing him. “I’m getting fucking Chick-fil-a and if you don’t come, I’m literally going to buy the entire menu with this.” You turn facing him and hold up his wallet. Sapnap’s eyes widen in realization at what’s in your possession. He makes a move to run over to you and snatch it back. Unluckily for him, you were already bolting out the door and to his car.
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Hello 🥺
I hope u enjoyed sorry it took so long hehee
I’ve had lack of motivation, as we all in this tough pandemic - I hope you guys are all doing well and stay happy and safe 💕
Thankfully we have our fav mcyt gang to help us through tough times :)
Ik sapnap says fuck you, but think of it in an endearing way LOL LOVE U GUYS
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